#I’ll throw myself into the ocean if this flops
starbritez · 10 months
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(Hiiii y’alllll <333)
Are you having issues with interacting in the fandom?? Has tumblr been giving you a hard time??? Or do you just wanna meet some new people and bond over a shared interest???
..If any of these things resonate with you, then @heruluna and I have something that’ll definitely pique your interest!
It’s just a little something called Baki artists unite! That’s right— we’ve made a Baki discord server! (Woohoo!) Isn’t that cool?
We’ve noticed that it’s kinda hard to just… talk to/met new people on here tumblr… ((it’s kinda intimidating and a tad bit inconvenient)) so we’re hoping a discord server could maybe help with that! It’s really just a big fancy group chat anyways….fun!
So feel free to check it out if you’re an artist, writer, or even just some dude— you’re all welcome to join! Seriously, just feel free to like mingle n shit. The whole point is to meet people, talk, n have fun!
….Annnnnd that’s pretty much it for now. We can’t wait to see y’all there ^^! 🌟
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 9 months
On The Tide - Chapter Three  “We ourselves feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
The Captain is a reluctant caretaker, looking after a needy newbie who is under the weather and desperate for affection and comfort. Prompts met; '25. Nook' - @flufftober; '10. Cold as Ice/Secret Surprise' - @deaddovedec; '10. Freezing' - @whumpcember; 'The Caretaker' - @multifandom-flash (Double); 'Turned to Ice (Alternate) - Winter Wonderland Bingo (@seasonaldelightsbingo); 'Stop Pretending' - @fandom-free-bingo (Frosty Edition); 'Covered With [Insert]' - Fandom-Free Bingo (Frosty Edition) CW: brief discussion of traumatic, historical injury; sickness (non-vomiting).
Boards below the KR. Check the first section out below, or the full chapter on AO3 here!
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I woke slowly to the sunlight shifting across my face, causing an irregular flickering that was disarmingly charming. With a soft sigh and a long stretch, I buried my face in the pillow beneath my cheek, inhaling the scent of salt and sweat, masculine and – to my mortification – more than a little arousing. I wonder how weird it would be for me to- “Good morning, soldier.” I sat up with a jerk, wincing at a pain radiating across my nose and cheeks, instantly aware of the throbbing, blocked sensation made worse from my movement. The Captain was nestled in a nook in front of the window, his eyes lowered to a book propped in one hand, the other draped casually over a bent knee. “I-I, uh… Hi. Sorry, Si- Captain. Lieutenant Tyne. Did I oversleep?” My voice was thick and muffled to my own ears, and his dark gaze rose at last, one eyebrow arching. “…Two days in, and you’ve already managed to throw up, and now come down with a cold?” he clarified incredulously, carefully marking his page and placing his book beside him. “As I always say… You Army boys are soft.” “Don’t be mean, I’m sick,” I whined, flopping back against the sheets dramatically. Distantly, I was mildly ashamed of myself, acting so fragile in the presence of a superior officer – but this wasn’t the service, and I was allowed to be more than a mindless, perfect weapon here. I was allowed to be sulky and sick – even if it wasn’t exactly ideal so early in my tenure. Sighing quietly, he moved to sit beside me, frowning when I flinched as his hand approached my forehead. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he scoffed, affronted. “I’m checking if you’re warm.” “I’m freezing,” I griped, unable to keep myself from leaning into his touch just a little as his palm met my skin. “I’m turning to ice over here!” “I don’t know what you expect me to do about it!” he snorted, drawing his hand back. “You have a fever. You need rest, and fluids, and a few days off work. Really pulling your weight so far, aren’t you?” I opened my mouth to snap a response, but his theatrical eye-roll interrupted me. “Calm down, soldier. I’m kidding with you. These things happen – you’ll be right as rain soon enough, but for now,  you’re going to take it easy, okay?” Despite the slight edge of tenderness to his words, his voice was gruff, leaving me confused and disoriented, even as he gently tugged the sheets higher up my bare, scarred chest. “Get a little more rest, Sergeant Barnes. I’ll bring you some water and see if I can’t rustle up you something warm for you to eat – keep your strength up.” Dazed, I could only nod, closing my eyes without complaint as he backed away, compliant and willing under his intense stare.
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brokenjere · 2 years
bad in the bones (c.f) (ch.3)
a/n: hey all! hope you enjoy this chapter! lmk what you think and if you wanna be added to the taglist💖💖
synopsis: Yn and Conrad hang out by the beach and she tries some subpar blueberry muffins
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catch up here
I can’t sleep. I lay in bed, tossing and turning until my back starts to hurt and my eyes burn because they won’t stay shut. I throw the blanket off of my body and go downstairs. 
I had a hard time sleeping after the breakup. It was like my soul was so torn up that I couldn’t possibly find any peace. Even at night. Even in the dark. That’s always when it felt the worst. 
Susannah’s house is quiet when everyone is asleep. You can hear the ocean, even so far off in the distance, through the walls. I feel like I need to tip-toe around so I don’t wake anyone. The only light in the kitchen is that of the moon and the refrigerator when I open it for a bottle of water.
I decide to sit outside. It’s still nice out, even at night. There are no mosquitoes or bugs, just the calm air and the soft swishing of the water. I hear the tree branches brush together and then see a head pop out of the brush. Dark hair. Tall. Same red hoodie he was wearing earlier. Conrad. 
I follow him, choosing my steps carefully. He must be going down to the beach. I didn’t know they had their own stretch of it. I follow the path that connects the backyard to the sandy shore. Small, paved, covered with trees. It leads right up to the patio where their pool is. It was really perfect. Conrad is still in front of me and he pulls something out of his pocket and lights it. “What are you doing?” I ask, forgetting my own voice and the fact that I had been following him. 
Immediately, I’m embarrassed. My face flushed so hot I pray he can’t see it when he turns around. He looks amused. “Have you been following me?” He asks. I swallow my words. I don’t need to incriminate myself even further, I think it’s fairly obvious the answer is yes. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” I tell him. He nods and takes a hit of what I think, now that I can see it, is a joint. “Pot?” He nods. 
“Do you want a hit?” He asks me, extending it toward me. We’re a few feet apart, so I have to walk toward him to grab it. I’m no longer under the safety of the tree canopy. I am now fully on the beach, exposed by the moon. I take the joint from him and take a hit. It burns my throat and my lungs but I suppress the cough. “Do you smoke?” 
“I don’t.” He laughs at me and I can’t help but chuckle along with him. “Occasionally, I suppose.” I really only smoked when Josh did. And he really only smoked at parties. Sometimes, I’d pretend to inhale it and then blow it out really fast so that it didn’t make me cough. I didn’t really like the feeling of being high. It made me feel like I could float away and I didn’t want to float away. I wanted to keep my feet planted on the ground. “I thought Belly said you were an athlete,” I say. 
“I quit, remember?” I nod. 
“So you’re a stoner now?” 
“I guess so.” He laughs and then I want to pry. 
“Why did you quit?” He tenses and takes another hit before shrugging his shoulders. “You don’t have to tell me,” I say. 
“I stopped liking it,” he says. I nod and he gestures toward the beach. The ocean lay out in front of us and I forgot that we had stopped moving for a second. “Wanna go down?” I nod eagerly. 
Conrad laughs and we walk toward the water, our fingers brushing as we walked next to each other in silence. My flip-flops cause too much friction against the sand and my feet and I stumble in it. “Oh, hold on,” I tell him and reach down to take off my sandals. He waits for me, watching me intently as I struggle. When I finally get them off, I carry them between my fingers. Conrad reaches out to them. Or me. “What?” I ask, laughing between my words. 
“I’ll carry them.” 
“They’re sandals not bricks,” I tease. He shrugs and reaches for them and I hold them up higher, knowing he’s taller than me and can reach without a lot of struggle. When he reaches for them, I step backward, keeping them out of his reach. He stumbles forward and puts his hand on my hip to steady himself in the sand. I feel it. The electricity. But I ignore it. He laughs as we play keep away until eventually, I bring the shoes down from in the air and let him take them. “Fine, you win,” I conceded.
  “It’s not about winning,” he says coyly, with an air of cockiness and proudness that would have turned me off if I didn’t know it was a front. Conrad is not egotistical. I know that in my bones. With both of Conrad’s hands full, I get a smirk on my face and I look over at him. “Hhm?” 
“Wanna race?” He chuckles at me, thinking I’m joking and when he realizes I’m not, he holds up his hands. One with my shoes in it and the other with a joint and instead of caring, I shrug and start running in the opposite direction, toward the water. I hear him laugh behind me but then he takes off. I can hear his footsteps coming up closer to me as he gains his traction and then I’m on the ground. “You jerk!” I call, squirming from under his arms. “That’s not fair!” 
Conrad holds me down in the sand. It’s getting everywhere. In my shorts, toes, and t-shirt. I have grains of sand in my bra. “It’s not fair for you to initiate a race when I have my hands full. It weighs me down.” 
I look and see his hands are now empty. “Where are my shoes?” I laugh as he points behind us and I see them in a pile in the sand. “Did you at least save the joint?” I aks like I really care. The joint wasn’t important to me. I bet he threw it in the wet sand, smashed it into the ground, and then threw my shoes away, too. 
Conrad reaches in his hoodie pocket and pulls out the unlit joint. It has burnt edges and is smaller than before but he saved it. Of course, he did.
I push him off of me and we sit up, looking at the water. “I’m sorry about the bonfire,” he says. The mood shifted from playful, funny, and carefree to serious, and somber. I shudder. 
“What about it?” I ask quietly. 
“Fighting with Belly. It was dumb and immature.” I’m quiet for a moment while Conrad studies my face. I think he’s looking for a reaction, a response, anything. I’m quiet until he can no longer bear the quietness. “I’m just going through some stuff. Stuff Belly doesn’t know about. And Nicole, I don’t know. She’s familiar.” 
“And Bells isn’t? Familiar?” I don’t care about the fight. I care that he was rude to Belly but their fight is their fight alone and not mine. 
“She is but Belly is like a sister to me.” He shakes his head, unsure of what to say next and so I speak instead. 
“She says you’re different this summer. Quieter.”
“That’s true.” 
“Don’t hurt her,” I say. I look at him for real now. Really face him. The moon illuminates his face only on one side but his eyes are bright. 
“What do you mean?” I roll my eyes at him. 
“You know she likes you. Everyone knows.” I don’t know if I should have given him that information. Did everyone know? I thought they did but maybe Conrad didn’t. Maybe he was an oblivious teenage boy with no sense of the obvious but something tells me he’s not. He’s more observant than he lets on. 
“What’s your story?” He asks, changing the subject. “Why’d you come with them?” 
“What did they say?” 
“Not much. 
If I have to guess, he was lying. I’m sure Laurel told Susannah plenty, probably about my parents and how Josh dumped me and that I was sad, miserable, and couldn’t possibly be alone all summer but maybe he was going easy on me. 
“In what regard are you asking?” He bumps his knee against mine. It’s bony and hard and I smile up at him shyly. 
“Anything. Why are you here?” He asks. I ponder this for a moment. What seems like such an easy question with an easy answer, suddenly isn’t so easy anymore. It was a lot of things, really. If I had been born into a different family or my mom wasn’t so selfish or maybe if my dad had loved me more, I wouldn’t be here. But that’s not the only reason I’m here. If Josh hadn’t dumped me or if we weren’t going to different schools or maybe if we had never fallen in love in the first place, I wouldn’t be here. If Laurel wasn’t such an amazing woman and Susannah so selfless and gracious, I wouldn’t be here. 
“I guess I just needed somewhere to reset, you know? Start over.” It’s vague and impersonal and Conrad doesn’t really seem to accept the answer but he shrugs anyway. 
“I guess I get that.” 
“Thanks for having me,” I say. I know it wasn’t his choice and maybe if it was he’d have said no to having a strange girl in his home but I say it anyway because I’m grateful. “I’m sorry I told you to shut up.” 
“I deserved it,” he laughs. I shrug and lay back in the sand. I don’t care if it gets in my hair or under my shirt because I’m already covered in it from Conrad tackling me. “I was being a hypocrite.” 
“Do you think she’ll agree to be a Deb? Laurel thinks it’s dumb, too, I think. Our family has never been filled with those kinds of girls. Nicoles.” We never had a lot of money. My mom married into it and we had a nice house and I never had to want for much but we never had this. We didn’t have a country club to join in the summer and an ocean in our backyard. 
“I don’t think it’s really like her. Do you?” I stare at the back of his hoodie. The up and down of his back as he breathes. He fumbles with the joint between his fingers. It went out in our race and he has yet to relight it. I wonder if he will. 
“She’s changing, you know? Belly’s growing up. She’s not a kid anymore.” This fact is true. I wonder if while I’m away at college she’ll grow even more. Grow and grow until a huge pine tree I no longer recognize. 
“I know. I’ve always seen her as a little sister but, she’s different this summer. I guess I have you to blame for that?” Conrad lays back down with me now but he looks up at the stars. He points up. “The Little Dipper.” 
I try to see it but I can’t. “Where?” He shoves his finger up again as if that will help me see it better and then he traces it around. Creating lines between the stars that build the constellation. “I see.” He drops his arm back down and folds his hands over his chest. “Do you like her? Belly?” I ask to cure my curiosity more than anything. After years and years of pining, did she even stand a chance? 
Conrad looks at me. His face is shadowed by the moon and sand and there are granules in his eyelashes that I want to brush away. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell.” 
I get that. I get that a little more than I want to but I don’t tell him that. Instead, I grab the joint from inside of his hoodie pocket and hold it like a cigarette. “Are you gonna relight this?” 
“Do you want me to?” I nod and Conrad props himself up by an elbow, leaning over my body. I run my fingers along the paper wrapping while Conrad pulls out his lighter. When he pulls it out, I hold the joint to my lips. He flicks the lighter, slowly inching it toward the end of the joint. It goes out and he flicks it again but it doesn’t light. He struggles a few more times until it lights again. 
I take a hit when it’s lit and hold the smoke in my chest, letting it burn until I can’t anymore and then I let the smoke go, handing the joint over to him. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t become a stoner,” he teases. I hear the laughter in his voice and roll my eyes at him. I didn’t think I have an addictive personality but I can admit to the fact that my entire body aches whenever Josh isn't around and for the first few weeks after our break-up, I felt like I was going through withdrawals. The aches, the mood swings, the irritability. Eventually, it wore off but sometimes I still think I smell him in the wind and see his face in passing by cars. 
I come downstairs to the smell of muffins. Fresh, warm, blueberry muffins. I peek my head into the kitchen and see the lot of them all gathered around the kitchen island. “Yn, come in here!” Belly calls, grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the group. “Conrad went and got muffins this morning.” Just like Susannah said he would. He smiles shyly at me from across the counter and I reach forward to grab one. 
Everyone watches me intently as if I’m a zoo animal on display and they’re all waiting for my party trick. Jeremiah wiggles his eyebrows, Belly has a smile as wide as her face, and the moms stare at me with amusement. I eat the muffin. “It’s good,” I say and watch all their faces fall in disappointment. “Did you guys want a firework show?” 
“Not all they’re cracked up to be, huh?” Conrad asks. He eats his own muffin, clearly enjoying it but maybe he gets it, too. A muffin is not going to change the world. A muffin is not going to make the pain go away. 
“Oh, come on,” Belly groans and grabs my wrist and drags me through the house and up the stairs. We plop down in her room and I see all the clothes spread out on her floor. It looks like a tornado ran through the place. 
“What happened here?” I ask, looking over at her. She has her eyes closed and her arms folded behind her head. She peeks an eye open at me and shrugs. 
“I needed to find an outfit to wear.” 
“For?” There are jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, and bras. All of it is just thrown on the floor and forgotten about. What could she possibly have been getting ready for? 
“Remember last night when I kind of ditched you?” I did. After she ranted about Conrad for two entire cups of beer, she said she needed a minute. I let her go and found Steven. All of his attention was on a girl. A really pretty girl with an accent that made her sound years more sophisticated and she was certainly out of Steven’s league. Her name was Shayla, I learned. She was a Deb. She had rich parents. She planned to get a dress from New York. She went on and on and I was intrigued. When she spoke, it was impossible to not want to listen. 
It was hours before I saw Belly again. She didn’t turn up until we were leaving but I didn’t see much of her. She was talking to one of the boys inside of the Jeep and she looked like she was arguing but then she stormed off and I didn’t see her again until this morning. Some cousin I was. She could have been kidnapped but at the moment, I was so drunk I don’t think it mattered. 
“Well, I met a boy. He brought me home last night. His name is Cam,” she explains. 
“A boy?“ She nods. 
“That’s why I didn’t come home with the guys. He took me home and asked me to go on his whale-watching boat this morning. I was looking for the perfect outfit.” How did I not know this? My cousin, Isobel Conklin, the careful, the perfect, the reserved: met a boy and was going to go whale watching with him. 
“Whale watching?” I laugh, ignoring the rest of the story for now. I didn’t even ask the boys where she was when I got in the Jeep. Conrad and I sunk in the backseats like little children, being scolded by Jeremiah for getting so drunk. I honestly don’t remember much except his knees brushing against mine and the small overhead light illuminating all of our faces. 
“Yeah, he’s going to school for marine biology. He’s really nice and cute,” she says, brightening up as she talks about him. Then she sinks down and says, “I just wanted to look good.” 
“Isobel Conklin has three boys on her arm this summer?” I get up and start flinging her used and abused clothes onto the bed. I remember my first date with Josh. I was filled with butterflies from the base of my throat, eating my words, down to my stomach. I wanted to find the perfect outfit too. Something he would remember me by. I think I ended up wearing a bright yellow dress but he took me bowling so he probably got peeks up it as I tossed the ball down the alley. 
“Not three,” she clarifies but I give her a look. “Okay fine, but Cam is the only one I actually think I have a shot with.” 
I shrug, not caring to explain further. I don’t know what to say and I want to keep last night with Conrad in a little folded piece of paper that was kept safe in my back pocket. I don’t ever want it to see the light of day. 
“What about you? Any guys?” She asks me finally. I shake my head. “You gotta get over him,” she says. Josh. Him means Josh and over means forgetting and forgetting means not to love and how can I not love him? 
“It’s not that easy, you know,” I tell her. Belly has never had her heart broken. Not for real, anyway. Not where it mattered. “What if he was the one?”
“He wasn’t.” I stare at her. She’s right and I know she’s right but I don’t believe her because why else would he look like that when the light hits his face and why else would he make me feel like my entire life is falling apart now that he’s not in it. I don’t know what to say. 
“Maybe so,” I decide on. “Maybe so.”
taglist: @marajillana
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Can’t wake up
It felt like you were floating. You were so sleepy, and you felt like you were floating. The white noise in your ears, was it the sound of waves lapping at the ocean shore? Because that would explain why you felt like you were floating. It was so peaceful and calm, being weightless and relaxed in your own personal sea of tranquility. You drew in a deep breath and sighed, allowing your worries and anxieties to wash away with the constant lapping of the tide.
Somewhere, on the shore maybe? You could hear a voice. Deep and clipped, a rumbling staccato buzz in the back of your head. Whoever he was was calling your name. The sound of the waves, the lull of the ocean - the pull was too great, and you couldn’t hear what he was saying. Just that his voice was strong and masculine.
The gentle tug of the waves was washing you out deeper into the ocean, but you didn’t fight it. You allowed yourself to float, buoyed by the water, eyes closed and relaxed.
“Come back to me!” The words cut clear through the static of the water, and you felt yourself jolt from floating to just laying. Had this man grabbed you? Was he trying to pull you back to shore? Were you in danger? From him? From the sea? The waves wrenched you from his hands, and again, you were floating. You considered listening for his words again, but the gentle rocking motion of the water lulled you back into relaxation and you could feel yourself drifting away from shore again.
“We’re losing her!” The man’s voice was starting to sound panicked, and again, you jolted into awareness, just for a moment. A shot of pain ripped through you as you felt him drawing you back to the shore. The waves dragged you back and you felt yourself flail and start to sink, just for a moment.
“We’re losing her!” Steve tore your tac suit open, baring your chest, and started chest compressions. “Get the medkit for me! I need the shears!” 
Tony shoved the back toward him, and Natasha pulled it open, grabbing the shears from the top and handing them over quickly. While Steve sliced through your sports bra, Nat readied the defibrillator. Steve held a hand up to stop her from placing the pads, and continued the chest compressions and rescue breathing. 
The floating sensation left you, and you felt yourself being dragged down by the undertow. You tried to paddle against the straining waves, but couldn’t so much as move your arms. You vaguely remembered your surf instructor telling you to swim with the current toward the edge of the riptide, and tried to manoeuvre yourself to where you thought the waves might be gentler, but you couldn’t.  You broke through the waves, gasping, and finally fought against the drag until you were out of the rip and floating again. You rolled back onto your back, closed your eyes against the sun and floated.
You’d drawn in a deep ragged breath, and then fallen back unresponsive. 
“Tony?” Steve asked. Tony dropped his visor and starred at you. 
“She’s got a heart rate. It’s slow. BP is low. Oxygen sats are crap. We need to get out of here and get her back to the compound. Nat, get us up in the air,” he ordered. Steve pulled the oxygen tank off the wall of the quinjet and attached a mask before attaching it to your face. 
“I can’t find anything wrong with her, Tony,” Steve sighed, throwing a blanket across your naked form. “I don’t suppose that suit has a CT in it?”
“No such luck, Cap,” Tony shook his head. “We’ll get her in the cradle, she’ll be fixed up just fine.”
Steve entwined his fingers in yours and leaned against the bulkhead of the quinjet. “I hope so.” XxX
You washed up on shore with the changing of the tides, and felt your skin prickle against the sun. Fighting the exhaustion you felt from your swim against the riptide, you sighed and stretched out on the sand. You yawned and opened your eyes as you rolled onto your side, and saw a beautiful woman sitting on a rock observing you. She was stark naked, but had drawn her legs up against her chest. The sun refracted off her skin, which was gleaming ultramarine, complementing the regal blue of her ultramarine hair.
“I didn’t think mermaids had legs?” You asked. The pitch of her laugh felt unnatural.
“You tell me, I’m only here because you summoned me,” she replied. You propped yourself up on an elbow and looked at her, and then around the beach. 
“Am I dead?” You asked.
“What’s wrong with me then? Why am I here?” You asked.
“Your brain is protecting you.”
“From what?” You demanded.
“From feeling the pain.” She was nearly expressionless as you spoke, and refused to offer more information.
“What pain?” You were getting frustrated.
“Intercranial hemorrhage.” Her voice was soothing at least. “Now rest. Or you’ll never wake. Stop fighting and rest.”
“If this is a dream, I won’t get a sunburn?”
She laughed again. “No. You’re quite safe from that.” She rose and stepped back to the water’s edge. “Rest.” She dove into the shallows and when she resurfaced, you saw her tail breach and slap the water in acknowledgement.
You took her advice and laid back down, closing your eyes against the sun, and allowing your body to rest.
Steve sat beside the cradle, partially stripped out of his suit, just watching you. Nat came over with a glass of water and nudged him.
“Go have a shower, get some food,” she recommended. Steve shook his head.
“What if she wakes up?”
“I’ll be here. She’ll know I love her more,” Natasha teased. Steve scowled. “Steve, you won’t do her any good stinky and hangry. Go get washed up. There’s a chicken rice bowl in the kitchen with your name on it. I’ve got this.”
Steve sighed and pushed himself to his feet, leaving the quiet of the infirmary. Natasha looked down on you and flopped in the seat Steve had vacated.
“As much as I want you to wake up, you should probably save it for when he gets back,” she said to you. “But don’t even think about dying on us.”
“I want you to wake up.” The feminine voice broke through the wash of the waves, and seabird song. You groaned and opened one eye, thinking the mermaid had returned. There was no one around. You sat up, and took in your surroundings again. The island was beautiful, from what you could see. And your subconscious was ensuring all your needs were met. A small, but sheer rock face a short way down the beach was home to a waterfall that you could only assume was fresh water. There were coconut trees at the edge of the beach, and a few short bushes that looked to be pineapples. You could be quite happy here, you thought. “Baby, you’ve got to come back to me.” The same male voice from before echoed in your head. It was so loud this time that it made you dizzy, and you stumbled toward the shade. You might not get sunburn, but your brain felt scrambled from the heat. XxX
“Baby, you’ve got to come back to me,” Steve kissed your knuckles. “It’s been three days. Doctor Cho says all your scans have returned to normal. You’re okay. Wake up. Please.”
“Please.” It was a single word, but it held more passion and pain than you could ever remember hearing. You looked around the beach. The voices came in waves every so often, but usually quiet, just breaking through the gentle but persistent noise of the ocean waves lapping against the shore. If only you knew where the voices were coming from. 
Since you’d washed up on the island, you’d searched the entire thing, looking for the ghost voices. They all seemed familiar, but you couldn’t place them. You flopped down against the soft branches you’d turned into a makeshift mattress and allowed your mind to wander, trying to place the male voice you kept hearing as you watched the clouds drift across the sky.
“Any change?” Tony leaned into the infirmary, holding a bag of dried fruit. Steve looked haggard. Tony couldn’t guess when the man had last slept, but he looked like he might not have shaved in at least a week. Natasha had stopped nagging Steve about hygiene when he’d told her to fuck off earlier in the week. 
“Nothing.” Steve’s voice was devoid of emotion.
According to Dr. Cho, there was nothing wrong with you, but the vegetative state was persistent. Steve was grieving you, despite your textbook vital signs. He hung his head in his hands and his shoulders started to shake.
“Whoa there, Steve, Dr. Cho says she’s going to be fine. Let her brain rest. There must be more to it than the cradle can see. Tony rushed forward, not even thinking, and rubbed his hand on Steve’s back. Steve leaned into his friend and wept.
“What if this is it? What if this is all I get? Just a few months with her and now she’s gone?” Steve asked, his voice overwrought with sorrow. Tony patted Steve’s back awkwardly.
“This isn’t it,” Tony promised. “You need some rest, and a shower. And maybe a shave, although I have to say the beard is fetching. I’ll sit with her. If you come back in less than six hours, I’ll smother her myself.”
Steve glared at Tony, but pushed to his feet. “You wouldn’t dare. I’m only going because I owe Nat an apology.”
The male voice was different, and his chatter was non-stop. You wanted to find him and tell him to stick a cork in it, but as usual, there was no one on the island but you. Yet another fruitless search for the voices that haunted your island made you realize how lonely you were.  Had you always been here? How had you gotten here? You remembered floating in the ocean, but where had you been before that? You sat down and struggled to remember. As you stared out at the water, you idly doodled in the sand with a small twig. The nattering man finally stopped speaking and you sighed in relief. You pushed yourself back on your feet and rose, looking down at the series of circles with the star in the centre. It had to mean something, it was the only thing you ever seemed to draw when you were thinking about things.
“Tony says the beard looks good. I never would have worn a beard before, but I kind of like it. It’s not fancy like his either. It’s just a beard.” Steve smoothed down the hair on his face and took a sip from his coffee. He picked up your hand and placed it against the hairs on his cheek, smoothing your hand down the scruff. Your fingers reflexively curled into the hair and you let out a soft sigh.
Steve leaned forward, “Come back to me. Please.”
“Please.” The anguish in the voice tore through your heart and you sat up. Had it never been nighttime since you got here?
“Please.” Your ears started to ring and your vision blurred. The ocean was placid, calm. It had never been so calm.
“Please, baby.” Memories rushed through you and you looked around at the island, no longer beautiful and friendly, but instead looking depleted and dangerous.
@rampant-salamander @bolontiku @bkwrm523
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strangerays · 3 years
Nothing in Particular Update #3
About seven months and I finished the first draft at 93k!
I always imagined how it would feel to finish a first draft (I’ve been writing novels “seriously” since about 2017) and now that I’ve finally done it, I can say it’s a better feeling than I imagined! Telling my friends and family (and even my doctor, who was really quite excited about it) was an amazing amazing thing. I’m generally pretty nervous to tell people about my work, but I had a really positive reaction. Honestly all of it has me on a creative high (not sure I’m coming down from that any time soon lol).
I’m going back for my last year of school in two days, which means I’m not going to have as much time as I did to write all summer. This is okay, because I’m actually going to take an entire month off of writing! I’m really burnt out - don’t want to start editing a story that’s so near to me if I don’t feel ready. I’ll talk more about editing when the time comes!
In a lot of ways, I found that my life mimicked my art. I think for a lot of people, it tends to be the other way around, but this story did a lot to heal me.
Going to hop right into excerpts now! I’m not going to explain much this far into the story because I would like to try to publish this story (FAR in the future) so I apologize for that! Also, I stopped naming most of the chapters until I go back and edit because there are just SO MANY and I didn’t have the time to stop and think of cool names. Anyways... enjoy!!
(Here is the link to the original masterpost!)
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text: Rays of gold curled to the ground, primordial and shy as the fire reeds on the cusps of shallow pool around the bay outside of Mothouse combed them to fine sparkles. I remembered the way Lonan kneeled on the edges of this pool. He never dove in – just blinked slowly as he watched crabs and minnows chase each other in a swirl of sand. I could not resist the water. I’d made it a part of me. My hair was longer then; down to my elbows, fading from dark red to orange and white, soaked always. Lonan let me borrow his shirts when I forgot to bring my own. They hung from my waist, too big for me, and I was warm even as the breeze rocked us inside.
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text: The sky was never blue in Point Blink. At least, I couldn’t remember the last time the clouds hadn’t given way to a dark gray mist. Jude was here. I was out of place. I was floating – watching slender, underfed pines wave in the breeze behind houses on the water before they disappeared underneath furls of cloud. Bursts of warm light shone in windows on the bay, like hungry eyes watching for a storm. A group of kids our age chaffed on a rocky expanse, their heads popping over pockets of darkness when they laughed. Froths of cloud stretched across the sky, moving the ground with it. Long stretches of trees and islands far on the other side of our small pocket of ocean looked more like large freight ships. Lights glittered and beamed on the roads and highways that belonged to the city. Pink was starting to show over the horizon. Lonan was on the other side. Somewhere.
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Jude sucked her lips in and flopped onto her stomach so she could see the blue below her feet. Her dark curls draped over her ears and hid her nose.
“I can’t see the bottom of the ocean.” She cupped her fingers with the other hand. “See where the water fades to white and back again? The endless tide. Why do people say the ocean is blue?”
I leaned forward. She was right. Blue ocean climbed up the side of the cliffs and turned the rocks a dark gray; ate the erosion as if from a plate. I’d never had the ocean explained to me that way before.
“I think I like it that way,” I said.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what was at the bottom of Point Blink.
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She smiled weakly. “It’s okay. This is just guesswork. Patchwork.”
I wanted to apologize again, but I had a strong guess that it might make her annoyed with me. “It’s kind of like… I’m just waiting for the next bad thing to happen.”
She wrinkled her nose and eyebrows, scrunched up her little face. “That’s dumb.”
“I think it’s a smart way to live.” Sometimes it felt like worry was the only thing that kept me alive. It wasn’t dumb at all.
“You’re going to be fine though. We’re going to be fine. If something bad happens, we’ll deal with it. Don’t let it eat you.”
There was wisdom in what this seventeen-year-old girl on my bed had offered me. I caught it like a gold coin. Before I could reply with anything, she launched into another question. I didn’t want to think much about change anyways.
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“Oh. Wow. That’s like, next year.” I sort of laughed.
“A year can be a long time,” Lonan said with a wince. “What do you think?”          
I sighed through my nose and leaned back with him. The sun was going down. Sometimes, my life felt less like a golden hourglass and more like a stopwatch with a broken face.
“For once, I think I agree with your mom.”
Lonan just stared at me, with something like awe.
“I think you should do what you want,” I said.
 “Ray,” Lonan started.
“No,” I interrupted him. “It’s not about me. She’s stopped you from doing anything and everything you’ve wanted to for the last four years, so when you go to college, you’ve got to separate yourself from this place.” I pointed to him. “You’re allowed to do this.”
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Maybe I was just being strange. Lonan was my best friend. It didn’t help that there was a little bit of him in everything – the tide pools, the echo of shells, my broken camera.
Soon, we stood in the center of the field. A breeze whispered through the cattails, fanning against our knees. Ellis loped behind me as I stepped in and out of tire tracks under the cloudless sun. She wasn’t much different than Jude. Her footsteps crunched excitedly behind mine, excited at the prospect of an unprecedented adventure. I’d missed those.
Lonan said he didn’t like to walk in fields because the wind tricked him into thinking that someone was behind him. Every brisk of his heel was a trick of the mind. Sometimes I felt the same way, like I might be haunted.
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The ageless water begged me closer, frizzed my hair and swathed my arms in a sweet, familiar scent. I remembered galloping down to the shore with a childhood friend in one May. Soft piano accompanied croaky lyrics from someone’s radio when we fell chest-first into the water. Static erupted in my head. There had been nothing new for me in Point Blink for so long that I’d forgotten what it was like to float. Grass turned into pebbles, and I heard Ellis’ footsteps soften to the beat of the sand. Our eyes crumbled the shells that walled the long expanse of dark sand where waves rolled in. We leaned over like two swans, crunching shells beneath our feet, displaying shells to one another, naming the ones we recognized, and when I looked out at the horizon, I saw blue.
Red plastic cups, cigarettes, and even some broken glass stuck out through the sand as we made our way further down the shoreline, as if someone had thrown a party. My brow furrowed. Maybe this part of the beach wasn’t so abandoned after all.
Between the spit of the waves and dry sand lay some sort of book. Sand trickled out of the pages and onto my shoes when I swept it out of line of an oncoming wave. Ellis was beside me in moments. Shells tolled under her shoes.
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*Warning for mention of blood (fake blood and fake knife!!) this takes place on Halloween haha*
Jude held the container in her palm, kneeled down so we were shoulder to shoulder. Her eyes fixed on the knife in my neck, mine on her hands, then her focused expression. Her fingers tipped my chin up, cold on my skin. I tried not to move. Suddenly, I wasn’t thinking about Dad, or Raven, or Lonan. I only let Jude in – this girl who had come out of nowhere and wrecked me, saved me. And she didn’t know any of that. I didn’t owe anything to her, but I needed her. She kept us afloat when I couldn’t even keep myself above water. Her fingers painted blood over the center of my throat, our breath quiet on each other’s cheeks. She held my shoulder as she set back.               
“Absolutely feral,” she said.
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“Point Blink is all I have. It’s where I am, what I am.” My throat was tight. “It’s all I’ve known. I am happy with my life. And I’m sorry, but I’m not willing to throw all of that away so we can dig up answers. I want to stay.”
 Jude sat there for a moment. I think Florian and Ellis had turned to look at us, because when we went silent, I could no longer heat their hushed whispers, only the sound of water as it rose and rose and rose. I wondered if it would rain.
Jude sat up on her hands, then her knees, then she stood over me.
“Is that what you honestly believe?”
Tears bubbled in her eyes. Blood streaked down her cheeks. I’d been so focused on not crying, I had missed when she started to.
“Point Blink is just the same as anywhere,” she said. The words sat somewhere above her inside her chest, weak and frail, as though they’d been realized a long time ago.
I’d stared into her eyes until they disappeared. She grabbed onto a branch above her and quietly swung herself around a corner. Her footsteps echoed until they dissolved into waves and birds and frogs and left me in the dark.
*Warning for strong language!*
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“Why didn’t you tell me how you’d been feeling?” he asked after a few moments of silence. It was beginning to stretch uncomfortably.
“I know I don’t deserve to know,” he added, “but you’ve always put me first.”
I picked at the wood that peeled from the fence.
“I just want you to be okay,” Lonan croaked. “Please tell me what to do.”
Even when we were together, we still worried about each other. It wasn’t always that way. Maybe that was my fault. I didn’t want to think about it.
 “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I mumbled into the crisp, red air. “To be fair, I didn’t know it like I know now for a long time. I think sometimes I got the same way as a kid. Now I have a name for it, and I still don’t know if it feels right.” I sighed. “I guess… I guess I just thought that was how things were supposed to be. I thought I was only the humming low and the high.”
“Of course that’s not how you’re fucking supposed to be.”
 I coughed on a laugh, wiped away a new set of tears. On the rare occasion that Lonan did swear, he sounded much like he was doing it for the first time.
I hadn’t fully realized what I’d said before Lonan’s hand was around my arm. He pulled me close to his chest. I felt smaller than him; warm and safe. I exhaled and sunk into him, didn’t allow anything else in. I’d almost forgotten what that felt like.
“You’re funny and smart and better than a lot of people.”
And... that wraps up all of my excerpts for the time being! I really enjoyed writing the last four chapters of this book. Of course they aren’t perfect. A lot of the book needs improvement. There are entire characters who are flat and plot lines I just forgot about! Come October, I plan to get back into my edits/rewrite the story.
Really quick before I finish writing this:
I just wanted to thank everyone who read about my story and showed genuine interest in the characters. Had I not received all of this love from people in real life and online, I might never have finished this draft at all. When I started this story, my mental health was really quite bad. (I’m doing a whole lot better these days!!) I guess you could say the idea started as more of a journal entry. All of these characters are like little parts of me coming together to help the main character, and I think there’s something really special about that.
Thank you so much! Good luck on all your creative endeavors! It pays off in the end, I promise :)
tag list (ask to be +/-); @wannabeauthorzofija @a-completely-normal-writer @baguettethebooklover @corkytheguar​ @writeherewaiting @cryptid-s-wips @kingsinking @author-a-holmes
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (pt 13)
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(gif by me! I use the iphone app momento)
tw: language, angst, mentions of drug use (relapse), mentions of miscarriage
word count: 7.3k (im sorry)
series masterlist
Spencer got up from the cold tile floor, fuzzy unicorn in hand, and faced the window above the kitchen sink. He stared out of it, admiring the snow that was still falling lightly, wondering if it was raining in Seattle. His memory flashed to the last time he stood in the rain with you, but he tried to shake the images away. Instead he watched the snowflakes hit his windowpanes and melt. He hoped that maybe you were somewhere staring out of a window, admiring the dreary weather, and thinking of him too. 
He found his place against the dishwasher again, sliding down as his mismatched socks gave way so he could stretch his long legs out fully. He pulled the nearly empty box onto his lap and appreciated the light weight of it, as he continued with his twelfth letter and thirteenth item. Thirteen, a number whose history of unluckiness stems all the way back to the thirteen attendees of the Last Supper, and tracks through the number of steps leading up to the gallows, all the way to the number of letters in the names of some of the most infamous criminals. 
Thirteen was a haunted number, which rightly accompanied a haunting letter. 
“This one’s long. It’s a month of tarnished memories packed into a few pieces of paper. So far I’ve gone through half of a college-ruled one subject notebook and I’ve had to change pens twice. It’s nearing 2:30, and the wine is finally hitting my empty stomach. Sorry in advance for the way my handwriting will be. I’ll try to make this make as much sense as I can. 
If you look at your thirteenth item it is the notepad I stole from that resort in Florida. There isn’t much around to signify this letter. You don’t keep mementos from one of the saddest days of your life, but for some reason I took this useless paper and shoved it in my purse on my way out. Good thing I did, or you’d have no item to attach to these memories. Though I suppose that might be better. 
The resort was where we were going to be at for our ‘babymoon,’ whatever that is. What a dumb idea, I’m still mad at myself for letting Garcia talk us into one. She just made it sound so appealing. 
Once everyone knew I was pregnant, Hotch pretty much sat me in Quantico with Penelope. There were a few local cases where I was lucky enough to go visit the ME’s office, but usually I kicked my feet up in her lair while you were out in the field. 
“A what?” I said one day as she ran DNA through CODIS. The two of us were drinking herbal tea, and I was barely 16 weeks. I just looked like I had a big lunch in my stomach, not a baby the size of an avocado. 
“A babymoon. It’s like a honeymoon, but you go when you’re pregnant. It’s one last trip for mommy and daddy to go on and spend quality time together. How many trips have you and Dad-Wonder even been on?”
I shrugged. We didn’t travel much for pleasure. We traveled for work, so on our rare days off we liked to be at home. 
“I mean we’ve gone to Vegas and Connecticut a few times.”
She rolled her eyes, “Visiting family, my dear, is not a vacation! I was thinking you two would go to the beach. You guys relax and wade in the ocean and Spencer can build sandcastles that defy every law of physics!”
I laughed at that. You and the beach? It just didn’t feel natural to me. Probably because you aren’t capable of actually relaxing.  
“That does sound fun,” I said and I spoke to my barely there stomach, “And it would make daddy take a few days off.”
Penelope squealed and started clicking at her computer, “I’ll find a resort online right now! Okay so how about Marco Island? It’s gorgeous and in Florida, so it’ll be like eighty and sunny, even in the beginning of December.”
“I’ll have to talk to Spence about it. I mean I know it would be fun and all but we really should be saving money for a crib, and car seat, and bassinet, and high chair, and a rocking chair, and a baby swing, and a—“
Garcia stopped me from spiraling out of control, “That is why you throw a huge baby shower! People buy those things for you.”
I rubbed my tummy again, “Oh no, Daddy is very particular about what things are bought.”
“That’s why you have a registry, Momma Bear. Now, no more excuses.”
Before I could even call you, she had put in both of our requests for days off and we had a week long reservation at this fancy resort that you see listed at the top of this notepad, the “Crystal Cove”.  
I was only slightly mortified that she did all this without me asking you. Mostly, I was happy. I was afraid you wouldn’t say yes, but if PG already booked it, you kind of had to agree. And to my surprise, you did. 
When you got back from that case we were at home, you eating something I had poorly made from a random cookbook on a shelf. I had decided to start cooking more, so I could make homemade meals. I wanted to be that mom who cuts sandwiches into flower shapes and always has fresh baked bread and cookies laying around. I wanted us to be those parents; the ones who are so sickeningly in love that their kids roll their eyes every time they kiss. We were those parents, kind of, if we could even be considered ‘parents.’ At that point, I don’t think we were. But we were definitely in tooth-rotting, sickeningly sweet love. 
“So, I have a surprise for you,” I said, coming up behind you and rustling your hair. 
“Hm?” You said, stuffing your face like you hadn’t eaten in days. You probably hadn’t. You’re the king of forgetting to eat. Maybe that’s how you stay so skinny. 
“I booked a trip, well I guess technically Garcia did.”
“A trip?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, a trip, to the beach. Penelope called it a ‘babymoon.’”
You laughed, “A babymoon? I’m not familiar."
I smiled and sat across from you, “It’s like a honeymoon, except it's just me and you relaxing and spending quality time together before this lil dude makes his appearance.”
You smiled, “I’m telling you, it’s a girl.”
I rolled my eyes, “It’s definitely a boy, but stop ignoring my offer.”
“Well, it’s not really an offer so much as it is you telling me that we’re doing this.”
“Okay, yes Garcia helped me book it already, and yes she put in our requests for days off, but you can say no.”
You did your little nose twitch scrunch thing, “I’d never say no to quality time with you, Love.”
You leaned over and kissed me, and I squealed, “I’m so excited! I have to buy maternity bathing suits now! Oh and a sunhat!””
Spencer smiled fondly, recounting that day. He was thrilled to go, minus the part where he’d have to wear shorts, and flip flops. Something about the piece that goes between your toes makes him squeamish. He was looking for the right opportunity to use something special he had bought for you, and you had just given him it. A week on a beautiful beach with the love of his life? That would be the perfect time to ask you what he had been waiting to ask you since JJ’s wedding. He was going to take Hotch’s advice; stop waiting, start doing, and get down on one knee with a blue velvet box. 
He never got the chance to. The trip was supposed to be in the beginning of December, around your week twenty-four. You never got that far. 
He got up from the ground, immediately digging around in a drawer full of pencils and compasses and rulers, finding the blue box in a corner. It was covered in pencil shavings and dust. He hadn’t looked at it in months. He held it delicately in his hands before opening it. 
It was plain, but he remembered you said that was what you wanted. 
“Oval, of course and silver,” You had explained to Penelope and JJ at a night out years ago. Derek and Spencer sat on the opposite side of the table, but his ears perked up at the mention of rings. 
“I like just the band,” JJ said, admiring her own ring, “And I have Henry’s birthstone, the citrine, so I didn’t need another one.”
“What kind of stone Y/N? I’d love a pink diamond! Or a ruby! Imagine!” Penelope gushed. 
You shook your head, “I’d take cubic zirconia, if it was coming from the right guy.”
Both Penelope and JJ stuck their tongues out, “Nuh-uh!” Garcia said, grabbing her phone to scroll through more pinterest photos. 
“Spence will be getting you a diamond.”
You rolled your eyes and whispered, “Don’t jinx it JJ! And I don’t want a diamond.”
Her mouth dropped, “No diamond? Really.”
“Diamonds aren’t ethically sourced.”
“Lab grown! Get lab grown!” PG piped it, showing you a picture of a ring, just an oval in a plain silver setting. 
“That! That’s the one!” You said and Garcia giggled, going on a rant about her dream wedding. 
Spencer had gotten that exact ring. Lab grown, oval, classic, beautiful. It was what you wanted, and you deserved everything you ever wanted. 
Spencer looked at the notepad. He could tell you had a hard time picking an item for this letter. He knows this letter is the end, the other two are the epilogue of  a story he wishes you kept writing. Crystal Cove is the place where he had planned on asking you to marry him, but it ended up being the place where your love story ended. He tossed the notebook to the side and decided that the souvenir for this letter was now going to be this ring. This ring that sparkled and shined, even in the dull incandescent lights of his kitchen. This ring that belonged on your finger, and not in the back of a drawer. This ring that you didn’t even know existed, but if you had, maybe you’d still be together. 
“I did buy three maternity bathing suits, and you bought shorts. Spencer Reid in shorts. It was going to be the best trip ever. We were going to snorkel and look at sea turtles and sunbathe and drink virgin piña coladas by the ocean. We were going to get couples massages and spend every moment loving and appreciating each other.
The actual trip? Much different than the one we had planned on paper, but let’s first discuss that time between the hospital and the trip. 
It was four weeks. Four weeks of me sitting at home while you were off at work. Four weeks of the door opening and Derek walking through, not you. And on the odd chance that it was you opening the door, you’d be appearing at odd hours of the night to grab a new suit or a file or a snack and then getting back in your shitty car and going to your apartment. Each time I heard that comforting sound of your satchel hitting the floor, I’d crawl out of the cave of blankets I was in to find you, and you’d act like I wasn’t even there. 
For the first few days, you asked me how I was and if I was feeling better, then you’d check your phone and wave goodbye. After that, I was lucky if you’d say hello, then I was lucky if I even got a glimpse of you. You never held me. You never kissed me. You never told me you loved me.
I got all my information about you from Derek. Every day I texted you, “Have a good day at work! Talk soon?” And everyday you didn’t answer, so I’d ask Derek if you were okay. He’d always tell me what you were doing. Usually you would take a stack of files of cases to a dark room and make preliminary profiles to send back to the departments, alone. I’d tell him thank you, and the next day would be the same nonsense. 
Those four weeks dragged. It was like every minute was an hour and everyday was a year. I was healing, even without you, everyday I felt better and better. But that’s relative to the day before. I haven’t felt ‘good’ yet. I haven’t felt ‘happiness’ yet. But I will. And I’m counting on that. 
My mandatory leave was four weeks, and at the end of that Hotch called me in for a ‘mandatory psychological evaluation.’ I didn’t tell you about it because you weren’t speaking to me, and even when you did you were angry and snappy and rude.  
I didn’t pass the evaluation. Even though the BAU wrote those damn questions, I still didn’t pass. When my four weeks were up, you were expecting me at work, and I never showed. You didn’t notice how not okay I was because you were too busy handling your own feelings, which I understand. You have to take care of yourself first, deal with your own trauma before touching anyone else’s. So, your trauma was none of my business, a concept you should've applied to my healing process. 
I was supposed to come back on a Monday and when I didn’t show you came to the house. You opened the door and yelled my name. It was a sound I hadn’t heard in weeks, and it felt good. I thought you had finally come home. I thought you were finally ready to heal with me, but you weren’t. You were there to judge me.
I think I ran to where you were, a smile on my face that I didn’t think I was capable of making, “Hey!”
You looked so put together in a neatly pressed suit, but your eyes exposed you. They were bloodshot and the bags were so large they almost reached the end of your nose. I had on one of your shirts; it was comforting at the time. Not so much anymore.  
You looked me up and down, a small scowl forming on your face, “Where were you today?”
I took a deep breath, and I lied, because lying to you felt easier than telling you the truth. The truth that I was not deemed stable enough to come back, even though I wanted to. I needed to be distracted. I was ashamed, scared, confused. 
“I-I didn’t go.”
“Didn’t go? You’ll get fired Y/N.”
I sighed, “No, my leave got extended.”
I could feel the way your eyes bore into my skull as I dodged eye contact. 
“Extended?! It’s been four weeks.”
“I’m not ready!” I desperately wanted you to see through it. I thought I was ready, but the papers disagreed.
“Hotch let you do that?” Your voice was increasing and I found myself inching away from you.
“He encouraged it!” Another lie. He didn’t ‘encourage’ it. He forced me.
You rolled your eyes, grabbing your bag and opening the door again.
“You’re leaving? Spencer c’mon I-”
You cut me off by slamming that door in my face. 
That’s when I started closing myself off. I started dreading the sound of your feet against the floor at three am. I started to put my own walls up, but they would dull in comparison to the Great Wall of Spencer you built around yourself to keep me out.”
Spencer was always good at putting walls up. In fact, you were the only person to ever get him to take (almost) all of them down. There’s a side of him he doesn’t show anyone, a side of him that he reserves for himself, and when something happens, that’s where he goes. He goes to the corner of his brain where he feels safe, and the walls come up to protect him.
And in those last four weeks, he did just that. He put the walls up, shut you out, and decided that was better. Except it wasn’t better, it just was easier. It was easier for him to bypass you and find a new outfit for work tomorrow. It was easier for him to disappear in the office until the odd hours of the morning. It was easier for him to hide away from you, because when he’s exposed he always gets hurt. It was easier to act like everything was fine, even though everything was the opposite of fine. 
He never needed to go to the house, part of him was drawn there like a moth to a lantern. He was drawn to you. As much as he didn’t want to see those four walls, he still needed to check on you. He just did it in his own damaged way. He’d get a glimpse of you in old sweats and a shirt with a hole in it, hair a mess and mascara from two weeks ago adding to your eye bags and he’d be reminded that he couldn’t be there for you. He would never be enough, and he’d retreat into the comfort of solitude. 
He was so preoccupied with being hurt, that he didn’t realize just how much he hurt you too. 
“I had forgotten about the stupid trip, and so had you. You were too preoccupied with work and not speaking to me and I was preoccupied with crying and trying to speak to you. I only remembered the trip when I got an email from the airline about the flight, they had to move our seats or something stupid. I decided that was a reason for you to actually need to speak to me like I was a person, so I took advantage of it. 
I intercepted you at home one day. I had been sitting in the kitchen waiting for you. You came home at two am. 
“Hey,” I said, immediately as you walked through the door. You looked surprised that I was up. 
“Hi, I’m just gonna—“
“Spencer, stop. We have to talk.”
You crossed your arms, not leaving the threshold of the door, “No. I told you a million times Y/N, I don’t want to talk.”
“Not about...” I couldn’t find the words and you started up the stairs. 
“Are we going on this damn trip or not?” I said, my voice cracking from lack of use. 
You stopped, looking over the banister at me, “You didn’t cancel it?”
“I didn’t think of it until now. We’re supposed to leave in two days.”
You groaned, “Why didn’t you cancel it?”
I threw my hands up. As if all of this was my responsibility? 
 “I was preoccupied! Did you cancel your days off?”
You shook your head, rubbing your face, “No, God. Can we still get a refund?”
I was hurt that you didn’t want to go, but not surprised. As I stared at the front door from my spot at the kitchen table I decided that I was going to go no matter what. It was going to be refreshing to look at the ocean instead of an empty nursery. That would be my distraction.
 “I-I’m going. I’ll pay for your half, but I’m going. I’m losing my mind here, Spence.”
You looked at me again, still contemplating your options. 
“I get it, okay? You can’t be in this house, but neither can I. Maybe we can talk and stuff on neutral ground. I-I just want you there with me, the way it was supposed to be.”
Then you took me by surprise, you nodded, “Yeah, yeah we’ll go.”
I’m sure I lit up like Rockefeller Center at Christmas, “Really?”
You rubbed your eyes, “Yeah, we can go Y/N.”
I was feeling lucky, so I pushed it, too hard, “Are you staying tonight?”
Your voice went from sleepy to sour, “No.”
And you vanished up the stairs, taking all my hope in us with you. 
I knew deep down it wouldn’t end well. I knew it was going to be fighting and yelling and arguing, but any time with you was good time with you at that point. And I favored the little bit of serotonin and dopamine you flood my brain with as opposed to staring at the gray walls of the kitchen alone.”
Spencer only agreed to go because he thought he was getting there. Everyday he felt a little better when he’d walk through the door, but he still wasn’t ready. He thought a week of no work and no one to talk to except you would bring the walls down. This would finally be the catalyst in a reaction that was taking far too long to complete. He also couldn’t stand the thought of you flying and spending a week alone. He felt better about you being alone here because you weren’t really alone. You had Derek visiting, Garcia dropping off baskets, phone calls from Emily, the odd visit from Rossi, and apparently phone calls to Hotch, but on that island you’d really be alone, and he was worried about how you’d handle it. 
“So two days later we got on a three hour flight to Miami, and I drove our rental car to this resort. We didn’t talk much the whole time, besides some small talk about the flight and other odd comments. It was painfully awkward, and I regretted even coming. 
We didn’t speak until I used the keycard to open the door, and we stared at the one king sized bed in the room.
“Oh,” was all you said when you realized you’d have to share with me.
“There’s only one bed.”
I rolled my eyes, “Spencer, we’ve shared a bed for three years.”
You just stood at the door with your hands fidgeting on the handle of the suitcase, “I’ll call down and ask for a cot to be brought up.”
“A cot? Are you serious?” I couldn’t believe you, “Why come if you wouldn’t even share a bed with me? I said I’d be fine alone.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but changed your mind. 
“Great communication skills Spence. Really, I’m impressed.” You rolled your eyes and finally started to unpack your bag, “I came because I was worried about what you’d do here all alone.”
Part of me was happy you were worried, but a bigger part was annoyed, “I’ve been handling being alone fine, thanks.”
You scoffed, “Yeah. That’s why you need Derek to bring you food everyday, because you’re doing so well.”
I bit my tongue and tried to speak calmly, “Well at least someone checks on me everyday.”
That shut you right up.
The three days you were there went as follows: we slept as far apart from each other as we could, despite how badly I wanted to cuddle into your arms. We’d get up in silence, eat breakfast in silence, walk to the beach and read in silence, eat lunch and dinner in silence, and each night we’d yell at each other until we fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed.
Remember what I said to trigger the fight on December third, your last day there? How could you forget? It’s the fight that broke us up. 
“So, I was thinking of going to a counselor,” I said, staring at the waves lap the sand from the balcony of our room. The air felt cold for eighty degrees. But maybe that was just because the air between me and you had been cold for weeks. 
You were sitting next to me, but I could tell you were worlds away. 
“Spence,” I nudged, trying to snap you out of your daydream. 
“Hm? What?”
“I said I’m going to go to a counselor.”
You twisted your face, “A counselor? What for?”
I shrugged, “I-I think it’d be good for me. It’s a grief counselor.”
You turned to look at me, your brow covered in sweat and your eyes watery. You were incessantly bouncing your left leg, rubbing at your nose, and you seemed disinterested in every single thing I was saying or doing. In fact, you’d been acting that way since the first day you disappeared to your apartment. 
“Counselor? Yeah,” You were fidgeting, barely making eye contact. 
A feeling I can only describe as pure dread formed in my stomach. I thought I might puke, but I swallowed the feeling and kept talking, “I got a recommendation from Hotch. He said he went to Dr. Stevens after Haley died. He said it really helped.”
You were still not listening. 
“I think it’d be good if we went together.”
That finally got your undivided attention. “Together?” You snapped, “No.”
“Why not?” I said it with an air of exhaustion and despair. I was tired of this. So fucking tired of it. 
“I’m not going to a damn therapist, Y/N,” You seethed, your metal deck chair scraping against the concrete as you stood in front of me. 
The sky looked stormy, palm trees whipping in the wind as you came before me. The bags under your eyes looked like bruises, and you had on sleeves. It was eighty and you had on sleeves.
“Okay, I’ll go alone then. I think he could really help us though.”
I was giving up on fighting. I didn’t understand how when I was at my absolute low you could just keep kicking me while I was down. All I wanted was for you to go to someone and talk about it. That’s it. You were acting like I’d asked you to move a mountain for me, which, might I add, at one point you would have done. 
“He? You really think a male therapist is going to help? You lost a baby, Y/N—“
“WE,” I clarified, for what felt like the fiftieth time, “We lost a baby.”
You rolled your eyes and ignored me, “You lost a baby. How does a male therapist help you through that?”
I was angry now. It was bubbling up to the top and I thought I might explode. 
“He’s a grief counselor! He’ll help me through my GRIEF! And I think you should go because clearly you have a lot going on. You always have! You should’ve been seeing someone for years.”
“Oh, I have a lot going on?” You sneered, “Of course I have a lot going on! I go to work everyday to bring you home a paycheck so you can sit around all day and do nothing.”
I stood up, got close to your face, “I’m on leave.”
“Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that.”
You bypassed me and went inside, and my hot anger turned into wet anger and fat tears were rolling down my cheeks.
“Do you know how traumatic this was on my body? Do you? Everything hurts and you were supposed to be there! You were supposed to take four weeks off too! You were supposed to be there for me!”
“Yeah and who’s there for me!” You yelled, louder than I think you ever had; at me at least. You had thrown your suitcase on the bed, haphazardly grabbing your clothes from the drawers and shoving them in. 
“I would’ve been,” I said softly, coming up behind you to grab your arm lightly, “If you had let me.”
You pulled back, “Don’t touch me!”
I reached up to wipe my eyes and crossed my arms in front of myself defensively, “I want to be there for you, Spencer. I do. Why won’t you let me?”
You didn’t answer, because even you didn’t know why. You just stood over the suitcase, one arm on either side of it, hair matted to your sweaty face, panting and panting. 
The facts I had chosen to ignore were staring me in the face again. Or maybe I was just that oblivious. 
“I’ve never seen you like this. This isn’t you, Love,” I tried to say in my most soothing voice. The dread had clawed its way back up to the back of my throat. 
“Or maybe this is me,” you said softly, and I swear you were crying. Or maybe I hoped you were, that way we were both sobbing. That’s as close to togetherness as we could get. 
“Maybe this is who I am now, or who I’ve been all along.”
I reached out for you again, but stopped myself, “No, Spencer. The real you isn’t this angry, and bitter, and mean.”
You slammed your hands against the bed, “Yes it is!”
“Is that what you’ve been doing all this time?” I said sadly, shaky breaths between words, “Is that what you’ve been going to your apartment and doing?”
You turned around, skin sweaty and eyes red, “What? What are you talking about now? God, do you ever stop talking?”
I snapped, ignoring your last jab there, “Are you using?”
Your face contorted into a sour expression, “Am I using?”
“Yeah, Spencer! Are you? Because I can’t see any other reason for why you’re so irritable and sweaty and out of it! So I’ll ask you again, are you going through withdrawal?”
You looked like I had literally punched you in the gut, and I kind of had. It was a low blow, I’ll admit it, but I was seriously worried about you. If an event would trigger you, this would’ve been it. 
“What? No!”
I wasn’t sure whether or not I should believe you, but I knew I had to support you either way. I love you, even when you’re angry at me, I still love you. Even when you throw clothes and seethe at me through gritted teeth, I still love you. That’s my fatal flaw. No matter how many reasons you give me to stop loving you, I never will.”
Spencer let out a shaky breath, lower lip pinched between his teeth. Was he really that terrible? He didn’t remember being so spiteful. Reading it back, he understood why you thought he was high, and he had thought about it more than he cared to admit. But he hadn’t touched the stuff in seven years, and he wasn’t about to start again now.
‘No matter how many reasons you give me to stop loving you, I never will.’ 
That line made him want to cry, hands clenching the ring box as if it were a stress ball. That line simultaneously felt like a stab in the gut and a breath of fresh air. He had given you so many reasons to walk away, and the one reason to stay was there in his palm, unused.
““It’s okay if you are. I understand this is a... hard time. I’ll support you through this,” I put my hands out to touch your chest. 
“I’m not high and haven’t been in years!” You swatted my hands down. 
“Then what the hell is going on!?” 
“I’m angry and I’m sad and I’m heartbroken!” You yelled, going back out onto the balcony to stand in the rain that had started pouring down in sheets. 
“Spencer! Stop!” I followed you out, tears mixing with rain to the point that I didn’t know which was which. 
“I’m just confused! It’s hard to see the point in all this anymore. Maybe it’s just not worth it,” You said, yelling at the ocean not at me. Rain soaked our clothes instantly. Part of me was hoping this scene would end like the ‘notebook’ we’d kiss and you’d spin me around. I guess this is kind of like the notebook, it’s a story to help you remember us. Except you don’t have Alzheimer’s and I wrote 15 letters, not 365. 
“Maybe what’s not worth it?” I was yelling too, just so you could hear me over the sound of the wind and the rain. 
“This!” You gestured between us. I felt like you knocked the air out of me, my whole body stinging. 
“But I love you!”
“All of this has made me realize that love isn’t everything! I love you too but we need more than that!”
That was the first time I’d heard you say ‘I love you’ in a month, but it was a double edged sword. I bit my lip so hard I think I started bleeding, “Love isn’t enough? Are you kidding me, Spencer?”
You swallowed thickly, “No! I’m not kidding. I’ve never been more serious!”
“So what? That’s it?” I said it quietly, but I wanted to scream at you. I wanted to scream that you were being an idiot. You were being ridiculous. You were being unnecessarily cruel. But I didn’t. I was tired and water logged. I had finally given up.
You ran your hands through your hair, “No–it’s–we we aren’t over Y/N. I’m just saying that it’s gonna take more than love to fix us.”
“Well maybe if you were ever home, we could actually try. But you aren’t. You’re always gone! So explain to me how we’re going to fix this. What’s it gonna take Spencer? What do you want from me?”
You took a deep breath, uttering words I was so sick of hearing, “We need space and time.”
“Space? Time? It’s been a month Spencer! I let you go to work. I let you spend every day at your damn apartment. I stopped calling. I stopped checking in. How much more space and time do you want?”
“Thirty-four days,” you mumbled, just so I could barely hear. The thunder rolled, mostly drowning it out. 
“What was that?” 
“It’s been THIRTY-FOUR days, Y/N. Thirty-four. I don’t know how you expect me to be okay after only thirty-four days.”
“I don’t expect you to be fine! I expect you to speak to me! To look at me! I want to go to bed crying and have you there next to me. I want to be there for you when you’re crying. The only way we get better is if we do this TOGETHER!”
The anger looked like it melted off of you, and I took that as my opportunity to approach. I threw my arms around your soaked body as you shook with sobs into my shoulder. I held you like my life depended on it, because in a way it did. You wrapped your arms around me too, and everything felt okay. We were standing in the pouring rain, holding each other as we cried, and somehow I felt more okay than I had in the thirty-four days prior. It felt like maybe you were coming back to me. 
You weren’t. 
We stood like that for what felt like hours, and eventually I pulled you inside. I wish I didn’t. I wish we stayed there, holding each other in the rain until the sun came up and dried us off. I foolishly thought the rain washed our sins away. 
“It’s going to be okay,” I said, my head on your shoulder as we wrapped ourselves in towels, “I promise.”
You shrugged me off of you, going back to packing your bag. 
“Spencer, stop packing, please,” I begged, grabbing the items you were putting in and taking them back out. 
“I don’t want to be here anymore,” you said plainly, taking a shirt and putting it back in. 
“I-I thought—“
“Thought what, Y/N? That because I cried to you and told you I loved you that we were magically okay?” 
I stammered, “No. No! But I thought it meant we were in this together now.” 
“You just accused me of relapsing an hour ago.”
“And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, but that’s not a reason you should go,” I pleaded, reaching for you again. I thought if you walked away I’d never see you again.
“You don’t trust me,” your voice cracked. 
“No, Love, I—“
“Don’t call me that.”
The pain in my chest bloomed, sending a wave of heartache through my entire body. A heartache I still haven’t been able to shake. It’s still there. Some days it's a thunder crack and sometimes it's a low grumble, but it’s always there. The rain hasn't stopped.  
I hadn’t even realized that you were completely packed until you zipped the suitcase shut. 
“You’re really leaving?” 
You stopped at the door, hand on the handle, to turn and face me. I didn’t need to use my profiling skills to see how much pain you were in, and my pain doubled at the sight. I’ve always been an empath when it comes to you, feeling what you feel like it’s my own. 
“I am.”
I crossed the room and threw my arms around you, sobbing into your chest. To my surprise, you wrapped your arms around me lightly. 
“I understand,” I said, looking into your eyes, “We can’t be there for each other the way we need to.”
You nodded into my shoulder, “Stay. When you get home from this we’ll talk. I just need a few more days.”
I shook my head, finally coming to the realization that we didn’t work anymore. We weren’t healthy anymore. 
“Don’t bother. The writing’s on the wall, Spence,” my voice wavered, and I regretted every word as they left my mouth, “I’ve been waiting for that person from the hospital to come home to me. I’ve been waiting for the Spencer who lends me his shirts and fact dumps and eats IHOP and ice cream with me to come home.”
I felt your breath stop under my arms, “But that Spencer, the Spencer I love, isn’t here anymore. We need to be alone.”
I felt you shake with tears under me, and that triggered mine, “We have to break up.”
I wish I never said it. I wish I gave you those few days, but we both know those few days would’ve turned into weeks and months and we would’ve ended up here anyway. I wish you didn’t let me say them. I wish you kissed me to shut me up and told me I was being stupid. I wish I didn’t watch you go down that elevator, tears on your cheeks. I wish I didn’t spend the other four days in an empty king sized bed, crying for you. 
I realize now that you changed. I did too. Instead of wishing for the old you, I should’ve learned to love the new you. I think I would’ve, if I had given it a chance. Actually, I know I would’ve. I think I’d fall in love with every version of you that could ever exist or has ever existed. You and I, we’re meant to be together. 
I know you probably don’t believe in it, but I like to think that we’re twin flames; we’re two halves of one soul that somehow ended up in two bodies and constantly pull to find each other again. I’ve read a lot about them recently. Twin flames don’t necessarily end up together. They can even just be two people with an intense friendship. They’re people who help each other grow, even if that means they’re only in your life for a short time. I like to think that we are that case, and that in some parallel universe I’m with you and we have our daughter and we’re happy. I just wish that I was in that universe now. 
I know it’s for the best that we went to the damn Crystal Cove and broke up. I’m sure someday in the future I’ll be pleased with that decision, but for now, I still regret it.”
Spencer stared at the notepad, eyes flicking between that in his left hand and the ring box in his right. He took the ring out and admired it in the light. It glinted and glimmered, delicately refracting light onto the cabinets. He slid it halfway down his ring finger because that’s as far as it would go. He imagined it was on your slender, perfectly manicured hand instead of his, but an ache formed where his heart was when he realized it’d never end up here. 
Spencer grabbed the notebook. It was unlined and the paper felt flimsy and thin. He got up from the floor to find a pencil in the drawer the ring had been hidden in, and took it out to scrawl his own letter to go with his own memento. A sixteenth letter for a sixteenth item you had no idea even existed. 
I’d like to consider this letter sixteen, to go with the engagement ring that’s in my palm. I bought this ring the day after we ate dinner at Rossi’s and showed everyone tiny FBI onesies. I have your perfect ring here in my hand, a plain silver band with a lab-grown diamond in a four-prong setting in the center, just like you told Garcia you wanted. I should’ve given it to you the day I bought it, but I waited until the perfect opportunity presented itself. 
What you didn’t know about the trip to the Crystal Cove was that I was going to propose to you there. I was going to get down on one knee in the sand at sunset after dinner. I even had a whole speech planned. I was going to tell you that I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you, or that anyone would ever love me the way that you do. I was going to say that it amazes me how everyday, I wake up and love you more than I did the night before. And everyday I think it’s be impossible to love you and our daughter more than I do right now. I wanted to tell you that I want to wake up every morning and feel that for the rest of my life. I want the good, the bad, the ugly, I want it all. I want Korean film festivals and IHOP breakfasts and to talk to the moon. I want tubs of ice cream and overly sentimental flowers hanging from the wall. Most of all I wanted to say that I want to spend every day of my life making you happy. 
That speech still applies today. I still love you enough to ask you, but I don’t think you love me enough to say yes. 
It’s okay. It really is. I haven’t decided what to do yet, but if you do read this, just know that it’s okay. I promise you, it’s okay. I’m not the bitter, angry man I was at the Crystal Cove anymore. I changed again, and I hope you’re right. I hope we are twin flames and your soul will come looking for mine, and I hope it happens in this universe, not the infinite parallels that may or may not exist. I miss you and I want nothing more than for you to come back. Come home, Love, please come home.
He stared at the notebook page, before tearing it off and folding it in half, placing it in his pocket for safekeeping. He went on his computer and bought the cheapest one-way ticket to Seattle that he could find. He needed to see you. He needed you to see this letter, see this ring. He needed to make this right.
The flight was a red eye, leaving at midnight, so he’d get to the Seattle field office by eight. He looked at the leather watch and saw that it was nearly nine. He decided had to finish, and he had to finish now, as he grabbed letter #14. 
@l0ve-0f-my-life @aperrywilliams @helloniallslovelies @random-ravings @ajwantsapancake @andiebeaword @boiled-onionrings @frnks-stuff @icantevenanymore1 @mellifluouswildbluebells @rottenearly @sammypotato67 @blushingwueen @peaxhyjaes @justanotherfangurlz @juniorgman187 @mbowles23-blog @blameitonthenight21 @goldentournesol @rainsong01 @thelifeofadumbbitch @swimmingtrashwobblersludge @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @eldahae
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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@thotpatrolcaptain​ I made this into a MerMay thing, hope that’s okay and you enjoy it! Thank you for the request! ;;u;;
“Katsuki! You came to see me!” 
“I told you that I would, you stupid fish.” 
Smile on your lips, you watched the man that had begun to approach you closely, able to feel the wooden water-surface platform rumble and bob with each step beneath your delicate grip. Holding on to it for support so you didn’t have to use so much effort for swimming, you rested your chin against the edge, finding the warm wood soothing. “I know you did. I’m just so happy you decided to!” 
With only a grunt, Bakugou sat down when he reached the edge, letting his legs dangle down into the cool ocean water. Shifting his backpack off, he placed it down beside him, glancing over your face with his uncharacteristically soft crimson gaze. “Been waiting long?” 
“Nope, I just got here.” Placing your hands on his thigh, you shifted yourself over to rest your chin on his knee, feeling your stomach bubble at the blush that lightly dusted his cheeks from your touch. “I’ve missed you. Did you bring the stuff?” 
“The ‘stuff’?” Bakugou glowered down at you, beginning to unzip his backpack. “You sound like I’m dealing drugs or some shit.” 
“The sushi!” You whined, pouting as your tail lifted out of the water behind you, fin slapping down on the surface as if you were a child throwing a tantrum. If you were human, you could imagine yourself kicking your legs in frustration instead. Or, at least, that’s what you imagined a human would do. “I’m starving! I didn’t eat all morning because I was waiting for you.” 
Giving a click of his tongue, Bakugou pulled out a small plastic purple bento box from his bag, placing it down onto the wood beside him. “Well that’s your own damn fault! What were you gonna do if I didn’t show up? Starve?” 
“I didn’t even think about that, because I knew you were going to show up.” Sliding in between his legs, you placed your hands flat against the platform on either side of his hips, pushing yourself up to kiss him softly on the cheek. With the strength of your tail helping to support you, the kiss lingered for a moment, just long enough to be able to feel his skin grow hot beneath your cold lips. You loved it when Bakugou got flustered and embarrassed when you showed him any type of affection, so you watched his change in expression curiously, the furrow of his brow and averted gaze making you giggle softly. “Cute!” 
“Tch, don’t call me cute! And get off me, don’t you know anything about personal space?!” Huffing, Bakugou grabbed your shoulders, pushing you back and guiding you down into the water. His touch wasn’t as rough as his voice, and he handled you quite gently, which only made your smile grow. 
“But you are cute. We’ve kissed on the lips already once, is it bad for me to kiss you on the cheek?” Letting your hand run down along his muscular calf, you moved out from in between his legs, looking curiously at the bento box still waiting out in the summer sun. “I like you; I just can’t help myself.” 
“I suppose it’s fine… I’m just… Tch, whatever.” With an annoyed wave of his hand, he went back to digging through his bag, pulling out two bottled waters and another bento box, though this one was red. “Eat your damn food, ya dumb fish.” 
“The purple one is mine?” Once again using your arms and the strength of your tail, you pushed yourself up onto the platform, twisting around and flopping to sit beside him as comfortably as you could. Your body was quite awkward as one would assume being half a creature of the sea, but you could manage, especially since Bakugou let you lean against him for support. He had always been your support, from the very first moment he found you tangled up in a net on the beach, he had protected and cared for you. 
And you cared very deeply for him, even if your affections for each other were forbidden. No matter what you were told by your family, or by Bakugou himself, you couldn’t stay away. You didn’t want to stay away. 
“Yes, the purple one is yours. No, don’t use your fingers, there’s chopsticks in there for you!” Bakugou pointed to the eating utensils resting up against the edge of the box, making you hum curiously and pull them out. 
“Huh… Do I jab the food with these, or-?” 
“No, no. Look,” Bakugou held up his own chopsticks, watching you as you fumbled with them until you had mimicked the technique. After dropping many pieces of food or squeezing so hard the sushi fell apart, you eventually got the hang of it, even if you were a bit clumsy in the end. Though, there was one thing that was giving you quite a bit of trouble, and it had nothing to do with your bad eating habits. 
As your hair dried, it was constantly falling into your face and being blown about by the wind, which was annoying for you to have to fight with while attempting to use chopsticks for the first time. That was a part of the struggle, since your hair didn’t exactly follow many proper laws of someone who spent most of their life on land. It truly did whatever it wanted, and as it fell literally into your mouth as you went to take a bite, you gave a shake of your head. “Ugh!” 
“For fucks sake,” Bakugou put his food down, reaching into his bag and pulling out a rubber band, which you knew he used to keep the bento boxes closed on the way here. “Your hair is a damn mess; it keeps falling in your face. Let me just-” 
Turning a bit to face you, Bakugou lightly got you to turn your head towards him with a gentle nudge to your chin. Feeling your cheeks flush, you watched his face as he softly ran his fingers through your hair, tucking and pulling it back for you. Although his technique was sloppy, he was able to tie it back into a bun, effectively keeping it away from your face. The few small strands that still fluttered free were gingerly tucked back behind your pointed ears, but his soft demeanor flipped like a switch when he finally caught your gaze. 
“Ah, fuck-” He quickly took his hands back, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away with flustered shyness. “I griped about personal space, then I get all up in yours…” 
Smiling, you placed your food down beside you, before holding one of his hands in both of yours. “Katsuki, it’s okay, you don’t have to be so reserved with me. You haven’t always been.” 
“Tch, it’s different now…” Bakugou could only spare you a quick glance, though his eyes immediately fell back to look at your tail, your scales shimmering in the sunlight. “I… like you. I’ve never cared about someone like this before. I suppose it’s just weird for me…” 
With a tender touch, you cupped both of his cheeks, gently urging him down towards you to share a soft kiss. His strong hands moved to caress your sides while you wrapped your arms loosely around his neck, humming softly in happiness against the kiss, which ended just as gently as it started. Still, Bakugou was embarrassed by the affection, and his head vanished into your shoulder to hide from your adoring gaze. Nuzzling your face into his hair, you couldn’t resist a soft and quiet giggle, your cheeks flushing from the way he held your body. 
“That’s okay, Katsuki. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“You’d better not. I’ll never make you sushi again.”
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
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Canyon Moon
warnings for ch 3: mentions of drug use (weed), swearing, oral sex (m! and f! receiving), a hint of degradation if you squint
chapter 3: you’re so golden
The sun hitting your eyes was the first thing that woke you up, the warmth inviting, but also very bright. Scrunching you’re face up, you tug the blanket over your head, turning to the side and taking a deep breath in. You find giving your body a few minutes to wake up before you force yourself out of bed makes you feel so much more awake and in a good mood.
Stretching your back, you rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll out of bed, trudging to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
Yawning as you walk into the kitchen, you make yourself an iced coffee before starting on breakfast. Putting on Rumours, you sing quietly to yourself while making a scramble with a bunch of veggies to get your greens in early.
Heading back to your room with hot sauce in hand, you light some incense and take a few bong rips before eating your breakfast quietly on the window sill. That was something you absolutely LOVED about your room, the edge of the window was just wide enough for you to sit (or lay down) and admire the view of palm trees and beautiful blue skies.
Opening up Misery, you finish a few chapters and mindlessly eat for a bit, listening to the birds chirp and the buzz of the city waking up. Once you finish your food, you go sit cross legged on your meditation pillow, facing the floor length mirror as you make sure your posture is straight. Putting on your favorite meditation music, which, at the moment, is 432hz Healing Tones, you take a deep breath in, clearing your mind and allowing the sun and healing vibrations to roll over you. You imagine yourself breathing in healing energy and nothing but love, and exhaling all of the stuck, negative energy, trying to ‘push’ it out with your breath. Sometimes it felt a bit silly, but if it made you feel loads better, why not do it?
About twenty minutes pass before you slowly blink open your eyes, yawning quietly before going into child’s pose, stretching your back and hips after sitting for so long.
Lying down on your back on the mat, you stare up at the ceiling, feeling an overall sense of being okay. Your body feels good, your mind feels good, your stomach’s full of butterflies that make you smile and blush at the thought of seeing Harry in a bit.
Pulling yourself up with a grunt, you throw on a swim suit and a random pair of shorts, not caring to bring a real top. After applying a bit of sunscreen on your face and shoulders, you slide into your flip flops and fill up a water bottle before heading out the door.
Unlocking Sunflower, you sit on the edge of the side door while sliding on your scuffed white rollerskates with obnoxiously bright blue wheels. They were your pride and joys, and made you feel as if you were in a different time, enjoying the breeze on your cheeks as you skate towards your spot. The journey only took about 15 minutes, with minimal stumbles, so it was already turning out to be a great day.
Finally pulling up to the small lot, you squat down to pull of your skates, putting them behind a rock along with your socks and shorts. You shook your head as you sprinted towards the ocean, leaping into the freezing water. It was the only way you were able to get in, you were never one to wade slowly in. Swimming about half a mile out, the waves crash over you coolly, soothing your quickly warming body. It was going to be a hot day today, good to know. Treading water, you look at the coast, everything looking so small. You made sure to breathe in, capturing this exact moment in memory. The feeling of salty water on your skin, wet hair stuck to your neck and the slight burn in your arms, but this was it. This was pure bliss.
But, you’re also not insane, so after a bit you swim back to shore, spending about ten minutes doing handstands and flips before getting out, wringing out your hair on your way up the beach. Climbing up the pile of large rocks next to cliff, you lay on top of a relatively flat one, allowing your body to dry off for a little bit and give you a few extra moments of sun.
You always hated dusting off your feet for forever before getting back in your socks and skates, but rather that than get sand in them.
“Fuck, I really am killing it today,” you pant to yourself, definitely feeling a burning in your thighs as you start heading home, desperately wanting a shower and some chocolate.
Throwing your skates in Sunflower, you slam the door closed and trudge up the steps to the apartment, practically falling over as you enter the door.
Laura looks up from her phone, perched on the countertop eating a bowl of cereal.
“Look at you, sexy girl, how was the water?” She teases, handing you a banana from the counter immediately because she knows you need it.
“Good,” you sigh, taking a bite and moaning, leaning against the wall for a minute in silence.
“When’s your date with Harry again?” She asks, glancing at the clock.
Oh fuck.
The clock read 10:30.
“Okay, that’s not bad, I just need to get my ass in gear,” you convince yourself, throwing the banana away and grabbing a spoonful of peanut butter. You didn’t have time to make yourself anything else, plus you were eating with Harry soon anyways.
“You got this. Do I get to meet him?” Laura encourages, raising her thumbs at you.
You laugh and nod. “Absolutely, just don’t ask about his exes or I’m going to look crazy.”
“Got it, no exes. Get in the shower, you’re dripping everywhere!”
You run upstairs, yelling back, “I’ll clean it up,” as you head into your room, turning on Currents by Tame Impala to pump you up as you shower, quickly washing your hair and body, shaving the itty bitty stubble just in case.
Running some curl cream through your hair, you try and scrunch and dry your hair as fast as possible, which doesn’t really work, but at least you tried.
A bathrobe envelopes you as you sit down at your small vanity, starting on a little bit of makeup. Dabbing a bit of concealer on your undereyes and small blemishes, you keep it semi-natural with just bronzer, blush, and highlighter, admittedly a ton, but who’s to say. Brushing your brows out and filling in the ends a little darker, all that goes on your eyes is a brown eyeshadow and a beautiful gold pigment, then comes drenching your eyelashes in mascara.
You turn your attention back to your hair, thank god you were having extremely good luck today, because it fell perfectly, the layers framing your face so elegantly that you had to smile at your reflection. Self-love is a journey, and you were glad to be in a good space.
Checking your phone finally, you find a text from Harry, sent 2 hours ago. Whoops.
Good morning, Y/N, just wanted to make sure we’re still on for 12. Hope you slept well.
Well, it’s confirmed, you’re a completely asshole. It’s 11:15 and you still haven’t responded to a text about a date happening at NOON.
AHH IM SO SORRY hi harry ! i don’t check my phone for a while in the mornings, i’m the worst, i know. we definitely are still on, haha, noon still work for you ?
You throw your phone on your bed while you stare at your closet, trying to find a good outfit for today.
Eventually coming to a pair of high waisted white shorts that you got from your mom, thankfully having the same waistline as her in high school, and a light blue silk tank top with gold straps. Planning on wearing your black boots with the gold detailing, because, hey, it seems you’ve got to up your fashion game dealing with Harry, you place them next to your bedroom door before checking your phone.
You scared me for a minute, I was about to go eat a very sad lunch by myself. I’m going to start heading over, that alright by you?
You giggle quietly at his response, typing out,
sounds great :) i’m planning on wearing a pair of boots, should i bring sandals or anything ?
Woah, trying to outdress me?
He sends the next one moments later.
Just teasing, boots will be fine. We’re going to this cafe I really like.
of course i’m going to out dress you, who do you think i am ? and awesome !! see you in a bit !!
You grab a small black bag, putting your sunglasses case, gum, keys, wallet, chapstick, lighter, your dab pen (you never know), and a small rollerball perfume inside. Sliding in some gold hoops and placing your rings back on your fingers, you wiggle them a bit. They always look a bit naked without them on.
Putting on your boots, you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth once more before Harry arrives. But nope, the doorbell, rings as soon as you start brushing your molars.
“Shit,” you gasp, heading over to the door, toothbrush in hand.
You swing open the door and rush out, “Hey, Harry, I’ll be out in two seconds, come on in.”
Taking in his appearance, you grin at the white sunglasses pushed in his hair. Wearing a white t shirt, it’s tucked into a pair of blue pants that matches your shirt to a goddamn T, which you can’t help but laugh at as you walk away. Passing Laura in the hallway, you give her a look as she walks over to him.
Their conversation travels through your open door as you finish brushing your teeth.
“You must be Laura,” Harry starts, and you can just see him reaching his hand out.
“I am, it’s great to meet you,” she says, her smile bleeding into her voice.
“You have a beautiful home, so close to the beach too,” Harry compliments.
“Thank you, yeah, Y/N found this place forever ago and we’ve been living here since we moved out. My dad knew the landlord and they gave us a ridiculously low price for it, but I am not complaining.”
“Oh that’s sick, I’ve been in Malibu for just a bit, always kind of changing my location around LA and England.”
“That was what we thought we were going to do, but I definitely am glad we stayed here. Living in the city is fun and all, but it’s a lot, you know? We need our peace and quiet at home.”
You walk back out, purse and phone in hand, taking in their positioning. Laura’s sitting on a stool, cup of coffee in hand as Harry stands across from her, eyes on you as soon as you walked out.
“I’ll see you later,” you grin at Laura, sneaking another glance at Harry as you give her a quick hug.
“Okay, bye! Nice meeting you, Harry!” she smiles, and of course he replies with the same.
You close the door behind the two of you and he looks you up and down again, meeting your eyes and smiling.
“Hi,” you breathe out, his eyes capturing you immediately.
“Hi,” he whispers back, squeezing your exposed side. “You look really good, Y/N.”
You bite your lip to hide your smile, placing your hands on his shoulders, feeling the fabric (but really just his muscles). His hands immediately go to cup your waist, not pulling you in, just holding you.
“So do you. Like the blue,” you grin, moving your hands down to his waistband.
“Proper matching, I’d say,” he cheekily smiles, thumbs feeling the edge of your shirt’s material along your ribs, your breath hitching slightly at his movement.
You’re the first to pull away, moving your hand to lace your fingers together, tugging him gently down the stairs. He follows after you, squeezing your hand with his and shaking his head, trying to mask his smile by twitching his nose.
That gorgeous being of a car is parked in front of your house, the color alone bringing a smile to your lips, but now the top was down, which was about to make this a lot more fun.
“God, Harry, I might have to steal this from you,” you sigh, arms crossed as you look up at him seriously.
He laughs loudly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Maybe one day I’ll let you drive it,” He whispers, kissing the top of your head before pulling away and opening your door like nothing happened.
You stand there still for a moment before blinking and getting in, holding his hands on the door when he closes it. Turning your body, you lean out the door, placing your hands next to his as you whisper in his ear,
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
Sliding your lips along his cheek as you pull away, you plop back into the chair, putting on your sunglasses and messing with your hair a bit.
Harry clears his throat before walking around the car, sliding into the driver’s side and starting the car.
“Do you want to play music?” He slowly asks, his tone sending shivers down your legs.
You perk up at this, nodding quickly and taking the aux cord from him.
“I’d love to. Have you heard of Tash Sultana? They released an EP a few years ago, their voice is incredible. They make all their own loops and play every instrument by themselves.”
Harry gives you a side eye, grinning as he says,
“That’s some pretty new music for you, princess.”
Your lips part slightly and Harry watches closely as your cheeks flush, licking the side of his mouth with a grin.
“Have I found a nickname you like, Y/N?” His voice has raised slightly, obvious excitement in his expression.
“Only sometimes,” you shrug, trying to play that off as cool as possible. “And yeah, my ex actually introduced me to their music.”
Harry raises his eyes at this, bringing a finger to his lips to hold his laugh in.
“Why the fuck did I say that?” Your hands go up to your face as Harry finally laughs at you, turning the volume down just a little to listen to you.
Sighing for a second, you pull your hands away before blurting out,
“I don’t want you to think that I’m lying to you about not knowing your music or you, because I do listen to stuff released now, obviously. I’m not a music snob or one of those too cool for school people because I absolutely blast SZA when I’m drunk and I’m starting to overthink and-“
Harry cuts you off by taking your jaw in his hand, turning your face towards him. Perfect timing, as always, pulling up to a red light right when he needs it.
“Hey,” he whispers with a smile, stroking your cheek. “I don’t think that you’re lying to me, and I understand. I was kind of a dick for saying all that right away to be honest, but I get it. I listen to mostly oldies too, if I really think about it.”
You exhale, looking up at him.
“Okay. I’m still going to freak out about it and make sure you know.”
He squeezes your jaw slightly, scrunching his nose.
“No,” he cutely protests, and you can’t help but giggle.
He smiles in return and lets your jaw go, hands going back to grip the wheel a little bit tighter
The two of you drive for a little bit, not really saying anything. You can’t help but dance in your seat to the beat, silently mouthing the lyrics to yourself. Harry keeps glancing over at you, too, grinning at the way you blush when he notices you doing it.
“How was your morning so far?” You start, just wanting to hear him talk.
He has to talk a little bit louder over the wind, but he’s happy to get the conversation started.
“Quite good actually. I’m going to Cabo in a couple weeks and was just getting some early packing in. Don’t you hate when you go somewhere and realize you forgot something like a toothbrush at home?”
“It’s the worst, I always end up having to go to a corner store and get something. What’s in Cabo?” You ask, already so amazed at his lifestyle.
“Friend of mine is having a birthday, so we’re there for a bit celebrating, going to be an amazing trip. Happy to be here, though,” he adds, eyes flicking to yours as he says it.
“I’d be worried if you weren’t.”
“What about you? How was your morning?”
“Really good. Sorry about not texting you back for so long, by the way. I just have this thing about using technology right after I wake up, it gives me pretty bad headaches so I go as long as I can without it unless I hear it ring. But it was super productive, I got a good breakfast and read in, meditated a bit, skated to the beach and went for a swim, then got ready for this.”
“You put me to shame, Y/N, you really do.” Harry laughs, running a hand through his hair.
“I just woke up in a really good mood. I can definitely be grumpy in the morning, I’ll tell you that,” you try to explain, scared of feeling too pretentious.
“Yeah? I can see you throwing a fit if someone wakes you up before you’re ready,” Harry nonchalantly says, looking at the rings on his fingers before checking your reaction.
Cheeks hot, you feel almost scolded by him, thankful for the large sunglasses on your face.
“You’re not wrong,” you finally agree, crossing your legs smoothly.
That doesn’t go unnoticed by Harry, reaching a hand down to rest on your thigh almost immediately. His large hand wraps around your skin, thumb immediately starting to go in small circles.
“I started meditating a few years ago but I absolutely love it, I feel like it allows you to start the morning off right.”
Taking a deep breath before answering, you nod and say,
“Completely agree. It still can feel a bit weird doing it when I’m in a mood or anything, but whether you believe in it or not, having all that negative energy in you without doing anything about it isn’t good for you.”
“You’re quite cute when you talk about things you like. Light up like a little sun,” Harry smirks, pulling his sunglasses up to look at you, the piece of gum in his teeth allowing his jawline to be even more prominent. You do the same, placing them in your lap as you uncross your legs, his hand staying on your left thigh as it goes back towards the seat.
“Yeah?” You don’t stop looking at him, watching his eyes flit between you and the road.
Harry hums before adding, “I think you know that though.”
“That I’m quite arguably the epitome of all things golden? Of course, but it’s always nice to hear.”
You make a noise of protest as Harry removes his thigh to make a left, while simultaneously laughing at you.
“You are absolutely golden, love, don’t you forget it.”
He pauses for a moment before starting again.
“I’m going to warn you right now that there might be some photos taken of you when we go in or leave, or fans coming to take pictures. If that bothers you-“
Cutting him off quickly, you sit up, shaking your head.
“I dressed cute for a reason, if it happens it happens. I’m going to be pissed if someone comes for my outfit though.” You giggle at yourself and grab Harry’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I know what I’m signing up for. You’re good.”
Squeezing back, he looks down at his lap for a moment before glancing back at you, eyes so sincere your heart clenches a little.
“Thank you. Just... need a little reminder sometimes too.”
Unlacing your fingers, you stick your pinkie out, swearing, “I promise that I will always remind you that you’re not going to cause me any problems, and I’m not going to do the same. You promise to always remind me I’m golden?”
“‘Course, love. Was gonna do that anyways,” Harry chuckles, intertwining your fingers, heartbeat going just a little bit faster.
He couldn’t explain it, didn’t want to admit it to himself even, but your presence made his world just a little bit brighter. He couldn’t get you out of his mind, your smile, giggle, and sweet-smelling perfume was all he could think about since last night. His brain was trying to come up with reasons why this was a bad idea, how you could be using him, you were going to break his heart and leave without a second glance. But one look at your face, those eyes looking at him with so much wonder, made him hate the part of himself looking for excuses. These feelings felt way too much, too fast, but all he knew was he wanted to call you his girl. His sweet Y/N.
Parking his car next to some trees, he runs over to open your door, helping you step out and shutting the door behind you, placing the cover on the car quickly. The two of you walk into the cafe in silence, arms swaying next to each other. You figured he wasn’t comfortable holding hands in public on the first date.
The atmosphere of the Beachwood Cafe was everything you could want in a coffee shop. Absolutely stunning artwork covering the walls, a checkerboard floor, fun colors splattered all over. Your face must show how excited you were because you feel Harry bump you, grinning down at you. You hum, smile on your cheeks as he holds your face in his hands for a second.
“Like it?” You nod happily at his question, following the waitress to your table, one in the furthest corner from the door.
“Can I start you off with some drinks?” She asks, setting menus in front of the two of you. Harry gestures for you to go first and you quirk an eyebrow before turning.
“Can I please get a large iced coffee with some honey? Thank you so much,” you add, looking Angie, her nametag reads, in the eye.
“And for you?”
“A large iced americano would be wonderful, thank you, love.” Flashing that award-winning smile at her, she writes down his order and heads back to the front.
“This place is really cute, Harry,” you gush. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
His chest tightens at your cute face looking at him from across the table, the amount of gratitude coming from you at all times filling him with light.
“‘Course, honey. You don’t have to thank me,” He earnestly tells you, placing his chin in his hand.
“I know, but I feel like I need to,” you trail off, looking at one of the names of the scrambles on the menu. Snapping your eyes back up to him, Harry can tell where you’re going with this.
“Please don’t,” he half-laughs, half begs.
“But it’s so easy,” you pout, grinning when he sighs and waves his hand for you to continue.
“Should I ask how strong the Weid scramble is going to hit?”
Groaning into his palm, Harry tries his hardest not to laugh, but can’t help one escaping when you kick him under the table.
“Very,” you nod, looking over the menu once more. “Have you had the Thai noodle salad? That looks hella good.”
“It is ‘hella’ good,” Harry teases, using quotation marks in the air.
“Right then, love, what’re you getting?” You respond in a British accent, folding up your menu.
“Probably the Brussels sprouts salad, it’s my usual here.”
You open your mouth to say something before your drinks are placed in front of you, Angie asking if the two of you are ready to order. Harry goes ahead and orders for the two of you, delicately grabbing the menu from your hands to hand it back to her with a charming smile on his face. Watching her walk away, you grab your drink, lifting it for a cheers.
“To living,” you simply state, Harry repeating it with a look in his eyes you can’t quite name.
“So,” you start, adjusting your position in your seat for a second. “You said you’re writing for your second album, right?”
Harry nods, licking his lips as he pulls away from his glass, catching the way your eyes wander to his mouth.
“Sort of. I want to, you know, take a break, try and just have some fun, rather than jump straight into writing and recording again. At the same time, I really fucking miss it. Writing and being in the studio and getting all that out just feels so good.”
The way his accent wraps around his words makes it hard for you to focus on what he’s saying all the way, realizing he’s waiting on you to respond.
“I definitely think you could use some down time. But that also doesn’t mean you have to stop making music. Write out your ideas when they come to you, and when you feel like you’re ready, start pumping them all out. I’m willing to bet $100 that you already have at least a few songs under your belt, though, am I wrong?” You grin at the headshake Harry gives you, catching the blush on his cheeks. “I knew it! We all do, it’s impossible to just not write, but don’t worry about timelines or due dates. You can’t rush art.”
“God, it’s just so good to hear out loud, I feel like you already know me,” Harry shakes his head, pushing his hair away from his face with one hand.
“I’m pretty good at reading people, I’d like to say,” your arm raising above you as you stretch a little, tilting your head from side to side.
Seeing your neck arch and the way your veins move slightly under your skin causes Harry to have to clear his throat a little, taking a sip of his drink as he feels his forehead start to sweat.
“What kind of artists do you normally write for?” He blurts out, trying to figure out how to get to know more about you in a roundabout way.
“If you’re offering me a job, I’m walking out right now,” you warm, raising your eyebrows. “Kidding. I don’t know, really, I write for a lot of my friends, like I said, when they need help on some of their own projects, or if I’m hanging out in the studio I get pulled around the rooms for a different set of ears. Working with Khalid was one of my favorite experiences, though, he was so fucking cool.”
Harry’s eyes sparkle at this, perking up.
“Love Khalid. He is so talented, and hilarious. I swear, my stomach was aching after being with him for a little while. I only asked because I think I’m trying to figure you out a bit. I just wanna get to know ya,” He shrugs, fingertips tapping on his glass.
“I wish you good luck on that task, Harry, I really do. The first step in recovering is admitting you need help,” you solemnly nod, bursting out laughing when he rolls his eyes and ATTEMPTS to hide his smile.
Your food is placed in front of you suddenly, and you jump, glaring at Harry for smirking at your reaction. He couldn’t help it, you were like a little puppy, overexcited and always jumping from place to place. Harry starts eating right away, sending you a quizzical look when you sit with your hands in your lap, almost like you’re waiting for something.
“You going to start eating, honey?” He gently presses, snapping you out of wherever you went.
“Sorry,” you blush, grabbing your fork and shaking your head a little. “I don’t know what the fuck that was about.”
Fuck, yes you did, and Harry knew that. You were waiting for his permission, and that thought alone sent you into a daze. Closing your eyes around the fork, you fought off the urge to moan and tried to push the fact that he already holds so much control over you out of your head. Snapping them open, you find Harry’s eyes on you, the look in them dangerous. Clearing your throat, you whisper, “It’s really good,” which Harry responds with a simple hum, leaning forward on his elbows towards you.
“You tell me if this is too forward or too much, yeah?”
Your lips part as you nod your head, not really ready for what’s about to cross his lips.
“I’ve been noticing certain... things that you do and, well, are you a sub, darling?”
Your throat dries, unable to break eye contact or even speak, only nodding when he squints his eyes a little at you. Fuck, this was not happening, you thought, reaching to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Like to hear that pretty voice of yours, yeah?” Harry urges you, hands fighting off the urge to hold your jaw in his fingertips.
“Yeah,” you sigh, taking a swig of coffee to think of something to say. “I’m going to assume you’re a dominant,” pausing to let Harry nod, jaw moving as he chews. You throw your hands up, leaning back in your seat.
“You are the complete package, Harry, shit.”
He laughs at this, covering his mouth quickly. “‘S’all you. A dream, really.”
Your heart flutters at this, shit, no, this is a FIRST date, you cannot be feeling like this. Taking a bite of your food, you are able to just sit back and look at him. Watch how he sticks his tongue out while he puts a bite in his mouth, something you’ve done since you were a kid for no reason. How his hands look almost sinful holding the white napkin to his lips.
“Staring at me, love,” he comments after a few minutes, his eyes looking at you sweetly, like he didn’t mind, but just needed to call you out.
“Merde, je veux te sucer,” you breathe out in French, banking on him not understanding you.
“Viliane,” Harry tuts, clicking his tongue at you. Before you’re able to answer, Harry is handing his card to the waitress who passed your table, asking for two boxes for your meals.
Your eyes snap to his, all the oxygen leaving your body as he brings your plate his side, getting ready to pack it up for you.
“W-Where?” Is all you manage, drinking the rest of your coffee, before setting it down on the table, a drop of honey falling down your lip. Harry can’t help but swipe it off with his thumb, slowly placing it in his mouth afterwards, not breaking eye contact, with you.
“I live nearby. That alright with you?”
Nodding slowly, you sit quietly in the booth as Angie comes back with the check and two boxes, legs bouncing excitedly as Harry packages the food up.
“Come on, lovely, let’s get out of here,” he tells you, holding you by your elbow as you walk outside, heading straight for the car. He doesn’t bother taking the top off, opening your door for you without a word and shutting it, almost sprinting to the driver’s side.
His hand finds your thigh immediately, rings shocking the delicate skin and making your muscles tense, his fingers quickly moving to massage out these aches.
“You wanna give me a safeword, pretty girl?” His voice drips with confidence, his hands moving closer to where you needed him most. His eyes keep flickering back to you while trying to focus on the road. His curls are a mess around his sunglasses, the brown hair swallowing up most of the eye ware. A pinch on your thigh reminds you that he expects an answer, shaking your body out slightly before answering.
“The stoplight system’s good. Green, I’m good, yellow, slow down or take a break, red, stop everything. What kind of dom are you, Harry?” You push, wanting to know what you’re getting yourself into. You had done a lot of kinky stuff in the past, and there were some things you weren’t a fan of.
“Mm, I’m relatively easy going. Not going to give you any rules, unless we’re playing and have a scene set up. But,” he pauses to exhale harshly, “I’m quite mean, love. I like to take control, pick you apart bit by bit until you’re just trembling under me, can’t say anything but my name. How does that sound, puppy? Tell me now how you like it.”
His voice sends shivers throughout your body and you moan quietly, biting your lip to try and stifle it. Harry’s words circle around your brain, your stomach tightening with need. All the air seems to escape you, but you know he wants an answer.
“G-good. I like it rough, dirty, just wanna please you,” you stutter out, chest rising and falling rapidly. You absent-mindedly rub your fingers against your neck, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe while thinking about what he’s saying.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he moans, removing his hand from your thigh to place it behind your neck, squeezing it in his grasp. He knows what you want, even if he’s driving, he’s able to pick up on any little signals your body makes. Your back arches as you let out a breathy moan, eyes slipping closed.
“Tell me, princess,” he starts, squeezing the side of your throat to make you open your eyes and pay attention to him. “What do you want to happen when we get back to my house? Don’t want to go too far too soon.”
“Fuck, Harry, I just really want to suck you off, please, please, please,” you beg, a tear actually falling from your eye as you look at him. His pupils dilate at your words, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows harshly, mouth suddenly dry,
“Y/N,” he growls, reaching a hand to squeeze his growing bulge in his pants. His tanned hands and dark rings contrast the bright color, adding to your ever growing list of things that Harry does that turns you on.
The car pulls up to a gate and you sit there for a few seconds before Harry is buzzed in, probably driving way too fast back to his house. Parking in his driveway, he finally releases his hand from your neck and exits the car, making his way around to open your door. Holding your hand as you exit, he places his hand on your low back to guide you into the gorgeous home, the size of it taking your breath away. Harry gives you no time to admire it, shutting the door behind him with a slam before bringing his hand up your chest to rest on your throat, slamming you into the wall. He slips a leg in between yours and takes your hip in his free hand, guiding you to start grinding on his thigh. Your face flushes with heat as he tightens his grip.
“Know you wanna suck me off, but will you cum for me first? Don’t want this pretty cunt to go to waste.”
Your head rolls back and hits the wall, hips stuttering at his words, eliciting a chuckle from Harry as he leans in, breath hitting your lips before he envelopes them, encouraging you to start grinding faster. His tongue runs along your bottom lip, prying them open to lick into your mouth, your moans being instantly swallowed by him. Pulling away slowly, he maintains eye contact with you as he removes his hand from your throat to slip two fingers into your mouth. Feeling your wet mouth on him, sucking his fingers with such need, Harry groans lowly, removing his fingers to kiss you even harder, hands making quick work of removing your shorts.
“Such a naughty girl, can’t even wait to get to the bedroom, just has to have me feel you right here, hmm?” Harry scolds, removing his lips from yours to suck a mark into your neck, fingers moving to feel your wetness through the cloth underwear. Your hands wrap around his curls as you shakily inhale, resting your forehead on his to moan out lowly.
“Fuck, Harry,” you sigh, feeling him rub along your folds through the fabric, pushing it ever-so-slightly inside of you. His mouth pulls away from you with a pop, only to bite down on the red skin harshly, working his way up to your mouth once more. He bumps his nose against yours and opens his mouth to move his tongue past your lips. Your head is spinning, breath ragged as you suck his tongue with yours, feeling the vibrations in your mouth when he moans lowly, pulling a whimper from you.
Suddenly, he drops to his knees, pulling the thong down with him. You swallow at the change in pace and allow him to help you step out of them.
“Wanna take your boots off, sweet girl?” He checks, kissing your inner thigh softly as you lean fully against the wall. You think for a second, these were pretty comfortable, pretty solid grip, why not stay in them?
“‘S okay. Perfect height for you,” you breathe, bucking your hips up. He doesn’t even wait a second to smack your pussy, grabbing your thighs to spread you even wider.
“Filthy, you are,” he growls, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit, a gasp immediately falling from your lips. He looks up at you and grins, licking long stripes through your folds, almost like he’s trying to remember how you feel. He takes his time catching your wetness slowly, despite the little gasps and moans coming from you. Flicking his tongue over your clit for a second, he pulls back to blow cool air on it, the motion causing your legs to falter for a second.
“Gotta stay still, okay? Can’t have you falling over,” he spits directly on your core as he says this, looking up at you with his jaw hanging slightly open, loving the way your hands go to your hair to find something to grab on. He smirks to himself, licking into you while his hands find your hips, pinching the delicate skin between his fingertips. He collects as much of you and his spit on his tongue as he can, swallowing around your clit after he sucks it into his mouth. The suction makes your hips fight to buck up into him, but you use all of your strength to stay still, causing your thighs to start quivering in his palms. Harry grins and scrapes his teeth along your clit, your loud moan going directly to his quickly hardening cock.
“Taste so fucking good, angel,” he groans, nose rubbing against your clit as he fucks his tongue into you, the soft muscle dragging along your walls and guiding your wetness into his mouth. The sounds coming from him are obscene, loud slurping, sucking, and spitting onto your trembling pussy.
“Fuck, Harry, I’m not going to last,” you cry out, feeling yourself start to clench around him. He grins around you, pulling away to thumb at your clit and look directly into your eyes.
“Mm, that’s not how good girls ask,” is all Harry gives you, slipping a finger inside and immediately curling it towards himself, finding your g-spot with ease. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking harshly while his tongue draws designs on the sensitive button.
“Please, Sir, can I come?”
This has Harry moaning against you, pinching your clit between his teeth as he slides another finger in, fucking into you faster. Your eyes roll back, one hand splayed against the wall, another in his hair to give you some sort of balance. He relentless massages and thrusts into your g-spot with his fingers, feeling you clench around them so tightly that his head starts to spin. “That’s it, puppy, ask me again,” he demands, the title you gave him sending shivers throughout his body. He sucks harder on your clit, somehow speeding up his fingers inside you. A moan vibrates against your center when you pull on his curls, your hips bucking up against his waiting hand.
“Sir, please please please can I come? I’ve been so good, haven’t moved,” you beg, gasping loudly when your legs start to shake noticeably. Harry pulls away, looking up at you and grunting out,
“You have been such a good girl, haven’t you? Go. Cum, now, right fucking now on my tongue.” A loud slapping noise is heard when Harry smacks your ass, the pain sending you over the edge. Your head hits the wall with a thud, but your moan drowns everything out, the guttural sound coming from your soul. Tilting your head back, you cum into his mouth, one leg slipping out from under you and Harry places it on his shoulder without a second thought, holding you up as you ride out your orgasm. The tightness in your stomach releases and your pussy trembles around his fingers, only encouraging him to continue the constant pressure on your g-spot.The strength of it knocks the wind out of you and sends electricity throughout your finger tips, your hips slowing down their rocking motion as Harry eases his fingers out of you. He continues to lick you clean before placing your shaky legs back on the ground together, trailing his hands up your body as he stands up.
“Thank you,” you breathe into his chest, holding on to his hips for balance. His chuckle vibrates against your cheek, and you feel him move your hair out of the way to kiss your shoulder.
“Of course, lovely. How you feeling?” He is all smiles, his voice gentle and caring as he breathes in your smell, leaving small kisses along your neck.
“G-good,” you stutter out, nudging his head to make eye contact with you. He pulls away after a second, one arm going around your waist when he notices how you’re practically falling over with how shaky your legs are. Smirking, he places his other hand on your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his tongue was too much for you, whining into his mouth before pulling away.
“Can I suck you off now?” You ask shyly, using your best puppy dog eyes. And, wow, do they work. Harry groans, biting your bottom lip harshly before pulling away, not wasting a second before pushing down on your shoulders. You topple to the ground easily, landing surprisingly softly (thanks to Harry’s expert hands), on the hardwood floor. After helping him remove your shirt, you place your hands behind your back immediately and tuck your chin down, grinning to yourself when you hear the moan Harry let’s out at your position.
“Spoiled little girl. Gets everything and more that she asks for, hmm, yes?” Harry demands, tugging your chin up by his hands. His eyes are pointed, staring directly into yours, pupils blown out and hair a mess behind him. You can see the pieces stuck to his forehead from sweat, but his chin glistens with something that has to be you.
“Yes, sir, so good to me. Wanna make you feel good, please,” you beg, leaning closer into him, the difference in clothing setting you into a daze, seeing him fully dressed while you’re waiting on your knees in front of him, naked, panting, and pleading to have his cock down your throat.
“Greedy,” he sighs, taking his hand away from your face to slide off his shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He keeps his eyes trained on yours, daring you to avert them as he unzips his pants, stepping out of them. He looks away for a second to pull of his boots, and you take your time admiring his thighs, because, fuck. They were thick, muscled, tanned, and the little tattoos on them were asking to be bitten, you made a mental note to do that later.
“Got a bit of a staring problem, love.”
Harry’s voice snaps you out of your daydream, eyes flickering back up to him, mouth dropping open when he’s bare in front of you, slowly stroking himself. You involuntarily make a little noise in the back of your throat, sticking your tongue out for good measure. Seeing Harry’s hips thrust up into his hand and his neck vein pop was confirmation enough for you, but you waited for him to put himself in your mouth, absolute torture you must say.
Harry finally takes mercy on you, moaning out, “God, you’re such a little cockslut, just want something in that fucking mouth of yours. Bet I could leave my fingers in there all day and you wouldn’t complain once,” when he eases himself into your open mouth.
You flatten your tongue on the underside of him, not breaking eye contact as you slide off his cock to lick at his tip with feather light touches, drawing figure eights along the top. Suckling lightly on just the head, you feel a spurt of precum land on your tongue, licking it up happily. Tearing your eyes away from his, you open up your throat to begin taking him deeper, feeling his hand immediately come to your hair as you do this.
“Yes,” Harry draws out, allowing you to take control for a moment. You wanted to suck him off, so who is he to tell you how to do it? The view is what is killing him the most, though. Your tits bouncing as you slurp him down, spit falling onto your thighs, your little bit of stomach pudge falling over as you completely lose yourself in making him feel good. That is what gets him to buck into your mouth, closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip, breathing heavily as he begins to thrust into you. You pull away after a moment, jerking him off steadily as you swallow and look up at him.
“You can fuck my throat. Don’t have much of a gag reflex, anyways. Wanna see how you like it, Sir,” you pant, not giving him any time to think before you take him back into your mouth, placing your hand on the wrist that’s in your hair, giving him another okay.
“God, Y/N, you’re heavenly,” Harry breathes, testing out the waters by doing some shallow thrusts, only then beginning to actually throat-fuck you. He places his other hand around your neck, essentially pulling you into his throat and choking you from both ways. Your eyes roll into the back of your throat and you place your nose against his belly, breathing in deeply. Harry pulls himself out of you, rubbing his cock against your cheeks.
“Feel so good,” he draws out, easing himself back into your waiting mouth, rubbing the head on the ridges on the roof of your mouth. He moans through closed lips and tilts his head back, giving you the chance to admire his strong jawline from this angle, body sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. He had no room to call you all these beautiful names while he looked this fucking good getting his cock sucked.
You start speeding up your bobs, keeping him deep in your throat and only picking up a little, the change in pressure earning you a tug on your roots when Harry pulls you to look up at him.
“Mm, you want me to cum, don’t you, dirty girl,” he grunts, a lazy grin on his now flushed face. His thumbs make their way to press on either side of your cheek, moaning lowly when he feels himself through the tissue.
You hum around him, using your tongue along the vein you can feel, looking up at Harry with such need in your eyes. You pull off for a quick second, gasping loudly while saying,
“Want you to come in my mouth so bad, want to taste you and make you feel as good as you made me,” Taking him back in your mouth and sucking him off with a vice-like grip.
“Fuck,” Harry half-laughs, half-moans. “You’re incredible. Gonna make me come so fast, you’re taking me so fucking deep.”
Not even a minute later, you feel him begin to pulse in your mouth, pulling back to just suck on the head, using your tongue to dip into the hole, and Harry cums with a loud shout, burying his cock down your throat as he shoots ribbon after ribbon of come into you. You keep your eyes at his face, remembering how his mouth looks wide open, his eyes pinched closed, hair making a perfect halo around him. His throat makes you want to cry, the veins popping out and slightly red. He stays in your mouth for a while, allowing you to suck him dry and soften slightly, before pulling out of you with a pop.
“Thank you,” you croak out, swallowing what’s left in your mouth and leaning into his touch, quite spent if you were being honest.
Harry had to look away for a second, moving his hand to hold your head while he caught his breath. You were right about being golden, your skin shone, and you just radiated everything good in this world, right after he had his cock balls deep down your throat nonetheless.
“You’re too much, beauty. Thank you, did such a good job,” he gushes, kneeling down. He takes your chin inbetween his fingers and kisses you softly, just barely moving his lips. He leans his forehead against yours and wipes your lip with his thumb, allowing you to suck the bit of cum still on your face off with a blush tinting your cheeks.
“Reminds me of this morning, a bit,” he giggles, laughing louder as you hit him in the chest, grumbling ‘dumb’. He pushes your hair out of the way and holds your face in his two hands, effectively shutting you up as you breathe in deeply, feeling strangely comfortable being this vulnerable with him this fast.
“Do you wanna take a bath with me right now? Know you were on shaky legs and this hard floor for a while,” he pouts, kissing your forehead softly. You nod slowly and he smiles, nodding against you before pulling away to unzip your shoes, placing them next to the wall before he’s picking you up with way too much ease, pulling a shriek from you.
“‘Sorry, love, your poor legs okay?” he asks, holding you to his chest with one arm, using the other to hold your thigh. He receives another nod to the shoulder and he nuzzles you, trying to see what’s happening.
“I’m okay, just tired,” you sigh, and he murmurs an ‘okay’ kissing your temple before allowing you to sink back onto him, making a mental note to ask you about it once you’ve got your breath back.
“Why don’t you go turn on that shower and wash yourself real quick with some warm water and I’ll have the bath ready when I join you, that okay?” Harry whispers, sliding you down slowly. He pushes you toward the large glass door and you smile back at him, your heart bursting with appreciation.
This one is going to change you.
A/N: and that’s a wrap !! lemme know if you guys prefer this kind of phrasing (‘you said’), or if you like ‘she said’, or ‘i said’ better. this is my first time working with a full story using y/n and second/third person kind of view, so pls bear with me. also !! i know some people aren’t really cool with weed. im a ~stoner~ (such a weird thing to type out lmao) so i smoke a lot, but if y’all aren’t comfortabke with me mentioning it p much every other chapter, let me know !! (it can even be anonymously sent in) hope you liked it, and let me know if you have any other requests for future chapters or just one shots💗💗
- lana💔
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kiyomi-mizumi-1y · 3 years
last cursed Sunday before I’m in Mexico lmao but anyways here—
Hoshizawa: I’m here to apologize.
Ikuto: Hope you brought kneecaps, BITCH-
Ikuto: Alright let’s get to it. Beg.
*Everybody harmonizing over Ikuto’s “suicide note”*
Meanwhile Ghost Ikuto: *waving his hand like a beauty queen*
Boni: Like when Ikuto and I got our ears pierced at the mall..
*switches mic side to another news channel*
Boni: I can still remember the late night talks on the phone.
*switches again and proceeds to say something i didn’t understand lmao*
Momo: Me and (Kurt and Ram) and Boni came to pour a jug of Thunderbird on Ikuto’s grave, you know, from his homies- But they drank it all.
Hoshizawa: Wait- After everything that happened at (Kurt’s) party, why did you call me?
Momo: Oh, well that was the deal. If I got you to come (Kurt) promised to leave me alone..
Hoshiz: So- So you avoided day break by volunteering me for day break? I’m leaving.
Boni: Goddamn it Ram, I said I’M DONE!
(Ram): Wait up, Boni, don’t walk awayyyy!
Boni: Sober up, idiot!
Ikuto: God, I’m gonna be coughing up drain cleaner for eternity!!
Boni: Oh, we’re cleaning out Ikuto’s locker?? Little respect??
Ghost Ikuto: Ugh, Boni is such a poser! Tano, tell her to stop touching my stuff!
Ghost Ikuto:
Ghost Ikuto: Tano. TANO!
Hoshizawa: SHUT UP!
Boni: YOU SHUT UP! I DON’T HAVE TO SHUT UP ANYMORE! *holds up Ikuto’s earring before putting it on*
Momo: But that was Ikuto’s earring-
Boni: Shut up Momo!
Momo: Sorry Boni.
Boni: Since Ikuto’s now gone, someone needs to replace him!~
Hoshiz: Replace Ikuto..?
Ghost Ikuto: Puh-lease.
Ghost Ikuto: And they lived happily ever after! You really believe that? You think it all goes back to normal?
Hoshiz: STOP IT. STOP.
Ghost Kurt and Ghost Ram: *walk of shame*
Hoshizawa: *grabs (Martha) by the shoulders*
Ghost Ikuto: Do you have the guts?!
Boni: Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?
Momo: Sorry, Boni.
Momo: I’ve thought about killing myself-!
Boni: What the HELL are you doing?
Boni: *grabs Momo’s arm* What’s your damage, Momo? Are you saying Westerburg isn’t a nice place? Where’s your school spirit!? You don’t deserve to wear our school colors!-
Ghost Ikuto: They can’t help us. Nobody can help us. We’re alone in the ocean!
Hoshizawa: -Just like all of you idiots! Ikuto was a monster, just like Kurt and Ram AND I KILLED THEM-!
Literally Everyone Else:
Hoshizawa: W-What are you all thinking about..?
Boni, laughing: Some people will do ANYTHING if they think it’ll make them popular!!
(Now after all that drama Hoshizawa and Momo hug because they deserve wholesomeness)
JD: Well if she’s your friend why are we letting Mizumi live, the bitch that made Neko want to kill herself!?
Boni: W-What’s in the envelope?
JD: Just a reminder that you and (Martha) used to be friends!
Boni: Oh crap.
Boni: Where’d you get these pictures? Did Tano give them to you? What do you want, money..?
Boni: Hey guys, missed you after 8th period!
Hoshizawa: We were avoiding you.
Momo: What you did to me sucked..
Boni: Very very.
Hoshizawa: I’m not signing that..
Boni: Tano, why are you joking with me? It was your boyfriend’s idea.
Hoshizawa: You mean (JD)?
Boni: He made a signature sheet and everything.
Hoshizawa: I don’t know what he’s up to but if you know what’s good for you, throw that away.
Boni: Not a chance. I’ll just fake your signature like I did with (Martha). She’s in no shape to sign anything today..!
Hoshizawa: Why not?
Boni: Heard it on the radio! She took a belly flop off the Old Mill Bridge last night holding a suicide note.
*insert Ghost Ikuto just slowly appearing next to Hoshizawa*
Ghost Ikuto: He’s got your handwriting down cold~!
*Hoshiz and his mother screaming because of each other*
Hoshizawa: NO! NO! NOOOOOOO-
Now have a whole Heathers in a nutshell video but with these little shits:
Hoshiz: My name’s Tano, and I’m soooo totally edgy and relatable.
(Kurt, Ram and Martha time)
Momo: I’m bad guy 1 who turns out to be really nice!
Boni: I’m bad guy 2 who turns out to be a total bitch you’re gonna hope dies in the end.
Boni: ..Until I get kissed by the main character.
Ikuto: And I’m the almighty who’s supposed to be a real bitch but you’re gonna end up loving me.
Ikuto: cos I’m memeable..
(JD time)
Hoshiz: Hey lemme be your friend!
Ikuto: Yah sure
Momo: waitwhat
Boni: *vomit noises*
Ikuto: Grow up, Boni. Bulimia’s so ‘87.
Hoshiz: This is a fun group.
Ikuto: Hey go give Ram this note that’s totally gonna embarrass your best friend.
Hoshiz: What? No!
Ikuto: period joke.
Hoshiz: I said no.
Ikuto: Bitch. Fite me.
Ikuto, Boni and Momo: This is the best song in the musicaaaaal, even tho it was ruined by riverdaleeeeee! (Does that even exist in-universe?- y’know what nevermind)
Hoshiz: I don’t wanna be part of your clique anymore.
Ikuto: Bitch. Fite me.
Hoshiz: *vomits on Ikuto*
Ikuto: *pterodactyl shrieking 2.0*
Hoshiz: Ikuto I’m sorry-
Ikuto: Make me a drink n I’ll think about it.
JD: ok let’s give him drain cleaner :)
Hoshiz: ok don’t be a bitch that stuff’d kill him.
JD: thus ending his hangoveeeer..
Ikuto: You’re still dead to me. *takes a sip of his drink, and immediately flops over dead*
Hoshiz: oh no.
Momo: i had no idea he was this depressed!
Momo and Boni at Ikuto’s grave: We love you Ikuto!
Hoshiz: Yeah. Love. Sad.
Martha: Tano, I think your boyfriend murdered the 3-
I’m done but the hyperfixation is only getting worse so. Yeah.
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olivyh · 3 years
Into Wonderland Chapter 3: Octavinelle Part One-
Does anyone know how to do a dropdown thing? I feel bad about these posts filling up a chunk of the tag ;;;; Also sorry for the spam! I’m trying to publish what I already have done so I can finish it quickly!
They choke on sand that fills their mouth, sputtering and coughing as they gag. Seagulls screech ahead, diving into the water that crashes just a few feet short of their feet. Mc groans, rubbing their head as they look around. They seem to be at the bottom of a rocky cliff, at a beach.
About as far from the Savanah they'd been since they got there. They stand and look around frantically. Dread filling their gut as tears prick at their eyes.
"Nonono-" They mutter, pulling at the tunic they were gifted by Leona just hours ago. "Leona!" They yell, choking on their tears. This can't be happening again- They think hopelessly. "Jack!" They scream, running along the shoreline, hoping to find a way to get on top of the cliff, hopefully they'd see all the beastmen standing there and scolding them for doing something stupid again and- I'm never going to see them again. It's just like what happened in Wonderland. "Ruggie!" They choke out with a harsh sob.
"Ten years!" They yell to nobody in particular, hoping that whatever deity that keeps doing this to them will hear and start counting their days. "Ten fucking years! I was only in Wonderland for a day and a half! But ten years?!" They groan, doubling over and letting all their emotions out via screaming at seagulls, the ocean, and an unfortunate crab that might crawl by.
"Hey-" They gasp hearing a teenage boy's voice behind them. They jolt, Savanah instincts kicking in and making them accidentally bitch slap the blue haired boy.
"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry-" They run over to the boy, who nurses his red cheek with his hand, wincing. "I'm just lost and something happened and I woke up here- Deuce?"
Laughing sounds from the top of the shore bank, and the two of them look up to see a redhead boy laughing to the point of tears and pointing at the blue haired boy. "Ace?"
That makes both of them stop in their tracks. "How do you know my name?" Right, world switching logic.
"Uhh- I knew someone back where I'm from with the same name and you look alike-" They decided to leave out the part where they both had rabbit ears.
"Right..." Deuce interjects. "Anyways. I'm Prince Deuce Spade and this is my advisor, Ace Trappola-"
"Oh my god I just slapped a prince-" They gasped, hands flying to their mouth. Ace laughs.
"Eh kinda helped me out there. You have no idea how many times I want to hit this guy but I can't-" Barking interrupts him from going on any longer. They turn their attention to a white wolf standing on the bank. Is that-
"Oh! And that's Jack!" Deuce introduces them. "Normally we're not allowed to have pets at the castle but I found him when he was a pup and took him in-"
"Thats because you don't have to clean up after him-" Ace mutters.
"Jack..." They smile, glad to at least see a form of their companion of the Savanah. Thinking of the beastmen feels like a knife to their chest and they gasp, tears trickling down their face.
"Hey! Hey!" Deuce is at their side in an instant as they apologize and wipe at their eyes with the backs of their hands. "What's the matter? Did- Did we say something?"
They shake their head. "It's not- it's not that. I just- I'm from really far away and I- I might never see my friends again, at least not for a long while," Jack walks up to them and nudges against their leg, allowing them to pet behind his fluffy ears. They laugh weakly, more tears streaming down their face at the familiarity.
"Jack reminds me a lot of one of my friends so I guess that got me-"
Ace and Deuce stare in shock, Deuce being knocked out of his trance before the former. "I-I'm so sorry-" He stammers before pausing for a moment.
"Hey, why don't you come with us on a trip?"
"What?!" Ace shouts.
"They're clearly upset about being away from their friends!" He defends the stranger. "Besides, we're going to see the neighboring islands and they might know something about where they're from-"
"But it's a stranger! They could try to kill you!" Ace groans.
"Jack trusts them-" He points to the dog, who still happily accepts Mc's head pats, bushy tail wagging behind him.
"He's a dog!" Ace groans as Deuce leads them across the beach. They walk for what feels like forever with the two bickering next to them, until they hit a dock with a giant ship floating at the end.
"This thing is huge..." They gasp in awe, almost tripping over their own two feet as they ascend on to the ship.
"Of course. It's a royal vessel-" Jack runs ahead of them. They talk for a bit, finally setting sail and going on their long awaited journey.
What happens if I do find them? Mc asks themselves, doubting their own hope. I hope they're okay, I mean- Leona almost died! They go on with their worried about their friends, replaying those last moments over and over in their head until it spins.
Until they hear a wet smack and a pained groan from the side of the ship.
"Ow!" A boys voice yelps from the side. Mc rushes over, leaning over the railing and making eye contact with the redheaded boy who clings to the side of the ship, his sea green tail flopping uselessly against the harsh winds of the ocean.
"You're-" They gape.
He lets out another yelp, slowly turning. His worried sky blue eyes crinkle as he offers a nervous smile. "I'm- I'm sorry! I shouldn't be here y'know maybe I shouldn't be talking at all I should be gone by now-" He rambles until Mc cuts him off, sitting with their back to him.
"Don't worry I won't rat you out-" They try to joke. "I'm just curious."
"Oh! I'm curious too!" As the boy says that his eyes trail over to the navy haired boy, who laughs and dances with the other teens on board. Jack sits across the deck, ever watchful eyes keeping track of anyone who might look suspicious.
"Of... Deuce?"
"Is that his name?" The boy sighs. Mc nods, looking between the two. "Name... Oh! I'm Rielle!" The boy extends a cold hand towards Mc, who hesitantly shakes it, careful of the soft webbing between each finger.
"Mc." They nod, looking at the boy.
"Hey uh.. quick question-" Mc starts. The boy turns his attention to them once more, tiktong his head. "Are there... eel... uhh..."
"Eel mers?" Rielle finishes.
They nod vigorously. "Yes!"
"Well... there's mers of every kind I guess. It's hard to find a strictly eel mer... or a mer of just one species for one!"
"What do you mean?"
"Most mer, like myself, are mixed so much that our tails rarely match up with one species of fish. Though, if you live in an area with a lot of sharkmer you'll probably find a pureblooded sharkmer, a place with a lot of cecaelia you'll find a lot of octomer-" The boy pauses, beaming. "I'm glad I remembered all that from those boring lessons-"
"Oh-" Mc starts, unsure of what to do with all the information they just received.
"Why do you ask?"
"J-just curious-" If they could avoid it, they'd like to stay out of the way of the twins they'd met back in Wonderland.
"Oh okay!" The boy chirps, going back to watching the humans dance on the wooden deck. "Can I ask you a question?" He whispers, voice soft.
"What's it like to dance? Or to walk or to-" The boy stammers a bit before sighing.
"Well it's-" They're cut off by a sharp jolt of the ship. On instinct they reach down and hold on to Rielle's forearm, the little bit of slime and small scales making it hard to grasp.
"I'll be fine!" He yells up after the ship screams and threatens to crack. Thunder booms overhead as it rocks and Mc slams against the railing, falling with the mer into the icy water. They let out a scream at the shock of the cold, choking on the water. Rielle grabs their arm and pulls them to a piece of driftwood. They can see the ship on fire out of the corner of their eyes, hazy with smoke and probably the concussion they had from hitting the water at that height. They can hear Deuce yelling, followed by Jack's pained yelps from the burning ship.
The last thing they see before they black out is Deuce throwing Jack off the ship into a lifeboat before plummeting to the sea, to where Rielle's fiery red hair waited just under the surface.
They wake up to a claw poking their cheek. "Hey-!" The claw pokes harder. "Ne- Jade- I think they croaked-"
"Nonsense. They're alive. Look, their tail is moving."
"Hey!" They get a firm smack to the forehead. They gasp and jolt awake, their forehead smacking the one hovering over theirs. The boy yelps and swims back. "Hey! What did ya do that for?!"
"I'm sorr-" They rub their own forehead and look over to see the same pairs of mismatched eyes that haunted their dreams of Wonderland. Really, universe?
"Oh, I'm glad to see your awake-" The softer twin steps forward. "How are you feeling?"
"Good I think-" The go to swing their legs over the ledge of the rock they were laying on, only to find it difficult to separate them. A tail swishes to the side where their legs should be and look down in horror to see that it had replaced them.
"What?!" They shriek, patting at the tail with their hands. Their hands also look discolored, now set with claws and thin webs between their fingers. They gasp and feel water rush in from the sides of their neck.
The twins watch in amusement, with Floyd laughing hysterically and Jade grinning behind his hand. "I hope you don't mind but we took the liberty of testing out a new potion on you. It's rare to get a human specimen around here. I do hope you understand-"
"I- a- po- Specimen!?" They yelp, hitting their head against the roof of the cave as they try to swim with their new tail. They try to stand upright but end up smacking both twins, making them both laugh again.
The human- well, used to be human- hides their face in the hands, humiliation kicking in. "Please stop-"
"Nope~!" Floyd laughs, circling Mc until his tail was tightly wrapped around theirs. His arms wrap around their throat, covering their gills. They try to shimmy out of his grip but end up making him squeeze them tighter instead.
"Can't-" They choke out. "Breathe-"
"Floyd." Jade warns. The other boy pouts but lets them go, not before giving them another rib crushing hug.
"I can't help it! They're so squishy in their new form! They look like a little minnow ready for me to sink my teeth into-" He lets out a high pitched giggle and chills run down their spine.
"We won't eat you, right, Floyd?" The calmer twin swims towards Mc, who still struggles to swim upright to look him in the eyes.
The other twin lets out a long, pained groan and rolls his eyes dramatically. "Riiiight-" He grunts as he flops into a bed of seaweed. "'Zul's orders-"
"Zul?" Mc asks.
"Azul Ashengrotto. The man who made your potion and now, your new boss."
"Boss?!" They yelp. "I never agreed to anything of that sort!"
"Hm? I thought it was fair." Jade hums, grabbing their arms and making them stand upright, moving their tail manually until they can swim straight.
"I mean, ya get to live after that shipwreck, and you get a free potion too-" Floyd begins.
"So it's only fair that you work with us." Jade finishes his twins sentence. Mc sputters and follows them as they leave the cave, swimming haphazardly through the open waters and ducking between large rocks and fish. Floyd practically crushes Mc with how tightly he holds them so they won't run off or swim into something else.
"B-but Rielle was going to save me! He told me to-"
"Rielle?" Floyd interrupts them, making them grumble and wriggle a bit in the eels hold. "Hey, Jade, why does that sound familiar?"
The other twin merely chuckles. "Thats the boy Azul was helping earlier-"
"Helping?" Mc asks. "What happened? Is he okay?"
"Oh he's just great~!" Floyd giggles. "Came into 'Zul's office all lovey dovey and traded his tail and voice for legs!"
"Oh..." Mc sighs. "He did ask me before what it was like to dance-"
"Before?" Jade asks. "This is interesting."
"Mhm!" Floyd laughs as they approach the shoreline. The surface of the water is clearly visible now, and they can see something floating above them. They can see other fish twirling around the boat as if dancing, and soft humming coming from the boat above.
"Floyd." Jade instructs.
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writingsbymarie · 4 years
Falling - JJ Maybank x reader
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Word count: 2,285
Warnings: Hella angst guys.
A/n: Italics are stuff that happened in the past. I wrote this while listening to Falling by Harry Styles if you want you to listen to that while reading :). Also this ended up way longer than I was expecting. Midsummers part 3 is coming next as well :)
Summary: You are moving from the outer banks to attend college, and JJ feels like you're leaving him, and decides that breaking up would be the best. 
Three years with him. Three full years of your life you loved him, but then you broke each other's hearts.He was your first everything. First kiss, first boyfriend, first love, first time, and you thought he would be your last, but you were wrong. You and JJ started dating when you were both 15. You were the one who held him when he’d show up on your doorstep with a tear filled eyes after his father had hit him. You were there for each other through everything, and you thought he would be in your life forever. You thought you were going to marry him, but you were so wrong. 
You would be attending your dream school across the country. You put in hours of work to obtain a scholarship, and JJ was there to support you the whole time. Well that was until you actually got in with a full ride. 
You were laying in your bed a bottle of vodka in your hand. Mascara and tears running down your face. You took a large gulp swallowing the liquid. You set down the bottle on your nightstand, and flopped down on your bed staring at the ceiling fan as it spun. Your head ached, but not as much as your heart. Tears streamed down your face as you recalled the break up from two weeks ago.  
“JJ why are you acting like this” you asked as he turned his back to you.
“You’re moving across the country without me, and you expect me to just be happy about it,” he yelled, and you felt your body tense up. JJ didn’t yell at you often. He was soft and sweet with you, and never let his anger get to him. He didn’t want to be anything like his father.
“Only during the school year, and I’ll be back for breaks, and you can come visit me. JJ I can’t just live the pogue life forever. I need to follow my dreams, and get out of this” you said, your voice shaky as you tried to turn JJs body to face you, but he ripped his shoulder from your grip.
“Yeah but you’ll be surrounded by boys who will be actually making money while I’m here being useless” he whispered and you could barely hear his voice. You felt your heart break for him, and your face softened a bit.
“JJ those boys will mean nothing to me, and you aren’t useless. I love you” you pleaded with him putting your hands on his cheeks, but he pushed them away. 
“You’re leaving me Y/n, and you promised you never would” he shouted, getting angry again. 
“Are you serious right now JJ I’m making a life for myself do you realize how selfish that sounds. You could be coming to school with me if you tried in school, but you just give up over, and over again, and I refuse to live as a pogue the rest of my life.” you raised your voice getting angry with how selfish he was. 
“Seriously Y/n that's what you think of me. Sorry not all of us are born smart” he scoffed.
“Are you kidding me, I worked my ass off for that scholarship and as my boyfriend you should be proud of me not trying to hold me back” you yelled.
“If you think I’m holding you back then maybe we should just break up” he screamed back at you, and as the words came out the room went silent. The both of you looked at each other, tears running down both your faces. 
“Maybe we should” you replied coldly without even thinking twice. You were so angry, and frustrated, and you walked out of JJs house, and the second you exited the house, you just ran through the wooded area to your house, and the second you got inside you collapsed on your bed shaking. Sobs could be heard through the small house as you felt your heart shatter into a thousand pieces. 
Tomorrow you would be leaving for school, and you laid in your bed drunk trying to decide whether or not to see him before you left. You hated yourself for not trying to fix it. You wondered what he thought about you. Could he even talk about you? Because you couldn’t talk about him without sobbing. All you wanted was for him to be holding you in his arms. You fell asleep, the thoughts swarming your head. 
You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring. Your head was pounding. You rubbed your eyes walking to your bathroom to take a shower. Your flight left at 6:00 tonight, and you decided you needed to see JJ before you left. It didn’t feel right to leave a three year relationship the way it ended. You still loved him. Even though you wanted to hate him for the way he was acting you found yourself still continuing to fall for him. You double checked that you had everything for college in your suitcase, and you packed it into your moms car. She would have to pick it up at the airport since she wasn’t even going to say goodbye. You took one last look at your small house, and took off in the direction of JJs house. Part of you hoped he wasn’t home. You were scared to talk to him. Absolutely terrified. Your body was filled with anxiety. Hands shakings, heart racing, and you felt as if you could pace out. As much as you wanted to leave your heart ached to see him one last time. You took a deep breath putting your car in park. You closed your eyes rubbing your temples. You felt tears begin to form, but you blinked them away. You slowly opened the car door making your way to JJs front door. You stood at the front door for what felt like hours. You were frozen debating whether or not to knock on the door or to run away. 
You felt your body begin to crumble your eyes deceiving you as tears began to flow down your face. Memories of your relationship flashing through your mind. One in particular was prodding at your brain. You turned against his door sliding down it into a ball. You wrapped your arms around your legs sobbing silently into your knees as you thought about the first time he told you he loved you. 
It was pouring. The two of you were going on a walk and the rain had come out of nowhere. The rain was cold on your skin and you began to run towards the direction of his house. You were both soaked to the point it looked like you had jumped into the ocean. You eventually both gave up on running, accepting the fact that you were soaked. You stopped putting your arms out tilting your head towards the sky with your eyes shut. JJ came up behind you, and wrapped his arms around your body, and you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
“You know you are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen right?” he asked, giving you a kiss on your cheek making you blush. You put your face into your hands.
“Stop, you're making me blush, but thank you” you said.
“Well it's true” he replied, spinning you around to face him. Your face was still tinted red, and you were looking down at your feet. He placed his hand under your chin pushing it up softly so you would look at him. You met his ice blue eyes, and he leaned in to kiss you, but you playfully backed up, and he frowned. 
“You gotta catch me first” you winked, and took off in a sprint. He was much faster than you, and caught up quickly, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground, making you squeal. He turned you around again, and he had a smirk plastered on his face. 
“So do I get my kiss now” he asked pulling your into his body, and you gave him a small peck on the lips, and laughed. Before you could say anything he pulled your body as close as he could, and reattached his lips to yours making your eyes widen before they closed as you sunk into the kiss. His arms were wrapped around your lower back while yours were playing with the wet strands of his hairs. The rain poured on both of you, and you felt like you were having your own movie moment. Everything was perfect, and you were falling hard and fast for him. You loved him. When he pulled away he looked at you. His gaze was soft, and full of love. Water was dripping down his face, and from his hair, but he looked beautiful. No one had ever looked at you that way. You laughed softly and looked away from his look. 
“Why are you looking at me like that” you whispered.
“Because I love you”
As you silently sobbed against JJs door you could still hear his voice telling you that he loved you, and it devastated you that you would probably never hear him say it again. You began to take deep breaths calming yourself down. You wiped your eyes, and carefully stood up, and forced your hand to knock on the door. You could hear someone was inside coming from one of the bedrooms. You heard the click of the door, and it swung open. You were faced with JJ with a beer in hand. His face with no emotion until he realized it was you. His eyes softened for a second, but went back to emptiness. 
“What are you doing here don’t you have a flight to catch?” he grumbled, and you wanted to fall apart, but you tried to hold yourself together. 
“JJ I just didn’t want to leave with the way everything ended, I still love you and I can’t have you hating me” you whispered. You were looking at your feet and playing with your hands. 
“I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, but we’ve run out of things we can say, some people just don’t work” with those words you felt your heart shatter. You felt like you could throw up. You looked up at him, and his eyes softened when he realized you had been crying. You were breaking, and you didn’t think you would be able to hold yourself together for much longer. 
“I get it, I'll just go then” you sniffled turning on your heel, and you just let the tears come out like a waterfall, and you let out a sob as you ran to your car. JJ felt horrible he was heartbroken, and seeing you like this made him hate himself. You got to your car trying to unlock the door with no luck. You fiddled with the keys as you wept. You dropped the keys and hit your car in anger. You were so caught up in your breakdown you didn’t even hear JJ follow you. You put your hands into your palms, and cried. You soon felt two hands on your bare arms turning you around. 
“Y/n please don’t cry” he pleaded trying to get you to look at him, but you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“I don’t want us to be done” you sobbed, and he pulled you into his shirt. You gripped the thin material as you shook in his arms. He held you as close as he could, and he enjoyed the warmth of your body he had missed for the past two weeks. He began to cry as well, and managed to hold you even closer. When you pulled apart he held you face with both his hands, and wiped the tears from your eyes. 
“I love you with all my heart Y/n, but you need to go to school, and I am trying to hold you back. The best thing for you is to not be with me” he sniffled, and your heart broke when you saw tears fall down his face. 
“I can’t, I don’t want anyone else, but you. We can make this work. Please JJ I need you” you pleaded.
“Y/n” he started, but you cut him off.
“No JJ we can make this work, we can. I know we can. Please just try” you begged.
“I don't want to hold you back” he faltered, his hands leaving your face. You shook you head, and put a hand on his cheek. 
“You’re not holding me back JJ, I love you, and I don't want to be with anyone else but you. What I said to you was out of line, and I didn't mean it, and I’m so sorry” He leaned into your touch as you spoke, and the warmth of his cheek sent chills through your body. 
“I’m sorry about what I said too, and if you think we can make this work than I want to try, because I love you, and I can’t lose you. I was scared that once you left for college you would find someone new, and forget about me. I was being selfish, and you didn’t deserve that”
“JJ I would never forget about you” you whispered pulling him into a hug, and this time he was the one crying in your arms. You rubbed up and down his back slowly as he cried into your shoulder. You felt his tears fall onto your skin, and you just pulled him closer. 
“I love you JJ Maybank”
“I love you too”
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - King Pascal
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This is, in my opinion, the worst episode of season two and I’ll get into why under the cut. 
Summary:  The group is stranded on an island after a storm. The tiny islanders, the Lorbs, mistake Pascal for their mystical ruler; the chameleon loves the adulation, until he’s expected to protect his people from a vicious monster.
Since When Did You Learn How to Sail, Rapunzel? 
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So they hit the storm and Rapunzel starts doling out orders like she always does, but like, she logically shouldn’t know what to do here. She’s only been out of the tower for a little over a year and sailing takes time to learn. There’s been nothing to establish beforehand that she’s learned this stuff. If anything Eugene and Lance should be the one giving the orders here as their backgrounds could feasibly included sailing as they’re world travelers. 
Here lies part of the problem with Rapunzel’s characterization, and I’ve already touched upon it back in The Alchemist Returns, but Rapunzel can’t and shouldn’t be magically good at everything. She can be incredibly skilled in some areas, like acrobatics and the arts, but she also should have lapses in knowellage just due to a lack of experience and expertise. 
A female character isn’t ‘weak’ just because they have to sometimes rely on other characters. They shouldn’t be written to be magically better than the male characters just because they got boobs. That’s not empowering; that��s condescending. Women are people, and real people have varied skill sets and weaknesses that match their interests and backgrounds. 
So Why Is the Island Tropical? 
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According to what few maps we see in the show (and yes, they are inconsistent, but bare with me), Corona is somewhere in Northern Europe near an ocean or sea. According to dialogue at the end Forest of No Return, they’ve been traveling east, and according to the map in Rapunzel’s Return, the Dark Kingdom is north east of Corona specifically. Meaning that they must be somewhere in the northern Baltic Sea right now, which is not tropical at all.  
This is part of the problem with Tangled’s ‘throw it all into a blender’ style of approach to worldbuilding. If traveling the world is going to be a major plot point for a season then we kind of need to know where things are in relation to each other. Climate should help determine such things, but if you’re all willy nilly about culture, which climate affects, than nothing is going to make sense. 
My only guess is that the island is suppose to be magical so it has a different climate to the surrounding environment, but that’s just a headcanon and not actually stated by anything in the show itself. I shouldn’t have to be doing the work of the writers for them. 
So Why are We Separating the Guys Again? 
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Back in Freebird the writers needed to get Cass and Raps alone in order for them to have their bonding time and a heart to heart, but here, it’s just lazy writing. This is a Pascal focus episode and it requires that Rapunzel interact with lots of other characters, so splitting the group up doesn’t benefit the story in any way. 
The writers just didn’t want to fool with writing for eight characters at one time (I’m not counting Fidella or Owl, though logically they should be considered characters in their own right and not just props for the story, but oh well); which begs the question of why they wrote in so many characters to begin with. 
It’s also an excuse to make the girls seem more competent than the boys, which, as I explained above, is not real ‘girl power’; just bad writing.  
Let’s Talk About the Outfit Changes and How Marketing Affects the Story 
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The entire point of this episode and indeed this whole island arc, is just because of marketing stipulations. Every season is required to have one Pascal focused episode and one Max focused episode, because Disney marketing wanted to sell cute animal toys. Another requirement of the story was outfit changes for the mains so that once again marketing could sell dolls and variants and such. It’s why Rapunzel, Cass, and Eugene get so many alternate costumes, while Lance doesn’t despite being with them on this journey too. 
Which is understandable to a point. American television animation has always been about selling toys and merchandise. It’s how these shows make most of their money back. If there’s a show that you enjoy and you want to support it being on the air, you need to buy the toys. Priating doesn’t do jack to the bottom line, it does not affect ratings as most people don't own a nielsen rating box. (an increasingly outdated method to calculate popularity anyways) But whether or not the toys sell is the make it or break it point of every show. 
However, there are better ways to implement these stipulations then how Tangled goes about it. You want to give Max and Pascal focus? Then actually give them focus that relates to the overall plot and not just meaningless filler. You want to the characters switch up outfits and have that tie into the story? Then make sure it fits all of the characters and don’t drag it out more than it needs to be, because this island arc it too damn long. 
And you want to know what the biggest kick in the teeth is? There’s barely any merchandise for this outfit. There’s like one paper doll set and that’s it. The toys for Tangled the Series did not sell and they stopped merchandising the show after season one. Now add in the rating plummet during seasons two and three, and we’re incredibly lucky the show didn’t get canceled outright because it’s by all accounts a financial flop. 
I suspect there was an upfront contract that guaranteed them three seasons no matter what, and that’s the only reason it managed to escape the chopping block and why Chris and Ben weren’t let go sooner from the project. Because Chris at least no longer works for Disney. He left as soon as production ended on the show. 
The False God Trope is Over Played 
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I can find examples of this trope dating all the way back to the early 60s, and arguably even sooner than that. However around the 80s, after Return of the Jedi hit theaters, the trope was inescapable in children's media. Every cartoon since has had this same plot shoved in somewhere. It also became paired with the ‘liar revealed’ trope (the bane of my existence) more often. 
And that’s what this is; an incredibly stale take on an incredibly by the numbers story. I kept waiting all episode for the other shoe to drop, for some sort of twist on the usual cliche, but it never came. 
This episode is boring, aggravatingly so. It’s the main reason why it’s in my bottom five. Because while you could argue that really little kids wouldn’t be as over exposed to the trope like an adult such as myself, the writers themselves desperately tried to distance themselves from that targeted audience. They’re the ones that yell ‘it’s not a kid show’, while feeding us crap like this, and I just have to roll my eyes. 
Tangled doesn’t know who it’s audience is. It should be pre-teen girls, but the creators want shoot for an older audience, teens, while marketing wants this to be a preschool show. So the series careens wildly all over the place in terms of tone and winds up satisfying no one. Older audiences are frustrated by childish filler such as this, while younger audiences are exposed to themes and messages that they probably shouldn’t be. I know several parents who have stopped their kids from watching the series because they don’t approve of the toxic values the show prometes in its incompetence. 
It bungles so many of its attempts to be mature because it won’t actually explore the complexities of the plot. Either cause it’s wasting too much time on filler, it can’t explore it’s more disturbing elements to their natural conclusions due to the audience, or it just mistakes ‘shocking’ as deep. 
King Pascal isn’t mature or deep. It’s pointless guff that adds nothing while actively taking away from more interesting storylines. I say skip this dreck and go watch Doctor Who’s The Aztecs instead if you want to see this trope done right with maturity while still being all audience friendly. 
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It’s also has the added bonus of featuring two well developed strong female characters who hold their own with the equally capable guys while actually developing all of those characters simultaneously, and was co-produced by an actual woman. If they could pull that off in the early sixties than Disney and Chris have no excuse today. 
This Is the Same ‘Lesson’ As Pascal’s Story
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In addition to being boring and unoriginal, this episode is also redundant. Rapunzel already learned to show appreciation to Pascal back in season one. Why are we having her relearn this lesson instead of giving Pascal a new arc? 
It’s not even consistent as Rapunzel only acts this way towards him in his focus episodes. It’s also not a lesson in behaving condescendingly in general because Rapunzel goes on to be condensing to everyone anyways. 
So Did We Really Need This Episode Just to Introduce the Island and the Firefly? 
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Yes both of these things come into play later, but not in any significant way. We’re here on this island for four whole episodes and it only comes back for one in season three, and only to further a side character’s story; not the main plot. Also the Firefly will help resolve the plot in five episodes time, but it’s just given a reintroduction there anyways. Why couldn’t this information have been condensed down and repackaged into another episode entirely? 
That’s what I mean by poor pacing. Tangled is not efficient in its storytelling. It drags things out only to give us rushed endings or no resolutions at all. Stop drop feeding info in the backgrounds of filler episodes where it’s not relevant and actually give us stories that focus on the plot, dang it. 
Once Again, Rapunzel is a Hypocrite 
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Just like in Pascal’s Story during season one, Rapunzel is quick to show consideration for her oldest friend but can’t be bothered to admit fault to a teenager that she abused. One that she knows is currently facing horrendous and inhumane treatment inside of a jail cell right now and still does not give a damn. 
You can’t claim Rapunzel is a kind and compassionate person so long as Varian and his story exists.You just can’t. Because no matter how you slice it, being a minor means that there is a power imbalance in how adults and the government treats them. A power imbalance that is constantly being exploited by the mains. 
You won’t miss anything other than the shipwreck itself if you skipped the episode. Which is aggravating because it means it’s technically necessary to the on going story without actually adding anything substantial to it. It’s like the series opener all over again, only made worse by how boring and redundant it all is. Worst episode of season two; and now I just want to go watch Doctor Who instead. 
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op-peccatori · 5 years
Anthesis | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Hades!Victor/Persephone|Kore!Reader
Rating: 18+/Explicit
Word Count: 10k
Summary: Your ambition takes you down a path few would prefer to take, to the world where the dead go to rest. But in a place where you expect to find only darkness, you’re surprised to find so much more.
A/N: Better late than never? Happy (belated) Birthday, Victor! Ily. This was supposed to be up on his birthday but, well, I had zero motivation to write at the time lmao. Please keep in mind that this is mostly inspired from alternate versions of the Hades/Persephone tale, and not the original. These are pretty much my own versions of them.
(tags under the cut)
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Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content, virgin mc, vaginal sex, oral sex, a sad mix of formal and informal language, no abductions here folks, I’ll edit later just take this away from me
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Violets and crocuses wiggle in delight and part as the grass, eager to cushion your stride, nearly presses up against your feet. Roughened bark meets smooth skin as your hands brace against it, the tree nearly twisting around you to shelter you as you peek around it; the leaves murmur to themselves, wondering what you're up to. 
You shush the leaves and pat the tree into compliance with haste, lest they give your position away. Another glance at your target shows no change. You have to wonder—does he really not know you're spying, or are you just being ignored? Pushing the question aside, for now, you hurry along after him. Your patience and labour are rewarded when you follow him into a meadow, where his ride awaits him. 
A gilded chariot, drawn by four of the most beautifully frightening beasts you have ever seen. Helios had been right; their tales don't do them justice. The same, however, can be said for their rider, who now greets them with gentle strokes upon their heads, the menacing horses whinnying and bowing their heads, competing for just a smidge more attention. The flowers stir with curiosity and terror, knowing these beings belong to another place, one where they would struggle to survive.
"Why have you come?" 
It takes you a moment to realize he's addressing you. You've heard it a few times now, yet the deep baritone sends a thrill down your spine. He does not speak with the condescension you're subjected to so often, and neither does he attempt to seduce you into his bed. All he asks is a simple question, his back to you, his hand stilling where it was stroking. 
"I wanted to see your chariot," you answer easily, stepping forward into the clearing so the moonlight can wash over you. His hair falls down his back in a river of ebony, his statuesque form clad in intricate armour of the darkest black so unlike the ones you see on the surface. He, in all his menacing glory, is so unlike anybody you’ve ever met. 
"You've seen it." He still doesn't face you, and you're startled to realize you're clenching your fist, uncurling it and flexing it nervously. "Run along now, little goddess." 
His words are harsh in their very nature and yet you brush them off, something about his tone striking you as odd. You step closer, and though he doesn't move, he stiffens further. 
"I'm Kore." The warm breeze in the air greets you softly, rustling your hair affectionately as it passes. "But you can call me ___." 
He says nothing, turning to step onto the chariot. He doesn't look at you, but you can see a side of his face now. It grates on you, how aloof he looks. How they avoid him. How every time you ask your mother to visit his domain, you're turned down. 
"Goodbye, Hades!" you call after him, satisfaction squeezing your gut when, as his chariot descends into the chasm, he's startled into looking at you. For a long moment, it seems as if time has stopped. Eyes that seem opalescent at this distance, flecks of blue and violet in that grey grey storm locking with your own. You're overcome by the urge to follow, and you nearly do, were it not for the hyacinths twisting around your feet in their alarm. 
The moment is broken as he disappears, the earth closing back in seamlessly in the aftermath of his departure. You can't quite look away, despite knowing it's unlikely he'll be back. It'll be a while before you see him again, as he rarely leaves his domain. You know you're young, younger in comparison to these older gods but the impatience you feel still catches you off guard. You don't know how much longer you can keep playing this long game, especially now that it seems like you're the only player on the board.
"___?" Distant voices call for you, prompting a deep sigh. Your mother is probably looking for you, and even as you turn to leave, you resist the urge to glance back until you're deep within the woods once more.
There is something you want. It's terrifying and it's exhilarating—it probably won't end well. But for the first time in your life, you want something badly enough to defy all odds and your mother. It's been slow to bloom, starting off as a sapling that has now spread its branches throughout your being, spreading sheer want in their wake. All you need is a plan. And so, it is with eyes shining with hope that you rush to your mother where she reads by a fountain, taking a seat next to her.
"Mother, may I invite Helios over? It's been some time since I saw him," you ask in the politest tone in your arsenal, batting your lashes and clasping your hands together. To nobody's surprise, she agrees. 
"But you stay where I can reach you," she says sternly, cupping your cheek when you purse your lips. "We can't have anyone getting any ideas, hm?"
"Yes, mother."
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Helios arrives in a golden chariot of his own, his ivory-winged horses gliding to a stop where you wait in the meadow. His windblown, flaxen hair tumbles over his shoulders, and the honest blue eyes and cheery grin are a welcome sight—beautiful, but one that doesn't quite shake you, doesn't possess you with the impulse to stumble after it.
You don't speak of it right away. Instead, you offer up sweet wine and weave flower crowns as he shares all the gossip in the realm; some are things Aphrodite really will kill him for one day. As always, one name is conspicuously missing from his lively tales of love and debauchery, and that's the one you finally bring up as you adjust the wreath over his head.
"Hades? He rarely leaves his realm, I don't think he's one to indulge himself that often. I don't know how he does it," he muses. Kiro, as you're allowed to call him, eyes you speculatively. This isn't the first time you've asked after the reticent god, and he knows you too well to think your inquiries are innocent in nature. "Oh, just tell me." 
You look around the clearing, ensuring that none of your mother's agents are around. The trees would tell you if they were, but years of dodging them have taught you better. 
"I want to visit the Underworld," you confess, unable to help the smile that steals over your mouth when his mouth drops open. This is the first time you've said it aloud, and doing so only cements the desire further. Kiro groans, half despair and half lament, rubbing a hand over his face.
"I regret this visit already."
"I know you know how to do it." You cross your arms over your chest, your chin jutting out in a way that makes him sigh.
"There's a reason why nobody goes there, you know."
"It isn't forbidden."
"Your mother will destroy us both." She will, but with any hope, you'll be far away when she figures it out.
"Kiro, please?"
"Argh, fine! There's only one way for the living to pass through safely; you'll need a gift for the ferryman."
You pester him until he tells you what might be suitable, until you're certain you have just the thing in mind, flopping onto your back once you know everything you need to. You study the vast expanse of the sky, awash in strokes of pinks and orange, wondering if you'll get to see it once your plan is in motion. 
"He really caught your eye, didn't he?" Kiro muses as he lays down beside you. "Demeter will throw a fit."
"Hm. Something like that. And mother can throw all the fits she wants to. This is a decision I've made for myself." 
"Have you ever even spoken to him?" You can't quite bring yourself to look at him, giving it away and his next words are incredulous. "You haven't! That's why you aren't going through the usual channels! I thought it was just because of Demeter—"
"It is!" you insist, still refusing to meet his eyes.
"But you don't want H-Him to know either." 
"...not right away, no," you mumble, continuing before he can panic. "Only because he wouldn't agree to let me visit!" 
Kiro can't argue with that. "I don't know what you're thinking, just—don't irk him." That's just one of the many things you shouldn't, the first step of your operation being at the very top. 
Slipping out of your mother's grasp isn't easy; her watchful gaze, as you murmur promises of being careful and wanting to visit forest nymphs, tells you she knows you aren't being entirely truthful. But you're aware that she will chalk it up to you playing your silly games. 
Oh, you are. This is a game you want to win. The stakes are just higher this time. 
Helios agrees to fly you down to the ocean, flying you across it as if he's afraid Demeter is right behind you. It feels surreal as you finally stand at the entrance to the cavern, your form shrouded by a cloak of thick velvet with the hood drawn up. You hesitate, for just a moment. You might be sent back right away. Or, if you are successful, there will be no going back from this. 
As you close your eyes, memories of your mother pass through your mind. The good and the bad, the dreaded and the cherished. It transitions into a vivid memory of a battle you hadn't witnessed in person, but one that you had watched while you had been hidden away in one of your temples, a shallow pool of water reflecting the bloody battlefield so far away. 
It hadn't been the first time you had seen him, but it had stayed with you until the next time you saw him leaving Olympus. You had seen him obliterate the thieves attempting to steal away the souls in his custody with nary a blink, the cold fury in his eyes belying his smooth countenance. You had been thoughtful as you watched his chariot ascend from the gape of the earth, watched him greet the sable-black horses with a muted affection at complete odds with the ruthlessness he had displayed just minutes prior.
In that conflicting visage, you saw an opportunity. 
And so, you step through the threshold, your golden gift in hand. 
You weren't expecting it to be a pleasant journey, but the wailing and complaining souls you walk in line with are still unnerving. The silent ones even more so. They look human, just a little more opaque, almost glowing in the gloomy caves. They don't seem to realize you walk with them, which is admittedly a relief. You feel uneasy at the lack of life here, and not for the first time during your walk, you wonder if you can really do this.
There will be steep consequences, the world will change, you will change. You walk, and walk, and walk, and just as you begin to feel the frustration, you see it: the long stretch of water beyond the white sand you step onto, aglow with wisps of green light swimming beneath the surface. And on the boat that glides along the surface, coming to a halt as it reaches the shore, stands the ferryman.  You have to wait as the ones ahead of you climb onto the boat before you're face to face with him. Not an inch of him is visible, the cloak doing an excellent job to conceal whatever hides behind it. Still, you can feel him peer down at you. 
You brace yourself before slipping the hood back, inclining your head as you greet him. "Charon, I presume?" 
"You...are not supposed to be here." His voice seems to echo through the cavern, soft yet scattered as if it comes from all around you. 
"No, I'm not," you concede, before offering up the golden branch you had fashioned with painstaking care. "I did bring a gift." 
You can feel him studying you as if you are the strangest passenger he's come across before he holds out his hand for the bough. "I'll accept it. Welcome aboard, young goddess." 
"I didn't think you would let me pass so easily." You climb onto the boat, taking the seat right behind Charon. 
"As long as you do not cause trouble, young goddess, I don't see why I should not."  
The boat starts to move, needing no rowers, leaving behind the souls who will have to wait their turn. You're so preoccupied with examining the luminous water that it takes you a moment to realize Charon is looking at you. 
"Are you?" You blink. "Are you here to cause trouble?"
"I'm not here to cause trouble," you answer, your slight smile giving you away. 
"And yet, I do not think He will see it that way." He seems amused despite his words, and you're distracted from answering as you exit the cave, your gaze captured by the scenery. 
The air isn't stale. There are no skulls lining the shores. The river isn't filled with the blood of the dead, instead, it seems to be so pure it's glowing. You wonder why people are so fond of spreading false accounts of their experiences in the underworld. The sky, as you observe when you tilt your head back, is a blend of greys and purples with no sign of sunlight. You refrain from squirming in discomfort—you'll just have to get used to it, trade your bright skies for vaguely ominous ones. 
The shores on either side of the river are barren of anything but sand, and on one side you see a wall of obsidian rock that stretches along the shore as far as the eye can see. 
"How do I get to Hades' palace?" you ask in slight dismay, not fond of the thought of getting lost in this strange new realm.
"The boat will stop at the entrance to the realm," he murmurs. "From there, someone will come to get you." 
"Someone from the palace, I suppose." He doesn't seem to be inclined to give you more answers, and you ease away with a quiet sigh, knowing he's done more than enough. 
True to his word, Charon's boat stops in front of what looks to be the only entrance to the realm. There are two enormous gates on either side of the opening in the wall, also carved with obsidian, unembellished but for the symbols etched into the surface. A closer look shows them to be sceptres, the symbol of the ruler of this realm.
You look back at Charon with a faint smile. "Thank you." 
"You need not thank me for doing my duty, young goddess." As the boat starts back down the river, his echoing laugh sends a frisson of unease through you. "I wish you luck." 
The 'you'll need it' goes unsaid but you hear it clearly enough. Well, you will need luck when the god finds out you're here, but hopefully, it'll be a while before that happens. 
A few steps towards the gates let you know you will need luck for a lot more. 
There is no sense of alarm from the souls who continue to pass through the gates as if they don't feel the way the air grows heavy. You feel the hot, panting breath at the back of your head first, followed by a low growl. Every inch of your being tenses in place and the first thought in your head is-
'I don't have power here.'
You turn around on wobbly legs, biting back a whimper when you see him. A massive beast you had only heard rumours of, rumours you really should have given more thought because now there are three heads growling at you.
"Oh, h-hello," you croak out. The heads tilt in unsettling unison, sniffing at you in confusion. "You must be Cerberus." 
He's nearly as big as the towering gates, with a glossy black coat and eyes that possess a red sheen. One of the heads, the one on the right, whines low in his throat and is immediately snapped at by the one on the left. Their teeth look to be nearly as big as your forearm, and you curse yourself for not bringing extra gifts. You hadn't thought to prepare too much for the trip, as you aren't a demigod on a quest. 
If you want to stay in this place, it would be wise to forge friendships with its residents.
"I'm Kore," you offer when they continue to stare at you as if unable to figure out what to make of you. And then, the head on the right seems to win out as he darts forward, butting your shoulder gently as your shriek dies in your throat. You can tell he had tried to be gentle, and still, it sends you sprawling on the sand. 
You all stare at each other in surprise. The startled looks on their faces drain them of any menace they had previously displayed; it makes you clutch your abdomen as you burst out laughing. The headbutting head whines slightly, taking a hesitant step forward, sniffing frantically as if to make sure you're in one piece. 
The hand you place on his snout is gentle, your touch soothing as you coo at him, reassuring the oddly concerned looking dog. You're still giggling as the heads tilt in confusion, still unsure, and nearly miss the sound of horses whinnying from a distance. Nearly, for it's impossible to miss the thundering of hooves as they reach the ground, and your heart rattles in its cage as Cerberus sits back on his haunches, his tail curling and wagging with delight. 
And why shouldn't it, when his master has come to greet them?
"Well, I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself." The icy words reach you before you've mustered the courage to look back at the chariot and its terrifying rider. Your fingers dig into the sand as you scramble to get ahold of the fortitude that had brought you here.
"Oh," is all you can say when you do turn around, for you're not expecting the casual attire. The armour is nowhere in sight, his body clad in flowing robes of red and gold, a sash tying them in place. His hair is free from its usual half-updo, flowing freely over his shoulders and back. 
You can't quite bring yourself to say another word, let alone give him the explanation you know he's waiting for. He raises a brow at you before scoffing, jumping off the small platform and striding towards you. Cerberus intercepts him before he can reach you, bounding forward to greet him with low whines escaping all three heads. He doesn't let Hades pass until every head has received an acceptable amount of head pats, giving you a moment to collect yourself. 
"Someone will come to get you," you repeat in a low mutter, fists clenching. "Charon, you evil, evil being."
"What was that?" A shadow falls over you, and you squint up at the god standing over you. Without the armour, however, he doesn't look as threatening as usual, though you won't be the one one to tell him that. You smile up at him brightly. 
"Nothing! Hello. Thank you for coming to get me," you say as if you hadn't sneaked into the realm and broken a few different rules. He squeezes his eyes shut for a few seconds, before exhaling forcefully and holding his hand out. You can't deny the tremble in your chest when you take it, his hand pleasantly warm to the touch as he pulls you up. 
"Come, little goddess." Your fingers tighten around his hand and he drops yours as if it were dripping with the venom of a Hydra, turning on his heel and stalking back to his chariot, clearly expecting you to follow. 
You do so quietly, waving at the horses as they eye you, flexing your hand in an attempt to suppress the strange tingling. It doesn't work, and you try not to sigh as you climb onto the chariot next to him. You're here on a mission, and the warmth spreading over your cheeks is not helping in any way.
You're further embarrassed by the startled yelp that escapes you when the chariot takes off without warning, but it's forgotten when you feel a hand settle over the top of your head, pulling you closer to the body it's attached to until you're close enough to feel it's warmth. His warmth. 
"Try not to fall off," he chides, before seeming to realize that his hand is still on your head and pulling it away to rest it on the railing. The air whipping through your hair feels blessedly cool on your heated skin, and you focus on looking around instead. You pass by what looks to be a pavilion, wondering if it is what you think it is but not having the courage to ask when he's clearly irritated. All you can do is sneak glances. His hair whips around him, brushing against yours and you avert your eyes as he turns to glance at you in question.
Any excuse you might have come up with fades away when his palace looms into view. Sitting upon an island in the middle of a lake, the walls of obsidian stone matching the wall seem to give off their own strange glow. A cobblestone bridge connects the island to the rest of the land, a spiked portcullis standing in the way of whoever dares to visit. The four towers to each corner stand proud and high enough that you worry about running into them. 
The chariot circles the tower closest to you, flying lower with each lap until you arrive in a courtyard, stopping before the stables. A nervous-looking man in golden robes seems to have been waiting there, bowing as you both climb out of the chariot. 
"My Lord." He looks at you almost suspiciously. "Lady Kore."
"Hello." Hades steps into your path before you can continue. Why is it that you're unable to finish your sentences around this man?
"I will open the entrance to the surface, I think you've had enough adventures for this decade." 
Your what echoes, confusing you until you realise it had come from the other man.
"I did not come here to just leave," you argue hotly, squaring your shoulders when he glowers down at you. "This is not some silly adventure." 
"Oh? What would you call it?"
"I came here to ask you a few questions." And a few other things, but he doesn't need to know that just yet. "Surely you can grant me that much." You cross your arms, refusing to break eye contact until he grunts and looks at the...attendant?
"Prepare the guest wing for the lady." He turns back to you just as you open your mouth. "I have things to attend to, so I'm afraid your questions will have to wait. I assume you know the rule?" 
"The rule?" you repeat, trading glances with the other man, who nods in encouragement. "Yes?" You don't have a clue. 
He seems aware of that, leaning in until his hair falls forward in a silken curtain and your entire view is filled with thick lashes and stormy eyes. 
"Don't..." You're aware that you're staring at his mouth, but seem to have lost control over where your eyes stray. "...eat anything. Unless you want to be stuck here forever." 
"O-oh." You feel uncomfortably warm again, unable to meet the wicked glint of his eyes when he pulls back. "Yes, I knew that!" 
"Wonderful. We shouldn't have any problems then. Enjoy your stay, little goddess," he calls over his shoulder as he begins to walk away. "It'll be a short one."
And then there were two—left staring after the man who disappears behind a corner.
The attendant turns to you. "I'll show you to the guest wing, My Lady." 
"Thank you..." 
"Oh! My apologies," he leads you to what looks like a side entrance to the building. "You may call me Goldman." 
"Thank you, Goldman," you say warmly. 
As you step through the door, it begins to sink in. You're really here. You're doing this. How successfully, that has yet to be seen. But you have hope. 
"Please don't mention this to My Lord but," he leans in almost conspiratorially, his hair seeming to fluff up in his cheer. " I'm personally very glad to see you here."
"You are?" It certainly hadn't seemed that way earlier. 
"Yes, My Lord rarely gets visits from the Others. And if you're here for the reason I think you are," he grins at you. "Then I'm doubly glad!" 
You both come to a halt, just before stepping through the archway that leads to a long flight of stairs. The interior of the building is vastly different from its outward appearance, with its marble floors and gilded walls.
"How could you possibly know what I'm here for?" 
"My Lady, I make it my business to know as much as I can about My Lord's everyday affairs," he gestures for you to continue. "You must know. All of us here—we're rooting for you!"
"Yes, well," you laugh nervously, guilt trickling through your insides. "Thank you. I'll...I shall try my best."
The guest wing you're taken to looks completely out of place for something built in Hades' realm. The bedroom itself looks like one you would have designed yourself, with its sheer white curtains and plush rugs. Set in the middle of the room, the bed itself is orbicular with a sheer curtain enclosing it almost completely, with a parting in the middle to allow easy access. The walls here are white marble with speckles of gold, with a massive armoire resting against the one in the back of the room. 
Behind the bed is a shallow pool with steps built into the sides, but what surprises you the most is the tree that seems to be curling in towards the room through the balcony that has no doors, just wide arches. There is limited flora in this realm and you had already made your peace with it, but as you press your hand against the oddly smooth bark of the tree and feel it vibrate with delight, something tense unwinds in your chest.
"I'll let Him know you like it," Goldman calls from where he stands at the threshold, hands clasped in front of him. 
"It's lovely." You take a quick peek out the balcony, which shows you a lovely view of the glowing lake.
"Yes, well," he hesitates, shaking his head. "Ah, I shouldn't...I'll send someone in to attend to you." 
He hurries away before you can press for answers, leaving you to climb into bed with a huff. Your cloak is unfastened and thrown to the side, freeing your unruly tresses and limbs. Resting on your stomach, you feel silly as the loneliness creeps in. You miss your mother and the Naiads; you had, all your life up till now, been surrounded by the Nymphs' giggles and it pains you to think that you might never hear it again. 
But your melancholy is weak when faced with your ambition. If things go your way, this will be your new home and it is with that thought in mind that your eyes flutter shut as sleep crawls over you.
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A glance at the mirror shows you, clad in a forest green dress that wraps around your body, and your hair braided back with golden twine. You leave your room with your attendants' instructions, heading straight for the throne room where Hades should be. They're pleasant enough creatures, but your heart still aches with longing. Kiki and Willow must be worried out of their minds; you had told no one of your plans, with only Helios aware of your whereabouts. 
Your path takes you along another winding bridge, chandeliers with softly glowing orbs lining the ceiling and the familiar green wisps darting beneath the lake. The sky above seems almost agitated, clouds of grey and violet swirling around each other restlessly. 
Strange though it may be, the Underworld is beautiful in its own way. How could it not be, when its ruler is the same?
He stands there now, peering down into the lake as if it holds answers to any questions he may have. You know the moment he registers your presence, his shoulders turning as if to leave before he aborts the movement and faces you. 
You should be afraid, you think, standing as you are across the bridge from one of the most feared gods in all the realms. And yet, your feet move on their own as if they can't help it, taking you to him. Your heart throbs with anticipation as you draw closer. He smells like smoke laced with magic, that drugs you with every breath you take, and you think you're a fool for being so relaxed in his presence. 
And yet he's the one looking at you so warily, as if you're the one to fear?
"Hades," you greet him evenly, watching curiously as his eyes dart down to your flowing dress before meeting your gaze. 
"I told you, you can call me ___," you mutter. "I was told you have no other matters to attend to at the moment?"
There’s no point in beating around the bush, it would only give him more chances to escape. 
"Lovely. So," you clasp your hands behind you, tilting your head to the side. You feel your hardened resolve waver when he only watches you carefully. "Why did you reject me?"
He seems to be at a loss for words, so you continue. 
"You thought I didn't know," you state, stepping closer to him. It annoys you that you have to look up at him, but a deeper part of you enjoys it, more so when he begins to look wary. "Oh, I know. About your proposal. Zeus agreed—and then you turned it down. Why?" 
He stares at you. "You came to ask me this?" 
"I did." 
"Wh-why?" He seems genuinely baffled, blinking when you narrow your eyes at him. "It doesn't matter-"
"Of course it matters!" you snap. He steps back as you step forward, and it continues step for step until his back is pressed to the wall beside the arch. It feels a bit silly, but you reach your hand out to rest it on the wall just over his shoulder, to make sure he can't slip away. "Am I that undesirable in your eyes?" 
The words burn in your chest but oddly enough, he seems to relax at that, his mouth twitching into a tiny smile. You're quite offended by how pretty it makes him look. "Kore, that's not the case at all. You're beautiful-"
"Do not patronize me."
"I'm not-"
"I could not care less how beautiful you think I am." You stand, face to face, and you know your face is flushed with the force of your anger in that deeply unattractive way your mother hates. "All I want to know is why you changed your mind after approaching Zeus yourself." 
"It...does not matter," he finally says after a long moment spent blinking rapidly in the face of your frustration. 
"I just told you it does," you growl, and you're unsure what he sees in your face, but it makes him twitch.
"You...aren't fit for the role. I think I hear Thanatos calling for me..." 
He slips from your grasp easily, feeble as it is all of a sudden. His words echo within your thoughts, a numbness spreading through you as you try to gather yourself. 
Not fit to—what, be queen? Be his wife?
You sigh, a faint ache in your jaw from how hard you had been grinding your teeth, and rest your hands on the railing. Are you supposed to go home now?
After all, Hades was very clear in declaring you unfit to be his wife. There's nothing more to do. You got your answers. 
'It's not enough.'
"Answers aren't all I want, after all," you murmur, reaching out a hand, smiling as a glowing orb floated up from the water to flutter around your palm. "I'll just have to show him." 
Hades wouldn't have spent all those months watching you in the meadow if he thought you to be so unsuitable. He wouldn't have kicked up such a fuss after catching wind of Ares' proposal, although he would be pissed if he found out Zeus had told you about that too. No, you won't let him escape so easily. 
You came here to be Queen, and it wouldn't do to let the King slip from your fingers with a few thoughtless words, would it?  
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Your resolve remains strong, and you have another plan. Now if only he would stop avoiding you. 
If nothing else, you can at least say that you can have the almighty ruler of the Underworld running in the other direction with just a word, as he's been doing for a few days. It had been exceedingly amusing at first, watching him try to make it look as if he isn't running from you, but now your frustration mounts. Yesterday, you had followed him to the courtyard only for him to quite literally melt into the shadows. It's infuriating and you're done with this chase.
Now, you lurk in the shadows of his throne room, watching him attend to his duties. He's a stern one, this god you're trying to lockdown. Not one to be swayed easily.  You're content to wait, determination tight in your throat, as you watch the last of the Judges leave. 
Hades leans back in his throne of ebony, his shoulders relaxing from their stiff posture. You move when his eyes slide shut, creeping towards him and drawing Goldman's surprised gaze to you.
You hold up a finger to your lips, indicating for him to keep quiet until you reach the bottom of the steps leading up to the throne. Goldman hesitates before nodding, hurrying down the steps and ushering the two armoured guards at the doors from the room. 
Hades, who now watches you from his throne, says nothing as you come to a halt before him, close enough to touch. 
He does nothing as you step closer, between his spread knees to take a seat on one of them. His hands, resting on the arms of the throne, clench around the metal. 
"Not running away this time?" 
"You would just hunt me down again," he mutters, still watching you as you lean closer. "One could think you're Artemis in disguise."
"Invoking another goddess' name while I sit on your lap? You're quite shameless."
"And you're astonishingly persistent."
"I can be when it comes to what’s mine," you counter coolly, fighting a smirk when you catch the slight flush spreading high on his cheeks. 
"You go too far, Kore." The slight tremble in his tone belies his harsh words. He's not wrong, but he also hasn't pushed you off his lap yet. 
"You've left me no choice, Hades." You lean in, smiling faintly. He turns his head away, but two fingers under his chin tilt it back towards you. For a moment, you say nothing. You can't because his mask is slipping, it's apparent in the agitation in his eyes and the skies beyond the windows. "They say you're elusive, but there's only so much a girl can take."
The tip of your nose brushes his and it has you swallowing, has his lips parting, the feel of your breath mingling with his dizzying and terrifying. 
"I'll be good to you. Let me show you," you whisper, pressing your lips to his cheek. A shuddering, almost pained breath leaves him.
"You don't know what you're doing." It's a rumble in his chest, a half-hearted attempt to warn you but you've come too far to quit now. Your lips carve a soft path to his ear, kissing the lobe lightly. 
"Tell me you don't want me," you murmur, tracing the shell of his ear with your tongue.
He says nothing, but it's clear in the way his muscles strain, in his eyes that speak of yearning and desire.
Just one move and you'll have him. 
But he's temptation given form, and you're shaken by how violently your heart thunders in your chest. This will change the game, for better or for worse, you know it in your bones. If you give yourself to him, he will never let you go. Your tongue sweeps across your full lips, his eyes focusing on it and for the shortest of seconds, your lips meet the corner of his mouth. And then you dart away—or at least you try to, were it not for the hand sliding into your hair and bringing you back to him. Your breath stutters at the fierce look in his eyes, at the sudden unyielding grip he has on your hair and your heart.
"You should finish what games you start, little goddess." His voice is somehow fuller, his eyes dancing with sheer want and it scares you how much you want it but—it's that word, the 'little' that sparks your stubborn desire and has your eyes sliding shut as you press your mouth to his. For a moment, there's a buzzing sound in the back of your head and then, it feels like you've been struck by lightning. As if you've jumped into the deepest fires of Tartarus, and somewhere in the back of your thoughts, you realize you're in trouble.
But then he tilts his head and moves his lips and you have nothing to spare for anyone or anything except for him. A moan comes to life and dies within your throat when his other arm wraps around your waist to pull you closer. The next is stolen by him when you're pressed into him, melting into the chiselled planes of his torso. 
You can't think. 
His hands rove over your body, drawing you closer until your parted knees rest on the throne, on either side of his hips. You're not sure how long you sit there, kissing deeper and deeper and wanting more. Your heart feels full and you can't believe you finally have this, have him and then his hips press up into yours. A hot jolt in your belly has desire dripping through you as you feel him, firm against your centre, and then you realise your dress has ridden up almost to your waist.
You're both dazed as you pull away, unable to form a thought let alone words. But this feeling, this contentment, you don't want to give it up. His flushed ears, his warm breath, his burning gaze. You want to capture it all and hoard it forever. The flashing skies break you out of the moment.
"I think we both have things to think through," you half-slur, flushing in embarrassment as you clamber off his lap, righting the hem of your dress. You nearly give in when he reaches for you, the lost look on his face tugging at your heartstrings but you force yourself to turn away and sprint down the stairs. 
This was the plan. Leave him wanting more, and he'll come after you. But this desire you feel, this need to go back, to curl around him and spent an eternity there—this wasn't part of the plan.  
'But this is a good thing.'
It could be. You came here to be more. Because you had deemed Hades to be the perfect one to marry, to escape your mundane life and reach for more than you were given, more than you were expected to be. Here, you could spread your wings.
But you hadn't expected to feel this deeply. 
When did it even begin, you wonder? Was it when you first saw him in battle? Had it all already been set in motion when you had so very conveniently positioned yourself close to his preferred spot of opening a portal to his realm? When you had heard the first whispers of him watching you plucking flowers? 
You had been content to let him observe you, listening to the trees giggle at his attempt at stealth. You had no idea what was so interesting about watching you frolic about the meadow, giggling with the Naiads, but it had worked to your advantage. That had been clear when Zeus spoke to you of his interest. 
But then he withdrew the offer, snatched away your chance and you were forced to take matters into your own hands. 
You reach your room with haste, rushing to your balcony to collapse beside the railing closest to the tree, clutching your chest. The branches above shiver and reach down to you. Your heart longs powerfully, it aches with it, and it's so sweet it's foolish. You're a fool. All the other gods and mortals, they're all fools. 
Hiding away in the Underworld is, not only the deadliest but perhaps the fairest god of them all. 
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This time, you're the one avoiding him. 
It grates at you, this cowardice, but your heart flutters at just the thought of facing him and it makes you nervous. You're emotionally compromised. You want him, more than you've ever wanted anyone. 
It's when the palace is still, when the skies are darker, that you sneak out to the stables. His chariot rests in the back, but you're distracted by the scarlet eyes watching you from different stalls. They're quiet when you come closer, reaching into the one on right, stroking its soft forehead gently as he neighs. 
"Nyctaeus is more tolerant than the others." You nearly jump in fright as He materializes from the shadows, smiling slightly as the steed, who you now know to be Nyctaeus, neighs softly. 
His hand joins yours in stroking his head and you wish he would do that to you too. 
'I wonder if Cerebrus would consent to eat me?'
"They're good companions, especially when you can't sleep. Alastor," he points at the one on the far left, "can be quite chatty. Orphnaeus is a bit more reserved. Aethon...he may kick you if you try to make conversation." 
This might be the longest you've heard him talk in one conversation. You glance at him; he's dressed in a robe similar to yours, muted red where yours is olive green. His hair seems a bit dishevelled, as if he had run a hand through it one too many times. 
"I would love to get to know them better," you smile when Nyctaeus butts his muzzle into your palm. You watch from the corner of your eye as Hades pauses, then hesitates. 
"Kore." You turn to face him and he offers you his arm. "Walk with me?"
You walk for some time before the silence is broken, coming up to the bridge where you had cornered him and he'd run from you for the first time. The chandeliers are inactive, the lake providing enough light as it isn't quite dark here. 
"The other day..."
"I regret nothing," you cut in before he can take that route. He huffs out a low laugh, pulling you to where it's brightest.
"No, I suppose you don't." The green light from the lake reflects onto his features, illuminating them with an eerie glow. "And neither do I."
'Perfect,' you think, but there is only anticipation where there should be more triumph. 
"So..." He sighs, and something within you squeezes painfully. 
"Kore," he begins, tugging you closer when you turn away. "I didn't withdraw the proposal because I don't desire you. If it isn't clear already, it's very much the opposite."
You look up at him as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling ruefully. "But?"
"But I think you would be wasted here. Spring has no place in this realm of mine." There is a flicker of something in his eyes as he says those words. It hurts him, and hurts you too. And more than that, it offends you.
"Don't you think that should be my decision?" Your breath grows heavy, anger and longing warring within you at how sad he looks in the dim glow. 
"I think you deserve better," he argues, rather weakly in your opinion. He looks pitiful, the look out of place on this dark king and you hate it. He looks pained yet he can't seem to look away from you, and you can't turn your eyes away now that you've seen him. You've had a glimpse of his heart and you want it.
You simply kiss him. 
You do feel triumph now—in how helplessly he kisses you back, in the low groan he lets out, and in how naturally his arms find their place around you. 
"Hades," you begin, pulling away and bracing a hand against his chest when he follows. "I know I made it seem that away, but I don't actually have time."
"What do you mean?" The husky timbre of his voice makes you shiver. 
"I mean, I have until my mother finds out I've run away and sends someone after me," you admit sheepishly. His eyes widen before squeezing shut. 
"Demeter doesn't know you're here."
"She might now. But no, I didn't tell her anything." He glances around as if expecting your mother to come raging out of the lake. 
"Kore..." he sighs.
"She would never have agreed!" 
"Well, you clearly have a plan. What do you want to do?" 
You shrug. "Marry you."
"I'm serious. That was my plan."
"So am I. A wedding for those of our standing," he begins, pulling you into his arms. "It must take place before the Pantheon for it to be valid in their eyes." 
"I don't care about what they think," you mumble into his chest, feeling it shake as he chuckles. 
"I more than agree with that but," his lips brush your hair, "I would like for your mother and anyone else you love to be there."
You take a moment to think, before scraping the marriage plan—for now. Another idea sparks, one that you'd considered and abandoned before kissing him that day.
"A lovely thought," you purr, standing up on the tips of your toes to brush your lips along his sculpted jawline. His fingers dig into the sides of your waist. "Then we need to leave them no other choice but to give us their blessings." 
"And how do we go about that?"
Your tongue flicks against his lower lips and he opens his mouth instantly; you've kissed others before, but never has it been this addictive.
"First," your teeth graze his lip, "we go to my room." 
His hands find the backs of your thighs, hoisting you up with ease. Your surroundings blur with his speed, as he sinks into the shadows that form a blanket around you. It's a second of complete darkness and then you're in your room.
Now that he isn't using it to escape you, it really does seem like a handy trick.
"And then?" He lets you slip off, watching with glittering eyes as you start walking back to where your bed is. 
"And then," your nimble fingers find the knot of your dress, easing it open and unwrapping the cloth swiftly. "you make me yours." 
You laugh loudly at how wide his eyes get before he's on you and you're on the bed. He kisses you desperately as if he's afraid you'll be torn from his grasp, and you pull him closer until the soft material of his robes meets your bare skin. 
Rough fingertips slide down the gentle slope of your neck, reverent in their touch, brushing over a hardening nipple, sliding over your soft abdomen, dipping into the mess of curls below but not reaching for what lies beyond. 
"You're so beautiful, ___." His lips are fervent on your skin. "Thank you."
You laugh helplessly, shifting into a moan when he takes a nipple into his mouth. "Thank you?" 
Your back arches when he sucks, until he pulls back to smile down at you. The sight alone is enough to stun you, and the slight dimple in one cheek ensures further silence on your part.
"Yes," he leans in to kiss you but doesn't elaborate. You reach for the sash of his robes, tugging it off impatiently. You regret it the moment you succeed and the part of his robe allows you a closer look at what lies beneath. His torso looks as if it could have been sculpted by Hephaestus himself, and his cock—the sight of it flushed and erect has your mouth dry. 
"Oh," you say, and your face could've been on fire with how hot it feels.
"You seem nervous, little goddess," he says lightly, but the darkening of his eyes displays his lethal desire. "With how boldly you climbed onto my lap that day, I almost thought you were going to have me right there." 
"Ah, well," you avert your eyes, unable to escape his teasing gaze, "I actually...I've never..."
You miss the way his eyes soften at your trembling words, blinking when you feel his lips on your forehead. 
"I know. They do call you the Maiden, after all." 
At this, you glare at him. "Well, then, My Lord—I trust you to change that tonight." 
He grins as if he thinks you adorable, prompting you to push him until you switch positions. You climb onto him with flushed cheeks, sliding your hands down his chest until they splay dangerously low on his abdomen. His smile is fainter, edged with a warning, his hair fanned out over the sheets. You simply smile as you wrap your hands around his cock, squeezing it curiously. 
"K-Kore," he groans. "Please be careful with that." He helps you adjust your grip on the base of his shaft, guiding you to pump it slowly. 
"I told you, call me ___," you insist, watching with fascination as the tip of his cock starts to glisten temptingly. "Everybody else calls me Kore." 
"Right," he croaks, bucking his hips when you finally give in to the urge to lick at the slit of his cock. "By Tartarus. You wicked little thing. Ah, then, you m-may call me Victor." 
"Victor?" you ask, tongue stilling where it was sliding along his length. He smirks down at you. 
"I certainly feel like one." His ensuing chuckle is cut off when you take him into your mouth, trying to remember what the Naiads had mentioned about pleasuring your lovers. "D-don't push yourself." 
You hollow your cheeks in response, taking him deeper until your mouth feels uncomfortably full. You begin to bob your head slowly, unsure until you hear him groan and begin moving more confidently. 
It's when your tongue begins to slide in unison with your mouth and your hand inches towards his ballsack that you feel him tug at your hair, not easing his grip until you've let his cock slip out of your mouth with a whine. He curses again, sitting up and pulling you to him, tasting himself on your tongue. His robe slips off completely and you're quick to take advantage of it, stroking over his flexing muscles avidly.
You tense when you feel his warm palm on your inner thigh, as if your body is waiting for something but you don't know what, not until you feel him touch your sex. His fingers slide along your slit and you gasp into his mouth, fingers clenching around his shoulders as he touches you gently, stoking the flame you hadn't realised was there, preoccupied as you were with his bare skin.
"You're so wet for me," he murmurs, pleased. He slides a finger in, hissing when your walls squeeze him tight. "Oh, ___." 
You've only ever indulged yourself a few times, mostly out of curiosity and restlessness, but here as you sit in the arms of the man you've claimed as yours, it feels completely different. His fingers are longer, thicker, and it seems so deliciously erotic; he swallows your moans, kisses your cheeks, whispers his encouragement as your hips begin to move, grinding into his hand. He makes you come on his fingers, holding you as you tremble and cling to him. 
He lays you down, kissing your forehead, the lids of your eyes, your nose, your cheeks. He lingers on your lips before his mouth glides along your neck, stopping to suck softly on your breasts. His lips on your abdomen feel ticklish, making you giggle until you feel his breath on your quivering cunt. He parts your legs, and his ravenous gaze makes you throb harder. 
Any capacity to speak coherently is lost with the first lick along your slit, before his tongue pushes through and you're left writhing on the bed. He sucks and laps at you, his iron grip around your thighs thwarting your attempts at squirming away. His lips close around your nub and you keen, begging for respite or for more, you don't even know yourself. 
He does pull away, crawling over to kiss your hair and murmur soothing praises as you kiss his jaw and widen your legs in a silent invitation. Ha-Victor looks at you when he brushes the head of his cock against you, not looking away even as he begins to push in. The air feels charged with magic, you feel it in little sparks against your skin. Your head falls to the mattress, eyes rolling back as he pulls back to slide in further with shallow thrusts, overwhelmed by how full it feels. 
"You're going to be the death of me," he chokes out, feeling your walls fluttering around him. Locking eyes with him has been an intense experience every single time but now, with him throbbing within you, it feels almost painfully intimate.  
"G-Good thing you won't be going anywhere," you manage to quip, smiling even as he draws you into a kiss and begins to thrust. He sets a smooth pace, allowing you to try and keep up as your hips begin to undulate. It's with measured thrusts and clever fingers that you come again, with fervid kisses on your skin that soften with every breath you take. He empties himself within you, murmuring incoherent praises into the side of your throat as he shakes.  
He takes you into his arms, a hand caressing the length of your back, and a memory springs up; once, one of the visiting nymphs had claimed to have bedded Hades. She had scoffed and declared him to be a cold lover, that living in the Underworld for so long must've drained him of all passion. You had suspected it even then, but now you know she had been lying. 
Your soft snickers draw his attention away from your shoulders, where he had been planting soft kisses.
"What is it?"
"Oh, nothing," you say breezily, rolling over to grin at him. "Just congratulating myself on a job well-done." 
"As you should," he agrees. "But I don't see how this stops Demeter from taking you away." 
You stare at him. He hasn't realized it, has he?"
"That was just for us." You sit up, opening your arms when he shifts to rest his head on your stomach. "Now...I'm hungry."
He freezes, nearly flinging himself back with how quickly he rises. "___." 
"You can't tell me you hadn't considered it." You raise a brow at how his eyes fall with shame.
"I...did. It would've done the job. But at the time it would've been against your wishes," he admits, tucking your head under his chin as you wrap your arms around him. 
"And now it won't be." 
"___." He places his hands on your shoulders, looking at you gravely. "This will bind you to the Underworld. To me."
Your only response is to roll your eyes and kiss him. 
The conversation derails very quickly from there and time blurs as you lose yourselves in each other. It's when you sit on the edge of the pool, leaning back on your arms with your legs spread wide as Victor fucks you with his tongue, that a strange ringing sound reaches your ears. Victor growls and continues until you're a mewling mess on unsteady limbs that he pulls into the water.
"Hermes is here," he informs you, his arms tight around as you both realize your time is up. You kiss him, hard and fast, pulling him up the steps before your common sense takes leave once more. 
"We have to do it now," you insist, shaking your head when he opens his mouth. "I'm sure. I want you. I will have no one else as my husband."
He blushes, clearing his throat and nodding. "I feel the same. I...I want you as my wife. And my queen." 
You stand there like a pair of fools, smiling at each other until there's another insistent ring. Victor holds his hand out, and you stare at it in confusion until a pomegranate appears from thin air. 
"Right, we must consider your other duties as well," he mutters to himself, seemingly agonizing over it until he digs out six seeds. 
“...Yes, we must.” 
"Six seeds for six months?" he asks quietly. 
"That should do it." A shame that you can't stay by his side, but you must think of your mother and the people too. You did consider just having someone replace you but it's not that easy, and it would be too selfish of you. "You can come to visit while I'm there."
"I will," he promises, holding up the first seed to your mouth. He feeds you each seed individually, waiting patiently as you chew. You look down at yourself and then around. 
"I don't feel any changes." He laughs and laces his fingers through yours. 
"I do. They'll have no choice but to let you come now," he whispers into your hair. "Hermes will probably take you to Olympus." 
"I'll see you there, then." You can't help the mischievous smirk that curls along your mouth. "We do have a wedding to plan." 
Victor groans and pushes you onto the bed. 
It's with a cheerful grin and a skip in your step that you materialize out of the shadows to meet Hermes in the throne room. The Messenger looks confused by your enthusiastic greeting, which contrasts greatly with Victor's brooding pout.
"Hades. Kore. I believe you know why I'm here," he states, peering at you through his helmet when you just nod. "Kore, I'm to take you to Olympus. Your parents are waiting." 
Hermes nearly chokes when you turn to Victor, waiting until he lowers his head so you can plant a noisy kiss on his cheek. 
"I'll see you soon, darling."
"I'll be there,” he vows.
You take the hand offered by an incredulous Hermes, looking back at Victor as a golden ring surrounds you and your escort.
Your heart aches already, your lip quivering at the miserable look in his eyes. There’s an awful feeling burning in your chest and you think you’re starting to understand all those songs about longing for your lover.
"Yes?" your voice cracks pitifully, and he cracks the softest smile at that, watching you leave him so tenderly it may just break you. All you want to do is hold him and tell him every silly thought you’ve ever had, to dig deeper and listen to anything he wants to tell you. You manage a wobbly smile for him.
"I love you."
Your eyes widen, heart skipping as you open your mouth—and then he vanishes from sight. You materialize in a secluded garden within Olympus, Hermes staring at you in shocked silence as you try to compose yourself. It feels as if you’ve left your heart behind, and you hadn’t known love could ever be so bittersweet. 
"Well, now I almost want to take you back," he mutters as your eyes begin to burn. "Come, your parents await you. I suspect you have a lot to tell them."
Hermes is right. The sooner you inform them of your decision, the sooner you'll see Victor again. You've fallen in love with the King of the Underworld, with all his jagged edges and dimpled smiles—and there is no force in all of the realms that will stop you from making him yours. 
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Heartbreak Hotel (d.s.) - Chapter Eight
A/N Merry Christmas!!
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“You threw it at her?”
Daniel groaned, flopping backwards on his surfboard on the sand with his hands over his face, “Don’t remind me.”
Zach snorted in an attempt to stifle his laughter and Daniel smacked his arm.
The hot LA sun beat down on them and there wasn’t any sort of breeze for hours, everyone on the beach eagerly choosing to pass the time in the ocean instead of baking in the sun. Zach and Jack had done the same but came back in from surfing when Daniel pulled up and looked obviously distressed. Like usual, they sat together on the sand with their boards and Daniel mentioned seeing Loretta again and how he never failed to make a fool of himself again.
“Even Zach wouldn’t be that stupid.” Jack smirked as he took a sip of his soda from the glass bottle in his hand.
“I know. I wanted the car I was washing to just run me over.” Daniel grumbled. “I keep making a damn idiot of myself in front of her and I’m desperate to get to know her.”
“Why?” Zach frowned.
“I don’t know…I just feel like I need to.” Daniel sighed, staring up at the cloudless blue sky above them.
“Feels almost magnetic?” Jack asked.
Daniel thought for a moment before glancing over at him, squinting in the bright sun, “Yeah, I guess.”
Jack pulled his mouth into a tight line and nodded to himself, “Okay. So basically, you need some serious intervention.”
“Tell me about it.” Daniel scoffed.
Zach thought aloud, “So the fries didn’t work and you cannot physically give her anything without looking like an idiot-”
“-so what else can you do?”
“Offer to drive her home?” Jack offered.
“She’ll think I’m kidnapping her.” Daniel argued.
“You don’t look like the kidnapping type.” Zach said.
“That’s how they get you.” Daniel retorted.
The guys laughed at their own ridiculousness in the whole situation. Daniel sat up on his dry surfboard and hugged his arms around his legs, staring out towards the ocean, feeling near hopeless. He couldn’t get the feeling of her hand on his out of his mind as if he was hung up on some elementary school crush and he sighed, flexing his fingers out as if he could still feel her touch.
“I’m just surprised she smokes.” Zach broke their momentary silence.
“She doesn’t.” Daniel answered flatly. “It was for Corbyn.”
“Good. Women who smoke are unattractive.” Jack said.
Daniel scoffed, rolling his eyes at his friend, and reached into his bag that was sat on the sand beside him. He pulled out the three cigarettes from his brother as well as the lighter from the shop.
“Oh, don’t tell me you started too.” Jack frowned.
“I dunno.” Daniel pursed his lips in contemplation before setting one of the cigarettes in his mouth and flicked on the lighter. He cupped his hand around the end – even though there wasn’t even a hint of a breeze – and lit up, his face scrunching up right away and he coughed loudly, pulling it from his mouth by two fingers. Zach and Jack watched him silently. Daniel coughed again.
“Why are you doing this?” Zach finally asked.
“To impress some random bird, isn’t that right?” Jack scoffed.
“So what?” Daniel retorted as Jack stood up to pull back on his shirt.
“You’re in over your head.” Jack said, picking up his surfboard under one arm and his work back over his over, having spent too much time talking rather than surfing. “Come on, Zach, our shift starts soon. You coming, Daniel?”
“Yeah. I guess.” Daniel joined his friends on their walk towards Sherry’s again, his unused surfboard tucked under his arm and lit cigarette burning itself away between his fingers in his other hand. He dropped his surfboard into the backseat of the Thunderbird on the way past and Jack and Zach waited for him as he put his beach things away.
Daniel looked up from his car to see Loretta standing beside him in her yellow strapless bathing suit and her usual black winged sunglasses.
“H-Hey.” Daniel straightened up quickly, glancing past her to Jack and Zach who were stood in mirrored shock on the sidewalk a few feet away. “I…uh…Hi…”
“You gonna throw your lighter at me again?” she chuckled.
Daniel flushed pink, especially noticing her friends giggling a bit of a ways off, “I’m sorry about that I…”
“I know.” Loretta smiled. “Anyway, just saying hi. Are you headed to Sherry’s too?”
“Swell. I’ll see you in there.” she took a small step back from him, holding her sunhat in both hands in front of her.
“Yeah. Okay.” Daniel nodded, watching her walk off to join her friends and they headed into the diner together.
“What the hell? Oh my gosh!” Zach gaped, rushing over to Daniel and he and Jack gave him teasing shoves to his shoulder. “She came to you!”
“She’ll ‘see you in there’?!” Jack laughed. “That’s like date-lingo if I ever heard it!”
“She does still have a boyfriend.” Daniel reminded them, glancing back to the diner.
They headed into the diner – as coolly as they could – and Daniel sat at his usual spot at the counter as Zach and Jack headed into the back of the restaurant to get changed into their uniforms. Daniel ordered a cheeseburger with one of the other servers and, as he waited, he looked around the diner, easily locating Loretta across the space at one of the far booths with her girlfriends. They made brief eye contact and Daniel whipped his head back around to try to avoid being caught staring. The other server set the burger and fries in front of him and Daniel thanked her quietly before taking a bite of his lunch.
He didn’t notice Loretta staring at him and the flavourful burger in his hands.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Fixing A Broken Heart
Paring: Ethan x Casey w/ Bryce & Sienna. (a little bit of Bryce x Casey)
 Tagging: @eleanorbloom @brycelahelalover
“Casey honey! It’s time to get up and ready for your new school!”
Casey opened her eyes, groaning groggily as she took in the light that flooded into her room through the cracks in her curtains. She yawned as she got up from under the covers, throwing  the curtains open before opening her door, finding her mom smiling at her.
“Ready for breakfast honey pie?”
She followed her mom to the kitchen as she rubbed sleep from her eyes and took a seat at the table. She took her hair out and threw it back up in a messy bun, so it wasn’t in her face as she ate, smiling at her mom as she placed her favorite pop tarts and a slice of toast on the table in front of her.
“Thanks mom.”
“You’re welcome sweetie.” Her mom smiled as she kissed her forehead. “Now you remember what time the bus leaves, don’t you?”
“I do mum. 8:15am sharp from the stop just down the road.”
“Great! Don’t be late okay?”
“But I thought you were taking me today?”
“Oh Casey. I forgot to tell you last night. I have an interview this morning that starts at the same time as school does for you.”
“I’m sorry honey. I know that I promised. Why don’t I buy us Chinese tonight as a treat?”
Casey thought her mothers words over for a brief moment, before settling her face into a happier expression.
“Yeah. Okay. You’ll remember the special noodles I like?”
“I could never forget after your freak out when you were 8 years old. You’d never let it go.”
The two shared a chuckle and a hug before Casey’s mom said goodbye and headed out the front door. After finishing her breakfast, Casey placed her plate in the sink and headed upstairs to grab a shower, get dressed and check her bag had everything she would need. At 8:05am she set off to the bus  stop just down the road to wait for the bus to school. The ride was bumpy, loud and had an uneasy setting for Casey. Everyone was looking at her as if she was some type of extraterrestrial being. When the bus stopped outside the school stop, she was the last one off. She hugged herself as she walked towards the front doors of the school building. Anxiety and fear eating away at her. Not knowing where to go by herself she wandered the halls until she came across the one door she was looking for. The principal’s office. She knocked politely and waited to be called in.
“Come in!”
Casey opened the door and stuck her head in and met the principal’s face which changed into a friendly smile upon seeing her.
“Ah. You must be new.”
“Y-yes ma’am. My name i-is C-Casey. Va-Valentine.”
“Come in my sweet. There’s no need to be nervous.” The principal smiled at her warmly.
Swallowing harshly, Casey opened the door fully and stepped inside the office, closing the door behind her and sitting opposite the principal as she finished typing some things on her computer. As she waited, Casey looked around the office noting the name plaque on the principals desk. ‘Principal. B. Witherspoon’
Clearing her throat, principal Witherspoon smiled as Casey snapped her attention towards her.
“Looking around. I-it was rude of me.”
“Relax darling. It’s okay.” She offered Casey a kind smile which was half returned. After helping Casey sort her schedule, she walked her to her first class, knocking on the door, walking in and smiling at the teacher.
“Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Nelson. I have a new student for you.”
Casey stood behind the principal and nervously gave the teacher a wave.
“Thank you, principal Witherspoon.”
The principal smiled at Casey and gave her shoulder a quick rub. “You’ll be okay. Mr. Nelson is one of the best teachers we have at this school.”
Casey nodded and the principal left the classroom. Mr. Nelson introduced himself to Casey, and pointed her to a seat at the back of the room next to a boy with long-ish brown hair and glasses. His expression stoic, and eyes that were bluer than any ocean she had ever seen in her life so far. She was so mesmerized by the boy that she almost tripped over another students bag.
“Careful!” The boy who she was staring at exclaimed. Narrowly stopping the accident.
“Huh? Oh! Th-thank you.. um..”
“Don’t mention it.”
Casey took her seat and pulled out her notebook and pen. At the front of the class Mr. Nelson had minimized the PowerPoint and was looking at the class.
“Now. We will now take a few minutes to get to know our new classmate.”
“UM.. well uhhhh.” Casey stammered looking for words, and around the room panicked. She knew this would happen a lot to day, but introducing herself always made her nervous. She could feel a panic attack starting to bubble up inside of her, that’s when as if she was in some movie or a story her eyes met the boys ocean blue ones. They were full of kindness and patience as she stared into them, a small smile crept onto her face. As if she was giving him a silent thank you, he gave her a small and subtle nod. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Casey rose to her feet and smiled at the class.
“Well, my name is Casey Valentine. I’ve transferred here from a school in California. Uhhh, I live with my mum and our dog snowball.” At the mention of her dog’s name, her eyes went wide with horror. “Oh no! I forgot to feed snowball!”
Seeing the panic creeping onto her face, Mr. Nelson done his best to calm her down.
“Now it’s okay Casey. He’s going to be okay. It will be okay.”
Casey sat in her seat and slumped over on her desk as she tried to calm herself down. She knew deep down that he would be okay, but right now she feared she’d go home and find him dead. After that the day passed in a blur of introductions and hard work. When she returned home she called out to her mom but got no response. She looked around the whole house but there was no sign of her. Concluding that she was probably shopping, Casey headed to the kitchen, filling snowballs food and water bowls, crouching beside him as he ate the food enthusiastically.
“I’m so sorry I forgot to feed you this morning snow. It was careless of me.”
She stroked his fluffy coat for a few moments then headed to her room and started on her homework. After she had everything at her desk, she went to open her bedroom window and tie back her curtains. Casey was working hard on a math problem when her phone rang, a smile lit up her features when she saw the name of one of her best friends from back in California. She wasted no time in picking up the call, answering excitedly and with a new burst of energy.
“CASEY! I, well WE didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“mhm! Bryce is here too!”
“Hey Cassie!”
“Hi Brycie!”
“UGHHHH CASEYYYYYYY. You know I don’t like you calling me thaaaattt!”
“But what fun is life if you can’t tease your friends every now and then?”
“... fine. I’ll let it slip this time. But only because I’m missing you”
“Hey! I miss her too you know!”
Casey chuckled as her two friends engaged in a playful fight on the other end of the line. The three chatted for hours as Casey done her homework, upon hearing the front door open and close again, Casey let out a sigh.
“Guys, I should go. I think my mum just come home.”
“AWWW. Do you really have to go?”
“Yes Bryce, I really have to go. But I’ll call you guys again at the weekend.”
“Awww...” Bryce sighed. Casey could practically hear the pout in his voice as Sienna spoke up
“We’ll look forward to your call! It’s not the same hanging out with out you. I hope we can do it again soon.”
“We definitely will you guys. I love you!”
“We love you too Casey!”
After saying a couple more goodbye’s Casey hung up and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen, following the smell of food.
“Mom? ... Mom!”
She ran over to her and hugged her from behind. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, feeling all of the leftover anxiety and fear from the day flood out of her body as she relaxed.
“Oh! Hey honey pie. How was school?” Her mom asked as she hugged Casey back just as tightly.
“It was okay. I had to introduce myself a lot and I was a little bit scared at first. But I met some friendly faces who helped me out, so I didn’t make myself seem like too much of a fool.”
“Aw, my little girl isn’t a fool. She couldn’t be even if she tried. Though she is extremely goofy at times.”
Her mom laughed and ruffled Casey’s hair playfully.
“Now, can you set the table and I’ll come over to sort out the dinner.”
The two sat at the dinner table together, smiling and laughing as Casey’s mom asked her what her favourite class is so far. She would of course say Mr. Nelson’s class. Of course when she was asked why she gave the obvious answer.
“Mom.. really? You know that I love biology!”
She wasn’t going to let her mom know that there was a cute boy in the class that she was attracted to in some magnetic way. It was similar to how she felt for her friend Bryce. It’s why she enjoyed teasing him so much. But the feeling towards this boy in her new biology class was somehow a stronger version of what she felt for Bryce. Dinner passed by happily and after rinsing the dishes and  placing them in the dishwasher, Casey sat on the couch with her mom and they watched a movie together. After that, Casey was ready for bed. So she stood up and stretched out her limbs then smiled at her mom.
“I’m going to head to bed now. I’m exhausted after today.”
“Okay honey. Sleep well, see you tomorrow.”
“Night mom.”
“Goodnight Casey.”
--- That Weekend ---
Casey had just finished helping her mom put the groceries away when her phone pinged.
“Oh, mom. I promised Bryce and Sienna that I’d call this weekend. Is it okay if I go up and?”
“Of course. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
Thanking her mom and giving her a quick peck on the cheek, Casey ran upstairs to her bedroom and shut her door behind her. She hung her jacket up and put her shoes away before flopping on the bed on her stomach and sent Sienna a quick text.
Casey: Hey! Do you guys mind if I facetime you instead?
Sienna: We’d love that!
Casey: Cool, just give me a moment, I think snowball is outside my door!
She got up and opened her door, snowball walking in and jumping on her bed, making himself comfortable. Casey cuddled with him as she waited for Sienna to answer the call. After a couple of rings she picked up
“Bryce stop being so vein! It’s your hair! Casey isn’t going to care what you look like!”
“But I care what I look like Si!”
“Boys!” Sienna sighed with an eyeroll and Casey chuckled
“Hey there!”
“Casey! Hey!”
Sienna and Casey spoke between themselves whilst they waited for Bryce to stop messing with his hair. It took about 15 minutes but soon Bryce came into view of the camera, looking glum and annoyed.
“Awww, Brycie what’s wrong?” Casey asked.
“Shut up.” He pouted as he crossed his arms.
“You’re cute when you’re mad.”
There was a silence as Casey realized what she said after she had said it, turning beet red and giving a small and awkward cough, looking at snowball who now wanted to leave the room.
“One second guys. Snowball wants out.”
She got up and opened the door letting her dog go, before shutting it again and laying back on her bed. The awkwardness hung in the air for a little longer after Casey returned to her phone, before the slight tension was broke by Sienna’s dad coming up the stairs, calling out to her.
“Sienna sweetie? Are you up here?”
“In my room dad! I’m talking to Casey with Bryce”
“Ah darling. I’m going away on another long drive. I’ll be gone for about a week.”
“A week?!”
“... I know it’s difficult sweetheart but it’s all to help us out hey?”
Sienna sighs before hugging her dad tight and following him downstairs to say goodbye properly. Leaving Bryce and Casey alone for a few moments.
“Uh... for what it’s worth. Your bad hair day kind of suits you”
“...I- Thanks.”
They smiled at each other as Sienna came back and sat down. She took her phone from Bryce and smiled at Casey.
“So?... what?”
“Are you going to tell me more about this boy in your biology class?”
Casey blushed furiously as Sienna spoke in a teasing tone and Bryce tensed up a bit. Almost as if he was sensing competition. He looked at Sienna and then at the screen where Casey was still blushing brightly.
“Is everything okay with your dad Si?”
“Nu-uhh. We are not changing the subject Casey Valentine!”
“I have a question.” Bryce cut in. “Is he better looking than me?”
“ooo, Bryce looking for the juicy gossip!”
Casey sighed and picked at her nails. “If you guys really want to know. Yes, he is cute. And kind. And misunderstood most of the time outside of class because of his brooding exterior but.. I’m his lab partner now and I’ve been getting to know him. He’s nice.”
“Ohmygosh” You like him!”
“No! I do not! I mean maybe I can see him being my first friend here on the East Coast... But other than that.. no!”
Casey blushed again and felt a pang of a feeling similar to guilt in her chest as she looked at Bryce’s expression.
“Bryce? Are you okay?” Casey asked, and Sienna turned to him.
“Do you feel alright? You’ve gone awfully pale...”
“I... I’m fine. I just, remembered that I need to run an errand before it gets too dark.” Bryce said and then left abruptly. Sienna and Casey shared a knowing look of sadness and understanding.
“He likes me as more than a friend, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah... It looks that way.”
Casey was about to speak again when she heard her mom calling up the stairs that dinner was ready. Turning back to the screen after calling back a quick okay, and smiled apologetically at Sienna.
“Sorry. I’ve gotta go. Mom just called for dinner.”
“Okay! Speak soon?”
“Definitely. Oh and Si?”
“When you see Bryce next, tell him to uh.. give me a call? I’d like to talk with him one on one.”
“Sure thing Case. Miss and love you!”
“Bye Si! Miss and love you too!”
The two girls waved goodbye to each other then hung up the call, and Casey put her phone to charge before heading downstairs. Her mom smiled at her as she entered the kitchen.
“How was the call with Sienna and Bryce.”
“It was good.” Casey sighed.
“Only good?”
“Well... me and Sienna kinda found out Bryce likes me when I told them about the boy in my bio class. He acted jealous and then made up this excuse about an errand before bolting off. It’s not like I’m even interested in the boy in bio that way. I only know his first name and that he’s passionate about bio like I am.”
Casey’s mom sighed and placed her hands around Casey’s.
“Listen. Boys are just as complex as girls. But you’re too young to be having boy drama Casey Valentine.” She booped her daughters nose and ruffled her hair, earning a small giggle from Casey before they dug into their meal.
After that night, the next few weeks went past in a blur. Casey heard from Sienna frequently but never heard a word from Bryce. Not one text or call for ages. Until one day she finally had enough of his avoidance game. She was at lunch by herself, and knowing he would most likely be in class, she dialed her old schools number. The scowl on her face was unmissable but she kept her tone level as possible as she spoke to the receptionist that answered.
“Hello, Greenfield Middle School. How may I help you?”
“Hi. It’s Casey Valentine. I’m a former student. I um. I would like to get a very angry message to Bryce Lahela in Mrs. Smith’s homeroom. Can somebody please tell him he is a big headed bitch with an overinflated ego, and he needs to just talk to me.”
“Woah. Sweetheart. You were a very sweet student here. Are things okay at your new school?”
“Things here are fine. I just want my friend to stop being mad at me just because he thinks I like another boy. I’ve wanted to talk with him about it for weeks now. But he’s ignoring me and it’s starting to effect my grades.”
“Okay well um.. We’ll get that message to him.”
Just then Casey froze as Ethan sat with her, opening his lunch box and pulling out his sandwich.
“Thank you. And um... I am so sorry for the harsh language.”
“It’s okay Casey. Goodbye now.”
Sighing she hung up and placed her elbows on the table, resting her chin in her hands as she stared straight ahead. Ethan swallowed his food and took a sip of his drink, looking straight at Casey as he done so. He could practically see the gears in her brain working. “Are you okay?” He asked, but Casey was zoned out and could barely hear him. It wasn’t until the bell rang and brought her back to the present moment that she noticed Ethan was still sitting there. Looking at her as if he was studying a plant or something. “What?” she asked, and Ethan simply shrugged, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“I guess I’ll see you in last period.”
“Uhhhh, right.” Casey tried to smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. It seemed pained and forced. She headed to her math class, trying her best to concentrate but her mind kept coming back to Bryce and figuring out he saw her as more than a friend, and somehow it hurt even more that he was ignoring her. Because deep down, she knew she kinda liked him back. She zoned out as she thought about what it would feel like to have his lips press softly against her own. It wasn’t until she heard the teacher shouting her name that she realized how far she had zoned out. Blushing, she snapped her attention back to the front of the class.
“Yes Miss?”
“What’s the answer to question 8c?”
Casey looked down at her text book and read the question, then set a determined look on her face as she turned her gaze back to the teacher at the front of the class. Giving her best smile, she cleared her throat to speak up.
“Of course Miss.The answer is t-“
But she was cut off by another student blurting out the answer. The teacher looking in their direction visibly annoyed.
“Is that what you were going to say Casey?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Pay attention to my class from now on okay?”
Casey gave a nod and the rest of the day dragged by. Even in last period she didn’t smile or engage with the practical properly. Ethan tried getting her to focus, but she just wasn’t in the mood. There was a point where Mr. Nelson had to send another female student to get her from the bathroom. When she returned, she sat in her seat next to Ethan but kept her head down. She had been crying. The one thing she never done at school, because it made her look ‘weak’ and like a perfect target for the popular people because she’s already showing she’s broken. At the end of the day when the school bell rang. She grabbed her bag, stuffing her things inside and rushed out the door and to the bus stop as fast as possible. When her bus arrived she jumped on and secured a seat at the back. Upon getting home, snowball greeted her at the door, but all she could manage to do was stroke his head as she shut the front door before running to her room, shutting the door behind her with a loud bang. Usually she was sad that her mom’s new job finished late, but today she was thankful. She had so many tears left to get out that she just laid on her bed and let them fall. As she was crying her phone rang, “Not the greatest timing Si.” she muttered as she rolled over and fished through her bag to get it out. Her eyebrows raised a little when she saw Bryce’s name across the screen, yet she didn’t answer because she didn’t need him to hear the brokenness in her voice right now. She left it to ring but suddenly this boy was relentless in his attempts at trying to contact her. She knew she should answer, but she just couldn’t. Crying was all she could do right now.
--- In California ---
“Come on pick up. Please pick up.”
Bryce paced in Sienna’s room as he waited for Casey to answer her phone. Sienna was sitting at her desk doing homework, or at least she was trying. Bryce had been pacing for about 5 minutes when she had finally had enough.
“Bryce could you please just sit down.”
“I can’t Sienna. She’s not answering. What if she’s in danger? What if she’s hurt somewhere. What if she’s... with him...” Bryce said, swallowing hard as he spoke his last words.
“Bryce.” Sienna sighed and got to her feet. “I’m sure she’s fine. She’s probably having dinner or time with her mom.  You know she’s three hours ahead of us now.”
“I know it’s just..... I really like her Si and I’m scared I’ve lost her to someone else.”
“Well.. Have you thought about the third possibility here?”
“Third possibility?”
“Yeah. That she’s ignoring you to show you how it’s felt for her these past few weeks. She’s usually so bubbly. But every phone call I’ve had with her recently.. she’s sounded deflated and not like the Casey we know and love so much.”
“Oh God. What if I broke her? She probably hates me now! I should never have stormed off like that when- Oh God.”
Bryce sat on Sienna’s bed, his hands now trembling as he dug his fingers into his hair and pulled. A mix of anger, guilt and sadness in his chest. “GODDAMNIT!” he said harshly through clenched teeth. Sienna sat next to him, placing a comforting hand on his back. In that moment he broke too. He let himself fall into Sienna shoulder as he sobbed. He said some words as he sobbed but she couldn’t make them out. Sienna was stroking Bryce’s arm as her bedroom door opened slowly and her mom popped her head in.
“Si? I heard a shout is everything o- Oh! What’s happened?”
“Just some girl trouble.”
“... This is about Casey isn’t it?”
Sienna looked at her mom shocked for a moment before looking at her sorrowfully and giving a small nod. Her mom came into the room and pulled up a chair near Bryce and Sienna.
“Look. I may be old. But I’ve seen the way you look at that girl Bryce. So what’s happened? Did she reject you? Has she got a boyfriend at her new school? What’s up?”
Bryce hiccupped as he tried to calm himself down to speak but it didn’t work. Every time he got ready to speak, emotion overwhelmed him again.  
“Casey is sort of crushing on this boy in her bio class. She won’t openly admit it. But what she has admitted is that she likes Bryce back. Only she’s giving him a taste of his own medicine because the last time they spoke, Bryce got jealous when she told us about this boy and stormed off. He hasn’t tried contacting her until tonight when she’s tried reaching out constantly. The only reason he’s snapped back to reality, is because she called the school office today and asked for a message to be passed on.”
“I see. Well, Bryce, maybe just wait it out? She’ll call you back. I’m sure she’s just a mess at the minute and doesn’t want you to hear her broken. I done a similar thing when I was your ages and had the attention of two very attractive boys.”
“Really? Mom, how come you’ve never told me this?!”
“Because I was saving the story. But it’s how I met your father. I fell in love with him and those boys ran home to nurse their wounded egos after being chewed out by your dad for showing me disrespect by fighting over me.”
Bryce sniffled and sat up straight, looking at Sienna’s mom with bright red circles around his eyes. Sienna handed him a tissue.
“Thanks Si.” He blew his nose and cleared his throat before speaking to Sienna’s mom.
“So what you’re saying is, if I want any chance of dating Casey I have to not fight over her with another guy like she’s a prize?”
“Exactly my sweet. Girls hate being treated like they’re some trophy prize in a race. They just want love, loyalty, respect and to get to know you. The real you that’s inside here.” Sienna’s mom patted her chest over her heart with a kind smile as she looked back at Bryce. “Treat her like the beautiful human she is and never lose track of the fact she’s just that. Human. Not a trophy.”
Bryce sniffled again and gave Sienna’s mom a grateful smile and a small nod.
“Thank you, Mrs. Trinh. I’ll remember that.”
“You better. Otherwise I’ll whoop your ass.”
The three laughed together and shared a hug, Sienna’s mom then leaving and heading back downstairs. Bryce looked at Sienna and gave a shy smile, eyeing the shoulder of her shirt.
“Sorry about soaking your shoulder.”
“It’s okay. You feel better now?”
“Much.” He smiled.
“Then I’m doing my job of being a friend well.”
“Are you kidding Si? You’re the best friend a guy like me could ask for!”
“Aw Bryce! You’ve gone all soft!”
Sienna carried on teasing him for a little while before her mom called them for dinner, and they rushed down the stairs. The aroma’s of another amazing homecooked meal hitting their nostrils before they were even half way to the dining room.
--- Back On The East Coast ---
Hours had passed since Casey had gotten in and cried herself to sleep as she waited for her mom to get home. Ignoring phone calls from Bryce. Since then she had been woken up, had dinner and spent some time with her mom. She now sat in her room at her laptop as she watched some videos on the internet. It was late but she couldn’t sleep. Everything was becoming too much. She paused her video and picked up her phone from her desk, taking it off charge. Her hand shook hesitantly over Bryce’s number before just pressing call. Finding herself immediately pacing the length of her room back and forth until he picked up.
“Casey! I uh mean.. Casey. Hey.”
She wanted to giggle at him. Hearing his voice after so long brought a smile to her face and renewed her energy.
“H-hey Bryce.” She spoke shyly down the phone. “Are you okay?”
“Ye- I- ... No. I’m not. I’m not okay at all.”
“Why? What’s wrong? Did you fail your math test again?”
Bryce let out a small chuckle as a soft smile spread itself on his features. She still had a sense of humor like his Casey always had. ... His Casey. He smiled even more at the thought of calling her that.
“...um Bryce? Are you still there? ... Hello?”
He snapped back to reality and cleared his throat.
“Hi. Yes, I’m still here hon- Casey.”
Damn it Bryce. Control yourself, she’s not your girlfriend yet. Casey smiled and continued talking.
“I’ve missed you Bryce.”
“I.. you have?”
“yes. I’ve hated every part of the last few weeks. At first Ethan helped me out a little. But-”
“Oh. Right. I never told you guys his name. The boy from my biology class. His name’s Ethan.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“If it helps. He doesn’t do relationships you know. He doesn’t want the distraction and I don’t even think he likes me back. So you have no competition. If that’s what this has been about.” Casey said and she stopped pacing and sat on her bed.
“Competition? I-, Yeah you’re right. I guess I did see him as competition.”
“Well you can relax. Okay Brycie?”
“Heh. I didn’t notice how much I missed you calling me that until now.”
“Sooo. Are we...”
“Yeah. We’re good.”
Bryce chuckled at Casey, wishing he could hug her. He let out a long sigh, a clear indication that something was wrong, which immediately made Casey frown.
“What’s wrong, Bryce? Seriously. You’ve never sounded so glum.”
“I’ve never gone so long without being able to give you a hug.”
“... Our hugs. They were never just hugs were they?”
“What do you-”
“Bryce, come on. We’re both smart kids. Those hugs were more to you weren’t they?”
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line until Bryce let out another sigh. But this one sounded a little different.
“Yeah... they did. They were um... They were my way of saying that I like you more than you’ll ever know.”
Now it was Casey’s turn to be silent as she processed his words. He sounded so sure. Almost as if he wanted to say a different four letter L word, but wouldn’t. She could understand why. They were still young, how could they know what love actually is? That’s what older generations would say anyway. “You’re only 14, you wouldn’t know the meaning of love if it hit you in the face!” She let out a small laugh at the subtle obscenity of her thoughts, forgetting she was on the phone until she heard Bryce’s hesitant voice again.
“Um, Casey...”
“Ah! Hoooo. Don’t scare me like that!” She whined and Bryce chuckled.
“You zoned out huh?”
“... yeah.”
“Look. When can I see you again. I miss you so much! Sienna does too but-”
“I get it Bryce. You want to hug me again.”
“... yeah. I do.”
“There’s always the summer.”
“But... that’s ages away and I.. Well uh-”
He sounds so shy and different. Maybe his voice has broken a little bit? Casey didn’t know for sure, but his tone did sound a little deeper. They spoke for a little while longer before Casey started yawning, sleep quickly wanting to take over her body.
“Getting tired huh?”
“... mmm, yeah.”
“Then I shall let Sleeping Beauty go and get her Beauty sleep. Even though she looks beautiful with bags under her eyes too.”
“Only being truthful...”
They laughed together, the sound genuine and full. Then they said their goodbyes and hung up, both going to bed to get what sleep they could. Glad they had gotten over the bump in their relationship at last.
The months passed by and suddenly spring break had arrived. Casey was waiting out the front of the school for her mom to come and pick her up when a figure stopped beside her. She was watching a video Sienna had sent her of Bryce doing something real goofy, so she didn’t speak or look up to greet whoever it was until the video finished.
“Oh, Ethan. Hi”
“Hey. Uh...”
She could see he was nervous, so she locked and bagged her phone then gave him a friendly smile.
“How can I help? Did I accidently keep your pen again?”
“No. Nothing like that.” He chuckled. Casey froze. It was the first time she had heard him chuckle so genuinely.
“...Oh. so uh, what’s up?”
“This is going to sound so stupid. But um. My dad is going to be working late and I’ve locked myself out of the house. Would it be okay if I uh.. came to yours until he could pick me up? I would ask someone else but you’re actually the only person I consider, a friend.”
Casey looked up as she saw a car, her mom smiled and waved at her through the window. Casey smiled and waved back, then turned her attention back to Ethan.
“Let me just ask my mom. It should be okay, but I wouldn’t want to do anything wrong.”
“Yeah. Sure.” He smiled at her and she walked to the car, opening the trunk and throwing her bag in before opening the passenger side door, sticking her head in.
“Hey mom? Ethan’s locked himself out of his house. Could he come home with us until his dad can pick him up later?”
“Sure honey.”
“Thanks mom.”
She stood up straight and called out to him, he walked over and got in the back as Casey secured her front seat and turned on the radio, singing along to the pop songs all the way home. When they got inside, snowball raced towards Casey almost knocking her over.
“Hey boy!” she exclaimed as she crouched down and ruffled his furry coat as he licked her face. “Oh! I’ve missed you too buddy! Did you have a good day?”
Snowball woofed excitedly and Casey grinned back, pretending to understand, talking back in between each woof. Her mom made her way to the kitchen as Ethan stood by the now closed door awkwardly.
“An adventure?! Into space? ... No way! You’ll have to take me next time. I’d love to see your rocket ship!” She giggled as snowball jumped on her, giving her a hug before walking off to find Casey’s mom. She stood up and turned to Ethan, still smiling.
“Is that-?”
“That’s snowball yeah.”
“He seems very.... Energetic.”
Casey threw her head back a little as she laughed and nodded. “He is. But he’s such a lovely dog.”
She was about to suggest going upstairs when Ethan’s stomach interrupted the unspoken thought as it grumbled loudly.
“Would you like a snack? We have plenty of supplies.”
“Oh. No. I couldn’t take your food. I’m only taking shelter here until I can go home.”
At that moment Ethan’s phone pinged. His face fell as he read the message.
“Ethan.. what is it?”
“My dad.. He um. Won’t be able to get me until the morning. Where am I going to go now?”
“You can stay in our guest room. Or we could have a sleepover in the living room.”
“A sleepover? That’s ridiculous.” He said, trying to hide the tiny smile that was creeping onto his features. He didn’t want to admit he actually liked the idea.
“It’s not. Look, let’s ask mom if you can stay the night and then we can decide on sleeping arrangements.” Casey went to the kitchen in search of her mom.
“In here honey pie!”
She followed the sound to the living room and sat next to her mom on the couch, looking at her with a smile.
“What’s up?”
“Could Ethan stay tonight? His dad can’t pick him up until the morning now.”
“Oh honey, of course! We can’t just throw him onto the streets!”
“Thanks mom. If we wanted to. Would it be okay to sleep in here?”
Her mom gave her a smile and squeezed her arm gently. “Of course.”
She hugged her mom and returned to Ethan, a light bouncy energy about her as she smiled from ear to ear.  “It’s okay for you to stay. Now let’s get you something to eat.” She said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the kitchen as she ignored his protests. “What would you like? Something sweet? Savory?” She turned to him as she closed a cupboard.
“C-could I have a grilled cheese?”
“Yeah. Of course.”
Casey grabbed the bread and made two grilled cheese sandwiches then handed Ethan his.
“Let’s go upstairs!”
“Um. Okay.”
Ethan followed her hesitantly and they enter her room, Casey closing the door behind him.
“Um shouldn’t you-?”
“What? Leave it open? No. My mom trusts me and besides even if we were older, we’re just friends. We wouldn’t be engaging in that kind of activity.” She sat on her bed and patted the spot next to her, gesturing for Ethan to sit down. He hesitated then sat on the floor. Casey gave him a look, but he just shrugged. They ate their food then Casey took the plates to the kitchen and washed them up before returning to her room and climbing back on her bed.
“Are you seriously studying right now?”
“Yes. Studying is imperative if you want good grades and I want good grades so..”
“You can be such a killjoy Ethan.”
He wished he had a witty comment ready to fire at her, but he didn’t so he just smiled before going back to his book. Casey was flipping through TV channels when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and smiled before answering it. Normally she would put it to her ear, but it was a facetime call, so she held it in the air, earning a weird look from Ethan as she pressed accept.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Casey?” someone said on the call
She shook her head and then smiled at the screen.
“Hey Sienna!”
“Am I still a ghost to you on these things?” Bryce joked as he poked his head in the corner of the screen.
“No Bryce. You’re not. But, if you aren’t on screen when I look, I’m always going to assume that Si is alone.”
Bryce rolled his eyes good naturedly then disappeared again.
“Where are you guys anyway?”
“We’re in Target. We’re choosing snacks for the picnic tomorrow.”
“You guys better not have too much fun without me.”
“How could we? You and Bryce together were the fun.”
“Which means.” Bryce said as he came back into view, arms full of chips and other delicious looking snacks. “We will only ever have half the fun whilst you’re gone.”
Casey smiled at that. She was so thankful for them. Most people would have given up contact like this by now if their friend had moved as far away from them as Casey had from Sienna and Bryce. But almost every day like clockwork, there they were. Calling her, facetiming, being there with jokes and ready to help her study when she needed it. Their bond and friendship was pure and true. It just felt right. Bryce and Casey didn’t know if they were going to try at being more than just friends, but they knew they seriously liked each other, and it showed. In the past few weeks, they had gotten comfortable with sharing light hearted flirty jokes. She was talking to them about what she was probably going to be doing over spring break without them when Ethan waved to get her attention.
“One second guys.”
She kept the camera on herself and looked at Ethan.
“What’s up?”
“I can’t figure out the answer to this math question. Could you help quick?” Ethan asked
Casey smiled and moved from her bed next to Ethan on the floor. Looking at the question.
 She looked at the equation but the longer she looked the more stumped she started to feel. She read the full question over and over but the equation that needed to be answered left her at a loss for thought, let alone a loss for words.
“I... I don’t know.”
“Ugh. This is stupid!” Ethan exclaimed and slammed the book shut, taking off his glasses and rubbing his hands over his face.
“Well why don’t you put the books away and come say hi to my friends from my old school?”
“Because they’re exactly that. You’re friends. I don’t do friendships. Well... unless it’s you. Everyone else at school is dumb.”
Casey chuckled at him and shook her head. She’d forgotten her phone was angled at her, meaning Sienna and Bryce could probably see him anyway.
“Is that Ethan?” Sienna said, their attention snapped to Casey’s phone to find Sienna smiling at them. Bryce was doing his best to look friendly, but Casey could see he was kinda jealous that she had another guy friend. Casey smiled at the screen and ruffled Ethan’s hair as she nodded. He scowled at her but she just grinned, it took him a while, but he clicked.
“You done that on purpose!” he exclaimed
“Yup. This is Ethan. The least approachable 14 year old you’ll ever know.”
“I am not unapproachable.”
“Are to.”
“Then why do you approach me?”
“I don’t. If I remember correctly, you’re the one who seeks me out a lunch sometimes. And if we’re ever in the same hall. You come to me.”
“Well yeah. Because we have biology together. If you don’t want a walking partner, I’ll stop.”
“Uh-huh.” She gave him a knowing look and the four carried on talking for another hour before Casey had to hang up and put her phone on charge. They moved to Casey’s bed and put on some medical TV show Ethan liked. He was super engrossed, but Casey felt tired and didn’t want her eyes to strain more than necessary so rolled on her side, facing away from Ethan and closed her eyes. She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew her mom was standing in her doorway, calling her name.
“Casey. Casey!”
Casey jolted awake but didn’t sit up fast enough, and ended up rolling off the bed. As she landed the was a yelp of pain and Ethan lent over to look down at her.
“Are you okay?”
“I hit my head.”
“Here.” Ethan held his hand out and helped her up. She laid back on her bed, tears stinging her eyes.
“I’m sorry poppet. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Her mom said, coming in and sitting on the edge of the bed. “I only came to ask what you kids would like for dinner. I’m ordering Indian.”
“Same as always please mom. Chicken Korma, rice and naan. Also extra poppadum’s for snacking on later.”
Ethan looked at her with his mouth agape.
“You do that too?”
“Do what?” Casey asked
“Get poppadum’s for snacking on.”
“Yeah. Why?”
“I do that. I thought I was alone.”
“You’re never really alone.”
He smiled before giving Casey’s mom his order and she left to order it. When it arrived they sat around the dining table talking about school, how work went for Casey’s mom, and Ethan told them a bit about what it was like for him growing up on the east coast so far. After dinner, Casey and Ethan moved sleeping supplies to the living room. Casey told spooky stories, and Ethan tried his best to keep a stoic expression at all of them, though internally, he admitted to himself that some of them were scaring the shit out of him.
After that night, Casey and Ethan were inseparable. They done almost everything together. If he wasn’t at Casey’s house to study after school, they were at his. They had started hanging out every lunchtime and despite the weird looks everyone gave them, they smiled and laughed as they carried on with their conversations. When summer break came round, Ethan was at Casey’s to say goodbye as she was going back to California to see Bryce and Sienna for 3 weeks. They were some of the most boring weeks he had experienced in a while. He didn’t notice how happy he was to have her as a friend until she had left. When she came back, she stopped at his house to give him a gift and say hi. Soon the months had turned into years and they were in the last stretch of their senior year. Ethan developed feelings of attraction to Casey as they got older, but had to restrain himself from taking action on them, because on her 15th birthday, she started a relationship with Bryce. They were happy together despite the hardships the distance brought them. They made an effort to see each other in person as much as they could. But by halfway through senior year, Bryce wasn’t feeling as enthusiastic about things as he had been. One day he called Casey. She answered happily but by the end of the call, she couldn’t focus on anything. She laid in the middle of her bed, cuddling a pillow as tears stung her eyes, her heart continued to shatter, and his words echoed in her head.
“Casey... I don’t think this is going to work much longer. We either need to be just friends or just go our own ways.”
She was broken. She really loved Bryce, and he loved her back. At least that’s what she thought. But after that call, doubt after doubt came into her mind. Her tears were hot and stung her eyes. She didn’t leave her room that night and the next few days she completely skipped school. She couldn’t see anyone, and she didn’t want anyone to see her. How could Bryce do this to her? She wanted so badly to ask Sienna if he’d been acting differently at all, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, she ignored every message and incoming call she got. The furthest she moved was to use the toilet or get a drink. She hated what she was feeling. She cried, day and night all alone in her room until finally one night when she was in the middle of what felt like her millionth time crying, her door creaked open and a head popped in.
“I’m fine mom. I’ll go back to school Monday, just like I promised.”
“Casey... I’m not your mother.”
She looked at the door and saw Ethan standing there, he had pushed the door wide open and was holding a bag.
“What’s in the bag.”
“Everything needed to help you feel better.”
“I’m not going to feel better Ethan. I’m broken. No tape, bandage, glue or amount of chocolate is going to fix me. I loved.. no I love him.”
Ethan sighed. He’d been talking with Sienna through Pictagram DM’s, and the two were sharing mutual feelings of disgust and horror at the videos and pictures taken secretly that Sienna was sending. He didn’t love Casey anymore. If he ever did at all. He was acting like the perfect stereotypical jock. He’d dumped Casey and gotten together with the bleach blonde barbie looking cheerleader. It was so cliché that it made Ethan sick. She didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. Bryce had sworn to Ethan he would never break Casey’s heart. Yet here she was, in bed, skipping school and looking more disheveled than a well-used mop, crying over a boy who broke her heart and no longer loved her back. Ethan stepped in the room and closed the door, walking over and sitting on her bed next to her.
“You’re right. You’re not going to feel better with just chocolates, a hug or two and cheesy rom-com movies. Not even trash talking him is going to help you fully heal from the pain you’re feeling. But I’m here for you Casey. Always have been. Always will be. Sienna too. She’s planning to come and see you as soon as possible.”
Casey brought her gaze to Ethan’s face and his heart panged in his chest at how red and swollen her eyes were. He controlled the rage he felt inside towards Bryce and smiled at her kindly, she couldn’t manage a smile back, but she did sit up and crawl into his lap. This is what she had needed, hugs from her best friend on the east coast. She had gotten a few from her mom, though they didn’t feel as comfortable as Ethan’s did. He grabbed her blanket and wrapped it round her shoulders before continuing the hug. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but he had just given himself the job of fixing a broken heart.
Monday came quicker than Casey would have liked. She pulled herself out of bed and got ready for school, practicing her game face in the mirror but there was no point. She was sad. The kind of sad you can’t hide no matter how much you smile, scowl or keep a neutral expression. Sighing, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs, opening the front door to head out only to be met with a smiling Ethan.
“Ready?” he asked as she looked at him perplexed
“Good. Let’s go.”
He grabbed her hand and together they walked to school. He would have linked their arms but that felt too joyous. It was something they done as they walked along happily before breaking out into a skip. And there was no way he was going to let her stubbornness make them late. Holding her hand felt like the only option left, though as they neared the front of the school, Ethan acted as though he was dragging Casey behind him.
“I really don’t want to be here.” She whined.
Perfect. She was helping his case and unintentionally too. There wouldn’t be gossip and rumors today surrounding Ethan and Casey’s relationship status with each other. The day was tough. Everyone was asking where she had been, if it was true she’d been dumped and if she was with Ethan now or still single. Ethan fielded all the questions like he was her personal press secretary, and protected her like her bodyguard all day. They were sitting together at lunch when a familiar looking bleach blonde caught Ethan’s eye. Halting his conversation with Casey briefly, he looked at his phone. He went onto his messages with Sienna, silently cursing under his breath when his suspicions were ultimately confirmed. He thought she went to the same school as Bryce. He was typing out a message when he heard Casey scoff loudly.
“Ugh. What is she doing here?”
“Who?” Ethan asked, stopping typing for a minute and looking up from his phone.
“Melissia Haywood. I thought I got rid of her when I left Cali.”
“You.. know her?”
“Yeah. She’s the reason I moved here. She bullied me the whole way through school, until one day, I couldn’t take it anymore and made a scene until mom agreed to let me move.”
“Uh.. then I guess you should h-” he was cut off by Melissia’s voice as she stopped in front of Casey “hear it from me.” he mumbled but Casey didn’t hear him finish speaking over the volume of the other girls voice.
“Casey!” she shrilled
“What do you want?” Casey said monotonously as she took a sip of her water.
“Well I came here to say thank you.”
“To whom?”
“To you of course. Silly.”
“Why me?”
“Because you dumped Bryce so he could be happy with me. Finally!”
In that moment everything and everyone else froze around her as she zeroed in on Melissia’s smug face. Every emotion that had started to even out, came flooding back with full force, only this time it felt 100 times more painful. Bryce had dumped her for Melissia? Why the fuck would he do that? He knew what she had done to Casey. He was even there most times to help her back on her feet again. Now he had dumped her and gotten together in a relationship with the bleach blonde whore. She rose to her feet and tackled Melissia to the floor. Punching, kicking, spitting, hair pulling. Anything she could do to hurt Melissia. A crowd was around them instantly, cheering Casey on when they saw that she had the clear advantage. Ethan tried pulling Casey off Melissia, but her legs were hooked around the girl beneath her tight. He got her off finally with the help of a teacher and took her inside to their classroom.
Back in the courtyard Melissia was laying on the ground, bloody, her hair a mess and some bruises already forming on her skin. Teachers worked to disperse the crowd and get them to classrooms. Casey sat in the classroom fuming. You could almost see the steam coming from her ears. Ethan wanted to hug her, but he didn’t want his contact to be unwanted.
“Do you need a hug?”
“No, Ethan. I don’t. I need to punch that whores face in until she can no longer see and needs a thousand surgeries to reconstruct it!”
“Why don’t I just get you a punching bag instead?”
“Is it going to be her face?”
“No... Not exactly. But we could stick a picture of her face on it.”
The anger now left her body and was replaced by hurt as she started crying. Yeah, she needed that hug now. Ethan opened his arms and she ran into them. Locking her hands round his torso and sobbing loudly into his chest.
“WHHYYYYYYYY. WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO MEEEE?” she cried loudly, gripping onto his jacket tightly. Ethan wanted to tell her it was okay, that everything was going to be fine. But he knew that wouldn’t help Casey right now. All he could do was rub her back soothingly and whisper “I’m here” as they waited for someone to come and get them. They sat waiting and Casey’s cries eventually subsided into hiccups. The room was quiet but then her phone rang. She’d know the number anywhere, it was Bryce. The first time he’d called in a while, but she just ignored it. “Who is it?” Ethan asked when it just kept ringing. “Him.” She snarled, arms crossed and still ignoring the call, but Ethan picked up.
“Casey what the FUCK were yo-”
“No. You listen here you heartbreaking piece of scum! Casey had every right to do what she just done. Do you know how many nights she’s spent crying. Not just to sleep. But EVERY. FUCKING. HOUR. Of the day. Do you know how hurt she is but still can’t bring herself to throw away her Christmas sweater that matched yours. Do you even care that you’ve broken her to the point where she saw that violence was the answer?! Let me answer that for you Bryce Lahela. No. You don’t. because if you did you wouldn’t have broken up with her. You would have loved her for who she is. Like you did in the beginning and your feelings for her would never had changed. But now you’re at the age where all that matters is sex and drinking and partying until late. You no longer care about Casey do you? ... DO YOU!”
“You know that Casey doesn’t want to do any of that yet. You know. And instead of respecting that and loving her.. you’d rather break her and date a whore. So have a great life with Melissia, Bryce. Because once she’s done having her fun with you. Cheats and walks out the door. Casey is not going to be there to take you back. Because I won’t let her make that mistake again. So lose this number. Unfollow her accounts. And never, I mean never, bother her again.”
Ethan didn’t even wait for a reply, he just angrily hung up the phone and placed it back on the table. Fury was blazing in his eyes, and for the first time Casey saw it. He was doing this because he loved her. She was in no shape to be jumping into another relationship right now, but she sat staring at him thinking that maybe, one day. Maybe she could ask Ethan to go on a date.
After the incident, the rest of school passed by in a blur and soon they had graduated. It was hard for Casey, but Ethan was there everyday with whatever it was she needed. Hugs, pizza rolls, trash talking sessions, help with catching up or homework. And it all paid off when they stood on their school field in their graduation gowns and caps. That night Ethan and his dad were at Casey’s for dinner. The mood was bright and cheerful, Ethan smiled at Casey as she was smiling her first genuine smile in months.
“I can’t believe I done it!” she exclaimed as she gave her mom a hug.
“I can. I always believed you would.” Ethan smiled.
“Aw, thanks.” Casey blushed.
“So, what are you kiddo’s doing during your gap year?” Ethan’s dad asked
“Well, we done a lot of talking and deciding and then rethinking that decision. But.. we’ve decided to go backpacking around Europe.” Casey explained as she looked at Ethan who nodded enthusiastically.
“We still want to be doctors, but we thought that a break would be good to reset the mood. And give Casey time to heal as best as she can from what’s happened.”
Casey’s mom smiled at the two. “Promise me you’ll look after my little girl.”
“Of course, Ms. Valentine, I’ll always look after her. For the rest of her life. She’s stuck with me, whether she likes it or not.” Casey scrunched up her nose as Ethan ruffled her hair with a low chuckle.
“Get oooofffff.” She whined as she pushed his arm away.
They all enjoyed a buffet style dinner that night and Ethan said goodbye to his dad, deciding to stay the night with Casey in the living room. After they had showered and gotten ready for bed, They settled down on the inflatable air beds and Casey laughed.
“Nothing. I’m just remembering the first night we done this. You seemed so uneasy, but now look at you. Asking to stay the night and saying goodbye to your dad like a big boy.”
“I am a big boy Case. I just graduated senior year, in case you didn’t notice.”
The two laughed together as the TV spoke quietly in the background. The laughing subsided and they looked at each other. There was something dancing in Ethan’s eyes. It almost seemed as though he had a question, but was afraid to ask it.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Casey asked
“Hrm?” Ethan hummed, turning his attention back to Casey
“You look troubled.”
Ethan sighed heavily. “I just keep thinking about how I wish you didn’t have to go through something so scummy. And how I wish I knew how long it was going to take for the healing process to work because I just..”
“You, what?... Ethan.”
“I want to take you on a date. I wish I could just ask you to be my girlfriend because I want to love you so bad.”
“Ethan, I...”
“No. It’s okay. I just needed to say how I feel.”
“How about tomorrow?”
“A date. Tomorrow. Me, you, something lowkey.”
“...Seriously? Are you being serious?” Ethan smiled brightly as he sat up looking at Casey.
“Yeah. After all. You’ve been doing a great job at fixing my broken heart, I wouldn’t want you to stop and.... I sort of like you too.”
Ethan let out a little scream and rolled onto the floor, crawling over to Casey and hugging her.
“You have no idea how happy I feel right now.”
“I may not. But I can see it on your face.”
“Can I give you a kiss?”
Casey thought for a moment. Was she ready for something like that again? After a while she came to a conclusion.
“Sure. But just a peck.”
Ethan smiled at her and pecked her lips. “You don’t have to say it yet Case, but I love you, and I’m never going to stop fixing your broken heart. Even when it’s not broken anymore.”
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.V
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.IV - ch.VI
AO3 link
Years went by. Both Dipper and Mabel went through vigorous training under their uncles’ supervision. After allowing Mabel to visit the world, Stanford had combat training be added to her lessons so, if needed, she could defend herself. Now a master of duel swords and a brand new goddess of the arts, Mabel spent her days inspiring humans, helping to keep Olympus beautiful and safe, and exploring the woods throughout Greece.
She also spent a lot of time talking to Dipper. At least once a week he would sit at night and draw in his journal to talk to his sister, swapping stories and inspiring each other to learn and grow.
Dipper was no longer a scrawny little boy, but a strong, muscular, clever young man of seventeen. Stan had never been more proud in his entire life, boxing with the kid and having him go through trials and tests and watching him grow up. He even managed to teach Dipper a few swears.
Stan coughed into his fist, standing at the end of the most difficult obstacle course Dipper had ever been set to. He grinned as Dipper emerged from shark-infested waters, blazing hoops, electric spikes, and racist homophobes, without a scratch on him, and Stan and Dipper high-hived and cheered and celebrated.
“You did it, kid! You were great!”
“Thanks, I couldn’t have done without you.” Dipper said with a smile.
“Obviously.” Stan smirked, earning him a soft punch in the beer belly. “Oof! Okay, okay. You go pack up, ya gremlin. We’re going to Thebes!”
“Isn’t that place, like, the worst place in Greece?” Dipper asked as they headed back to the Mystery Shack.
“You got it, you’ll be just what the doctor ordered.” Stan explained. “Young hero like you can help a lot of people in an Underworld-hole like that. Great place to start out. If you can make it at the Big Olive, you can make it anywhere.”
The men set sail before the sun rose the next morning. For some odd reason, Stan locked up the shack in a way that made it seem like they were never coming back, but Dipper assumed it was only because Stan believed that Dipper could make it big. The young man smiled, determined not to let his teacher down, and made sure they were on the right track.
After sailing across the ocean for a few hours, they floated into a river that traveled along the woods, taking a shortcut for Thebes rather than travel through the sea for Greece. Stan was resting in a chair with a cold drink in his hand, letting Dipper sail for a while, when they heard a scream.
The old man shot up and grinned. “Perfect! A damsel in distress! Good warm-up before we hit down. Lower the anchor here.”
Dipper did as he was told and they crept down the river for the waterfall, where they saw a young lady stumble away, groaning and growling in her throat.
The girl had long, beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes that crackled like raging fire, wearing a long baby-blue dress. She hurried to her feet but was soon scooped up by the enemy that came around the river bend.
A huge Manotaur with a toga around his waist was so huge he grabbed the woman in his fist around the waist. “Not so fast, sweetheart.” He growled.
“Put me down right now, Chutzpah, or I’ll…!” The woman threw a punch at the monster, but he held her away and laughed.
“I like ‘em fiery!”
“HEY!” Dipper yelled from the riverbank and stomped on the river, leaving Stan in the bushes to munch on some popcorn.
“My money’s on Hooves.”
The girl and Chutzpah stared at the newcomer and the monster growled, “Beat it, twerp, I’m busy.”
“Sorry, mister, but you’re gonna let her go, or…”
“Keep moving, junior.” The girl sneered.
“... or I’ll…” Dipper’s sentence dropped and shattered. “But aren’t you… er, a damsel in distress?”
“I’m a damsel.” The woman said as she tried to pull herself free from the giant fist. “I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.” She said with a sly grin with cold blue eyes.
Dipper swallowed and cleared his throat, reaching for his sword. “Uh, ma’am, I think you might be too close to this situation to realize your…” But the Manotaur punched him with so much force that Dipper flew onto a big boulder on the other side of the river.
Stan winced while Chutzpah laughed and the damsel looked bored. “C’mon kid, shake it off!” The old man coached.
Dipper charged, leaving his sword behind, and started to toss left and right hooks back and forth and landing, making the monster dizzy, and then used his head to hit him so hard it was his turn to fly back onto a hard surface, landing behind the waterfall and dropping the girl in the process.
“YES! That’s what I’m talking about, sport! Keep it up!”
Dipper looked down at the wet girl and gently scooped her up out of the river to sit on a rock. “Oh, I’m sorry, ma’am. That was dumb… Excuse me, please.” And he and Chutzpah resumed their battle, the demigod using his strength to throw the Manotaur over his shoulder and putting him in a head-lock.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Stan chanted while the girl rang her hair dry, a smirk on her face.
“Not bad, not bad.”
“What are you talking about, he’s great!” Stan cheered. “Throw him a left! Atta boy!”
With one final punch, Dipper made Chutzpah the Manotaur fly up in the air and then come back crashing down face first in the water, a shiny bruise on his snooze button.
“Alright! Nice work!” Stan coached. “You could’ve gone without the distraction from a pair of big goo-goo eyes, but good recovery! Alright, let’s hit the water and move on.” And he walked off for the boat.
But once again, Dipper was distracted. The woman was rubbing her arms dry and sliding off the rock to stand, stretching her slender back; Dipper’s face felt hot and his whole body felt like it wasn’t even there. “Uh… are you alright, miss…?”
“Pacifica.” The girl said with a voice that dripped with sarcasm, like she believed she had better things to do than be standing here and talking to him, but she didn’t know what. “I’m fine. Thanks for the save. So, you got a name to go with all those rippling pectorals?”
“Uh… um, ah… I’m uh… uh…”
“Don’t speak Greek or something?”
“Dipper!” The man cleared his throat and answered in a calmer tone. “M-My name is Dipper. How did you get mixed up with the…”
“Knucklehead with hooves?” Pacifica finished for him. “Ah, you know how men are. They all think ‘no’ means ‘yes,’ and ‘get lost’ means ‘take me, I’m yours.’ Well, thanks for everything, Dip. Bye-bye.” And Pacifica began to walk away.
“Wait!” Dipper called out quickly, a reflex of seeing someone beautiful and cool-headed going away, and he offered sheepishly, “Uh, c-c-can I give you a ride on my boat, erm, me and Stan’s boat?”
“I’m fine,” Pacifica giggled coldly. “I’m a big tough girl, I tie my own sandals and everything. I can look after myself. See ya, Dippin’ Dots.” And Dipper watched as she disappeared beneath a hill.
“Uh… bye.” Dipper said weakly, clumsy on his feet as Stan sailed their small boat behind him, going down the river for Thebes.
“OY! Knucklehead! We going or what?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah… yeah…”
Dipper pulled himself on board, smiling with his head in the clouds. Stan sighed and shook his head, muttering, “Twitterpated.”
As Pacifica walked further and further into the woods, the atmosphere got darker and darker. The young lady walked as coldly as the air, unafraid and all too familiar with who was approaching her. When a huge gust of blue fire erupted from the Earth and a floating triangle appeared before the teenage girl, she rolled her eyes and sneered, “Great, I needed cheddar for dinner.”
Bill cackled as he held his three-sided body and kicked his legs in the air. “Oh, my little Llama. Care to explain what exactly happened?” He made a chess board appear before him with various pieces of monsters and anomalies on the board. “I thought you were gonna persuade the River Guardian to join my team for the uprising and, here I am, kinda River Guardian-less.”
“I gave it my best shot,” Pacifica said coldly as she flicked Chutzpah off the board. “But he made an offer I had to refuse.”
“Okay, fine,” Bill replied as he made the board disappear, closing it like a book. “Instead of taking two year from your lifetime sentence, Imma add two on, okay? You got your best shot?”
Pacifica groaned and walked away, leaning against a dead tree. “Look, it wasn’t my fault, okay. It was this Wonderboy who beat your Manotaur up.”
“Wonderboy?” Bill repeated.
“Some new hero who came with this big innocent farm-boy routine, but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.” Pacifica said with a cold snap of her fingers.
“New hero, huh?” Bill said, a hand to what might have been his chin but was really just under his eye. “If some new guy is beating up my minions it could weaken our chances of over-throwing Sixer…” The demon stopped his talking when he heard a voice. He swooped Pacifica up into the trees as a dark cloud, just in time to hide from the intruder.
Mabel was running through the woods with a pig at her feet. He had grown quite large since the young muse had met the pig, and now they both ran as fast as they could, but the teenage girl made it to a tree first, planting a hand on it, making the dead tree sprout leaves with life, and she jumped and cheered and punched the air. “That’s twenty-two for me… How about twenty-two out of forty-five?” She asked Waddles.
The big tired pig flopped over and showed his belly lazily. Mabel awed and fell to her knees to scratch him. “Aw, you’re just a big dummy-dumb. C’mon, why don’t we go see if Grunkle Ford is too busy to hang out. This Mabel’s gotta have some family time.” And she picked up her pet pig and skipped back home.
Bill plunged back onto the ground, dropping Pacifica, who sat on a rock boringly, as Bill glowed red with fire and yelled loudly, “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!” And soon every tree circling them was no more.
“Who’s a cute lil guy? You are!” Gideon said into his hand mirror, sitting at the front desk of the Underworld.
The huge doors flew open as Bill, still red and fiery with anger, entered and grew to the size of a giant before his minion. “YOU SAID YOU TOOK CARE OF THE TWINS!”
“The what now?” Gideon asked calmly.
Bill towered down at the white-haired chubby teenager and bellowed, “Sixer’s brats! The ones destined to stop me from ruling this dimension! You said they were dead as doornails! But the girl is still alive!”
“Yeah, so?” Gideon asked. “The prophecy said both twins had to be there for you to lose. There’s only one. So there. And besides it took you seventeen years to realize Stanford was still dotting on his niece. If anything you suck at keeping up with your own prey.”
Bill shrunk down, shaking with anger and still red, but he had to admit that the jerk was right. “Fine, but the boy, Mason, is dead, right?”
“More or less.”
“He will be when the mortal world is done with him.” Gideon sneered with a crooked smile. “That scrawny twerp doesn’t stand a chance in Thebes.”
“And you know all of this HOW?!”
“It’s fun watching him struggle and lose.” Gideon admitted with a shrug.
“I’m not taking any chances!” Bill yelled and floated away. “We’ve got one year until I can free my friends and take over this dimension! Since I can’t curse Shooting Star into a mortal, I can still kill Pinetree.”
“I’m telling you,” Gideon said, following his boss. “That loser doesn’t stand a chance. I know just who to send to kill him.”
And Bill’s anger melted away as he listened to his minion’s plan and helped make it better.
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