#I’ll post the link on tumblr tomorrow I’m just !!!
arda-ancalima · 6 months
I finished The Fic !!!!
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Um, Joy, hi. I hesitate to ask, but what is a Phangs arc request and why are you getting so many that you can make them a pile out of 700+ emails??? Do you want, like, a banner or something that says "can't answer these!" because I know how to make one.
Phangs arc requests are when I give copies out in exchange for reviews or from the “donate” pile people regularly contribute to via my Payhip.
And lol, thank you. I appreciate that. I’m spending today and tomorrow looking at my workflow and setting up tighter filters on my email to hopefully catch more things.
The arcs are honestly fine. It's the people deliberately censoring words to get around my autofilters that are the biggest problem.
The abuse I just kind of eyeroll at. It’s really quite ridiculous seeing someone tell you to “un@l!ve” yourself or calling me a “m*nchi3”. But it really wears me down when it’s people doing it with health queries.
Some people really don’t like getting my generic “here are some MCAS resources” email and go out of their way to make sure they get my individual attention, even though what they’re asking is answered in the links I provide.
I’m sure it pisses them off no end when I reply to their c3ns0red emails with the same copy-paste response they just got, but hey, if you’re not going to read the things I put time and energy into curating and then send your email again with keywords filtered so my autoresponder can’t catch it, I don’t much care. I feel bad for you, but I will guard my limited time and energy. (and going forward anyone doing that will just get blocked)
Also, most of the time I’m not qualified to do what they want. I can’t diagnose anyone or tell them what meds to take. I’m just a sick bitch sharing the resources I spent literal years curating to try and make things easier for others.
(covid absolutely made this 100% worse. I’ve got so many people reaching out because unlike a few other well known MCAS bloggers I don’t charge for my time or push supplements via my website. I’ll tell you what supplements I use, but I don’t profit from it. Legally, I can’t, but it also just feels a bit morally icky.)
Hopefully when I get around to my website update, having just a page I can easily curate and update as new studies come out will help with this.
And to those who send me apologetic emails saying they tried to find things on Tumblr but the search engine wasn’t working: it's cool. Tumblr doesn’t show me half of my MCAS info posts at this point.
Functional webbed site.
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dbnightingale24 · 9 months
Love Me or Just Let Me Go
A Jonathan Crane Love Story
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Look who's back and trying to find her footing again 🙃 sorry for the delay, but between my mental health and personal life, things weren't going well and I needed a break. ANYWAY, I'm back with a new series (as well as ready off a few others), and I hope you all enjoy it! I really missed posting.
Just in time for Halloween, Dr. Jonathan Crane. I just figured (as I start to branch out) it's time to write about my favorite Scarecrow. I'm sorry this is so damn long (I really am), but I hope you all enjoy it! Since Tumblr is still on its bullshit, I can only post part of it here, but the full post will be on AO3 (I'll leave the link). As always, thank you @fuckingbye for the amazing moodboard. I love you!
Word Count: 56,703 (I said I was sorry)
Warnings: SMUT (Minors DNI), Swearing, Drinking, Degrading Kink, Car Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Smoking, Arguing, Family Drama, Angst, Mentions of Abuse, Fluff (ish), Childhood Trauma, Self Hate, Revenge, Loneliness, Trust Issues, Mental Health (or lack thereof)...I think I handled everything?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: Man, You Make It Easy For Me. So, Why Can't I Make You Love Me?
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I do not give permission/consent for my works/stories to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this kind of behavior or relationship, this is for entertainment purposes only.
“Doctor Crane,” you smile sweetly as your favorite patron makes his way to the counter.
Your smile may be sweet, but you know your eyes show the same thing they always do whenever he shows up: pure desire and lust. The coy smile he always returns lets you know that he’s very well aware of the effect he has on you.
“Same as always?”
“Coffee, black, please,” he smiles as he pulls out his wallet.
“New admittance at Arkham?” you ask, turning and starting on his second usual
At least three times a month, he orders a black coffee.
“No, but it is late night for work.”
“When isn’t it in Gotham?” you scoff, placing the lid on his drink.
“How about you?” he asks, handing you a twenty.
“What about me?”
“Another late night?”
“I’m the only one brave enough to close the store, so yeah. I always have a late night,” you laugh softly, taking his money while typing the amount into the register.
“Gotham doesn’t scare you?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ve met my Mother already, and I witnessed what drove her to madness, because I saw my Father’s death, so no. Gotham doesn’t scare me.”
“Your Mother...” he trails off as he looks you over, “Y/M/N?”
“I’m surprised you’re just figuring it out,” you laugh handing him back his change. “Everyone always said I look just like her, but I’m guessing the piercings, dyed hair, and tattoos have changed my appearance a bit.”
“Your Mother is quite the character.”
“You’re putting it nicely.”
“Keep it,” he says, gently pushing your hand back.
“The coffee was only two dollars.”
“Your company is always worth much more than that,” he laughs. “If you don’t mind me asking, how were you able to handle it so well?”
“If I tell you that, there will be no reason for you to come around for your afternoon tea, will there? Besides, you’ve got a late night of work ahead of you, and I’ve got ungrateful customers to tend to,” you smirk, cocking an eyebrow.
“Guess I’ll just have to ask again tomorrow.”
“Play your cards right and you may just get an answer,” you shrug and he laughs.
“You have a good night, Y/N.”
“You too, Dr. Crane.”
“Jonathan Crane,” you smile as he grabs his coffee, nods, and walks away.
And just like that, he was gone. It’s the same conversation every day, today a little more telling just because he knows a bit (or a lot depending on how you look at it) about you. It’s always the same amount of small talk, flirty eye on your part, and him looking as if he’s interested but knows better. Smart on his part.
Sure, he deals with crazies, but he’s never dealt with you.
For the rest of the evening, you live in the feeling of that little exchange. Yeah, the man looks like he can’t carry a bookcase, but you know it’s all an act. You’re not dumb. You’ve heard whispers about Dr. Jonathan Crane, and most of it isn’t pleasant. It’s most definitely in your best interest to stay away, especially considering that your Mother is a patience at his place of work, but you can’t stop yourself. Beside, you live in Gotham.
It’s not like you have a ton of “good guys” to choose from.
You can’t pin down exactly what draws you to him, but you know that you can’t turn it off. You’ve tried multiple times. From the first time you laid eyes on him, you wanted him. No, you needed him, in the most unnatural way. Maybe it’s from living in Gotham all your life but, for whatever reason, you feel a sense of security when he comes in.
Yeah, you’ve definitely been in Gotham for too long.
“You’re sure you’re okay to close up all by yourself?” your co-worker Michael asks as he grabs his backpack off of the coat rack, while the last customer scurries out.
“I do it every night, Mike,” you scoff, wiping down the counter. “Get home safe.”
“Ya know, working with you is hard,” he sighs and you start laughing. “What?! It’s true! You’re the only one ever willing to close up shop-”
“It gives me a thrill,” you smirk with a cocked eyebrow. “Go home and tell Josh that you fought off a mugger, if it’ll help your ego.”
“He’d kill me if I ever tried to stop crime from happening,” he laughs softly. “You sure you’re okay, babe?”
“I promise. Get home safe.”
“You too,” he nods before walking out. 
You lean against the counter, pull out your phone, and scroll through all the evening news you’ve missed. 
Another raping, another stabbing, another kidnapping....it’s all just another day in Gotham. You don’t even bother to look up when you hear the front door open and close.
“If you want coffee, you’ve come to the right place. If you want anything else, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong damn shop,” you mumble as an article about Arkham Asylum catches your eye.
You may not see your Mother often, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about her.
“How about a cup of tea?” a familiar voice asks.
You look up to see Dr. Jonathan Crane standing at the counter, small smile tugging on his lips, but his hair is out of place.
“Rough night, Doc?” you question, pushing yourself up with your foot, making your way over to the kettle and setting it up. 
“What makes you say that?”
“Your hair is out of place and there’s a bit of blood on your glasses, and the lapel of your shirt.”
“You’re more observant than I thought.”
“You’ve thought about me?” you tease, pulling out his his favorite tea powder.
“More than you think.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re a mystery.”
“I’m sure you’ve met far more interesting subjects than me. You’ve already met my Mother.”
“While she is very much a fun case to study, now that I know she’s your Mother, you’re much more...complex.”
“I’ll choose to take that as a compliment,” you laugh, finishing up his drink before pouring it in a to-go cup. “That’s the nicest way I’ve ever been called insane.”
“Far from insane, Y/N. Very far. More like-”
“Troubled?” “Not that either...a to-go cup?”
“You’ve never been one to sit and stay since you started working at the Asylum.”
“A good point. What else do you know about me?”
“What else have you heard about me?”
“Things I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about,” you promise, looking him over as you lean against the counter. “No charge. You get home safe.”
“You see blood on my glasses and my shirt, but tell me to get home safe?”
“Who am I to judge?”
“You know, this day has been very telling about you but, at the same time, I feel like I know you less than I did before.”
“If I’m not keepin’ ya guessing, what’s the point of our lovely little chats?”
“Who says that I need these little moments to keep me interested?”
“Show me that you don’t.”
“Have a drink with me and I will,” he smiles coyly, mischief in his eyes.
Every red alarm in your brain goes off, but you’ve never bothered to listen to them before, so why start now?
You poured yourself a cup of coffee and slowly made your way from around the counter, ignoring the the sirens as they grow louder and louder, and sit across from him at the small table. 
“Jonathan,” you smile, mischief dancing around in your own eyes as you take a sip of your coffee. “Take your best shot.”
“What do you fear?” he asks with a cocked eyebrow and you scoff. “What?”
“What do you think I fear?”
“I can’t get a read on you.” “That’s fair, I guess,” you shrug, swirling the coffee in your cup around a bit. “I’ll tell you what I fear if you tell me something about you. I’ll know if you’re lying, so don’t try it,” you proposition, meeting his gaze with a devilish glint in your eye.
You really shouldn’t be playing this game.
An evil smirk spreads across his face before he responds with, “I’m the one who created the fear toxin.”
‘Will you stop fucking playing this game?! Tell him you need to get home!’ your brain begs, but you’re just starting to have fun.
You’ve never been good at doing what’s in your best interest.
“That tracks,” you shrug before taking a sip of your coffee.
“It tracks?”
“You work at the Asylum, no one in this city really has a good and clean record-”
“Oh? What’s on your record?”
“I put laxatives in drinks of customers who piss me off,” you tell him nonchalantly and laugh and when he practically chokes on his tea. “What? I don’t seem capable?”
“For some reason, I thought it would be something along the lines of murder.”
“No, I’m afraid the only thing I’ve ever really broken is hearts.”
“Why’s that?”
“I learned very early in life to never get too attached to anyone in Gotham. Never works out well for me.”
“Your parents?”
“Parents, first real love, last serious relationship. I fuck until I’m bored and then I leave.”
There’s a flicker of something in his eyes, but you can’t tell what it is. It’s not disdain or disappointment, but more along the lines of...shock? Confusion.
“So, you have fear of abandonment?” he asks as your timer goes off.
“Well, it’s time for me to close up shop, Dr. Crane,” you smile, getting up making your way back behind the counter with your half full cup of coffee.
“I didn’t take you as someone who’s a liar,” he comments and you don’t miss the irritation in his tone.
“I never said I wouldn’t tell you, I said it’s time for me to close up shop. However, I do like having this effect on you.”
“And what effect is that?”
“Rattling your cage.”
“Oh, you do much more than that, and I think you’ve known that for quite some time.”
“Oh, but Doctor Crane, this is the first time you’ve ever had the balls to court me,” you smirk over your shoulder and he laughs.
“How long does it usually take you to close up shop?”
“As long as I want it to. Why do you ask?”
“Do you have any plans tonight?”
“Do you want me to?”
“I figured we could...take a walk around the city.”
“You’re a very confident man, Dr. Crane.”
“No one’s gonna touch me out there.”
“And what on earth would we talk about on this little walk?”
“Your obsession with me is cute. I like it a lot.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s an obsession, more like...fascination.”
“And what’s so fascinating about little old me?” you ask, covering the tops of all the different syrups. 
“Like I said,” he responds softly right behind you, causing you to jump, “because you’re a mystery.”
Oh, you’re fucking in it now. 
You can read the full story here
tags: @autumnrose40
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orions-tears · 1 year
Guardian Angel - Ominis Gaunt [Final Part]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Slytherin fem!reader
Themes: Fluff, angst
A/N: Thank you for all the love on this series! I really enjoyed this one. I have a lot of schoolwork and tumblr is trying to hide me but I'm still taking requests! I'm gonna post a new piece sometime tomorrow so look out for it! Again thank you and I love you all
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 are linked!
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You wake up in a dark room. Merlin, your head is killing you. You sit up and look around. The Hospital wing. No Ominis this time. You frown and try to stand up, but when your head starts throbbing you decide maybe it's best to wait. If Ominis isn’t here, was he mad at you? Maybe you had just been out for a while. You really hoped it was that one. After a while, you feel a bit better and sneak past Nurse Blainey and back to the common room. You see Sebastian sitting by the windows, watching the sea monster move about the lake. You walk over and stand behind him.
“Have you seen a mermaid yet?”
He jumps and turns around, eyes wide. “(Y/N)!” He jumps up and hugs you tightly.
You laugh and hug him back. “I’ll take that as a no then.”
He pulls away. “I’ve missed you. Really. It’s not the same without you.”
You tilt your head. How long were you out? Were you secretly a ghost and he just wasn’t telling you? “What do you mean?”
He frowns and looks back at the window. “You’ve been asleep for a week now.”
You gasp and shove him a little. “A week?!”
He rubs where you shoved him and looks at the floor. “I’m sorry…I tried, I really did. He came out of nowhere and I-“
You hug him again and he goes silent. “I’m not upset, Sebastian.” You pull away. “Where’s Ominis?”
He looks at you, a bit nervous. “I haven’t seen him. Honestly. I’ve been looking for him since we got back but he’s nowhere.”
Now you’re worried. You say goodbye to Sebastian and start searching. What did he mean “we”? Ominis wasn’t at the ruins. At least…not that you remember. You run to the Undercroft. Nothing. The library? Nothing there either. Where in Merlin’s beard could he be? There’s only one other place in Hogwarts that you know of that he alone had access to.
You walk up to the entrance of the scriptorium. He wouldn’t be here. Right? He never wanted to come in and the way he felt when you both made him join you was…No way he’s in here. You walk in and look around. You walk up the stairs.
He’s sat on the floor in the corner, knees to his chest. He turns his head towards you. He suddenly looks so scared and buries his face in his arms.
“Ominis are you alright?” You slowly walk over to him, kneeling down in front of him. When he doesn’t respond you lightly touch his arm. “Ominis please speak to me.”
He tilts his head up, tears rolling down his face. “Any other spell. I should have done any other spell. Why…?”
“What are you talking about?”
He rubs his eyes, unable to face you. Seeing him this upset causes you physical pain. What happened when you were out? “Ominis…”
“I killed him, (Y/N)…Rookwood…”
You gasp and lean closer. “Ominis, you? But how, you weren’t even there…?”
He shakes his head. “I heard you two talking about it and knew you couldn’t do it alone. When I got there he…I heard what he did to you…He went to kill you and I just…it just happened…” He keeps shaking his head. “I told myself I would never engage in the dark arts again. Never. I’m just like them.”
Realizing what spell he used, you scooched in next to him and gave him a hug. “No, Ominis. You’re not like your family. You used it to save me.”
He turns his face toward you. “But…”
“Ominis you did what you felt you needed to. You acted on instinct. You saved my life.”
He faces down at his hands and frowns.
You lean into him slightly and smile. “You’re my guardian angel,” you say, kissing him on the cheek. He turns towards you and feels for your face, putting his hands on your cheeks. You freeze, not knowing what he’s doing as he leans in and kisses you. You rest your hand on his leg and kiss him back. After a minute he pulls away and turns his head away from you.
He stands, rubbing his hands on his robe. “I’m sorry…”
You stand up beside him and grab him by the robe. Before he can say anything you pull him towards you and kiss him. He relaxes and wraps his arms around your waist.
Eventually, you both leave the scriptorium and walk back to the common room, hand in hand. “Do you think I can conjure wings?”
“What?” he asks, laughing. “Why would you need to conjure wings?”
You smile and hug his arm. “You’re my guardian angel, remember? Every angel needs wings.”
Tag list!
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
@abbiesxox @veylia @blueberrydinosaur @kuukimeioo @sometimesidreamthaticanlevatate @tubble-wubble @thenerdysimp
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Thoughts about Writing and Creating
Earlier today I read an article that really resonated with me and specifically made me think about some things within the corner I exist in within the tumblr fanfiction community.
First an intro: Hi! My name is Jo! I’m a 28 year old professional designer and visual artist, and I write about a silly metal head from the 80’s. I’ve been reading and writing fanfic in some way shape or form since I was 12. (Way before I should have.) There are people who’ve been in fandom longer than I have. And some people who are new to this world.
The thoughts I’m conveying below are mine alone and you may agree or you may not. Me writing this is to get these thoughts out and, hopefully, inspire some peace in my community and impart some lessons on some newer members of fandom. If you disagree with my opinions, please feel free to make your own. Post about them or shoot me a PM and we can have a peaceful discussion.
This post is NOT meant as an open door to hatred. If you come to me looking to fight, or dehumanize me, you will be blocked. I have seen enough in my time on tumblr to know how to protect my peace.
That being said, let’s proceed:
The article (I’ll link it below) was about the new Little Mermaid movie and how this “live action Disney revolution” is just a signifier of how media is recycled and that no idea is a new one. In any creative outlet. And while the article itself delves into the history of the Little Mermaid or mermaids themselves and all of that, the nuance of reference versus inspiration, the final idea was: never stop creating, never stop being inspired, never stop exploring.
How does that pertain to fanfiction though? How does that apply to me?
There’s been a lot of talk recently of “this person copied this idea” or “this is just a ripoff of that.” Enough that it drives people off of tumblr or stops them creating altogether. Makes people think that they’ve done something wrong. Some of this talk is is done by creators themselves, some is done by devoted friends or fans. And it is truly a shame, and I think it’s time that we stop.
This is not saying “plagiarism” or “copy and pasting word for word with a bit of name changing” is ok. No, those things are not ok. And people are allowed to be protective of their creations! Writers and artists put their heart and soul into their work.
But in terms of people’s genuine creativity…we need to be more tolerant of overlap. Whether we create or consume.
I’m currently writing a Freaky Friday Alternate Universe featuring 2 characters from a Netflix show. My story would not exist if these other media sources and inspirations didn’t exist. Does that mean my story should not exist or be told? Does that mean my writing isn’t good? No and no.
I don’t profit from my work. I write for me. For my friends. For you. I have nothing to gain and nothing to lose. And if someone came to me tomorrow and said “hey, I wanted to write another Freaky Friday story,” so long as they didn’t copy my work word for word…well…you know what? I would be happy about it! Welcome it. Encourage them.
How can I tell someone no? Forbid them to try and use my idea—whether they were inspired by it or just…stumbled on it by chance as they got the idea organically themselves? What if they had genuine inspiration and could write this story better? Who, if they’ve never written before, might have just found their first chance to do so?
How could I dare to stop someone from being inspired? When I dared to follow the same inspiration for myself?
Now I know there are a lot more personal or original ideas and fanfictions out there. But at the end of the day, everything had been done in some way shape or form. We are all inspired by something. We have overlapping experiences. (I myself have found a good friend in this community who has life experiences so close to my own it’s frightening.)
There are 8 billion of us on this planet, thinking and imagining. Living. There is no one in a million idea anymore when we are consuming so much diverse media at any given time during the day.
Again, if you’re a creator, you’re allowed to be protective of your creation. But you are not allowed to stunt someone’s inspiration or growth. We are not fighting one another in fandom. We are all in this little corner together. Someone getting a like or a comment doesn’t mean that a like or a comment was taken away from you.
And if you’re a consumer of fanfiction, if you’re here to support a friend or just someone who created something you love…yes, it may be something you look forward to, but you should never hurt someone just because you think they might have “stolen” or “hurt” your writer friends. This is a place for all of us to feel safe.
Consider the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
There are no big blogs or small blogs. Notes aren’t important. What is important is kindness and community.
And we should all be welcome here.
Article: There’s No Such Thing as a New Idea
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 5 - jetBlue 2: Electric Bluegaloo
I am writing this post on the 15th of June, 2023.
I was going to publish one post tomorrow. It was going to be about a completely unrelated airline from a different country. I wrote it already. I have several other posts written already, because I like writing them, and they make me excited. I had a partially written post on jetBlue. It was going to be finished soon and uploaded after that. Just one in a sea of many things people have painted onto their airplanes.
I did not plan to discuss jetBlue tomorrow. I did not plan to finish my jetBlue post today. But they have forced my hand by announcing an overhaul of their 20-year-old livery at the most inconvenient possible time for me specifically, and I suppose I'm someone who reviews airline liveries now so I'm not just going to not talk about it.
Okay, let’s see. What they’ve been doing has worked for them for two decades, so I am very curious what they...
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(image: jetblue) 
Huh. Not...sure what I expected. This is really taking a moment to sink in. 
Well, okay. My immediate thought is ‘neat, they finally extended it past the tail’. My second thought is ‘thank goodness they're finally moving past their Eurowhite phase’. My third thought is...
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Obviously they don’t have an exclusive right to this shade of blue, but does...does Southwest know about this? You two are probably the two biggest players in the low-cost market on the East Coast, should you be...being nearly the exact same shade of blue? Like, the rest of the liveries are obviously very different, you wouldn’t confuse them even from a distance, and I'm pretty sure jetBlue's is slightly lighter, but it just feels, viscerally, like someone’s nose gear is being run over a little bit. 
Okay. No. We are forgetting about this. We literally just talked about not comparing beautiful blue girls to each other. They’re going to stall or soar on their own merits. Let’s take another look at N982JB “A Defining MoMint” (neé “One Mint, Two Mint, Blue Mint, You Mint”), who is patient zero for jetBlue’s new rebrand. 
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(image: jetblue)
There she is in all her eyestraining glory. I mean, there’s bright and then there’s hard to look at. jetBlue has, for some reason, decided to unleash a migraine machine onto airports across America and beyond.
jetBlue? I know you're reading this. Can we talk, jetBlue? There are a billion shades of blue you could have picked from for the main body. 
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(image: jetblue)
In fact, here are five of them from your own most recent tail design. And you chose the only one that is extremely painful to look at in large quantities. So, unfortunately, we’re taking off from the wrong runway. But let’s hear what you have to say for yourself, jetBlue. 
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I can only imagine how badly tumblr is going to crunch this, so here’s a direct link to the PDF jetBlue put out explaining their design choices. 
Well, it’s definitely one of the bluest planes they’ve ever made. I think Blueprint might actually be bluer, but that’s a discussion for later. It’s a reasonably, maybe even unreasonably, blue plane, and I think we can all agree on that. 
They’ve made a lot of changes that seem almost like direct responses to my earlier complaints. Robin N. Hayes, CEO of jetBlue Airlines, are you in my head reading my mind? If you are, I think I at least deserve a couple of scale models for all the advice I’ve given you. Come on. I’ll even proofread your website for you.  
Sadly, I have yet to receive my rightly deserved 1:100 model of the jetBlue retrojet, but they’ve at least recognized that I’m correct about a lot of things. The all-white fuselage is boring and the tail designs need to be allowed to unfurl from their prison on the vertical stabilizer. I’m absolutely with them on that. I actually can’t say how I feel about this new ‘mint leaves’ tail pattern. I think that I don’t like it, but it’s very hard to tell because looking at this image for too long without my darkreader on genuinely hurts my eyes. I’m sure it’ll be fine in person, but I haven’t seen this livery in person. I’ve had all of a day to process this through my computer screen, and because of that I think I sort of really dislike it!
But I also can’t commit to that opinion because it’s been a day and a half and there’s so much we still don’t know. Well, I know that this is literally the worst shade of blue that there is, but my least favorite color is orange and I think there are plenty of decent looking orange planes out there. It’s not about the base color. It’s about what you do with it. And what will they do with it? It’s...not really clear. 
The thing about this launch is that if Robin N. Hayes, CEO of jetBlue Airlines, can read my mind, I can’t read his. All I have is this PDF and a couple paragraphs of copy that really raise more questions than they answer. I'm just going to paste the important bit here.
Aptly named A Defining MoMint, the first plane to sport our new livery (our first-ever Mint pattern, coming soon to all Mint planes) is an Airbus A321 with Mint—which rolls into service on 6/15/23. Look for refreshed versions of our existing patterns to make their runway debuts as the rest of the fleet is repaint-ready.
This leaves so many questions unanswered. Is this for all Mint planes? That's not an insignificant portion of the fleet. Are all the planes currently wearing the ribbon and streamer tails going to wear this exact design, or will there be multiple Mint liveries? Will the ribbon and streamer tails be retired completely? They're pretty new, that seems a bit premature to me. What about the non-Mint planes? I assume the implication is that they're going to get patterns that extend onto their main fuselages as well, but are they going to also be repainted now or will there be a gradual rollout where it'll only be Mint planes for the time being? What is even going on? Seriously, does Southwest know? How did nobody notice the two massive typos on the liveries page of your website when you updated it with this new information? Ya blue it!
This is sending me into a bit of a tailspin. This redesign is everything I should want. It's spitting in the face of the design principles that I hate so much I started this blog. It's addressing some of my complaints. But I just don't...like to look at it?
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I think what's bothering me here, when my eyes adjust somewhat to the sheer piercing brightness of it, is the overwhelming amount of stuff happening. When I do focus in I can see things that I like. For example, the tail pattern seems to be almost spreading onto the main fuselage rather than being isolated on a tail with its own background color. Some things I just can't entirely process. Like the PDF says they're using a new font but I can't really tell the difference between it and the old one. I guess it doesn't matter that much.
Anyway, I'm not done complaining. On the old livery, the engines were a dark color which contrasted with the light fuselage. This is pretty common. That's for a good reason. It creates such a weird visual effect when the engines and the fuselage are the same color. When you look at them from the side they look like they're merging. Also, despite them mentioning that they made the text in the front bigger to make the livery look less rear-heavy, and the fact that it's worked to some extent, it hasn't worked nearly enough. It would really behoove them to add something else to the front.
(I'm just saying, jetBlue...if you want to be America's Fun Airline, I don't think any defunct airlines have a trademark on painting cute little faces on your airplanes. Just keep that in the back of your mind.)
I ultimately just can't reconcile my thoughts on this. I keep repeating myself and I can't seem to convince myself to like this even though I really, really want to find some way to decide that yes, this is good, actually. This is an improvement. I can't. I can't convince myself. Maybe if I chew on it a bit longer. Maybe when they show off new tail patterns they'll all look better than this. Maybe it's just the mint green that's throwing me off and it'll all be okay. Maybe I'll wake up and a perfectly designed new jetBlue livery will be standing by the side of my bed, and I won't even mind that geometry forbids every part of that scenario, and she'll be beautiful and I will remember what it felt like to first learn that jetBlue has a plane named Blue's On First. Maybe. But right now it's the 15th of June and I'm feeling an emotion I can only imagine myself sharing with cosmic horror protagonists who have stumbled on some horrible secret that destroys the foundation which until mere moments ago undergirded their entire concept of reality. I don't know how to reconcile any of this.
jetBlue...how could you blue this to me?
Provisional* Grade: D(on't Blue That)+
(provisional because I'm being very dramatic but as I've said this is brand new fresh off the livery printer, Mint condition if you will, and I've barely had any time to process it so I'll definitely revisit it at some point. But probably not soon. I'm just about jetBlued out at the moMint.)
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year
In light of the ddos attacks and ao3 being down, I wanted to make sure my fics are always accessible regardless of ao3 status. I realized that in my masterpost, most of my fics link directly to ao3, and there’s no way to easily find them cross posted here on tumblr. so here is that. links to all of my fics cross posted to tumblr. the fics crossed out were never cross posted, however if you are just dying to read one of those, I’d happily post it here for you! just let me know!
we all need someone to stay
fresh rainwater
tonight we’re all believers
please don’t jump (it’s christmas)
pain reliever
somebody to someone
are the rumors true?
the breeds of bad people
how long can you hold your breath?
have it your way
ten pins
breaking character
talk to me about our future
girls drink for free
two months
there’s no place like home for the holidays
the cost of a secret
the sex number
living after midnight (rocking to the dawn)
you make it hurt so good
round and round
eighteen and life
this is how i disappear
age, sex, location
i’ll see you tomorrow morning
cheap beer, sticky floors, and greek letters
sober thoughts
billy hargrove’s exploration of beauty
soft lace for sharp edges
it’s not just lingerie
safer with you
(i’m not) a real man
split ends
when blue met pink
a clean run
dream a little dream of me
love’s austere and lonely offices
to be so lonely
for multi chap fics, you can find the next chapter at the bottom of the chapter before it, all these links will lead you to chapter 1
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bottomlouisficfest · 2 years
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The links to every fic posted for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2022 can be found below.
Week One:
Blackberries And Cherries (14k)
Please, Deceive Me (42k)
I would wait forever (and ever) (10k)
all this devotion (38k)
take a ride into the danger zone  (7k)
gallery of us (56k)
Week Two:
Like a hurt, lost, and blinded fool (14k)
Sweet as Honey (22k)
too slow, love (22k)
chasing the moment I'm hoping is coming (44k)
Rendezvous (15k)
soapy lace, let me embrace (27k)
Outline of my Sins (7k)
Satellite (78k)
Week Three:
the one who stays and the one leaving you (10k)
Heart of Sugar, Sweet Temptation of Mine (26k)
As you stay in a daydream (15k)
Like Rabbits In Cigar Smoke (26k)
what it feels like (34k)
feeling peachy, take a bite (26k)
be the artist to my muse (10k)
dark doom, honey (58k)
Week Four:
let me love you (5k)
baby, loving you’s the real thing (21k)
To Paint A Symphony (41k)
i beg you to stop running (10k)
if it wasn't for the nights (28k)
Comfort Is Found When I'm the Only Thought on Your Mind (5k)
not afraid of living on a fault line (55k)
Week Five:
tides thrash inside (9k)
Hash Brown, Eggyolks. I Will Always Love You (27k)
how you sleep at night (16k)
Something As Simple As This (35k)
hungry heart (16k)
Ding-Dong! Daybreak (28k)
addressed to the fire (9k)
catch me if i fall (47k)
Week Six:
Losing That Reactive Spark (12k)
Let me in (24k)
take it day by day (10k)
every witch way (36k)
reckless behaviour  (14k)
A Little Bad Luck (17k)
And If Ever I Can Rescue You (15k)
This is how you fall in love (54k)
Week Seven:
Needles and Lyrics (12k)
Stay Until Tomorrow (37k)
fire, embers, ash and tinders (22k)
crave for more of you (35k)
You Step Where Words Are Written, Delicate Under Your Feet (6k)
Derail the Mind of Me (77k)
Week Eight:
a love like this won't last forever (and I don't mind at all) (54k)
Apparently by Chance, at Precisely the Right Moment (19k)
you go undercover (you cross your fingers) (26k)
live in my dream state, relocate my fantasy (24k)
...With Love, (Almost) No Plot. (10k)
once burnt, twice shy (53k)
Week Nine:
whisper your desires, i’ll provide them (13k)
Thawing Permafrost (22k)
if i saw you every day forever (11k)
borrow the moonlight (38k)
kiss it better (8k)
just a pretty boy (36k)
purr and shout (5k)
what a wicked thing to do (to make me dream of you) (44k)
Week Ten:
i don't care, i'm not scared of love (5k)
The Games We Play (23k)
til' the darkness softly clears (45k)
Please help support this year’s fics by liking and reblogging the posts on Tumblr, liking and retweeting the posts on Twitter, giving kudos, and leaving a comment! 😊
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dailydragon08 · 11 months
Breathe With Me Part II
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Summary: Luke is determined that you end your day on a good, relaxed note. Pairing: Luke Skywalker x Gender Neutral!Reader Rating: M Warnings: crying/emotional reader, steamy makeout session,  illusions to past/future smut (not described, just as in "this has  happened before/could happen  in the future"). A/N: Reposting AGAIN. Again, tried to write it so you can insert any  era of Luke you want (no  idea how soon after ANH he became a commander). Please let me know if  you want a part 3 with Luke and reader's vacation! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Masterlist can be found linked in my pinned post on my blog (which includes a link to part 1; Tumblr is weird about links with me sometimes and if I link things, it gets lost in the ether, so please take a look if you’re interested!). Enjoy!
You went to take a sip out of your water, sighing when only a few drops slid down your throat. You glanced at the empty mug and set it back down on the table harder than you meant to, wincing as Threepio startled and looked at you. “Sorry, didn’t mean to do that,” you mumbled, turning back to your datapad. 
“Oh, it’s quite all right,” Threepio replied. Artoo whistled next to him. 
You tried to concentrate on the files Leia had sent you, but everything was jumbling together into an incoherent mess in your mind. You set the pad down and leaned back in your chair, rubbing at your eyes as you looked around the mostly empty conference room back on the rebel base. “You know, you guys don’t have to stand here if you don’t want. I won’t mind if you need to leave.”
“Oh, well,” Threepio motioned to his companion, “Master Luke instructed us to stick close to you. He mentioned you’d been under a lot of stress and wanted us available to you in case you needed any assistance.”
Your heart swelled and you chewed on your fingernail, unsure what to say. He was always so sweet and thoughtful. “Do you know when he’ll be back?”
Artoo beeped as an arm shot out of one of his sockets, grabbing your empty mug by the handle and speeding out of the room. You watched him with a frown before returning your eyes to the protocol droid. 
“Oh, I suppose it should be any minute now. I don’t believe they went far from base.”
You nodded your thanks, feeling tears fill your eyes as Artoo wheeled back over to you. He whirred softly as he set your now full cup of water back down on the table in front of you. You patted his head and smiled, picking up your datapad again to message Leia. 
Will it be an issue if I get these files back to you tomorrow instead?
She replied instantly. Not at all. Is it bad again today?
Yeah. Really bad. 
I’m sorry things got too hectic for a vacation once we all got back. I just freed up some time, so why don’t you let me take care of those files? If you send Threepio my way to help, it shouldn’t be an issue for me. Go get some rest. You’ve earned it. Luke is with me now giving a report. He’s almost done and I’ll send him your way as soon as we finish.
Thank you, ILYSM.
ILY too. Now go rest.
You sighed, sending Threepio to aid the princess as requested before trudging down the hall. Artoo stayed faithfully by your side, determined to carry your water for you. Since Luke had become a commander, he got his own small, but private quarters. You had your own bunk assigned to you with the others, but you frequented Luke’s room so often, people usually looked for you there first. You buzzed the code into the keypad—still feeling your stomach do somersaults at the fact that Luke made your name his passcode—and flopped down on the mattress. 
You glanced around for a moment before burying your face in the pillow and letting the Jedi’s familiar scent wash over you. Doing all he did for the rebellion had its perks (mainly thanks to Leia): a double bed, his own private refresher complete with a bathtub (a small tub, but still a tub), a mini fridge, a small counter complete with storage, a kettle, and burner, and even a screen that came down out of the ceiling to go with his projector. It was initially intended for meetings with others off base, but you and Luke had used it for watching holos whenever you got the chance. 
Artoo dimmed the lights as your eyes drooped, using one of his little arms once more to pull the blanket over you. He struggled with the thick material and you smiled, helping him pull it the rest of the way over your shoulders. “Thanks, buddy.”
He chirped happily before settling beside you to wait for Luke. 
A gentle shake on your shoulder pulled you out of your slumber. You’d ended up crying yourself to sleep, the box of tissues Artoo had brought from the refresher still on the bed beside you. Luke sat beside you on the bed, staring down at you with concern as he moved the tissues to his nightstand and brushed some leftover tear tracks away with his thumb. “Hey, starflower.”
“Hi,” you warbled as he kissed your forehead. 
He gently brushed your hair away from your face. “Guess what?”
“Leia managed to get us both five days off.”
You stared at him in amazement. “Five? But won’t they need us? Especially you?”
“Things are calm enough now that they’ll manage.”
“But what if something happens?”
“Then they’ll call us, but Leia seems to think we’ll be fine. Even Mothma agreed. Now scoot over.”
You did as told and he climbed into the bed with you, pulling you tight against his chest. He kissed your forehead again, his hands gently wandering from your hair to your cheek, jaw, and neck. His fingers wrapped around the back, massaging the tension away. You weren’t sure how long you laid there, dozing on and off with Luke peppering your face with kisses and massaging your sore muscles. His soothing voice whispered sweet nothings in your ear as he nuzzled into you, smoothing a hand up and down your back and squeezing you tight. 
“Does anything in particular sound good?” he asked. “Or do you want me to take the lead?”
“Um…” you hesitated. The dimmed lights made a blue, almost hyperspace-like glow in Luke’s room. That, combined with the steady beat of his heart against your ear, made you feel like you could breathe deeply for the first time in weeks. “I’m having trouble thinking right now, so do you…” you glanced up at him, “Do you mind taking the lead?”
“Of course I will.” His thumb brushed against your cheek before he left a soft kiss on your lips, then your nose, cheeks, and forehead. “Will you be okay if I get up and get some things ready for a few minutes?”
You nodded, reluctantly extracting yourself from his hold. He kissed the back of your hand as he slid out of bed, clinging to you until you were out of reach. He murmured a few things to his astromech that you ignored as you let your eyes slide closed again. You hugged Luke’s pillow to your chest, inhaling his scent and pretending he was still holding you. You heard him moving around the room, prying your eyes open long enough to see him rooting around in his mini fridge as Artoo whizzed down the hallway at top speed like he always did whenever Luke sent him on a mission. Their closeness made you smile as you closed your eyes again. 
You had almost slipped into sleep again when you heard Artoo hustle back in with a series of excited beeps, followed by the sound of running water and a plunk. You opened your eyes to Luke gently stroking your cheek, tucking your hair behind your ear as he pulled you into a sitting position. “Mmkay, sweetheart, let’s get you out of these clothes.”
“Mmm, kinky.”
He chuckled. “Not like that.” He brushed his lips against your neck, just below your ear, as he helped you undo your pants. “But if you want, I’m more than happy to help with that. But no pressure if you’d rather just relax and cuddle.”
You lifted your hips as Luke slid your bottoms and underwear off in one go. “I’m…not sure I could get in the right headset for that to feel good right now. I’m sorry. Is it okay if we just see how I feel?”
“Of course.” Luke lifted your shirt over your head. “You never have to apologize and you’re never obligated to do anything.” He pressed his lips to your forehead before shrugging off his jacket and rolling his sleeves to his elbows. Before you could admire his forearms and hands for too long, he disappeared into the refresher again and you heard the water stop. He hurried back out and carried bridal style to the refresher. He set you down in the now full tub of warm water, complete with a lavender bath bomb. 
“Where did you even find this?”
“Leia had a few. She knew you were stressed, so told me I could use some if I needed them. I hope the lavender is okay. The scent is supposed to help you relax.”
You nodded, leaning back in the tub. “Yeah, it’s perfect.” You sighed as you felt the exhaustion hit you like a freight train, bringing more tears to your eyes. “Ugh, no, I thought I was done.” You buried your face in your hands, leaning your elbows against your thighs in the water. 
Luke rubbed your back. “Just let it out. Do you want some space or company?”
“Don’t go,” you mumbled into your hands. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You felt him kiss your hair before gathering it behind you and tying it into a loose bun. “You left a hair tie here last time. Who knew you forgetting things would end up being so convenient?”
You let your hands fall into the water, huffing out a meager laugh as Luke took your favorite body wash—which had found a home in his refresher—and spread it over his hands. “I mean, I practically live here anyway, so does it really count as forgetting?” You groaned as Luke’s hands smoothed over your body, gently working out the knots as he came across them. 
He laughed and the sound further relaxed your muscles. “I guess not.” He hesitated, gently pushing you to lean back so he could rub the body wash over more of you. “You know…if you did just want to…move all your stuff in here, I wouldn’t mind.”
You glanced at him hopefully. “Is that allowed?”
He shrugged, rubbing your thighs. You couldn’t help but admire the veins and tanned skin of his forearms. You always forgot how large his hands were until you saw them compared to you, making you melt every time. “I doubt it would cause too much of a ruckus. Command knows you’re in here more often than your own quarters anyway and no one’s said anything yet. Plus, I am also part of command. I could pull a few strings…if you want.” His blue eyes looked at you hopefully, nervousness tinging their edges. 
“Are…” you paused to groan slightly as his hands moved to your sore calf muscles, “are you sure you want me to?”
He smiled and the lovestruck look in his eyes made you want to cry again. “More than anything.” 
Your stomach flipped and you smiled shyly at him before nodding. 
His face lit up. “Is that a yes?”
You smiled. “Yeah.”
He flashed a toothy grin at you before squeezing your thigh and pressing a deep kiss to your lips. You pressed your forehead to his for a few seconds before you both laughed, kissing him again before his hands traveled to your ankles and feet. 
You glanced at his hair and chuckled. “I think it might be a bit humid in here.”
He laughed. “Well, I know how you like your water to be Mustafar temperatures.”
You couldn’t help the loud laugh that bubbled up out of you. “Your hair’s so fluffy.” 
He smiled before shaking his head vigorously, making it fluff up even more. “If you tell anyone else that nickname, I’ll get you back.”
“What, you don’t wanna hear them call Commander Floofwalker over the loudspeakers?”
He laughed. “No. Especially Han will never let me live that down.”
“I mean, you have similar haircuts, so I bet his does it too—oh, Maker, imagine poor Chewie.”
Luke laughed so hard, he had to pause in massaging your feet. “Oh no, that would be bad. We might not be able to get him through the door to the Falcon’s cockpit.” 
“I’m sure Han would love having a bunch of poofy fur in his way while he’s trying to pilot.”
“Just flying like pleh pleh pleh.”
You giggled, admiring his smile as he met your eyes.
“It’s good to hear you laugh again. I love your laugh.” He smoothed a hand up your calf and back onto your thigh. “And your legs.”
Your smile faded a bit. “Are you sure? I’m a little insecure about them.”
“I know you are. But they’re perfect, I promise.” He kissed the part of your knee that poked out over the water. “Every part of you is. But you are turning into a giant wrinkle, so I think that means it’s time to get out.”
He helped you up and out of the tub, pulling the drain and drying you off with your favorite fluffy towel. “Now,” he kissed your jaw, “do you want Artoo to go grab some clothes from your room or just wear mine?”
You fixed him with a look. “You know the answer to that one.”
He smiled before wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into the bedroom with him. He put his hands on your shoulders and gently sat you down on the edge of his bed before turning on the burner and setting the kettle on top of it. He pulled a mug and hot chocolate pack out of the cabinet before making his way to his dresser. After gently pulling a black v-neck shirt over your head and helping you step into his boxers, he left a soft kiss on the inside of your thigh. 
As he stood, you pulled out the hair tie, the motion making the collar slip off one shoulder. You glanced up as Luke blew a slow breath out his mouth, his eyes tracking the movement hungrily. You chuckled nervously. “What?”
“Just…” Luke shook his head, shuddering out another breath as his blushing face filled with awe. “When your hair sort of just rains down like that combined with the off-the-shoulder….”
You laughed. “You okay over there?”
He laughed breathlessly, stepping between your legs and pulling you flush against him. “Yeah.” He pressed a deep kiss to your lips, his hands roaming underneath the fabric of his shirt to glide over your skin. Your lips moved in tandem as his hands, still warm from the bath water, slowly traced up and down the sides of your torso and spine. He gasped softly as you dipped your tongue into his mouth, returning the gesture as his hands moved over the top of your shirt, his fingers barely grazing over your chest to cup your face. His hands were large enough that his thumbs could still stroke your cheeks while his fingers wrapped around the back of your neck. You slid your hands up his chest, feeling the toned muscle beneath his shirt, slipping into his hair and giving it a gentle tug. He shuddered out a shaky exhale and you felt his knees buckle slightly as he leaned against the bed. 
Before you could continue, the kettle started whistling. Luke continued kissing you, hands wandering, for several seconds as the whistling intensified. You laughed against his lips. “Luke—”
He cut you off with another kiss, murmuring a hmm? into your mouth. You pushed against his chest and he finally pulled away with a dazed expression on his face. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, but your kettle.”
He frowned. “Huh?” His eyes widened as the whistling increased in intensity, his head whipping around so fast his hair flew with him. “Oh!”
You laughed as he rushed over to the kettle, taking it off the burner and depositing the hot chocolate pack’s contents into the mug. “I thought Jedis were supposed to be focused.”
He chuckled as he poured the steaming water over the powder. “I was focused, just not on the kettle…Oh, I’m out of spoons…uhhh…” He hesitated before swirling his fingers several inches above the cup. 
You laughed harder. “Are you Force-stirring?”
He laughed with you. “Maybe?”
You clutched at your stomach. “Artoo is literally holding a spoon in his arm.”
“No, he’s—oh.”
Artoo beeped, holding a plastic spoon from the cafeteria in one of his pinchers. 
You doubled over on the bed. “Maker, Luke.”
“You got me a bit frazzled, okay?” The sound of his bright laugh filled the room and your chest. He took the spoon from the droid before stirring the mug before him. “It’s not my fault you’re so attractive. I’m over here trying to pamper you and you’re making fun of me.”
“And I appreciate it. I love you. I’m sorry.”
He smiled, his joy so palpable and radiating, you wondered if this was how he felt when he sensed your emotions through the Force. “I love you too.” He handed you the mug, watching you lovingly as you took the first sip. “Is it warm enough? Taste okay?”
You nodded, setting it down on the nightstand and scooting over, patting the space beside you. 
He climbed in next to you, using the Force to push the button that brought the screen down. He took his datapad from a drawer in the nightstand and fired up the projector, his library of downloaded holomovies lighting up the tarp. Pulling you against his chest, he left a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead before holding the pad out to you. “You pick. Then we can get some dinner, sleep, and decide if we want to just relax here for the next few days or fly anywhere you want.”
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strandbuckley · 6 months
What do you think danny would do/say about max being a menace in the twitch chat? 👀🤭
Not gonna lie, this one got away from me. I set this in the quartet verse because that's where I talk about this dynamic the most so apologies if that doesn't fit your vibe
Feel free to send me more of these little blurb prompts, I really enjoy them
Cross posted on ao3 here (just in case reading long posts on tumblr annoys you)
When Daniel returned home from running errands, the door to Max’s office was shut. That wasn’t an unusual sight, he usually liked to clock out the noise of the cats while he was sim racing or keep the other three boys out of sight when he was streaming with Redline. Daniel was almost positive he didn’t have a stream scheduled today, but he still knocked lightly, the secret code they’d established upon all of them transitioning to living together in Max and Daniel’s apartment.
There was a moment of silence from the other side of the door before Daniel heard Max call, “Come in.”
Max was sitting at his sim setup, the title screen for one of his racing games pulled up on the monitor in front of him but no game running. Instead he was on his phone, grinning at what looked like a twitch stream. 
“Hey Maxy,” Daniel stood behind him, squeezing his shoulders lightly and dropping a kiss to his head. “Whatcha doing?”
“I just wanted to drop into the boys stream for a minute,” Max explained, closing the app and locking his phone, placing it face down on the desk to turn in his chair and give Daniel his attention.
“Didn’t feel like streaming with them?”
“Not today. Lando and Charles will be home tomorrow, so I wanted to spend some time with just us tonight.”
“That sounds perfect baby,” Daniel pressed another kiss to his head and ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling where his headset had pushed it flat against his head. “I’m gonna go get started on dinner.”
“Okay. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Daniel padded into the kitchen and started pulling out the pre-portioned ingredients for their meal. He wasn’t much of a chef but he could follow the instructions written on the lid of the container. Max made his way into the main room while Daniel was sauteeing the vegetables and took a seat at the island. He immediately started up his stream of consciousness chatter, filling Daniel in on all that he had missed from Max’s day while he was out. Daniel always found it amusing that Max was usually so reserved but almost never shut up when it was just the two of them. He wasn’t even this talkative with Charles and Lando, though Daniel thought that had a bit to do with Lando having no filter and barely even shutting his mouth when he was asleep (Daniel loved him more than anything but he wondered how his jaw didn’t constantly hurt from moving so much).
Max was half-way through a story about Jimmy terrorizing Sassy, which was almost a daily occurrence, when his phone pinged with a message. When he saw that it was from Lando, he turned down the heat on the stove top and picked his phone up, still half listening to Max.
Muppet: look at what Max has been up to today (link)
Danny: realnamegucci?
Daniel furrowed his brows in confusion as he scrolled through the twitter (yes he refused to accept the rebrand) post Lando had sent him. It was a series of screenshots of increasingly unhinged comments in the chat of today’s Redline stream.
Muppet: crane accidentally on purpose exposed Max’s burner account
Danny: oh shit
Muppet: i think Maxy needs a spanking
Danny: is it your place to decide what Max needs
Muppet: no sir
Danny: good boy. now go to sleep it’s way too fucking late where you are
Muppet: yes danny
Muppet: but if you spank him at least video it for us
Danny: lando
Muppet: sorry
“Everything okay?”
Daniel looked up to see Max staring at him with his head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. He realized that he’d become completely absorbed in his conversation with Lando and stopped listening to what Max was saying to him.
“Sorry baby I got distracted. Just Lando being a menace.”
“So a normal Tuesday then?”
“Pretty much.”
“Anything important?”
“Nah, just a link to some twitter post he wanted me to see.”
“You know it is “X” now don’t you Daniel?”
“Fuck you, you know I don’t accept that shit.”
Max chuckled, then yelped as Daniel threw a wadded up paper towel at him, nearly falling off his stool in his attempt to dodge it. 
Daniel plated their meals and sat Max’s in front of him, then joined him at the bar. MAx waited until Daniel had taken the first bite before digging into his own food.
“Good boy,” Daniel praised, reaching over to squeeze Max’s knee gently.
He hadn’t asked Max to be submissive tonight, but he loved the way his boy fell back into their old dynamic when it was just the two of them. He loved Charles and Lando and their relationship wouldn’t be complete without the two of them, but he missed Max’s submissive side sometimes and found it to be a crime that they didn’t have nearly enough time during the season for Max to sub like he used to. 
They ate in comfortable silence, Max occasionally leaning in to bump his shoulder against Daniel’s. There was no pressure, since they hadn’t planned a scene, but he could tell Max was slipping slightly and seeking the contact for comfort. When their plates were cleared, Max stood up without being asked, taking both of their dishes and loading them into the dishwasher. He started the cycle, then pulled the cleaning spray from under the sink and gave the counters a quick wipe-down. He also filled both of their water bottles with fresh ice and water before standing in front of Daniel, waiting for further instructions.
“You’re being a good boy for me tonight Max. Is there something you want to talk to me about?”
At some point, Daniel had caught on to what Max was doing. He was owning up to the comments in the twitch chat without even knowing if Daniel knew about them. 
“I may have done something today,” Max said quietly. “Something I probably shouldn’t have.”
“Alright,” Daniel kept his voice even. “Let’s go sit on the couch and talk about it then.”
Max nodded and Daniel took his hand gently, leading him to the living room. Daniel sat on the end of the chaise part of their sectional sofa and dropped a decorative pillow to the floor at his feet. Max didn’t need to be instructed to kneel, he did so of his own accord. He flipped open the straw to his water bottle and pressed it gently to Max’s lips.
Max took a few small sips then pulled away. Daniel sat the bottle by their feet and looked down at Max.
“Tell me what you need to tell me, Maxy. The floor is yours, I’m here to listen.”
“While you were gone I was watching the Redline stream. But I watched it on my other account because I didn’t want anyone to know I was there and then start overwhelming the chat trying to talk to me. And Crane and the guys were making jokes so I joined in. Then Crane sort of told everyone it was me. I’m sorry Danny.”
“What did you make jokes about Max?”
“Kinks and stuff,” Max mumbled, dropping his chin.
Daniel didn’t allow it, pressed his fingers under Max’s jaw to make him raise his head.
“Why tell me Max? I didn’t watch the stream, I never would have known.”
“Because those things are private. They’re for us and I know that everyone is taking it as a joke because that’s all it was really. But I don’t want you to think that I think this is a joke.”
He couldn’t help but smile at Max’s earnesty.
“I know you don’t think this is a joke Max. Thank you for being honest with me, I’m very proud of you. Now I’m going to be honest with you. Lando sent me a post that showed all of your comments. I’m not angry, I thought it was funny, just like everyone else. But I’ll ask you this since you felt the need to come clean. Do you think you deserve a punishment?”
“Why?” “Because I disobeyed a rule. Technically, one of the rules is to be careful what I say so that none of us gets caught and no one gets suspicious.”
“That is true. So what do you think I should do about it?”
“You know, that was also Lando’s suggestion.”
That made Max smile a little bit.
“Tell me your words baby, then I’ll talk you through my plan.”
“Green is everything is good, yellow is slow down and talk it through, red is stop immediately.”
“Very good boy. Now, I’m thinking twenty spanks with my hand. Standard and easy.”
“Green,” Max said dutifully when Daniel took a pause.
“I also want to video it. Lando asked and I think it would be fun to use a recording of you being spanked on him when he’s being a brat.”
“Very good boy. Wait here.”
Daniel stood from the couch and maneuvered to set his phone up on the tv stand to record the scene. Once he’d artfully fashioned one of their lamps into a tripod, he pressed record and made his way to sit back down in front of Max. He brushed the younger’s shoulder once as a single that the scene had started, then made himself comfortable.
“Over my lap Max.”
Max positioned himself so that his hips were over Daniel’s thighs and his chest was propped on the sofa. Daniel tugged his sweats and underwear down just enough that his ass and the tops of his thighs were exposed.
“Twenty spanks. Count them for me.”
Max counted right on cue as Daniel littered his skin with sharp hits. It wasn’t the intensity that he would have chosen for a harsher punishment, he didn’t feel that a few dumb jokes on a livestream were deserving of something too painful, but it was definitely enough to sting and he could feel Max’s pale skin growing warm under his palm. When twenty hits were up, he gave Max a moment to breathe before righting his pants and pulling him to sit. 
“Let me go turn off the camera baby,” he said, tucking Max into the corner of the couch with his water bottle and a soft blanket draped over his lap. 
The punishment wasn’t intense enough that he felt Max was in danger of sub-drop, but aftercare was still an important part of their routine. When he returned, Max had drained half of his water and was sitting comfortably waiting for him.
“Feel better now,” Daniel asked, joining him under the blanket and pulling his head to rest on his shoulder.
“Yes. Though now I’m angry at Lando for ratting me out. I should spank him when he gets home tomorrow.”
“Unfortunately it’s not a punishment when they enjoy it.”
“Fair enough.”
“Come on, let’s go lay down. It’s our last night with as much room as we want.”
“As much as I like being able to breathe without getting hair in my nose, I really do miss Charles and Lando.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Honey, I’m home!”
Lando announced his presence upon arrival to the apartment.
“Bedroom!” Max called back, sushing Charles quietly when he stirred at the noise. As soon as he’d gotten home, Charles had dragged them to bed, not pausing to hear any protests. He’d sworn he was going to stay awake to wait for Lando, but that had gone out the window about five minutes after his head hit the pillow. So Max and Daniel had spent the better part of the morning snuggling Charles and waiting for their fourth partner to join them. 
Lando had already stripped himself of his outer layers by the time he reached them and stopped only to shimmy out of his sweats before joining them in only his underwear and a t-shirt. He wedged himself between Daniel and Max, laying mostly on top of the latter so he could prop his chin on his chest.
“Hi,” he smiled, flashing the gap between his teeth.
“Hello to you too,” Max greeted, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
Lando turned to kiss Daniel, then manipulated his body into the strangest shape Max had ever seen to kiss the top of Charles’s head before settling again. 
“So,” he grinned up at Max mischievously. “How was your spanking?”
“Lando,” Daniel, swatted his ass playfully. “Leave him alone.”
“Did you film it at least? We never get to see Max get put in his place,” he pouted. “You always pick on us.”
“That’s because you’re a brat,” Max said, pinching him lightly.
“Both of you hush,” Daniel said. “You’re going to wake Charles.”
That put both of them to rest, knowing there would be hell to pay if Charles was woken before he was ready. It was silent for a few moments when Max leaned in to whisper in Lando’s ear.
“Don’t worry baby boy, Daniel recorded it. We’re just saving it for something special.”
Daniel groaned and tugged Lando back into his chest to put some separation between the two of them.
“Menaces, all of you.”
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
All Grown Up ~ JJK | Jin POV
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✨ title: all grown up | series ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨rating: R/18+ ~ minors dni ✨ genre/au: romance, fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers, humor, banter, smut, age gap, best friends little brother ✨ summary: A family reunion brings back the young boy you grew up with. Though he wasn’t the doe-eyed boy you once knew, he stood in front of you all grown up. ✨ a/n: I won’t be updating this series on Tumblr. Please continue this series on AO3 or Wattpad. Links below. This fic is inspired by the k-drama, Something in the Rain → a/n 2: okay, so i do plan on editing the rest of this series! i just don’t know when it’ll be done. ✨ a/n 3: omfg. i’m finally done editing this fic?? it’s literally taken me a whole year bc i’ve been lazy/busy lmfao. welp, we’re finally here! and there will be a small drabble and jin pov i’ll be posting soon!
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] prev | sequel ✨ this is us
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✨ drabble ~ Jin POV (Open Mic Night) | wc: 810 ✨ warnings: alcohol consumption
"Jungkook-ah, why are you so dressed up tonight? Is there someone you're trying to impress?" Jin teased while nursing his second beer of the night. He only came to support his friend because he had nothing else to do.
"What? I can't look nice?" Jungkook pouted, adjusting his belt, taking one more look in the mirror behind the bar counter. He tucked a strand behind his ear and didn't like it, so he ruffled his hair, causing his fringe to fall. Jungkook adjusted it until it was to his liking.
"Yah–yah–you look great," Jin swatted at Jungkook's hand.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up."
Jin didn't understand why Jungkook was getting so worked up. He'd done this a million times now.
"I'm gonna–" Jungkook stopped mid-sentence to let out a small burp, trying to hold his nerves down as best as he could. "Go use the restroom. Come get me if they call my name." He quickly ran off, covering his mouth - he knew he shouldn't have had that beer from earlier.
Jin laughed at the younger man and shook his head, wondering what his deal was tonight. But he shrugged it off. Maybe it was just nerves.
A faint buzz began noisily vibrating next to Jin's beer glass. He peered to see Namjoon's name lighting up his phone screen. He took one last gulp of his beer before answering the call outside.
"Hello? Namjoon?"
Hey man, sorry to bug you so late. Yuna wants to know if you're available to try on suits this weekend for the wedding.
"Yeah, lemme check my calendar real quick." He pulled the phone away, opening up his calendar. But something else caught his attention. He stopped to glance at the person getting out of the taxi.
She was dressed in a chic, sophisticated manner. He appreciated when a woman took care of their appearance - not that they needed to, but he thought it enhanced their appearance even more.
She looked a bit lost, unsure of where she was. The woman took her phone out. It lit up her face as she scrolled through it. She stared at the bar's sign before confirming that she was in the correct place and walked into the bar.
It took a moment for Jin to realize Namjoon was still on the phone, waiting for an answer. "Oh–shit–" he uttered before taking a glimpse at his calendar. "Uh, Namjoon? Sorry, I got distracted for a moment. Yeah, yeah, I'm free."
Cool. Thanks. I'll text you tomorrow about what time and where.
Jin hung up, stuffing his phone in his pocket, heading back into the bar. Surprisingly, there was a crowd on a Thursday night. Maybe it was the open mic night that drew people in. His eyes wandered amongst the parade of people, curious to see if he'd find the girl that got out of the cab. He looked for another minute before spotting you at the bar counter.
He held his head high, straightening his vest as he walked to the empty chair next to you. The bartender just handed you your drink when he asked if the seat was taken. Jin was unsure if you had heard him, so he asked again before you answered him.
He found you odd and endearing as your mouth stayed agape in his presence. He did tend to have that effect on women and men.
The light-hearted conversation with you made him smile. He even wondered if he'd have a chance if he asked you out.
But alas, when you mentioned Jungkook's name, he put two and two together and knew nothing further would come of his little idea. If you were the Noona Jungkook was pining over, then he'd have no chance with you.
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bonus POV: Jin receives Yuna's text after dinner
Yuna 8:32 PM You have a date with my best friend this weekend.
Jin 8:35 PM I do?
He was sure that you and Jungkook went home together after open mic night, at least, that's what he assumed. The way Jungkook was looking at you and the outfit you were wearing, there's no way he didn't try to make a move on you. Jin definitely would have.
Yuna 8:37 PM She's a catch. You'll love her. I can't believe you guys haven't met yet.
Jin guessed that you hadn't mentioned your late-night outing to open mic night with him and Jungkook, so he didn't want to out your shenanigans with her little brother.
Jin 8:39 PM Wish I could go on that date Yuna, but I'm already seeing someone.
Yuna 9:00 PM 😭 You're kidding me, right? Why haven't you told me?! Ugh, it's fine.
I'll break the news to her. She's going to be devastated.
Jin chuckled at Yuna's text. He was sure that you were not going to be devastated at all. 
✨ previous ~ drabble - netflix and... ✨ next ~ sequel - this is us
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kathxsoupp · 1 year
In Love With a Fever: Chapter 4
William Afton x law enforcement ! reader (fem)
Omfg I'm finally up to date with posting this on tumblr as well as AO3 sorry for the wait HDGFNJJFD and sorry for this chapter it's kinda bad
Summary: Reader is a detective who was put on the missing children incident case, her person of interest is William and is currently investigating him.
WARNINGS: very graphic violence throughout the whole fic, eventual smut, slow burn, age-gap between reader and Will, manipulation, mutilation, broken bones, use of pet names, Will is obsessive, mentions of death, death and murder, there will be smut, a lot probably, I think, dub-con at some point maybe, fluff and angst, idk if I missed something just read with caution
Notes: This fic is also posted on my AO3, linked in my pinned post, I'm updating this fic every Monday and it's the first thing I have ever posted, so I hope you like it!
Chapter 4
He has never truly felt alive. His whole life he was hidden behind a mask. He couldn’t even remember the last time he smiled sincerely. It was all fake. Ironically, the only time he truly felt alive was when taking the lives of others. That’s what made him immortal. He took a few steps back to admire his masterpiece. Created with the hands of a monster, but still ever so majestic in his eyes. With disgusting, evil satisfaction he left the parts and service room and locked it behind him. Only now was his work done and he could sleep peacefully at night.
You stood before the door to your office, keys in hand about to unlock it when you heard someone come up from behind you.
"Morning, y/n." spoke a familiar male voice.
Your co-worker Timothy greeted you with a smile. He was always so kind to you and clearly enjoyed your presence a little too much. He was average height, had short blonde hair and was well built.  He wasn’t one of the people you were dying to talk to today, but you still chatted with him trying to be as nice as possible. You couldn’t say you disliked him… he just had weird vibes.
“Oh, good morning, Tim.” you replied. “Boss wants to see you.”
His information did scare you a little, but you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong lately, so your job wasn’t in danger.
“Did he tell you why?” you asked with raised eyebrows. “Nope. Anyway, I was wondering…You wanna go out with me tomorrow? I can take you to my favorite restaurant, I’m sure you’ll like it there.” he leaned against the wall next to you, smiling.
You were quite taken aback by his blunt answer and sudden change of topic. You weren’t exactly in the mood to spend your free time with your co-worker, but thinking about it, you decided to agree. It wasn’t going to be a date or anything, you just haven’t really gone out in a while so why not. You flashed him a fake smile.
“I mean… yeah, sure. Thanks, Tim.” you said, not wanting to sound too interested. You didn’t want to lead him on after all.
His face lit up with excitement. “Cool! See you tomorrow at 7 pm? I’ll pick you up.” He winked.
“Sounds great, see you!” and with that you were off to your boss’ office, tucking your keys back in your pocket.
You fixed your tight black skirt and white blouse you were wearing before knocking on the office door.
A “Come in!” came from inside the office.
You entered and closed the door behind you.
“Morning, agent. Please sit down.” He motioned over to the chair opposite him with a smile.
You nodded towards him and sat down. ”Tim said you wanted to speak to me?”
“Yes, that’s right. Look, I listened to the interrogation with Afton and I’m afraid it’s not enough.”
Your eyes lit up at that. You found that man and his work incredibly intriguing, and you were hoping you could maybe get an opportunity to ask him about the robots and maybe if you got lucky, he would even let you see them.
“So… you want me to contact him or…?” you asked, hiding your excitement. “Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to ask you to do.” he passed you the exact same card William gave you yesterday. You chuckled at that and took it from him. “Call the number on this card when you can and arrange a meeting with him at a place like a café or something. We want as many answers as we can get from him, and we know that the guy likes you, so he’s most likely to tell you anything. There’s no reason to suspect him really, yet. I just think, as the restaurant owner, he might give us a few more leads.”
You flashed him a grin. “Alright. What do we need from him?”
He opened a drawer below his desk and pulled out another folder. He opened it up and placed it in front of you.
“I wrote everything down for you here. Please get as many answers from him as you can. I’m counting on you, kid.”
You stared at the page in front of you. Your boss requested you to ask William about his family, specifically about his two deceased kids, his mental health history and something about Henry too.
You stood up, folder in hand: “Understood. I won’t disappoint you, boss.” you grinned and walked out of his office back to yours.
When you were finally alone in your office, you giggled to yourself like a little kid and sat at your desk picking up the telephone, his card in hand. You were quite nervous, but you reminded yourself that this is a work matter and not to get too excited. You dialed the number and waited for an answer.
“Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, William Afton speaking. How may I help you?” 
His smooth, deep voice rang through the telephone giving you butterflies. You quickly realized you were zoning out and regained your composure.
“Good morning, mister Afton. This is agent (y/n) (l/n), I was the one interviewing you yesterday.” You heard him smile over the phone. “Ah, hello miss (l/n). I didn’t think you would actually call.” He joked. You rolled your eyes. He was clearly in a good mood today… “Actually, I’m calling because of something work related.” You replied lightheartedly. “Aw, what a pity.” He said with a pout. “What can I help you with, miss (l/n)?” “There are some things I need to speak to you about regarding our investigation. I was wondering if we could do that in person rather than over a call if you are comfortable with that.” You said while nervously bouncing your leg up and down. “Of course, I would be open to that.” “Awesome. Would later today at 3:00 pm at the Hurricane Café be alright for you?” you asked. “Yes, sounds good.” “Alright, thank you for your time, mister Afton. That will be all.” “I’ll be looking forward to it then.” He replied playfully before hanging up.
What the hell is he on about… you thought to yourself. You grinned and shook your head over his remarks and got back to your usual work.
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Domestic December 1 & 2
Okay so I'm a little behind, but I'll try to get the five blurbs up at some point today, or by tomorrow.
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I’ll be doing snippets of stuff for my OC Quinn, who is Terzo’s friend from childhood/early teen years. I haven’t started posting any of the fic yet, but I have shared some of the commissioned art of her with Terzo before - she’s the pink haired one, and the one in the bad/awkward prom photo.
These snippets will be written specifically for this bit on Tumblr, not fic excerpts, so there likely won’t be identical stuff in the fic – for the most part, anyways.
We’ll see if my snippets are actually short, lol. I’M GOING TO TRY.
AO3 Link for all the days as I do them
On this post we have 1 - Cooking together, and 2 - Going to a concert together.
1 - Cooking Together
This one’s a little longer because I felt like it.
Ages → Quinn = 11/12, Terzo = 14/15 Terzo had been brought to The Ministry at a young age, taken from his mother when Nihil became aware of his existence. His memories before The Ministry were spotty, often just small flashes triggered by a smell or sound; something similar to his mother’s soap or perfume, a song she’d sing to him, or even his nonna’s cooking. He remembered laughter and stealing ingredients, or perhaps being asked to taste test food from the wooden spoon. He remembered watching his nonna and mother make pasta, listening to the radio and singing along as they worked, giving him his own little ball of dough to knead and roll out. Now as a young teen he sat in the Demuirs’ clergical apartment kitchen, listening to Quinn and her mother laughing as they started making supper, he felt a pang of longing as he remembered his mother and nonna. Quinn’s eyes landed on him as she turned, her smile faltering as she saw the sadness in his eyes. “Terzo? You okay?” He smiled brightly, forcing it. “Fine.” Her gaze narrowed. “Uh huh.” They’d only been friends for a few months, but she could already read him like a book. “This just reminds me of when I was little... Mia madre e mia nonna. They were often like you two, and sometimes I helped.” “You’re more than welcome to help, sweetie,” Sera offered. “Yeah, you can take over for me,” Quinn giggled.
He hesitated, unsure of whether or not he was truly welcome to join, but also unsure why he wouldn’t be. They were good people, this wasn’t some sort of prank or trap. Quinn waved him over, “Come on, slowpoke. The garlic won’t slice itself.” “What are you making?” he asked, approaching slowly. “Nothing too difficult, just burst cherry tomato pasta,” Sera smiled, pointing at the ingredients “Oh! Pasta con pomodorini, sì!” “You’ve made it before?” “No, but it’s a common dish. Papa Nihil… he doesn’t let us cook. Says we make too much mess. “Too much of a mess? That’s part of the fun! You’re welcome to cook here.” “I don’t know how.” “Well, then we’ll teach you. Quinn’s helped me since she was younger. Everyone should know how to cook – even Russ, Bishop Demuir, knows how to cook!” Quinn had boosted herself up onto the counter on the other side of the sink, and nodded when Terzo looked at her. “It’s true. Dad mostly cooks breakfast food though.” Terzo smiled a little. “Learning would be nice.” “Don’t think this gets you off the hook either, little miss!” Sera pointed at Quinn. “Soon I’ll have you two cooking dinner and I’ll be able to sit and relax.” “Yes, mama.” Quinn rolled her eyes, eating a cherry tomato. “Don’t eat all of those, we need them for the pasta. Get the cheese grater.”
Sera walked Terzo through prepping the ingredients and getting the water on to boil before showing him how to sauté the garlic. Next came cooking the tomatoes in the same pan, and adding the pasta to the boiling water. “I know it can seem overwhelming to have multiple things cooking at the same time, but you’ll get the hang of it,” Sera reassured him. “Quinn usually makes this by herself.” “If she can do it, then I’m sure I can.” He tried to feign confidence. “Of course you can!” Quinn grinned at him as she grated cheese. Terzo startled as one of the tomatoes popped loudly, causing Quinn to giggle. He felt his cheeks heat. “Smash them with the spoon,” Quinn told him. “Only half of them!” Sera added. “Smashing them helps make some sauce, but we don’t want it too runny.” He nodded, carefully poking the tomatoes with the wooden spoon. “Sweetie, get the strainer please,” Sera instructed Quinn. “Terzo, time to slice the basil.” Sera supervised his knife skills again as he sliced the basil, then showed him how to season the sauce. Soon everything was finished. Terzo had made the pasta under Sera’s watchful eye, and Quinn had made a salad and sliced a loaf of fresh bread. They quickly set the table and summoned Russ to join them. “Terzo made supper,” Sera said proudly as she watched him set the serving bowl on the table. “Part of supper,” Quinn corrected her mother. “Really? Looks delicious!” Russ responded with a smile. “Grazie, Your Grace.” Russ waved a hand at him. “None of that here. Call me Russ, or Mr. Demuir if you still insist on formality.” “Yes, sir – I mean, Mr. Demuir.” Russ chuckled. “You’ll get it soon enough. Buon appetito!” Terzo smiled to himself a little as he filled his plate and began to eat, a sense of belonging starting to fill him. None of them ever expected how that night would cause cooking to become one of his comfort activities.
2 - Going to a concert together
Ages → Quinn 17/18, Terzo 20/21
Quinn stood on tiptoe trying to see over the taller metalheads in front of them. “Are these the best tickets The Ministry was offered?” she asked Terzo. “Apparently.” She huffed, dropping back to flat feet, arms crossed over her chest. “Stop pouting, tesoro. You’re here – even after your parents said no – and you didn’t have to pay money.” “I’m an adult, they had no right to say no!” “And yet here you are, sneaking out to go to a concert with me,” he smirked at her before drinking his beer. “Can I try some?” “You won’t like it.” “You won’t like it,” she mimicked back in a stupid voice. “I’ve had beer before. You’ve literally seen me drink it at the bonfires.” “Then you don’t need to try it. And you shouldn’t have been at the bonfires either.” “What the fuck, salsicciotto (little sausage)?! Are you my parents now?” “If anything happens to you, I am the one who will get in trouble.” Her eyes narrowed at him, lips pursed, and a moment later she snatched the beer out of his hands. “Quinn!” She took a swig. “Nope, still don’t like beer.” “Then why do you insist on drinking it?” Terzo asked in exasperation. “Nobody ever has anything else! And you didn’t get me anything to drink.” Terzo sighed and looked at Omega, the ghoul holding up his hands helplessly. “Fine, I’ll go get you something.” “Great! We’ll be at the barrier!”
Terzo froze in his tracks, wheeling around to face her again. “Eh, scusa? You stay here, tesoro. Omega and Celeste will keep you safe. Or keep others safe from you.” “Oh come on! We have the ghouls, why not use them to get to the barrier?” “No,” he said firmly. He looked at Omega, knowing the ghoul’s fondness for Quinn and reiterating, “No.” “Please?” Quinn begged, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. “I’ll stop whining if we go to the barrier.” Terzo sighed. He wasn’t going to win this battle, but he could negotiate. He could try to negotiate. “We can go to the barrier after I get you a Coke. We will go together, or not at all. Sì?” “Fine. I forgot you wouldn’t be able to fight your way through the crowd,” she smirked at him. “Just for that I’m not getting you a coke.” “Fine! Whatever.” She turned to start heading through the crowd. “I’ll just flirt with someone else to get one once we get to the barrier.” “I don’t fucking think so!” he exclaimed with a glare. “That’s asking for problems I don’t want to deal with!” The four of them made their way through the crowd, Omega using his quintessence to easily coerce people to step aside and make room without realizing they were doing anything. They reached the barrier, Celeste and Omega immediately falling behind their humans as if to guard them. Terzo had to admit, Quinn had him wrapped around her little finger, along with his ghoul, and she wasn’t afraid to use it to get her way. He also didn’t appear to be the only one affected, both the opening band and the main act made a point of flirting with her from the stage, and giving her picks or other items. “Why do you get all the attention, hm?” he asked half-teasingly. “It helps if you stare at them adoringly,” she laughed. “Even if it’s a lie. You should know all about flirting, you’re already on your way to being a womanizing playboy.” Terzo reached over and messed up her hair. “The encore is over, let’s get back to The Ministry.”
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fluffytriceratops · 2 years
R U L E S + N A V I G A T I O N
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【 ❝i've always like tomorrow. you haven't made any mistakes yet in tomorrow..❞】
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- Add as little or as much detail in your request as you please. Sometimes having a decent amount of detail is good. But leaving a bit of space for my own imagination is also good.
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That is all of my rules for now.
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【 ❝sometimes i grow tired of life, and long, for the next great adventure.❞】
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treeganart · 2 years
Today I offer A Collection of ✨Pandorian Headcanons✨I Have Living In My Brain. Tomorrow? Who knows
*note* I cannot take credit for all of these headcanons!!! Some of them I have just picked up through my many scrollings of tumblr over the years and I literally can’t remember where they originated from / their original creators as some are just well accepted or super old. So if people know their ops please let me know!!
Pandorians have their own forms. My favourite headcanon is when people design Pandoria OCs as Humanoid Entities like it’s just finger licking good. I’ll have a healthy helping of that ty. I want tiefling style, firbolg, Avatar, animalistic ocs pls. I want different races of Pandorian with different cultures and aesthetics and attributes. I also like to think pandorians are Tall. Maybe that’s just me.
Pandoria and Jorvik are inexplicably linked through their realities sitting on top of eachother. And when levels of high energy (like LeyLines) are sitting vertically parallel it mixes their energy flows. People who can harness this mixing of energy can then use it to create rips between the realities (gates/portals/cracks etc). I have stranger things brain rot so I’m kinda going off those vibes. Jorvik sits on a huge ass LeyLine where there is high levels of parallel energy so it’s a melting pop of the two dimensions.
Pandorians can get “Jorvegian sickness” just like how Jorvegians can get “Pandorian sickness”. It’s basically just their bodies reacting to not being in their correct reality for prolonged amounts of time, and not being able to adjust to the different energies of said dimensions. Kinda like radiation poisoning. I read an article posted here like… a year or two about the ACTUAL science behind this and it’s super fascinating!! Ydris (and other Pandorians such as my oc Wren) can exist in our realm by creating bubbles of Pandoric energy around themselves to protect from this illness. Wren uses an infused Pandoric crystal earring as her portable container for this energy so she can constantly walk around with Pandoric energy around her. Her caravan and the circus are also bubbles of energy / safe havens.
Before Garnok Pandorians had thriving civilisations - castles, buildings, villages etc. However Garnok destroyed so many of these communities and spread Pandorian life thinner and thinner. The residue of these forgotten civilisations crumble in the inbetween as seen when we travel between Jorvik and Pandoria.
Things get pulled into this “InBetween” space between realities - sometimes real things, sometimes copies of real things. Reality and energy is highly unstable here and is volatile due to the mixing of energies. This is where a lot of lost things go. Sometimes trees, buildings or sometimes just your missing socks.
After Garnoks initial attacks across Pandoria, the people of the realm tried to fight back. It was a horrendous and long war against this evil tentacle cathulu ass boy, that the Pandorians would eventually loose to. This “Great War” decimated their populations and resources and brought a new era of fear and hiding to Pandorians. Multiple smaller cival wars would break out between communities over disputes in land, boarders, food, resources etc. Everyone was desperate and looking out for themselves. This is why Pandorians are so sparse now a days and always in secrecy wearing masks. Bit of Pandorian history there ;))
Not all Pandorian’s have magic! It’s much like on Jorvik where some are just more adept at controlling and manipulating energy to their will. You can be born with great power that is passed down in generations and can be strengthened with training. But there are also smaller practices of “magic” that anyone can learn with enough guidance and training. Ydris is just a VERY powerful Pandorian - which is one of the reasons he managed to sustain himself on Jorvik without getting sick, and travelled there in the first place. If everyone could do it, Jorvik would have become a safe haven for Pandorian refugees.
That’s it for now!!!! I’d love to hear peoples opinions on these as I’m always open to discussions about Pandoria 😩 we know so little which leaves SO much room for the imagination!!
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arijensineink · 1 year
220110 Common Ink Newsletter
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Warm greetings writerly folk, and happy 2023 to all of you!
While I hope you started the year off with a creative bang, I know the beginning of January can be a time of burnout, feeling drained, and the desperate need to become a hermit crab.
Sometimes doing things we love can feel tough, even writing.
Rest assured, struggling authors, I have you in mind. To help you keep pushing your story forward, I launched this 10-part blog series that is all about reframing and recalibrating your writing practice so that it’s always feeding you, and vice versa!
Here’s the first one!
Why Writing Your Story Feels So Impossible & Ideas On How To Make Writing Easy Fun, & Productive Again
We write because it’s what we love to do and we need to tell the stories in our hearts.
Don’t let anything stop you!
There is so much more to come. Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing an article that will help you keep writing even when life gets really, really hard.
After that I’ll cover a few other things, like
How to prioritize writing in your life
Battling lack of inspiration (with fresh tips, I promise)
Post NaNoWriMo productivity discussion and!
The significance of space and ritual in your writing practice
Sort of like The Wolfene is my heart-story, I feel like these are my heart-articles. 
I’m beyond excited to share these with you, so keep your eye out and please share with your friends! 
For more inspiration, follow me on Tumblr, LinkedIn, and Medium or click the links below to read the Fighting For Writing Blog and hang out on the Common Ink landing page!
Much love, Borahae, 好き, be well!
If you liked this, you can sign up to Common Ink for 2x monthly writing encouragement, advice, and creative support!
I would appreciate it so much as I'm just starting out with this newsletter and trying to get the word out. 😇🥰😘💞💫✨
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