#I’m curious to see your answers anyway 👀
(answers are too many characters to fit in a poll, so shortened to a/b & adding what they’re for below the poll)
...is it (a) “what a terrible day to be literate” (exasperated or affectionate) or (b) “how cool is it that this language came together in such a way that we can make this joke/content” (awed/appreciative or amused)?
(this is especially for fellow autistic, ADHD, LGBT+, &/or mentally ill folks (& any disabilities I didn’t specify/wouldn’t know to include))
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phibsies · 3 months
Hello 👋🏻!!!
I’m curious 👀 about something from your swap AU.
Peppy was originally king, right?
So why/how did Rosiepuff end up as queen? I mean I guess Peppy died, but I still don’t get why Rosiepuff?
If Poppy was a princess, why did Branch end up as king?
And Viva, she got separated and formed the Putt Putts like in the movie, right?
I PLAN TO GET TO THIS MORE LATER but i can explain it in text for the time being ^_^ HUGE yap session under the cut
basically, yes peppy was king beforehand. in the au specifically, (and sort of hc generally ??) rosiepuff and king peppy were close as friends leading up to the escape. rosiepuff had helped him plan out the escape routes and tunnels as well as just general planning for the escape itself
during the escape, to sort of sum it up anyways, king peppy handed poppy to rosiepuff before he was killed (yea shocker the man dies). the pop trolls didn’t have anyone to really rely on, and since rosiepuff was closest to peppy + was trusted with the life of poppy, they sort of just flocked to her ? it wasn’t really an instant thing, just over time she became more recognized as the queen.
rosiepuff never really wanted to be the queen, she didn’t feel it was fair, but she just had to go with it as the pop trolls were looking to her for answers suddenly. they couldn’t really look to poppy since she was a literal baby + she was grey :’)
branch was actually a prince like the rest of his brothers for most of his life before the first movie’s storyline :P like rosiepuff, branch ended up being crowned as king instead due to him saving the pop trolls and making peace with the bergens. (it’s a little weird but honestly these trolls ditched the traditional monarchy rules when making rosiepuff queen so LMAO)
and about viva, yes she does end up separated as she does in canon, the only main difference in her storyline is that she doesn’t have clay, so she ends up taking a more serious role in turn since she had to step up as a leader by herself
but uh yeah. i do plan on drawing out all of this so don’t worry 😭 mainly bc my instagram audience doesn’t get to see these asks, but also because i’ve just really wanted to draw more pre movie story :’3
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coming-lieutenant · 1 year
Got another idea about younger detective and how Hank can't believe she likes him, so he thinks she spends time with them for Connor, until she's fed up with all of this and kisses him. Maybe in front of DPD 👀.
Thanks Queen/King/any other royality you might identifies with 💖😌
Get a Fucking Clue
A/N: Sorry for the delay 😭 my life literally imploded over the last week and a half and I finally got the ship back on course. I hope you enjoy it!! I’m so sorry it took me so long!
Cool, refreshing air envelopes your body, a comforting contrast to the summer heat outside as you walk step into the Detroit Police Precinct. Today marks the beginning of a new journey for you as a criminal investigator. Over are the days of sitting on the side of the road, in alleys, waiting for someone to break into a building, mug some unsuspecting passerby, or any of the other unsavory activities that occur under the moonlight of this restless city. Now, you get to work among some of DPD’s finest on the scenes of the crimes, solving crimes with much higher stakes.
You take a breath, trying to keep yourself cool and collected as you walk into the Bull Pen. You’ve been in here before, but typically you didn’t spend much time here. You walk through, looking at the desks, looking for the lieutenant and his partner you’ve been assigned to train under. You see a man, or android, rather, as you can tell by the bright blue LED on his temple, sitting at a desk. You recall being told the partner in question was an android detective sent by Cyberlife, and though you don’t see anyone sitting with him, you approach anyway.
“Hello. You must be Connor,” you say, greeting the android as you walk up to the desk. He looks up from his computer at you. “Hello,” he says, giving you a warm smile, “I am in fact. Can I help you with something?” You look at the empty desk across from him. “Have you seen Lieutenant Anderson this morning?” You ask, puzzled by his absence. Connor smiles again. “It would be surprising if I had. I’ll call him and let him know you’re here.” He picks up his phone, calling Lieutenant Anderson. He looks mildly surprised as his call is answered. “Lieutenant? Our trainee is here. She wishes to meet you.” He’s quiet for a moment, seemingly listening to the response. “Alright. I’ll let her know.” Connor hangs up the phone, looking to you, “He wanted me to inform you he’ll be here in fifteen minutes. He said you may sit at his desk until he arrives if you want.” You smile, nodding. “I think I will.”
You sit at his desk, taking in the various items he has scattered around. He’s got a little plant, which makes you smile, and a picture of a saint bernard dog. He’s also got stickers all over his computer screen, almost completely covering the screen itself. You scan your eyes over the snarky and sarcastic stickers, referencing his disdain for his ex-wife, happy people, and complaints.
Just as you finish reading them, you catch the motion of someone approaching out of the corner of your eye. You look up to see a particularly tall man, taller than Connor, with shaggy, silver hair and a brown leather jacket approaching. You smile, standing up. “You must be Lieutenant Anderson,” you greet, holding your hand out for him to shake. He stands in front of you, an apathetic yet curious look on his face as he shakes your hand. The contact nearly sends a shiver down your spine, heat blossoming in your hand and running all the way up your arm, settling in your cheeks. “Unfortunately.” He responds, looking down at you. “Are you the new kid Fowler wants me to train?” Your smile falters a little bit, taken aback, but you’re not one to back down at the first sign of trouble. You stand up a little straighter, smiling at him confidently. “I actually have several years of patrol under my belt.” This makes him chuckle. “I consider ‘several’ five or more years. How many you got?” He retorts. You cross your arms, still smiling. “Four. But regardless, I’m not fresh meat, Lieutenant, and I’m sure someone as experienced as yourself will have no problem training me up in no time,” you quip. This finally gets you a smirk from the detective. He sits down in his chair, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Your training under Hank went like that for months. Sarcastic comments from Hank, witty replies thrown right back in his face from you, Connor being an unfortunate bystander, day in and day out. As the days went by, you found yourself growing… Particularly fond of Hank. It was nearing the end of your training, meaning working so closely alongside Hank and Connor was about to come to and end, and you would be assigned to cases on your own and eventually be issued your own partner. As exhilarating as it was, finally having the world in your hands, it was bittersweet. You found yourself waking up in the morning eager to go to work, and though you were in some degree of denial about it, deep down you knew you weren’t eager to work. You were eager to see Hank.
Hank was grumpy, cynical, and spiteful, yes. Absolutely he was. Concurrently, though, you knew that, much like Connor, he had grown a soft spot for you. In fact, much to Connor’s chagrin, he seemed to have more of a soft spot for you than he did for even his android partner. Of the three of you, you were the most likely to make mistakes. To get things wrong. Regardless, he always met your self criticisms with defensiveness. Defense of you. He never let you feel like you weren’t a good enough detective, or like you would never be able to make it on your own. And, though you would never let him know it, the banter between the two of you, when it happened, never failed to light a fire deep inside you. It was exhilarating to go back and forth with him, and you basked in the attention of it.
Nearing the end of your training with Hank, only weeks out from it, you found yourself standing outside of Chicken Feed with Hank. Connor sat in the car, as usual, seemingly wanting to give the two of you space as he slowly caught onto your feelings for Hank. You smile at Hank. “Only a couple more weeks of this, huh?” you quip. Hank chuckles. “Yep. You’re lucky, you only have to deal with two more weeks of this ugly mug. Connor over there has to put up with it until further notice,” he responds, motioning to Connor in the car with the sandwich in his hands. “You’re going to miss him, aren’t ya?” he says, laughing. A look of confusion spreads across your face, and you look at him with furrowed brows. “Miss who?” Hank gives you a knowing look. “Connor.” He says, as though it’s the most obvious statement in the world. You are thoroughly perplexed by this. “Oh, uh… Yeah? I guess so.” You’re not sure what the point of the question is, but you finish your lunch anyway, not much of a word from either of you as you finish eating.
Back at the station, Hank’s words repeat like a broken record in your head. You sit with him, once again in Connor’s absence, as the two of you quietly work on filing through cases. Suddenly, Hank speaks. “You know, I think you should tell him how you feel.” You sit up, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. “Hank, what in god’s name are you talking about?” you demand, looking incredulously at him. He looks back up at him. “Connor. You should tell him how you feel. I mean, even when there’s no case, you’re always hanging around. You always seem to laugh when you’re with him, and you blush all the time. I think before your training is done, you should tell him how you feel.” You stand up, running your hand through your hair and sighing, pacing slightly away from your chair as you are struck with disbelief, not knowing how to respond. You’ve never in all your years seen someone be so dense. He starts to talk again. “Listen, I didn’t mean to stress you out, I just think-“ Suddenly, you know exactly what you should do. You spin on your heel, cutting him off as he speaks by grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips onto his. Hank’s hands are suspended in mid-air where they had been while he spoke, and they slowly move to your arms, gently touching you as he begins to kiss back. After a moment, you pull away, smiling. “Still think it’s Connor I’ve taken an interest in?” Hank stares at you, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips as seemingly the whole bull pen stares at the two of you in disbelief. Hank chuckles, speechless. And you smirk, returning to your chair, satisfied with yourself as you return to your work. Finally, the man has gotten a fucking clue.
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certainty2witch · 3 months
Heya there, Could you please share your crocodile and luffy headcanons +pregnant croc please?👀👀👀🙏🙏
Thank you Thank you!!!😭😭💞💕💕
Sorry for the late reply! But here i am!
Since you didn’t mentioned if you want to know that about my au or the canonverse, I’ll talk about my Revolutionary Crocodile au only, since in the canonverse Croc left newborn Luffy into Dragon’s arms (literally), and all the context, during the pregnancy and after, is pretty sad I prefer to tell just my au.
But if you are curious about the canonverse anyway, just ask for it! And I’ll share it in another post.
Let’s start!
I’ve shared time ago this Croc and Luffy hcs in this post, that also has a draw 😊 so just click it and read what i said there!
I just wanna add:
- When Luffy said that he wanted to become a pirate to his daddies, Crocodile put his hand on his shoulder and said him: “Go and make me proud”.
- (connect to the one above) Crocodile totally supports his son goal, and hopes he will become king of pirates, realising for Crocodile the dream he had to put aside.
Now about the pregnancy 👀
(A bit of context and then the hcs)
Crocodile had so many doubts about his situation, he surely didn’t think he could have a baby (well Iva mentioned to pay attention to that, but since never happened before Luffy, he thought was not a possibility!)
He decided in the end to call Dragon for telling him about his condition.
He was so afraid Dragon would told him that he didn’t want the baby and to be left by him. But Dragon was so happy! He loves Crocodile so much, he was busy with his duties and wasn’t present (he literally never called him, stupid Dragon) until the day they met.
The draw I’ve made for Croc confession and Luffy’s birth:
After that day, Crocodile and Dragon announced to the other Revolutionaries about the pregnancy and Iva was the most excited of all, they self proclaimed “the baby’s auntie”.
Dragon proposed to Crocodile and asked him to be a revolutionary. Croc was never convinced about that, he loved being a pirate but it was better for the baby if he would have stayed with them.
So they got married (by Kuma) when Crocodile was still pregnant.
Now the hcs!!
- As every pregnant person, Crocodile craved the worst things ever. He already loves Crocodile’s meat, but he asked to combine it with strawberry jam and whipped cream one time.
- Luffy wasn’t a easy pregnancy at all, that kid was always hyperactive.
- Dragon used to caress Croc’s belly while saying him sweet word to him and their baby. Croc loved it a lot, and one time he even cried. But he said that was because something got in his eye.
- Crocodile soon as he understood that he was pregnant, he stopped smoking. He struggled a lot for that, he needed to smoke, but he cared for his baby’s safety the most.
- Iva checked weekly Crocodile and Luffy’s conditions, and they also discovered with their powers the baby’s gender (hc i have about their powers).
- Crocodile’s body wasn’t made of sand, because his baby couldn’t survive in a body made of pure element. But he could use his powers anyway, but without transforming.
- While alone, Croc loved to put his hand on his belly and listen to his son’s movements. It was a moment just between them. He even talked to Luffy. He was so excited to met him.
- Since Luffy’s birth was getting hard, Kuma after seeing Crocodile suffering so much, he taken away his pain using his powers.
For now I’m done! Thanks for the ask 💕 and sorry again for being so late.
Hope it was enough satisfying as an answer haha
Anyway thanks for the ask, I’m always open to answer to anybody, so feel free to send me what you want.
Even art suggestions, if i like the idea, I’ll draw it.
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red-rover-au · 8 months
Dude I’m WEEPING I binged RR all in one today and I absolutely loved it!????!!? Like for real you are a super talented author the dynamics between the brothers,, the action sequences,, like 🤌🤌.
Anyways been prowling the Purple Rain tag,, and I was curious: how long is Leo down for the count? And how does he adapt to the whole,,,, new family, new place thing? (as he only had like four days with them before).
Anyways yeah absolutely love your stuff I can’t wait to see more 👀❤️
Leo is in a coma for about 3 months, same time frame as 2012 Leo's coma.
When he wakes up he's uhh, very upset and Very Lost, tho he of course tries to hide it under his usual facade of jokes and a Mean Girl act. He's the only one on the farm who doesn't really know what he wants to do, plus with his amputation and injuries he feels helpless. Being the Leader and the one Responsible for Draxum's shitty operations always put him under more stress than he'd admit- but now that he doesn't have anything to do he's just anxious all the time.
Its made worse by Raph trying to take this time to bond with Leo. Leo is trying to sort out/push back so many feelings and come up with some action plan after absolutely EVERYTHING has gone to shit, and all he rlly wants is it to go back to how things were before they knew about Raph- and then in comes Raph trying to solidify his place in Leo's life when, as far as Leo is concerned, he was the major catalyst that set this disaster into motion. Raph is just one of many ppl he's angry at rn (with Leo being angriest at himself & Draxum)
Anyways here's a draft I wrote last February of Raph taking Leo on a walk to help him recover mobility:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So I guess the answer is... he's not adapting all that well lmao
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jichanxo · 14 days
hiii jichan, long time no senseific asks from me... am kinda interested why you’ve thought the first kiss scene you wrote several says ago will have such, uh, destructive impact to the other plot points. i mean, it suddenly felt natural for them to kiss earlier than you planned them to, or 👀 (sry i’m awkward, can’t think of another way to convey that i. really appreciate your work)
(context for everyone else. my complaining was in the tags)
hi againnnnn :D well the short answer is that i'm probably being over-dramatic, but since a kiss is a big deal i gotta look over the stuff after that scene with new eyes and make sure all of it checks out with the new context
(more under the cut + general senseific updates for the curious)
it's their second kiss (so far), and i threw it in around the middle after shuffling around some plot points (the plot point shuffling is definitely going to be more, uh, destructive than the kiss is anyway, so i am just being over-dramatic), but uhhh... well it's an early release of tension and expression of yagami's frustration towards kitakata than i originally intended so... that's gonna change how their dynamic is going to feel afterwards until the tension is resolved completely (i.e. they sort their shit out)
i'd just placed those plot points in their new spots and saw a gap in the middle of my fic and was Struck By An Urge so now this kiss scene exists with only a vague idea of what the context behind it will be. ...well, i'll write it when i get to it, i suppose. but it was a lot of fun writing something exciting and new for senseific!
but now i gotta get back to the stuff i actually have to do 😔 which is mostly dance club stuff right now. i am thankfully actually making progress on that front. and later i also gotta check some stuff with the robotics club for a short part in chp 1 and 2. and just give everything a general look for cohesiveness.
chp 1 is, by my judgement, very close to its finished form (i just need to do that short robotics club part and general tweaking)
chp 2 still has quite a ways to go, but i've got big chunks of dance club where i want them now, alongside the existing kuwagami stuff (which is the other focus of that chapter). i also need robotics club stuff here but it's pretty minimal rn
chp 3 is.... well the front half has a direction (resolving the dance club), and then it gets a bit lost. (on a related note, those re-homed plot points start to get placed around here). my focus right now is to get the dance club stuff done and leave this problem to be solved later. when i move onto the robotics club, i'm hoping to see what comes up naturally. for now, i gotta focus on the immediate tasks and all that.
[tenuous separation between chapters 3/4 depending on where 3 ends naturally when i finish writing it]
chp 4 is where the new kiss scene is. and a bit of old writing of where i am generally expecting kuwagami stuff to go. around this point is where things get even further away from a readable state, so i won't go on. ....if their second kiss is in this chapter, feel free to take a guess at when their first will be. hehe.
senseific currently has a working title. chapters 1-3 have titles that i think are not gonna get changed, cause i'm attached to em (but you never know, right?)
general senseific update aside, since that kiss is around (what is currently) chp 4, i am eventually going to have to go over the older writing around that point and make sure it all matches the vibe
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evansbby · 4 months
When Sharon said she thought reader was the Ari was cheating on her with, cause she had a feeling deep in her gut… should’ve listened to it. Always, and I mean always go with your guy ladies.
Curtis is a damn sleazeball, Wanda is dumb and blind asf. Also a bitch! Hinting at having a threesome with Carla 🤣and Reader. Then when reader says he needs to respect his gf and he says she’s one to talk OHHHH BURRRRN!!!!!!
Also yes Ari how do you know where Steve’s parents live 🌚
He sighs, “If you want, I could come clean to her and tell her it was you who I was sleeping with. You shouldn’t have to deal with that, it’s my problem, anyways.” Does he not realize that that’s not gonna make the situation any better 🤦🏾‍♀️ MEN.
When reader finally had the outburst in the supply closet 😭 poor baby.
Definitely gotta make sure to keep out the part about letting Steve finger her in the Uber🤣 didn’t want Ari even more pissed that he already is.
Uh oh… Ari freaking out about Kira 👀
“Because I do care! I think I’d know what I’m feeling better than you would!” Calm down Stevey Boy 🫢
“I was always going to ask you out, Ari or no Ari. It’s only when I saw how jealous he got when he saw you with me, that I realised how much he liked you. That he liked you more than he liked his own girlfriend. That’s when I realised I could be with you and get back at him at the same time.” Umm… that’s not- yeah that’s still not cool Steve. Men are so so damn stupid I bet this has actually happened in real life before.
“Fuck you! Try an’ scratch me again and see what happens!” Steve arguing with the branch 🤣🤣 then when he claims that that’s it’s tryna pick a fight with him LMFAO!!! This man is drunk!
Poor Steve getting kicked off the team. Also, get this man in some anger issues classes.
Out of everyone, I feel bad for Kira the most. Especially after what Steve said she’s going through and how their parents are never home, and don’t know how bad she’s really gotten.
God, you would never understand men! YOU AND ME BOTH GIRLIE
Also should I feel bad for Carla? Yes, maybe. Possibly? Do I feel bad for her though? 🙂‍↔️ nope
He grabs her by the upper arm roughly, “Carla, shut the fuck up right now if you know what’s good for you,” He hisses. LMFAO!!! YEAH CARLA SHUT UP!!!
“Stop acting so holier-than-thou, Sharon. You’re not worth shit anymore, not since you got dumped,” yeah umm… Carla deserved what Curtis did to her at this point.
She says brokenly, “I..I liked you. I liked you so much. You have no idea how much I…” oh I know how much, that almost confession you made I remember that 👀
“Why does it always take some sort of traumatic event for you to say these things?” You know that’s a really good question. WHY ARI?!
“Tell me, is that what you told my sister too?” JAW FUCKING DROP! ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!! Again! 🫢🫣
Steve telling Ari about what Kira has been going through makes me feel even sadder than when he was telling reader about it
“She’s my sister and you were my friend and you fucking broke her, Ari.” I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THEY HAD BEEN FRIENDS BEFORE!!!! It always hurts more when it’s a friend that does the betraying, cause like you trusted that person. Never thought once out of the whole friendship that they would ever do something to hurt/betray you.
STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!!!! WHYY JUST WHYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
“Don’t worry about me. I’m comfortably numb, remember? I think I finally made it last…” I-… 😓😢😭😣😔 damn Steve is really going through it. Poor baby
To answer your questions:
1. They were both sweet, but Steve was bittersweet so I think I kinda liked his more. It did hint/foreshadow at what would happen later on in this part.
3. Because she pretended to be her friend, let her vent about Ari and cry on her shoulder. She knew the whole time why Ari broke up with her, had so many times to open up about the truth. I think if reader would’ve told the truth from the get go, and explain everything then she would’ve been a little bit more forgiving towards reader.
4. I’m not sure. Ari says Steve doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so maybe Curtis did it. I wouldn’t put it past him tbh. He seems like that kind of guy. But that begs the question… how did Curtis get ahold of Kira’s nudes if that’s what actually happened?🤔
5. Team STEVE!! I feel like they’re gonna have to pump his stomach. Attempted OD, maybe his parents will even have to fly back at this point.
Okay firstly YES I AGREE, as a woman, always trust your gut and intuition! But also, Sharon was kinda blind bc Ari literally carried y/n bridal style away after she got hit with a basketball like HE LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE MADE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS that they were together. But tbh I think Sharon was being blind bc she wanted to believe the best in y/n bc SHE liked y/n 🥺🥺
And yep lmfao Curtis was so damn sleazy in this chapter! Which is crazy bc he and Wanda were genuinely inseparable in the previous chapter! But now this guy is blatantly cheating on her with that brunette cheerleader AND he propositioned reader to have a threesome??? BRO FUCK THIS GUY FR.
ALSO YES. I really wanted to illustrate how stupid and clueless men are. Like when Ari says “you want me to tell her?” LIKE BRO??? That would just make it worse 😭😭 Also when Ari says “she’s a strong girl, she’ll bounce back” that is literally crazy 😭😭 men are fr so stupid and I don’t get them either and I’m happy you picked up on them being stupid in this chapter!!! Emotionally stunted fr! Steve too!! He also had some stupid dialogues and moments like him wanting so badly to explain, then his explanation being like “yeah idk why I did that, I just did” 😭😭😭
Thank you so much for this wonderful review bestie! I always appreciate it so much when people quote lines from my fic and then analyse or react to them!!! And your commentary is fr so funny!
Last thing I’ll say is… yeah maybe Steve will need to get his stomach pumped… IF he survived that is 😔😔😔😱😱😱 but would his parents care enough to even fly back to see him? 😔😔😟
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
I’m curious… where were you first introduced to writing/reading fanfiction? was it Tumblr, Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, AO3; etc?
I actually found fanfic.net first and then wattpad but ff.net was pretty much my main source until I stumbled across AO3 and never looked back. Literal geniuses are on that site, i dont understand it.
(sorry if you’ve already answered this question in the past. I’ve been following your blog for a while but I just started to come out of hiding anonymously 😅)
Heyo yeah I love that you're coming off anon 🤗 I love anons believe me I do, but it's also a lot of fun putting a url to a question and just knowing there's someone real behind the sunglasses lol so yeah, glad to see ya 💕
Anyway, oof this is gonna age me, but actually my first foray into fanfic was back on old forum ship sites. Reading only, I never even considered writing. I think ff.net was around at the time, and I might've read a few things here and there, maybe?, but I don't think I did because I genuinely don't remember it.
Tbh I was just a wee little lesbian in the midwest who was filled with a lot of gay emotions and not sure where to go about all of it. And at the time I was a huge Buffy fan, specifically Willara 👀 and so I mostly just stumbled upon and read fics that were posted to Willara specific forums. Like my stupid ass would just search "willow and tara" and see what came up in a general search 🥴. Ah, it was a different time then... So yeah. There was one I frequented A Lot called something really cringy like The Lion The Witch and The Bad Wardrobe I think? Looking back now, some objectively bad fic lol, but there were some gems that kept my little 12-15yo ass in a chokehold.
So imagine my surpise as an adult in her mid-late 20s falling in love with Clexa and idly thinking one day, "Huh. I wonder if anyone still writes any of that weird fan story stuff that I used to read as a kid, only for Clexa... Lemme see" and then discovering the glorious treasure that is AO3 and bam here we are
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x0401x · 2 years
Hello! I found a section of Tsurune volume 3 that says Masaki changed his name (the last name is changed, was his first name changed also because he mentions it as such despite it still being 'Masaki'? Just confused here.) And then it's discussed that the only time to tell someone your real name was when you're courting them, and so he asks Minato about an answer to his proposal, what was this about, just curious. Thanks! :)
Oh, you guys saw that? 👀 It’s one of the best scenes with Minato and Masaki in the whole volume.
Masaki did change both his surname and first name. His first name was originally 正樹 and became 雅貴. Same pronunciation, different writing.
Now, to give full context on this, I also need to explain some historical references. But first, the context of the scene itself (warning, this is insanely long):
It happens in Masaki’s apartment. He and Minato had bumped into each other by coincidence while doing some shopping on a weekend, so Masaki invites Minato over to discuss the matter of his yugake, as well as get a book that Minato had wanted to borrow but was lost in Masaki’s stuff. Some tooth-rotting fluff happens at the store and right after they get to Masaki’s place, but this post is already long enough. I can elaborate if I get another ask about this, though.
Whilst looking for the book, Minato also ends up digging out some school records containing Masaki’s birth name, which was Tamamori Masaki. Just a random observation while we’re at it, "Tamamori" is a weird surname. But in a good sense. Like, it means "soul protector" in a very not obvious way. "Tama" means "sphere", which carries the connotation of "spirit"/"soul" and "mori" means "protection"/"protector" (think of protection charms, "omamori", for example). It's not conventional at all, and damn, does it define Masaki well. As a Shinto priest, he is literally a protector of spirits. As a mentor, he's the protector of his disciples. And in general, he's Minato's protector.
Anyway, back to what matters. We’ve known since volume 1 that Masaki had changed his surname to “Takigawa” when he was a kid because his mother had gotten divorced from his father and remarried. We also knew that he didn’t have his grandfather’s surname (Yasaka) before that, because that’s his mother’s father. He originally had his father’s surname, and until now, we didn’t know what that was. And we also didn’t know that Masaki had changed his first name along with his last name. There shouldn’t be any need for that. In fact, there shouldn’t be any need for him to change his surname either. Just because his mother remarried doesn’t mean he’s obligated to have his stepdad’s surname. Something else is the issue.
The issue being that Masaki’s biological dad is on Trash Dad Team.
Volume 3 is the one where we get the most of Masaki’s past until this point, so be ready for one hell of a ride now. For starters, his grandpa’s family is special. Not just because they run a shrine, but also because the people of their bloodline have a strong sixth sense. They can see and feel certain things that normal people can’t. I’m sure everyone could already tell that from volume 1, though. It’s always been hinted that Masaki has some sort of connection with the supernatural and the mystic aside from the fact that he’s a priest. It’s been even more strongly hinted that the same goes for Minato, and in this volume, we get a confirmation of it.
So there you have it. Masaki is a descendant of important people who have a long-standing, intimate relationship with the “other side”. One of his ancestors has their remains enshrined within a forest in another town and is worshiped by the locals. And here’s where things get wild: his father stole one of this ancestor’s bones from the shrine and ran the fuck away with it. His goal was probably to sell it to the black market or something. That kinda shit gets you an insane amount of money in Japan. However, before stealing the bone, he had tried to have the remains exhumed and handed over to him from the local people, claiming that he was one of the descendants of whoever was enshrined in that forest. From what the text implies, the actual descendant wasn’t him, but rather someone who was related to him.
Who that someone was? Masaki’s brother.
No, not Ren. Masaki’s biological brother.
Yes, Masaki has a sibling. Or had, before their father kidnapped him.
Masaki’s brother is three years younger than him and his name is never revealed. All we know is that they were close and Masaki loved him very much. When his father left, he took his youngest son along without anyone’s consent and ran away. Masaki and his mother have not seen him since.
“But wait, Japan is a country where the law actually works. How is it that the police hasn’t caught this guy? Is this a stretch from the author? Perhaps just bad writing?” you might be asking yourselves. Sadly, no. The author is actually being realistic here (and likely providing an educated critique to how flawed Japan’s law is when it comes to caring for minors in general). I know that what I’m about to say is going to sound crazy, but parental kidnapping isn’t a crime in Japan.
I wish I was making this up.
If two parents get divorced and one of them takes their child along when leaving, even if by force and without the consent or knowledge of the other parent, this isn’t considered kidnapping at all. Why? Basically, children are viewed as property of their families in Japan. If one of the parents wants to take their kid to their new home and raise them there, it’s completely legal. Their child, their choice. The child doesn’t have any right to object. The only one who has that right is the other parent, but they can only exercise it if they manage to catch the kidnapper in the act. Otherwise, if the other parent tries to get the child back after the child has been kidnapped, they need to have the permission of the kidnapper, because by then the child would be in a new residence that doesn’t belong to both parents, only to one, and accessing it without the consent of the residence’s owner would be invasion of property. And that is a crime that could get the other parent in jail, even if they’re literally just trying to save their child.
All of this felt completely insane to write and I presume it feels even more insane to read.
As to why Masaki’s dad took his brother away, it’s because of their special bloodline. Apparently, Masaki’s brother was just like him. After his father left with his brother, Masaki and his family figured that he’d come back to take Masaki too, and that’s why he had to change his name. That way, Masaki now belongs to his stepdad’s family, meaning that if his father tried to take him, then it would be legally considered kidnapping. It’s not very clear why Masaki also changed the writing of his first name, but it’s suggested that he did so because his father was the one who picked it for him.
But oh, it doesn’t get better. Not long after the kidnapping, Masaki’s dad sent his little brother’s death certificate to them. On Masaki’s birthday. Ever since then, Masaki’s birthday has been his brother’s death anniversary.
Masaki doesn’t think his brother really died. His father probably pulled some strings to forge the death and then got his brother a new identity. That way, his ex-wife’s family would give up on trying to het him back, and even if they decided to do otherwise, the chances of them succeeding would be next to none. Like, suppose they happen to get ahold of him by some dumb luck, they’d still never be able to prove that it’s him (with him being legally considered dead and probably having a whole different name now).
Masaki is understandably the most bitter creature on earth over this whole thing. He despises his father with a passion and hates his birth name. During his conversation with Minato about this, he says that his birth name is a deadname to him.
Took me long enough to get to this point, but that’s where the historical references come in. When I say “deadname”, I don’t really mean it in its original sense. It’s just that this word is the closest it gets to a translation of the original term in Japanese.
Before the Meiji Restoration, Japanese people had a custom of using several different names for themselves, as well as taking on many different kinds of epithets, pen names and titles. People hardly used their birth names even to sign official documents or works made by themselves. This was so that it would be the hardest possible for their real names to ever be disclosed. Only their families would know their real names until they passed away. That’s when their names would finally be engraved in their tombstones and whatnot. And I know “deadname” doesn’t sound appropriate as a translation for this, but I can’t think of any other word that would fit both in this context and the context of Masaki throwing away his birth name. If anyone knows any word that could encompass both meanings, please message me!
Anyway, back to ancient Japan. Other than family, the only person who would know another person’s real name was the one they were making romantic advances on. It was okay to pull this move because, during those times, people flirted with the ultimate purpose of getting married, meaning their sweetheart would become part of their family eventually. But there was always a chance of them being rejected, so it was a risky feat. Wars and battles over territory, political power and assets were an everyday life thing, so people had to protect their identities at all costs back then. Revealing your real name to an outsider was an act of absolute trust. Of course, this isn’t the case anymore, but Masaki revealing to Minato his birth name, as well as telling him this extremely personal and heavy story, is also an act of absolute trust. He knows that he can share this with Minato. Minato won’t be put-off by it, won’t be judgmental towards it, and most importantly, won’t ever tell anyone about it.
It’s really funny to me that Minato listens to this absurd story without batting an eye. He just accepts all of it, no questions asked. And the only thing he isn’t okay with is Masaki talking about his own name as if it’s disgusting and a burden.
Now I have to leave a translation of this part here because it’s fucking golden. You've gotten through this wall of text. You deserve it.
"'Tamamori Masaki'. That's my former name."
"Masa-san's birth name?"
"I changed my first name along with my surname. My old name is a deadname to me. Don't really wanna be reminded of it."
Masa-san was giving a bitter smile – one that was not like him. First there was Ren the other day and now this; these brothers just had too many secrets. Minato did not mind that they would not tell him about the circumstances. However, hating your own name was simply too sad.
"That's not right. 'Deadnames' were used until the Meiji Era and it was something precious that only your lord and family members would know. You'd only tell it to other people when proposing marriage to them, it seems."
"Fuh, that's dangerous. Seiya would beat me to a pulp if he found out. Well then, mind giving me the reply?"
"Reply to what?"
"To my proposal."
"Heh? I-I don't know anything about that kinda stuff."
"'That kinda stuff', huh."
"I've never thought about that kinda stuff."
"You just said 'that kinda stuff' twice."
"You're the worst master ever."
"Minato, you're like a jack-in-the-box. Whatever's inside is always beyond my imagination," Masa-san giggled.
Looks like he was teasing me. Geez, I'm seriously no match for this man.
Minato stood up. "It's about time I head home."
"Want me to give you a ride?"
"I'm good."
When he pushed the door open, a gray sky spread out before his eyes.
"Uh, it's raining. I didn't bring my rain coat today."
"Well-timed shower, huh? Wanna drink some coffee?"
Minato closed the door.
Filed under: jokes that mean exactly what they mean.
I love that in Tsurune, the punchline in these moments doesn’t come from double entendre. The joke is precisely what it sounds like. When Masaki says “proposal”, the word he uses is specifically meant for marriage. He doesn’t mean any other sort of proposal. But no, he’s not really asking for Minato’s hand. He’s 100% not being serious, and that is what makes the joke a joke. He did that because he knew it’d get a reaction out of Minato, and that’s where the humor lies.
I have seen some people (even some influential artists) in the fandom honestly believing that Masaki really was proposing to Minato, and if any of y’all ever happen to come across someone posting about that, rest assured. It was indeed just a joke. Same as when he joked about teaching Minato “the basics” of a relationship. He wasn’t serious at all, but he meant exactly what he said.
I also think it's really funny that Minato takes a mental note to the fact that he was being teased. Which means he at first thought Masaki was being serious and was acting as such. So for a moment, in canon, Minato thought Masaki was proposing marriage to him. And he didn't say no. It actually feels like he was going to ask for time to think about it. Literally what the fuck. What the fuck.
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redactedgeek · 4 months
a love letter to You and I
To the unfortunate ✨🥀 (or most fortunate 😌🌻 - perhaps neutral? 👀🌱) Soul who sees this:
I wonder what sort of state You’d consider yourself in… The possibilities are thought-wringing. Yes 🙂. Thought-wringing cx
This… may be an attempt to do a life check-in. Sooo, if you’d like to do one with me, please feel free -^u^- 🌸
aight c: Status report: Overwhelmed at everything. Not doing well; multiple breakdowns in a single week alone. Saw burnout from a distance, and promised to treat self with unconditional love, and did best not to take anything out on others. Positive at beginning and “keeping head up.” Proud of self for coming this far [;before, I beat myself up every time I wasn’t able to do what I felt I “needed” to do. Now, I accept that sometimes I do get knocked down, and I allow it to happen, and I do my best to heal while my theoretically burning body lays there].
I am a fool 🤧. For laying there and not rolling around [sometimes I lay in bed, on my phone for hours and declare that “rest” :’) ]. For not yelling out for help or in pain [lashing out because I keep holding everything in; regardless of the reason, I know I haven’t done my part to communicate 😔]. For patching up the wounds and expecting it to be better immediately, moving in such a way that the wounds open up again so it takes even longer to heal than if I had cared for the wound [isolating, and then coming out of isolation from fear-based reasons instead of from actually taking care of myself, so I isolate even more because I’m so exhausted running on negative stress-adrenaline ☹️].
There are two - perhaps three or four? - options I can choose from about what can I do with the above-information:
A: Conclude I can never do anything right and allow that to define me as a person and continue spiraling in the unalchemized darkness. “I try and it doesn’t work. I can’t do anything right. 😀👍✨”
B: Conclude that while I have work to do on the way that I do some things, I acknowledge that I am doing my best with what I have and what I know. Each time I am knocked down, I have an opportunity to be still, reflect on my experiences, and learn what works and what doesn’t. “I tried, and while that didn’t work, this did. I can do more of this and see if it works more. 😌💕”
X: Conclude that I am tired, I just wanna have a good time now, and I push this to future me to handle this because [think nihilism]. “Hey, Ego, here’s something for you [quick fix: ‘you’re doing your best, everyone makes mistakes. Just don’t think about it and move on. It’s fun to be silly li’l guy anyway.] 🤭”
Y: Conclude that each and every one of these are options that are valid, fluid, and each have their own unique consequences. I don’t judge choices that people make because I understand and each of us are on our own made-perfectly-for-us journeys (which I think is wonderful and amazing because we are all embarking on our paths on this Earth together! On the same planet and stuffs! And no matter what we might believe, we’re not alone!), and I should allow myself that same, nonjudgmental freedom >×< I conclude that, since I love myself, I do my best to carry out options that I would hope a loved one carries out. I want the best for my loved ones, and so I want the best for myself. And I hope… by sharing this… this helps more precious souls too uwu 👉👈💕
Now, refer to the beginning. What sort of state are You in? What are you going to do (or not do) with it? :] genuinely curious
[Whatever your answer is, I send you so much love, I wish for you the support You specifically need at this time. And we shan’t forget - there is an abundance of blessings within and all around us! I hope hope hope you accept the blessings meant for You. 143 infinity style ❤️‍🩹♾️]
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
ooh pretz, i gotta question for you! i saw your archived page and you joined tumblr (at least this blog lol) in september, 2020. what was your reason for joining tumblr?? i’m super curious 👀❤️
Well, since it was still during the pandemic, I was learning English then! I kept seeing tumblr posts on pinterest and was actually really curious, so I joined
I my thought was that it would probably help me learn to read, since everything here is in English, but then I just used for a couple of days and lost interest. I kept it on my phone, just never used it tbh
Then I started to watch @/strange-aeons on YouTube and REALLY fell in love with their videos about tumblr culture and all of that, around the same time the Goncharov craze was happening
Then I started using it again last year, when I remembered that BoB would probably have a fandom
Then I met you (i think our url at the time was "im actually chinese believe it or not") and other amazing people :D
Now, I'm always here
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spinnysocks · 9 months
young tlg crocodiles aus
i didn't realise i couldn't save ask answers as drafts! :( but anyway, @devilsrecreation asked: So what exactly are your ideas for the baby crocs in The Lion Guard I’m really curious 👀 so here's my response!!
as she already established in her hcs, pua is basically everyone's adoptive dad! in this context to makuu, kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema! he has different relationships with all of them but he's closest to makuu and kiburi for sure
i like to think that makuu is older than the other four; i was going to say don't question me on ages but i just found out it takes ~12-15 years for nile crocodiles to reach full adulthood! so it checks out that makuu could be a year older and still hang out with them. there's probably so many non-mature members of the float that they have younger groups within it
speaking of that, i actually think makuu didn't get along very well with the other crocodiles his age. but, one day, he briefly interacts with the younger kiburi's group and gets to know them really well. he kind of becomes their secondary charge behind pua. no danger was gonna get close to those four lmao
i think crocs are pretty wholesome & innocent when they're babies but get more into the crocodile way as they mature. it's just really cute to think of baby kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema innocently interacting
there's this song i fell in love with while coming up with the mjuzi nduli au called little fang by avey tare! for me personally it fits my ideas for that au, i think it's also sweet as a lullaby/poem that pua sings to the five kiddos. i really recommend it it's an adorable song
i'm a sucker for crack/uncommon ships, i saw pua x basi once and it kinda stuck with me. i'd just enjoy seeing their dynamic as two leaders who work together when it's the time of year for the crocs to share with the hippos. because of their bond (platonic or romantic idrk), i imagine one of the reasons beshte is so friendly is bc he grew up around and got to know the crocs when they'd share big springs with the hippos. he says "I know it's crowded, Kiburi. But it really is a good spot" because he remembers the crocs' younger years and knows they can be reasonable, but things changed that weren't under his control and he couldn't do anything about it.
he feels kinda dissapointed about how things changed, cuz to him the crocs were like the neighbour's family you get to know really well. to stir up some more sadness, it's almost always beshte who's kicking out kiburi's float. beshte sends them back to the outlands himself so they don't hurt his friends, even though he remembers when they were 'good' or more understanding/just before makuu and kiburi's rift in general
since it takes so many years for crocs to mature, i imagine the younguns would spend ALL THE TIME playing. pua has a soft spot for the five of them so their playtimes and adventures become kind of like a bluey episode where they learn something valuable. kiburi listens to him more than anyone, while makuu's a bit more like "Yeah, yeah" bc he thinks being older means he doesn't need to learn anything new
one of pua's lessons would be not to judge or underestimate someone for being different, such as neema for being mute or nduli for not being born in the float (my own hc is that he's from an outsider float that was really struggling which is why he's so small. he was found by pua really young and his parents agreed he'd have a better life in the pridelands)
pua taught the five a lot of good lessons but obviously not all of them stuck. i haven't come up with what caused the rift between makuu and kiburi exactly, but i think kiburi's float would still want to be friends with makuu, and even more so after he redeems himself. despite being fully grown now they still kinda see him as a cool older brother that they can learn from but they'll always stick with kiburi because, at the end of the day, it's them four against the world lol
whew. that's it for now! i could write for days about these guys. and i probably will make a follow-up post at some point
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Well now you’ve got me started on the ikran racing au and now I’m curious so!
Nocorro fic recs for the noob please? 😂
BESTIE finally join the dark sideee.
As I said over dms; unfortunately for you, there are better locorro (and spiri, although I really only rec one hardcore) fics then there are Nocorro. Nocorro is like a desert spot, there really aren’t any aside from a few really short but cool one shots. It's a very small fandom, and it's pretty young right now so tbh most of the fics are not very good, so it'll be a short list anyway. So, as we discussed, here are the high quality, well written Spider ship fics:
For nocorro, there really isn't much. That's why I said I've come so fucking close to writing that ikran au; because I am deeply obsessed with the nocorro parts of it. I adore that au and the ghost neteyam one honestly best of all, but the ghost Neteyam one there is slightly more content for. BUT ANYWAYS;
Upon looking up my list for this I was furious to discover one of the three well written little nocorro one shots has been deleted, so beef begun with CherryApollo (jk queen I need more of them. Actually, a03 user CherryApollo; I know ur reading these posts, or else you wouldn't have tagged that fic nocorro, huh? You said "tumblr has it's claws in me so here's some nocorro" I SEE YOU, I KNOW UR HERE. THERE'S LIKE THREE OF US USING THAT TAG, AND IT'S MOSTLY JUST ME ALONE IN THE VOID. You listen to me. I liked that fucking fic, I had it bookmarked. Give it back to me. But seriously big fan of ur work).
The two remaining fruit themed CherryApollo nocorro oneshots better be your first stop just in case this sociopath decides to take more from me, Take a Bite of the Orange (p sure I was the commenter that took offense mentioned in the notes) and Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which did make me want to end it all. Both under 1000 words and worth a quick read.
There is also the ghost of Guilt by thatshowthemafiaworks @undercoverpan who has written us a ghost Spider au which has never failed to make me cry each chapter. The prose is not as flawless as the other recs here, but it packs some emotional weight the others don't. I also can't even fathom where it's going as it all seems entirely hopeless which is why it makes me cry.
The only other nocorro fic I even think is worth a mention is Crop Circles by our bestie @spicymiilk. It's not done and we haven't reached any nocorro yet, but know it's coming and it's good. I get my sticky little fingers in each good Avatar fic writer and I puppeteer the content I want, just look at whats happening here.
For locorro (still a small as hell ship), we can afford to be slightly more picky and I shall give you the best of the best.
Personally I would start with the locorro bible, Bitter by Icandigelvis @oppa86oppa . All of us locorro stans have said this, but this fic started our interest in the ship for most and it caused the cultural revolution of our Spider ship community. This fic still months later lives with me 24/7, and it really is one of THE fics I've ever read of all time. It went righttt into my collection of fics to show to my MFA prof who told me to stop reading fanfiction lol, like seconds after I finished it. Then I put it in the grad school jealousy collection because it's that well formatted.
The Restless Child series by @spicymiilk is a full length novel that will take you a bit lol. I am biased as I do beta it but it's real good. I keep not anticipating turns I should anticipate, but maybe we can convince Andrei to simply let us live for a sec because the fact that it's been like two weeks in universe hit me yesterday while editing and I wanted to fall off an ikran (👀).
There is also, NATURALLY, The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk. This fic crawled up my butt what I can I say. You all got to read my massive post about it, hope u enjoyed that. I was walking back from work today, listening to Back to You by Louis Tomlinson ft Bebe Rexha, in 91 degree heat and it started to thunder and simply pour rain and I was like "I am lIVING The Thunder Answered Back vibes rn, holy fuck." You know it's good writing in general when it gives you a specific vibe. Tbh, that song is that fics vibes, perhaps locorro vibes in general.
I'm only gonna rec one spiri fic for a few reasons. One, because there is a criminal lack of content for them, and two, that fic is worlds above any other spiri fics. I think it's a great starter fic for getting into Spider ships and for getting into spiri in general, just because of how detailed and in depth the world is, my god. It's basically Spider and Kiri pov switches from their childhood up until wayyy past Way of Water and until the end of all conflict with humans. Like any good canon continuation, I disagree with and I agree with a ton of @milesocorro 's interpretation. I don't particularly enjoy the way the conflict concludes, but I really adore the way Quaritch is handled. I said this before to the author, but it's my favorite Quaritch confrontation I've read yet. I have a review up for it while it was still coming out, and I said there I was obsessed with Spider's tsurak and I still fucking am. That's my fav Spider iknimaya sequence too!! Anyways, that's my repeated pitch for Please be kind, please be gentle with me .
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Hope you're well! For the prompt thing, what about Cloqwork boys with "I feel completely safe with you"
👀 aight
@did-i-do-this-write @spare-stories-archive @bafflement <3
They had decided to take a day off, for once.
Or, well, Qrow wasn’t too upset about taking a day off. But he sort of dragged Ozpin along. Ozpin on the other hand was not entirely sure about this “taking a break” thing.
They hadn’t even really been doing anything super extraordinary when the topic came up. Qrow decided he was going to go run some miscellaneous errands, and he decided to tag along.
The question popped into his head randomly when thinking of a topic to bring up on their rather silent walk through the grocery store.
“A bit of an odd question, but…” he started.
Qrow looks over at him, curious, “What’s up?”
“Who is the person you feel or felt safest with?”
He was surprised by the question, but it didn’t seem to be coming with ill intention from Oz, only curiosity.
“Well, I’d say that’s kinda hard for me to say, to be honest.”
They continued walking down the isles, occasionally stopping when Qrow found another grocery item they needed.
“I’ve had a lot of those over time, Raven was one, Alloy was another, and so was STRQ, of course though, things change.”
He grabs a can of red sauce off the shelf and examines it.
“I feel like, there’s not really one person you feel the “most” safe with usually. People come and go, and you feel safe with different people for different reasons.”
Ozpin puts a hand on his chin, “I see. I suppose you’re right. I trust your judgment with that sort of thing.”
“Although, unsurprisingly, I’m an outlier in that commonality.” Qrow laughs.
“Oh? And how’s that?”
“Because I actually really do only feel truly safe with, which is odd to me because I figured I would’ve found more people by now. But hey, I’m not complaining. This guy is pretty great in my opinion.”
“I suppose life is like that, unpredictable in many ways.”
“Who is it?”
“It’s you, ya dork.”
Ozpin looks over, wide eyed with flushed cheeks. Qrow, who is facing away from him, looks at him out of the corner of his eye. He tries very hard but starts laughing anyways. Oz continues to stare at him.
Oz points at himself, “Me?”
“But- I’m not- …Why?”
“Oi I thought you said you trusted my judgement, are you telling me that was a lie?”
“No! That’s not what I meant!”
Qrow snickers at him, “To answer your question, it’s because you’ve always been there for me. Always been in my corner, it was never like with Raven where she could be easily convinced to switch sides if you gave her something she wanted. And uh… that means a lot to me actually.”
“Oh… well, thank you. For trusting me that much. Still not quite sure how I did it, but thank you.”
“You were you, and you, are a good person. You have the kind of kindness that should be common sense in my opinion, but of course, isn’t, because the world kinda sucks like that.”
“The world does kind of suck, but that’s why we’re hunters, correct?”
“Now then, can we pick up some chocolate ice cream…?” Oz mumbles
“You and your damn sweet tooth is gonna eat us out of a home.” Qrow teases
“It will not! I am a responsible adult, I’ll even pay for it!”
“Yes it will, even if you pay for it!”
“It will not!”
“Will too!”
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neopuppy · 9 months
was there a specific moment that made you insane over jeno ? or jungwoo, im just curious as to what pushed you to the edge 🫨
idk I’ve probably answered this at some point but I had a manic episode like a year ago and deleted everything off my blog except fics lol. will probably happen again eventually, im just a girl yk.
I have no idea actually, I been insane abt Jungwoo since the first time I ever saw him in the nct 2018 live when he was debuted as a new member. my attraction to him was instant from there buttttttt definitely after the first time I saw him irl I dropped my other 127 biases completely bc they could not hold a candle to him. you guys just DO NOT GET IT🧎🏻‍♀️he’s. yeah. and. I would do anything for him. its hard to write fics for him seriously bc……someone out there in the middle of South Carolina gonna be flicking their bean to MY ult, gtfo🧍🏻‍♀️UGH!
Jeno tho🤔 Jeno never caught my attention until Black on Black and I was like 👀 at that point I was like wow this group nct group….great music like GREAT music very my style, but god damn the visuals…non-existent. I had been a fan since debut but Dreams releases back then also didn’t do much for me until my friend was listening to Drippin’ one day and I was like heyyyy thats real good. so when I saw Jeno in Black on Black I was like THATS A DREAMIE?!?!?
but yeah Ridin/Boom era really was the time that pushed me over the edge for sure. like he was always cute buttttt when I saw him in Ridin’ that was like OH! I kept up with them since We Go Up music wise but didn’t care to watch their music videos, I still hate the Chewing Gum/MFAL music videos, throw We Young in there too bc that song sucks. anyway.
I’m more insane abt Jeno these days more than ever tho, don’t ever see your favs irl🫡💚
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
Can We Trust Them With a Baby?
Empty Nested AU
@goddess-aelin DMed me this prompt and now I’m obsessed (thank you btw❤️):
I’m not sure if you’re taking prompts or if this would fit with what you want for this AU but I’d be curious to see how the kids react to rowaelin getting married or like having another baby since they’re so young still 👀
I also used @tomtenadia’s idea of stretching before sex because how could I not
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, Arobynn being thrown off a boat
Word count: 2,7k
“I’m asking your mother’s hand in marriage tomorrow.”
Finn leaned back and crossed his arms, his face unreadable. Aelin went out for drinks with her friends straight from work, so Rowan took it as a cue to speak with her son.
After a few seconds, Finn had his eyes narrowed, looking straight into Rowan’s.
“Don’t you think you’re too young for that?”
Swallowing his laughter, Rowan refused to answer this.
“I thought that the point of you two was having fun now that Maisie and I aren’t here to entertain you.”
Rowan raised an eyebrow. “And marriage stops people from having fun?”
Finn hummed, scratching his chin. “If it’s my permission you’re asking—“
“Kid, after being investigated by Child Protective Services because when I was on a work trip you and Maisie were caught drinking my whiskey and playing with my soccer ball while it was catching fire, I don’t think I need to ask your permission for anything.”
Finn had the gall to smirk.
“Okay, then. If you’re asking my opinion, I think that if mom wants to get married again, I’m glad that it’s with you.”
Rowan leaned back on his chair with crossed arms, but internally he liked where Finn was going.
“But,” The boy said, pointing his index finger up only to rest both hands on the table after, leaning in with squinted eyes. “If you hurt mom, I hurt you. If you deny her chocolate cake, I’ll cut your tongue off. If you cheat on her, I’ll emasculate-“
“That’s my dad you’re talking about, dickhead!” Maisie’s muffled voice boomed from the other side of the door.
Rowan sighed. “Mais, what did we discuss about eavesdro—“
The door were opened so harshly it slammed against the wall. “You.” She pointed at Finn’s face. “Are so screwed.” Maisie’s smirk slowly built, becoming more wicked each time. “I can’t wait to become your older sister.”
The boy gaped. “You’re four months older!”
“And I’m going to make your curse those four months for the rest of your life!”
Rowan sighed and went to his room, knowing the kids’s banter could last hours if they wanted to.
Rowan looked at Aelin’s nail polish, and tried not to feel bitter about it. He made plans with her for the whole day, but Maisie insisted a bit too much that Aelin should have a spa day with her. He loved that his daughter was trying to have some quality time alone with Aelin, but why would she ask her to paint nails together on the day he wanted to propose?
“You’re frowning,” Aelin said with a tilted head. He took her to have dinner on a boat to propose, wanting to reenact the day the first got together, but Aelin looked so gorgeous he couldn’t quite pay attention on the Florine River tonight.
Rowan blinked and schooled his face into neutrality.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He rubbed the back of Aelin’s hand with his thumb in reassurance, but she still raised an eyebrow at him.
Unable to lie to her, he sent a mischievous grin, making her smile back.
Looking deep into Aelin’s eyes, he asked, “Did I ever tell you that you’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me?”
Aelin beamed, “You do it everyday.”
“Good. I have to make sure you don’t forget it.” Rowan sent her a shy smile. “Anyway, I was thinking about you, like I always do, but there was this day specifically that I came to the conclusion that—“
“LET ME PASS!” a voice boomed in the restaurant, catching everyone’s attention and interrupting Rowan’s speech.
A blonde woman was having her way blocked by a waiter, but she ran, going through another path, and started to bang on the kitchen’s door. Rowan could see through the window that the staff was holding it blocked from the inside, but the blonde one was unstoppable.
He looked back at Aelin, and they were both slack-jawed. Then she tapped his arm and pointed the kitchen’s way. The waitress that was talking with the blonde woman was opening the kitchen’s door. Rowan dragged his chair to sit by Aelin’s side so he could have better view of whatever was happening.
“Gossip,” she whispered on his ear.
“Shut up,” he hushed when a red-haired man came out.
Aelin gasped. “Is that the chef? Is Arobynn the chef?”
Rowan didn’t have time to answer his soon-to-be fiancée. The chef quickly glanced around the kitchen and walked the blonde’s way, wearing a charming smile. However, before he could reach her, the same waitress who opened the kitchen’s door grabbed a fistful of cake from a costumer’s table and smashed it on his face.
The whole restaurant gasped, and he could hear Aelin mutter, “The waste!”
The chef turned back to the cake’s source, and it allowed the waitress to do the same with the other side of his face.
“How dare you cheat on me with her! I was fine with just your husband, but adding a fourth—“
“A HUSBAND?” The blonde shrieked.
Rowan threw a protective hand over Aelin’s shoulders. “Dear Mala.”
“The plot thickens,” she whispered back.
As he ushered the girls to the outer part of the boat, Arobynn had the fakest smile Rowan had ever seen. The waitress shook her head and entered the kitchen, but the initial blonde girl went away with him.
Rowan went back to his seat in front of Aelin, and she was blinking at him with a surprised grin.
“What’s up with the two of us and boats?”
“I did have something planned for this boat date specifically.” He said while rubbing her hand with his thumb again.
“Do tell me.”
Rowan kissed the back of her hand and after taking a deep breath—
“SHE THREW THE CHEF INTO THE RIVER!” someone screamed.
Looking around, and it was easy to spot the blonde across the glass wall, and a waiter running to her spot, throwing a lifebuoy on the river. Rowan was frozen, holding his breath until the waiter relaxed and gave a thumbs up. Well, at least Arobynn didn’t drown.
Right after the costumers settled back, some still shocked, the restaurant manager announced that they’d be stopping at the next spot, but they’d send information on how to schedule a free dinner as an apology.
When they got out, there was a police car and an ambulance waiting, making Aelin gape at him. “This might be the best date you’ve ever took me.”
Rowan wrapped a hand around her waist and kissed the crown of Aelin’s head, happy that their failed date was exciting for her. He didn’t get to propose tonight, but if Rowan’s goal was to spend the rest of his life with her, it didn’t make sense to complain over asking her a few days late.
Later that night, they were both on the couch, watching TV and eating popcorn. The kids had decided to sleep at his place, not wanting to be under the same roof as them after the proposal, so it was just the two of them at Aelin’s tonight.
Rowan was laying with his head on her lap, and the way Aelin was running her fingers through his hair almost made him purr.
She chuckled. “You’re no better than a house cat.”
“I love you,” he said with closed eyes and the face as blissful as it could get.
“Love you too.” She rubbed his cheek with her thumb. “Ro?”
He hummed.
“What did you want to talk with me earlier?”
Just like that, his eyes opened. Rowan’s heartbeat got so strong he could feel it in his throat. Looking back at her, Aelin was already with one eyebrow raised, her face tight. God, she’d never let him never get away with anything.
“I’m not in a hurry.”
She crossed her arms. “Well, now I am.”
Rowan’s eyes went wide. “Do you know something?”
“What I know is that you were sugarcoating me with fancy boat dates and now is looking like a deer in the headlights. Spill.”
He swallowed, torn between having the perfect moment and leaving her upset. When she shifted a little on her spot and casually picked off her nail polish, giving away her apprehension, Rowan knew what to do.
Sat by her side on the couch, he held her hands and cleared his throat.
“Fireheart, I...” And then Rowan blinked once. Twice. Still not processing fully the idea he’d just had, he asked, “Can you put a bathing suit on?”
Aelin looked a little confused, but complied. He ran around the house, gathering what was needed while she was changing clothes and getting ready before she came in to snoop.
Nice mild lightning with romantic purposes? Check.
Finn’s crocodile pool float? Check.
Waterproof swimming bag with rings inside? Check.
Rowan’s heart was going a mile a minute, but there was no going back now.
“Buzzard! What’s going on?” she asked just in time.
She was on the couch again, but this time with a red bikini that made Rowan stop dead on his tracks, his heart beating faster than before. For fuck’s sake, if Rowan managed to put a ring on her finger, he’d be pretty sure he’s capable of anything.
Aelin smirked. “Maybe we should use the pool more often. You look really hot in those swimming trunks.”
He swallowed. Rowan would take his time to gloat in any other day, but his nerves were getting the best of him today. He cleared his throat and extended his hand, which she promptly took.
No one said anything as Rowan led her to the pool and placed them both face-to-face on the inflatable crocodile, legs dangling in the water.
“That’s the closest to a boat I could think of after the restaurant disaster.”
Aelin giggled. “Why do you need a boat?”
“Because we first got together in one.”
“You weren’t wrong when you said I was trying to sugarcoat you into something.”
Aelin squinted with mock mistrust, making him smile.
Rowan took her hand in his, fiddling with them. “I never had much to complain about my life. You know every twist and turn of it, and you know that every time I look back, I come to the conclusion that my life was pretty good.” He looked up, gazing into her eyes. “But if I knew you’d make me feel this happy and fulfilled just for being by my side, I would’ve asked you out on a date the day we met, eight years ago.”
Aelin squeezed his hand in reassurance. They’d talked a lot about the time they had a crush on each other, and in the end things happen when they’re supposed to and that’s okay.
He continued, “I love our life, how simple it is. You know, just sharing a bed, buying groceries together, going downtown for the weekend. But at the same time it doesn’t feel simple. Sometimes I get overwhelmed solely by the fact that you exist.” He sent her a shaky, close-lipped smile. “What I’m trying to tell you is that I love our life just as it is, and I don’t ever want to go back to how I was before you.”
“I feel pretty much the same, love.” Aelin was silently shedding a few tears, he brushed them with his thumb.
Rowan placed a few rogue strands of her hair behind her ear. “Good, because...” he looked around, nothing but water around them. “Fuck, I don’t think I can get on one knee here.”
“What?” Aelin was frozen in place, looking like she’d just seen a ghost.
With shaky hands, he opened the waterproof bag and snatched the little box, opening it and showing to her.
“Fireheart, will you—“
“Yes!” she screamed and threw herself at him, making the crocodile float flip.
The velvet box was completely soaked in his hands, but at least he managed to close it before his girlf- fiancée’s adorable attack.
Aelin wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed all over his face. “Yes.” A peck on his cheek. “Yes.” Another on the tip of his nose. “Yes.” On his lips this time. “Of course I want to marry you, Rowan.”
After some post-proposal bliss together, Aelin decided to take pictures of her ring, and Rowan finally understood why Maisie insisted that Aelin should paint her nails today. God, his daughter was a genius. He never thought about how many different ways one single hand could pose in a picture, but Aelin seemed to nail all of them.
Rowan’s grin probably looked silly, but he was loving to see his Fireheart’s enthusiasm over their engagement. Unable to stop himself, he gave a gentle kiss on her shoulder blades, making her turn around and kiss his lips instead.
They both laid on the pool chair, and he held her tight, kissing her head. Aelin’s hair was all chlorine, and Rowan was so happy it might become his favorite smell.
He hummed.
She sat, intently looking at him. “I just feel like we should be on the same page about something.”
Rowan straightened his posture and squeezed her hand.
She cleared her throat. “He haven’t discussed about, you know, the kids subject.”
“Oh.” His posture relaxed. “Don’t worry, I talked with them before proposing. They’re fine with it.”
Aelin blushed. “I’m glad, but I was actually asking you how do you feel about having kids again.”
His mouth opened, and then closed again. Rowan would be lying if he said he’d never thought of having kids with Aelin. At 35 and 38, they were at the age a lot of people chose to have kids. However, as much as his girlfri- fiancée loved Finn, Rowan knew raising him as a teenager had left some wounds on her, so he didn’t want to make her feel pressured by bringing it up. Honestly, he was more than happy with just Maisie, Aelin and Finn, but now that she was asking how he felt about having more...
“Please, say something.”
“Fireheart.” He pulled her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “Do you want to have more kids?”
“Well... I don’t need more, I love our family as it is. But I’d love to have more, if that’s something you’d want too.”
Rowan hummed. “Now that our friends are in the kids phase too, we can even have free babysitters this time.”
“We can make Finn and Maisie babysit in during summer.”
“Can we trust them with a baby, though?”
Aelin scrunched up her nose in response, then smiled. “Does this mean we’re having a baby, then?”
“I think so, yeah.” He rested his forehead on her shoulder and started chuckling.
Aelin elbowed his abs. “What are you laughing at?”
“We bought two hundred condoms this spring, now summer barely begun and we just decided to not use them.”
Grabbing his chin, Aelin pressed their noses and foreheads together, their breaths mingling. “You better get me pregnant before they expire, then.”
She started leaning in to kiss him, but Rowan got up from the pool chair and tossed her over his shoulder, carrying her to the bedroom fireman style.
Not bridal style, because Rowan’s desire to show off to his fiancée was bigger than his lower back pain, and he didn’t want her to see the huge wince he was wearing. God, he should’ve listened to Aelin and gone to the pilates class with her when she asked him to.
After dropping her on the bed, Rowan very casually flexed and stretched a few parts of his body.
Aelin cackled, and he could swear her head tilted back while she wheezed was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Are you stretching before sex?”
Just like that, the spell was broken.
“No,” Rowan lied.
Still laughing, she said, “You’re such an old man”
He wrapped both hands around her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed.
“I’ll show you the old man.”
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