#Rip Hunter Appreciation Week
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saythatuwill · 19 days ago
something in the water (siren au fic)
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now playing: hunter // paris paloma
warnings: none apply (if you think something should be tagged, let me know!)
pairing: noah sebastian x gn!reader
au: merfolk/sirens
word count: 2.5k
so, funny story... what i was trying to do was write a list format of the first meeting. but instead i ... sorta accidentally wrote the whole fic, just not as poetic as i normally would. so... SURPRISEEEEE!!!! enjoy!!
reblogs, comments, and likes ALWAYS appreciated!!
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You've only lived by the beach for a few years, and it definitely has its perks and disadvantages. While it's great that you don't need to invest in a pool, the rain is your worst enemy due to flooding. At least the walks by the water kind of make up for it. Everyone in town keeps warning you about the same thing related to that beach since you moved in; never go there at night or risk being eaten by a siren.
You don't believe a word of it, you think it's bullshit actually. Sirens? What is this, some fairy tale? Or maybe Homer's Odyssey? Sirens do not exist. You've never seen one (which, in hindsight, is a good thing).
After a nasty breakup with your partner, you find yourself needing to get out of the house more. It's been hard to function, if you stay at home all day you're bound to isolate yourself. So, you start taking walks along the shoreline, which was first a one time thing. Then a once a week thing, and now you do it almost every night.
Tonight is the exact same. You leave your phone at home and go out there with a bag for seashells and a pocket knife for self defense- it's 11pm in the summertime after all.
But it's on this walk that by the rocks you see... something. From afar it's a weird black mass. Once you get closer though, you see what is absolutely a tail. The tail of a fucking orca. An ORCA washed up on the shore. At least, it looks like one.
Closer inspection tells you that it's definitely covered in a fishnet which shocks you; they make fish nets big enough for killer whales? Who do you call about that? 911? Animal control?
You take two steps closer, then you see something different. You're looking at the back of a man, no, you're looking at the entire upper body of an adult man. You can't entirely process what you're looking at until it hisses at you. You jump out of your skin one second, the next you find yourself on your ass.
Only then does it dawn on you that you are looking back at a siren. It's growling and hissing at you, pupils narrowed into thin slits. Blood trickles down its skin, even its face. A monster. You're certain that any second now, the song will begin and you will be dinner. Only the ocean and this siren will know where you went. You're paralyzed in fear, and you realize you have no other option. So you close your eyes. And wait.
And wait.
...And— okay, this is weird. You're still alive, but how? You open your eyes, and find it still glaring at you. Only then do you remember the situation at hand. It's stuck in a fish net.
HA! You think triumphantly. The predator becomes the prey!
That should've been your cue to up and leave and let it die, but you can't stop looking at it. The longer you do, the more you notice the actual look in its eyes. It wasn't hissing at you because it wanted to attack you, it's hissing because it thinks you're going to attack it. It's trying to defend itself. It's shaking in fear of you.
You feel the guilt heavy in your chest. Poor thing, stuck here in that net. If the next tide change is low, it's bound to dry up and die on the sand by tomorrow. Sounds like a terrible way to die, honestly. You wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy.
While a siren would never help you, let alone spare your life, you're willing to help a siren, just this once.
You go for the net first, thinking you could rip it open with your bare hands. Only to wince when it cuts up your skin, drawing blood. The siren is getting a little frightened over you being so close to it. It's making a sound deep in its throat, a growl. You've heard it in cats before, when they're threatened and are about to pounce.
Finally, you remember the pocket knife! Thank GOD you brought it with you!
"Hey, do you mind if I use my knife real quick?" Silence. "I need to use the knife to cut open the net." Silence. "Are you ignoring me?" Nothing.
Wait... do sirens even speak English? You're kind of letting The Little Mermaid pave your way through this situation, but the siren's looking at you like you have three heads. It's definitely not ignoring you, it just doesn't understand what you're saying. But what language would merfolk speak? Do they speak?
You decide to push forward regardless, you're not leaving it to die. This only scares the siren further, thrashing and shaking around, but you manage to cut the net open, leaving the creature relatively unscathed minus a few minor cuts. It takes a minute before it realizes this. Carefully, it wiggles out of the net, and looks at you. Examines you.
Then it's making sounds, though still not a siren song like you'd expected. More like a language of some kind. Trilling sounds, clicks, purrs, all of which you don't understand. It's your turn to be confused.
Should you even be calling it an "it"? It looks like a man. Is it frowned upon to humanize deadly creatures? It's not like a siren actually understands human language or empathy for that matter—
"Name?" His voice is rough, raspy from disuse. No doubt a man's voice, sounds like any other guy you'd interact with on the street. You look at him funny, and he repeats himself. "Name? Name?"
You blurt your name out, and immediately curse yourself out for it. No way in hell it's a good call to tell a siren your name. However, he's looking at you expectantly, waiting for something. Slowly, you repeat yourself again. And again. He's staring at your lips, his mouth opening and closing as he memorizes how to say it. He repeats it back to you. It's almost a conversation.
"What about you?" You ask. He tilts his head, which would be adorable if this wasn't an apex predator. You attempt to ask again, but still to no avail. He must only understand a few words, perhaps you need to be more basic with it. Talk to him like a toddler.
"Name. You?" You sound absolutely ridiculous, but there's recognition in his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, the pupils seem to be getting larger as his guard lowers. They're really pretty, actually.
"No..." He responds, and you're prepared to shrug it off.
"Oh, that's okay—"
"No. Nn...nnooooo....ah. Nooooah. Noah." Oh! So he does have a name. Noah. It really suits him.
"Noah." You repeat back to him, and his eyes light up. He nods. It's only then that you realize he is... not looking you in the eyes. He's looking further down. At your... chest? Is he staring at your chest? Seriously?
"No. Bad— what're you doing?" You begin to scold him, but he's reaching his claws out to you, and you stiffen. Is he about to claw your throat out? Strangle you?
You feel a rough tug at your neck. That's when you realize what the fucker is trying to do. He's trying to steal your necklace, the one your ex gave you. Sure, you two had a horrible break up but in no way are you ready to get rid of it!
You swat at his hand until he pulls it back, growling at you. What a brat, he really is like a toddler, throwing a tantrum because he's not getting what he wants.
"Mine." You point at your necklace. "Mine. Me. (name)." He sighs at you, the sound dramatic, like this is personally inconveniencing him. You definitely don't have to guess whether or not he understands.
You end up sticking around for a while after, something you never thought you'd do with a siren. He's learned a few words from you, not so much when to use them but it's an effort.
"What happened?" You ask him, looking down at the fishnet prison he'd been stuck in. You pick it up to show him. "Noah. What?"
This conversation has not become any less weird.
"Noah." He echoes, looking over his shoulder. "There. Hmm... there." Suddenly, he's playing charades with you. He turns around and points at the deeper sea, and does an impression of a fisherman on a boat. It makes you laugh, and if you had seen that quick smile on his lips, you would've known he played it up on purpose.
You fill in the blanks; he was likely swimming underneath a boat and got stuck in the net they'd set up for smaller fish. The fishermen likely got so scared they let him go, but obviously didn't cut him out of the net.
You frown (albeit a bit more exaggerated so it's visible) and Noah nods, pleased that you understand. It's a broken conversation full of charades and minimal words, but the longer you sit there with him on the rocks, the more it's really dawning on you. You are here, alone, with a siren, and he hasn't tried to eat you, or drown you, or anything.
What an odd creature.
About two hours in, you finally come to your senses. You should really get home, what if other sirens show up? What if he randomly changes his mind and kills you? Best to go while you still can.
"Noah." He looks at you. "Me," you point behind you at the sand, at the houses and passing cars, "me. Bye. Bye."
There's a look in his eyes for a moment, sadness? No, maybe you were just seeing things. With the way tonight has been, you wouldn't be shocked.
The next thing you know, Noah reaches out for you again with both hands. You tense up and nearly flinch away out of your own wariness, but it turns out all he wanted to do was hug you.
Wait. He's hugging you? You can feel the vibration of his purrs as his hands gingerly touch along your back, your shoulder blades, the back of your neck, as if he's trying to memorize you. You're not sure why he's doing this, but you assume it's some sort of merfolk custom. Maybe it's his way of saying thank you. You slowly return the hug, and his purrs get louder.
When you part from him, you do so with a smile, stepping further and further away, waving at him. He returns the smile, but doesn't mirror the waving.
You almost feel disappointed when you realize you'll likely never see him again. Or if you do, there's no way he'll be as friendly as he is now. You hardly understand why he's being friendly in the first place.
You're almost completely off the beach when you realize your neck feels lighter. You reach to touch your neck, and the absence of your necklace makes you jump.
"What?" You speak to yourself, searching for at least the chain, but it's gone. You were certain it was there, because Noah was— Noah.
"That bastard!" You turn around on your heel, prepared to march right back over when you spot him. He's holding up the necklace with his clawed fingers and laughing at you. So that was why he'd hugged you. To take the necklace straight off your fucking neck!
He swims around in circles like some sort of prideful dance. He's not just laughing at you, he's gloating over how he tricked you. He gives you a sharp-toothed grin, laughing some more before finally waving at you. A no way in hell you're getting this back kind of wave.
You groan, shaking your head and stalking out of the beach, turning the corner onto the streets. You feel naked without the necklace, yet you had to admit... you felt mentally lighter without it too. You'd refused to sell it, or even give back to your ex when shit hit the fan. You hadn't been getting over them in the slightest with it on, and now that it's gone...
Once you arrive home, you trudge up the stairs to your bedroom. For the first time in weeks, you open up the shades to your big window that overlooks the ocean. You stare out at the waves, wondering if you could still see Noah from out here. But to your... disappointment? You don't see the black scales glimmering in the moonlight, or his big black and white orca tail.
Going to sleep that night feels like a strange new beginning, and another feeling sets in your chest as you doze off. A feeling that you were absolutely going to see Noah again.
"What's gotten into you?" Jolly clicks at Noah, eyebrow raised as his best friend swims about with a newfound excitement.
"I met a human." Noah clicks back, holding up the necklace he'd stolen from you and shaking it.
"Met? You don't mean, 'ate'?" Jolly swims closer to inspect the necklace, but Noah hisses and moves back before he can touch it.
"Mine!" It slips out in English, and it makes the both of them stop.
"You... met a human." After a moment, the older siren speaks. "What is the matter with you?"
"You don't understand!" Noah clicks and growls, "they saved me. Out of a net. Used a sharp thing to cut it open."
"I don't know either. I tried to ask them. They didn't respond." Noah frowns at the memory. The way he'd been trying to ask 'why did you help me? Don't you know I kill things like you?' The confusion in your eyes, the furrow in your brow.
"Humans speak English. Or other human languages. They don't know ours." Jolly explains, "the language you just spoke is English."
"English... no wonder it sounds so strange."
"Humans would probably say the same thing about ours." He chuckles, "it gets less strange once you learn it. I like to think I'm fluent in English now."
"Teach me."
"English. I want to learn. I want to speak to them."
"Do you know how insane you sound? This is a human, our food! What makes you think they would want to interact with you ever again?"
"Well... the necklace is theirs." Noah shakes it again. "They'll come looking for me, I'm sure."
Jolly looks at Noah for a long moment, and just when he's sure that he's about to be scolded for wanting to learn English for a human...
"I won't do it for free."
"I'll let you have first pick at the next full moon. But not at that beach."
"Fine then. Tomorrow, meet me here. But this human better be worth it."
"Thank you, Jolly." Noah gives his friend a smile, which Jolly only rolls his eyes at.
"Just be careful, it's not usually recommended for us to play with our food." With that, he swims past the younger siren, giving him a look before disappearing.
If there's one thing Noah knows for certain, he will see you again. He has to.
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
Tear you down
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Summary: Dean is not amused having you around.
Written for @spnkinkevents SPN Omegaverse Week – Day 1 – Sunday, April 14 - Heat/Rut
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, heat/rut, enemies to lovers trope, nakedness, voyeurism, mentions of switching suppressants (not Dean)
Words: 600+
SPN Omegaverse Week Masterlist
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He will tear you down. For messing with him. For taunting him. For triggering his rut.
Dean Winchester is on a hunt. He’s hunting a dangerous enemy. The evil hiding behind a friendly smile and boobs.
“I will kill her,” he all but growls while storming toward the dungeon. Dean and his brother found you in the middle of a fight with three alphas. You were about to rip their clothes off their bodies to forcefully mate them. “She triggered my fucking rut.”
The hunter cups his aching crotch. He’s walking around with a raging hard-on since he saw you throw punches at three strong and tall alphas.
The alpha couldn’t help but admire your graceful fighting style, even while you were out of your mind, you looked like you performed only for him.
“Dean, what are you…” Sam stops in his tracks. He can smell the rut on his brother, and backpaddles. The hunter is by all means not a coward, but his brother in a rut is more than dangerous. It’s a death sentence. Especially with an omega in heat around. “I knew it was a mistake to bring her here.”
“Stay out of my way,” Dean grits his teeth. He flexes his muscles and snarls in his brother’s direction. “I’ll get rid of that omega.”
“I can see that,” Sam follows the motion of Dean’s hand. The alpha cups his crotch and rubs himself through his pants. “I think your alpha has other plans for her. You need to go back to your room and leave Y/N alone. It’s not her fault that some douchebag she trusted switched her suppressants with vitamins.”
“What?” Dean cocks his head.
“Before she passed out,” Sam sighs, “Y/N told me about the hunter she teamed up with, and that he switched her suppressants. He wanted an obedient and needy omega around. You know, someone to knot when he feels the need.”
Dean can barely think straight with his rut clawing its way to the front, but he makes a mental note to kill the hunter if he ever meets him again. Today, he won’t be able to do so. Not with your scent driving up the walls, and the problem in his pants.
“I’ll take care of him later,” he growls the words. “Stay away from the dungeon, and her.” Dean gives his brother a warning snarl.
Sam can only watch his brother storm toward the dungeon.
He always tried to get you and Dean together. You’re a perfect match. He just doesn’t want you to mate while being in a rut and heat…
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“OMEGA!” Dean pants heavily when he finally walks inside the dungeon. You refused to sleep in one of the rooms and made a makeshift bed on the ground. You’re currently rubbing your aching sex against one of his pillows, humping it for dear life. “FUCK!”
Dean’s eyes darken while watching you pleasure yourself, using one of his pillows. “Go away!” You snarl and move even faster. “I need…I want…”
He dips his head, only watching you hump the pillow. Dean smells your slick, and your sweet scent.
“Stop that!” He orders, using his alpha voice. You’re a strong-willed omega, but even you cannot fight his alpha order. Dean is your true mate, and his call is even stronger.
You stiffen and stop moving at all. Your head tilts on its own to reveal your untouched mating gland to the angry alpha.
He grits his teeth and snarls, but you can’t do anything about it.
Dean steps closer, his eyes trained on your mating gland. He hums in appreciation, but a cocky grin tugs on the corners of his lips. “If only I knew I could make you shut up using my alpha voice.”
Your eyes follow Dean’s every move. He smirks when you try to growl at him.
“What do we do about that behavior,” he purrs, and steps closer to run his fingertips over your exposed back. “I love your submissive behavior but…” Dean crouches down next to you to whisper in your ear. “I want you to unleash the beast, sweetheart. Let go…”
Tear you down (2)
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pandora-writes-one-piece · 6 months ago
I have a request is there any way you could do the “I’ve never met anyone as infuriating as you, and I can’t stop thinking about you" prompt but with Zoro. Having a female reader just recently joined the crew only for them to be enemies. Both of them have a history of being enemies and now the whole crew sees them fight so the other is 5ft feet under. Only for them to be confused as to why their heart beats like crazy around each other.
Would really appreciate it if you did my request! 🥰🙏
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Thank you so much for your kind words @mars-mizuko and @beachaddict48 🥰🥰 I love reading your reactions to my little silly stories and I tried my hardest to make you happy with this request! It turned out a bit bigger than the others, but I don't want to limit myself with the story I want to tell and I've accepted that some requests will have bigger fics than others! I do sincerely hope you enjoy this! Thank you for participating in the event and for all of your support!
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Source for Pic
Word Count: 3637
Tags: fem!reader; enemies to lovers; suggestive content; implied sex; cursing; sexual tension; idiots in love;
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: You never thought you'd meet the infamous bounty hunter Roronoa Zoro again after four years apart. Yet here you are, part of his crew, and all he wants is to get rid of you.
“No, Luffy.” 
Two words. Just two words and I already want to rip his head off his shoulders. This is gonna be great!
“Why?” Luffy cocks his head to the side, his pinky reaching inside his nose in search of the annoyance there.
“Shut up, Mosshead!” Sanji growls, his face close to Zoro’s closed-off expression. “Luffy, yes. She would be the most wonderful addition to our crew.”
Aw, see, the cook’s nice!
“She’s not trustworthy.” The swordsman has both his eyes closed but you can see the way his jaw ticks as he tries to keep his emotions at bay.
“Ditto, Roronoa, yet I just helped save your ass.” You bite back. Two can play the accusation game. It’s actually been four years since the last time you saw Roronoa Zoro. He was skinnier then, less… bulk. Still the same asshole, though.
His eye snaps open and you notice yet another difference. He’s more dangerous, ruthless, and predatory. “Measure your words, Backstabber. I’m not the same man I was four years ago.”
You inch forward, squaring your shoulders and measuring up to his height, even if you can’t reach it. “It’s too bad I am not the same woman I was four years ago, either.”
Nami and Robin watch the interaction with veiled smirks. Sanji is seething and being restrained by Franky to prevent him from attacking Zoro for speaking rudely to a lady. 
“Welcome her in, Luffy.” Robin says with a hint of amusement in her voice.
“I’d say she fits right in, Cap.” Nami says with a chuckle.
And just like that, you’re welcomed into the most dysfunctional pirate crew you’ve ever met.
You and Zoro don’t like each other. Period. There’s no truce, there isn’t even a semblance of a fake peace. It’s an all-out conflict between the two of you and the Sunny has become an active warzone. 
“I don’t want you anywhere near my space, Backstabber!”
“You don’t own the ship, Roronoa!” 
Nami accepts the refreshment Sanji brings her and sighs, tilting her head up to where the two of you are bickering. You just wanted to train and shake away inertia, and the crow’s nest is where the barbells are. 
But nooo, Mr. Salty claims that this is his space! As if he fucking owns the ship.
“LUFFY!” You both yell out the window trying to get your captain to resolve your issue this time. 
“It’s been a week.” Robin says weakly from her perch on the lawn chair.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” Nami whispers back to her.
“Guys, make it stop, they’re so loud!” Chopper whines as he cuddles in Robin’s lap.
Luffy, bless him, doesn’t even move from his spot, so you sigh, pushing your index finger and thumb against the bridge of your nose trying to contain the massive migraine threatening to settle behind your eyes. 
“Look here, Roronoa, we have to make this work. Whether we like it or not, we are now Nakama and-...”
“I could never be your Nakama!” He hisses, dropping the barbell near his feet with the loudest thud imaginable. Sweat drips from his hair and runs down his temples, making the vein there glisten as it throbs menacingly. His (big, muscular, defined) chest heaves from barely contained rage and you force your eyes to settle back on his face because, somehow, the sight of his sweaty, glistening pecs turns you hot and bothered for reasons that have nothing to do with anger. 
“Well boo-freaking-hoo. Learn to deal with it, will you? You’re a big boy.” You say slowly, emphasising each word with a step in his direction. You’re taken aback by your closeness when his scent envelops you and dazes you in more ways than one. 
It’s familiar and comforting: steel, salt, sweat…
But it’s also intoxicating and dangerous and new…
It’s only been one week and Zoro is ready to throw you overboard. Too bad you don’t have a devil fruit or he could watch you sink without a hint of remorse. That being the case, it would just be funny as hell to watch you get pissed off at him while soaking wet.
Wet like you are now. 
He found you in the middle of your workout in his crow’s nest using his training equipment in his space. You’d been there long enough for sweat to make your hair cling to your forehead, for your top to turn a darker shade and cling sinfully to your curves, and for your sweet scent to mingle with his sanctuary, making his head spin. 
Zoro feels like growling, though he’s not sure if he’s growling for the right reasons. 
And now you’re approaching him with fearless steps, your finger pointing at him accusingly, while your lusciously plump lips form words: ‘boo-freaking-hoo’. And all he can think about is how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
“Get the fuck out.” He growls for real this time and you stop pacing. He knows he’s giving off a dangerous aura and he means it. Because his heart is doing some freaking weird shit he doesn’t want to dissect right now and he needs you out of his sight.
It’s a good thing you obey and scurry out - still pissed and calling him all sorts of names, though - because the strain in his pants was about to force him to bend you over the nearest surface and have his way with you.
And he definitely can’t do that.
Eventually, with mediation from Robin and Franky, you and Zoro settle on a schedule for using the crow’s nest to train. It’s not so hard, since Zoro spends half the morning and afternoon napping, leaving you plenty of time for your daily workout.
“Why do you and Zoro hate each other?” Chopper asks innocently during lunch, and the table falls into an awkward silence. No one tries to change the subject since everyone’s curious.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as memories from the past come rushing back. You and Zoro used to bounty hunt together. You met randomly while tracking the same wanted pirate. After beating the pirate’s crew and helping each other out, you split the bounty and became friends. 
From then on, the friendship blossomed. Zoro had an easier laugh before, he wasn’t so guarded, so closed off. 
Did I cause him to be like that?
You bonded. Actually, so much more than that, you were head over heels for him. The whole works: stomach aflutter with butterflies, fireworks exploding behind closed eyelids, a drum instead of a heart. 
And then there was a misunderstanding. You got a tip about a small-time fry, barely 6k berries, hardly worth your time. But the asshole was harassing a town and you knew you could take him alone. Zoro was collecting a previous bounty so you didn’t even tell him where you were going. 
Turns out the fry wasn’t easy or small. It was huge. It was 16k, not 6k, and he was a tough nut to crack. You could’ve used Zoro’s strength, but you managed. Scraped, bruised but prideful. When you went to collect, intending to share the bounty with him, Zoro was beyond angry. He found out where you’d gone and assumed you’d gone behind his back to collect the bounty and the fame for yourself. 
Things escalated. You fell out with each other.
Over a freaking misunderstanding. 
You were stubborn as fuck. And you soon found out he was equally stubborn, if not more. So here you were. Still mad at each other over something that had happened more than four years ago.
“We just don’t get along, Chopper. We used to be friends, and then… we stopped.”
Zoro’s glass nearly shatters with the force he uses to set it down on the table. “Bullshit, Backstabber.”
“Stop calling me that, asshole.”
“Guys, guys, you’re at the table…” Franky starts.
“Backstabber? Why? You went behind my back and collected a huge bounty without telling me. That sounds like backstabbing to me!”
“You didn’t even let me explain!” You rise, palms slapping against the wood, causing your water glass to turn and spill. 
“What was there to explain? How you got greedy? How you abandoned me without a word? Because that shit stung more than the fucking bounty!”
You gasp and take a step back, grasping the underlying hurt in his words. Abandoned him…? Is that what he thinks happened?
“I… I never meant to abandon you…” Lowering your eyes, you sense the crew shifting uncomfortably under your words. 
Zoro is silent. 
Just as you raise your head to meet his eyes, a cannon blast shakes the ship, forcing the crew outside to battle an oncoming enemy. 
In the heat of the battle, all animosities are forgotten. You and Zoro move as one, even after four years apart, you can still fight back to back as you used to. It’s both exhilarating and overwhelming. 
Zoro still hasn’t calmed the frenzied rhythm of his heart. You had claimed you never meant to abandon him. Were you speaking the truth? Because, as far as he knew, you had chosen to leave him behind, collect the big bounty and disappear from his life without ever looking back. 
That had been the biggest disappointment he'd faced in a long while. After four years, he thought you were part of his past. No longer a constant presence in his mind, or worse,  in his dreams. 
You were gone, and good riddance.
What were the chances of him meeting you again in the Grand Line, anyway?
The Marines attacking the Straw Hats are predictably weak, but there are many of them and Zoro is distracted by the earlier conversation. Apparently, so are you, because there’s no way in hell four-years-ago-you would’ve let that attack slip through your defences, let alone now-you. 
Zoro grunts and slices through the three Marines in front of him to reach the bastard pinning you against the Sunny’s wall. His sword blade pressed to your throat, your arm laying limp and bloodied, rendered useless for the rest of the fight. 
“I’m gonna count to three and before I fucking reach two, you’d better have let go of her and be out of my fucking sight, or you’ll lose your limbs one by one to my blades. Starting with that hand.” He growls as he notices the Marine pressing his hand against your chest to keep you pinned to the wall. 
Fuck, that was hot. 
How can your heart be racing this fast when you’re facing possible death at the hands of a freaking weak Marine? You have no idea how you got into this position. You know how to fight better than any of these army fools! 
You were distracted, dumbass.
Yeah, you were distracted. You were thinking about the possibilities and the what-ifs of four years ago, if only you had spoken to Zoro before he thought you abandoned him. And all that thinking got you pinned to the wall with an injured arm and a blade to your throat.  
“One…” Zoro starts counting and you hold your breath. You’ve seen him fight, the Marine better run. “Two…”
His voice is eerily calm, but the intensity of his words leaves no room for argument. He’s dangerous, he’s lethal, and he’s not playing games.  
Even though the Marine drops you unceremoniously and starts to run, you know he isn't getting far. The manic grin on Zoro’s face just before he slashes the Marine makes the critters in your belly flutter and dance all at once.
Zoro did start with his hand.
“She’s fine!” Chopper exclaims as he steps out of the infirmary with a wide smile, his hoof clasping your uninjured hand as you join your Nakama by the galley. The crew receives you with cheers and you feel a bit ashamed. You wanted to prove your worth but the battle didn’t go the way you meant it to. Still, none of them make you feel unworthy.
Robin fusses over you, Luffy tries to hug you before Nami stops him with a punch, Usopp is already retelling the tale of the thousand Marines who attacked you and Sanji glides to your side with a refreshment and amiable words, worried, anxious and happy you’re safe.
And that’s where Zoro draws the line. “Can we talk?” His gruff voice rolls over you like a caress, and you bite the inside of your cheek trying to snap out of it. 
“Yeah.” You follow him to the crow’s nest unsure of what he wants to say. The entire walk is wrapped in piercing silence, tension hanging like a thick fog. Once you arrive, you’re too wound up to sit, so you start pacing. 
“Explain.” He says, apparently too wound up to sit as well.
The fuck?
“Explain what?”
“What you meant at lunch.”
You try to cross your arms over your chest, but the injured limb is still out of action so, instead, you place your good hand on your hip and stamp your foot. “Listen, honey,” you mock, “you better start using your big boy words because I’m not going to play riddles with you and-...”
Your sentence is cut short when he takes two strides forward, forcing you to step back until you collide with the training bars. Zoro’s face is inches from yours and the ticking in his jaw is back. 
His eye pins yours, and your legs wobble under the intensity of his stare. “I’ve never met anyone as infuriating as you,” he drawls, slamming his hand against the bars beside your face. “And I can’t stop thinking about you.”
The world spins as you suck in a breath, trying to understand his words. What does he mean?
“I can’t stop thinking about your lips…” His thumb presses against your lower lip, tracing it roughly. “I can’t stop thinking about kissing your neck.” His lips brush against the pulse on your neck, teeth nibbling and pinching. “I can’t stop thinking about you… squirming under me!”
Zoro’s hand gropes the flesh of your hip, his fingers sinking in, pulling a soft moan from your lips. “Tell me to stop.” He whispers, his tongue tracing your earlobe with sinful licks. “Fuck. Just say the words.”
Your head falls back against the bars in abandon as his hand drops from your hips, fingers inching under the waistband of your jeans. 
“Don’t stop.” You sigh.
And he doesn’t.
“I didn’t abandon you.” You’re still in bliss after the moment you just shared. You had thought about this, fantasied, dreamed, imagined… every possible variation of what just happened. But it was still better. “I didn’t know the pirate had a 16k berries bounty. I thought it was 6k. I was going to take care of him, call it a day and meet you to collect the bounty.”
Zoro’s still, his chest still heaving slightly, sweat clinging sinfully to where your mouth had been moments ago. 
“But then you left, thinking I betrayed you, without giving me a chance to explain before disappearing from my life.” Your legs are still shaking and aching. Zoro was brutal and intense. And you loved every second of it. 
“Well that makes sense…” He says as his expression softens.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Your disbelief makes you face him with a scowl and bared teeth. 
“Look at how much fun we could’ve been having for four years instead of hating each other. My bad, I guess!” His cheeky grin only makes you seethe more and you scramble to your feet to collect your clothes and leave him there. 
“Unbelievable! You’re an ass, Zoro.” You state as you open the hatch to leave him and his smugness behind.
“Meet me later?”
The blush spreads from your cheeks to your nose and then to your ears as you face him. If looks could kill, he’d be a dead man. You show him the middle finger before closing the hatch. “After dinner in this spot. Be naked and don’t be late. Asshole.”
Roronoa Zoro used to be a friend, then an enemy, then a Nakama… now you can’t deny all the fluttering in your belly when he looks at you. But the fluttering’s fine. You can live with that, it’s actually exhilarating. 
It’s the frenzied beating of your heart that you have a problem with. That, and the clenching in your chest when you and Zoro gaze at each other. 
That’s what scares you.
Dinner that evening is the tensest meal you’ve had on the Sunny since joining the crew. On the outside everything looks normal. Luffy is eating from everybody’s plate, Sanji is fawning over Nami, Robin and you, and Usopp is entertaining the table with how he single-handedly defeated one hundred marines in the fight you had earlier. 
But every time you glance at Zoro, he’s pinning you under his gaze, an infuriating smirk lifting the corner of his lips as he downs an entire bottle of sake. You try your damn hardest to focus on the food in front of you instead of letting your mind revisit the most mind-shattering and intense moment of your life. 
Nami asks if you’re alright and you weakly respond with a yes, saying that you’re just tired from the fight, but you don’t miss her curious expression when she catches the way Zoro is staring at you. Fuck. If he doesn’t stop doing that, he might as well wear a sign on his forehead saying you just had sex. 
Zoro leaves first and after helping Sanji clear the plates - even if he vehemently refuses your help - you make your way up to the crow’s nest. You told Zoro to be waiting naked, but you’re actually having second thoughts. Has he forgiven you for what happened four years ago? Have you forgiven him for not even wanting to hear your explanations? 
You’re not even sure if you’re friends, acquaintances, enemies or something else entirely. And that needs to be settled. 
Taking a deep steadying breath before opening the hatch, you brace yourself for whatever is coming, but you can’t help a small squeak from escaping your lips as you see Zoro waiting for you, bare-chested, cross-legged and leaning up against the bars.
“You’re late, Backstabber.”
“Your pants are still on, Mr. Salty.”
He chuckles and the sound makes your heart skip a beat weirdly. Should you talk to Chopper about this? It seems like something you should worry about. 
Zoro moves away from the bars and takes a step your way, that smug grin tilting his lips in an endearing way. “You want them off that bad?”
You take another step back, though your legs feel like jelly. “Smug asshole.”
He doesn’t answer you with a cheeky reply and his lips turn into a thin line again. That same closed-off expression he had when you first joined and now it seems like the step back you took was a step back in… whatever this is.
“Look…” He says your name while scratching the back of his head. “I’m sorry. About the way things ended between us all that time ago. It seems silly to still be upset about it, especially now that you’ve explained yourself.”
You nod, agreeing and there’s a lightness to your chest that wasn’t there before. A sort of closure to that chapter of your lives, something you’ve carried with you even if you were unaware of it. 
“Also,” he continues as he takes another step forward. This time you don’t back away. “About what I said the other day - about us not being Nakama - I didn’t mean it that way.” He sighs and reaches for your wrist, his touch surprisingly gentle. “I was just angry.”
“Are you still angry?” You ask, your breath catching slightly in your throat. 
Zoro’s finger brushes the inside of your wrist, absentmindedly. “I don’t even know.” He lets out a sigh that resembles a grunt and tugs at your wrist, pulling you to him. “But I know I can’t go another day without you, let alone four years.”
Your heart skips another beat as his words sink in, and this time it continues to beat in this weird staccato rhythm. “Then don’t…” You finally murmur, pressing yourself against him, feeling the heat of his skin against your fingers. 
He grins again, that shit-eating grin he used to give you back when things were still fine. “Good.” He drawls out as he pinches your chin and crashes his lips against yours in a desperate claim. His touch electrifies you and tingles in places it shouldn’t, lighting you up from within and making you feel more alive than ever. 
Time passes and something shifts. The crew notices it since you bicker less. You’re pretty sure Nami and Robin know what is going on between the both of you, though they don’t say anything. But it should be a dead giveaway since you’re ‘training’ together now instead of sticking to your separate training schedule. 
You still argue on a daily basis, though now there’s an underlying understanding that wasn’t there before. You’re not arguing out of past sorrows, hurt, or unresolved conflict. You’re arguing because it’s just your nature. And you notice that there’s something deeper in your connection. Those skipped beats of your heart, that fluttering in your belly… Those are all part of something far more intense that you don’t want to name yet. But you realise that there’s no rush in naming whatever you have. You have time.
Because Zoro might still call you ‘Backstabber’ with an annoyingly smug smirk, and you might call him ‘Mr. Salty’ with equal fervour now and again, but at the end of the day, you’re both exactly where you want to be: right beside each other.
Tag list: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil @eustasscapitankid @ren-ni @jqperi
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bobwess · 7 months ago
Ao3 seems fixed, but just in case, here is my old fic "Rest and Rebirth" in its entirety. [ link to it on ao3 ] TW: Pain and injury.
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CHAPTER ONE Dean wasn't sure when this started, whatever this was. He supposed it had been a few months ago. Probably a few years ago, but they really took a step in recent history. They hadn't attempted to put words to it. Honestly they didn't talk about it much at all. It just sort of evolved naturally.
The hunter was no stranger to nightmares, and he was pretty sure the things he had seen would drive a normal man crazy. Four years old, he was dreaming of his mother burning on the ceiling. Then monsters. Losing Sammy. Losing his father. 40 years of hell. They stepped up a solid notch after the Mark of Cain, his stint as a demon doing nothing to help. They intensified after Michael took control and wore his face to a monster slaughter. Jack dying somehow made them even worse.
It took a while, but they built. Time was, a bottle of hunter's helper before bed could buy him most of a night's rest, but even that stopped working, and upping the intake was unsustainable in the long run. So he had muddled through. His drinking habit could buy him a few hours at least, and then he'd just white knuckle it until morning.
At some point, he started waking up to Cas standing over his bed, in a proper nod to old times.
"Cas, we talked about this…"
"You prayed to me in your sleep."
"I…" He looked up groggily "What?" He shook his head. "Got some wires crossed there bud. Sorry to bother you."
It wasn't isolated to that instance. Every time he woke up with a scream threatening to rip from his lips, there Cas was. He had given up hovering, and usually was found on a chair, turned from the desk.
"Don't you have anything better to do than watch me sleep?"
Dean had to admit, it was becoming sort of comforting. He'd wake in a panic, and he started to look for the angel, taking for granted he would be there. In a new turn of events, after calming down he started to sometimes manage to find sleep again, even after waking from the depths of hellish visions. He would never admit it out loud, but he liked the safety he felt when Cas was around. Cas must've known, because he kept showing up.
Eventually Cas started sitting with Dean during his nightly routine of drinking before bed. They'd start in the library, and then when he worried their conversations would bother Sam's sleep, they'd move to his room. Cas was starting to open up to being more conversational, more talkative than he used to be. Dean appreciated the time spent, keeping his mind off the impending night's sleep. Cas would leave when Dean looked ready to sleep, but he'd always be back by the time the hunter woke in a cold sweat.
It took another couple weeks before Cas just didn't leave. He'd settle into a chair, and they'd spend time until Dean passed out. They didn't even necessarily talk any more. Sometimes Dean would listen to music, leafing through a magazine, and Cas would watch something on the laptop. Dean would inevitably drift off, and wake to find Cas before drifting off again. He found the dreams more and more manageable, and much to Cas' unspoken pleasure, he found his nightly drinking had become less necessary, and easier to cut back on.
The night after a particularly hard hitting hunt, Dean found himself suffering something of a relapse. Something stirring in his mind, he couldn't let go of. Instead of his now common startle waking up, he shot out of sleep, hand pulling the gun he kept under his pillow, his breath caught in his throat making him sure he would choke to death. He looked to his right, and the chair was empty, Cas gone, and that only made his chest tighten more.
He almost shot the angel when a hand touched his left shoulder, and he turned, wild eyed to come face to face with Castiel. Cas was sitting on the edge of his bed, hands up as if trying to calm a wild animal. His face was stricken with concern, and Dean slowly lowered his weapon.
"You were screaming."
The hunter started to catch his breath, and finally managed the mental control to shove the firearm back under his pillow. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up and trying to ground himself. He rubbed his face and head, taking a deep breath and reminding himself he was in his room and safe.
Cas remained perfectly still, not daring to touch the hunter for fear of startling him, but not wanting to move away either.
"Fuck." Dean said simply, leaning back to collapse onto his bed again, feeling thoroughly drained and more than a little shaken. He blindly reached for his night stand, hoping to catch his whiskey bottle and take a swig to take the edge off, but he brought back a water bottle instead. He forgot that at some point Cas had made a habit of switching the two bottles while he slept. He paused, but decided to just go with it, taking a sip and somehow still feeling a little better for having done so.
Cas shifted, making to stand and return to his quiet vigil when Dean grabbed his arm, seeming just as surprised as Cas when he did it. Castiel looked down at him, his head tilted, trying to read Dean's expression.
Dean frowned, but he pressed on against his inner doubts. "Stay…." He hesitated. "Please."
Cas didn't say anything, he just settled back, and then, after a moment of uncertainty, he leaned back against the mound of pillows on the bed, laying next to the hunter, facing him.
Dean watched Cas settle in, his expression blank. He wasn't fully sure what to make of this development, but at the moment he was too tired and worked up to process it. But with Cas' presence so close, the hunter managed to find sleep again fairly quickly.
Now at night, there is an unspoken agreement. When Dean Winchester finally settles onto his bed, Castiel takes up his place beside him. Sometimes when Dean wakes their foreheads are just barely touching, or Cas' hand rests on his arm. The proximity is always calming enough that sleep returns to the hunter in a matter of minutes.
Dean isn't sure what he'd call this. It was some sort of love for sure, but unlike than the love he had known in his life. It was nothing like the love for his brother, or Bobby, and so different than the love he had for Lisa. He smiled vaguely as he thought of Charlie, and how she would probably call it his bisexual awakening. He had heard her use that term before, though he didn't think that quite described whatever link he and the angel had managed to build.
Still, he had to admit, there was something. Something he couldn't put words to, but he and Cas never had seemed to struggle with the lack of a label.
For now he chose not to dwell on it, and simply be thankful for the newfound warmth he felt when he slept. CHAPTER 2
Cas listened for the moment Dean's breathing evened out. Usually these days he simply waited beside the hunter, ready to step in and fight back the nightmares in his mind when he sprang awake. Tonight however, Dean would be waking up in the room alone. Cas pulled the letter from his pocket, slipping it out and leaving it folded on the side of the bed, knowing Dean would look over to where he normally was. It was intentionally vague, but it assured Dean he was coming back.
He got up silently and crept over towards the door, looking back over his shoulder one last time before easing it open and slipping through. Once it was silently closed again, Cas could move a little less cautiously as he made his way through the bunker towards the exit. He paused outside the library, listening for any telltale signs Sam was still awake and on his laptop, but after a moment he was relatively sure his exit was unguarded.
The angel slipped behind the wheel of his once-stolen truck, only then allowing himself to hesitate. He opened the small bag he had with him and double checked its contents, making sure he wasn't forgetting anything he might need where he was going. Once satisfied he swallowed, feeling a small tug of uncertainty. It quickly burnt itself out however and Cas started the truck, pulling away from the familiar bunker.
He had spent months agonizing over this decision. He still wasn't sure it was the right one, he just knew it was what he wanted. When Cas finally pulled up to the old farm he had eyed as a nice out of the way place to work, he found himself simply sitting and staring at it, the uncertainty flickering up again for one last round of what-if.
Was it worth risking Dean's life for your own happiness? To risk Sam's?
That was the question. But, he had to remember, that wasn't the right question to ask. Was it worth potentially risking Dean's life for your own happiness? Even more accurate, was it worth potentially being able to simply help Dean less? To help Sam less?
He hadn't made the decision alone. As soon as he finally figured out it could be done, he talked with Sam. He admitted he wanted to let go of his grace, become human once more. He admitted that he feared he was more useful to them as an angel, arguing that it was just safer if he was in possession of his grace. As soon as he made the argument, he had pretty much convinced himself, and he tried to withdraw the question.
Sam was, as usual, persistent they talk it through. They would have several long conversations about it over the next week, more than Cas had talked about any one topic with anyone before. The angel was appreciative of his discretion, and Sam was respectful of his decision not to involve Dean.
He knew the chance to change plans was behind him, and this concern he had now was not going to stop him. He knew how to push through and past fear. He had led an assault on hell when she was at her most guarded. The only person who could talk him out of it was kept out of the loop exactly for this reason.
The soon to be human stepped out of his truck, holding the bag awkwardly as he headed inside the rundown barn. He smiled weakly. Every barn he was in reminded him of meeting Dean face-to-face for the first time. Sure, his angelic form had pulled his soul from the pit, but to stand on the same field, both as men. Or at least, in his case, something resembling men. Fitting that it was also the last place he'd stand as an angel.
He prepared the spell quickly, glad it wasn't overly complex. The ingredients were found in the bunker. Sam had help him build a spell to do what he wanted using books the men of letters had left behind. It wasn't easy. This spell wouldn't simply remove his grace, it would destroy it, every last piece. Sam had worried about the risk to Cas himself, as his body would be effectively human when it was over. He didn't care.
Cas was just finishing the last of the sigil work when his chest clenched. His angelic hearing picked up the familiar rumble of the impala approaching, and he listened with dread when the engine cut. He hoped that by some miracle it was Sam, just making sure all was well, but he knew it wasn't. The barn door opened up and he was faced with the older Winchester. "Hello Dean."
Dean's mouth was set in a line, and Cas found himself having a harder time than usual figuring out what emotions were fighting for space in Dean's head. He was moving slowly, with a deliberate walking pace. "Cas." He said simply, but his tone offered no more clues. He came to stand just a few feet away from the angel.
Castiel found himself frozen, making no move to complete the last of the sigils, no move to put down the brush either. The silence ticked on until he finally chose to break it. "How did you-"
"GPS on your phone." Dean finished. "Got your letter, real specific, thank you."
Alright, so there was a touch of the sarcasm Cas had expected. "Oh." He said simply, not knowing how to reply to the statement directly.
"So, do you need me to give you a second to come up with a lie about why you're out here, or do you have one prepared?"
"Save it Cas." Dean put his hand up, cutting him off. He took a deep breath, and looked at the ground. "I know why you're out here." He glanced up and frowned again. "I overheard you talking to Sam one night, weeks ago at this point."
"You didn't say anything."
"Figured you would have asked me if you wanted my opinion."
Cas opened his mouth to say something, but Dean put up his hand to silence him again.
"Are you sure it's what you want? Forget Sam and I, are you sure that this is what you want."
Cas stared at him for a moment. "Okay?"
"I trust you." Dean said softly, though Cas could tell he was fighting a war with himself to say that. It wasn't a question of trust, though Dean clearly thought this was a bad idea. But with this blessing, Cas' last doubts evaporated. "What can I do to help?"
"There isn't anything. The sigils will help contain the grace. Normally another angel would need to help draw out the grace, but I cannot ask them. I, of course, will be draining it all, so I will be unable to direct it for long. So I needed to artificially-"
"Okay okay." Dean said dismissively, trying to stop the long overly-detailed explanation Cas was giving.
"The first part of the spell gathers the grace behind this sigil." He indicated one in his chest. "I make the cut, and drop the ingredients into the flame. The angel part of me should burn out."
"You will need to close your eyes. The unshielded grace would easily blind you." Like it had Pamela.
"Will it hurt?"
"You shouldn't feel it if you are far enough away."
"Will it hurt you?" Dean clarified.
"Oh." Cas said softly. "Yes." The appeal of this spell was the totality. There was no way to undo this spell. No other angel's grace could be given, his own grace could never be returned. The pay off for it's permanence was brutality. The grace wasn't simply being cut out, it was being ripped out, and burned. In many ways he was dying to be reborn.
Dean finally frowned, arms crossing as he looked over the sigil work and spell ingredients. He didn't comment for a moment, his mind seeming to process everything so far. For a moment, Castiel thought he was going to abandon his support and try to convince Cas to stop. But he simply gave a curt nod. "Where should I stand?"
"Near the door should be far enough." Cas said, finishing the last strokes of the white paint on the old weathered wood. He knelt in the circle, candle burning, and a smaller satchel of ingredients within reach. He tightened his grip over the angel blade in his hand, and gave a nod to Dean.
The hunter turned his back, and Cas could see his shoulders tense.
Cas recited the first part of the spell, easily sounding out the difficult enochian incantation. The second the last syllable passed his lips, the atmosphere in the barn shifted. The room felt as if it had become electrified. Dean could feel the hair stand up on the back of his neck. He turned and looked out of the corner of his eye, ready to close them in an instant if needed, but Cas was not yet ready to progress. The sight of the shadow of his broken wings surprised Dean. He had caught glimpses before, fleeting, but they showed no sign of fading now as they were clearly reacting to the blatant attack.
With the electricity, Cas could feel his grace begin to move. The power contained within every cell of his vessel came alive at once, and with it came the pain. Castiel had felt pain before. When his wings were scorched with hellfire. When Raphael brought the wrath of heaven down on him. When the leviathan ripped through his body. This was white hot fire being drawn through his very essence, and as much as he thought he was prepared, the pain took him entirely off guard.
Cas set his jaw, trying to turn the knife, trying to redirect it towards his chest, trying to fight through the pain. He fumbled, and the blade clattered to the ground. He reached down, trying to pick it up again. His fingers brushed over the knife, trying desperately to get his hands to obey him and close around the hilt. He felt the hand close over his and he reacted violently, trying to pull away. "No Dean." He hissed through clenched teeth. "You're going to get hurt…"
"You need help." Dean said firmly.
"My grace… my wings… they're going to burn right through-" Cas couldn't get the words out, but he knew Dean understood. He was horrified when the grip only tightened over his hand, slipping the blade out of his hold.
"I know." Was the only response he got.
Cas weakly tried one last time to pull the knife from Dean, to push him away, but his body was weakening under the strain of the grace threatening to tear through his chest. He felt one strong hand on his shoulder, holding him steady. He looked up in time to see those green eyes close as Dean pushed the knife forward just a little.
The energy released from the tiny cut knocked both men back from each other. Dean went flying across the room and Cas rolled, almost falling out of the set of runes and sigils. The light streamed from him, gathering and pooling around him. Cas couldn't help but scream as the liquid fire flooded through his body and out into the world around him. He tried to force himself to move past the pain, scrambling for grip to pull himself up towards the candle, towards the ingredients for the last part of the spell…
Strong arms grabbed him again, coming from behind him. He looked up with fear, but Dean had his eyes shielded against the light. He reached blindly past Cas, grabbing the satchel. He propped the angel up in his arms, prepared to drop the contents into the small flame. Cas knew it was pointless to fight him, and he was too weak to reasonably try. So instead he mumbled the enochian spell, and let his head fall back against Dean when he was done. Dean tossed the spell ingredients into the flame.
The grace grew with intensity and surrounded Cas. He felt the moment his wings caught alight, and he could feel more than hear Dean cry out in pain behind him. The noise built until it was a deafening roar, and Cas too had to close his eyes against the blinding light.
Then as quickly as it had built, it was over. The room was unnaturally quiet and dark. The candle was long extinguished, as well as the lantern Cas had brought, leaving only the moon glinting into the barn to light it's walls.
Cas still lay panting in Dean's arms, unable to even lift his head. Dean slid down to lay next to him, still holding an arm around the angel, keeping him grounded as tears ran down his face. It was done. He was human. Or at least as human as he was ever going to be.
They didn't talk or move for close to an hour. At some point Cas had drifted off, completely spent from the physical toll the spell took. When he woke there was sunlight streaming through the barn, and he could hear the deeper breathing of the unconscious hunter behind him.
He rolled, extracting himself from the heavy dead weight of Dean's arm. He heard the hunter wake, and met green eyes when he finally managed to look.
Cas winced as he saw the scene around him. The barn looked as if a small bomb had gone off, a clear blast ring around them. The hay and debris that had littered the floor was pushed back to the far corners, propelled by the force of the spell. Right where Cas had been propped up, scorched into the wood was an almost perfect imprint of his angel wings. The only part not visible on the floor was the burnt outline of the feathers that was clearly across the hunter's torso.
Cas closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He had wanted to do it alone, wanted Dean away and safe. Dean had come to help only to immediately get hurt from his recklessness. He could have ditched the phone, could have gone further from the bunker, could have done any number of things…
"It's okay." came the gruff voice, and Cas opened his eyes again to look into Dean's. "I'm okay."
Cas slid a tentative and shaking hand across the floor, coming to rest gently on Dean's collar bone, withdrawing immediately when the hunter winced.
"It will heal." Dean insisted.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not."
Pain reflected across the former angel's eyes. Dean would bear these scars forever. "I didn't want you to get hurt."
"I didn't want you to do this alone."
Cas finally let his body relax, letting the floor hold him up completely. He was entirely physically and emotionally spent. He didn't protest when Dean finally got the strength to stand and help him up. He didn't argue when Dean led him to the passenger side of the impala. He didn't say anything as they drove away from his truck. He simply allowed it to happen.
Because this was what he wanted. And he was now absolutely sure it had been the right choice.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 1 year ago
Wait, wasn't it just last week Alan wanted everyone at his house because danger? It's not less dangerous now that you tried to get Kim out, y'know.
Lol, Charlie knows your body pretty well too Babe.
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Omg, not Winner & Dean having matching umbrella ladies.
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I'm making it canon in my head that the two umbrella ladies hook up when Winner & Dean hook up.
Oh, poor Babe, he doesn't deserve this. My heart.
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Dammit, I know Charlie isn't really dead, not in a romance like this, and this is still making me cry!!!
Have to say, outside of having my heart ripped out, I do love the physical comfort that Sonic, North, & Alan are all giving Babe.
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I like when men in dramas show easy affection with their friends.
Jeff: I sure feel bad that Babe is hurting so much because of our plan. Also Jeff: this is my shot to fuck that old man.
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Kim!!!! My baby!!!!
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Lol, of course no one rescued him. This crew of idiots. At least they're kind. And now he's family! The X-Hunter crew has just had a giant leap in collective intelligence.
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Ha, Alan joining the "man immediately up for lifetime commitment" club.
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Also his reaction after Jeff's little kiss is so adorable!
Dammit, why are both Pavel and Nut so good at crying!? It hurts!
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Dean, you dick. I knew were an inadequate little shit, but seriously.
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And he's still whining about appreciation when he just TRIED TO MURDER BABE. Guess Winner can visit him in prison to kick start their romance!
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earthbovndmisfit · 6 months ago
Yay you're anwering asks again! Which seem to be old ones lol.
On the idea of mer Jonawagon where Jonathan is the human and Speedwagon is the merman, perhaps the rest of the Ogre Street gang could be mers as well, living in tightly-knit pods like orcas and coming into conflict with seagoers who see them as "monsters"? And with Jonathan as a human Dio would make a great human antagonist too, perhaps being a hunter of the mers who despises Jonathan for empathizing with them.
Perhaps Jonathan's meeting with them could play out like it did in canon PB, with them initially attacking him as an intruder to their turf before he shows mercy and kindness to their leader, thus earning their friendship.
Last one seemed to be from a couple weeks ago, but there are a lot that are a year old or more…. (sorry!!! bad brain has been an absolute bitch all of 2024 so far)
I really like your idea nonny!! I feel like the Ogre Street guys don't get the love and appreciation they deserve and I'm more than happy to be able to include them in these AUs too! I like the idea of them all being a gang still. They already have some intimidating appearances in the og, and that would definitely add to their mer versions as well. Seagoers would think of them at monsters at first sight, especially if they aren't familiar with merpeople or other "non-conventional" sea creatures, I'm sure 😔️ They -along with Speedwagon- would probably be outcasts on land at best (probably back at home too if they happen to be criminals or other types of "pariah"), and I think that could add to their bond with Jonathan, who thinks of them as friends (and more, in Speedwagon's case of course 🤭️💕️).
Idk if this idea was thought to be part of the Sailor Jona/Mer Speedwagon scenario?? But if so, then we can mesh both ideas and have Jona and Spw meet the way mentioned in the other post. They start getting to know each other and maybe arrange to meet again near land in the next port the ship is scheduled to visit.
The day comes and it so happens that Speedwagon's gang is hanging around that area before either Spw or Jonathan get there, not knowing about Spw's new human friend. Jonathan is the first one to show up at the meeting spot by the shoreline (and away from privy eyes, in the case of a universe where merpeople are not common knowledge? idk). Dear Jojo even brought some trinkets and things he thought Spw might find interesting and that no one onboard will miss. That's when Spw's gang notice him and jump into action, not only because he's entering their domains, but also because they have eyed those trinkets and want to rip them away from him. A fight ensues then. As limited as my knowledge on merfolk is, I'm pretty sure they are way stronger than humans (correct me if I'm wrong please!). I'm also guessing there would be no hamon in this AU, and so it's very likely that Jonathan would be overpowered eventually despite his superhuman strength from the og (can't imagine Jonathan not being buff and built like a brickwall, so he keeps his og massive size and frame). It's right there when Speedwagon shows up and scolds and shouts at his friends to leave the man alone. He was reaching the spot when he saw everything as it started going down, making him rush over to them as fast as he could. Spw's friends realize they kinda fucked up and apologize, helping Jonathan up and back on his feet. The idea kinda breaks my heart, but maybe some of the trinkets got broken during the confrontation and now Jonathan feels bad about it, although, he's happy that Speedwagon saved him from what would have very likely been a much worse outcome.
And of course Speedwagon is moved, not only by Jonathan's kindness since he really was under no obligation or whatever to bring him anything, and yet he did, but he's also moved by that faintest of pouts on Jojo's lips upon seeing what just happened to the little presents he brought for Speebs. Being mostly outcasts, I'm sure neither Spw or his friends are used to show or being shown love in any of its forms outside of their little group, so it comes as a surprise even to Speedwagon himself when he pulls Jonathan into a hug to make him feel better and stop worrying about the now broken presents. All this surprises Spw's gang too for the previously stated reasons, but it is clear to them now that their boss sees something special in that man and that, judging by his gesture of bringing him a present, he seems to be genuine in his intentions, and so they ease up on him, genuinely apologizing for the incident and what they have unknowingly caused. They are all wary of humans due to past bad experiences, but Jonathan continues to prove over time that he's someone they can fully trust and rely on, and so Speebs and his gang often follow him closely during his journeys across the sea.
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judithan-xing · 10 months ago
i feel like if i ever released my notes for CADAVER ppl would really realize how fucking unhinged i was writing that whole thing like. its actually buck wild. Honestly i'll go ahead and post it for funsies cuz I think getting to see the ideas n stuff behind ppl's work is cool, so someone out there will probably appreciate this.
some fun behind the scenes notes about it under the read more if you're interested in a mad man's ranting
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my notes about what aspects of Vincent/Cid should stay the same and what parts i felt were fine to mess with.
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originally i was gonna lean WAY more into Vincent being a traditional vampire rather than a horrible amalgamation of man and demon, to the point he would just straight up be hunting n whatever. I scrapped that in favor of just making him mostly immortal and can eat/drink regular stuff for fun but wants to feed off of Cid cuz bloodlust and also regular lust
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i literally kept rewriting the Vague Overarching plot of Cadaver and then randomly, in the middle of the document put 'Vampire Vincent x Hunter Cid' as if this would fucking mean ANYTHING to me later. I think I was literally half asleep when i put that in. It's hilarious. I don't know why it's there or that far down. Also this was me trying to decide how close to Red Snow I wanted it to be, and originally it was gonna be Pretty Fuckin Close but I scrapped that.
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hilarious that "THINGS FOR SURE" first plot point wasnt even fuckin used lmao. Also originally Vin was gonna be turned into a vampire AND THEN had chaos implanted, rather than chaos being the thing to turn him. wack. I dont even remember writing that.
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i need yall to know i saw a fucking dragon outfit for fli/ght ri/sing that literally permanently altered the course of Cadaver. I'm not kidding. Someone had a cool dragon outfit preset thing for a deadzone investigator and it inspired me so much I changed Cid's profession to that. Seriously.
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im so mad i wasn't able to use that stellar fucking line i cooked up at the bottom, but yall get to see it now. but yeah originally the presentation was gonna Actually Be A Presentation and then i realized 'i dont want to fucking write that, that's boring as shit' so I didn't. also i ended up making rufus way more hands-off cuz i just. dont know his character that well and didnt want to start in the middle of a huge plotfic thats not about him
these are dead ass all my notes for Cadaver. like. that's it. no chapter by chapter set up or plan or anything like that. I literally wrote about 2000 words of rambling notes, went 'yeah thats good enough' and ripped out a 63k word fic in like 3 weeks. i dont know. i dont know. its crazy.
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debruhbot5000 · 1 year ago
I just posted the sequel to All Gone (But Aching Misery)! The sequels title is A Crown of Sorrow (And a Ring of Rage) and you can read it here!
These fics are DP x DC crossovers about Danny being thrust into the role of King while still grieving the loss of his family. With two wars, relationships, paperwork, and Clockwork’s riddles, Danny is forced to set his grief to the side as he carries the responsibility of High King of The Infinite Realms.
Here’s a sneak peek of chapter one of A Crown of Sorrow (And a Ring of Rage)!
Flashes of bombs and planes surround Wonder Woman as she fights her way through no man's land.
She must get to Steve, she can spot him waiting for her in the distance. Calling to her. Gun turrets fire rapidly at her as she blocks them with her gauntlets, rushing past barbed wire. Everything is trying to slow her down. Even her own body as she runs as if in water.
She’s so close, a breath away. She sees Steve, her Steve, waving her over. His bright smile shining like the sun.
Just as she’s about to reach for his outstretched hand he’s ripped away from her.
“No.” She chokes, sitting up quickly as she yanks the sweat damp sheets from her overheated body. Diana hides her teary face in her palms, breathing deeply to calm her racing heart and still her quaking hands. It was only a dream. Just another cruel dream.
Sniffing, she wipes her face as she decides to take a walk on her homeland's shores to ease her heart and mind.
She is spending the week on Themyscira for The Feast of Five. It is the Themyscirians’ most holy holiday for it honors the goddesses who took part in their creation. Yesterday they hunted in honor of Artemis and tomorrow they will feast in honor of Demeter. The days after are dedicated to worship and prayer with her sisters.
Diana has relished being in the full presence of her sisters once again. As they say, it is good to be home. While she loves her comrades in man’s world, cherishing her bonds, they can never fill the place of the sisterhood she has here. The true home she has here.
Leaving her room she walks down the stone hallways, nodding as she passes the few women still awake, finding her way to a cliff, and sliding down the rocky terrain to the white sanded beaches.
Diana closes her eyes, taking in the crashing waves, the gentle chirping of crickets, the cold sand at her feet, and the soft breeze cooling her skin. She tries to clear her mind, allowing her senses to ground her to this moment.
Breathing in she lifts her head to the twinkling sky, opening her eyes as she traces the constellations in her head. She finds Orion, one of Artemis’ favored hunters.
Diana’s gaze glides across the night sky, as she catches sight of a falling star. She follows it’s path taking a moment to give her appreciation to the goddess Asteria who guides all the fallen stars. The goddess Asteria who sends messages through them and through dreams.
What message did she mean to send Diana? Was it meant to be a cruel reminder of what she’s lost? Or was it a gentle nudge for her to let go of her heart ache?
Diana sighs, bringing her scrutiny to the sea, freezing as she watches the fallen star curve up and begin traveling parallel with the ocean.
Heading towards the island.
Concerned Diana starts running to intercept whatever this is.
Could this be the goddess Asteria answering her questions? Or a foreign invader hoping to strike when least expected?
Running around a set of boulders she’s entranced to find her falling star to be a glowing young girl with hair like the moon, floating above the sand, marveling at the scenery around her. She appears mystical with her white hair flowing around her as if she were underwater. Her expression is of joy, face bright with a larger than life smile, taking everything she sees in. As the mysterious girl turns in Diana’s direction, her bright green eyes widen as they find her behind the rock, body flinching back in fear.
Diana steps out from where she was partially hidden slowly, body open and relaxed, “Fear not child, I wish you no harm. I am Princess Diana of Themyscira, may I ask who you are?” She speaks softly, hoping to eliminate the fear dancing in the young one’s eyes.
The girl doesn’t relax, body stiffening more at Diana’s advance making her halt. At this the girl seems to look more comforted, flickering eyes steadying, “I apologize for the intrusion, Princess.” She speaks softly, an odd echo to her voice as she bows her head. “My name is Ellie and I come here with no ill intent.” She states firmly, a serious furrow to her young face.
Diana smiles, “It is nice to meet you Ellie. What brings you to my home?” She questions wondering what exactly Ellie is. She would never ask out loud, for that would be rude, however, she can’t help but notice Ellie’s lack of a heartbeat.
“I’m on a mission of sorts, to see the world. All of it and, well, Themyscira was on my list.” Ellie declares a clear passion in her eyes when she speaks of her goal. The face she wears is the same one Diana had when she used to stand on this very beach, gazing over the horizon as her heart longed for adventure. As her eyes yearned to see more, her ears to hear more, her mind to understand more.
Diana finds herself in Ellie and so does what she wished someone would have done with her.
“Come and sit with me Ellie.” Diana requests, lowering to the sand as she faces the waves. Ellie is still at first before her shoulders drop and she takes a spot to Diana’s left.
“Tell me about your travels, what have you seen so far?” Diana inquires, watching Ellie’s face brighten with innocent glee as she begins gesturing wildly, recounting story after story. Her reflecting voice holding an adoration for all she has held witness to.
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beansandsprouts · 2 years ago
Chapter 3
Dean Winchester x fem reader
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
Summary: Wanting to see you in action again, Dean tags along on a hunt
Warnings: violence, blood, cursing
A few days had passed since you'd started staying at the bunker. It was an interesting experience, living with people after being on your own for so long. Despite the largeness of the bunker it seemed like someone was always nearby.
You'd made a grocery run with Cas, offering to tag along with the angel. He intrigued you. You'd seen plenty of strange creatures during your time as a hunter, but never an angel. He was gruff, quiet, and very straightforward.
Though he looked relatively harmless, his rumpled clothes and messy hair made him seem like a little kid, you could sense that he was a dangerous person. You wondered if you could beat him in a fight if it came down to it. Probably not.
He was kind to you, a bit awkward, but he'd tried to make you feel welcome. He let you pick out a cereal for yourself, insisting that since you were a part of the crew then you should have your own food. It'd made you smile. You supposed it was Mary's influence that had made him feel more open to accepting you. He'd probably be more reserved if she hadn't talked you up so much since you'd met her and Bobby.
Speaking of Bobby, he'd returned the day after you and Mary and the boys did. He was delighted that you'd be staying with them, clapping you on the shoulder and grinning at you. You must've made a good impression with him as well. You had mostly kept in touch with Mary, but he'd check in on you every now and again. And you'd called him a few times with lore questions and to ask for advice.
You were all sitting in the main room, you were reading a very interesting book on hellhounds, a creature you'd never seen before, when Sam spoke up.
"Looks like we've got a case, Kent, Ohio. A girl was found in an alley by a bar, throat ripped out. Third one this week."
"I'll take it!" You piped up.
"Mind if I tag along?" Dean asked.
"Uh not at all." You said, giving him a smile.
You didn't typically want or need a partner on a straightforward case like this, but it felt kind of weird to say no. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to get to know your housemate right?
Within a few hours you were packed up and loaded into Baby and on the road. Dean had put on some music, which you recognized as Metallica.
"Alright, Metallica, you've got good taste."
"Finally, someone who appreciates my great taste in music." Dean grinned.
"Don't tell me Sam doesn't like the classics."
"Despises them. He prefers to listen to podcasts on the 95 theses or whatever."
"Your brother has no taste." You chuckled.
"You're tellin me."
The drive to Kent was pleasant. Dean's music and the scenery kept you entertained. He wasn't much for small talk, which you appreciated. A quiet drive was one of your favorite things, a peaceful moment in this chaotic mess of a job.
You arrived at a motel near the center of town when Dean parked and turned to you.
"Do you want your own room? Me and Sammy usually share, two beds, but seeing as you're a lady and you don't know me very well..."
"Nah its fine. Get one room. I'm not worried about you trying anything, Mary would have your ass." You winked.
Dean grinned, "That she would. Sit tight, I'll be out in a minute."
After a few minutes Dean cane back out, moving the car to a spot in front of your reserved room.
You went and dropped your stuff on one of the beds, stretching your legs after being in the car for so long. You'd been in the car for longer, but a 15 hour drive still left you feeling stiff.
You decided to take the rest of the night to sleep, and get an early start tomorrow. Dean was asleep within minutes, you could hear his light snores.
You turned over to look at him, he looked softer when he slept. Not as cocky and definitely not as tense. Seemed he held onto a lot more stress than he probably realized.
You sighed and turned to lay on your back. You hoped this hunt would go well. You didn't like working with someone else, but you were determined to make a good impression on Dean. You wanted him to be willing to let you stick around.
Eventually, you fell asleep. Dreaming of an old life.
The next morning the two of you made a quick breakfast run, stuffing your faces at a diner across the street. The pancakes were pretty decent, and the coffee was strong. It was a good start.
When you returned to the motel, you and Dean changed into some suits, ready to go talk to the local police about the crime scene.
You had changed in the bathroom while Dean changed out in the room, when you walked out, you were taken aback by just how good he looked in a suit.
It made him look good, though suits really just had a tendency to make any man look good. You couldn't help but rake your eyes down his form, admiring the way the shirt stretched over his biceps.
"Like what you see?" He had a cocky grin on his face as he winked at you.
"I like suits." You shrugged.
"You like men in suits." He corrected.
"What can I say? I've always liked a cleaned up man."
"Fair enough. Ready to go?"
The police really hadn't given you much. What they had given you was that all the victims had been seen at the same bar the night of their deaths. All women. You and Dean figured it was a male vamp, flirting his way into a meal. You'd decided you'd go in as bait.
You hadn't thought to bring anything to try and seduce a vamp so you had to make a quick shopping trip. You were in some small boutique in town, going through their dresses.
"How about this one?" You held up a white dress with floral print, it was cute, innocent.
"Nah, the victims were all wearing sexier stuff. Short. Tight...like this." He held up a small black dress, it had a plunging neckline. Definitely a lot sexier.
"Alright, let's ring it up."
"Not gonna try it on?"
"It's my size isn't it? It's fine. Besides if it's a little small it'll just add to the look."
Dean shrugged, "Alright."
When you came out of the bathroom in that tight dress and your hair done up in an elegant style, Dean wolf whistled.
"Damn, I'd eat you up too." He grinned.
You snorted, "Whatever. Let's go."
When you arrived at the bar you sat alone at a table, a whiskey in hand. Dean sat a little ways away, when you looked over in his direction he winked at you, causing you to smile a bit. You had to admit, he was cute.
Eventually, a man approached you. Arm around the back of your chair.
"Mind if I buy you a drink?" He stared down at you hungrily. You figured this was the vamp, no one else had approached you tonight, and he had that predatory look in his eyes that you'd come to recognize after years on the job.
"That'd be great." You said, pretending to check him out. He really wasn't your type. A bit scrawny for your tastes.
He disappeared for a moment before bringing you another whiskey, you'd made eye contact with Dean and had given him a nod. He was ready and waiting.
You were suspicious of the drink, all the girls autopsy reports showed that they'd been roofied. You bit the inside of your cheek, the only way to avoid this was to fake a few sips and start acting woozy. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.
And he didn't. 15 minutes later he was leading you out of the bar, you were stumbling after him. He led you to the alleyway, the same one all the other girls had been killed in.
He pressed you up against the wall, getting ready to bite when Dean turned the corner.
"Hey bloodsucker!"
The vamp whipped his head around and took a step back, growling at Dean. Dean tossed you a machete, which you easily perked up and caught.
"You stupid bitch." It hissed.
"Au contraire my friend. It seems you're the stupid bitch, taking a hunter into an alley." You grinned. The vamp saw the shift in your demeanor, a look of shock overtaking it's features.
Dean lunged at it, but it pushed him away. Then you lunged at it, slashing at its abdomen. It cried out in pain, clutching it's side. You pushed forward, blocking the punches it tried to throw before swiftly decapitating it, blood spraying in your face.
You turned to Dean, grinning. He just stared at you.
"I think that's the fastest I've ever seen someone take down one of those things."
"I'm just another breed of hunter." You winked.
Dean hadn't missed the feral look in your eyes once you got your hands on a weapon. You'd been delighted to have the opportunity to take down the pest. He liked it a little more than he'd like to admit.
You returned to the motel and cleaned up. You'd managed to get the case solved in less than a day. That was a record even for you.
You and Dean made a pretty good team you supposed. You wouldn't mind going on more hunts with him in the future, he didn't hold you back or slow you down. He managed to keep pace with you the entire time.
The drive back was nice, Dean even let you pick a tape to play. You chatted a bit here and there, he told you about what Sam was like growing up. A scrawny little kid until suddenly he shot up and was taller than Dean.
"So what were you like then?"
"A real ladies man," he grinned, "I had girls all over. Left some heartbroken. I hunted with my dad sometimes but usually took care of Sammy. How bout you?"
"I was pretty normal honestly. I did well in school, snuck out to see my friends at night. Bit of rebelling here and there but nothing too wild."
"Sounds nice."
You smiled softly, "It was. I miss it sometimes. The simpler days. But nothing really compares to the life I have now."
"Hunting really is it's own thing."
You hummed in agreement.
You really did miss your old life sometimes. You missed working a regular job, you missed going out with friends. You missed your parents. You enjoyed what you had now, but you couldn't help but wonder what would have become of you if you hadn't gotten into hunting.
Jack and Cas were there to greet you when you and Dean returned. Mary and Sam had left on another case. You greeted them and talked about the hunt before retreating to your room.
You pulled the dress out of your bag as you were unpacking and held it up.
"Might as well keep it. Could come in handy one day." You murmured before folding it and placing it in one of your drawers.
You heard a knock on your door and opened it to find Dean.
"Whats up?"
"Just wanted to say good job on the hunt. You did well."
"Thanks, so did you." You smiled.
"Uh, we were gonna go watch a movie if you wanted to join us. Beer and popcorn, and Cas bought some candy earlier." He offered.
"I'll be there in a moment."
"Great." He nodded and walked off.
You smiled, you appreciated that they wanted to include you. Maybe it wouldn't be too difficult to fit in here.
Next Chapter
Dm me if you want to be tagged when I update!
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drunkenlionwrites · 2 years ago
Hi, how are you?
Can i request headcanons about how Vash would react to finding out reader (gender neutral) has pointed ears?
Like, reader is always seen wearing a beanie that conveniently hides their ears and one day, during a fight with bounty hunters, they lost their beanie and Vash end up seeing reader's ears.
Later, when asked why reader didn't told him, reader just gives him a piece of paper that has written "how to tell your boyfriend you have pointed ears in 3 steps" in it.
Reader was planning on telling him but the plan got ruined.
When asked how their ears are like that, reader just shrugs and says "mama told me it was a birth defect and, well, i never questioned it".
Also, reader's ears are very expressive.
They are happy/excited? Their ears perk up.
They are sad/depressed? Their ears drop down.
They hear something from afar? Their ears move up and down as if it was trying to find out where the sound was coming from.
I'm so sorry of this is super long.
I hope you have a good day!
Hi nonnie! I am doing really great lately, thank you for asking 😌 This request is kinda a full blown headcanon already, so I’m wondering what I can actually add up to it, cause it’s so precise. But the idea is really cute, I hope you don’t mind if I changed the thing about the ears a bit. I’ve just finished watching/reading ‘Heavenly Delusion’ last week and I’m totally in love with Mimihime’s ears. They’re exactly as expressive as you’ve written in your ask and are also pretty easy to hide cause the just look like weirdly cut strands of hair when not moving.
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You’ve always been self-conscious of your unorthodox ears. Getting laughed at when you’ve been a kid, so you started hiding them as you were growing older. They pretty much looked inconspicuous if you were not moving them too much, which has been hard since they’ve always been pretty expressive.
During your travels with Vash and company you’ve also tried to be discreet about your ears, preferring to wear hats or a beanie to hide them. It also made you feel more vulnerable since you couldn’t analyze your surroundings that well with hearing obstructed by the thick material.
So once when you’ve been surrounded by bandits and couldn’t manage to hear properly where exactly they’ve been lurking in search of you and Vash, you decided to just rip off your hat and release your ears, which immediately rose up in all their furry glory, allowing you to pinpoint almost the exact location of each goon, helping Vash to swiftly deal with them.
Vash’s been quite puzzled about your ears, but even more by the fact that you’ve hidden it from him for too long, having you confess that you’ve been trying to find the proper time to tell him, but couldn’t, showing some notes in your personal diary you’ve made with rough drafts of what you’ve been wanting to say to him when you open up about your ears.
Vash really came to love your ears, finding cute that he’s not the only ‘weird’ one and also appreciated the way your alleviated hearing helped your group more than once in tough spots.
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harriscofics · 1 year ago
Era verdad.
Era verdad. https://ift.tt/DZ4VnaK by coldtime2000 Words: 327, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: Leonard Snart, Rip Hunter, Barry Allen, Hartley Rathaway, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Sara Lance, Caitlin Snow, Mick Rory, Cisco Ramon, Ray Palmer, Joe West Relationships: Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart, Rip Hunter & Leonard Snart, Barry Allen/Hartley Rathaway, Rip Hunter & Caitlin Snow, Rip Hunter & Sara Lance, Sara Lance & Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Ray Palmer & Mick Rory, Rip Hunter & Mick Rory, Barry Allen & Joe West, Leonard Snart & Joe West Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Male-Female Friendship, Leonard Snart Lives, Protective Leonard Snart, Post-Oculus Leonard Snart, Rip Hunter Lives, Rip Hunter is so Done, Grumpy Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Good Friend Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon is Vibe, Bisexual Barry Allen, Barry Allen is The Flash, Barry Allen & Cisco Ramon Friendship, Good Hartley Rathaway, Caitlin Snow is Killer Frost, Doctor Caitlin Snow, Established Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Protective Joe West, Good Parent Joe West, Minor Joe West, Mick Rory Appreciation Week via AO3 works tagged 'Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells' https://ift.tt/Kbng1p0 December 20, 2023 at 05:12AM
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 10 months ago
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 20 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
I had been on edge for months now, even the slightest thing made me irritable.
With no sign of Michael or Simon, I was at my wit's end.
Xavier and Lucas had been looking but I often wondered if they were actually trying but I wasn't the only one who was irritable.
The patrol betas were getting more and more antsy as the influx of rogues circling our territory was alarming.
They were working overtime most days and a lot of times the rogues seemed gutsy enough to get within a few feet from our property line.
I could only assume that Michael had some part in all this and with the frequency of rogues, pack members were getting more cautious and fearful of leaving their houses.
Even Sarah was irritable these days.
Despite our big fight and moving out of our room, she offered to keep her title as Luna for the sake of the pack.
After discussing and pleading with her, we agreed that a pack without a Luna would probably fail.
She continued to help during pack meetings and keep up the appearance of a happy pair but as soon as she was alone with me, all the contempt and anger she felt for me was unleashed.
It was frustrating but at least there seemed to be some sense of normalcy when she would play the part.
I wasn't sure how long this could last but I was going to appreciate every moment of it.
"Vince, we got a problem," Dwaine announced, moving his phone away from his ear as he walked beside me.
"The Betas found a dead hunter near the northern border this morning."
I stopped in my tracks.
He listened to the person on the cell-phone for a second before hanging up and putting it away.
"Leo, a Theta. His mate reported him missing last night after he went for an early run yesterday. Xavier and Sarah are at the scene already."
There was already a large crowd of people when Dwaine and I arrived, mostly nearby neighbors, the betas and Leo's family.
I spotted Sarah crouched down hugging Leo's mate, as she sobbed silently into Sarah's shoulders.
Their two kids also huddled next to their mom, sobbing.
The Betas parted to allow for us to see the victim, the neighbors murmuring amongst themselves.
Sure enough, in his wolf form was what was left of Leo.
I rarely interacted with most Thetas but when I did participate in hunts frequently, he often received high praise for tackling big game.
It had only been a week ago that he had approached me about retiring from the hunting party, something he had put off for a while in the wake of the recent rogues.
There was something very sobering about seeing someone you know, someone you've just seen, dead in front of you.
Especially someone so lively suddenly so.... dead and suddenly it reminded me of that crazy nightmare I had.
Simon's crumpled form, blood from his punctured neck.
Looking at Leo made me question if Simon was out there, dead in the middle of nowhere.
It was a thought I didn't want to dwell on.
It took me a while to process but I noticed the extent and gravity of Leo's injuries.
Most rogue attacks were simple, clean kills, a bite to the neck, leg wounds, sometimes the stomach.
With Leo, it had looked like he had been attacked and played with by a bear.
Puncture wounds littered his entire body, his legs obviously broken, one sticking through his skin.
Parts of his skin seemed ripped off, blood staining every inch of his coat and the most gruesome was where his throat had been, completely torn out, the blood still seeping out onto the grass.
I could only hope his death was swift and that most of these wounds were done after.
He didn't deserve this kind of suffering.
My jaw clenched, trying to remain as calm as possible but there was no way I could remain calm.
This was a declaration of war, no one got away with this.
I nearly jumped when Xavier placed his hand on my shoulder.
"This was found on the body."
I turned to see him pass me a small piece of paper.
The look on Xavier's face gave me an idea of who this note was from.
I unfolded it, in the same old handwriting he had when he was younger read... 'Checkmate, M.'
Resisting the urge to yell, vomit, and punch something at the same time, I crumpled the paper, turning on my heel so fast and stormed off.
Xavier and Dwaine followed close behind, as I told the other Betas from the Rogue Control to help the grieving family.
I was swearing practically the whole way back to the pack-house, hoping that somehow this was all just some sick joke one of the betas was pulling.
I didn't want to believe it.
Michael had made his move.
His first move in all these years.
Whatever he was planning, it was making me sick to my stomach.
Nearly ripping the door off its hinges to the council room, I grabbed the nearest stack of papers, throwing them to the floor.
Dwaine and Xavier froze, as I yelled out my frustrations at what was probably important documents.
"What now?" Dwaine voiced after I plopped down into the chair.
"I don't know," I replied.
"But I'm going to make him pay."
Xavier frowned, leaning against the desk.
"We should be cautious, Vince. We don't know what he's capable of. He could have hundreds of rogues on his side or even rival packs."
Just as I was about to yell in frustration, the council room phone rang. Neither of us moved, as it rang over and over.
Eventually, Xavier caved, reaching for it before handing it to me.
I didn't dare speak first.
"Why hello, brother dearest," the sound of his voice made me nauseous.
"I assume you've received my gift."
I didn't respond, don't think I could have.
Xavier seemed to catch onto who it was, sitting at the edge of one the seats, Dwaine still leaning by the door.
"Now, I hadn't wished to take things this far but you've failed me, brother. If only you had protected him like you said you would."
I gulped.
"What are you talking about? Where is he?"
"I warned you what would happen if you didn't take care of him," his tone of voice getting darker.
"Think of this as a warning. Next time, it won't be just a petty Theta."
"That was an innocent person, Michael," I nearly shouted andd Michael scoffed.
"I could say the same to you, Vince. All those people you killed were just as innocent."
"Where is he, Michael? Where is Simon?"
"The clearing just north of the RCPP. Meet me there in a week's time, just around noon. If you don't, I'll drop off Simon in worse shape than that pathetic hunter, you won't even recognize him. Make sure you bring an audience, I can't wait for the pack to see how pathetic you really are."
"You have him, don't you? Michael?"
The phone went dead.
Insurmountable rage rolled through me.
I threw the phone to the ground, wiped everything off the desk closest to me.
The five stacks of paper, the lamp, the stationary holder, everything.
I was beyond furious, that if my wolf had been stronger, I'd probably shift and destroy everything in my path.
I wanted to destroy Michael, make him pay for all of this shit.
I was going to kill him next week if it was the last thing I do.
I was going to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, that same condescending one from my nightmare I knew he had over the phone but part of me knew that it would be difficult.
I could hardly shift anymore and if Michael was looking for a fight, he might have the upper-hand but it wasn't going to stop me.
Once I saw him, I wouldn't let him get a word out.
"He has him?" Xavier asked, frowning.
"Are you certain?"
"Most likely," I spat.
"And he wouldn't have if you and Lucas had been watching him."
Xavier almost snarled back.
"We did until you showed up and scared the crap out of him and for the record, we have been looking every day."
I ran a hand through my hair, fuming silently.
Xavier continued...
"What exactly did Michael tell you?"
"He'll kill Simon if I don't meet him next week."
"Just to talk? Or a duel?"
I hadn't thought of a duel but it made some sense but Michael would be stupid to even try and rip the Alpha title from me but a duel would explain why he wanted an audience but if it was the Alpha title he wanted, I'd make sure he wouldn't get it.
I'd rather die than hand it over.
"What do you plan on doing, Vince?"
"Do I really have a choice?" I slammed my hand on the desk.
"There's a good chance he'll murder him If I don't show."
Xavier sighed.
"Will you be able to fight if it comes down to it?"
I gave him a cold glare.
He was lucky only Dwaine was in the room.
I couldn't have any of the betas know about my wolf, then I'd really be seen as a weak leader.
That's why if I had to fight Michael, I was going to damn well do it.
"Yes," I replied, trying to quell the nerves of the idea of having to undergo a painful shift. 
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im-no-jedi · 2 years ago
MLWTBB: This Isn't Goodbye
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Part 12 of the “My Life With The Bad Batch” series, a (mostly) canon compliant self-insert story set in “The Bad Batch”
rated: M warnings: drowning, discussions of sex, implied character death, attempted suicide, implied sex relationships: Hunter/self-insert, Omega & self-insert (adopted siblings), The Bad Batch & self-insert chapter word count: 2600+ words
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
summary: Hannah is confronted by a long-kept secret of hers that she refuses to bring to light. and after the Bad Batch take on a mission that goes horribly wrong, Hannah experiences one of her worst fears imaginable, bringing her to a breaking point of seemingly no return. everything that she’s faced up until this point will culminate into a life-changing moment that will affect the future for her and the group of Clones that she’s adopted as her new family.
notes: this chapter is just an itty-bitty small taste of the angst that's to come 😋 despite being an introvert, I tend to suffer from separation anxiety if I'm away from people for too long. I also definitely have a "warning signal" for certain things, which doesn't help my overall anxiety LOL. should be fairly obvious at this point, but I'll get more into that further into the story 😉
A/N: this story has not been proofread by anyone other than myself. so apologies for any uncaught errors 😬
previous chapter
Chapter 3: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This
“So!” Cid stepped further into the room, commanding the attention of everyone in it, as usual. “I know it’s been a while since I’ve sent you boys out.”
“It’s only been a week,” Echo dryly interjected.
“Your point?” Cid went up next to the counter and snapped her fingers. “Hey, droid. Make me a drink, on the double.”
“Roger, roger!” Clank replied. He immediately sat down the dirty dish he was washing and began preparing Cid’s usual drink.
Cid wasted no time gathering everyone together again, even going so far as to taunt Hunter that he could “schmooze with the bartender later”. Hannah defiantly hung back, both out of spite for Cid’s comment and the fact that her boss was about to rip her family away from her yet again. Of all the rotten times for it to happen too…
It wasn’t a huge request, but the job Cid had for the Clones would still involve them being away for a few days. Possibly more if things didn’t work out perfectly, as Tech commented. Omega chose to remain positive about it though. She specifically glanced over at her big sister as she stated that she was sure they would be fine. Hannah appreciated the positivity and gave Omega a small smile in return.
“Well, I don’t care how you get it done,” Cid said matter-of-factly. “Just do it. And no funny business!”
With that, she took the drink Clank had made for her and marched back into her office with a huff. Echo commented to the others that she seemed to be in even worse spirits than normal, if that was even possible. It actually got a good snicker out of Hannah, much to his delight.
“Guess we should just head out then,” Hunter said with a small sigh. “Don’t wanna make Cid actually hate us.”
“As if she doesn’t act like it already,” Echo dryly added.
“Cid doesn’t hate us,” Omega retorted confidently. “She’s probably just having a bad day.”
“She must have a lot of bad days then!” Wrecker exclaimed with a scoff.
Cid wasn’t the only one having a bad day. The entire time they’d been talking, Hannah had remained off to the side, lost in her thoughts. There’d been an odd twinge in the back of her mind from the moment Cid had mentioned the Clones going on their mission. It flared up even more when Tech brought up the possibility of their mission going wrong, which was common for her to feel. But this one felt different. Even after Omega’s reassurance, the feeling had remained.
It was like… like something was trying to get her attention.
It wasn’t the first time she’d gotten that feeling either. The day Roland showed up, the day they’d gone to Hosnian Prime, several times on Volruna, and that fateful day the Empire came to Astreon… even all the way back to the day her original family had left on their ill-fated journey. It was like Hannah had her own little warning signal, forewarning her of impending danger.
And the fact that it was going off again now…
Hannah’s thoughts were abruptly cut off by Hunter’s approach. “Sorry we have to leave so suddenly,” he said sympathetically. “But we won’t be gone long. I promise.”
Another twinge. Hannah shut her eyes to try and ignore it, then shook her head at Hunter. “You always say that…”
Hunter gently placed his hands on her shoulders, causing her to release a sigh. “And I mean it. Just try to keep yourself occupied while we’re gone. We’ll be back before you know it.”
The twinge was sharp enough this time that Hannah actually winced. Hunter seemed to take notice of it and rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. Her pain still lingered, but the gesture definitely helped ease her somewhat, and she gave him a half smile.
“Do we hav’ta go right now?” Wrecker asked. “I hate leavin’ Hannah while she’s not feelin’ good…”
Hannah looked over at him with a touched expression. Wrecker’s empathetic nature had always been a boon for her, especially if she was struggling to express her true feelings. Omega was the same, as shown in that moment by the little girl coming up next to Hannah with a gentle smile.
“I don’t wanna leave either,” Omega started. “But Hannah will be ok. She always is.”
For whatever the reason, Omega’s words were the only ones that didn’t set off Hannah’s “warning signal”. Maybe it was because there was some truth to her words that spoke louder than any of them realized. More often than not, Hannah was always ok, even if it didn’t feel like it. 
But that was the problem.
Was she really ok if everyone she ever cared about wasn’t ok?
“We have our orders,” Hunter stated. “We may not like it, but this is our job. And we have to do it.”
Hannah’s face quickly turned down into a scowl. There he went again, talking like a soldier. Despite all of her efforts to try and erase that mentality from him, Hunter still insisted on doing things from a military perspective. Echo was the same way, unfortunately. She’d already accepted that she would most likely have to put up with that for the rest of her life. 
But it was still annoying. 
Especially in this instance. 
And especially with her twinge flaring up again.
Everyone’s attention was drawn to Hannah as she spoke.
“Why do you have to do it?”
Hunter gave her a look like she was asking a ridiculous question. “What?”
Hannah’s face remained in a scowl as she continued. “You don’t have to do anything. You don’t even have to take this mission if you don’t want to. Who cares?”
Hunter continued to look at Hannah questioningly, while Echo stepped a bit closer to speak. “I don’t think you realize what you’re saying, Hannah.”
“I know exactly what I’m saying!” she responded, probably a bit harsher than intended. “I’m sick of this mentality you all have about this stuff! When are you guys gonna realize that you can make your own choices about things?”
Echo was about to speak again, but was cut off by Tech. “We are well aware of that fact. However, we also cannot ignore the fact that we must continue to do certain things in order to benefit our living status. I’m certain none of us are content in this position, but it is where we are. And we must do with what we have. As we always have.”
As usual, Tech was right, but that didn’t make the situation any better. If anything, it made Hannah more upset that her family was seemingly stuck in the position they were in. And like always, she desperately wished she could do more for them.
Maybe that’s what was upsetting her the most. She felt… useless. Helpless. Lost.
“You don’t have to like it when we leave,” Hunter said, maintaining his stoic demeanor. “But like Tech said, this is where we are. And this is what we have to do.”
Hannah took a deep breath through her nose and let it out just as harshly. “Please stop saying that. You never have to do anything, Hunter. Everything you do is by choice. And I wish you would acknowledge that for once.”
Now thoroughly done with the conversation, Hannah shoved her way past the Clones and walked over to the bar. She aggressively ripped her gloves off and tossed them onto the counter before starting to angrily clean some cups.
“Ooooooh, you know she’s upset when she starts scrubbin’ the cups,” Wrecker quietly mentioned to the others, which caused Echo to sigh.
“She’s probably just still struggling from last night,” Echo replied. “It’s understandable.”
Hannah said nothing and continued to act like she was ignoring them. But there was definitely some truth to Echo’s words. Her nightmare about losing them all had to be having some effect on her behavior. That might even be the thing that was setting off her “warning signal”.
No… no it had to be more than that. But what?
“Hannah…” Omega’s soft voice caught Hannah’s attention. She turned to see the little girl standing beside her with a sympathetic look on her face. “It’s ok that you’re upset. I… I wish we could be together all the time. I really miss you when we leave. But we always come back. Right?”
Once again, her little sister’s words struck straight to Hannah’s core. In that instance, Hannah felt herself nearly crumble to her knees from the emotional weight of it all. 
Omega’s words… they were far too similar to ones she’d heard before.
Biting her lip to hold back her emotions, Hannah’s eyes drifted down to her exposed wrists. Specifically the one that carried her deceased sister’s bracelet. The thing that had been gifted to her shortly after being reassured that her sister was going to come back.
Hannah let out a shaky sigh, then quickly wiped her hands on her pants to dry them. She held her arms out and pulled Omega into a tender hug. Her hands held Omega’s head against her chest, and the little girl nuzzled into her big sister affectionately.
“Please come back,” Hannah said, her voice trembling.
“I will,” Omega replied as she gave Hannah a squeeze. “I promise.”
A big smooch was placed on top of Omega’s head, and Hannah gave the little girl one last squeeze before letting her go. Omega looked up at Hannah with the sweetest smile ever, then ran off to rejoin her brothers.
“Good luck cleanin’ your cups,” Echo teasingly said to Hannah before heading for the exit.
“And if ya get too tired,” Wrecker added as he walked off. “Don’t forget about that clanker of yours!”
Clank gave Wrecker a salute and nod of acknowledgement. “I’ll do what my master asks of me!”
Tech turned to Clank and said, “When we return, I would like to continue my attempt at upgrading your arms with armaments.”
“You mean like the B2 units?” Clank asked. “The thing Master Gildish offered to give me?”
“Indeed. Although mine would be far superior.”
Hearing that exchange got Hannah to giggle, which she sorely needed. Tech gave her a nod of acknowledgment on the way out, and she returned it.
Only one Clone remained in the parlor. He was obviously hanging back on purpose, but Hannah couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge his presence and kept her gaze away. Several seconds of awkward silence went by before he eventually approached the counter. His mere proximity immediately set off Hannah’s twinge again.
“We could sit here and argue work ethics all day, Hannah,” Hunter said in his usual stoic way. “And I wanna respect your opinions. But we have to be realistic. And the reality is…” He briefly stopped to let out a despondent sigh, breaking his stern composure. “We can’t be together all the time.”
The weight of his words were painful as is, but the pure hurt in Hunter’s voice as he admitted it made Hannah’s entire chest ache. If she could, she would’ve wrapped her arms around him and never let him go again. She would do that for all of her Clones. 
Flashes of her nightmare began to manifest in her mind. Her inability to save them from their impending doom. Like with all Clones, it felt like a fate they could never escape from. An inevitable death that was coming for them sooner than most. And Hannah was hopeless to help them. 
A twinge stronger than before hit Hannah so hard, it made her clutch the side of her head. She tried to shake it off, but a remnant of it lingered. Her face lifted to see Hunter standing at the bottom of the stairs near the doorway, looking back at her.
“We can talk more about it when I get back,” he said. “Just… take care of yourself until then.”
Hunter had a look on his face that spoke more than his words did. He was clearly trying to be positive, but his eyes held a deep somberness behind them. Like he could tell just how much Hannah was suffering. If only he knew why…
“Don’t let him go.”
The words filled Hannah’s mind so suddenly, it took her breath away.
Was… was that her own voice saying that? Or…
“Stop him.”
Hannah’s heart started racing, and she put a hand on her chest to calm it. Hunter gave her a look of concern, clearly picking up on what she was physically feeling, but she waved him off. Hopefully he would just assume it was her fatigue and nothing more.
With a clearly downcast sigh, Hunter turned to leave. And with every step he took, Hannah’s heart rate increased. Her “warning signal” was flaring more than ever before.
This was no time to be stubborn.
Right as Hunter stepped through the door, Hannah rushed from her place towards him. She nearly stumbled up the first step, and Hunter turned just in time for her to fling her arms around his waist in a tight grip.
A wistful sigh left Hunter’s nose. “Sweetheart…” 
His hands tenderly rested on her shoulders, and she held him even tighter. Though she tried to hold back her tears, small muffled sobs still escaped from her throat as her face buried into his chest. In her mind, she kept saying over and over, “please don’t go, please don’t go”, but the words never found her lips.
For whatever reason, this parting was harder than any other she’d had with Hunter in the past. Not even the ones on Hosnian Prime and Volruna were this bad. And she didn’t even know why.
Hannah suddenly felt her face cupped by two strong hands and tilted upwards. Her partner was looking down at her with the most sympathetic expression she’d ever seen him make. His thumbs gently ran across her cheeks to wipe away the tears, and he continued to tenderly hold her face as he spoke.
“It’s gonna be ok, love. I’ll come back to you soon. I promise.”
His words melted over her, and she felt a wave of ease wash through her whole system. A slight remnant of the twinge remained, but Hannah refused to give it any more power over her. She was going to take Hunter’s words to heart and believe that everything would be ok. She had to.
Face still cupped in his hands, Hannah looked up at her love with understanding and repose. Hunter gave her a warm smile and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. Then she gave his waist a good squeeze before slowly easing up her grip. Hunter caught one of her hands in his and held it for only a moment. He gave her one last affectionate look, then turned and began heading up the stairwell.
Hannah thought that was the end of it.
“Make him stop.”
The voice returned to her mind and made her clench her jaw tightly.
“You have to tell him. Just tell him.”
Tell him what? About the nightmare? About the twinge? Or was it about… 
Hannah’s fists clenched as tight as her jaw, and she let out all the tension with a single exhale. She went up the rest of the way into the stairwell and called out Hunter’s name to get his attention. He had just reached the top of the stairs and turned back to look at her curiously. “Yeah?” he asked.
She tried to speak. Her mouth was open and everything. But the words failed to formulate. It was like everything she wanted to say in that moment had been locked away and couldn’t be freed.
“N-Nevermind…” Hannah awkwardly looked away and clutched her hands to her chest. In her periphery, she saw Hunter giving her another concerned look, and he sighed before finally heading out of sight.
It was done.
There was nothing more she could do.
And she only hoped that she’d not just made some kind of huge mistake…
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oasis-wasteland · 4 years ago
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Day 5: Time Changes, People Don't
Someone needs to be responsible for protecting the timeline. Who better than a former Time Master? And any of you who'd like to join me.
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ripappreciationweek · 4 years ago
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021
28th June to 4th July
We’re proud to announce the themes for this year’s Rip Hunter Appreciation Week, and we’re looking forwards to lots of great creativity and Rip content.
We welcome all kinds of fanworks: fiction, art, gifs, moodboards, videos or anything else you can think of.
This year we’re giving you quote prompts that you can use or the theme the quotes suggest. It’s up to you decide how you want to use them, or even just incorporate the quote in what you’re doing. But don’t worry if you want to make something that doesn’t fit with one of the themes, we’re still pleased to have your work.
Day 1: “Time wants to happen” – Time travel is what Legends is all about, but it’s moved away from that lately. What historical or futuristic adventures should Rip have had?
Day 2: “Have you two considered couples counselling?” – Who should Rip be with and do they need counselling to stay together? Or it’s not romantic help he needs but a different kind of counselling. Over to you.
Day 3: “I’ve seen darker days.” – Terrible things have happened to Rip throughout the show, but as fans we’re good at thinking up more. It’s Whump Day!
Day 4: “One person acting alone can’t save the world.” – This is all about the team and Rip’s relationship to it, maybe it’s the one Rip built, but it could be an entirely different one, or just the people he’s met along the way.
Day 5: “Time changes, people don’t” – Everyone is the same, but the setting is different, or possibly this is just a comment on the nature of being a Time Master.
Day 6: “Live the next day” – Rip is still out there, so how does he re-join Gideon? Perhaps he’s got something up his sleeve that he’s working on.
Day 7: Free Day – You're free to give us anything you like, so let your imagination run wild.
Don’t forget to tag your post #RipWeek with the day they’re for.
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riphuntertimemasterlegend · 4 years ago
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021 Day 7 - Free day
Here are some pictures of the awesome Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter.
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