#I’m 17 now
mulderrrrrrr · 2 months
it is my borfday today hello i turn old today!!! ‼️‼️
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hue-makes-burgers · 3 months
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it’s my birthday today :)
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ditzyteengirl · 1 year
Time for the Birthday Tears! 🎀💧
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s1r-v1ctor · 1 year
✨🪩omg i’m finally the dancing queen yay✨🪩
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stellabat · 1 year
happy birthday 2 me
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mouinam · 2 years
Happy birthday to me.
Honestly, this birthday sucks.
#I’m 17 now#it doesn’t feel like it at all#at this point I’ll be in my senior year of high school by the next month and expected to choose a college#do college admissions#get student loans I won’t be able to pay for the rest of my life#I still feel like a child#There’s no way I can make these sorts of decisions#I can’t cook or clean or pay taxes or live on my own or even have a normal eating schedule#I can’t work unless it’s the last minute I am immature and unknowledgeable and stupid and horribly horribly lazy#I want to live on my own one day but it all sounds like a stupid dream now#fuck I can’t even get enough courage to ask my mom to teach me to make spaghetti and I want to live on my own? Hah!#I have no friends I don’t know anyone I have no connections and no one cares about me#I am a ghost to everyone and that’s all I will ever be#with rent spiking like hell and unlivable wages what the fuck am I supposed to do to escape my parents#god fucking damn it#Even the one thing that I’m good at (art) is absolute dog shit at this point#I haven’t drawn for months. Wrote fanfic for even longer.#what the fuck am I supposed to do.#God. I’m so pathetic what the fuck.#I haven’t even done grocery shopping alone ever what the fuck.#I kinda want to cry.#The only option I have right now is ranting this shit to tumblr because there is no one in my life who would ever want to hear this.#All of them would just tell me that it happens to everyone LIKE YEAH NO SHIT CAN YOU PLEASE JUST COMFORT ME FOR ONCE#My parents will never know me. They will never know#They only like me when I don’t do anything that would make them actually step in and be emotional support#I have no friends. God I have no friends. I have never had a true friend who was actually interested in me my entire life.#Even now. I am all alone.#on my birthday.#my parents didn’t even try to do anything very special for me#I got gifts but that was it.
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leafyeyes417 · 15 days
Danny is glad he actually made a plan for once. Jazz had been on his back about telling their parents he was Phantom, and he had managed to convince her he had a plan. The only thing that would extend how long it took was the frequency of ghost attacks.
He generally didn’t have much free time, so luckily Clockwork was willing to put him in a time bubble so he could get stuff done, like get enough sleep. But mostly he was training. Sometimes with Wulf to make portals, but other ghosts had come by too.
The power that was giving him the most trouble, and that he needed most for his plan was duplication. It took forever and he still couldn’t have more than 3 versions of himself at one time. How Vlad managed so many he had no idea.
Anyway back to his plan. He got all his stuff that he couldn’t afford to lose hidden away, got copies of all his parents blueprints and files, replaced items that he didn’t feel comfortable letting them keep if worse case scenario came, and a few more miscellaneous things.
He decided not to tell Sam and Tucker what he was doing. Though he did give them a mysterious file that they weren’t able to open yet. It would lead them to him later. But he needed their reactions to be legitimate, even if he hated having to potentially distress them for a bit.
He then sent his duplicate in his place back home while he went to the Ghost Zone to keep learning and keep an eye on things. Hopefully things went well, but he planned to spend a full living realm month here just in case his parents faked taking it well.
It did not go well. About two weeks after his duplicate told his parents they knocked him out and buried him in a ghost proof coffin. Was he glad he wouldn’t have to experience his worse fears as a lab experiment? Yes. Was he still going to have nightmares of being trapped underground unable to escape? Also yes.
He was glad it was his duplicate though. It was easy for him to undo from a distance and since they had been connected he still had all the memories. He typed in the code for the file he gave his friends before he left. Time to go to Gotham, the one place he was able to wheedle out of Clockwork would be best for him.
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james-spooky · 1 month
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ermmm… unexpected !
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naturecalls111 · 11 months
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somos livres como girassóis de Van Gogh
(we are free like Van Gogh’s sunflowers)
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daisiesandviscaria · 3 months
no thoughts just kevin being such a little nerd that he went out of his way and convinced riko to be a history major with him
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foursaints · 14 days
fanonwise i sometimes feel that we don’t treat barty crouch jr’s relationship to his father with the amount of nuance that it’s given in canon.
i see more evidence for their dynamic as one of a prodigal son‘s unexpected betrayal, rather than him being openly defiant from the beginning. barty jr disdains his father more than he fears him.
barty’s character is more about being Stifled than it is about being Penalized, if that makes sense. he is a docile thing on the outside. for a counterexample: sirius continuously rebelled against his parents and was punished for it, over and over. barty is more the case of a child dutifully abiding with something spiteful and ugly growing underneath his surface, larger each passing year.
barty’s revenge, and his anger, and his suffering, are all quiet things: the secret burying of a bone, the forced muteness of imperius. barty doesn’t react when he speaks about his father or sees him in disguise. he admits to never truly considering him a father, seeing more of himself in tom instead.
this is more compelling to me than casting him as a sirius-variant!! it’s a slow type of resentment— leading to torture and ending in revenge— and i like the idea of barty as someone in Waiting. he’s the deferential mirror of a man he doesn’t respect (but never truly, not inside). barty jr was a son raised to take the place of his father: obeying to the letter until he suddenly didn’t, and finally usurping him in the most violent way possible with patricide. his father wanted an heir to replace him and he created a perfect one, in the most tragically ironic way possible!! this will always be more interesting to me than a barty who is plainly defiant from the outset— it flattens him!!
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mmmairon · 8 months
Hi mairon! I love the self insert comfort you did it was so cute! Would you be able to make some more? Possibly diluc taking care of someone like the girl you did in the last one — maybe putting them to bed because I’m suffering w my insomnia right now 😅 if you can’t dw!
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oh, to be tucked snugly into bed by Diluc Ragnvindr
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hell0jon · 1 month
Was scrolling through the tmagp vague tag and someone said ‘major spoilers under the cut for tmagp 17’ and my asinine dumb foolish idiotic moronic obtuse brainless ignorant fatuous unintelligent impatient fucking failure of an ass did not listen
oh man
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wayward-banana · 6 months
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babe wake up I remembered to do a new years Takumi after 4 years
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Will someone please tell them to stop flirting in public.
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