#ss: nerdygirlkerrie
fydaiyanoace · 7 years
Five Years
@fydaiyanoace​‘s secret santa event from: @nerdygirlkerrie to: @elamn pairing: kuramiyu  summary/prompts: christmas date, sweaters,  scarfs, proposals,  new year's party 
I. Year One
“I am not wearing that.”
Kuramochi sighed and shot his partner a glare, shaking the sweater that dangled from his hand.  “You are too.  The hell you are going to disappoint my mom like that,” he snapped.
Miyuki’s lips twisted as he stared at the monstrosity dangling from his boyfriend’s hand.  A huge part of him wanted to flat out refuse – the thing was hideous and even he had his limits fashion-wise.  But another part of him screeched not to do anything hasty.  This part of him was the rational, mature part, and it told him that this was their first Christmas together, and the first time he was meeting Kuramochi’s mother (and grandfather) and he really did want to make a good impression.  
He was deathly afraid of them hating him.
But ugh, why… “Why ugly sweaters though?” Miyuki sighed dramatically, reaching out to take the offending thing.  “Isn’t that some American thing?”
Kuramochi shrugged, his own sweater glaring viciously at Miyuki from his chest.  “Yeah, but she’s been spending a lot of time on the internet and apparently she read starting traditions like this helps bring families together.  You should be happy Kaz, it means she’s counting you as one of our family.”
That shut Miyuki up fast and his hands tightened around the scratchy material.  He sighed inwardly, staring at the sweater, knowing this was a fight he’d just lost.  Damn idiot knew exactly where to hit him.  With all the precision of a shiv to the heart, Kuramochi had destroyed every resistance he had.  “I really hate you.” He grumbled, pulling the sweater on over his head.  “I don’t even know if you’re even worth it sometimes.”
The words left his mouth, but he knew they weren’t remotely true.  Sure, they’d taken a lot of risks getting together and they’d had to hide it for most of the end of second and third year, but the secrets and the sneaking around was worth it.  Because in the end, he loved Kuramochi and his stupid cackle, and he knew his life would be nothing without his best friend-turned-boyfriend.
“Kyahaha,” was Kuramochi’s reply as he stepped close to adjust the atrocity that now encased Miyuki’s chest.  “Liar,” he accused.  His hand slid around Miyuki’s back, coaxing and comforting in the exact way he knew the taller boy loved.  “Try saying that when without a sappy look on your face.”
Miyuki’s lips pursed, and he was half tempted to shove the other boy away, but he was a little too warm and it felt like forever since he got to hold him.  So instead, he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and buried his face in his spiky green-brown hair.  “Now who’s the worst?” He muttered, arms tightening.
“Still you,” Kuramochi sang, shoulders shaking with laughter.  “But I guess you’re not so bad.  You nervous?”
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t.  Meeting parents was a huge step, one they’d decided to leave off with regards to his dad, mostly because Miyuki wasn’t sure how the man was going to take his only son having a male partner.  Plus, he would probably just work through the short holiday anyway.  He hadn’t even blinked when Miyuki told him he was going to Chiba instead of coming home.
And then there was the fact that he probably didn’t know how to be a family, since it had been just him and his dad from the time he was young and even then mostly just him because his dad worked non-stop.  How did normal families behave?  He was probably bound to say something to offend Kuramochi’s mother or grandfather at some point.  And of course, then there was the fact that he was a guy, and though Kuramochi assured him his mom and grandpa didn’t care who he loved as long as he was happy, it made Miyuki nervous and uncomfortable.
But lying to Kuramochi was a pointless endeavor, he always saw through him.  Always.  He was the one person that could.  “Yeah…” He sighed, seeking the other boy’s neck with his nose so he could breathe him in.  Kuramochi’s scent always made him feel better.
“My mom’s gonna love you,” Kuramochi said, shifting one arm so he could stroke his hand through Miyuki’s hair.  “You’re tall, disgustingly attractive and you cook… seriously, what more could she want in a son-in-law?”
Miyuki pushed closer, but only because he now had to hide the faint flush in his cheeks.  “Skipping about fifty steps there aren’t you?”
Kuramochi shrugged.  “I didn’t say I was thinking that… but that’s how mom’s think, right?”
“I really wouldn’t know,” Miyuki replied with no rancor, finally pulling back.  He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and touching his lips to Kuramochi’s though, because there was softness in his eyes that made Miyuki’s heart flutter like a twelve year old girl.  “But if you say so.”
Kuramochi’s fingers tangled in Miyuki’s sweater and yanked him back down when he tried to back away, kissing him with his usual fury.  Miyuki melted, of course, because he always did.  He was way too weak to his best friend.  “Just be yourself.  She’s used to boys like us.”  A grin flashed over Kuramochi’s face as he finally let Miyuki go.  “Might want to save the terrible for the second meeting though.”
Miyuki rolled his eyes.
“Oh man, what are you wearing?”
Cringing, Miyuki half turned to face Zono, who piled into the room with Shirasu and Kawakami on his tail.  “Should have let me put the stupid thing on on the trail.”
Unashamed, Kuramochi only cackled.  “Where’s the fun in that?”
 Kuramochi knew that Miyuki hated wearing the sweater, so he gave him a lot of credit.  After the initial burst of complaint, he said nothing and wore it like a champ.  Of course, he wore a coat over it for the entire train trip to Chiba, but it was enough that he knew it was there.
Plus, the look on his mom’s face when they arrived was enough to make being teased by their teammates.  Her eyes lit up the second their coats were off and she laughed so happily she nearly cried.  Of course, the look on Miyuki’s face when she pulled him into her arms and gave him loud, smacking kisses on each of his cheeks was even better.  It took a lot to fluster Miyuki Kazuya, and his mom had managed it.
He could tell his partner was nervous, even as they were ushered into the apartment and his mom took control of their minimal luggage.  All the way into the living room that doubled as a dining room and food was put in front of them.  Kuramochi watched his idiot catcher carefully as his mom and grandpa chattered away and asked him the thousand questions parents were expected to ask of their child’s significant other.  Miyuki was stiff and formal, as charming as he was capable of (which was, actually, not that much, since he had only two settings: terrible teasing, or introverted discomfort), but otherwise looking incredibly miserable to Kuramochi’s knowing eyes.
Sighing inwardly, he shifted a little closer and found his knee under the table, giving it a squeeze in hopes to calm him down a bit and let him know he was doing just fine.  To his credit, Miyuki didn’t so much as flinch, but he glanced his way, allowing Kuramochi to flash him a grin that said all it needed to.
That was apparently all it took for the tension to wash out of him.  It an uncharacteristic move, Miyuki shifted his hand beneath the table and covered Kuramochi’s, squeezing back.  Kuramochi retaliated by turning his hand over, pressing his palm to Miyuki’s and threading their fingers together.
They were not particularly subtle, though they meant to be, but Kuramochi could see the glee in his mother’s eyes.  He half expected her to pounce and tease him terribly, but she only grinned at the pair of them and announced, “We’re going to have a wonderful holiday!”
 II.  Year Three
“Where’s your scarf?”
Miyuki looked up from where he was shivering to find his boyfriend heading towards him all bundled up from the tip of his nose to the bottom of his boot-clad feet.  He was a little put out to realize that, despite being little more than a rounded shape at the moment, he was still too damn attractive and he really wanted to kiss him.
Or maybe the coats were incidental and it was the better part of a week of not seeing him that was making him want to drag him into the dark.
Shrugging, Miyuki grinned, hands shoved into coat pockets.  “Slipped my mind.”
Kuramochi eyed Miyuki balefully, all too aware of his shivering.  “I’m gone for a week and you lose your brain… We could have met at home, you know.”
“But then I would have had to go all the way home after practice, just to go out again,” Miyuki replied, unrepentant as he slithered towards his partner.  “And then I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”
Quicker than lightning, his hands shot out and danced beneath Kuramochi’s scarf and collar, onto the warm skin of his neck.  “Damn it, Kazuya!” The shortstop screeched, trying to pull away.  “Why the hell aren’t you wearing gloves?”
Miyuki wasn’t about to let him escape, not before his numb fingers had feeling in them again.  He’d been standing in the cold for a while now and this was punishment for his partner being late.  He crowded Kuramochi, fingers circling the back of his neck and holding him in place.  Using this to his advantage, Miyuki ducked his head and pressed his forehead to Kuramochi’s.  
Kuramochi glowered, but stopped fighting.  “You’re such an asshole,” he grumbled, but there was a smile in his eyes and his hands found Miyuki’s pockets and hooked inside to pull him closer.  “I can’t believe I missed you.”
“But you did, no take-backs!” Miyuki giggled, stroking the back of the other man’s neck.  “Mochi~ My lips are cold!”
Rolling his eyes, Kuramochi retorted, “Should have worn a goddamn scarf then!”
Miyuki’s eyes darkened and his eyelids dropped, which made Kuramochi’s entire being spike in awareness.  “Mochi~”
“Ugh, you’re the worst,” Kuramochi whispered, mouth already moving towards its counterpart.
Given that they were standing on a busy street outside a coffee shop they frequented often, the shortstop kept the kiss pretty shallow, but it lingered in a way that had them both forgetting about the cold.
Even after the kiss ended they lingered, just sort of soaking up each other’s presence.  “A week is too damn long,” Kuramochi sighed, eyes closed and reveling in Miyuki’s nearness.
“Yeah,” Miyuki replied, just as close.  I missed you, burned the tip of his tongue, as did all the rest of the feelings that swirled around within him, but he kept them to himself, like he always did, hoping Kuramochi would see and feel them anyway, like he always did.  In lieu of words, he pressed his cold, slightly chapped lips to his boyfriend’s forehead.  “How’s your grandpa?”
“He’ll survive, loved the attention though,” Kuramochi snorted, “And loved being able to boss me around.”
“That is pretty enjoyable…”
“Haha.”  Kuramochi took a deep breath, taking in the scent that he could never escape and never really wanted to.  “So why did you want to go out again?  And where are we going?”
“It’s been a while since we went out,” was Miyuki’s answer as he finally took a step back.  “I was thinking nabe, cause it’s so cold… and maybe a movie.  That one you said you wanted to see came out last week.”
Kuramochi shot Miyuki a speculative look.  “Okay… but, can we really afford that?  We were down to cucumbers and instant noodles last week.”
Depressingly true, since they’d over-extended their budget on surprise expenses.  “It’s Christmas, Youichi, we can afford to do something special to mark the occasion.” Miyuki replied, voice dry. He really hoped he wasn’t going to be difficult…
Of course, being the surprisingly practical one of the two with regards to domestic issues and money, Kuramochi frowned.  “Since when is Christmas a big deal?  It’s not for a couple of days anyway, and aren’t we going to your dad’s?”
He was doing his best to ruin it, maybe not on purpose, but still.  Miyuki’s lips twisted.  He hadn’t wanted to explain it, but he could see Kuramochi digging in his heels.  “Look,” his eyes slid away and he could faintly feel his ears burn.  “Dad gave me some money for Christmas and New Years and I want to spend it on you, okay?  I know the past week’s been hard and this was all I could think of to make it better…”
Staring up at Miyuki, who now refused to meet his gaze, Kuramochi felt his heart clench ominously.  Damn it… every time he thought he couldn’t love his stupid face any more he did something like this and he was lost all over again.  It made him forget about all the times he made him crazy, and about how he was still an emotional clam even three years into their relationship.  Because even if he didn’t say anything, the feelings were there and they occasionally broke into the light.
Despite the fact that he knew it would only make Miyuki uncomfortable if he got all sappy, he couldn’t help it.  “I love you,” Kuramochi said, reaching for Miyuki’s face to drag him back down into a kiss.  “I love you so bloody much it makes me want to scream.”
Flustered and unable to process what he’d just heard, Miyuki froze, eyes widening.  He…He couldn’t-  He had no idea how to react.  They’d been close since the first year of high school, and they’d been together since second year, but those words, those terrible, daunting, overwhelming words had never been spoken between them.  That wasn’t to say they weren’t felt, but they were never said!
It was like an unwritten rule, wasn’t it?
“Hyahaha, don’t make that face,” Kuramochi stated, stroking his thumbs over Miyuki’s frozen cheeks.  Really, his idiot was so predictable.  “You don’t have to say anything, Kaz.  I know.  I know.”
 Miyuki took a deep breath and relaxed into the other man’s hold.  “Why say it then?” He grumbled, pouting.
“Because I thought you should hear it.  Not all of us are emotionally constipated.  You don’t have to be threatened by something you already knew.” Kuramochi answered, kissing him gently one last time before pulling back and reaching for his scarf.
It was one thing to know, and another thing to hear, but Miyuki couldn’t deny that the words made him feel hot and happy in a way he hadn’t been in a long time.  Maybe he did need the words, maybe, as usual, Kuramochi was right.  
Too consumed with thinking about whether or not this actually changed anything, Miyuki was startled when he felt soft fabric wrap around his neck.  He blinked, looking down to see Kuramochi’s scarf circled protectively against his chilled neck.  “What are you doing?  You’ll get cold!” He protested, already concerned.
Kuramochi merely lifted an eyebrow and tugged on the scarf.  “Then next time, wear your damn scarf.  You’re not even wearing a hat or gloves, honestly, what’s wrong with you?”
Miyuki huffed, deciding that amusement was better than annoyance, and really, when his Mochi got all protective like this, he was adorable.  “Sorry, mom.”
Clicking his tongue, Kuramochi stepped away and threaded his arm around Miyuki’s, tucking the other man’s hand into his pocket for warmth.  “Yeah, and if our mom was here, she’d give you shit too.  Now come on, I’m hungry, and you were saying something about hot pot and a date.”
Miyuki couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face, and he didn’t even try to hide it.
 III.  Year Five
The New Year’s party was not his idea.  If Miyuki had his way they would have been at home, curled up in bed doing a lot more fun things than sipping alcohol and making small talk.  But his partner had wanted to go, since it was their last party of university, and he never could say no to the man.
Still, it could prove just the opportunity he needed, if he could manage to get his lover alone long enough to make it work.
“You look worried, something on your mind?”
Miyuki looked up to find Sanada Shunpei wandering up to him, drink in hand.  He was somehow managing to pull off rumpled suit in a way that looked classy instead of disheveled and Miyuki was almost impressed.  Of course, after nearly four years of knowing the man, he wasn’t really surprised.  Sanada was the only man he knew that could be both driven and somehow lazy as hell.  
He was a little annoyed at himself that he wasn’t doing a better job of covering up his nerves.  He supposed he should just be thankful that his partner was off playing a drinking game with others from their team and thus not around to notice himself.  “Nope, what makes you say that?” Miyuki played off, sipping at his drink, something Kuramochi had shoved into his hand earlier.
“Well for one, your more introverted than usual,” Sanada pointed out with a grin. “And two, you have this awkward air about you, which I haven’t seen since high school.”
“Awkward air?” Miyuki replied, lifting an eyebrow.  “I’m pretty sure we didn’t know each other well enough back then for you to be able to tell something like that.  Also, rude.”
Sanada laughed.  “Well, you followed Kuramochi everywhere then too and if you weren’t teasing or poking, you were pretty quiet.”
Just how much time had he spent watching them?  Miyuki supposed they had played each other a lot in high school.  “And quiet equals awkward?”
“It does when you look uncomfortable.” Sanada shrugged.
Now sure Sanada was messing with him, Miyuki rolled his eyes.  “Don’t you have a skirt or two to chase?” He asked, voice dry.
Rather than be put off by Miyuki’s attitude, Sanada only lifted his glass and toasted him.  “Sure do, and I’m sure they’ll be much better company.”  With one finally wink, he sauntered away towards a group of women across the big room.
Miyuki watched, unsurprised, as the group welcomed him with smiles and giggles.  Typical, the man had do little but smile and people dropped at his feet.  Still, it was almost impressive.
This, of course, left him alone again to stew in his nerves.  He clutched the drink his partner had given him and sipped, not wanting to get drunk – because damn it, at least one of them should remember what happened – while his other hand worried at the unadorned box in his pocket.  It was stupid, even thinking about it, especially thinking about doing it here, but he was getting a little impatient.
Miyuki knew that his partner considered them serious – they’d been together for six years, that was a long time, over a quarter of their lives.  But a very real fear poisoned his gut – fear that with their lives moving into adulthood, they would and could no longer be what they’d always been.  It made him want to cling to Youichi, cling and never let go.  
It was so stupid.  Youichi had already promised he’d come with him when he moved to Nishinomiya, waving it off like it was nothing because “I can get a job anywhere Kaz, it’s not a big deal.”  But it was a big deal, because it was even farther away from his family, and the job market probably wasn’t as good, maybe, and… it was a sacrifice.
And besides, he still hadn’t told the cackling shortstop how much he adored him, that he needed him.  This was one way of doing that, and damn it, this time, this time for sure, he’d say the words.  It wasn’t a big deal right?  Just open his mouth and say…
“I love you…” Miyuki whispered, fingers clenched around the box in his pocket.  See?  Not that hard…
“Really?  I kinda hoped for something a little grander the first time I heard that.  Or were you talking to yourself?”
Miyuki tensed, panic and humiliation flooding through him.  He swallowed heavily as he lifted his eyes to find Kuramochi standing in front of him, a thin eyebrow raised.  No, no, no, this is not how this is supposed to go!
The fear Kuramochi saw in his partner’s eyes made him sigh.  So that’s how it was. Idiot, honestly.  “Come on, let’s go home.”
“What?” Miyuki responded, caught off guard.  “But you-”
Kuramochi sighed, rolling his eyes, though there was a smile on his face as he took Miyuki’s drink, set it on a nearby surface and grabbed his now-empty hand.  “It’s not much fun for me when you’re standing in a corner by yourself,” Kuramochi snarked, exasperated.  “It’s fine, Kaz.  Think of it like a compromise, we came, I had fun, now we’re going to do what you want.”
Shaking off some of his nerves, Miyuki replied, “And just how do you know what I want?”
“Because these things make you uncomfortable and you’d almost always rather stay at home,” was the response, as Kuramochi began tugging him towards the door.  
So much for being spontaneous and romantic surrounded by their friends.  But then, maybe this was better, because Miyuki was suddenly sure he didn’t want witnesses.  This moment… he wanted to horde it for just them.  Plus, he would be more comfortable if they were at home…
They called out their goodbyes and Miyuki let Kuramochi field the disappointed and mocking shouts, mostly because he did it with a disarming grin that literally no one could countermand.  When someone shouted an innuendo at them, Kuramochi blushed a bit and scowled, but Miyuki giggled and smirked in a lecherous way.
“Thanks for that,” Kuramochi muttered as they left the building.  “Now they think we’re leaving to bang.”
Miyuki gasped theatrically.  “You mean we’re not?  I’m crushed.”
“Idiot,” Kuramochi muttered, but slid his arm through his partner’s and hugged it against him.
It was a quiet trip home, which was fine for Miyuki.  It only got harder for him to relax the closer they got and he probably wouldn’t be very good conversation anyway.  His mind kept moving through possible scenarios, each more unlikely than the last.  He couldn’t deny the fear that burned his throat.  A part of him told him he was an idiot, that it could only go one way because this Youichi, and Youichi never disappointed or hurt him.  But confidence with things like this was in short supply, and the part of him that whispered that no one would want him forever was just a little bit louder.
Lost in his thoughts, Miyuki was barely aware of their arrival at their little two room apartment.  He removed his shoes and winter outerwear mechanically, mind racing furiously.  It was almost time – he wasn’t going to chicken out, not this time, he had to-
“Okay, out with it,” Kuramochi snapped the second they stepped into their living room, whirling around to trap the taller man with his gaze.
Miyuki blinked, panicking – he hadn’t even started yet!  Damn it… “Out with what?” He replied to buy time.  He wasn’t ready, he didn’t have anything prepared.  
What did he say?
“Don’t play dumb,” Kuramochi’s eyes narrowed, catching Miyuki by the waist so he couldn’t flee.  “You’ve been weird and squirrely since this morning.  You were more awkward than usual at the party and you have not stopped messing with whatever’s in your pocket.  So, out with it.  And what the hell is in your pocket?”
Damn it, why the hell is he so sharp?  Miyuki wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but having his partner figure everything out and ruin it wasn’t it.  It was almost disappointing, because this was supposed to be romantic, and somehow he’d messed that up too.  Of course, how the hell he hadn’t expected his best friend to put it all together was a mystery.  Of course he’d notice something.
Well, there was no turning back now.  Even if he wanted to get out of this situation and regroup, he couldn’t, because his lover had a stubborn expression on his face which said he wasn’t letting it go.
Feeling sick with terror, Miyuki reached into his pocket and pulled out the little box he’d been worrying at all day.  It was a small thing, sitting in the palm of his hand, wood and unadorned, but it held his hopes and dreams, and a deep warmth from his past.  
Kuramochi’s eyes expanded dramatically as Miyuki held out his hand and the little box.  “I had all these plans… but like everything else, they obviously didn’t work out… But I… I hope you’ll still….”
“Kaz…” Kuramochi breathed, eyes locked on the box.  His hands shook as they reached out to pick up the box.  His fingers felt numb as they circled the box to open the lid.  He stopped breathing all together as the box’s contents came into view.
It was a simple ring, small, gold, with a plain band and a tiny diamond.  
“It was my mother’s,” Miyuki murmured, gut churning viciously.  His hands curled at his side, unsure of what to do with them, though all he really wanted to do was pull his partner against him.  “I-It’s a little feminine, probably, but I… I want you to have it, Youichi.  You don’t have to wear it or anything but I… I…” he swallowed rapidly, feeling like his tongue was swollen and sticking to the roof of his mouth.  Say it! He screamed at himself.  
If ever there was a time to say it, it was that moment.  Miyuki took a deep breath, clenched his fists and pushed the words out.  “I love you, Youichi.”
The words were quieter than he would have liked – no more than a whisper – but his soul was in them, and he immediately felt lighter for having got them out.  That didn’t mean he didn’t hold his breath while he waited for the response, because he absolutely did.  
Kuramochi’s fingers tightened until his knuckles were white around the little box.  Then he sucked a great, noisy breath in and lifted his head.  Fierce eyes glinted in the artificial light of their small living room and his free hand came up like a shot and circled behind Miyuki’s neck.  He used the hold to drag him forward and down so he could fit his mouth against his and pour everything he was into the embrace.
Miyuki’s heart stalled in his chest as he leaned into the kiss, letting Kuramochi control it as he saw fit.  It was, like many of his partner’s kisses, wild and untamed, like a sudden summer storm.  It made him dizzy and warm and he couldn’t help the vulnerable groan that bubbled up his throat.  
When Kuramochi decided that he’d expressed himself enough, he pulled away, though he didn’t go far and he kept the solid grip he hand on Miyuki’s nape.  Their breaths mingled, noses brushing and foreheads nearly pressed together.  “You gonna ask me?” Kuramochi rasped, eyes lidded and dark.
The fear that had hounded Miyuki all day, and even longer, fled in the wake of Kuramochi’s blazing eyes.  He couldn’t even remember why he’d been so afraid.  “I… Yeah,” he groped blindly to catch Kuramochi’s hand that held the box.  “Do I have to get on my knees?”  This was said with a little smirk as he gained confidence at approximately the same rate as the distance between them had disappeared.
A grin spread across the shortstop’s face.  “As much as I’d love to see you beg, that can wait until later.  Ask me, you bastard.”
Heat flooded Miyuki’s veins, and anticipation, because there was promise in his partner’s tone.  He took the box from Kuramochi, necessitation some distance, and plucked the ring from its velvet hold.  Kuramochi released his nape to pull his hand down and hold it between them for Miyuki to catch.
“Mochi…” Miyuki said slowly, caressing his partner’s knuckle gently as he threaded the ring onto the waiting finger.  He exhaled heavily.  “…Marry me?”
“Kyaha, of course,” Kuramochi cackled quietly, flexing his fingers so as to admire the way the ring sat on his hand.  It didn’t even look that feminine, despite having been a woman’s wedding ring.  “I love you, idiot.  I know you’re scared, because everything’s gonna change in the next few months, but you know I’d go anywhere with you, even without it?”
“I know,” Miyuki replied, bending his head to kiss the ring.  His lips quirked playfully.  “I’d still rather have you shackled so you can’t run away though~”
Kuramochi snorted, squeezing the hand that held his.  “Who’s running away?” He demanded, grinning in challenge.  “I can’t believe it fits though, seems weird.”
“I had it sized,” Miyuki admitted.  “That’s what the extra money was for last month.”
“A worthy expenditure, I guess,” Kuramochi teased, sliding an arm around his new fiancee’s waist.  “What did your dad say?”
Miyuki was only happy to wrap himself around his partner, answering with an arm around his shoulders and a kiss to his temple.  “He said that it was mine to give to whoever I want… and that he was happy for me.”
“Good,” Kuramochi sighed, cuddling into Miyuki unashamedly.  “Say it again?”
The words came much easier this time, like the barrier had been destroyed for good and for the first time in months, Miyuki looked forward to the future.  
“I love you, Youchi.”
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