#I went for the kissing photo first but then when I tried to add the flag I realized they mostly covered the purple stripe rip
evermoresversion · 3 months
For James Beaufort
He has a girlfriend and Ruby tries to ruin it but fail and if you do smut can you add it at the end no pressure to do this.
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A/N I changed Ruby to Elaine because I don't really see Ruby trying to ruin a relationship.
PAIRING James Beaufort x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Established relationship, kind of angsty, fluff? at the end. There may be grammatical and spelling errors since English is not my first language.
SUMMARY Despite all of Elaine's attempts to separate you from James, she never succeeded.
You and James had been dating for months now.
While most of Maxton Hall considered you both the king and queen of the school, others simply did not accept your relationship.
By "others" I mean Elaine Ellington.
Before, she saw you as a friend or something close to it, someone she could get along with since your father was one of the most important businessmen in the place.
But all thoughts of getting along evaporated the second she saw you arrive at Maxton Hall holding hands with the boy she wanted.
From that moment on she promised herself that she would do everything possible to separate you both.
She went from trying to kiss James in front of you at a party, ending in him rejecting her in front of everyone, to her asking one of his friends to try to flirt with you and making you uncomfortable, which ended in James asking someone to beat the shit out of him, since he couldn't risk his reputation doing it himself, but if he could he would have broken the boy's face.
Faced with several failed attempts, Elaine was beginning to despair, but the idea of letting you and James be happy was never in her plans.
Until one day she had an idea.
Somehow he got a girl quite similar to you from the back and had pictures taken of her kissing another guy at a party.
"Perfect." She muttered looking at the photos on her phone. No doubt James would fall and finally leave you.
She walked through the halls to where James was with his friends, you were in a class right at that moment.
"Can we talk?"
James sighed, tired of the situation.
"No, Elaine, I already told you a thousand times that..."
"It's about y/n."
That certainly caught James' attention. He walked away from the group so he could talk to the blonde.
“What about y/n?”
"I didn't want you to find out from me but it seems fair that you know, I shouldn't play with you like that."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
She took her phone out of her bag and showed the photos to James, watching his every reaction, watching how his jaw tensed and how his breathing quickened.
"When did they take these photos?"
"Friday night."
James simply nodded and without saying anything else, he walked towards where Elaine assumed your class was.
She smiled victoriously and left, believing that James would break up with you in a few minutes.
But the next day all hope disappeared again when she saw you both arrive holding hands and laughing with each other.
As you both passed her, James caught her attention.
"Thank you for telling me about the photos."
"Next time make sure I'm not having dinner with his family when according to you I'm kissing another guy." You smiled with false kindness and both of you continued on your way.
Elaine, on the verge of having a tantrum, decided it would be best to wait until you both break up and be there for James.
Although that clearly didn't happen because you ended up engaged to him sooner than she thought.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2024.
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sunvmars · 1 year
sour | s.r. [2]
pairing: steve rogers x afab/fem reader
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↞ previous | next ↠
word count: 3.2k
warnings: swearing, brief mentions of abortion, pregnancy/pregnant reader- that's ab it
summary: you and steve discuss plans for the pregnancy, steve faces the consequences of his actions
a/n: oh boy have i got a little plot twist coming for y'all soon. also, the chapters will get longer as more of the story is revealed!
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“I’m pregnant, Steve.”
Steve's hold on you became a little tighter. He found himself unable to fully process the information you'd just dropped on him; you being pregnant wasn't something he had even considered. You stood still in his arms, allowing him time to process the news and awaiting any type of response from him. He took a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The words kept repeating in his head; she’s pregnant, she's pregnant, she's���pregnant.
"Steve? Did you hear me?" you questioned, voice slightly muffled by how you were being pressed into his chest.
Only after hearing your voice again did he move. He released his grip on you and took a step back to look you in the eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, his expression containing a mix of disbelief and confusion. There was something else hidden below the surface of his gaze too- a deep-rooted concern. A concern not only for you but for the tiny little life growing inside of you too, the life both of you created.
"What..? I'm sorry, this is just, uhm, wow."
You cock an eyebrow up at him, "That's all you've got to say?"
When he doesn't respond, you scoff. His eyes search the room as he tries to avoid direct eye contact with you.
"Well, now that you've made this abnormally awkward, I think I'm gonna go home now," you chuckle, trying to hide your irritation, ''Since I'm having your baby, please feel free to call me when you've got something else to add, alright?"
He grabs your arm when you turn to leave, "Wait. I'm sorry, y/n. Come inside, please. We can talk in here.”
Reluctantly, you allowed Steve to guide you into the apartment. His grip on your arm stayed gentle but firm like he thought you were gonna turn and run away at any moment. Once fully inside, you noticed how everything seemed so familiar yet foreign at the same time. Most of the pictures were off the wall except for two.
One picture was one that Tony had taken at the beach a year ago. The photo was of you, Steve, and Bucky sitting in the sand. You were laying in Steve's lap with your head resting on his chest while playing rock, paper, scissors with Bucky for the last slice of Steve's birthday cake.
The other photo just had you and Steve on your first date. You'd made him take a picture with you in front of the movie theater you went to. It was the oldest theater in town and, at some point during the night, you made a joke about how the theater was the only thing as old as him in the city.
He'd rolled his eyes at the joke but found himself unable to contain a smile when he saw your face light up as you laughed. You were witty, and that was his favorite thing about you, even if he was on the butt end of the joke. As long as you still had that pretty smile on your face, he didn't care how many jokes you made about him.
The soft, white couch you'd picked out together when the two of you first moved in was still there too and so was your favorite vase. The vase was missing the flowers though- the flowers he'd come home with every Friday without fail. More often than not, the ones he bought the week before weren't even dead yet, but he'd buy you new ones anyways.
"Ma used to tell me that if someone buys you flowers and they don't die for a long time, that means they really love you. But it's unavoidable that they'll die eventually, right? So I figured that if I buy you new ones before the old ones die then you'll never get the chance to forget how much I love you," he explained, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
"Right, but what if I forget anyway?" you joked with a smile.
And then he shrugged and gave you a peck on your nose, "Then it's a good thing I'll be right here to remind you, honey," he cooed.
You bit your tongue, forcing the lump in your throat to go back down upon remembering all of the moments you shared. This was your home until just a couple of months ago, and now it felt like you were standing in a shell of what used to be your safe space.
Steve led you to the living room, the last room you'd been in before he gave up on your future together. He gestured for you to take a seat and you plopped into your favorite recliner that didn't even seem like it'd been touched since you left. The tension in the room was palpable as he sat on the far end of the couch, the side farthest away from you.
"You scared I'm gonna bite you or something?" you joked, rubbing a hand over your aching stomach.
He gave a short-lived chuckle before speaking, "Listen, I'm sorry for my reaction," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "I didn't expect this, and I'm sure you didn't either."
You nodded to show your understanding, "It's alright, this is a lot for both of us."
"What do you wanna do..?"
His brain blanks as he tries to think of whether or not he'd said something wrong.
"Yeah?" he finally says, almost saying it like a question.
"It's not just my decision, Steven. You get a say in this too."
"I do?"
You laugh a little at his confusion, "Yes. You do."
"I'm sorry, it's just that with everything that happened I... I'm trying to say that I'd understand if you didn't want me involved in this decision," he says, looking down at the floor to avoid your eyes.
"Steve, look at me," you begin, pausing until he looks back up at you, "I wouldn't leave this choice up to just me. Whatever decision we make has to work for both of us though."
He looks up at you with surprise etched all over his face, "Thank you, y/n. It's more than I deserve."
"Mhm, tell me about it," you sigh while still rubbing a hand soothingly over your stomach, trying to ease the nausea.
He's silent, avoiding the dreaded breakup conversation. Luckily enough, neither of you are ready to have that discussion yet. He claps his hands together in his lap quietly and clears his throat to get rid of the silence.
"Do you know how far along you are?"
"No, not yet. I have to find a doctor. I'll ask Tony to make the call for me tomorrow."
"So, what do you wanna do?" he asks again, emphasizing the 'you,' "Have you thought about...you know?"
"The alternative? Yeah, I thought about it for a bit, but I think I wanna keep it. I've only known about the little guy for less than an hour and I'm already attached."
What you said was true, you did think about every possible alternative from abortion to adoption; but at some point on the way here, you'd decided on keeping it. You feel a bit of hope when you look down at your stomach. You smile to yourself, momentarily forgetting all your troubles. Though your smile is quickly replaced with a frown when you remember the situation at hand. You look up to lock eyes with him, seeing he's clearly hesitating to respond.
"But if you don't want this, I can raise him or her alone. Y'know, move out of town or move a few states away to be closer to family so there are no unwanted run-ins. The whole nine yards," you say softly, wiping a stray tear off your cheek.
"Oh, y/n," he mumbles, "I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be like this- I didn't want any of this."
You take in his words, trying to make sense of them. You felt your heart beginning to break as he remained silent. How can he just give up so easily before it even gets hard? Not that you'd pressure him into raising a kid he didn't want, I mean you did give him the choice, but his words still come as a surprise.
"So, the whole nine yards it is then?"
"I'm sorry, y/n..."
“I need you to look at me and say it, please.”
Steve looked around the room, appearing as though he was about to cry. His eyes finally land on you and you swear there's bits of guilt and regret in them.
"I don't want this baby."
That was all you needed. Hearing him say the words to you only solidified that y/n l/n and Steve Rogers didn't stand another damn chance. You sniffled as you stood up, trying to conceal any glimpse of sadness he could possibly see in you. You make your way to the door and go to turn the handle only for him to start speaking and stop you in your tracks.
"Y/n. I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't expecting any of this. I don't know what I want yet."
"Of course you do, Steven, you just said it," you say with a fake smile as you turn to look at him, "I'm not upset with you for not wanting this, but I'm disappointed that you're not the man I thought you were. If you change your mind, you know where to find me, but decide soon because I won't let you be in and out of our lives."
With that, you leave and quietly shut the door behind you.
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The drive back to the tower is entirely too slow and painful. You slipped your shoes off once back inside the comfort of your room and made your way to the bathroom to run a bath. After sinking in the warm bubbles and water, you unlocked your phone to unblock Steve's number. You awaited a text as you bathed- a text that never came, that is. You felt a little silly for ever thinking he'd want this with you but brush the feeling off quickly as it makes you feel physically sick.
You dry off, slip into your favorite night clothes, then slip under your covers. After trying to fall asleep for four hours and either waking up after a few minutes or not being able to fall asleep at all, you text Bucky to see if he's awake. It's about 3 a.m., but he responds after only five minutes to tell you he's coming to your room. The fact that he knew you wanted him to come over without saying it had a smile spreading across your lips.
When he arrived, you hugged him tightly and let out a shaky breath you'd been holding. He pulled away from the hug and looked at you with a concerned expression painted on his face.
"What's wrong?" he asks, hands resting on your arms.
"I'm pregnant, Buck."
You laugh a little to hide the way your voice cracked but Bucky sees right through it. He frowns at the sight of you, taking in the dark bags under your eyes and your skin that was paler than your usual tone.
"Let's go sit down, yeah?" he smiles warmly.
The two of you sit on your bed in silence as you lay your head on his shoulder. You make small talk after a few minutes, Bucky mainly asking questions about what you plan to do and how you feel.
"I'm guessing you told Steve?" he inquires.
He feels you nod slowly against his shoulder and he takes it as a sign to continue.
"And how did he take it?"
You shrug before speaking, "It seemed like he wanted to be a part of it all at first...then he said he didn't want this, but then he said he wasn't sure."
"Huh," he sighs out of confusion, "You know I'm here for you though, right? Both of you are my best friends, no matter how stupid he's being."
"I know you are," you reply.
"I know it's early and all, but have you thought about if you want a girl or boy?" he asks cautiously, worried the topic might upset you, "If you keep it, that is," he quickly adds.
"Buck, can I be honest with you?"
"Of course."
"I went to Steve's to get his input, but I think I decided to keep it as soon as I found out about it. I hate Steve so much right now, but this baby is a piece of both of us. I can't bring myself to get rid of something so innocent just for being a part of him," you explain, "I know it's not that simple for other people, but I did want kids with him eventually. I'm not unhappy with the pregnancy, I'm unhappy with the circumstances. Boy or girl, I'll be overjoyed either way."
He smiles to himself briefly, "You've got the biggest heart, you know that? You'll be a wonderful mother, y/n, and I mean that."
As hard as he tries to come up with an explanation for his friend's odd behavior, he can't. He'd promised you that he wouldn't go digging for answers when you broke up, you'd told him you didn't care to know and that it wasn't his problem. You're his friend, so he respected that. But now? Now it wasn't just you that Steve was abandoning, which meant that now he had to have answers.
Your breathing slows after a little bit, a sign that he recognizes as you getting sleepy. Slowly, he lays down, cradling your body so that you lay down with him. He lets you rest your head on him as he strokes your hair back soothingly. He waits until he hears your soft snores to gently ease your head onto your pillow before getting off the bed. He'd decided that he was going to get answers, even if it was three-forty in the morning.
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Back at the apartment, Steve had only moved once to turn off the lights, pour a glass of alcohol, and sit in your recliner. He would never say it now but he hated being alone in the apartment without you. This wasn't his home, and it never was, not without you there with him. The space that used to be filled with your laughter and your love now felt void of anything other than cold. He sat in the dark, alone with his thoughts, as he did almost every night since you broke up.
His phone buzzed, startling him out of his thoughts. The timing of him getting a message was unusual given the late hour. He picked up the phone and saw it was from Bucky, he smiled softly in hopes that his friend would offer some sort of help. He was sadly mistaken.
Bucky: We need to talk.
Steve frowned at the cryptic message as he typed a response.
Steve: About what?
Bucky's reply was swift.
Bucky: You know exactly what.
A knock sounded at the door no more than ten minutes later. He sighed, mentally preparing himself for whatever talking to he was about to get.
"It's open," he called out.
The door opened to reveal Bucky. As he walked in, the light from outside lit up his face and allowed Steve to see his expression of concern and irritation. He closed the door behind him and then turned to face Steve.
"I'm starting to worry you're turning into a vampire or something, punk. Why are you sitting with all the lights off again? Haven't we had this talk before?" he questions, flipping the overhead light on, "Have you been crying again?"
Steve groans and rubs his wet eyes with his free hand, "No," he lies.
His eyes narrow in Bucky's direction as he walks towards where he's sitting. Steve then brings the drink up to his lips to take a sip only to have it yanked away.
"Now this is new, is this alcohol?" Bucky asks, bringing the glass up to his nose only to recoil at the scent, "Steve, oh my God, What is in this?"
"Whiskey, tequila, a little bit of everything. Well, everything she left here."
Bucky looks away, desperately trying to contain a laugh, "You can't even get drunk. What are you doing? What's the end goal here?"
"The taste helps me forget how big of an idiot I am," Steve confesses as he snatches his drink back, "It's like a punishment."
"Glad you know you're an idiot, it makes my job here easier."
"Did she send you over here," Steve asks, looking up at Bucky through his eyelashes.
"No, she didn't. But she told me what happened and I came here on my own," Bucky responds, "You know as well as I do that she can fight her own battles."
"Then why are you here?"
"To check on you. And like you said, you're an idiot. I'm here to figure out why you're being such an idiot, though. Whatever Steve you've been for the last four months isn't the Steve I know."
When he doesn't answer, Bucky continues talking, "I've let this go on for far too long. I should've asked when I noticed you were acting weird, but I chalked it up to how rough that last Hydra mission was. But this whole baby thing is the last straw, Steve. I've had to put up with your dumb decisions recently, I deserve an explanation. The woman carrying your child does more so, but we'll get to that."
Steve let out a heavy sigh and his shoulders slumped as he realized there was no escaping the conversation. Bucky had always been a straightforward friend. For as long as they knew each other, he was never one to beat around the bush, and he wasn't about to start letting Steve get away with stuff now.
"I don't even know where to start," Steve admits, his voice laced with frustration.
He takes another sip of his drink, hoping it might give him the kick he needs to explain himself. His face turns up at the taste and Bucky tries yet again to conceal a laugh.
"Okay, enough of that," he says, taking the drink back out of Steve's hands.
Bucky crosses his arms and sits on the end of the couch closest to Steve, giving him a stern look, "How about you try starting with why you decided to walk away from her? She's the best thing that ever happened to you, Steve, we both know that."
Steve winces at his words. He knew Bucky was right, as he usually was, but facing the same truth every day didn't make it hurt any less. It actually hurt worse since he knew that this entire situation was his fault.
"So?" Bucky says, urging Steve to speak.
Bucky instinctively brings the glass up to his lips and takes a sip. His expression turns from understanding to disgust as he spits the drink back into the cup.
Steve chuckles under his breath, "Habit?"
"Think it was the feeling of the cup in my hand, not sure why I did that. Guess old habits do die hard," Bucky explains, "Anyways, get to the explaining."
"I... I don't know, Buck. I messed up, bad."
"We already know that, care to elaborate?" Bucky prodded.
"It wasn't up to me, Buck," Steve sighs, speaking again when he sees Bucky's confused look, "Remember that Hydra mission you were just talking about?"
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taglist! @vicmc624 @tooruen @athenabarnes @blackhawkfanatic
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memoriez119 · 6 days
hiii can i requestt you do riize confessing to you out of angerr? (add some angsttt plss but she ends up accepting the confession)
here it is !! sorry for the delay, I've been busy (◞‸◟;) it's my first time writing angst and I don't think I did it right lol
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Riize confessing to you out of anger !
pairing: best friend! riize x reader
genre: angst ??
You had been working on a project at your house for hours with other classmates. You noticed that Shotaro has been quiet, only speaking if necessary. You approach to find out what's going on, but your classmate speaks to you, taking you by the arm to check something on the project. You turn your head to see Shotaro once again and watch as he sighs noticeably. When you return, you see Shotaro playing with his phone. “Hey, you've been really quiet, are you okay?” you say, lightly hitting his arm. “Uh, yeah, I'm just busy,” he says without making eye contact. “What? We're doing the project.” Suddenly, he takes you by the arm and takes you to a place away from the others. “You're really close to him, aren't you?” He says, pointing with his head at one of the boys who were at your house with some annoyance. "Um, no, but what about him?" you say, confused. You see how he takes a while to answer, thinking about whether to tell you or not, his gaze fixed on the floor. He starts to speak almost in a whisper but then intensifies as he lets out everything he's been holding in for a long time “I can't stand you being closer to him, he touches you a lot and always wants to be talking to you. He's annoying and he doesn't leave you alone.” His gaze meets yours and with his broken voice he says “Don't you realize how much I like you to at least reject me?” "Shotaro…" “I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that way,” he says, regret in his voice. "Shotaro, I didn't want to misunderstand things, but I also feel something when I see you, something special. I like you too” Shotaro can't wait any longer and comes closer to kiss you delicately, his arms wrap around you, treasuring this special moment
You went out with your group of friends to the amusement park. You went on almost all the rides and before leaving you went to the photo booth to have a nice memory.
You decided to split up into groups for the photos since the booth is small. You got in with Eunseok and another friend. You clicked on the camera icon on the screen and the counter started, your friend started getting really close to you while preparing his pose, you tried to ignore him and not think about it too much. When you looked at the screen you saw Eunseok's face, he wasn't smiling despite making a cute pose, it made you laugh but at the same time you were worried because you hadn't seen him so serious before.
After several minutes they finished and the photos came out. Eunseok was serious in all of them but what caught your attention was that in one photo he looked at your friend with a strange expression, as if he was uncomfortable and angry.
“Eunseok looks very serious” says your friend laughing
“Do you have something Eunseok?” You ask looking at him curiously but he just lets out a laugh avoiding looking at you
“Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” your friend asks
“No need, I’ll take her. My house is close to hers” Eunseok says looking at your friend with a serious expression. Suddenly the atmosphere feels tense and your friends stay silent watching the scene. You take Eunseok by the arm while you say goodbye.
“Eunseok, are you okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“You didn’t smile in the photos, and after that you were very serious”
“Ah, that was your friend’s fault” You stop walking without understanding the conversation
“He touches you a lot and out of nowhere he’s very funny with you, I don’t know what he wants to do with that, it’s weird”
“Weird? He's our friend, he's like that with everyone”
“Well, he doesn't hug me or tell me “jokes”, mine are better, you know that” he says with some sarcasm in his voice
“I don't understand”
“I like you, I like you a lot, I don't like him getting close to you, he wants something more and…” he pauses to think about what he just said “I'm sorry, I exploded, I shouldn't have told you all th-“
“Do you like me?” you interrupt him
“Yes, and it's okay if you don't feel the same”
“Eunseok, is that why you always tell me bad jokes?” you say laughing lightening the moment
“Bad? They're better than his”
“I like you too, I didn't think you felt the same as me”
“So, would you like to try?”
“I would love to” You feel happiness flooding your entire body and Eunseok comes closer to give you a small kiss on the nose and a hug that expresses all the love he has for you
You and your friends went to the supermarket to buy some snacks since you were going to have a sleepover at Sungchan’s house since it was the last day of school. One of your friends kept telling you things about how pretty you are, it seemed strange to you, but you tried to ignore it because you don’t want to misinterpret anything no matter how obvious it was. Sungchan has been your best friend for a long time and he has always been a little protective of you so it didn’t seem strange to you that he shut your friend up every time he started saying that kind of thing. When you got home, you prepared what was needed and settled in the living room to watch the movie. Sungchan made space next to him for you to sit, but you didn’t expect that your friend would sit next to you leaving you in between him and Sungchan You stopped feeling interested in the movie an hour later, you turn to look at Sungchan but he is looking at your friend with a penetrating look that you had never seen in him. “Sungchan, what’s wrong?” You whisper so that only he can hear you “Nothing, I’m just bored” he says directing his gaze to you, his face softens when he sees you “Me too, do you want to go for a walk?” you ask “Sure, you stay here, we'll go out for a while” Sungchan says, pointing to your friend. “Whatever,” he says, trying not to give it importance. You walk for a few minutes but you can't stop thinking about how tense Sungchan was earlier. “Did something happen? I saw that you were serious when we were inside” “Do you really want to know?” he asks surprised, you just nod Sungchan pauses to think carefully about what he’s going to say. “Don’t you see how he flirts with you? He’s always telling you things about how pretty you look. We all know you’re pretty. It’s annoying to see how you don’t say anything to him, it’s obvious that he likes you. I don’t like that…” he said the last thing in a whisper, but you still manage to hear it, leaving you in shock “You don't like that?" you ask surprised
“No… I don’t like that you don’t realize how much I love you.” “I don't like that you didn't tell me before either.” You say, approaching him. “Then we could try it,” he says, smiling and taking your hand, giving it little caresses.
Lately Wonbin has been hanging out with a friend outside of school a lot and he's always talking to her, which makes you think that they're probably dating. “What are you doing, talking to her again?” you say sitting next to him “I don't like her if that's what you mean” he says with tiredness in his voice “Then why are you always talking about her? You always bring her up in conversations, even if it has nothing to do with her” “But I don't like her, I just get along really well with her” “So, who do you like?” you ask curiously “Mm, I don't know if I like anyone” he says avoiding the topic “And what kind of person would you go out with?” “I don't know, someone who has the same interests as me and listens to me” “You're talking about her, right?”
His lips tremble and his eyes move restlessly, searching for a way to say what he wants to say. “No, I don't like her. You're the one I like and I get tired of seeing how you don't realize it, I'm always giving you hints but I think it's not enough. I didn't think I would say it like that but I can't take it anymore" he says, letting out a slight sigh and then looking at the ground thinking about everything he said "Wonbin, I didn't know you also felt the same as me" "The same?" he says, confused, a small smile forming on his face "Yes, I thought I was obvious with what I felt…" "Would you like to go out with me?" he asks shyly, connecting his eyes with yours, searching for an answer in them. He couldn't even finish speaking when you were already hugging him full of happiness
You and Seunghan have been best friends for a long time, you've shared laughs and glances, glances that lasted longer than they should. You and your friends went out to eat at a restaurant, everything was going well. You and Seunghan shared the food and sat very close leaving your friends confused who shared glances realizing what Seunghan doesn't dare to say. “You should go out, you look good together” says a friend of yours You just laugh to lighten the moment but Seunghan tenses and his smile fades. Several minutes later, Seunghan notices how a friend begins to pay some attention to you, he sees how he offers you to try his food or if you need something. That tensed him up even more. “Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” “Mm” you turn to look at Seunghan waiting for him to say something, you don’t even know why “No, thanks, Seunghan will take me” “Oh, right” you see how a smile appears on his face and his gaze softens “Then I’ll go with you” says your friend giving Seunghan a soft tap on the shoulder, his smile didn’t last long As you walk together, Seunghan is silent, his eyes full of tension and his jaw clenched as he watches how you interact. He feels ignored but still doesn’t say anything, he thinks he’ll let it all out if he opens his mouth even to smile a little. When you arrive at the bus stop, your friend says goodbye to you with a long hug, Seunghan just watches without saying anything. Seunghan feels like he’s about to cry as he walks away from the stop and full of questions decides to break the silence “Since when does he give you so much attention? I didn’t know you were so close” “Well, we’re friends, you know” Seunghan doesn’t think the same, he finds it annoying. Without thinking, he begins to vent, pausing briefly to clarify everything he has to say to you “Friends then? He doesn’t act like your friend, and neither do you and I. Why does it bother me so much to see you with him? I can’t help but feel bad when I see you together.” he says, letting it all out with his broken voice “Seunghan, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ruin things. I thought you didn’t feel the same as me and I was worried you’d stop talking to me” you say, trying to clarify things. “I like you more than I should and I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else” he takes your hand, bringing you closer to him “Seunghan…” “If we both feel the same, can we stop pretending?” You nod and hug him for a long time. His hands gently caressing your back, both of you feeling relief in your bodies.
You've been busy with various school work so you haven't been able to go out with Sohee, but you took a day off because a friend organized a party to which you invited Sohee. The party is full of people everywhere and the music is loud. Sohee and you are in a place away from the people to get a break from the noise. “Sohee, are you feeling okay?” “Sure, but haven't you felt uncomfortable?” he said with concern in his voice “Mm, no, why?” “A boy has been watching you since we arrived and I don't trust him” “Oh, don't worry about it, I won't leave you” “No? It seems that you have already done so…” “What are you talking about?” you ask a little tired of the topic “You told me you didn’t want my help and then you posted a story with a guy who was apparently at your house, I guess he was helping you” “Yes, he was helping me, and I don’t see the problem” “He spends time with you and you leave me aside” “Sohee, that’s not true” “No? You’re always with him, when I invite you somewhere you say no and then you post pictures with him. If you don’t want me around anymore tell me, don’t be playing with my feelings” “Sohee, I don’t want you to feel that way” “The way you treat me and we fight makes me think that we’re more than friends but you push me away from you and confuse me. Can’t you understand how much I like you?” he said with frustration as he said what he had kept inside for a long time “Sohee, I like you too, I like you a lot, and I’m sorry for all the times I pushed you away and I didn’t realize” “I don’t want you to stay away from me, would you like to be with me?” You nod with a big smile, feeling his arm pulling you closer for a soft, slow kiss, letting you know everything he feels.
Anton and you organized a surprise party for a friend, you decorated the place a bit and arranged what was needed. The guests started to arrive and Anton disappeared from your side for a few minutes and then he came back with someone by his side You tried not to think about it too much and continued with your own thing. The rest of the party you spent with a friend, you laughed and shared jokes together. From time to time you saw Anton clench his jaw and try to hide his withering look The party ended and you said goodbye to the guests. Anton closes the door and helps you with the things you were already cleaning. “Did you have a good time?” he asks with sarcasm in his voice
“Yes, what's wrong with you?” “Me? Nothing, but I saw that your friend made you laugh a lot, I think you had a great time” he says stopping organizing things to turn to look at you. It's the first time you see him this way, you didn't remember the hatred Anton feels for that boy you were with. “Ah, I forgot that you didn’t like him”
“Do you know why I don’t like him?” “No, but now I want to know” you say laughing
“He likes you and he used me to get closer to you, since then I don’t like him. Please don’t fall in love with him, I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else. I can’t keep hiding my feelings... I like you” he says with his broken voice, giving you a vulnerable look
“Anton, I feel the same as you, but are you sure about this? I don’t want our friendship to be ruined” you say worried but Anton comes closer and caresses your hair gently, reassuring you with his touch “Then we should be together, don’t worry about the rest” he says smiling and giving you a soft and delicate kiss, a kiss that you have been waiting for for a long time
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ada7201 · 9 months
bllk boys …
with a clutz s/o! < hcs >
gn! reader
part 1 ⭠ ★ part 2 with Isagi, Bachira, Nagi, Reo ⭢ part 3
note: if you have anything you want me to write, please suggest me some things! ( ˘ ³˘)
Isagi Yoichi
he tries really hard not to laugh
but he can’t help the little giggle he lets out
of course he helps you up, though
the way you always manage to get yourself into clumsy situations really confuses him
sometimes catches you the hood of your jacket (if you’re wearing one)
he tried to teach you ways to be slightly less clumsy, such as watching your step and other things but he ended up falling himself. (he never tried that again)
doesn’t let you do anything such as hold your bags, open a door, etc.
partly because it’s the “gentlemanly” thing to do, and also because he just doesn’t want you to trip over your feet and break something.
like Kaiser, he hates seeing people laugh at you or make fun of you when you slip up
you and Isagi were at a cafe, just eating and chatting with each other as the morning went by. it was a nice day, the sun was shining - the temperature wasn’t too hot, or too cold. it was just right. almost a perfect day for the two of you.
“really?” you’d ask with a smile on your face, your dominant hand reaching out to pick up your cup.
“mhm.” Isagi would nod with a matching smile, which soon faded when he realised what was going to happen -
“oh.” Isagi sighed, chucking softly at your mistake. you sat there, eyes wide as an embarrassed blush covered your cheeks. really? again?
the people around you began to laugh and giggle, some giving dirty looks. Isagi watched as you sunk into your seat, ashamed at how you managed to break the cup.
“what are you all laughing at?” Isagi would announce, eyebrows furrowed angrily as he turned to the other people around you. “this isn’t a show for you to laugh at! mind your own business!” he’d add with a huff, before turning back to you. “i’m sorry, love.” he then said, staring lovingly into your eyes.
“you didn’t have to do that… it was my fault.” you mumbled shyly, avoiding eye contact with him - until you felt his hand gently touch your chin, turning you to look into his eyes.
“don’t ever say that again. it was a simple mistake, i love you and your clumsiness.” he’d smile reassuringly.
he did get a little upset about having to pay the cafe back for the broken cup, but got over it after a few kisses.
Meguru Bachira
he absolutely adores your clumsiness
it was probably one of the main reasons he fell for you.
you were walking (carefully) along the halls of an art gallery, making sure not to break anything as you looked at each art piece. that was, until you bumped into someone - causing the two of you to topple onto the floor.
“i-I’m sorry!” you would squeal, immediately hopping off of the mystery person as you apologised profusely afterwards. only for them to respond with - a giggle?
“you’re cute!” a sweet voice would say, sitting up and looking right into your eyes. Bachira would smile happily, watching the way your cheeks seemed to get warmer.
“oh- uh! thank you!” you responded nervously, looking back up at the handsome man in front of you.
“you wanna walk around with me?” he asked, followed by a childish giggle as he grabbed your hand and helped you up.
he most likely falls with you every time you fall
and a lot of the time, he’s the reason you fall!
makes it a habit to step on the back of your shoe.
has a photo album of you fallen over.
buys you cheesy shirts that say things like “i’m clumsy”
claps and has a whole celebration when you pass a record of how long you can go without having a little mishap. (not in a mean way, like he is genuinely excited for you. you know?)
finds you the cutest thing ever and loves to tease you about your clumsiness
Seishiro Nagi
at first, he thought you were a hassle.
you were a clumsy girl, even growing up - so it was no surprise when you ended up in the nurse’s office for tripping down the stairs. Nagi and Reo were there for other reasons, but they couldn’t help but notice the way the nurse sighed when you came in - was this a regular occurrence?
“y/n again?” one of the other nurses would whisper as you came closer - was your nose bleeding?
“what’s up with that girl?” Reo would chuckle to Nagi, who was staring intently at the way you walked.
“is she limping?” Nagi asked curiously.
“i mean, it looks like it…” Reo responded, watching the way you had a slight limp and - you had fallen over again. right in front of Nagi and Reo. you groaned, sitting up on the floor as you sighed. it didn’t seem to bother you that much, which intrigued the pair. Nagi thought it must’ve been a hassle for you to be so - so - clumsy?
“y/n, at this point i think you need a wheelchair.” a nurse would say, chuckling.
“not even that could help the poor girl. she’d probably end up falling out of it!” another would reply, a grin on her face.
“is she really gonna let that slide?” Nagi would whisper to Reo - who was simply watching as you struggled to get up. “what a hassle.” he added. “Reo, help her up.”
Reo did what Nagi had said, holding his hand in front of your face.
“y/n, right? here.” Reo said with a polite smile.
it took him a while to realise he actually wanted to help you.
like, he’d always get Reo to do it - until he started getting jealous. like, why was Reo holding your hand?
when the two of you started dating, it was a bit of a shock to Reo, but he was happy of course
was very surprised whenever he saw Nagi help you.
he literally hates it whenever you feel insecure about your clumsiness. like he’d overhear you just mumbling to yourself saying things like “i’m too much of a hassle to him -“ before he interrupts you with a big fat hug.
he doesn’t like to let you hear his gaming setup, because of that one time you almost tripped over the wires - but still allows you to be near him.
he doesnt want you to feel sad or lonely!
tries to comfort you, but he’s not very good at that
keeps a pack of bandages that Reo bought for Nagi to give to you in his bag or pocket, for if you ever hurt yourself
when you were all at school together Nagi absolutely refused to let you to the nurse’s office and got Reo to find some dirt on the nurses.
nobody hurts his clumsy baby’s feelings >:(
Reo Mikage
he finds your clumsiness super cute, and isn’t bothered by it at all
he was slightly surprised at first, but is always patient with you
he chuckles every now and then when you fall in a funny way or situation, but apologised after.
when you first came over to his house, he spent ages organising his room so it would be the neatest and almost impossible for you to trip or break something.
has you go places in his limo. he can’t risk you falling over in the streets.
he buys you plasters with cute designs on them that he knows you’ll like
sometimes forgets you’re a bit of a clutz so he turns to look at something - and you’re staring at him with a shattered phone in your hands and a nervous expression on your face.
he bought you a new phone after that - along with a screen protector.
“you’re so cute, y/n. it’s my pleasure” he’d smile, giving you a hug. “i’ll get you anything you want, and you don’t have to worry about breaking it! because i’ll just get you another.” he chuckled, kissing your cheek gently.
“thank you, Reo!” you would say, hugging the purple haired male back. “you’re so sweet!”
He’d simply chuckle, pulling back from the hug to pat your head.
gets super happy whenever you fix something yourself, like - you dropped his favourite plate or something and the next day you’ve got the same plate but glued together.
he thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever!
always ties your shoelaces.
“Reo, you don’t have to do this.” you would say, looking down at Reo who was on one knee and tying your laces.
“no, but i want to.” he’d respond with a smirk, giving your shoe a little tap before standing back up.
“now you can blame me if you trip over!” he’d add, kissing your forehead sweetly, intertwining his fingers with yours as he held your hand.
he gives you piggybacks if he can (Nagi likes to have that privilege most of the time…)
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supercriminalbean · 11 months
Fight Club. Part three.
Aaron Hotchner x Male!reader.
Summary: The team tries thier hardest to find you, while Aaron thinks back to the way things use to be between you and him.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, angst, murder, criminal minds unsub violenceness. This whole fic series is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 4.6k
A/n: This went in a different direction as I thought this chapter would. Somehow this is becoming longer than I first thought it would. Another part will be released next week thank you all for your love xx
Part one. Part two. Part four.
Tagging thoes that seem interesed or asked: @xweirdo101x @alecmores @yn-addams @winter-world @xdark-acadamiax @rexspersonalhell @hunterispunk @sammy-4103 @222244445555 @spiritzofthedead @sweetnothingsvulnerability
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The day goes by fast for the Bau, the day doesn’t have enough hours before the sun is setting again. They checked out a place today hoping you would be there but instead they found nothing, not even a sign that anyone used to be there. Garcia also isn’t getting anywhere tracking their Ip address, and they haven’t gone live since this morning. Currently the team is sitting around the table eating or more like picking at their dinner as they throw out more ideas. 
“We got his face on camera, Garcia has it circulating through all facial recognitional searches” Morgan adds, sighs as he stabs his noodles. 
“She won’t find anything, he’s been doing this for years there will be no recognition of him for the past twenty years” Rossi huffs quietly staring at the photo of the unsub on the board. 
“Maybe not, but she can put him through her system and make him appear younger then maybe she will get a hit” JJ suggests staring at the wall, her body feeling numb.
“Good idea, when she lands get her straight onto that” Hotch instructs looking over at Morgan.
“Will do” Morgan nods at him.
“When does she land?” Emily asks, glancing over at Morgan who automatically checks his watch.
“In twenty minutes, I should get going. I promise her I’ll be waiting by the gate when she lands” He smiles weakly standing up. No one argues, everyone knows those two come in a package. 
“Hey can I come for a ride, I could use the fresh air” JJ looks up at him, feeling exhausted.
“Sure blondie lets go” Morgan smiles a little as they walk out.
The night goes by with Reid, Rossi and Hotch narrowing down their comfort zone, while Garica and Morgan go through making the unsub appear younger and running him through everything. JJ and Emily, run through their notes of the interview of some of the victims families they talked to today, coming to some conclusions that they wish they never had to. Once it gets too late and the room is filled with nothing but yawns, Hotch finally sends them home, his heart racing at the thought you have been gone for 36 hours. Everyone leaves silently hating the idea of going back to the hotel while you're missing. Once Aaron is alone in his hotel room he sits at the small desk in the corner of the room, pulling out his notebook and a file as he gets back to work, doing his best to distract his mind from the hopelessness look in your eye. You don’t think they are coming for you, no, you don’t think he is coming for you. He is, and he won’t rest until he has you back where you belong. His mind runs back to the night, the night he regrets letting you go. The night he confessed to you, that he enjoyed having you in his life more than a boss should. That he doesn’t normally allow an agent to get this close to him or his kid, and he definitely doesn’t allow his agents to cuddle up to him on his couch watching movies, or kiss him that one night. He also doesn’t allow an agent to push him on cases like you do, he doesn’t allow an agent to bring a case to him like this and get away with using his FBI statutes to get information he’s not entitled to. He doesn’t allow it, so how the hell did he allow himself to let you worm yourself into his heart, and why the hell did he let you leave that night. Aaron doesn’t realise there are tears sliding down his face, hitting his notes until there's a sharp knock on the door. Quickly he pulls himself together, wiping his face as he takes a deep breath steadying his heartbeat as he looks through the peephole. Of course it's Dave he groans to himself, wondering if he could just go to bed and pretend he’s asleep to make him go away.
“Open up Aaron I know you're there” Dave smirks, staring at the door with a knowing look. Ever so slowly Aaron opens the door, his face hard, showing no emotion.
“What's up Dave?” Aaron sighs lightly, acting tired blocking the doorway.
“Don’t what's up me” Dave rolls his eyes as he pushes past him, walking straight in.
“Oh sure come on in” Aaron says sarcastically as he closes the door, he somehow allows his guard down around Dave. Dave moves to the middle of the room then turns around, staring at Aaron, his body stiffens under Dave gaze, crosses his arms in defence. 
“What do you want Dave?” 
“You want to tell me what's going on with you?” Dave stares at him, his eyes staring a hole into his soul. 
“What do you mean, my agent is missing? I'm sorry if I’m a little on edge” Aaron snaps at him, the tears threatening to come back.
“Today you keep referring to him as your agent, you keep refusing to say his name” Dave sighs, noticing the tension threatening to break on Aaron's face.
“Dave” His name is barely above a whisper, it's a warning. “Get out”
“Not until you open up and tell me what's happened between you two” Dave pushes, taking a step forward as he spots a tear escaping down Aaron cheek as he looks away.
“Aaron its me, talk to me”
“I can’t lose him Dave, not after Haley” His voice breaks as he speaks, sitting down on the bed.
“I invited him to a soccer game of Jack one day” Aaron breaks the silence, his eyes focused on the wall opposite him. Dave is sitting at the desk, watching him quietly, he wishes he could hear this under better circumstances.
“I didn’t think he would come, you know how closed off he is. He had a rough case and I wanted to make sure he was okay during the weekend” Hotch takes a deep breath as he thinks back. 
You didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, but you promised Hotch you would go to his son's soccer game with him. Apparently because you have been on the team for over a year and a half now and you still haven’t met his son yet which is a call for concern, apparently. Slowly you dragged yourself out of bed and got ready for the day, driving to the soccer field and stopping for some coffee and um a hot chocolate, because kids like hot chocolate right? You double asked yourself as you drove to the field, earlier than Hotch had told you the game was but he said he would be there early for warm up seeing as he is the couch. You pull up into the car parks, noticing a spare park beside a familiar car so you quickly park before getting out, and making your way through the field finding your boss setting down a bag and some bottles and a kid who seems to be a mini version of him holding a ball laughing beside him. 
“Morning” You call out to them, your eyes focused on Hotch as he turns around with a smile growing on his face.
“You're earlier” He points out, walking over to you.
“I know” You smirk softly. “But I brought coffee, and a hot chocolate for the little child” 
“Thanks,” Hotch smiles. “Jack, this is (Y/n) my coworker”
“Hi,” Jack mumbles, looking down.
“Hey kid” You smile awkwardly, before picking up the coffee and offering it to Hotch.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to” He smiles warmly as he reaches for it, his smile fades as you jump slightly at his movements. 
“Oh it's no problem” You focus your smile to stay put. “Sorry” You quickly apologise, gulping quickly as you turn to Jack as you hand him his drink. “This is for you Jack”
“Woah, it's huge!” Jack exclaims, taking it. “Dad only ever gets me the small one, thank you”
You can’t help but laugh softly. “It's because I’m better than him” You tease.
“That's because I have to deal with the sugar rush later,” Aaron groans, smirking at you.
“They get sugar rush?” You look at him confused, your eyebrows pinching together looking cute according to Aaron.
“They do, you don’t know anything about kids do you” Aaron teases you, laughing as he sees his son struggle to hold the cup without dropping it.
“Oh nothing, I don’t like kids” You shrug, as you watch Jack not realising Aaron is currently staring at you with his eyes full of hope.
After the soccer game, you three went out for ice cream, the day was full of laughter and joy as you got to know the Hotchner boys. The next few weekends the same thing happened, you went to the game, then an afternoon activity with the two sweetest boys. About six months pass by, when an incident with Jack processes to push you and Aaron closer. 
You are currently watching Jack's first game of summer soccer, cheering for him from the side lines, a huge smile takes over your face as you watch him. The pride grows in your chest as he scores another goal, glancing over at Aaron by the side lines, the proud dad looks on his face as he claps loudly with the clipboard. The game is close, the team only needs one more goal and the game is theirs. The game goes by quickly with both teams playing well for kids, your heart is pounding when you see Jack got the ball lined up for the goal and the referee is about to call the game, but then he kicks and he gets in just as the game comes to an end. The team all screams and cheers with excitement, running towards their parents to celebrate, except Jack. He’s sprinting towards screaming that he’s won, before he’s jumping at you, wrapping his arms around you. You freeze, your smile falters as he touches you, but then you look down at the small boy in your arms and you smile before wrapping your arms around him, the tension in your chest breaking apart.
“You did amazing kiddo” You smile widely as you hear heavy footsteps approaches, pulling away from Jack as you glance up to meet his father's gaze, a worried look on his face quickly fades to a relieved, happy look.
“They played great” You smile at him, but your smile doesn’t reach your eyes as Jack pulls away, causing Aaron to worry internally.
“They did, you did so great buddy” Aaron looks down at his son, with loving eyes as he ruffles his hair. 
Later that night, you three have had a movie night and now Jack is asleep in his bed as you and Aaron watch a less kid friendly movie, while chatting away. 
“I’m sorry if Jack made you uncomfortable earlier” Aaron glances at you as the conversation from before dies away, your eyes stay glued on the tv.
“Um when?” You gulp, you know what he’s talking about, but you don’t want to talk about it.
“When he hugged you (Y/n), I know you don’t like physical touch”
“It's fine, It happened and it didn’t suck” You shrug, ignoring the way your body tenses up.
“(Y/n), If you want me to tell him not to do it again I will” Aaron speaks softly, watching the upset and agitated look flash over your face as you glance at him.
“Don’t do that, I don’t mind hugging him. What, am I not allowed to hug people just because I’ve never hugged someone before!” You snap at him, anger and sadness welling up inside you.
“No, I didn’t mean that” Aaron smiles sadly at you, before reaching for your hand that lays on the couch in between you both. Your freeze, your eyes focusing on his hand closely but you don’t pull away. He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours, taking a deep you slide your thumb over his, a small smile pulling at your lips.
“You said you haven’t had a hug before?” Aaron keeps his voice light as he speaks, holding your hand softly as he looks up at you. 
“Not since I was young” You talk quietly, looking into his eyes as you speak. “I know I’m not normal Aaron but I’m trying I promise” Your voice almost sounds like you're begging when you speak, your voice wobbles as your eyes water just a little.
“I know you are, I see you and you are doing a great job” Aaron reassures you. Holding back the automatic urge to pull you into a hug and tell you that nothing can hurt you anymore and that you're doing a great job and just how far you have come. But he can’t do that, because you're not ready for the praise nor ready for the way he wants to hold you and even if you are he would break the thin line of professionalism he is trying to keep between you two.
“I am?” Your face lights up a little, a smile tugging at your lips. 
“You are, do you remember when you first joined the team?” Aaron smiles as he watches you, the way your eyes slide to the wall as you think back.
“Yeah.. You kept getting mad at me”
“Mad isn’t the right word, I was concerned for you. You barely slept and never ate, you drank more caffeine than Reid and that’s saying something” Aaron jokes lightly, causing you to chuckle softly.
“Okay, but I still do that most weeks”
“Still less than you used to do, and that's an improvement” Aaron squeezes your hand softly, which makes your smile grow just a little. “You also used violence a lot more when arresting an unsub, you don’t do that so much anymore you have more control over your temper” His words sink in slowly, your heart melting as your eyes meet his, allowing his sweet words to break your walls down. 
“That one is hard, anger and violence is all I knew growing up” Your words are barely above a whisper as you admit that, squeezing his hand a little. 
“That's okay, because you are still young and you are still learning” He smiles as his thumb brushes over your hand. “Also back then you would never let me hold your hand, or even hug my son”
“Maybe it's more because you two mean something to me rather than something else” You gulp as you admit your feelings.
“Well you are welcome here whenever you like” Aaron smiles as he looks at you, his eyes filled with love as he stares into your own. He feels himself falling for you, he knows it's wrong but right now Aaron doesn’t care, because he’s never seen anyone with such beautiful eyes before.
“Can.. Can you hug me.. I want to try it” You push the words out of your throat as the nerves start to get involved. Aaron smiles softly, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you down and into his chest. You take a deep breath, half laying down in his arms, closing your eyes as you focus on his heart beat, and the warmth his arm produces. 
“You two got really close?” Dave pulls Aaron back to the present.
“Six months Dave… That night brought us even closer but six months it stayed like that” Aaron voice breaks as a tear slides down his hands shaking. “And then he pulled away, something was going on but he refused to tell me what and after one night.. That night he.. He kissed me” Aaron takes a sharp breath as that memory invades his mind the way you cupped his face as you ask him sweetly before your lips are capturing his. 
“What happened?” Dave watched him concernedly, his eyes focused on Aaron's body language. 
“He fell asleep in my arms, and the next morning he was gone, I tried to talk to him at work and he told me that he had to refocus on work, he didn’t have time for friends, I let him go Dave, I knew something was wrong but I also knew that he’s not right, he doesn't understand relationships or love, now I know why” Aaron looks up at Dave, his heart breaking. 
“This isn’t your fault Aaron” Dave reaches out, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I know Dave but–” Before Aaron could finish there's an urgent knock on the door pulling the two mens attention away. As soon as the door opens Garcia and Morgan are walking in urgent looks plastered over their faces, both carrying their laptops.
“They are going live” Morgan breaks the silence, before glancing at Hotch who is quickly drying his face., jumping to his feet quickly. All four of them gather around the laptop where the loading screens disappear and your bloody face fills the screen making Aarons insides screaming.
You are left alone for hours after being tortured, they only stopped after you screamed out the name they branded you with. You pass out at one point, your body and mind begging for a break, and against the hardest you try you black out. A sharp pain flies across your face, bringing you back to the hell you're in. Blinking rapidly while your eyes adjust to the bright light shining down at you, your eyes finally adjust landing on the man in front of you.
“Ready for round two Jupiter?” He chuckles at you, his grin is one that will forever haunt your nightmares.
“Why don’t you untie me and I’ll show you just how ready I am” You glare up at him, anger and tiredness sitting in your chest. He grabs your chin pinching it hard between his thumb and pointer finger, his eyes icy cold as he stares into you.
“Oh that's the plan, we’re going old school” A sickening feeling fills your stomach as his grin grows.
“No, not again” You spit at him, fear filling you knowing that's their plan to break you.
“Bring him out” He yells out, letting your chin go as the door on the other side of the room swings open, your stomach drops. She walks in, followed by a younger boy who seems to be in his mid teens.
“He’s too young no” You shake your head vigorously, your heart pounding. He looks so strong, but you know you're stronger even in your current state you could beat him. 
“You killed people when you were younger than him” He laughs. “Hell you are our youngest killer after all”
“Shut up” You snarl at him, your eyes flickering towards the video camera.
“Just enjoy the fight, let yourself remember the joy you used to feel” He smirks as he grabs the camera and lights moving them out of the pool before he climbs out.
“Hey, aren’t you going to untie me then” You glare up at him, your eyes glace at the kid as he approaches, his eyes are dead but focused on you. To him you aren’t a person just a chore for the day, he just needs to get you over with so he can have dinner and go to sleep. 
“He will do it” He smirks at you, before the boy jumps into the pool.
“Julian, remember the rules” Ma’am calls to the boy, her eyes flickering to yours. Her’s are filled with excitement, she can’t wait to see the next show. 
“Yes Ma’am” He nods, before approaching you, untying you quickly before backing up to his corner. 
I say start you two better give everyone a good show my lovies” She sings out to you two before giggling sickly, holding the camera zooming in on you as you stand up your eyes trained on the boy. You won’t attack him, just keep him busy until he gives up.
“Three, two one, go” Her smirk darkness as the boy lunges at you.
He’s a lot stronger than you thought he was, after a few rounds of dodging and making him chase you around the pool, he’s managed to land a few strong punches on you. Eventually he gets you down, his fist colliding with your face too much for you to think straight and soon instinct takes over. Your legs wrap around his waist, flipping you both over as you manage to get a few hits on him, he stops moving as you put pressure over his throat. A soft laugh escapes you as he starts relaxing under you, his eyes soften as fear invades them as he struggles underneath you. 
“Please don’t” He coughs his words out, but they aren’t enough to stop you.
“That’s it Jupiter finish him” She cheers for you, your stomach drops as her voice sets in. Shaking your head as you eyes meet him, you quickly let his throat go as he stops struggling under you. 
“That's not my name” You growl glancing at her, before looking at the scared boy under you. “Take a deep breath kid, you're okay now” You speak softly, guilt eating at you. He nods quickly, taking deep breaths as you climb off him, holding out a hand for him, pulling him up to his feet. Sliding his arm over your shoulder as he uses you for support, you glare up at the two viewers.
“You can try as much as you like, you're not breaking me” You breathe heavily as you try to catch your breath. You are pretty sure your ribs are broken along with your nose, more blood drips down your face.
“Bullshit” He snarls out as he jumps into the pool with you, storming over.
“Can’t break me” You smirk at him just a little.
“You won that fight, and winners here only win one way” He glares murderously at you, before you have time to process anything he lunges at Julian. A sharp howl leaves the young boy's mouth, your eyes widen as he pulls away, blood dripping from the knife in his hand. 
“No!” You scream, your hand flies toward Julian side, where the stab wound is, pressing against the bleeding as you lay him down. 
“You won, deal with it” He laughs bitterly as they walk out, leaving you two alone. 
You hold the tears back as you press against the wound, looking into the young boy's frightened eyes.
“It's.. its going to be okay kid” You try to pull yourself together, as the boy stares up at you.
“It's okay” He coughs out weakly. “They can’t hurt me now” 
“That's right they can’t” You whimper, a tear sliding down as the light in his eyes start to fade. 
“My sister here, she's beside you” His words are barely above a whisper now, goosebumps make your arms tingle. 
“Go with her kiddo, be safe now” Tears slide down as his chest stops breathing and you can’t move. Eventually you pull your hands off him, and collapse onto your back sobs racking through your body. That should be you, no one is even looking for you, this is your fault.
The team sits in silence as the live ends, Garcia keyboard is the only sound that fills the room. Tears are sliding down almost everyone's face, guilt, fear and anger fills everyone. The rest of the team had come and joined the other four earlier on, everyone had to watch your fight in silence, their hearts breaking at your screaming. The way you fell to your knees trying to keep the boy alive, then it ended, and no one knows how to proceed. 
“Penelope, do you have a location?” It's Dave that breaks the silence, his eyes landing on her. Her body is shaking as she cries but she carries on typing on her laptop.
“No, but.. But I’ve got it narrowed down, and I tapped into their viewers, maybe we can’t get something off that” Her voice is shaky as she tries to push through it. 
“Baby girl” Derek gently takes her hand, worried about her shaking.
“I.. I’m sorry” She sobs, falling into Derek's chest who holds her closely, his own tears sliding down.
“Everyone take five minutes, then back to the precinct” Aaron orders, his eyes still focused on the screen, his heart falling apart. In a quick minute JJ and Reid are running out of the room, needing time to themselves. 
Everyone knew the timeline had been cut shorter, if they make you fight again, Aaron knows you will give yourself up, he can’t let you do that.
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ya-zz · 6 months
Hello! I adore your fics x3 I have one request
Please do not hate me after this
Ramattra x F!Reader
She died (it doesn't matter how) and he's on her grave reflecting about their time together. He may have some regrets or thinking things he could've done differently
Also you can add him venting to Zenyatta about his feelings?
The way my jaw dropped when I read this... hhhhhh, okay, who's ready for some angst?
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A year marks your death, an unfortunate passing for some. Not a day goes by when you aren't remembered and that's thanks to one omnic in particular.
Ramattra had spent the first month mourning you, something he never knew was possible thanks to his hardened demeanour. The cold hearted shell he had been encased in was shattered the moment you entered his life... and now you were no longer here, leaving the wounds wide open for any and every infection.
It only got harder for him as the months went by. It took him too long to adjust, attempting to go back to how life was before he met you but no matter what he tried, you were always in the back of his systems.
Meditation was useless, his memory filling up with every photo and video of you. Charging because hours of restarting just to have some peace. It was torture for him. Maybe if he just switched off himself it would relieve that burden...
Zenyatta found him sitting at your grave, the year after the event that led to your death. Ramattra wasn't alert, he was weak.
"Brother..." The older monk started, placing a hand on Ramattra's shoulder.
"If only I was there to protect her." Ramattra hums, a noticeable twinge of pain in his voice. "She would still be here."
"You cannot dwell on the past, brother."
"It is my fault she is gone." His head lowers. "If I had just listened to her, trusted her, then she would-"
"Ramattra." Zenyatta takes a seat beside the younger omnic. "This is not your fault."
"She... She was everything to me, brother Zenyatta." His metal heart felt like it was breaking. "She is no longer here because of me."
"You did not kill her."
"No, but-"
"Then stop blaming yourself." Zenyatta looks over at the marble, the fresh flowers seated below your name.
The silence that fell between them was uncomfortable. Ramattra fiddled with his staff, unsure of what to do or say.
"Their presence is missed greatly." The smaller monk spoke out. "You are not suffering alone, brother."
Ramattra turns his head as Zenyatta speaks.
"I know you were there by her side more than any of us here in the monastery, but she had an impact on everyone."
"I have heard the comments." Ramattra states.
"Then you know that you are not alone."
Ramattra scoffs, turning back to your grave.
"I do not need to hear it." His optics look down at his hands, white faceplate hiding the pain. I should have held her back. Her death is on me. Looking up towards the sky, he witnesses the first falling of snow.
One by one, snowflake after snowflake, do they kiss his faceplate before melting from his internal heat, temporary tears in place of his that he cannot shed.
"She is still with us." Zenyatta tries to reassure the taller omnic.
"Always with me." Ramattra speaks, looking at the single snowflake resting on the charm that he had put onto his staff, one that you had made specifically for him.
Wait for me, my love...
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Holding On
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x gn!reader Summary: You had been his first -first friend, first crush, first kiss, first person to know his alter-ego.. You had been his everything and he lost you. Warnings: Major Character Death, Depression, Grief/Mourning, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Angst, Jealousy (pt 2 to "Six Feet's Never Felt So Far" but can be read as a standalone too)
Also read on ao3
🎶🎵 I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone Here I am alone, between the heavens and the embers 🎶🎵 In The Stars by Benson Boone
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Pavitr clutched your photo tightly in his hands and hugged it to his chest, tears streaming down his face as he stared blankly at the ceiling. The sound of the fan was the only indicator of life in the room. His eyes caught on it's dizzying rotation, face stoic and expressionless. His heart wasn't broken, it was ripped out of his chest and burnt right before his eyes. 
It'd been six months, but to Pavitr, Y/n's death felt like only yesterday. 
Pavitr had refused to believe your were gone. He even went about seeming unaffected or "moved on" but in reality, it was just denial. Deny, deny and keep denying. Until the 13th day ritual of Preta Karma -a ceremony where rites are performed in honour of the late family member and prayers are done. 
He broke down, refusing to attend the ceremony. He was only invited as Y/n's best friend as their relationship had been a secret -known to none else except Gayatri- which hurt even more. 
And, in the months that followed, Pavitr had refused to leave his room unless it was for school or superheroing, grieving and mourning your love in silence. 
He tried to distract himself with Spider-Man-ing through Mumbattan, as Gayatri suggested, but ultimately failed. It felt like a chore now that you were gone. 
"Y/n will always be with us in spirit, Pavi. What would N/n think if they saw you like this? You know, they would want you to be happy.. not, not destroy yourself." 
It was true what Gayatri had said, Pavitr was destorying himself mentally and physically by skipping meals or over eating, playing Benson Boone's In The Stars in an endless loop as he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling passively. 
You had been the light in his darkness after the death of Uncle Bhim. Back then he dealt his uncle's death the same way: starvation, overeating, locking himself in his room and refusing to interact. 
It was you who reached through the dark web he'd woven around himself and pulled him out, helped him through his guilt and depression. 
"How long are you going to stay like this, lying in your room and staring at the fan?" 
He moved not a muscle, but you knew he was listening. 
"You know, Pavu, uncle Bhim would hate to see you this way."
Still no reply. You sighed and combed your fingers through his hair, pulling his hair in a soothing motion. He turned his face in your lap, eyes sore and dry as dull brown orbs greeted yours. His face was blank and devoid of emotion as if he lost the will to live. 
This won't do. 
This boy had to get up and move on; even Maya aunty was concerned. She had accepted her husband's death and come to terms a while later, but Pavitr stubbornly refused to let go. 
You caught his gaze, gently leaning into him. When he made no notion to move, you pressed your lips to his, kissing him softly. 
Pavitr was slow to realize you were kissing him but when he eventually caught it, he reciprocated fervently. 
You pulled away, breathing hard. His eyes opened slowly, watching you with dilated pupils. 
"You... kissed me." 
"Yeah..", you blushed slightly, "I.. I hated seeing you down in the dumps.. you really need to move on, Pavu. Bhim uncle wouldn't want you to look so sad." 
"You kissed me." 
"Yeah, I did- but, please, don't think I'm taking advantage of you", you add quickly. 
He knows you didn't; he knows you better than he knows himself. 
"Pavu, you need to get up and get back. I'm not asking you to become the Old Pavitr, but I want you to accept Uncle Bhim's death and move on. I know it's hard, but promise me you'll try." 
The fact you were crushing on him went over his head at that moment, but he had plenty of time to realize it later. 
Though his smile didn't fully reach his eyes, you were content with any reaction other than blankness. Baby steps. 
"I will try, N/n." For you. 
You hardly expected the drastic change. Pavitr got up early the next day, showered, did laundry, recited prayer and left the room. When you came to check on him later, you found him doing chores around the house, his room spick and span. Uncle Bhim's photo on the wall was neatly adorned with flowers and incense sticks, to your delight. Maya aunty was so happy and silently thanked you. 
He kept his long hair as you suggested, as a sign of growth and to never forget what the past taught him. For Bhim Uncle. 
It was the first ever you saw him smile after Uncle Bhim's demise. And, maybe you didn't know, but it was because of you: his sun. 
Pavitr rolled over on the bed, clutching the framed photo to his chest and stared at your bright orbs in the picture. It was taken on his birthday last year. 
You had begun to spend more time with Hari Oberoi recently and it was nagging Pavitr. He knew you guys were just as much as friends as he and Hari were, and he knew you only had platonic feelings for him, but jealousy reared it's ugly head. 
It's been a week and you have refused to spend more than fifteen minutes alone with him and he was getting increasingly anxious. 
Did you not like him anymore? Did you suddenly realize you have feelings for Hari? Are you going to break up with him? Is that why you won't hang out with him anymore, to let him down gently? 
A million questions plaguing his mind and everytime he saw Hari with his arm around you, he felt lost, betrayed and jealous. Hari was stealing you from him. 
"Who are you texting, Y/n?", he asked the next time you met, eating pani puri from a street vendor. 
Had you been aware, you would've noticed him not calling you the usual nickname. 
"No one." 
His heart broke into peices, because isn't that what you say when you're seeing some one else? 
He was just about to ask you the same when you stood up from your table and paid for your snack, asking him to meet you later that evening on your usual spot before disappearing into the crowd. 
It was confirmed. You were breaking up. 
The whole afternoon, Pavitr talked to himself on the different ways he'd convince you, eventually giving up and deciding to just accept it. 
It was half-past the time you had agreed to meet when Pavitr got dressed and put on somewhat decent clothes. He opened the door of his room, sad and hopeless, only to be greeted by Hari holding a giant cake. Maya aunty, you and Gayatri were standing beside him, popping confetti on him as he stepped outside. 
Oh, heck. He'd completely forgotten. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOSER!", you all yell as Maya aunty shot you a playfully disapproving look. 
You collide onto him in an embrace, subtly kissing his cheek as you whisper in his ear. "Happy birthday, baby." 
He hugged you tightly as Hari and Gayatri joined in, Maya aunty flashing pics as his face was smeared in cream. 
He wasn't losing you, after all! 
Pavitr's nails dug into the frame and it breaks under his spider strength. Tears rush down his cheeks on their own as he cries harder, gritting his teeth in guilt and kicking himself.
You had been his first -first friend, first crush, first kiss, first person to know his alter-ego.. and the first to make him question his existence. 
You had been his everything and he lost you. 
Hope you liked it! :)) reblogs and comments feed my fic dragon uwu
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punkshort · 7 months
i had an idea to add to the ‘str’ extras post. i came across an insta account that details “things ____ loves/hates” (i will link an example, credit to them for the idea), thought it could be an interesting, insightful look into sheriff!joel, of things you haven’t touched on but that makes up the wonderful man we have grown to love!
no rush if you decide to do it just a fun lil thing i thought of <3
I like this idea! And I am very much looking for a distraction so I decided to have a little fun with it and make a photo collage to go along with my answers:
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Classic romance novels. I think he likes to keep it a secret but he has a soft spot for the classics (I thought wuthering heights was kind of apt... two people unable to be together, etc...)
Coffee. It's an obvious one, but maybe not so obvious is he prefers to share coffee with someone else. That's why he always found himself going to the diner, even before reader came on the scene. He just likes to be around others, even if it is his annoying younger brother.
Texas - duh. Sheriff Joel couldn't imagine living anywhere else, especially up north. He is a southern boy through and through.
Lazy mornings. Those are rare for him. Sarah tends to have a busy schedule, even on the weekends, so when he gets the chance to sleep in a little or just lounge around before having to get up, he really enjoys that (especially if reader is there, although he hasn't been able to have many mornings with her... yet 👀). To go along with this, he also really likes kissing. Just making out with no goal in mind. Slow, lazy licks and soft little noises under a warm blanket on a Sunday morning with nowhere to be? Perfection.
Old movies. Especially at the drive in. Something about the nostalgia of it really makes him happy. And that romantic side of him can't help himself. It's usually his go-to first date idea.
Football. As Sarah mentioned once before, he really enjoys American football and annoys her with it. Sarah really looks forward to the spring and summer because there's no football on TV and she doesn't have to listen to him yelling in the living room every ten minutes.
His favorite pair of jeans. He's had them for years, the knees are getting worn out but he loves them and won't part with them.
Sarah - obviously. Even though she keeps him on his toes and super busy all the time, he would drop anything for her. He is always struggling to balance work and home and he tends to stretch himself too thin and not take enough time for himself, but he tries to make every single soccer game and school event because he loves seeing how talented Sarah is.
Hiking, specifically with Sarah. It's something they like to do in the summer, at least one weekend a month. Occasionally he can convince her to camp out overnight, but she hates sleeping in a tent so it's a hard sell.
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People who don't use their seatbelts. It's so easy. Just do it. He's seen too many accidents in his line of work and he hates when people don't use them.
Snakes. Sarah never lets him forget about the time when he was nine years old and he went to put on his boot to go play outside and was surprised to find a snake sleeping inside. To this day, he can't put his shoes on without checking them first.
Oysters. It's a texture thing, he thinks they're gross. He doesn't care they are an aphrodisiac, he doesn't need it 😉
Line dancing. Even though he's from Texas, it makes him cringe every time he sees people doing it.
Snow/being cold. He prefers the heat. It's what he's used to and he doesn't like shoveling snow on the rare occasion Texas gets any accumulation.
Lip Gloss. He likes kissing. A lot. And he thinks lip gloss is too sticky.
Wool Sweaters. Because he runs hot as it is and wool just makes it worse. Plus, it's itchy.
People who talk about themselves too much. Especially women he's been on dates with. He likes learning about other people, but when it becomes apparent they have no interest in learning about him, it's a turn off.
Golf. Because all my Joels hate golf. For no particular reason at all.
Thank you so much for this ask! It was a lot of fun putting together.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
How do you write these stories so quick and still have them be sooooo good!?!?! Oml. Thanks for all your hard work!
What would the XDH boys' reactions be to you getting injured? Minor or more serious, doesn't matter.
Thanks again! Have a good day!
Thank you so much. I'm so glad that people think that my work is good and enjoy them because I never really expected that. I hope that you have a good day too! :)
All members  ;^~^;
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you getting injured.
Warning:grammar, mentions of injuries 
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photo not mine credits to owner.
•So worried, wouldn’t let you do anything.
When Gunil arrived at your shared apartment to discover you sitting on the couch with one leg elevated on a pillow, ice on your ankle, he quickly rushed to your side.
“Are you ok? What happened?” He questioned all panic.
“It’s just a slight sprain, nothing serious. I just need to rest it and ice it,” you explained to him.
“Let me know if you need anything. I’ll do it for you,” he told you.
“Gunil it’s not that-” you began to speak.
“Shush, shush, I’ll do it for you. You just stay put,” Gunil cut you off. If you're thirsty he’s rushing yo grab you a drink. The remote is just a hair out of arm's length? He scolds you for stretching “too” far to reach it. When you try to reason that it’s your ankle that’s hurt not your arms, he doesn't care claiming you shouldn’t add any more stress to your body. Of course you appreciate that he cares so much, but it was a little suffocating. You drew the line when he tried to carry you to the bathroom though.
“Gunil you can’t carry me to the bathroom,” you put your foot down,
“But I’ll just-” he tried to reason.
“I said no,” you sternly told him while pointing your finger. He sighed in defeat, but still watched you like a hawk as you limped your way to the bathroom.
•Mother mode activated, scolds you before taking care of you.
You and Jungsu were preparing dinner when you accidentally cut your finger with a knife while cutting vegetables. Hissing in pain you brought your finger closer to your eyes to examine the small cut.
“Did you cut yourself?” Jungsu asked, his voice laced with concern. 
“It’s fine, it's just a small cut,” you informed him about to carry on with your work.
“Let me see,” he said, taking your injured finger into his hands. He sees the little amount of blood coming from the cut and grabs a tissue wrapping it around your finger. “This is why I told you to be careful. Sharp things are dangerous,” he murmured some other words after that, but you couldn’t hear what they were. “Hold this,” he ordered before walking out of the kitchen, leaving you holding your now wrapped injured finger. Jungsu returned with a bandaid and an alcohol wipe. He disinfected your cut before putting the bandaid on.
“You forgot something,” you told him as he was about to return to cooking.
“What?” he looked at you confused.
“Kiss it better,” you stuck out your bandaid dressed finger towards him. He lets out a scoffy laugh at your remark.
“What are you a child?” He teases you.
“Says the one who just scolded me like a mother,” you teased him back. He walks back over to you delicately lifting your finger to his lips, pressing a tender kiss on it.
“Better?” he asks.
“Yes, all better thank you,” you gleefully say. 
•Confused baby, doesn’t know what to do at first.
Strolling around at night was one of yours and Jiseok’s favorite activities. This stroll was gonna have to be cut short after you tripped over your own foot and skinned your knee. At first Jiseok only laughed at you thinking that you simply fell at that was it. When you stayed on the ground just a moment too long he knew that something was wrong.
“Are you ok?” he asked, kneeling down to help you stand up.
“Yeah I just hurt my knee a bit,” you say, looking down towards your knee. Your pants are ripped and there’s a little red stain.
“You’re bleeding,” Jiseok noted as his mind went blank. He should do something but what? He spent a few moments thinking before it hit him. A bandaid you needed a bandaid. He insisted on giving you a piggyback ride as you guys walked to the nearest convenient store. Once he bought disinfectant and a box of bandaids he had you sit down on the curb as he dressed your wound. He apologized when you jerked away as he applied the disinfectant. Gently blowing on your wound to help with the stinging. Afterwards he carefully put the bandaid on and gently patted your knee once he finished.
“So what are my odds doc?” you joked Jiseok laughed before responding.
“It was a pretty fatal accident, but I patched you up well, so you’ll live this time,” Jiseok said, helping you stand back up.
•Concerned, but doesn’t want to be over the top about it
As soon as you walked into the studio Seungmin immediately noticed the wrist brace that you were wearing. 
“What happened?” he interrogated, grabbing your forearm to better investigate your wrist that was covered by the brace.
“Well hello to you too,” you said, removing your arm from his hold.
“Sorry. Hello darling. Now what happened to your wrist?” Seungmin questioned you again.
“I sprained it helping my friend move furniture, but it’s not bad I only have to wear the brace for a few weeks,” you illuminated. Seungmin pouted, staring at your wrist. At first he wanted to scold you for not being more careful, but accidents happen and scolding you wouldn’t fix your wrist either.
“How dare that furniture hurt my baby,” is what he says instead as he pulls you to sit on his lap. Then wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.
“It’s ok we were getting rid of the furniture that hurt me anyway, so it will be dead soon,” you informed him.
“Good,” Seungmin simply states. He’ll do little things for you while your wrist is healing. Open your drinks, open doors for you (not like he didn’t already do that), won’t let you carry any bags in that hand and other things to stop you from using your injured wrist so much. Won’t suffocate you like Gunil, but still do everything that you’ll allow him to do.
•Be more mindful of you.
A picture frame fell off your wall a few days ago. You thought that you had cleaned up all of the glass shards, but apparently not.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed as you and Hyeongjun were walking down the hallway to your bedroom.
“Are you alright?” Hyeongjun immediately asked, looking you up and down.
“Yeah I just stepped on something,” you replied.
“Let me see,” he said. First he helped you sit down on the floor then he moved to examine your foot. That’s when he saw the small piece of glass. “You step on a piece of glass,” he informed you. Hyeongjun went to get your first aid kit that you kept in your bathroom. Once he returned he carefully removed the piece of glass and bandaged your foot. The rest of the day he tried to keep you off of that foot as much as possible. 
Even over the next few days he'll be mindful of your injured foot. If you were walking he’d stand on your injured side and wrap his arm around your waist to offer you more support. Hyeonjun would even rest your foot on his when you were sitting side by side. You’re unsure if it really does anything, but the gesture was nice, it showed that he cared.
•Tries his best,but doesn’t really know what to do either.
You and Jooyeon were at a park. The two of you had a cute little lunch date outside since the weather had been nice. After you guys finished eating you decided to walk around the park a bit before he had to get back. The conversation you were having was suddenly interrupted when your legs found themselves tangled with a ball causing you to trip. 
A kid ran over profusely apologizing. Stating that it was an accident as they helped you up.. You reassured them that it was fine and they went on their way. It was only when you went to wipe the dirt from your clothes that you felt the stinging sensation on your palms. 
“Your hands are bleeding,” Jooyeon accounted when he saw you staring at your hands.
“Yeah I must’ve scraped them a bit when I fell. It’s no big deal though,” you said.
“No big deal? What do you mean? You have to uh…uh,” something you should do something, but he can’t think of what. You really shouldn’t leave your hands covered in dirt when you have cuts on them though. Ah that was it. “You have to clean them, so the dirt won’t infect them,” Jooyeon stated. He took a water bottle from your guy's lunch bag. He gestured for you to put out your hands as he rinsed the dirt away with the water. “There, now we should get you some disinfectant. I think,” you laugh at his unsureness, but your heart feels warm at how much he cared.
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In your corner - Chris Evans and Co
A/N: one of my coworkers was rude to me today and it got me wondering how each CE babe would respond to you complaining about it to them
Warnings: Language! Insinuation of Murder!
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Jake Jensen
Jake would instantly console you and let you just rant about it
But when he could tell that ranting wasn’t working he changed tactics
He’d make his way into his games den and load up the copy of Sims 4 that he brought for you
He’d start making a sim of your coworker who upset you using a reference photo that the losers helped him get hold off
He’d then call you in and let you use all the different kinds of deaths in sims to work through your anger
“How you feeling now?” He’d ask slinging his arm around your shoulder
“Much less murderous, thank you babe” you grin leaning in to kiss him
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Andy Barber
Andy had heard you complain about this coworker many many times and he decided enough was enough
He had a hunch that your coworker was as great as they made themselves out to be so using his DA skills he got digging
It didn’t take long for him to find out that your coworker had jumped from job to job, state to state, far more often than the normal person did.
A little more digging found that you’re coworker had left their jobs just before the business got into some difficulties
Connecting all the dots Andy discovered that they had been embezzling funds from every company they worked for
so it wasn’t long until the police showed up at your office and arrested your coworker, Andy sending you a sly wink as they did so
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Colin Shea
Whenever your coworker was mean or rude to you it instantly made your confidence plummet.
Colin had spent many evening just holding you and trying to remind you how smart, beautiful and just goddamn amazing you were
But he could tell it never really sunk in so he got to work
At his next gig he made sure you had the best seat in the house and were always in his eyeline
So when they started playing their new song he could sing it directly to you
Tears collected in your eyes as he sang about how he fell in love with the a girl who doesn’t know how amazing she is and how he’d spend the rest of his days proving her wrong and showing the world how special she was
As the song ended he mouthed ‘I love you’ to you, and as soon as the set ended you ran up on stage and gave him the biggest kiss ever
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Ari Levinson
Ari played the long game.
He knew that you coworker also shopped at the same grocery store so it was only a matter of time until they crossed paths
When they did Ari first played it nice, introducing himself with a handshake but the mind games were already afoot.
He used his large frame and 6ft 3 hight to tower over your coworker and gripped his hand extra tight
He kept the conversation flowing until he saw your coworker lower their guard and thats when he went in for the kill.
The smile he had on his face dropped and turned serious.
“I’ve heard you’ve been making this hard for Y/N” he started, when your coworker tried to defend himself Ari didn’t let a single word leave his lips.
He put him exactly in his place reminding him that you outranked him in every instance and if he was rude to you ever again the Ari was going to have words
“And it’ll be my fists doing the talking”
You coworker just meekly apologised and promise to be better and apologise to you.
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Lloyd Hansen
It was plain and simple when it came to Lloyd.
You complained to him about your coworker
The next day your coworker completely disappeared, never to be seen again
That’s all I can think of for now but I’ll add more if I think of any and recommendations are welcome!
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taybatwo2 · 1 year
Spelldon and Friends
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My first post focused on Spelldon and breaking down his outfit pieces. This one will focus on him and some other Monster High dolls….including a vampire….more under the cut because I took a lot of photos!!
From Valentine’s Diary: July 2nd
“While attempting to hide in the shadows, I bumped into a student I didn't recognize. He said his name was Spelldon Cauldronello. He had only been at MH a couple of weeks as he had been traveling with his older sister. Meeting him totally made me space out and forget to send a text that was supposed to help Clawd. He asked if I went to MH, and I said I was just visiting, but I would love to go to MH if I can. He said he'd keep me up on the groanings on around school if I wanted, so I gave him my number.”
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I kept seeing fanart of Spelldon dropping a book and Valentine and Spelldon reaching for it at the same time that I thought it had happened in the diaries too, and decided to quickly pose them like that. Valentine is completely and instantly love struck with Spelldon. Spelldon is lightly curious at this dapper looking southern-drawling vampire.
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It didn’t take them long to start trying to hold hands. It was a bit tricky, but they managed. They have started to flirt incessantly.
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They seemed to like dancing (Valentine has had many dances over the centuries with “young fillies” he had tried to steal love from, but this felt so much different. Spelldon hasn’t danced many slow dances, but meeting Valentine has made him want to start learning).
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Still working on hand holding….
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Valentine is pretty stealthy (like most vampires), and has surprised Spelldon quite a few times when sneaking in for a surprise kiss on the cheek. Spelldon lightheartedly threatens to give Valentine a potion that make his footsteps as loud as a giant’s.
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Spelldon might have used an invisibility potion to finally manage to sneak up on Valentine and surprise him with a kiss on a cheek. Valentine tells Spelldon he doesn’t need to try and surprise him, he would gladly take a kiss from him anytime.
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“Who is this?!” Spelldon looks up and Valentine thinks he remembers hearing that voice from the radio…..
Casta has entered the chat.
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Casta is still getting used to her younger brother dating an emotion-feeding vampire (especially someone who was as notorious as Valentine -she might be a famous singer, but she knows a fiend who knows a fiend who knows a vampire who has had a run-in with Valentine). But she’s proud to see her little brother thriving at Monster High She trusts Spelldon, and is happy to see Spelldon’s boyfriend tagging along and helping Spelldon gather and shop for potion supplies, and enjoy being a teenager (instead of always being on the road).
Valentine is still a bit nervous around Casta and all of her star-power (she may have threatened to turn him into a piglet if he hurts her brother. Spelldon said she was kidding and it’s a family joke).
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I had forgotten that I had added some detail to my SDCC Valentine to try and make him closer to his film appearance. I had cut his hair (although he need to be dipped in some LA’s Totally Awesome as his hair is very gluey), add some paint to his earrings, glasses (and make them sunglasses with a paint wash) and shoes (I made the buckle into broken hearts and made the broken heart jacket buttons). I also added some extra gold and green embroidery to his lapel and cuff and some extra ribbon around his collar too.
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Spelldon and his big sister Casta Fierce. I didn’t realize how much darker green she is until I got her out of storage (I had also painted her nails and boots too when I first got her). She also needs to be de-glued in some LA’s Totally Awesome. They look so good together, eeeeee!!!
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Spelldon and his sister again (sans jacket). Oof! He might have been distracted by his boyfriend off camera.
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Spelldon and Casta practicing their witchcraft while she is in town. They are not the best at fortune telling, but their mama would be proud they’re keeping up with their studies. Casta is the best at reciting magical incantations, while Spelldon is happy to be adding the ingredients. “The whole bottle should do it….I’m pretty sure.”
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“This one has an invisible gas inside. And this one is a part of a rare ‘glow worm’ from a cave Valentine’s family had visited in Transylvania.” I was going to have the glow in the dark potion also hang from his belt, but it was too much weight and kept falling off.
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“You’ve grown quite the collection of ingredients Spelly.”
“Thank you. I miss being on the road with you, …but it’s nice living in one place for a while. I’ve been able to safely practice my magic at Monster High. You’re right, they have a great magic course here. I’ve made new friends….and…someone who is more than a friend….”
Casta and Spelldon promise to keep Fate-timing each other at least once a week.
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My G3 Deuce (don’t mind his glasses being off, all the other dolls have been told not to look at him, and visa versa, for this quick photo shoot, and the photographer was only stoned for an hour afterwards) and Spelldon (who used the same body and sculpt). Spelldon thinks Deuce looks kinda familiar, while Valentine is appalled at the thought that Spelldon might resemble Deuce.
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(G3 Deuce’s hair repaint - I missed the gradient G1 Deuce had and G3 Deuce has a much more detail on his snakes in the show…..I don’t care for the paler plastic green his doll comes with).
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And finally, a group photo of Spelldon and my other Monster High customs. Welcome to the family Spelldon!
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doctorbrown · 2 months
1991, Lone Pine Timeline
“Well, Mrs. Parker-McFly?” Marty grins, carrying her over the threshold of their small flat—this isn’t forever, Jen, I promise—just until we’re both done with school. We’ll get a real house with plenty of space, maybe even a dog—hell, two dogs; you know I always wanted a dog—while she clings to him, playfully teasing that if the first thing he does as her husband is drop her, she’s filing for immediate divorce.
They cross into the living room without incident and share a brief, tender kiss—the first away from eager, watchful eyes. The first one for themselves. The first of many more to come as husband and wife.
“Now that we’re married, what’s the first thing you want to do?”
Marty sets her down gently and the first thing she does is plop down onto the sofa and breathe a sigh of relief that Marty mistakes as joy that the wedding is finally over. He doubts there would’ve been a snowball’s chance in hell of this wedding going off as smoothly as it did without Doc and Clara and his parents and Detective Parker coordinating everything—he’s never seen his Mom be so assertive in his life; it was almost scary the way she became an entirely different person—and the closer and closer the date got, the more Jen stressed about everything.
She’s probably happier than him that it’s over, it all went off without a hitch—all things considered—and they’ll be headed off on their honeymoon in just two short days.
“If I had known weddings were going to be that much work—”
“—Or that expensive.”
“—Or that expensive,” Marty adds, taking a seat right beside her, “I would’ve suggested we elope or just—hey!!”
Marty yelps as a pillow suddenly comes hurtling towards his face and the look that Jen gives him could melt through solid steel like butter.
“C’mon Jen, you know I didn’t mean it. I know how important this big wedding was to you—I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Jen’s expression softens, but there’s a layer of frost in her eyes that doesn’t quite melt. “I know. It’s just—hold on a sec.” Marty quirks a brow but stays seated on the couch as Jen stands, disappearing into their shared bedroom.
Alone, Jen allows herself to breathe another sigh of relief, even going so far as to pinch herself on the arm to make sure this is really happening. That the wedding yesterday wasn’t all just some fantasy her writer’s brain concocted out of a fit of jealousy or desperate need for escapism, that the last year—but especially the last two months—weren’t just some stress-filled hallucination courtesy of Christian Delaney and his incredibly punchable face.
This day had been a dream for as long as she could remember. She was going to do it once and only once, marry for love, do it right, and ride out the rest of her life, good times and bad alike, with the person she wanted to spend it with. All of her friends would be there, she’d be stunning in a white dress, her husband would cry when she walked down the aisle—Marty did tear up, just like she knew he would—and everything would be perfect.
Maybe everything wasn’t perfect yesterday, but it was close enough that it didn’t matter.
It wasn’t that horrible future— it wasn’t at the Chapel O’Love.
Jen reaches into the closet, pulling out a storage box almost full to bursting with photo albums and papers they keep saying they’ll sort through but have never found the time to tackle just yet. Her breath hitches as she grabs the green folder that is horribly creased from being carelessly shoved in amongst all the other stuff and she can already see the single paper inside before she even opens it.
It’s been haunting her since 1985.
She should have thrown it away that night after Doc showed up, promising them a bright future that they had yet to mould. She should have banished those thoughts to the darkest, deepest recesses in her mind and locked them away where they could never have reared their ugly heads again.
But every time she tried, an invisible force caught her wrist, warning her that bad things would happen if she didn’t save the only glimpse into their future she had. If the future isn’t written, this could still happen.
Throw this out and you’ll be throwing your future out with it.
“Hey Jen? You okay in there?”
Jen jumps, clutching the still-folded note to her chest. “I’m fine,” she calls back, knowing she sounds anything but.
“You sure?” Marty asks, brows pinched together as he watches her slowly make her way to the couch, holding something so tightly her knuckles are white. “What’s that?”
“You remember that future Doc took us to? The one you told me wasn’t really a dream?”
Realisation strikes him like a speeding train, leaving him wide-eyed and unable to find his voice for a few seconds. “Is that—? Jesus, Jen, you kept that all these years?”
“I didn’t want to, I just—I couldn’t throw it out. What if it changed again, like it did when you decided not to race Needles? I had to know, Marty. I had to be sure that things weren’t going to end up like that again.”
Marty stays silent for a long moment, staring at Jen’s hands. “Did you open it yet?”
“No, not yet.”
Neither of them realise that they’re holding their breath until they’re both letting it out in-sync.
The letter is still blank.
“The first thing I want us to do as husband and wife”—she pinches the letter between two fingers and holds it up between them—“is burn this damn thing. I never want to see it again.”
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Dieter: Certified DILF
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 833
Summary: Dieter gets a new label in his dad era
Warnings: lots and lots of adorable fluffy goodness, some dirty talk because it is Dieter we’re talking about
Check out masterlist here
If anyone tried to interact with Dieter Bravo several years ago, one would be met with a curt, grumpy reply if lucky. Now, you couldn’t get him to shut up.
His daughter, Clara, was the absolute light of his life, and he would talk to anyone about her, whether they wanted to or not. Everyone got the news when she started crawling, when she could stand one her own and her first steps. Her first words were very important news to anyone and everyone. Her joyous laugher was his ringtone. People would be subjected to watching any video he recently took and the millions of pictures on his phone. Seriously, every conversation seemed to steer towards his baby girl. It would be annoying if Dieter didn’t look so adorably happy as a proud father. The change from sullen grouch to smiling goofball was a welcome change.
You were on your way home with some interesting news to report to him. You opened the door to quiet in the living room. Normally, you got home in time to find them both having a nap. He’d be lying on the couch while Clara would be cuddled up on top of him. You didn’t blame her; he was very pillow-like. You had one too many photos of them both softly snoring away. You crept towards her bedroom, slowly peering through the door. Your husband and daughter were having a tea party. Seated with them were her Winnie the Pooh and Abby the dinosaur. Dieter was wearing his usual pyjama themed attire along with a pink tutu and sparkly tiara. You secretly took a photo of the adorable tableau as it was too cute not to take one. Clara noticed your arrival and waddled up to you, “Mummy!”
“Hi pumpkin!” you knelt down to greet her in a hug.
“Mummy make monsters?”
“Mummy made lots of monsters today.” You noticed she was equally decked out in her own tutu, green this time, as well as her favourite skeleton onesie. “Are you a skeleton today?”
She nodded her little head, “Daddy princess!”
Said princess followed in a curtsy to greet you home. You ruffled the top of her head. She had her father’s mop of crazy curls, so it was hard to tell if it had been brushed today.
“I should probably get started on dinner.”
“No, I’ll do it, honey cakes,” he kissed the top of your head, “We’ve got enough stuff in the fridge for me to make my Leftovers Enchiladas.”
“La das?” Clara was keen, “We have la das?”
“You don’t mind?”
“You had an early start and cupcake wants mummy time.” Her tight hugs were proof of that, so you left him to it.
“What did you have for lunch today?”
“Dino nuggies!”
“And vegetables,” Dieter intercepted poking his head back, “We had a very balanced meal.”
Clara regaled to you about her day with daddy while you helped her tidy up from her tea party until dinner was ready. You managed to convince her to change out of her skeleton onesie so it wouldn’t get dirty. And you had to remind her that ghosts don’t eat so she couldn’t wear her ghost costume and ghosts wouldn’t want to get enchilada sauce on them as well.
 She wanted a monster story at bedtime, so you read to her and then Dieter sang her bedtime song. It was after all that excitement that you remembered you had something to show your husband. “I have to show you this.” You handed him a magazine Debbie gave you at work. Dieter looked confused as he read the cover.
“Dieter Bravo: former bad-boy, now certified DILF. What’s a DILF?”
“You don’t know?” He shook his head, “It stands for Dad I’d like to…your favourite night-time activity.”
“Really?” he opened the magazine to read further, “Wait, this was when I went to the park. Did they take pictures of our baby?”
“Thankfully not, it’s just you with the pram, or I would’ve gone Predator mode.”
“So I get this new label because I’m now a dad?” you nodded, “Why do they have to add a sex label for everything?”
You took the magazine from him a put it on the bedside table. “I don’t know. Society likes labelling people.”
“Do they do this with every parent?”
“Just the sexy ones.”
“You’re sexy, you’re an M I’d definitely like to…” and then he kissed you, “Because you’re the mother of my child,” he stammered and he kept rambling, “Not because you’re some random mother, I don’t have a mother kink. At all!”
You kissed him to reassure that you understood, and he continued, this time in a sultry tone, “Do you want to go through the rest of the alphabet?” but then he startled, “Oh no. Have I turned the alphabet into dirty talk?”
“I think you have.”
“But we could do K for kissing?”
“I’d like that. And then after K, I’d like to get down to C.”
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Corroded Coffin Pt. 2
This time with Eddie as special guest, Jonathan and Eddie give an insight into Corroded Coffin just after they made it big, with a cameo of Steve.
(You don't need to read part 1 to get this, but here is the link)
On AO3.
Ships: Steddie, Jargancy
Warnings: homophobia mention
“Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography. And today Eddie is here with me to continue looking at Corroded Coffin photos from the book,” Jonathan starts the video.
“Hello everyone,” Eddie greets the camera with a big grin, used to being in the position. He waves excitedly, his bracelets jingling happily. He looks very much like a comfortable old rocker with chains around his necks, fingers filled with rings and an old band shirt, his hair cascading down his shoulders. Eddie takes the book and flips it open on the page with the first tab as he exclaims: “Let’s rock ‘n roll.”
“Yes, let’s,” Jonathan agrees, looking fondly amused.
“Should I read the title and year, has that been the vibe?” Eddie asks.
“We have been trying that, yeah,” Jonathan says.
“Alrighty, so the first one is A Promise To Return taken in ‘92,” Eddie says. “It’s when we first went on tour, which was very exciting and terrifying.”
On screen a photo appears of Eddie on the lowest step of the tour bus, leaning out and giving Steve a kiss. They’re clinging to each other, neither of them wanting to let go. The way they’re dressed contrasting each other.
“This is a sweet photo,” Eddie says. “I know it’s cliché and overdone, but it is. I fucking missed Stevie so much when I was away, despite the fact that I was living the dream.”
“I think you can also see this here,” Jonathan says. “I really like that you’re in the bus and Steve’s on the ground, it kind of creates this separation, like you’re stepping in a new world and Steve can’t come with you. He knows he should let you go and say goodbye, but he can’t help but cling to you and keep you close, even if it’s only for a second. Same goes for you.”
Eddie studies the photo again as he nods to himself. “Huh,” he comments. “You always have stories in your photos. We’ve worked together a lot, but I always manage to forget the thought you put into these. It’s amazing, man. Like you can see it and you’d know if it wasn’t there, but it’s subtle.”
“It’s not really that deep,” Jonathan blushes, waving away the compliment.
“Yeah it is,” Eddie says as Argyle adds: “Let the man compliment you, buttercup.”
“Alright, alright,” Jonathan grins as he rolls his eyes. Then he moves on: “Next to it we have Hope of a Wave Back, which doesn’t have the band in it really, but I feel like it fits.”
“It fits,” Eddie agrees.
Hope of a Wave Back appears on screen. It’s of Robin and Steve from the back, both waving at the back of the tour bus. The windows are tinted, so you can’t see what’s going on inside. Steve is looking a little dejected seen in the slope of his shoulders, Robin has a comforting arm around his waist.
“For the record, I was waving back like an idiot, while Gareth and Jeff tried to open the window,” Eddie says. “Those tour bus windows are difficult to open and we didn’t manage to figure it out until the third city.”
Jonathan snorts and you can hear Argyle giggles as well. Eddie pouts, but he does look upset as he defends himself: “Those windows are difficult on purpose, I swear.”
“Sure, dude,” Jonathan grins, before turning back to the photo and saying: “But it did work out to make a pretty sad photo to represent the not knowing that comes with long distance. So, you’re forgiven.”
“How gracious,” Eddie snorts. “But I do like this one. Robin is the absolute best, I can’t imagine her not being there. It’s weird sometimes how much she and Steve overlap. Remember when their appendixes burst on the same day? Like what the fuck.”
“That was a little creepy, yeah,” Jonathan agrees.
“It was weird shit, babe, you can say it,” Argyle adds from behind the camera.
“Really weird shit,” Eddie repeats as he flips the page to the next tab, at the page he lights up and exclaims: “Ahh, when Stevie and Rob and you flew out to come see us in Indy. That was one of the best nights of my life. The difference between Robs and Stevie here is hilarious.”
On screen appears 5:00 AM Flight, which is of an excited Steve coming out of the front door with a suitcase. He seems to be vibrating out of his skin. Next to the door is Robin leaning against the wall, her own bag at her feet. She looks like she is about ten seconds from passing out and wondering why the hell she is doing this to herself.
“Steve was a little bit more excited about the early hour,” Jonathan agrees with a fond amused look.
“Yeah, that’s because he’s insane and sometimes goes running that earlier,” Eddie says, the most sappy, in love look on his face.
“But we’re talking about the band, so let’s talk about this one,” Jonathan points at the next page.
“Stevie is basically part of the band,” Eddie pouts, but dutifully reads: “The Corroded Coffin Cheer Squad taken in ‘92.”
The photo that appears is taken at the concert from behind Lucas, Max, Robin and Steve. They’re in a set off area, a chair has been set down for Max, who can’t stand for that long. All of them are cheering. Behind their silhouettes is Corroded Coffin. Eddie is screaming at the crowd, looking alive. Chris and Jeff are sharing a microphone and Gareth is throwing water over himself, having lost his shirt.
“I love taking photos at concert from the audience’s perspective,” Jonathan comments. “It shows a band at their best in a sense and this one is special, because the audience are people that you know personally, which adds a layer. Bands performing often isn’t their private selves, but it’s more them than at an interview or some shoot.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees. “For me, my musics are filled with personal stuff, they mean a lot to me and the boys and I always made sure our shows were something we could be proud of. You lay a lot more bear at a show than people realize. It’s nice to get to share that.”
His voice gets a little bit softer and he adds: “I’m glad Steve got to come to a few of our big shows and see it. That I got to share it with him. My baby is so brave, you know. He’s been through so much, we always knew he couldn’t travel with us, but when he could come and see, those shows were the best.”
“I think you can see your delight in this one,” Jonathan points. “Spotted Steve in the Crowd, there honestly isn’t another way to describe your expression.”
Eddie cackles at that, head thrown back as a new image appears of Eddie on the center of the stage. He is wearing leather pants with chains hanging off it and his cuff belt. He doesn’t have a shirt on, but he is wearing a cut off army jacket. He has gotten more tattoos over the years, which cover some of his scars. His fingers are around his guitar as he plays, however he isn’t singing, instead grinning from ear to ear, his eyes sparkling from under his sweaty hair.
“What can I say, I missed him,” Eddie shrugs, twinkle in his eyes. “And I was going to make him my fiance. Let me be gay in peace.”
“I have been witness to you being gay for years,” Jonathan rolls his eyes. “I’ve let you be horny for your man in peace for many years. Know how I suffered.”
“You willingly photographed us being horny on multiple occasions,” Eddie shoots back.
Jonathan flushes and ducks into himself as he pouts and mumbles something about them being aesthetically pretty and photogenic.
“And he had a brief crush on you,” Argyle adds without shame from behind the camera.
“Argyle!” Jonathan exclaims, not that upset, but more surprised.
Eddie has a delighted grin on his face as he prods Jonathan and asks: “Really? Did you? When? How long? Oh my god, this is hilarious. Why didn’t you say?”
“Because it was fucking embarrassing and it only lasted about a month or two before it blew over,” Jonathan wails, a little embarrassed. “Just drop it.”
“Okay, okay, but I am going to tell Stevie when he gets here,” Eddie gives in.
“Of course you do,” Jonathan rolls his eyes, but doesn’t sound that upset as he snatches the book out of Eddie’s hands and flips to the next page.
On screen a photo series appears of behind stage at the concert, telling a story from left to right. First they’re all big to cover everything, but they’re shrunken down on screen so that you can still see Jonathan and Eddie.
The most left photograph is of Eddie, taken from behind Steve, so his polo wearing back is in it as well. Eddie is yelling, practically glowing with happiness, having just spotted Steve. He is already handing his guitar to a stage hand in favor of paying attention to Steve.
In the one next to it Eddie is running towards Steve, by the looks of it he is sprinting. Steve is doing much the same. It is very dramatic, but also cute.
The set continues with a photograph of Eddie flying through the air as if he is literally launching himself at Steve. Though it seems like Steve doesn’t mind, he has stopped running to widen his stance and brace himself.
It ends with an image of both of them sprawled on the ground, Eddie on top of Steve. Eddie has a hand on the back of Steve’s head to protect him from smacking is against the floor. His knees are on either side of Steve, who has wrapped both his arms around Eddie’s waist. They’re making out heavily. In the background you can see Jeff rolling his eyes.
“This is Reunion a photo series taken right after the show,” Jonathan says.
“I was so happy to see him,” Eddie coos, taking the book back from Jonathan to smile at the photos, then he suddenly asks: “Is this why people think we’re dramatic?”
“What?” Jonathan choke-laughs.
“People have been calling us dramatic online, which is pretty fair all things considered, but I feel like this is mild for us, but it has been cited to me many times in my replies,” Eddie explains.
“Eddie,” Jonathan says in a tone that screams, I love you, but… “You and Steve are two of the most dramatic people I know. You literally tackled him.”
“He knew I was coming,” Eddie defends himself.
“That makes it worse,” Jonathan informs him with a sympathetic look.
Eddie looks over to Argyle, who explains: “That means you did this often enough he saw it coming, making it doubly dramatic, bro.”
“But it’s not the most dramatic thing, we do worse,” Eddie says.
“Not helping yourself,” Jonathan says.
“Just accept it, man,” Argyle agrees.
“Fine, but if this is dramatic, I’m scared for every interview I’ve done where I told people I do worse,” Eddie tells them.
“Don’t be, it gives you character,” Jonathan assures him, before turning back to the photo series and saying: “What I really love is how excited you two look and your hand on the back of Steve’s head. It’s again a small detail, but even caught up in the moment, you remember to think about stuff like that. Those things really speak to me.”
Eddie puffs up proudly in a subconscious manner as he says: “Of course, I’m not going to let him get hurt in a way that he doesn’t want to.”
“We know, Eddie,” Jonathan tells him, patting his shoulder. “I also like Jeff being done with your shit, that says a lot about the band as a whole I think.”
“He looks fond,” Eddie argues.
“Sure he does,” Jonathan replies, obviously not agreeing with Eddie, but not saying it as he flips the page, telling the audience: “The series technically continues on the next page, but it deserved its own special place.”
“Totally agree,” Eddie grins, eyes lovingly trailing over the image.
In the photo, Eddie is still sweaty from the show and Steve’s hair is messed up from the make out session on the floor they just had. Steve has scrambled upright after the rather dramatic greeting, however Eddie is still on the floor, though now on one knee with a box in his hand. In the box a ring glitters. Nothing fancy, but very classy. Something you’d get for your high school sweetheart. Eddie is grinning softly and hopefully, while Steve has both hands clasped over his mouth, eyes watering, as if he can’t believe this is really happening.
“He Said Yes is the title,” Jonathan says, when it starts to look like Eddie isn’t going to say anything.
After a moment, Eddie speaks up in a chocked up voice: “I sometimes still can’t believe it you know. He’s just the best person on fucking earth and he agreed to spend the rest of his life together with me. We have a house. Kids. Family. We’re actually married. Like it’s so crazy and I love him so much.”
“You need a tissue, brocacho?” Argyle asks from behind the camera, Jonathan awkwardly patting Eddie on the back.
There is a cut to Eddie dabbing away tears with a tissue as he grins to the camera and says: “Sorry about that people, I just love my husband very much. Bagging him is my greatest accomplishment in life, honestly.”
“Of course it is,” Jonathan snorts, before saying: “You did propose in the most Eddie-like way possible.”
“Steve liked my proposal,” Eddie sniffs. “He says it was romantic.”
“Didn’t you plan on proposing under the stars after a shower?” Argyle asks.
“It was a heat of the moment thing,” Eddie shrugs. “He just looked to beautiful and I couldn’t resist, alright. Look at him here. In his stupid little polo and fluffy hair, I’m weak for him. Weak, I tell you.”
“It was pretty romantic,” Jonathan gives in. “I like how hopeful you look. Like despite the fact there was no way Steve was going to say no, you still were worried about it. The second Steve needed to get himself together nearly killed you, but you’re not so nervous that you’re unable to stop grinning.”
“God, I nearly shit myself,” Eddie laughs. “I was trailer trash and Steve seemed untouchable for so many years, but he’s also Stevie, my baby, the guy I cleaned the trailer with and who drove me to gigs when my van broke down, who braided my hair because he was bored and turns into a backpack whenever he can.”
“Yeah, you needn’t have worried for a second,” Jonathan says as he flips the page and asks: “You are probably dying to talk about this one, right?”
“Our wedding!” Eddie exclaims. “Let’s wait until Steve and Nancy come back from their shopping trip, Stevie loves talking about our wedding.”
“You sure he would want to?” Jonathan asks.
“Like 99% and if he doesn’t we can record it anyways and I’ll tell you all about it in as much detail as you’d like,” Eddie promises with a big grin.
“Alright,” Jonathan agrees easily and flips further. He says: “Page 152 and 153 are the last pages I want to talk about, since other Corroded Coffin photos aren’t taken by me. Maybe we’ll figure something else out if people are really curious. But these are when I took behind the scenes photos for one of their albums, but the ones that didn’t make the cut.”
“First one is Hard at Work taken in ‘93,” Eddie says.
On screen a photo appears of Gareth lounging on the studio couch, tapping his drumsticks together. Eddie is sitting on the back of the couch, pencil in his mouth and notebook in his lap. His hair is up in a bun and he is dressed in a tank top and ripped jeans, no shoes.
“I want to defend us and say that lounging around is a big part of our writing process,” Eddie says. “We wrote some good lyrics on that couch. But most of it was written late at night when I couldn’t sleep or when we’re hanging out outside the studio.”
“It was a little too casual for what the label wanted,” Jonathan agrees. “But admittedly a more accurate representation of the writing process. Page 152 is entirely the writing process.”
“Next one is Jotting Down Notes,” Eddie moves onto the next photo. It is of Jeff with his guitar in his lap. He is leaning over it to write down some notes. He’s dressed in a Corroded Coffin shirt. His hair is longer now and twisted into locks.
“You all were so excited about having merch,” Jonathan recalls fondly.
“Yeah, we were,” Eddie agrees, a little nostalgic. “Jeff once broke his guitar when writing down notes, because he’s a fucking idiot. I love him so much.”
“Didn’t he nearly break his guitar here too?” Jonathan asks.
“Probably,” Eddie laughs. “Jeff tries to be very professional and like he’s above all of our bullshit, but that’s his celebrity persona, don’t let him fool you. He’s as much a dork and an idiot as the rest of us. He just hides it better.”
Jonathan laughs a little at that, before Eddie moves on, reading: “Getting Inspiration.”
The photo is of Chris and Eddie smoking a joint in the alley behind the studio. They’re hunched over, as if trying to hide what they’re doing, but they’re not very successful at it.
Eddie looks into the camera. “To all the young fans and old fans, who have asked me what some of our lyrics mean. If we have avoided answering for this long, it’s probably because they don’t, we were just high when we wrote them. I have explained in detail when a song was a metaphor for me sucking my husband’s dick, I’m not going to shy away from any other topics. Please don’t do this me.”
Both Argyle and Jonathan have started cackling throughout Eddie’s little spiel. Argyle giggles: “I liked your nonsense songs, they speak to me.”
“Thank you, Argyle,” Eddie grins.
Jonathan now addresses the audience: “This one wasn’t allowed to be published for obvious reasons. Somehow despite all the hard drug scandals, they didn’t want this picture out there.”
“Very rude honestly,” Eddie laughs, before moving onto the next one: “This is on the next page the first one, named Booth Buddies.”
It is is of the entire band around a microphone, headphones on their heads. They’re doing the backup vocals. It’s a small booth and they all have their arms wrapped around each other, so they can’t fall over.
“That was fun,” Eddie recalls with a big grin. “We nearly fell like twenty times, but we got to screaming backing vocals. It turned out great.”
“Yeah, I really like this photo. You all look so happy and carefree,” Jonathan says with a smile, before that falls away. “The label didn’t want to use this one, because they thought it was too intimate and would fan unwanted rumors.”
“AKA, they thought it looked gay,” Eddie frowns. “Which it wasn’t. Me and Gar are, the photo isn’t. It’s practically a crime to like your friends, honestly. I appreciated the opportunities they gave us, but man was I glad to be rid of them.”
“We all were,” Jonathan says. “Like this one of Robs, they wanted to use it to create media buzz, but Robin didn’t want it.”
“That was the worst,” Eddie says.
On screen a photo appears taken from the other side of the glass from the recording booth. Eddie is leaning over all the buttons, grinning wildly. Through the glass you can see Robin, trumpet to her lips.
“I never figured out why they didn’t end up using it anyway,” Jonathan says.
“Uhm, me- me, Stevie and Chris might have broken in after you told us and destroyed the copy they had of it,” Eddie confesses.
Jonathan’s eyes go wide as he exclaims: “You what!” before the video cuts.
When they get back, it seems like nothing has happened at all. Jonathan just says: “This one we named Chirping Bird, because Robin is also a bird and she’s making music with a brass instrument, so using air.”
“A lot of fans thought she was my wife, because we credited Robin Munson on the CD,” Eddie laughs. “She extorted so many free shit out of me under the guise of me having to be a good husband, which is so rude, since she never does that with Steve and he was her husband.”
“Steve didn’t need to be extorted,” Jonathan points out.
“True,” Eddie snorts.
“I also like that you’re in the directing booth here. You look so thrilled and pleased with it all. I think it shows your friendship as well as your dedication to music,” Jonathan says.
“It does,” Eddie agrees. “I like it too. We didn’t really keep with the order of the page, which one do we do next.”
“Gareth on the Drums?” Jonathan suggest and Eddie nods.
The photo is of Gareth behind his drums, surrounded by microphones as he goes nuts on his drum set. It is clearly not the first take, because his gray shirt is soaked in sweat, but he’s grinning despite the exertion.
“Gar hated that drum solo,” Eddie says. “He wrote it himself, but doing it was harder than expected. It took him so long to get it right. He collapsed on the ground when he finally got it.”
“He did,” Jonathan says. “The one used instead was when he took his shirt off a little later. Fan service and all that, but I liked the one with the shirt too.”
“It’s a good photo, he looks very hot,” Eddie winks, very happy with his pun, before clapping his hands and excitedly saying: “Let’s talk about my baby now.”
“Yeah, yeah, the other one is Surprise Visit,” Jonathan says. “Steve came with Robin to record her stuff, which was very well received.”
“It was great,” Eddie grins happily.
Surprise Visit is of the same couch in the studio. The entire band is sitting around it, but the focus is on Steve, who is sitting on Eddie’s lap, Eddie’s tattooed arms around him. Both of them are grinning, as the others look fondly amused.
Before either one can say anything there is some noise in the background. Jonathan smiles at whatever is happening, while Eddie exclaims: “Sweetheart, baby, come here,” as he makes grabby hands. “We were just talking about you.”
Steve’s voice is muffled as he replies: “Oh you’re doing that YouTube thingy right. Only saying good things about me, I hope.”
“Of course,” Eddie promises, tugging Steve into frame and onto his lap so he can plant multiple kisses right on his face.
At the gesture Steve giggles, kisses back, before he peers into the book and smiles: “Ahw, I loved coming to see you work.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, a little breathless. It’s unclear if it’s awe or from the kisses.
“Yeah,” Steve smiles. “You’re very hot when you’re concentrated and passionate and you know I love it when you sing.”
“Flatter me more,” Eddie laughs. “Wanna join us?”
“I can?” Steve asks.
“Jup,” Eddie tells him, punctuating the sentence with a kiss on Steve’s nose. “We wanted to talk about our wedding day after, care for an opportunity to do so without Jonathan being able to tell you to shut up?”
“Hell yeah, you know I do,” Steve grins.
It cuts and now Steve is sitting next to Eddie, close enough so they can share his mic. Jonathan says: “What I like about this photo is how effortlessly Steve is taken into the crowd. More casually dressed, their styles still aren’t compatible, but not as glaringly obvious. And Steve is quite literally embraced as he is. I think that’s neat.”
“On his little throne,” Eddie grins, kissing Steve’s cheek.
“Your thighs are comfortable and that couch was gross,” Steve comments.
“It was a pretty gross couch,” Eddie says, pulling a face.
“Totally,” Jonathan agrees as well, before flipping ahead to the next tab. “This is Corroded Coffin at the Writing Table in 1994.”
The photo is of Corroded Coffin. They’re working on lyrics, sitting around the table at the Munson apartment. Gareth is chewing on his pen, while Eddie and Jeff both have a lollipop in their mouths. A nicotine patch is visible on Eddie’s arm and Gareth’s neck.
“Oef, when I quit smoking,” Eddie says, recognizing it. “That was a rough time. Jeff and Gareth tried too, but it’s just so hard. I don’t blame them for starting again. Though Jeff is trying to quit again, so that’s good.”
“You were all very grumpy,” Steve recalls fondly, pinching Eddie’s side. “But I am glad you quit.”
“I’m glad you were there with me to get me through,” Eddie replies looking sappily into Steve’s eyes, as next to them Jonathan looks to where Argyle must be, looking the every bit the part of third wheel.
Jonathan clears his throat and only Steve has the decency to look apologetic, while Eddie goes on as if nothing is wrong and says; “We were all quite miserable. The album we made was quite a drag, honestly. Weirdly very nice to listen to when you’re high, but like, bad mood high.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve giggles.
“But you love me?” Eddie asks.
“Of course,” Steve tells him.
“Love you too.”
Jonathan doesn’t even bother with a smooth transition, instead he clears his throat and says: “I like that it’s less forced. You guys have become good at making any place homey, but it’s more casual, everyone is less aware of the fact that there’s a camera.”
“It’s always nicer when we get to come together in our own home,” Eddie agrees. “I think we wrote better songs then too.”
“I also liked it when you stayed home to write,” Steve says, hooking his chin over Eddie’s shoulder as Eddie’s hand naturally drifts up to pet the top of his head.
Jonathan moves onto the last tab in the book, flipping the page as he says: “This is a bit of a long title, but it fits. It’s called Europe Tour (If They Manage to Drag the Front Man There).”
The photo that appears on screen is of Eddie being pulled away by Gareth, hand reaching for Steve, who is reaching back, while Robin holds his other hand and Dustin has a hand on Steve’s shoulder. It kind of looks like a dramatic Baroque painting. The ones not pulling Eddie or holding Steve are waving.
“One plus side of your dramatics is that it makes for great pictures,” Jonathan says.
“We’re not that dramatic,” Steve frowns.
“Council has decided otherwise. Sorry, baby,” Eddie informs him.
“Homophobia,” Steve pouts, before saying: “But I do like this photo. I was very excited for you, but fuck did I not want you to go.”
“I didn’t want to go either,” Eddie tells him, leaning his head against Steve. “Jonny boy here captured that very well.”
“It was kind of hard to miss,” Jonathan snorts. “But it is a very good visual. I love photos that tell a story and this one sure does tell a story.”
“It does, I had a bruise on my shoulder from where Gar pulled on me,” Eddie says.
“Robs left nail indents on my hand,” Steve laughs.
“God, why are you two like this,” Jonathan asks no one in particular as he face palms.
“Any more or was this all?” Eddie asks, checking the side of the book for more tabs.
“That was it for now, since there’s only the Europe tour from the Corroded Coffin career and I didn’t go there,” Jonathan explains. “I was planning on doing this solo and I can’t really talk about where I wasn’t at.”
“And this video is already pretty long,” Argyle tells them from behind the camera.
“Then we’re stopping this one and doing our wedding next,” Eddie grins excitedly as Steve lets out a small cheer, the two of them high fiving.
Next to them, Jonathan looks a little like he’s regretting his life choices as he signs off: “That is a behind the scene of the photos about Corroded Coffin. Thank you so much for being here Eddie and Steve.”
“Was a pleasure,” Eddie grins. Then waves at the camera, Steve following his example, as Eddie says: “Bye everybody! Don’t forget to give Jon here some love and shit, he’s great.”
“Thanks,” Jonathan says, before also saying goodbye.
I will be doing the steddie wedding after, but it might take some time, please be patient :D
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missmaybe-not · 3 months
Ghosting Games & Glamour Shots: Is This My Reality Now?
Greetings, Maybe Nots and Maybe Yeses! I’m Back with a (Slightly Bewildered) Update!
First and foremost, mea culpa for missing another week. This time, no exotic adventures or charming strangers to blame. Life threw some curveballs, and I needed to take a step back, recharge, and mentally ground myself. Dating? Let's just say it was on hold while I hit the pause button (or not).
Meanwhile, in the Land of Mixed Signals: Speaking of hitting pause, that seems to be the theme with my potential suitors! Military Man reappeared at work for a whirlwind 30-minute visit. His words? "Just dropping by for a kiss." And kiss me he did (smooth operator, I'll give him that). No complaints there, but seriously, love warriors, a quick smooch and a dash isn't exactly setting the world on fire. Especially after what happened with Mr. Miscommunication.
After the kiss-and-dash act, Military Man's messages went radio silent again. He's a social media stalker extraordinaire, watching every story I post but offering zilch in conversation. I tried initiating a chat, seeking some answers, but all I got were question marks or monosyllables that left me more confused than ever. Did something happen? Crickets.
New Guy: The Plot Thickens... Across the border, things were (somewhat) different with New Guy. He was the chatty one, the one who kept the conversation flowing even during his own personal mishaps. Lately, though, the tide seems to be turning. He sent a photo yesterday, all dressed up and clearly ready for a night out. When I asked where he was headed, the answer was as mysterious as his behaviour today. His overall tone shifted – he seemed happier, but also distant. Did he meet someone special on his island? Or is there something else brewing he's not ready to share, and using the kids as an excuse for the sudden change? This whole situation has left me with some serious cold feet about my possible upcoming trip. New Guy does seem interested in me visiting, but his recent behaviour has thrown me off balance.
Dating Pool Blues So, love warriors, here I am, head spinning from the inconsistency of both Mr. Miscommunication and Military Man. The "whys" and "why nots" of their behaviour are enough to drive a girl crazy. Some days, I just want to throw in the towel on the entire dating scene. Some others, I think I should add up to the mess as these potential options feel more like backups than real possibilities. And some other days, the hopeless romantic in me fantasises about Mr. Miscommunication waking up and declaring his undying love (insert major eye roll here).
The Verdict? Still undecided. Stay tuned for the next chapter of this international dating adventure! In the meantime, send virtual hugs and maybe a shot (or bottle) of tequila (because, honestly, this needs all the help it can get!).
P.S. Do any of you love warriors have experience with guys who are all charm and no action? Or the disappearing act specialists? Hit me with your advice in the comments!
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
over the horizon is the great machine of death
a/n: chapter 212 gutted me, like I'm sure it did to many others. I wrote this immediately after, but had to wait for further chapters to make sure that my guesses were mostly correct. I don't think gege will kill maki (... knock on wood. knocking on so much wood, going to redwood forest to kiss a blessedly tall tree), so I decided not to wait any longer. This piece is consistent with the rest of the "my younger years" fic chain. Title comes from The Curtain
summary: you knew that there was nothing you could do, but there really is nothing you can do. ghosts will keep pealing away the last pieces that matter
c/w: spoilers, the whole thing is spoilers, parent-child relationship between reader and the fushiguro siblings
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Up north, it is already cold. Over the blue slate cliffs, grey clouds press down like the palm of god. Hello rises up to meet them, dissipating all too quickly.
You know who it is. You hope - no you wish because what good is hope for a sorcerer - for good news while hello drifts in the air. Too many other options wait for their dark names to be spoken out loud.
Maki is very quiet on the end of the line.
In that long moment, everything is alright.
"We lost Megumi."
She says it without inflection, and the first thing you think of is her sister. Nothing would be able to compare to losing the other half of yourself, the person who had been with you for the entire arch of your life.
"What to you mean 'lost'?"
It's a stupid question. You've gotten this call before. Lost means gone means dead, but lost also means slipped out of your pocket, set somewhere out of sight, don't know where it went, might find it between the couch cushions later.
Megumi was once that small. Satoru had sat on him, muffling his furious outrage, pretending not to know where he was when you tried to ask Megumi what he wanted to wear on his weekend field trip. Tsumiki had played along, told you his bags were already packed. You'd found out from the pictures that Satoru had kept you from finding a kumamon bucket hat, little black ears poking from the brim. Megumi wore it and a put upon expression in almost every photo from the trip.
Take your lives
Had they encountered... the colonies weren't impossible to enter but surely the thing wearing stolen skin wouldn't risk joining the cull. And together he and Yuuji should be able to handle a special grade curse. Megumi had mentioned the bridge in an abbreviated text and the students' mission reports said the rest.
He would only have refused to listen if Tsumiki was...
"It was Sukuna." Maki's voice carries the edges of anger.
"What happened to Yuuji?" you ask, incredulous. He'd had it under control, even at three quarters cursed.
"He's fine."
"How can he be fine? Maki, what happened?"
And she tells you, stopping and starting again as she finds the words. You imagine you hear a shiver in her voice to match the roar and creak of ice as it springs up from nothing, dries out the city for three blocks around the epicenter.
What had been the last thing you'd said to him?
You'd said a lot over the years. For all of Megumi's resistance to being burdened by others he took on a lot. There had been a time when you thought he didn't like you talking, but when you had fallen silent for too long, he would ask some question or press close to add his hands to yours in whatever you were doing. Always afraid to ask for too much.
"Tsumiki is lost too?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
His sister was possibly the only person in the world for whom Megumi would first think to live.
There's a murmured interlude on the other side of the phone. You force your feet to move, take you further up the slope, keeping the crash of the ocean in your ears. You can't blunder about blindly. The boundaries out here cut cell signal as easily as they do perception. No amount of boosting the bricky satellite phone's capabilities is going to fix that.
"She's one of the reincarnated players now," Maki says, and it takes a great of amount of self control not to break something or scream into the cold sea-salted wind.
Tsumiki who had never been sure if she wanted magic to be real or not, who let her brother go out with someone who was barely an adult, whom she forced herself to trust even when her brother returned with dull eyes and slumped shoulders. Tsumiki who wanted to believe that there was good in the world anyways, that maybe there was something sacred and precious about a world that would have thrown her away without a thought, the strongest of you all for keeping her heart alive.
"Are you still in--?"
"Yeah." You're trembling, insides gone shaky and cold. Distantly, you know this is shock and that you should get moving before Maki hears it. "I have a meeting with one of their captains in the morning, if I can make it in time."
Hokkaido is peaceful, readying itself for winter. In the morning, frost crackled across the windows of the wheezing, ancient car you bought for cash off some farmer at the coast. You had to abandon the car to walk the rest of the way to the barrier, but you were reassured by some bowing attendant, who had taken the keys with as much reverence as if they belonged to the seven geared monstrosity Satoru had bought for you, that the antique you'd arrived in would be well cared for as you braved the Ainu trials.
"Good luck," Mai says gravely.
"You too," you say quietly.
You hope that somewhere on the other side, Yuuji can hear you. You don't know what comes next for them, the plan insofar blown beyond hell, but they will need it when they go to bring the bodies back.
You share another long silence with her. You'd looked forward to teaching her. Only age and experience and the fading words of someone long gone had given you anything she didn't already have, but you'd looked forward to seeing her only get better, to tallying the matches between her and Yuuta and seeing if you could find Toge something that suited his gentle hands.
You'd looked forward to a lot of things.
The line goes dead with a tiny click.
One leaden step after another, you turn away from the cliffs.
It's too much. Surely all of this is more than one person will have to bear in their lifetime. No wonder sorcerers die young.
The giggle that escapes your mouth has you wobbling sideways, hand going to the rough bark of a tall pine spearing upwards. Its stripped trunk creaks higher above you. If you wanted, you could pull that movement through the trunk and shatter the whole thing from the crown to roots.
You grip your head, fingers tight against your scalp, heel of your palm pressed to your temple. Get it together. But all you can see are the kids, yours and not yours - bright eyed weekends at cafes and book shops with Tsumiki, sharing late evening teas with Megumi while he honed the focus needed to maintain his summons, their subdued delight when Satoru swung them high in his arms, the tug of a hand at your sleeve when you changed a record on the turntable.
The shaking in your body has to go somewhere and with your legs feeling weak, the tremors escape through your mouth, pilling together until they escape as an unstoppable laugh. Your other hand comes up to grip your head too, as though to keep your mind contained inside.
For the first time since that single terrible dream, you want Satoru out of the box, if only so he could lay eyes on Megumi and Tsumiki and tell you if there was any hope left at all. But just as quickly, you are again you're glad he's not, because he'd take it on himself to look their familiar bodies in the eye and lay them to rest.
Laughter is a poor wrapper for such a bitter pastille, but you can't seem to stop throwing it out in plumes of steam.
If you had been born without your curse, you'd never know about any of this at all. Even losing it all now to a sorcerer's inevitable end, from a place so far you cannot even imagine doing more than you already are, you should be grateful, you are grateful, that this was yours for even a moment.
You are your anger, and that empty, echoing, hollow place inside of you seems only to grow further with every gasping howl. Something worse is cracking loose. Your eyes sting with it.
There is no other world where you do not lose them. There is only this, and the sudden empty void where that boy and that girl, who you had once helped raise, have finally met their worse than normal ends.
Somehow, that thought is what is most unbearable, bad enough to cut sound from your throat.
Even though you want so badly for it to be possible (and so far away from where it happened maybe you can be allowed to want, just for a moment), even Satoru had said the odds of another vessel like Yuuji were incredibly slim, once in a thousand years slim.
If there was any single miracle in the world, it would bring back Fushiguro Megumi. But for all its magic, neither world he belonged to had ever trafficked much in miracles.
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