#I would have loved to have seen more of Mary Xavier
tepkunset · 1 year
Rating all* the Hellfire Gala 2023 Outfits in my Correct Opinion
*At least, all that I can find, because Marvel decided fuck making that easy in a little book or a single post like last year.
(Long post alert!)
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Iceman, I love most of this look. The accented orange is perfect for the mostly blue look, and I love that he has a matching earring for his cuff-links. Such a nice touch! But those rubber boots, man... those rubber boots ruin it for me. 8/10
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Fisk is giving off some Doctor Doom vibes with this outfit. I love the regalness of it, especially the golden leaves behind the ear. 9/10
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??? I'm not sure who this is, but their outfit looks like they're going to a Halloween party rather than a gala. 3/10
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Emma, oh my god, YES. Almost always delivering, and this is definitely one of those cases! 10/10
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Xavier... I hate to say it, but I genuinely love this look. He's bringing major space man vibes, and it's super elegant at the same time. 9/10
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Bishop doesn't even get points for effort. He got a red suit then slapped some belts on it. Boring as fuck. 1/10
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I was about to write another "???" because I had no idea who this was, until it occurred to me that I think this is supposed to be Scarlet Witch? Except she is super duper whitewashed, so I did not even recognize her. Auto-failure regardless of the look. 0/10
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Proteus looks moderately snazzy, but out of the Five is the least interesting in my opinion. 3/10
Egg has a cool coat, but those balls around his neck are way too big and awkward. 4/10
Hope looks a little like a fairy princess here, and I like that! 7/10
Tempus looks like she's going to a prom more than a gala, and I don't know what's going on with that giant shoulder piece. Did Cable lend it to her or something? 4/10
Elixir, my golden boy, is embracing the shiny and I love it! 9/10
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Exodus seems to be trying out a new costume rather than a gala look, but in terms of style, it's fine. 5/10
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Vision's outfit is as boring as he is. 1/10
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Miles, holy shit. Miles should be giving lessons to everyone else on how to actually make a suit look unique! Bishop, take notes. 9/10
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Old Laura looks like she's dressed for a gothic funeral more than a gala, but at least that's to her style rather than some crazy OOC look. So, points for that. 5/10
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T'Challa... I. Am. Swooning. I know he's not a king right now but damn does he ever look like it in this outfit. The beautiful patterns and complimentary colours, holy shit. 10/10
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Synch has certainly done way better in the past. It's just a plain black suit without a shirt, for fuck sake. 2/10
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Captain Marvel looks like she's a marching bad, lol. The stars in the hair are a nice touch, though. 3/10
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Jean's look is, I know, divisive. I've seen some people say they adore this design, and some people say they hate it. I'm personally on the fence. I think it would be better without the stupid helmet, that's for sure. And I think it looks a little too much like an Emma Frost design, if you were to just colour it white. 5/10
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Fantomex? Where the fuck have you been? Anyway, he literally just looks like he always looks but with some sunglasses lmfao. 0/10
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Dylan looks like a moody teen as ever, lol. I do like the black and white though. 6/10
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Black Cat... Like I said, I like black and white together, but this is giving me too much Cruella de Vil vibes. 4/10
Mary Jane just picked up an evening gown off the rack I guess. 2/10
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Firestar, I think? Not actually positive if it's her. Anyway, the sleeves are a bit too much for me, but I love the fiery frills on the cape. 5/10
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Thor looks so ugly here lmfao I'm sorry but I hate this look. It's way too clunky. 0/10
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At first I thought this was Kwannon, but then I remembered seeing panels and I believe it's Kitty/Kate. Anyway, I like the lace-up boots and I like the frills. 7/10
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Hellcat looks like she's took some inspiration from a wrestler's pre-fight look, and I like that. It's simplistic but just enough stylish to pass. 6/10
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Nova, going with a tits out look as well I see. I like the feathered shoulder pads, and I like the skirt. 6/10
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Moon Knight, oh my god, I have a strong feeling it was Steven who pulled the strings to get a gala look, because there's no fucking way Marc or Jake would be caught dead there. Anyway, this is exactly the type of vibe I would expect from MK, maybe even a bit more playful than that with the mesh part of the top. And I really like it up until the strange boots. He and Iceman must've compared notes or something. Still, 8/10
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Psylocke - now THIS is Kwannon for sure! I like the classical ninja meets evening gown look, and I like that she's sexy but not to the point of being objectified, which is a refreshing change for how artists often treat her. 8/10
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Destiny and Mystique I will rate together because the score is the same: A what the fuck level of 0/10.
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Forge looks fucking awesome, especially compared to last year. I love the fringe and the scarf and the jewellery and the cane... it's a complete look that gives me great vibes. 8/10
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Cyclops, come on, man. You can do better than this, can't you? He looks like Mister Sinister dressed him or something. 1/10
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Cuckoos look like they stepped off the set of Tron: Legacy. Or a Daft Punk concert. Not complaining to be clear, this look fucks. 10/10
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Weekly comic review ?
Nightwing #100 - A great artist showcase that Taylor manages to stay mostly out of the way of. No real narrative developments worth mentioning, the Titans shilling and obvious setup for a new Taylor written Titans ongoing just makes me roll my eyes but hey - whatever pries Taylor off of Jon I'm all in favor of.
World's Finest #11 - Solid ending to an arc that surprised me. Got thoughts to share on Magog now that it's over that I'll write up in a different post, but I will say I didn't expect him and Clark to part on such amicable terms. Of course Waid canonized the depower chamber from Superman II, should have seen that coming. Ending is definitely setting up some kind of follow up, be that in a future arc or in a spinoff mini like how Lazarus Planet is resolving the Nezha plotline.
Stargirl #3 - Continues to be great, guessing the Foster Father is Per Degaton. Eventually I'm sure Courtney will join the JSA book, only question is how many of these legacies will too.
One Bad Day: Bane - After Dark Crisis shit the bed Williamson needed this book to come out to remind me why I was on board for his Superman. It's solid and I love the twist that the "one bad day" for Bane actually ends up being the day he broke Batman. He peaked then and there, and never achieved anything as noteworthy ever again, something Bane himself recognizes and regrets. By the end he's become a quasi-Batman figure himself, taking in and mentoring a young man in an attempt to find a new purpose in life. Very much feels like an abbreviated DKR for Bane which is fitting given his status as the Evil Batman.
Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton -
Dreamer: Fine. Mostly just served as the story to explain what the hell is going on if you didn't bother to read Batman vs. Robin or the Alpha issue.
Jon - Wow actual chemistry between Jon and someone else! Almost forgot what that felt like after a year of utter blandness between Jon and Jay. God just break those two up already and put Jon with Ash, it would at least be amusing to see Jon dating someone who pushes back at his preaching.
Mercy - Good, I liked the flashes we get of her relationship with Lex and I approve of her becoming more like her animated Young Justice counterpart. Not quite a cyborg, more like Alex Mercer in terms of powerset.
Power Girl - Beautiful art, and Leah seems to have a good handle on Karen's voice. If she's getting telepathy I think she needs to give up one of the powers she already has in exchange. Looking forward to the backup.
The New Champion of Shazam #4 - Ending was a bit rushed but on the whole this was an enjoyable mini that left me feeling very optimistic about MAWS. I'm not thrilled that they seem to just want to have Mary go by "Shazam" too, come on surely we can come up with a better code name for her than just having her use Billy's. Especially since not only is he coming back, but his book is going by Shazam! Have Mary go by "Captain Shazam" if DC/Campbell is that opposed to a gendered name for her, it pays homage to Billy's original name and let's her be "Shazam" without literally having the same name as him.
Immortal X-Men #10 - Holy fuck I haven't been this eager for the follow-up since HoX/PoX. Gillen nails Xavier, there's no question that he is a good man, but his goodness doesn't stop him from taking actions that leave you unsettled. And that cliffhanger... looks like we're seeing the beginning of the end for resurrections.
Invincible Iron Man #2 - It's fine. I have no clue what is going on with Riri since I have never read anything with her in it, but she comes across as Tony's equal in arrogance alongside intellect.
Strange #10 - I was not familiar at all with Clea before this mini but now consider me a Clea fan. Great ending and i can't wait to see where McKay takes these two next. I've seen articles hyping up the new Strange series coming as being about Stephen as a wife guy, but brethren, it's Clea who is the husband gal. Look at that adorable psycho itching to slaughter an entire building this issue, but shows mercy because she loves her husband that much! Awwwww!
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sociologyontherock · 6 months
Revisiting Wool and Needles in my in my Casket
By Lynda Harling Stalker
Lynda Harling Stalker is Professor and Chair of Sociology at St. Francis Xavier University. She is engaged in research in the areas of culture, craft, cultural work, belonging, rural outmigration, islandness, and narrative inquiry. Her research enlivens the emotional, embodied, and material aspects of creative production and culture.
In the late fall I received a lovely email from Stephen Riggins asking me to reflect back on my MA research conducted in Newfoundland. An instant smile came across my face as I was quite chuffed to be asked. Stephen’s invitation sparked another memory from a couple of years ago when I received an unexpected but very welcomed email from Doug House. Doug had been my MA supervisor and was influential in my development as an academic. He wrote that he had given a presentation to NONIA (Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industry Association) about the history of the organisation. His father, Edgar (House and House 2015), had written a small book on NONIA’s history (1990), so Doug is the natural choice to continue this legacy. What the current members did not know was that from 1998-2000 I had interviewed NONIA knitters from across the province as part of my graduate programme. This research has become a document (albeit by a very junior academic) of a particular time and place. The women knitters were dealing with a difficult time in Newfoundland history.
Of late, Newfoundland knitting has again become popular following the publication of Christine Legrow and Shirley A. Scott’s Saltwater Knitting Books (2018-2022). These books are filled with patterns to knit double-ball mittens, trigger mittens and socks that are seen as a traditional Newfoundland knitting style. Knitted items have been so integral to Newfoundland culture that items were christened with names for objects not used elsewhere: vamps are oversocks that reach the ankle; cuffs are mittens; trigger mitts have a separate covering for the thumb and index finger (Dictionary of Newfoundland English). The knitting was always practical and well-executed and important work done by women. Magot Iris Duley (1993) talks about how the “iconic grey sock” knit by Newfoundland women during WWI led to them gaining the vote in 1925. It was very much women’s work throughout Newfoundland history, although many of the knitters I interviewed in the late 1990s said there was the proverbial man around the Bay who could knit as good as a woman.
NONIA started in 1925 when the then-Governor’s wife, Lady Allardyce, decided that Newfoundland women’s skill in knitting could / should be used to improve the health of their families. Money from selling knitted garments in St. John’s would fund the salaries of nurses to be stationed in the Outports across the island. The skills of the knitters were quickly recognised by many, including one of the first sponsors, Queen Mary, and the Canadian government christened a naval ship the HMS NONIA. The operations of NONIA have stayed much the same throughout its history. The organisation would mail out wool and patterns to knitters across the province and the women would mail back the finished garments. These garments would be sold in the store located on Water Street in St. John’s. While nurses’ salaries are no longer funded, knitters receive a piece rate for their work. This is all done as a not-for-profit organisation.
I arrived at Memorial in 1998, when the cod moratorium and the fallout from it was still fresh. Outmigration, particularly of youth and working-age adults, was reaching epic proportions. It was a time of unprecedented social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental change that left Newfoundlanders unsure what the future would hold. In this climate, I set out to interview 19 women who knit for NONIA. More than half the women were 60+, about 80% were married, and a little over 40% started knitting with NONIA around the time of the cod moratorium.
When I analysed the knitters’ narratives that were shared with me, I took a Weberian-like approach. I was influenced at the time by the work of Colin Campbell (1996a, b; 1999), which focussed on analysing the meaning and motivation behind one’s actions. Through my analysis I highlighted that the women were motivated to knit because it allowed them to pass the time, do some challenging work, relaxation, and knitting provided a sense of accomplishment and pride. As Mrs. Parson said, “It’s something that you worked at, and you’re completely satisfied; it’s self-assuring.” (All knitters’ names are pseudonyms.) The motivation was quite intrinsic. It wasn’t about external reward or validation; the motivation to knit was linked to ideas of self and almost self-preservation.
The meaning that I argued that the knitting had for the women included filling in the time, a link between generations, enacting and embodying a female identity and being a part of Outport life. Knitting was always part of the planning and figured into much that they did. This was illustrated when Mrs. Murphy articulated when preparing for a trip to Ontario, “See them two boxes there? That’s full of wool. So now I’m going up to Ontario and I’m going to take them with me. What I’m going to do is put them in the mail.” Others stated similar things; knitting was so integral to who they were and what they did that even when going on holiday they could not be parted from their knitting.
NONIA’s role in the knitter’s lives was important but not in the way many would assume. It was often speculated that organisations like NONIA provided much needed economic benefits to Outport women during the cod moratorium era. That wasn’t the case for these women. Yes, they wished to be paid and knitting for NONIA was not out of the goodness of their hearts. As Mrs. Foley stated, “I knit for NONIA for pastime. I like knitting but I found I was knitting a lot of things that I didn’t need, just to knit, before I started with NONIA. The only thing about getting paid for knitting or any other hobby, you never will get paid enough for the time you put in it, but if you enjoy what you are doing that don’t matter.”
What NONIA provided for the knitters was access to good quality materials to knit with at no cost, provided someone to knit for, and there were no time pressures. NONIA’s value to the knitters went beyond the pay they received but what NONIA did was allow these women to be able to do craftwork that allowed them to demonstrate that despite the turmoil caused by the cod moratorium they were Newfoundland (Outport) women. As Mrs. Budgell said, “I get women who say, ‘I don’t even want to knit’ ‘cause they say it’s from the Bay. You know I came from the Bay and so what? I love to do it!” The creation of knitted garments with a purpose meant that the women could, through practice and materiality, hold onto this identity that was so important to them. 
A dear colleague of mine at St. Francis Xavier University, Dan MacInnes, said that the last way we can assert our identity is through our tombstones. While this may sound a bit morbid, for some of the women I spoke with this is very much the case – although it was through the placement of material items in their coffins. When talking about how important knitting was to who they were and what they did, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hickey said that they will be buried with wool and needles in their casket. Mrs. Hickey repeated something her children had said, “Mom, we’ll have to put some wool and knittin’ needles down in the box with you ‘cause you always got it in your hands.”
This sentiment speaks to what the women identify with and how others identified them as knitters (Jenkins 2000). I’m sure both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hickey have passed – I wonder if these wishes were carried through.
I think if I were to do this project again, it is belonging that would be my centralising concepts. As May (2013: 3) argues, “belonging acts as a kind of barometer for social change.” The women’s talk about the importance of knitting to them speaks to the importance of belonging to Newfoundland, particularly the outports, and the kind of knitting they did demonstrates the relational, cultural and material elements of belonging (May 2013). It seems that this desire to be seen as a Newfoundlander, belonging to the place and its people, was heightened due to the dramatic changes the cod moratorium brought to the province. If I were to advise my younger self, I would urge me to delve more into the narratives about how belonging in light of the social changes manifests itself through the practice of knitting. Maybe that will be my next project….
Works cited
Campbell, Colin (1996a) “On the Concept of Motive in Sociology.” Sociology 30(1), 101-114.
--  (1996b) The Myth of Social Action. Cambridge:
     Cambridge University Press.
-- (1999) “Action as will-power.” The Sociological Review, 47(1), 48-61.
Duley, Margot Iris (1993) “‘The Radius of her Influence for Good’: The Rise and Triumph of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in Newfoundland, 1909-1925.” Pursuing Equality: Historical Perspectives on Women in Newfoundland and Labrador. Linda Kealey (Ed.). St. John’s: ISER Books.
Harling Stalker, Lynda (2000) “Wool and Needles in my Casket: Knitting as Habit among Rural Newfoundland Women.” Unpublished MA thesis. Department of Sociology, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.
House, Edgar (1990) A Way Out: The Story of NONIA 1920-1990. St. John’s: Creative Publishers.
House, Doug and Adrian House (2015) An Extraordinary Ordinary Man: The Life Story of Edgar House. St. John’s: ISER Books.
Jenkins, Richard (2000) “Categorization: Identity, Social Process and Epistemology,” Current Sociology 48(3), 7-25.
Kirwin, William J. (Ed.) et al. (1990[1982]) Dictionary of Newfoundland English, 2nd edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Legrow, Christine and Shirley A. Scott (2018-2022) Saltwater Knitting Books. Portugal Cove-St. Phillip’s: Boulder Books.
May, Vanessa (2013) Connecting Self to Society: Belonging in a Changing World. Baskingstoke: Palgrave.
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following-the-drum · 4 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 1: Friends and Family
 Mary Xavier & Rip Hunter
Son’s learn much from their Mothers and Rip certainly learned his best qualities from her. Mary Xavier took a boy who had no home and gave him one (While we could argue over the morality of the Time Masters kidnapping children from various time periods there is no doubt that Mary Xavier loved her children.) She saw something in Rip or Michael, as she affectionately refers to him using his birth name, when no one else did; reminding him that he has the ability to do great things and change the world for the better.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Little Bird
Bucky Barnes x reader/OFC
Chapter 15
Warnings: Angst, swearing
Rika woke up slowly, stretching in the sunlight that hit her bed. Her mind reached a memory, a kiss and sweet words. She shot straight up, eyes wide open.
'What the fuck did I do?" She asked herself. 'How could I let him kiss me.' After all the horrible things he said and she was falling for him? A mutant hating bigot. Raven would have slapped her, probably right after she killed him. Rika had almost taken him to her bed. Fuck!
'No more tequila. Ever' she told herself emphatically as she crawled out of bed and into a hot shower. The brief feeling of love and warmth she first woke up with gone, ripped away.
The only good news was that her healing prevented any hangover but the emotional toll from last night was worse than any hangover.
In the shower she tried to relax and at least remember the good parts of her bday party. Like her strange new relationship or whatever with Logan. No way would she ever call him dad but maybe they could be friends of a sort.
For a moment she was sad thinking of Remy and his new girl. She was happy for him but wanted that kind of connection herself. After 61 years it would be nice. But not with a man who hated mutants. Rika wondered if she would be better off going back to Xaviers school, now that Logan didn't want to kill her. She would probably find a real connection there, another mutant who would understand and not judge. She shook her head, she was happy for Remy but not sure how it would be around him and Marie all the time.
Rika had slept past breakfast but she figured everyone had. Now she had to figure out how to avoid Bucky. As she was trying to plot out her day she remembered that she had agreed to go on a date with him. Tonite.
She looked up the on site counselor and called her office to see if there was any way she could be seen today. Luckily there was a cancellation in a couple of hours. Until then she needed something to eat.
"Friday? Where is Sargeant Barnes?"
"He is in the gym, would you like me to tell him you are looking for him, Miss Holmes?"
"NO! I mean, no that's fine."
Rika headed to the kitchen to look for something quick that she could eat in her room. Of course it wasn't empty but at least it wasn't Barnes.
"Good morning, Miss Rika. How are you doing this lovely afternoon" Sam greeted her.
"Hey Sam. I'm good, just figured I should eat at some point today." Rika quickly grabbed a bowl, spoon and poured some cereal and then milk.
"You sure your ok? You look a little stressed. I figured you would have that young love glow like tin man does. Boy will not shut up about you." Sam questioned
Rika's eyes went wide "What? Oh yeah that. I'm just uh, still groggy from sleep. I gotta go" and she almost ran back to her room.
When she got to her room she sat at the table and ate her cereal. She tried listening to some music to relax but it didn't work. When it got close to the time for her appt she plotted out her course thru the areas where Barnes was least likely to be and checked with Friday before leaving her room. She also shifted her coloring to make her harder to recognize. Luckily she made it there without seeing anyone from the team.
The receptionist greeted her and had her sign some forms. Rika was called in by the therapist before she was able to sit down.
"Hi Rika, I'm Dr Raynor. I've seen some of your information so am familiar with some of the things you have been thru. I know you are a mutant and have seen pictures of your natural coloring. You don't have to stay shifted on my account."
Rika flushed and then shifted back to normal, for her anyhow. "Sorry, I didn't want to be noticed on my way here"
Dr Raynor hummed "Is it a concern about privacy and seeking therapy or is there someone you're avoiding?"
Rika looked at her hands in her lap. "Mostly the second one."
"Ok. So who are you trying to avoid?"
Rika sighed "Sergeant Barnes. Something happened at my birthday party last night and I don't know how to face him. Or myself."
"I know you two haven't gotten along since you arrived here and joined the team. He talks about you all the time but I thought things were getting better between the two of you. What happened?"
Rika ran her hand through her hair. "Things got too good. He kissed me last night and I kissed him back. I also agreed to go on a date with him tonight"
"Why is that too good? Sounds great, especially considering how you've been in the past" Raynor looked confused.
Rika shook her head "Did he tell you about all of the awful things he has said to me? calling me Mutie which is no different than the n word. Claiming mutants can't be trusted. He's a bigot and I was half drunk last night"
Raynor nodded "We've discussed his previous behavior. If it helps he feels really awful about all of it. He even put you on his list."
"List? What list?" Rika asked
"He made a list of people that he hurt as the Winter Soldier, to make amends to. Trying to right his wrongs."
"Oh. Well, he's not the Soldat anymore. Regular old Bucky Barnes is a bigot not the soldier. I can't be emotionally involved with someone like that."
Raynor hummed "Hasn't he stopped using that slur and stereotyping? He told me he would, weeks ago"
"Yeah but there's a difference between actually changing as opposed to learning how to keep from using slurs and insults. I don't know that he's changed his stance. Maybe this is just to fuck with and hurt me, like what's been done to him" Rika replied
Raynor nodded "I can understand the reluctance to start a relationship with someone who has treated you that way. From what I've seen he has learned from his mistakes.
Don't you believe people can learn and grow? That they deserve a second chance?"
"Well, yeah but I......I don't know if I can deal with it. I spent years in a Hydra cell and he started in on me the first time I talked to the team and told them I was a mutant. How do I trust someone like that?"
"You've trusted him on missions, haven't you?"
"No, not really. I don't know that I trust him to have my back. I'm thankful for my healing abilities because they make me hard to kill.
How can I believe he actually cares about me and isn't just looking to mess with the Mutie." Rika started breathing heavy, her chest felt tight and she couldn't catch her breath "I don't, I mean I won't, I can't" she panted and covered her face.
Raynor looked at her concerned "Rika! Hey, you're OK, you're having a panic attack. I need you to try to calm down.
What are five things you can see?"
Rika looked around "You, the desk, the couch, the door, the clock"
"Good. 4 things you can feel?"
"My shirt, the air from the fan, the floor, the chair under me" her breathing was calming down.
"Better, what are 3 things you can hear?"
"Your voice, the clock, the air conditioner"
"Good. What are 2 things you can smell?"
"The air freshener, my shampoo"
"Almost there. 1 thing you can taste"
"My toothpaste."
"Good job. How are you feeling now?"
Rika sighed "Better. At least not panicking. But I still don't know what to do about Barnes"
"I can't answer that for you but I do believe that everyone deserves a second chance."
"In theory, so do I but-"
Rika's phone chimed so she pulled it out of her pocket and checked her texts "Crap, I have to go. Some important Avengers thing, apparently."
"Times almost up anyways. Same time next week?"
Rika looked surprised "Uh, yeah sure. If I'm here" and bolted out the door.
She couldn't decide which was worse dealing with Bucky directly or staying and analyzing her feelings about Bucky with Raynor.
When Rika walked near the conference room in her text she could hear the team joking around, obviously in good spirits. She felt her stomach drop. She didn't want to ruin the mood but didn't know how to get out of her upcoming date without causing drama. She heard Bucky laugh at something Sam said. Rika had rarely heard him laugh like that, real and joyous. She could feel herself starting to sweat, her palms feeling clammy and cold. She tried to shake it off and headed into the conference room.
Bucky looked at her and smiled, until he really saw her. She looked pale, nervous and he could see sweat on her brow.
"Hey Doll, you alright?" As he pulled out the seat next to him.
"What? No, I'm fine" she stammered as she looked for any other available chairs. She gave him a pained grin and quickly sat next to Nat. Buckys smile dropped and he quietly sat down, looking at her sadly.
Steve started the meeting, explaining a mission in Belarus where Hydra had some kind of operation going on. They would be leaving in 2 days and everyone except Peter and those who were off world was going because the intel showed a sizable garrison.
After the meeting, Rika was the first out of the room, hoping to get some food to take back to her room before Bucky could try to talk to her. She needed time to strengthen her resolve before she had to interact with him.
No such luck, he caught up with her in the kitchen. He gently grabbed her arm "Rika? Are you alright? Are we still on for tonight?"
Rika looked at him "No, I don't think a romantic relationship is a good idea."
Buckys heart dropped and his face fell
"What happened since last night?"
"I sobered up. I can't do this with you right now, Barnes." She shook her head and tried to pull away.
"I thought we were making progess-"
"Jesus, Barnes! Can't you just let it go? I don't want to do this right now." She raised her voice.
Bucky took a breath to stay calm "I think I deserve an explanation. You said you forgave me."
Steve, Sam, Wanda and Nat walked into the kitchen, laughing about something when they noticed the tension and saw Rika and Bucky facing off. They knew they should get out and let them work things out but were unable to tear themselves away.
Rika bristled "You deserve? You deserve?!? How about what I deserve? Like how I deserve a man who doesn't think that me and everyone like me is an abomination. Who never called me racial slurs or judged me over something I couldn't control.
I was drunk last night, that's the only way I could even consider a relationship with someone like you. How could I ever trust you after what you did? I forgave you but that doesn't mean I can forget.
Leave me the fuck alone Barnes." She strode away quickly leaving Bucky and his friends in shock.
Steve walked up to Bucky "You alright, Buck?"
Bucky shook his head "No, I'm not alright. I thought Rika and I started something last night but apparently I was wrong." He sighed sadly "I'm not really hungry anymore, I'm just going to go crash."
"You sure? I'm here if you need me"
"Thanks punk but I just want to be alone." Bucky said in a small voice and went back to his room.
Steve looked at Wanda, Sam and Nat "Maybe you girls should try to talk to her. Figure out what happened."
"I don't know Steve, maybe they could both use some time to think before we start prepping for this mission but I'll go check on her" Nat started to leave before Wanda grabbed her arm.
"Go easy on her. I wasn't trying but some of her thoughts and feelings were too intense to avoid. She's very conflicted. One hand is falling for Bucky but the other can't shake off the memories and feelings from how he treated her when she got here. She feels like she is betraying her kind by having feelings for someone who acted the way he did and doesn't trust that he is sincere." She told them sadly. "The things she has had to deal with in her life make her distrustful. It's not like he's the first bigot she's dealt with.
I would go talk to her but I don't want her to think I'm trying to read her"
Nat nodded "I can understand that. I'll see what I can do."
Rika sat on her bed and tried to calm her breathing, relieved that Bucky hadn't followed her. He owed her that much. It felt like she had just calmed herself when someone knocked on her door.
"Rika, it's Nat. Are you ok? Can we talk?"
Rika opened the door. "I know he's your friend, Nat, but I really don't need you talking him up.
It's simple, I drank too much last night and let my guard down. When I woke up sober and remembered how awful he was, I knew it couldn't work. I don't need someone who hates mutants but is willing to overlook it because he wants to fuck me. I have more self respect than that."
Nat shook her head "I don't think Barnes just wants to fuck you. I think he's an idiot who actually realized how awful he was being and fell for you along the way."
Rika shook her head "I told you that I don't need you singing his praises. Some actions can't be swept under the rug.
I need to get some sleep so I'll see you in the morning for training."
"Yeah, sure. Goodnight."
@vicmc624 @nash-dara
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portsidewonderland · 3 years
Okay, I’ve been wanting to write this for the last three weeks, but I’m finally - finally - sitting down to do just that.
First, I’m a Rogan shipper. I’ve been a Rogan shipper for the last 20 years, but in that time, I’ve grown, I’ve experienced my own sense of love, and I’m a writer so I’d like to think I’m familiar with structure, characterization, and the like.
Second, I’m focused on the film franchise, strictly speaking. Just wanted to make sure that is clear.
Having said that, when I discuss how utterly wrong the X-Men franchise is, I’m talking about from a story standpoint. When I speak of Logan and Rogue, if that ship isn’t your jam, fine, but the points I make still stand.
Finally, spoiler alert for all of the movies.
Okay, I think we’re ready to jump in.
1. After the first movie, everyone forgot the heart of what made the first movie so special: Wolverine & Rogue
I don’t necessarily mean together. I mean, the movie focused primarily on Logan’s story and Rogue’s story. It was told through THEIR POV. This is important because, essentially, we’re asked to connect with these two characters AND WE DO.
The dialogue, the acting, and their stories (which reflect each other’s as well as stand on their own) draw us in and we are hooked.
Even the critics thought some of the best scenes are the ones Logan and Marie share together. Multiple critics discuss chemistry, how they add to the scene, etc.
Regardless of whether you ship them or not, there’s a compelling story between the two. This vulnerable, slip of a girl is the most powerful X-men out there (or one of) and this growly, fierce angry, broken man who’s been alone for so long that out of everyone he’s met and seen, THIS girl brings him to his knees.
And it’s because she isn’t scared of him.
Even after watching him beat the shit out of his opponent, even after seeing the claws threaten humans and slice through a barrel of a gun, she still thinks, I can trust him.
And when he catches her in his trailer, she STILL isn’t afraid of him. She gives him lip. She calls him out on his shit.
That’s how she manages to slide through the cracks.
And that is BEAUTIFUL.
I’m not here to talk about the performances, but Jesus Christ, I love this scene so damn much. The chemistry RADIATES. The glances, the confusion, the curiosity, and the attraction. (Sorry not sorry, it’s there on both parts, I’ll die on this hill.)
Anyway, the first movie is about how this girl brings the savage, feral Wolverine to his knees. How she gets him to STAY. How she gets him to open up.
Yes, Logan wants info on his past, but he’s staying for Marie. We all know it.
When he threatens Jean after first waking up, Jean is scared. And for good reason, obviously.
But Logan STABS Marie with his claws, and guess what? She’s still not scared of him. She’s worried about him.
This is THEIR story.
Do you really think Wolverine is going to go running around in leather for anyone but Marie? Yeah, I don’t think so. I mean, he literally STABS HIMSELF IN THE CHEST to free himself and get to her.
He PROMISES her that he’d take care of her. Do you think Wolverine bullshits? Hell no, he doesn’t.
And that’s why....
2. The whole Jean thing was just not great.
Okay, can I tell you something?
I don’t see Jean as a sympathetic character. She’s engaged to Scott and suddenly, Wolverine comes strolling in and she can’t get her shit together?
I mean, okay, I get it, let’s be real.
But Scott isn’t a bad guy. He nay be a dick, but he treats Jean well. Because we’re not in Cyclops’ or Jean’s head, we as the audience don’t see any marital/romantic issues between them. Hence, when Jean gets flustered by Wolverine to the point where she lets him goad her into reading his mind, she knows what she’s doing. She likes it. She likes Logan’s attention.
Not because she likes Logan.
(I read this fic where basically Jean tells Logan he could have been anybody, and I thought that was so perfect)
But because he’s giving her attention. He makes her feel desired.
And she leads him on.
Right there, I don’t like her, and I think that’s why a lot of Rogan shippers don’t like her is that she has no problem toying not only with Logan’s feelings, but with Scott’s.
But that’s not even the worst part of this.
At the end, when Logan asks for Marie and Jean makes her comment, she adds, “I think she’s taken with you.”
Like - why would Jean say that? Why mention it?
That’s petty ass shit right there.
To me, what she’s trying to do is align herself with Logan as adults and belittle Marie for having a little crush on him. Like it’s so juvenile.
And the worst line of this whole movie is when he says, “Tell her my heart belongs to another.”
Want to know why?
Because the writers/director haven’t SHOWN this. This line is forced here to TELL the audience that we should be shipping Jean and Wolverine. It’s sloppy writing. It tells me they think the audience are idiots.
Really, Logan?
Jean has your heart even though you completely go against Tall Dark and Feral to pick up a girl, then stay at the school with her, leave a fucking mansion to bring her back, make a promise to her, go after her after she’s kidnapped, stab yourself in the chest, fling yourself on the Statue of Liberty AND RISK YOUR FUCKING LIFE TO SAVE ROGUE’S JUST BY TOUCHING HER and you want me to believe your heart belongs to Jean????
Please, tell me, why the FUCK should I buy that?
Oh, because they’re the same age?
LOL no.
Anyway, I didn’t like Jean’s characterization because of that. Because she’s leading people on, because she needs to put down Marie’s feelings after her ordeal because of her insecurity, because of it all.
Which is why I’ll never ship them together.
Logan is at his worst when he’s around Jean.
And Jean is just the worst.
3. They took something meaningful and they fucked it
Logan promises to take care of Rogue. Do you know important that is for both of them as individuals and their relationship?
Rogue only goes back because of Logan. Not for anyone else. Not even Bobby. She comes back, she stays, for Logan.
Where do we see that after the second movie?
He’s so goddamned focused on Jean, on everything about her, that he barely notices that Rogue is ready to get the cure.
I’m GLAD they got a scene together. Because of their looks.
I am.
But shit.
It’s like Logan has completely forgotten all about Rogue, and I’m sorry, but after that first movie, I just can’t buy that.
I can buy that he leaves to check out his past. The dog tag scene is one of my absolute favorites. That’s perfect. Makes sense.
(Also, side note: Fic is so beautiful about this but he isn’t afraid to touch her. Like, he doesn’t HAVE to play with her hair but he does. It’s playful and flirty. It IS. He could have just said he liked her hair BUT HE HAD TO TOUCH IT. And this is HUGE for Rogue because honestly SHE’S afraid to touch and of herself but if Logan isn’t afraid, she stops being afraid - if that makes sense.)
But seriously? He’s not calling the mansion, not writing to Rogue?
I don’t believe that for one second.
This is why I will never watch The Wolverine after that first time (I refuse especially after the director said he was contemplating adding Rogue at the end and didn’t and FUCK EVERYTHING.) because he just leaves because he’s upset about fucking JEAN
I’m sorry but the Wolverine isn’t ABOUT Jean.
If that was the case, we should have had point of views between Logan and Jean in the first movie, not Rogue.
We should have SEEN their development, but we didn’t.
We’re TOLD it.
I’m sorry, but how do you want me to believe that the big bad Wolverine runs off to Japan because he’s sad about Jean? Like, so he’s just going to leave Rogue alone with all of those threats? Are you fucking kidding me?
Show them keeping in touch or SOMETHING. You can’t expect me to see such a huge transformation arc in Logan in the first movie that just gets shit on in every other movie (besides the second). Because that makes Wolverine look like a big, gigantic ASSHOLE and I get that he’s supposed to be that way, but NOT with Rogue.
Which is why Days of Future Past pisses me off as much of the rest them (I’m only discussing the Rogue Cut because I refuse to acknowledge that Bryan Singer - who gave us the first movies - regulated Rogue to such a fucking small cameo.) because Rogue was treated as garbage.
Now, I’m going to assume Logan doesn’t know about what really happened to Rogue because no one told him. But honestly? If he cares about Rogue the way I know he does, he should be asking about her every single time he and Xavier talk.
I love that Logan can sense Rogue when she steps in to help. I love that Rogue refuses to let go of Logan’s mind even in the heart of danger (@bigfrogbestfrogs has an awesome breakdown of these scenes). But I’m appalled at how Kitty is chosen before Rogue? Like, even when coming up with the idea for this movie, why not involve Rogue more?
I refuse to discuss Bobby and her together at the end.
Fuck that.
4. The timelines
Look, I’m not even going to go into the shit that is the timelines.
But honestly?
Fuck everything about that.
I get Singer wanted to retcon X3, but I don’t care.
Based on Apocalypse, the future still sucks so everything failed and then the movie LOGAN takes that shit and amplifies it.
5. LOGAN (the movie)
I’m sorry, but this movie is amazing in some ways and sucks in others.
Want to know why?
Because it takes everything about what made the first movie great and emphasized it.
Laura is too young to be a love interest, so clearly, it’s paternal, and I’m here for it.
But there are so many parallels between logan and Laura and Logan and Rogue that for Logan not to say anything or feel anything in a way tgat tells the audience he’s feeling something just boggles my mind.
Even if he carried HER picture or played with the dog tags and thought of her, something that shows the audience he remembers her, dammit, and she MEANT something to him.
But FUCK how could he NOT?
And that’s why the scene where he’s reading that comic book and he sees himself saving Rogue is so poignant.
Because his gaze lingers.
I mean, obviously I’m assuming she’s dead (which is bullshit but whatever). But still.
And then when he’s dying and Laura is holding his hands and you get that prophecy of him dying with his heart in his hand and I loved how they paired it with the Logan and Rogue song. I loved that callback.
And if the films in between them weren’t such shit, it would be enough.
But it’s not enough for me.
There was so much potential and everything got shit on and it angers me soooo much.
That’s me venting.
Luckily we have so many talented Rogan fic writers and that our ship has survived 20 years.
But still.
What could have been...
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mcmusing · 3 years
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Writing intent or not, I don't believe it a coincidence that it's the Storm siblings who most yearn for family. Johnny expresses his by being the one eager to start the Fantastic Four and keep the team together. Sue vocalizes hers by fretting that she and Reed can't raise children with their superhero lifestyle. I really want to dropkick anyone who claims Sue only feels that way because she's the 'token' woman. It amazes me how these alleged comic experts forget the Storms' tragic history that's even hinted at in the films.
"Dad would be proud."
".... Yeah."
Blink and you'll miss it, but for the briefest moment they remove the masks. Johnny gets poignantly serious and Sue lets herself be the slightest bit vulnerable in front of the kid.
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Imagine living an uneventful but happy existence all for one night to change everything.
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On the way home from an awards dinner for Franklin Storm, the parents get in a car accident that mortally wounds Mary Storm. Despite his physician skills, Franklin couldn't save her from death. Something Sue probably could not cry about at first so she could be strong for Johnny.
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Sue likely had next to no social life after that due to having to fill her mother's shoes at home. Watching Johnny turned into a full-time job as Franklin deteriorated with alcohol. She probably had many an occasion to clean him up from a drunken stupor, lest he choke on his own vomit. In between making sure Johnny ate, got to school, did his homework, recovered from sickness, and the list goes on.
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Like the hedonism her brother would later develop, Sue crafted the persona of beautiful blonde perfection. When Sue tells Reed she wants to be seen and.heard, I think she meant more than their relationship. Sue has had to carry so much weight and maintain a smile throughout. All the while, no one could see her invisible pain or hear her muted cries until Reed got his head together. Ben might have noticed it, too since he remarked how heartbroken they both were while separated plus he saw right through her pseudo-romance with Victor.
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As Franklin lost his practice and started selling their things to gamble, Sue likely kept Johnny distracted by saying their dad was just 'sick' and that they were playing a game. This would explain Johnny's continued adolescence and despite his potential, inability to take anything seriously. If he doesn't treat life like a game, he might cave in from the full weight of his childhood trauma. He only lets the facade slip when one of the Four is in real danger or he's in disgrace with his sister.
It's no surprise that a teenage Sue would fall in love with the older, intelligent, mature Reed Richards. Since she didn't attend the Raven Xavier School of Attention Seeking, nothing happened between them until Sue got into her 20s.
All of this makes it infinitely more satisfying to see Johnny walk his sister down the aisle towards the family long overdue to them.
This has been an excerpt from Fantastic Four Feels 💖
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Summary: He hoped Gideon had been listening when the signal went out, as brief as it had been, and it reached her otherwise he would probably die here. But as the last of the Time Masters, maybe it was time. Author’s Note: Day 3: “I’ve seen darker days.” – Terrible things have happened to Rip throughout the show, but as fans we’re good at thinking up more. It’s Whump Day!                                ********************************************* Rip Hunter, former Time Master, former Time Bureau Director, former Captain, former husband, former father, and current recluse walked slowly through the deserted space station looking for the point of origin of the distress signal he was tracking.
The station had been shut down for years and, from what he knew, there should be nothing working at all. Never mind a signal made by technology over a hundred years ahead of when the station existed.
He checked the tracker on his modified courier for the information Gideon had provided for him. Rip shook away his sadness at the fact they weren’t together, but current circumstances meant they weren’t able to be.
Reaching the coordinates, Rip frowned when he saw the object and realising that what he’d been tracking was a trap set by Time Pirates. Turning he began to run through the corridors back to the Time Sphere, hearing the device charging. Reaching the Sphere, Rip jumped in and activated a time jump but before the portal closed the Sphere was rocked by an energy wave. Rip grimaced as he fought to steady the small craft, but the blast had disabled several of the systems.
“Come on,” he muttered as he tried to keep the small vessel inside the time stream long enough to reach his current base of operations, but the sphere didn’t have the same redundancies the Waverider did. Suddenly the time stream disappeared, and Rip saw the ground rushing towards him. Slamming the button to activate the emergency beacon, Rip managed to grab the disaster kit and activated the sphere’s version of an airbag before he hit the ground. Aware of things smashing around him, Rip’s head slammed against the console before everything went black.
Rip woke slowly.
His head was throbbing but as almost every other part of him was aching, it was in the majority. Forcing his eyes open, Rip could see the Sphere was completely dead and in complete disarray. He was lying on his side, his legs trapped beneath the seat and Rip felt any hope of rescue die quickly seeing the beacon was as dead as the rest of the Sphere. He hoped Gideon had been listening when the signal went out, as brief as it had been, and it reached her otherwise he would probably die here.
But as the last of the Time Masters, maybe it was time.
He’d been alone for so long, betrayed by those who raised him, by the man who he looked up to and almost thought of as a father, then forced to destroy them, the people he loved were all dead while those he had once called friend presumed him dead and probably had a party at the fact.
Perhaps it was time he finally did.
“Please,” a mocking voice drawled, “You won’t die. I’m not that lucky.”
Turning slightly, Rip frowned as he saw a familiar woman sitting just to one side of him, “Sara?”
“Well,” Sara Lance said amused, “Your brain is still working for the moment.”
He frowned confused, “Why are you here? How are you here?”
“To make sure you actually die this time,” she smirked at him, “Since you clearly didn’t after the Mallus thing. I don’t want to have to worry about you trying to take my ship. Even if there’s no way you could, it would be inconvenient to have to put up with the attempt.”
Rip closed his eyes as he thought of his ship, his home and Gideon who he knew worried about him while he worked away from her.
“The Waverider is mine,” he breathed, “You’re currently allowed to use her.”
Sara laughed, “Do you really think you could walk onto the Waverider and even get a chance to say a word before we had you in the brig, bound and gagged so you couldn’t talk to Gideon? She wouldn’t accept you back anyway. After how often you’ve abandoned her.”
“Gideon knows��”
“What?” Sara demanded, “That you care about her? You’re fooling no one, Rip. We all know the only one you care about is you. Gideon was just a means to an end, a tool you used and threw away when you found something better. You can pretend to yourself that you asked her to come with us but,” she smirked, “We both know she came with us to get away from you.”
Rip covered his eyes with his hand, “No. She knows why I left, she understands.”
“You’re so pathetic,” Sara shook her head, “No wonder Druce was able to manipulate you with ease. You’re desperate to be loved, desperate to be relevant but let’s face it, Rip you’re not. I mean look how easy your beloved mentor fooled you,” she paused and smirked at him, “The love of your life was probably screwing you under his orders.”
Rip flinched at her words, at a deep unspoken fear he had that could never be eased since Miranda was gone, being spoken aloud.
“Because who could possibly love someone like you?”
With a cry Rip threw the first aid kit at her, it bounced off the shell of the ship and fell to the ground. Rip closed his eyes and slipped into unconsciousness.
 The pain in his head was worse when Rip woke again, touching his forehead he winced as he felt the wound there. Pulling his hand back he saw blood coating his fingers. That explained the pain.
“Injured again, Rip. Honestly if it wasn’t for our medical technology, you would have been dead years ago,” Druce said, making Rip flinch when he saw the man sitting where Sara had been earlier, “But then again you should have been dead a long time, that worthless brat we found living on the streets.”
“You’re dead,” Rip whispered, horror filling his voice.
Druce smiled darkly at him, “Am I? You know better than anyone how to fake your death.”
“I didn’t fake my death,” Rip replied coldly, “I simply didn’t let the team know I survived. They don’t care anyway.”
“Well, that is true,” Druce noted, “The team you brought together learned very quickly how worthless you are. They have a leader they actually listen to, someone who can fix the ship as well as programme the AI and a historian. Where would you fit in?”
Rip closed his eyes.
“And even Gideon,” Druce continued, “Your dear Gideon, she doesn’t need you at all. The only people who ever needed you, Rip, you utterly failed to protect.”
“Stop,” Rip snapped.
“Miranda would have been so much better if she’d never met you,” Druce reminded him, “And your son probably would be alive now is she’d never let you know him.”
“Stop!!!” Rip screamed, the memory of Jonas dead in his arms hitting him and tears filled Rip’s eyes, “Please, don’t.”
“Failing at everything you’ve ever tried to be is bad enough,” Druce ignored Rip’s pleas, “But that little boy, so innocent and full of life deserved so much better than you.”
“Stop, stop, stop,” Rip cried, turning his head away sharply, it connected with something solid and fell into unconsciousness once more.
 Rip felt sick as he woke up once more to the empty Sphere. At least Druce was gone but the feeling of hopelessness his former mentor had left him with remained.
He had to get himself out of this and find a way back to Gideon to repair his injuries but right now, Rip had no idea how. His mind was fuzzy, it felt like it had been filled with cotton wool and he wanted to just give in, to simply sleep but he knew he couldn’t.
“You were never lazy,” the clipped voice of Mary Xavier told him, “You have plenty of other faults, but I will admit you’ve never been lazy.”
“Mother,” Rip whispered.
She shook her head, “Oh, Michael, what a mess you are.”
Shaking his head, Rip sighed, “Please, don’t. I can’t take it from you too. You’ve always encouraged me.”
“Well, that was my job,” Mary reminded him matter-of-factly, “To take the children I was given and make them Time Masters. I had to act like I cared about them.”
“I have never met such a needy child as you before or since,” she sighed sadly, “Desperate for approval, desperate for love, desperate for someone to tell him he is good boy.”
Rip stared at her through tear filled eyes, “Don’t…”
“It was so easy to get you on the right path,” Mary continued, “Bake with you, tell you stories, pat you on the head and you were my little lapdog.”
“I love you,” Rip whispered.
“I know, Michael,” she smiled at him sympathetically, “Which was why it was so easy to train you.”
Rip closed his eyes, “Go away, go away, go away.”
“That’s not a nice thing to say to your mother, Michael,” she admonished.
“You’re not my mother,” he snapped, “Because she would never say these things to me and she…”
“She?” Mary motioned him to continue when he trailed off.
Rip whispered, “I don’t know where she went after the Time Masters were destroyed.”
“For all you know,” she noted, “She’s dead.”
He nodded.
“One more person you claim to love who you failed,” Mary told him.
“No, you don’t get to call me that anymore,” she told him sharply, “Only someone who would care to look for me can call me that.”
“I looked,” Rip whispered.
She ignored him continuing, “Only someone worthy of the love I gave deserves to call me mother and you are nothing more than a worthless pathetic failure.”
Trying to move to her, pain stabbed in his legs and Rip cried out, Mary shook her head before she disappeared.
 Rip realised suddenly he was hallucinating. Which considering he’d seen three people who’d disappeared, one of who was definitely dead, meant his brain was not functioning as it normally would.
“Head injury,” Rip murmured to himself, “But that doesn’t explain hallucinations this vivid.”
Taking several deep breaths, Rip hunted through the emergency pack lying beside him for some water. He took a few sips from the canteen, realising he could smell something on his clothes. A strange sickly smell that he hadn’t noticed before and grimaced, “Bollocks.”
The booby trap wasn’t just an energy blast, they had included a hallucinogen probably activated the moment Rip had walked into the engine room of the station, to disorientate the victim while the pirates raided their ship. If it was the one that he thought it was, then it was going to get a lot worse before it wore off. Rip knew he was not the poster child for good mental health and dreaded what else his subconscious would dredge up to taunt him with.
Suddenly remembering he had a courier, Rip looked around to find some components to see if he could modify it to signal Gideon.  Rip groaned finding it smashed beyond repair, so there was no way it was going to open a portal to the Waverider. He had to find a way to make it sturdier if he survived this.
“Focus,” he murmured to himself, “Focus.”
“You always could focus.”
Rip felt the knife in his heart and tears fill his eyes, “No.”
“Now is that any way to greet your wife?” Miranda asked sweetly.
Raising his head Rip stared at the woman before him, the woman who had stolen his heart before he’d even realised that he liked her.
“My darling husband,” she smiled at him before noting, “You look terrible by the way.”
Rip closed his eyes, “Not you, please not you. I can’t hear the things I feel about myself from you.”
“Oh, Rip,” Miranda whispered, “It’s only the truth you’re being told.”
“I know you loved me,” Rip whispered, tears slipped down his cheeks, “It’s one of the only truths in my life.”
“Are you sure?” Miranda asked, “Because let’s face it, dear you are not good with people. And I was taught to lie just as much as you were. In fact, more since I was raised by the Time Masters from a much earlier age.”
Rip winced, “Don’t…”
“I’m not saying it wasn’t fun pretending to love you,” Miranda mused, “When you are focused on doing something well, you really work at it but…” she trailed off with a smirk.
Remembering how he’d managed to get rid of the hallucination of his mother, Rip looked up at the beautiful women he’d loved in a way he’d never known himself capable of.
“I love you,” he whispered before he deliberately moved his leg sending a stab of pain through his leg.
As Miranda disappeared, Rip dropped his head and wept.
 Managing to stop his tears, Rip forced himself to concentrate on working. His resolve instantly dissolved at the small voice piping up, “Daddy.”
“I can’t do this anymore,” Rip cried, “Please stop.”
“Don’t you miss me, Daddy?”
Looking up Rip saw the earnest face of his son looking down at him and whispered achingly, “Jonas.”
“Don’t you miss me, Daddy?” the little boy asked again.
“Every day,” Rip breathed, “I miss you every day.”
“Then why did you leave me?” Jonas asked a confused pout on his face, “Why weren’t you there when the bad man killed me? Why didn’t you stop him?”
Rip stared at him, no longer able to cry, “I tried, Jonas. I tried so hard for so long. I’m sorry. Please forgive me, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t deserve to be forgiven,” the little boy scowled at him, “You deserve nothing.”
Reaching out for his son, Rip whispered, “Jonas…Jonas…Jo…”
The world spun and Rip fell into blackness.
 “Gideon?” John called as he scanned the area, “Are you sure this is where the beacon came from?”
“I am, Mr Constantine,” Gideon replied, “The Time Sphere should be within view soon.”
John sighed, the problem with being the only member of the crew who knew Rip was alive was that Gideon expected him to go searching without any back-up when the idiot got himself into trouble.
“Why is he using that and not the Time Courier, which would let him step from place to place?” John demanded, “Isn’t that much easier?”
“Captain Hunter prefers to use the Time Sphere as there is a possibility someone may try to follow him through the portal back to his base of operations,” Gideon explained before adding, “An issue the Legends have experienced.”
Continuing along the path, John finally spotted the Time Sphere or more accurately what was left of it. Running over, John grimaced finding Rip trapped and unconscious with blood dripping down his face.
“Damn it, you crazy bastard,” John snapped, “What the hell did you do this time?”
Crouching down beside his friend, John checked for a pulse, relieved to find one. Slow but it was there.
“Gideon,” John said, moving junk off Rip, “I’ve found him.”
“Excellent, Mr Constantine,” Gideon said, relief evident in her voice, “Is he injured?”
“It’s Rip,” John replied wearily, “Of course, he’s injured.”
The man in question groaned, murmuring something about not being able to take it anymore.
“Typically,” John continued before Gideon say anything, “He’s also pinned beneath parts of the Time Sphere, I need to get things off him then get him to the med bay. From the look of it, he’s going to be in a lot of pain and possibly bleeding heavily.”
The portal to the medical bay opened beside him and Gideon told him, “I am waiting for you.”
John grimaced, he pulled the loose bits of kit out of the way before managing to shift the seat pinning Rip to the ground off the other man, releasing his legs but unfortunately this meant the wounds it had been pressing on began to gush blood.
“This is not going to be pleasant,” John murmured as he gripped Rip under his arms, “But hopefully you’ll stay unconscious, and Gideon will have you on the good drugs soon.”
Pulling Rip out of the Sphere made him cry out but thankfully he didn’t waken. John managed to get him into the medbay then onto the medical chair and attached the cuff to Rip’s wrist.
Gideon instantly began to scan Rip, sedating him and started the healing process.
“I suggest once you clean up the blood on the floor,” Gideon said, “That you get something to eat and drink. I shall contact you once Captain Hunter is awake.”
John sighed, grabbing a cloth he gently patted his friend’s shoulder.
 “Captain,” a gentle voice invaded the blackness, “Wake up, Captain.”
Rip squeezed his eyes shut, he couldn’t do this anymore. Not with Gideon, she was all he had left. Why couldn’t he stay unconscious? Why did his mind have to torture him like this?
“It’s alright, Rip,” she continued, gentle fingers stroked his hair, “You’re home.”
Slowly opening his eyes, Rip found he was in the parlour of the Waverider with Gideon sitting at his side.
“Are you real?” he asked softly.
An amused smile touched her lips, “That is a discussion we might wait to have until I am sure you are well enough to debate.”
“You know what I mean,” Rip frowned at her, “Am I hallucinating you or am I on the Waverider?”
Gideon squeezed his hand, “You are currently in the medbay, under my care and sedated so you stay put.”
Relief filled him.
“From your blood work, you were exposed to the hallucinogen, SL27,” Gideon spoke up.
“I knew it was something potent,” Rip sighed, looking at her sadly, “What I saw…”
“Was not real, Rip,” Gideon reminded him, “It was your subconscious fears brought to life, voiced by people you would listen to.”
Rip stared at her, he wanted to rest just for a short time with his best friend before he had to leave once more but unbidden the question slipped from his lips, “Did Miranda love me?”
“Oh, Rip,” Gideon whispered, “Of course she did. Miranda was deeply in love with you.”
He shook his head, “I know, I do know but…”
“The hallucinogen you were exposed to has played with your mind,” Gideon sympathised, before stating, “I have something for you from my memory banks that will help.”
Rip frowned confused jumping in amazement as Miranda appeared before him dressed in her wedding dress with a worried frown on her face as she paced a small strip in front of him.
“Is something wrong, Lieutenant Coburn?” Gideon asked her, “Are you having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Miranda shook her head, “No. I can’t wait to marry Rip. I love him more than I knew I could love anyone.”
Rip felt tears fill his eyes but stayed quiet as the scene played out before him.
“Then what is concerning you?” Gideon asked.
Sighing Miranda confessed, “That by marrying him I’ll be holding him back. I know Rip is destined for great things. I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t reach his potential.”
Gideon turned back to Rip and hugged him tightly as Miranda disappeared.
“She loved you,” Gideon reminded him.
“I’ve never felt as alone as I did when the vision of Miranda suggested she never loved me,” Rip took a shuddering breath in, “I thought I was going to die there.”
“You are never alone,” Gideon assured him, “And I will always come for you, my dear Captain.”
 Rip dressed after his shower, happy to be home wishing he didn’t have to leave again but he knew the team needed Gideon to guide them more than he did for now. Besides the noise they made hid his work from those who would try to interfere.
“Your new Time Courier is ready, Captain,” Gideon spoke up, “And Mr Constantine is waiting for you in the parlour.”
“Thank you, Gideon,” Rip gave her a quick smile.
Grabbing his freshly laundered duster, Rip rested his hand on the bulkhead before he walked up to the bridge where John was waiting for him.
“Thank you,” Rip said, “For coming to help me.”
“Gideon gave me no choice,” John told him, an amused smile touching his lips, “But you’re welcome.”
Rip chuckled softly, “I’m assuming the team are visiting family or taking a break while you’re here.”
“Actually, they’re in the middle of a mission,” John shrugged, “Gideon assures me she can return the ship to the exact same moment we left.”
“She can,” Rip nodded, “And I should let you go.”
“Captain,” Gideon said softly, “You do not need to leave so soon.”
Stroking the central console beneath her avatar, Rip sighed, “I do. The longer I’m here, there is a greater probability that the crew will discover my survival.”
Taking a deep breath, Rip picked up the bag with the supplies Gideon had made for him before tapping a few instructions into his courier.
“Gideon, please reset the preferences within the base to allow me access via portal?” he asked.
“Of course, Captain,” Gideon told him.
“John, thank for finding me,” he said to his friend, “Take care of Gideon.”
John shook Rip’s hand, “I will but I don’t want to have to save your sorry arse again, so be more careful.”
“I’ll try,” Rip gave a slight sardonic smile, opening the portal he left the Waverider once more hoping it wouldn’t be for too long.
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nitannichionne · 3 years
The Captain's Secret (Chris Evans/Captain America Fanfic), Chapter 10: Message From Beyond (Cap POV)
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I watched Coulson sit back in his chair. I started checking the background of the video. He was definitely on the Helicarrier.
"Evie--" He closed his eyes for a second. "Lesedi is a very special girl-young woman." He took a deep breath. "She is the granddaughter of Ororo Munroe, also known as--"
"Storm." I said it with the recording, leaning forward. "Oh, boy."
Coulson took another deep breath. "Storm had a daughter named Kymera while married to a Wakandan king. Kymera left the Xavier School for the Gifted before finishing. In that time away, she got pregnant. We do not know who the father is, but we do know he isn't exactly human." He paused, seeming to know I'd need a minute for that. "Kymera returned to her mother to give birth, and died not long after Lesedi Evelyn Munroe was born. When Lesedi was small, she often used her powers unintentionally in moments of heightened stress. For small children, this is easy to occur, but not common since most mutants come into powers during adolescent years. Storm came to us for help, and Fury brought her to SHIELD for her own protection."
Coulson swiveled in his chair and put the focus on a monitor. "Fury treated her more like a specimen than an innocent little girl, so I became her advocate. Fury and SHIELD call her Eve, but I call her Lesedi or Sedi." I watched a short film of Lesedi as a child being put through some tests, and receiving different injections or having blood drawn. There were other tests to make her use her capabilities. She spent most of the footage crying or in fear. Then the film cut to Lesedi standing in what looked like a bedroom. The place looked like it was in a snowstorm and she was crying in the middle of it. No one could get near her. Some scientists and medics tried, but to no avail; she was generating some sort of cold blast. Fury tried, and she backed away from him but hit him twice as hard. Finally, Coulson came into the room, and started talking to her. He had taken off his jacket and tie, bent low as he maintained eye contact with her. As he neared her, the elements subsided, and he picked her up, rocking and holding her. When Fury entered the room, Coulson put a hand up, and shoved past him, taking her out of the room. Coulson swiveled away from the screen and put the camera back on himself. He swallowed hard, still affected by that memory. "Over the years Nick Fury has had her undergo tests to find the specifics of her capabilities. I have been what stood between them at times. In short, if I didn't agree to a test, Lesedi simply didn't do it. I had become her parent, and I love her as such."
Coulson stopped for a moment. Just as I thought he couldn't look more serious or sad, he began to speak again. "Lesedi's father. I have a theory about him. I think he may be an Asgardian. In SHIELD history we have known of a few who came here despite the King and Queen's warnings. I have been able to collect DNA samples from Thor when he tried to reclaim his hammer, which was why I allowed it. I believe that-others-" he gave a meaningful nod. "will show themselves now that we have the Tesseract." He sat as if waiting for me to put it together myself. "You've probably guessed that I plan to try to get information and DNA from Loki now that we have him in custody," Coulson said quickly. That was when I noticed the video was made the day he died, after we met. "No matter what, Lesedi is my daughter, and finding the truth for her is worth everything, but is becoming dangerous. This made me think who could I trust with all I knew? Who would I trust with her?"
I paused the video. Now in hindsight, I realized that Coulson believed that Lesedi's father was none other than Loki, who would murder him later that day. It was possible, but now there were so many possibilities in hindsight that Coulson could not have seen. This was a lot. "No wonder she didn't get brain freeze." I took a deep breath. I wanted footage of that room from the time Loki came on board till he escaped . I wanted all of it. I had a feeling more happened in that room than anyone let on, or anyone really knew. Then I thought about our conversation:
"It's a huge honor to have you on board."
"Hope I'm the man for the job."
"Oh, you are, absolutely."
Those words had a new meaning. I leaned forward, and hit play. "Oh, no, Phil. Not me. Not...me!" I watched the play of emotions across his face. Oh, no...
"Yes, I am begging you to look after her." Coulson's face got closer to the screen, and I sat back. "She is powerful and vulnerable. I know no one-there is no one I know of-that could have her best interests at heart and protect her, maybe even from herself. When this mess is over, I plan to introduce you. I kind of botched our first meeting and I need to clarify things, but if this doesn't happen, I need you to understand. I hope you do. Lesedi will know that you have received correspondence from me if you call her Sedi." He paused. "Destroy this first chance you get, and not on the ship. Fury is part conspiracy theorist, so things you throw away are the first things he will search through. Thank you for whatever you do. Good luck, and tell Sedi I love her. Good luck."
@nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog@forallthebrokenheartedthings @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @tamychm @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @pixie88@fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @october505​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75 @kebabgirl67 @its-carlerr
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years
First, thank you SO MUCH for all the fic recs you’ve been blessing us with! I really appreciate all the time and effort you’ve put into making these. Second, could you recommend some historical AUs? Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day :D
Thank you so much for the kind words anon. It’s so good to hear that you guys like these recs. I really enjoy creating these lists and finding fics that are both well-loved but also those who are underrated in the fandom. 
I have a LOT of historical AU fics so I hope there are some you haven’t read before. The fics are, more or less, in chronological order, so it starts with Ancient Rome, moves on to the Middle Ages, then to Regency era, etc. etc. This should make it a tad easier to find fics from different eras. Enjoy! 
                                 Cherik Historical AU Fic Recs 
History Repeating – winterhill
Summary: From a kinkmeme prompt, this is a series of vignettes about Charles and Erik throughout the ages. Each chapter is written as a self-contained era.
Wanton in the Air – Rosie_Rues
Summary: In which Charles rescues a gladiator from the arena and soon becomes somewhat disconcerted by this handsome new slave and his sharksome grin.
Pantheon – Yahtzee
Summary: In the year 96 AD, all Rome is aware that their gods have begun to Mark certain people with their gifts – the healing power of Apollo, the metal control of Vulcan, the deathly touch of Pluto, or the mental powers of Minerva. When those gifts fall to slaves or barbarians instead of the Romans themselves, strict control is necessary.
Then a gladiator from Judea meets an enslaved scribe from Britannia, and the repercussions will shake the Empire itself.
Taken By His Majesty – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik’s mission was simple, sneak into the Celtic pretender king’s tent, assassinate him, and return to Rome with his father’s honor restored. Unfortunately, he didn’t count on Charles. When the prince chooses to take him as his personal slave, Erik feared the worst, and his concerns weren’t entirely unwarranted. The worst, however, turns out to be falling in love with the greatest enemy of Rome’s primacy in Briton. A historical romance set during the early days of Rome’s occupation of Briton.
Terrible with the brightness of gold – brawlingdiscontent
Summary: The war is lost.
With the futures of his people and his children at stake, former Crown consort Charles of Normandy awaits the arrival of England’s new master, the fearsome Viking warrior, Erik Lehnsherr. (Inspired by 11th century historical events)
“For who could look upon the lions of the foe, terrible with the brightness of gold, who upon the men of metal, menacing with golden face, … who upon the bulls on the ships threatening death, their horns shining with gold, without feeling any fear for the king of such a force?” - Encomium Emmae Reginae
Burn Your Kingdom Down – spicedpiano
Summary: Erik’s people were brutally massacred when the Crusaders took Jerusalem. The sole survivor, Erik fled to northern Europe, only then to be captured as a thrall by Viking raiders. Since that day he has fought his way up to leading a group of Vikings on an invasion of the Christian mainland, killing every Crusader he can find. But when he captures a thrall of his own, a young witch who gives his name only as Charles, he discovers that there is a darker magic than his at work - and the fate of the known world may rest in his hands.
More Than All The World (The Werewolf’s Tale) – Luninosity
Summary: An Erik/Charles story very loosely based on Marie de France’s 12th-century French werewolf tale, in which Erik is the man transformed into a wolf (he’ll get changed back by the end, it’s not that kind of story, though they very definitely do fall in love) and Charles is a king and eventually there’s a happy ending. Also, a villain’s nose gets bitten off.
The Conspirator’s Gift – kaydeefalls
Summary: Medieval mystery AU. In the aftermath of a bloody siege during the 12th-century English Anarchy, the monk Henry and tradesman Erik discover evidence of murder: one corpse too many hidden among the fallen rebels. To see justice done, Erik must tread carefully through the conflicting and treacherous loyalties of civil war, as well as the potentially dangerous schemes of the enigmatic young Lord Xavier.
As Dark Longs For Day – Yahtzee
Summary: A daring young thief escapes from the wicked bishop’s dungeons, thinking herself free – until she encounters a rider with a black horse, a tame hawk and a dark secret. And who is this mysterious young man who only appears at night, accompanied by a protective wolf?
No Longer in Silence – Black_Betty
Summary: It has been eight years since Charles has seen Erik. Eight years since they parted under unkind circumstances and Erik went off to sea. The boy he once knew is Captain Lehnsherr now and they are as known to one another as strangers, and yet–Charles finds that eight years has done nothing to diminish the feelings he had when he was 16 and in love. It’s unfortunate then that Erik doesn’t feel the same way. (Persuasion AU)
Dance With Me – wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe)
Summary: After his most recent tour, Erik Lehnsherr has finally earned the rank of Captain and a commission on a vessel all his own. With the prize money he has collected and this new rank, he finally feels secure enough in his future to propose to the man he has loved for years. He just prays that Charles is willing to have him.
Connexions – keire_ke
Summary: When Mr Lehnsherr of Thornfield first began seeking a tutor suited to educate his young daughter, he could hardly have expected the young gentleman who turned up at his door, nor the connection they would forge.
The Master of Charlton Park – Gerec
Summary: On the brink of losing his ancestral home, omega Charles Xavier agreed to do the unthinkable; he would sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of his family, and bear a child for a married alpha and his mate.
But Charles never expected that alpha to be Erik Lehnsherr, with whom he shared an impossible love and undeniable passion.
Move Still – Black_Betty
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr hates dancing, but has a very specific reason for throwing a ball…
To Turn and Look When Thou Hearest the Sound of My Name – lachatblanche
Summary: North and South AU.
Erik, the master of the Genosha steel mill in the north, has lived a hard life, building his industry from scratch with the aid of his adopted sibling, Emma. When Charles Xavier, a young, southern gentleman, takes up residence near the mill, Erik finds himself drawn to him, despite Charles making it very clear that he cares neither for the north nor for Erik.
Based on Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel (takes place about midway through the story).
Frost fairs and fair frosts – diner_drama
Summary: The social circles of the upper end of London were in uproar - not only had the Thames frozen over, but the atypical weather had also prompted the mysterious and uncanny Dr. Xavier and his peculiar young charges to make the journey all the way from his mansion in Chester.
Erik Lehnsherr was not entirely certain that he could countenance meeting another of Mrs. Frost’s high society friends without suffering a violent fit of apoplexy, but perhaps the charming country doctor could break through his iron defences.
What We All Long For –  Nos4a2no9
Summary: Charles Xavier was heir to a vast fortune before his stepfather stole his birthright, his dignity, and his freedom. Forced to serve as Kurt Marko’s informant and as a sexual plaything for the wealthy men of Europe’s upper crust, Charles yearns for nothing more than a quiet life free from shame and abuse.
The death of his stepfather seems to offer a way out, but Charles is once again forced to serve the Markos when his stepbrother offers him up as collateral in a game of chance. Suddenly Charles becomes the property of Erik Lehnsherr, a mysterious gambler with a thirst for revenge.
When love between the two men begins to blossom, Charles finally discovers what is at the heart of Erik’s tragic story, and why he is set upon a devastating course of revenge that will endanger Erik, Charles, and everything they have longed for.
Roses & Cinnamon – TurtleTotem
Summary: Charles Xavier lost more than his leg in the war with Napoleon, and the man he’s just pulled out of the water has ghosts of his own – especially when Charles’s involuntary projected hallucinations prove catching. Raven, meanwhile, faces the choice of whether to marry respectably or run away with a carnival fortune-teller.
Ironwood Hall – wheel_pen
Summary: Erik and Emma are Alpha siblings living in an ancient house in the Victorian era… a house that has strong opinions about who its family should marry, that has dispatched unsuitable spouses in the past. The latest candidate? A creative young Omega named Charles Xavier.
Somewhere between Rage and Serenity – Hyperballad
Summary: Charles Xavier is Erik Lehnsherr’s servant in this fic, set in the late Victorian period. Although Charles was quietly enamored with his employer, he had no intimation that the other was equally infatuated with him. Only with the coming of a dark force in their lives would these feelings be brought to light and it will test the strength of their will. Would the raging lust win over a tranquil heart?
In a Compromising Position – Fireflydown (Hyperballad)
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is Charles Xavier’s newly hired manservant in his Victorian Household. He may be cheeky at times and amiable towards his master but he holds a dangerous secret that would trigger the following events and it will change both their lives forever.
Better Outrun My Gun – Magnetism_bind
Summary: Erik is searching for the man who murdered his parents. Charles runs a saloon with his sisters.
Taming the Wild – Penguina
Summary: A Cherik Wild West AU: Mutants in the Wild West.
Charles Xavier finds himself crossing the entire ocean to America to find his sister Raven. However the task turns out to be more difficult than he expected because Raven is nowhere to be found.
In the meantime Charles settles in a small town where he starts a new life as a school teacher. There he meets Erik Lehnsherr - the town’s blacksmith. Although at first he believes Erik is the rudest person he’s ever met, the two start a friendship and Charles becomes a teacher to Erik’s kids.
However both Charles and Erik have their own little secrets that no one should ever uncover.
Would Charles find his beloved sister and is she still alright? Would Erik’s tragic past haunt him forever and prevent him from finding his happiness? Would Charles have the guts to admit that his feelings for his new friend are a bit past the line of friendship? This and more in Taming the Wild!
The Gunpowder Files – Tawabids
Summary: In a 19th century Britain, the wealthy Xavier-Marko couple pay Erik, a hired killer, to put their disabled son Charles “out of his misery”. Instead, Erik saves Charles from dealing with those kind of parents ever again. Charles follows Erik back to London and eventually convinces the assassin to take him under his wing and teach him the trade. When their lives cross paths with a destructive opium cartel led by the shadowy Sebastian Shaw, they decide to take down the businessman down no matter the cost.
Steel Roses – Mikanskey, ximeria
Summary: The year is 1864. While unrest brews in Europe, Charles Xavier is finally able to start his research after spending years trying to find funding. Riding the tailcoats of Charles Darwin, he sets out into the British countryside to find out how much truth there is in folklore, how much of it that can be explained by his own kind, gifted humans with special abilities.
Little does he expect to find new friends, new challenges, a budding attraction both emotionally and physically. Not to mention an enemy with far more nefarious and sinister plans than he could have ever imagined.
Erik Lehnsherr is set with a good business, a manor and grounds, staff and acquaintances he can lean on if needed. However, having tracked down and killed the man who killed his parents, he feels adrift, wondering if this is where he’s supposed to end his life; a respectable man with a respectable business.
Dragging a drowning Englishman out of the river starts him down an entirely unforeseen, but not necessarily, unwelcome path.
They were Paris… – Mikanskey
Summary: Paris, at the end of the 19th century.
This is where Erik decided for a while to lay down his meager luggage.
This is where he hoped to find calm and inspiration for his art.
But instead this is where he found love…
With pulses that beat double – aesc
Summary: It has been thirteen years since Charles watched his beloved childhood companion walk out of his life. Now, in fin-de-siècle Paris, a chance overheard remark may lead them to each other’s sides once more.
The Body in the Bedroom – telperion_15
Summary: Autumn, 1909 – Viscount Charles Xavier has invited friends and acquaintances to spend the weekend, hoping for good company and interesting conversation. But he doesn’t bank on murder being committed under his roof, nor his growing interest in the enigmatic Erik Lehnsherr…
In which there is a country house party (what else?), murder most foul (of course), and almost everyone’s a suspect (naturally).
Your soul is a chosen country – aesc
Summary: He sends letters, of course, because out in the sticks there’s not much to do except tend to Westchester’s endless affairs. And, of course, avoid tending to those affairs by going on walks, riding, and writing letters that make him hard and thrill secretly when he hands the properly-sealed, addressed envelope to the butler.
I was in London the other day, and in a bookseller’s along The Strand I found the most interesting and instructive volume. Or rather, it would have proved instructive if we had not already worked our way through much of the repertoire.
Blue Skies – baehj2915, marourin
Summary: At the tail end of the 1920s, the Twentieth Century is finally changing for the better. When Charles and Erik meet, it seems like an appropriate expression of the zeitgeist–a confluence of passion, romance, and change. But the good times never last. Erik and Charles have to discover if they can weather the gray days together, or at all.
A September as Sunny as Spring – Black_Betty, ikeracity, keire_ke
Summary: Charles Xavier was part of a famous vaudeville act before an accident cost him his career and his ability to walk. He’s pulled together a new life as a musician in Hollywood, but is finding it difficult to navigate his feelings for his old friend and partner, Erik Lehnsherr, the most sought after matinee idol of their generation.
Famous film duo Frost and Lehnsherr are two of the most well-known and admired mutants in the public eye, having built their fame and fortune on silent film blockbusters.When the rise of the new “talking pictures” phenomenon threatens all their careers, they must band together to try to prove that their days of stardom are far from over.
Lay with Me Amongst the Grapevines – kageillusionz
Summary: Young Master Charles’ friend from Oxford comes to stay with him at Westchester House during their break. Their relationship changes over the course of Mr. Lehnsherr’s stay, warmed by the summer sunshine and their mutual affection.
The Eldest of the Gods – lapetitesinge
Summary: It’s 1928, and sixteen-year-old Charles Xavier is intrigued by the new boy joining him at Eton College. He’s thrilled to realize that they may be alike in more ways than one, but there’s more standing between them than he can possibly guess.
Robbers – dsrobertson
Summary: 1933. Bank robber AU.
The Bureau of Investigation are after Public Enemy Number Two, bank robber Erik Lehnsherr. Charles Xavier is fiancé to Special Agent Moira MacTaggart. A closet homosexual, Charles visits the Manhattan pansy club scene and meets Max Eisenhardt. Only as time goes on, Max Eisenhardt turns out to be Erik Lehnsherr. Public Enemy Number Two.
Charles learns exactly what happens when you accidentally fall in love with a male bank robber in 1930s America.
Sign of the Times – dsrobertson
Summary: Casablanca-ish AU.
Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr in Paris, 1937. They spend the next two years with one another, stupid in-love, until war comes heavy in September 1939. Erik leaves for Poland and the Resistance movement there, promising to return. Charles is left in Paris, where Nazi jackboots march in, Summer of 1940. He becomes a member of the underground French Resistance, publishing illegal newsletters, leaflets, until news comes through in February 1942: Erik is dead. Charles throws himself into more dangerous work, meeting with Communists, helping derail a German train, and he does too much, goes too far. His friends find him safe passage out of France, out across the Mediterranean, to Morocco, Casablanca. It is here he finds Erik, alive.
Alone No more – MacandLacy
Summary: Erik and Charles each thought that they were alone. When they meet as children and discover otherwise, it changes their lives. Set before and during World War II.
The footsteps of uprooted lovers – ninemoons42
Summary: Against a turbulent backdrop of artistic, social, and political upheaval, the playwright Charles Xavier and the photographer Erik Lehnsherr find themselves meeting under less-than-polite circumstances, but part rather more amicably than they’d met.
When they find each other again in a Barcelona that is falling inexorably toward war, they find themselves taking up arms, each in his own way, and together they join a struggle for freedom, for love, and for their very lives.
Theme and Variations: War – ninemoons42
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a musical prodigy and a man destined for great things and great stages. But his life is shattered by a terrible accident that leaves him blind and trying to find his way back to his life, his music, and his place in the world.
Then he meets Charles Xavier, an agent of Section 8 of the Military Intelligence Directorate of Providence, and he finds himself listening in to clandestine radio transmissions and clicking Morse code, and these sounds are part and parcel of a war that can only take place in the shadows and the hidden places of history.
Hier steh ich an Marken meiner Tage – MonstrousRegiment
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles Xavier. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
“You’re the only person in the world who knows what I am.”
A fish hook; an open eye – fabeld
Summary: Charles Xavier’s wealth protects him from mandatory service in the British Armed Forces, but he refuses to sit idly by when his telepathy can be used to assist the Allied Powers. As a British spy, Charles gains the Nazi Party’s trust and is sent to Paris to complete one last mission. His plan is disrupted when he runs into someone he never thought he would see again.
WWII AU with nods to Atonement.
A Light That Never Goes Out – R_Cookie
Summary: It was meant to be the war to end all wars; these two men were never supposed to meet. One a German Jew, the other a British surgeon. The odds that their paths should cross were next to none - but War defies the expected. It always has, and always will.
From the beaches of Dunkirk to the treacherous slopes of Monte Cassino - this is their story.
Xmas in Connecticut – Yahtzee
Summary: In December 1944, the entire nation loves Rebecca Lawrence - “America’s Most Beloved Homemaker.” Her columns about leading the ideal life in the country help lift people’s spirits on the home front during World War II. But when her publisher asks her to host a war hero for Christmas dinner, the world is in danger of learning the truth … which is that “Rebecca Lawrence” is imaginary. Really, she’s a combination of Raven’s snappy writing and Charles’ knowhow in the kitchen.
However, this war hero, Erik Lehnsherr, is headed to Connecticut, so Raven and Charles have no choice but to find a way to make the imaginary real - at least,
Infamy – Yahtzee
Summary: In the aftermath of the Second World War, Erik Lehnsherr – survivor of Dachau, former resistance fighter in Occupied Europe – joins forces with US intelligence to hunt down escaped Nazis. A sensitive mission in Rio de Janeiro calls for Erik to recruit a new operative … one nobody is sure whether to trust. Charles Xavier is the stepson of convicted Nazi spy Kurt Marko, a rapidly worsening drunkard and a homosexual who hardly even bothers to hide his predilections. Hardly ideal.
But Charles is the only person with any chance of getting close to Sebastian Shaw. The one man who might allow them to complete the mission.
And although Erik’s business is keeping secrets, Charles brings something out in him that he’s worked desperately to hide –
What Dreams May Come – AnnaMcb24
Summary: Erik is a holocaust survivor who has recently lost his wife–the only person in his life who kept him sane. He continues to suffer in his dreams–facing the same agonies that plagued him in his early life–until one day he dreams of a young boy who endeavours to free Erik from his subconscious prison. However, the boy holds a great many secrets and, while he works to save Erik, Erik works to reveal his saviour’s identity.
Meanwhile, young Raven Xavier has lost her mother and is slowly uncovering the secrets of her family home–secrets that will lead her directly to one Erik Lehnsherr.
By Faint Indirections - kianspo
Summary: Erik is in his ~50s, and lonely and bitter. He survived the Holocaust and was only ~14 when the war ended; and even ~40 years later, living in a country that helped to end WW2 and the Third Reich, homosexuality is still a taboo topic. Then one day, he stumbles over Charles, who is young(early 20s) and bright and smart and cheeky and full of energy and beautiful. And moving in the same street where Erik lives.
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moosekateer13 · 3 years
Chapter 10 Tightrope:
5 years later….
Sam and Y/N's mansion
One day Sam surprised us with a bigger mansion not soon after I gave birth. A red brick 5 stories 8 bedroom. Sam said he had started building as soon as he found out I was pregnant. It's a little much but sometimes we have guests. I also have no doubt we will expand our family someday.
It's been six years since we got married and 5 since we had our twins Ophelia and Xavier. Ophelia was a surprise during the delivery. During my pregnancy, we thought I was only carrying one. I don't know how they missed her during the ultrasounds.
Ophelia and Xavier are opposites. She's quiet and observant while Xavier is rowdy and likes to feel everything with his hands.
Ophelia is Sam's mini-me. The only thing that resembles me is the shape of her face. Xavier on the other hand looks like me except for his eyes, which are totally Sam's.
I see Sam round the corner with Xavier on his back and Ophelia holding his hand.
It's lunchtime now that always gets the kids excited. We are having a cheeseburger casserole, a recipe I learned from my mom.
Pasta has always been a household favourite. The kids get that from me.
Our hotel is thriving. We opened up across the pond in the UK.
Lawrence will always be the main headquarters though. We are going to be opening another hotel in Toronto, Ontario, in a few months. Since we've expanded our reach for our mobs into Canada, we've had to recruit more people. Jen is the leader of the Canadian division. She grew up in a small mob called the Waywards; they've all been brought into the fold as well.
A lot has happened in the past 6 years within the Winchester family. Holy and Dean had their first child a daughter named Lacey. Bee and John got married in Vegas. It was a small affair with just the immediate family present. They didn’t want all the fanfare. Mary is engaged to a CEO named Sean Scriven.
If you told me 6 years ago I'd be sitting at a table with a family of my own, I wouldn't have believed you. I never believed in love till Sam came along. I know the answer to one question I never thought I'd solve: "Why? Why would you risk everything for just one person?"
The answer is when you truly care for someone; it is worth the risks that come with it
Cause I ain't seen nothin' like you
The way you light up every room tonight
So easily
And I have moved mountains, babe
Just to stumble into your good grace
And I, I still can't compete
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mattchase82 · 3 years
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor from the Liturgical Year (1904)
"Oh! how exceeding great is the glory of Aloysius, Son of Ignatius! Never could I have believed it, had not my Jesus shown it to me. Never could I have believed that such glory as that, was to be seen in heaven!" Thus cries out Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, whose memory we were celebrating a month ago: she is speaking in ecstasy. From the heights of Carmel, whence her ken may reach beyond the heavens, she reveals to earth the splendour wherewith the youthful hero of this day shines amidst the celestial phalanxes.
Yet short was the life of Aloysius, and it had offered nothing to the superficial gaze of a vast majority, save the preliminaries, so to say, of a career broken off in its flower, before bearing fruit of any kind. Ah! God does not account of things as men do; of very slight weight are their appreciations, in His judgment! Even in the case of the saints themselves, the mere fractional number of years, or brilliant deeds, goes far less to the filling up of a life-time, in His view, than does love. The usefulness of a human existence ought surely to be measured, as a matter of fact, by the amount produced in it, of what is lasting. Now beyond this present time charity remains alone, fixed for ever at that precise degree of growth attained during this life of passage. Little matters it, therefore, if without any long duration or any apparent works, one of God's Elect have developed in himself a love as great or greater than some others have done, in the midst of many toils, be they never so holy, and throughout a long career admired of men.
The illustrious Society that gave Aloysius Gonzaga to holy Church owes the sanctity of her members and the benedictions poured upon their works to the fidelity she has ever professed to this important truth, which throws so much light on the Christian life. From the very first age of her history, it would seem that our Lord Jesus, not content to allow her to assume his own blessed Name, has been lovingly determined so to arrange circumstances in her regard that she may never forget wherein it is her real strength lies, in the midst of the actively militant career which He has especially opened before her. The brilliant works of Saint Ignatius her founder, of Saint Francis Xavier, the apostle of the Indies, of Saint Francis Borgia, the noble conquest of Christ's humility, manifested truly wondrous holiness in them, and to the eyes of all; but these works of theirs had no other spring nor basis than the hidden virtues of that other glorious triumvirate, in which, under the eye of God alone, by the sole strength of contemplative prayer, Saints Stanislaus Kostka, Aloysius Gonzaga, and John Berchmans, rose to such a degree of love, and consequently to the sanctity of their heroic fathers.
Again, it is by Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, the depositary of the secrets of the Spouse, that this mystery is revealed to us. In the rapture during which the glory of Aloysius was displayed before her eyes, she thus continues, whilst still under the influence of the Holy Ghost: "Who could ever explain the value and the power of interior acts? The glory of Aloysius is so great, simply because he acted thus, interiorly. Between an interior act and that which is seen, there is no comparison possible. Aloysius, as long as he dwelt on earth, kept his eye attentively fixed on the Word; and this is just why he is so splendid. Aloysius was a hidden martyr; whosoever loveth Thee, my God, knoweth Thee to be so great, so infinitely amiable, that keen indeed is the martyrdom of such an one, to see clearly that he loves Thee not so much as he desireth to love Thee, and that Thou art not loved by Thy creatures, but art offended!.... Thus he became a martyrdom unto himself. Oh! he did love, whilst on earth! Wherefore, now in heaven, he possesses God in a sovereign plenitude of love. Whilst still mortal, he discharged his bow at the Heart of the Word; and now that he is in heaven, his arrows are all lodged in his own heart. For this communication of the Divinity which he merited by the arrows of his acts of love and of union with God, he now verily and indeed possesses and clasps forever."
To love God, to allow His grace to turn our heart towards Infinite Beauty, which alone can fill it, such is then the true secret of highest perfection. Who can fail to see how this teaching of today's feast answers to the end pursued by the Holy Ghost ever since His coming down, at our glorious Pentecost? This sweet and silent teaching was given by Aloysius, wheresoever he turned his steps, during his short career. Born to heaven, in holy baptism, almost before he was born to earth, he was a very angel from his cradle; grace seemed to gush from him into those who bore him in their arms, filling them with heavenly sentiments. At four years of age, he followed the marquess his father into the camps; and thus, some unconscious faults, which had not so much as tarnished his innocence, became for the rest of his life the object of a penitence that one would have thought rather beseemed some grievous sinner. He was but nine years old when, being taken to Florence, there to be perfected in the Italian language, he became the edification of the Court of duke Francis; but though the most brilliant in Italy it failed to have any attraction for him, and rather served to detach him more decisively than ever from the world. During this period, likewise, at the feet of the miraculous picture of the Annunziata, he consecrated his virginity to Our Lady.
The Church herself, in the Breviary Lessons, will relate the other details of this sweet life, in which, as is ever the case with souls fully docile to the Holy Ghost, heavenly piety never marred what was of duty in earthly things. It is just because he really was a model for all youth engaged in study, that Aloysius has been proclaimed Protector thereof. Of a singularly quick intelligence, as faithful to work as to prayer in the midst of the gay turmoil of city life, he mastered all the sciences then exacted of one of his rank. Very intricate and ticklish negotiations of worldly interest were more than once confided to his management: and thus was opportunity afforded of realizing to what a high degree he might have excelled in government affairs. Here, again, he comes forward as an example to such as have friends and relatives who would lain hold them back, when on the threshold of the religious state, under pretence of the " great good they may do in the world, and how much evil they may prevent." Just as though the Most High must be contented with useless non-entities in that select portion of men He reserves to Himself amidst nations; or, as though the aptitudes of the richest and most gifted natures may not be turned all the better, and all the more completely to God their very principle, precisely because they are the most perfect. On the other hand, neither State, nor Church, ever really loses anything by this fleeing to God, this apparent throwing away of the best subjects! If, in the old law, Jehovah showed Himself jealous in having the very best of all kinds of goods offered at His altar, His intention was not to impoverish his people. Whether admitted or not, it is a certain fact, that the chief strength of society, the fountain head of benediction and protection to the world, is always to be found in holocausts well pleasing to the Lord.
Venerable old age is not that of long time, nor counted by the number of years: but the understanding of man is grey hairs; and a spotless life is old age (Wisd. iv. 8, 9). And therefore, Aloysius, thou dost hold a place of honour, amidst the ancients of thy people! Glory be to the holy Society, in the midst whereof, thou didst, in so short a space, fulfill a long course; obtain that she may ever continue to treasure, both for herself and others, the teaching that flows from thy life of innocency and love. Holiness is the one only thing when one's career is ended, that can be called true again; and holiness is acquired from within. External works count with God, only in as far as the interior breath that inspires them is pure; if occasion for exercising works be wanting, man can always supply that deficiency, by drawing nigh unto the Lord, in the secret of his soul, as much and even more than he could have done by their means. Thus didst thou see and understand the question; and therefore, prayer, which held thee absorbed in its ineffable delights, succeeded in making thee equal to the very martyrs. What a priceless treasure was not prayer in thine eyes, what a heaven-lent boon, and one that is indeed in our reach too, just as it was in thine! But in order to find therein, as thou didst express it, "the short cut to perfection," perseverance is needed and a careful elimination from the soul, by a generous self-repression, of every emotion which is not of God. For, how could muddy or troubled waters mirror forth the image of Him Who stands on their brink? Even so, a soul that is sullied, or a soul that without being quite a slave of passion, is not yet mistress of every earthly perturbation, can never reach the object of prayer, which is to reproduce within her the tranquil image of her God.
The reproduction of the one great Model was perfect in thee; and hence it can be seen how nature (as regards what she has of good), far from losing or suffering aught, rather gains by this process of recasting in the divine crucible. Even in what touches the most legitimate affections, thou didst look at things no longer from the earthly point of view; but beholding all in God, far were the things of sense transcended, with all their deceptive feebleness, and wondrously did thy love grow in consequence! For instance, what could be more touching than thy sweet attentions, not only upon earth, but even from thy throne in heaven, for that admirable woman given thee by our Lord to be thine earthly mother? Where may tenderness be found equal to the affectionate effusions written to her by thee in that letter of a Saint to the mother of a Saint, which thou didst address to her shortly before thy quitting thine earthly pilgrimage? And still more, what exquisite delicacy thou didst evince, in making her the recipient of thy first miracle, worked after thine entrance into glory! Furthermore, the Holy Ghost, by setting thee on fire with the flame of divine charity, developed also within thee immense love for thy neighbour: necessarily so, because charity is essentially one; and well was this proved, when thou wast seen sacrificing thy life so blithely for the sick and the pestiferous.
Cease not, O dearest Saint, to aid us in the midst of so many miseries; lend a kindly hand to each and all. Christian youth has a special claim upon thy patronage, for it is by the sovereign pontiff himself, that this precious portion of the flock is gathered around thy throne. Direct their feeble steps along the right path, so often enticed as they are to turn into dangerous by-roads; be prayer and earnest toil, for God's dear sake, their stay and safeguard; be they illumined in the serious matter before them of the choosing a state of life. We beseech thee, dearest Saint, exert strong influence over them during this most critical period of their opening years, so that they may truly experience all the potency of that fair privilege which is ever thine, of preserving in thy devout clients, the angelical virtue! Yea, furthermore, Aloysius, look compassionately on those who have not imitated thine innocence, and obtain that they may yet follow thee in the example of thy penance; such is the petition of Holy Church this day!
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
December 30, 1950
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“Liz Has the Flimjabs” (aka “A Severe Case of Flimjabs”) is episode #112 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on December 30, 1950.
This was the 14th episode of the third season of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND. There were 31 new episodes, with the season ending on March 31, 1951.  
Synopsis ~  Liz wants a mink coat from George, so she pretends to be sick in order to get his sympathy - and the coat!  George is on to her tactics, and decides to give her the scare of her life - literally! 
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Note: This program served as the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy Fakes Illness” (ILL S1;E16) filmed on December 18, 1951 and first aired on January 28, 1952.  The role of the Doctor was taken by Hal March, who was actually playing an actor friend of Ricky’s named Hal March pretending to be a doctor.  On television, Lucy also adopts a psychological illness in addition to her physical ailments. There was no mention of Christmas or New Years on the television show. 
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) was considered the front-runner to be cast as Ethel Mertz but when “I Love Lucy” was ready to start production she was already playing a similar role on TV’s “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” so Vivian Vance was cast instead. On “I Love Lucy” she was cast as Lucy Ricardo’s spinster neighbor, Miss Lewis, in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15) in early 1952. Later, she was a success in her own show, “Petticoat Junction” as Shady Rest Hotel proprietress Kate Bradley. She starred in the series until her death in 1968.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) does not appear in this episode.
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Frank Nelson (Dr. Stevenson) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,” and “Fibber McGee & Molly”.  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs. His trademark was playing clerks and other working stiffs, suddenly turning to Benny with a drawn out “Yeeeeeeeeees?” Nelson appeared in 11 episodes of “I Love Lucy”, including three as quiz master Freddy Fillmore, and two as Ralph Ramsey, plus appearance on “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” - making him the only actor to play two different recurring roles on “I Love Lucy.” Nelson returned to the role of the frazzled Train Conductor for an episode of “The Lucy Show” in 1963. This marks his final appearance on a Lucille Ball sitcom.
The doctor’s surname may be a reference to noted costume designer Edward Stevenson, who designed gowns for Lucille Ball in more than a dozen RKO films and would eventually become costume designer of “I Love Lucy” after the departure of Elois Jenssen in 1955.
ANNOUNCER: “And now, let’s look in on the Coopers. It’s evening, and Liz and George are sitting in the living room admiring their Christmas tree."
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George wonders if it is time to take the Christmas tree down but Liz doesn’t want to. They agree to put away their presents instead and start to talk about the gifts they didn’t give or get.  
Liz nearly bought George a set of matching golf clubs. George says he nearly bought her a mink jacket. He says he saw it in the window at Millers, but realized he couldn’t afford it. Liz sadly reminds him that she has never had a fur coat and wonders if they could afford it if they all their Christmas gifts to the store. George says it still wouldn’t be enough, but Liz wants to wear something special to the Atterbury’s New Year’s Eve party. 
Next morning, in the kitchen, Katie the Maid asks Liz why she is so sad. Liz tells her about her mink jacket dreams. Liz solicits Katie’s opinion on how she can’t best get George to get her a mink jacket in time for the party.  Liz decides to play sick since George always gets her what she wants when she’s ill. 
After dinner, Liz and George contemplate what to do. Liz suggests going to the movies to see Harvey starring Jimmy Stewart, which is playing at the Strand. 
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Harvey is a comedy about a man whose best friend is a six-foot tall imaginary rabbit. It premiered just ten days earlier before this broadcast and starred James Stewart. The film won an Oscar for Josephine Hull. The screenplay was based on the 1944 Broadway play of the same name by Mary Chase which won the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. 
Before Liz can tell George the second feature, she starts to writhe in pain!  Amid moans and groans, Liz details the pain for George. She says she used to have these attacks as a child. When she says the only thing that sometimes helps is little gifts to make her happy, George gets suspicious.  He quickly leaves the room to make a phone call, which Liz thinks is to buy her a mink jacket, but he has actually called the doctor! 
End of Part One
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Bob LeMond presents a live Jell-O commercial, giving a basic recipe for preparation of all delicious six flavors!
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers once again, Liz is pretending to be sick and George, who is worried about her, has called the doctor.”
The doorbell rings and George admits Dr. Stevenson (Frank Nelson). Before seeing Liz, George tips him off that Liz may have a rare disease and that the only cure is a mink coat! George asks him to give her a good scare and the Doctor agrees to play along.  
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Entering the bedroom, Liz immediately tells the Doctor she feels much better.  But after a quick exam, the Doctor diagnoses Liz with a rare tropical disease from the West Indies called the ‘Flimjabs’. The only cure is to operate and remove her ‘torkle’ but warns her that she will never be able to ‘yammle’ again. The Doctor explains that ‘yammling’ is an involuntary peristalsis of the transverse clavis. 
GEORGE: “Doctor, do you have to remove the whole torkle?” DOCTOR: “Maybe we’ll be lucky and can save half of it. After all, half a torkle is better than none.” LIZ: “Well, I should say so!  I’d hate to think of never yammeling again!”
The Doctor says that they must now wait 24 hours and see if she turns green. 
DOCTOR: “If you turn green, three hours later (snaps his fingers) gone.” LIZ:  (snaps) “Gone?”  DOCTOR: (snaps) “Gone.”
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For the television script, the ‘Flimjabs’ was renamed the 'Gobloots’ - a rare tropical disease that carried into America on the hind legs of the 'boo-shoo bird.’ It can necessitate a person having to undergo a 'zorchectomy’ – total or partial removal of the 'zorch’. Even if doctors are able to save half a person’s 'zorch,’ the patient will never be able to 'trummle’ again. 'Trummling’ is a mysterious involuntary internal process. Finally, if you turn green while suffering from the 'gobloots’ you will be dead in 30 minutes!  
Iris Atterbury drops by to see Liz on her way to the Bridge Club meeting. Liz tells her that she has been diagnosed with the Flimjabs. 
IRIS: “Oh, how exciting! This will make Betty Ricky’s gallstones look sick! She’ll be absolutely green.” LIZ: “She's not the only one. That’s one of the danger signs. I may turn green.”  IRIS: “With a green face and red hair, you’ll be out of this world.” LIZ: “Yes, that’s what I’m afraid of.”
Iris is overcome with emotion at the thought of losing Liz. She doesn’t want to leave, but the ice cream for the Bridge Club meeting is in the car and it’s melting! 
That night, Doctor Stevenson returns to check on Liz. Answering the door, George confesses that he’s put a green light bulb in Liz’s bedroom light. As soon as George turns on the lights, Liz shrieks seeing her green hands! Her face and hair have turned green, too!  Liz thinks the men have Flimjabs too, because they are also green, but then the truth sets in. 
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LIZ: “Oh, no!  This is the end!  I’m looking at the world through green colored eyeballs!” 
Liz dramatically declares that she’s dying. George accuses her of being over-dramatic. 
LIZ: “I’m sorry, George. But I don’t die every day and it’s new to me.”
Before her imminent demise, Liz confesses to all the car accidents she’s had and hidden by having the car fixed without telling him.  
LIZ: “In fact, the only thing left of the original car you bought is the ashtray in the back seat!”
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Then Liz bravely confesses to pretending to be sick to get him to buy her a mink coat. George also needs to make a confession: it was all a trick. There is no such thing as ‘Flimjabs’ and the light is from a green light bulb!  
The phone rings and it is Iris, tearfully calling from the Bridge Club meeting. The girls have just had a memorial ceremony for Liz by turning her chair to the wall and smashing her teacup in the fireplace. Before Liz can tell Iris that it was a joke, she learns that they all chipped in and bought her a goodbye present: a mink coat!  Liz hangs up in tears. George is confused.
GEORGE: “Isn’t that what you wanted?” LIZ: “Yeah, but I have to die to get it!”
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In the live Jell-O commercial, Lucille Ball and Bob LeMond play a couple of nomads lost in the desert. Lucy uses her ‘Isabella Clump’ voice as ‘Smith’. Bob is looking for his camp, near a big dune. 
LUCY / ‘SMITH’: “A dune? What’s a dune?” BOB: “What’s a dune????” LUCY / ‘SMITH’: “I dunno. What’s a-dune with you?” 
Smith sees a mirage - a big bowl of Jell-O! After describing the six delicious flavors, Bob suggests they go home. 
BOB: “Go home? We’re lost in the desert!”  LUCY / ‘SMITH’: “Why don’t we each take one of those cars.” BOB: “What cars?” LUCY / ‘SMITH’: “The ones over there. That’s a two-car mirage!” 
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The same date this episode was broadcast, columnist Sid Shalit in the New York Daily News reported that a television situation comedy was being prepared starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in the mold of “My Favorite Husband”.  Clearly, the radio series was winding down. This was the final episode of 1950 with only 16 episodes left. 
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Meanwhile, in addition to radio and television, Ball was on the nation’s movie screens in two 1950 films: The Fuller Brush Girl and Fancy Pants. 
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 2
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
PART 2 : how many allies do they have/how powerful are their allies. basically how screwed they’d be if they had to rely on their allies to survive
yeah believe it or not im putting him before charles or steve. listen, listen; dean just. does this thing. in which he’ll get pretty much anyone on his side after like two conversations. ESPECIALLY incredibly powerful supernatural creatures. i mean he’s got sam, aka the second best hunter on earth, and jack, literally GOD, on his side; then obviously the dean winchester simp squad, castiel, a seraph and commander of garrisons who can get heaven to fight for him; benny, a vampire; crowley, a powerful crossroad demon and the king of hell; amara, literally THE DARKNESS HERSELF, god’s SISTER; and then there’s just SO many others who will fight for him for diverse reasons, rowena, eileen, claire, jody, donna, kaia, mary, anna, gabriel, DEATH HIMSELF was his bitch before billie, then ketch charlie kevin, he’s just got so many allies and so many are some of the most powerful creatures in the universe. i mean, jack, amara and gabriel alone are three of the most powerful beings who have ever existed, as well as billie and the other archangels but all of them are dead, and chuck but he’s also dead and even he would be on dean’s side since dean is his favorite and if it’s an actual life-threatening situation chuck would want the show to keep going. so yeah dean winchester’s got the biggest defense squad imaginable and honestly? good for him, he deserves it
do i even have to say it? outside of his ability to. you know. literally control minds, he’s also a leader who inspires loyalty and trust, and he’s got all the x-men fighting for him, including jean and logan - and even if we’re being honest some of the brotherhood, i mean especially in the first class timeline, erik and raven would absolutely be on his side. he’s got some of the most powerful mutants of all time ready to fight for his life
I mean he’s the leader of the avengers, man. have you seen the avengers assemble scene? they were fighting against thanos there but don’t try to tell me all of them wouldn’t fight for him. he’s got the falcon, black widow and the winter soldier on his side as well as the SCARLET WITCH, CAPTAIN MARVEL, THOR, do i need to keep going. he’s got a huge reputation and everyone knows and trusts him. and as we can also see in all his movies he inspires loyalty and devotion easily so even with people he doesn’t know he can get himself a loyal army in one well-delivered speech à la captain america
while most of the people on this list (steve, scott, charles, dean, bill, newt, anna) are born leaders who inspire trust and loyalty, kaz is just. really good at blackmail and insanely smart and cruel. and he’s got an insanely scary reputation too. he’s got the crows on his side no matter what, so an amazing spy, the best sharpshooter in ketterdam, a grisha who survived parem, an ex-drüskelle, and a demolition expert; as well as now the entirety of the dregs and inej’s crew, probably. plus, he most likely has leverage on the entirety of ketterdam and more. if he got in real trouble he could probably dig out the years and years of blackmail he got stacked away and get himself allyships with anyone he wants. plus his allies are ruthless, diverse and all strategically selected
he’s got his entire pack ready to jump to help him anytime. and really when you think about it his pack is so big and diverse, there’s all kinds of creatures/skills ready to help him, plus he’s a true alpha, any werewolf would jump to his aid. I mean let’s look at his pack, stiles, allison, lydia, derek, malia, isaac, kira, hayden, mason, corey, and then of course stilinski, deaton, melissa, chris and peter, i mean even theo... he’s got a huge pack who is extremely loyal to him and they’re all kinds of creatures too, he’s fine
everyone loves rose SO much. like obviously the doctor will give his life for her without hesitation but we also got jack, mickey, jackie, and even a bunch of people she met for like a couple episodes like donna or sarah jane immediately loved her. so i think she’s ultimately got some pretty solid allies especially with her father’s wealth and torchwood’s support in the alternate reality
im putting her pretty down because on one hand he’s got very powerful/devoted allies on her side, like bellamy, lexa, roan, nyilah, finn, wells, etc (the key of getting your allies to be entirely devoted and loyal to you is to make at least half of them fall in love with you OR to top them so good they’ll literally put their lives down for you because of how good it was and clarke got that down to an art) BUT they’re also like. all dead. like almost all the people i just listed are dead so. yeah she’s kinda on her own in the end but if we look at early seasons clarke before literally all of them got murdered she had skaikru, azgeda and trikru pretty much in her pocket, so three of the biggest/most technically advanced armies on EARTH ready to fight for her.
now he doesn’t have actual allies per say but he can manage to get pretty much anyone on his side through charisma, threats and promises, so he ends up steadily getting massive support from witches, angels and many others in the books. he can pretty easily get himself a bunch of followers at his side ready to die for his cause.
now listen he does have a pretty solid bunch of allies, aka the entire fellowship, who they, themselves, have a bunch of allies, who have a bunch of allies. i mean homeboi’s got ARAGORN and LEGOLAS and GANDALF on his side all ready to jump to save the tiny hobbits anytime so he’ll be fine.
he’s immediately got the losers on his side, which is a win because they’re stubborn and annoying enough that they defeated an alien demonic clown. plus they’re quite literally assembled by a divinity to destroy a demon, so they’re the perfect team to kick ass and they’ll risk their lives for each other. plus he’s got a fanbase! people read his books and watch his movies. meaning he’s probably got a pretty big part of stan twt ready to help?? idk man i just think he’ll be fine when it comes to allies
11- NEWT
he’s got the entire glade ready to jump to his aid pretty much at any time, i mean let’s be honest if there’s one person all the gladers would agree on defending it would be.. ok it would be chuck bc he’s a CHILD but otherwise it’d be newt. plus he’s alby’s second in command and even gally likes him and respects him more than he likes and respects most people, which isnt much but hey kudos for the effort. anywho yeah the entire glade would defend him i think
she would’ve once had the entirety of heaven at her commands ready to smite anyone who comes close to her but now that she fell and rebelled they all want her dead so. i mean i wish i could say cas would help her but after he betrayed her im not so sure? and the winchesters well idk either, maybe, maybe not, depends whether or not the entire trying-to-kill-sam ordeal happened. gabriel might help her? idk where to put her because i don’t KNOW if cas, dean, gabriel or the angels would help her but if any of them did then even one of these is a pretty solid backup so. idk man
im only on season 4 but as far as i can see he’s got only scully. which is pretty solid backup, she can kick ass, but still. i guess it’s one of the downsides of everyone thinking you’re batshit insane and having the entire government out to get you because they all LOATHE YOUR GUTS SO MUCH
I mean dude. he pretty much kills all his friends. like he could ask for chris’s help but umm well he killed him, if he’s in a bad situation oh great he’s got a friend at the police except NO he murdered her. what’s that? fuches? no barry’s literally trying to murder him as of now. sally wouldn’t help him at all. cousineau just found out barry murdered his gf. at MOST he can hope that noho hank will help but i mean he’s not much help tbh i love the guy but he’s kinda useless<3
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Ch 19
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/63175624 Taglist: @bluesimani OPEN
So, it’s been a little while since this was updated. Sorry, but well, my sister came for a visit for a week n a half about n well, ya. That took up a lot of my time. N then I also wanted to get that self-indulgent one-shot angst done so ya. I think that one shot was the biggest reason since motivation came and went. Also, I’m getting ready to move to live with my sister for one of my college semesters to see how I enjoy it. And well, idk when this will come out so ya. That’s also pushing back this update since im spending some days packing up stuff I want to bring with me besides clothes, school supplies, and hygiene item......its after finally arriving and unpackin...BUT ITS HERE NOW!(im sorry bout the wait)
No matter tho! This is the next day after the dinner n we get to see how the night went before gettin some more daminette(n some dick/alya/xavier....i need to come up with a ship name for em....feel free to offer some)!! Anyways, enjoy!!!!
Small sounds woke Dick up from his sleep. He looked around, trying to see if there was any danger when he noticed next to him Alya was making soft sounds, her head turning a bit as barely audible ‘no’s left her. She was curled up next to him, her hair a bit of a mess, her bangs and sides plastered to her face while the rest tangled on the pillow. Her back was to Xavier, who had woken up as well and started making soft, soothing hums as he ran a hand along her arm.
Seeing the immediate effect, Dick started running a hand thru her hair, humming along to the tune Xavier began. Moving closer, Alya latched onto Dick, her arms wrapping around his waist as she tried burying her face into his side. The two wrapped themselves around her and continued their soft hums and touches, slowly helping her out of her nightmare.
After some time, Alya’s breathing settled down as she was once more relaxed in her sleep. Xavier smiled softly at dick as he pressed a kiss to the back of Alya’s head and slowly fell back asleep after watching for a few minutes to make sure her nightmare didn’t start back up. Dick tho, he stayed up a bit longer, continuing to run his finger’s thru her hair, untangling it gently. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Dick sighed thru his nose before falling asleep next to them.
Damian woke to Alfred the cat jumping off his bed. Usually, that wouldn’t wake him. But tonight, the way he jumped off the bed woke Damian. Usually, Alfred’s jumps were relaxed and slow, moving at his own pace. But right then, it seemed more urgent. He looked around and found Xan awake.
Xan had his arms wrapped around his knees as he stared at the door. Looking closer as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Damian noticed that Xan was tense, his fingers digging into his arms. Alfred was rubbing himself against Xan’s side and legs, a purr leaving him to help soothe Xan. As Damian watched, Xan moved a hand from his arm and started scratching Alfred’s head and chin.
Damian moved from his bed and sat down near Xan, giving him a moment before speaking finally. “What happened?” he asked, and Xan glanced over at Damian before looking at the door again.
“I saw them,” Xan started in a whispered, not needing to elaborate for Damian, he already knew who ‘they’ were. “We were at the League tho. I......I attacked them immediately when she asked me too. I didn’t hesitate. I couldn’t stop myself as-as I-” he stopped then, taking a deep, shuddering breath. He took a moment to concentrate on Alfred under his fingers before he continued speaking. “I killed them,” he spoke the words so softly that Damian almost didn’t hear it.
“But you didn’t. It was just a nightmare. Nothing about it is true,” Damian said, and Xan nodded slowly at that.
“Maybe, but.......it was so vivid...so clear. It felt like I was still in the league, following their orders blindly to survive. It was like I never left....like you never helped me out of that hell hole,” he admitted, and Damian reached over and squeezed Xan’s shoulder.
“I know. It can seem so real, make you think you never left even thou you do the one thing you know you would never do. I’ve had similar nightmares,” Damian admitted and Xan glanced over at him.
“Really? Do you still?” he asked softly as Damian reached a hand out to scratch Alfred’s chin.
“Occasionally, yes. It does get better, I promise. It just takes time. You can always come talk to me or Jason. Or Rae even. Do you remember her?” Damian asked and Xan pursed his lips before nodding slowly, he remembered the woman. She helped train him in League before disappearing years prior. “She will listen if you ask her too.”
“Where is she?” Xan asked turning a bit to look over at Damian easier.
“She’s opening a restaurant called Janat Al'Amal, but she’s working at Rose Petal’s Boutique until it’s ready for the grand opening,” Damian said and Xan smiled with a small smile on his lips.
“Paradise of Hope...that’s a nice name,” Xan said and Damian had the faintest of smiles as he nodded agreement.
“It is. She chose a great name for her future restaurant. I’ve been in touch with her along with Jon and Ember. You haven’t met Ember yet but she’s Jon’s friend and hangs with us. Rae likes to let people vent or talk about their problems to her,” Damian explained and Xan nodded understanding.
“I’ll go talk with her tom-today?” he said tilting his head to look at the clock and saw that it was past midnight, around 1 am.
“Good. I can bet you won’t go to sleep immediately, right?” Damian asked and Xan nodded. Getting the confirmation, Damian stood up and went over to his desk and pulled out a sketchbook and pencil, and walked over to Xan. “Mari said you drew to relax. Here,” he crouched down and held it out.
“Thanks,” Xan said giving Damian a small smile as he took the offered items and flipped the pages to a clear one and started sketching. Damian nodded as he then went back to his bed. Laying down, he looked over at Xan one last time, watching as he drew intently with Alfred going onto his shoulders to relax, before falling asleep once more, knowing he did what he could to help his friend.
Xan and Damian were one of the first people up in the morning. They got a quick bite to eat before going to the indoor gym the manor had to spar for a bit. Alfred worked on breakfast for everyone when the two left. Clark was up next followed by Kon and Jon. By 8, Dick, Xavier, Jason, and Tim came down to eat and work on some stuff. After some time, Alya came down walking beside Lana as she took slow steps.
Raising a hand, Lana greeted everyone sleepily as she slowly woke up. “How are you feeling, Lana?” Clark asked setting the newspaper down to look over at her. The rest of the family looked over as well as she gave a small smile.
“Better. Thank you for letting us stay the night,” she said and Clark returned the smile.
“It was nothing,” Clark said moving his hand to look at the time. “Well, I better get going. I promised Perry I’d send over my article before noon. Have a good day you guys. Also, Lana, I would like to talk to you about your future,” Clark said and Lana smiled at that and nodded. Getting the nod from Lana, Clark left to the office Bruce got him so that he could work.
“I’m glad your feeling better now, Lana,” Jason said and Lana glanced over at him with a faint smile.
“Ya, sorry about that,” she mumbled softly, glancing over at Alya who squeezed her shoulder.
“Don’t be. You couldn’t have known,” Jason said and Lana nodded, knowing he was right.
“Lana, would you be willing to accompany me to pick up Mari? She’d love to see that you’re doing better this morning,” Damian said and Lana nodded.
“Sure. But I won’t be able to stay long, I shouldn’t leave Cocoa alone much longer, especially since it’s time for breakfast,” Lana replied and Damian nodded.
“Understood. Let’s head over now and I can drop you off after Mari sees that you’re well,” Damian replied and Lana nodded, eating a slice of toast and some fruit before standing up with Damian to head out.
“I’ll talk to you later, Lana,” Alya called out before Lana left the room.
“Als, I’ll be heading out myself. Fresh air will do me some good. There’s also someone I want to visit,” Xan said and Alya nodded.
“Of course. Stay safe, Xan. And Don’t hesitate to call if you need help,” she replied and Xan nodded before getting up. “Dick?” she asked and Dick smiled.
“Yup, we should get going ourselves,” Dick agreed.
“Don’t die,” Tim called out.
“No promises, you’ve seen, Mr. Lingo,” Dick yelled back as the three left the room and Tim nodded agreement.
Mari beamed when she saw Damian and Lana entering the hotel lobby. Jumping up from her seat at the table, she ran over to the two and hugged Lana while her friends smiled from the table. “I’m so sorry for what happened, Lana! I should have asked first before making them!” Mari said as Lana returned the hug before pushing Mari back a bit to look Mari in the eyes and give her a gentle smile.
“It’s ok, Mari. Nothing bad happened. And I should have also asked about it. It’s my problem to remember, not yours. As much as I’d like to stay and talk, I need to get home, Cocoa is waiting for me,” Lana said, squeezing Mari’s shoulders as she spoke. Mari returned the small smile as she nodded.
“Ok,” she said before perking up. “Wait!” she rushed over to their table and Chloe held out the bag of cookies to her. She grabbed the bag and ran back over to the two. “Here, I made these for you! Don’t worry, I made sure nothing pecan came near them!”
Lana smiled softly as she took the bag and put them carefully into her pocket and pulled Mari into another hug. “Thank you,” she whispered before pulling back once more.
“I’ll be back after I drop her off, angel,” Damian said, causing to Mari to blush lightly as she nodded understanding. As the two turned away to leave, Lana had a teasing smile after giggling softly at Mari’s blush.
“‘Angel’, huh?” she asked, sending him a look that had Damian blushing lightly. Before the door closed behind the two, Mari and her friends listened to Lana laugh. Mari walked over to the table and continued to eat her breakfast while her friends sent her looks.
“I think you found yourself a ~boyfriend~,” Lila said in a sing-song voice. Mari’s blush deepened at that.
“I-no-!-He-!” Mari stuttered out, unable to form a single sentence while her friends laughed around her. “Oh!” she crossed her arms on the table and slammed her head down onto them. Adrien smiled softly as he patted her back while Lila covered her mouth with her hand to stifle giggles.
“Don’t worry Maribug, I’m sure he’d be delighted to be dating you,” Adrien said as Chloe nodded agreement next to him, leaning closer against him to look at her.
“Adrikins is right! He’d be a fool to not want to date you,” Chloe declared with a nod that the others shared.
“I agree. If he doesn’t ask you out today, then you need to do it yourself Mari,” Kim said with a serious look
“I-I wouldn’t even know how to!” Mari said with wide eyes and the table chuckled softly or shook their heads.
“Just be straight forward. Say how you feel then ask ‘would you go out on a date with me?’. Or, if that’s too scary ask him to hang out with you, alone,” Lila said and the group nodded agreement. Right then, the doors opened showing Damian entering with two people.
“Jon!” Chloe yelled out excited and the two got up quickly and ran over to Jon. Jon smiled as he hugged the two.
“I know it’s only been a couple of days, but that’s two days too long,” Jon whispered and the two nodded agreement.
“Definitely,” Chloe said pulling him to the table. Jon happily let them pull him to a table and sat between the two, holding their hands.
“Jon and Ember were walking by as I came back,” Damian said as Ember waved to them with a smile.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet Jon and Damian’s friends! Damian doesn’t admit it, but we’re friends,” Ember greeted, saying the last part in a mock whispered that had the group snorting while Damian rolled his eyes. “But call me Elle! Practically everyone does,” she said as the group smiled at her.
“How’d you meet him?” Kim asked leaning onto the table, wanting to know the story since when he first met Damian so long ago the dude was rather cold still.
“Jon. I was friends with Jon since he helped me in elementary school. And so then Jon and Damian became sorta friends. When that happened, I was introduced to Damian. It was hard but he likes me now,” she said and the group nodded.
“Is he still called ‘Ice Prince’?” Nino asked, pushing his cap back a bit.
“Oh ya. I have been warned against talking to him by like....everyone it seems at some point since I joined GA this year,” Ember said with a laugh and Damian had a smirk at that, a soft snort leaving him that only Mari heard.
“Really? Why’s that?” Max asked then, pausing in his typing on his phone.
“All the freshmen get warned about him. Even tho it was...what....years ago that you broke a kid’s arm?” Ember asked looking over at Damian who nodded.
“Yes. I broke a kids arm when I was in fifth grade. Give or take 8 years ago,” Damian replied and Ember nodded.
“Wait......freshmen? You were warned about him even thou you were there for that?” Kim asked confused and Ember shook her head.
“I wasn’t there for that exactly. I’m a freshman right now....well sophomore now while they’re seniors.”
“Oh, ok. You’re younger than them,” Nino replied and Ember nodded with a smile.
“H-hey, Mari?” a timid voice called. The group turned to see Alya standing there looking rather shy, which was weird for them. “I talked to Ms. Bustier and got us the day off. I thought you’d like to have a break from working and hang out with your friends,” Alya said and Mari gave the girl a small smile and nod.
“Thank you, Alya,” Mari said and Alya gave Mari one last timid smile before going back to the others that were sort of being shunned by Mari and her friends.
“That was nice of her,” Damian commented as he watched Alya sit down, looking down, he could only guess it was her phone.
“It was,” Mari agreed, she knew, or could guess that is, why Alya was doing it. But she wasn’t sure she’d be able to forgive Alya and the others yet, let alone become their friends again, after everything.
“Since we have the day off, why don’t we do something?” Lila asked with a tilt of her head. The group nodded excitedly in agreement.
“We should! Maybe a park?” Sabrina suggested and the group nodded as Mari looked over at Damian with a tilt of her head.
“Are there any parks you’d suggest for us to visit?” Mari asked and Damian’s head tilted just slightly as he thought about it before nodding.
“Yes. There’s a lovely park a few miles away. Not many people visit it due to it being owned by Poison Ivy, but that’s even better since there won’t be any ruckus to disturb the beauty,” Damian said, and that had Mari beaming.
“Really? Let’s go!” Mari said and the group laughed softly at her eagerness. They all stood up and left the hotel, following Damian as he led the way while Ember chatted with Lila about the two, and Jon was distracted by his girlfriend and boyfriend.
Damian had the softest look on his face as he watched Mari look around the park in awe. He watched as she flitted about sketching things and taking pictures. Jon had a small smile as he looked between his lovers and Damian. “You should ask her out,” Jon said softly as Mari talked excitedly with her friends.
“Maybe I will,” Damian said softly as he started making his way over to Mari. Mari glanced over curious when Lila pointed out he was coming over. “May I speak to you alone?” he asked and Mari nodded and followed him to a willow tree at the corner and pack of the park with lanterns hanging intermittently from its branches.
Foxy @actingfordays
OMG!!! Look what’s happening!!! Is it what I think!?!? #omg #isit? #opt *picture of Damian and Mari under the willow tree*
      A Blocked Owl @owlforlife
      Oh my god. THE OTP IS HAPPENING!!! #otp #iceprincesunshine #sunshinechild
Ok, so this update was delayed....but I did get this done BEFORE wednesday!! So hah! I hope you guys enjoyed this chap! I bet you guys can guess whats gonna happen next chap!! Until next time!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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ofthelabyrinth · 4 years
Instructions: Always repost with the rules, answer the 11 random questions left for you and leave 11 more for the people you tag!
TAGGED BY: @moonwoken​
TAGGING: be gay do crime
questions i am answering
1. how are things going?
They’re going, man! They’re...going. I have the next two weeks off work which I’m not thrilled about (I actually love my job) but like...my bestie and I keep trading silly little gifts back and forth, so that’s cool. I think I’m mostly still reeling from the blow-out of a breakup and like...feeling like I don’t belong anywhere? Maybe my depression’s just kicking into high gear again but I feel like I’m not wanting/don’t belong anywhere but maybe work. Like everyone and everywhere else just tolerates me. IDK man.
2. if you were someone else’s muse, how would your mun describe you?
Depressed, spontaneous, fickle, lacking in self-esteem but always available to build others up, loves too quickly and too easily, book smart but so fucking stupid otherwise. :/
3. if you could only recommend me three songs, movies or books to get to know you better, which would they be?
Ooooo, this one’s kinda tough! Well, for starters, my go-to movie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I feel like knowing it’s my favorite movie (and having seen it at least once, lol) really explains a lot of my personality. What Rocky Horror can’t explain, my favorite novel probably can: Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes. I really am haunted by this book. My recommendation for a “song” would actually be the whole Beetlejuice: The Musical album, but I think “No Reason” and/or “Say My Name” nicely encapsulates either my split opinions (former) or my energies (latter).
4. what was it that first inspired you to write? what inspires you today?
My sixth grade English teacher. He was very supportive of my writing and became a touchstone for inspiration in my life. I really started down that track after his class, and even though I’m not doing what either of us ever thought I would, his words still ring true. I don’t really know if I have any inspirations today, though, per se. Performers, I guess. Most of my strongest muses/writing have been born out of my fascination with the performer/s I’ve used for their FC’s.
5. if you had to put together a team of 5 fictional characters plus yourself to save the world, who would you choose and why?
Captain Katherine Janeway, Q, Commander Spock, Doctor McCoy, and Charles Xavier (PatStew). I’m going to be honest here: between Janeway and Q...we don’t need anyone else. Q’s powers and Janeway’s moral compass in combination with Janeway’s leadership and Q’s simp status will solve the problem on the then and there. I just happen to like both Spock and McCoy and think they would contribute a lot of flavor to the adventure, although we’d need Xavier to mellow shit out when all those hot heads start to collide--in particular, Patrick Stewart’s Xavier, since he fits the Star Trek vibe and would thereby have a little more sway with Q than otherwise.
6. what is your favorite fictional trope? least favorite?
My favorite...ever? Period? At all? In all of tropedom? Dark circus/carnival. The exact flavor of the circus/carnival/other travelling show as well as the degree of darkness doesn’t matter, I just always end up drawn in and stupefied by it. I think it’s a combination of the tonal juxtaposition (the light, bright, fun, easygoing, smoke-and-mirrors sensation of the show juxtaposed to the darkness and the horror) and my unending fascination with performance and performance spaces being used outside of their “traditional”/majority context. Backstage mysteries have the exact same effect on me, as do haunted theatres. My least favorite was formerly the misuse of the Persephone myth--twisted by modern, romantic minds into a love story where one isn’t existent in the original mythos--but it has since swung back to that of the unaware Mary Sue/Gary Stu. It’s a trope that can be fun when the writer is self-aware enough to perceive it, but it’s otherwise irritating beyond belief.
7. what unpopular opinion do you have toward the rpc or tumblr?
Soft-blocking is an exercise in pointlessness, as it rarely actually results in the blocked party staying away. This website is too glitchy to make that kind of thing work. Have conversations with the people you’d rather soft- than hard-block about the offense they’ve caused or just hard-black them, myself included.
8. if you could spend one day with your main muse (or your muse of choice), what would that be like?
Look, I’ll be real. My muse of choice? Very much not advertiser-friendly, as they say on YouTube. The things we would do would horrify people unaware of my sex drive and wild attraction to him. A night of debauchery on all levels--because we’d spend a night, not a day, that’s just the way his canon rolls--and if unreleased canon has anything to tell, it’s that I’d end up pregnant with his son and then probably die but it might have been worth it, especially if we can skip the reality TV show in the middle. So let’s just pretend I said I’d spend a day getting high with Jareth and wandering around the Escher room tripping the most balls ever.
9. if you found yourself in one fictional universe of your choosing, which would it be and why?
................. I’d either end up in space on Star Trek because I’m a lonely space gay or I’d end up in a creepy gothic castle singing and dancing--is it Rocky Horror or Labyrinth?--and perhaps legitimately feeling like the siren I long to be as people compliment my voice.
10. a character you’ve always wanted to write?
Mirror!Spock. I wrote him once and I loved it and I would love to write him again, but I don’t use AOS canon so finding people to write with is often difficult.
11. what are five things that spark joy for you?
Space, Rocky Horror, singing, my pets (did I tell you about my new dog?), Renaissance Festivals.
my questions for you
1. how have you been holding up lately?
2. what are three surefire ways to make you smile/happy?
3. who is your comfort character and what are they like?
4. explain your URL!
5. what is one article of clothing you love above all others and why?
6. what is your favorite kind of thing to write? what about your least favorite?
7. what is one belief you hold but do not often share?
8. if you could choose one person (alive, dead, or fictional) to spend the day with, who would it be and what would you do?
9. what is one piece of media that continues to hold your attention?
10. what drew you to writing on tumblr?
11. what is one thing you wish you got to talk about more often?
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