#I would like to take a moment to tell you about how the middle and the second to last pics make me want nikki to crush my skull
mayxxday · 2 days
how bakugou would react to his child telling his mom to shut up?
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Katsuki has always had his doubts when it came to parenthood. However the first day he held his baby boy to his chest after his birth, he felt all his fears disappear in thin air. The comfortable weight of his tyke somehow was enough to silence his fears of being a good father.
When he found his little brat inherited the same quirk as him, he was over the moon. Their bond only grew stronger and stronger through their endless training and practice at his agency. After all, if Katsuki was anything, he was a family man.
With his son growing in a young adolescent, Katsuki could see only more of himself in his boy. The same brash attitude he once strutted around the campus of his middle school. Their mannerisms hardly differed as they sat discussing on the couch, his sweet little wife tucked under his arm.
"This is heaven" He couldn't help but think. There he was, living a life his younger self could never have imagined. Yet this was all he needed. The most important two people of his life, right here with him. The explosive pro hero's train of thought was rudely interrupted however by the loud sneer of his son.
"Shut it mom- we're busy"
The words that left his son's mouth in a fleeting moment, left a bitter look on Katsuki's face. How could Katsuki ever miss the way his wife tensed under his arm, a look at her and he would have seen the tears that rushed to her lash line. However he didn't know if he was strong enough to see that at the moment.
Had he not been holding his wife to his side, he would have flown into a rage. Katsuki loved his boy to pieces, but his wife had been the one to teach him how to love. His wife had stuck out his explosiveness, all the crude remarks and his constant hot and cold behavior throughout his UA years, and made herself a home in his heart. So no matter who it was, Katsuki wasn't gonna have it.
"What did you say, brat!"
Katsuki snaps back, his voice dangerously low as if daring his son to try to repeat himself. Holding his wife protectively to his side, his thumb subconsciously rubs circles on her arm in an attempt to comfort her, while his teen could only look at him dumbfounded. Frozen still in place for Katsuki was never like this at home, his anger never directed towards him especially.
"Dad I-"
"Apologize. Now."
Katsuki said coldly. He wasn't the one for any dumb excuses and his son's malicious tone towards his wife wasn't something he was just gonna tolerate.
"Katsu, it's okay"
He could hear his wife mumble softly, her warm hand pressed his chest, coaxing him gently to let go of the matter. He was only a teenager after all, isn't this what they do, his wife believed. Katsuki however, didn't believe the same. Had the remark been directed towards Katsuki he would have let go of it, getting back to him a crude comment of himself, but this was his sweet little wife. He couldn't even remember one instance of her raising her voice to discipline their son, she's always been kind and gentle in her parenting methods, offering only the utmost support. So no, it wasn't okay in eyes Katsuki's eyes.
"I'm sorry mom... I shouldn't have done that. I didn't- ..mean to"
His son replies, his head hung shamefully as he takes a moment to reflect what he had just done. Katsuki had raised him to be gentleman through and through. Every step of the way, reminding him how his mother deserved only the best in the world. So for him to snap at his mom was out of character for him, but he would say the stress of school and preparing for UA was getting to him, resulting in him snapping at the only person his heart trusted not to hate him for it.
"Try that once more and we'll have long talk about it. And I can promise you the next time we train you won't have it easy"
Katsuki threatens lightly, knowing he had the little smack to his chest coming as his wife chuckled shyly as his protective instinct. Maybe he meant it, but his wife didn't have to know that he wasn't kidding. Of course he would never hurt his own son, but of course he could tire him out until his body had no energy to snap at his own mother of all people.
His wife's chuckle however was enough to lighten the air around them. The little bakugou earning a little tug on his ear to make sure he understood his lesson. All the while he smiled sheepishly, moving to sit on the floor in front of his mother, burying his head in her lap as a silent apology, seeking her reassurance.
Katsuki could have been the strongest damn hero to exist, but again, he was only a family man after all and the sight was enough to soften his iron heart. His wife tucked under his arm, rubbing the head of his now teen boy.
Katsuki mumbles softly, tucking his wife's under his chin as he starts his earful lecture for his son about his wife being 'the most damn amazing woman on earth' and how he needs to do better he's gonna be a true bakugou, because in this family, we love our only woman.
That night, Katsuki slept with his head tucked in his wife's neck, whispering sorry's for not being a good father enough for this to happen in the first place. His worries however were soothed with an array of kisses on any skin his wife could reach, all pressed with a "you're the best father our baby could have had".
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p.s. thank you soooooo much for the ask! I had so much fun writing this. I hope you like it <33
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monstersflashlight · 2 days
Oh idea! Based off this manga https://chapmanganelo.com/manga-kb89195/chapter-62
Made me think of a naga male orgy with fem reader and how cool/hot it would be- I say cool because of their cold blooded nature would be perfect for snuggling during a hot summer O///w///O
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A/N: Hi there! I tried to mix y’all request the best I could, I think it turned out great, hope you like it! <3
Nagas x chubby fem!reader || sharing is caring, aphrodisiac, dub-con, overstimulation, hemi-peens, double penetration, knotting
Your naga boss called for you in a weird Wednesday morning. Your DILF naga coworker, your work-hubby as your friend liked to call him, was staying home for a couple days and your boss wanted you to go with him to his house and check on him. You were more than on board with that idea, were worried about him, and being completely truthful… you missed seeing him. He had been out just a week, but you wanted nothing else but to see him again. Your unrequited crush was showing and you knew it, but you said yes either way.
You find yourself knocking on an unknown door a couple hours later. He opens the door and you never felt so happy about seeing him. He’s the sunshine of the office and you love seeing him everyday, but right now, when he looks soft and tired and his eyes are blown wide when he sees you two there… he looks stunning.
You step inside when your boss pushes you softly, almost making you fall over your work-hubby. He catches you and laughs softly, caressing your face and telling you how beautiful you look. You blush and they both coo at you, their tails coming around you in a naga sandwich. You look at them utterly confused, not understanding what is happening or why is happening. Deep down, you are also excited, a spike of anticipation and hope growing inside your body as they take turns claiming your mouth. You didn’t know they felt that way about you, but at that moment, surrounded and embraced, you can only kiss them back.
When they explain about the rut, and their crushes on you, you are over the moon. When they tell you how they need a good little mate and you are perfect… you melt a little inside. You thought they didn’t know about your crush on them, you thought you were too young for them, but apparently they don’t think so. Apparently they want you as much as you want them. They want you so much they decided you’d be their rut companion… whatever that meant.
You feel a bite in the back of your neck, and then a heat as high as a volcano running down your body until your knees give out. Then you feel another bite in the side of your neck, more venom being injected into your body. You whine pathetically when the burn destroys every single thought in your brain, but they shush you, their tails coming around your body and keeping you cool for a few minutes. You are dragged to a weird room, something akin to a nest in the middle of it, you look at it with hooded eyes, your body burning down from the bites in your neck.
And suddenly you can only feel the need. A deep and thought consuming need that leaves you breathless and boneless. They take your body and manhandle you to where they want you, your body not responding to your orders. You are completely at their mercy, the venom paralyzing your body and leaving only the sensations to be felt. And they take advantage of it.
They grope your body until you are even more desperate, until your breathing is so hard and labored you think you are going to die if they don’t get inside of you ASAP. You’ve never felt like that, you’ve never felt such a deep need that makes you shiver in anticipation but also makes your body burn with desperation. You can’t talk, you can’t move, and your body is vibrating with an energy you didn’t know it possessed.
Their tails and hands are all over you, if feels like they are touching every single cell in your body at the same time. It’s too much, it’s not enough. You just want them inside of you, you just want them to be merged into your body and there is no separation anymore. You need them more than you need air. But they do nothing about it, they keep touching your body, they keep touching every part of you… but not the part where you need them most. Your pussy is so wet it’s dripping, literally dripping. You’ve never been as wet as you are right now and they seem to not care about it.
It’s driving you completely insane to be surrounded by their bodies unable to participate, unable to do anything but to feel them and surrender to them. But it’s also exhilarating. It’s the most marvelous feeling in the world, your body at their mercy and their venom running through your body as they play with your tits, with your fat tummy, with your luscious thighs… You are theirs. You feel theirs.
When you feel the first cock against your entrance, you cry, tears running down your cheeks as they shush you and tell you how precious you are, how wonderful you are doing and how well you will take them. One of them pushes inside, you don’t know which, you can’t focus enough to know. They are everywhere, they are so close but so far… You need them closer.
The second cock nudges at your asshole, making you groan as he pushes inside slowly. Their venom prepared you perfectly for them, opening you up completely to their exploring cocks until you are stuffed with naga cock. They thrust in unison, leaving you empty and desperate just to fill you together two seconds later. They keep that rhythm until your brain is unable to understand anything but their cocks. Their amazing cocks rocking your world from inside out. You come. And they bite you again, pumping some more venom into your oversensitive body and making you come again. And again. And again.
Your body is convulsing with orgasm after orgasm when you feel the first knot inside your pussy, stretching you to the point of brain-melting pleasure, but you can only whine as they move your hips slowly. You need it. You need everything. You need to be so full you burst. You need to be filled to the point of rupture of your brain. You need to be stretched until you meet with the angels and the devil. You come again and you whine, more pathetically this time, and they laugh softly, caressing your body and squeezing you harder between them. You can feel your lover’s upper dick pressing against the fat of your tummy, squeezed between you two, the underside rubbing against your clit to the point of over-sensitivity after so many orgasms. And at the same time you can feel the upper dick of your other lover rubbing against your lower back as his dick keeps thrusting inside your tender asshole.
It’s too much, it’s not enough.
You come again.
Then you feel it.
The second knot expanding in your asshole and pressing so deliciously against the knot in your pussy that you scream until your voice gives out and they moan until you start feeling shot after shot of come inside of you. You feel your stomach getting bigger, as your companions squeeze you harder between them, your brain getting dizzy as you come, and come, and come…
Until your brain disconnects from reality and your vision turns black.
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blackknight-kai · 2 days
Hi! Can I request a reader x Wukong or Destined one nsfw headcanons about the reader admitting they are into rougher things like manhandling, hair tugging andbiting?
Oooo okay! I think these two would differ a bit for sure. I’ll give this my best shot! I think if this was something you were into both of them would be down and fairly into it themselves. This can be seen as “once in a while” or “all the time” depending on your preferences!! I left it Gen Neutral :)
I personally head canon him, (DO/SW), as obviously intelligent and such but that he has some instinctual tendencies too from his animal nature that sometimes come out in moments like these. So expect some growling / chest rumbles. Slipping deeply into instincts on accident that kinda thing. NSFW WARNING MINORS DNI!!
Destined One:
- [ ] Would be hesitant at first mainly because it’s new
- [ ] I feel like (personally) he never gave sex and stuff much importance, his journey being top priority. So anything new added here is exciting but also nerve wracking - he’d only show that with his tail twitching nervously though
- [ ] Definitely into it and has thought about it before. He might have accidentally bitten you in the middle of sex before or almost did.
- [ ] Especially into it when he sees how into it you are. This would again reflect in his tail swishing with interest and his eyes narrowing and heavy breathing.
- [ ] Might need a little reassurance at first and would check in.
- [ ] Very conscious of how much strength he’s using at all times. Hes strong and wouldn’t want to truly hurt you.
- [ ] But, once he’s comfortable? Hes locked in.
- [ ] He’s going to pay attention to you and how you react so he’s going to know exactly how hard you like it. And exactly how much you can take fairly quickly.
- [ ] His instincts might come into play regularly too, wanting to mark you with bites or grazing your skin with his claws.
- [ ] He will leave finger bruises on your hips, thighs, wrists, etc from how tightly he’d hold on especially if he loses himself a bit to his animal nature. His grip on your body sometimes being almost too strong.
- [ ] Hes a biter. Once given the go ahead he’s definitely taking advantage of it because he craves nipping your skin or biting you as he orgasms. Especially if it makes you tighten up on him. He REALLY loves your neck, shoulders, and thighs.
- [ ] If he’s particularly amped up from you teasing him too much he might bite your asscheek so you have to feel it every time you sit down. The corner of his mouth would lift up in just barely a knowing smirk as you shift uncomfortably.
- [ ] Your hair will be pulled so he can have better access to your neck and shoulders for licking and biting.
- [ ] Would definitely grunt and curse under his breath right next to your ear as he nips it, pulling your head back by your hair.
- [ ] Biting would be controlled for the most part, he may accidentally bite too hard if hes too absorbed in his pleasure so he always tries to pay attention. But you probably have at least 1 bite mark that he licks and nips possessively when he can.
- [ ] He WILL manhandle you. There is a quiet dominance to him, if you tease him too much or he’s pent up OR hes got too much adrenaline going from a fight? Expect to be thrown over his shoulder without so much as a warning and taken to somewhere HE deems safe and private enough to have you. Even if that’s HIGH up in a tree.
- [ ] Will put you into whatever position he wants if you dont specify first or tell him you want something specific. Remember he is STRONG and can hold your weight easily.
- [ ] If you let him he will fuck you HARD - again especially if he loses himself to his instincts. His thrusts will be rough and demanding. Expect to orgasm as much as he can make you until he himself is done.
- [ ] Will always check though just before to make sure you’re still okay with the rough treatment, might have a specific look or uses a few words to make sure.
- [ ] He wants to hear you! So he will do what he can to make sure you’re loud for him.
- [ ] So soooo gentle with after care. He’d make sure to caress you softly and help you clean up. His tail would wrap around you comfortingly so you know he’s there as he takes care of you. Would cuddle you and hold you close to him as he gently kisses your skin.
- [ ] Alight you asked for it. Literally. Be prepared.
- [ ] He is going to tease you. It that, “oh ho ho, cant get enough of me huh?” Kinda ways - his tail would swish with excitement though betraying his ‘cool’ attitude.
- [ ] Wukong has been around a long time, so he’d have impeccable control in certain situations with his strength and I feel like he’d FIND that control here. He does not want to hurt you. Ever.
- [ ] But.
- [ ] I feel like he would push your buttons. And I dont mean he’d want you to safe word all the time or something. He isnt toxic that way. But he is going to push you to find your limits so he can make it the best for you every time.
- [ ] At first he’d probably be a bit light on you, over time gaining more confidence in you and himself (which hed never admit that he was nervous about possibly hurting you).
- [ ] He’s gonna coo at you and tease you all fucking night as you guys are going at it though.
- [ ] VOCAL. Does NOT shut the hell up. His mouth is FILTHY.
- [ ] Wukong will know your body and he is going to know it well.
- [ ] Expect your hair to be pulled and your head turned this way and that as he teases you and talks to you.
- [ ] The way you tighten up on him and moan as he pulls on your hair pleases him and hed make sure to experience that often enough.
- [ ] Outside of sex hes gonna pull your hair just to fuck with you (edge you) or make you impatient.
- [ ] He is going to suck, nip, and lick you from your toes to your head.
- [ ] Your nipples are going to be his fav to nip/suck at and pull at with his fangs (not too hard of course)
- [ ] You 100% have a scar from him biting you somewhere on your body that he will touch randomly because no one else but HIM & you knows it’s there.
- [ ] Might bite the back of your neck to keep you in place just before he orgasms even though his hands are keeping you in place as he fucks you so damn hard. His tail would be wild here LOL
- [ ] Your chest and thighs are LITTERED with bites and bruises from him sucking on your skin. If your on your knees/pressed down face first your back doesnt escape his mouth.
- [ ] Your leg also might wear a mark from his tail wrapping around you so tightly.
- [ ] He is careful with his claws - but on the off chance he loses himself to his instincts OR you say its okay, he might dig them in a little too hard and now you have ten little scares on your skin.
- [ ] He is a KING. He is going to move you exactly where he wants you. Don’t forget how strong he is and how much control he has over it.
- [ ] He will contort you as he sees fit as his hips slam into you over and over. Your weight is NOTHING to him.
- [ ] Might listen to your request for a position but he will make you ask for it multiple times or hed take his time and THEN get to what you wanted from him.
- [ ] Outside of sex if you push him too much or tease him too far he’s going to smile wide, fangs on display before carrying you off - dont mistake this though he will make you scream for him and wont give two fucks who hears you. The sight of you though is for his eyes only.
- [ ] Your ass? Hah. It’s going to be bright red with HIS handprints.
- [ ] Later he’s going to brush his tail across your ass as you walk (wobble LOL) just to watch you shudder from being so raw and sensitive.
- [ ] Expect to be done when he says you’re done. He demands your pleasure. It’s not a request. DEMANDS you give him as much as you can. Orgasm city if he can help it and time allows.
- [ ] He will be so good to you after and will make sure to pamper his mate like any king would. In moments like these he’s especially tender and would make sure to rub you down and get you water. He’d lick any wounds he made (and tend to them). Praise you, all that lovely stuff! His tail would brush up and down your skin soothingly and comfortingly.
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D-16 (TFO) x Cybertronian!Reader
The prettiest bot I've ever seen in my whole life ( do not tell Starscream I said that ♪(´▽`) ) - I kid you not, not a single Megatron has ever moved my heart as Transformers: One did. D-16 got me giggling, crying and screaming at the same time. Gender Neutral Cybertronian Reader!
WARNING: Spoilers from the movie (Transformers One 2024). First love to Angst.
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I have two scenarios on mind: 1) You are another miner that works alongside Orion Pax, D-16 and the others. Or 2) You work on something else, You and D-16 getting to catch each other on daily basis from time to time, but never interact.
1st scenario gives me the vibes that you two get to always chat and work together, watching Orion drag D-16 to his little disastrous advnetures and D-16 smiling at you awkwardly whenever that happens.
But you don't mind (you get worried sometimes, of course), always giving D-16 a soft smile or a lively chuckle as you go back to work.
And you don't get to see how Orion teases his best friend at how he is smiling like a dumb. D-16 tries to deny it... to then gush to his best friend about you. "Did you see how they smiled at me? They're so... (sigh) perfect."
2nd scenario would be a slow burn type situation - both of you always wondering about... well, everything!
And the first interaction both of you had was when, by pure coincidence, found each other in the middle of a busy day, among many walking by bots.
"Hello, m-my designation is-" / "Hi, I'm so happy to..." both of you start at the same time, fell silent and then laugh together at each other's interruption.
You get to see how D-16 and Orion end at the race, celebrating their ups and worry at their downs, even more at how D-16 got hurt nearly at the end of the race.
After that... it was like he vanished. And while you prayed to Primus for him to be safe and sound, he would be thinking about you from time to time the whole journey.
As you would keep going with your job (growing tired and tired for the sudden high demand of shifts at the mines or feel like something bad was about to happen) - D-16 would slowly spiral between rage, confusion, realizations and the worst thing - to find out about the whole true and how not only him and his friends were stolen from their freedom and right to transform... but you were also a victim. Just like them. Just like all of them.
With the 1st scenario... It brings you joy to see Orion back at the mines, now changed and looking like a true transformer. And your spark breaks at finding out about the true - but the words of the new changed Orion brings you hope.
But you can´t shake this concerned feeling inside of your spark. Where is D-16?
With the 2nd scenario... you are a sea of feelings, confusion and fear, not knowing why there was suddenly so much chaos and - wait, is that... Dee? But... he looks so different! Like Orion, but there is something else that makes your spark tremble.
And hell - you cover your mouth with your servos at the sight of Orion being shot, at watching how D-16 tries to save him but then decide to let him fall. You watch how Elita nearly jumps after Orion's body and Bee stop her.
The worst part? After witnessing Sentinel's brutal murder, Dee- no, Megatron's speech and how he takes Megatronus t-cog and change even more... you feel your spark break even more the moment your optics and his find each other.
Bright yellow optics found (color) optics in the middle of a busy day... and there was nothing but new found feelings. But now... aggressive red optics find (color) optics... and while the red optics try to remain strong, they can't help but soften at the sight of how your (color) optics hold fear. As if you were watching the optics of an unknown bot.
How badly he wanted to go after you and hold you - to tell you he finally avenged you just like he did for himself and everyone else...
We all know how it goes - Orion comes back now as Optimus Prime and defeats Megatron.
And before Megatron leaves Iacon - he looks after you. And your optics meet for the last time.
And you swear you got to see the same D-16 you met the very first time in your whole life.
And Megatron knows he has changed, from the top of his helm to the last atom of his pedes. But something never changed in him.
His love for you.
"... The only thing I'll ever regret was never tell them how I felt."
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Well damn I hurt myself with this I guess o(TヘTo) Vhaos out!
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luvzshy · 3 days
gf Billie Eillish 🤍
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All I Need is You: Loving Billie Eilish
A/n: hi so my requests are open, feel free to request wtv u want bby.. pls doo omgg, I can write abt Billie or any other female character or person u like, enjoy thisss💋
• Billie would be super soft with you—like, she’d run her hands through your hair while you’re laying on her chest, whispering little “I love you’s” when she thinks you’re asleep.
• The random kisses? Constant. She’d press her lips to your temple or the corner of your mouth when you’re both in the middle of doing something, just ‘cause she can’t help it.
• Angst hits hard sometimes. She’d have bad days where she shuts down, won’t talk, and you feel like she’s slipping away. But then she’d come back, apologizing in that soft, broken voice, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just didn’t know how to deal.”
• The makeup after a fight would be intense. She’d wrap her arms around you tightly, like she’s scared you’d leave. “I can’t lose you,” she’d whisper, kissing you like she needs to prove she still deserves you.
• Late nights talking about deep things, Billie would open up to you in ways she never has with anyone else. “You make me feel safe,” she’d say quietly, brushing her fingers over your cheek.
• Then there’d be the teasing moments—she’d catch your lip between her teeth, smiling at the way you shiver under her touch, her hands sliding under your shirt, taking her time ‘cause she loves watching you fall apart for her.
• Angst again, where she gets insecure sometimes, thinking she’s too much or not enough. “I don’t know why you stay with me,” she’d say, looking down, and you’d have to remind her how much she means to you.
• Those moments when things get heated between you two—she’d have that slow, teasing smirk as her fingers trace down your skin, whispering in your ear, “You like when I take my time, don’t you?”
• But no matter what, at the end of the day, she’d always hold you close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, telling you, “I love you more than you know,” before you both fall asleep.
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rosedpetal · 1 day
Behave is SOOO hot! I can’t help but imagine giving Bucky a taste of his own medicine. Let’s see how he reacts when he’s suddenly too aware of the men thirsting over his wife and maybe a little bratty twist that while his wife doesn’t entertain them, she also doesn’t stop them, bonus if she keeps Bucky at a distance. then bam, he snaps. Filthy jealous/possessive smut. I’m sorry imma see my way out ur work short circuited my brain 😭
girly, he'd be PISSED
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Part I | Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: smut.
Minors, do not interact.
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To say you were enjoying your little power trip was an understatement.
Dressed in a long gown, with your hair up in the most beautiful bun Bucky's ever seen, a few locks loose to frame your face, and your makeup done by a professional, you were a vision to behold.
Unfortunately, it wasn't for his eyes only.
Being the wife of an Avenger meant dealing with people and fancy events. Most of the time, Bucky accepted the attention with grace, and then moved on with his life.
But on some very rare occurrences, his fans and the press also turned their attention to you.
It wasn't that Bucky wasn't proud of the gorgeous woman by his side — he gave you one of those freaking Darry engagement rings that could only be bought once by person, and married you only half a year later. 'I don't wanna give you any more time that could make you change your mind', were his exact words to you. He was insane about you. You were the love of his life, and he overcame so much to make sure he would be worthy of your love.
He worshipped the ground you walked on. And he wasn't afraid to tell you that.
But just like a man born in his time, Bucky was extremely possessive of his wife.
And he couldn't stand the two photographers flashing their cameras at you and asking you to 'turn around', 'blow a kiss' or 'smile'.
Bucky's mood was changing quickly, as he analyzed every micro expression on their faces as they took pictures of you. Your face, your dress, your fucking curves.
And you were gracefully accepting every little praise, your smile a little too bright for Bucky's liking.
While he tried to detain his thoughts to going for that dark place, were he would bash these assholes' heads on the concrete until they were beyond recognition, he couldn't help but wonder what had triggered such a reckless behavior from you.
Did he do something that riled you up during this week? He remembers unloading the dishwasher the moment you asked for it. Sometimes he forgets his shoes in the middle of the living room, but it surely couldn't be it.
His eyes darkened in realization when he finally figured you out. Letting these men fawn over you like you were a free woman... That was payback.
Bucky was very aware of your territorial nature when it came to him. For fucks sake, you let the whole world know when you were pissed at another woman for eye fucking him just by the way your eyebrows furrowed and your lips pressed in a thin line, — which once Thor made the mistake of pointing to, and the mean mug you gave the Asgardian still haunted his dreams to this day.
So, Bucky teased you for it. It was okay, right? It was just light banter. You couldn't be possibly punishing him for such a petty reason right the fuck now?
His mind took a quick turn to all the life choices he made that had lead to this exact moment. You giggling and tossing your hair while other men undressed you with their eyes.
It doesn't matter that they were simply doing their jobs. He could see how long they were taking to photograph you when... Well, Bucky was the famous one.
The moment one of the photographers' hands went for you, Bucky instantly reacted, putting himself between you and the fucking moron that seemed to conveniently forget that you were a married woman and your husband was right there.
"Don't you dare touch my wife. Keep running your fucking mouth and taking your fucking pictures and I'll show you why they used to call me Winter Soldier." Bucky's voice was low and lacking any emotion, his vibranium hand wrapped tightly around the dude's wrist.
Bucky's threat wasn't directed at you, but it went straight to your core. You felt all warm and fuzzy inside as he went all alpha mode.
The two guys quickly excused themselves after that, and you let out a light chuckle.
"Thank God, they finally left. I was worried for a second they were gonna blind me with- hey, what are you doing? Bucky, what the fuck?" You whispered as he practically dragged you back to the waiting car, quickly sending a text to Sam to let him know you two were leaving early.
He opened the door for you and you quickly scooped inside, knowing your husband was mad. Bucky sat next to you and told the driver to roll up the partition wall.
"Bucky, talk to me!" You finally snapped, annoyed. "Why are we leaving early?"
"Because-" Bucky turned to you, interrupting himself when he noted how loud he was being, lowering his voice on the next words, and pointing his index finger to your face, eyes boring into yours. "Because you decided to piss me the hell off tonight, and I'm gonna have to teach you how properly a married woman should behave."
Your eyes widened in indignation as you threw your bag in the couch. "Excuse me? How properly I should what? I'm sorry to inform you, honey, but this is the 21st fucking century, not the damn 40s."
Bucky chuckled, humorlessly. The audacity of you. To twirl your hair locks while smiling at other men flirting with you openly, and now pretend he was the bad guy for reprimanding you.
"You're gonna keep your mouth shut until we get home, and if you so much as try to be cute with me, I promise that what I have in store for you is gonna turn ten times worse."
You raised your eyebrow. Maybe you were looking for trouble today, but you sure as hell weren't about to let Bucky undermine you over his bruised ego.
"What are you now, a caveman? Is your masculinity so fragile that you can't stand the fact that I can be lusted after too? When you smirk at me across the room while women are flaunting themselves to you, you think you're the only one entitled to make me feel insecure, as if you're a goddamn prize?"
"No, please, enlighten me on why the hell you think you can joke with your friends about my possessiveness and act exactly the same, then have the guts to belittle me for it!"
"You know what? I was only posing-"
"Goddamnit, will you shut up?" Bucky snapped. "I don't smirk at you across the room to show off and make you jealous, I do it because I thought it was our thing! Some delusional girl will come to me, I'll playfully smile at you because we both joke on how ridiculous they are! I'm not trying to make you insecure, you insane little thing, I think it's cute how you react every time, and how you never direct your anger at me. And by the way, I never tossed or twirled my hair for any woman, or giggled, just to spite you!"
You clenched your fists. No. Even if he was right (which he wasn't), you couldn't just give in and apologize right now. You had reasons to be pissed, you were tired of being teased, as if you were the only one in the relationship that was overly jealous. You knew your words should've been measured, but right now, you couldn't care less. You crossed your arms, voice neutral as you gave him the fatal blow:
"You know what I think, James? I think you're not enough of a man, and what I just did broke your little illusion of power. That's what got your lady panties in a twist."
Bucky's jaw clenched, a flash of anger coursing through his veins. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Are you deaf?"
Two seconds of you staring at him with your coy little act, he was fuming and he practically lunged at you. You squealed and giggled when he pushed you to lay on your back in the leather seat of the limo, breathless and flustered.
"You little minx. You're about to get spanked in the back of a limo like the whore you are." Bucky hissed in your ear, maneuvering you so you were laying on your stomach. He impatiently raised the long skirts of your dress, not even giving you time to prepare for the series of blows he delivered to your poor ass.
Your giggles quickly stopped, and they turned to whimpers.
"C'mon, brat, tell me I'm not a man now." He nibbled your earlobe, pressing his chest against your back. "I dare you. Go ahead, baby. I'm waiting."
Your ass had his fingerprints now, a beautiful shade of red in them. More beautiful than the blush on your cheeks. Your lip was quivering when he was done, finally showing mercy on your rear. You sighed in relief and he gave you a wolfish grin, his hand sliding between your thighs and collecting your arousal, gently spreading it on your folds, his voice low and full of purpose:
"We're just getting started, baby girl."
"This is not fair." You whined, your words dying down when his index and middle finger entered you, opening you up for him. You bit your hand when curled his digits, brushing against your spongy spot.
"What's not fair? Do you want me to stop?" Bucky teased, kissing your neck.
It was getting hot inside the limo, with your gown and your husband crowding you against the leather seats. The sweat was quickly forming in your skin, and it was a bit uncomfortable, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him to stop.
"No... I just-"
"I just-" Bucky mocked you, clicking his tongue. "Can't even speak anymore?"
"It's hot." You complained, in a whiny tone.
Bucky sighed, sitting up to turn the air conditioner on, the cold breeze welcomed to you both. His fingers never left your pussy, and he scissored you hard, smirking at how you tried to keep it down so the poor driver wouldn't hear you.
Reluctantly, he pulled his hand from you, pulling your head back by your hair and shoving his slick digits on your mouth, which you eagerly licked clean. Bucky undid his slacks, groaning in relief when he freed his rock hard length from the constricting fabric. He pulled you to his lap, your back to his chest, your thighs spread over his.
"Think you can ride me without hitting your head in the ceiling?" He whispered on your ear as you grabbed his cock and aligned him at your entrance.
"Hmmm... Probably no." You looked up.
"Then stay still while Daddy fucks you."
Your mouth hung open when he slammed into you, harder than you expected, without giving you time to get used to his thickness. He shoved his tie on your mouth to muffle your moans, one hand on your hip and the other squeezing your breast, while he pistoned his hips up.
You didn't even make a sound.
The sound of his balls slapping against your clit and the shameful, wet noise of your pussy being rammed were enough.
"See why I'm so obsessed with you? Why I can't stand you being lusted after? It's cause the thought of someone else having this pussy makes me wanna rip my fucking hair out, baby." Bucky murmured in your ear, his movements not easing down, not faltering for a second. "I know I have no leg to stand on, acting jealous and possessive of you, but fuck if I'm taking a single risk of losing you, of losing this."
Your eyes rolled back, your walls clamping down violently on your husband's cock, and you spasmed above him, reaching your apex.
With a groan that made you blush, Bucky came in hot spurts, filling you up with his load.
His chest was rising and falling as if he ran a marathon, and he gently patted your thigh. "C'mon baby, pull yourself together. We just got home. I'm not done with you yet."
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avonne-writes · 2 days
omg for the prompts hs au and "— “can i hold your hand? is that weird to ask?”" would be TOO cute
Thank you so much for the prompt! 💖 Just a short drabble this time, but I hope it will bring us all a little positivity. Giggly 15-year-olds galore! I might post this on AO3 later.
Edit: posted on AO3
An upbeat pop song echoes through the cavernous hall of the supermarket as Gale follows Bucky from aisle to aisle. For a Saturday morning, it’s rather busy, but Gale doesn’t mind. It gives him an excuse to walk closer to Bucky and let their arms brush sometimes, their thick coats catching on each other. If only it wasn’t the middle of winter! Then, maybe, he would've been able to touch Bucky's skin too. He probably runs hot, Gale imagines. Would his skin be really soft? What would it taste like if Gale kissed it? What would it smell like?
Technically, this is their third date. Although Gale isn’t quite sure if shopping for snacks together is a date, it's just the two of them and he’s having fun, so he’s going to count it. And who knows, maybe Bucky means to ask him to come over after this? Or they could just go hang out at the mall again, where they first kissed. It’s still hard to believe that it happened. Only a week ago, and yet it feels as though Gale's entire world shifted on its axis. He has a boyfriend now!
A boyfriend who's sweet and kind and funny like he always hoped for. Someone who likes spending time with him and talking to him, and who cares what he thinks about stuff, unlike his parents. The fact that Bucky is so cute to boot blows Gale's mind every day. In the past seven days, he found himself daydreaming several times a day, thinking about all the kisses they've shared - eight now! - and wanting to pinch himself. It’s almost too good to be true.
"Check this out." Bucky snickers suddenly and stops by a random shelf piled with cheap, weird hats. He pulls one out of the pile and puts it on, covering his lovely brown curls with a green beanie - a beanie that, apparently, has a knit beard attachment. Bright orange.
"Handsome." Gale giggles. Bucky's blue eyes twinkle with joy when they meet his. He can feel his face heat up, but he can’t stop smiling, even as Bucky steals Gale's very normal and boring beanie, ruffles his messy blond hair and tries to put a beard beanie on him too.
"Come on, Buck, try it on."
"No, thank you!" Gale protests through a laugh, pushing Bucky's hands away and scuffling with him playfully until a man passing by gives them a dirty look. It hits Gale like a blast of icy wind. Makes something inside him clench tight. Whenever an older man disapproves of him, he feels like he wants to disappear.
Bucky seems to sense the shift in Gale's mood because he tosses the ridiculous hats back on the shelf and rubs the back of his neck.
"Sorry." He says awkwardly. His ears and the pale skin of his cheeks turn bright red.
"No, it’s -" Gale bites his lip, unsure how to say he kinda looked like my dad. He ends up tilting his head and giving Bucky a tentative, lopsided smile. "You said you wanted Skittles?"
"Right! Can’t forget the Skittles." Bucky grins at him in a burst of blinding joy. He skips forward, turning to walk backwards for a moment, with Gale's beanie still captive in his hand. "Favourite flavor?"
Gale rolls his eyes as he follows him. "They all taste the same."
Bucky stops and lets Gale walk close enough to him that their coats almost brush, this time face to face. He and Gale are almost the same height, so all it would take Gale to kiss him is to tilt his chin forward. But he’s not brave enough to do that just yet, so he just watches Bucky's eyes until he can’t keep a straight face anymore and bursts into a quiet laugh.
Grinning, Bucky holds up Gale's beanie and presses it to Gale's chest. "You can get it back if you tell me the answer."
Gale looks away to the side, then up at the ceiling before he finally finds the self-control to return his gaze to Bucky's. He has been smiling so much that his cheeks are starting to hurt. "Green." He says eventually.
Bucky's smile widens, his eyes crinkling. Instead of giving Gale the hat like Gale expects, he puts it on Gale’s head himself, then slips his hands down to Gale's burning cheeks. Before either of them can really think it through, he swoops in and presses a quick peck to Gale's lips.
Nine, Gale's mind sings giddily as Bucky pulls away and starts walking again.
Something about the way Bucky has just kissed him in public without hesitation makes Gale want to be brave too. He falls into step next to Bucky and moves his shaky fingers until they touch Bucky's own.
"Can I hold your hand?" He asks through the rush of excitement, then cringes immediately. What is he, five? Fuck, he should have just gone for it, shouldn't he? Now it's all awkward. Did he mess it all up? He glances up at Bucky’s surprised face. "Is that weird to ask?"
Bucky blinks, then laughs. It's not like his usual mischievous chuckle or the horse laughs he and Curt share sometimes - this is a quick exhale of joy, pure and child-like. He grabs Gale's hand with his own, holds it in his warm grip and swings their linked hands between them as they keep walking.
"No, it’s not weird." He squeezes Gale's fingers. Gale can already feel the dampness of sweat gathering between their palms, but he doesn’t care. The supermarket might as well be heaven for how he feels. "You don’t have to ask though."
He gives Gale a glance from the corner of his eye. "I'm your boyfriend after all."
"True." Gale smiles at his boots. There are so many butterflies in his stomach that if he wasn’t holding Bucky's hand, he might float away. "What’s your favourite Skittle flavor?"
"Red." Bucky replies immediately. His thumb starts play-fighting with Gale's. "I think it’s strawberry... The sweeter, the better, you know?"
Gale nods. When Bucky winks at him, it’s like flying.
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yolli-es · 3 days
I’m so sorry I loved your yandere jinx headcanons I was just wondering if we could get a alphabet yandere jinx since we both love it
Yandere!Jinx alphabet 💥
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Tags: NO spoilers for season 2, mentions of death, mentions of blood, PROBABLY some points were misunderstood by me due to not knowing the language. LET ME KNOW IF I GOT IT WRONG!
Yandere!Jinx was liked by so many people :D
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Physical contact is number one on her list of "how to show people you're not disgusted by them." She certainly showers you with attention before the relationship begins, but you will notice a dramatic difference once it's official. Jinx tried to keep her boundaries and stay away from you for at least a couple of hours. But why would she do it now? You always hold hands, even when it's awkward and uncomfortable. Even if you're in the middle of a shootout right now, don't worry; she has a gun that she can use with one hand. 
Most of the time, Jinx's hands reach out to you unconsciously. She doesn't worry about it much. 
Another way Jinx speaks is by suddenly becoming talkative. She is usually not eager to tell anyone anything about herself, even if it's something insignificant like her favorite food or what she did that day. But with you, she can't shut up, she wants to tell you everything, preferably twice. You'll notice that at some point she'll stop talking right in the middle of her story, awkwardly looking down. After the question "What next?" she starts to beam and continue as if nothing happened. She likes it when you really listen. 
Over time, Jinx will become greedier about this, and if you tell her "no," she will get angry. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Not really much messy. Jinx definitely won't just watch someone try to beat the crap out of you, but she won't destroy anyone who looks at you the wrong way either. More often than not, it ends with just one shot to the shoulder or knee. That was, is, and always will be the most clear explanation of why you shouldn't be killed.
She won't let them repeat what they started if one warning wasn't enough.
However, sometimes the voices get loud, and in a fit of rage, Jinx can kill a couple of people. Insecurity and doubts overcome her at such moments, and she sees no better way than to simply remove the threat and competition. She won't be sorry, but it certainly won't be part of her plan or desire.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Find yourself a replacement for Jinx, say you're going to leave, and she will kidnap you. She will never let you go so easily; it will not happen. Jinx will console herself with the fact that you are simply naive and stupid, that the other person took advantage of this, and now she is simply saving you from an irreparable mistake. After all, in reality, you do not want to leave her, and no one except her is really interesting to you, isn't it?
But Jinx isn't stupid after all. She knows what she's doing, and you definitely won't be thrilled by that. Jinx will be patient. As much as Jinx can be, of course. Yell at her, call her names, and try to break free; she will endure all this. Until you say that you will leave her forever, like everyone else before you. Her emotional breakdowns won't take long to come. During this, Jinx may scream, get angry, and even swing at you. But she will never hurt you, even if you are a pain in her ass. Even if you try to fight her, she will patiently endure the blows, simply immobilizing you and not causing additional damage.
Jinx didn't want to resort to it, and she's really worried that she's only made things worse.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Jinx will definitely control your every move and will be aware of everything that happens in your life. She sees nothing wrong with forbidding you to walk alone, communicate with certain people, and do dangerous work.
At first you'll even like it, but later you'll understand how suffocating it is. She won't leave you alone even in the shower, won't let you communicate with your childhood friend, and won't let you do your favorite archery. What once seemed like concern to you turned out to be just the whims of her insecurity.
"All this is too dangerous; you know that I want the best for you, trinkly?" Jinx will say for the thousandth time with the most innocent eyes in consolation, knowing full well that your opinion about this is of no interest to her. You know this, but you still fall for it, unable to escape its trap.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Jinx tells you a lot, but not everything. She finds it hard to be vulnerable with you, even though she knows how warmly you embrace her flaws. Whenever she thinks about telling you about her past, Mylo shuts her down. Jinx can't help but think that her past makes her a weak Powder, and you only need a strong Jinx. And she can't be a disappointment for you, that's what Claggor said to her. 
Only once will she be able to tell you her real name.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Surprise, adrenaline, pride, affection and a strong desire to suppress it.
She appreciates your fighting spirit, but she can't ignore your attempts at resistance, no matter how much she wants to. After all, it could become a problem in the future, and Jinx genuinely doesn't want to confront you in a serious fight. No matter how strong you are and how seriously you attack Jinx, all your attempts will be a joke in her eyes. You will never compare to her sister in this.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It depends on her mood, the weather, her plans for the day, and the noise level of the voices in her head that day. Jinx is very unpredictable, so one moment she's laughing and counting to ten, and the next she's threatening to amputate your legs. You know these are just threats, so Jinx has to chase you around the building until she catches you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
That moment when you told her you didn't need her and wanted to leave for the first time. That was when she kidnapped you, and you so desperately wanted freedom.
Jinx had definitely gone crazy, and the echoes of your words still tormented you both. Unfortunately, you said it too confidently, viciously, and sensually. Jinx was silent for a couple of seconds, while her breathing stopped, her pupils became wider, and her face turned pale. After realizing how serious this was, Jinx jumped up from her seat and rushed towards you. But not with the purpose of hitting, but only to put your tied hands on her throat. She didn't even cry while she frustratedly told you to kill her since you didn't need her under your hysterical screams and requests to forget about it. She looked so apathetic, broken, and disappointed that you began to hate yourself for it. Why did you say that? Do you hate this fragile girl so much? You couldn't stop thinking about it while you tearfully begged Jinx to stop strangling herself with your hands.
You apologized more than a hundred times that day, and you will never forget this the scene. It is truly traumatic to watch your beloved girl strangling herself with your hands because of the cruelty of your own words.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Next to her, and the rest is completely unimportant. Jinx never thinks about the future, wanting to live in the present. It is difficult for her to follow the plan in Zaun, so she can only hope.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
She's jealous as hell, and there's no better way to deal with it than to blow something up. Someone, to be precise. She won't be able to do this and will simply shoot them. Jinx is very insecure and thinks that everyone around her is a better option than her. She is afraid that you will also realize this as you become more sociable, so Jinx does everything possible to prevent this.
Jinx herself doesn't realize how jealous she is. Just doesn't want to realize. She won't take responsibility for it, so denying the problem is the best way to survive it.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
If you're here, it means Jinx is nearby and everyone knows it. She'll be back in a few minutes and let everyone see Jinx obsessed, dependent, and loving again. She won't hesitate to hold your hand, body, or even your ass in front of everyone. She doesn't indulge in kissing often, but sometimes Jinx feels the need to do it, even if it's awkward for you while everyone is watching.
She can't stay too far away from you; it physically hurts her.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
What would seem romantic and loving in Zaun? Protection and shelter for free. That's what Jinx did first. It seemed most logical to her to do it in a way you understand and only then resort to the romance she knows. Without saying a word to you, Jinx will sort out your problems as deftly as she creates her weapons. Still, the years with Silko take their toll, and even the most fearsome thugs are just children to her. Don't think too much, and just enjoy caring from Jinx before she gets too much.
Then don't be surprised when you see burning buildings in Piltover with the words "love my trinkly <3" written on them.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Jinx with you and Jinx without you are completely different, strangers to each other.
People who have never dealt with Jinx and see her for the first time with you mistakenly think that she is just a petty idiot and everyone around is afraid of her for nothing. Never shows violence, uses small guns, and is just busy with you most of the time.
And then they meet the real Jinx. She still seems harmless, but her aura is suddenly completely different. You don't know what to expect. Laugh at her, but don't shout too loudly when she jokingly rips your arm off because you weren't paying attention to her instructions. "Oh, it's not fatal; don't whine like that. Shut up and listen," Jinx smiles tightly, making funny faces. She'll give him the shimmer, but not right away; maybe it'll teach him to take life-threatening situations right in front of them more seriously. Only then do they get it.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Not too cruel, something like "no dessert this time." Jinx doesn't see you as particularly dangerous or serious about escaping.
But what if she senses it? Jinx will lock you away somewhere for an indefinite period of time again. If you were close to escaping, be prepared for heavy security measures and possibly no chance of ever getting out. There are no windows, minimal furniture, and belongings; your hands and feet will always be chained to the wall. Don't make her do soft upholstery in the room; don't hit yourself the walls.
Jinx may punish you during sex, but it will be playful and for pleasure.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
It's easier to say that you will be allowed to do basic things like eating food, have a safe hobby, go outside, participate in safe deliveries, attend negotiations, and help Jinx in the workshop. Of course, all this together with Jinx and nothing more.
Remember, she does all this out of caring.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As I said, as patient as Jinx can be. She forgives you a lot of things. A lot, but not everything.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. This will be the end for her.
One can only imagine what she will do. Kill herself? Go completely mad? Blow up all of Piltover? Start a war? Perhaps she will do all of these things in order. Jinx's psyche is cracking every day, and you were the only one who supported her. Someone who would always be there and who she could rely on in difficult times. She did everything she could just to know that you would feel all the love, care, and acceptance from Jinx. If you abandon her like everyone else after all this, then what is left for her to exist for? All the good will be destroyed by her own hands, and she will not be able to forgive for it.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
She let you go when you confessed your love to her, and your relationship became official. Of course, not right away and only after Jinx was convinced of it. Sometimes she even doubts her sensitivity to the emotions and real desires of other people.
She regrets that abducting you, but she'll do it again if she feels the need. Jinx just hopes it doesn't affect you too traumatically and that you understand why she's doing it.
For love and only for love.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Jinx has always had her own peculiarities, and after Vi and Silco left her, they only made the problems she already had worse. Insecurity, a sense of worthlessness, and weakness haunt her every day. She desperately needs to have support, someone she can trust and not be afraid of being abandoned again.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Shit. It's like her soul was turned inside out.
Jinx is very good at understanding people's emotions and their intentions. After spending a lot of time with you, Jinx can tell by just one look that something was wrong with you. And she immediately starts feeling the same way. No matter how good she feels, everything changes if you feel differently. So when you scream, cry, and are completely broken, Jinx feels the same way. It's hard for her to be supportive at that moment because grief has overwhelmed her too. But she still will be there, always. And no matter how shitty or super good you feel, Jinx will always share your feelings.
Only once did she manage to look at you blankly while you cried and screamed, pleading with her to forget your words.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
While other yandere act by the rule "you will be mine!", Jinx is more like "I beg you to be mine".
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
None. Sorry, but she is too smart and sensitive to understand your true intentions. All that remains is to hope for her mercy.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, no, and no again. Jinx wants you to stay, not break.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
You are the only one who looks good in her eyes in any state and the only one who attracts her sexually. She will definitely idolize you, although she may not tell about it.
Jinx will also do anything. Tell her to make you president, and she will. Don't be silly about it; Jinx will take your task seriously and will expect love and appreciation in return.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? (This is the question that I couldn't understand, so the answer is short)
Not for long. Jinx is impatient, and her feelings weigh on her more than most people.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No matter how carefully Jinx treats you, no matter how loving and patient she tries to be, you will still break. It is impossible to be sane when your entire world is filled with just one person. There will be too much Jinx and too little of the other world. You will also face a lot of manipulation just to stay with her, many of which will be traumatic.
And yet, you love Jinx. You did.
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I spent 4 hours of my life on this, and I'm still not happy with the result. It could have been better, but I'm just tired of writing this, and it might be noticeable in the end..
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llamagoddessofficial · 23 hours
A (late) birthday present for the coolest lady in the universe, @aka-indulgence , featuring her two favourite omnics. Because if anyone on this earth deserves to be squashed between two handsome robots, its her
“Human.” Zenyatta’s voice was... different.
You blinked, pulled out of your reverie. Ugh, you had just managed to stop thinking about how cold the monastery floor was under your butt. The omnics around you were meditating, as they often were; unimpeded by heat or cold, they sat dressed in only loose Shambali robes with their meditation balls floating effortlessly in front of them, utterly impervious to the snow piling onto the monastery roof above them or the icy chills that occasionally swept through the wide stone rooms.
Not like you. Even wrapped up in the only hoodie and coat you had bought with you, you were freezing.
You looked over at Zenyatta, sat right beside you, as he often was. Your knees were almost touching. Mondatta often joked that the two of you were ‘partners in crime’, a moniker that you were more than happy to adopt. Though out of the two of you, Zenyatta was by far the most criminal. 
Zen’s voice... it had a lilt to it you hadn’t heard before. Something almost careful - like he was worried about how you’d react to his words.
“Yeah?” He was actually sitting, too. Not just floating a few inches above the ground. He was looking right at you, cute head turned a little to the side. His constant expression was as sweet and gentle as ever, regardless of how he really felt.
“Are you alright?” 
Your brows furrowed. “O-of course?”
“You’re shaking.” He moved his hands from upturned in his lap, to flat on his knees. “You have been, for several minutes.”
You always appreciated how much Zenyatta emphasised his physical movements. It almost felt like he was doing it specifically to make life easier for you; he was always nodding, gesticulating with his hands, letting out affirmative hums and sighs, anything that would clue you in to his current thoughts. As if pantomiming human expressions for your benefit.
“I’m sorry. Is it making it hard for you to concentrate on meditating?”
“You’re cold. Aren’t you?”
You were embarrassed. Everyone around you at that moment literally didn’t feel the cold. The Shambali Monastery accepted human visitors throughout the year, but in winter, hardly anyone wanted to make the trek - and you were currently the only human in the entire building.
“A-a little.”
Zenyatta slumped. “We forgot you get cold. It’s the middle of winter in a mountain monastery. How could we forget you would get cold?”
You let out a tiny laugh. “I’m ok. Really.” 
A deep and reverberated voice, right behind you. 
“You’re cold?”
You jumped, at the sound. Holy shit Ramattra was literally just in the spot directly behind you. You looked over your shoulder at him - he was sitting cross legged, casual, as if he had been there the whole time. He definitely hadn’t been there when you sat down earlier. How did he move so quietly, when he was so huge? Those dark eye slits were watching you so very intently.
“H-how did you...?”
“You are.” Ramattra didn’t let up. He leant forward, it felt as if he was staring into your soul. “You’re quivering.”
His tone made you shudder. Even though Ramattra spoke far more softly with you now than he initially did when you first met, it was still often hard to tell whether or not he was upset. He definitely didn't make the same effort Zenyatta did to show you how he felt. “You surprised me.”
“Human,” Zenyatta’s voice was delicate. “Do you need to take a break?”
“I-I’m good.” You forced yourself to smile despite the two omnics insistently closing in on you. “I mean... yes, I am cold. But it’s just temperature. It’s not the end of the world.”
“I really think you should take a break.” He sounded insistent.
“I’m fine. Really.”
Zenyatta turned to look at Ramattra. They held eye contact.
... Zenyatta nodded.
When Ramattra stood up, you didn’t think much of it. Maybe he was just going to find a new spot. He stepped forward, probably to go past you.
... He leant down and picked you up. 
You yelped, suddenly snapped out of your cold-induced stupor, as you were swept clear off the ground by arms that clearly carried you with absolutely zero effort - he scooped you up like you weighed about as much as an empty cardboard box, hefting you up into a secure grip against his massive chest and beginning to walk. Zenyatta stood too.
If it were anyone else you would’ve started kicking your legs, shouting, freaking out. But it was Ramattra. It really wasn’t fair that you had two omnics here that you were crushing on... you absolutely couldn’t move, your body had seized up, flustered beyond belief. Your face and ears were pounding, so you just immediately clung onto him.
“P-put me down!” you squeaked.
His response was a chuckle. He moved so fluidly, so casually, carrying you out of the main room. “This is your own fault, human. We gave you a chance to take a break willingly.”
Your heart was hammering. “That doesn’t mean you can just - ”
“This isn’t a conversation.”
Ramattra eventually came to a room you recognised - your room. Considering you were one of very few members of the monastery that actually needed to sleep, you had been given somewhere private to rest your head whenever required. Ramattra pushed the door open with his foot, allowing it to swing shut behind him.
“O-ok, I get it, I need to rest.” You felt dizzy. “Put me down now.”
“Hm... no.” Ramattra sat, still holding you tightly. “I don’t think I will.”
“Huh? G-get - ”
That’s when you felt it, bleeding through your clothes. Warmth. Instinctively, you inhaled - Ramattra was hot to the touch. Heat was emanating from within the very metal he was made of. Every part of him was hot, like a hot water bottle, it was as if you’d stumbled in from an icy storm and come home to an open fire. You immediately stopped flapping and just curled into him.
“You’re so warm?” you blurted.
“Omnics can raise and lower their body temperature at will." He settled, seemingly getting comfortable. "Now relax. No need to be foolish.”
Zenyatta re-appeared, closing your room door behind you. He was holding something. By the time you figured out what it was, it was already being tucked around you; a thick down blanket.
Woah. Going from freezing to this was amazing. Tingles spread across your back and chest... you let out a shaky sigh of delight. 
You didn’t catch the look that Ramattra and Zenyatta cast between each other. 
“Human,” Zenyatta hummed, sitting down beside Ramattra. “might I have your hands, for a moment?”
You were confused, but absolutely utterly pacified by the heat, you offered your palms to him. Zenyatta reached out, and wrapped his metal digits carefully around your distinctly soft and fleshy ones. 
... They were hot too - you gasped. You felt Ramattra’s chuckle through his chest. It was like your very own personalised hand warmers, how long had the two of them been able to do this? Heating their bodies? Zen’s hands immediately flushed out the horrible numbness you’d grown accustomed to over the course of the day. 
Everything was warm... finally, you were warm. Inside and out.
Your head rocked, cuddling against Ramattra’s chest. You couldn’t help but hum in delight.
“Is that better?” Zenyatta brushed his thumbs over your knuckles, but eventually let your hands go. Entire body sufficiently restored to a comfortable temperature, you could do nothing but enjoy the sensation. 
“Mhm,” your response was grumbly and relaxed and tiny, face against Ram’s sternum, feeling the warmth leaking into your skin. One large hand gave you a gentle squeeze.
Ramattra’s tone was the softest you’d ever heard it. “Am I forgiven for kidnapping you?”
“I guess.”
“I have spoken to Master Mondatta.” Zenyatta said. “Someone else will take care of your chores today.”
... Huh? Your eyes suddenly opened (you hadn’t even noticed you’d shut them), you sat up. “W-wait. I can’t just bunk off,”
Ramattra’s grip, though gentle, was ironclad. “We insist.”
“But that’s so rude!” 
Ramattra was having none of it. He pulled the blanket tighter around you, restricting your movements and preventing you from wiggling free. “No struggling. You’re staying right here.”
“It’s a matter of your health.” Zenyatta pointed at you disapprovingly. “And you have no right to fight it. You brought this upon yourself - you delayed in informing us of your discomfort. We must make sure you are adequately warm for the rest of the day. Frostbite is a very real concern for you, at this altitude.”
“You’re not letting me go?”
“Absolutely not,” Ramattra hummed.
You exhaled through your nose, like a sulking child, but said nothing. 
Zenyatta sounded softer, now, less like he was lecturing you and somewhat more imploring. “I only wish you’d mentioned how cold you were sooner. Most omnics have the ability to warm their core. I could have assisted. Though Brother Ramattra is most likely best for warming you up, considering he possesses more body to warm you with.”
“You are indeed very small,” Ramattra tutted.
You let out a tiny laugh, much to the delight of the two omnics, but the laugh quickly morphed into a yawn. You shivered one more time, but not because you were cold - it felt more like your body was shaking away the last vestiges of cold that’d clung to you through the day. 
With that, your entire being was toasty from the inside out. If you could purr, you would.
You made a contented and comfortable humming sound, relaxing back against Ramattra’s huge chest. Again, you didn’t catch the look they shot between each other. The two omnics knew each other well enough for the slightest glances to say more than hours of conversation could.
“Tired?” Zenyatta asked, gently.
“A... a little.” Your eyes felt heavy. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Because of the cold?”
“Well,” he chuckled, “I’m sure Brother Ramattra would be happy to accompany you to bed tonight.”
Ram snapped. “Quiet.”
“... Would you? To keep me warm?” From Ramattra’s chest, you could just about peek up and make ‘eye contact’ with him. “I’d like that a lot.”
Ramattra, strangely, didn’t reply. He just stared down at you, for a few moments, then looked away - lifting his hand to his mouth like he was covering it.
Zenyatta spoke up. “Of course. Either of us would accompany you, if it would make you more comfortable during the night.”
“Both would be nice,” you mumbled.
You were so sleepy now. You yawned one more time. Maybe... maybe you could just skip your chores after all. Mondatta said it was fine, right? You were so tired. And so warm. No one was really checking... you had permission. And two bodyguards to keep you safe. Maybe you should just...
... A few minutes of complete warm bliss passed.
Ramattra’s voice thrummed through you. “... She really is like a little kitten, isn’t she?”
“Indeed. I told you.”
“Did her shaking not bother you? It was adorable. In an infuriating manner.”
“Of course it did. My motors ache from restraining myself. But unlike you, I know to keep my thoughts to myself.”
“Hm?” you hummed, not at all catching what was being said.
“Nothing.” Ram hummed. “Go to sleep.”
“Mh. Ok.”
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otakusheep15 · 1 day
Flufftober Day 1 - Shopping
Content includes: Riddle x reader, established relationship, gender neutral reader, "My Rose" as a pet name
The Heartslabyul dorm was full of life. Students were walking around with various decorations and treats, preparing for the latest unbirthday party. You stood aside in a corner, not wanting to get in the way. Riddle, meanwhile, stood in the middle of the chaos, directing everyone around like the leader he is. 
You didn’t have much to do at the moment. Riddle had refused all of your offers to help set up, stating that any unbirthday preparations were on the members of his dorm and no one else. Despite that, you still felt a bit bad, standing around awkwardly while everyone else had to work. Ace and Deuce shot you occasional glances, clearly jealous that you don’t have to help out. 
Riddle turns to you during a beat of quiet, seeming to contemplate something. Then, he grabs Trey by the arm, careful of the tart he’s holding. Trey leans down so that Riddle can whisper something into his ear. After some mumbling, Trey stands back up and seems to take over directing the students, and Riddle makes his way over to you. 
“Hello, My Rose, I apologize for making you wait so long. I hope you are not too bored.”
You give him a smile, confirming that you’re just fine. Then, you ask him once again if he’s sure there’s nothing you can do to help. 
He ponders for a moment, thinking your question over. “Well, I was going to find some freshman to head over to Sam’s shop to procure more baking supplies. However, I suppose you can go in their place. And, naturally, I would go with you since I know what supplies are needed.”
You can see a tinge of pink making its way to his cheeks and you have to suppress a small laugh. Riddle has always been a bit awkward about wanting to spend time with you, even after you’ve been dating for a few months. It’s absolutely adorable, but you’d never tell him that, knowing it would probably embarrass him. 
Instead, you accept his offer, grabbing his hand to pull him away from the crowd. Riddle stumbles a bit, not expecting the sudden action, but he composes himself quickly, and the two of you are off.  
The walk is relatively quiet, save for the few students you pass along the way. It’s cool outside, and there’s a nice breeze. At some point, Riddle had adjusted his hand so that his fingers were intertwined with yours. His grip is soft and comforting. It’s rare for him to initiate physical contact, but when he does, it’s always a welcome surprise. 
Eventually, you find yourself in front of Sam’s shop. Riddle lets go of your hand and turns to you. 
“We don’t need too much. According to Trey, we just need some fruit and another bag of sugar. However, he did not specify what kind of fruit he needed. Perhaps I should have asked him before we left.” Riddle continues mumbling to himself as he enters the shop, and you dutifully follow his lead. 
The first thing you grab is a bag of sugar. That, at least, required no further explanation. The fruit, however, is a different story. Sam carries a variety of fruits, all with wildly different flavors and textures. You jokingly suggest that you should just buy one of each to save time, acting as if you couldn’t just text Trey and ask him. 
Riddle turns to you, eyes slightly widened in what looks to be either surprise or amazement. “That is a wonderful idea, My Rose. I cannot believe I did not think of that. One of each it is then.”
Without waiting for your response, Riddle begins grabbing one of each fruit he can get his hands on. You smile, trying so hard not to laugh. For how smart he is, Riddle really does lack some common sense. Still, you decide to go along with it. You grab a basket from the front of the store and use that to collect the fruit, making sure you pick one of each, even the ones you don’t recognize. 
Once you’ve successfully collected one of each fruit, Riddle takes the basket from you and brings it up to Sam at the counter. Sam looks over Riddle’s shoulder at you, giving you a knowing glance. You know he heard you talking, but you pretend you know nothing, merely offering him a shrug. 
Sam doesn’t push the issue, instead focusing on ringing up all of your items. Riddle pays, and the two of you leave with your haul. 
He turns to you once more, smiling. “This was quite fun. Perhaps we should go shopping together more often.” Then he shifts the bags around so that one of his hands is free, interlocking it with yours once more. 
You smile back, happy he initiated the hand holding this time. 
When you arrive back, Trey is the only one in the kitchen. Riddle places the bags full of fruit down on the counter, presenting them to Trey. Trey looks between the two of you, shocked at the spread before him. Riddle goes on to explain your wonderful idea of purchasing one of every fruit as you do your best to not burst out laughing. 
Trey sighs, saying that he’ll just go to the store himself next time.
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stardancerluv · 2 days
What the Emperor Wants
Part 6
Summary: A new dynamic between and the reader who belongs to him. Things take place the dark of the night.
Notes/Warning: 18+, pinv consensual intercourse (be safe!), virginity lost, blood & a dagger is mentioned, ownership, womanhood is mentioned, worship and belief of old gods, mentions of someone that pays Geta in the middle of the night (no spoiler, please read!)
Strigil: to clean off the oils or soaps off a body. Sperlonga: where Julius Ceaser first emperor of Rome was born, Borghi più belli d'Italia: means the most beautiful village in Italy.
❤️s, reblogs, comments, feedback are all welcome! Thank you for reading. 💐
You felt as his eyes drifted over you.
"I am very proud of you today."
Licking his bottom lip, he bit it. He looked as of
he was thinking of what else needed to be said.
"You did not make me regret my decision."
"I am glad."
A smile curled his lips.
"Come here."
Your heart beat harder as drew closer.
"I wish to relax for the rest of the night."
He pointed to a bottle of oil.
"Rub that into my back. While you do so, using
your words like an artist, tell me where your
people come from."
"If that is what you wish."
"It is." He took a seat on a stone bench near you.”
"Rub that into my back. While you do so, using your words like an artist, tell me where your people come from."
"If that is what you wish."
"It is." He took a seat on a stone bench near you. Nearing the bottle you saw a very elegant strigil. When you picked it up, it scrapped against the marble table
"It's very sharp.'
"It is. So be careful, I do not wish to shed my blood tonight."
You nodded.
"If we are to shed any blood, it will be your
"My womanhood." You echoed.
You had heard of it being possible but hearing it again made your stomach churn.
He turned more towards you from where he sat and looked at you. His hair cascaded over his brow like a sunset.
"Yes, it is the sacrifice that is made to the great gods of the heavens and to your emperor?”
"Yes, Geta. I understand:
"You better. I do not feel you are a hysterical girl.”
“I’ve never been known to be one.”
He sat once again with his back to it.
You placed the strigil down. You rubbed your hands together, warming them. You mother had always taught you it is better to touch with warmth then coolness.
Pulling the stopper you brought the bottle of the fine oil to your nose. Your eyes, grew.
He didn’t move. “What did I say about that?”
“Geta,” You swallowed. “I am sorry.”
“Its fine. It shows how well you have been trained.”
Even though you could not see it; you were convinced one of his cooler smiles curled his lips at that remark.
“What is it? Why the pause?”
“The oil. It is the same used on me earlier.”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“But, but…” You voice trailed off as the words failed to be expressed.
“You belong to me. I will share the best with you when I choose it to be.”
“Oh?” A flutter went through you. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, don’t make me wait any further.”
“Yes, yes of course.”
You placed the bottle down, then once again rubbed your hands. A good spirit filled you at the thought. You would keep in a good temperament whenever you could.
Picking up the bottle, you poured some of the oil on your hands first, instead of just dribbling some on his back first. If had always felt more comforting when done this. You hoped he would feel the same way.
In the brief moment before your hands felt his shoulders, you were certain they tingled. Perhaps it was the goddess Venus blessing you tonight. You murmured a soft prayer to her and then laid your hands upon him.
Your heart felt like it would erupt from you. It was beating very hard.
Your hands drifted, rubbed and gently squeezed where it felt needed. His posture stopped being rigid after some time. But he didn’t utter a word, you took it as a sign he was enjoying himself.
Pausing for a breath, you poured some more oil onto your palm.
“Oh, yes. You have grown to silent.”
He looked at you over his shoulder. His profile sharper than the coins that attempted to bear his likeness
“You are to still tell me of where your family comes from.”
You placed the bottle down once again.
You began to move your hands down lower on his strong back. A strong warmth burned him. It was the strength of the gods, you were certain of it.
“My family lived on the brink of forever. Where the water laps against golden sands are a brilliant and turquoise.”
“Does it go by the name Sperlonga?”
“Yes, Geta I was told that is its name.”
“You come from a mighty land. The great Tiberius came from that ground.”
“Our first Emperor, Geta?” You gad heard whispering among the elders.
“Yes, yes he was.” He paused. “Now, I know quite more about you.”
“Geta, I am confused.”
A chuckle came from him and he turned away but then moved more so he could face you.
“Borghi più belli d'Italia.”
He said simply, his tongue becoming elegant. He spoke of the sentiment you heard frequently of your village.
“And you, are also quite lovely. Your roots are from there. Though I would dare say being in Rome and working so closely to your emperor, only helped with your beauty. The goddesses and gods are kind to you.”
You trembled, you didn’t know what to say. You bowed your head.
“Thank you Geta.”
He nodded, before reaching for and grabbing the strigil.
“Time for you to finish.”
“Yes.” Though you placed it down.
You went to the plant with its large leaves and knowing which ones were dying, their edges browning, you pinched them off at the stem and brought them over and placed them under foot.
“For an easier clean.”
He nodded.
You took a breath, steadied your hand and soon scrapped away the layer of oil. His skin had a new radiance. His features, the strength underneath shone through. Once done you, wiped the strigil and placed it on the table and put the stopper back into the bottle.
He rolled his shoulder. He made a soft, pleasant sound and soon stood. Once again he was close and you were reminded of how he could tower over you. A smile was on his lips.
He brought your chin up. “You didn’t even prick the skin.”
“You warned me, so I kept my breath and was careful yet thorough.”
“Good for that.” His thumb caressed your jaw. “Remove your garments and go and lay in the bed.” His eyes narrowed. “On your back.”
You nodded. And he let you go.
Your heart had beat hard before, now more. Besides the bed is where you loosened the knots and undid the clasp that bore his profile. Not know where to go exactly, you went to its center.
He came over, he did the knot of his belt. Soon like falling leaves, his braccae fell to the ground, not far from where your garments laid.
He crawled over to you. Your stomach fluttered. Truly, the gods had been kind to him. He was trim and sharp like the staues artists have erected in his honor.
He came to rest beside you. “I will touch you now.”
“Yes Geta.”
Soft sounds came from you as his finger tips grazed from your cheek, to your throat to your chest. He cupped one of your breasts.
“Oh, it feels good. I am sure one day they would be good for a babe to suckle at.”
“I hope so.” Your voice shook. His touch was light, barely felt it. But made you very pleased. Soft sounds came from you.
A smile curled his lips.
His hand drifted over to where your heart was. You don’t know why but you shifted a breath.
His dark eyes found yours.
“My heart, is thudding hard.” It was all you could say, you were terribly breathless. Could barely hold onto one.
“That is how it is. You have not departed yet, from this world for the underworld blossom.”
He nodded.
Moving back, his hand then splayed on your chest. He smiled. “See I felt it move faster. It is responding to me.”
“I believe so.”
His hand then traveled along the curve and softness of tour stomach.
“Your body pleasing me greatly.”
You nodded. “I am glad.”
You gasped, your eyes grew when you found his hand cupping you.
“This feels good.” He gave you a squeeze. “Soft, warm. Ready, to welcome me?”
“Open your legs for me, bid me entrance.”
He climbed over you, the sight made tingles come from the very center. The sensations, were welcome but they did spread through you. In your breathless state, you glanced away from his magnificence.
“Am I so ill to the eye. Should I have warmed you with wine like my brother does with the dancers, he randomly beds?”
His words were sharp, they stung.
You quickly looked back. “No, Geta. It is just you are truly like a god before. And I can barely catch my breath. I do know what you shall want me to do.”
An edge remain but his words were softer.
“Let your body, let your heart lead. They will know what to do.”
“As you wish.”
Soon, with his free hand you felt as he opened you further so he could properly settle between your legs. The tingles, you had felt earlier caused a needy ache in you. Perhaps, it was that part of you that knew what to do while being guided by the fates.
You felt as he brushed against you, a soft sound escaped your lips, a mixture of pleasure and surprise. It had felt good. You glanced down. His arousal was quite big, it matched the rest of his beauty.
“Your body as responded to me. Just like the ground is thirsty for the water from the rains, your body is ready.”
“Yes. But am I not too small. I do not want to cause any displeasure in you.”
You were taken aback. You had not expected to be more ready then you were. Perhaps it was from his gentle words and touch. You tried to understand how you were feeling empty, feeling an unexplainable need for him. But you wanted this and would not stop him.
“A sword sheaths itself, that sheath must must be barely big enough to hold the sword it is safe. You are perfect, for me. Though, I should remind you there will be pain. It is the sacrifice that must be made. From this night forth, you will forever be mine along with your woman hood.”
You nodded. You felt there was no great sacrifice then to one’s emperor who had already been far kinder then you could have ever expected.
At first, there was quite a bit of pressure and it was not long before the slice of pain ripped through you. You gasped and called out, arching against him. You clawed at the soft fabrics under the two of you.
He still and waited till your body called and it did, but sweat broke out as if you were out in the sun. It must be from warmth that came from him. The pain soon ebbed.
“Shall I continue?” That was when you realized he had truly stilled but was still deep within you.
“Please.” Something you were unfamiliar began to build within you and you wanted more of it.
Soon, Geta easily began moving easily in and out of you. His breathing shortened and sounds, came from him you had never heard before.
There were sounds you had heard them in the neighboring sleeping quarters where you lived before he brought you to the domus.
Soon, his fingertips grazed between the two of you. A sharp pleasure ripped through you.
“Your bud is as delicate as the flowers you love.” His voice was raspy. You were lost in your sensation to barely realize what he said. All you knew was he spoke.
It cleared your thoughts all you could do was make your own incoherent sounds you grasped onto him. You felt like you could shatter yet you entire body tightened.
“Oh Geta.” You whimpered under him. “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t, my blossom.” His voice was strained.
A moan was ripped from you as his fingers grazed once again between the two of you.
You bucked and felt as everything with your erupted, it felt absolutely amazing. Once you could see beyond the bursts of stars in your eyes you were melting under Geta.
He arched against you a final time and soon, uttered his own very deep moan. Be he came to rest his forehead against your shoulder. His breath was hot he panted before he moved and was laying on his back beside you.
You honestly do not know what came over you, perhaps it was the goddess Venus herself that truly liked the union of you and Geta. But in glow of the pleasure that had filled you; turning you looked at Geta.
His lashed laid softly on his cheeks as he breathing began to steady.
“Will be do this again?”
He smiled, though his eyes didn’t open. “Yes. Though that was enough for one night. Like wine, I do not want to grow terribly addicted to you. Not good for an emperor or you.”
“Oh.” His words fell over you like a shadow. You could tell how it made you feel but the glow began to shrink in its size.
His finally opened and he looked at you. “Also, so that words don’t fly faster then then already do at the senate or the forum, you must go back to your chambers but I will see you for our morning meal.”
You knew enough to get up then and easily wrapped the elegant fabrics around you. He rolled away as you glanced over. It made a pang go through you.
Once in your room, you paused after closing the door. You felt suddenly very hollow, as if his ownership finally was realized. You hugged yourself tightly.
After sometime, not knowing truly how long you stood and were going to prepare for sleep which is beckoning. When you realized, the golden clasp was not in your possession. His words echoed in your mind, they had given you a chill. Yet, you didn’t want yourself to be the cause of those loose words. So carefully you crept once more past his sleeping guards, something you would tell him about over perhaps some more full, very crisp and pleasant grapes.
You opened the heavy door and in the few candles that remained flickering in his chambers, you made your way to the alcove where his bed was.
A scream came from you that you had never known to be in your possession. It came from somewhere deep inside of you. There beside his bed was a man holding a very large dagger, he looked like he was prepared to strike.
Geta awoke, the man brought down the dagger. Moving just so it only managed to slice at his upper arm instead of his heart; where he had appeared to be aiming for. The sight of crimson was stark to the rest of the night. Everything became fuzzy, your knees began to buckle before all became black.
@honey-eyed-munson @amethyst-serenade @screaming-blue-bagel @missonlypost @kitkat80 @blondie324 @alyisdead @hellomadamebutterfly @heartsforjosephquinn
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daydreamerwoah · 23 hours
Family Tree (Chapter 10)
tw: slightly jealous Ghost
Simon x Y/n <3
Another off day. You didn't have much to do, seeing that you had fully moved into your dad's townhome, the cleaning was officially done for the most part. Still, you needed to tackle the backyard, but since it was the beginning of November, it would definitely have to be something you did when spring rolled around. Instead, you made your way downstairs with a basket of laundry to do and thought about what you'd bake for the rugby match in two days. Ella begged you to do lasagna - since you didn't offer her any yesterday - but instead, you thought enchiladas would be an option. 
Gathering a list in your head of what you needed from the market, you threw your clothes in the washer, closed it, and pressed the 'on' button. But nothing happened. 
You tried again, only still for it not to come on. Your eyebrows furrowed as you glanced at the thing in confusion. Maybe a circuit tripped? You walked over to the panel, opening it, only to find nothing was out of the ordinary. You even flipped the switch for the washer off, counted to 10, and flipped it back on. But still, the washer seemed broken. 
Groaning, you pulled the clothes out, putting them back in the basket, and sorted through the ones you would at least hand wash. Better than nothing, you thought. 
It was like the universe was against you or something. You tried to turn on the sink in the kitchen... and nothing. The water wasn't pouring out. What the hell?
"Oh come on," you raised your voice in annoyance. 
Not knowing what was happening, you made your way over to Alice's place, ringing the doorbell. She opened it after a few moments. 
"Hi dear," her usual warm smile would have made you grin, but the irritation on your face hadn't disappeared. 
"Hey Alice. Um I was wondering if you knew anybody who could take a look at my sink and washer? There's no water coming out."
"Of course. Come in-" she stepped aside, "-let me grab the telephone directory," she walked in the kitchen while you stood in the entryway, not wanting to mess up her floors because you really wanted to get back to see about the sink. A minute later she walked back to you, with a piece of paper in her hand, "This is the plumbing service I used before. Really nice lads."
A tired smile on your lips, you thanked her graciously as you gave her a small hug and walked back next door.
"Looks like ya need to get new all new pipes," the middle-aged plumber said as he walked back into the house. 
You called the company Alice referred as soon as you got back inside. Luckily, they were able to come by an hour later and check out the sink and washer. When he couldn't find a solution there, he had an inkling of what the problem could be. It was only confirmed when he checked under the sink, behind the washer, and in the yard. 
"How much would that cost?" you asked.
The guy rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at you. By the look of how old the furniture and appliances were, he had a feeling you would pass out once he told you the price. 
"Won't be able to tell until I really see. But you're looking about 6,000," he replied.
Your eyes widened so big, he was sure they'd pop out of your sockets, "6,000?!" you damn near yelled, "dollars - er pounds or whatever? Are you serious?" 
"Yes ma'am."
A hand rubbed down your face as you let out a sigh. That was not what you were expecting to hear, but you honestly weren't too surprised. The house was old as dirt, "Do you have payment plans?" He nodded, "Okay. Can I call tomorrow to schedule when you can come out and fix it?"
"Sure thing," he took a business card out of his pocket and handed it to you, "Call this number when you're ready for us to come out."
He packed up his tools, and you escorted him out the front door, closing it once he crossed the threshold. You wanted to fucking scream. Between the payment plan you already had going with the housing agency, you weren't ready to start another. 
"Fuck," you said out loud. 
You needed to find a second job. 
For the rest of the day, you looked online for any jobs that would help with more income. From bartending to babysitting, you looked at so many job postings your head began to hurt. It wasn't until you received a text from Simon that a far-fetched idea popped in your head. Scrolling through your contacts, you landed on a name that you hoped would help.
"Colonel Williams. How are you?"
Thursday came, and you were on base for the second time since you moved to England. Colonel Williams had proven himself once again to be helpful, and you were forever grateful for his knowledge and resources. You called him on Tuesday, asking if he knew of any available positions on base that you could apply to. And while there weren't any, he informed you of a program that was for nurses who were family members of soldiers. Because of your dad, you were eligible to apply. 
They would provide transportation and hotel rooms for any nurses who signed up to work at a Children's Hospital in London on their off days. Since the two cities were only an hour apart from each other, a lot of nurses would go and make extra money. You didn't even hesitate to say 'yes' to the man when he asked if you were interested. 
He told you to come to his office to fill out the paperwork, and you had just finished signing the last page. 
"Thank you so much, Colonel Williams."
He waved you off, "Nonsense kid. Glad I'm able to help."
Escorting you out of the building, he informed you about the time the shuttle would pick you up from home and a few last-minute details; you'd start next weekend. When the both of you made it to the steps outside, he had another soldier - who you assumed was someone who worked in the building - take you home so you wouldn't have to ride the bus. 
"You sure Colonel Williams?" you asked, surprised he even offered that. 
He smiled and nodded, "Of course," he placed a gentled hand on your shoulder, "Let me know how it goes."
You nodded before he went back in the building, and the soldier introduced himself before guiding you to the car. You got in, feeling hopeful that you were able to get a second job; a nursing one which was like second nature.
You almost felt... relieved. 
It was the complete opposite of the brown eyes that watched you come out of that building and get in the car. 
Simon had just come out of another building across the way and was heading back to his office when he just so happened to look in your direction. At first, he didn't even pay attention, but the moment he did a double-take and looked at your side profile, he immediately knew it was you. Any other time, he would have been excited to see you, but he was more confused about why you were on base in the first place, standing next to the Colonel and getting in a car with a private. 
How did you even get access to get there? And how the hell did you know Colonel Williams? Was that why you told him you had something this morning? Why you didn't need a ride anywhere? Why didn't you just ask him for a ride to the same fucking base where he worked? 
He wanted to immediately text you, but he thought it'd be too damn obvious if he did. He wanted answers though, and goddamn, he didn't know how the hell to get them. He was in his head so much he hadn't realized that the moment he stepped foot in his office, Johnny was sitting on the couch waiting for him. 
"You good L.T.?" the sergeant asked. 
Simon snapped his eyes at his friend, making Johnny quirk and eyebrow, "Fine."
He sighed, "Just thinkin bout somethin." A brief pause between them made the lieutenant sigh as he sat down at his desk. Johnny always knew when something not work-related was bothering him. It was the way his eyes held a certain hardness to them that he always picked up on, "Just seen Y/n."
A cheeky smirk instantly formed on Johnny's face, "A good thing no?"
It would have been if Simon didn't see what he saw. 
"She was leaving Colonel Williams's office." 
The look on Johnny's face would have been comedic if Simon wasn't glaring at him. Well, not him in particular but just in general. The wide blue eyes and his mouth in the shape of a 'o'.
"What?" his friend gave a curt nod, "Why?"
"Don't know."
"Didn't know she could get on base... Y'should text her."
It wasn't going to happen. If he texted you, he'd probably flat out ask why you were leaving the guy's office. Not even a hello or anything. 
That was another reason why he was afraid to even have any type of feelings toward you. The uneasy feeling in his chest when he saw the Colonel put his hand on your shoulder, the soft smile on your face. Fuck, were you and him seeing each other? 
Simon hummed, glancing at his computer screen as a distraction. It wasn't a helpful one, but maybe his files would make him think of something else; something other than marching to Williams office and demand to tell him why you were anywhere near that place. 
Johnny stood up from the couch, "Still coming for the match tonight?
He was supposed to pick you up to go to Ella and Kyle's place tonight. How the hell was he going to be when you got in his car?
Building up to the moment they confess their feelings lol!
Like, comment, give feedback :)
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan @whatyouseeyoumightnotget @romanceloverrrr
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shotoyami · 19 hours
Could do gambit x f reader basically f reader is a normal person working and is saved one day by gambit in a fight and offers to take her home and basically gets to know her and take her out on a date’s <33
prenotes: Gambit beloved <33 !!! The silly little Cajun man, he has my heart… I loved writing this sm, super cute, might make a part two if anyone would like to see that!!!
Thank you so much for the request, anon<3
pairing: Remy LeBeau/Gambit + female reader
warnings: none, yet again!
genre: fluff, that’s all to be seen here
notes: so please ignore the jokes I make in here if anyone doesn’t like them, I had to make them as a retail worker and the usual daily struggles of retail. but if anyone laughs, I’m glad! (please respect your retail workers, they don’t get paid enough or appreciated enough)
word count: 900+
Sir, this is a Walmart…
Work. Mediocre, stressful, annoying. At least, that’s a normal day on the job. Another day at some high end grocery store that cannot be named here, just dealing with the same customers to expect every day. The entitled old people, the crass young people that shouldn't be without adult supervision, crying babies that the mother literally is not even a foot away from and doesn’t care about, and so much more stupidity. 
“You young kids and not respecting their elders. I swear, it’s like I always talk to the same person no matter where I go unless it’s a machine!” Like now, where an older woman is harassing me.
I force a civil smile onto my face, knowing everything is both on video and on audio, and that anything against store policy could get me fired. “I’m sorry to hear that, ma’am. Unfortunately, I can’t bend the rules for anyone. If I change the price for you, I’d have to change the price for everyone in the store- which can’t happen, of course.” I try to explain to the woman– which is stupid, because when do entitled people ever listen to reason? She starts shouting, which is to be expected, and of course a supervisor comes over, trying to gauge what’s happening, and now she’s screaming at them too. The supervisor gives me a glance and I just put my hands up defensively and turn and walk away– because I don’t get paid anywhere near enough to deal with this crap.
I fall into the breakroom’s couch with a long sigh, making one of my coworkers giggle. “Gosh (y/n), tell us all how you really feel girl.” I groan, but let out a small laugh, finding humor in my coworker’s words. “Was it Sharon again? Or Beth?”
I sat up as I respond, “Neither, it was Martha.” My coworker grimaces at the name, before she sighs.
“Yikes. I’m sorry girl, she’s a pain.” I snicker, nodding in agreement. “But have you seen that new looker that’s been coming in recently?” That sparks my attention, and I sit fully toward her, attentively. “No? Okay, so there’s this guy that’s been coming in, right? And he’s got weird eyes and a southern accent, and he flirts with everyone.” I nod along as she speaks, humming afterward in thought.
“No, I haven’t seen or met him yet. He sounds interesting?” She nods in agreement, but we’re interrupted as our supervisor comes in, rolling his eyes.
“Martha.” Is all he says, making both of us giggle. “You’re good to go back on the floor, (y/n).” I nod and hop up, making my way back out onto the sales floor.
Of course, my luck willing, there’s some weird looking people (hey, we’re not trying to judge here, but just imagine this the same kinda way as describing your neighborhood crackhead) getting into a fight on the sales floor. I stand there, awkwardly, because I’m not trying to get into the middle of all of that. 
As I go to shuffle on by, because I don’t get paid enough to care, some kind of metal comes flying at me. My survival instincts aren’t survivaling because I just stare at my impending doom for a moment, accepting my fate and all, until a card with a purple looking hue just flies in front of me and blows up the metal??????
Whilst pondering my existence and how I didn’t just die, I get grabbed and my snatcher???? savior???? just kind of runs, cursing in some other language – french? Once again accepting my fate, I don’t exactly struggle or anything because this is all on camera and surely  someone will clock me out for this or just give me extended pay time for dealing with this crap.
The person finally stops and sets me down in the back of the parking lot, and I find that it’s my coworker’s deemed ‘new looker’. “Ya’ alri’, cher?” I slowly nod, probably looking like a big eyed fish or a barn owl or something. He chuckles, offering a hand, “The name’s Remy LeBeau, ya’ welcome fa’ the save. How’s ‘bout yous make it up ta’ me by lettin’ me walk ya’ on home? Ya’ off the clock?” Again, I just nod stupidly – my coworkers can clock me out, it should be fine. Fortunately, I use public transportation anyway, so it all works out.
Of course, everyone’s staring at the man next to me. Not so much for his “good looks,” but moreso for his odd appearing eyes – red on black. The entire subway is…rather quiet for once. It’s a nice change, a welcome change. He’s the one that breaks the silence as we get off of the subway, “Ya’ from ‘round these parts?” He sort of leans over me, smirking but still being quite respectful. He’s probably fishing for something in common, given his thick southern accent.
“No, I’m from the next state over.” He slowly nods, humming and keeping the conversation going similarly until we arrive at my front door. “So, I be seein’ ya’ again? Here, le’mme give ya’ my fone number.” He quickly comes up with a way to scribble down his digits, handing the paper to me. “An’ maybe we can go on a nice little date or somethin’ soon, cher?”
A goofy smile comes onto my face at this words, a bit shocked that all it took was a bit of small took to charade this man, but I nod in agreement nonetheless. “I’d appreciate if it involved me not being in immediate danger next time?” He chuckles and nods.
“See ya’ then, darlin’.”
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hedgiwithapen · 3 days
DHD: Stargate, anyone(s) on SG1 gets telepathy. Hammond and/or Janet with telepathy also entirely acceptable.
Headaches came with command, George knew well. Every time he’d been promoted, his wife had cooked a celebratory meal and upsized the bottle of aspirin in the medicine  cabinet. But it was largely metaphorical headaches he had to deal with, or headaches walking around in human bodies, like certain unnamed members of SGs 1, 3, and 5.  Mostly 1. Little frustrations, bigger frustrations, and concerns, and worries that were easier to label as a headache and move on. Being a little tired and overworked was part of the job of running the SGC, and it was worth a headache now and again to keep his family--his country--his planet-- safe. This headache, though, felt like his first ever hangover, back when he’d been young and stupid and unsupervised. “General?” Major Carter asked. He blinked at her, trying to recall what exactly her report had been about. Something about the trees on a planet--no, that wasn’t right. The bees? No…badgers? Badgers sounded right. He glanced at the written report to confirm. Badgers. Not any weirder than  sentient water that had taken out so many Russians a few weeks back. “Yes?” he asked. “You have a question, Major?” “Sir, not to be blunt but are you ok?” she asked, “He doesn’t look well. I guess I wouldn’t either, with all the fuss Senator Kimsey is kicking up, he’s got an awful lot on his plate.” “I would appreciate it, Major, if you didn’t refer to me in the third person,” he grit out, waving a hand at her obvious dismay.  “I’m fine, just a headache. You’re dismissed.” “Sir,” she acknowledged, though George could hear her muttering about oddness and doubting the headache ‘story.’ As if he was lying about the pounding in his head. It wasn’t like Cater, and George let himself wonder for a moment that Colonel O’Neill had rubbed off a little too much on his team. The headache lessened, some, as he read over the report in the quiet of his office. It worsened again when someone tapped at his door. “Come in,” he barked. The sooner he dealt with whatever emergency Dr. Frasier had uncovered, the sooner he could try to take a little catnap. “General Hammond,” Dr. Frasier smiled. “I was just speaking with Sam, and she expressed some concerns. Could you tell me a little about your symptoms? Headache? Migraine? Brain tumor?” “For heaven’s sake,” George said, feeling a little like Jack. “ I do not have a brain tumor.” “I see,” Dr. Frasier frowned. “I think Sam was right. Telepathy.” “Telepathy?” George squinted at her. “Dr. Frasier, I don’t want to question your judgment, but that seems a little far fetched.” “I’d agree with you,” she said. “If I’d said my suspicions out loud.” “Oh,” he said, and really, what else was there to say? Ah, right. “ How on earth did I…” “Could have been something brought back from that planet, something in the mind that resists our decontamination…of course, no one else seems to have come down with it. I’m sure Daniel will be eager to go back and find out. For now, as your doctor, I suggest you get lots of rest, and avoid crowds. He’s here practically around the clock, maybe it’s a good time to see--” “You think I should go home? Like this? Doctor, I have two very sweet granddaughters approaching middle school. The last thing I want to know is what’s in their heads.” She laughed. “Understandable. I’ll tell everyone to leave you be.” “No, wait,” he stopped her. “See if O’Neill and Harriman can be spared.” “Can I ask why?” George pulled out a deck of cards. “I want to see how far I can take this. Since I’m officially off duty per your orders and all.” “Get pictures,” Dr. Frasier laughed again. “We’re all going to want to see the look on Jack’s face. Good luck, sir.” 
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Sorry to keep throwing Miscellaneous Asks your way, but I finally had a moment to get my thoughts in order on one of the points on your Venn diagram I wanted to talk about! I always kind of debate whether or not to send other, semi-unrelated long asks like this when we've already got a chain going, but oh well. I'll try and address anything brought up in response here in the main one and hopefully it doesn't get confusing lol.
So I was thinking about the extent of Jo and Arakawa's relationship. It is completely true there's not much you can say that's concrete, especially since most of what we see is from Jo's perspective. Although his perspective is crucial to forming an understanding of their relationship, it's not sufficient. This is particularly the case because, coming back to giri-ninjo for a moment, Jo is largely bound by giri; it's clear his loyalty runs deep, but it's not a choice for him.
Arakawa, on the other hand, can choose who he places his trust in, especially early on. And I think it's incredibly important that, despite having men who've already been with him from day 1, men who've already been helping him with his son, Arakawa chooses to "place every confidence" in Jo (per an old Famitsu profile, one of the first official ones) and chooses to make Jo his captain.
Similarly, he kind of chooses Jo "over" Ichi in sending Ichi to prison "instead of" Jo. Perhaps the family really would collapse without Jo's talents, but… does it have to collapse entirely? Didn't Arakawa make it pretty far on his own? I guess it's neither here nor there, but I've always wondered if things would've really played out as feared if Jo went to prison instead. Not to understate Jo's role in the family, of course.
Anyway, I think that trust shows not only in overt gestures such as entrusting Masato and the family's finances to Jo, but also in more subtle behind-the-scenes ways, such as what we were talking about before with regard to New Year's 2001. There's also the fact that leaking information to Aoki was Jo's idea; for that to be the case, Arakawa would have to discuss Aoki's threats at length with Jo. (Unrelated, but come to think of it, "complying with him [to] make him see value in keeping us around" is very often the strategy of victims of abuse and neglect…)
And this one's an underrated detail many people miss, but after Arakawa shot Ichi, while he was able to come up to Ichi to tell him he's counting on him and sneak in the fake bill, if the goal was to not arouse suspicion, I don't think he would exactly have been able to excuse himself from the dinner to drive Ichi to Yokohama. Time was of the essence in terms of Ichi's survival, so that leaves Jo, who was conveniently already at the scene and who was certainly in on the "secret rule" that constitutes part of the Arakawa Family's agreement with the homeless camp. Overall, there is a pattern of Arakawa approaching Jo before anyone else, isn't there?
Sort of branching off of that, I would personally feel comfortable saying that Jo knows Arakawa better than anyone else. He seems to know details about Akane and New Year's 1976 no one else does, details Arakawa would have had to volunteer himself, and that plus his own experiences are what allow him alone to have the most complete picture of that night.
I also get the impression Jo understands Arakawa better as a person than anyone else--certainly better than Aoki, but perhaps even better than Ichi in some cases. There are multiple instances where he defends Arakawa and challenges their perceptions of him--that he's "betrayed" the Tojo Clan, that he's betrayed Aoki, that he's the type to scheme and make power-plays behind Aoki's back. He hasn't. And, despite how little Jo's "allowed" to say, he turns out to be right every time. Also worth noting Arakawa does something similar in asking Ichi to try and understand Jo's frustrations, though he's more or less enabling Jo's abuse in doing so.
Lastly, The Smallest Detail that drives me kind of insane. Them arriving at the office in the back seat of the same car in one of Ichi's flashbacks. I wouldn't think too much of it if it were any other time of day, but the first-thing-in-the-morning quality and the fact Jo isn't driving (thus it's not as an act of service but as an equal) is like… Okay. You're carpooling to work. And if you're not carpooling, you're honest-to-god living together. What the hell.
So a lot of it is this web of inferences--it has to be, at least currently--but I really do think there's a lot to chew on. More than meets the eye, anyway. I've also been stewing in all of this for years, especially since drafting Jo's relationships section, so I might just have inhaled the fumes for too long lol
Thank you for coming to me about the nature of their relationship! Although I did put it down as being more-or-less 'uncertain' on my chart, I do agree that their relationship isn't as cut-and-dry as other relationships might be (it's going back to appreciating the complexities of RGG relationships, especially in the case of the Arakawa's where for every party involved it really IS complicated)
I wanted to exclude making any definitive statements on things that couldn't be verified without making a detour on the original post (I know I already mentioned frequently that Arakawa is able to joke about Jo being 'softer' on Masato, but I do think about their relationship often and the implied depth of Jo's loyalty if- as you said- he was able to climb through the ranks of the Arakawa family much quicker than preexisting members), but there are clear points in the game that due allude to a great trust between the two (and I also note that carpooling detail during Ichi's flashback- or at the very least I know I'd find myself noticing Jo sitting in the back opposed to the front/driving). It's definitely not hard to assert that Jo knows Arakawa well either, it's hard not to come to that conclusion when we have evidence from the game to infer that.
#long post#fave#i should prob come up with an actual tag for these asks so i can easily find them and not sift through my other fave'd posts#ill do it in the morning im right about to go to bed but i just saw this pop up on my notifications#and well. we know me i've been presented an itch i have to scratch LMAO#snap chats#i feel a bit silly now- i know that their relationship isn't exactly. 'uncertain' but i didnt want to put that so i didn't appear#hmm.. i dont know the word for it.#i guess because it's not AS blatant as daigo and mine's relationship was#i didnt want to make it appear as though i was saying theres more when there isnt?? tho there definitely is..#its a little evident i Am interested in the depths of their relationship so i promise ive thought about it#maybe i just wasnt sure how to exactly word it.. though in review the way i worded it on my chart#wasn't HORRIBLE. to most standards anyway i think however it definitely undermines the bond they have and for that#'ashamed' is hyperbolic i feel like someone would say so we'll go with 'embarrassed' to meet in the middle#but thats the benefit of peer review isnt it- just to help catch your mistakes or to help reaffirm ideas so im grateful!#but x2 again in review im a silly coward for doubting my gut on that#tho i sort of do want to torch that post- i wont tho. it's not supposed to be SUPER deep just very quick notes#so i guess i'll save the Deep Dive on jo and masumi's relationship for a future post. is what ill tell myself to keep myself sane#thank you for compiling- i suppose i'll call- their moments together !#it's a great way to keep track of every important note on their relationship that i hope people will take note of if they havent
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osaemu · 1 year
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.ೃ࿐ he picks up the phone in the middle of fucking you. NSFW
contents: fem!reader. cunniligus, lil' bit of dirty talk and more... i'm too tired to type it all out </3
author's note: idk personally i wouldn't take that.. but i guess i would if it was satoru. anywaysss enjoy
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satoru's a busy man — balancing his responsibilities as a teacher and as a sorcerer is no easy task, but he finds a way to make it work.
anyone who's known him for longer than a minute can easily tell that satoru's committed to his line of work. as much as he complains about it, the truth is that it's one of his top priorities. maybe even the first one.
and you get a taste of just how devoted satoru is when he picks up the phone in the middle of fucking you. 
"hello?" satoru cooes, eyes focused on your indignant expression as he holds a finger to his lips. "yeah, i'm free to talk. what is it?"
"free to talk?" you mouth at him incredulously. satoru replies with a wink and grins, enjoying the show. you're still pinned underneath him, bedsheets haphazardly strewn across your body, and satoru savors the sight of you all needy and pouty.
"yeah, take your time," satoru says amusedly to whoever's on the other side of the phone after a moment. when you reach up and swat satoru's chest indignantly, he uses his free hand to pin your wrists above your head, a clear warning in his eyes.
after a couple of mhm's and of course's, the conversation still isn't over. your patience is waning — who is satoru to just stop in the middle of fucking you to pick up a phone call and say that he's free to talk?
you try to distract yourself by thinking about the mindblowing sex you were having just minutes ago. the longing, glassy stares; the red scratch marks down satoru's back; and of course you couldn't leave out the words.
"fuck, you're taking me so well, sweetheart." "atta girl, you're a natural slut, aren't ya?" "your pussy was made to be fucked by me, wasn't it?"
how did that turn into "yeah, make sure the higher-ups know about this, otherwise they'll give me hell for it. mhm"?
after another bland minute, satoru rolls off of you and sits up with his back against the headboard, sheets falling to expose everything from his waist up. 
you whine in impatience, glaring at him like a sullen child. satoru basically just edged you — one second you're about to get to best orgasm of your life, the next you're forced to watch your boyfriend chat on the phone nonchalantly as if he wasn't just moaning your name like a slut three minutes earlier.
satoru shoots a glare at you and pats his lap, pressing a finger to his lips as a reminder to stay quiet.
well then, he shouldn't have picked up the phone in the middle of fucking you.
you scoot yourself into his lap, purposefully positioning yourself so that your pussy just barely rubs against the head of satoru's still-dripping cock.
it's so worth it when you hear satoru inhale a sharp breath and start to squirm under you, somehow both trying to push himself inside but also trying to inch himself away. it's like he can't decide, but the way his face flushes red speaks volumes.
his voice is breathier than normal as he squeezes his watery eyes shut. "yeah yeah, that's perfect. you mind if i put y'on hold for a sec? alright, thanks."
you glance over at satoru as he retracts the phone from his ear and puts it on mute. not even a second later, he's back on you, manhandling you into a position where he can comfortably eat your pussy, a cheeky smile on his lips.
"you think you're so fucking funny, don't ya?" satoru cooes, looking up at you as he eats you out sloppily. a mixture of his saliva and your essence drips down his chin, and the lewd sounds slipping from his lips are pornworthy. the wail that slips out of your lips when satoru bites down on your thigh hard enough to leave a mark is anything but appropriate, especially when he presses his lips back to your pussy and laughs in the middle of tonguefucking you.
"fuck, you're so lucky my phone's on mute right now," satoru groans, still buried in between your thighs. "god, if my old man could hear you now—"
"your dad's on the other end of the phone?!" you gasp, swatting satoru's head and frantically reaching over him to check if the phone was actually on mute — knowing satoru, it could've just slipped his mind. intentionally.
satoru scowls, muttering a reminder for you to stay still while he eats his dessert before rolling his eyes and grumbling "what does it matter?"
"uh, that's embarrassing!" you whine. when satoru nudges his nose against you again, you reluctantly spread your thighs for him so he can continue his meal. satoru mumbles a thanks, but he doesn't respond beyond that.
"don't you have to finish your call?"
satoru sticks out his bottom lip, fixing his cerulean eyes on you and pouting. "you were just complaining about the call and now you want me to go back??"
"it's your dad, satoru," you groan, pushing his shoulders away from your legs and ignoring his protests. "you don't get any more pussy until you finish that damn call."
"i hate you."
"love you lots, baby."
satoru sighs dramatically and unmutes the call, not bothering to respond to his dad's questions with answers longer than a word or two. after another minute of this, his dad finally hangs up and satoru lets out an elated cheer.
he turns to you with a mischievous smirk. 
"now, where were we?"
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