#I’m about to cry just from writing about it
wickedscribbles · 2 days
whoever makes my baby cry (is gonna lose some teeth tonight) ch. 3
Ch. 1, Ch. 2
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Rating: Explicit
Tags: flirting, anxiety, insecurity, drunk background characters, canon-typical violence, communication issues, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 4.4K
If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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In theory, it's been a good day.
At the very least, it’s a lot less terrifying than Logan had built it up in his mind to be. Wade never really let him in on what his plans were, so he’s just along for the ride as they travel across the sprawl of the city. Interestingly, he notices that Wade keeps their hands linked as they wait for the next bus – not an unpleasant experience by any means, but something they’ve never really done before. Though each of them often remains close enough to crawl inside the other when within the privacy of the apartment, PDA isn’t something they’ve ever really done.
For Logan, general proximity has always been enough. Knowing where Wade is, having his heartbeat and scent to go off of. An occasional brush of fingers isn’t unusual, a playful hip knock. Being more visible as a couple out in the public eye is new, and Logan wonders if it has anything to do with Wade’s insistence on going out looking…well. The way that he currently does.
His gut is telling him yes.
But Wade’s humming contentedly to himself as they’re squished into a seat, shoulder to shoulder. His mind can’t help repeating back to him how much going out like this seems to mean to Wade, and Wade has somehow come to mean a hell of a lot to him. So he keeps his mouth shut and explores the hand-in-hand situation, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the skin of Wade’s palm. Turns out, the man’s got a whole itinerary for the day. Which makes sense, considering it’s Wade. Logan can’t imagine him taking them out for lunch and then going right back to the apartment after all the fuss he’s already kicked up.
“So,” Wade starts, in a tone that Logan’s grown fond of. “I was thinking we’d start with lunch – I don’t know about you, but I worked up an appetite from this morning –”
Logan promptly elbows him in the ribs.
“Wade –”
There’s a pint sized kid in the aisle across, staring at them with curious blue eyes. Wade turns to see what he’s looking at, then shrugs.
“Okay, slow down, Mr. Pervert. You think I’m handing out details of my personal life for free? And to minors, no less? If they want that sort of information they can lie about their age, like the rest of us did when the internet was the wild west of all things freaky.”
He looks over at something Logan can’t see. “And like some of them still are. Don’t think I don’t fucking see you.”
“See what?”
“Nothing, kitty cat. Anyway,” Wade continues, excited.
Logan listens patiently as he’s given every last detail of what they’re going to do and where they’re going to go. Does it sound like a lot of interaction with the general populace he wouldn’t normally seek out? Yeah. But does it also seem like Wade put a ton of effort into making sure it’d be a combination of things they’d both enjoy? Also yes.
“Sounds nice,” Logan tells him when he’s through explaining, and Wade gives him a tentative smile.
He puts an arm around Wade’s shoulders, and it doesn’t take heightened senses to catch the obvious delight emanating from him at the new contact.
So they meander through the massive sprawl of the city, venturing to places Logan’s never had a reason to go. If he’s being honest with himself, his circles are pitifully small. He likes to stay within certain neighborhoods if he can help it, places he already knows, close to home. The only time he really strayed from that trend was when he was trying to figure out what home was. Once he has a routine, he likes to keep to it.
Wade tends to veer toward the opposite. He likes a little spontaneity – hell, impulse may as well be his middle name. Logan’s not surprised when they go off path from one part of the day to something unexpected that catches Wade’s attention. He’s known him long enough to just accept that that’ll happen sometimes, doesn’t mind it.
It’s actually nice to be somewhere he’s not used to. Logan didn’t realize that he’d been growing a little restless himself until given the opportunity to see something outside of the daily to and fro, as comforting as that had become. The cheerful spring weather holds as Wade takes him to walk through some of the biggest trees Logan’s ever seen in his life, and later still as they weave their way through a public market.
They’ve been walking all day by the time Wade points them in the direction of their final destination, but Logan doesn’t feel (that) overwhelmed or at all bored. It’s…it’s nice. Seeing more of the city was probably good for him.
Dusk brushes across the sky, tentative. They walk together down the sidewalk, sometimes dodging to the side for a passing crowd. There’s more going on here in terms of entertainment than where they’re living – probably why he’s never been out this way.
Logan can’t help but take an occasional glance at Wade. The makeup’s become smudged throughout the day, and it’s a relief to see the actual Wade beginning to poke through a bit.
“I’m still waiting for it,” Wade says, looking at Logan wryly.
That makes him nervous. “Waiting for what?”
“Waiting for you to say, ‘huh, jeez, Wade, guess living here doesn’t suck the absolute balls that I always say it does.’”
He rolls his eyes. “Those the exact words you think would come out of my mouth?”
Wade nods, his expression solemn. “Verbatim. You’ve picked up some very unbecoming slang from hanging around Al so much, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“More like from hanging around you.”
“See, this is what I’m talking about!” Wade brings them to a stop. “The Logan that I dragged home would have just growled all sexy for the camera and stabbed me somewhere. He didn't banter like this.”
“Sooo…you’re saying you’re a bad influence.” He smirks.
They’re right outside the bar Wade wanted to poke his head into – some little hole in the wall joint Ellie, Laura, and Yukio won’t stop talking up called The Spork. Even from outside, Logan can hear and feel the pulse of the music. He can already tell that it’s going to be zero percent like the bars he’s frequented in the past. That’s probably for the best.
“Well, you did take off your chastity ring for me, didn’t you, sweetheart?” His voice dips lower on sweetheart, eyes roaming Logan’s chest through the strain of his shirt.
Fuck, he’s seriously starting to regret not taking Wade up on his offer this morning. They could have gone another round in under thirty minutes, right? (Wrong.) Logan can feel his cock stirring with interest, and though the street is growing dark now, it’s not something he wants to advertise.
“We goin’ in or not?” he mutters instead, fully aware that he’s lost the ability to quip back.
Sure, yeah, maybe he’s gotten better at keeping up, as Wade had said. But there’s no topping him when it comes to having a smart fucking mouth. He’s half-convinced Wade could just talk him to orgasm – and he wonders if it’s something they’ll ever try.
Wade chuckles a little at him.
“Don’t have to,” he says. “I know those dad shoes have seen more traction in the past eight hours than they’ve probably gotten in the last six months, so if you want to head home, we’ll head home.”
Again with this shit! Between him and Laura he’s never going to get away with any choice of footwear without getting roasted like he’s standing on the fucking sun.
“They’re literally just –”
“White New Balance, baby, I know.” Wade’s still grinning a little. “After you.”
He holds the door, and it only takes seconds for the two of them to become engulfed in sound. The bar is crowded with people he’d guess are probably around Laura’s age, a flurry of bright hair colors and crop tops, makeup on every kind of face. Queer couples whisper and laugh with each other, nursing drinks. Groups of friends pose for pictures. Lights dance from the ceiling, and the speakers are blasting a voice he’s become all too familiar with as Laura’s started turning the album on every time she’s in his car.
You know what they say – never waste a Friday night on a first date.
But there I was, in my heels with my hair straight, Logan finishes in his head, led by Wade to the bar by their connected hands.
“Be right back,” Wade says near his ear, careful not to yell. “You getting anything?”
Logan shakes his head. “Not if we’re just in and out.”
He watches as Wade melts away into the crowd, side-stepping and inching through far more gracefully than Logan could until he slips into the restroom.
It’s easy to see why The Girls – as Ellie, Yukio, and Laura have come to be known in his mind – like it here. Inclusivity comes easier in cities, he knows that. But it’s still not perfect. Even harder when you have supernatural abilities you never asked for on top of it all.
Logan wonders if there are any more mutants in the crowd tonight.
Wade is taking a very long time. Shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, Logan glances back to where he’d last seen him. Is he being too paranoid? Should he just wait and give it another minute? Fuck. He wished his brain wouldn’t turn everything into a disaster. It occurs to him that the bar is getting louder and louder and he can smell so much sweat and cigarette smoke and weed in here.
No, actually, fuck it, he’s going. There’s no harm in just walking in and seeing if he’s alright.
Anxiety spiral! Jess says cheerfully in the back of his head. He ignores her.
With one hand placed on the bathroom door, he’s just in time to almost fully collide with the man he’s looking for.
“Shit,” they say at the same time, getting out of one another’s way.
“No, it’s fine,” Logan says first, squinting as a flash of light from the overhead rig shines in his face. “You okay, bub?”
Sometimes eating genuinely does make Wade sick. Logan doesn’t know if it’s the cancer or a side effect of how his regenerative ability works for him, but there are days when food just doesn’t do it for him. Usually they can both tell when that’s going to happen, though. They’ll hole up in the apartment, turn on some good movies, and just be together while Logan rubs Wade’s back all day. He’s happy to do it for him; he’s prepared to take him straight home and do it now.
But Wade doesn’t smell sick.
When Logan blinks the last of the light away, he’s left looking at Wade, who is definitely not looking at him. In fact, he’s staring at his shoes, looking like he wants to crawl through the floor.
His face is clean, all the carefully applied makeup scrubbed away.
Logan opens his mouth to say something like okay, I’m glad you took that off, I like your actual face, but Wade beats him to the punch.
“Sorry,” Wade says softly. “It was getting all smudged, and…sorry.”
Tears gather hot and burning in the back of Logan’s throat. Out of nowhere, he’s furious, fucking outraged that Wade could feel this way about himself when it’s so clearly untrue. It’s the kind of emotion that he’s not sure he can shove down or redirect this time. Part of him knows that if Wade sees the look on his face, he’s going to read it the wrong way. And he needs to get out of this bar, right now.
He's like a string pulled too tight. Even the pressure of a breath could make him snap.
“Can we please leave.”
That’s all he can make himself say, the words coming out all taut and emotionless. It makes him feel like shit, but that’s all he can manage to get out.
Wade nods, and Logan offers his hand once more. A meager consolation prize compared to what he actually wants to tell him. Logan hates how lacking his brain-to-mouth output is. Whatever he ends up saying always sounds so inarticulate. Right now he’s staring at Wade’s profile in the gentle pulsing of the colored lights, thinking a million things. All of them thrum within him harder than his own heartbeat.
I love you.
You’re beautiful.
I hate that you thought you had to change for me.
I would kill for you.
I would live for you.
Ten feet until they’re outside – he can do that. Then he can fix this.
Logan’s eyes are fixed on the door, on the cool air drafting in as it opens and closes, when he’s shoved hard from the right.
“My bad,” says a voice at once. “Shit, my bad man, my bad.”
Logan grits his teeth so tight he feels one of them crack. He swallows the loose piece.
“Don’t worry about it.” Shut the fuck up and let me leave.
The man who bumped into him is so obviously wasted that he might as well be wearing a flashing neon sign. He sways a little on his feet, supported only by the sweet-looking woman he keeps bumping back into, as if she's the only thing keeping him upright. Brawny and dressed like he's just walked straight from his fraternity house, he squints at Logan and Wade like he's seeing double. Shit, maybe triple, at this point.
“Jake, maybe you need to sit down,” the woman says to him softly.
Her face is flushed, more from embarrassment than alcohol. She's staring up at the guy, one small hand on his arm, but Jake is looking at the two of them like he's never seen gays over thirty before. Hell, like he’s never seen a queer in general, which is astounding, considering the bar he’s currently standing in.
Logan can feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. It’s a rare occasion when someone who’s looked at him like that didn’t end up pissing him off, and he’s already one step away from wanting a good excuse to tear into someone. Anyone.
“C'mon, just sit down with us, I'll get you some water.”
The guy isn't interested. He's too busy looking at Wade now, and Logan can see the thought forming on his face before he dares to speak it.
“Jesus, man, you're kinda ugly, did you know that?”
To Wade's credit, he says fucking excuse me? at the same time Logan's fingers close around the asshole’s throat.
For someone who'd been wobbling around only seconds before, Jake tries to pry them off with surprising accuracy. It only makes him squeeze tighter, watching with brutal satisfaction as his face turns darker shades of red.
That’s better. This, he can understand. For Logan, actions are almost always easier than words, especially when tinted with violence. Especially if he’s needed it for weeks now.
In his periphery, he can tell that several things are going on. The college girl is touching his elbow, asking him to stop, something like I’m so sorry please let him go I know he’s had way too much. Wade is standing back a ways, hands in his pockets, grinning more broadly than Logan’s seen all day. A small crowd is starting to gather.
Their faces are only inches apart. He knows he should walk away, just take Wade and go home.
Somewhere behind him, Wade is having the time of his life calling this frat boy a piece of shit. Logan can’t even keep up with half of what’s coming out of his mouth, but he hears something about getting his haircut off of a middle schooler’s Tiktok FYP but having his dad’s mental health issues, and those both seem like pretty deep cuts. He doesn’t fail to mention, of course, that Logan’s about to turn him into the wet food that they make for cats.
“C’mon, fuckface,” Jake wheezes, trying and failing once more to loosen his grip. “You mad your boyfriend ain’t pretty or–”
That’s all it takes. Logan curls his free hand into a fist and punches the other man so hard his nose breaks with a tidy snap. Blood pours out of him like a busted faucet as he punches him twice, three times, and in seconds he’s howling and pleading for him to stop – he didn’t mean it, he promises he didn’t mean it.
If it were up to Logan, he’d stay there and beat him until the fucking punk was barely capable of stringing a sentence together, then make him say thank you for letting him live. As the situation stands, however, several people are definitely calling the police – and that’s not something Logan has the patience for.
“Hey, Testosterone Tommy, we gotta go,” Wade calls, reading his mind.
Without another word, Logan turns his back to the mess he’s made, and they make short work of disappearing into the street.
By the time they’ve ducked through enough alleys and carved a confusing enough path that they don’t think they’re in danger of being pursued, Wade lets out a breath.
“Thanks for uh, defending my honor back there, peanut.”
Logan shrugs, still tense from the weight of the conversation he knows they need to have.
“It was nothin’. He needed to shut the fuck up. I was happy to provide the service.” He looks over at Wade in the soft light of a street lamp, who chuckles a little at that. “And I knew you woulda hit him yourself if I didn’t get there first,” he adds.
Wade's answering silence makes him wonder if he would have just taken the insult and kept walking, or turned it into a joke even if it made him feel like shit.
When they arrive back at the apartment, Laura opens the door, a wriggling Puppins in her arms, and scrunches her nose at the sight of Logan.
“Thought it was a date, the hell?” she says. “You’ve got blood on you.”
“Don’t all your dates end in bloodshed?” Wade says, shrugging. He turns to let the dog inspect his face with her mouth, which she does with excruciating enthusiasm. “Hi Puppins! Hi baby!! Did you miss us? You did! Anyway, we can’t go to your bar anymore.”
Laura doesn’t look that surprised. “What did you do?”
“Logan tried to kill a guy ‘cause he called me ugly.”
“I did not try to kill him,” Logan growls, passing Laura her phone as she goes to collect her things. “I just shook him up a little.”
“In a very heroic, brash, and manly way,” Wade sings, putting an arm around his waist. “The other guy really did gush, Laura, you would’ve loved it.”
She only shakes her head and sighs. “If you say so. I gotta get home, I work at six tomorrow.”
“Thanks for dogsitting! And catsitting, too, I guess.”
“Haha, I didn’t even see him.”
Logan walks her to the door while Wade wanders deeper into the bedroom. Every time Wade tells him stories about the Other Logan, and this Laura, he tries to imagine if he can feel that connection. It’s not the same as what he feels for her now – not as massive and deep as that love had to have been – but he still cares for her. He wants to see her do well. Growing up the way she had wasn’t easy, he knows that much. And she’s a good kid. Logan knows she’s trying to do her best – even if she sometimes gets into scraps of her own.
“Thanks, kid,” Logan says as they hover in the doorway. “Have a good shift, yeah? Try to behave yourself.” From the stories he’s heard from her working as a lead at a grocery store, people aren’t always the kindest.
“Could say the same to you,” she fires back, smiling before she turns down the hallway.
He watches until she’s gone before shutting their door and locking it. When he turns, Bonnet is staring at him from the little nook under the far left kitchen cabinet, his favorite place to hide.
“Hey, buddy,” Logan calls softly, bending down. Bonnet comes to him at once, tail lifted. “What'd you do today, huh?”
The massive tabby answers him with a quiet mrow, butting his head against Logan's hand. They stay like that for a moment, each of them comforted by the other.
When Logan makes his way to the bedroom, he finds Wade already in pajamas, scrolling on his phone. Wade glances up at him with a soft smile, watching him unbutton his shirt and toss it into the hamper.
“So…overall, was it an okay day?” he asks as Logan shuffles into bed beside him in only his boxers, landing with a heavy sigh. “Worth repeating, sans the whole dramatic knockout bit towards the end?”
His hand is already carding through Logan’s hair. Wade shuffles closer to let Logan sling a leg over his hip the way he wants to, recharging after a long day of being on the go.
“‘Course,” Logan mutters. The gentle way Wade’s touching him makes his whole body go limp and relaxed almost at once. He didn’t realize how much the day had weighed on him until he felt that weight lifting. “‘Course I’d go out with you again. Didn’t really know it was that important or we coulda – coulda gone a lot sooner.”
He feels Wade shrug. “Well, it took me a minute to learn how to get all the stuff right, otherwise I might have –”
Logan sits straight up in a way that makes the bed jolt. He looks Wade right in the eye, taking in the surprise, taking in every inch of his face, aching that Wade doesn’t think he’s good enough to go out without slathering shit on.
“Wade. For once in your life, shut the fuck up and let me say something. Please.”
“Yeah, okay. You’re kind of leaving me no choice, but okay.”
Huffing out a frustrated breath, Logan pauses to think. Everything he’s itching to say will come out angry, or make him want to cry. He doesn’t want either of those options to happen – he wishes he could just fucking say hard things without it being like this. Like his heart’s going to explode out of his chest.
“Fuck,” he says, dragging his hands across his face. “Fuck, Wade.”
“What?” He feels a hand on the side of his neck, feels Wade’s heartbeat pick up. Nervous. “Peanut, what’s the matter?”
“I didn’t want – I didn’t ask you – it wasn’t – you’re not – fuck.”
He can’t breathe. Wade notices.
“Just take a minute. I’m not going anywhere.”
Feeling very small and stupid and embarrassed the entire time, Logan closes his eyes and does as Wade asks. Forcing himself to breathe in and out until his chest doesn’t feel like it’s caved in on itself. Hating that this is so fucking hard. Other people don’t have to do this. Why is he like this?
Finally, he finds his voice again.
“Wish you didn’t go out looking like that,” he admits at last. “You didn’t need to do that for me. I didn’t want it, Wade. Wanted you.”
Logan peers up at Wade, who has a small, bitter sort of smile on his face. It’s probably one of the farthest things he’s seen from his genuine grin in some time.
“As the Irish forest man himself would say, you’re too sweet for me,” he says. “But you’re used to me, bud. You don’t get it.”
Exasperation roars like fire in Logan’s mind. “What the hell don’t I get? Wade. I’ve been lookin’ at you for a year now. I like it. Haven’t I made that clear enough?”
There are fucking tears in Wade’s eyes, though he blinks them back fast, and Logan’s own throat burns in instant empathy.
“I said, you don’t get it,” he says again. “You didn’t know me before. You didn’t see what I looked like then. And if you had, you sure as fuck wouldn’t be sticking around now.”
They’re both bolt upright in the bed now, tense, facing each other. Logan can’t tell whether he’s more angry or hurt that Wade would still cling so tightly to thinking about himself like this, but whatever held him back from speaking before is long gone now. It’s time to be mad.
“News flash, jackass,” he barks. “I did see you. And yeah, maybe you were cute, but you weren’t all that. So pull yourself out of this fuckin’ –” he throws his hands up “-- hole of self pity. I love you the way you are right now, not some fake version you feel like you have to slap on.”
Wade stares at him.
He can only hold the tough act for a half second before he wonders if he’s gone too far. Because getting Wade Wilson speechless? That is a rarity, and a cause for concern.
“Sorry,” Logan says lamely, after another long beat. “If that was too much, then sorry, I just don’t want you to think you’re not good enough to –”
“You mean it?” Wade says, his voice small. “The – the love thing.”
Oh. Oh shit. He’d fully said that.
“Yeah,” Logan answers, laughing a little. “Yeah, I do.”
And fuck, he does. There’s no use pretending it’s not true anymore. He loves the stupid little songs he sings in the morning and the way he hums when he’s sleepy and how much he loves the dog. He loves how much he cares about the people in his life. He loves how fucking smart he is and how he can crack a joke with absolutely no effort. He loves his weird taste in music and how he looks in his clothes.
He loves.
He loves.
He loves.
“I really do,” Logan tells him, cupping Wade’s cheek, pulling him in to kiss him. The way Wade kisses him back is so soft, and he’s laughing too, a breathless little sound against Logan’s mouth. He climbs into his lap and wraps his arms tight around him, and they stay like that for a long time, rocking back and forth, close, warm.
“Sorry it took so long,” Logan tells him after a while. The fact that Wade had said it first, and so much earlier, still fills him with guilt.
“S’okay,” Wade answers. “It was worth it.” He places more kisses to Logan’s forehead, the bridge of his nose, his cheeks. “So…can I fuck you to celebrate this little revelation? Like, a lot?”
“Yeah, please.”
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beenbaanbuun · 2 days
tears - opposites attract
this is kind of short but i was thinking about jongho and i had to write something about him. i’m working on requests and i should be finished with a few of them soon 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
that bastard has stolen your werewolf from you. it’s just for today and hongjoong promised seonghwa that the two of them—and probably mingi as well—would be back in time for dinner. he promised he’d let san know to make dinner as usual, but as of yet he hasn’t stepped out of his greenhouse once. something about being on the ‘precipice of a breakthrough!’ is what he told you that morning when he slipped out of bed far earlier than you or hongjoong, although a breakthrough of what, you’re unsure.
the first part of the morning was spent with san, trailing him around the house as he tidied and cleaned. you’d asked him what he’d be doing on his day off the following week; he told you he didn’t know but it’s almost certain that he wouldn’t be going home. he mentioned the price of train tickets being too expensive, but with the way he bowed his head to hide his expression, you could tell there was something more going on. you didn’t push, just like you wouldn’t want san to push. instead you stand there in a sad silence as san dusts the mantle piece in the living room.
“did you know this house is haunted?” you break the silence as you cast your gaze across the rug in the centre of the room. you can almost hear the crying that comes hand in hand with your ghost, the sound becoming almost comforting the more you hear it. it sounds strange to say that; to admit that you take comfort from someone else’s misery, but it’s the truth. the sound of his quiet sniffles has become synonymous with friendship and love and affection.
san turns to you with an eyebrow raised.
“well i’d have to assume so,” he takes a moment to look around the room, gesturing to all the antiquities and grandiose, “all this shit is bound to carry a few spirits, right?” the dust cloth he carries brushes past your arm as he takes it back to the mantle; you brush the filthy residue away with a grumble. “i don’t really care as long as they don’t come into my room. i’m far too tired to be dealing with ghosts whenever i try to sleep.”
you giggle at the image of the tearful man standing at the foot of san’s bed, staring at the butler with wet eyes and a frown. if san could see him, you have no doubt he’d take pity on the poor creature. as it stands, the idea is simply that; an idea.
“he might be,” you shrug, “but you wouldn’t know. the further he gets from his pelt, the less visible he becomes.”
the thought breaks your heart a little now that you dwell on it. he could be anywhere at any time and you just wouldn’t know it; does he ever feel ignored? or trapped? to have the only love you’ve ever received confined to a single room must be tough. it’s like an ultimatum that neither of you had a say in. a cruel trick from the universe to punish him for his spirit remaining here so long after his death. perhaps he yearns to move on, to find reprieve from the loneliness that haunts the walls of this house just as he does. the very house that has become your freedom must feel like a prison for him.
you wonder for a moment how long he’s been dead for, but the thought seems to manifest itself as a lump in your throat. he told you in his own words that he’d never known love before, just as hongjoong said the rug had been a family heirloom. you dread to think how many generations it has been passed through, each of them bringing even more loneliness and sorrow to the bear.
it makes sense now, why he cries. at first you figured it might be pain, that perhaps he still feels the weapon that led to his death lodged in his heart. in a way you suppose it is pain, and you have no doubt that it’s in his heart, but just not in the way you expected.
with a sigh, you leave the butler’s side to take a seat on the rug. you want to be close to him right now, for your own benefit as much as his. even though you can’t see him right know, you know he’s right there beside you. the shiver that runs up your arm is enough to confirm that fact. you don’t wipe it away or hide from in, instead basking in that icy cold feeling that makes your goosebumps blossom like the flowers in seonghwa’s greenhouse. you hope he can see them and know that even when he can’t be seen, he can still be felt.
you hope he knows you could never ignore him.
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stars-tonight · 2 days
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tw: depressed!reader
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he sees your struggle.
he sees the bags under your eyes, which themselves are swollen and puffy from crying. he sees you zone out in class, head propped up on your hand as you gaze out the window. you seem so at peace, so tranquil, but occasionally you’ll frown and crease your eyebrows, and a look of pain crosses your face. he wants to wipe it away, to hug you and hold you until your worries go out the door. but he doesn’t know how to approach you. you’ve never really talked to each other, but he’s noticed you a long time ago. he doesn’t like thinking of you being sad, but reality often sucks. and here you are in front of him, fading away, and he can’t seem to do anything about it.
fine, he decides. if i can’t comfort them through words or touch, i’ll do it through action. 
the next day when you come into school, there’s a glass jar on your desk. [y/n], reads a sticker carefully pasted across the front. you study it warily before taking it into your hands as you sit down. inside is a bunch of folded paper cranes. you take one curiously--you’ve never been very good at origami--and study it. it’s folded carefully; you can tell a lot of effort went into making it. you smile a little, and you’re about to put it down when you notice something on the inside. it looks like a pen mark, so you hesitantly unfold the paper crane.
9. your eyes are so pretty.
you frown at the note. it’s written neatly, in black pen. you unfold another one: 84. i love your laugh.
your heart skips a beat. the teacher comes in and starts class, and you hastily shove both pieces of unfolded paper into your folder, carefully tucking the jar into your backpack.
you finish reading all the papers when you get home. there are a hundred in total, each with a little note for you. they range from you are so smart to you always help others without asking for anything in return. with each one you read, your heart feels a little lighter. you don’t know who could be so kind to make this for you, but they must have seen that you weren’t doing so good. you feel like crying. you didn’t think anyone cared about you enough to notice you were struggling, let alone do something about it to make you feel better.
there’s an actual note, folded into a square, thrown into the jar too. [y/n], it reads. i couldn’t help but notice that these last few days, you seemed really tired. take a break, okay? eat good food, go for a walk, listen to your favorite music. take a long shower, play with a pet, read your favorite book. do all the things that make you happy. it will be okay. forgive me for being too scared to tell you this face-to-face, but everything i want to say i’ve written in these paper cranes. take one out any time you’re feeling sad and read it. together, they make up a hundred reasons why i love you. and remember you are not alone. whenever you’re feeling like you’re alone in this big, cruel world, remember that there’s a boy, just a dumb, lovesick boy, who knows and loves you.
the next day, he sees you come into the classroom looking considerably happier. he can’t help but smile seeing you happy. if his gift cheered you up even a little, it was all worth it. do you know it was him who spent all night folding those paper cranes for you? probably not. does he care?
definitely not.
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A/N: not doing so hot so i’m writing this when i should be studying for an anatomy quiz
update: by the time i posted this i'm back home after school; i think the quiz went well lol
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thewhumpcaretaker · 8 hours
⚜ Marquis of Los Angeles: Ch. 2 - Domination
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ཐི♡ཋྀ Thank you for the beta-read, @evrensadwrn! ཐི♡ཋྀ
Summary: LaCroix briefs Vincent on the new world he has just entered into, with the expectation that he will be an obedient ghoul. But Vincent is still struggling to gain the upper hand.
Author's Note: I made myself sad writing this - I want Sebastian to turn from Whumper to Caretaker already!
TW: mind control, emotional manipulation, strangulation, kidnapping
It was not LaCroix’s habit to keep his subordinates close to him. If it was wise to keep enemies close, then it was wiser to keep envious inferiors at such a distance that they had no opportunity to become enemies. Ghouls ought to have no knowledge of their master’s weaknesses, and no importance as anything other than pawns. They ought to view him as a solitary, impenetrable figure, above even their understanding. But Vincent Bisset de Gramont proved himself an enemy from the start, and therefore, an exception.
LaCroix repeated that name in his head and smiled, rolling it and playing with it, along with the bullet in his palm which he had decided to keep as a souvenir. Vincent had become so incensed when LaCroix refused to use his title that he determined on the spot never to use it again. The man had to be taught a lesson. “You are no Marquis any longer, let alone an ‘Autem Imperator,’ Vincent. Those titles have no meaning here. You will learn new titles. ‘Prince.’ ‘Regnant.’ ‘Domitor.’ And they will belong to me, not to you - as do all things where we’re going. Know your place.” He leaned back into the quilted suede of his seat, letting starlight and the dimmed glow of the cabin play across his features to what he hoped was a mysterious and intimidating effect.
“Your hubris knows no bounds, Prince,” Vincent spat back, clutching the arms of his seat as if his wrists were lashed to them. “They’re looking for me even now. Do you think you can walk into a High Table duel and make off with the highest ranking –“
“No one is looking for you, because no one knows you’re missing. Everyone who saw me believes they saw a kindly priest who said his respects over your body before helping that fellow – The Harbinger, I believe you call him – lay you to rest in a casket for your mortician to carry away. Tomorrow, that empty casket will be buried.”
A flash of panic before his pretty green eyes lit up again. “The mortician will – “
“The mortician wasn’t your man. He was mine. I sent a local friend to take his place, and to oversee the proceedings. You’re as good as dead, Vincent. I’m dreadfully sorry.”
He went as ghostly white as his travelling companion then. He remained very quiet while Sebastian explained to him the meanings of those important titles he’d mentioned, as well as other relevant words such as “Masquerade” and “Camarilla” and “Ventrue.”
LaCroix’s hope of entertainment during the flight was very much fulfilled. Vincent made for a captivating (if pitiful) image, with blood still smeared across his forehead and wetness sparkling in his eyes. LaCroix couldn’t stop staring at him and wondering whether he’d really cry or not. It filled him with a strange mix of sadism and sympathy that kept the Prince continuously in suspense. It sent him inexplicably trembling to hear Vincent say, “You’ll have to forgive me, Sebastian, I’m just so confused. Please…help me understand everything.”
He was coherent enough to ask intelligent questions though, and always seemed to latch onto those subjects that were a little too top-secret for a first conversation with a ghoul, whilst sighing that he was just so confused and scared. Clearly, he knew his way around a syndicate like the Camarilla and went straight for the vital information. When at last the Prince tired of this game and started to inquire about Vincent’s own organization, he refused to divulge anything.
It confused Sebastian a little. Every other ghoul he’d ever created had hung on his words in an ecstasy that totally drowned out the loss of their former life. They typically begged to repay him for saving them and fell over themselves to please him until he was either amused or disgusted. They certainly didn’t issue desperate pleas and threats about returning to their old life, or try to ply information out of him, or protect their old secrets. But Vincent? Well…there was no doubt that Vincent was affected by Sebastian. Sometimes his eyes lingered on LaCroix as if he wasn’t quite able to look away. But the look there wasn’t puppy love, it was…horror. Hatred. As if Vincent was looking at an old grudge who had wronged him grievously. Something wasn’t right.
He wasn’t in deep enough, that was all. He’d only taken the first sip of vitae – two still remained to form a full blood bond. And he was hardly a pliant individual, that much was evident. For now, Sebastian supposed he’d have to secure the ghoul’s cooperation via commands. “Vincent. When I ask you a question about the High Table, you will answer me directly, honestly, and without embellishments. Do you understand?”
A glazed, vacant look replaced the pitiful one. “I understand.”
There, good. Sebastian let out a breath, only just realizing how tense he had become, and began his inquisition.
He knew a little about the High Table already. It was not so different from the Giovanni, but even larger by membership the Camarilla, and impressive for a human construction. It was difficult to be anyone significant in either the human or kindred underworld without running across the High Table’s activities at some point. But the Autem Imperator (Sebastian might not call him by his title out loud, but he wasn’t forgetting it for an instant in his own mind) offered a unique view of its proceedings. Within minutes, LaCroix knew who held each seat, how communications passed between members, how those communications might be intercepted, into which countries their influence had spread (it was most of them), and even where the Elder resided.
It had been no idle tip, he realized, that suggested he should pay a visit to his home country and rest in the basilica that day. It had been, in fact, pure gold in the form of an anonymous email. He almost passed it up as an attempted ruse or ambush, even with all the power promised by the stranger on the other end. But it also spoke to a Masquerade violation, and even the Nosferatu could not trace it. The sender must have had a contact, someone who could encrypt on their level. So he went personally, just for 24 hours, with the resolution that he would return to the safety of LA as soon as possible.
Remembering at last to the original purpose of his visit, LaCroix asked his ghoul one final question, shortly before landing.
“Do you have an associate who would go by the initial ‘C’?”
Even under domination, he rolled his eyes. “Of course I do. You’ll have to be more specific.”
Sebastian held out the message on his phone. “Who could this have been?”
“Is it true that you can help someone live beyond death? If you really are I’ve been told you are, then come at once, to Paris. Come to the Sacré-Coeur Basilica just before dawn. If you’re lucky and I’m unlucky, you will find a man there who cannot escape death any other way. If you keep him alive, he will offer you knowledge and power equal to your own, pertaining to a human organization you may know as the High Table. Take him away from me, change him, disappear him, I don’t care. Only save his life and make him happy, and you will have my eternal thanks. He does not know, and will never know, what he means to me.”
- C”
“My bodyguard, Chidi.” His voice was strained almost to the breaking point, and his eyes still fixed on Sebastian’s phone even after the email was closed. Sebastian had no questions about whether he was faking his tearfulness this time.
“A ghoul of your very own, of sorts! Where can I find him?”
Vincent closed his eyes for a moment before mustering an answer. “…He’s dead.”
“Ah, splendid. That saves me a great deal of trouble.”
And then Vincent did what no ghoul, whether on one sip of vitae or three, should have been capable of doing. He sprung forward and closed hands around his domitor’s neck.
.¸¸.*✧*.¸¸.*✧*.¸¸. ཐི♡ཋྀ.¸¸.*✧*.¸¸.*✧*.¸¸.
It took Vincent much longer than it should have to recall that Sebastian didn’t need to breathe. By that time, he was already being dragged off by the enormous, visibly supernatural thing that Sebastian had introduced as “The Sheriff.”
“Get this brainless lump off of me!”
“Hey,” The Sheriff grunted. Vincent paid him no mind, and continued addressing LaCroix with exactly as much civility as he deserved, all the while straining against the boulder-heavy hands holding him back.
“You will not SPEAK to me that way and you will not – “ Fuck, he hated the way his voice was shaking… “You will not speak of my bodyguard’s death as – as ‘splendid!’”
“And you will not speak to me at all until you can behave yourself!” LaCroix retorted. “SILENCE!”
The voice seemed to go out of Vincent’s throat. All his resistance had been used up in the outburst and he sunk numbly back into his seat.
LaCroix was panting, a shaking hand against his neck. He adjusted his tie and recovered himself enough to laugh. “Imagine trying to strangle a vampire! And the one holding your life in his hands, no less. You’re one to talk of brainlessness. And just when I was beginning to respect your cunning.” Vincent opened his mouth and nothing came out, so he spat in LaCroix’s face instead.
“Oh for god’s sake - You don’t speak AND you don’t move!” Vincent smiled as he watched LaCroix wipe at his face with a handkerchief, scowling. But another wave of terrible compulsion spread through his limbs, and then he was paralyzed.
It was such a strange feeling, being “dominated.” It was the same magnetism that drew him to LaCroix when he first laid eyes on him (that must be the “vitae” he had spoken about), but stronger, and more concentrated. Making him capable of magnificent feats, making him motivated, drawing his focus, making things important to him. As if a power was bursting out from inside of Vincent. It wasn’t so unlike being high, and not wholly unpleasant. But it was not his to control, not a part of him. It was LaCroix’s, and he hated it for that, and he hated LaCroix for that too. Maybe, if he just held onto that hatred…
But LaCroix’s conversation with his Sheriff broke his concentration. “No, I don’t want him in a cell, much less his own apartment. He’s not fully dominated and it’s a security risk. I don’t understand it, but I need to maintain a tight hold over him even if I have to do it by manual override. He stays in the penthouse, with me.”
If The Sheriff understood that, he conveyed it only by grunting.
Damn it. Any chance to get out of LaCroix’s grasp was slipping away. Again, he struggled to protest, but it was useless. He couldn’t speak. His own body was refusing him. It felt traitorous and alien and there was no one to help him, no one looking for him, no Chidi ever again and absolutely nothing he could do. If he had a voice, he would probably be screaming, he realized. But instead, for the second time that day, he floated on a sea of bloody misery, gasping worse and worse by the second. As the jet went into final descent, its weightlessness hit him in the stomach and drove home a second wave of fear.
LaCroix was watching him, leaning over him, speaking to him, in much the same way one might speak to a broken printer shortly before kicking it. He lay a hand on Vincent’s chest to feel his shallow heartbeat and the very core of Vincent’s being rebelled against the way that it soothed him.
“Why are you not calm? You shouldn’t be feeling this way, I don’t understand why it’s not working…” He fixed LaCroix with the most hateful stare he could manage without moving his facial muscles. Why do you think, you useless fils de pute? He felt tears rolling silently down his cheeks. Fine. Good, even.
Again, LaCroix’s magnetic voice overpowered his will with a rush, even more hideously blissful than before. Perhaps it was more in harmony with him than the last had been... “Be calm, Marquis. I command you. Don’t be so afraid.”
And all the wild contents of his heart slipped away into a soft, empty, merciful void.
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Shower - Logan Howlett x ftm!Reader
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A/N: I cried so much while writing this. I think that means it’s good? Either way, I hope you all like it. Lmk if any of the warnings are missing or labeled incorrectly
Written for this request
CW: dysphoria; chest dysphoria; descriptions of dysphoria triggers; descriptions of dysphoria; anxiety attack (or panic attack. I’m not sure which one counts for this); crying; mentioned emotional exhaustion/numbness; Logan is soft in this; hurt/comfort; Reader and Logan bathe together; bathing while partially dressed; Reader is called handsome; mentions of panic; fluffy ending; talk of love; mild kissing
669 words
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It really was the mirror’s fault.
One of your least favorite tasks to do was to shower. Not because you didn’t like being clean or because it was too overwhelming. No, you didn’t like it for an entirely different reason.
Taking a shower meant being naked. And that was the one thing you hated more than anything else. Well, sort of. Being partially naked was fine. The real problem came when your chest was bare.
And your bathroom had a mirror. A large one, so no matter where you were, you could always catch a glimpse of your reflection.
It made you feel physically ill. Like you could see all the people around you, laughing and mocking you for not being as flat as you needed. It made you want to rip off your very skin.
But you have to take a shower.
Everything is fine until you get into the bathroom. Your back is to the mirror, you’re focusing on something else… and then you drop something and have to turn around to pick it up.
You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror, and it all spirals from there.
Logan finds you in the corner, crying and numb. He crouches in front of you. “Hey.”
You don’t answer.
He drapes one of his shirts over you, careful not to touch your chest as he buttons it up a bit. Once your chest is hidden, he steps back, starting to shed his clothes.
You lift your head a little to watch, but don’t say anything. You just sniffle and wipe at your eyes.
He turns on the water to the bath, waiting a moment to make sure it’s the right temperature. Then he gently scoops you up and steps into the bath.
He sits down, settling you on his lap. The bottom of the shirt gets wet, but he makes no move to take it off.
You lean back against him, resting your head against his shoulder.
“You alright, handsome?” Logan asks, hands gently rubbing your thighs.
“No.” You shake your head. If you weren’t all out of tears by now, you’d probably be crying again.
He nods and presses a kiss to your temple. “I’m here now. I’ve got you.”
You take a deep breath in and let it go. You do feel better now than before. The shirt you’re wearing clings to your body as the bathtub water rises, but your chest is still covered. You don’t feel so gross anymore.
Logan doesn’t leave for the rest of your bath. He helps you wash, doing it for you when your hands shake too much and bile rises in your throat. His hands are rough but gentle. They ground you, keeping you from falling into panic.
The shirt is soaking wet by the time you’re done. Wet and clingy and gross. But you feel so much better.
You get out of the tub on your own, shying away from the mirror. Logan drapes you in a towel before undoing the buttons of the shirt. When you pass by your reflection, there’s nothing visible but fluffy towel. You take another deep breath.
There are no mirrors in your bedroom, so you drop the towel to get dressed. Logan sits on the edge of your bed, watching. It makes you feel the tiniest bit insecure about yourself before you catch the look in his eyes.
Absolute adoration.
It makes you blush, hasty to finish dressing. You’ve always known Logan loves you. He’s made it abundantly clear since the two of you started dating. You just forget sometimes how much he loves you.
Once you’re done you sit on the bed next to him and lean against him. Entwining your fingers with his. “How did you know?”
Logan looks down at you. “I had a feeling. You’re always fast on shower days. Figured something was wrong after you took a while.”
You lean up to kiss him. “Thank you.”
He leans into the kiss. “Anything for my man.”
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 days
Emotions Pt 2 | Sam Winchester x Angel!Fem!Reader
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Angel!Reader
Warnings: SMUT MDNI 18+ ONLY!!!, cunnilingus, p in v (wrap it before you tap it), discussions of grief
Word Count: 3110
A/N: Hi! Trying to work on my requests to give myself a bit of an escape from what’s going on in my personal life right now. I am combining requests I was getting for a part 2 to my Sam x Angel!Reader fic with another request from much later in the queue, so I did have to jump around in the order of my fic requests! I hope that’s okay! 
General Writings Masterlist
Pt 1
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If you thought humans were strange and intriguing before, being human was even stranger. Your existence had been predictable before you met Sam Winchester. And now, you were feeling and experiencing multitudes you hadn’t known to be possible. Navigating the full scape of human emotion was incredibly difficult and draining at times. Thoughts you’d never had emotion assigned to would cross your mind at random times of the day. And suddenly, you’d be sniffling and trying to control the tears forming in your eyes. 
Sam had gotten good at navigating these moments with you. He would talk about your feelings with you very openly and share some of his own. 
The first time you realized that Sam would one day die, possibly leaving you on earth alone, you were horrified. 
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked, seeing you trying to hold back tears while staring at the ground. 
“You’re gonna die one day,” you said plainly. 
“Uh, yeah,” he snorted. “Yeah, I am.”
“It’s not funny,” you snapped, eyes flashing to his. 
He shook his head. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He sat down on the chair across from you. “Just caught me off-guard, ‘s all,” Sam replied. “What brought that on?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It just… came over me all of a sudden. Does that not scare you?”
He considered for a moment. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Why not?” you asked. 
“ ‘Cause somebody told me Heaven’s real—” he nudged your knee with his, making you huff out a small laugh— “and maybe I’ll get to see my mom. Actually meet her.”
“But what am I supposed to do?” you asked.
Sam stared at you for a moment. 
“You’re my best friend, Sam. What am I supposed to do if you die first?” you asked, eyes becoming glassy again.
“What you did before me,” he replied simply. “You just gotta keep going.”
“No offense, Sam, but you’ve been a complete mess without Dean.”
“That’s different. He’s my brother,” Sam said. 
Your gaze was soft, but it held intensity. So much so that it made Sam squirm beneath it. 
“What?” he asked. 
“I don’t think it’s different,” you sniffed. “I just think it’s— oh, what’s that word— grief.”
Sam couldn’t bring himself to look at you. 
“And I think that because you know what you know, you’re convinced that there’s some way to bring him back. And because you can’t do it, you’re not allowing yourself to accept the grief. You’re just… kinda… stuck,” you finished. 
A heavy silence blanketed the air. 
“Y’know, for an angel with zero understanding of human emotion, that was pretty good,” the young man chuckled.
A genuine smile spread across your face.
Even with Dean gone, you could see Sam starting to heal. You hoped you played a large part in that. However, you were growing curious as to why you hadn’t heard the angels talking about Castiel retrieving Dean. What were they waiting on?
Ruby hadn’t shown her face, either, much to your surprise. You assumed she could feel that you were here and decided to make herself scarce. A wise choice on her part, if you did say so yourself. 
Sam’s demon blood addiction would sometimes cripple him. On those days where his withdrawals or cravings would get bad, you would sit on the couch or the kitchen floor with his head in your lap and allow him to cry or sleep until the pain subsided. Sometimes, he’d get angry with himself for not being strong enough to push through the affliction on his own, to which you’d remind him that not many humans survive demon blood addiction as well as he had.
“It fucking hurts, (Y/N),” Sam told you, shivering beside you. Sweat beaded at every pore, and his face was flushed. 
You held a wet rag to the back of his neck while he clutched at your knee.
“I know, Sammy—”
“Why didn’t you just let me have it? Maybe I could find Lilith if you’d just—”
You cut him off, trying not to get angry with him. “Sam, no.”
“—But (Y/N)—”
“No.” You pushed yourself off the couch and turned to sit on the ground so that you were eyelevel with him. “I will not let you do that to yourself again. Do you hear me?”
Sam grimaced with watery eyes, but he nodded. 
“I— I can’t watch that happen to you,” you said, tears catching in your throat. It was surprising to find yourself unable to express yourself evenly and coherently as you always had, but your emotion seemed to help you get through to Sam more. 
The other angels had no idea what they were missing. 
When you were an angel, you truly didn’t have an internal dialogue. And now, your mind was flooded with constant thought. Occasionally, it was burdensome, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
Before, all you had was experience and memory. It was as if you were entirely continuous with your environment, and you took everything around you at surface value. There was no internal reflection. 
“That’s called ‘sonder’,” Sam explained to you. 
“What is?” you asked, temporarily looking away from the river below you. 
You’d discovered a creaky, wooden bridge over a rushing stream on a walk through the forest with Sam. 
“What you just said. Realizing that everybody has their own experiences, and thoughts, and lives entirely separate from yours,” he continued.
You gently kicked your feet back and forth over the edge of the bridge with your arms crossed over the railing in front of you. Sam sat beside you, watching you. “Does it ever get overwhelming?” you asked him, thinking maybe you were the only one feeling so burdened by thought as a result of your new status as a human. 
“What?” Sam asked. 
“Feeling. Thinking,” you elaborated, unable to look at him out of fear that he may judge you.
“Yeah, frequently.” He nodded, a slight smile on his lips. “But, uh, certain things make it better.”
That caught your attention, as his tone sounded a bit loaded. “What things?”
He kept his gaze down but nudged your shoulder with his. “Certain angels.”
A wide smile spread across your face. “Certain Sam Winchesters make it better for me, too.”
He returned your expression. 
The fall months were upon you. The cabin you stayed in with Sam was where you first discovered what “warmth” was as you sat by the fire. Now, though, a different feeling encompassed you. 
It started slowly; ignorable, almost. First, small little bumps formed on your arms while you brought the trash out to the dumpster about a mile away from the cabin. Then, you felt like the wind was blowing through your body. You tried your hardest to ignore the feeling, but soon, it felt like your insides were shaking. 
It freaked you out, to say the least. And when you lifted the lid of the dumpster to put your trash inside, your fingers were blue. In fact, you almost couldn’t feel them at all. 
“What the fuck,” you muttered. 
Afraid of what was happening to you, you began running all the way back to the cabin. When you nearly broke the door down with your entry, Sam jumped to his feet. “Whoa, (Y/N), what the hell?”
You were panting, hunched over, and panicking. “Something— is happening…” you swallowed thickly, “to me.”
Sam rushed over to you, bending down to your level and tucking your hair behind your ear. “What? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t think so,” you breathed out. You looked down at your fingertips and realized they weren’t blue anymore. “Wait, where’d it go?”
You and Sam both straightened up, and you continued to search your fingers for the discoloration. 
“Where’d what go?” Sam questioned. 
“My— My fingers were blue just a minute ago,” you explained. 
“Blue?” he repeated.
You nodded. “And my insides were shaking.”
A small smile began to pull at the ends of Sam’s lips. “Did you also have little bumps on your arms?”
Your eyes snapped to his. “How’d you know that?”
“You’re a seraph. You’ve been around for forever, and you got scared of the wind?” Sam asked. 
“The wind didn’t do that to me,” you said pitifully, “it’s never done that before.”
Sam laughed. 
“It’s not funny,” you pouted grouchily. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Sam continued. “You just got cold, (Y/N).”
You furrowed your brow. 
“Here,” the brunet continued. He opened the door for you, and you walked out of it hesitantly. The first of the Autumn leaves had fallen to the ground and crunched under your feet as you made your way out. 
Sam followed behind, and the two of you stood beside each other silently. You looked up at the trees rustling in the wind, and small wisps of your hair began to lift away from your face. And then, you felt the little bumps forming on your arms again. You looked down, a little less afraid this time. 
“See? Just the wind,” Sam explained. 
Then, a shiver ripped down your spine, and your body began to shake from the feeling. 
“C’mon, let’s get you inside,” he said. Once you were, Sam offered you the jacket that was laying on the back of a chair in the kitchen. You wrapped yourself in it while he continued to tend the fire. 
“It’s probably gonna get cooler tonight, too,” he explained, dusting his hands off and standing from the ground. “This room’s the only one with heat in it.” 
Your eyes widened in worry, as your shivering hadn’t stopped even with the jacket wrapped around you. 
Sam chuckled with fondness at your expression. “You can take my bed.”
“But won’t you be cold, too?” you asked through your clattering teeth. 
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.” Off your look, he continued. “Seriously. I’m kinda a human furnace.”
“C’mere, then,” you asserted. 
The brunet seemed caught off-guard. 
“Please?” you begged. “I’m still cold.”
Hesitantly, he sat on the couch beside you and opened his arms to you. You shuffled across the couch to where you were curled into his chest between his outstretched legs. Sam relaxed against the arm of the couch and wrapped his strong arms around you.
With a look that almost bordered on pleading, you pulled back from his chest and stared up at him. His eyes seemed to almost search your face before he began to lean down toward you. Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, you leaned up to press your lips to his. 
Sam immediately groaned at the contact, and you threaded your fingers through his hair while his hands explored the curves of your waist. When his hand grazed the underside of your breast, you took in a sharp breath. 
Immediately, Sam broke the kiss. “Is this okay?”
Without breaking eye contact, you grabbed his hand and brought it to your breast. An intense lust clouded his eyes, and Sam pulled your head back toward his while he kneaded your breast in his hand. 
Heat flooded your thighs, and you were a bit overwhelmed by the feeling. Your breath quickened as you allowed Sam to push your shirt up over your head. 
He broke the kiss again only to say, “Bed, now.”
You nodded eagerly, pressing your lips back against his. He took your legs and wrapped them around his waist. With you pressed so closely to him, you subconsciously began to grind against him as he carried you over to his bed in the corner of the room. He gently laid you on the bed and pressed his forehead to yours, panting. “You can’t— You can’t do that.”
“What?” you asked timidly. “Did I do something wrong?”
Sam shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. “No, no, you’re fine. But I’m not gonna be able to hold back if you keep doing that.”
Hesitantly, you planted your feet on the bed on either side of his hips and began to grind up into him. 
A challenge in Sam’s eyes, he leaned back down to kiss you with an unrivaled passion. His hands roamed your torso, careful to avoid the band of your sweatpants. Gently, he ran his hands along the band of your bra. “Can I take this off?”
You nodded feverishly, breath quickening. As soon as he’d gotten it off, Sam began to kiss down your chest while kneading your breasts in his hands. He continued to kiss down your stomach, nipping at the soft flesh every once in a while. When he was eye-level with your clothed pussy, he asked, “Can I take these off?” running his hands over your clothed hips. 
You nodded, but Sam could tell something was wrong. “What is it?” He straightened up. 
“I’ve just never done this before,” you said honestly. 
“It’s okay,” Sam told you. “If you wanna stop, we can stop.”
You quickly shook your head “no.” “Don’t stop, please.”
He chuckled and began to take your sweatpants and underwear down your hips slowly, teasingly. 
“Please, Sam,” you said. “I don’t know what this feeling is, but I need you here.” You took his hand and brought it near your throbbing cunt. 
He took in a sharp breath, almost seeming unable to contain himself. “Can I touch you?” he asked. 
You nodded eagerly, and he pulled your hips closer to the edge of the bed before dragging his fingers through your folds. You keened while his long, thick fingers circled your clit. He then pulled your thighs toward his face and dove between them, lapping at your clit like a man starved. Your hands flew to his head, and he grabbed them, lacing your fingers together. Sam held your hands on either side of your body, gently stroking them with his thumbs in contrast to the fierceness he was eating you out with. 
“God, Sam!” you cried, grinding your hips into his face. That simply spurred him on more. 
Suddenly, what felt like a knot began to form in your lower stomach. “Wait, Sam,” you said, as the knot began to tighten. 
He pulled away from you, bringing his fingers back to your clit while he crawled over the top of you. “Uh-huh?” he asked. 
You continued to grind down onto his fingers, closing your eyes at the pleasurable feeling. “Something—” you bit your lower lip to keep yourself from crying out, “Something’s happening.”
Sam smiled. “Don’t worry, okay? It’s normal.”
You nodded breathlessly. “Okay.” 
Then, he started to insert his middle finger into you, pulling a sharp breath out of you. 
“I know,” he coaxed you. “But I gotta get you ready for me, okay?”
You nodded. 
“Words, (Y/N/N),” he asserted. 
“Okay,” you said shakily. 
Sam inserted one finger, and then, another. He began to move them in and out of you while putting pressure on your clit with the heel of his hand. The feeling was overwhelming, and you tried to close your legs around his hand. However, you were stopped by his body between your legs. 
The feeling continued to build and build, and you couldn’t hold back your cries anymore. A string of moans and curses left your mouth. 
“Just let it happen, okay? I’ve got you,” Sam told you. 
You nodded. 
“Words,” he demanded. 
“Yes, god, yes,” you replied. “Don’t stop,” you begged. 
He scissored his fingers inside of you, pushing you over the edge. The knot in your stomach snapped, and your core began to throb around his fingers. 
“God, Sam!” you cried out. “Fuck!” 
As your breathing began to slow, he asked, “You okay?” You nodded. “Yeah,” you breathed out. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he smirked lopsidedly. 
You looked down at the bulge in jeans, and you looked up at him wantonly. 
“No, no, this isn’t about me,” he told you. 
“But I wanna make you feel good,” you whined. 
“You already are,” Sam told you. 
You leaned up to pull his face down to yours, kissing him again to convey everything you felt for him in that moment. You helped him out of his jeans, and once he had a condom on, he began to line himself up at your entrance. 
“You sure you want this?” Sam asked. 
“Yes,” you nodded. “Please, I need it.”
Slowly but surely, he began to push into you. He put his elbows on either side of your head, allowing you to curl your nails into his back with the pressure you were feeling inside of you. 
“I’m sorry, I know it’s uncomfortable,” he told you.
You shook your head, bringing your hands to either side of his face and kissing him deeply. Sam used that opportunity of distraction to push himself all the way inside, causing both of you to moan into each other’s mouths. 
Once he’d ensured you adjusted, he began to thrust into you. Sam’s movements were slow and deep, allowing you to feel every inch and ridge of his cock. You closed your eyes and dropped your head back in pure euphoria as he began to pick up his pace, bringing both of you closer to your climaxes. 
When you felt the knot beginning to form in your stomach again, you brought your hand to your clit and rubbed circles over it. Sam, having none of it, pushed your hand aside and mimicked the motion himself, allowing you to rake your nails up and down his back. Between the feeling of him thrusting inside of you and the pressure on your clit, the knot inside you snapped. 
With a keening cry, you moved your hips in time with histo ride out your high while Sam rode out his. The two of you breathed heaving breaths, allowing time for both of you to come down.
When the both of you were cleaned up and thoroughly spent, Sam held you against his chest while you drew invisible patterns on his upper chest. 
With a smile tugging on the ends of his lips, Sam asked, “You still cold?”
Taglist for Emotions:
@slutforfictionalcharacterss @criminalmindsiscool @littledebbieinabigworld
Forever tags are open; Series Rewrite taglist is closed!! :) Requests are open!
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neontokyoo · 2 days
Can you write something where halsin x wife reader and she gets hurt badly with a lot of angst but a happy ending
ugh I love angst. I'm so sorry this took so long, I was in the hospital when I saw the notification and tried to write a few weeks ago, but I forgot about it in my drafts because I've been really busy these past few months😭
Pairing: Halsin x Fem!Tav Genre: angst Summary: After finally defeating the Netherbrain Tav wasn’t seen after the explosion. All her party members made it out alive, but her disappearance was starting to worry Halsin. Warnings: angst, Tav goes missing after the explosion, Halsin thought he was going to be a widower, I’m not a crier so I’m not 100% sure but read at your own risk because it is pretty angsty.
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Halsin was at camp with the others when it happened. Tav took Lae’zel, Karlach, and Shadowheart with her, leaving her husband at camp with the rest of their companions. But, of course, they didn’t exactly stay at camp, as they wanted to see how everything would work out. So they went out to the city, doing what they could to help there while the girls were trying to defeat the Netherbrain.
Halsin wasn’t much of a worrier when it came to his wife. She was tough, and she knew she’d be able to handle it. She always did. And he was feeling pretty confident that she’d make it out alive. But that was until the ship crashed.
That’s when he started to worry. He saw the explosion, but he couldn’t go investigate it because he was trying to help fight off the remaining illithids who were still in the city.
He assured himself that Tav would be alright as he finished off the remaining mind flayers. But his heart sunk when his wife was the only one who didn’t make it out yet. There, on the docks, he could see Shadowheart, Karlach, and Lae’zel, all standing together on the wooden boards with soaking wet armor. Hells, even Shadowheart made it out alive and the poor girl can’t swim.
The cleric coughed as she climbed onto the docks, wringing the water out of her snow-white hair. “Ugh. Should’ve learned to bloody swim.” She scolded herself. “Can’t believe I almost drowned at the last hurdle.”
She coughed again, and Karlach went to pat her on the back. “Well, you’re lucky that Tav was there to help you,” the tiefling said, trying to help her friend breathe.
Lae’zel stood there, helping herself get rid of the excess water, when the realization hit her. She looked around, examining her surroundings as if she were looking for something.
“Guys,” the Githyanki called, her face showing no signs of any emotion. “I don’t think tav made it out yet.”
Halsin couldn’t help but overhear their conversation as the fear started to take over. He wasn’t thinking anymore as he ran towards the docks. It took nearly every one of his companions to hold him back.
“Tav!” He shouted, fighting his companions to let him go. “Where’s my wife?!”
The tears were starting to stream down his cheeks, causing his companions to really feel sorry for him. It was very rare to see the Druid cry, and they weren’t exactly sure how to help him.
“Easy there, tiger,” Karlach interjected, trying her best to calm him down. “Your wife is going to be alright, bear-man. She’s a true soldier, I’m sure she’ll come up eventually.”
Halsin wasn’t having it. Finally breaking free from the party, he was able to transform into an octopus, jumping off the docks and into the water. His eyes scanned the water as he swam deeper towards the shipwreck, looking for any signs that his beloved was nearby, but he hadn’t been able to see anything for miles.
He started to feel guilt, sadness—pain. But just as he was about to give up, he see the distant glare of armor in the distance as light reflected off of it. He started to feel a little hopeful as the swam to the light as fast as he could.
He was starting to see better now. The hair, the armor… the blood… he refused to give up now, swimming as fast as he could until he managed to wrap a tentacles around her. Which probably wasn’t the best thing he could do considering the situation they’ve been in for the past few months. But he knew he couldn’t have saved her with a shark or a crocodile.
Luckily the docks were only a few miles away and then he could find her a healer. He kept swimming, occasionally looking back to see if she was doing alright.
When he finally reached the dock he got rid off the octopus, lifting Tav onto the wood before himself.
Karlach and Astarion ran over to help pull the couple out of the water. As Halsin handed Tav to Astarion, the vampire pulled her out of the water, checking for any signs of a pulse or any breathing. She was unresponsive.
Once Halsin got up, he rushed over to Tav, trying to get her to breathe again. She was bruised and covered in blood from the explosion, and Halsin worried that she wouldn’t make it.
“Someone go find me a medic,” he said frantically. “Quickly! I’m afraid we’re running out of time!”
Shadowheart and Lae’zel exchanged glances before leaving to look for help.
“You know, now’s probably a bad time, but if she doesn’t survive this, I’d happily take the body.” Astarion offered, licking his lips hungrily as he looked at the bloody figure lying before him.
Gale, who recently arrived at the dock while they were getting Tav out of the water, hit the elf in the back of his head, giving him a disapproving look.
Halsin, however, ignored his comment, focused on trying to stop the bleeding and keeping her alive.
It was rare to see Halsin this upset. The other party members had no idea what to do. He usually didn't worry like this, but Tav has already proven to do things to the druid that nobody even thought possible. Sometimes he couldn't help but worry, especially in times like this.
The remaining companions in the area all gathered around the couple. Jaheira and Gale attempted to help calm Halsin down while Wyll and Karlach were tending to Tav's wounds with ripped scraps of clothing, trying to help with the bleeding.
There was no denying that Tav was dead. She had no pulse, she was bleeding more than she should, and she wasn't breathing.
By the time Lae'zel and Shadowheart returned with Withers, Halsin was a weeping mess. The second he saw Withers, the druid wiped his tears away and took a few steps back from the body.
Whithers said a few quick words, and Tav was resurrected. She coughed out the water left in her lungs and gasped for air as Halsin pulled her into a tight embrace.
"I don't ever want to lose you like that again."
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May I request Baby!Angel & CG!Husk where Angel has a really shitty day at work (courtesy of Val) and regresses to babyspace as soon as he gets back to the hotel? Husk comforts him obviously.
Angel’s little age would be about six months old.
Okay, first of all, I’m really sorry for making you wait a month for this! Between school and sickness, I have been struggling to find time for free writing unfortunately. However, I hope you enjoy it! Happy regressing and happy reading! -Marty
Title: Quiet but loving
Pairing: Caregiver! Husk & Little! Angel
Description: Angel returns to the Hazbin Hotel after a rough day at work. But Husk can always be counted on for some comfort (Hurt/comfort)
Word Count: 1222
TW: References/hints to alcohol, drugs, and Angel’s work. (None are actively depicted)
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Quiet but Loving
Husk knew something was wrong the moment Angel stumbled inside the Hazbin Hotel.  This wasn’t his common loopiness, induced by too many drinks or mysterious pills he had downed while on the job.  Instead, his arms were hugged close to his body, his eyes widened frightfully, and his breaths ragged.  
Husks ears had perked up, trained on the spider as soon as the front doors flew open.  Angel didn’t waste a moment, already stumbling towards the bar while gasping for air amongst his heaving breaths.  He nearly collapsed several times along the way, as his lacking coordination threatened to send him to the floor.
Something is wrong, Husk’s caregiving instincts immediately caught.  He froze in place, trying to analyze every movement for signs of injury, while the concerned emotions swarmed in his chest.  Had Angel gotten hurt?  Had it been a bad day at work?  Did he need help?
By some miracle, or perhaps his raw determination, Angel made it to the bar.  Shakily, he climbed onto a barstool and flopped his head over.  A heavy, unsteady sigh escaped his parted lips as his body trembled.
“Angel?” Husk hummed lowly, doing his best to keep his voice calm.  “Are you okay?”
Angel looked up just long enough to meet the cat’s eyes before his own wide orbs welled up with tears.  Instantly, he hid his face in his arms.  Husk could see him puffing out his cheeks and holding his breath, seemingly determined not to let himself cry.  The reaction was answer enough.
He was not okay.
“Angie,” Husk soothed, reaching a hand over the bar to stroke the spider’s floofy hair, “sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re upset.  It’s okay if you had a bad day.”
The words might have seemed obvious to some, but Husk knew the reassurance was necessary if he wanted Angel to actually respond.  The last thing they wanted was Angel dissociating for the day and drowning his sorrows in whatever powerful tonics laid behind the bar.
A choked sob disrupted the strained silence.  Angel whimpered, his shoulders bouncing as he hid his face in his folded arms.  The tortured sound reverberated around the empty lobby, just as it echoed around Husk’s tormented soul.
Determined not to leave him without comfort for even a moment, Husk continued to pet his hair while hopping over the bar counter.  He grabbed a barstool for himself and sat on it, close enough to Angel that their bodies brushed against each other.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  If you want, we can go upstairs?  Get you in some comfy clothes and have some quiet time?” Husk suggested, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
Angel glanced up from where he had buried his face.  His lip wobbled and he sniffled, but he managed a nod.  He reached out his hands in a clear, silent request.  Husk complied without hesitation, reaching forward and helping the arachnid wrap his body around his own.  Once he was in a secure carry, Husk hoisted him off the barstool and carried him towards the stairs.
With every sorrowful sniffle that pressed into his shoulders, he cursed Valentino and all the other denizens that had tortured Angel that night.  The endless work he did always wore him out, no matter how much he denied it.  But if he had reached the point of openly needing comfort like this?  It was a bad night.  Really bad.
Angel kept his head pressed against Husk’s shoulder all the way until they reached his bedroom.  Along the way, he jumped at any noise and routinely grabbed fistfulls of Husk’s fur for security.   His breath would hitch occasionally, threatening to resume hysteria.  Husk soothed away the panic with practiced care; whether it was soft reassurances or pressing a short kiss to the top of his head, they somehow eased him enough that they could cross the hotel without any major issues.
Upon reaching Husk’s room, the cat-demon carried them to his bed.  Even as he sat on the stiff mattress and tried to lay Angel beside him, Angel refused to move from his secure position in Husk’s arms.  His arms tightened their grip around his caregiver’s shoulders, a soft and defensive whine shattering the room’s silence.
“You want to stay with me?” Husk asked softly.
“Mhm.  No down,” Angel mumbled, words slurred and barely intelligible.
Without hesitation, Husk complied with the request.  Carefully, he readjusted Angel in his arms and kissed the crown of his head for good measure.  If Angel didn’t want to lay by himself, not surrounded by his caregiver’s body heat and presence, then Husk would accommodate.
So, he shifted so he sat against the headboard; Angel remained in his lap, taking shaky breaths to calm down while Husk patted his back.  Minutely, the little one’s entire body trembled with the laborious efforts of breathing evenly.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, kiddo.  Can you talk to me?” Husk rumbled soothingly.
Angel shook his head, breath hitching as he clung tighter.  Quickly, Husk shifted tactics; talking about whatever torture he had undergone could wait.  If Angel just wanted comfort now, then he would get it without question.
“Okay, love.  We won’t then,” Husk said clearly, making sure the little knew his boundaries were being met.  “How ‘bout we just cuddle then?”
At that, Angel nodded–perhaps the first positive sign Husk had seen yet.  
“M’kay, Angie.  I’m not going anywhere.  Are you comfy?”
The tickle of white fur under Husk’s chin confirmed his contentment.
For a few minutes, neither Husk nor Angel said or did anything.  Husk knew the importance of not touching too much–not prolonging or exaggerating Angel’s overstimulation and panic.  Meanwhile, the latter needed the silence and the comfort, and was far too content in Husker’s lap to fathom moving so soon.
Even as the morning light began peaking through Husk’s shades, neither made any move to get up from the bed.  In fact, Angel’s exhausted form grew steadily more limp–practically melting into Husk’s fur.  Soon after, his breathing evened and slowed with sleepy heaves; his exhaustion had clearly caught up to him.  
Husk smiled to himself, a half-sad gesture as he stroked Angel’s head as he slept.  It wasn’t fair that he had to suffer like this; someone as sweet as him deserved Heaven’s eternal paradise.  For now, all he could pray was that Charlie’s experiment would prove effective, and that Angel would one day be free of the endless torture Valentino had subjected him too.
He couldn’t protect Angel from Val; he didn’t have that kind of power anymore…that was a mistake he’d regret for the rest of his afterlife.  If he still had his overlord status, he would have stormed Valentino’s territory the moment he realized how bad Angel’s treatment was.  And his pure rage would have been enough for him to wipe out all three Vee’s…
But that was only a fantasy.  For now, all Husk could do was heal Angel’s wounds after he received them.  He could be there for him when things seemed hopeless.  He could watch himself become better as he finally learned what everyone was talking about when they said they loved someone.
“Love you, kiddo,” Husk muttered.  “The hell did I do to deserve you, huh?”
Angel stirred a little, huffing a yawn.  “Wuv you too, papa.”
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xuhuihuis · 2 days
Hii!! i’m the anon who asked you to write about hao i was talking about zhang hao!! 🩷
warnings: sub!zhanghao, dom!reader, strap sucking, gagging, crying, slapping, praise, degradation
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"Shh, breathe for me." Talking in a soft whisper to Zhanghao as you wiped away a stray tear that trailed down his cheek. His cheeks were full as he tried to swallow around the whole length of your strap. Light sounds of gagging filled the room as he was pushing himself too far. All he wanted was to make you proud and to be such a good boy for you. 
Hao couldn't help but moan as you gripped the back of his head, holding onto the dark hair at the bottom of his neck. The slight pain made his cock twitch as he sat there, naked and worthless between your legs. He felt so weak, but he loved giving you full control over his body. You were the one person he trusted like this. 
You couldn't help but get carried away when his pretty, sparkling eyes made eye contact with you. Thrusting into his mouth very slowly, he gets drunk on all of the noises he lets out. He tried to reach up for your hands, but it was no use as he was bound with silk. The light blue of the silk contrasted well with his porcelain skin, but red marks blossomed where the silk had been rubbing against his beautiful skin.
"Taking me so well," Praising him through gritted teeth, dragging his head up and down the length of your cock. You pulled him off of your length, forcing him to look you in the eyes. Hao was such a mess that he didn't care about how he looked. He looked like such a whore as his own drool ran from the corners of his mouth and down his chin, mixing with the flavoured lube that was once on your strap. 
Very gently, you ran a thumb over his cheek, soothing him, before stopping abruptly. Suddenly, a loud smack rang through the room as your hand collided with his cheek, leaving a red mark on the skin. His eyes watered at the sting, but he couldn't help the mess between his legs. 
"Look at my messy slut, so turned on from just one slap." You hissed at him, degrading him the way he loves. He knew you never meant anything you said to him while in a scene like this. As soon as you barked out the next order, he knew he was in for a long night.
please like and reblog if you enjoyed
tags - @onedumbho3 @wheatrice
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Summary: Hawks feels lonely and decides to go to a bar to look for some company. 
Word Count: 560
Warnings: drinking, flying, pretty tame overall tbh, language
Author’s Note: This was written for a little writing challenge! It was fun stretching my brain muscles and it’s been a while since I wrote something based on a song. 
Tag List: @pixelcafe-network, @actuallysaiyan, @helloiamadrawer
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The bar is dark and quiet, but still, Keigo can’t hide anywhere. His strong wings draw attention wherever he goes. Usually, he plays it up, flashing a bright smile and telling jokes like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He wishes he really felt that way. Sometimes it would sneak over him. When he’d be soaring through the sky, high above the city, sometimes he’d feel free. Then, the feelings would quickly fade. He’d be reminded once more how he’s just a cog in the machine. At least nobody in this place approached him. They watched, of course, with flickers of recognition in their eyes. 
“Look it’s chicken wing!” one particularly drunk man yelled across the bar room. Keigo frowns, but when he turns to retort the man’s friend is holding him up and offering Keigo apologies. 
“It’s fine. Just take care of him,” he sighs before turning away. He finds a lone seat at the end of the bar. He did want company, but he wanted to stretch his wings out even more. 
You didn’t light up the bar when you walked in. There was no dazzling smile that drew his attention. You were lost in thought, maybe even a little sad. That’s what drew his attention to you, trying to decide whether you would cry. He fancied himself a bit of charmer and thought if he saw you crying, he could slide in there to make you smile. 
“Are you watching me, hero boy?” you ask from across the bar, speaking over the glass that you’re raising to your lips. 
“Maybe. Is that okay?” he smirks. 
You shrug in response, “You can watch whatever you want.” 
He could sense the sardonic resignation in your voice. The acceptance of your situation. He realizes maybe you were never sad at all, but instead frustrated. Maybe you feel like him. 
“Hey, you wanna do something cool?” he asks as he gets up from his seat and walks over to you. 
A soft laugh falls from your lips, “Define cool?” 
“It’s a surprise,” he assures you. “Just come with me. I’m a hero, right? You can trust me.” 
You roll your eyes playfully and stand up. “Fine, but if you try to like pull out your dick or something once we’re outside I’m gonna kick you.” 
“No promises,” he winks. There was something about him that you trusted. Then again, you figured maybe he was right. You’d always been told to trust the heroes, and even if his attitude was not typical at times, he’s the number 2 hero now. 
That’s how you ended up flying above the city in his arms. Your screams of delight fill the air around you when he swoops and spins to show off. Your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck. It had taken him a bit to talk you into it, but now that you’re in the sky you never want to come down. 
Keigo didn’t know how different it would feel not to fly alone. He tightens his arms around your waist and enjoys how it feels when you nuzzle into his neck. 
You’re still holding on tight when he finally lands in front of the bar again. You take a moment to regain your footing. 
Your smile is bright as you look up at him, “When can we go again?” 
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penelopepine · 2 days
I’m absolutely in love with your writing 💕
I’ve always had this scenario of Phillip and Reader (who are both first time parents) going out with their baby, and Reader having to breastfeed the baby in public and a man tries to harass her about it (telling her she shouldn’t be doing this in public and whatnot) and Phillip stands up for her
Maybe the man tries to harass her while Phillip was at the counter getting them something to eat and he hears what’s going on or something?
(Moms who are alone in public get bothered like this irl by men so often and it’d be so sweet to see Phillip standing up for his wife 🥺❤️)
Thank You!!! I hope that you like this as well!
It's weird that people get so bothered by breastfeeding. Like just let the mom feed her baby in peace.
Mind Your Own Business
Phillip Graves x Fem Reader
With the baby turning six weeks old just a few days ago you and Phillip both felt comfortable taking the baby out to more public spaces. It was a beautiful day out, and that of course led to you both walking around the farmer’s market with the little one in tow. 
Philip had both hands on the stroller while you had one hand wrapped around the crook of his elbow as you both walked around. It wasn’t until half an hour had passed did he insist on sitting down in one of the bakeries for a bite to eat. “Come on, let me treat my sweetheart to something sweet.” 
“I think it’s you who wants something sweet.” You give him a playful nudge as you walk towards the shop. 
“Who says it can’t be both?” Phillip counted your accurate remark. “I’m a man capable of many things after all.” 
Once in the shop looking at all the available options is when the little one decides to make a fuss. Glancing at the time you know she’s probably just hungry since this is about the time you would normally feed her when at home. 
“Oh, are you hungry baby?” You gesture for Phillip to let you take control of the stroller, “I’m going to take her outside and feed her. I saw a shaded bench right outside.” 
It’s obvious he doesn’t want to leave you both alone, but understands that that’s just his protective nature talking. That little voice has been speaking a lot more ever since the baby was born. “I’ll be there in just a few minutes; I’ll bring you one of those chocolate croissants I saw you eyeing too.” 
"I love you so much." You give him a small kiss, and swiftly make your way outside to the bench just as the baby starts to cry.
It only takes you a few moments to get comfortable, grab the now crying baby out of her stroller, and adjust her so that she can easily breastfeed from you. 
You take this time to admire the tiny wiggling bundle of joy in your arms. She truly is the perfect mix between you and Phillip - it almost feels like she’s not real sometimes with just how perfect she is. 
The baby's crying and wiggling finally starts to settle down as she latches on. Just as things seem to settle down you feel a sudden presence next to you. Thinking it was Phillip you look up with a smile on your face which quickly shifts into a frown as you take in the strange man now standing in front of you.
It was the look of anger and disgust on his face that had you gripping your daughter tight to you; trying to decide if you needed to get up, and walk away. Before you can make a move though the man is already practically spitting venom at you. “Do you really think that’s appropriate to be doing in public? Why don’t you go do that in the bathroom like you're supposed to do?” 
“I’m breastfeeding - I’m just feeding my baby.” Is your immediate response to his unpleasant questions. You knew some people didn’t like it when women breastfeed in public, but you didn’t think anyone would actually try and fight you about it. All you're doing is feeding a baby after all. 
“No, what you are doing is purposely exposing yourself to others around you. I mean my god woman could you not have the decency to atleast have a cover on?” 
“A cover? It’s 80 degrees out right now, and you want me to practically put a blanket over her?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing right now. Not to mention that you didn’t like using a cover; all it felt like was another thing you had to pack around and worry about. 
Arguing only seemed to be making the man more upset with you. As if you should be thankful that he was gifting you with his “amazing” advice on how and where you should be breastfeeding your baby. 
Red faced with a pointed finger raised, the man takes a large step closer to you. It genuinely seemed like he would have come even closer if he wasn’t so suddenly jerked away from you. 
“Now what do you think you're doing here bothering my wife and child?” There Phillip stood now in between the man and you. Finally, it felt like you could breathe again knowing that your husband was here to help you. 
Phillip was furious - that much was obvious even from where you sat with his back to you. His shoulders were tense, and his clenched fists looked like they were one wrong move from throwing a punch. 
“That’s your wife?” The man waves in your direction, “How about you tell your wife to cover up while in public.” 
The silence that follows after those words are deafening.
“Phillip,” You softly call out to your husband. As much as you would love to let him do whatever he sees fit you’d rather not have to be escorted off by police. 
You watch as Phillip slowly releases a sigh before he continues with his words to the man, “I'm not going to waste any more breath explaining just how stupid you sound right now. What I am going to say though is that if you don't walk away right now I'm going to beat the shit out of you, and I promise you that is a fight you don't want - not with me." 
The man clearly wasn't prepared for the outright threat of violence against him, and it showed on his now shocked face. People like him are all talk; just wanting to pick on someone seemingly weaker than him, and the second someone stronger stands up to him he's playing the victim. 
"Whatever," the man growls out before hastily turning on his heels and walking away further into the market. 
Phillip doesn't move from his position until the man has completely disappeared from view. When he does eventually turn around he puts one hand on your check and the other one cradles the baby's head before he asks you, "are you both alright?" 
"We're- we're alright. He didn't do anything besides give me a lecture." You're so thankful for that too, and luckily your daughter didn't seem to notice the tense situation that just occurred. "How did you know he was even here?" 
"You really didn't think I wouldn't be watching you while I was waiting inside did you?" Phillip looked much calmer now that it was just the three of you again. "Which reminds me I still need to pick our order up. Now let me help you pack up; there's no way I'm leaving you alone to get harassed again." 
Normally you would have insisted that you were alright to stay where you were, but right now all you wanted was to stay by his side. This encounter has really rattled you more than you thought. 
It only takes Phillip a few seconds to get everything back in the baby bag. The baby is still feeding from you as you both walk back to the bakery. In the silence you can’t help, but ask a question that has been bothering you. “Do you think I should … hide away when I need to breastfeed in public?" 
"Sweetheart, don't let one dumb fucker stop you from feeding our baby when she's hungry. You have the right to breastfeed anywhere you damn want to."
"You're right, you're right," He was right, this one experience shouldn't stop you from going out and enjoying things with your baby.
Phillip reached out and gave you a quick peck as he opened the bakery door, "besides I'll always be there to defend my girls." 
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bbcreative-0 · 14 hours
Anyone who is obsessed with Greek Mythology and musicals are probably listening to EPIC the musical like me.
Wisdom Saga has been out for a while and I I’m offering this idea for fans because I desperately need this fic.
So some people have offered the idea that Ody has been praying to Athena for help but since Calypso can control everything on her island she has been blocking those prayers from ever reaching Athena. Until we see the cry for help in Love in Paradis.
So from Ody’s POV it looks like Athena was ignoring him. BUT from Athena's POV she doesn't know that Ody was praying to her all this time until she literally goes searching for him. So I offer this idea to any fanfic wanting to write this and to also give Calypso what she rightfully deserves.
So the whole idea is that like when Ody is back home and catching up with Athena he asks her why she ignored all his prayers before. Athena is confused because what prayers is he talking about? Ody puts two and two together and just changes the topic.
Athena is still you know, the goddess of wisdom and also puts two and two together, and she is royally pissed off. Calypso had the utter nerve to be blocking prayers from her and more important prayers from her champion/friend.
Athena basically leaves and goes to beat the shit out of Calypso for having the nerve to block prayers from her while also using this as an excuse to get justice for Ody too
Please I need this fic because fuck Calypso and I need to see Athena beat her up.
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sjywrites · 2 days
could i req a cute fluffy fic with a jealous ssera member? whoever you want!
༊*·�� WHO'S THAT?
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𝓙ealous! 𝓗uh 𝓨unjin x 𝓖n!reader. 𝓖enre. fluff. 𝓢ypnosis. yunjin is a lil jealous, and she wants you to herself <3 𝓦𝓒 . 385 𝓒𝓦 . one kiss, nothing else!
𝓝ote this is my first ask omg anon I'm gonna kiss your brain
This is purely fiction and is not meant to interpret how the idol/s act in real life!
,, not proofread + english is not my first language ! ೃ⁀➷
More under cut!
Yunjin is usually not a jealous person, but the way that guy is all over you, making jokes you laugh at, touching you just a moment too long for it to be friendly makes her blood boil. She knew you didn’t notice he was flirting with you, but her eyes twitched at the thought of him knowing you had a girlfriend. I mean, it's pretty obvious you two were together, you pulled up to the party hand in hand, smiling at each other the whole night. Who could have missed that? Yunjin wasn’t sure what to do, it would be pretty embarrassing to admit she was jealous over a guy you wouldn’t even consider dating in the first place. She knew you were just trying to be friendly, oblivious to his clear motive to get you in bed.
Yunjinnie: Hey, can we go?
Y/N <3: Why? Are you okay?
Yunjinnie: Yes, it’s just… I don’t have a good feeling about the guy you’re talking with.
Y/N <3: Any particular motive for that?
Y/N <3: Did he do something to you?
Yunjinnie: No, I just don’t like him talking to you…
Y/N <3: Babe… Are you jealous?
Yunjinnie: What no!? I just…
Y/N <3: Okay baby I get it, I won’t talk to him more
Y/N <3: In fact why don't you get over here and introduce yourself as my gf? Would that make you feel better?
Yunjinnie: It actually would.
Yunjin walks over to you, glaring at the guy obviously flirting with you. She grabs your hand gently as she introduces herself,
“Hi, I’m Yunjin, Y/Ns girlfriend. Who are you?”
Her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes, obviously staring at the guy in front of her. The guy looks a little nervous when he answers her question, “Oh! Uhh, I uh, gotta go. I have to uh, find my friends. Bye!” He kind of sprints away from the both of you, almost falling over a few people on his way. Finally leaving you both alone, Yunjin relaxes. “See, nothing to be jealous over.” You say smiling up at her. “I’m not sure that’s how it works baby, but whatever you say” She smiles right back at you, slowly leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
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and everyone cheered!! I'm so happy you guys actually like how I write I'm gonna cry, big MWAH to all of youuu
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chatterbox-73 · 2 days
Simptember 2024.
Day 18 - Studious girl.
Kento Nanami x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: Nanami catches you doing something you shouldn’t so he takes it upon himself you teach you a lesson.
Word count: 900
CW: NSFW and adult content, voyeurism, taking pictures, masturbating, bondage, sex toys, oral/deep throating/face fucking (m!receiving), swearing, mention of spanking, mention of orgasm denial, unprotected sex,
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“Lower yourself more” Nanami’s voice spoke calmly as he sat in a chair facing the bed, his hand pumping his thick veiny cock, you shifted your hips and took less then an inch more inside you, “I can’t anymore, it’s too hard like this” you whine pulling slightly on the restrains that tied your wrist to the bed’s headboard. “You can and you will… now deeper” Nanami scolded and you flinch at his tone, before you begin to shift and force your hips down, soon enough you were fully wrapped around the large dildo Nanami had given you, crying and whining you begged desperately to start bouncing however Nanami had pulled his phone of and took a few pictures of you, “smile baby… I’m teaching you so much, you should happy” he chuckled and watched in amusement as you forced a bright smile, “so cute… tell me, when should you play with yourself?” He hummed and you took a shallow breath before looking away in shame.
Nanami wasn’t normally like this, he was normally a very caring and attentive lover, thinking about nothing else be him and his partner while they made love, however today was different as he had to teach you a lesson. Nanami had gotten home early this day and he had hoped when he got home the both of you would go out to do something, however when he stepped inside he was met with the sound of loud shameless moans, the man had feared the worst and began to walk slowly down to your shared bedroom and quietly opened the door, to find you on your hands and knees grind back on a small dildo that was suction to the headboard of the bed, “fuck fuck fuck” you cried as you reached between your legs and began rubbing your clit, “oh yes, fuck I’m cumming” your hips moved faster but just before you could reach your peak Nanami grabbed a fistful of your hair and the sudden contact made you jump and pulled away for both the headboard and Nanami, “what are you doing home?!” You gasped and your boyfriend frowned, “apparently I’m teaching how to fuck yourself probably, go get the damn toy box” he hummed and you quickly got off the bed and ran out the room and to where you keep the toys. It started easy but quickly escalated until you reached the point now.
“Only when I ask permission” You state and Nanami smiled before nodding, “and what’ll I do, if I find you like that again?” He asked and you felt your throat go dry, “you’ll spank me and ban me from releasing” your voice shook as the need to bounce became almost too great, “for how long?” Nanami asked as he stood and walked over to you, his heavy memory swinging with each step he took, your eyes glued to it like as moth attracted to a bright light, “two day at the very least or two weeks at most…” you whispered before taking a deep breath “but that depends on what I’ve done” you sighed and he chuckled grabbing the base of his cock, he gave it a small shake before climbing on the bed, “start bouncing” he command and you instantly began moving your hip, you struggled to keep your back straight but it felt so good to finally to have something moving inside you again.
Nanami laughed as he watched a expression of pure bliss adorn your face while you bounce, “you see this, you better take responsibility for what you’ve done” Nanami smiled as held his throbbing thickness and pumped it a few time, you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, to which Nanami didn’t need to be told what to do, he stood on the bed and suddenly thrust into your mouth.
Nanami had the sides of your face as his hips thrusted vigorously, you continued bouncing as you moaned loudly around him, you whimpered and Nanami groaned, this was probably the quickest Nanami had ever gotten off, as before you knew it he as pulled out of your mouth and suddenly came all on your neck and chest, you cried and felt that precious relief come over you.
You came hard, body shaking and horse screaming kind of orgasm, what you finally came down from your high your body tried to fall forward however the restraint on your wrist made that impossible, Nanami grabbed you as a way to support your body before he undid the restraint, he then pulled you in turned you around and held you upright with one hand by the elbows, while his free hand moved down your back before reaching for the dildo and pulling it out of you slowly, you groaned at the emptiness however it was like that for much longer as Nanami slipped himself inside of you.
You moaned and leant back into Nanami’s shoulder while his hips moved at a steady rhythm, with his hand holding your arms he began to pull you back onto him while his rolled his hips up into you, you were in heaven, even while he punished you, Nanami was considerate of your pleasure, but he could still be strict and unforgiving towards you, though that was the appeal of it all.
“I’m gonna teach you a lesson you won’t forget, my studious girl”.
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Simptember Masterlist (Coming soon)
Day 17 - Erwin Smith: Not that noble
Day 19 - Katsuki Bakugou: Outside Delight
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urfavsillydoll · 3 days
Please read this it’s important.⚠️
I almost lost all my money because I got scammed by someone. I already had problems with money but now it’s worse like so much worse.. Now I’m crying like a loser alone in my bedroom because I don’t know what to do.
I’m in a freaking mess rn. I even put my family in my mess…I’m so desperate and I don’t know what to do so here I am writing on tumblr, hoping someone could help me.. I have nothing to lose, I’m trying to seek help. be careful many people want to hurt you and doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
If anyone could give a donation even a small one would already be very kind from you ..so that I can get back my money and help my parents too. It sounds like I’m a pick me but idc I’m just writing the truth and I need help.
It’s ok if you don’t want, thank you for reading this 🫶🏻
I love you all and hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
My PayPal is [email protected]
Btw I’m sorry if I’m not really answering those days or if I’m answering very late, it’s cause of this reason I just written. I’m trying to deal with it.
Thank you again guys❤️
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teardropsonsmyguitar · 5 months
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