#I’m in the middle of writing a supernatural soulmate fanfic right now
ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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Author Spotlight: Beautifulunseen Day 1
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Author: @xbeautifulunseenx​ 
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
Nothing like a long boring story to kick us off…
Tl;dr, I was a fair weather friend until after the show ended and then finally watched all 6 seasons at once. Multiple times. And fell in love with Klaine.
Full story: Initially I ended up watching the Glee pilot because my friend and I were big fans of One Tree Hill, which ended shortly before the Glee pilot aired. We were looking for a new show to get into together and Glee showed up just at the right time. He didn’t love it and I did, but I can’t remember if I watched the first season right away. Eventually when season 2 came around, I had just finished watching A Very Potter Musical and learned about Darren. I heard he was going to be on the show and one of my college roommates at the time watched it as well, so I got back into it for a few episodes. My interest in it trailed off and I didn’t watch again until I saw promos for The Breakup. Then I was mad and didn’t watch again until The Quarterback. It wasn’t until a year or so later that I watched all of the first few seasons. 
I didn’t jump into the fandom until a couple of years ago, though. I had just finished re-watching the series and I couldn’t get enough of the Klaine relationship. I was thinking about it all the time and the thought occurred to me that I should see what kind of fanfiction was out there. I went down that rabbit hole and never came out.
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since middle school, so I can’t remember what drew me to it initially. I’ve always loved creating stories in my mind, so I suppose getting them down on paper (yes, real paper! I had so many notebooks filled with HP fic) was exciting.
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
Klaine, 1000%. I felt really invested in their relationship and it was so easy to bring a story to life with Kurt and Blaine. I was also inspired by the amazing fics that are out there. I didn’t know about tumblr or AO3 when I first started reading/writing Klaine, so I went on fanfiction.net and searched Klaine fics and sorted by reviews. The first stories I read were Go Your Own Way and Sideways. Great inspiration!
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
Yes and yes. First Harry Potter and then Twilight fanfiction. (I know.) I didn’t dive into either fandom outside of a little light writing and reading. Glee is my first real fandom experience. I must say I’m both disappointed and grateful that I came into the fandom after the show ended, because I missed all the juicy drama! 
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Quite a few! I would love to write a soulmate fic, but there are so many out there and I like my stories to be as unique as possible. I would try most anything I had an idea for.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
I don’t read or write vampire/werewolf/other supernatural/fantasy creature fics with a couple of exceptions (The Sidhe, anyone?). I wouldn’t write mpreg either, but I have read a select few. When I first came into the fandom I never thought I’d read daddies!Klaine, mpreg, or a few other tropes, yet some of the things I thought I’d never read are in my favorites.
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
At least 3. One involves Kurt finding a homeless Blaine sleeping in his (Kurt’s) car. Based on something that happened in my parents’ neighborhood recently.
Check out Beautifulunseen’s Fic
Take It All -  A terror attack in New York City threatens life as Kurt and Blaine know it. This is the story of the day that could change everything.
Another Life -  Kurt and Blaine are living the dream in New York together, but Kurt questions how his life could be different if he hadn't known Blaine. Kurt makes a birthday wish, never dreaming it would actually come true. But when he wakes up the next morning, he finds his life completely turned upside down.
Let Your Flames Rise -  Kurt has a secret insecurity that he's afraid will ruin his relationship with Blaine.
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icykalisartblog · 3 years
Why Bilbo Baggins/Gandalf OTP
All right, here’s my big post on why Bilbo/Gandalf is OTP. This is half-joking but should include some genuinely valuable analysis! Much of this is cribbed from a paper I wrote in about queercoding in The Hobbit.
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The Hobbit tarot deck has them as the Two of Cups, usually signifying soulmates and romantic attraction so this seems like a good image to start the post with... soulmate AU, anyone? XD
Without further ado:
Bilbo Baggins Big Queer
Usually when I see queer readings of Tolkien’s works, it’s centered on The Lord of the Rings, and for good reason. But I believe the most likely character to be queer in Tolkien’s work is in fact Bilbo Baggins. When reading Tolkien’s works with this idea in mind, Bilbo, Tolkien, and the world of Middle Earth take on a new dimension, especially The Hobbit.
Bilbo Baggins is an unusual Hobbit due to going off on his adventure to win back the Misty Mountains from the Dragon Smaug, but at the beginning of The Hobbit, it would seem that he should have represented an ideal wealthy landowning Hobbit in the eyes of his neighbors and family members.  The narrator of even states that the Baggineses were highly respected. However, we know from the very end of the book that Bilbo was not particularly well-liked even before he ever did anything exceptional, by the eagerness with which his family members auctioned off his belongings and presumed him to be dead. It is not just jealously over his wealth that caused the other Hobbits to dislike him—his mother was Belladonna Took, and the Took family was known for going on adventures, though the narrator explains that after marrying Bilbo’s father, she never did anything unexpected again. Interestingly, the narrator suggests that “...although he looked and behaved exactly like a second edition of his solid and comfortable father, got something a bit queer in his make-up from the Took side, something that only waited for a chance to come out.” Also from this page, we know that other families of Hobbits thought that one of the Tooks had taken a “fairy wife” and that Tooks would occasionally disappear, but that their relatives would try to quiet the rumors. If you’re going 👀 at queer make-up and a fairy being mentioned, you should. These terms were already being used as queer signifiers and pejoratives in the 30s when Tolkien wrote The Hobbit, plus Tolkien was well... a philologist. 
Enter Gandalf
So Bilbo’s Tookish side is being linked to his queerness, and the other Hobbits think the strange behavior of the Tooks might have been caused by one of them taking a “fairy wife.” Now, if you are very familiar with Tolkien’s works, you’ll know that the closest thing to a fairy that exists in that world is probably what Gandalf is—a spirit known as a Maia, which all the Wizards are. Maiar (that’s the plural) are usually conceived of by critics as angelic beings because they serve the gods and Abrahamic God equivalents, but they have fairy-like qualities as well. And Gandalf is going to serve as the catalyst who brings out Bilbo’s, well, queer side. 
When Gandalf arrives in The Hobbit and introduces himself, Bilbo simultaneously gushes and rants about him, and gives special importance to Gandalf’s fireworks: “They used to go up like lilies and snapdragons and laburnums of fire and hang in the twilight all evening!” he says, and then the narrator remarks, “You will notice already that Mr Baggins was not quite so prosy as he liked to believe, also that he was very fond of flowers,” as if Bilbo’s secret desire to be unique and his love of flowers were of close to equal importance. Gandalf mentions that for the sake of the Old Took and “poor Belladonna” he will take Bilbo on an adventure. The only reason we are given for Belladonna Took being unfortunate in any way is that she was somehow repressed after being married. A critique of heteronormativity?
Bilbo turns Gandalf away and denies his not-so-well-hidden desire for an adventure but invites Gandalf to come have tea with him the next day, an action Bilbo himself does not understand. In fact, the Bilbo is so shaken by the invitation he himself gave that he thought “a drink of something would do him good after his fright,” despite this scene taking place right after breakfast . Gandalf is left standing outside of Bilbo’s house, laughing. He takes the “spike of his staff” (...!) and draws a “queer sign” (...!!!) on Bilbo’s door.
I think it’s worth noting that in Tolkien’s unfinished writings, Gandalf initially didn’t want to go to Middle-Earth. He feared Sauron and thought of himself as too weak to be a proper emissary, but that’s exactly why Gandalf was the right Maia for the job of protecting Middle-Earth. Gandalf’s origin was thus very much the same as Bilbo’s... he’s been through all of this reluctance, too. 
The Two Together
After Bilbo’s adventure, he is ostracized, and the beginning of The Lord of the Rings makes it clear that he had “no close friends” among Hobbits, and that the only ones who appreciated him were young children who would not understand how he was non-normative, and poor Hobbits to whom Bilbo gave money. In fact, the narrative begins with an argument between the Gaffer and Mr. Sandyman about Bilbo’s and Frodo’s “queerness,” which includes Bilbo’s adoption of an heir as opposed to having children biologically. With a queer reading in mind, Bilbo’s request that Gandalf take care of Frodo makes Bilbo and Gandalf appear to be caregivers of an adopted heir.
The text that I feel makes it hard to deny that Bilbo Baggins is queer is a version of “The Quest for Erebor,” an unfinished account from Gandalf that gives his perspective on the journey of The Hobbit. “The Quest for Erebor” was written at the same time that Tolkien was working on The Lord of the Rings, but was not ultimately included as part of the narrative (only an abridged version was included in the appendixes of The Lord of the Rings). I will quote Gandalf’s words from the unabridged version, regarding his choosing Bilbo for the quest (emphasis mine):
I learned that he had never married. I thought that odd though I guessed why it was; and the reason that I guessed was not that most of the Hobbits gave me: that he had early been left very well off and his own master. No, I guessed that he wanted to remain 'unattached' for some reason deep down which he did not understand himself - or would not acknowledge, for it alarmed him. He wanted, all the same, to be free to go when the chance came, or he had made up his courage. I remembered how he used to pester me with questions when he was a youngster about the Hobbits that had occasionally 'gone off,' as they said in the Shire.
As one can see from this passage, Gandalf, who has a very close relationship to Bilbo, does not believe what would be the obvious explanation for Bilbo’s remaining a bachelor—that he was a wealthy landowner, and thus did not need to. Rather, Gandalf believed that it was Bilbo’s latent desire for adventure that led to his never marrying. As I have pointed out, the call to adventure is connected to queerness. Gandalf also quotes other Hobbits as referring to those who had adventures as having “gone off.” To “go off” obviously indicates leaving the Shire to go somewhere else, but this phrase could also mean exploding (and fireworks, something that Bilbo remembered Gandalf for, go off), or to go bad—in the sense of food rotting or becoming moldy and inedible.
I think it’s also worth pointing out that Gandalf felt supernaturally compelled to bring Bilbo along on the quest. It’s likely that this was the Tolkien equivalent of Abrahamic God intervening in the events of Middle-Earth—something that rarely happens! The relationship between Gandalf and Bilbo is really important!
All of the points I have made signify that Bilbo Baggins’s story is applicable to the experiences of queer people, and his relationship with Gandalf suggests that Bilbo himself in fact has a queer romantic orientation—that he is queer in more than the sense of being non-normative due to going on a quest to retake Erebor. The friendship between Gandalf and Bilbo develops throughout The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, as Bilbo learns to trust and appreciate both Gandalf and his own adventurous side, and Gandalf learns more about kindness and true strength from Bilbo, Gandalf visits Bilbo many times afterward. Finally, they both care for Frodo and leave for the West together. Their friendship is heartwarming, and I would argue that this queer reading of it may be even more so—while there is an enormous age difference between these two characters (Bilbo is fifty-one at the start of The Hobbit, Gandalf is thousands of years old), Gandalf treats Bilbo like an equal and they both teach each other a lot (and Gandalf does not act like he is thousands-of-years old, he lost a lot of his innate knowledge and power when he was sent to Middle-Earth, after all).
Other Details
Close to the end of The Hobbit, after they retake Erebor from Smaug, Bilbo and Gandalf travel together, just the two of them, and the narrator doesn’t elaborate on this. This sounds like peak shipping and adventure fanfic fuel to me! 
I’m not a fan of The Hobbit films, but they do contain some great shippy moments with the two characters. There’s some hilarious snarking, like this exchange: 
BILBO: Are there any?
BILBO: Other wizards?
GANDALF: There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. And then there are the two Blue Wizards... you know, I've quite forgotten their names.
BILBO: And the fifth?
GANDALF: Well, that would be Radagast the Brown.
BILBO: Is he a great wizard, or is he more like you?
And then Gandalf is like 😮 XD
There’s also a really heartwarming moment where Galadriel asks Gandalf why he chose Bilbo: 
GALADRIEL: Mithrandir? Why the Halfling?
GANDALF: I don't know. Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.
I remember there being other movie-only sweet moments too, but it’s been a long time since I’ve watched them!
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gallaghersgal · 4 years
Fanfic asks: #1, #7, #13, #22, #24, #29, #35, #47, #48 :))) I love your writing
omg anon tysm 💕💞💖💕❤💗💗💞💕
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Well the first fandomy things I read were Harry Potter and then pjo/hoo stuff, but then I didnt really get involved in a fandom until I became obsessed with Dear Evan Hansen and Newsies, and, well, now I'm here!
7. List your NOTPs from each fandom you've been in.
Harry Potter: Harry/Ron
Pjo/hoo/all that: Percy/literally anyone other than Annabeth. They're my babies and I love them. I'm sure there are others but its been so long since I read those lol
Hamilton: literally everything that isnt "canon" bc its history and I'm a history nerd, so I just can't ship that stuff
Dear Evan Hansen: I'm not super opposed to it, but I just dont really ship Alana with anyone, I hc that she's on the ace/aro spectrum
Newsies: I dont hate them, but I'm not a fan of Jack/Spot, Race/Jack and Race/Kath... Tbh I'm pretty plain and boring for newsies, I stick mostly with the more common pairings, with a few rarepairs (unrelated but hhhh do y'all remember when ralbert was a rarepair ahbsnaj my baby boys theyve grown so much
Supernatural: Sam/Dean. Its literally incest y'all are fucking insane. No apologies. Also Cas/Meg bc Twist and Shout traumatized me.
Marvel: STONY!!! Idk why y'all, i just do. not. ship it. But I can see where people are coming from so I guess its not exactly a NOTP... Anyway others are thor/loki, thor/valkyrie tony/rhodey, thats about it
Star wars: r*ylo. luke×leia. kylo×anyone. I'm pretty sure anything else is fair game tbh, its space and everyone is queer, let them have their fun
Psych: Shawn/Gus, Shawn/Lassiter, Lassiter/Juliet. Yes, I hc Shawn as bi, but that doesnt mean I ship him w/ any of the guys in the show... Shawn and Juliet are soulmates. Period.
13. Any NoTPs? Anon, sweet baby ily, you either picked random numbers or accidentally said both of these... Either way its the thought that counts babe <3
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Ugh yes I had this Stucky fic where Steve was a tiny asthmatic dude just living his life and Bucky was the strong one armed contractor that was fixing his deck and there was super weird sexual tension and it was badly written. I have since deleted it from ao3, my fic doc, and my memory. It lives on within the depths of the mind of my bestie/beta reader/editor/confidant/number one supporter @thelazyhero-ttums who read it and was the one who made me realize how terrible it was. It was a rude awakening but im glad I had it bc it made me the writer I am today lmao
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? Hshsjajs RIGHT AND RECONCILIATION!!! Right and Reconciliation are the first two newsies fics I ever wrote. The plot is solid and could be great if I just rewrote it... My aforementioned bestie is the leader (and sole member) of the Rewrite Right and Reconciliation crusade but tbh I don't think ill ever rewrite them unless theres a college assignment thats like Rewrite Something You Wrote In Middle School Even Though You Hate It
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? I don't have an official beta reader, but between running things by @natthemess, my bestie from before, my friend missa, usually about 80% of every fic I post has been read before I post it bc I thrive on,the validation of my friends
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Okay so by technical definition a drabble is 100 words or less, but I consider everything under like 750 to be a drabble, so by those rules yes I write drabbles. I actually have a series of Assorted Newsies Drabbles on my ao3, and I mostly write them about fluffy stuff, a lot of soft cuddly morning fics, little projections of things I'm feeling if ive had a particularly bad day/strong emotion stuff like that
47. Archive, fanfic.net or Tumblr: which do you prefer to post and why? Archive and Tumblr. Archive bc its the Superior Fanfic Site, and tumblr bc I feel like it boosts my platform. Also yes, I shamelessly linked my ao3 up there in the question, check it out if you like :P
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why? Yes. Yes! YES!!! Why, you ask? Because I am an author and I know how it feels to have 600 hits, 100 odd kudos and 12 comments (including your own replies to comments.) It just hurts a lot knowing literally only 1% of people took the time to comment. Literally all it takes is a "I loved this! Great writing!!" Or a "HAHAJSHAJJSHS BABIE,BABIES BABIEST ILY" that shit makes my day.
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andersssandrew · 5 years
Fanfic meme (or my opinions about some fanfic tropes)
Thanks to @flo-nelja​, I lost like one hour and half to do this post, you know my weakness for long ass meme. ❤️ on you, it was pretty entertaining.
So...let’s go
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight: I’m never satisfied with the slow burn I read (or write, for what it's worth). Theorically I prefer slow burn, but it’s never slow enough, or BURN enough. I mean, for me, the slow burn involves some pining/longing, like they are accointances, then friends, then PINING/LONGING happens, then lovers. Probably the reason I love one sided love, because the feelings have time to grow, there is the pining/longing, with a pinch of angst ? 
aNyWaY I love a Love at first sight too, I don’t like it in rom-com, because it’s often without any background, but in fanfic, when you know the characters, you have implicitely the background, so it feels like fate they will be together, because you went to read this fic for your OTP, so it feels right they fall in love at first sight, because you know they are good together (even if they don’t know it yet in the fanfiction). Again, it’s the reason I love soulmate au. 
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2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating: It’s the last one I answered because it needs lof of thinking. Fake or secretly dating ? Hmmmm. I’m not often interested by the “dating” part, and more in the “feelings realization” and all the “confession part”. So Fake dating, I guess ? Like, they start dating and fall in love after ? And it can be funny, like quiproquo and clumsiness ?
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3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers: love shipping rivals and antagonistic relationships
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed” or Long Distance Correspondence: I’m a pure victorian bitch
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss: Domestic is boring to me
8. Smut or Fluff: Not a big fan of fluff. I like some cheesy tropes (like Love at First Sight) but I’m tired really quick of fluff, so it needs to be a fic with other elements. And not tooth-rooting fluff.
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic: love the AUs. ALL THE FUCKING SUPER WEIRD AUs !!!
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter: It’s very rare a fic manages to stay good (like , interesting and/or coherent with the canon) during a long time, so if the fanfic is 34 chapters, for me, it’s a repellant, because it probably means the chapters are meaningless or the author loses themselves in their universe and forgot totally the canon. In my opinion, a good fanfic (I mean, ideally) has like 3 or 4 chapters, 1000 words at least for each one. So, I love one shot, it’s less risky to be disappointed.
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12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic: I deeply hate kid fic, omg, I hate it with my guts, for me it’s the incarnation of the patriarcal and heterocentric injonctions
13. Reincarnation or Character Death: Again, I hate character death (I mean, major character death - except if it’s canon ?)
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage or NEITHER: Hmmmmm I didn’t read a lot of “accidental marriage”. I’m not really fan of “arranged marriage” neither.
In fact, I recently read a Reddie fanfic (1000 nights​), it was in Las Vegas, Richie and Eddie were...plastered and Eddie pushed Richie in the chapel of a casino and they got married by a drag queen priest. Does it still count like an Accidental Marriage ? Because it was pretty funny.
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15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance: I feel so old when I read High School Romance fanfiction lol but even when I was 16 I didn’t like it. I like the characters in their own age, so SOMETIMES they are in high school but...hmmm it’s rare I read fanfiction taking place IN a school, it feels weird and more, it feels boring, because school is almost the same for everyone, I mean it’s a totes cliché genre. Also I don’t really like to imagine these fantasy characters becoming boring teenagers with boring occupations, sorry not sorry (but it’s the same with College AU, guys, I will kill someone if I see another art student pining for the annoying fratboy)
(I still read highschool BL mangas btw)
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16. Time Travel or Isolated Together: Time travel give me headache. OH GOD I HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW !
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU: aaaah a good supernatural au, like vampire au, werewolves au, demon/angel au, fairy tale au, hpverse au, incubus au or any other ideas. I love how it’s creative, I love how it can be super original, I love the potential in these idea, because magic AUs are very rich in themes, you can play on the medieval fantasy genre, the urban fantasy, the alternative timeline or the past (like victorian vampire AU 👌)
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19. Body swap or Gender change: I don’t like Gender change anymore because first, gender is a spectrum, these fanfics are about binary genders, it’s a little bit cringy (but it’s not the real factor I don’t like it), second, (the real reason), it’s often male characters becoming female, and it often to make it “femslash”, so the femslash tags are FULL of gender bending stuffs about male characters, and not actual real femslash with the female characters, it...erases femslash and even if I’m not a reader of femslash, I think it’s sad, because it deserves its own space in the fandom, not everything has to be about the male characters (even the ones I love a lot). 
You can say it’s more a choice driven by my opinions and not my preferences, but it’s kinda the same thing isn’t it ?
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20. Angst or Crack: Dude, it’s not a hard choice because I don’t really like crack in fanfic. I like it in fanarts, but you take more times to read a fanfic, and I don’t like crack during a long time. Crack is more a thing you enjoy quickly, it’s something who make you smile for a second then you scroll (or share it if it’s really funny or inventive). But crack in fanfic, it’s like a too long joke.
I don’t talk about crack ships, because crack ships can be interesting. Sometimes, I don’t see WHY you ship it (like Gavin x RK900 in Detroit: become human, or Lestrade x Mycroft in Sherlock BBC), sometimes I TOTALLY see it, but it still fun to see the explanations to put them together, the meta, the fan theories...
In the other hand, about angst...I like the drama, I like the horror genre (if you know my blog, you know I’m currently in the IT fandom, you know, the eating-kids clown thing), I like tears and blood, but...when it’s too much, it’s too much. I don’t like...I don’t know explain it : sometimes, you feel like the author had to get out some dark things they feel, it’s therapeutic for them but you feel kinda uneasy to read it, because it’s so DARK, man, it’s not even about the canon, it’s all about the writer’s feelings, and really, it’s okay, myself, I happen to cope like that. But as a reader, I don’t like it.
So I like some angst, when i’m in the mood, but it needs to have positive things in it too. Or to be short.
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21. Apocalyptic or Mundane: At first, I chose Mundane, but now I ask myself. I like the post apo genre, but I don’t like angst too much, like I said in the previous question.. But I still like it a little so...hmmmm it’s tricky. What is meaning mundane, by the way ? Mundane Lord of the Rings fanfiction, what is it ? What is MUNDANE in kids learning to fight with their quirks in a superheroes school ?
I will chose Apocalyptic because I love a good survival (and they have to cuddle to stay warm and save each other and cry by thinking the other is dead but in fact they are not and find a way to cure the zombie plague/find a safe place/kill the aliens XD)
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Now, the tagging part (sorry if you were tagged by someone else, and of course feel free to ignore it if you are not interested : @calimera62​, @wilwywaylan​ aaaaand....I don’t know fucking people on this hellsite anymore. Maybe @sleeping-potatoe​ ?
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