#I’m like one third through the last chapter and then it’s over which is insane
invisiblewille · 14 days
Does anyone else go to edit their chapters that are like fully complete other than a grammar and structure check and then still somehow add over a thousand words… bc it happens to me every single time somehow.
Anyways, I needed a break from the eat sleep breathe accounting I’ve been doing lately bc there’s only so many nights you can do accounting from 9am to 5am before you go crazy so good news is that my editing of thou wilt whisper ch 7 is done and now it goes to my beta reader to make it into its final form.
Also if you haven’t read it yet, I think Religion fic is pretty cool :) here’s a sneak peak of the next chapter or whatever
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Decadent Desires Ch 6
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, sexually charged conversations, teasing/banter. Smut, sex toys, minor bondage, spanking. A guest star of Anthony DiNozzo! I didn't really want to bring in a whole THIRD fandom into this but it ended up working out really nicely and I can play around with it in future chapters too! It feels like it's been ages since I've updated this so clearly the last week was a long one lol. Remember how I said I wanted to be a chapter ahead from now on with my series? Yeah that quickly did not happen. LOL. I'm gonna try to keep up with it, and I promise y'all won't wait longer than a week between chapters, I just need to hunker down and write!
Working for Heather meant that you worked insane hours that could change at the drop of a hat, but it also meant that you could essentially make your own schedule whenever you wanted. You could do most of your job from home or a hotel, as long as you had Wi-Fi you were in the clear, you spent a lot of your time gallivanting around D.C to finish whatever tasks you needed to. Shuffling your schedule around constantly meant that you were more than given the liberty to a Thursday afternoon off and that is exactly why you were meandering down Wisconsin Avenue with Tony in tow. Some of your friends questioned why you always went shopping with him, but the truth was he knew style, understood expensive taste, always told the truth if something looked bad and the entire experience was more efficient. If you went out with your girlfriends on a shopping spree you got dragged into twelve stores you needed nothing from and had to wait while they tried on countless amounts of outfits. With Tony the most that would happen would you’d have some extra browsing time at L. Priori because he got distracted by the watches.
“You got some big White House party coming up or something?” He asked, taking a sip of the coffee you’d bought him earlier.
“Huh?” You glanced over your shoulder as you picked up the small bag, “no.”
“We’ve done jewels, we’ve done shoes,” he pushed the door open for you, holding it while you crossed through the entry way and back out onto the street, “you dropped off three dresses for alterations and looked through the catalogue of what’s coming in…”
“I just want to revamp my closet a little bit, make sure I’m prepared for summer, you know how many extra garden parties I end up at.”
“And your boss is okay with that amount of cleavage?” He asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes, “I think you’re bullshitting me.”
“I got a little carried away doing spring cleaning and tossed half my closet.” You bluffed, “I work so much I forgot I actually wore the other shit and now need to replace it.” Veering off to the side your hand tugged open the door to Jaryam and Tony followed you inside.
“When’s your next date?” He asked with a grin.
“I never said anything about a date.”
“Then why did you just drag me into a lingerie store?”
“Oh please,” you scoffed, “I didn’t drag you anywhere, you love this shit. I just want some new pieces; you’ve got the right eye for colour and the masculine fetishistic imagination to tell me which ones I’ll look the best in.”
He chuckled darkly, not bothering to disagree with you as you made your way further into the shop, he was a pace behind you, fiddling with a price tag when he scoffed and you turned back to him with a raised brow, “I’ve heard you complain about the prices in Victoria’s Secret and that’s got nothing on this, a thong for a hundred and fifty dollars?”
“It’s… about the quality.” You shrugged, “thirty dollars for a scrap of fabric that falls apart in a month made in a sweatshop isn’t a good investment.” You picked up the pair that he was looking at, reading through the tag, “something hand stitched made with quality fabric that’s going to last? Worth it.”
“Hmm.” He replied, surveying you for a minute as you put the thong back on the rack, “you know, I noticed when you picked up the coffee that you used a black card…”
“You’re really working those sleuthing skills today, aren’t ya?” You teased back with a grin, moving onto a wall of lace bras.
“It’s not exactly a difficult mystery.” He smirked, following you, “fancy shoes, nice jewels, new clothes, expensive lingerie,” you turned back to face him, an unimpressed look on your face and he practically caged you into the wall, “who’s your daddy?”
“Ew, Tony, fuck off.” You groaned, shoving at his chest as he laughed, “coffee and meals can be turned into a write off. I used Heather’s card.”
“Bah! Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll just run your financials when I get back to the office.”
Now it was your turn to laugh, “they call you a very Special Agent DiNozzo?”
“Why yes, yes they do.” He smiled, getting a little smug about it and you shook your head at him.
“Then explain to me how running my financials would let you in on whose card I’m using.” You asked, watching as he opened his mouth to give you some witty response but he couldn’t find one, gaping for a minute before he let out a defeated huff and you tugged him in the other direction, “now c’mon, I know you have a good eye for lingerie.”
“Now that, I will not deny.” He replied with a smile and you did roll your eyes as he followed you deeper into the shop.
You combed through practically every shelf in the place, trying to figure out what kind of styles you were going to settle on before Tony started to share his opinions. He reminded you how good blue looked on you when you picked up a soft pink set and suggested the lace florals over lace butterflies. You were narrowing it down between a handful of choices and he was quick to intervene when he noticed you were eliminating all the variation.
“Wait,” he cut in, swiping the one you were trying to put back on the shelf, “keep that one. Get rid of this one.” He plucked the peach set from your collection, tossing it into the return pile.
“It’s cute!” You protested.
“Exactly. Everything you’re keeping is ‘cute’, you’re playing it too safe and I know that’s not you. The lilac one is the nicest, little hint of lace for a bonus, so get it.” He started flicking through the rack you had your favourites on, “keep the teal one for the crystals, plus it matches that pair of heels you bought. The rest of this batch can go but add these to your buying list.” He picked up a lacy black and red set that was mostly see through and included a garter belt, handing it off to you, and a gorgeous deep green set. “That’ll look great with your skin,” his brow furrowed for a second as he examined it, “wait it’s not your size, you’re what?” His eyes were suddenly on you and you groaned,
“Stop staring at my tits.” You stated dryly as he turned around, grabbing another one of the green set from the shelf.
“Thirty four C, right?”
“I don’t know whether I should be impressed or grossed out that you were able to figure that out.”
“They don’t call me Very Special Agent DiNozzo for nothing.” He grinned and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m going to go try these on.” You scooped up the remaining sets, “not for your viewing pleasure! Occupy yourself.”
You weren’t surprised in the least when all of Tony’s recommendations were right and you were happy to be leaving with a variety of options. Returning from the dressing room you found him near the till looking through accessories and he shot you a cocky grin as you placed all of his choices down on the counter. You shuffled the shopping bags in your hand over to the other one,
“Can you hold this?” You asked, handing him your purse as you pulled Emily’s card from within it, passing it off to the cashier. Once the purchase was completed and the cashier was wrapping up the lingerie, she placed the card down on the counter and out of the corner of your eye you saw Tony making a move for it, managing to swipe it up before he could get to it.
“Hey!” You swatted the back of his head and he grimaced.
“Ow. That was worse than Gibbs.” He muttered.
“You fuck around and you’ll find out.” You returned but he was too busy on his phone to really pay attention.
You took your purse back from him, tossing it over your shoulder as you thanked the clerk and added the bag of lingerie to the others with your shopping and the two of you made your way back onto the street. You jumped when Tony’s fingers prodded at your side, digging into your ribs.
“C’mon… let me know something, please.” He batted his eyes at you, “I just helped you pick lingerie; I deserve to know something. Doctor? Artist? App developer? Congressman?”
“Nope, nope, nope and hard nope.” You replied with a huff and he groaned so you finally turned back to him, stalling in your steps, “what I will tell you, is that she most definitely outranks NCIS, so you can officially drop it.”
“Ohoho… a new lady friend…” It was his turn to slow in his tracks, eyes lingering in the window of the next shop, “you need any special accessories for that?”
“Tony you’re insane if you think I’m taking you into a sex toy store.”
“Meh, doesn’t really matter since you’ve already covered that step.” He grinned and your brow furrowed.
“Swiped your phone and went through your emails.” With a laugh he tossed the device back to you as you let out a gasp, “peach flavoured lube, nice. Nipple clamps? Kinky, didn’t realize you were into that kinda pain.” That earned him a hard punch on the arm, “but that double sided dildo with vibration? Now that sounds like a real party.”
“Anothony DiNozzo!” You scolded and he let out a small whine of a scoff, gesturing toward the sex store.
“I’m the perfect person to give sex toy recommendations, c’mon.” He protested and you sighed.
“Tony. You are a straight man. What could you possibly known about sex toys for me to use with another woman?”
“One of those wand things, Hibachi?”
“That’s Japanese barbecue, but nice try.”
“The wands!”
“You’re going for Hitachi.”
“Close enough!” He exclaimed, gesturing with his hands, “the big one’s better but I think they sell smaller ones too, more portable.” He waggled his eyebrows at you and you sighed.
“Think? Tony, pull your head outta your ass. Any self respecting person with a clit already owns one of those.”
“Really?” He smirked at you and you did your best not to groan.
“I’ve got three, a mini pink, a mini green and the big one, which yes, is far superior. Can we go now?”
“Fine.” He groaned, feigning annoyance, “you dragging me to a nail appointment next?”
“No, I was gonna buy you a late lunch.”
“You were? Or is your mommy dearest gonna buy lunch.” He exaggerated the word, nearly moaning as he said it and you immediately grimaced.
“Please don’t ever do that again.”
“Yup, that one felt wrong coming out. My bad, that’s on me.”
Emily turned down dessert service, asking for the cheque instead as she gave the server a soft smile, picking up her cocktail once again as she turned back to you. In turn, you finished your drink, placing the glass down on the table as you stood, your hand coming to squeeze at Emily’s thigh softly as your lips brushed against her cheek.
“Give me a five minute head start, I’ve got a surprise for you.” You scooped up your phone, shooting Emily a wink as you sauntered away from the table in the direction of the elevator.
Her eyes followed you through the entrance of the lounge, narrowing in on your ass as you pushed the elevator button and the sparks began to fly through her body. It hadn’t been a particularly long week, but it was very safe to say that you had been on her mind more often than not. Images of your naked body strewn across the bed floating into her brain, making her cheeks flush while she was torturously bored with paperwork. A too long tedious conference call lead to her zoning out, daydreaming all the things she wanted to do to you, the noises you made echoing through her mind. It was almost a given that night that she had a rather self soothing shower when she got home, pulling her laptop out when she finally crawled into bed to take a look at what fun things she could buy to occupy your time with in the future weekends.
Emily settled the bill, slowly draining the rest of her cocktail until she was certain she’d given you enough time to do whatever it was you had planned before she finally left the restaurant. The key card beeped against the lock and she stepped inside the suite, letting the door swing shut behind her before she made sure it was locked. She stepped out of her heels, dropping her purse on the side table in the entry way before rounding the bed into the suite, catching a glimpse of you laid out on the bed and her lips twitched up into a grin.
“Well that certainly is a welcome sight.”
“Yeah?” You asked, sitting up and shifting onto your knees, “you see something you like?”
“I see plenty I like.” She walked up to the foot of the bed as you crawled on your knees to greet her, your hands settling on her hips as one of hers curled around the back of your neck, pulling your lips to hers for a kiss.
Her tongue easily slipped into your mouth when you let out a satisfied groan, both of you relaxing into the kiss, lips dancing with grace against each other. Her hand slipped into your hair, pulling out the pins to let it fall loose around your shoulders, pulling at it lightly. When her teeth scraped against your lip you couldn’t help but moan, your hands drifting up her body as you slowly began to unbutton her shirt. She broke the kiss to help you untuck the fabric from her pants, letting it drop to the floor behind her before her fingers began to trace the lines of the teal lingerie set, floating over the gems decorating your chest.
“You like the crystals?” You asked, small grin on your lips and she nodded.
“They’re gorgeous.”
“They’re Swarovski.” You replied with a near smirk and she let out a huff of a laugh.
“You really went all in, hey?”
“Just wanted to make sure I looked nice and pretty for you.” You shrugged coyly and she chuckled, giving you a once over.
“Well you do.” She leant down, kissing you gently before her hands nudged at your shoulders, “you’re not the only one who brought something fun, lie back princess.”
“I noticed.” You replied, a gleam in your eye as you dropped into the pillows, an arm extending to the nightstand where you picked up a silk tie, “multifaceted, curious as to what your intentions are.”
“First…” Emily rounded the side of the bed, “I want to see what’s under that gorgeous bra.” She nodded at you and you sat up, hands flying behind you to unclip it, gently tossing it to the side, “good girl.” She plucked the fabric from your hands, picking up a longer one from the nightstand before kneeling on the bed. “Give me your hands.” She instructed and you held your hands out for her, wrists gently pressed together as she began to wind the fabric around them, “is this okay?”
“Absolutely.” You replied, looking up at her with darkening eyes as she tightened the silk.
“Do you have a word?”
“I’m fond of peach.”
“Perfect.” With a wicked grin she placed a gentle kiss on your wrist before guiding you to lie back with your arms over your head and she looped the shorter piece through your bonds, securing the other end to the golden bar of the headboard. “No surprises there.” She purred as she slid off the bed, letting out a satisfied hum as her eyes dragged over your body.
“Hm?” You raised a brow, watching as she moved back to a spare chair.
“Just how pretty you look tied up like that.” Emily tossed a grin over her shoulder, “but you are going to need to roll over for the second part of your treat.”
You nearly let out a whine when her hands came to her belt buckle, eager to be able to see both what was coming next and what she had under her clothes. Instead of risking it you decided to behave, rolling onto your stomach, your arms stretching over your head as you twisted it to the side, just barely able to see Emily under your arm. She had busied herself with getting rid of her clothing, a neat pile forming on the small bench next to her bag as she pulled out the strap, swiftly stepping into it and securing it around her hips. Your mouth was practically watering already and then she reached into her bag again, pulling out a crop with a cute little heart on the end and you had to hold back a moan.
Emily could see the way your body tensed, how your hips ground down into the bed as she reapproached it and a dark chuckle escaped her lips. Kneeling on the bed behind you her hand grasped your ankle, spreading your legs further apart and you did your best to arch your back, presenting yourself to her.
“Such obedience.” She murmured, letting the crop lightly trace up your inseam as you let out an airy breath.
Emily slowly trailed the crop up and down your legs, just the slightest hint of touch that she knew you were absolutely begging for in your head. She could see the way your body twitched whenever it got close to the heat between your legs and a wicked grin took over her lips. The crop finally came up over the swell of your ass, softly circling and tracing patterns on your skin and you finally let out a whine. Since this was the first time you’d actually made a louder noise, Emily figured this was the time to both give in and start to really tantalize you now. She raised the crop, swatting it down onto your ass and you let out a low moan.
“You like that?”
“Mmhmm.” You eagerly nodded into the pillows and the crop trailed across to the other cheek, repeating the circles before coming down harder on that side and your breath caught in your throat.
“Ohh…” Your fingers interlaced, squeezing tightly, “harder, please.”
“My little princess likes it rough.” Emily husked from behind you, “somehow I’m not that surprised.”
The crop came down on the same spot harder than the first before she flicked it over your other cheek, swatting just as hard, watching the way your body reacted, jolting at the touch before grinding your cunt down onto the bed. She brought the head of the crop between your legs, pushing the fabric of your panties into your pussy, rubbing the leather up and down your folds as you moaned, arching into the touch.
Emily chuckled darkly, bringing the crop up before hitting your ass with more force, smirking at the louder moans leaving your lips, the way you were pulling against your bonds, wishing your hands were free. The sounds of the spanks echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls as your moans grew louder and longer, every time the crop was brought down onto your body it grew from a tingle to a pleasurable burn. Emily continued to trail the leather across your skin, occasionally her hand gently rubbing across the spot to sooth the burn, little praises and coos leaving her lips. The tingles each time she spanked you began to build, growing together with each hit of the crop until there was a fire building right under your skin, whimpers and whines leaving your lips as you buried your face into the pillows. Every swat of the crop made your entire body shiver and you were nearly about to start begging for more when she moved it back between your legs.
“You really like this, hmm?” She asked, pressing it against your cunt again, “making such a big wet spot on these nice panties.” She rubbed it harder against you, watching the way your wetness continued to soak the fabric, “you know, I’d take them off and stuff them in your mouth if you didn’t make such pretty noises…”
You groaned softly, your hips rocking back toward the touch, a little whimper leaving your throat when the crop nearly rubbed against your clit. Emily hummed softly, lifting the crop up before bringing it back down, this time onto your pussy and you couldn’t help the noise that escaped you.
“Oh fuucck…” Your head buried deeper into the pillows, your eyes scrunching shut as you felt your pussy fluttering around nothing, your clit nearly pulsing already, juices smearing across your underwear.
Emily’s hands grasped at your hips, flipping you onto your back watching as your legs instinctively fell open for her to see the growing wet spot on your panties. She brought the crop back to your cunt, rubbing it harder against you as you started to whine, resulting in another swat that brought a gasp from your lips.
“You like this even more, don’t you princess?” She asked with a grin and you nodded, “you want your pussy spanked too?” Spank. “Think you can come from just this?” Spank.
“Fuck.” You groaned, “more, please.”
“Always such nice manners.” She praised, her fingers slipping into the waistband of your thong, tugging the fabric down your legs and tossing it behind her. Her hands soothed up your legs, spreading them even further apart from each other as her thumbs dared to brush the edges of your cunt. “Such a pretty pussy. God you’re just fucking drenched already.”
Emily picked the crop back up, rubbing it through your slick folds, pressing harder as she brought it to your clit.
“Please.” You whimpered and she chuckled softly.
The first hit was on the gentle side, her eyes tracing up your naked body, watching your face for any sign of discomfort but all she found was a look of sheer pleasure. Your eyes fluttering shut, mouth falling open as breathy moans escaped them, it was all she needed to bring the crop down even harder the next time.
“Fuck.” Your body twitched off the bed, cunt pulsing as more juices dribbled out of it.
“That’s it princess.” Spank. “You’re doing so good for me.” Spank.
“Oh god…” Your hands clutched at the silk ties as your body shivered, pleasure building higher and higher with each time the crop hit your cunt.
“I know you’re close.” Spank. “Just a few more.” Spank. “Pussy’s so wet.” Spank. “Let go for me.” Spank.
“Fuck!” You cried out, your back arching off the bed, pulling against the restraints as your orgasm shot through you, pussy pulsating around nothing as your juices dripped onto the bedspread.
“That’s it.” Emily cooed, the crop gently rubbing against your cunt, smearing your wetness all around it and your thighs. “So pretty when you come for me.”
“Please…” you whimpered, “need you.”
“You want more?” She asked, gently spanking your pussy again and you whined.
“No, please! Need your cock.” You were absolutely begging, pussy fluttering, feeling so entirely empty. Despite the powerful orgasm you needed to be filled, stretched around Emily to finally feel completely satisfied.
“So needy tonight.” Emily teased, dropping the crop to the side as she climbed over you, running the tip of the toy through your folds, “this what you want?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded furiously, “please.”
Emily didn’t hesitate, knowing you were absolutely drenched she sunk her cock fully into you until her hips met yours and you let out a very satisfied moan. She pulled back just enough to sneak her hand between your bodies, turning on the vibration on the base of the toy, just against her clit and a breathy sigh escaped her lips. She rolled her hips, pulling out until just the tip was left inside you and set a steady pace, fucking you thoroughly. Each thrust of her hips had your body twitching up off the bed, pulling against your restraints as you ached to touch her, pleasure shooting through your limbs.
“Fuck.” You groaned, “feels so good.”
Each thrust of her cock the head brushed right over your g-spot, pulling louder moans from you each time as your pussy began to clench down around her. You could feel your juices smearing across both of your bodies as she fucked deeper into you, picking up the pace as she knew you were getting close again.
“Are you going to come again for me angel?” She cooed, her hands gliding up your body to toy with your nipples, pinching them and rolling them in time with her thrusts.
“S-s’close.” You moaned, your hips rocking up off the bed to meet hers with each thrust.
Your hands tugged against the silk ties again, gasping when Emily’s lips wrapped around one of your nipples, sucking it into her mouth for her tongue to flick patterns across it. The double, nearly triple sensation if you counted the vibrations hitting your clit each time your bodies met was nearly too much, your pussy making almost more noise than the ones coming from your mouth. All you could do was whimper and whine, your head too fuzzy to get actual words to come out, the coil inside you got tighter and tighter until Emily’s teeth sunk into your chest and it burst through you.
Your body trembled, the tingles shooting all the way from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes as Emily continued to fuck you. Her eyes fluttering shut as she let out a low swear, now focused on chasing her own release. She sunk fully into you, pressing the vibrating part of the toy directly against her clit and it gave you the opportunity to roll your hips against hers, grinding the base harder onto her. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip as your eyes scrunched shut, another orgasm bursting through you from the sensation and Emily let out a soft cry.
“Oh god.” Her hand slipped between your bodies, switching the vibrations off before she sat up.
Emily panted slightly, attempting to catch her breath as she reached out, swiftly undoing the ties and your arms were finally free to drop to the bed. You let out a soft groan, flexing your hands before Emily caught them in hers, examining your wrists to make sure you hadn’t pulled too hard and hurt yourself. Once satisfied that you hadn’t she let them drop and shifted on her knees, slipping out of you and watching your juices dribble onto the bed.
“Mmm…” you sighed, your lips curving up into a grin.
“What?” She asked with a raised brow.
“That was hot.” You replied, “kinda wish you could come inside me though.”
“Well…” she leant over you, kissing you before nipping at your lower lip, “I’m sure that can be arranged for next time.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @honeyycatt @trauma-factory @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sires-blog
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heyclickadee · 3 months
Okay, to try to explain why the Bad Batch finale is driving me crazy
Imagine if Rebels ended at season three. (Thought experiment time!)
Not that it got cancelled; no one is saying it was cancelled, everyone is saying that this is where they wanted to end that chapter. And the entire season plays out exactly the same as it did in the real world*. Zero Hour, exactly as is, ends up being the series finale.
And the initial reaction is, “Great! They’re alive! They made it out, no one else besides Ahsoka died, we’re so relieved,” except—
What about Lothal? We built up to trying to save Lothal even in the third season—are we really just forgetting about it? What about Ezra becoming a Jedi? The whole sequence with the Bendu was really cool, but what about that foreshadowing line he gave to Thrawn in the end? Where is that supposed to go? Why did we waste a whole episode on space whales? Why didn’t Ezra’s talent for connecting with animals ever go anywhere? What about the side episodes about the Rebel Alliance? The episodes in the season were very good on their own-in fact, a few might be close to the best episodes in the show—but because there’s no payoff and nothing goes anywhere, it all sort of falls apart. Kallus’s redemption arc was fine, but what’s he going to do now, or is he just going to feel bad about what he did? I’m glad they’re all alive and all, but that’s it? Theres no real victory except survival? Why did we spend multiple episodes in the temple on Lothal if that wasn’t going to go anywhere besides getting Ahsoka killed?
Speaking of, Ahsoka really died, and we never dealt with it? Thirty seconds of Ezra crying, everyone looking sad, a sorrowful look from Rex, then we never discuss it, and the only time she comes up is when we’re discussing her job as Fulcrum? It was ambiguous enough to begin with, then we never really got confirmation or any processing on screen at all. We had a whole episode for Ezra to process learning that his parents died, and we never even really met those characters! But nothing for Ahsoka? She’s a fan favorite, and she means so much to a lot of people in the audience. She seemed like she was Dave’s favorite, even! It’s not like her death affected anyone either—all the character motivation was driven either by Kanan’s blindness, the fallout with Maul, or Ezra being tempted by the holocron. It was noble and tragic, sure, but narratively, they just killed her for shock value. If she’s even supposed to be dead! We don’t know for sure!
So you’re thinking through all of that, trying to figure out what the hell happened here and how a show that was otherwise very good only resolved two or three subplots, none of which was the main one, never really dealt with a main character’s death, and never fully 100% resolved anyone’s character arc, all while the showrunners refuse to say that this is the last time we’ll see these characters and insist on using the word “chapter” to refer to the end. So you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the story isn’t actually over, that there’s something weird going on, but you don’t know for sure, and you can’t just let things lie because it’s not that it’s just a bad ending, it’s that it’s bad in a particularly insane way that would come back around to being incredible if there ended up being any follow through for a series that was somehow 99% set up and no payoff.
Anyway, this is where I’m at with The Bad Batch right now.
* For the purposes of this thought experiment, we can add a except that there’s a little epilogue at the end—not the epilogue we actually got at the end of season four of Rebels, but an epilogue where a fifteen-year-older Ezra has a conversation with Hera (no one else, and no Jacen around, no sign that Jacen even exists) about needing to go do something, and then hopping into a ship that looks a bit like the Phantom and has little mementos from various members of the ghost crew family around. Ezra mentions Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper, so we at least know they’re alive, but he doesn’t mention anyone else, and neither does Hera. Something with Ahsoka’s fulcrum symbol is sitting on Ezra’s dashboard. We learn nothing about what anyone does in the meantime. It’s completely open.
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user1286 · 2 years
N no i dont think You Guys know how insane I’m going over the relationship of Magni Modi and Thrud. L like… i… I CANT STOP THINKING ABT THEM HHHH JUST ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF BRAINROT.
My specific obsession for the last week has been Magni and Thrud’s relationship, and I fucking love the idea of Magni being willing to die for his baby sister 🥹…
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I have an idea that Sif and Thor were still furious alcoholics even in Thrud’s childhood except they didn’t abuse her, but instead neglected her, forcing Magni and Modi to take care of her whenever Sif and Thor were on a hangover. Which was almost all the time. Until Thrud got older.
Magni, being the oldest sibling felt the most obligated to protect Thrud seeing how tiny and defenseless she was as just a babe in his massive hand. So what im basically trying to say, is uhhh, Magni essentially acted almost like a third parent for Thrud until she grew more capable of taking care of herself. He rlly loves and cares for his family, but sucks ass at showing it. He ends up with toxic love languages and toxic tendencies he would feel are the norm for him and whatever specific family member is in front of him. BUT due to there practically being nothing in the way of his relationship with Thrud, their relationship is one of the most important things to him, so if Thrud even gets upset with him, Magni gets a bit… nervous in his own ways.
The whole love thing also applies to Modi, but a bit different due to a… specific incident between the two (hint hint: the end of their boss fight in gow 2018) but that’s being dived into later on in my fic >:3
Btw new chapter coming soon, it’s gonna be a 2 parter bc damn is this thing (not rlly long, but instead) in desperate need of careful thinking through, shits abt to go down in the second part heheheh >:D
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thetypedwriter · 17 days
The Grandest Game
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The Grandest Game Book Review by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I feel like I’m writing about Jennifer Lynn Barnes constantly. 
Thankfully, this is not a case of diminishing returns. 
In fact, this might be Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ best novel yet, which is astounding to me. 
The Grandest Game is now the…fifth book in the Inheritance Games series which is insane, but it’s also the first installment in a spinoff series.
So related but not a direct sequel, although you would be lacking in a significant amount of understanding if you had not read the first four books of the Inheritance Games.
At this point, Jennifer Lynn Barnes is becoming the new Cassandra Clare.
But back to The Grandest Game, one of the key differences is instead of focusing on Avery and the Hawthorne brothers, this novel focuses on other players that have either been invited to play or won themselves a nomination. 
The Grandest Game itself is not that noteworthy, but the plot essentially boils down to this: Avery has set up a competition game where the prize money is $26 million.
Most of the game includes the players getting involuntarily put into teams and trying to solve a series of riddles and puzzles while attempting escape-room antics. 
Avery and the Hawthrone brothers are in the novel, but they’re in the periphery and largely unimportant other than the history they have with the players and the fact that they have masterminded the game. 
However, I can not emphasize enough how much better the book is by not focusing on them. Avery was never much more than a Mary-Sue from the get go and the Hawthorne brothers were all largely one-dimensional cliches.
The side characters who take center stage in this novel are a huge improvement, personality and interest wise. 
Rohan we know from the last book, The Brother Hawthorne, and his POV is fascinating. I’ve always had a soft spot for characters who are selfish and conniving, two characteristics Rohan has in droves. 
However, he also has a good motivation for playing the Grandest Game—getting money to take over the Devil’s Mercy, a secret club that he’s been a part of since he was a child. His penchant for winning always makes his POV fun to read. 
His relationship with Savannah, while predictable, was also really charming. I love relationships that are fierce and fiery, have cat-and-mouse banter, and are between two very stubborn people who don’t want to admit defeat. Every chapter with them working as a team was titillating. 
The POV I enjoyed the most was Gigi’s. Her fun, bubbly personality and bright way of connecting with people and seeing the world was fresh, fun, and authentic.
Her interactions with Knox and Brady were hilarious, but also strangely deep and intriguing, as they were both new characters with a sordid and complicated past with each other. 
Gigi’s intellect shone through while others constantly underestimated her, a plot point that never got old. Gigi trying to piece together what happened with Knox and Brady, while at the same time learning she’s bugged and trying to untangle the larger mystery of who’s on the island, was the most riveting part of the story for me. 
The last POV was for a character named Lyra Kane. Essentially, she’s Avery 2.0. I disliked her POV the most, especially as her motivation to win–saving her childhood home—while nice, was boring.
She also had the hackneyed story arc of being attracted to Grayson Hawthorne while incessantly telling herself to stay away from him (without success). 
The most interesting part of this POV was Grayson’s and Lyra’s interaction with their third teammate, Odette, an older woman who was once involved with Tobias Hawthorne.
I liked Odette’s backstory and the diversity of having an older character, but she was too cryptic throughout the whole novel and then decided to give up her spot at the end, a choice that riddled me with frustration and made her character dip in the favorite department. 
That being said, these three POV’s were still a huge improvement from the banality of Avery’s mind and the vapid love triangle she found herself in of the previous books. 
Instead, we have two interesting perspectives (plus Lyra) to carry this new spinoff series forward, a journey I am wholeheartedly ready to embark on.
Plus, all the riddles are a lot of fun to try and piece together as a reader. It may not be the most complicated of plots, but it’s entertaining and the characters propel it forward with their intersecting relationships and personal motivations. 
Recommendation: The best Jennifer Lynn Barnes novel yet. Read it and try to solve as many of the puzzles as you can (I got two of them!).
Score: 8/10
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there-must-be-a-lock · 6 months
I was tagged by @mightymightygnomepriest!
WIP I’m actually working on: I'm about 20k deep in the Highway sequel, which is incredibly exciting as long as I don't think about the fact that I'm maybe a quarter of the way through it.
WIP I keep open in the background so I don’t feel guilty: Heh. See above. The notes doc, drafting doc, and full-draft doc are all perpetually open and have been for a few weeks. But also, I frequently type like 10 words at a time on my Jason/Bucky/Slade fighting-as-foreplay fic that's gonna be a gift for @notherdeadrobin. That's high on the to-do list.
Imaginary project: A WinterHawkHood hockey + Twitter bit of silliness that is entirely concept at the moment. Also, a Lost Days AU where Clint as a SHIELD agent is sent after Jason.
Passion project: Highway sequel again... very passionate about that motherfucker. But also, another part of the All The Devils 'verse that's gonna get insanely angsty and is gonna hurt like a bitch to write. I think it could be amazing if I do it justice but it'll be a rough process.
WIP from 3 months ago: Last opened the third chapter of the Roy/Jason/Clint threesome a little over three months ago, apparently.
Side WIP: I keep scribbling out bits and pieces of the werewolf 'verse. It's soooo fluffy and comforting and full of love, it's just really fun to write. Already added one little JayRoy timestamp, but there are a few more on the way - Frank/Slade, Bucky/Clint/Roy, and Matt/Jason, among others. Also a second part of the main fic, which I'm really excited about.
Zero pressure tags - @noxnthea @wyxan @drgrlfriend @kangofu-cb @bittercape @bill-longbow @notherdeadrobin @safelycapricious @oliocelottafanfics
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athetos · 9 months
Okay here’s the very rough outline of my baru cormorant x locked tomb crossover…. If you have suggestions let me know… Major spoilers for both book series. Also I want to clarify this isn’t going to be a very long multi-chapter thing, I’m hoping to keep this under control and have it be a collection of scenes in chronological order that cover everything. Like I’m absolutely wanting to keep this below 20k words so it doesn’t destroy me.
Taranoke is a planet destroyed and flipped by the lyctors and the cohort. One of the lyctors, Farrier, realizes baru had a spark of necromantic ability and saves her (promising to protect her parents) and sends her to a top necromantic school. Without the knowledge of the emperor (renascent) he secretly trains her when he visits and keeps an eye on her progress. She is given Muire lo as a cavalier, and becomes fast friends with Aminata, the cavalier to croftare. Throughout her studies, baru learns more and more about how the nine houses are run, and decides to overthrow them from the inside, with the ultimate goal of killing all the lyctors and the emperor, so that no more planets are flipped and the war can end. Upon graduation, baru is sent to the ninth house to become their sole necromancer, as the previous ones have all died of a deadly pox, and is told a chance to ‘ascend’ will be sent her way in due time.
There, she of course meets tain Hu, as well as oathsfire, Lyxaxu, and Unuxekome, among others. Midway through her stay, as she’s working to restore the ninth house to its former glory, Muire lo becomes ill and dies. Heartbroken, baru hides away to grieve, before being forced at last to pick a replacement cavalier. As oathsfire and some of the other dukes are all cavaliers with significant experience with their late necromancers, it’s expected she’ll choose one of them, but she instead picks Tain Hu. This is not only because she trusts her beyond any other, but also because she hopes the taboo of a necro/cav relationship will make her crush on her go away (it doesn’t, not at all.)
They of course get the invitation to Canaan house. Aminata and croftare are there, somewhat taking the role of palamedes and Camilla, and the third house is Yawa and olake. Cytherea is a member of the cancrioth, haven’t settled on one in particular. Things go much as they did in GTN, except Yawa is also forced to eat olake’s soul, not willingly, which devastates her. Plus, croftare dies without a plan like palamedes did, but Aminata survives. Baru has solved the lyctor theorem, has at a point probably known for a while and just repressed it, but comes up with a desperate and wild gambit. Meanwhile, When Hu sacrifices herself, Baru tells her she has a plan, and will see her soon. After defeating the rogue lyctor, baru writes the letters to her future self, and ropes Yawa into helping her do brain surgery, with Yawa firmly on her side in contrast to ianthe, as she also wants revenge for being forced to use up her brother.
The lyctors are farrier (cav unknown), hesychast (with iscend as his cav, who takes over his body occasionally like Pyrrha did to g1deon), svirakir (iraji was his cav), yawa and her cav, and tain shir (unknown cav). Baru feels a massive headache when she sees shir, and to a lesser extent, yawa. Shir tries to kill baru, but not because she’s told to by the emperor, but for revenge since she knows baru consumed her cousin’s soul, which confuses baru because she has no idea why shir is doing what she’s doing. Nobody else tells her why, just is cryptic about it thinking she’s insane, and yawa can’t tell her without compromising the plan. Instead of Camilla meeting her on one of the planets, Aminata meets her and Yawa instead, as she was given instructions to by baru, who thought of everything even if she can’t remember it. She took Hu’s body from Canaan house, and upon seeing it baru remembers everything. With yawa’s help, they heal Hu’s body with lyctor powers and insert Hu’s soul. This gives their souls a connection where baru can use some lyctor abilities while Hu can do her own thing, and they have telepathy across even large distances, and Hu can use some of Baru’s necromantic stuff, too.
Yawa had managed to get a blood sample from the emperor, and gives it to Hu and Aminata. While baru and Yawa continue to deceive the emperor, Aminata and Hu travel to the ninth house and use her newfound connection with baru and the vial of blood to break into the locked tomb. With telepathy, they coordinate the perfect moment, when the emperor is vulnerable from a resurrection beast attack, to unseal the Body. As the beast and the Body attack renascent at the same time, they are forced into the stoma and banished. The resurrection beasts pass on, now that their revenge is sated, and farrier is killed in the process. Shir of course is now on their side, and iscend takes permanent control over hesychast, and svirakir disappears. The nine houses as they know it is completely toppled, the secret to lyctorhood is kept hidden forever, and they work to help everyone heal and eventually thrive without their influence. They try to return life to Taranoke, and the what was the ninth house is restored to its former glory. Baru, Hu, and Aminata are in a polycule. The end <3
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breaniebree · 1 year
Third Times the Charm Sneak Peek
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Chapter 2 -- The One Where Ron Gets A Shovel
Ron felt bad leaving Harry, but he knew that despite the circumstances of what was going on, he and Harry were only A1s, which meant that they weren’t capable of being partners on any investigations.  They needed someone higher up to help guide them and Ron had to admit, Eric Baxter was a great substitute.  The man was smart and funny.  Not to mention that he’d already taught Ron a lot more than he’d expected. 
When they left Sussex, Ron was only mildly surprised to see them arrive in Londonderry.  He followed Baxter through the main entrance of the Magical Intelligence Agency and into the Secret Intelligence Unit on the second floor otherwise known as the SIU.  They walked past a few desks in the bullpen before Baxter turned left and headed towards a smaller bullpen in the back where Ron recognized Sebastian Kane sitting with a tiny Korean woman who Ron remembered seeing at the Auror’s birthday party in the summer.
Sebastian’s eyebrow rose.  “Baxter, Ron, come to visit?”
“Unfortunately no,” Baxter said, making himself comfortable in one of the chairs.  “We need to track someone down.”
“Aw, and you need us because we’re better than you?”  the woman teased.
Ron snorted and her smile widened.
“I speak the truth, Red.”  She extended her hand.  “Auror Yeona Jin, but everyone calls me Auror J.”
“Ron Weasley.”
“He’s my A1 partner,” Baxter said.  “Fresh from the academy and doing well.  As to doing our job, I’d track this bitch down myself if it was within my bloody jurisdiction.”
Sebastian tilted his head.  “What do you need?”
“Druella Rosier Black,” Baxter said.  “Weasley?”
Ron cleared his throat.  “She’s um, the Lady Falmouth, technically.  She took off in ’93 to avoid the war and is now thought to be on a Mediterranean cruise somewhere.  We need her back in England so that she can answer some questions about her home in Sussex.”
Jin nodded.  “We can do that.  Any known family?
“She’s the last Rosier living,” Ron continued.  “Her brother Enzo and his wife, Alma were killed in the first war along with his son, Ezekiel.  Ezekiel had two children, Evan who was killed by Alastor Moody while resisting arrest in ’81 and his sister Aster who married Thaddeus Nott and was killed in ’84 in a claimed potions accident by her husband.  Black’s husband, Cygnus, died in ’92 of scrofungulus.  They had three daughters: Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks, and Narcissa Black Malfoy.  Bellatrix is the only daughter still alive.”
Jin wrinkled her nose.  “It’s always the insane ones who stick around.  Any information on her cruise?”
“No, but her grandson will know more, Draco Malfoy.”
Sebastian’s eyebrow rose slightly at the name.  “All right.  Give us twenty-four hours.  We’ll bring her back to England for questioning.”
“Thanks,” Baxter said.  “We think that she was letting known Death Eaters live in her home as recently as this morning.  Lestrange, Crouch, and Brambilla are at the top of our most wanted list.  If they have outside help, we need to know about it.”
“Agreed,” Sebastian said.  “We’ll bring her in.”
When they left, Ron snuck a look over at his partner.  “Bringing in the MIA was a good idea.”
Baxter’s lips curved.  “I’m full of those.  Atwell will tell you that I’m also full of shit, but don’t listen to her.”
Ron chuckled.  “Noted.”
“The Magical Intelligence Agency works on an international level,” Baxter explained.  “They are the Aurors we need to help us track criminals who leave the country.  They have jurisdiction in every country in the world and this means that they can do things that we aren’t able to, like go to the bloody Mediterranean Sea and try to find this witch.”
“Which leaves us where exactly?”  Ron asked.
Baxter stretched his arms up over his head.  “Let’s head back to Godric’s Hollow, Weasley.  There’s something about that graveyard that’s been bothering me.  I want to reinterview the witnesses who claim that they saw Brambilla there last week.  We’re missing something, Weasley, and until we find it, I think Zacarias is going to stay just out of our reach.”
That was what Ron was afraid of.
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tinyinvadr · 3 months
Still freaking out over the fact that more people are posting Psychonauts g/t. Y’all, please, if you haven’t already, play these games or watch a play through, there’s a ton of canon g/t in them! We as a community have been sleeping on this series for too long!
Chapter 12
There was something truly haunting about the upper floors of the asylum. The building was barely holding itself together, with unstable twisting staircases and gaping holes in the floor. Just one misstep could be deadly. And the exploding mutant rats didn’t help.
As we made our way up the tower, I noticed someone watching us from around the corner. She appeared to be another patient of the asylum, but she ducked away whenever Raz got even remotely close to her.
We eventually reached the creepy, brain-shaped structure at the top of the tower, which housed Dr. Loboto’s lab. Inside, he was working on one of the Brain Tanks that Raz mentioned before. And behind him, sitting on a workbench, were two jarred brains, one labeled with a photo of Sasha, the other with Milla.
“I’ll kill him…”
“Shh, he’ll hear us!”
Off in the corner stood the woman who was watching us earlier, and she was shuddering in fear as she stood in front of a terrarium with a turtle inside.
“Sheegor! Bring me another brain! This one’s no good!”
“B-But… it’s a nice brain!”
“I don’t want ‘nice’ brains! I want mean ones! Angry brains!”
“No! I won’t help you do this anymore!”
An insane grin spread across the doctor’s face as he shoved Sheegor aside. He turned a dial on a stove positioned underneath the terrarium.
“Fine then! I’ll just have to whip up a batch of turtle soup!”
“No! Please! Not Mr. Pokeylope!”
“What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of this delicious soup sizzling! It’s made from turtles! Turtles that you love!”
Sheegor began hysterically crying, ultimately agreeing to bring him another brain so he would spare her turtle. With that, she fled the lab.
It was clear this guy was an absolute monster. Dealing with him would be a difficult task. We couldn’t chance confronting him outright due to how dangerously unstable he was, so we’d need to find some way to stop him without him seeing us.
We decided to follow Sheegor and try to convince her to help us, and we found her out on the balcony on the opposite side of the lab.
“I tried to warn you! He’s evil! Oh… poor Mr. Pokeylope…”
Raz gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll help you save him. Then we can get rid of Dr. Loboto and give everyone their brains back.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you! And I’m sure once Mr. Pokeylope is back, he’ll know what to do! He always does!”
Someone would inevitably have to break the news to her that Mr. Pokeylope is just a turtle, but it wasn’t gonna be me. Nope. Not unpacking that.
She led us into the room behind her where three chairs were set up. Two of them seated the mindless bodies of Sasha and Milla. In the third chair was Lili, who still had her brain, but she was locked up and had a helmet on that was suppressing her powers.
“Raz! You’re here! That creepy doctor already got Sasha and Milla, but my nose is too stuffy for his sneezing powder to work!”
“That’s good. I mean, not good that you have a cold, but good that you still have a brain.”
There was an awkward silence that felt like it lasted way longer than it actually did before Raz spoke again.
“So… what you said earlier about us making out-”
I gave him a swift kick in the jaw before he could finish talking.
“Now’s not the time for this, lover boy.”
Lili tilted her head, noticing me on his shoulder and putting the pieces together.
“Flint? Is that you?”
I nodded. “Yep. No time to explain, though. We’ve got a turtle to rescue.”
She was clearly confused, but shrugged it off. She’d been through enough to where it didn’t matter if anything made sense anymore.
Before we returned to the lab, Sheegor gave us a slice of chocolate cake and requested we give it to Mr. Pokeylope, since it’s his favorite. Not sure that’s the best thing to be feeding a turtle, but we just went with it.
Dr. Loboto was still preoccupied with the Brain Tank, so we were able to sneak over to the terrarium without him noticing. Using the cake to lure him out, Raz pulled Mr. Pokeylope out through the top hatch with TK.
We returned to the room on the other side, and Sheegor was overjoyed to have her turtle back. She showered him with hugs and kisses, and even sang a little song for him.
“Now that you’re back, you can tell us what to do!”
“That’s right, baby. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
He talks. The turtle talks. Under normal circumstances I would have been more surprised, but nope. The giant mutant fish can talk, why not the turtle? Makes perfect sense. Yep.
As it turns out, Mr. Pokeylope did in fact have a plan, but it was risky. Sheegor was also hesitant to go through with it since it involved removing his brain and giving it to Dr. Loboto. But we were running low on options, so this was our best shot to take him down.
I still can’t wrap my head around how Mr. Pokeylope’s brain fit inside his tiny turtle skull. It’s the same size as a human brain, so unless it’s stored inside his shell… Yeah, no, this is too weird to think about.
All was going according to plan. Dr. Loboto took the brain, and Raz and I watched with bated breath as we waited for him to load it into the tank. But then…
“No, no, I have too many projects right now, I’ll test it out later.”
He put the brain down and walked off to the opposite corner of the lab. Damn, so close.
Raz took matters into his own hands, giving the brain a telekinetic boost into the tank, and from there, Mr. Pokeylope was in control.
One strong PSI-Blast from the tank was all it took to send Dr. Loboto plummeting from the tower. It was hard to say what happened to him, but we couldn’t afford to dwell on that. Coach Oleander was the real mastermind, after all.
Raz grabbed the jars with Sasha and Milla’s brains, and we brought them to the other room. With some guidance from Sheegor, he was able to re-brain them.
It felt like time itself slowed as I watched my mentors return to their senses. It was only a few short seconds, but it seemed to last forever. Those final fleeting moments before they were conscious enough to see me. Once that happened, there was no going back. We had to talk.
“What… What happened? Razputin?”
Milla’s eyes locked onto me, and it took everything in me not to panic. I wasn’t sure why this felt different. Why this somehow felt scarier to me than being seen by Raz or any of the asylum patients.
My heart sank. That was it. That maternal tone in her voice I knew all too well. I needed to rip the bandage off, as much as it hurt.
“I-I’m sorry… I know this was stupid and dangerous and I shouldn’t have come here. I just… I wanted to help…”
She exchanged a glance with Sasha, then turned her attention back to me, warmly smiling as she got up from her seat.
“Darling… you don’t have to apologize. We’re just relieved that both of you are alright.”
“And impressed, if I may add. It seems your training paid off. Not only have you both strengthened your psychic abilities, but you have also proved that you could put aside the conflict you initially had and work together. I see a bright future head of you. I’m sure you’ll make great Psychonauts someday.”
It felt unreal hearing that from Sasha. While he was fair in his judgement and wasn’t one to dish out overly harsh criticism, he also wasn’t someone who gave out praise lightly. That should have been enough to convince me, but I couldn’t help but continue to doubt myself.
“Are you sure? Even though I’m… you know…”
Sasha offered his hand to me, and Raz gave an encouraging nod. I stepped onto his hand, and he held me up at eye level. Not that I could really see his eyes behind those tinted glasses. How did he even see out of those things?
“Flint. You being a borrower was never the issue. You are one of the most promising students I have ever taught. Intelligent, resilient, resourceful, you’ve had the makings for a Psychonaut from the very beginning. The only thing that you were missing was the ability to work with others, but that wasn’t something we could teach you. It was a journey only you could take, to face your personal fears and doubts head-on and overcome them. And Flint… you’ve done it. You’re here now, talking to us in person. Believe me when I say that is something to be proud of.”
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, the emotional weight that had been building up finally feeling like it was lifted. I bridged the gap between myself and the Psychonauts, something I was convinced would never be possible.
They saw me… and they saw someone worthwhile.
“Thank you…”
Sasha smiled, lowering me to his chest and gently holding me there as if giving me a hug. Milla joined in, placing her hand over his and wrapping her other arm around his shoulders. They both looked at me the way I wished my parents did. Not with fear and shame, but with genuine love.
“There, there, little one. Let it all out.”
I noticed Sasha seemed the slightest bit flustered when Milla got close to him. He hid it well, but it was pretty obvious to anyone who saw them that they were madly in love with each other. They were both too shy to admit their feelings, but maybe one day they’d be together.
“Yes, well… we’ll have plenty of time to sort all of this out later. Right now we have to focus on retrieving the stolen brains and freeing Miss Zanotto from her restraints.”
Sheegor was more than happy to get the brains for us with Mr. Pokeylope safe and Dr. Loboto out of commission. Sasha even offered her a position as his lab assistant, which she gleefully accepted.
The only thing left for us to do was break Lili out of the chair and destroy her helmet.
Sasha handed me back to Raz, who also gave me a quick hug before putting me back on his shoulder.
“I knew you could do it, buddy.”
The counselors started PSI-Blasting at Lili’s restraints, but they seemed to be pretty durable. Makes sense, since the whole point of them was to suppress psychic powers. Still, with enough force from the four of us combined, we were able to break her out.
Everything was going so well, I almost forgot there was one loose end that still needed to be tied up. And… it was a big one.
“Wait… what about Coach-?”
“I’m right here, soldier…”
We turned around to see Oleander standing in the doorway, glaring us down.
“Y’know, Flint, my offer still stands. You’ve got a lot of potential in that little brain of yours, you don’t have to settle for these people who will never respect you.”
“Yeah, no… you kind of just missed a heartfelt reunion, so any and all attempts to manipulate me into joining you aren’t gonna work. And once again, kidnapping people and stealing their brains is bad no matter how you try and spin it.”
“How disappointing. But once I get those brains out they’ll all be good for something!”
Raz and I exchanged a glance. We were so ready to kick this guy’s ass. He got into a fighting stance and…
“Kids, let the grown-ups handle this!”
Milla had created a psychic bubble around Raz, Lili, and myself, lifting us into the air.
The three of us shouted out in protest, but she and Sasha couldn’t be swayed, so they sent us all the way down to the lower floor of the asylum.
I understood why they were being protective, but it was beyond frustrating. We were fully capable of helping them, especially after everything Raz and I went through. At least I knew it was about me being a kid and not about me being a borrower, but I still couldn’t help but feel insulted.
What did we have to do to prove to them that we were ready to be Psychonauts?
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roydeezed · 1 year
Dungeon Meshi Thoughts 04
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It took a lot of will power because I wanted to come here and write things multiple times but I finally reached and finished Chapter 50. Which is what I wanted to do before writing another one of these. Somebody said on my last post that they couldn’t imagine stopping every once in a while to write down my thoughts and I have to say it’s really hard not to binge the whole thing. That’s usually how I consume most manga and comic books but trying it out this way has been pretty fulfilling. I also get a vicarious joy everytime I follow along with a friend's journey with One Piece so I thought this might provide similar entertainment to Dungeon Meshi fans. Especially the wrong guesses! So this round of thoughts is covering chapters 37-50. So, for my fiftieth post I’ll talk about Dungeon Meshi up till Chapter 50. I’ll go into more in-depth past the “Keep reading” so check it out!
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Wow! Everytime I think I know what’s going to happen I’m pleasantly surprised by how nuanced the actual events are. This whole ideological conflict between Shuro and Laios doesn’t devolve to a full on conflict, not if you don’t count their little catfight, but instead ends with a third option I hadn’t even considered, with Shuro planning on leaving the island. That’s such a great out to not having to resort to fighting someone or stooping to, as Shuro sees it, their level. And of course the narrative still keeps Shuro in the narrative through actual plot developments even after he makes up his mind but I’m getting ahead of myself. First of all, reading back on my past thoughts, I am so happy I predicted some of these things right! Like most of the case with the mad sorcerer. Thank you One Piece community for your insane-ass theories and break weeks. But that really speaks to how well this manga is laid out. A lot of the mistakes I made were in assuming this manga’s tone and not respecting that it could have such a nuanced plot and characters. 
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Let’s get going on a chronological recap/breakdown before I get distracted and lose my mind over how much I love Kabru. The answer is a lot and that will come at the end. Leaving off in Chapter 36, Laios had just told Shuro that they’d used dark magic to resurrect her, causing him to fly off the handle and point his blade at Laios. Kabru, being the little bastard(affectionate) that he is, highlights to Shuro that he would’ve done the exact same thing by exaggerating his side of things while at the same time showing Laios how serious his actions were. At the time I was reading this I wasn’t sure if Kabru had somehow luckily stumbled upon the right answer but now knowing him better, this shows his skill in social situations. This is the first major instance of him finding a third option and laying the groundwork for a peaceful solution and for everyone to also find their third option. I kind of see Kabru as synonymous with the number three. Third option and third prominent party leader after Laios and Shoru. I feel like it will be an important part of his character.
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After that tense exchange Chilchuck comes in to warn them about the impending attack and learns about Laios telling Shoru and loses it. I sympathize with Chilchuck so much. In a party of complete weirdos(again affectionate) he’s the only one with a level head. We’ve also only had Laios interacting with his fellow party members who understand him and put up with him so it wasn’t until he talked with Shoru, a person who actively despised him, that it was apparent how bad he is at social interactions and reading people. He is so much purer than I thought. He really is a monster loving freak. Bless his precious heart.
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He sees Falin’s new form and the first thing he thinks is how cool she is. He really does have his priorities straight. I can’t blame him though, she really does look super cool. 
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There’s also a great moment where Chilchuck makes Shoru and Laios command people. It’s such a great peek into the realism that’s pumped into this series as deciding on how commands are issued would be a vital part of dungeon fighting as you wouldn’t want conflicting orders. Here we also get Inutade trying to follow Shoru’s batshit insane order of holding down a griffon creature 5 times bigger than her without hurting it.  I love Inutade in all the small glimpses of her we get. She’s simply adorable and I hope we get more of her. But this moment also contributes to Shoru’s decision to leave as his conflict of interest gets so many people hurt and killed.
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I love how the author uses the battle to show off strong character moments such as Kabru’s no-nonsense policy towards monsters and his skill at killing humanoids or Chilchuck saving the younger halfling.
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Laios accepts the fact that though he loves monsters and he loves his sister, they still are monsters.
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But before he goes in for the kill, Falin shows a sign of sentience that prompts him to remember a third option just as he saves Kabru. As the sorcerer came the last time they killed the dragon there’s a chance that he would come again so they have to drive her back. But I feel like there’s going to come a moment of reckoning for Laios. Where he’ll have to firmly put a stake in the ground between monsters and not, and because this story might just do it, I worry that it will be with his sister. 
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They drive Falin away and revive everyone and Shoru comes to the decision that he’s gonna tell on them like a tattle tale. A snitch. A narc. We don’t like those here. Not with my boi Chilchuck around. But they also come to the conclusion that Falin’s soul was mixed in with the dragon's, making her a hybrid. And this is where Laios’s resolve to defeat the mad sorcerer becomes solidified. He’s been eating three meals a day, of course he’s serious now… fucking dork. I love my socially unaware boy. 
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I feel so bad though. Because he believed so earnestly that Shoru was his first real friend.
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And that’s why his friendship with Senshi feels so real, because even though they don’t dive deep into Senshi’s backstory until a little bit later they still have an inherent understanding of each other. 
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I get it though Shoru, it makes sense. 
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The detail of Soru proposing to Falin without dating or expressing his feelings was also a nice touch as it showed the disconnect between cultures, especially with Chilchuck educating the younger halfling on it. It’s little things like this that build out the world so organically. Kabru evaluates Laios and finds that he could probably defeat the mad sorcerer but wonders if he’d be able to make the hard decision to seal away the dungeon. And I think he would if he had to. We’ve seen time and time again, that when presented with a solid argument, Laios, as a leader, seriously considers it and even acts on it, like trying to go back to the surface or killing Monster Falin, only being stopped by new information and outside factors.
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We get a small glimpse of Kabru’s backstory and he eats monster to earn Laios’s trust. (MUST RESIST TALKING ABOUT KABRU UNTIL WE GET TO HIS PART). The party continues to lower floors and Laios casually lore drops and it makes me wonder what the chances are they can actually talk to the sorcerer. I’ll save that discussion for when they get pulled in by the citizens. But for now, we get a small little mystery where the characters get doppelgangers based on each other’s perception of them that Laios not only helps solve but he also resolves by once again being a dork. I can never say enough how much I love him. The  dopplegangers tell us a lot of fun things about each person’s perception but the thing I want to focus on is that Laios definitely sees Senshi as superhot. That’s all my peabrain can fixate on from this sequence. 
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We also meet our newest party member not soon after! I love Izutsumi. Honestly, I love all of the party members. They all feel essential and after they introduced or a new dynamic or piece of information is unveiled it leaves me wondering how I was getting along fine without it. But Izutsumi’s messiness paired with her being a picky eater is such a fun and adorable combo. And while each member sparked off of each other and came in conflict with each other Senshi always felt like an outsider. I thought it was because he wasn’t an original part of the group but it was really because no one would directly challenge him, usually only going through Laios. With Izutsumi joining we get these moments that make them both feel like they’re a part of the team as they clash but also have wholesome and adorable moments together.
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With increasing frequency I see Laios’s desire and willingness to turn animalistic and monstrous and I wonder if that payoff is that he himself turns into a monster or takes Falin’s place? Or is he only able to appreciate the difference between him and monsters because he’s a human. 
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I also appreciate this added depth we get into Marcille, that she’s afraid of seeing the ones she loves passing on before her. And I wonder if at the end of the dungeon she might not be the most dangerous one? We already saw she was willing to break rules to keep the ones she loves around, but with the sorcerer knowing about immortality it could tempt her. Even her wishing for his grimoire could be foreshadowing. It would be consistent with Marcille’s character arc and in the end might not even be a bad thing in context as this manga often has a habit of flipping the context on its head.
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Izutsumi becoming a part of the squad not only helped Senshi feel more cohesive but her combative nature also makes things more dynamic with every other member, including fighting with Chilchuck and Marcille and making up after the fact and in the process showing off all of their best qualities. Marseille’s explanation on why she’s capitulated to a lot of Laios’s weirder whims helps me understand her a lot better as well, as she sees denying opportunities as veering further from her goal, flipping the context from it being a loss of her beliefs into a strengthening of her conviction. 
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OKOKOK Kabru time! Through the guise of elven negotiations we learn a lot about Kabru. One of the main things that always stood out to me about him was that despite his age and apparent lack of skill fighting monsters, he was always shrewd. And seeing how the Elves storm in like magical FBI and take over dungeons without telling anyone what happens and the fact that he was raised by them, not only makes me believe that elves behave in a much more machiavellian way but that he learnt it all from them. It’s nurture not nature and his whole motivation is quite noble. He’s such an interesting character because he can go in so many directions now. He’s helping the progress of our party and could one day be a valuable advisor to Laios, someone who respects that, but could also just as equally succumb to the power and manipulate Laios. I don’t think he will now that I’ve seen his motivation but each scene with him is so interesting. He’s got the most bird’s eye view overview of the situation and I love how he collects his information. It scratches that very specific itch of characters that are like Light from Death Note but not complete d-bags, like Shiroe from Log Horizon. And so much of how Kabru has interacted with the world makes sense now. I can’t wait to see him outmaneuver the elves because they might actually be a match for him, being equally manipulative.
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Okay, I don’t know about yall but this visit into the village stuck in time seemed way off to me. A little too grimm’s fairy tales like if you know what I mean. So we know the jist already. Thistle, the mad sorcerer, was hired as a jester by Derghal’s dad. Raised alongside Derghal, he got them industry connects to become a magician and learnt magic, became mad and cast an immortality curse on the country. But being asked what drove him mad, Yaado, Derghal’s grandson says he doesn’t know. Feels a bit too clean to me. For a thousand years how can they be content not knowing. I feel like they know but are too ashamed to admit it because they drove him to madness. Then again, is it even madness? It’s love for Derghal for sure, but there could be more too. Why’s he only looking for Derghal after six years? Of course it could be that six years barely counts as time passed to Thistle but the clues feel too significant to ignore. Anyways, I wanted to bring it up before I continued, even though I don’t have a proper answer to what they could’ve done. 
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Next, we get another thing I’ve waited for, Senshi’s backstory! And some more information on Chilchuck. Before we dive into Senshi’s past I want to talk about Chilchuck. Since Senshi was basically a baby when he went into the dungeon, does that make Chilchuck comparatively the oldest as not only did the other halfling call him an elder at 29 years of age, but he also has a wife and child! That he can’t see for some reason. I can’t wait to see his tragic backstory. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that he’s always seemed the most guarded. It seemed like a really big leap of faith for Chilchuck to share about himself like that. 
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But then we learn about Senshi. He came into the dungeon when he was a kid and lost his whole party and believed he had eaten them because of the way things played out. It’s also why he avoided forming attachments. Laios eventually helps him figure out that he did not in fact canniablize his fellow dwarves and they walk away happily before becoming changed. But with this, the character who facilitated this entire premise, of cooking monsters you kill in a dungeon, also become the character we know the most about, knowing most of his motivations and reasons over the last ten years. It’s a really confident move and I’m curious to see how it affects the dynamics going forwards because it’s such a 180 from the past 48 chapter as we knew next to nothing about Senshi until now. One thing I do wonder is that if Senshi's desire to not have eaten his companions was so strong, could it have manilpualted the meat to make it seem like he did eat hippogriffs before? Because this time th meat was only transformed after being cut so the mushrooms could have changed it to dwarf meat to go along with Senshi's desires. It's probably not that dark but I couldn't help theorizing. With them having been changed by the mushrooms we’ve caught up with chapter 50 and I’ll leave it here as it’s getting quite long. See ya’ll next time!
14 notes · View notes
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Synopsis: a continuation of my slow burn love story of my favorite chaotic mess and F!Reader. Smut involved, 18+ minors DNI
Tigger Warnings: slight angst/insecurities - oral F and M receiving - fingering
A/N: Thank you to all of those of you who enjoyed my first chapter. This is my first time writing smut so any feedback is appreciated. 🫠 Also, I’m kind of new to tumblr and am still Learning the platform 😅. If someone could tell me how to hyperlink the chapters together in individual posts that’d be great because I’ve been struggling here for the last few minutesTrying to figure it out.
Word count: 6.5k - definitely did not mean to make it this long but oh well
Chapter 2:
“Quilt,” you say laying down the small wooden tiles on the board, “and with the triple point square that’s 42 points which puts me at 237 points and you at 215.”
“Goddammit woman,” Dieter exclaimed in defeat but also giggling, “you sure you’re not using the word with friends app underneath the table?”
“C’mon you know the drill,” you said gesturing to the table near the front door and whispered, “we’re in the zone of silence.”
Dieter placed his hands together and whispered like a prayer, “zone of silence.”
You erupted in giggles, mostly for all the weed the two of you had been smoking for the last few hours. It had been a long running joke between the two of you. You don’t remember how but Dieter got the idea in his head that cells phones give off radiation and EMF’s so he’d stop using his phone after 10pm till the next morning. He had also demanded the same of you whenever you two were together. It didn’t bother you much, you had your own personal goal of limiting your screen time for your mental health anyways. So any time you two were together you’d put your phones away and call it the zone of silence. Dieter always had to say it as if it were a prayer but the truth was that he only kept doing it because you’d giggle every time he did.
Dieter’s phone rang for the third time tonight.
“That bitch is crazy,” Dieter mused, running his hands through his fluffy hair.
“Why is she blowing you up if she’s the one that slapped you?” You questioned him.
“She usually does this when she’s drunk,” Dieter responded, “and everytime she does it’s always one of two things that end up happening. She acts all cute and needy but usually ends up with her bawling her eyes out over some stupid shit or she starts off with bawling over some stupid shit.”
“Then why do you keep talking to her?” You question him. It wasn’t the first time you’ve ever asked this question but it always starts and ends the same.
“She’s the one that keeps coming back,” Dieter repeated, shrugging, “not like I got anything else going on right now.”
“You could find someone else if you wanted to,” you pointed out, “I mean come one, you’re a big hot shot actor, you're insanely hot, and you’re one of the coolest people I know.”
Dieter’s head perked up at your words with a playful tone, “So you think I’m sexy?”
“I said you were hot bravo,” you responded, “there’s a difference.”
“Oh yea what’s that?” Dieter questioned.
“Hot meaning it’s nice to look at you,” You started to explain, “Sexy is reserved for people you’d like to fuck.”
Dieter seemed to muse your words over in his head, “So… you don’t think I’m sexy?”
The air in the room seemed to get heavier, “Well… I mean…you’re my boss.”
Dieter seemed to pick up what you were putting down, “I know.”
“I’m just saying,” you continued to say, “it’s a big world and anything could happen. I don’t think Lola’s the right one for you but someone will be. There’s a lot of likable qualities about you.”
“Yeah like bank accounts and my stardom that most women just want a piece of,” Dieter grumbled, “not to mention my drug problems, my weird kinks, and the inability to commit.”
“Well you really should slow down on the drugs,” you agreed, “but all the other things I think are fixable problems. And frankly I think once you find someone worthwhile all those things will fall into place.”
“Doubt it,” Dieter grouched back, “most women don’t give a shit about all that. They’re all just gold digging whores.”
“Yeah but you told me last month that gold digging whores are your bread and butter,” you pointed out.
“Unfortunately I think I’m getting bored of all that debauchery,” Dieter replied, “sure the sex is good… it used to be better but I don’t know. I think I’m getting over it or I’m just getting too old for this shit.”
You wanted to point out that if he stopped doing drugs that he’d probably feel better. But the two of you have gotten into very heated arguments over his drug use. Eventually it had boiled down to you both agreeing to draw a line in your friendship. As much as you respected and cared for Dieter it wasn’t your place to tell a grown man how to live his life. You always just silently hoped in the back of your head that he wouldn’t tumble in something that became unmanageable.
And to his credit he did manage well. Sometimes he’d go for months without touching any drugs. Usually when he was working and had a heavy schedule of shooting. But anytime that press tours, parties and times of unemployment rolled around it was all playtime for him.
“You’re not that old,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah will I sure as shit ain’t getting any younger,” Dieter said standing up from the coffee table where you two had your scrabble game going and flopping down on the couch.
You tried to stand to get up but your right foot was asleep from crossing your legs and putting most of your weight on the right side. You felt the staticky pins and needles through your leg.
“Need a hand?” Dieter said lazily getting to his feet and walking around the table extending a hand to you, “seeing as how you’re so strung out on the weed that you can’t get up.”
“I’m not even that high,” You mused trying to stand again and feeling your limbs flop. You shook your head slightly embarrassed but took Dieter’s hand regardless.
“Well you know how it goes babe,” Dieter said with his shit eating grin, “dance with Mary Jane get your toes stepped on.”
“Haha,” you said flatly.
His hands held firmly onto yours as he pulled you up, stringing one arm around your waist and dragged you over to the couch. You flopped down on the corner bringing your leg up to your chest and started massaging your own foot. Dieter took the other corner of the couch a few feet away. He placed his arm along the back of the couch and laid his head back. It was getting late, it was almost one in the morning. You would most likely end up crashing on the couch if you decided not to drive home. You had never slept in a bed with Dieter before and you’ve never truly wanted to. It wouldn't be the first time that you slept on a couch in one of Dieter’s luxury hotel suites. You probably could drive, you really weren’t that high anymore and could manage it. But you also knew that Dieter would throw a tantrum if you tried to leave because he didn’t want you driving under any influence.
“So what about you then?” Dieter finally questioned after a few minutes of silence.
“What about what?” You asked, finally putting your leg down now that your foot stopped throbbing.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Dieter asked.
“Because he just dumped me like six hours ago,” you explained.
“C’mon you didn’t really like that guy did you?” Dieter pressed on looking at you with hazy eyes.
“Do you really like Lola?”
“Oh no, no, no. Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Redirect what?”
“C’mon you always do this every time something comes up that you don’t want to talk about,” Dieter grunted, “we’re not talking about me right now. We’re talking about you.”
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably and tried mulling over the words on the tip of your tongue trying to find a way to explain it, “I don’t know. I mean when I first met Matt he was charming and nice but most people are when you first start dating them. They’re on their best behavior before reality starts to sink in. I just don’t think Matt and I were right for each other.”
“Still you haven’t really dated anyone since we got back from Cliff Beasts 6,” he pointed out, “you should have just as long of a line of dudes trying to get with you as I got women lined up.”
You laughed out loud at his words, “Dieter I’m just a regular person. No one knows me.”
“Yeah but that’s because you don’t put yourself out there,” Dieter explained, “You haven’t been really trying to date or anything.”
“You keeping tabs on me?” You question playfully.
“Well I mean you do live in my guesthouse,” Dieter pointed out.
“Yeah I also answer your emails, take your phone calls, look for auditions and upcoming projects, book your airfare and your flights, your drives to all your events, talks to your agent, your lawyer, your publicist, your stylist and I even book you all inclusive romantic ocean view suites for your debauchery adventures,” you listed off.
Dieter looked at you concerned, “Are you feeling overworked? If you need help I could find someone else to come in and help you. Whoever you want, you could have a say in who we pick if you feel like you need it.”
“Oh no it’s not like that,” you responded assuringly, “I don’t feel overworked or anything. I like my job, I like to keep your life on track. Frankly I think it helps keep my life on track too.”
“So when do you get to have fun then?” Dieter questioned her.
“On Friday nights when I get dumped and have a sit in with my boss whooping his ass at scramble,” you explained.
“If that’s your definition of fun then we desperately need to host an intervention,” Dieter grumbled running his hands through his hair.
“I don’t think that the subject of the intervention is supposed to plan out the intervention,” you said thinking it over, “I think the other people around them are supposed to inflict it on them.”
“Alright fine then I’m initiating the intervention right now,” Dieter proclaimed.
“Ok” you shrug unsure how to respond. You were sure that this was all playful stoner banter that he would surely forget in the morning like you two always did.
“Alright step one,” Dieter started sitting up and sitting cross legged facing you, “So why did Matt say that you were the best head he’s gotten?”
“What?” You laugh at the sudden question from left field. You weren’t surprised by the sudden change of subject. It happened often with Dieter.
“What does that have to do with anything?” you asked him.
“Well, the first step of the intervention is honesty,” Dieter explained, “and I’ve been real curious by what he meant by that.”
“Are you asking me that because you want to know what he meant by that or are you asking because you got cheated out of getting head tonight?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Wouldn it really be a terrible thing if it were both?” Dieter asked with his signature puppy dog eyes.
You roll your eyes, trying to hide your own grin from him.
“I mean it’s not like either one of us is getting laid tonight or anything let me live vicariously through Matty cakes dumb assery,” Dieter pleaded.
There was a slight pinch in your stomach at his words. You tried not to think about it. You didn’t want to follow down where this road went but you were always curious as to why Dieter never even attempted to ever have sex with you. Sure he’d make sexual comments and low key flirty remarks but they were never directed at you. You secretly wondered if that meant that he truly was not interested in you but the logical part of you also knew that was how it needed to be. He was your boss and this was real life, not a porn hub set.
“Besides I don’t even really give a shit about getting head all that much,” Dieter continued to say.
“Bullshit!” YOu called out shaking your head, “I don’t believe that.”
“It’s mostly true,” Dieter explained, “I mean it’s nice but frankly I’d much rather be the one giving head or eating pussy more than receiving.”
“Then why are you so curious about why Matty Cakes said that I’m too good at giving head?” You challenged him.
“First off, no redirection,” Dieter pointed out, “as I said we’re talking about you and not me. And secondly you just called him Matty Cakes for the first time which I think is progress in this intervention.”
“I don’t even think I really believe that that is the real reason why he dumped me,” you began to say, “I think he’s just pissed because all of his boys are giving him shit about me or trying to hit on me.”
“He told them my story about the guy I puked on and how I got my reputation at UCLA,” you stated.
“They know that it’s a joke right?” Dieter questioned.
“Guess the dumbasses didn’t get the memo and thought it was real,” you shrug thinking back to all the creepy DM’s you got from his friends.
“So he’s the one that told them that story and then got pissed off that he’s friends started coming after you?” Dieter questioned.
“Pretty much,” you shrugged, “it’s stupid and ya know what? I don’t like stupid guys. Honestly any feelings that I may have had for him died at that moment.”
“Good because you could definitely do better than that ass hat,” Dieter stated, “but what did he mean about you being good at it? Did you go down on him a lot?”
“Not really,” you retorted, “I told him that I wouldn’t go down on him unless he went down on me. But the last time that I did I guess he seemed pretty into it.”
“How so?” Dieter continued to question.
You felt the heat creep over your cheeks, it had been about a month since it happened, “I don't know… I just do it.”
Dieter could see the pink in your cheeks spreading. Truth is he never allowed himself to entertain the idea of having you. He thought you were hot as hell and definetly someone he’d consider fucking when the two of you had first met. But then again those days were filled with him trying desperately to get a break in Hollywood. When he wasn’t doing that he was hooking up with every hot chick that came his way and partying it up everywhere he went. You were doing the same, it just so happened that you were two ships that never fully crossed paths in that regard.
Dieter really did have to discipline himself to not think of you in that way over the years. His whole career would not be what it was today without you keeping him in line. He knew that if he ever did try to sleep with you it’d only eventually he would ruin everything between the two of you. Any time any thoughts of you crossed his mind he’d distract himself with drugs, alcohol or other women. He wanted to keep you as his assistant and a friend more than what would eventually be another person on his list of scorned ex lovers. Dieter needed you more than you needed him.
And yet…
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Dieter proposed earnestly, “oral I mean.”
“What?” You asked surprised, feeling all the haze from the weed quickly fading.
“I’ll go down on you if you go down on me,” Dieter continued to say, “all I’ve wanted all night long is to eat someone’s pussy. Let me take care of you better than Matty Cakes ever did.”
Dieter wasn’t fully convinced that you would say yes but he figured he might as well take his shot. Meanwhile you felt your face get hotter and your cunt clench at the thought. You had walked in on him plenty of times or had nothing but a wall separating you from his lovers. Their screams of pleasure rang in your ears even though you’d most of the time but on your big headphones to tune it out.
“Do you want to go down on me?” You question him surprised. You were used to his forwardness but this was the first time he’d ever been direct about wanting you.
“Is that a serious question?” Dieter asked with that same lopsided grin he had when he was playful.
“I just figured that you wouldn’t be into me like that,” you mused back shrugging.
“What? Why?” Dieter asked, surprised.
“Well you’ve never even…” you started to say before realizing that the thought in her head was probably better left there than coming out of your mouth.
“Never what?” Dieter questioned, his eyes full of concern.
“I mean…” YOu shrugged, “you’ve never really hit on me before or asked me for anything like this.”
“That’s partially only because my manager and agent threatened to castrate me if I ever ran you off,” Dieter explained, rolling his eyes, “that and well… I need you.”
You roll your eyes at his words, “you don’t need me. Not like that anyways.”
“Yes I do,” Dieter exclaimed and started talking quickly, “Well no- no- I mean I guess you’re right not like that that. But don’t take that the wrong way please. Because you’re fucking gorgeous. I’d kill to be the one burying my face between your thighs until I get your whole body shaking every night. But I usually always fuck things up with every person and with and I need you to run my life for me because there’s no way in hell that I can but also I need… I want…”
It was rare for you to see Dieter all tongue tied and twisted like he was now. Your stomach was churning with a secret desire. The forbidden fruit in the form of your best friend with fluffy hair and puppy dog eyes. You were still a little shell shocked from hearing that he wanted you at all.
Dieter scooted closer to you, “Do you want me lick your pussy till you come apart in my mouth? Because I sure as hell would love to see you on your knees for me. And it Matty Cakes is right about you being good at it I would be on my knees every day begging for your mouth.”
For the first time you felt yourself dampen between your legs as you pictured Dieter on his knees looking up at you.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You questioned him tightening your thighs together.
Dieter chuckled, noticing your movements. He scooted even closer, placing a hang on your leg and sliding his fingers between your thighs.
“Look babe,” he started to say, “we’ve been friends for years now. Let’s make a deal. I’ll eat you out and you go down on me, and when we’re done, if you want, we’ll never talk about it again.”
That was the first time in your friendship that he had called you something besides your name. It made your stomach flip with anticipation.
“If I want?” You repeated at his choice of words.
“That is unless you decide to beg on your knees for my tongue every night,” Dieter said, his eyes darkening with desire, “in which case my mouth is at your service babe.”
He called you babe again. More images and thoughts of the forbidden fruit passed through your mind. But you tried to shove that away and think about it logically. You two were both adults, and you really did believe that you could just go down on each other and then just let it go. Which is exactly what you would do, do this one time and then never speak of it again. What was the worst that could happen?
“And we’ll never talk about it again?” You asked him.
“Yes Ma’am,” Dieter nodded, “if that’s what you want.”
You sighed and took a moment before you said, “okay.”
“Fuck yeah,” Dieter said grabbing you hand and bounced off the couch, “c’mon baby, let me tongue fuck you so deep that you’ll still be soaked by the time the sun comes up.”
“Just remember Dieter,” you said as you let him pull you into the bedroom, “this is a one time thing.”
Dieter giggled and looked at you with a mischievous grin, “We’ll see what you say when I’m done with you.”
He pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. He was about to pull you in to kiss him but you leaned back from him.
“Wait,” you commanded, Dieter complied quickly but looked at you quizzically, “no kisses. I think that’d be too far. If we’re gonna do this, just oral.”
Dieter felt a slight sting of disappointment but he understood. It probably wasn’t a bad idea if you really did change your mind come morning and really did just want this to be a one time thing. Dieter decided to just take what he could get from you.
“Alright babe,” Dieter nodded, “I guess I’ll just have to smother you with kisses on your other lips instead.”
You felt your pussy clench at his words. You couldn’t hide the grin that spread across your face. Before you knew it Deiter ducked down, tossing you over his shoulder and took you into the bedroom and tossed you onto the California king bed. You flopped down, giggling. It was something that you did when you were nervous or filled with anticipation, you couldn’t tell which. Dieter climbed up on the bed and hovered over you for a moment. He was staring at you, his eyes were dark with desire but still had the same warmth they always had.
God he wanted to kiss you. Your giggle made him instantly hard and now Dieter’s own mind was running away. He would honor your wishes but god he wished he could kiss you. Rip off all your clothes, have your nipples harden under his tongue, slap your ass and feel you cum on his cock, consequences be damned. The idea of you really never wanting to bring this up again worried but right now he just forced himself to push that out of his head and be in the moment. If he was going to have a shot with you he would just be fully present in the moment and deal with the blowback at sun up.
You were breathing shallow now, giddy with anticipation. Dieter leaned down and kissed right below your breasts over your tank top. He slowly kissed his way down while fumbling with the button and zipper of your pants. You sighed looking at his messy curly hair, you always wanted to run your hands through it. Usually either to mess up his perfectly styled hair or in an attempt to tame it. So you slowly brought up a hand and ran it through as he slowly laced his fingers on the inside of your pants and your panties.
“You sure about this babe?” Dieter asked, sitting up slightly toying with the skin under your panties.
You nodded in agreement.
Dieter smirked, piercing you with his gaze. You could see his dimples forming as he smiled, it made your heart flutter. Now that you were lying here in his bed with his fingers wrapped around your panties you could take in just how damn handsome he really was. Dieter began pulling down your clothes while also dragging his fingers down your legs. He tossed them onto the floor and got his first look at your cunt.
“Fuck babe,” Dieter said with a carnal growl, “god you’re so sexy. I should have tried a little harder to get into your pants at some point.”
“Well it’s not like you ever really tried before now,” you pointed out trying to maintain your breathing, you feel like you were about to burst with pure desire.
Dieter suddenly looked up at you with concern, “did you really think all these years that I was never attracted to you?”
That felt like a too heavy question giving the current position that you were in, “Are you gonna tongue fuck me or not Bravo?”
“Yes ma’am,” Dieter nodded, now sliding down the bed so that his face was just hovering above your hot wet cunt, “but I’m sorry if I ever made you feel that way. You’re fucking perfect babe.”
His apology made the mood feel heavier, and it made your heart skip a beat. However you didn’t have to spend too much time on it because in the next second Dieter leaned down and kissed you slowly. You felt his lips graze against your clit, they were soft and warm. He slowly made his way down, kissing you with just his mouth all the way through. You felt your legs quiver with each kiss. Dieter giggled, you could practically feel the vibrations all through your whole body through his little laugh. He wrapped his big arms under your thighs, pulling them apart and keeping a firm grasp with his big hands.
He stuck out the tip of his tongue, dragging it slowly up the folds of your slick and circled it around your clit. You moaned pathetically under him, throwing your head back and taking in sharp breaths. Your whole body felt like it was on fire from your fingertips down to your toes. He now took his whole tongue dragging it from top to bottom slowly. You gasped loudly now leaning up on your elbows looking down at him.
“Fuck you taste good,” Dieter mused lifting his head a bit and licking his lips.
His eyes were locked onto yours as he ran his whole tongue sliding through your slick as you got wetter at watching. He felt like hot velvet against your most intimate parts, you reached down with one hand and lace it through his curled. Dieter seemed encouraged by you touching him. He pulled your legs further apart giving him more access. He dug his tongue into you as deep as you could, you could feel your head getting lighter from the pressure. Your remaining elbow gave out on you as you fell back onto the bed, you put your arm above your head. Your legs twitched and you bucked your hips up at his tongue.
Dieter giggled, “you’re a squirmy one aren’t you?”
“I can’t help it,” you giggled feeling slightly embarrassed, “I usually can’t hold still for something like this.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me babe,” Dieter responded kissing your clit, “I like that I can give you a full body experience with just my tongue.”
“I figured most guys would be annoyed by it,” you replied
“I think it’s sexy,” Dieter responded, “I wanna try something.”
You looked down at him curiously, he stuck his tongue out and circled it around your clit. Your legs twitched again and your body rolled with pleasure.
“Damn you’re sensitive,” Dieter observed with a Cheshire grin over his face.
“I can’t help it,” you mused back feeling your brain turn to mush.
“Well maybe someday if you’re up for it I’ve got a couple things that would make you hold still,” Dieter purred with a flare in his eyes.
You felt yourself fire up inside at his words, filled with hot desire. You knew what items he was talking about given then you ordered most of them at his instruction. You pictured yourself in his bed, handcuffed to his bed frame and the spreader bar between your legs. It made you squirm even more at the idea.
Dieter laughed, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Now Dieter pulled your legs apart as much as he could and buried his face in your wet cunt. His nose brushed against your clit as his tongue lapped at you over and over. You’re brain definitely deteriorated into mush as he tongue fucked you. You cried out in pure ecstasy and rock into his mouth, moving in rhythm with him. He holds a hard grip around your legs, you tighten your grip on his hair. He growls into your soaked cunt, now moving at a desperate pace. He moves his tongue from top to bottom and occasionally stopping to suck your clit.
You feel another jolt of pleasure as Dieter reaches up and slides two fingers into you. You moaned loudly.
“Fuck babe you’re soaking wet,” Dieter purred, feeling the breath against your slick, “god you’re fucking perfect.”
Dieter runs the tip of his tongue against your clit with mild pressure while he moves his fingers quickly in and out of you. Now you feel your orgasm quickly building up. It was like lighting a firework inside of you, you could feel the fuse burning up quickly with the anticipation explosion coming on. Your fingers and your toes were tingling as you cried out. Then Dieter delivered the final shot as he curled his fingers a bit, hitting you in just the right way and now wrapped his whole mouth around your clit sucking. The firework within you exploded spectacularly, your whole body was trembling now. Your orgasm ripped through your body, mind and soul.
You squirmed around in the bed against Dieter’s fingers and face. He was so fucking hard right now. He’d never seen someone that was quiet as squirmy as you, as if you really were having a whole body experience just from him tongue fucking you. God he wanted to wrap his body around yours entirely, feel you tremble against him and use his weight to keep you still or at the very least squirm against him.
Your breathing is heavy as you come down from your orgasm. Dieter slides his hand up your stomach and under your take top as you continue to roll your body through the end of your orgasm. He liked the way your skin and your body rolled under his palm. It really took every morsel of self control that he had to not just rip your shirt off and pounce on you to kiss you and make you get a taste of yourself.
Eventually you calm down and look up at him. His chin glistened with the remains from your wet cunt. He was staring at your body, you could tell that he was deep in thought. You were tempted to ask him what he was thinking about but it was probably not a good idea. Besides, the two of you did have a deal.
You sit up getting your face close to his, you could practically smell your own musk on him.
“Your turn,” you said, placing your hands on his chest as you sat up on your knees.
You gently guided him down on the bed, he flopped down and you swung your legs over him straddling him. You sat down on him and immediately felt his hard cock through his pants. You couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from you and you swore you could almost feel him twitch under you.
“You just gonna sit there giggling on my cock all night or suck on it?” Dieter smiled, running his hands on your thighs.
“I don't know, I think I felt you enjoy my giggle,” you said playfully, batting your eyes.
“You’re a tease aren’t you?” Dieter questioned with a devious grin.
You just shrugged above him.
“I like all these new things that I’m learning about you,” Dieter said, running his hands up your thighs to your waist.
You smiled, feeling a fond warmth in yourself at his words. The daunting thought of what would happen in the morning flashed through your mind. But just as quickly as it came you pushed it away. You had work to do.
You shimmied down him, grabbing at his belt buckle and undoing his pants. You pulled them gently down and his cock sprange free. You wrapped your hands around him, pumping him slowly and gently, he growled and closed his eyes revealing your touch. He was already hard as a rock, you leaned down getting your face close to him and kept pumping. A bead a precum was already forming, you decided to use Dieter’s own trick against him. You stuck out the tip of your tongue and ran it over his head gently.
Dieter groaned with shaky breath, opening his eyes to look down at you. You looked so unbelievably sexy toying with him like this. You swirl your tongue around his head a few times gently, you could feel him throbbing in your hands. You then enclosed your mouth around the top half of him sliding your lips and your tongue on half of him slowly and sensually.
“You are a fucking tease,” Dieter whispered running his hands through your hair.
“Do you need me to pick it up?” You ask earnestly wondering if you were bothering him.
“Dont you fucking dare stop,” Dieter ordered and then gave you the warm pouty eyes, “Please?”
You smirked, biting your lip before you placed your tongue at the base and ran all the way up to the tip swirling around and kept eye contact with him while you did. Dieter shuddered in your hands and felt his chest tighten up in a way that he never really felt before. You enveloped him in your mouth entirely, sliding your tongue over his whole length. You could feel him throbbing in the back of your throat. It was getting sloppy with the amount of drool that became natural lube that you used to pick up the pace.
Dieter grunted under you, keeping a hard grip in your hair. He was in heaven right now. This felt different than the usual head that you got. Truth was, you were trying to put as much fervor into him as he put into you. You would always usually match the same energy and effort that someone put into you. You needed it to be great so you kept pumping him in your mouth. Occasionally focusing your tongue around the head and against where you could tell he was extra sensitive by the way he’d moan your name as you did. Truth be told, listening to him like this and feeling him throb in your mouth was making you wet again.
Then the unthinkable happened. Well, unthinkable to Dieter. He didn’t even feel it coming on, usually he could tell when his orgasm was coming on. He’d get so caught up in the moment chasing down his orgasm like a dog chasing a tire until he reached his peak. But not this time.
All at once his balls tightened up, his cock was throbbing harder than he’s ever felt his whole damn life and his orgasm exploded out of him unexpectedly and all at once. He swore he could feel his whole body coiling up with electric like fire that came exploding out of his cock. He was seeing stars and his mind went totally blank. You had made him cum for a blow job.
You weren’t expecting it either, but either way once you knew what was happening you kept your mouth and tongue wrapped around him tightly. His hot seed painted the back of your throat and you swallowed it quickly. You weren’t a huge fan of swallowing but you seemed to both be so caught up in the moment that you took it. You slid your tongue and mouth up his cock and you sat up on your knees wiping your mouth. You closed your eyes, swallowing down his cum as best you could trying to hide the fact that you didn’t particularly enjoy the taste of it. Except that he was already staring at you wide eyed like a deer in the headlights. In fact his whole body was shaking lightly.
“Sorry,” you said flatly, “I don’t really like the taste of baby gravy all that much.”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Dieter questioned as the seriousness faded from his face.
“What? Baby gravy?” You said with a playful smirk.
Dieter burst out laughing, running his hand over his face. When it looked like he was about to stop laughing he locked eyes with you and started laughing vivaciously again. His laugh was contagious. Even the reality of what you two had just done started to sink in but in a fun playful way. You flopped down next to him, and giggled uncontrollably until you were both laughing like maniacs for the next five minutes. Who knew that your near decade of friendship would end you up here.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Dieter finally asked after he was completely red faced from laughing.
He rolled over on his side, propping his head up on one hand.
“You were there,” you pointed out, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I mean how did you make me cum?” Dieter questioned looking earnestly at you.
“You’re asking me that question?” You retort with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m serious,” Dieter explained, “I don’t think I’ve cum from a blow job in years. Usually it doesn’t get me there.”
“Bullshit,” you said, shaking your head. You didn’t believe him.
“I’m serious!” He almost shouted back at you, “it’s almost impossible for me to cum with my dick in someone’s mouth. I’ve tried to, I’ve tried desperately to have someone get me there but holy shit babe! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good in…”
“Really?” You almost whispered to him, “this is the first time that you’ve ever really cum from a blow job?”
“Promise,” Dieter replied.
Dieter sat there, staring at you in wonder. You looked so fucking beautiful right now. Your eyes were twinkling from your orgasm and your cheeks were still flushed from the laughter. Even Deiter felt like his whole body was hooked up to an electric current coursing through him. The giddiness from your funny baby gravy line in tangent with the feeling his his throbbing dick exploding in your mouth made him feel nearly euphoric.
“Jesus fucking Christ I need to send Matty Cake’s a thank you card for dumping you,” Dieter went on to say, “and I’m most definitely gonna be on my knees every damn day begging for your mouth.”
As much as you wanted to reveal in the idea, there was a slight wave of sadness that washed over you. You had been trying to avoid the elephant in the room but now that you two had done the deed that you had both agreed upon you’d have to face reality in the morning.
Dieter could practically read your mind with the way your face changed. The realization of what had just happened filled Dieter with a deep dread. His stomach sank and all of the euphoria drained out of him quickly in that moment when it suddenly crashed down on him like a ton of bricks that he was totally, completely and insufferable head over heels in love with you.
Dieter rolled over on his back, staring at the ceiling avoiding your gaze. He could feel that he had the deer in the headlights look on his face again. You also just laid on your back, trying to enjoy what little time you had left before you face reality
Tag list: @bitchwitch1981
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Fun Fax: OLM Chapter 8
there were multiple lines in Kazuya’s internal monologue this chapter that i had to stop and just go “NO??” at, this man is mentally so whack and it hurts to type at points dhskdb. the lines about Ogre supposedly snapping Jin’s spine, Kazuya kind of liking having Jin’s emotional state in the palm of his hand, and pain being the best teacher behind experience were some in particular that had me 💀
i did really consider writing the ACTUAL training sessions instead of just talking about them, but if i wrote every important little moment that happened while we were training, it would be a good third of the fic 💀 i have to pick and choose which ones are truly important, and since we had the beginnings of one last chapter, i felt i could skip over some this chapter. we will get closer to actual training sessions soon, i assure you!
this chapter was also a tester for me actually writing combat, at least within a form of brevity. i do intend for more fleshed out ones later as required, but i didn’t want to bore with a beat by beat this time
whenever i write a character fighting for this, i actually spend a DECENT amount of time intensely studying gameplay footage to get a feel for how they’re played by someone who knows what they’re doing, and to get individual techniques to reference lol. i hope the few that i made a point of calling back to were noticed!
part of me worries that i’m manufacturing drama for this whole conflict between he brothers to happen, but then again… i’m making up everything else, might as well lol. i wanted a point that KAZUYA could somewhat rightfully be mad about, not just his insane little brain being neurotic or Lee lecturing him again, and i have Thoughts on their childhood dynamic that i will get into more next chapter
the part with Kazuya puzzled over Lee’s cellphone was ALMOST cut, because it felt out of place, but i do find it very funny and that it humanizes Kazuya a little more. petulant refusal to be embarrassed, i find it’s a fun change from his usual brand of grumpiness lol
this chapter and next chapter were supposed to be one originally, but as you will see, it would have been quite LONG had i gone through with that. you get a slightly shorter chapter this time, but the next one shall be larger to compensate
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Week in Review
12/24/2023 – 12/30/2023
Undead Unluck was super good this week… The color page made me emotional right off the bat… Fuuko and Juiz are really two sides of the same coin! And Juiz passed the baton to Fuuko and she’s living up to her role! And now Fuuko can serve as an inspiration for Julia! I’m also loving another school infiltration mission, it’s so cute seeing the teens in a normal setting… This Chikara Sean and Gina trio is really interesting, considering how they never would’ve really hung out in the last loop. Chikara’s good naturedness paired with Sean’s light sleazeball tendencies is already a fun buddy buddy situation, but Gina’s also there to keep Sean in line when needed. The Sean/Gina ship fodder is growing stronger… I just really love kind of sleazy comedic relief characters getting their own actual arcs and romances. With Julia being about the same age, I wonder if she’ll join their group as well.
Oshi no Ko is fun. This chapter felt like it was doing some light self-aware commentary on how these “master plans based on 100% accurate analyses of people’s personalities” that crop up so often in animanga don’t always go to plan in real life… There’s always more to people than we can see, and it’d be foolish to presume you could understand someone completely just by observing them. The director may understand Kana, Ruby, and Ai to an extent, but in the end it’s still an approximation. I do hope that Kana and Ruby can work things out in their own way, though.
Some more set-up in the Dandadan chapter…now I’m really anxious to see the new guy’s design. It looks like we’ll be jumping into a fantasy setting next time, though, so that’ll be fun.
Magilumiere is so good… For the third week in a row I’m going to mourn the anime adaptation… The manga is so good, and yet the anime will probably just be one or two seasons at the most and be of middling quality at best… Well, whatever. We’ll always have the manga, at least. I get that it’s for expository purposes, but realistically Midorikawa really shouldn’t’ve revealed his hand to the bad guy before he actually leaked the information. But it got us Shigemoto’s manual magical girl transformation, so it was all worth it.
One Piece was amazing… Seeing how this other story played out alongside the Strawhat’s journey is so… Kuma had been such a mysterious but oppressive force since his introduction, but seeing the real context behind all of his action is so fascinating, and a credit to Oda’s writing. But I guess this does confirm that Bonney and Kuma will never meet each other again…seeing her alone with Kuma’s memories in the last panel was really heartbreaking. I haven’t felt this emotional about a One Piece chapter in a long time.
CIPHER ACADEMY!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! First off, Togenanafushigi bonding with En-chan over their shared moe sleeve design is so cute and funny… Then, Iroha’s trial… I still remember the glimpses of his backstory we saw in his first Code Battle with Tayutan, so it’s really satisfying to see the details finally filled in. It seems like Iroha’s dad only considers him as a useful pawn/fodder for his stories……………………….. WHICH IS A LITTLE INSANE, IF THE IMPLICATION IS THAT THIS MANGA WE’RE READING RIGHT NOW IS ALSO IROHA’S DAD’S WORK… But I don’t think that’s the case since it seems to show Iroha honestly, rather than cherrypicking his worst moments to garner the most attention. But still, I wouldn’t put it past Nisioisin to pull a meta stunt like that. En-chan’s answer to the trial was also so AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE ANSWER WAS LOVE ALL ALONG!!!!!!! BECAUSE IT’S DEKIAI’S COURT AFTER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! IROHA HAD INTENSE SURVIVOR’S GUILT AND WOULD HAVE RATHER DIED BECAUSE HE WAS LEFT ALONE AND HAS TO CARRY THE BURDEN OF DEALING WITH HIS SITUATION BY HIMSELF BUT NOW EN-CHAN HAS BROKEN THROUGH AND REALIZED THAT WHAT HE TRULY NEEDS IS SOMEONE BY HIS SIDE!!!!!!!!!! IN LIFE OR IN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!! MARRIAGE??????????????????????????????????????????? “COMMANDED TO SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE WITH HIM”??????? “I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I LOVE YOU”???????????? I DON’T CARE IF THIS IS JUST HOW THEY’RE GETTING THROUGH THIS FLOOR, THIS IS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The way that just last week I was like oh my God Iroha/Yukako but now oh my GOD IROHA/ENCHAN
The Round Table spread is soooo cute. I love Yosaimura helping Anon avoid the book crease and Byu checking out the underside of the table. And Toshusai’s sitting on the throne, of course… All of their little title cards are also super duper cute. I’m really excited to see how this Code Battle plays out, and I’m looking forward to learning more about some of the girls (cough bear cough) we don’t know much about yet.
I saw a lot of people worrying about how Cipher Academy might get axed soon because of the bottom TOC placing, the sudden 250 floor skip, and Nisioisin’s author comment, and to that I say I think they’re somewhat blowing things out of proportion. I won’t speak to the TOC stuff since that can be fickle, and we’ll never truly know Jump’s intentions at the end of the day, but I thought that the 250 floor skip wasn’t too out of left field. This arc has gone on for a while, and we’ve already had plenty of little interludes to learn about characters like Koshibai, Karigane, and Namasu, while other characters separate from Iroha’s party have had their own encounters (like Yosaimura, Anonymity, Kubinashi, Toshusai, and Tayutan). I really don’t think it would’ve made much sense to also take like ten more chapters to explore Eteshite, Rikukeito, and Yonakiuguisu in more detail when they could just do that in the final Code Battle anyway. Moreover, after seeing other characters’ arcs progress, having the penultimate challenge be Iroha overcoming his own past (that was introduced in full at the beginning of this arc) feels like a great prelude to the final battle, and adding more extraneous stuff between the two would wreck the momentum.
And regarding Nisioisin’s author comment, I don’t think we really have to read into it. It’s the end of the year, and he’s said things like “I’m glad we’ve made it this far” before, so it seems pretty innocuous to me. Even then, it also feels like that he’s aware of how tenuous Cipher Academy’s tenure in Shounen Jump seems to be, because we’ve had fake-out “sudden ending” moments before, so this could just be another cheeky troll comment. I don’t know how Shounen Jump works, but I get the feeling that maybe there are series that get tested out and cancelled immediately if the reception isn’t good, and then there are series that perhaps get guaranteed a longer tenure from the start because the editors can see the long-term vision from the planning stage… Otherwise, I don’t know how series like Undead Unluck or Cipher Academy would’ve ever paid off their early foreshadowing, which could take like fifty chapters to resolve. At the very least, we know that Cipher Academy chapters get drafted way in advance due to the research that needs to be done for its puzzles, so I’m hopeful that Jump’s editors will gradually guide it to a natural conclusion. On the other hand, if the series did end after the Digital Cipher Academy arc, I don’t think I’d be mad…but there’s definitely still room for expansion. In any case, I think it’s likely (and I’m crossing my fingers) that some of the series from the latest batches will get cancelled first, because some of them are real duds (not naming names heh).
I’m still really conflicted about the inclusion of Barbara and Sigmund to SpyFam… I’ve seen theories about how Sigmund might be a former researcher who worked on whatever project Anya was involved in, and has had his memory wiped, and that does intrigue me… Anya’s past is the only area of the main family unit that we’ve never delved into in the slightest, so it’ll be rewarding to finally see what it was all about. Barbara and Sigmund mentioning a son did pique my interest as well, but considering how Anya hasn’t detected anything suspicious about Barbara’s inner thoughts yet, I’m losing hope that she’ll have any sort of interesting secret that’ll make her stand out in this family of secret keepers. So right now their cliché personalities of kindly old woman and forgetful but quirky old man aren’t doing much for me…but I’m hopeful that something’s interesting is on the horizon.
I started season 2 of Downton, and I think I’m coming to terms with the fact that it isn’t quite the show I remembered it to be. I was imagining Succession-level shifts of power and subtle character conflicts, but it’s all actually pretty dramatic and fantastical. I can still enjoy it for what it is, though, and I do like seeing characters like Carson and Hughes get on with their lives. I don’t like how everyone ganged up on Ethel, and I still don’t care for Mary all that much, but Thomas witnessing the horrors of war and getting his hand shot on purpose was a standout moment for his character, and I hope he won’t be as nasty as before when he returns to Downton.
Since it’s Christmas, I figured I’d treat myself with playing some of the free itch.io games that I’ve been collecting but never touched. First was Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger, which appears to be a supplementary game to a “main” game? I got it because the artstyle and setup looked interesting, but I can’t really say I enjoyed playing it all that much. Since it’s a tiny VN jam game, I wasn’t expecting too much from the gameplay, but I was looking forward to an engaging story, at least. Unfortunately the dialogue writing felt basic and didn’t compel me at all, and the horror elements were all sort of standard indie horror game fare like jumpscares or closing your game. The glimpses of lore about the main game were mild, and didn’t interest me enough to give that game a shot. At the end, when the protagonist was like “Oh, what’s this txt file on my desktop?” I thought we were going to have a OneShot or DDLC moment where there’d be an actual file on my actual desktop, which was exciting because I love meta stuff like that, but unfortunately that doesn’t appear to be the case as the ending shows you the txt file and there’s nothing to be found on my computer. The txt file letter itself was pretty bare…I would’ve liked to see something that could’ve endeared me to this character even slightly, considering I went through all this effort to piss him off and learn more about him. For a free game, I can’t complain too much, but it just feels sort of like nothing in the end. I’ll give it like a 3/10.
Does it say something about me that I like playing horror games on Christmas because they feel cozy? I guess it’s the sense of isolation that comes from a lot of horror games – it’s lonely, but also quiet, and I’ve at least got a story to keep me intrigued. I played Walk in the Sun next, and this game gave me everything that Dr. Krueger couldn’t. Really strong character voices and sense of place, and Claire is so compelling as a protagonist. You can immediately understand her feelings and anxieties as a teenage girl, and why she does the things that she does. I don’t think I’ve seen a set-up like this in a horror game before, where rather than feeling dread about something that’s about to happen, there’s a feeling of dread about something that’s already happened and is entirely out of your control. As the player, you can only be there to unravel the truth piece by piece and then watch the aftermath play out. If I had any nitpicks, it would be that I would’ve liked to delve deeper into Claire and Jamie’s relationship, but as it stands I understand the dynamic well enough that I understand why things happened the way they did. I’ll give this game a 7/10. (Also, reading the creator’s post mortem about the game and seeing them mention Jacqueline Wilson’s books makes so much sense…her protagonists are truly the quintessential messy girls trying to find a way through their circumstances. I really want to reread her books, but my local library is sorely lacking…)
Took a break to watch a few episodes of House as the deadline for it being taken off Prime is fast approaching. None of it was particularly notable, but I did like the subplot where House tries to diagnose the dead kid. Emory was well acted and incredibly sympathetic, and it was gratifying when House finally convinced the mom that he wasn’t just a crazy meddler but that her dead son’s diagnosis had an impact on her still living son. And then the showdown between House and Wilson was super cute, with Wilson getting one over on House for once (before being shut down once again…if he had just told House to shoot him, he would’ve won). After that, my friend and I spent an hour trying to decipher the “manga” that House was reading, even though we’re pretty sure it was something bullshitted by the art team who wanted something Japanese but didn’t understand that the Japanese manga industry doesn’t print floppies like America does. The asexual subplot was weak and annoying, but we didn’t expect much from an early 2010’s TV writer’s room. I guess the unifying theme with this batch of episodes was “enjoyed the subplots and didn’t care about the main mysteries.” (Oh, but I was glad to see Foreman get a win at the end, though).
I played Stillwater after that, and I was pretty excited for it because I loved the artstyle… Unfortunately, I think the artstyle is the best thing that this game has going for it. I liked the art direction (like the use of depth of field), and I like the Ophelia painting scare. But a game of this length just isn’t enough time to get invested in the mystery – just as I felt like the investigation was beginning, I was suddenly plunged into the climactic showdown, and it was all over soon after. It was so jarring that I thought I had chosen the wrong option and was being funnelled down a bad end, but to my surprise, that’s just how the true ending’s story was paced. I would’ve loved to really sink into this mystery and have the tension slowly build up to the climax, but this game didn’t afford that to me at all. I also didn’t like the overly flowery prose and the basic dialogue writing. It felt like text speak, in the sense that there were a lot of missing commas which made it lack the feeling of natural human speech. In contrast, the purple prose felt like it was trying so hard to be compelling and deep that it just completely lost me. I didn’t care about the mystery nor the characters, so getting that final victorious ending just felt so incredibly hollow. I can see that Hugo and Noah were written with an eye to BL dynamics, but it also rang hollow to me. The gameplay aspect seemed entirely perfunctory, and the game would’ve been about the same without it. All in all, I think the scope of the game from the get go was just inherently incongruous with the gritty detective story they wanted to tell. That being said, the sampling of writing I got from this short playthrough was still enough to convince me that I wouldn’t want to play a longer/more expansive version of this game should they make a sequel. For being a disappointment, I’ll have to rate it a 2/10.
I guess I’m just oscillating between games I end up disliking and games I end up liking, because I played Reaper’s Goodbye and had a decently enjoyable time. The jazzy bgm was perfect for plunging me into its melancholic atmosphere, and the Tezuka/Gekiga style character designs were charming and gave the game a very classic feel. The ghost stories were also fun – my favourite would be Tunnel Vision. The build-up to the climax was perfectly paced and wonderfully executed, and it all served a compelling and cohesive theme. The only thing I was a little disappointed with was how the mature woman’s story hinged so heavily on the clichéd story trope of a woman suffering abuse from men her whole life before taking revenge on them in the end. It’s a subtle sort of gripe that I have, I guess, because I’m sure a lot of people enjoy seeing strong female characters bucking against a patriarchal society and this story does end with the woman coming out on top (but not even really through her own actions…but whatever). But when the three men get to tell stories that have nothing to do with their gender and the sole adult woman gets this…it’s just a wish for true ungendered liberation on my part, I think. I suppose being inspired so closely by classic Tezuka tropes means also taking on some of the conventions of that time, if you’re not careful about it. Also, I didn’t like how there would sometimes be two lines of text going on at once on different parts of the screen. It just felt a bit awkward, and like I was missing dialogue at times. Overall, it was pretty okay, so I’ll give it a 6/10.
After all these kinetic novels, I was itching for some gameplay, so I played through MalViolence. I love the character designs and the Zero Escape feel, and the early puzzles were pretty fun. The later puzzles were more of a struggle because they weren’t the kind that I liked, but I got through them alright. The story didn’t particularly grab me, since it was a typical “the villains were the persecuted ones all along”, but it did its job of providing context and atmosphere to the puzzles, I suppose. I don’t think I’m interested enough to play the sequel, though, so I’ll give this a 4/10.
We watched like two episodes of House, but I couldn’t really make myself care about what was going on (especially with Chase). The runaway episode was interesting, I suppose.
I played Maple County, and left feeling more baffled than scared… Maybe I’m missing the larger context because I have no idea what the Mandela Catalogue is (in general, I’m severely out of the loop with analog indie horror stuff), but I thought this would be a full game…or at least, it’d be longer than ten minutes? I also thought it would be subtler with the theme of “vaguely unsettling doppelgangers that seem just slightly off” but no, it just immediately jumped into typical analog horror-looking creepy faces and “the monster is lying to you” type stuff. And then it just ended… I guess it’s more of a sampler than a real game so I shouldn’t judge it by a full length game’s standards, but I’m not feeling generous today so I’ll give it a 2/10.
Oh boy! I’m having kind of a bad time! The Moon Looks Beautiful Tonight is one of the most visually stunning games I’ve ever seen, but the writing just turned me off of it entirely. The artstyle is so crisp and stylish with a touch of retro and the pixelated shading is just divine, but the writing… The dialogue especially didn’t endear me to these characters at all… The writing in general just felt a little amateurish – it’s not like, riddled with errors or anything, but it’s just little things like the metaphors or turns of phrase used that feel so basic or cheesy. I think this could’ve been a really powerful story about accepting change, and I do like the bones of Rose’s arc, but you’ve really gotta nail the writing voice for a visual novel and this just didn’t grab me. Unfortunately, it’s a 3/10 for me. I still have a handful of free itch.io games in my backlog, but I’ve gotten through the ones I really wanted to check out so I’ll stop here for now. Maybe it seems harsh for me to give out all these low scores – they’re free games, after all. But even if they’re free and short, what I want most of all is decent writing…and you can do wonders with just a few paragraphs. Walk in the Sun was the only game that really felt like a full package, which is a shame. The overarching theme for this batch of games seems to be all style and no substance.
I caught up with A Second Goodbye to You, and it’s…uh… Maybe I should’ve seen this coming, with some of the cheesiness in the beginning (“Oh I have some important information to tell you, I-” *dies*), but Sora’s backstory is just unfathomably ridiculous… Sora’s parents are so cartoonishly evil that all I can do is laugh… Tfw they hate their son soooo much that they make him sit on the ground and eat cup noodles for dinner while he inflates their egos… The writer may as well have gone full camp and made his parents feed him from a dog bowl or something, like this is just stupid… Not to mention how they still could’ve followed their career goals – the mom just wanted to write a novel...you can literally do that from home… And what the fuck do you mean they couldn’t abort him in time, and what about giving him up for adoption? Foisting him off to the grandparents? Literally just abandoning him if you hate him so much??? His parents aren’t believable as villains, and then the art teacher isn’t much better. He’s just a typical “ohoho I’m Crazy about Art and I want to make the Ultimate Masterpiece with Blood and Death oh Sora you’re a genius, you’re not like normal people, let me guide you to the dark side because your suffering will create better art!” character and it’s both stupid and boring. Almost everyone in this story just feels like a caricature, and any tension the murder mystery had is quickly being siphoned away by the sheer ridiculousness of the character motivations. Hinata is the only truly interesting character, as he’s the one who has to try and figure out a way to solve this Cinderella-ass situation (and admittedly, I didn’t see him time leaping into his child self, so that’s an interesting wrinkle to the conflict). I’ll stick around until the ending, I guess, but Jesus Christ this is so silly.
Read the latest chapter of Shuumatsu, Kimi to, and it’s still pretty enjoyable. I liked the bits of quiet yearning, and the tension is slowly mounting, so I hope it’ll keep ramping up.
After that I read In Too Deep, Our Hallowed Diner, and it was a nice bittersweet Christmas read. The loose linework gave the diner a nice homey and cozy atmosphere, and the realistic interactions and conversation between the two were charming. I could definitely see this becoming a serialized work, but for what it is, it’s a cute read. 6/10.
I think I’ve lost the plot with Akuheki a little because I don’t recognize these guys who showed up (or maybe that’s on purpose), but I’m a little sad that Daimon’s marriage didn’t get blown up in a more dramatic way… It could’ve been a great dramatic scene that carried through with the tension of the last chapter’s ending, but here it all just quietly dissipates and Daimon gets the information he needs pretty much right away. Seeing Iwakura as Daimon’s coworker’s housekeeper was certainly a surprise, though… I can’t remember if Daimon’s coworker has a wife so for now I’m imagining him and Iwakura in a domestic BL plot of their own.
I was betwixt with spreadsheets
The new Undead Unluck episode was really good, even with some odd editing/pacing choices (Tatianna’s somber introduction being cut weirdly with the episode recap, and then the?? WHY DID YOU FLASHBACK SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED LITERALLY A MINUTE AGO GUYS DID YOU REALLY NEED TO JUST FILL 30 SECONDS OF TIME THAT BADLY?). But other than that, I thought Tatiana’s backstory was done really well…the seiyuu’s acting was so amazing (her singing that Pan Panda song was sooooo cute) and I cried when she asked Billy to kill her… Billy’s seiyuu is also doing a really good job, he sounds so gentle and nice…and I’ll sure he’ll stay that way for the whole show J
0 notes
ginnsbaker · 1 year
Ahh, I’m late to these last 2 chapters because I was so busy I barely had time to do anything besides my responsibilities (being an adult sucks sometimes haha) but oh my god, once again, I feel like a broken record mentioning how amazing your writing is!! I’ll be writing for chapter 9 because if not this’ll get insanely long! Haha first of all, Shannon irks me but she also seems like a woman that has been through a lot with Pietro so she doesn’t have time or patience for bullshit which makes me like understand her, but her motives in “helping” Wanda feel so fake and like she has something up her sleeves I can’t trust her!! Also I loved Pietro and Wanda’s talk, the part where she starts acknowledging that cheating ruins everything in its wake. Like I know she knew how much it affected her personally, but I also feel she’s more aware of how it goes so much more beyond that, like it goes beyond her and reader! So that felt like good progress, makes me really root for her healing and happiness! I root for her and reader together, but am also conflicted because like I’ve said the way you write this has me questioning beyond just like a cliche happy ending, does that make sense? Haha second, (I’m all over the place, so sorry if it comes off that way) reader withholding information from Nat, woo, it just makes me so uneasy, like I know as humans sometimes we want to put our best selves forward to the most important people in our lives, but if there’s anything life has taught me is, the truth always comes out whether we want it to or not and Nat has just been such a constant, steady fixture in reader’s life that this little information has the potential to bite reader in the ass and I’m so scared?!?! Because I would hate for them to lose each other! Cause honestly I feel like a friendship breakup hurts so much more??? Third, Yelena, my dear dear Yelena, god, you can tell she’s so in love with reader that I really hope she doesn’t get hurt, and again, I know that’s impossible because that’s just the way things can be but, I really wish she can be saved from pain! Me being an optimistic empath, I just wanna hug and save everyone from pain haha but I hope reader doesn’t hurt her and if she does hurt her I hope it’s not the way she was hurt that would be so shitty, but again it could happen (my god, I’m gonna go crazy!!) Fourth, Sparky?!? Not Sparky!! Animal pain is another level so that got me emotional!! Fifth, Vision. My god, can he just fuck off?! (I wish, but he also adds that little spark of ahdjjfjdkskgks to it haha) Sixth, Wanda’s relapse, poor baby, I understand her though, experiencing something so emotionally charged with Sparky, seeing Yelena at reader’s place, coming to the realization that being at reader’s place wasn’t a good idea. Just generally being all over the place, I can see why she relapsed. Still rooting for her healing though!! I cannot wait to see what comes next!! I hope you have an amazing week! Stay safe and take care! -💫🥀
P.S that’s awesome that you’re going to do a race! I wish I could, but I recently injured myself so my main focus is recovering fully! I feel like I’m 80% there though so that makes me happy! Haha just need to keep working for 100% recovery! Also this fic has been such an amazing read, so thank you for blessing me with your artistry!! Truly, I will never tire of saying how amazing your writing is!! Again, I apologize if all of the above seems jumbled and a mess in general as I am slightly all over the place haha but I cannot miss out the opportunity to speak about this story!!
It's not a jumbled mess, I love everything about it, I feel like I'm talking to you in RL and I just get so excited about discussions like this because 1) i have no beta, no one to discuss the plot with at all except when you guys get to read it and comment 2) i get different perspectives and realizations and i see different reactions that are all valid since we all come from different experiences.
First of all, thank you for staying with the story and for always sharing your thoughts.
I think breaking up with a friend can hurt more than romantic relationships. When we enter a romantic relationship, we are aware that there's always the possibility of losing them, but friendships.. we always expect them to last for life. Shannon is a little shit who's defense mechanism is being mean to everyone lol. But she does care about Wanda who is basically her sister-in-law now.
There's going to be healing for everybody. Don't worry :)
Can't wait to hear what you think about the next chapters :D
Again, thank youuuu <3
P.S. What's your injury? I hope you recover 100% soon!
0 notes
untaemedqueen · 3 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 32 (Final Chapter).
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Daddy Kink, Degradation, Hand Job, Lactation Kink, Milk Drinking, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Pregnant Sex, Unprotected Sex, Riding, Begging, Praise, Spanking
A/N: This is the FINAL, FINAL chapter.... Wah, can you believe it? This is so crazy! I'm so so happy that everyone has enjoyed Third Wheeling so much! Thank you to my forevers @xjoonchildx​, @ladyartemesia​ and @ppersonna​ for being behind me on everything about this series
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The sharp whistle that Yoongi chirps, bleeds through the living room of the mansion.
His two year old son turns to him with round, curious eyes. His small hand is outstretched trying to pick up the million dollar vase you have on display on the coffee table.
"What're you doing, my little troublemaker?"  Yoongi murmurs, wrapping his arms around his son and throwing him up in the air.
Honggi squeals loudly, curling his arms around his father's neck like needy vines.
"Maya, please move that vase before Y/N has a fit." Yoongi whispers to the woman he's always admired.
"Yes, Sir." she giggles.
"Dada," Honggi squeals into his neck and Yoongi's heart clenches at the sound.
"Yes, bud?" he inquires, tilting his head to look down at his son.
"Hungry." his son breathes.
"Mommy's making food, let's go see." Yoongi chirps, running his large hand over his son's small back.
Taking in the new mansion, Yoongi is really happy with it.
He didn't bring over a special architect from Greece, he didn't fawn over the marble this time around. He let you pick the house.
And like always, you're incredible.
The house isn't particularly gaudy like the last one which he shared with his ex-wife. It's warm wooden interior and gray and white furnishings scream home. And that's what Yoongi always needed -- a home.
Although, anywhere with you is home, he's noticed.
The wings that spread out far and wide throughout the house have pieces of art that make Yoongi feel comforted and he's astounded everyday by how thoughtful you are.
"Mama!" Honggi screams and it rips your husband out of his daydream.
"Uh oh, here comes trouble." you sing, slinging your towel over your shoulder.
You extend your arms over the quartz island for your son and Yoongi is incredibly cautious.
"Be careful, please," he begs.
You give him a sweet nod, accepting your son into your arms and Honggi leans over the pot curiously.
"Cow?" he asks and you snort loudly.
"Yes, beef." you reply, wiping his chin with your thumb.
"B-Beef," he repeats and Yoongi beams.
Honggi isn't one to stay in anyone's arms for long, despite how much he adored being held as a newborn. He wriggles almost immediately to get down and Yoongi takes a sharp breath between his teeth cautiously.
"Watch mommy's belly, please." he yelps, setting your son on the floor.
"Jesus," he bleats, kissing your cheek.
"It's okay," you promise him, bending down to fix your son's black hair.
Honggi hugs your neck tightly, kissing your cheek so sweetly that it turns you into a puddle of love.
"What should we name your brother and sister?" Yoongi inquires of your son as he leans both elbows down on the island.
He pops a grape in his mouth, looking at his kid expectantly.
"Pororo... Poby!" Honggi giggles, swaying back and forth.
"Oh yeah, good idea! We can name them after penguins!" Yoongi teases, giving his son a grape.
"Poby is a polar bear." you inform him, stirring the stew.
"Yeah daddy! Bear!" Honggi scoffs, tugging on Yoongi's pants playfully.
"Oh, I'm sorry daddy doesn't know what anthropomorphic animals his son watches while he's at work." your husband murmurs.
"An-Anth-Anthr… Animals!" Honggi gasps and you laugh gently.
Yoongi takes a deep breath through his nose, allowing the comfort of being surrounded by his family to enrapture him.
He steps behind you, wrapping his arms around you and your growing stomach.
"I missed you today, little dove." he breathes, kissing your temple.
"You miss me everyday," you state, turning around in his grasp.
"That's true. Because I love you." he coos, pushing some hair back behind your ear.
"I love you too," you giggle, accepting the kiss he gives you.
Since Yoongi became a father he's learned so many things like patience and showing love to his child, the likes of which his younger self never got to see. He wants to give his family the entire world if he can, he wants to give all of you everything you could possibly desire because it was so terribly lacking when he was a kid.
"Dinner isn't going to be ready for a bit." you tell your family.
"But I'm hungry now!" Honggi cries, throwing his head back in a dramatic two year old fashion that both of his parent's laugh at.
"Okay. We'll have yogurt and go play with the Gaesu until Mommy is done cooking." Yoongi announces, picking up his son and slinging him over his shoulder.
"I love you mommy!" Honggi squeals.
"I love you too, bub." you reply, kissing his forehead.
"Give mommy's belly a kiss before we go." your husband instructs, patting his son's backside.
Honggi kisses your growing stomach and you can only snort at your husband's silliness.
"Okay. Now dada!" your son says, clapping.
The CEO kisses your stomach and then your forehead.
"You're gonna wrinkle your suit." you chide him, leaning back against the counter.
"So worth it." he retorts, giving you a gummy smile.
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Two years have flown by in the blink of an eye.
There has, of course, been hard work that's been poured into your marriage whether it be for Honggi or just to be able to spend time together but the honeymoon phase has never truly died down.
You bask in each other's company like lizards under the hot sun.
You thrive when you're both together.
It's fate, really.
"He's asleep," Yoongi announces, stepping into your bedroom.
"Oh, nice. It only took two hours instead of three like yesterday." you know you sound sarcastic but it's really true. Honggi never seems to be able to sleep when he needs to, he's hyperactive in waves and thoroughly enjoys spending time with his father.
"Well tonight we read the big bad wolf and then he got scared so I had to calm him down and stay with him until he finally fell asleep." your husband rambles, peeling off his clothes.
You hum in agreement, sitting up gently.
Yoongi's tattoo of the large family tree on his bicep seems to shine in the dull lights of the room and it makes a smile spread over your face.
"How are my other babies?" he inquires, laying down beside you on the bed.
It's no secret that you adored your son and it's no secret that Yoongi wanted you pregnant almost immediately after Honggi was born. He missed your big belly and the closeness it brought the both of you when you were pregnant. But after Honggi was born, your paintings were flying off the art exhibit walls like hot cakes and you needed time to create new works of art.
While your husband had his tantrums and gripes about it, he understood. Being pregnant is difficult and he knows that, so when you told him he had to wait, he begrudgingly accepted it.
Your art was on hold now, with over two hundred pieces out in the world at any given second, you decided to focus on family.
"They're okay," you promise, running your fingers through your hair.
You can remember when you found out you were pregnant again for the second time. All of your symptoms hit so much harder than the first pregnancy.
"Baby? We gotta go. We're gonna be late." Yoongi calls, peeking into the bathroom.
He didn't expect to find you heaving over the toilet but when he does, two things happen simultaneously. There's a sharp bout of worry and a thinner vein of excitement that spread through his bones.
"What's the matter, my dove? You feel sick?" he pouts, entering the bathroom to rub at your back.
You shiver gently, waving your hand to the large gray cabinets beneath your sinks.
"I'm not a mime, I'm sorry." your husband whispers, raising an eyebrow.
"Pr-Pregnancy test," you plead.
He could just about pass out and die from happiness from those two words.
"Really?! You think so?!" he beams, ripping open the doors and tearing open the cardboard box like some sort of rabid animal.
His hands are shaky when he gives you the test and he helps you off of your knees immediately.
His thumbs rub at the tile indentations on your kneecaps and like always he stares up at you like you hang the moon on a string for him each and every night.
"I'm sorry we're late." you whisper, blotting your mouth with toilet paper.
"This is way more important. Fuck that. Jeongguk can wait." Yoongi avows, watching you cap the pregnancy test.
"We probably aren't even going to make it there anyway," your husband breathes.
"Why not?" you inquire, standing up and smoothing out the skirt of your dress.
The CEO wraps his arms around you, burying his face into your neck. "Because if you are pregnant, I'm gonna have to do some celebratory stuff."
You laugh aloud, running your fingers over his arms. "Stuff like what?"
"Like eating your pretty pregnant pussy and fucking your pregnant cunt." he murmurs against your skin.
You shiver at his words, glancing down at the test.
You hope you are pregnant. There's something insane in women's brains which makes them forget just how painful childbirth is so they can always look forward to more.
But the euphoric feeling of having a baby is well worth the pain, that's something you'll always remember.
"God, I think you are pregnant." he hisses, running his hands over your sides.
"Why do you say that?" you ask, tilting your head to look at him.
"You just feel different in my hands."
"I think you're crazy," you retort with a laugh.
"Why?!" he gasps.
"Because you didn't say anything yesterday when we… y'know."
"When we fucked?" he goads, kissing you softly.
You hum in agreement against his lips and he snorts softly.
"You did feel warmer around me." he announces, hooking his chin over your shoulder.
"It should be ready." you inform him, both of your eyes glued to the face down stick.
"Go on, show me that my baby is in you." he urges, kissing your temple.
Your heart races and your fingers begin to shake as you flip over the stick.
Yoongi holds his breath and you find yourself doing the same.
When you flip it over, the plus sign screams at you and Yoongi breathes a sigh of relief.
Your husband groans happily, picking you up off the ground and spinning you around.
"Thank you baby, thank you!" he cheers.
When he sets you down on the ground, you can't help the thrilled giggle that seeps from you.
"Should we head out?" you ask your husband softly.
The scoff he gives only seems right. "Yeah, right. I have more important things to celebrate than a boxing match."
You can only squeal when he scoops you up bridal style.
Putting his head on your shoulder, your husband takes a deep, calming breath.
His fingertips dance over your distended skin and his lips traipse over your exposed collarbone.
"You're so gorgeous," he breathes, letting his eyes flutter shut.
The smirk that spreads over your face is goofy and flushed, sometimes you find it astounding that he can even be so sweet with you.
There's a tiny kick beneath his fingertips that makes his head lift off of your body.
"What are you up to in there, guys? Fighting or something?" he gawks, feeling another flurry of taps below his hand.
"They don't have enough room," you announce, lolling your head back to the pillow.
"Well, just four more months and you won't have to be cramped anymore." Yoongi promises, sliding down the bed to kiss your belly.
"We should sleep, we have plans for tomorrow."
"Caleb's first birthday party." Yoongi remembers, drifting his lips over your skin.
You nod in agreement, tucking your hand beneath your head to get comfy.
Your husband knows just how difficult it is for a woman with a set of twins inside of her to fall asleep and he's nothing if not doting.
"Lemme put my babies to sleep," he murmurs, sliding his fingers over the soft skin of your inner thighs.
It's fascinating how the Kisung CEO can make you feel as if black coffee pumps through your veins even when you're completely exhausted.
He watches you avidly, making sure this is something you're up for. When your nipples begin to pebble and strain under the flimsy nightgown that can barely contain your swollen flesh, Yoongi knows he's got the green light.
His eyelids lower with lustful intentions and the tip of his tongue glides slowly over his plump bottom lip.
He knows you're excited for anything and everything when your hips lift expectantly.
Clicking his teeth, he pushes your body back down to the bed. "Easy now, little dove. You should know who's in charge here, baby."
Your whimper sounds like the most earnest plea as it passes through your parted lips and Yoongi can feel his cock straining against his briefs for some semblance of relief.
He kisses at your clothed pussy, already feeling how sodden the material is getting in a matter of seconds.
It continues to astound him, two years in, how willing your body is for him.
"Daddy," you breathe softly, carding your fingers through his hair.
His hands caress whatever he can find whether it be your thighs, your belly, your breasts.
"Wet little slut for me." he murmurs, tugging your panties off with his teeth.
You're quick to discard your nightgown, wanting nothing more to be touched anywhere you can get it.
Your husband hums at the sight of your core, pussy lips puffy and swollen with greedy intentions and slick with arousal.
"There she is," he breathes, kissing over your belly.
Palming your breasts in hand, you understand why he's taking so long -- to drive you insane.
He wants euphoria and adrenaline to course through you like wildfire so when it ebbs away, you'll be completely exhausted.
"My beautiful dove." Yoongi professes, spreading your legs wider.
Your eyes are glued to his abs, the way the muscles contort and constrict with each shallow breath he breathes.
You can thank each and every god everyday for the man you're married to.
You know the hierarchy in this bedroom, it rarely ends up with you on top, but the temptation of his thick, hard cock straining against his Balenciaga briefs has you throwing all cares to the wind.
He hisses gently against your distended skin when you cup his long length with your hand.
Yoongi will be the first to admit that he's missed this. He's been sweet and caring, not wanting to trouble you for sex with you being as huge as you are. He knows two babies are way more difficult than just Honggi. But, he needs you. In every single way.
"Play nice, my dove." he chides you softly, kissing up your belly to your swollen breasts.
You don't heed his words, tugging down the band of his briefs and swallowing thickly when his large cock bobs in the air before smacking up to his toned honey stomach.
His eyes flutter shut at the feeling and you know you've neglected him for too long. His cock is throbbing and needy as sin, beads of precum endlessly spurting from the top and slowly traipsing down the head.
"Baby girl," he gasps when you pump his cock in hand.
Yoongi kisses over your puffy nipples, scoffing at the pleasure that vibrates through him with each jerk.
He coos softly when you bead milk for him and his eyes snap to yours. "You didn't tell me your milk came in."
"I-I didn't know," you chirp, pumping his cock harder.
He shivers then, wrapping his lips around your peaked nub and tugging softly. He groans happily at the distantly familiar taste of your milk and his needy hands grip and massage your thighs as he situates himself further between them.
"Daddy, fuck!" you cry out gently, arching your back.
The tip of your husband's tongue is quick against your sensitive skin and you can only whimper for more.
Your shaking thumb runs circles over the swollen, red mushroom head of his cock and he gasps above you, pressing his forehead into your breast.
"Ba-Baby, this is about you. Please," he begs, wrapping his hand around your wrist.
You give a smirk, feeling high and mighty at how quickly you can break him down to a mere lustful animal.
Your free hand rubs circles to your stomach and he can just about cum at the sight of you.
His cock throbs wildly and he forces your hand off of him with narrowed eyes. "Behave, little dove. I won't say it again."
You hide your smirk, laying back down for him.
He eyes you wearily for a second before continuing his dissent on your body. His fingers caress over your sodden lower lips and his name tumbles from your mouth with a quickness.
"You're messy." he prods, spreading your lips with his fingers and tapping your throbbing bundle of nerves with the pads of his fingers.
Your body jolts, bottom lip tucking between your teeth.
God, you've missed this.
You've missed him doting on you so eagerly.
Yoongi continues to take his time, enjoying how your entrance clenches around nothing.
You're a needy little thing and you're all his. The way it should be.
"Daddy, please!" you beg, rubbing circles over your distended skin.
"What's wrong, beautiful? You're too much of a slut to enjoy this? You want gratification now?" he quips, lowering his head to your core.
You can't even see him over your belly and it drives you absolutely mad. You can feel the puffs of hot, needy breath that pass his lips but it does nothing but earn more dripping arousal from your center.
"Such a pretty pussy you have," he purrs, suckling your swollen lips.
You gasp loudly, screwing your eyes shut.
He plays with your entrance, swirling the tip of his index finger around it until your racking with sobs above him.
Yoongi presses the tip of his tongue to your throbbing clit and he groans gently at the feeling.
"Shhh, my dove. Daddy is going to take care of you, I promise." he avows, lapping at your nub with slow strokes.
It's so pleasurable, but it's not enough. You're on the precipice and he keeps you there for what feels like eternity.
"God! Daddy, please!" you beg, bunching your hands up in his hair and tugging.
He hums in fake confusion, adoring how your body shakes before him.
He's good at the long game.
He thrives in it.
When he slips two fingers inside of your slick cunt, you're about ready to burst but he pulls away from your core with a devilish smirk.
"My pregnant wife is so needy," he jeers, curling his fingers with ease to the soft patch of nerves within you.
Your chest constricts, heaving for breath. Your skin develops a thin sheen of sweat and you feel yourself possibly going insane within his grasp.
Picking his face up between the apex of your thighs, the sight of his soaked chin and cheeks hurdles you to the precipice.
"Wanna cum, need to cum!" you chant, cupping your belly while you grind yourself down onto his fingers.
"You hold it," he orders sweetly.
You can only scoff and the animalistic pride within you snaps.
You sit up, as quickly as you can, before pushing him down on the bed.
"Baby," he warns you, pulling his fingers from your heat and entering them into his mouth.
"I need it!" you whine, straddling him.
His hands immediately hold your hips to protect you from any imminent danger you might face. He goes to chide you but when your soaked cunt glides against his hard, thick length, he can only take a sharp breath between his teeth.
"I missed your cock Daddy, I missed it so much," you whine, rocking your hips.
"Oh Christ," he murmurs, gliding his hands from your hips to the globes of your ass.
With every rock of your hips, your clit thrums pleasantly at the feeling of the head of his cock prodding against the bundle of nerves.
Your shaky hands grip at your breasts, swiping your thumbs against your leaking nipples until your sobbing with pleasure.
"You're so gorgeous, fuck," Yoongi curses, enraptured with the sight above him.
Your eyebrows furrow and you're losing yourself in the pleasure as your mouth drops open.
His hands knead at the supple flesh of your backside before rearing back and spanking you with a fierceness that you adore.
"Yes, more!" you gasp, sitting up and positioning his cock at your entrance.
"You're a little cock slut, you know that?" he seethes, leaning up on his elbows to kiss at your belly.
"Your cock slut, Daddy. I'm yours," you whimper, slowly sitting down on his length.
His mouth opens at the euphoric feeling of your warm, wet cunt sliding down on him and he can only fall back to the bed with a heady thump.
"Shit," he breathes out, looking up at you like you give him the universe.
You do.
You give him everything and anything that exceeds his expectations.
You take a second to adjust to his length, preening as the head of his cock prods against your soft cervix.
"Good girl, little dove." he bleats, running his fingertips over your outer thighs.
Yoongi can see the way you swallow thickly and he can tell how fucked out you already are with your eyelids being as heavy as they are and pride blooms in his chest.
"Want you to suckle," you beg, palming your breasts.
He can only scoff at the arousing thought, he's up in a flash, minding your stomach. His lips pluck and suckle at your sensitive skin until you're shaking like a leaf under his ministrations.
"Your cock feels so big in my pussy, feels so good," you purr, rocking your hips.
He moans against your breast, gripping your hips with needy hands.
The rhythm you set as he suckles from you is slow but the impending orgasm you've been denied comes back in waves. The head of his cock taps against the sweet spot inside of you with each jolt of your hips and you're losing your grasp on reality.
"D-Daddy!" you gasp, letting your brain free of any thoughts besides just how pleasurable he feels inside of you.
"That's it, baby girl. Take it. Take what you need from me." he announces, laying back down.
Your hands push down on his chest as you begin to pick up speed and he can only cry out your name like a man possessed.
"Jesus, just like that, little dove. Fuck!" he curses, spanking the globes of your ass until your skin is smarting.
Then you feel the precipice again, you feel yourself teetering.
Your mouth opens to give a silent scream and your eyes well up with tears.
He coos softly, running his fingers through his hair as if the pleasure he's receiving is truly unbelievable.
You groan loudly, pressing your hands beneath your stomach. "I'm-I'm-"
"Cum for me, little dove. I can feel how badly your cunt wants to milk my cock. Cum." he orders and your gasp echoes throughout the room.
Your hands rub comforting circles to your stomach while your hips rock at an unfound speed.
"Yoongi!" you cry, squeezing your eyes shut.
Then -- euphoria.
Your orgasm explodes within you like a million shards of glass. With deafened ears and tear streaked cheeks, you don't even feel your husband lay you down on your back.
He fucks his cock so deeply inside of you that it brings you back to reality in waves.
"God, you look so beautiful taking what's yours, baby." he coos, sitting up.
You can only cry out gently when his strokes become erratic and deeper.
"You want me to cum inside you? You want to drip with me?" he inquires, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
You nod incessantly, spreading your legs wider when you feel his cock throb within you.
"Yeah? You want to be my little cum slut? Get so full of my cum when you're already pregnant with my babies?" he seethes through his teeth.
"Y-Yes, want to feel your cum so badly," you hiccup, running your hands over his chest.
His eyes screw shut when your hips meet his every stroke.
"Oh fuck, I'm cumming. God, your cunt is incredible!" he whines.
His hips give one last thrust, burying himself as deeply as possible before the warmth of his cum floods through your battered core.
You hum happily, rubbing your belly.
"I love you," he whispers, bending down and planting a passionate kiss to your lips.
"I love you, too." you reply, hooking your hand around the back of his neck.
After cleaning you up and situating yourselves back to normal, Yoongi pulls your body to cuddle against his. His fingers drift over your bare back and he sighs happily.
You're out like a light in mere seconds when you finally get comfy and he can only chuckle at your shallow breaths.
His hand comes to rest beneath his head and he can't begin to express how lucky he feels.
His attention falters to your stomach when he feels a gentle prodding against his hip. He smirks, kissing the top of your forehead and closing his eyes.
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"Mama!" Honggi screams and you know better now than to rush to him whenever he shouts for you.
"Yes, baby?" you call to him, fixing your earrings.
"Want to play with Yumi!" he calls, peeking into your bedroom.
"We're going to see Yumi now." you reply, turning to him.
Your eyebrow raises as you look at your husband's spitting image. "Where are your shoes?" you ask your two year old.
"Dada said I don't have to wear them!" he beams, rolling on the floor with your corgi.
"Oh yes you do, you're not going over to Aunt Leena's house with no shoes on." you reply.
When your husband steps into the doorway, he knows he's made a mistake. Just the look you give him makes him want to run and hide.
"What?" he bleats.
Min Yoongi is obsessed with giving his son whatever he wants. He's obsessed with spoiling him and sometimes you have to look like the bad guy.
"He needs to put on shoes." you tell your husband.
Both of your boys frown at you and it's almost so ridiculous that you can barely contain the eye roll.
"Why?" Honggi chirps.
When you place your hand on your stomach, Yoongi nods. "Mommy's right, you need to wear shoes."
He's quick to avoid chastisement today.
"But why, dada?" your son inquires.
You love the 'why' phase… when it's directed at your husband.
"Because your little feet are gonna be cold and because mommy said so. And what did I tell you about when mommy says something?" your husband whispers conspiratorially to your son.
"That you do it! Mama has two babies a-and mad isn't good for babies!" Honggi says, sticking up two small fingers.
You can only snort, shutting the bathroom light off and leaning against the door frame.
"That's right, bud. So let's get you some shoes."
When your husband goes to leave the room, he widens his eyes apologetically at you and you can't help but giggle.
"Silly," you mumble, grabbing your purse.
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Caleb's first birthday is a huge deal.
You know how much work his mother put into it and you know that it needs to be over the top and perfect for her to be thriving and happy with the day's events.
"Miss Thing!" Leena gasps, throwing herself out of the door to hug you.
"Hi Beena," you giggle, wrapping your arms around her.
Taehyung is right behind her with a smile plastered on his face.
"Happy birthday Caleb!" you gasp, taking him from Taehyung's arms.
Yoongi kisses your best friend on the cheek before looking over at her one year old son.
"Hey buddy! Happy birthday!" your husband cheers, watching as Caleb tucks his face into your neck.
It's always astounding to see how much of a one eighty Leena has done when it comes to Taehyung and her family.
You remember how adamant she was on not getting pregnant and not getting married but then when you gave birth to Honggi -- she wanted that.
And you completely understood it.
Now that your best friend is married and having a family, you can see how content and happy she is. It's something you're really proud of.
"Everyone is in the backyard." Leena announces, fixing Caleb's small suit.
"Yumi?!" Honggi screeches, looking past Taehyung.
"Yeah, Yumi too." Leena's husband quips with a laugh.
Yoongi snorts, following after his son.
"Miss Thing, I have to tell you, I would have never in a million years thought we'd see him today." your best friend blurts, guiding you into her mansion.
"Who?" you inquire, handing Caleb back to his father.
Leena's hands clamp down on your shoulders and her eyes widen. "Jin."
"Shut the fuck up," you gasp, pulling her towards the backyard.
There are a multitude of people in the backyard but your eyes find his tall, handsome stature easily.
He's standing by the fountain with his wife by his side and he looks in his element.
It's been months since you've seen your other best friend.
You aren't really sure why he dropped off the face of the Earth. You know he's probably been busy, you all have been.
But you know Leena has taken it the hardest. Jin has always meant something deeply to her so when he didn't return phone calls or texts… you know it burned her.
It's almost as if he feels your eyes on him the way he turns to look at you.
He gives you a warm smile, immediately leaving his wife to make his way across the large backyard.
Yoongi notices how your eyes get glassy when he looks away from Honggi and Jimin's daughter, Yumi. "Jimin, watch him." he orders, leaving to comfort you.
Now, Yoongi doesn't hate Jin, by any means. He respects him and in all honesty, appreciates him for helping him in his dire time of need.
But the CEO will be damned if he doesn't coddle you, his pregnant wife, to his side when you're emotionally distraught.
Seokjin is wary when he sees your husband loop his hand around your hip protectively.
"Shhh," Yoongi coos, hearing your gentle sniffles.
Leena on the other hand, just folds her arms, widening her eyes expectantly at your best friend.
"Hey guys," he bleats, running his hand over the back of his neck.
"That's it? All we get is a 'hey guys' from you?" Leena scoffs.
Jin blushes furiously, cupping his whisky tighter in his hand. "What do you want me to say, Beena?"
"How about a sorry, Kim Seokjin? That'll be the start. Then you can veer off into how apologetic you are for pushing us into the background for her." Leena sneers, nodding her head to Sera.
You take in how nervous Jin is and you absolutely hate it. You hate how small he's making himself look.
"I am sorry." he agrees, grabbing for your hands.
"Maybe you guys should take this inside," Taehyung whispers, looking over the party guests who have stopped their conversations to look over at all of you.
Leena doesn't even give an answer, only trudging back into her mansion with narrowed eyes.
Taehyung clears his throat awkwardly, walking with his son towards Jimin and Anna.
"Do you want me to stay?" Yoongi inquires, brushing some hair back behind your ear.
You nod immediately, wanting the comfort of your husband with you.
"Alright, my love." he promises, kissing your temple.
Seokjin chases after Leena and you can only sigh at the impending yelling you're about to hear.
"Miss Thing, please sit." Leena gushes, pointing to the couch inside the library.
You take a seat, watching Jin wade back in forth nervously like he's waiting for a scolding.
"Did you know that Y/N is pregnant again? That she's having twins?" Leena spits.
"Yes, I did. I'm very happy for her and her husband." Seokjin replies, helping you sit down.
Yoongi pours himself a small glass of scotch, draping his arm over your shoulders.
"Do you fucking understand how sorely you've been missed?" Leena inquires to the handsome man as she sits down across from you.
Seokjin clears his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, I-I do."
"Then where have you been?" you prod, folding your arms.
Your best friend leans back against the large wooden desk. "Listen guys, I've missed you guys so deeply. I need you to know this, okay? I'm sorry that I've been absent from your kids and your lives. I've been dying to spend time with you all."
"Okay. Then where have you been?!" Leena yelps, repeating your question.
Jin takes a deep breath, letting his eyes flutter shut. "I've been trying to start my own family. It's not easy! I've been taking Sera all over the world to different doctors and hospitals to try and see why she can't get pregnant! I've been depressed and down on myself until recently. I'm fucking sorry I abandoned you guys but I needed time to heal my heart."
The news resounds in your ears and you cuddle closer to your husband who rubs your shoulder with his thumb soothingly.
The smugness is wiped off of Leena's face within a second.
"Why didn't you tell us?" she whispers softly.
Jin's fingers card through his hair and with a frustrated huff, he lolls his head back.
"Because it's…it's heartbreaking and not what I want to bring to the table when you guys have families and lives already. I don't want to burden you guys with my troubles." he mumbles, spinning his wedding band with his thumb.
You take a sharp breath between your teeth, standing with the help of your husband who urges you to be careful.
"Jin," you whisper, hugging him tightly.
He stiffens at your touch before wrapping his arms around you. He sobs gently, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
"I did miss you guys, so much. I'm sorry," he cries loudly.
"You don't have to hide your feelings from us. You should feel comfortable to tell us anything and everything. I'm sorry if you didn't trust us enough with your worries." you murmur into his ear.
"No! I just… I was scared, I didn't want to trouble you both." he breathes, pulling away and cupping your face.
"Jinnie," Leena pouts, standing up and hugging the both of you.
"You're never a bother to us, don't ever think that." you coo, fixing his hair.
He takes a deep, calming breath, running his hands over your belly. "One of your kids is kicking me in the ribs." he mumbles.
You can only giggle, patting your eyes with a tissue.
"That's the least you deserve for not trusting us with your fears," Leena scolds him gently.
He nods, exhaling sharply until his cheeks are puffing out.
"So is she?" your best friend asks him.
"What?" he mumbles.
"Is she pregnant?" Leena inquires.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, tilting his head. "Something like that."
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Your eyes drift slowly over the perfectly manicured lawn watching Honggi offer to share a toy truck with Yumi. His smile is the spitting image of Yoongi’s and it makes you sigh happily. You lean against the arm of the lawn chair, resting your hand against your cheek.
You can barely believe how happy you’ve become over the past two years.
Everything just falls into the right place, everything just fits like a perfect complete puzzle.
Honggi turns to you, flailing his hand wildly and you can only giggle. Waving back, your heart expands to the size of the universe.
Yoongi laughs at something loudly, drawing your attention. You watch him sling his arm over Taehyung’s shoulder and you can only snort at the sight.
You can remember when you never heard his laugh, you didn’t know what it sounded like for quite a while and then… once he began to laugh, it never seemed to end.
That’s something you revel in, your husband’s happiness is yours well.
It gives you great pride to see him beaming from ear to ear. And you don’t think it often but --  you got him here. You got him to this state of happiness.
It’s your best artwork, yet.
“Hey Y/N.”
You look away from your husband to the one person you’d never thought you’d speak to.
“Sera… hey,” you breathe, looking up at her flawless form.
“H-How are you?” she inquires, sipping her water nervously.
You haven’t seen here in two years. She looks good, that isn’t hard for her. Something about her seems calmer and more poised then when you knew her.
“Can I sit?” she asks gently, running her hand over the back of her neck.
“Please,” you insist, sitting up straighter.
You can feel eyes on you and you can only imagine who it is but you don’t dare look away from the actress before you.
While you weren’t her biggest fan, she’s made Jin happy over the past two years and you can’t fault her for that. He hasn’t loved anyone since Leena and you can see that his heart has bloomed since being with this woman.
“No drink?” you quip, pointing at her water.
“I thought, y’know, since my surrogate can’t drink then I shouldn’t either.” she shrugs.
You don’t know what to say if you’re being honest. It must be a sore subject…
“Yeah-” you breathe awkwardly.
“I’m not upset about it, we can talk about it.” she announces, putting her hand to your shoulder.
Sera in all the time you’ve known her has never touched you and you’re surprised at how normal it is, honestly.
“I’m sorry that you… y’know… you’ve had a difficult time.” you say honestly.
You can’t imagine how hard Sera and Jin have been trying, how many hospitals and specialists they’ve gone to, how much heartbreak they’ve gone through.
“At least I’m getting a baby at all, right? I always used to be so angry about the whole situation… Maybe that’s why I was so mean to you.” she admits, carding her fingers through her long, now blonde hair.
You hum thoughtfully, looking up at the dusky sky. “I mean it mustn't have been easy for you either. I came into Yoongi’s life and flipped it upside down. You were comfortable with the situation and I just spun things around like a top.”
“Well… yeah, true. But if you didn’t come into Yoongi’s life then I wouldn’t have been able to become a better person and find the person that’s right for me.” she avows, looking over at you.
Her words resound through you and your eyes widen just the slightest bit. She’s really different these days, huh?
“Well, I came over to say I’m sorry for treating you terribly the whole first time you were pregnant, it was in bad taste and I was so selfish back then that I couldn’t begin to understand how horrible that could be for you.”
“I accept your apology.” you reply, giving her a small smile.
She breathes a sigh of relief, letting her body go lax in the chair beside you. “Oh good, I was so nervous to talk to you. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack or something.” she gasps.
You find yourself giggling and she snorts softly.
“You’re kid is cute,” she comments, watching him run over to you.
“Thanks,” you whisper, widening your eyes at Honggi curiously as he stops in front of you.
“Mama!” he cheers, holding up his paint covered fingers.
“Yes, baby?” you murmur, pushing his hair back.
“I’m painter like you! Look!” he squeals, tugging your hand.
You look over at Sera apologetically, standing up to follow your son.
“It was nice to see you Sera, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.” you call back to her.
She smiles warmly, giving you a gentle wave goodbye.
Jin could have done worse.
Lowering your head, you look at the picture that your son has painted. The fingerpaint is thick and blobbish but you can see a few distinct shapes that stick out to you.
You don’t say anything at first, letting him finish a few small details that he thinks are important. He gives you his gummy smile, seemingly proud of himself and it makes you smile too.
“It’s very nice, baby. I can see how much work you put into it.” you coo.
“It’s mama and dad, Honggi and baby!” he beams, picking up the picture which is almost too heavy for him with all the paint on it.
Your husband sweeps in beside you, planting a wet kiss to your cheek and taking the painting out of your hands.
“Mommy is having two babies, not just one.” Yoongi reminds him, pointing at your stomach.
Honggi nods fervently, opening and closing his small hands demanding the picture back from his father.
Your husband snorts gently, lowering the picture for his son. You can barely contain the ridiculous giggle that tries to escape you as he draws a black circle next the one already painted.
"Two!” he cheers, sticking up two of his paint covered fingers.
“Good job, bud.” Yoongi chuckles, kissing the top of his head.
“I saw that interaction. You okay?” your husband inquires softly into your ear.
You hum in agreement, wrapping your arm around his waist and laying your head down on his shoulder. “Better than okay,” you murmur, feeling his lips caress over the top of your head.
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“Do you think he’s okay?” Yoongi inquires, pulling over the car.
You can’t help but laugh at his worried expression. “He’s fine,” you promise, putting your hand on his knee, “we can go out on a date without him around us all the time. Maya’s got it. Honggi loves her.”
He shuts off the engine, turning to you with a pout spread over his face. “I just miss him, I didn’t get to read him a bedtime story.”
Your heart is warm and you can’t help the giggle you give. “It’s our anniversary, besides it’s just for a few hours.”
He picks up your hand, placing a soft kiss to the back of it. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Happy anniversary, little dove.”
“Happy anniversary, babe.” you reply, with a smile.
The inside of Magic Shop is pristine like always, you’re so surprised that Jin has kept it exactly the same as two years ago. He always loved to change things up but you realize that he probably got so busy since you’ve last been here, he probably hasn’t had time for anything.
The music is quieter than normal and there isn’t a soul in the club. Which makes you understand immediately that Yoongi rented the whole place out.
“You shouldn’t have,” you hiss, giving Hyun a small wave.
“Of course I should have, you deserve the world, baby. Plus, loud music isn’t good for the babies,” he whispers, kissing your cheek.
Your eyes immediately land on the black velvet curtain and the memories of first meeting Yoongi flood through you like water.
“Thanks,” your husband murmurs, grabbing a whisky from Hyun.
When you pull back the curtain, you can only smile at the same leather booth from that fated day.
“Jesus, it even smells the same in here.” Yoongi breathes, running his fingers over the top of the couch.
This room holds so many memories for you but nothing beats the one with your husband.
“God, it’s like it was yesterday. I can still remember that black dress you were wearing,” your husband chirps, sitting down in the same spot he did two years ago.
He pats his lap, setting down his whisky onto the floor and you’re absolutely gobsmacked by how much this feels like dejavu.
“I’m a little big,” you murmur, sitting down slowly.
“Never, you’re gorgeous, little dove.” Yoongi coos, wrapping his arms around you.
His warm hands caress your practically bare thighs and when he looks at you, you can see the sheer love and devotion in his eyes.
“My little dove,” he breathes, drifting his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
You can remember just how smoking hot you thought this man was, how intrigued you were by him in an instant. You remember every single second of your time in this back room. You remember every minute of your days when you found out you were pregnant and how absolutely scared you were.
You can remember his good times and his bad when he was working out his feelings about you.
Nothing has left your mind and you treasure each and every memory -- because they make up who you are. They make up your life.
And it’s perfect. Because you have him.
“You were a good girl that I wanted to break so badly,” your husband announces, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Well… you did that,” you quip, humming when he presses his face to the crook of your neck.
“Thank you, little dove, really. Thank you so much for loving me and giving me such a wonderful family,” Yoongi gasps.
“Thank you for opening up to me and showing me that our love could blossom into something as perfect as this.” you reply, running your fingertips over his arms.
When he lifts his head, you can see how glassy his eyes are with tears.
“God, I love you, little dove.” he whimpers.
“I love you too.” you reply, kissing him softly.
His lips are plush and soft against yours and you can feel the tears that careen down his cheeks until they’re soaking into your skin. He’s so gentle with you, drifting his hands from your back to your distended stomach.
“My wife,” he chuckles, capturing your chin between his thumb and index finger, “my beautiful, gorgeous, powerful wife who has given me enough love to last eons. I love you so much, little dove, it hurts me.”
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There are one hundred and fifty eight ways to say ‘I love you.’ And, they all pertain to Min Yoongi.
He’s a gentle soul and a loving husband that holds high standing with billions of people worldwide. He is sweet, wonderful and a perfect man at the end of the day. And now, everyone sees this side to him.
In the media he is praised and renowned for being a fantastic father and an equally fantastic husband. And to you, nothing could ever be more true,
It was March 23rd, when you saw him and met him. You tasted the finest of liquors and smelt the smoke of the richest Cuban cigars.
It was March 23rd when your life had truly begun.
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer​, @imluckybitches​, @slothykrueger​, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland​, @rspbrryy​, @iv-bts​, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts​, @mxxngxdss​, @bluewhale52​, @milesjeon11​, @diamonddia-mond​, @vinylphwoar, @xnxy97​, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn​, @bts-7beauts​, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace​, @eclectically-esoteric​, @nikkiordonez12​, @kaitswrld​, @skamlover200​, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria​, @jikooksgirl19​, @hobbledehoy26​, @singular-itae​, @dchimminie​, @lowlifeoeuvre​, @sugaslittlekookies​, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth​, @softysuho​, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire​, @betysotelo18​, @jeonmisha​, @iwanttohitmyself​, @ayyyocee​, @neverthefirstchoice​, @itsbangtanoclock​, @little7bitchh​, @veryuniquenamegoeshere​, @deathkat657​, @firstlovesuga-93​, @namjoonia​, @paperpurple​, @muzikabijou​, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites​, @kleff03​, @ruinsofangels​, @brightwingr5​, @leekanchol​, @rkivemagic​, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside​, @melaninkpops​, @y00ngisbabygirl​, @ungodlyjoon​, @prochnost513​, @dunixxd​, @athenakyle​, @igotnotype​, @chxmachxps​, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog​, @alpaca1612​, @ohcarolinamin​, @thegreatestsushi​, @eltrain80​, @btsmylife21​, @deeepvibes​, @httpminyg​, @deliciouslydisturbed365​, @rkchmestizangmaldita​, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie​, @preciouschimine​, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet​, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii​, @kooafraid​, @ladykadyrova​, @singjisu​, @yazanii​, @moonlitmyg​, @justzeera​​, @absolutefantrash​, @whocaresarchives​, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx​​, @bt21chim​​, @flowerboyhobi​​, @kozuume-kenma, @taepiper​​
Sorry for those it didn’t tag!
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floralseokjin · 4 years
⤑ made-up love song v (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, eventual angst, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, fluff, smut; a shit ton of kissing, oral (f), seokjin likes eye contact, slight overstimulation, he also seems to have a slight potty mouth when turned on, romantic sex, protected sex, shower scene, oral (m), this chapter is basically just sex, enjoy! (yes, the dilf dick is b i g) lingerie described found here for the visuals ~  words; 9,572
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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Saturday couldn’t come soon enough. You were like a little kid at the lead up to Christmas. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this excited for something. Actually, on second thoughts, you couldn’t think of a time you were this excited for anything, period. And all over the prospect of sleeping with Seokjin, and definitely not in the innocent way… He had in no way explicitly stated that you’d be having sex this week, but the insinuation was heavy in the air. Everything leading up to this moment was suggesting come Saturday night you would not be sat in front of Seokjin’s 75” television watching boxsets… 
On the morning of you decided to pack a few things in a small case. You definitely planned on returning home in the day if needed or bored while Seokjin was at work, but the essentials were required: underwear, pyjamas, a few outfits, toiletries and skincare, your iPad, miscellaneous chargers. Soojung on the other hand was acting like you were never coming back… 
“I’m going to miss you.” She whined, having been hovering around you as you packed. “Leaving me alone with smelly Tae.” 
In a bid not to be alone in the evenings she’d invited her smelly boyfriend over for the week, but although she sounded irked it was all just an act. God knows what they’d get up to while you were gone, you dreaded to think. On second thoughts, maybe it would be best to stay at Seokjin’s place all week… You had no clue what you’d walk in on in your own home.  
“I won’t be gone the whole week. Besides, we can meet up for lunch and stuff.” You often visited her at the department store, perusing the food court until it was time for her lunch break. You weren’t secluded from the whole world while away. What did she think was happening? 
She helped you fold your clothes in momentary silence, deep in thought it seemed. “What if you love it there and want to stay permanently Dilf mansion?” 
You scoffed immediately, taking the small pile of t-shirts from her to pack away. “Soo, way to jump the gun.” You’d been dating barely six weeks, hadn’t even had sex yet, moving in together was number 1 on the highly unlikely list. Although, sliding in a couple of pairs of flats into the top pocket of your case and zipping it up, you hummed in consideration. “Dilf mansion does have a ring to it though…” 
Soojung’s attention was on another pile of clothing now – one you would be wearing this evening to leave for Seokjin’s house. Her fingertips brushed along the delicate baby blue lace of your lingerie, sitting on top of the pile and she looked up at you and grinned wickedly. “You’re going to knock his socks off with this.” 
You and her had spent yesterday browsing the mall with a very important task. To decide on the most perfect lingerie set. Knowing Seokjin for a while know, you’d noticed he had an inclination for the colour blue, so your chosen piece had to be a winner – practically see-through, littered in beautiful lace flowers. You were well and truly prepared for tonight, you were a woman on a mission. 
“His Dilf socks,” you corrected your best friend, both of you instantly exploding into a fit of giggles. 
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Arin had left with her grandparents this morning, and as much as Seokjin was eager to get this weekend started and see you immediately, he actually had a few things he needed to take care of at work. It wasn’t until around 5pm that you got into your car to make the short journey, Soo waving you off proudly like you were about to attend your graduation. You were honestly quite calm given the circumstances, although one look at Seokjin as he stepped out the front door to take your case and all inner composure was lost. You were one big ball of excitement, most of it flurrying around in the pit of your stomach. Yet you kept cool on the outside, grinning at the handsome man in front of you despite your lingerie burning marks into your skin. 
And handsome he was today, (as if he wasn’t every day), his dark hair parted in the centre of his forehead naturally, his eyes crinkling as he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. You tasted a hint of mango on his mouth, an obvious sheen to his plump lips, and you presumed he’d applied some chapstick before you’d arrived – the chapstick you’d bought him not too long ago after he’d complained of cracked lips to you on the phone one night. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly, his arms around your waist, body pressed snuggly into yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck, gazing into one another’s eyes before you lightly teased him. “Are we going to stay out here all night?” 
Chuckling heartily, he reached behind you, lifting your case with ease. “Let’s go put this in my room.” 
You’d never once stepped foot onto the upper level of his house before, so you were very observant on your way to his bedroom, eyes catching art pieces (you noticed numerous of Arin’s) and photos along the walls, light fixtures, as well as the odd plant here and there. You had to walk two flights of stairs to get to your destination, one average in length, the other shorter, veering off to the left of the corridor to reach a landing leading into his bedroom. You remembered what he’d said about changing and designing his bedroom himself, so you were very curious as to what it looked like inside. Yet still, the sight of it stunned you to brief silence. 
His was the largest bedroom in the house, the master bedroom if you were being fancy, but in your opinion it was more like a mini home in itself. All it needed was a kitchen and you would be good to go. It smelt just like him – of his cologne and the recognisable vanilla scent his house seemed to waft of every time you visited. The walls were warm grey, décor similar with dashes of cream and gold. The bed matched the whole vibe of the room – insanely large, and you could already tell it was going to be the comfiest thing you’d ever slept on. Directly opposite, but a long way away, were a sofa and love seat sat around a TV hooked to the wall above a stunning fireplace. There were two sets of double windows, from the ceiling to the wooden floor, dark grey drapes open – not that it mattered. Seokjin’s house was out-of-the-way, no chance of being seen. All you were met with as you looked down, was a small patch of garden you hadn’t seen before, plain and simple, but very beautiful. Tranquil. 
To the left of the room a door opened into another, perhaps a quarter of the size – his closet, and you followed him inside, still pretty much lost for words. He said there was no point putting your belongings away tonight, you could do it tomorrow, but he’d saved a drawer for you and there was an empty section of hanging space you could use too. There was also a dressing table you could put to good use, because he sure didn’t, and then he whisked you away into the bathroom, which was probably the most beautiful room in the house. Everything was warm marble in colour. A separate bath and shower (both gigantic) and double sinks. 
“I got you a robe,” Seokjin pointed out, and you followed his gaze to behind the door, two fluffy white robes hooked to the wall. 
Oh, boy. You could get used to this. 
Seokjin ordered takeout for dinner – from an Indian restaurant Namjoon kept raving about apparently. With the amount he ordered you could have sworn he was feeding a whole party, not just the two of you. You were stuffed in no time, curling up on the sofa with a glass of red wine as Seokjin loaded the dishwasher. He still hadn’t cooked an actual meal for you, and when he joined you, of course you reminded him. This week he was preparing dinner for you one night, and that was final. You needed to see what Chef Kim had in him – even if he insisted his skills were long forgotten.  
You cuddled as you watched a movie, which more often than not meant you’d start to become sleepy – just ask Soojung – but tonight was different. You were wide awake and practically thrumming with excitement. You were begging for the movie credits an hour before they were due, and when they finally popped up your heart started to beat harder in anticipation. It was nearing 11pm. Your lingerie was still burning welts into your skin… 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, your back pressed into his chest where you’d been snuggled into him, legs across the sofa, for the duration of the night. One of his arms was crossed around your front, the other free to drink his wine as he propped his feet up on the glass topped coffee table. You could really get used to this. 
“What did you think?” He hummed, reaching forward to place his glass on a coaster. You grabbed his hand, not wanting him to leave you and he chuckled, quickly resuming position to now loop both arms around your shoulders, pressing you further into the warmth of his body. 
“I enjoyed,” you replied with a small shrug. In all honesty it would’ve been a great movie if you hadn’t been so distracted. 
You felt him lower his head, breath hot against your ear as he spoke. “I’m glad you didn’t fall asleep on me.” You giggled as he started to kiss the column of your neck, his barely there presses of his lips tickling you. Yet still you pushed into his hold, letting your head fall back. He took the opportunity to suck your earlobe between his lips, eliciting a sweet sigh from you. “I really can’t wait to spend this entire week with you.”  He whispered. 
You tried to keep your voice as uninvolved as possible – which was a lot harder when he now had your earlobe between his teeth. “Eh. I’m so-so over it.” 
“Y/N!” He scolded playfully, groaning a laugh as he lifted his head away. “Stop. Now’s not the time for joking around.” 
“I’m sorry,” you giggled, latching onto his hands. 
“Face me,” he murmured almost suddenly. “Let me kiss you properly.” 
His kisses were gentle and loving, his hands cupping your face as you leaned into him, hands placed across his hard chest. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt tucked into some black pants, he’d looked irresistible all night. He pulled away slowly, lips upturned almost drunkenly. “What’s that grin for?” 
Seokjin’s gaze flicked from your lips to your eyes repeatedly as he replied, thumbs massaging circles into your cheeks. “I’m just very happy. Is that allowed?” 
Giggling, you pressed your mouth to his, wrapping your palms around his neck to pull him in closer. He hummed loudly – indulgently, and let you lick into his mouth, his own hands slipping down to your neck and down your torso, gripping your middle. Your chest was flush to his and you welcomed the heat of his body. You were happy too. It had been a long time since you’d last felt this content, and tonight you’d realised just how lovely it was to be able to lounge with Seokjin and be in his company so casually, so naturally like this. You would become spoiled this week, but you couldn’t feel too worried right now. 
Breaking away again, it seemed like he wanted to say something, but your mouth was a greedy thing, finding its way down his neck and across his throat as he leaned his head against the back of the sofa, his breathing shallow as he let you wonder. His fingers brushed up and down your back distractedly, until he seemed to remember what he wanted to tell you. “Hey,” he whispered, breath catching in his throat when you pinched your teeth into his Adam’s apple softly. “Hey, stop for a moment. There was something I wanted to say before…” He trailed off, unsure how to finish the very obvious direction of his sentence, and as much as you wanted to nosedive straight into that pool, you pulled back to look into his eyes, waiting patiently. 
He straightened his back and you eased off him a little, finding his fond smile contagious. “I’ve enjoyed these past few weeks so much.” He began, sincerity in his tone . “I know I’m not old old by any means but dating you has made me feel like I’m young again. I mean, grinding in the middle of a bar is something I didn’t even do back in my college days.” 
“I fail to believe that,” you laughed. 
“Really,” he insisted, looking amused. “I was a nerd. A handsome one, but a nerd nonetheless.” Before you could roll your eyes he was continuing. “What I’m trying to say is that, I really like you, Y/N.” His fingers played with the ends of your hair lovingly.  “You know that already. Shit, I’m crazy about you. Just hearing your voice makes my day better. No matter how short a time we spend together, even if it’s just on the phone to say goodnight, I feel happy – I feel relaxed.” He paused to take a breath before moving to cup your face with one hand. “No matter how stressed I am you make it better by just existing.” 
“…Seokjin,” you murmured, a little lost for words at his declaration. 
He chuckled warmly, tops of his cheeks tinged somewhat rosy. “Too cheesy?”
You shook your head adamantly, reaching for his face as well. “Not at all. I’m crazy about you too.” His face lit up instantly and you couldn’t help but kiss him. “I’m so happy we met,” you confessed against his mouth. “I don’t want this summer to be over.” 
“It’s not over yet,” he laughed. “We still have time to make it even better.” You wanted that more than anything. Finding it difficult to keep away from your lips, he practically had to tear himself away. He was out of breath. “I know saying this out loud is silly given everything, but… Let’s make this official.” 
Your heart started somersaulting. You felt like you were in high school again, over the moon because Kim Rowoon had asked you to prom. Only this was better than that – much, much better. Linking your arms around Seokjin’s neck you tilted your head to the side, a grin unable to keep off your face. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Mr. Kim?” 
“What do you say?” He sounded hopeful and soft. 
You hummed out loud, thinking hard. “Can I get back to you? 3 to five business days seems about right.” You immediately squealed as you finished your sentence, Seokjin’s hands finding their way around your butt to tug you forward. You gripped onto his shoulders with the surprise. 
“Too bad because I’ve already been calling you my girlfriend at the office.” 
You didn’t have a chance to reply, the hard press of his lips against yours knocking you senseless. You found yourself in his lap not long after, fingers dragging through his hair as you clung to him, mouths moving in gradual urgency until you began to feel out of breath. Your tongues seemed to grow more daring, intent, as your soft moans mingled with his quiet groans. You hadn’t quite found yourself in this position before, usually moulded to the soft leather but this time you had Seokjin pinned tight, a heat that was quickly becoming unbearable burning between your bodies, and his hands running up and down your back didn’t help. 
Each brush of his fingertips had your skin prickling with warmth, dizzying your mind, and when you felt him brush against the curve of your left breast you leaned forward into his touch, desperate for more. Seokjin grunted, encouraged by your action as he cupped the soft flesh, his thumb grazing your nipple which hardened from the touch. Your kiss turned a lot more frenzied after that, Seokjin roaming your body with confidence, his unoccupied hand cupping your butt to rock you against his crotch. 
He was hard. You’d felt it stiffening ever since you’d climbed into his lap, but now he was solid, flesh pressing (probably painfully) against his pants, and feeling emboldened you lifted your hips, hovering over him for your hand to slot in between your bodies, cupping his erection firmly. He stiffened under your grasp, his breath hitching and you took that moment to drag your tongue along his, teasing him as you slowly started to stroke him above his slacks. He felt thick and rigid between your fingers, pulsing erratically against your hold, and he broke away from your mouth, head falling back as a loud, drawn-out groan slipped from his throat. You gazed at him – eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed, mouth parted as he breathed shallowly – and took a mental picture. You wanted to remember this moment forever. He looked gorgeous, basking in pleasure and you wanted to pleasure him more. It was an urge so strong you practically dived on him, mouth slamming into his. He soon gained his bearings, kissing you just as wildly as his hands groped your body. 
“Do you – mm, do you want – mm – to take this upstairs?” He asked against your lips, fingers currently digging into the soft flesh of your ass. The veins in his neck were visible, his desperation for you obvious, and you pulled away from the kiss to nod rapidly. If he didn’t get you upstairs soon you’d surely explode. 
You let out a little squeak as you suddenly found yourself in the air, safely held up by Seokjin. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to him as he began to make the brisk walk to the hallway and towards the staircase. “Oh, my god,” you muttered, laughing as you realised he was about to carry you bridal style all the way up the stairs. 
“What?” He laughed back, his eyes twinkling warmly. Your heart melted at the sight and you leaned in to kiss him, uncaring that you both may fall backwards and break your necks. 
“I may have forgotten about the amount of stairs in this goddamn house,” he panted lightly once you’d made it past the first set. 
“Put me down then,” you giggled. 
“Never,” he sang out, pecking you on the mouth sweetly. 
Once in his bedroom, he placed you down, closing the door behind you before caging you against it, kissing you like he hadn’t seen you for months. You keened into his touch, whole body hot and ready for him, but in the end you couldn’t keep up with his mouth. He’d never kissed you like this, he was a man possessed, you physically felt weak at the knees and you clung to him, moaning softly when his mouth fell to your neck. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he confessed against the wet skin, fresh waves of arousal washing through your body. His voice was an octave lower, gruff and nothing like you’d heard before. “I can’t contain myself knowing we’re going to be alone for a whole week.” 
“What do you plan on doing to me?” You laughed weakly, but to be honest, the time for wisecracks were gone. You were hanging on by a thread, this close to begging him to tear your clothes off. 
Cupping your neck he pulled away to look you in the face. His pupils were blown out, more black than the warm brown you were used to. The tops of his cheeks were tinged red, his own arousal very evident, and when he replied he sounded as sincere as ever. “Anything you want me to.” 
Okay, if he carried on like this, he’d mess up your plan good and proper. He was rude. Very rude. And hot, and sexy, and yours. God, you really wanted him. Your body was screaming for him. You pressed a kiss to his mouth, and then another, and another, determined not to get yourself glued there no matter how much he tried to drag his tongue along the seam of your lips. “L-let me freshen up,” you managed to get out, voice shaky as you (with great difficultly) held him away at arm’s length.  
At your words, he slowly made sense of them, his eyes refocussing before he gave you a short nod and politely stepped back. “Ok.” 
Before you could be tempted by that mouth of his once more, you made a dash for his bathroom, closing the door behind you. Immediately you began to rush out of your clothes, not even bothering to fold them properly because you were in such a hurry. You’d had this planned all night, wanting him to be rendered speechless, and staring at your lingerie cladded self in the giant mirror he had hooked to the wall, you reminded yourself to take a breather. You were going to walk out there calmly, the epitome of composed as you sought out his reaction. With one last look at your reflection, you walked towards the door and opened it. 
Seokjin was sat on the edge of the bed, legs sinfully spread (but oh so casually, which just made it hotter), but he wasn’t looking your way, his eyes darting around the room a little as if he was desperately trying to find some patience. Knowing he was riled and aroused made your head even more dizzy, and stopping by the doorframe, you called out to him. 
He looked your way instantly, eyes bulging even quicker. Actually they practically popped out on storks as he took in the sight of you in the baby blue underwear. He seemed paralysed. 
“Hey,” you smiled, all of a sudden feeling a little shy as you waited for him to say something. 
It took another moment, but then he was swallowing hard, wetting his mouth as his lips parted. “Oh, shit.” 
You smiled victoriously, those simple two words satisfying you fully. 
He outstretched his hand, voice thick and raspy as he beckoned you forward. “Come here.”
You obeyed, closing the distance between you quickly and Seokjin wasted no time clasping his hands around your hips as you stood in front of him, between his legs. If felt so good to finally have his hands on your bare skin. His touch was warm, soothing, but most of all, electrifying. Goosebumps spread as he dragged his fingers up and down your sides, his eyes drowning at the sight of you. 
“Do you like it? It’s not too much?” You asked, looking down at him. You glowed under his gaze. 
He lifted his head up, arching an eyebrow. “Do I like it? Is that supposed to be a genuine question?” He sounded just as baffled as he looked and it made you giggle. His fingers started to play with the thin waistband of your panties before delicately outlining the lace flower petals on your ass. The sensation made you shiver, and a small smile grew on his face as he watched you. “You look gorgeous.” He leaned forward, beginning to place small, gentle kisses on your abdomen and your skin rippled, butterflies appearing. “You’re beautiful.” He murmured, hot puffs of air hitting you, heating you up even more. 
You curled your hand in his hair, needing something to latch on to as you watched him mouth even more kisses along your flesh. The point of his tongue dipped into your navel scandalously, and as you gasped he looked up with his eyes and smirked, tongue now swirling invisible patterns along your stomach. The sight sent you a little gooey, legs feeling weak again as your heart thrummed inside your chest. 
“However… I was looking forward to undressing you…” He teased.
You teased right back. “You still have the lingerie.” 
He couldn’t handle that, growling quietly against your stomach, his hands rounding your ass to mould the flesh in his palms firmly. He’d soon tear the panties if he kept that up. Obviously the idea of stripping you naked sent him feral – something you’d remember well for this week. You yelped when you felt him sink his teeth into your hip bone, pulling him closer to your body by his hair, desperate for more. It was when you looked behind him, did you notice the pillar candles aflame on the two nightstands that sat either side of his bed. They weren’t burning before you’d entered the bathroom. You were sure of it. 
“Seokjin, did you light candles?” You asked without realising, changing the atmosphere slightly, but you didn’t mind too much, not when the image of Seokjin rushing to burn candles for the ~ambience~ was too damn adorable. 
He lifted from your skin, looking up at you. “Um, yeah.” He sounded a little awkward before he chuckled softly. “I thought against the slow R&B music.” 
“Good choice,” you laughed, fingers rubbing small circles into the nape of his neck. That would’ve been hilarious. 
“I’m totally out of my depth here…” He admitted, nudging you backwards a little to stand in front of you. He kept his hands on your waist, ducking down to be eye level with you. “I haven’t done this in a while.” 
“Snap,” you grinned, rubbing your nose against his as you wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him close. You kissed him deeply, feeling happy and relaxed. There wasn’t a nerve in sight and despite his honest words you knew he was at ease too.  
Your hands slipped over his shoulders and down his toned chest, stopping just before the waistband of his pants to tug at his t-shirt, untucking him. “You have to get naked too.” You whined, detaching your mouths. “I’m feeling sorely underdressed.” 
He let out an airy chuckle, immediately reaching for the neck of his shirt to tug it over his head. Your hands greedily started to explore his torso, running your fingers along his faintly lined abs before trailing up his hard chest. He shivered as you brushed against his nipples, a tiny laugh slipping from his throat. 
“What?” You laughed. 
“’Tickles.” He mumbled, leaning in for another kiss. You wrapped your arms around him, loving the feeling of his bare chest against yours, but soon enough you got impatient again, hands reaching for the button of his pants. You popped it open and proceeded to unzip him, at least giving his poor erection some reprieve. It had been pressed up against your lower stomach for quite some time, still rigid but as patient as ever. 
He took over, stepping back to push them past his hips, his lips still attached to yours. “Mm–Bed.” He hummed, taking you by the hips to switch places. You pulled away and sat down, watching him kick his pants off his feet and your eyes zoned in on the curve of his erection, hidden by his Armani underwear – black with a red waistband. His thighs were perfectly toned, his skim glowing in the soft lighting. He looked good enough to eat and your heart skipped a couple of beats as he walked forward. 
You laid back against the mattress, instantly groaning at how soft it was. You practically sunk inside. “Oh, damn this is comfy.” Rolling onto your side as Seokjin climbed on the bed, you hid your smirk. “I could just go to sleep…” 
“I don’t think so,” he told you, hovering over you. His hand smacked you ass causing you to squeal, and you flipped onto your back as he took the moment to cage you under his large body. 
This time his mouth completely bypassed your lips to kiss your chest, pressing into the indents of your collarbones before slipping to the tops of your breasts. He kissed the fabric, wetting it as his tongue traced the delicate flower petals and you gripped onto his shoulders with a moan as he encased one nipple between his lips, sucking gently, soaking the lace a darker shade of blue. “You drive me crazy,” he quietly panted, his hands reaching behind your back, arched into the pleasure he was giving you. “May I?” He asked, fingers finding the clasp of your bra. You nodded hastily, moaning louder when he lifted his head to kiss your lips. His motions were firm, tight pleasure filled grunts leaving him as he freed you of your lingerie. 
Immediately he pulled away, dark eyes soaking in your bare chest like it was the most stunning thing he’d ever seen. Your back arched further when his warm palms cupped your breasts, spreading a heat down your spine that settled between your legs. “You’re beautiful,” he awed, looking into your eyes, causing a sweet moan to fall from your lips. 
He moulded the soft flesh gently, before brushing his thumbs over your hardened nipples. That had you moaning again, pleasure you hadn’t felt in a long time rocketing up your body. It felt amazing to be touched by him, and you were greedy for more. He was on the same page, his lips replacing his thumbs, his tongue flicking against the sensitive bud that had you sighing out his name, your fingers threaded in his hair. He hummed against you, squeezing your breasts and pressing his body into yours – once – his erection pressing into your thighs, before he pulled away, kissing down your sternum before licking into your navel, his hands rubbing up and down the outside of your thighs. 
His lips avoided your clothed heat, which was frustrating to say the least. You were so eager by now, unsure if you could take much more kissing before you exploded, but Seokjin was a man determined – determined on kissing every inch of your body it seemed. He made it down one thigh before moving onto the next and as he got towards your knee you couldn’t help but giggle – it was beginning to tickle, but he didn’t stop, lips pressing down your calf.  
“Seokjinn,” you whined. 
He chuckled as he made his way back up the other leg, bending you at the knee before gently getting you to spread out for him. “What?” He murmured. Although you were distracted now, realising how aroused you had become, your underwear clinging to you desperately. He was kissing the inside of your thigh now, fingers hooked under the waistband of your panties and he was so close to where you wanted him you were trembling. He nosed his way to the apex of your thigh, groaning as he smelt you and then he was hastily tugging the lace down your legs, the last of your covering. Now you were totally naked in front of him, and he looked like he wanted to eat you up. 
“What do you want me to do?” He asked, voice gruff. He sounded so sexy. His eyes were glued to your centre yet he didn’t touch. When you didn’t reply, they flickered to your face. “Y/N. Hm?” 
You mind was a blur, you couldn’t think what to say, mainly because you wanted him to do anything and everything to you. You startled when he nosed the inside of your thigh, his hands sliding down your hips to grip the flesh underneath. “Taste you? Is that what you want?” He whispered, sending your insides somersaulting. He looked up as you nodded, and grinned. “You have to say it out loud, honey.” 
The bastard. He was teasing you. Trying to get under your skin. Your forced yourself to speak. “Taste me.” He hummed in response, pressing his mouth to your hip bone. You raised your tone, more determined. “Seokjin. Taste me.” 
He dived in. Placing gentle kisses up your slit, his lips ever so slightly brushing your clitoris. You moaned quietly, letting your eyes close as you laid back against the softest pillows you had ever felt. Your fists clutched the sheets, hips raising up when you felt the first wash of his tongue. Your breath caught, warmth turning you gooey. “Taste so good,” he mumbled into you – so quietly you wondered if you’d imagined it. 
You enjoyed the sensation for a few moments, quietly moaning intermittently before you felt the urge to take a peek. Opening your eyes and looking down your body, you saw Seokjin watching you, his eyes hungry. You quickly looked away, the back of your hand coming up to cover your mouth as a groan left you, your legs falling wider apart. The scene had been erotic but in all honesty you were feeling a little shy. It had been a long time since you’d had sex, so the idea of someone watching you so intimately made you feel funny. 
Seokjin was there to reassure you though. “Don’t look away, Y/N,” he murmured, pulling back to get your attention. “I want to see your face.” You looked again, watching him kneel low as he ran a hand up your thigh. His lips shone with your arousal. He looked beautiful. 
You moaned lowly when you felt him rub a finger at your entrance, and he watched you intently as he pushed inside, feeling you squeeze around the intrusion. He slowly began to curve the digit, pressing against your inner walls. Committed to pleasuring you, he watched your every reaction and this time you didn’t look away. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked, in awe as you writhed around on the bed, chasing the feeling. 
You moaned as you replied yes, only to jerk upwards when his thumb began to rub tiny circles against your clit. “Seokjin!” 
He liked that. Hearing you cry his name. He wanted to hear it more, dropping low to replace his thumb with his lips. He sucked the sensitive bud of nerves between them, flicking the tip of his tongue against it rapidly, earning him another cry, and he moaned gruffly against you, the vibrations shooting up your body. His free hand moved to your lower stomach, palm hot against your skin as he applied gentle pressure, holding you down. 
Oh god, you were a mass of pleasure, mind addled, unable to think straight. Not when he was making you feel so good. He slipped a second finger inside of you, his eyes flicking up to yours and you made it your life’s mission not to look away, chest heaving up and down as you squeezed around his digits. Your orgasm was building, pressure below getting harder to control – harder to ignore. Seokjin guessed it, breaking eye contact to bury his face further into your heat. The image was almost crude, so were the noises, but the most beautiful kind of crude. A crude that had you desperate for more. You jerked into him, rolling into each snap of his wrist, the pads of his fingers grazing your g-spot. 
“Want to make you cum,” he rasped, before sucking your clit back into his mouth and sucking determinedly. You groaned, head flinging back into the pillow, eyes clenched closed, a hand coming out to grip the roots of your hair as you rolled your hips into his face, giving into the pleasure well and truly. This orgasm was going to blow your brains out – and it did. 
In the end you had you to clamp your legs around Seokjin’s head in a bid to get him to stop, pleasure still rolling through your body as you panted like crazy. He eased from your clit, tongue dragging down your folds instead, meeting his fingers that were almost locked inside of your pulsing walls. With a grunt, he removed himself, kissing your mound one last time before he stopped. With his hands on your thighs as he kneeled between them, he watched you adoringly. 
“Oh, my god,” you panted weakly. Unsure what else you could say to describe what you’d just experienced. Why had he not been doing that from the get-go? From as soon as he’d reversed into your car?! 
That was all he needed anyway, your simple vocalisation, because no sooner had the words exited your mouth, he dived on you, kissing your mouth, your cheeks, your eyes, your forehead – whatever he could reach. “You’re amazing,” he gushed, his lips and chin still glistening with your wetness. You could taste yourself on him. It was glorious. His hands roamed your body like it was all new to him. As if he hadn’t been it for the last forty minutes or so. “Fuck. I can’t stop touching you.”
Your stomach flipped around, the sound of him cursing sending you dizzy. You licked into his mouth, kissing him messily, your hands raking up and down his back, before they settled on his ass. You gave the meat a squeeze and he grunted, pushing his crotch into yours. He was painfully hard – and desperate. (You hadn’t missed the way he’d been rutting into the mattress while going down on you…)
“Seokjin,” you breathed, moving your head to the side to get your words out. His tongue carried on going, swirling across your cheek. You liked getting messy with him. You tugged at his underwear. “Get naked. Need you.” 
“You don’t need a minute?” He asked, tongue now in your ear. He gyrated his hips into yours, grunting as he did so. 
You shook your head. “Like hell I do.” 
He laughed at that – breathlessly, but it was something. He moved, rushing out of the last bit of clothing he had on, and your eyes drunk up the sight. The missing piece. His dick was long and thick – smooth and warm once you got your hands on him. Hovering over you, you ran your fist up and down him steadily, just enjoying getting to touch him. He dropped to your side, pecking your lips before he pulled back.  “I need to be inside you.” 
You continued to touch him, running your fingers along the rigid flesh as he stretched behind him to pull a box from the nightstand drawer. 
It caught your attention right away. You raised both eyebrows as you let go of his length. “A hundred condoms?” 
He chuckled, sounding a little sheepish. “Too enthusiastic?”
“Do you want to kill me?” Death by (Dilf) dick wasn’t how you’d expected to go, if you were being honest. 
“Not particularly,” he shrugged, pulling one of the packet. (Discarding the box to the floor.) He turned back to you with an impish grin. “That’s why I bought the bumper pack of condoms.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing at his chest, but he grabbed your hand and kissed you, distracting you successfully. “No, if I’m being truthful,” he continued, letting you steal another kiss. “They were better value for money. I’m partial to a bargain.” 
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoffed. 
“You should’ve seen me purchasing them, I have never been more embarrassed in my life.” 
“Seokjin, you’re a near 40 year old man,” you judged openly, however on second thoughts – “But yeah, I’d be embarrassed buying a 100 condoms too.” 
Seokjin shuddered, looking mortified. “Just the thought of the cashier knowing I was going to get lucky…” 
You arched an eyebrow. “Get lucky?”
He looked comically caught out, eyes wide for a second before he shook his head. “Less talking now…” And then he was kissing you again…
Between rushed mouths and eager hands, he managed to tear the condom packet, pulling out the latex to slip it over his erection. Kneeling over you, you could see perfectly when he attempted to roll it the wrong way up.  “Oh, shit. Ignore that,” he muttered, fixing it immediately. 
You stifled a laugh. “Ignored.” 
He gave himself a tug, making sure everything was secure and your mouth practically watered. “Just warning you now, this may be a three pumps and Bam! kinda thing,” he informed you as he laid over you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I am so turned on.”
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his middle. “I don’t mind. Just want you.” 
“I want you more.” He rubbed his nose against yours. 
Hitting his ass, you shot him a look. “It’s not a competition.” 
“Isn’t it?” He asked, pretending to be confused. 
“Quit stalling,” you whined. “Let’s have sex.” 
“Let’s,” he agreed with a warm smile. You turned gooey instantly. 
Pressing his knees to the mattress, he hovered over you, wrapping his hand around his dick to direct it between your legs. He rubbed the length up and down your slit, flesh heavy and hot, coating himself in your arousal. The sensation was good for you, but for him it seemed to blow his mind, eyes practically rolling back into his skull as he grunted. He stopped at your entrance, looking up at you as he slowly pushed the head inside. 
You shifted under him, trying to stay patient. You wanted nothing more than to be stuffed full of him, but realistically you needed to take things slow. You held onto his shoulders, silently telling him to continue. He let out a strained groan as he slipped in deeper, your walls snug and hot around him, begging him for more. Inch by glorious inch, you kept on taking him, until you were filled up just right. 
“Shit,” you uttered, looking up at the ceiling as you adjusted to the sensation. 
“Was that a curse?” He asked, voice tight but greatly amused as he nosed your throat. 
“Hardly.” Your voice was barely there, desperate for him to move. 
“I’d still class it as swearing.” He was holding his breath, yet still felt the need to be a smarty-pants. You moved your hips practically a centimetre and he grunted. He didn’t want you to win though. “I want more. Maybe not tonight, but I will turn your mouth filthy by the end of the week…”
A moan tore from your throat uncontrollably, and you couldn’t look at his face because you knew you’d be met with a gloating smirk. You steeled yourself, nose in the air. “Game on.” 
Seokjin laughed obnoxiously, but couldn’t wait any longer, slowly dragging out of you and then pushing back in. His breath hitched – so did yours, and he carried on, propping himself up with one hand as he gained a steady rhythm. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he moaned, watching your face. 
“You too.” You clung to him, feeling your face heat up and ended up dropping your gaze. 
“Honey, don’t be shy,” he whined, reaching to cup your face, in the process pressing more of his body weight into you. You clutched him tighter, wanting him as close as ever. “I like watching you. Knowing I’m making you feel good.” His mouth on yours now, you sunk into the kiss, moaning softly as his thrusts got quicker. You met each one, rolling into him. 
It wasn’t long before he was on your throat, kissing and nipping the skin, his hands exploring the rest of your body. Your ran your fingers through his hair, sighing sweety when his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, slipping the hard flesh into his mouth to suck. 
Face pressed against your chest, his movements became a little erratic, breathing heavy until he was panting. You moaned along, loving how he was making you feel. “You are honestly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He awed, voice raspy. 
You let out a weak chuckle, running your fingers through the ends of his hair. “Of course you would say that with a face full of my boobs.” 
He laughed too, kissing his way back up your chest, his hands pressing into the pillow as he leaned in for your mouth. You stared at one another for a little while, your moans mingling together, and it was the most intimate moment you’d ever shared with anyone. 
“Good?” He asked. You were unsure if he was asking how you were or if you were enjoying yourself, but regardless, the answer was the same. 
“Really good,” you smiled, running your hand down his chest. 
His thrust were getting messier, less controlled, less strategic, so it was no surprise when he had a confession to tell you, kissing you once again. “I’m-I’m… close.” 
He’d exceeded the predicted three pumps at least… “Hey, you can go a little harder,” you whispered against his mouth. 
He grunted, slacking at your words but quickly got a hold of himself. Each snap of his hips got firmer and harsher, fucking – because there was no other way to describe it – you into the expensive bed. Your cries of pleasure came out stunted and unsteady, his own grunts louder now, gruffer as he chased his end. 
“Seokjin –!” Your hands fell to his ass, holding him tight as he pounded into you. “Don’t stop,” you encouraged, which seemed to tip him over the edge – quickly. 
“Fuck. Coming…”” His face fell into the crook of your neck, panting as he tried to keep moving, and then he froze, his body hot, partly sweaty, a long drawn-out groan sounding against your ear as he came. 
You wrapped your arms around him, keeping him to you because in all honesty, you didn’t want to let him go. You could feel his heart beating against your chest rapidly, even after he’d partially caught his breath, and you knew yours was beating just as fast. You kissed his shoulder when he kissed yours, and slowly he lifted his head, turning to give you a drunken smile. He sighed contently. “That honestly beats any orgasm I’ve ever given myself lately.” 
“I should hope so!” You burst out laughing, not quite expecting those to be his first words and he immediately joined you before hugging you tight. 
You awoke naturally, light from outside peeking through the loosely closed drapes. Seokjin had his arm around you, his body curved into yours, and you could tell by his breathing he was still very much sound asleep. Proving your point, he grunted softly, rolling onto his back, his grip on you loosening. Carefully, you turned around to face him, taking in the sight of his sleeping form. His lips seemed to be pouted, eyebrows furrowed slightly – of course he had an adorable sleeping face. Of fricking course. 
The bed sheets were pushed down, draped across his pelvis, one hip sticking out, while his broad chest and toned stomach laid bare. You found yourself smiling, insanely happy, wondering if you’d been a saint in a past lifetime – you had to have been. How else had you hit the jackpot? A kind-hearted, beautiful man with a banging body? You’d struck big. 
Wanting to leave him sleep longer, you got up quietly, needing to pee, not worrying that you were butt naked, and as you left the bathroom, you moved to the closet (room) to fish for your phone in your purse. You’d left it there all evening yesterday, not wanting to be interrupted, and low and behold you had a bunch of notifications waiting for you on the screen. You got back into bed, getting comfy before you scrolled through them. Most were unimportant, news updates and social media notifications. You had a text from your mom reminding you to call your grandmother soon, one reminder regarding your phone bill going out tomorrow and then, from half an hour ago, a text message from your best friend. Why the hell was she up so early on a Sunday?! 
Soojung (8:32am) Spill the details girl! How was Mr. Dilf 🥵👨🏻🍆💦 
You snorted, pretty loudly, couldn’t help it, and when you realised you shoved a hand over your mouth, hoping you hadn’t woken your boyfriend (yes, it felt so good to finally use that word) up. You glanced over, but his eyes were still shut, a peaceful look on his face, so with a relieved inner sigh, you went back to your phone, wondering how you should reply. You had quite a lot to say, messaging her “the details” wouldn’t work. Maybe you could give her a summary? Until tomorrow when you could call her while Seokjin was at work. Maybe you could meet her for lunch. And who knew, you’d probably have more to tell her come then –
“Good morning, beautiful.” 
You jumped when you heard Seokjin’s voice, his arm wrapping around you once more as he snuggled closer, encasing you in his body warmth. 
“Seokjin,” you greeted, instantly shoving your phone onto the nightstand, face down. “Good morning.” 
“Mmm.” He rubbed his face into the crook of your neck, burrowing his arm under the covers to touch your skin, hand cupping your waist. He was still sleepy, voice groggy. You settled into his hold, closing your eyes. With a kiss to the top of your shoulder, he spoke again.  “What were you snorting at?”
Your eyes immediately flew open. He’d heard that? “Nothing,” you tried to reply casually. 
He laughed, the throaty sound shooting up your body, leaving warmth in its wake. “Come on, something made you laugh.” He lifted his head, looking at you pointedly, plump lips pressed together, mouth curving up slightly. “You have to share, it’ll be rude not to.” 
It took you a second to give in. “Fine.” It was probably time to let him know anyway. Soojung might try to kill you, but she couldn’t get you if you were gated in at Seokjin’s home…  You reached for your phone and flashed the screen on, holding it out to him. “Soojung’s an idiot,” you sighed. 
He delicately held the back of your hand, steadying the device so he could read the messages. A second later he was deeply amused, lips quirking before he let out a little laugh. “Has that been my nickname the entire time?” 
“Maybe…” Amongst other things… They could wait till later though. 
He hummed, trying to keep his expression casual, but you could tell by his eyes how amused (and smug) he was. “The emojis add a nice touch.” 
You rolled your eyes, about to tell him to shut up, but immediately his lips were pressed against yours. He kissed you sweetly – which was all just an act. When he pulled away, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, tone arrogant. “So… how was Mr. Dilf?”
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed. This couldn’t be happening. He was just as bad as Soo and Taehyung. 
Laughing loudly, he kissed you again, caging you under him smoothly. Your hands reached for his biceps, feeling them flex underneath you. “Was it good enough for a round two? Don’t expect me to keep my hands off you,” he told you, his fingers tickling your stomach as his face fell to your neck, kissing and biting the skin. 
You began to laugh, squirming under him, but no matter how much you tried to free yourself it was impossible. “Stop,” you whined. “Seokjin, you’re tickling me!” He eased off with the tickling but his mouth only seemed to ramp up, his tongue licking up your throat. “You’re so sexy,” he groaned, meeting your gaze, and instantly laughed. “I love embarrassing you.” 
You grumbled, realising you’d started to blush. “I’m not embarrassed,” you insisted. “I’m turned on.” Two could play at that game. Seokjin’s eyes widened comically, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. 
“Yeah?” He murmured, getting a hold of himself, mouth ghosting over yours. You nodded, dragging your hands down his back to settle on his ass. You could feel his dick rousing between your thighs. It was so easy to get him. He was like putty in your hands. 
“You’re okay though, mm?” He asked, tone softening as he stared into your eyes. “Did you enjoy last night?”
“I thought that was obvious,” you informed him, but his tenderness didn’t go ignored. God, you were really lucky. “I feel so happy,” you grinned, moving to clasp your arms around his neck. He grinned too, teeth on show, and then you couldn’t hold off any longer, kissing him eagerly.  
“Fuck,” he breathed, after you’d just licked a strip up his jaw line. His hands clung to hips. “I want you in so many ways.” 
You gave him a dangerous smirk. “We have all week, I’m sure you’ll be successful.” 
Groaning, he seemed beside himself, skin hot and sweaty, his hair dishevelled, falling into his eyes, cheeks patched red. Finally, he settled on a decision. “Would you like to shower with me?”
“Okay,” you replied instantly, your excitement already tenfold, and suddenly you were in his arms, rising off the bed to be carried (naked) bridle style to the bathroom. “Seokjin!” You squealed, clinging onto him tightly, but all he did was laugh. You could get used to this. 
His walk-in shower was grand, practically a separate wet room – two glass doors leading inside and a marbled tiled bench to the left with two panelled windows behind it. There were two showerheads – one large one attached to the ceiling and the other jutting out from the wall. Seokjin chose the centre one, knocking it on and enclosing you both in hot water. Warmth radiated from beneath your feet too – heated flooring, of course. 
You spent the next ten minutes wrapped together kissing, hands exploring one another’s soapy bodies. It wasn’t long before there was a very obvious erection bobbing against your stomach. “Someone says hello again,” Seokjin hummed against your mouth, nipping your bottom lip before he broke away and chuckled. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’ve been the cause of many an awkward boner.” 
You laughed, hooking one arm around his neck. “I noticed.” Your other hand wrapped around his dick, the wetness of his skin making it easy to glide your fist along the veiny shaft. You gazed up at him, admiring the way he’d pushed his wet hair above his forehead. He looked incredibly handsome – so handsome, you were finding it hard to control yourself. “Was this one of your ways?” You murmured. 
“Maybe,” he said with a smile, huffing out a little when your thumb grazed the sensitive slit across the head of his member. 
“I have a better idea…” You whispered, pushing a little at his chest. “Sit.” 
He obeyed, sitting on the bench while watching you wordlessly (but curiously), his eyes flashing when you moved to kneel in front of him. “Fuck,” he muttered, dick twitching in anticipation. You took him in your fist again, feeling oddly confident as you flicked out your tongue. It had been a long time since you’d sucked dick but you were more than ready. 
You washed your tongue across the head, hearing him grunt above you, and encouraged, you took him in your mouth, sucking firmly around the tip. His hands instantly reached for your head, fingers carding through your hair. He groaned lowly, thighs tense, but when you started to jerk your fist along his shaft, he relaxed into the pleasure, murmuring your name. 
“Okay, this idea seems better than mine,” he admitted, voice tight. 
You hummed in agreement, vibrations travelling up his length which made him groan, fingers in your hair tightening. Taking him deeper, you washed and swirled your tongue as best you could around the thick flesh. Seokjin’s length was impressive, but you had all week to grow accustomed to it, for now, you had your hand, continuing to stimulate him with both that and your mouth. The water from the shower hit your back and calves, the heat beneath you making sure you didn’t grow cold. 
“Should we go back to the bedroom?” Seokjin asked, sounding concerned, despite how good you were making him feel. A hand ran down your back soothingly. “Your knees will start aching.” 
Pulling off him, a string of saliva that attached you breaking apart, you shook your head and ran your palm all the way up his length, twisting against the tip. He bucked into your hold. “It’ll be worth it.” 
Seokjin let out a low growl, eyes dark. “Don’t say things like that.” 
You smirked, spreading your saliva up and down him slowly before speeding up, concentrating on the head. Seokjin’s mouth was open, his breathing shallow, chest littered with red blotches, making it painfully obvious how aroused he was. You wanted to run your hands all over the muscular torso, mouth too – but that could wait. First of all, you wanted to make him cum. 
“You have a pretty big dick. Has anyone ever told you that?” You purred, eyes flicking down to his crotch. 
Seokjin grinned confidently, the hand in his hair reaching to cup your cheek. “You seemed to handle it very well last night.” 
Oh. Heat exploded through your body, settling between your legs, and you took him back in your mouth, a hiss leaving his throat. He tapped your chin, gaining your attention. “Y/N, look at me,” he commanded softly. 
And you did. You watched every bit of pleasure that flitted across his face as you continued to suck his dick, never breaking eye contact, even when he did; eyelids closed, face scrunched up as he came down your throat a few minutes later…
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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