#I wish I could just have a cool gay mullet
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sleeperagentclone · 9 months ago
I'm trying to grow my hair out because I haven't been able to find a haircut that I can do that I like (besides a buzz cut) so I figured I would grow it out, see how I like that and than work backwards from there. The problem is, I fucking hate how my hair looks rn. It somehow gets greasy the day after I wash it and it doesn't do anything even when I put product in it. I am also going to my first concert on the 6th and obviously want to look as cool as possible (I am also going alone and I'm already not stoked about that so I need to look cool in order to have the confidence to even go)
I still want to try having long hair again, I always liked how it looked I just wasn't great on the upkeep/wanted to look gayer, so if I shave my head I am just delaying that while also insuring that in like 6 months I will once again hate my hair
I've also been wanting to dye my hair again just to add another layer of indecisiveness for me
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mayxthexforce · 2 years ago
How Would You Die In The Star Wars Universe?
Tagged by: @kylo-wrecked (thanks!😁)
Tagging: @foundjarin, @hxdrostorm (For Boba, Fox and Rex), @skysnipsw, @crowsandmurder (for Obi-Wan), @corruptedforce, @protectxthem (for Boba), @idontknowxflycasual.
Leia Organa
In Battle with a Jedi
I can say with almost complete confidence that you were looking for this answer because you're an edgelord deep down. I know you think you're evil (you're not), but you're good at it and honestly it makes you kind of sexy. You're messy and chaotic and almost definitely gay, but it works for you. Somehow. Now take your cool lightsaber and go deal with your emotional instability in a healthy way for once.
Huge Goddamn Explosion
A planet? A giant evil star base? That thing that happens in every movie where we see someone in the cockpit of a fighter ship and they get hit and we see them go up in flames before the ship blows up? Whatever it was, it was big as hell and really impressive visually and very emotionally moving. At least you got to go out the way you lived--as dramatically as possible. You're flamboyant and fascinating and everyone knows it within 10 seconds of meeting you. Please go twerk enthusiastically to a 2000s club song in your bedroom for me.
Luke Skywalker
In Battle with a Sith
You overachiever. Look at you, putting in all that "work" to achieve your "goals" and become a "better person" like some kind of successful human being. You've got strong values and you died for a noble cause like you wanted to--if you absolutely have to die, of course. I would hate you but you're just honestly too nice and I wish I had vibes as immaculate as yours. I would work on your intimacy issues, though.
Cal Kestis
Huge Goddamn Explosion
A planet? A giant evil star base? That thing that happens in every movie where we see someone in the cockpit of a fighter ship and they get hit and we see them go up in flames before the ship blows up? Whatever it was, it was big as hell and really impressive visually and very emotionally moving. At least you got to go out the way you lived--as dramatically as possible. You're flamboyant and fascinating and everyone knows it within 10 seconds of meeting you. Please go twerk enthusiastically to a 2000s club song in your bedroom for me.
Trace Martez
Because you sucked at being a Sith
Hey, did you know that Sith apprentices and masters are always watching each other to see if one will make a mistake, and if someone does, the other will kill them? Someone caught you slipping and, well. At least you tried. You never fully grew out of your emo phase and you probably do some kind of art. You like to think you're tough and dangerous and all that, but you've got a squishy lil center hidden under all that black clothing. I hope you don't feel inadequate or like you have imposter syndrome, because you're fine.
Quinlan Vos
Unbridled Disrespect
Maybe you made fun of Master Fisto's name. Maybe you backtalked some Sith lord one too many times. Maybe you asked why Jedi training involves so many flips. Maybe you told Obi-Wan to ditch the mullet. Whatever happened, your mouth finally wrote a check that your ass couldn't cash and you probably got Force-choked to death. Which you might've enjoyed, honestly. Goes without saying, but you're rude in a hot way and you love causing problems on purpose. You literally could not care less about what anyone thinks of you and maybe you're a little bit stupid but, like, sexily.
Goran Beviin
Huge Goddamn Explosion
A planet? A giant evil star base? That thing that happens in every movie where we see someone in the cockpit of a fighter ship and they get hit and we see them go up in flames before the ship blows up? Whatever it was, it was big as hell and really impressive visually and very emotionally moving. At least you got to go out the way you lived--as dramatically as possible. You're flamboyant and fascinating and everyone knows it within 10 seconds of meeting you. Please go twerk enthusiastically to a 2000s club song in your bedroom for me.
In Battle with a Sith
You overachiever. Look at you, putting in all that "work" to achieve your "goals" and become a "better person" like some kind of successful human being. You've got strong values and you died for a noble cause like you wanted to--if you absolutely have to die, of course. I would hate you but you're just honestly too nice and I wish I had vibes as immaculate as yours. I would work on your intimacy issues, though.
Huge Goddamn Explosion
A planet? A giant evil star base? That thing that happens in every movie where we see someone in the cockpit of a fighter ship and they get hit and we see them go up in flames before the ship blows up? Whatever it was, it was big as hell and really impressive visually and very emotionally moving. At least you got to go out the way you lived--as dramatically as possible. You're flamboyant and fascinating and everyone knows it within 10 seconds of meeting you. Please go twerk enthusiastically to a 2000s club song in your bedroom for me.
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theyreonlynoodlesmike · 5 years ago
Had My Bestfriend Watch the Lost Boys and...
She thinks Dwayne is the hottest
She thinks David looks like one of our friends just "with a bad haircut"
She thinks Marko is the ugliest, with Paul as her second place for hottest
She thinks it'd be hard to grab someone in the air
She laughed when she saw the names were in alphabetical order during the opening credits (idk why) (her explanation: in my mind i thought they def did that because someone complained about their name not showing up first. LIKE MEH THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!)
"That baby is ugly" i.e. the random baby in a stroller
"Do they not burn in the sun?" "No, they do" "Then why do they live in California"
Nanooks her favorite
"This is so 80s"
"Pretty girl big hair" -her, about Star (she's a little gay)
"Who stares at someone like that. Like no thoughts head empty. Mouth open like a fish, mouth breathing ass."
"The brunettes really hot" (Dwayne) "He looks like a member of Greta Van Fleet." (Again, Dwayne) "Ew the ugly one at the end" (Unfortunately, Marko)
"Why is everyone just staring at everyone?" "Longingly stares at eachother" *stares at me until I laugh*
*Mimics Sam* "Phoenix, actually"
"Could save your life? Shut up"
"She looks like she's cosplaying as Esmeralda" -her, about Star
"Why aren't the police more alarmed by the fact that there are cars with roofs ripped off?"
She hates Edgar. She hates how they talk (the Frogs), and thinks they sound stupid
"With the kid too? Makes him even hotter" -her, about Dwayne
When Michael hesitated at the stairs, "Don't be a pussy, Michael" 
"He has no right to be that big of an asshole when he looks like that. Ugly and mean? Pick a struggle" -her, about David
"Just find a different girl" "why is he doing this????" She really thinks Michael could've just left their asses
*Mimicks Sam* "They just all talk like idiots"
Thinks Sam is definitely gay
"That jawline, those lips, and the curly hair? Who gave him the right?" -her, about Michael
"Sam is a shit brother." She dislikes Sam and the Frogs. Apparently they don't get rights. Thinks Sam is a bad son and a bad brother. (Later note: thinks he's slightly better at the end)
"Why is she just kissing him??" 
"I know you almost just killed your brother but you're looking kinda hot tonight" -her, making fun of Star
"Are they just fucking in front of Laddie?" (She do be spitting facts about this though)
About Sam asking Michael if he took care of everything, "That twink needs to mind his own business"
Immediately guessed that Max was a vampire
She thinks Edgar looks like a toad. She also said, "You know what I'm gonna name my kid? Edgar. That’s the name of a guy that gets pussy."
Me and her at the same time, "He's *tall*" About Max leaning down to kiss Lucy (this is an inside joke but I still wanted to put it)
She likes the soundtrack a lot, and we were jamming quite a bit
Hates where the fangs are placed. "Is he eating his brain?" When someone scalped a dude in the feeding scene
She thinks the other vamps should've had more lines. "Why does the ugly one have so much to say?" She specifically wants Dwayne to talk more (but low-key I *agree*)
"Dwayne seems like a bottom" (I do not agree with her on that and we paused it to literally argue about this)
She thinks Marko is gay. When I told her they're all probably gay, she said, "Oh, they definitely pull eachothers horns."
Went on a whole rant about how it's very closeted gay of Sam to put so much trust into the Frogs. She was like, "He listens to them for so much and for what. He just thinks they're cute and wants them to like him."
We also paused half-way through to talk about how there should've been more female characters and how Star should've been given a foil. We think it would've been improved if Dwayne/Marko both had girlfriend's cause then they could've gotten more lines
After Markos death, "Yay" and "They've got twink blood all over them"
When Sam went to get Nanook "He's so fucking dumb! Why are they all outside now!!!"
Anytime Dwayne comes on screen, "He's so hot!"
At Paul's hand on the tub, "Nice acrylics". She later said she thought his death was the coolest
She made a sad face when Dwayne died and didn't say anything
She called bullshit on David's death cause it's not a stake and considering Joel originally wanted David to come back she's not Wrong™
Overall, she thinks David is mean but a really good villain. 
She thinks Dwayne is really hot, and she likes his hair. She thinks the way he died was cool, but she wishes he didn't. "I love him, he didn't even need to saying anything. I could just tell-" "Tell what?" "That he's good."
She said she's glad that "Rat Bastard™ died first." She thinks that "men with hair that curly shouldn't have mullets"
Paul wasn't that impactful, but she thought he was cute. When I said Brooke was originally considered for David, she said she would've liked that version of the character more
About Sam: "He screams every line. He's a bad brother and a bad son. He just wants to suck off the Frogs and that's it."
The Frogs: "Edgar is fucking annoying and I don't care about Alan." She was very mad to hear that they're in the sequels/they're about them
About Lucy: "Lucy talks like a baby, but she's a good mom. She needs to be more strict and tell Sam to shut the fuck up more. Max was able to manipulate her and lie to her because she's, honestly, need to be more aware-" She blames sexism as to why Lucy was "clueless, but a good mom" and she "would've loved to see Lucy stake a vamp." Specifically Max and honestly would've loved to see it
About Michael: "He's dumb and a himbo. Too focused on his horniness. Too focused on Star. She's really pretty, but other girls exist. Weird he was so invested, and their relationship should've been built up more"
About Star: "She's pretty, but meek, aloof, and only cares about a child. Very sexist portrayal of both of the women in this movie. Would've liked to see her stand up more, and would've liked if their (Lucy and Star) only goal wasn't taking care of a child. Would've liked it if she was built up more. I think Star deserved better"
About Grandpa: "Funny, cool, cooky. Solid wise old man. But why didn't you tell them about the VAMPIRES??? I wish he was more involved in the plot"
7/10 she thinks it's okay, but she thinks the boys should've been given more lines and there should've been more female characters/pass the Bechdel test
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pinkysfaultorbrainsfault · 5 years ago
animaniacs - s3e8: don’t tread on us
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i am. so sorry this is late. i wish i had a good reason but actually it was because i spent saturday night drinking bacardi with my mom. and then sunday morning throwing up all the bacardi. i have only just resumed feeling like a normal person.
episode summary: pinky and brain post racist things on facebook. no, i’m kidding and i’m sorry for the slander. they actually draft up an alternate version of the declaration of independence that names brain as supreme ruler of all things. very cool.
the rundown:
it’s boston, in 1775.
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people are coming to boston for lots of reasons, such as A, they are an old timey family in old timey clothes, and B, they are elmer fudd.
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“i’m hunting wedcoats!”
okay. enough of you, elmer. thankfully, the camera pans away before we’re forced to experience any more of that, and we are greeted with mice, instead.
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“at last, pinky, a new world to conquer.”
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“egad, brain, i forgot to turn off the lights in the old world!”
of course, back then this obviously didn’t apply to actual lights, so pinky just left a bunch of candles on. good going, pinky. it’s probably on fire by now!
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unfortunately then the drunk frat boys arrive. brain helpfully informs pinky that they are “not real indians”, which scans, because india is quite a long way from boston. they’re not native americans, either, which is probably what he means.
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“the colonists are revolting.”
“oh, i dunno, brain. i think the costumes are rather fetching.”
(obviously brain means revolting as in “starting a revolt”. kind of like rioting. more importantly, pinky should never be allowed to make that face again.)
WE WON’T PAY THE BRITISH TAX, yells a man off screen. the mice do not care. brain just has to keep explaining to pinky exactly what is going on around them, because if he stops being condescending for five minutes, he dies.
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“they’re carried away with the spirit of independance.”
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and so are they. hoo hoo.
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“ooo, earl grey. my favourite.”
thankfully, we then have a small timeskip to
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where thankfully we see that the mice have not drowned again for the second time in a row. hello, ferdinand von aegir! good to see you.
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“at last, pinky. after a year of watching and waiting, it is time to put my plan into action.”
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“you mean we’re finally going to learn to harmonise, get a choreographer and move to detroit?”
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brain is talking about His Plan. he is finally going to ascend to his rightful position in this budding democracy!
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man, i wonder when they stop doing this. does it happen in the spinoff? i don’t remember it being quite so prevalent.
but ok. ok look. so brain tells pinky about the declaration of independance.
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“all the governing principles of the nation are being put into that document.”
“oh haha too bad it doesn’t say anything about you being the leader”
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and brain is surprised. and then is like, oh are you pondering what i’m pondering. (”i think so brain but where do you stick the feather and call it macaroni?”) like he hadn’t thought of this originally?? so???? what was his plan going to be???? magnetise jefferson to the floor by his pocket change????
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don’t look at pinky like that, you silly little man.
so anyway they go off and do that.
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“we shall simply replace their declaration of independance with this! the declaration of obedience.” technically i think it’s more A Declataslion Of 9rediek, but i’ll give that to brain on the basis that he is a mouse and writing with a human pen must be hard. i’m not entirely sure i could write with materials bigger than me, either. so, yknow. no hard feelings, bee. it’s all good.
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but just look at ths, though.
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“we hold these truths to be self evident that-- a mouse named brain will be leader. that’s b, r, a, i, n. hoorah.”
“ooo, i like the hoorah part.”
eventually, brain figures out how to spell his own name (good for him) and they get to the crux of the plan; getting it onto the table.
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via paper plane, apparently? they have a whole diagram, which is cute. brain goes and stands on the table, pinky launches the declataslion of 9rediek, and they make the switch while... the... founding fathers aren’t looking, i guess. pinky does point out that they might notice, but brain brushes him off.
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because they’re all wearing those RIDICULOUS BIFOCALS invented by BEN FRANKLIN and you CAN’T SEE A THING THROUGH THEM
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<gay little hand flip>
so, as his arch nemisis ben franklin arrives, complete with the rest of The Continental Congress Delegates, brain puts his plan into action.
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“i hope the signing goes quickly, citizen adams. i have to get back to my experiments with electricity.”
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(adams’ response to this is “go fly a kite”. i feel like this is important to mention.)
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exhibit a: mousie on the shelf. he peep. brain tells pinky to get into position before plonking himself there. it’s cute.
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air mouse (nyoom). upon receiving the signal, pinky launches the paper.
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so. uh. turns out brain’s “meticulously calculated trajectory” was actually entirely incorrect. either that, or ben franklin’s head is just that big. but anyway, the declataslion is stuck in his stupid receding mullet, instead of on the table where it’s supposed to be.
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meanwhile, it turns out this is not the only trajectory calculated wrong. air mice nyoom ends in the same way every single other air mice nyoom ends, and pluto has another cause of death to add to their art collection.
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o he fall in the inkwell
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meanwhile, ben franklin finds the declataslion. he reads it, says “hmm”, and then just proceeds to steal it and run away.
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but not on pinky’s watch!
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or brain’s, once he manages to get out of the inkwell.
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WHAT A LOVELY STORM, yells ben franklin, for no reason. in a desperate attempt to get his declataslion back, brain climbs... directly on the kite.
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“pinky, follow me!” homeboy already knows what’s going to happen. cartoon sixth sense. that face.
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“once i get this declaration signed, i will be a shining example of american leadership!”
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oh dear.
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oh no.
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“are you a leader yet, brain?”
“only in the field of electric discovery.”
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as jefferson pulls the big bell to let everyone know the declaration of independance has been signed!
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it.... causes random parts of the mice to inflate until they vibrate themselves off the side of the building.
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i don’t know either.
anyway. could brain have calculated his trajectories better? absolutely. but not only did ben franklin own slaves, and brain would never, he... also just stole some random guy’s paper and fucked off with it, which was a mean thing to do.
brain: 3 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 9
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“do you think they’ll object to changing the national currency to cheese balls?”
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“once this nation’s leaders unwittingly sign it, they’ll have no choice.”
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yeetingmyfeeling · 5 years ago
Run, Run, Run!
Chapter Two
Brian woke up with a start. His injuries felt mostly better, but he was still in his wolf form. He sat up, looking around the room. He could still only see through one eye, making him frown. He sniffed, smelling too many different, unknown scents. 
He hauled his body up, whining at the pressure on his paws. With this he quickly changed back to his human form. As he did, he heard a knock on the door. Brain squeaked.
“Hey! I’m just here to help clean up your wounds,” A voice called out. “There are some clothes on the bed, they are new and clean.” Brian looked over to the bed, indeed seeing clothes. He pulled them on. It was boxers, a grey jumper and black sweatpants. They were a little too big for his frame, but he didn’t mind. “Can I come in?”
“Y-yeah!” Brain called out quietly. He moved, sitting down on the bed. The door pushed open and someone entered the room. From his smell, Brian knew he was a wolf. He was around the same height, maybe a little taller. He had a mohawk, mullet of sorts. He gave Brian a soft smile.
“My name is Brock, what is yours?” The man slowly approached Brian, standing a few feet away from him. “I know you just pulled on your jumper, but I’m going to need you to take it off again.”
“Brian,” Responded the other. He did as asked, pulling off his jumper. Brock gestured towards his body and Brian nodded. Brock walked over, grabbing a first aid kit that was also on the bed. Brock began to dress his wounds. Brian was tense.
Brock cleaned the injury on his chest. He ended up having to use medical tape, then putting gauze over the top. He wrapped up one of Brian's hands, and one of his feet. A few other bandaids and such were placed, and a gauze over his injured eye.
“Feel free to go have a shower, the band aids are all good. Then just come down for breakfast,” Brock smiled kindly again. “Just listen for the loud yelling and you’ll find it. Are you okay with that?”
Brian nodded quietly. “Okay..” Brock gave the other a hesitant look, but got up to leave. He left the room, leaving Brian in peace. Brian spotted the other door, that wasn’t the one Brock just left through. Opening it, it was a bathroom. Brian took the leisure of having a nice, warm shower.
After his shower, he got dressed back in the clothes. He slowly walked out of his room, more scents hitting his nose. His face crinkled from the new smells, food, people, alphas. Brian continued his slow pace of walking, following the smell and the loud noises. He ended up downstairs, outside a pair of large doors. He slowly pushed them open. 
Everyone turned to look at the new entrance. Brian’s eyes widened and he ducked his head. “Brian,” It was Brock. “Come sit here,” Walking over, Brock had saved a spot for Brian. He sat down, staring at his lap. Brock pointed at the food spread out on the table. “Dig in.”
Brian looked up enough to see Brock, he was still smiling at him. He turned, looking at the food. He could feel his mouth watering. He reached over, eagerly grabbing some toast. He found the butter and the jam, spreading it on the toast. He found an empty glass, and filled it up with juice from a jug.
“So,” Brock started talking, filling up the silence. All eyes were on Brian. “Everyone, this is Brian,” Brian waved shyly, his face flush. “That’s Anthony and Marcel, they are the ones who took you home,” A friendly face looked at him, a happy looking grin. He had tattoos, Brain thought they looked cool. The man next to his was dark toned and had curly hair. “That’s John, Jarren and Scotty, they are beta’s,” John had hair down to his shoulders, going from brown to blonde. As well as spots on his face. Jarren had short brown hair and looked quite childish. Scotty looked similar, but skinnier.
“That is Luke and Ryan,” Luke was very intimidating looking, a full beard, and an arm over Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan also had a beard, but a friendlier smile. “That is Evan and Jonathan, Evan is our packs Alpha,” Evan was very intimidating, although his smile was gentle. His skin was tan, a contrast against Jonathan’s very pale skin. “Then those two, are Tyler and David,” Tyler was definitely the biggest of them all, and had the light showings of facial hair. David was skinny, but seemingly the same height. 
Brian’s eyes widened when they landed on the last two. He sniffed, their scents wasting into his nose. They both smelt so good. Brian frowned, not understanding why he felt that way. He could tell Tyler was an alpha, David a beta. He quickly turned back to Brock.
Evan was the one who started talking. “So, Brian. As you can tell, we are quite a small pack. We are looking to eventually have pups among the couples, we are finding our way around it.”
“Hard when most of us are gays,” John snorted out. 
“Yes, well,” Evan scratched the back of his head. “Regardless. Brian, it looks like you were running from something, someone? Judging from your injuries.”
Brian nodded quietly. He could tell everyone was watching him, waiting for his answer. “My pack.. They treated me like a toy, so, I ran,” He gulped, looking down at his lap. He hated feeling, and acting so quiet and submissive. He’s usually witty and sarcastic. “I finally got away, not without a few good byes.”
Evan nodded in understanding. “Well, feel free to stay with us,” He leaned forward, smiling at Brian. “I am not saying, join our pack. But, when the time comes, and you wish to, just come speak to me. Alright?” Brian just nodded in response. 
“Jon and I better head to work,” Brock stood up, Jonathan following soon after. “Who has the day off to show Brian around?”
“Myself, Tyler and David,” John responded. “I can show Brian around, teach him the ropes.”
“Don’t be too scary,” Brock pointed a finger in John’s direction. That finger quickly went to Tyler. “Don’t be all… Alpha.”
Tyler held his hands up in defence. “I haven’t even done anything!”
“Yet,” Brock’s eyes narrowed. “Brian, my number is on the fridge. If anything happens, just call, okay?” Brian nodded again. 
Slowly people started to file out of the room. They bid their goodbyes, see you laters, and headed off to work. Brian sat quietly as everyone left, finishing off his toast. He now sat with John opposite him, Tyler and David sitting further up.
Evan came up to the small Irishman, giving a small wave. “Your accent, you’re irish right? David is also Irish,” Brian didn’t respond, just chewed on the crust of his toast. Evan frowned. “I hope this place feels safer for you, and if you need anything, I am the alpha. I promise i’m not like others… Hey, you don’t have any belongings do you?”
Brain shook his head. “I didn’t bring anything, I didn’t have much anyway.”
Evan pulled his wallet out of his pocket, waving it around. “That is all good, I’m sure these four can take you shopping. Can’t you boys?”
“Shopping?” Tyler groaned, throwing his head back. “I fuckin’ hate shopping man.”
“Quit ya complaining,” David spoke, and Brian could clearly hear the Irish. “That’s fine Evan, we’ll take care of the lad.” John saluted in agreement.
Evan chucked his wallet at John, who caught it with ease. “I’m trusting you guys,” Then with a few more words or warning, Evan was gone. That left the four, sitting in an uncomfortable silence.
Brian took this chance to look at the men he was surrounded by. Mainly, the two men sitting further away from him. He shook his head, ignoring the feel in the pit of his stomach.
“Shopping?” Questioned John. He pushed away from the table, standing up. “You two go get dressed, I’ll show Brian around,” Without waiting for a response, John began to leave the room. “Come on dude,” Brian took this as his hint to get up and follow after the other.
John showed him around the house, or, mansion. There were three levels. First level was basic stuff like kitchen, dining room, living room, a few closets, two bathrooms, things like that. The second level was everyone's rooms, as well as spares. Some bigger than others. The third level was Evan’s office, storage, and a games room.
Going outside there was a large car fort, three cars currently sitting there. Apparently the truck and sports car was Tyler’s, while the plain white car was David’s. Brain liked the sports car. 
They were in the middle of a forest, from the trees that surrounded the house. It was a large area, and Brian could only smell this pack. That made him feel comforted, safe. 
Tyler and David soon joined the other two outside, and Brian was upset to hear they were not going to be taking the sports car. Instead they climbed into the plain white car. David at the wheel, Tyler next to him. John and Brian in the back.
“I hate how you drive,” Tyler had his arms crossed over his chest, pout on his lips. “I wish I could drive, my car is so much better.”
“Oh shut up,” David rolled his eyes. “Stop being a whiny baby, neither of your two cars are good for shopping,” Tyler just huffed in response. 
Brian sat quietly, watching out the window as they drove. He liked that they were deep in the forest. He almost wanted to stick his head out the window, much like a dog. He leaned his head on the window, watching the trees. He saw some birds fly.
They get to a mall, David parking in the busy parking lot. Brian frowned, already seeing lots of people. They all got out of the car, and Brian unconsciously stuck close to Tyler, the Alpha. John led them through the mall, squeezing past all the people. They went to a few clothes stores.
Each time, David would get distracted by something and wonder off. Tyler would walk around, keeping a close eye on them all. John pulled Brian around, pulling out random clothes and asking if he liked them. Brian shrugged. He wouldn’t wear much at his old pack, usually just his underwear and a loose shirt. He did say he liked wearing sweatpants, shorts, and loose shirts or nice shirts.
So John took him around and bought all the clothes he would need. Underwear, pants, shorts, different kinds of shirts, socks, singlets, swimmers, pyjamas, nice clothes. Anything he could need. David was pushing around a trolley full of the bags. Brian felt so overwhelmed. 
John then took him to get other things. Toiletries, books, and other little things. According to Tyler, it’s Evan’s card so milk it. Brian has never really had people buy him things, or gone shopping. So he had no idea on what to get. John did end up taking him to get heat suppressants.
They were now sitting down having lunch, and Brian felt exhausted. He sat, quietly eating his burger from McDonald’s. His legs were bouncing in anxiousness, and he was barely halfway through his burger.
“You good?” Tyler leaned over to Brian. Brian got a big whiff of his scent, and his face immediately flushed. The smell smelt like farm, wet dog, and chocolate. He repressed the sigh in his throat. If he looked over to Tyler, ee noticed some muscle in his arm through the flannel. He gulped. 
“I think he’s tired,” John frowned. He leaned over the table, swatting at Tyler. “Let the boy breathe, big alpha.” Tyler sat back in his seat with a pout.
They soon finished with their shopping, and Brian was very happy. They packed the bags in David’s boot, some having to sit in with him and John. Then they drove home. Brian fell asleep for a bit of the ride, waking with a start before they returned to the mansion. 
Brian tiredly got out of the car, knowing he had to put all the bags away before he got to sleep. The four eached grabbed a few bags and took them up to Brian’s room. They were placed down in the centre.
Brain turned to grab one of the bags, only to run into a chest. He took a step back, glancing up to see David. The Irishman gave him a lopsided smile.
“You look tired, maybe you should nap?” David suggested. For the second time that day, Brian was hit with another scent. This time he got a smell of home, home being Ireland. Brain had to stop himself from taking in a deep breath to get more of the scent.
He just nodded. “Yeah, I think I will,” He turned to the other two and smiled a small smile. “Thank you.”
“No problem dude!” John saulted. Tyler just nodded. Then the three left. Brain walked over to the bed, faceplanted, and immediately fell asleep. 
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aloneeedra · 4 years ago
Nancy Drew (1995)
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Where to watch it: tubi (Free, can you believe it?)
Episodes/seasons: 1 season (13 episodes)
Summary: one of the many adaptations of Nancy Drew. In this one, she is a college student majoring in criminology. She lives by herself in a apartment in the city (I think New York), and her and her two best friends (Bess and George, who I don’t know how old they are, but they’re not in college) solve mysteries. Nancy’s boyfriend, Ned, vists often when he is not volunteering in Africa. It’s a nice tv show, with a mystery being introduced and solved within 30 minutes. It got canceled halfway through the first season however, due to low ratings.
rating: 6/10. It was entertaining, the mysterious were nice and not too cheesy. The characters were well written, especially Nancy. I overall enjoyed it.
Best part: I really liked Nancy’s character. She was smart, sweet, and she never did anything that seemed out of character. Bess and George were nice as well, and each of them had more than one thing to them. I enjoyed watching them interact, especially with Ned. Nancy and Ned had a great relationship. He would get annoyed by her constant need to solve mysterious, but no matter how annoyed, he would also help her solve them. Ned’s relationship with Bess and George was good too, as they seem to share a sibling bond. The mysterious were nice as well, some of which I totally didn’t see coming.
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(Left to right; top then bottom. First picture: Ned. Nancy. Second picture. George. Nancy. Third picture. Nancy. Ned. Fourth Picture. George. Nancy. Bess.)
Worst thing: Okay, strap in, we have a lot to discuss. Where shall we start? The show gives no explanation. Now, I’m not talking about the mysterious here, I’m talking about the fact that besides the mysterious, the show doesn’t bother to explain anything. First episode, Nancy moves to the city. She helps a guy find his daughter who, grateful, gives Nancy her own apartment. Okay cool. Second episode, it’s her birthday and she’s thinking about Ned. My dumb bitch ass, only ever seen the Nancy Drew movie with Emma Roberts when I was really young, was highly confused. Who this Ned be? Nancy then says she is sad because Ned and her left things weird since Ned left to volunteer in Africa. Then, Ned is introduce. Things happen, we learn a bit about their relationship, he is about to leave but doesn’t by the end of the episode. Cool. Okay. Ned and her are dating and doing long distance while he is in Africa. Okay, I can accept that. We get a few episodes of just Nancy and Bess and George, sometimes George just disappears, but the girl is busy, I understand, she’s delivering mail and studying her films. Every now and then Ned is in the episode and I just assume that they are dating long distance, so Ned comes to vist a lot. But then! Then! There’s an episode where Nancy is with Bess and George in France just like all of the sudden, no explanation. I shrugged it off, whatever I thought, cool, it must have been a special episode. They’re back in the city the next episode, all is okay. Until, of course, it’s not and they’re in France again, George is nowhere to be seen and it’s just Bess, Nancy and Ned. And I’m like, huh? What? Why is Ned in France all of the sudden? How he get there? When? Why? Where is all this money coming from? Geeze. Then! The next episode, it’s just Ned and Nancy. Now, you might be thinking ‘oh, they’re just hanging out on their own, like couples do and Bess and George are probably doing their own thing’ and, yeah, maybe, only...Ned and Nancy have bags with them and are taking trains and shit. Through the episode, Ned is like annoyed because once again Nancy is solving mysterious. They solve another one after he gives in and at the end, he tells Nancy he loves her and that he wants her to go to Africa with him and she’s like ‘nah, you cool but I can’t leave everything behind’ and that’s fine or whatever. But the thing is, the scene is so dramatic, like my boi Ned be acting like he’s never going to see her again or something and that they have to break up. I was over here thinking this whole time that Ned had been going and coming from Africa, visting Nancy, so I’m like, why you crying Ned, like clearly y’all are doing fine, you don’t need to break up. And then I remembered that in the second episode, Nancy mentioned how Ned hadn’t talk to her since he left for Africa, so now the gears in my head were turning and I’m like ‘ah-ha! This must be like a flashback episode. The show is showing us how Nancy and Ned broke up!’ And so the episode ends and I have my mouse all ready, hovering over the next episode only to see that that was it. That was how it ended. Like????
I guess it makes sense if that was like a background episode, but then why are there episodes where George and Bess are also in France. Why are they in France at all? Is it possible that the episodes just got all mixed up? I don’t know. And so i think that maybe it’s the kind of shows where everything resets each episodes, but then Nancy would talk to people she help in earlier episodes, so that can’t be. Talking about other people, people are just here and there, some show up randomly while others are never mentioned. There was this one guy in the first episode who I thought was going to be the love interest; never mentioned again. Nancy gets in this class after talking to her professor in the first episode, it seemed pretty important right? Like maybe her class was going to be a major plot point or something. We see the professor again, but we never see her in class or like even on school grounds. Then in one episode, her and Ned work alongside a cop who was her dad’s old partner and they talk about her dad, but like it’s not clear if her dad is dead or what because she doesn’t act like he’s dead nor alive, and also if her dad was a city cop, then wouldn’t that mean she lived there, and if so, then where was she moving from? And they did my girl George dirty. She was just gone for some episodes entirely and no matter how much the writters tried to convince me she liked dudes by making her declair it all the freaking time, I’m know my girl ain’t 100% straight. No one straight can have of that amazing fashion sense. The girl was wearing colars, mullet like hairstyle, leather, heavy layers, vest. Nah-ah, she gay.
Also, apparently, during the same time this show was running, so was another mystery show called The Hardy boys based on some books too. It’s also free on tubi, it was also cancelled because of low ratings and Nancy shows up in the last episode. For some reason I could only find the spanish version of it and so I had no choice but to watched the spanish version of the last episode in order to see Nancy and her amazing, I mean just fabulous, style, and like it starts off with her already in the car with them...like how? How did she meet them? Why is she in the car? What the hell is happening? Like they don’t explain it.
I think the show had a lot of pontantal if they would have just cleared up a few things. Just a few. I absolutely loved the characters, the styles, the clothing, the dialogue, the facial expressions, the 90’s of it all. It was really nice, I just wished that they would have dug a little deeper and showed us her at school, and like how she gets enough money to not only live on her own, but like buy furniture and shit. Like, in one episode she has a job, kind of, where she does surveys, but it’s never explained how she got it and it’s never mentioned afterwards. I wonder if she let that job know before she went to France...and France. Just why? Like seriously, I’m curious. Why France? Is it in the books or something? Like does something happen in France? Did she move from France? Is she French? Are the hardy dude French? Why are the hardy boys show, or whatever, only in spanish? I’m...what?
Should you watch it? Yeah, watch it so we can complain together. No one knows this show. I need someone to know it. Can’t find any articles about it soley, just a bunch talking about the different adaptations (though, to be fair, I haven’t looked that hard). Wikipedia has failed me. Only summerizes it. I...I got nothing.
(Below enjoy some awful quality photos (that I definitely did not screen shot from youtube bc I don’t have the most updated version to download tubi on my phone and I’m too lazy to get my laptop out, nope not the case at all) with some of my favorite outfits. Just so you know what I’m talking about.
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notwhoiwanttobeyet · 4 years ago
first day of school, 2021
keep scrolling, this is just a mental note for future reference! hope you’re havin a good day tho!! :) 
i’m the only girl in my animation class and at first i thought these boys were fine but there’s these three jackasses that were talking so loud no one could hear our teacher. she’d already asked them to be quiet multiple times but they didn’t give a shit, which honestly isn’t fair on any of us that wanted to learn and pass the class. she said we don’t have to catch up for homework but i got pretty much no work done thanks to those dipshits so i’ll do it all over the weekend. anyway, as kid who answers all the questions and completes extension work ™️, i always tell people to ‘shhh’ - it’s like my superpower in a way. and they listen because they can tell i’m mad, which isn’t like me cause i repress all emotion and am just the quiet serious depressed kid ™️ most of the time. so i get so pissed i shhhh these boys, not even making eye contact because they don’t deserve any of my attention - then harvey turned looked over his shoulder to face me, silently signalling it was a bad idea. hamish had the AUDACITY to say “what’s up, bitch.” i gave them a look™️ - everyone watched and heard and a bunch of them laughed and i was super uncomfortable for the rest of the lesson and had an anxiety attack which went through into next period. it wasn’t that bad thankfully, but i was really jumpy and fidgety and freaking out. 
after school we had a picnic and CALLUM came and it was great. there was this pretty girl smoking staring and me and it was h o t 😳but i left to go buy some food and shit and when i came back she was gone : ( also i turned around and these girls looked like they were about to kiss like girl a was holding girl b’s face and everything but girl a saw me staring and they ran off holding hands. i’m pretty sure i looked like i was being homophobic like i’m so sorry, i wasn’t gonna watch them kiss i just turned around at the wrong time and ahh- i’m gay too man ! 
anyway this gang of like 7/8th graders came towards us - we were literally having a PICNIC, MINDING OUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS and this blonde little bitch comes over and says “can i join? what is this-” he laughed, “like a-” and he made a weird face which basically meant we were losers. i’m not surprised but i was ready to get into a fight. forget being the quiet kid™️, i was fucking ready. then he has the actually, again, AUDACITY, to say to callum- “are you in mean girls?”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” callum said sassily (we love & respect)
“that you’re like-”
“like what?” 
“an actor?”
bullshit. callum and i both knew he was calling him gay, which he is and so am i so obviously i’m not being homophobic but i still find it offensive when people categorise people and use lgbt+ labels as insults. his buddies started to come over. they thought they were such gangsters with those fucking ugly ass mullets. i’m sorry, only gay girls can pull a mullet off ! i’m just sayin ! 
then him and his friends tried taking food from jodhi (my other friend) and were stepping on our bags with our COMPUTERS in them and i was fucking pissed so after they said “can i have some?” for the 50th time when jodhi had responded no - all of my friends were uncomfortable - i stood up.
“she said no.” 
he continued going on and on.
“she said no.”
consent is always important in every situation, what can i say. then i stepped forward, pushing him and his buddies further away from my friends - not physically but it forced them to back off. 
“look- you’re not intimidating. you’re not intimidating. we don’t want you here. just leave.” they started calling as rude and whining, pretending to cry almost. i rolled my eyes, my voice sharp, loud and clear. 
“just leave.” callum backed me up and after they whined a bit about how mean we were and shit they left, ran off laughing. dipshits. i’m proud of the way i acted, i wish i would’ve done more. 
but actually today was amazing. classes were all good. i’ve been up since 5am. i made a salad roll for breakfast and everything went mostly smoothly. chloe and i also talked about being gay and about her girlfriend which was so cool. i like actually talking about being gay with people. the few gay friends i have have all been fully out to everyone since they were like 13 so they’ve all got girlfriends/boyfriends and i’m just the sad gay who cries because i’m lonely ;^; but it’s fine : ,  )
a n y wa y ,,,,, yeagh,. that’d the unusual tea of the day *sipppp*
also had an anxiety attack at the same supermarket as always - like it never goes smoothly, i had to get chloe to put the fucking money in the self serve machine because i couldn’t get it in, it was too crinkled and i was sshaking wanting to get out of there SO bad and the employee was like “you right there? is it not going in?” so naturally i was like “no, no it isn’t?” and my voice was shaky and everything and he just laughs - not like with me - but at me. which helps. a l ot . and then he walked off- the FucK. but chloe helped me tHanK fuCk. jesus.
also omg eloise has this shirtless harry styles sticker on her laptop and chloe and i were laughing at them to ourselves the entire lesson because every time we looked up we just saw this man and we’re gay so it’s like aqhgbiui3qwhigo23 lmao  
i’ll actually journal this later ^^
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fandomthesickness · 7 years ago
Ouran high school host club Plance one-shot
Hello! I did a poll on my amino (fandomthesickness) and most people said they wanted me to write this Ouran plance one-shot! I had so much fun writing it and please let me know if you like it and want me to continue it!
In case you all get confused about who’s who here is a little key. (I tried my best to match the characters of similarity)
Haruhi- Pidge
Tamaki- Lance
Kyoya- Keith
Hikaru- Lotor
Kaoru- Rolo
Honey- Hunk
Takashi- Shiro
(I made Haruhi’s dead mother into Pidge’s dead brother Matt, sorry for the tears I thought it would be best for the story)
I had a lot of fun writing this so if you wan’t me to continue the story (if I do i’ll make it a little different from the story line to put in more plance and stuff) so tell me in the comments if you all want me to do so!
“I’m still in shock I got into this crazy ass school.” said Katie Holt, formerly known as Pidge Holt, to herself as she was passing through the halls of Ouran Academy. It was her first year as a freshman and she still didn’t own a uniform as sadly, she barely could afford one. A crewneck sweater, some slacks, and her dead brother’s glasses were what she usually wore to match her short hair. It used to be long but an unfortunate incident with gum occurred in prior years resulting in Pidge’s transition to short hair. So basically, she looked like a boy and didn’t resemble a girl in the slightest of ways mainly because of her clothing and her lack of feminine physique. But did Pidge care? Nope. Not at all.
“How are you doing up in heaven Matt? You have been there for 5 years am I correct? Wish you were here so you could tell me how everyone in this school is a frickin clod.” She said aloud to herself in the empty hallway. It was after school hours and she felt like finishing her unearthly amount of homework in the extraneous libraries of the school. However, this plan was foiled as they were all packed, and people weren’t really Pidge’s forte. She walked all around the school only to find an empty music room that seemed to suit Pidge’s needs when she was outside it. Little did she know, what was inside it was the exact opposite of what she needed. She turned the doorknob and a flash of light and rose petals flew at her.
“What the He-” She stammered. As the light faded away to a normal setting she feasted her big, brown eyes at a group of boys who were all standing up except for one boy seated in a throne in the empty music room which was weirdly turned into an elaborate dining room.
“Welcome!” They all said confidently.
“Wa…I-uh…” Pidge stammered. She said paralyzed with her body slammed against the door.
“Holy quiznack its a boy.” The twins on the left of the boy in the throne said. They had silky silver hair and looked almost identical.
“Lotor, Rolo, I believe this young man is in the same class as you isn’t he?” The boy with glasses replied. He was placed on the other side of the throne. He had a black-haired mullet, and magenta eyes which were hard to see under his glasses.
“Yea, but he’s shy. He doesn’t act very sociably so we don’t know much about him, Keith.” Lotor and Rolo replied.
Keith’s face lit up for a brief moment like he realized the meaning of life. “Oh, that wasn’t very polite. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Student.” Keith said smoothly.
The boy on the throne rose to his feet. “What?! YOU MUST BE PIDGE HOLT. You’re the exceptional honor student we’ve heard about!” the boy exclaimed. This guy had tan skin, ocean blue eyes, and brown hair.
Pidge slammed herself against the door hoping it would budge out so she could escape the limelight of these random boys.
“This is... A host club? I-uh better.. Wait how did you know my name?” She asked. In her head she was so lost at the fact they called her “Mr. Honor Student” but she didn’t question it.
“Why Pidge, you are the star of Ouran. It’s not normal for a commoner like yourself to get into our prestigious establishment. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student Mr. Holt.” Keith said shoving his glasses upward.
Pidge was so lost.
“Thanks?” she questioned.
“Your welcome.” the throne boy said as he walked toward her. “You are a hero to other poor people, Holt. You have shown that even a poor person can do amazingly at a private academy. I’m so sorry that you are constantly looked down upon by others.” He said obnoxiously.
Pidge wanted to punch this guy in the face. “Uh.. you’re taking the poor thing a bit too far don’t ya think?” She asked gritting her teeth. She caught on to the fact that these guys thought she was a guy too. She was too done with them to correct them and just decided to let them think what they want. Besides, after she was done with this conversation, she thought she would never see them again.
“Well.. we welcome you poor man to our world of beauty!” The throne boy said while slinging his arm over her shoulders.
‘Get me the hell out of here Matt.’ Pidge thought.
“But to be honest Holt, I never suspected someone like you to come into the host club. Who knew that a brilliant minded person like you would be so openly gay..” The throne boy pondered.
“OPENLY what???????” Pidge burst.
The throne boy didn’t catch her reply and continued on. “So Pidge, what type of guys are you into? The strong and silent type Shiro?”
he asked pointing to a boy who was muscular, tall, black with a white floof at the front hairstyle. “The boy lolita Hunk?”
He pointed to a tiny yet semi-large stomach boy.
“Or the Mischievous type, Lotor, and Rolo?”
He pointed to the twins.
“OOh! Or the cool type, Keith?”
He finally said pointing to the boy with glasses.
Pidge was so uncomfortable she wanted to melt. “I- umm.. It’s not like that.”
“Or…” The throne boy said while leaning toward her, cornering her. “Maybe you’re into a guy like me? Lance is the name by the way. What do you say?” He said leaning his face close to hers.
Pidge’s face started turning red, she started to panic, and turned the other way from the door and backed away from Lance. She backed away slowly until she felt her back pushing something off of a pedestal. From looking at the room earlier, she assumed it was the beautiful glass vase carved with plant designs. She turned around and for that moment, Time seemed to stop.
She leaned over the pedestal in attempts to catch it before it hit the ground. For that split second it seemed like her pinkie was about to catch it, but as the vase kept falling, her pinkie couldn’t catch it in time. The vase fell to the ground and shattered into millions of pieces.
‘Ohhhhhhh… crap.’ She thought in her mind which was currently in overdrive.  
“Oh man! Now you have done it, commoner! That vase was going to go on auction for 72 thousand dollars!” Lotor and Rolo hissed.
Pidge slowly leaned up from the pedestal in shame. “I….. I'm gonna have to pay you back.” She stammered in shame.
“With what money? You can’t even own a school uniform! What's with that stupid, crappy outfit anyway?” Lotor exclaimed. The entire host club looked at Pidge baffled. With the lack of money and the broken vase, Pidge was more than screwed.
Pidge started stuttering as she didn’t have any answers. She had no clue how to earn back the money for the vase and wanted to shrink to the size of an atom.
“Well Lance, what shall we do?” Keith asked with his arms crossed. Lance, the King as he was called, rose up from his “throne” and placed his hands on his hips.
“There is a famous saying you may have heard, Holt. When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.” He went on.
‘What the..’ Pidge thought but Lance wasn’t done yet.
“Since you have no money, you can pay with your body!” Lance exclaimed.
“WHAT THE?!” Pidge questioned.
“That means….. Starting today, you’re the host club’s pet!” Lance said.
‘What the hell? This kid was sitting all poised and quiet and now he’s commanding me. He must be in debate club for crying out loud. Matt.. please, you can see this from heaven, right? These boys have captured me and they call themselves a frickin Host Club?’ Pidge thought. She was shaking internally and was ready to pop. For the first time in 5 years, she wished was with Matt.
Hope you all liked it!
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annebonnydyke · 2 years ago
top 5 beverages. and top 5 vampires
Top 5 Beverages
green tea- i literally drink green tea instead of water its not even necessarily a favorite of mine but its just a fact of life for me
bubble tea- i love sweet drinks i love the texture of both tapioca pearls and popping bubbles! definitely my favorite beverage that is a treat for myself
orange juice (with pulp very important) -again i like sweet drinks and i like the texture of the pulp, i also love freezing it to make popsicles in the summer
hot chocolate- again sweet drinks i'm very predictable, a wintertime staple, great with peppermint
lemonade- at my old job we didnt have lemonade so i would squeeze like 4 lemon slices into water and add a little sugar to make my own, big fan of lemonade. also really great for popsicles. also cannot stress this enough soda is not lemonade it hurts my heart when ppl say sprite is lemonade. pls treat urself better.
Top 5 Vampires
david (the lost boys)- hes got everything, cool jacket, gay little earring, mullet, motorcycle. lost boys is also my favorite vampire movie so that also helps. i think hes so funny truly a funky vampire dude of all time
laszlo cravensworth (what we do in the shadows)- hes bisexual he loves his wife hes a DILF. ive been a laszlo stan since the beginning and im so glad laszlo girles keep winning
claudia (interview with the vampire)- i dont even like the original iwtv movie that much (i havent seen the tv show yet but im planning on doing that when i have time) but kirsten dunst absolutely kills it. shes absolutely the best part of the movie, she does a great job esp since shes so young and the scene where she puts her hair off and screams and louis and lestat is my favorite part of the whole movie. i think the concept of a child vampire is always soooo sickening i love it and she does it great.
carmilla- i read the book as part of a research paper and everyday i am asking where is my toxic and bloody lesbian vampire romance. i want them to messy and horny is that too much to ask?
striga and morana (those two lesbian vampires from netflix castlevania)- cannot stress enough i wrote 20 page research paper in high school about them. theyre sooo sexy and hot. they are the lesbian vampires of my dreams theyre hot butch4femme evil vampire dykes who kill and dont feel bad about it. i only wish we could get more screentime about them 😔
put "top 5" anything in my ask and i will answer
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shirogane-atlas · 7 years ago
Boyfriend for a Week (Part 1)
My @voltronvalentinesexchange gift for @crystalklances You had some really awesome prompts, and my idea got a little ahead of me, so this is the opening to what will be an ongoing story. I hope you like what’s going on so far ;) Happy Valentine’s Day Robin!
Summary: Lance’s crazy ex is back in town, and what better way to get her to leave him alone than to have her think he’s dating someone else? Enter Keith, who’s taken on the brave role of Lance’s fake boyfriend for a week. Words: ~3k Rating: G
Love’s reach extends far and wide. Lance learned that the hard way, which was why he was sitting in the bleachers waiting for basketball practice to end. He’d been done with his classes for hours now and could’ve been chilling at home if it wasn’t for love. Love’s reach is so long, in fact, that it follows you across state lines even after the breakup.
The coach’s whistle sounded, and Lance looked up just in time to see the team hi-fiving and back-thumping.
“Hey Keith!” he called to the point guard who'd just started jogging off the court. Lance ignored the other players’ interested looks as Keith scrutinized him for a moment before jogging over.
“What's up, Lance?”
Keith's words were casual, but Lance thought he sounded suspicious. Or maybe Lance was just overly conscious of what he was about to say. “Will you be my boyfriend?” Wait, that came out wrong. “Just for a week!”
Keith gave no reaction other than to stare at him with a gaze that promised death. Rolo, one of the other players, was keenly watching them over Keith's shoulder, and Lance shifted to block his face with Keith's head. But that meant he now had to focus on Keith again. He was now looking bemused.
“This is why you waited for me for two hours? To make fun of me?”
“You think I'm making fun of you?”
“It's what you've done since the day we met.”
Lance thought about this for a moment. “You're right, and I'm proud of that. But that's not what this is.”
“Oh?” Keith's tone turned sarcastic, and he crossed his arms. But he was still listening. And that was all Lance needed.
“It’s Nyma. She’s gonna be in town for a week, to visit Rolo.”
“What's that got to do with me?”
“I'm getting there. I came to you because you know the whole drama and won’t judge me for this. Or, well, you probably will, but I’ll have less explaining to do than if I asked anyone else. So it’s just a matter of convenience, nothing else. And it’s just until Nyma’s staying.”
Lance caught his breath after his rambling and looked up to find Keith regarding him blankly again. “Fine,” Keith said shortly.
“Wait what? Just like that?”
Keith merely shrugged. “Text me whatever details you need to.” And before Lance could wrap his head around what had just happened, Keith was gone.
Nyma had been a transfer student to Lance’s high school in the final year, a sensation at their boring old school. And Lance had been in love. He’d gone up to her after their first class together to flirt, fully expecting a rejection, but knowing he had to try. And she’d giggled and blushed and called him cute. So he’d asked her out on the spot.
Lance went overboard at every stage of their relationship, and none of it scared her off. In hindsight, that should’ve been a red flag right there, but at the time, it had only convinced him that they were soulmates.
It had taken two whole years for Lance to accept that she was manipulative and that he wasn’t happy with her. The couple of times he’d tried getting out of the relationship, Nyma had managed to convince him to get back together. He’d waited until the second year of college to break it off for good. Even now, he knew that the only reason he hadn’t gone back to her was that they were separated by state lines.
But now she was coming back. And Lance was screwed. He knew he’d go back to her unless he could give her a reason to back off. Like if he was dating someone else. Someone tough enough that Nyma wouldn’t want to mess with.
Lance had first met Keith when he was still with Nyma, and she had come to his campus to visit him during winter break. Her cousin Rolo went to the same college as Lance and was on the basketball team. He’d invited Nyma to one of his games, and she’d brought Lance along. Keith was the team’s point guard, and Rolo introduced them. Keith and Lance had taken an almost instant dislike to each other, though Lance couldn’t really put his finger on why. He figured it was the mullet that first turned him off. And then the stuck-up attitude didn’t do the guy any favors. But why Keith disliked him so much was still a mystery to Lance.
When Lance had long-distance dumped Nyma, Rolo had very nearly picked a fight with him over it, so naturally the whole team knew about it. Lance could live with the notoriety, but he couldn’t live with the emotional drain of being Nyma’s boyfriend again. So when she texted to let him know she’d be in town again, he’d done the most rational thing he could think of. How hard could it be to pull this off? It was just pretend…. Pretend that Keith McBroody Mulletface was his boyfriend. For a week. Lance wondered if he hadn’t just dug the hole deeper trying to climb out of it.
Lance was a guy who always did things at the last possible second. He gave everything his all; it was just that he worked best under a little pressure. So it wasn’t until the morning of the day Nyma was due to arrive that he shot off a text to his new (fake) boyfriend.
>She's coming this afternoon >You need to come with me to meet her for lunch
Keith's reply was instantaneous.
>We can't just show up unprepared
>Uh >I think you're taking this too seriously ;D
>You're not taking it seriously enough. You really think she's gonna buy that we're dating if we know nothing about each other?
Lance stared at the question. Well shit.
>Well shit
>Just meet me at campus cafe in 15
>Wait what if I'm not free until later?
>Be there.
“Okay so what do we need to know about each other?” Lance asked through a mouthful of penne.
“You're asking me?” Keith marveled as he sat down across from Lance. “You've been in a relationship before. What kinds of things do you want to know about your partners?”
“The shape of their ass?”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”
Lance swallowed and grinned back. “I'm kidding! Okay so what's your favorite color?”
Lance looked at the red scarf Keith had around his neck which accented the black leather jacket. That made a lot of sense. “Cool! See now we’re getting to know each other! Now you ask me.”
“How long have you liked me?”
“What?” Had Lance been unknowingly giving off signals here? He thought he'd made it pretty clear that this was just pretend. “I'm not—”
“You do realize it's the first thing they're gonna ask us, right? Because Rolo knows we weren't together even last week when you came to see me at practice.”
Oh. Right. That was solid logic, now that Lance thought about it. “They'll wanna know how we got together, won't they?”
“And if you don't want them to see right through this, we should have stories that check out.”
“Right. Okay. So how did we get together?”
Keith fixed him with a stern glare. “You gonna make me do all the work here? I'm the one helping you.”
“Okay so when I came to see you after practice, I confessed my crush that I've been harboring ever since…” Lance looked around the cafe as if he'd find the answer among these students getting a late lunch. His eyes fixed on a girl wearing an oversized bomber jacket. “Ever since you ran into me walking back to my dorm without a jacket and gave me yours.”
Keith raised a contemplative eyebrow, gaze unfocusing for a moment, before the corners of his mouth turned up very slightly. “That's good,” he mused. “And I've liked you ever since I realized how caring and good you are under that annoying exterior.”
“Uh, thanks?” Backhanded though the compliment was, something stirred deep in Lance’s belly, and he thought it best to avoid Keith's eyes.
“This was while you were still with Nyma,” Keith continued,” so obviously I didn't do anything about it. But when you confessed to me, well, let's just say I'm a lucky guy.”
Lance nodded, committing the story of their love to memory. “I still think you should know my favorite color too.”
“Is it blue?”
“What? How did you…?” 
Keith shrugged. “There's blue in your bag, your shirt, even your nail polish.”
Lance grinned. “Good eye.” His phone vibrated loudly on the table, and he looked down. “Oh shoot. Time to go!”
“We should, like, hold hands or something.” Lance wished he could stop feeling so awkward about this; he was just setting a convincing scene. He looked over at Keith to find him wearing a look of disbelief. “What?” Lance asked defensively.
“You'd be okay with everyone seeing that?”
When Lance didn't give off the impression of having understood, Keith continued,
“You aren't actually gay, right? I mean, don't get me wrong, but most straight guys don't want people thinking…you know, I mean I know you asked me for convenience but…”
Lance thought only for a second before saying, “I'm bi actually. And yeah it's fine if, people see. We're trying to convince everyone, aren't we?”
Keith went completely silent. Lance got the impression he'd blown the guy’s mind. Just as Lance was about to ask if everything was okay, warm fingers slipped into his hand, fitting perfectly. Lance had to resist the urge to squeeze; it was silly but waves of comfort washed through him from the point of contact, like everything was going to turn out fine.
They got to the pizza place on time but Nyma and Rolo weren't there yet, so they picked a table and sat down next to each other. Every moment they waited, Lance fretted a bit more. He bounced his leg, he drummed his fingers against the table, he drank the ice cold water and shivered.
“Will you relax?” an irritated voice hissed in his ear.
“You relax!” he shot back, more wound up than ever. “And do something about that hair.”
“Excuse me?”
“It's a mullet.”
“Okay, and?”
“It's 2018.”
Keith leaned closer and deadpanned, “Okay Lance, would you like me to pull out my knife and chop it off here at this table, or would you prefer I step into the bathroom for that?”
The sarcasm dripping from Keith's voice was not lost on Lance, but he had just found something more interesting to focus on. He leaned in too. “Do you seriously have a knife on you right now?” he asked in a conspiratorial whisper.
Keith rolled his eyes. Neglecting to answer the question, he reached into his jeans pocket and took out a hair tie. Then, in front of Lance's very eyes, he tied his hair back into a low ponytail.
Lance stared before insisting urgently, “No, put it back!”
“Lance, what?”
“I can't deal with this right now!”
“I don't—”
“Hey lovebirds!” a cheery voice cut in from behind them. Nyma was here.
“Cool it with the PDA!” Rolo added with a laugh, as the two approached the table.
Lance and Keith drew apart and got up to greet them. There were hugs and greetings all around before they all sat down. At least there was no need for introductions.
Rolo offered to go get their orders, and once he left, Nyma turned eager eyes on Keith. “So, dish! Tell me all about how you two became a thing!”
“Wait for me,” Rolo called out. “I wanna hear this.”
Keith and Lance exchanged a look, and launched into their spotty story once Rolo returned.
“That’s so sweet, oh my God,” Nyma gushed. “You waited for him, Keith!”
“I didn’t have much choice,” he pointed out, reaching over to hold Lance’s hand on the table.
“You were hardcore pining,” Rolo chuckled. “I still don’t believe it. You two just seem so at odds. The only times I’ve ever seen you guys interact, it’s been nothing but bickering.”
Keith turned to Lance and smirked. Something mischievous twinkled in his amethyst eyes as he leaned closer and tilted his head. “We have our moments,” he whispered, answering Rolo but gaze fixed on Lance’s lips. His breath ghosted over Lance’s skin, but he came no closer.
Lance recognized it for what it was: an open offer. Warning signals were firing every which way in his brain; this would be taking it way further than it needed to go. But something else shot all those signals down in one fell swoop. He leaned across the couple of centimeters of distance remaining between them and pressed his lips to Keith’s in a chaste kiss.
“Hey, woah, cool it,” Rolo warned, but it was good-natured.
Keith looked away wearing an extremely smug look. And Lance really did not want to think about why his whole face was tingling, why his cheeks were on fire but his lips were ice.
“Oh, before I forget,” said Nyma, clasping her hands together, “I need to do all the touristy things while I'm here, so I booked seats on the ferry! Obviously I'm not going alone, and Lance you're the only person I know here besides Rolo, so you have to come. And of course you're welcome too Keith! But I didn't know about you beforehand so I didn't get you a ticket.” She looked sheepish as she reached the end of her eager announcement.
Keith started to reply, “It's oka—”
“I'll buy you a ticket babe,” Lance cut in. There was no way he was getting dragged onto a ferry with Nyma without a buffer.
“Thanks, babe,” Keith grinned; the smug look was back. Or maybe, it had never left.
The ferry, it turned out, was actually kind of boring. There was only so many times you could look out at a seemingly endless expanse of water in the dark before you needed something else to do. Nyma joined some impromptu dancing that had broken out, and Rolo ran into some friends.
Meanwhile, Lance and Keith ended up out on the deck, leaning against the railing and just talking. It started with Keith stepping out for some air and Lance going after him to tell him off for not putting more of an effort into his performance.
“I'm on a date with you,” he shot back, “I deserve an Oscar.”
“Um, rude! Anyway joke’s on you; they don't give Oscars for Most Unconvincing Portrayal of a Boyfriend.”
Keith snorted. “Are you serious?” He was smiling now, and Lance briefly wondered why that made him feel accomplished. “So what else should we do?” Keith asked. “Hold hands? Kiss? Make out?”
“No need to be extra.” Lance rolled his eyes, grateful that the night was dark enough to hide his rising blush. “Holding hands is fine. Kissing is good, too.”
Keith nodded sagely. “Got it.” He looked in through the windows. “Doesn't look like she's watching us right now though. It might help if we actually go inside… Anyway, I'll go get us something to drink.”
Lance was leaning against the railing waiting for Keith when Nyma stepped out and came up to him. She'd been socializing, and Lance recognized the high of human interaction in her eyes. He got that same boost of good feelings when he met new people or hung out with friends; though oddly enough, he’d felt no inclination to talk to anyone except his date all night.
“Having fun?” Nyma asked.
Lance grinned. “I really am. I can't believe it never occurred to me to do anything touristy here.”
She leaned her elbows on the railing next to him. “Hey, remember that time we went to that lighthouse together back home?”
“Yeah.” He remembered very well. “You made me climb all the way to the top and then left me there.”
Her smile turned reminiscent. “We had some good times, didn't we?”
“You left me there and took my car to go home.” Was this what she considered a fond memory of their time together?
“Look, I just want to say that I don't really like how we ended things. And I know you're not single right now, but I just need you to know that I miss you, and if you ever wanted—”
“Hey babe.” Keith had found his way back to Lance. Not having turned around fast enough, Lance was entirely unprepared for Keith to slip an arm around his waist and pull him into a deep kiss.
Lance's eyes fluttered shut, and he didn't care to open them again even though the kiss was going on way too long and Nyma was still watching. Keith was…a really good kisser.
“Uhhh, guys?” Nyma called.
Keith broke away to answer her. “Just saying hi.” He didn't let go of Lance's waist.
“I guess I'll leave you to it,” she suggested, sounding amused.
Lance only half registered her receding footsteps.
When Keith finally turned his attention back to Lance, Lance did his best not to look as dazed as he felt. “What was that?” he asked, holding back a cringe when it came out breathless.
“She was talking very animatedly,” Keith replied matter-of-factly, letting go and taking a step back, “and you looked like you were about to freak out.”
“Yeah I was probably two seconds away from caving.” He smiled when that pulled a chuckle from Keith. “Thanks, man.” Lance had completely known the entire time that the kiss was for show. It wasn't even his first kiss with Keith at this point. Now if only his heart would stop acting like he'd just ran a marathon.
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kittykat-creations · 8 years ago
Mullet Man: Meeting the Family
Previous Chapter --- Next Chapter
"Hey Stan?"
"We've been friends fer... like... a month," Bella began. "Right?"
"Yeah..." Stan nodded, looking at her from across the couch. "Why?"
"Do ya... wanna meet my friend?" Bella asked. "Fidds, not Ford, cuz Ford's all the way in... wherever he is."
"Uh, sure. I guess," Stan shrugged.
"It's just- it's odd that, Fidds doesn't know all my friends," Bella explained. "We usually know all'a each other's friends. Ha."
"Wow, you're really close, huh?" Stan asked.
"You bet!" Bella grinned. "We're like siblings at this point. I would say twins... but we're not born on the same day... Also, he's not a Gemini."
"What's a Gemini?" Stan asked.
"It's a zodiac sign, my zodiac sign," Bella informed. "Because I, was born June 11th. My friend Ford is also a Gemini, actually. It's pretty awesome."
"Oh. Cool."
"See the Gemini is the sign'a the twins, which is pretty awesome," Bella continued. "It... basically means two different personality sides. But how cool would it be ta be a Gemini who's a twin? ...Wait... a twin who's a Gemini."
"I... guess that would be kinda cool," Stan mumbled. "I don't see why it's a big deal, though."
"Eh, I dunno," Bella shrugged. "Ah just thought it was kinda cool, cuz Ah've always wanted a twin, personally. The closest Ah've ever come was this girl who was born on the same day of- as me in... like... second grade? Same- we had the same sorta name and everything! The two'a us and this third girl we also hung out with. We were like... best friends, and we had this little theme song."
"Heh, that's kinda cool," Stan chuckled.
"Yeah, the other two girls were Ella and Marcella," Bella chuckled. "And our little song went Ella, Bella, an' Marce-ella! We sung it like all the time."
"What happened to them?" Stan asked. "You said you were best friends. Did you guys, like... fight or something?"
"Nah. Ella moved away in like... fifth grade?" Bella guessed. "Me an' Marcella stopped hanging out then, and... she moved away too. In eighth grade."
"Oh," Stan nodded. "Well you seemed like really close friends."
"We were, but Ah wasn' ah clo- as close to them as Ah was ta Fiddleford," Bella shrugged. "We never hung out out of school. Outside of school."
"Knock knock, dork!" Bella called as she opened the door. "Where are ya?"
"Howdy, Bella," Fiddleford smiled and entered the room. "Ah'm guessin' this is the guy ya met?"
"Yup!" Bella nodded, pulling Stan into the house. "Stan, this is Fiddleford. Fiddleford, Stan."
"Pleasure ta meet ya," Fiddleford grinned, holding out a hand.
"Yeah, you too," Stan agreed, shaking his hand. Fiddleford's eyes studied his face.
"It's uncanny how much ya look like our friend," he spoke. He chuckled lightly. "Pardon."
"It's alright," Stan said. "Bella mentioned it before."
"Well Ah'd invite ya ta meet Elizabeth, but she's out at the moment," Fiddleford said. "Ah could make us some lunch, though. Ya hungry?"
"I could eat," Stan nodded.
"Me too," Bella agreed. Her and Stan sat down at the table as Fiddleford began to cook.
The two of them stayed for lunch and then Bella drove them back to her house.
"So that's your best friend, huh?" Stan asked in the car. "I can see why you two get along so well."
"Heh, well we have known each other, almost our entire lives," Bella chuckled. "We've been with each other fer practically every part- every big part'a our lives. Boyfrien's, girlfrien's, breakups, self discoveries an' stuff. Him an' our other friend, actually-" Bella frowned a little, glancing over at Stan. "Yer not against gay people, right?"
"Good," Bella grinned. "Fidds and our other friend, Ford, they used to date, actually."
"They did?" Stan's eyes widened in surprise.
"Yup!" Bella giggled. "They were the cutes' couple, too. At least in my opinion. A'course they weren't real, public 'bout their relationship. Ford was- didn' want people ta know he was, gay. Me an' Fidds don' have a problem with people knowin' we're bisexual, but Fidds respected that F-Ff-Ford didn' want anyone ta know."
"Yeah, I get that," Stan said. "Your friend not wanting people to know he's gay. I had a... friend the same way. He didn't want to be bullied for it."
"Ugh, Ah hate that people hate others fer such a dumb reason," Bella huffed. "Ah wish we could all jus'... live an' accept each other."
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