#I’d be with the ghosts
samandcolbyownme · 7 months
i think zach would be the type of person to see what their fans are up to, imagine if he finds a fic/smut and reads it in a podcast? i'd die right there
No because that what I’m honestly scared of. Like one of these next pod casts he starts out by saying something along the lines of someone who goes by SamandColbyOwnMe…
Deleting my account right then and there
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FNAF Cassidy knows how to “help” Michael Afton
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
The sound of John Constantine’s incredulous voice entered the meeting room before his body did. “Fight an Infinite Realms ghost? Are you insane?! Do you want to get us killed?”
Zatanna spun and almost snarled at him. “What would you have us do then, Constantine? Maybe you’re okay with sacrificing people sometimes, but we’re the heroes. We can’t just let it keep wreaking havoc. There’s no reported deaths yet, but we don’t know how long that’ll last.”
He leaned against the wall nonchalantly and lit a cigarette. “Well, what’s it yelling about?”
He took a long drag before continuing. “Realms ghosts– they’re basically immune to our magic, but they’re easy marks if you know how to deal with ‘em. They all have some sort of Obsession. Just work with that and they’re remarkably simple to manipulate.” His voice turned to a grumble, “Doesn’t mean they can’t be a huge pain in the fucking ass sometimes though.”
Tapping some ash off his cigarette, he looked straight back into the room again. “So… what’re they yelling about?”
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the-witchhunter · 2 months
I really think we don’t play into the comedy of various folk traditions of dealing with ghosts actually working on Danny Phantom ghosts/Danny
The Fentons paint their home Haint Blue and suddenly Danny has a hard time finding his way home
Danny unable to cross running water and just suddenly ejected from the GAV as they Drive over a bridge
Amity Parkers driving the box ghost away from the Nasty Burger by throwing salt packets at him
Folks hanging up bottles in a tree and Sam having to let Danny out every time he gets stuck in one because he got too close in ghost form
The juxtaposition of the doctors Fenton being like “we can shoot them!” And everyone else just getting a box of kosher salt from the grocery store and it somehow being just as effective
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emmster · 5 months
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Boyfriends? Friends? They don’t know
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3amfanfiction · 4 months
So Simon Riley is THE strict daddy dom and he flourishes in that role. There’s no one made for it quite like him.
But our baby is traumatized, folks.
He’s seen things that no one would ever want to have seen. And that leaves scars. And with how he treats you in the bedroom (with your enthusiastic consent) sometimes his feelings will come forward in an unexpected way.
You were both breathing heavily, coming down from an intense session, neither of you able to move quite yet in order to get cleaned up.
After a minute you were once more in your body and you look over to Simon to check in. He’s normally up before you, getting the washcloth, holding a cup of water for you to drink, soft touches brushing over any lingering marks, sweet words being murmured.
To your surprise he’s still in the same position, breath continuing slightly too fast to be normal. Simon? Hesitantly, your hand stretches across the bed to rest your fingertips on his wrist, your touch as soft as possible.
You know for sure something is wrong when he pulls back from your touch, as if ashamed.
Simon, sweetheart, is everything okay? When there’s no response you switch tactics. Scooting as close as you dared while still not touching him, you begin to talk.
‘You did so great for me baby and no one is mad at you. You were absolutely perfect.’ ‘You made me feel so good and gave me exactly what i wanted.’ ‘You’re so good to me sweetheart. You’re SO good.’ ‘Can i touch you?’
When he finally nods, his breathing becoming steadier as you ramble soothing affirmations, you don’t waste any time before placing your hand gently on his wrist. You start stoking back and forth, dragging your fingers and palm along his forearm.
There we go, love. Everything is gonna be okay. I loved every part of that and i love every part of you okay?
When he finally moves its to pull you to his chest, your face tucked into his shoulder before he rolls over you, cocooning you in his arms, sandwiched between his body and the bed. His arms tighten around you before he lets out a shaky breath and settles in for the next little bit, still focusing on your soothing words and your hands stroking his back softly.
He’s so strong for you, all the time. And every once in a while you get to be strong for him, too.
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stark-lord · 1 month
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The Monty Eyebrow™️
for @purgatory606
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mercysong-tardis · 2 months
Obi-Wan and Satine were made to dance to Hozier
Approximately 300 frames, many many tears, and 60 hours of my life later; I finally have the finished product. This Obitine animatic has been a dream project of mine and I’m so glad it’s finally done and I can share it with you all.
Of course Ahsoka has the receipts for the council
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fluthmugoon · 6 months
The idea of ghost obsessions is so funny id be so pissed if I died and it just made me somehow more autistic
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
Some night, he flew above the twinkling lights of Blüdhaven’s buildings, wind rushing through his hair and the feeling of weightlessness pushing at the curve of his back.
There were a multitude of things that Dick Grayson appreciated, loved, Bruce for. One of those things would always be that his adopted dad allowed him to fly once more, even after his parents’ wings were cut.
In the air, he was home.
In the air, Dick Grayson felt like he was living up to, flying alongside, the Flying Graysons. Every flip, every trick he used to go faster, to fight better, felt like his parents were there guiding his every move.
Time healed his hurt, but still, the hole in his heart remained.
So when one of his best friends, a ghost vigilante by the name Phantom, asked him if he wanted to see his parents, he froze like a deer in bright white headlights.
Phantom did a flip in midair. “Wanna see your parents? They’ve been asking if they could talk to you.”
“My parents… are ghosts?” That was the least pressing question he had right now, but it was all his mouth could speak.
“Kind of. It’s complicated,” Phantom side-eyed him. “It would require going into the zone.”
And just like that, Dick understood. After the Amity Park came onto the map and the Justice League fixed the human and alien and meta rights violations that were happening right under their nose, Phantom had permanently closed all access to the Zone. Save, of course, for himself and a few magic users, who all refused to anger the King of the Dead.
“The only way you’re getting to my people now, is through me. Should anyone try to get into the zone, without my permission… I will make sure that you and your family’s afterlives will pay the appropriate price.”
No-one wanted to test his threat. The afterlife is something few fucked with and came back whole.
The Phantom they’d seen on the news then was incredibly different than the one in front of him now. Dick knows, understands now, that it was because Phantom trusted him. After years of being denied help, years of struggling all by himself to keep reality from collapsing while avoiding getting experimented on by humans understandably closed his heart.
“You’d take me into the Zone?” Dick didn’t know what he was feeling. Hope, fear, trust, touched, happiness, something.
A lot of things.
Danny shrugged. “Yeah. I trust you,” he said as he glanced back at Dick-at Nightwing. “Only you, though. No one else.”
The question that remained was whether Dick trusted Phantom too. And considering the fact that the ghost king ironically saved his ass from being killed a couple of times meant, “Yeah. I- I’d love to.”
Danny smiled, all pointed teeth and solemn trust. “Okay. Let’s go.”
“Now?!” Dick stood up anyways, his heart in his throat. Danny held out a gloved hand.
“Yeah, now. Haven’t you heard that death waits for no one?” At Dick’s concerned look, Danny added, “Don’t worry. You won’t actually die. You’ll come back whole and alive, I promise.”
“Oh, okay. Let’s go, then!”
Clark Kent threw himself out of the window, Superman suit already on.
Seonds later, he was hovering in front of Bruce’s shadowy form on top of a gargoyle.
“Clark,” Batman greeted in his gravelly voice, irritated. “What.”
“Batman, Nightwing’s heartbeat- it disappeared!”
Bruce’s heartbeat stuttered.
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ninesposting · 1 month
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Have some Swiss and Lus and Rora singing
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tinyspectre · 11 months
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Gotta be alert, even when you’re amongst the stars
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calm before the storm
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ao3-shenanigans · 1 year
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Oh my gosh this is actually so cool though!! I didn’t know this!!
Fourth person uses plural first pronouns for the narrator/titular character(s)
An example might be instead of:
‘I sit in the chair by the window’ Or ‘Jon sits in the chair by the window’
‘We sit in the chair by the window’
Here’s an excerpt from The Virgin Suicides by Jeffery Eugenides that uses 4th person:
“It didn’t matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadn’t heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house, with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together.”
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tiddygame · 2 months
used to, ghost would always sleep on his side facing the door with his back almost pressed to the wall. in a room where the bed isn't in the corner? he'd either move the bed or sleep on the floor in the corner.
it doesn't take long for soap to figure out his lieutenant's sleep pattern and does his best to quietly help. the first time they have to share a bed (obvi before they're together cause this is fanfic, how else would it go) neither is really sure what to do.
the bed is in the corner, but during the typical "who takes the bed, alright fine we both will" argument, they come to an impasse. neither will let the other take the floor nor do they know the best way for both to be on the bed. either ghost has someone in the way of him and the door, or has someone at his back that he can't see.
they do eventually land on (without discussion bc ghost is a prideful bastard) soap taking the wall side, but ghost is still nervous. he surprises himself by being much more comfortable than he thought he would, it feeling less like there's a stranger right behind him and more like soap is watching his back for him, even though he knows soap is asleep. ghost himself doesn't really sleep, but that is to be expected.
something something they get together and ghost realizes he's most comfortable knowing soap is there, not to protect him cause he's still to prideful for that, but to help watch his blind spot without having to push himself against the wall.
(also ghost likes being the little spoon. hmm? what? who said that...)
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
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I have it so bad for him
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