#I’m just so fascinated by him … I want to study him for science …
mvncesa · 9 months
just realized earlier, after literal fucking years, that decker uses not only his own military training but also the way wolves hunt/fight in the wild during the fight scene of his episode and I’m going to scream
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themissinghand · 10 months
Hello beautiful I hope you’re doing well! If your requests for dr.stone are still on hold then please ignore this message!
if not then can I request the five wise commanders with a s/o who tries to impress them by learning the stuff they are interested in. (Examples can be like Ryusui’s s/o tried to learn about boats or Chrome’s s/o tries to learn about rocks and tells them the stuff they learned.) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good one!😁
Dr. Stone: Painting with Two Hands
Summary: In which the Five Wise Commanders get blown away by your knowledge in their passion. 
Or you want to show them that you are someone they can rely on too. 
Pairing: Five Wise Commanders (Senku, Chrome, Gen, Ryusui, and Ukyo)  x GN! Reader!
Note: Thanks for the request and your patience! This turned out super fluffy and I love it! Each scenario takes place in a different time/place. 
Warning: None. 
The Art of Science
“What the hell are you wearing?”
“A lab coat.” Senku looked at you incredulously, with one brow raised and his other hand shaking a glass beaker. 
“Okay, how the heck did you even get that-“
“Yuzuriha.” Right. 
“And why are you wearing it exactly?”
“Because I look good in it and…” 
"I've been studying chemistry," You declared, revealing a notebook filled with meticulously recorded observations.
When you hand him the said notebook, you watch his skepticism turn into fascination.
“Kukuku, I’m impressed, it’s right. You wrote down the formulas for everything. Where and when did you get this?”
“See, I actually listened to all of your scientific rants. I thought they were interesting and super helpful, so I wanted to learn.”
Senku blinked, slightly surprised that you had put in the effort to take notes, listen and learn.
“I thought that we could experiment together."
For a moment, he was silent, but then his lips quirk up into a smirk, and he flicked your forehead.
“Alright, what are you waiting for? Come help me then. Show me what you learned.” 
“Wait.” Senku was twirled around and handed a lab coat too.
“I got one for you too.” Dumbfounded, Senku didn’t move until you sighed and helped him put it on. Before you went to fix his collar, he came to his senses.
“I can do it myself.” He quickly turned away from you and put it on properly.
"You look good short king."
You had a smug expression on your face.
"Shut up."
You swear he has a little tint of pink on his cheeks, but you decided to not mention it.
“Come on, we got a lot of work to do.” He extended a hand, and you accepted it as if it was the norm. 
“I know Einstein.” 
The Art of Exploration
“Chrome! Look at what I found!” 
“Be careful (Y/N)! Don’t fall down!” 
Chrome ran after you as you skipped ahead and jumped into a flowing river. 
“(Y/N)!” Chrome was always worried about your safety and well-being, despite the many times where you proved where you were just as strong as him. 
“Don’t worry Chrome, it’s not like it’s my first time out with you! Besides, look, I found this cool-looking thing in the water!” 
In your hands was an oddly shaped rock, and while the two of you inspected it, neither of you knew what it was. Until you cleaned it a bit more in the river. 
A golden exterior shone through its surface. 
Almost immediately, you screamed out in excitement. 
“Gold! It’s the thing that Senku was looking for right?” Even Chrome was shocked at your luck, before hugging you from behind.
Even though you both were slightly dirty from running away and exploring all day, neither of you minded.
“It’s gold! Amazing! How did you find that so easily?” Chrome was genuinely curious. After all, from his perspective, he simply saw you jump into a river, bend down, and pick up a random rock. 
“Um…it’s kind of embarrassing but…” Chrome cocked a head at your hesitation before you blurted out. 
“I’VE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT ROCKS!” It was so loud that the world shook around you both. 
"because...I want to go with you more when you explore..." Your voice became quieter and quieter, while you fidgetted with your hand.
Chrome watched your face lit up, before you quickly turn around and make a run for it. 
“Wait (Y/N)! That’s so cool! Come back!” 
Chrome chased you with a giant grin on his face.
He can’t wait to see what you learned, and how, when the two of you go back to his workshop. 
Chrome also can’t wait to brag to everyone (especially Senku) how great you are.
The Art of Communication
“I’ll play with you Genie, call.” The click of chips being pushed to the center. Gen(ie) winked at you.
Genie was nickname for your little boyfriend, why? Well, man can read minds (probably).
The cards are slowly being flipped over as spectators make their own guesses.
“All-in!” Gen pushed up his sunglasses dramatically (as if he was in an anime) and smirked as he turned to you.
“Sorry dear (Y/N), this is my game.” 
You stayed silent for a moment, observing Gen from head to toe.
But Gen of course, remains calm, and confident in his hand.
Gen raises his sunglasses in slight surprise at your bet.
“Dear (Y/N), are you sure?” Gen was slightly worried, after all, you tend to be more on the conservative side when it comes to gambling. He slides his hand over to you, and you put yours on top of his. 
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” You returned his look with a forced smile. Gen whistled, surprised at your sudden bold action. 
“Okay, I’m going to flip the last card.” Kohaku flips and the room goes silent. 
Then he saw a smirk rose to your lips, and felt your hand intertwin with his. 
“You owe me babe.” You hold up his hand while his jaw dropped to the ground. 
This was the first you had ever won against him in gambling. 
“Finally someone gave Gen a taste of his own medicine.” Ukyo rolled his eyes before snickering. 
“Wha-how did you-” 
"I thought I'd learn from the best.” You winked and stole his sunglasses, making your beloved stutter even more. 
“After all, the mind is the most fascinating puzzle, and yours is the most intriguing of them all." You put on his sunglasses with a smug smirk.
“Damn, that was cringe.” Senku commented, which received a nudge from Yuzuriha. 
Gen eventually recovered and chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips. 
“Oh dear (Y/N), are you playing mind tricks with me now?” 
“Of course not dear~ I still have much to learn~” 
(Senku of course, fake gagged behind the scenes, but that never stopped you and Gen from doing anything, has it?)
The Art of Navigation
Under the starlit sky, both you and Ryusui stood on the deck of the Perseus, his eyes scanning the horizon. 
It was at times like these where your boyfriend was finally quiet, appreciating the tranquility, and the ambience as you two were on a date. Delicious food and wine made by Francois, while listening to the waves rock against the ship, and the laughter from others inside. 
Of course, Ryusui is the one to break that silence when he notices the seas changing. 
“My love, a storm is coming.” He suddenly stands up, “Francois, follow me after you clean up.” 
“Yes sir.” Francois, elegant and efficient as always, quickly retreated with the food. 
“Ay ay Captain.” Your little salute made his loosen up just a little, before he held your hand, and pulled you inside as if he was guiding you in a waltz.
Ambitious, confident, and charismatic, that was your love, Ryusui.
As expected, he took the helm immediately, and an excited grin rose to his face as he looked far into the distance with thunderous clouds. 
“Love, can you tell them all to get ready!? We need all hands on deck!” 
“On it captain!” 
With a laugh, you began warning everyone through the speakers, and chaos followed as everyone scrambled to get on desk.
Surprisingly, Ryusui watched you give commands almost effortlessly and matching his pace.
“Furl the sails!” 
“We’re going to change courses!” 
“Make sure to hold to the ship!” 
“Love, you’re perfect.” Ryusui thanks you while he spins the wheel.
“Drop the anchors!” 
Then you turn around and slide beside him. 
“Love, let me help you - it’s that way - where we have to go right?” 
“A little bit more to the left, but love, I see you’ve been learnING-” The ship’s center of gravity suddenly shifts, causing you to lean on Ryusui as you grab onto the wheel for your deer life. 
“I love it! The desire to learn is always so endearing!” 
“Oh stop it~ All I did was read some maps and books!” 
“Hey Captain! Can you stop flirting and steer the ship properly!?” The others yelled while panicking on deck, and with a laugh, both of you steered the ship to safety. 
"One more time?" He proposed, and you agreed, much to the displeasure of your crewmates.
The Art of Archery
Sometimes, the kids are loud. 
As such, Ukyo and his companion often found solace in the tranquility of the forest. Sometimes they would take long walks, talk about various topics they would not share in front of children, and enjoy the silence once in a while away from the chaos of someone known as Senku. 
But one day, you asked Ukyo to learn archery. 
Naturally, Ukyo was elated to teach you, after all, it was a way for you to protect yourself. 
It began with Ukyo making a bow for you, then arm guard, and even received gloves from Yuzuriha. He wanted to make sure you had the best of equipment he could get, and that you were safe at all times.
The first few training sessions began with Ukyo standing behind you, guiding you with a calm, mellow voice, and helping you with aim. 
But soon, you both practiced archery side by side, the twang of bowstrings harmonizing with the rustling leaves.
"Your aim is getting better," Ukyo praised, a smile gracing his lips as he applauded you. 
“Thanks, it all because of your help Ukyo.” You gave him a little hug which he returned. 
“I’m proud of you.” 
“Can I come and hunt with you now?” For a moment he hesitated, but after seeing your adorable puppy eyes, he caved in within a heartbeat. 
“Okay, but safety first ok?” 
“Mhmm. I know.” 
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before he returned one too. 
LIttle did you know, not only were your arrows hitting the bulls-eye, they went through Ukyo’s heart too.
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connieisthesun · 30 days
Chemistry and Cadavers - Conrad fisher x reader
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Chapter Summary - You, a bright-eyed sophomore college student majoring in biology stumble upon Conrad fisher, an attractive yet forgetful student who happens to forget his pen on his first day of class...
Warnings - Fluff, teasing, super cute tbh haha
*Authors note* - So I've decided to start a new series due to the nonexistent amount of new tsitp fic's here lmao, if you enjoy a like a repost would be appreciated. Let me know if you have any feedback to improve my writing. Enjoy loves!
Chapter 1: Chemistry and Cadavers
The crisp autumn air on the college campus was invigorating, bringing with it the promise of a new academic year filled with possibilities. The campus was alive with the sounds of students hurrying to their classes, the rustling of leaves in the trees, and the distant hum of chatter from the quad. Among the new faces and returning students was Y/N, a bright and ambitious sophomore majoring in biology.
Y/N had always been passionate about the sciences, and this year, she was especially excited about her anatomy and physiology class. Little did she know that her enthusiasm for the subject would lead to a series of events that would change her college experience in ways she hadn’t anticipated.
As she walked into the lecture hall, she noticed the familiar faces of her classmates and scanned the room for an available seat. She spotted a spot in the middle of the room and made her way over, settling into her chair just as the professor walked in.
“Good morning, everyone,” the professor greeted, his voice carrying a tone of authority and excitement. “Today, we’re diving into the intricacies of human anatomy, and I have a feeling this semester is going to be an exciting journey.”
Y/N smiled to herself, her excitement bubbling over as the professor began the lecture. She took out her notebook, ready to absorb every detail of the day’s lesson. As the lecture progressed, she couldn’t help but notice the student sitting a few rows ahead of her, who seemed to be struggling with his notes and the lecture material. He had tousled brown hair, a laid-back demeanor, and an occasional frustrated glance at his notes.
When the lecture ended, Y/N gathered her things and headed out of the lecture hall, intending to grab a coffee before her next class. As she walked through the bustling hallway, she was approached by a friendly voice.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!”
She turned to see her friend Lila catching up with her. “Hey, Lila! What’s up?”
“I heard you were in the anatomy lecture this morning. How was it?” Lila asked, a teasing smile on her face.
“It was great,” Y/N replied. “I’m really looking forward to this semester. Anatomy is such a fascinating subject.”
Lila’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “You know, I think you might have a classmate who’s also taking that course. He’s known for being a bit of a mess, especially when it comes to anatomy. His name is Conrad Fisher.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Conrad Fisher? I think I saw him in class today. He seemed to be having a hard time keeping up.”
Lila laughed. “That’s the one. He’s actually a really nice guy, but he’s notorious for needing a little extra help with his studies. If you see him around, you might want to keep an eye out. He’s always borrowing pens or asking for assistance.”
Y/N chuckled. “Noted. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Later that week, Y/N found herself in the anatomy lab for the first time. The lab was a place of intense focus and concentration, with rows of cadaver tables and an array of dissection tools neatly arranged. The room was filled with the quiet murmur of students working together, and the scent of formaldehyde lingered in the air.
Y/N set up her station and began to review the lab manual when she heard a voice nearby.
“Hey, do you have a spare pen?” the voice asked.
Y/N looked up to see Conrad Fisher standing beside her table, his expression a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He held up a pen cap, indicating that he had lost the actual pen.
“Sure, here you go,” Y/N said, handing him a pen with a smile.
“Thanks,” Conrad said, taking the pen and looking visibly relieved. “I seem to have misplaced mine again. I swear, it’s like they disappear into thin air.”
Y/N laughed softly. “It happens. You’ll get used to the lab environment eventually.”
Conrad smiled gratefully. “I hope so. I’m Conrad, by the way. I think we’re going to be lab partners for this course.”
“Y/N,” she said, extending her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
As they worked side by side, Y/N found that Conrad’s easygoing nature and good humor made the long hours in the lab more enjoyable. They talked about their classes, shared stories, and found themselves falling into a comfortable rhythm of collaboration. Despite the occasional moments of distraction and light-hearted teasing, they made a great team.
Over the next few weeks, their interactions continued to be marked by playful banter and occasional flirtation. Conrad would often ask Y/N for help with his dissections, and she would gladly oblige, offering guidance and tips with a teasing edge.
One day, as they were working on a particularly challenging dissection, Conrad looked up from his work with a grin. “So, Y/N, do you have any other hidden talents besides being a dissecting wizard?”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. “Well, I can bake a mean batch of cookies, if that counts.”
Conrad’s eyes lit up with interest. “Cookies? Now you’re speaking my language. Maybe I’ll have to take you up on that offer sometime.”
“Only if you promise not to lose any more pens,” Y/N replied playfully.
Conrad laughed, shaking his head. “Deal. I’ll do my best to keep track of my writing instruments from now on.”
Their banter became a regular feature of their interactions, and the chemistry between them was evident to everyone around them. Despite their undeniable connection, they both maintained a façade of casual friendship, much to the amusement of their friends.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling lab session, Conrad and Y/N found themselves sitting on a bench outside the science building, taking a well-deserved break.
“I think that was the most challenging dissection we’ve had yet,” Conrad said, stretching his arms. “I’m glad we made it through.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “I have to say, your technique is improving. You’re almost as good as me now.”
Conrad raised an eyebrow. “Almost? I’ll take that as a compliment.”
As they chatted, a group of their friends approached, and one of them, Sarah, gave them a knowing smile. “You two seem to be getting along quite well.”
Y/N and Conrad exchanged a glance, both of them trying to suppress their smiles. “We’re just lab partners,” Y/N said casually.
“Sure, just lab partners,” Sarah said with a teasing grin. “But everyone can see the chemistry between you two.”
Conrad blushed slightly, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. “We’re just friends, honestly.”
Sarah and the others laughed and continued on their way, leaving Y/N and Conrad to their conversation.
“You know,” Conrad said, his tone playful, “it’s funny how everyone is always trying to push us together.”
Y/N shrugged, trying to hide her own smile. “It’s probably just because we spend so much time together. It’s hard not to notice the dynamic.”
Conrad’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well, if they’re right, maybe we should just embrace the idea.”
Y/N gave him a playful nudge. “Oh, really? And what would that look like?”
Conrad leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a mock-serious tone. “It would probably involve a lot more teasing, a few more flirtatious comments, and maybe even some impromptu study dates.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Sounds like a lot of work. I think we’re doing just fine as friends.”
“Agreed,” Conrad said, his smile warm and genuine. “But it’s fun to think about.”
As the weeks passed, Y/N and Conrad’s playful flirtation continued, with their friends often teasing them about their obvious chemistry. Despite their mutual attraction and the flirtatious banter, they remained steadfast in their commitment to being just friends.
Their interactions were filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing, creating a dynamic that was both enjoyable and endearing. Whether it was borrowing pens, helping with dissections, or sharing jokes, their connection grew stronger with each passing day.
As the semester progressed, Y/N and Conrad found themselves increasingly drawn to each other, their friendship evolving into something deeper and more meaningful. Despite their best efforts to deny their feelings, the chemistry between them was undeniable, and their playful banter only served to highlight the growing connection they shared.
Tag list - @conradfisherswifesstuff @cheezbot @grxnde-dwt @itsshayfr @lanivoid @calpurnia2002
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captain-pheonix · 3 months
Am I allowed to ask for Heavy Medic and Scout (separate or together, doesn't matter!) with a werebear reader? It's basically just like a werewolf but instead of turning into a wolf they turn into a bear.
A/n: seems like it could be fun, so why not! I’m otherhearted plus a huge animal nerd, so I want to try making it close to reality while not losing its theme. Doing more of the half headcannons/drabble thing because I think it works well with this. Hope you enjoy, thank you for requesting!!
Heavy, Scout, and Medic with a gn!werebear!reader
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- he is both shocked and totally ready to fight you like the huge grizzlies back home when he witnesses you transform
- stuck between the morality of killing you/fighting you and not hurting you in any way
- in your bear form, even if you’re mean when you’re a bear, you’re probably scared of this huge, intimidating guy
- if you can still be mostly yourself when you’re a bear, you’re very scared he’s gonna hurt you, because you’ve probably seen the things he can wrestle
- if he doesn’t see you transform, good luck that guy is messing you up until you turn back
- when he finds out it’s you, he immediately tends to your wounds and profusely apologizes.
- you clear up all his confusion
- if you’re mean when you’re a bear, Heavy stops you from causing any damage to anything or anyone
- even if your apologizing like there’s no tomorrow after you transform, Heavy says it’s all ok and it isn’t in your control
- not stuck between the morality at all
- when you eventually turn human again he’s like “ok you’re going to the lab, I’m studying you so you don’t break anything”
- could totally develop a serum that you could be injected with to temporarily stop transforming
- absolutely fascinated by you
- thinks you’re a marvel of science
- knowing your secret and being studied brings you closer with him
- he figures out what triggers you to turn into a bear, and what state your mind is in while you’re transformed
- tries to invent some medical devices with Engineer to control your bear form
- whatever species of bear you turn into, he’s definitely going to secretly think it’s so cool
- screams like a little girl when you first transform
- if you don’t transform in front of him he’s probably like “OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD THEY JUST GOT EATEN BY SOME RANDOM ASS BEAR IM GONNA DIE”
- dude runs away from you wether or not you’re friendly or in control when in bear form
- everyone thinks he’s crazy when he tells them he saw this huge bear in your room, so he kind of starts believing them
- of course he sees you as a bear again and starts to realize no one’s ever going to believe him
- when he notices you get really scared of his screaming he starts resting his limits, thinking he’s a tough guy
- notices things in the bear’s personality that remind him of you
- starts connecting the dots, you tell him your big secret
- thinks it’s totally cool and will defend you and protect your secret
- starts roughhousing with you as a bear and immediately regrets it after getting accidentally slashed a few times
- learns to like and live with your bear form
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inbarfink · 2 years
The deaths of all the Finch kids are really so unbearably tragic. It really speaks to the quality of the writing and storytelling in ‘What Remains’. They’re written as so vivid and human and real, but also so many of them died so young. They were children, it’s so much harder for me to do the whole ‘well, let’s appreciate the life they did have’ thing when the majority of them didn’t even have a chance to become the people they could have become. And yet the image of who they could’ve been if they survived is so vivid in my mind. 
Edith had that line about how she always imagined Molly as a girl she could be good friends with. Obviously if she didn’t die back in 1947 they wouldn’t really be at the same age group, but she’d be one hell of a Cool Aunt. I can only imagine her Weird Girl tendencies would’ve only grown stronger and stronger with age. Considering her fascination with animals, maybe she would’ve gone to study Zoology or Biology when she grew older? And since she was dissecting a sea star just before her canon death…
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Sadly, I’m not sure if Barbara would’ve been able to resurrect her acting career. But there’s some subtle hints in her room that in reality she was more willing to move past it compared to her fictionalized version in that horror comic (which can’t be easy when you live in a room your dad themed entirely around your child-star years THANKS SVEN). That ‘horror convention’ seems to be an invention of the comic, Barbara’s actual room has a flier for a ‘Witch’s Ball’ at Orcas Island High School and a dress ready for it. 
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Barbara Finch didn’t actually spend her last day on earth hopelessly trying to revive her dead career, she was hoping to have a fun Halloween party like a regular teenager. Maybe the fact that it was hosted by the Orcas Island High School Drama Club implies she still had an interest in acting and theatre. Maybe she could’ve ended up as a classically trained actress with the child-stardom as just a fun quirk of her past? Or maybe she just wanted to take part in the Witches Ball because she likes Spooky Things? And she could have found her way back into the Horror Scene in a different way, like being a writer or costume designer or something?
Maybe Calvin could’ve become an Astronaut like he always wanted? But I think Calvin might’ve been more enthralled with the fantasy of science fiction than the reality of space travel. I’m thinking a lot about how Sam described Clavin in Gregory’s memoriam as ‘lost in his imagination’. Maybe he could’ve become a science fiction writer or something?
Walter didn’t technically die young, but he still certainly lost most of his years to the Curse. Like, a big thing about the tragedy of Walter to me is realizing his original childhood bedroom was themed after “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and trains. 
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Lil’ Walter did have an interest in adventure and travel, before his fears took it all away from him. If it wasn’t for the Curse, Walter could’ve actually something with it. Maybe he could’ve traveled around a bit and written about his experiences.
Lewis would’ve probably gone into game design. It’s not just how his fantasies manifest to us the players, but you can actually find books about game design and coding in his room. It seems that the problem was that his crappy job and his depression took away any opportunity he might have had to actually pursue this idea. Maybe if Milton never left, these three Finch siblings could’ve combined their creative skills together to make like, a very cool artsy game.
Speaking of which… man, Edith’s death stings the most because we got to know her far better than anyone else. And it’s not even the fact that she never got to share her all of her thoughts and creativity with the wider world that makes me the saddest. Getting to the end of the game and hearing just how much she was looking forwards to be with her son - even with all the hardships of being a teen mom, she was really looking forwards to it. To meet him, to share her stories with him. But instead, that worn old diary is the only connection between them...
And that’s like… part of what’s so great about WRoEF’s use of its own format. Like, the faux-interactive linearity of the Narrative Exploration/‘Walking Simulator’ is so perfect for selling this tragedy. The way each Death Flashback only moves forwards based on the actions of the Player, but it always moves on the same unchanging doomed path - really highlights both how stupidly preventable so many of these deaths feel and really make the Player wish there was a way to change them. After all, all they need is for Calvin to not swing so hard, for Gregory’s faucet to not turn back on, for Walter to not stand directly on those train tracks and everything would’ve been fine. But at the same time it’s so, so clear to the Player that this is an impossible wish. There is no other way these sequences can go - these deaths have already been written. The most you can you is linger, all you can do is delay the inevitable. 
But it hurts.
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five-rivers · 6 months
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 3
Short one! @greatbigolhampuckjustforme
She was doing it.  She was doing it.  She was convincing him.  She’d been dubious about the whole endeavor.  Dubious about its necessity, dubious about her ability to pull it off, dubious about basically becoming Danny’s parent, everything.
But, well, if it was what needed to be done, it was what she would do.  
She’d freaked out at first, of course.  Hearing about it.  Hearing about how many people wanted to take Danny, who’d take advantage of him like that.  Hearing about what she’d need to do to keep that from happening.  Maybe she and Danny joked about her raising him, but it really wasn’t true.  
But then it was happening, regardless of whether or not Danny or Jazz wanted it to happen.  And their parents were… Well, they hadn’t been disqualified, but Jazz knew they took a lot of getting used to.  She didn’t have high hopes that they would be Danny’s choice.  
Jazz, then, would offer another option.  Even if Danny picked randomly, two ‘safe’ choices were better than one.  He wouldn’t pick randomly, though.  He might be exasperating at times, but he was a decent judge of character.  She was sure he could sense her intentions, mentions of mad science labs aside.  
Considering those questions, her parents definitely wouldn’t be getting him again.  It was fine.  It was all for the best, really.
Really.  Things would be better.  After.  After all of this was done.  
She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror.  No need to bother Danny with her brooding.  He’d been here for a week now, and things were going great.  
She walked out, stopped by her study, then swung by her study to pick up a few papers before going to the kitchen.  Danny was sitting at the table there, working on schoolwork.  It’d do no good if she got custody and everything turned out alright on the Danny custody front only for him to completely fail high school!  
Okay, that wasn’t entirely true.  
Still.  She didn’t want this to set back his education.  
“Okay, once you finish the English, I have the social studies.”
Danny looked up at her.  “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m always going to take your education seriously, Danny.  It’s important that you stay on track to graduate.”
“I still think that’s sort of redundant for a ghost.”
“Half ghost.”
“I still haven’t seen any evidence about that by the way.”
“Well you would if you transformed.”
“And I’d do that, if you actually describe how I’m supposed to do that.”
“Well, you sort of just did it.”  Danny had never given her a lot of details about what being half ghost felt like, or how it worked mechanically.  Even though she’d asked.  It was awfully inconvenient of him.  
Danny shook his head and looked back at his homework.  He tapped his pencil on the table a few times, then looked at the top page of the social studies work.  
“A presentation?” he asked.  
Jazz nodded.  “It can be in poster form if you’d like.”
Danny sucked in his lower lip and nodded.  “But this is it, right?  This is all you want me to do?”
“Well, that and the English essay you have under here.”
Danny pulled out that sheet of paper and grimaced.  “You– That’s really– No.  No.  Nope.  No.  This is way too much.  You can’t expect me to do all this, this much every day.”
“It’s a totally normal high school workload.  Seven classes–”
“Doesn’t that normally include PE?  And, like, a study hall?  Or something fun?  Maybe?”  He ran his hands through his hair, which had a really strange and fascinating effect on his ears.  
“You have astronomy and science, you like that.”
“But I still need to use my brain for it.  I’m talking about things I can turn my brain off for.  Or whatever it is that ghosts think with.  Whatever it is, it’s making my head hurt.  I can’t keep going at this pace.  I’ll lose it.”
“Don’t be so down on yourself.  You can do this.  And you do have a brain.”
“You sound very sure of that.”
She’d walked right into Danny’s mad science paranoia again.
“Humans have brains.  It’s common sense.”
Danny’s eyes flicked down Jazz’s carefully formulated English assignment once again, and he shook his head.  “No.  I can’t do this.  Not any longer.  It’s been a week.”  He dropped the paper.  “It’s been a week, and there are six other people to talk to, so, thanks for the cool bedroom and not dissecting me but–”
“Danny, wait–” said Jazz, seeing where this was going a split second before Danny raised his hand to the pocketwatch.  
She was too late. Danny clicked the button, and he was gone.  
“Well,” said Jazz.  She sat down at the kitchen table, feeling heavy.  “Crap.”
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year
in which you have an argument, but you’re not sure what to do
“i can’t believe you! peter, that was personal!” you groan, dragging a hand down your face.
“i’m sorry, okay?”
“some apology!”
“how was i supposed to know?” peter frowned.
“it’s not exactly something you want go around telling everybody!” you snap.
“it was james too!”
“and i’m pissed off at him, too!” you exclaim. “why is it so hard to keep a secret, merlin!” you whirl around on your heel, storming off. your destination: the library, where sirius and remus, the less problematic marauders, were studying. by studying, of course, you meant that remus was trying to tutor sirius but sirius (ironically) didn’t take anything seriously.
you storm into the library, making a beeline for the two boys. you’re about ten feet away when you stop. you just had an argument. you’re mad at two of their best mates. and you’re coming to them for support? would they support you? they’d take the side of their closer friends.
sirius looked up and broke into a grin.
“hey, over here, love!” he called, waving you over. remus looked up and made eye contact with you before frowning. he could tell something was up.
you turn away. you don’t want to cause a rift in their friend group— your friend group. and you definitely didn’t want to cause any more drama that already ensued in the day to day life of the marauders— sirius being melodramatic, james pining for lily, peter insisting he do everything james does. at least remus wasn’t dramatic.
you make your way to the gryffindor common room, where you plopped down in your favorite seat— the loveseat in the corner by the fire. it was the comfiest spot there, but people never really used it because it was somewhat isolated from the rest. you take a book from the side table and begin to read, not seeing what else you could possibly do. reading was relaxing, anyway, so it helped you get a hold on your anger.
the book was fascinating. it took a deep dive into the science and magic behind wand making, how each material and each creature contributed so much to the very makings of the wand and why was sirius there.
“sirius.” you look up. “what brings you here?”
“i oughta ask the same.” sirius set his hands on his hips, pouting. “i can’t believe you just looked at us and left! we aren’t that bad, you know.”
“oh.” you look back to your book, trying to figure out what to say and half hoping the book would help. however, it turned out you didn’t need to. sirius flopped down on the couch, his legs spread and one of his arms resting on the back of the couch. one slip and it’d be around your shoulders.
“well?” sirius pressed.
“aren’t you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
“nothing. nothing’s wrong.” you answer, perhaps a bit too quickly as you return to your book.
“i know i look it, but i’m not stupid, lovely.” sirius raised an eyebrow. “and you’re not as good a liar as you think.” your shoulders fall from their tense state, defeated.
“i got in an argument.” you admit. “with peter. and kind of james.”
“kind of james?” sirius snickered. “how’s that work?”
“it was regarding him. and stuff he said.” you shrug. sirius lets his arm drop onto your shoulders, something all but uncommon in your friendship. “you know that… thing i told you all?”
“the secret thing?”
“see, you get it’s a secret!” you exclaim. “but… peter and james didn’t. they told people. everyone.”
“now that’s not fair.” sirius hummed, nudging you closer. you didn’t fight it.
“it wasn’t even that significant, though.” you bite down on your lip, feeling it tremble. oh, merlin. you were gonna cry. please, you begged whatever higher power was out there, don’t cry. not in front of sirius. but you couldn’t deny the tears that were welling up.
“oi. darling, hey.” sirius frowned, before pulling you even closer into a hug that you didn’t dare protest. you were practically in his lap. “c’mere, princess.”
“i was horrid.” you tried to say without sputtering. tears were already running down your cheeks, but never made it to your chin because sirius’ shirt soaked them up. “i was shouting at peter, i—“ you hiccuped, trying to stop crying but failing miserably. you instead chose to grip sirius’ shirt that you already felt guilty for soiling. sirius listened intently in a rare moment of him being quiet.
“peter was just doing what james did. he always does that, it’s just how peter is.” you muttered as sirius ran his fingers through your hair, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“mm, he does do that,” sirius agreed.
“and it’s not james’ fault either. it’s not his fault i never said it was a secret. i should’ve. he talks, i know he talks.” you ramble as sirius did his best to calm you down. it was working. in roughly fifteen minutes, you were simply laying in sirius’ arms, not bothering to try and explain what was wrong.
“feeling any better?” sirius asked as he felt your breathing go back to normal. you look up at him, wiping away the last of your tears as you nod.
“yeah. sorry about that.” you mumble. sirius only smirked.
“sorry? love, i just got to hold you in my arms, kiss the top of your head, and feel your hair, and you didn’t even hit me. in fact, you held me, too.” sirius informed you, shit-eating grin on maximum smugness. you instantly revert back to your normal self, shoving him away.
“you git!” you exclaim. “i can’t believe you!”
“after all this time?” sirius grinned. “wow, i thought you knew me, darling.”
“don’t ‘darling’ me!” you huff. “merlin, you’re incorrigible.”
“you love me.”
“no more than the rest of you lot.”
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elliewithcellie · 12 days
Long Cool Woman - Chapter 4
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chapter summary: It's date night, and you get a little carried away. The brothers are less than thrilled.
wc: 4.6k
cw: ANGST, brothers are mad lol, SMUT ADJACENT (18+), heavy makeout, some *touching*, Sam's def jealous, reader still oblivious, reader cries, Dean plays good big brother again, mention of scars
a/n: yes it's theo james as the James fan cast sue me. Find the rest of the story here
Across from the table sat James, looking as perfect as you had met him that morning. You couldn’t believe you had ended the night here. Never in your recent wildest dreams did you picture yourself on a date, much less to be picked among fifty actual models. It was hard to believe a man as dreamy as him would want a girl like you, but the chemistry made up for it in your mind.
“So,” James began, “how does a girl like you get caught up in something like this?”
“Girl like me? What do you mean?”
“I mean, those other pageant girls are all the same. They’re all self-absorbed and can’t think of anything else they’d do with their time other than look pretty. But you, you’re different. You’re not like them, are you?”
You blushed and reached for your water. “Oh, I don’t know…” You struggled to find the right response. “I guess you could say it’s the family business. I’m just the girl of the family so…”
James leaned in. “Oh, wow. I knew it. It’s really only a job for you. That’s fascinating. Have you ever wanted to do anything else? If you could quit this life today, what would you do?”
He had no idea what a loaded question that was. What you would give to have your old life back. The life where monsters didn’t exist, and you could pursue a college education, or a trade, something normal that other people get to experience. “Maybe when this is all over, I’d go to school to learn psychology or something. The science of the mind has always been so intriguing to me. I don’t know. It’s hard not to look at my life and feel behind. But I guess you have to roll with the punches, you know?”
“I know exactly what you mean.” James reached for your hand. The hold was warm, firm. “Growing up, I felt like I had no say in what my future held. My dad was a mechanic. Told me I was going to be, too. He was harsh, to say the least, about my interest in creativity. If I as much as held a camera, it was enough to set him off. He’d tell me that if I was going to be the head of a household, I had to do something honorable. Making movies was a waste of time to him. My mom supported me in secret. She’s who gave me my first video camera. She’s who let me play pretend with my friends before my dad returned from work. But she left when I was young.”
“I’m so sorry,” you said, the confession startling you.
“Yeah, well. It was hard for a while with just my dad. Fights would break out, and all that, until finally I told him that I couldn’t follow his path for me anymore. So, then I left. I went to school to study videography. I loved it. I still do, but I’m scared I made a mistake. What if my dad was right all along? And what if I have to return home with the knowledge that I failed?”
“But you haven’t failed,” you said, hoping to comfort him. “Look at what you’re doing now. You’re directing a program that’ll be broadcast nationwide! Like, that’s not something you should look past, you know? To me, you’ve succeeded.”
James’ shoulders settled back into a natural state as a small smile formed on his face. “Thank you. I really needed to hear that. You are truly something else.”
His fingers played with yours in his grasp, and you did everything you could to focus on anything else. But it was hypnotic the way his touch set you ablaze with the simple graze of his thumb. Like falling under a spell, you fought to keep the conversation going.
“But enough about me,” James continued. “Please, tell me everything.”
So, you did. You practically shared your entire upbringing. Almost all of it was the truth, only lying to shoehorn in anything you knew from watching Toddlers and Tiaras. James soaked up every word, attentive to every phrase, and his eyes swallowed yours whole. It was like he was thirsty for more, no matter what you gave him. No one had ever given you this much attention before. You were worried any more would set you over the edge.
You had long since finished your dinner, the conversation never settling once. The first interruption of the night came from your phone buzzing in your pocket.
“Sorry,” you said as you pulled out your phone. The time read 9:32 pm, and an unread message from Dean waited for your response.
“tick tock” was all it said. You rolled your eyes.
“Is everything ok?” James asked.
You sighed. “Yeah, it’s just my, uh, my brother. He wants me to head back.”
James scrunched his eyebrows before releasing a small laugh. “Is he the boss?” he asked. You noted the sarcasm that coated the question.
“Yeah, actually. I don��t mean to cut this short.”
“Oh, no, not at all. I can take you back.” James paid for the meal, and the two of you set back on the road toward the hotel.
The radio hummed along with the steady drone of the engine, but the tension building between the two of you was much louder. His hand rested on your thigh as he drove, something your high school self would have panicked over. You were close to panicking now. Every bump in the road served as an excuse for his hand to drift, either deeper into your muscle, or higher and higher. You fought your rising temperature, but you were hot. The reminder of the rubber in your back pocket didn’t ease your nerves. It only strengthened them.
James pulled into a parking space in the back of the hotel, a secluded area away from the road.
“Do you have to go?” James asked, his eyes tracing over each of your features. You checked the time. 9:54.
“We’re cutting it close,” you said. Your voice was not your own. It was breathy, softer than usual. The hold he had on you was intoxicating. His eyes stayed on yours, and his chest heaved up and down. Your heart fluttered in your chest. “I had a really great time,” you said.
“Wait,” he said. “Just one more thing before you go.”
He reached across the center console and pulled you into a kiss. Your heart pounded against your chest, threatening to explode on impact. Your shock settled into desire, longing, and something deep within you that you’d never had access to until now.
You kissed back like it was second nature, a skill you never lost. You found your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, fighting to be closer. James’ hands got lost in your hair and grabbed a fistful. You moaned into his mouth. He raised his eyebrows and smirked against you, his hand venturing to your waist.
“This stupid car,” James groaned, sitting back in his seat. “Come here.”
You were nothing if not a good listener. Fighting how flustered you felt, you crossed over the console into the driver’s seat and straddled him. You had never been this close to a guy before, but now was not the time to think. You pulled him back toward you for a kiss, his tongue quick to join the action. You followed suit, a moan escaping your lips as his hands found purchase on your hips. His hands were rough, kneading into your flesh as he rolled you against him. Your breath hitched against his mouth.
“You’re amazing,” he said between kisses. “God, it’s like you were made for me.”
Your mind was numb, the praise sending you over the edge. His hands roamed to the front of your jeans and undid the button.
“Woah, wait,” you said out of breath.
James groaned. “Don’t tease me, baby.”
You melted at the name. You rested your head on his. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Then your phone buzzed. And again. And again.
“Shit. Shit!” You lurched over to your phone to see two missed calls from Dean. You shuffled through to the passenger side and opened the door.
“I’m so sorry. I have to go. I’m late. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I’m not that type of girl. But I have to go.”
“It’s ok,” James said with a small smile. “Go.”
“Thank you for tonight. It was amazing.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You smiled and closed the door. You ran to the lobby and called Dean back. “I’m so sorry. I’m fine. I’m here. I’m running up now, ok?”
“Ok,” was all you heard on the other line. You were in deep shit.
The elevator took its sweet time transferring you to the second floor as if to taunt you of your failings. You checked the time. 10:20. Almost 30 minutes of making out with a stranger? This was not good.
The elevator chimed. You bolted out of the doors and ran straight to your room. You scanned your room key and opened the door. Both brothers were on their feet when you entered, their attention already on you.
“I said ten,” Dean said, his voice unnervingly level.
“I know. I—”
“No, I don’t think you do.” Dean stepped closer to you. “Because when I say ten, I don’t mean twenty minutes after. I don’t mean it as a suggestion. I mean ten on the dot. I even gave you a warning text, just in case! That was an hour ago!”
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely. “We really did head back when you texted. I swear. We parked at 9:54.”
“There’s still a thirty-minute block of time not being accounted for, isn’t there?” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
The color drained from your face as flashbacks of the night attacked your memories. “I’m sorry,” you said again. “We lost track of time.”
“I’m sure you did,” Sam said, his words pointed.
You jumped at his words, not used to his biting tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, your voice low, almost daring him to continue.
Sam shook his head. “We were worried sick, and you’re out there getting handsy with the first guy you meet.”
“Sam,” Dean warned.
“Woah, what?” You took a step back. “The time thing I get. I’m on your clock. And I want to make it up to you. But what I do on my time is my business.”
“Whatever,” Sam said. “I just hope it was worth it.”
Your jaw dropped at his final words, the audacity to be disgusted with you without knowing the truth. It was your business. Who gave him the right to assume? You fought the urge to call him jealous. Your own brash assumption would only make you a hypocrite.
Sam grabbed his laptop and duffle bag from the side of the bed. “Dean, give me the keys.”
“Where are you going?” Dean asked.
“Out. I’ll be back in the morning.”
Dean tossed him the keys. Sam headed for the door, but you stood in his way. You reached your boiling point.
“For the record,” you said, each word burning on your tongue, “things did get heated, but I shut it down. It was too much, and I wasn’t ready. So, maybe next time come with proof before you call someone a whore.” You fished the condom out of your back pocket and shoved it against Sam’s chest. “Here. I hope you have more use for this than I did.”
Sam’s heart pounded where your hand rested. The two of you stared each other down. Even then you weren’t afraid of him. As tall, strong, and powerful as he was, his anger was nothing more than an emotion, never a physical sign of danger. You were thankful for that. You felt your breathing slow with the pace of his heart. His eyes softened at your touch, almost remorseful.
Sam took the condom from your hand. He shoved it in his pocket and moved around you to open the door. He left without another word.
“What the fuck was that?” Dean said.
“Dean, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to fight. I really do want to make it up to you guys. You guys are taking the time to teach me, and I’m on your clock. I just don’t get why he gets to stay out when I have a curfew. I’m not sixteen.”
“You’re still not getting it,” Dean said, exasperated. “This isn’t a maturity thing. This isn’t you clocking in at the deli. We work with life-and-death stakes here. On his deathbed, Bobby made us promise him your safety. He begged us to keep you safe. And he was everything to us. If we can’t do that one thing for him…”
You sat and listened, a heightened realization of your value setting in. “I’m sorry.”
“So, of course, we freaked out,” Dean continued. “We’re here to protect you. And we care about you, ok? So, don’t get that twisted. What Sam said was unwarranted. He’s dealing with his own demons at the moment. But he’ll apologize in the morning. I’m sure of it. But it’s just like I said. We can’t lose you, ok?”
You sighed and headed for your duffle bag. “Well, please let me know what I can do to make this right. It won’t happen again. I mean it.”
“I know it won’t,” said Dean. “Let’s just sleep this off before—”
Before he could finish his thought, Castiel apparated in the center of the room.
“Cas? What are you doing here? Are you hurt?” Dean jumped from the bed and took Castiel’s trench coat off, assessing for injuries.
“I’m fine, Dean,” Castiel said monotone. “I checked the bunker, but you all were not there. I have some news for you. Oh, hello, Y/N. Where is Sam?”
“Hi, Castiel. He had to clear his head apparently,” you mumbled, still feeling burned.
“What’s the news?” Dean asked. “Does it have to do with this hunt? Because we’re at a standstill right now.”
“There is definitely something going on here,” said Castiel, “but the town is too quiet.”
“So, it wouldn’t be a ghost, right?” Dean asked. “Sam and I were waiting for something to happen, but nothing. Ghosts don’t pause. Living things do.”
“If it’s not a ghost then, what do you need from me?” you asked.
Dean turned to you. “It’s all the more reason to stick to what you did today. You’ll really need to pay attention to your surroundings. Use what we and Bobby taught you to see if there’s anything fishy going on.”
A memory from the morning flashed in your mind. “You know what? I did see something weird. There was a window open in the lobby. And on the windowsill was like a pile of dirt. Maybe sawdust, or something.”
Dean and Castiel shared a knowing look before returning to you. “Show us,” Dean ordered.
You led the way to the lobby, Dean and Castiel trailing close behind. But when you walked up to the window, it had been closed and was completely clean.
“It was here, I swear,” you said confused. “They must have cleaned it.”
“Describe to us again what it looked like,” Castiel said.
“It was yellow and powdery, like pollen almost. But I’ve never seen pollen just clumped like that, certainly not inside.”
“Judging by your description, that sounds like sulfur.”
“Shit,” Dean said. “We’re dealing with a demon.”
The air got sucked from your lungs. A ghost you were ready to handle. That’s what you trained for. All you had to do was salt and burn some bones. Ghosts were predictable, more or less. It was something that you were confident you could hunt. This was a whole new level. Your mind flashed to your family and the black eyes that took them. You thought of the demon that almost killed you, how unprepared you were even with your years of studying. You couldn’t breathe. The blood drained from your face and fear took its place.
“You with us?” Dean stirred you from your impending panic.
You nodded, not able to find words convincing enough.
“Let’s head back to the room. It’s getting late, and we got our work cut out for us, tomorrow.”
Castiel vanished, and Dean called Sam to fill him in, leaving you to return to your room alone. Your heart was caught in your throat, your lungs restricted. You were unable to shake the dread clawing at your skin, the scars on your arms a permanent reminder of the damage a demon could wreak.
When Dean returned, you had already climbed into Sam’s bed. His pillow left traces of him, the scent decompressing your stress like a hug as you settled deeper into the mattress. You caught yourself. His words still stung, and his exit hurt worse. You tossed his pillow to the side in exchange for yours and huffed back in bed. Dean had said Sam took it too far. But why? What had him fuming to the point of leaving for an entire night? Guilt resurfaced as you were reminded of your evening. You were going to make it up to him, both of them, whatever it took.
“What’s wrong?” Dean said from the other bed. “You’re moving a lot.”
“Sorry. I’m fine. I’ll be quiet.”
Silence filled the darkness. You were careful to lie still hoping to let Dean sleep, but to no avail.
“You’re worried,” Dean said as he turned on the lamp between you.
You released a shaky breath. “I guess so, yeah.”
You bit your lip. “Well, I’m thinking about Sam being so upset with me that he couldn’t be here.”
“I told you not to worry about that.”
“But you were mad too. You gave me a rule, and I broke it. And now, it’s not ghosts we’re after but full-on demons. There’s an emotional stake now. Ghosts didn’t kill my family or give me these.”
You held out your arms where your scars stained your skin. Dean’s eyes filled with remorse as he examined your scars.
“I couldn’t follow a simple curfew, Dean!” You continued, tears welling up in your eyes. “How am I supposed to be trusted to save the lives of these women when it’s demons? Dean, I’m so scared.”
You cried into your hands, unable to contain your emotions any longer. Dean sat on the edge of your bed and nudged your shin. “Hey, look at me,” he said.
You begrudgingly obeyed, your eyes puffy as your vision adjusted through your tears.
“People make mistakes. Everyone. You, me, Sam, everyone. It’s not a sign of your character. It’s a sign you’re human. You think being late removes every good thing you’ve done in the past year? No, dude. You’re fine. It doesn’t mean you don’t learn from it. And it doesn’t mean I have to like it, so I called you out. Just like you called Sam out for his mistake. You learn and move on. It has no bearing on tomorrow. I know I could do better at this, but you don’t hold grudges with family.”
You looked up at him in surprise. Family. He saw you as family.
“As for the demon, I know you’re scared. You’re not alone there. We don’t talk about it, but our origins are more alike than you may think.”
“Really?” you asked, scooting closer to him, your legs crossed.
“Yeah.” Dean sighed. “So, I get you. I do. But we’ve got you, ok? Both of us do. And besides, you’ve had Bobby teaching you almost since you got there, right? You’re more capable than I think you realize. But you’re safe with us, ok?”
You nodded, settling your tense shoulders back into place.
“I hate to say this,” Dean began, “well, then maybe I shouldn’t.” He moved to get up.
You grabbed his shoulder. “No, wait. Tell me.”
He sat back and sighed. “In all honesty, when we found out you existed, I hated you. I was so insanely jealous of what you had.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice soft.
“You had Bobby. I mean, well, first off, you had a normal childhood. But I wouldn’t wish this life on anyone. But you had Bobby to take care of you every day. He kept you a secret from us for years. But once the cat was out of the bag, you were all he talked about. He would tell us how funny you were, your favorite shows, any small thing that had happened that he thought was remotely interesting. He was proud of you. You were like a daughter to him, and I think I resented you for that. Because he was like a father to me.”
His admission rattled you. You began to realize you didn’t know the entire history of the Winchesters. And if he was jealous of your situation, he and Sam must have endured some horrible circumstances.
“So, when we had to get you,” Dean continued, “I was furious. I wanted nothing to do with you, which is why we fought way back when. But when you threatened to leave, I realized we couldn’t lose you. You’re all we have left of him. By joining us, we got to find out that everything Bobby said about you is true. It made you really hard to hate.”
You chuckled, your cheeks rouging slightly.
“I don’t know where all this is coming from,” Dean said, suddenly bashful over his ramblings. “I guess my point is that you’re pretty cool, in an annoying little sister kind of way. I know we had a rocky start, but I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re not welcome by me, ok?”
You moved to sit next to him on the bed. “Can I hug you?”
“I’ll allow it,” Dean said. He pulled you into his side.
You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder. “For the record,” you said, “you were all I heard about, too. So, I think that makes us even.”
He hummed in response and patted your shoulder. “Ok, enough of this chick-flick shit. I’m headed to bed.”
A full laugh bubbled out of you, your first full laugh of the day. Dean smiled back as he turned the light off, and you drifted off to sleep in minutes.
You woke up the next morning not to an alarm, but to the door unlocking. You sprung up from bed, your heart thudding against your ribcage.
“It’s me. You’re fine. You’re safe. It’s Sam.”
Your eyes adjusted in the dark room as you watched Sam close the distance between you. He rested a hand on your shoulder as you tried to relax your breathing.
“Sorry,” you said through shaking breaths.
“You’re ok. Just breathe.” Sam rubbed small circles into your back with his thumb. “Same dream?”
You nodded, shuddering against him. It never got easier. You had hoped that time would heal your wounds, but something struck you as unfinished. An unwanted message to your subconscious, it was almost like you were missing something.
“What time is it? It feels early.”
Dean interrupted your question with a soft snore.
“It’s close to seven,” Sam said. He sat on the bed next to you and paused. He looked as if he was contemplating his words carefully before he spoke, almost nervous. “Would you be ok, when you’re ready, if we talked over coffee this morning? I don’t want to wake Dean up, and honestly, it’s not his business.”
You looked over at Dean. Not a single thought rattled around his head as he slept on his stomach with his mouth agape. You returned your attention to Sam. “Uh, sure. Coffee sounds nice.”
The two of you found a table in the back of the breakfast bar. Your coffee warmed your hands and the tip of your nose in the otherwise frigid lobby. Your body betrayed you, a shiver coursing under your skin from the contrasting temperatures.
“You’re cold,” Sam said.
“Ehh.” You shrugged.
“I should have told you to grab a sweater or something.”
“I’ll be ok.”
Sam removed his flannel and rested it on your shoulders. You bit your lip, trying to deter a blush from forming. “Thank you,” you said.
He nodded, a small smile residing on his features before faltering again. “Listen, I wanted to talk to you about last night. I shouldn’t have said what I did. I got so bent out of shape over your safety that I was, disheartened, to say the least, to find out you were here the whole time. Your time is your business, just like you said. And I respect that. I have to respect it if I want to respect you.” He lowered his voice. “I—I don’t think you’re a whore, by the way. It all just, you know, caught me off guard. So, I’m really sorry I hurt you. It wasn’t fair of me to say any of it. I care about you and never want to make you feel that way.”
Your thoughts wandered to the night before. “It did hurt, but because it felt so unlike you more than anything. I didn’t know where it was coming from, you know? But what hurt the most was when you left. It was mostly guilt. I couldn’t believe you were leaving over it all, and I couldn’t shake it. I was so upset to have hurt you so bad, but I couldn’t figure out why. I ended up breaking down to Dean I felt so bad. But he explained everything.”
“He did?” Sam asked, his eyes wide. “What did he say?”
“He said I’m all you guys have left of Bobby, and if you lost me, you’d completely lose him.”
Sam released a breath and sipped his coffee.
“And I guess you guys are the same to me in some ways,” you continued. “I’ve been ungrateful.”
“You haven’t.”
“I have though. Over the past year, I’ve lived a self-centered view of my situation. Being tossed from stranger to stranger and ordered to stay inside the rest of my life. That’s how I saw it. I felt trapped, stunted even. So, maybe yesterday I made some impulsive choices. But in my mind yesterday, it was eight years in the making. It was my first night to so much as to get a taste of a typical adult life. It was the first time a man asked me out. I had to take advantage of that because what if it never happens again?”
Sam’s eyebrows scrunched together at your words but let you continue.
“But,” you breathed out, “it was a selfish endeavor, and I know it. Last night, Dean reminded me that I wasn’t being tossed around by strangers but by people who had so much love for each other that they willingly let me be a part of their circle. I’m sorry for taking advantage of your time. Because now I know it wasn’t just time; it was safety and the relationships we’ve formed over the last year, and I will not take that for granted anymore.”
Sam gave you a small smile. “That was…really well said. You’re family to us. And it’s just that we care a lot, ok? So, are we good, now?”
You smiled back. “Yes, we’re good. I promise to make it up to you.”
“You already are.”
The comfort exuding from Sam began to flood your senses. You’d spend all your time with him if he’d let you, completely content to remain in his space.
“We should probably be getting back,” Sam said, shuffling out of his seat. “We have a big day ahead of us.”
chapter 5
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Carol Danvers x reader - big fan
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I was wondering if you can please do Carol Danvers X reader, where the reader is Kamala's older sibling, and is also a massive fan of Carol? - Anon💜
A/N: possible spoilers from The Marvels
Walking your sisters room, you lightly hummed to yourself as you walked over to her desk, looking through the draws.
“Jeez Kamala stop taking my stuff…” you grumbled.
You grabbed some pens and turned around.
The pens fell from your hand, and you slowly reached up to remove one of your AirPods.
“Uh… hi…” you whispered.
The hero in front of you friend around, setting what she was holding back down and she smiled a little bit.
“You… captain Marvel? Why.. what..?”
“I don’t know, that was definitely already broken.”
You smiled a little and you held up a hand to her.
“Can you sign something?!”
“I’m a little busy right now but after sure!”
“Oh yeah no that’s fine. I’ll show you the door.”
You couldn’t help but constantly glance at her as you led her quietly down the stairs.
You didn’t want your family knowing that there was a superhero in the house, especially with everything going on with your sister.
But getting out undetected didn’t work in your favour.
You did what you could to help protect your parents, but fighting strange aliens who looked oddly human wasn’t exactly your strong point.
Sure, you knew some basic self defence but that was in.
“Kamala get your friend back!” You yelled.
“Captain Marvel! Why didn’t you tell me you guys were friends!?”
Kamala whipped around to face you, and you threw the photo you were holding behind her.
“Captain marvel was here?!”
“You should know?!”
Suddenly she was gone and in her place was Captain Marvel again, and you screamed, throwing something at her.
Hands flying to your mouth you tried your best not to laugh.
“I’m so sorry…”
You watched as she elbowed the guy behind her, then she leant down, picking up the notebook and flicked through it.
“I’m studying to be a forensic scientist.”
She smiled, nodding her head as she carefully set your notebook back down.
“Don’t damage it then.”
You smiled back and screamed when something came flying at you and you ducked, hiding behind a chair with your mom.
She held you and you held her back just as tightly.
Everything went quiet, and you peaked your head around the chair and stood up.
“So, is your real name Captain Marvel?”
“You know it isn’t.”
You grinned a little.
“I know, I just wanted to see what I had to call you. Since, you know you busted up my parents house.”
Carol laughed a little bit.
“You can call me Carol and I uh.. I’m sorry about the house.”
“Uh huh, well unfortunately for you, you now gotta help tidy up. Superhero or not.”
Carol raised her hands a little bit and she began to help you pick up things that were on the floor.
“So, forensic science?” She asked.
“Oh yeah, I’ve always been fascinated by it. I’m only back for a short break from university.”
Carol nodded a little bit and you pushed your brother out of the way, grinning a bit at him so you could get a little bit closer to the superhero.
You didn’t know how long you were going to be able to talk to her for and how long she’d be there.
You wanted to talk to her for as long as possible, you absolutely adored her, and now you had met her, you were going to make sure you asked her everything you always wanted.
Carol listened as you rambled out questions, truth be told she probably should’ve just left right away, but she did kind of enjoy answering them.
Because you weren’t just interested in about her as a superhero, you showed interest in her as a person and that was a new thing for her and she loved it
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
Soldier boy
Avatar twow au
(Ok yes I have to do my other fandoms but I couldn’t get this out of my head sooooo here we are again(ps anyone waiting for brother mine to update I’m sorry I’m trying😭 just can’t seem to write the chapter! But fear not bc I will!…..eventually)
(Also this is movie universal & Spider is the only human child/human born on Pandora bc plot)
So the idea is that they didn’t manage to send all the humans back to earth because some of them escaped and started their own building thing, and these are basically the RDA and they took Spider with them.
So bridgehead develops a little slower and they’re constantly having mini battles with the Navi but they don’t really become a big problem until the movie time.
So no one in the RDA really wanted to raise Spider, and they were going to dispose of him. Then they had the idea of,
Oh wait a minute, this is Quaritches kid! We can use that!
So they start training him to become the best little human soldier from the minute he can walk. The way they see it, they can train him to be perfectly adapted to survive Pandora and have him be loyal to them. Besides if it doesn’t work they can use him as insurance with Quaritch when they bring him back.
So Spider grows up, learns how to fight (clean & dirty).
Becomes a fabulous climber and can move almost silently thus earning his nickname/ code name
Has amazing aim, both natural and because of years of forced practice.
Can hold his breath longer than most people thanks to years of training him to survive incase his mask breaks.
Maybe he can speak Navi pretty well thanks to them wanting someone to be able to understand the natives so they have him watch old science logs.
He pretty smart but most ppl think he’s dumb due to his lack of most formal education.
And despite how much they try to make him into an emotionless machine, it doesn’t work, like really doesn’t work. He’s a big softy who loves to joke around. He’s kind of learned to shut it down when he’s training bc it will get him into trouble, but sometimes he can’t help but laugh his ass off.
He learns a lot from watching the logs, he’s watched the same logs of Grace and Norm and Jake over and over again, supposedly to study them and learn how to defeat the enemy. But he ends up being fascinated by all the things he learns, starts become more interested in the natural ways of Pandora (bc the RDA never bothered to assume that he wouldn’t just automatically be loyal so they didn’t really try)
Of course from the minute he was old enough to wear a mask they had him do survival training in the forest.
At first it was just day time, then it became nighttime. Eventually they stared leaving him to survived. Then they would take him somewhere and have him find his way back before he was out of oxygen.
Spider learns to love these times, to feel at peace in the forest, of course he becomes the an even better climber, learns to navigate through the trees almost silently.
Then the Recoms are brought back and it’s Spider who helps them through the forest.
When they catch the sully children spider feels bad for Tuk as she looks so little and scared. The big softy in him can’t take that.
When Neytiri attacks, Spider helps free Tuk secretly, maybe he cuts her hands free, maybe he accidentally drops his knife within her reach.
When all hell breaks lose Spider makes a run for it, still ends up falling from an branch and passing out, BUT, it’s Jake who takes him instead of Quaritch
So this time is Jake trying to get info about the RDA from Spider, not harshly bc Jake can’t bring himself to really hurt the kid.
When the Sullys run they have to take spider (who’s already starting to like them) with just to make sure the RDA can’t find him and get all the information(no matter how little) he has about where they are, also that the RDA just think he’s dead and not that the sullys have a weapon to use against them.
Spider gets begrudgingly accepted my the Metkayina thanks to be able to hold his breath, without his mask, and because he’s a pretty good fighter thanks to his training
(Eywa also May have had some influence bc he’s still her special little human)
The just loads of adapting & realising that Spider didn’t have a childhood and doesn’t know how to not act like a soldier for the most part.
Every adult seems to not be okay with this at all because children are gifts from the great mother!!
So Soldier boy Spider gets his family & a fresh start, Jake gets a human son, and Neytiri……….Neytiri gets a headache
So yeah that’s an idea I’ve had! Now that it’s out I can finally add more to my other stuff!
I actually really like this idea so I might do something more with it? Let me know if that would be something you’d like!
My asks are open and you are welcome to ask anything about this cuz I love other ppls ideas/thoughts
As always, I hope you enjoyed ❤️
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
I feel like at different points we have talked about Naga dream and also Indiana jones Hob? I’m going to combine them for Science.
Hob is exploring a deep and hidden temple in his usual Indie way, trying to return some funeral artifacts he has…liberated from the British Museum.
Suddenly there’s a soft, slick sound of something slithering behind him. He turns but the torchlight only catches something black vanishing too quickly in the shadows behind him. He readies his gun—and something pricks his neck. He whirls around, the paralytic venom already taking effect and has just enough time to take in black scales, marble-white skin and a human face with fangs—and he hits the ground.
He comes to in some kind of nest, his limbs still too fuzzy to move, and there’s something lounging on him.
It is the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. Dream touches him, fascinated with his skin and body hair. But he is so gentle. Even his long tail is careful when he curves it around Hob’s body, cradling him. He’s just being held and explored with curious eyes, tentative fingers and … a very long forked tongue. He looks up to check on Hob, seemingly studying his every expression.
Hob feels the feeling slowly beginning to return to his limbs but he doesn’t want to move. Dream works out how to get under his shirt and licks at his skin. Hob can’t wait for him to figure out how to remove his pants because that long tongue is giving Hob all kinds of ideas for where it could go
Hnnggg yes hothothot. Hob can be be a very slutty archaeologist/museum thief. As a treat.
Hob is usually the one making discoveries - he puts stuff back where it belongs instead. So it's a whole new level for him to come face to face with this new, fascinating creature. It's more beautiful than any jewel and Hob is immediately transfixed. Maybe it's a side effect of the venom but he feels no fear. Only curiosity, admiration and low simmering lust.
It feels exquisite to be held in the lovely warm coils of the creature's tail. Like a gentle embrace, never squeezing too tightly. The beautiful creature is obsessed with Hob's bare legs (he's wearing slutty slutty cargo shorts), his groin, the way his legs bend at the knee and how hairy they are. Hob lets himself be happily manhandled, wondering if the creature is warming up to eat him... he doesn't think so somehow. He feels oddly safe in the warm little nest.
Perhaps inevitably Hob begins to get hard, and his beautiful new creature friend is fascinated by the way his cock fills out the front of his shorts. His beautiful shining eyes gaze at Hob and beg permission for more, and how can he resist? He pushes his shorts down to his knees and spreads his legs so his creature can settle comfortably in between, his tail winding around Hob’s waist.
The first thing Dream does is slide his thin, flexible tongue inside the slit of Hob’s cock... and as agonised bliss sends him spiralling, Hob suspects that he might not be getting out of this place for a very long time. Well, all the better to study this amazing creature, right??
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milkycarnations · 2 years
Eyyy! Do you think you could do some hcs with Masky, Hoodie, Ej and maybe Toby, where the reader is a Taxidermist? :] I’m a girl with a morbid fascination with dead things, being both a wildlife taxidermist and having studied mortuary sciences/embalming, for funerals as well! Grew up in a hunting family so blood and guts have never bothered me. I collect animals skulls and stuff like that, too, I’d love you forever if you brought me a dead thing, a weird bug, or a strange rock/weird object
Sure thing! This ask was a ton of fun.
The Proxies + Jack with A Taxidermist S/O
He enjoys your company. You don't get all "squishy" when it comes to death and dead things. Granted, those dead things aren't people, but your tolerance for blood and guts is a bit charming to him.
He's in the woods often so he'll bring you so much goddamn road kill.
And if your morals are just as awful as his, he'll bring you human skulls and bones to mess around with too. They might not be... uh... mint condition.
He's pretty amused, but not a fan of the smells. He'll give you your little play space. Keep your stuff in there and organized and he has no issues.
He definitely appreciates the finished project, especially after seeing how much work you put into it.
He'd love to try insect displaying with you. It's similar to taxidermy, but more of his style.
Will ask you to help him clean up when his own business gets messy.
You two get along like two peas in a pod. He's all things morbid and eerie and especially dead.
Assuming you like hunting and taxidermy, this cat demon will gift you the finest dead animals. Expertly killed and in really good condition. You aren't sure how he does it, but you're in love.
You also likely have tons of access to mortuary equipment, but that's just the perk of being around Jack. I always imagine him living in a defunct hospital or funeral home anyway, - anything with medical equipment.
He asks you if it's possible to taxidermy a person and you gladly explain to him why it's not very... easy.
Since he likes you, he likes taxidermy. He insists on being involved.
He asks you to show him how you do it. He enjoys putting the pelts back on, but he especially enjoys the artistic liberty of recreating the gloss on the eyes and the shine on the noses of animals.
He thinks taxidermy is a true display of love. Why wouldn't you want to immortalize your pets this way?
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heresylog · 11 months
Okay you mentioned Aquinas in a post recently and I was instantly reminded of a question I asked one of my friends a while ago. She didn’t have an answer for me since she wasn’t super familiar with him so figured I may as well ask you.
I’m reading a book called Empress Theresa by Norman Boutin. It’s terrible in every conceivable way and I’m having a blast. One of the more key features of the book is the incomprehensible Catholicism of the writer and main character. The way he talks about God and religion makes little to no sense most of the time and usually sounds like the ramblings of someone who just got their wisdom teeth out.
At one point in the book it’s mentioned that the main characters theology professor was swapped out by someone who is “heavy into Aquinas” because it would help her prepare to save the world I guess? Since I didn’t know the name I asked a catholic friend if Norman having a fascination with Aquinas would explain some of how strange the depiction of religion in the book is but she wasn’t super familiar with him.
Figured I may as well pose the same question to you though I can probably guess based on the fact you were recommending him to a beginner. But hey, at least now you can get a good laugh if you want to look into this book a bit, it’s a wild ride
Aquinas is cool because his whole deal was that God can be studied like a science and through thought we can have more faith.
I don’t know enough about this book to answer your question. I can just give you what I know.
Aquinas wrote Summa Theologica to introduce students to theology and to the Catholic faith. It was designed to be a beginner’s guide.
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medusapelagia · 11 months
8 Au-gust: Robots and Androids - Part 7
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8[...]
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: Android Steve Harrington, Wanted Criminal Eddie Munson, surgery on the android Words: 1673
“Why do you hate him?”
“Apart from the obvious?” Eddie sighs, Dustin is a smart guy but it’s kind of annoying having to deal with him.
“Well, to be honest, he is not special enough to deserve my hate. But I hate all the androids, and he is an android.”
“It seems personal.”
It is personal. But he is not going to share his emotional baggage with a thirteen-year-old boy.
“Where did you learn about robotics?” Eddie asks him.
“Here. My parents are both scientists and working with El helped me a lot.”
The little girl doesn’t seem to be a robotics expert but she clearly cares about androids.
"You are good at it.”
“Mum says I’m a genius.”
“Don’t brag. But you are good. You changed that battery like a professional.”
“I was scared out of my mind, but we had to help him, you know right?”
No, Eddie doesn’t know. The android is just a  pile of circuits, he doesn’t deserve their help or their pity.
“He saved your life.” Dustin insists.
“Can you understand that it’s in his fucking code once and for all?!” Eddie snaps.
“It is. But it was an emergency situation. Stevie is clever, he could have found a solution and let you die on impact. But he saved you. He shielded you with his body. Isn’t that something?”
“No, because he is going to bring me back to the Central to be killed after a fake trial so, no. It’s not something! It’s annoying and frustrating, ok? I don’t like androids and I don’t like the one that captured me, that sounds so strange to you?”
Dustin sighs and goes back to his computer “You must admit that he is fascinating. I have never met an android like him.” he turns toward Eddie “Did you?”
“I don’t know why you think that he is so fucking special.”
“Because he has feelings. And emotions.”
“He has not.”
“Talk to him. Without being aggressive, and you’ll see.”
Eddie can hate S.T.E.V.E. as much as he wants to but the android is really useful. In the few days that they have spent at the outpost he has helped Hopper make some repairs, he has cooked for everyone and he has finally managed to fix the stupid radio.
“Are you really going to call the Central? I thought we were friends.”
“We are not friends. You are my captive and I have to take you back to the Central.” the android replies in his monotone voice.
“Oh… that hurts. I was starting to think that there was something special between us.” Eddie mocks the android who looks at him with his plastic eyes without expression “So, when are we leaving, captain?”
“Hopper and I have fixed the biggest damages but Dustin wants to take a look at the engines before let us leave. He doesn't want us to explode in the air.”
“You are like the kid's personal science project, you know that right?”
S.T.E.V.E. tilts his head, confused.
“He would die to study you. To open that metal head of yours and take a good look at your fucking circuits.”
“Maybe. But he didn’t do it. And he said he was sorry for replacing my heart when I said I didn’t want it replaced.”
“Your heart? It’s just a fucking battery!”
“And yours is just a muscle.” the android retorts.
“That’s not…” Fuck the stupid android, fuck them all! 
The android stares at him with his eyes with no expression “I know that it means nothing to you, but I’m sorry that I have to bring you back to the Central." the android pauses "All of this would not be happening if you weren't a murderer.”
“I told you a million times that I’m not a murderer!” Eddie sighs “But you don’t listen to me. You never did. After all, why should you care, right? Your stupid video says that I’m a murderer so that’s what I am, right?”
Stevie seems almost sad, which is not possible because he is a stupid tin can.
“Why should they lie?”
Eddie stares at him, that’s not the kind of question he was expecting from the android. Well, to be honest, he didn’t expect a question at all, but the more time the android has spent with the little group the more open he has become.
“They didn’t lie. They just turn the truth in their favor.” Eddie takes an e-cigarette, he knows that soon he will not be able to smoke anymore so he tries to enjoy what he can “I’m no saint, ok metalhead? I have destroyed androids and I never felt bad about that. I was protecting my people, and I’ll do it again in a heartbeat! And I don’t care about your opinion if you think that I am a murderer or whatever! I didn’t kill Chrissy, that’s all I’m saying.”
“You always speak about Chrissy, was she special to you?”
She was. She was the most special girl ever. She was so kind and pure… everything that Eddie never was and never would have been. And she died. Because of him.
“I didn’t kill her.” he tells the android, the e-cigarette still in his hand “But it’s my fault if she died. I made the bomb. I knew it was there and I knew that there was the possibility of some collateral damages. But I didn’t care. So, yes, somehow your dispatch is correct: I wasn’t the one that moved the bomb next to the bleachers, but I still killed her.” his hands are trembling and the androids take the e-cigarette with a kindness that Eddie didn’t know he possessed.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
Those are the same words Eddie told him days ago when he was talking about his human companion.
“Do you miss him?”
“Your partner.”
“Bi… Tommy?”
Eddie stares at him. What was that? A glitch?
“Are you ok?”
“I’m perfectly working, thanks.”
Eddie nods confused “What was the name of your partner?”
“Tommy. Tommy Hagan.”
No uncertainty. Maybe it was just a glitch. After all, the android took quite a hit and almost exploded just a few days ago. It’s probably a normal android’s reaction. Maybe he should turn him off and turn him back on. But there is no way the android will let him turn him off, so he shrugs and goes back to look at the stars.
“How many can you see?”
“How many stars can you see from here?”
“One hundred billion.”
“For real?”
“More or less.”
“Fuck. That must be amazing.”
“Being able to see so far that you are almost looking back in time.” Eddie replies, amazed.
“I can see things that are farther, but sometimes I can’t see things that are close.” S.T.E.V.E. murmurs.
Eddie stares at him wondering what he might mean, but the android gets up “If tomorrow Dustin will decide that we have enough fuel to get to the next planet we will leave. Enjoy your evening.”
Eddie stays all night staring at the sky, conscious that it would have been the last time.
“Get up. We are leaving.” The android wakes him up, he has a coffee and a piece of bread.
“I thought we were waiting for Dustin’s ok.”
“We were. But some troops are coming in this direction and I will not let them get to this planet. So we are leaving.”
“What if the ship explodes in space?!” Eddie objects.
“You were the one that wanted to die of dehydration in a desert. If the ship explodes it will be a less painful death.”
Fucking androids and their stupid logic!
He gulps the coffee in one go and gets dressed holding the bread in his mouth while he ties his shoes.
Joyce is waiting for them with a bag with some supplies “For the journey,” she says and Eddie thanks her. Before leaving, Joyce takes Eddie’s elbow and whispers to him “He is special. Don’t be too hard on him.”
Eddie doesn’t answer back and starts to run to follow the android. The metal tin is right, those people helped them, and they don’t need other problems.
At the entrance, Steve is talking with the strange little girl, El.
“You don’t have to go.” she is saying “You could stay here. With me.”
S.T.E.V.E. caresses his cheek “I have to kid. I have to protect you.”
“But I can protect you! I can! I am strong.” she insists.
“I’m sure you are. But there are other people that deserve your protection, aren’t there?”
The android nods, then he points at something on his arms and shows it to her “I know you can’t read it but this is why I can’t stay here.” 
“Because you are a lone wolf?” she asks.
The android freezes “How…”
“Are we going, tin can? Or do you want to wait for your friends here?” Eddie interrupts them and the android turns toward him.
“You are right. We have to go. Take care El.”
“Take care too Stevie.” she replies, waving at them until she is just a little white point in the night.
Hopper gave them a transport and a thermal suit, they will leave everything on the crash site and somehow the others will recover them.
“They are good people.” S.T.E.V.E. says.
“They are. And they are leaving in the old way. No fucking androids around.”
S.T.E.V.E. stares at him for a moment but says nothing.
He starts the ship and after a couple of tries, they are able to leave the surface and get into space.
“I’ll try to make a jump to the next planet.”
“Do you think it will work?”
“‘I’m confident it will work.”
"How many chances?”
“Tell me the number.”
“They are good.”
“Ok. Just press the fucking button.”
Eddie has never prayed, but when the android moves the hand toward the jump button he takes the necklace his uncle gave him and holds it tight.
Tag list: @shunna, @yourmom-isgay I hope you enjoy it!
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faeriexqueen · 1 year
University/City AU (DGM)
Going off of this post, I’m now thinking of what some DGM characters would study in general in a university/city AU setting (maybe taking place somewhere like NYC?). These ideas are mostly just for fun and I’m not actively thinking of writing anything with it, but I figured I’d share what’s on my mind. :3
Alma Karma — Starting with him because I’m biased and he is a favorite, but he’s majoring in fashion and textile design! Alma loves playing with different colors and fabrics to create vibrant outfits. He definitely doesn’t ascribe to certain gender norms, either, and likes to have a lot of freedom with his designs. (He also loves making clothes for his friends, and always wants to recruit them for modeling. XD) He’s also pursuing a minor in photography.
Lenalee Lee — She’s majoring in fashion design like Alma, but specifically, she’s focusing on shoes! She’s probably in a lot of classes with Alma, and they tend to partner up for projects and photo collaborations. Lenalee is probably also focused on accessories like handbags, and is working toward an internship with Anita (who is a well-known fashion designer in this AU >.>). Lenalee also likely minors in business, since she’s the type to want to know how to manage things. 
Allen Walker — Originally, Allen likely planned to pursue a degree in criminal justice. His altruistic nature makes him want to do good and make things better for others, but I can see him getting disenchanted with that field. So, he likely switches to political science to given him a broader scope of things to work with. (He lands on wanting to do youth outreach, which I think suits him. :3) He hasn’t decided to pursue a minor, but tends to get busy helping his friends with their own projects. (He loves to taste test whatever Link bakes. XD)
Lavi Bookman — Double major in library sciences and history! Lavi comes from a background of library and museum archivists, so he’s one to follow that path. He’s super fascinated with book collections and history (especially with the broad scope it covers), and is working toward an internship at a large, well-known library in the city everyone lives in. (Since he’s double majoring, he’s not planning to get a minor at the moment — but he probably has some English literature classes he opts into. He’s a fast reader with an eidetic memory.)
Kanda Yuu — He’s majoring in botany and minoring in photography! Kanda isn’t exactly a science-oriented person, but he likes working with plants and gardens in his free time. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he does have an artistic eye for floral arrangements (he’s very particular about organizing things), and likes to take photos of them. Because of this, he works part-time as a florist when he’s not overloaded with classes. (Since he’s minoring in photography, he also shares some classes with Alma.)
Howard Link — His family likely expected him to go into law (and he considered it), but Link ended up doing a culinary arts program! Specifically for baking and pastry making. While it has always been a hobby of his, he’s ended up taking it very seriously and wants to eventually open his own bakery shop one day. With that in mind, he’s double majoring in the culinary program and business (and probably shares some classes with Lenalee).
Johnny Gill —Biochemistry! Johnny has always been interested in the sciences, and decides to pursue biochemistry. He’s likely contemplating pursuing biotechnology (specifically industrial as opposed to medicinal) in the long run, and is really interested in innovation and improving things in day-to-day life for people. A lot of his classes cross over with Kanda’s, actually, so they interact a lot. (For whatever reason, in this AU I imagine he’s Kanda’s roommate. XD)
That’s all I have for now! I might add more if others are interested about this AU, but wanted to get this out of my system while it’s fresh on my mind. ^^
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panlight · 2 years
I’m in EMT school right now and I keep thinking to myself ‘what would Carlisle do’ for a lot of different scenarios. It must be working because I seem to be doing on the better side of ok lol we take each others vitals each day and I wonder how Carlisle got out of that sometimes (I know he probably didn’t go to modern med school) but I think way too much about Twilight in my class and I find it somewhat concerning that I’m wondering what the fictional vampire doctor would do in different situations lol my therapist says it’s fine though haha
Yeah going forward he's going to have a harder time blending in when it comes to checking vitals in a class or having a temperature check as part of Covid protocols (this is where the mostly silly but somewhat serious 'the hospital lets him do what he wants' might come into play).
See the thing is I am just 1000% HERE for the very concept of Vampire Doctor. It's absurd. I love it. I love it so much. I wish the whole series was about Carlisle's job. I mean I don't really because SM is not good at science and medicine so it would be a disaster but the concept is just so fascinating to me.
I mean first of all, it's just such a flex. Everyone else can barely manage to avoid human blood. But that wasn't enough for Carilsle he purposely chose a career that would force him to be around blood all the time. Amazing. Audacious. Why would anyone subject themselves to that? And then there's the added layer of irony because vampires in folklore were often associated with disease. And you're telling me this dude's a doctor? And he's legitimately just doctoring? He's not using it as a cover, or as a way to steal blood or something? How is that not delightful, I ask?
I think he'd get a kick out of being your imaginary guide, though. Best of luck with your studies!
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