#I will forever believe this sweater is made from boyfriend material
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Days of Our Lives Fan Luncheon - Universal Hilton
5th June 1999
High-Quality Version | The Down Under Slide Collection
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter three rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peter’s greatest love and Spiderman’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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Peter arrived at the Avengers tower with a little pep in his step. His new neighbor was on his mind and he couldn’t get her off. He knew it was a long shot, after all you’d only had one conversation, but he felt like there was a connection between you. You were awkward, he was awkward. What more does a relationship need?
Tony was quick to notice the change in Peters mood. A dreamy smile crept across his face every now and then while Tony was trying to explain something about his nanotechnology.
“Alright Underoos, whats on your mind? A girl? Boy? That gorgeous Aunt of yours? Oh wait no, that’s what’s on my mind.” Tony smirked, making a blush paint Peters cheeks.
“Nothing sir. Sorry, I’ll pay attention.” Peter answered quickly. Tony scanned Peter up and down skeptically.
“So its a girl. Alright. Who is she?” Tony asked, motioning for Peter to sit down with him.
“This girl moved in across the hall from me about a week ago. I’d see her on the stairs sometimes, or in the lobby. She’s beautiful, Mr. Stark. I mean, really beautiful. And I know girls are a lot more than their appearance, trust me, but I can never look away. It’s like God made a perfect batch of cookie dough, and then made a perfect cookie cutter, and then hand made her just for me. There’s just, there’s something about her. I feel like I’ve always known her, and I don’t even know her yet. She knocked on my door this morning and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her through the peephole. I played dumb and acted like I didn’t know she lived across the hall.” Peter started to explain. A twinge of embarrassment struck him at the memory of what he said to you.
“Oh God. You said something stupid, didn’t you?” Tony inquired, noticing the look of embarrassment on Peters face as he recalled their conversation. Tony leaned on his hands like a child, this stuff exciting him more than anything.
“I insulted her dead father and called him smelly.” Peter admitted, and Tony laughed.
“But she found it funny and agreed with me.” Peter quickly followed up.
“Wow. Normally I’d say there’s no coming back from that, but she seems like a keeper. So, are you gonna throw on your Spidey suit and take her for a ride around the city? Works with all the ladies.” Tony wiggled eyebrows, but Peter shook his head.
“No. Spider-Man isn’t a party trick or some tactic to pick up girls. Plus, I want her to like me for me. That’s why I invited her over for dinner tonight.” Peter answered. Tony looked down at his hands, not wanting Peter to see how proud he was. He couldn’t let Peter get too cocky.
“That was a test and you passed.” To y quipped. “Alright, spider child, you have my blessing. But no funny business tonight. If I find out I’m gonna have to design nanotech baby clothes, I’m gonna be pissed.”
Peter blushed at the mere thought of what Tony was implying and spent the rest of his time at the tower going over missions to get you off his mind.
You arrived at Peters at 6:07. You were done getting ready at 5:45, and sat in the living room on your phone until you were slightly late. You didn’t want to be early, like some loser. Or even worse, on time. You had to be fashionably, but not rudely, late.
You knocked on Peters door at 6:07 and waited. The door swung open instantly, as if he’d be waiting right behind.
“I know what you’re thinking.” He stated. “I’ll let you decide if I was waiting at the door for you or if I’m just really fast. “
He had successfully broken the ice, and you gave kudos to him for trying.
You, on the other hand, were drawing a blank. You had no idea what to say and you were a reporter for crying out loud. You didn’t get tripped up on my words, but something about Peter Parker and that damn collared shirt rendered you unable to formulate a thought. All you could do was stand there and smile at him. You felt like you were standing weirdly and all the sudden had no idea where to put your hands. Do you leave them at your sides? That felt too stiff and soldier-like. But where else would they go? You were pretty sure every brain cell had left your body at that point, leaving you defenseless.
“You look nice.” Peter blurted, interrupting the awkward silence that had settled between you. Even he seemed surprised by his statement. You looked down and shrugged. You looked as nice as a lazy person who didn’t fully unpack their clothes could look. You had on a casual grey dress that was made of some sort of t-shirt material, and your hair was in a loose bun with a few curls framing your face. Peter took in your appearance with what looked like approval. Then you noticed Peters gaze falling to your feet.
“Converse with a dress.” He noted. “Bold move.”
You felt your personality re-enter your body, finally, and nodded.
“Oh yeah. You know me. Quirky and cool and not like other girls.” You joked as you clicked your heels together. “You look nice too. Very…Freddie Benson.”
Freddie Benson? Who the hell makes an ICarly reference to compliment someone? This night was going downhill fast and you regretted ever knocking on his door.
“Dude. You’re tanking.” Venom said in your ear, you had to agree. This couldn’t be going worse.
But lo and behold, Peters beautiful laugh filled your ears once again.
“That’s what I was going for!” He cheered. “My friend Ned always teases me for wearing sweaters and button downs but he just doesn’t have the vision.”
“Come in.” He suddenly stepped aside and gestured inward. “Dinners almost ready.”
Peters apartment looked just like yours, but much more homey. You saw his baby pictures on the wall, coupled with pictures of him and his parents through the years. You noticed a framed picture of a different couple on the coffee table. They resembled Peter but you didn’t see them in any photos with him past the age of around 7. There was a candle next to the frame, as well as a ceramic cross. You quickly looked away, not wanting to overstep.
“You must be Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you.” You heard a woman’s voice from behind you. You turned around and saw a woman in high pants and a yellow tank top, recognized her from the pictures with Peter.
“I am. It’s very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Parker.” You said politely and shook her hand.
“Please.” She shook your hand. “Call me May.”
“May.” You repeated with a smile.
You turned around and saw Peter pulling out a chair for you, so you sat down while May finished preparing dinner. You offered to help, being the polite ass bitch that you were, but May insisted that you were the guest. A plate of “meatloaf” was soon placed in front of you and Peter. The term “meatloaf” is used very loosely. It looked more like an old shriveled brain. Peter made eye contact with you and winked.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” He whispered. He glanced at May, who was busy pouring the drinks, before leaning in closer and whispering, “it’s way worse.”
You playfully kicked Peter under the table and he giggled, quickly masking the sound with a drink of water.
“So, Y/N, where do you go to school?” May started the conversation. You took a bite of meatloaf, nearly died, and swallowed before answering.
“I’m actually taking a gap year before I start my junior year at Berkeley.” You told her. “And I work part time as a reporter.”
“That’s a very good school.” She complimented. “And I thought you looked familiar. I’ve seen your show on YouTube.”
“I haven’t.” Peter realized. “What’s it called?”
“The L/n Report.” You answered. “I started it my freshman year and it just kinda took off.”
“Oh. I’ve read some of yoru articles, but I haven’t seen the show.” Peter realized. “I can’t believe you do that. That’s really cool. You’re really cool.”
“Thank you.” You winked at him, not used to being praised for your work.
“Peter told me about your father.” May changed the subject. “I’m so sorry to hear that he passed. He left the apartment to you?”
“He did.” You nodded. “And it’s all right. We were estranged anyway.”
“It must be so different living alone in a city.” May sighed. “Did you dorm while at Berkeley?”
“No, I lived with my boyfriend.” You shook your head. Peter began choking on his water at the mention of a boyfriend and May shot him a look.
“Peter. Manners.” She said sternly.
“Boyfriend?” Was all he managed to say between coughs and sputters.
Oh great. Time for this conversation.
“Ex-boyfriend.” You corrected. “I got him demoted to traffic duty for two weeks and he wasn’t too happy about it.”
“He broke up with you over that?” Peter raised an eyebrow. “That’s gotta be the dumbest reason for a breakup I’ve ever heard.”
“May I ask how you got him demoted?” May wondered.
“Well, I’m an investigative reporter, and my ex, Andy, is a cop.” You began. “I looked at some classified files on his computer and used them against someone.”
“Carlton Drake, right?” She realized the story sounded familiar. “I read about that. Your exposé about him was everywhere.”
“Didn’t he die in his own rocket?” Peter asked you, fully invested in the story.
“Yea. I was there. Me and…my friend.” You caught yourself before almost mentioning Venom.
“Gosh I read that story forever ago.” May recalled. “It was all over the news here. I remember Peter ranting to me that this girl was straight out of high school and already taking down shady guys in San Francisco. You were obsessed with the article, remember Peter? I’m pretty sure you hung it up.”
Peter, you guessed it, turned bright red.
“I just thought you were cool. You know, taking down bad guys and all at such a young age. It really inspired me.” Peter explained. He suddenly looked panicked, like he said too much, and you wondered what it inspired him to do.
“Thank you Peter.” You smiled fondly. “How old are you anyway?”
“19. I’ll be 20 on August 10th.” He said proudly. “What about you?”
“He’s legal.” Venom whispered in your ear. You couldn’t even be mad at her, you were thinking the same thing.
“I’m 20.” You told him, and smile crept across his face.
“And this boyfriend, where is he now?” May asked. May wasn’t blind to what was happening between her nephew and this new neighbor and knew that’s what Peter was dying to ask.
“I would very much also like to know that.” Peter said, almost robotically. He leaned in closer and stared at you while he awaited the answer.
“He’s engaged, actually.” You said between sips of water, making Peter sigh in relief. “To a friend of mine. They’re getting married this summer.”
It was the first time you said those words out loud. You didn’t feel sad, like you thought you would. You didn’t really know how you felt. The smile that broke out on Peters face gave a clear indication on how he felt, though.
“That’s great. I mean, not great great. Great for him, I mean. It’s always good to move on. Wether it be with an old friend or a brand new one. Maybe it’s with someone you just met. You never know. Things just happen between the most random of people. Could be a stranger. Or, or, hear me out, it could be less of a stranger. Like a barista, or a mailman or a…a neighbor.” Peter stumbled over his words, the last part coming out very quietly. “I’m sorry that things didn’t work out though. Between you and him, I mean. ”
“Thanks.” You shrugged. “It was tough at first but, I’m okay now. He wasn’t the one.”
“When you do find the one, you’ll know. I knew almost immediately that Ben was the one. I saw him and my heart said “that’s the one you’ve been looking for” and I believed it.” May sighed wistfully. You could see her eyes glistening behind her glasses and did something rather bold. You put your hand on top of hers and squeezed. She gave off this loving motherly vibe that you had only seen in movies but never felt for yourself. May gave you the warmest smile and squeezed your hand back.
“That’s lovely May. Although, I always thought when you met the one, your heart wouldn’t say that it’s been looking for that person. I always thought it would say ‘welcome home’, or something like that. You know? Like, you’ve always known them. I don’t know though. Maybe I’ve just seen The Princess Bride one too many times.” You shrugged.
“Ah. That’s a classic in this household.” May recalled. “Peter would refuse to go to bed without watching it.”
“Because it’s a cinematic masterpiece.” Peter sassed. “You’re trying to embarrass me by pointing out that even as a child I had impeccable taste? Oh please.”
You laughed at his remark, making May noticed the smile that broke out on Peters face when he succeeded in making their new neighbor laugh.
May looked at you for a while with a content smile on her face before saying, “Yeah. I suppose you do have good taste.”
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Get Gone"
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Cherry x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: Angst. No happy ending, but a hopeful one.
"How many times can it escalate
Till it elevates to a place I can't breathe?
And I must decide, if you must deride
That I'm much obliged to up and go
I'll idealize, then realize
That it's no sacrifice because the price is paid
And there's nothing left to grieve"
Get Gone - Fiona Apple
"You need to go away. Now!"
"No! No, I'm not going anywhere until I talk to y/n!"
"She's not here"
"That's bullshit, I can see her bedroom light on! Y/n! Y/N!!"
"Son" You couldn't help but flinch as your father's voice joined the commotion outside your window: His health was weak enough as it was, he didn't need that kind of stress on him "you need to leave before I call the police"
"Too late" Your sister's snappy tone let you know even her, usually mellow and sweet, had had enough, "I already did, and in the state you're in?" You didn't need to see him to guess how your boyfriend -no, not boyfriend,  fiancé- looked, disheveled with his ratty jeans and dirty hair. Hollowed cheeks and red eyed, probably very obviously stoned out of his mind. "I don't think you wanna run into them…"
"She means it, son. Y/n doesn't want to talk to you. Just get gone…" 
The loud crash followed by a car door being slammed and the hideous squeal of tires on pavement told you your fiancé had lost his temple, again, before giving up and leaving.
Only then, did you allow the tears that were trying to escape to finally flow freely.
It broke your mother's heart, to see her little girl's fragile frame being shaken by the violent sobs as she tried to drown her cries against the covers of her old childhood bed. 
And just like she used to do back when you were little, she started rubbing your back, hating the feeling of helplessness in front of a pain she couldn't protect you from.
"I don't understand" You could barely make out the sound of her voice over your own muffled screams, "honey… you're not the kind of girl to turn away from the people you love…" 
"I can't help him, mom" It was painful, trying to talk with your throat so raw after hours of crying, but somehow you managed, "I don't know what to do anymore and- and he is suffering, he's hurting himself but he's hurting me too and I can't…"
You didn't notice you were choking until your mom's rubbing turned into soft hits. She wrapped her arms around you, forcing you into a sitting position. A glass of water materialized in front of you, and you chugged it down.
"He needs professional help, mom…" you croaked, still holding onto the cold glass, as if it could physically support you, hold you up.
"I know"
"And I just can't…"
"I know, baby. I know…" 
Her sighed echoed your broken one, as she took the empty glass from your shaking hands. 
"I just can't see how this can be the right thing. Not when you still love him, not when it's making you cry like this."
You met her eyes, using every last bit of lucidity, every last ounce of clarity you possessed in trying to find the right words to explain in a way she could understand. 
"Yes, it hurts, and it's making me cry" You said, at last, with more conviction than you were feeling, praying with all your might that your words would prove true one day. That inner strength was one of those things you could fake till you made it. "And I'll probably keep on crying. In fact, I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight. And tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that. But one day, I won't. One day, I won't be crying anymore, and being away from him won't hurt as if someone were drilling a hole inside my chest.
And I won't be happy that day, but some day after that, I will. And one day, even further away from now, maybe… maybe I will even find love again," Your voice broke, but you went on, because maybe if you could make it through till the end, you could make it through, "and that time… that time, it won't hurt. And maybe that time, it will be forever, for real"
The world tilted to the side, out of focus once again, as your mother brought you into her arms, letting you bury your head against her chest, while she showered soft, soothing kisses on the top of your hair.
"You will, baby, I know you will. You are the strongest person I know" she admitted, prompting a fresh river of tears to fall from your eyes, soaking her sweater, "if anyone can do this, it's you. I'm so proud of you." 
You could feel the warm drops, the tears of her own, falling on your hair, but it was okay. Because for the first time that day, the tears were not tears of heartbreak, or pain. For the first time that day, you were not feeling sadness, or shame, or guilt, because for the first time that day, there wasn't any judgement or doubt in your mother's voice. She understood, and what was more, she believed in you.
And that allowed you to start believing in yourself too.
The End.
Author's note: I have made my opinion on writing fics based on the novelization and/or movie based on Nico Walker's life quite known in the past. More specifically, about the sexualization of romanticization of the characters or situations depicted in them. I said time and time again that I would neither read nor write works with Cherry as the protagonist and even blocked the tag for a while. 
However, today I had a talk with my aunt, and she made me realize I may have gone about the whole situation completely wrong. Cherry is toxic, no doubt about that, so every relationship in his life gets tainted with that toxicity. And he was that way long before his army days but… the girls seeing Tom as him in a movie are not the first to ever romanticize a soldier. 
My aunt belonged to a whole generation of teenagers that idealized war and the men going to fight it. They were their boyfriends, their husbands, in many cases their very first loves. And like many, she saw what her boyfriend did as an honorable duty. Like Emily, she thought the right thing to do was wait for her fiancé to come back. 
Like Cherry, he came back changed. He came back a broken man, and for a long time she felt like her moral duty was stick to his side until he recovered. 
But she was just a 19 year old kid, with mental health problems of her own, in no way equipped to handle his PTSD, his night terrors, violent outbursts or his budding addiction. 
The story you just read, is her story. Exactly as it happened, unembellished and true. The dialogs in it, the real words she and my now late grandmother exchanged. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, but she wanted me to share this story with you. Because, sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, you can't save them if they don't want to be saved and the only healthy thing you can do is save yourself. Because sometimes the right thing to do feels wrong. Because "ride or die" means in richness and in poverty, not setting your own life on fire because your partner's is up in flames (or, you know, becoming an addict because your partner does drugs). And because sometimes, when you realize someone is not good for you, the best thing you can do FOR YOURSELF like she said, is crying yourself to sleep every night because you have to stay away from them and it breaks your heart, but knowing one day… one day the tears will stop. 
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happytsukki · 4 years
boyfriend material
k. bokuto
in which you inquire bokuto to act as your fake boyfriend for a weekend, but you’re the one acting like you don’t have real feelings for him.
a/n: so you’re telling me i have to accept the fact that bokuto isn’t real?? real heartbreak 😔 anyway i love the fake dating trope hehe i hope u enjoy!! idk how i feel about the end ummm
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“be my boyfriend, taro.”
“woah woah woah, slow down y/n. technically you haven’t even confessed to me yet,” stuttered bokuto, his eyes darting around the nearly empty library just to avoid your gaze. heat rose to his cheeks and the tip of his ears, showcasing a pink hue that he was embarrassed to let you see.
sure, your friends loved to giggle about how good you and bokuto looked together or how you two were basically soulmates because you shared the same music taste and movie favorites. and you two would shyly refuse, believing that you were simply friends. right?
but nothing would’ve prepared bokuto to hear something so bold come out of your mouth. wasn’t he supposed to be the bold one? but why was he suddenly the one being flustered and feeling knots grow in his stomach?
you shook your head profusely. “shut up taro. not like that, what i mean is that my parents think i have a boyfriend to bring home this break—which obviously i do not.” you placed your hands together and pouted, “so please be my fake boyfriend.”
the boy scratched the back of his head in confusion. “wait, why exactly do your parents think you, of all people, have a boyfriend? and besides, why can’t you just say you don’t?” questioned bokuto.
he was right. you were never really adept at dating, and who knows why your parents fell for your silly lie but you knew one thing for sure: if you didn’t go to the family reunion with a boyfriend, you would be disowned by your entire family.
“well it started with a small lie— for a good reason of course! see, we have a family reunion around this time, but my snotty cousin loves to show off every year and i was fed up.” you huffed and rolled your eyes just at the thought of her, “so i told my parents that my boyfriend and i had a date planned for that day so i couldn’t go, but no. they refused to let me miss it and insisted on introducing him. now i have to see my annoying cousin again and bring my nonexistent boyfriend.” you sighed heavily and threw your arms up in frustration.
“okay. i’ll do it. but first, you have to tell me why you picked me.” he crossed his arms and stuck his nose up, waiting for your response. ah, it was bokuto’s daily need for validation that you were expecting.
“you’re obviously the best candidate to not only make my parents proud of me but also to rub it in my cousin’s face. i mean who else can i bring that was one of the top 5 aces in the nation, now part of the msby black jackals and just as scrumptiously fine and hot as y–“ bokuto’s eyes widened at your last statement and his hand quickly went to cover your mouth. you almost doubled over in laughter, shy bokuto was a rare sight so this was quite enjoyable to watch.
he laughed nervously, “woaaah, okay i get it now. thank you y/n....or should i say girlfriend.” winked bokuto. though it came off as a joke he could feel his heart race so fast that he felt like he was high on cloud nine, a feeling foreign till now.
desperately seeking a breath of fresh air from the situation, bokuto scrambled to gather his books and bid a short farewell but not before giving you an awkward pat on the head and a high-five. yes, a high five.
“bye y/n!” smiled bokuto, dashing out of the library like it was a 100 meter race.
but bokuto failed to realize that his exuberant heart seemed to beat in rhythm with someone else’s, yours.
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your two years of friendship seemed to suffice for a decent cover story, or so you thought. but once you stepped foot onto the front lawn of your home, the growing tighteness in your chest would say otherwise.
maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
your mind was spiraling out of control causing you to be paralyzed with a million thoughts on your mind.
“earth to y/n— are you okay?” asked bokuto. he waved his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your frozen state.
“i-i think i’m stupid for thinking i could pull of this crazy plan. maybe you should just go home kou,” you admited. your eyes wouldn’t dare look into his eyes, instead redirecting your attention on the hem of your sweater.
bokuto wasn’t a quitter and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let you go into there alone. he grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze, his other hand raising your chin up.
“i’m not letting you admit defeat, y/n. besides, i’m wearing the perfect sweater.” beamed bokuto.
“sweater?” you puzzled. “check it out, it’s made out of boyfriend material.” he joked, earning a simple smile out of you and washing away your doubts.
you couldn’t help but marvel at the look of pure determination on his face. you’ve seen it plenty of times, mostly during tough volleyball games. the way you could look into his eyes and see a fire set ablaze made you feel strong and fearless. bokuto just had that effect on people. without a second thought, one hand interwined with bokuto’s, you pushed open the door.
unfortunately, your rush of adrenaline was cut short by the disgusting sight of your cousin, chiyo. her eyes immediately landed on you but soon shifted over to the mysterious attractive man to your left.
chiyo was vile, cruel, judgemental, rude, bossy, selfish and the list goes on. since you were children, she made it her life goal to be better than you in everything. you were usually able to tolerate her childish attempts to make you feel inferior but ever since she got an internship with alexander wang while you were still stuck in college, she just couldn’t stop tearing apart your life.
“oh my, look who it is. hello y/n, is this your friend?” questioned chiyo, her eyes running bokuto up and down like tiger finding her next prey.
oblivious to her true intentions, he offered her his usual friendly smile. you rolled your eyes, anger stirring deep within you.
you wrap your arms around bokuto’s waist and lovingly rest your head onto his chest.
still in his embrace, you turn your head to face chiyo again “no, this is my boyfriend bokuto. but i don’t think i see your boyfriend, is he around?” you retorted. chiyo gasped in response, and after failing to find a snarky rebuttal she stomped away in annoyance.
while cheers of victory rang through your head, you peered up at bokuto. “did you see that taro? we really showed her” you laughed.
but bokuto didn’t laugh. he nodded trying to keep his calm but inside he was screaming hysterically. he felt like absolute jelly in your touch, wondering why he wanted to play this role forever.
“come on, you should meet my little cousins!” you say as you drag him to the backyard.
needless to say, the kids absolutely adored him.
“hey hey hey!” boomed bokuto, his voice resonating through the yard and catching the attention of the horde of children.
your five year old cousin yuta gaped at his towering height “woahhh mister— you’re a giant!” another boy began climbing his body, tugging at his white-grey streaked hair, causing bokuto to yelp in pain.
it was a sight that made your heart swell with happiness. the way bokuto sat on the grass, surrounded by children ooo-ing and ah-ing at his stories while he showcased a huge grin made you appreciate the little things. and of course you just had to snapping a quick picture of bokuto before he could even notice. after the initial excitement died down, he returned to your side with the same grin painted on his face.
“excuse me, y/n-chan. is that your husband?” a tiny voice whispered, tugging at the hem of your cyan-colored sweater. the girl, small and doe-eyed, pointed a shy finger towards the boy.
oh my god. you were mortified, completely frozen in your spot. you couldn’t believe she just said that, why would she say that? suddenly you hated children. but at that moment you just desperately wanted the earth to open up and swallow you whole.
before you could awkwardly announce that he was just your boyfriend, bokuto already had the situation under control. he placed one knee on the grass, now eye-level to the girl. with a hearty laugh he said “not yet...but would you like to be a flower girl at our wedding?” the girl’s eyes lit up with pure bliss, nodding her head aggressively to his suggestion.
for a split second, you thought bokuto deserved an oscar for his exceptional acting skills.
because at that moment, you were beginning to fall for him, wondering if one day you would be lucky enough to walk down the aisle to meet a teary-eyed bokuto at the altar.
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“oh y/n i’m so happy you’re dating bokuto!!” your mother exclaimed, clapping her hands together at the dinner table.
you’ve been dreading dinner time the entire day, and of course your mother just had to prove your point exactly.
“y/n has always been gushing over him, i’m so glad she finally made a move— how did you two finally get together?” your mother questioned, placing her chopsticks down, leaning forward to give you her full attention. the rest of your family turned their heads towards you and eagerly waited for your response as they continued eating.
“oh, i-um” you stuttered. why didn’t you prepare more? you thought, mentally facepalming your poor decisions.
luckily, bokuto interrupted, “actually i confessed first, at my last game..” he offered you a small smile, and placed his hand over yours. it was a gesture that made you let go off the breath you were holding, it meant “i got this.”
“i thought she was perfect from the first time we met..”
you laughed. what a lie. the first time you met bokuto was far from elegant. you still remember it vividly, you standing on the sidelines chatting with kageyama when suddenly bokuto’s hard serve accidentally hits you in the back of the head. lets just say you weren’t exactly pleased to meet the perpetrator.
“and i thought she hated at first. we had mutual friends so we hung out more, and the more i got to spend time with her, the more i fell for her. i loved how she greeted me with a congratulatory hug after every match or how she would constantly sends me random songs that reminded her of me. i’m glad she’s mine..” professed bokuto.
he had the entire room swooning over every word, the story stringing together like it came straight out of your typical romantic movie.
oh how you wished bokuto wasn’t such a good actor. you wished he was the terrible fake boyfriend that all the kids loathed. you wished he was the terrible fake boyfriend that your mom didn’t look at with complete and utter adoration. you wished he was the terrible boyfriend that didn’t make your entire world stop on its axis with one look, one touch or one word.
falling in love with bokuto kotarou was easy; it’s admitting to yourself that it happened that was hard.
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“mind if i join you?” asked bokuto.
after a long and tiring dinner, you decided to lay down outside, gazing at the blanket of stars that lit up the pitch black sky.
you longed for peace and quiet, away from your crazy family and your fake boyfriend. but you couldn’t escape from the feelings you harbored for bokuto.
“no.” you said, not daring to even glance at him. he laid down beside you, so close that his warmth radiated and his hand lightly grazed yours. silence filled the air, begging someone to say something, anything.
“thank you taro.” you whispered. “you’re suprisingly a good actor.”
“you ever heard of method acting?” he asked. you shake your head in confusion and he continues,”its when an actor completely embraces his role by developing sincere and genuine emotions..”
he sat up abruptly, diverting his gaze from the stars to your face, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. his fingers lace through yours, your hearts thumping joyfully in a familiar unison.
“what i mean is— acting isn’t hard when it’s real. none of my feelings were fake” expressed bokuto. “i don’t wanna be the fake boyfriend anymore.”
and for once, neither you or bokuto question your feelings, everything became so clear.
“because, frankly, i think our hands fit perfectly and i wouldn’t mind holding yours forever.”
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estebun · 4 years
A few words from me first, alright? Believe me that there’s a lot of things I’d love to tell you since 2018 but I’m just too limited in my knowledge about English language that I can’t form a proper sentence. Thank you for giving me a chance in 2018 - for giving me hope that my “writing” is actually good enough and appreciated which I never expected because obviously I’m still uneducated af. But if it wasn’t for you I would never start this blog. I would never think about writing my own book in the future. 
I never expected this blog to grown on me so much,  Made the best friendships lost some of you too but I feel like you’re my family and I’ll always remember every single one of you. Even when I know I fucked up.
I’m not finished writing for football fandom, I’m just taking a break to focus on other stuff.
Thank you for wasting your precious time on me, thank you for 1,700k followers. I absolutely don’t deserve this. 
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smearsyd · 4 years
Safe in Your Arms | PCY | Part One
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Lee Seoyun had scars.
Perhaps she had been saved from physical scars, but they were visible enough to her. Thick reminders stood out in her mind that made words like worthless, not good enough, not grateful enough, unloveable, feel like a second skin. She didn’t think she was capable of healing— her parents had told her that she would always be broken, and weren’t your parents the ones who were supposed to know you the best?
So years ago, when Seoyun tragically spilled her hot chocolate all over the front of poor Park Chanyeol’s winter sweater, she was expecting severe backlash— not a forgiving smile and definitely not a new friend. Muchless, Seoyun never in a million years would have imagined that Park Chanyeol would soon be falling in love with someone like her. To be the person who made her, for the first time, feel safe in his arms.
This is Seoyun healed, despite her scars.
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+ park chanyeol (exo), you as lee seoyun (because names are important)
what to expect:
+ christmas + boyfriend!au + fluff and romance
+ 3 parts, bonus drabbles + 25kish in total 
+ sensitive topics + mentions of traumatic past + smut on part two
read it here: (updating… stay tuned)
+ part one + part two + part three + bonus +  masterlist
author’s note:
+ this chapter always makes me smile, i hope you enjoy it ❄️ 
if you want to be tagged, please reply to this post!
@bbhmystar @itsmesa
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A Week Before Christmas Day
Seoyun despises the mere act of a ‘good-bye.’ To her, it means walking away from what she has come to love— even if she knows she will eventually say ‘hello’ again. It’s simply the thought of the in-between that drives her nearly mad.
Despite that though, she finds a chuckle escaping her lips and a final wave coming from her raised hand to bid her best friend (who was currently leaning half-way out of her red Toyota to blow her an airy kiss and yell out a heartfelt call me tomorrow!) one of those good-bye’s. She watches her pull away from her driveway and waits for the resonating pang of loneliness to strike in her chest— she always seems to experience this when the two separate. Yet, Seoyun is shocked still when the ingrained claws of anxiety in fact never come. Some feelings are hard to stop remembering, she thinks, taking a grounding breath.
It feels silly, pathetic almost, that she could somehow be caught by the immense sensation of what the past once was, and yet, not by the past itself. The process of healing and the passage of time are ironic twins, you can struggle and struggle to do things your way, but nothing erases quite as well as time. Though, being around her best friend is like tripping the electrical switch of suppressed memories, forcing her right back to when they spent most of their time together— she can still feel the echoes of panicked ‘good-byes’ and reluctant glances. It was a time that left Seoyun achy from overthinking and bruised from words that never should have left the mouths of those she thought she could trust.
Seoyun once was made to recite that the wise believe that forgiving does not mean forgetting, but she doesn’t want to hold on anymore,forgiving and not forgetting is a cruel expression and she would give anything at this point to forget. Of course, though, that therapist also believed in sunbathing for depression relief and taking a nap when faced with anxiety. If she could sunbath to rid herself of degrading thoughts, Seoyun thinks she would be “cured” years ago. Either way, she’s learned to move on, because unlike then, when she was living in the pain of her memory, she has a future now and it happens to be one barren of good-bye’s.
She slips out a sigh in mild defeat of the uphill she still has to climb, but lets a secret smile find home on her face because regardless, she's been climbing for a while and that in itself is enough for her. She takes in the view of her forever home: the painted mailbox dripping with snow, the messy strings of lights basking the windows in the perfect kind of home-y warmth, his collection of mismatched bird houses hanging delicately from the trees— she decides to fill her mind with memories of this instead. It wasn't the biggest home in the world, nor was it magazine fancy, but it was comfortable in the best way and maybe more importantly, Seoyun didn't have to share it alone— mentally or physically.
A small window sits amongst the bricked wall, giving a beautiful view of the fading sun to the inside inhabitants, and to her, a view she imagines she’ll never tire of. He seemed to be looking for something, his hands perched on his wide hips and his head tilted into a slightly confused grimace. She thought he looked the best like this, unworried and unknowing of her watching eyes. He ran a hand through his thick silver hair, making the tendrils stick up in a mop-like configuration that had her hands tingling to fix it. His gaze moved through the kitchen and languidly out the window, finally coming to land on her.
Seoyun watched with a content beat to her heart as his eyes lit up in surprise, his hand falling from his hair and his mouth ajarring just enough for her to want to tease him. After a moment, his lips began to tug up into a brilliant smile— the one that seemed contagious and would soon transfer to her own lips if she wasn’t careful, which she never was with him.
He beckoned her towards the house, but Seoyun stood for a few more moments. She has a list of lessons to mind that she and Chanyeol came up with in the years they have been together. Admire the little and big things. This seemed like a big thing.
Seoyun made her way towards the house after she was satisfied, finding the door handle already unlocked for her. She unraveled her thick wool scarf (actually it was his that she stole from his side of the closet this morning) and hung her jacket onto the rack beside the door. She thought the house smelled divine, like sweet vanilla and rich milk chocolate.
“Seo…” His voice echoed through the kitchen and bounced around in her mind. His voice always reminded her of the crackling of a fire, or a warmth that was uniquely his. Her feet made the decision to follow this warmth without first checking in with her— not that she would have denied such a request. “Do you know where I last put the key to the shed? I’m pretty sure the decorations are in there, but I can’t seem to remember where we placed it last.”
Seoyun could hear the casual pout in his voice before she even turned the corner and took in his furrowed eyebrows as he rummaged the junk drawers next to the sink. The kitchen was a mess, storage baskets littered amongst the counter and random keys set out as if he had tried them all without success. She successfully hid her increasingly amused chuckle behind the soft material of her sweater, remembering their latest bickering about how he loses everything and him retorting that he only puts them in a safe spot, a too safe spot.  
He turned in question, his eyes turning to silvers at finding her infamous I told you so face fully on display for him to bake in. Seoyun thinks their relationship is framed around him getting into some kind of predicament and her having to come in and save the day, but then again, she also feels that he is the best at saving her. Once, there might have been a time she would not dare laugh at his downfalls— big or small, serious or joking— but there’s this certain kind of safety he radiates around her, even when he’s angry and frustrated with her, that she understands is his special way of saying that he cares. She thinks that no one else wears the look of comfort better than him.
“What?” He asked, an air of playfulness alighting in his eyes as he gradually let go of his irritation. He slowly reached out and pushed the drawer closed, a hand perching on his hip. “Ohh,” he dragged out in her silence, “you think this is funny, huh? Clumsy boyfriend, always losing everything.”
She nodded her head easily, and as his tongue poked through the soft side of his cheek, she knew she was about to get it. This didn’t stop her from egging him on however. “Clumsy boyfriend, not good for anything.”
He shook his head and her eyes grew as she followed his calculated footsteps towards her. She sucked in her breath as his large grip rounded her waist and ever so delicately backed her into the front of the refrigerator. His other hands came up to cup her cheek, the back of his thumb rubbing a soothing pattern on her velvety skin.
She could feel through his touch how patient he was, how each finger held an infinite amount of love for her. He liked to show himself like that, she knew. He liked to wrap her in his affection and tuck her away into the better things of life. Maybe it was this that made her give in so easily to him; he wanted her love almost as badly as she needed it— even if she didn’t know that at first.
“I’m good for this, aren’t I?” He teased, his eyes flickering down to her already parted lips with an endearing gaze.
Something bubbled up in need at his statement, need for him to be closer, need for her to keep him by her side, but she also wanted to savor this moment. “I told you that you’d forget where the keys are,” she said in an effort to ignore his previous statement. Though, his lips were beginning to distract her as they tugged up on the corners, coming impossibly close in collision to her own.
A deep chuckle emerged from his chest that she could feel radiating through him and into her, his laugh was simply like that. “What am I going to do about you always calling me out?” He mumbled more to himself than her, his eyes flickering down like baby candles to her already slightly parted lips. Seoyun simply hummed in defeat, giving in to her wants to tease him. She felt as her head tilted up in response towards him, her heels beginning to slowly inch so the two of them may finally meet— like two stars shooting together.
She held her breath as his lips finally molded against hers, and although it had only been a few hours since they last shared an embrace as such, it felt as if she had waited centuries. Chanyeol too, must have felt the same longing as her, his head turning down to deepen the kiss and his tongue jotting out to run effortlessly against her own.
They leaned in together, savoring one another in a manner she thought was only unique to them. He tasted of sweetened candy and a raw type of enticement that she has come to associate as purely Chanyeol. He let out a restrained noise of approval as her hands traced up his firm back and latched onto his neck, her roaming fingers tugging softly on the ends of his tangled locks.
She’s realized that no matter how many times she’s kissed him, or how long ago it’s been, each time is like a new shock of surprise, sending tingles of warmth through her body and reminding her how much she longs for him when away from his gentle, lingering touches. To her, Chanyeol was a sweet addiction, one she was sure boosted her health like that of a vitamin; once she had her first taste of what it felt like to be wanted, trusted, loved, she made sure to take her daily dose.
He pulled back from the kiss, his now swollen lips hovering in the almost non-existent space between hers, his breath fanning lightly against her nose. She gulped and leaned forward to brush another lasting peck on his lips, not yet willing to let him free. Seoyun felt him smile into the kiss at her actions, still not use to how much bolder she has gotten through the years. The mouse haven grown into the cat.
"I missed you," he whispers after she broke away, his nose rubbing against hers in a loving manner. "You were gone for so long today."
She internally snorted at his clinginess, pushing him lightly back despite her fluttering heart wanting him near, just so she could give him a pointed look. He didn’t approve of her friend, she parties too much Seoyun, hangs out with the wrong people, and it was showing in his voice and eyes. She’s the only consistent friend Seoyun’s ever had though, she’s family more than anything.
“You’re going to have to get over missing me every once in a while,” she retorted.
“And when you go on day trips with the boys? What do I do then?”
He stopped short, his head tilting lightly, “You tell us to have a good time.”
“Ah babe,” he quickly said as he fell deeper into her trap, “it’s different with the boys, though.”
“You keep saying that and find out what happens.”
He huffed, throwing her his scrunched nose I should be winning this look. She loved that look. “Regardless, it was a long time. I didn’t even see you this morning. I wanted to make pancakes.”
“And?” He mimicked in a ‘girly voice’ that he has deemed to sound exactly like hers.
Seoyun let out a disbelieving laugh at his no-nonsense face, showing that he really doesn't care how long she was gone, it was always going to be too long. Although she would never give him the pleasure of admitting his affect on her, she felt the same way about him after barely being apart for the five years they have been dating. To Seoyun, Chanyeol is home, somewhere she didn't have to act like anyone else or smile just out of forced habit. Chanyeol took her heart for his and made it feel welcomed and safe.
She reached out and pinched him before he could say anymore, deciding to ignore his indignant yelp and instead, reach for the key that was so perfectly resting behind her. Seoyun turned around in Chanyeol's loose embrace and stretched her fingers over the top of the refrigerator until they closed on a small and cold object. Lowering her hand, she presented the key to Chanyeol with a teasing smile playing on her curling lips. He lets a loud groan out from the sight, his large hand clasping around her smaller one as his shoulders deflated from her playful giggles.
"I would have eventually found it..." He defends, purposely giving Seoyun that pouty look he knows will melt her insides.
"Uh, huh" She crinkles her nose at his antics for what feels like the tenth time this night, bumping her hip with his as the two of them walked from the kitchen, hand in hand.
Seoyun helped Chanyeol bring the Christmas decorations in, the four tubs lining the living room next to the big tree they bought yesterday evening at the city's Christmas Celebration. They’d been coming ever since they met six years ago, as a nod to whatever forces were smiling down on them that day. The past was present and fleshy to her then— Chanyeol, though, never seemed to mind her anxious actions. He was good like that, pushing her in the right direction with just enough pressure to make her realize her own potential. She feels that the tree and this time in general, helps her keep that in mind.
She stood with her hands on her hips, catching her breath as she looked up at the massive height of this tree. Seoyun felt Chanyeol come back to her side, his hand trailing to wrap around her small waist. "I can't believe you talked me into getting this tree..." She mumbled into his shoulder. "How are we even going to get the star on the top?"
Chanyeol's deep chuckle rumbled through her side. "Well, obviously you are too short to do it, but I, on the other hand, can easily reach the top." She turned out of his embrace at hearing his sly tone, taking notice of the few feet difference between Chanyeol's height compared to the tallness of the tree.
His in character sarcasm was bleeding through his loose grin and also per-normal, she had no response but to shake her head. She was, however, getting better at his game.
"Okay, Mr. Giant," she teased. "The star is all your job then— make it perfect or suffer the consequences!"
Chanyeol gave her a mock salute as she moved away, "Yes Ma'am!"
She moved to grab the box of decorations, eyeballing the variations of ornaments the two of them have collected together with a starry gaze. There was the shiny, store bought trinkets, ranging from glass cylinders to mini characters from the movie Zootopia (Chanyeol's pick, not hers). Then there were more special ones, like the one his mom sent them on their first anniversary, a snowflake with their names on it. Or the handmade heart displaying a picture of Chanyeol's best friend, Baekhyun, given by Baekhyun to them last Christmas— Seoyun could only describe him as a special person. Her favorite ornament, though, was the one Chanyeol and her made two Christmas years ago at her work's annual holiday party. It was a simple clear ball, but the two of them had taken turns writing their favorite memory with one another on opposite sides.
Chanyeol had written something incredibly cheesy like every moment with you is my favorite moment and she still smiles now when she sees it. Seoyun never stopped being amazed at all the small devotions of their relationship that they had managed to collect from their years together. He spoiled her with things her parents told her she wasn't worth enough to have. It was a stark reminder to her most of the time, but now, it just made her content and thankful to have someone who didn't mind reassuring her that words only hold meaning if you let them.
Chanyeol and her began hanging the decorations on the tree and around the house diligently, Chanyeol wrapping the lights and Seoyun setting out the countdown calendar like usual. By the time two hours had passed, the house was fully decked out in holiday gear. The wreath had been placed, the elves were on the shelves, candy canes littered the bowls on every table, cinnamon sticks and scented pine cones were filling the air with their holiday smell, and the tree was fully decorated— well, all except for the star.
Chanyeol fumbled with the brass star in his palms, looking between it and the tree with a scornful look. She busied herself with tidying up his work on the tree (he always seems to place all of his favorite ornaments on one side of the tree so he could easily see them, totally not caring how much this messes up the aesthetic balance she strives to create.)
"Ah ha!" Chanyeol exclaimed, making Seoyun jump in her spot. Before she could ask anything though, he was grabbing her by the hand while bouncing up and down on his heels.
"Okay so here is how we are going to do this," he starts, giving her a super serious look that she could only meet with furrowed eyebrows as she took in the large star.
“The plan goes as follows: first we are going to—”
She cut him off, placing her hand against his lips. “We?” She raised her eyebrows to further her point, to which he mirrored with what she could only describe as a mockingly annoyed look. “I thought I was too short to help with the star.”
Chanyeol's eyes faded to a sheepish smile around her fingers before she slowly dropped them. He pleads her name softly under his breath, so she would have to lean in to hear him. "You know I didn't mean it." He whispers, his lips coming together to form a cute pout and his eyes turning into that big puppy dog stare. "Please help out your poor Channie, please." He bats his eyelashes for extra support.
She pretended to fake gag, though really she knew she couldn’t hold out against that look and feared her insides turning to mush. “You’re gross.” She settled on saying, letting a drawn-out sigh escape her lips. Chanyeol beamed, bouncing down on his toes to scoop her up into a too tight hug. His lips left a trail of mushy kisses against her cheek that made her fidget in his grip, an 18+ warning leaving her tongue and causing him to promptly set her down.
"Okay, okay," Chanyeol started again, pulling her over to the Christmas tree. "You hop on my shoulders and I'll keep you steady as you put the star on top."
"What!?" Seoyun half yells, giving Chanyeol a look that screams that he must be out of his mind.
"What?" He repeats, seeing nothing wrong with the situation. "I won't let you fall, I promise." He quickly adds at seeing her unrelenting face. "You know I would never let you fall— unless it's for me, then fall all you want."
She hit Chanyeol in the chest as he let out a loud laugh, rubbing the place she hit him with a wince like she actually hurt him, even though they both know she didn't. He gives her an endearing look as she begins to contemplate his plan. She did trust Chanyeol not to let her fall and the only other option was to climb a chair which seemed like even more of a risk. Seoyun felt her eyebrows begin to come together in the middle as she sighed in defeat— hoping that her choice would come out to be the lesser of two evils.
"Fine," she jabbed a finger in his chest, which he caught between his and brought up to land a quick kiss on. "But you'll pay if you drop me."
Chanyeol easily agreed to her terms and before she could even think about changing her mind, he was hoisting her up like a weightless doll onto his shoulders, his hands coming to rest comfortingly around her thighs. She straightened out, gaining her wobbly balance before reaching out towards the tree with the star. Seoyun easily placed it on top with a smile, admiring the tree from the tall view. It was ever so slightly lopsided and despite her rearranging, the ornaments were a little all over the place. But that was okay, because it was cute and homey. Mostly, though, she and Chanyeol had made it together, so that alone made it worth it.
"Okay," She seemed to whisper, her hands going down to brush through the messy mop of hair on his forehead. "I am ready to be put down now Channie." Seoyun claimed, looking down at him underneath her.
"I don't know," he muttered with a distant look in his eyes, one she almost could recognize as trouble. "I think I am starting to get used to this view." Chanyeol swiftly turned his head and buried his face on the inside of her bare thigh, making Seoyun's eyes shoot open.
"Park Chanyeol!"
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fruityoosung · 4 years
alter ego
pairing : wonwoo x reader
rating : fluff-ish???? lowkey promiscuos
trigger warning : tattoos, substance usage, wonwoo being hot
“choi y/n you’re with jeon wonwoo” the monotonous deliverance from the TA stemmed a sigh that left your lips subconsciously. you turned your head to the right and a steely, dark and unwavering pair of brown eyes met yours. jeon wonwoo, the quiet, dismissive but very intelligent classmate of yours stared into you for a couple seconds before turning back towards his own assignment on his laptop. you merely nod your head to nothing before the TA dismissed the class, causing the flock of students in the history lecture flee from the lecture hall with grace, ready to end their day or attend their next class. some students hung behind to discuss the matters of the assignment with their designated partners and you decided to do the same.
you took your own sweet time packing your laptop into your backpack before a tall, looming figure casts a shadows upon you. you finally had a clear look of him whilst before your eyesight were betraying you. he’s the typical, lowkey stand off, quiet but very attractive young man, a character you often stumble upon at some point of your life. most times, it was more annoying than attractive to you because people like him are very contemptuous and outrageously pompous. you shot up from your seat and stood in front of him, waiting for him to talk to you first since you didn’t want to leave a bad impression towards your project partner.
“we can work on the project at the uni’s library. is tomorrow afternoon okay for you?” he asked, you didn’t realise how deep his voice actually goes. with the thin-rimmed glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose and the cashmere knitted, cream coloured sweater he was wearing, his voice was very uncanny to hear.
“tomorrow afternoon is fine, i’ll e-mail you the materials and we can work from there.” you replied, it was uncomfortable to you while he stood inches away from you and actively studying your face. he nodded and gripped the strap of his backpack before walking away. you did not know how to feel, you cannot deny his attractiveness and the stroke of heat that travels through your body as he stood close towards you.
this should be fun right?
you waited at the table near the windows with your laptop opened in front of you. you’re currently sorting through the materials and crafting a rough draft of your part of the assignment. wonwoo wasn’t late, you were just very early since the professor of your last class couldn’t make it to the lecture. you didn’t realise the time has passed as you typed through your rough draft until the sound of the wooden chair striking against the floor broke you out of your flow of thoughts. you immediately looked up and saw him sitting down directly across from you. being the somewhat inviting person you are, you decided to acknowledge his presence.
“hi, did you have class prior to this?” you asked, fingers resuming to type last few lines of your last rough draft. ever since the TA assigned the project to the both of you, you’ve never spoken to him verbally other than a few
e-mails regarding the materials and the submission of his rough draft for you to proof read and check. you were astounded to receive that e-mail since it was barely a couple hours since the TA had assigned it. of course, being one of the smartest kids in your class, his rough draft was nearly perfect and you only had to tweak a couple words to fit the theme better.
“i had a business management class.” he replied, his fingers began rapidly typing on the keyboard and it grew silent from there. it was almost distracting.
what’s more distracting is his goddamn features. you discreetly studies him as you finish typing the draft. the way the blue light from the screen reflected onto the lenses of his glasses made his eyes appear glittering almost had your heart lurching. the way he chews on his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as he reread the paragraph he wrote made you notice the warmth spreading on your face.
what the fuck? you swore. you’ll never have a chance with him, for all you know he probably hates your ass.
you shook off your thoughts and opened the google docs app and began typing the actual essay for the assignment. the lines above yours kept increasing and you tried your best to keep up.
what you didn’t notice was the sly smirk and the dark pair of brown eyes travelling towards your face, revelling at the sight in front of him.
he can get use to this
you were deep in your work before his alarm rang. thankfully, no one else was in the library since it was growing late into the evening. you looked up and meet his eyes again. wow, does he have really nice eyes.
“i need to go. i’ll make sure to send in the docs to you latest by tomorrow” he said before frantically packing up. you were dumbfounded. he’s probably late for something but you didn’t bother to ask since it is none of your business.
“it’s alright, this project isn’t due for another three days. you can take your time.” you replied softly, not wanting to stress him out.
“thank you y/n. i’ll see you soon.” he said in his deep tone that made your stomach do a flip. for some reason, you think your name sounds perfect coming from his lips.
since it is getting dark, you probably should leave the building before it gets too late.
you were in a state of boredom. your part of the project has already been done hours after you reached your apartment. to your surprise, the apartment was empty. maybe your roommate decide to stay the night at their boyfriend’s apartment. soon, the boredom slowly became unbearable so you decided to hit up the club for any sort of civilisation.
a seductive, red lip gloss dressed your lips as your fix the earrings dangling from your ears. the all black ensemble you were wearing definitely gave you a sense of high charisma and made you ooze confidence, perfect for a night out and warding off weird men. the heels you were wearing added an extra two inch to your strut. even though it’s probably going to be hell for you to walk in, you sure do look really good.
you took a cab to your favourite underground club, ready to take on the night.
the flashing led lights grabbed your attention as soon as you stepped into the dark nightclub. the atmosphere of drunk people in their early or mid 20’s dancing and having fun is never foreign to you. the bass boosted underground rap song pierce through your eardrums and made you heart thump along with every bass kick. you felt a surge of energy flowing through your veins so you wastes no time and walked towards the bar, before ordering your drink of choice for the night, completely ready to get wasted.
you are now on your fourth shot of vodka and dancing your way in the middle of the club. you’re a pretty sensible person off alcohol but when a substance is coursing through your blood, you tend to get a little too wild. the light changed and another song arrived through the speakers. you decided to leave the dance floor and return back to the bar to get another shot of whatever the hell you wishes
now i’m on my way to whatever’s waitin'
뭐가됐든 go straight (go straight)
fuck what they’d be talkin' 'bout
(fuck they talkin' 'bout)
their opinion doesn’t count like ooh
a loud scream can be heard on the dance floor, everyone began to vibe to the new heavy hitting bass playing through the very big speaker. a younger looking boy with bleached blonde hair appear with three other men on the stage
로또 터뜨린지도 어느덧
두달이 됐지 (yup)
나름 높아져, 벌농 인지도
man, 그 누가 알았겠니 (you get me?)
불가능해 보이던 모든건
수영이나 갔다오라해
wait, enough with vernon
원우형 here’s the torch
이제 가서 소각해요 man
even in your drunk state you couldn’t miss the rhythm of his name on stage since you have been thinking about him ever since the project was assigned. the craved, intricately carved, glass of bourbon wrapped safely around your fingers before you began sipping on it slowly. the sight you see next was nothing that you could’ve ever expected.
the red spotlight shined through the familiar figure, though he’s dressed so differently from when you saw him last.
uh 주위에선 그래 가능성 로또래
내가 노력만 한다면
대박 쯤은 그냥 터트릴거래
별의 별 놈들은 나에게 한마디씩 던지지
내가 볼 땐 넌 백날 해도 안돼
난 답하지 난 아직 어린이
발전 가능성이 높은 나에 비해 전혀 없어 넌
옛말에 똥은 더러워 피해
째려도 전혀 안 무서워
비교하면 난 박잘타는 흥부 너도 따라해도
넌 박치에 가깝지 내가 볼땐 니행동을보면 전혀 노력 금물 uh
너는 옥타곤 지옥에서 기어
난 바쁘니까 엄마가 보면 놀래 가사노동
할땐 주부들만치니까
나도 놀랬지 가끔 너 보면 빡치니까
넌 을이 없게도 그리해놓고 어디서 여기서 갑질이야
the familiar deep and heart rumbling tone of his voice pierced through the speakers and into your auditory senses. you focused your eyes towards the stage and there you see him, the man of the hour, hyping the crowd up like it’s nobody’s business but his. what surprises you his outlook, he appears more confident, more fierce, more arrogant and a bad news to literally anyone regardless of gender and preferences. he ditched the usually
thin-rimmed glasses and left the piercing cold and sharp eyes out on display. a black tight fitting tank top fit snug against his broad shoulder and chest. the purple, satin outerwear that’s slowly falling of his shoulders reveal biceps that could be envied by a lot of people and the huge written tattoos splayed on his neck and collarbones are the most unexpected part of him.
the smart and witty lyrics flows out of his lips perfectly against the rhythm of the overdriven instrumental. his motions in sync with the beat of the music made it seems like he has been doing this since forever, he wasn’t foreign to anything. that is not the jeon wonwoo you knew. the jeon wonwoo you knew was a quiet, smart and dismissive, not the one that oozes confidence and charisma like it is a switch to be turned on and off. you could not believe your sight. your heart thumped loudly against your chest with the music. the drink in your hand is slowly disappearing from the cup and into your mouth. you turned towards the bartender and asked for a refill, the torch has been passed from wonwoo to another member of his underground rap team and all you want to do is accept this as a dream and resume your night.
the song finally ended and the crowd went batshit crazy. you were still leaning against the bar looking at the stage still reeling in at the fact that the person with the rap team is your fucking history project partner.
wonwoo shared handshakes with his member before making his way towards the bar, ready to end the night with some good ol’ alcohol before another day began tomorrow. to his surprise. he saw a familiar figure leaning against the bar, drink in hand and cheeks flushed red. oops, his cheeky little secret have been exposed by none other than the person he has taken admiration to. the surge of confidence he got really made him a completely different person.
you mentally prepare yourself as you saw him walking straight towards you. you fixed your posture to appear taller and more confident even though you’re still inches shorter than his six foot height. you almost curse at the sight of him with that smirk playing on his lips. he walked past you and motioned for the bartender.
“i’ll have what she’s having.” he pointed at you, eyes lingered towards your figure for a couple seconds which made you almost cower at the sheer intenseness of the stare.
“so what brings you here. i didn’t realise this is your type of gig.” the question hung from his lips
once his drink is safe in his grip, you muster up the courage to finally speak to the new personality you just discovered.
“i think that question is way more suited towards you no?” you replied, a hint of mischievousness apparent in your tone.
the bronze liquid flowed from the cup and down his throat.
“oh darling, you may find me full of surprises.”
a/n : the edit was made by v follow her @/lovetagon
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goeatsomelife · 5 years
I wanted it to be a cute and romantic surprise
Warnings: SMUT, baby
Pairings: George Mackay x Reader
Summary: I’m late, but it’s supposed to be a Valentine’s Day SMUT fic! George making you an awesome surprise, that ended up not as he wanted. For gif thanks to @madisonmusing​
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Peachy-red sunrise sent warm rays through your window. The lukewarm wind flew near your face to wake you up. You frown and open eyes. To fully wake up you did your usual morning routine - massage your face a little bit, get more comfortable in a warm bed and check the phone. 
*New message" Wake up, sleeping beauty! 
Warm tingling the sensation quickly spread throughout your body, making you stand up from your bed. You checked the date - 14 February. Gosh, it's valentine’s day. Only now you remembered that your boyfriend George far away, working on a new project. You wanted to go with him, but your work made you stay at home! Every day was like torture. You couldn't help but think about him.
You tried to separate yourself from all of that Valentine’s rush. Festive stand in every shop made you angry at the whole world, why you can be together with your love? You tried to calm yourself with thoughts about sweet massages, facetime maybe some sexting, but it is not working! You wanted him here and now! It’s your day, that you meant to spend in each other embraces!
Making your way into the kitchen your attention was drafted to a beautiful bouquet of yellow and white roses! You gushed, rushing closely to observe this wonder. Wait...how did it get here? You thought. You did not believe your thoughts - only someone with a key can get these flowers inside your house. Observing every flower with its delicate petals your attention was drawn to a small object that was attached to one of the roses with a pastel pink ribbon. A note! 
"Little girl, happy valentine’s day! I love you to the moon and back, so I just can't stay away without giving you all my love on this romantic day. I get you a present 💕 you will find it in a backyard. Come on, my sunshine, you will like it!"
Why did you instantly think about a puppy? With a slowly burning excitement, you started to walk through the kitchen into the backyard. Door, that was leading into a backyard was closed by a thick curtain. Slowly, you get fabric in a hand and move it away. As you did, lots of bright light mixed with pink and red colors blinded you. Your eyes still not ready for that amount of light! Such beautiful weather for the mid of February, you thought, as something more bright and exiting gets in your eye!
"Good morning little girl" for a moment you thought that it was some kind of joke, projection or hallucination of your still asleep mind. You scratched your eyes, trying to gain focus on a view in front of you. George was staying there, materialized, your love, sweet sunny boy, was there, in his warm puffy golden brown sweater, hair slightly messed, so pretty. He gifted you with a wide smile. Only after realizing what's happening, you noticed a wooden picnic table, covered with a flowery cloth. It was served with sushi, your favorite liquor, flowers and candles. Around the table with chairs were levitating a lot of balloons!
"You will stand there, or...?" Not giving a chance to finish his question you ran to him, jumping in George's embrace. He catches you, holding your hips that you positioned around his waist, hugging tightly. His one hand rushed to your silky, tangles from a night hair, tugging it lightly, only to get you even closer to him. The smell of his cologne and warmth of his body gets you on a nine cloud. You were the happiest person in the world. George's big and strong hands caressing your back and hair. You wanted to stay like that forever. His plump limps started to kiss your head. Couldn’t hold yourself anymore, you rushed your lips on his plump ones, harshly kissing and sucking on his lower lip. Your sudden move making a growl from his mouth. An outburst of feelings making him a huge mess. Between kisses he bites your lip slightly, sending shivers down your spine and fuel desire.
"You know, I wanted it to be a classic romantic surprise" he said between your passionate make-out session, panting. He set you on the grass, still caressing your back and slightly squeeze your hip.
"Fuck that" couldn’t contain your desire you started to kiss him again, you tugged on his belt.
"Ohh watch your language, little girl, or I will need to punish you" one word from his mouth can drive you crazy. With one movement of a hand, he undid his belt, throwing it away.
"I don't mind being punished" you half whispered with a raspy voice, slightly unzipping his jeans.
"Even though it's a holiday now? This isn't why I prepared all of this" You know, he is teasing you, trying to make you beg, fuel flame of desire.
"Food can wait" he took off his jeans, staying in underwear. You can see a prominent bulge. As you tried to touch it, he quickly grabs your hand and harshly turning you around, so you're looking at the well-served table. He bent you against the table, holding you in place with one hand. With other he took off his underwear, taking a hard cock in hand. Teasing you some more, he started to move his throbbing member on your pussy, spreading natural lube on it.
"You're so wet for me, best gift ever". Not giving you time to say something he pushed inside you, stretching your walls. You loudly moan, not caring about neighbors or people outside your house, trying to adjust to his length. He slowly moved in and out. It takes only two pushes to start rocking him, now it makes him moan in pleasure.
He was thrusting you, getting harder, moves gets sloppier. He is slightly laying on your back, still holding himself to not put on you full weight. His breath hot against your neck. He started giving your skin open-mouthed kisses, sending another wave of shivers. You started to feel your climax coming.
"Babe, I can't hold longer" he said, panting and biting your neck. After some more thrusts, you felt a huge outburst of pleasure, that made you loudly moan, almost squeaking "George". You, calling his name, made your boyfriend cum a few thrusts afterward. You fell on your knees undone, harshly panting. He sat, hugging you from behind, you were breathing hard in unison. 
"I'm sorry babe, you're too sexy. I couldn’t hold myself anymore. I wanted it to be a cute and romantic surprise" George said in an upset tone. 
"Heeey" you turned to face him, grabbing his face in your palms. "its the best naughty and romantic surprise I've ever had. You're here, with me! What I can even ask for?" You said, pepper him with kisses on a nose and jaw. 
"Now let's not let this tasty food to lay there" 
"I love you Y/N" 
"I love you too my valentine"
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serendipityseulgi · 5 years
tell me love me 2.
— jung jaehyun
・*:༅。 the one where you can’t remember the last time jaehyun said i love you - part two.
aka, you try to leave.
part one.
{friday, 11:47 am} you woke up that morning to a cold bed. your brain fogged with confusion before it registered that you were in the guest bedroom, and you had just broken up with jaehyun the night before.
a painful twinge erupted in your chest as you relayed last night’s events, and you brought the covers over your head as you realized how cold it was being all by yourself.
you let out a heavy sigh before deciding it was now or never to pack all your things and find somewhere to stay for the time being, all while you sorted this mess out. you forced yourself out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth before you began putting it away into a bag.
once you gathered all your toiletries you began walking towards your bedroom, not knowing whether or not jaehyun was even home. you braced yourself, half expecting to face him, and half expecting him to be gone for practice. you didn’t really know his schedule all that well anymore.
you pushed the door open, and to both your relief and disappointment, he was gone. bed made and all.
so much for talking shit out you grumbled to yourself.
you shook her head, figuring it would be easier to pack your clothes up without his lingering presence. and you tried to believe that without him here, it wouldn’t hurt so much to leave.
but deep down, you felt that twinge in your heart again.
here or not, it still hurt.
you made your way to your shared closet, grabbing a few t-shirts as you began folding them individually. slightly distracted, your mind wasn’t drifting too far off. your head suddenly wasn’t clouded with all these thoughts that made you want to curl into a ball and cry. you weren’t thinking about how you and jaehyun were no longer together anymore. and most importantly, you weren’t thinking about the fact that once you finished packing, it was all gonna be over.
keep folding, you thought to yourself. keep folding, don’t think.
in less than an hour, you had managed to pack up most of your clothes. it was only when you started going through your sweater pile that you suddenly felt a painful thump in your heart. there in your lap sat the one sweater jaehyun always remembered to leave you when he went on tour. he always made sure to wear it a few days prior so it would smell like him. he knew how much it comforted you.
you sighed, grabbing onto the black material and softly inhaling the scent. it smelt just like his cologne. smelt just like him.
for a moment you contemplated taking the sweater with you but decided against it. there was no use in missing him even more.
you decided to take a short break from folding your clothes and started going through other things you kept in your drawers. it was mostly jewelry. some polaroid pictures here and there.
and then came the letter and the picture of you and jaehyun that he gifted for your two year anniversary.
with a heavy heart you picked it up, staring at the picture of you and him cuddled up next to each other in your pyjamas and santa hats on christmas eve. it was always his favourite picture of you both together.
you swallowed the lump in your throat, grabbing the letter he wrote to you and sat on the floor beside your pile of clothes.
you forgot entirely what it had said. and for one last time you just wanted to go back to a time where he still loved you.
you opened the letter and held your tears.
to the love of my life,
happy 2 year anniversary baby! okay, so i don’t normally write letters and shit cause tbh it’s way too time consuming in my opinion and i would much rather write things faster on text, but ... i know you, and you’re a sap for this kinda thing and i just really really want to make you happy today. you know, my hand’s already cramping but it’s so worth it because i know this is gonna make you smile, i can already picture it. i know you like this sentimental kinda stuff so i’m doing this for you because i love you more than anything and you deserve to feel good today. i just want to tell you that you mean so much to me and i can’t ever imagine a life where you’re not in it.
you pause, the tears beginning to run freely down your face.
i have never loved anyone as much as i love you and i want you to know that you’re always gonna be my forever. even if there’s times where we fight like crazy, or even try to end things, i’m always gonna come back to you. if you ever doubt how much i love you then i’ll tell you a million times again and again until you believe me. i’ll never forget to tell you how much i love you. you’re always gonna be it for me. so thank you for the best two years of my life, i’m gonna try to make you the happiest girl in the world because you’ve made the happiest guy in the whole universe. happy two years, and here’s to many more, y/n. i love you always.
yours truly,
you noticed the small droplets of tears dripping onto the thin piece of paper, smudging the ink on certain parts of the letter. you closed your eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths to calm your crying.
“are you reading my letter?” a voice called behind you as you looked back in surprise.
jaehyun was leaning against the door frame, still in his practice clothes as you observed the slight frown on his face.
“huh? oh, yeah. sorry, i was just, getting all my things packed.” you shook your head as you sniffled and wiped the tears abruptly off your face. “it won’t take me that long to get all my stuff ready.”
you turned back around to fold the rest of your clothes before jaehyun walked over, grabbing the shirt away from you. he sighed and took a seat next to you on the floor as you avoided his gaze.
“i still mean it you know that.” he spoke softly.
“what do you mean?”
“that letter.” he said. “i remember what i wrote, and i still mean everything i said to you.”
you scoffed slightly. “you know, if i remember correctly you’re the one who said you didn’t love me anymore last night.”
“i never said i didn’t love you-“
“you said you didn’t know. and that was enough of an answer for me.” you interrupted. “it was yes or no, and you saying you don’t know was just a nicer way of saying no just because you knew it would hurt my feelings if you told me the truth. but don’t worry, it doesn’t matter anyways.”
“don’t call me that.”
jaehyun sighs again, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face. “i don’t want you to leave.”
“there’s no reason for me to stay.” you utter, your voice breaking slightly.
“yes there is. i love you, y/n. please don’t go.” he pleads, finally grabbing onto your hands. “please.”
you tried to retract from his hold, but him being much stronger than you had its advantage as your slight tug was no match for his tight grasp. “we don’t even talk anymore. i feel like i don’t know you.”
“i’ll fix things.” he says. “if you’ll let me, i’ll fix things. i’ll make it up to you. just please don’t leave me, y/n. i can’t, i can’t live without you, you know that.”
you finally look up to face him, his eyes watery with tears that have yet to fall. “why were you so distant?” you whisper. “did i do something wrong?”
“no! no, god, you didn’t do anything wrong.” jaehyun sighs.
“then why? why did you make it seem like you didn’t want me anymore?” the tears start to form again, and your voice is barely audible knowing if you raised it in the slightest it would break.
“it-it wasn’t you. i promise. it was all me. i was just, going through something. i was overwhelmed, i felt pressured to prioritize everything and i’m not gonna lie, i did try pushing you away to see if this was still what i wanted. i did have doubts for a bit and i’m sorry for ever thinking this wasn’t what i wanted anymore. i know i haven’t been the best boyfriend recently. i make you cry. i deal with my own shit and hurt your feelings in the process. i’m not a perfect boyfriend by any means, and i fuck up a lot, but i don’t want to lose you. i’m so, so sorry. i just felt distant these past few weeks, but it was never with the intent to break up with you. i just needed time apart for a bit, i needed my own space to figure my shit out. just for a little bit. but i was always gonna come back to you. i never meant for that fight to happen last night.” he exclaims.
“then why didn’t you say something when i left? why didn’t you do anything when i broke up with you? why didn’t you just say you still loved me if that’s what you really meant!“ you spluttered, your broken heart evident in the way you spoke. “you just let me walk out of there thinking that was the fucking end for you. that i fucking meant shit to you! you could’ve said something, literally anything! you let me walk out and now you’re trying to convince me you still give a shit about me and i don’t fucking get it!” your voice betrayed you and you began sobbing, your heart felt crushed.
jaehyun pulled you into his arms and he hugged you close to him. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry. i’m so fucking stupid.” he whispered, over and over again as he gently rocked you back in forth to calm you down.
you pushed at his chest, but he was unrelenting. “i fucking hate you!” you screamed.
he still never let you go. “i know, i know.” he cried, hugging you even tighter. “but i love you, so fucking much. please let me work on things. i’ll do better. i’ll try harder, fuck, i’ll do anything. just please don’t leave without letting me fix things.”
“you don’t deserve it.” you sniffled into his chest.
jaehyun felt his eyes sting with tears again. his throat burned as he felt his heart crumble. “i know.” he whispered.
you pulled away from him again and this time he let you go. he looked defeated. you grabbed his face in your hands and looked him in the eyes before speaking once again. “and i fucking hate you... because i love you too much to let you go.”
jaehyun didn’t answer, instead he pulled you close to him, his lips connecting with yours. it was heavy, and it was messy all over, and it was by no means gentle in the slightest. but you felt every emotion in that kiss. and you also missed how he felt against you so you revelled in the feeling of him being so close to you again.
“i won’t mess this up again, i promise.” he murmurs against your lips. “i’ll be better for you.”
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nodramatonymontana · 5 years
BTS Fics Recs (1/?)
Here are a few of my favorite BTS fics I thought I’d share, enjoy!
he's what you want (i'm what you need) by jonghyunslisterine
Summary: jimin needs to learn how to kiss. word on the streets is that yoongi's a very good kisser.
Ship: Yoonmin
Rating: Explicit
Words: 24k
My opinion: So sweet and cute, it’s one of my first Yoonmin (and BTS in general, tbh) fic and it holds a special place in my heart.
objects in mirror are closer than they appear by bazooka
Summary: It's a four step process: 1. Fall into somebody's head; 2. Figure out what's wrong; 3. Fix it; 4. Fade out, rinse, repeat.Simple, really. Foolproof.
The problem is that Kim Namjoon isn't a fool, and takes a little bit more time. A little bit more work. A little bit more attention.
Ship: Namgi
Rating: Explicit
Words: 16k
My opinion: That story hurt so good, honestly! The plot is super original and I just loved the dynamic between Namjoon and Yoongi. 
when in doubt, blame a coat rack  by anyadisee
Summary: Taehyung levels Jimin with an unimpressed look, finally picking his mug from the table. Pressing his mouth against the warmed porcelain, he says, “Your roommate is probably involved in some dangerous gang shit,” then he pointedly takes a long, long drink. 
Jimin opens his mouth to deny that, maybe even laugh, because really? Really? Min Yoongi, introverted computer engineering senior who appears to have no friends except for the beanpole of a man living in the room across theirs, involved in gangs? It’s so unrealistic. Except— 
Except.It perfectly explains why Yoongi has an anti-super agenda. Oh my god.  
[or: superhero fan jimin and possible gang member yoongi (spoiler: he's not) are roommates. they spend winter break together.]
Ship: Yoonmin
Rating: Teen Up Audiences
Words: 18k
My opinion: This. Is. So. Funny. Seriously, if you’re looking for something sweet and funny, go for it, it’s definitely worth the read!
lass die sonne und mich allein by  euphoriae
Summary: Taehyung thinks 'bf' means best friends. Jimin thought it meant boyfriends.
Ship: Vmin, background Yoonseok
Rating: Teen Up Audiences
Words: 6k
My opinion: Hurt/Comfort and misunderstandings are my weaknesses and this fic had all that and more. Super sweet and soft and Vmin being soulmates material as usual.
oil, lube, service  by embryonicgrip
Summary: "Unless you know what a ‘rear oil change’ is? I mean, what the hell are they going to oil, my tires?” Jimin laughs at the ridiculousness. “Oh, I don’t know, but that sounds kind of kinky, 'changing your rear oil.' It sounds like the mechanic is preparing you for buttsex.”
“Tae!” Jimin complains.  AKA The mechanic AU where Park Jimin thinks Min Yoongi is overcharging him for car maintenance, but he's really not, cue Yoonmin falling in love.
Ship: Yoonmin, minor Taekook and Namjin
Rating: Explicit
Words: 53k
My opinion: The setting is super original and I liked the angst and how the story and characters evolved!
Pause, Rewind, Play by aborescent
Summary: Jimin doesn’t know why it starts. Maybe it’s the eightieth post he’s seen today about him being rejected by Jungkook. But whatever the reason, Jimin starts to not care anymore.
Ship: Jikook
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 3k
My opinion: Honestly super well written, I could definitely see this happening at one point. Super soft, super sweet, just an emotionally constipated Jungkook trying to get his shit together.
once you've got some time, you've got the end  by MauveTarte
Summary: All right, Jimin thinks as the last bright orange petal gets coughed up into the toilet bowl, who’s the sorry fucker that’s in love with him?
Or, A reverse HanaHaki!AU, where the person loved is the one coughing up the flowers.
Ship: Yoonmin
Rating: Teen Up Audiences
Words: 6k
My opinion: Ok, I usually hate HanaHaki!AUs because they’re always so fcking sad, but this one has a happy ending and the fact that the illness symptoms were reversed made it super interesting. And if that fic made me super soft for poor Yoongi… well you can’t prove anything.
all you need is love (and pink) by vppa
Summary:  Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they're all telling him the same thing: "fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you"
Ship: Namjin
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 4k
My opinion: So original and fluffy, I loved the concept of this fic!
let's kick the tires and light the fires by MauveTarte
Summary: “What—" falls out of Jimin's mouth as he watches the man whip out a marker from his sweater pocket and, oh my god, deface the back of Jimin’s ticket. The very ticket Jimin was planning to, like, frame or something when he got back home.  
(AKA: Novice business man Jimin may not know who this August guy is, but he does know he's a complete fucking dick.)
Ship: Yoonmin
Rating: Explicit
Words: 14k
My opinion: Another fic by MauveTarte that I’m obsessed with! Rapper!Yoongi and Businessman!Jimin? Sign me the fck up!
because fries and mixtapes  by hoars
Summary: Yoongi works the graveyard shift at a fast food restaurant while trying to make it big. Taehyung has insomnia.
Ship: Taegi
Rating: Not Rated
Words: 6k
My opinion: So. Cute. Seriously, that was super soft, go read it!
pick me up, buttercup by vppa
Summary: AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet.Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first."
What the fuck, universe.
Ship: Taekook, past VHope
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 9k
My opinion: Oh My God, this fic made me laugh so much, it’s hilarious. Loved loved loved it! Also, I’m a sucker for soulmates!AU.
Common Thread by sugafree
Summary: Red String of Fate AU where Yoongi doesn't believe in soulmates and spends a long time trying to avoid a certain someone on the other end of his red thread. 
Ship: Yoonmin, Namjin
Rating: General Audieces
Words: 4k
My opinion: Short and sweet, I love an emotionally constipated Yoongi!
the moon and the stars (are nothing without you by wowoashley (orphan_account)
Summary: Summary    based off of Real Events that happened to me the other day. i ended up screaming to siobhandestele about it and they told me to write a fic about it. and the word moderation does not exist in my vocabulary so :) based off the prompt: "Taekook college AU! The college tour guide raved about the uni's friendly atmosphere and amicable student body, but wanted a high five from a cute student and all he got was a glare"
Ship: Taekook, minor Yoonseok and MinJoon
Rating: Mature
Words: 19k
My opinion: Super funny and cute, I loved the dynamics, definitely worth the read, especially if, like me, you’re a sucker for College!AUs
Beta Tau Sigma by bazooka
Summary: A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house.
At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules: 1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin. 
The rest is all fine print.
Ship: Namjin, Yoonmin
Rating: Mature
Words: 123k
My opinion: Okay, I’m pretty sure everyone and their mother knows about Beta Tau Sigma already, but just in case, here it is. This might be one of my fave BTS fic of all times, period. So fcking funny, so fcking sweet, seriously adorable and soft while so heartbreaking (it is a slowburn after all). Honestly, if you haven’t read it, what are you even waiting for?
Can't Hide Our Love (But We Can Try) by melecs
Summary: Four people think Jimin and Taehyung are dating. (Hoseok knows they’re not).
Ship: VHope
Rating: Teen Up Audiences
Words: 4k
My opinion: Ok, that was hilarious. The summary says it all, BTS notice things and reach a (wrong) conclusion. Ft. Supportive BTS and lovey-dovey VHope!
Safe and Sound by bazooka
Summary:  From a tumblr prompt: Jin is a prince, and Namjoon is his bodyguard.
"You're sort of bad at this." "Nah. You're safe, aren't you?"
Ship: Namjin
Rating: Mature
Words: 10k
My opinion: Probably the fic that first got me into Namjin. It’s so sweet and lovely, a must-read for any Namjin lover.
Money can't buy happiness (except when it does) by Sharleena
Summary: “So, I know that you're homeless and that you don't need my pity, it's just that I noticed you always write on the edges of your notebook because you probably can't buy a new one, so I bought you six new notebooks and... wait, are you crying?” AU
Ship: Yoonmin, background Taekook and Namjin
Rating: Teen Up Audiences
Words: 14k
My opinion: Okay, this fic made me feel so many emotions, it’s not even funny. Homeless!Yoogi meets Selfless!Jimin and it. is. so. soft. A bit angsty at times (because yes Yoongi is homeless), but also super funny and sweet.
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Pairing: Loki x BPD!Reader
Summary: He’s never seen her like that before
Requested: Yes by @lucacangettathisass - “Hey there! Could I please request a loki x fem reader one shot where the reader has BPD and for the first time loki sees her during one her bad days; she's splitting on everyone including poor Peter, dissisociating, experiencing delusions, being super impulsive, just all around everything is Not Great”
“Please don’t go,” Y/N begged, latching onto Loki’s hand as he stood and moved out of the bed. Loki let out a laugh.
“I have to go, lovely,” he said, placing a kiss on the top of her head. Y/N shook her head, not smiling as she normally did when he showed her such affection.
“Don’t go!” She said again, her voice sounding more demanding than before as she tugged again on his hand. Loki chuckled and pulled his hand free from her grasp before using both of them to cup her face and gently pull it towards him, placing a kiss on her lips.
“I have to go to a meeting, love,”
“Please don’t go,” Y/N whined and Loki wasn’t sure if he was imagining the tears in her eyes or not as she begged him.
“I’ll be back before you know it, my love,” Loki told her quietly before kissing her again.
Y/N sat cross-legged on their shared bed and watched him change and get ready for the day, a frown in place the whole time.
Loki returned to give her a final kiss before running his hands through her hair.
“I’ll see you in a little bit, lovely, okay?” Y/N nodded unsurely and allowed Loki to leave, holding onto his land until the very last second before letting go.
“Y/N? You okay love?” Loki asked, coming into the lounge of the compound where his girlfriend was sat, staring off into space.
Her book was open in her lap but her eyes were glazed over and she stared off into nothingness. Her eyes snapped to Loki’s and they were wide, almost panicked. She nodded and Loki noticed how she shifted away from him slightly.
“Fine,” she vocalises and Loki nods, not at all believing her. “I’m going to...” Y/N gestured vaguely away and stood up, leaving Loki alone in the room, frowning.
“What’s up Icicle?” Tony asked, coming into the room from the door behind Loki and flopping down onto the sofa. Loki shook his head, frown deepening.
“Y/N is acting weird,”
“Newsflash - your girlfriend is weird,” Tony laughs, shaking his head. Loki rolls his eyes.
“Weirder than normal... in a different way,”
“Don’t stress over it - she needs you she’ll let you know,” Tony said and it was the closest thing to a positive comment that Loki had ever received from the billionaire. Loki responded with a tentative, strained smile, that quickly dropped off his face as soon as he turned around to leave the room.
Peter’s face was red and blotchy as he rushed out of the kitchen. His eyes shone with unshed tears and Loki frowned, catching the boy by the sleeve of his sweater as he tried to hurry past. Loki had grown fond of the boy in the months since they had met and it angered him to no end to think of someone setting out to hurt the innocent teenager.
“Peter? What’s happened?” Loki demanded sharply. Peter swallowed and shook his head quickly, raising his sleeve-clad hand to furiously wipe away the tears that he held in his eyes.
“Nothing Mr Loki sir,” he said, too quickly. Loki’s frown deepened as the boy tried to tear himself away from his grasp.
“Parker, tell me what happened,” Loki said a little more sternly, feeling his heart hurt at the distraught kid.
“Y/N just got pissed at me ‘s all,” Peter muttered quietly, knowing that it was not worth arguing with the God and that it was better just to admit what was on his mind.
“Y/N got pissed at you?” Loki echoed, confusion making it’s way across his features as he tried to comprehend what Peter was saying. 
Y/N loved Peter more than anything, and the whole tower had agreed that Peter could get away wit murder when it came to Y/N’s judgement. So hearing that she had gotten angry enough with Peter to the point that he was crying came as a shock to Loki, who had on some occasions found himself feeling somewhat jealous of the attention his girlfriend payed to Peter rather than him.
“It’s nothing, Mr Loki,” Peter said, finally getting his sleeve free and rushing away into his room, presumably to hide and cry a little more. 
Loki entered the kitchen that Peter had just vacated and saw his girlfriend leaning on her elbows on the counter, breathing heavily.
“Y/N?” Loki questioned and when Y/N turned around, Loki saw her blotchy face. “What happened?” He asked and Y/N sighed, blowing a breath upwards to move the hair from her face as she tried in vain to regain some composure.
“Peter was being annoying.” She said and moved to leave but Loki grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to look at him, a frown set in place on his face.
“So you made him cry?”
“Why do you care so much?” Y/N asked and Loki sighed, allowing himself an eyeroll.
“Because I love you and I know you love the kid and you’ve been acting strangely for the past few days and I want to know why,” Y/N reddened at the word ‘strangely’ and tore her hand from Loki’s grasp.
“Yeah. I’m fucking strange, okay? I know I’m not perfect, Loki, I know you’re too good for me and you’re probably going to leave me soon enough - this was probably all just some big fucking joke to you, right? How about I just go kill myself and end all of this?” Y/N screamed. Loki looked at her in shock, evidently unsure of how to reply to her harsh, angry words of self-hatred.
“Love...” Loki trailed off helplessly as Y/N stormed past him into the corridor, leaving him alone and confused in the kitchen.
“You wanna tell me what’s the matter?” Loki asked, startling his girlfriend, who was sat staring out of the window in their shared bedroom, seemingly lost in thought. Y/N’s finger followed a raindrop as it slid down the window pane. “Love?” Loki said. His tone was hushed as he moved towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Y/N turned towards him, an expressionless look on her face.
“Not really,” she said, shrugging and turning back to the window, as though it was as simple as that. Loki let out a sigh of frustration and shook his head.
“Y/N/N, what’s going on?”
“You won’t look at me the same way,”
“I love you,”
“Do you?” Loki stared at her, shocked at how nonchalant she seemed as she doubted his love for her.
“Of course I do,”
“For how long?”
“No,” Y/N denies simply. Loki lets out a breath of laughter and shakes his head.
“I’ll always love you, Y/N. It’s as simple as that,”
“Nothing’s as simple as that,” Loki can see the tears building in her eyes and he goes to her, pulling her into a hug.
“This is,” the dam breaks and Y/N starts to sob into Loki’s chest, desperately clutching the material of his shirt, trying to pull him closer. “It’s going to be okay, love, whatever you’re going through right now, I promise it will be okay,” he murmured, rocking her backwards and forwards gently as he combed his fingers through her hair, teasing all of the knots out and placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured brokenly but Loki shook his head.
“I just want you to be okay, love,”
“I have BPD,” she tells him, moving away slightly. Loki sits opposite her on the windowsill, keeping one of her hands firmly in his.
“What does that mean?”
“Borderline Personality Disorder,” Y/N recites. “It’s basically like... I have a really short temper, I dissociate from the present, I get emotional swings, feel empty, worry about being abandoned and I... threaten to harm myself,” Y/N looks down, away from the concerned gaze of her boyfriend. “And sometimes do... hurt myself,”
“Is it like... phases?” Loki asks and Y/N shrugs.
“Kind of... some days are better than others. I try not to let on about it though,” Y/N forces a smile at those words and Loki frowns.
“You could have told me,”
“I’m sorry,”
“Did you think I would leave you?” The silence he’s met with confirms his thought. Loki lets out a breath, squeezing her hand.
“This doesn’t change anything, love. I still love you more than anyone else, okay?” Loki tells her. Y/N smiles up at him and he can’t resist returning it.
“I love you,”
“I love you too,”
I’m so sorry this took me so long to get out - I wanted to try and get the symptoms as accurate as possible and then I was so busy with college and ugh I promise I’m trying to get better
@vineisdeadiwishiwas @sea040561 @slender–spirit@valentinebucky@smexylemony
@sarahp879 @normanatenorma @highlandcatt @instantnoodlese @peterparkyourassonme @peter-parker-fyeah@tylerrose931617 
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ikonicsvtgeneration · 6 years
♡ svt: christmas ♡
writers note: this has taken forever to write, can’t even count the hours. Tumblr kept fucking my shit up by doing everything possible to not make me post this is the way I want it posted :) thank for that tumblr. Also sorry some of these are shorter than others.  
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Seungcheol; my christmas prince uwu. You would be decorating your christmas tree together with mulled wine and christmas music in the background. You would both be wearing woolly socks and the ugly christmas sweaters you had brought home that day. Cheol secrectly thought that they were embarrasing, but seeing how much you wanted to match, and the glow in your eyes, he couldn’t say no. Your tree was almost ready now, missing only the star. You scrambled around the box of decorations and pulled it out. Tip toeing, you tried to reach the top of the tree. Cheol melted at the sight. “Need help yeobo?” You nodded, pouting a little. He got behind you, bend at his knees a little, wrapped his arms around you securely and lifted you up. This way, you could easily reach the top, and placed the star on it, adjusting it a little so it was at the perfect angle. He put you down carefully. You turned around and gave him a kiss thank you. Turning back around, you leaned against him, and you both looked at the finished tree. “Looks pretty good I think.” You smile, and he kissed the top of your head.  
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Jeonghan; It was the evening of the 24th of december, and you and Jeonghan decided to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the dorms, to take a walk outside. The city looked beautiful this time of year, with snow and fairylights everywhere. You were both bundled up in your matching Lafuma padded jackets, hands held tightly together. “Wait a second jagi, I’ll take a picture of you in the snow” He said, motioning for you to walk forward. You agreed and continued walking. After a few seconds, you felt something hitting your back. You turned around shocked, only to find Jeonghan bending over in laughter. Bending down yourself, you gathered a quick snowball into your hands and threw it at him, before he could react. Now it was Jeonghan’s turn to be shocked, the snowball hitting him right in the chest. He looked up at you, first in shock, then his face turned into a look of mischief. Sensing what was coming, you ran in the opposite direction, laughing hard. “Jagi I just want a kiss!” He’d shout after you, trying to catch you with a snowball in his hand. 
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Joshua; You and Joshua were spending a very typical evening in December for you two, on the couch with hot chocolate, watching a christmas movie. Around half way through the movie, Joshua excused himself to go to the bathroom. You paused the movie, and did whatever you could think off to pass the time, checking your nails, reminded yourself to book a time for a manicure, put your hair in a bun. Your eyes darted to your tree, and you couldn’t help noticing the little package underneath it, that wasn’t there that morning. You glanced towards the bathroom, no movement, and tip toed to the tree quickly. You picked up the little package, turning it around in your hands. It was gorgeous, with silver wrapping paper and a purple bow. You turned around the small card on it, and your heart nearly burst. For my love, Josh x. You couldn’t believe him, you had told him not to buy you any christmas gifts. How could this small package make you so emotional? Hearing the tap closing, you placed the gift back under the tree and jumped back onto the couch, just as Joshua opened the bathroom door. He plopped back down next to you, and took the natural position of having his arm around your shoulders. You cuddled closer to him, and pressed a loving kiss onto his lips. He was clearly suprised, but recovered quickly and kissed you back. You pulled away, but went back in for another quick kiss. “What’s this for?” He asked, with a smile playing on his lips. “Nothing, I just love you.” 
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Jihoon; There was flour everywhere, absolutely everywhere, and you smelled burning cookies. You coughed entering the kitchen. “Jihoonie what is this?” He was taking cookies out of the oven. You noticed he was clearly stressed, by the set of his shoulders and the furrow of his brows. “I tried making cookies for the christmas party, and I don’t know what went wrong. I kept the cookies in the oven exactly as long as the recipe said, and the flour... I have no excuses for the flour, I spilled the bag.” You turned the oven off, noticing it was around 100 degrees hotter than it should have been, but deciding not to mention it. “But Hoonie, I said we could make them together tonight.” He blushed. “I thought it would save you some time, you had so much other food to cook too.” He hated admitting to stuff like this, so you giggled at his bothered expression. “Thank you baby, it was such a sweet thought.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “But... maybe next time only cook something, if you’re sure you know how to.” He kissed you, and mumbled an okay against your lips. “Now come on, let’s clean this up and go to the store.” You said. “Why?” Jihoon asked. “Because you used all the cookie dough, and spilled all the flour.” He slapped his forehead and started apologizing, on top of your laughter.  
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Soonyoung; You and Soonyoung were out for some last minute christmas shopping. You had just happened to pick an outside mall, on the coldest day of that year, and you had just happened to decide that looking cute mattered more than staying alive. You two had already stopped for a coffee break twice, in hopes of warming you up. But now you were shaking from the cold, again, and getting scolded by Soonyoung for it. “Aish, why didn’t you dress warmly?” Deciding he probably didn’t want the honest answer of I wanted to look pretty and not like a snowman, you opted for aegyo. “I’m sorry Yoonie.” He rolled his eyes at your cuteness and tried looking away, his gaze being pulled back to you soon enough though. “Stop looking so cute.” He said, and took off his own fluffy hat, pulling it over your head. 
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Jun; “Stop being nervous, they’re gonna love you!” You tried convincing him. Jun couldn’t stop fiddling his thumbs and pacing around all day. He wasn’t one to get nervous that easily, but he had already tried on 3 different outfits, and asked you which one was the most son in law-material. He was meeting your family for the first time, as you were going home for the holidays. “You don’t know that, you told me your brother was mean.” Shit, you did tell him that. “But he won’t be now, because he knows how much you mean to me!” You reasoned. He started to argue back, but you cut him off. “They all know I love you so much, so they’re gonna love you too, because they see how happy you make me jagi.” You said gently, and wrapped your arms around his waist. He visibly relaxed from your touch. “I just want them to like me.” He mumbled, effectively breaking your heart. “I promise they will. I know you don’t see it yourself, but everyone likes you. You’re impossible not to like!” He let out a little grin and leaned down to kiss you.  
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Seokmin; You tapped your foot impatiently against the hard flooring of the airport. He was late. Was he okay? Did they get into an accident? No, don’t be stupid. The flight shouldn’t be late. You forced yourself to tear your eyes from the terminal door, remembering the phrase a watched pot doesn’t boil. However, you thought to yourself, whoever made this saying up, probably wasn’t waiting for their boyfriend to come home for the holidays. You checked your messages again, just to check if he had texted you. At that exact moment, you heard his familiar voice. Not even registering what he had said, you looked up, and he looked gorgeous. And you ran. Ran, as hard as you, straight into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. “You’re here, you’re here” You kept mumbling, stunned. He chuckled against your neck and tightened his arms around you. “I’m here, and I’ve missed you so much jagiya, so much.” He was your home.  
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Wonwoo; Opening christmas presents with the boys was hilarious. You were at the dorms now, watching Vernon open his present from Minghao. They were pink hued sunglasses. “These are so cool hyung, thank you!” He tried them on, and you had to admit, he pulled them off. Noticing a bustle on the other side of the living room, you looked at what Mingyu was was opening. Santa’s little helper, aka Chan, placed a present in your lap. You thanked him and without thinking too much about it, turned back to Mingyu. “That’s a weird shape, wonder what it is.” Seungkwan commented, and everyone, including you, laughed hard, because the package looked... well like a package. Before you had a chance to see what Mingyu got, Wonwoo nudged you, bringing your attention to him. “Open your gift babe.” He said, indicating to the gift on your lap. You smiled and teared the wrapping paper off. It revealed a beautiful little tiffany blue box. Opening it, you found two of the most gorgeous, delicate rings you had ever seen. Tears welled up in your eyes immediately, as you read the date engraved into the rings. It was the day you had met Wonwoo. You tried to say something to him, but couldn’t find the right words. “This” he said, and slid the smaller ring on your index finger, “is for you to remember me when I’m away, and to know that I’m always going to come back to you.” He took the bigger ring and slid it on his own index finger. “And this is for me. I wanted to have rings for the two most important things in my life, Seventeen and you. Now I have both, and I promise that one day, I’ll change ours into engagement rings.”
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  Mingyu; This was exactly what you had wanted for christmas. After months of both you and Mingyu being super busy, you finally had time for yourselves, just being at home, without worrying about schedule or dieting or school. You were in your living room, after eating a good christmas dinner, swaying along to Michael Buble’s christmas music. You pulled away from the comfort of his chest, to look up at him. He looked angelic in the candlelight surrouding you, happy and rested. “I adore you” He smiled at you and leaned down to press a slow kiss onto your lips. “Merry christmas my love.” 
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Seungkwan; You were trying to make your way to Jeju island, Seungkwan’s hometown, with him. It was the 24th, you were supposed to be there for tonight, but the flight had been first delayed and then canceled. It was beginning to look like you were going to spend your christmas at an airport. You could see that he was disapointed, though he tried to hide it from you. He doesn’t get to see his mom and sister too often, and was really looking forward to this. You had gone to the bathroom, and on the way back to where you were sitting with Seungkwan, you happened to walk past a store and spotted his favourite chocolate. Thinking it would cheer him up, you bought some and walked back to him. Sitting down, you slid the chocolates into his lap. He looked from the chocolates to you and back, then took your hands in his. “I’m so sorry we’re not gonna make it my love. I know you were looking forward to this.” He took a few seconds to think about it, and nodded. “Yes, I am, but the most important thing is that I’m with you. I don’t care about anything else, even if we’re spending our christmas at an airport, as long as I’m with you.”  
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Minghao; You were sat on the couch, talking about christmas traditions in China. “So Santa Claus isn’t called Santa, but Shen Dan Lao Ren.” You repeated after him, and he complimented you when you pronounced it right. “Did you have christmas trees?” You asked. “ In department stores and tourist attractions, but usually not at homes. There’s other christmas decorations around the city though.” You listened to him ramble on. He was clearly happy you showed an interest in his home country. “What do people give each other as presents? In my country they often give chocolates.” You wondered outloud. “People give apples on Christmas Eve because in Chinese Christmas Eve is called Ping'an Ye, which means quiet evening. And that has been translated from the song 'Silent Night'. The word for apple in Mandarin is píngguǒ which sounds like the word for peace.” You smiled up at him, getting an idea of what you’ll get him for christmas. 
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Vernon; He was nervous as hell. Kept checking his phone, pacing around and around, checking his hair. He kept thinking he was making a stupid decision, he only met you a few weeks ago, and here’s the catch, online. But when he found out that you were spending christmas in the same city he was, he couldn’t resist. But what if you catfished him? What if he was about to meet some middle aged man? Although you had talked to him on the phone and snapped each other... but still? He turned around, hands pulling at his hair in frustration, ready to walk away. Until he saw you. Your big bright eyes looking at him questionably. You cute hands fumbling together out of nerves, that little sliver of skin on your ankle, between your sneakers and jeans, your tank top, your oversized cardigan. You were beautiful. No, beautiful didn’t quite cover it. He couldn’t think of words to describe you.  Then you walked to him and smiled, and he thought his legs were going to give out. You looked up and saw a mistletoe.  
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Chan; The boys and you were doing secret santa this year. You got Wonwoo, and had no idea who got you. Watching Wonwoo open your gift for him, you tried not to give yourself away by your excitement. He pulled the rest of the wrapping paper off the Kate Spade cat bluetooth speaker. “This is perfect! I needed speakers!” He smiled, making you react the same way. “Who got it?” You placed your hand in the air. “I did.” He looked you in the eyes. “Thank you so much.” “You’re welcome, glad you like it.” You then started opening the gift in your lap. It revealed a bracelet you had shown Chan through a shop window, a few weeks ago. It was rose gold, and had little hearts dangling off it. It was perfect. You looked to him. “Chan?” You said, phrased into a question of, was this you? He blushed, pinker than you had ever seen him, and nodded. “Thank you.” You said. Chan? Chan. Your best friend, who you’ve had feelings for forever. You scooted closer to him and pressed a light kiss onto his cheek, maybe a little too close to his mouth, but no one was looking thankfully. He grinned like an idiot, blushing even pinker, if possible. And then, turning his head, he placed a quick cheeky kiss onto your lips, before you could react. 
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omgrachwrites · 6 years
Heartbreak and Hormones (Sequel to Playing the Player)
Pairing(s): Noah Barnes x OC
Bucky Barnes x Isabelle Barnes (OC)
Peggy Carter x Steve Rogers
Summary: Noah Barnes had a pretty perfect life, he was the star of the football team and his parents were still in - sickening - love. The perfect life that he had grown accustomed to slowly starts crashing down when he starts to develop feelings for a girl. The only problem? She’s his best friend’s twin sister who is very much off limits.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff!
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this first part! It’s the first thing I’ve had the motivation to write in months so please tell me what you think! I love you all very much! xxx
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Part One
Friday, 1st September, 2006, New York City
Belle glanced over at her boyfriend who was making himself busy with watching the TV, though Belle could tell that Bucky was just as nervous as she was. She could tell by the way that his jaw was clenched, causing a muscle to flutter in his cheek, his blue eyes were almost too focused on the TV and his grip was a little too tight on the black leather of the couch. Belle took his hand in hers, turning it palm side down so she could scatter tiny kisses along his knuckles. Bucky finally tore his gaze from the screen to smile at Belle and he pressed a lingering kiss to her warm cheek.
“You doing okay baby?” she asked softly and he nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, running his hand over the soft material of her pine green sweater.
“I’m fine sweetheart just nervous is all,” was his soft reply and Belle nodded understandingly.
“Me too but we’ll get through it together,” she smiled, resting a hand on his knee, tracing soothing circles into it.
“I can’t believe that I almost missed this,” he muttered so quietly that Belle wasn’t entirely sure that she was supposed to have heard him.
The sad remorseful look on his beautiful face caused a painful pang in Belle’s chest as she pushed the very painful memory to the back of her mind. It wouldn’t do well for either of them to dwell on the past, they had a future to look forward to.
“That wasn’t your fault Buck.”
Bucky was saved from answering when the door to their little boy’s bedroom opened with a soft creak, tearing Bucky and Belle’s attention away from one another, not before they shared a soft smile and they glanced at Noah. He had Bucky’s eyes – those beautiful blue eyes that Belle had fallen so deeply in love with – and he had Bucky’s complexion. However, as he was getting older he was starting to look more like Belle, his thick dark hair was naturally wavy like hers.
It was his first day of elementary school and Belle had to fight back tears, swallowing down the lump in her throat, her baby boy was growing up much too quickly for her liking. Noah looked nervously between his mom and dad as he shrugged his backpack on, reaching down to pet their dog Pip who was running around in circles.
It was Bucky who found his voice first, he had managed to get the morning off of work to see his son off to school, “you look great buddy, so grown up,” his voice sounded strong but when Belle glanced at Bucky she noticed that his bottom lip was quivering, a sure tell for when he was about to cry.
“Thanks dad.”
Noah gave Belle his boyish dimpled grin – that was sure to break tons of hearts in the future – when she kissed his curls, “you look so handsome baby, just like your dad,” Belle grinned and looked over at Bucky who had a slight flush on his cheeks at the compliment.
The three of them left for the elementary school not long after and it was hard to say goodbye to Noah. There were some tears from Belle as she hugged and kissed Noah goodbye, she really did try to hold back her tears. When Noah disappeared into the school Bucky and Belle had a little cry in the car, they were worried that he wouldn’t like it or he’d get bullied and wouldn’t make any friends.
Meanwhile, Noah walked into the brightly coloured room to see tables of four scattered throughout the room. He nervously approached and sat down at a table where a boy and a girl with dark brown hair were already sitting. They both gave Noah a friendly smile which put Noah at ease in an instant.
“Hi, I’m Noah Barnes,” he introduced himself, putting his hand out just like his dad had taught him to do when meeting new people.
The boy smiled before taking Noah’s hand, “I’m Matt Odinson and this is my sister Evie.”
Belle and Bucky really shouldn’t have worried about Noah because when they went to pick Noah up he had a massive grin on his face. On the drive home he gushed to his mom and dad about what a great day that he’d had.
“I met Matt and Evie,” he beamed, “they’re twins and I think they’re gonna be my best friends forever,” he giggled, looking extremely pleased with himself. Bucky and Belle grinned at each other, glad that it all had turned out to be okay.
As the years passed it turned out that Noah had only been half right about being best friends with Matt and Evie forever. He had stayed best friends with Matt but as Noah reached middle school Evie had found her own friends and Noah eventually stopped talking about her. In fact, Noah had hardly seen Evie outside of school until he went to a mutual friend’s birthday party.
Belle had gone to pick him up and she almost laughed to herself when – out of the car window- she noticed Evie giving Noah a tight, long hug. When they pulled away from each other – Evie rather reluctantly – Noah said something to her that made her giggle and toss her hair. Belle could practically see Evie’s blush from where she was sitting, she thought that it was pretty adorable. Noah climbed into the car before Belle could wipe the smirk from her face and unfortunately Noah noticed and he eyed her suspiciously.
“What’s going on mom?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her and Belle had to work hard to conceal a laugh.
“I think that Evie has a crush on you,” Belle smiled at her thirteen year old as he gave her a disbelieving look, “why don’t you ask her to the dance?”
Noah huffed out a sigh and rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair, “because mom,” he started, “the dance is lame and I don’t like Evie like that anyway,” he shook his head and opted on looking out of the window, refusing to look at Belle.
A couple more years passed by and Noah only grew more good looking and popular, he’d cut his hair so it wouldn’t naturally turn to waves and his eyes were almost too blue. He was of course still best friends with Matt who was like a brother to him.
“Uh sis, where are you going looking like that?” Matt demanded, halting their game of soccer.
It was actually a nice day so they were making the most of it. Noah glanced at where Matt was glaring and he saw Evie in a royal blue tea dress, that showed off her legs, her recently dyed golden blonde hair fell past her shoulders in loose curls. She sighed, flicking her hair out of her eyes, glaring at her brother.
“I’m going on a date, not that its any of your business.”
Noah bit his lip, trying not to laugh at the identical scowls on the twins’ faces, instead he busied himself with tying the laces on his sneakers, trying to stay out of the conversation as much as possible.
“You are not going out dressed like that!”
Evie let out a shrill laugh before pausing momentarily, “oh god, you’re not joking. Right,” she sounded pissed off now and Noah just knew that she was tossing her hair and fixing her brother with a death glare, “stop trying to be like dad okay? You’re not dad! I’m going out like this whether you like it or not! Keep quiet about what I’m wearing or I’ll tell mom and dad about your little secret,” that shut Matt up straight away and Noah concealed his smirk, he knew what Evie was referring to.
“Alright then, see you later bro. Bye Noah,” at the mention of his name Noah looked up, his eyes started at her sparkly black heels and he glanced up to her face. His blue gaze lingered on her for too long, her smile was bright and her hair sparkled in the late afternoon sunlight.
“See you, have a great time,” Noah smiled, Evie beamed at him before she walked to her car.
“Hey man,” Matt’s voice was in Noah’s ear and an arm was slung around his shoulders, “if you even think about touching my sister, this friendship is over. For good.”
Noah’s eyes almost popped out of his head at Matt’s words, his eyes were so wide that it was comical, “are you kidding me? I respect your friendship too much, you’re my best friend.”
That was the honest truth, Noah thought that Evie was an attractive girl but there was no way in hell that they would ever be together. It wasn’t worth losing Matt.
@void-imaginations​ @shoytai​ @slytherinbithc​ @ayee-style​  @marvelellie
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sequoiann · 7 years
❦ liqhtmas ┊ halo
❆ 10 ; “i met you last christmas and never saw you again until today on christmas day. are you an angel? wait, you actually are?
❆ 19 ; “yeah, uh, alcohol doesn’t go in hot chocolate.”
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pairing; seventeen jeonghan x reader
genre; fluff + angst + humor + angel!jeonghan + medieval!au (but slightly modernized?) + fantasy
word count; 1.8k words (i swear it’s not as long as it sounds hjsdkf)
; prompts for liqhtmas
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You wandered around the warm, empty house which had festive decorations put up on almost every wall and every corner, your fingers numbly brushing across the wooden table that you walked past. Snow was falling outside, creating a huge white blanket that spread over the entirety of your village. Your eyes scanned the colorful living room which had no signs of life other than your own. A lit Christmas tree was standing proudly at a corner, the lights circling around it shining their individual colors brightly. Garlands were hung neatly on the walls, the center of each drooping down slightly to create a mini U-shape. Red and green Christmas stockings lined the top of your fireplace, seeming to provide a teeny bit more warmth than the fire itself did on other days.
You were a young adult living alone, and you have been for the past 5 years. Where were your parents? Well, you were a product of a failed relationship --- or rather, a failed marriage. Your parents got into a huge fight when you were 16, and it honestly wasn’t surprising. They’d been fighting for as long as you could remember, but this one just had a denouement that concluded the end of their marriage. Neither of them wanted anything to do with the former family after signing the papers, and you were something that would tie them down. So they left the house to you, as if that was a reasonable alibi for them to leave you to raise yourself.
There was a kind lady in the village who acted as your godmother after your biological one left, though --- Madalyn. She was a clothier, someone who makes clothes for the nobles. Most of the materials that were supplied to her were expensive and fine, and she had briefly told you before that if she used any of those for her own benefits, she’d suffer a great deal. You could easily guess what she meant --- you were old enough.
However, materials that had minor stains or manufacturing defects in them would never be bought by any noble, so she used those for you, sewing up dresses and normal everyday clothing. You couldn’t thank her enough. She would often come over with food, but you could feed yourself. You worked as a little deliverer. Your pay wasn’t that good, but it helped you get by.
Madalyn was the one who put up all the Christmas-y decorations in your home, too, even after countless protests from you, who had told her that there was no need in doing that since ‘no one’s gonna see them anyway’. She had smiled warmly, shaking her head as she continued doing what she was doing --- setting up the Christmas tree.
“You’d see it,” she said as-a-matter-of-factly.
She was going out of town for the holiday to visit her direct family, and she had indirectly shown guilt for not being able to be with you. It’d be like that every year, during any festive season. You were used to it, you told her, and you didn’t blame her.
So now, you were alone in your house, the decorations somehow making you feel lonelier on this occasion. You sighed and headed to the kitchen, opening the cabinet overhead and pulling out a container of cocoa-mix powder. You rinsed a yellow-colored mug and filled it with milk before heating it up in the microwave, and adding the cocoa powder in after that. You mindlessly stirred the hot chocolate, hoping that it’d warm your insides. You found your mind floating to the thought of alcohol --- you were reminded that you had a few cans left in the fridge, and the day was passing by unimaginably slowly, so why not?
Grabbing two cans out of the fridge, you placed them both on the countertop beside your mug of hot chocolate, opening one of the cans and taking a sip out of it. You stared at the brown liquid still sitting on the tabletop for a moment, before tilting the canned alcohol above the hot chocolate. You have this habit of making weird concoctions, and sometimes, just sometimes, they turn out tasting fine.
“Yeah, uh, alcohol doesn’t go in hot chocolate.”
You literally jumped back in surprise at the voice, your hand jerking and hitting the filled mug of hot chocolate. It overflows a little and spills onto your hand, making you yelp and instinctively put your lips on the scalded area after hastily putting down the can.
You looked up at the speaker, who had widened his eyes after seeing what happened, pushing himself up from his original position of leaning on the wall.
“Are you okay?” he asked, coming closer to you. You flinched and moved back, and when he noticed that, he stopped in his tracks. You removed your hand from your mouth, unbothered about how unsightly that was.
“W-who are you? Why’re you here? How’d you get in?” you blabbered, your other hand holding onto your wrist close to your chest. You scrutinized the stranger for a bit. He looked oddly familiar, but you couldn’t recall where you had seen him before. He was wearing a white, comfy-looking woolen sweater, his blonde hair and pale skin making him look really… glowy.
The man pressed his lips into a small smile, folding his arms and letting you continue to look him up-down as a sense of familiarity flashed across your eyes.
Then it clicked.
“I met you last Christmas,” you spoke unsurely, the image of him being at the carpenter’s when you were delivering something to them popping up in your head. The man nodded excitedly.
“Yes! Hello, I’m Jeonghan!”
You raised an eyebrow. You still aren’t trusting him. Why was he in your house? And also, you knew almost everyone in the village since you were one of the few ‘deliverers’, but you had never seen him after that one meeting.
“I never saw you again until today, on Christmas day again. Are you an angel?” you questioned. Your social skills weren’t very good.
Jeonghan blinked in surprise, hesitating to confirm your words. You frowned, confused at how he didn’t deny it immediately.
“Wait, you actually are?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Jeonghan sighs after seeing your unconvinced expression and casually twirls his index finger in the air, and a whirl of shiny, white sparkles which seemed tinted with pink trailed in the atmosphere.
You were still in disbelief. “...For real? Angels exist?”
Jeonghan nods, unfazed. “I’m a guardian angel. More specifically, your guardian angel.”
Your eyes dropped down to his clothes, and you frowned. “I thought angels wore long, silky, white dresses? And where’s your halo?”
Jeonghan chuckled, his laughter sounding especially melodious. “What era are you living in, Y/N?”
You blinked. “Oh, you know my name.”
“Were you not listening to whatever I said?”
You blinked again. “I was.”
Jeonghan hummed in half-hearted acknowledgment, walking closer to you again. “How’s your hand?”
You had totally forgotten about scalding yourself. You looked down at your hand and saw a red mark on the spot. Jeonghan gently takes your hand, putting it under the tap in the sink and turning on the water. It felt especially cold to the touch.
“Don’t be so stiff,” Jeonghan said, chuckling. “It’s not like I’m gonna hurt you.”
You knew that. There was just something about his presence that made you feel like he had actually been with you since forever, but it was your second time meeting him in person.
“Why’re you here?” you asked carefully, trying to keep the fluttering in your stomach in check. Jeonghan turned off the tap, his hand holding onto yours like you were a princess made of diamonds.
“Well,” he started, his eyes moving from your hand to your eyes. He really looked like an angel, you thought. His eyes were a dreamy grey and seemed to literally sparkle. You quickly looked down before you got lost in them.
“First of all, you’re alone again this Christmas, and that isn’t nice,” he said, smiling gently, his hand letting go of yours, which fell to your side. “Second of all, you actually tried mixing alcohol with hot chocolate. You’re gonna kill yourself.”
You laughed. “I’m still alive, don’t worry. You haven’t failed your job.”
Jeonghan chuckled, shaking his head. “So, what do you wanna do?”
You cocked your head to a side. “You’re actually spending Christmas with me?”
He nodded simply. “Yeah, of course.”
You smiled. “I’d like a movie. It’s too cold out,” you mumbled. “But I’m bored of the movies I have.”
Jeonghan smiled in understanding, before twirling his finger in the air again before pointing it onto your countertop. A ray of sparkle followed the line, and a wide array of different movie CDs appeared on the table.
“Woah!” you exclaimed, widening your eyes and grabbing a random CD box to make sure it was real. It was.
“You can make anything appear?” you asked Jeonghan, and he nodded proudly.
“Would you like a house?” he suggested cheekily, opening his hand where a mini, sparkly house was floating above his palm. You quickly grabbed onto his arm and pushed it down, the sparkles disappearing.
“Don’t! There’s no space!” you exclaimed, the both of you laughing at the thought.
“Okay, choose your movie and we’ll move to the couch.”
You ended up picking up 4 of them before the both of you plopped down on the couch in the living room and playing one of the movies you picked out. You have seated a safe distance away from Jeonghan, who was snug at the corner of your L-shaped sofa. Jeonghan noticed you being all awkward and reached out, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him. You yelped softly and ended up being seated right beside him.
“Just treat me as your boyfriend,” Jeonghan spoke, chuckling a little. “You don’t have to be so reserved.”
You swallowed at the term he used, hesitant. Honestly, you were tempted to just snuggle up to him and stay there, and since his presence wasn’t actually unfamiliar, you knew it’d be fine. But you were still wary.
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow and pulled you closer such that you were literally squeezed next to him, his arm over your shoulders. You were surprised, but didn’t adjust yourself. It was warm and... nice.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you as the movie introduction played on the television before Jeonghan speaks up.
“You know, angels can read the minds of the person they’re assigned to,” Jeonghan informed you, making you gulp and attempt to sit back up. But he pulls you back down, laughing.
“Just stay here,” he chuckled, resting his head on yours and making a warm, fuzzy blanket appear on top of both of you. “I know you’re cold.”
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fydaiyanoace · 7 years
Five Years
@fydaiyanoace​‘s secret santa event from: @nerdygirlkerrie to: @elamn pairing: kuramiyu  summary/prompts: christmas date, sweaters,  scarfs, proposals,  new year's party 
I. Year One
“I am not wearing that.”
Kuramochi sighed and shot his partner a glare, shaking the sweater that dangled from his hand.  “You are too.  The hell you are going to disappoint my mom like that,” he snapped.
Miyuki’s lips twisted as he stared at the monstrosity dangling from his boyfriend’s hand.  A huge part of him wanted to flat out refuse – the thing was hideous and even he had his limits fashion-wise.  But another part of him screeched not to do anything hasty.  This part of him was the rational, mature part, and it told him that this was their first Christmas together, and the first time he was meeting Kuramochi’s mother (and grandfather) and he really did want to make a good impression.  
He was deathly afraid of them hating him.
But ugh, why… “Why ugly sweaters though?” Miyuki sighed dramatically, reaching out to take the offending thing.  “Isn’t that some American thing?”
Kuramochi shrugged, his own sweater glaring viciously at Miyuki from his chest.  “Yeah, but she’s been spending a lot of time on the internet and apparently she read starting traditions like this helps bring families together.  You should be happy Kaz, it means she’s counting you as one of our family.”
That shut Miyuki up fast and his hands tightened around the scratchy material.  He sighed inwardly, staring at the sweater, knowing this was a fight he’d just lost.  Damn idiot knew exactly where to hit him.  With all the precision of a shiv to the heart, Kuramochi had destroyed every resistance he had.  “I really hate you.” He grumbled, pulling the sweater on over his head.  “I don’t even know if you’re even worth it sometimes.”
The words left his mouth, but he knew they weren’t remotely true.  Sure, they’d taken a lot of risks getting together and they’d had to hide it for most of the end of second and third year, but the secrets and the sneaking around was worth it.  Because in the end, he loved Kuramochi and his stupid cackle, and he knew his life would be nothing without his best friend-turned-boyfriend.
“Kyahaha,” was Kuramochi’s reply as he stepped close to adjust the atrocity that now encased Miyuki’s chest.  “Liar,” he accused.  His hand slid around Miyuki’s back, coaxing and comforting in the exact way he knew the taller boy loved.  “Try saying that when without a sappy look on your face.”
Miyuki’s lips pursed, and he was half tempted to shove the other boy away, but he was a little too warm and it felt like forever since he got to hold him.  So instead, he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and buried his face in his spiky green-brown hair.  “Now who’s the worst?” He muttered, arms tightening.
“Still you,” Kuramochi sang, shoulders shaking with laughter.  “But I guess you’re not so bad.  You nervous?”
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t.  Meeting parents was a huge step, one they’d decided to leave off with regards to his dad, mostly because Miyuki wasn’t sure how the man was going to take his only son having a male partner.  Plus, he would probably just work through the short holiday anyway.  He hadn’t even blinked when Miyuki told him he was going to Chiba instead of coming home.
And then there was the fact that he probably didn’t know how to be a family, since it had been just him and his dad from the time he was young and even then mostly just him because his dad worked non-stop.  How did normal families behave?  He was probably bound to say something to offend Kuramochi’s mother or grandfather at some point.  And of course, then there was the fact that he was a guy, and though Kuramochi assured him his mom and grandpa didn’t care who he loved as long as he was happy, it made Miyuki nervous and uncomfortable.
But lying to Kuramochi was a pointless endeavor, he always saw through him.  Always.  He was the one person that could.  “Yeah…” He sighed, seeking the other boy’s neck with his nose so he could breathe him in.  Kuramochi’s scent always made him feel better.
“My mom’s gonna love you,” Kuramochi said, shifting one arm so he could stroke his hand through Miyuki’s hair.  “You’re tall, disgustingly attractive and you cook… seriously, what more could she want in a son-in-law?”
Miyuki pushed closer, but only because he now had to hide the faint flush in his cheeks.  “Skipping about fifty steps there aren’t you?”
Kuramochi shrugged.  “I didn’t say I was thinking that… but that’s how mom’s think, right?”
“I really wouldn’t know,” Miyuki replied with no rancor, finally pulling back.  He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and touching his lips to Kuramochi’s though, because there was softness in his eyes that made Miyuki’s heart flutter like a twelve year old girl.  “But if you say so.”
Kuramochi’s fingers tangled in Miyuki’s sweater and yanked him back down when he tried to back away, kissing him with his usual fury.  Miyuki melted, of course, because he always did.  He was way too weak to his best friend.  “Just be yourself.  She’s used to boys like us.”  A grin flashed over Kuramochi’s face as he finally let Miyuki go.  “Might want to save the terrible for the second meeting though.”
Miyuki rolled his eyes.
“Oh man, what are you wearing?”
Cringing, Miyuki half turned to face Zono, who piled into the room with Shirasu and Kawakami on his tail.  “Should have let me put the stupid thing on on the trail.”
Unashamed, Kuramochi only cackled.  “Where’s the fun in that?”
 Kuramochi knew that Miyuki hated wearing the sweater, so he gave him a lot of credit.  After the initial burst of complaint, he said nothing and wore it like a champ.  Of course, he wore a coat over it for the entire train trip to Chiba, but it was enough that he knew it was there.
Plus, the look on his mom’s face when they arrived was enough to make being teased by their teammates.  Her eyes lit up the second their coats were off and she laughed so happily she nearly cried.  Of course, the look on Miyuki’s face when she pulled him into her arms and gave him loud, smacking kisses on each of his cheeks was even better.  It took a lot to fluster Miyuki Kazuya, and his mom had managed it.
He could tell his partner was nervous, even as they were ushered into the apartment and his mom took control of their minimal luggage.  All the way into the living room that doubled as a dining room and food was put in front of them.  Kuramochi watched his idiot catcher carefully as his mom and grandpa chattered away and asked him the thousand questions parents were expected to ask of their child’s significant other.  Miyuki was stiff and formal, as charming as he was capable of (which was, actually, not that much, since he had only two settings: terrible teasing, or introverted discomfort), but otherwise looking incredibly miserable to Kuramochi’s knowing eyes.
Sighing inwardly, he shifted a little closer and found his knee under the table, giving it a squeeze in hopes to calm him down a bit and let him know he was doing just fine.  To his credit, Miyuki didn’t so much as flinch, but he glanced his way, allowing Kuramochi to flash him a grin that said all it needed to.
That was apparently all it took for the tension to wash out of him.  It an uncharacteristic move, Miyuki shifted his hand beneath the table and covered Kuramochi’s, squeezing back.  Kuramochi retaliated by turning his hand over, pressing his palm to Miyuki’s and threading their fingers together.
They were not particularly subtle, though they meant to be, but Kuramochi could see the glee in his mother’s eyes.  He half expected her to pounce and tease him terribly, but she only grinned at the pair of them and announced, “We’re going to have a wonderful holiday!”
 II.  Year Three
“Where’s your scarf?”
Miyuki looked up from where he was shivering to find his boyfriend heading towards him all bundled up from the tip of his nose to the bottom of his boot-clad feet.  He was a little put out to realize that, despite being little more than a rounded shape at the moment, he was still too damn attractive and he really wanted to kiss him.
Or maybe the coats were incidental and it was the better part of a week of not seeing him that was making him want to drag him into the dark.
Shrugging, Miyuki grinned, hands shoved into coat pockets.  “Slipped my mind.”
Kuramochi eyed Miyuki balefully, all too aware of his shivering.  “I’m gone for a week and you lose your brain… We could have met at home, you know.”
“But then I would have had to go all the way home after practice, just to go out again,” Miyuki replied, unrepentant as he slithered towards his partner.  “And then I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”
Quicker than lightning, his hands shot out and danced beneath Kuramochi’s scarf and collar, onto the warm skin of his neck.  “Damn it, Kazuya!” The shortstop screeched, trying to pull away.  “Why the hell aren’t you wearing gloves?”
Miyuki wasn’t about to let him escape, not before his numb fingers had feeling in them again.  He’d been standing in the cold for a while now and this was punishment for his partner being late.  He crowded Kuramochi, fingers circling the back of his neck and holding him in place.  Using this to his advantage, Miyuki ducked his head and pressed his forehead to Kuramochi’s.  
Kuramochi glowered, but stopped fighting.  “You’re such an asshole,” he grumbled, but there was a smile in his eyes and his hands found Miyuki’s pockets and hooked inside to pull him closer.  “I can’t believe I missed you.”
“But you did, no take-backs!” Miyuki giggled, stroking the back of the other man’s neck.  “Mochi~ My lips are cold!”
Rolling his eyes, Kuramochi retorted, “Should have worn a goddamn scarf then!”
Miyuki’s eyes darkened and his eyelids dropped, which made Kuramochi’s entire being spike in awareness.  “Mochi~”
“Ugh, you’re the worst,” Kuramochi whispered, mouth already moving towards its counterpart.
Given that they were standing on a busy street outside a coffee shop they frequented often, the shortstop kept the kiss pretty shallow, but it lingered in a way that had them both forgetting about the cold.
Even after the kiss ended they lingered, just sort of soaking up each other’s presence.  “A week is too damn long,” Kuramochi sighed, eyes closed and reveling in Miyuki’s nearness.
“Yeah,” Miyuki replied, just as close.  I missed you, burned the tip of his tongue, as did all the rest of the feelings that swirled around within him, but he kept them to himself, like he always did, hoping Kuramochi would see and feel them anyway, like he always did.  In lieu of words, he pressed his cold, slightly chapped lips to his boyfriend’s forehead.  “How’s your grandpa?”
“He’ll survive, loved the attention though,” Kuramochi snorted, “And loved being able to boss me around.”
“That is pretty enjoyable…”
“Haha.”  Kuramochi took a deep breath, taking in the scent that he could never escape and never really wanted to.  “So why did you want to go out again?  And where are we going?”
“It’s been a while since we went out,” was Miyuki’s answer as he finally took a step back.  “I was thinking nabe, cause it’s so cold… and maybe a movie.  That one you said you wanted to see came out last week.”
Kuramochi shot Miyuki a speculative look.  “Okay… but, can we really afford that?  We were down to cucumbers and instant noodles last week.”
Depressingly true, since they’d over-extended their budget on surprise expenses.  “It’s Christmas, Youichi, we can afford to do something special to mark the occasion.” Miyuki replied, voice dry. He really hoped he wasn’t going to be difficult…
Of course, being the surprisingly practical one of the two with regards to domestic issues and money, Kuramochi frowned.  “Since when is Christmas a big deal?  It’s not for a couple of days anyway, and aren’t we going to your dad’s?”
He was doing his best to ruin it, maybe not on purpose, but still.  Miyuki’s lips twisted.  He hadn’t wanted to explain it, but he could see Kuramochi digging in his heels.  “Look,” his eyes slid away and he could faintly feel his ears burn.  “Dad gave me some money for Christmas and New Years and I want to spend it on you, okay?  I know the past week’s been hard and this was all I could think of to make it better…”
Staring up at Miyuki, who now refused to meet his gaze, Kuramochi felt his heart clench ominously.  Damn it… every time he thought he couldn’t love his stupid face any more he did something like this and he was lost all over again.  It made him forget about all the times he made him crazy, and about how he was still an emotional clam even three years into their relationship.  Because even if he didn’t say anything, the feelings were there and they occasionally broke into the light.
Despite the fact that he knew it would only make Miyuki uncomfortable if he got all sappy, he couldn’t help it.  “I love you,” Kuramochi said, reaching for Miyuki’s face to drag him back down into a kiss.  “I love you so bloody much it makes me want to scream.”
Flustered and unable to process what he’d just heard, Miyuki froze, eyes widening.  He…He couldn’t-  He had no idea how to react.  They’d been close since the first year of high school, and they’d been together since second year, but those words, those terrible, daunting, overwhelming words had never been spoken between them.  That wasn’t to say they weren’t felt, but they were never said!
It was like an unwritten rule, wasn’t it?
“Hyahaha, don’t make that face,” Kuramochi stated, stroking his thumbs over Miyuki’s frozen cheeks.  Really, his idiot was so predictable.  “You don’t have to say anything, Kaz.  I know.  I know.”
 Miyuki took a deep breath and relaxed into the other man’s hold.  “Why say it then?” He grumbled, pouting.
“Because I thought you should hear it.  Not all of us are emotionally constipated.  You don’t have to be threatened by something you already knew.” Kuramochi answered, kissing him gently one last time before pulling back and reaching for his scarf.
It was one thing to know, and another thing to hear, but Miyuki couldn’t deny that the words made him feel hot and happy in a way he hadn’t been in a long time.  Maybe he did need the words, maybe, as usual, Kuramochi was right.  
Too consumed with thinking about whether or not this actually changed anything, Miyuki was startled when he felt soft fabric wrap around his neck.  He blinked, looking down to see Kuramochi’s scarf circled protectively against his chilled neck.  “What are you doing?  You’ll get cold!” He protested, already concerned.
Kuramochi merely lifted an eyebrow and tugged on the scarf.  “Then next time, wear your damn scarf.  You’re not even wearing a hat or gloves, honestly, what’s wrong with you?”
Miyuki huffed, deciding that amusement was better than annoyance, and really, when his Mochi got all protective like this, he was adorable.  “Sorry, mom.”
Clicking his tongue, Kuramochi stepped away and threaded his arm around Miyuki’s, tucking the other man’s hand into his pocket for warmth.  “Yeah, and if our mom was here, she’d give you shit too.  Now come on, I’m hungry, and you were saying something about hot pot and a date.”
Miyuki couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face, and he didn’t even try to hide it.
 III.  Year Five
The New Year’s party was not his idea.  If Miyuki had his way they would have been at home, curled up in bed doing a lot more fun things than sipping alcohol and making small talk.  But his partner had wanted to go, since it was their last party of university, and he never could say no to the man.
Still, it could prove just the opportunity he needed, if he could manage to get his lover alone long enough to make it work.
“You look worried, something on your mind?”
Miyuki looked up to find Sanada Shunpei wandering up to him, drink in hand.  He was somehow managing to pull off rumpled suit in a way that looked classy instead of disheveled and Miyuki was almost impressed.  Of course, after nearly four years of knowing the man, he wasn’t really surprised.  Sanada was the only man he knew that could be both driven and somehow lazy as hell.  
He was a little annoyed at himself that he wasn’t doing a better job of covering up his nerves.  He supposed he should just be thankful that his partner was off playing a drinking game with others from their team and thus not around to notice himself.  “Nope, what makes you say that?” Miyuki played off, sipping at his drink, something Kuramochi had shoved into his hand earlier.
“Well for one, your more introverted than usual,” Sanada pointed out with a grin. “And two, you have this awkward air about you, which I haven’t seen since high school.”
“Awkward air?” Miyuki replied, lifting an eyebrow.  “I’m pretty sure we didn’t know each other well enough back then for you to be able to tell something like that.  Also, rude.”
Sanada laughed.  “Well, you followed Kuramochi everywhere then too and if you weren’t teasing or poking, you were pretty quiet.”
Just how much time had he spent watching them?  Miyuki supposed they had played each other a lot in high school.  “And quiet equals awkward?”
“It does when you look uncomfortable.” Sanada shrugged.
Now sure Sanada was messing with him, Miyuki rolled his eyes.  “Don’t you have a skirt or two to chase?” He asked, voice dry.
Rather than be put off by Miyuki’s attitude, Sanada only lifted his glass and toasted him.  “Sure do, and I’m sure they’ll be much better company.”  With one finally wink, he sauntered away towards a group of women across the big room.
Miyuki watched, unsurprised, as the group welcomed him with smiles and giggles.  Typical, the man had do little but smile and people dropped at his feet.  Still, it was almost impressive.
This, of course, left him alone again to stew in his nerves.  He clutched the drink his partner had given him and sipped, not wanting to get drunk – because damn it, at least one of them should remember what happened – while his other hand worried at the unadorned box in his pocket.  It was stupid, even thinking about it, especially thinking about doing it here, but he was getting a little impatient.
Miyuki knew that his partner considered them serious – they’d been together for six years, that was a long time, over a quarter of their lives.  But a very real fear poisoned his gut – fear that with their lives moving into adulthood, they would and could no longer be what they’d always been.  It made him want to cling to Youichi, cling and never let go.  
It was so stupid.  Youichi had already promised he’d come with him when he moved to Nishinomiya, waving it off like it was nothing because “I can get a job anywhere Kaz, it’s not a big deal.”  But it was a big deal, because it was even farther away from his family, and the job market probably wasn’t as good, maybe, and… it was a sacrifice.
And besides, he still hadn’t told the cackling shortstop how much he adored him, that he needed him.  This was one way of doing that, and damn it, this time, this time for sure, he’d say the words.  It wasn’t a big deal right?  Just open his mouth and say…
“I love you…” Miyuki whispered, fingers clenched around the box in his pocket.  See?  Not that hard…
“Really?  I kinda hoped for something a little grander the first time I heard that.  Or were you talking to yourself?”
Miyuki tensed, panic and humiliation flooding through him.  He swallowed heavily as he lifted his eyes to find Kuramochi standing in front of him, a thin eyebrow raised.  No, no, no, this is not how this is supposed to go!
The fear Kuramochi saw in his partner’s eyes made him sigh.  So that’s how it was. Idiot, honestly.  “Come on, let’s go home.”
“What?” Miyuki responded, caught off guard.  “But you-”
Kuramochi sighed, rolling his eyes, though there was a smile on his face as he took Miyuki’s drink, set it on a nearby surface and grabbed his now-empty hand.  “It’s not much fun for me when you’re standing in a corner by yourself,” Kuramochi snarked, exasperated.  “It’s fine, Kaz.  Think of it like a compromise, we came, I had fun, now we’re going to do what you want.”
Shaking off some of his nerves, Miyuki replied, “And just how do you know what I want?”
“Because these things make you uncomfortable and you’d almost always rather stay at home,” was the response, as Kuramochi began tugging him towards the door.  
So much for being spontaneous and romantic surrounded by their friends.  But then, maybe this was better, because Miyuki was suddenly sure he didn’t want witnesses.  This moment… he wanted to horde it for just them.  Plus, he would be more comfortable if they were at home…
They called out their goodbyes and Miyuki let Kuramochi field the disappointed and mocking shouts, mostly because he did it with a disarming grin that literally no one could countermand.  When someone shouted an innuendo at them, Kuramochi blushed a bit and scowled, but Miyuki giggled and smirked in a lecherous way.
“Thanks for that,” Kuramochi muttered as they left the building.  “Now they think we’re leaving to bang.”
Miyuki gasped theatrically.  “You mean we’re not?  I’m crushed.”
“Idiot,” Kuramochi muttered, but slid his arm through his partner’s and hugged it against him.
It was a quiet trip home, which was fine for Miyuki.  It only got harder for him to relax the closer they got and he probably wouldn’t be very good conversation anyway.  His mind kept moving through possible scenarios, each more unlikely than the last.  He couldn’t deny the fear that burned his throat.  A part of him told him he was an idiot, that it could only go one way because this Youichi, and Youichi never disappointed or hurt him.  But confidence with things like this was in short supply, and the part of him that whispered that no one would want him forever was just a little bit louder.
Lost in his thoughts, Miyuki was barely aware of their arrival at their little two room apartment.  He removed his shoes and winter outerwear mechanically, mind racing furiously.  It was almost time – he wasn’t going to chicken out, not this time, he had to-
“Okay, out with it,” Kuramochi snapped the second they stepped into their living room, whirling around to trap the taller man with his gaze.
Miyuki blinked, panicking – he hadn’t even started yet!  Damn it… “Out with what?” He replied to buy time.  He wasn’t ready, he didn’t have anything prepared.  
What did he say?
“Don’t play dumb,” Kuramochi’s eyes narrowed, catching Miyuki by the waist so he couldn’t flee.  “You’ve been weird and squirrely since this morning.  You were more awkward than usual at the party and you have not stopped messing with whatever’s in your pocket.  So, out with it.  And what the hell is in your pocket?”
Damn it, why the hell is he so sharp?  Miyuki wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but having his partner figure everything out and ruin it wasn’t it.  It was almost disappointing, because this was supposed to be romantic, and somehow he’d messed that up too.  Of course, how the hell he hadn’t expected his best friend to put it all together was a mystery.  Of course he’d notice something.
Well, there was no turning back now.  Even if he wanted to get out of this situation and regroup, he couldn’t, because his lover had a stubborn expression on his face which said he wasn’t letting it go.
Feeling sick with terror, Miyuki reached into his pocket and pulled out the little box he’d been worrying at all day.  It was a small thing, sitting in the palm of his hand, wood and unadorned, but it held his hopes and dreams, and a deep warmth from his past.  
Kuramochi’s eyes expanded dramatically as Miyuki held out his hand and the little box.  “I had all these plans… but like everything else, they obviously didn’t work out… But I… I hope you’ll still….”
“Kaz…” Kuramochi breathed, eyes locked on the box.  His hands shook as they reached out to pick up the box.  His fingers felt numb as they circled the box to open the lid.  He stopped breathing all together as the box’s contents came into view.
It was a simple ring, small, gold, with a plain band and a tiny diamond.  
“It was my mother’s,” Miyuki murmured, gut churning viciously.  His hands curled at his side, unsure of what to do with them, though all he really wanted to do was pull his partner against him.  “I-It’s a little feminine, probably, but I… I want you to have it, Youichi.  You don’t have to wear it or anything but I… I…” he swallowed rapidly, feeling like his tongue was swollen and sticking to the roof of his mouth.  Say it! He screamed at himself.  
If ever there was a time to say it, it was that moment.  Miyuki took a deep breath, clenched his fists and pushed the words out.  “I love you, Youichi.”
The words were quieter than he would have liked – no more than a whisper – but his soul was in them, and he immediately felt lighter for having got them out.  That didn’t mean he didn’t hold his breath while he waited for the response, because he absolutely did.  
Kuramochi’s fingers tightened until his knuckles were white around the little box.  Then he sucked a great, noisy breath in and lifted his head.  Fierce eyes glinted in the artificial light of their small living room and his free hand came up like a shot and circled behind Miyuki’s neck.  He used the hold to drag him forward and down so he could fit his mouth against his and pour everything he was into the embrace.
Miyuki’s heart stalled in his chest as he leaned into the kiss, letting Kuramochi control it as he saw fit.  It was, like many of his partner’s kisses, wild and untamed, like a sudden summer storm.  It made him dizzy and warm and he couldn’t help the vulnerable groan that bubbled up his throat.  
When Kuramochi decided that he’d expressed himself enough, he pulled away, though he didn’t go far and he kept the solid grip he hand on Miyuki’s nape.  Their breaths mingled, noses brushing and foreheads nearly pressed together.  “You gonna ask me?” Kuramochi rasped, eyes lidded and dark.
The fear that had hounded Miyuki all day, and even longer, fled in the wake of Kuramochi’s blazing eyes.  He couldn’t even remember why he’d been so afraid.  “I… Yeah,” he groped blindly to catch Kuramochi’s hand that held the box.  “Do I have to get on my knees?”  This was said with a little smirk as he gained confidence at approximately the same rate as the distance between them had disappeared.
A grin spread across the shortstop’s face.  “As much as I’d love to see you beg, that can wait until later.  Ask me, you bastard.”
Heat flooded Miyuki’s veins, and anticipation, because there was promise in his partner’s tone.  He took the box from Kuramochi, necessitation some distance, and plucked the ring from its velvet hold.  Kuramochi released his nape to pull his hand down and hold it between them for Miyuki to catch.
“Mochi…” Miyuki said slowly, caressing his partner’s knuckle gently as he threaded the ring onto the waiting finger.  He exhaled heavily.  “…Marry me?”
“Kyaha, of course,” Kuramochi cackled quietly, flexing his fingers so as to admire the way the ring sat on his hand.  It didn’t even look that feminine, despite having been a woman’s wedding ring.  “I love you, idiot.  I know you’re scared, because everything’s gonna change in the next few months, but you know I’d go anywhere with you, even without it?”
“I know,” Miyuki replied, bending his head to kiss the ring.  His lips quirked playfully.  “I’d still rather have you shackled so you can’t run away though~”
Kuramochi snorted, squeezing the hand that held his.  “Who’s running away?” He demanded, grinning in challenge.  “I can’t believe it fits though, seems weird.”
“I had it sized,” Miyuki admitted.  “That’s what the extra money was for last month.”
“A worthy expenditure, I guess,” Kuramochi teased, sliding an arm around his new fiancee’s waist.  “What did your dad say?”
Miyuki was only happy to wrap himself around his partner, answering with an arm around his shoulders and a kiss to his temple.  “He said that it was mine to give to whoever I want… and that he was happy for me.”
“Good,” Kuramochi sighed, cuddling into Miyuki unashamedly.  “Say it again?”
The words came much easier this time, like the barrier had been destroyed for good and for the first time in months, Miyuki looked forward to the future.  
“I love you, Youchi.”
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okimargarvez · 7 years
HURT- open wounds
Original title: Hurt.
Prompt: Luke’s dark thought, destiny, contrasted love.
Warnings: sexual content, dark thoughts.
Genre: angst, drama, romantic, smut, dark, mistery, frienship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, O.C.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: multichapter.
Legend: 💏😘😈🔦🐶❗🎈👻.
Song mentioned: La tua vita intera, Tiziano Ferro.
Hurt- Masterlist
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Chapter 5-
Yet she insists on going to the Quantico headquarters alone. She doesn't want others to know. -Not yet-. For him it's indifferent. He doesn't care what others think. Although he quickly became attached to the team. Or so he believes. Because as soon as she leaves her home and gets on the subway, his head starts to spin at full speed. And the ghosts visit him. It had been too good. It had lasted too long, the fun's over.
It's tremendous not to be able to be himself. Not being able to touch her. Smile at her. I'm screwed. Completely fucked.
Then she arrives one morning with bags in hand. She stops in front of his desk. He must hold himself back so as not to stretch his hands towards her body.
-It's just a little something.- he smiles at her, confused. There is hardly anyone. It's still early. He chose to get there first, hoping that filling out some paper would help him divert his attention from his fixed point. From his obsession. But it hadn't been like that, as he could readily imagine.
-For me? - he asks, hoping for a positive result. She shakes her head.
-No! Not for you, it's for Roxy. But you have opposable thumbs, so you can open it for her.- his face widens into a smile as he peers into the smaller bag and discovers some... biscuits. Which turn out to be unfit for his dog's diet. And telling this to her is a titanic enterprise. How badly this gets him, seeing her so sad because she was wrong. Fortunately, there is a second gift: a sweater. Pink. He would see it much better on her. It would exalt her forms. Then her damned phone ring -We have a case.- he can't avoid turning his head towards her, following her until she disappears in the meeting room.
 On the jet, he continues to rethink the information he has acquired on previous nights. The way she had stripped completely naked before his eyes, her sincerity. Totally exposed. Vulnerable at the highest level possible. If he had wanted, if he had been a sadist, a madman, a wicked person, he could have made her what he wanted. It was as if she had given him the opportunity to hold her palpitating heart in his hands, crystal, both for the transparency and the fragility of this material. The responsibility she had given him, unwanted and unexpected, had completely stunned him. She had left him numb.
Then some particular episodes come to his mind in random chronological order. She had told him that on public transport she never sat down. She always carried a book with her, because you never know, if the environment around her was dark, if the world tried to suck her down the drain, she would let herself be carried among the clouds on the balloon of fantasy; and then it was the only way to endure the noise of the crowd, the confusion, without really becoming estranged from the real context in which she found (and so it would not have been if she had listened to music with headphones). And at the same time, she had tried to explain to him how much in those moments, crushed between men in suits and ties, briefcase in hand, cheeky ruminant little girls, indifferent of their half-open backpacks, old women stubborn to not sit because "The next stop is mine", how often she lost herself to think how beautiful, varied, vast the world was. How many occasions, how many people we don't have the possibility to meet. She had felt a sense of loss towards something that had never been. And perhaps never would have been.
So, she had stared at him intently, making him understand that it could also have happened between them. Thanks to that criminal, only thanks to Daniel Cullen, to the escape organized by Mister Scratch, their paths had crossed. So, he owed his happiness to the bastard who had almost killed his best friend and had ruined his life. A beautiful paradox. And now this asshole was comfortable in a psychiatric hospital and there was even the risk of freeing him, because he was no longer the Crimson King, he was a rind of a man, the one who had left Lewis; he was any person he didn't know, he didn't feel he had committed any kind of crime. Always that he wasn't pretending.
Luke remembers the question Hotch had asked him. Do you want to kill Daniel Cullen?
And his answer: I took an oath to uphold the laws of this country. So... Yeah. Yeah, I want to kill him.
How much of these events had influenced in his first "approaches" with Penelope? He had not unloaded all his tensions on her? It wasn't just the shadows of his past or a desire to be "healed", as he had told himself until now. It was much more. He needed to throw, fling on someone else all that weight, which bent his back, prevented him from thinking rationally. And poor, little Penelope, she had found herself in the wrong place at the right time. And now that mistake had proved to be the greatest miracle that could ever happen to him. But he didn't stop feeling guilty, wrong, horrible, thinking about how he acted. How much he had used her, and yes, it cost him to admit it, even ill-treated. And to what he had received in return: love, tenderness, understanding, total availability.
The screen turning on interrupts his thoughts, more or less: it's the face of his woman, the one that occupies the visual rectangle entirely. -My crime fighters- she begins, as she usually likes to define them -I have some news for you: Amanda Berxtrom awaits you at the police station upon your arrival.- while providing important data, he is attentive and in "operational" mode. But as soon as the screen goes black, as if someone has pressed a button in his head, he re-starts from where he left off.
If only he could tell her. If at least he managed to get rid of this extra burden, this sword of Damocles, before it fell between them, definitively separating their lives. Because until he had said nothing to her, the "thing" would continue to grow, to incorporate him, drag him down with it. And there was the usual problem: there were other things that she should have known, before she could think, hypothesize a relationship with him.
And Luke realizes it while they're starting the landing maneuver. He wants that. He wants a serious relationship with her. And he can't have it. But he can't do without it. And so he's a hundred percent messed up.
 She cares about everyone, each of the members of behavioral analysis unit. Just as she wanted a deep good to anyone who had been part of it, even in a very limited way, like Jordan Todd. But for the first time since Derek said goodbye to the Bureau, she rehearsed that feeling of amplified anguish, at the thought that there is someone who she loves in a special way, out there to fight against the contemporary dragons of our society.
Well, it's useless to make fun of herself. She's in love. Wretch world!
Worse than a teenager. She is in the phase of the Little Prince: "If, for example, you come at four o’clock in the afternoon, then at three o’clock I shall begin to feel happy. As the time passes I shall feel happier and happier. At four o’clock, I shall become agitated and start worrying; I shall discover the price of happiness!". She does her job, she researches possible connections to identify the bad guy. But she does so with the knowledge that first they'll catch the unsub and first she'll see him again.
Oh my God, I'm so ruined.
And he, what does he feel? He didn't say anything to her, but the way he made her feel that night, the attention he gave her, the way he looked at her all the time, as if he were contemplating something precious, to be treated and protect with nails and teeth... it gives hope her. It's a while she doesn't see those shadows obscuring his already dark eyes. But she doesn't be fooled that they have disappeared forever. And she doesn't want that he censors anything in her presence. She wants him in integral format. Full package. Full price. Evil and good. In sickness and in health.
Till death do us part.
 Why the hell that phrase does come to his mind right now? What does that have to do with what Spencer has just said?
When I was five, no, maybe they were already six... Zorba, my kitten, my first pet, was hit. My parents tried to sell me the story that he was gone, and indeed it was true, in a "better place" or so-called. But I saw it. I saw his body deformed by the impact with the car. He was agonizing. He was still alive. Mom didn't want that I knew it. But I discovered that a neighbor had to go there to "stop making him suffer". I have done absolutely nothing. I know I couldn't, I was just a child. But this is one of the things that still haunts me today. And when I went to Alaska with the team, one of the few times I was in the field, it happened that the signal was gone, I was talking to my boyfriend... I went down to check and I heard a cry. Human, though hardly recognizable as such. I was afraid, I would say a lie if I asserted the opposite. But I couldn't stay there, doing nothing. Why I didn't go call someone who would be able to do a better job than mine? Because there was no time. I knew he could no longer be saved. But I didn't want the last thing he saw was the face of his killer. Whose had taken his life from him... how it could have happened to me.
She had continued, adding the details of her exit, the frightening noises amplified by the fear, the wind that hissed, freezing every limb, the ferrous smell of the gushing blood, of the life that abandons the body of that poor man, the grass that crunched beneath her feet. But he interrupted her, because he wanted an explanation. What do you mean with "it could have happened to me"?
Penelope had sighed. And then spat everything out, exactly as he would have done with her own saliva or her own phlegm.
About ten years ago I went out with a man. I don't want to make this too long. He was attractive, at least for me. I had repaired his computer and he asked me out. I found it strange. I'm not the girl men see across a smoky bar and write songs about, I told Derek at the time when I told him about it. And just because of his answer, don't get me wrong, I don't want to least to blame him, it was only my responsibility, my naivety and stupidity. However, almost as a consequence of his sentence, I decided to accept the invitation. Just... this man was a policeman with the killer hero syndrome and he was convinced that I was identifying him. As a result, he shot me, hitting me very close to my heart, on the stairs of my apartment. And he also bent down to make sure I was dead, that his plan was successful. I had to hold my breath. In those conditions. As my head thundered, the forces faded, I heard David Bowie calling me, I thought I saw Mom, Dad and even Zorba, who made me a sign of reaching them... and I managed to deceive him. I don't know how. I don't know what I was holding onto. But what I know, and that I knew even then, is that I never wanted my last look to be occupied by my killer. That his indelible image remains forever on the retinas. I don't know if you've ever seen See No Evil...
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee @itsdawnashlie @talesoffairies @janiedreams88 @kiki-krakatoa @yessenia993 @teyamarra @c00lhandsluke  @gcchic @arses21434 @orangesickle @entireoranges @jarmin @kathy5654 @martinab26 @thisonekid @thenibblets @perfectly-penelope @ambrosiaswhispers @maziikeen92 @lovelukealvez @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @ichooseno  @ megs2219 @rkt3357 @franklintrixie @thinitta @chewwy123 @skisun @maba84 @saisnarry @myhollyhanna23 @thenorthernlytes
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