#I’m not panicking though don’t worry XD
skyward-floored · 1 year
I hate how well being given a deadline works to make me write, do you KNOW how much I’ve gotten done last night/today??? I’ve edited/written over a thousand words after barely getting any progress done on this thing in months
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cutielights · 1 year
If u see this, can you do Rottmnt boys x sister reader? And when I say she’s random, I mean RANDOM
Y/n: Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee i Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee
Donnie: WHAT!?!
Y/n: ……can I have APPY juice?
Donnie: No
Thank u
I’m just putting this as g/n so it can be read as anything and more people are comfortable reading it bc for a while I avoided F! Readers like the plague haha gender dysphoria go brrr
Tw: mild language
Nobody panic. It’s not lol-so-random-xD core.
Rise boys + Random sibling reader (platonic! tcest dni)
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Encourages it
You probably learned it from him let’s be honest
“Let’s poor soup on dads head.”
“Miso or Tomato?”
Giving Raph heart attacks with the shit you guys say
“You’re gonna do w h a t ?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“And afterwards we’re getting door-handles for April.”
“Does she need new door handles?”
“She will.”
He grew up with this
He is still panicking over the soup incident
He has you, Leo and Mikey sharing a braincell
Wishes you all had one brain cell each
Sometimes you say something that really just throws him off though
Waking him up in the middle of the night just to tell him something
“Crocs are like the Tumblr of footwear.”
“It’s literally five am, please go to sleep.”
“Like here?”
“No. In your room.”
Spending your free time annoying him
You guys are siblings that’s basically a free pass
In your eyes at least
“Do you think you could make like a cheap jungle, bigger than like Russia?”
“A, a cheap jungle?”
“Yeah that’s what I said.”
*cue a long rant on why making a functioning jungle wouldn’t be cheap in any way due to inflation and costs and buying the land and the seeds and creating a functioning ecosystem god forbid you want to put animals in there*
“Yeah but like, could you though?”
“Did you even LISTEN?”
He then kicked you out of his room
Matching each other’s energy
“I kinda feel like a soggy plate of broken pottery.”
“With cheese on it.”
“Just like a pizza.”
“Pineapple pizza? Nah, the next step is grape pizza.”
Embodiment of dumb and dumber
Both of you probably have adhd let’s be completely honest here
Getting distracted at least ten times during five minutes
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arecaceae175 · 8 months
Gratitude Part 2: Twilight
Summary: Eight times Sky receives a gratitude crystal from the chain plus one time he gives some away. Twilight's turn :D
I said I was going to wait to post these on AO3 BUT I changed my mind XD. So here's the AO3 link.
Part 1. Art for part 1!! Art for part 2!!
“Hyah!” Twilight yelled as Epona galloped past. 
A whoosh of air made Sky’s sailcloth flutter and the stomps of the goats barreling into the barn echoed in his ears. He scooted closer to Colin.
“So…” Colin trailed off uncertainly. 
Sky glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow. He consciously tried to relax his muscles and make his body language as unintimidating as he could. 
“So?” Sky asked lightly. 
“You’re a hero too? Like Link?” Colin asked. 
“I am,” Sky said. He fought to keep the reluctance out of his voice. Colin didn’t need to be subjected to Sky’s true feelings about his place in the world. 
“From far away, though,” Sky said. 
“I’ve been to Kakariko! That’s pretty far,” Colin said. 
Sky smiled. “A lot farther than that.”
“Woah,” Colin said. 
One of the goats stomped past and Sky gulped. He pulled his sailcloth tighter around his shoulders for comfort and leaned even closer towards Colin.
“Are you scared?” Colin asked. 
“A little,” Sky answered with a chuckle. 
“What? How are you afraid of the goats?” Colin asked. 
“We don’t have big animals like goats or horses where I’m from, besides our Loftwings. I get nervous around them.”
“Oh. Huh,” Colin mumbled. “You must be from really far.”
Sky laughed and nodded. “Really far,” he agreed. 
Colin looked like he wanted to ask more questions, and Sky wasn’t sure how much Twilight wanted him to know, so he quickly changed the subject.
“From what your brother has said, it sounds like you’re a hero, too,” Sky said. 
Colin blushed and straightened his back. “I- not like Link. I’m not the hero, or anything. But I did save my friend, once.”
“Oh yeah?” Sky asked. 
“Mhm,” Colin mumbled. “I pushed her out of the way of a giant bullbos. It grabbed me instead of her.”
“That sounds pretty heroic to me,” Sky said. “And pretty scary.”
“I wasn’t scared,” Colin said. “Heroes don’t get scared. Link isn’t afraid of anything.”
Sky wasn’t willing to tarnish Colin’s image of Twilight, even if Sky knew his fears. More than once, Twilight had woken up panicked from nightmares and Sky was the one to comfort him. Twilight always worried over the others, so he tried to take care of them in whatever ways he could. And, most of all, Sky knew Twilight worried about his little brother. 
“I get scared,” Sky said. “Sometimes. But being brave is about doing hard things even when you’re scared.”  
“I wasn’t scared,” Colin said. His ears flattened against his head and the tips turned pink. His gaze was locked on the last goat running towards the barn. 
“I believe you,” Sky said. “Thank you for telling me.”
The slam of the barn door startled Sky. Twilight fastened the lock then turned Epona to gallop over to where Sky and Colin were sitting. They both rose to their feet and Sky clapped for him.
“All in,” Twilight said. 
“Yes!” Colin cheered. 
“I’ve never seen anything like that,” Sky said. The tips of Twilight’s ears turned pink as he jumped off his horse with a wide grin.
“It ain’t hard, once you learn how to do it,” Twilight said, his accent thick. 
Twilight’s accent was stronger in the last few days of being in Ordon than Sky had heard throughout their entire journey. Sky wondered if he realized, or if it was subconscious. Sky also worried he was toning it down on purpose around them. He would have to make sure to ask Twilight about that, later. 
“Tomorrow, we should take Sky to feed the goats,” Colin said. 
Sky blinked in surprise. “What?”
Twilight grinned and slung an arm around Colin’s shoulder. Colin pretended to look annoyed, but Sky didn’t miss the way he leaned into Twilight’s side. 
“I’m not so sure about that,” Twilight said. “Our Skyloftian isn’t too fond of ‘em.”
“That’s why we have to show him how to feed them! They always let me pet them when they get their food,” Colin said. 
Twilight glanced uncertainly towards Sky, clearly torn between not wanting to push Sky and appeasing his brother. Sky swallowed his fear and pulled back his shoulders. 
“I’d love to join,” Sky said. “Besides, you won’t let anything happen to me. Right, Colin?”
“Of course not!” Twilight said. “You’ve got the two heroes of Hyrule right here! You’ll be perfectly safe.”
Colin beamed up at his brother as Twilight squeezed his shoulder. Sky held back an awww with monumental effort. 
“We best be heading back now,” Twilight said. 
“Oh! Oh! Can I take Epona?” Colin asked. 
“Sure you can, so long as you’re careful,” Twilight said. 
“Yes!” Colin said. He was able to pull himself into Epona’s saddle, though Twilight’s hands hovered just in case he fell. 
“Hyah!” Colin yelled as he flicked Epona’s reins. She galloped towards the gate and jumped over at the last second, then thundered down the path. Sky and Twilight followed at a much more leisurely pace. 
“Thanks for comin’,” Twilight said. “I like to give Fado the night off, when I can.”
Sky glanced over and saw the beginnings of a gratitude crystal forming over Twilight’s head. Sky felt a warmth spread through him. He knew how much spending time together meant to Twilight.
“Thanks for asking me to. I’ve never seen goats before,” Sky said. “And talking to your brother was nice.”
“Thanks for doing that, too,” Twilight said. The beginnings of the crystal pulsed, doubling in size. “He doesn’t meet strangers often.”
“He’s a cool kid,” Sky said. 
“You really want to feed the goats tomorrow?” Twilight asked. 
Sky shrugged. “Sure. Colin seemed excited about it. And I know how much you love your goats, farm boy.”
Twilight laughed and the gratitude crystal burst to life above Twilight’s head. Sky laughed along with him as the crystal floated down to his chest and filled him with his favorite feeling of warmth. Sky bounced on his toes and skipped a few paces, then bounced back next to Twilight. 
Sky reached out and grabbed Twilight's hand, loosely enough that he could pull away if he wanted to. Twilight was never one to deny physical touch, in Sky’s experience. Twilight squeezed his hand and gave Sky a wide smile as Sky swung their arms. 
“The goats may look big and scary, but they’d never hurt a fly,” Twilight said. “Just don’t try to take their food.”
“Noted,” Sky said with a happy laugh.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
Hi :3, i hope this isnt going to be weird but I would love to request Claire Debella falling for a women who is working in store? 👀 Cause i have a brainrot of Claire falling for a common girl and she inviting reader to a date and then reader knowing Claire is a governor and panicking but Claire being extra sweet. Fluff with smut XD
Thanks and have a nice day :3💛
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PAIRINGS: Claire Debella x reader
WARNINGS: fluff, boss x assistant typa fic, honestly just sweet ass fluff that’s all :)
“Close your eyes- hey, I said close ‘em!” Claire spoke, chuckling at the giggle that left you. You were trying to keep your feet steady in fear of tripping and embarrassing yourself in front of her.
“Well, you need to help me if you want me to trust you!” She brought you close to her side, hugging you into her chest as she finally removed the hand covering your eyes. They instantly widened, your mouth falling open in a gasp as you looked back at her.
“Did you…buy this?” She shook her head, and that’s when you spotted the man waving to the two of you as he stood on the boat, and you almost jumped as the limo driver closed the door behind you.
“No, silly, we’re going on a trip! We used to go every year, but that slowed down after the virus - this is the first year back and I wanted to bring you.” You smiled nearly ear to ear at her shy voice, you could tell she feared you wouldn’t enjoy this gift, but seeing your expression made her worries fade away.
“And work?”
“I took the week off, my secretaries can handle it. And for you, well, you work under my hours,” The way you two met was through her job, only that also became your job as you were her assistant, which soon changed the closer you got. She was infatuated with you from the start, and your clean record only helped assure you were the one for her company. You, at the time, were managing a small business on the side and she happened to stop by for an order of flowers for her sick mother, and when you gave her a large discount with a sweet note wishing her the best she instantly had to come back. That was when she offered you the part-time job as her assistant, and you hesitantly agreed, knowing you needed the money and the shop was not cutting it.
Only months later you were lying next to her in bed, breath blown away as you recalled the activities you just took part in with your own boss. You felt guilty, and you were afraid she would blackmail you into continuing or act as though it never happened. After all, she was married when you first met her, only you failed to know she had been planning a divorce for years to come. You were just the assurance she needed, and she quickly filed for a divorce that ended messily, and that was when she made it official between you two.
She helped boost your business and teach you the lessons of promotions, and soon enough you didn’t have to rely on her pay. Although, you enjoyed working with the woman and kept your title as her personal assistant. You spent fewer hours at the shop and hired others to help, but you didn’t let your part-time job step in the way of your dreams, and she didn’t want that either.
“And the shop is well-handled, your employees know what they’re doing.” You sighed, agreeing shortly after as others began arriving.
“Who’s this?” A friend asked her, and she turned with a grin, placing her arm around your shoulder as she left a small peck to your head.
“This is my partner, Y/N. Y/N, meet Duke, one of the people going with us today.” He placed his hand on display, and you took it with yours quickly.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N, I’m Duke.”
“Yeah, I just said that, muscle boy,” Claire remarked, and the two fell into a small conversation to catch up with their lives. You had to hide the chuckle that almost took over as Claire went into details about her campaign as Duke seemed to not understand what the word even meant.
“Why don’t you head to the boat, yeah? There’s a bar as soon as you enter, you wanna be a doll and get me a martini?” She left a kiss on your glossed lips and let you go with a quick slap to the ass, but was discreet enough to not embarrass you like usual.
“You got the ring?” Claire asked, and Duke handed her the case to which she glared at him.
“I told you to be secretive about it, they could’ve easily saw.” He shrugged and shook her off, looking back for his girlfriend who seemed to be chatting up the bodyguard near the front.
“Just be happy the ring is still in there.” She rolled her eyes with a huff, tugging her body forward to greet the other guests before stepping foot onto the yacht, grasping the drink you had ordered for her with a grateful expression of thanks.
“Everything okay?” You asked when seeing her nervous state. She nodded, and before you could speak you were greeted by the official owner of the boat. He smiled warmly and took your hand in his, bringing it to his lips for a peck. You didn’t like the action, but you assumed it was a regular for people like him. And, he was your girlfriend's friend and the one allowing you to be here, you couldn’t do much.
“Welcome, love. It is great to see you, I’ve heard lots about you.” The greetings continued until it was time to head to the island, to which you and Claire shared a couch seat as you sat close to on top of her.
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“You didn’t answer my question earlier,” You stated, and the thumb that was rubbing your thigh soothingly slowed to a halt.
“What question?”
“Oh, c’mon, you know. Don’t act dumb.” She took a moment before shaking her head, yes. You didn’t completely believe it, and she could tell.
“I’m wonderful, darling. As long as I have you, I’m okay.”
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teecupangel · 2 years
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Submitted by @saberamane
Saw this artwork by astarcis and my mind immediately went ‘what would the ancestors do if they found this, and it was actually Desmond reincarnated after the eye?’ Like the various animal Desmond’s people have submitted.
Altair would probably find it fascinating, and Maria would not want it around the kids at all, it’s at least partly snake, what if it bit the children? Jokes on Maria though, the children love this strange abomination, and Desmond in kind loves kids. And with his knowledge, he’d be able to stay behind and protect Malik and Sef when the others leave to kill Genghis Khan. Give Abbas an agonizing death with his venom or something.
I feel Ezio would probably find him somewhere and take him to Leonardo. He’d maybe say something stupid to Leo like 'what kind of dog is this? I’ve never seen such a thing before.’ And Leo, bless his soul, would be like 'you can’t be that stupid Ezio. Thats not a dog. I don’t know what that is. Where did you find it?’ 'I’m going to keep him. He’s kinda cute.’ Desmond is very sweet to Maria and Claudia, which just cements Ezio’s thoughts that he is some kind of weird dog. It wags it’s tail and everything like a dog. Even if it does swallow it’s food whole…
Ratonhnhaké:ton and his tribe probably think of him as a forest spirit or something. They’d definitely know he wasn’t 'natural’ and therefore would try to honor him so as to not bring misfortune on the tribe by being disrespectful.  Desmond would hang around the temple a lot, trying to find a way to destroy Juno, or at least make it so she can’t communicate with Ratonhnhaké:ton. And Charles Lee would definitely die horribly by his poison bite before he could kill the tribe. Once Ratonhnhaké:ton was older, Desmond would probably start following him around more, leaving the temple more often. Helping with hunts and such. Of course, the tribe would then think Ratonhnhaké:ton was the 'chosen one’ or something by the spirit and would start to ask him what Desmond wanted for tribute or something lol.
(The creature is called a 'nightstalker’ from fallout new vegas, i’ve never played that series myself, but it seems to have a lot of interesting creatures from the nuclear fallout that occurred.)
Any additional thoughts or head-cannon’s?
(Additions from teecup)
Well, first and foremost... don’t look at the actual nightstalker from Fallout New Vegas. They don’t... look as cute as the one above. XD
Also, here’s the tumblr post of that artwork
As for additional headcanons and thoughts:
I like to think that Desmond is one of those nightstalkers that can turn invisible and the first time he does it, everybody panicked because they thought he flatout disappeared.
Sef definitely loves Desmond the most as he grew up with Desmond being both his guard dog and babysitter. Sef’s daughters also love Desmond and likes to hug him. Unlike Maria who had been worried, Sef absolutely encourages his daughters to play with Desmond.
Malik’s son, Tazim, was once dared to tug Desmond’s tail. Just to be a jerk, Desmond howled loudly and pretended to die for dramatic effect. It traumatized Tazim so badly because he honestly believed he killed Desmond. Desmond felt super bad especially since no one could stop Tazim from crying even after Desmond showed that he’s alive and well.
Desmond didn’t think it would be a big deal since Darim’s preferred method of stopping him from doing something stupid was to tug his tail anyway.
Leonardo would definitely draw sketches of Desmond which would baffle historians in later years. Leonardo is also the only person to wonder how Desmond reproduces (Nightstalkers lay eggs… and… uuuhhh… every nightstalker has a chance to drop eggs if you kill them so… I’m not saying Desmond can lay eggs… I’m just saying… the possibility exists?)
Desmond mostly communicates with growls and whimpers but whenever it’s time to poison someone, he hisses and rattles.
The preferred poison of the Assassins was based on his venom thanks to Altaïr’s studies. This means that old Assassin families are immune to his venom. This includes Haytham.
Desmond definitely destroyed the crystal skull that Juno uses to communicate with Ratonhnhaké:ton’s tribe by playing with it like it’s a ball of yarn. The villagers just assumed it was the will of the spirits.
Whenever anyone asks Ratonhnhaké:ton what Desmond wants for tribute, Ratonhnhaké:ton always answers that the best tribute is a kill by their hunters that will be shared with the tribes as some kind of festivity. It took months for Desmond to be able to explain it to Ratonhnhaké:ton using charades and Desmond was actually just saying ‘a meal together’.
George Washington cannot get near Ratonhnhaké:ton because Desmond hisses and rattle any time he tries... Haytham also gets the hissing and rattling treatment.
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bleue-flora · 3 months
Welp speaking of plans, thanks to @dr3amofagame’s post [here] with related linked posts, I can’t help but find myself once again thinking about staged duo’s Plan. And I’m not really sure I have any great theories on the matter, as has been pointed out it’s very hard to weed through the lies and truth of what staged duo said on their stage after all.
Having said that though, something I do find interesting is that clingy duo seem to interpret the immorality as never growing old and living forever, but given what we know about the resets, I wonder if it’s more about wanting to finish this cycle. Whether it’s less live forever and more live life with my friends till I grow old without it being cut short prematurely. “I don’t want this is be temporary” -> I don’t want to die and it be permanent - but maybe it’s not death in respect to canon lives (since that “doesn’t matter”) but perhaps the ultimate death via the reset that perhaps Dream and Punz discovered in their research. Maybe it wasn’t about being immortal as we think of it, but about being able to live this lifetime to completion.
On one hand, if their goal was always to have one big family again, presumably then maybe they wanted the reset. They were so relaxed because they knew it didn’t matter in the end because the world was being reset and maybe they had made peace with that - that things could be simple again. On the other hand, maybe it wasn’t just about any family but to be with the friends they love and care about without wars and conflict dividing them. In either case, I don’t think they really caused the reset. Like dr3 is right, Foolish’s death toll, the Egg and stuff were far more influential then them killing some people and bringing them back. After all, XD gave them the book, surely he knew what would happen. So then let’s say they sensed the reset coming and wanted to prevent it.
And perhaps death is the problem and the solution - it’s the problem because DreamXD wants to reset the world because there isn’t enough death to power him. But by also weakening him it makes him more vulnerable to be defeated. Death then is the cause of the need for restart and yet a possible solution to preventing it. Maybe Lazar and Vik weren’t mistakes because of their experiments and breaking the balance or whatever, but because they killed them fully giving XD power through their souls.
Maybe they purposely wanted everyone to come after them so the Egg didn’t get the souls it needed. Maybe if they did actually intend to kill everyone the thought was that they’d just bring them back, keeping the power out of the supernatural greater beings hands’. But then again, I do think that killing everyone wasn’t really the point - that feels like a page out of a typical villain book like some Thanos bs or something, which makes sense when we consider he took a play right out of Loki’s book by staging his capture.
Maybe then they panicked at the end about the nuke because it would kill a whole lot of people too and so they didn’t want to give XD more power to reset. Or as long as they (Dream and Punz) are alive death is impermanent so maybe they planned to bring people back after they died from the Egg - like stop any apocalypse that XD tried to cause like he does in the other timelines with the Egg or a character murder spree. Like XD doesn’t seem to have the power to reset them unless they are all dead so maybe Punz and Dream’s plan was to keep that from happening and hey if everyone came to them then it’s easy to keep them from killing eachother, Pandora keeps them safe from the Egg and if everyone’s inside no one can use the nukes. Maybe the saw room was actually for them, for one of them to stay and the other to escape - after all as long as one of them lives they cannot die. Maybe the reason they were worried about Wilbur, Sapnap, Quackity was because those were Dream’s most active threats and the ones with the means and likelihood to cause problems and play a role in strengthening XD and ending the world, Tommy doesn’t really fit in those categories of concern - “I was focused on everyone but you.”
I don’t know… but it’s interesting to think about for sure as well as the question always on my mind - WHY WERE THEY IN THE MAIN CELL WHEN TOMMY ARRIVED?!………..
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Jim Bickerman x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: That scene where Beach and Murdoch come to take Jim away again except you are the bartender- and Jim is your problematic boyfriend so you keep him hidden from them.
Warnings: No actually, I cant think of anything 🤔 Age difference I suppose.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , and @masqueradeball . I hope you both like this one! Its my favourite so far XD And have a great day ^^
“I was never here.”
… You look between the hundred dollar note caught in the prosthetic hook and the man looking at you deadass like you’re actually going to take it. Raising a brow, you wait for him to take it back, realise his mistake, but he doesn’t and so you start to glare. “Are you seriously trying to bribe me, Jim, Your girlfriend? You’re trying to bribe your girlfriend?”
Suddenly looking unsure, Jim clears his throat and makes a quick ‘um’, sound; Rolling his shoulders uncomfortably under your stare. “Well- I was... “When your eyes only even narrow more, wasting time, he glances even more nervously towards the door. Quickly he looks back to you and sets his face more sternly, panicking. “Look, consider it compensation for puttin’ you through this, hm?”
… Well that sounds fair. “Thanks!” You take it with a grin, shoving it in your back pocket while Jim gives a frustrated sigh at you and hops off his regular barstool- heading towards the back door as you slip off the flannel he leant you which would be a dead giveaway that he's here. Or he was here. Or that you're connected to him. Its the one he was wearing to Blackwater last night, after all, and you're thinking a man tracking another man down would recognise something like that. “Hey- hey- where are you going??”
“Out the back!”
“Get back here,” Lifting the part of the bar that’s actually a gate to get in, you usher him in and gesture for him to get down and tuck himself under the bench. Once he’s down there, and the man (‘Beach’, you think Jim told you was the 'muscle for hire' he was working with, and by the looks of this guy… it was him) is approaching the bar, you fling the flannel down at Jim and pick up a rag- giving the bar a wipe, calming down and looking casual.
This is not the first time you’ve hidden Jim from someone and it wont be the last. So, its basically muscle memory at this point.
As the man reaches the bar, he takes out a 20 dollar note- slides across the table to you. Hmmm, more cash. You could get used to this. Swiftly picking it up and tucking it away in your back pocket along with the 100, you flash Beach your sweetest customer service smile. “Hey, what can I get you?”
“Information. I wanna know- has a Jim Bickerman been here today?”
You look thoughtful, screwing your face up and ‘looking back’. “Mm… you got a picture?”
He sighs. “No, sorry for bothering- “
“I’m kidding- Jim practically lives here. Uh,” Glancing upwards for a moment, you think about what you’re going to say. “He came in earlier in the morning with a duffel bag full of cash and paid his tab… didn’t drink any, though. Said he was goin’ to look at private jets. I wondered where he got that money… he sell you something dodgy?”
“No- “
“Don’t be embarrassed, he almost managed to sell me a weasel once. Picture was misleading- it turned out it was a wolverine. Short story shorter, I’m still in the market.” This seems to defocus Beach, you’re pleased to see, leaning across the bar towards him lazily. It’s a true story, too. It was before you started to date the man and honestly it should have been a red flag, but eh. He’s working out for you so far at least. Even if he is a bastard making you worried all the damn time. Making you stay home and wonder if he’s lost another limb, or been eaten. That part, you hate about him. That part, you took the money for.
… This part though, you don’t mind so much. This part, is kind of fun.
Beach is looking slightly confused and also tired, like he hadn’t slept at all last night and this is the last thing he wants to be doing today, so you take pity on him. “Sorry… you might try wherever you buy jet’s, though.” .. Well not too much pity, because obviously your priority is Jim… but hey, it’s the thought that counts right?? Right.
The man sighs. “Can I check your bathroom?”
“Sure, just over there. Not the women’s, don’t be a creep.”
… you’re just watching Beach walk away, when you’re almost surprised by the tug at your pant leg. You forgot he was down there!! Jumping back, you look down to see Jim still down there clutching the flannel you chucked at him. “He’s still here.”
He looks amused. “You ever gonna get over that weasel thing, sweetheart??”
“Never.” Absolutely not! You really want a weasel!! “I was gonna name it Stupid, cuz it was cute and fat like the one in Roger Rabbit. Obviously, now I know it wasn’t fat it was just a wolverine… “
He huffs, rolling his eyes and making you grin a little fondly, even as you keep an eye on the bathroom doors for Beaches exit. “Can I at least get a drink down here while I wait? I’m thirsty.”
“Oh,” Of course, you love him, you don’t want him dehydrating! And also- “Water?” He’s fun to mess with. As his face falls into a glare and a grimace, your grin broadens a little; Though to try to curb it in.
“You’re not serious… “
“Oh I am absolutely serious. Lance says you’re cut off.”
“I paid my tab!”
“Yeah but he says you’re a bottomless pit, and very expensive, so- Oh he’s back, shh.”
“… betcha if I got you a weasel you’d gimmie a drink… “ Jim mutters bitterly, almost making you laugh- you manage to bite the inside of your cheek in time, though.
“Yeah probably.” You hiss back fast, just before Beach looks at you and approaches again. You hear Jim huff like a drama king, but ignore him this time.
“Bathrooms are clear.” Beach tells you, stopping at the bar again.
Nodding, you pick up a glass and set it in front of him. “Yeah, I told you. Sure I cant get you a drink?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Can I leave out the back?”
“Just over there.”
Once Beach is finally gone, out the back door where Jim was heading before you lead him under the bar (That’s point one-you. Jim- Nil), you let out a relieved sigh and put the glass back away on the shelf before leaning back on the sink behind the bar. “Phew… “  
“Phew you? Phew me.” To your amusement, Jim chucks the flannel right back at you then and it hits you in the face, before falling into your waiting arms. While you put it on and tug it cozily around your body and cross your arms over your chest, he gets on his knees and peaks over the bar- actually making you snort. “Is the coast clear, peanut, or??... “
“I’dddd give it a few more minutes… “
“Okay.” He sighs, tiredly, switching from goofball to old man in a split second as he relaxes back under the bar. Blowing boredly out his cheek, he drums his fingers against his knee and looks at you. “… So, a private jet, huh?? That’s not a bad ide- “
“Y/N!! What is your bottomless pit doing behind the bar!??”
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 2 He’s down on his knees
Jared Padalecki x reader
Warnings: sexual, smut, oral, light swearing, age gap, praise kink, dom/sub, bondage, public sex, talks about sex/kinks, first times, self esteem issues, body issues, chubby reader Just real dirty unless I put feelings into it xD
Just a random movie I’ll make up for this.
I also live for gay best friend makeup artist
Last part <-
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Jared frowned staring at the spot you used to be, did he do something wrong? He felt your body tremble and saw the panic in your eyes as you left. Confused he followed you out the back door worried.
You sighed taking deep breaths, this is fine? Everything is ok. The back door opened and you saw a worried Jared.
“Hey, what happened? You ok?” He said worried puppy dog eyes active.
“Fine,” you said stepping away from him when he came closer. He frowned hurt flashing across his face.
“Did I do something?” He asked genuine worry in his voice.
“No J, no I-“ you sighed wanting to bash your head against the wall and forget anything ever happened.
“I panicked ok, because…. Because that was my first kiss” you mumbled the last part highly embarrassed as you stared at the ground and fiddled with a rock with your foot.
“What?” He asked surprised.
“My first kiss!” You yelled without meaning to.
“It’s stupid I know, nobody’s sentimental about that sorta thing anymore, but it’s special to me ok! You’ve probably kissed a thousand girls it’s easy for you” you babbled hands flying around before resting on your hips. He didn’t say anything, he just looked surprised.
“Now you think I’m stupid” you groaned.
“I don’t think you're stupid,” he said frowning slightly.
“I think it's cute,” he said his cheeks going slightly red.
“What?” You asked baffled by his words.
“You’re a romantic type, first kiss should be sacred, like hiding under the stadium chairs with your first boyfriend, or under the sunset, or first date goodbye” he shrugged embarrassed himself.
“I just assumed you’d you know” he shrugged again and you frowned confused.
“Had boyfriends and done all that” he added and you flushed.
“Jared” you scoffed and he frowned.
“Look at me,” you said and he did.
“I don’t-?” He tilted his head.
“I am fifty kilos too heavy, I have a double chin, my skin isn’t perfect, and I am no actor model! In high school it was worse I got no male attention, suppose it’s good because my taste in men is not that, besides the point! I was not a girl boy or man notice” you sighed arms covering your stomach.
“I’m not someone they talk to or look at” you whispered feeling emotions take over.
“Nobody takes notice of me Jared, not even now, I became an actor to be seen, now though it just feels stupid, I love acting, I can be someone else, I don’t have to be me” you stared at the ground, frowning when shoes came in the view and a hand cupped your cheek.
Your words got muffled by lips on yours, Jared kissed you, really kissed you and your brain didn’t know how to react. Your body seemed to know, kissing him, hands clutching his shirt.
“Do not say that about yourself” he muttered and you went to argue.
“Don’t” he finalised.
“I notice you every single hour of the day, hell the minutes, I am in awe of you, your movement, your body, your voice, your being is intoxicating” he spoke with passion, and determination as his gaze held yours tightly.
“I am obsessed with you” he admitted in a quiet voice. His eyes looked away, to the ground in guilt and disgust with himself. You lifted your hand and cupped his cheek so he looked at you. You were confident at this moment, this giant man practically a tool under your touch almost.
“Prove it” you muttered shocked by the words that left your mouth. His eyes darkened at your words, mouth open slightly as he breathed heavily. His mouth smashed to yours and he backed you up against the house, the man was strong you knew he was, but didn’t realise he was this strong. His hands cupped the back of your thighs and you faltered but he growled softly and you jumped up. His kiss was intoxicating, his hands squeezed your thighs as he moved down to kiss along your neck and jaw. The dress had a high collar so he couldn’t get very far which made him grumble. His hips ground into you seeking some form of friction. You were so lost in the feeling you jumped a mile when the director called for you both. Jared jolted panting softly in your neck as you prayed he wouldn’t come outside.
“Five minutes!” He yelled and you sighed in relief. Jared let you down slowly and you felt a little wobbly but kept your balance. He chuckled lightly lifting his head to look at you.
“I forgot we were at work” he muttered running a hand through his hair.
“No shit” you mumbled and he smiled. He glanced down briefly cheeks reddening and you frowned looking down instinctively.
“I’m gonna- get water” he walked away adjusting his jeans as you flushed furiously. You had your first kiss and first, make-out sesh in the span of ten minutes. You went back inside also hoping to not look too dishevelled. One of the makeup artists came over and fixed your hair and costume before smirking and walking away. She knew, she so totally knew, you were dead, that’s it, end of your career.
“Ok let’s try this again where’s Jared?” The director huffed.
Jared sighed leaning against the counter in his trailer. His mind was going a million miles an hour, thoughts of you, what had just happened. He wasn’t lying about what he said he was obsessed, probably unhealthily so. He groaned his jeans too tight and body too hot, he would’ve fucked you there if he didn’t know you were still a virgin. Some dirty part of him found it overly thrilling and cursed softly. He gripped the counter too hard before locking his cabin door and tugging his belt open and jeans open. He palmed himself, moaning softly, he didn’t have long but he needed to deal with this. He pulled himself out of his boxers and began to stroke lightly. He sighed feeling some form of relief before he spat on his hand and continued. Thoughts of you crossed his mind, the feeling of your body against his, there was so much to hold, so much to feel but he couldn’t because of that stupid costume. His breath hitched as he quickened, and he hung his head and moaned softly. He bit the inside of his cheek, speeding up, movements getting out of rhythm as he finally came in his hand. He slumped against the wall and panted, he groaned slightly pushing himself off the wall and washing his hands. He tucked himself back in his pants before doing them up and heading back to the house.
Next part ->
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
Yesterday on P3R, we learn some new things, shake our heads at Kenji, and explore a new area of Tartarus!
Chidori is still being held in the hospital, mostly refusing to talk. She will talk to Junpei, but not about anything to do with Strega.
Today, though, she has an… adverse reaction.
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Akihiko, its either a shadow or a persona. Come on, man. Being able to see it outside the Dark Hour is interesting, though.
Shinji, fortunately, tells them to get the hell out of the way so he can give her medicine, which calms down her persona and probably saves her life.
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I’m with Mitsuru. That’s really not something to be so chill about.
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That means their awakenings were definitely wrong, which we sort of already knew based on the whole human experimentation thing. I’m not entirely sure how to interpret this in terms of wider lore. Your shadow will definitely try to kill you if you reject it, but that’s not what’s happening here. This might say more about Chidori’s overall mindset than anything. Especially since she really just doesn’t care whether she lives or dies.
Junpei tells her that he didn’t want her to die. That he was panicking when Medea tried to kill her.
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“Dying just means you don’t wake up tomorrow.”
Junpei doesn’t want to hear that in the slightest.
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He’s in love with this girl. He hasn’t said it out loud yet, but I think saying that is close enough. XD
Shinji left the hospital, and Akihiko chased after him to ask why he had persona suppressants. Which… Shinji refused to answer, which is an answer in and of itself. The reason Akihiko is so worried, though, is because of the side-effects. Which are not specifically named, but implied to be very bad. Shinji tells him not to worry though, because he’s not taking them anymore now that he’s fighting again.
Akihiko punches him for that.
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Oh, that’s what happened. :/ Fucking hell, Aki.
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Can all my senpais pls get it together and communicate with each other?
Well, while everyone else is experiencing emotional honesty and getting punched, I guess I’ll go hang out with Kenji. Most just because I have to know where this link is going.
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Man, if I wasn’t trying to get the correct answers, Minato’s doofus answers would be all the ones I’d use for this guy.
Kenji isn’t sure how many more times we’re going to be able to go out like this. He’s going to be going to cram school, after all, and working really hard to get into a good college. Since he went in Ms. Kanou’s room (?????) and saw that she had a wedding magazine on her side table. So he’s got to be seriously thinking about his future, because his plans are set!
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I want to say “sure whatever” so badly.
But like, go for it, Kenji. I, uh, believe in you? Or something?
Going out for ramen with Shinji was nicer, I think. We’re just chilling.
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My elders can be remarkably unhelpful sometimes. Especially all of my teachers. Including Ikutsuki.
I need to find some time this week to go to Tartarus, since the new area is open. I think it’s gonna be a new block, so I can’t wait to see what things look like next. Industrial is fun and all, but the stairs are a little annoying. So--
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...that can happen??? The game is warning me there might be irreversible consequences if I don’t save them?
I’m guessing this is one of my social links, so if they get munched, I can’t finish their link. I guess we’re going to Tartarus, later.
After school, Junpei learns that Chidori can transfer her energy to heal, when she revives her wilted sunflowers.
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Holy shit, girl. You’re a really powerful navi.
Also after school, Fuuka’s food is so bad that Minato gets physically sick.
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She put way too many strong flavors together. T_T
Okay, look, I need to go to Tartarus. I know. HOWEVER, if I finish Tanaka’s link, I never have to talk to him again. So we’re gonna do it.
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...oh. Well. Look who talked himself into some character development just by venting at me for months. Good for you! Can I have my 40k yen back, too?
All right.
He leaves us with the parting words of “Stop talking to shady men at night,” and “Goodbye forever.”
Freedom! Now I can just hang out with my teammates at night, until I find my Tower link.
Pharos is back to talk about stuff, and is being… sweet.
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We will. We’re soulmates, you and I.
Okay fine I’m off to Tartarus.
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It’s like some kind of opulent castle ruin. I love this.
Apparently it’s the bookstore guy, Bunkichi, who is lost in Tartarus, which on the one hand, is understandable. (Just not the part where he’s on the HUNDRED AND TWENTIETH FLOOR.) On the other hand, no consequences for me even if I left him here because that link is done. XDDD
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Anyway, with him escorted out, we can keep goi--
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Oh I don’t like that. Fuck.
We’ll do some more of that next time. I will leave y’all with the silly observation that Loki, Trickster God and highest-level persona of the Fool Arcana, starts at level 69.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Snap [Kakashi Hatake]
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a/n: this was a request from a user on ao3, and damn did I enjoy putting this together! Kakashi can break me any day of the week, I'd roll over and take it! XD
pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female reader
warnings: Dom Kakashi (not super hard though), praise kink, sub/Dom dynamic, established relationship, rough oral male receiving, nipple play, spanking, overstimulation, begging, unprotected sex, aftercare
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Anxiety bloomed in full force.
Your stomach churned as you eyed the two girls that sat opposite you, their friendly smiles seemed genuine but worry gnawed your insides regardless. You hoped that the gentle chatter within the dainty looking tea shop was enough to mask the wild thump of your heartbeat. Surreptitiously you wiped your sweat-slicked palms on the pale pink skirt you had chosen this morning.
This was the first time you had been invited out by some of your boyfriend’s friends and despite the swelling social anxiety you experienced in situations like this, you were determined to make a good impression. Kurenai and Anko swapped a subtle look before turning back to face you.
“We were so happy you accepted our invitation, y/n,” Kurenai offered. Her voice was soft and lilting, head tipped to the side to make her dark hair shimmer in the soft light. She smiled kindly before raising her teacup to her lips.
You nodded, working furiously to keep the blush that was creeping up your neck from becoming any brighter. Your own teacup rattled in its saucer as you lifted it to mimic Kurenai’s action.
As you took a sip of the piping hot liquid gold, Anko piped up.
“How are things going with Kakashi? He treating you right?”
You almost choked on the mouthful as it scalded your tongue and throat. It took you a moment for the spluttering to end, trying to gently thump on your chest whilst it felt like every eye in the suddenly tight space was on you.
Anko chuckled, slouching in her chair. She scowled as Kurenai smacked her on the back of the head and gave her a truly filthy look.
“I’m sorry about Anko, she really doesn’t know how to be subtle. You don’t have to tell us anything about your relationship with Kakashi if you don’t want to. We just want to get to know the girl that has him acting so strangely,” she apologised with an incline of her head.
Kakashi is acting strangely… what does that mean?
“No, it’s fine – really. Everything is going really well, I think. I can assure you that he treats me like a pampered princess at times…” you trailed off, frowning as wayward thoughts swept through your mind like birds of prey seeking out their next meal.
It was true that everything was going great in your relationship. You had been officially dating Kakashi Hatake for the past six months, and whilst you had continued to grow closer the longer you spent together, you knew he was holding back from you. The problem was that you weren’t entirely sure what it was that he refused to show you. All you did know was that there was often a glint in his dark grey eye, you would catch sight of it from the corner of your eye and as soon as you blinked it was gone again.
You had spent more time than you cared to admit analysing that look, and until this point, you could draw no conclusive answer.
Kurenai appeared to be studying your words, a small furrow to her brow as Anko sat forward with excitement bubbling over like an erupting volcano. This girl was a force of nature, and despite her brash mannerisms, you couldn’t help but like her immediately.
“What does he look like behind the mask, y/n? I just gotta know,” she whined dramatically, “I can’t count the number of times I’ve tried to get a peek without any success. All his former playthings remain ridiculously tight-lipped as well, so suspicious if you ask me.”
“Playthings?” you whispered. Your fingers twisted into the material of your skirt as you watched the panicked look appear on Anko’s face.
“Well, y’know… Kakashi isn’t really the dating type. I – uh, I reckon you might be his first proper girlfriend if you catch my drift.”
So it was true that your boyfriend was a bit of a player before he met you. What was so different about you that made him want to try a relationship?
He was Kakashi Hatake, the legendary jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village. The man was practically a God among men; sweeping silver hair that dared to defy gravity, that one steely grey eye that could smoulder with the simplest of looks, strong in mind as well as body and with that mysteriously aloof air that sat around his shoulders like a tightly drawn cloak. You were simply you, a lowly medical-nin that specialised in chakra restoration. Nothing exceptional about you in the slightest.
You were starting to crumple upon yourself, shoulders sagging inward as wild thoughts chased in endless circles around your head. A gentle hand pulled one of your own back onto the table, away from the loose thread you were picking incessantly.
“Let’s move this somewhere more private, huh? C’mon y/n, we’ll take care of you,” her carmine eyes twinkled with compassion. You were pulled to your feet, and before you could even think to object you found yourself in the dimly lit bar on the outskirts of the village.
The hours passed with remarkable speed, and they were most illuminating, to say the least. The bitter taste of beer to coat so perfectly the inside of your mouth had served wonderfully in loosening your tongue and settling your nerves.
You weren’t entirely sure how many drinks you had consumed, but the buzz had settled over your brain like a warm snuggly blanket. You giggled quietly to yourself, a little hiccup escaping from between your glossed lips.
The two kunoichis had treated you to a wealth of knowledge on your handsome silver haired boyfriend, some things you had known about through his reputation alone, others were things that Kakashi had brought up willingly before he would take your relationship into the bedroom but a large portion was completely new information.
Your soft Kashi was not normally this docile it seemed.
Kakashi of the Sharingan had a reputation of being a little mean to his partners, willingly of course, but it had still come as a bit of a shock to you. It was hard to associate this side of him with the one you had come to know so intimately.
The man who would worship your body with sweet and loving kisses. Feather soft strokes that were like velvet on your flesh. The endless hours he would spend on loving you until you could take no more, and begged him to stop. His lopsided smirk as he would lift his head from between your trembling thighs, lips and chin coated in your arousal. He gave you everything you asked for, never forced you to beg, always respectful and loving in his every action.
Now to hear that he had a harder side, well, that glint in his eye made more sense with this new revelation. You just wished you knew why he hadn’t let you see that side of him, was he scared he would hurt you? That you wouldn’t love him anymore if he pushed you to your limits or maybe even past them? How wrong he was, such a foolish man.
“So how do I get him to like…” your hand gestured wildly as your searched for the right word, “snap?” Your eyes widened, jubilant in finally finding the correct term. Anko lifted her bottle of beer in celebration and you crashed yours into it with a little more force than was needed. Frothy bubbles poured from the long necks and covered the table in a sticky mess.
This only made you giggle even more, and both Kurenai and Anko joined in with your laughter. At long last, you were able to wipe the tears from your lash line and control your breathing. You swallowed thickly, doe-like eyes lifting to look at your new friends, seeking their thoughts and guidance.
What you didn’t know was that you were fast on the way to making him ‘snap’ with your current course of actions, and his friends were well aware of this. Anko smirked as she grabbed your hand, gesturing with her head to the small dance floor.
You wanted to talk more, not dance but you weren’t about to put your foot down.
Quickly the low beat of the music swam in your veins, your eyes closed as you lost yourself in the rhythm of the words. You danced with Anko for what felt like hours, energetic songs that turned into slow-paced sets that made you twist and turn with the brazen brunette. Her hands ghosted over your hips, never inappropriate but rocking you in time with her own limbs.
You needed a drink in the worst possible way. Your tongue lay heavy and dry as sand within your mouth. Nudging Anko, you spoke in her ear about heading to the bar for a glass of water, missing the flash that sparked in her eyes and the wicked grin that split her lips.
Turning on your heel, your balance wobbled as you moved too quickly for the alcohol that spiked through your blood. As your eyes lifted once you had steadied yourself, your blood ran ice cold as you came face to face with a very pissed off looking Kakashi.
To say that he was livid was an understatement.
The worst of it was he was unsure who to direct his anger upon; his two idiotic friends that had likely dragged y/n into this situation, or you in your fucking pretty little pink skirt and tight white blouse. Far too much skin on show for his liking, especially without his presence.
His blood was close to boiling point, his fingers tightened into knuckle-cracking fists. The sound of groaning fabric from his fingerless gloves was like a blade against his nerves. One text from Kurenai to say that she and Anko were with y/n and that you had had a little too much to drink and he was speeding from his house like a man possessed.
He dared not think of the potential danger you had put yourself in, even though he knew you were well trained and could defend yourself against most threats. Plus you were accompanied by two highly trained kunoichis, he had trusted each of them to have his back in the past and this should be no different, but it was.
How long had he stood rooted to the spot as he found your form on the dance floor? The longer he stared, the worse the simmering irritation became. You looked ravishing, and he was pissed that he hadn’t seen you dressed before he left for work this morning. True you had looked so beautifully peaceful still wrapped in his shirt from the previous day, deep in slumber as he kissed your forehead and left you to sleep but now you looked as sinful as a freshly fallen angel.
The pale pink skirt paired with the silky white blouse would have looked prim and proper, the perfect attire for an afternoon in a tea shop. However, you had tugged open the top few buttons revealing an indecent amount of your cleavage, and the hem was untucked from the skirt. The hair that you had piled atop your head was tumbling down, messy locks framing your sweet face and your perfect plush lips were driving him to distraction.
He watched you tap Anko on the shoulder before leaning in to speak in her ear, and his cock twitched against his rapidly tightening pants. His desperation to be the one that you tapped on the shoulder, to feel your warm breath on his skin before he pulled you flush against his body to roam his rough hands over your curves. Whispering all the lewd thoughts in his head into your ear, and listening for the answering mewls of embarrassment and desire.
It would be a lie to say that he hadn’t thought about showing you his ‘other’ side, but fear kept him in tight check. He worried that you would think differently of him, that you would run screaming from him if you knew how badly he wanted to hold you down as he broke you slowly.
When your eyes had finally met across the bar, he had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop him from groaning as your gaze lowered in an act of pure subservience. Those thick lashes fanning against cheeks that bloomed pretty and pink before him, pearly white teeth that sunk into your lower lip and that annoying sway as you tried to control your wayward equilibrium.
You closed the gap between you, the sway of your hips hypnotising and the coy little smile that painted your lips had his fingers twitching to grip that sweet little mouth until those lips parted into a surprised ‘o’. His body was quickly losing the fight against the arousal that was swarming up to fill his belly.
He knew he was a ravenous wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing. Saliva pooled within his mouth, lust threatened to swallow him whole and he fought the burning sensation that urged him to pick you up and carry you back to his home, back to his bed specifically.
He wanted to – desperately.
The alcohol was a problem, there wasn’t a chance in hell that he was going to lay an intimate hand on you whilst you were in this state.
With that startling realisation ringing clear in his ears he swallowed thickly and reached one hand out to cup your flushed cheek. Kakashi accepted your body that pressed against his own, adored the feel of your hands that slipped around his waist and travelled up his back.
“Hi,” you murmured shyly, resting your chin on his chest as you searched his visible eye for the source of his anger.
The sound of your sugary greeting was enough to douse the worst of his fury, he leaned down to give you a quick peck on the lips through his mask. He felt your resistance to letting him pull back, the breathy sigh to puff through your lips and he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Time to get you home, princess.”
It wasn’t a question, it was very clearly a statement of fact yet you pouted and stomped your foot like a petulant child. Kakashi tightened his grip on your waist, biting the tip of his tongue to keep himself in check.
“Dance with me Kashi, please?” you purred, and goddammit did he want to give in. The cackling sound of laughter brought him back to his senses, finding Kurenai and Anko sniggering like schoolgirls behind their hands.
“Yeah Kashi, dance with her!” Anko crowed, and he threw her a warning glance that would normally silence anyone, but clearly, her drunken state put her past the point of caring.
He was leaving with you this instant, he wouldn’t lay a damn finger on you tonight, but come the morning things were going to change. Kakashi would open your eyes to his hidden preferences, and he hoped against hope that you would be willing to give them a try.
The thought of you below him, pliant and absolutely begging for his mercy flooded his blood with dopamine, the idea of fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he pushed you past your limits was enough to make him twitch all over.
A rough finger tucked under your chin as he tipped your head up to meet his determined gaze all while his other hand pried your needy fingers from where they were digging into his back. With fingers interlaced he cocked his head to the side, “I’m not going to say it again, it’s home time y/n.”
You squirmed in anticipation.
Heat spread like wildfire across your skin, lust in its purest form pounded in your veins as you walked the now empty streets of Konoha with Kakashi. You had been sad to leave Anko and Kurenai behind, disappointed that your boyfriend had refused to dance with you for even a minute, but behind it all, you were jittery with nerves.
Kakashi was different; darkness gathered in his expression, you could see the clench of his strong jaw through the thin material of his mask and knew that his lips were likely set in a firm line. His fingers were loose between your own, only ever-tightening if your balance faltered. He was probably mere seconds away from picking you up to avoid any accidents, but he held back.
Heat pooled between your legs as you imagined how things would go once you got back to his house. Images of being forced against the nearest wall whilst you ripped that annoying mask from his face and pressing your lips desperately against his spiralled through your mind’s eye. You hoped he didn’t notice the way your thighs pressed together as you waited on his doorstep whilst he fished his keys from his pocket.
The key faltered mid-air, and you squeaked meekly.
He noticed.
He definitely fucking noticed.
Shit shit shit!
“After you,” he cooed, bending to speak in your ear. The hairs on the nape of your neck stood to attention as you took that first wobbly step across the threshold, holding on to the wall as you kicked off your sandals.
Your eyes swept around the familiar space before you turned to round on the silver haired jonin. He watched you curiously, his eye widening as you approached and made your intent more than clear. An eager finger hooked under the material of his mask and pulled it free to expose the most handsome face you had ever laid eyes upon. You traced his stubbled jaw, paying extra attention to his cute little mole near his lip until you couldn’t bear it any longer.
Stepping into his embrace, you went to your tiptoes and pressed a forceful kiss to his mouth. He hesitated for the briefest second until you felt the tension sag from his broad shoulders and he kissed you back. His lips were always cool against your own but this time they felt feverish with need and you moaned into his mouth.
The kiss was pure decadence and you never wanted it to end, but when your hand moved to palm him through his pants, all playing around ended abruptly. Kakashi curled his fingers around your slender shoulders and ripped your mouths apart on a heaving pant.
For a second the bright flare of his Sharingan flashed to life in the unlit room before he pushed his forehead protector back into place. The tremble that left you feeling like jelly in his strong hands was undeniable, along with the wobble of your chin. You could feel the tears crowd in your eyes at being rejected, and the answering rumble from his chest made you gasp.
“Y/n,” he said calmly, “I’m not going to touch you tonight, you’ve had too much to drink and you need to sleep it off.”
So this was why he stopped the kiss, he felt guilty about blurring the lines of consent. Surely it wasn’t possible, but your heart melted for him all the more. What other man would be willing to give up on an opportunity like this? You were most definitely certain that you wanted this – wanted him but he seemed determined to keep his hands to himself.
You could feel the pout morph upon your lips, irritated to be denied his tender loving care and that delectable body hidden behind his normal jonin uniform. Kakashi tsked softly, reprimanding you with a wagging finger that ended up brushing your swollen lower lip.
You had never been in the least bit bratty but right now you were defiant in your desires, and before you could think on it, you sucked that lazy finger into your mouth. A warm wet tongue swirled the digit right down to the first knuckle. Kakashi growled, his cheeks heating from your naughty actions and he pulled the finger from your mouth with a wet sounding ‘pop’.
“In the morning, if you are willing, I’m going to give you the price of your actions today. Good girls get sweet and soft Kashi,” he explained without taking his eyes from you, judging your reaction and liking the fires that burned within your gaze, “and naughty girls get sensei, do you understand?”
“Have I been a naughty girl?” you whined, pressing your chest flush against him in your desperation for bodily contact. The idea of calling Kakashi, sensei was making you a wanton mess. You knew your panties were ruined by this point, and you flagrantly dragged your thighs back and forth in seek of that delicious friction you craved.
Kakashi took a small step back, “oh yes, y/n. You best believe that I’d spank the ever-loving shit out of you for the nonsense you just pulled, but it’ll have to wait. Now, answer my question. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Kashi.”
His hands on your shoulders squeezed, a tic working in his jaw as he spoke so dangerously low it was almost inaudible, “try again.”
Holy motherfucking hell, this is too hot!
“Yes, sensei.”
He smiled and your breath caught in the back of your throat. You watched as he walked to the kitchen, pulling a glass from a cupboard and filling it with ice-cold water. His silver hair fell into his eyes as he turned to you standing like a gawking idiot within the doorway.
“Go get ready for bed princess, I’ll be through soon.”
The next hour was a blur.
Kakashi had ensured that you were thoroughly scrubbed clean and teeth brushed with the spare toothbrush he kept for you before wrapping you in one of his spare t-shirts that swamped you to your knees. He even spent a good fifteen minutes meticulously combing through your hair, careful of pulling on any tugs and with every soft touch of his fingers, you burned for him – a struck match that would burn right down until there was nothing left.
This was most definitely a wicked punishment, but you knew no matter what you did, Kakashi was going to leave you untouched tonight. With that knowledge you succumbed to his instructions, draining the glass of water he offered in the hopes it would quell the fires inside and finally found yourself snug within his bed, his arm draped protectively over your waist and his soft breathing lulling you to sleep with haste.
A combination of the early morning light and the dawn chorus roused you from your deep slumber. Opening your eyes with caution, you were surprised that no headache pounded at your temples. It seems that thanks to Kakashi’s patient ministrations the previous night, you had escaped the alcohol-fuelled evening without sustaining a hangover.
Your happiness at this only lasted a minute as you were reminded with startling clarity of the promise your boyfriend had made to you, “In the morning, if you are willing, I’m going to give you the price of your actions today.”
Gingerly you rolled over and found Kakashi missing from the bed, the sheets were cool to the touch so he had been gone for some time. Where was he? Your heartbeat became frantic as you concocted all manner of assumptions as to what was in store for you, but before you could spiral too far into a full-blown panic laced with desire, a voice called out.
“Good morning princess, how’re you feeling?” he asked you, setting a mug of steaming tea by your side and sitting on the edge of the bed. You eyed him suspiciously; he was dressed in his workout clothes consisting of light grey sweatpants that clung low on his hips and a simple black t-shirt that left little to the imagination.
You croaked your reply, averting your gaze as heat bloomed to life upon your cheeks, “I feel fine, thanks to you Kashi.”
He hummed his appreciation and patted his lap in invitation. You didn’t need telling twice as you crawled from under the sheet to swing one thigh over his legs until you were straddling him. He planted his strong hands upon the flare of your hips at the same moment you anchored your arms around his neck.
Kakashi signed, assessing your expression before he spoke.
“You remember what I mentioned last night, y/n?”
You nodded shyly, fingers inching into the soft hair that you adored so much. Nails raking against his scalp and drawing the most arousing sounding groans from his throat. Quick as a flash one hard grabbed your jaw, thumb and fingers pressing into either side of your mouth until it pressed open on a gasp.
His eyes blazed and you knew that your soft Kashi had disappeared. This was your sensei, the satisfied smirk that graced his lips was cruel-looking as you felt the pressure increase on your supple skin.
“Willing to give it a try?” he asked without a hint of uncertainty.
“Yes,” you whimpered, blinking much too rapidly and unable to stop the grind of your bare pussy against the growing crotch of his sweatpants. There was sure to be a damp patch, but you refused to be embarrassed about it.
He swatted your uncovered ass with a short sharp smack, “try again,” he growled and you wilted under the power he was already exerting over you. It was difficult not to pant like a lustful slut as you grew slicker by the second.
“Yes, sensei.”
“That’s better. I’ve wanted to do this for so long, you’ve no idea how hard it has been for me to keep this side hidden. I was scared you’d run but I think this,” he stopped as his hand dug forcefully between your bodies to cup your wet folds, “proves that you might quite like this side of me, hm?”
The drag of his knuckles against your sopping slit was maddening, you chased the friction he provided and whined loudly as he removed his hand with a chuckle. You watched as he sucked his middle finger clean before pressing his slick index finger into your mouth to taste your own pleasure.
“One final thing before this starts for real. We use a safeword, I’m not gonna listen to whiny little moans of no so pick a word. If you say it, I will stop immediately and ensure everything is alright. So, what’s your word gonna be princess?”
You heard the words but it was so damn difficult to focus as your insides were swamped with such tight coils of pleasure. You were a dam about to burst, but after a moment of consideration, you found a word that seemed suitable.
It made him smile and your blush intensified. On your first date Kakashi had taken you out for ice-cream and you had likened his adorable gravity defying hair to a cone of swirling soft-serve ice-cream. He had looked momentarily dumbfounded before bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. You had known right then and there that you loved this man.
Kakashi gently pushed you from his lap until you stood in between his parted legs with hands braced upon his strong thighs.
“Take this off,” he commanded, finger and thumb rubbing the hem of the top you had slept in.
You heard him suck in a breath as you stretched, pulling the top over your head and tossing it towards the washing pile in the corner. Instinctively your arm raised to cover your breasts, and he smacked it away with a sharp glint in his eyes.
“I want you to look at me whilst I touch you. If you look away I will punish you, understood?”
Who was this man that spoke to you so wickedly, who demanded your respect in the otherwise silent room? It certainly wasn’t the Kakashi you knew intimately, but you liked him nonetheless and wanted to please him beyond what seemed decent and rational.
Your eyes locked as he began his lazy adventure across your skin. The calloused pads grazing your neck, collarbone and arms, every stroke mirrored between your legs and your knees began a gentle tremble. You were holding your breath as he neared your chest, he palmed the mounds with care and as his thumbs ghosted your nipples your eyes closed.
A sharp sting had them ripping back open, the strike had been fast as lightning. Fingertips that sparked downwards against your nipples in punishment for looking away, and your eyes found his face again as you panted. His brow quirked in admonishment, and you bit your lip in supplication.
Kakashi licked at his fingers before pinching and rolling the tight buds, increasing the pressure to gauge your reactions. It was almost too much, never had you been so close to orgasm from mere manipulation of your tits, but fuck you were right on the precipice. He knew it too and hastened to move his hands downwards.
The plead flew from your mouth before you could think twice, “please Kashi.”
His hands stilled and tension sparked above your head like an approaching thunderstorm.
“Kneel,” he thundered, making you gulp but you obeyed as quickly as you could. Sitting back on your heels you looked up at the imposing figure. He fisted your hair into a makeshift ponytail, yanking until your throat bared.
“Seeing as you can’t keep that pretty little mouth quiet, I’ll keep it busy in another way.”
He lifted his hips enough to pull his pants down, kicking out of them entirely as his free hand wrapped around the base of his impressive shaft. Precum leaked from the rosy tip, and you licked your lips in anticipation. Kakashi pressed closer to the edge of the mattress until he could smack the tip against your slightly parted lips.
“Open up princess,” he hissed through his teeth.
You wet your lips and opened up wide to accept him inside your wet cavern. An eager tongue licked along his length, delighting in the salty tang of his skin and groaning around him. He started out slow enough, letting you set your own rhythm but before long he used your hair like a rein. Every downward stroke forced more and more of him towards your throat, you desperately tried to relax, to accept him but he was just too big.
Tears spilled from your eyes as your throat constricted, and he groaned down at you.
“Such a good girl taking me like this, feel so fucking amazing. Look at these pretty tears, trying so hard to please your sensei, huh?”
The praise kindled a burning spark within your soul, it spoke directly to a part of you that you weren’t even aware existed. Fuck, you really did want to please him – wanted to be his best girl. You nodded around his thick cock as saliva pooled from the sides of your mouth.
You hollowed your cheeks to increase the suction of your mouth, so desperate in your desire to be everything he would ever need. A moment of daring had you unsheathing your teeth to drag along the sensitive veins that stood stark along his monstrous length.
He pulled back on a hiss and you dragged oxygen into your burning lungs. Sitting back on your haunches as you blinked through your tear-soaked lashes. His cock twitched within his palm, and he crooked a finger at you.
Kakashi kissed the corner of your mouth, his lips moving to speak in your ear, “I’m gonna lay you across my lap, I want you to put your palms down on the mattress and do not move.”
He was already dragging you into position, he spread your legs and threw one of his own over the top of one of yours to keep them parted. Your hands spread against the soft duvet, neck craning to look over your shoulder.
A shaft of the perfect morning light illuminated the frame of your beloved boyfriend and as his eyes swung to find yours, you squirmed although you tried to fight it. He looked like the most sinful demon, cast in an ethereal angelic light. His two halves were defined in that one moment, and the image is branded upon your memory.
“I want you to know princess, that I will not stand for any more of the behaviour you displayed yesterday. I will not dictate your life, but I want you to tell me when you are going to put yourself in the path of potential danger. One little text and this all could have been different,” he lectured sternly.
“But I want this, sensei,” you quipped back instantly, emphasising his title with as much sinful inflection you could muster. The hand that had been caressing your soft cheeks stilled, and the crimson light of his Sharingan bathed your pliant and eager body.
“Very well, let’s get to it cause I can barely contain myself from fucking you senseless, and I know this sweet little pussy is eager for my cock,” he cooed, seeking out your entrance with a probing finger.
“You can count to six, can’t you baby?” he teased, watching your eyes turn glazed as he played with your clit. Swipe swipe swipe – his finger caught against the tight nub with practised precision. The way he kept pushing you to the very edge of your orgasm only to dial it back was mind shattering. Frustration bubbled in your chest, tightening your throat as you swallowed down the tears that wanted to spill.
You nodded fervently and waited for the first strike. Kakashi stroked your folds for an age, just long enough to make you relax into his touch and that was when he acted. As his hand struck downward with a smack that echoed harshly throughout the room, he plunged a finger within your pulsing walls.
Your vision went white, nothing but ringing coursed through your ears at the exquisite melding of pain and pleasure. You came with alarming force, felt the wet gush to cover his hand as well as the stinging pain to lace your butt check.
He cursed under his breath, a soft whisper to your still ringing ears. You hadn’t meant to, knew that he wanted you to wait until you were given permission but you couldn’t help it.
“It’s alright princess. It’s your first time so I won’t punish you for cumming without asking, but you still need to count,” he reassured you, yet he never removed his finger that was still embedded within your hole.
Every subsequent smack was enough to tighten your belly all over again. Kakashi stroked you well past the point of comfortable overstimulation, he timed each hit to correlate with him either adding a digit or pushing on the squishy spot that had your head flying up from the bed.
By the time you had squealed out ‘six’, you were desperate. He had been right about the whiny little noes between smacks, deep down you knew you could stop him with one word, you held that power but you didn’t truly want it to stop.
Kakashi tipped you fully onto the bed, rolling you to your back and crawling with speed up your sweat-slicked body. His hand flew to your throat, fingers gripping but never enough to restrict your breathing, only holding you in place as he pushed your thighs further apart with his knee.
His stare was feral – nothing but animalistic instinct in the driving seat. He lined up his angry looking cock against your entrance, pushing forward without any further preamble. The stretch was exactly what you craved, he buried himself up to the hilt and you could feel his smattering of short hairs nestle against your pelvis.
“Fuck! So fucking tight princess, taking all my cock as only my best girl can.”
He reared back to grab at your thighs, pressing them until you were practically bent in half with the trembling undersides of your soft thighs resting upon his shoulders. One hand lifted to bunch his t-shirt, and he held the material in between his teeth so he could watch himself plunging in and out your pussy.
You were drunk, entirely intoxicated by every minuscule touch. The urgent swing of his hips, the controlled roll of his stomach that had you mewling under him like never before. Sex with Kakashi was always mind-blowing but this was on a whole new level.
“Look at this cute little bulge,” he cooed, letting his t-shirt go as one hand pressed against your stomach and where he protruded with each brutal thrust. You were completely fucked out; the tears pressed against your eyes and slid freely to the sheets below.
“Please,” you begged, voice breaking, “need to cum. Please let me cum sensei. I’ll – I’ll be your good girl, promise. Need it sooo bad,” you sobbed, thrashing under his steely hold.
Your legs burned from the extreme position he forced you to maintain. You babbled almost incoherently as your fingers sought out his hair, lifting your neck from the mattress to reach his lips. His kisses were soft and sweet, a complete contrast to how he was treating the rest of your body.
He grunted, jaw clenching as he continued to fuck into you without a single ounce of mercy. Sweat trickled down his brow, and you knew he was close to his limits as his pace faltered ever so slightly.
“Cum on my cock princess, want to feel you milking me with your tight walls.”
His words were like the trigger being pulled on a gun, you spasmed as the orgasm ripped through your body. It spread outwards from your belly until it reached your toes, fingertips and every other nerve ending. You were drowning in an endless ocean of your own release, and you could sense it tripping Kakashi’s.
Distantly you could hear the wild curses that flew from his mouth, the sucking drag of his breath as he swamped your small body with his much larger frame whilst he lost his control. Darkness dragged you under, wrapping you in a velvet blanket as you passed out from the sheer joy of it all.
Kakashi swore himself hoarse as he released deep into your vice-like walls. His seed shot through his cock like a force of nature, intent on painting your insides entirely white. This was the most intense orgasm of his life, he had never before felt like he could collapse from how sensitive he instantly became.
One look at your fucked out face was enough for a whine of his own to crawl from his throat, and the next second he saw your eyes flutter shut and panic set it in. Adrenaline spiked through his blood as he carefully pulled from your shuddering body.
The silver haired jonin pulled your supple body into his arms, hugging you close as he whispered in your ear. Soft praises and reassurance, encouraged you to come back to him and after only a minute had passed your eyes opened once again.
“Hi,” you whispered, that idiotic soft smile sitting on your lips when he wanted to strangle you for making him worry. His relief was palpable, gentle fingers stroked the hair from your sweaty face. Although his legs were burning from the exertion he stood from the bed with you tightly in his embrace.
“Where we going?” you murmured, pressing your face against his neck and planting butterfly kisses on the skin.
He chuckled at your affection and felt himself fall even more in love with you. His perfect girl, and now that he knew you could handle both sides of him, he was beyond ecstatic.
“Gonna run us a warm bath, then I’m gonna pamper you like the princess you are,” he told you as he carried you with ease to the adjoining bathing room.
Kakashi was true to his word.
For the rest of the day, the man worshipped you, wouldn’t allow you to lift even a single finger. It made you contemplate that if this was the level of aftercare you should expect after sensei came out to play, then you were definitely going to provoke him more.
You loved both sides of your boyfriend, and you told him so as you rested snugly in the crook of his neck. An idle finger drew lazy patterns across the definition of his chest, taking your time to admire the littering of past battle scars that flecked the surface of his otherwise smooth upper body. He really was an absolute treat for the eye, and that thought brought another idea to your mind…
“Fancy ice-cream?”
Kakashi’s cunning smile was answer enough as he rolled you into the sheets.
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skyward-floored · 7 months
Febuwhump collab day 18 - too weak to move
Hi yep I’m still working on febuwhump XD I’ve got two more fics after this in fact! Expect the next one up either later today or tomorrow >:)
This was suggested by an anon, thank you! They wanted Warriors or Sky, so I kinda did both. It ended up taking a turn I didn’t expect, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Heat exhaustion, a brief discussion about infertility
Today’s lovely art
Ao3 link
“Aunt Sun! Aunt Sun Aunt Sun where’d you go we need you!”
Sun looked up from the lemonade she was mixing, and saw Wind run into the kitchen, almost tripping on his flip-flops but catching himself.
“Aunt Sun!” he gasped, and Sun looked at him in surprise.
“What’s the matter Wind? Did Sky and Warriors finally get tired of hucking snowballs at each other?” she asked, leaning on the counter. “I’m all for a snow day, but it’s just too hot to be out there, even with snow.”
“No, no they didn’t, b-but Warriors was making a really big snowball and then he fell over and now he won’t get up, and Uncle Sky told me to get you,” Wind stuttered, and Sun froze, then immediately dropped what she was doing.
“Lead the way,” she said quickly, and followed Wind outside, the heat hitting her like a physical weight.
The area was suffering through a horrible heat wave, and everyone was desperate to cool down, in any way they could manage. Warriors had brought Wind over to hang out with Aryll for a while, and offered to generate some snow for a snowball fight. It had helped a lot with staying cool, but Sun had gotten to the point where she hadn’t been able to handle the heat any longer, even with snow, and she’d gone in to mix up a more reliable way of cooling down.
She was wondering now if she should’ve stayed out, though.
Wind led her to the backyard, where several rapidly melting piles of slush lay, Sky kneeling among them and apparently uncaring of how wet he was getting. Aryll sat next to him, her eyes wide, and Warriors lay collapsed beside them both, parts of him pale while others were flushed with heat.
A sharp spark of fear hit Sun’s chest.
“What happened?” she asked quickly as she kneeled down beside the two, Sky frantically shading Warriors with one wing while the other fanned air towards him.
“I don’t know, he was just making some more snow, and then all of a sudden he just...” Sky gestured helplessly, and Sun leaned over Warriors, unsure of where to start.
“He sleeping?” Aryll asked in confusion, and Wind picked her up, looking shaken.
“I don’t think so Aryll,” he said quietly.
Warriors’ eyes flickered open then, and they all leaned forward to look at him, his expression confused as he blinked up at them all.
“Wh’ happened?” he mumbled, and twitched a little like he was trying to sit up. He didn’t make it more then maybe an inch though, and Sky and Sun both pushed him back down, Wind and Aryll looking on with wide eyes.
“You just collapsed Wars, take it easy,” Sky said worriedly, still fanning him. “How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
It took Warriors a moment to respond, all of them watching him carefully. And when he did finally speak, his voice was unusually quiet and raspy.
“...dunno,” he murmured, blinking dizzily at them all. “Sort of... s-sick, I-I guess...”
Sky leaned over and put a hand on Warriors’ forehead, and the worry on his face sharpened.
“...you feel warm. Warriors, you’re never warm,” he said in a voice that was on the verge of panicking.
“‘parently I am today,” Warriors slurred, looking dizzy as he closed his eyes again.
Sun tugged Sky’s hand out of the way so she could feel Warriors’ forehead as well, and she frowned at the heat that met her fingers. Warriors wasn’t burning up or anything, but for someone who always ran cold, the fact that he was warm to the touch at all was worrying in more ways than one.
Sun made quick eye contact with Sky, and the look on his face confirmed her own thoughts.
He pushed himself too far.
“Wind, would you take Aryll inside and get a wet washcloth? There’s some clean ones next to the sink,” Sun said, and Wind nodded and went back into the house, Aryll still looking back with a curious look. “We should get him inside, it’ll be cooler in there.”
“Yeah, yeah that’s a good idea,” Sky said with worry thick in his voice, and Sun gave his hand a quick squeeze.
Sun then helped him sit Warriors up, his head lolling a bit. They each pulled one of his arms over their shoulders, Sky pulling his wings in, and lifted him up, slowly carrying him inside. Warriors didn’t move much during all this, looking blearily around as they moved him, and the lack of anything else only worried Sun more.
Normally Warriors would’ve cracked a stupid joke by now, or at least reassured them he was okay, especially earlier with Wind and Aryll watching. Instead all he did was remain slumped in their arms, and Sun and Sky wasted no time in bringing him into the house.
They laid Warriors on their couch, Aryll watching curiously from the floor, and Wind returned after a minute with a wet cloth like Sun had asked. She quickly wiped it over Warriors’ face, dripping it in his hair and dampening his skin, then placed it on his forehead.
“Is he okay?” Wind asked once she’d finished, and Sky ruffled his hair.
“We think he just overheated a bit buddy. He should just need to take it easy,” Sky reassured, though Sun could still see the worry plastered all over his face.
“Can I help at all?” Wind asked, anxiously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Sun looked at her nephew, and nodded, seeing the worry bright in his eyes.
“Yes, I think you’re exactly who we need,” she said kindly, and gestured him over. “Would you blow a bit of air on Warriors? It doesn’t have to be a lot, but it’ll help him cool down faster.”
“Yeah, I can do that!” Wind said eagerly, then sat down in the chair beside Warriors, blowing a gentle breeze through the air.
Warriors shifted as the air brushed him, and he let out a quiet sigh, turning his head towards the breeze. Sun and Sky watched him in silence for a moment, and Aryll wobbled over and poked her head up by Warriors’, smiling when the air blew past her own face as well.
“Sleep?” she said, poking him with a chubby hand, and Sky tugged her away.
“...yes, he’s resting right now pumpkin, so let’s leave him alone, okay?” he said, and Aryll blinked, Sky gently pulling her back from her uncle’s side.
He picked Aryll up and set her over by some of her toys, trying to get her distracted, and Sun busied herself with wiping the cloth over Warriors’ face again, feeling his skin. Still too warm.
She held back a sigh, watching Warriors’ hair be tousled by the breeze Wind was making. Warriors and Sky had both been the ones to push themselves the most back during their hero days, often further then they should... but while just playing with his family, Warriors never gone so far as to pass out.
Something must be up.
Sky came back after a little while, Aryll happily stacking some blocks, and he looked down at his brother, still motionless and pale.
“Should we call a doctor?” he asked quietly, and Sun hesitated.
“...I don’t know. It seems like he’s just too hot, and I don’t think they’d be able to do anything for him that we can’t,” Sun said finally, wiping the cloth over Warriors’ forehead again. “Let’s give him a little while.“
“Alright. We should probably call Artemis though,” Sky mused, and Warriors cracked his eyes open.
“Don’ need to,” he murmured. “She doesn’t... need more problems. Leave ‘er be.”
Sun and Sky both raised their eyebrows at that, and Wind paused in his blowing, giving Warriors an odd look.
“Warriors... you’re not a problem. Especially not to Artemis,” Sun said, and Warriors closed his eyes, not replying.
Sky frowned.
“...Have you had any water to drink today Wars?” he asked suddenly, voice suspicious.
“I guess..? ‘lil...” Warriors mumbled after a moment of silence, and Wind looked down at him worriedly. “Don’... really remember...”
“So you spent the hottest day of the year making snowballs in our backyard, and you haven’t had any water all day. Is that what I’m hearing?” Sky asked with a bit of a bite to his voice. “Did you just forget you get dehydrated when you use your powers too much?!”
“I don’t know,” Warriors murmured. “...sorry.”
The fight went out of Sky all at once, and he sighed, wiping some sweat off his brow. He lightly nudged Warriors with a wing, and didn’t say anything for a moment, obviously thinking.
Sun decided to cut in. “Well you should drink something now, you need to get all that water you used up back in you, and it’ll help cool you down,” she pointed out, and Warriors gave a small nod.
“I can get him some!” Wind offered, and hopped off his chair, running into the kitchen before anyone else could offer to go.
Sun and Sky watched him scamper off, then turned back to Warriors, who was trying to sit himself up again. His arms shook, and Sky quickly grabbed him before he could fall, helping him up without a word.
Warriors leaned his head back once he was sitting upright, and closed his eyes, his face worn. Sun studied him for a moment, fixing the cloth when it tried to slide off. Warriors looked tired, but in more ways then one, a weariness apart from dehydration and overheating evident on his face.
Adding that to how he’d overused his powers, forgotten to drink anything during the worst heatwave they’d had in years, and his reaction at the mention of his wife...
“Warriors... is everything alright with you and Arty?” she asked finally, looking at her brother in-law.
Warriors remained silent, his face creasing a bit further, and Sky and Sun gave each other looks.
Hit the nail on the head it seems.
“Alright Wars. Something’s eating at you. You never push yourself like this unless you’re really out of it, or something’s wrong,” Sky said as he sat down beside him, and Warriors softly huffed.
“Do not.”
“Do too. And I can think of at least three times off the top of my head,” Sky said pointedly. “Come on. What’s going on with you and Artemis?”
Warriors stilled, and the quiet buzz of the ceiling fan was the only noise in the room for a few moments. It was occasionally punctuated by Aryll’s giggling and the sound of Wind clattering around in the kitchen looking for a cup, and Sun was about to threaten to call Artemis and ask her for answers when Warriors let out a sigh.
“Things’ve just... been hard,” he said, voice still faint. “We’re okay, we haven’t... fought ‘r anything, but...”
He hesitated, then exhaled again.
“...We’ve been trying so hard,” Warriors murmured, eyes still closed. “For kids. But we...”
Sky put his hand on his shoulder, and Warriors swallowed.
“...I don’t know. Maybe it’s a sign we’re just not meant to be parents,” he whispered.
“Warriors, don’t talk like that,” Sun said softly, her heart falling at the grief in his voice. “You and Arty will be wonderful parents.”
Warriors didn’t reply, and Sun put her hand on his other shoulder, wishing she knew what else to say.
“Overextending yourself isn’t going to fix anything Wars,” Sky said softly, drawing his wings in. “This... this isn’t your fault. You can’t punish yourself for things outside your control.”
Warriors seemed to droop further where he sat, and his eyes remained stubbornly closed.
“I want... to fix it,” he said in a voice so quiet Sun could barely hear it. “But I can’t. It’s a problem I can’t... solve, and Arty’s suffering for it.”
“And it isn’t your fault,” Sun reminded him. “You can’t control this Warriors, and you’re suffering just as much as Arty is. Don’t minimize that.”
Warriors stilled, and Sun fixed the wet cloth on his forehead where it had fallen slightly.
“I’m sorry Link,” Sky said quietly. “I knew you two were struggling with it, but I didn’t realize...”
“It’s all right,” Warriors murmured, and Sky squeezed his shoulder.
“Still. If there’s anything you two need... just ask, okay? We’re here to help Wars, but we can’t if you don’t let us.”
“Or if you make bad decisions such as creating too much snow in the worst heatwave I can remember,” Sun added, and Warriors’ mouth twitched into a faint smile.
“I’m already... regretting that, trust me.”
Sun smiled back, and Warriors finally opened his eyes, looking between the two of them. He still looked unusually subdued, but he seemed a little better then before, and Sun counted it as a win.
“We should let Artemis know you collapsed though,” Sun said, brushing some hair out of her face with a sigh. “And somebody is going to have to drive you home... then maybe we can discuss this a little more. But right now you need to rest, and focus on cooling down.”
Warriors sighed. “Yeah. I know.”
Sun gave his shoulder a squeeze, then withdrew it, resolving to bring things up with Artemis next time they had some time to talk. If Warriors was feeling this badly, she could only imagine how Artemis was doing.
“I got your water!”
All three adults looked up as Wind finally walked back into the room, carefully holding a mug in his hands and looking a little frazzled.
“I couldn’t reach your water cups and I didn’t want to break them by blowing them so I just got a mug cause it’s basically a cup, and I know this one is kind of weird but I it was the first one I found,” Wind rambled, and looked at Warriors anxiously. “Are... are you feeling better, Warriors?”
Warriors took the garishly colored mug with a trembling hand, then took a long sip of water. Some color seemed to come back to his face as he drank, and when he lowered the mug, he gave Wind a small smile.
“Yeah bud, I am,” he said quietly as he looked at his hands. “Sorry for scaring you.”
“I wasn’t scared,” Wind said quickly, then climbed up on Sky so he could be next to Warriors. “Just... don’t do that again.”
Warriors let out a soft chuckle. “No promises. But I’ll do my best.”
Wind flicked a puff of air at Warriors’ face with a grumpy huff, but after a moment he went back to blowing a soft breeze at him like he had earlier, looking relieved.
Warriors relaxed as it hit him, and closed his eyes, looking much better then he had before.
Sky gave Warriors’ shoulder one more gentle nudge, but didn’t say anything further, and Sun got up to go phone Artemis. Wind started in on some kind of story about what one of his brothers had done recently, Aryll toddling back over to sit beside them and listen, and Sun looked back and watched them for a moment, a somewhat sad smile on her face.
Then she headed for the phone, Aryll’s giggles following her.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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Best SasuSaku Moments in the NOVELS:
Best moments in Manga
Best moments in Anime(Boruto)
So, She has become a shinobi that people can count on, huh. Sasuke thought. Then, I can’t stop either. 
Source: Sasuke Shinden.
Sasuke always felt low-key pride in Sakura’s achievements.
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Source: Akatsuki Hiden
Her love is a "Spring Sunshine" to his dark life.
"Sasuke looked over the two of them, and gave a gentle smile that he never showed anyone but Sakura."
Source: Boruto: The Novel
Sasuke doesn't mind Sakura seeing a vulnerable gentle side of himself, that he had shown to no one but her.
Crossing her hands behind her waist,
«Welcome home, darling.» she — Sakura — said.
The wind that was blowing inside the house swayed her cherry blossom-coloured hair.
«Yeah. I’m home.» Saying these words to her again, after a long time, Sasuke had finally felt like he is home.
Source: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day.
Sasuke was back in the village for hours, but only after seeing Sakura, and saying "I am home" to her, he finally felt like he is home. This further focused on in Retsuden - Where he calls Sakura, his home.
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Source: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day.
The Haircut Scene. “I don’t need to be told about these things. Because, We are married.”
"A hand stretched from behind and covered his eyes activated with the sharingan and rinnegan, was a soft hand, so Sasuke gave a little panic, fingers covering his eyelids...then recognized those hands. 
"No, don't be an idiot, she's not here” , that's not possible he tried to turn his head to look back, but his body was no longer strong, he was about to fall back, suddenly his body was trapped, trapped by a body that knew perfectly, to which he was already used to it. 
- Silence, Sasuke- Kun, you'll be fine - It was Sakura's voice, his wife."
Source: Sasuke Retsuden
I loved how Sasuke had Sakura's body memorized, and how it's explicitly mentioned that he knew her body perfectly, enough to know her touch, even when he is so far away from home. They are truely connected.
When it comes to hard work, Sakura works harder, that's how she is. After a brief glance at her, Sasuke surrendered and sighed.
- I know, I get it. Just don't work too hard, okay?
- Of course! - said Sakura, as he smiled and looked toward his desk.
Source: Sasuke Retsuden
It's cute when Sasuke acts like a gentle caring husband who gets worried about his wife overworking herself.
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Source: Sasuke Retsuden
"This Doctor is MY WIFE."
No more Words needed. XD.
Jiji looked at Sasuke's face as his serious expression morphed into concern.
- If the couple gets too far away, they'll lose their bond.
Sasuke didn't understand what Jiji was trying to say. Sakura was his family, no matter where he was, that fact would never change, he had never heard of a family member who ceases to be of your family. Even when he had such strong and negative emotions towards Itachi, he was always his brother, no matter what had happened in the shinobi world, he would always be ready to call him his brother. For Sasuke, Sakura was his family, his partner, whom He always returned to when he arrived at the village, they did not need a blood connection; their feelings don't change even though they can't be around each other often.
Source: Sasuke Retsuden
Sasuke says that no matter how far they are, or how for long they haven't seen eachother, Sasuke's feelings for Sakura will never change.
This has been said by Sasuke's Japanese voice actor also, that Sasuke's feelings had always been "consistent", even before the novel was officially released.
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Source: Sasuke Retsuden
Sasuke makes Sakura a ring out of his chakra to stop prisoners from approaching her thinking that she is single XD. Seeing Sasuke do these things for someone is adorable.
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Source: Sasuke Retsuden
The Lake scene is Retsuden is really heart touching. Sasuke being open and vulnerable about his feelings is just T - T.
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Source: Sasuke Retsuden
Sasuke being panicked at the thought of Sakura being Seriously injured, Sasuke hugging Sakura, wiping off her tears. Ahh, That’s too much for my KOKORO.
(If Gigi was here at this moment, who know what he might have done to him *Ahem* Zaku's dislocated Arm, Shin's crushed body *Ahem*).
Were there some secret plans? Sasuke’s facial expression was the same as usual.
Suddenly, Sakura released both of her hands from the grip of the bike and stood up. The upper half of her body turned around and faced right behind. She seized the collar of Sasuke’s clothes and pulled him towards herself.
And then She presses her tied lips on Sasuke’s lips.
“Eh..“, Naruto opened his mouth when they suddenly exchanged a kiss on top of his head.
“Because I believe in You“, said Sakura.
Source: Naruto Retsuden
LOL. Makes me wonder if they kiss in front of Naruto more often XD.
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Source: Sasuke Shinden: Star Pupil
Sasuke and Sasuke like to have late night pillow talks. *And maybe more than just that XD*
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LOL...Sarada teases Sasuke for kissing Sakura. First Naruto, then Sarada. Aww Sasuke’s private life is not private anymore. XD. 
Best SasuSaku Moments in the Manga
Best SasuSaku Moments in the Anime(Boruto)
999 notes · View notes
arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
ALSO- I have a request! Brothers (+royals if you want) reacting to an MC who is extremely affectionate once they like someones- gives hugs, praises often, gives gifts, does their best to help when they can- but if any of this affection is returned they cry. Hard. Because they're emotionally constipated and any affection or love they receive overwhelms them- this also embarrasses them extremely-
Damn.... didn't think I'd feel called out by a prompt request XD it seems my time has come!
I'm guessing royals are Diavolo and barbatos so I added them but if you ever request again and someone you wanted wasn't here, feel free to comment and I'll make sure to add them
Brothers + Diavolo & barbatos with an overly affection MC with issues
He grew use to your affection ways
The words of praise when you notice he finished a work load
Or when you'd pat his head when he was tired
At first he wondered why you would handle or touch him likes he's a fragile doll but he grew to love how gentle you were
Subconsciously he'd lean his head down whenever he completed a task expecting a head pat
Even if you weren't there but if he's caught he'll just pretend he was tired
Lucifer wasn't always the most affectionate, especially as he rarely shows how much he genuinely loves the people around them
He decided to return the gesture, you recently got a high grade in a class you were struggling in
He patted your head, giving it a light ruffle
"You did good, you're improving alot - it's very promising."
Didn't expect you to start crying, aggressively shoving away your tears
"what's wrong? Did something-"
"I just- this is embarassing- you patted my head and people don't really do that for me and I just-"
"Ah, I see, then I shall do it more often."
"even in public?"
He was never a public man, wanting to get his softer side hidden in the protection of his soul and the walls surrounding his room
But here you were, crying because he simply caressed your cheek
He wants you to be happy and feel as loved as he does
So he'll happily push his walls down for you
"if it means this much to you, then yes but let's keep it appropriate."
"How's my handsome super model?! Did it go well? Aww you look tired, let's get you rested, okay?"
He's so in love
No one has ever made him feel this mooshy and love sick and he's ANCIENT
He's use to his brothers always insulting him - he likes a good tease and making a rude remark about each other but they tend to push it
They hit his Insecurities and think he can handle it because they're demons
But he wasn't always
Then you came along, giving him head pats and words of praise
Always standing up for him
He fell for you so quickly and so hard
He basically turns into a puppy when he's with you
When you left with Satan to get groceries he had to be forced to not go with you, waiting at the stairs for you to come back
As soon as Satan left with even your bags included, he came bolting for you
Leaping into your arms and squeezed you tight, insisting he didn't miss you but just got bored
The way he's nuzzling your cheek says otherwise
When you began crying he immediately panicked
"Did Satan do something to ya?! I swear I'll beat-"
"I'm just not use to others being as affectionate as I am back to me - it's okay."
"Huh?! Well I guess the greatest demon of all time has to be that person, that's me! Don't forget it, okay?! I'm going to smother you."
Mammon is already a touchy person but knows to be respectful, since that day his hands are always on you
Either holding your hand, touching your shoulder, petting your hair or just Hugging you
Levithan isn't one to give or receive when it comes to affection
He tends to get overwhelmed by just a head pat and gets embarassed if his fingers accidentally brush against yours
You're an overly affectionate person
He's a simple man who needs self worth
It's definitely a good duo
You've learned to be more vocal about your praises and affections, still testing the waters with physical touch
But from time to time he'll ask to get a head pat if he's really proud of himself
Has made you call him your little pog champ
"Levi are you- oh sorry you're streaming- I'll just leave these here."
He was confused until he saw the section dish filled with different snacks with a energy drink in the middle
He almost teared up
"No! Stay with me, they'll like you!"
In an act of no thoughts and boldness, he pulled you into his lap
You fell awkwardly and was half straddling half on his side
As soon as you got comfortable you hide your face In his neck forcing back tears
Not wanting to cry on stream
"You're so sweet, levi, I'm sure your followers can agree."
He literally short circuited
Hiding his face in your shoulder as he got flustered
"You're sweeter than me, you're always being nice to me - I really lo- like you for that."
Anyone who watched that stream now ships you - the non believers didn't believe all the stories he told about you but now they had physical proof
That stream was re-upload so many times with comps filled with him gushing about you
Levithan is determined to make sure you never see them but it's too late and you cried with joy in your room
Next time you saw him you kissed his cheek and he immediately melted
Did kiss your cheek back though but did it so quick and harsh that you stumbled backwards
Someone being gentle to him????
Someone who doesn't keep away from his because of his sin????
Who??? What??!!
You're the who! he was SHOCKED you were so happy to get close to him and just treat him so kindly
He made a theory on the Devildom detectives group that you're actually an angel but it backfired by demons just telling him he's got feelings for you
He does but he didn't expect to get called out on a whole forum
"You're really smart, thanks for always helping me with my studies - I've found It alot easier to study and remember all my notes now, you're a good teacher!"
He's so smitten with you
You could be saying the most disgusting or insulting thing and he'd still smile and nod
He needed help getting food for this secret but really not so secret pet cat and you gladly accepted to help him
When you two were just spending time together in his room and when suddenly picked up his cat
You didn't think too much of it but grinned when he booped the cats nose onto yours
"thank you for being so kind to me- it means alot."
the cat was like you; overly affectionate so it didn't surprise you when it started gently pawing at your face and giving you little kisses
"I feel embarrassed by admitting this so I'm letting Chaos show how I feel."
He avoided looking at you
It would be for the best as you started crying, taking the cat from his hold and kissing it's head repeatedly
"and that's how I feel about you trying to move through your discomfort and be open with me."
His cheeks are BURNING
Holds your hand throughout the rest of the hang out
You're being gentle and affection despite Everyone perceiving him as a sex hungry annoyance?
You're immediately his favourite - sorry Solomon
You always understood his protectiveness over his appearance
Fixing his hair and pushing back stands if you ever pet it
You didn't need to but you always told him you washed your hands before touching his face
You always did these simple things to make him feel at ease
But he loved your touch
No matter any comment he makes; he adores you and just being able to have these tender moments with you
He knew you were special to him when you walked in on him
Barely awake, hair messy, no makeup or moisturizer - he didn't look even the slightest bit appealing
And just smiled, looking at him no differently even when his voice came out tired and croaky
"You're really pretty even when you just wake up, it's so unfair - what's your secret?"
"because it's me, darling! I always look good~"
Internally, he was freaking out about how you liked him at what he deemed - his most unattractive state
So it only made sense he became more touchy and grew closer to you
"are you sure I look good in this? I know you're very up to date with fashion."
"You look stunning, I haven't seen a bad look on you yet, perhaps your charm is just as high as mine."
He was holding your hips, smiling as you both looked in the mirror
He wrapped his arms around you, leaning on your shoulder
"I think you look good all the time, you're just amazing like that."
You tried to hide your tears but he could see them, immediately asking you what's wrong
"Nothing- I just- that means alot coming from you and you're always being so affection towards me....its really nice."
He just hugs you tighter, smiling
"I just treat you how you treat me, you're a real angel."
This guy is worried about so many things
He's scared of hurting you
He's worried if he gets carried away with touching you he'll make you uncomfortable and his gluttony will act up; wanting more of your tender touch until he feels full
The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable or you feel forced to be affectionate to him because he could throw a fit
He's always ashamed of his hunger tantrums
But when he does do affection it's either carrying you or holding your hand
But was so happy whenever you cuddled hi against him or when you gave him praise
He could spend the whole day with you running your fingers through his hair, telling him he's a good demon and that he means something to you
"Can you finish this for me? I'm not feeling that hungry right now."
You offered your bowl to Beel, he happily took it
As you two spent time with each other he noticed you eyeing some of the more sweeter things set out on the table
He gently pushed it towards you
"Eat if you want it, I'll share."
You waved your hand, not wanting to take food from him
"I'm just snack-ish, I can't eat a meal right now."
You knew how hungry he could get and didn't want to leave him peckish
You knew that small feeling could easily turn into something bigger
But he just nudged it closer to you
"You eat what you want, I'll have what you don't finish."
You finally agreed, knowing he was insisting on you to eat with him
He patted your head, smiling as he watched you eat
"are you sure you won't still feel hungry?"
"you make me feel full, it soothes another type of hunger in me, it's nice."
He grabbed your hand, nuzzling his cheek against it, he couldn't stop smiling as you just looked at him in surprise
You finally grinned, tearing up and shook your head, you leaned against him and continued eating
Gripping his hand tighter as you pushed back your tears
He was spoilt
Beel was always looking after him, helping him get ready for school and drying his hair, carrying him around when he was too tired to walk
And you were only fueling his spoilt nature
You always showered him in affection
Petting his hair whilst he laid his head on your lap, combed his tail, told him he looked cute
"My precious little belphie, are you feeling okay? I noticed you were struggling to sleep today at lunch."
Whilst he believed he looked intimidating with his heavy bags and sleepy grin
You found him adorable, treating him like a sweet innocent boy on those special nights of just you two cuddling
It's been a long time since he's felt innocent
You were always checking in on him
Making him feel special and cared for
He was a soft mess in your hands
"Hold me more, your hands feel so nice~"
He placed his hands on yours, making you gently squish his cheeks
"Don't you wanna cuddle?"
He raised a brow, a smug smile growing on his face
"it seems you want to."
"we don't have to-"
"If you wanna be held just ask, I'm more than happy to hold you."
He wrapped his arms around you, shifting his position and buried his face into your chest, humming as your hands ran through his hair
He gave you a small squeeze
"It feels good to be the one hugging you, you're always so comfy~"
He began murmuring how much he loves this time with you, drifting to sleep as he praised you, letting himself mindlessly go on about how wonderful and sweet you are until he started to snore
You let your tears fall
Holding him closer as you softly thanked him for his words
He just hugged you tighter in his sleep, his smile growing
the fact you're unafraid to be with him and around him is already amazing but you freely hold his hand and pat his head
He thinks he's knocked his head and been taken to the celestial realm
People are intimidated by his title as prince and having you so care free in his company is new for him
So of course he enjoys how affectionate you are!
He embraces all your touches and praise!
He's even had you sitting on his lap during meetings, letting you hug him after a tiring day of studying
"You did great today, I really felt your passion for this new project, I think the students will really enjoy it!"
He gets so happy everytime you even look his way
Your smile alone fuels him for the whole day
"Meet me in the castle today, there's something I need you to do for me."
You agreed, not thinking much of it; most likely a new update on the school fair
What you didn't expect was to be greeted by shopping bags and gift boxes and even a human sized teddy bear with demon horns, you tried to ignore them as Diavolo came jogging down the steps
"What did you need me for?"
"I want you to see what you like, I bought as much as I could before Barbatos stopped me, I hope they're up to your liking."
You were speechless
You felt as if you touched the gifts you wouldn't be able to hold back; you were excited to see what he got but you didn't want to seem too excited
"Please, go ahead - it's all yours unless something is not up to your liking."
You finally went through the shopping bags; there was clothes, products, jewelry, shoes and all other sorts of items
You hugged the giant close to your chest, choking back on your tears
"thank you-"
"No need to thank me, you're always so kind to me I just wanted to return the favour."
You were a like a breath of fresh air, someone he could just go to
He can unwind and be rewarded for his efforts and others normally don't notice
Whilst his lord was always praising him, it felt different with you
It felt so joyful
You would brush through his hair, always thank him even if he's just doing his job and always seem to be in awe at what he does
He'll never forget the gloves you gave him, sleek and a perfect fit with a cursive 'B' stitched to the edge - they were enchanted to warm up whenever he got cold
"Wow! You prepared all this?! That must of taken you ages! You're really amazing, Barb."
"I'm simply doing my job but your praise makes it all worth it."
Often invites you to the castle for tea
He'll make any excuse to have you come see him; the prince wants to talk, he wants a hand with a recipe, he needs an outsider's opinion on something
Whatever he can come up with; he will use it
You might as well just stay in one of the guest bedrooms because you're always coming to the castle
Speaking of excuses; today Barbatos decided to thank your lovely behaviour
Convincing you to come to the castle and meet him in the dining hall
"I saw you eyeing some recipes whilst helping me in the kitchen so, I made you them AND wrote down how I did it exactly so you can make them any time you like."
"I- you didn't have to do that! Thank you for this, they look delicious."
"I always wanted to give you this."
You couldn't even ask what it was
He already held it up for you to see
It was a box of gloves with your the first letter of your name stitched onto the edge
They were heat up gloves!
"I thought you'd appreciate your own as they'll always be handy but the gesture of matching with someone you're close to is very appealing."
He helped you put the gloves on, pinching the tip of your fingers to make sure they fitted properly
He held your hand, admiring how it looked in his
You couldn't stop a few tears forming, smiling
You felt abit silly crying over heat up gloves but you couldn't help it
"I want to match with you more often, perhaps one day it'll end up being a ring."
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captain039 · 2 years
PART 5 The prey
Yautja(prey) x reader
Warnings: Predator/prey kink, sexual, smut, we monster fudging tonight people, ABO, heats, explicit, swearing
(1900s eraish)
Vor’mekta - Stalker
(Short sort meaning from me. After surviving the attack from Naru, he learnt to stalk, watch his prey, watch the humans grow and rebuild, less killing and more learning, which is why they call him Stalker. Also couldn’t find Feral in their dictionary xD)
Last part <-
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You jolted awake unaware of your surroundings and the smells. Your eyes darting around the cave in confusion before a low clicking noise came. You sighed holding your head, you were too tired for this. You felt your palm get wet and realised you were crying. Gods what a fucked up situation.
You jolted at the touch on your face and gulped seeing the hunter face to face now. It wiped away a tear tilting its head like it was confused by what you were doing.
“It’s a tear” you stated warning a soft click of their fang part.
“I’m emotional, upset, I cry when I’m upset” you tried to explain but it just tilted its head, continuing its soft growling of curiosity.
“Guess you guys don’t cry” you mumbled hugging your knees.
“Vor’mekta” you frowned at the strange form of speech before the hunter pointed to himself.
“You’re name?” You asked and he nodded, so he understood to an extent.
“I didn’t really understand what you said though” you sighed it was gravely, more mumble than anything.
“Vor-“ he stopped head lifting up making you worried. He snarled lowly and you held back a whimper, he must’ve heard something you didn’t. He stood and you panicked getting up too only to fall back down on the furs.
“Wait!“ you whisper yelled but he didn’t listen. He grabbed something from the side of the cave, a spear it looked like before leaving your sight. You shuddered, suddenly very exposed and cold. There were strange lights around, probably his alien lights. Was that what he was? An alien of some sort? Betty said he was a hunter taking skulls and spines- you gulped seeing skulls, bears? Wolves? Is that what he hunted. You saw human skulls though to and your blood went cold. You heard footsteps coming back and a annoyed growl coming from him as he threw the spear and almost grumbled to himself as he went to his things. He was tapping at something, red lights popping up from nothing. You grew too curious and stood watching him as he typed, strange symbols appearing suddenly. You were getting a little closer, watching before he turned to you.
“I’m sorry” you backed away quickly tripping over something. He caught you quickly worried growling now coming from him.
“I’m fine” you mumbled and he tilted his head but nodded. You were placed on his thigh, a clawed hand resting on your stomach. He continued his tapping while you flushed furiously and didn’t dare move. It shocked you how gentle this thing could be, obviously it was a killing machine. It still purred lowly obviously figuring out it calmed you. Your heat ridden brain kicked in though quickly, suddenly very close to a prime alpha. Your hips moved on their own making you whine and his tapping slow. You’ve never had sex, only ever touched yourself briefly before hiding your face in the pillows from embarrassment, but your body seemed to know what to do as you continued. You hung your head on so many levels was this wrong, but you didn’t care the hand around you moved to clench your side and you stopped coming back to reality. You let out a shudder and the low growl and deep inhale he did. He spoke again, you didn’t comprehend any of it though as you stood and went to the furs, cheeks on fire. You hid in the furs, suddenly feeling very nested and settled despite the recent activity’s. You heard him shuffle around before no more movements could be heard and only soft snarling echoed. You shouldn’t have listened to Betty, you should’ve gone to Tommy or something not this- thing! You rolled over jumping slightly as the hunter knelt by your bed. You gulped unsure of what it was doing as it tilted its head.
“What?” Tou asked but it didn’t answer, just wiggled it’s fangs. They were weird, they seemed to move on their own like an arm attached to his face, a very little arm that is, holding a tooth. You assumed it was a helmet attached to his face, strange skull of some sort probably from his alien planet. You frowned as it lifted its hand and a light hiss echoed before the helmet lifted up and off. If you weren’t scared before you were now, this thing was terrifying to look at, on normal circumstances you would be out this cave and running for your dear life. You frowned though, it wasn’t looking directly at you, it’s eyes seemed to be unfocused, could it not see properly without the mask. You sat up, it followed the movement of you but seemed to dart across your face. You waved a hand in front of him and he snarled lightly shaking his head. You knew you shouldn’t but here you were touching its face. You watched its eyes close slowly it’s small face arms moving with soft purring noises. You knew they weren’t face arms but you didn’t know what else to call them at the moment. It’s ‘eyebrow’ muscles moved as you traced over them and up his forehead. You thought he would be slimy for some reason, like a snake maybe, but no he was dry and rough. His little teeth scraped your wrist and you pulled back thinking you did something wrong. It’s eyes opened a yellow and orangey colour. Despite his scary appearance, you were calm and less frightened than before. You sat back down hand over your stomach at the pain, like hell you’d forget about that. Actually you blame him for it, he started it.
“This is your fault” you stated crossing your arms watching his head tilt in confusion.
“You triggered my heat!” You exclaimed.
“For a week! I have been in my bed crying in pain, Betty said i had to go find you and here we are, nothing has changed!” You sighed lying back down, your back facing him. You felt the furs moved and shuffled more over so he didn’t touch you, he however had other plans. A clawed hand tugged you back to a hard scaly chest and you struggled earning a growl of warning. You turned over much to his displeased noises and glared at him.
“Don’t cuddle me!” You stated making him tilt his head again.
“I don’t need to be cuddle! I need to be fucked!” You were pissed now pushing his clawed hand off and lying back where you were. You heard an annoyed growl, the fur covering you snatched off making you ready to snap back till you were forced on your stomach. His hand pressing your head against the furs. Unwanted excitement ran through you as you heard your clothes torn off. You struggled but it only earned a growl so you gave in. You were forced to lift your hips up making you freeze, you did say you needed to be fucked- you didn’t mean literally!
You heard shuffling before another low growl came and something nudged at your entrance. You whimpered, forcing your body to relax at the intrusion. Even with your heat and slick you weren’t prepared, you had tears down your face, wishing the hand on your head would leave. You sobbed biting your bottom lip as his hand finally moved and hips met yours. You groaned and panted, forcing yourself to your elbows so you could breathe properly. You heard him growl softly before he purred. The vibrations seeming to go through his body and through you. The sensation was strange and you moaned back arching. Gods you were full, but you felt relief, so much relief. His hands were planted either side of your face and you lifted your upper body to your hands. You were met with a hard chest and another low growl. You barred your neck and it spurred him to move. You whimpered and felt your arms shake before you fell back to the furs. His hand kept your hips up though, slow drags along your walls made you roll your eyes back. Gods this felt good, now that the horrid sting was gone you just felt full. The steady thrusts of his hips and the feeling of his cock inside you. You felt drunk, moaning like a lady at the brothel would if she got paid.
He quickened though and you couldn’t focus on anything, completely drunk on the feeling as you cried. The purring had stopped, low growls and snarls echoed with your moans and cries. You hands fisted the furs tightly till your hands hurt, a feeling of a knot in your stomach forming and tightening. You felt his knot too and worried but was cut off by a harsh thrust. You felt yourself wanting to black out at the intense pressure release. You cried, body collapsing as you felt your release. He growled loudly above you, teeth in your shoulder making you cry again as his knot settled inside you. You blacked out for a moment, body jolting awake as you heard loud panting above you. You groaned weakly, the hunter laid you on your side, keeping you pressed against him, still connected inside you. You moaned and whimpered lying your head on his arm. He tugged and you panicked.
“Don’t!” you said maybe when they mated with each other they just pulled out, gods that would hurt. He stayed put, lying very still, breathing slowing down quicker than yours before he purred again. You sighed exhausted, your heat dying down but your head was still fuzzy. Your shoulder ached like hell but somehow you felt complete. His chest vibrated and it soothed you to sleep along with the purr, you passed out quickly.
Next part ->
@lady-charinette @takottai @sugabebe16 @xxyaoi-nationxx @perseny @purplekitten30 @nightsong @itzarat1900 @thsrndkd @our-lilly @latte-109 @blackdeawing14 @lulu-83 @curious-expectations
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0oolookitsme · 3 years
Genre- Blurb 
Pairing- Longhair!Harry x reader
Word Count- 915
Warnings- Anxiety, cursing (may be), and none just fluff
A/N- idk what's wrong but i am going through a "HS writers block" era lol and I am trying to write! That's probably the reason I have been posting a lot of blurbs lately.... but don’t worry 2 series are a WIP and yeah! ENJOY <333
"You woke?" he finally sends the text. "Yes sir XD" she replied within a few seconds, because of which Harry's heart came back to it's normal pace."why are you awake missy?" He texted. “It’s literally storming outside and I’m just vibing along” she texted again. 
“Are you serious? There’s no way you could be enjoying this weather!” he texted, a furrow already making a home in between his brows. “Well...guess what? I am :)”. even though she texted the smiley Harry still knows that it’s pure sarcasm. “What are you doing up mister?” She texted again, noticing that Harry’s lost.
“Loosing my shit :D” he texted back and y/n couldn’t help but snort but feel slight off at the same time. She know Harry's afraid of storms m, “Is this going where I assume this is going” she texted, just like she isn't panicking on the other side and knowing Harry’s grin has replaced the furrow. “May be, I mean there’s no harm in it right?” he texted back. “Yeah and also the fact that I can drive in storm very well :)” sarcasm drenching from her text. 
“What about I drive there?” he texted still smiling. “Nah that wouldn’t be fare and also I’m not letting you drive in this storm” she texted, making Harry’s heart swell with love. “Okay how about you shut up and let me find my car keys? ;)” he texted, standing up from his bed and putting on a lower and a sweat shirt. 
Forgetting about his anxiety..
“H” she texted, which meant next text is going to be serious or a plan or a idea. He didn’t reply, indicating her to go on without his interruption. “How about we both drive to that small diner near the bridge?” she texted and Harry directly called her. 
“You now I hate calls!” she instantly beamed. “Well hello to you too lovie” he said, which was followed by y/n looking like she was ‘bouta smack his arse from inside the phone. “Cut the crap, you coming?” she said again, smiling when she hear Harry laugh. “Yupp, found my keys” he said jiggling the keys so she could hear. 
“okayy” she almost whispered, making a confused face wondering why the hell did her voice come out like that. “it’s not safe to drive while on phone darling” he said when he heard the engine being started. “the phone’s on speaker” “you’re gonna meet me in what 10 mins? can’t wait that long eh?” “oh shut up and drive safe!” “you too! love yaa” he said, his cheeks aching from smiling so hard. “Love yaa” she said back, a soft smile evident in her voice. 
-skip the drive lol-
The door made a creek sound indicating the Harry that y/n arrived, well it can be someone else but it better be her. “Hii” y/n peeked through the door and slowly closed the door after hoping in, trying to keep it low. “Hii” Harry whispered, standing up to engulf his heart in a hug, a much needed one, seeing that storms scare him. And y/n knew that, that’s why she offered to come right away. 
The owner feels his heart swoon seeing two lovebirds be calm rather than just shoving their tongue down each other’s throat. He starts to prepare the kettle for the tea, first because he always offered it to the late night and regular customers and second because he appreciated the fact that they are keeping the environment calm and peace full. 
“Take your tea huns” he mumble while he prepares the croissant they ordered. “Thank you” they both said the same time, giggling it out later. 
As they finished and thanked the owner, Y/n followed Harry to his apartment after a debate on who’s place should they go to.
In which Y/n won, because of the fact that Harry’s the one who isn’t fond of the current weather but only after taking a walk on the bridge. 
They have beautiful memories on that bridge, after all that's where they celebrated their first valentines together. Harry had surprised her in the morning by taking her to a museum and at night y/n had proposed the idea of that bridge to Harry. Where they spent their whole night. Just talking, laughing and enjoying the comfortable silence dancing between them.
When Harry parked his car he went to open the door for y/n but getting defeated by time as y/n already was stepping out.
"I'm waiting for my cuddles" Harry said making grabby hands towards her breasts. She just laughed and dragged him to the door by pulling him through his sweat shirt.
“C’mere you” y/n said as soon as he opened the door. “Hmm” he hummed while being engulfed by her warm self. He held her tight, loving the way her body feels like it was moulded to be fit with Harry's.
She again dragged him to his bedroom, not breaking the hug or more like standing cuddle (lol).
The moment their head hit the soft material under them, they let out a content sigh. Harry smiling with his head under her (probably his) sweater, her laugh lulling him to sleep.
"Why you laughing hm?" He asked smiling, knowing the reason. "You hair's ticking me" she said, her laugh coming under a control.
“Good Night” Harry said, his anxiety seemingly calmed down and replaced with a love sick grin instead. “Night Lovie” she mumbled back, which resulted in him squeezing her tighter.
⊱ ────── {END} ────── ⊰
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