#I’m not out to my family and honestly I can’t ever see myself telling them
just-a-ghost00 · 3 days
You got mail 💌
Let’s find out what the person on your mind has to say to you. Pick one of the following emojis and discover your reading.
🌍 🩵 🌄 🤠
Group 1 🌍
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I may not show it to you but I am really happy we met. Everyday with you feels like a new adventure. Though we are worlds apart and so different from each other, I really feel like we match perfectly. You make me feel like I belong. Every moment spent with you is so much fun. It makes me want to jump forward and explore. You are so sweet and generous, so playful that I can’t help but to play along. I feel so lucky being with you. There is so much I want to do with you. I want to hang out with you and get to know you more. Maybe we could have a couple drinks, play in a park, have a little date by the river… if you wish. I feel so boring compared to you. With me, everything is always black and white. But you, my love, are so colorful and bright. I wish we were a family. I wish I could wake up in the morning to find you sitting at the table, eating breakfast with a smile on your face. I wish I could share with you my favorite spots and take you to every place I get to see. I wish I could find a way to express all that you mean to me. I tend to see the glass half empty. But when I’m with you I want to believe everything is possible. You have filled my cup with your love and I am so thankful for that. I can’t find the words to tell you how much I owe to you. You’ve made me a better person and I feel like I could never return the favor.
Group 2 🩵
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I may look like all is well and fine but to tell you the truth I feel hollow. And I could use some fun. I always seem so busy, always the life of the party, making everybody laugh and ensuring they have a good time. But deep inside, it’s getting tough. As the days go by, I feel my energy depleting and my motivation as well. I don’t even know why I do this anymore. I force myself for the sake of keeping appearances but honestly I’m not sure I like it at all. I’m afraid that if you dig deep enough, you wouldn’t like what you find there. I am much more fragile than I seem. Also much more mellow and soft when I get the chance. But lately I’m more of a zombie than anything. I don’t think I could bring you much joy nor comfort. I’m afraid I’ve turned bitter. It’s all about work and making sure the money gets in and less about enjoying what I’m doing. I need to pay the bills. There’s competition around. I can’t afford to lose. Everyone’s counting on me. People look up to me. I sacrificed a lot to get there. I can’t back down now. Who would I be if I did? I can’t disappoint. It’s all a masquerade but it’s for a cause. It might not look great to you but it means a lot to me. So, sorry if I’m acting cold but… it’s all for you baby. Don’t go thinking I found someone better. Believe me I don’t have the time for that.
Group 3 🌄
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Hold on a minute ! I know what you’re gonna think. What the heck is he/she saying? But hey, let me explain you’ll get it ! I may not be the strongest, the wisest or the most impressive of them all but one thing that’s sure about me is that I only have good intentions for you. I am ready to fight for you if that must be done. Thought I’m not good at that. Listen, my point is I really like you. I want to be with you, have fun with you, chat with you. I want us to take our time and get to know each other and hopefully to grow old together but that’s another story. With you I feel like a kid again. Sometimes, I gotta say, the feeling can be irritating. But at the same time it is freeing. I don’t have to chose a side. I don’t have to act a certain way to be accepted by you or understood. And that’s crazy! I’ve never experienced that before. Usually I would try to conform and play nice, show my best side and stick to the plan. But ever since I met you I want to free myself of those restraints. I want to find my home. I want to express my full potential without fearing being rejected or not belonging. I know you’ll never kick me out. Because you are the same aren’t you? The things I’ve seen, what I’ve been through, you’ve been there as well, right? I want to make a promise to you. Whatever comes our way, I swear I won’t run away. Even though it is scary and seems impossible, I will always work hard and do my best to make it. I may not be exactly your type or what you imagined a partner should be, but I am willing to learn. I am willing to tune to your melody and shelter whatever we may build together, not matter how unstable it may seem. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you to feel as safe with me as I feel with you. So if you’ll let me, let me fulfill that promise. You won’t regret it.
Group 4 🤠
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To be honest, at first I didn’t get the best of vibes from you. I was a little intimidated and didn’t want to get to know you. Especially considering what people were saying about you. But I tried to see past your exterior and once I got to know you I found out that you were very chill. Maybe it was because I didn’t know you. Maybe I feared the unknown territory you represented. Maybe I was just afraid of going deep. But curiosity got the best of me. And luckily for both of us I stayed around long enough to make my own opinion. And I have to say that you are quite surprising. I won’t lie, being with you asks a lot of efforts on my part. But every second spent with you is worth it. In your presence, I feel comfortable. Being with you reminds me of my childhood. I think of my mother and my family, of the days we spent together before I moved away and followed the wind where it took me. Every page of our story takes me deeper within. I see sides of myself I never noticed or didn’t want to remember. I remember the innocent days where doing something new weren’t as terrifying and meeting new people sounded like a thrill. Being with you I feel blessed and content. There’s a light heartedness and a warmth in my heart I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I’m alone at home you’re all I think about. When I’m at work also. There isn’t a single moment when you’re not on my mind. When I’m with you I feel hopeful. I think that maybe life isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. That maybe there is more waiting for me. Please, show me more of your different sides. Tell me more about what makes you happy. Let me in and let me see for myself what you are made of. I’m begging you don’t shut me out. I want more of you.
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I don’t think she gets that I can’t change being bi I was born this way like what does she think I chose this??? Why would I ever choose this life? Why would I choose to be something my family thinks is the greatest form of human downfall???! It’s not like it’s fun to have to sit there and listen to them talk about how a pride parade is an abomination on this earth how “those people” are disgusting. It’s not strange I become defensive and protective when I have to hear my parents say how awful I am for simply existing
I can’t change who I am and I’m not open for guidance because I don’t trust anyone with this to know what is right because I’m my heart I know that I’m good with myself and I’m good with god no matter what anyone says
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miley1442111 · 6 months
thank god for dr. spencer reid
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a/n: this was written with a fem!reader in mind but imagine what you want, reader has a period (same girl) :) spencer us such a cutie in this :)))))))
summary: your shitty family is in town and spencer is away, what will you do?
pairing: spencerreid x reader
warnings: heavy family issues, mentions of stress and sickness, very brief mention of abuse (litch not talked about just referenced dw), kinda cursing (just realised i've never warned this before... opps) and i might've missed some!
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My eyes are glued to the screen with a perpetual frown playing on my lips. It’s hard to try to care about my job when I have this looming feeling of dread hanging over me like a cloud. Spencer has been MIA for days now. He left in a hurry on Monday night for a case. It’s Saturday now and he hasn’t been responding to my calls. On top of that, I have dinner with my mother and father. Both of them make it abundantly clear that they’re disappointed in my career choice, which is ridiculous because I’m a lawyer. Not the right kind of lawyer they constantly say. I’m an environmental lawyer and I make good money. The only way to satiate their insufferable whining is with Spencer. They love him. They probably love him more than me at this point. Alas, I will just have to deal with them alone tonight. And today has already been one hell of a day. First, Morgan called me,asking where Spencer was, telling me that they finished and that they should be home soon. He had not come home yet. Secondly, I feel like shit, an allergic reaction, my period and some random nausea all add up to making me feel itchy, gross, and practically vile all over. Thirdly, a huge pimple has decided to pop up on my face and  just know my mother will comment on it. My mother is one of those women who look effortlessly put-together 24/7. I am not one of those women. She does not like women who don’t look effortlessly put together. Aka, she barely tolerates me. 
I sigh and close my laptop screen, unable to reread the same few sentences again and again, hoping that they would get into my brain. I’m defending a client, one of my firm's biggest clients, in court next week. They were accused of illegal dumping (dumping they did not commit) and now they’re being sued for 2 million dollars. I slump out of my desk chair and out of my home office, locking it behind me for the weekend ahead. If I have court next week and Spencer is coming home after a difficult case, then we’ll need a day or rest and relaxation together. That is, if he even bothers to come home. I busy myself with getting ready and try to push those thoughts out of my head. 
The last hour of my life has been 60 minutes of absolute misery. Why did I ever accept this invite? My mother excuses herself to the bathroom and my father excuses himself for a cigarette, I nod along. Then it hits me… my dad doesn’t smoke anymore. I stare at the door and before I can stop myself my face contorts into a frown once again. Amelia, my sister. The sister that I haven't seen in years. The sister that bullied and abused me throughout our teenage years. Fuck. 
“Amelia?” I question, looking at the blonde woman who looks… different. She’s obviously older than I remember, and a bit more… I don’t know how to put it. Her blonde hair surpasses her waist and she seems to be pregnant? Her blue eyes seem dull and lack a certain vividness they used to sparkle with. She’s the typical peaking in high-school mean girl who became a nurse girl. I honestly can’t believe I used to look up to her. 
“It’s so good to see you!” She smiles, one of her fake-bitchy smiles and I grimace as she tries to hug me. “I just wanted to know how you’re doing, especially with the baby on the way, I’ll need all the help I can get!”
My heart drops. “Oh!” Is all I can manage. She sits in the seat beside me and I instinctively move further away. Just as I think this stupid dinner can’t get any worse, her pervy fiancé, Johnny, walks in.
“No Spencer?” He smirks. “What? Did you two break up? He was always too vanilla for you, you need a real man-” 
“No, sorry. I was just late. I had to come straight from the jet,” Spencer smiles from behind him. My parents' eyes light up, as Amelia and Johnny’s faces fall. I smile appreciatively at him as he hands the flowers he brought over to my parents and sits beside me, a comforting hand on my thigh. 
“How’s work, Spencer?” My father asks, his undivided attention on Spencer.
“It’s good, strenuous but good. Our cases recently haven’t been too difficult- though there was one that had a puzzle I thought you might enjoy…”
I walk inside our house behind him, a million thoughts at once flowing through my head. We walk to the kitchen, he sits me down and takes off my shoes for me, a true gentleman. 
He presses a kiss to my cheek and smiles. “You look beautiful.”
I just nod back, a small smile on my lips. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks, turning to me, his hands resting on my waist. 
“Fine,” I tiredly smile. “Just… you know, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You know, saying that makes me worry more, right?:” He smiles softly, though we both know he’s serious. 
“I just… I can’t believe she just showed up, like 7 years  of not seeing her and she just shows up? Like it’s casual? And then asks for our help with her baby? Like she did nothing to me? Like she-” I stop myself, determined not to cry right now. 
“Angel, it’s ok, let it out,” he soothes, a hand on my back, rubbing comforting circles. 
“I don’t want to cry though, they’re not worth crying over.”
“Then how about we get ready for bed, yeah angel?” He offers, a tired look in his eyes. I nod and press a soft to his perfect lips. He smiles against my mouth, his hands finding the sides of my face. I run a hand through his hair. He pulls away softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I smile. “Thank you for coming, my knight in shining armour.” 
“I enjoyed it. Watching your father fail to solve a simple puzzle was amusing.” He smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye as I roll my eyes. 
“We’re not all geniuses,” I remind him. 
“You are.”
“And how am I a genius?” I chuckle.
“You’re dating me, you clearly have superior taste and intelligence,” he says matter-of-factly. I gigle at his antics and kiss him again. He pulls away and grabs my hand, leading me into our room. We both opt out of brushing our teeth and washing our faces, a makeup wipe sufficing for removing my makeup. He pulls me into bed with him, and finally, after a long week, I finally lie down in bed with him, his arms around me in a bear-hug of sorts. This is heaven. He’s my knight in shining armour. Thank God for Dr. Spencer Reid. 
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cosmopretty · 3 months
Little Sister
Nika Mühl x fem
warnings: none
Part two: little sister pt2
Getting offered a scholarship to UConn Juilliard and was shocking for you. So shocking you forgot to mention it to anyone, including your own family. You didn’t know what you were going to choose and didn’t want everyone butting in on your decisions. Right now your older sister Paige had a few of her teammates over in her house in Minnesota where she lived with you and your younger brother drew and dad.
Instead of being home where Paige and her friends were watching some basketball game you went out with your best friend Lexa. Both of you decided that to just go get some food together at Canes. You left your phone in her car while you both sat and ate in the air conditioned fast food restaurant.
Drew walks into the living room where Paige, Nika, KK, Ice and Caroline sat watching the game. He looks at Paige “You got mail from UConn I think” he hands her the folder with your name on the back that he didn’t notice neither did Paige.
The blonde opens up the folder just to gasp when she sees your name on the files. Nika pauses the game and looks over Paige’s shoulder her eyes widening “Another Bueckers at UConn damn” the Croatian girl says.
Right when she says that you walk into your house after Lexa drops you off. Drew jumps up and down and hugs you “Congratulations Y/N” you furrow your brows and hug your little brother back.
Paige hold the folder and your eyes widen “That’s mine” you go to grab it but she holds it above your head using her height to her advantage.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got a scholarship for dance” Paige says trying her hardest not to get mad at you for hiding it.
Your groan “It’s no ones business I don’t even know if I’m going anyways” you try to grab it again but you give up and walk away from them all and go to your room slamming the door behind you.
Paige scoffs and goes to follow you but Nika holds her arm back “Let me talk to her” the brunette begs. Paige rolls her eyes and sits down next to KK.
Nika knocks on your bedroom door and you groan wiping the tears away. You look up at the taller girl standing at your door “What? Here to get mad at me too?” Rolling your eyes you turn away from her and walk back into your room. The basketball player follows you and closes the door behind her.
She sits on top of your vanity and looks at you “Why don’t you wanna go to UConn?” Nika asks.
You turn away from her and look out the window at the birds sitting in the tree. You sniffle and a take a deep breath “I don’t want to be known Paige Bueckers little sister I want my own name for myself not hers” you look away from the window and to the girl sitting on your dresser.
You always had a little crush on Nika but no one knew not even your best friend. You met Nika when Paige started playing basketball for UConn with her, you were only fifteen when you met and she was nineteen so you didn’t try anything with the girl. Now you’re older and so is she but you still didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with her or her relationship with Paige. Your older sister was always very protective of you when it came to relationships because you always picked the wrong people who hurt you.
“Your not just Paige’s little sister I mean your gorgeous and the most sweetest person I’ve ever met and your one hell of a dancer I mean when I see you dance I can’t pull my eyes away from you it’s incredible and your very known for your dancing Y/n not because of Paige because of your talent” Nika says not looking away from you.
You smile and laugh a bit wiping your tears you walk towards her “You think I’m gorgeous” you flirt biting your lip.
What you didn’t expect was for Nika to pull you into a kiss her hands on your cheeks. She pulls away and jump down from the vanity “You the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen” she says honestly her voice quiet as if she didn’t want to scare you away.
You look up at the taller girl your mouth opened in shock “D-Did you know I liked you?” Nika scoffs “Liked?” She asks her head tilting to the side.
“I mean I like you but ho-how did you I mean I don’t know sorry” you stutter falling over your words shaking your head. Nika laughs at your “Your so cute” she says and you blush looking away from the girl.
Nika graps your waist pulling you into her, you slide your hands around her neck and look up at her. She leans down and kisses you again sliding her tongue in your mouth. You kiss back immediately Nika turns you both around and you hop on the vanity sitting where she sat before. You look down at her and pull away from the kiss while she massages your thighs.
“I want to go to UConn if it means I can see you everyday” you say smiling down at her. Nika nods “Yeah well first I gotta take you out on a date” you kiss her cheek and hop down from the vanity. You bubble burst the second you remember Nika is your sisters best friend.
“Fuck my life” you groan and drop down on your bed. Nika furrows her brows confused just a second ago you were happy now she watches your face turn sad, a pout forming on your lips. “What happened?” Nika asks sitting next to you.
“What about Paige?” you ask the older girl sitting next to you. Nika shrugs “What about her?” The Croatian girl asks not understanding what you mean. You look at Nika and scoff “On a scale of one to ten how mad is Paige going to get when she finds out her little sister and best friend are what ever we are?” the gears in Nika’s brain click and she laughs.
“She can get over it I could treat you better than anyone else could” The tall girl scoffs at the idea of Paige trying to keep you both apart. You sigh and Nika pushes down on your bed and gets on top of you. She brushes a strand of your hair from your face and looks down at you “Ne brini dušo moja, bit će dobro, obećavam da se ne opterećuješ” Nika says.
“No idea what you said but sure” you smile at her and she repeats herself in English for you “Dont worry my baby it will be okay I promise dont stress”
You grab her cheek and pull her down into a kiss right when her lips touch yours you slide your tongue in her mouth. Paige opens the door to your room wanting to talk to you just gasp seeing her little sister under her best friend kissing.
“WHAT THE FUCK” Paige yells.
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
Knew Better But Still Picked You
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Gif from @alphinias
Honestly I might turn this into a small series because this is the longest request I have ever written. Let me know if you want more parts 😁. Part two. Part three
Request From @loxleys-blog could i be added to the tag list for cole and a request of best friend of jackie who comes to visit her and moves there with her family and falls for cole and cole falls for her?
The car pulled to a stop outside the big Walter ranch household and I saw the front door fling open revealing my best friend from New York running straight for me. Getting out of the car I took my bag out and opened my arms for her. “Jackie Jack!”
“Y/n. I can’t believe you’re here!” She flung her arms around me and we stumbled when we finally embraced one another.
Jackie and I had become even closer than we were before after her family’s accident. The rest of her friends wouldn’t talk to her but I chose to keep our relationship the same. So I basically took the place of her sister Lucy. “Who’s your friend, New York?” I broke away from her seeing a young guy with green eyes and honey blonde hair.
“She’s my best friend from back home, Cole.” Jackie grumbled tugging on my arm trying to get me to leave with her.
Yet I wasn’t going to not introduce myself to him especially since he was really attractive. Walking over to the guy was sitting on a horse with light blonde hair like he had. “Hey there, I’m Y/n.” Leaning my arms on the wooden fence I sent him a grin.
He dismounted his horse and climbed over the fence shaking my hand with a cheeky grin. “Cole, Cole Walter. Have you ever been on a horse before?”
“Can’t say I have.” I replied to him.
His grin only grew. “Would you want to come riding with me?”
“No. No she wouldn’t actually. Because she’s coming to have ice cream with me and my friends. So we’re gonna be going now.” Jackie came rushing forward tugging on my arm and leading me back away from him. Whipping my head around watching Cole staring at us as we went to leave. I parted my lips, finding myself wanting to talk with him more. There was something intriguing about him I just couldn’t put my finger on.
A few hours later Jackie had me meet Skylar and Tara who she had met on her first day of school. We were sitting inside the ice cream shop where I took a big bite out of my strawberry cone hearing the store bell ring. My gaze shifted to the doorway recognizing Cole came through and he waved in my direction. “OMG. That is not a good idea at all.”
“What’s wrong, Tara?” I asked, finishing the bite I had in my mouth confused.
She sent me a raised brow. “You're getting involved with Cole Walter.”
“I’m not involved with him. I just met the guy today after I came in from the airport.” I told her to eat more of my cone.
Lifting my gaze upward Cole was ordering himself his own ice cream and the woman at the counter handed it over to him. Cole glanced my way and I felt my face turn red after I waved back to him without really thinking and Jackie hit my arm in warning. “Don’t go down that road, Y/n. Cole isn’t a good guy.”
“Why not?” I asked softly.
The three of them looked between one another and Skylar was the first to say something to my question. “He’s known to have a lot of hookups and not be up for a real relationship.”
“He sneaks them out of the house. I saw one the first morning I got to the Walter house. Alex can tell you more if that’s not enough of a warning for you.” Jackie explained putting a hand on my shoulder.
Shaking my head I still didn’t see why they were so afraid for me. I didn’t know anything about the guy but he seemed nice enough. “Okay don’t shoot me for asking this but what is the big deal of getting to know him. I’m not going to hook up with him.”
“That’s what most girls think and then he woos them with his charm…” Tara trailed off.
My best friend squeezed my shoulder and I met her concerned gaze. “I just don’t want you to get hurt because of him. You’re basically my chosen sister now.”
“He’s not gonna ever be interested in me Jackie and I’m not going to be interested in him.” I reassured her and we changed the conversation to something else for the rest of the time.
A few hours later after the crazy family dinner I was laying on my side of Jackie’s bed while she was doing some extra credit homework. Staring up at the ceiling I sighed clasping my hands together on my stomach. It definitely was different from the noisy city sirens and other things. Whereas here you could only hear the wind and all the other animal noises. I heard something slide underneath the closed bedroom door where I got up from the bed seeing it was a note. Folding it open the note read “Meet me on the porch if you want to see something cool - C”
Silently reading it to myself I contemplated on going or not eyeing my best friend while she worked silently. I didn’t suppose she would see if I was gone for a little bit. “Hey Jackie Jack, I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.”
“Okay. But use mine. Don’t use the one that everybody else does. Trust me.” She warned me turning back around in her desk chair.
Getting to my feet I snatched my boots out from underneath the bed and a green hoodie without her knowing. Then I headed down the stairs as quietly as I could possibly manage since it was almost midnight and most of the house was asleep. Reaching the front door I snuck through it, closing it gently then walked to the edge of the porch not seeing Cole anywhere. “Cole!” I called out still in a quiet voice.
“Over here, Y/n.” He responded by waving a flashlight from the barn door that he had opened. Rushing down the steps I ran towards the barn meeting up with him where he lowered the flashlight when we were standing in front of each other. “Was wondering if you were actually going to show up.”
Shrugging my shoulders I admitted slightly nervous of what he had planned in the middle of the night. “Gotta be honest I’ve never snuck out in the middle of the night like this. So what do you have in mind, Colorado?”
“I wanna show you something you don’t see in fancy New York.” He drew open a horse stall and walked out the horse he was on when we first met. “This is my horse.”
Taking a step forward I brushed a hand through its mane. “He’s beautiful.”
“Glad you like him cause we’re going to ride him to the spot I want to show you.” Cole responded by brushing his hand through his horse's mane touching my hand when he finished his sentence.
Tilting my head at the Walter boy I must have misheard him. “I’m sorry we’re doing what now?”
“We’re going to ride my horse together so I can show you a special spot.” Cole said again to me shutting the door with his foot holding out his freehand to help me step up on the box that was near where his horse was standing already saddled up. “Don’t worry city girl. I won’t make you ride alone until after I’ve shown you how to ride.”
Eyeing his hand extended to me I couldn’t help but hear Jackie and the others warming to not get involved with the Cole Effect. Yet I couldn’t deny I liked the thrill of butterflies he was giving me so I gave him my hand. “Just don’t let me fall off okay.” He nodded helping me throw one leg over and once I was settled he climbed on behind me.
“Hang on tight, Y/n.” He warned me, pressing his front closely to my back, making my face turn a shade of red as he kicked his horse in the gut and we raced from the barn to the open fields in the distance.
The wind blew through our hair and I hadn’t realized but I gripped Cole’s forearm since he was the one controlling the reins. Probably knowing I might scare the horse and then we’d be in trouble. He finally tugged the reins and slowly dismounted the horse helping me down. He had his horse lay down sitting down on the ground waiting for me. “Come on, sit down.” He patted the grass beside him.
“Okay.” I agree plopping down beside him looking around at the dark woods surrounding us. “So what did you want to show me?”
Cole moved his right hand forward tilting my chin upwards towards the sky. “This is what I wanted to show ya, Y/n.”
I gasped in awe seeing the sky dancing with a million stars above our heads. Blinking through some tears I couldn’t describe what it felt like to see something this bright. “This is incredibly beautiful…” The stars were so bright and even though we had some impressive light shows in New York none would compare to this.
“It’s not the only thing that’s beautiful. You surely can’t get that view in the city.” Cole mumbled, causing me to meet his green gaze.
I paused in my next words still confused as to why he was giving me his time and attention when he was labeled as the most popular boy in this town. “Cole, why did you ask me out here tonight? Not that I don’t appreciate it. I just…I don’t entirely understand why me?”
“I ain’t good with saying how I feel so sorry if this sounds stupid….I just instantly liked you for some reason.” He declares where I didn’t say a word with our gazes focusing in on one another.
Parting my lips I whispered out. “Liked me in what way, Cole?”
“In the way where we can…do this.” Cole whispered towards me before he made my breath catch in my throat seeing him leaning forward about to kiss me.
Half of my brain was telling me to not kiss him and remember the warning and the other half was saying he would be your first kiss and I couldn’t deny that I felt something for him even though all we had done was saying hello. I finally made up my mind and closed the gap the rest of the way kissing him. He responded by scooting closer to me and threading one hand through my hair trailing it down to the side of my cheek before I broke it needling air. “Cole….don’t find this dorky of me. But that…you were my first kiss.”
“I wouldn’t judge you for that. So what are you thinking now, Y/n.” He asked me to try to read my facial expressions but I was still in shock and bliss at the same time.
Hugging my knees to my chest I admitted sheepishly with my face turning red. “Jackie isn’t gonna be happy about this. She warned me to stay away from you….I knew better but I’m still choosing you.”
“Well I’m glad cause I’m picking you too, Y/n.” He draped an arm over my shoulder and I laid my head against his chest feeling my eyes getting heavy since I was getting sleepy. His gaze dropped to mine, tucking hair from my eyes. “Don’t worry about Jackie. You’ve got to live a little in life. Now let’s get you back before you fall asleep out here.”
We rode back to the house and I struggled to stay awake after getting off his horse so he decided to just carry me back bridal style upstairs. “Cole, this isn’t my room…she’ll be mad if I sleep in your room.” I trailed off in a sleepy tone laying my head still on his chest with him laying me down on one side of his bed.
He changed into some shorts to sleep in and crawled in the bed beside me feeling me scoot over to him laying my head back in the crook of his neck like it was minutes ago. “Sssh babe. I’ll take whatever Jackie feels tomorrow morning. Just get some rest.” My eyes fell closed and he dozed off shortly after in a peaceful night of sleep.
That was until the morning came and his bedroom door was flung open and I screamed hearing my best friend bursting into his room. “Y/n, I told you to stay away from him!…Well don’t you two have anything to say?” Rubbing my eyes Cole shifted, holding himself up on his elbow staring down at me silently, neither of us giving her an answer.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @cognacdelights
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angstywaifu · 4 months
Is That Blood? - Garrick Tavis
Request - “Is that blood?” “No?” “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question" I just see all sides of him here with this one lol Requests Open. Masterlist
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The walk down the stairs was slow and rough. Every step sending a jolt up my side. I hiss in pain as I step down to a step ever so slightly lower than the other. Damn these stairs up the side of this mountain. I should have called out for help, but the rest of my patrol had rushed off, eager to get to bed after a long day. None of them aware I had been injured in the group of Venin we had encountered. Luckily the knife that had been imbedded in my side had not gone in far. But enough I needed medical attention. And this late at night I knew there would be no healers awake. Guess a home DIY job would have to do till morning.
I finally stumble into the courtyard, my footsteps echoing louder than normal as I make my way over to another set of stairs. At least this time I would have a wall to brace against on my way up. I was honestly surprised I hadn’t fallen to my death as I’d hobbled down the others. With one hand braced on the wall, I start my ascent up to the fifth floor where my room was located in the barracks. After a few steps, I realise up was a lot harder than going down. Every time I raise my left leg, I can’t help the groan that escapes my lips. Only four more floors of this. Great.
My foot catches on one of the stairs, sending me sprawling forward as I brace myself on my hands and knees as I land on the landing. Least I hadn’t landed on more stairs. Bracing myself on the wall, I manage to pull myself upright before leaning against it and shutting my eyes. Breath in. Breath out. I can do this. Only three more floors to go. I push off the wall and open my eyes to continue my journey, but a figure in the archway leading towards the family quarters has me jumping back, a yelp escaping my lips. The figure steps forward into the moonlight illuminating the stairway through an open window. I should have known who it was without it. No one was as tall or big as he was, even his curly hair recognisable in the dark. Garrick. His eyes furrow as they look over me, before focusing where my hand clutches my side.
”Is that blood?” He asks me gruffly as he steps forward again.
I look down to see my fingers are stained red from where blood has seeped through. Shit.
”No?” I say, it coming out as more of a question than an answer.
Garrick cock’s his eyebrow at me. “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.”
”Maybe I’m starting a new trend?” I say with a sheepish grin.
I can instantly tell Garrick is not impressed with my answer with the deadpan look he gives me, his tell-tale jaw tick indicating his annoyance. But I can see him fighting a smile as the corners of his mouth ever so slightly curl at the edges.
”And how’s that going for you?” He asks before bending down and scooping me up into his arms before walking us up the stairs.
I brace for the pain to worsen with my wound pressed up against Garrick, but it doesn’t. If anything, the pain lessens. I look up at him confused, but Garrick’s stare is set firmly ahead as he walks us up the stairs.
”It’s going great, can’t you tell.” I huff as I settle into his arms, laying my head on his shoulder.
”Oh I can tell. Cause bleeding all over the stairs is the epitome of great.” His tone a mix of joking and serious.
”I was not bleeding all over the stairs. I had it contained.” I mutter.
I feel Garrick’s chest rise with silent laughter, containing his usual booming laugh as we walk into a corridor that does NOT lead to my room. My room was another two floors up. Where the hell was he taking me? He walks us past the assigned rooms and through an archway to another area of Riorson House. More private rooms. He pushes open a door and instantly I’m hit with Garrick’s scent. This was his room. Just like most Rider’s rooms it was pretty bare, only the necessities, but there were little bits of Garrick here and there. I barely get to take in the room before he’s kicking the main door closed and walking me towards an archway. He quickly places me on the counter in the adjoining bathroom, before walking back into his room. He returns quickly with a first aid kit, already pulling out bandages, cleaning supplies and some needle and thread.
”Take you’re jacket off.” He mumbles as he starts to set up his supplies.
I shrug off the jacket as best as I can, the pain now returning now I wasn’t in Garrick’s arms. He quickly grabs my flight jacket, placing it on an empty hook on the wall. I can’t help but wince as he gently lifts my shirt to observe the wound. I look down to see the skin around the would red and irritated, a slight purple colour to the edges. The knife had been coated in something. Garrick must have the same thought as he rushes from the room, quickly returning with a vial he holds out to me. A silent command to drink it, which I do quickly.
”Of course you would manage this after every healer here has gone to bed, and Brennan is away.” He mutters as he starts to clean the wound with a cloth and water.
”Not exactly like I planned for this to happen while out on patrol.” I tell him, wincing as cleans the edges of the cut.
He just shakes his head at me before grabbing the needle and thread from the counter. I turn away, opting to not look at Garrick stitch me back together. Sure I could do it to myself, but there was something about watching someone else do it that always made me uneasy. I brace for the all too familiar sting of the needle piercing the skin as Garrick places a hand just next to the wound. But it doesn’t come. All I can feel is a slight tug. Strange. I turn my head to look, and sure enough Garrick is stitching up the wound. But no pain. Not a single bit. And I know Garrick didn’t have anything to numb it. The vial he had given me was to treat the poison we knew the Venin used. It had no numbing or healing qualities to it. Was this his signet? I try to think of any instance of Garrick using a signet, and come up blank. In all the years I’ve known him, not once have I seen him do anything that could be explained by a signet. Till now. As if reading my mind, he removes his hand to help tie off the last stitch, and immediately I’m hit with the familiar dull throb of pain I associate with being stitched together. Garrick is silent as he starts to pack away the first aid kit, holding the bandage out to me to take. I grab it and quickly wrap it around myself, holding the padding in place in case any blood decided to seep through before I got to the healers in the morning. I place my hands on the counter to push myself off, planning on heading back to my room to sleep. But before I can Garrick scoops me up in his arms again, silently carrying me back to his room and placing me on his bed.
”If you just wanted me in your bed Garrick, all you had to do is ask.” I tease as he sits on the edge next to me.
He chuckles lightly and shakes his head, replying, "You're insufferable, you know that? Now get some rest. I'll get you to a healer in the morning." He stands up, but not before giving my hand a comforting squeeze.
Exhaustion pulls at me, but I manage a grin. "Only for you, Garrick." I murmur as I let sleep claim me. Garrick laughs softly at that, a sound that brings a strange sense of comfort. He watches over me for a moment longer before finally turning out the light and leaving me to rest.
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sturniologals · 8 months
Say it. {M.S}
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*AN~ this is a lil long ngl but it is SO worth it i swear. I literally love this sm and i’m willing to write a part two with smut in it but this one is just cutesies and angst and just ughhhh😫
pairing: matt x reader, friends to enemies to lovers (it’s a long ride yall😭)
~warnings~ fluff, cursing
5.1k words
summary: y/n and Matt had an unbreakable bond until y/n’s 16th birthday when an argument took place that changed their dynamic and now, y/n’s 17th birthday is coming up and she really wants her best friend back and the world is working in her favor because Matt ends up offering her driving lessons where feelings are re hatched.
“I told you this wasn’t a good idea” I say to Chris as i hit my forehead on the steering wheel in frustration. 
 “I’m starting to think you’re right. This is the sixth curb you’ve hit in the last 20 minutes.” I turn my head at him and shoot him a snide look. 
“It’s not y/n’s fault that you don’t have the mental capacity to teach her to drive. You can barely drive yourself.” Nick says, shooting up from the backseat. I laugh and put the car into park. 
I slide out of the drivers seat and walk around the car so me and chris can switch spots. 
On the drive home, nick and chris argue over who gets aux and i can’t help but to zone out and think about how i’m turning 17 in less than a month and i still can’t drive, but i’m lucky to have the best friends that i do. Nick especially, he’s always there when i’m going through something, he can always make me laugh when i need it. Chris is just chris. Hes hardly ever serious about anything but when he knows i’m going through something, he always finds the will. And matt… he’s hardly ever around me, and when he is, it’s just side glances full of what i think is hatred. 
It’s been like that ever since my last birthday. My boyfriend at the time, Blake, got mad at me because of matt and I’s friendship. 
Flashback to y/n’s 16th birthday:
 “Oh my god you are oblivious!” blake shouts at me.
 “Can you keep it down?” i say knowing that my family and friends are downstairs waiting for me to cut the cake and blow out my candles and i’m in my room arguing with my boyfriend who i honestly don’t have feelings for anymore. I’m not sure i ever even did. 
Blake runs his hands over his face and i can see the vein in his forehead flexing.
 “Blake what are we even arguing about right now?” I say bored and annoyed, wanting to go back downstairs and see what gift Matt got me.
 I was eavesdropping on Chris and Matt a week ago and heard them talking about how much i’m gonna love what Matt got me.
 “Y/n are you actually that dumb or are you just trying to piss me off?” blake questions me with annoyance and i feel myself shudder at him calling me dumb, reminding me of the words my father would spat at me every day right up until he died. 
“Don’t call me dumb, and i’m not trying to piss you off, i genuinely don’t know why you’ve been mad at me all night.” i try to keep my voice steady, not wanting to cry.
 “Matt” he says in a stern voice as if i’m supposed to know what he’s talking about immediately. 
“What about him?” I say, wondering why he’s mad at me over the person i’m closest to. I’d never tell blake that though. He thinks he knows everything about me but the truth is, Matt has known everything about me since I was ten years old. 
When I scraped my knee while we were riding bikes when i was 12, he gave me bandaids and a shoulder to cry on and after he let me play mario kart with him all day. When i was 14 and got my first boyfriend who broke up with me after a week, Matt was there to call him an idiot and ask if i wanted him to beat him up. So Blake has no place to say anything about Matt, not when he knows how much Matt means to me. 
“Y/n! Did you just hear a word of what i said?” blake says, shocking me back to the present and i realize i’ve zoned out the last thirty seconds. I do that a lot.
 “Uhm no sorry, i zoned out.” I say quietly, not wanting him to yell. He huffs out a breath and shakes his head as if he’s refraining from saying something. 
“You and matt. Did anything happen? ever?” He asks sternly.
 “No! What? No! Why would you-“ I start to list reasons why i don’t like matt like that and never could but i can’t come with any so i stop talking. 
“Why would i think that?” He says, finishing my sentence.
 “Yes blake, why would you think that?” 
“Theirs a million fucking reasons! Oh my god!” 
His face is as red as a strawberry which makes me think of my strawberry cake downstairs that i so desperately want to get back to. But, i also want to know what he’s going to say about Matt, so i suck it up and listen.
 “You’re with him more than your with me, you’re always zoning out and being all sad and shit when your with me but when your with matt- your all fucking giggly and laughing and smiling and actually speaking! I can hardly ever get a word out of you! And hell y/n, even if you don’t see him like that, I can take one peek at the way he looks at you and see that he sure as hell does feel like that about you and I don’t want my girlfriend all cozy with someone who so obviously has feelings for them.”  He finishes off his rant breathlessly, leaving me thinking about a lot of things. Matt, Matthew, Matty, and how much i want to eat some of my birthday cake right now. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say blake” i say truthfully. I don’t even know what i’m feeling, what i’ve felt ever at any point in any time. It’s all too confusing and i’ve decided to collectively ignore this situation and continue to be grateful i have my best friend and a strawberry cake with Jacob Elordi’s face on it waiting on me downstairs.
 “you don’t need to say anything.” He says in a determined voice.
 “Are you breaking up with me? on my birthday?” 
He looks like wants to say yes he is but doesn’t. He just walks in front of me to the door and opens it. I go behind him and standing at the door, is Matt. 
“Great” Blake scoffs and passes Matt up as he heads down the stairs. I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes and I don’t even think it’s because of Blake. I’m almost 99.9 percent sure that it’s because of the pure confusion and panic about what Blake said about Matt. 
“y/n” Matt says in a low voice, he looks as if he wants to reach out and touch me but he doesn’t. 
“Matt” I say with a frown on my face and I immediately fall into the comfort of his arms. His scent smells so comforting as i nuzzle my face into the crook under his chin.
 “How much of that did you hear?” my voice comes out muffled from his hoodie.
 “Enough to know why he broke up with you.” He says quietly as if he’s scared to upset me again. 
“Can we not talk about it?” I say even though i feel like he definitely wants to. 
“Yeah no it’s whatever we don’t have to talk about it. Come blow out your candles, yeah?” he says removing me from his arms and his voice instantly changing to more stern and cold. I haven’t felt like this around Matt since I accidentally let his pet bunny out of its cage and it escaped in the 7th grade. 
“Matt-“ I start to tell him that we can talk about it, that i think i have feelings for him but i’m confused, that i love him and i just don’t want anything to change- but i don’t. I let my voice falter as he walks down the stairs. I follow behind after getting myself together for a few moments. 
The whole time while we’re cutting the cake and i blow out my candles and then I open up my last gift, Matt’s eyes are trained to be anywhere that’s not on me. His normal semi- talkative self has now changed to a silent, closed off one. 
After i sit down the digital camera that nick got me, I wait for Matt to pull out the gift that he and chris thought i would love. He never does, and I don’t question it. I watch chris nudge Matt on the arm and Matt shake his head, a movement so subtle that i wouldn’t have seen it unless i hadn’t been staring at Matt endlessly the whole last hour. 
 “Y/n, hey, helloooo, hiii” Nicks voice brings me back out of the memory. 
“Yep, right here. Sorry.” I say as i unbuckle my seat and get out of the car. Matt has continued to be cold towards me ever since that day and i don’t think i’m ever going to be used to it. It’s not like he’s mean to me but i feel like he doesn’t care. Anytime i try to interact with him, he acts as if he’s not interested in what i have to say so i’ve stopped trying with him. I don’t know why he switched up all of a sudden and everyday i miss my bestfriend, anytime something bad happens, I always go back to the old familiar feeling of wanting to run to Matt and tell him what happened, and i have to refrain from doing so. It always hurts, but I know it’s for the better. 
Nick unlocks the front door and me and Chris follow in after him. 
I kick my sneakers off at the door and I find myself looking for Matt.
 “Matts around here somewhere. He said he had to stay home to study.” Nick says as if he read my mind. 
“Matt? studying? No way.” Chris retorts while sitting down at the kitchen island with a bag of popcorn. 
“What’s he doing?” I ask, stealing a piece of popcorn from Chris and popping it into my mouth.
 “Hell if I know.” Nick says while pouring some trix cereal into a bowl. 
“Why don’t you go see what he’s up to?” Chris asks me and nick looks at him as if he’s just asked me to kick a puppy. 
“Okay” i say, trying to appear as unbothered as possible but the truth is i’m really excited to talk to Matt. 
I quickly jog up the stairs and reach the door to Matt’s room that i barely ever pass through anymore. I take a deep breath in and Knock twice. 
“It’s me” I say loudly so he can hear. 
“Come in” Matt shouts from behind the door. I slowly open the door and see Matt sitting at his desk playing a game with his headset on. Half of the headset is pushed back behind his ear so he can see me. He turns around in his swivel chair and stares at me like he’s waiting for me to ask him something. We never did need a reason to talk to each other, we just did. And today, nostalgia has been eating at me so I make the decision to blurt out 
“I miss you”, I say it so quickly that my brain doesn’t process it till seconds later.
 “Uhm sorry I don’t know why i said that- well, no i do know why i said that. I said it because I miss you but i know it’s odd because i said it out of nowhere but nostalgias been getting to me all day-“ I sit down on the edge of his bed. “And i don’t know I just wanted to tell you i miss you- and Matt and Chris took me driving today and I hit four curbs. FOUR Matt. I’m never going to get my license.” I say the last part into one of matts fuzzy blue pillows.
 I let out a groan and throw my hands back. 
Matt’s silence makes me turn my head towards him. He’s just staring at me, smiling-no, he’s cheesing. Matt hasn’t looked at me like that in almost a year. We haven’t talked like this an almost a year.
 “What?” I say with a chuckle and i feel my cheeks heat up and a familiar feeling i always get in my stomach when i’m around Matt comes back.  
“Nothing, i just missed hearing you talk” His voice grew quieter at the last few words, as if they accidentally slipped out. 
My breath hitches and thoughts run through my mind. I want to tell him that i’d talk until my voice goes out, that i want him to make me yell until my voice doesn’t goes out. All the ways he could shut me up makes my stomach turn and my hands go clammy. 
“Oh” is all i can manage. He smiles at me and turns back to his desk.
 “I’m gonna take you driving tomorrow. Be ready at 4, i’ll come get you.” He says while putting his headset back on.  
I can’t help but to be utterly shocked at him saying he wants to take me driving. Matt volunteering to spend time with me. I’m happily surprised. 
As i walk out of his room, I can see him still smiling through the reflection on his computer. 
I shut the door behind me and walk downstairs to tell Chris and nick about the breakthrough i just made.
 “Yup I told you guys i was gonna get him back in the groove of y/n!” i say smiling and gesturing at myself. 
“What the fuck, don’t do that again” Nick says and we all burst out into laughter.
 “See you tomorrow y/n” Chris says as he shuts the door behind me and i walk across the street to my house that sits directly in-front of them.  
I tell my mom about how Matt’s taking me driving tomorrow and she smiles and tells me she’s happy that we’re talking again and I go up to my room and fall asleep thinking about Matt and how he said he missed hearing me talk. I can’t help but to feel desire grow in my stomach and the wanting to slip my hands into my underwear and relieve some of the pressure but i fall asleep before my thoughts continue. 
The next day, I wake up and find the blue sundress that sits right above my knees, I know Matt loves this dress. He bought it for me last Christmas. I pair it with a pair of tan sandals and once i hear the horn of Matt’s car, i walk down stairs and out the door. 
I see Matt in his car, one elbow propped against the console and his other hand on the wheel, he’s wearing a black t shirt that lets all of his tattoos be shown. My god, he’s had to have gotten more since the last time i’ve saw his arm. I think I have a thing for Matt’s tattoos. I’ve always wanted to run my mouth along every one of them and watch Matt squirm underneath me. 
His jaw is tense and his eyes impossibly blue in the sunlight shining through. 
“Are you gonna get in?” Matt says rolling the passenger window down so he can talk to me. I move from my position on the sidewalk and get into the car. 
The scent of leather and coffee instantly hits my nostrils and even in this weather, I can’t help but to feel cold at Matt’s switch in behavior. 
I slide into the passenger seat and Matt’s hands reach over and slide my seatbelt across my chest, his knuckles grazing my chest sending shivers through me. He buckles it in and clears his throat before switching in the ignition. 
“Matt?” I utter out whilst his focus is fully on the road ahead. 
“Yeah, y/n?” he says softly, almost an apologetic tone after his first one when he pulled up. 
“Nothing, nevermind.” I say, trying to think of a subject change because I’ve decided to take good Matt while i can get him. 
He looks at me as if he knows what i was going to say but he doesn’t pressure it. 
“So i thought we’d get something to eat then we could go to the college parking lot and practice?” Matt asks while turning the radio on, keeping it low. 
“Uh…yeah,sure” I say, feeling like old times but not. I feel the remains of our friendship, just as strong as it was 11 months ago but now, the tension in the car is enough to smother me. 
We drive the 3 minute drive to downtown in silence but I keep catching Matt stealing glances at me. I keep noticing his eyes scanning across my legs, skimming over my dress. It’s enough to force me to cross my legs, not because i’m uncomfortable but because i’m desperate to relieve some of the tension.
We park into the restaurant Matt brought us to, my heart palpitates once I realize just where he brought us. It’s not a restaurant, it’s a diner. It was our favorite place to go to the last few summers. Matt and I would come out here every weekend and get a banana milkshake and share a slice of cherry pie. 
“Aw Matt you must not hate me completely!” I say sarcastically as i slap his shoulder playfully and get out of the car. Matt gets out and follows behind me up the sidewalk and I feel his hand on my lower back.
 “I don’t hate you at all y/n.” He says quietly from beside me.
“It’s more complicated than that” He says before ruffling my hair and picking up his pace to get in front of me to open the glass door to the diner.
 When i walk in, in front of him, I don’t say anything and just immediately head for the booth in the corner we always sat at. The red leather booths and white tables are all still the same, the dim lights barely doing anything although they don’t necessarily need to considering the summer sun lights up the place all by its self.  
Matt sits down in front of me, sliding into the booth with ease. The waitress almost immediately comes up behind us. “Jill!” i say happily not knowing that she still worked here, she’s worked here since we were kids and was always the sweetest. 
“Y/n and Matt… why haven’t i seen you two in here in so long?” she says, her wrinkles more apparent now from the last time i saw her, the gray in her hair showing more. 
“Oh uh” I start stuttering, not knowing what to say 
“Sorry jill, y/n got diagnosed with lactose intolerance. She kept farting so we stopped coming in here!” Matt says smiling deviously. 
“That- that is-“ I start to protest but stop. “That’s right. Yup, blew my britches away!” I say laughing towards jill but side eyeing Matt with all i could muster. Jill smiles and nods but looks suspicious. 
“So what’ll it be?” she asks us, her pen and pad ready. 
“Two banana shakes with extra cherries and a piece of cherry pie.” Matt says quickly, ordering the exact order we always got. 
Jill arches a brow. “I thought you said she’s lactose int-“ she starts to question but I cut her off. 
“Oh just for old times sake! i’m taking a stomach pill too, i’ll be fine” i say giving her my cheesiest grin. She nods in agreement and walks away with our order. 
As soon as she’s a few feet away Matt breaks out laughing. 
“Seriously?!?” I say trying to act mad knowing i secretly want to laugh too. 
Matt rolls his eyes at my obvious dramatics and leans up towards the table, resting his elbows on it. “So how bad are you at driving? You gonna wreck us immediately?” He asks with a smirk that i know all too well. 
“Yeah haha so funny.” I snark back. 
“You didn’t answer the question.” He says with raised eyebrows, waiting on my answer. 
“No i’m not gonna wreck us…immediately.” I say the last word a bit quieter. 
“hey i’m joking, i know you probably suck right now but that’s because you haven’t had one teach you that actually knows how to fucking drive. You’ll catch onto it fast. You always have been a quick learner” he says in a more serious tone. I notice his hand is not even an inch away from my mine and i jerk my hand back quickly. My movement makes his eyebrows jerk up and he looks like he’s about to say something but he stops when jill appears back with our shakes. 
“Just a minute on the pie” she says smiling while handing us the pale yellow shakes with whipped cream and a two cherries on top. 
We take our shakes and start to sip on them when jill walks off.
 “Mmm” he moans in delight. 
“Good?” i ask him smiling.
“yep” he says while chewing on the straw. 
It’s silent for a moment as we just stare at each other. We haven’t held eye contact this long in months. My loud mouth just has to break the silence tho.
 “Hey Matt, can i ask you something?” I can see something in his eyes change, he looks unsettled. Like he’s scared of  the un-knowingness of what i’m gonna ask. 
After he hums in agreement I muster up the courage to ask him. “Can we-“ i take a deep breath in. After a moment of him looking at me, as if he’s begging me to just say it. I chicken out. Like a fucking coward. I don’t want the pie anymore, i’m not hungry, i just want to go. “Can we go?” i say, stiffening my body. Matt’s face falls in disappointment and nods his head. 
I watch him as he tells jill to put the pie in a box and he pays the bill before walking out in front of me without so much as looking at me.
I walk out behind him and I notice it’s going to storm soon. Clouds are forming and the sky is darkening so i get to the car quickly. I slide into the passenger seat, Matt throws the buckle over me quickly without touching me and i can tell his nostrils are flared like he’s angry but i choose not to say anything. 
Again, I leave all of my feelings bottled up because i’m too scared of saying anything i feel. 
We drive in silence and the only noise is the traffic surrounding us and the patter of my foot bouncing in anxiety. We get to the parking lot and thank goodness it’s mostly empty so theirs not much i could hit. 
For a moment, it’s silent and Matts eyes dart over to mine and with the way he looks, I can’t tell if he’s about to cry, yell, or run away. It’s such a fragile situation and I don’t know what to do. Only to wait and see what he says. 
“y/n…” He breathes out a sigh but his eyes flinch and he sits up straight. “Uh nevermind let’s get started, it’s about to rain.” He cannot be serious. I need him to say it because i’m too afraid to and I know. I know i’m selfish, I know i’m a coward but i still push at him. 
“No, matt what was you gonna say?” I turn my body to his and I grab his wrist away from the ignition. His eyes shoot down to where i’m holding onto him but I don’t move, i keep my hand over his.
 “I said never fucking mind” each word coming out like a needle against my skin. I can tell he sees the hurt in my eyes because his eyes quickly softens. 
“I’m sorry” he says quietly, and i can see the conflict in his eyes. I want to know what’s going on in his head so fucking bad.
 “No wait, i’m not sorry.” as he says this, the rain starts pattering against the windshield but I don’t move my eyes away from his.  
“what?” i say, i’m not angry, just confused. I want him to let me in. I need him to let me in.
“Forget i said anything, I can’t have this conversation with you.” He says, shaking his head.
 “Great it’s fucking raining! Now we can’t have our driving lessons because I don’t think you could drive on a normal road- hardly a wet one” He shouts, not at me, but at the wheel.
 I don’t get hurt at his words because I can tell he’s not mad about the lesson, he’s not mad because i suck at driving but because we both want to say it but we don’t know the other one does. I’m almost completely sure Matt has feelings for me but i’m so scared that he doesn’t, that i stay silent. I think he feels the same way. I get the frustration. I’ve felt it too, although i think he’s felt it for much longer. 
“Matt” I coo, bringing my hand up to the side of his neck. He immediately jerks away and starts to open the door. 
“Fuck y/n, don’t touch me.” he spats out before quickly getting out of the car and stepping into the pouring rain that has tremendously picked up over the last two minutes. I quickly follow behind him and open the door. 
“Matt, it’s pouring! Get back in the car!” I shout, trying to speak loud enough so that he can hear me over the rain.
We both are standing in front of the car, only maybe a foot and a half away from each other. 
“say it Matt” I say sternly, feeling tears brew in my eyes. Matt only shakes his head no and looks as if he’s struggling to breathe. 
“No y/n, I want to hear you. You fucking say it. Stop being such a coward y/n.” 
I feel tears fall but i don’t think he can tell because of the raindrops also falling onto my face. 
“Matt do you understand how much i’ve missed you? You were my best friend” I say, now sobbing and putting my heads on my head, moving my feet around taking small steps. 
 “You left me. You’ve looked at me like you’ve hated me ever since my sixteenth birthday and you’ve never even had the audacity to tell me why!” I shout at him.  
Matt’s eyes grow huge and he looks so frustrated. “You cannot be serious. Do you seriously not know why?!” I flinch at how loud he’s yelling but shake my head no slowly
“My god y/n, I couldn’t be around you, not after-“ he stops.
 i shake my head in confusion. “What Matt?! after what?!” 
“After you told me that you didn’t want to fucking talk about the fact that i’m in love with you! You didn’t care about me. Or my feelings, you didn’t care that i’d suffer just because you didn’t want our friendship to change. Hell, you could’ve at least rejected me and moved on but y/n…i couldn’t be just your friend. Not after that. So yes, i kept away. Also, for fucks sake, i wasn’t looking at you with hatred. Anytime you’d come into view, it made me want to curl up into a fucking ball and never come out because I had to look at you and know that i could never have you. Do you know how much that fucking hurts?!” 
The rain pouring down coating Matt’s brown hair making it droop down onto his forehead makes it hard to read his expression but I can still tell what he’s feeling right now. I always have been able to just know.
“Matt- You have got to believe me when i tell you i didn’t know. I didn’t know, even on my birthday when Blake said all of that, yes i thought you might’ve just found me attractive sometimes or something, but i didn’t want to talk about it because i thought you was embarrassed and it would be awkward or- fuck i don’t know. But Matt-“ I start laughing, unable to contain how funny i find the absolutely ironic situation we’re in right now. 
“You find this funny?” he asks me
“No, No- actually well- it kind of is because- Matt I love you, so fucking much and ever since you stopped being my best friend, i had to see you and it was complete and total agony because like you said earlier- i’m a coward Matt. And i’ve been completely oblivious to the way you’ve felt about me and i didn’t want things to change- so I didn’t say anything. But now I’m telling you, I miss you and I love you and I don’t want to be your friend Matt. “  
I finish off breathlessly, panting, trying to draw in air without the droplets of rain. 
Matt comes closer and places his hands on the sides of me head before moving the wet hair off of my face.
 “I think that we are both fucking idiots and waisted eleven months of what could’ve been filled with this” And then his lips are crashing onto mine, the kiss is rough and desperate as Matt tugs and nips on my lips with his teeth. His lips are soft and pillowy like I’ve always thought they would be. I can’t help but to think about how long i’ve wanted this, how long ever both wanted this. It feels just as good, and right, as i thought it would. 
After a few more moments, Matt pulls away, leaving a mix of saliva and rain on my lips. 
“Let’s go before we get pneumonia” Matt says laughing as he pulls me towards his car. 
I slide into the passenger seat, my dress dripping and my hair plastered to my skin with rain. Matt gets in and reaches over to buckle my seatbelt. I smile at the gesture and he rolls his eyes before turning on the ignition. 
“Will you still take me out driving tomorrow?” I ask. 
“Yeah of course” he says as he starts to back out, placing his right arm on the headrest of my seat and turning his neck back to see out the back window. The sight makes me shift in my seat. His veins in his arms are drool worthy and the way his clothes are sticking to him, really helps my imagination.
 “y/n” he deadpans, turning back around. 
“Hm?” I ask, snapping out of my thoughts. 
“your staring.” he says, smirking. 
“i’m allowed to.” I say smiling. 
“Since when?” He asks while pulling out of the parking lot. 
“since you became my boyfriend.” I say smiling dramatically. 
“Oh yeah? what do i get?” Matt asks smirking. 
“Hmm, we’ll see.” I shrug. 
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seasidefallenangel · 4 months
game au: voicelines
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notes: fluff, paralive game au, no content warnings, kinda brainrot
who else remembers when they lied to us about a paralive game? anyway here's some theoretical lines the characters would have about their significant other
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༄ kanata yatonokami:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“ha? the fuck does that have to do with you? 
… did they say something about me?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“nayuta and i didn’t have shit growing up as kids, and they were always annoying about it. dropping by snacks, workin’ extra shifts to help us out - not like i asked for anything. i hate owing people though, so - … oi. get that damn smile off your face. they’re the one that wouldn’t leave me alone.”
⁀➷ quality time:
“mhm, i’ll be by later. love you too.”
[phone clicks]
“geez, you ever mind your own business? you can turn in that job yourself. i promised them i’d go by their house today and they won’t quit naggin’ me about it. huh? that’s not what i fucking mean! if i didn’t like em, i wouldn’t even be dating them. they just like sitting at home and talking to me. it’s weird but… makes em’ happy, so whatever.”
⁀➷ the future:
“nayuta won’t get off my case about marriage and all that shit ; says i should hurry up and give them a ring. doesn’t he know how old we are?! ‘sides, i don’t need some asshole with a bible to tell me we’re gonna be together forever. it’s either them or nobody, and they know it.”
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༄ iori suiseki:
about their lover: 
“i know it’s tempting, but that one over there ain’t one of my hostesses, so try not to stare so hard. my dearest deserves more respect than that, dont’cha think?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“honestly, i thought everything was over after the suiseki massacre. my family helped out a lot, but they were the one to really drag me out of my slump. it’ll be hard as hell for me to ever repay em’ for that, but ‘m still tryin’ to this day.
speaking of, can ya run out and grab em’ for me? it’s been an hour since i’ve seen em, and i’m goin’ through withdrawals.”
⁀➷ safety:
“i’d like to think we’re pretty guarded these days, but i can never be too sure, yanno? honestly, in an ideal world i could just keep em’ in the house forever to make sure nothing can even come close to harming them. hm? is my face that scary?”
⁀➷ the future:
“oi, c’mere for a sec? i want your opinion. the band on this ring is nice, but the diamond cut on here is much more suited to their taste. ahaha, pick up yer jaw! ‘m not proposing anytime soon. just weighin’ out my options for now. i got too many things goin’ on to give em’ the real life they deserve, but one day i’ll be able to make em’ mine forever.”
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༄ shion kaida:
⁀➷ about their lover: 
“hmm? sorry to disappoint, but i’m not really doing stuff like that anymore. my angel might kill me if they catch wind of this, so you can go find someone else to please you, right?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“i can’t blame you for wanting to come back - everyone always does. they were the first time i was the one to go back, though. so cold hearted towards me, i couldn’t help but want to see them crack. ah, but i wouldn’t advise you to try the same with them. i’m not a fan of sharing.”
⁀➷ bad habits:
“it’s hard not to fall into old ways, if i’m being honest. they’re understanding enough, given the… unique circumstances of my situation, but have enough of a backbone to put me in my place. 
though, just between us, i do it on purpose sometimes. seeing their angry face gets me all sorts of riled up. i’m falling in love at quite the unhealthy pace, fufu.”
⁀➷ the future:
“stability isn’t exactly my thing - i’m sure you’re not surprised. the two of us haven’t talked about that sort of thing yet, so i’m avoiding it as long as i can. i’d hate to see their disappointment when i tell them marriage isn’t in the cards for me.
… is what i’d like to believe, but they’re so cute i just might find myself caving into their charms. maybe they’re the manipulator between us after all.”
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༄ ryu natsume:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“yaho~! have you seen my alien commander? last i saw they were UP IN SPAAAACCCCEEEE - oh! there they are! WAHAHA, ATTACK TIME!”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
"hm hm hmmmm - aha! that cloud looks like my rice ball! one time they shot me with a HUUUGGGEEE love beam and GAH! i was their slave for the next ten million years! ryu-kun doesn’t mind though - we can rule the whole world together.”
⁀➷ haunting thoughts:
“ryu-kun doesn’t want to be around anyone right now. they’re the only one who can make the monsters go away - but i don’t want them to see me the way i am. i like them so much… it really hurts.”
⁀➷ the future:
“d’you think they’d get mad if i wear a cat suit to our wedding? of course we’re getting married! everyone in japan is invited! we’ll have lots of cheese and takoyaki, shiki-kun will be the maid of honor, and we’ll be carried down the aisle with pigeons!”
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༄ toma hikage:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“hey, hey! which selfie is cuter? i like their hair in this one, oh - their smile is so bright here! but they’re irresistible when they’re annoyed at me! and then this is one where they’re sleeping, but this one’s filter is pretty, and this one -”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“long before visty was even a thing, they were always by my side. honestly, i doubt i would’ve become an idol without their encouragement. even with that horrible old face of mine, they always talked about how beautiful i was. haaa, i miss them so much! i need to call them right now!”
⁀➷ overbearing fans:
“maybe saying i’m everyone’s idol was a bad idea, haha. they get kinda jealous sometimes when we’re approached too often, but if i’m being real with you, it’s so hot! the way they call me theirs and grip my hand… totally heart pounding!”
⁀➷ the future:
“i hate to think about the day when visty isn’t a group anymore, but the idea of living a normal life with them is kinda nice, you know? waking up late, going grocery shopping, picking up the kids from school, family vacations. not anytime soon, obvs, but i can’t imagine ever wanting it with anyone else.”
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dav-suburbiia · 11 days
another BANGER episode
some thoughts below
Hu Jing and Levi Fontana I will love you forever and ever and ever. I had headcanon’d Levi to have ASPD for a bit and I think this episode helps with that sentiment! he’s such an interesting character, just like Veronika said. giving him a (very platonic) nose kiss
I’m curious about Hu’s past . did she perhaps lack something to live for, and eventually found it either in her talent or in her more “nurturing” way of life? perhaps in a “if I can’t take care of myself, I will take care of others” deal. I adore her, I hope she’s able to find a time where she can comfortably open up about it rather than having it forced out of her.
I immediately knew why David didn’t mention Arei reassuring him. it’s, surprise, a common symptom of depression to believe you don’t deserve good things, including emotional support. so it was less difficult for him to pretend it didn’t happen than to accept that someone cared about him in that way. he probably didn’t lie with bad intentions in this case but, regardless, it was still a dick move not to tell Eden about it.
honestly, just in general, Eden needs a break from all the bullshit in this killing game …
speaking of Eden. the fork scene?! that fork should look familiar to those who have studied that mysterious “bloody hand” scene in the prologue. obviously, those hands are too light to be Eden’s, and I still stand by my theory of them being Xander’s. I do have a whole theory about this small clip with the new Eden CG in mind, but I’m a little embarrassed about it so I likely won’t talk about it with anyone but my close friends …
either way, this entire sequence was INSANELY interesting. I’m happy we got to see Arei alive and well again. I just like seeing her experience that genuine catharsis she needs, and looking to improve not only herself, but being open to see another “shitty” person improve! it is a shame that dream was cut short…
so, on another note, shocker! David wasn’t lying about having Xander’s secret. well, not as much of a shocker to me. I believed he was telling the truth for a while. I’m glad we got our confirmation- though- this means we can officially say Teruko’s mysterious brother is six feet under! whoopie!
(not something to be happy about actually. I’m sorry, girl.)
I wonder what happened. it could just be some standard tragedy but my ridiculous compulsion with connecting everything is telling me that what happened to her family has some major plot relevance. She “didn’t go with them”… where? What happened? Only time will tell us for now, and I’m no expert theorist, so I’ll leave that to the smart people-..
oh, right, Nico. I doubt Teruko is going to pursue them as the culprit? if she was, I think the “select someone” thing would have happened. I assume all she wants here is clarification and for them to elaborate more on what happened with that whole Ace situation. I look forward to what they have to say. I’d love to finally get some closure on that fiasco.
that is all! lovely episode, can’t wait for next week. hope you all had a very (un)lucky Friday the 13th. :]
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racerchix21 · 1 month
These are my people
My entry for day 3 of @bucktommypositivityweek: Meeting each others friends and family
Nonna Carmelina was inspired by Riley’s Nonna stories (@rdng1230)
They’ve been dating 4 months when Tommy comes over after a shift and drops the bombshell. Bucks grateful he’s sitting when the words ‘so my mom and Nonna wanna meet you’ leave Tommy’s lips because he’s almost positive he would’ve fallen otherwise. He can tell by the way that Tommy looks nervous that it’s caught him off guard too.
“They wanna meet me? Like the 2 most important women in your life wanna meet me,” Buck questions reaching over to grasp Tommy’s arm. “How do you feel about me meeting them babe? I know you’re pretty protective of both of them and we can hold off on me meeting them if you want.”
“I should be the one reassuring you about meeting them and here you are telling me that we can hold off,” Tommy says pulling his arm out of his boyfriends grasp to instead tangle their fingers together.
“T, baby I know that you met my family so quick after we got together. Quite literally a couple dates and a few after we met so I understand if you don’t wanna rush me meeting yours,” Buck answers squeezing Tommy’s hand 3 times in their silent way of saying I love you without using the words.
Tommy cracks a small smile before squeezing Buck’s hand in reply. “Yeah Nonna called me this morning and asked if we’d wanna come over for Sunday supper this weekend. She and my mama wanna meet the man who’s been making me so happy the last few months. I told them I’d ask you and call them later.”
“Yeah let’s go have supper with your family,” Buck says excitedly. “I wanna meet the women who helped to shape the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I know I should be nervous about it but from everything you’ve told me your mom and Nonna sound like strong independent badass ladies and I can’t wait.”
“You really wanna meet them? They’d understand if you decided you wanted to hold off longer.”
“Baby are you okay with me meeting them?”
“Of course I want you to get to know them. It’s just your first boyfriend I’ve had where I can see myself having a future with them. And I’m gonna shut up now.” He’s trying to extract his hand so he can get up to pace.
“First of all I’m honored that you can see a future with me because believe it or not I see the rest of my life being spent with you too. Second of all Thomas if you wanted to right this second to fly to Vegas and get married by a guy in a really bad Elvis costume I’d ask when we were leaving.”
When Tommy chuckles Buck knows he’s succeeded in getting his man to relax. “So tell me what I need to know about them.”
“My mom just moved here to Corona to help my Nonna. Mom finally found the strength to leave my father last year and this move has been really good for both of them. You can call my mom Andi and Nonna Lina.”
“Andi and Lina huh? Noted. Anything else or do you go curl up on the couch and watch a movie?”
“Well what else you wanna know?”
“What kind of people are they? Obviously you’re pretty great so they’re amazing too but what’s your favorite memory of them?”
“They’re amazing Evan. Going to my Nonna’s every weekend was the thing I looked forward to every week. Her house was the only place where my dad never dared raise his voice or a hand to mom and I either one. She put the fear of God and Nonna in him early on in his relationship with my mom. I’m pretty sure she had him convinced for awhile that she had Italian mob connections so he knew better than to hit either of us when Nonna Lina was around.”
“The mob huh? She sounds like a real firecracker so what about your mom then?”
“She is a firecracker and my god my mom is as stubborn as the day is long. She protected me the best she could against my dad. She’s not afraid to fight to protect her family and honestly you’re a lot like her babe. She stands up for the little guy regardless of the odds stacked against her.
Hey you think maybe we could go watch a movie now,” Tommy asks through a yawn.
“Of course. Give me a couple minutes and I’ll be right there and we can watch Love, Actually or whatever movie Hallmark has on,” Buck answers heading for the stairs to grab a huge blanket to wrap Tommy up in.
Sunday dawns faster than either of them anticipates and he finally feels himself getting nervous because these are the women who shaped the love of his life into who he is.
Now sitting in the passenger seat of Tommy’s truck he’s trying to calm his breathing. “You’re absolutely positive they wanna meet me?”
“Yes baby. When I called Thursday morning before my shift Nonna squealed at the fact you agreed to come meet them. Knowing her and mom they’ve probably been prepping food since I got off the phone with them,” Tommy answers placing his hand on his boyfriends thigh to squeeze it before lacing their fingers together.
“They’re gonna love you like I do. Now come on let’s go in before Nonna comes out here and drags us in,” Tommy says pulling up in front of a cute little bungalow set back from the street.
Just as Buck opens his door to step out he’s met with two blurs as Lina and Andi come flying across the yard to hug Tommy before finding himself with an armful of Tommy’s Nonna.
“You must be Buck. Our Tommaso has told us so much about you but he must of forgotten to mention how handsome you are. TOMMASO how could you not tell us he was adorable,” Lina asks glaring at Tommy.
“Nonna,” Tommy groans good naturedly.
“Well aren’t you gonna introduce us,” his mom asks tapping her foot staring at her son.
“Yes sorry. Evan this is my mom Andriana and my Nonna Carmelina. Momma, Nonna this is my boyfriend Ev-Buck,” Tommy stumbles over Buck’s name.
“Well Buck it’s nice to finally meet the boy that’s been making our Tommy so happy,” Andi says pulling Buck into a hug.
“It’s nice to meet both of you too, ma’am.”
“Come let’s go grab some drinks before we ask Buck a bunch of questions,” Nonna calls over her shoulder leading everyone back into the house.
Leaning in Tommy whispers in his boyfriends ear, “sorry about that Ev. Nonna gets bossy when it comes to her family and I’m pretty sure she’s already claimed you as one of hers.”
Spinning to give Tommy a kiss, Buck laughs because it’s nice to have a couple more women who care about him and tells Tommy as much.
Finishing a delicious supper and helping to clean up the kitchen, Nonna reminds Buck that he’s always welcome to come visit with or without Tommy. “Now Buck before you guys leave just remember I have connections to people who can make you disappear so take care of my grandson, okay?”
“Yes ma’am,” Buck dutifully answers leaning down to kiss her cheek before stepping back into Tommy’s embrace. “I have no plans to hurt Tommy. I’d rather cut off my own limbs than hurt him I promise.”
@evansboyfriend @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @waywaychuck @obsessivebisexual4tevan @cliophilyra @bidisasterevankinard @betterkeepmewetterthanabayou
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brooooswriting · 11 months
Prompt list
My first prompt list and I’m honestly not quite sure how this works. But send me a prompt and a character (you can find the characters I write for in my guidelines) :) I’m happy about request and recommendations
1. “I’m not stupid, who is s/he?
2. “I’m not flirting with anyone”
3. A: “We have a problem”
B: “no, you got a problem. I got you”
4. “If I could, I would kiss all your scars away”
5. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this”
6. “I don’t want to think about what life would be like without you”
7. “Do you want to stay tonight?”
8. “I killed him and I’d gladly kill him again”
9. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s someone in our house”
10. “How bad is it?”
11. “Cmon, I’ll carry you”
12. “I can’t get up”
13. “I threw up”
14. “You’re burning love”
15. “I can protect myself”
16. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF”
17. “You look beautiful”
18. “You left me. I stayed, I waited”
19. “You have the most amazing eyes”
20. “How’d you this scar?”
21. “We have time”
22. “You can still use your legs, so don’t say that I was jealous again”
23. “If even one of them touches you again, I’ll make sure they aren’t able to ever again”
24. “I’m overreacting?”
25. “Don’t cover my bite marks, or I might just have to add more”
26. “Wow, you really thought you could trust me?”
27. “You belong to me”
28. “I dare you”
29. “You can’t restart life once you make a mistake”
30. “You should be with someone who values you”
31. “I do not like (x), I like you you idiot”
32. “(X) doesn’t understand what they’re missing”
33. “If I was your girlfriend, I’d …”
34. “Can you picture me and you together?”
35. “My grandma thinks we are dating”
36. “Can’t sleep again”
37. “It’s past midnight, why are you still up?”
38. “Let’s get you some sleeping pills”
39. “She’s not your property”
40. “There is us, there never was”
41. “Keep lying and I’m out”
42. “Is this all I was to you?”
43. “You thought this was real?”
44. “All they ever did was take advantage of you. Why can’t you see that?”
45. “Tell me a story”
46. “It’s time to move on”
47. “I’m gonna take a shower, you should join me. You know, save water”
48. “Calm down! You’re scaring me”
49. “I’m done trying to fix you”
50. “I see your face everywhere… don’t you understand that?”
51. “I wasn’t enough for you, you made that clear”
52. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake to. Go back to sleep my love”
53. “Can I borrow your hoodie?”
54. “It kills me to imagine you with somebody else”
55. “You don’t own me”
56. “Can you come and get me?”
57. “You’re freezing, let’s go inside. I don’t want you to catch a cold”
58. “I don’t want you to be disappointed”
59. “It’s cute, this thing you’re doing”
60. “You should eat something”
61. “Who did this to you?!”
62. “You look like you need a hug”
63. “I love you, but you need to shut up”
64. “They’re coming. Kiss me”
65. “I’m flirting with you”
66. “I’m just so tired all the time”
67. “Would you like to take a nap with me?”
68. “Can I braid your hair?”
69. “You’re not your past”
70. “That’s not what I meant and you know it”
71. “You can cry, there’s no shame in it”
72. “You don’t do that with me”
73. “You’re not making sense dear”
74. “You feel like home”
75. “Is s/he really just a friend?”
76. “I promise I am trying”
77. “I can fix it, I will fix it”
78. “I can’t breathe around you”
79. “Don’t give me space. That’s the last thing I want”
80. “If you were any less threatening, you’d be a dandelion”
81. “I just adore you”
82. “Did I do good?”
83. “Let’s run away then”
84. “You shouldn’t trust me”
85. “What if you get hurt?”
86. “I like to do it for the plot”
87. “You are ticklish, that’s so cute”
88. “Can you warm me? I’m freezing”
89. “If you steel the blanket I’m gonna put my cold feed on you”
90. “This is low, even for you”
91. “I promise it didn’t mean anything”
92. “How much cold medicine did you take?”
93. “Get behind me”
94. “Touch her one more time and I’m gonna kill you”
95. “I want a family… with you”
96. “You’re more than a one night stand”
97. “Say that one more time and I’ll whoop your ass”
98. “My family likes you more than they like me”
99. “Every day feels like a burden”
100. “I may be a hero but I’d end the world for you”
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seenoversundown · 3 months
Allure : Part One
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: Fluff, Flirting, Mentions of Alcohol, A lot of yearning and pining, some sexy insinuations, wholesome family time (crazy to put that right after a sex warning but-) and your favorite: pirate references.
Word Count: 3.3k (it's 3333 to be exact and I couldn't stop giggling over it)
Summary: It's a family lake day! Spending a day at the lake with everyone means getting to laugh and have fun together, but for Charlotte it means watching Jake longingly from a distance until she can get him alone.
Author's Note: I know I said there was no For Death Or Glory this week, so I felt like I owed it to you by letting these two be posted first! Happy Holiday Week!
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1901 - Phoenix (No lyrics this time- the song is just a good summery vibe!)
Charlotte POV:
The chaos that ensues when we spend time with his family will never cease to amaze me. 
Danny told us about the lake day plans, and I had to remind Jacob that he was allowed to take days away from the bar. Finally, having a few successful bartenders actually stick around, he’s been able to sneak away every so often. Even though that usually involves checking his phone four hundred times throughout the day, progress is progress. 
The boys are all cracking open beers together while I’m sitting on a blanket with Quinn, Willa, and Mel, listening to Josh splash around with Iris. At least they’ll both be tuckered out later, giggling to myself at the thought. 
It’s a blessing and curse being with Jacob. That sounds terrible but walk with me. He is the most kind and gentle man I have ever met, but to a fault. He loves nothing more than to be around his brothers and help them out with whatever he can. The problem is that he forgets about himself, or in this case, me as well. 
Naturally, when we heard about the lake day, he volunteered to make food for everyone. As he would. So now that we’re here, I’m watching him from afar deal with that, while Sam continuously fumbles around with everything. Sometimes, I don’t believe Sam is actually that clumsy and just does it to get under Jake’s skin. Honestly, it is fun for me to watch some days. He’s so patient with everything, but I can see his jaw clench from a mile away when Sam about knocks over all the food into the sand. 
My eyes stay on him as I wander over, his shirt open, which really isn’t different from most days, but with the little shorts he’s decided to wear today, I swear I could eat him whole. 
Once he looks over to me, his face softens, holding his arm out for me to come in close. I slide my hands around his waist as he presses a kiss to the side of my head. 
“Hey you,” I whisper, “you okay?” Letting my eyes scan his face, knowing that he was trying not to be irritated. 
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” 
Reaching my hand up and holding his chin in my hand, quietly telling him, “It’s okay to tell him to leave you alone. He’s just trying to be helpful, but I bet he would gladly go off with Danny if you told him to.” 
His sweet little laugh escaped, “You’re right, I’ll tell him to kick rocks.” 
“Jacob, that’s not what I said,” I can’t hold back my laugh. His shit-eating grin grows; leaning in, he plants a kiss on my lips. 
“Gross, get a room,” Sam teases. 
Jacob quickly rebuttals, “All of you wanted this, don’t forget that,” kissing me again, and then whispers, “Go enjoy your book. I’ll bring you some food when it’s ready.” 
Between reading and chatting with everyone, I spent a while just watching my gorgeously tanned boyfriend living his best little life. He finally took his shirt off, so he’s just been walking around in the shortest swim trunks I think he could find. I’ll never complain about it, though. 
We’ve been together for a little while now, and I’m still fully obsessed with him, but seeing him since the warm weather hit has really been a treat for me. His shirts are always a little more open, he wears his hair up in little messy buns, and these shorts have been killing me. Never thought there would be a day that I’d be excited over seeing a man’s legs, but I guess there’s a first for everything. 
“Iris has requested that you come play,” Josh’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. Glancing over at the two of them, dripping wet but hand in hand and cuter than a button. I can’t say no to her. 
“Oh, of course,” I tell him. Quickly standing up and sliding off my shorts, I tuck all my things into my bag. Without turning around, I know that someone is staring, and maybe, I did that on purpose by wearing my bathing suit that shows a tasteful amount of ass. Peeking over my shoulder to see him with his eyebrows raised, looking back at me, as I walk over to where Iris and Josh have been. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t rope Quinn into playing,” I quietly say to Josh as I’m being handed a bucket to hold. 
He looks over at them for a moment, “They deserve a little break. Between working with kids and then coming home to me, I’m sure relaxing in the sun is exactly what they need. Like a little plant.” 
I’ve spent a lot of time with Josh at this point, considering everything, so we’ve gotten comfortable with each other. And I’ve learned how to understand how he speaks. She takes the bucket, flipping it over and creating the saddest tower I’ve ever seen, but when her face lights up, we follow suit. 
“Hopefully, you didn’t plan to spend time with him today,” he says with a laugh, glancing over at Jacob. 
A sigh comes from me before I can even pretend to stop it, making us both laugh. Iris looks up and sees us, so she giggles along with us. Sitting on Josh’s lap while she digs up more sand, piling it up on our legs. 
“At least he means well,” I let slip out while gazing over at him. His shorts hung low on his hips, leaving the little trail of hair visible and hip bones on full display. Does he even realize how hot he is? I really didn’t know what I was in for, meeting him in late October. 
Josh gently touches my arm before telling me, “he would drop everything for you, dear. Just say the word.” It makes my heart swell because I know he would. 
“He looks too happy right now. I can’t stop him,” the smile grew on my face. “Plus, it’s nice to see everyone in one place finally.” 
“Not at the bar,” he mutters, chuckling to himself. “I’ll say it so you don’t have to.” 
I hold a finger up to my lips, silently shushing him with a wink. 
“Trust me, we’re all glad you’re forcing him out of his little dungeon.” He admits. Josh and I have spent plenty of time discussing him over the past few months,  it will always make me laugh when he reminds me how antisocial Jacob was before I came in. 
He’s still quite the homebody, but I’ve managed to convince him to occasionally take a full day out of the bar to do things. It’s good for both of us, honestly. 
“I’ve been sent to tell you that food is ready,” Sam says as he walks towards us. Squatting down and waving Iris over to him. She runs full speed ahead at him as he scoops her up, hoisting her up to sit on his shoulders for the walk back. Watching her hold onto the bun on top of his head making both Josh and I laugh.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I let everyone grab their food before me, mostly so I could steal his attention for a second. He watches as I walk up to him, his stare will always give me butterflies. 
“Well, hi there,” he mumbles. My hand found its place on his stomach, glancing at his lips for a second before leaning in. 
“Hi,” I squeak out, feeling his hand slide over my ass, “Watch your hands there, Captain.” Squinting at him as he giggles. 
“You never told me about this one,” he says quietly, knowing we’re within earshot of everyone. “Didn’t know I was gonna get a show today.” 
“To be fair,” I giggle, “I was hoping to surprise you a little.” 
“Honey, I about had a heart attack,” he fiddles with the strings holding my top together. “I’ll always think you’re gorgeous. I mean, come on.”  His head dropped back dramatically. 
“Alright, you two,” Danny hollers, “you guys have all the time in the world to flirt with each other. Come sit!” My head falls forward into him as we both laugh. Neither of us had gotten used to the fact everyone can see us; it’s like we’re in our own world when we talk to each other. Or in the middle of the sea, as he would want to say.   ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
It was a fleeting moment I got to spend with him, as the moment we sat down with everyone, I lost him again. Immediately, he’s chatting and giggling with his brothers. He constantly grabs things for everybody, making sure everyone is happy. For such a calm human, he sure has his moments of chaos, reminding me that he is definitely Josh’s twin. 
The boys and Iris take off, back to making sandcastles and splashing in the lake. Well, three of them, while my sweet boy decided to pick up a little before hanging out.  It’s like he doesn’t know how to not be at work. Can’t clean at the bar? He’ll just clean wherever he is, apparently. 
“They’re all so cute together,” Willa pipes up as the rest of us look over. The boys run away from Iris as she splashes them, pulling out all the stops to make her laugh. 
“Some would say too cute,” Quinn says, their face flushed a little, as Josh falls over while Iris “attacks” him. 
Willa looks over, laughing at Quinn, “Oh my god, Q. Keep it together.” 
“What?! It’s not my fault I’m not afraid to admit my partner is hot.” 
“Excuse me! That was about the only thing I was willing to admit about Sam for a while,” Willa says before mumbling, “It’s just the rest of the emotions I wasn’t too excited to accept.” 
I listen to the two of them go back and forth for a few minutes like an old married couple, which is pretty typical when you get the two of them together. I look over at Mel, who is just fully zoned out, watching the boys with her child. 
“Good daydream over there?” I tease. She looks over with a little grin on her face. 
“You have no idea,” she wiggles her eyebrows, laughing as it comes out.  
Looking back over to Jacob for a second, the perfect second really. He stretches his arms up, making that trail of hair on his belly even more visible, and the little ab muscles that he hides so well pop out. 
“I don’t know I might.” 
All four of us laughing together. It really was nice when we all got to spend time together without the boys. It usually turned into us all catching each other up on things. Even if we talk to each other almost daily and see each other more often than not. The perks of dating someone who’s close with their family; you immediately are gifted new friends when they have partners. And I am very lucky in that department. 
“How’s your day going while we’re asking-“ Quinn asks, glancing over. I let my head drop back before looking back at them. 
“Other than barely seeing him- I can’t complain.” Everybody laughing with me because they’re all aware of how he functions. 
“Just go get him!” 
“Go seduce him, girl!” 
“He’s just a boy, and you’re practically naked. He’ll pay attention to you.” 
I stand up, fixing my top and pulling up my bottoms a smidge more. I do a little twirl as the rest of them gas me up. I wander over towards him. I’ll just really lay it on thick, and it’ll distract him. It works every time. 
Sneaking up behind him, I wrap my arms around him, leaning my face against him. Enjoying the moment, just getting to touch him, makes me realize that I miss him sometimes, even if he’s just busy. 
His hands grabbed my arms, pulling them off him so he could turn around but letting me snake them back around his waist. 
“Enjoying the sun?” He asks, tucking some hair behind my ear.
“Mhm,” my hands moved to hold his sides, “I wish you would come to enjoy it with me.” Leaning into him a little more, pouting my lip at him. May as well just be a bit dramatic. 
“Oohhhh,” he coos, as his index finger so gently pulls my face closer so he can press a small kiss onto my pouty lip. “Are we so sad?” His smile slowly crept onto his face. 
With an obviously sad ‘mhm’ and a small nod, I fight the smile that is threatening to come out as I mumble, “I’ve just missed you, baby.” 
“Oh, don’t do that to me,” he says, pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry, honey. Give me like two more minutes, and then I’m all yours.” 
Turning my face to press a kiss against his cheek, thinking I finally won his attention, we both look down as water drips down our legs. 
Sweet baby Iris stood there, lightly tapping his leg for his attention. He lets go of me, squatting down to her level. She walks in close to him, a big cheesy grin on her face. She loves her uncle so much. 
‘Come play?’ She asks him. 
He looks up at me, and I just nod, knowing he can’t say no to her. 
He picks her up, and off they go.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I sat back on the blanket for a bit, just watching them play together. It really is precious how much she loves all the boys. I probably will never get used to seeing him interact with her, though. I’ll be calling him Daddy later, that’s for sure. 
He’s stuck in the same position I was; holding a bucket as she fills it with sand. The way he just beams at her the whole time would make anybody melt. Even when she’s splashing him with water, he’s just so happy to play with her. 
I’ve never seen him move faster than when she took off running along the water. Catching up to her but letting her think she was faster. He just jogs behind her as she looks back at him, giggling and toddling along. She’s weaving in and out of the water, trying to splash him, and of course, he’s being dramatic about it to make her laugh even more. 
“Well, look at those two having fun,” Quinn says, sitting back on the blanket with me. 
I glance over at them. “I know. It’s so-“ 
We both whip our heads over when we hear the first cry. He’s already squatting down to help her stand up; she must have toppled over into the water. Her little arms reach out as she stands up, walking into him. He wraps her in a hug, standing up with her in his arms still. Walking towards Daniel, I can see him pressing kisses into the top of her head and rubbing her back the whole time.  
I can see her sweet, sad face resting against him as they get closer. Danny walked over to steal her away from him. 
“Oh, come here, babe,” Danny says as she reaches out to him. “She’s a runner, and she’ll never learn. Thank you, bud.” They chuckle together before Jake walks over to me, holding his hands out. 
“Is it finally my turn?” I tease. 
“Actually, Jake, could you-“ Quinn starts, making me turn my head faster than the speed of light. They let out a belly laugh, “I’m so kidding. Please spend time with Miss Lottie before she withers away!” 
Taking his hands, he pulls me up into him, placing a kiss on my forehead. “I’m all yours now, honey.” 
My heart swells as he tells me. Grabbing his hand and pulling him away from everyone, we spent a few minutes just walking along the water. 
“I missed you today,” I admit, which feels a bit silly. 
He lets go of my hand, pulling me into him, “I know, I’m sorry,” he mumbles in between little kisses on the side of my head. 
“I did enjoy watching you all day, though. When were you going to tell me you had these?” I ask, tugging on his shorts gently. 
“Oh, you like these?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. 
I nod quickly, turning to face him. I dance my fingertips along his waistband. 
“As soon as we get home,” I start, tugging him a little closer, “I’ll show you how much I like them.” His face flushes at my comment. 
“We can leave now?” He smirks, running his hand over my ass again, giving it a light squeeze. 
“Not yet,” I giggle at his eagerness. “I was looking forward to seeing you wet today.” 
With no hesitation, he scoops me up bridal style. 
“What are you doing?” I ask. 
“Making your dream come true,” he says, “plus if you keep talking like that, I’m gonna need a minute before we walk back over there.”
“What do you mean?” I whisper in his ear. He picks up his pace into the water as I watch his face. “Baaaaby-“ 
“Charlotte,” he warns me. 
“Jacob,” I rebuttal. 
“I can’t wait to see you soaked,” he says, cocking his eyebrow up. My teeth pull my lip in; he’s usually not so forward- wait.
My smile falls quickly. “Jake, you better not—” He starts laughing before I can even finish the thought, readjusting his hands underneath me. 
“Jacob, don’t you dare.” 
“I’m sorry, honey,” his voice sounds so sweet as he tosses me into the water. 
The water felt nice after being in the sun all day, so I couldn’t even be that mad at him. I look at him, still just standing there, watching as I struggle to get all my hair out of my face. 
“What?” I ask, moving closer to him. 
He shakes his head, and a soft smile laces his lips. “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”
I wrap my arms around him in a hug, wishing there was a way to be even closer to him but enjoying what I can get in the moment. 
“I still can’t believe you’re dry,” I mumble against him, waiting for it to process. His little laugh fills the air, and I start pulling him further into the water. 
His hands found their place on my hips, holding on tight as we moved deeper into the water. He caves after a minute, going under the water, not without running his hands down my legs, of course. 
His body glistened from the water as he stood in front of me. This is what I’ve been waiting for. I swim close to him, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling his face in for a kiss. 
“My little siren today, huh? Luring me into the water,” his low voice sent little shivers through my body. My legs tightened around him, knowing I gave myself away. Leaving little kisses down his neck, in between droplets of water. Every moment that goes by is more torturous than the last, but I need to make it worse. 
I let my legs detach from his hips, knowing I was going to need to make a break for it. Pressing my lips into his one more time before leaning into his ear to whisper, “Just think about it.” 
He pulls back to look at me, “Think about what?” His eyebrows pulled in, but the smirk on his face tells me that he knows I’m being a little shit. 
I gently run my hand down the length of him through his now-soaked swim trunks, with a shit-eating grin on my face when I tell him, “All the booty you’ll get when we get home, Captain.” Shooting him a wink as I back away from him, watching his eyes go from happy to hungry as he starts chasing after me. 
I may be cooking up a part 2 if you guys are interested in that 👀
edit: Part Two 😘
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | The Caravel Tavern Series
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ab4eva · 2 years
‘Tomorrow Will Be Too Late’
Part 4
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Summary: Elvis Presley x Reader / For as long as you can remember, you’ve loved two things - Elvis Presley and time travel. After seeing the 1968 Comeback Special for the first time, you decide to try and get back to him for one incredible night, by any means necessary.
Author’s note: I’m not even sure if anyone is still interested in this story or not but the next part is finally here. It was an absolute nightmare to write, I was stuck for so long. I honestly didn’t even know if I was going to keep writing it but I surprised even myself. Very special thanks to Ally (@elvisabutler) who helped me get over the hump when I was incredibly blocked. You probably wouldn’t be reading this chapter if not for her. And my Lovely Ladies of Graceland for the encouragement, help, wisdom, friendship and motivation. The boot scene idea and one line is courtesy of the lovely Marina, so thank her for that hotness.
Warnings: NSFW - 18+ only. Language, infidelity, oral (f. receiving), boot riding (yes really), daddy kink, angst, mention of death, a scary episode that might be considered close to something like a seizure.
Word count: 7,401
TWBTL Masterlist
The thing no one ever mentions about time travel - in movies, in books - is just how lonely and isolating it really is. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a crowd of people, or one other person, you’re still alone. You can’t ever be your true self because who you are doesn’t exist in that world, in that particular time and place. You’ve come from your own time, where you belong, to another world entirely, where your existence is an anomaly. A disruption. Wrong. And you feel it. The wrongness of it all. It pushes on the back of your head and the sides of your temples and the backs of your knees. Almost like an invisible force is trying to knock you down. You feel off balance, as if you could fall into an abyss at any moment. It sets your teeth on edge and makes your bones ache. You didn’t think you’d feel a physical toll on your body but you do. The longer you stay, the stronger it becomes. You can no longer ignore the pull towards home, your own place in the universe.
The sharp ding of a text message startles you out of your reverie and you pull your eyes away from the window you’ve been staring out of. Looking down, you see it’s your mom…again. You really should give her a call but you just can’t manage to bring yourself to, not yet. You’ve been back home a week now and so far you’ve managed to shower, once. Order in groceries. Cry. Watch a little bit of TV. Cry. Stare out the window for long periods of time. Cry some more. You know your family is probably worried but you’ve been able to hold them off by telling them you’ve been sick and will call when you’re feeling up to it. You thought maybe you’d be in a little bit of a better place than you were a week ago, but no. You’re still just as destroyed as when you left 1968. When you left him. A fresh wave of tears crashes over you as you think about that last morning…
Scattered thoughts pull you from a peaceful slumber at Elvis’s side. You’re not ready to wake up, not yet, but before your eyes are even open they take hold like a wildfire burning through your brain and won’t let go. Not ready to contemplate everything but knowing you’ve already stayed here longer than you should. Your heart seizes at the thought of leaving Elvis and suddenly your body is ice, the blood running cold in your veins, and you lay there a moment, almost paralyzed. You look over at his still sleeping form and it gives you a moment to study him. Face relaxed in rest, all of the cares and worries he’s been holding onto this week have slipped away. He looks peaceful, like a little boy. No, not just any little boy, but the boy he was, the pictures you’ve seen of him from Humes Junior High School. You wonder at how this man before you can change so quickly from one thing to another, how he can hold both things in him at the same time. His face is leaner, baby fat gone from his cheeks and chin, nose ever so slightly thinner, but it’s the same face. Plush, pink lips curved gently into a smile, even now, long, dark eyelashes splayed across his cheeks, straight eyebrows framing it all. You're tempted to kiss him awake, to start a fire that can’t be quenched. But you stop yourself. If you start now, you’ll never stop. You’ll never leave. And you have to leave. It’s already breaking your heart but your time is up. You feel it in your bones, deep inside. That fragile line you followed all the way back here, to him, is now pulled taut, and it’s tugging you back, inch by inch. You think it might break if you’re not careful and then where would you be? No, you have to go. The sooner the better.
You carefully disentangle yourself from the sheets, mindful not to disturb Elvis, your eyes lingering a moment too long on his sleeping form, before you remind yourself why it is you’re leaving his bed in the first place. You’re doing it for him. You don’t belong here, in his life. You shouldn’t be here. You could fuck it all up and that terrifies you more than the thought of leaving him does. You float around the room, quiet as a mouse, retrieving the few things you have. You hope he doesn’t wake up, as painful as is it to slip away without another word. You just can’t bare the thought of looking into his eyes, hearing his voice, feeling his hands on you. Seeing him smile playfully, that pink tongue touching his top lip when he finds something amusing. Or whispering in your ear as his hand finds it’s way to your back as he leads you down the hallway. Not now, not today. It would you break you in half, and you can’t have that, not when you need every piece of you whole for what comes next. It’s better this way. This way, it’s just a fling, something passing and trivial. For him, anyway. For you it’s more than that, much more, but you can’t stop to give these thoughts any air to breathe, lest they pull you under and drown you. You dress quickly, quietly, running a comb through your hair and slipping on your shoes. Turning back around you’re nearly startled to death, jumping out of your skin as you see Elvis sitting up in bed, arms crossed, silently watching you, a look of barely contained fury on his handsome face. Shit. You stare at him, frozen in place and heart jackhammering in your chest, any words you think to utter die on your lips the longer this silent showdown continues. You open your mouth to say something, anything, to fill the void but he beats you to it.
“Save it honey,” he says through gritted teeth as he throws the covers back and stands up, long legs striding over to where you’re standing, pointing a finger in your face. “You could have told me if this was just s-s-some kind t-t-trophy for you. Something to brag about to your little friends? Who else have you f-f-fucked, huh? Mick Jagger? Robert Plant? You some s-s-sort of rock star w-w-whore?” He hurls this at you with venom, his emotions betrayed by that old stutter, intended to hurt. And it does. In more ways than one.
Your mouth drops open and you feel tears threaten your eyes. It feels as if he’s punched you in the gut, you’re so unable to breath or think beyond the pain his words have sliced through you. He’s towering over you, chest heaving, pulse beating wildly under his jaw, his silk pajama shirt open to the waist. You’re in agony, your hands itching to reach out and hold him, reassure him that he’s gotten it all wrong. You realize not only is he angry, he’s also hurt. Hurt by the fact you would just thoughtlessly walk out on him after the past two days. That you could. Your heart is already broken by the fact you have to leave him but to leave him knowing he feels more than just a fleeting passion for you is overwhelming. You shut your eyes as tears spill down your cheeks, your hands balled into fists at your side, trying to gain a bit of strength to do what must be done. You open your eyes, expecting to meet his fractured blue ones but he’s no longer standing in front of you. He’s sitting hunched over on the end of the bed, looking defeated and weary. Your heart shatters just a little bit more and despite your better judgement, you find yourself kneeling in-between his legs, an echo of last night, but this time no one’s having fun.
“Elvis,” you whisper, your hands hovering on either side of his cheeks, hesitating just a moment before taking his face in your hands, “look at me.” His eyes are downcast, refusing to meet your gaze. Stubborn, headstrong, impossible man. “I’m sorry. I…” you stop, unsure of what to say, how to make him understand all of the things you cannot say. “Listen, I thought this was just a fun little fling for you. I know…I know how these things work, I wasn’t born yesterday.” He does look up at you then, meeting your eyes briefly, a hint of embarrassment in them, before looking away again. “And - the truth is…” you swallow back the tears that are threatening to fall again. “The truth is…I like you. You have to know that, Elvis. I thought it would be easier - for me - if I just…slipped away. It’s a self-preservation thing. And I see now that I was wrong. I’m sorry. Really I am.”
He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak, just stays where he is, refusing to look at you, silent. And then the tears you were holding back start to fall, and your hands on his face feel like they’re on fire and you drop them to your lap. Suddenly, it’s all too much to bear. You are overwhelmed and exhausted by the last 48 hours - the pleasure, the pain, the disorientation, the otherness of your situation. You crumple in on yourself, curling into a ball at his feet, letting the feelings crush you as sobs wrack your body. You don’t care what Elvis thinks of you - don’t care that he might think you’re crazy or emotional or complicated. All you want right now is for the pain to stop. You wish you’d never come. Wish you’d never known how his callused hands feel on your delicate skin, the way his mouth fits perfectly on yours, like two puzzle pieces slotting together. Wish you’d never known how his voice sounds first thing in the morning, all sleepy and raspy, his southern drawl that much stronger, before he became aware of himself, before he became the Elvis everyone expected him to be. Most of all, you wish you’d never known what it feels like to be loved, even for a brief moment, by Elvis Presley. Because now you know it feels like you can breathe again, for the first time in a long time, and you don’t even know when it was that you had ever stopped. It feels like coming home.
You’re dimly aware of his hands on you, of the shushing noises he is making as he runs his hands over your body, trying to get you to calm down. If you could see his face, you’d see regret and sadness there, the fact that he is apparently the cause of all your heartache, his own feelings forgotten for the moment. It broke something in him to see you like this, ripped his insides up just a little. He’s never met anyone so emotional, so prone to tears, and rather than anger or annoy him, it makes him want to take care of you, to stop those tears and never have to see them again.
“Come on now, honey…calm down. I’m sorry, I-I-I didn’t mean what I said before, I was angry. I shouldn’t have said those things.” There’s a desperation in his voice that makes you cry harder, because it means he cares, more than you thought possible. His hands are on your shoulders and suddenly he’s lifting you onto his lap, though when he sat down on the floor you don’t know. You resist at first, pushing against his chest like a petulant child, your arms and legs resistant to his touch. But he pays you no mind as he gathers you close to him once again, as if he knows exactly what you need, even when you don’t - he rubs your back and lets you cry, just as he did the first night you spent with him. You’re too tired to fight any more and slump against him, chest slightly heaving as you stare into the distance, numb. You’re silent now, the tears still falling, soaking his silk pajama shirt, but instead of the overwhelming storm of before, these are bitter tears of grief, crying for what is already lost. For he is lost to you, one way or another. You’re clinging to a ghost, the shadow of a man long gone and you shiver even though his warmth is seeping into every inch of your body.
“There now,” Elvis murmurs, “sweet lil girl. Lovely girl.” He smooths the hair back from your forehead as he leans you back in his arms, cradling you like a baby, and shushing you like one too. Your tears have subsided and only little hiccups stir you every now and again, the room silent and you shut your eyes against the early morning sun that pours through the curtains.
“Now, lil one, you’re gonna tell me what’s going on. And why ya tried to sneak out o’ here like ya did,” he says softly, turning your chin gently so your eyes meet his. You expect to see some of the anger from before, but instead you see only concern and…deep affection. You will yourself to keep the tears down, to make it through this next part. This is the last test, the one you have to pass. You steady your voice and pull yourself up to sitting, being able to face him head on somehow makes this a little bit easier.
“I am sorry, Elvis. The truth is, I have to go home. I have a job and a life and…these past two days have been the most incredible of my life. But I can’t stay here…much as I’d like to,” you end quietly, suddenly shy. “And…you have someone waiting for you. This was never…this was never going to be anything more than what it is.” He smiles at you, sweet and sad, a sigh escaping his pink lips.
“I know, honey,” he says, the internal struggle in his mind apparent on his face. Finally he makes up his mind, saying, “But will ya come visit me at Graceland? I can make arrangements for…for us to be alone.” You feel your heart speed up at the thought once again of what you were doing. But more than that, the only thing making it’s way to your mind now is that he wants to see you again. Your heart feels as if it might float out of your chest. Can you promise him that you’ll see him at Graceland? No, of course not. It didn’t work like that. You aren’t even sure if you can travel again. And if you can, what affect would it have you? On Elvis? But the pull is too strong - blue eyes pleading with you, begging you to say yes. How are you supposed to deny Elvis Presley anything?
“OK,” you breathe, unable to contain the smile spreading across your face.
“Yeah?” He’s looking at you like it’s Christmas morning and you’re just the thing he’s always wanted, his face all lit up and hopeful.
“Yeah,” you whisper, pulling his mouth down to yours, kissing him, hard. Like you’re trying to imprint the memory of his lips onto yours. Like you’re trying to melt yourself into him, so that you can stay with him forever. Like you’re trying to impress upon him the memory of you, so that in his weaker moments, his loneliness, he remembers you.
You had told Elvis you’d see him at Graceland in two weeks. The hardest part was convincing him that you wouldn’t have access to a phone for those two weeks. In the end, you made up some story about having to go overseas for work and wouldn’t be able to call long distance. He seemed slightly dubious but accepted it, as long as you promised to take the number to Graceland in case you needed anything. That was a week ago, one more left to go. You spend every waking moment, every sleeping one too, obsessed with the thought of going back. Worried it won’t work, worried you’ll never see him again. And when you’ve worried enough, that’s when the tears come. But you’ve only got a week left until you try and create lightning in a bottle for the second time, which means it’s time to get to work. You read up on any new information or theories that have popped up in the past few days. You type out your experience, all the details, everything you remember from you trip and save it to a Word document on your laptop labeled “Bill S. Preston, Esq.” You’re still able to make corny jokes, that had to be a good sign. You connected with your family, finally, who all agreed that you looked rather weak and pale after being sick. If they only knew. Your sister was the only one who was in on the secret and she fussed accordingly over you and made you promise to be careful, take every precaution. You promised. She could see the light in your eyes that had never been there before, and feel the lightness of your spirit, which she hadn’t seen in you for quite sometime. How could she be anything but happy for you when it made you this alive.
This time you drive yourself to Memphis, it’s only a few hours away, and you figure time in the car to think will do you good. It gives you time to run through the plan again, to run through every scenario you can think of, troubleshooting in your mind as you go. You’re as prepared as you’ll ever be by the time you reach your hotel, planning on getting a good nights rest before your first attempt tomorrow. This time you’ve packed a vintage suitcase with clothes, pajamas, money…whatever you might need for a few days. He asked you to come for the week and while it excites you, it also fills you with a bit of dread. You haven’t stayed in the past that long before, you aren't sure what might happen. But it’s a risk you’re willing to take, foolish as it may be. The way you feel right now has you floating on air, possible consequences be damned. If everything goes as planned, by this time tomorrow you’ll be back in Elvis’s arms.
The few times you’ve been to Graceland flash through your mind as your car pulls up outside the mansion. The most intense feeling of deja vu courses through you and you shudder. You’ve been here before…but not…you remember all the tours you took of the house - this house. But that’s not what’s giving you the feeling of deja vu. It’s like you’re remembering something that hasn’t happened yet. You distinctly remember pulling up the driveway in a car like this and stopping here, in front of the steps, just as you are now. But that’s impossible. You’ve never been to the mansion in a car before, only the shuttle bus that takes you from the main entrance annex at the Graceland compound, across Elvis Presley Boulevard, through the graffitied gates of Graceland and up the hill to the mansion. Your mind must be playing tricks on you, your brain a little scrambled from the back and forth between past and present. Before you can ruminate on it any further your eyes are drawn to the front door and you see something you’ve only dreamed about. Elvis Presley, opening wide the door of Graceland, a cheeky grin lighting up his handsome face as he saunters down the front steps to greet you. You’re so entranced by the image it’s almost as if you’re watching an old home movie taken by someone else, something you’ve seen a hundred times. You don’t realize you’re just sitting there, staring at him through the window, until he tries to open your door and it’s locked. He shakes his head with a smirk and taps on the window.
“I thought you weren’t gonna lock me out anymore, little girl. You’re not tryin’ to brat up on me again so soon, are ya?” The playfulness sparkles in his eyes and his smirk tells you he remembers quite vividly the last time you tried to lock him out of somewhere he wanted to be. Your face flushes at the memory and you see him notice, giving you a look so full of promise and desire it takes your breath away.
“I don’t know, maybe I am. What are you gonna do about it?” you say with a smile, opening the car door and stepping out as you eye each other timidly. It’s only been two weeks but in some ways it feels like an eternity since you last saw him. Then suddenly he’s pulling you into his arms and crushing you in a bear hug, squeezing so tightly you’re having trouble catching a breath. Your not complaining and hug him back almost as hard, earning a satisfied grunt from him. A Tracy Chapman lyric hovers in your thoughts, “It would feel so good to be, in your arms, where all my journeys end.” That isn’t right, can’t be right…he isn’t your destiny. This isn’t where your journey ends…it’s just one part of it. He has his life…had his life, you correct yourself, and not for the first time you feel a chill settle on your shoulders as you look into the eyes of a man gone from this world for almost fifty years. But he isn’t gone…not yet. He’s here, right now, flesh and blood - alive.
“Whadya think of it, Queenie?” he asks as he takes your hand and pulls you up the front steps, the pride apparent in his voice, his face beaming. You’re too charmed for a moment to register what he said until your brain catches up.
“Queenie?” you question as you draw your eyebrows together and give him a puzzling look. He stares at you expectantly and dips his head like a little kid, almost bashful. “Queenie,” you say again slowly, trying it out, seeing how it sounds on your tongue, rolling through your head, landing somewhere near your heart. A smile spreads across your face and something fragile perches in your soul. He named you. Claimed you as his own.
“Everyone insists on calling me the King…figure I should have a Queen.” He flashes that famous lopsided grin before gathering you in his arms and nuzzling his nose into your neck at the ticklish spot just below your ear and your shoulder lifts automatically in response as he plants soft kisses there, his lips dragging across the the sensitive flesh, his tongue darting out every now and again for a taste, making you shiver. You’re still planted firmly on the front porch of Graceland for all the world to see. You manage to reluctantly pull away, suddenly terrified someone will see the two of you.
“Show me the rest of it…please?” you say, like you haven’t already been inside his house many times, like you don’t remember exactly where each room is, like all of the little factoids you’ve ever heard aren’t running circles in your head. He’s pulling you inside by the hand and as soon as the front door is shut his arms are around your waist and his lips are crashing into yours with a desperation so fierce it engulfs you like a wildfire in mere seconds. He walks you backwards towards the staircase, never breaking the kiss, his hands in your hair, on your hips, fingertips brushing the bare skin of your thighs as he inches your skirt higher and higher. Your heel hits the bottom stair and you stumble a little and giggle into his mouth, your arms instinctively circling his neck to steady yourself as Elvis gently lowers you back onto the stairs. You barely realize what’s happening as he drops to his knees before you and pushes your skirt up to your waist, tugging your baby pink cotton panties down and off with a gentle force that has you grabbing onto the wooden stair rail to keep yourself from sliding off the stairs entirely. You gasp at the unexpected exposure and immediately close your legs and sit up. “Elvis!” you whisper, your heart banging in your chest and a deep blush staining your cheeks.
“Shh, baby, relax. Let me take care of you. Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for two long weeks.” He kisses you, almost chastely, and places a hand on your shoulder, firmly but slowly pushing you back down. Your eyes come to rest on the crystal chandelier sparkling above as you inhale a shaky breath, trying to steady your pounding heart. You jump as his cool hands grasp your knees to try and pry your legs apart and you shoot up again, quick as anything. He chuckles and shakes his head. “You sure are a skittish lil thing…I told you before honey, relax. Nothin’ to be scared of, let Daddy take care of ya. Be a good little girl for me, now.”
You watch as he places a kiss on each knee, his navy eyes never leaving yours. You’re fascinated by the way his pink lips look on your ivory skin as he peppers your legs with kisses, lightly squeezing your calves and you sigh deeply, sinking back to the carpet. You open your legs a little more, granting him access to your thighs as he continues his delicate assault upwards towards your core. Lifting one of your legs and placing it on his shoulder, his other hand strokes your mound before he spreads your lips gently and lowers his head, his breath hot on your sensitive flesh. He flattens his tongue and begins to lick long, slow stripes up your wet heat. A whine leaves your lips unbidden and you arch your back up and into him. His lips close over your sensitive bud as he begins to suck, his tongue massaging at the same time. You’re breath comes out in shallow gasps, and you’re grasping at anything you can to anchor you - one hand gripping the stair rail, the other finding it’s way to Elvis’s dark locks.
Two of his long, nimble fingers slip inside you and he fucks you with them, agonizingly slow, his tongue rubbing circles around your clit. The carpet underneath begins to burn your bare backside from the friction, but it only adds pleasure to your destruction. Your hands instinctively move to your breasts, teasing your peaked nipples through your dress. He can feel you trembling, hear your high-pitched keening and when he curls his fingers up to hit that spot and hums against your skin, you finally break, clenching fiercely as his name leaves your lips over and over again in a choked breath. Your thighs clamp around his head as you ride out your high, his arm around your thigh the only thing anchoring you now. The chandelier above your head swims into view as you open your eyes, trying to catch your breath. Elvis is practically laying on you now as he looks up at you, chin resting on your stomach - your hands tangle in his hair and he beams a self-satisfied little smile at you.
“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it honey?” he teases, blue eyes sparkling. “I love watching ya fall apart because of me, ‘cause of the things I’m doin’ to ya.” It’s too much, the way he’s looking at you, the things he’s saying - the things he just did. You cover your face with your hands, embarrassed, but he reaches up, moving them away and making you look at him. “I like knowing I took care of my baby, ain’t nothin to be shy about.” He rubs his thumb across your lips and you see a smile tug at the side of his mouth, a private joke only he knows the punchline to.
“Elvis…that was…” you’re at a loss for words, truly. This wasn’t what you had expected your first moments in Graceland to be like. “Thank you,” you say simply, the only thing that comes to your jumbled mind. He helps you up, helps you put yourself back together, helps you smooth your dress down. A private tour of Graceland by Elvis Presley himself was not something that has ever crossed your mind. So to find yourself here now, in the Jungle Room, with him was…surreal. The two of you passed the afternoon quite happily, exploring the grounds and just catching up, talking about one thing or another. Thankfully, Elvis had arranged for the both of you to use a friend’s house while you were in town, a cozy little bungalow he had bought for a member of his Memphis Mafia and who he had promptly kicked out for the week, sending the poor fellow off to Los Angeles in exchange. Secretly, you were glad. You wouldn’t have wanted to share Elvis’s bedroom at Graceland, and being the southern gentleman he was, he wouldn’t have wanted that either.
Elvis appears in the mirror behind you, and you have to stop yourself from gasping at how handsome he looks, how the very sight of him sends a well of desire bubbling up from deep within and threatens to overflow and choke you. You have to have him - now. This is the most inconvenient time. He’s on his way to a dinner with the heads of Memphis society, local government officials and various charity organizations. A dinner you’re not invited to, which means you’ll be spending your first evening back with him alone. A prospect you’re not too thrilled about, but he could make it better, leave you sated and satisfied instead of desperate and wanting.
“I need you, E,” you whine, the breathlessness of your voice surprising even you.
Elvis chuckles with amusement as you watch him drift closer and closer in the mirror. “I can see that, Queenie. You’re just gonna have to wait til I get home. Can’t have me turnin up in polite society all disheveled now, can we? Despite what we get up to when we’re alone, I am a respectable man.” The way he’s looking at you begs to differ, like he could devour you whole right this minute, the hunger in his eyes matching your own. His big, warm hands find their way to your bare shoulders and slip underneath the thin straps of your vintage nightgown. His thumbs rub slow circles in the dimples of your shoulders and your breathing slows and grows shallow. One of his hands slips beneath the neck of your nightgown, over your heart and into your bra. He pinches your nipple slowly, rolling it back and forth between his fingers. Gasping, your head falls back against his stomach and you reach a hand behind you to grab his thigh. He leans down and kisses your neck, sending shivers down your spine. The ring of the telephone jolts you both out of your reverie and he reluctantly releases you, with a final pinch to your nipple, to answer it. You follow after him, wrapping your arms around him from behind, loathe to be parted from him for even a few seconds. You can feel the same needy possessiveness creeping up, the feeling you had two weeks ago that led to you being bent over his leather-clad knee, getting the hell spanked out of you. You stand up on your tippy toes so you can reach his cheek, stroking his sideburn with your finger and tickling. He playfully ducks his head to try and dislodge you, tries to walk away, but you’re stuck to him like glue, moving in tandem wherever he goes.
“The car’ll be here in ten minutes, baby,” he says, hanging up the phone. “I gotta finish getting ready, can’t be late to this thing.” He gently but firmly disentangles you from him, sitting you on the bed where you cross your arms and glare at him while he finishes combing his hair.
“Don’t gimme that look, Queenie. I- you know I can’t take care of you right now. I would if I could but I can’t.” If looks could kill, he’d be a dead man just from the stare you're giving him from your perch on the bed. “Lord, woman, you're insatiable. Didn’t I just have you on the stairs this afternoon at my own damn house?” He shakes his head, amused and aroused and…proud. Your eyes travel down his body - the man is a vision in black: high-collared black shirt open at the neck just a respectable bit, fitted black pants hugging all the right places, right down to his smooth and shiny black Chelsea boots. Those boots are…hot. You remember seeing ones just like them, on display at Graceland. And the way he wears them…fucking hot.
“I could…polish your boots for you, Daddy. Make ‘em real shiny.” Your breathless words shock even you. “Every time you look down at ‘em tonight you’ll think of me and how you’re itchin’ to get back home to me. How I’ll be here on this bed, waiting for you to come and fill me up.” You drop to your knees in front of him, running your hands up and down his legs, thighs to boots and back again. You notice his pants are a little tighter then before in the crotch and you can see the outline of his hardening cock through the material. He’s never heard you talk like this, never heard you be so bold. He clenches his fists, you see his throat working and he grits his teeth, staring at the ceiling. You think you hear him mutter, “Lord, give me strength,” before he gently pulls you up by the shoulders and leads you to the bed. He sits on the edge and crosses one leg over the other as you quickly shuck your panties and sink to your knees again, straddling his foot. The smooth, cool leather of the boot on your already soaking heat is a new sensation. You move experimentally, one hand on his knee, the other on the bed beside him. It’s smooth, the usual kind of friction is absent and in its place a slick, burning heat. The more you move, the hotter the leather becomes.
“Go on, ride my boot honey, polish it on up,” he manages a shocked laugh, surprised by the turn of events but who is he to judge? You give him a withering look and he stops laughing once he sees the concentration on your face. He flex’s his foot up and down by the ankle, changing up your rhythm, bouncing you slightly. The movement jolts you a little and your grab onto his thighs to steady yourself. It hits a different spot, the pressure building, the burning sensation a mix of pleasure and pain. You’re holding on to his thighs now, looking up at him, desperate and so very close to the edge. He takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger and whispers filthy sweet words and praise to you.
“That’s my good little girl, doing so good polishing Daddy’s boots. Makin’ ‘em so shiny for me. My little one who can’t even wait three hours for me, gotta have me right now, any part she can get her hands on. Goddamn, I love you, honey.” You both freeze as your breath catches in your throat and you stare at him, the blood rushing in your ears, drowning out all other sound for a moment. You’re shocked, utterly and completely. Did he just….did he just say he loves you? Before you can respond he says it again.
“I love you. I know that’s crazy,” he whispers, brow furrowed and eyes piercing yours. “I know we haven’t known each other very long at all. I can’t explain it but…I feel as if I’ve loved you for a long, long time.” You don’t realize you’re crying until he gently wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumb. He looks scared and nervous, like a little boy again. You lean up and kiss him - you can’t stop kissing him, breathing “I love you” in between each one, like a poem that only has three words. He flex’s his foot again, reminding you just how close you are to a sweet release. Slowly you drag your core up and down the slick top of his boot, your forehead pressed to his as you come, as he murmurs his love to you, over and over again.
While Elvis is at dinner you figure you might as well unpack a few things from your suitcase, no use in living out of it for the week if you didn’t have to. You take out another nightgown and place it in a dresser drawer in the guest room before removing a couple of dresses as well, shaking them out, trying to release some of the wrinkles that have settled in. Something white slips out from the folds and floats to the floor. You pick it up, turn it over. A receipt, from the vintage store where you acquired most of the things you brought with you. Your eyes run over the information before landing on the date of purchase - 07/07/2022. Suddenly the lights in the room start to flicker, off and on. Off and on. Your head feels heavy and as you fall you think, Is this what it feels like to die?
Your entire body is an earthquake. Something out of your control is happening, a frenetic vibrating that started in your core and is now radiating outwards. The adrenaline pumping through your veins is almost too much for your body to handle, your heart is beating out of sync and entirely too fast. Am I having a seizure, you wonder dimly, frozen where you lay, unable to move, your eyes refusing to open. If you could scream, you would, but you’re paralyzed, helpless to stop wave after wave crashing through your body. There’s a lightness in your head that’s clouding everything, scattering every thought, making it all hazy. It’s filling you up, every fiber, every cell, you’re more scared than you’ve ever been in your entire life. After what seems like an eternity, your body slowly comes down from the high and you stop shaking, eyes fluttering open, wiggling your fingers just to make sure you can move them.
You open your eyes to pale morning light and a cotton candy pink sky. The dewy warmth of the ground is already seeping into your clothes - your nightgown. How did you get outside? The last thing you remember is unpacking your clothes in the house you were staying in with Elvis. You feel…strange and weak. You lie there another couple of minutes, breathing and getting your bearings. The birds are chirping in the trees nearby and you can see some swooping and diving overhead as more light slowly fills the sky. You sit up shakily, and finally stand on unsteady feet. Like a punch to the gut, you realize that you’ve just been pulled away, unexpectedly, back to your own timeline. Away from Elvis, just when…oh god. Just when things were moving in a direction you hadn’t anticipated. He loves you. You double over in pain, almost falling to your knees again. You’ve got to get back to him, as soon as possible.
You walk through the trees, vision blurry from the tears you can’t seem to stop, unsure which direction you’re heading or where you even are but you can see fences in the distance, and horses. This looks like - are you at Graceland? How on earth did you end up here? You’re worried someone from the staff will see, worried you’ll get into trouble. You doubt they’ll take very kindly to a nightgown-clad woman wandering the private grounds in the early morning hours. You walk cautiously into the pasture where you see a lone figure standing at the fence, his back to you. Elvis. Oh…oh thank god. Thank heavens. Thank your lucky stars. You hadn’t gone anywhere, you’re still here. You feel as if you might sob uncontrollably but you hold it together as you break into a run, eager to explain, to tell him why you’d just disappeared like that, as if into thin air. He was so angry last time at the thought of you sneaking away, you’re unsure how he’ll react. The closer to him you get the more you slow your pace, catching your breath, preparing to beg, to plead, to do anything you can to make him understand you hadn’t wanted to leave him, hadn’t had a choice. Hell, maybe you’ll tell him the truth, let the chips fall where they may. What have you got to lose - it’s now or never, you won’t get another chance. Not with Elvis. Not after this. Almost there now, you’re so close, the peachy-pink early morning light envelopes his form and gives him an ethereal glow.
“Elvis.” Your voice is barely a whisper - a prayer, a plea, a vow. Your hand is reaching out for him, you can almost touch his white shirt, and he startles and turns around, spooked. You’ve scared him. You didn’t mean to. His face is pale and drawn, dark circles smudge the underneath of his eyes. The smile dies on your lips, you gasp and whip your hand back as if it’s been burned. Your mind struggles to keep up with what your eyes are seeing as they dart over his face, his body, taking in every detail, every nuance. Something isn’t right. His hair is shorter and his face…his face is full of promise and grief - so much sadness in his eyes. Tears stain his cheeks and he swipes at them hurriedly with the back of his hand, embarrassed, and gives you a wary look. You expect to see something in his face - happiness, surprise, anger…but…he doesn’t recognize you at all. That much is painfully clear. Your heart is beating too quickly, you can’t breathe. If you could only breathe a little easier. You sway a little, unsteady on your feet. His eyes are running over you, assessing you, assessing the situation. He reaches out a hand to steady you but you stumble backwards as tears sting your eyes. This isn’t your Elvis, the Elvis you left. The one standing before you is younger and beautiful, all chiseled features and swooping hair, lush full lips and smooth face. His clothes - his clothes are all wrong. Your eyes travel upwards as you take him in fully for the first time - white shoes on green grass, loose white slacks hang invitingly on his hips and a ruffled white shirt hugs his torso, short-sleeves exposing tan arms. You know this Elvis. Have seen those awful, heartbreaking photos of him and his father on the front steps of Graceland.
Just after his mother died…in 1958.
Oh. Oh no. This…this wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening. Your breath leaves you altogether as you feel yourself start to spiral, darkness filling the edges of your vision. You remember the last time this happened, not so long ago, after meeting Elvis for the first time in 1968. You tilt backwards, sitting down hard just as he grabs your arms to break your fall. A wail leaves your lips as you realize you’ve lost your Elvis. If you’re here, in 1958, you don’t know if you’ll ever get back to him. Don’t know if you’ll ever get back home even. This Elvis is kneeling next to you, his mouth is moving but no words are coming out…and his eyes. Same shape, same vibrant blue color, same long eyelashes framing it all - but they’re no longer filled with love and longing and desire. Only grief and mild concern. As if of it’s own accord, your hand reaches out and gently cups his face, stroking his cheek, wanting to comfort him, knowing the pain he is in. Then the darkness engulfs you and you remember no more.
Tags: @meladollsims @godlypresley @jelliedonut @butlersxbirdy @precious-little-scoundrel @eliseinmemphis @powerofelvis
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cleolinda · 5 months
Weekend links, April 14, 2024
My posts
Honestly, I spent much of the week coping with storm migraines. You can tell, because I was reblogging a lot from under a cold compress rather than doing anything useful with life. 
Reblogs of interest
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls are rough out there, y’all. Round three started closing yesterday (see what’s still open here), and as of this writing, we have lost Bette Davis, Alla Nazimova, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Barbra Streisand, Fay Wray, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, and Olivia de Havilland--and it looks like Catherine Deneuve, Clara Bow, Lana Turner, and Mary Pickford are on their way out. Meanwhile, I learned about a ton of actresses I’d never heard of before, only to shriek when Sharmila Tagore, Nadira, and Waheeda Rehman lost this round. (Edwige, I will never forget you.) 
Let me remind you (and me sometimes, too): Not everyone has the same taste or childhood attachments or cinema experiences as you. And everybody in this bracket loses. Everybody but one. 
(I can tell I’m not cut out for brawling because I’m like, “I will be very sad to see Norma Shearer go, but Hazel Scott seems nice!”)
“Actually, Mr. Musk, I am an attorney. Do you know that?” Here’s the highlights of Mark Bankston, the man who brought down Alex Jones, coping with Elon Musk and Elon Musk’s Lawyer, who is not even licensed in Texas, for 100 pages of deposition. 
Hozier Watch 2024: “Too Sweet” has now charted higher in the UK than “Take Me to Church,” and it’s getting real close on the US charts. This is a song that didn’t even make last year’s album. I am endlessly fascinated. 
Happy Leland Melvin Day!
Happy Neil Banging Out the Tunes Day!
“Posting endless DNIs because we can’t (or don’t know we can) make spaces just for the people we do want to interact with” actually makes a lot of sense in this centralized social media hellscape. 
There is a 20k mg weed gummy and nobody needs that. “Forget meeting the Hat Man this is what turns you into the Hat Man. This is worse than that torture drug that makes you experience 600 billion years in a second. This is the secret to honest to god shifting.” 
One of the best uses of the Kate Beaton Poe comic I’ve ever seen
“Americanisms that tell you to check on your American” (they are all correct)
“Tuxedo Mask is the first example of being ‘Kenough’”
Just this once, I will allow this AI rendition of a “traditional Polish family” and their traditional Polish woodchuck. 
I am absolutely not saying there is anything wrong with being into tentacles; I’m just saying that Pyramid Head doesn’t even have them and thus is a pretty tame choice to complain about. 
Little Guy, a game
A cursèd chair called “Oops!”
Sparrow Tarot: Honestly, this is one of my favorite takes on the Hanged Man.
This dog is a biscuit and she is precious
One of the things that’s so great about this Ilia Malinin free-skate program is, he makes it look so effortless that I would have never figured out on my own, without Tumblr’s commentary, that there’s a couple moves in here that no one in the world can do but him. Like, the very first jump and the announcers start screaming. 
A journey from fearing moths to raising them
A dude puts on a dress For the Meme and then discovers that he loves it (and then he styles it as a full outfit and it looks SO GOOD)
Watching this cat ride around on a roomba on a sped-up surveillance camera is self-care.
So is this (although it’s a bit strobe-y)
Bat type: hi doggy
Was the jello for the tuna salad lamb supposed to be lime?
The sacred texts
Holy Shit, Two Cakes
The origin of “Me, an intellectual”
Personal tag of the week
Designer Roberto Cavalli, who passed away this week at age 83. I reblogged several fashion posts--I hadn’t even realized myself that he had designed Beyoncé’s famous yellow dress in Lemonade.
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writerscafehub · 5 months
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
About a 3 I think, I hav𖤓 liz 𖤓en’t written anything in a while because I’ve been busy with work and school. I struggle with actually finishing anything, I swear my drafts is a graveyard of WIPs. Once I get done with my finals I plan to actually try and sit down and actually write a fic or at the very least headcanons
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I feel like my writing is very self indulgent, I fantasize for literal days or weeks about what I personally would want to happen and imagine myself as the reader in the fic and just run with it. I have tried a few times to write an idea that a friend gives me and I just struggle cause I get stuck in my own head wondering if I’m writing it how they personally would want it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Literally everybody in the server, the fact that y'all are so imaginative and are so motivated to write fics on a consistent basis never fails to amaze me, I am on my knees begging for a crumb of the kind of motivation y’all got. 
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? 
Honestly probably the very first fic I ever wrote, which was a Zayn Malik fanfiction (I was a HUGE One Direction fan…honestly I still am). It was terrible, and so ridiculously cringey but to middle school me, I was the next Shakespeare  and was just proud that I actually wrote something and put it on the internet for the world to see and I regret nothing. 
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write? 
The easiest is probably Peter Parker cause he’s such a sassy little shit and I love him. The hardest is probably Dr. Spencer Reid, I’ve tried before and I just can’t get his mannerisms right. 
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I feel like my most of my wips are friends to lovers with misunderstandings galore 
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I’ve been planning this fic out in my head for the past month, idk for sure what I’m gonna call it, but it’s gonna be an Evan “Buck” Buckley x reader fic, I’m considering adding Eddie Diaz into the mix cause honestly it’s what we deserve. Basically the reader is going to open up a bakery across from the fire station and our lovely firefighters can’t resist the smell of warm bread and coffee in the morning so they go and meet Reader (considering giving her a nickname) who is dancing to 80’s music and may or may not be covered in flour, and from there hijinks, first dates, and love confessions ensue. 
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
One Direction and I regret nothing
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Ooo  misunderstandings that can be easily resolved if they JUST TALK, found family tropes almost always make me cry, fake dating never fails to make me laugh because the characters never think it through and I love that for them with that being said idiots to lovers is another big one, especially if they share exactly one brain cell. 
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Probably anything dark, nothing wrong with dark fics, I just don’t think I’d ever be able to write a dark fic well enough where it was actually understandable or good for that matter.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Another One Direction fanfiction, but this time Liam Payne, it's since been deleted but basically gang leader!Liam and the reader were highschool sweethearts and broke up cause Liam betrayed her, if i remember right he gets her brother arrested? Years later she comes back to town and is part of an all girls gang and Liam's gang (One Direction) start fighting over territory, there were drunken confessions, a secret child, and attempted kidnappings and literally every other chapter one of them almost died. Middle school me was very proud of it.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Steve Rogers x innocent!reader, knight!Bucky x princess!Reader, Evan “Buck” Buckley x reader
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Yes, I have so many playlists, everytime I get an idea for a fic I run to Spotify and immediately create a new one and add songs that fit the vibe I’m going for, doesn’t matter what genre or language so long as I think it fits it gets added to the playlist.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
Definitely both, I am not picky whatsoever. 
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Omg yes, I honestly think this is part of the reason it’s so hard for me to finish writing anything. The second I get a new idea for a fic I start imagining all sorts of different scenarios I could put them in like trips to the zoo, grocery shopping or like the same scenes from the fic, but from another character's point of view. Even if it’s not going to be part of the fic I imagine what the proposal would be like, what their vows would be, or how they'd react to their first child being born. My mind goes a hundred miles a minute when I get a new idea, but the second I sit down to write it out poof all the ideas are gone.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Honestly smut. There are so many talented writers out there who do a great job at writing smut, but whenever I try it just comes out to stiff and doesn’t sound write, so I always end up deleting it 
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I was once told I was very good at descriptions, they said they could picture the night sky in their mind and it was like they were there. 
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Eh not really, I usually stick to fluff, humor and slight angst, I want to try step out of my comfort zone by writing smut, but it’ll be a while before I post anything 
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Oh my gosh how could I possibly choose, most of the time it just depends what kind of mood I’m in but lately it’s been tooth-rotting fluffy with a tiny bit of angst mixed in
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
At this point in time I do not have any oc’s, but I’m considering creating one for my Evan “Buck” Buckley fic. 
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Probably my WIP Knight!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader because who wouldn’t want to be protected by an extremely handsome Bucky who acts like you're a nuisance, but would do anything to protect you no questions asked if ever necessary?? And also I just love the idea of running down a castle hallway at night wearing a floor length ball gown.
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
Just that my process involves creating the perfect playlist for that specific fic and tons of daydreaming, and while it may take me a long time to finally finish writing, I’m always excited to share it and get feedback!
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. 
This is from my knight!Bucky Barnes x Princess!reader wip                            
“Do you think I am inadequate because I am a female, my Lord? Is that what you’re saying? You think that I am unfit to rule because I'm a little emotional right now?  Well you’re right, I am a little emotional right now. From the moment I was born, it was known that I, and I alone, would be next in line to assume the throne. My entire life was spent preparing for the moment that my reign would begin and I intend to use all the knowledge my father, may God rest his soul, taught me.  Just two weeks ago I watched as they lowered my father’s cold, dead body into the ground and not a week later a crown was placed atop my head…. a crown I thought my father would be giving me.  I am emotional because right now at this very moment there are rebels out there, only God knows where, hatching plans to storm this castle! This castle has stood here for 300 hundred years and I intend for it to stand for many more. I refuse to let the rebels take my country and everything that my family has worked for.  Now, we have much more pressing matters to deal with than your fragile egos, don’t you think my Lords?”
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Have fun with writing! Don’t worry about whether or not the idea you want to write has been written before because it most definitely has been, but it’s never been written by you! 
I’m excited to finally be done with my classes and I hope to to write more and post my fics throughout the summer! 
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dykeomania · 10 months
it honestly makes me pretty emotional when i think about how comfortable i am with my sexuality because like as someone who grew up with a mom who has highly unproductive, southern baptist christian ideologies, the luxury of comfortably embracing my sexuality was never afforded to me growing up. even in high school, i was really sneaky about it. i’ve listened to my mom call my sister slurs, i’ve seen her threaten to kick her out many times, and i remember being like 11 and terrified of telling her that i lowkey was in fact looking up “girls kissing” on our half a core processor family desktop. and now it’s just like, when i zoom out of my life, im very blessed to look and see that i’m an independent, extremely gay woman who is able to comfortably kiss girls at parties, talk about lesbian relationships with my friends, plan on going to lesbian bars and gay bars and what may have you, all of it. i can’t even articulate the amount of times i hurt myself growing up trying to convince myself that i liked men, and i liked exposing myself to them and i liked how they made me feel — i felt disgusting, and tbh that really put a damper on how i understood myself, sexually. so on some sappy shit, like, i don’t think i ever truly became myself and got over a lot of that until i kissed another woman. to this day i don’t talk to my mom about my sexuality and really she doesn’t need to know who i’m fucking but she picks up on it and she still tells me that there’s time to repent. and you know what, there probably still is but i think 75+ years worth of pussy and soft touches and smelling a girl’s shampoo when her face is in the crook of my neck after a sexual experience that actually made sense, is worth whatever the hell comes after
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