#I will always improve and always find faults in my stories
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antiyourwokehomophobia2 · 7 months ago
Something that makes me feel good about my writing is the fact that there are stories out there that I do not see the appeal of that do MASSIVELY well anyway. Like star wars. I have only ever had the vaguest interest in star wars. I watched the first movie about 4 years ago for the very first time and honestly don't remember anything about it now. Couldn't care less. Obviously star wars is still successful. Love it or hate it, 50 shades of Grey was a hit that left the author with loads of money. Do I see the appeal? No. That doesn't change the fact it was extremely popular. I tried MULTIPLE times to get into "the last of us" gameplay and could not hack it. I must have tried at least 4 times. I got extremely bored. But the last of us is so beloved that it even led to a beloved TV show (something notoriously hard for games-turned-shows to do). There are so many stories out there that do not catch my eye or that don't effect my heart in any way shape or form and yet people STILL love them to bits. So even if I think my stories are shit, clearly me classifying something as shit does not stop it from being loved by others. Even shitty stories can touch hearts and that's one of the few motivations that I keep recycling.
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shadowbriar · 1 year ago
James Potter - Traitor
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Pairing : James Potter x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 1.9k Warning : Cliffhanger (sort of). Not proofread as always. Synopsis : As gracious and angelic Lily Evans is, she couldn’t help but to see her as some villain who might steal him away. Notes : Inspired by this request and Olivia Rodrigo - Traitor. Pretty sort as I don't know if anon would like a happy or sad ending? If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕ James Potter's Masterlist click here. Taglist : @jsjcue @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sofiacblair @coffeehurricanes @ineedmentalhelp123
She should’ve known better. She should’ve known that when he pulled that stunt at the Great Hall, proclaiming his feelings and just how desperate he’s been to get her attention, that it was only a projection of the words he wanted to confess to another. She should’ve known that when he looked at her with those eyes that were filled with love, it would never compare to the affection he hoards for another. She should’ve known that with every promise, every sweet nonsense he whispered to her ears, they were truly addressed for another.
The signs were laid bare for her to see. From the way he stopped holding her hands in the hallway to making up excuses and cancelling their dates. His kisses have turned into quick pecks before they’re gone altogether. The jokes he used to share have stopped coming. Dissipating into thin air with no warning.
Supposedly it was her fault. She should’ve said something, calling him out from the lack of effort he’s been showing but she knew she was pulling on a thin thread. Their relationship has always been based on a frail foundation. She knew that deep down there was no other woman that could topple his first love, so she kept quiet. Crying herself to sleep and praying to whoever might listen out there to help salvage their relationship. Anything to keep him just a little bit longer.
“Love, you left your hair tie in my room,” James says once he takes a seat, busying himself with the stack of pancakes in front of him.
She takes the unassuming item and examines it. This hair tie wasn’t hers. She doesn’t have bright orange hair ties, “This isn’t mine, James.”
“Oh,” He responded, taking the item and placing it in his pocket nonchalantly “Must be Lily’s then.”
“Yeah, we had an impromptu study session last night after our rounds. She helped me with my potion essays.”
“But we promised to do that essay together,” She says, forcing a smile as she tries her best to conceal her disappointment and heartbreak “I waited for you to have some free time so we can work on it together.”
“Yes well, like I said, it was an impromptu session. We finished our rounds earlier than expected so we figured we could use the free time to do the assignment.” He explained, still oblivious to the harm done to her heart “Shouldn’t you be proud I’ve finally managed to finish an assignment earlier than due? This is a huge improvement for me, don’t you think?”
Her head nods, another pretend smile decorating her face. James looks happy and proud of his achievement. It was true. When else would you find James Potter diligently working his schoolwork? He’s always been one of those students who waits for the adrenaline rush of working everything at the last minute. He’s brilliant, perhaps too brilliant to ever spare an hour in revising his notes and making flashcards for the upcoming exams, so this certainly is a huge improvement to celebrate for. If only it wasn’t because of Lily.
“You’ve been spending more time with Lily, lately.” She points out. Her hands were shaking, knowing that the pool she’s stepping in might be deeper than it seems and she might not know how to swim to the shore but she needed to start somewhere. She needs to save their relationship somehow.
James’ brows furrow, a slight sign of disagreement, “Not really. Our rounds just happened to be scheduled together a lot this month.”
“Well, you also cancelled our study date last week for her.”
“Yeah, that’s because she needed my help with Divination.”
A rude laughter escapes her, “You’re the worst from our House in Divination, James. She doesn’t need your help.”
“Where are you going with this?” He finally snaps, turning to face her with evident annoyance in his eyes “I thought you would be happy with me finally trying to fix my grades.”
“I am. I just didn’t realise that needed to be done by increasing the amount of time you share with your ex-crush.”
“Oh, so you’re jealous?”
She was quiet now. Sure it was jealousy that plagued her mind the first time he began drifting away but these days, these days she’s only been insecure and worried for their sinking ship. Anxiety over the chance of her being replaced by someone who has always had his heart has been haunting her nights. As gracious and angelic Lily Evans is, she couldn’t help but to see her as some villain who might steal him away.
“You’re being paranoid, again.” James scoffs, turning completely blind and deaf to her silent agony “There’s nothing going on between me and Lily. I’m trying to fix my grades for me. She just happens to be a great teacher and companion to help me study.”
She's still quiet, weighing if she should believe his words.
"Please, I don't want to fight," James sighs, dropping the fork on his hand and taking hers to show his sincerity "She's just a friend, I promise."
There was truly nothing left for her to say that wouldn’t act as petrol to their burning bridge. James wasn’t listening. For a while now he hasn’t truly cared about a word she’s said and it was painful to finally understand this. That he might never have been as sincere as she thought him to be. Or perhaps he did, once, yet that feeling has died a long time ago with no chance of revival. His feelings for her have withered, faded into nothingness.
And it’s only a matter of time before the flame in her heart dies too.
It was a nasty fall.
She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this much worry and cried so much from something Madam Promfrey claims as ‘nothing but a light nudge on the head’, but she was there when the bludger hit his head. She was there when James began losing balance of his broom and falling to the hard ground. She was there when the team crowd around their passed out captain.
Her eyes were getting heavy now. The watch on her wrist has shown that she has skipped dinner a few hours ago. Some of the lights on the hospital wing have been turned off, making the hall darker as night falls deeper. If it wasn’t for the boys coming to visit James half an hour ago, she would be left starving and secretly creeped out by the eerie feeling of the infirmary.
“You should get some rest, Love, you’ve been waiting here for hours.” Remus advises, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze.
“He should be up anytime soon, now,” She reasoned as she looked up to see the tall boy “I want to be there when he wakes up.”
“Trust me, Dove, knowing Prongs, he might just sleep in till tomorrow,” Sirius added “Besides, you won’t miss a thing. He’ll still be the same obnoxious Potter tomorrow morning.”
A small curl of smile tugs on her lips.
“Come on, I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” Peter offers this time.
“You don’t have to, Wormy. I’m fine—”
“Dove, please,” Sirius begs “You look awful. And I mean this in the most endearing way but you could really use a bath.”
“Thank you, Pads,” She rolls her eyes, finally standing from her seat and glaring at the raven haired boy “Your honesty is always something I could count on, even in the darkest time.”
Sirius grins, nodding, “I am a man of honour.”
“Let me know if anything happens? If he wakes up?”
“We will,” Remus reassures “Goodnight, Love.”
With a last bid of hug and ignoring the still awful churning feeling in her gut, she links arm with Peter and walks out of the hospital wing. It’s been hours since she’s waited for her boyfriend to wake up from his sleep and the fatigue plaguing her body has only been recognised as she takes further steps away from the infirmary. Perhaps the worry has amplified the soreness of her muscles. It’s never an easy life dating the Captain of Gryffindor team.
She hates to admit it, but she might really need that bath Sirius was talking about.
And just when they were about to exit the tower, her brain reminded her of her left satchel, “Shoot, I forgot something.” She groans, letting out a frustrated sigh “Give me ten minutes?”
“Is it that important?” Peter asks “We can just bring it to you later.”
“I’ll be quick, I promise. I have to finish my paper for the first period tomorrow, I need to get my satchel.”
Peter only nods at her as she begins running back to the ward. Truth be told, she’s finished the paper as she waited for James earlier. Leaving her satchel was completely by accident and she could’ve just continued walking back to her dormitory and ask the boys to bring it to her later, but why would she pass up a chance to see her boyfriend one last time?
“So did she come?”
A smile blooms on her face as she hears James’ voice echoes faintly. He’s up.
“Of course she did, she waited for you for hours.” Sirius answers “She’s your girlfriend, Prongs, she never left.”
“Oh,” James answered, the disappointment dripping from his tone slows down her steps “I was asking about Lily, actually.”
There was a pause. She could see Sirius and Remus exchanging a glance from behind their backs. If it wasn’t for the curtain blocking James’ view, he would’ve seen her coming.
“So did she come?” James asks again.
“No, Prongs. Why would she come?” Remus asks, his tone slightly rising in annoyance.
“I don’t know,” James answers “I thought we were getting closer. I just figured she’d want to check on me.”
“Well, she didn’t,” Sirius says this time, the same level of irritation evident in his tone “Why are you even thinking of her? You have a brilliant girlfriend who cares for you. Who literally spent hours sitting on that awful chair, worried about your bonked head, and the first thing you asked about when you woke up was Lily?”
“It was just a question, Pads. No need to get all worked up on me.”
“Well, your question is rubbish, Prongs.”
“Why are you—”
“Hey guys,” She says, finally showing herself from behind the curtain “Sorry, I left my satchel. Oh, hello James, you finally woke up.”
She could see the surprise on James’ eyes that he quickly blinked away with a sweet smile, “Hello, Darling.”
“I’m glad you’re up. Are you feeling okay?”
“Still dizzy, but I’ll live.” He says warmly “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Uh, no, I need to finish my papers.” She says instead, fighting the loud ringing in her ears from the heartache “Besides, you need all the rest you could get. I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“But you wouldn’t—”
“I really need to go. Peter is waiting for me,” She cuts in “Good night, James.”
She glances at Remus and Sirius for a brief moment. Staring at them for too long would make all the dam she’s trying to uphold break lose and the last thing she’d want to do tonight would be to cry in front of James. No, she would not give him that satisfaction. It is one thing to deny and avoid all of her questions and another to actually dismiss her presence. Perhaps it's time for her to accept that the heart James wears on his sleeve was never hers to begin with.
As she walks out of the infirmary for the second time tonight, she could hear Sirius’ curse faintly, “You’ve lost her for good now, Prongs.”
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mcflymemes · 9 months ago
BULLET TRAIN (2022) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
if you mention thomas the tank engine one more time, i'm gonna shoot you in the fucking face.
would you describe me as someone who lives in perpetual anxiety?
well, you also have a shoot-able face.
you never know what horrible fate your bad luck has saved you from.
thank you for taking the job on such short notice.
you are getting the new and improved me.
i'm less reactive to situations, i'm more accepting of people's shortcomings.
you put peace out in the world, you get peace back.
i'm not even trying to kill people and someone dies.
i could live here. i like the atmosphere, the people are considerate.
i know i'm being judgmental. i need to work on that.
this train is bound for kyoto.
i'm gonna assume you didn't take the gun?
you know, i'm thinking of starting my own agency.
what am i snatching and/or grabbing?
shit, i think i dropped my ticket.
you're bleeding.
who the fuck did i kill?
i think they'll notice the childish code names first.
when was the last time you ate a lemon meringue pie?
there's always a catch.
you idiots work for my father?
you ever watch thomas the tank engine? everything i learned about people i learned from thomas.
i want to strangle you now.
why do you always bring swords?
that wasn't our fault.
hey, listen, i'm just gonna get off at the next stop.
where's the briefcase?
he doesn't need a reason to kill people like you.
you're going to want to hear the whole story, or you'll be very, very sorry.
why do i even bother forwarding you the briefings?
no one really knows the truth.
we are... fucked.
find me the son of a bitch who did this.
can we just take a time out here? talk this out?
why does that sound so familiar?
the guy who stabbed me. i spilled wine on his suit.
one of them is walking towards me right now.
why are we whispering?
your orders were to stay on the train.
can i please do my job now?
shove that fucking hat up your fucking asshole.
there's a gun underneath this table pointed right at you.
i'm just fucking with you.
real quick... every day is a fucking headache with you, innit?
you're alive, i'm alive, everyone's happy.
i just want to get off this train, go see a zen garden and some shit, you know?
there's another body here.
this guy's like criss fucking angel. he pops up everywhere.
unlike you, i'm a professional.
you shoot first and come up with the answers later.
are you hiding in a bathroom?
i knew my luck would rub off on you.
you're really proud of yourself, aren't you?
for what it's worth, you seem like a right fucking asshole and i'm glad you're gonna fucking die with me.
you proved you're smarter than everyone.
am i dreaming?
i don't know how to use a gun.
i'm glad you enjoyed the performance.
i'm mansplaining. i'm mansplaining again.
you want a blanket? you want me to hold your hand?
you have been lying to me, my friend.
i never forget a face.
i'm so happy to see you. please help me.
make sure you do something that brings you peace, 'cause everything else is a pain in the ass.
fate for me is just another word for bad luck.
why are you motherfuckers using metaphors?
i'm gonna buy us some time.
i built myself up from the nothing you gave me.
i came here to kill you.
oh shit. something's happening.
i'm sorry i shot you twice.
we're almost there. you just need to get up.
what's happening to your face? are you crying?
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uceyliyahh · 8 days ago
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Summary: “Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved,” After being in an abusive relationship Imani decided to close herself off until she gets drafted over to the Raw Brand bumping into her best friend Jimmy as she started to catch feelings for him, but will her heart let her fall for him?
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Jimmy Uso x Imani Blackwood
word count: 5432
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
Again mdni you have been warned.
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️ @pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign @ctinadiva @celesteheartsjey @duhitzkay380 @luuvprincess @bunnnyyys @mzv11 @nbanenefrmdao @xbriexx @prettyfilmz @usoinked
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic @clubsoft @sharmelasworld @mjonthetrack @serenity-noble @alyyaanna @animellver
@hunnidmilly @ctinadiva @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @luvrsluxe @4milly @xbriexx @trippinsorrows @yyaktayak @yana3sworld @theusotwinzcom @bossbitch-22
FLASHBACK 6 Imani has been putting in a tremendous amount of effort to pursue her dreams of becoming a wrestler and an emerging artist. As she strives to stay focused on her career, she realizes that her progress has improved without the surrounding drama related to Jordan, who she hasn't heard from in a while. This silence has left her feeling a bit uneasy, but she is determined to keep moving forward.
She refused to let it bother her, focusing instead on the song she was crafting in the studio during her day off. As she immersed herself in her work, she felt her phone vibrate. Glancing at the screen, she noticed that Zilla had called, so she decided to answer.
OTP Isayah📌: yooo mani what's hannin Mani💫: heyy um nothing much just working on a song that I've been working on lately hbu Isayah📌: at work you know same old same old Mani💫: yeah I feel you on that one Isayah📌: but that's not why I called you tho Mani💫: what's up? Isayah📌: Jordan's homeboys came into the place looking for you and I told them that you weren't here Mani💫: what?? Isayah📌: Yeah, they tried to get aggressive with me but as soon as I reach for my bag they scary asses left in a heartbeat Mani💫: sigh I'm sorry all of this is happening rn Isayah📌: Mani it's not your fault you're just trying to live your life and it seems like Jordan doesn't seem to pleased Mani💫: fuck that nigga he's tryna make my life miserable because he's not apart of it I'm just tired of it Z Isayah📌: I understand fasho that's why I tell you if you need anything I'm here hell the whole fam gotchu fasho. Mani💫: I appreciate it honestly you guys are like the most supportive family I could ever have Isayah📌: you know we gotchu Mani but I gotta go I'll ttyl? Mani💫: yeah ttyl
Imani let out a heavy sigh, wishing for a swift resolution to the turmoil with Jordan. She felt weary of his aggressive and manipulative behavior, all stemming from her desire to move forward in her life.
Even if she were to find a new partner, she would likely end up pushing them away because of Jordan. His erratic behavior was genuinely frightening—so much so that she feared he might harm anyone who got too close to her, and that thought filled her with dread.
She felt the need to maintain her defenses and safeguard her heart, ensuring that she wouldn’t allow herself to fall in love with anyone because of him and him alone.
She will always find herself in solitude.
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uceyjucey, kehlani_wwe, zillafatu, and others liked your post.
manimon: Sexy Lil Thang🖤 uceyjucey: okay I see you Mani manimon: @ uceyjucey thank you 🫶🏽 kehlani_wwe: my bestie is eating yall girlies up fasho 💗😩 manimon: @ kehlani_wwe let them know 🙂‍↕️ zillafatu: Maniii 🫶🏽 trinity_fatu: she not even all that fr kehlani_wwe: @ trinity_fatu girl don't get beat tf up hoeslovejordan: you my sexy lil thang mama fuck that bitch ass Samoan he can't treat right like I can uceyjucey: @ hoeslovejordan gtfo with allat dawg hoeslovejordan: @ uceyjucey nigga fuck you and yo' bitch ass brother 😒 uceyjucey: @ hoeslovejordan aight bet that up bitch
Read all comments.
Imani had just wrapped up her match against Nia, securing another victory. As she settled into her locker room, preparing for her interview with Jackie about her aspirations for the rest of the year, she heard a knock at the door. She called out, inviting the person to enter.
She turned around as soon as she heard the door click shut, and her face lit up with a smile when she saw Jey standing there. With a sense of warmth, she continued to gather her belongings for the night.
She hadn't received any messages from Jimmy since their last conversation. Lately, she noticed he had been sharing a lot more about his girlfriend, Trinity, and for some strange reason, it stirred up some unease within her. Still, she tried to push those feelings aside.
She finished packing her belongings into her bag, focusing all her attention on Jey.
"What's up Joshua?" She spoken.
"I was just checking in on you, to see if you were okay." Jey said as Imani nodded her head.
"I'm okay, for sure why?"
He rubbed the back of his head, glancing up at her with a concerned expression. "So, is everything okay between you and Jon?" There it was—the question about her and his brother. It seemed Jimmy hadn’t mentioned what had transpired the last time they were together.
Imani remained silent as she hoisted her bags onto her shoulders, preparing to address the situation. "We haven't had a conversation since the day he showed up at my apartment, and now I see he's posting about Trin more often. Whatever we had is clearly finished, and I really don't want to discuss it any further," she expressed, just as she was about to leave for her interview when Jey intervened.
"C'mon Imani, he's only doing that to make you jealous," Her? Jealous of Trinity? that's funny.
Imani couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his words. "I'm not bothered by this at all. I told him to sort things out with her, and he really took it to heart," she said, casually shrugging her shoulders. On the surface, she appeared unfazed, but beneath that calm exterior, a wave of anger and jealousy washed over her. It stung to think that it wasn't her by his side, capturing those moments in photos.
"Mmcht, whatever mani. I know you but I'm throwing a party tonight if you tryna slide," he said.
Imani reflects on her past experience at a party where she and Jimmy were caught up in a passionate moment, almost like they were lost in their own world. This memory makes her uncertain about how she would feel attending another gathering like that.
"I'll think about it, just send me in the addy." As she stepped out the door, she made her way toward Jackie for the interview.
As she made her way down the hallway to meet Jackie, her phone buzzed in her pocket. Glancing at the screen, she noticed a text from Jordan, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. Today was not the day for his drama, and she felt a wave of frustration wash over her.
J💔 sent a message
J💔: tell yo' Samoan niggas to gtfo because I don't play about mine and you look hella sexy in that outfit mama I miss you
Imani couldn't help but roll her eyes at the message he sent. The thought of falling in love again filled her with dread, especially considering how intensely Jordan felt for her—his feelings seemed even more overwhelming than before. To protect Jimmy, she felt that distancing herself was the only choice; she simply couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him.
She realizes that pushing him away was a mistake, especially since she feels uncertain about her own desires. However, deep down, she was trying to shield him from Jordan, aware that Jordan would harm anyone who got too close to her unless it was him.
Jimmy was understandably hurt, but he was with someone he should be trying to resolve things with. Instead, she chose to text Jordan back before putting her phone away in her bag.
IMESSAGE 💬 Mani💫: nigga ain't nobody worried about you and keep missing it because you'll never get it back 😒 J💔: I will have you back nobody is finna take me away from you mama and you know that Mani💫: you tryna take these good opportunities away from me all bc I didn't want you anymore J💔: if I'm not apart of it ofc imma take it away tf? Mani💫: you're not my fucking daddy nigga I am a grown ass women whether you like it or not so fuck off J💔: you better not be with that Samoan nigga either I told you his ass will be dealt with Mani💫: who I be with is none of your fucking business bitch so gtfo with allat and leave me alone. J💔: bitch...yk what...I gotchu don't worry baby I gotchu...
Imani had chosen not to respond, walking over to Jackie instead. The two embraced warmly, just as the cameraman signaled for them to begin the interview.
Imani sat in her car after her interview with Jackie, contemplating whether to attend the party Jey was hosting at his place that night. She was aware that both Jimmy and Trinity would be there, and she felt it was best to maintain some distance to avoid any potential conflicts or drama.
Jimmy's presence has a profound effect on her; it’s clear that she struggles to maintain her composure when he’s near. However, she understands that tonight might be different, especially considering the events of their last encounter.
Imani chose to send Jey a message, informing him that she was heading to his house for the party. She resolved to brush off any concerns about Jimmy being there, and if his girlfriend wanted to confront her about him, she hoped she was prepared for the challenge.
She reached into her bag and pulled out a pre-rolled blunt, lighting it as she took a few calming puffs. Afterward, she exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air. For her, cannabis was a way to cope with stress; whenever life became overwhelming, she would roll a blunt and smoke it to maintain her peace of mind.
As she drove toward Jay's house for the party, she immersed herself in the music from her playlist, hoping to drown out the worries and fears that had been weighing on her since arriving in Atlanta.
It felt as though she could never find peace unless Jordan was constantly messaging her, and now with the situation between you and Jimmy, the tension between you two is palpable.
The way he kissed her and touched her had a profound effect on her, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions inside. Being with a man like him was overwhelming, and it felt as if he was just as lost, caught between proving his love for her while being with Trin. Pushing him away was her only option, even though it pained her to do so; she just wanted to protect him from any harm.
She often found herself reflecting on the moments when he would surprise her at her studio, bringing along food while she immersed herself in her music. Jimmy would shower her with affection, and before long, they would find themselves entwined on the sofa, lost in each other’s embrace.
Imani finished the last puff of her blunt just as she arrived at Jey's house. With a quick flick, she tossed the remnants onto the grass and rolled up her window. Turning off the engine, she grabbed her purse and keys, making her way to the front door. Feeling euphoric from the smoke, she silently hoped that nothing would disrupt her blissful high.
Imani knocked gently on the door, her heart racing as she anticipated someone on the other side. To mask the lingering scent of weed on her clothes, she spritzed some perfume on herself. Just then, she heard footsteps approaching, accompanied by the sound of laughter echoing from behind the door.
She noticed Jey opening the door, a red cup in his hand, and a warm smile on his face as he embraced Imani.
"You finally showed up girl, you look high as fuck by the way," Jey said as Imani chuckled at him.
"Damn, I thought you wouldn't notice me being high." She said softly tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Mane, Imani I know you dawg. You got some more rolled up or what?" Imani nodded as Jey welcomed her into his home. She took a moment to observe the gathering, recognizing both familiar faces and those she had yet to meet at the party.
Her gaze swept the room, searching for Jimmy and Trin, determined to steer clear of them. Jey led her to the kitchen for a drink, and it was there that she spotted the two of them, completely wrapped up in each other, looking so affectionate.
She seemed oblivious to their presence as Jey offered her a bottle of Jack Daniel's cocktails, expertly opening it for her. As she took a sip, her eyes appeared heavy and red, gazing down at Jimmy with an intensity that suggested he was something she could devour. Yet, deep down, she understood that she needed to keep her distance from them.
In that moment, as she strolled by them with the scent of weed lingering in the air, Trinity unexpectedly blurted out something surprising that took Imani completely by surprise.
"Girl, you can move with allat for real." She said.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I just got here and you already bitchin' Jonathan get yo' girl before I do," Imani responded as she had seen Trin walking up in her face.
Imani felt no fear from Trinity; instead, she stood firm, fully aware of the kind of approach Trinity was taking. "You just mad because my nigga don't want you and now you up in here tryna prove a point. Why don't you go back to that nigga that was beating on you,"
Imani let out a soft laugh, trying to maintain her composure despite the tension. Just then, Jimmy intervened, pulling Imani away from Trin. She quickly yanked her arm free from his grasp and looked at him with a piercing gaze from her dark eyes.
"You don't know nothing about me bitch, so how about you keep yo' fucking mouth shut and hell it's not my fault yo' nigga be in my guts every single time he's with me. You must not be good enough hon." Trinity had shoved her, making her lose her balance slightly, while Imani forcefully pushed her, resulting in her landing hard on her backside.
Trinity rose from the ground, attempting to strike Imani, who quickly seized her by the hair. Imani retaliated with a series of powerful punches to Trinity's face, landing blow after blow. Eventually, Imani managed to bring Trinity down, positioning herself on top as they both engaged in a flurry of punches, rolling and grappling on the ground.
Jey rushed over to understand the commotion, noticing Imani and Trinity on the ground, fiercely fighting. In a frantic effort to separate them, Jimmy pulled Imani away while Jey did the same for Trinity.
"Let me the fuck go! I'm not finna have her disrespect me and talk about my fucking past like she knows me!" Imani yelled as she attempted to shove Jimmy away, unaware that he was much stronger than she was.
"Girl fuck you! You're just a fucking slut! wanting some dick from someone else's nigga! you're not on my level little mama!" Imani pushed Jimmy aside and sprinted toward Trin, landing a punch squarely on her face. Hair flew from Trin's head, cascading to the ground, while shards of glass scattered across the floor.
Jimmy struggled to keep Imani from wriggling free as he carried her up the stairs. She was thrashing and making a scene, much like a small child. Once he reached one of the guest rooms, he set her down and forcefully closed the door, taking a moment to catch his breath.
"What the fuck is yo' problem Imani!" He shouted at her.
Imani scoffed at him, "my problem! My fucking problem is you have this bitch talking reckless to me like she fucking knows me Jonathan!" She shouted.
"You could've just walked away mani! Because I know how you get and this was the prime example!" Mani was taken aback that he found himself standing up for Trin, especially after the way she had treated him.
She paused for a moment, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, gathering her thoughts before she resumed speaking. "I knew this was a bad idea for me to come to this party I just knew,"
She sighed softly, "you know what, it's all good. Ion know why I'm trippin' for you know?" Imani suddenly bursts into laughter, surprising Jimmy for a moment. He knows that when she laughs like that, it usually signals that she's about to get emotional.
He brushed his fingers through his hair, watching as her eyes filled with tears, growing more sorrowful by the moment. He wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her, but she gently shook her head, signaling him to stay back.
"Don't...aight just fucking don't...I need to go before I lose my mind..."
"C'mere Imani..." Jimmy said as she shook her head while backing up slowly. "Nah, you stay right there. I'm not falling for this again."
Jimmy was indifferent to her words at that moment; he recognized her vulnerability and understood that she needed him, and only him. Despite her retreating steps, he continued to approach her with determination. "C'mere Imani...don't be doing this shit..." Imani found herself pressed against the wall, her heart racing as she watched him approach, step by step.
As he drew nearer to her, their gazes intertwined, and the tension between them intensified. Their faces were mere inches apart, with their noses gently brushing against one another.
Her wide, innocent eyes revealed everything, prompting him to encircle her hips with both hands, gently stroking his thumb along the curves of her body, igniting a flutter of excitement in her heart.
"you gon' stop doing this shit...knowing how bad I want you but you keep on pushing me away why?" Jimmy asked as Imani avoided eye contact with him.
As the song "Mutt" by Leon Thomas played softly in the background, Jimmy gently cupped her chin, guiding her gaze to meet his eyes.
"I'm scared Jon...I'm literally fucking scared..." she confessed.
"Scared of what? Imani we had this conversation before I'm not going to hurt you nor harm you mamas," he said caressing her cheeks gently.
She shook her head, "I'm tryna protect you Jonathan...from Jordan I don't want nothing happening to you..." The reality of the situation was that her motivations weren't rooted in a desire to heal or advance her career; they stemmed from her feelings for Jordan and the influence he had on her.
He would often threaten to harm those close to her if things didn't go his way. If he had discovered that she and Jimmy were together, he likely would have lost control and tried to hurt him.
Jimmy gazed into her eyes, noticing the worry reflected there. He leaned in and kissed her softly, pulling her closer as she encircled his neck with her arms. With a gentle lift, he cradled her thighs, securing them around his waist, and carried her toward the bed.
He gently held her on the bed, intertwining his fingers with hers as he positioned himself between her legs, keeping them securely around his waist, ensuring she felt his presence and warmth without ever letting her slip away.
The kiss lingered, slow and profound, allowing him to savor every moment with her. He was completely captivated by Imani, and it showed. His tongue danced within her mouth as he gently tugged at her shirt and jean shorts, prompting her to lift her top, revealing her delicate white lace bra.
As she unbuttoned her shorts, she pushed her hips upward, gradually removing them while their kiss grew more passionate. Jimmy followed the curve of her jaw with soft kisses, moving down to her neck, where he began to suck gently, reminiscent of a vampire's embrace.
"J-Jimmy..." she moaned softly.
He looked up at her as she stepped back, his gaze fixed on her while he removed his shirt and ripped jeans, revealing his striking Versace red boxers. Imani let her fingers glide over his tattooed skin, appreciating the artistry etched across his body.
"You don't need to protect me baby, nothing isn't going to happen to me I promise...I gotchu baby." He reassured her.
"He's crazy Pooks..."
"And I'm crazier than him you were mine before he came into the picture he's not important but you're." Jimmy slithered his hand down her damped folds and began rubbing them through her panties causing Imani to bite the bottom of her lips never leave eye contact with him.
Moving her panties to the side he slowly sticked two fingers inside of her causing her to gasp softly making her back arched against the mattress, he pulled his fingers out of her licking his fingers in the process.
"You taste so sweet for me baby," he got on the bed fully while taking off her panties throwing them somewhere while getting comfortable placing his face between her legs.
He kissed both ends of her thighs and then placing a gentle kiss on her wet folds causing her to flinch from his touch while he gazed up at her grinning.
SMUT WARNING Jimmy began French kissing her wet folds while his tongue was swirling around her clit causing Imani to squirm around since it's been a minute since they did something like this.
His tongue lapped around her clit as he sucked on it while Imani's eyes were rolling in the back of her head tugging on his curls the high she was feeling washed over her looking down at him seeing his dark gaze at her.
"Fuckk, Jimmy..." she moaned softly.
"Mhmm..." he responded back as the vibrations of his hums made her pussy pulse against his lips holding onto her thighs so that she wouldn't run away.
She felt him sticking two fingers inside of her wet cunt thrusting in and out of her as she arched her back some more almost scooting away from him which caused him to pull her back while slurping her up like no other man would not even her ex boyfriend Jordan. "Don't...do that shit.."
The way his voice was dark and deep it just turned her on even more as she relaxed her body letting him eat her out like she was his dinner, his fingers curled up deep inside of her having Imani in a trance while bucking her hips towards his movements.
Jimmy smirked at what she was doing causing him to sped up his pace with his fingers.
"Oh my godddd, Jimmy..."
"Keep calling for me mamas, I'm right here baby."
He worked her over with his tongue watching her lose herself because of him and only him, it became too much for her but she didn't run from it knowing how he'll get as he knew her body way more than she did.
Pumping in and out with a fast manner as his lips never left her sensitive bud was driving her crazy holding onto the sheets for dear life.
Within minutes she felt a pit go down her stomach tapping Jimmy on his biceps signaling him that she was about to cum, "Use your words mamas,"
"I-I'm...ouuu fuck...I'm finna c-cum Jimmy..." she warned him.
His dark eyes were staring at her tauntingly saying, "C'mon then...make a mess on my face coat, coat up my beard nicely mamas,"
His tongue was swirling circles around her clit pulling back on her folds before heading back in curling up his fingers so good.
Imani let out a satisfying moan as her orgasm washed over her causing her to roll her eyes in the back of head along with her legs shaking feeling him slurping everything single drop of her milk cream she had coming out of her.
She flinched at how sensitive her clit was seeing him place gentle kisses on her thighs before pulling away seeing his beard coated up with her milky essence.
Jimmy pulled down his boxers throwing them somewhere seeing his long, meaty. thick dick spring up hitting him in his stomach he made it jump showing how badly his cock missed her.
He pulled her towards the edge of the bed while stroking his dick seeing pre-cum dripping out he begins to align himself inside of her entrance.
Slowly pushing his dick inside of her warmth as they both let out a satisfying groan, Imani pulled him closer to her body feeling Jimmy giving her his deep, long, strokes that she loved so much.
She pressed her lips on his as they passionately make out wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Fuckk..." she murmured.
Both of their tongues were fighting for dominance as the kiss deepened with Jimmy trailing kisses down her jawline like he did before going towards her neck sucking the other side while his dick was pushed all the way in then pulled it back out hearing nothing but sticky noises from her milky essence.
"Tell me you want me..." he whispered in her ear.
"I-I want y-you...only you daddy," Jimmy thrusted his hips deeply inside of her causing Imani to tug on his curls.
"You want me mamas huh? you fucking want me?" His hand was wrapped around her throat pounding his cock away inside of her.
She let out a loud moan holding onto his wrist looking into his seductive eyes nodding her head since she couldn't get her words out of her mouth to say it. With his other hand he gave her love taps on the face before slapping her left ass cheek. "Jimmy...ouuu fuck..fuck fuck,"
Jimmy threw his head back in pleasure loving the way her pussy swallowed him whole seeing all of her cream coating up his cock so well, he was breaking her into two pieces showing her how much he wanted her, to love on her the way she needed to be.
He wasn't going to let her slip away from him this time.
His dick was gliding against her g-spot so well as he circled his hips making her toes curl upward while doing so he wanted her to feel every single inch of him.
"You love me? Huh tell me you love me?" He demanded quickening up his pace feeling her French tip nails dig into his biceps causing him to hiss but he didn't mind it.
"God, I love you so much Jimmy...you know I love you." Imani mewled out while biting the bottom of her lips she caressed his face as he was in it.
"I love yo' cute ass too mamas, pussy so good too good," he let go of her throat leaning in for a kiss which was long and deep making her forget the pleasurable pain that she was experiencing at the moment.
He pinned her arms above her head tonguing her down making her feel loved and appreciated like she deserved to be.
Jimmy kept his fingers interlaced with hers fucking her passionately not wanting to be rough with her only if she asked that would be his cue to do so, the air thicken around them due to the heat that was forming against their bodies along with the room smelling like sex.
"Imma love the fuck outta you, you hear me? You're too precious baby," Jimmy had switched positions now Imani was straddling him as she held onto his shoulders  bouncing up and down on his dick.
Their skins were slapping against each other feeling Jimmy's hand guide her movements with his dick kissing her cervix up. "Ouuu daddy....i love you so so much..." He smiled at her tracing kisses down her body unclamping her bra that she had on still holding onto her breast while swirling his tongue around her nipples.
Imani felt so good wrapped around him like a Christmas present it was driving him insane she threw circles around his dick causing him to moan softly when she did it.
"Keep throwing that shit in circles mamas, I love that shit, sexy ass." He was throwing compliments after compliments at her like no other.
Imani felt an another pit going down her stomach bouncing on his cock even harder with determination to chase her high letting her body do whatever, feeling a slight sting on her ass cheek.
She continued to twirl her hips around his cock feeling his dick filling her up so well in the process it had her mind being all foggy, Jimmy pressed his thumb on her clit rubbing it a circular motion.
"Shit, ouuu shit," she mewled out feeling her lose herself. "Yeah, squirt for daddy baby, c'mon make a mess on me." His words hit her like a storm as she felt her legs shaking while her juices spilled out from her causing her to collapse on his chest.
Jimmy bucked his hips upwards while gripping onto her hips tightly pumping his dick in and out of her now sensitive cunt hearing her let out a loud cry.
"Too much daddy! Too much!"
"You gon' take this dick like a good girl you hear me?" He growled as Imani held onto him tightly.
Jimmy was sending her over to the oblivion with her cries turning into hiccups pummeling her insides in, he could feel his dick twitch inside of her.
Biting down on his bottom lips gazing down at her seeing her face turning up whenever he hit the right spot making her feeling dizzy. "You belong to be baby,"
"Yes," hiccups " I belong to you Jimmy...only you.."
"Ohh, fuck I'm finna nut mamas...I'm finna fucking nut,"
Jimmy had slammed into her one last time before pulling out of her letting his nut shoot ropes after ropes onto her back while rolling his eyes in the back of head letting out a guttural moan escape his lips.
He slowly stroked his dick some more making sure he got all of his nut out of his system before holding onto Imani close to him catching their breaths together.
Imani rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat gradually slow, echoing softly in her ear. She looked up at Jimmy, his hair tousled and wild from the sweat. He let out a soft chuckle, planting a gentle kiss on her temple before lifting her up and heading toward the bathroom to help her freshen up.
After sharing a warm shower, she and Jimmy nestled together in bed, with Imani gently tracing her fingers over his tribal tattoos, captivated by their intricate designs. Meanwhile, Jimmy lovingly caressed her lower back in soothing circles. They both agreed to forgo the party happening downstairs, cherishing the opportunity to enjoy each other's company in this intimate moment.
"You love my tattoos don't you?" Jimmy asked.
"Yeah, they're so beautiful honestly. I never thought you would get tatted do your tattoos have a meaning?" She said looking Into his eyes.
"Just representing my culture that's all mamas," Jimmy had tucked a strain of her hair in her ear before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
He gazed at her, captivated by the familiar smile that had always warmed his heart during their teenage years. "Did you really mean it when you promised to love me the way I’ve always needed?" As she spoke, he lowered his eyes, gently stroking her cheeks with tenderness.
"I did mean that shit, you deserve it. Because you're so precious mamas I wish you could see the way I see you."
He gently turned her onto her back, positioning himself above her, creating a sense of closeness. One hand rested on her waist while the other softly tangled in her braids.
His gaze was steady, unflinching.
"You're my best friend and I love you but more than that," He mentioned that his voice had a low and resonant quality. "I don't care how crazy that fool think he is just know imma be there for you even it's long distance since we are in different brands imma be there."
Imani pressed her lip between her teeth, sensing her heart race.
Jimmy grinned playfully, leaning closer until his nose gently touched hers.
"I'm not letting you slip away from me again," he murmured, his lips grazing against hers. "you belong to me not him or nobody else you're mine."
Imani took a deep breath, gently gliding her hands over his face and tracing the contours of his beard, fully aware of how much he cherished this tender gesture.
"I'm yours Mr Fatu?" She whispered.
Jimmy laughed softly, pressing his lips to hers while gently stroking her thigh.
"Yeah, you mine like I said little girl,"
Imani smiled slyly, drawing his face nearer to hers.
"Gotta prove it to me then,"
They suddenly heard a knock at the door, accompanied by Jey's familiar voice calling from the other side.
"Yo! Uce! Is you and Imani good?" He shouted.
 She and Jimmy exchanged amused glances, laughing softly, "Yeah, we're all set, Uce. We'll be there in just a minute."
As they shared a moment away from the party, laughter filled the air while Jimmy rested his head on her stomach. Her fingers gently wove through his curls, and they savored the tranquility of their connection for a little while longer.
"Can we stay like this until it's time for us to go home?" Imani asked.
"Of course baby, anything for you."
A/n: yall think Jordan is going to find out about this? From his homeboys And crash out?
But I hope yall enjoy this chapter lmk in the comments below.
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koimethehorizon · 1 year ago
Adventure Time and Fionna and Cake Theory: The Victimhood of Simon + How the Series Might End
Prerequisite Watching for this Theory:
Adventure Time: Temple of Mars, Betty, Come Along With Me, Broke His Crown, I Remember You, Holly Jolly Secrets Part II
Gonna start this loaded theory with a bit of a hot take. I’ve never liked how Simon and Betty’s stories concluded in Come Along With Me.
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For Simon, I’ve always had trouble considering Simon and the Ice King as the same person. Holly Jolly Secrets and I Remember You, the pinnacle of depicting the dichotomy of the two characters is built on us seeing Simon as suffering irreversible memory loss and how his loved ones can grow to accept that. The context is most apt when viewed as a metaphor for dementia, Alzheimer’s, or simply old age.
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The scenes in which Ice King reacts so superfluously to characters desperately wishing for his old self to return are striking because of the cruel finality of his condition. Alternatively, the ones in which his loved ones hang around with him despite his condition are sweet in their own right.
One of my favorite Ice King scenes is in Broke His Crown where Marceline invites her girlfriend to meet her surrogate father.
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Bubblegum: What's this?
Ice King: It's a present, to bribe you for coming over!
Marceline: You don't have to bribe us silly, we're here because we WANT to hang out with you.
Ice King: No one has ever said that to me before.
*snatches present*
Ice King: You didn't say no takebacks.
There was a real poignancy to depicting an old man with memory-loss slowly having people come to accept him and realize that he’s still a swell guy to hang around. It may be depressing to see this good person who was once so unconditionally caring into a buffoon who could forget your name so easily and turn on you in the flip of a coin.
But even he deserved love from others. And in time, as a result of that love, he did improve.
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Which is why, even in Fionna and Cake, I find myself still disturbed seeing Simon in his normal state and Ice King completely erased from Ooo. It kills me that Betty and in extension, the show itself could not accept Ice King as he was and felt that his best course was to undo it all.
All of his experiences for 1000+ years all of a sudden no longer matter, and the acceptance of his peers no longer mattered as well. He's just back to who he used to be in a world where everything he's known is gone.
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Happily ever after
Even worse, however, is remembering the wish that allowed Simon to be cured. The person who sacrificed her individuality to get that good person back, because she couldn’t accept reality as it was.
And I’m going to put a second hot take. A spicy one. Simon needs to take the fault in Betty's fate and Fionna and Cake (the show not the characters) seems aware of this.
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Throughout Adventure Time, Simon Petrikov was never developed as a character. As far as the audience and the characters within Adventure Time knew, the only traits about Simon that mattered were: that he was intelligent, he was a kind man, and he loved Betty.
This wouldn’t really be a compelling character on its own, but when juxtaposed with the Ice King it’s a tragedy that he lost these traits. The compelling part of Simon was his victimhood to the ice crown and not really him as a person.
It’s why Obsidian’s version of Simon feels somewhat empty, he’s back to his intelligent, kind self but there’s no real hints to how he’s mentally adjusting other than that brief glimpse in Ice King’s robes again.
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And he looks really weird in this special too. Color me surprised when Simon Petrikov reads out the problems I've had for years about his ending while also making Simon into his own person. In many ways it just completely redos what we see of him in Obsidian.
He's still a kind man but even he can't handle being so maladjusted to a world so beyond his time. He's still intelligent but his passions aren't reciprocated, and that seems to have always been the case even in the past. Rather than a guy who doesn't take shit from guys like Marceline's ex or a first responder to his daughter's problems, he's a normal guy unable to handle the threats of Ooo's world even after 12 years of living in it. Rather than singing to large communities in bliss, he's a lonely alcoholic who can't even relate to his fellow humans anymore. He loves his adopted daughter but there are even some days he can't muster the courage to be honest with her. And most importantly, he doesn't seem to know how to live beyond his curse or his loneliness.
His mutual obsession with Betty is the only character trait of his that's ever had some distinct flaw and with this new show, the writers must have finally found a way to tackle the subject further. Betty is ultimately a greater victim than Simon. She ends up in a far worse fate than Simon has ever been in. Perhaps more disturbingly, she willingly chose to strip herself of her individuality.
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Fionna and Cake brings a contradiction to light about Simon and Betty’s seemingly perfect relationship. Simon and Betty's love is real and they do make each other happy. But there does exist a co-dependency that has worsened throughout the series as a result of their insecurity of letting a bad memory conclude their relationship. Betty's patterns are pretty clear throughout her tenure as Magic Woman but not too much with Simon. Not until now.
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In Jerry, Simon stops Betty from pursuing her dreams because he didn’t want her goodbye to be his last memory with her.
In Betty, Simon rewrites history and inadvertently summons her to Ooo because he didn’t want Betty’s look of contempt to be his last memory of her.
And through all of Fionna and Cake, Simon has turned into a suicidal man willing to resummon GOLBetty regardless of the reasons she can’t see him again. All because he didn’t want her sacrifice to be his last memory of her. Despite the fact that Betty’s final wish was to keep Simon safe.
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There's also this uneven power dynamic between the two. Simon was far more accomplished as a professor with PhDs even if no one took him seriously. Betty was just a student offering some help, knowing she wouldn't take any credit for helping.
I’ll preface that Betty is a consenting adult in the relationship and made many self-determined rash choices that Simon would never approve of with full context. We’ve enough scenes to show that Simon actively refuses Betty’s help if it means endangering her.
However, Simon’s perception of Betty and his own inadequacy did influence her personality for the worse. Fionna questions Simon on two occasions about how strange it was for “someone she just met to drop everything to go with you”. Even within the flashbacks Betty verbally describes her internal conflict between her individuality vs. her infatuation with Simon and the guy never picks up on it.
Whether he’s aware of it or not, Simon always ends up becoming the center of attention during Betty’s greatest life-changing events because he’s always suffering in some way. And sadly in-character, Betty always prioritizes him first because of how sorry she feels for him.
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Simon: Just hold my hand to your face, this will be my… last sensation.
Betty: Don’t be a wimp, Simon!
I don’t want to be too hard on Simon, his suffering is cosmologically depressing. An undeniable tragedy that no one deserves to be alone on. It would be unfair to say he’s being dramatic about something most if not any human would ever go through. He’s not a leech for desiring help, especially from his significant other.
But I do think it’s important to point out that he does have a major flaw in not reflecting on the consequences of Betty’s choices.
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Fionna: Damn, that’s romantic. So, you got on the bus with her?
Simon: Yup. Uh what? No. No. Why would I-
This is the reason this post exists. This is the show explicitly telling us that Simon has never really thought about what Betty lost because he thinks his love was greater than the passion Betty once had.
Let's go back to Betty once again for what is honestly the most justifiable takedown you could make of Simon's character prior to the miniseries.
As stated earlier, Simon opens a portal to ask for Betty's forgiveness with a few seconds on the clock. And in that time, he essentially just unloads a giant drama bomb, trauma dump of his suffering leading Betty to ask what she can even do without him. And if the plan went as it was, Simon would've just left her a hundred questions that she'd never have answered for the rest of her life.
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Simon: Just know that I love you and I forgive you for leaving me. Author's Note: I dunno, isn't there something a bit off about how he worded this?
Now Simon didn't ask for Betty to jump into the portal, but he certainly was asking for it subconsciously. How else would he have expected a person who loves him dearly to act after this?
Taking any measures necessary and finding a way back together obviously. That's what he's doing too!
And reiterating again, this is the reason why Betty goes on her ego-suicidal quest. This is Simon's greatest mistake, his greatest moral failing as a person and he doesn't seem aware of this.
He’s not wrong that Betty lived happily with him. In spite of losing her dreams, Betty and Simon did love each other unconditionally. But he’s missing the bigger picture about how he could’ve been self-centered in deciding Betty’s fate for himself.
And maybe to stretch somewhat, I think even the quest to become Ice King again is somewhat motivated by his inability to live as anything more than a victim. Some of it is because the citizens of Ooo were being a bit inconsiderate about how much they liked Ice King yes, but Simon should be perfectly aware that Marceline, Betty, and now Fionna would be extremely concerned about him for doing this. Yet, he doesn’t really consider their feelings too much on the matter. He’s too used to the suffering.
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Please have one scene with Marceline, I'd be sad if we don't get to see at least one.
This leads me to how I believe Fionna and Cake may rewrite Simon’s ending.
The key is in the episode Temple of Mars.
Upon rewatching the episode, I’m convinced that the Adventure Time cast had a greater plan with the Betty and Simon arc that just never came to be due to production constraints. A lot of Betty’s history and the deconstruction of her relationship with Simon in Jerry are surprisingly details that have already been told.
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I thought it was an animation error that Betty’s glasses were different in Jerry but it turns out the continuity director is just that good.
The trip in six months, Simon stopping her, and the realization that Simon superseded her identity. Seeking independence from Simon is the lesson that Normal Man was trying failed to teach her.
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Betty: I’ve spent so much time dedicated on Simon that I’m not even sure if there’s any “me” left anymore.
But the most telling detail is how Betty passes Normal Man’s test.
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Finn: Even if you are a lost cause, she is not!
Betty: No, Finn’s right. You’ll thank me for this later past Betty.
In an alternate pocket reality, she changes her trip to the day before, preventing Simon from stopping her. And I think Simon will have to change fate once again to do the same.
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If Simon comes to realize that he was the one who set Betty to her terrible fate, that all this time his rose-colored lens of their relationship had been detrimental then he could give her identity back. But it can’t be as simple as changing the moment Betty turns into GOLB or Magic Woman or even bringing her through the portal in Betty.
He needs to let Betty go on the bus. Alone.
It’s the only way for Betty to have her life back. If not for his Betty, maybe at least to save one in the multiverse doomed to the same fate.
They both need to cherish their time on the Enchiridion trip back when it wasn’t too late for Betty to go on the trip. Back when they were both equals and not tied to Simon’s needs.
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Jerry is absolutely setting up something big with Simon and Betty’s relationship for next week and now that we’re going to the GOLB dimension, we’ll see how he remembers these moments again.
Personally, as someone who has been skeptical about Simon's peace for years, Fionna and Cake's second episode was like a sigh of relief. Simon hasn't found his ending yet, and my hope is that this epilogue will help me see the man happy without having to relive Betty's sacrifice for the rest of his life. Just like the rest of Adventure Time, it'll have to end with him cherishing the time he had with Betty regardless of the inevitability of losing that relationship.
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PS. Isn’t quite strange that at one point in time, Simon sought after magic objects that ostracized him from the normal world and now, he lives in a house full of 1980s-1990s objects that ostracized him from the magical world? Maybe he was never really satisfied with where he was in the present.
PSS. I really wanted to write something on Fionna for the Ep 3-6 releases, and I still have the idea, but I couldn’t make it coherent due to how much my brain overthinks everything to the point of cognitive collapse. If there’s enough interest, I’ll go back to write it again.
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solasfenheral · 2 months ago
some bemused vg bitching below the cut
i am. very bemused by the way this game seems to pull its punches at certain moments. like its afraid to really step on your toes and get in your face thematically. which is a deeply strange experience considering i've never ever felt this way about a dragon age game before???
to be honest. I half wonder if it is a product of this game being a sequel that came out so long after it's previous title and right off the heels of two games that received cold to lukewarm reception critically and within the community. I know there would've been extreme pressure internally for this game to be a critical and commercial success and you see that in how polished it is, how there have been huge technological improvements in things like hair which bioware has always gotten some flack for. and I can't help but feel that history contributed to how. cautious of me this game feels at times.
but its just. strange. it feels so strange to get something like the push up scene at the end of taash's personal quest chain. like what are you doing, with this lukewarm defense of trans identity. have some BITE about it man, I know you care about this! it's like the game doesn't want to commit to locking you out of companion content because they wouldn't tolerate transphobia but also doesn't want to accept it, so you end up with this bizarre kind of. half ass defense of transness without really standing its ground about it.
and one hand I get it because I don't want taash's storyline to be about defending themselves from player transphobia when they're already struggling with coming to terms w their identity throughout the game, but this scene man. its so damn strange.
and like. the way this game handles religion is so damn bizarre to me! which is a critique I've again, never felt for a da game! it feels SO strange for bellara to be like. lol yeah the gods being evil actually makes it EASIER for me to let them go like ffdsjkfhjks what....? epler I am in your HOUSE, this is not how faith worksssss
in trying, it feels like, to avoid steeping on toes about what the revelation of the gods would MEAN to the elves, vg just. really fails to grapple with the importance of faith in people's lives and the pain of what losing that or it being challenged means.
i wouldn't even be as annoyed if like. at least ONE of our dalish companions had complicated feelings about their faith and it was something they could discuss between them! it would be really interesting to contrast davrin's pragmatism, his preoccupation MORE with the lived reality elves might suffer with this knowledge come to light under the current systems of oppression, his understanding of the dalish mythology as important to his culture and his sense of SELF w/o ever having really believed in them personally, with someone like bellara who DID believe and is working through an arc about grief and trying to find a new understanding of what dalish culture looks like now with such a key tenant being challenged!
how do you understand death and what comes beyond death when such a central pillar of your life has been challenged! oh my GOD the depth the funeral scene gains when u have this subtext.
there's not a single banter on how harding reconciles her understanding of the Titans to her belief in the maker!
its just. CRAZY to me that this game seems to be trying to dodge the religious and political bite of its own story fsdhfjkds aaaaaaaa
man this isn't even touching how bizarrely fast rook's regret prison does its switcheroo and goes from neve/bellara's blaming rook for losing them to rook going don't worry your death wasn't my fault to davrin/lace like my GOD lemme stew in the survivor's guilt man ur not even giving me an understanding of why rook can process this!! lace or davrin literally died like! 10 minutes ago to their understanding!!!
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yuri-is-online · 10 months ago
I imagine Deuce!Yutu is either A. The Ultimate Honor Student with perfect grades and a plsmile that makes old nannies and mothers swoon (Yutu: "Thanks, its because me and my parent are the local "weirdos" I had to overcorrect and become a golden child (':") OR B. just as bad as pre-NRC Deuce was, a gang member who'd jump anyone who'd look at him wrong (but still cried until he was sick when he watched My Girl (1991) behind Yuu's back. They told him not to because they knew it was sad, he didn't listen).
I imagine Yuu's main memory of Deuce to their Yutu was how much Deuce believed in self-improvement and redemption, always trying to be a better man, which either version of Yutu can't help but admire or respect, despite their complicated feelings over their absent father.
Upon meeting him in the "current" timeline as a student, A or B either can't help but give Pop's an A for effort, despite missing the goal sometimes or finds him a little cringe for being such a tryhard.
I had to google the movie you mentioned and got jump scared by it taking place in Pennsylvania. Pretty sure I have driven through the place it's supposed to be set before... and fuck just reading the synopsis made me cry I don't think I could watch it ;-; poor Yutu should have listened to his parent.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here.
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I feel like I have read too much Tokyo Revengers because... we can have both: an honor student with a delinquent mean streak sounds like a good set up for Deuce! Yutu. Not that I think he would behave like Kisaki does exactly, but still. Dylla mentions in the White Rabbit event that she wasn't on the best terms with her mother when she was a teen, and we know about how Deuce was in middle school, so the idea of Yutu having a bit of a temper and rebellious streak to him does make a degree of sense. Sadly, I think that extends to his interactions with Yuu... so things are about to be angsty on two fronts today.
Much like Deuce, Yutu was just the cutest baby. He loved all things cute and fluffy. Bunnies, kitties, puppy dogs, he was such a sweet little kid who really loved chasing around butterflies in the great outdoors. He really loved to read, and learned how to do so at a very early age. When Yuu was having a bad day he would pick out one of his favorite books and insist on reading them a bedtime story so they could take a nap without any nightmares. If he was especially worried he would bring his favorite nightlight with him.
Not that anyone would ever dare to suggest it given what Yutu is like now, but he was very afraid of the dark as a child. He still is, there's just something about the void that exists in the darkness that screams danger to him. When he's isekaid to Twisted Wonderland it evolves into an extreme fear of blot and phantoms. I'd like his unique magic to have something to do with light or stars, something inspired by the Second Star to the Right from Peter Pan? I think it would be cute for someone afraid of the dark to be able to provide their own light.
When Yutu reaches middle school there's a noticeable change in his relationship with you. He's still polite, still bringing home good grades and unoffensive comments from his teachers. But he's a bit cold, as if he is purposefully putting emotional distance between you. His friends all treat you respectfully, but you just have a feeling, left over from somewhere, that you know what is likely going on but you can't put your finger on what. He gets angry when you try to ask questions, yelling something about how you just don't understand, maybe even throws in something about this being your fault...
I wrote about Riddle! Yutu having some fights with Yuu, but Deuce! Yutu's fights are so much worse. While Riddle! Yutu typically comes out of his room blubbering big fat tears ready to apologize, Deuce! Yutu feels the need to double down and save face. He does believe his parent has amnesia, he's seen how they act, but what he does not get is why they insist on feeling so fond of his dad and refuse to move on. In his mind their life could be a lot better if Yuu was willing to be honest with themselves about who his dad probably was. Yutu is very hung up on why Deuce felt the need to be redeemed, focusing on self improvement is all fine and good if you are someone worth redeeming but he's not around for Yutu to judge. And Yuu doesn't remember...
He's young, stupid, and angry, and he takes it out on anyone who looks at him wrong. What's worse for authority figures who want to help is that he's veeeery smart about how he does it. When he jumps someone you can bet there won't be cameras around to see it. When the police start troubling Yuu about what he's doing it's mostly just in the hope that they'll be able to talk some sense into their kid rather than to arrest Yutu or anything like that, but it doesn't work. Yutu gets to see the same thing that his dad did all those years ago, his parent crying because of his behavior but there's no grandparent Yuu is asking advice of. Since I am in the mood to be extra cruel, let's say the day that fight takes place, the day Yutu sees Yuu crying is the day he hears a very important name for the first time.
Deuce. His father's name is Deuce and the reason why he wasn't around was because he was from the other world that came to swallow up him and his parent the instant they began to remember. He doesn't get time to cover up the signs of his rebellion, or really a chance to say sorry. He has to look Grandpa Crewel in the face and admit that he made Yuu cry and added to the overly stressed mess their life had become. Everything they said about Deuce was true, and what's worse he was like him.
I feel like Deuce would be the sort of person who wanted to make a lot of home videos. Cater probably would be too, but he'd store most of them on his phone and I think that would be lost to time by the time his Yutu came home. Maybe it's because of the ghost camera, or his desire to be an "honor student" evolving into wanting to be an "honorable husband and father" but Deuce totally bought a video camera to take cheesy videos to show Yutu as he grew up. Instead the kid gets to see fragments of a life he could have had as he listens to his dad tell him about his life and how he met Yuu.
"Honestly I have no idea why they said yes." Deuce is a dork. A complete dork who looks so... young and life like in the video. He knows what features he took from Yuu but watching Deuce talk, he can pick up on the ticks, the way his mouth sets when determined. The look of shock that always made Yuu laugh, it bursts into view when he hears Yuu laugh as they enter the frame to snuggle into Duece's side, to press their face against his cheek with a happily contended sigh. "Y-yuu you're making me look uncool in front of the baby."
"He's not here yet!" You giggle and for the first time in a long time Yutu feels himself choking up as he watches his dad get all silly looking at the thought of his arrival.
"We're really looking forward to meeting you kiddo. I promise, nothing will ever happen to you. I'm not going anywhere."
"Well. Technically kept that last promise didn't you." He tries to play it off like a joke, but Crewel isn't laughing and neither is Yutu.
Gets put in Heartslabyul, but isn't exactly determined to be an honor student like his dad. While Deuce enjoys a good fight or the feeling of the wind in his hair... Yutu mostly got into fights because he was angry and needed someone to take it out on. Because of that temper he struggles with learning and controlling his magic but he still does pretty well with the practical academic side of things. He's proud of his ability to understand these things, and takes a lot of comfort in knowing his dad would be excited at knowing he was good at things like math and science.
Like with the other Heartslabyul boys, he had to fight his father's phantom. He sees putting Deuce to rest as part of his penance for how he treated Yuu in the years leading up to getting isekaid. He refuses to go back in time until he's able to lay this version of his father to rest next to Yuu so he can promise both of them, to their faces, that he'll create a world where they all can be together and live as a family.
Deuce is extremely friendly to Yutu! He wants to learn as much about Yuu's world as he can so he can help them feel as at home in Twisted Wonderland as possible. He makes sure to let Yutu know that extends to him too once Yuu warms up to having him in the friend circle, Uncle Ace is much less enthusiastic but it's clearly from a place of care towards Yuu. He starts to warm up when he sees Yutu trying his hardest to tutor Deuce, though he claims it's because he just thinks it's funny but really it's because Ace wants to see Deuce succeed.
Very correct on his feelings about Pops. His dad is so wildly cringe it's unreal. His effort is inspiring until he starts getting embarrassed for losing his temper and stuttering, or seven forbid you look at his grades. The more he interacts with both of you the more certain he becomes that Deuce would never have abandoned him... and that he is so getting grounded when Deuce learns about how he treated Yuu. And what's worse is that Yutu sort of wants him to.
Surprisingly that's not what happens at all. When Deuce learns who Yutu is, whether by sleuthing or through a violent confrontation with a monster from the future, when the whole story is laid out before him and his son bows to beg for his judgement it doesn't come at all. His Pops yanks him up by the collar and turns him towards Yuu.
"Say all of that again to your parent." Deuce's voice is as stern as it is serious. Yuu looks distraught, not quite to the point they were on the day everything changed but getting there as Yutu immediately breaks down and chokes, crying and begging for your forgiveness and saying he's sorry as Deuce brings all three of you together into a strong embrace. "I'm not the one you need to make things up to, but it's ok. I know exactly how you feel and we'll work through things together."
Deuce doesn't feel like he can be overly angry at Yutu for taking after him. He does feel the need to apologize to Yuu, profusely and in private, for putting them in so much danger and not being there to help Yutu work through his temper. If I was writing this as a story, I'd make Yuu sort of afraid of Yutu's feelings? I could see them blaming themselves and things being a bit awkward within their relationship with Yutu where they had been very good before the reveal. With Deuce being the loving and understanding partner that he is, the bridge is once again mended and the whole family gets to indulge in hobbies that aren't beating the shit out of other people.
Yutu gets back into reading, and starts looking up manuals and histories of blastcycles so he has something to talk to his dad about. He was right about his dad being extremely proud of him for being smart, he's that classic mechanic working class dad who can't stop talking about his kid who went to college and has pictures of him in his garage he makes sure to point out to everyone who comes in. Said person is really just Ace who really wants to make fun of Deuce and Yuu for being cringe together but is too focused on this whole world ending thing and wants everyone to be more focused on that.
Deuce promises that he is, he has a lot of confidence in the ability of your little group to be able to win against stacked odds. You've done it before you can do it again. Yutu couldn't have picked better allies, he's really determined to show him that and be a dad his son can be proud of. He repeats his promise to Yutu that he's never going anywhere, even though the kid never told him anything about the tapes because he really means it. He wants that world little Yutu dreamed of and older Yutu swore to fight for to be a reality, and it's his job as an honorable dad and future husband (he gets so flustered when he says that) to be the one on the front lines of fighting for it,
... just please please please do not tell Yutu about the egg incident. He doesn't think he could handle that embarrassment.
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askganon · 1 month ago
Sav'aaq Your Highness. This is the bloodied survivor here again, though I do not show my face it is not out of disrespect but because I have no return address, I am simply a regular of your blog. I appreciate the wound you gave me and even more so the salt, a scar made of respect and advice from the great king himself is a badge of honor in my eyes, though I admit your response had arrived a tad too late. By the time I had sent my first message I had already reflected and recognized the majority of my own failings echoing from my past abusers, parents included. But majority is not completely and I believe such a task is one that is never finished for anyone so long as the goddess of time still breathes. While one can be abandoned by many for no fault of their own, it tells a story if one is abandoned by all. Having realized this and making any attempt to improve is the only reason by those that did come back do so at all, even if they aren't ready or willing to cherish me yet. I believe, while a task that is never finished, I had grown past most of my sins that led to solitude after much struggle and training. Still, one eluded me expertly that for the life of me I could not find no matter how hard I searched that kept me at a distance from others. In the time after my message was sent but before your response, I did a lot more self reflecting and managed to find many of the demons hiding deep in the shadows behind my smile and begin the task of exterminating them. I recognize now while I was not pushing others away or running from them, I had locked myself unreachable to them and would make no attempt to approach them myself. For someone who has always championed themself an activist and vilify those who do nothing, I see now that I am the very picture of inaction. I started the training to defeat the hidden beast finally and accidentally landed a fatal blow right away by chance. Someone I considered a friend banished me without consulting the rest of our group and another who I considered my greatest companion, and whom I still do and have a stronger bond with then ever currently, who was acting as the mediator then fed the rest lies and slander due to issue regarding their own traumas leading them to believe I had thrown them away the same way I believed they had done to me. After properly communicating with them our bonds have never held more power. After reflecting on my own inaction and with its place at the center of this conflict I even reached out to past friends I haven't spoken too in many moons and have since reconnected. My connections have never been more plentiful or bountiful! I have also found work perfectly suited to me and my needs perfectly that pays respectfully to boot. Many things are still a trial, poverty's firm grip still chokes me, my abusers (though not my parents) are still close and at large and it will be many moons, possibly years, before I have accrued enough wealth to gain distance from either let alone any sort of comfort or respite. While it is a distance away greater than a dozen Death Mountains, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in my life after multiple decades and my resolve not just to survive, but to live is stronger then its ever been. I now know what hope feels like. In short Great Demon King Ganondorf: you were correct, as you often are, and though I only just now received your wisdom I have already followed it through. Though I did not need it I am honored to receive the wound and pain you have given me. I tremble to think how much I and my life will have improved by the time your response to this message arrives. I can only hope yours takes a similar turn as well and I get to hear the response at your coronation in Hyrule! Though I am still deathly tired of everything and know not how, when or if I'll get the chance to rest before I reach the light... Any other advice, encouragement or even wounds you have to give I will gladly bare.
While it is not always difficult to admit there is a problem, it can be quite the challenge to recognize the true source of the problem. You seem to have correctly identified your enemies and engaged them accordingly.
Listen and listen well to this testimony, my subjects. Here is one, a grey face at that, who has taken it upon themself to wage their own battles. They have done so with courage; understanding the need for change and finding the will to act, wisdom: taking the time necessary to learn how best to combat this threat, and power; amassing the correct weapons needed for their battles.
What is more impressive, is that you accomplished all of this before my advice was given. As such, I will take no credit for your victories, for I had no hand on them.
All your achievements were accomplished alone by your hands. Your will, knowledge, and strength were your tools, forged and used by yourself without my aid, making this victory yours by right.
Be proud in what you have done, and know that it was by your own two feet that you are able to stand.
From one warrior to another, there is respect.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 month ago
What if Reader and Bennett went to an adventure together, and they find a chest inside a ruin but like always it was only a cabbage, then suddenly the ruin’s gate falls and trapped them inside and they were like,waiting? While a storm was coming and they sat together until someone came and helped them. I just had this idea and wanted to know what are you planning to do with it, thanks you and takes care of you!
-"(Y/n) I'm so sorry… it's my fault again…" the boy sighed, bringing his knees closer to his chest. The two of you were sitting by the chest filled with cabbages. -"Don't worry! It's not your fault!" you patted him on his back hoping to cheer him. -"But if I didn't touch that switch in the chest the gate wouldn't close on us..." -"This could happened to anyone, so don't blame yourself." Bennett didn't respond.
Razor and Fischl couldn't go with him today, when he was preparing to go alone, on his way out he met you. He was surprised Aether wasn't with you but it seems you wanted to go on small walk. After hearing about his plans you wanted to join him. Bennett was conflicted, on one side he wanted to go on adventure with you but on other he was afraid about his bad luck. But before he could came with some lie you already took his hand and told him to let's go.
And now you both are stuck in some ruin, the only exit closed and with chest filled with cabbages. And he can hear storm approaching so now even if he shout for help no one will hear you both. -"Aether will be so mad at me..." -"Hm? I think he will be mad at me for not telling him where I went." you said while scratching your head. You already mentally prepare for his scolding. "Don't worry Bennett, someone will come soon to rescue us! Also we can try again to find some exit!" You got up and started to check every corner of the room. Bennett followed and started to search too.
After awhile you both sat down again by the chest. -"Well…. at least if we get hungry we got those cabbages!" You said with smile, hoping this will improve his mood. Bennett have small smile at that. -"Yeah..." There was silence for moment. You looked over Bennett who looked like he already give up. You couldn't help but worry, no matter what even with his bad luck he always try to stay positive. Meanwhile, Bennett feels depressed. He always wanted to go with only you on adventure and have fun. There was a fear that because of him something bad will happen to you but he tried to push such thoughts away. But now he regret for doing so, he doesn't care what happen to him as long as you're save- -"(Y-Y/n)?!" he looked at you with shock. You put your arm around his shoulder, bringing him closer. -"It's kinda cold isn't it? Let's stay close!" you said with bright smile. Bennett blushed from this close contact but then give you big smile. You never get mad at him nor blame him and even in situations like this you still smile to him like this. -"So… how about you will tell me what did you do on your other adventures?" It's not like the two of you could do anything so he started to tell you some stories from the past and you listened, commenting on them from time to time, sometimes laughing, sometimes getting angry at people who were rude to him. Thanks to you all dark thoughts left Bennett mind and before you two know it the gate opened revealing Aether, Paimon, Razor and Fischl.
-"There you are! We were searching for you guys!! Paimon shocked flying towards you. -"Haha we got stuck like you see but… at least we can make some salad with those!" You showed the chest full of cabbages. Bennett watched you talk with others, Aether already scolding you. -"Bennett alright?" The boy turned his head toward concerned Razor. -"Yeah! I'm alright! We got a bit unlucky again haha!" he scratched his head and then looked where you stood, talking to Fischl. "Everything is alright." he murmured with smile.
When your group left the ruins the storm passed, the sun's rays broke through grey clouds. It seems this day wasn't that unlucky like Bennett thought at first.
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pinkyyoshi · 6 months ago
𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮♡︎ (PROLOGUE)
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
18+! ANGST
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Syn: Reader grew up as a hopeless romantic, always seeing the brighter side of things and always getting her heart broken. She finds herself falling in love with a man who happens to already be taken and ends up in a fucked up situation.
CW: Self-harm, manipulation, arguing, ANGST ANGST ANGST, profanity, cheating, mommy-issues, drug-use, SA(NOT BY GHOST!)
A/N: hey guys! This is my very first fan fiction and also very first official post on here so I want to apologize for any repetetiveness, grammar, or wordiness in the story, I’ll improve the more I right and I hope I’m being descriptive enough for you guys lol. (Criticism is appreciated!😛)
You were always such a hopeful girl with big dreams. Head in the clouds, not worried about a thing. You remember always laying down in bed with your mother who would always read you to sleep at night. Going to the library on the weekends and picking out books (always from the romance section). Mom would just smile and chuckle to herself. You never knew that these memories could ever be buried and spat on. Is it your fault for being so naive?
“Mommy?” You called out, peeking around your corner. There sat your mom on the table with a wine glass in her hand. She smiles at you, holding her arm out, calling you towards her.
“What is it sweety?” she says through rosy cheeks.
“When is daddy gonna come back?”
Splash Splash
The sounds of the waves would do. The days couldn’t get any shorter. Work couldn’t get any more tiring. You couldn’t be more alone.
Running sand through the 3 week old nails of your right hand, can of beer in your left. You thought you couldn’t get any more pathetic but here you were sat on the beach not far from the city.
Should I even be here right now?
You should’ve been home some time ago but he called, would he even show up? Sometimes you think mom might have been right…she didn’t need to yell though.
Just as you were about to get up, spinning on your heel, there he was. The reveal was kind of surprising, you think as you cough from all the smoke blown into your face. You can see the smile in his eyes. What the hell?
“S’rry abou’ that. Need a ride?”
You can only chuckle from the fact that he is literally 50 minutes late. You wanted to be mad but you were honestly more embarrassed for letting yourself even wait that long. But nonetheless, you nod your head and the two of you head over to your place and he just might’ve made up for making you wait that night. You counted. He stayed over til the morning this time, he even stayed for coffee! That’s definitely a first. Maybe He truly does care.
Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
“You’re so beautiful” He would say, running his rough fingers over your head, caressing you softly. It was like a scene out of a book. Just like the one you read last month about the– well who cares. Simon was leaving soon.
As he was walking out the door, he caressed your cheek, before placing a delicate kiss if you were a set of china.
“I love you so much, my pretty pretty girl. I promise if you just wait for me-” You can’t help but tune him out after. Those are the only words you wanted to hear. You don’t wanna hear about how he has to get back home to his girl or that work was waiting for him.
Your strong little heart could only bear the small things he does for you, anything after that would be too much, knowing what you and also knowing that you couldn’t have him.
The door shuts and reality hits harder than a boulder when you sink back into your messy room. Someday.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 months ago
how it's going
I am delighted so far by the responses to the post about signing up to beta/cheer-read the solarpunk tallship bisexuals novel I've decided to really give a go this year-- if you missed it, this is the post-- I have gone through and added everyone who signed up so far and it's a lovely mix of names I know and names I don't, not so many people it'd be hard to keep track and not so few that I'm worried about burning somebody out or totally winding up relying on one poor reader to keep my sanity going. I am also always pumped to get a lurker to de-lurk and say hi, not that there's anything wrong with lurking, I've got a few spaces where I lurk because that's what I need from that space. But it's always nice to be able to like, relate to somebody, y'know?
Not that you can really talk a lot in a google doc. I admit a lot of what's kept me going on Witcher has been having various little Discord threads where I can paste in whatever line I'm smug about, or that I'm stuck on for workshopping, and having a conversation about it, and not having that (I have a thread going in a Witcher discord but since it's off-topic it's kind of... well, low-traffic). I don't know if it's feasible to make a new Discord so I probably won't. But.
Anyway I will at some point turn that form off, but it seems to have worked pretty well so far as a method for adding people specifically to the doc, and I will leave it open and keep checking it for a little longer if any of y'all reading this were on the fence about signing up. I just can't rattle around alone in that doc and still keep my momentum. I'm only up to chapter three or so and the main plot hasn't even started but there's thusfar been at least one really confusing action sequence and I've realized that I've got a serious case of zero visual information being conveyed, so that's been helpful. Even with only a couple of readers-- ha, even the last couple of hours before I started adding people to the doc it had already done a lot of its job because I started proofreading with an audience in mind, which in my case tends to improve readability, which is what I want.
Listen, there's a noble purpose in telling stories for their own sake to yourself, but the idea of telling a story so that others can understand it is important to and I value it highly. So. That's what this is about.
So I've got a few people poking around in there with me and I feel much better about life and have some hopes I might make it over the hump into a real plot now, LOL.
But I think I'm gonna snippet post, which I haven't much with this work yet! (Have I? I forget. I started it in the fugue state of pre-holiday fuckery last year so who knows.)
bah i can't find a good snippet. well, here's a recently-composed one anyway.
As they approached the ship, Tom said, “You’ll tell the others, yeah? Simmons didn’t know. It ain’t his fault.” “I don’t know as it’ll help,” Keller said. “They’re mighty displeased about how you been treated. It reflects on them, y’know?” “It’s not so bad,” Tom said. “I’d rather be here than escorting the Barka convoy back to Subia in Jeanette all by my lonesome knowing damn well Righteous is waiting there for me with a bone in her teeth. No thank you, I’d rather not be set up on a suicide run like that. And you know if I got killed in a fourteen-gun sloop facing down a bloody-minded forty-gun privateer they’d tut-tut and say a proper Subian gentleman could’ve won.” “Oh sir,” Keller said. “You know they’d say that,” Tom said. “You know they would. No thank you, I will take my lumps and stick with Haines and I’ll thank you not to force me to defend poor Simmons the entire time. It weren’t none of his doing, Henry Keller, but that don’t mean I want to have to argue with the rest of you lot about him every blessed day of this commission.” “He’s also an ignorant sod,” Keller pointed out. “It don’t signify,” Tom said. “You know me and Yardley won’t let no harm come to the ship.” “Oh, Yardley,” Keller said. “I forgot he’s aboard. He’s been scarce.” Tom rolled his eyes. “He’s taking it well, too,” he said. He rummaged through the few parcels he’d brought back, and pulled out a bag and handed it over to Keller. “Share that out with your mess-mates,” he said. “And tell them-- it ain’t his fault, at all.” Keller took the bag with pleasure-- it was candy, Tom knew they’d have liked liquor better but he didn’t dare risk them being found with it and punished, with Simmons and not him in charge, so candy was safer. Keller looked back up at Tom, weatherbeaten face crinkled with a grin, and said, with a wry, grudging concession, “I’ll tell them.”
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itsnotamatterofif · 4 months ago
Cast Recording thoughts that no one asked for!
It’s getting a solid 7/10 for me, and I don’t think it’s any of the actor’s faults. There’s just some strange editing choices that make absolutely no sense to me (freight into act 2 hydrogen with no coda being one of them), and the whole thing just sounds very… earnest? They sure are hitting every note perfectly, there’s just no riffs unless you’re greaseball or Momma, and I am thinking that it’s either a directing choice or just a general lack of confidence from brand new debuting cast. I wasn’t sure at first if this is just due to the improving quality of audio recording since 2009, but like, all the T’s are accentuated and half of the riffs sound like they were pre-agreed, there’s no room for the actors to show off if that makes sense.
There were a few songs that I didn’t like, (I’ll be honest Freight pales in comparison to previous freights, which is sad as a Hydra stan - he doesn’t even get his introduction!!!!) and there were some that smashed it out of the park, and I genuinely think all of the problems are just very strange creative decisions by a team who wanted to make something ‘new’ and ‘modern’ without quite understanding what that is outside of ditching a traditional pit orchestra. I’m a bit sad they don’t have any incidentals, but also that’s rare to find in cast recordings these days.
Outside of that, however, I think the actual singing is great and the cast do their damned best. I’ve never actually heard Jeevan as Rusty (I saw Scott when I saw it) so it was really nice to hear - he has such a good voice. Tom Pigram also comes across better on the recording - some of the megamixes have been DODGY on those top notes, but the recording was super good and I like the editing in AC/DC. The ethereal twink vibes are unreal, they’re giving those rich dudes on instagram who always brag about having £40 cups of tea or whatever.
I’m gonna do an under the cut with a thought on every song (I need to give the music student in me something to do every now and then)
Okay track list run down!
Overture/entry of trains: nothingburger song but otherwise a nice into, could have done with a bit of a break between the mum telling control off and then going into the song but whatever. Slightly strange no trains have nationalities but Greaseball is still the Union Pacific, however big up They/Them Orange Flash.
Rolling Stock: classic, love it, 10/10. We already knew this was a banger.
Crazy: we already knew this was a banger too. Jeevan’s Rusty is so sweet and determined. I don’t know if I prefer it over the doo-wap version from 2009 but it’s still good.
I Am Me: I still don’t actually know whether I like this song, but I also didn’t know whether I liked it in Bochum. It’s a bit generic and it think it’s a bit weird that they’re all like ‘yeah those engines can’t push us around!’ before being pushed around by the engines. I think I just miss A Whole Lotta Locomotion but I can understand why they cut it.
Whistle At Me: this is so sweet but so weird. Why is Rusty not allowed to whistle? Is it because of noise pollution laws? Cat calling allegory? Are steamers second class citizens and have to keep all proof they’re a steamer quiet? What’s the deal here. They’ll remove incidental speech that is essential to the story but keep in Pearl friendzoning him.
Freight is Great: UGH. Tassita is the highlight here honestly. It’s just so EMPTY, I guess that’s a constraint of just how few cast members can be on that stage without there being a health and safety shut down. I hate the chop into Hydrogen, it’s so horrible and janky and that’s not even where Hydrogen is in the show.
Hydrogen: breaks my heart to say it, but I never really liked Hydrogen. I don’t like environmentalist activism in shows since it’s never the audience who needs to hear it, and I find it funny that ALW wants to preach this now when he’s more than happy to take a private jet to a country he doesn’t live in to support a political party who doesn’t really care (ALW is Tory scum for those not in the UK). Jayden Vijn is a powerhouse both vocally and on stage though, and there’s more character in this song than there is in half the first act sooooo
AC/DC: actually a banger? I like the different approach to Electra, and I think the editing covers up for the fact that Pigram isn’t a belter. They did forget to introduce a component though which is just a hilarious oversight.
Pumping Iron: IMPECCABLE 10/10. No notes. Al Knott is amazing.
Make up My Heart: very sweet, very earnest. Montecillo’s Pearl seems to be very innocent, which is different. Can’t really go wrong with this one.
Momma’s Blues: mmmm Jade Marvin has such a nice voice, it takes her a line or two to get into it but once she’s into it it’s very nice and smooth. Classic song, really like it, Lumber’s interrupts however make absolutely no sense without the visuals.
Starlight Express: it’s the song!! Why did they change the melody oh my GOD- Jeevan sings it so nicely but I would give my right arm to hear him sing the traditional one.
UNCOUPLED: Eve Humphries is so so so good. The loss of the accent is worth mourning, but I’d rather she did it like this than put on a shit southern accent for the bit.
Wide Smile: not even gonna lie this is a JAM. Emily Martinez is such an underdog and she fucking went for it. Ending is a bit weird but I guess we can’t have everything.
The Races: I’m gonna include them as one since they’re functionally identical. It’s nice to have them in, I wish we could have had all four since I think the first one is actually race 1, 2, and 3 jammed together. I REALLY LIKE the chorus in the final race singing to get Rusty over the finish line, that’s such a sweet touch.
I am the Starlight: impeccable. This is one of those songs you have to get right and I think they both aced it. I think there’s room for both of them to be a bit more vocally adventurous, but it’s a solid performance, and it’s fantastic live which adds to my theory that they were all being held back by vocal direction.
One Rock N Roll Too Many: amazing, funny as fuck. Greasy’s and Electra’s ‘NO’ is amazing. 10/10.
I do: I feel a bit bad saying this is a bit generic, it’s a fantastic vocal performance, I just think next time you fall in love is much more theatrically interesting and gives some character depth. Pearl spends most of the musical not really giving a shit about Rusty so it’s suddenly a bit weird that she’s absolutely head over heads for him, and at least in Next Time she admits she liked him all along and just didn’t know it.
Light at the end of the Tunnel: classic and good, and I actually like the environmental changes here. Marvin shows again how strong of a singer she is and a good time is had all round.
Megamix: ELECTRA HIT THE NOTES YES LAD GET ON!!!!!! I have been listening to this on repeat for months on YouTube so it’s nice to have an official recording finally. Just an absolute tune.
Yeah anyway rant over feel free to disagree with me on most of this
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yuseirra · 5 months ago
Oh, this is a thought that just occurred to me after having skimmed my copy of volume 14 right,
So there's this continuous idea of Ruby going she's going to surpass Ai and that she's "going to be different from Ai", the latter being achieved through expressing her feelings as she truly feels,
Of course they are different people, so it's good that she wishes to be herself and it's desirable to push to be the better person compared to one's parents too than being just a replica. I've always taken this in that pretty positive direction, but-
This makes me think...are they trying to make Ai's life a bad example that should be "improved" by the better version that is Ruby? That can't be it, right? I do not think the author would be intending for this but I'll just jot my thoughts on this: Ai's lived so vigorously, and I don't think it was her fault that she had to lie. That was due to the environment she lived in, and she did the best she could as an indiviudual thrown in that field as a child. Ruby has a different personality, but would it really be that she could have done better than Ai in that situation her mother had to go through? I don't think so. Although being a "liar"is a huge part of her identity, the love she had beneath it was genuine after all- that's what I got from her whole catchphrase "lies are love". It was indeed a form of love. What many celebrities put out there, I think that was pretty insightful. It's sad that people can't entirely be themselves, but actually, we ALL put on personas not just for ourselves, but for the sake of others, out of consideration. In a way, it's like dressing up properly for an occasion. It could be proper manners to fit in a situation and get along. Ai's case was a bit extreme, but she really did it out if concern and love towards others.
Ai lived really hard. I feel like.. She was so selfless. Of course she lived to her fullest but she kept saving other people of the pain they could feel about her by keeping every negativity she faced within herself. She went out and saved her boyfriend. She sent out love. She cared and loved everyone around her. If anything, she's not a bad example although I do feel she had it so hard...being a "person" she is. I feel Aqua still does not have a clue about her, he was like that throughout the movie arc, he said he'd help fulfill her wish but he gives up on that, the one thing she's wanted as a human being that she strongly kept in her mind enough to ask her own children about. I am a bit annoyed with him being all about Ruby with Ai's wish being out of his focus now although their bond IS special and seeing how he was, I actually saw that coming... It does make a contrast of how her boyfriend is all about her(whether it be twisted it not)while Aqua cares about the living. Again, though. Ai... The main focus of this story was always... Sort of about her, whether it'd be about finding the truth about her death and revenging it, or about what she wants, the narrative seems to have shifted off from it for now but I hope that is brief for the sake of consistency.
I have my hopes about this character because if I'm the writer, Ai is the one character I use as the backbone of the whole plot. I'd give her what she wants. I' m really sure that's what's going to happen, and so...I want her to be relevant and acknowledged. She isn't perfect, but I also don't think she ahould be a figure that's supposed to be overcome into a better version because I don't see Ruby's version of an idol being so perfect either. It has its good sides, but is she the really better, new and improved ways of what an idol should be? Aqua seems to think so from how he is in the recent chapters,
But should Ai have never lied? Is the idea of "lies are love" something that simple enough to be dismissed? I don't quite see it being the case either. I feel like there should be a middle ground if there just HAS to be one take on this. The world isn't so simple that everything would magically turn out better if you reveal everything about yourself although it's healthy to do it to a degree. There's a reason why there are superegos as well as ids.
So yes :) I root for Ai and her wants. She might not be ENTIRELY right, no one is really, and it's natural because she's a person like any other. However, I feel she'd be right in the most important parts. I want her wants to see light. It will. That's how I see this being a good story. I'm not entitled enough to say it should be this way or else but I just see it happening. So I'm not so worried about the story as a whole. Just very tense in between from the little things really.
I don't talk a lot about Ai or the other characters as much, but I do think about them.. It's more like I don't feel a need to try to make sense out of them as much so I don't write about them in an attempt to do so, Ai IS my fav. So here I dedicate a post to her this time! She's certainly a character that's made me gain insight about something I didn't think of as much compared to when I didn't encounter the character, and I really appreciate it!♥
If everything turns out the way she wants, I will be happy. She's greedy, isn't she~ and she has all the right to be. I support that. It's one of the major reasons why I'm so passionate and intrigued about that ship involving her and kamiki too! It's what she wanted to happen, and I see he wasn't half bad. He really loved her and SHE wanted to be with him(the latter bit had me sold especially). She'd want him to be happy and well, so I do too!
I want to see it happen~ and, it will. Like what her song implies. She always gets what she wants in the very end and I love to see it.
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haesunflower · 2 years ago
thank the stars | royalty au with ricky
(written in the stars final chapter)
✩ chapter 1, chapter 2 , chapter 3 ✩
genre: romance, angst
pairing: princess reader x prince ricky
about/tags: your life changes, and suddenly you have to rule Astoria. Ricky lets you know he'll always be there for you – and he means it. (2.6k+ words)
y/n is a princess, death, grief/mourning, i cried while writing this
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Your brother can barely stay awake nowadays. And for that reason, you visit him everyday, bringing with you stories about your day and sharing the little adventures you and Ricky have. You know what’s coming, in fact, everyone in the palace does. All hope seems to have gone as the days go by without any semblance of improvement on the Crown Prince Hanbin’s health. And while you try to mentally prepare for the loss of your brother, you don’t want to. 
“Sister, are you going to keep bothering me everyday like this?” Even in his condition, Hanbin finds a way to make light of the situation. You smile, just to humor him and decide to banter back. 
“In all honesty brother, it’s you that’s a nuisance. Please get better so I no longer have to deal with your astronomical amounts of paperwork”. This time, he’s the one that smiles, somberly. “How is that, by the way? Preparing to rule?” while the conversation had gotten more serious, you don’t blame him for asking. He knows his time will come to an end soon. 
“I’m terrified everyday...I’m…I’m not as great as you are, brother. I’m severely underprepared and extremely overwhelmed. And the only good thing in my life right now, well, I don’t even know if he’ll stay. He too, has a kingdom to look after.”
You drop your head down to his bed, letting choked sobs out. You’ve never said these things out loud to anyone. On a personal note, you are not even aware of what is more terrifying – ruling the country unprepared, losing your brother, never getting the chance to love Ricky. You suppose you’re crying about all three. 
Hanbin feels terrible at the sight of his youngest sister. You’re right next to him, but he doesn’t even have the energy to sit up and wipe your tears away.  “I’m sorry, Y/N….” is all he can say. He too, lets a few tears roll past his eyes. 
After a few minutes of quiet sobs, you take his hands in yours to say “It’s not your fault Hanbin. I’ll make you proud, I promise.” You notice the tears that have stained his velvet pillow, and bring up a handkerchief to wipe away at the remaining streaks on his face. The last thing he says to you is “I never doubted you for a moment, sister. You’ll achieve great things as Astoria’s Queen.”
With the confidence that your brother instills in you, you decide that it’s time to let Ricky know the truth. Your new duty is to be a proud leader of your country – to make Hanbin proud, to continue the line of succession of your parents, and to be a Queen to the people. You plan to tell him all of that tomorrow. 
Your plan fails, because Hanbin summoned crown prince Quanrui to visit his chambers that evening. Ricky crosses paths with the King and Queen as they exit Hanbin’s chambers. The crown prince of Solaria bows respectfully, and the Queen of Astoria gently places her hands on his shoulders. 
“Don’t be too alarmed with his state. Right now, treat him as you would normally do – he needs a friend.” Ricky is confused by the Queen’s statement, but nods anyway. 
Despite the warning, Prince Quanrui gets the shock of his life when he first sees Hanbin. While his family may be used to his symptoms, others might not be. He is much smaller now with graying skin. His hair sticks to his forehead from the layer of sweat that covers his body. He also coughs out blood every now and then, and his voice is so small and hoarse, it’s hard to listen to. 
“Ah, my dear friend. Come sit.” Hanbin chokes out.
Ricky doesn’t know what to say, as all this time he had thought Hanbin had been on an expedition or managing diplomatic affairs in other countries. He had no idea his dear friend had been in the castle, slowly rotting away. To be fair, it was a well kept secret. 
“Why was I not informed, Hanbin? Did you nor Y/N not care to tell me?” Ricky is trying not to sound too betrayed. Not when Hanbin is looking at him apologetically. “No one knows about my sickness, only my family and the royal staff. And I wanted to keep it that way for a while…” Hanbin trails off as he welcomes a fit of coughs. 
“Ricky, the truth is I’m not going to get any better. This is the end of the line for me.” Ricky is studying his friend’s face and he finds no hint of sadness, rather, acceptance of his fate. Ricky doesn't know how to react to that statement. So, he places his hands against his mouth, contemplating on what to tell Hanbin. 
“It’s a lot to take in, I know. But, I need to ask you one last thing before I am unable to” more coughs erupt from Hanbin, and Ricky patiently waits for him to speak again. “It’s about Y/N…she’s so terrified, Ricky. Will you take care of her when I’m gone?” 
On the outside, it’s a simple question. For royals however, it brings about a million implications. What Hanbin really wants to ask is Will you stay with her here once I am gone? Will you give up being the King of Solaria for Y/N? Will you continue to promise to love her until the end of time? 
“Wherever she may be, I will be standing right next to her. Always.”
With that response, Hanbin nods in satisfaction. Both Hanbin and Ricky remember a time when they were young boys, sparring in the courtyard. One of their many wagers had been your hand in marriage. If Ricky could beat Hanbin, he’d let him marry his sister. When that was on the line, Ricky had never lost to Hanbin, not even once.
“I’m grateful to have known you, Ricky. Take care, my friend.” Hanbin musters up all his energy to reach out his hand for Ricky to take in a handshake. And although it is out of character for Ricky, he puts Hanbin’s arm down and instead envelopes him in a hug. 
“I’ll miss you, dear friend. Save me a sparring session up there, maybe you’ll be able to beat me by then.” Hanbin and Ricky laugh. 
That night, as Ricky leaves Hanbin’s chambers, he understands why you desperately kept asking him to wait for you. Why you cling to him like it’s the last time you are able to. And why it seems like you love him back, but cannot seem to verbalize it in any way. 
The next time your family is complete is during the funeral of the late prince Hanbin. Though you wouldn’t consider your family to be complete ever again, not with the loss of your brother. The palace was opened to the public, and it seemed like the whole kingdom was in attendance. The service was beautiful. Your sister and royal knight Jiwoong even traveled back to Astoria. And despite all that has happened, you enveloped each other in a hug the moment you saw each other. You both cried for what seemed like days. 
Naturally, the whole kingdom mourns. The palace is extremely somber, and the nights feel longer and colder. A lot of Astoria folk find themselves gazing up at the newly formed constellation – a discovery you made the night your brother died. You named the stars after him, of course. 
You’re at the observatory with Ricky again as you go through old portraits of your families together. You laugh at the stiff royal paintings that feature all the Astoria and Solaria children. You share childhood memories of Hanbin together, and exchange kind words about him. In the end, you are grateful to have been his younger sister – to have learned what it meant to be a leader directly from growing up with him. 
You do not want to have this type of conversation with Ricky, but you feel that it is the responsible thing to do. As rulers of your own respective kingdoms. 
“I fear I’ll never measure up to him” you admit. “I’m more than terrified, I fear I’ll be a disappointment to my people, my family, to him” your voice is shaking, and you close the trunk that’s filled with portraits and childhood memories. 
“Y/N listen..” Ricky takes both your hands in his, forcing you to look him in the eye. “You are the most intelligent and passionate person I know. You are selfless, kind, and beautiful inside and out. The people of Astoria do not know you the way I do, not yet at least. Let them see you for who you are, and everything will come into place. I am sure you will rule greatly, I’m confident that you will.” 
Ricky smiles mischievously before he adds “and again, your only flaw is that you are terribly unfunny.” you smile, you will miss his candor when he returns home. “And if it’s any consolation, I’m here. You can always rely on me.” 
Your brows furrow, and you remove your hands from his when you say “but that is the issue, Ricky. You cannot be here forever. You are bound to return to Solaria eventually, I am positive that your family has been missing their crown prince”
Prince Quanrui has been away from home for almost 9 months. You are unaware of this passage of time, having been busy with your crown princess education and the loss of your brother. And in between all the responsibilities and chaos, you cannot count the amount of times you found solace in the warm embrace and soft kisses of Prince Quanrui.
“I do not need to return to Solaria, only if you command me to do so, my Y/N”. He smiles, and you cannot tell if he is being serious.
“Ricky, you do realize that I cannot command you to do anything as we are of the same royal stature, we’re equals now as in line to the throne, remember?” 
“And that is where you are severely mistaken.” Your lips pout in confusion, and you look at him expecting an explanation “I’ve long withdrawn my eligibility to the crown in Solaria. Prince Gyuvin is the crown prince now.  
Your younger half brother? you thought. “B-but why? And do not say something foolish, do not say it is because you love me”
“But that is my answer.”
“You love me enough to abandon your kingdom? Your people, your subjects, your family. Ricky you’ve been trained your whole life to rule Solaria – and you’re going to just leave? Just like that?” You honestly do not know what kind of answer you are searching for. Perhaps it is validation you seek, that someone is capable of loving you so greatly to put you first.
“I would abandon all duty for you.”
Oh. You think. Love, so it is capable of being that easy. 
You are so emotionally moved by this declaration. How easy it is for Ricky to just choose love above all things. How Ricky patiently waited for you, just like you asked. How he didn’t ask any questions when you told him you would be next in line for the throne. How that would mean that he cannot marry you and make you his queen in Solaria. How he would rather withdraw his position just to be closer to you, here, in Astoria. How that is exactly what he did, as he wrote his letter to the King and Queen of Solaria shortly after his last conversation with Hanbin.
“Y/N, you and I both know my heart has always been here with you in Astoria anyway.”
You move closer to him and desperately envelope him in a tight embrace. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, like the very first night he kissed you. He’s a little taken aback, but reciprocates almost immediately. Your touch evokes more words that you could ever utter – feelings of love, gratefulness, relief, above all, happiness. 
When Ricky kissed you that night, you understood that this was exactly how it was meant to be all along. As if the very act of loving you is his duty itself.
The royal wedding of the Crown Princess of Astoria happens a year after Hanbin’s death. Prince Ricky, who will soon gain the title of Royal Prince of Astoria, stands proudly in the garden of stars. Like you, he’s dressed in all white. Your wedding ceremony is fully decorated with red roses, personally delivered by the King and Queen of Solaria.
As you walk down the aisle, your long jeweled dress flows against the gentle breeze of the night sky. Ricky is smiling, the biggest you’ve ever seen – even as he is under a plethora of constellations, he thinks you’re the most beautiful star tonight.
His parents, the King and Queen of Solaria, watch him as he looks at you. And his mother gives his son a genuine smile in return, before whispering something to her husband (if i’m not mistaken, along the lines of ‘he’s happy here’). Meanwhile, the crown prince Gyuvin snickers and tries to hold back his laughter at how lovesick his brother looks. 
Your sister sits proudly in the second row with King Hao of Mariposa by her side. She gives you a small wave, smiling brightly. Next to her, Hao is clapping, nodding gently towards you. Your sister reaches out to give a supportive squeeze to his shoulder, and he takes her hand in his. Throughout the ceremony, your sister and King Hao hold hands. He doesn’t feel pain anymore. Knight Jiwoong is also close by, watching over little Yujin and Yeseo. But sometimes, he cannot help but glance at the way his Queen and the King of Mariposa intertwine fingers.  
Your father hands you off to walk on your own. And as he takes his seat next to your mother, they smile at each other. Your mother takes his hand in hers comfortingly, as tears threaten to spill from both their eyes. 
When you reach him at the end of the aisle, he takes your hand, ungloves it, and presses a kiss. Everything feels right as you share your first kiss as a married pair. You have no coherent thoughts as he presses his warm lips against yours, the same passion and electricity pulses through you as he kisses you deeper. He cuts it short, out of respect for the audience, and you giggle a little when he whispers “more of that later” 
After the wedding ceremony and the consummation of your marriage – you and Ricky find yourselves lying peacefully in bed. The moonlight enters your bedchamber and lands beautifully on his platinum hair. You watch as Ricky’s bare chest rises and falls, his breathing steady – a sure indicator that he has fallen into deep slumber. So you inch yourself closer to him, caressing his cheek with the back of your hand oh so delicately.
But he isn’t exactly asleep, and in response, he pulls you towards him even more. Your face is safely tucked into his chest, his arm is draped around your waist, and your legs have since intertwined into a tangled mess. 
“Thank you for waiting for me. I love you.” You whisper. You mean it.
He hums, opening his eyes to check on you. This time, your eyes are closed as you settle in a comfortable position, nuzzled into him. He pats through your hair softly, before turning to the side to look at the window where Hanbin’s constellation shines brightly. 
Then, he thanks the stars for the existence of his Y/N.
A/N: i cried guys, real tears
what do we think about the ending for all characters?
✩ chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3✩ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
taglist: @en-ct @honghongbri @beomibeom @jiaant11 @ohdudedhesflirting (and tagging other people that left comments on other chapters @cherriegyu @annoyingbitch83 @missuszabini @aleinasstuff @wtfhyuck @zhanghrt @flwrinn @xiaoting999 @xmxcris @seokmthw @kyrjnie @dimplewonie @leoonoa @shiningstar-byulxx @wonbokkies) @kflixnet
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uceyliyahh · 4 months ago
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Summary: "I want you more than anything in my life." After being in a difficult relationship with Carmelo Yasmine decided to move on from him and become the next big thing while getting drafted on the smackdown roster she always thought she would never find love again due to her commitment issues until she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 3327
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Yasmine
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh. 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️@pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic
@hunnidmilly @celesteheartsjey @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @lov3rla03 @simpin4pixels
YASMINE Today was the day for the WWE draft. Honestly, I was fucking scared because I was more worried about Carmelo being on the same brand as me and all the drama that has been spiraling between him and me which the only people that knew were Trinity, Montez, Bianca, and Jonathan knew about.
Both Montez and Jonathan had blown my phone up, telling me that I should've listened to them. Then I wouldn't end up in this situation, but they will protect me if shit goes down.
I was in the catering area sitting down at the table eating my lunch while listening to some music so I wouldn't be in my head about all of this.
As I was doing that, I felt someone touch my shoulder, which made me jump. I turned around and saw Trick standing behind me, chuckling.
"Shit! Trick, you can't be doing that nigga" I said.
"My fault minks didn't mean to scare yo' ass." He said, chucking at me as I threw up the middle finger at him.
He sat down next to me at the table, munching away on his food as I continued doing the same thing. I haven't told him what Carmelo did. I don't think it would matter since Jonathan and Montez were already on that with him. There wouldn't be any point in Trick getting involved.
I was on my phone when I saw that Trinity sent me a text message probably about the draft that's happening tonight, which, like I said, I am shitting rocks right now.
IMESSAGE 💬 Trin🤭🫶🏽: Hey Babygirl! How are you holding up? Minnie🧃: I'm alright just eating right now with Trick ass 🙄 Trin🤭🫶🏽: PLEASE leave that man alone 😭😭 but are you nervous about the draft? Minnie🧃: yesss I am Trin like I pray that Carmelo doesn't get drafted on smackdown ion want no shit started between him and Montez Trin🤭🫶🏽: well ion' know about that Yasmine it might happen. Minnie🧃: STOP DONT SAY THAT BITCH! 🥲🥲 Trin🤭🫶🏽: what? I'm just saying Yasmine; just don't get your hopes up Minnie🧃: fineeee bro fineeee fuck man why does it have to be this way? 😟 Trin🤭🫶🏽: Yasmine it's going to get better I promise just focus on the draft tonight ight? Minnie🧃: ight then Trin Trin🤭🫶🏽: okay I hope I'll see you in smackdown byeee Minnie🧃: byeee
After texting Trinity, I saw Trick all over my phone, so I turned my phone off and gave him a stern look.
"Damn, nigga you all up in my conversation dawg." I said.
"What happened between you and Melo?" He questioned me.
'Shit, why did he have to be so fucking nosey all up in my damn phone? Now I gotta spill the tea.'
Rolling my eyes in the process, I avoided the question while getting up from the table, along with my plate, and walking towards the trash can to throw it away.
I felt his presence behind me as I continued walking away from him, trying to avoid him asking me this question like I wanted to answer it. I didn't want anyone else involved in this situation, especially not Trick.
I continued to fasten my pace, feeling Trick grab me by the arm as we looked at each other.
"Minks, c'mon, mane. You can't just leave me in the dark. What happened?" I could read his facial expressions; he seemed concerned. I sighed in defeat while yanking my arm away from him.
"He put his hands on me, Trick, okay? He fucking put his hands on me, your own best friend." I said, folding my arms over my chest.
His face went into complete shock. Hearing that from me, it almost seemed like he didn't believe me. I just sighed before walking away from him as he stopped me in my tracks. "Look, imma talk to him to see." I turned my head, looking at him in disbelief, like, is this nigga fucking serious?
"What's the point of talking to him for when I literally just told yo' ass—you know, fine, go ahead. If you're going to believe him, then that's my problem." I walked away from him and went towards my locker room, trying to calm myself down from crying at work.
I just needed to be alone for a minute to get myself together before this damn draft for tonight.
✧˚° I was heading towards the ring, finding my seat since the draft was about to begin. As I saw Carmelo and Trick talking to each other, I just rolled my eyes at them, sitting down in my seat and looking up at the screen.
I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my social media as my legs were crossed, seeing what everyone was posting on their stories and whatnot until I felt a presence that didn't need to be felt. When I looked up, I saw Carmelo gazing down at me with his arms folded.
"What? Melo?"
"So you just telling everyone I put my hands on you?" Carmelo said.
I scoffed his disbelief. I knew Trick wasn't going to believe me in the first place; I don't have time for the shit.
"Nigga you did put your fucking hands on me; why would I lie about that?" I said sternly.
"Because you're lying; all I did was choke you just to put you in your place." Oh, nah, this nigga had me fucked up now.
I stood up, pushing him in the process. I couldn't believe this fuck nigga bro sitting up there playing the fucking victim.
"You what? I don't have time for this shit with yo' ass Melo, so please get the fuck on." I sat back down in my chair, getting on my phone, watching him standing there with his hands on his hips.
I heard his footsteps walking away to his seat he was sitting next to Trick my eyes directly looked at Trick who made eye contact with me I gave him the middle finger while muttering "fuck you" in the process as the draft was about to start.
✧˚° "From the NXT roster smackdown chooses..Yasmine!!!"
When I heard my name, I couldn't help but smile. I saw everyone cheering for me, and Lash hugged me while I walked past them, seeing Shawn Michael's with a smackdown blue cap.
He hugged me, whispering in my ear how proud he was and that I hope I'll do big things on the blue brand. I gave him a faint smile, as my anxiety was creeping up on me, and I was worried that Carmelo might get drafted, too.
After I sat back down in my chair, feeling very anxious, I decided I didn't want him on the same brand as me because it would only make matters worse.
"Yasmine girl, you're with the big dawgs now." Lash said.
"Yeah, I know it's crazy," I said while looking at Carmelo, who was staring down at me.
We avoided eye contact with him as we continued to listen and watch the big screen to see who else was getting drafted.
I felt my phone buzz, and when I saw a text from Bianca, I pulled it out and texted her back.
IMESSAGE 💬 Breezy🫶🏽: omgggg girl are you with us fr? Minnie🧃: Yes ma'am I am officially drafted on blue brand 🤭🤭 Breezy🫶🏽: OMGGG YESSS I AM SO EXCITED I KNOW TRIN FINNA GO CRAZY Minnie🧃: Righht but I'm worried B Breezy🫶🏽: why? Is this about Melo ass bc if he does get drafted which I hope he doesn't he better watch his back Minnie🧃: speaking of him; him and trick talked about it and I knew I've shouldn't have told him but he kept pressing me Breezy🫶🏽: so what I am hearing is that he didn't believe you? 🙄🙄 Minnie🧃: yeah, basically and then Melo gonna come up to me saying that he only did it to put me in my place like what? Breezy🫶🏽: awh hell nah bro he's playing the victim card rn Minnie🧃: fasho he is I was finna whoop his ass I front of everyone Breezy🫶🏽: hollon I think they're announcing the next person to get drafted
"From the NXT roster smackdown chooses...Carmelo Hayes!!"
My face fell as I heard his name shouted out. I saw him stroll by us, flashing me a smile as my nervousness began to rise. As I went out, I informed Lash I was going to the toilet and then to my locker room.
I slammed the door closed behind me, locking it. As I sat on the couch, trying to calm myself down, it seemed as if my entire universe had been ripped apart by that.
Why did it have to be him? Out of all the humans, who selected his ass? I looked up at the TV and noticed his confident smirk with the blue brand cap on as he dapped up Trick.  I fucking hate Trick now, but it was my fault for telling him when I knew he wasn't going to trust me. I mean, I can't blame him; that's his boy.
Breezy🫶🏽: Yasmine? Are you okay? Breezy🫶🏽: Text me back please so I can that you're okay?
I couldn't understand what she was messaging me since my anxiousness was hammering my ass right now.
Minnie🧃: B, it feels like my whole world his coming down Breezy🫶🏽: Yasmine take long deep breaths do I need to send Montez? Minnie🧃:NO! don't okay? He's already worried about me enough Breezy🫶🏽: I understand but that's yo' brother he would do anything for you Yasmine Minnie🧃: I know I know B...I just can't fucking believe it. Breezy🫶🏽: me too like ugh...but don't worry we'll be here for you Minnie🧃: thank you B
After conversing with Bianca, I decided to stay in my locker room until then since I didn't want to see him again, especially with that fucking smile on his face, knowing he'd be on the same brand as me.
Without realizing it, if he does something wild, either Montez or Jonathan will beat him up; they are so protective of me it's not funny.
I heard a gentle knock on the door. I got up from the couch and almost opened the door, but I was scared to.
"Who's at the door?" I asked.
"It's me, Lash girl!" That voice didn't sound like Lash at all. When I opened the door, he was standing there.
He pushed me back, shutting the door behind him, locking it as he walked up towards me. I backed up, falling on the couch.
A/n: trigger warning contains rape ion want nobody to feel uncomfortable reading this so please and I mean please, skip this scene I'll keep it short I promise 😟
He was hammering me so hard that it made me cry; this man was insane.
He smacked me in the face after gripping me hard around the throat and gave me the most disgusting make out session ever.
"Yo' ass better take this shit, you bitch." He hissed while continuing to pound into my now abused cunt.
"You're hurting me! Get off of me Melo!" I shouted as he covered my mouth.
"You want them to hear us? I expect you to shut the fuck up then." I was crying softly while trying to fight him off of me.
This man was truly fucking nuts; he was doing this without my consent. I felt so powerless that I couldn't even push him off of me; he was more stronger than I was.
Sticking his tongue down my neck while rotating his hips and fiercely hitting my area, tears streamed down my face, and his grasp around my throat was so tight I couldn't breathe.
"Yeah, this is my pussy, you hear me? Yo' ass better not give it to nobody else but me." He slapped me in the face again, causing me to winched at the feeling.
"I fucking hate you...you piece of shit." I said, spitting in his face, and he didn't like that at all.
Grabbing a full load of my hair and assaulting my cervix, forcing me to yell yet again, I'm over here apologizing for it and begging him to stop.
But he didn't listen and continued to rape me in my own locker room, literally.
My body shook fiercely as I stared up at him, putting back on his clothes and mending himself, while he looked down at me, dejected and torn.
He smiled like a smug ass before leaving. "Remember you belong to me and only me." He shut the door, leaving me distressed as my worry gripped my ass. I was a weeping mess as I put on my clothing that he had taken off.
I couldn't stop sobbing. I didn't know who to tell since no one would believe me if I told that a WWE superstar named Carmelo Hayes had just raped his ex-girlfriend in her locker room; they'd think I was insane, so I'll keep it to myself.
After retouching my makeup, I decided to go early. I was able to sneak out before anybody could see me as I drove away from the garage.
My head was spiraling into a melancholy I didn't want to be in; all I wanted was to be happy, but after what occurred, I am now a victim of rape by someone I thought I loved but no longer do.
Now I'm just more broken than ever before he made me feel like this. I eventually arrived home, driving into the driveway as I stepped out of my car.
Opening the door and tossing my shoes someplace while hurrying upstairs to the bathroom, I fell to my knees and vomited into the toilet. I continued to heave up in the toilet until there was nothing left inside of me. I sat on my knees for a minute, tears streaming down my face, weeping silently. Why did this happen to me? I picked up my phone and phoned Trinity's number.
'Please pick up Trin it's urgent.'
OTP Trin🤭🫶🏽: Yo' Yasmine this is Jon Trin is in a match right now what's up?
'Fuck...what am I going to tell Jon?'
Minnie🧃: O-oh I didn't know...I can call back Jon Trin🤭🫶🏽: Yasmine? You don't sound okay did something happen? Minnie🧃: N-no I'm fine look I'll call back later on or tmr actually Trin🤭🫶🏽: nah fuck that what happened Yasmine Minnie🧃: it's nothing J-Jon I swear Trin🤭🫶🏽: stop playing with me Yasmine is about his ass again?
I hung up the phone so quickly that I didn't want to explain to anybody what had occurred to me. I got up from my knees and flushed the toilet as I proceeded towards my bedroom.
I removed my clothing and threw them somewhere so I could burn them later or whenever I wanted as I headed towards my bathroom and turned on the shower.
As I was doing that, I noticed my phone light up, indicating that Jon was calling, but I ignored it because if I had informed him that Carmelo had raped me, he would have been furious, so I now keep my distance from everyone.
Walking inside the shower, I felt the warm water contact my body, sighing in relief and closing my eyes. I had to keep this hidden from everyone, but I know Bianca or Trin will eventually find out.
I rested my head on the damp wall next to me, not understanding why I had to go through this. Why me? Why, oh why? It didn't make sense to me that every time I closed my eyes, I saw him all over me, doing things I never wanted him to do.
I suppose he's telling Trick how he hit it with me and we made stuff up, which I know how dumb Trick is in believing his lies.
I walked out of the shower, wrapped the towel over my entire body, and looked in the mirror, sure that everything would fall into place.
Seeing the marks on my neck it just made me feel disgusted in my body, I turned off the light inside the bathroom while walking out shutting the door behind me.
I sat down on my bed grabbing my phone and saw all of the missed phone calls from Jonathan and some from Bianca too probably Jon told her I was acting weird.
Breezy🫶🏽 sent 4+ messages
Breezy🫶🏽: Yasmine? Jon called me and said that you were acting weird is everything okay? Breezy🫶🏽: I didn't see you on the rest of the show during the draft Breezy🫶🏽: did he do something to you Yasmine? Breezy🫶🏽: please text me back you know I'm here for you.
I didn't know how to feel at the moment it just felt like I was completely numb how was I supposed to tell her or trin about what he had done to me?
I didn't want to leave her or anyone else in the dark but I just couldn't tell.
IMESSAGE 💬 Minnie🧃: I'm fine B Breezy🫶🏽: are you sure? Minnie🧃: yeah, I just felt really tired after the show that's all Breezy🫶🏽: well that's not what Jon had told me when you called looking for Trinity seemed like something happened during that time. Minnie🧃: whatever he told you was a lie I'm fine B I promise Breezy🫶🏽: Yasmine I know you; you don't have to lie to me yk Minnie🧃: IM NOT LYING OKAY...I-I'm just...fuck Bianca...idkkk...
I started to have a mental breakdown again thinking about what Melo did to me he made me feel worthless.
Breezy🫶🏽: what's going on? Calm down talk to me what happened Minnie🧃: Melo...he... Breezy🫶🏽: what did he do Yasmine? talk to me I'm here we are all here for you. Minnie🧃: He fucking raped me Bianca....in my own locker room...he fucking raped me. Breezy🫶🏽: WHAT? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? NAH THATS IT IM TELLING MONTEZ TO COME GET YOU Minnie🧃: O-okay... Breezy🫶🏽: make sure take you let the people know that you're moving out pack all of your belongings okay? Minnie🧃: ight B see you then.
I put on some clothes and began packing all of my belongings I didn't feel safe anymore not even at the company I was with. While I was packing I grabbed my phone texting the person about taking me off the lease due to me moving out tonight hopefully they'll get back with me tomorrow so I can get my money back.
I continue to pack all of stuff making sure that I didn't leave anything else behind and just waited for Montez to come get me. Hopefully when I do go on the smackdown brand they'll protect me.
Fuck Trick maybe if I didn't tell him what happened between me and Melo I wouldn't be in this situation but I just had to run my mouth about it.
And I just knew that his dumbass wouldn't believe me but believe his own best friend such a fucking hypocrite. I heard the door knocking as I got up from the bed walking downstairs opening the door seeing Montez standing there along with Jon.
I couldn't help but to form tears in my eyes hugging them tightly while they did the same for me.
"It's okay little sis we are here for you now." Montez said.
"When we see him it's on sight." Jon said.
We pulled away from each other as I wiped my eyes taking deep breaths, Montez told me to wait in the car while they get my things out from the apartment.
As I was waiting in the car I just looked outside the window in the backseat just in my head wondering if things would've been different if me and him didn't get together.
Maybe I should've listened to them.
SomeThing Bout' Us
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biancabelairwwe, MontezFordWWE, jonathanfatu and others liked your post.
minnieminks: on the blue brand with the big dawgs 😘💙
biancabelairwwe: yessss I am so happy girl trinity_fatu: all of us can hangout together now 🥹🥹 minnieminks: @ trinity_fatu yesss finally gosh I missed yall MontezFordWWE: you couldn't put on a different outfit? minnieminks: @ MontezFordWWE here yo' ass go leave me aloneeee brotherr 🙄 jonathanfatu: @ minnieminks I mean he's not wrong 😭😭 carmelohayes: damn all mine 🤭 minnieminks: @ carmelohayes fuck you; you piece of shit.
Read all Comments.
A/n: I am soooo sorry for writing that scene I'm glad I kept it short I didn't want to continue to write that. But Carmelo is in a rude awakening when he gets to smackdown.
I hope yall enjoy the chapter, lmk in the comments.
Stay Ucey.
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darklydeliciousdesires · 4 days ago
Calmer Seas - A Niklas Kvarforth/Reader One Shot Story.
Just a little thing I wrote, since I missed writing for my favourite mess of a man <3 No smut, just you being there for Niklas as he attempts to improve his mental health a little.
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Words - 1,510
Warnings - None, just Nik being Nik, but at least trying not to be as chaotic as he previously has been xD
You can always tell when he’s on edge. He has two modes which are seldom deviated from; the first being the loud, slightly scary, rude, obnoxious drunk, and then there’s the second. That is the one you’re witnessing now, watching the way his jaw muscles tense, his blue eyes rapidly clouding over, his fingers flexing in and out of a closed fist.  
He’s had enough. Of everything. Especially the person interviewing him and making what can only be described as a complete mess of it. Their own fault, you reason, since Niklas is very well famed for being either engaging and forthcoming when interviewed, should he be asked interesting questions, or an utter nightmare if he tires of the interviewer, or the questions he or she poses.  
Watching from the corner, your brain begins to tick with the equations. Has he eaten today, did he take his medication, will the hand that is flexing actually make it to grasp the bottle of Jack Daniel’s he’s been sharply eyeing? Working it out, you realise that no, he’s currently unmedicated, adding that to the fact he’s itching for a drink and so tired that mauve shadows haunt the skin beneath his eyes equals he’s likely about to be a problem. 
For the interviewer, not you.  
For you, he actually behaves. He’s trying to better himself, but the demons that dance through his head are never too far from the surface.  
“Okay, um, right,” the interviewer states, a little thrown off after a particularly crisp reply from Niklas. “Now, can you tell me about the tour so far?” 
His eyebrows furrow even further. “What exactly do you want to know?” 
“Everything. How’s it going and like, how do you feel you’re being received by the audiences?” 
He lights a cigarette, his hand tremoring with agitation. “Ask the fucking audiences, not me.” 
You can feel it, the air thickening, the interviewer shuffling his printed notes, Niklas’s eyes flitting between him and the slightly crumpled papers in his hands. “Okay, so um, like...” 
He begins winding his hand in impatience. “Spit it out!” 
“Are you, um... so do you...” 
“Say ‘um’ one more damned time to me.” 
Oh, god. Okay, you have to step in. Luckily, as his assistant, you both have a code shared to get him out of a situation he doesn’t want to be in, a key statement spoken. Holding your phone to your ear after knocking it onto silent, you feign a telephone call, nodding and humming before stepping in.  
“Niklas, it’s an emergency,” you state, looking to the interviewer as your boss rises up from his seat at speed, taking the phone from you and holding it to his ear as he marches from the room. “Sorry, that will be all for this evening.” 
The man looks more relieved than anything. Turning from him, you follow the path Niklas took, finding him down at the end of the hallway that leads out to the tour bus. 
He hands you your phone with a slight smile. “Thanks for the intervention.” 
“I wasn’t convinced you weren’t about to either down a litre of bourbon, start becoming more difficult for the guy trying to interview you, or punch him in the face,” you confess, Niklas drawing on his cigarette, a small snort of laughter sounding.  
“Probably all three,” he sniffs, “but this is why I employ you.” A little shrug follows. “At least I’m trying not to be a nightmare these days.”  
“Trying and managing, for the most part,” you tell him. He’s doing heaps better than he ever thinks that he is. 
He shrugs a little. “Only because you know all my mannerisms before I’m about to fucking explode. You shouldn’t be called an assistant. Bomb disposal expert is better.” 
Tipping your head back, you laugh softly. True, you guess. You manage to snip the necessary wires in order to prevent the inevitable detonation. “Come on, Kvarforth. Time for your next dose.”  
He looks back into the venue for a few seconds, and you know it’s killing him, not being back there revelling in the hedonistic excess that goes hand in hand with his profession. He complained to you many times before how muted it made him feel, no drugs other than the prescribed type, no alcohol. Sometimes there are women still, but he’s bored with it nowadays, so he says. ‘Every girl in nylons and smudged makeup is just as vapid and vacuous as the rest.’ 
Settling in the lounge, he takes his doses of four different pills and then moves your legs to lie between them. Resting his head on your stomach, he closes his eyes, a grumble sounding from somewhere deep in his chest. A little pissed off, but mostly content.  
“Thanks,” he speaks eventually, eyes closed, drumming his fingers against his chest. He’s still agitated, his fidgety hands revealing that. Of course, you know the signs.  
“What for?” you ask, moving your hands to his head, pressing your fingers to his temples and beginning to rotate. It’s all part of the diffusion process. 
“For putting up with me and my shit.” 
A smile plays across your lips. “You pay me well.” 
“You’re worth it.” he mumbles, his voice growing softer as the tension begins to ebb away. The rhythm of your fingers on his temples works its magic, and you can feel the weight of his shoulders gradually lighten. The bus hums with the muffled sounds coming from the venue, a faint reminder of the chaos he’s momentarily escaped.
As his breathing steadies, you glance around, taking in the remnants of a life lived under the spotlight, the discarded empty cigarette cartons, the crumpled sheets of lyrics, each a testament to the turbulent but brilliant mind resting against you.  
This is your world too, stitched together by moments of calm amidst the storms, a delicate balance between managing the man and nurturing the artist. “We make a good team, don’t we?” he murmurs, more at peace now, his agitation dulled by the familiarity of your touch.  
You smile, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. “Yeah, we do.” 
“It’ll only be a matter of time, though,” he sighs, reaching for your hands and knitting his fingers with yours, “before I fuck this up, too. Then the only little fucking piece of stability I have will leave. Just like all the rest.” 
Leaning to him, you kiss the tip of his nose, resting yours against it thereafter. “I’m stronger than the rest, hence why I’ve seen you through a breakdown and treatment for said breakdown, gotten you back on the road and helped you stay healthy. Or, as healthy as you ever can be. Being better means being better for me, too. If you do, I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Remains to be seen.” 
“Stop throwing me away while I’m still here, idiot.” you speak, shaking your head, resting your cheek against his.  
He turns his head, kissing you just above your jaw a couple of times. He stays quiet, though. There has been a trust gradually built over countless moments like this, where you've been the anchor in his turbulent sea, weaving together fragments of stability in his chaotic existence. He knows, deep down, that your presence is the glue holding his fractured world together, a delicate yet unbreakable bond forged through shared struggles and small victories.  
As his breathing slows, a quiet acknowledgement passes between you, unspoken but deeply felt. The night outside grows darker, and within this cocoon of fleeting calm, he stills.  
Ticking bombs always need to be dismantled with the care of an expert. In the case of his, you’ve never failed. One day, though, he might explode, and it’s always there in the back of your mind. For now, though, as he turns onto his side, pulling your leg over his hip as he burrows his face against your chest, his fuse has successfully been extinguished.  
For now. 
The knowledge that you are the keeper of his peace is both a burden and a privilege, a testament to the depth of your bond and the unwavering commitment you share. And as the moment passes, you close your eyes, listening to the rhythm of his breathing. 
“Can I go back and slap that journalist?” he suddenly asks, something in his brain lighting up that fuse once more. “Fucking cunt, wasting my time like that.” 
Looking down at him, you shake your head. He frowns. “You ruin all of my fun.” 
“Hmm,” you hum, kissing his head. “But I keep your peace. Tell me what’s more important to you right now?” 
He huffs, chest swelling from the deep breath he takes. “The peace. I suppose.”  
While he might sound aggrieved by that, truly, you have no idea just how much he values you for it. That’s perhaps the only part you cannot see, that within him, he’d be so much more of a mess without you there to keep him together.  
He’d be even more loathed to admit how much he actually loves you for it, too.  
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