#I’m not going to answer all of them but I thankful for all
strang3lov3 · 3 days
Seeing Red
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“Because if I don’t fuck you,” he says, “Then I’m gonna strangle you. So which would you like?”
Joel’s sorry that your period sucks, but he's reached the end of his rope with your attitude. (6k)
Tags - 18+ smut, brat taming, blow jobs, face fucking, rough period sex, fingering, mating press, overstimulation and multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare in the form of a shared bubble bath, all things periods and period symptoms so headaches, breast pain, cramps, irritability that reader takes out on Joel. You will feel so bad for being such a cunt to this man but he gets to fill two of your holes with his cum so it all kind of evens out. takes place in jackson Fic help - @beefrobeefcal and @joelsdagger for all of their love and support and eyeballs, @noxturnalpascal and @endlessthxxghts thank you both for being my compass and giving me direction and helping to make this fic perfect. I love you <3 A/N - if you're on your period, i'm sending you a hug <3 if you're not i'm hugging you too
I was reminded of my friend @covetyou's fic "Sleepless" which is a lovely piece of classic literature, just like the rest of her works, and I'd like to credit her for inspo. Thank you Lo 🤎🩷💚
You should have guessed there’d be a bloodstain in your underwear, but despite the headaches, your sore breasts, and your cramping abdomen, you’re surprised when you’re met with rusty red in your panties. Fucking great, you whisper, dripping with sarcasm, this is not what you needed today. You had so many things you wanted to get done and now you were going to be spending the whole day miserable and in pain.
“Joel,” you loudly call out. You wait a beat, nothing. “JOEL,” you yell louder. 
You hear the faint sound of his recliner, the popping of his knees and the creaking of the stairs as he walks up them. His two feet are visible through the space between the floor and the bathroom door and then he knocks, “Whatcha need, darlin’?”
“New underwear,” you answer. “And a pad. Also in the underwear drawer.” 
Joel walks away and returns with what you’ve asked for and slides both items under the door. You change your panties and secure the pad made of old rags and t-shirts with the clothespin attached to it. “You got it?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you reply.
“Guessin’ you just started your cycle, then.” 
“Can I get you anything?”
“Nope,” you answer. “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” 
“Alright. I’ll join you, then.” 
 You wash your hands and rinse the bloodstain out of your panties with annoyance in the sink, wringing them out before tossing them in the dirty laundry hamper in the bathroom. When you unlock the door and leave the bathroom, Joel’s already asleep in your shared bed. He sleeps curled on his side and yet he still fucking snores - between that and the pain you’re in, you know it won’t be a restful night of sleep. You look at Joel, sleeping peacefully like a baby, and yet you wanna beat the living fucking crap out of him. You curl your body around his, stealing his body heat to soothe your cramps. 
Joel wakes up early the next morning and greets you with a kiss pressed to the side of your head. “Fuck off,” you mumble, your voice is still thick with sleep but he knows you mean it so he lets you sleep in a bit while he cleans the bathroom for you. He works as quietly as he can, scrubbing it and mopping it from top to bottom. He empties the trash can and the laundry hamper, he makes sure there’s a fresh bar of soap and a new washrag for you. Joel’s just finishing up and wiping dust from the mirror when you find him in the bathroom. “Mornin’, sunshine,” he says as he kisses the top of your head. “How do you feel?” 
“Shitty.” You grab at the mirror and Joel’s skin crawls as you touch the glass with your thumb, the smudges left behind from your fingertips clear as day on the freshly cleaned glass. He’ll just touch it up later. You pull out your toothbrush and frown, your nose scrunched in disgust. “It smells like bleach in here,” you complain.
“Well, yeah,” Joel chuckles. “I just cleaned it for ya. ‘Course it smells like bleach.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” you mumble. “The bleach you used makes my head hurt worse.”
“Oh,” Joel scratches the back of his head and frowns. “M’sorry, then. Well, we can let it air out for a while, we’ll leave the fan on. Shouldn’t smell for more than a day or so.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
If looks could fuckin’ kill, Joel thinks. You’re glaring at him. He takes that as his cue to leave. You shrink away from him as he gently brushes your arm when he walks past, then shut the door loudly behind him. Ouch. Joel knows not to take it personally, though. You’re crampy, but you’re also probably hungry. He’ll make you breakfast, something with protein because he knows you need it. 
He cleans the kitchen first. He washes the dirty dishes you must’ve forgotten about last night and wipes crumbs from the table. As you come downstairs dressed in sweats and a shirt you stole from Joel, he’s finishing up making your breakfast. “Sit down, I made your favorite.” 
You sit down at the table with your head in your hands. Joel puts a plate with two slices of perfectly golden brown toast and two over-easy eggs in front of you, then a fork and a knife on either side. He fills a glass with water for you as well. He walks away to clean up the stove, then turns around to check on you. Your face is contorted in disgust and you’re not eating. “What’s the matter?”
“I don’t want this,” you grouse.
“But s’your favorite. You love your eggs over easy,” Joel says. “And the toast, that’s fresh bread and butter. Eat up.” 
“Yeah, but I wanted scrambled.” 
Joel stares at you for a moment, dumbfounded. You usually hate scrambled eggs, and he knows this. But you’re not smirking or holding back laughter like you’re fucking with him. So maybe your tastes have changed, who knows. “Okay. Would you like me to make you scrambled eggs instead, then?”
“Yes,” you mumble in a small voice. 
“I didn’t hear ya, sweetheart. Speak up, please.” 
“I said yes,” you snap. 
Your clipped tone cuts like a knife. Joel bites his inner cheek as he takes your plate from you. He quickly scarfs down the perfectly cooked eggs and toast as he makes you a new plate of breakfast, this time with scrambled eggs. He places it in front of you with a little less care than before and waits for you to take a bite. “Better?”
“Just okay.” 
‘Just okay’. Of course you think it’s ‘just okay’, they’re scrambled fucking eggs - which you don’t like. You’re just being - 
Joel needs to cool off. Hopefully once you’ve eaten you’re a little less irritable. “I’m gonna head out an’ do some errands. Be back shortly,” He’s met with no answer from you, which he expected. 
He comes back an hour or so later with a few things from the market he’s been needing along with a couple of VHS tapes that he rented from the library. After fetching your pad and underwear for you, Joel spent the night tinkering with the unpredictable VHS player so that it would play movies for you as you rested on the couch. “So,” Joel says, “I picked out some movies for ya.” He lays four tapes down on the coffee table in front of the couch where you lay. “When Harry Met Sally, that’s a good one,” he begins, “Next is How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, then Blade Runner, and I picked out My Cousin Vinny,” Joel says. He thinks you’re gonna pick out Blade Runner because it stars Harrison Ford, who he knows you have a thing for. “My Cousin Vinny is pretty good, I don’t think we’ve seen that one yet f’ya wanna give that a try.”
“Mmm, no.” 
Shot down. “Okay. How ‘bout Blade Runner, then. S’got Indiana Jones in -”
“No. I don’t care,” you interrupt, which hurts Joel’s feelings a little. A lot, actually. “I wanna watch this one,” you point to How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days. “He’s cute.” 
Of course you picked the Matthew McConaughey movie. God, Joel fucking hated him. He always seemed so skeezy, if there’s anyone who should’ve bit it on Outbreak Day, it should’ve been Matthew McConaughey. “Yeah, okay. Whatever. Do you think he’s dreamy too?”
“Fuck off, Joel.” 
So teasing’s off the table too, he’ll add that to the list of things that have pissed you off today. Joel turns on the TV and puts the tape in the VHS player before he sits back down next to you. At first you rest on his shoulder, then you spread out and lay your head on his lap. It’s not long before you fall asleep on Joel, leaving him to watch this dumb fucking movie all by himself because god forbid he move you and disrupt your nap. He knows better than to do that. 
“So fuckin’ stupid,” Joel whispers to himself as the movie plays, though he did find himself enjoying the part where the Kate Hudson sings “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon. He always did like that song. 
“Mmmm,” you groan, shifting onto your back. Joel’s hand is stroking your hair as you look up at him, but you push it away. “You’re too close to me,” you grumble. 
“What’re you talkin’ about?” 
“You’re crowding me. I feel smothered.” 
Joel scoffs. “Oh, you feel smothered? You’re the one who laid on me.” Once again, your glare is all that you need to say. “Alright then, I’ll move.” Joel concedes. He lifts your head gently and scoots down to the opposite end of the couch. And then he hears you huff. “What?”
“Well, now I don’t have a pillow.” 
Joel sighs as he gets up to grab a throw pillow from the opposite couch. 
“The other one.” 
You’re referring to the other throw pillow that’s absolutely indistinguishable from the one currently in Joel’s hand, but he gets it for you anyway. “Lift your head,” he says softly, putting the pillow under you. He sits back down in the spot you made him move to as you both watch the movie play, but your soft groans interrupt. You’re no doubt in pain from all the cramps right now. “I’ve got somethin’ like a heating pad,” Joel says, looking at you. “S’a big sock filled with rice, I heat it up and use it for neck and back pain. Would that help with them cramps?” You nod without making any effort to meet Joel’s eyes, which he finds a little rude. But still, you’re hurting. He’ll give you grace. 
So, once again, Joel gets up for you. He goes upstairs to get his rice sock from his nightstand, then comes back downstairs and heats it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. He pokes the sock to make sure it’s plenty warm for you and then gives it to you to take. “Here,” he says, “Hold it on your tummy.”
“JESUS,” you yell at him. 
“It’s too fucking hot, Joel, why would you make it so hot?” 
 “Just give it a second, sweetheart, you’ll get used to it.” 
“No. It was burning me.” 
“Okay, then let me have it and we’ll let it cool off a minute. Christ almighty.” Joel takes the sock back from you, and he knows his hands are pretty calloused but…it doesn’t feel that hot. When a few minutes have passed, he gives it back to you. “This should be better.” 
You lay the big, warm stuffed sock across your stomach and frown. “It’s not warm enough.” 
“You have gotta be kiddin’ me.” 
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head, giving Joel back his sock like you just assume he’ll heat it up again for you. 
“Just a couple minutes ago you screamed bloody murder about it burnin’ you. And now it’s not hot enough?”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.” When Joel doesn’t jump immediately to reheat the sock for you, you look at him impatiently. “Joel.” 
“You can ask, you know.” 
But Joel gets the hint and gets up for you a third time to reheat the sock he’s letting you borrow. You don’t say please, and when he returns with the sock reheated, there’s no thank you either. What does he get from you? “It’s too hot.”
“Then tell me how I should rectify that for you, because last time I let it cool off and it wasn’t warm enough for ya after.” 
“I don’t know,” you snap. “You’re just really upsetting me right now. Everything hurts and your voice is grating.”
“I’m upsetting you?” Joel repeats your words back to you. “And my voice is grating.” 
He’s about at his wits end. “You know, you–” Joel decides not to finish that sentence. Instead, he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose and breathes out on the count of five. “Two, three, four…You need to drink some water. S’your first issue, you’re probably dehydrated. Did you drink any water?” 
“It’s not your business.”
 Jesus fucking Christ. “Okay, well I’m makin’ it my business.” Joel gets up for the fourth goddamn time and slams the cup cabinet before filling a glass with water from the sink. He marches back to the couch, “Sit up,” he says. “Drink.” 
“I don’t want to,” you whine. 
“It’ll fix your headache. Drink.” 
“It won’t actually, that’s a myth.” 
“Right, what do I know when you’ve got an answer for fuckin’ everything. Drink.” 
You sit up, scowling at Joel as you take a sip. 
“All of it.” 
You drink the rest of it, glaring at him the whole time. He’s so full of shit, as if any of what you’re going through could be fixed by drinking a glass of water. Water won’t fix your cramps, won’t fix your aching and sore back. When you’re done, you slam the glass on the end table next to you and in doing so, break Joel’s reading glasses. Oops. Didn’t see those. The lenses aren’t shattered, but one of the arms is all bent now. When you look at Joel, he’s biting his bottom lip and breathing deeply. “Your glasses broke.” 
“Yeah. I see that.” 
“I didn’t mean to,” you tell him defensively.
“But you really shouldn’t leave your glasses there, Joel.”
“Yeah, right. Shouldn’t leave my glasses on the end table,” Joel says. “I should leave them where, exactly? Maybe the floor?” 
“Somewhere else.” 
“Right. Somewhere else.” 
He’s hoping that by repeating your words back to you, you start to hear how absolutely ridiculous you sound. But you don’t seem to. Joel turns and walks away before he fucking throttles you. 
“Can you put on the next movie? I wanna watch My Cousin Vinny.”
Now, now you want to watch that movie. And Joel’s gonna miss out, because he can’t stand to be around you for one minute longer. “Are your legs broken?” 
Walked into that one. “You’re fuckin’ impossible. Fine. I’ll put it on, then I’m goin’ away for a bit.” 
Oh, he could fucking kill you. This whole day he’s heard nothing but complaints from your mouth, no pleases or thank you’s at all. Everything he’s done today has been for you, and you couldn’t give a flying fuck. 
Joel puts on the movie, grabs his bent glasses from the end table and heads out to the garage without saying a single word to you. You wonder what bug crawled up his ass. 
My Cousin Vinny plays just fine until Vinny shows up in his ridiculous suit to the courthouse. The tape begins to skip a whole bunch, the movie barely making sense, and you have no idea how to fix it - not that it’s your job to know, anyway. So you call out the name of the man whose job it is. 
No answer. 
“JOELLLL,” you yell. 
Same deal. You sigh as you sit up and get off of the couch, walking to the garage door. There’s finally a break in your cramps and you’re feeling halfway-human for the first time since yesterday. Entering the garage, you find Joel sitting at his workbench, he’s working on bending the frame of his glasses back into shape. “Joel.” 
He doesn’t turn around to look at you and in fact, he heard you calling for him. He had just ignored you. “Looks like your legs are workin’ now,” Joel replies, without looking at you. “S’a miracle. Means you can follow me around now, terrific.”
You choose to ignore his sarcasm. “Whatever. You need to do something for me. The VCR is messing up and you have to fix it.”
“Hm,” he hums.
“What’s hm?” 
“I’ve fixed lotsa things for you today,” he says quietly. “I need some time to fix my glasses that you broke. S’a difficult task on account of the fact I need my glasses to see.”
“You can do me one favor, Joel. It won’t kill you.” 
Joel stops and gently places his broken glasses on his work bench. He turns to his right and glares daggers at you. “One favor,” he scoffs. “Oh, you’re a fuckin’ peach. You wanna try that again?”
“Try what again?” 
You’re fucking with him. You have to be fucking with him. Why are you fucking with him? You’re not antagonistic like this, not usually, so he concludes that you must be looking for a fight. At this point, Joel is too. 
“I’ve done you countless favors today, sweetheart,” Joel gripes.
“Yeah, but-” you begin.
Joel’s large, warm hand suddenly covers the lower half of your face, silencing your argument. “If the next words outta this mouth aren’t thank you, then I don’t wanna hear ‘em. In fact…”
He bites his inner cheek, nodding his head as he thinks. The way he stares at you, his dark eyes piercing through you - you feel the chill deep in your bones. A wave of clarity hits you as you recall some of the details of the day, the way Joel was there at every turn and while you were busy being cranky and achey, he was trying to wait on you hand and foot. Shit. You’ve been a Grade-A bitch to him all day, a total fucking cunt.
Breaking the silence, Joel finally clears his throat and continues his thought, “I’m gonna give you two options,” Joel says. “You can walk the fuck away from me, or you can get on your knees. Whichever you choose, you do so silently. Nod if you understand.” 
It’s like you’re watching a scene from a movie. You hear Joel’s words, but you almost don’t believe they’re real and so they don’t quite register. He pulls his hand away from your face slowly. Your mouth falls open a bit but you don’t say or do anything.
“Nod. If. You. Understand.” You nod quickly. Joel awaits your decision as you look at the garage door and contemplate your clean way out from this situation, “So what’ll it be?” he asks. Despite it all, that uneasy feeling in your gut, you drop to your knees anyway, eyes still lingering on the door before you look up at Joel. You trust him to take care of you and you think you might owe him this obedience after your behavior today. “You’ve earned yourself brownie points choosin’ the latter of the two options, but this still ain’t gonna be fun for you,” he says. It should scare you - and it does - but you’re still thrilled by it, by the way he sighs and his knees crack as he gets off of his barstool, by the cold look in his eyes as he reaches under his thick belly to unbuckle his belt. Standing above you, he pulls out his half-hard cock and pumps it, feeling it grow to full length in his hand. He’s thick, veiny, and generously sized, a pearly white bead of precum sits atop his slit. His cock is just an inch or two away from your mouth as he holds it between his fingers, his thumb on top and middle and forefingers on the underside. With his other hand, he cards his fingers through your hair and pulls you close, the tip of his cock pressing against your lips. “Open.”
You part your lips open and with that, Joel pushes himself into your mouth inch by inch. You smell him first, that musky and heady sort of scent. Next, you taste the saltiness of his skin and his precome on your tongue and for a moment it’s pleasurable, with his cock halfway in your mouth. You wrap your hand around the end of his shaft like you know what he wants but you don’t know, not really - Joel holds your hand in his own and squeezes it so that your knuckles grind against each other a little bit. He pushes himself further and you can’t lick him or savor this like you wanted to, you just feel his cock intruding, sliding into your mouth. Joel’s testing you, making sure that you can handle all of him and if you can’t, you know he’ll make you. 
He draws out of your mouth entirely only to force his way back in, making you gag and sputter. You attempt to pull away but Joel keeps his hand firm on your head and holds you right where he wants you. “Nuh-uh. I don’t know where you think you’re goin’, hon.” 
There’s no gentleness to it, he fucks your mouth heatedly so that you’re drooling and choking on him, your eyes springing with tears as that pressure builds behind them. “Breathe through your nose,” he reminds you. “In and out. You ain’t done jus’ ‘cause you’re cryin’.” Your lips are sore with the repeated action, your jaw is aching. He rolls his hips, his cock is deep down your throat as he relishes in your warm, wet mouth and the way it makes him feel. 
“Mmm,” you moan, you’re not sure if the noise is indicative of your pleasure or discomfort.
“Quiet,” he growls. “Heard fuckin’ enough outta you today. You keep quiet.”
Your nose is buried in that thatch of coarse curls as he rocks his hips over and over, his soft and pillowy tummy bouncing against your forehead. You squirm and whine as his tip teases the back of your throat and your mouth feels so full, uncomfortably so. Joel picks up on that. “Let it be a lesson to ya, then, if it hurts. That mouth ‘a yours has done nothin’ but bitch and moan at me today. S’a punishment, ain’t ‘sposed to feel good.” 
He’s grunting and groaning, eyes screwed shut as he uses you, pumping in and out of your mouth. Your jaw aches with the brutality of the way he fucks your mouth, and just as you think you can’t take anymore, you feel Joel’s cock begin to twitch and pulse. He comes in your mouth without a warning, painting your tongue with his hot spend. It’s salty and bitter and warm on your tongue. Once you’ve swallowed, Joel reaches down and yanks you up by your bicep. He thought fucking your mouth and coming down your throat would make him feel better but honestly, it doesn’t. As he looks at your face, all puffy with tears and swollen lips, he can’t quite find it in himself to let go of his anger. Not yet, at least. “Let’s go,” he grunts as he drags you with him towards the garage door. He marches you though the house and up the stairs. 
“Where are we going?”
“Bedroom,” Joel growls, answering your question like it’s obvious. You suppose it should be, but you figured he was done with you. But he’s not. The regret begins to set in when you realize the retribution you’re about to be met with for the way you’ve treated Joel today. You’d be lying if you said that while wallowing in your pain you didn’t notice how your curt tone got under his skin, hurt his feelings and frustrated him immensely. The dread you feel can’t save you, it’s all too late now. 
 “Because if I don’t fuck you,” he says, “Then I’m gonna strangle you. So which would you like?”
“Fuck me,” you whisper. 
Joel pushes you into the bedroom and locks the door behind himself. “Lie down on your back,” he says. 
You protest, “But the sheets, Joel. The blood–”
“I will wash the fucking sheets. We can add it to the list of all the things I’ve done for ya today, hm?”
When you don’t jump at his request, Joel takes initiative. He pulls off your - his - shirt from your body and then bends you over the end of the neatly made bed, the old and worn comforter feels rough on the skin of your cheek. Joel pulls down your sweatpants and panties in one motion and then flips you over onto your back, your legs hanging off the end of the bed. You feel embarrassed when you catch a glimpse of your bloodied pad and underwear, moreso when you feel yourself making a mess on his bedding and between your legs. 
“You didn’t make yourself come today, did you?”
“Uhh–” you stutter. “I - I…”
“No point in gettin’ bashful now, darlin’. Just gimme an answer.”
“No,” you tell him. It’s been a while. 
Joel had assumed sexual frustration had been playing a role in your attitude today. Cramps, headaches, all sorts of things going on with you and a needy, aching pussy to boot. He does feel sorry for you, but he feels sorry for himself too. It’s why he got his first, but now it’s time for you to get yours. An orgasm should set you straight, or two or three. Whatever he feels is necessary. 
Joel undresses himself before pushing your thighs apart and hitching your legs around his waist. Slowly, he slides his thumb through your folds and then circles your clit. He knows you’re vulnerable like this - bleeding pussy on display for him as you make a mess of his sheets. But he’s patient, and he massages your clit calmly until you finally let a moan, a little mmm slip. He smirks at that. 
He pushes his middle two fingers inside you, pumping in and out slowly. He then curls his fingers, searching for that sweet spot on a woman he loves so much. “Fuck,” you cry out, legs instinctually closing shut around him, and he knows he’s found it. 
“Don’t fight it,” he says, opening you back up. He curls his fingers and circles your clit in tandem, making all sorts of lewd noises with your cunt. He admires your body all laid out for him like this, your breasts and your pebbled nipples, soft tummy rising and falling with your breathy oh’s and ahh’s, thick curls framing your pretty pussy like a picture just for him. Joel takes his free hand and uses it to press down on your lower stomach, intensifying the feeling of it all. You come hard, gushing on his fingers as you whimper his name. 
Joel pulls his fingers from your core and wipes them haphazardly on his own torso. “Joel,” you gasp when you feel the thick head of his cock at your entrance.
“I am sorry,” he begins, notching his tip inside you and popping it out. He slides the blunt head through your folds and over your clit, then taps the sensitive part of you with himself. “That you’re in pain. It isn’t fair and I know that. But you’ve done nothing but take your hurt out on me.” He presses himself inside you again, “I’ve got a half a mind to take my own hurt out on you, y’know.” His voice is dark and angered, but he speaks calmly in a way that contrasts the darkness but maintains his authority all the same. “And I think I’m gonna.”
“Joel, I– ”
“Quiet,” he commands. He begins teasing your slit with his cock once more before he speaks, “So this is what we’re gonna do: you’re gonna take what I give you, however much or little it is. You’re not gonna cry or complain ‘cause you’ve done enough of that today. Right?” Joel pauses, “Nod your head.” 
 You obey his rule and nod, yes.
He drags his cock up and down your cunt again, the soft skin of your labia rubbing so nicely against his thickness. He notches himself inside you over and over again, pushing in a little bit deeper each time and pulling back out. You whine, rolling your hips in search of more. “I know, I know, sweetheart,” he coos at you to quiet you down. “You’re all out of sorts today. M’gonna fix it. I always fix it, don’t I?”
Yes. You nod again. Quiet.
“S’right,” he says. “Good girl.”
With that, Joel pushes his leaking cock into you entirely, one gradual slide that has you sucking in a breath that comes out in a strained sort of whimper. His hard, warm shaft parting your insides, filling you whole. Joel hears it in the way that you sigh, that this, this is what you needed. He rocks his hips once, twice. Experiments with shallow thrusts, inching his way in and out of you before he draws out of your pussy entirely only to thrust himself right back in, deeper and harder than before. 
With the fullness of Joel inside of you, everything seems to melt away - all that anger, misplaced or not. Joel’s rhythmic thrusting soothes you, sort of. The soreness of your body, the aching cramps in your abdomen are all gone as you focus on the in and out, the in and out. He builds a comfortable pace, but one that borders on too much too soon. His hands on your waist, pulling you towards him as he pushes into you in equal measure. 
He fucks you without discipline, no tenderness at all to the action with those sloppy thrusts, but you’re more lost in him than he is in you - he’s focused on your face, watching you make an ‘O’ with your mouth, and he’s focused on your bouncing body, your twitching thighs spread wide. Your moans, your whimpers and your whines, babbling nothing but nonsense. Joel’s brow is furrowed as he breathes heavily through his teeth, his soft body jerking above you as he hits that sweet spot inside you over and over and over…
“It’s all ya needed, isn’t it? The whole goddamn time,” he pants. “Didn’t need to go an’ bitch me out all day if you needed lovin’ like this. Woulda been nice f’ya just said so.” Joel reaches for your breasts, harshly squeezing the tender, sore flesh. You wince in pain and he loosens his grip, focusing on your nipples instead. He twists and flicks the sensitive buds and your moans become louder, more high pitched. Joel fucking loves it when that happens, you never realized. 
“Oh, Joel,” you moan, “Yeah, fuck.” 
With one hand still teasing your nipples, he brings the other to your pussy. A few strokes of his thumb on your clit is all it takes to send you over the edge a second time, wanton moans and choked sobs spilling from your lips as he fucks you through it. 
And fucks you, and fucks you. 
And keeps fucking you. 
It doesn’t end, he doesn’t slow himself and you never feel that come down, that descent from pleasure. It keeps going, like pressure with nowhere to go and you feel like you might break. “I can’t, I need you to stop, stop, Joel.”
“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head, thrusting still. “You can take it, be a good girl. Gonna fuck you good and deep like you need. You brought this on yourself, anyway. Two more.” 
This whole time, he doesn’t stop. It’s so much at once and when you thought it was going to end, it doesn’t. Tears of overstimulation spring in your eyes and flow freely down your cheeks. Joel lets you cry because he knows you need it, he knows the release is good for you. You poor thing, how much you must be feeling right now, both physically and mentally. “It’s too much, Joel, I can’t,” you plead.
 “Always the tears with you, huh?” he taunts. “Always somethin’. Oh, I know. I know.” 
It’s the way you look at Joel that causes him to cave, eyes all wide and tear-stained. You’re spent and he knows it, what with all that your body’s put you through. You’ve had a rough day and though he did too, he can’t help but feel sympathy for you at this moment. “Oh, my sweet girl. What am I gonna do with you, hm?”
“I don’t know,” you sniffle. 
“Know you don’t, ‘n you don’t have to. S’my job,” he soothes. With his clean hand, he traces the side of your face and rubs his thumb over your cheekbone. “How about this, then - what are we gonna do next time you’re not feeling so good?” 
“I’m - I’m–”
“You’re gonna tell me what you need,” he instructs, “And you’re gonna ask for it. Nicely. So that means usin’ your manners. Please, Joel. Thank you, Joel. Remember those words?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “Yeah, I remember.”
 “But you forgot ‘em the whole day today,” Joel says softly. “I think you gotta learn to compromise, too,” he adds. The guilt had begun to set in before, but you really start to feel the burn now. You were unkind to Joel, and he’s been nothing but sweet, doting on every one of your needs. “I think an apology’s in order for the way you treated me today.” 
He’s right, and you know it. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Joel.”
“Oh, I know you are. You just needed the reminder, s’okay,” You hadn’t even noticed how his thrusting had slowed to a still until it picks up again slowly, as he presses kisses to you. Your cheeks first, then your lips. “I’ll compromise too - I’m only gonna make you come one more time, not two. Sound good? Sound fair?”
“I don’t think I can, Joel…”
“Yeah, you can, s’the last one. Take it good for me,” he encourages. “Take it good.” 
That’s what he repeats as his thrusts build again, fucking you deeply. Take it good, take it good for me. He hikes you up further on the bed and joins you so that he’s no longer standing at the floor, he’s got you pressed in half instead, your knees on either side of your chest and your feet above his shoulders. This angle intensifies everything and he knows, oh he knows how much it is for you. You’re tired, sore, overstimulated. But you’ll be done soon, he’ll be done with you soon. He takes your hand and wedges it between your bodies, pressing your own fingers to your clit, “Let go for me, I wanna feel you let go for me,” he says. “Focus right here. You’re gonna come with me, keep your eyes on me…”
You don’t even have to massage your clit, the way Joel angles himself has his body doing all the work, his pubic bone adding pressure to your fingers adding pressure to your clit. It’s intense, all of it - deeply energetic, overwhelming. You can’t quite discern your orgasm as it builds, there’s no definitive start but it’s powerful, devastating almost. Washing over you in waves, you feel it in the base of your spine first. You feel it in your gut, the backs of your thighs all the way to your toes. You hardly register that he’s coming with you, filling you deep with his come. His jaw is clenched tight and he’s groaning, grunting as he milks himself in you.
He leaves you there, whimpering, twitching on the bed. You hear the faint sound of running water, you figure he’s washing himself off. You’re surprised when he returns to you, pelvis covered in your blood, and scoops you right up in his arms. He helps you to your feet and on shaky legs, guides you to the bathroom. It no longer smells like bleach but instead, lavender. He’s got a candle lit on the sink and the bathtub is filled with warm, bubbly water. “Picked out a bubble bath for you earlier when I went out. Wanna test it out with me?” 
“Yeah,” you sniffle. “Yes. Please.” 
Joel sits in the tub first, spreads his legs and welcomes you to sit between them. He washes the blood from your poor, sensitive core and your thighs, washes it from his own body as well. When he’s done, he pulls you back into his chest and his hands find your breasts. “They’re tender, huh,” he murmurs into the side of your head. 
“Super, yeah. Sore.” 
“I’ll bet,” he says. He gently massages the tissue for you, his strong hands working you out in a way you can’t quite do. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
Joel chuckles. “Bout fuckin’ time you thanked me,” he says. “You’re welcome.” 
If you enjoyed, please reblog with thoughts, leave me a comment, or send me an ask! Your words motivate me to keep writing for you all 🩷
Least helpful cats award goes to these two 👇 if you’ve ever wondered what takes me so long to put fics out, it’s this. I try to write and I’m cockblocked by these fuzzballs.
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cherryobx · 21 hours
Illicit affairs
a/n: last fic of my 2.4k picnic! thank u all for requesting and participating! i love yall! also, this song is so Rafe fr
pairing: Rafe Cameron x pogue!reader
summary: you're tired of keeping your relationship a secret
warnings: rafe is a simp but also so stupid, language, like one sexual innuendo i think, mentions of alcohol, drugs and doing them (idk if i missed anything but if i did pls let me know)
wc: 4.3k
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Even though it wasn’t technically wrong in any way, it seemed that way. People in Kildare had been separated into two for so long that it made it almost sinful or illegal in a sense for a pogue and a kook to be together. But you loved him. You loved Rafe.
You met him at Midsummers. Sarah begged you to go with her because she didn’t want to go alone and converse with all the snotty kooks there, even though she herself was a part of that society unfortunately. She just needed someone there for her so she could make this evening a bit less insufferable.
“It doesn’t seem so bad, to be honest,” you said looking around yourself and the people there who were dressed in all kinds of fancy outfits. You yourself included.
Sarah offered to buy you a dress. You denied her offer at first but after rummaging through your own closet you finally said yes to her. You didn’t have anything to wear to an event like that. You also didn’t want people to make fun of you or notice immediately that you definitely didn’t belong there.
Sarah was happy to help you out and go shopping together. It took you a whole day to find something you not only liked but felt confident in. You also kept your eye on the price tags and made sure to not pick anything super expensive because you were planning on paying her back. Even though she insisted that it was a gift and she didn’t want your money.
“Trust me. It will get worse as people drink. They start getting chatty and ask too many questions that I don’t wanna answer.” She scoffed and took a sip of her champagne flute.
“Like what?” you asked curiously.
“Every year they’re like ‘are you seeing anyone’, ‘what college are you going to’, ‘planning on getting married’ or stuff like that. Like let me live. It’s none of their business. One time this older lady kept telling me I needed to lose weight. Like what? It’s insane.”
Your eyes are wide in slight shock. “Yeah, they never know when to shut up, do they?” 
“No, they do not.”
And then your eyes met his. He was standing across the room with a bunch of his friends. Rafe tilted his head as he looked at you curiously. You felt almost exposed under his gaze. There was a small smirk on his face as he raised his glass, saluting you, before downing its contents with one gulp. 
You were sure he knew you weren’t a kook. He saw right through you. But you didn’t find it in you to care. 
You mimicked his actions and the smirk on his face grew into a smile.
You kept stealing glances at each other throughout the night and once Sarah was pulled away by some of her acquaintances, Rafe made his move
He was standing at your side in a second. “You lost?”
“Why would I be lost?” you asked, turning your head so you could look up at him.
“Because you don’t belong here, sweetheart.” 
Your heart rate picked up at the pet name he used, making you nervous. He was so attractive, although you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. He looked really good in his suit. He wasn’t wearing a tie and the first couple buttons of his shirt were undone.
“That obvious?” You chuckled and took a sip of your champagne.
“Surprisingly not really. But I’ve seen you running around with your pogue friends so I know you’re not a kook.”
“That I am not. But I’m a friend of Sarah’s. She invited me here so please don’t rat me out,” you pleaded.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, pretty girl. See you around.” He left as suddenly as he arrived, leaving you standing there with a dumbfounded look on your face and a stomach full of butterflies. 
Pretty girl.
Somehow, through many coincidences, you and Rafe kept seeing each other around more often. At Tannyhill when you were visiting Sarah, at your work, on the street. It wasn’t like you hadn’t seen him around before but it was weird how you seemed to run into him much more after the Midsummer incident.
Your relationship with Rafe took off after one night at Tannyhill when you couldn’t sleep so you wandered around the house and ran into Rafe in the kitchen who was getting a late night snack.
“Well look who it is?” He smirked. “Isn’t that my favorite pogue?”
“Am I not the only pogue you’re not absolutely disgusted by?” You asked and hopped onto the kitchen island, sitting there and dangling your legs.
Rafe took in your appearance. You were wearing shorts and a large hoodie. You looked really cozy. He almost wanted to tuck you to bed and give you a goodnight kiss, which he realized was an absolute crazy thought to have.
“Hence why you’re my favorite.” He stood next to you, booped your nose, and leaned against the counter, facing you. 
“Want one?” He held out a small bowl full of strawberries that he had previously washed and removed the tops from.
“Sure. Thanks.” You looked at him for a second before taking one from the bowl and popping it into your mouth. It seemed insane to be on speaking terms with the Rafe Cameron who was known for being an asshole to pogues.
Another thought you had, which you also thought was an insane one, was that he was beautiful. He had always been extremely handsome but in that moment, in the moonlight, he was breathtaking.
“You’re thinking really loud,” he commented after catching you staring at him with a disconnected look in your eyes.
You’re shaken from your trance and your eyes meet his. “What?”
“I said you’re thinking loud, kid.” 
Again with the nicknames. You were pretty certain he knew what he was doing.
“Oh umm…” you started but then he scooted closer to you and all thoughts vanished from your head.
And he noticed. Of course he noticed. Rafe was not stupid. He knew what kind of effect he had on girls. But he liked your reactions especially. He found himself liking you, actually. He never thought he’d like a pogue, that he’d not be repulsed by one. But with you it seemed to be the opposite. He was drawn to you.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he asks. He pushed himself off the counter, putting down his bowl of strawberries, and forced himself between your legs. You instinctively made more room for him, accommodating his large frame in your space.
“Nothing much.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? You were so deep in thought just a second ago.”
He places his hands on your bare thighs, feeling your warm skin under his palms. You looked down and saw how big his hands were and swallowed thickly.
“It’s nothing.”
“Don’t be coy. Share with the class.”
You laughed. “What class, Rafe?” 
He smiled. “Come on, baby. Don’t be shy. I shared my strawberries with you.”
“A strawberry for my thoughts?”
His smile widened, revealing his perfect teeth. “Exactly.”
“What do you wanna know?” You raise an eyebrow at him in question.
He shrugs. “Just what you’re thinking.”
“I’m thinking that the moonlight is very pretty.” It was not completely a lie but also not the full truth. And Rafe knew that.
He squeezed your thighs with his hands. “What else?”
“That you’re really close to me.” He leaned even closer at that. He was so close your noses were almost touching. His eyes darted to your lips for a second before he looked back up at your eyes.
“Are you bothered by that?”
“Anything else on your mind?” You couldn’t help but look down at his lips too. It was just a second but Rafe caught that. Of course he did.
“No,” you confirmed, obviously not being honest. There were about a million scenarios in your head at that moment and all of them included Rafe’s lips on yours and his tongue in your mouth.
“Fucking liar.”
“I’m not lying,” you tried to deny it but he saw right through you.
“You’re not lying?”
You shook your head.
“Is that so?” 
You nodded. Rafe smiled and leaned in. Your lips were just about to touch.”Why are you lying to me?”
You open your mouth to once again deny his claims but he interrupted you even before you could begin. “Be honest, baby.”
“I’m thinking about your lips.” You were almost shocked at your own words, they just slipped out. 
“My lips? What about them?” He knew exactly what you meant but found joy in teasing the living hell out of you.
“They look so kissable.” You were wondering if you were drunk because you’d never say stuff like that to him of all people in the daylight.
“Then you should probably find out if they are as kissable as they look.”
You blinked at him. “Why are you acting like this?”
He looked confused as he furrowed his eyebrows. “Like what?”
“You’re flirting with me. And touching me.”
“So? Can’t I? Say the word and I’ll back off.”
“No, it’s just that I’m a pogue. Don’t you like want to light me on fire and stuff?”
His forehead fell to your shoulder as he chuckled. “Light you on fire? You’re funny, kid.”
“Don’t you?”
He raised his head and looked you in the eyes again. “I would like to do many things to you but lighting you on fire is not one of them.”
“Then why are you flirting with me?”
“Is it that crazy that I actually like you? That I’m attracted to you?”
“Kind of,” you admit. 
“Because you’re a kook? Because you’re insanely hot and I can’t imagine you wanting anything to do with me?”
“You think I’m hot?”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t let it get to your head. Your ego is big enough as it is.”
“You know what else is big?” He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked knowingly.
You gave him a gentle shove but laughed nonetheless. “Shut up.”
He laughed alongside you and it felt good. It was fun. He was fun. You never thought you could use that word to describe Rafe but that’s how it felt.
When your laughter died down he got this look in his eyes that could only be described as ‘hungry’. He wanted something, craved something.
Automatically you angled your body towards his. It was like something was pulling you. A magnet of sorts, perhaps.
Once again you found yourself close. You were too close for a pogue and a kook anyway but too close for two random people as well.
His eyes met yours in a plea. And you took the leap, leaning in and connecting your lips. He didn’t waste a second to kiss you back. It was slow and almost sweet at first, experimental. But then it got heated. Hands everywhere.
You didn’t find it in yourself to care about the consequences or future in that moment. You didn’t care that it was socially not acceptable for you to be making out with a kook. You just didn’t care. You just wanted to kiss him.
After that night, these meetings started happening intentionally. Sometimes Rafe sneaked into your house, other times you snuck into his. You found each other at every party, every event. It became serious. But both of you knew that this was meant to be a secret. This relationship was only for you two, no one else.
“Make sure no one sees you, okay?” You stood on your front porch, Rafe in front of you who was about to leave. He had spent the night but had to leave before your parents woke up. They’d kill you if they knew you were dating a kook, Rafe Cameron at that. The sun was starting to rise and the birds were chirping. It was a beautiful morning.
You grabbed the hood of his hoodie and pulled it up to cover him up as much as possible. You didn’t want to risk anything.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll take the other route, no one really uses it.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. “Bye, baby.”
“Bye.” You waved him off and watched him drive away.
Soon, your friends started suspecting that something was going on. They saw how happy and glowing you looked, tremendously more than you usually were, but couldn’t figure out for the life of them what or who exactly it was.
“What’s got you in such a good mood lately?” Kie asked one day when all of you were sitting in John B’s backyard, you, Kie, and Sarah in the hammock and the guys in lawn chairs.
You shrugged “It’s summer.”
“Bullshit,” JJ scoffed.
“Bullshit?” Did they really see right through you?
“Yeah. I’ve never seen you like this,” he commented, narrowing his eyes at you like he was trying to see into your brain and what was going on in there.
“Like what?”
They all looked at each other, speaking only with their eyes. That meant that they had discussed this topic previously and were hesitant to bring up their suspicions.
“You seem…in love,” Sarah said. It was actually kind of ironic how she was the one who spoke up. If she only knew it was her own brother who you were seeing.
“In love? What?” You tried to play it off by acting confused. “I'm as single as ever.”
Pope rolled his eyes at you. “Yeah right. You know you’re a horrible liar right?”
“Shut up.”
“We’re going to find out eventually who this mystery lover is. It’s either you tell us or we’ll do some investigating.”
You suddenly became nervous. “Just drop it guys. Okay?”
They raised their hands in surrender but exchanged quick looks with each other which told you that the topic wasn’t as much as dropped as it was postponed.
Later that night you snuck off to see Rafe. You excused yourself and lied that you were tired and your head was hurting. They didn’t seem convinced but didn’t start prying either. You made sure you weren’t followed when you biked to Tannyhill. 
Sneaking into his house wasn’t very hard. The place is huge, so many doors to enter through without being seen.
He met you at the staircase and dragged you to his room.
“They suspect that I’m seeing someone.” You were laying between Rafe’s big arms in his bed under the covers, all cozy and warm. Your back was against his chest, his body curled around yours. It made you feel very safe,
“My friends, your sister.”
“No, Sarah, you idiot.” He laughed and then placed a kiss on your shoulder, the action making you feel all giddy inside.
“They won’t find out. They’re stupid.”
“Hey!” You furrowed your brows. “Don’t call them that.”
“Because I’m a part of that group. By calling them stupid, you’re calling me stupid.”
“Who said you aren’t stupid?” You just knew he was smirking.
“You love me.”
“Are you sure about that?” You turned around in his arms and looked at him, a smirk on your face.
“Yes.” He said confidently, placing a soft kiss on your nose before pressing one to your lips. You closed your eyes in bliss, relishing in the feeling.
Weeks turned into months and so far into your relationship you had managed to hide it and be with him undetected. Your friends tried to do some detective work but unsuccessfully so.
“Aren’t you tired?” Sarah asked one night when you were sitting in John B’s backyard once again, just chilling and spending time with each other.
“Of what?”
“Of hiding your relationship.”
There was a beat of silence. You thought about what she said. And she was right. You were kind of tired, obviously not of Rafe but all the sneaking around and almost never seeing each other in the daylight. You love being with him and love spending time with him but sometimes you actually wanted to be out in public with him. To go on dates or the beach together or whatever normal couples did.
And you wanted to be with him without hiding it. Without either of you caring about what others might think. Without there being judgment from people closest to you.
“I have to go.” You stood up.
“What? Why? I’m sorry if what I said upset you.” Sarah jumped up too, grabbing your wrist to stop you.
“No, it’s not that. I just have to go.”
You texted Rafe to meet you at a random parking lot where he sometimes picked you up. You arrived before him and paced around nervously, biting the skin on the inside of your lips.
He pulled up about 10 minutes later, parked the car and then got out, hurrying to you. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
He placed his hands on your arms and looked you in the eyes with a worried expression, searching for the answer in your eyes.
“I’m fine, Rafe. I just needed to talk to you.”
He furrowed his brows and stood up taller. “Okay. What is it?”
“Sarah said something tonight and it made me think.”
Rafe rolled his eyes at that. “Sarah?”
You nodded. “She asked me if I was tired of hiding us, our relationship.”
“I am. I’m so tired, Rafe. Aren’t you?” You asked, looking him in the eyes.
He contemplated for a second. “I am. But there isn’t really anything we could do about it, right?”
“We could just say fuck it and go public?” you asked, voice filled with hope.
“Go public? No, that’s not a good idea.” He shook his head, shooting down your idea immediately.
You were taken aback by that. “You said you were tired too?”
“Yes but this,” he pointed a finger back and forth between you two, “going public will ruin both of us.”
“Will it? We don’t know that, Rafe. We can’t possibly know that.”
“It most definitely will,” he argued.
“How can you be so sure?”
“We’re supposed to hate each other.”
“So? I love you, Rafe. I don’t care anymore. I wanna be your girlfriend everywhere, not just your bedroom or this random-ass parking lot. I want to be your girlfriend during the day too, not just night. Don’t you want that?”
“Of course I do but it’s not that simple. You’re asking for a lot.”
You took a step back, away from him. “I’m asking for a lot? I want us to be normal!”
“Baby.” He tried to get closer again but you just backed up again.
“Don’t fucking ‘baby’ me right now! Do you even love me?” You were beginning to feel frustrated and that brought tears to your eyes.
“Of course I love you! You knew that this is what it was going to be like when we started dating. You knew!” He was clearly angry and frustrated too.
You took in a shaky breath. Rafe’s constantly angry but it’s never been directed towards you before.
“Then I can’t do this anymore.”
“Kid-” he said, voice now quieter, almost pleading.
“No, I can’t do this to myself.” You turned around and hurried towards your bike which was lying next to the curb. 
“Let’s just talk about this!” he called after you.
“Clearly there’s nothing to talk about anymore.” You looked back at him.
“I love you.”
“Do you?” you asked, eyes filled with tears.
“Of course I do.”
“Then why don’t you want to be with me?”
“I do want to be with you but what we have is complicated.”
“It’s really not, Rafe.” You got on your bike and pedaled away as quickly as possible. You didn’t greet your parents as you got home and stormed past them to your room where you finally broke down.
You loved him. Of course you loved him. But you were tired and he wasn’t willing to compromise. 
Days passed and you barely left your room. All you did was wallow in sadness and cry yourself to sleep every night. And even then you didn’t get any peace because he even filled your dreams. You couldn’t get a break.
Rafe was absolutely miserable too, lashing out at everyone, breaking furniture and punching walls. He couldn’t sleep so he sat on the balcony the whole night, occasionally doing a line or smoking something to make him feel better but it never worked, he couldn’t get the heartbreaking look of you in that parking lot out of his head. 
It was a warm summer night a couple of days after your breakup. Rafe was smoking a joint on the balcony at Tannyhill when Sarah approached him, keeping her distance just in case. She stood by the door and leaned against the frame.
“You should go after her.”
Rafe turned around and stared at his sister. “What?”
Sarah said your name and Rafe swore his heart skipped a beat, or stopped working completely. 
“Why the hell should I talk to her. She’s your friend,” he scoffed and took another hit, looking at the treeline.
“You love her.” 
His head snapped towards Sarah.
“I know, Rafe.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you think you know but you don’t. So get lost.”
“It wasn’t really hard to figure out,” she continued. “I’ve never seen you actually happy before, you know?”
“Go annoy someone else.” He looks away before taking a big breath to calm his racing heart.
“It’s not the end of the world to love a pogue, Rafe. It’s literally not that big of a deal. You’re so stupid.”
He sighed before he spoke. He couldn’t believe he was about to actually talk to Sarah of all people about this. “It’s not just that.”
Sarah raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue and explain what he meant by that.
Another sigh. “She’s the first girl I’ve ever loved and I pussied out when she told me she wanted to stop hiding.”
“Go talk to her.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“Of course it is.”
“She loves you, Rafe, for whatever reason. I hate seeing her suffer. I don’t care that much about you but your actions are what caused this. So fix it so I can have my friend back.”
“You’re so annoying, y’know that?” His blunt had run out and he put the butt into the ashtray, then pushing past Sarah into the house
“Where are you going?” She whipped around and followed Rafe down the stairs.
“Where do you think I’m going, dumbass?” 
“Say hi for me.” 
“I won’t.” He slammed the door and got in his car, making the drive across town to your house. He wasn’t even sure what he was going to say. That he’s sorry? That’s pathetic.
He stopped the car on the side of the road and walked up to your house, picking up pebbles as he went.
He threw one against your bedroom window. The sound was loud in the quiet of the night but you didn’t open the window on the first try like he had hoped.
He threw one more. And then one after that. He kept trying until you pulled open the window, staring down at him. “What the hell do you want?” you hissed.
“I love you. I was an idiot. I was a pussy and I made a big deal about something that isn’t even that important. I love you and I don’t care who knows. I want you to be mine 24/7. I knew I was going to love you from the moment I saw you at Midsummers. I’m a fucking fool and I’ve never deserved you in the first place. I’ve never deserved your love but I need it. I can’t live without your love. You’re like a drug and I cannot live without you. I can’t get you out of my damn head. I’m half the man that I could be when I’m without you. You’re the first girl I’ve ever loved and I promise I will try to be worthy of you and your love for as long as you’ll have me. I want you to be my girlfriend officially. I want to show you off and take you on dates. I want to introduce you to my dad. I just want you. I will love you in private and in public, when we’re alone and when with friends. I promise. Please, just give me another chance. I’m sorry.”
Rafe watched you disappear from the window and his heart sunk. He tried. He turned to leave but then heard the front door open and saw you sprinting towards him in your cute pajamas and messy hair.
He caught you in his arms, holding you close to his chest so tight you thought you were going to suffocate.
“You’re a fucking idiot,” you mumble against his t-shirt.
“I know.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.”
“You will have to do a lot of groveling.”
“I will, I promise.”
You raised your head from his chest, looking up at him. “Did you really mean all that?”
“I did and I do. I love you and it shouldn’t matter if we’re from the opposite sides of an island. It’s not important in the slightest because I love you and that’s all that matters.”
“Do you wanna come inside?” you asked.
“Thought you’d never ask.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you to his side as you made your way back towards the house. He pressed a lingering kiss to your hair, keeping his lips there.
“I love you, kid.”
“I love you too, baby.”
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simjaexy · 3 days
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Pairing: Fuckboy! Sim Jaeyun x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: After finishing an exam that you worked your ass on, you decided to go to a party you and your friends been invited to not knowing the party belongs to the famous fuckboy Sim Jaeyun.
Genre: SMUT
Warnings: MINORS DNI, 18+, Cursing, Drinking, Choking, Manhandling, Begging, Dom! Jaeyun x Sub! Reader, Unprotected Sex, Crying, Grinding, Overstimulation, Multiple orgasms, Pussy eating
You frowned staring at the problem ahead of you. When the hell did you learn this? You bit your bottom lip in frustration. As you struggled to understand this equation the teacher spoke up.
“Five minutes until the bell rings.” Mrs. Kang said. You started to nervously look around only to find you and two other people finishing.
You stared back at the equation and reread to try to understand it. You sighed and wrote down a random answer and stood up, heading towards the teacher. You gave her a tight smile and went back to your seat and sat back down.
Once the other two students finished the bell rang. Students got up and went towards their friends as you went to your friend, Sunoo.
“Did you think you did good?” Sunoo asked. You nervously laughed.
“I mean it wasn’t that hard until the last question.” You answered. Sunoo giggled.
“That was the easiest question?” He said. His tone filled with tease. You scowled and got him with you elbow causing him to yelp.
You both walked out the classroom and headed towards the cafeteria. Upon arriving there you met with your other friends. Yujin, Chaewon, and Ni-Ki.
You and Sunoo sat down as they laughed at whatever Yujin said. Chaewon smiled at you. “Hey you two, how’d you think you did on the exam?” She said.
You huffed, “I think I did pretty well until the last question, but Sunoo said it was the easiest one.” You spoke.
Sunoo side eyed you and rolled his eyes, “It was the easiest one first of all. And second of all I think I did pretty well for someone who didn’t study for it.” Sunoo bragged.
You and Chaewon looked at each other and snickered. Sunoo glared at you. “Yah what’s so funny? At least I did it!” He snapped.
You just kept laughing with Chaewon. As you guys were laughing a student came up to your guys table.
“Hey Yujin, I was wondering if you wanna come to a party later? You can bring your friends.” The boy said.
We both stared at him while Yujin averted her gaze.
“Oh, uh, sure Jay!” She beamed. He gave her a soft smile and went back to his seat with his friends.
Ni-Ki wiggled his eyebrows, “Since when did you talk to Mr. Guitarist?” Ni-Ki gushed.
Yujin rolled her eyes, “None of your business oreo.” She said. Sunoo laughed at the nickname.
“Whose party is it?” You asked. Yujin shrugged.
“Not sure to be honest. Definitely one of Jay’s friends that’s for sure.” She replied.
You shrug your shoulders also, “Guess we’ll just find out when we get there.” You said.
Chaewon clapped her hands together, “Us girls should meet up at my house to get dressed! Sunoo and Ni-Ki can pick us up when we’re ready.” She suggested.
Sunoo whined, “Why do I have to be with Ni-Ki?” He said. Ni-Ki put his hand on his chest offended.
Chaewon ignored both of them, “Okay it’s settled!” She chimed.
Sunoo sighed in utter defeat.
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“There’s nothing to wear!” Chaewon whined. You and Yujin were already dressed.
Yujin was wearing a tight black dress while you were wearing a floral decor slim fit top with a black tight skirt.
“Just wear black. You’ll get noticed either way.” Yujin said. Chaewon pouted.
She went through her closet again and took out a red dress.
“That’s cute!” You replied. Chaewon smiled.
“I’ll put it on then!” She said. She went to her bathroom to change.
Yujin sighed, “I hope Jay likes what I’m wearing.” She said.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Who cares what he likes. You look hot.” You commented. She gave you a grin.
“Aw thanks girl.” She said. She hugged you as you both laugh.
Chaewon finally came out and spinned, “What do you think?” She questioned.
Yujin whistled, “We all look hot.” She teased. We laughed and put on our heels heading towards the door.
We met Sunoo and Ni-Ki. Sunoo in the drivers seat and Ni-Ki in the passenger seat. We went inside in the back.
“You guys ready?” Sunoo said. You buckled your seatbelt.
“Yup.” Yujin replied.
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By the time we got there, people were already there. Music was heard all over the room as we entered the door.
Yujin looked around, “I’m gonna go look for Jay.” She said. Chaewon nodded as Yujin walked away.
Chaewon turned towards us, “Okay let’s go get drinks! Ni-Ki the Kool-aid should be there too.” She assured.
Sunoo and I laughed while Ni-Ki glared at her. We made our way past the drunk people and other people making out. Sunoo made a disgust look.
We finally got to the kitchen and started grabbing cups. We each got ourselves drinks (aside from Ni-Ki) and cheered.
The bitter taste left me making a sour face. Sunoo finished in one go while Chaewon just took a little sip.
“This kinda tastes bad.” You spoke. The dreadful taste still stuck on your tongue.
“Really? It’s my favorite drink.” You heard a voice from behind. You turned around and saw a boy with blonde hair. He was hot.
Sunoo and Chaewon both stared at him suspiciously. You stared at him but with a straight face.
“You have really bad taste then.” You commented. He let out a scoff.
“You know, you’re really pretty for someone who has a sassy attitude.” He admitted. You shrugged your shoulders.
Chaewon grabbed your arm, “Sorry but we gotta use the restroom. Exscuse us!” She said. Before he could say anything Chaewon was already dragging you to the bathroom.
She shut the door and looked at you, “No way fucking Sim Jake was trying to get at you!” She gasped. You stared at her confused.
“What’s so wrong about that?” You asked. Chaewon eyes widened.
“Do you even know who he is?” Chaewon said. You gave her an empty look.
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “Jake is the biggest fuckboy in school. He literally fucked multiple girls.” She began, “And he was gonna probably find a way to make you the next victim!” She said.
You crossed your arms, “I’m fine with that. Besides, I wanted to have quick sex with someone hot.” You smiled. Chaewon shook her head.
“If you’re gonna have sex with someone, it should be a virgin man!” She said.
“But virgin guys don’t really know what they’re doing. Guys that do know what they’re doing give out the best sex.” You reasoned.
Chaewon stared at you for a hot second before opening the door, “If that’s what you wanna do then fine. But call me if he does weird shit.” She said.
You nodded and both headed back to the kitchen where Jake was talking with a group of guys. You spotted Sunoo gossiping with a girl, probably about new drama.
You walked up to Jake and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at you, “Hey pretty girl.” He said.
“Already made a nickname for me?” You teased. He laughed.
“Well I don’t exactly know your name.” He said.
“I know.” You replied. You grabbed his hand causing him to look at you confused.
“Wanna dance?” You asked. He looked at his friends and back at you, smirking.
“Sure pretty.” He agreed. He bid his friends bye and walked with you to the dance floor where everyone was dancing to “The Hills” by The Weeknd.
You started swaying your hips to the beat. Jake slowly put his hands on your hips and started to grind on you. You held back a moan.
You could already tell he had a good dick size, making you want him more. You began to grind back and put both your arms around his neck while he put his face in your neck, kissing it.
That was the last straw. You turned over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His smirk never leaving his face. You just wanted to kiss it right off.
You put your mouth to his ear, “Why don’t we go upstairs and do something else?” You whispered. Only he could hear.
He gripped your waist, “What does pretty wanna do upstairs?” He teased. You smiled innocently before whispering again.
“How about you fuck me into oblivion?” You said. His breathed sharp and fast and before you could say another thing, he was already yanking you upstairs.
You both went inside a room and shut the door. Jake slammed you against the door and started to kiss you harshly as you moaned, “Jake wait-“ He cut you off as he started to kiss your neck causing you to gasp.
You felt his hard-on as you grind on it, “Please Jake!” You whined. You weren’t sure what you were pleading for. Jake smirked against your neck and kissed your jaw.
“Such an impatient slut.” He murmured. You hid your face in his neck as he continued grinding on your clothed core. You grabbed his face, kissing him again.
He groaned in the kiss and held your neck causing you to whimper, “You just wanna be a slut for me huh? I’ll give you what you want slut.” He groaned.
He instructed you to jump. Once you jumped on him he led you both towards the bed. He softly placed you down and started going lower on your body. He unzipped your skirt on the side and prodded on your cloth pussy.
You threw your head back and moaned. He began to take off your underwear and eyed you pussy. He licked his lips and went face to face with your pussy.
He gave it a long lick on your slit causing you to let out a loud moan as you grip his locks, “Jake! Please!” You gasped. He started to harshly suck on your bud.
You thrashed around on the bed while he held your legs down. Your eyes rolled back as he dipped his tongue in your hole. You suddenly felt a knot in your stomach.
“I’m gonna cum! Cumming!” You screamed out. He started going faster as you felt your orgasm wash over you. You arched you back causing your bud to bump against his nose.
He groaned as he licked you clean. The only thought in his mind was that he needed to ruin you, “Fuck.” He whispered. He got back up and started unbuckling his belt.
You breathlessly stared at him. You chest going up and down from the orgasm you had. He slid both his pants and boxers down revealing his thick dick.
He hissed once he grabbed it, slowly stroking it with his precum. You licked you lips as you stared at it, “It’s so big.” You whimpered. He chuckled.
“You’ll take it like a good girl right?” He grinned. You nodded your head. He started rubbing on your clit and put two fingers on your hole.
You let out a long drawn moan when you felt him hitting your prostate. You felt overstimulated as he went faster before adding a third finger.
Just as you were about to have you second orgasm he took his fingers out. You whined at the lost and glared at him. He chuckled and put his dick near your entrance.
“Tell me if it hurts.” He whispered. He slowly started to slide in. You felt a bit of pain and whimpered, but didn’t tell him to stop.
His dick fitted snugly in your pussy. He let out a groan. You felt more slick at his tone and started to grind on his dick.
He looks down at where you guys were connected, seeing a white ring of cum around his dick. He felt himself fighting the urge to just start fucking you ruthlessly right then and there.
“Jake, please, fuck me.” You said. That was the only thing he needed to hear before pulling his dick back and slammed it back in causing you to scream.
He started going at a ruthless pace, hitting right at your prostate as you cried out. He gripped your neck against neck while his other hand occupied itself with squeezing your tit.
You felt tears gathering in your eyes at the ruthless pace he was giving, feeling pleasure all over your body.
He threw his head back, letting out moans and groans. He looked down at you, “Your pussy sucking me in so tight. Wanna fuck it everyday.” He moaned.
You felt your pussy throb at his words. Whimpers and whines leaving your mouth. He picked up both your legs and put them over his shoulder and held on to your hands.
He put them over you head and started going at a faster pace. Your eyes rolled back, feeling another orgasm approaching.
“Gonna cum Jake! Oh god!” You screamed. Letting one hand travel down to your clit, he squeezed your bud again. You couldn’t say anything as the orgasm crashed in you.
Your legs shook as he kept going with his ruthless pace. He lowered his head and kissed your cheek. “Fuck I’m gonna cum, oh fuck cumming.” He groaned.
You felt warm liquid in you as he grinded all his cum in you. You let a raggedy breaths. He slowly pulled out with his cum leaking out of you.
He got up, grabbing your clothes and putting them on the bed, “Do you wanna take a bath or do you just wanna change?” Jake asked. You slowly got up.
“I’ll just change. I have to go back to my friends anyway.” You said. You started to get dressed with lumpy legs.
Jake finished putting on his shirt and grabbed his jacket from the floor, putting it on you. You blushed at the sudden act.
“It’s cold out.” He said. You giggled. You went towards him and put something in his pocket. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“A thank you for the jacket.” You winked. You left the room, shutting it with a click. Jake reached into his pocket and felt a familiar thong feeling.
It was your underwear. He let out a breathy chuckle, knowing he was gonna have fun later with it.
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marlsswrites · 3 days
June 25th <3
Horoscope - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1400
“Where are you two off to?” Barty spoke as he ran up behind Regulus and Pandora in the tall, stone walls of Hogwarts.
“Divination.” Pandora replies distractedly, much more interested in braiding a small piece of blonde hair in front of her forehead, causing her to go slightly cross eyed.
“We have charms don’t we?” Barty looked around the halls, confused, before looking at Regulus for an answer.
Regulus ran a hand through his hair and looked towards Barty. “Me and Dora got moved up, we’re in seventh year Divination.”
“Oh! Okay.” Barty replied, instantly zoning out of the conversation when he saw a rather grumpy looking Evan walking past. “Nerds.” He snorted and tan towards Evan. “Evie!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?” Regulus huffed out with a smirk. “I called Evan ‘Evie’ once as a joke and he fucking hexed me.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Pandora matched his smirk with a grin. “Enough of them, let’s go embarrass some dumb seventh years with my seer privileges.” She winked.
Regulus rolled his eyes and brushed a loose curl away from his face. “Are we actually nerds, though?”
“You are, I’m just good at divination and shit at everything else.” She tapped her head to prove a point as they walked into the classroom, surprisingly, being some of the last ones there.
Regulus felt multiple pairs of eyes attach to him as he walked into the room, trying to avoid eye contact, he quickly stepped past the teacher to get to a table in the back.
“Not so fast!” The professor spoke as she stepped in front of a rather embarrassed looking Regulus, and an excited looking Pandora. “Everyone, these are some of our new sixth year students, the smartest of their year!”
He quite literally wanted to smash his head into a wall. “Thank you.” He muttered as he sat down at an empty table, Pandora next to him as she tied her platinum blonde hair in a bun with a multicoloured scrunchie, Regulus is pretty sure she sewed that one herself.
A few moments later, just as the professor started to speak, a flustered James Potter ran into the classroom. He apologised swiftly to the scowling professor and made a beeline for Regulus’ table as soon as he spotted him.
“Hi Reggie.” He whispered, Regulus would correct him like he does most people, but he quite likes it to be honest, especially when it’s James whispering in his ear.
“Potter.” How he managed to get that out with a smooth voice was a mystery.
“What did I miss?” James asked in a hushed tone.
Pandora turns to them, eyeing them suspiciously before shrugging and leaning over, propping her head on her hand. “Professor Wells told us that her horoscope predicts that Regulus has a secret.” She spoke in a hushed, overdramatic voice.
“Old nutter.” The Slytherin boy muttered.
“Do you now Reggie?” James asked with a dramatic gasp.
“Shut up and listen.” Regulus hissed.
Regulus saw a suspicious grin start to appear on the Potter boys lips as he spoke. “Ma-“ He stomped on James’ foot, receiving a yelp as James decided to finally pay attention to the class.
His brother and Lupin weren’t even at class today, not sure why, the Lupin kid seems to always be in the hospital wing for one thing or another and Regulus knew for a fact the he and Sirius were attached at the hip. Regulus wasn’t sure about Pettigrew, probably doesn’t take the class.
“What is that?” Regulus held the cup close to his face, trying to decipher what shapes the tea leaves made up. He held it to the side, hoping Pandora could tell.
Pandora hummed, a puzzled look appearing on her face. She grabbed her book, flicking through until she could find the recognisable shapes.
“That one…” She pointed at the first shape in the cup. “It’s a stag I think?” She flicked the page and looked at the next shape. “This book is not helpful at all!” She groaned and slammed the book on the table.
Now, James peered over his shoulder to take a look at the cup. “It is a stag!” He beamed and looked at Regulus, who rolled his eyes, yet again, and looked back at the cup. “That one there looks like a heart.” The brunette pointed his finger to the cup.
And he was right, anyone could tell that it was a love heart. But would Regulus admit that? No way.
“No it doesn’t.” He scoffed.
“Yes it does.” Pandora and James chimed in at the same time.
Regulus pointed at James, ignoring it when the Gryffindor licked his lips and grinned that stupid, gorgeous smile of his. “This- this is none of your business.” He turned to point at Pandora. “And no it does not.
“Yes is does!” She sang, in a slightly too loud voice, causing multiple people in the classroom to turn and look at them
“No it-“ He sighed. “I’m not winning this am I?”
Pandora’s grin widened. “Nope.”
Regulus left the class before Pandora as she spoke with the Professor about crystals, he didn’t even pretend to understand that nonsense, it’s a mystery how he ended up in higher Divination.
He turned to corner into an empty looking hallway, their class had finished early so not many students crowded the halls yet, which was nice.
Sitting down in a small alcove, he folded in on himself, tucking his legs to his chest and letting his head fall back onto the wall with a soft thud.
He heard footsteps nearby, but he passed it off as a student or teacher passing by. His gaze was glued on the roof, he traced the patterns in the stone with his eyes.
Only moments later, he felt a hand ruffle his hair, a hand he would recognise the feel of from anywhere.
“James.” He sighed with a laugh, the corner of his mouth tipping up into a smile.
Watching carefully, he saw James sit on the other side of the alcove. The older boy lifted Regulus’ legs up ever so softly, go place them on top of his own.
Regulus felt a soft flutter in his stomach as those honey brown eyes locked with his stormy grey ones. James’ tan, golden skin shone in the sunlight. It was perfect the way the sun hit him, just like a spotlight, like he deserved to be in.
But no, Regulus didn’t want to share James’ beauty with the rest of the world, that was his. His to keep, to touch, to cherish, to love.
“There’s no one here right?” James said in a low voice as he leant over to Regulus, their noses practically touching.
“No, but Pandora is very suspicious, you couldn’t be worse at hiding this.”
“It’s not my fault, I need you.” James sulked.
Shaking his head fondly, Regulus leant in to connect their lips, probably too eagerly, but he couldn’t care any less right now when James was smiling again his lips.
“Regulussss.” He sang in a sweet voice, pulling away but only slightly. “A heart and a stag? I’m flattered.” He spoke as he brushed a loose dark hair away from Regulus’ flushed face.
“Those things are fake.” He grumbled under his breath.
“Are they now?” He fake pouted, Regulus hoped it was fake anyway, he hated upsetting James. “So you don’t love me.”
Regulus looked James in the eye, his big wide doe eyes shone with pure adoration and love.
“Fuck off.” He said through a smile, there was no hiding the amount of feelings he had for this boy, he was just wonderful, so loving, so kind, so gorgeous. Regulus was sure James was crafted just for him, so they could love each other so much it hurt.
“You love me.” The Gryffindor teased.
“Sadly I do love you, what was I thinking?”
“That I’m super hot and a good kisser?” James asked with an eyebrow wiggle.
Regulus nodded slowly and pulled James in again, the kiss was deeper, slightly rougher, yet still it was perfect. More than perfect.
James traced Regulus’ bottom lip with his tongue, sending shivers down his spine and having his heartbeat speed up shockingly fast. No matter how many times James does that, Regulus thinks his reaction will always be the same.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Regulus mumbled against his boyfriend’s lips.
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pitchsidestories · 3 days
Pizza girl II Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2180
summary: You were raised through La Masia, but you still feel anxious, before your first game for the Barcelona Femeni A team. Luckily a team bonding evening with your teammates help to ease your anxiety.
a/n: hi, it's inspired by this request here. We really enjoyed writing this. Let us know if you'd read more platonic fanfics from us.
Sometimes you still felt the urge to pinch you. Training with the Barcelona Femeni A Team on a regular basis was like a dream come true for you.
Growing up in the Catalonian hills, Barcelona and the famous team seemed very far away until after a game someone reached out to your parents, telling them that you were a raw diamond which could be polished in La Masia.
It wasn’t easy for them to let you go, but they knew that all you ever wanted to do was to play football and it was a place where great players have started their career.
A few years have passed since the decision was made. You almost didn’t recognize the shy, little girl from her hometown village you were once. A piece of her was still in your sixteen-year-old heart. The anxiousness in your body came from her.
“Y/n.”, Alexia looked at you concerned, putting a hand on your shoulder.
For a second you were confused where you were until you remembered you were sitting on the bench in the changing room.
“Yes?”, you replied, there was a tiredness in your voice which didn’t get unnoticed by your captain.
“Are you okay?”, the midfielder asked worriedly.
“I’m just a little nervous before our match tomorrow.”, you admitted.
“We could tell. So, we have something for you.”, she replied, a warm smile dancing on her lips.
“You did? Wait, for me?”, you nervously ran a hand through your open, damp hair.
“Yes, we’ll meet tonight at my place.”, Alexia told you.
“Uhm, I thought I might do some extra training.”, you tried to brush of her kind offer. Desperate to prove that despite your anxiety you deserved to play the upcoming game.
“Oh, no.”, Salma shook her head.
“No chance, you’ll come with us.”, Vicky who was closest to your age decided grinning devilishly.
“Yes, this will be good for you.”, Esmee smiled encouragingly at you.
“We’ll make pizzas and I know you love them, so you can’t say no.”, Alexia explained the plan for the evening.
“Okay, I’ll come.”, you answered, wondering deep inside if relaxing was a better idea than exercising. On the other hand, maybe seeing your teammates would stop your thoughts from running wild. You knew it was especially bad when you were all alone in your room.
“Great.”, the blonde nodded, visibly satisfied.
“See you tonight, then?”, you looked up to her.
“Yes, we’ll see you later, it’s going to be good.”, she chirmed.
On your way home you realized that the midfielder has send you the time and place for the team bonding night. Your fear to arrive to late made you stand in front of Alexias appartement door five minutes to early, you knocked at the door nervously.
“Hi Ale.”, you greeted her, licking your lips anxiously.  
The older player seemed genuinely happy to see you and immediately pulled you into a quick hug: “Hi y/n. Come on in.“
Politely smiling, she took a step back to let you in.
You held your breath as you took in her modern stylish apartment. “Thanks for the invite.“, you mumbled.
Alexia led you towards the kitchen: “Oh, you’re welcome. It’s always great to see our young talents come through the ranks so we got to make sure to welcome them with open arms.“
“Thats very sweet of you. It’s a dream that I’m able to play in a team with the Alexia Putellas.“, you replied. You wanted to keep your cool but somehow you failed to keep the awe out of your voice.
“Oh please. I once was as young as you are now… Remember, we all start somewhere.“, she said with a dismissive hand gesture.
You could feel the blood rush into your cheeks: “I know but…“
“It’s still big.“
“Of course.“
You almost sighed in relief when the door bell rang
“Oh, that’s probably the others.“, Alexia nodded to herself and disappeared to let her guests in.
You bit your lip. Why were you being so awkward?
“Hi, girls!“, you hear her greet them from across the room.
Onas voice replied: “Hi, Ale.“
Lucy was the first one in the kitchen, winking at you to say hello while still talking to the captain: “We brought some toppings for the pizza.“
She put a bag down on the table.
Alexia looked at her with a mixture of disbelief and disgust: “Do you really think I wasn’t prepared for my own pizza night?“
“Yeah, Lucy didn’t trust you with that.“, Ona shrugged, smiling innocently at the midfielder.
Alexia rolled her eyes: “Typical.“
You followed the interaction with amusement until Lucy turned to you: “So we obviously had to make a little stop at the market. Try the tomatoes, y/n. They’re delicious.“
Lucy moved around in Alexias kitchen like it was her own, cutting you a sliece of a juicy red tomato.
You popped it in your mouth. It was sweet and flavourful. “Delicious!“
“Yes, I love them.“, you beamed.
More football player flooded the kitchen. You had not realized that Alexia had left again to let them in.
“Hey, everyone!“, Vicky called excitedly. For a second you felt the slight sting of jealousy. You were almost the same age, but she moved around the team like they have been friends forever. You hoped that it would be like this for you too soon.
She came over to hug you, her curls tickling on your skin and the jealousy was gone: “Vicky, hi.“
“And? Kind of cozy here, right?“, she grinned at you.
You took the scene of Alexias kitchen in. Drinks were on the table while a few players started to prepare the ingredients for the pizza and others were working on the dough.
It was a mess but somehow you felt very at peace. “It’s.“, you smiled.
“I hope you think so.“, Alexia raised an eyebrow at you as she walked past you, always the busy hostess.
While you all were in the process of creating cute and aesthetically pleasing pizzas you took all your courage to ask a question which has been burning on your tongue during the whole evening.
“Girls, how do you handle anxiety before big matches?”
Every player stopped moving around for a moment, thinking about the ask you just dropped. It was clear to them that it came from your heart and was something weighing heavily on your young shoulders.
“I don’t even know what that is.” Lucy joked, she immediately got elbowed by her smaller girlfriend.
“Lucy be honest.”, Ona demanded.
“Yeah, okay. Even us oldies get nervous at times. Right Ale?”, the older defender shrugged before turning around to face the blonde.
“Of course, I was very nervous when I came back from my ACL.”, she admitted earnestly.
“Understandable.”, Ona nodded empathetically.
“Oh yes.”, you whispered.
“Everyone is nervous before their first game for the biggest club in the world.”, Salma agreed solemnly.
 “You all make it look so easy.”, you remarked. Memories from Vicky’s and her breakthrough were playing behind your eyes.
“It’s not.”, Alexia assured you calmly.
“But we’re here for you.”, Aitana promised in an encouragingly tone.  
“Exactly, we’re all supporting you.”, Ona added, giving you a side hug.
“Everyone is so cute here.”, you teared up, their unwavering support made you emotional.
“Oh, we know.”, Salma waved it off nonchalantly.
“Please don’t cry, that floor was expensive.”, Alexia threw in teasingly.
“Oh, sorry.”, you quickly apologized.
“Alexia.”, Olga who came to the kitchen from work scolded her girlfriend.
“Sorry, y/n. But you know that I was only joking, right?”, the captain sheepishly smiled at you. It was always a miracle for you to watch the midfielder’s stern and serious face which she showed in matches and training change in the presence of the woman she loved.
“Typical, Ale.”, Lucy rolled her eyes playfully at her.
“I was suspecting it.”, you muttered.
“I promise you’ll used to her jokes.”, Vicky hugged you from behind, resting her head on your left shoulder.
“I hope so.”, you laughed insecurely.
“Pizzas are ready, we can go to the balcony now.”, Alexia announced. She and Olga took charge of getting everything which was needed at its rightful place. The delicious scent of freshly baked goods filled the room and was still noticeably outside.
For a moment you took everything in, the golden hour had begun and the view of the city from the appartement building was gorgeous.
“Wow, what a great sight.”, you mumbled deeply impressed.
Alexia smiled, clearly enjoying the sight of her beloved city once again: “It’s nice, right?“
“It’s beautiful.“, you agreed, finally tearing your gaze away from the view and looking down at your heart shaped pizza.
“Stop bragging, Putellas!“, Lucy called from the other side of the balcony, rolling her eyes.
“Excuse me? I’m just showing the little one that her future looks golden!“, Alexia played offended as gestured towards the view from her balcony.
Lucy grimaced with a laugh: “If she’ll become La Reina 2.0. The rest of us can’t afford this.“
For a second you wondered how much of this was true but you had no time to think about it as Ona smirked: “Besides, she’s a defender. Just like us.“
“Another Bronze would be a nightmare for this team.“, Alexia grinned directly at the English defender.
Lucy jokingly frowned: “What’s that supposed to mean?“
“You know exactly what I mean.“
“No, I don’t.“
Ona interrupted their bickering with a proud smile: “Y/n is going to be her own version.“
Again, you could feel the heat rush back into your cheeks while Mapi ruffled your hair: “Exactly, no pressure on the little one.“
“She’s already puts enough pressure on herself.“, Esmee agreed.
Alexias eyes softened as she looked at you: “We’re just joking with her.“
“I slowly start to get your humour.“, you smiled back at her.
“That’s good.“
“This could be a wonderful start for you in the team.“, Ingrid said, ignoring Mapi trying to steal a slice of pizza from her plate.
Chewing, her girlfriend nodded: “We’ll make sure of that.“
The next day, you were actually subbed in for the first time. It was five more minutes plus stoppage time to play.
Still, your anxiety was gnawing at you. Your heartbeat was too fast and you felt that sinking feeling in your stomach.
That was until you looked up at your teammates who applauded you. Ona who was subbed off for you, pulled you into a quick hug.
You were still nervous but you were okay with it. Whatever happened, this team had your back.
In the last minute of stoppage time, you made a run towards the goal. Carolines cross from the left came perfectly. You cleanly headed it in.
What had just happened?
Wide-eyed, you turned to your teammates: “Have you seen that?“
“That was insane!“, Alexia cheered.
Ona shouted from the sideline: “Incredible, y/n!“
Lucy patted your head with a little more force than necessary: “We told you!“
“She did it her way though.“, Mapi said, looking like a proud parent.
“Guys…“, you protested. The attention was a bit too much now.
“What?“, Vickys voice asked while she jumped onto your back in celebration.
“Stop.“, you laughed, trying to shake her off.
Once you got rid of her, Esmee scooped you up into her arms and lifted you up: “No, we got to celebrate.“
“What are you doing?“, you giggled. You felt like a trophy being passed around.
“Not impressed by that lift? Oh wow.“, Esmee pouted as she set you back down.
“Thanks.”, you sung relieved before you locked eyes with Alexia who beamed at you.
“I’m proud of you, kid.”, the captain congratulated to, as she put you into a rough hug.
“Thank you, Ale.”, you mouthed forever gratefully to play along side such talented and legendary players, afterwards Alexia released you from her grip with a happy sigh.
“But remember you’re a defender first, y/n.”, Lucy threw in teasingly.
“Coming from you?”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
“Hey, don’t get sassy!”, the English defender yelled. She looked amused by your behaviour, because it reminded her of herself.
“Sorry.”, you apologized only half-serious.
“Come here!”, Lucy commanded while ruffling your hair.
“Stop that!”, you demanded giggling.
“Lucy, stop.”, Ona intervened chuckling.
“Thanks, Oni. Can I go and celebrate with my family now?”, you asked your teammates impatiently.
“Yes, go and celebrate.”, the Spanish defender nodded smiling warmly.
“Thank you, girls. For everything.”, you muttered deeply moved. You loved being a part of this team with every fibre of your being.
“Yeah, yeah, leave, before we all get too emotional.”, Lucy waved it off. But you were able to see through her coolness and pulled her into a big hug too.
“Alright, bye!”, you told them and when you started running to your parents who have made everything possible.
Although deep down you knew know you had a family away from home now in form of your teammates who even made the anxious times pass easier and the glorious moments so much richer.
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rainyreading · 1 day
Hey! I know you said you were looking for ideas, so here goes. Theo and Mattheo both see reader hating on herself, and decide to help her feel better. Smut or no smut, ur choice!
Low Self-Esteem
wc: 935
a/n: I don’t really write for Mattheo but since I didn’t specify what characters I write for when I asked for ideas I decided to include him. Thank you for requesting I hope this is alright.
requests open
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Throughout your life you have had pretty low self esteem. You never really felt pretty and you rarely looked at yourself in the mirror and thought you looked good. This took a toll on you but you didn’t expect it to get worse like it has this year.
All you wanted to do was rot in your bed and see no one when you didn’t have classes. But Pansy had other plans. She wanted to drag you to a Slytherin party, to accompany her and in hopes you have fun. It was quite possibly the last thing you wanted to do. But Pansy is insistent and dose not take no for an answer.
“Pansy I don’t want to be here, I feel terrible, I look terrible, I just wanna leave.” You spoke as Pansy held your hand and led you through the common room.
“Boo you’re no fun. You look hot and come on would it hurt you to have a little fun?” Pansy responded.
“I honestly have fun in my bed.” You grumbled.
Pansy smirked. “Not like that, you know what I meant,” you dismissed.
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks,” Pansy announced.
“Oh so you’re leaving me?”
“You’ll be fine.”
Meanwhile through a cloud of smoke Theo and Mattheo were watching you. They noticed your look of displeasure and wondered what was wrong. Mattheo and Theo have been your friends for a while. They seemed to always be there for you.
Pansy came back with drinks and you figured you would have a drink or two to take the edge off. You wanted to stop your racing negative thoughts and relax. Firewiskey would usually do the job so you downed it in one gulp.
“Let’s dance,” Pansy suggested.
“No I’m gonna sit this one out, you go have fun though.”
“Suit yourself.” Pansy went to the center of the room and started dancing with Daphne.
Mattheo and Theo were on the couches smoking a cigarette. After having a few more glasses of firewiskey you stumbled to where they were.
“Y/N!” Theo exclaimed.
“Hey daisy,” Mattheo called out. Mattheo called you daisy because you liked flowers and he thought you were pretty.
“Hey guys how’s it hanging.”
“Just chillin watching the party,” Theo spoke.
“How are you?” Mattheo asked.
“I’ve been better,” you replied.
“Why what’s wrong?” Theo asked as he blew out some smoke after taking a drag.
Maybe it was the alcohol that made you want to overshare but you said, “I just haven’t been feeling really great about myself. You know I just hate how I look and how I feel. It’s terrible how much hatred I have.”
“Aw Daisy, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Mattheo cooed.
“What could you possibly hate about yourself? You’re perfect bella.” Theo complimented.
“Yeah I mean you’re hot as fuck,” Mattheo added.
“Thanks guys, but I don’t really think-“
“Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it. I want to hear yourself say you’re beautiful. Come on say it. I am beautiful.” Mattheo instructed.
“I am beautiful,” you mumbled.
“I am beautiful.” you rolled your eyes.
“There. Now believe it because it’s true.”
You smiled at him and decided you wanted more to drink.
“I’m gonna get more alcohol, you guys want anything?”
“No thanks,” they said.
The table of alcohol was dwindling, but you managed another cup full. You were starting to get more than tipsy. You stumbled your way back to Theo and Mattheo. On your way over to them you passed by a mirror. It made you start crying because you hated your reflection.
Tears were streaming down your face as you made it to the guys.
“Jesus Daisy, what happened?” Mattheo asked.
“Poor baby, what’s wrong?” Theo asked.
“Oh you guys it’s nothing really. I just hate myself,” you sniffled.
“Come sit on the couch with us,” Theo commanded.
There was space on the couch between Theo and Mattheo. You sat down and continued sipping your drink.
“Don’t cry bella,” Theo wiped your tears with his thumb.
“I would show you how beautiful I think you are, (meaning sex) but i think you’re a little too drunk.” Theo explained.
“You wanna hear something funny?” Mattheo just wanted you to feel better.
“Are you a Dementor? You just took my breath away.”
You giggled and Mattheo smiled, it was music to his ears.
“I have a funny story as well. The other day Draco fell down the stairs and he sprained his ankle. It was hilarious.”
Mattheo and Theo noticed you stopped crying so whatever they were doing must be helping.
“I bet, I wish I woulda saw it,” you half laughed.
“I hope you know how special I think you are. Don’t change because I think your beauty is stunning.” Theo gushed.
“Yeah. I mean you got everything going for you. What’s it gonna take for you to stop hating yourself and believe that you’re pretty?” Mattheo spoke.
“I don’t know I guess I need more confidence. But thanks guys I feel better already.”
“Good. But I think you’ve had enough to drink. Think it’s time to call it quits.” Theo mentioned.
Theo stood up and outstretched his hand for you to take. You swayed a little as you stood but got ahold of Theo’s hand. Mattheo stood up last and guided you with a hand on the small of your back.
When the three of you reached your dorm room, you opened the door and you all entered.
“I’m tired.” You expressed flopping on your bed.
Mattheo and Theo tucked you in.
“Goodnight Daisy.”
“Goodnight Bella.”
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chaniceroses · 2 days
Bad Boys Ride or Die (Armando x Reader) Part ELEVEN
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(!! I made this one short because I wanted the last part to be good and long for the readers!! Thank you so much for your patience and support!!!! I will begin working on the Last Part tomorrow!! :) )
“I’m so sorry y/n…”, Howard whispered, sitting on the chair next to your hospital bed. He grabbed your hand and held it. His eyes were searching your face for answers but couldn’t find one. The room was cold and although Howard was right by your side while you had heavy security outside of your hospital room.You still felt alone. Tears began to run down your face, they were warm and sharp. It almost felt as if it had hurt your eyes to cry.
“I…I can’t have kids anymore Captain…I can’t—”
“No, no…he said that it would be a miracle, that’s never a no. You just need to heal and allow time to take its time y/n.”, he interrupted.
“We will find McGrath and make sure that you get the justice that you deserve, this isn’t your fault y/n.”
Your heart felt empty, your eyes were swollen and slightly pink from all of the crying that you were doing so in response you just stared at Howard and nodded your head.
“I’m going to go talk to the doctor about your stay. I will be right back, okay.”, 
You watched as Howard got up and walked out of your room. Slowly taking your attention from the door to your stomach, you began to rub it and could feel the stitches that were left from the surgery. Until you started hearing gunshots, throwing your head back towards the door, you could see people running and screaming.
“What the hell?”, you whispered, flipping the covers while trying to slowly lift your body up from the bed.
“Y/N, MCGRA—”, before Howard could finish his sentence, you watched as he was shot several times from somebody behind him. You felt your heart drop and screamed in horror when…..
  “Y/N!!! WAKE UP!!”, Armando yelled, climbing on top of you while softly shaking you.
You opened your eyes to be met by Armando's intense stare, he was examining your trying to figure out what you were dreaming about to have you screaming as if you were being tortured.
Sweat ran down your face while your breathing became heavy, you slightly pushed Armando off of you and sat up in your bed. It had been forever since you’ve had one of those kinds of dreams, especially about losing you and McGrath’s baby. You buried your head in your hands when suddenly, your hotel door flew open while being greeted by hard footsteps. You looked up to see Mike and Marcus standing there while aiming their guns around.
“FREEZEEE…oh”, Marcus  yelled, before looking over to you and Armando.
You were confused at why he looked at you and Armando with a blank and awkward facial expression until you looked back at Armando to see him standing, while covering his member with his hands.
You looked down to see that you were also still naked from you and Armando sexual games last night.
So you quickly grabbed the sheets that were on the floor and wrapped it around your body.
“This is so embarrassing…”, you whispered, getting up while looking at Armando and then at Mike.
You observed as Mike stared at you and Armando. You weren’t sure what was going through his mind but hoped that it was nothing.
“You owe me a hundred dollars!”Marcus laughed, while leaving your hotel room.
“I’m going to go…go take a shower.”, You awkwardly whispered, grabbing a towel and running to the bathroom.
We watched as y/n ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. I wanted to take one with her but by the looks of it, I could see that not happening.
“Like Father, like son huh.”, I sarcastically replied. Grabbing the covers that were on the bed and wrapping it around my waist.
“I’m going to go and get you guys a bag that has clothes in them. Put them on and come to Marcus’s and I room.”, he sighed, walking towards the door. 
“Mike, y/n and I are together now.”, I hurriedly responded while walking up to him.
I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to say that to him but I did.
“I know Armando, I saw it coming a couple days ago.”
“It's a good thing right? She liked me and I liked her and she—”, before I could finish my sentence, I watched as he  turned around and looked at me.
“Look, I knew that you guys liked each other but I didn’t think that you guys would take it this far, Armando. With what you’ve both been through, you guys need to think about it.”, he interrupted, looking at the bed and then back at me.
I was lost, y/n was the one who said that he told her not to play with my emotions however now he’s feeling the opposite.
“What the hell do you mean?”
“Armando, what do you think is going to happen once we’re done with McGrath? Huh? You guys are going to run off into the sunset while holding hands?”
I had no response.
“I want you guys together, I do. Even if you hearing this from me, don’t mean shit to you but once this ends…You will still be a fugitive while y/n will be free. So it’ll be hard for the both of you to work that out.”
“Wait, you said that you were going to help me Mike?”, I replied. I knew that what he was saying was the truth however, there has to be a different route. I watched as he searched the room for answers. At first there wasn’t a thought behind his eyes, until his eyes suddenly focused back on me.
“Armando, I have an idea but I need you to trust me.”, he answered, putting his hand on my right shoulder. I couldn’t help but to look at him weirdly. The way he was looking at me, had me oddly uncomfortable. However, I couldn’t help but to be curious.
“What is it?”
“...You’re going to have to take it back…it may not make sense right now but—” “Hell no Mike, are you crazy. Y/n and I just had sex and made it official last night, she’s going to think I used her for her body!”, I loudly whispered, throwing his hand off of my shoulder. Horrible timing Mike. Horrible timing.
“I know but you have to trust me, it’ll work out in the end for the both of you, I promise you that. You have to do it, Armando or I can’t help you!”, he demanded. Before I could respond, I could hear a door shut behind me.
“Mike…Armando, is everything okay?”, Y/n said walking towards the both of us.
I looked back at y/n and then back at Mike and watched as he stared at y/n.
“Yeah y/n, everything is fine. Just son and father things, you know.”, he laughed. Leaning past me to grab the door knob. I watched as he shut the door while I just stared at it. 
A part of me didn’t want to do it, however the other half felt that Mike knew what he was talking about. Shit Armando.
You stood behind Armando, examining the muscles that swam across his back. You were about to touch his back, when he suddenly turned around. His breathing was short and slow. He was avoiding eye-contact with you and was looking out towards the balcony. Something was wrong.
“Armando, seriously what’s wrong? What was that conversation between you and Mike about?”, you were looking into his eyes for a response. An answer. However, he kept his glare towards the balcony.
So you grabbed his hand and guided him towards the bed. The both of you sat down and you watched as he rubbed the back of his neck. Something was bothering him, you just didn’t know what.
“I love you y/n…so much.”, he suddenly replied, turning his head to look at you while smiling.
“I love you too Armando…you know last night was—”
“But I can’t do this.”, he interrupted, now looking away.
Suddenly the room went silent, you could hear your thoughts and everything that you were feeling now being said out loud. What the hell did he mean that he can’t “do this”?
“I mean..I want to do this, us but with what’s going on I—” “Are you fucking serious, Armando?”, you sighed. You were disappointed. You finally told him how you felt. You poured your heart out to him last night as he did the same but now, he can’t “do” this. Us? You turned to look at him and could see worry across his face.
“Is it..does it have to do with McGrath?”, you whispered looking at him. You watched as he turned to look at you. His mouth was saying one thing, while his eyes were saying another. So you swallowed the lump that had slowly built up in your throat and threw how you felt out the door. Nothing was going to get in the way between you two and you were sure of that.
“We don’t know what the outcome may be today and I feel that we may be moving too fast.”, he explained, throwing his hand out to you. You knew that he was lying. You could feel it and the way he was holding himself told you that he was. That’s when you thought about Mike.
“Well, I pray that this isn’t one of those “using me for my body” situations and I know that I just caught you and Mike talking about something which led to you acting the way you are now—”, you responded, grabbing his hand and caressing it.
“No, I would never do that”, he interrupted, grabbing your hand and holding it a little tighter.
“Mike said that this would be best. With everything that is happening.”, he continued, looking at you.
You were confused. Mike? 
“What the hell do you mean Armando, since when did you start listening to Mike?”
“I listen to him y/n when he makes sense. He said that it’ll be best for us not to be together, just for right now. Since i’m a fugitive and you know with your life and this McGrath shit. There’s just no balance.”, he explained, shrugging his shoulders.
You knew that what Mike was saying wasn’t entirely wrong; however, you were still confused.
“He also said that he’ll help us out because he does want to see us together. Now he didn’t explain how or when but he just said to trust him. And for some odd reason, I do. Me just saying this, doesn’t mean I mean it y/n. Because I sure as hell doesn’t.”, he continued, standing up.
You stood up also and grabbed his hand while looking up at him. Although you were against what Mike said, you knew that you could trust his word.
“Okay Armando, I trust you guys so we will just “play” as if we’re not together around them, at least until all of this shit clears.”, you laughed while caressing his cheek. You could see a small smirk come across his face as he looked down at you.
“I like the way you think.”, he smiled, picking you up. You watched as he leaned in towards you to give you a kiss, which made you respond to it. His lips were soft and smooth. You could feel his goatee mustache run smooth across your face. You found yourself deep into the moment, until you opened your eyes and noticed that he was walking towards the bathroom.
“What are you doing?”, you questioned
“We’re about to take a shower.”
“Yeah but I just took one.”
“Yeah but it was without me.”, he mocked, carrying you inside the bathroom and shutting the door.
You and Armando took a shower then quickly got dressed to head to Mike’s and Marcus’s hotel room. There was a bag filled with black clothes and police attire for you and Armando to put on once you guys were finished so after you were done, the both of you helped each other get dressed, straightened the room and then headed towards Mike’s room.
You watched as Armando walked up to the door and knocked. After a couple knocks the door finally opens to the two of you being greeted by a crowded room.
“What the hell.”, Armando whispered
“What is it?”, you replied moving from behind him to see Dorn, Kelly, Rita and her husband, Lockwood in the room with Mike and Marcus.
“Took you two forever…”, Mike sighed, signaling for you and Armando to enter.
You followed behind Armando and examined as the energy in the room shifted.  Maybe it could be because it is early in the morning and everyone wants to still be in bed or because of Armando’s intimidating presence.
“Why is he here?”, you asked, pointing at Lockwood and Rita.
You felt that it was odd for him to be there, knowing that he didn’t say anything about proving Howard’s innocence and with the election coming up. He had nothing to do with this operation.
“He is a part of McGraths bullshit”, Mike answered, walking over to the group and sitting down.
“Yeah, Rita found the messages between him and McGrath. He’s behind the files…”
“And the money being transported…”
“And how McGrath found out where everyone lives.”, the group explained while looking at you.
You could feel disappointment,confusion and anger fill your body.
“So, you’re telling me…this motherfucker sitting across from me is the reason why LadyBug is dead?! THE REASON WHY THAT DUMBASS FOUND OUT WHERE I LIVED!”, you yelled now standing up. You were livid. This whole time you had been blaming yourself for Ladybug’s death, when it could’ve been avoided if Lockwood would’ve been a true politician and reported McGrath instead of working with him and allowing innocent people like Ladybug and Fletcher, to lose their lives.
You watched as Lockwood stood up and threw his hands up in defense.
“Look y/n, I don’t know what—” Before Lockwood could finish his sentence, you quickly grabbed the gun that was on the table, jumped over it  and held it to his head.
“YO! Y/N CALM DOWN! —”Mike yelled, walking over towards you.
“FOR WHAT!! HE DESERVES TO DIE!!!”, you yelled looking at Mike and then back at Lockwood. Fear was written all over his face and you loved that it was. 
“You shoot him, I’ll have no choice but to shoot you.”, Rita replied, pointing her gun at you. You kept your finger on the trigger and pushed the gun even more towards Lockwood's head.
“Like hell you will…”, Armando whispered. You turned to see him standing behind Rita while having two guns in his hands. One pointing at the back of Rita’s head and the other at Lockwood’s.
“You guys are married right? Till death do you part? Sounds about right…you’re call y/n.”, Armando scoffed. You couldn’t help but to squeeze the gun, you wanted to see his brain be splatted everywhere in front of you. The way McGrath did LadyBug’s.
“Just wait y/n ... .I have something for you.”, Marcus whispered, walking towards the closet that was next to the bathroom. 
“What Marcus?”, you replied, keeping your eyes on Lockwood. You could see sweat forming on his forehead. He was nervous and afraid. You quickly shifted your eyes to see Marcus walking up to you while holding something in his hand.
“What the hell is that Marcus because I don’t have time for these games…”
“Here.”, he whispered, pushing his hands out to you.
You turned to see glasses in his hand.
“Marcus, what the hell am I supposed to do with glasses?”
“There Ladybug’s.”, he mumbled. “Look at them.” You took a glance and stared at them, they were black glasses with thick lenses. You looked up at Marcus, then at the glasses and then back at Lockwood.
“Those could be anyone’s Marcus, I’m not stupid!”, you yelled. You grabbed Lockwood’s head and held him down. Now pointing the gun at the back of his head.
“Take a step closer to her and I'll kill you instantly.”, Armando whispered, stepping closer to Rita while keeping his eyes on you.
“Y/n just read the arms, they have his initials on it. “L.B” C’mon y/n. We’ll make sure he goes to jail. I promise.”, Marcus reassured, now trying to hand you the glasses.
You sat the gun down while keeping a tight grip of Lockwood’s hair in your other hand and grabbed the glasses. How in the hell did he get these? You moved one of the arms of the glasses and could see Ladybug’s initials clear as day.
“How did you—”
“That night when we found you on the ground…Mike picked you up and took you to the car while I stayed behind and put him on the couch. The way you were crying over him, told me that he meant something to you and I wanted to make sure that you had something in remembrance so I took his glasses to give to you at some point. Once you heal, you know.”, he explained, stepping closer to you.
“Let him go y/n…”, Mike whispered, looking at you and then back at Marcus.
You looked down at the glasses and then at Lockwood.
“Okay..”, you sighed, setting down the glasses and the gun.
“Thank God.”, Lockwood whispered, grunting in pain. Before you knew it, you threw a punch in the back of his head and watched as his body went limp.
You looked up to see everyone shockingly looking at you as if you killed someone.
“He’s not dead, he’s just knocked out. Give him thirty minutes.”, you scoffed, grabbing your gun and glasses, climbing back over the table and sitting back in the seat that you and Armando were on.
“Lucky girl.”, Armando whispered into Rita’s ear, lowering his gun and walking to sit back next to you. You loved the fact that you didn’t have to say anything for Armando to jump and support your actions, even if others were against it. He was there. Supporting and protecting.
“Well while he’s half dead can we please discuss a plan about how we're going to get McGrath.”, Dorn sighed, walking over to pick up the papers that fell off the table.
“We don’t need a plan, we know where he is since we were able to track him from Lockwood’s phone. So let’s just go to him.”, Mike replied, grabbing some guns out of a bag and strapping them onto his leg.
“I agree, no plan, just action. That’s how we roll.”Marcus supported, folding his arms.
“And that’s how we get killed.”, Rita sighed, rolling her eyes.
“McGrath just plans on leaving the country after he kills us and receives the money…”, you added, pointing at Marcus, Mike, Armando and yourself. “So really, we just need to be in hiding and meet him at whatever transportation he plans on leaving on.” You stood up and walked over to the bags filled with weapons.
“No time needs to be wasted so we should probably be heading out in the next ten minutes.”, Kelly replied, gathering all of the information.
Everyone nodded and began to get ready. Strapping up, making sure their hollister were on good and that their bulletproof vests were on tight. You could sense Armando looking at you; however, you ignored him. 
“Something happened between the two of you?”, Mike asked, looking at you and then back at Armando. 
“Nope, he just doesn’t think we should be moving so quick.”, you whispered looking over at him. You watched as he looked at Armando and then back at you again. You gave a small smile, hinting to him that you knew about their conversation from earlier but by the looks of it, he was lost.
“Oh well, I'm sure it’s for the best with that being said… I know that killing McGrath is important for you as it is for me so I want the both of us to be the ones going after him. That way we know that he won’t be spared.”, he whispered. Putting the bag across his shoulders and turning to face you. You finished getting ready and tied your hair back that way it wouldn’t be in your face. You were happy that Mike was on the same page that you were on.
“For sure.”, you agreed, looking over to the group. You watched as Mike grabbed the keys that were on the counter and signaled to everyone to start heading out.
“This should be fun.”, Dorn mumbled, picking up Lockwood and throwing him across his shoulders. You watched as he walked past you, allowing Lockwood’s head to be slightly thrown everywhere. You couldn’t help but to chuckle until Armando walked up to you.
“You ready.”, he smiled looking down at you. 
“Yeah lets go—” Before you could finish you were interrupted by Kelly walking up to you.
“Y/n, do you remember that video that I told you Howard left for you. The personal video.”, she whispered, looking back at Rita and then back at you. At first you were lost but after a while of allowing your thoughts to catch up, you were able to recall the conversation between the two of you.
“Yeah I remember, you were going to send it to me.”, you replied
“Yeah, I decided to not send it to you but to put it on a disc…I couldn’t help it, I felt that what he said was extremely personal and that you would need to hear it maybe alone. Nothing bad just very, heartwarming you know.”, she smiled, handing out the disc to give to you.
You grabbed it and then looked at it. You were very curious about what was on here however, you wanted your mind to be sat on today’s operation.
“Give it to me after the operation, so that I can have something to look forward to watching.”, you smiled, handing it back to her. You watched as she grabbed it and nodded her head in response. Walking back towards Rita and sparking a conversation with her while she helped her finish packing.
“What was that about?”, Armando asked, turning around to follow you out of the room.
“Some video Howard left for me to watch by myself, I don’t really know.”, you replied as the both of you walked down the long hallway.
“Well, What I do know is that…whatever happens today, I want you to be—”
“Tell me after the operation Armando.”, you interrupted, keeping your focus on the elevator. 
“Huh?”, he asked as the both of you stood in front of the elevator doors waiting for it to open.
“Tell me once we kill McGrath and we both make it out alive, not now.”, you whispered, walking onto the elevator.
You watched as he followed behind you onto the elevator. There was a weird presence in the room, it wasn’t tense, but it was soft. Accepting. Danger was slowly creeping towards you while you were running towards it. This was a suicide mission, and you knew it and so did everyone else. You must’ve gotten lost into your thoughts because you suddenly felt Armando’s hand slowly hold yours. You looked down at it and then up at Armando to see him looking at you. Although a word wasn’t said, his eyes were having a conversation of its own and you understood every bit of it. You turned your head back towards the doors, held his hand tighter and let go of the breath that you didn’t know that you were holding. Allowing the silence to consume the both of you and for time to slowly come to an end.
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syntheticavenger · 2 days
On My Mama - Three
A special thank you to @mrsmischief209 @flordeamatista @negronispagliato for helping with language translation and @cocobutterqwueen for cheering me on with the plot!
Santiago 'Pope' Garcia x Female Reader
Tyler Rake x Female Reader
Andy Barber x Female Reader
Jax Teller x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, language, breeding kink (brief), jealousy, angst, mentions of divorce, co-parenting.
Summary | Being a single mom with a complicated relationship with your ex-husband makes for an interesting summer after a school event and an unexpected errand puts you front and center with some eligible contenders for your attention.
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“Mommy, look! They have horsies!” Mia squeaks, pointing as Santiago holds her close so that she doesn’t tip over, mesmerized as a horse gallops by the big window. “Daddy, do you see the horsies?!”
“I do see them,” Santiago agrees, kissing the crown of her head affectionately. “We have to finish the tour, mini.”
Sister Catherine Francis stands next to you, the school administrator smiling at the sweet moment between father and daughter. Admittedly, the tour has been impressive. Beside the stables, there is an auditorium, a gym, a play area much larger than the one in her current school and the student to teacher ratio is much smaller than you thought.
“Mrs. Garcia, I know you have some reservations about our school as Mr. Garcia told us,” Sister Catherine begins, her Irish accent strong. “I assure you, Mia will have the very best of care here at St. Mary’s. The curriculum here is outstanding and our students go on to Ivy League universities and abroad.”
“Curriculum,” you repeat, seeing her nod, anticipating your response with a tight-lipped smile. You’ve been peppering her with questions the entire tour, ever since she had mentioned she was pleased that Santiago had reached out weeks prior, calling you by your former last name, ignoring that you had mentioned that you were divorced.
Your cell phone vibrates in your purse, mumbling an excuse to step away for a moment as Sister Catherine approaches Santiago and Mia to discuss the details of the stables, asking Mia if she would like to know the names of all the horses.
“Hey, sorry if I caught you had a bad time,” Tyler apologizes, your mood improving at the sound of his voice.
You’re grateful for the reprieve, even more so that he’s called you directly.
Santiago looks over his shoulder as you turn around, your back to him. He’s far away enough that you hope he can’t hear you.
“No, it’s fine, I’m just out with Mia,” you answer. “How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
“I’m good.”
After a pause, Tyler laughs, the sound making you smile.
“Listen, I’m being a total idiot about this and I’m sorry. How would you feel if I picked the place to go to dinner? I promise you’ll have a good time.”
“I think that would be fine. Should I be worried?” you ask.
“No? I mean, I hope not. How does Saturday sound? Seven?”
“Seven works,” you agree, taking two steps away from Sister Catherine. “Enough time to find a sitter.”
“Seven it is. We can meet there if that works?”
“Sure. I’ll see you at seven.”
“Perfect. It’s a date. I’ll talk to you later.”
When you hang up, you notice that Santiago is closer now, Mia still in his arms as he looks through his phone for a moment. Sister Catherine clears her throat at the interruption, making you look up from your phone.
“Did you have questions regarding any of our curricula?”
You hope that doesn’t mean to be pushy, but it sounds that way, the nun clasping her hands in front of her, waiting for your answer.
 “Mia is five. She’s in kindergarten and doing well,” you counter, trying to keep the irritation out of your voice. “College is a few years away.”
“She���s a very intelligent young lady. We would nurture her intuitive nature, develop her into a strong young woman who would be readily accepted at any university of her choosing. You must start now, in her formidable years, to make sure she is strong.”
“She’s already strong.”
Mia runs over to you when her father puts her down, clinging to your legs as she bends her head back, looking into your eyes.
“I like it, Mommy!” Mia announces.
“You like what, sweetheart?” you ask carefully, Mia raising up her arms for you to pick her up.
She settles into your arms, leaning over to whisper in your ear.
“I like the horsies.”
“They’re nice, aren’t they?” you ask, her head bumping against your cheek as she nods quickly.
“I want one, Mommy. Can I have one?”
“Horses are expensive, baby,” you tell her gently, Santiago standing close by to smooth down her hair.
“We can talk about it over lunch, hmm? How does that sound?” he asks, giving you a cool smile before he turns to the nun. “Sister Catherine, I cannot tell you how much we appreciate the hospitality and the graciousness you’ve shown me and my family.”
“It is my pleasure, Mr. Garcia.”
“We haven’t made a decision,” Santiago says carefully, looking in your direction as you hold Mia close. “But I’m sure either way, we’ll be in touch.”
“Of course. It was nice meeting you, Mia,” Sister Catherine says, Mia leaning over you to shake her hand.
“Bye!” Mia chirps as you force a smile, knowing that this isn’t the right time to say any of the thoughts that have filled your head.
“Thank you,” you reply to her, the nun nodding with a gracious expression.
“Of course, Mrs. Garcia.”
Mia chews on a piece of chicken, cut up expertly by her father as she colors on the paper placemat. 
Santiago leans back in his chair, sipping his glass of wine, silent as he glances from his daughter to you. As much as your irritation has grown, you know better than to argue in front of Mia. You’re also aware of the stare that he’s giving you, like he has more to say than he is letting on.
“I’m sorry for the surprise,” Santiago murmurs, placing his glass back down on the table. “I should have told you.”
“Yes, you should have,” you answer back quietly, Mia still coloring, playing you no mind. “I know you want what is best for our daughter, but I wish you would understand that this would be a big change for her.”
“Of course it would. No more cafeteria food, no overcrowded classrooms, more attention on our precious daughter. I fail to see the flaws in St. Mary’s.”
“She knows no one there. She’s made friends, she has her own little social calendar now. She’s happy.”
“I’m happy,” Mia recites with a giggle, drawing a squiggly line in purple crayon.
“She’s five,” Santiago recites back to you. “Young enough to make new friends, build new relationships and settle into a new school.”
The server interrupts with the next course, lingering a little longer to ask Santiago if he would like something else, her arm draped over the chair. You pay her no mind, knowing that he won’t let this particular subject go, no matter what distraction there may be in his way.
“I think we’re fine for now, thank you,” he declares with an air of annoyance through a tight flash of teeth.
“I’ll be nearby if you need anything,” she says, moving away from him.
Still within earshot, Santiago’s eyes level with yours, looking down at his plate and then to Mia, who has switched to a green crayon, drawing what looks like two boxes on top of each other.
“A frog,” Mia announces to her parents, coloring diligently.
Before you have a chance to argue, his gaze settles on the server who is still close by, turning back to you with a disapproving stare before he finally speaks.
“Mira a Mia, nos tiene a nosotros igual con el mundo a su alcance.”
He raises an eyebrow after, his words settling as you frown, Mia’s head snapping up at attention.
“¿Que... mundo?” she asks her father, looking at him suspiciously, your eyes rolling as Santiago smirks, lifting her out of her chair and onto his lap.
“I forgot how smart you are, mini,” Santiago murmurs against her, moving his wine glass away from her as she reaches for it. “That’s not juice. Let’s get you your own drink.”
The nickname isn’t lost on you, Mia leaning against her father, rubbing her eyes. Mini, meaning a mini version of you, something he’s called her since before she could talk.
When the server finally moves away, Mia slips off of her father’s lap, running to you as she moves from side to side.
“I gotta potty,” she announces loudly, your finger going to your lips to remind her to lower her voice as she takes off running.
Independent as you know her to be, you also know she’s fast, following behind her. You know she has no idea where she’s going, mumbling out an apology to the tables that she passes, narrowly missing a server with a tray over their head.
She stops in her tracks, pointing as you reach her, following her direction.
“It’s Abel!”
True to her word, Abel is sitting across a table in a booth with a well-dressed woman, who you assume is Abel’s mother. She doesn’t fit the description of Abel’s mother, someone whose name Melanie has dragged through the proverbial mud. This woman, in her black pantsuit and perfectly coiffed hair doesn’t look like she would be an absent mother, especially the way she talks to him.
It is Melanie after all, you think, herding Mia toward the restroom. She’s not exactly known for liking many people, let alone someone who is that close to Jax.
“I wanna say hi,” Mia protests, looking over her shoulder before the door closes. “Mommy, let’s say hi to Abel.”
“After you go to the restroom, I promise we will go say hello to Abel and after you wash your hands.”
“And we sing the ABCs!” Mia reminds you, running into a stall and locking it.
It feels silly to think about Jax, especially with how the day has played out. Santiago’s surprise tour to St. Mary’s and your upcoming date with Tyler. Your plate is full and you haven’t even told Santiago about your date.
If you even want to. You don’t even want to know how many dates he’s been on. Not that he’ll ever tell you and you’ve never been bold enough to ask. A flicker of irritation moves through you when you remember Abel’s sweet little face, dejected after being dropped off without a gift. You know that it didn’t matter that he didn’t have a gift but children mimic their parents and their societal standards.
“I’m done!” Mia says, after stopping the multiple flushes once you remind her to not play in the bathroom. 
Dutifully she recites her alphabet when she washes her hands, the suds flying around the sink while you prepare the paper towels for her to dry her hands like a servant.
“Can we say hi now?”
“Yes,” you agree, Mia bolting out the door.
You stop in your tracks when Mia greets Jax loudly, seeing him sit across from the well-dressed woman. He’s traded his well-worn kutte for a button down shirt and black slacks, his hair slicked back, unaware that you’re close by when he scans the restaurant for any sign of you.
“Mommy!” Mia says, waving to you. “She’s right there.”
You tug your dress down when you walk toward them, Abel giving you a shy smile, Jax giving you a slow smile.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” Jax says with a smile. “Mother daughter lunch date?”
“You could say that,” you respond, Mia eyeing the paper placemat that Abel is working on.
“You have to color the boxes,” Mia orders, your arm going around her to remind her of her manners gently.
“Abel can color them later,” you tell her softly, Mia shrugging as Abel starts to color in the boxes.
The woman smiles and you feel a sense of intruding on their time, quickly giving them a nod before slowly turning Mia back toward the direction of where you are sitting.
It’s family time, you predict, Jax giving you a curious look as you make a move to give them some space.
“Leaving so soon?”
“I wouldn’t want to impede on your family time,” you tell him. “Good to see you and Abel and nice to meet you…”
“Nice to meet you too,” the woman says with a grin, Jax raising an eyebrow before you march Mia back to the table.
“Busy schedule?” Santiago asks, seeing you fire off a text to one of the moms in the group text over a snack rotation schedule mix up. The drive back as been quiet thus far, ever since you’d gone back to the table and he had already paid, holding Mia’s tiny purse that she had insisted on taking everywhere.
“Just ironing out some details.”
Mia is fast asleep in the backseat, Santiago licking his lower lip in thought.
“If you need a sitter on Saturday, I’m sure I can have my mother watch Mia.”
“Are my conversations not private anymore?” you question, seeing a smirk play at his mouth.
“Big hallway,” he responds. “Your voice carries. And you didn’t answer my question. Do you want my mother to watch Mia?”
“I’d prefer to think about my options and for you to not eavesdrop on my conversations.”
“I told you. Your voice carries.”
You shift in your seat. It’s uncomfortable to know that he heard what you were saying, even more unnerving is that you feel guilty.
“Or you were listening. I don’t ask you about your personal life.”
“No,” he agrees with a shake of his head. “I’d answer anything you’d want to know. You know that.”
You sit in silence for a moment, your street coming into view.
“You want to date, I say go for it,” Santiago continues. “Would it make me a little jealous to know you’re scouting out potential men to find a partner? I’m human, aren’t I? I’d be lying if I told you I don’t think about how I should have put another baby in you. Those sounds you make for me, conejita… I crave them and no one can ever recreate it, nor have they come close.”
You try to move when he places his hand on your bare thigh, his hand warm as he slides it up toward your dress.
“So you’ve tried,” you shoot back, hating that you can already feel yourself reacting to him.
“Does it matter?”
“When you’re trying to surprise me with a quick decision on a private school that I was not given a chance to even think about? No,” you answer, placing your hand on his. “I’m still upset with you.”
“I didn’t say she had to go. It needs to be a decision from the both of us. I’m asking you to keep an open mind.”
“I will once I can keep a clear mind.”
Santiago smiles, a text popping up on his screen. Another woman, your eyes looking at the notification.
“Guess your calendar is packed too,” you shoot back, getting out of the car when he parks. “Not making a decision on the school yet. But we aren’t sleeping together.”
Santiago laughs, shaking his head in disbelief when he gets out the car to take Mia out of her seat.
“My flight leaves in two hours so I’ll put her to bed and you can take your time with your decision,” he informs you.
Settling Mia into her bed, he heads downstairs, finding no sign of you. Your phone is on the counter, a notification popping up as he hovers over it.
It’s a single name, one that he raises an eyebrow at.
Even more curious is what he reads as he hears you come back down the stairs.
Not my wife. She’s my lawyer. 
It’s daunting, fingers wrapped around the wood, breathing harder than you ever thought. You’re aware that your last movement was less than graceful, afraid to step over the line, your hips moving to try to get into the right position.
“Do you want some help?” Tyler asks, the burr of his voice sending a tingle down your spine.
“Yes, please,” you answer, his warm fingers on your elbow, flexing your arm back and forth slowly. 
The sweet smell of sawdust gives you the urge to sneeze, the loud clink of beer glasses when someone hits a target and the raucous roar when someone doesn’t hit their mark gives you a sense of ease. There’s no need for perfection or expertise.
He’d met you at the door, your shyness on display when he held the door open for you. It wasn’t your first choice for a date, but your only comparison was the upscale restaurants that Santiago would take you to. Either way, you’re excited to try something new, the ax hard to throw but the adrenaline rush when you throw it is entertaining.
“It’s a flick of the wrist,” he instructs, standing behind you, his body a solid wall of muscle when you take a step back accidentally, trying to make sure you don’t disqualify yourself.
“It’s a quick throw but you’ve got to move with purpose, focus on where you want it to go. Ready?”
When you throw it, the ax sails through the air, hitting the top of the target. Not that it matters, you finally got it to stick, celebrating that you were able to hit something, rather than have it bounce off the wall.
As a first date, you’re still glancing at your phone as Laurie sends you pictures of Mia, feeling guilty for all of five seconds when you realize that he’s probably done the same. You feel oddly comfortable in a flannel shirt and jeans and a pair of sneakers for a first date. You’d gone through your closet while Laurie had come over to watch Mia, with it being Andy’s week with Jacob and she was more than happy to watch her as Santiago’s mother had last minute plans.
As a rule, you don’t engage with any questions she has, especially since she’s always hinted that you had made a mistake with your decision to separate and then divorce.
It was a good thing they were your decisions.
Your decision now is to try to not focus on how handsome Tyler looks when he focuses on the target, hitting the target each time. You’re aware of his politeness, the way he doesn’t get into the personal side of your history with your ex, keeping it light with Mia and Hunter and to your interests.
For the first time in a long time, you talk about yourself and your hopes and dreams.
And Tyler listens.
You don’t want to compare, nor do you want to put either of them on a pedestal but there’s something about the way he lets what you say sink in, nodding slowly and taking the social cue of when he can share his own thoughts and ideas. There is no fighting for dominance in a conversation, something that you aren’t used to.
“What?” he asks you after taking a sip of his beer.
“Nothing,” you answer quickly, realizing that you’ve been staring at his tattooed arms and how he smiles.
It isn’t the time to admit that you’ve been appreciating his physical form as well as feeling seen and heard.
“Ax throwing is harder than I thought,” you admit, stretching out your fingers.
“Does it hurt?” Tyler asks, reaching out his hand to you, placing your hand in his. “Sometimes you can get a splinter.”
He examines your hand, his fingers running along your fingers and palm, closing your hand into a fist and then unraveling it to hook your fingers over his, his lips brushing against your knuckles. At the contact, your face heats up at how gentle he is with you.
“Not a scratch or splinter from what I can see,” he says with a nod, looking into your eyes. “I’d say that’s a win.”
“I thought about leaving. Taking Hunter with me, moving to a new city and just starting over,” Tyler tells you while you walk along the pier. “It made sense to me, you know? Clean slate, we didn’t have to look back. Then he entered kindergarten and I watched him come out of his shell that I thought he would never break out of and I knew that I couldn’t do that to him.”
“What about private school?” you ask, seeing him shrug off his jacket as he slows his steps, placing it over your shoulders. You’re instantly warm, smelling the faint cologne left on his jacket. “Thank you.”
“I thought about it,” he replies, continuing to walk beside you. “I moved a lot as a kid, went to few private schools here and there but I never like I fit in. Didn’t think Hunter would either. Why do you ask?”
“I thought about St. Mary’s but…” you trail off, focusing on the waves that crash against the shore in the moonlight. “I think she’d miss her friends.”
“They’d miss her.”
“I don’t know,” you sigh. “I want to make sure she’s well adjusted. I want to make sure that she’s happy and healthy. She’s made so many friends and I hope that I make the right decision for her.”
“Have you ever felt like you haven’t?”
Shaking your head, he nods in agreement.
“Then you’re making the right decision.”
“I feel like I could be better.”
“Oh?” he questions. “How so?”
“There’s always room for improvement.”
“Even now?”
His curious expression makes you stop, looking into his blue eyes for a moment. There’s a vulnerability there, a softness that sends a slight flutter to your stomach.
“No,” you answer. “I can’t think of any improvements on tonight.”
“I disagree,” Tyler responds, pulling his jacket that is around your shoulders closer to keep you warm, pulling you toward him slowly. “I can think of something.”
He lowers his head to kiss you and you meet him halfway, his lips on yours, soft and warm. You don’t want it to end, even if you know at any time you’ll both pull away. 
His cell phone vibrates loudly in the pocket, your soft groan barely audible when you break the kiss.
“Did you want to get that?” you whisper, Tyler kissing you again before you can ask him again.
“It’s the sitter. I think I owe her some overtime.”
“Oh, God, I’m sorry,” you apologize, Tyler holding you close by holding onto his jacket.
“Worth it.”
“You kissed him?” Laurie whispers, eyes wide as she perches on the couch. “Shut up, you did not.”
“I did,” you confess, covering your face. “On the first date? Is that even allowed?”
“Of course it is! I fucked my first college boyfriend on the first date. This is tame. Tongue or no tongue.”
“Laurie!” you hiss, breaking out into a fit of laughter. “This is absurd. I can’t believe I’m talking about this. It was one date.”
“One date where you went ax throwing with a giant. Not just any giant, by the way. Tyler Rake. The man is an enigma. I can’t tell if he hates the PTA or genuinely enjoys it.”
“I didn’t ask,” you say dryly, Laurie finishing the last of her wine. Your phone vibrates next to you, a message popping up that you check quickly before she notices.
Happy you made it home safe. Thank you for a great night.
“So… was he a good kisser?” Laurie questions.
“Do you ask this of everyone?”
“No,” Laurie replies honestly. “I’m asking because you’re my friend and I don’t have many of those because most people annoy me. You went on a date. That’s a start. How do you feel?”
You don’t know how to explain it. It feels like you’re keeping a secret, even if it isn’t one. You’re a single woman, even if you don’t feel like it sometimes. Santiago is gone, jetted off to Spain for a trip. Probably with one of his companions, something you won’t ever ask about, even if he says he’s an open book.
It’s complicated in a way that it doesn’t need to be and you know it.
Laurie is right. This is a start of something. Maybe not anything that you know but enough to make you begin thinking that you deserve to be selfish for a moment, to think about what you want.
Whatever that may be.
“It’s okay to play the field you know,” Laurie says, getting up from her seat, picking up her wine glass to take to the sink. “It’s not a bad thing to make sure your bases are loaded.”
When you check on Mia, she’s fast asleep, buried under the covers with her favorite teddy bear at her side. Next week will be Santiago’s week and the pangs of longing already begin, even though she’s right next to you when you sit carefully on her bed.
Two more weeks of school and then she’s done for the summer, your baby girl going full speed ahead into the first grade once the summer is over, something you aren’t ready to comprehend, let alone even want to think about.
“I’m proud of you,” you whisper, smoothing back her hair as she snuggles against her pillow. “I love you.”
Getting up to leave her room, you scroll through your missed messages, noticing one from an unknown number.
BBQ next Saturday. Adults only – Alcohol is provided. See you there?
You’ve seen the number before, scrolling through your phone to find a message where the number pops up again from a message confirming attendance at a school function.
Andy Barber.
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starsomens · 20 hours
Reader and Noah on the day of their wedding!!
Like maybe from their povs? Like individual? Maybe they do a first look or one of them gets nervous so one of them goes to the other end they hold hands without looking, you know what I mean???
If you understand thank you love😭
A/N: AHHH so adorable! I guess I kinda mushed 2 ideas together??
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You were pacing back and forth in the dressing room of the venue, nerves getting the better of you. Your makeup was flawless, your hair styled perfectly. The dress? It hugged your figure like a dream, making you feel like royalty. Yet, amidst this perfection, you were a bundle of nerves. Your hands trembled, the words of your vows tangled on your tongue, and you couldn't believe you were sweating enough to risk your makeup.
"Y/N, you're going to do just fine!" "we'll be there to remind you anyway!" "Noah's gonna love anything you say to him hon"
It was undeniable that your friends were an incredible support system during such a time. As you reviewed your vows, you hoped to recite them from memory, yet you were very aware that the paper would be necessary. Amidst your reading, your phone vibrated on the table. Approaching, you noticed Nick was calling. The plan was for you and Noah to stay out of contact before the wedding, but it seemed Noah had assigned Nick to keep in touch with you, just in case.
"hey Y/N..so we may have a bit of a situation and the ceremony starts in an hour," Nick gets right to the point "nothing bad just nerves..."
"Can I talk to him Nick?" You asked starting to worry about your soon to be husband
"Well that's what I was going to ask," he says "he wanted to know if you two can meet?"
"Meet? But-"
"I know, the seeing part but just trust me on this. Neither of you will see one another but I think he really just needs to be in your presence right now..." you sigh feeling as if this was a bad omen (HA). What if he was getting cold feet? What if he didn't want to marry at all??
You take a deep breath and sigh "Alright Nick, I trust you. Where should I meet you guys?" you ask him
"We'll come to you, don't worry. See you soon," he said, and abruptly, the call ended. Despite the slight dilemma, you were relieved that Nick was there to assist him. You informed the girls about the situation and mentioned that you might need the room to yourself. About ten minutes later, a knock on your door prompted you to answer it. As you cracked open the door, you found no one there. It seemed odd, and just as you were about to step out, you heard Noah's voice.
“I’m here babe…..” he stuck his hand out to the right where he was hiding behind the wall where you couldn’t see him. Very, very clever, you take his hand in yours and lean against the frame
"Hey...." you said softly "what's going on baby? talk to me..." you gave him a small squeeze coxing him to speak
"I uh...I was practicing my vows and I was listening to my words and I just though like....how....what if....I can't live up to what...I want to give you?" he sighs
"What...what do you mean hon?"
"I mean...I want to give you everything you want and deserve, I want to be the best partner, I just want you to be happy and keep you happy.....what if I fail? What if I make you miserable instead?"
Oh God… this poor man. The urge to giggle at his concerns was there, but it was overshadowed by heartache over his lack of self-belief. You understood that marriage was a significant leap and wouldn't be flawless. Yet, it was him you wanted to brave it with, and no one else.
"Noah, darling…" you exhale deeply, intertwining his fingers with yours, "Do you remember our anniversary? You had this grand idea planned, but then it rained, our reservation fell through, and we just headed back home to order pizza, remember?"
"Yeah…" It wasn't his proudest moment; he had wanted to make it special, but it felt as though the world was against that. "I'm still sorry about that—"
"It was one of my favorite dates. Nothing was overpriced or extreme, and I always laugh and smile when I recall us getting caught in the rain together," you say, smiling at the memory of both of you giggling in the rain after being told your reservation was canceled. You both stood outside the restaurant, laughing under the downpour. "And how you indulged me with a kiss in the rain, just like in the movies. I remember sharing the story with my friends and feeling so giddy about the memory. The way you kissed and held me in the rain, and then we chose our favorite movie to watch afterward…"
“…did you actually like it?” He asked
"Apart from the proposal, it's my favorite memory of us. You don't need to be perfect because you already are perfect to me. Every flaw, every habit, everything you think you need to improve—I love all of it… I love you so much, Noah," he said softly, giving his hand a squeeze. You knew that sometimes he underestimated himself. He works tirelessly, striving to improve, yet he doesn't give himself enough credit, and that extends to everything he does in your relationship.
"our marriage won't be perfect, but it doesn't mean we won't work it out together, okay?"
"y-yeah...okay princess.." you hear a slight sniff
"Awhhh baby are you crying?"
"N-no! I have allergies!" Your only response was to giggle at his defense. You knew he could be emotional yet still try to conceal it. Raising your hand, you waited for him to notice your signal. He understood all too well and leaned his face into your hand. As your thumb gently caressed his cheekbone, he relaxed into your touch, turning his face to kiss your palm.
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't you dare apologize, Noah, instead I want you to wait or me at the alter and know that I'll be there...okay?"
“Okay……I love you Y/N.”
“I love you Noah….”
You both hesitantly let each other’s hands go knowing that the ceremony would be starting in about 20 minutes. However, matter, you’ve had this encounter with your soon to be husband, it was cut down to about 10. Which meant that Noah was now running down to the altar and you were putting on your finishing touches, grabbing your bouquet and making your way down to the entrance door.
First, the groomsmen and the bridesmaids walked down the aisle. You wait your turn, praying and hoping to whatever God or entity there is that you wouldn’t trip down the aisle and forget your vowels. All thoughts were followed by the flashing cameras provided by Bryan to capture some behind-the-scenes. Waving his hand above his head so that you can look his way and smile. Noah may or may have not told him to get extra pictures of you so that he can have to remember.
And now finally, it was time for you to walk down the aisle as the song you picked starts playing. Jolly had actually done the honors of playing the guitar of the song you and Noah had dedicated to yourselves and your relationship everyone as you start to walk down the aisle. Everybody in all and all smiles as they see you, enter with your gorgeous dress and a beautiful bouquet to match.
All of these eyes were trained on you, but all you could focus on was Noah the way he smiled and how his face would come down over his eyes as he tried to hold his back. Especially when it came to displaying his emotions in public, Noah was very good at it except for today. Today he saw the woman of his dreams, walking towards him, looking absolutely stunning in that moment as you make your last few steps to him and take his hand he cannot understand how someone like him so someone like you.
The song ends, and everybody takes a seat as the officiant speaks.
“We are here today witness the union between Noah and Y/N. Now, before we get to the vows, Noah had asked me to let you all know that despite his expression down, he is crying like a baby” your friends and family giggle as the officiant narrates Noah’s in her monologue “however, my part is going to be short. These two tell each other exactly what it is like to be in love,”
That was your signal to start
“Noah, you came into my life when I was in pieces and put me back together. He saw me for all of my broken heart and left me anyway. It didn’t scare you but it made you stay and I love you for that,” you take a breath as you blink away the tears and continue to speak “ Noah. You are my best friend and there is no one in this world. I would rather spend the rest of my life with I promise stay up late and wait for you to get home, I promise to make waffles with you the day you’re home after tour, but above all else I promise to love you endlessly even on the days that you don’t love yourself I will love you in your place”
No caresses the back of your palm with his thumb as he quietly mouths “Thank you baby,”
Noah then pulls out a paper slip that he had in the pocket of his tux and starts to read.
“ When I first met Y/N, I was actually way too scared to go and talk to her. So what I did was when her and her friend were looking, I threw a napkin with my name and number on it, hoping that she would text me, great plan right?” The crowd chuckles “ but somehow she found my social media instead because your friend is a damn FBI agent. I am so glad that she did, because now I don’t hesitate for a moment when it comes to her. I knew I was first together. I wanted you to be with me for the rest of our lives. I wanted to be the one to make you smile, the one to make you laugh and the ones to love you until my dying breath” you can already tell that you were crying, and you just didn’t care if it would mess up your make up. Hearing his declaration of love was enough to make you like a baby
“Y/N, you are the light of my life, and my reason to keep going. Even in death, I will find you and continue to hold and love you. And even in our next lives, I will find you again and love you more and more each time….i love you so so much…”
At this point, everyone in the crowd, including the officiant, were tears and moved by your words of love.
“ I think it’s very clear with the answers are but Noah do you take Y/N to be your wife as long as you both shall live ?”
“I fucking do”
“And do you Y/N, take Noah to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do…”
“Then By the power invest of me, but the state of California, I am not your husband in life. You may kiss the bride.”
Noah did not have to be told twice as he pulled you in close by your waist. His other hand coming to the back of your head as he crashes his lips onto yours. Your friends and family, roaring and celebration, as collapse, and she filled the room. But in the moment, everything went silent as you and Noah had finally, tied the knot pull back slightly and whispers to you
“ Mrs. Sebastian now…”
“ you’re my husband now,”
“Yes I am,” he smiles as he goes in for another kiss. Finally, you were his and he was yours.
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A Guiding Hand 6
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, parental neglect, depression, inference of self harm, violence, abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your online academics are affected by your personal struggles but your professor won’t let you give up so easy.
Characters: Raymond Smith, Lee Bodecker in the background
Note: My dudes.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Your shoulder hurts. Your ribs too. You keep your arm across your middle as you drag your feet down the pavement. The impact of the bed frame continues to throb tenderly in your flesh. 
The embarrassment is worse than the pain. You barely hold back the hot tears behind your eyes. You can still hear Professor Smith’s voice. He was mortified, just as much as you. How can you ever face him again?  
You’re not going to. You give up. Lee is right. You’re too stupid. You’re useless. You’re destined to end up just like your mom. Not quite. You doubt there will ever be a man who would waste his time. 
You dab away the moisture along the brims of your eyes before you enter the convenience store. You nod at the cashier and duck down the middle aisle. You find a canister of your usual brand and linger before the shelf. You don’t want to go back yet, but you know the longer you take, the more reason there is for Lee to complain. 
You pay and head back out into the street. The sky is grey and clouds dampen the air. There’s a rainstorm coming. It’s a perfect setting for today. 
The apartment rises before you and you sigh in resignation. This is it. The rest of your life. Well... 
One day your mother will cast you out. It might be sooner than later with how Lee hangs around, how he commands her. He doesn’t see a place for you there. You don’t see one for you anywhere. What will you do then?  
As it is, all you have to your name is your laptop, your ratty clothes, and the debt you won’t be able to pay back when you fail this course and drop out. You’re defeated by the time you get to the top of the stairs. You keep your head down as you enter the apartment and slide the chain into place. 
You’re met with thick grunts and the slap of flesh. Your mom’s whimpers are muffled but Lee’s carnal noises are untethered. Your breath traps in your chest and your skin razes hotly. You try to ignore it as you enter the kitchen and set the canister on the counter, leaving the change on the lid. 
As you back up, there’s a glimmer of movement from your left. The bathroom door opens, revealing the back of Lee’s rutting body. You cover your eyes in horror as he huffs and puffs, your mother’s strangled cries trickling out as she’s hidden behind the door, between him and the sink. 
“Put a pot on,” he demands as he grips the door and bites his lip, putting more into his thrust, “we’re almost done.” 
He smirks and winks before he snaps the door shut. Your stomach stirs with nausea and you quickly spin away. You shake as you near the counter. You have no other choice. You know if you ignore him, he’ll make sure it all gets worse for you. He’s already ruined so much. 
You put the change aside and uncap the canister. You peel back the freshness seal, your bandaged hand making it all the more tedious. The coffee grounds catch on the gauze. You fill the tank of the machine and set the pot in place. You measure out the coffee and flip the lid down, hitting the red button before you walk away. 
You can still hear them. Even as you shut your bedroom door. You face your room and turn on the light. It’s worse than when you left. 
Your bed is half off the frame, your bookshelf’s been cleared onto the floor, your laundry basket is overturned, and your laptop... It’s under the chair. You cross the room and bend to pick it up. You examine it; loose hinges and the frame is peeling away from the monitor. Your heart plummets and you drop into the chair. 
You have to prop the screen up against the wall to keep it open. Awkwardly, you reach across the desk to reach the keyboard and hit the power button. To your surprise, it boots and the screen lights up. The colours are all off; the dark is now light and the reverse. The mouse pad doesn’t work, or half the keys. 
It takes you twenty minutes to sign in. Aside from your burnt hand, the state of the laptop is more than enough to deter you. You watch the desktop load helplessly and several notifications pop up along the right side of the screen. You don’t read any of them as you see the name; Dr. Raymond Smith. 
You know what they are. Just like before. He's repulsed by you. By the way you live. He saw the truth and you can't hide it any longer. It's not worth it to deny it any longer. 
It was all a stupid idea. As stupid as you. It's easier to just give up. You don't know why you tried in the first place. 
You'll put in a request to drop the course. If you can. You can't do much given the state of your laptop. You can't do much at all in life. That's the way it will always be. 
The last... however many days you've been awake. Waiting. Dreading. Expecting Lee to burst in and humiliate you again. 
Every time you try to close your eyes, you swear you hear the door knob. You put the chair under the knob. You're so tired. Exhausted to the bone. You need sleep badly. 
You lay down, head swimming with agony, and your eyes close without another thought. You can't resist the heavy blanket of fatigue that drapes over you. There is nothing. A void of sheer desolation that wraps around your body, submerging you like dark water. 
You wake with a start. The vision of blue eyes fade in an instant. Eyes you know. Not the vivid irises of the sinister man in your mother's room, no a pair of almost crystalline orbs, soft and diligent. You shake of the thought and rub the stitch from your forehead. 
You smell. You've been wearing the same clothes since that day. How long ago was that? You can't count. You haven't showered, the room is the same mess he made of it, your life too. 
You don't move. You don't want to. Not until the gentle tap comes at the door. You groan as the handle turns but the chair keeps the door lodged in place.  
"Sweetie," your mom calls through, "will you let me in?" 
You stare at the door. Your limbs refuse to move. You can't lift even a finger. You close your eyes and listen to her beg. You hate that. You hear it constantly, the way she begs him to stop, to listen, or just to be kind. 
Go away. 
When you open your eyes next, there's a banging on the door. The chair lurches and the legs scrape on the floor, but the door stays shut. You hide again, pulling a pillow over your head. 
Time flows into vague droning and shades of grey. Your head is foggy and thick. Suddenly, you're awake and staring up at an angry face. You're torn out of the bed and dragged to sit at the edge. Only Lee's unbreakable grip keeps you from flopping onto your back. 
You stare up at him dumbly then your eyes search past him. The chair is broken on the floor. You look back to him, head lolling. You blink as he snarls. 
"What're ya doin'? You're drivin' your ma batty! And I gotta listen to it so you get your ass up." 
You try to swat him away and whimper as your hand pulses and fire course through your skin. You force your spine rigid and try to shrug him off. You shake your head and cradle your hand in your lap, the bandage stained and smelly with puss. 
"Get on you fucking feet," he lifts you as if you weigh nothing. You as good as dangle from his grasp, "cupboards are empty." 
"Sweetie," your mom's birdish cheep comes from the doorway, "we got the credits. I wrote a list for you." 
"Laying in the dark all day, what else you got?" Lee scoffs and lets you go. You waver on your feet and look dully over at your mothers shadow. "Fucking stinks in here." 
You shuffle past him silently. You don't know what to do, you just know you need to be away from him. You feel sick. You're dizzy and drained.  
You put out your uninjured hand to take the list from your mom. Your stench ripples off the hoodie. She smiles through a curled lip. 
"Sweetie, you should get changed first," she slurs and give a doelike flutter of lashes. Drunk, as always. Maybe you should start. Maybe you wouldn't have to feel so much. 
You nod and go to the closet. Lee prowls around your desk but you're too hazy to care. You pull out a new hoodie then go to the dresser to find some loose sweats.  
You stop and stare at the man standing by your bed. The thick silence strangles you as he growls under his breath. Your mom trills with nervous laughter. 
"Lee, come on, she gotta put new clothes on. Honey, can you make sure you grab an extra chop for him?" 
You shrug and you hug the rumpled clothing with one arm and stare at the floor. He can have yours. Your stomach is so empty, the very idea of food makes you want to wretch. 
"Mmm, stop dragging your ass," he snarls as he stomps to the door, "fucking starving." 
You wait until he slams it. You expect that. You don’t even react. You lay the clothing on the desk and peel off the dingy layers. You pull on the sweats and swoop the sweater over your head. If you keep the hood up, you won’t have to worry about your hair or face. 
You take the list and stuff it in your pocket. Each step is a stagger. Your body is stiff and sore. You go out into the hall and brace yourself for another attack. You only hear your mother murmuring in the kitchen. You edge away and sit on the floor as you put your shoes on.  
You stand and fumble with the locks on the door. You can barely get your fingers to co-operate and your burnt hand is in flames. The bandages barely cling to the flesh. You shut the door behind you without using the key and head down the hallway. 
Down the stairs, you can see the yellow sunlight seeping in through the front doors. You emerge, squinting into the shine, and raise your hand as you try to see through it. Your head pounds at the intensity of daylight.  
You trod between the freshly mowed plot of grass before the building and stop by the sidewalk. You sway and try to shake the cobwebs out. You look one way then the other. The heat gathers under your sweater and you hunch down even more. It’s an unusually warm day. 
Your name startles you before you can find your bearings and set off for the store. You must be delirious. Maybe you should’ve found some stale bread to chew on. Rings of colour form in your vision as you turn around to face the echo of your name. 
The figure moves decisively towards you. You have to be hallucinating. It can’t be him. It’s probably that guy who always asks for a light between puffing smoke towards the doors. 
“I’ve been emailing,” Professor Smith says. You lean back on your heel and grimace. He isn’t real. “You... are you well?” 
You stare at him. You try to see through the delusion but can’t. You look down at your trembling hand then turn to peer down the street. 
“I have to go,” you croak over your dry tongue. 
You turn away, feet tangling, and stagger on. You can hear him following. His steps are fleet and light. In a moment, he’s at your side. 
“Please, you look ill, slow down,” he touches your arm and you rip away from him. 
“Leave--” you stumble and throw your arms out to balance yourself, stopping short as you nearly keel over. “I’m okay.” 
“You clearly aren’t. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for over a week. After our last meeting, I’m certain you can understand my concern--” 
You face him and scrunch up your nose, “Professor,” you stammer out, “you don’t have to worry about me. No one does.” 
You quickly veer past him and fall into a clumsy sprint across the street. You barely dodge a car on your way to the other side and you’re out of breath as you meet the curb. You keep your head down as you hurry away, hoping he’s not persistent. He’ll go away. He’s not real, so you just have to stop thinking. 
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caustinen · 20 hours
little drabble for this au — red carpet event and gale is wearing this:
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Bucky is so busy looking at his phone that he only seems to realize Gale has finally rejoined him in their hotel suite living room when he walks up to the full body mirror John’s team has propped there to help with preparations. The moment he tears his eyes from the screen is marked with a loud gasp that Gale pointedly ignores in the interest of checking everything is in place.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my GO-” Gale throws a quick glance his way. “Would you calm down?” John throws his hand dramatically over his eyes and gasps again. “I can’t. I can’t. My brain has malfunctioned.” Gale rolls his eyes. “If you’d prefer for me to stay home-” “NO! The world needs to see this, I’m just. Oh. Oh, doll.”
Gale sighs dramatically and mutters under his breath as he turns to Bucky and starts fixing his tie. With how generally uncaring Bucky is for details like this it took him surprisingly long to realize he keeps doing it wrong on purpose to get Buck to do it for him. He can feel John’s intense gaze on himself but he refuses to blush after doing this dance hundreds of times as he works quick delicate fingers over the knot.
When he’s done and about to pull away Bucky takes his hands into his and presses them to his chest. Buck finally looks up to him and finds his eyes not only fond but heated. “You look really good, Buck,” he says with that low voice of his, and this time he can’t stop the blush from coloring his cheeks. “Thank you,” he responds quietly, as evenly as he can, after all these years finding himself a bit breathless when all that attention from John is on him.
Bucky licks his lips, and Gale shakes his head. “We need to go in like, ten minutes.” “I know, I know,” Bucky says innocently, lifting their joined hands a bit and guiding Gale to turn around, wrapping his arms around his waist lazily and placing his chin on Gale’s shoulder, “I’m not starting anything. I’m just admiring.” Gale makes an unimpressed sound but he softens as he takes in the sight of them in the mirror. The black they are both wearing makes them look like modern royalty, the simple but elegant suit John’s wearing really bringing out his hard lines and physical broadness. Gale has always been proud of his own strength and independence, but one of the things he never expected to love so much is feeling small and secure for small moments when he can be pressed against John like this.
He sighs and leans back further into the embrace, the hands around his waist tightening their hold as he lifts one of his own hands to caress over John’s big hand, absentmindedly playing with the new engagement ring propped there that matches the one in his own finger. He’ll probably never not be nervous before these things – granted, it’s only been two months out in the open and a couple of public events, but despite having seen thousands of those in the background by now he never expected how nerve-wracking and overwhelming it was to be the subject of the hundreds of cameras. He lets himself enjoy this final moment of calmness, feeling Bucky’s steady breath against his back as he leans his forehead to rest against John’s mop of hair. He smiles as John instantly turns to nuzzle his cheek with his nose. Unfortunately for Bucky though, he knows his man too well by now, and catches his wrist before a runaway hand can get the chance to venture deeper into his crop topped jacket.
“Nice try. You can’t distract me.” John humms as an answer, smiling against his cheek as the hand still draped around his waist lazily slides down to cup his thigh and squeezing lightly as he opens the palm of the other hand to trace his fingertips longingly on the skin over his ribs, underneath the jacket, leaving sparks at their wake. “Wanna bet?” he breathes against his ear lowly, and Gale groans, annoyed, when he presses him away by his face, Bucky laughing and then attempting to bite his palm before Gale can yank it away and then immediately running away from the swatting hand that tries to get revenge.
Gale shakes his head, trying to fight an endeared smile despite himself as he checks to see he’s not too dishevelled from the mirror. “You’re impossible.” John stretches his arms lazily by the door, checking the time and opening the door for Gale as he walks to him. “Nah, just crazy about you,” he says with a syrupy tone, getting another eyeroll for his troubles.
“You really do look so good,” he says with a final pat on Gale’s ass as he walks by to get out of the door to the car, and the blond reaches behind himself to take his hands to his before he manages another smack. “Later,” he promises, pulling his arms around his own shoulders that time, and Bucky follows after him with a million-dollar-grin plastered on his face for the rest of the night.
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haveihitanerve · 2 days
Jason Todd-Wayne would admit that he still considered Wayne Manor his home. Although he had had many a falling outs with Bruce and his siblings, over the years the scars had closed, and even through it all Jason still felt safe at the manor. Still felt safe around Bruce. And at this point, he didn't hate that. “Hey Alfred.” Jason greeted as he pulled into the Batcave on his bike, parking it and slipping off his helmet. “Hello Master Jason, Master Bruce is in his study and Masters Damian and Tim are playing a round of chess in the library if you would like to join them.” “Thanks Alf. I’ll go up in a sec, I’m gonna shower first.” Alfred nodded at him, broom swishing across the floor. “Of course Master Jason. Dinner is in four hours, and if Master Dick and Mistress Barbara have not returned by then would you be so good as to collect them?” Jason grinned, throwing a thumbs up over his shoulder as he headed to the showers. “Will do Alfred.” “thank you my boy.” Alfred called after him, and Jason disappeared in the showers. Among the many, many, many things Jason liked about the Manor, his home, the showers were probably in the top three. Bruce valued a good shower after a rough day and Jason was so thankful for that because the water pressure was amazing and the water heated up super fast. He finished his shower in under thirty minutes (a record because it was hard to get out) and slipped on some pants, toweling his hair dry. He was just heading to the main Bat cave floor when he heard Superman fly in. “oh! Hi Alfred.” Jason frowned when he didn't hear an answer. Alfred was usually very polite, and it was considered rude not to greet someone. Clark, however, merely coughed, as though used to the stony silence. “Bruce asked me to drop this off.” The alien cleared his throat and Jason peered around the corner, watching with fascination as he dropped a box on the counter, nodding slightly at Alfred before flying off again. This was incredible. Jason had never seen Alfred act so cold with anyone before, much less Clark. “Um, Alf?” Jason called, making his footsteps heard as he walked out, still drying his hair. “We’re out of shampoo.” He informed the butler, trying to act casual. Alfred did not react immediately, still staring at where Clark had disappeared. “Alf?” Alfred shook himself, offering a light smile. “What? Oh, yes Master Jason I shall make sure to buy some more when I go out next.” Alfred resumed sweeping, but his brushes were a bit too forceful and stilted to be natural. “You.. you alright Alfred?” Jason asked carefully. “Fine fine.” Alfred dismissed, but the suspicious glance he threw over his shoulder said otherwise. Before Jason could blink the old man had crossed the room, scribbled something on a sticky note by the batcomputer and exited. Jason frowned, but cautiously walked over. It was a date and time, and the code for the security cameras. Jason glanced around and snagged the sticky note, sticking it in his pocket. “Hey o?” he clicked on his comms. “Yeah Jay?” Barbara's voice greeted him, far too chipper to be normal, which meant her date with Dick was going exceptionally well. “Can I stop by your apartment? There's a video I need to watch.” 
Jason arrived at Babs apartment a moment before she did, stumbling in the door with Dick. Their cheeks were flushed from the wind and Barbara waved cheerily, unraveling her scarf from her neck. “Hey Jason!” Jason lifted a hand in a wave back. Dick lumbered over to him, wrapping him in a quick hug. “Imma make us some tea yeah? Then you can tell us what you need okay?” Jason nodded. “yeah. Tea would be nice. Thanks dick.” His older brother squeezed his shoulder with a smile, heading to the kitchen. “Good date?” Jason asked as Babs flopped onto the couch. “The best.” she confirmed, smiling. “Thank you.” She murmured when Dick pressed a mug of tea into her hands. “So jason, what did you need?” Dick asked, handing him some tea as well, taking a seat in the sofa to the right of Babs. Jason sighed, sinking into the couch next to her as well. “Um, Clark came to visit today and i dunno, Alfred was cold to him. Then he wrote this on a sticky note and left.” Jason held out the sticky note. Barbara took it with interest, but Dick paled. “Jason.” Jason sat up straight. “You know what it shows!” Dick nodded slowly, face chalk white. “Yes. I do. But Jason-” “I remember that day.” Barbara murmured. “Bruce was in the hospital for a full two weeks.” Jason’s eyes widened. “What? WHy? And Supes?” “jason.” Dick’s voice was soft. “Do you recognize the date?” Their was a note of urgency in his voice. Babs paled as well. Jason frowned, leaning over. “Uh yeah why? Its-” Jason swallowed. “It's the day after I died.” 
“Jason, are you-“ Dick sighed. “I want to watch it.” Jason ordered, voice quiet. Dicks skin turned a sickly white once more. “No.” His voice was firm. “I want to watch it.” Jason growled, turning to face his brother. Dick shot off the couch and grabbed his coat, leaving. Jason stared after him in surprise, then looked at Babs. She sighed softly, patting his knee as she stood. “You’ll have to forgive Dick. It’s… it’s a hard topic for him. For all of us. You’ll understand when you watch it.” Jason offered her a smile. “Thank you.” Babs gave a curt nod, stiffly opening her computer and typing some things in. “Here. Excuse me, I don’t want to watch it either. Call me when you finish.” She grabbed her tea and closed the door to her bedroom. Jason frowned, but took a deep breath and hit play. 
The scene started out familiar, usual even, since it was a Batcave camera, and Bruce was wrapping his hands, clearly getting ready for patrol. But it was… different somehow. Jason could tell through the screen that the air was… charged. And Bruce, he wasn’t getting ready for patrol in his typical fashion, in fact, he was really only taping his hands, and had put on no other armor. Just then, Superman flew in. “Bruce,” the super immediately pleaded. “Think about this.” Bruce didn’t answer. He finished taping and pushed off the bat-table, leaning to the side. “I’m sorry about Jason. He seemed like a really good kid.” That made Bruce pause in his movement. “He was. Jason was the best.” Jason found it hard to breathe all of a sudden. “I came here to talk sense to you Bruce. Don’t do anything stupid.” “Who’s the ambassador?” Bruce returned. Clark sighed. Bruce reached behind the counter and grabbed a crowbar. Jason became very hot and cold at the same time. Clark paled. “Bruce. Jason wouldn’t want this. Get dressed.” “No.” Bruce’s voice was completely calm. “I want that clown fuck to know who he killed. Who’s son he killed.” Jason clawed at his throat, trying to choke down a breath through the lump in his throat. “Bruce don’t do it-“ “who is the ambassador???” Bruce bellowed and Jason flinched. “Bru-“ “who???” Bruce screamed, advancing on Clark. “Who??” He had dropped the crowbar. “WHO???” Clark had stopped backing away. Bruce lunged, fist flying at the aliens jaw. Jason winced as it connected, Clark’s head snapping to the side. Even with his strength, Jason knew Clark would have a bruise there the next day. “I think I broke my wrist.” Bruce groaned quietly, turning and cradling his hand. “No. Only bruised. You’re lucky I rolled with that punch. You could’ve crippled yourself.” Jason realized then with sudden clarity that that had been Bruce’s goal. But still. Jason scoffed at the same time his father did. “Lucky?” Bruce snarled. The recording crackled and Jason shivered with the pure animosity in Bruce’s voice. “Luck would mean Jason is still alive. Luck would mean you wouldn’t be here right now. Luck would mean that FUCKING CLOWN IS IN THE DIRT!” Bruce bellowed. Clark pounced. Jason watched in horror as Bruce’s, as his dads, unprotected, unguarded head slammed against the hard stone floor of the batcave. To his, not that great surprise, Bruce sprang back up, teeth bared, bleeding heavily from his head wound but not backing down. And for the first time in his life, Jason got to watch Clark, Uncle Clark, fight without restraint. He had no small level of satisfaction that the alien did end up breathing heavily with his own amount of injuries. But that still didn’t help the fact that Bruce, Bruce, the Batman, dad, his supposed unbreakable force and protector, was laying on the floor, unmoving. Clark stared down at him, eyes sad. “Alfred!” He called. The recording shuttered off. Babs' door creaked open. Jason sat numbly at the computer. “I hate watching it.” She whispered, standing next to him. She didn’t touch him, was just… there. “I- for so long I believed that…” Jason could barely breathe. “He let me believe that-“ “he didn’t want you to know.” Dick stood in the doorway. “Didn't want you to see that part of him. Even after all the shit you gave him for it, he still refused to show you.” Dick shrugged, gesturing to the sticky note. “I guess Alfred lost patience with it all.” Jason fingered the purple sticky note, a gag gift from Steph for Father’s Day that Bruce still used. “Yeah.” He whispered softly. “I guess so.”
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melodyanqel · 3 days
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ── ✧ sh. (ii. puppy love)
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congratulations! you have been invited to the romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will live with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out you are marrying your favorite idol?
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✿ pairing: idol!seonghwa x fem!idol!oc
✿ genre/tags: fluff, developing relationship, idol au, fake marriage, reality show
✿ word count: 1.4k words
✿ note: this one will melt your heart hehe! and introducing bella
✿ melodyanqel taglist: @hwa-stars @forever-atiny @moonvol6 @10nantscompanion
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Present Time
After saying, “Hello.” the shy and beautiful woman is welcomed by a duo. They have bow ties around their necks and letters attached. It’s a Maltese and a Golden Retriever, giving her a mission. 
She bends down to their level to gently pat their heads. “You two got something for me?” Asking the cute pair. Her hand takes the letters from their bows to read her next task.
For the first letter, it reads,
You have reached the cafe. Now, you can sit back and relax and wait for your husband.
In the second letter, 
Hint: he may or may not have arrived.
“What? May or may not.” She is puzzled and looks around the place. She only sees a few customers. The female idol doesn’t recognize any of them, nor do they look like from the entertainment industry. But she brings back to the Maltese and Golden Retriever. “Thank you for the help.” She pets their fuzzy fur, and they smile in contentment. 
The woman stands up with the letters still in her hands to go up to the register. A male employee takes her order: an iced Oolong milk tea and two strawberry croissants. He gave her the total, and she paid for them. 
Shortly, the woman thanked the man, but her husband was right in front of her all this time. Then, she sits at an open table to wait for her drink and sweet treats. 
When entering the kitchen, Seonghwa pulls down his mask and looks at the camera stunned. “It’s STAYC’s Bella!” He exclaims. The man puts a hand over his hand, which is pounding rapidly. “Now, I have to make her order. I’ll try to have it perfect.” Seonghwa raises a thumbs that he’ll guarantee to satisfy his future wife. He gets right to it while the actual baristas guide him. 
The cute and pretty dancer waves at the camera. “Hello, I’m Bella of STAYC.” She smiles brightly like the sun. 
Q. What are your thoughts on getting selected as the new bride?
Bella hums. “Hmm, I truthfully was scared.” She lets out a wavering laugh. “I’ve never dated or been in a relationship in my life. It could be my concentration on becoming an idol, my shy nature, and I wasn’t much interested during my teens.” She gives a brief explanation about her not-so-spontaneous love life. 
But she continues to tell more. “Despite not being experienced, I hope for the best for myself and my future husband. We might encounter some circumstances but we’ll learn from them together.”
While waiting for her order and husband, Bella reads the letters again. She could be overthinking it, but the first letter might’ve exposed the answer. She talks to herself in a soft voice. “Sit back and relax. It reminds me of ATEEZ’s Bouncy. Will it be someone from ATEEZ?” Bella is flooded with curiosity, but she shakes her head. 
“No, It can’t be.” The dancer denies it with a timid smile. She feels her fair cheeks blooming red. The thought of it makes her extra shy. 
Returning to the kitchen, Seonghwa is preparing the delicious strawberry croissants. 
He inherited his mother’s cooking skills which come in handy when he cooks food for himself and his group. Once placing the last strawberry, his face beams. “It’s so pretty!” Seonghwa is proud of his croissants. He happily picks them up under the wax paper and shows them to the cameraman. “Bella. Your hubby has a gift for you.” His usual deep voice is high-pitched and all cute. 
Seonghwa puts his mask on to conceal his face once again. He takes the iced Oolong milk tea and the desserts to Bella’s table. Before he leaves the kitchen, he has a few things to say to the viewers. “It’s finally time to show myself. I hope she likes what I made.” He exhales and starts approaching her. 
Bella is on her phone texting her members in a group chat. They’re all impatient to know who their brother-in-law is. After sending the messages, she noticed the same barista who took her order. “Thank you, sir.” Bella appreciated him. He placed the drink and croissants on the table.
“You’re welcome. Is there anything else you need?” Seonghwa continues with the act. 
Shaking her head, “No, thank you. That’ll be all.” Bella grins prettily. 
Seonghwa was almost flustered as he spoke. “O-Okay. Well, you do.” He tells her. 
Bella’s grin becomes downward. “Really? What is it?” She questions. 
The woman watches him carefully as he removes his mask to reveal his ethereal face. 
Bella instantly covers her gaping mouth with both her hands and eyes widening. Seonghwa laughs joyfully at her adorable and funny reaction. “Hello! I’m your husband!” He responds through his laughing. 
The woman quickly stands off of her chair to bow. “Hello, sunbaenim! Wow, this is unreal!” She could feel the adrenaline rush. Seonghwa recomposes himself and clears his throat. He bows in return. “It’s nice to meet you.” His charming face spreads a cordial smile. 
Bella shyly says, “I-It’s nice to meet you too.” Her voice stuttered. She tries to comprehend that the ATEEZ Seonghwa is her husband. 
He then gestures to her to have a seat. Seonghwa is across from Bella and it got into an awkward silence. She couldn’t form words because she was still in shock. Seonghwa reads her like an open book. To make the girl comfortable, he tries relaxing her mind. “Hey, are you okay? Maybe a sweet treat or drink can help you. I even made them for you.” He gestures at her order that’s almost forgotten. 
“Oh, yes, I am.” Bella nodded to assure Seonghwa. She picks one of the croissants and takes a bite. Her doe eyes lit up like the stars at night. "You did a great job!" Bella is delighted. Seonghwa's concerned expression became solace. “It’s okay to feel nervous because I was too. I didn’t want to break character.” He lets out a deep chuckle that struck Bella’s heart.
There are two reasons why she was shaken up. One, she is an ATINY, and two, Seonghwa is her favorite member. 
So, is she living the dream or is it only for a show?
“Well, you did great. You should be a movie star.” Bella commented on his A-plus acting. Seonghwa bashfully smiles and looks at his hands. Her voice is mellifluous-sounding and touches his soul with comfort and sincerity.
Afterward, the new couple in town decided to introduce themselves. They started the basic information about their lives: birthdays, birthplaces, family, groups, hobbies, and interests.
He learned that she was younger than him and a shy girl. The way she communicates is a little nervous and she avoids eye contact. Other than her timid nature, he can tell she is friendly and nice to be around. Interestingly enough, Bella is passionate about dancing. She was chosen as the Main Dancer of STAYC for her fluidity, attitude, and one-of-a-kind style. 
In Bella’s perspective of Seonghwa, he is a man who has the embodiment of a warm hug. When he tried to make her feel less tense, she was softened by his gentleness.
“I’m also an ATINY.” Bella built the courage to put it out there. Seonghwa grows elated. “Amazing! Do you have a favorite song?” He asked her. A smile draws on her coral lips. “Fireworks is my favorite song.” Bella loves the song so much that her members will see her doing the dance whenever it plays in the dorm. In general, she knows many of ATEEZ's dances. 
“Great song choice.” Seonghwa agreed with Bella, causing her to laugh lightly. 
Another question is a must-ask question. “Do you have a favorite member?” He sounded mellow and not desperate. 
It felt like her world stopped. Bella stops sipping on her Oolong tea. She is already making it more awkward with the dramatic silence. But, Seonghwa, on the other hand, is patient and has her take her time. 
“You. You’re my favorite member.” The shy girl blushes profusely. 
Seonghwa’s ears began to turn red like rose petals. He couldn’t stop smiling because Bella was too cute and precious. Her charms are irresistible. 
“Why, thank you. I am glad it’s me.” Seonghwa acknowledges the best, if not most incredible fact about Bella. He has a cheerleader wife. 
"You can have this one." Bella kindly offers Seonghwa the last strawberry croissant. He thanked her and devoured it like a hungry bunny.
Then, the couple hear tapping noises coming in their direction. It’s the Maltese and Golden Retriever from earlier that they both met. Seonghwa pets the big and playful Golden Retriever, and Bella has the cuddly Maltese in her arms. 
It occurred to Seonghwa’s thoughts when looking at the two canines. “They remind me of my members. Yunho and Yeosang.” He wonders if it’s intentional by the PD crew. 
Bella gingerly rubs her nose with the Maltese. “This one reminds me of Sieun unnie.” Her delicate hand pets its tiny head.
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series masterlist
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robinsegghead · 2 days
Danny's Daycare Part 6
[Master List]
"I’m going to feel really bad about all of this if he doesn’t turn out to be evil.” Duke sighed.
          Tim hummed in acknowledgement, still buried in his work and completely enthralled and enraged by what he had found. Or rather, what he had not found. “He has to be something - there’s nothing about him! Daniel Nightingale does not exist! There’s no internet presence, no pictures, videos, nothing! Nobody who comes into that kind of money is just a… a…”
          “Ghost?” Duke asked as Tim snapped his fingers to remember the word.
          Pointing at Duke, he nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! That! He’s like a ghost or something- I don’t trust it!”
          Standing up, Duke moved away from the batcomputer and towards the exit. “Have you ever considered that maybe he’s just a nice guy doing a nice thing?” He paused, no response coming from Tim. “Of course not,” he muttered. “That would require seeing the good in literally anyone.”
            Sunday was much less exciting. Danny went to the store successfully, drank his coffee without spilling it on himself, fixed his coffee maker, and notably; didn’t kill anyone or run into any vigilantes. Which, thank Ancients, honestly. Danny was not here to play hero again, but he was self-aware enough to admit that if he somehow befriended the birds and bats that he’d let himself get dragged back into it.
            So he stayed inside. 
            Monday was also quiet. Twelve kids between Mia, Ember, and Danny wasn’t too bad but he did get lunch delivered for all three of them. The parents later that day brought news of Joker’s death which had apparently reached the public. The article said nothing about murder (although it was obviously speculated at) and neither Danny’s name nor his face were in the article. 
            He didn’t sleep that night.
            Tuesday wasn’t any busier than Monday, but it felt hectic, and Danny wrote a physical note to himself to hire more help. So far he’d gotten lucky, good workers wouldn’t just keep falling into his lap, he’d need to look for it. There was more speculation about the Joker’s death (there were even more parties) but Danny kept his nose out of it. Not his circus. Not his monkey’s. 
            Except it kind of was, and he’d killed the monkey.
            Wednesday was fine, Danny learned a bit more about the Joker through the constant barrage of news. It was through this barrage that he learned more about Duke’s past and its relation to the Joker. Feeling a bit like a creep, Danny found as much information as he could on the Thomas’s, where they were, how long they’d been there, and what had happened to them. It was… distressing to say the least.
            Danny contacted Frostbite about working on a Joker venom cure.
            Thursday wasn’t special. Danny both liked and hated how slow his days had been recently. No one had tried to mug him recently (which was fine albeit boring), with help at the daycare he didn’t find himself quite as exhausted at the end of the day, and sleep continued to evade him with the exception of small bouts that came on randomly and without care if he was laying down or not. Some would call it ‘passing out’, Danny called it power napping.
            He was just waking up from another one of his power naps, this one taken only a foot away from his couch, when his phone rang. The number wasn’t one he knew, but the area code was Gotham.
            “Hello?” He answered, stretching his stiff arms, and rubbing the sore spot on his head from where it hit the edge of the coffee table at the… beginning of his power nap.
            There was a shuffling on the other end of the line, then a groan, and finally, a response. “Danny...? It’s… Miguel. Listen I… I-” There was a choking sound followed by a wet cough and Danny realized this wasn’t exactly the call he’d been expecting. Slipping on his jacket and shoes and grabbing a first aid kit, he left his apartment.
            “Where are you?”
            “25 th and Mundson… I’m…” He let out a shuddery breath and Danny thought he heard sniffling. “It’s bad man.”
            Danny had already begun his flight from the moment Miguel had answered. It only took a couple of minutes, Danny spent the entire time speaking words of encouragement, instructing him on what to do. Miguel had been stabbed in the lower stomach and was losing blood fast. Upon arrival, Danny was grateful to see the kid still kicking, putting as much pressure on the wound as he could, just like Danny had said.
            “Hey, Miguel, how we doing?” He pulled the shirt away from his stomach and checked the wound. It was deep. 
            Miguel groaned, head falling back against the brick wall behind him.
            “None of that, kid, talk to me.” Danny pulled out wads of gauze and pressed them into the open wound trying to staunch the bleeding.
            Despite his request, Miguel didn’t manage to say anything, only letting out more sounds of pain every few seconds. Once he’d gotten the gauze wrapped tightly against his wound, Danny wound his arms around the boys’ frame and pulled him into his arms. 
            “Thompkins clinic is only a couple of blocks away.” He murmured, booking it down the sidewalk. 
            Miguel made his discomfort known as he loudly groaned and cried into Danny’s shoulder. Guilt tugged at the half dead king. He’d been in tough spots, but honestly? This was a first. He’d never held someone while they bled out except himself and he was sure he would have been happier going his whole life without. 
            As the building came into sight he felt the prickle of hope just under his skin, only to been diminished by Miguel’s breathing coming to a stop.
            “Come on, kid. Please.” He grit out, shoving through the door.
            The receptionist stood up quickly, fear being replaced by resolve. She moved immediately, opening the door to the actual clinic.
            “Doctor!” She shouted, as Danny shoved past her and laid Miguel on the table. 
            “He’s been stabbed. He called me eleven minutes ago, I applied pressure and wrapped it eight minutes ago, it’s deep.” He barely breathed, forcing the words out as fast as he could.
            Doctor Thompkins and her receptionist nurse worked quickly, pushing Danny out of the room and trying to save Miguel’s life. Sitting in the waiting room was excruciating. With his advanced hearing he could tell when the doctor pulled out the paddles, when she zapped Miguel (Danny wincing at the phantom ((ha)) feeling of electricity coursing through his own body), he could hear when she demanded the nurse for more medicine, to wipe the area, to hand her a tool, and he could hear it all knowing he couldn’t help.
            He’d come to Gotham to help people. And he couldn’t. He sat in the lobby, paralyzed, unable to help one of the few people he’d specifically offered his help to.
            When the door opened almost two hours later, the nurse offered him a small smile and nodding for him to go to the back. He didn’t waste a second, breezing by her and directly to the bed Miguel laid in, covered by a blanket, vitals stable.
            “He’s going to be okay.” Doctor Thompkins starts, looking over a clipboard. “It was pretty serious, his heart stopped three times and we had to bring him back. If this were any other kind of clinic I would have had him transferred to a hospital via an ambulance the moment you brought him in.” She said pointedly, there was no real bite in her words. “I’d like to at least keep him over night, make sure he’s okay before he goes galivanting around Crime Alley again.”
            Danny nodded. “Thank you.” He paused, staring at Miguel before turning back to the doctor. “Sorry, uh, I’m Danny. Danny Nightingale.” He held his hand out to shake, blood still caked under his fingernails no matter how many times he’d tried to scrub it away.
            She offered a small smile. “I’ve heard a great deal about you Mr. Nightingale. He looks a bit old to be yours though.” She gestured to Miguel.
            “Oh, no.” He chuckled. “We’ve only met a couple of times, but I gave him my number in case he was ever in trouble. It came in handy tonight.” 
            Nodding, the doctor looked back at her clipboard. “Do you know about family? Anyone we can contact?”
            He sighed, Miguel’s phone heavy in his pocket. “I grabbed his phone but… I know it’s just him and his little brother. I don’t know where the brother is, but I don’t want him out there all alone all night. He might come looking for his brother. I’ll see if I can find any information in his phone.”
            She nodded again, hesitantly before turning away. “I have a couple of things to work on, but you’re welcome to stay here for a while.”
           Tucker had found Miguel’s little brother’s information in the phone and Danny had set out immediately. He had no idea how Tucker had done it, there was no phone number for his brother, no home address, but Tucker just gave one of his ‘you won’t understand even if I dumb it down for you’ sighs and Danny didn’t question it.
            He’d felt bad about leaving Miguel, but Doctor Thompkins assured him the boy wouldn’t wake until the morning and it would be more dangerous for Santiago (Miguel’s little brother) to be alone all night. So he’d left.
            He didn’t like what he’d found. 
            An abandoned office building on the edge of Crime Alley. Not just abandoned, caved in, likely from a bomb, half the building was missing, there was no roof, most of the second floor had crumbled away leaving the first floor open to the dangers of the night.
            “Santiago?” Danny called cautiously. “My name is Danny; I know your brother.” He hoped Santiago was here. Please don’t let him be searching the streets for his brother. Miguel had said he was only thirteen. “Miguel’s hurt, I’ve come to take you to him.” 
            His senses flared and his body moved on instinct, dodging the long piece of wood that swung at his head. Rolling forward and springing back up, he spun around to face his attacker. His attacker being a little kid. He wore a worn-down jacket, the zipper was open and broken, there were holes in the t-shirt underneath, his jeans were shredded around the ankles and his toes poked through the shoes that were holding on by the shoelaces.
            Raising both hands in a surrender motion, Danny sighed. “Santiago?” The boy’s look was guarded, but fear was clearly underneath, and he nodded once, barely. “I met your brother the other night, my name’s Danny. Your brother got hurt and I took him to Thompkins clinic, I came to bring you to him so you wouldn’t worry about him all night.”
            The two-by-four lowered slowly but not all the way. “’E may’ve mentioned ya.” His voice was so quiet, barely a whisper.
            Danny nodded encouragingly. “I want to help you- both- if you’ll let me. But that’s not what I’m here for tonight. I didn’t want you to be alone or go searching for your brother, so I came to bring you to him. And then, at least while he’s healing, I’d like to help you guys out, if you’ll let me.”
            And with the look Santiago gave him, he was optimistic that he could wear them down.
          As he’d learned in the past six months, Danny wasn’t just the king of the infinite realms. No- he was the king of hasty decisions. He already owned the apartment building he lived in and he’d been fixing up the empty apartments, but without much thought (or asking Miguel and Santiago’s opinions) he went online and purchased all of the necessary furniture to house two boys and set the delivery for the next day.
          “Mr. Nightingale-” Miguel started.
           Miguel ignored him. “Mr. Nightingale, tha’s too much. We can’t accept this. Why would you even want us to move in?” His balled his fists in the hospital blanket. Doctor Thompkins had thankfully stepped out to give them some privacy. “What do you want from us?”
           “Listen, Miguel,” Danny rubbed a hand across his forehead. “I don’t WANT anything FROM you. I want you both to be safe. I want you both to go to school. And I want you to only worry about grades and socializing and other kid things.” He raised a hand calmingly as Miguel geared up to argue. “And I know you aren’t kids- you’ve been through too much to be considered kids, but you are young, and you deserve to feel safe.”
           The brothers looked between each other and Danny.
           “I don’t want to charge rent; I don’t want anything from you.” He repeated. “I want to help you, remember? That’s what I do. That’s what people like me are made for. Helping.”
           Santiago, in a rare show of childishness, climbed onto his brother’s bed and into his lap, whispering something in his ear. The two shared a pointed look, a telepathic conversation happening between them while Danny tried not to watch. Miguel sighed.
          “So… how would this work?”
          Danny leaned back in his chair, hoping he looked less intimidating like this. “I own the apartment building I live in. I’d like to give you two one of the apartments to live in, rent free, obviously. I’d like to tutor you both so you can get into a good school before next semester, we could do that on weekends and in evenings. I would also like you to leave your gang,” Miguel opened his mouth, but Danny pressed on. “I can offer you a job that will pay much better than any gang will.” Miguel’s mouth shut.
          The three sat in silence for a moment after that, Miguel thinking it all through. “Why us man?”
          The Halfa shrugged. “Why not? I can’t help everyone, but I can help you two. You’re just as deserving as anyone else is and I have the means.”
          “This ain’t some weird sugar daddy situation, is it?”
           Danny actually laughed at that. “No, Ancients no! I already told you what I want. And it’s not anything weird or creepy or gross. I just want to help.” I just want to protect.
           “Fine.” Miguel mutters. “But no creepy shit! An’ you ain’t my dad!”
           He nodded, grinning. “Agreed.”
            Danny insisted they stay at the clinic for another twenty-four hours, both so Miguel could recover a bit more before walking around and so he could get the apartment set up before their arrival.
            First he contacted Ember and begged her to work the whole day tomorrow and be responsible about it, then he called Mia and told her he had a family emergency and would be out the following day but that she could call if she needed and to keep Ember in line. 
            After that he called Jazz because that’s what he did when he did something crazy.
            “Danny?” She answered.
            “I did something hasty again.”
            She sighed. “What is it this time? A restaurant? A hotel? Tell me it isn’t Phantom rela-”
            “What? No! No it’s- you know how I bought my apartment building before moving here? Well… I just invited a couple of kids who need a safe place to stay to live in one of the apartments and I’m kind of freaking out.” 
            She hummed, neither approving nor disapproving, just signaling that she was listening.
            He phased into his apartment and threw his bloody jacket on top of the trash can. “I’m giving them an apartment on my floor, paying for their school, and tutoring them on the weekends. They’re good kids, they just need help.”
            “Danny.” She sighed. “You can’t help everyone.”
            “I know!” He snapped.
            Neither said anything for a moment, allowing their personal frustrations to subside before continuing. They didn’t fight often anymore, but when they did… it could get pretty explosive.
            “I know, Jazz.” He started again. “I can’t help everyone. I know that. But I can help them. Isn’t that why I’m here? To help?”
            She chuckled. “I can’t believe we ever didn’t know your obsession… Remember I wasn’t particularly excited about the daycare in the first place?” He knew, she’d thought he was crazy. But she’d gotten with the program and helped out immensely. “Look, you’re an adult, and more importantly, I trust you, just be careful okay? You’re always doing these crazy last-minute things and it worries me. You’re stretching yourself so thin.”
            “I know.”
            “I’ll call in a family emergency at work tomorrow and come help you out. What do you need from me?”
            And that’s why he always called her. He felt the tension release from his shoulders as he went through a mental checklist of tomorrows to do’s. The apartment needed to be cleaned, furniture needed to be moved in, groceries, clothes, and books needed to be procured after that, and they’d need phones.
            She agreed to show up at seven in the morning to start cleaning the apartment. He could go out and buy essentials while she did that and the furniture would likely be delivered in the early afternoon so they could start moving it all in. They didn’t want to stress the boys out with too much stuff, so Danny promised to keep it to the essentials.
            “Well, I’ve got to get up bright and early to help my kid brother with another crazy scheme, so I’ll be going.” The teasing in her voice was palpable. “I love you, brother.”
            “Love you too, sis.”
            It was nearing midnight when Danny finally ended his call with his sister and looked over the furniture set to be delivered the following day. Two mattresses and bed frames, a couch, a table and chair set, two desk with chairs, and a tv stand (no tv, he was worried how the boys would feel if it was obvious how much he’d spent. He’d get them a tv soon.). For an exorbitant price, it would all be delivered the following day by two in the afternoon.
            Danny took another power nap.
            This one was longer than most and he awoke with a start as sunlight poured into the apartment. Dragging a hand down his face, he stumbled towards the kitchen. When had he last eaten? Didn’t matter, he didn’t have much. He didn’t eat much these days. Not for lack of trying, he was just so busy.
            Opening his fridge (praying there was some fresh fruit or something he could grab quickly) he was shocked to find a container of what looked to be chicken parmesan and a sticky note attached to the lid. 
             Don’t know how a twig like you took out the Joker, eat something. -RH
            There was another container next to it with some kind of stew.
             Okay, not a fan of chicken parm? Fine, but eat the stew. -RH
             There was a third container next to that, some kind of steak and potatoes.
             Do you eat? I swear they aren’t poisoned. -RH
             Danny chuckled. Only one person knew he’d killed the Joker, he hadn’t even told Jazz when she’d called after the breakout, which meant the Red Hood was breaking into his apartment and leaving him meals. Why? As a thank you? Danny stilled owed him a thank you for all he’d done for his people. 
            Reheating the chicken parmesan Danny let his thoughts turn from the Red Hood to his plans for the day. According to his phone it was nearing seven. He’d also gotten confirmation sometime in the middle of the night for the furniture he’d bought saying it’d arrive closer to two. 
            He scarfed down the food (he couldn’t remember ever eating something so delectable) and made his way down to let Jazz in. [SE7]  It had been a few weeks since they’d been able to have brunch, and he smiled when they made eye contact. Her hair was pulled back with a bandanna, her jeans were cuffed, and she wore an open jacket over a ratty old t-shirt. She looked ready to get to work.
            “All right, Mr.-fixes-everyone’s-problems-but-his-own, lead the way.” She arched an eyebrow, clearly still miffed that he hadn’t told her about buying and renovating the building.
            He brought her up to the fourth floor. “This is where they’ll be staying. It’s got two rooms so they won’t have to share, but it’s also on my floor so I can be nearby if they need an adult.”
            “Is that what you think you are?” She teased, lowering the bucket of cleaning supplies she’d brought along.
            Rolling his eyes, he opened the balcony window blinds. “I cleaned all of the open apartments when I bought the place, but it could use a thorough dusting and vacuuming. The furniture will be arriving around two, so we’ve got time. I also need to get to the grocery store to stock their cabinets and pick up some essentials, I was going to take your car. You good here while I take care of that?”
            She nodded. “You won’t even recognize it when you get back.”
            He wasn’t sure if that was meant to be reassuring. But he let her get to work anyway.
Danny didn’t drive much these days. He didn’t have a car and even if he did the likelihood of it getting stolen or broken into where he lived was high. He preferred to take buses or trains anywhere he needed to go but with how many bags of things he intended to get it just wouldn’t be convenient.
            First stop was the department store. He picked out a couple of outfits for each of the boys (he guessed at their sizes as best he could) and some packaged underwear and socks. He picked out bed sheet sets and comforters, a shower curtain, bathmat, bath towels, and kitchen towels. What else… they’d need dishes! 
Loading the essentials -cups, plates, silverware, a couple of pots and pans, knives, a cutting board, and measuring utensils- he stopped and considered getting more. Before he could go completely overboard, he cut himself off. He still needed to get groceries and toiletries and it was already nearing eleven.
            He picked out shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes and paste, deodorant, combs, a hairbrush, and anything else he thought they might need. At twelve he made his way to the grocery store which he originally thought would be the cheapest part of the trip. Until he saw the prices of seasonings. Five dollars for a jar of garlic powder! 
            Not that Danny was terribly concerned about money, he’d basically been dared by Clockwork to find a way to use it all up without simply giving it all away, but when he thought about all of the essentials the boys would need… flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, half a million seasonings, as well as shelf stable snacks and some canned goods… the cost added up.
            Swiping his card without a second thought, Danny loaded up the car. 
            Jazz was right. When he got back the apartment looked…. Well it was the same, obviously, but it was so much cleaner, fresher, it had a lighter feel to it. Every speck of dust was gone, the carpets had been deep cleaned, the bathroom sparkled, and the kitchen was ready to be filled.
            It didn’t take the two of them long to unload everything from the car but by the time it was all put away (and they were both thoroughly exhausted) the furniture was being delivered.
            “Remind me again why we didn’t ask any of your many ghost friends to help us with this?” Jazz huffed, pulling the couch up the stairs as Danny pushed.
            He chuckled. “You were the one who said, and I quote, ‘We don’t need ghost powers, we are perfectly strong and capable humans, and we don’t want the neighbors to suspect anything’.”
            “Well that’s not even completely true, is it?” She huffed. “Just do it!” 
            Giving his best impression of a super villain’s laugh, Danny hesitated for only a minute before granting mercy, turning the couch intangible, and flying past Jazz with the furniture. She didn’t laugh, clearly exasperated, following him and muttering things under her breath while he flew back and forth bringing up the furniture. 
            Jazz began assembling the bedframes while he finished bringing up furniture. When he finally settled back into the apartment he felt like collapsing onto the couch and taking one of his power naps. The black spots in his vision went away with just a bit of blinking and he pushed away the thought. He didn’t need a nap, he needed to get this done.
            “Danny?” Jazz asked, cautiously, noting his momentary dissociation. “You okay there, brother?”
            He nodded slowly. “Tired. I’ve been pretty busy recently.”
            She eyed him skeptically but let it slide. He listened to her chatter on about work while they put together the beds ‘and it’s hard to believe he’s really dead but thank Ancients because that monster didn’t deserve to claim insanity even once!’, Danny trying to keep from wincing every time she speculated about the Joker’s murder/death.
            Just as they were finishing up Danny’s phone began to ring.
            “Hello?” He moved away from Jazz to get a bit of privacy.
            “Mr. Nightingale? It’s Dr. Thompkins. The boys are getting restless, and I’ve caught them trying to leave twice. I think it’d be best if you came down to get them.” Her voice was professional, but he could hear a hint of exasperation underneath.
            Giving a quick confirmation, he hung up. “I’ve gotta go pick up the boys, they’re getting restless. You wanna stick around? I was gonna order pizzas.”
            “How about this; you take my car to pick them up so Miguel doesn’t have to walk much, and I’ll call in pizzas which you can pick up while you’re out?” She reasoned from the floor. She’d sprawled out after they’d finished the last of the furniture and had apparently decided to become a permanent resident of the floor.
            “You got it, sis.” Swiping her keys once again he made his way out. On the short drive over he felt the anxiety begin to bubble up. What if they hated it? He didn’t know these kids that well, what if they were super overwhelmed and up and left? He wasn’t a father or guardian to anyone (except the entirety of the infinite realms but that’s beside the point)! He couldn’t take care of kids! Santiago was just thirteen! Being neglected at that age was what led to Danny dying at fourteen!
            The panic took over his senses and before he knew it he’d arrived outside of the clinic. Once inside, the nurse (the same from the night before) smiled and gestured for him to go on back. He made eye contact with Miguel and waited. Waited for something. Waited for him to change his mind about all of this. Waited for him to run. Waited. Finally, Miguel sighed. “All right. Let’s go, man.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 days
Cowboy!JJ and citygirl!reader as a couple and he’s teaching her how to do things on the ranch because once they graduate high school they plan to get married and he wants to move her in…
𝒴ℴ𝓊𝓇ℯ 𝒹ℴ𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓉!
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“Alright- and she’s ready for ya.” He spoke, tapping his horse and looking back at you. “That was easy.” You told him.
“It’s easy getting ‘er ready, but the ridings the hard part. But it’s easy when you get the hang of it.” He tilted to his head to the side.
“I think I’m ready.”
He smiled at your words. “Alright then, big girl, hop on up there. Carefully.”
He stood behind you, watching you grab the reins, jump on top of the horse, struggle to get your foot over before JJ helped you.
“That’s alright.” He nodded, looking at his horse and petting her mane. “Now you grab onto the reins, sit up straight, relax your arms.”
You listened. “To get him to walk, you just gently squeeze his sides with your legs. And I told you how to steer, stop and trot, right?”
You nodded, replaying his words in your head.
“Alright, Cowgirl, show me what you got.” He stepped back, patting his horse again and watching you start to move. You smiled, looking at Jj before turning your attention back to the horse.
“There you go! You’re doin’ it!”
He showed you how to do everything else around the ranch these past few days, taking care of all the animals, feeding them, cleaning.
You wiped the sweat off your brow, and although you weren’t quite used to this lifestyle, you enjoyed doing everything with JJ.
“You alright, sweetheart?” He asked you, stopping his movements and looking at you.
You nodded. “It’s just hot as hell.”
He smiled, laughing. “Yeah. Why don’t you go take a shower? I got all this for now.”
You thought for a moment, despite how nice a shower sounded, you found yourself shaking your head. “I’m alright.” You told him, giving him a small smile and continuing what you were doing.
He was shocked at your answer, but it made him happy. He smiled, turning back the the goats bleating at him.
“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.”
Later that night, he sat with you in the grass, both of you stargazing in silence.
“Y/n?” He said quietly.
“Yeah?” You turned your head to face him.
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
You giggled, confused where this is coming from.
“I mean it. I can’t wait to run this damn ranch with you.” He said, you smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him.
“Well, thank you for being the best teacher ever.”
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hhughes · 2 days
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◞ fem!reader x ollie bearman
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ◞ in which ollie makes his F1 debut, his girlfriend is there to support and the two quickly become fan favourites.
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐜𝐰 ◞ no warnings!! badly cropped photos of other f1 couples bc I needed to use them :/
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐚/𝐧 ◞ after finding out ollie bearman and I share a birthday, he would not leave my head and this is the result!! as always I hope you like it <3
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formulawags: ollie bearman and his girlfriend, y/n, entering the paddock on friday and saturday. ollie is set to make his F1 racing debut today after the news broke that Carlos Sainz will not be fit to race this weekend due to appendicitis
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racingirly: you’re telling me I just discovered this cutie and on the same day I have to find out he has a gf? 😔
⤷ user44: sucks to be you. the F2 girlies winning rn because we know and love y/n
⤷ user51: so real. people have been missing out if they don’t know y/n. her and ollie are easily the cutest couple I’ve ever seen.
⤷ racingirly: well can we get a rundown? how did they meet? how long have they been dating? what does she do for a living?
⤷ user44: they’ve been dating for two years now but they’ve known each other their whole lives. childhood friends. she’s the same age as ollie so she’s currently in uni. don’t know where or what she’s studying tho
⤷ user51: she goes to university of Oxford and she’s studying engineering. that’s why ollie refers to her as “his little genius”
⤷ user90: how do you know all of this?
⤷ user51: her and ollie went live one day at like 2AM and answered a bunch of questions while baking cookies
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liked by georgerussel, charlesleclerc, and others.
olliebearman: P7 not bad at all. was an honour to drive for @scuderiaferrari this weekend. hope you feel better soon @.carlossainz and thanks for the tips @.charlesleclerc
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dennishauger: has a photo with charles and george but still puts his girl plucking his eyebrows at the front
⤷ olliebearman: priorities man.
formula2: our little ⭐️
yourusername: I love you so much. Beyond proud of you!!❤️
⤷ olliebearman: I love you❤️
paularon: does plucking the eyebrows make you weigh less or what?
⤷ olliebearman: something like that
user70: stop I love them so much. ollie having so many photos of this weekend and posting one of his girlfriend doing his eyebrows means so much to me
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liked by olliebearman, paularon, and others.
yourusername: F1 debut weekend!! there’s so many things I could say but I’m going to keep it short🥲 I’m so beyond proud of my 🧸man. I’m in awe of him every day and he never fails to amaze me. you’re incredible and I love you so much ollie❤️🥺
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olliebearman: you mean the world to me. thank you so much for always being my #1 supporter. I love you ❤️
⤷ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
paularon: reward kisses huh
⤷ yourusername: always 😌
charlesleclerc: it was very nice to meet you y/n! make sure to come visit the paddock and say hi whenever you’re travelling with ollie! 😊
⤷ user40: STFU😮
⤷ user81: y/n are you breathing?
⤷ olliebearman: she is not. guess I’ll have to do CPR
user52: stop cause I just know ollie was teasing her a bunch about her crush on charles this weekend
⤷ olliebearman: I can not confirm or deny🫡
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