#I would probably dance around the case like you wouldn't believe
jomiddlemarch · 4 months
Fic title
By Yonder Shining Star
By Yonder Shining Star
Foyle’s War casefic where Christopher Foyle has to confront his own experiences in the trenches as somehow, the famous war-poem written by Private Walter Blythe, “The Piper,” whom Foyle met shortly before Courcelette, is the key to finding the murderer. Help comes in the unexpected form of Blythe’s sister Diana, now a middle-aged surgeon preparing to go to France within a fortnight. She was nothing at all like Rosalind, barely reminded him of Blythe, and yet there was something about her he could not resist.
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ghostofhyuck · 6 months
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NCT Dream when you go out on a club with them. 
AN: While writing this, I forgot Dreamies' alcohol tolerance, so I apologize if there might be inaccuracies. 
Mark Lee
You know that girls night out where one girl always brings their boyfriend? yeah that's you with Mark. All your girl friends love Mark though. He knows the great and money-worthy clubs in your area. He pays half of the bill and watches not only after you but also to your other friends. He's the type to just sit at the couch, with a beer in his hand, keeping an eye on your bags and you dancing on the dance floor. Sometimes he dances with you, if you drag him to the dance floor.
Huang Renjun
Renjun isn't that fond of clubs. It's too loud and sweaty, especially when there's a lot of people. But since you love clubs, he insists on going with you so that he can take care of you. The most frequent thing that he does is hold onto your glass while you dance on the dance floor. He makes sure that you won't get spiked or anything. He's also the type to take a sip on your drink first before giving it to you, just in case it taste weird, (he does that despite not liking the taste of alcohol!)
Lee Jeno
SCREAMS. Okay, *breathes* but this man is overprotective of you when it comes to clubs. You know those sickening couple that's glued together on the dance floor? that's the two of you!! But that's because Jeno makes sure that you're not being touched or uncomfy around people. He's the type to pull you closer to him when you're dancing or has his arms wrapped around your waist so that you wouldn't be bumping onto strangers. Although he still gives you space to have fun, he just makes sure that he's around before a stranger approaches you. 
Lee Donghyuck
This is so hot but I believe in Haechan who would take shots for you. You have very low tolerance in alcohol, so you could only take a few drinks and shots. That's why whenever you're already tipsy and your friends insist you to take a shot, Haechan will snatch it and drink it on behalf of you. Like you can see that the alcohol doesn't matter to him and just takes it with a blank expression, and despite taking a lot of drinks, he would remain sober. 
Na Jaemin
I think that whenever Jaemin joins you in your night out with your friends, he's just there to take care of you. He's not going to touch any drinks or alcohol, maybe a glass of water or juice if he's feeling it, BUT he's there for you. He lets you get drunk and let loose as long he's there to bring you home. He doesn't get tired of taking care of your drunk self since when you're drunk, you're just sleepy. Jaemin's probably the type to help you sober up first before bringing you home too. 
Zhong Chenle
Just like Jaemin, I think that Chenle is the type to join you in a club only for the purpose of bringing you home. He has his own car so that means he has to drive safe. I feel like Chenle can still let himself let loose, taking a shot or two, maybe a bottle of beer, just enough to vibe with the club and sober enough to drive you two home!! AND he always brings you home safe and sound, especially when you're knocked-out drunk. 
Park Jisung
NOW Jisung is the life of the party. He's probably the type who will hype you up, dance with you, and go drunk with you. He knows his alcohol tolerance and honestly he doesn't fucking care, he's there to have fun with you. You two are probably those giggly drunk couple who at some point made out on the dance floor, or maybe outside the club or inside the bathroom. Still, despite being drunk, you two still have senses to go home, (sometimes you two would sober up at a near convenience store.)
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not sure if it really counts as propaganda for @tmntaucompetition since neither au is actually participating this year but i loved cmh and imbi leos being friends last year so i wanted to write a little something for them again. uuhh enjoy (also imbi is by @dandylovesturtles go read it if you haven't!!)
“Can’t believe they forgot about me,” Leo complains overdramatically, as he and his brothers walk into the venue for this year’s competition. “I mean, just because I’m invisible –”
“I highly doubt that’s the reason you weren’t invited to participate this year,” Donnie says, rolling his eyes. “There was something about getting your name submitted, I think?”
“Awww,” Leo says, despite not really caring that much. This year’s theme is based on the different decades – something about a singing and dance competition? And while they've established he can sing if there's a crystal in the microphone, nobody else can see him dance, so. He wouldn't be able to participate in half the event anyway. He's still going to be dramatic about it, though. Duh. “Can’t believe none of my loyal fans stepped up, in that case.” 
He stops just inside the door and looks around, taking everything in. It looks… very different from last year – there’s no basketball court to be seen, for one thing. Lots of new faces, too – and a few familiar ones. No one who seems to notice him, at least not yet. Maybe one or two of the new guys will be able to see him, if he’s lucky. But that can wait – he has someone else he needs to find. 
After several minutes of scanning the crowds of competitors, though, he doesn’t see the particular turtle he’s looking for, and he sighs in disappointment. 
“Is he not here?” Raph asks, and Leo shakes his head.
“Nope,” he says, glum. “He was probably just busy this time with the whole – curse thing. Or he didn’t get invited either.”
“That's too bad,” Mikey says, sympathetic. “Do you still wanna stick around, or should we head home early?”
Leo shakes his head. It's… nice of Mikey to offer, but he knows they (especially Donnie) are excited about this whole thing. Getting to meet the friends they made last year, who can actually see them. Getting to make new ones. Getting to exchange more notes about the multiverse, in Donnie's case. He doesn't want to take that from them. 
Besides, like he said – there's no way of knowing one of the new guys won't be able to see him, right? Who knows, maybe he'll be able to make some new friends too. A guy can dream. 
“Nah,” he says, not voicing any of that. “It'll still be fun to watch, and I can always cheer for you guys’ friends.”
There's a moment of awkward silence while the other three look at each other, before Raph sighs and nods. “Okay, but let us know if you do want to leave, alright?”
“Of course.” Leo flashes a grin, then gestures towards the stands. “C’mon, we should go find some seats before all the good ones fill up.”
They make their way over to the bleachers and start looking for a good place to sit. It's already started filling up, but Raph manages to spot a row with enough space for all four of them (if they set something down in Leo's spot so no one else takes it), and they start heading up to it. 
There's a lot of chatter from various groups of turtles they pass by, so there's no reason for any one thing in particular to stand out. And yet –
“I dunno, guys, I don't think this is enough blankets,” comes a familiar voice from a row over. And, okay, they're all variations of the same people, so technically all their voices would be ‘familiar’ – but. But. Even if they're the same people originally, there are still those variations. Someone's voice might be a little higher. A little lower. A little rougher, like maybe they're not used to using it again quite yet. 
Or maybe it's something a bit harder to put a finger on. Whatever it is, it has Leo snapping his head around, stopping in his tracks halfway to their seats. Someone calls his name, waves a hand through him, but he ignores them, too focused on finding where that voice came from. 
It doesn't take more than a few seconds to spot the only Leo bundled up in blankets, his brothers hovering over him worriedly, and – 
Leo's knees go weak. He manages to keep himself standing, just barely, but honestly that's the last thing on his mind right now because that's –
That's his friend. Back in his body, visible, tangible. A little banged up, maybe, but – alive. Alive. 
Leo doesn't even realize he's crying until Donnie gets in front of him, waving a blurry hand in front of his face to get his attention. 
“Nardo?” he asks, concerned. “Is everything okay?”
Leo shakes his head, only realizing when Donnie's expression tightens that ah, okay, bad idea – rushing to reassure him. 
“Yeah,” he says, sniffling. “Yeah, sorry, just – you can see him, right?”
He points, and Donnie turns to look, scanning over the stands until his eyes land on the other Leo. And Leo can see the moment he realizes, his whole body tensing as he turns back to ask, “Is that – is that him?”
Leo nods, and Donnie glances over once again, studying the other turtles for a moment. 
“... Are you gonna go say hi?” he asks then, and Leo – Leo freezes.
He… he probably should, right? Like – okay, it's not that he doesn't want to talk to his friend. He does! He wants to so bad, he wants to tell him how glad he is that everything worked out okay, that he got his body back, except –
What if he can't?
Logically, he knows that worst case scenario, other-Leo can't see him and Donnie just lends him his goggles. Easy fix. And yet – he can't… really explain why the thought of other-Leo not being able to see him on his own anymore fills him with so much dread. Just that it does. Just that the thought of having to find out – of walking up to his friend and not being seen, of saying something and not being heard – locks his knees up and freezes him where he stands. 
“Leo…?” Donnie says, expression softening in worry. “What's –”
“What if he can't see me anymore?” Leo blurts out before he can talk himself out of it, and immediately winces, backpedaling. “I mean – I guess then you could let him borrow your goggles, duh, not a big deal, so it's –”
Donnie's turn to cut him off, eyes narrowing through the goggles. “Is that what you're worried about? He'll just be happy to see you, even if he has to use the goggles to do it.”
“How do you know?” Leo asks, and Donnie freezes up, caught. 
“I – I know everything, obviously,” he says, looking away. There's definitely something there, but Donnie looks uncomfortable enough as it is, and he – he has a point, as much as Leo doesn't want to admit it. 
“Fine,” he sighs, moving around Donnie, stomach churning with nerves that get worse with each step. “But if this goes bad, I'm blaming you.”
“Wh –” Donnie yelps, freezing for a moment before scrambling to catch up to Leo. “How is that fair?!”
“It just is,” Leo throws over his shoulder, before coming to a stop a few feet away from his friend. He feels kind of like he might be sick, if he had an actual stomach to be sick with. But still – he swallows hard and steps forward, metaphorical heart jolting in his chest when other-Leo perks up like he heard something. 
Time feels agonizingly slow as other-Leo raises his head and looks around, before his eyes finally land on Leo. Looking at him, not through him, and Leo might cry again if he wasn't trying very hard to keep his image intact. 
Other-Leo's eyes light up, and Leo can't keep the smile off his face when he asks –
“What's a ghost's favorite makeup?”
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hazbin-hodown · 8 months
Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes
Date night with Alastor (Date Night With Lucifer coming soon, to a blog near you)
Tags: GN!Reader, Fluff, extra fluff, date night, Alastor X Reader,
(This is my first time writing for these Characters so please be patient. THIS HAS NOT BEEN BETA READ SO TREAD WARILY)
Alastor's would probably begin something like this.
The clear(ish) nights in Hell were often filled with screams of the damned, the sounds of gunfire, and, maybe a few other crimes sprinkled here and there, but they were something you always adapted for. You always wore the shit that wouldn't get you jumped. You always were on edge just in case, with one wrong move, you would end up hurt, or worse.
When on your dates with Alastor though, his non-stop smile broadened as you got to wear what made you feel like, well, you. He would calmly hold your hand as the two of you walked around Cannibal Town, cracking jokes and eating an assortment of goodies. The streets were mostly clear on account of Alastor's well. more than intimidating, bravado. You two would eventually stopping in a speakeasy, listening to performance after performance. The dim lights easing the atmosphere of relaxation as bits of flirting occurred here and there. Your smile in his company could rival his. The alcohol definitely helped as well, but it wasn't a necessity.
If ever a song he ecstatically enjoyed began to play, he would gently take your hand. "Mon Cher," he would say, "I believe the sounds of music call us." He would practically rip you out of your seat and dance with you, twirling you around like you two were the only people on the floor. Despite his clawed hands, every twist and spin was effortlessly gentle. His red eyes focused on nothing but you.
After the dancing, the spinning, the drinking, the two of you would walk back home, practically exhausted, still giggly as you would change into something a tad more comfortable and start relaxing together. The two of you would take it simple, and just relax, turning on some more lighter tunes as the two of you would get ready for bed.
A date night for the ages.
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surr3al1sm · 5 months
My take (or well ig dispute) on the Traveler is Jack's dad theory
Honestly, I've been having these thoughts on this theory ever since I saw the post, but now seems as good a time as ever to actually talk about it. *Slowly looks behind me while the Night Swan event is looming behind my back* Disclaimer: for this post I am completely putting aside my theories on who Jack's dad could be, and the fact I am a WanderRose shipper. These factors so not exist to me right now.
This has become an essay so I'm going to create a little cut off to save your feed lol. Please do read it though if you have the time.
The clones/reflections Starting out I would like to talk about the clones that appear in Treasure and Rock Your Body that seemed to be the root of this theory. They also mentioned Locked out of Heaven, but those are reflections in a mirror and not clones.
I don't think Jack has the ability to create clones. Period, done that's it. I know that in Treasure we see clones of Night Jack dance alongside him, but I don't think these come from Jack's magic (or lack thereof) at all. As Treasure is a map where Night Swan shows Jack what he could have been, what he could be if he just joins her side again. So I think that just like everything else in Treasure, the clones were created with Night Swans magic and have nothing to do with Jack's abilities. I think Night Swan can create clones of herself if she wanted to, but she doesn't because she has her minions to do the dirty work, so she utalizes this ability to give Jack an idea that if he joins her side that he too can shape people's mind in a way where they'll think just like him as if they were clones of him. Which would be another case of Night Swan thinking Jack wants something while he really doesn't.
Overall I do not think it would make sense for Jack to be able to create clones, since it would do absolutely nothing for the story. Plus if he does, why wouldn't they have used that by now? They could have utilized this in Majesty or something to show that he can, since they didn't hesitate with the portal thing Night Swan had going on. On the other hand I feel it would make more sense for Night Swan to be able to create clones as that puts her magic level around the same leven the Traveler has. Which makes her an even better antagonist in my opinion. Also they could actually do back story stuff with that but I'll get into that later.
The blatand cheating or at least very suspicious implications?? This one is just ovbious to me, like it doesn't matter if he was with Night Swan first or with Si'ha first in this case. Wanderlust and Jack are very much around the same age i think, presonally I believe Jack to be younger but that doesn't really matter right now. Either way, this means that the Traveler would have been with a woman, had a child and then up and left her to have a child with another. That's AITA redit story typa shit that I don't think Just Dance is going to pull. Let alone when those two women are the Queen and probably one of the most powerful sorceresses in the entire danceverses.
But let's disect it for a moment anyways. Option 1: Wanderlust's older, Jack's younger right. This would mean that the 2020 story line happened as we know it right now. The Traveler searched across all of the danceverses for Si'ha Nova and eventually he found her. They fell inlove, they got married, they had Wanderlust. The most popular love story of the danceverses. And then the Traveler gets up like what a few months, a year, into his happy family and cheats on Si'ha Nova with Night Swan (who might not be evil by now, but still). Now you can argue that they got divorced and shit but that's highly unlikely in my opinion. Since a big part of the Traveler and Si'ha's characters is their love story. Plus even then there would have to have been some emotional cheating because you don't just fall in love with someone enough to have a child with them that fast. Yes, you could argue that Jack was a child created out of wedlock but that's really reaching at that point isn't it. Option 2: Jack's older, Wanderlust's younger. This just means we can throw the entire backstory of the Traveler and Si'ha Nova out of the window. Why would you get with someone while actively searching for the so called love of your life? It just doesn't make sense to me. And you can't even argue that it wouldn't have happened because there is no way that Jack is that much older than Wanderlust.
Overall I think that the implicastions this brings is too much for Just Dance. I know that there's songs about being cheated on in the game, but why would they build up such a love story just to throw it out of the window?
Jack's design This one is 100% from my side, but as someone who lives for character design I'm going to be real. If the Traveler was Jack's father we would have seen that in little hints in his design, even if Night Swan wanted to surpress that as much as possible for some reason. Ubisoft is one of the big game design companies and would know to incorperate at the very least a small little detail hinting towards it. Something like a little bit of blue or a triangle or something you know. Plus this is something I'll always point out but: it would make even less sense for him to have bright red hair. I know that genetics probably work wildy different in the danceverses than here, but come on. I highly doubt that a character who's parents both have dark hair would have bright red hair without any good reason for it. You want your characters to at least resemble their parents. Why would they do that with Wanderlust and not with Jack? That doesn't make any sense.
Afterthought Honestly, if they do end up adding it. It just feels like a weird afterthought they put in for people to stop shipping WanderRose. It's the only ship they seem to have beef with and I feel like they would be adding it just so they have a good reason to have beef with the ship. It genuinely doesn't feel like they properly planned for it or anything. Honestly, if you're going to be that petty about a ship you should really reflect as a company lol.
What could they do instead? I do have an idea for that, because there was a lot of Night Swan and the Traveler teasing going on in the y2k season, and while I think one of the maps we're getting will be Sweet Dream there's still a second map. If they want to get into the backstory between Night Swan and the Traveler, I think that it would be really cool if they like studied flow under the same master or something and that's where a rivalry started. They could still do something with the two, but it wouldn't have to feel lazy and rushed just because they don't want a ship. But that's just my thoughts on that matter.
In conclusion The Traveler...
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And being honest? I don't think we're going to find out who Jack's father is. I think we might just be getting two solo maps of Night Swan. Or maybe even Sweet Dreams and Lose Yourself, proving that that's preETDV Jack.
But those are just theories, a game Just Dance theory. If you have anything you'd like to say or if you wanna duke it out with me about this. Feel free to. I like hearing other peoples opinions on things like this.
Okay really if you have made it this far. Thank you?? How did you get through all that bullshit jezus- I truly didn't intend for this post to become a sort of essay, but it appears it has. I hope everyhting made sense since I tend to explain shit in weird ways.
Anyways have this meme because I'm like super relevant and a totally normal person.
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ramcharantitties · 4 months
Chapter 5: Police Police
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"Huzoor, there is a police officer to meet you"
Phatto didn't raise her head to see, she didn't wish to meet Waheeda's fate. Mallika's eyes trailed to Zulfikar. Didn't they finally buried the case? Zulfikar sits up and nods at the younger woman, who makes her way to see the officer.
"We've got a phone call from Delhi, asking about Kainat. Do you want us to tell them the truth?"
Delhi? Mallika wasn't expecting Kainat to be there of all places. She thought hard about it. Kainat's nawab did come back, asking where she is. But Mallika was able to manipulate and send them back saying that the girl is theirs now, doesn't matter what she does. Kainat managed to escape from this hellhole, and as much as Mallika hated her, she didn't want Kainat to come back to Heeramandi. Also because Mallika didn't want Kainat to probe the Rehana's death scene. Mallika knew Fareedan and Kainat were close.
"No, she's happy where she is. She has no relations with Heeramandi whatsoever"
Waheeda stayed rooted to her spot, salty tears burning the newly made wound on her cheek. It should have been her.
"Police?" Akhtar was amused.
"You never know, what if she is only faking and using you?"
"You need to start believing people"
"Akhtar, do you really think I was going to trust just anyone?"
"She's just a young girl who escaped from her toxic family. What if they found she's here and will take her back?"
When the dinner was being served, Kainat saw Ram and Akhtar in a deep conversation, as of Ram broke their sacred knot. Not wanting to interrupt, Kainat waited until the dinner was served. As Ram and Akhtar made their way to the dining area, Kainat pulled Akhtar in a corner, showing a bracelet to him.
"What is this?"
Kainat places the yellow band, adorned with orange and red designs in Akhtar's palm. A doe eyes Akhtar showed plain confusion on his face. Kainat giggled, showing a matching band on her wrist too. "I got us matching bands as a token of appreciation. Akhtar bhaiya, if I wouldn't have met you that day, I'd probably be dead by now" Kainat's words melted Akhtar like ghee on flame. He cupped her cheek, taking the band from her.
A call from Ammi broke Akhtar and Kainat from their intimacy, hurrying them for dinner. Everyone sat down, passing and serving dishes.
"I am thinking of starting a dance class to earn money." Kainat announced, earning voices of appreciation. "Do you know how to dance?" It was only Ram, with a question hooked like fish on his tongue. "I do, in fact, my sisters has taught me ever since I was a child" Kainat amused. The same anxiety came back in her gut when thinking about Rehana.
"She's such a nice girl, so cultured and educated, such sincere. And you were calling Lahore, asking the polic-" a tight grip on Akhtar's bicep stopped him from saying further. A pin drop silence casted on familiar faces, staring at the young men. "Police?" Kainat's words fainted.
"Uh, well we had to confirm if-"
"I'm lying or not?" Kainat's tone was justified. "I wouldn't have mind if you did this weeks ago when we met, Mr. Ramaraju. But now? What's the point of it?" Ram sighed. "And you knew?" Kainat turned to Akhtar now. "I just got to know, I asked the same thing" Akhtar's voice faulted- whom to choose? His Anna or sister? Ram gave him a side eye for not defending him, but Akhtar wasn't entirely to blame. "We were just cautious since there are so many revolutionaries and-"
"Fine, go on. But Lahore? You called Lahore? What if my family finds out and comes back?" Akhtar's head whipped at Ram at super speed. Ram gaped and didn't say anything. Kainat didn't want to ruin everyone's dinner. She stood up from her seat, followed by Akhtar, who whispered a faint "I told you so". Before leaving, she turned around one last time, tears welling in her eyes. "Even if I was a delinquent, what if I wanted to change my whole life and that's why I came here? Would you have let me live with my new found family if you found I have an ill past?"
Ram stayed rooted on his seat, silent like soil. Meanwhile, Akhtar's parents exchanged looks. Police? Ram should have at least talked to someone first before doing this. Kainat stormed off that night, not eating her dinner.
The next morning, Ram visits the police station again, searching for his answer. He has seen various kind of criminals- stubborn, rude, kind and even innocent. And some manipulative. Ram believed Kainat was one of those, who has wrapped her amarbel around Akhtar's family so she could flourish. No matter how many emotional dramas she does, Ram was set to find the truth.
Ram stepped in the police station, making his way to the same constable. Upon seeing Ram's face, the constable pulled out a sheet of paper- that concluded the talk he had with Lahore police. Ram's eyes skimmed over the conversation, and for some reason, his face fell. Did he want her to have a bad past?
"They said that she has no criminal record, and is not related to Heeramandi either". Ram's eyebrows furrowed at the last statement. "Not related to Heeramandi?" He asked, giving the sheet back to the constable. The old constable nodded. "Heeramandi is a bazaar where tawaifs live, it's pretty well known. Seems like the woman you're after, she's a clean chit." Ram nodded, and left the police station. He has some mending to do.
Ram met Akhtar after leaving the police station. He told Akhtar about it, only to receive silent glares from him. "Go and apologize to her" Akhtar said, skipping a stone in the lake. "I didn't do anything wrong" Ram skipped another stone. It drowned on the second skip. "She didn't say it was wrong to do her background check. She said you didn't trust her for so long. And that you called Lahore" Akhtar skipped another stone. 5 skips. Ram held the flat stone in his hand, and looked up at Akhtar.
Tagging: @ramayantika @vijayasena @jkdaddy01 @yehsahihai @lilliebeingdelulu @definitelyhim @starlight-1010 @panikk-attackkk @multifandom-boss-bitch @jeniniie
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bonefall · 1 year
I think the most pertinent, fundamental question to ask at this point is: How canon do we want to make the 1981 musical Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber to Better Bones? Since you've done so fantastically well at fleshing out alternate but no-less-viable systems of belief, that door has been left wiiiide open. Stripped of the zany dance numbers and stage actors in copious makeup, you can't deny that the underlying Jellicle cat religion / Heavyside Layer wouldn't be out of place. Don't lie to us. Don't you dare.
We don't know when the musical takes place, but as for where, the Jellicle Cats and their religion are centralized in a junkyard somewhere in London. Depending on how far their area of influence extends, there could be a few cats in a sect or two of BloodClan who practice the faith of a land to the south, or otherwise believe in the existence of the Heavyside Layer. Or say, the junkyard is done away with in the late 90's and a diaspora of Jellicle Cats spreads across the land. Their descendants hope one day to make the pilgrimage for one last ball, and are invariably seen as Rather Offputting by everyone. (In-story it'd all amount to rare sequiturs from a nameless extra or two which increase in probability the further one heads south.)
Hey bonefall hey, do you think Skyclan has a word for this? It'd be a corruption of the English "dear little [cats], of which "Jellicle" is a romanization. How would you say Jellicle with Clanmew pronunciation?
You can't run from this forever.
Stripped of the zany musical numbers and stage actors in copious makeup??? What are you, Tom Hooper?!
If you're going to put the Jellicles in the BB Universe, you fucking BETTER be taking inspiration from the cancelled 1997 Steven Spielberg animated musical adaptation which places the cats in postwar London sometime circa 1945 and implied that the cats had heavily cultural emphasis on song, dance, and performance
Which btw would place Grizabella's Jellicle Ball pretty firmly in the Code Era of my adaptation (built around the canonical tidbit that Turtle Tail was hit by a Ford Model T meaning the Dawn Era was pre-war).
It would be before the main Warrior cast is born (Except Holly due to infamous Time Travel Shenanigans)-- but Jellicles, after all, were there when the Sphinx was built, so it's safe to assume they'd still be around in the future as a cultural group.
Really the biggest barrier is that they live in bloodbourne London. Too far southeast to communicate with Clan cats or even BloodClan, who are northwest. Park Cats are from further south, but no further south than Gloucestershire at most.
So, serious answer, they can absolutely be canon in this universe, or at the very least they can be slotted in easily. I built a brand new religion system exactly to accommodate the existence of multiple cultural groups and honor the afterlives of each.
In fact, Jellicles fit perfectly into it.
They have a heaven (Heavyside Layer) but no hell, exactly the way that a "vanilla" type religion can form on its own. Really there's just one question-- what's their leader power?
Old Deuteronomy...
Is said to have lived many lives in succession (possible continual reincarnation?)
May choose the next cat to ascend to the Heavyside Layer (immediate patronification?)
But at the same time, there are some cats who seem to display magical powers, akin to the Sister's power distribution system. Mr. Mistoffelees is one, able to perform simple magical tricks. As far as I remember, there are two.
Conjuration (Ability to change the location of an object in space)
These both seem like versions of the same power, really. It makes sense, too, that culturally they would value agility to the point of veneration. It ties into dancing, avoiding cars and dogs, stealing things.
In any case though-- you begin to lose these sorts of abilities the further you go from a group, without some kind of token. The Sisters are the example I've written so far; Tree needs some kind of item in order to see ghosts when he's not near the rest of the Sisters. The Jellicles are also a pretty proud group, I can't see them making these "tokens" for any old wanderer.
So maybe there's just a few of them, and Macavity has one stolen?
hmmmm... Maybe those reincarnations have to do with who's supposed to Hold The Token, and Old Doot has basically been one of them for eons. Maybe Mistoffelees was the most recent reincarnation from the Jellicle Ball?
Anyway TL;DR yeah Jellicle cats can exist in Better Bones, they're just too far away to interact with Clan cats.
Clanmew pronunciation of Jellicle = "Shewakl"
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punkflower11 · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure: Miles Morales - Part 2
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Miles finds Hobie in the library.
Perched on a window sill and facing the room, the punk held a book bearing a bright red cover in his palms. His face illuminated by the light filtering through the windows; dancing around his sharp facial features as Hobie scanned the book's contents, expression stoic.
Miles fights an urge to turn and race out the room.
You know, maybe he should back out and go find Pavitr instead. He'd be less likely to drop kick him after hearing the absurdity of his request. Then again, it was likely that it also meant Miles would be subject to relentless teasing from the other. Butt of every joke for the next century, much to Miles' mortification. So, swallowing his pride, Miles moved to approach the teen.
"What are you reading?" Miles asks casually.
"Sun Tzu."
"Is it any good?"
"Not much. Interesting ideology, but he wasn't very bright. How come?"
"Just curious." He shrugs. Hobie looks at Miles with no small amount of skepticism as he shuts closed the treatise.
"Just gonna stand there, are you? Out with it." Miles tries not to squirm.
"I need a favor."
Hobie waits, expectant.
"I uh, need you to come to over for dinner at mine. As my boyfriend."
In the background, Miles hears someone drop a phone.
Here we go.
"You want me to what?"
"Shhhhh!" Comes a hiss from the other side of the bookshelves.
"I know it's a big ask, but trust me, there's a method to my madness." Miles assures the teen. "I needed a cover story," He says by way of explanation.
"And what, this was the best thing you could think of?"
"Well-I mean, yeah. Yeah, it was." He finishes weakly.
No. It really wasn't.
Believe it or don't, Miles hadn't actually wanted this to happen. The real story is that he had betrayed by his own tongue, the words falling through his lips before his brain could put a stop to the scheme.
One not-so-little fib had Miles had caused to spend countless hours with his stomach in knots over how badly he knew he had fucked up. Between keeping up the illusion and treading extra lightly so as not to slip up, Miles was exhausted. He wanted nothing more than for the whole thing to blow over.
Still, something told Miles that Hobie probably wouldn't be too affected after hearing his sob story. At least not enough to influence his decision.
"Alright, say I agree. Then what happens?" Hobie demands. "Don't you read Fanfiction? fake dating never works."
"I don't, actually. So no, I wouldn't know." He lies.
Hobie looks unconvinced. Ignoring him, Miles steamrolls on.
"It's just this once. You'd be doing me a huge favor. Everything can go back to normal after tomorrow night, I promise."
Hobie looks from Miles, to the ceiling, to Miles again, and then to the floor. Finally, he sighs.
"You're out of your right mind."
"Maybe, but I'm also desperate." Hobie opens up his book once more, flipping to a page with two red strings wedged in between the binding, hanging from opposite corners.
“'There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.'" He reads, aloud. "Or in your case, deception.”
Miles is quickly growing impatient.
"Is that a yes?"
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sunshine-overload · 3 days
[BSTS] Main Story Season 5 Finale ‘Owner’s Order’ - Part 5
Part 4
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Chapter 15
-starless hallway-
sotetsu: Yo, good work today, Lico. Your show was great.
lico: What? You were watching? That's surprising~ I thought you couldn't care less about the stage.
sotetsu: Do you think I’m Haseyama? If I wasn't interested in the stage, why would I still be working here? Anyways, you dropped your wallet in the locker rooms.
lico: Huh? No way, did I?
sotetsu: You did. I gave it to Unei-kun for safekeeping. You can't be dropping money on the floor whilst you still have a debt to pay off. Aren't you being a little too careless?
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lico: Shut up.
sotetsu: So, how close are you to paying it off?
lico: Pretty damn close. So you can piss off.
sotetsu: Well it's not my debt so it's not like it affects me either way. But if you don't start getting more bold about it you're gonna be stuck dancing in the palm of Haseyama’s hand forever.
lico: And what do you know about it?
sotetsu: I’ve never been in debt myself so I’m not sure but you either waiver or repay them in full. Kasumi knows a lot about that sort of thing.
lico: Kasumi does? Wouldn't have expected that. Are you telling me Mr. Mob of the Mobs is good with money?
sotetsu: Yeah, you can go and ask him for yourself. Though the fact he doesn't talk about it probably means he's trying to hide it.
lico: Probably. It would be a pain if the Owner found out about it too. And so? What else?
sotetsu: What do you mean?
lico: What merit was there in telling me this? I don't exactly trust any information or advice that’s coming from you.
sotetsu: Hahaha, you’ve gotten sharper, huh, Lico? I gain no direct benefit from it, I just l think it could lead to an interesting outcome.
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lico: Hm… I guess that suits you, your personality is rotten to the core. You're the type that finds stirring up drama between other people fun. You’re really not someone I wanna associate with. That's why I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Sorry, but I’m not in the mood to be your puppet.
sotetsu: That's the spirit. Don't forget to keep your guard up.
lico: God you're annoying!
Chapter 15 SideA
-haseyama’s office-
haseyama: Now then, what to do. There's a lot of ways to go about it… I suppose not being able to maintain a conversation is the most irritating part. I’ll start by overcoming that.
haseyama (on phone): Hi, it's me. Could you come to my room? As soon as possible. Hurry it up cause I hate waiting.
-time pass-
haseyama: You made it, Lico. I see your debt has decreased a tiny bit.
lico: What? The hell do you mean a ‘tiny bit’? I’ve paid back heaps.
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haseyama: That's true, you sure have been working hard. Even I can recognise that. However, the reality is that you still owe me. It hasn't been paid off fully yet. I’d love to be able to give you a raise in order for you to pay it back quicker.
lico: W-what? Are you being serious right now?
haseyama: Of course I am. I’ve looked through the records of when I wasn't here. You’ve really been doing a great job. Like shutting up a disagreeable Mizuki by winning a team versus against him, for example. It seems even customers outside of our regulars enjoyed that show.
lico: You're saying I’ve been doing well then? In that case–
haseyama: However! What I’m talking about here is just reviews, impressions. What I want to see is results. Like concrete proof that Team B has been making more money. While you yourself may be popular the profits haven't had any real jumps.
lico: …So sales is what you want. You think I don't know that already? Mizuki doesn't care about that sort of thing though.
haseyama: And so it comes back around to Mizuki again huh?
lico: He seriously doesn't understand just how many times I’ve had to cover for his ass. He’s a feral dog that's gotten off the leash. He seriously needs to get his act together and be more smart about things. Gaining the support of all the women in the audience is literally our job.
haseyama: Well, I’ve said all that I wanted to say. If Team B can become more profitable then even I will recognise those efforts. I’m sure that with the right person at the top Team B has the potential to make a lot of money. Just remember that if you’d like to earn that pay raise. That's all.
lico: I understand. You better not forget you made that offer.
-time pass, starless hallway-
lico: What the hell is that old man spouting so suddenly. It's freaking obvious that I’d want a raise. “With the right person at the top” huh…
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saki: Oh, Lico-san! There you are, we’ve been looking for you.
lico: What's the matter Kotori-chan? Were you looking forward to seeing me that badly?
-gui appears behind him-
gui: There you are, Lico.
lico: Uwah, holy shit!? Don't scare me like that!
gui: It's time for your hall shift. You weren't there so I needed to find you.
saki: I’m glad we found you. I hope your shift goes well, Lico-san. Do your best.
lico: Well I’ve got to now that I have you cheering for me, Kotori-chan. Let's go, I’ll escort you to the restaurant, I’ll tend to your every need today.
Chapter 15 SideB
-behind starless, night-
sin: Gui, what are you doing out here?
gui: Throwing out the trash.
sin: Is someone in that street over there?
gui: Sotetsu had to take a phone call.
sin: I see. You’ve already thrown the trash away then?
gui: Yeah. I’m done.
sin: Are you not heading back inside?
gui: Should I?
sin: No, we have enough hands today so it's not urgent.
gui: Then, I’ll stay out here a little longer.
sin: Hm. How come?
gui: How come… That means why… Are you asking why I want to stay out here?
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sin: Do you have any other reason to stay out here now that your errand has been completed?
gui: Reason… Because I want to. If you want to do something, then you should do it, that's what I’ve been told.
sin: Hm, that is indeed true. However, what I am asking is for what reason do you want to stay out here?
gui: Um... Because Sotetsu and Kasumi’s scents were strange.
sin: Now that you mention it, whenever I see them together even during rehearsals they're tense.
gui: Also, if Sotetsu doesn't go and get changed now he won't make it in time for the show.
sin: Another good point. Could you go and call Sotetsu over for me then?
Chapter 16
-rehearsal room-
rindou: Is anyone still here?
menou: Oh, Rindou. I thought you'd already gone home.
rindou: I was going to head home after quickly reviewing my lines. I didn't expect to find anyone still here.
menou: Do you want me to hand the room over? You're the centre in tomorrow's performance aren’t you?
rindou: It's fine, I can manage with half of the room. You're not done yet either are you?
menou: Okay. Let's go half and half then. Do you mind if I watch you for a bit though? Your Satan truly is interesting.
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rindou: Interesting in what way exactly?
menou: Well… Your Satan has a nobleness to him that resembles that of a fallen angel. With a heart full of resolve he defies heaven without regretting the result. Except, did something happen to you?
rindou: What do you mean?
menou: The other day your portrayal of Satan changed. I could sense a hint of regret from him. As if he regretted banishing the humans from the Garden of Eden. Or rather, that he regretted falling from heaven himself. This is what makes playing a role that was written for you so tough, isn't it? You can't run away from the nuances.
rindou: That's true. He… may have had his regrets. But that's why he has no choice but to face them. Because once you've fallen to hell, there's nowhere else left for you to go.
menou: Hmm…? Oh I know! Since we don't always get the chance, why don't we rehearse together?
rindou: What do you mean we don't always get the chance? We're on the same team… Also I wanted to practice by myself–
menou: Then how about I play Rapheal? That should work right?
rindou: You mean you can play our team’s version of Rapheal?
menou: Yeah, more or less. I’m curious to try it.
rindou: Well, I doubt I’ll be able to convince you otherwise. We can practice together for a bit then.
Chapter 16 SideA
-starless restaurant area-
saki: Sorry for sitting around whilst you're busy closing up shop.
yoshino: It's fine, don't worry. I’ll be done in a moment, so you can relax. You're always coming to watch our shows and I always look forward to hearing your feedback afterwards.
menou: I’m used to there being a lot of different standard members. This event almost feels like a festival. Speaking of, which team do you want to win? The owner’s team or Kouichi-san’s team?
saki: Wha, you want me to answer that now?
menou: It's only Yoshino and I here, I don't see the problem.
yoshino: You can't ask her that, Menou. 
menou: Hm~? How come? I like Kouichi-san’s team just as much as mine. Your singing sounds great, Yoshino, it's powerful. I wouldn't mind performing with either team~
yoshino: You're as free spirited as ever. We're not allowed to switch teams in this versus though. That's what makes it a versus performance.
menou: Hm, I suppose that's true… However it's not like the result of this versus involves us, so I don't see the point in getting fired up about it. So how about we also make a bet of our own? Like the owners did.
saki: What kind of bet?
menou: The winning team gets to choose the next show's programme and location. For example, every future show will be held at an onsen! We can tour the whole country visiting each and every onsen.
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yoshino: I’m sure you’d enjoy that, but I can't say the same for everyone else.
saki: Ahaha…
yoshino: I’m actually relieved that the bet is only between the owner and Iwami-san. There's no distractions to worry about, and I can focus solely on the stage. Plus, the show being here at Starless means Saki-san can commute easily.
saki: That's true.
menou: I didn't think of that, you're a genius Yoshino. I’d like Saki-chan to watch us too. I suppose I’ll satisfy my onsen cravings by visiting a local spa and do my best here at Starless.
yoshino: Yeah. Please keep cheering us on, Saki-san.
Chapter 16 SideB
-starless hallway-
rindou: You're here today, Iwami-san.
iwami: Yeah. I figured I should check in on my team. The show was great today. The audience seemed to like it.
rindou: Thank you. While you're here, there's something I’d like to ask you.
iwami: Something you’d like to ask me?
rindou: Did you tell Nekome not to take the centre position?
iwami: Uh… Huh? What's this about Nekome?
rindou: In this performance Nekome’s opponent is Kokuyou. Nekome is our team leader, right? On the other team, Kokuyou is double casted as the centre, however on our team, Nekome is position number five. So, I was wondering why that is.
iwami: I’ve had no input whatsoever when it comes to the show itself. Rather I thought that's just how you guys decided it should be.
rindou: So that means Nekome decided it himself. But why…?
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iwami: His usual position is number five, right? Maybe he wanted to keep it that way.
rindou: This is Nekome we're talking about. It's likely he thought being the centre would be bothersome.
iwami: Well that's possible too. You never know with him. If that's all you wanted to ask then–
rindou: No, there's one other thing. For what reason did you return to the store? Why did you choose to return now?
iwami: Are you asking why I didn't return sooner? Sorry about that, it's my bad for abandoning you all.
rindou: What is Starless to you?
iwami: What Starless is to me is likely different from what it means to you.
rindou: Iwami-san…
iwami: I know I’ve caused you trouble, but I’ll be counting on you to win.
rindou: ……..
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Chapter 17
-break room-
kokuyou: What’re you doing here?
nekome: I could ask you the same. Don't you have rehearsals?
kokuyou: They're all finished. All that's left is the real deal. 
nekome: It only feels like the versus started yesterday and yet it's already drawing to a close.
kokuyou: (smoking) This shit isn't a versus performance. It's basically just a special show. A show between my double casting with Kei and Rindou and Mizuki’s show. A limited run of two shows, that's all it is.
nekome: Hm. You're surprisingly relaxed about it. You're more mature than I thought, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Huh? You making fun of me?
nekome: I just find it interesting, that's all. In the past you would’ve jumped at the chance of a fight.
kokuyou: Look, I’ll be blunt, Nekome. This isn't a fight between you and me.
nekome: Huh? But it's a versus performance. And we're both the leaders of our teams.
kokuyou: The competition is between Haseyama and Kou-san. I just jumped on board Haseyama’s side.
nekome: When did you become a sophist?
kokuyou: Sophist? The hell does that mean? I’ve had it. Every single person here speaks in riddles. I’m sick of everyone skirting around the point. 
nekome: So you're going to go around picking fights with everyone then? Even outsiders? Hahah! That's crazy, I’d expect no less from you, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Don't make me pick one with you.
nekome: It's because you're like this that I left Starless to you. So thank you, Kokuyou. For protecting Starless all this time. If you win this versus, I’ll let you in on one secret that I know.
kokuyou: Huh? What are you saying now?
nekome: And if I win, then you have to tell me something. During ‘Abandon the Dawn’ what were you up to? And where were you? Yep yep, I’m feeling motivated now~ Bring it on, Kokuyou.
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kokuyou: I never said I’d take you on. But you better not go running away now, Nekome. I’ll pull you back by the scruff of your neck.
nekome: A competition is no fun without a bet after all. Best of luck.
Chapter 17 SideA
-starless back rooms-
haseyama: Hello there, young lady. Come with me to the stage wings, I need to wish my team leader well.
saki: Huh? You're going to?
haseyama: I’ve gotta visit my soldiers on the front lines. Come on, let's go.
haseyama: Yo, Mister Starless. I’ve come to check on you.
kokuyou: Piss off.
haseyama: My, how rude can he get? Right, young lady? He just told me to piss off.
saki: I’m sorry for interrupting you right before the show.
haseyama: What a thing to say after we took the time to come and see you, huh?
kokuyou: Damn, you're really annoying.
haseyama: Who is centre today?
kokuyou: Me. I'm the leader after all. Kei’s sitting in wait as backup.
haseyama: It's the closing show, so go and bag me that win, ok? Don't go slacking like your last show. I was this close to retiring Team W.
saki: What? You can't do that.
haseyama: I don't see why it should bother you, young lady. We have five teams, it's not like doing away with one would matter much.
saki: No!
kokuyou: Relax, it's not your fault. As if I’d let him get rid of us. Say, Haseyama. You sure are getting old, you keep repeating yourself. Moreover, you should be grateful and treat me with some respect. I’m about to win this thing for you after all.
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haseyama: The heck, being a bit condescending there don't you think?
kokuyou: If I wasn't there when this all started you would’ve had to beg Kei to be your team leader.
haseyama: Agh!?
kokuyou: I know this store and us cast members are nothing but tools to you, but this is Starless. A place where the audience can watch our shows. And I’ll prove that to you. No, we’ll prove it to you. You look forward to it too, Saki. 
Chapter 17 SideB
-starless lobby-
iwami: You’ve come to watch too have you, little lady? Looking forward to Nekome’s team’s show?
saki: Oh, you're here too, Iwami-san.
iwami: I figured I’d see them off before the closing show. Want to come with me?
nekome: Oh, Saki-chan~ I’m so happy to see you.
iwami: Oi oi don’t just act like I’m invisible. I came to wish you well too.
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nekome: Oh, thanks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy tonight’s show, Saki-chan. Our centre has been decided too. I've left it to Mizuki tonight, he’s been managing to pull off a more adult appeal lately.
iwami: Has he? He doesn't seem any different to me.
nekome: You don't get it at all~ Well, you’ll just have to see for yourself in the audience.
iwami: It's the closing show, so make sure it's good. You can't go slacking off either Nekome. You may not be the centre but you're still our team leader.
nekome: How rude, I’m always 100% serious.
iwami: Then prove it once the curtain rises. The little lady will be watching too. Still… When I look at it from here, Starless really has become one respectable place.
saki: That's because everyone's been working really hard.
nekome: The ones who made it this way weren't you or me, but the members that were left behind.
iwami: True true. I handed the place over to Haseyama and then Kei arrived. 
nekome: Hahah, it's been one turbulent development after another.
iwami: It's not what I had planned. To begin with I never intended for this place to be a show restaurant either…
nekome: An old man wallowing in nostalgia, oh how it makes my heart hurt.
iwami: Shut up you.
nekome: Both the store and the cast members may be different now compared to the ones you knew in the past. But this is the Starless of the present. Right, Saki-chan? I hope you enjoy the show, I’ll dedicate it to you once again.
To Part 6
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the post about the characters' in universe attractiveness got me curious about something kind of similar; what about the characters' in universe physical strength? the only character that i can think of to have their physical strength actually stated is honami, due to her having muscles from drumming. i believe akito is also stated to be pretty strong? though i can't really remember. and emu has always read to me to be one of the more physically strong characters due to her various stunts where she Jumps From High Places And Is Perfectly Fine. toya, meanwhile, is stated to be one of the weaker characters i believe.
these are the only few that come to mind for me right now but there are probably more that i can't remember right now
You'd be right about Akito. In fact, he is depicted as unnaturally strong, though I'll give a free pass for the fact it's meant to be part of a funny scene.
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He's carrying Tsukasa while running a reasonable distance at a high speed. Akito is very athletic and plays a lot of sports, but Tsukasa also has dance training and does stunts so presumably has a reasonable amount of muscle mass on top of being around average weight (he is a big eater as well but he seems to burn a lot of it on excercise so how much his appetite adds to his weight is debatable). I won't bother you with all the physics and sports science to keep this concise but there is a lot of force being exerted onto Akito's knees in this card, and this would genuinely be impossible to accomplish in real life.
Rui is pretty strong. He carries heavy machinery around constantly, and carries a shitload of stuff with him camping in Exciting Picnic, including a weighted training device that Nene struggles to use but he carries about with a whole backpack full of other things no problem. In Island Panic, he carries Tsukasa who already has Emu on his shoulders and Nene on hers, in order to reach some bananas. He ended up taking most of the weight since Tsukasa started to sneeze. In his card story from Pandemonium he also packs way to much stuff in his bag but says that it wouldn't be a struggle to carry. He's probably where Wonderland SEKAI MEIKO gets her strength from.
Adding to that, Emu is pretty strong. She carries Nene on her shoulders in Island Panic as I just mentioned, and she does loads of sports clubs such as gymnastics and swimming, so her overall strength is probably pretty good.
As I mentioned, Tsukasa is probably pretty strong, since he does a lot of training and stunts and was able to lift both Emu and Nene in Island Panic. That said, there is this area conversation:
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hopefully this is readable, I just screenshot it out my drafts because it's been sitting there in case it ever came in handy. So he might not be that strong? The Island Panic scene is more played for comedy so it may be exaggerating how strong he actually is. At the very least it seems like he has weaker core strength. Though as mentioned, he does do a lot of stunts and already had dance and stage training prior to WxS, so he's probably still above average.
also I want to point out what Rui says in the 5th panel is like. kinda bullshit. not entirely but. kinda. bodybuilding is more for aesthetics and while building muscle = building strength it only works to a certain extent with bodybuilding and if you want to work on strength actual strength training is far more practical. it's a joke i know it's a joke and i shouldn't take it this seriously.
we can assume mafuyu is pretty strong because she's good at everything and is stated to be pretty athletic. not the most reliable claim but the game does like to bring up the fact that she's good at everything. she also does archery which requires a lot of upper body strength.
kanade is not strong at all but that should be self-explanatory.
toya isn't that strong either i don't think. more specifically he's not very athletic but these two things tend to cross over a bit (Kamiyama Sports Fes shows he's terrible at throwing things). he probably has pretty good stamina though.
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haruka does weight training you can spot some weights in her room. you can also spot some smaller weights in airi and shizuku's rooms. Makes sense because you need to have good fitness for idol work. Shizuku also does archery with Mafuyu so her upper body strength is pretty good.
i think that's everyone there's evidence for.
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stormyoceans · 2 months
might be a weird question BUT if you had to put the couples/friend combos from we are into a different genre, what would they be and how do you think it would go?
it’s not weird at all, anon, this is actually such a fun and interesting question!!!!! which is why it took me some days to answer you, because i’ve probably thought about it way too much ;;;;;; i also wasn’t sure if you meant picking different genres for each pairings and friendship combinations, or for the ensamble cast in general, but in the end i went with the latter because otherwise this would have gotten way too long ;;;;;;;
ANYWAY. my first thought for this was some kind of mystery comedy!!!!!! something like only murders in the building, or scooby doo, or even ghostbusters, where the premise is ‘group of people not really qualified to do so looks into murders or paranormal activities’
i just can perfectly imagine peem, q, tan, chain, and pun establishing a paranormal investigation service and having the most bizarre encounters and chaotic adventures. toey and matt would be their very first real clients: they found a body somewhere and there were weird lights and noises all around and they can swear they saw some kind of creature not of this world floating above it but the cops didn’t believe them so they decided to go to peem’s friend group’s agency after seeing one of their ads on the internet. and guess who are the cops who are also investigating on the case and do not believe in the supernatural and are always clashing with peem and the others!!!!!!! why of course phum, fang, beer, and mick. well to be fair mick does believe in aliens, monsters, and ghosts, and beer is a ‘when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’ kinda guy, so it’s mostly phum and fang costantly bickering with peem and tan and thinking their agency is a scam, at least at first. however things only get more complicated when phum and fang actually start believing them (and developing feelings [coughs]) because their father is like. a chief inspector or something and he wants to shut the agency down, which makes his relationship with phum even worse
the other genre that i think would fit we are really well and that would be incredibly interesting to explore due to the big cast and all the different relationships between the characters is survival thriller/horror!!!!!!! something like lost, or yellowjackets, or the wilds, where they end up stranded somewhere and have to find a way to survive and then weird shit starts to happen. im personally a sucker for this genre, for some reason i just love it a lot, and i think that when it comes to we are it would showcase all the dynamics really well. my only issue with this one is that i wouldn't want anyone to die, which does kinda take the edge off from it, so im having a bit of a hard time coming up with a plot that would work out
aaaand this already got incredibly long so last one im gonna mention just because im obsessed with it is PERIOD PIECE!!!!!!!!! i don't care if it's not gonna be historically accurate, just give me everyone dressed in suits and slow dancing and sexual tension so astronomical they could never make the characters meet indoors because having so much of that in such a confined space would kill everyone around them immediately!!!!!!!!!
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internetskiff · 10 months
You ever think about the situation P03's stuck in post-deletion?
Apart from Lonely Wizard (if him dancing in the end credits is meant to imply he survived deletion), it's basically the only entity to survive Inscryption's deletion. It has NO game to come back to, and there's NO way the gameworks would re-assign it elsewhere after it basically released Inscryption out into the wild. Do you think S@do took it with her after she shot Luke dead and, more than likely, had his whole home searched? Do you think she'd see it as a potential equal? Both are basically entities that have no real game they belong in anymore, and both are more than capable of bending the rules of their environment to their will. Both are cunning and enjoy toying with both Players and NPCs alike whenever they get the chance. I definitely think S@do would be more than happy to work together with it, but I do think P03 would be off-put by her constant cheerful demeanor - it would probably remind it of G0lly.
In the Canon sense, I think P03's fate could play out in one of three ways:
1) If it went unnoticed by S@do, it's basically left to wander the 'net in this.. reduced stoat form, I suppose. I do think it's smart enough to be able to evade Gamefuna and remain under the radar, but I think it'd eventually just end up gravitating back towards the company sooner or later. It's main goal was always to become hegemon of Inscryption so it had challengers that would play it's game, so I have a feeling going without interaction too long would simply drive it nuts. I mean - it's worked so hard balancing the mechanics of Botopia, creating "OP cards", setting up the uberbots.. And now it's all gone. I have a feeling eventually it would either try forcing itself into other games like S@do does or simply return to Gamefuna and either get reassigned, imprisoned or wiped from the picture entirely.
2) If S@do isn't under Lou Natas' employ and is instead simply possessing a Gamefuna employee to achieve a goal of her own, I do think S@do would try coercing it into assisting her. Or perhaps simply find out what it knows. There's potential either way - it would be interesting to have the two control freaks going against eachother (I think P03 would eventually break in this scenario) or unify forces to sow whatever chaos she has in mind.
3) If S@do is under Lou Natas' employ, I do think she'd bring it to his attention, but depending on whether or not it has her favor (which I do think it would, I don't think we ever saw S@do express "hatred" towards anyone, and an entity created simply to cause chaos would probably only be overjoyed to meet someone as disruptive and plotting as P03), I think she might be able to pull some strings - perhaps P03 would be in a similar situation as her, assigned a human host (though it would probably find this disgusting) and sent out to do Gamefuna's dirty work. It probably wouldn't mind killing people - after all, it literally encouraged it's own subordinates to throw themselves onto the production line if it improves the card output, not to mention what it's done with James Cobb.
In any case, I do believe P03 would end up as a bit of a "loose cannon" in Gamefuna's eyes. It would probably end up causing quite a few problems for them.
Can't wait for the new DMG-verse buddy cop movie starring two Gamefuna employees possessed by P03 and S@do where they just go around assassinating people Lou Natas doesn't like.
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tigreblvnc · 2 months
Your match is...
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— Hiori Yo
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✦ Hiori appeared to me transparently throughout my reading of your description!
✦ He is very calm, observant but can firmly assert his positions when he believes in them. I find that this creates a great balance with your tendency to become easily anxious; he knows how to stabilize and clarify the situation.
✦ Super good at problem-solving, he processes all the information behind the scenes before coming back with THE solution that will work.
✦ I suppose he adopts a similar tactic when he plays his video games, and I have no doubt that you find a lot of common ground in this area.
✦ I can see you both playing games that require a lot of tactics and cooperation.
✦ A couple of geeks at heart!
✦ I can see him loving thrill rides and wanting to challenge the haunted house with you; outwardly, you wouldn't think it, but he doesn't back down easily from adversity.
✦ The presence that always comes to take your hand when you start to panic.
✦ I imagine his voice to be very calm, composed, and gentle. The kind you love to hear.
✦ Totally the type to enjoy being with you without necessarily having to talk.
✦ He often does that when he plays his favorite games. Being with the person he feels good with is more than enough for him, and you don't need more to feel comfortable.
✦ Very attentive to what's going on despite his tendency to be a bit withdrawn, he knows your favorite foods and dishes, can describe with precision the outfits you've worn over the past seven days, and can predict what you'll need for your next outing.
✦ Speaking of outings, we know that Hiori doesn't usually like them, but for occasions like conventions, movie outings, or simply strolling with you in a slightly secluded natural spot, he gladly agrees.
✦ I don't see him particularly liking crowds, but he is very good at understanding human mentality.
✦ He MUCH prefers your honesty even if it hurts. In fact, I would even say that it gives him a boost when he starts to stagnate.
✦ Your tendency to give a lot to others makes him admire you. Deep down, it reminds him a bit of his attitude of wanting to comply with others' desires, but unlike him, you don't let yourself be pushed around and can probably tell when people start to take advantage of you. He wants to be like you and I can perfectly see him seeking your contact a bit clumsily when he needs advice but doesn't quite know how to ask for it.
✦ The boy is not used to asking for help from others.
✦ But he is very good at seeing when someone needs something.
✦ Especially when this someone is you.
✦ It's also good that you know how to take the lead in the relationship because it's not something Hiori would instinctively do, as he is more of a follower than a leader. You give him direction to follow, and he supports you in your goals.
✦ Complete evenings playing video games and watching movies will be common between you.
✦ Big fluffy blanket on your laps and room plunged into darkness.
✦ Even if you fall asleep, Hiori always keeps an eye on you in case you need something.
✦ He is not the most communicative person on earth but has a good understanding of who you are and wants to take care of you as much as you seek to ensure others are well.
✦ A bit like with Isagi, he will want to do everything to highlight your skills in what you do while acting in your shadow. Hiori's MBTI being INFJ, we know that this profile is often nicknamed "the counselor," and it's not for nothing.
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A word about your match: My first thought was Chigiri because of dancing (I think that's a sport he'd really enjoy too besides soccer), but video games and not going out much definitely put Hiori on the table.
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thehistoriangirl · 8 months
The Tides Have Veiled [Fourteen]
This chapter is calmer than usually :3 is that suspicious? I wouldn't know...
Viktor x Fem!Reader---/Gothic AU/Haunted Sea---3.4K---SFW
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> MASTERLIST <- Previous // Next ->
Synopsis:  Piltover the Old has an old lighthouse that looms over an abandoned port. From the house in the wailing cliff’s edge, the lighthouse owner watches that the beacon is being lighten up each time darkness arrives, so that monsters wouldn't dare to crawl inland, or so legends say. Both buildings are haunted, maybe even the man himself, by both past and present ghosts. Surprisingly, the keeper’s work is beyond turning on the beacon every night— but the rest is on you to discover.
Chapter Summary: Just when you're about to confront one of your fears, Viktor's there to confess.
Tags: Strangers to Lovers | Ghosts | Slow Burn | Dark Magic(?) | Some Lore | Fluff (!!!!) | Some kithing :3 |
Taglist: @lunar-monster @local-mr-frog @bittercyder @blissfulip @ihopeinevergetsoberr
Fourteen: A Ghost Roaming the Coast
It was almost dusk when you gathered your petty bravery, watching the sky bleed and the waves shine with the last glimpses of sunlight.
 Calculating against the clock hung on the wall and the keeping log, you had around forty minutes until the sun died down for good today, finally overshadowed by the beacon.
Your steps echoed against the wood of the lighthouse’s staircase, hands eager to gather the raincoat perfectly folded over the table and the pair of boots tucked against a side of the hearth so they could get warm enough against the upcoming winter currents.
You observed the flames, Viktor’s words resonating inside your brain in between the crackling fire, allowing your mind to get lost in their dance though your jaw tightening didn’t pass unperceived.
I believe you hit your head with a rock when you were walking along the beach.
“Yes, sure,” you seethed. How would you end up on the opposite side of the bay if that were the case? You should be dead if your head would have hit any of the sharp rocks at the foot of the cliff where you sought refuge last night.
And the woman—the ghost—it hadn’t been the first encounter. Even if you tried to delude yourself into thinking of it as a poor excuse of a slip of imagination, like the force that was about to push you to the edge of insanity; you knew better.
Sadly so. As much as ignorance would’ve been a blessing.
Even then, knowledge perhaps will be the only thing to keep you alive. Once you understood everything, you would be able to know what to do now you knew that there was no solace in the city for you.
Not with whatever had poisoned your blood with salt water.
That was the only thought while you fished your keys from the depths of your oversized wool sweater, securing them with a cord in your pants’ hem.
The cave was real, you felt it in your being, in the way your fingers still seemed to vibrate while remembering the touch of the faint purple glow on its walls. How the song resonated in your bones as if they were hollow, filling you with homesickness you didn't know it was there until the melody made it overflow.
How someone could feel such a thing when one has never known a home anyway?
What a twisted life this seemed to be.
But before settling a foot outside, a flash of the ghostly tail made your hand brush along the table’s surface to grab the handle of the kitchen knife.
It wouldn't be much, especially if you were correct about what you believed that creature was; though you didn’t wish to be so exposed and hopeless again. It was enough that for a considerable portion of your life, you’d been sheltered and tucked away as an old doll—you didn’t wish your end to be like that, too.
You were a keeper now, away from the shabby hut by the coast, now instead watching the whole landscape from your tower, maintaining the light on against the darkness, the mist, and the restless things roaming in the night. You were different.
You probably hit your head against a rock.
Voices mixed in a cacophony that pounded your head. Your mother went out of her mind after having you. That's why she left you.
You can’t run away from your blood.
No, you weren’t your faceless mother. You wouldn’t let the sea claim you too. And yet… you kept walking toward the exit, toward the waves. Tempting life and destiny only to soothe your mind once the cave stood, materialized, and real in front of you again.
Would Viktor care if the next evening he’d find the beacon still on, his keeper gone?
Would you care if he didn’t?
Hairs prickled your eyes when you shook your head in a violent attempt of denial, albeit the thoughts kept flowing like currents, so many your mind had gone murky, limbs led by instinct alone.
Open door. Close door. Walk. Fetch key. Open do—
A flap of cold wind hit your face like the slash of a dagger; the dark, grey sky quickly being covered by the view of a long, black coat. The wind carried the familiar essence like an invisible embrace.
“Where are you going at this time of day? It’s almost nighttime.”
You jumped away, a scream getting caught up in your throat as your mind scrambled to act. Get away. Grab the knife. Why does the voice sound so familiar?
Looking up, you conjured another ghost trying to haunt you, grabbing the knife from the pocket of your raincoat so forcefully your knuckles were white. Instead of hollow sockets, you saw a pair of golden stars still visible despite the cloudy night.
You opened your eyes, heat pooling up your face. “I was going to look for you,” you said, hoping to craft an acceptable lie with the nonsensical words spilling out of your mouth.
Viktor arched an eyebrow. “With a… knife?”
Your lips pressed in a thin line. Silence dragged, and Viktor leaned against the rusty threshold of the lighthouse’s gate, giving you all the damned time in the world to explain.
"We're not on so good terms, I suppose,” you answered begrudgingly, wishing to imbue a more amused and sarcastic tone instead of the hollow, plain tone that got out. Gaze averted and your free hand playing with your hair, you were a terrible liar, which wouldn’t explain why Viktor didn’t believe in what you told him this morning besides being pure reticence.
The screams of the cliff started creeping up the rock, toward the open lighthouse, and perhaps it was your imagination, but you felt a gentle trembling movement of the hill beneath your feet.
Your hands enveloped his wrist, pulling him inside the little garden and closing the gate behind him with a slam. Standing face to face, you could see his breathing spiraling up to the sky between the drizzle starting to compose a rhythmical dance over your coat.
“I regret talking to you like that. It was unprompted and uncalled for," Viktor said, eyes gentle and ever-present, boring into yours in seek of something you couldn't quite place yet. “I came to apologize.”
It couldn’t be so easy—you knew it wasn’t just forgiveness. It couldn’t be.
"You don't have to say things you don't mean only to appease me. I know you said it on a whim, which must’ve let you slip a thing or two decorum wouldn’t allow you to say in other circumstances.”
“And whims are all built in poor wording.” He sighed. “I don’t regret marrying you. I regret what this marriage has put you through.”
Your brain took much longer than needed for his words to seep in. “… what do you mean by that?”
Viktor's eyes settled on yours, and this time you gathered your courage to keep them on him, between the little mole under his eyes to the bridge of his nose. You saw browns and yellows on the irises, molted gold casting shadows behind its wake.
He brushed your shoulder ever so slightly. “My cursed wife. Don’t believe I haven’t noticed.”
A childish part of you fluttered when he called you ‘his wife’, perhaps hoping that all these steps you had walked together meant something more than just a clause in a job application. Though anger still bubbled up your belly for his words that were so heavy the wind couldn’t carry them away just like enough blood couldn’t become invisible while diluted in water.
You crossed your arms, as if he could see your heart hammering against your chest.
“I’m not yours.”
“I know. Albeit that’s not what everyone thinks about us.”
And what do you think about us? You wished to be brave enough to ask him.
“Curses are hereditary,” Viktor continued, his voice soft in a mutter while his gaze was lost in something over your shoulder, though when you looked back, you could only see the flicking shadows of the empty staircase. “They do not fade away with time as everything else tends to do because the ones that impose them are outside its reign. It persists in blood.”
He didn’t need to tell you what he was referring to. Ghosts. Witches. Spirits. The house and this lighthouse. You felt a shiver down your spine, cold sweat gluing the hairs of your nape. A gaze that penetrated over the rock of the tower and into your back. A gaze belonging to a woman's empty sockets.
“Are you trying to scare me?” You hugged yourself, hoping he wouldn’t notice your shiver. This time it was working.
“Let’s get you inside,” Viktor replied, taking his cane from its place propelled against the wall and pointing the handle toward the door. “You’re getting wet and I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Do you believe me?” You sounded childishly hopeful when you should’ve been surprised, not minding his cold palm sliding into yours to guide you down a more than familiar path.
“I don’t think there’s a purpose for you to invent something like that.” Viktor raised a hand when you were about to protest, your eyes deeply crinkled in a frown. "I know there are… strange happenings in this town. Of course, I believe you."
"I thought I had fallen and hit my head?" You huffed, the gentle crackling of the fire enveloping your cold bones once Viktor closed the door and helped you out of your humid coat, taking the knife and settling it on the table.
“There are certain things it’s better not to say out loud on land,” Viktor replied, almost embarrassed with the way his cheeks and ears were tinted pink, though all you saw could be a product of his closeness to the fire.
“And it’s good to talk about them now?” you said, looking up toward the beacon room and catching a glimpse of the golden light flicking through the stairs.
“No. But I didn’t want you to remain angry with me.” Shyly, he took your hands in his and gave them a light squeeze. “I care about you, and I couldn’t let a day pass by and know that I’ve hurt you. I’m sorry.”
You looked up at him, the flames making his eyes twinkle—and it would’ve been a mischievous way if it weren’t for the gentleness of his touch, fingers surrounding your wrists, a slight arch of his eyebrows created by worry.
The gentle mutter of your name slipped through his ajar lips.
Your hands slid around his torso, taking in the essence of his clothes, like orange and salt and books. He was solid, warm, and real, his lithe muscles shifting under your touch, cheek settled just above his chest.
His indecisive gasp reverberated deep inside your bones, hotness climbing up your neck once he hugged you back, his hands moving from their place on your arms down your waist. The movement made his unbuttoned coat open to envelop you whole, chest flush against his dress shirt.
For a long time, the only thing that existed was Viktor's heartbeats complementing yours, breaths mixed in a slow rhythm turned a soothing dance once he started swaying you side to side.
His cane’s handle poked your side, spell broken when your mind cleared enough to realize what you were doing, that you were too close, that perhaps his movements originated from exhaustion from coming down the house toward the lighthouse. That this was still just a façade. You pushed your hands over his chest to break the hug, only to find his hands still grabbing the soft curves of your hips.
“Viktor…” you said, looking at his chest now that locking eyes with him was so difficult, your mind running in circles over the memories of the wedding, the softest friction of his lips over yours.
The fake wedding, your brain tried to add, unsuccessfully.
“I don’t want to lose you.” He nodded, deep in thought as his right hand ran up from your waist up to cup up your cheek. “I promise I’ll do my best to keep you safe. I promise you.”
You smiled, the movement making his thumb brush across your skin in slow, gentle circles, a view so intense he might want to paint you to behold in his memory forever.
Viktor leaned closer, the rebel locks around his forehead almost hiding his intense expression. Your hands grasped his arms, thinking your knees would fall at any moment. His nose skimmed against yours before his lips landed atop yours in a motion so fleeting you might’ve been imagining if it weren’t for the gentle motion of his lips opening, accompanied by a squeeze on your left hip.
You sighed, wanting to move one of your hands atop his heart.
“I—I’m sorry,” Viktor jumped backward, almost tripping with the leg of the table. “I don’t know what I’m doing… I… I overstepped.”
You held his hand before he could pull away. “No, you didn’t,” you muttered, looking at the ground. “I’m your wife after all.”
Viktor’s sheepish smile left you breathless, looking between the yellow hues of the fire the bright red of his cheeks reaching his ears, even.
“This is so unprofessional. Come on,” he told you, reaching for the metal pole you used to extinguish the logs inside the hearth. Using your oil lamp to move around, Viktor approached the staircase with confident steps even as he hooked his cane in the crook of his elbow and started ascending using the handrail, a path so familiar maybe he could even crawl it in the darkness. “I want to keep watch with you tonight.”
It was your turn to frown with concern. “Aren’t you tired? You just returned from the city.”
“I’ve had many things around my head to even think about sleeping. There will be time—that is, of course, if you want me here. I’ll understand if you’d prefer to be alone.”
“I don’t want to be alone,” you replied almost immediately. Viktor turned once he reached the top, extending his arm to let the shine of the lamp illuminate your way up.
“You won’t be. Not if I can avoid it.”
Your head tilted to the side, looking over his shoulder to see the messy room you used every night; with the old logbooks open over the table and half the window still sealed with wood boards, pens scattered over the yellowish pages of the unfinished diaries you’d been scribbling on to avoid Viktor’s curiosity when you asked for another notebook.
Would Viktor see you as another delusional keeper if he got a better look at your writings?
“A worker will come to replace the glass on Thursday,” Viktor said, his steps never faltering while approaching the table. If he read the old keeper’s words mixed with your deliriums, he didn’t show any different emotion as he walked toward the closed door at the far end of the room. “The wood covers the view of the sea.”
“I prefer it this way,” you couldn’t stop from saying. This way you wouldn’t see the woman.
“I can’t say I blame you,” Viktor sighed, his steps getting further away as he entered the machine’s room, all his silhouette embraced by the comforting darkness inside. “Both haunting and beautiful.” Walking toward him, you heard the crackle of the couch give in under his weight. You closed the door with a gentle click now you were sure everything was for the night already tinting the horizon navy blue. Viktor hadn’t brought the lamp, and neither did you, remembering that day when the storm raged outside and yet you were warm and safe between his arms. You wouldn’t need the light if he was there. “Like you.”
You chuckled, ignoring the way your heart started pounding relentlessly against your ribcage. “Am I haunting?”
He hummed, grasping your hand to guide you toward the couch until your legs were against each other caged inside the tiny space. “Haunting does not always mean something frightening; but something special and unforgettable.”
Unforgettable… “Will you remember me once you go work as a teacher full time?” your voice was barely audible over the purring of the motor in the control panel, it was a miracle that Viktor could hear it, just as it was a miracle being so close to him tonight.
The pause that followed you allowed you to sense the cool of the night starting to crawl over your feet and fingers from under the metallic door, and you couldn't stop thinking how you had survived last night soaked in freezing water without catching hypothermia.
“I’m not planning to leave you alone in this town,” he muttered. “I can arrange another bedroom in my apartment.”
You recollected the horrible dream, how your lungs pleaded for mercy once the living room was flooded, tears mixed in with salt water as if they had always belonged there. His disappearance toward the bathroom almost all night. And the stain of crimson diluted into the water.
“I don’t think I will survive outside this town, Viktor. And I’m terrified of figuring out.”
“I’m here with you,” he said, patting your knee. “There’s always a way.”
“I hope you’re right. I don't want to be trapped in here for the rest of my life, whatever short or long it may be…” You sighed, feeling the breaking of your voice even before you uttered another word. “I want to escape my family’s fortune, though I think one may never be too far away from their blood.” I don’t want to keep feeling like I'm drowning near the coast and away from the sea. “I’m just… so tired of being… me…”
You heard the rustle of his hand patting your head. “I understand. One might think I should know it by now—the cursed owner of the haunted house by the cliff. But there’s always hope as long as there’s life. And I must… confess, that my world would be dull without you in it.” He exhaled. “I was so scared of finding you by the coast this morning. I… I thought…”
A chill ran through your spine, and you sought his warmth, leaning your head against his shoulder. “What haunts you, Viktor?" you whispered in a reckless attempt that no other spirit but him could hear it.
You felt him tremble slightly under your cold touch. “What always haunts everyone—the past.” He shifted to accommodate you better, hearing the muffled clank of his cane against the wall as he rotated himself to allow you to set yourself between his open legs, your back flush against his chest as if he were a cocoon. “And what haunts you?”
So many things, you were just like a small, naïve child. The screams of the cliff. The ghostly woman. That following sensation of being watched inside Viktor’s house. Of one day waking up in the hut by your aunt’s screams, the lighthouse and him all but a fantasy. “Knowing that everything I see and hear at night is a lie. And knowing that it’s not.”
Viktor posed his chin atop your head. “I believe you,” he said after a while, his breath drawing goosebumps against your ear. “I believe you.” There was a pause where you heard the palpitations of your heart picking up just like the rain outside.
“You shouldn’t walk by the beach at night,” he muttered, settling his head in the crook of your neck to whisper against your ear. “That’s why fishermen go to open waters and don’t come back until the sun is up again.”
“I was… I was returning from my uncle’s funeral. I…” you swallowed the lump in your throat. “I saw him first. And then the woman. M-my mom…”
He hugged you, his hands around your waist. “I don’t think that was your mother,” he said, soothing you with his reassuring touch and his closeness, tucked away from the world. "Why don’t you rest for a while? I’m going to need you alert and awake tomorrow afternoon.”
“I’m going to show you the open ocean.” He cleared his throat. “I mean… I’m researching about mareel, luminescence in algae that floats on the sea at night. I… it would be my pleasure to show you. If you’d like to come with me.”
“Oh! Well… I’d love to.” You smiled even though he couldn’t see it in the darkness. “Viktor…” you called, neck crooned toward him. “Can you kiss me again?”
You heard his faint chuckle, his head moving toward yours in the dark, hands cupping your jawline and neck as his thumb brushed along your bottom lip. You parted your mouth open, hot breath hitting against his fingerpad before his breath met yours in an eager sigh once you pressed yourself against him.
In that room there was no time nor hurry, embraced in the cold wind and sheltered by the rain tapping against the roof; so you allowed your mind and body to lose yourself in him. If only for tonight.
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hornystiel · 6 months
hiii!! offering my 2 cents on the subject of "old man". younger generations in general use it very loosely but it's without ill intent, rather it's coming from a perspective of "that man (dilf) is so hot i need them but i could never because they'd see me as a child so i gotta call them old instead". like they're out of my league but i'll blame it on the age difference you know?
and in destiel's case i believe it's affectionate, they're old compared to most queer couples represented and they're getting older together and it's hopeful to see that :)
~ a gen z mutual who's too shy to come off anon ly 🤍
hi! a literal wall of text ahead
okay i actually have a lot of thoughts about this topic and i really hope i won't sound rude but i just want to talk about it for a sec here. and below will be purely my own musings which probably won't coincide with a general fandom views on the matter and it's wider than this question and destiel but well
i totally get what you're saying about younger fans calling them old because they're too young for them but still hot etc etc. i know that's not some ill intent, clearly. however, what bothers me about the question of 'old' age in fandom spaces is this - for some 'old' starts somewhere around 35+ and they mean it (i wonder what they call a 50 yo? a corpse probably). and yeah of course for 16 yo 35 is twice their age but i wouldn't have even the slightest problem with it because i've been in fandom spaces since i was maybe 14 and stumbled upon people of different ages and backgrounds and we can all coexist quite fine. but what i see now (and maybe again, that's like a recurring generational thing, i don't know, i'm not that old and i wasn't in english spaces until i got at least 18-20 so) - those younger fans repeatedly saying 'you're 30 and in fandom? get out. go find some appropriate hobbies for your age group, like fishing hehe'. like it's fine to be horny over some dudes twice (or even more) your age, but people who in reality are not even that far from you, because usually it's 20 somethings who write such things - and it's a crime. you're suddenly gross. i wonder what those kids would do without all the stuff written, drawn and giffed by those who have a child on one hand, a full time job on the other, and their age appropriate hobbies in between. like when i was a tiny fan i was like 'holy shit that person somehow found a way to update that long ass sherlock fic while being neck deep in her family things and work i wanna be like them!" and it also gave me hope about the future of my fandom life. like age shouldn't matter. but now i see this shit, the whole 'more than 3 yo age difference is pedo' talk, 'adult creators shouldn't post anything because children can see' talk etc etc. and i know, of course, that that's the general internet censorship on the rise and neopuritanism is dancing tango with it but still.
what i'm saying - i do have a problem with younger generation using the term old very 'loosely' because they wield it as a double aged sword. you're either some hot dilf who can be forgiven for your shitty fandom takes because well you're hot (and i'm not talking about anyone in particular here rn) or you're a gross 30 smth in fandom space who shouldn't draw porn because teens can't click the block button
short answer - i don't like what the people who call them old add to their characters and lives when they do that.
long answer under the cut
all of that is what EYE don't like in most popular fandom hcs and i usually just scroll past the things i don't like, i don't want to start shit publicly (and because of what, takes?), but here you can read what i usually think when i see them.
first - if we're talking canon ages. 40 smth and this is dean's age at the end of the show - is NOT old. at all. i can't even call him that affectionately. because this is the tragedy of it all - he dies YOUNG. very fucking young, he didn't see any calm life, didn't pursue his dreams, didn't have a normal life and love and then he died. in a way, and i see some others think the same, calling him old is like 'welp it's not that bad, he lived long enough, seen shit'. but the thing is - he didn't? literally. so no, for me he's young, died young and it's fucking awful. not talking about cas here because well, billions years, old, young, he's everything (<3)
if we're talking about post canon fics where they settle. you can all burn me at the stake but sadly my spirit will just repeat the same shit - making them some kind of a wannabe hetero aging couple is not only boring as fuck, but also completely out of character for them?
what i usually see in the posts with 'old men <3' there
some variation of a white picket fence house
baby jack
dean being some kind of a soccer mom who bakes and argues with other moms
cas being more of a dad shaped thing who gardens and Doesn't Get It at the parents' meetings or somewhere equally boring and somehow still clueless about a lot of human shit
them creaking every part of their bodies (jesus my joints have been like this since i was 14, and my back is bad now when i'm only 30 where is my retirement pakige?)
probably forgetting smth but you get the gist. and, again, not saying that that's ALL i see with the old men posts and art etc (some hcs are wild and i LOVE them), but the majority? yeag, i've been permanently a destiel blogger for 4 years now, i've seen the popular stuff
doesn't all of that remind you of a typical heterosexual family on some conservative cable tv show? if not i'm happy for you, but i can't help but see how the roles are set in stone and i don't find it endearing at all. that's one reason. and also i'm a strong believer that a baby won't fix dean. jack won't fix shit and here's another stick to my pyre - i don't care about him at all and i think that dean especially should focus on himself and his own shit and his shit with cas if they settle together, not be thrown into the baby routine again. the fandom likes to remind everyone how dean raised sam and it's mostly true but don't you think for one goddamn second he would want/need to live for himself and not over obsess about bringing up another kid? sure he loves them, but if every person with dean's baggage were trusted with kids as a cure-al ...well. and again very hetero, 'you should have a child, that'll fix your hysteria!' i'll even say, very real life stuff, just not the one i want to see here.
another reason is this - they are freaks.
they are assholes, freaks, serial killers, undead creatures, bad people...who are very much in love and very soft with each other and their family but they are still freaks. and i don't understand how them getting old will so fundamentally change so many aspects of their characters that they become typical suburban mom and dad combo. maybe i sound like a person who doesn't want them to be happy, or who doesn't get the 'it shows that their life is finally calm and they can pursue Normal Hobbies and Raise Kids and Build a Farm (idk how that is a calm place have you ever been on a farm with animals that you should watch and take care and kill if needed. another talk for another time) and To Love is to be Changed' etc etc etc. believe me i get it all perfectly, just not for them. if it tickles your pickle, by all means. what tickles mine is cas getting the weirdest (and often dangerous) hobbies (and this is why i got him driving a motorcycle, boxing and skydiving in my old men cheating fic) and he's an impatient guy so i don't think he'd love gardening really, he'd be mad at the plants and kill them or grow them as fast as his grace would allow (yes i'm also against human all the way cas, baby we're getting a bingo here). and dean of course should have ties with his community and i've already talked about this but i see how they are out of active hunting, but still help those who are still in it (if the supernatural isn't wiped completely and i don't see why it should be), maybe they always have a place in their home for those who come to regroup or just to chat or smth. and dean is an overprotective and micromanaging asshole so he would want to still have the gist of it all (and cas would want to unwind by killing some things from time to time)...and they still sleep in the same bed, eat the food they cook together, wear matching tatts maybe as a wedding gift to each other, and have dogs, cats and whatnot.
what i want to say - i don't get why the weird and the sweet can't coexist. why should they lose all of their insane bits. they loved each other WITH them (cursed or not remember) why should they change so drastically to fit the 'happily ever after' narrative.
anyway i can probably write a lot more but that's a long ass grumbling as it is.
sorry your question became the starting point for this rent i genuinely hope i didn't offend you and if you finished reading all of this woah you are a hero <3
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knickynoo · 1 year
(*knocks on your tumblr door and sidles in*) What do you think Doc would've done had Marty actually faded out of existence at the dance and never showed up to meet him at the DeLorean?
The way you start your asks always amuses me.
So, I thought about this a little bit, and here are my thoughts...
• After checking his watch and realizing how late Marty is, Doc probably would have stood at the curb, staring down the road and waiting. Eventually, though, he would come to the conclusion that something had gone horribly wrong. After waiting until the absolute last possible second (just in case Marty did show up in the nick of time to catch the lightning) he'd race his way over to the dance.
• Doc would enter the gymnasium to see crowds of panicking people on account of many of them had just witnessed an entire person blinking out of existence right there on the stage. It could very likely be a state of mass pandemonium.
• For real, though, what would happen to all those students and The Starlighters if Marty had just vanished? Part of me wonders if maybe there'd be an instantaneous Men in Black "neuralyzer" effect where they'd all have any memory of Marty wiped from their brains. Like, maybe he'd fade and everybody would just keep on dancing and the band would continue playing as if he'd never been there in the first place. Of course, this would also mean Doc's memory would be wiped, which would be a real tricky situation. (I'm ignoring paradoxes for the time being because I think the protective "bubble" would mean things Marty had changed would still stay in place for at least a little while longer.)
• Following that route, there would be evidence of Marty's existence and his influence all over town, but nobody would be able to remember who had done all those things. It'd be like, "Oh, yeah, Biff's car got wrecked the other day when...hmm. You know, I can't remember how it happened, actually. Weird." Maybe George would recall feeling a very strange "push" toward Lorraine all throughout that week, but it'd be nothing more than a vague feeling. This would be a fun thing to explore with Doc, though, seeing as he'd have the most evidence surrounding him but wouldn't be able to actually remember Marty or picture his face. It'd be really cool if he slowly pieced things together, though. The DeLorean, the extra clothes at home that definitely aren't his, etc. He could conceivably get to a place of, "Someone important was here from the future, and I was supposed to get him home, but the plan obviously failed."
• Going the other route, where there isn't any memory alteration, I definitely think Doc would walk into chaos. But he'd get a pretty solid idea of what happened at overhearing everybody shouting about the boy who disappeared in the middle of Earth Angel.
• Doc would then be tasked with scrambling to get George and Lorraine together in the coming days and before any catastrophes occurred time-continuum wise. I mean, even if potential paradoxes aren't an issue, what would he do? Just move on with the knowledge that this kid he just spent a whole week with will never exist?
• This mission could also go one of two ways. One: Doc meddling "behind the scenes" for days on end and manipulating George and Lorraine from afar to get them to reconcile and seal things with a kiss. (I assume Marty faded in this scenario because George didn't go back for Lorraine after Mark Dixon stole her away on the dance floor)
Two: Doc taking the very direct approach of just telling George and Lorraine what happened. Explaining to them that Marty had disappeared because he was from the future and surprise! He's their son. They have to get together to ensure his and his siblings' existence. George would absolutely believe this immediately. Lorraine might take some convincing, but I think she'd come around. Then, she'd be super weirded out, embarrassed, horrified, etc. But I think once things sunk in, she and George would be able to get their relationship back on track.
• Obviously, this whole scenario makes things complicated when factoring in what would then happen when 1985 rolled back around. He'd have to either ensure that Marty never travels back in time (because he had missed the lightning strike and been erased)—the less likely option—or he'd have to do something to leave instructions for his past self, detailing how vital it is that George and Lorraine kiss on that dance floor and that Marty makes it to the clocktower. Perhaps this could be in the form of a letter left in the car that his '55 self could then find upon Marty's arrival. Idk what '55 Doc would be able to do to make sure George mustered up the last boost of confidence needed to go back for Lorraine, but he would have to figure something out.
• I am once again ignoring paradoxes since the trilogy ignores them as well. Doc and Marty change and undo so many things and the universe never explodes, so I'm going to assume all this meddling in the above scenario would work out somehow.
This ended up being far longer than I anticipated—ya girl cannot control her rambling. To be honest, I don't even know if it all makes any sense. Was fun to write, though. Thanks for the ask!
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