rexydusk420 · 4 days
Yall remember me? :3
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
solosis is absolutely adorable!
It’s Monday again! Sorry I’ve kinda dropped off the face of the earth these past few days. I’ve… had a lot of stuff on my mind, and I’ve not been sleeping well.
To give you a brief update on my lil’ guys - Mitosis is learning (at last!) to get my attention in ways that do not involve zapping the shit out of my brain whenever they want something. Instead, they’ve started levitating things to indicate what they’re after. Occasionally they try to levitate me… but thankfully I’m a bit too heavy for that to work. Now they gently bat my head or shoulders with the packet that their food comes in, or they sit on the couch next to me and cosy up whenever they want a cuddle. It’s great! I do still occasionally get brain-zapped, but we’re getting there.
Mitosis has also expressed interest in joining the local Battle Club with Bunny! It seems like they’re really bonding over it, and I’ve had to break up a little battle in my apartment more than once recently. Thankfully they’ve not done too much damage yet.
Waddles is, as ever, attempting to establish himself as the boss of the household and keeping Bunny and Mitosis under control when I’m busy. He achieves varying levels of success.
…So, all in all, I’m not doing horrendously. Just massively busy with life, I guess. Repairs in Snowpoint are going well, though I can’t afford any more days off from my work to go and help. Yeah. Things are okay.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
haha funny, i like solosis!
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UH-OH! you just got
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
what kind of oomfie am i?
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you can tell me anonymously if you'd like!
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
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heres minho, gally, ???, thomas, and mama noot
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
happy birthday from both the glade and me! -Floriana/minho
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
im not taking a break dont worry!
im just...thinking[should i come out...-my brain]
ok...here goes nothing!
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ok so basically, im a lesbian, i've always been genderfluid, but now use she/they pronouns!
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gif of my boi, Minho, being cute^^
[glad i got that off my chest now...]
Tags-@airilover @yell-on-spikemuth @liv-the-trainer
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
now i want this to be a reality-
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
PSA Regarding Hateful Anons
Tumblr recently made it a requirement for you to be logged in to send asks anonymously. If you receive a hateful ask, don’t publish it - report it to Tumblr. It can be traced back to the user that sent it and with enough reports that person’s account will be suspended.
Share to raise awareness but also to make the clowns who think this behaviour is acceptable think twice before acting brave behind the guise of invisibility.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
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Had a thought and had to make it a reality
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
she's beautiful!
shiny purugly. if you even care.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
If you like the word “queer” reblog.
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rexydusk420 · 1 year
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