#I’ll get back to Episode 2 eventually
quibbs126 · 3 months
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He’s giving him ruling advice
“So here’s what you do if your heir decides to betray you-“
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tetsumie · 2 months
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pairing: kuroo tetsuro x fem!reader
genre: comfort
content: kuroo hasn't seen you in days and makes his way to your apartment to see what's going on with you
cw: reader has a depressive episode and displays depressive symptoms
a/n: hello! i tried writing something for my pookie wookie kuroo tetsuro also lwk very self indulgent.. love u all and tysm for the endless support and as always likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! i could not be here without you all <333
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"hi! this is y/n l/n! sorry i couldn’t answer your phone call. i’m a bit busy right now but leave a message and i’ll call you back the first chance i get than-" kuroo hangs up the phone for nth time today and sighs. 
kuroo hasn't heard from you for the past few days and to be completely honest, it’s like you've completely vanished off the planet. your designated seat next to him in both chemistry and english lectures have remained empty for the past week and he can’t seem to get ahold of you at all. 
at first, he didn’t really worry much about it. he didn’t want to pry on why you weren’t coming to school. he understood everyone needed their space. but when he intercepted your friends one day and asked them how you were doing and they too were unsure as well, he knew there was something severely wrong. 
on the other hand, you’ve been home all week. 
you haven’t been in the best place for the past week. you feel like your body is slowly succumbing to the stress and your body is practically giving out on you, working overtime. motivating yourself to study and to work is already difficult enough as is but doing basic things such as getting out of bed and even taking a shower feels impossible. 
you feel stuck in this never ending loop of time where the same things just keep happening over and over. you wake up at the prime hour of 12 pm and realize you’ve missed all your morning classes but then immediately head back to bed. you fall asleep and then wake up at 2 pm and stare at the ceiling above you with no particular thought in mind. eventually, you find yourself scrolling through social media on your phone but then ditch it after a few minutes because a wave of social anxiety crashes into you. 
it doesn’t help that you’ve also been skipping meals and you’re starting to catch a cold. man, you haven’t even gotten out of bed, let alone left your bedroom. you can’t even get yourself to do the bare minimum right now and making yourself an actual meal is a bit too out of your comfort zone. 
and what makes this entire situation worse is the fact that you’ve been pushing everyone away, from your friends to family to the one and only kuroo tetsuro.
there was no justification behind why you were avoiding them. you just couldn’t allow yourself to let them see you in such a lethargic condition. it hurt your pride and in general, you hated having people worry for you. it made you feel, in a sense, hopeless. 
you just wanted to shut yourself off from the world. 
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the week goes by in a flash and friday evening rolls around. your phone lights up again for the nth time. you see it flash white but you roll over away, not having the energy to grab it. doing anything especially talking to other people feels exhausting.
a few minutes later, someone's banging on the door. it sounded like the fbi was at your door with a search warrant as if you were harboring drugs. you don't answer the door, not feeling like leaving the comfort and safe haven of your bed.
but the banging doesn’t seem to stop and you're getting irritated so you’re forced to get out of bed and tell the person at the door to come at another time.
to your surprise, when you open the door, you find your boyfriend, kuroo, staring at you with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
“y/n, where have you been?” he begins the interrogation.
you mumble. “nowhere. been at home.”
he looks you up and down, taking in your disheveled state. your face is pale, the bags under your eyes seep deeply, giving away the countless sleepless nights you've had. your shoulders are slumped and the corners of your mouth turn down slightly, a subtle but constant frown. your hair is unkempt, reflecting the lack of energy to even try to care for yourself. an aura of exhaustion and hopelessness hangs around you, making it clear that you're struggling to find the strength to even function.
“then why haven’t you answered my calls?” he continues.
“i’ve just been preoccupied,” you lie and he catches on immediately.
no words are exchanged between the both of you for a few moments. you take his silence as your cue to end this awkward conversation and to send him on his way.
"i'm sure you have better things to do, just go-"
you're about to close the door on him until he says, "let me in."
you sigh again.
“can you come back later tetsu?” you don’t want to have him deal with you like this. he's seen more than enough of you in this condition.
his piercing gaze locks with your tired eyes and he feels his heart clench. the usual shimmer in your eyes gone and all he can see the numbness in your expression.
"no let me in," he states in a strict tone. "we have to talk."
with no choice, you open up the door entirely and kuroo takes a look at the state of your apartment. he would be lying if he wasn't caught by surprise. clothes are strewn across the couch and bowls of empty ramen are lying on the kitchen counter. your apartment is a mess.
putting his stuff down near the door, he begins to slowly pick up your clothes off the floor and tosses them into the laundry bin. seeing him make an attempt at cleaning your mess made you uncomfortable to the point your skin started to crawl.
"tetsuro, stop."
"please stop," you plead in desperation.
"y/n, i’m trying to help you!" he replies, his voice growing a little louder with irritation at your refusal.
“what if i don’t want your help?” you shoot back and his mouth closes shut. “i don’t want your help or your pity or condolences or whatever it is! just go home!”
although your mouth said one thing, your mind was trying to telepathically convey another.
please don’t leave me now. please stay.
you don’t say a word as you walk into your bedroom, closing the door behind you, hoping he'll leave on his own. the moment he hears the click of your bedroom door, kuroo begins to try to organize as much as he can in your living room. he takes out your old leftover foods and tidies up the kitchen. he starts working his way through the living room, silently sweeping the dust off the floor and reorganizing your items that were strewn on the floor.
as he’s silently working, he begins to hear sniffles and sobs coming from your room. dropping everything, he finds himself standing in front of your closed door, fist about to knock the door.
“love, can we talk?” he says out loud.
it's silence from the other end.
"y/n... please..." kuroo's voice cracks. "i just want to see you."
"door's open," your voice is muffled slightly through the door.
he opens the door and is greeted by you wrapped around in your comforter, looking away from the door. kuroo takes in the state of your room. the curtains are drawn out and there are tissues littering your night stand along with your computer lying in the corner with a pile of clothes in the corner waiting to be cleaned.
you were always so organized, what started this?
kuroo goes over to the other side of the bed and your face is huddled into your comforter. he crouches down and starts to stroke your hair with his hand.
"baby? talk to me, love. what's going on in that pretty head of yours huh?" he coos in hopes of getting you to open up.
refusing to look him in the eye, you mumble into your comforter loud enough for him to understand. "it's been getting bad again... it’s been bad all week and i'm just tired all the time."
he kisses the top of your head. "and that's okay. not everyday is supposed to be a great day. you're supposed to have good days and bad days."
you finally emerge from your cocoon and the sight he's greeted with break his heart into pieces. your face has a slight red flush tint with the remnants of your tear stains on your face. he sees how you're trying to maintain a steady face, trying your best not to fall apart in front of him.
no questions asked, he brings you into his chest and the tears you worked so hard to keep at bay come apart. you start sobbing into his chest. he strokes your back in a rhythmic up and down motion, adding the occasional kiss on the top of your head. he finds himself crawling into your bed with you on his lap as you continue to sob into his chest.
once your crying subsides a bit and your throat feels a bit sore from the crying, you look up at him and he gives that genuine small smile of his that you've grown to love so much.
"i love you, you know that right?" he reassures as your eyes meet.
your eyes shift from one eye to another and you look at him as if he hung the stars just for you.
"i know and i don't know why you love me. i don't deserve you. you deserve someone who's put together and on top of it and just perfect. hell, you could do so much better than me... i don't even know why you're still with me."
his heart cracks at the heartbreaking words, escaping your mouth. he feels so stupid. have you been feeling like this for all this time and haven't said a word to him? he should've done something.
"when we started dating, from that very moment, i knew i wanted all of you. i want everything. i want your bad days and your good days and your lazy days and your rotting in bed days. i want your good and bad. i want your highs and lows. y/n, i just want you." he kisses your cheek.
he continues to reassure you, "i want all of it. and i want to be there for you the entire time. i don't want you to have to hide yourself from me. i never wanted you to be perfect. i wanted you to be just you. that's who i fell in love with."
"i love you with all your 'imperfections' you know that right?" he does the air quotes around the word "imperfections."
"yeah but it's so hard for me to accept-," you start but he brings his pointer finger to your lips, telling you to stop your train of overthinking.
you both are enveloped in a comfortable silence with kuroo's reassuring words hanging in the air.
"i love you so much, you have no idea," you finally say, cuddled into his chest.
"oh yeah? i couldn't tell," he begins to tease. "tell me more actually."
you let out a chuckle, playfully slapping his arm, and that warm, sweet smile of his forms again on hisi lips.
"there's my gorgeous girl. oh how i've missed you."
"missed you too, tetsu."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved
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Remember that one scene where Arthur is training with Merlin and Merlin is fighting for his life while Arthur repeatedly knocks him on his arse? I can’t remember what episode but it was early in season 1.
I like to imagine Merlin starts being sarcastic with every hit in hopes it’ll piss Arthur off enough to storm off and leave him alone. It backfires when Arthur starts replying and it turns into a venting session.
Like, Uther said some dumb shit about Arthur? Merlin starts a fight about it.
The knights can’t follow orders? Merlin is disobedient enough that Arthur starts yelling about how dangerous it is when his men don’t follow orders.
Arthur’s feeling bad about someone he couldn’t save? Merlin makes him see why he’s doing enough by arguing with him about it and reminding him that he’s only human.
And Arthur knows what he’s doing, he catches on eventually and will occasionally walk up to Merlin, push his shoulder only enough to be annoying until Merlin stops whatever he’s doing, then Arthur will just say “Fight me.” and Merlin will either say something he knows will get Arthur angry or he’ll throw a punch he knows Arthur will block and they’ll start sparring. (Merlin learns to fight eventually, neither of them realise it’s happening until he sucker punches a bandit and he’s out cold)
Anyway, it becomes something they do to help Arthur vent his frustrations.
The best part? It works.
So Arthur sees Merlin upset. It goes on for about a week when Arthur realises what’s going on. He sits down next to Merlin on the floor one night, nudges his shoulder like he would if he wanted to fight, and says, “why are you upset? It’s not like you’ve got anything to worry about.” In a purposefully taunting way.
Merlin scowls and keeps working, and Arthur tries again, “Really. All you do is follow orders. It’s not hard.”
And so Merlin looks up, clearly angry until he sees what Arthur is trying to do, so he puts down what he’s doing and starts fighting back, “no, just exhausting when those orders are given by a prat.” Or “Maybe if I had a day off once in a while.” I don’t know, I suck at dialogue.
It goes on for a while, until they get too close to the issue, Merlin snaps, tells Arthur he’s a dick and sobs, yelling about magic, and the great dragon being manipulative, loosing his father, loosing Freya, Gaius lying to him about his father and thinking Uther is a good king and a good man, and literally everything else that’s gone wrong.
Arthur pulls him in and hugs him, then tells Merlin they’re fighting together from here on out. It takes a while, but they work it out.
There’s plenty of “fights” about Arthur feeling betrayed by Merlin keeping secrets and Merlin being mad at his situation in Camelot and then being frustrated that he can’t get himself to feel angry at Arthur (I’ve got a half baked character analysis for Merlin and Arthur’s codependency somewhere in my drafts. I’ll come back to it eventually.) but they’re okay and they figure it out and end up stronger for it.
I’m holding back on sharing the major character death/dark!Arthur angsty alternate ending for this, but let me know if you want to see it :)
Edit: Part 2 - (the angsty alternate ending)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
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Moxxie Redesign! (2/4)
You didn’t think I forgot about this did you? ‘,:/
I wanted to base Moxxie off of what his name actually implies, having nerve and determination. Ive almost entirely changed his personality in certain ways. He is still an assassin but he takes his job very seriously and struggles with his inner morals because of this. Being berated by Blitz often leads to him pushing aside his concerns with his job and causing internal conflict instead that he typically only ever talks to these issues about Millie. She is trying to get him to consider therapy but he doesn’t want to lose his “sparkle” (he gives in eventually and goes and it goes fine, this would be around season 2 but definitely after episode 6)
Moxxie also doubles as a medic for any potential injuries at I.M.P (this happens often). Moxxie was also born in greed so he has the more aquatic qualities of a greed imp such as the little headlamp, frills, and gills. And for any fish nerds, yes I know only female angler fish have headlamps, thats the point. Viv has literally no main trans characters so I guess I have to do everything myself. Plus I’m tired of the super straight shit that happened a few years back, Millie isn’t any less straight for dating a trans man. I think Moxxie certainly struggles with his masculinity and also takes his job so seriously as a way to prove to himself that he’s meeting some sort of “masculinity criteria” however he’s fully aware of how silly the mindset is (hes working on it). I think som trans imps may definitely paint their horns like Moxxie, but with certain days I really doubt he gives much of a shit considering it probably gets chipped a lot anyway.
Moxxie still hates his upbringing and the greed ring leaves a sour taste in his mouth, however he prefers to use his knowledge and features from greed in his work. For example, preforming minor surgery under his headlight, it’s goofy as hell and I think any show benefits from some extent of stupid silliness like that. It’s also good for distractions!
Moxxie isn’t always super serious like in this art either, he’s still a bit stupid but still respects himself. Tough nut to crack because of his past but is very kind underneath somewhere.
Heres some notes I went off while working!
- glasses (REQUIRED. Give him those stupid little circle spectacles)
- Get rid of the stupid suit
- Maybe some interesting horn stuff?
- Make him look a bit more like his voice, not sure how to describe this
- Write a boyloser properly
- Probably doubles as a medic? I think he’d be interested in medicine with all that errrm akshully energy he has
- Make him actually look like an adult (I tried)
- More of a fishy tail
- Born in wrath but both parents are greed imps so he has those features + moved back when he was like 6 idk
- Or idk maybe imps change the longer theyre in a certain ring? Could be fun
I have a lot more I could talk about with this guy but I’ll save it for some other posts :3
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butwhyduh · 8 months
honestly jdk just tim drake x reader where one/or multiple of the batfam walks in?? i just find them entertaining, or they are continually being interrupted through the day!
Warning: eventual smut and Tim is done with everyone’s shit. If it’s not the end of the world, don’t call me- level done. And you can tell it’s fanfic because Tim is actually an adult.
Tim didn’t get into shows very often. He’s busy and he has a terrible habit of falling asleep after the first 10 minutes. He didn’t want to watch the show but he was tinkering with some of his tech while sitting on the couch and you put it on. And that’s how he got sucked in.
“And Daphne said yes to that? Drew is not good enough to lie to her friends over,” he said and you started telling him the backstory.
You binge watch the next few episodes to catch up to the new season. It was a fun and scandalous show, nothing like Tim’s usual picks. And he thought it was cute how animated you were when talking about the show.
“Trevor needs to get his shit together or not only is Naomi going to leave him, he’ll go to jail,” Tim said.
“Yeah but he owes the local crime boss money and he said he’d kill his family otherwise,” you countered.
“Sounds like Gotham,” Tim quipped. You lightly smacked his arm before laying your head on his shoulder and entangling your arm in his.
“That is not comforting,” you said. “Oo they’re going to tell us who took the diamonds!”
The bat phone started ringing almost off the coffee table. You groaned and let Tim go to sit up to answer that.
“The corner of 17 and Parkway? How many combatants?” He said in Bat speak. And that’s when you knew your date night was over. He hung up and turned to you looking apologetic.
“I have to go,” he said. You sighed but pulled him into a hug.
“Be safe. I’ll be here,” you said with practices familiarity. He kissed you before grabbing his stuff and leaving. He didn’t get back until hours later with some fresh bruises and a girlfriend asleep on the couch.
It was 2 days later that you tried to continue the show. Tim had told Bruce to call someone else first. The door was locked and his phone was on silence. You’d even given him some pretty good incentives if you were uninterrupted and alone after the show.
It was all of ten minutes into the continued episode with pho takeout on the way that the fire escape window opened. In flopped Nightwing covered in mud.
“No,” Tim groaned. You huffed before pausing the show. “Do you need help?”
“Only a bit,” Dick said as the understatement of the year. He let Tim look at him to find that he was leaking blood all over the carpet from a bullet wound in his thigh. “Only a graze. Do you have a bandaid?”
“Good lord,” you replied as Tim called Alfred. You quickly grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding.
It was a few hours later and a carpet cleaner before Nightwing and your carpet were patched up. By that time it was the middle of the night and you couldn’t concentrate on anything. Tim promised a date night another day.
This one was a whole week later. All of the Robins had been warned under pain of torture to not talk to Tim for that evening. Because Tim was to put it mildly, frustrated. You two hadn’t had alone time in over a week.
You started the show back up with all entrances locked and phones off. You were able to watch the next 15 minutes before you heard broken glass.
“Hey did you know your window was locked,” Superboy said standing in front of the window. Tim practically growled before pausing the show to shove Kon out the window.
“I don’t know what you need but the other members of Young Justice are available. Call them,” Tim said but it was already too late. The wind had blown into the room and it was starting to snow outside so he couldn’t exactly ignore the window. Once again date night was canceled.
Tim was so frustrated that he had dreams about you in his bed. It was almost a week later and now 3 episodes behind on the show that you had another date night. He was almost willing to skip the show entirely at this point just to have alone time.
Tim had practically threatened everyone he knew with death threats to leave you both alone.
“Someone is feeling the mode,” Bart joked.
“You mean, someone needs to get laid,” Kon added.
“At this point, yes! I don’t want to see, hear, or think of either of you tonight. Unless it’s the  apocalypse, then I don’t want to even know about it,” he growled. The two other heroes howled with laughter as he left.
You could tell Tim was distracted and preoccupied by the way his hand gripped and squeezed your thigh. He gave you frequent kisses between scenes. As the episode ended, Tim pounced.
“Tim!” You gasped as he pushed you to lay on the couch before the credits were even done. It turned to a moan as his hand slid between your thighs to rub you through your panties.
“It’s been way too long,” he groaned as he kissed down your throat. He was almost never this aggressive and it was dizzying. He pushed your panties to the side to finger you.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped as he hit deep inside you. His hips rubbed his hard cock against you. He pulled at your shirt with one hand.
“Take it off,” he groaned with impatience. Before you had even gotten the fabric over your head, he had attacked your chest. Pulling a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard while fingering you thoroughly had you whimpering.
You shoved down his pants to grasp him in a loose fist. Tim rutted into your hand while sloppily kissing across your chest.
“Please, want you,” you whined and he wasted no time sliding in. Your back arched with a gasp. His arm reached behind your back and Tim took his time with long deep strokes.
This pleasure cycle couldn’t last forever and you both finished far too soon. Tim kissed you softly and gently.
“We can continue this later. I think the food is here,” he said.
“Sounds good,” you said adjusting your clothes and sitting up. “I’ll be right back,” you added as you went to clean up.
Tim answered the door in his messied hair and haphazardly placed clothes. Instead of the food delivery guy, it was Jason standing with his food box. Tim frowned.
“What do you want?”
“Pizza anyone?”
“Leave,” tim growled, taking the box. Jason laughed.
“Interrupting something?” Tim almost slammed the door in his face. “Hey, I just need keys to the Robin motorbike,” Jason added. “Oh I didn’t know you watched that show. Can you believe that in last week’s episode, it was the mom all along. Wild hu?”
Tim sighed before throwing the keys at Jason. “Go away.” He slammed the door.
“Well that sucks,” you said across the room.
Tim locked the door and sat the pizza box on the table. “I’m gonna be honest, and that is that I really just want to finish what we started before pizza. I’m not picky where.”
You laughed before letting him grab you fireman style over his shoulder to drag you into the bedroom. There was no way you were answering the door after that.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 month
All Hell Breaks Loose | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, dean's lowk suicidal, dealing with trauma from a sexual assault please please please take care of yourselves!!!
Word Count: 4442
A/N: I combined episodes pt. 1 and 2! Enjoy!!!
As a result of things going on in my personal life, the start of my season 3 release has been delayed for a month from now. I just want to give myself some extra time to make sure the season is perfect for y'all! i hope you understand. see ya real soon. <3
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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After the Djinn captured you, your relationship with Dean was beginning to heal. You still couldn’t bring yourself to have sex with him despite knowing he would never treat you the way the guard had. Slowly, you became more comfortable with him initiating touch, in contrast to the way you’d previously been tensing under it for the past several weeks. 
You reclined in the backseat humming along to the radio as the Impala rolled to a stop in front of a small diner.
“Hey, don’t forget the extra onions this time, huh?” Dean told his brother while he handed him some money. 
“Dude, we’re the ones who’re gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions,” Sam sighed, getting out of the car.
Dean grinned and leaned to look at Sam. “Hey, see if they’ve got any pie.”
Sam glared at him and shut the door.
“Bring me some pie!” Dean begged. “I love me some pie,” he murmured to himself.
You giggled at your best friend and closed your eyes, leaning against the back of the seat. Your solace was broken soon after by the car’s radio going static. When you sat up, the café was seemingly empty. 
Without needing to look at Dean, you grabbed your gun from under the seat and ran into the building. Upon entering, you discovered a customer in a booth, dead, lying face down in a puddle of his own blood.
“Sam?” Dean called.
You moved around the counter to find the employees also dead behind it, their throats slit. Dean opened the door behind the counter and looked around outside. “Sam?!”
You noticed something on the door. “Dean, sulfur.”
Dean’s eyes widened in panic, and he raced back out to the car. “Sam? Sammy!”
“Dean, he’s not here—” you lamented.
He cut you off by bellowing, “Sam!”
“Dean, passenger’s seat,” you ordered. 
“You’re in no condition to drive. Do as I say,” you commanded.
He looked like he wanted to argue, but his shaken nerves wouldn’t let him. Expertly, you quickly got out of the parking lot and back out onto the road. 
“Call Bobby,” you instructed Dean, and he did so.
“Bobby,” Dean said. “It’s got Sam. I don’t— We need help killin’ this son of a bitch, man. And I’m gonna kill ‘im myself. Damn it!” He slammed his hand on the dashboard, and you shot him a concerned glance out of the corner of your eye.
You motioned for Dean to give you the phone. “Hey, it’s (Y/N).”
“Hey, kid. What’s goin’ on?” Bobby asked through the phone.
“I have no clue,” you replied honestly. “We literally just stopped at a diner, the radio went static, and everyone in the place wound up dead. No trace of Sam. Sulfur on the door, though.”
“Damn it,” Bobby muttered. “I’ll meet ya halfway. Where are you?” 
“Uh, somewhere in Iowa,” you replied. 
“Alright. Just drive like you’re headin’ to my place. Take US-20 and I-29 and I’ll call you about two hours from now.”
“Got it,” you replied. “Thanks, Bobby.”
“Dean, you’ve gotta keep your head, man,” you urged him.
“I am,” he grunted.
You shot him a questioning, deadpan look. “Really.” 
He said nothing in response.
“Call Ash for me.” You handed him your phone from your back pocket, so you didn’t have to look while you drove.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Ash said once you’d gotten ahold of him.
You laughed. “Hey, Ash. Listen, would love to catch up, but we’re in deep shit right now.”
“How deep? Like, trash compactor deep or Sarlac pit deep?”
“Sarlac,” you responded.
“Damn,” he muttered. “What’s happenin’?”
“This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month,” Bobby told you and Dean. You’d met each other just off the highway and laid out a map on the hood of the Impala.
“Are you joking? There��s nothing here,” Dean scoffed.
“Well, come on, there’s gotta be something. What about the, the, the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing,” Dean pressed.
“Dean, I think that would’ve been the first thing he looked for,” you gently reminded him. Bobby nodded.
“Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?” Dean gruffly snarked.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. 
“Ash, what do you got?” you asked, picking up your phone.
“Okay, listen, it’s a big negatory on Sam,” Ash said quietly.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“I did find something, though,” he whispered.
“Ash? You okay?” you asked.
“I can’t talk over this line, (Y/N).”
“Oh,” you said. “Okay. We’ll come to you, then.”
“What? No!” Dean grabbed the phone from you. “Come on, Ash, I don’t have time for this!” A moment later, Dean pulled your phone away from his ear. Ash had apparently hung up on him. “I guess we’re going to the Roadhouse. Come on.”
Bobby drove a little ahead of you and Dean in the Impala. You were still driving due to the fact that you didn’t want Dean’s reckless driving to get the both of you killed before you could help Sam.
When you arrived at the Roadhouse, though, all you found was a pile of charred wood and ash.
“What the hell?” you breathed out. 
You got out of the car and headed toward where the bar had once stood. You stepped over debris looking around for any sign of Ash, Ellen, or Jo. You were pretty sure Jo was still working at that bar Meg had found her at, but you knew that somewhere in the rubble would be the bodies of Ash and Ellen.
“Oh, my god,” Bobby muttered. He stepped up behind you.
“You see Ellen?” Dean asked you and Bobby. 
“No. No Ash, either,” Bobby replied.
You pulled in a sharp breath upon noticing Ash’s watch in a pile of rubble. “Oh, fucking hell,” you breathed out. 
“Oh, Ash, damn it!” Dean grunted.
You couldn’t take standing in the debris anymore. You moved back to the Impala and leaned against it, facing away from where the Roadhouse once stood. 
Bobby walked up behind you a moment later. “This is…” he trailed off.
“What the hell did Ash know? We’ve got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she’s even alive. We’ve got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?” Dean questioned, pacing between you and Bobby. 
“I don’t know, Dean, but we’re gonna, okay?” you said.
Suddenly, Dean clutched his head in pain. 
“Dean?” you asked.
He groaned and doubled over. You rushed to catch him before he collapsed to the ground. Dean suddenly stood back up, still furrowing his brow and clutching his head.
“What was that?” Bobby asked.
“I don’t know. A headache?” Dean guessed.
Bobby scoffed. “You get headaches like that a lot?”
“No. Must be the stress,” he chuckled. “I could have sworn I saw something.”
“What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?” Bobby asked, interest piqued.
“What? No!”
“Dean, what’d you see?” you asked.
Suddenly, he doubled over again. 
The older Winchester fell against you in pain.
“Dean! Hey!” you said, grabbing the side of his face.
“I saw Sam,” Dean panted, suddenly coming to. “I saw him, (Y/N).”
“It was a vision,” Bobby said.
“Yeah. I don’t know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels,” Dean chuckled.
“What else did you see?” you asked.
“Uh,” he thought for a moment, “there was a bell.”
“What kind of bell?” you asked.
“Like a big bell with some kind of engraving on it, I don’t know,” Dean shook his head.
“Wait, engraving?” you questioned. “Was it a tree? Like, an oak tree?”
Dean seemed surprised and confused. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I know where Sam is,” you said. “Cold Oak, South Dakota. It’s the most, like, notoriously demonic town ever. All the inhabitants fled. It’s surrounded by miles of woods.”
“Okay, well, let’s go,” Dean urged, immediately moving to the driver’s side of the Impala.
“Wait, Dean—” you tried.
“No, (Y/N), I’m driving.” Dean left no room for protesting.
You slipped into the driver’s seat wordlessly, shooting a concerned look at Bobby. He returned it, but nodded to reassure you. 
The drive to Cold Oak was completed mostly in silence, clutching the door handle as Dean sped well over the speed limit. 
“Dean,” you tried about two hours into the drive. 
You reached out for his hand to wordlessly support him. He returned your gesture and squeezed your hand, offering a stiff, tight-lipped smile. You knew he appreciated your support, even though he couldn’t verbally express it.
Night had fallen by the time you reached the town of Cold Oak. With guns shouldered, you trudged through miles of woods. Suddenly, you came to the edge of the town. You saw Sam fighting with a man in an army uniform, who he knocked on the ground. 
“Sam!” Dean called as the three of you hurried toward him.
Sam smiled, “Dean!”
Suddenly, you saw the man on the ground behind him get up and grab a knife from the ground next to him. “Sam, look out!” you cried, running toward him.
The man drove the knife through Sam’s back.
“No!” Dean screamed, and your concern for Sam was quickly replaced by anger and hatred toward the man who’d twisted the knife in the younger brother’s back. 
You sprinted after him, running as fast as your legs could possibly carry you. Just before the man reached the tree line, you stopped and raised your shotgun. You barely had time to aim before you needed to take your shot, otherwise he would disappear into the trees and become impossible to find. You fired once, then reloaded, then fired again. Your heart dropped when you realized you missed him.
“Fuck!” you cursed.
“(Y/N)! Get your ass back here!” Bobby called.
You ran back to where Bobby stood over a crying Dean on his knees holding a slumped over Sam. 
“Oh, Jesus, his back’s bleedin’ really bad,” you said. “Dean, hold on, I’ll just go back to the car ‘n—”
“He’s gone, (Y/N),” Bobby said gently. “Sam’s gone.”
“Oh, my god,” you cried. Tears began to stream down your face as you fell to your knees next to the boys. Dean refused to let go of his brother, and you put your head against Sam’s shoulder, crying silently. You hugged Dean with your left arm to try and support him and brushed a hand over Sam’s hair with the other. “Oh, god,” you murmured into the back of Sam’s shoulder. You sniffled and suddenly remembered you needed to be strong for Dean. You rose from the floor and wiped your eyes. “Um, let’s get him into that inn. Gotta be a mattress in there. We can, uh, lay him down till we figure out what to do with him.”
“We’re not doin’ anything with him, (Y/N),” Dean warned firmly. 
“Still, c’mon,” you said, beginning to help Dean get his brother’s body up the stairs of the building. You laid him on a mattress in the corner of a room on the second floor. 
You sat wordlessly on the bed, resting your hand below Sam’s knee, and Dean sat in a chair he’d pulled up to the side of the mattress.
Neither of you said anything for hours until Bobby returned.
“Dean? Brought this back for you and (Y/N),” Bobby said hesitantly, holding up a bucket of fried chicken.
“No, thanks. I'm fine,” Dean replied.
“You should eat something,” you urged, taking the bucket from Bobby. “Thanks, by the—”
Dean cut you off harshly. “I said I’m fine.” He took a swig from the bottle of whiskey in his hand. 
“Dean…” Bobby trailed off. “I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you think maybe it's time... we bury Sam?”
“No,” Dean nearly growled.
You tried your best to speak gently. “Dean, I think we should. I get it if you don’t wanna do a hunter’s funeral, but—”
“Hell no, (Y/N). Stop.”
“I want you to come with me,” Bobby said.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Dean replied.
“Dean, please,” you begged.
“Would you cut me some slack?” He stood from his chair.
“I just don't think you should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit, I could use your help,” Bobby explained.
Dean snorted coldly.
“Something big is going down— end-of-the-world big,” Bobby continued.
Dean yelled, turning to Bobby, “Then let it end!”
You shook your head. “You don’t mean that.”
“You don't think so? Huh?” Dean was suddenly in your face.
You held your ground. “Back up, Dean.”
Dean didn’t listen, continuing to chastise you. “You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it. All of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'd turn around, and get the hell out of here.”
Bobby stepped closer to the two of you. “Dean, she’s just trying to—”
Dean suddenly shoved Bobby. “Go!” he roared.
You shoved Dean back before he could do anything else he’d regret. “Hey! When you’re ready to get in control of yourself, you fucking let us know. Let’s go, Bobby.”
You turned on your heel, Dean muttering shocked apologies that grew more distant as you left the inn.
*** You and Bobby sat in silence in his living room, each nursing a beer. 
“It’s a little early for drinking, but hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere,” you’d said when you retrieved a beer from Bobby’s fridge, trying to raise your own spirits.
“Bobby, I know Dean,” you started, staring at the ground. “I’m scared he’s gonna do somethin’ stupid.”
“Don’t worry, kid, I’ll send him straight to hell if he does,” Bobby responded.
You tried to laugh, but even your laugh sounded sad. Silence fell between the two of you for a moment.
“This really isn’t good, Bobby,” you murmured. “Not even just for Dean. Sam’s my best friend. He reminds me of my little brother so much sometimes it’s scary. I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do without him. I don’t even wanna talk to Dean right now after the way he treated both of us—”
Bobby tried to cut you off. “(Y/N), he’s grievin’—”
“I don’t care! You don’t treat people like that,” you replied. “I’m pissed at him. But he’s all I got left aside from you. It’s like everyone I ever care about ends up dead. My parents, my brother, now Sam.”
“Kid, I think that’s every hunter,” Bobby coaxed. “How much family do I got? How much does Dean have? This line of work, nobody gets out without losin’ someone.”
You nodded, staring at the ground thoughtfully still. “It just sucks, man. I want Dean to be happy. I want you to be happy. I wanna be happy. I mean, that Djinn gave me a taste of what my life would be like without hunting, and I still wasn’t satisfied. Maybe I’m just not meant to be happy.”
“It’s all in what you make of it. It’s not fun by any means, but I’d take this life over normal any day.”
You nodded. “Me, too.” *** Later, you were shooting beer cans off the top of a fence to blow off some steam. Nothing was seeming to work, though. You noticed some sandbags Bobby had piled against the side of the garage and hurled your gun at it. Chest heaving, you picked up one of the bags and threw it to the ground. You got down on top of it and punched over and over and over again until your knuckles bled and bruised. Your hands shook as you looked down at them, tears streaming down your face. You let yourself scream out in frustration with everything that had been happening these last few weeks. First, the prison guard. Then, the Djinn, and now, you’d lost your best friend. And you were surely about to lose another one. Whichever direction this was going to send Dean, it wasn’t going to end up being good.
You sat in the yard behind Bobby’s house for hours until stars started to appear in the sky. Numbly, you moved back into Bobby’s house. Bobby was nowhere around, and you settled for sleeping on his surprisingly comfortable couch with a crocheted blanket wrapped around your body. You curled into yourself and eventually settled into a dreamless sleep. 
A knock on the door pulled your attention away from your journal. Your socked feet padded across the floor to your shoes, and then to the door. You opened it and nearly gasped in surprise at the sight of Sam standing in front of you with Dean.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Dean said.
You turned in an attempt to wordlessly communicate with the older brother, but he looked away almost immediately. 
“Sam,” you breathed out.
“Hey, (Y/N/N).” Sam wrapped you in a hug, stepping into Bobby’s kitchen. You tried to relax into your friend’s embrace, but you couldn’t at the horrible thought of what Dean may have done to himself to get Sam back.
“Sam,” Bobby suddenly sid from behind you. “It's good to... see you up and around.”
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. He looked back down at you when he pulled away from your hug. “Thanks for patching me up.”
“Don’t mention it,” you replied; the words feeling more reflexive to you than having any true weight to them. You tried to resist staring Dean down, but he seemed to be getting the message nonetheless. 
“Well Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?” Dean chuckled.
“Dean,” you spat. “Outside. Now.”
Sam seemed confused, but you marched out the front door with no explanation.
As soon as you made it far enough away from the house that Sam couldn’t see you through the window, you wheeled around to face Dean. “What the fuck did you do?!” you yelled, gripping the edges of his jacket resting against his chest.
Hot, angry tears streamed down your face. “What did you do, you fucking idiot? You made a deal? Huh?”
“I couldn’t just let him die, (Y/N),” Dean uttered.
“That’s exactly what you were supposed to do! How do you think Sam’s gonna feel when he finds out, huh?! Because I know you didn’t tell him,” you argued. “I cannot believe you!” You turned away from him and ran a hand through your hair. “How long did they give you?”
“How long, Dean?”
“One year.”
You felt like you’d been punched in the gut. 
“Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right?” the man continued.
You wheeled back around to him, eyes blazing. “Nothing to lose?”
“I'm not even supposed to be here, (Y/N)!” Dean protested. “My dad died for me. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? I-I— It's like my life could mean something.”
“What, and it didn’t before?! You seriously think that little of yourself?” you questioned angrily. “Fuck you, Dean!”
“(Y/N), please—”
You cut Dean off. “No! Don’t tell me to understand. Because I can’t. I fucking knew you’d do something like this.”
“Why does it bother you so much?!” Dean roared, stepping closer to you.
“Because I love you, goddammit!” You stumbled back from him when you realized what you’d just admitted. Stunned, you brushed past him to go grab your bag from inside Bobby’s house. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean called after you, but you wouldn’t turn back. You continued to the house, wordlessly grabbed your bag from next to the couch, and headed out to Bobby’s garage.
“(Y/N), where are you—” Bobby started.
You cut him off. “I’ll call you later.”
You grabbed one of the sets of keys off the wall of Bobby’s garage, hoping the car worked, and marched out to it. Thankfully, the sedan started, and you pulled away from the junkyard. 
Angry tears streamed from your eyes as you white-knuckled the steering wheel. You were unbelievably angry with Dean, and the fact that he would be gone in a year was too much for you to bear. 
You drove for hours and ignored calls from both brothers and Bobby. As evening fell, you found a remote crossroad in southern Wyoming. You dug forcefully into the gravel and shoved an Altoid tin filled with everything needed to summon a crossroads demon into the dirt below. You covered it with the displaced gravel and stood back up. 
“Funny seeing you here,” a sultry voice purred from behind you.
You turned to see a beautiful woman in a sleek black dress with glowing red eyes staring you up and down. 
“How do I get Dean out of his deal?” you asked firmly. 
She laughed coldly. “Ooh, cutting straight to the chase.” She sucked in a breath through her teeth and tsked, circling you. “You can’t, hon.”
“And why not?” you hissed.
“That’s way above my paygrade, dollface.”
“Please, c’mon,” you begged. “You could drag me straight to Hell right now if that’s what it takes.”
The demon hummed. “As much as I’d love that, no can do.”
“Why?” Your voice broke as you asked.
“I can’t break a deal to make another,” she replied simply. “Besides, I don’t hold the contract.”
“Well, who does?” you questioned.
“Why would I tell you,” she smirked. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Wait!” Before you could even get the word out, she was gone. 
You knew the brothers would be going after the yellow-eyed demon and the guy who’d killed Sam, so you finally decided to listen to the singular voicemail Sam had left. Maybe the demon was the key to breaking Dean's deal.
“Hey, (Y/N), uh, Dean won’t talk about why you took off,” his voice began. “I’m hopin’ you’re coming back, so, meet us at Fossil Butte Cemetery in Wyoming. We’re thinkin’ that’s where the demon’s gonna be. Anyways, so… see ya later, I guess.” And then the line went dead.
Fury burning in your eyes, you sped to where Sam said your group would be. It was abandoned for miles around, and you had to drive over about a mile and a half of grass to get anywhere close to the cemetery. When you got out of the car, black smoke suddenly began filling the sky coming from the cemetery you were headed toward. With a gun and knife in hand, you ran to the cemetery and stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of the spiraling smoke pouring out of a crypt facing away from you. You noticed Bobby and Ellen hiding behind a tombstone and felt momentarily relief at the fact that Ellen was still alive. However, your relief was short lived when you saw Dean being thrown through the air by an invisible force and down against a tombstone. 
‘The demon,’ you thought, creeping around the right side of the crypt. You saw the demon saying something to Dean while Sam stood pinned against a tree. The demon’s back was to you, and you could hear what he was saying more clearly as you moved toward him.
You couldn’t pay any mind to it, though, and you took the demon’s distraction as an opportunity to jump on its back and wrestle the Colt away from him. The demon yelped in surprise as you grabbed the gun and held on for dear life; throwing yourself over the demon’s shoulder to try and yank it out of his hand. 
You succeeded in getting it away from him much to your surprise, and you pushed yourself up to see the ghost of John Winchester wrestling with a cloud of black smoke shaped like a man. The body the yellow-eyed demon had been possessing had fallen to the ground, dead, and the cloud of smoke pushed John to the ground. 
It rejoined its body and stood, turning its venomous gaze toward you. A smile spread across your face, and you shot the demon square between its eyes. The yellow-eyed demon fell to the ground, dead. 
You rushed over to where you noticed Bobby and Ellen trying to close the gate the demons and ghosts were pouring out of, completely ignoring John and his boys. You helped Ellen shove the door closed with one final push and leaned back against it, panting. You turned around just in time to see John disappear into a haze of white light. 
The brothers stood over the demon’s body, and you turned to Ellen. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” you told her. “And I’m sorry about the Roadhouse.”
She nodded and smiled half-heartedly at you. “Jo wasn’t there, so, uh, that’s all that matters, I guess.”
You nodded, unsure of what else to say. 
“Kid,” Bobby started, and you turned to him. “What happened with Dean that made you leave?”
“Look, ya don’t have to tell me. But at least say ‘goodbye’ next time,” he softly scolded you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t,” you replied.
He paused for a moment. “Are you gonna leave again?”
You stared at the ground. “I’m not gonna watch Dean die.”
He nodded. “Will you call every once in a while?”
You grinned sadly. “Of course.” You wrapped Bobby in a hug, and Sam and Dean walked up behind you. 
“Good shootin’ back there, sweetheart.”
Your heart almost broke at the nickname, but you steeled yourself and turned to face the brothers. “Thanks,” you told Dean shortly. “I’ll see you around, guys.”
“Whoa, where you goin’?” Sam questioned.
You gave him a hug and cupped his cheek. “I’ll call you when I figure it out.” You lightly patted his cheek and turned away without saying another word to Dean. You could practically feel his eyes staring you down as you walked out of the cemetery and back to your car.
*** The Colt cast a heavy air over your— well, Bobby’s— sedan as it peeked out of your duffel bag. Even though it had no bullets left, its mere presence was putting a target on your back that you were well aware of.
You knew that simply killing the yellow-eyed demon wasn’t going to be enough to break Dean’s contract. You weren’t sure how, but come hell or high water, you would figure it out. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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miles1610/hobie brown x black fem! reader
sum: miles cheats on reader w gwen, reader gets even 🤷🏽‍♀️
warnings : slang, the n word, cursing, cheating . emotional cheating. READER BEING PETTY unedited and not proofread
genre: angst, a lil of comfort?
a/n:i rly hope it don’t disappoint, part 2 w miles and reader make up eventually, cause i can’t stand writing miles as a dickhead. JUST A STORY, I DONT CONDONE CHEATING, DONT THIS TO PEOPLE.
- - - - - - - - - <\3 - - - - - - - - - -
first time in a long time.
hurting deeply inside .
there it was. the confirmation you so desperately needed to blow off on miles. you’d suspected he was messing with gwen for a little while now, him leaving you too go on missions with her that ONLY they knew about, being on facetime with her while he was at YOUR house, his highlight on instagram for her, not to mention the countless drawings of her around his room that he hid horribly, just a bunch of weird shit. you had conversations about it before but he always reassured you and gaslit you until you shook of the accusations. but now, now you knew he was cheating. miles was in the shower he left his phone on the nightstand, you looked long and hard at it. debating whether if it was a invasion of privacy, as you thought about it you get more and more upset. if gwen could be an invasion of your relationship then this didn’t really matter. you pick up the phone and put the password it, it’s his birthday (narcissist 🙄.) you go to gwen’s message thread, the blue heart next to it made you infuriated. your stomach twist and your eyes leak with tears that you don’t even try to wipe not wanting to miss anything. all of the “i love you’s” and the “im with her right now’s” made your fingers tremble as you scrolled farther into their text. why did he waste his time with you if he loved her? why would he do that to you? when did he fall out of love? what did you do? your thoughts quickly interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off you jumped up turned the phone off and put it in the same downward facing position wiping your face speed walking back to the bed pretending to watch tv.
“what’s going on now , ma?“ he asked referring to the episode you were watching. your face turned as you came up with a lie. “uh nothing really they just found out she was pregnant” you huffed, you’ve never been a good liar and miles could read your emotions like they were his own, you had no idea how you were going to go the rest of the night with him, so you didn’t. getting up from the bed you acted like your mom texted you to come home, frowning looking at the fake text. miles squinted at your pout, walking closer to you he said,
“you okay?” “my mom said i had to come home, she’s going out tonight and wants me to watch my sister, she’s sick” miles fake frowned “you want me to come with you?” he suggested walking to his drawers to get some clothes. you shook your head no “i don’t want you to get sick, it’s fine i’ll just facetime you okay?” you said as you picked up your purse and put on your shoes. “okay at least lemme drive you home. can’t have my baby walking alone in the dark.” he joked as he put on his own shoes and jacket too. you internally cringed at his sentence reminded of who he also called his “baby”.
trust, trust who?
watching my back even when i’m in the booth.
ohh, trust who?
you’re in the passenger seat of his car, seeing the blue hair tie in the cup holder that wasn’t yours. you stared at it for a bit rethinking your entire relationship. he glanced at you, then the hair tye. he spoke up rubbing your thigh trying to get your mind off of it. “u wanna go to the mall tomorrow? we can get froyo.” he suggested knowing that you liked the froyo place in the mall, you knew he was trying to make you happy so you wouldn’t question the hair tye you just went along with it.
“yea okay.” you smiled warmly at miles not meaning it at all. his phone buzzed and you both looked down at it, the speed of which he grabbed it in was almost inhumane. you side eyed him closely as he swiped the opened the message then turned his phone off placing it into the cup holder facing away from you. as you pulled up to your house he leaned forward to peck your cheek, you couldn’t stand the feeling of his lips on your skin right you. “bye mami, facetime me later okay?” he whispered as he looked into your eyes with that same look on his face that made you swoon once before. “okay, i will” you said knowing you weren’t. as soon as you got into your room you cried, searching in your mind for a clue on why he was doing this to you. you’d tears interrupted once again as your phone buzzed, who was calling you and why couldn’t they go away ?? you checked it as a small smile speared on your face it was margo. margo kess had been your best friend since before you met miles, she worked at the same spidey agency he did , or whatever the fuck it was called. you answered wiping your tears. she was eating unti she saw your expression. “what happened??? why you crying boo?” she frowned at you through the screen “miles is cheating on me with gwen, i checked his phone” you chuckled through sniffles as her jaw dropped “what the fuck?? u exposed him his ass right ??” she shouted and you shook your head “i was in denial i guess, i still can’t believe this shit” “you know what you gotta do right?” she said and your face turned into a confused expression “what i gotta do?” she rolled her eyes “get even duhhhhh!! you way to pretty to let this nigga cheat on you with a big back ass bitch you know that.” you snorted at her compliment “ion know mar, maybe gwen didn’t know we was dating” you said trying to express grace to gwen.
“bitch how?? all that nigga do is talk about you, not to mention youre his lock screen.” you tilted your head in agreement, she spoke up again “and you been told his ass all that shit he did with gwen was weird and he didn’t stop it? if he wanna act nonchalant you can act notchabitch” margo smiled as she her attempt to cheer you up worked. “speak of the damn devil, guess who texted me.” you smirked as margo raised her eyebrow “don’t tell me you talm bout hobie.” you tried to fight the smile on your face as you clicked on his message
“hey, wyd rn?” the text read. margo sighed as she saw the smile on your face “HOBIE. HOBART BROWN?? really (name)? well i mean the way he looks at you is crazy, and i been saying y’all would be mad cute .” she shrugged as she resolved up her own feelings, you nodded as you thought about it . was this really what you wanted to do? hurt miles? nonono if he didn’t care about hurting you he can’t say shit when you do it back. you texted hobie back “nun rn, wby?” and he replied almost instantly “im bored, lemme come over?” you almost laughed at how you realized that hobie has never cared about your relationship with miles . you told him yes and you said your goodbyes to margo as you got ready for him to come over, eyes burning as you saw the multiple hoodies that miles owned .
“hey love.” hobie said as he walked into your room from the window, you always noticed hoboes accent but you never noticed how attractive it was until now. “hey hobie.” you said as he lifted your chin up with index and thumb. “you’ve been crying? what happened ?” he said trying to read your face. “um nothing just stuff with miles” he almost winced at the mention of miles, he would offen tell you that he wasn’t good for you, guess he was right. “what did he do now. something when gwen again i bet” you sighed deeply remember the messages in his phone again. “yea, he’s cheating i just found out.” hobie eyebrows furrow as you say this, if he didn’t like the way miles was treating you before, he definitely hated him now.
“i was just joking but, really? what the fuck? after everything you’ve done for him? i’m gonna murder him i swear to g-“ “hobie no, no don’t say anything. i’m fine i’m gonna deal with it myself.” you say pushing him back with your fingers. “at least let me make you feel better.” he said giving you a tight hug. he smirked as he said “you know i’d never make you feel like that.” you snorted into his chest pulling away, hobie grabbed your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. “you don’t deserve this ,(name) you deserve the entire world” he muttered , looking down at you with so much care. stand on your tipe toes to kiss hobie, he doesn’t kiss back for a while in shock but then he reciprocates it and you know you shouldn’t do this, that’s the exact reason why you did it anyway . you pull away looking up into his deep brown eyes, you needed this, comfort from someone that wasn’t hurting you. someone that wasn’t him. he kissed you again more aggressively this time. he pulls away this time only to catch his breath. he pecks your lips once , then twice. he smiles at you then walks to the bed and turns on the tv, you thought it was weird but you also didn’t want to talk about it, and definitely didn’t wanna do anything further. after watching tv with him at a uncomfortable distance you decide to address the elephant in the room.
“so, we not gon talk about that?” you turn off the tv before turning your head to look at him and he does the same “we don’t have to, you know i like you. but i don’t think you need that tonight, i think you just need me here.” he said and honestly, he was right. even though he had you all the way fucked up onna tuesday, you still loved him. you just nod at hobie and he kisses your cheek wrapping his arms around you so he’s spooning you, the way hobie is holding makes you think that he’s the only boy in the world. he falls asleep and you lie awake looking at the ceiling, you decide to go on instagram looking at people’s story until you see gwen’s story, it was a picture of her and miles in his car her feet up on the dashboard, the same car you were just in, the same car you had your first kiss in. that’s not even the half of it, the picture had a “besties” caption on it but you could tell from 20 miles away they were far from that. you take a picture of hobie asleep and post it, tagging him too copying the same caption as gwen had. after maybe 20 minutes miles replies to it “wtf? why are you letting hobie touch you like that? and i thought u had to watch your sister” “and i thought you and gwen were besties?” you reply back sending him the screenshots you send to your phone if gwen and miles text he starts blowing u up like crazy but you put your phone down and snuggle closer into hobie, maybe you could get even.
doing my own thing,
i’m down to come clean,
not like you.
lmk wat u think 😭.
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ivykim · 4 months
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— welcome to the video. thank you for clicking on it! today, I’ll be bringing you on a journey of various moments where jake is practically down bad for ivy
since everyone was doing their own thing and dancing to their song, ivy does the same thing. it was quite honestly a mini party. all of them were dressed in something quite formal due to having schedules in the morning/afternoon.
ivy was wearing this
she looked gorgeous. everyone single one of the boys had their jaws dropped when she walked into the room wearing that. one person though had their mouths way more wide open than the others.
“jake, close your mouth.” jay says. the boy listens but he’s still mesmerised by ivy.
“noona is so pretty…” jake mumbles. anywhere she went, jake’s eyes would follow her figure.
— here we have prime example of sim(p) jaeyun
vivi x jake vlog (spoilers??)
— vivi says the vlog will be uploaded eventually (belift I’m watching you🫵🏻) but she posted a snippet of it on weverse
IVY🌟 POSTED: who are you calling cute? you’re cuter jaeyun🙄 *video attached*
from what it seems, it’s just ivy and jake walking around the rented home’s mini garden. there, they spotted a cat and ivy gasps.
jake goes to film her as ivy passes the camera to him. she kneels down to the cat and allows it to sniff her. it easily gets comfortable with her and ivy happily pets it.
“jaeyun~ the kitty is so cute.” she says in a pouty voice.
jake’s heart tugs as ivy speaks in a cute voice.
“cute.” he mumbles behind the camera. which obviously was caught in the video bc Ivy wouldn’t have posted it if it wasn’t caught.
— aww the jaeun ship is sailing!
a compilation of behind episodes with jake and ivy
#1. “noona, please!”
jake loves asking for permission from ivy and ivy grew to love hearing the boys (who are younger than her) calling her noona. it took a while for her to accept it but she likes being called noona now!
“I want that one. please? can I have a bite?” jake says as he watches ivy biting onto her popsicle.
“say please.”
“noona, please!” jake pouts. Ivy turns to the camera and points to it.
#2. “noona, can I have a hug?”
jake loves hugs from ivy. no particular reason. she’s just the perfect height and size for him to hug. ivy does love giving hugs to all of them though. especially when they need extra energy.
she stands in the middle and everyone lines up. she gives each boy a hug. ni-ki hugs longer as he happily enjoys being in her arms.
“yah! it’s my turn.” jake huffs.
“no.” ni-ki says as his voice was a little muffled being in ivy’s arms. ivy pats the younger boy’s back.
“riki, it’s jake time. I’ll come to your room later to cuddle with you more okay? you big baby.” ni-ki grumbles before peeling himself off ivy. he walks away to tackle jungwon instead. clearly not done being clingy.
jake finally smiles, “noona, can I have a hug?”
“yes, you can.” she holds out her arms. jake happily jumps in her arms. his arms finding home around her waist and hers finding their way around his neck.
— love how the staff recorded this whole thing and captioned it “ivy’s hug service. free of charge.”
#3. “please, tell me there isn’t a ghost…NOONA I’M SCARED!”
as ivy is a psychic medium. she can see and feel ghosts. the boys don’t necessarily like whenever ivy mentions there is a ghost so she usually doesn’t say it.
but if something is off, ivy will definitely voice out.
“not to alarm any of you but excuse me while I just do this for a bit.” ivy stands up from her seat and starts moving towards the corner of the room.
“oh lord. she’s at it again.” jay sighs.
“the demon is back.” sunoo adds.
“please tell me there isn’t a ghost…” jake says as he watches ivy getting closer to the corner. the three of them watched her point in the top corner. she scolds whatever that is in that corner and tells them to leave immediately.
“okay, this guy is stubborn.”
“what guy. noona? please tell me…”
“just an 8ft shadow dude in the corner. it looks like those spiders but giant and has 2 legs like us.”
of course. there had to be engenes recording this part. it’s a concert! they had to perform. with them being in America, the managers were more chill. so jake decided to take advantage of that and give some appreciation for ivy.
everyone was hyped up. ivy had a solo performance at the concert that she prepared so the boys wanted to hype the engenes up.
“ENGENEs! are you ready for ivy’s performance?” they yelled. ENGENEs screaming out loud.
“I can’t hear you? ARE YOU READY FOR IVY?” jay instigates. the ENGENEs screamed even louder. the nod their heads in approval.
“THEN LET’S GIVE IT UP FOR KIM FUCKING HAEUN!!” jake yells. it causes ENGENEs to scream even louder as jake cusses just to introduce ivy.
safe to say, ivy was very hyped during her solo performance.
#5. “oh good lord.” *trips on his own foot*
it was comeback as per usual and ivy’s stylist wanted to try something new. her outfit had different cuts and holes to make it more sexier so ivy looked really good.
sunoo interviews her with the camera and was busy filming fun little contents with her. that’s when jake walks in. his eyes fell upon her outfit.
“oh good lord.” he says as he trips on his own foot while staring at ivy. sunoo laughs, zooming into jake.
“jake hyung, are you okay?” sunoo asks in between laughs.
“y-yeah! just tripped somehow.” he says embarrassingly, clearly he was caught off guard.
#6. “would you date haeun noona? yes.” *with no hesitation*
jake was live during one of the America stops and so he decided to read some comments while listening to some music.
many of them were basically asking where the other members were and just asking him to do aeygo. the typical thing. that is until one question caught jake’s eye
“would you date haeun noona? yes.” with not a single hesitation in his voice. he moves on from there it causes a whole ruckus in the fandom and shippers.
jake was always ivy’s biggest fanboy as shown in the past few videos. in this en-o’clock episode where they played sports, it even more obvious.
“whoever gets ivy noona on their team instantly wins.” jungwon says.
with the teams split with the usual decision of rock paper scissors, heeseung falls to his knees.
“no, this is unfair.”
“HAH! WE GOT IVY NOONA.” sunghoon points and laughs at the other team.
“now, what do you mean unfair.” ivy says as she stares right at the two tallest boys. “if anything, I should feel unfair.”
the games start. it felt like a war zone, each of the boys getting more and more competitive. as it was ivy’s turn, she holds up the bow.
“KIM HAEUN! KIM HAEUN!” jake cheers. the editors placed a quick edited pompom and puppy ears on jake as he cheers ivy on.
[PUPPY JAKE cheering on IVY]
#8. "10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours."
during this live, there were tons of ENGENEs talking about the fact that ivy looked so good in her new hair. this time, she decided to go all natural and dyed her hair dark brown, similar to jay's colour.
"ivy looks so pretty with brown hair." ivy reads out in english. "aww thank you, i bet you guys are prettier." she gives a small heart to the ENGENEs.
"ivy is so perfect, she's so pretty and she's mine." jake reads.
"aww, yes ENGENEs. i'm yours." she blows kisses. jake snorts and rolls his eyes playfully.
"ENGENEs, i have some facts about noona you didn't know. wanna hear it?"
ivy tilts her head, "tmi today?"
jake hums, "here are 10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours." jake smiles.
"now, jaeyun-"
[video bleeps]
#9. "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?" "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
and yet another live from jake but this time, he was solo. he decided to go live after their concert. despite him being tired, he wanted to make ENGENEs feel loved so he turned on the live.
"where is ivy?" he hums. "i think she's sleeping. she was really tired after the concert. she almost slept with her outside clothes on so there's that."
"hmm? tmi? yeah, that's true."
"oh, you guys saw her outfit today at the concert? yeah, the stylist tried something for her."
he reads through more of the comments, "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?"
that is until he had a bright idea in his brain. "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
#10. "sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
at an offline fansign during dark blood era, fans were enjoying ivy’s outfit style and the fact that she got a solo part during the second chorus of ‘Bite Me’. which led to tons of ENGENEs talking about how they would like to marry her.
there were tons asking her one by one the same questions. “are you single?” / “haeunie, can I be your girlfriend/boyfriend?”
so since jake was after ivy, the ENGENEs would continue to talk about her to jake.
“jaeyun-ah, can I marry ivy?”
“mmm, no.”
"sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
— okay, possessive boyfriend let’s go??
#11. “noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
to end of the video, I would like to mention the interview where jake praised ivy. this was during one of their earlier days.
— “what is it like to have ivy on the team?”
jake reads the question. he hums, “noona…she’s just amazing.”
“despite, us thinking we would be just any normal boy group during I-LAND, seeing ivy noona and the many other girl contestants doing their best made me realise that we were all fighting for the same dream.”
“so when noona was announced, I wasn’t surprised. she’s amazing, heeseung hyung level of talent. what surprised me was that she cried a lot, she thought that she wouldn’t debut. she had a lot of doubts because they never announced other girls to debut with her so it was just her and us.”
“she started to feel down. worried that the fans wouldn’t like her but eventually, with a lot of encouragement and the positive comments praising her, she gained more confidence and started showing her true colours.” jake laughs.
“for me, noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
“in fact, she knows whenever anyone feels down and tries to lighten the mood. she actually hates whenever it’s too serious when it’s not supposed to be. I remember her complaining about how all of us were too tense during practice and that we need to loosen up. true enough, when we loosened up, we did better.”
[video fades to black]
— thank you for watching ❤️
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I visited the WGA library to read Yellowjackets scripts and wanted to share some of my findings! (Pt. 2)
Here are my notes for 1x03! Quotation marks indicate direct lines from the script, whereas everything else is me paraphrasing.
1x03 “The Dollhouse”
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•The script starts with a scene of a panicked adult Travis bursting out of his secluded house (shack?) with a “wild glint in his eyes” “as if desperate to find the source of something and also terrfied he will find it.”
•Then it flashes back to the 1996 teen timeline and Travis hears a whisper late at night in the woods. He is “inexplicably drawn” to the plane wreckage. “The breeze rustles the tree branches, and again he hears a soft, hushed sound, as if the wilderness is calling his name.”
Travis is interrupted by Javi, who approaches him saying he had a bad dream.
As Travis is walking back to their camp with Javi, “The breeze picks back up. We hear a low and sinister exhalation, as if the woods are whispering for Travis to stay and preparing to make him stay.”
Both of these scenes were obviously cut, but I do think it’s really interesting that Travis was originally made out to be, arguably, just as connected to the Wilderness entity as Lottie is. Travis is one of the first people to be “contacted” by the Wilderness and it seems to take a particular interest in him. Also that line about making him stay is eery as hell.
•When the group is voting on whether to go to the lake or stay at the plane wreckage, the script makes sure to point out how hesitant some of the girls are to go against Jackie. Some of them even vote to stay at the wreckage just to avoid pissing her off. This shows her influence over the girls at the time, even though it eventually fades as they become more adapted to their new way of life.
•While the group is hiking to the lake, Taissa sees the man with no eyes for the first time, crouching in the bushes staring at her blankly. It understandably freaks her the fuck out and she’s shaken by it for the rest of the episode.
In the final product Tai doesn’t see the man with no eyes until later on, but this scene sounds creepy as fuck in the script.
•When Nat is looking through Travis’s house and finds the photo of the two of them together on his dresser, we get this line:
“We realize Natalie’s not only seen Travis recently, but they were close. Intimate. Natalie glances up from the photo, and suddenly sees adult Travis in the mirror. He’s standing behind Natalie, and his eyes seem to be judging her.”
Just thought it was interesting, particularly the “judging her” line. Judging her for what? Maybe judging her for looking for him? For not keeping herself safely away from all this?
•When the girls are swimming at the lake and Jackie is sitting with Mari trying to make Shauna jealous, there’s a line about Jackie being “clearly tired of Mari’s yapping” but trying to hide it, which I found funny. Mari is a canonical yapper.
•The girls also play chicken at the lake, with Nat on Van’s shoulders and Laura Lee on Shauna’s shoulders. This is so cute and I’ll take whatever scraps of VanNat friendship I can get. I wish they kept it in the episode.
•And another deleted part from the lake scene, Lottie is standing on top of a rock above the lake preparing to jump in and she does the cabbage patch dance on top of it while everyone cheers her on (if you don’t know what the cabbage patch dance is you should definitely look it up). Then she sees the cabin in the distance and stops.
But I love a little hint at silly goofy Lottie! Before all of the visions, just a silly goose.
•While Nat and Misty are in the jail cell and Nat asks Misty about her messing with her Porsche, Nat and Misty stare each other down and the script then says this:
“So much history between these two.”
A little sneak peek at a lot more happening between these two in the Wilderness that we don’t know about yet.
•While Nat is on the phone with Tai trying to get her to bail her out of jail, this line:
“We realize these two are closer than we thought.”
Tainat friendship acknowledged!🙏
•Also on that phone call with Tai, the script says that “Natalie is struggling to even speak his name,” referring to Travis. This again shows just how painful and complicated Nat’s feelings are towards Travis.
•When Nat and Misty are bailed out, there’s a cut scene of Misty going through a plastic bag full of all of the things that were in her purse at the time of her arrest. Here are the items in Misty’s purse: peanut butter, condoms, Travis’s notebook that she stole, and a small plastic toy cat.
God, I love that woman.
•After Jackie spills the nasty canned food all over the floor and complains that they should have stayed at the wreckage, Van snaps at her “How is this helping?”, and the rest of the girls roll their eyes at Jackie. Jackie storms outside and we get this line:
“Suddenly, she stops, overwhelmed by her emotions—how scared she is, how alone she feels, how much she hates the wilderness, and the shame she feels for showing it.”
A great look into Jackie’s mental state and very representative of Jackie’s gradual loss of influence and power in this new environment. She’s used to being sure of herself and having this magnetism that everyone naturally follows. In society, Jackie is influential and powerful. But here in the wilderness, she cannot adapt and cannot lead the group like she once did. And the other girls can see that, hence the rolling eyes and snapping at her.
•After Nat and Misty find Travis’s body and they are driving away, there is a line that was cut from the final product in which Nat admits to Misty:
“We were together, on and off. We started up again about ten years ago.”
So this would mean that Nat and Travis started up their relationship again around 2011 and have been on and off for ten years. Does this mean they were not together after they got rescued but rekindled things about 12 years later? Or did they stay together for a little while after the rescue, broke up for years, and then got back together and that’s what Nat is referring to? I don’t know, maybe this line was cut for a reason and it’s definitely not canon yet so we’ll see. But the timeline of Nat and Travis’s relationship is confusing to me and I want to know more.
My theory is that Nat and Travis have broken up after Javi’s death and don’t get back together in a romantic capacity until 2011.
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top-rhaenyra · 1 month
the contrast of rhaenyra's and alicent's experiences with motherhood is so fascinating
I’ve always argued the storyline of being wary of motherhood and childbirth would’ve worked better with Alicent than Rhaenyra.
Alicent doesn’t get to choose who the father of her children is, she doesn’t have access to contraceptives nor can she refuse Viserys when he calls for her.
The themes of forced motherhood and the consequences of this would work so much better with women like Alicent: struggling to love children forced on you, not understanding why you’re not overcome with maternal affection, suffering from undiagnosed postpartum depression etc.
With Rhaenyra it just doesn’t work because unlike Alicent she can choose her children’s father and she can decide when she wants to be pregnant. In the books she has three back to back pregnancies and then stops for 4 years, whilst in the show she has Joffrey eight years after Luke which means she intentionally had a third child. Either way it all comes down to Rhaenyra having bodily autonomy; if she didn’t want to be pregnant she wouldn’t be pregnant.
Also having Rhaenyra be the one who expresses her wish to not have children honestly feels more sexist because the writers are implying not wanting to be a mother isn’t normal, so once Rhaenyra gives birth to Jace she realises the error of her ways and happily has five more. This implication doesn’t sit well with me.
so i wasn’t fair to you anon, and i’ve let this sit in my inbox since may. the reason for this is because i wanted to see how alicent and rhaenyra’s relationships to their children were developed, explained, and expanded on in season two.
regarding alicent and her children:
i think we officially got your wish anon (mine too). while some people may be unhappy with her arc in season 2, alicent has always had a deep-seated love-hate relationship with her children. i’d argue that in season one we also got glimpses into the just…visceral revulsion that she cannot shake when she looks at her children, aegon in particular. but in season two i think she’s truly confronted, in a noticeable tangible way, with the facts of her sons.
obviously, i wish we’d been able to see more of this kind of dynamic back in season one, especially with a younger alicent. however, there are season constraints and we can only see so much in ten episodes (side note: 8-10 episode seasons with a two year wait in between is a rant for another time, but know i’m not being like “yay season constraints!”).
the problem with alicent’s arc and struggle is that so fucking much of it is internal. it is so incredibly hard to show on screen and i find the way its been done so far admirable. up until luke’s death, alicent is lying to herself over and over every day about her relationship to her children, aemond and aegon particularly. once the war starts i believe the tower of lies she’s told herself (this is morally correct, i’m just doing my duty, i was treated well, i’m protecting my children like any mother should) start to crumble. i hate so much that we never got her reaction to aemond killing luke for this reason.
also, to a certain extent she may not ever truly come to grips with her trauma. there are no words for what she went through—marital rape was not a concept then. it still manifests, obviously, but i think we can tell with her repeated insistence that viserys was a decent husband and man [loud incorrect buzzer] that she still thinks she’s the one who’s done something wrong. i’ll be interested to see if the writers ever actually have alicent come to grips with the fact that viserys was, in fact, not a good person or king. personally, i don’t believe they will, but we can always hope.
anyways, all this is to say that: i do believe the themes of forced motherhood and its lifelong consequences are well done and explored with alicent (thus far). people will disagree, perhaps even you, but her eventual rejection of aegon and aemond; her desperate, almost chaotic protection of helaena; her ideas about daeron; all of it really speaks to the struggle she’s had and is going through as their mother.
regarding rhaenyra and her children:
this is more difficult that alicent lol
before i get into my gripes with her story, i do want to push back just a little bit on the idea that rhaenyra truly has bodily autonomy. regardless of when or with whom she gets pregnant, she’s still expected to get pregnant and have children. while its unfortunately not explored, she does need to produce heirs.
now. i agree with you for the most part. rhaenyra’s relationships to her children really make no sense. the only one that’s fleshed out is jace, and while that is interesting in the “she’s doing to him exactly what viserys did to her,” it is not complex internally (in the same way alicent’s is). i also personally see joffery as an oops baby, but who really knows. i don’t even know how to explain her children with daemon. they were plot necessary i guess lmfao
the problem with rhaenyra and her children is that almost all of the critical moments in their relationships happen off screen during the time jump. its a structural tv show problem and it brings up these kinds of issues when looking deeper into the relationships she would actually have. i think the writers did a good job this season of making the internal conflict and intrapersonal strife within team black better, but this is just one of those things thats never going to be explored. in this sense we’ll never really know her true feelings or the development that could’ve happened—which is a massive shame.
my personal headcanon (so take with a grain of salt and don’t come for me), is that rhaenyra isn’t against the idea of children as a teenager, she’s against the childbirth. i believe this both because of the horrors of watching her mother’s repeated miscarriages and eventual death while in childbirth, and her consistent refrain of the desire to be a man. i think she wants, to her core, freedom and, as a woman, having a child requires much more sacrifice than having a child as a man.
i don’t personally see the change from not wanting children to totally wanting children as misogynistic, but i don’t blame you for seeing it that way because of the utter lack of canon explanation for it. again, i wasn’t really fair to you keeping this until season two was finished, but i think both alicent and rhaenyra’s relationships to motherhood were developed well.
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shinyaharu98 · 1 year
Unraveled Secrets - Episode 3 (ft. Yeojin)
LOONA ViVi x Male Reader
Word Count: 6823 words
Categories: smut, threesome, series
Disclaimer: Here is the third and final part of the trilogy! This episode of course happened directly after where we left off in Episode 2. LOONATHEHAREM will officially began after this, enjoy!
Also special thanks to @a-casual-kpopfan for proof reading!
Episode 1
Episode 2
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Ever wondered why sometimes things just won’t go the way you want? Maybe you planned a trip overseas for months, but for some reason United Airlines just dragged your ass off the plane and ruined your day.
Perhaps sometimes uncertainty is what makes the world go round, and if you are blessed by the goddess of fortune, it can benefit you greatly too. If certainty is like checkmating in chess, then uncertainty is like playing Hearthstone. You better pray to RNGesus to give you that sweet curve or else you are going to smash your computer.
Location: A love hotel somewhere in Korea
“So let me get this straight again, Kahei.” You tried to understand the situation.
“For some reason, Yeojin found out OUR secret, and you two planned a threesome and practiced for a week?”
Kahei nodded bashfully.
“You know what is going to happen, right? Are you sure about this?”
Still couldn’t believe the position you’re in, you asked for her approval once more, but Yeojin barged in. “Ya oppa, why are you asking for permission? You are not her boyfriend anyway…”
“You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend…”
That line echoed inside Kahei’s mind, and reality finally hit her. She realized that this is not just a random hook-up between you and two LOONA members, this is war. A war of hormone, if you will. What happens later would finally decide the relationship between you and herself. Whether you two will remain friends, lovebirds or even…friends with benefits.
And in a broader sense, this also will define your relationship with other LOONA members as well, because she knows that paper can’t wrap up a fire. Eventually other 10 members would know your existence, and know you hooked up with the matnae and maknae of the group. Would they accept you? Would they hate you? Or…would they want to take part in this tangled mess of a relationship?
“...I’ll make sure by the end of the day, you’ll be mine and mine only.” Kahei said softly while gazing at you with her big, round eyes.
“And I will make sure that you will consider me as a potential partner by the end of the day!” Yeojin grabbed your arm and pressed against her chest.
Soft is the word that came to your mind.
And thus, war has been declared.
You tried to progress your storyline by stepping into the hotel, but for some reason Yeojin blocked your way.
“Yeojin? I thought this is your plan?”
“Shh……” She put her finger on your lips.
Kahei is visibly upset, because she is obviously jealous about your interactions with Yeojin. But Yeojin continued.
“We can’t go in together, it is way too suspicious. Us two will check in and prepare first, why don’t you wait around for our cue? We’ll send you the room number when everything is ready, alright?”
Perhaps it’s because of her shyness, or the nerves got the better of her, you noticed Kahei didn’t talk much. Yeojin has been taking the lead and acted way more enthusiastically.
There is nothing you can do now, as girls usually need more time to prepare, let alone such a big event like this. So, you decided to have a lunch break at a coffee shop nearby to kill some time and calm your nerves down.
Meanwhile, back in the hotel…
“Yeojin…I should take the lead for real this time. At the end of the day, it is MY plan after all.”
Kahei was worried that Yeojin might just overwhelm you and take over the entire situation…and take over you as well.
“Don’t worry, unnie.” Yeojin laughed while taking the keys from the concierge. “I know Jason-oppa loves you. I’m just having some fun on my own, maybe occasionally borrowing him in the future if he performs well tonight…”
“Don’t say that!” Kahei raised her voice. “Is he just a toy for you?”
“Oh, please unnie, you will definitely ask for more if he satisfies you tonight, wouldn't you?”
Truth stings.
“Come on, let’s get ourselves ready!”
“... Alright.”
This is an important moment for both Kahei and Yeojin, as they’ve been looking forward to this moment for days while suppressing their fantasy daily. But now it is the time, the time to finally begin to unleash their forces unto the person they've been waiting all along, you. Luckily, they already bathe themselves beforehand, so they only need to change into their chosen outfits, which they certainly knew would be super effective against you.
As both are getting dressed as planned, Kahei couldn’t stop herself from overthinking. She hasn't met you in real life for years, and the moment you two finally meet is in the context of preparing for a threesome with Yeojin. She has a million things wanted to tell you. How lonely she felt these years without you, how helpless she is when the only way for you two to communicate is through the internet, how much affection she actually had for you for all these years, how much she yearns for your touch…
Yeojin has a keen eye for details, naturally she noticed that Kahei is getting anxious. Trying to pump her up, she hugged Kahei from behind.
“Unnie, did you see sparkles flashing in his eyes? He really is happy to see you. I wish I had someone like that in my life, you are fortunate you know?”
“I…I am?”
“Of course, you are! And I understand the situation we’re in is brand new to you.”
“You sounded like an older sister just now you know?”
“Whoops, hehe. But I am more experienced in this area than you, unnie. But we must get ready, and to do that…”
Before finishing her sentence, Yeojin’s hands shifted from Kahei’s slim waist to her chest.
“Yeojin… What are you doing?”
“Getting your body fired up of course~”
It was DeJa’Vu for Kahei. Just like last time in the adult shop, she was once again ambushed from behind by Yeojin, her hands rubbing her sensitive spot while playing with her already erected nipples. Yeojin had familiarized herself with Kahei’s body, she didn’t overlook a single spot that would guarantee a reaction from Kahei. After all, they practiced a whole lot for this.
“Yeojin… Mmm… We can’t do this now… Jason is waiting for us…”
Clearly enjoying hearing from Kahei’s slurred speech, Yeojin showed no signs of stopping.
“I won’t let him in unless you are fully ready, unnie. He’ll turn into an actual monster when he sees your lewd expression hehe.”
“I’m not lewd at all…” Kahei tried to disagree, but she saw her reflection in the toilet mirror. Her pupils dilated, drool leaking out from the corners of her lips. Clearly her body is more honest than she is.
“No… Yeojin… I’m cumming!”
But just as she is about to reach her peak, Yeojin promptly stopped her movements, denying her orgasm.
“Tsk tsk, unnie. You are such a quick one as usual.” Yeojin said in a playful, almost condescending tone. “Don’t you want to reserve it for oppa first?”
“... Haah… You started it…”
“Yes, yes, I did. But now I think both of us are ready, I am getting turned on as well… Time to summon the beast himself.”
Yeojin took Kahei’s phone and called your number.
Meanwhile, back in the coffee shop…
It’s only been fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
“They do be taking their sweet time aren't they…” You complained to yourself. At the exact moment, your phone started to ring.
It’s that ringtone again.
It’s her.
But it’s not her voice.
“Oppa! We’re ready!” Yeojin’s voice can be heard loud and clear. “The room number is 9-12, we’re waiting for you!”
Just as you tried to respond, you heard another voice coming from the background.
“Mmmh!” A voice moaned.
Is she pleasuring herself?
It was DeJa’Vu for you. Just like last time over the phone, you once again heard her sultry voice moaning.
Adrenaline rushes to your brain as you quickly make your way to room 9-12.
You couldn’t possibly wait any longer, as you dashed towards your goal, ignoring judgemental eyes from others. The only scene you wanted to see, and indeed envisioned is Kahei and Yeojin sitting at the bedside, dressed up with their battle armour awaiting your arrival.
You finally arrived in front of the door. The only barrier between you and paradise is this wooden door in front of you. As your hand reached for the door handle, you stopped. Finally, you felt nervous, as you don’t know what to expect. You are afraid that if you have too much of an expectation, the more painful you’ll feel when you fall. But noises coming from the other side broke your train of thoughts.
“Yeojin… Stop… He’ll be here soon… You’re too rough!”
All hell breaks loose.
Of course, you know who that voice belonged to, of course you do. You heard that alluring voice countless times through the phone, but now it’s real.
It felt real.
It is real.
You gulped. Slowly, you turned the doorknob and opened the door. An inconceivably erotic scene appeared in front of your very own eyes.
Yeojin is pinning Kahei on the bed while simultaneously planting a deep kiss. Her tongue swirled around skilfully and formed strands of saliva as their mouths separated. Her hands are not idle as well, she slipped inside Kahei’s blue skirt and moved around while squelching sounds echoed across the room loud and clear.
“Yeojin stop… Jason?” Kahei snapped back from her trance the moment she saw you.
Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at the scene in front of you. This is wilder than your expectations could ever have imagined.
“Oppa! What took you so long?” Yeojin let go of her control and rushed to your side.
“We should start making out as soon as we can, right? I think someone cannot wait any longer~”
Yeojin’s petite figure bounced around, having the best time of her life. Her revealing mini skirt teases you as you can barely see her ass cheeks.
On the other side of the room, Kahei was drained from Yeojin’s previous assault, gasping for air and trying to regain her strength while lying on the bed.
“J… Jason… Don’t stare at me so much… It’s embarrassing…” Words slipped out from her drooling mouth, tears pooled around the edges of her eyes.
“What the hell did you do to Kahei, Yeojin?” You couldn’t believe she went through such a slutty transformation in just 15 minutes, all thanks to Yeojin no doubt. Not only have their outfits changed, but the entire mood of the room is also getting hotter and steamier.
“Oh, I am just preparing unnie to you, oppa! I thought you would like it.” Yeojin smiled, proudly. “Come on, don’t let her down now.”
You walked towards Kahei. Her face turned red as the bulge in your pants got more and more noticeable.
“I’ll take the lead first, okay?”
“Yes… Please do what you want to me…” Kahei said while looking at you with her big, loving eyes.
Knowing that she is in a vulnerable spot, you decided to start slow.
There is no turning back now, so you went into battle.
The anticipation of a kiss is building up as both of you move closer and closer to each other. A shared desire for the connection of your lips is getting stronger and stronger as well. As you bring your face closer to Kahei’s, you can't stop yourself from admiring her perfect visuals. Her big round eyes look deeply into yours with burning intensity as she yearns for your sensation. Her light and smooth skin shines under the lights, her plump lips glistened with anticipation, all in which further invites you to come closer.
Finally, your lips meet. A sweet flavour covers your taste buds, it must be her lip gloss. You closed your eyes and indulged in this new-found sensation. You moved slowly, savouring the sensation of your mouths finally connecting with each other. For all these years, you dreamed of hugging her and enjoying the warmth from her tiny body. All these years, you fantasized about how you would shower her with your love by planting deep kisses into her. And now, it has become a reality. No longer a dream, no longer something unreachable. You wish time would stop at this moment so you two can maintain contact for the rest of your lives.
“Aaah… Mmmh…”
Kahei moaned with pleasure, resonating with the wet sounds of your lips and tongue meeting each other. Your kiss intensifies as your hands wrapped around her waist. Surprisingly, Kahei responded by slipping her tongue deeper into your mouth, further escalating the intimacy and magnitude of the moment.
Finally, you let go. A pop sound can be heard as saliva dripped down from Kahei’s tongue to her chin. Perhaps the intensity was too strong for her, as her tongue was still sticking out when she gasped for air.
Too lewd.
“Haah… That feels… Too good…” Before you could respond, a naughty smirk appeared on her face. “Jason… I might get addicted to this…” Kahei said.
Uh oh.
Just when Kahei was about to make her next move, Yeojin who was waiting patiently from the side lines finally snapped. She was watching you two lovebirds enjoying yourselves without her, that is simply too cruel.
At this moment, Yeojin felt her body heating up. A voice ringing in her head telling her just BE HONEST. And now the choice lies within her hands, it’s up to herself whether she gave in for lust.
As you are still lovey-dovey with Kahei, you saw Yeojin slowly shuffled her way onto your bed.
“Oppa… Don’t ignore me, I’m still here you know?” Yeojin pouted as she complained. “You can do anything to me tonight, my body is yours to play with. Mess me up… Please?”
I guess she finally caved in as well. You can see it in her eyes, her facial expression, her entire body language. She is ready to accept anything that is going to be unleashed upon her.
Her fate is in your hands.
Or so you think.
Before you could have the chance to alter her reality, Yeojin took aim and stole the commander position from you. Her small body packs a punch, as she pinned you down and locked her lips with yours. Taken aback, you did what most men would do in this situation, which is asserting dominance.
But Yeojin was completely corrupted with lust, she refused to let this chance slip away, she refused to let your tongue slip away as well.
She turned to Kahei’s direction and gave her a playful look.
“Now it’s my turn… Right unnie?”
“But… Stopping halfway is cruel…” Kahei sulked. The sensation of your mouth still lingers on her lips, but she knows that you need to give some attention to Yeojin as well. After all, this trip would have been impossible without Yeojin’s help, so she needed some sort of compensation or reward too.
Yeojin’s hands are still working diligently while kissing you. She is constantly rubbing and massaging herself as her lower half is completely soaked to the point that fluids are leaking out, staining her blue miniskirt. She used her remaining free hand to slide across your chest, swirling around your nipples while lubricating it with her own juices. She worked her way downwards to your stomach…and finally arriving at your bulging crotch.
Her tiny body is completely pressed against yours as well. That doesn’t bother you at all, since she is basically pocket sized and light. Yeojin may be mini-sized, but her breasts are a different story.
“Oppa, your pants are in my way.” Yeojin said. “It’s so bothersome…”
With a clean jerk, she removed the only fabric barrier that is in the way between your erect member and the two girls.
Thanks to Kahei and Yeojin’s cheerleading session earlier, your shaft is standing tall and proud. It is throbbing in vain and drenched with precum. Amazed by its vigor, the two girls gathered around and stared at it intensely.
Especially Kahei.
“I had never seen this in real life, it’s so big…” Kahei was so shellshocked so lost the ability to speak coherently. But Yeojin, being the more experienced one, reminded Kahei what to do in this situation.
“Unnie, don’t just stare at it! Remember our training? You know what to do right~”
Just how much did they prepare anyways?!
Kahei slowly stuck out her tongue and licked your shaft from top to bottom. Slowly and steadily, she repeated her movements and continued to please you.
It is very apparent that her movements are very awkward, and she is trying very hard to hide her nervousness. But you know she is trying her best to satisfy you. She is venturing into a completely new area, risking it all just for you.
“It…feels very good, Kahei.” You patted her head, giving her a nod of approval. With her tongue still sticking out, she looked up to you and smiled. She felt happy that she can give you so much pleasure even though she is still an amateur.
Yeojin didn’t want to feel being left out, so she joined Kahei and double teamed you. While Kahei’s style is slower and mellower, Yeojin is unsurprisingly aggressive and experienced. Both girls licked your shaft at the same time, each carved up their own territory.
You thought to yourself you must be dreaming. Two beautiful LOONA members threw themselves at you and are working together to fulfill your wildest desire. But the sensation and slurping sounds they provide is very real. It is so real that you are unable to hold it back anymore.
“I’m… I’m cumming!”
Without waiting for their reaction, you shot your pent-up semen with great force, splattering onto both Kahei and Yeojin’s faces, covering them with your thick and white batter.
“There is so much of it…” Kahei was amazed by the sheer volume you ejected. On the other hand, Yeojin didn’t want your semen that was spread across their faces to go to waste.
“Unnie, semen is something that’s taken and tasted thoroughly you know? Like this~” She scooped up a generous amount of semen from Kahei’s face and inserted it into her mouth for her to have a taste.
“We can’t just waste Jason-oppa’s precious semen you know; it’s made out of love just for us!” Yeojin said as she licked clean the residue semen around her lips and showed Kahei how to properly enjoy it.
There is nothing you can do but act as a bystander at this point.
“Gargle it and really taste it through. A bit stinky, but normally it should taste salty. After you done that, open and let oppa see.”
“Like… Like this?” Kahei followed Yeojin’s instructions and gargled your semen in her mouth. The strong odor nearly caused her to have a gag reflex, but she pushed through it. She opened her mouth wide for you to examine.
The white viscous liquid almost dripped out from her mouth, but she holds on to her position and lets you examine her thoroughly. This erotic scene happens all the time in adult videos, but you never thought that one day you would see your beloved Kahei acting like this. You quickly granted her permission to swallow, as her reflex is bubbling up again.
“Drink it.”
And she did. With a big gulp, she emptied her mouth and was getting ready to receive more of your love once more.
“You too, Yeojin. Swallow it all.”
You didn’t forget that Yeojin was also full of your cum, as her small mouth couldn’t keep in that much volume.
But just as Yeojin is about to engulf it all, Kahei intercepted her actions and stole her fill directly from her mouth. Without hesitation, she swallowed it all in one go. She proudly opened her mouth once again to let you examine it.
“Did I do a good job?” Kahei showed no signs of gagging, did she already get used to your semen?
“No fair, unnie! That was supposed to be mine!” Yeojin was not amused, as her chance to taste your love was stripped away.
Kahei was unfazed, she waited for this for too long, and now she is finally in the mood.
In the mood for MORE.
“I will start slow, okay?”
Neither you nor Kahei had any prior experience in the make out sector before. But you basically know the gist of it.
Kahei took off her skirt and laid down on the bed.
You’ve known Kahei for years, you’ve seen her naked body countless times over the phone during your “healing” sessions. But now it is no longer virtual.
It felt real.
It is real.
In real life, Kahei is way more attractive than any of her photos in your phone. Years of idol training has rendered her flawless in terms of body proportions. Her face card is always valid even without makeup. Mermaid lines are strikingly visible on her toned abs, together with her round and thick thighs made you wish to be suffocated in between them.
Kahei pulled her legs inwards to form a M shape, a position that is ready for you to devour her completely. Her entrance is already well lubricated thanks to her previous session, but there is something else that caught your attention.
Her pubic hair is nowhere to be found.
“You… shaved?”
“Yeojin dragged me to her laser hair removal session yesterday… And she convinced me to do it as well.” Kahei explained.
Of course. It is because of Yeojin.
“Unnie, I told you he would like it, now you believe me?” Yeojin grinned, pointing at your crotch.
Even after that blowjob section, your member regained its pride after seeing Kahei’s barren land.
Time waits for no one.
You took out a box of condoms from your wallet, saved for this very occasion. But Yeojin stopped you immediately.
"Oppa! Don't tell me you plan to use rubber tonight? Didn't we tell you that we want you to fill us up?"
"I thought that was just a figure of speech..."
"Seriously oppa. You are denser than a stack of bedrocks...You want some prove? I'll give you proof."
She took of her blue top, leaving her bare chest for you to admire. She is definitely bigger than Kahei, but her areola is smaller and pinker. She kept her miniskirt on, but of course nothing is beneath it.
"We are not joking around anymore, we meant it. We want it raw. We want you to fill us up. Breed us like there's no tomorrow..." Yeojin demanded as she lay down beside Kahei.
She wants you to decide.
Who will be the one to let you graduate from V-university?
"Who will you start first, oppa~" Her playful tone almost sounded condescending, yet somehow seductive.
Kahei didn't say anything to plead for your attention, but your eyes met.
That gaze. That power. The same determination.
You can see it from her eyes that she needs you.
She WANTS you.
Without hesitation, you leaned over and kissed Kahei on the lips, marking your choice to begin tonight's event.
"You're mine now, Kahei."
"Kahei, at your service. I'm all yours." Kahei said, beaming with happiness.
"Boo." Yeojin sulked.
You started slow, as your shaft slowly disappeared inside Kahei’s body. The sensation of her vaginal walls clamping down tightly with your cock nearly made you climax. You noticed Kahei’s body is trembling, since it is her first time, she is still adapting to your size. You moved your body in a piston-like motion, and her body reacted every time your cock scrapes her insides. It was painful at first, but soon pain turns into pleasure. Her body finally accepted you and your energetic cock.
“This is completely different than using my hands…” Kahei moaned while you continued to pleasure her with no signs of stopping.
“Vivi-unnie… It’s not fair that you hog oppa on your own…”
While you are still focused on bringing Kahei to pound town, Yeojin unleased a stealth attack on Kahei’s already stiffened nipples.
“This is what you get for leaving me out from the mix.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from moving your hips, nor could you stop Yeojin’s relentless assault onto Kahei, so you just leave her doing her own thing while you focus on making her as pleasurable as possible.
“Two at the same time is too much…” Kahei was overwhelmed by pleasure from two sources. Electricity sparked from her head to toes, a sensation she never achieved by her mere fingers. This can only be obtained by someone who she loves, who she wanted all.
And that is you.
The constant pounding, the moaning sounds of pleasures added with Kahei’s fazed yet satisfied expressions made you reached climax in no time.
“Kahei… I’m cumming!”
Instinctively, her legs wrapped around your waist, locking you into [position to prevent you from releasing anywhere except her insides. Waves and waves of guilty pleasure released inside her already warm body as her body responded with spasms of happiness.
She accepted all of you without wasting a single drop outside.
“So, this is what real sex feels like…” Kahei murmured. “I think I can get used to this after all…”
After uttering those words, Kahei collapsed onto the bed.
“Kahei? Kahei are you okay?”
No respond. She has been knocked out by your intense session while your member is STILL inside her.
You pulled out your soften shaft from her body. Streaks of white liquid leaked out from her vagina as the huge amount you deposited into her finally overflowed.
It sure is tiresome, it’s even more tiresome than that time you participated in a triathlon. But you saw Kahei’s expression.
Although she has been knocked out cold, but you can see a faint smile appeared on her face. She has been fulfilled, both physically and mentally. Her satisfied expression makes this all worth it.
Just as you are admired your work of art, Yeojin pinned you down on the bed and stuffed her mouth full of your cock.
“Yeojin, wait! I’m still sensitive, I just finished one round you know?”
“Bu you told me I’m next! This filthy cock of yours needs some cleaning, be grateful I’m doing this to you alright?” Yeojin beamed.
She skilfully licked your shaft from the base to the tip, cleaning up every single inch of it spotlessly. She is making sure that your member is ready for another round of intense love making. It’s almost like she is casting a spell onto you, your member became erect and regained its vigour after her treatment.
“You are too easy, oppa~” Yeojin mocked. “I already know your weak spots already, so just surrender yourself to me, would ya?”
“I already know your weak spots already… Weak spots already… Weak spots already…”
That line irritates you.
The fact that she thinks she got the hold of you just after one encounter is extremely annoying, Plus, Yeojin corrupted your best friend, Kahei to a degree that she can never be as pure as she was, ever again. Sure, you and Kahei had the bare minimum of sexual encounters, but that was all virtual.
To think that the adorable Kahei you know has transformed into this lustful version of herself is unforgivable.
You glanced at Kahei’s direction. She is still in her own dreamland. Now you don’t need to refrain yourself about using vulgar language anymore. Your blood is boiling with anger. The only thing on your mind right now is to give Yeojin the treatment she deserves.
You shoved Yeojin out of the way.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” You yelled. Yeojin is already partially naked, she removed all her clothing except for that miniskirt when you and Kahei were going down just now. Because of that, it was easy for you to handle Yeojin like a toy, which is what you intended to do. You lifted her voluptuous ass facing in front of you, as you are ready to ravage that gaping hole of hers.
Unsurprisingly, Yeojin was not bothered by your words. In fact, it had the opposite effect. She was getting aroused.
“What’s the matter oppa? Can’t wait any longer? Come on…”
“Shut up!”
You slapped Yeojin’s ass cheeks. Red marks appeared, a stark contrast with her pale skin.
“Know your place! You are just a needy bitch who begs for sex. Why the fuck would I consider you as my partner anyway?”
Those words clearly hurt Yeojin’s pride.
“But I am more experienced than unnie…”
Without letting her finish her words, you thrust your cock into her hole with full force, no holding back.
“Hnngh! You’re so big… And thick! How can it be this thick?” Yeojin gasped.
“Still talking? Fine, I’ll fuck your brains out until you shut up already!”
You continued to ravage that tiny body of hers. Yeojin moaned with joy every time you plunge your thick cock into her body and filling her up.
Her walls tightened every time you move, she is not letting you go until you climaxed with her.
At this point Yeojin finally stopped talking, unintelligible noises and moans is the only form of communication she knows as she has been fucked crazy.
Or so you think.
You nearly reached your limit, as you prepare to unleash your third load of the day.
But then Yeojin noticed. She wants the same treatment as her unnie does. She wants you seed to be unleashed all inside her. Couldn’t hold back her true intentions, she finally yelled out her request.
“Oppa… Shoot it all inside me! Inseminate me with your thick cum and make me all yours!!”
Under normal circumstances this should make up reach your peak immediately, can you even imagine Kahei saying this to you?
But not this time.
This is supposed to be a punishment, a rehabilitation of hers to know her own place. What kind of punishment is that if she is having pleasure and gets all she wants?
But just as she is about to reach her peak, you promptly stopped your movements, denying her orgasm. What goes around comes around, I guess. She did that to Kahei, and now it’s time to let her taste her own medicine.
You pulled out your cock that is just about to erupt a second ago. Yeojin’s face full of disappointment and disbelief.
“But… But why oppa?” Tears nearly poured out from her eyes.
But that doesn’t work on you.
“If you want it, beg for it.” You declared. “Beg for it like you mean it.”
She quickly followed your instructions.
Yeojin laid down with her front facing your way. She begs for your attention as she spreads her labia wide open for you.
“Please… Please shoot all your hot, thick semen inside me! Breed me and impregnate me as you wish! Do whatever you want to me…” The usual chippy and cheerful Yeojin has disappeared.
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The only thing left on her mind is wanting you to put a child inside her.
“Well said, Yeojin.” You lifted her lower body. “But you forgot one important thing, YOU ARE JUST A TOY FOR ME.”
Once again you plunged your hardened cock into her, but not the one that she requested for.
“A… Anal??” A brand-new sensation gushed through her body as your member slid in and out from her butthole.
“You will never-ever get the same treatment as Kahei, you hear that?” You continued your movements while ignoring Yeojin’s refusal. “Kahei is the only one I cared about, and you will always be just a tool for me, got it?”
“Y… Yes oppa…” Yeojin’s vision began to blur. She claimed to have a lot of experience, but never with anal sex. Your treatment is so severe that her tiny body couldn’t take it anymore. Her body began to loosen up, her eyes rolled up while her tongue is sticking out.
Finally, you reached your peak and ejaculated all your semen inside her hole. Although it is the third shot of the day, the amount you deposited into her body is still that much. Yeojin’s body shivers with pleasure while she pants for air.
Perhaps finally Yeojin had learnt her lesson.
“You are going to shit white tomorrow, you know that?”
But there is no response.
She is still breathing, thank God. But the rough sex you gave her has completely knocked her out.
Experienced my ass.
You looked around. Two beautiful girls lying on the bed, sleeping soundly because of you.
What a sight to behold.
Fatigue finally catches onto you, as you collapsed onto the bed and slowly drifted into slumberland…
A few hours later…
“W… What time is it?”
You finally woke up. I guess after a few consecutive ejaculations, you finally reached your limit and passed out like the two girls.
You felt a soft sensation on your right hand.
“Hmm?” You squeezed.
“Hello, sleepy head.”
She is lying down next to you, snuggling up cosily AROUND YOU.
Also, your hand is on her ass.
“Hey, are you done touching?” She sneered.
“I mean… No. Of course.” You joked.
“… Pervert.”
You glanced at the wall clock, it is almost dawn. Yeojin is still sleeping soundly. I guess you really messed her up big time. Perhaps she will finally learn her lesson for good and stop being such a cheeky little brat.
“Jason…you told Yeojin that I’m the only one you cared about. Is that true?” Kahei said while raising her eyebrows in classic Gowon fashion.
“Wait, you heard us? I thought you passed out!”
“Well, anyone would be awake after all that loud noise you two made.”
But now it is not the time for jokes or punchlines. This is the perfect moment for you to declare your feelings to her. If you don’t do it now, you might never have the chance again.
“Kahei.” You looked her right into her eyes.
“I like you. I liked you since out school days, but I never had the courage to told you so because I don’t want to jeopardize your dreams of becoming a singer…”
“Really?” Kahei chuckled. “I wish you’d told me sooner.”
“Why?” You asked.
“Do you still remember that field trip we had? The one we went to the beach?”
Oh right. Secondary school.
You and Kahei go way back. That year you are lucky enough to be drafted into the same class as hers. Although she is not the most active and outgoing member of the class, she still exudes a kind of motherly aura, as she always cares about people around her.
You two rarely talked to each other, but one fateful encounter propelled you into her orbit.
You class organized an outing to a nearby beach, something about camping and making memories, you couldn’t remember the details. But there was one activity that was so memorable, it sculpted as one of your precious core memories.
For some reason the guys in your class wanted to play dodgeball. So, your teacher at the time compromised and split the class into groups. You quickly realized that one of the classmates from your opponent’s team was none other than Kahei herself. You probably assumed that she would suck at sports, since she doesn’t strike you as a sporty gal.
But surprisingly, when her team was falling behind, she started acting as the de facto team captain, and started giving out commands.
“Attack, ATTACK!!”
It’s like a warzone out there.
Finally, her team overwhelmed yours and won the championship match.
All thanks to Kahei.
What an interesting individual, you thought. You want to know more about her, but you need to act fast.
You carefully approach her after the game and started a conversation.
She was taken aback by your sudden introduction. But you pressed on.
“So… You played dodgeball before?”
“Not really, this is my first time.”
“I see.”
And so, the conversation goes on back and forth. It didn’t matter that this is your first real conversation, you two clicked instantly and chat about a lot of subjects.
The teacher’s voice let you two snapped back to reality as it was close to night-time already.
“Well, it was nice talking with you. I’ll see you soon.” Kahei smiled.
You never believed in love at first sight, but her smile just melted your heart.
A surge of courage led you made a bold decision.
“Hey! Kahei…right? We are on the beach anyways, you want to watch the sunrise later?”
“Umm…sure? But can you crawl up that early?” She smiled again.
“Of course, I can!” A man’s pride is something needed to be protected. “5 am?”
“5 am it is.”
And thus, it begins.
-end of flashback-
“Of course, I remembered the sunrise! I still can’t figure it out where I got the courage to ask you out, Kahei.”
“I didn’t know why I accepted your invitation either.” She chuckled. “Perhaps its fate.”
“Maybe. But back to the point…you haven’t given me an answer, yet you know?”
You basically confessed to Kahei, but you two are immersed in your own flashback, she didn’t have a chance to respond.
“Close your eyes first.” Kahei said.
“But wh-”
“Just do it, okay?”
You closed your eyes, waiting for her response.
A soft sensation landed on your lips, intertwined with emotions and love.
You opened your eyes, and you saw that familiar smile again. That smile that made you fall in love with.
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“Take care of me from now on, okay?”
“Of course, Kahei.”
A string of line poured through the window, the sun is rising as you two finally cleared up your relationship.
“Well, want to see the sunrise again?” Once again you gave the invitation out.
“Why not do it?”
Just as you two getting dressed and ready to go out, that familiar booming voice strikes back.
It seems that Yeojin has emerged from her slumber.
“Ya oppa, I heard everything! What about me? Why didn’t you even consider me?”
What’s up with girls pretending to sleep and eavesdropping these days? But since your decision is official, Kahei managed to stand up for herself.
“Yeojin.” Kahei said firmly. “I know that it would be impossible for Jason and me together without your help, and I will give you credit for that. But there is only one person who can be his girlfriend, and that is me.”
“But unnie… What happened between me and Jason-oppa is something I never experience before…”
Again, facts. Maybe because she was the only child in her family that made her a spoiled brat.
Wait, what?
“I want to try something even more extreme with Jason-oppa…couldn’t we find a compromise?”
It seems that your plan has just backfired spectacularly.
“Well… It seems fair that you get some kind of compensation. Alright, occasionally is fine.”
Why in the world would you agree with her, Kahei?
“Since that problem has been resolved… Let’s go see the sunrise together!”
You don’t the right to voice out your opinion in this situation. But what guy could turn down this offer anyways? The three of you went outside just in time to see the sunrise. It’s been a while since you had the liberty to enjoy something that basic as sunrise. But now you are not alone. You have your girlfriend on your side… As well as Yeojin, wherever she fits in the picture.
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Kahei is clearly enjoying herself. The same warm sunlight that shined upon you years ago has made a comeback, and it is better than ever. The question that has haunted her for years, the unsolved mystery between you and herself has been resolved. A sigh of relief puffed away with all her troubles, gone.
And now it is your job to fulfil her for the rest of your lives.
Meanwhile, Yeojin whispered some breaking news in your ears.
“Oppa… I just texted everyone in our group chat about your existence. They will give you a welcome party at our practice room as soon as we go back, isn’t that exciting?!”
And with that, your harem life with all 12 LOONA members has just begun.
The able-bodied Heejin, the endearing Hyunjin, the caretaking Haseul, the adventurous Yeojin, the lovable Kahei, the chic Jungeun, the dorky Jinsol, the sunshine Yerim, the warm hearted Sooyoung, the cutesy Jiwoo, the princess Chaewon and the ice queen herself Hyeju.
Dear me.
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I so badly wanna know what's going on with Sonic in your Voices AU!!! (This is an invitation for you to info dump if you so desire)
OK so originally I had this MONSTER essay on what this was about but im really really bad at explaining things and I don’t want to leave you hanging forever so instead I’ll just give you a basic rundown of the concept and all the plot points. Also, important thing to mention, I HAVEN’T FINISHED SEASON 2 YET. Y’know, where the majority of my AU takes place. Haven’t finished that. Haven’t even seen Chaos Metal Sonic. Sorry, sorry, I know, I’m a fake fan but in my defense every time I turn on the show I want to bang my head against a wall, tear all my skin of, and run in circles at the speed of light (in a good way) (but also in a bad way) (a good bad way). Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I need to quickly explain the concept behind this. In the first episode of Season 2, Avoid the Void, Sonic doesn’t realize that he can run out of the Ghost World. He’s stuck there. This also means that he can’t save shadow from falling into the void (this is why shadow doesn’t have his arm or his leg in my au illustrations, he wakes up before he can be fully disintegrated, but he did lose some limbs.) Back to Sonic, since he has nothing better to do, he tries to take a nap at the beach where his friends are at and starts “taking” to Tail’s projection. Then, the voice comes. I don’t really know how to describe this. There is a voice, like the name says, but it’s also a lot more complicated than that. When “it” comes, Sonic can’t hear anything; or, well actually he can hear things (sometimes the noise feels oppressively loud) but he doesn’t know what people are saying, so to him it just sounds like gibberish. Also, this isn’t always true, (it just depends) but his eyes won’t focus properly and they get really blurry, like can’t see what’s in-front of you blurry. Also, headaches! Because apparently we needed to make this even worse for him for some reason!!!!! It’s not at its worst here, but as you can expect, he is pretty disoriented after it’s done. Shadow comes back to the ghost world, Sonic is understandably surprised by HIS LACK OF TWO LIMBS, he gets the tech and bounces, yadayadayada, all the stuff. More importantly, now we get Nine back! Chapter two; Sonic goes to Boscage Maze, they’re ripping the place up, Sonic goes to help Thorn, mini “voice” episode (as an appetizer), he gets a tech upgrade from Nine, he goes to fight, gets the main course “voice” episode, Nine gets in trouble cause emo tween egg boy caught him talking to Sonic trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and why he’s talking to himself, Sonic gets the shard from Thorn, he runs of with it, emo eggboy sends a message that they’re gonna kill Nine unless Sonic gives them the shard, Nine tells him not to, he goes anyway and THROWS THE SHARD INTO THE OTHER SHARDS THE EGGMEN HAD COLLECTED SO HE CAN SAVE NINE, (he tries to get the shards back but they got swarmed by robots) and finally they get out and go to the ghost world. Shadow is really, REALLY mad at him for trading a SHARD just to save his little kit boy and ALSO mad because Sonic wants to keep Nine there, to keep him safe. Eventually, Shadow gives in after Nine mentions that he could build Shadow a prosthetic, but he adds the clause that the moment Nine finishes the prosthetic, he leaves. After that, Sonic goes to get the rest of the shards back while Nine makes Shadow’s prosthetic at Tail’s workshop. For the next few chapters, Sonic get into some sort of a routine; Try to get the shards, come back to the ghost world to rest, squabble with Shadow, chat with Nine for a little, and repeat. Some important things to mention from this period are: 
Nine is intentionally taking his time making Shadows prosthetic (Sonic’s idea) as well as making it break really easily & adding a secret “feature” that allows him to $&@!?ING electrocute him from afar using a remote implanted in his mechanical tails (both and especially the last one NOT Sonic’s idea); 
Sonic doesn’t actually sleep during this time, he just takes 3 hour naps so he can get back home quicker, which only worsens the voice thing; 
Shadow, (who doesn’t understand anything about what’s going on with Sonic other than the vague sense that something’s wrong with him, unlike Nine who got a basic lil explanation from Sonic after asking wtf happened at boscage maze) is getting increasingly frustrated with Sonic because of how long it’s taking for him to get all the shards, as well as his continual trusting of Nine.
This continues for a while, those “episodes” get worse and worse, Sonic grows closer to Nine and tension keeps building between Sonic & Shadow until <drumroll………>
THE EGG COUNCIL COMES!!!!! Again, since I still haven’t seen season two of Sonic Prime, I don’t really know how this is gonna happen, but I do know it’s gonna happen. (btw Nine finishes Shadow’s prosthetic & leaves like a day before the egg council comes.) This is a massive battle and I have like a whole thing on how it’s gonna play out but the important things to note for the story are: Shadow finally sees Sonic’s “episodes” play out in front of him and he is understandably confused and concerned, but their in a battle right now so he can’t really do anything about it and <another drum roll please…..>
SONIC TRIES TO CHOP OFF HIS F$!?KING ARM! Ok, I definitely need to explain this a little more. During the first occurrence of the “voice,” it mentions something about them and Sonic being the same person, & basically says “I am a part of you, Sonic. The only way to get rid of me is to get rid of you.”  Edgy stuff like that, y’know? Well, during this one, it repeats that phrase again and in true Sonic fashion, he decides to do something incredibly stupid, risky, and drastic based on even dumberreasoning. You see, the voice said it was a part of him, not all of him. It also said that in order to get the voice out, he’d have to “get rid” of himself too. So, using this logic, if he only gets rid of a part of him, then he gets to keep living without the voice constantly haunting his every move! This is admittedly pretty silly logic, but he was in the middle of what is essentially a scaled up panic attack, so cut him some slack, OK? He tried to use a piece of scrap metal that fell off the robot to remove it, which unsurprisingly doesn’t work very well. It only ends up cutting halfway, but Sonic can’t really tell that it’s still attached since he’s so tired, & “it” did shut up after he stabbed his arm open soooooooo¯\_(ツ)_/¯. He manages to drive the egg council off to their own dimension before passing out from blood loss, leaving Shadow to rush him to Tail’s workshop so he can get bandaged up, made harder with Shadz’s new leg getting absolutely trashed. When Sonic finally wakes up, Shadow is confused, deeply concerned, and angry with him for almost killing himself for seemingly no reason. Sonic, however, is incredibly calm about the whole thing and nonchalantly explains why he cut off his arm during the battle, until he realizes his arm is still attached to him 
Here’s a comic page of the next scene:
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He leaves to go get more shards and get Nine back to fix Shadows leg, which Shadow predictively grumbles about. This is a pretty light chapter, besides the ending:
Nine and Sonic are hanging out, having fun, the usual. Nine points out how cheery Sonic is right now, and Sonic starts to explain why he’s in such a good mood while Nine passes a small knife for him to hold while he does other things. Sonic, in the middle of his explanation, is cut off by…… “it” and proceeds to frantically rip off his bandages and try to cut the remainder of his arm off with the knife Nine gave him. Nine, who has no idea what’s going on, tries to wrangle back the knife from Sonic. In the struggle, Sonic ends up permanently scaring Nine on one of his eyes. It was an accident of course, but Nine bolts out of the workshop and zaps the door so Sonic can’t chase after him all the same. Sonic breaks down. 
After a bit, (about 30 minutes or so,) and after seeing and briefly meeting with Nine to ask where Sonic has been since he should be with him at the workshop; Nine responded with a suggestion to check for himself, Shadow decides to take Nine’s advice and go. Here’s the scene I wrote for this, as well as the comic I made (they have some dialogue differences, but the general idea is the same.)
He didn’t even look up. He was completely unfazed, almost expecting it.
Finally realizing who it was, he made a soft gasp, which, however small, was enough for Shadow to know he was listening.
“Do you know how big of a mess you’ve just made?”
They both stayed silent.
“Let me get this straight: That, … thing came back,”
The blue hedgehog sitting on the floor appeared perfectly still in the darkness of Tail’s old workshop.
“So you decided that it would be a good idea to try to cut your arm off again, even though it clearly didn’t work the first time, and I explicitly said not to, because we didn’t have the medical supplies to patch you up after,”
This time, he made a slight nod downwards.
“And when the fox tried to stop you, you hit him in his FUCKING eye? Is that all? Does it get any worse than that?”
The hedgehog didn’t respond. He was focused on something else.
“Are you even listening?”
Complete. Silence.
“Of course not. Of course you’re not listening. You never have, so why start now, huh?”
Shadow broke into a grin.
“You can’t listen to anyone, can you? Not your friends, not your allies, not even your own family! You’re Sonic the Hedgehog. The arrogant, narcissistic, naive, idiot hero who destroyed his own world because he couldn’t slow down. That’s all you are.”
Still nothing. He got angrier.
“I’m TIRED of your NONSENSE! I’m TIRED of you just sitting around having a PITY PARTY over something YOU CAUSED YOURSELF!”
Shadow grew quiet.
“I’m tired of your games, Sonic.”
A cold, hard, stare crossed the black and red hedgehog’s face.
He forcefully pulled him off the ground, and for the first time during this whole conversation, Sonic spoke. He… screamed, a scream so loud you could hear it from a mile away. 
Shadow let go. 
Then, he slowly lowered his hand to his face, and …. No. The hedgehog gazed into the person standing before him, looking for something, anything, any semblance of the hedgehog he knew, but all that met him was an empty husk that he could barely even recognize.
Sonic ran past him. He was gone. And Shadow didn’t know if he would ever come back.
“I’m sorry.”
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Sonic runs into the New Yoke rebel base and patches himself up. He’s able to get two shards from the egg council, but the rebel base is found in the process. There’s only one left, besides the Grim shard. Before Sonic leaves, Shadow tries to talk to him for a moment, but once he got a hold of him, he doesn’t know what to say. Does he apologize? Would that make things worse? Is he just supposed to wait it out and hope Sonic’s friends will help him? Sonic is still able to collect the shards, so they’re still getting back home, but what will happen after that? As much as Shadow hated to admit it, Sonic and his friends were just about the only force that could stop The Doctor from completing whatever world ending scheme he cooked up that week, other than himself. If he …. If something bad happened to Sonic after this, and he couldn’t get back up from it, and if he couldn’t pick up the slack, then….
He didn’t know what would happen. 
Shadow is barely able to get a word in before Sonic leaves to get the last shard. There’s nothing left to do.
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Before we move on to the next plot point in the story, i want to talk about Nine for a second, since we haven’t really gotten the chance to explore him at all yet. A quick little thing I want to note is that Nine knows what the plan is in the AU. Get the shards, put them together, and save this world. He is planningto betray Sonic in this. At the same time, he’s also a lot closer to him. They hang out more, they chat more, and both of them feel the other is the only one on their side right now. Nine reasons that he can just convince Sonic to come with him, since they’re friends after all. He doesn’t really pay Shadow any mind, just thinking of him as an antagonistic coworker, not a real threat. The zapper he put in his leg was just a backup plan, incase he couldn’t fight him himself for one reason or another. Sonic and Nine were a team. They wouldn’t hurt each other. Until they did. Until Sonic did. After the incident, all of the trust between the two is gone. Nine doesn’t blame Sonic per say, he knows that Sonic was just desperate for it to stop, but he’s still angry. He’s angry at himself for trusting him. For trusting that he wouldn’t get hurt. From this point onwards, neither of them try to talk to each other. Nines plan only changes slightly.  He won’t try to convince Sonic to come with him. He won’t make that mistake again. 
Sonic’s feelings are a bit more complicated than Nine’s. He wants to fix everything, but he can’t. He wants everything to go back to normal, but too much has happened for that to even be a possibility. He wants everything to just stop for a minute, to just let him rest, but no matter what, it won’t. He just has to keep going. He just has to keep moving forwards. 
Sonic gets the last shard (Sonic and Shadow have to fight off the egg council again; it’s pretty awkward), and Nine finally puts his plan into motion. Using a machine he built while Sonic wasn’t around, he creates a portal to the Grim, his new home. Sonic begs Nine not to do this, that they’re friends, but that only makes Nine angrier. If they were friends, then Sonic would want to help him, if they were friends, then Sonic would’ve listened to him, and if they were actually, really friends then Sonic WOULDN’TV’E DONE THIS TO HIM.
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Shadow had been outside the whole time listening to this, and he has heard enough of Nine’s ramblings. He lunged straight at Nine, but just as he’s about to reach him…. ZAP.  They both stare down at Shadow’s limp, burned body. Sonic’s head started spinning rapidly. He couldn’t tell who was in front of him, he couldn’t tell what was going on, he couldn’t tell where he was or who he was or why he was doing any of this at all. All he knew was that Shadow. Was. Dead. Because of him. Because hedecided to trust him. He spin-dashed straight into the kit’s chest, pressing him deeper and deeper into the rough, ragged cavern floor. One of his mechanical tails snapped from the shear force the spin dash on his body. Sonic slowly picked the broken hunk of metal, held it above the little fox’s body, and …
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He ran as far as he can go. He ran and ran until he just couldn’t anymore and broke down in the middle of f@!king boscage maze. They’re dead. Both of them are dead. And it’s his fault isn’t it? If he had listened to Shadow about Nine then he wouldn’t had gotten electrocuted. If he had listened to Nine then Nine wouldn’t have betrayed them. If he had listened to his friends then none of this would’ve happened in the first place. But he didn’t. And now they’re all dead. So why even try? Why even try to help people if you only end up hurting them? What’s the point? What’s the point of anything anymore? Sonic’s grip on sanity finally snaps, when someone finally finds him….
It’s Thorn. She’s been watching Sonic this whole time and is understandably disturbed by the whole, watching someone have a meltdown thing. Seeing that Sonic has seemingly calmed down, she reaches to ask what happened to him, why he was so scared, but it was too late. Sonic grabbed Thorn by the neck, just before Mangey, Prim, and Gnarly came looking for her. Meanwhile:
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Shadow tackles Nine, shoving him into the portal and just barely managing to close it before he got back. But now, both Shadow and Nine are both stranded. Without the shards, Nine can’t create a portal to escape the Grim. Shadow can’t enter any of the shatter spaces, so even if he could leave the ghost world, he’d still be trapped. They’re both stuck. 
Back with Sonic, the boscage maze crew are still trying to snap him out of it as he attacks them and their home. Prim keeps arguing this is pointless, that they should just beat him up until he leaves, but Thorn won’t let that happen. Sonic’s still in there. He has to be. This gamble fails, the forest is mostly destroyed and Mangey is injured. (btw the boscage maze stuff I just talked about isn’t very plot relevant, just wanted to mention it cause I could.) When Sonic finally leaves boscage, he plans to go to the other realities as well, destroying them one by one. But, for some reason, he decides to go to the Grim instead. He’s not quite sure why, but goes anyway. Why not, after all? 
Nine has been on edge the entire time he’s been in the Grim. It made sense, after all. Sonic was still alive, and presumably, still looking for the last shard. His best bet was to try to find it before he found him. Nine had been searching for about a day and a half, getting increasingly desperate by the hour. He wished he had stolen the tech he gave to Sonic, or made another one that could help him track where the shard was. Suddenly, Sonic arrives. And Nine’s not exactly happy to see him again. Sonic immediately starts attacking, Nine trying as hard as he can to get a hit in. As they’re fighting, Nine has a realization. He can use this to his advantage. All he has to do is keep Sonic chasing him and his shoes will tell him where the last shard is. Then, try to trigger the “voice” so he can get the shard. Finally, finish. the. job. Unfortunately, the second step doesn’t go to plan. He’s able to get the shard but…….
Sonic gets to him before Nine could run off with it.
And when he watched him bleed out, when he watched the blood pour out of his chest, when he realized that he was dead, that there was no way he could come back from this, no way he could still miraculously be alive, no chance that he could ever fix what he had done, Sonic fully accepted what he had become. A mindless, murderous, monster.
Shadow has been waiting this whole time; waiting for Sonic, waiting for the last shard, and waiting for a chance to actually apologize for what happened at the workshop. But that chance had already passed, it seemed. Sonic slowly walked into the cave, where everything started, Grim shard and metal tail both in hand. The two hedgehogs met eyes. Sonic stood in shock for a minute, then smiled. One last person to kill.  He hopped down from the cave’s mouth, tossed the shard to the side, and gripped the bloody scrap metal harder. Then, he lunged. They start battling it out as Shadow tries to put the pieces together on what happened. Sonic keeps teasing and joking with Shadz while they’re battling it out. Eventually it just devolve into rants about how stupid everything is, and how stupid he was for ever thinking he was a good person. When Shadow finally gets a good look at how deteriorated Sonic’s mind has become, he can’t help but wonder what he could’ve done to stop this. But it’s too late for that now. He was too slow. Shadow eventually gets the upper hand and corners Sonic, toppling him over. Here’s the passage I wrote for the next scene: 
Shadow grasped the jagged piece of metal and held it just above the blue hedgehog’s skull, shaking with what he couldn’t tell was rage or fear. Sonic’s eyes stared up at him, his maniacal grin completely wiped. Instead, a blank expression crossed his face. It wasn’t exactly fear, it wasn’t exactly shock, it wasn’t exactly sadness and it wasn’t exactly relief. It was…. everything, all mashed into one giant, unreadable expression. For once, Shadow felt he genuinely understood Sonic. For once, he knew exactly what he was feeling. Shadow dropped the blade. He hugged him.
“Because you need it.”
Sonic couldn’t hold back any longer. The tears that he had been repressing for so long now streamed down his cheeks like waterfalls as he leaned further and further into Shadow’s embrace. All the words he had wanted to say for so long spilled out of his mouth in a giant river, jumbled and broken and completely incoherent as he tried to explain it all, as he tried and tried and tried to apologize for everything he had done. 
“I-I didn’t-”
“I j-just-”
“I c-couldn’t”
“It’s OK. Sonic, look at me.”
He lifted up Sonic’s tear stricken face with his hand, staring into his eyes, tinted with pain.
“It’s all gonna be OK.”
the end.
And that’s it! This took a while to write, so thanks for sticking around through it all, that was really cool of you. A few little notes about the epilogue & after story.
I need to clear something up before I can start discussing what happens in the epilogue. You may have noticed some of the Sonic art I’ve posted (mostly the ones with Sonic using a prosthetic arm) mentioned something about an epilogue. This is a mistake. What past me was trying to say was that this was from the after story. I just forgot the word for it, sorry! With that out of the way, let’s begin. After Sonic’s finally cried it all out, they both get up and he thanks Shadow for the hug. Shadow accepts, and there’s a cute lil scene where the two of them are just… talking, while they go to grab the last shard from the top of the mountain to put it back in its place. After they’re done, Sonic hesitates for a moment. Should he go back to them? After everything, he doesn’t really believe that they would want to see him, not after what he’d done. But Shadow reassures him that if HE could forgive Sonic, then his friends probably would too. They both go their separate ways, and Sonic finally gets to see his friends again. He (tries) to explain what happened, why he’s missing an arm and covered in blood, all that stuff, and they are understandably horrified at…. EVERYTHING he’s saying but ultimately forgive him. They all leave to get chili dogs, and we end with the whole gang minus Shadow having a picnic and Sonic FINALLY taking a nap on Tail’s tails.
After Story: 
I don’t have much of this part planned out outside from a prosthetic design for Sonic and the BAREST of story outlines so I’m just gonna make a bullet point list.
Eggman steals the paradox prism
Everyone (including Shadow) gets together to make a plan to steal it back
Sonic messes up the plan somehow and starts freaking out
Shadow yells at him, making it worse
Sonic runs away and has a panic attack 
After he calms down a little, Shadow goes to apologize 
They go back and come up with a new plan
It works & they all go get some food (including Shadow, after a lot of convincing)
Final, FINAL Notes: OH MY GOD THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE IN ONE WEEK OH MY GOD. thank you again so much for reading all of this this is so long oh my freaking god why’d I make this so long? uh, this mostly serves as a reference sheet so you know what scene im drawing so I can stop getting questions on what is going on. speaking of questions, if you have any, ask! im bad at explaining stuff, so im sure there’s PLENTY. just to make sure im not getting anyone’s hopes up btw, i dont know if I’ll actually end up making this a full fic, mostly cause ive never made one before & i dont know how to use ao3 yet :( feel free to use any and all ideas mentioned within this mega-essay with or without credit, i support you! with this last, last, LAST note, I think I will leave you be.
(also sorry that this took so long to write, it got deleted 3 separate times so I had to start over haha :))))))))))
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Out of curiosity.
But what do you think would happen if Lucifer and Adam did become canon? Like we’re literally shown the story all fanfic writers do, with Adam becoming by a Sinner, getting himself accidentally into a deal with Lucifer, Lucifer having to confront Eden and discovering some of the things he knew were a lie, the two growing closer and eventually falling in love (Lilith either good or evil, don’t care but she was mean to Adam for some reason. She either lied about him being controlling or he was but because she screwed up at some point)
Like the whole enemies to friends in season 2. And friends to lovers in season 3 and 4. Since Vizi wants 6 seasons. Like they don’t need to be at the front of the show and can be in the background, we’re seeing it happen subtly in the background? Of course we’d love for it happen as main characters but we gotta admit lucifer isn’t really a main character and i think if Adam returns, he’ll be reduced the same sort of supporting role Lucifer is.
Personally I think their relationship developing in the back ground over two or three seasons would be much better. Maybe they could have a few main character moments. But as much as we think it won’t happen, we have to think it could happen. Considering Vizi loves these tropes too! And i know the whole ‘I’ll fuck you’ was a joke, it might be foreshadowing.
Lolll who really knows with Hazbin. I suppose it really amounts down to what Vizi chooses to do with Lilith. I sort of want Lilith and Roo to end up being the same person rather than Roo being Eve.
Lmaf i wonder if Vizi even knows about AdamsApple and how insanely popular it is? I thought it was like one of the lowest couples but i feel a ton of people joined ship with Alastor being confirmed as Ace.
As nice as that would be, it would need some serious character development from both on them to make it canon.
And yeah having their relationship evolve in the background of the show would be cool with some episodes just for them focusing on the more serious moments they would need to work out to not hate each other. They realistically wouldn't be friends until season 3-4 and the romance would come into play at the end of season 5 going into 6.
It would be a slow burn.
If the "I'm going to fuck you" is foreshadowing that would be great and funny lol
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its-jaytothemee · 7 months
A Burden Shared - Part 1: The Fight (2/2)
Pairings: Astarion x Tav, Halsin x Tav, Astarion x Tav x Halsin
Word count: 4,241; Tav and Astarion POVs
Rating: Explicit, 18+
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Summary: A group sparring session turns sour, and Astarion becomes very protective of Tav. Halsin goes to comfort Tav afterwards and ends up confessing some feelings he's had for a while now.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Feelings Confessions, Spoilers for Act 3, Sparring, Protective Astarion, Soft Halsin, Tav needs a fucking hug.
Author's Note: The tadfools get a filler episode. No explicit material yet, but will be present in a later chapter. Part 1 is finished, hopefully part 2 can be uploaded sometime in the next week or so. Will switch between a few character POVs, for now I only have Tav and Astarion. Enjoy! :)
Karlach and Tav cleared out a large area of the camp to give themselves plenty of space. Wyll and Astarion went to fetch the large stash of various weapons they had collected along their journey for them to choose from. Everyone else gathered around, admiring their makeshift arena.
“Alright gang, here’s the rules!” Karlach’s voice was full of excitement. “The challenger gets to decide which weapon Tav gets to use against them. No magic!” She looked at Gale, whose shoulders slumped slightly. “If anyone disarms her, they win!” Karlach was talking so fast, obviously anxious to get to the sparring.
“Wait, what exactly are we winning?” Shadowheart asked.
“I don’t know…you just…you win!” Karlach shouted back. Shadowheart just shrugged in response. “If Tav knocks you down before you’re able to disarm her, she wins.”
Tav took her place at one end of the sparring zone, she couldn’t help but feel a little excited.
“Okay then…who’s first?” She yelled out the challenge. Shadowheart started to move forward, but Karlach plowed past her, knocking over everyone and everything in her way.
“ME!” She yelled, radiating pure joy. “Don’t worry Soldier. I’ll be gentle.”
“And my weapon?” Tav asked, smiling back at her.
“Take the greatsword.” She replied, grabbing her own greataxe.
They took their positions standing opposite of one another. Tav steadied her breathing, never taking her eyes off of Karlach. She took a relaxed ready position, her greatsword held low at her side, waiting. Karlach’s lips twitched into a half smile as she let out a roaring scream. Now.
Karlach had a few moments when she entered her rage where she was most vulnerable. Usually, Tav would take those moments to protect her in a fight, but not today. The second the yell left her lips, Tav lunged at her. She reached her friend just before her rage started to take effect. Tav brought her sword up to catch her greataxe in just the right spot where it caught onto her blade. She twirled around the front of Karlach, ripping the axe from her hands before she could strengthen her grip. Disarmed, she would be much easier to topple. Tav kicked the weapon away, forcing Karlach to decide whether she would push forward attacking, or risk turning her back to grab her weapon. She chose to attack, of course. She took a step towards Tav, arm extending to try and wrestle her sword from her grasp. Tav let one of her wrists lag behind her as she moved away and Karlach took the bait. She turned so her back was facing Karlach, her arm wrapped around Tav, still holding her wrist. Still off balance from lunging at her, Tav was able to throw her weight forward and send Karlach tumbling to the ground in front of her. She moved to stand over her, hovering the tip of her greatsword above Karlach’s chest.
“Dead.” Tav said, smiling down at her. Their fellow companions clapped and let out a few cheers.
“Fucks’ sake, mate.” Karlach said, laughing. Tav offered her hand to help her up from the ground.
Wyll was already taking Karlach’s place as she was finally standing up.
“Let’s see how you handle a weapon that takes a little more finesse.” Wyll teased. He tossed a rapier towards Tav. She caught it by the hilt and gave Wyll a knowing smile. He knew she relied mostly on her strength to overpower opponents. She handed Karlach the greatsword as she sauntered back over to the others.
They stood only ten or so paces apart. Wyll gave a low bow, always the gentleman. Tav couldn’t help but laugh in response, returning the gesture. He began to move around her, his quick and graceful steps were much harder to anticipate than Karlach’s stomping. She opted to stay in one place, slowly turning her body to keep aligned with Wyll’s. He suddenly lunged at her. The swift fluid motion was perfectly timed with his steps. Tav moved her blade to block the attack, swatting it to the side. She made a couple of slashing movements that looked clumsy compared to his, trying to keep Wyll on his toes. She knew if she could wear him down, she would get an opening. He continued to dance around her, every now and then attempting a flourishing swipe at her. After a few minutes, she noticed a slight change in his breathing, and he slightly lost his balance trying to feign a step towards her. Gotcha. She took the opportunity to step to the side, just out of reach of his blade. Once clear of his sword’s arc, she ran to get behind him. Before he knew it, her foot was colliding with the back of his knees. He let out a small yell before dropping to his knees. She kicked his blade out of his hand and jumped in front of him. She smiled and pointed the sharp tip of the rapier at his throat, other hand on his shoulder.
Wyll pursed his lips in response, but smiled as he took her hand to help him off the ground. More clapping and cheers from the sidelines brought another smile to her face. Astarion let out a loud whistle.
Gale was the next one to take the challenge, holding two quarterstaffs, he made his way to stand across from her.
“Gale, what are you doing? Tav could kill you with her bare hands, let alone with a weapon.” Karlach teased.
“Kill him Tav! Kill him! It would be so funny!” Astarion yelled, making himself laugh so hard he fell off of the barrel he was sitting on. Roaring laughter came from everyone else at the sight. There was no way to deny it now, Tav was having a very good time.
Gale gave her a slightly concerned look. She shook her head slightly, reassuring him that she would not in fact, kill him.
“Quarterstaff.” He said, tossing the extra staff her way. She caught it in one hand and twirled it above her head. She gripped the staff with both hands and held it out in front of her.
Gale took a small step back, getting into a low, defensive stance. He knew he wouldn’t be able to overpower her, she would have to draw him out or go to him. Gale was deadly quick with his spells but was no match for Tav in hand-to-hand combat. She held the staff in her right hand and sprinted forward. Gale held his position, preparing himself for her impact. When she was a few steps out, she jumped and lifted the staff over her head. She tried to aim at the end of his staff to throw him off balance. He moved at the last second and caught her strike right in the center of his own staff with a loud crack. Tav raised her eyebrows at him, she was rather impressed with that block. However, Gale seemed all too happy for the silent praise and lost his concentration for a moment. It was just enough time for her to spin around the other side of him and sweep his legs out from under him using her staff.
“Very dead.” She said with a laugh, her quarterstaff gently resting on his chest.
“Just drag me away. My knees will never let me get up from this.” Gale simply held his arms up waiting for someone to move him. Tav continued to laugh as Karlach came over to help pick him back up onto his feet.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Shadowheart moving in to claim the next round.
“Mace and Shield.” She said, already equipped with a spear and shield.
Clever, Tav thought to herself with a smile. Shadowheart was cunning, she knew that if both of Tav’s hands were tied up she would have a harder time grappling anything away from her. She walked over to the pile of weapons, grabbing a simple mace and shield.
“Wait, we can use shields?!” Gale yelled from his seat. Tav laughed in response.
“I’ll allow it.” She said, already trying to anticipate Shadowheart’s movements.
They circled each other, each tracking the other’s movements carefully. The shield added more weight that could easily fatigue her, so she would have to make this quick. Tav decided to make the first move. She needed to test the range Shadowheart had with that spear. As expected, Shadowheart lunged at her as soon as she reached the very edge of her range. Tav turned to the side to avoid being hit by the spear. As it rushed past her, Tav had the perfect opportunity to smack the shaft of the spear away with her shield. Shadowheart was able to maintain her grip on the weapon, but she was thrown off balance. Tav was able to take another step forward, putting her within range to strike with her mace. Using her momentum from her shield bash, Tav spun back around to strike Shadowheart’s shield. She hit the edge of the shield with a loud crunching sound. Shadowheart let out a grunt and her shield went flying off to the side. The sudden movement caused Shadowheart to twist away from Tav, giving her an opening. She hit the middle of the spear, causing Shadowheart to fumble and fall to the ground. Tav pinned her spear hand to the ground, mace still held high.
“Dead.” Tav said, still standing over her. Shadowheart gave an approving smile before wincing suddenly. Tav looked over to the arm that had been holding the shield to see her forearm horribly bruised, and slightly disfigured.
“Shit! Oh shit! Shit, shit! I’m so sorry, Shadowheart.” Her excitement disappeared as she stared at the injury, tears stinging her eyes. She jumped up, releasing her other arm. Carefully, she leaned Shadowheart back up off of the ground. Tav was breathing more heavily now and starting to feel some heaviness in her arms from the first few rounds of sparring.
“It’s alright, Tav, really. These things happen when we’re fighting, even during practice. Besides, I can take care of this easily.” She gave her a reassuring smile. Halsin was making his way towards them.
“Allow me.” He said, kneeling to their level. His familiar healing incantation prompted the warm soothing magic to fill the air around them. Tav watched as Shadowheart’s arm returned to its normal color and shape. Unexpectedly, she felt the healing surge over to her as well, taking away some of the soreness in her muscles. She looked at Halsin, who gave her a quick wink. It caused her heart to skip a beat.
“See? Nothing to worry about.” He said, helping Shadowheart up to her feet.
“Maybe we should stop…” Tav said, her guilt causing her chest to tighten.
“Of course not, darling!” Astarion jumped to his feet. “We haven’t all had a chance to best you yet, don’t tell me you’re scared.” He flashed a teasing smile at her.
“I…I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Tav folded her arms in front of her chest.
“Oh come on, Soldier. Shadowheart’s fine! We were just starting to have fun.” Karlach complained from her seat.
“I’ll go next, I know you won’t hurt me.” Astarion’s tone was teasing, but Tav could see something else in his expression too. It was important to him that they keep doing this.
“Okay then,” she said with a deep breath, “what weapon?” She smiled back at him.
“Weapons.” Astarion responded, his expression was pure mischief. “Pick any two you like, my sweet.”
She went over to the mess of weapons and picked up two shortswords. Astarion was holding both of his daggers, crouched and ready to strike.
Tav moved back to her starting spot. She held the two swords out in front of her, their light weight a relief from the previous round. She knew she would have to watch him closely. Astarion was fast. Tav knew him well, but he also knew her. She would either have to wait for him to tire himself out or lure him into a false sense of security. Astarion moved first, dashing towards her quickly. She sidestepped his attack, taking a swing at his arm using the flat side of her blade. He easily evaded her swipe. He continued running back and forth, making small slashes at her swords, trying to get them out of her grip. She feigned a move to her right, luring Astarion to her side. He looked confident, likely thinking that she had tripped. Tav waited for his signature twirling move he did with his daggers when he was sure he was going to hit something. That was when his grip was weakest. As soon as she saw the dagger flash, her foot came up to collide with his wrist, causing him to drop the small blade. He let out a small chuckle as he rubbed his hand and wrist.
“Oh darling, I didn’t want to have to do this to you.” He shook his head slightly, a playful smile on his lips.
“I’m sure I can take it, love.” She responded, keeping her voice as innocent as possible.
To her surprise, he placed his dagger back on his belt and started walking over towards her. He had a very serious, sultry look on his face. Tav felt herself smiling like a fool. She shook her head fondly, she knew exactly what he was doing.
Astarion stopped right in front of her, in a position where she could easily topple him over, but she decided to play along for a moment. He reached out and placed one hand on her hip, and the other on her cheek. She leaned into his touch a little, but also subtly moved her left leg to be in between his.
“Oh, look at you melting into my touch.” His voice was as sweet as honey. “I sometimes forget how devastatingly beautiful you can be when you’re fighting. The way your skin gleams, that…intense look in your eyes.”
“Boooo! Go back to fighting!” Karlach yelled from the sidelines, eliciting a laugh from the others.
Tav did not miss the fact that the hand by her hip had moved ever so slightly towards her sword’s hilt. But she felt Astarion relax slightly as he stroked her cheek. There it is, she thought to herself. She hooked her readily positioned leg around his and kicked it back hard. The look of surprise on his face was worth every second of his silly teasing. His legs flew out from under him, and he fell to the ground with a loud thump, seemingly knocking the wind out of him. Tav smiled and kneeled over him, pinning the hand still holding a dagger to the ground with her knee. She crossed the two shortswords over his neck. His smile widened – he was enjoying this.
“Nice try. Still dead.” Tav whispered. She gave him a quick kiss on his nose before standing back up. He took her outstretched hand, taking a small bow after he stood up. More cheers and laughter came from their companions.
“Well, my dear, we have to use all of our strengths after all.” He turned to go and sit next to the others.
She kept smiling as she watched him walk away, realizing that he may have suggested this entire spectacle to try and cheer her up. And it worked.
While she was staring after Astarion, Tav failed to notice that Lae’zel had made her way out of the small group to face her. She was a little surprised as the indifferent githyanki usually avoided their group activities. Tav smiled at her and gestured to the weapons off to the side.
“Which weapon, Lae’zel?” Tav asked.
“Pick what you would like, elf. It makes no difference to me.” Her tone was cool and steady.
“Very well.” Tav responded, her smile fading. She went back to her greatsword to match Lae’zel’s.
Lae’zel’s strength rivaled her own. She was cold and calculating in a fight and was not known for her mercy. The strange thing was that she didn’t seem to want any mercy either. Tav carefully took her place in front of Lae’zel, taking a moment to slow her breathing. They stood there staring each other down for a few moments, when Lae’zel finally lunged towards Tav.
Tav swung her blade up to catch Lae’zel’s first swing. The metal rang in the quiet air. They held their position, staring at each other through the crossed blades. Tav pushed Lae’zel away with a grunt. Lae’zel made a large, slashing swipe at Tav, causing her to jump back. Luckily, Lae’zel was caught a little off balance, giving Tav a chance to recover. She lunged at the githyanki, aiming a low blow with the flat side of her blade. Lae’zel was barely able to swing her sword back around to block her. Tav recovered quickly, bringing her blade back up to try and make a hit to loosen Lae’zel’s grip on her weapon. She lifted her hands at the last second to avoid the blow. They each aimed another powerful swing at the other, causing their blades to meet directly in front of them again. As they held their swords crossed at their faces, the muscles in their arms began to shake under the strain. Tav broke away suddenly in an attempt to force Lae’zel off balance again. She recovered quickly, but not before Tav was able to kick the side of Lae’zel’s thigh.
“Chk.” Lae’zel hissed toward Tav.
Tav immediately went in for another hit, this time aiming for her arm. Lae’zel parried her swing, bringing her own blade down on Tav. Tav was almost able to move out of the way, but the sword’s edge grazed her left arm, leaving a shallow gash. She winced in pain, almost losing grip on her sword, but her right hand maintained its hold. Tav did have to bend over slightly while trying to keep her balance and keep her weapon in her hand. Lae’zel was standing in front of her, sword held high, moving to strike. Tav kneeled at the last second, catching Lae’zel’s attack with her sword. The impact sending pain up her already injured arm. Her strength faltered slightly, and Lae’zel pressed her advantage. With Tav close to the ground, Lae’zel pushed all of her weight into her sword, causing Tav’s hand to slip slightly and slice across the edge of Lae’zel’s sword. The sight of blood running down Tav’s arm and their blades did not give Lae’zel any pause. She was starting to worry that Lae’zel wouldn’t let up even if she yielded or dropped her weapon. Tav took a couple of quick breaths and very quickly rolled out of the lunge she had trapped herself in. Lae’zel fell forward, almost hitting the ground, but used her sword to catch herself. Tav spun around with one leg, sweeping Lae’zel’s feet out from under her, causing her to land flat on her back.
Tav slowly stood up and walked over to her, holding her greatsword just over her throat in her uninjured hand.
“Dead.” Tav said. This time, there weren’t any laughs or cheers from her companions, just a few murmurs and awkward claps.
“Chk. Make it so then.” Lae’zel said up to her.
“That’s not how we do things here, Lae’zel.” Tav said, trying not to show how exhausted she was now. She dropped her sword to the side and offered Lae’zel her hand. She promptly refused and got up on her own. Tav gave a small nod and turned to walk away towards the rest of the camp. Suddenly, Astarion’s voice called out to her.
“Tav! Look out!”
His warning came just a moment too late as she felt a sharp pain across the back of her head, it brought tears to her eyes. Her vision swam momentarily, but she soon realized that Lae’zel had hit her with the pommel of her sword. She fell to one knee, trying to shake off the pain. It was barely a second later before Astarion and Karlach were standing over her. Karlach was pulling Lae’zel away from Tav as Astarion huddled over her protectively, daggers drawn. The others came running over right after. They managed to wrestle the large sword from Lae’zel’s hands.
“Kainyank!” Lae’zel growled at Tav. “We still carry ghaik parasites and yet you waste our day with this useless game!”
At this point, Tav had managed to stand back up. Astarion stepped forward so that he was slightly between her and Lae’zel.
“You stop to help every mewling istik we pass. We could have been here over a tenday ago if you would not insist on using us all to fulfill some hero’s purpose! You trust a ghaik with our lives, our futures!” Lae’zel let out a frustrated yell as she tore her arms away from Karlach and Wyll.
“You have no right to lead us. Your weakness will be the ruin of us all. I will have no part of it.” She moved towards Tav again, fists held up and ready to fight.
Unable to hold back her frustration any longer, Tav yelled and dove towards Lae’zel. She caught her right around the waist and tackled her to the ground. Lae’zel fought her, but Tav had the advantage. She was able to grapple Lae’zel into a chokehold of sorts.
“Stand down, Lae’zel!” She shouted.
Lae’zel struggled against her grip, scratching her long nails on Tav’s arms. She caught the small gash in her arm from earlier, causing Tav to cry out in pain. The cut on her hand was still bleeding and Tav felt Lae’zel starting to squirm free of her clutches, headbutting Tav in the process. She decided to let go, hoping she could roll out of the way before she took another hit to the head. But once she was free, Lae’zel simply rolled away from her.
She stood up and glared at Tav. With one final growl, she turned on her heels and stormed away from the group.
Astarion helped Tav to her feet as all eyes turned to her. Her head was pounding, she could feel blood running from her nose, and her vision was a little blurry. Although she couldn’t tell if her vision was struggling from the hits she took or the tears.
“I uh,” she stammered, still trying to fight off the dizzy feeling, “I think we should call it a day.”
Astarion gently wiped a trail of blood from her face with his sleeve.
“I think you need some healing, my dear.” He said gently.
“No I…” She could barely think straight. “I just want to go and clear my head. I’ll uh, I’ll be back soon.” She turned away before anyone could respond and started walking towards the trees at the edge of camp.
Astarion watched as Tav sulked off into the trees. She wouldn’t talk with anyone about it, but he knew she was starting to feel the weight of being their assigned leader. He couldn’t imagine that he helped with that, being one of the rowdy vagabonds she was trying to manage. He wanted to help her, really, he did, but he had no idea where to start. Everything was going so well today until the fight with Lae’zel. He didn’t think he had ever seen Tav laugh so much. A moment after she disappeared from his sight, he saw Halsin start to walk after her. For some reason, he felt a small spike of pain in his chest watching him follow her. He was relatively certain that Halsin wanted to be with Tav. It was obvious in the way he talked to her, how he hung on to her every word and watched her walk away for just a moment too long. He trusted Tav, but he still couldn’t help but feel a little upset at the two of them together alone. While he was hopelessly pining and fighting off waves of jealousy, Karlach had somehow managed to sneak up on him.
“Hey soldier…” She was trying to be quiet yet still managed to be the loudest person in the camp. “Maybe you should go and check on Tav. Since you two are…you know…”
Astarion shot her a look “What? Together?”
“Sure. I was gonna say ‘fucking’ but same thing really.” Karlach shrugged.
“Ugh must you be so vulgar?” Astarion said, rolling his eyes. “Besides we’re not…I mean we haven’t since…” He suddenly felt flustered. “It doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t even know what to say anyway. I’m not exactly skilled in the art of comforting others.” He looked up again to see Halsin disappearing into the trees.
“Aw come on, Fangs. I’ve really been rooting for you two. Besides, from what I gather from Tav, you’re very skilled at the art of– ” He shot her another look that cut her off abruptly, and she tried to hide a smile. “Sometimes all you need to do is be there, even if you don’t know what to say.” Karlach nudged him slightly with her elbow.
“Halsin will be able to help her much more than I could.” He responded, surprised by how sad admitting that made him. He shook off the feeling, and instead turned to where Lae’zel was standing near her tent.
“Besides…” He started, his temper rising, “I think maybe Lae’zel and I need to have a friendly little chat.”
“Fuck yes.” Karlach whispered under her breath, following closely behind Astarion.
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itstheinktank · 1 month
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Hey folks, Kuro here! It’s time for another update. Here’s everything you need to know about what we’ve been up to, and where we are going from here. 
DWAYNEMCDUFFIE.COM The biggest news of all is definitely Dwayne McDuffie’s website relaunching. A surplus of scripts, production information, and series bibles were posted, and it’s literally a dream come true for me. Reading through the forums was part of my daily routine for years growing up, and after his passing, losing the website really hit home. I’ve been waiting a decade for it to relaunch, but when it did, I had already planned to go out of town for a few days, so the timing was terrible on my end.
Let me tell ya, watching everyone dig through the website while I couldn’t participate in the madness was tough, but now that I’m back, I can’t wait to dig into it as well and see what I can find. We’ll definitely be doing at least one video on the subject. As for when that’s coming out, I couldn’t say. But please feel free to let us know if there’s anything specific you’d like us to address, and you can guarantee I’ll be taking notes! Thank you Dwayne for still keeping our world turning after all this time.
In previous updates, I’ve announced another upload hiatus. This means that we won’t be posting weekly/ bi-weekly for the time being. We will be releasing videos irregularly, such as the recent MultiVersus video, and the previously-mentioned Dwayne McDuffie Website video, but we can’t make any promises as to when we’ll resume regular uploads. There’s just too much going on for us at the moment, which I will get into further into this thread. In the meantime, I’ve been making a lot of guest appearances on other channels, and still have a few more lined-up. So keep your eyes peeled! I’ll do my best to pop up around the fandom where I can. 
These are our two biggest projects, and thus, have the most updates already, so I’ll keep it brief. 5YL Episodes 10 and 11 will be releasing together, and are quickly escalating down the pipeline. Patrons and YouTube Members have frequent check-ins, and we’re thrilled that the series has come so far. Even if you’ve already seen the webcomic version, you’re not gonna believe what we’ve pulled off for this version of the series!
Unfortunately, Ash was hit with an illness that kept him out of commission for a few weeks. But the cogs are now turning again for AB Episode 13. We’re happy he’s back on his feet, and we’ll be on another extraterrestrial adventure before you know it!
Breakdown production has obviously halted due to our hiatus, but I still feel the need to address it again, as it’s one of the biggest hits and longest-running series of our channel. I may sound like a broken record to those that keep up with our posts, but for those that don’t, I want to reiterate my love for making the Breakdowns. These other projects taking priority does not conclude that I dislike making those video anymore, or that the Ben 10 Breakdowns are canceled. One way or another, I am determined to finish this series, and I’m looking forward to sharing more of my thoughts on Omniverse and the Reboot with the community.
Recently, I have been streaming on multiple platforms during my Drawing with Kuro broadcasts. You can still find me every Tuesday on Twitch @ 2:00pm EST, but I am also broadcasting to Instagram and Facebook, too. For the time being, our second channel, The Rust Bucket, will be included in that line-up, with the goal to eventually move the streams right here on the main channel, too, but we still got some kinks to figure out before taking that plunge. 
You can commission me here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i_H7yM9I2oTmPkfSpWSUwhpm8YdZ0OhmzK-_nYNGXBA/edit?usp=sharing
5 Years Later & And Beyond have been a huge part of our journey. Even after those projects are completed, I don’t see us ever dropping Ben 10 content as a whole. Though naturally, we will gravitate more towards other projects, including original works and IPs. I am happy to say that production has already begun after receiving some exciting news. 
My plan was to plant the seeds for our future as 5YL comes to the end, and then only prioritize it when the timing is right. But unexpectedly, we’ve been given an opportunity to enter a new avenue that would be detrimental to let fall through the cracks, and thus, we’ve spent the past few months curating a super secret project that will now be a part of our regular work schedule going forward. If this sounds vague, that’s intentional, but my hands are tied! I don’t know when I’ll be able to let everyone in on the secret. 
I’m not a fan of stretching ourselves further than necessary, especially if it keeps ya’ll waiting on the projects we already have in the pipeline. Though “What will you do when 5 Years Later is over?” has been a popular recurring question for years, and now I finally have an answer - I just can’t tell you yet! But it’s important for me to let you know that despite the large amount of content we’re working on that you’re aware of, there’s much more going on behind the scenes. So rest assured, we are ALWAYS working on something, whether or not we’re able to give updates. 
That’s all I got to say for now. Thank you for reading! Until next time, Keep it Fizzy!
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chahnniesroom · 1 year
tenderness | chapter 3: inevitable
[noun] /ˈtendərnəs/
1. the quality of being gentle, kind, or loving
2. the feeling of pain, aching, or soreness
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: in a world where soulmates are rare and precious, you don’t know why the universe has decided to give you one. you never could have imagined that they would be an idol, and one that you worked with at that, or the challenges that would arise from your bond.
chapter word count: 3.5k
chapter warnings: arguing, implied that reader doesn't have a good relationship with her family
a/n: this is the first chapter with mixed pov! time to see some things from chan's perspective :)
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter | read it on ao3
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The first time that you had watched Channie's Room in person, it was an accident. You had had dinner with Chan and lost track of time until a reminder had popped up on his phone. You had started cleaning up all your things when he had shyly suggested that you stay and watch. Technically, Chan doesn’t need any staff with him as he does Channie’s Room, but occasionally if they were being done in his studio then someone would sit in. After so many episodes, he’s trusted enough to know what he can and can’t do on stream and he doesn’t require any technical support. 
It was fun for you, watching him interact with Stays and enjoy music. These streams were fanservice, but you knew Chan well enough by now to be able to tell that he was genuinely enjoying himself. After his customary sign-off and making sure that the stream was actually over, he had turned to you and asked what you thought. You had told the truth, that you liked being able to see this side of him, and that since he was clearly enjoying himself, you enjoyed watching too. It was different to be in-person and you had to make sure that you didn’t laugh at any of Chan’s reactions or the comments that were sent in, especially when he read out a few cheesy pick up lines and quickly glanced over to where you sat.
You weren’t sure if your presence made a difference for him- he had only looked at you a couple times during the stream- so you figured that it’d be a one time thing. But the next week when you were at your desk, you got a text.
[8:14pm - received]
Hey Y/n
I’m planning on doing Channie’s Room in 15 min
[8:14pm - sent]
okay! Have fun :)
[8:15pm - received]
Want to come watch? No pressure if you’re busy though haha
[8:15 - sent]
Oh! Sure, I’ll be down in a second!!
It had gone about the same as the first time. You didn’t say anything and he didn’t acknowledge you during the hour and a half that he was live for. Still, every week you would get a text and every week you find yourself in a chair in the corner of his studio, carefully out of sight from the camera.
This Sunday is similar to every other, you have the stream pulled up on your phone with the sound turned off, watching as the comments fly past. He’s eating dinner, even though it’s well past the time that you would consider to be acceptable for dinner. You catch yourself smiling at how excited he is for each bite and have to school your expression in case he happens to look over.
A notification pops up overtop of the video and you freeze. 
You come back to yourself when Chan calls out your name. When you blink, you’re still looking at your phone, but the video is blank. The stream is over and you didn’t even realise.
“Y/n, is everything okay?”
“Oh nothing, just saw a weird comment and it caught me off guard,” you laugh.
“What did it say?” Chan asks, instantly concerned.
“Nothing, it’s not important. It wasn’t even anything, I promise.” 
And really, it’re true. It was just a text with a date and time. After all, how could you say that it was a text from your eomoni that caused such a strong reaction? It would just lead to more and more questions and you’s not in the mood to deal with that. You know you'll have to bring up your family with Chan eventually, but you don’t know how he’ll react and you don’t know what you’d say anyway.
For now, you paste on a smile and promise that you’ll tell him tomorrow when the time is right.
A couple weeks later, it was a rare evening that all the members plus yourself were available to have dinner at the dorms. Minho had taken advantage of an afternoon free of schedules and used the time to prepare a feast of bossam, kimchi jjigae, dubu jorim, as well as a spread of banchan.
Eventually the topic shifts from work related to the upcoming time off they had for Chuseok. They go around the table, sharing their plans, even though everybody knew what to expect. You had talked to most of the boys beforehand and knew they were going to visit their families, while Chan and Felix were keeping each other company at the dorms. By extension, that meant you were also going to be staying at the dorms, something you were more than happy to do.
When the conversation makes it around to you, you are somewhat preoccupied with scooping some more rice and tofu into your bowl. Felix playfully nudges both you and Chan while asking, “Any special plans, you two?”
“Nothing,” Chan replies at the exact same time that you grimace and say, “dinner with my family.”
The whole table stills as the boys look between the two of you and Chan noticeably stiffens. They've never heard the conversations you've had with Chan about meeting your parents, but the lack of information you've shared with them is likely telling enough.
You determinedly mash together everything in your bowl, trying to ignore the stares from everyone and the way your cheeks are heating up.
"We celebrate Chuseok together every year. I'm- I'm required to attend," you mutter into your food.
"That sounds nice. You don't see them often, right?" Felix says cautiously, breaking the tense silence that has settled over the table.
"I-" Before you can finish, Chan abruptly stands up, pushing his chair away from the table. He heads straight toward the door, slinging a coat over his shoulders and shoving his feet into shoes.
"I'm going to the studio." Is the only explanation he gives before the door is swinging shut behind him.
Your knuckles turn white around the handle of your spoon. The braised tofu in your bowl has been turned to paste and though it smelled good a few minutes ago, your appetite has vanished. 
You knew that your Chuseok plans would eventually have to be brought up, but you had been dreading it. Even if you had never mentioned anything, it sat as a heavy weight on your shoulders for the past few days. You had spent hours trying to think of the right things to say, but had never built up the courage to talk to him. You knew he really valued family connections in a way that you never would. Chan's curiosity about your family paired with his close relationship with his own had left a bitter taste in your mouth that prevented you from speaking up any time the two of you were alone. You had hoped that it wouldn’t be a big deal, but clearly that wasn’t the case.
You definitely regretted it now. Practically anything would have been better than him finding out in front of the rest of the members because you had absent-mindedly spoken.
You close your eyes for a second before also rising from the table.
"I'll go after him," you say breathlessly. "I'm sorry for… that. I should have talked to him before. I- I'm sorry. Thank you for dinner, Minho-ssi. Sorry."
You bow quickly to avoid making eye contact with anybody and quickly gather your bowl and utensils. Chan had left his phone on the table in his rush to leave, so you grab that too and pocket it. Once you put everything down on the counter, you stand over the sink and massage your forehead. You really didn't want to have to talk to Chan, but knew he was like you and would be stuck in his head if left alone for too long. 
You can hear the boys starting to talk to each other in low voices and that is enough for you to force yourself towards the door.
When you finally make it to Chan's studio and inch open the door, he's already on his laptop with his headphones on. Either he doesn't notice your entry or is trying to ignore it, but he's not actively working on anything, just staring blankly at an unfinished track.
When you say his name, he startles and jerks his arm, making his cursor skitter across his computer screen.
He half pulls off his headphones while turning towards you, but pauses when he recognizes who's at the door.
"I'm sorry," you say immediately, stepping further into the room. "I-"
"I don't want to talk right now." Chan cuts you off, shaking his head and turning back to his laptop to continue glaring at the track he has open.
You don't know what to do, so you edge back towards the exit. You're just reaching for the handle when he calls out.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" He's still not looking at you, fists clenched and his whole body tense. "Or was I just supposed to find out on the day of the dinner?"
"I was!" you say defensively. "Of course I was going to tell you! I've been meaning to for days, just haven't… haven't gotten around to it."
Chan swivels around and impatiently gestures towards his couch and you quickly take a seat, acutely aware that this puts you directly in front of him. 
"Just tell me? No invitation? Not even going to give me a choice to say if I want to go?" he presses. You shrink into yourself as he continues on, not even giving you time to respond. "I introduced you to my family, even though they're in Australia. You met my sister in person! I don’t know a thing about your family other than that you have one. Do your parents even know about me?"
"They know," you say in a small voice, but don’t elaborate further. Chan doesn't look satisfied by your response, frustratedly running a hand through his hair. He blows out an angry breath and his posture suddenly deflates.
"I just- I don't get it. Is it me? Are you embarrassed to introduce me to your parents?" Chan asks, sounding defeated.
"It's not you-" 
"I just don’t understand. Is it because- I know that being an idol is unconventional, but-"
“No, it’s not that,” you interrupt before he can spiral further. 
“Then… why?”
"It's not- Chan-oppa, there's nothing wrong with you. Or you being an idol. You're fine. You're perfect. It's me," you say miserably, voice hoarse, "I just, I didn't- I don’t want you to have to see the kind of person I am when I'm with them. I don't like how I am, who I am when I'm around my family."
You bury your face into your hands and swallow hard to try and remove the lump that has formed in your throat. When Chan settles beside you on the couch and wraps an arm around your shoulders, you soften, both at his presence and the warm buzz of the charge.
"I'm sorry," he says gently. "I shouldn't have pushed so much."
"No, I should have told you," you reply, voice muffled by your hands. "I knew I had to tell you."
His hands enclose around your wrists and carefully pry them away from your face. When you open your eyes, you see that he has leaned forwards to try to look at you better. 
“I just want to get to know you better. I want to get to know your family, your background. Please, let me in.” He looks so young like this, earnestly looking at you.
In response, you tip forward and rest your forehead on his shoulder. Although you normally avoid skinship like this, especially at the company, anything was better than seeing his concerned but confused expression. You want to tell him everything, but how can you explain the twisted and complicated relationship that you have with your family? What words could describe the facade that you have created to pretend you're not affected by their disappointment?
"I promise, I'll tell you everything eventually. I just need some more time, okay?" you ask hesitantly. Chan agrees immediately. "I want to talk to the boys too. I know they must also have questions. Can we? Have a meeting tonight?"
Y/n decides that she wants to tell the group all at once to avoid having to repeat herself and Chan is secretly relieved. It’s not that he doesn’t like one-on-one conversations, but he hopes that the rambunctious nature of the other members lightens the mood. He’s looking forward to getting any information he can about Y/n’s family, his not-so-subtle attempts to learn even a little bit about them have been fruitless thus far.
As Chan and Y/n make their way back to the dorms, he texts the group chat to gather in the living room. By the time they make it back, everyone has crammed themselves on the couches, leaving an empty space on the loveseat for the two of them.
Y/n takes a deep breath to steady herself.
When she says her parents’ names, Chan doesn't recognize either, but Changbin's head immediately shoots up and he lets out an "Oh shh-" that's quickly cut off by a well placed elbow of Minho. Y/n makes a face at that.
"Yeah," she says, clearly unsurprised by Changbin's reaction, but resigned. On the other side of Minho, Jisung speaks up.
"I don't get it, is he famous?" He also receives an elbow to the stomach, to which he whines, "Hyunggg, that hurt!"
“Be sensitive.” Minho scolds. Y/n laughs at that, but there’s no humour in the sound.
“No, it’s okay. I get that you guys are curious,” she says. “My parents aren’t famous, but they are well known in some circles. You guys know the hospital that Hyunjin goes to for check-ups of his hand?”
Everyone nods at that. Even Felix is familiar with that hospital, as he’s gotten treatment there when he injured his back. Chan himself has visited a few times regarding various injuries or procedures. The hospital is large, fairly new, but most importantly, has a reputation for being discrete. It’s definitely a favourite for idols who don’t want to take the chance and be photographed or have personal information shared.
“Your parents are doctors?” Seungmin prompts.
“My abeoji is. My brother too,” Y/n confirms. “But he also… My abeoji owns the hospital.” She looks down at her hands as she says it, as if scared to see what the reactions of everyone will be. Chan feels like his brain is short circuiting and can't get himself to do anything but stare. 
"Noona, does that mean you're loaded?" Jisung asks, eyes wide. Minho immediately turns on him, but Y/n shocks them all by laughing loudly at that.
"I wouldn't say I'm loaded. My parents definitely are though."
“That’s awesome! What’s wrong with that then?”
“Well, you know how Asian parents are. They had certain expectations for me, for my future that I didn’t meet. They didn’t exactly approve of me deciding to go into the entertainment industry, so we’re… not close. I see them twice a year, Seollal and Chuseok.”
Chan can sympathise with that, although his parents have always been supportive of him, even when he was a trainee and they were worried or didn’t understand why he never gave up, a lot of families weren’t the same. 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Felix says. He stands and pulls Y/n into a tight hug, which she melts into. It soon becomes a group huddle as everyone joins in, surrounding Y/n in love.
“We’ll be your family, Y/n,” Chan promises, and everyone else murmurs their agreement. He pretends not to see the tears that gather in the corners of Y/n’s eyes.
A couple days after Y/n’s announcement, Changbin knocks on Chan's studio door.
"Hey," he says when Chan rolls over on his chair and opens the door. "Just wanted to talk to you about Chuseok."
"Okay," Chan says slowly.  "What about it?"
“Are you going to Y/n’s family dinner?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan.”
"What are you planning to wear?" Changbin asks bluntly.
"Uhh." Even though Chuseok has basically sat in the back of Chan’s mind for the past few days, haunting him every time he has two seconds to think, he hadn’t even considered that aspect of it. He’s been too occupied worrying constantly about not knowing what to expect and yet not wanting to talk to Y/n about it. "I don't know, something nice?"
"Yeah, you have about 10 outfits, all of them are black, and almost half of them are hoodies. Do you know what Y/n is wearing?" Chan grimaces at that.
"I didn't even know that she was going until a few days ago man, of course I don't know what she's wearing."
"Listen, hyung. Her family… I don't know them personally, but I think you need to either talk to her about it or make arrangements to borrow clothes from a stylist."
"Borrow clothes from a stylist?" Chan laughs incredulously. "Can't I just buy something myself?"
"I mean you can do whatever you want," Changbin says, putting his hands up in surrender. "Be my guest to buy designer brand formal wear that I'm pretty sure you'll only wear once since you'll have to have something else for the next time you see them."
“Designer formal wear?” Chan repeats. “What am I, going to a wedding? This is a dinner with just her immediate family, do you really think they would care that much?”
“I don’t know for sure, but I just think that they’d be the type to really value appearances. Clothing is one part of that. Just… Talk to Y/n, okay? I want things to go well for you and I know that you want to make a good first impression.”
“I- okay,” Chan acquiesces. He trusts that Changbin’s just coming from a good place even though he dreads having to talk to Y/n about this. “I’ll bring it up.”
A week before Chuseok, Y/n knocks on their bedroom door while Chan’s trying to work at his desk. By the time he’s taken off his headphones and has started standing, she’s managed to get the door open and enters. Even after his conversation with Changbin, Chan still hasn’t been able to broach the topic of Chuseok with Y/n again, even though it’s been occupying his mind an increasing amount. He feels a rush of relief when he sees that she’s carrying two garment bags, lifted above her head to prevent them from dragging on the ground.
“This is for you,” she says, thrusting the larger of the bags in Chan’s direction. He peels it open carefully to find a black suit with golden details embroidered into it. The jacket is more traditional, the design is clearly a modern version of a hanbok, and the fabric of all the pieces look luxuriously thick. Without even trying it on, he can tell that the outfit has been tailored to his dimensions. It’s beautiful.
“Is this for-”
“Chuseok? Yes. My eomoni is… particular about what people wear. You’ll look good in this.” Y/n assures him.
“What are you wearing?” he asks, curious about the second bag that Y/n had hung up while he was inspecting his.
“You’ll find out later. Don’t worry, I won’t be outshining you.” she replies playfully.
“Hey!” Chan laughs. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“I know, it’s just fun to tease.”
Chan carefully places the clothes back into the garment bag and zips it up to hang in his closet. He’s dealt with his fair share of expensive clothes, most of which have to be treated with extreme caution as they have to be returned at the end of the day, but this feels different. Not only is it now his to keep, but it’s also one of the first gifts that he’s exchanged with Y/n, giving it special significance.
He knows this gift is more than just clothes. It also represents Y/n opening up, letting him into this side of her life that she’s kept to herself for so long.
“Y/n,” he says, waiting until she makes eye contact. “Thank you.”
“No worries,” she says, cheeks pinkening. She looks down at the ground. “It’s the least I can do, you’re going to have to put up with my family for an evening.”
Chan doesn’t know what to make of finally meeting them, Y/n’s mentions of them have been sporadic and cryptic at best. He’s desperate to learn more about her and he knows that her family, although distant now, likely played a key role in the way that you conduct yourself. But over time, and especially these past few days, he’s growing more wary of what he might learn. He just can’t understand how someone as kind, soft, and thoughtful as Y/n could have such a stilted relationship with her family.
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