#I will most likely introduce Tumblr to my favorite anime
desues-randomness · 5 months
Percy’s Research: Old Clockworks - A passing ghost
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”I got up because I heard a strange noise, so I went to go investigate, it seems to be from a ghost, I didn’t get a good look at them, though the color looked familiar”
“I’ll go follow them, see if I can get a better understanding of this ghost, if only I could have gotten a better view of them”
“I’ll write again when I can, though right now, I have got to see what type that ghost is”
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art · 5 months
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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artistalley · 5 months
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Emmi Kat Johnson (@emmikatjohnson)
Hello! I'm Emmi (she/her)! A long-time tumblrite who started making her mark on tumblr over a decade ago with niche fanart before getting her BFA in Animation and never getting to use it. awkward laugh track wipes away a tear I'm still a fanartist at heart and my shop reflects that with homages to my favorite fandoms like Animal Crossing, Scooby-Doo, and The Hex Girls, but I also have a lot of original designs and I'm expanding my repertoire with new skills and products. Most recently I've introduced hand-made, original art greeting cards and in the last year, I've started making art out of REAL LIVE DEAD BUGS, PRESERVED LIZARDS, BONES AND MORE! There's something for everyone in my shop, be it stickers for your emotional support water bottle, additions to your maximalist curiosity cabinet and gallery wall, jewelry that makes it look like you stumbled out of a witch's hut with a new quest, and very little direction, or just really like supporting small artists. 👉👈
After a series of unfortunate events in the past two years, including contracting Long Covid, my health has taken quite a few hits, and I've been unable to work for six months and counting. I'm fortunate enough to have regained enough strength and dexterity to resume making art at my own pace but my health issues are ongoing, exhausting, and have eaten away at my finances. Currently, my art is my only means of supporting myself (and my pets) while I work to get more answers and, hopefully, support for my health. I would be eternally grateful if you'd give me a follow and share my art, even if you can't buy anything from my shop.
Thank you so much. and please remember Reblogs>Likes and to always spay and neuter your politicians!
Can’t get enough @emmikatjohnson art? Good news—use code Ilikeyourshoelaces for 10% off any order from her store.
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
As a Jake liker who isn’t super interested in Dirk or DirkJake, this cannibalism stuff is starting to get really annoying. Like I get it if you just like it, and I respect alternative interpretations, but canon Jake wouldn’t eat people. Like full stop he just wouldn’t. Why the hell are people seriously factoring this into their analysis of him? The only things that support it as a headcanon are extremely subjective and could also be used to justify things like basic relationship anxiety and whatever what have you. And that’s fine!!!! But I’ll admit, going to my favorite characters tag and seeing it become full of untagged gore of some other guy is grounds for annoyance.
I saw people say that you shouldn’t criticize it as the interpretation is based on an acearo reading of affection/their relationship or whatever, but honestly as an acearo person I don’t see it and I don’t think that’s a valid justification for as to why your headcanon should be exempt from people getting annoyed with it. It’s like the new Davekat in the sense that people who are mischaracterizing the relationship feel entitled to be able to have their fun in a public space and not suffer any type of scrutiny. I’m sorry but you can’t love gore and think it’s super hot and sexy, and then become immediately uncomfortable whenever people detached from you see it and voice grievances with having to see/interact with it. You’re literally posting it public for all to see, and as such the public is allowed to go back to their own corner of the internet and post their opinions of that publicly. You don’t get to police that just because it makes you upset that people don’t think that Jake having attachment issues constitutes people eating.
Jade has more overt “cannibalism” themes with her grimbark form and her intense desire to feel a connection, Davesprite is portrayed as a prey animal in comparison to her. Kanaya literally eats people actually in canon due to being a rainbow drinker. But no, DirkJake, the DaveKat of fandom intellectual types, is the true cannibalism ship. Because everything alpha kid related always has to loop back to everybody’s favorite white boy. And please don’t analyze or think critically about that phenomenon, because it might introduce others to alternate perspectives which is practically violence on tumblr or something.
Anyway tldr; I’m usually just mildly annoyed that I can’t consume content of one of my favorite characters without having to sift through the most ooc torture porn of the guy he’s most commonly shipped with, but now I’m pissed off that they’re pulling a “you can't handle messy queer art that's nuanced and explores dark subject matter” when they’re literally talking about self indulgent DirkJake yaoi. At this point I’m asking you to please get over yourself and accept the fact that not everyone has to agree with you.
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risuola · 9 months
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This one is a little review, a recap if you will, because I think it's important to sometimes just sit and appreciate your own achievements. It's that time of the year when something's ending and something's beginning. I think the best way to start a new year is to look back a little, so... let's do it!
Inspiration for this post came from this post by @vagabond-umlaut - it's a self-appreciation post. I really love the idea of sharing the favorite pieces I wrote with you and I indulge everyone interested to do a little recap of your work yourself so see how far you've come! 🩷
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Let's begin with a little summary, shall we?
▷ I joined tumblr around 10 years ago, but it's that year, 2023, when I posted my first work in here. Before I was just a reader. Can you believe it? Ten years I didn't post a single thing in here!
▷ I published my first fic on 31st april. It was short and filthy, can you guess what is it? You cryin', with our beloved Satoru Gojo. Fun fact is, that up until that day it's still my most liked piece. So many of you loved it, so many saved and interacted. It was a blast to know that my writing is enjoyed. Without your love towards it, I'm not sure if I would be posting still. It really encouraged me to share more.
▷ Since my first post, I published 49 pieces. I created 2 series (Politically Loveless, starring Tobirama Senju & Deadly Attraction, starring Sukuna Ryomen) and wrote for two anime series (JJK + Naruto)
▷ Just in these few months I hosted two events - the filthy Kinktober and the sweet Kissmas
▷ That year I mostly explored the angsty territory, I wrote some smut and fluffs as well. I wrote short and long, sweet and sad. I learned so much while writing, I'm not a native english speaker and through creating the pieces, I taught myself so many new language bits.
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Now, let's get to my favorites!
🩵 You cryin'? — starring Satoru Gojo (smut)
This one will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was short and straight to the point, purely inspired by the amazing JJK dub and the iconic line that melted the entire me. It's smut, nothing else, little to no plot, and yet I just love it.
🩵 Lost cause — starring Satoru Gojo & Suguru Geto (heavy angst)
It was a request by one of you, my readers. An exploration of an alternative universe where Suguru doesn't go the death path and instead, the way is chosen by their close friend. It follows the manga plot and I touched the topic of dea*h in here. An emotional rollercoaster that I really loved writing and you all seemed to like it too. A second part to it might come someday.
🩵 Catoru — starring Satoru Gojo & Suguru Geto (fluff)
Pure fluff. Testing of waters, if you will. It gently introduced you all to the universe that I'm creating in my head for a long time. I'm really weak for SatoSugu, what can I say?
🩵 Say my name — starring Satoru Gojo (smut)
This one... damn, I wrote it and still I read it myself few times. I just like this piece so much, I like how it flows, I love the way plot goes over the doubt and fear, leading into the outburst of lust and desire. This piece opened the first event I ever hosted, a kinktober 2023 and I don't think I'll ever get over this Gojo.
🩵 Strangers — starring Suguru Geto (angst)
Inspired by the song I was really into at the time. I like the flow of it and the heavy atmosphere of something precious burning out in front of the reader's eyes.
🩵 Face massage — starring Sukuna Ryomen (fluff)
I love fluffy Sukuna. I really do. It's one of my favorite things to write and I have a characterisation of him in my head that I really love to show you all. You seem to like it! I have a request in my ask-box to create a part two to this one and it's in wips for so long now. I might need to finish it.
🩵 Not yet — starring Sukuna Ryomen (smut)
This one! I explored the mafia boss Sukuna through this piece, yet again inspired by the amazing line he said. Mada... mada mada~ the menace! And you guys loved it so, so much. So much, in fact, that it turned out into a series >> Deadly attraction and I'll be forever grateful because it shows that you really enjoy my babbling.
🩵 I don't need a mistletoe to kiss you — starring Sukuna Ryomen (suggestive fluff)
A fluffy Sukuna yet again. What can I say? I love putting him in awkward situations. Kissmas entry.
🩵 Breathe through your nose — starring Choso Kamo (smut)
The introduction of Choso into my blog. My emo boy, my depressed pookie... This was a part of kinktober 2023 as well.
🩵 Thank you, mom — starring Megumi Fushiguro (fluff)
It's self-indulgent, really. I just love the thought of giving this boy parents.
🩵 Wine stains — starring Nanami Kento (angst + smut)
It's angsty, just how I like it. And it revolves around Nanami. That's enough for me to love this piece.
That's it!
These are my favorite works from this year and I'm looking forward to see if I make it till the end of the next one!
Now, a little fun fact! There is a little fight between two of my fics that I find funny, considering what a happened in the jjk manga this year.
You cryin' vs Not yet. Satoru vs. Sukuna. Ever since I began posting, Satoru's little fic was my most liked, most reblogged, most loved piece and now, Sukuna is that close from beating the numbers! I watch it with my breath hitching, the emotions are real!
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Some of my favorite people in here:
▷ During these few months of my writing, I got few mutuals. I really, really love their creations and turned out, they like mine too, so I'm especially thankful to @chuluoyi, @ponderingmoonlight, @staryukis & @poe-daydreams
▷ Through tumblr I also discovered so many talented people! @gojos-thot-patrol - an amazing writer of smutty materials, perfect usage of musical knowledge in writing, @tender-rosiey - an absolute queen of fluffs, @osaemu - such a great humor and an amazing writing style (the serial killer Gojo? oof), @awearywritersworld - the Men are so quick to blame the gods series with Sukuna... damn, I've read it three times already - here we have an amazing usage of literature!, mentioned before @chuluoyi - the Married on purpose fic lives in my head rent free
▷ and artists! @3-aem (the most gorgeous Satoru that ever existed), @wacuoms (the beauty and the aesthetics of it is just otherworldly), @lightningstrikes-art (the jjk cubs!) @ipostmysimpingstuffanonymously (the SatoSho arts that make me feel things), @innaillus (the ceo of making me cry and not from my eyes), @polariae (also... screaming), @diosaurr (Geto in this artstyle is my beloved babygirl), @to00fu (just love it. SatoSugu arts, the female versions... awww) and @blackwhitefeatherart (damn, the art style... chef's kiss)
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And lastly... to anyone who supported my fics, who read it and left a heart, reblogged or commented - thank you so, so, so much. To anyone who sent me a message through ask box, to anyone who left any kind of mark behind themselves on my blog. More than 2000 people joined me in here, thank you to every single one of you. I'm forever grateful and I really hope you will enjoy the time with me for the future 🖤🥰
xo's — Risu
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noemilivv · 7 months
hi hi! i just saw that you were doing matchups for hazbin, and i wanted to send something in!! this is my first time sending in anything like this on tumblr, so hoping i’m doing this right!!
✧ i’m genderfluid, and i’m generally more interested in men than i am women
✧ i’m ambiverted - i was raised in a way that made me a bit socially isolated, so i have issues with being social today. i don’t really know how to introduce myself to people, so i don’t speak to people unless they speak to me first. when it’s someone new, i usually let them lead the conversation, but when i’m comfortable with someone, i talk a lot more - i’ll tell them random stories i remember, and infodump about my current interest, run down the entire plot of the book i’m currently reading, all of that. my brain goes faster than my mouth a lot of the time, and i have trouble putting my thoughts and feelings into words.
✧ my style is all over the place. the most common color in my wardrobe is black, because mixing and matching colors kinda stresses me out. not to mention what i wear in my day to day can change depending on where i feel on the gender spectrum at any given time. my default is combat boots and (faux) leather jacket + gold rings and earrings
✧ my main love languages are acts of service (receiving) and gift giving (giving) - making people stuff is a sort of hobby of mine. i crochet a lot, and i love love love making people plushies <3 a lot of the time i’ll even start a craft project that i don’t even really want to keep and put it away in a stash of stuff to give to other people when the opportunity arises
✧ i bounce hobbies a lot, but the main ones that have stuck with me over a long period of time are drawing/animating and reading
✧ i have obsessive-compulsive disorder. there are certain topics/words i absolutely cannot say due to my ocd labeling it as taboo, and it’s made me a very superstitious person
✧ i cycle through interests a lot lot lot, but animation (both itself and as an industry) have been my main one for a while now. currently, i’m also really into dinosaurs and jurassic park! (fun fact, the velociraptor in jurassic park ought to be closer to the size they depict the dilophosaurus, and the dilophosaurus ought to be closer to the size they depict the velociraptor!)
make sure you don’t burn yourself out with these, i’ve seen you answer a lot already, take your time!! thanks in advance!
haha dw you did everything it seems!! i’m already burning myself out a bit sadly, as i’ve seemed to get a lot of requests than i can chew haha, but i’m gonna make it work!! you seem like such a sweetie, so ty anon for requesting!! i match you with…
Lucifer !!
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Luci is a bit socially isolated too haha, as he sits at home and makes ducks all day
Speaking of, you two have your fair share of grandma-grandpa hobbies that you do together (crochet, knitting, etc)
He loves trying new hobbies with you, it keeps you entertained since your hobbies bounce back a lot, and it gets him out of his comfort zone
Also, he loves reading to you, he will do a bunch of silly voice for all the characters XD
You both just tend to info dump about your favorite topics to eachother, which Lucifer loves, no one really listens to his odd rambles, so the fact that you do is very heartwarming💕
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
How You Get The Girl
Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x Hispanic!Reader, Ajax x Enid (platonic)
Summary: Ajax has a crush on Y/N, a new student, and asks Enid for help
Warning: spelling errors as always
A/N: I AM SO SORRY!!! I was in Mexico for 2 weeks, very lovely, I’m taking driving lessons, absolutely terrible, and now I am crushing on Chris Evans so that fixation has taken over my tumblr feed. And now I’m watching Star vs. The Forces of Evil so now all of my Hispanic Y/Ns will have her personality
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Most people believe that Nevermore Academy is the only school for supernatural children. However, there are schools around the world. Much like there’s Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, Nevermore is the American school, Wormwood is the UK school etc., and Belladonna is the Latin American school, the school where Y/N transferred from.
Y/N transferred from Belladonna 2 weeks ago and she was very good friends with Enid. Ajax has been crushing on her since she was introduced in botany class. Ever since that day, the little things Y/N did like talk to the animals that wander on campus made him like her more. He was now at a lunch table with Kent while he looks at Y/N who was sitting with Enid.
“Dude, you’re staring again.” Kent said as he ate his sandwich.
“Sorry.” Ajax said while eating his lunch.
“I’m telling you, it’s creepy. It’s been two weeks and all you do is stare at her. How about you ask her out? What’s the worst that can happen?” Kent asked.
“She rejects me, she laughs in my face, Enid records the rejection and posts it on her blog.” Ajax said.
“Nah, she’s too sweet to laugh in your face and let Enid film it.” Kent said.
“Either way, even if I did want to ask her out, I wouldn’t know how.” Ajax said. Kent was going to say something when Ajax saw Enid get up from her table with Y/N. “Enid, Enid, hold up!” Ajax said as he got up, following Enid.
“Hey Ajax, what did you want to talk about?” Enid asked.
“You’re good friends with Y/N, right?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah, I know her pretty well, why do you ask?” Enid asked.
“No reason. Does she have a boyfriend…or girlfriend back home?” Ajax asked.
“As far as I’m aware, she is very single. What’s with the questions? No way! You like Y/N, oh my gosh, this so perfect.” Enid said excitedly.
“Why is it perfect? Does she like me too?” Ajax asked.
“She thinks you’re cute.” Enid admitted.
“I Can work with that. So what does she like? I want to ask her out.” Ajax said.
“Ooh, we need to plan this, just let me talk to Y/N more, maybe I can get some…useful information, you know, help you out.” Enid said.
“Thanks, Enid! You’re the best” Ajax said, hugging her. He then went back to sit with Kent.
“Oh, i know.” Enid commented and she went to her dorm that she shares with Y/N. Enid was watching a movie on her laptop with Y/N came in. “Hey, where did you go?”
“Yoko needed help with some botany homework, you know, the one where you match the picture to the scientific names of the plants? Anyway, what you doing?” Y/N asked.
“Im watching 10 Things I Hate About You, such a great movie.” Enid said.
“I loved it when Patrick sang for Kat, so cute! I mean, it also helps that it was Heath Ledger.” Y/N said.
“Would you like someone to dedicate a song to you like that?” Enid asked.
“I don’t know, I think it depends on the person, you know.” Y/N commented.
“So that’s a definite maybe..” Enid mutters as she took note of it. “Since you grow and control plants, do you have a favorite flower?”
“I like peonies, I blame Gossip Girl though.” Y/N said and Enid made a note of it.
“I like peonies too. If someone were to ask you out, do you want it to be like this big thing or something small?” Enid asked.
“Something small is preferable.” Y/N said. They kept talking until Enid texted Ajax to meet her in the library, she had everything she needed.
“Im gonna go to the library to do some homework, I’ll be back in a few hours.” Enid said.
“What kind of homework are you doing? Maybe I can help.” Y/N said.
“It’s some dumb monster anatomy homework, you don’t take that class.” Enid said. She went to the library and found Ajax sitting at a table.
“Hey, so what dos you find out?” Ajax asked.
“She likes peonies, of you’re going to ask her out, make sure it’s like a small thing, maybe private, nothing too big. She’s a dessert person so maybe if you can like send her boxes of desserts everyday until the day you ask her out would be perfect! Like imagine, one day you send mini cupcakes, the next day a mini chocolate cheesecake, then brownies, then a small flan, and lastly you send a box of frosted cookies that spell out ‘will you go out with me?’ And you appear with a bouquet of peonies! That would be so cute!” Enid exclaimed as she grabbed Ajax by the shoulders and shook him with excitement.
“How many romance movies have you seen?” Ajax asked.
“I’ve seen a lot, not gonna lie. Now, how are you going to do this? Are you going to order from the bakery? Are you going to bake? Ooh, can I help you bake please?” Enid asked.
“Yeah sure, you can help me bake.” Ajax said and Enid squealed excitedly, hugging him.
“This is going to be ADORABLE, I’m so excited. I’m gonna start looking up recipes, I’ll send them to you so you can buy the ingredients.” Enid said.
“Why do I have to buy the ingredients?” Ajax asked and enid rolled her eyes.
“You have money, you’re asking her out, you’re paying. We’re baking Sunday night, I’m thinking chocolate cupcakes, we’re making our own frosting, everything has to be done from scratch, okay?” Enid said.
“Why scratch?” Ajax asked.
“It’s more romantic that Way, it says you put thought into it. Now I need to look up recipes on TikTok, I learn more visually.” Enid said as she left Ajax.
Ajax was in over his head. All of this for a girl who might say no. What if she thinks it’s too cheesy or if it doesn’t taste good?
Sunday night, Enid and Ajax were in the kitchen with flour on their faces and aprons.
“You set the timer, right?” Enid asked.
“Yeah i did, don’t worry.” Ajax said. When the timer went off, Ajax got the oven mitts that Enid brought and took the mini cupcakes out of the oven. He places it on the kitchen counter. “We gotta wait a little before tasting it but it looks pretty good, what do you think?” Ajax asked.
“It rose pretty well. Do you want to pipe on the frosting or do you want the cupcakes to have that flat look?” Enid asked as she showed Ajax the pictures as example.
“Piped, but not too high.” Ajax said, once the cupcakes cooled off, Ajax took one out of the pan and took a bite, “this is pretty good.” Ajax said and took another bite. Enid took another cupcake out of the pan and hit it.
“Ooh, the cupcake is kinda dense, it’s perfect for a chocolate cupcake! Now let’s see if the frosting we made is good too.” Enid grabbed a butter knife to smear the frosting on where she But it and finished off the cupcake. “It’s perfect!”
The two poured the frosting into a piping bag and began frosting the remainder cupcakes. Ajax puts the ones for Y/N in a box, in the fridge. The rest, Ajax and Enid split between them evenly, and they went to their rooms.
“What you got there?” Kent asked.
“You know, Enid and I were baking, don’t laugh, so I can ask out Y/N, now you can laugh.” Ajax said.
“I’m not gonna laugh, how douchey do you think I am? I think it’s kinda nice, how male wife of you,” Kent snickered.
“Ha ha, taste the cupcakes, I think they turned out pretty good.” Ajax gave Kent the container. Kent opened up the container and took a cupcake and tasted it.
“Very good, how are you planning to ask out Y/N anyway?” Kent asked, eating the cupcake.
“Enid came up with the plane, a week of dessert and the final one is frosted cookies with writing that spell out the sentence ‘will you go out with me’ and I appear with a bouquet of peonies.” Ajax stated.
“How many movies does Enid watch anyway?” Kent asked,
“Apparently a lot, but let’s see how it goes.” Ajax said.
Monday afternoon. Ajax made sure that Enid and Y/N were talking so he could have enough time to leave the cupcakes on her bed with a note. Enid texted Ajax that Y/N was coming so Ajax ran down the hall to hide. Y/N entered her room.
“Huh, what’s this?” Y/N asks herself as she opened the note. “‘You’re as sweet as the frosting i made, enjoy -A’ interesting.” Y/N said and she opened up the box and tasted the cupcake. “These are great, oh my gosh.” Ajax smiled when he heard that. He walked away and Enid entered the room.
“Ooh, where did you get the cupcakes?” Enid asked.
“Apparently they’re from a secret admirer. But I love these cupcakes.” Y/N said.
“That’s great.” Enid said.
So that’s how the week went, Ajax and Enid bake the night before and leave it in the fridge til it’s time to give Y/N the treat. Now that it’s Friday, enid had to keep Y/N in the room to give Ajax enough time to buy a bouquet of peonies despite them not being in season.
Ajax took the cookies out of his room and place them nicely in order with the bouquet in hand. He left the box on the floor and knocked on the door, running down the hall so Y/N doesn’t see him.
“Ooh, lets see what’s the dessert today.” Y/N said to herself as she opened the box. “‘Will you go out with me?’ Who sent this?” And Ajax appears in Y/N’s line of vision.
“I did” Ajax said and Y/N looked delightfully surprised.
“You bought all these postres?” Y/N asked.
“I actually made them. Enid helped.” Ajax admitted.
“That’s really sweet of you. Enid, you’re such a good friend.” Y/N said, looking behind her.
“Anytime, girl.” Enid said.
“So, will you go out with me?” Ajax asked.
“I will. This was too cute to say no to.” Y/N said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it. I was thinking about “match made in Hollywood” and I was thinking instead of writing their events in the story chapters, I should write separate drabbles of the events. So you know how Ajax has a puppy interview with buzzfeed? Instead of rushing the interview on the chapter, I write a separate drabble of just the puppy interview. Sí me entienden, verdad? Anyway, my writing is rusty, this one shot felt like 11 year old me wrote it but I tried, that’s what counts. So these are treats Ajax baked so you’ll have an idea
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maplerosekisses · 3 months
I was reading your tags on that post and WHAT THE HECK, YOU WERE AT DASHCON??
pls tell me everything
Lol, you're probably going to be disappointed, I'm afraid. I don't have the juicy stories for you.
Dashcon is one of my favorite memories and one of the best convention experiences of my life. Here's a post I made about it at the time.
I was around for the Friday night donation thing but I stayed outside the room with my friend Jenn, standing there in our dresses because that was supposed to be the formal dance, wondering what we should do, and eventually going to check that our hotel room was guaranteed regardless. I don't know what was said inside, because we both felt that going in wasn't a good idea.
I was also in the panel room waiting for Nightvale for over an hour while the cast was arguing with staff about payment, which was not properly explained to us when the staff member finally told us that the show was cancelled.
Those were disasters, but I've had more annoying-in-the-moment experiences at my own local con (not bigger actual administrative disasters, just things that were more frustrating to me as an attendee)
I don't know anything about the person who peed in the ball pit but I do know a lot of the rumors about panel topics and content were lies. I know some invited guests had bad experiences with travel compensation and some people only bought a badge (an expensive badge) for the Night Vale show and were left with nothing. I also remember on Sunday morning I was approached by a very sweet Cecil cosplayer who liked my wtnv shirt and wanted to let me know they were putting together a fan panel to replace what was supposed to be a cast q&a shortly. I didn't attend because there was another panel I wanted to go to, but I kind of wish I had.
I got to meet up with one of the best friends I had made on Tumblr and we had the cutest emotional airport meeting hug. I was first introduced to @my-graceless-heart during a panel hosted by the same friend and I would not have survived the fall of 2015 without them. I have one of their books on my shelf now, and on my purse at this moment I have a pin that a con buddy gifted me when I lost my favorite Sam Wilson pin on Sunday of the con. I bought more art at Dashcon than I had at any previous conventions combined.
The panels I remember most vividly happened later in the evening, and the lighting in the panel rooms wasn't great, so those memories are soft and almost cozy. There actually weren't that many people at dashcon, so the panel rooms weren't overfull and conversations were easy to participate in. Every panel I attended was fun — I've never had that experience at another con.
My local convention, which I do love, is technically an anime convention. And every year (I haven't attended since 2019) I encountered people I find extremely uncomfortable to interact with, who I might even feel unsafe with in a less public place. Every person I talked to at Dashcon was kind and fun and I felt at home around them.
Dashcon had some of the worst administration of any fan convention, probably ever, and a lot of people had terrible experiences that I don't want to invalidate. But it also had some of the best panels, best artists to buy from, and best attendee behavior of any convention I've ever been to. Those memories are precious to me and if I had a choice to go back and do it differently, I would not change into my prom dress on Friday night, I would stay out of the dashcon tag on my phone, and I would guard that Sam Wilson button with my life, but I would absolutely choose to do the rest all over again.
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flamedraco · 6 months
So I don't really post a lot on this site. I reblog shit but the amount of times I've actually "posted" in the sense of using my words is a lot smaller than my reblogs. I write a lot of fanfiction though. So in celebration of the fact that my tumblr is now apparently a year old??? I think? Like hell do I know how this site works but I got a notification this morning about it? But in celebration of that I'm going to talk about "You Were Never Meant to be a Hero", my most popular, completed, TNT Duo superhero fanfiction. You'd expect me to talk about my fics more often so if you want to see more of this let me know I guess? And feel free to ask me questions. I enjoy getting them.
So YWNMTBAH started as an urge, as most fics do. I was reading through a lot of TNT Duo fics while working on my first project, Arsonist's Waltz, and I encountered one or two TNT Duo Superhero AUs. Now, I had just come to DSMP directly after two years worth of being in the BNHA fandom. Which if you didn't know is a superhero based Shonen anime. I love superheroes. I always have and probably always will, despite not being able to grow up with too much traditional "superhero" media. So of course I was excited seeing superhero AUs in my favorite ship. I had seen it a lot in SBI stories but not TNT Duo yet. However: I couldn't find the kind of story I wanted to read. The stories I read honestly just...didn't hit the right buttons for me. I'm not saying any of them were bad, gods no. They just didn't have my favorite trope involved or the type of pairing I was looking for. I saw hero/hero, I saw hero/vigilante. I saw a lot of "good" pairings. But I also saw a lot of characters being dumb idiots and while I do love some fun identity shenanigans it gets dull after a while. I have a thing with dense protagonists and 'will they won't they'. I hate miscommunication and a lot of tropes that were being used at the time. There's more to "superhero" than just secret identities. There's a lot of creativity to be had. Creativity and ideas that I just...wasn't seeing. I wanted hero/villain. And I wanted fallen hero, my favorite trope. The antithesis of the redeemed villain. YWNMTBAH started as a oneshot idea. Because I knew how I was. I knew that if I didn't cap it as a oneshot I would spiral when I already had a massive project I was working on. But after giving it more thought...I realized that I really wanted to do more with this idea. I wanted to write a multichaptered superhero fic for my favorite pairing. Self indulgent? Yeah. I didn't expect many people to read it at the time. Little did I know. Which brings me to what I really wanted to talk about: The first chapter.
Anyone who's read YWNMTBAH knows that the first chapter is very unique. I showed you the future before showing you the events that lead up to it. (This is the part where you should abandon ship if you don't want spoilers for the fic btw, link will be down below). From day one I knew what I wanted for the fic. I knew what its themes were going to be. I know precisely what the endgame of the fic was going to be. And for any other authors out there? Here's the best advice I can give you: Know what you want out of the story. Know your ending before you even think of the rest. The job of a first chapter is to ALWAYS- 1: Establish your main characters. 2: Establish your plot. 3: Establish your story concepts. The first chapter is always going to be the hardest in my opinion because it's your first chapter that you, as the author, use to introduce your world to your readers. Think of it like your hook sentence in a professional essay. You need to draw your readers attention and get them to want to keep reading. I was impatient and wanted to write Wilbur's fall immediately. I wanted to write his break down as opposed to the build up. So...I wrote it first. And then realized: I could make it the first chapter. I could make it the first chapter...and then the next few chapters could be flashbacks. Showing the events that lead up to it. Not only was it a clever way to establish the world, the characters, and my plot and concepts, it was a good way to hook the readers' interest! The first chapter's objectives were to make it obvious what the fic was. It should've been a clear sign as to what the fic is. In the first chapter it's present from the start that Quackity is a manipulative bastard and that Wilbur, despite that, and despite knowing what Q is trying to do, he's still a hopeless fool in love. There is manipulation, but there is real love too. (And anyone who got mad over Quackity, the villain, who is tagged as a villain, manipulating Wilbur clearly didn't read the tags. Just because I gave him a sympathetic backstory and the fact that he does LOVE Wilbur doesn't change the fact that he manipulated him and would do it again. Quackity is written as a villain. Thinking he was anything other than a villain was a fool's decision. I could go on an entire separate rant over this aspect of my story). YWNMTBAH is a dark fic. It's been a dark fic from the very beginning. They are a villain and a hero. They are on opposite sides of the war. They are enemies, each other's nemesis. It was the perfect way to introduce people to my world. I knew from the beginning what I wanted for YWNMTBAH. I knew what I wanted it to be. "Fallen Hero" is the trope that refers to a hero who falls into villainy. It's the opposite of the redeemed villain, a trope that I feel is so overdone and overused. It was self indulgent, and I never expected it to blow up like it did. I didn't expect people to latch onto it despite everything. I knew it was different from other things I had seen, it was like that by design. I didn't want to emulate fics like Clinic (that I didn't know existed by the time I was writing it, otherwise I probably would've picked a different villain name for Wilbur other than Siren XD), I didn't want it to be the same hero/hero, hero/civilian, hero/vigilante pairs I had seen, and because of how common Wilbur was written as a villain in the fandom I wanted to write Quackity as the villain. In the same lane: In future superhero fics you'll be seeing Karl as a villain more often too. But by design I made YWNMTBAH to be different from what I was reading. I wanted it to be unique because I wanted it to be EXACTLY what I wanted to read. And apparently? A lot of people got behind that self indulgent idea of mine.
"You Were Never Meant to be a Hero" is my baby. It's my magnum opus. It has an entire multiverse surrounding it now with alternate timelines and AUs for this AU. It's helped me build an amazing community and I feel absolutely FLOORED with the beautiful artwork I've received for the fic over the years of it being uploaded.
So from one author to others: Write the things you want to see in the world. Be the change you want to see. I've seen a lot more hero/villain pairings since I posted YWNMTBAH and I couldn't be happier to see them. Write things inspired by other author's works. Just make sure to credit them and tell them about it. We love it when you guys do things like that. Enjoy creating what you want to create and don't worry about what other people might think of it. Because you should write for yourself, first and foremost. So what if someone would've enjoyed YWNMTBAH if Quackity got redeemed? That was never the intention of the story. That was never the point. So what if someone didn't like that Wilbur ended up with Q in the end because of how Q manipulated him at first? It's a dark fic, read the tags. Write for yourself. Write what you want to see. Inspire others to create. And if you see my fic and think you want to write a version of it in your vision? Fucking do it. I dare you >:) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37319827/chapters/93120913
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doumadono · 9 months
Do you have any blog recommendations?
You're so amazing, I love your writing! Keep doing you bb, don't let that anon get you down. *hugs* ❤
Aww, your sweet words mean the world to me! 🌟 Sending you lots of love and positivity! ❤️ When it comes to recommendations, I've got a couple of blogs in mind that I'd love to suggest to you, dear Anonnie!
@gamergirl-niffler - she's undeniably adorable and holds a special place as a loyal and dedicated friend of mine. Her blog is a treasure trove of delightful headcanons and numerous posts about games. It's definitely worth taking a look! 🎮 She's a talented writer! Following her will lead you to discover not only incredibly intriguing headcanons but also an abundance of GIFs from anime and games! ❤️
@mrskokushibo - her blog is a haven for incredible writing. As a highly talented writer, she possesses a natural ability to describe even the smallest details in the most enchanting ways. If you're a fan of Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen, you're bound to discover a plethora of fantastic content related to these interests ❤️
@muzansfangs - undoubtedly one of the most skilled writers in the Demon Slayer & Bleach fandoms. Her storytelling prowess, intricate plot construction, and knack for leaving us on the edge with cliffhangers are simply too brilliant to overlook. And beyond her writing talent, she's a remarkably wise and lovely person! 💕 Please, consider following this talented woman!
@dabismoon - there are numerous things I'd like to express, but above all, she stands out as a talented writer. Her natural portrayal of characters consistently leaves me in awe. If you're a fan of Dabi from My Hero Academia, following her is an absolute must 💙
@ectologia - if you're a fan, much like myself, of impeccably written fics, following them is a necessity. The manner in which they construct plots and their mastery of language is so flawless that it feels like you're immersed in a captivating book. They're a creator of dark content, so if you appreciate something with a darker tone and if you desire a reading experience that borders on ecstasy, consider giving them a follow 🖤
@dabisqueen - yet another exceptionally skilled writer, who introduces us to Dabi in a multitude of fascinating settings. Her pornstar!Dabi fic is an absolute must-read for fans of this character. The way she crafts her descriptions and portrays characters immerses you fully in the story from the very first paragraph! 💙 If you're a fan of Dabi - following his Queen is a must!
@mizading - not just a gifted writer but also an incredibly sweet person. I've been with her almost since her first moments on Tumblr, and let me tell you, witnessing her growth as a writer brings me immense joy — it's like watching a star being born! ⭐ Following her will bring you a lot of nice things to read!
@shonen-brainrot - how could I overlook this small yet incredibly talented beast?! Her headcanons consistently leave me breathless — mainly focused on My Hero Academia, she introduces us to unconventional situations in her headcanon sets. Despite her immense talent, she remains super humble and is one of the kindest individuals I've encountered here. If you're a fan of MHA, giving her a follow is a definite must! ❤️
@lifeform286 - another exceptionally creative individual who also happens to be a wonderfully pleasant person to engage with! His writing and art consistently exhibit a polished and refined touch in every aspect. If you're a fan of the ShigaDabi ship from My Hero Academia, do yourself a favor and give him a follow 🤗
@bakubunny - a truly creative and talented creator! The way she describes everything keeps me super engaged in her headcanons and stories. As a multifandom writer, I'm confident you'll find something for yourself in her den! She's such a gifted writer, and I aspire to be as good as she is one day!
Among the numerous blogs I follow and adore, these stand out as my absolute favorites due to my deep appreciation for their writing 📝
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cyberphuck · 1 year
The Human Voices Project
So I have a very very dear friend who has been blind since birth. They're actually pretty good at being blind-- they have a Masters in Eyeball Science, live independently, and make amazing art (by pressing their face so hard against the drawing surface to see it that they used to get sores on their cheeks!). They have also gone through a lot of shit-- some of it, but not all, due to being a disabled trans person-- and though they have been trying their hardest to keep a smile on their face, they live in a place where they have few in-person friends, accessible social spaces are hard to get to (or don't exist, or cost too much), and sometimes they don't have the energy to go out at all. They use a screen reader to hang out on tumblr and on discord etc, but one time, after a DnD session over voice chat, they told me that it was always so quiet in their apartment after the session was over, and that it was nice to hear real people talking. That stuck with me. Last week I started asking friends and family to record themselves talking-- about anything. My older brother and his wife told funny stories about crazy things they'd done. My friend who loves the circus arts described a particular act that they loved. Dad told a story of his own, and Seb and I recorded ourselves trading banter while he played Mario Kart. People read stories, read poems, described what they saw while on a jog through their neighborhood. A whole bunch of people, just talking, so that my blind friend could listen to a real human voice whenever they wanted-- not a polished podcast, not a sponsored youtube video, but a regular person.
I uploaded this first batch of audio files to a google drive folder and sent it over to my buddy. They loved it! They downloaded all the files to their phone so they could listen whenever they wanted. And I thought, there must be more people who want to tell stories about their lives, or talk about their favorite subject, or read poems that mean something to them.
If you have a way to record a digital audio file (most smartphones and tablets have a native recording app) and would like to participate in the Human Voices Project, you can send an audio file to thehumanvoicesproject (at) gmail [dot] com.
Guidelines: mp3 is the *preferred* format because it'll play on most devices without having to have a special app. If you send me something other than an mp3 I can convert it, but I would appreciate it if you converted it on your own.
most subjects are okay; the only thing that's absolutely a no is talking about or describing guts, innards, or viscera. Try to *avoid* explicitly describing abuse (of anyone, including animals), and if you're reading a story or poem, let me know if it's in the public domain or not so I can make sure to put those in a different folder.
you can introduce yourself if you want but you don't have to.
the recordings I've gotten are usually between 3 and 5 minutes long, but I also recorded myself reading a short story at 20 mins, and a friend talked about not knowing how to swim for 90 seconds, so any length is fine.
Right now the google drive folder containing the audio files is private. I might make it a public thing someday, but as for right now it's still a thing for my friend, to fill up the silence and brighten their day. Thank you so much to the people who've already contributed, and thanks also to all those who'll contribute in the future!
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dapperpuppy · 14 days
Intro post! 🐶
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Hello hi! :D
Even though I've been using tumblr for years now I'm pretty new to posting on here so please be patient with me OmO
I'm a sfw age and pet regressor and this is my safe space so please scroll away if you hate on that stuff. I don't cause harm to anyone 3:
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Some basic info about me:
On this blog I go by N or Niko 🐶
I'm a boy, I use he/him pronouns and I'm on aroace spectrum ^w^
I'm from Poland 🇵🇱
I also speak english and partially russian
My big age is 19, I age regress around 2-6 and I puppy regress along with that :3
I have diagnosed autism, adhd and ocd so please be very patient with me, also tone indicators are super appreciated!
Also I'm a university student so my posts might not be very consistent (if I gain enough confidence to share my work)
My DMs are open so if you want to be friends feel free to message me! :D
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My interests:
I'm an artist, I love to draw both traditionally and digitally, I also write fics (so far I keep them all to myself)
I love programming and creating simple robots/devices. Anything related to robots and messing around with cables was always my passion and a fixation
As for uni, I study forensics so big boy stuff ÒmÓ But it's been quite a weird fixation since I was young so I guess I'm just following one of my dreams :D
I love playing games on my switch so if you're looking for friends to play for example Splatoon, Animal Crossing or Mario Kart with then my friend code is: SW-7089-5111-8038
My comfort shows/media are:
Murder drones (most of my art will be agere/petre content of this series), Bluey, Robotboy, Scott Pilgrim, Lego Monkie Kid, Bear in the Big Blue House etc. (there's a lot of them also feel free to introduce me to your favorite media!) I also play Brawl Stars a lot! I love this game so much and I've been playing since launch ^w^
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Nsfw accounts, kink, fetish, if you sexualize agere or petre, gore (even though it doesn't trigger me because of uni, I'd like to keep this blog fully safe!), if you hate on sfw regressors (just scroll away!!) and other basic dni!
Btw if you know any of my other socials please don't mention it anywhere. This is my secret safe account and I'd prefer if it stayed as that.
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Divider by @kodaswrld
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Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
tagged by @mosylufanfic, thank you friend!
1 . How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I think I had been telling myself stories in my head since I was old enough to think coherently, but it wasn't until I was in college that I realized that I could write those stories down, and actually put them in the world to be read by other people.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
According to AO3, I have written in twenty-six fandoms, not counting whatever's lurking in my writing tag in my blog. The fandom I've written the most for is Rogue One.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I started writing things to be read in the spring of 2013, so...eleven years. which is insane to think about.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I read a lot more, but I am trying to set aside dedicated time to write...at least once a week.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I think my phrasing has improved a lot. I love writing long, involved descriptions and worldbuilding, plus snappy banter, which is a thing I think I've gotten a lot better at in the last eleven years.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
not weird per se, but I definitely looked up Indian wedding traditions for my Kanej mehndi fic and Punjabi names for children (also for a Kanej kid!fic), not to mention I tried to figure out how London neighborhoods work for a Lockwood & Co. fic (I still don't know).
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
The fact that anyone comments at all is a fact that continues to blow my mind, but anyone who tells me that they loved a turn of phrase, a description, or that one particular sentence flowed/hit home/stuck with them? may they be blessed in their endeavors forever.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I wrote a Mad Max: Fury Road prompt/fic where all the characters had beast aspects/animal traits but they weren't were-animals, or something like that? Idk, I really wanted to write tiger!Max and lioness!Furiosa, so that's what I stuck with. 9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Multi-chaptered!! It is so hard for me to sustain a continued story with an actual plot. my latest Lockwood & Co. piece, passed down like folksongs was the better part of a year's worth of labor, not to mention heroic beta-ing, and me going back and adding and rewriting and adding some more.
10. What is the easiest type?
Anything in media res, where I can just jump right in and get to the "good stuff," like the kissing or the action. Too often I get bogged down with the "how did we get here?" or "wait, they were against the wall, now they're on the floor? how did that happen?"
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Google Docs is the most convenient, also for sharing purposes, though if a document is like, my thesis work, I'd probably use Microsoft or something more permanent. Someday I'll save up enough to get Scrivener...like a grown up.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I really want to write a sprawling Lockwood & Co fic that's like, involved family trees and weird anecdotes about the Lockwood family, and how ghosts like exist in other places. I would also want to start introducing original characters in different works, but I'm always afraid they'll end up sounding too much like a self-insert. But I'll get there!
13. What made you choose your username?
I had just changed my tumblr handle, and I didn't want the bother of having to keep track of two usernames! so I borrowed a line from a tumblr poem that I admired: "youareiron_andyouarestron." it stuck, and that's been my name ever since.
tagging @dangerously-human, @cats-and-metersticks, @menina89, @linearao3, and @oneofthewednesdays, if they want to!
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kiiyome-art · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about destiny lately, and how I want to go about writing and drawing out my warlock, Vienna's, story, now that the light and dark saga is coming to a close. I was a bit late to the destiny scene, all things considered, and between my creative struggles and (trying) to be a functional human being, I've not created as much as id have liked to. So come along with me on my little rant as I think allowed my thoughts, if you feel so inclined.^^
There's still so much I want to write, and stories to tell within the destiny universe.
I started playing the game during season of the plunder, when my friends introduced me to it, and we became a glorious fireteam! I was drawn to the pretty warlock space magic immediately, and thus, Vienna was born. ( Though I've since become a hunter main, she's still my favorite blorbo. )
I quickly fell in love with the story and it's characters, dug deep into the lore and since then, her story has gone through a LOT of changes. I try to stick close to the canon story for the most part, in my universe Vienna is the young wolf who was risen in D1, and has since gone through most of what we see throughout the dlcs and seasons past then, I'll probably elaborate on that further at one point.
Most of my drawings that I've posted here are fun little doodles, occasional quips between characters, and overall "for fun" stuff. The majority of what I've thought up for Vienna has been confined to my own head and the rare rants to my friends. And now with final shape being so close, I feel myself pressured to know, and write down, everything that I can. Which, realistically, is silly.
I had plans to make a three minute animatic of Vienna during forsaken since it was a MASSIVE turning point for her, have it out by final shape, then make an entirely NEW animatic based off OF final shape, mostly inspired by Caydes return. Whilst I had mapped out most of it and gotten some rough sketches down, I didn't even begin on the actual project. Could I have? Probably. Do i feel guilty about it? Yes. Will those projects still happen? Hopefully.
I know for all you creatives out there that might be reading this, the feeling of having plans, and not being able to carry through with them, or it not turning out how you wanted, is a shitty feeling, not foreign to ANY of us.
I felt myself compelled to write this in the first place because I know that, well, I'm not alone.
There's many creatives out there feeling the same pressure to get stuff done as I am, even if we don't say it. We want to have everything figured out, to create something wonderful, with the final shape feeling like "the end" of destiny as we know it and all. So this is me calling out to whoever might be listening; be nicer to yourself.
You have all the time in the world to create that animation, paint that painting, write that story. Just because final shape is "an ending," doesn't mean you can't still work on and have fun with the story beats you have in mind prior to Final Shape. No ones gunna call it silly, were all equally starved for content here. And who knows, once we all know how final shape ends, it might inspire you and help your story flow together better.
I'll try my best to tag my posts relating to Vienna and her fireteam with time stamps from now on, as I tend to jump all over the place and it could get really confusing really fast. The TLDR of it all;
Don't feel guilty about unfinished projects. Final shape isn't the end, dont let it be, and dont feel confined to just creating content relating to post final shape.
That's all! I appreciate you reading if you got this far, and im excited to see the amazing things the Destiny corner of tumblr will come up with next.
See you starside! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Hello everyone!!
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Welcome to Aashi's Anime and Manga Club. I am a blogger and I love to write about all sorts of anime content. I write about the things I love, and I also write about the things I hate. Writing stuff makes me feel better and helps me to express my honest opinions about certain topics and engage with a community that I generally don't see in my day-to-day life.
I write meta posts, answer asks, recommend fics, and reblog all kinds of interesting stuff. This blog is heavily dedicated to four of my favorite characters: MaoMao, Ochako Uraraka, Toga Himiko, and Lucy Heartfilia. But I write about other seasonal animes as well like Oshi no ko, Tengoku Daimakyo (Heavenly Delusion), My Happy Marriage, Zom100: Bucket List of the Dead, A Sign of Affection, Solo leveling, Spyxfamily etc.
Here is a Navigation Guide to some of my best posts so far:
Starting off with our native apothecary MaoMao...
The Hypocrisy of Jinshi and MaoMao
My most popular 'Kusuriya no Hitorigoto' post so far
Next of is the Golden Girl 'URAVITY' aka Ochako Uraraka
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Not just any Hero, we need 'THE HERO'
Not just any hero, we need THE HERO
I like how almost every important character in MHA had an arc about being their own person. The most obvious one being Shouto and Tenya who
Divided by sides, united by souls...A Tragedy
We fail to understand.
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How MHA would have looked like without Uravity?
Top 10 favorite Ochako Moments
Uravity is the next Nana Shimura
Ochako is next Nana Shimura: All Character Plots going on for Ochako Uraraka and Future Potential
I think it was always a big game, Horikoshi had in mind for her. She was introduced as a very lovely and warm person who has a somewhat bada
Why is Uravity the most Overheated character in MHA?
BnHA 323: Why is Uravity the most overhated character in MHA?
Okay then, let's go! If I have to say that Uravity is the most overhated character in MHA it won't even be an opinion, cause it is a fact. E
Anyone can be a Hero: My version of Ochako's speech
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Do you know about Midnight? To you, she will be a hero but for us, she was our sensei who taught us History every day. But she is no longer
The problem with IzuOcha
The main problem with IzuOcha
Firstly, let me start off by saying that I am in fact an IzuOcha shipper and yet I still feel like something is missing. Today I finally fig
Why Ochako Uraraka isn't a bad female lead?
Why Ochako isn't a bad female lead?
My Hero Academia in general gets a lot of hate for creating sissy female characters who look like a bit of a pushover but honestly Ochako is
Uravity Quirk Evolution Ideas
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To think my first prediction was right all along...
Now Ochako can float objects without touching them!! A big bubble of her aura where everything floats in Zero Gravity!! Hopefully we'll get
Is it time for Ochako's Quirk Evolution too? A TogaChako Theory!!
So I have a theory in mind.
Now that we have seen firsthand how dangerous Ochako's quirk is, in wrong hands just imagine how dangerous an awakening like Toga would be?
Why BakuDeku will become canon and not IzuOcha?
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the vari
It was hinting at Ochako's power all along
It was hinting at Ochako's power all along...The Butterfly effect in MHA
There was a reason why Quirk Doomsday Theory was spelled out for us! There was a reason why Ochako was in front and centre in that panel! Be
Toga Himiko:
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My Convoluted Feelings about Toga's Survival
My convoluted feelings about Toga... what now?
So after reading a bunch of metas all over the internet, my feelings about Toga's survival are more convoluted than ever. The fandom is basi
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A great time to repost this!
A single girl's feelings can change the world.
Hawks, Tsuyu, Jirou, and Ochako Team-up!
Hawks, Tsuyu, Jirou and Ochako team up!!
Hi I really enjoyed reading your ochako awaking post and I was wondering if you got anymore ? If not who do you think be a great team up wit
I love seeing people happy...
That's why I cannot ignore your tears.
Ochako and the dilemma with Volume Covers
Then we have our lovely celestial princess - Lucy Heartfilia
Top 5 Lucy Battles from the 100 Years Quest
1. Why are her battles interesting?
2. Lucy vs Strauss siblings 2.0?
3. Is she not using her full power?
4. How did Lucy defeat Mimi?
5. Star Dress Evolutions Mini-Series
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mrbrokenlifexxx25 · 11 months
Team Fortress 2 x Arcane Reader: [Y/N]
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This is [Y/N].
I have a book coming out on Wattpad, the title is called: E N E M Y
It's a combination of one of my old favorite games and the animated series on Netflix called Arcane, (aka) League of Legends.
My cousin messaged me one day asking if I wanted to play Team Fortress 2 for old times sake.
My cousin is a single young dad in his early 20s, he has a son now. But the fact that he kept this game saved in the closet just surprises me because when he was kicked out of the house, I assumed he sold everything. But he kept the games all safe and sound. My cousin is my best friend who taught me a lot of things, he was the one who introduced me to video games. He introduced me to Team Fortress 2 when I was 7-8 years old. I just loved it because we had so many good laughs about it.
He gave me the idea to make a story of Team Fortress 2 with a mix of Arcane. I said, "why the hell not. We're not getting any younger, might as well make the most of it."
He knows I love making stories for readers, he likes to hear about my progress every now and then. I'll admit, the passing years are making me a bit paranoid especially with the fact that I only need 3 more years to become 20.
It felt like yesterday when I only 12 years old when I made a Wattpad and Tumblr account.
I now have a personal goal to make a book series on Wattpad before I turn 20. I might fail but I gotta give it a shot.
Also, I accept donations as well. I'm planning to learn how to drive and go to college.
My senior year is my final year to enjoy it all before adulthood responsibilities become an actual problem for me. Nonetheless, I'll take it head-on. Hopefully the creators of TF2 make a movie or a series. All we can do is wait and hope for the best.
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