#my plan/hope is that I can just stock pile everything get way ahead of my posting schedule and have most of ‘season 1’ done by like May
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rangersoup · 8 days ago
I’ve decided. Turn and Burn (the Carlos horse girl fic) is gonna get a rewrite/revamp once I’m done with The Lone Ranger. It’s gonna be the second installment of my Rangers spinoff fic. It will be both a direct continuation of the Lone Ranger and set up for some other stuff on down the line.
#911 lone star#911 lone star fic#my fic#my fic updates#I have A LOT of fics planned for this Ranger spinoff fan fic series#quote unquote season 1 is gonna include the Lone Ranger which will probably be done being posted by April#it’s looking like it’s gonna be about 7 chapters#and if I update weekly and my math is correct April seems about right#it will be followed by turn and burn which will be several chapters and will probably put us into late May#then I’ve got a short maybe 2 or three chapter Ashlyn vs TK PTA fic which will put us in June#the PTA fic will sent up for the undercover fic that I’ve posted bits of#that one will be a minimum of 5 chapters so it’ll probably stretch from July to August#there will be an at least two week hiatus the end of July beginning of August cause I will be at Pennsic war (SCA event)#then I’ll try to hop right back to it#I’m gonna try to come up with some fun filler episode stuff#then the quote unquote season will wrap probably in September with a fic where TK gets kidnapped and held hostage on a train#then I’ll probably take a breather cause holy cow#and I’m very excited about what I have planned for the quote unquote season 2 opener#now all I have to do is write all that!#my plan/hope is that I can just stock pile everything get way ahead of my posting schedule and have most of ‘season 1’ done by like May#that way I can just focus on posting/editing#and eventually maybe I’ll also start talking to some people about guest writing some ‘episodes’#but it will be a Process TM#cause I’m still gonna want the main say in what happens#and sort of take a show runner type role#and boy oh boy#I’m probably biting off more than I can chew#and thank you if you’ve stayed with me through my long rambling in the tags!#I’m excited about this but very skeptical of myself and my abilities#so we shall see what happens
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years ago
5 Day Stay
| Or, Angel down bad for a week |
Angel x F!Reader
Warnings: language, infidelity, Angst (?), lil bit chili spice at the end
Angel felt he was too young to consistently feel so bone-tired, yet that’s how his day had been ending for weeks now. Sometimes it was all he could do to get off his bike and make it to the door, only to have to rest his head against it to prepare to make it to the couch and collapse.
Tonight was one of those nights, and he wanted to be dead to the world until it dragged him back into it.
It was the smell of mixed spices that hit him first. It felt like he was in suspended animation, and slowly being released as different things started to register to him.
His TV was on, someone was rummaging through his kitchen, and music played faintly from his desk. Thinking back to the last time an unwanted guest was in his kitchen, he placed a hand on the holstered knife fastened to his back.
The fridge door closed, and you appeared in the window, eyes focused intently on whatever you were cooking on the stove.
He exhaled, feeling like complete shit. It only spoke to how weary his mind was that he could forget you were staying with him for the next week. Especially after the conversation that led to it.
“I don’t know Angel…really I can afford a motel for a few days.”
“Here? Rusted-through pipes will be the last thing your landlord is worried about when you bring back bedbugs and shit.”
Your eyes had widened at that, but still you brought up the thing that had been chained to your hesitation. “I mean….do you think it’s ok to do this? After we…Nails..Ang-“
He remembered a flash of irritation, more so at himself than you, when you said that. “Yes querida, fuck. If you’re so scared, I most likely won’t even be there the way things are going. Nails is out of town til’ next weekend…”
“Relax Ignacio.” you had cut your eyes at him, and he’d felt his dick jump like it did whenever you gave him attitude. “I’m just not trying to be a problem.”
Your voice calling his name brought him to the present. He caught the last part of your statement, that you didn’t know he’d be back.
“Yeah, we got in earlier than expected.”
“While you’re standing there like a weirdo, let me shame you real quick. How does a man in his thirties still have the kitchen of a frat boy?” You leaned on the sill of the divider. “You’re lucky I already knew you were sad in the kitchen. I had to bring my own tagine.”
He stepped into the kitchen, his stomach coming alive with interest. “One, I don’t know what that is, two, I can’t help it if the kitchen isn’t my preferred room of work.”
He peeked over your shoulder, but the unique pot kept him from seeing what you were making.
“Neither is the bedroom, unless that work is piling up dirty laundry.” you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to your simmering dish.
“Ha ha. Dinner and a show, she does it all folks!” he collapsed at the table, the day catching back up with him. “Should put your ass on the club’s payroll. End the cashflow problem real quick.”
You turned to him, concern etched on your face. “I heard from Hank about that…sorry. I know now isn’t a great time for that at all.”
Things got awkward like they always did when you referenced the recent changes of his life. He wasn’t sad about getting another chance at fatherhood, this one more tangible than the last. However, he wasn’t entirely sold on everything he’d accepted along with it, and he was pretty sure you at least suspected that. It threw the previously comfortable confusion that was your relationship off track when it was touched on.
“No, it’s not.” was all he could manage.
It was quiet for a beat, the simmering of the food and quiet Neo Soul the only sounds.
“Well,” you started, turning off the burner. “At least you don’t have to eat like a ‘we got food at the house’ meme for once.”
He laughed, a genuine and needed laugh. “Ok, you know what? Keep talking about my pantry stocking skills, and I might take it personally.”
The rest of his night went that way. Anytime you and Angel got together, things were just…easy…better. You spent the evening eating in front of the TV (Angel getting all the way to thirds for what turned out to be olive chicken and roasted potatoes), trading jokes, and going over the finer points of Golden Girls. Angel learned you took it very seriously, and mocked you for being “old”.
It wasn’t until you were nodding off, and he was left with his own thoughts, that he realized he hadn’t enjoyed coming home this much since he moved in.
Angel had dreamed he’d been back in his childhood home, but as a grown man. There was music coming from his parent’s room, and when he got to the doorway, his mom was at her dressing table. She hummed along to the soulful seventies music and smiled at him from the mirror. She said something, but he couldn’t make it out, and woke up in the frustration.
He jerked up from his position on his stomach, and slowly came to. With a grunt he wiped his hand down his face, glancing at his phone to find it was six in the afternoon.
It then occurred to him the music wasn’t just in his dream, it was coming from his bathroom. He got off the couch and followed the sound.
“Hey coma head.” you grinned at him from where you were doing your makeup.
He shook his head, trying to let go of the last vestiges of the dream, and how eerie the scene before him was.
He focused instead on the nightmare of products and alien looking tools surrounding you.
He kind of liked the mess, even if he couldn’t see the counter anymore.
“Hey hurricane Ulta.”
You made a face that was a cross between being amused and suspicious. “You sleep in your jeans and buy your shirts in pack form. Don’t act like you know what that is.”
He made a face of mock offense. “That’s so classist.”
This time you paused completely in you what you were doing and twisted your body to meet him. “Uh oh…let me find out you’re actually learning something from EZ.”
“Angel Reyes can know something about something, damn.”
You laughed, lowering your hands from where you’d been lining your eyes to avoid a mistake. “I’m only teasing you Angel Reyes.”
“Looks like you plan on teasing more than me. Some clown is gonna get his hopes and tiny dick up for nothing.”
“There’s this new club in the city that Belinda’s getting us into. It’s bad luck to buy your own drinks on the first night at a new place.” you adjusted the bodycon mini-dress for emphasis. “You doing anything?”
“Club shit.” he started picking through the products, sniffing them every so often. “Then I think I’ve got a call with Nails at some point.”
“You think?” you popped his hands when he got too close to the good stuff, or the things you were using currently.
“Yeah..I think.” he shrugged, only realizing how short he sounded when you winced.
He didn’t know why he got so annoyed when she was brought up around you. He wasn’t like that with anyone else, and he knew you were only trying to support his incoming changes.
Awkward silence settled in before he found the words to break it.
“Why do you wanna know? You want me to be that clown?”
“Never.” you pinched his cheek, tone pure saccharine jest.
He muttered in Spanish, stepping around you to the toilet.
“Angel!” you exclaimed.
“What?! It’s my bathroom, I have to piss.”
“You better never make me angry Reyes, I could end your whole Casanova game with ease."
“You holding on a little tight there mami!” Angel called over his shoulder with a laugh. “You said go fast."
“Shut up!” you giggled, but he wasn’t lying.
You’d asked Angel to take you to work on his bike since even though you spent so much time with bikers, you hardly got to ride one. You were going to the same place anyways. He had been all too happy to shake up his commute, but your speed challenge took it over the top.
He didn’t know how you were up so early, he personally felt like the bags under his eyes were like a PEZ dispenser. You’d gotten in at two am, and still got up with him at eight.
He loved watching you in the morning, you managed to be cheerful without being obnoxious, and it worked better than coffee for him.
He loved how much he was learning about you.
As he pulled onto the street beside the cafe you’d asked him to stop at, he felt your arms uncoil from around him. He may have pretended to shift just to make you pause and hold him a few seconds longer, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge that.
“I didn’t scream, and I’m not shaking, so you still have to buy my breakfast.” You unclipped your helmet, grinning the whole time.
You looked so pretty to him, with the sun hitting your eyes and hair just right. He could catch you at just the right moment, and you’d look so gorgeous, he struggled to believe you were real.
He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would crack if he didn’t. “Fair enough, come break my pockets then.”
You laughed, squeezing his chin and pointing out his pout. “You don’t even have to tell me once sir, I know my worth.”
Once inside, he trailed after you to the counter, using your head like an arm rest when you reached it. “That’s good.”
“Boy!” You swatted his hand away, and it was his turn to laugh at your adorable pout.
“New bet,” he stepped around you while the customer ahead of you wrapped up. “If I get your entire order just right, you buy lunch.”
“Deal.” you leaned on the counter, eyebrow raised at him in challenge.
Angel knew the best part of his day would be watching your expression go from smug to shocked out of the corner of his eye. He nailed every pastry, the iced coffee, and their preparation with ease.
The simultaneously impressed and amused barista looked to you for confirmation. She got a shocked nod in response.
“I know my worth too mama, so don’t skimp on lunch.”
“Fair enough.” You shook off your shock as you repeated his earlier words and shrugged. “Can’t complain I guess. I trained my work husband too well.”
He scoffed loudly, and the two of you went back to swapping smart ass barbs while he tried to ignore the lingering dip his stomach did when referred to him as “husband”.
Angel was a grown man, with years of grown man experience, yet he was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling like a teenager again.
The end of your stay was nearing, and every time he thought about you going back home, he felt weird. He was pretty sure that’s why he’d been a little snappy and annoyed easily at the club the past couple days. He just wasn’t ready to delve into that too much.
Regardless, he had to admit you had some growing effect over him. All morning, while he should’ve been resting and preparing for a charter visit, he was fighting off hard-ons thanks to you.
“Can I borrow your kitchen for the day Angel?” He mimicked your voice in a nasally mocking tone. “I’ll save you some when I’m done baking.”
He’d thought nothing of it when you asked the night before. Really didn’t even feel like you had to at that point.
He realized why when he saw that the desserts you were making for your friend’s brunch were elaborate as hell. The effort took all your attention, and unfortunately for him, his too.
You were baking a lot more than dessert and didn’t even know it.
Now he was hiding in his room, fighting off arousal he knew wasn’t appropriate. You weren’t his and he wasn’t yours.
That didn’t change the fact that you in a short silk lounge set, singing in French (how the hell did you know French?), doing domestic things in his home, did it for him.
He ran a hand over his hair, still damp from his cold shower, and forced himself to finish getting dressed. He had to be ready to face a room of dangerous bikers and prove his patched in worth. He couldn’t be thinking of weird little fantasies and parallels to his parent’s marriage.
He must’ve zoned out again, because you startled him enough to almost make him hit his wardrobe.
“Oh my god Angel try this! I think I did magic.” You excitedly thrust a red cookie his way.
Angel took the offered treat, and found it was a red velvet cookie. “It’s fucking good mi dulce.”
“Really?” You looked so hopeful, so beautiful, that he would’ve lied if the situation called for it.
“Yes, but you know you kill it in the kitchen.” He turned away to put on the flannel he’d fished out.
Now you were in his personal space, smelling amazing, and all his senses were under attack. He couldn’t trust Angel jr. at the moment.
“Baking is different. It’s a whole thing for me...I go all in.”
“I noticed your little Broadway production in my kitchen.” He kneeled down, pretending to look for his shoes as something to do while you were there.
“Don’t shame me.” You pressed your foot into his back, gently pushing him. “It makes for better results.”
‘shit.’ He cursed mentally at the contact.
Luckily, he heard you turn to leave the room. “Oh, EZ said to tell you to hurry up or pick up your phone.”
He rose up once you were gone and checked his phone. Sure enough, he had several missed calls and texts from Gilly, Coco, and EZ. He cursed aloud this time and finished getting ready, determined not to get distracted again.
Of course, his boys having to physically come in and get him when he did just that destroyed that promise.
It had come down to the last night of your stay with him, and what he thought was a favor to a good friend, turned out to be more for his benefit.
The hell with the club seemed so far away when he was home now, and he’d laughed more times that week than he had the previous few months total.
Tonight though… Tonight had him so in his head he didn’t know if he was coming or going.
You, sensing something was going on with him, had invited EZ and Felipe to dinner. He didn’t know how you got the latter to agree, his dad had never even been in his home before, but you did it. It went over a hell of a lot better than the last time they tried it too.
The missteps that reared their head when his family tried to talk to each other at length were mitigated by you. You were the perfect buffer, able to get them to engage with you and then each other.
He saw his family in an unfamiliar, but favorable light. His father was actually enjoying his time with him in his house. He knew that night wouldn’t have happened if not for you.
Now, as he distractedly dried the dishes you’d washed, listening to you hit all of the high notes in Loving You, it hit him.
‘She should be my wife’ the thought came so quick, and was so loud he almost jumped, confused if it came from him or someone else.
“Hey dishwasher-less!” you nudged him with your hip. “Move those hands.”
“Why can’t we be a thing?” he blurted.
You dropped the silverware you’d been washing, eyes wide and focused on him. “Um..excuse m-…what?”
He knew that wasn’t the most tactful way to introduce his thoughts to you, but it was his way. Fuck…he didn’t even understand them fully himself.
“You heard me querida,” he put the dish down on the counter, turning to you. “When I stayed with you that weekend that my head was all fucked up-“
“Angel.” your tone made it a warning, but he kept going. He was never afraid of a challenge.
“I was inside you so much that weekend I forgot that’s not how I came in this world. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud, but I felt home cause I was with you-”
“Stop it!” you hit the sink, rattling the contents.
“Fuck that!” he shouted back, startling you both. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a calmer tone. “Fuck that. Why can’t we talk about it? Why couldn’t we talk about it then?”
You didn’t say anything, but he saw your chest heaving with adrenaline, and realized you were just as affected by the conversation as he was.
“You just decided it didn’t matter and put it in this space we can’t touch now. It’s all fucked up!”
“Because,” you hissed. “If you remember, it was all over that Adelita chick, and I don’t know what kind of hold she has or had over you, but it was deep.”
He cringed at that, and turned his attention to the light fixture over your head, unable to meet your heated gaze.
“Whatever feelings I have for you Angel, I put them away in a place where I can still be your friend and keep things in perspective.”
“Feelings you have for me?” he latched on to the lack of past tense, hopeful.
You inhaled sharply. “You are having a baby and just got engaged. What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing..I mean a lot, but nothing to do with this. I know-“
“I know,” you pushed away from the sink and reached up to cup his cheeks. “That you’re scared Angel. You’re scared, because you’re gonna take two steps you’ve never taken before at once, and you’re trying to sabotage it.”
He shook his head, taking your hands from his face and holding them tightly in his own. “No..mi dulce, no. I’ve been struggling with this all week, longer if I’m being honest. Tonight sealed it.”
You snorted humorlessly, looking around the kitchen as if something in the room would help you get through to him. “I cook you some big boy meals, and treat your speakers to some musical taste, and you’re ready for vows?”
“Don’t put this all on me. Tell me you don’t feel it. Right here and now, to my face.”
He watched your expression soften, and let you put one hand back on his face, your thumb gently stroking his cheek. “Ok, I can’t do that, but I also can’t just fall into a situation with you either.”
He scoffed and shook his head. “We both know we didn’t just fall into anything. We sat here and let it build and didn’t say shit, and now I have to. This week just made it too real not to.”
He placed his forehead to yours, his own hands cupping your face. “Please…”
He watched you have an internal battle by your changing features before you finally leaned into him. The moment you did, his lips were on yours.
He knew it was more than just a kiss a few seconds in. Everything he’d felt that the previous week was alive and confirmed between you too. He could feel you telling him you had moments like his own.
He palmed your thighs under your sundress before grasping them tightly and lifting you up. He placed you on the counter while you two separated for air. Your chests heaved in unison, and neither of you had to say you wanted the other touching you again before it happened.
He gripped your hair, tilting your head back for access to your neck. The smell of vanilla and cocoa butter surrounded him as he worked his mark all over your skin.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pressed yourself against his jeans.
He hated he couldn’t feel the heat he knew was emitting from your core through the thick material of his jeans, and slid his other hand up your thigh to your panties.
Your entire body twitched when he ran his fingers over you through the thin cloth. It wasn’t just hot it was soaked.
“You need me that bad mami?” he pulled away from your neck, satisfied with his work, and beginning to work at his jeans.
“And quick.” you breathed into his ear, your tone and the sensation making him shudder.
The ache against his jeans didn’t need to be told twice to find its way into your heat. He slid your panties to side and pressed his thumb against you. You jumped, whimpering your need again, and he pulled your panties way from you.
You’d gotten them around one ankle before he was inside of you, and they were no longer your focus.
You clung to each other so tightly there’d be evidence on both of you.
In the quiet, he wondered if your mind was racing with the same thoughts that his was. What now? How do we get this again?
He pressed kisses to your cheek just as he started to move. You inhaled, your nails sliding down his back. Not quite catching the skin, but enough to set him on fire all the same.
He mapped out a rhythm by your whimpers and how you grasped at him until he crafted the right one.
This was the conversation he’d needed. Every thrust from him, every cry from you, every bit of give and take to heighten the other’s pleasure. The two of you were admitting that everything that was between you was deeper, realer than you’d wanted to admit. He loved you, and you loved him, and you were engraving that on one another.
The flirtation, the way you could be yourselves around each other, the heatless jabs. Good friends was always a ruse.
Your face was buried in his neck, and when he felt dampness he knew came from your tears, he hiked your legs higher, moving deeper.
You cried out so loudly it echoed in the kitchen, drowning out the soft crooning of an eighties songstress.
“I know baby, I feel it too.” his voice was choked by the threat of tears of his own.
He’d never been here before. Not with Adelita, not even close with Nails. He was terrified. Terrified for it to end because he never felt so good. Terrified for it to end because it might never happen again.
“Angel..” your voice sounded so small, but it was strong enough to anchor him back with you. “I’m close, I’m so close.”
“Let go,” he encouraged. “Let me have it querida.”
Your body seized up with your release, his name the only thing he caught in your unintelligible babble.
You clenched up repeatedly in the aftershocks, and that drug him over the edge with you, biting your shoulder.
His vision tunneled, pinpricks of pleasure traveling up and down his spine. Your hands smoothed up and down the area, and he realized it was because he was shuddering.
He gripped the counter for support, pulling back slowly. He was searching for a way to ask if he’d changed your mind, but the act hadn’t made words for his thoughts any easier to find.
It didn’t matter, before he could even speak you stopped him. Your eyes were glazed over with tears that had nothing to do with pleasure this time.
“That was all that I can give you Angel. It’s not right, none of this is, but it’s all I can give you.”
Am I the only one who wishes she had reference photos for their home/club layouts? Lol, it’s such a weird non-factor thing, but still. From memory, I’m pretty sure Angel only has one bedroom though.
No shade, no hate but this was partially inspired by how over Nails Angel looked when she was putting her back into it….🥴
I played with a few canon-timeline things + knocked the dust off my smut writing ability (I’m going under my humiliation rock now, no calls plz)
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bluecookies02 · 5 years ago
Dabi x Reader- cûm soaked silk
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Summary: You're the league's relatively new addition, during a fight Dabi saves you, immediately catching your attention and clouding your mind. Eventually after a row of success the league organizes a party and Dabi comes over so the two of you can prepare.
Warnings: cum play, creampies ,throatfucking, light alcohol consumption, pinning, panties theft.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Here you are once again waking up at 2 in the afternoon. With a quick stretch and desperate grasp for consciousness, you feel the familiar pain of a long night spent gathering supplies and fighting the trash that calls themselves heroes.
Thankfully, it was a night full of victories for the LOV so the pride you feel is stronger than the strain on your tired body. In everything you remember from last night, one moment sticks out so clear that you can't help but blush and let a smile escape the corner of your lips.
"A little danger looks good on you."
That was the most Dabi had said to you since you joined the League. A small-time hero aimed their quirk at you and your heavily scarred teammate was quick to throw you against the nearest wall, his body covering yours. There was nothing but anger in your heart and a lust for blood painted on your face until your eyes met his stunning blues.
All it took was those few words from his all too calm voice and that lazy, lustful look from his heavy-lidded eyes...you were hooked. With a final stretch, you tried to shake him from your mind.
Freshly showered and with coffee in hand, you grabbed your phone off of the nightstand. You skimmed your missed messages to get an idea of the day ahead of you. Nothing unusual. Some blood-soaked selfies from Toga, early morning ramblings from Twice, a short but thoughtful message from Kurogiri thanking you for your efforts last night, and a lackluster message from your boss inviting you to attend a gathering at the LOV hideout for a few drinks and to officially welcome you into the fold.
Well, at least you had something besides a mission to look forward to. You'd been wound so tight for months doing everything you could to help the league and uphold Stain's ideals. You needed tonight. Besides, he might be there. Before you had the chance to shame yourself for letting him back into your thoughts, your phone rang. An unknown number.
You got out a sleepy, half-hearted, "Hello," before you heard it. That honey-coated voice that caused a chill to run the length of your spine before his warmth washed over you.
"I see our crusty leader is throwing you a party. That's quite a surprise. So when are we going?"
Like always, he was so matter of fact. So sure of himself and set in his intentions. As much as his words made you want to melt into the floor, he said a little danger looked good on you, right? Fine. Then you would live dangerously.
You caught your breath before meeting his cool tone with your own subtlely beckoning statement. "Why don't you come over and we'll discuss it over a drink? If you've got my number, I'm sure getting my address should be just as easy for you." He let out a chuckle, wicked and low.
"See you in an hour dollface."
With that, you both hung up. Your heart was going to implode. What had you gotten yourself into? You bit your lip and smiled. It took no time for you to pick out the perfect outfit. No worn-out villain clothes tonight. No. This called for something exceptional.
A little black dress, some thigh high stockings, and the perfect lace lined lingerie would get you more than just a passing glance from the stapled stud you had set your sights on. As you laid the outfit neatly on the edge of your bed, it hit you. "Shit." Your alcohol-fueled stress relief had left your house completely dry. Whatever.
Fashionably late with a bottle in hand seemed better than facing this man without a little liquid courage. A quick text and you were out the door. "Heading out for a bit. Give me 30. Let yourself in and get comfortable."
Getting your address was simple. He was a man on a mission and after last night, he had a hunger. Saving you was the first thing on his mind during yesterday's battle. You were reckless and he could relate to you. A woman with convictions was his weakness. In a world full of fake meaning, your passion was as fiery as his quirk and he wanted more. Needed more of you.
The thoughts that crossed his mind after pinning you to that wall were less than noble. He wanted to feel you, to sink his teeth into your soft flesh. God he hoped you were a fighter behind closed doors too. Maybe he could overpower you.
He wondered if you knew how much you had him worked up and if you were just as desperate for a release as he was. Before he knew it, he was at your front door. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
"Get comfortable? Alright, doll. Let's see what you're all about."
He was surprised upon entering your apartment.
"Pretty classy place for such a reckless fighter. What are you hiding in here, little miss?"
He was eager to get to know you better. He couldn't simply flop onto the couch and kick his feet up. He knew you were more than a simple yet dedicated member of the league. You had dirty little secrets somewhere and he was out to find them. A few unlabeled pill bottles in the bathroom, empty champagne bottles in the kitchen...nothing too out of the normal considering your line of work.
When he finally made his way into your room, it was as well put together as the rest of your flat. He sifted through your nightstands and found...nothing. He let out a little sigh of defeat and sat next to a small pile of clothes on the bed. Running his hands under your pillows in a last ditch effort, he finally found something.
"So you are a naughty girl. You don't disappoint after all."
His wicked smirk was a sight to see as he held your toy in his hand. He had seen these before in a questionable marketplace. So he knew two things for sure; you had taste and he wanted you even more now. He'll make you forget you even own that little toy.
He was praying that this was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to your kinks. He made a mental note and tucked the vibrator back under your pillow.
He moved his attention to the outfit you had delicately placed across the mattress. If that was what you were planning to wear tonight then you knew exactly what you were doing to him. He could imagine the way that tiny dress would hug your curves and tease him with glimpses of all the places of your body he wanted to devour.
The fishnets were a filthy addition and he might let you keep those on while he had his way with you someday. His thoughts continued to spiral and he could feel his growing erection pressing uncomfortably against his jeans.
That's when he saw them. There they were. Those perfect, lacey little panties. His hunger for you hit primal levels as he grabbed your panties off the bed and tugged at the hem with his teeth. His free hand was already rubbing his aching cock through his pants as he imagined sliding those panties over and letting himself inside you.
Oh, the sweet moans you would make. How would his name sound when it rolled off your tongue as you begged for him to wreck you? He knew you wouldn't be back for another 20 minutes and he couldn't hold out any longer.
He made quick work of laying back on your bed and freeing his now rock hard cock from its clothed cage. He grabbed the black silk panties and wrapped them firmly around his base as he began pumping and stroking.
He bit his lower lip at the electric feeling taking him over. He was a man possessed and he would get his release by any means necessary. The veins along his shaft were throbbing as he thought of you all dolled up and desperate for him. He wanted to know how you would look on your knees ready and waiting for him. He could almost feel your hips gripped tightly in his hands as he imagined ruthlessly hammering every inch into you. His deviant thoughts and the feeling of your panties sliding sweetly along his length was an intoxicating combination. His other hand reached for his heavy balls, massaging them, trying his best to spoil himself for the remaining time he had.
All it took was the thought of your pussy gripping and welcoming him inside you with that black lace causing the perfect amount of friction between your swollen lips, clinging desperately for that pathetic amount of friction-... He couldn't help himself. Thick, hot ropes of cum were coating the cotton lining of your panties, his release overflowing and pulling all the way to the base of his cock.
He milked out the last few drops and watched as they soaked into the thin fabric.
Well, this would either get him kicked out of your flat or he would get the confirmation he needed that this overwhelming lust was mutual. All he knew was that he needed a drink.
With perfect timing, you returned home with a bottle in each hand just as he had placed the underwear back onto the bed and got himself situated on the couch as though nothing had happened.
Your heart almost skipped a beat. You assumed he would show up so that was no surprise. What you hadn't planned for was just how good he would look; the track lighting of your apartment showcasing him like a work of art. He looked so comfortable, so natural sprawled out on your furniture. Like he had always belonged there. This was your home but his presence filled the place. Fuck, what you would give for him to fill you instead. Before you could fall even deeper down that rabbit hole of attraction, he greeted you as only he would.
"So are you gonna pour us a drink or are those just for show?"
You felt the heat rise in your face and you could only imagine the color of your cheeks as he let his eyes work their way from the whiskey in your hands to the rest of your body. "Sure thing. Gimme a sec. And I said to get comfortable, not scuff up my table with your big dirty boots, ass." His little laugh was warm and kind despite your attitude. A few drinks, some light conversation, a couple of shared nervous laughs and glances...before you knew it, it was getting late. A nice buzz enveloped you as you excused yourself.
"Not so fast, doll. Where do you think you're going?"
The look in his eyes made you weak. You couldn't tell if it was the slow burn of the whiskey or the equally smoldering quality in his tone that made you blush. "Sorry, blue eyes. I gotta go get ready. You don't want me missing my own welcome party, do you? Behave while I go get dressed," you giggled. That laugh, innocent and a clear give away to your inebriation, was enough to cause his desire to come bubbling over.
He was one sip of whiskey past the point of being calm and he needed you. He quickly made his way behind you, grabbing your hips and leaning in to whisper in your ear...
"You should know by now, behaving is not something I do, hopefully, you can behave like a pretty little thing you are. Now let's get into that cute little room of yours and you're going to get changed. Slip out of those clothes and give me a nice show."
With those words, he gave your neck a few light kisses making sure to let his lips trail your skin before pushing you lightly towards the room. You were a warm mix of goosebumps and giggles. You were going to give this man anything he asked for, do everything that left his mouth before even finishing his sentences.
This was happening and you wondered why it hadn't happened sooner. The look in his eyes was ravenous and you were ready and willing to let him feast. The second you both made your way into the bedroom, your body was against the wall; his own body covering yours once more. This time, however, there was no battle, no rush, and the only dangerous thing in the room was the man staring you down with lust in his eyes and whiskey on his tongue.
You began unbuttoning your blouse and it was as if he couldn't pepper your skin with kisses fast enough. His lips worked every inch that was exposed as you tilted your head back and practically ripped your shirt the rest of the way off. The blouse fell behind you as Dabi's teeth lightly grazed your neck.
His left hand made its way up to the clasp on the front of your bra. He looked down unhooking it with ease as your breath hitched in your lungs. He let his lips and tongue playfully work down from your neck to your now exposed breasts. His bottom lip was about to glide over your nipple when he suddenly stopped and looked at you with that wicked half-smile.
He grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. His original intention was to make it quick but the two of you were swept away in the burning taste of cheap whiskey and overwhelming desire. His arms wrapped around your waist as your hands softly glided through his hair and over his scarred cheek.
With a final soft bite to your bottom lip, he pulled away. "Is everything okay?" The aura about him had changed to something far more dominant and primal.
"I said put on a show, babe. So let's see it."
He sat back on the bed as he looked over your figure. You couldn't tell if his stare was more anticipatory or predatory but either way, you were soaked and dying for his skin against yours. You turned around and looked back at him with a dark and coy smirk before facing away.
You slid your hands down your body until they made their way to the zipper on the back of your skirt. As the small metal tab fell, Dabi bit his lip and felt something else rise up. You placed your hands on the wall above your head and spread your legs lightly.
You gave your hips a little shake and the skirt fell to the floor. Turning around to face him, you ran your thumbs across your hips and into the waistband of your panties. You teasingly lowered them barely an inch. His eyes lit up. That's when you snapped the band and let the panties back up. Slinking towards him, you placed yourself between his legs with your arms around his neck. "I think you should take these off...Don't want to have all the fun to myself."
"I thought you'd never ask, babe. But you'd look better in these. Why don't we change things up a bit?"
With that, he picked up the little black panties from the outfit laid out on your bed. You blushed. Now you were wondering what else he had seen. As you took them from his hand, you noticed something felt off about them. Your fingers slid across the slick and sticky substance that was still warm. Suddenly it hit you and felt your own temperature rise. "Dabi did you..."
"I said...put them on....go on."
His voice was deceptively calm but inside he was on a one-way track and there was no stopping him tonight. His cock was literally aching to be inside and the thrill of seeing you slide those panties on, getting you nice and coated with his cum before he had even entered you; It drove him right over the edge.You shyly slipped off your panties and began to put the others on. You stopped with them about halfway up. "Babe, I dunno. Is this really...."
"Looks like you need a little help."
Before you could blink, he had come right up to you and pulled the cum soaked panties the rest of the way up. You barely had time to catch your breath and enjoy the feeling of his lips so close to you when he began to run his fingers over your clothed slit and press his still warm fluids closer inside you. When he heard a small moan escape your lips and felt the silk against his fingers go from dampened by his own doing to soaked with your juices, he knew he had you.
He let his fingers slide past the fabric and past your folds trailing his sticky cum along them. He dipped two fingers into your cunt, pushing his cum into you, picking up the gushing out liquid each time it dared to drip out of you.
With just two minutes of that, he was throbbing and you were crying out, begging to feel him inside you, begging to get a fresh coat of cum in your greedy pussy.
"All fours, on the bed...Now."
With a firm slap to your ass, you did just as you were told. Only, he didn't get behind you like you were expecting. No. After quickly undressing himself, he stood before you hard and ready. Your jaw dropped and you were about to tell him how bad you needed it but he grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eyes.
"You're gonna be a good girl and get me nice and wet before I let you feel this cock filling you up and stretching that pretty pink pussy of yours. Do you understand?''
You nodded as he moved his hand to the back of your head and the other to the base of his cock. He guided you forward and you let your tongue gingerly trace the veins of his shaft before wrapping your lips around. With every pulse of his hips, you would play with his tip and graze it with your soft tongue before taking him all the way into the back of your throat.
He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. A few expletives left his lips as you let out soft moans and began to drool, his length becoming a bit too much to handle. Your mouth became a sloppy mess, his cock twitching each time your throat tightened around him. He could feel himself getting warmer and dizzier, the sight of you splattering around his length, your eyes watery and your hands struggling to keep you up made it unbearable for him to hold for much longer.
You can feel the mess dripping onto the sheets as you rub your thighs together.
He slides out of your mouth with a small pop and runs his thumb across your lips glistening with spit. The look you gave each other said enough as you arched your back and he made his way behind you.
His earlier fantasy was becoming a reality as he put one hand firmly on your hip and used the other to slide his tip up and down your warm and aching lips. He let go of both just long enough to grip the sides of your panties and burn them clean off. He yanked away the remaining fabric and lined himself up with your quivering entrance.
"Is this what you want, gorgeous? Hm? Do you need it?"
"Yes! Please Dabi! Fuck! I need it.C'mon.Please." And with your final desperate cries...he did just that. His every inch slid into you just right. His cock twitched as soon as he bottomed out, his hips jerking into you out of instinct.
He was the only man you knew who could pound your pussy so ruthlessly while his hands still explored your body so sweetly. it was intoxicating, addictive. You needed more. You needed him. Despite him holding your hips down, you managed to sway your hips just right, meeting his thrusts one by one.
He watched you gasp and loose balance, dropping on your forearms as you buried your head into the cushion. He admired the way your pussy took him so well, his cock disappearing all the way in and then coming back out. He was hazed, forgetting how much time passed as he plowed in and out of you, the intoxicating rhythm putting a strain on his muscles as he couldn't have it in him to slow down.
You were a teary mess, whines and cries coming from your sore throat as you begged for him to make you cum.
With another hard slap across your ass and more praise for the way you took him so well...that was it. You couldn't take it anymore. He was pounding that spongey spot just right and his hands were sending shivers through you. You couldn't hold back anymore and he could tell. You were clenching down on him as he continued to slide in and out. He grabbed you by the waist, towering over your back as he held your body flush to his.
His pace deep and more meaningful, his cock dragging along your velvety walls that were squeezing him of every drop he had left. The feeling of him throbbing as his warm cum painted your insides white threw you over the edge, your legs shaking as he continued with small ruts into your shivering cunt.
You were breathless, smiling, and spent. To your surprise, so was he. His blue eyes half lidded and his breathing ragged.
He carefully slid out of you and you both fell back into the mattress. After taking a moment to appreciate his sweat sheened body you sheepily asked, "Soooo...about the party...?"
"Yeah, yeah. It was great, wasn't it? Now shut up and come here," he said teasingly, welcoming you into his arms.
You're not sure when you fell asleep with your head on his chest or how you ended up with this man in your bed but you were happy to sleep in that day, your body already hooked on the warmth of his embrace, begging for it to not be just for this one night.
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So that was a wild ride, the backstory about this one is kinda long but i'll keep it as short as possible.
One day this lady jumped into my dm's (a few moths ago) requesting a Dabi x Reader x Overhaul fic.
Hovewer I didn't exactly get to it yet, but we continued talking throughout the months, her mentioning how she would love to start writing but was too scared of messing something up.
So we came up with a rough idea about dabi jerking off in the reader's panties and it went uphill from there!! Drafts and drafts, massages and thirsts we collabed on this and ended up with this little 4k word thing. So taking all of this into consideration, if you liked this spicy fic go give a follow to @issamomma the mentioned lady and a wonderful woman and now my dear friend.
Like,comment and reblog with ideas you might want the two us to collab on again. Hope you loved it and enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years ago
Celebration | Zhongli x Reader
Happy birthday, Zhongli💖
Length: 1.5k words
Summary: It’s Zhongli birthday and you just found out. Now you have to plan a celebration for him!
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Zhongli had never celebrated his birthday, he never felt there was a need to. To put it simply, Zhongli didn’t care about small things like birthdays, but he still valued life and the big picture. Though birthdays weren’t something important to him, he did value them to an extent.
The thing was, he didn’t care about them enough to celebrate his own. In fact, you didn’t even know that his birthday was today! That was, until you heard from the grapevine. Instead of being upset, you were excited to celebrate your boyfriend’s birthday.
The first thing you needed was a cake! Well… you could always bake one, but how well would that turn out considering the little time you had? So, you opted to buy a cake! Your friend Xiangling was a chef and she was also quite talented in making cakes- hopefully with normal ingredients.
Next, you would need a small place to set up the celebration. You still had yet to decide how many people you were inviting. But you were getting ahead of yourself. First, you needed to find Xiangling.
“Huh? A birthday cake for Zhongli? I mean I could, but it’ll take all day.” The chef informed you, making you frown. Well, it’s not her fault, you did come to her last minute.
“That’s alright! I’ll take anything you can come up with.” You laughed nervously, making Xiangling shake her head.
“Don’t worry, I know you don’t have much to work with, but I know you can do it! I’ll make the food too! Have you decided how many people are going to be involved?” You sighed and shook your head, leaning on the counter behind you. You were preoccupied with other things to think of such details.
“I’m not sure yet. I mean, I haven’t even told Zhongli about me knowing of his birthday and setting all of this up.” Xiangling nodded with a knowing smile.
“Then, why not spend this day with him? Just the two of you. I’ll cook you up a nice meal, you two can spend the day together, and cut the cake at the end of the day!” That was actually a pretty good idea and maybe Zhongli would be more receptive if you, alone, were there to celebrate something he doesn’t consider important.
“Actually, that’s a great idea! I’ll do that! Thanks Xiangling, you’re amazing!” With that, you were out of there on the hunt for the next object on your list.
The location.
Zhongli’s place was nice and so was yours but you wanted somewhere else. Wangshu inn wouldn’t do, since it was a bit far and not as private as you wanted. Eventually, you decided on your own place. As simple as it was, it was the most convenient.
So, you quickly booked it back to your place and started setting it up. You didn’t have streamers or any sort of decorations so that was great, but you made due with what you could. The least you could do was have a clean house so that he would be just a little bit impressed. Not that you lived in a junk pile.
Once your house was clean and ready for Zhongli, you moved onto your last objective.
His present.
What could you get Zhongli? Sure, the man was always low on mora but there might be something he really liked. This seemed to be the hardest decision and you sat down on the couch to think about it.
What’s the one thing Zhongli really wanted? Food? Well that was already being made but no. Maybe money? No, Zhongli probably wouldn’t want your money. What about an object? Well, Zhongli didn’t seem to have any sentimental stuff nor did it seem like he was ready to stock up on some. Zhongli wasn’t attached to mundane items like that. So what? What could you possibly get your boyfriend that he would actually like?
The next two hours were spent thinking about that but you couldn’t come up with anything. Eventually, it was time to start setting up for dinner. Xiangling has arrived half an hour early with the food.
She insisted you let her set it up while you went to get Zhongli. This way, by the time everything was ready, Xiangling would slip away and the meal would still be warm enough to eat. Well, hopefully. She always had Guoba to set something on fire.
You agreed and quickly left, wanting to bring back your boyfriend as quickly as possible. The food was getting cold.
“Oh, (f/n). Hello, what brings you by?” Zhongli asked with a tilt of his head. You smiled and gave him a hug, which he happily returned.
“Are you busy? I need you to come with me.” Damn! You should’ve asked ahead of time in case he was. That could’ve ruined everything you’d done today and wasted all of Xiangling’ shard work. But Lady Luck must’ve been smiling down on you.
“Not at all, where are you taking me?” He asked with little resistance as you guided him away from his home and towards yours.
“You’ll see! I have a little surprise for you!” You said, cheerfully. Your attitude always brought him joy, a type he’d never experienced before. Zhongli cherished you and if he had to lose everything in the world to keep you, he’d do so in a heartbeat.
“Is that so? Well I look forward to seeing it.” Good, because you still had to tell him you found out about his birthday and chose to celebrate him without asking. Even though it was a kind gesture, there could have been negative memories tied to said event.
“A dinner?” Zhongli asked as he loomed at the table that was set so beautifully. You nodded and urged he sit down, which he did. You had told Xiangling about his favorite meal, which she was more than happy to make. You also hoped the cake was in the fridge or you’d be calling her back to ask where it was.
As dinner went on, you and Zhongli talked about anything and everything. You loved spending time with him, finding yourself always feeling safe and loved around him. Zhongli had a natural calming aura, so whenever you were anxious, you went to him and your stresses and anxiety would just melt away.
You and Zhongli had been together for well over three years now. Everyday with him was a gift and you treasured every last moment with him. Sure, there were days where you couldn’t see him, but the distance made your hearts grow fonder- as the saying went.
But it was time. You had to come clean and give him his cake, then confess you had no present for him.
“Everything ok, love?” You nodded before sighing.
“Look… I found out about your birthday. And that’s it’s today. This is our little celebration, I even have a cake! I… don’t know why you didn’t tell me, but I hope it was ok to do this.” Zhongli seemed stunned but the look soon melted into a soft smile.
“Oh? I’m sorry I didn’t, but I don’t find things such as birthday celebrations necessary. They’re rather menial to me. At least my own is. I appreciate you doing this, however. Thank you. It means a lot to me.”
“W-well I have one more confession.” You said as you stood up and walked to the kitchen. The entire time you prayed the cake was inside. To your relief it was and you wasted no time bringing it out to the table. Zhongli looked over before nodding approvingly.
“This was the confession? You made me a cake?”
“Well no. Actually, Xiangling made the cake. And the food. I was busy setting things up- no. I actually couldn’t come up with an idea for a present. Every birthday should have a present. Unfortunately, I don’t know what you really want no matter how hard I thought. So, I… I failed.” You mumbled, lowering your head. You didn’t expect it to bring down your spirits this much. You could always make it up to him later and you knew that. Sadly, you still felt hurt over your own decision.
Zhongli smiled, taking your face in his hands and tilting your head to look up at him. His thumb stoked your cheek before he leaned in and kissed your forehead.
“(F/n), your presence is my present. The fact that I got to spend tonight with you is more than enough for me. The only thing I could ever want in this world, I already have, and that is you. I cherish you more than anything so simply having you at my side is the greatest gift you could ever give me.”
Your lips curled into a smile and you sighed in relief. You leaned into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug.
“I love you, Zhongli.”
“And I love you.” You looked up at him and leaned up to kiss his lips.
“Happy birthday.”
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exploradora-writes · 4 years ago
Fireside Love: An Arthur x Charlotte Fic (18+ Only)
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Warnings: NSFW, wholesome smut 
Summary:  During a snowstorm, Arthur and Charlotte decide to use their time cooped up in their cabin wisely.
Word Count: 3,455
Notes: Thank you @the-halo-of-my-memory​  and @unpocowboys​ for helping me out with this fic. The both of you are very talented writers! I plan on writing more Charlotte and Arthur fics in the future. These two are one of my favorite comfort couples, so I wanted to make a spicy yet cozy fic about them. Warning: Tons of wholesome smut ahead...
This fic can also be found on my AO3 under exploradora_writes
The first frost flakes began to stick to the window, the kitchen gradually becoming colder as snowflakes began to fall from the pitch black sky outside. 
Charlotte sighed, tossing another log into the stove, her stew stubbornly refusing to boil. She glanced at the woodpile, the three tiny logs lying there in an almost mocking sort of way. 
The clouds blocked out much of the sunlight, but she knew it would be dark soon. She held onto the counter, trying her hardest not to think of the worst, but she couldn’t help it.
He could be lost, stranded with no direction, no food, no warmth.
She shook her head, coming to her senses. Arthur may view himself as nothing but muscle and absolutely no brain, but as his wife, she knew better. He had an excellent sense of direction and survival skills. Any minute he’d be through that door with a load of firewood, and maybe even an animal or two.
She asked if she could come. Two heads were better than one, she tried to reason.
“No, darlin’, as much as I’d love to go with you, I need you stayin’ home and watchin’ over the house, keepin’ it warm. Wouldn’t want any strangers takin’ residence while we’re gone, would we?”
More than one weary traveller, some more hostile than others, had taken up residence in their home on more than one occasion while the two of them were off on hunting trips. While she understood where Arthur was coming from, she couldn’t escape her fear of the worst. She’d already lost one of the men she loved dearly to the harsh conditions of nature, she couldn’t bear to lose another one.
Her motionless broth seemed to stare back up at her as it refused to boil. “You ain’t making this easy for me, broth.”
Talking to an inanimate substance? The snow really was making her stir crazy. Arthur had better hurry up before I start talking to the logs, she thought. 
Figuring the broth was nowhere near boiling over, she took those three pathetic logs sitting on the woodpile and tossed them in the fireplace. She looked around for a match, lit it with a satisfying strike, and tossed it on the pile. The flames licked up the logs, but Charlotte knew it couldn’t last long. She lay back on a chair in the kitchen, staring into the flames of the fire. She smiled, her eyes following the flames as they danced along the logs, remembering all those years ago when her and Arthur danced around the campfire on their little outdoor honeymoon getaway. They drank and sang and made love their fair share of times by the roaring flames of the fire. Sure, it was no fancy trip in the big city, but it was simple and memorable. 
Unfortunately, the fire before her sounded more of a purr as opposed to a roar. She let out another sigh, looking back at the empty woodpile, longing for her strong handsome woodsman to return.  
As if on cue, she heard the door handle jiggle, as the man she had been longing to see emerged from the snowy darkness outside. 
“Arthur!” She arose, practically pouncing on him. He moved his scarf away from his cherry red face, panting from the effort of carrying.. firewood. Loads of it. Charlotte sighed with relief at the sight, wrapping her arms around him. She didn’t care that he was like an icicle, nor that she would get wet from the snow that dusted his wooly blue coat. Her hands met his face, cold despite the large beard he sported. Her lips met his, her warm pink lips melting his icy blue ones. 
“Charlotte,” he breathed. “Glad I made it in time. Bundle up and help me haul in some of this wood. I have a feelin’ this is only the beginin’ of this snow storm.” 
She threw on a sweater, a coat, and a pair of boots. She opened the door to the dark depths of the winter night. The bitter cold nipped at her entire body despite being bundled up head to toe. She tried to imagine how good the fire would feel against her and her lover’s bodies once they were in the warmth of their little home. 
Arthur had made quite the haul. Firewood, some supplies from the general store, and even a deer. She smiled, feeling her body warm up as she thought of how wonderful and lucky she was to have a man like him. 
They fought against the wind back into the house. It took the strength of the two of them to even get the door closed. They both panted and fell against each other. 
“Well, we best get cozy, darlin.’ We’re gonna be here awhile.” Arthur said, removing his snow covered clothes. 
Charlotte returned to the kitchen, the pot of broth finally showing signs that it was preparing to boil. She threw another log on the stove for good measure. 
Arthur came up behind her and kissed her cheek, his cold lips sending a shiver down her spine. “How’s everything comin’ along?”
She smiled as the both began to boil. “Rather nicely now that you’ve returned, cowboy.”
“Hmmm I figured I’d have the opposite effect. My coldness would ruin any hopes of ever makin’ a good meal.”
“Quite the contrary, Mr. Morgan.” She stirred in the ingredients: savory chicken, carrots, onions, and peas. “Because I think you’re so hot, you make pots boil. You made mine boil when you walked through that door.” She looked back at him, stirring the pot in lazy circles. “Cheeks still rosy from the cold?”
“Er, yeah,” he fumbled, “you could say that.” 
She rubbed his face, running her fingers through his beard. “You hungry?”
His hands ran along her hips. “Starvin’..” 
“We could eat in front of the fire if you’d like. It’d be a nice change, don’t you think?” 
“Sure, sounds cozy.” He gave her hips one last squeeze before getting two bowls from the above cabinets. “Smells delicious.’”
“You talking about the soup or are you talking about me, dear?” She gave him a small smile. 
“Can’t I be talking about both?” Like a magnetic attraction, his hands were back on her hips.
“Goodness you’re handsy tonight!” She giggled. “Alright, soup’s on.”
He gave her cheek a quick peck before serving himself a large bowl of soup. She unwrapped some bread she had been saving for tonight and placed it in each of their bowls. They brought their meals over to the fireplace, sitting in front of it. 
Arthur took a sip, his body quickly warming up from the combination of the fire and the broth. He let out a satisfied groan. “This soup’s real good, sweetheart.”
“Well I’m glad you think so,” she beamed. “I always worry I’ll muck something up.”
“That’d be pretty hard for you to do, Char.” He smiled at her, motioning for her to sit closer to him. She obliged, cosying up to him and resting her head on his shoulder.
The sounds of the crackling fire and the slurping of soup filled the room. Arthur tipped his bowl back, finishing the rest of the broth. He let out a satisfied sigh and took Charlotte’s bowl as well, putting them next to the sink to be washed. He’ll clean up eventually, he thought. Right now all he wanted to do was warm up his wonderful wife.
  He changed into his union suit, catching a glimpse outside the window. The snow came down with a vengeance. He grabbed a log from the pile and tossed it into the dying flames. The fire continued to dwindle. 
“Goddamm it,” he muttered, bending over to grab the poker and stir the ashes around. He felt the familiar sensation of a hand giving his behind a light smack. He turned around, his wife looking around, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. 
He arched an eyebrow. “Was that really necessary, darlin’?”
“Was what necessary?” She tried looking away, but try as she might, her lips continued to curl into a smile.
“You know damn well what I’m talkin’ about, missy. Your hand just loves smackin’ my ass, don’t it?” 
“That is quite the accusation, Mr. Morgan!”
“I oughtta smack YOU on the ass.”
She smirked, tilting her head. “Well? What’s stopping you?”
He studied her for a second, then knelt down next to her. “Goddamn, have you always been this naughty?”
“Always have, always will be. It’s one of the reasons you married me, remember?” She lay back on the carpet. “Now get me a blanket, would you, darling? It’s freezing in here.”
He sighed, tossing her a few blankets. He tossed another log on the fire, then lay next to her. He wrapped his arms around her as she shivered against him. He scooted the two of them closer to the fire. “There, now that’s better.”
She nuzzled against his chest and yawned. “Arthur?”
“Hmm?” He looked down at her.
“How long do you think we’ll be in here? Waiting out this storm?”
He looked outside again, the snow showing no signs of stopping. “Awhile. Don’t know how long exactly, but we’ve survived much worse. ‘Sides, I stocked up on food and supplies, we’ll be fine.
She sighed, looking up at him and kissing his cheek. “Well, we’ve got plenty of time, what should we do to pass it?”
He chuckled. “Well, there’s always dominoes, and redecoratin’, and we can always be workin’ on our marriage.”
“Oh? And how exactly do you want to work on that?” She held his hand, circling his palm with her thumb.
“Well, when’s the last time we’ve had to ourselves like this? Seems like we’re always busy with housework, farmwork, all kinds of work. This is a good opportunity for us to just… be in each other’s presence.”
She hummed against his chest. “Sounds wonderful.”
The flames of the fire crackled, and Charlotte let out a small, breathy laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Arthur asked.
“Oh just remembering our little honeymoon.”
Arthur smiled as the memories came flooding back. “That little camping trip.”
“Yes! Remember, out on the lake?”
“How could I forget? We tipped the whole damn canoe over!” He laughed, rocking back and forth and waving his arms around dramatically, reenacting the fateful moment. 
The two of them collapsed on the floor in a heap of giggles, cuddling up to each other to trap the warmth again as their laughter died down. Charlotte looked into the flames of the fire, a small smile on her face. “And the campfire,” she mused. “Illuminated the entire night sky. Millions of tiny stars, looking down at us.”
Arthur chuckled. “Yeah, I remember.Them crickets were noisy sons of bitches, weren’t they?”
“I think they thought the same thing about us, dear.” She ran her hands along his chest, gazing into his blue eyes that perfectly complimented his rosy cheeks. 
“Darlin’, you were the one makin’ all the noise,” he said in a low tone.
She sighed, resting her head against his chest. “You’re right, you always were a good lover.”
He rubbed her back, gazing into the flames as well. “You know, we could alway reenact that night. If you’re up to it that is.”
She smirked, smooching his cheek. “I thought you’d never ask,” she whispered in his ear, giving it a small nip. He let a gasp escape his lips.
“Jesus, darlin’.” His lips met hers as he gracefully flipped her onto her back. “I was on top, remember?” He pinned her wrists to the soft, welcoming rug beneath them. It was her turn to let out a gasp. A bead of sweat dripped down her brow, the weight of her husband’s warm body causing blood to rush throughout her entire being. 
She kissed his neck and moaned. “Are you sure I wasn’t the one on top?” She wrapped her legs around his torso and twisted her body around and caught him off guard. Arthur grunted, his wife now the one staring down at him. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. Who knew such a typically mild mannered woman could have the drive and spunk of a working girl? He felt himself growing stiff beneath her. 
“No, darlin’, you’ve got it all wrong, remember? You were on top when we was by the lake, after we went skinny dippin’. I remember ‘cause the rocks were diggin’ into my back, but hell, it was worth is just to watch myself disappear inside of you over and over again.”
Warmth flooded her core as she began to grind against his leg. “Well, which was it, Arthur? Make up your mind before...before I..” She buried her face in the crook of his neck and moaned.
“Look at you…” he chuckled. “You gonna cum before I’m even inside you?” 
She shook her head. 
“Thought not. Goddamn, you must be soaked.” He held her against him and kissed her lips. He lay her back down against the soft texture of the rug, his hands exploring her body, as they had on that fateful night. “Now it’s all comin’ back to me. You were lyin’ there, the light of the fire dancin’ across your nude body…” His hands played with the straps of her nightgown before sliding them off, revealing her bare bosom. “Your breasts, milky white…” He planted kisses on them, his calloused fingers running across her pink buds. 
She bit her lip to stifle a moan. “Yeah? Then what?”
He slid the nightgown further down her body. “Your stomach, soft and delicate” His voice had grown low and a bit hoarse. 
Charlotte rubbed her thighs together, her breath shallow as she anticipated his next move.
Finally, he slid the nightgown completely off of her body, the cold air hitting her skin. She shivered, not from the air, but from the sensation of Arthur’s bearded face rubbing against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. He kissed all the way up her thigh until he reached her core. He placed his fingers against it, and while a layer of cloth separated his touch from her body, she still left out a soft moan.
“Yes...yes…” he growled. “I’m rememberin’ now. How you tasted…” He looked up at her as he slid her panties down her legs. “Darlin’, it’s takin’ everythin’ in me not to devour you right now.”
“W-what’s stopping you?” 
That comment again. God, she was a relentless tease. 
He stared at her as he gave her pussy a long, teasingly slow lick. She let out a soft whimper at the sensation of his warm tongue against her intimacy. Her juices continued to flow, and he was right there to lap them up with his eager mouth.
Her taste was familiar to his tongue, sweet as summer honeysuckles. His beard rubbed the skin of her inner thighs, and she arched her back as his tongue continued to explore the familiar territory of her folds. His cock throbbed against the tight fabric of his union suit. He longed to be inside her, to hold her against him as their heartbeats began to sync. 
He growled, fumbling with the buttons of his suit and he moved his head back and forth. He ran his hand along his entire length, finally letting it free from its previous confines. 
His wife couldn’t help but glance down and moan at the sight of her husband pleasuring himself while he pleasured her. She bucked against his face, feeling herself reaching her peak.
His calloused thumb made lazy circles around her clit while his other thumb circled the head of his cock. 
Charlotte bit her lip and whimpered, squirming against her husband’s face. 
“That’s it, darlin’,” he growled, “cum for me. You can do it, I know you’re close. Fuck…” His cock leaked with precum. 
She arched her back and moaned out his name, and while no one could feasibly hear them in the middle of the woods, right at that moment it felt like the entire world knew that Arthur Morgan was filling her with ecstasy as she reached her climax. 
She panted, her body coated with a thin layer of sweat. “Oh...Oh, Arthur..”
He panted heavily as well, sliding beside her and kissing her, his face and beard still lingering with the taste and scent of her. 
“Mmm that’s a good girl…” he whispered in her ear. 
Her hands squeezed his glistening biceps, then trailed down to his chest and stomach. She played with his chest hair, a sly smirk on her face. “My big man loves to eat, hmm?” she teased, kissing his neck and nipping his earlobe. 
“You’re damn right I do.” He let out a grunt, his cock twitching. 
Charlotte kissed him and shimmied the rest of his suit down his body. 
“Now we’ve just gotta stay close together so we don’t freeze to death,” she said, her hand gripping his length and stroking it. She kissed his lips, muffling the groan that escaped his mouth. 
“Mmm I want us both facin’ the fire,” he whispered. “No more fightin’ to be on top.” 
“Yes sir.” She obeyed, laying on her side facing the fire. 
He slid her body against his, turning her face so he could kiss her. He lifted her leg, reaching a hand around to rub her pussy, still soaked from their previous interaction. 
He slid inside of her with ease, both of them gasping practically the same breath. His cock inside of her was a familiar feeling that seemed to bring her more pleasure with each thrust. 
His large hand clasped her smaller one, the both of them unable to take their eyes off of the other one. The fire continued to roar, and while the outside raged with icy wrathfulness, the inside of their little cabin was a hearth of comfort and pleasure. 
“Darlin’, I…” he growled, twitching inside of her.
A familiar, floaty feeling began to rise in her stomach, and she let out a soft moan. 
He brought their clasped hands down to her sensitive bundle of nerves. With his hand over hers, he guided her and pleased her, as an artist guides his brush across a canvas, and as an artist creates a passion filled work of art, so too were they.
She squirmed against him, barely able to contain herself as she moaned out broken pieces of his name. 
“That’s it, goddamn that’s it…” he growled in her ear. “Cum with me, be a good girl and cum with me..” 
The fire crackled and sparked and so did she, moaning as she came undone once more. 
Arthur pulled out and groaned, spilling his seed on her stomach. 
The two of them collapsed in a heap of sweat, the both of them panting and staring up at the ceiling, holding hands. 
Finally, Arthur mustered up the strength to get up and retrieve a wet cloth to clean up his wife. He smirked as he cleaned her. “You were so good tonight.”
“So were you, dear.” She kissed him. “You always know exactly what I need.”
The fire began to fizzle out. Charlotte sighed and arose, retrieving a log from the pile and tossing it into the fireplace. The light of the flames illuminated every curve of her nude form. Arthur’s heart beat a bit faster at the sight.
He wished to God he could capture her in that same pose. He’d be sure to sketch a replica of it, hell, maybe have her model for him just so he had an excuse to see her naked again. Either way, the sight of her looking like a work of art made his heart soar. She definitely beat all the dirty cigarette cards he and the old gang members used to trade. 
“Something on your mind, Arthur?” 
He blinked a few times before chuckling. “Nothin’. Just thinkin’ about you and how lovely you look.”
She smiled and lay down beside him, kissing his forehead. “You’ve still got it, darling.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“I’m not kidding. You were wonderful tonight. It was almost identical to our honeymoon.”
He furrowed his brow and turned his head to look at her. “Almost?”
“Well, we weren’t under the stars!”
He looked out the window, the snow still coming down fast. “Darlin’, you’d better be thankin’ the lord we weren’t doin’ it outside. We’d be freezin’ our asses off in all that snow.”
She giggled, nuzzling against him and kissing his chest. “Well we may not have been making love under the stars, but you certainly made me see stars tonight, Mr. Morgan.”
He chuckled, pulling her against him and kissing her one more time before drifting off to sleep. 
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fafulous · 5 years ago
Take Me Home (2/5)
Andy Barber x Reader (Post!Defending Jacob)
Summary: After the unfortunate events of the trial and after, a depressed Andy Barber decides to call it quits and start a mundane life far away from Newton. He decides it is best to have a fresh start away from prying eyes and alone, but he never thought his caring neighbor (and her son) would change all of that.
Themes: MAJOR D.J. SPOILERS ((The series is following the BOOK ENDING and not Show)), Sad and soft Andy Barber, Single Mother Reader. Cursing.
a/n: I dedicate this chapter to my LOML @sinner-as-saint​. Happy Birthday Darling! ILY!
Part 1
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Warnings: Small Hints of Abuse.
It was your full day shift at the library
You still couldn’t stop thinking about that horrid graffiti left out on Andrew’s Garage door. Why would anyone write something so horrific? It is never a common occurrence to accuse someone of being a murderer; Besides, you didn’t even truly know who the man was.
In one of your breaks while sipping on your hot cocoa, your curiosity got the best of you and googled about him. Those amateur press reporters wouldn’t crowd around a random vandalism; you knew something was up.
To your dismay, you came across terrifying articles of his family. Specifically, about his son.
You read about how Andrew Barber, the Local district attorney of the Newton County was found to be tangled in a murder case because of his son. You didn’t bother to read further for the headlines were awful; described how his 14-year-old son was in trial for the murder of his own classmate.
The details were too horrifying. The press reported every court proceeding but you didn’t proceed to read about what happened. Perhaps his son went to jail? Or he was declared not guilty but was separated from his family? You thought how a good handful of weeks passed and he had absolutely no visitors to his house. Best decision you made was to close the articles for it made you sick to the stomach.
Not only did it feel like you were invading on someone’s privacy, it was also not difficult to picture your son in Jacob Barber’s shoes.
You felt bad for the man, you really did. But then you recalled how he questioned your parenting. It takes years to build self-confidence, but just one statement to shatter it all.
It didn’t feel right reading about your neighbour, it felt like you were a stalker. And so, you resumed to stock up and label the new pile of books.
The Librarian desk was placed in such a way that you would immediately know if anyone entered the library. It would normally be teenagers and college go-ers labelled as nerds who would spend hours and hours of studying and reading. But this time, the one approaching your desk was the last person you ever wanted to see.
Nikolai’s father.
A week ago, Chad did make an appearance into your life out of the blue, asking you to take him back. But you couldn’t for you believed in two things: Your self-respect wasn’t weak, and that Nikolai didn’t deserve a pathetic excuse of a father. After you found out about his infidelity, you mentally decided not to take him back and that was a final decision.
You dropped whatever you were doing and made a beeline to Chad. “You can’t drop in during work like this.”
Quarter of an hour perhaps was spent on arguing back and forth in whispers. You will never deny that how it would be perfect for Nikolai to grow up with a father, but you kept reminding yourself not to give in to him.
“Listen Y/N. I really am sorry for barging like you on this. I want to make things right. “
“You can’t Chad,” you whispered, “I can’t. It is not fair to Nikolai and to me. Just go.”
Chad suddenly pushed you back to one of the bookshelves by gripping your shoulders. His shoulder touches were something that he used to do to offer you comfort at times of distress. But now this was causing you stress.
He gritted his teeth. “Why can’t you just fucking take me back?”
“Because I wasn’t the one who slipped into my co-worker’s vagina!”
Before you realised Chad was going to get unpleasant with you, another familiar voice interrupted the small run-in.
“Hey everything alright?”
You turned around to the stern voice only to see your neighbour, Andrew. You were fixated on him to the point where you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
He looked so handsome.
He was wearing a formal dark navy suit, his tie almost matching his hair colour. His hair and beard were neatly groomed with just a hint of messy. His beautiful trench coat accentuated his arm muscles. He did look like a textbook District Attorney.
Andy on the other hand exchanged looks between the both of you, glaring at the man who dare pushed you back against the bookshelf. He got near to them which made Chad leave his grip and take a few steps away from her.
Chad continued the conversation with you without acknowledging the intruder’s existence. “I’m going to leave now. Think about it. I’ll come in a few days to pick up Nikolai.” He soon left, making sure he didn’t make eye contact with the formal dude who seemed to be much taller to him.
Andy approached you cautiously while your hand pressed the wrinkles off of your shoulders. “Couldn’t help but hearing the whole co-worker slipping into your vagina statement. That man your ex?”
Dealing with two arrogant men simultaneously was not something you signed up today. “Be careful Mr. Barber, the attorney in you is showing.”
Andy stiffened his shoulders but did not let go of his grin. He liked a woman who was snappy, especially when he has seen the caring side of you. “So, you know about me?”
“I can take care of myself,” deflecting from his question. You didn’t want to admit about your slip up that you read about him from an online article. “You didn’t have to do that whole saviour stunt on me Mr. Barber,” you walked away from him, heading outside the library to catch a breath of fresh air. Andy followed you like a puppy would.
“You didn’t have to do it alone too, Miss”
You noticed how he didn’t call you formally. “Andrew, I told you I-I am never going to have a conversation with you ever.”
“I know I know.” He paused and you crossed your arms, waiting for him to say something while you admired the beauty of his trench coat on his frame.
“I need to talk to you.”
“I’m busy. M-my shift ends in an hour.”
“I can wait.”
“No Andrew, my car is in the repairs and I’m bailing on my assistant to drop me home-“
“I can drop you. We literally live next to each other. Please Y/N,” He neared you, anxiously looking over at you, “Give me this tiny speck of a chance.”
You stood there trying to pull off a stern look, trying so hard not to display you inhaling his musky cologne that made you excited. Who would’ve thought you would fall for a meanie who just had a pair of needy, blue eyes?
“Alright fine,” you said giving in. “Read a book or something inside.”
Andy was happy at his sweet victory.
In that time Andy decided to look through the well-ventilated library. It was quite spacious, his senses hitting with the smell of old books and natural pesticides to keep the books from deteriorating. There were enough tables for people to sit and read at their leisure. He even recognized familiar books he used to read with Laurie every night. It was an intimate ritual for them; so eventually for the past few months, he gave up on reading.
Andy then noticed you scuttling around for a while till you plopped on your desk. Your work attire was silk white blouse with a yellow pencil skirt. There was a strut of confidence every time you took a step or gave orders to her assistant. 
Neither of you would deny the lingering glances you gave each other in that time.  
An hour passed and both of you stood outside near his beautiful black car.
“What is it Andrew?”
“I wanted to sincerely apologize to you. This is not right I know. I know I’ve hurt your feelings and this apology doesn’t even cover it. I stepped out of line many times even though you remained to be kind to me.”
You puffed out a breath of air. Judging by the tone of his voice, you knew the man before you were being sincere.
“Just let me make it up to you one day at a time please. It would kill me if I didn’t do anything.”
“Y-you don’t have to anything Mr. Barber. Its just-“
“I know take your time. I hope we could hit the refresh button excluding the part where I make it up to you.”
“Yeah no um- I also owe you another thanks for helping back at the Library- uh Chad? The bloke you interrupted me with?”
Andy nodded. “It was nothing really. So, can we start fresh?” He extended his hand to you and a firm handshake was exchanged.
“Apology accepted I suppose.”
Soon you found yourself in Andy’s car, who was kind to even open the door for you. Chivalry isn’t dead. 
For now.
The ride back was quiet, you observing in the interiors of the sleek black car. The seat felt so comfortable, along with the man beside you. A comfortable silence prevailed the drive back home, Andy popping in superficial questions about your work and Nikolai and vice versa. 
“So any plans for tonight?”
“Nikolai wanted to watch a Disney movie tonight with some Chicken Lasagne. Oddly, specific I know but kids these days, right?”
“Yeah.” You noticed how his face fell slightly and so you tried to change the topic. “What about you?”
“The usual. Netflix and Takeout. Trying to cut on the beer though you know with the new job and all.”
“Thanks for the drive back home Mr. Barber.”
He took this as a good sign. “From now on you can call me Andy.”
“Listen Mr. Barber- Andy I have to get something off of my chest. “
Andy unbuckled his seat belt and faced you, unsure of what she wanted to say. “Sure please, go ahead.”
“Okay Andy. I just want to clear the air that only know about you as an attorney because my curiosity irked me after your whole garage shed incident. I didn’t dig much because I felt like the inner me was being like a creep.”
He raised his eyebrows heart slightly sinking that you had already become the judge of his character. “So, you do know about me then?”
“Not more than how your son was involved in a murder trial,” you fumbled. “I don’t know the outcome and I don’t know why I am telling you all of this oh my god.”
Andy chuckled to see you covering your face in embarrassment, feeling a little relieved to know that you didn’t have much of an idea of who he was. He reassured her that it was completely fine, and you saw you going back home.
The next couple of days went smoother for both you and Andy. After a week it seems you and Andy always left home for work at the same time, passing casual morning greetings…which you had to do by successfully covering your blush because he never failed to look nothing less than good looking even though he was now just a swimming instructor.
Andy told you that day he apologized to you at the library was the day when he gave in an interview for the Swimming Instructor position opened at the community gym. He said it was something he used to do in his free time, and he wanted to give it a shot
You weren’t even surprised to find your mind in the gutter when you thought about Andy in skin-fit Speedos that stuck to his thick thighs and broad back. Or would he just wear trunks? You smacked your head; this what happens when the last time you got laid was two years back…
No offense to your expensive vibrator.
Andy would drop you to work if you didn’t feel like it and pick you up too. He even would take Nikolai alone for car rides which he enjoyed.
“Mommy! Wandi car go zooooom!”
He once popped into the library telling you that he would like to be a member. You would have never thought that this man was a bookworm. He soon told you how he used to have a habit of reading a book every night and now that he wants to revive it.
Normally for new inquisitive children or young adults who wanted recommendations to begin the practice of reading was handled by your assistant, Tracy. You weren’t surprised when Tracy was almost proactive when she saw Andy. But to the utter dismay of your assistant, Andy wanted to hear it from you.
Its not like you won a battle with your assistant, but you happily concurred with you head held high. He wants me. (You smacked yourself mentally again, jealousy is an ugly stain).
“How do I know you’re not bluffing Andy?” you whispered.
“Hey hey,” he leaned nearer to your ears. “I’m new to this place and I want a couple of books and recommendations that’s all. It can get lonely at home sometimes.”
As Andy and you spoke over books, you saw he had no shred of the hostility he had in these past few weeks. Andy also noticed how you looked much more comfortable than you were initially. For the both of you a new friendship was blooming.
For now.
“What kind of books are you into Mr. Barber?”
“Well I was the thriller and mystery kind, but things have changed, looking for a change rather. Nothing old sticks on to me now.”
“Ah yes. Every reader has that phase and I have just the solution.”
He was almost puzzled when you took him to the young adults section and handed over two books or rather two parts of a beautiful story.
“Harry Potter? Isn’t that a children’s book?”
“Objection your honour!” You went on to tell him the premise of the books without spoiling much for him. It suddenly struck him that Jacob had these books at home too. But he was able to push the twinge away when he hears your sweet whispers of excitement. He did complain he has watched the movies but the bookworm in him knew that books are always better than the movies.
“Okay okay! Objection is sustained.” He laughs. A genuine laughter after what seemed like eons.
You didn’t want the conversation to end. It felt refreshing to talk to Andy and so you felt generous.
“You can drop the usual food takeout today yeah? When was the last time you had home cooked meal?
Andy thought for a while. “An awfully long time Y/N. It’s okay-“
“Dinner is at my house. No excuses.”
Andy found a little purpose to be excited in life.
On Mondays, Andy comes home with a bottle of wine to beat the heat of a horrid Monday morning.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Andy flaunts his cooking skills to you and Nikolai. Surprisingly, he has not lost his touch over cooking. He loved it how the little boy gets the food names all jumbled up and how, much to your embarrassment, he would ask him for food requests. Can we have Pawsta and bwed? Or Can we have spwagety?
Wednesdays and Fridays, Andy chilled out on your sofa having a tea party or fighting an alien invasion with Nikolai while you effortlessly cooked to your delight.
It’s almost become a ritual over as the weeks go by. Andy and you talk a lot, but never about each other. Both of you talk about books, or debate over politics or even talk about movies.
It was in these nights when both of you unintentionally spills the beans of your past.
First was Andy when was discussing about how he loved the Harry Potter books you suggested that the waterfall of backstories began. After dinner got over both of you sat on your couch talking about the day’s work, while Nikolai fiddled with toys on the cushioned chair. He mentioned how Jacob had these books.
“Who is Jacob?”
Andy looked ahead at Nikolai sitting at one of the comfort chairs with a couple of his figurines while his eyes fought with slumber, “My son.”
“Oh, how is he? Is he with his mother now?”
Maybe it was too soon to ask. You literally saw with your own eyes how Andy’s eyes drooped, and his figure slumped before you. It even became confusing when he shook his head slightly sideways.
Realising you may have overstepped a line, you tried to steer the conversation to another direction, but Andy blurted it out as if he needed to remind himself the truth.
“Jacob died in a car accident and his mother is in prison for the very same.”
Whispering a oh my god underneath your breath while covering your mouth didn’t stop your eyes from pricking with tears.
Andy narrated the events of the trial briefly while he grabbed the bottle of wine drinking from it directly, not getting in too detail. He mentioned how his son was dropped of all the charges and how after one vacation, everything changed. He mentioned how his now ex-wife successfully attempted to kill Jacob in a car crash because she was convinced that her son was the actual murderer.  
Andy was numb to this story (the kinder version where you didn’t know he was the son of the murderer Billy Barber) and he didn’t realise the kind of reaction it would evoke from someone who had no idea about his past. Guess he was surrounded with nosy people all his life until now.
He internally panicked to you see your tearful state.
“Andy I’m so sorry.”
In an instinct you pulled Andy to you, arms wrapped around his shoulders in a hug. Andy needed a hug so bad he may have wrapped his arms around you an inch closer while he rubbed your back in assurance. He heard your small sniffles, which made him hug you tighter.
His hoarse reassuring whispers that he was alright made you even more devastated. “Hey look Y/N. I am alright okay?”
You pulled away from his embrace in embarrassment. Andy’s heart was hard as a rock, he gave you a half-hearted smile, “God I’m such a fool sometimes. Quick to come to conclusions. I shouldn’t have been so judgmental.”
“If you’re forgetting that was me a couple of weeks back.” His gently touched your cheeks wiping a tear or two away. “Hey come on now. Tears don’t suit you momma bear.”
“So, I’m a bear now huh?”
A little giggle came out of your lips and Andy felt warm. Your mind was fluttering as Andy still stroked your cheek with his thumb. You never realised could be so soothing until a worried Nikolai tried to scramble up on both of your laps.
“Mommy why you cwying?”
“Nothing peaches. Its just-“
“I ate your mommy’s cookies Nikolai,” Andy interrupted earning a dramatic gasp from the little boy while you stifled your laughter.
“Its okay Wandi. Mommy you can take the cookies fwom my jahr. Don’t cwy mommy”
After a series of awws from the two adults, Nikolai went back to his toys. It was time for Andy to leave, standing on the threshold of your house.
“This fresh start is not happening for me at all Y/N. You have been such a wonderful person entertaining me these nights but, I still can’t sleep you know. It’s haunting.”
“Andy,” you still sniffed. “The minute the garage incident was over, that was the minute you stepped away from prying eyes. No one is going to bother you now Andy. You can start fres, infact I think you already did. You bagged a Swimming Instructor shift at the local gym, you have got a new house and most importantly, or not, is that you have Nikolai and Me.
“We all have skeletons in our closet Andy, that’s the unfortunate truth. Its not going to be easy but life has to go on because little do you know you have people depending on you.”
Andy knew you were referring to Nikolai, but for him he had no one depending on him. What was the point of moving on?
“Good night Y/N”
He only left the threshold after he realised you had placed a kiss on his cheek and gave him a hug on your tiptoes.
Another night, it was your turn.
Andy soon realised Nikolai wasn’t anywhere around the house. The toys were neatly placed, and the Television wasn’t running. Music was playing from your phone, but it was low and from the smell of it, you were cooking Chicken Lasagne, Nikolai’s favourite dish.
“Where is Niko? Is he sleeping?”
“He is with his father and the grandparents.”
The dinner went awfully quiet, sure he tried to sneak conversations here and there, but he wasn’t able to hold it. He learned how you decided to actually listen to Chad’s wishes under the conditions that his grandparents would be around. Andy saw your little smile when he learned that Nikolai was extremely reluctant to go with his father. A rational side of you didn’t want to separate Nikolai from his father.
It was while you were flipping through the channels that you broke out like a dam.
“You know Andy, what you heard that day in the library was the truth you know.”
“Niko’s father Chad?”
“It was Nikolai’s first birthday. We were all gathered at home for a small birthday party. Chad and I called in our co-workers that day. In the name of this little one everyone began drinking by around four when we scheduled the party at six.”
Andy noticed how you sardonically laughed in between.
“Before we could cut the cake, I went in search of Chad because Niko wouldn’t cut the cake without him. So, I went around searching for him because I remember Chad was kind of drunk. And then I find him in our room fucking his co-worker while he screamed her name.”
You looked below and began fidgeting with your fingernails. “The next half an hour went in a haze. The guests left. Chad and I went hysteric. We were at each other’s throat. I screamed at him and Chad somehow became sober and began to um- hit me uhm-“
You were breaking and Andy didn’t want to ask you to stop narrating. You must have trusted him enough to talk about something that you evidently found traumatic. Andy scooted closer and took your palms in his hands.
“And I didn’t even realise how I was scarring Niko. He was sitting on the couch all alone scared at our hysterics. In that half hour I- I- forgot about him. The guests were gone, and he didn’t cry. Niko just sat there with his beady eyes clutching his figurines, looking at me in horror after that bastard went up to his room like nothing mattered. I’m the reason for Nikolai’s state.”
“Hey what state Y/N?” Andy stroked your cheek; the lines of formality were blurred between you two. Right now, it was just one soul comforting another in a time of agony. “Nikolai is such perfect child. I have never seen such a brilliant three-year-old in my life.”
You whimpered, “N-Niko hates birthdays. The sight of candles on a cake make him cry and disturbed. H-his nursery is left incomplete because he has these terrible nightmares when he is left alone. He comes crying in horror even if I try to let him sleep alone for once. He always sleeps with me. W-what if I damaged him Andy? Wh-what if he likes his father more in this visit? What if he leaves me?”
You sobbed uncontrollably into Andy’s chest. He didn’t hesitate in cradling you and stroking your hair. He pulled you closer, leaning back at the couch. He waited for your crying to die down.
“You’re such an amazing mother darling,” he whispered, the loving nickname going unnoticed because it seemed so right, “So caring, so kind. Nikolai loves you, you know that right?”
He felt you nodding your head at his chest while none of you bothered to acknowledge how both of your legs were intertwined now. Andy scooted lower on the sofa, lying down with you still cradled to him.
“Chad was a fucking scoundrel okay? Anybody would have reacted like that like you did.” Andy gritted his teeth when he recalled that he hit you but suppressed his emotions because his emotions wasn’t important now. “Nikolai is going to be simply fine. When he comes back, he’s going to run into your arms and say how much he missed you and then proceed to ransack the living room with his toys.”
That genuinely made you laugh. You didn’t want to let go of Andy. His cologne was calming. His sweater shirt was soft. You even felt his little belly; he did mention he was drinking a lot of beer and whiskey when he can’t sleep in the night. It felt so intimate; it felt so right in spite the fact the neither of you are dating.
“You’re a good man Andy.”
Andy places a chaste kiss on your forehead. He saw your cheeks scrunch up, like you were blushing. His lips felt soft on your forehead, a warmth running through the both of you. Andy decided to leave but your grip on his meant something else. Looking down, he felt your soft breaths on his neck now for you tucked your head on his neck. You must be clingy he wondered, but he didn’t mind. He needed a dose of clingy looking at his current state of life.
“Good Night Y/N.”
He was supposed to get up slowly and untangle from your limbs and spread a blanket on you before he left. He was supposed to go back inside his house and have another round of sleepless nights.
Not cuddle and have a good night’s sleep peacefully with you in your soft sofa?
Finally, Saturdays and Sundays are the lazy days, ironically both of you don’t hang out as much on the weekends for deep inside Andy thought he was invading Nikolai and yours family time.
When Nikolai was back the next day, just like Andy had mentioned, he ran into your arms and kissed you so much. He even hugged you harder and said he didn’t want to go back to his father.
“He’s not like Wandi. Wandi likes tea pawties. Papa says tea pawties is for guhls and not for boys.”
“Peaches that’s not true, you can play tea party any time you want. You can play with me and Andy okay?”
“Yeah okay. Can we play tea pawty inside Wandi’s cahr too?”
Your little boy also managed to change your mother-son ritual into a mother-son-neighbour ritual. He persisted you into calling Andy for the everyday evening picnic at the lawn. You knew your son loved Andy but a little voice asked if this was too much.
Apparently it wasn’t. Andy was extremely happy to join you and Nikolai. He kept asking if it was okay but a few reassurances later Andy joined you with a jar of  lemonade. “I may have peaked out of the window and seen your daily picnics. None of them have this baby.” (Of course he was talking about his lemonade).
“Mommi look, Wandi made lemonade! Yaaaay!”
He runs over and hugs Andy as tight as his little hands can. 
“I bake this boy five types of cookies and he falls for your lemonade? Blasphemy Andy. What are you doing to my son?” you ask him with feigned wound in your heart.
“Oh Y/N. He’s just found a new friend. Don’t be jealous now.”
Seeing your son and Andy bond made you heart make a little small wish; that Niko and you find a companion like Andy. Wishing for Andy himself is like wishing for a star. Why would this perfect man fall for a broken person like you?
Andy and you spoke while the little boy ran around the lawn with his toys and it was then his senses came alive and he took in his surroundings.
A pink stained sky; clouds imitating to be cotton candy. A beautiful house in a quaint neighbourhood. The faint smell of your warm cookies and refreshing lemonade while your son ran around. A woman of his dreams weaving her palm through the strands of her hair. This was a dreamland.
And in that moment, he scooted near you and he entwined his hands into yours. You were perplexed at what he was doing but you went with the flow. He wanted his utopia.
“Andy? What are you-“
“Y/N, will you go on a date with me?”
After a few minutes later, your answer gave all the reassurance that he finally got his fresh start; that he can finally start a new life without the demons in the closet.
Part 3
Taglist (IS OPEN): @art-estrange​ @sinner-as-saint​ @captainscanadian​, @kakakatey​ @bluevelvetsam​ @mrsbarneswillseeyounow​ @anqelicstarc @lcandothisallday​ @https-bucky​ @readermia​ @chrisevansforever​ @ruthyalva96​ @thedarkplume​ @sammyfresh​ @bloglovelylady​ @stuckys-dirty-girl @rindaastridfreakinreign​ @buckys-plums3​ @marvelouspottering​ @sweetlittlegingy​ @emilykjhgsj​ @poppunkdork​ @bval-1lovepeacefood @captainchrisstan​ @hista-girl​ @xlanawriter​ @denisemarieangelina​ @xoxabs88xox​ @adreamemporium​ @yoncevans​ @oceanlenny @ididntchoosethislife​ @evansinlove​ @ninaminaromina​ @sodonutnutnut​ @nickysurfer28​ @captainchrisstan​​ @charmed-asylum​​ @lovepeacefood @trashboggart​ @elementoffire1988 @kelbabyblue​ @princess-evans-addict​ @secretlyactivated​ @harryismyonlyangel​ @agentmstark​ @firstangeldragonranch​  @tessa-bl​ @morganclaire4​ @i-ship-it-ironically​ @kiza4 @morganclaire4​ @may-machin​ @shikin83​ @lovingonshawn​ @turtoix​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @in-a-constant-daydream6​ @dangerdolns​ @fckdeusername​ @missus-rogers​ @themadhattersqueen​ @heatherhollowayst​ @littleprincessma​ @this-is-serenaa​ @youllbemineandillbeyours​ @cevans-is-classic​ @funfickgirl22​ @mery-be​ @jojo-lindholm @evans-dejong​
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adenei · 4 years ago
A Granger Weasley Christmas
Some tooth rotting fluff! I’m not sure I could have fit in any additional tropes if I tried, but for those anon requests, here it is in it’s full glory!
The bonus smut chapter I wrote that ties into this fic can be found here, should you wish to read it 
I hope everyone who celebrates has a very Merry Christmas! 🎄
Hermione stepped in through the front door of her home as she placed her bag by the door and hung her coat in the closet. She shook off the snowflakes that had fallen onto her hair as she chose to apparate home and walk up the lane, relishing in the peaceful, quiet Christmas Eve night. Her work at the Ministry had finally been finished, and now she could enjoy the next week off with her family. 
“I’m home!” she called as she finished putting her things away. She heard laughter and smelled something rather sweet coming from the kitchen. Hermione walked in to find Ron, Rose and Hugo working at the kitchen counter. Gingerbread pieces were piled high with white frosting acting as glue, and there were colored candies all over the kitchen counter. 
“What’s this?” she asked as she walked further into the kitchen.
“The school sent home a gingerbread house kit for families to do over Christmas hols. The kids have been begging to start working on it, and I could only hold them off for so long. I thought you’d be home an hour ago,” Ron explained while giving Hermione a look.
“I know, I’m sorry! I just needed to make sure things were wrapped up at the Ministry, and now I don’t have to think about work for the next week.” Hermione smiled as she kissed each of the kids on the tops of their heads. She ignored Ron’s eyeroll at her ‘not thinking about work’ comment. “I’m going to go change and then I’ll be back down to help, alright?”
“Okay, Mummy!” Hugo said as Rose nodded. She was far too focused to speak as she was placing a gingerbread square just right so that it stuck to the frosting and layered the way she wanted it to.
By the time Hermione had returned, Rose and Hugo had constructed a towering structure that was slightly lopsided, but amazingly held together. She had a feeling Ron may have slipped a bit of magic in to keep it sturdy to avoid disappointing the kids. 
‘Look, Mum, look!” said Hugo in an overly excited voice. 
“Can you tell what it is? Can you?” Rose added.
Hermione took another look at the tall gingerbread structure, but before she could guess, Hugo spluttered, “It’s the Burrow!”
“Hugo!” Rose sounded upset.
“Oh, my goodness! It is, isn’t it? How clever!” she said quickly, to avoid a meltdown.
“It was my idea!” Rose said.
“And I helped make it lopsided, like the Burrow is,” Hugo added proudly.
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh as she listened to the two of them explain which parts were theirs, and which parts they worked together on. She sat next to her husband as the kids set to work adding details with the frosting and the various candies. She wasn’t sure if more ended up on the display or in their mouths.
“I don’t suppose you had anything to do with enchanting the gingerbread house so that it hasn’t crumbled, hmm?” Hermione whispered into Ron’s ear.
“What they don’t know, won’t hurt them. Besides, we’ll take a picture of their masterpiece, and the magic should hold for a few days anyway.”
“Brilliant thinking. I take it I missed dinner?” Hermione asked.
“Yes, but I’ve left your plate in the microwave. You just need to heat it up,” Ron said as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.
Hermione watched the kids finish their Gingerbread Burrow as she ate her meal, and then noticed the clock. “Oh my, it’s almost eight. You know what that means!”
“Christmas Eve presents?!” Rose and Hugo shouted excitedly.
Hermione and Ron laughed. “Yes, Christmas Eve presents, but only after you clean up this mess. We’ll make sure the Burrow is displayed properly on the hutch, how’s that?” Hermione said as she carefully moved the kid’s creation.
The kids nodded as they began picking up their mess. Ron had moved the garbage can closer so they would make less of a mess transferring the piping bags of frosting and cookie crumbles. Soon enough, the counter was rid of the remaining sweets, and Ron was scourgifying it clean.
 “Alright, kids. To the living room!” Ron said in an energetic tone as he and Hermione followed them.
“Oh, no!” Rose said. “Dad, the lights went out!”
“Ah, so they have. Must be one loose bulb somewhere. Well, maybe we can all work together to fix the lights if it’s not too late.”
“Before we set out cookies for Father Christmas?” Rose asked hopefully.
“Only if it’s not too late,” Hermione chimed in. “Now, here go ahead and open these.” She handed Rose and Hugo identically wrapped packages.
“Yay! This is my favorite part about Christmas Eve!” Hugo said enthusiastically. Nothing could ruin the holidays for their youngest child.
Both Rose and Hugo excitedly unwrapped their presents to find matching Christmas pajamas. The shirts had cute reindeer on them and the bottoms were a checkered red, white and black pattern.
“Thanks, Mum and Dad! Should we wear them to bed tonight?” Rose asked. 
“That’s the plan, Rosie,” Ron said as he reached out his arms to accept a hug from his little girl. “Now, what do you say we get you two cleaned up in the bath so you don’t get any frosting or gingerbread crumbs on those new pajamas?”
Ron led them up to the bathroom as Hermione picked up the wrappings and joined them soon enough. For once, bath time did not take as long as expected because the kids were too excited to help fix the tree and get the cookies they’d baked earlier that day set out for Father Christmas. He quickly found himself chasing two kids in matching pajamas down the stairs and into the living room where Hermione was waiting for them. 
“Do we still have time to help with the lights, Dad?” Rose asked. Hugo was showing off his best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip to help convince their parents to say yes. 
“I think if we all take a different section of the tree, then we may be able to solve the Christmas tree mystery. Hmmm, now who should take the top section? Hugo, you’re tall enough, right?” Ron joked as he tickled his son. 
“No, Dad, that’s your job! Rose and I can work on the bottom!” 
“Alright, alright, I suppose you’re right. Mum can take the middle section, yeah?” Ron asked as Hermione nodded and the family of four set to work. 
Hermione half suspected the kids to grow tired of the task fairly quickly, and honestly, if it wasn’t the night before Christmas, she’d have just suggested going out to purchase another string of lights to replace it with. Unfortunately, it was too late for that. Surely if they couldn’t figure it out, they could use magic to fix it, right?
As if on cue, Hugo asked worriedly, “Dad? What if we can’t fix it? Will Father Christmas not be able to find our house?” 
“Hugo, that wouldn’t make Father Christmas skip our house! Some of my friend’s families don’t even keep their lights on all night.” Rose argued with her brother.
“W-what? But he needs the light to see! How else would he know where to put the presents and which stockings to fill?” Hugo questioned.
Hermione gave Ron a quick look. They were too young to be having these questioning conversations about Father Christmas, but Hugo was so intuitive about everything that she shouldn’t be surprised. Ron returned her worried look with a reassuring one of his own. Hopefully he had a plan.
“You see, Hugo, Father Christmas is magical, too. I can tell you that he appreciates when the lights are on, but he won’t skip the house if they’re off or broken. Don’t worry, as long as you’ve been good this year, you have nothing to worry about!”
Hugo stopped checking the lights as he bit his lip. He was clearly worried that maybe he hadn’t been as good as he thought. 
“Hugo, don’t overthink it, honey, I’m sure Father Christmas won’t forget you. Remember, as long as you believe, you shall receive.” Hermione smiled at her son, who looked a bit relieved as he went back to trying his lights. 
They worked in silence for a little while, and all of a sudden the middle section lit up brightly again.
“I found it, I found it!” exclaimed Rose.
“Great job, sweetheart! And great teamwork everyone,” Ron said quickly when he noticed Hugo’s disappointment that it wasn’t him to fix the tree. “Should we go set the cookies out and then get ready for bed?”
This helped take Hugo’s mind off the tree as he jumped up and ran to the kitchen. “Mum, look! I made this one especially for Father Christmas!” They’d made classic sugar cookie cut outs that were caked with a heavy layer of icing. Hugo’s was a green Christmas tree with little globs that she assumed were ornaments.
“Wow, Hugo, you worked very hard on that! I’m sure he’ll love it!”
“Mine’s an angel, but I decorated his face to look like a gnome,” said Rose with a triumphant smile. “I got the idea because Dad told us about when Uncle George and Uncle Fred put a gnome on top of the tree at the Burrow when they were growing up.”
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh at the memory as Ron grinned, clearly happy that the kids had enjoyed his story. As they were arranging the cookies on the plate, Hugo asked, “What was your first Christmas together like, Mum?”
Hermione looked at her son. “Do you mean our first Christmas when we were together? Or..”
“No, your first Christmas after you met!” Hugo said excitedly.
“Why don’t we make that your bedtime story?” Ron suggested. “Rose, do you want to hear the story, too? We’ll tell it in Hugo’s room. Go brush your teeth and we’ll meet you up there in a few minutes.”
“What are we going to tell them?” Hermione asked Ron as they heard the kids running up the stairs.
“I reckon we should probably tell them the truth..” Ron said cheekily, earning a playful swat from his wife.
“You know what I mean,” Hermione said. 
“Well, we can explain that you went home, and Harry and I stayed at Hogwarts. Pretty uneventful, honestly.”
“Better than telling them we spent second year together at Hogwarts so we could use polyjuice potion to spy on Draco,” Hermione reasoned.
Ron burst into laughter. “Can you imagine the kid’s reactions if we told them you polyjuiced into a cat?”
“We are never telling them that story! Some things are better left in the past.”
“There’s a lot that they probably shouldn’t know about our Hogwarts years,” Ron said.
“Yes, and hopefully Neville won’t give too much away, either.” Hermione said.
“It’s not Neville I’m worried about,” Ron muttered as he motioned for them to head up the stairs.
They walked into Hugo’s room and sat on the edge of the bed. “So you want to hear about our first Christmas, eh?” Ron said as Rose and Hugo nodded. “Well, I’m afraid it’s not a very interesting story.”
“Why not?” Rose asked.
“Well, it was our first year at Hogwarts, and I went home to spend Christmas with my family, and your dad stayed at Hogwarts to spend Christmas with Harry since he wasn’t going home,” Hermione explained.
“You didn’t get any presents for each other?” Rose asked with a disappointed look on her face.
“Oh, I got your father some chocolates from Honeydukes,” Hermione said.
“And I got your Mum a quill from Scrivenshaft’s. It wasn’t much, but we were eleven,” Ron added.
“Twelve,” Hermione corrected him.
“Well, what about the story of how you met, then?” Hugo asked.
“Now, that’s a story!” Ron said with a chuckle.
“Ohh, tell us, tell us!” Rose begged.
“Please?” added Hugo.
“Alright, alright, settle down,” Hermione told them. “Well, we met on the train at Hogwarts. I was helping Neville find his toad, and I stumbled upon the compartment that Uncle Harry and Dad were in. He was quite rude to me, actually,” Hermione said playfully. “Tried to do a bit of magic, but it didn’t quite work as intended.”
“Yes, and then your Mum decided to tell me I had dirt on my nose and left,” Ron continued. “We didn’t get on very well in the beginning. A couple months in, she tried to help me cast wingardium leviosa, and I called her a nightmare.”
Rose gasped. “You didn’t!” 
“Did you apologize? You never let Rose or me call each other names!” Hugo seemed appalled.
“He did apologize eventually,” Hermione said. “I was so upset that I went to hide in a bathroom and missed the Halloween feast.”
“So she missed the announcement that there was a troll roaming the castle,” Ron said nonchalantly.
Both kid’s mouths dropped open. “A troll was roaming the castle? Aren’t they dangerous?” asked Hugo.
“Do they let trolls loose every Halloween?” Rose asked excitedly. Merlin, they had a Gryffindor on their hands if Ron had ever seen one.
“No, no! It wasn’t planned. All the kids were sent back to their common rooms and the teachers went to go find it. Well, Uncle Harry and I remembered that someone said Hermione was crying in the bathroom, and we figured we should go tell her. It was a good thing we did because the troll went right into that bathroom,” Ron went on.
“And you locked him in there with me!” Hermione interrupted.
“Yeah, but we went in after you when we heard you scream!” Ron defended.
“Yes, just before he was about to get me!”
“What happened?” Rose asked.
“What did you do?” Hugo said with wide eyes.
“Well, Harry jumped on the troll’s back to try and stop him, and ended up getting his wand stuck up the troll’s nose. I tried to throw a pipe at it, and then I managed to cast wingardium leviosa and levitated the club out of the troll’s hand.” Ron paused to make sure he had the kid’s full attention. “And then, the club knocked the troll on the head, and he passed out.”
“We were just about to get out of there when the professors found us and asked what happened. I covered for them, telling Professor McGonagall I thought I could take the troll on by myself, but they wouldn’t let me.”
“You did what? Rose asked.
“After that, your Uncle Harry and I decided to keep her around. She turned out to be a really great friend when she wasn’t nagging us to do our homework,” Ron said with a smile as he put his arm around Hermione and kissed her temple.
“Ewww,” Rose said.
Hermione laughed as she said, “I think it’s time for bed now. If you stay up too late, Father Christmas may not make it. You’ve got to be asleep for him to make his rounds.”
They kissed Hugo goodnight, and repeated the routine with Rose in her room before shutting their doors.
“I’m exhausted,” Hermione said.
“And yet, our night is just beginning,” Ron said with glee.
“No, Ron, the bikes should be in the back by the window! Not in the front. Bigger presents in the back, smaller presents in the front,” Hermione chided.
“I still don’t see why Hugo and Rose are getting bikes to begin with. They’re magical, they should have brooms!” Ron shot back.
“They have brooms already!” 
“Yeah, but Hugo’s is a toy broomstick and Rose has got my old Cleansweep from school.”
“Next year that will be Rose’s big present, but this year it’s a bicycle for each of them. They have muggle friends at school, and they need to be able to play with them like muggles. Besides, learning to ride a bike is much like learning to fly a broom, and it will be a good skill for the kids to have.”
“If you say so..” Ron watched as Hermione finished rearranging all of the presents under the tree. He folded his arms and shook his head as he chuckled to himself. “You’re barmy, you know that, right? The kids aren’t going to remember the layout, you know.”
“Yes, but I will. And you secretly love it. You’re not fooling anyone,” Hermione said as she brushed her hands together indicating she was done, and walked over to him.
Ron wrapped her in his arms and leaned in to kiss her. Even after fifteen years together, his heart still skipped a beat every time their lips touched. Hermione seemed to melt into him, probably from a mixture of exhaustion and an eagerness for his affection. With two kids running around the house, it was a struggle to find time to be intimate with each other.
“Shall we head to bed, then?” he whispered against her lips.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Hermione responded in kind.
Hermione woke with a start at 4:30 in the morning, and tugged at Ron’s arm. “Ron!” she hissed. “The cookies! We forgot to eat the cookies!”
“Wha-?” Ron said in his still drowsy state. 
“The cookies are sitting on the counter,” she repeated as she hopped out of bed and pulled her bathrobe on. She let out a grunt of frustration as she saw Ron’s head hit the pillow again. “Honestly…” 
Hermione checked both the kid’s rooms to ensure they were still sound asleep before she tiptoed to the kitchen. The cookie eating was always Ron’s job. The kids had a knack for layering the frosting a little too thick, and Hermione couldn’t stomach all that sugar. She took a deep breath and picked up Hugo’s cookie first, and took the biggest bite she could muster so it would look like it was eaten. 
Hermione placed one half back on the plate and took the other out of her mouth, nibbling on a tiny corner before making her way over to the bin. She opened it and stuffed the cookie as far down as she could, strategically placing some discarded wrapping paper over it so the kids wouldn’t see. 
Then,she went back to the plate of cookies and panicked. What do I do, what do I do? She thought. Hermione spotted a piece of parchment on the counter and had an idea. She grabbed it and began scribbling in the messiest scrawl she could manage:
Rose and Hugo,
Happy Christmas! You’ve been so good this year. I hope you enjoy your gifts! Thank you for the cookies. They were delicious! The angel gnome was too creative to eat - I’ve never seen anything like it. Be good for your Mum and Dad and I can’t wait to receive your letters next year.
Father Christmas
There! Crisis averted. Hermione took a deep breath as she quietly made her way back up the stairs, and was hoping for a few more hours of rest before the kids woke up. Ron was already back to snoring.
“Rosie, look! Look! A bicycle! Wow!” Hugo gushed as he skidded to a halt in front of the tree, Rose hot on his heels.
Ron and Hermione were cuddled up on the couch, mugs of coffee in hand as they watched the kids open up their presents. Both kids received a few books that Hermione knew the kids would enjoy, but aside from that, their presents couldn’t have differed more. 
In addition to the books and bicycle, Rose received a quaffle, broom care kit, and the furby she was begging for because everyone at school was asking for them. Ron had no idea why it was the hit gift of the year. They looked so creepy, and if an owl was what Rose wanted, he’d have gotten her one, but Hermione had insisted.
Hugo’s gifts included a small magnetic chess set, the latest lego set, and a playstation console. It was a used one, but would do well for Hugo who only liked a few certain games. Rose’s temper had caused an uncontrolled magic accident where their former console had shorted out and wasn’t playable anymore. Hugo was especially excited to have another gently used version to replace the other one. 
The kids received socks and a board game from Father Christmas, and their stockings were filled to the brim with both Muggle and Magical sweets. They thanked their parents profusely, and grabbed their own gifts that they’d created for their parent’s gift. Hugo had made an ornament with painted puzzle pieces glued together, encircling his school picture. Ron and Hermione both gushed over how creative it was.
Rose had made a Christmas tree out of string that was wrapped around small nails protruding from a small slab of wood, with the words “Merry and Bright” scribbled in her handwriting underneath. Aunt Audrey had helped her make it apparently, and Rose was very proud of the finished work. Hermione got up to put it on the mantle and Ron hung Hugo’s ornament on the tree. 
The kids hugged their parents. “Can we ride our bikes?” Hugo asked hopefully. 
Ron laughed. “No, Hugo, there’s too much snow on the ground. We’ll put the bikes in the shed, but I promise on the first nice day, we’ll get right out there. Why don’t you bring some of your presents up to your room and play while Mum and I make breakfast. You too, Rose.”
Rose nodded and began gathering as much as she could carry towards the stairs. Hugo followed her as Ron summoned his gift for Hermione from under the tree. “You didn’t think I’d forget your gift, now, did you?” he said with a smile. 
He handed her a small box, which she opened gently. It was a small jewelry box, which she opened to reveal a small silver bracelet with four stones. The two in the middle were sapphire and aquamarine. Next to the sapphire was a blue topaz stone, and next to the aquamarine, an alexandrite stone. It was stunning, and Hermione knew without explanation that it was their family represented by their birthstones.
“It’s beautiful, Ron, I love it,” she said as she clasped the bracelet around her wrist and then leaned in for a kiss.
She summoned his gift next and handed it to him. It was a simple envelope, and didn’t seem like much. He opened the envelope to reveal a weekend getaway for just the two of them next month in Egypt. It was the one place Ron had been that Hermione had not, and he’d always wanted to take her there. Once they’d started their family, opportunities for travel had all but vanished, so this was her way of helping him make good on his promise.
“Wicked!” Ron said. “I finally get to show you around Egypt, and it’s a holiday for just the two of us? I hope things are still the same as when I was twelve,” he said with a laugh. “This is brilliant, love, thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. Shall we get on with breakfast, then?” Hermione asked. “I’m sure the gifts won’t keep them occupied forever.”
“Right you are,” Ron agreed as he led her into the kitchen.
“I still stand by my statement from last night. This is still the best Christmas ever,” Hermione told him as she leaned against the counter, watching him get ingredients out.
“I’d expect nothing less.”
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themanicmagician · 5 years ago
Shipwrecked [1/4]
Summary: When Redd's boat crashes upon the shore of Bastion Island, Tom reluctantly takes him in while he recovers. Tom despises Redd for his past deceit, but when he has no choice but to spend time with him, Tom is reminded why he fell in love with the wily fox in the first place.
The wind blew fiercely enough to rattle the windows. The rainstorm, which had begun as an insignificant drizzle that afternoon, had since evolved into a deluge.
“Oh goodness!” Isabelle’s exclamation was punctuated by a jingling of the bells in her hair. She was peering out the dark window. “Alex is outside in this awful weather!”
Tom followed Isabelle’s gaze. Bastion Island’s resident representative, Alex, tromped across the muddy grass. She wore a raincoat, boots, and hat, and clasped a fishing pole in one hand. She was evidently unbothered by the downpour.
“Oh, we should do something, shouldn’t we? She’ll get awful sick, won’t she?” Isabelle fretted, wringing her paws.
“She’ll be alright.” Tom assured her. Humans were remarkably hardy compared to animals. Even if something did happen, the Cranny was well-stocked with medicine.
Alex soon disappeared from their view. Isabelle returned with reluctance to her desk.
Tom found himself wrapped back up in work in short order. He was overlooking expense reports that’d been submitted to him by Timmy and Tommy. The twins were doing remarkably well handling the shop on their own. His oversight was minimal, and more a formality than anything. But the Nooklings wouldn’t have him out of the loop, and Tom had to confess to himself he didn’t want to give up this last tie to the Cranny. Owning a shop had been a dream of his for so long, it had never truly left him.
A jangling noise broke the peaceful quiet of the office. Isabelle fished out her phone from her pocket. A delighted grin lit up her face.
“Digby!” She flashed a look to Tom. “Do you mind if I…?”
Tom gestured wordlessly for her to go ahead.
Isabelle accepted the call, and spoke rapid-fire back and forth with her brother. Digby had recently switched professions from gatekeeper to a member of the renowned Happy Home Academy, and was evidently eager to apprise his sister of further details.
He watched out of his peripheral vision as Isabelle chatted merrily away, and felt a pang of loneliness. Everyone, it seemed, had someone. Isabelle had Digby. Timmy and Tommy were inseparable. Sabel still had Mabel, even if Label had left to strike out on her own. Tom was an only child, and then an orphan. There had been another, once. Someone he’d thought he could trust, could open his heart to. It hadn’t ended well.
Tom dove back into his paperwork to chase away the melancholia. He was writing a series of calculations in the margins of the Nooklings’ report when the doors to Resident Services banged open.
Tom startled and drew a line through his work. Isabelle yipped, and hurriedly said her goodbyes and hung up on Digby.
Alex and Del were carrying an animal between them. It was a fox, with bedraggled, matted fur, Alex’s jacket thrown over his small shoulders.
“I found him by the dock. His ship was all smashed up on the rocks, I had Del help me get him out.” Alex explained. “I think he’s hurt!”
“Lay him on the table,” Tom ordered. He shoved papers and pen cups off the surface to clear room, uncaring where they landed.
Alex and Del placed him carefully on the table. The fox groaned feebly, but didn’t stir. Up close, there was no mistaking the newcomer: it was Redd. What on earth was he doing here, on a near-deserted island of all places? There was no time at present to think it over.
Tom checked Redd over. The fox was miraculously unhurt, save for his left arm. The limb was twisted at an odd angle.
“Del, get medicine from the Cranny. Alex, we’ll need straight sticks and cloth to set his arm.”
The two darted out to fetch what Tom asked. Isabelle found a towel from somewhere and started drying Redd’s sodden frame.
Tom bent over Redd’s face. He tapped his cheek, trying to rouse him. There was a tight ball of anxiety in Tom’s chest, that wouldn’t abate until Redd stirred to crack some dumb joke.
“Mr. Nook, is this who I think it is?”
“It’s Redd, yes.”
Isabelle’s knowledge of him was scarce. She knew him only as the sketchy merchant who set up a tent on occasion in the plaza of their old town. Tom had not divulged any of their past history to her, in spite of their friendship. Indeed, Sable was the only one of his acquaintance who had full knowledge of the situation, in part because she had witnessed the sad finale. Tom had watched Redd erect his tent in the plaza, peddle his often-fake wares, and scurry off before villagers could come after him with their complaints. At the time Tom had considered intervening, of forcing Redd out of town, but he hadn’t been able to confront the fox directly. Instead, he posted a missive on the town bulletin board, warning villagers not to buy from him. If they chose to be taken in by Redd’s wiles after the fact, that was on them.
“But what could Redd be doing all the way out here?” Isabelle echoed Tom’s earlier thoughts.
“What indeed.” Tom could only imagine. Doubtless some new elaborate scheme of his to swindle more animals out of their hard-earned bells.
“I’m back!” Alex declared, arms full of supplies.
Tom aligned the sticks in the proper position, then requested Isabelle and Alex hold the branches still as Tom wound the cloth around them to secure the splint. Redd shifted and whimpered as his broken arm was inevitably jostled, and Tom was glad now that Redd hadn’t awoken earlier.
As they finished splinting Redd’s arm, Del arrived with what looked like eight or nine bags of medicine, all slightly damp from the rain.
“I wasn’t sure how many he’d need.” Del said, dumping the pile out onto the table.
Tom opened up one of the paper bags. Inside was a flask of medicine, stoppered with a cork. Tom tipped Redd’s head up slightly, and trickled the vial down his throat. The fox swallowed reflexively. When Redd drained the flask, Tom set it aside. A stray drop of medicine had landed on Redd’s muzzle. Tom thumbed it away unthinkingly.
“I can take him back to my house,” Alex offered. Tom started, his paw quickly dropped away from Redd’s face. “I have the room.”
“No, thank you. That won’t be necessary. Redd and I are...old acquaintances. I’ll look after him, if you’d help me get him home.”
Alex was a touch bemused, evidently wanting to ask more about their connection, but merely agreed.
“Oh, just a moment!” Isabelle scurried back to her desk. She rooted around the drawers until she produced a folded, unused rain poncho. “So he doesn’t get a chill on top of everything else.”
The poncho was a pink plastic, with daisies printed on it. Redd would absolutely hate it, so Tom took some satisfaction in dressing him in the thing.
Moving Redd was a joint effort. Tom and Alex carried Redd, the latter being careful not to jostle the fox’s bad arm. Isabelle held her green gingham umbrella over them, shielding Redd from the worst of the rain. And Del hurried alongside them with the excess parcels of medicine.
The group made their way to the Cranny. The first floor was where the Nooklings served customers, and they and Tom all lived upstairs on the second level.
Tommy was just locking up the shop as they approached, smothering a yawn with one paw. His eyes widened at the sight of them.
“We’re taking him upstairs.” Tom said.
Tommy nodded and scampered to the side door that led to the second floor. He held the door open, and they carried Redd inside.
The Nook family lived modestly here. They had a quaint living room, connected to a kitchenette. There was a single bathroom, and two bedrooms. One for Tom, and one for the boys. (They shared a bunk bed. Tom frequently heard them through the wall at night, bickering good-naturedly about who got to sleep on the top bunk that evening.)
They deposited Redd on Tom’s bed. As Tom tucked the covers around him, he was struck by how small Redd was. Redd had always been the more angular one of the pair of them, but when they’d first met, Tom had been much younger, and still growing. He’d been a head shorter than the fox, whereas now he was a head taller. Redd hadn’t changed at all. He looked so small and pitiful in Tom’s bed, that an instinctive urge to protect him welled up within Tom. He squashed it.
Del left the medicine piled on the nightstand. After assuring them all he could take it from here—yes, Isabelle, he would call if he needed something, yes, he promised—the villagers left.
“What’s going on?” A small voice piped up. Timmy emerged from the bathroom, dressed in his pajamas, complete with a nightcap that had a dangling pom-pom on the end. He was holding his toothbrush.
“Redd is going to be staying with us for...a little while.” This was absolutely not a long term plan. Tom would shelter and feed Redd while he recovered, because it was the right thing to do. But once Redd was well again, he was being sent back to the mainland—whether he liked it or not.
Tommy went to his usual place at Timmy’s side, and the duo turned their inquisitive eyes upon Tom.
“So is Redd your friend?”
“No.” Tom denied, a touch more curt than he’d intended. Softer, he explained, “We tried to go into business together, once, when I was very young. It didn’t work out. Our philosophies differed too much.”
Tom had hoped his explanation would curtail any further comments, but, on the contrary, the Nooklings were now nearly vibrating in place with curiosity.
“It’s late. You should both get ready for bed.” Tom said, before they could pepper him with additional questions.
Once Timmy and Tommy were settled in for the night, Tom returned to check on Redd. He had moved some in his sleep, now curled on his uninjured side. He was panting lightly. Tom pressed the back of his paw to Redd’s forehead. He was a little warm, but not alarmingly so.
Tom left him then, assured he’d be alright throughout the night. He stretched out on the living room couch and resigned himself to a bad back the next morning.
The city was bigger than Tom had dreamed. Buildings towered overhead. Tom craned his neck and still couldn’t see the tops of the skyscrapers. He paused a moment, just to drink it all in.
An eagle bumped into him. The bird squawked, dropping her coffee on the crosswalk.
“What are you doing?” She griped. “You can’t just stop in the middle of the road!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Tom rested his suitcase on the ground and hastily opened it. “I have some bells—I’ll pay you back for it—crap!”
Tom yelped as his business proposal notes were lifted up by the wind, and scattered out of his suitcase. Tom scrambled to snatch them up before they could blow too far away. None of the passersby noticed, or cared. They just kept walking. One deer even left a hoofprint stamped on one of the sheets.
“Ugh, I don’t have time for this!” The eagle complained, and stomped off without her coffee or refund.
“Wait, just a moment—!”
She had already vanished into the throng.
Tom sighed. He stuffed his papers back in his briefcase and pressed on. All he owned was collected in the small case. Two spare sets of clothes, some pencils, his business proposal he’d printed off in the town library, and a sack of 10,500 bells he’d painstakingly scraped together running various errands for his neighbors. He didn’t have much, but he clung to confidence. He had a knack for business, his school teacher had been adamant about it. Tom  would  make it. Even though the city seemed a bit more...unfriendly...than he’d hoped it would be. He was intelligent, he had good, fresh ideas. He just needed to get himself in front of the right animals to pitch his proposal.
Tom’s stomach growled. First, he needed food. And a place to stay.
The convenience store food was more expensive than he’d anticipated—no  way a sandwich would cost 500 bells back home!—so he purchased a peeled orange from a girl selling them outside the store for 15 bells.
Tom polished off the last wedge as he entered the Hollyhock Hotel. A chestnut mare in a dapper suit stood behind the front counter.
“Hi there!” She beamed. Hers was the first friendly face he’d encountered. He wondered if he could count a smile that was paid for. “Welcome to Hollyhock Hotel, sir. How can I help you today?”
“I’d like a room, please.”
“Of course!” Her hooves clacked on the keyboard. “And how many nights will you be staying with us?”
“I’m not sure yet. Could I just go night to night for now?”
“Sure. Let’s see now...I can put you in the Greene Suite, that’s 5,000 bells a night.”
“5,000 bells?!” Tom squeaked. He’d be broke within three days! “D-Do you have anything more affordable?”
Further keyboard clattering. She grimaced. “The best we could do is the Acorn Suite, that’s 3,500 a night, but it’s rather cramped.”
Tom gulped. He thought he’d stay in a hotel as he got acquainted with the city, and then in time find an apartment to move into. Now the first step of his journey seemed impossible.
The horse eyed him. “New in town, are you?”
Tom flushed. Was he so obvious? His jacket sleeves were short, stopping two whole inches above his wrists; he hadn’t had the opportunity to buy new clothes in some time, and he’d been too proud to ask Sable to sew scraps onto the ends of the sleeves. He tugged the hem of his sleeve down self-consciously.
She sighed. “Look. Things are pretty pricey here. You’d have better luck further downtown. Past 10th, I’d say.”
“Thank you,” He said politely, and turned to leave.
“Wait!” She called. He turned back. “Just...be careful, alright? That area can be a little rough. They’ll be able to tell you’re an out-of-towner with one look. Don’t go trusting any suspicious characters, alright?”
Tom nodded, and left.
He was on 50th street now. He wasn’t sure if he could afford a cab, or even the proper method of hiring one, so he walked.
It took ages. The streetlights were never in his favor. He’d cross one block and get held up at the next, over and over and over.
An hour later, the sun was starting to set, turning the skyline orange and pink. His feet and legs were stiff, and his arm ached from carrying his briefcase for so long. But, at long last, he had made it down to 10th street. The differences to uptown were stark. The crush of animals had thinned out to near nothing. The pavement was cracked and potholed. More stores were boarded up than open for business. Disheveled-looking animals slept on top of heating vents.
Tom squared his shoulders, and continued on. It wasn’t until 6th street that he caught sight of a potential lead: a motel. The ‘t’ was burnt out on the sign, but the vacancy marker beneath it was lit.
The front door was half off its hinge, the window cracked. Tom eased it open dubiously. Inside he spotted a sallow-looking pig, bickering with a fox. The fox looked out of place here. His red fur was neat and shiny, and he wore a freshly-pressed black blazer. He was slouched over the counter with an easy confidence.
“No, no, no. It’s a good way to get me in trouble.”
“You’re overthinking it. It’s simple, Cobb, really. All you’ve got to do is bet on the other fellow. We split the profits 30/70. It’s easy money, cousin.”
The pig—Cobb, evidently—caught sight of Tom.
“You checking in?” He bellowed, leaning to look past the fox.
The fox turned to face him, and Tom saw then that the fox wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath his blazer. It was half-buttoned from the bottom, the top gaping open to reveal the fox’s chest.
The fox saw him looking. Tom went scarlet.
He smirked. “What’s your name, pretty?”
“I-It’s Thomas. Nook.”
“What are you doing here, Tom?” The fox purred, slinking closer. “This dinky den doesn’t seem your style.”
“I’m looking for a room to stay in while I look for an apartment.”
Cobb opened his mouth to talk, but the fox was faster.
“Why not come stay with me for a while, instead? Just until you get on your feet. I won’t charge a single bell.”
Tom shot him a look of heavy skepticism.
“What, I’m supposed to believe you’d help me, a complete stranger, out of the goodness of your heart?”
Cobb snorted. “Goodness, now that’s a joke…” He muttered.
The fox’s grin widened; evidently, he liked being challenged.
“I wouldn’t extend such a generous offer to any old stranger, no. But I can tell who you are with one look. You’re fresh in town, flat broke, and clueless about how the city runs. But you’ve got ambition, I can smell it. I was like you once. I want to help you, to, what’s the expression? Pay it forward. Plus, Cobb doesn’t even have hot water.”
“Oi!” Cobb protested.
“So, what do you say?” The fox extended his paw.
After a moment of deliberation, Tom reached out and shook it.
“Right, we’re off then! Think about what I said, Cobb.” The fox held fast to Tom’s hand, and tugged him back out onto the city streets.
“Wait,” Tom was tripping to keep pace with the fox’s longer strides. “I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Redd. Just Redd.”
Tom awoke to the jangle of his phone ringtone. He blearily crammed his paws between the couch cushions, searching for the infernal device. It must’ve fallen out of his pocket during the night.
He found it, and squinted at the screen, which was overbright in the darkness. It was 5:52 a.m., and Blathers was calling.
“Yes?” Tom answered him, tiredly.
“Tom, you simply will not believe the evening I have had—in Bastion, of all places! Who would have thought it! I am ever so grateful you coaxed me out here, old friend, I simply must—”
“Right! Right. Alex stopped by last evening, told me all about our new guest. She wrangled some of the villagers together afterwards to search the boat wreckage. There was—Tom, you simply must see it all, you must! You need to resist that unceasing urge to work and spend a visit. There was a veritable treasure trove inside the ship. Priceless artwork. The majority of the paintings, unfortunately, were water-damaged. I am doing my utmost to repair them—I don’t think I’ll even catch a wink of sleep today, hoo-hoo! But the statues, they fared much better. They’re in near-perfect condition, all of them! I wonder if our guest may be persuaded to part with them. For the museum, of course! Though I would like nothing less than to add these pieces to my personal collection...”
Tom mentally sifted through the dump of information Blathers had bestowed upon him. Blathers was a smart owl, with a ludicrous amount of degrees. If he was coveting the art, it couldn’t be fake.
“You’re saying all the art is authentic?”
“The statues are, most assuredly. Indeed, I wonder how our guest managed to obtain them all. They must have cost a fortune. Alas, the paintings have been marred. It’s impossible for me to say with one hundred percent certainty, but to my eye the paintings appear to be authentic as well.”
This was rather unusual for Redd. Not the art and artifact scheme, he’d been pulling that for years. But almost always he sold animals nothing but forgeries and fakes. On the very rare occasion he sold a genuine piece, inevitably within months the true owner came to town to reclaim their stolen artwork. It was baffling, but Tom pushed down his curiosity. It didn’t matter to him what new scheme Redd had devised. Tom was not going to get involved in any capacity.
Tom thanked Blathers for his information, and said his goodbyes before Blathers could keep him on the line for an hour. He sat up, and winced. His back was definitely sore from a night on the couch. Isabelle had gotten him into yoga lately, so he stood to perform a few basic stretches. His routine was interrupted by a thud from his bedroom: Redd.
Tom hurried into the room. Redd had fallen from the bed in a tangle of sheets. Had he tried to get out of bed on his own?
“Owch,” He grumbled, rubbing the back of his head with his good arm. He looked up, and spotted Tom. Redd’s mouth curved into a too-familiar smirk. “Just couldn’t wait to get me in your bed, eh Tom?”
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smol-and-grumpy · 5 years ago
EUPHORIA - Chapter 15
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Angst mostly. Fluff, if you squint.
WC: 2710
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘crotchless underwear’ square for @spnkinkbingo​​​​​ Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​​​ <3
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Y/N’s piling her belongings into Dean’s car as Cas and Dean are both helping her move. It’s still early in the morning, and she doesn’t think that Cas has had any sleep at all. Dean had managed to sneak in a couple of hours because he left work earlier to spend the night with her. 
But Cas? She thinks that he came straight from work and he really didn’t have to, but Dean said that Cas insisted on helping and how could she say no to that? Rufus also said once that she should learn to accept help when it’s offered to her. She does — but it still needs a lot of getting used to.
They have to move in the morning as she has to go into work this afternoon, and Dean said that he has something too. Some family thing apparently, but she doesn’t really know, didn’t want to ask because she thinks that if he really wants to, he would tell her about it. She’s pretty chilled when it comes to private things like that, mainly because she doesn’t want to rush things with Dean. Y/N likes what they have now and she doesn’t like him forcing things on her and she gives him the same courtesy. 
When they are done, Cas leaves to go get some sleep and even though Dean asks if she wants to go grab lunch, she really has no time. She needs to go into work and actually she has a nice surprise for him in mind, if she can pull it off that is.
Y/N sits in the café, waiting for Jody Mills. There’s a bag of lingerie sitting next to her. She managed to go shopping before meeting Claire’s stepmother and she can’t wait for the meeting to be over so she can change into her newly bought lacy lingerie and show it to Dean. She gets excited just thinking about it. And that’s bad isn’t it? Y/N’s never been distracted from work but since she met Dean, he’s really the only thing that she can think about. Which is not good. Not good at all. But he makes her happy, so maybe she should hold on to that. Rufus wasn’t wrong.
She tries to calm down her heart and takes a sip from her coffee before staring at her phone on the table. There’s no message from Dean, but that’s okay because she knows that he’s busy. When she looks up again, Jody Mills is sitting across from her. Shocked by the appearance, she jumps a little in her seat and covers her mouth with her hand so as not to make a sound. 
How did the woman get here without her even noticing? She’s a fucking ninja for god’s sake!
“My god, you scared me,” She huffs out a breath but Jody doesn’t smile back. In fact, Y/N thinks that the woman looks really tired. There are dark circles beneath her eyes, and she looks older than she is. Is this because of Claire? Because Claire likes working for Dean instead of staying in college? She can’t help but pity the woman. She obviously has a hard time coming to terms with it.
“You’re Y/N?” The woman asks her, “I recognize you from the pictures.”
Y/N frowns. What pictures? She doesn’t remember ever sending Jody any pictures of her, so she asks, “What pictures?”
“Oh, you know, the one from the party? You were in his arms,” Mrs Mills scoffs. She’s less than hostile towards her, Y/N can feel it but she doesn’t really understand why.
“—How much did he pay you not to write that article, huh? Did he use his charm to get you to bed? Did he promise you something for it?” Mrs Mills cuts in, doesn’t even give her time to explain.
“Mrs Mills—” Y/N tries again.
“—Please, call me Jody. Mrs. Mills makes me feel so old,” The woman waves her hand and leans back in her seat. 
“Right,” Y/N sighs and nods, “Jody. Would you like something to drink?”
Jody snorts, “No, thank you.” 
Y/N raises her eyebrows, “Alright,” She inhales and lets the words she wants to say fly around in her head while she tries to sort them together, “First of all, Dean Winchester has no way pressured or manipulated me into anything.”
“Huh,” Jody interrupts, “That’s what they all say. That’s what Claire said.”
“It’s the truth. If you know me, you would know what I’ve been through with my ex boyfriend. You’d know that I do not condone such behaviour towards me and I do not let anyone dictate my life.”
Jody watches her, her brows are furrowed, as if she tries to listen, but doesn’t quite believe what Y/N is saying.
She continues when the other woman doesn’t say anything, “I’ve talked to your daughter and I’ve watched her. Mr. Winchester has minimal contact with his employees, he does not tell them what to do and Claire told me that she loves her job on many occasions.”
“Oh, please,” Jody grimaces.
“It’s true,” Y/N says, and that brings me to another point on my agenda, “After what you’ve accused me of, and him, I don’t think I can go on with the article. I’m sorry about that.”
“What do you mean?” Jody’s getting loud.
“What I’m saying is, I have a feeling that you won’t care what I find out, you won’t care about the article because whatever I write, it’s not going to be up to your standards. Even if it’s the truth. I have a feeling that you don’t really want to hear the truth.”
Jody’s smirking, which Y/N thinks is really weird. Why is she smirking? “So, you stop because of me and not because it could be a conflict of interest?”
“Well,” Y/N sighs, “It could be a conflict of interest, you are right. But Mr. Winchester has made it very clear that he wouldn’t oppose me writing that article.”
The woman leans closer, hunches over the table, “Do you really think you’re the only one, Y/N? Do you think that as soon as you move out of there he won’t have another girl lined up to take your place, huh?”
Moving out? How does she know that Y/N was living with Dean? Before Y/N could ask she went on.
“Does he know about Cole, huh? Does he know about the tape?”
Y/N’s really irritated now. Nobody knows about the fucking tape!
“Oh, please, if you think that you’re the only one, you’re dumber than I thought you were,” Jody stands up and leaves without any explanation, without giving Y/N a chance to say anything at all.
She tries not to dwell on the meeting with Jody, which was a total disaster to put it mildly. Y/N really tries not to mind Jody’s words but somehow she can’t stop thinking about them. How did she know that she was with Dean? How did she know about Cole? She can’t quite shake off the feeling that something’s not right with the woman and somehow, she knows how Claire must feel. Claire must be happy to get away from her mother’s tight grip, get away and explore the world, give in to her demands and want to experience her life to the fullest. She doesn’t blame the girl. Not one bit.
At her apartment, she follows through with her plans. Because why not, she’s spent so much money already, it would be a shame to back out now. 
Because that’s what she does. She looks forward, not back. Like she once said to Dean, looking forward is the only way to go. 
She showers and dresses herself in her lingerie. She even bought suspender belts and stockings. It’s still simple though, black lace, not too little but it’s probably enough to incite someone. Only now did she realize that her panties are fucking crotchless. Ugh. She doesn’t know what came over her when she bought it, and hasn't looked at them properly. She hopes Dean’s going to like them. But again, she thinks that Dean likes everything she wears, at least he gives her the impression that he does. She probably doesn’t even have to try too hard but she’s feeling playful, and it’s going to be a first for her because unlike other times, she won’t be able to spend the night with him. Y/N plans to go home, sleep in her own apartment for the first time, because there’s a team meeting at 8am the next morning.
She calls for an Uber, because there’s no way that she’s taking public transport dressed like this and when the time comes, she slips her phone and cash into her coat, securing the rope tightly around her waist. 
She knocks on the door to Dean’s apartment. She can hear people talking inside, and then hears heels clicking on the floor. The clicking noises come closer before the door is swung wide open. 
Y/N stares into the face of a tall woman. Her hair is long and wavy, and very blonde. Her lips are cherry red, a wide smile decorated her face. The woman wears a yellow summer dress with high heels to accenture her long legs. She is — evidently — everything Y/N is not.
“Can I help you?” The very beautiful girl asks and Y/N gasps like a fish on land.
Can she help her? She doesn’t know, alright? 
“Jess? Who is it?” A voice calls out from the back that clearly belongs to Dean. 
The woman, Jess, is still looking at her and she thinks they are both frowning at each other now.
“Sorry, wrong door,” Is all Y/N can think of and, it’s completely idiotic, but she wants to get away as quick as possible. She doesn’t even wait for Dean to come to the door, because she hears his footsteps in the back. Y/N takes the elevator right down, is thankful that it was already up there, and she didn’t have to wait for that one. Because that would have been awkward and embarrassing at the same time, wouldn’t it? More embarrassing than she was already feeling. 
Inside the elevator, she leans her head back against the wall, closes her eyes and cursing herself for being so fucking dumb. 
Jody has gotten into her head. And the woman was right, wasn’t she?
How could Y/N even think that someone like Dean fucking Winchester would want her for longer than a couple of good fucks. Of course, now that she’s gone he can get the next girl into his apartment until he’s tired of that one, and there will be a next, and a next. 
God, she feels so fucking dumb. And she was the one who told Jody that she won’t let anyone stomp on her feelings and make her feel like Cole did. She was so fucking wrong about that, wasn’t she. Serves her fucking right. 
When the elevator stops and she steps out of it, she can already hear footsteps on the staircase but they’re still too high up above, so she slips out quietly and walks out into the back alley of the club. Making her way to the front, she tries to get away as fast as possible, at least as fast as her heels allow. She just wants to put the club behind her, wants to walk to the next corner and hire a cab from there. It should be safer than doing it here, Dean could come out and honestly, she doesn’t want to see him or listen to his sorry excuses. He doesn’t even have to explain it to her. They’re not anything if she remembers correctly, so it’s not even his fault. Neither is it hers. The only fault she can find is that she thought they were something when they were clearly not in his eyes. And that’s not even on him. It’s all on her.
Oh, here it comes. 
She pulls her chin to her chest, ducks her head and tries to zone out, tries to walk faster too, can’t exactly run in those fucking stupid heels, dammit ! 
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N, wait!” Dean’s faster on his heels and he’s fucking running. She’s sure that he doesn’t even have to run to keep up with her because his legs are so long and her’s aren’t. 
She makes it around the corner and there’s the front entrance of the club and she has nowhere to fucking hide. The security guy sitting in the front eyes her up, and she wonders if Dean’s going to call out for him to help stop her. 
But Dean doesn’t because he’s caught up with her by the time she’s standing right in front of the club’s entrance. He grabs her by her shoulder, making her spin around to see him breathing heavily. There’s sweat forming on his forehead and she doesn’t want to look at him too long, so she looks away and down to her toes. There’s no running away, she guesses. The only thing she can do now is to face him. She sticks both her hands into the pocket of her coat, her gaze trained on her toes and on Dean’s shiny dress shoes. 
He braces both his hands on his knees to recover from the run and he’s breathing hard. His sweaty body produces an odor that mixes with his cologne, and it’s clouding her fucking mind. It’s not really fucking fair.
“Fuck,” He hisses, “I’m too old for this shit,” 
“I didn’t tell you to run after me,” She snaps, and Dean looks at her with a steely gaze. 
What? She really didn’t? Dean’s still staring. Maybe she should be intimidated but she’s really not. Maybe it would work on someone else, but it doesn’t work on her.
“Why did you leave?” He asks as soon as he catches his breath and places his hand on both her shoulders, lowering his face to be on level with her. His smell is fucking with her mind. 
She frowns, “Why did I leave? You ask me why I left?”
He says it like he really doesn’t understand and she lets out a frustrating sound that comes from the depths of her throat.
Dean just looks at her perplexed and the crease between his eyebrows deepen. 
“I don’t need this,” She hisses and turns around but Dean’s hand tugs her back.
“Come on,” He begins to walk to the entrance and pulls her with him. However, she manages to get out of his grip.
“Why do I have to go in there?” 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N, I’m not arguing with you on the fucking street!” Dean’s getting loud and she’s getting annoyed.
“There’s nothing to argue about, Dean. I think I’ve seen enough.”
He takes a couple of steps towards her, leans down and places his hand on the back of her neck, draws her closer. “Fucking Christ, baby, listen alright? The woman is Jess, my future sister in law. She and Sam came around after we had lunch where they announced their engagement. Okay?” 
She feels even dumber than before if that’s even possible.
“I was in the bathroom when you knocked. So, please get inside, you can be mad at me all you want in there, okay?” 
Y/N gnaws on her bottom lip. Dean’s explanation sounds plausible but she just doesn’t know if she can trust it.
Before she can say anything Dean kisses her, hard and rough and it’s the same way she feels, and that’s totally not fair because she turns to putty in his hands. 
“Why do you care?” She mumbles, a little out of breath when he parts.
“Goddammit, don’t you see that all I fucking care about is you?” His voice is not loud, it’s smooth, it’s almost whiny, “Please let's go in, and I’ll explain.”
Reluctantly, she lets him, lets him pull her inside and the security guard opens the door for them with a courtesy nod to Dean.
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Chapter 16
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lesbian-peanut-writer · 4 years ago
Fantasy to Reality
Day 3 of Kinktober is here and I’m ready to get this baby out for all of you. I got really carried away with this one and before I knew it, I was really invested in this story. Now, I gave a little twist to this story and it’s one that I’m not sure I made the right choice on... Please don’t get made with me for making Kirishima transgender. I don’t really want to cop any flack for the choice I made, I just want people to enjoy the story. Any hate I get for this story or the choices I made in it will probably result in me not continuing with Kinktober. 
Well, I hope you can all enjoy the story without finding the need to tear it or me apart.
~Lesbian Peanut
Word Count: 5187
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Being a Police Officer was stressful at the best of times, at least that’s the opinion Katsuki had about being one. There were moments in his career where the job was worth it and the outcomes were rewarding, but there were days where he just wanted to go home. The amount of shit he had to put up with on a daily basis while he was out on patrol was utterly frustrating and he was surprised he hadn’t lost his job before now. He probably had his partner to thank for that one though, the fact Eijiro made sure to keep his temper in check whenever he was about to lose it was probably the only reason, he was still an Officer.
Katsuki blinked and stopped when he realised his partner had gone silent and disappeared from his side. Turning on the spot he looked back along the length of the mall and raised an eyebrow as he caught sight of Eijiro stopped dead in front of a store. He stalked back towards the other man slowly, stepping up behind him and looking up at whatever it was that had caught Eijiro’s attention. Katsuki’s eyebrow shot up as he saw the lingerie that was being shown off in the window of the small store. He stepped to the side partially, peering at Eijiro as he took in the look of love and longing on his features.
“See something you like in there, babe?” Katsuki murmured as he stepped in closer to Eijiro, pressing his chest against his back as he placed a hand on his hip. “Are you trying to imagine what you would look like in those things?” He teased as he rubbed his hand over Eijiro’s hip.
Eijiro flushed crimson as he dipped his head down and sucked on his bottom lip, gnawing on it with his teeth. “Would that be such a bad thing?”
Katsuki smirked as he leaned in closer, pressing his lips against Eijiro’s ear before flicking his tongue against it. “No… it’s not a bad idea at all but I can tell you what you’d look like.” He whispered huskily as he pressed into him more. “Those elegant black lace panties would hug your arse in all the right ways, defining the voluptuous curve of it perfectly as you walk. You’d have to get those crotchless panties of course, that way they can frame that beautiful pussy of yours and show it off to the world.” Katsuki heard the sharp intake of breath from Eijiro as he described what he imagined he would look like. “The garter belt would look great on you too, those silky straps running down along your immaculate thighs before connecting to stockings. Don’t even get me started on those fishnet stockings. Those would hug your calves; you’d be lucky to get them on without ripping them and even once they’re on; they would be strangling your thighs.”
Eijiro shuddered as he leaned back into Katsuki, his eyes closed as he attempted to picture everything Katsuki was describing to him in detail. “Would that be something you would like to see, babe?”
“Me?” Katsuki clicked his tongue as he moved a hand from Eijiro’s hip around to his stomach and nipped at his ear. “You want to know what I’d do to you… I’d make you parade around for me before ordering you to sit between my legs, have you suck my dick until I come in your mouth. After that, I’d fuck the ever-loving fuck out of your throat until you’re begging me to stop.” He said calmly, his voice steady as he told Eijiro exactly what he’d do. “Once you’re done swallowing my load and you will swallow it all without spilling a drop. I’d sit back on the bed and watch you ride yourself crazy on my dick.” Katsuki shifted his hand under Eijiro’s shirt before dipping it down the front of his pants, “If you’re still sane after riding my dick, I’d lay you out on the bed and fuck you into the mattress. Fuck you until you’re screaming my name, until your throat is sore and your legs feel like jelly. When the high wears off and we’re both satiated, I’d take good care of you and clean you up myself.”
Eijiro’s brain had ceased function, it was full of so many images and his body was beginning to react to the words Katsuki was saying; his hand in his pants wasn’t helping either. He chewed on his bottom lip feverishly as he pressed back into Katsuki, his pussy clenching uncontrollably at the thought of being fucked into the mattress. He gasped, catching himself before he could fall as Katsuki stepped back away from him and spun on the spot to look over at his partner. His heart stuttered as he saw the wicked smirk that had taken residence on his face and a sense of doom washed over him.
“W-what is it?” Eijiro stammered as he stepped in closer to Katsuki.
“You know, I’d never actually force you to wear that shit… If you want to, go ahead and do it. I’m not about to stop you from trying things, Ei.” Katsuki stated as he leaned in close and looked straight into Eijiro’s eyes. “Say the words and I’ll get you some, if you’re comfortable with it; I’ll turn that little fantasy of ours into a reality.”
Eijiro’s brain was back in meltdown as he took in the words that Katsuki was vomiting at him. It was no secret that Katsuki had always had Eijiro’s back and supported him through everything. Telling Katsuki that he was transgender had been the hardest thing to do, but he had managed that and Katsuki’s love for him never faltered. He had always liked the way lingerie looked; he just wasn’t sure whether Katsuki would be into it; a fear that was apparently unfounded.
“Oi, you have all damn day to think about this alright? For now, we need to get back to our job before the chief finds out.” Katsuki’s voice cut through Eijiro’s thoughts and he had to shake them loose.
“Right, let’s get back to work!” Eijiro declared as he raised his fist into the air in a determined manner.
“Katsuki smirked as he watched his partner march off down the mall, flicking his eyes over to the small lingerie store one last time before following after him.
Katsuki groaned as he pushed open the heavy wooden door to his house, stepping into the hallway before kicking off his boots. He was quiet as he took his jacket and hung it on the hook next to the door. He smirked as he picked up the small black bag next to his feet and padded off through the house. Katsuki had eventually found Eijiro’s note tucked away on his desk and had of course taken it upon himself to oblige the request.
“Oi, shit head.” Katsuki called out as he walked into the bedroom, launching the bag across the small space between the door and the bed; watching as it landed squarely in Eijiro’s lap on the bed.
Eijiro jolted back to attention, the sudden disturbance pulling him from his deep thoughts and back to reality. He looked down at the black bag in his lap before turning his head to look over at Katsuki in the doorway. “Is this what I think it is?” He asked inquisitively.
“My answer to that question would depend upon what you think is in that bag.” Katsuki quipped as he unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his pants. His shirt followed suit as he pulled it up over his head and tossed it behind him to the ground.
Eijiro watched as Katsuki stripped down just inside the door, his clothes becoming piled up near the wardrobe. It dawned on him steadily as to what Katsuki was doing and a sudden rush shot through his body. Eijiro leapt up off the bed and bolted into the bathroom, the little black bag clutched tight in his hands as he shut the door behind him. He couldn’t wait to be able to show off to Katsuki, though he was a little worried about what he had bought for him.
Katsuki chuckled as he finished stripping down, moving across the room to sit on the beanbag they had tucked away in the corner. He sighed heavily as he sat down, his eyes instantly shifting to the bathroom door and his hands came to rest over his stomach. The thick piece of leather clasped in his hand was something extra that he planned to give Eijiro once he was dressed. He couldn’t wait to see what his partner would look like in the lingerie he had picked out for him; he could imagine but he knew it would be nothing next to the real thing. Katsuki was sitting precariously on the beanbag as he waited, his eyes never once leaving the door.
“I-I’m done…” Eijiro stuttered as he clipped the strap from the garter belt down to the stocking, a shy smile pulling at his lips as he tried to check himself out.
“Get out here and show me then!”
Eijiro’s heart was pounding, it felt as though it was going to tear itself right out of his chest if it beat any faster. He spun on the spot and moved towards the bathroom door; he had almost forgotten about everything Katsuki had said to him earlier in the day. He opened the door slowly, stepping out into the main room and his eyes instantly locked with Katsuki’s from across the room. The smile that spread over his partner’s face was breath-taking and he smiled as he gave a spin for the man. Eijiro could feel Katsuki watching his every move as he posed for him and showed off the way the lingerie fit him.
“Come here you.” Katsuki’s voice was husky as he called Eijiro over to him and he smirked as he sat back into the beanbag and spread his legs, pointing down to the space between his legs.
Katsuki was glad he had chosen this set of lingerie for Eijiro, the store attendant had been helpful while he was picking it out. He was glad she had talked him out of getting the red, the black suited Eijiro more than he could have ever imagined. Eijiro already had a peach butt, these panties just lifted it up even more in a way Katsuki hadn’t thought possible. He was right about the stockings though, glad he switched for the thin lace in place of the fishnet. They were hugging his calves, defining the muscles perfectly while the tops of them were trying desperately to strangle the life out of his thighs.
Eijiro’s quick movement snapped Katsuki out of his observation of his partner, chuckling to himself as the other man practically launched himself across the room and landed between his legs before peering up at him. He watched as locks of red hair fell down in front of equally red eyes and Katsuki couldn’t help but to tangle his hands into those soft locks. He smirked as he pulled Eijiro’s head up closer to his crotch, the red-head’s lips parting to let a soft moan fall from them. Katsuki watched as Eijiro’s eyes fluttered shut and he took this opportunity to make his move. He leaned forwards slowly, his fingers working deftly on the buckle in his hand as he brought the leather choker up around Eijiro’s neck.
Eijiro’s eyes snapped open as he felt the leather touch his skin, realisation sinking in as the sound of the buckle being done reached his ears. He lifted a hand up to his throat, cold metal sat against his skin and heat rose through his cheeks. “You collared me…”
Katsuki hummed in response to Eijiro’s observation, hooking a finger into the metal hoop at the front of the choker and pulling on it roughly. “Now, be a good boy and get sucking.” He ordered as he pulled Eijiro’s head forwards, smirking when his lips touched the head of his dick.
Eijiro gasped as he moved his hands quickly, gripping Katsuki’s thighs to steady himself as he looked down at his dick. He was already hard, Katsuki must have been thinking about this the entire drive home to be this hard already. Eijiro could see beads of pre-cum forming before rolling down the length of his dick, his pussy clenching at the thought of having that dick inside of him. “You’re so hard already, have you been thinking about me?” Eijiro teased as he flicked his tongue out, swirling it over the head and gathering the new beads of cum.
“Fuck… yeah I was, the moment I bought this fucking lingerie I couldn’t stop envisioning you in it.” Katsuki admitted as he kept his finger hooked on Eijiro’s choker. “Got a problem with that?”
Eijiro shook his head as he licked along the length of Katsuki’s dick, moving a hand to fondle his balls. “No, I can’t really talk either.”
“Ohoho? What did you do?” Katsuki smirked as he quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side out of curiosity.
Eijiro flushed dark as he flicked his eyes down, choosing to focus on the task before him as he spoke. “If I had my way, I’d skip this bit and go straight to the fucking me into the mattress bit of tonight.” He admitted as his lips brushed over the head of Katsuki’s dick.
“What a naughty partner I have. I bet you’ve probably been thinking about that all day, haven’t you? You probably snuck off at some stage to rub one out too.” Katsuki watched closely as Eijiro’s shoulders stiffened and his eyes popped wide, his face turning crimson. “Holy fuck…” Katsuki sat up more, pulling on Eijiro’s hair as he pulled his head back and looked down into his eyes. “You did… Why didn’t you tell me? I’d have helped you out with that, I’d have fucked you there and then if you’d have asked me to.”
“I couldn’t bear it.” Eijiro explained as he looked up into those vermillion eyes and pouted. “We were on duty and I did it during our lunch break, which you didn’t take by the way.”
“I’d have fucking taken it if you’d told me you were going to fuck yourself on your fingers during lunch.” Katsuki countered as he dipped his head and nipped along Eijiro’s jawline.
“Would you have actually helped me out though or just watched me? Besides, not sure people would have appreciated us doing that in a public bathroom.” He quipped back at Katsuki as he shuddered, leaning his head to the side to allow him more access.
“That’s never stopped us before. Final year of college, did we not fuck all the time in the bathroom. You don’t remember that time we were fucking and someone walked in? You wanted us to stop and wait, I kept fucking you right through their visit. You managed to keep quiet and you know you fucking enjoyed the risk that came with being caught.”
“Ok, shut up now!” Eijiro squeaked as he dug his nails into Katsuki’s thighs. “No need to bring up the past.”
Katsuki smirked wickedly as he lifted his head and pressed his nose against Eijiro’s. “Maybe tomorrow you should wear this to work, I’ll fuck you all the way through our lunch break and I’ll do it in the public bathroom if that’s what you want.”
Eijiro’s face felt as though it was on fire as he stared up at his partner, his brain having malfunctioned somewhere throughout that sentence. The squeaking sound that was coming from his throat wasn’t something he had control over and he was failing at pulling himself together. Katsuki’s laughter from above him was enough to pull him back, his eyes focusing on Katsuki’s lips before he bowed his head and his lips pressed against Eijiro’s. He relaxed into the kiss, allowing himself to give into his partner’s desires.
Katsuki pulled his head back, licking his lips as he watched Eijiro come back to his senses. “You still want to skip this part then?”
“No, I’ll do this.” Eijiro whispered as he shifted his positioning, scooting in closer to Katsuki and the beanbag as he leaned in over his legs.
He watched as Eijiro gripped his thighs firmly, his fingers digging into his flesh as he took the head of Katsuki’s dick into his mouth. Katsuki shuddered and groaned low as he watched those plump lips wrap around his dick, sliding down along the length of it slowly. His fingers tightened in Eijiro’s hair as he pulled on it, a notion for him to take more of him into his mouth. He smiled as Eijiro obliged and took the length of Katsuki’s dick into his mouth, the head of his dick sliding down the back of his throat perfectly. God it felt good to be buried in the warmth of Eijiro’s mouth, his dick twitching at the thought of fucking his pretty little mouth.
Eijiro hummed low around Katsuki’s dick as he sucked firmly, bobbing his head along the length as he swirled his tongue around the girth as best, he could. He knew Katsuki wasn’t small, they had fucked before after all but the head jobs were far and few between and he felt a little out of practice. Katsuki’s groan from above was encouraging though, something that spurred Eijiro on as he moved his head faster. His hand shifted over Katsuki’s thigh, dipping between his legs and grabbing his balls as he fondled them.
Katsuki groaned low as he watched Eijiro’s head bob up and down, his movements fluent as he found a steady rhythm. His hips jerked up as he pulled on Eijiro’s hair, his fingers tangling deeper into his hair as he cursed. Eijiro’s fingers moved over his balls effortlessly, his thumb slipping up between his dick and balls and pressing down there. He cried out as he bucked his hips, releasing the choker and draping his arm over his face as he dropped his head back against the beanbag. Fuck, Ei hadn’t lost a single bit of his experience when it came to blow jobs and Katsuki was starting to consider letting him do them more often.
Fingers dipped down between his thighs as he sucked roughly on Katsuki’s dick and Eijiro moaned around him as he pressed his middle finger against his clitoris. He felt Katsuki shift above him as he rubbed at his clitoris, his head bobbing up and down faster as he stole a glance at his partner. Vermillion eyes locked with crimson and Eijiro’s cheeks flushed as his finger stilled between his thighs.
“Keep going, don’t stop.” Katsuki muttered huskily as he hooked one of his legs around Eijiro’s waist and pulled his body in closer. “You touching yourself while sucking my dick, fuck I wish I’d been able to see you touch yourself today.”
Eijiro’s eyes popped wide as he pulled his head back and tilted his head to the side. “I can let you watch me if that’s what you really want. I wouldn’t mind.”
“No, keep sucking my dick. You haven’t lost your touch; I should really let you do it more often.” Katsuki admitted as rose dusted his cheeks and he looked away from Eijiro.
Warmth filled Eijiro’s chest at hearing Katsuki’s words, he was doing a good job and Katsuki was enjoying himself. He dipped his head back down, the pre-cum was building on Katsuki’s dick and steadily streaming down his length. He moved, swirling his tongue up around his dick as he licked up all the escaped cum and swallowed it. Fingers tightened in his hair as he flicked his tongue over the slit of Katsuki’s dick, his eyes fluttering shut before he took him back into his mouth. It didn’t take Eijiro long to pick up his pace again, building the rhythm up fast as he sucked and slurped around Katsuki’s dick. He could feel the veins pulsing on his dick and the way his dick was twitching, he knew Katsuki wasn’t going to last much longer.
Eijiro sucked harder as he swirled his tongue around Katsuki’s dick, his hand moving relentlessly over his balls as he rubbed and squeezed them. He could feel Katsuki’s balls pulling tight in his hand, his thumb rubbing against that sweet spot between. He moaned as he rocked his own hips firmly, rubbing his finger over his clitoris in tight circles as he tried to seek his own release. Katsuki’s curses sounding from above and the way the muscles in his thighs bunched up, was the only warning Eijiro was getting.
Katsuki groaned and mumbled Eijiro’s name as he jerked his hips up, the head of his dick sliding down his throat. He tightened his hold in Eijiro’s hair, pulling hard and forcing the red-head to slide his head all the way down his dick. The muscles in his legs tightened and released as his balls drew up and his orgasm hit him, his seed pouring down Eijiro’s throat. Katsuki watched as Eijiro drank down his cum, swallowing as much as he could before he was tapping his thigh for air. He let his hips fall against the beanbag again as he released Eijiro’s hair. Eijiro was quick to pull back, laying back on the floor as he lifted his hips off the floor and Katsuki watched as his fingers worked relentlessly.
He watched as Eijiro’s fingers dipped into his soaked pussy, his other hand coming down to spread his folds so Katsuki could watch without hindrance. Katsuki groaned as he sat forwards on the beanbag, his eyes trained on the way Eijiro’s fingers were moving and where they were disappearing into his body. He gripped his dick in his hand firmly, stroking it roughly as he watched his partner fuck his fingers desperately. Katsuki wanted to help him out so badly, but he knew this was Eijiro’s way of making up for having rubbed one out without him during the day.
Eijiro’s hips stuttered as he thrust his fingers into his pussy roughly, curling them up and pressing them against his g-spot. He cried out in pleasure as he closed his eyes, he knew Katsuki would be enjoying the view from where he was sitting comfortably in the beanbag. He shifted his middle finger from his folds and pressed it to his clitoris, rubbing tight circles as he pushed his fingers harder. God how he wished this was Katsuki touching him right now, how he wished it was already time to be fucked into the mattress.
“Move your hand.” Katsuki’s voice sounded from above Eijiro and he snapped his eyes open.
Katsuki waited for Eijiro to shift his hands away from his pussy, his fingers visibly covered in slick as he lifted them up towards his chest. He smiled as he shifted in between Eijiro’s thighs, moving a hand down and thrusting three of his fingers into his aching pussy. Warmth enveloped his fingers as he thrust them roughly, curling his middle finger up and rubbing it over his g-spot. Eijiro’s cries of pleasure and the way his hips were jerking in response to Katsuki’s actions, was the perfect reaction. He pumped his fingers harder and faster as he shifted his thumb up to rub circles over Eijiro’s clitoris.
He smirked as he slipped a hand up over Eijiro’s stomach, heading towards his chest as he leaned in over his partner. Katsuki’s fingers kept up their relentless rhythm as his left hand explored his partner’s skin. He felt the raised skin of Eijiro’s scars just under his pectorals, scars Eijiro had taken time to come to love but little interactions like this were what had made it possible. Katsuki’s dick twitched as he played with Eijiro’s scars, smoothing his fingers over the raised skin before dipping his head down and kissing each one.
Eijiro moaned loudly, his hand shifting instantly to tangle into Katsuki’s short blonde hair and pulled on it roughly. He could feel Katsuki’s dick twitching back to life against his thigh as his fingers mercilessly fucked him. He rolled his hips up as he sought further pleasure and all he wanted was Katsuki’s dick inside of him. Eijiro gasped as Katsuki pulled his fingers out of his pussy, his walls clamping down in response to being empty and a whine fell from his lips.
“Patience…” Katsuki chortled as he sucked and bit his way over Eijiro’s chest, he wasn’t going to be able to wear a singlet any time soon.
Katsuki knew what Eijiro was seeking, the constant rolls of his hips were a dead giveaway. He shuffled in closer to Eijiro, thrusting his dick deep into his aching pussy as he bit down on his nipple. Eijiro cried out as his dick filled his pussy, his back arching up off the floor and he pulled on Katsuki’s hair. The blonde chuckled as he moved his hips quick, thrusting into the red-head at a relentless pace. He dropped his hands down to his hips and lifted them up as he pounded Eijiro’s pussy, the head of his dick pushing further into his heat.
Eijiro’s stomach was in knots as pleasure built rapidly, his head falling back as he let his mouth hang open and moans poured from it like water. It felt so good to have Katsuki inside of him, fucking him like he promised he would do; though he knew Katsuki could do better than this. Pressure coiled tight in the pit of his stomach, the pleasure building as Eijiro reached his climax. Eijiro screamed out Katsuki’s name as he thrust his hips particularly hard, his dick hitting against his cervix and pushing him over the edge. His orgasm rocked his body as his legs tensed up and his hips shook, his walls clamping down around Katsuki’s dick as he stilled within Eijiro.
Katsuki sat patiently as Eijiro caught his breath, a wicked smirk pulling at his lips as he pulled his hips back slowly. The pitiful whimper that left Eijiro’s lips was delightful and it only served as fuel to Katsuki’s raging fire. “Now, my turn.” Katsuki stood up and pointed to his dick, he wanted to fuck Eijiro’s throat raw.
After being throat fucked to the point where he had been left gasping for air and a ride that had left his mind reeling from the experience; Katsuki kept his earlier promise. Eijiro hadn’t been expecting it, he was still in the process of coming down from his orgasm when Katsuki had pulled out of him and threw his body all the way up the bed. He had landed with his head buried between the pillows, his arse up in the air and he tried quickly to right his positioning. Eijiro didn’t get the chance though, Katsuki was as quick as always and a cry of pleasure was ripped from Eijiro’s throat as he drove his dick home.
“You didn’t think I’d forgotten about this part did you, Ei?” Katsuki’s voice rasped as he thrust his hips roughly, his hands coming down to land on Eijiro’s arse with a satisfying crack.
Eijiro moaned as his body was rocked back and forth, each powerful thrust of Katsuki’s hips causing the head of his dick to press against his cervix. He whimpered as Katsuki slapped his hand against his thigh, a stinging sensation left in its wake. His mind was fogged as he allowed the pleasure to overcome his body. Eijiro had already lost count of how many times he had screamed Katsuki’s name and he was barely able to register the fact he was still saying it now. His breath caught in his throat as Katsuki fisted his hair, pulling his head back as he lifted him upright and continued with his relentless thrusts.
“You look so fucked out right now, Ei. Are you even still in there, babe?” Katsuki murmured as he nipped and sucked along the side of Eijiro’s neck.
“B-barely…” He whispered breathlessly as he looked back at Katsuki through hazed eyes.
Katsuki chuckled as he moved his arm up and under Eijiro’s arms, holding him close to his chest as he thrust up into him harder. He could tell that Eijiro was about at his limit and honestly, he was too. He groaned as Eijiro’s walls clamped down around his dick firmly, a sign that it was going to be easy to make him cum this time. Katsuki smiled as he planted kisses along Eijiro’s neck, his eyes fluttering shut as exhaustion began to grip him. He groaned low as he pressed forward with Eijiro, their bodies hitting the headboard and he used that to keep them upright. Katsuki knew this wasn’t the fucking into the mattress that Eijiro wanted but he highly doubted that either of them had the stamina left to do that now; he’d just owe him another day.
Incoherent mumblings fell from Eijiro’s lips as he leaned heavily into the headboard, closing his eyes as his consciousness started to fade. The pleasure was building up in his body and he knew this last orgasm was going to sap him of what little energy he had left. He moaned as he rocked his hips back towards Katsuki, meeting his thrusts as they became less rhythmic and more sporadic. Eijiro whined as he hung his head, his legs going weak beneath him as his body began to give out on him.
“I got you babe, I got you.” Katsuki reassured as he thrust his hips harder, grunting with the effort as his dick throbbed and he neared his release.
Eijiro mumbled something incoherent before crying out as his walls clamped down around Katsuki’s dick, his orgasm rocking his body and causing his mind to go completely blank. His body shook uncontrollably, his legs collapsing under him as Katsuki thrust his hips roughly before stilling. Katsuki’s groan was the only thing Eijiro could make out as he came, his seed flowing into Eijiro as he held him tight.
It took a few minutes for Eijiro to regain his bearings, his mind foggy as he looked around the room momentarily. He blinked as his eyes landed on Katsuki’s head where it was resting against his stomach, a soft smile pulling at his lips when he saw how peaceful his partner looked. He shifted his hand slowly, combing his fingers through those familiar blonde locks.
“Are you ready to get cleaned up?” Katsuki’s voice cut through the silence of the room as he looked up at Eijiro, lifting himself up onto his elbows.
Eijiro hummed in response, watching as Katsuki slid off the bed, standing beside it before stretching out fully. “You’re going to have to carry me though.”
“Yeah, figured.” Katsuki chuckled as he bent down, hooking his arms under Eijiro’s body before lifting him up against his chest. “Now, let me care for you.”
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brindlestorm · 4 years ago
My Truth or Yours?
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6
“-and your mentor shall be Lionheart.” A fluffy gray kitten rushed forward to touch noses with the larger golden tom, garnering a few laughs from the crowd. “Graypaw! Graypaw!” The clan cheered. Tigerclaw’s paw’s itched as he called out the new apprentice’s name with the rest of the clan. He had been dropping hints to Redtail that they should try and retake Sunningrocks soon, he was counting on Redtail saying no so that when he went to ask Bluestar, he would be more convincing. Not that his reasons were unfounded, he had a bone to pick with Riverclan. Two prey with one swipe, deal with Riverclan for murdering Thistleclaw and dealing with Redtail for being a traitor. As the clearing emptied, cats going about their days, Tigerclaw hurried to follow Bluestar into her den, muttering an apology to Lionheart for ignoring his request to pair up their apprentices for the day. Graypaw and Ravenpaw could get to know each other later, Tigerclaw had more important things to do. “Did you have something to say, Tigerclaw? Or do you plan on just standing there?” Tigerclaw gave his pelt a shake and sat down, “My apologies, I was thinking.” “About what? You don’t usually show up unannounced to share your everyday thoughts with me” Bluestar purred in amusement. “We need to reclaim Sunning Rocks, and soon.” Tigerclaw replied seriously. Bluestar sighed, “I know Tigerclaw, but newleaf is late this year. The prey pile is barely stocked most days and I just don’t think our warriors are ready for that, and after so much death already... I don’t think it’s worth the risk.” Tigerclaw almost hissed, “Not worth the risk! Bluestar, you have to-” “When newleaf sets in and Thunderclan has had a quarter-moon of full bellies, then we can reconsider extending our territory.” “But Bluestar, this isn’t just about territory! A half moon ago, I found Thistleclaw dead in the jaws of the Riverclan leader, they will see us as spineless cowards if we don’t retaliate over that!”
Bluestar fell silent, her gaze darkening. Tigerclaw wondered what she was thinking about when she abruptly stood up. “Tigerclaw, you are dismissed. I need to speak with Redtail, if you see him-” “I’m right here, Bluestar.” “Were you listening to our conversation?” “No, I was going to let you know that our hunting patrols have had good hunting today, the kill-pile is almost fully stocked.” Redtail assured her. “Good, in that case, Tigerclaw you may go. I’m sure Ravenpaw would appreciate some training with his mentor.” Tigerclaw nodded and got to his paws, tuning out Redtail as he immediately began arguing against attacking Riverclan. Just as he was about to hop down the rocks, he heard Bluestar say something that gave him hope. “Tigerclaw has made some good points, but I haven’t decided yet. I’m going to consult Starclan tomorrow.” “Will you be taking any of the apprentices? They’re all at the right age and far enough along in their training.” “... No. Relations with the other clans are testy enough as it is, I’ll be going alone this time.” “It would be ill-advised to go without a guard, but I suppose you know best. May Starclan light your path.” Tigerclaw nimbly hopped down the slope before they realized he was still listening and went to see if Ravenpaw had decided to make himself useful and clear out the elder’s bedding. When he finished with that, if he started at all, it wouldn’t hurt to go over some more battle moves, and maybe he’d take Dustpaw along as well. It was just a little past sunrise, Whitestorm had offered to take Sandpaw and Dustpaw hunting, only to receive a swat to the ears from Spottedleaf over taking dusty brown apprentice. Never before had Tigerclaw seen Spottedleaf so adamant over something as trivial as hunting. Well, I suppose that’s exactly the problem, Tigerclaw mused to himself. During leafbare, hunting was anything but trivial. But he knew better than to disobey a medicine cat’s orders. Ravenpaw was not in the elder’s den as Tigerclaw had hoped, instead he found Dustpaw showing Graypaw how to properly roll up the dirty bedding to be tossed out of the den. And it wasn’t going well.
“Like this?” Graypaw squealed as he pummeled the moss into the ground, successfully flattening the moss back into the bracken.
“I- no, Graypaw. Graypaw stop please, you’re just... Graypaw stop!” Dustpaw yowled as the moss went from being stuck to the ground to flying through the air. 
Dappletail and Rosetail were snickering to themselves as Halftail and Smallear tried to get the old bedding out of their fur.Tigerclaw ducked as another scrap of bedding went flying straight towards his face. 
“Graypaw, perhaps you should listen to your denmate when he’s trying to show you how to do something. Clean up this mess and do what Dustpaw tells you to do, properly this time.”
“Yes Tigerclaw,” Graypaw mewed, bowing his head in shame.
Soon, the mess was cleaned up and rolled out of the den. Dustpaw sighed as the last of the dirty bedding was disposed of behind the dirt-place, “Lionheart’s going to have a tough time with him, I hope Redtail never pairs us up for training!”
“Well it’s a good thing Redtail is busy right now. I was going to find Ravenpaw to do some battle training, would you like to join us?”
“I’d love to, but Ravenpaw ran off to the medicine den right after the meeting. Maybe he has a bellyache or something.”
“Or something,” Tigerclaw sighed. “Get yourself something to eat while I go find Ravenpaw.”
Dustpaw brightened at the thought of being allowed to eat early and scurried out of the den, Tigerclaw turned to follow as he heard Graypaw call out.“Hey, wait a heartbeat! Dustpaw you haven’t shown me how to make a nest, what am I supposed to do now?”
Tigerclaw chuckled, “I suppose you’ll have to ask your mentor. I’m sure Lionheart will show you the best places to gather moss if you ask him now.”
While the gray kitten rushed to join Lionheart at the gorse tunnel, Tigerclaw made his way to the medicine den.
“Borage, chervil, rosemary, anything else?”
“Umm... Maybe lavender? And mint? I know you’ve gone through a lot of those given... everything that’s happened lately.”
“You’re right though, it doesn’t hurt to stock up. I’d also like to see if we can find any burnet. Grab those leaf-wraps and we’ll find Tigerclaw, I’ll let him know I need you for herb-gathering this morning.”
“You can have him until  sunhigh,” Tigerclaw rumbled as he stepped into the den. “I’ll have Dustpaw brush up on his stalking techniques until then.”
Ravenpaw jumped, fur bristling in alarm while Spottedleaf just purred in gratitude as she brushed past him.
“Remember, sunhigh in the sandy clearing. Don’t be late Ravenpaw.” Tigerclaw said.
Ravenpaw nodded earnestly, “I’ll be there!”
“Ravenpaw, come on! We don’t have all day!” Spottedleaf called from the camp entrance.
Tigerclaw nosed his apprentice onwards, “You heard her, quicker you get this done the quicker you’ll be able to join Dustpaw and I for training.”
Ravenpaw sped off behind Spottedleaf just as Dustpaw finished licking his lips from his morning meal. “I’m ready to go Tigerclaw! Where’s Ravenpaw off to?”
“Spottedleaf asked for his help gathering herbs, he’ll be joining us at sunhigh.” Tigerclaw sighed.
Dustpaw scoffed, “Why is he always with Spottedleaf? Does he want to be a medicine cat or something?”
Tigerclaw gently batted at Dustpaw’s ears, “Spottedleaf could have asked any apprentice to help her today, would you rather it be you? There’s still time to catch up if you’d like.”
Dustpaw’s eyes went wide, “No way! I’d rather train, what are going to do today?”
Tigerclaw headed for the entrance, Dustpaw hurrying along at his heels. 
“Stalking techniques, you’ve grown enough that Spottedleaf can’t keep you from hunting anymore. Time to brush up on those skills of yours.”
Two days passed by in a breeze, Tigerclaw oversaw Sandpaw’s hunting assessment that she should have taken with her denmates a moon ago while Redtail and Lionheart showed Graypaw the borders with Dustpaw, much to the older apprentice’s dismay.
Spottedleaf decided to borrow Ravenpaw the next day as well for herb gathering, Tigerclaw begrudgingly allowed it, remembering his promise to Ravenpaw all those moons ago. If his apprentice was determined to follow the path of a medicine cat, Tigerclaw wouldn’t stand in his way.
Redtail had taken Ravenpaw night hunting, as he had also promised to meet Bluestar at Four Trees for her return journey from the Moonstone.
The leader and deputy stumbled into camp just before moonhigh, Redtail carrying a small squirrel, Tigerclaw nodded to them as they passed him on guard duty.
“Tigerclaw, good to see you still awake. Go ahead and wake up Willowpelt and have her replace you. Get some sleep, I want you ready for the sunhigh patrol.” Redtail said, briefly leaving his tail on Tigerclaw’s shoulder.
Tigerclaw nodded and stood up, stretching his muscles and shaking his fur out, “I’ll help Ravenpaw carry in his catches, then I’ll head to sleep.”
Redtail shook his head, voice barely concealing his nervousness when he replied to Tigerclaw. “That won’t be necessary, Ravenpaw is just behind us with his other catches. He did well for hunting at night during leafbare, Bluestar and I will share this squirrel while we discuss her visit to the Moonstone.”
As the duo left him at his post to talk about Bluestar’s trip, Ravenpaw made his way into camp carrying only a vole and a sparrow to show for his efforts.
Tigerclaw was too tired to comment on what little his apprentice managed to catch and let him pass without a word. But as Ravenpaw passed his mentor, Tigerclaw caught a whiff of the heavy scent of ferns, as if he had rolled in a patch recently.
Curious, Tigerclaw opened his jaws to try and taste the scent better, but to his dismay, the senior warrior found the unmistakable scent of marshes and pines on his apprentice’s pelt.
Exactly what he had noticed on Redtail as he passed by with Bluestar.
Redtail had been no surprise, given his recent activities. But why Ravenpaw? Had he gotten too close to the border again? Why had Redtail even taken such an interest in Ravenpaw recently?
Tigerclaw shook his head, he had no reason to doubt Ravenpaw’s loyalty to his clan. Maybe Redtail had been meeting with Shadowclan again and Ravenpaw decided to follow him, he’d ask about it in the morning.
As Tigerclaw made his way to the warrior���s den, he caught the tail-end of Redtail and Bluestar’s conversation.
“So, did Starclan share the wisdom that you sought?”
“Yes and no, I cannot tell you what exactly  we spoke of but I can say this. I found exactly what I thought I would and dealt with it accordingly. We’ll be taking back Sunningrocks tomorrow after sunhigh.”
“Very well Bluestar, I trust you and Starclan’s judgement. Goodnight.”
Gleefully, Tigerclaw hurried into his den, prodding Willowpelt awake so that she could take his place as guard.
Don’t worry Thistleclaw, Tigerclaw thought to himself. You will be avenged, may your spirit rest easy among the stars tonight.
“Thistleclaw, these aren’t Starclan’s hunting grounds. Why are you here?” Tigerclaw asked.
Tigerclaw’s dreams took him to a familiar place, though he didn’t expect to find Thistleclaw here. The Place of No Stars was where those who irrefutably broke the code were sentenced. Many of its inhabitants hoped to redeem themselves by training their more vulnerable living clanmates in their dreams, and told their stories to keep the living from following in their pawsteps.
Tigerclaw was one of those cats, he had been so angry for so long when his father chose to become a kittypet rather than continuing to lead his clan. Mapleshade came to him in a dream, sympathetic and kind, her story was a gruesome one, but Tigerclaw decided that she was truly strong for the decisions she had to make.
He had heard her story before, but from Thunderclan’s elders instead. The elder’s version of the story depicted her as some lying she-cat who cruelly mocked her dead mate’s memory by having kits with his murderer, who then proceeded to kill that tom’s sister and her medicine cat before dying to the claws of a Riverclan apprentice. She was also rumored to have purposefully drowned her own kits upon her exile, using that as an excuse for her killing-spree.
Mapleshade’s story was different, her side was that she had never loved that Thunderclan tom but saw him as a good friend, her mate (who he learned was called Appledusk) hadn’t meant to kill him or the apprentice and was incredibly remorseful for what he did.
Personally, he thought it was Ravenwing’s fault (the medicine cat at the time) for all that followed. If he hadn't told the clan of those kit’s half-clan heritage, Mapleshade wouldn’t have been so driven to get them across the river.
Her exile was a quick one, Mapleshade confessed that she feared that if she had been caught by a Thunderclan patrol still on their territory because she was trying to get to the Twoleg Bridge with three young kits, they would have killed them all.  To her, she had to cross the river as soon as possible to give her kits a chance at life. It was nothing short of bad luck that things happened the way they did.
If Ravenwing hadn’t told the clan, the kits may not have died and been raised as loyal Thunderclan warriors, never knowing they were any different from their clanmates.
If Frecklewish had acted and tried to save the kits instead of assuming the Riverclan patrol would intervene, the kits may have been accepted into Riverclan, with or without their mother. But at least they would have been safe.
Mapleshade did not try to defend herself for the murder of those two queens, or attempted in Reedshine’s case, the molly who Appledusk took as a mate to save his own pelt after meeting with Mapleshade. And even though killing a medicine cat was considered one of the worst offences to the warrior code, Mapleshade couldn’t bring herself to feel guilty for that. And Tigerclaw didn’t blame her.
Mapleshade would eventually fade away in the Dark Forest, no matter how long she repented if she could not feel the guilt for killing Ravenwing, Starclan would never let her into their hunting grounds. Though they were at least kind enough to allow her to see her kits at the border. A small mercy if there ever was one.
But it wasn’t Mapleshade who stood before him tonight, it was Thistleclaw.
“I used to be in Starclan,” Thistleclaw rasped. 
“I was at peace, sitting with my mother, father, and dear sister when she came along and ruined it.” Thistleclaw spat.
“She?” Tigerclaw echoed, confused.
“Bluestar,” The spiky-furred warrior growled. “Bluestar came and questioned Starclan about why I was there, then she had the nerve to chase me out!”
“I don’t understand, I know you two never got along but-”
“It was more than that, Tigerclaw. She was always jealous of me, for loving her sister when she couldn’t, for being more respected than her when she moped around the camp while I actually did something.”
“Grief can make-”
“Grief should never stand in the way of a warrior providing for their clan, I taught you that. The only reason Sunstar chose her over me was because she shared his soft-hearted ideals.”
“Why can’t you just go back? If Starclan granted you access the first time then surely you’d be able to cross the border now?”
“It would seem that Bluestar managed to convince Starclan otherwise, I can longer find the border, not even to see my mate.”
Tigerclaw winced, it was when he spoke of Snowfur that led to Thistleclaw’s death.
“I know that look, it’s not your fault.” Thistleclaw said gruffly, “I’ll give Bluestar this though, she was always crafty. She preferred peace to fighting and has never been afraid of using dirty tactics to get there, she must have learned that from Pinestar.”
Tigerclaw growled softly at the mention of his father, everyone always said he was wise and deserved respect, but all Tigerclaw saw was a coward who ran from his problems, and would sooner let another cat die than put himself in harm’s way.
“I don’t understand though,” he protested. “Bluestar went to Starclan after I demanded she avenge you. Why would she consult Starclan to drive you out, but avenge you tomorrow?”
“Like I said, she’s crafty.” Thistleclaw replied shortly. “She hates me, always has. She wanted to ensure I’d never find peace before attacking Riverclan to save face.”
“Otherwise she risks Riverclan taking more of our territory,” Tigerclaw finished. “I just...”
“Nevermind that, what’s done is done. I learned something while I was in Starclan though, I don’t know all the details but there’s something you need to know.”
“What is it? Is there danger coming?” Tigerclaw asked. His mind was spinning, it was bad enough that his leader was so... So petty that she would drive a loyal warrior from his resting place, but now there was more potential danger? Didn’t Thunderclan have enough problems thanks to Redtail?
“Fire is coming Tigerclaw, an all-consuming blaze that will destroy-”
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!” Came the piercing voice from beyond his dreams.
Tigerclaw’s head shot up, still blinking the sleep out of his eyes as the other warriors filed out of the den.
“What’s going on?” he asked Whitestorm as the white warrior brushed past him.
“Bluestar’s called a meeting, not sure why.” Whitestorm grumbled.
Tigerclaw sighed and stood up, squinting at the dawn light that hit his eyes as he left the den. Bluestar stood on the Highrock, patiently waiting for the clan to assemble in the clearing. Redtail sat beneath the rock, looking remarkably well-rested for someone who had been up half the night like Tigerclaw was.
The apprentices’ den shook as the four young cats rushed out for the meeting, Graypaw was the only one who looked energetic enough to be there. The others were stifling yawns and leaning against each other so they wouldn’t fall asleep on their paws.
“As some of you may know, I went to consult Starclan yesterday seeking their wisdom. I have received their blessing to carry out an attack on Riverclan to reclaim Sunningrocks!”
Murmurs rose up from the crowd, some were worried that they weren’t strong enough yet while others, mostly the younger warriors, were flexing their claws in anticipation to see some action.
“I understand your concerns, but remember! You aren’t just fighting for territory, you are fighting to avenge your clanmates who starved in their sicknesses when we couldn’t find enough food! You fight for the queens and their kits to ensure their futures and for the elders who we swore to take care of for the rest of their days!”
Tigerclaw levelled a challenging glare at Bluestar, he knew what she did at the moonstone but that didn’t mean he’d let her stop pretending that this was about Riverclan’s act of war. She met his gaze and nodded to him.
“And just as importantly, we fight to avenge Thistleclaw, who was found dead in the jaws of Crookedstar himself! We took our time recuperating from the harshness of leafbare, but now is the time to strike! For Thunderclan!”
“Thunderclan! Thunderclan!” Came the cheers in the clearing. The other warriors looked to be on board now, eyes shining with grief and determination as they thought of their lost clanmates.
Bluestar nodded to her deputy, “Redtail shall announce the battle patrol, anyone not going must be ready to be sent out as reinforcements. Dismissed!”
With a wave of her tail, Bluestar headed back to her den, content to allow Redtail to finish the preparations. 
“Darkstripe, Runningwind, Mousefur, and Tigerclaw! We’ll be heading out immediately. Whitestorm and Lionheart, you’ll be on standby with the apprentices- Not Graypaw though, he’s too young.”
Graypaw rolled his eyes and huffed, Sandpaw cuffed him around the ears and hissed something at him. The fluffy young apprentice pinned his ears back and went back to his nest, hopefully Lionheart would give him something to do.
Tigerclaw growled softly as he followed Redtail through the gorse tunnel, One thing at a time, he told himself. Riverclan first, then you can deal with the traitor.
Tigerclaw stifled a growl as Spottedleaf tended to his wounds, Mousefur was curled up in a nest near the back of the den, as she was the most injured Spottedleaf decided she’d have to stay until she recovered.
Redtail had called for a retreat as soon as the Riverclan reinforcements arrived, Tigerclaw knew that with Mousefur so injured they wouldn’t have been able to send for their own patrols on standby and hold off the oncoming warriors as well.
Be that as it may, even Riverclan had been surprised to win so easily, they were obviously prepared to defend the rocks.
Bluestar even managed to look disappointed, but she attributed it to Thunderclan’s unusually small numbers. Without enough warriors to defend their borders, it made sense that they lost this battle.
“Peace, Tigerclaw,” the old leader sighed. “Perhaps when our apprentices have their warrior ceremonies, we’ll be ready to reclaim our territory.”
Tigerclaw nodded stiffly and shouldered his way out of camp, maybe he could relieve some of this stress by doing some hunting. It would be awhile until sunset, but he needed something to keep his claws busy, which meant no training with Ravenpaw for the time being.
The stars were just lighting the sky as he made his way back, carrying a small load of prey for the queens to enjoy. He stopped in the gorse tunnel when he heard voices, Bluestar and Spottedleaf were speaking.
“-Thunderclan has not been beaten in its own territory since I became leader,” She murmured. 
“These are difficult times for our Clan. The season of newleaf is late, and there have been fewer kits. Thunderclan needs more warriors if it is to survive.”
“But the year is only just beginning,” Spottedleaf pointed out calmly. “There will be more kits when greenleaf comes.”
Tigerclaw carefully backed out of the camp entrance, straining to still hear what the two were talking about while remaining undetected.
“Perhaps. But training our young to become warriors takes time. If Thunderclan is to defend its territory, it must have new warriors as soon as possible.”
“Are you asking Starclan for answers?” Came Spottedleaf’s gentle mew.
Tigerclaw glanced up at the stars, for all Spottedleaf knew, Bluestar had already done that.
“It is at times like this we need the words of the ancient warriors to help us. Has Starclan spoken to you?”
“Not for some moons, Bluestar.”
Suddenly, a shooting star blazed through the sky, Tigerclaw’s fur bristled as Thistleclaw’s words rang in his ears.
Fire is coming, an all consuming blaze that will destroy-
“-from Starclan. Fire alone can save our clan.”
Save? Thistleclaw said it would destroy us! Why would his message be different from Spottedleaf’s? Tigerclaw was broken from his inner turmoil when he heard Bluestar stand up and shake out her fur.
“If Starclan has spoken then it must be so. Fire will save our clan.”
The senior warrior stayed still for a long time as he waited for the coast to become clear, Tigerclaw tried to reason out what the prophecy could possibly mean but he came up with nothing.
Groaning as he stretched his now stiff muscles, Tigerclaw decided that this new omen would just have to be another thing on his list to deal with. First he had to focus on taking back Sunningrocks for Thistleclaw, then he’d deal with Redtail.
Who knows? Maybe this fire could help him in his mission, Thunderclan seemed to be getting further and further from the noble clan he once knew it to be.
But as long as he knew the truth, nothing would stop him from bringing peace to his clan.
And scene! I wanted to include Redtail’s death scene but this was getting too long as it is, that whole kerfuffle deserves it’s own chapter anyway.
Yes, I know that the ‘Bluestar chasing Thistleclaw out of Starclan’ thing is as canon as Jake being hit by a meteorite, but I decided to include it because of my overall HC for Starclan being that Starclan is stupid and very often wrong.
Plus, as a plot point this helps Tigerclaw cement the idea that Bluestar is a bad leader into his mind for later ;)
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reeeyachi · 5 years ago
Killua and Gon plan a surprise for Mito?
OMG YES YES YES!!! okay let’s try this. idk if it’s too long for a tumblr prompt but...!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS <3 imsosorryifitsucks
“What do you think?” Gon asked in an excited whisper, immediately cupping his mouth when he realized that his pitch stepped an octave higher at the end of his sentence. He snapped his gaze at his bedroom door and paused to wait for footsteps. Two seconds. Three. Four. Five. Hearing nothing but the soft hums of the morning wind and the choir of birds chirping from outside his window, he shifted to face his best friend again, beaming.
“Hmm…” Killua hummed, crossing his legs as he sat on the floor with Gon, narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows examining the piece of paper in his hand. His other hand slowly stroked his chin, elbow on one knee—a stance that exhibited internal deliberation. Again he hummed, thoughtful, then he sniffed when he couldn’t think anymore. “Well,” he quietly said, careful not to disturb the silence that engulfed the break of dawn, “I’m not really good at this. But I think the list looks okay.”
Gon leaned forward, planting his palms on the cool timber floor, to try and take a peek at the list again. He mimicked Killua’s hum as he scanned it with his eyes. “Should we add cherries?”
Killua paused, confused. “Do we need cherries?”
“Not really. She just likes to put a cherry in her drink.”
“She says she likes the bittersweet taste.” Gon shrugged and lifted his eyes at Killua, meeting his puzzled stare. He blinked. Killua blinked. Then he grinned when Killua began nodding slowly of understanding, lips forming a small letter ‘o’. Gon released muffled snickers and briskly whispered, “Let’s just add it.”
Adjusting the lamp that hovered over it, they stared at the paper once again after the click of the pen, skimming through the long list with their wide eyes, making sure that they never missed a single item. That was the first rule they set when they started to plot their strategy: Do not forget anything. The market was a little far from Gon’s home and they couldn’t afford their time wasted on foot travel, because they were certain that it would take them hours to accomplish what they intend to do. It was, after all, a grueling task.
“Are you sure about this?” Killua asked, for the fifth time that dawn alone, when he was reminded of their little plan. Sure, he would go with whatever Gon wanted to do, yet this disconcerted him—it’s something that he was just not trained for. He expected Gon to have done it before, but to his surprise and disbelief, it was the opposite. He tried to reason out at first, suggesting possible in-task scenarios like poisoning and burning the house down. But it wasn’t Gon’s stubbornness that won him over; he simply wanted to try it too.
Sitting up straight, Gon gave him a stern nod and a raised fist. “Let’s do this.”
Killua grinned and stood up, eyes scanning the dark room for the clock. “What time do we leave?” It was half past five o’clock in the morning.
Gon hopped on his feet, relieved to finally speak in his normal tone of voice—or louder. “Now!”
A sigh escaped Mito’s lungs as she stared out at the green and blue opulence of her backyard from their kitchen window, sluggishly rinsing the last plate from her pile of dishes, thinking of the two boys who sprinted past her and out of the house the moment she exited her bedroom. Well, she tried calling after the smaller boy—even shouting his name at the top of her lungs and asking where they were going so early in the morning—but he just waved a hand and said, “We’ll be back!” She sighed again and dried her hands with a towel when she glanced at her watch. It was almost nine o’clock. Time for her to go to the market.
“Grandma, do you need anything?” she asked the elderly woman sipping tea at the kitchen table before turning a heel towards the door, wallet in hand and pouch around her waist.
Lowering the cup with her trembling, wrinkled hands, Grandma took a note out of her skirt pocket and handed it to Mito.
The latter’s eyes grew wide when she read the content of her shopping list. On a normal day, Grandma would only request for replenishment spices that she liked adding to her food that Mito cooked, oh and tea. On a special day, she would give Mito a list of herbal plants and medicines, and sometimes even ask her to buy her something sweet. But the list she gave Mito that morning was a mix of those—and more. To add to how strange it was, some of the items in the list were new to her eyes. She looked at Grandma who was peacefully enjoying her cup of tea again. “What do you need these for?”
“Let’s stock up,” the elder woman calmly said. “We will be cooking a feast before Gon leaves again, right?”
Mito raised an eyebrow, ignoring how her heart ached a little when she was reminded of that fact. “Are these even available at the market?”
Another sip, and a nod. “Oh, and please get the actual Brahmi and Ashwagandha plants. I’ve been wanting to have them in my garden.”
A stare of disbelief. Those plants were rare. “Are you really sure that I can find these at the market?”
Grandma, finally finishing her tea, stood up and walked to the kitchen counter saying, “Just look with your eyes and not with your mouth.”
Mito huffed and shoved the list inside her pouch. “I will look for these but don’t expect that I’ll find everything, ne!” When Grandma responded with subtle laughter, she said goodbye and stomped her way out of the house.
“Look, it’s Mito-san!” Gon pointed ahead as they jogged, securing the basket in his arms to keep it from slipping.
Killua looked at where Gon pointed and saw Mito from afar walking to their direction. He grinned and glanced at Gon. The latter did so as well, and after sharing a quick playful look, they sprinted. Mito’s appearance signaled that they were close to Gon’s home and the start of a race.
They slowed down when they neared Mito, who stopped in her tracks the minute she saw them, to give her big smiles and a swift greeting. She was about to say something but Gon beat her to it to tell her, “Take your time, Mito-san!” before waving a hand and dashing towards the house.
Grandma observed the two boys do a quick inventory check of the things that they bought. When they were done, she let herself in the kitchen, meeting the fully occupied table and Gon and Killua’s wide grins. She smiled back, informing them about the success of her contribution to their little shenanigan. Gon laughed and thanked her, estimating with his tiny fingers how long his Mito-san would be able to complete her shopping list. He guessed about three hours. All the items in the list were available at the market after all, and they made sure of this the day before—even asking the people at port as to when the ship carrying the island’s resources would arrive. They were lucky; it was that day.
“Do you need help with that?” Grandma asked, scanning the load of ingredients on the long kitchen table with her eyes.
“We’re okay, Grandma! We can do this!” Gon raised a fist in air and turned to Killua who gave a solid nod before running up the stairs.
Half a minute later, he came back bringing with him Gon’s laptop. Killua pulled a chair a good distance away from the stove and set the laptop on it, clicking on the link to the recipes they had bookmarked three days ago. “Okay,” he started, standing up and flexing his fingers, “first we need to cut.” He turned to Gon, who was already beaming and presenting him with two knives he held on both hands. Killua snorted and paced towards him, cheekily saying, “Let’s try which one’s sharper, my fingernails or your knives!” while the other boy laughed.
Gon and Killua had never, not once in their life, religiously followed a recipe of a dish that they would cook for someone else. Perhaps the only time they did cook for another person was when they roasted that huge pig for Menchi and Buhara during the Hunter Exam—at which they failed. However, this time, they were determined to do well.
Grandma checked on them from time to time, her eyes disappearing into thin lines as she smiled at the view of Gon and Killua busily cutting vegetables and frying meat. Periodically, Gon would come to her to ask her where some of the spices were, how much of those they should put in the pot, and if a pinch of salt was really enough for food to taste alright. Killua was assigned to double check the recipe, and if what they were doing was correct. They made a few mistakes, though, caused mostly by Gon’s excited hands. But they guessed it was fine because the food was looking like the ones in the pictures and, for them, that was just about right.
After more than three hours of scrambling around inside the kitchen, they finished with triumphant grins, one big high-five and a messy kitchen. They decided to clean up later because they had to set the table right away.
The baskets were heavy. It was a good thing a friend of hers was there to help her get home with a straight back. When Mito reached her front door, she looked up, hovering a hand over her eyes to act as shade from the noon sun’s intense rays. “Gon?” she called loud, hoping that the boy was already home for she needed help carrying the baskets inside. She was tired, incredibly tired, and sweaty. Retreating to her room to take a cold shower and sleep on her bed would be nice. But the thought was instantly dissolved when she was reminded of lunch. It was already half past twelve o’clock. She still had to prepare their food.
Seconds later, the doorknob was turning and there appeared Gon with a wide smile plastered on his face, Killua, smiling too, on his side. “Hi, Mito-san!”
The instant Gon opened the door, a savory smell fumed in the air Mito breathed in. She inhaled it in again after two seconds, making sure that it came from where she thought it did. She looked at Gon. “Grandma cooked?” Her stomach grumbled and she realized that she was famished. It smelled delicious.
Gon smiled even more, taking one of Mito’s baskets in his arms and ushering Killua to take the other. They carried them in, and she followed, feet leading her to where her nose was telling her to go.
The dining area.
The corners of Mito’s lips slowly curled into a smile as she neared it, feeling a little excited about what Grandma may have prepared, and because it was uncommon for her to be coming home to freshly cooked food. It was usually her who did all the work in the house after all.
Her smile grew wider as the appetizing fumes intensified. When she stepped into the dining area, she stopped, eyes gaping wide of surprise. Her dining table transformed into a full, colorful banquet—salads, steamed and fried fish, roasted chicken, hot soup, buttered shrimp, scrambled eggs, sauced pork. What’s the big event? Was it Killua’s birthday? Her glistening eyes scanned the room to look for an elderly woman, but she found two beaming boys instead, standing behind the table facing her.
“Surprise!” They said in unison, throwing their little arms in the air.
Mito was taken aback, unsure of what was happening. Still, her chest swelled of awe. It made her smile more. “What is all this?”
“Gon and Killua prepared this just for you, Mito,” Grandma interposed from behind her. Mito turned. “They have been planning this for days.”
Shifting her wide-eyed gaze back to the two boys, she blinked, unable to utter a word.
Gon laughed sheepishly. “We wanted to do something for you while we’re here, Mito-san, to thank you for taking care of us. We hope you like it!”
Was she just too tired? Or was it because she found the gesture incredibly sweet and thoughtful that her limbs suddenly felt weak? She had to take a breath, one deep breath, so that she could say the words, “Thank you, Gon, Killua,” without letting tears that had already built up in her eyes stream down her face.
“Let’s eat, Mito-san!”
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thewritepages · 4 years ago
The Diary of the Older Collegiate (#TheFreshman Series) (3)
Synopsis : Annabelle Green is somewhat in a situation no thirty year woman would want to find herself in : (Un) Happily divorced, childless and with a job worth peanuts and migraine. The downward spiral of her life doesn't seem to end anytime soon until her sister reminds her of her most cherished dream.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
MAY 10, 2019
10.30 A.M.
Who was I kidding? It's Katrina Green we're talking about here. She never forgets.
I wish I could say that the entire college discussion ended in the attic itself, but all my hopes vanished when she dumped an entire stack of college applications right in the middle of the breakfast table.
I folded the morning newspaper and looked at her steadily. "Kat, I thought we were done with this."
"Done? Girl, we are just getting started! "She sat down on one of the chairs, puffing out air from her cheeks. "I did promise that I'd get you into college, right? Luckily, most of the decent ones – "she pointed towards the stack "- have extended the dates to a few days longer. If you hurry, you'll be able to apply to most of them."
"Honey, what is all this?" My mother enters the kitchen, looking confused. "Are you planning some sort of a college reunion?"
"Mom, Anna's decided to join college!"
My eyes grew wide. "What? Kat -!"
Mom was too stunned to speak. There is pin drop silence in the room. Suddenly, her eyes fill with tears. Panic fills my entire being.
"Mom! Mom, this is all just a big –"
"Oh! My darling!" she engulfs me into a tight hug, leaving me breathless. She breaks away with a huge, watery smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you! I've always regretted that you've let go of all you've dreamed of, just for ...that boy."
My parents never really liked Lucas all that much. I've always sensed that they felt obligated to tolerate him, just for me.
"Mom, you do realize that I'm no longer an eighteen year old, right? I'm. Too. Old. For. This."
"Oh, hush." She waved her hand dismissively. "There are plenty of open uni –"
"OPEN UNIVERSITY? NO WAY!" My sister's voice booms from the other end of the table. "You are not going to spend your long treasured college days in some boring, grumpy, soulless dump! I've seen your SAT score – "
"My twelve year old SAT score, you mean." She ignores my jibe.
"- and they were pretty impressive. You can easily get into a good university with the full package- manicured lawns, huge campus, frat houses and so much more. In fact-"she picks up the brochure on the top of the application pile, "I've already selected one for you."
I look at the brochure she picked. Lancaster University.
"Wait, isn't this the one –"
"The only university you applied to, back in the years. " My sister finished the thought.
I blink away the impending tears.
"You got accepted back then, do you know that?" My mom said, looking at the brochure with hope. "By the time the letter came in, you had already moved in with him."
"I-I should've thought better, right? " I whispered, bowing my head down low.
"You still can, Annie," my sister hugged me.
A small ray of hope flickered inside me.
Really, is it possible?
I stomped out all the irrational thoughts from my head. "They'd never accept a 30 year old. I don't see any programs for older students –"
"But they haven't mentioned of any particular age limit either." –I opened my mouth in protest – "Come on now. What's the worst that could happen? You'd get rejected. It's worth a shot."
I looked on from my mom to my sister. Both of them nodded their heads encouragingly.
Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "I need to talk to Dad first." Dad was a sucker for social reputation and rules, he would never approve of this.
It seems that Kat realized the same thing, for she shook her head and was about to protest. However, Mom beat her to it.
"Yes, of course, you should talk to your father about this."
Kat looked at her, surprised. "Mom, she's thirty! She doesn't need Dad's permission anymore."
"I'm not asking her to get his permission Katrina," my mom asserts firmly. Kat slinks back immediately.
Mom's scary when she's pissed. "I'd just like her to ask her dad how he feels about this. The ultimate decision is, of course, yours." She gives Kat a warning glance.
"Yeah, of course it is," Kat mumbles quietly.
My decision.
All my life, I've always lived to the decisions of others- first my father, then Lucas. But now, finally, I get a decision of my own.
What am I supposed to do about it?
MAY 11, 2019
1.30 A.M.
The little 'talk' with Dad wasn't that insightful after all. Surprisingly, he thinks the entire college idea is brilliant.
"Dad, don't you think it's a bit...untraditional?"
"It may be untraditional, or in your modern language, 'weird', but not everything in our family is exactly...conventional, now is it?" Dad ruffles his more-salt-than-pepper hair, baby blue eyes twinkling behind his spectacles.
I understood the implication of his words. His older daughter gets knocked up by her longtime boyfriend, and the younger one runs away with a pauper at eighteen and gets divorced twelve years later, childless and penniless.
Doesn't exactly fit the traditional title.
"Yeah, that's true, but- "
"So, I don't see how college is a bad idea. Unless, of course, " he peers at me, "you are not inclined towards the idea. I know how persuasive your sister can be."
"No! I'm not completely against it or anything." I squirm under Dad's steady gaze. "It just feels so...strange considering I'd be more than a decade older than my classmates. I'll be the laughing stock of the batch."
My father sits up straight, glaring at me. "Annabelle Clover Green," – Ugh. Why Clover? - "Are you backing out because of... fear?"
Oh crap. Lieutenant Colonel Green is officially pissed off.
"I cannot believe this. The daughter of Boston Officer Green, putting off her dream because of a bunch of puny adolescents?"
"I can tolerate anything in my house, anything but fear!"
"Even when you gave up everything and went after...that boy, I was never too disappointed in you." He took off his spectacles, "You were clearly taking the wrong decision, yes, but I was happy that you had the guts to risk it all for love."
I opened my mouth. And closed it again.
"Do whatever you want to do, Anna, "he says, "But don't back off it because you're scared of what the others will say."
So, yeah, that's how it ended.
Tomorrow I'll be off to my ex-husband's place to pick up my stuff. My stomach turns just at the thought of facing him again. I hope I'll make through it.
Kat somehow convinced me to take her along too. She swears she won't cause trouble- But I smell disaster already.
Another sleepless night lies ahead. Sigh.
A/N : Hi there, thank you for taking the time to read my new diary styled new ChickLit series:
"The Diaries of an Older Collegiate"(#TheFreshman).
If this chapter ignited an interest for this series, please let me know by reblogging or sending me a message. It helps a lot and keeps me motivated. Till then stay healthy :) Love and Kisses, D <3
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viostormcaller · 5 years ago
Stringbound Chapter 3
A/N: I really really hope this works... sorry if it’s formatted a bit weird! EDIT: ohmygod I forgot the fucking taglist I am so sorry XD EDIT 2: I forgot amidst my frustration of trying to post this here that I was supposed to edit in all the italics. So I did that. Whoops!
[TW: nausea/vomiting mention, blood, death mention]
Chapter 2
The first thing Marvin noticed behind the darkness of his eyelids was the headache, its ever-persistent pounding and squeezing against his skull as agonizing as it had been since the fight, if not more so. Next was the stomachache, not enough yet to be nauseating, mostly just sore for the time being. Third was the heat; he could tell blankets had been piled on him again -- the same ones from before, no doubt -- and despite how much he was sweating, he also found himself shivering. It was harder to breathe, as well, though it wasn't because of the blankets. However, he didn't feel the need to worry -- he could feel a mask against his mouth and nose and felt significantly cooler air entering his body when he inhaled. Henrik must have put him on an oxygen machine. He also felt that one of his arms was outside of the blankets, and while he couldn't feel it he could tell by the way his arm was positioned that there was an IV there. He could tell he was on the couch instead of in a hospital bed, and he could hear soft murmuring close by. After he felt like he'd done enough assessing of the situation, Marvin slowly opened his eyes, squinting and letting out a quiet, pained groan as the bright daylight entering the room agitated his headache further.
At the noise he heard, Henrik quickly turned around from the crouched position by the couch that he had placed himself in, eyes wide and curious. "Marvin?" he prompted. "Are you awake?"
"Y-yeah…" Marvin got out. "Yes, I'm awake…"
"How do you feel?"
"Awful," Marvin stated plainly. It had been years since he'd felt this sick.
"What symptoms are you having?" Henrik then asked, grabbing the notepad and pen from off the table.
"Headache, chills… I feel warm and cold at the same time. And it's still a bit hard to breathe."
"Any lightheadedness?"
"Thankfully, no."
"Are you having any pains in the chest at all?"
"No. Aside from it feeling a bit tight, of course, but it doesn't hurt."
"Do you feel nauseous?"
"No, not… not yet, anyway. I'm unsure if I'll be feeling sick later, though…"
"Hm, alright… I will keep the eye on it, and the bucket will be close by, just in case." Henrik proceeded to write all of Marvin's answers down on a piece of paper. He would transfer them to a proper document later, but this will do for now. Actually, while they were on the subject…
"Oh, Marvin?" Henrik spoke up, not looking up from his paper quite yet.
"I have some more questions for you, about your reaction to the medicine, yes? Would you mind if I asked them now, or do you want to answer them later, when you are feeling a bit better?"
"We can…" Marvin took a moment to think. It didn't take long to come to a decision. "We can answer them now, but… can you dim the light in the room a bit? It's… making my head ache horribly…"
"Oh! Oh, of course! I apologize, I did not even consider that! Jackie, do you think--?"
"Yup, one step ahead of you," cheerfully replied Jackie, who had been standing by this whole time. He pulled all the curtains closed and dimmed the kitchen light some. "How's this? This good?" he called to Marvin.
Marvin fully opened his eyes, finally able to see without painfully squinting. His headache hadn't gone away, but this was definitely an improvement. "Much better," he sighed. "Thank you."
"No problem, just doin' my job."
Henrik just chuckled, shaking his head as a small grin tugged at the corners of his lips. Then he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses, refocusing himself. "Right, yes. The symptoms. What did you notice after you had taken that medicine?"
Marvin hummed, thinking for a moment. "I remember feeling… nauseous first. The ironic part about that is, after you injected me, it actually helped to ease the nausea. However, when I was talking with Chase, it… came back. The headache followed."
Henrik nodded, writing this down. "Alright, what else?"
"While I was, er… being sick, I remember looking up and the room was spinning. Everything was blurry -- I couldn't tell you if I was seeing triple or more than that. And then I found it harder and harder to breathe in, and from there I began to experience what I can only describe as delirium…"
"Ah, yes," Henrik interjected, looking up. "I remember you mumbling nonsense at me. Do you remember what it was you were saying? Or, well… trying to say?"
Marvin just shook his head. "My guess would be just as good as yours. I haven't a single idea. Heh, I am at the very least grateful I wasn't mumbling any spells. That could have made things a bit… chaotic."
Henrik hummed in agreement, nodding, before continuing. "The only thing I did understand was when you said you felt as if you were going to pass out."
"Ah. Yes, I remember saying that," Marvin confirmed. "I felt very lightheaded seemingly out of nowhere and I was almost positive that I would pass out. Though in my half-conscious state, I couldn't tell if my warning was in my mind or if I'd spoken it aloud. I'm grateful it was the latter."
"Was that all you felt?" Henrik inquired, looking up from his notes once more.
"No, there is one more thing I remember… every vein in my body seemed to ache not long after those first symptoms appeared. At the time I'd no clue what was happening to me, but looking back it could have only been a side effect of the medicine."
Henrik nodded, continuing his furious scribbling on the paper. Finally he let out a breath and put the pen and notepad down on the coffee table. "I thank you for your help, Marvin. One, for being so cooperative, and two, for being my unintentional test subject. I am glad we did not give this to any patients… I am not sure a higher dose of this would be very safe."
"So… does that mean our original plan is a no-go?" Jackie spoke up, a concerned look in his eye.
"I am afraid so," Henrik replied sadly, turning back towards the hero. "The dose I gave Marvin was small, and you can see what it had done to him. In a higher quantity, it could potentially kill someone, and we are trying to avoid that, yes?"
Jackie muttered a curse under his breath, looking away.
"What are you going to do now?" Marvin asked, glancing between them both.
"When Chase returns, we are going to talk more deeply about this. We need a new plan."
Marvin's eyebrows furrowed. "Chase is out? Where did he go?"
"Oh, just to pick up some supplies. Non-perishable food items, medicine… that sort of thing. Is good to be stocked up, yes? Especially now that we have a new person on board."
Marvin slowly nodded in understanding. Yes, that was a smart move. He then looked up, seeing Jackie nearing closer with a grin on his face. Uh oh.
"Hope you didn't lose one of your "nine lives" while you were fighting the effects of the medicine, because we're gonna need you for this. You think you're up for it?"
Marvin just narrowed his eyes at him. "Are you always this utterly idiotic?"
"Hey, be nice!" Jackie protested, placing a hand on his chest and feigning hurt. "I'm the one who saved your life, remember? You'd probably be dead right now if it weren't for me! You better be grateful I stayed home, too, Sourpuss. Had I gone on patrols, there'd be no one to carry Schneep's medical equipment up to you. So there!"
Marvin rolled his eyes and looked away. He'd cross his arms, but one of them had the IV sticking out of it, so that wouldn't be the best idea. Henrik could only laugh to himself, shaking his head. It was easy to forget how much of a child Jackie still was, until they had moments like this.
"Do you need anything, Marvin?" Henrik asked, pulling himself from his thoughts.
"A… a cloth over my head would be appreciated," Marvin admitted.
"I'll get it!" Jackie announced.
"No, I will get it," Henrik quickly interjected, rising from his spot on the floor. "You have bothered Marvin enough for one day, I feel."
As Henrik turned to stretch, Jackie stuck his tongue out at him when he wasn't looking.
Just then, the door swung open, startling everyone in the room. It was no other than Chase, of course, carrying a few bags of groceries, but… he was covered in splatters of… blood?
"Before you ask, no, the blood isn't mine," Chase spoke up, gently kicking the door shut behind him and setting the plastic grocery bags down on the floor.
"Holy shit, what happened?!" Jackie exclaimed.
"Dude, it's like a war zone out there!" Chase said. "Have you seen the news? God, there's fuckin' people everywhere! All scramblin' around tryin' to stock up. He's got his puppets on the loose. I was fuckin' lucky to get outta there alive…"
Jackie let out a curse, quickly snatching up the remote sitting on the coffee table and turning on the TV, switching it to the news channel. The four of them watched as the woman on the TV explained the scene unfolding downtown, showing an aerial view of what was going on. There weren't that many puppets, but just enough to cause havoc.
"I gotta go," Jackie got out, tossing the remote down and already heading for the door. He was grateful that he was already suited up.
"Jackie, wait," Chase called, reaching a hand out to him.
Jackie paused in his tracks, turning to face Chase with a hum. The determination and urgency in his eyes was unmistakable.
"Are you… sure it's safe to go out there? Like… alone, I mean?"
Jackie just huffed, almost like he'd laughed. "I mean, it's not, but who else is gonna do it, if not me? Marvin's out of commission, and you know as well as I do that the police do fuck-all."
Chase just looked away with a thoughtful hum. Jackie had a point, he couldn't deny that.
"I gotta go. See you in a few hours, alright?"
"Stay safe, Jackie," Henrik said.
"Yeah, man… be careful out there. Shit's a mess." Chase agreed.
Jackie huffed, a smile growing on his face. "No need to worry, guys. I'll be fine, trust me." And with that, he was out the door.
Henrik turned the news off with a sigh, recalling his ever-present fear of watching the news on a late night only to hear that the city's famed vigilante, Jackieboy Man, was dead. Every time he left the house, he mentally prepared himself for that day, and every time he hoped it never came.
"Well…" Chase spoke up, breaking the uneasy silence. "I'm gonna go shower. Gotta get this blood off me."
"Yes, good… good idea," Henrik nodded, clearly preoccupied.
"Um, Chase, if you don't mind my asking, how did you get blood on you in the first place?" Marvin asked.
Chase looked to Marvin with saddened eyes. "Had to witness a puppet killing someone… was too close when it happened. I'm never gonna forget that… the look on their face… the way they screamed…" Chase could only sigh, hugging himself. He shook his head, turning towards the stairs. "I… I need to be alone for a while…" With that, he left to go grab some clean clothes and a towel from his room so he could get cleaned up.
There was a heavy silence lingering in the room after Chase left, thick as the blankets covering Marvin and twice as suffocating. Finally, letting out a breath as if to push away some of the fog-like tension to give himself a little breathing room, Henrik turned away from the TV and headed towards the closet under the stairs. "Marvin, you said you wanted a cloth for the head, yes?"
Marvin perked up at his name, looking towards Henrik. "Er, y-yes, uh… yes, that would… help…"
Henrik nodded, fetching a small washcloth and heading towards the kitchen sink. He turned on the faucet and let the water run over his hand, adjusting the temperature between hot and cold until he was sure that it was cool and not cold. He then grabbed a spare bowl, filled it with the water, and headed back over to the couch. He took great care in dipping the folded washcloth in the water, wringing it out, and placing it over Marvin's forehead, though Marvin expected nothing less from a doctor.
"How does that feel? Good?"
"Yes, thank you. I appreciate it," Marvin answered with a nod.
"Is there anything else you need?"
"No, not at all. Thank you, though." His answer was honest, but even if he did need something, he wouldn't dare ask. Not right now.
With a simple nod, Henrik rose, heading for the basement. He wasn't gone for very long, but when he came back up, Marvin noticed that he was now wearing gloves. He watched with intrigue as Henrik went about setting down some paper towels on the kitchen floor. Then, Henrik began to set the grocery bags on the paper towels, carrying as many over as he could at one time until all the bags were moved. It was only then that Marvin was able to see the blood splattered on some of the plastic bags. He'd been previously confused, but now what Henrik was doing made sense. He continued to silently watch as Henrik took off the gloves and set them aside, grabbed a new pair from his pocket, and put them on. He began to sort the groceries, putting away the food items and setting aside the medicines and Band-Aids and the like to be stored downstairs with the first-aid supplies.
Once the food was put away and the medicine separated, Henrik grabbed as many medicines as he could in his arms and headed for the basement stairs. It took him two trips to get everything down, though when he came back up he brought with him a biohazard bin. All the plastic bags, paper towels, and the first pair of gloves were tossed in. He then grabbed some more paper towels and a bottle of some sort of cleanser Marvin didn't recognize right away and began to spray and wipe down the area by the door where Chase had dropped the bags. Once everything was clean and put away, he headed back downstairs with the bin, and when he came up he was empty-handed and no longer wearing his gloves. He settled himself into the armchair with a sigh, letting himself get lost in his thoughts. Not a word was spoken between him and Marvin. Eventually the pair heard Chase come out of the bathroom, the opening and closing of one door, and then the opening and closing of another. Chase didn't come back downstairs after that. Eventually Henrik, too, excused himself, mentioning he was going back downstairs to check on Jack for a bit, leaving Marvin alone in the living room.
That thick duvet of silence never truly left, but as the number of people within the room dwindled, it grew ever heavier, threatening to swallow everything that remained there, Marvin included. With a heavy, tired sigh, however, he decided he wouldn't let it, instead allowing his mind to wander, to silently fill the space with his own muted noise. And he simply waited, waited for Henrik to return, for Chase to come back downstairs. For Jackie to come home.
Taglist:  @jade-orade @taizu-lazure @bupine @innocent-angel3 @immabethehero @wowowgoodurl @n-anon @g-rexthedino @scarletender @coconutpillow05 @friezzzboiii (Ask if you would like to be tagged!!)
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occasionally-writing · 4 years ago
I Will Always Be Here
Hey guys! This was a commission piece that was asked by @wombatking​! This is my first time writing for this fandom and pairing but nonetheless! Thank you so much for commissioning me and I really hope you enjoy the fanfic. I did my best! 
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Hearing the sound of the birds chirping outside, Sakura knew it was morning and if the birds chirping wasn’t an indicator, the sun shining through the thin white curtains that Hinata had put up when they first moved in together was. Staring at the chipping ceiling, Sakura didn’t even have to yell to get her girlfriend’s attention as Hinata stepped into their bedroom, carrying a basket of clothes that must’ve just been washed. Noticing that Sakura’s eyes were open, Hinata gasped and hurried to put the basket down, rushing over to help her into the wheelchair that was folded up near the bed. 
“You didn’t need to rush! I could’ve waited,” Sakura grumbled out, obviously not being a morning person as she watched Hinata setting up the chair. Once everything was set up like it was supposed to, Hinata pulled the blanket off Sakura’s body and carefully lifted her, placing her body in the chair. Tightening the belt around her waist so she wouldn’t fall out of the wheelchair, Hinata placed her feet on the platform before she stood up, gently brushing a piece of Sakura’s bangs away from her face. “Thanks...I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“No! Don’t worry about it! Come on, I made breakfast...it’s your favorite,” Hinata yelped out, her face flushing bright red, making it seem like she was glowing. Chuckling softly as she nodded at this, Sakura kept the smile on her face as she activated the mechanism that helped her move. Staying quiet as Sakura moved ahead, Hinata followed and pushed the door wider so that her girlfriend could easily ride through. Making it to the table where their food was waiting, Sakura took her place while Hinata began to make her plate. “I was thinking...you know that school is close to starting again, right?”
Hearing this, Sakura bit her lip and let her eyes gravitate towards the table, not looking Hinata in the eyes. Her answer was quite clear and taking in her reaction, Hinata found herself frowning as she sat down beside her girlfriend, cutting some of the omelet up and holding it up for Sakura to eat. Chewing and swallowing the best she could, Sakura sighed and met Hinata’s sad gaze, not being able to hold the anxious grin off her face. Sakura knew that they would have to talk about this sooner or later, but the thought of having to go to school in her current condition was quite frightening in her opinion. 
“Yeah...it’s getting close, huh?” Sakura mumbled, taking another bite of the omelet Hinata had offered her. Nodding softly, Hinata found she didn’t mind the quiet air around them as she continued to feed Sakura, not stopping until the plate was empty and Sakura let out a sigh. Getting up, Hinata placed the plate in the sink and went on to make her own plate, sitting back down once she was done and began eating. Watching her eat, Sakura mulled over her thoughts until she swallowed, catching Hinata’s attention. “Do...do you think that the people at school will...be terrible when they see me this way?”
“Sakura…” Hinata whispered, a frown making her lips turn downwards as Sakura chuckled, the sound not warm like her usual chuckles were. Listening to her girlfriend ramble on, Hinata placed her fork down and placed her half eaten food on the table, reaching out so that she could take Sakura’s hand in hers. Noticing this, Sakura stopped talking and just watched as Hinata squeezed her hands, feeling his eyes grow damp when she couldn’t feel the action. “It will be okay, Sakura. I will not let anyone speak any mean words about you. Besides, we have our friends that will help too! You know how Naruto is, he’ll put anyone in their place if he hears any bad talk about you...you believe me, right?”
Sniffling slightly as her heart began to beat at a steady pace once again, Sakura smiled and made a sound of approval, closing her eyes when Hinata’s hand touched her face and wiped the small trail of tears that streaked down her cheeks. Smiling softly when Sakura’s gaze met hers again, Hinata squeezed her cheek playfully before she got back to eating, an idea forming in her head. Finishing up, Hinata placed the dirty plate in the sink, turning towards Sakura with a thoughtful expression, Sakura eyeing her with confusion. Moving to sit in front of her again, Hinata swallowed the lump growing in her throat as she met Sakura’s gaze shyly. 
“How would you feel about going out? Maybe we can get some new clothes or something for the new school year! Maybe like a...um...a date?” Hinata asked softly, tapping her foot against the linoleum floor beneath them, staying quiet as Sakura blinked. Letting out a hum, Sakura knew that Hinata was trying to help her, so why would she dampen the mood by denying her girlfriend of something she wanted to do. Calling Hinata’s name softly, Sakura waited until Hinata met her eyes again before she nodded, offering the shy girl a smile. “R-really?! Okay! Um...let’s get ready! I can help you shower and then we can get going!”
Snorting at the excited pitch of Hinata’s voice, Sakura watched as her girlfriend leaped up and held open the door, waiting for Sakura to get moving towards the bathroom. Rolling her eyes playful, Sakura didn’t let Hinata wait much longer as she activated the wheelchair, moving forward and carefully making her way into the bathroom, Hinata close behind her as the door shut behind them. 
Once the two had finished showering, Hinata helping Sakura dry her hair and picking out her clothes for the day, the two made their way out of the condo and onto the street, cars piling up since it was close to lunch hour. Shutting the door behind them and locking it, Hinata turned towards Sakura and smiled, following close behind her when Sakura moved forward. Keeping pace, Hinata pointed out some shops that had just opened before they both noticed a semi-new shop that sold graphic tees and pop-art clothing. Knowing that those kind of brands were the things that Sakura liked to wear sometimes, Hinata pointed it out and carefully helped her girlfriend cross the street, making it in front of the shop in no time. 
“I never knew this place was here…” Sakura hummed out, going in once Hinata held the door open for her. Smiling at the kind worker, who was more than happy to show her around and help them find things, Sakura picked out three to four shirts, along with some frilly skirts and jeans with rips in them. Cashing out, Hinata noticed some cute pins at the checkout station and added them to the order, mumbling shyly when Sakura noticed and chuckled fondly. “What’s next on our night out?”
“Well...how do you feel about going to that cafe we love? Maybe share some ice cream or something?” Hinata asked shyly, looping her arm into the bag handles as she strolled next to Sakura. Letting out a hum, Sakura grinned and made a sound of agreement, making Hinata smile. Noticing the streets becoming busy when the sun started to go down, Hinata kept close to her girlfriend and wasn’t afraid to glare down anyone who gave Sakura weird and unfriendly looks. Trying not to pay attention to how some people seemed to stare at her, Sakura felt her mood lift once she noticed their usual cafe coming up in the distance. “What would you like? Chocolate ice cream or vanilla? Sprinkles or no sprinkles?”
“Chocolate fine and no sprinkles! Thanks Hinata!” Sakura sighed, telling the computer that rested on the arm of her wheelchair to activate the brakes once they were at a table. Smiling softly at the happy expression that warmed Sakura’s features, Hinata leaned down and pressed a shy kiss to her hair, making a grin worm its way on her girlfriend’s face. Shooing Hinata away with a huff of laughter, Sakura watched as she fled inside the cafe and placed their order. Not having to wait long, Sakura heard the bell on the door chime as Hinata appeared at the table once more, pulling one of the chairs close to her. “I haven’t had their ice cream since the accident. I bet it’s still good as hell.”
Taking a small spoonful, Hinata let Sakura have the first bite and smiled when she closed her eyes and hummed, swallowing the delicious ice cream easily. Licking her lips, Sakura waited for Hinata to have a bite before she opened her mouth again, waiting for Hinata to give her another bite. Giggling when Sakura did this, Hinata gave her another bite before making small talk, talking about school and warming Sakura’s heart when she was told that Hinata would not leave her side no matter what. Finishing the ice cream fast enough for both of them to get a brain freeze, the girls giggled at each other and Sakura sighed when Hinata got up to throw away the empty carton.
“Hinata...can you sit? I want to tell you something,” Sakura sighed, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to hide what she wanted to say. The last thing she wanted was to ruin the mood of their first date in a long time, but what she had to say had to be said and waiting would just make it harder to get out. Noticing how serious Sakura was, Hinata nodded and sat down, reaching for Sakura’s hands and holding them tightly while eyeing her girlfriend with concern.  “I...want to thank you. Ever since the accident, things have been tough but you haven’t given up on me despite me almost wanting to give up myself. If it wasn’t for you rescuing me that day...I don’t think I would be here at this moment. I...I know it’s been tough but thank you...for being here and never giving up on me. I feel like I can rest easy and get through anything when you’re beside me. I love you, Hinata.”
Growing stock still as she took in what Sakura had said, Hinata broke their gaze and stared down at their hands, the memory of what happened still fresh in her mind. It felt like it was just yesterday that they were at the party that Rock Lee had planned, their ragtag group of friends getting to spend a day at the lake just having fun and enjoying each other’s company. Hinata knew that Sakura was a show off in more ways than one, but the horrifying sight of seeing Sakura wave to her as she dived off the dock, yet didn’t float back to the surface still caused terrifying nightmares to fester in Hinata’s mind. Knowing that she made it in time, Hinata couldn’t help but remember the fear she felt when Sakura had gasped out that she couldn’t feel anything below her neck and how she was rushed to the hospital, the doctors telling Hinata that her girlfriend had suffered a severe injury to her spinal cord at the C4 level and wasn’t likely to walk again unless she went though harsh therapy, and even then there was a chance she would be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. 
Shaking the past from her mind when she heard Sakura calling out to her, her voice having a concerned edge to it, Hinata focused back on Sakura and wiped the tears that were threatening to slip down her flushed cheeks. Shaking her head, Hinata leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together, their eyes never breaking contact as Hinata let their lips meet, the kiss displaying everything Hinata was feeling and more. Breaking apart when they needed to breathe, the two stared into each other’s eyes, a soft smile forming on Sakura’s face when Hinata rubbed their noses together.
“There’s no need to thank me for that, Sakura. I will always be here, taking care of you and loving you. You have nothing to worry about while I’m here, okay?” Hinata asked softly, making sure Sakura knew she was telling the truth. Letting out a choked up hum, Sakura closed her eyes when Hinata brushed her hair away from her face, her touch soft and gentle yet full of love. Pulling away as they noticed a slight chill in the air, the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky, Hinata stood up and moved behind Sakura, taking the handles of her wheelchair. “I know you want to prove yourself but can I push you...just his once?”
“Fine, but you need to cuddle me all night long as compensation. Deal?” Sakura grumbled, her tone still playful which got a giggle out of Hinata. Nodding as she pressed a kiss to Sakura’s hair, Hinata carefully maneuvered Sakura around the table and began their trail back to their condo, the girlfriend’s making small talk as their giggles echoed in the night. Sakura knew she had a long way to go until she felt completely comfortable in her current state, but now that she knew Hinata would be with her every step of the way, the racing thoughts of school finally died down and all that was left was the warmth of Hinata’s love blooming in Sakura’s heart. “I love you too...Hinata.”
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iamtheblondestblonde · 5 years ago
Slides and Serendipity
Part 7 (4.2k)
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Warnings: Broken heart for Bennguin shippers, (slightly, I’m talking veeeery slightly implied sexual content like it’s nothing explicit?) and also language
My hangover thankfully wasn’t as bad as I’d anticipated, probably because I stayed clear of wine this time. I even woke up earlier than I’d anticipated but that was only due to Yogi jumping on my bed. How I’d managed to carry him up the stairs without falling while also half asleep would forever remain a mystery unsolved.
I checked my phone to go look at the pictures from last night but then I saw a text from Tyler, asking if I was ready for breakfast yet. In my sleep deprived state I’d completely forgotten about his invitation from last night. I told him I’d be over in a few and then hopped under the shower, something I’d skipped last night because I’d been afraid that I’d fall asleep while standing up.
Whenever I went out I usually only drank until I had a good buzz going but last night I guess I hadn’t stopped early enough so the alcohol had practically knocked me out as soon as I was outside. 
After changing the bed sheets to get rid of the smell of clubbing I finally made my way over, Yogi excitedly bouncing ahead. Tyler’s dogs were howling as soon as I rung his doorbell which of course made Yogi even more excited. I was a bit anxious to see if he would tried to bring up my not so subtle move from last night. While having him strip me down to my underwear had sounded like a great idea last night, I had probably taken it a bit too far in hindsight.
“Hey, no skates today?”, Tyler greeted me and I reached up to hug him while Yogi was running around him, effectively tying him up. He was wearing a hoodie with grey shorts that made it really hard to look anywhere else and I was really tempted to make fun of the way he’d pulled up his socks too high.
“Nope and I already regret it, he has way too much energy right now.” I tried my best to untangle the leash from Tyler’s legs but now his labs were there too demanding attention and it was just one big chaotic mess. Four dogs was a bit much at times like this but I eventually managed to get everything back under control, Tyler hadn’t made an attempt to help me at all and had instead only laughed at my struggle. Yogi and Gerry disappeared together into the backyard and Cash hopped up on the couch while Marshall stayed by my side.
“Are you hoping I’ll make you some breakfast Marsh?”
“He’s not the only one you know.” Tyler’s pout was cute, an adjective that I never thought would fit a guy like him. He was probably the only guy in the world that managed to look adorable and sexy at the same time and it was really distracting.
“What if I only came over so you could make me grilled cheese tho?”
“Then I’ll gladly oblige your wish, ma’am.”
I threw Yogi’s collar at him for calling me ma’am but of course he caught it before it hit his face like it was supposed to. Stupid fast reflexes.
“One more ma’am and I’ll never make food for you again”, I threatened with my finger pointed at him and I could see that it cost him his last bit of self-control to not respond with a ‘yes ma’am’. The salute he gave me in turn wasn’t any better.
“I was actually planning on making something else but I need to check if you have all the stuff for it first because your grocery shopping is anything but top notch.”
He complained to Marshall about me only ever insulting him but Marshall followed me to the step as I walked into the kitchen, not caring about the little crisis his dad was having at all.
For being a pro athlete his fridge and pantry were terribly stocked and it reminded me of the time I spent in the college dorms. The amount of beer in his fridge was equivalent to a frat house and the only thing missing to complete the college student life were the instant ramen cups.
“You should be glad that the nutritionists an trainers don’t visit your house”, I scolded him. He had some fresh produce around but not nearly as much as I’d liked. As I kept pulling out stuff the pile on his kitchen island kept growing after I finally decided on omelette with some avocado toast. The avocadoes were at the tipping point of being too ripe and I didn’t want them to go to waste.
“Well I’m sorry that my kitchen doesn’t look like a Whole Foods ad the way yours does. As soon as the season starts up again I’ll either be gone or eat the majority of my meals at the rink like most of the guys so I don’t see why I should stock up.”
He did have a point but to me a homecooked meal beat everything, even if cooking for just one person was always a bit of a hassle that always resulted in leftovers. Since my move I had been living on my own for the very first time ever and I had to admit that I missed cooking for other people as well.
“Well I’m teaching you how to make the perfect omelette today anyway. You really need to learn to take better care of you and your body.” I made him help me chop stuff to put in the omelette and instantly felt reminded of all the times I’d tried to teach Lisa to cook. She’d been hopeless as well but as soon as we moved off campus during our sophomore year I’d took her under my wing, making a decent cook out of her by the time we moved to Denver. I was convinced I could do the same with Tyler.
He knew how to handle a knife at least and while he mixed everything together I took care of the avocadoes and tomatoes. I tested what he remembered from my spice lesson, letting him make suggestions as to what could go well with our food and he did better than expected, only messing up once.
“No no no you need to turn down the heat or you’ll burn it before the eggs are done”, I said and quickly reached around him so I could reach the stove and save our breakfast. He looked so determined with the spatula in his hand, I knew that he really wanted to do well and was trying his best.
He had put on a snapback a while ago so his hair wouldn’t fall in his face and I already missed his messy bedhead. Without produce his hair looked so soft and all over the place and I really wanted to run my hands through it as much as I could. He really was a walking temptation and every time we spent time together I could feel my resolve weaken.
After everything was done I tried to tell Tyler that the presentation of the food was important as well but he took a bite out of his toast before I was even done putting the tomatoes on it. Sighing I grabbed my plate and walked outside so we could enjoy our breakfast in the sun. I still managed to sneak a picture of our plates before Tyler proceeded to eat his food at a speed that shouldn’t be possible.
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I was nervous to meet this Jason guy because I really really hoped that our dynamic would work out. I had looked up some more people that I could meet over the next few days but I really wanted to trust Mia’s judgement.
I even had the cleaning lady come over yesterday so every surface in my house was shining and I’d done some last-minute decorating in the office. My degrees were now on the wall, the online Master of Software Engineering not as pretty as the undergrad degree in computer science from MIT but I still didn’t regret taking online classes instead of real ones. My success during college had given me lots of opportunities that I would forever be grateful for, one of them being the job offer to Denver straight out of college. The experience I had gathered over the last three years working was better than anything I could be taught in stuffy classrooms.
Mia arrived a bit before Jason and this way she’d be there to introduce us properly. It was good to have some one-on-one time with her while we waited, something we’d never really had. Since we didn’t study together Lisa and I would usually only see her when going out or meeting up in groups but it was nice to actually have normal conversations with her.
I didn’t want to create a stiff office atmosphere which is why I was now dressed in jeans and a nice top. Mia was wearing a summer dress and Jason had put on a button up but still managed to look casual. Yogi was sniffing him curiously before plopping down on his bed in the living room again, deciding that this was beneath his attention.
We shook hands and I led them to the office while starting some casual conversation. My desk was already set up and Mia had already told me her hardware preferences so there was some stuff waiting for her which she inspected while I talked to Jason. The conference table really came in handy at this part.
He was funny and gave off a pretty chill vibe but I still had to see some references because unlike with Mia I had no idea if he was any good at what he did.
He was good, better than expected and a while later I was sold on him. He seemed happy with what I was willing to pay and character wise he was a perfect fit for the team. I told them both about the requests I had already lined up and they both seemed super excited to start.
“So you think you can start next Monday?”, I asked after I’d finally satisfied my curiosity and his face lit up as if he thought I wouldn’t offer him the job.
The three of us moved towards the kitchen to get something to drink because all of this talking had made us thirsty. Mia was just telling me that she’d come over tomorrow with Elias after picking him up from daycare when I heard my front door open.
“Hey sorry I kept texting you but you didn’t respond and it’s already half past two so I thought I’d check up on you.” It took a few seconds before Tyler’s words registered with me. I hadn’t even realized that it had gotten this late and that I was supposed to meet up with him half an hour ago to go roller skating with him and Yogi. He walked into the living room and then did a double take when he saw all of us lingering by the kitchen island.
“Oh shit you have company.. I’m sorry but uh hey everyone I’m Tyler”, he introduced himself and waved at Mia and Jason with one hand, a pair of skates in the other. Only now did Yogi wake up from his nap and as soon as he realized what was happening he ran over to Tyler who was now crouching down so he could pet him.
“Holy shit you’re Tyler Seguin! This day just keeps getting better and better”, Jason exclaimed, almost spitting out the sip of water he’d just taken.
“Tyler who?”, Mia asked then and I had to laugh. She had never been interested in watching sports and it was nice to see that nothing had changed in that department at least.
Tyler was still awkwardly standing in the living room and I walked over to give him a hug before turning around to explain to Mia that he was a hockey player for the Dallas Stars and also my friend. At least she’d heard of the team name before. I introduced Mia and Jason as my new team to Tyler and Jason shook his hand excitedly before congratulating him on his amazing last season.
“I know you’ll do even better this year”, Jason said and I was pretty sure that I was the only one that had caught Tyler wincing at the statement. He’d told me how much the expectations of the fans and the rest of the team really weighed on him even if people only meant well.
After Mia and Jason had left Tyler tried to apologize for interrupting again but I wouldn’t let him. It was my fault that I’d forgotten to check my messages for well over three hours so really it was my turn to apologize.
I ate a quick snack before grabbing my roller skates and Yogi and then we were out the door. Even if Yogi was still too small to pull Tyler, he’d told me that he still wanted him to come with us when we had talked about going skating.
We skated around the neighborhood, Yogi’s leash loose in my hand while we made some casual conversation.
It turned out that pulling Tyler was harder than it looked, not because of his weight but because grabbing his hand didn’t leave much space between us to gain the momentum or speed that was needed.
“Your arms are so short. The next time we do this I’m putting a leash on you as well”, Tyler joked and I tried to hit him but of course he simply swerved until he was out of my reach. He was surprisingly graceful for a guy his size.
Sometimes he’d take Yogi’s leash to try and outrun him on the skates but despite his impressive speed he was no match for my husky mix. After I’d taken way too many videos and they managed to tire each other out we made our way back to my house.
“Hey so you know I’m leaving for camp Thursday afternoon but I’m having an end of summer party on Wednesday over at my place and you should come too”, he said as we were skating up my driveway. I could tell that he was really excited, both for camp and the party.
“Of course I’ll come. Do you want me to bring anything?”
“No you don’t need anything I’ve got it covered. Most of the guys from the team are going to be there and some close friends so you’ll have the girls to keep you company as well.”
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Tyler wasn’t lying when he said that his place would be packed. The weather wasn’t too spectacular today so nobody was in the pool, making the house and backyard seeming even more crowded. He’d told me to bring Yogi as well, seeing as there wouldn’t be any super loud music tonight and as soon as I had him off the leash he was walking around the room, basking in the attention.
The girls spotted me before I could even look for Tyler and pushed a drink at me before we caught each other up on the last few days. They were really interested in what had happened with Tyler after he had picked me up from the club and it took me several tries until I had finally convinced them that there wasn’t really any tea to spill. I was introduced to even more wives and girlfriends and I was happy to get to know everyone, having always been a social butterfly.
I finally spotted him across the living room and excused myself to go say hello.
“No bikini today?”
“No it’s too cold to go swimming today.”
“That’s too bad because I really like what happened last time in the pool.”
Before I could even respond to his flirty remark I was being dragged away from him and towards the beer pong table that was set up on the outdoor patio. I was glad I’d brought a sweater with me this time. The dogs were chasing each other around the pool but even they didn’t feel like going into the water today.
“I need a rematch to make up for last time”, Roope said after finally letting go of me, settling on the other side of the table with Rads.
“Two on one? That hardly seems fair”, I pouted and tried to get Dobby to join my team as he was closest but he just laughed at me and refused, sitting back on a chair to watch instead.
“Let me help her drink at least”, Tyler insisted from behind me and I hadn’t even noticed that he stood so close to me until he spoke up
“No need to play hero Segs, you know the girl can drink”, Rads said and gave Tyler a stern look until he backed off with his hands raised in surrender. I had to smile at the compliment, a Russian being impressed by your drinking skills was serious business. I sighed as I realized that there was no getting out of this and cracked my knuckles to get ready. I needed to make this a quick win because I noticed that they’d filled my cups a bit more than usual and I really didn’t want to drink this much beer before dinner.
We had gathered quite the crowd over the course of the game that was now witness to me absolutely destroying the two of them. They had only managed to hit two cups of mine while I was on my second try to make the last shot so I would win after some double scores. The girls were cheering on me while their boyfriends were supporting their teammates. With each point that I’d made the chirping had increased and now neither of us three could make a move without there being screaming from all sides. I only knew a few words in Russian and had no clue about Finnish but even I could tell that whatever was coming out of my opponents’ mouths was anything but pretty.
“You got this Liv, show ‘em how it’s done!”, Katie yelled and I blew her a kiss.
“You better miss”, Jamie said, which earned him a light punch to his shoulder from his girlfriend. I closed my eyes for a second to concentrate and then made my shot.
Groans and high pitched screams rose as the ball tipped into the cup, making me the winner. I was hugged from multiple people at once and Tyler lifted me to spin me around. He was the only one from the team that had been on my side.
“How are you so good at this?”, Roope asked, his accent stronger because of the frustration. Tyler was smirking down at me, probably thinking of the time he’d asked me the same question.
“I take in the wind and the distance to calculate the perfect throwing angle.”
“Really?”, Rads now asked, his eyes big.
“No, you guys just suck.”
Tyler had asked some people to man the grill and we didn’t have to wait long until the delicious smell of steaks was wafting around the property, which I was thankful for because I had been looking forward to this part all day. I grabbed some food and sat with the girls, resuming our discussion on which potato form was the best. Wedges, obviously.
After dinner some people left and everyone else proceeded to get even more drunk. I could tell that this was the last time that the guys would be able to really relax because they had all kinds of stupid ideas. At some point Tyler had taken off his shirt and while I certainly wasn’t complaining about the view I still had to laugh at him taking whatever chance he got to strip. Perhaps a trade to the Golden Knights would allow him to flourish in this side business. Jamie was the most fun to watch because with every drink he got less and less shy until Tyler and him were running around the house laughing their asses off and jumping on each other.
“Bennguin is real, get used to it”, Katie commented with a sigh and her exasperated expression had me laughing so hard that I had to put my drink down so I wouldn’t spill it all over the couch we were currently on. I could only imagine the amount of shit she’d had to put up with because of these two acting like children.
“I want to play a gameeee”, Tyler whined and I already knew that nothing good come out of the look he was giving his friends. With all the alcohol going around everyone had loosened up and it didn’t take long until I was dragged into a round of ‘never have I ever’ on the floor of Tyler’s living room.
“You guys didn’t go to college and it really shows”, Katie commented and I had to agree with her. We’d made it our personal mission tonight to make as much fun of Tyler and Jamie as possible. I’d played the stupid game so many times, usually at frat parties so they could expose the virgins but I also couldn’t wait to see what I could learn about these big dumb idiots.
The first few questions were timid and I could tell that everyone was still trying to figure out how far everyone was willing to go to expose their secrets, especially with some of the partners present, but every new statement pushed further.
“Never have I ever had a threesome.”
I didn’t even pay attention to who had said it, going around the circle having long been abandoned in favor of someone randomly throwing in questions.
Even though I had been absolutely plastered that night, I still remembered this particular event, one of the very few one night stands that I’d ever had. We’d started day drinking even before breakfast on a boat off the shore of Ibiza and while I wasn’t even into girls, lots of shots and pitchers filled with sangria had led to me tangled in the bed sheets with some hot guy that I didn’t even remember the name of and Lisa. The guy didn’t really know what to do with the both of us at the same time, so we had to get creative and I’d vowed to myself that I would stick to guys after, scarred for life.
As I raised my cup to my lips I noticed that Tyler was about to do the same so I raised my cup towards him in a toast. I only hoped his experience had been better than mine.
“You two are perfect for each other”, Rads said with an eyeroll but I only laughed.
“You had a threesome and this is the first I’m hearing of this?”, Katie yelled from beside me and I turned just in time to see Jamie lowering his cup across the room after having taken a sip.
“Holy shit! Was it with Tyler?”, I asked, knowing full well what was said about them on Tumblr because of Mara. The way both of them visibly recoiled at my words should have been preserved for eternity. Sadly that didn’t happen.
“No! What the fuck Liv?” Tyler’s disturbed exclamation had me leaning on Katie, who was now also shaking with laughter, the news of her boyfriend’s sexual adventures momentarily forgotten.
“Do you hear the sound of millions of Bennguin hearts breaking?”, she asked in between shaky breaths and now we were lying back on the floor, tears threatening to run down my cheeks from laughing so hard.
“I just want to make it clear that I only took a sip because I was thirsty. I wasn’t paying attention and besides you know I would’ve told you babe”, Jamie spoke up after Katie and I had finally calmed down again. The alcohol had made everything ten times funnier than it probably actually was but Katie and I were still clutched together and she only waved at Jamie in dismissal. I would’ve had to reevaluate my people reading skills if he actually had taken part in a threesome because there was no way I could’ve seen that coming.
Our loud cackling must have woken up the dogs from their nap because now Yogi was trying to snuggle up against me while Gerry curiously looked around, probably trying to figure out why there were so many people stretched out on the floor. As soon as Yogi had made himself comfortable with his head on my lap Gerry came over as well, lying down on my legs. There was close to a hundred pounds of dog on top of me but I couldn’t be happier, gently petting them while completely forgetting that we were playing a game at the moment.
Alcohol mixed with cuddly puppies, the greatest thing since long before sliced bread.
Tyler insisted on taking a picture of the three of us all snuggled up and then proceeded to beg until I finally let him post it to his story. Me giving in didn’t come as a surprise, I was this close to doing almost anything he wanted me to after all. I wouldn’t let him tag me though, desperately trying to hold on to the last shred of anonymity , and dignity, that I still had left. 
Part Eight here
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