#I watched these movies on 13 Dec 2022
kairukitsuneo · 2 years
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My movie night (Week 4) [Just Dance] Charlie Babbitt & Raymond Babbitt Ren & Willard
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dearly-somber · 10 months
Haircut | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), humor, found family, angst, drama, eventual romance, eventual smut, high school!au
-> w/c. 1982
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. This ended so silly so goofy smdhjaheb
-> warnings. None!!
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Aug. 14th, 2022 @ 19:49
-> fin. Thurs., Nov. 20th, 2023 @ 04:43
-> edited. Fri., Dec. 1st, 2023 @ 12:55
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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“You’re kidding right?”
Jungkook pouts, looking down at his hands with a furrow in his brow. “No…”
Y/N laughs, rocking forward to smack his knee familiarly. “You seriously got detention because your hair was too long? That’s ridiculous!”
“I know,” he whines, running a hand through said hair and sighing deeply as he lays back with his legs crossed, splaying his arms over the bed.
Y/N giggles as she stands, sympathetically patting his shoulder. “Is there really no way out of it?”
“Not unless I can book an appointment before school tomorrow.” Y/N cringes. “Yeah,” he sighs.
It’s so dumb. He didn’t get in trouble the entire week! Not one teacher mentioned it, and then during his last period on a Thursday evening, bam! Detention slip. And, obviously, it was from his least favorite teacher, Ms Kang, who he was pretty sure hated his guts for no other reason than she couldn’t fuck him. He’s honestly surprised that she hasn’t been reported for sexual harassment yet, but he swears if she touches his shoulder in class one more time…
Jungkook’s brought back to the present at the sound of drawers opening and closing, his attention piqued. The thing that spurs him into motion is the realization that Y/N is rummaging through his drawers and she might accidentally happen upon his underwear.
“What’re you looking for?” he asks, pushing up off the bed to sit with his feet hanging off the side.
“A comb.” She closes his sock drawer with a sigh. “Do you have one?”
His eyes flit to the hand she has wrapped around the dreaded underwear drawer handle. “In my bathroom. Why?”
She mutters to herself, “‘Course it’s in the bathroom, why didn’t I think of that?” Then, louder, “Wanna comb your hair first.”
“‘First’?” Jungkook repeats quizzically.
“Mm,” she hums, turning to him with a smile. “Gonna cut it for you.”
His eyes widen. “Seriously?”
“Sure!” She pulls him into the bathroom by his wrist, crouching to dig through his sink cupboard and turning back to him with a smile on her face and a comb in her hand.
“Uh…” Jungkook isn’t sure what to think. Does he like it when she plays with his hair? Yes. Does he trust her with his life? More than yes.
But his hair?
“I think I’d rather just go to detention…”
She punches his arm with a shake of her head. “My dad’s a barber, dickhead. I’m gonna get the water ready so long—can you change into swim shorts?”
“I…” Jungkook wants to say no and drag her back to bed so they could watch their silly little dramas and forget about how their plans to go to the movies tomorrow would be canceled because of some stupid detention slip, but Y/N’s eyes are sparkling and her voice is light, so he groans instead.
She smiles knowingly, turning her back to him as she starts fiddling with the handles in the bath, the water running as he goes to change, closing the bathroom door behind him.
He pulls his pants down and briefly considers changing out of his boxers before ultimately deciding to keep it on under the plain black swimming trunk he pulls out of his bottommost drawer.
He’s a little nervous for whatever Y/N has planned, but more than that, he’s excited. Whatever this is, he can feel deep in his stomach it’s going to be domestic and likely set his wolf off in the most pleasant way.
As he enters the bathroom, his eyes fall on Y/N. She’s standing inside the bath with her pants rolled up just under her knees, her shirt sleeves rolled up above her elbow, a comb and a bottle of shampoo in her hands.
“Well?” She beckons him closer. “What’re you waiting for?” Jungkook lets out a baffled laugh. She leads him inside the bathtub before gently pressing down on his shoulders so he’s facing the wall with his back to her, his legs crossed in front of him.
He feels Y/N slot her feet next to him, feels how her legs cocoon his arms. The water is pleasantly warm around his lap as she begins brushing through his unruly strands of hair.
She giggles softly. “I can’t believe you didn’t cut your hair,” she says, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I didn’t think it was long enough to get me in trouble,” he grumbles with his eyes closed. “We grow our hair out all the time, so no one thought it would be an issue.”
Truthfully, Jungkook didn’t want to cut it because he knew Y/N liked it long, and wanted an excuse to keep it that way.
She tsks playfully, dragging the comb from the very top of his head (literally an inch short of his forehead) all the way down to the shorter strands of hair at his nape. “Guess it gives me an excuse to play with your hair, huh?”
“Guess so,” he mumbles, his chest warm and bubbly. “I didn’t know your dad was a barber,” he says.
“I guess it’s never really come up in conversation,” she replies, setting the comb aside and reaching for the detachable shower-head. She tests the temperature on her palm, water dripping onto the side of Jungkook’s arm before she interrupts with a little gasp, “Shit! I forgot about your shirt.”
“It’s fine.” Jungkook waves her off. “I’ll change into a different one when you’re done.”
“You’re sure?”
Jungkook imagines Y/N skeptically biting her lip. “Alright. Lemme know if the water’s too hot, yeah?”
Jungkook grunts as a reply, a soft noise leaving his lips without him meaning to at the feel of the water on his scalp.
She runs her fingers over his head, cupping her hands over his eyes to stop the water from going into his face.
“Did…did your dad teach you how to do all this stuff?” Jungkook asks, his brows furrowing as his wolf croons at the way Y/N lathers shampoo into his hair.
“Yeah, kinda,” she replies focused-sounding. “He took me to work sometimes, so I watched him a lot. Picked up on most of it that way, if I wasn’t asking questions.”
“That sounds really nice,” he mumbles distractedly, smiling softly at the image of baby-Y/N being taught how to wash one of those Barbie head’s hair properly.
“It was.” She makes sure to get the shampoo in the hair behind his ears as well. Jungkook can’t help but sigh contentedly, unable to find it in himself to care when Y/N giggles teasingly.
“You good?” she asks, a smile in her voice.
“Feels really nice,” Jungkook replies softly, his heart probably beating slow enough to make a cardiologist worry for his health.
After Y/N lathers the shampoo on, she rinses his hair out, applies conditioner, rinses that out, and then gently taps his shoulder. “C’mon Wolfy, let’s go downstairs.”
Jungkook smiles wide at her offended pout, throwing the towel she hands him over his shoulders. “Nothing, nothing.”
“Whatever,” she humphs. “Go down to the kitchen when you’re done changing so we can cut your hair.”
Jungkook salutes. “On it!”
“Okay, you ready?” Y/N asks, excitedly snipping the scissors next to his ear.
Even though Jungkook feels his stomach drop, he puts on a brave face. “Let’s go!”
Y/N grins, running the comb through his hair one last time before pulling the longer strands of hair at the nape of his neck between her forefinger and middle finger, waiting a second before quickly snipping off the hair.
“Your hair’s gotten so long…”
“Should you be talking right now? Shouldn’t you focus on not cutting off too much?”
“Yah!” Y/N laughs in disbelief as she smacks his shoulder with the fist she has closed around the comb, tsking disappointedly as she continues snipping at his hair. She moves strategically around the back of his head, eventually maneuvering around to the front to cut his bangs.
“Seriously though, your hair’s grown a lot. I didn’t think you’d ever let it get this long.” She brushes through his hair again.
“Why?” he asks with closed eyes, both to keep the conversation going and also out of genuine curiosity.
She shrugs. “I dunno. You just never seemed like a long-hair kinda guy? It looks good on you, though. The long hair, I mean.”
“What else would you mea—stop hitting me!” Jungkook pouts as he brings a hand up to rub at his bicep, scowling under his bangs.
“Just…shut up. Stop nitpicking everything I say.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Don’t be mad, eh?” He reaches out to tug at her shirt, smiling satisfied when she huffs defeatedly and pats his hand before she starts cutting bangs.
“All hairstyles look good on you, though. It’s kind of unfair, actually.”
Jungkook scoffs, letting his eyes drift closed as Y/N grabs the blow-dryer (which he assumes she brought down from one of the bathrooms) and plugs it into a socket on the wall. She starts it up, then immediately stops.
He turns his head to the side to look at her. “What?”
“I’ve never thought to ask, but does the sound not hurt your ears?”
Jungkook frowns for a second, then lights up in understanding the next. “Oh! No, not really. It’s loud, sure, but you’d have to have really sensitive ears for it to hurt.”
“Ah, okay.” Y/N nods as she puts one hand on his shoulder, standing behind him. “Just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t hurt you.”
As the blow dryer turns on and drowns out any attempt at conversation, Jungkook can’t help but smile to himself.
She doesn’t want to hurt him. That’s a relief. Hopefully, she won’t have to. Soon, right? At the very least, Jungkook knows any hurt isn’t intentional…
“Alright! We’re done!”
You set the dryer to the side as you pull the plug out of the socket, walking around to look at the finished product of your hard work, only to find him asleep.
You smile softly at the way Jungkook’s chin rests against his chest, lips slightly parted in sleep. His hair is not only shorter now (even though you kept some of the length, because you couldn’t find it in yourself to cut it all off), but it’s clean and fluffy and it makes you want to run your fingers through it.
Which you do—you reach out and card your fingers through his bangs and over his scalp, just kind of fondly staring at him while he sleeps, before realizing that that might be a bit weird.
“Jungkook?” Your voice is softer than you meant it to be, but you don’t mind. He’s so innocent when he’s asleep, it’s kind of awe-inducing. “Kookie?”
“Mngf?” Jungkook’s eyes open blearily, confusedly sitting straighter in his chair as he takes in his surroundings.
“I’m done, Koo. Go lay down on the couch if you’re feeling tired, you’ll hurt your neck.”
He grumbles something under his voice as he gets up from the chair, towering over you (damn his long legs).
Your eyes widen in surprise when Jungkook sleepily stumbles toward you, nuzzling into your neck as his arms wrap weakly around your middle. “Thanks, Bunny.”
You’re beyond happy that Jungkook can’t read minds, because in that moment you find yourself—for the split of a second—thinking about Jungkook in a not-so-best-friend way. “Sure, Kook.”
He drags himself to the couch, unceremoniously climbing over the back and flopping onto his stomach with a loud oof.
You press the back of your hands to your cheeks in order to cool them down, shaking yourself free of the stupid butterflies in your stomach as you grab a broom and sweep your best friend’s auburn hair out to the backyard.
Stupid haircut…
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jingledbells · 6 months
OH ALSO . for that one fandom/ship/character ask game!!!
6, 9 and 13 for gravity falls
2 and 11 for fiddauthor
anddd 17 and 20 for stan and mabel :3
gravity falls 6,9,13
6) I think I already told you but I loveeee Mabel and ford!!! sweater twins my beloved ahhhh I care for them deeply. I really do wish they had more interactions cuz when they do they're so sweet!!Mabel clearly is in awe of ford as much as dipper is and ford has nothing but kind things to say about his niece
9) Mabel and Pacifica DEFINTLEY. Ive seen a post explaining how mabel should've been the one to assist Pacifica in northwest mansion mystery and honestly I agree. they're so silly together aghhhh. also smth tells me that lumity may or may not have been somewhat inspired by them. to an extent
13) hmmmmmm probably dipper and Pacifica. I think they have a nice friendship but I don't like how they're overshipped a lot of the times
fiddauthor 2 and 11
2) LIKE HELL I SHIP IT. I think I've also told you this before but I am. so ill about them. hhhhhhhh. I ship them cuz....uh idk I just kinda SAW them and was immidietlay captivated by them...like I was hypnotized...even from before ford was revealed I went 'GAY' in my seat while watching em'...they also remind me of petrigrof a LOT which is probably why they enraptured me so(previous brainrot which messed up my mind/pos)...they're just so tragic and so queer coded and have my gay ass in a chokehold wahhhhh
11) I shipped them from before I even INTERACTED with the fandom. like the moment I watched society of the blind eye I thought they were kinda gay tm. and then I watched atots and the rest of the show and I was forever changed. and then I googled them to see if they exist(well ofc they do but I had my doubts) and then from that moment on I was insane. all happened in Dec 27th 2022. and then I joined Tumblr January 2023 and started to consume them even more
mabel 17 and 20:
17) honestly that's a tough one. I know on the outside depending on what genre Mabel would probably have a hard time at first but something tells
20) shes pan and enby+transfem!! she doesn't really care about gender(regarding hers and people she likes) and kinda just likes to have fun with it!! uses she/it/they/he/xe(uses a bunch of neopronouns but Im still thinking of them)
stan 17 and 20:
17) yeass he would indeed...the scareoke episode he was SERVING beating the crap out of those zombies. if he was in alien he would be Ripley and be one of the only survivors...that's if it was a slasher or a zombie movie I'm not exactly sure on psychological horror or ghosts yet
20) HE HAS *THE* AROALLO SWAG. he doesn't really feel romantic attraction to anyone but it takes him quite a bit for him to figure that out. I like to think Mabel definitely helped him :] wahh aro stan I'd kill for you. he's also very bi and very transmasc(LOOK AT THE FUCKING SHIRTS HE WEARS. YOU CANNOT TELL ME IM WRONG), but he's also genderfluid to me. that one bit where he's watching the dutchess and she says 'i may be a dutchess...but I'm ALSO a WOMAN!!' and stan cries and says 'its just like my life!!! in a way', that part did NOT escape me. like sir, care to elaborate on what you meant? there is nothing cis about that man I can tell you. he has such gender envy
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
March 2023 BL/GL Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows I’ve watched or am watching in March 2023, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month:
So Long, See You Tomorrow is only available in film festivals I think? So I had to watch it on a bootleg site but it's worth it, especially for people who like this sort of movie where young men are friends and also possibly boyfriends but are separated for reasons and then the story takes place a decade or two later a la His (2020), Your Name Engraved Herein, Life: Love On The Line, etc. This one has a fun parallel universes thing to it though but it's still got the slow, slice-of-life vibe to it rather than any hard sci-fi
Moonlight Chicken = Derry Girls S1
Happiness = Derry Girls S2 = Derry Girls S3 = A Shoulder To Cry On = So Long, See You Tomorrow
Island Part 1
Island Part 2
The New Employee - Dropped
Average Rating: 6.4/10
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Island Part 1
Island Part 2
Koi Desu: Yankee-kun to Hakujou Garu: Certified Noonas recommended it and I thought it was funny that she's a blind so she's like what he's a nice guy when everybody warns her against him
Circle: The Certified Noona Natalia's favourite show and apparently it's a good sci-fi. Also a Yeo Jin-goo show
The Crowned Clown: another Yeo Jin-goo show and I've heard good things
Kingdom (2019): I liked Happiness enough and am curious about a historical zombie drama
A Shoulder to Cry On
So Long, See You Tomorrow (2021): saw a clip last month from this tweet (twitter.com/beansxooo/status/1630016040473178119) and got around to finally adding it to MDL
Our Dating Sim
Tomorrow (2022): The Certified Noona recommendation I think. Grim reapers :>
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 56
To Watch List At End Of Month: 56 (heh, it stayed the same)
Removed from To Watch List:
Self (2022) - unlikely I'll ever watch it
Our Beloved Summer (2022) - I do like exes-to-lovers which is why I originally added it but I think I'd get really frustrated with them breaking up multiple times over 16 eps (as somebody said). I saw a tiktok of them in high school years teasing each other and that was really cute though
Once Again (2022) - unlikely I'll ever watch it
Watching On-Air
Completely Watched
Moonlight Chicken
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Feb 8, 2023 - Mar 2, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 1 - 6, 2023
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: It's a good one! High quality with good acting and interesting storylines that are unique in BL. It didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to hit some other people though and I'm not thinking about it much at all since finishing. I think Jim/Wen's relationship was one of the weakest aspects of the show to me because I didn't care nor did I really feel anything. I loved Heart and Li Ming, I enjoyed getting to see Jim grow and also how his relationship with Li Ming changed, I liked getting to see Wen and Alan's flashbacks and to present tense relationship, I like Gaipa showing up once in a while to be bright, I thought Gaipa and Leng's interactions were funny, I loved Li Ming as a character so much, I wished to be him so badly.
tags: moonlight chicken
Also Appears In: Moonlight Chicken Live Blogging
Island Part 1
Country: South Korean
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Watch Dates: Mar 14 - 15, 2023
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: The main female lead was whatever, wish she was just good at something. Whether it be fighting demons, fighting back via kindness and empathy, or actual power due to her status/wealth/connections. She's not the worst ever because she can still stand up for herself and she has personality but I mourn that they've written her like this. Van is just fucking boring and I don't care. My beloved Johan <3333 I liked his charming, cocky, beautiful character who was so intrigued by everything going on as if he really was 20 and curious about everything but also I liked his apprehension when it came down to it. The storyline with his brother was so T.T Also curious to see the evil brother half-demon Guntan and his sidekick niece Yeom-ji. They're both pretty cool compared to our 2 main characters. I wish the show flowed better in terms of the sequence of scenes and pacing and the main characters were more intriguing.
tags: island
Also Appears In: Island Part 1 Live Blogging
Island Part 2
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Watch Dates: Mar 16 - 17, 2023
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: Literally how was it worse than part 1? Especially when we focused more on Guntan and Yeom-ji than fuckass Miho and Van? Maybe because of less focus on Johan (I wanna know his backstoryyyyyy) and also just incomprehensible writing/plot direction. Yeomji and Johan my beloveds + Guntan being cool were the highlights. Hated the dumbass cliffhanger ending. such a forgettable show.
tags: island (Search s2)
Also Appears In: Island Part 2 Live Blogging
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 5, 2021 - Dec 11, 2021
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 18 - 23, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: Good but not great. I liked the first quarter and last quarter most because there was more action whereas the middle half was slower and was more people-based. There were different characters who had distinct personalities/circumstances and I like the fucked-in-the-head neighbours trope but most of the side characters were pretty one-dimensional. I wish we got to see some actual proper satisfying murder. The romance was barely there but it was still cute. I liked how comfortable they were with each other and I liked the platonic/non-romantic moments as well.
tags: happiness
Also Appears In: Happiness Live Blogging
Derry Girls S1
Country: UK
Release Dates: Jan 4, 2018 - Feb 8, 2018
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 24, 2023
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: This was pretty fun overall since I haven't watched much Irish television nor do I know many Irish people, so it was fun to get to peek into the culture and vibe of the 1990s Ireland through this. Also, the girls are all so different and also terrible in many ways; I do love it when characters are people I'd hate it real life and I don't think I'd be able to stand any of these people (maybe Clare, maybe James), so it's fun to see them go around wreaking havoc.
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
Derry Girls S2
Country: UK
Release Dates: Mar 5, 2019 - Arp 9, 2019
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 25, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: Still very fun, though there were some that weren't as good/funny in the middle. Liked the little emotional moment with James at the end. Love Orla being a girl who's a boy and James being a boy who's a girl (and this time he agrees to being a Derry Girl rather than them slagging him for being a girl/gay).
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
Derry Girls S3
Country: UK
Release Dates: Apr 12, 2023 - May 18, 2023
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates: Mar 26, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: I don't know how to feel about the ending - it was touching but certainly a different tone than the other episodes, but it still had enough of the same vibes. It was good season but I'm not yearning for more.
tags: derry girls
Also Appears In: Derry Girls Live Blogging
The New Employee - DROPPED
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 21, 2022 - Feb 1, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 27 - 28, 2023
Rating: --/10
Overall Impression: It's sad that I've watched worse kBLs but since I had some expectations while going into this, it's more disappointing. I don’t really care for boss/employee romances in general and i think the fact that it’s positioned as wholesome/cute here so far isn’t working for me. if you’re gonna have the boss kiss the intern out of the blue while said intern is drunk, it needs to be framed in more of a rancid way for it to still be fun; dabble more with the weird power dynamics and lean into the bad vibes lol
tags: the new employee
Also Appears In: The New Employee Live Blogging
A Shoulder to Cry On
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 15, 2023 - Mar 29, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Mar 28 - 29, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: I really liked the first 5 episodes when there was so much contempt but Taehyun couldn't stop himself from terrorizing or goading Da Yeol and Da Yeol couldn't stop noticing how beautiful Taehyun was, and then the friendship that bloomed in that but still with an edge. I didn't quite get the reason for separation in episode 6 and think the last episode was cutesy but out-of-character sort of. Still, overall a pretty good one; reminds me of a mix of Blueming and Utsukushii Kare. I was giddy so many times while watching this, especially the first half and was clutching my head and curling my toes despite it not being romantic, just full of tension.
tags: a shoulder to cry on
Also Appears In: A Shoulder To Cry On Live Blogging
So Long, See You Tomorrow
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 4, 2021
Watch Via: :> (it's only shown in film festivals or something)
Watch Dates: Mar 31, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: No matter what I think about the story/character/acting in these types of movies like this, along with His (2020), Life: Love On The Line, Your Name Engraved Herein, they make me feel a certain way. Even if I don't cry, some parts make have slightly glassy eyes and my chest constricts with the emotions. These feel human in a specific way and I can't take it always, but these drawn-out, slice-of-life movies where young men are separated and then reunite to be friends/lovers decades later is so good. Also I thought it was funny that I kept waiting for the parallel universes to come into it without realizing when we'd slipped into a different universe lol Also, this whole movie we got to see how Kang Hyun affected Dongjoon but Dongjoon affected Kang Hyun enough for him to write about parallel universes in his novel
Also Appears In: So Long, See You Tomorrow Live Blogging
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karthik82 · 2 years
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Four recent sketches • The first one is a drawing of Thing from the show "Wednesday", where the disembodied hand was actually performed by actor @victor.dorobantu and his body was removed with CG. There is this shot where the hand gives the finger to someone, which is a very funny visual, and that reminded me of a similar thing in "Evil Dead II" where Ash saws off his possessed hand, and the hand starts running about, and in one scene, does show him the finger. I drew that as well. There is one 'theory' video that I've seen where they mention that "The Addams Family" / "Wednesday" and "Evil Dead II" are from the same studio and related, which is not correct. When @mahartified @mangopenciler2.0 @vamshibhasham @curlyhairedrascal and I met at @vanlavino, I did carry my sketchbook and like Vamshi, I also drew one of their tacos. And the last sketch is a small one of Giancarlo Esposito as Leo / Ray from the show "Kaleidoscope", which is the first movie / TV show of 2023 that I watched in 2023. This is interesting because, it's an 8 episode limited series which can be watched in different orders. There are eight episodes colour coded, like Yellow, Pink, Green etc and Netflix shows each viewer a random ordering (always ending on White though). I was thinking this could be a possible interview question, where the task is to give a logic for this random ordering! The story is centred around a heist, and the episodes take place at different points of time (like six weeks before the heist, seven years before, etc). It was engaging, well acted and interesting — my order was Yellow, Green, Orange, Violet, Blue, Red, Pink, White and I thought it was a good order. Perhaps not the best heist story ever and I felt a bit let down by certain aspects of the ending but still very good. All these sketches were done with Bic ballpoint pen on A6 Campap sketchbook and these are scanned versions. Wednesday (2022) Created by Miles Millar and Alfred Gough #709 / 23-Dec-22 Evil Dead II (1987) Directed by Sam Raimi #712 / 13-Jan-23 Kaleidoscope (2023) Created by Eric Garcia #713 / 13-Jan-23 #karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch #ballpointpensketch #ballpointpen (at Secunderabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnV1WV3LydK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slade-neko · 2 years
End of the Year Questionnaire!
Saw some End of the Year questionnaire thing going around and wanted to do it. If anything for myself as a way to review this year.
1. Song of the year? Alestorm ~ P.A.R.T.Y.
No brainer here. This song has been living rent free in my head for the last 7 months since its release. 🤘🏻
2. Album of the year? Dragon Ball Z: Movie 8 - Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan
Not new by any means, but dang watching this movie again this year and hearing that early 2000's American metal soundtrack. Ingredients for an EPIC childhood right there. 🤘🏻😝🤘🏻
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Alestorm ~ The pirate power metal band
Pirate Metal is the genre I didn't realize I needed in my life until I heard them.
4. Movie of the year? Dragon Ball Z: Movie 8 - Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan
Again, not new, but I rewatched it for the first time in YEARS and it was just as glorious, if not more so, than the last time I watched it. That 1993 animation and again, the English dub metal soundtrack hit me HARD! Broly's still my favorite DBZ villain even if he's non-canon. The idea of an bloodthristy evil Saiyan, let alone an incredibly powerful Legendary Super Saiyan, is such an interesting concept.
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5. TV show of the year?
I rarely watch TV outside of anime... might have to go with the new My Hero Academia season. The non-stop action and fight scenes has been very welcome.
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Nothing stands out at this moment... but to go along with the previous answer, there was that one episode where Mirko kicks the ever living daylights outta those disgusting freakazoid Nomus in MHA was pretty dang cool! Go, bunny! 🐇
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7. Favorite actor of the year? Nobody!
I don't idolize people. That way I can't be disappointed when they inevitably let me down. 🙃
8. Game of the year? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (PC PORT)
Technically an unofficial re-release, BUT without a doubt this is my GOTY. Absolutely freakin' phenomenal. It's objectively the BEST video game ever created finally freed from it's console shackles on PC Master Race. Seriously, 60 fps, true widescreen, gyro support, restorations, gameplay enhancements, built-in randomizer, mod support, RESHADE, you name it. Fans always treat Nintendo's games better than Nintendo and this clearly shows it. Bless the team behind the Ship of Harkinian port. They made a lot of dreams come true this year.
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9. Best month for you this year?
Every month I draw breath is a good one!
10. Something that made you cry this year?
HA! I don't cry, but no seriously I feel like there was something I watched this year that made me teary-eyed, but I can't remember... Oh, well, must've not been that important then!
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Play more old games. 🎮
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year.
I don't make new friends, BUT my best friend I haven't seen since 9th grade of high school visited me in person for the first time in nearly 13 YEARS! Let me tell you something, best friends are the ones that will never fade over time and will always be there. That's amazing and I'm lucky to have 'em! 🤗
13. How was your birthday this year?
I aged. Another reminder of my fleeting mortality. 💀
14. Favorite book you read this year?
I don't read books. 🚫📚
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
I don't do bad habits.
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year.
Jan 13th, 2022. My first Sims screenshot of the year. Deadpool staring at the camera while lightsaber dueling one of my Miqo'te OCs.
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17. Post a picture from the end of the year.
Dec 6th, 2022. Aaand my last screenshot of the year... is a smug shirtless Sasuke. Well okay.
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18. A memorable meal this year?
Pizza 🍕 (probably the one I shared with my long time friend if I'm going to be sappy about it.)
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Playing more video games.
20. What’s something you learned this year?
By far the biggest lesson I learned is new things suck! Nothing is better than the old stuff. Games, shows, all of it. Too many remakes/ reboot cash grabs that are shameful in comparison to the classics.
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Nothing. It's exactly the same. Just the way I want it. WELL I might have a few more anime figures and a Monokuma plush that I didn't have before...
23. Favorite place you visited this year?
Wait... did I leave my house this year?
24. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."
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25. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Play more old games. 🌟 Yeah, I did and I want to play MORE! 🕹️
26. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year?
I assume this means OC's... Well uhh, I made a lot of sims recreations, not many OC's. I guess I just don't have a lot of "original" creativity! Oh, but there was that werewolf girl I designed. She's cool!
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ellcrys · 9 months
A tad bit late with this post, but another year, another go! I took out rewatches this time. I... did not watch that many movies this year lol. Comparatively, at least. :P
Some comments:
The Whale - I mean kudos to the entire cast they gave some fantastic performances, but man. I was not about the main character's attitude and the overall dreary atmosphere.
Marcel the Shell - idk man it just wasn't my jam I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Strong year for animation it seems as the only two that made my "loved" tier were Puss in Boots and Spider-Verse
Highly highly recommend Plan 75 and Past Lives. Both are beautiful, beautiful stories about humanity and connection and god the way they make me FEEL. Just absolutely gut-wrenching in the best way possible.
Meanwhile Shortcomings was just a hilarious time. It was so gratifying to see Asian American rep where all of them are messy and terrible (human ppl trying their best and actively being the worst) lmao.
*: watched in theaters
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish* (2022) | Jan 26
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse* (2023) | Jun 18
Really Liked
Plan 75* (2022) | May 13
Past Lives* (2023) | Jun 10
Shortcomings* (2023) | Aug 13
Hotel Transylvania (2012) | Feb 11
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon* (2000) | Mar 5
Boston Strangler (2023) | Mar 18
A Thousand and One* (2023) | Apr 2
Barbie* (2023) - Jul 24
The Marvels* (2023) | Dec 5
The Boy and the Heron* (2023) | Dec 14
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On* (2022) | Feb 25
Night at the Museum (2006) | Apr 21
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) | Jul 14
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) | Jul 16
The Whale* (2022) | Jan 29
The Cabin in the Woods (2012) | Oct 27
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opedguy · 2 years
Close Encounter with Bryan Kohberger
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Jn. 12, 2023,--Seven years before 28-year-old alleged mass killer Bryan Kohberger stabbed  Nov. 13, 2022 four University of Idaho undergraduates at a rental house, Hayley Willette came forward with her story of going out on a date with him.  Willette said she matched on the dating site Tinder and wound up going to the movies with Kohberger when he was 21-year-old at Penn State, Hazleton and she was 20, working on her nursing degree.  Tracing the development of a mass or serial killer isn’t easy for the best profilers, looking into the proverbial crystal ball trying to make forecasts about the future.  For what it’s worth, Willette said she had an uncomfortable encounter when she invited Kohberger back to her apartment to watch another movie.  Willette recalls Kohberger “was very polite and nice” during the date but he “completely changed gears” once he went to her room.
Why a 20-year-old undergraduate would invite someone she barely knew into her room is anyone’s guess.  So, her recollection of events nearly seven years ago only adds to the post-mortem profiling typically done by researchers looking into the histories of serial killers and mass murderers. “He just seemed very different,” Willette said, about Kohberger once he entered her room.  “Definitely felt uncomfortable when he decided he needed to wait outside the bathroom,” Willette said, something that could happen to any young woman inviting a new date back to her room.  “After an hour or so of him being gone, he messaged me and said I had good birthing hips and I just never messaged him back,” Willette said.  Kohberg’s comments weren’t much different than any young women with a stranger in her room. There’s nothing in Wilmette’s recall that would point to a future mass murder.
Arrested at his family’s home Dec. 30, 2022 near the Pocono mountains in Pennsylvania, Kohberger was tracked by the FBI, making a cross country trip in his white, Hyundai Elantra, the same care spotted by around the rented home where Ethan Chapin, 20, Madison Mogen, 21, Xana Krrnodle, 20 and Kaylee Gonsalves, 21, were slashed to death Nov. 13, 2022 by some unknown assailant.  Police used DNA evidence found at the crime scene on the sheath of the knife to match with some discarded trash at Kohberger’s family home.  Whether the DNA evidence stands up in court, FBI investigators were able to track his movements all the way from Moscow, Idaho to his parents’ home in the Poconos, Pennsylvania. Law enforcement officials showed that with the help of DNA, at least some serial killers or mass murders can be identified for eventual arrest when all leads fail.
Kohberger preliminary hearing in Moscow, Idaho has been continued to June 26, at which point he’ll be charged with burglary and four counts of homicide.  Kohberger’s defense attorney Anne Taylor said it will give her enough time to review discovery of Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thomson said he had no objections to Magistrate Megan Marshall to allow the delay before Kohberg enter his expected not guilty plea.  All the stories from past friends, classmates and acquaintances make for interesting copy in various news stories or broadcast talk.  But as Kohberger knows as a Washington State criminology grad student, he knows the science behind crime scene investigation has evolved into a more exacting process.  Some experts have said Kohberger didn’t cover his tracks very well, leaving the knife sleeve with his DNA or using the same vehicle spotted near the crime scene.
Kohberg’s in custody in Moscow, Idaho until his June 26 arraignment, giving his defense attorney and country prosecutor time to build their cases.   Kohberger waived his right to a speedy trial, another sign that the case against him looks more solid.  If Kohberger really thought he was innocent, he would protest loudly, wanting his day in court at the earliest possible time.  Sitting in jail for the next six months suggests that he knows the deck is stacked against him.  “He’s willing to waive timeliness to allow us time to obtain discovery in the case and be prepared,” Taylor told Magistrate Judge Megan Marshall.  No innocent person wants to rot in jail any longer than they have to, especially if they’re innocent.  Kohberger knows every textbook on criminal interrogation or investigation knows the demeanor of an innocent suspect, seeking a court date at the earliest possible time.
Local, state and federal law enforcement officials should be commended to tracking Kohberger down to his parents’ home in the Poconos, using the latest DNA crime-scene investigation techniques.  Unless Kohberger has a lot of cash to spend on his defense, he’s not going to get the kind of DNA experts refuting the government’s case against him.  Serial or mass killers come in many packages, with different personalities, difficult to stereotype with one-size fits all descriptions.  But one thing’s for sure, especially when the murders are gender-specific, in this primarily young women, there’s deep hatred for the opposite sex.  Whether that’s due to repeated rejection and uncontrollable rage is anyone’s guess.  Establishing motive is usually the last thing detectives figure out.  Waiving his right to a speedy trial certainly shows that Kohberger isn’t protesting his innocence too loudly.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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sinrevi · 3 years
These answers are outdated by now XD most were answered like 8 months to ONE YEAR  ago.
---- tagged by @moonstarbeam
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better Go tag yourself
1) name/nickname: sinrevi
2) gender: Female
3) star sign: Sagittarius
4) height: about 160cm
5) time: idk not writing this in one sitting and I’m not even answering the questions in order.
6) birthday: 10 dec
7) favourite bands/groups: uh... D-Out?
8) favourite solo artists: Yasunori Shiono
9) song stuck in your head: Let me be your wings
10) last movie: Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot and I didn’t like it (not answering all questions at once, and the one I wrote first is already outdated XD So that’s why some answers are striked through)
11) last show: Goof troop (finished watched everything) Shinzo (Mushrambo)
12) when did i create this blog: *checks archive* November 2012
13) what do i post: At the moment mainly reblogging my old posts from when I was still active here XD Also reblogging some art of my art blog since it barely has followers. (Sinrevi from 2022: A bit more active now to check/post Rune Factory fandom bc of RF5. Also happy my art blog has gained some followers since I wrote that answer like a year ago, even if it still not a lot XD)
14) last thing i googled: Researching a lot of Wacom and Huion drawing tablets (I bought a Huion Kamvas 13 in the end) Whether Sago from Shinzo is bald under his helmet (no he is not)
15) other blogs: @sinrevi-art my artblog. The url used to be revi-art for a few years, but I changed it last year because a blog with a extremely similar url (one letter difference) leads to a tumblr full of butts and boobs and other suggestive halfnaked photos and I don’t want people to mistake that for me, when they misremember the url and end up on the wrong blog or something XD
16) do i get asks: Rarely nowadays
17) why i chose my url: It’s a username I’ve used since 2003
18) following: 120 121 136 as of today 2022
19) followers: 141 140 someone unfollowed 🤷‍♂️ 102 after Tumblr cleaned out deactivated accounts sometime during 2021 and one person unfollowed after XD
20) average hours of sleep: 7-9 hours
21) lucky number: idk
22) instruments: I can’t play any. But I own a ocarina because of Zelda XD
23) what am i wearing: Pink Scorbunny T-shirt I bought in a Pokémon Center in Japan last year (2020), pink socks and green pants.
24) dream job: big bad foomy
25) dream trip: I honestly don’t know what can possibly tip my Japan trip from last year XD (2020)
26) favourite food: Pizza Tonno
27) nationality: Dutch
28) favourite song: 🤷‍♂️
29) last book read: No idea. Unless manuals count. 
30) top three fictional worlds you’d like to live in: Sinrevi from 2022: I give up answering the last few unanswered questions XD Even the striked through answers are outdated by now*hits post button*
tagging: you
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bluestar22x · 2 years
Master Post
Lost looking for something on this blog? This post is for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they can be found and usually were reblogged a lot.
I don’t always regularly reblog all the shows I watch. I usually do “catch-up” reblogs for many of my shows, so expect occasional mass reblogs (especially at the beginning of a new month).
This post is here to give you an idea of where to search for gifs and photos, etc. of a particular subject on my blog. I’m usually pretty good with tagging everything, but in some cases it may be easier to go through the posts by month instead of by the tags.
It’s also my personal guide to what to reblog in the future, so this post will be updated or reposted whenever I’ve had a lot of activity or it’s a new month.
Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017, June - Nov. 2018, April 2019, Oct. 2019
13 Reasons Why - April 2017
911 (Fox) - Dec. 2018, Nov. 2019 - Dec. 2019, March - Aug. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, March - June 2022, Aug. - Sept. 2022
911 Lone Star - Jan. - Aug. 2020, Dec. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
A Discovery Of Witches - January 2022
After Life (Netflix) - August 2020, February 2022
Agents Of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016, March - May 2018, May - August 2019, May 2020 - August 2020
Almost Human – January 2016, Feb. 2018
Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Dec. 2018, May 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020
Awake (2012) - Oct. 2018
Baby Daddy - October 2017
Beauty And The Beast (CW), BATB - April 2018
Being Human (US) - November 2016
Believe - August 2016
Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016
Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016
Burn Notice - Sept. 2016, March 2020
Camp Cretaceous - October 2020, April 2021, Sept. 2021
Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, March 2022
Charmed (CW) - July 2019, Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Chasing Life - March 2018
Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017, Oct. 2017, March 2018, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. - May 2019, Sept. - Nov. 2019, Jan. - April 2020, Nov. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - May 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - May 2022
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - June 2019, Sept. 2020
Cobra Kai - December 2021, Sept. 2022
Constantine – Dec. 2015, Feb. 2016
CSI/CSI Vegas - October - Dec. 2021, July 2022
Daredevil (Netflix) - January 2018
Dark Angel - March 2017, Sept. 2018
Dark Matter - January 2018, August 2022
DC Crossovers (CW Crossover) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019, Jan. 2020
Dominion – August 2015, November 2015
Elementary - January 2018
Forever - July 2016
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - August 2018
Frequency - Oct. 2016, Oct. 2017
Fringe - June 2016
Full House - August 2018
Galavant - September 2018
Game Of Thrones - Feb. 2018 (Some gifs in months before)
Ghost Whisperer - October 2018, November 2018
Gilligans Island - August 2018
Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Grimm (early seasons) - March 2018  
Happy Days - August 2018
Hawaii Five 0 - Oct. 2017
Hawkeye (2021) - July 2022
Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Dec. 2017, Jan. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Hudson And Rex - June 2022
Humans - August 2017
Impractical Jokers - April 2019, Feb. 2020
Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017, March - May 2018, April - May 2019
iZombie - Feb. 2018
Jane The Virgin - January 2018
Jericho - December 2018, August 2020
Killjoys - November 2018
Kyle XY - June 2016
Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018 - June 2018, Sept. 2018, Nov. - Dec. 2018, April - May 2019, Jan. 2020, March 2020, May 2020
Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018 - May 2018
Limitless - January 2018
Loki (Disney+) - March 2022
Lost In Space - June 2018
Lucifer (Fox), Lucifer (Netflix) - December 2017, April - June 2018, April - May 2019, Sept. 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020, April - May 2020, July - Dec. 2020, Jan. 2021, May - Oct. 2021
Melissa & Joey - October 2017
Moonlight - November 2016, October 2018
Narcos - August 2022
Nashville - March - April 2017, September 2018
NCIS - September 2020
Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017
Once Upon A Time – January 2016
One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017
Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017
Prison Break - Oct. 2017
Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Resurrection - Oct. 2018
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Saved By The Bell - August 2018
Saving Hope - November 2018
Shadowhunters - Feb. 2018
Sherlock BBC - Feb. 2018
Shooter - August 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen & Ichabod) - August 2016, August 2020
Smallville - Feb. 2018
Stranger Things - July 2022
Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017, April 2018
Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, April - June 2018, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019
Superman & Lois - Feb. - March 2021, May 2021 - Aug. 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017,  Oct. - Dec. 2017, January - Dec. 2018, Jan. - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020
Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - June 2019, November 2019
Terra Nova - Oct. 2018
The Dead Zone - August 2020
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - September 2021, July 2022
The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - March - May 2019, Nov. - Dec. 2019, Feb. 2020
The Following - July 2017
The Good Doctor - September 2021
The Last Of Us (HBO) - Sept. 2022
The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, June 2018
The Mandalorian/The Book Of Boba Fett - July 2022, Sept. 2022
The Mentalist - Nov. 2017  
The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, April - Sept. 2018
The Passage - Jan. 2019 - March 2019
The Saddle Club - Oct. 2017
The Vampire Diaries - Jan. - March 2017, Sept. 2017, April 2018
The Walking Dead – March 2016
The Witcher - January 2020, December 2021
This Is Us - January 2018
Transformers Prime - May 2017
Walker - Dec. 2020, Jan. - March 2021, May - Aug. 2021, Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Warehouse 13 - May 2018
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017
Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016
Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017
Young & Hungry - October 2017, September 2018
You Vs. Wild - May 2019
X-Files - January 2018 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - October 2020
A Cinderella Story - February 2018
After (2019) - October 2020
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Aladdin (2019) - February 2020
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017
Alpha Movie - December 2018
American Assassin - December 2017
An Extremely Goofy Movie - September 2020
A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016
Aquaman (2018) - Feb. 2019
A Star Is Born - September 2019
August Rush - November 2017
Avatar - February 2017, Sept. 2022
A Walk To Remember – May 2016
A Wrinkle In Time - June 2018
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017
Bambi - June 2016
Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016
Beastly - May 2018
Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beethoven - October 2020
Before I Fall - October 2020
Bicentennial Man - October 2020
Black Beauty - September 2016
Blade - October 2020
Blade Runner 2049 - February 2018
Blood And Chocolate - September 2017
Bring It On - July 2018, October 2020
Brother Bear – May 2016
Can You Keep A Secret - December 2020
Casper - November 2019
Charlie St. Cloud - November 2017
City Of Angels - October 2020
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017
Click - August 2021
Constantine Movie - November 2020
Coyote Ugly - October 2020
Creed Movies - April 2016, Oct. 2018, May 2019
Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - September 2017
Daredevil (2003) - January 2018
Dawn Patrol - March 2018
Deadpool - September 2016
Descendants Series - Oct. 2017, Sept. 2019
Dirty Dancing - July 2017
Disturbia - October 2020
Doctor Dolittle (1998) - October 2020
Eight Below - September 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017, Jan. 2019
Enemy Mine - January 2017
Eragon - September 2017
Everything Everything - August 2018
Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017
Fantastic Four (2005) - October 2020
Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017, Feb. 2018, August 2019
Fighting With My Family - October 2020
Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - September 2016
Flipper - October 2020
Footloose (1984) - July 2017
Footloose (2011) - Oct. 2017
Forever My Girl - March 2019
Free Willy - October 2020
Frozen - June 2016
Galaxy Quest - December 2017
Gemini Man - October 2020
George Of The Jungle - January 2017
Ghost (1990) - October 2020
Ghost Rider Movies - October 2020
Good Will Hunting - April 2022
Godzilla Vs. Kong - March 2022
Grease/Grease Movies - June 2017, October 2020
Gifted - Feb. 2018, June 2018
Hachi - September 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017, April 2019
Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016
Hidalgo - September 2016
Homeward Bound - September 2016
Horse Sense - October 2017
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017
I Am Legend - October 2020
I Am Number Four - May 2018
Ice Age Movies – May 2016
If I Stay – May 2016
If Only - January 2017, October 2020
I Frankenstein - April 2018
Indiana Jones - August 2021
Instant Family - October 2020
Interstellar - September 2019
Iron Will - September 2016
Jack Frost (1998) - January 2017
John Wick Movies - July 2019
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle - July 2018
Jumper - October 2020
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Movies – May 2016, Dec. 2017, Oct. 2018, April 2020, July 2022
Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. - Feb. 2018
Just Like Heaven - January 2017
Karate Kid - December 2021
Keith (2008) - October 2020
Kong Skull Island - December 2017
Lady And The Tramp - June 2016
Lassie (1994) - September 2016
Last Christmas - November 2019
Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017
Letters To Juliet - August 2018
Lone Survivor - December 2020
Love And Monsters - December 2020
Man Of Steel - April 2016, August 2017
Man On Fire - October 2020
Men In Black Movies - October 2020
Marley And Me - September 2016
Marry Me - April 2022
Marvel Universe Movies (Avengers, Spiderman, etc.) - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. 2018, March - April 2018, Sept. 2018, April 2019, Sept. 2019, July 2022
Max (Dog Movie) - September 2016
Midnight Sun (2018) - October 2020
Moana - July 2017
Motocrossed - November 2017
Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Mulan 2020 - December 2019
My Fake Fiance - October 2017
Narnia Series - September 2017
National Treasure (2004) - October 2020
Need For Speed - October 2020
Netflix Movies - May 2019
News Of The World - August 2022
Night At The Museum (NATM Series) - March 2018
Nine Months (1995) - August 2022
Oliver And Company - June 2016
Percy Jackson - October 2020
Planet Of The Apes Movies - October 2020
Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017, October 2020
Prospect - August 2022
P.S. I Love You - October 2020
Raise Your Voice - January 2016
Real Steel - October 2020
Red Dog - September 2016
Remember Sunday – May 2016
Riddick Movies - October 2020
RoboCop/Robocop 2014 - February 2018
Rocky (1-6) - April 2016, May 2019
Safe Haven - October 2020
Save The Last Dance - October 2020
Seabiscuit - September 2016
Secretariat - September 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017, October 2020, August 2022
She’s The Man – May 2016
Shrek - June 2016, October 2020
Snow Dogs - September 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - September 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017, October 2020
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016
Spy Kids - April 2019
Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016
Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017
Step Up Movies - October 2020
Suicide Squad - September 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017
Taken Movies - October 2020
Tangled - June 2016, May 2017
Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017
Terminator Movies – May 2016
The Addams Family - February 2018, November 2019
The Art Of Racing In The Rain - October 2020
The Batman (2022) - June 2022
The Blue Lagoon (1980) - October 2020
The Covenant - February 2022
The Crow (Original) – May 2016, October 2018
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Duff - February 2018
The Expendables Movies - October 2020
The Flintstones - October 2020
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017
The Game Plan - May 2018
The Gray Man - September 2022
The Greatest Showman - January 2018, May 2018
The Hitman’s Bodyguard - February 2020
The Horse Whisperer - September 2016
The Host - November 2017
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Indian In The Cupboard - March 2018
The Jungle Book - August 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Last Witch Hunter - October 2020
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017
The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017
The Little Mermaid - June 2016
The Longest Ride - March 2018
The Lucky One - November 2017
The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Matrix Movies - March 2022
The Maze Runner - May 2017, January 2018, May 2018
The Mummy (1999) - January 2017
The Mummy Returns - January 2017
The Notebook - July 2021
The Pacifier - May 2018
The Parent Trap - October 2020
The Patriot - October 2020
The Pirates Of The Caribbean (TPOTC Movies) - January 2020
The Prince & Me - October 2020
The Princess Bride - October 2020
The Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries 2 - February 2018
The Proposal – May 2016
The Santa Clause/The Santa Clause Movies - January 2020
The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016
The Sound Of Music - October 2020
The Suicide Squad (2021) - September 2021
The Ultimate Gift - December 2016
Titanic - October 2020
Togo - March 2020
Tomorrowland - October 2020
Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies/Bumblebee 2018 - May 2017, April 2019
Tremors - July 2017
Tuck Everlasting - October 2020
Twilight Movies - May 2017
Twitches - July 2021
Unconditional - December 2016
Underworld Movies - October 2018
Walking Tall - January 2017
Walk The Line - October 2020
War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
Warm Bodies - November 2017
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017
What Happens In Vegas - March 2022
While You Were Sleeping - October 2020
Winter’s Tale - October 2020
Wonder Woman (2017)/Wonder Woman 1984 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, Dec. 2019
X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Nov. 2019 xxx
Cyberpunk 2077 - August 2022
Detriot Become Human (PC/PS4 Game) - August 2021
Jurassic World Evolution (XBox/PC Game) - Dec. 2018
Stray - August 2022
The Isle (PC Game) - July 2020
The Last Of Us (Game)/II/PlayStation - June 2022, Sept. 2022
The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016, June 2022
The Hillywood Show/Hillywood - Nov. 2017, Aug. 2018
Buzzfeed Unsolved - April 2019
Markiplier - April 2022
The Try Guys - April 2019
Other Actors - Under “Actors” Tag
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Michael B. Jordan - Dec. 2018
The tags for many actors are “Actors” or rarely, “Actor” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority)
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Good Doctor (ABC)
0 notes
obsessiveviewer · 2 years
OV368 - Extended Potpourri - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Euphoria, Language Lessons, The Gilded Age, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and The Adam Project
In this extended potpourri episode, Tiny and I discuss a handful of recent movies and shows we've watched.
  Show Start – 00:40
Non-Movie Banter - 02:34
  Extended Potpourri - 09:35
  Matt: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) - 10:52
Tiny: Euphoria - 23:19
Matt: Language Lessons (2021) - 47:20
Tiny: The Gilded Age - 55:03
Matt: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) - 1:04:12
Tiny: The Adam Project (2022) - 1:10:11
Tiny: Bridgerton - 1:13:58
  Closing the Ep – 1:19:42
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My Review of The Adam Project
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  $1 Tier
152 - OV B-Roll - "Music of Our Youth" - Condiments on Hot Dogs, Jack's Mannequin, High School Dating, and High School Society - Nov 3, 2021
153 - OV B-Roll - "Erotic Almond" - Belfast, Matt's COVID Anniversary, Spider-Man Tickets, Don't Look Up, and Nightmare Alley - Dec 6, 2021
154 - OV B-Roll - "Tiny Time" - End of 2021, Small Engine Repair, Christmas Shopping, and Some Time Off - Dec 15, 2021
155 - OV B-Roll - "The Alpha Strain" - The Return of Fekkes, Malignant, The Secrets of Dumbledore, Fekkes' Prospective Top Ten, and Halloween Kills - Dec 20, 2021
Immediate Reaction - The Cursed (2022) & Dog (2022) Non-Spoiler - Feb 23, 2022
  $2 Tier
Book Reaction - Night Shift by Stephen King - Stories 1-4 - Jerusalem’s Lot, Graveyard Shift, Night Surf, and I Am the Doorway - Aug 28, 2021
Book Reaction - Night Shift by Stephen King - Stories 5-8 - The Mangler, The Boogeyman, Gray Matter, and Battleground - Sept 1-5, 2021
Book Reaction - Night Shift by Stephen King - Stories 9-12 - Trucks, Sometimes They Come Back, Strawberry Spring, and The Ledge - Sept 6, 2021
Book Reaction - Night Shift by Stephen King - Stories 13-16 - The Lawnmower Man, Quitters Inc., I Know What You Need, and Children of the Corn - Sept 12, 2021
Book Reaction - Night Shift by Stephen King - Stories 17-20 - The Last Rung on the Ladder, The Man Who Loved Flowers, One for the Road, and The Woman in the Room - Sept 21-29, 2021
Book Reaction - The Green Mile (The Complete Serial Novel) by Stephen King - Oct 24, 2021-Feb 1, 2022
  $5 Tier
Patreon Potpourri - 010 - "Scream Imitators" - I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998), Urban Legend (1998), and Valentine (2001) - Feb 4, 2022
Immediate Reaction - Death on the Nile (2022) Non-Spoiler - Feb 7, 2022
Immediate Reaction - Uncharted (2022) Non-Spoiler - Feb 17, 2022
Immediate Reaction - Strawberry Mansion (2022), No Exit (2022), and The Godfather (1972) Non-Spoiler - Feb 26, 2022
Immediate Reaction - Studio 666 (2022) Non-Spoiler - Feb 27, 2022
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Episode Homepage: ObsessiveViewer.com/OV368
Check out this episode!
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feuqueerfire · 19 days
August 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows, movies, and shorts I’ve watched or am watching in August 2024, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month(s): Bulbbul, an indian horror-esque movie.
Bulbbul (2020)
Cherry Magic TH = Century of Love
Bad and Crazy (2022) = Love Sea = Love Sea: Special
Prom Pact (2023)
Currently Watching: 4 Minutes
Rewatched Parts: History 3: Trapped (Ep 6 ending, Ep 17 - 20)
Not Rated: 1 ep of Modern Family
Average Rating: 6.2/10
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist: 
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Title MDL (year) - (date added to Considering or finalized to Watchlist): initial reaction
4Minutes - 240811: Been anticipating this for so long, decided to watch while it's on-air after 3 eps were out.
Love Sea - 240822: I was going to watch the sex scenes even if nothing else because of all the woof/dog/puppy things that was going on with Fort's character but now that I've got a week of iQiyi VIP, why not.
Knock Knock, Boys! - 240828: Wasn't on my radar but as it was airing, I've heard only good things and people seem satisfied with the ending. It seems sex-positive? Which I could really use from BLs. Also curious to see Seng.
The Secret of Us - 240828: Got a lot of praise, though it seems like it had a rocky ending. Gorgeous, gorgeous Orm. Need to watch this to just watch her face.
Love Sea Special Episode - 240829
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 64
To Watch List At End Of Month: 62
Removed from To Watch List:
Title (Year) - (date removed): reason
Rookie (2023) - 240815: The reviews aren't very good, oof
The Boyfriend (2024) - 240829: Okay, actually, I don't think I'll actually end up watching a dating show program.
Currently Watching
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jul 26, 2024 - Sep 13, 2024
Watch Via: ;>
Watch Dates: Aug 11 - , 2024
Rating: -/10
tags: 4 minutes
Also Appears In: 4 Minutes Ep 1 - 4, Ep 5 - Ep 6 Live Blogging
Completely Watched
Cherry Magic
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 9, 2023 - Mar 2, 2024
Watch Via: ;>
Watch Dates: Aug 3 - 7, 2024
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall: I’m glad that I ended up liking this adaptation better than the Japanese Cherry Magic live-action which was meh to me. Karan and Achi were cute and endearing (and felt more human/real to me than Kurosawa and Adachi I think?). i’m so charmed by Jinta and Min actually, a vast improvement from the japanese version’s equivalent. I liked getting my little taste of celeb/non-celeb dating and typical idol show problems from them too. On the other hand, I didn’t care about Pai and Rock ship whatsoever, though they were okay as standalone characters. I enjoyed the adaptation and how it had the Japanese touches (the company try work for specifically) while also introducing Thai elements (religion, festivals, dialects). Great improvement on the kissing department and I’m glad they also squeezed the wedding in there.
tags: cherry magic th
Also Appears In: Cherry Magic TH Live Blogging
Century of Love
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jul 10, 2024 - Aug 8, 2024
Watch Via: Youtube
Watch Dates: July 27 - Aug 8, 2024
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall: I think this show had a strong first half but the last two episodes were irritating and kind of forgot what the show was about in the first place. I enjoyed the 120-something year old San and his little family that spans generations, I like San's grumpy nature contrasted with Vee's bright demeanor, I liked the question of whether Vee is the real Wad reincarnation, I liked their romance and the tinge of sexiness, I liked San being cold to the idea of even doing anything with Vee but progressing to fall in love and ultimately choosing Vee regardless of whether he's the reincarnation or not. loved Juu! She was sooo cute and gorgeous and the acting was good, I want to see her more. But then for the last 3 episodes, we spent too much time with the flat, one-note villains with ridiculous fight scenes, hiding (ridiculous!!!) the stone situation from Vee and SanVee being separated and not on the same page instead of tackling this together, and no answers to one of the main aspects of the show (is Vee the Khun Wad reincarnation?) - just lipservice of "let the past be the past" as an afterthought. The premise and set-up of the show were good but it just fell flat at the end.
tags: century of love
Also Appears In: Century of Love Ep 1 - 8, Eps 9 - 10 Live Blogging
Proo Thunwa - ใช้ฉันทำไม (Stand-in): Watched this MV because it had Mark/Ohm and I was curious about the ship. Pretty interesting, I wish their show trailer was more appealing because based on the mock, I don't think I'll be watching it. but who knows, maybe the show will turn out incredible and I'll watch.
I wanna watch 4 Minutes so badly oof because I don't wanna be spoiled since it's only 8 episodes but I can't watch ep 3 as it airs, not until next Tuesday at the latest most likely and even eps 1 - 2 I'd have to watch on my phone and all staggered instead of the whole ep at once. But I don't wanna be too spoiled and I don't necessarily think I can avoid many spoilers because it comes up on my Twitter...
Chicago Trip
Modern Family (Aug 9): Watched the Up All Night episode on the plane to Chicago. I'd only watched random funny clips from the show before. The episode was funny and good. Would watch more episodes
New Girl (Aug 9): Watched S1 Ep 1 - 4 because my friends put it on. it was... meh to me i guess. funny kinda but not really my thing
Prom Pact (2023)
Country: USA
Release Dates: March 30, 2023
Watch Via: Disney+
Watch Dates: Aug 9, 2024
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall: Annoying characters, but at least I watched with friends and it's fun to have movie nights like that
Bbulbbul (2020)
Country: India
Release Dates: June 24, 2020
Watch Via: Netflix I think? Disney+?
Watch Dates: Aug 9, 2024
Rating: 7/10
Overall: A great surprise since I wasn't sure I'd like whatever horror movie my friends decided to watch. Great visuals (the CGI was not good lol but like idk the cinematography or art direction is maybe what I'm talking about), was obsessed with the couple and their interactions before Satya became similar to his brothers (that was the point). In love with the female lead Bulbbul when she's all grown up and her arroagant, leisurely demeanor in the present day. Such a tragic movie, especially how she was left alone to withstand such cruelty once Satya left but once he came back, he also hurled cruel words and did not treat her well, did not respect her, becuase of his jealousy towards Dr. Sudip. Then again, the very end can be still considered a win I suppose.
Watched episode 1 of 4 Minutes during the trip too.
Bad and Crazy (2022)
Country: Korea
Release Dates: Dec 17, 2021 - Jan 28, 2022
Watch Via: iQiyi (free trial)
Watch Dates: Aug 18 - 22, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall: Fine but did not make me feel much and is not going to stick with me the way other shows by these actors have. The first couple of corrupt cop investigations was fine but a bit annoying because we seemed to know everything far in advance to the characters finding out. The second half with Yunho was more interesting in some ways because we also did not know and it was like psychological tricks basically but I wish the ending was more satisfying somehow. Like everything is wrapped up nicely but Inwouldve liked it see it. Nothing super wrong with it but I could’ve just kept it off my watchlist and I wouldn’t have missed much.
Also Appeared In: Bad and Crazy Live Blogging
Love Sea 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jun 9, 2024 - Aug 11, 2024
Watch Via: iQiyi (free trial)
Watch Dates: Aug 22 - 28, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall: A fine enough show, I think the dynamic and characters were interesting and the show/relationships threads were good for the main couple, especially the class difference rich/poor conversations and how their dynamic evolved. Thank you forever for all the puppy/dog Mut. Unlike most people who were so over the side-GL, I was actually quite into Vie/Mook (esp because they have some tropes I enjoy, such as celeb/non-celeb and one person makes their crush do chores/errands) and kept hoping for... something to happen, for their dynamic to progress. They didn't get a proper ending, which is sad. Vie was also such a good friend to Rak, I don't know why she was such a terror with Mook and then never progressed past it. Loved Meena, what a cutie. I do agree with the general consensus that the island episodes were better.
tags: love sea
Also Appears In: Love Sea + Special Live Blogging
Love Sea Special Episode 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 25, 2024
Watch Via: ;>
Watch Dates: Aug 29, 2024
Rating: 6/10
Overall: A cute special overall. It's about Rak and Mut's progress and lives together in the future and how they've met each other in the middle rather than random drama. Vie and Mook are cute too, it makes me sad that their story wasn't given a proper conclusion in the original series. Also, I wanna go on vacation so bad.
tags: love sea
Also Appears In: Love Sea + Special Live Blogging
I feel like I don't get attached to shows and characters as I used to. Even when I enjoy the process of watching a show like My Stand-In or Century of Love, I finish watching and then don't ever really think about the pair or storyline. I miss being consumed by a show or being incredibly fond when thinking of a ship, not just watching a show for 1 hour episodes and then stop thinking about it the minute I finish it.
In that same vein, I'm once again rewatching parts of History 3: Trapped. The Ampliverse/Boys Love Boys Love are recapping it and they're only on ep 3 (/ep 6) but man, I love that show a whole lot and hearing them talk about it makes me wanna watch it too. Rewatched eps 17-18 + the dancing in the club scene in ep 3 (What an iconic moment fr).
Watched the 4 Minutes episode.
Watched History 3: Trapped Ep 19/20 (Ep 10). Man, what a show.
On Air after Century of Love (Aug 1):
4 Minutes ✅
The Trainee
(iQiyi) I Hear The Sunspot
I have a 7-day iQiyi VIP voucher, so I'm planning on watching shows that way and I hope I can download shows to watch on my commute and stuff. I have to use the code by Sept 1. I'm eyeing shows that are exclusively available on iQiyi:
Start watching Bad and Crazy on Tuesday but don't get iQiyi until evening when you download the next eps
Bad and Crazy (can watching during commute) ✅
Deep Night (too risque too watch during commute)
Love Sea (too risque too watch during commute) ✅
Meet Me At The Blossom (tentatively because it's not yet finished and isn't on my watchlist yet)
I Hear The Sunspot (tentatively because it's not yet finished and isn't on my watchlist yet + it won't be over by the time I get to use the code hmm)
Love In Translation (tentatively because I'm more likely to watch this if I end up really liking Century of Love)
To Watch This Month - from July 1:
On-Air: I Hear The Sunspot and/or 4 Minutes ✅
Finish On-Airs: Century of Love ✅
iQiyi: Bad and Crazy ✅, I Hear The Sunspot, Love Sea ✅/Deep Night/Love In Translation
South Korea: a thriller/mystery (Bad and Crazy ✅), She Makes My Heart Flutter, Method
Thailand: Blank S2, a recent GMMTV BL (Cherry Magic ✅), an older one (ITSAY)
Next Month - rotation of some counties with a few shows: Philippines (Gaya Sa Pelikula, Rookie/Sleep With Me), South Asian (Monkey Man, Jab We Met), some Japanese (Favouritism of the Gods, I Became the Main Role in a BL Drama, The Boyfriend)
✅: watched this month, ⏸️: currently watching, ❌: not watching in this iteration/section of country, ⏭️: moved to next month/ran out of time
0 notes
feuqueerfire · 3 years
Feu’s February 2022 BL/GL Wrap-up
A little monthly wrap-up of all the shows I’ve watched or am watching in February 2022, general thoughts, ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month:
Everybody's heard of Bad Buddy, so watch my second favourite thing of the month. It's 6 minutes and the cutest thing ever.
Bad Buddy
Graduation, Present + Propose = Utsukushii Kare
The Summer Pasta Recipe
Kieta Hatsukoi = 7 Days: Monday - Thursday = Mr. Heart
Secret Roommate = Please Tell Me So
7 Days: Friday - Sunday = You Make Me Dance
Love By Chance = Hold Me
Completely Watched
Bad Buddy
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Oct 29, 2021 - Jan 21, 2022
Dates Watched: Jan 22 - Feb 3, 2022
Rating: 8/10 8.5/10 [Aug 20, 2022 Update: Increased by 0.5 stars when rerating my top BLs] [Oct 29, 2022 Update: Increased by 0.5 stars when rerating my top BLs] 9/10
Watched Via: GMMTV Youtube
General Thoughts: Characters really made the show, loved the queer lens and how the acting and characters made a simple story come alive. Made me watch Soon vijarn reactions, search up twitter edits and go through people’s tumblrs to see how people were reacting when the show was actually airing lol. 
tags: bad buddy, ohmnanon, ohm pawat, nanon korapat
Also Mentioned In: Anticipated 2022 Releases
Love By Chance
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 3, 2018 - Nov 9, 2018
Dates Watched: Feb 5 - 6, 2022
Rating: 4/10
Watched Via: Studio Wabi Sabi Youtube
General Thoughts: wanted to watch something mediocre to reset expectations after bad buddy, so I decided to check off one of the BLs I kept hearing about but didn’t have high hopes for. It fell flat even though I went in with no expectations. Didn’t care about Tin/Can, actively disliked the other side couples (step-brothers and sexual assault) and I just skipped through their parts after a certain point. AePete were okay at first and then irritating. I liked Perth though, he made the character seem natural; would be willing to watch something else with him. It’s a very bingeable show, too.
Kieta Hatsukoi My Love Mix-Up
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Oct 9, 2021 - Dec 18, 2021
Dates Watched:  Feb 9 - 13, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: Viki
General Thoughts: I feel the exact same way about this as I did Cherry Magic and I wonder if I’m missing something because they’re both so beloved and reminded me of each other but neither quite clicked for me. It makes even less sense because I love softness and tenderness, slice of life type romances but these stories somehow fail to connect with me. I liked Aoki fine (if a bit irritating), the friendships were cute, the visuals were pleasing, there’s nothing I hated but beyond a few smiles here and there, I didn’t feel anything for the characters or story.
tags: kieta hatsukoi
Secret Roommate
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jun 5, 2020
Dates Watched: Feb 14, 2022
Rating: feels too short for a rating but probably 5.5/10
Watched Via: :> 
General Thoughts: An impulsive watch because the trailer for it was featured on the Strongberry Youtube and the summary seemed interesting. The concept was great, I love established relationships and the bits of Outsider POV, and it was overall cute but the short length means not really having a big impact and not properly tying up things (I would’ve liked a conversation and proper conflict resolution between the brothers). Cute ending, though rushed. 
7 Days: Monday - Thursday
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Jun 6, 2015
Dates Watched: Feb 14, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: :> 
General Thoughts: I first became aware of this a few years ago due to some controversy that another novel plagiarized(?) this story and I liked the premise, so I’ve been wanting to check this out for a while. The movie itself is quite slow, not in terms of like plot and stuff just like the actions and acting itself is slow, so I had to watch on 1.5x. I don’t know how I feel about this, like I don’t feel super connected to the characters themselves but I’m invested in their romance. Compared to other shows, esp Thai BLs with like 2 side couples, there aren’t really significant side characters and I like that we pay attention to our main relationship with side characters to elevate it rather than get sidetracked by the other characters. 
7 Days: Friday - Sunday
Country: Japan
Release Dates: July 4, 2015
Dates Watched: Feb 15-16, 2021
Rating: 5/10
Watched Via: :> 
General Thoughts: 
So here’s the thing right, it’s not necessarily this movie’s fault that I’m still more interested in thinking about/reading about bad buddy than watching this but it kind of is? Like I’m still on a BBS high, so I’m not expecting this show to overtake that but the slowness of it is really good at times and really dull at times and it’s incredibly easy to just... stop watching halfway through a scene.
I found it hard to connect with the story and characters, despite the characters being developed and distinct and the story was supposed to be tense with will-they won’t-they but I was mostly bored. I liked the atmosphere, it’s a hard to describe and hard to create mood but I enjoyed that part, which makes me think I wouldn’t have been annoyed by how slow every action was if I more into the characters. 
I don’t think this will leave much impression on me or that I’ll think of these movies again
Utsukushii Kare My Beautiful Man
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Nov 18 - Dec 23, 2021
Dates Watched: Feb 17 - 21, 2022
Rating: 6.5/10
Watched Via: Viki
General Thoughts: Nervous while starting because I didn’t enjoy Kieta Hatsukoi or the 7 Days movies as much as I’d hoped; please don’t let me down D: I heard it’s really, really beautiful and maybe poignant at the end + apparently there’s finger sucking so I hope it delivers!
I live blogged the whole watching experience, which was fun! I wanted a bit more from the story but overall enjoyed the characters and their strange relationship. I know there are 3 novels and this only followed the first one, so I would love for a Season 2.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Mentioned In: Utsukushii Kare Live Blogging
The Summer Pasta Recipe
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Feb 14, 2022
Dates Watched: Feb 22, 2022
Rating: feels too short for a rating, maybe 6.5/10
Watched Via: Strongberry Youtube
General Thoughts: I love reading about exes, so the idea of watching it piqued my interest and I think exploring relationships via food is the best. It’s skillfully sweet and awkward, like they’re exes who are cooking together; it’s an uneasy yet familiar, awkward yet pleasant, atmosphere. A blend of endearing and yearning and heartache. I liked how it’s a quietly complicated relationship and, as a umm very sentimental and memory-loving person, characters reminiscing always gets to me.
It was done so beautifully considering it’s just 10 minutes long but somehow we could imagine what the characters and their relationship was like based on the script. I love these short, quiet that convey so much.
Also Mentioned In: Anticipated 2022 Releases
Hold Me
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: June 1, 2021
Dates Watched: Feb 23, 2022
Rating: too short for a rating but probably a 4/10
Watched Via: Strongberry Youtube
General Thoughts: It was fine. Short, something to just watch for the sake of watching, not memorable but I watched most of it with Korean subs so got that practice done.
Graduation, Present + Propose
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: May 10, 2021
Dates Watched: Feb 23, 2022
Rating: 7/10
Watched Via: Strongberry Youtube
General Thoughts: The title is actually Graduation, Present + Confession. The above is more like "Hold My Hand" but they mean fairly the same thing whereas a Confession is very different from a Proposal
Bro every time Mina was doing aegyo or being pouty or drunkly rambling my smile just got wider and wider. They're sooooo cute and endearing, my girls T.T
I usually think 12 episodes is too long for a series but I would pay to watch 12 1 hour long episodes of these two, it's so askl;dfjasdklfjsdf
The fact that we'll never know more of their story is like... actually upsetting sorta lol how did I get so attached in 6 minutes omfg. I want to know what Mina wrote in that note, I want to know how they keep in touch while Jiyeong is in college, I want to see whether Mina gets into the same university and how they deal with the changes.
If I had time or energy to write fanfiction...
You Make Me Dance
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Feb 26, 2021 - Mar 19, 2021
Dates Watched: Feb 24 - Feb 25, 2022
Rating: 5/10
Watched Via: Viki
General Thoughts: I didn't go into this with any expectations and thus no expectations were met or disappointed lol. I didn't hate anything about this (some things made me roll my eyes but that happens with most shows, even ones I love) but also I didn't really love any aspect. Nothing stood out for me, except maybe Shi On the main character but not enough for it to be significant or for me to remember him beyond while I'm watching him on screen. All in all, it was fine.
tags: you make me dance
Also Appears In: You Make Me Dance Live Blogging
Please Tell Me So
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Oct 8, 2021
Dates Watched: Feb 26, 2022
Rating: too short to rate but maybe 5.5/10
Watched Via: Strongberry Youtube
General Thoughts: Cute. I liked the vibe of it, which is that there wasn't really a vibe to it lol It felt real somehow? The very end was scenic and they were going for a vibe with the music but like when they were smoking cigarettes or talking by the river, it felt tangible somehow. Anyway, short and sweet; nothing much to say beyond that.
Mr. Heart
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Sep 18, 2020 - Oct 2, 2020
Dates Watched: Feb 27 - Feb 28, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Watched Via: Viki
General Thoughts: It was cute. I really liked Sangha and I liked how the audience and Jin Won both knew about his feelings. I wish they didn't make the loan shark stuff be So Serious (esp because they were used as comedy in other parts) because it felt jarring compared to the rest of the show. Overall quite enjoyed it.
tags: mr. heart
Also Appears In: Mr. Heart Live Blogging
Currently Watching
nothing right now
March Plans
keep up with Cutie Pie
A few of my anticipated 2022 shows are ending, like KeixYaku, Not Me, You're My Sky, Semantic Error, so give those a watch
I often try to watch multiple BLs from the same country at once bc I think it helps me be more immersed. Right now I'm watching Korean shows, so for March I'll start with Korean and then probably go to Thailand to watch On-Air shows that are finishing.
Just Friends? (2009)
3-4 Free Viki Shows/Movies
A First Love Story (Free Strongberry Youtube Short)
See if any of the F/F ones catch my attention here (Can I Kiss My Best Friend?)
The Handmaiden
There are some shorts in my Youtube Watched Later
Rewatch one that I liked with only Korean subs
7 notes · View notes
bluestar22x · 2 years
Master Post
Lost looking for something on this blog? This post is for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they can be found and usually were reblogged a lot.
I don’t always regularly reblog all the shows I watch. I usually do “catch-up” reblogs for many of my shows, so expect occasional mass reblogs (especially at the beginning of a new month).
This post is here to give you an idea of where to search for gifs and photos, etc. of a particular subject on my blog. I’m usually pretty good with tagging everything, but in some cases it may be easier to go through the posts by month instead of by the tags.
It’s also my personal guide to what to reblog in the future, so this post will be updated or reposted whenever I’ve had a lot of activity or it’s a new month.
Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017, June - Nov. 2018, April 2019, Oct. 2019
13 Reasons Why - April 2017
911 (Fox) - Dec. 2018, Nov. 2019 - Dec. 2019, March - Aug. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, March - June 2022, Aug. 2022
911 Lone Star - Jan. - Aug. 2020, Dec. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
A Discovery Of Witches - January 2022
After Life (Netflix) - August 2020, February 2022
Agents Of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016, March - May 2018, May - August 2019, May 2020 - August 2020
Almost Human – January 2016, Feb. 2018
Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Dec. 2018, May 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020
Awake (2012) - Oct. 2018
Baby Daddy - October 2017
Beauty And The Beast (CW), BATB - April 2018
Being Human (US) - November 2016
Believe - August 2016
Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016
Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016
Burn Notice - Sept. 2016, March 2020
Camp Cretaceous - October 2020, April 2021, Sept. 2021
Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, March 2022
Charmed (CW) - July 2019, Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Chasing Life - March 2018
Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017, Oct. 2017, March 2018, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. - May 2019, Sept. - Nov. 2019, Jan. - April 2020, Nov. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - May 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - May 2022
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - June 2019, Sept. 2020
Cobra Kai - December 2021
Constantine – Dec. 2015, Feb. 2016
CSI/CSI Vegas - October - Dec. 2021, July 2022
Daredevil (Netflix) - January 2018
Dark Angel - March 2017, Sept. 2018
Dark Matter - January 2018, August 2022
DC Crossovers (CW Crossover) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019, Jan. 2020
Dominion – August 2015, November 2015
Elementary - January 2018
Forever - July 2016
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - August 2018
Frequency - Oct. 2016, Oct. 2017
Fringe - June 2016
Full House - August 2018
Galavant - September 2018
Game Of Thrones - Feb. 2018 (Some gifs in months before)
Ghost Whisperer - October 2018, November 2018
Gilligans Island - August 2018
Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Grimm (early seasons) - March 2018  
Happy Days - August 2018
Hawaii Five 0 - Oct. 2017
Hawkeye (2021) - July 2022
Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Dec. 2017, Jan. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Hudson And Rex - June 2022
Humans - August 2017
Impractical Jokers - April 2019, Feb. 2020
Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017, March - May 2018, April - May 2019
iZombie - Feb. 2018
Jane The Virgin - January 2018
Jericho - December 2018, August 2020
Killjoys - November 2018
Kyle XY - June 2016
Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018 - June 2018, Sept. 2018, Nov. - Dec. 2018, April - May 2019, Jan. 2020, March 2020, May 2020
Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018 - May 2018
Limitless - January 2018
Loki (Disney+) - March 2022
Lost In Space - June 2018
Lucifer (Fox), Lucifer (Netflix) - December 2017, April - June 2018, April - May 2019, Sept. 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020, April - May 2020, July - Dec. 2020, Jan. 2021, May - Oct. 2021
Melissa & Joey - October 2017
Moonlight - November 2016, October 2018
Narcos - August 2022
Nashville - March - April 2017, September 2018
NCIS - September 2020
Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017
Once Upon A Time – January 2016
One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017
Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017
Prison Break - Oct. 2017
Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Resurrection - Oct. 2018
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Saved By The Bell - August 2018
Saving Hope - November 2018
Shadowhunters - Feb. 2018
Sherlock BBC - Feb. 2018
Shooter - August 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen & Ichabod) - August 2016, August 2020
Smallville - Feb. 2018
Stranger Things - July 2022
Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017, April 2018
Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, April - June 2018, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019
Superman & Lois - Feb. - March 2021, May 2021 - Aug. 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017,  Oct. - Dec. 2017, January - Dec. 2018, Jan. - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020
Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - June 2019, November 2019
Terra Nova - Oct. 2018
The Dead Zone - August 2020
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - September 2021, July 2022
The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - March - May 2019, Nov. - Dec. 2019, Feb. 2020
The Following - July 2017
The Good Doctor - September 2021
The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, June 2018
The Mandalorian/The Book Of Boba Fett - July 2022
The Mentalist - Nov. 2017  
The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, April - Sept. 2018
The Passage - Jan. 2019 - March 2019
The Saddle Club - Oct. 2017
The Vampire Diaries - Jan. - March 2017, Sept. 2017, April 2018
The Walking Dead – March 2016
The Witcher - January 2020, December 2021
This Is Us - January 2018
Transformers Prime - May 2017
Walker - Dec. 2020, Jan. - March 2021, May - Aug. 2021, Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Warehouse 13 - May 2018
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017
Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016
Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017
Young & Hungry - October 2017, September 2018
You Vs. Wild - May 2019
X-Files - January 2018 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - October 2020
A Cinderella Story - February 2018
After (2019) - October 2020
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Aladdin (2019) - February 2020
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017
Alpha Movie - December 2018
American Assassin - December 2017
An Extremely Goofy Movie - September 2020
A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016
Aquaman (2018) - Feb. 2019
A Star Is Born - September 2019
August Rush - November 2017
Avatar - February 2017
A Walk To Remember – May 2016
A Wrinkle In Time - June 2018
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017
Bambi - June 2016
Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016
Beastly - May 2018
Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beethoven - October 2020
Before I Fall - October 2020
Bicentennial Man - October 2020
Black Beauty - September 2016
Blade - October 2020
Blade Runner 2049 - February 2018
Blood And Chocolate - September 2017
Bring It On - July 2018, October 2020
Brother Bear – May 2016
Can You Keep A Secret - December 2020
Casper - November 2019
Charlie St. Cloud - November 2017
City Of Angels - October 2020
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017
Click - August 2021
Constantine Movie - November 2020
Coyote Ugly - October 2020
Creed Movies - April 2016, Oct. 2018, May 2019
Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - September 2017
Daredevil (2003) - January 2018
Dawn Patrol - March 2018
Deadpool - September 2016
Descendants Series - Oct. 2017, Sept. 2019
Dirty Dancing - July 2017
Disturbia - October 2020
Doctor Dolittle (1998) - October 2020
Eight Below - September 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017, Jan. 2019
Enemy Mine - January 2017
Eragon - September 2017
Everything Everything - August 2018
Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017
Fantastic Four (2005) - October 2020
Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017, Feb. 2018, August 2019
Fighting With My Family - October 2020
Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - September 2016
Flipper - October 2020
Footloose (1984) - July 2017
Footloose (2011) - Oct. 2017
Forever My Girl - March 2019
Free Willy - October 2020
Frozen - June 2016
Galaxy Quest - December 2017
Gemini Man - October 2020
George Of The Jungle - January 2017
Ghost (1990) - October 2020
Ghost Rider Movies - October 2020
Good Will Hunting - April 2022
Godzilla Vs. Kong - March 2022
Grease/Grease Movies - June 2017, October 2020
Gifted - Feb. 2018, June 2018
Hachi - September 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017, April 2019
Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016
Hidalgo - September 2016
Homeward Bound - September 2016
Horse Sense - October 2017
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017
I Am Legend - October 2020
I Am Number Four - May 2018
Ice Age Movies – May 2016
If I Stay – May 2016
If Only - January 2017, October 2020
I Frankenstein - April 2018
Indiana Jones - August 2021
Instant Family - October 2020
Interstellar - September 2019
Iron Will - September 2016
Jack Frost (1998) - January 2017
John Wick Movies - July 2019
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle - July 2018
Jumper - October 2020
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Movies – May 2016, Dec. 2017, Oct. 2018, April 2020, July 2022
Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. - Feb. 2018
Just Like Heaven - January 2017
Karate Kid - December 2021
Keith (2008) - October 2020
Kong Skull Island - December 2017
Lady And The Tramp - June 2016
Lassie (1994) - September 2016
Last Christmas - November 2019
Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017
Letters To Juliet - August 2018
Lone Survivor - December 2020
Love And Monsters - December 2020
Man Of Steel - April 2016, August 2017
Man On Fire - October 2020
Men In Black Movies - October 2020
Marley And Me - September 2016
Marry Me - April 2022
Marvel Universe Movies (Avengers, Spiderman, etc.) - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. 2018, March - April 2018, Sept. 2018, April 2019, Sept. 2019, July 2022
Max (Dog Movie) - September 2016
Midnight Sun (2018) - October 2020
Moana - July 2017
Motocrossed - November 2017
Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Mulan 2020 - December 2019
My Fake Fiance - October 2017
Narnia Series - September 2017
National Treasure (2004) - October 2020
Need For Speed - October 2020
Netflix Movies - May 2019
News Of The World - August 2022
Night At The Museum (NATM Series) - March 2018
Nine Months (1995) - August 2022
Oliver And Company - June 2016
Percy Jackson - October 2020
Planet Of The Apes Movies - October 2020
Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017, October 2020
Prospect - August 2022
P.S. I Love You - October 2020
Raise Your Voice - January 2016
Real Steel - October 2020
Red Dog - September 2016
Remember Sunday – May 2016
Riddick Movies - October 2020
RoboCop/Robocop 2014 - February 2018
Rocky (1-6) - April 2016, May 2019
Safe Haven - October 2020
Save The Last Dance - October 2020
Seabiscuit - September 2016
Secretariat - September 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017, October 2020, August 2022
She’s The Man – May 2016
Shrek - June 2016, October 2020
Snow Dogs - September 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - September 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017, October 2020
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016
Spy Kids - April 2019
Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016
Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017
Step Up Movies - October 2020
Suicide Squad - September 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017
Taken Movies - October 2020
Tangled - June 2016, May 2017
Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017
Terminator Movies – May 2016
The Addams Family - February 2018, November 2019
The Art Of Racing In The Rain - October 2020
The Batman (2022) - June 2022
The Blue Lagoon (1980) - October 2020
The Covenant - February 2022
The Crow (Original) – May 2016, October 2018
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Duff - February 2018
The Expendables Movies - October 2020
The Flintstones - October 2020
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017
The Game Plan - May 2018
The Greatest Showman - January 2018, May 2018
The Hitman’s Bodyguard - February 2020
The Horse Whisperer - September 2016
The Host - November 2017
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Indian In The Cupboard - March 2018
The Jungle Book - August 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Last Witch Hunter - October 2020
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017
The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017
The Little Mermaid - June 2016
The Longest Ride - March 2018
The Lucky One - November 2017
The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Mandalorian - Feb. 2020
The Matrix Movies - March 2022
The Maze Runner - May 2017, January 2018, May 2018
The Mummy (1999) - January 2017
The Mummy Returns - January 2017
The Notebook - July 2021
The Pacifier - May 2018
The Parent Trap - October 2020
The Patriot - October 2020
The Pirates Of The Caribbean (TPOTC Movies) - January 2020
The Prince & Me - October 2020
The Princess Bride - October 2020
The Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries 2 - February 2018
The Proposal – May 2016
The Santa Clause/The Santa Clause Movies - January 2020
The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016
The Sound Of Music - October 2020
The Suicide Squad (2021) - September 2021
The Ultimate Gift - December 2016
Titanic - October 2020
Togo - March 2020
Tomorrowland - October 2020
Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies/Bumblebee 2018 - May 2017, April 2019
Tremors - July 2017
Tuck Everlasting - October 2020
Twilight Movies - May 2017
Twitches - July 2021
Unconditional - December 2016
Underworld Movies - October 2018
Walking Tall - January 2017
Walk The Line - October 2020
War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
Warm Bodies - November 2017
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017
What Happens In Vegas - March 2022
While You Were Sleeping - October 2020
Winter’s Tale - October 2020
Wonder Woman (2017)/Wonder Woman 1984 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, Dec. 2019
X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Nov. 2019 xxx
Cyberpunk 2077 - August 2022
Detriot Become Human (PC/PS4 Game) - August 2021
Jurassic World Evolution (XBox/PC Game) - Dec. 2018
Stray - August 2022
The Isle (PC Game) - July 2020
The Last Of Us (Game)/II/PlayStation - June 2022
The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016, June 2022
The Hillywood Show/Hillywood - Nov. 2017, Aug. 2018
Buzzfeed Unsolved - April 2019
Markiplier - April 2022
The Try Guys - April 2019
Other Actors - Under “Actors” Tag
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Michael B. Jordan - Dec. 2018
The tags for many actors are “Actors” or rarely, “Actor” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority)
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Good Doctor (ABC)
0 notes
bluestar22x · 2 years
Master Post
Lost looking for something on this blog? This post is for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they can be found and usually were reblogged a lot.
I don’t always regularly reblog all the shows I watch. I usually do “catch-up” reblogs for many of my shows, so expect occasional mass reblogs (especially at the beginning of a new month).
This post is here to give you an idea of where to search for gifs and photos, etc. of a particular subject on my blog. I’m usually pretty good with tagging everything, but in some cases it may be easier to go through the posts by month instead of by the tags.
It’s also my personal guide to what to reblog in the future, so this post will be updated or reposted whenever I’ve had a lot of activity or it’s a new month.
Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017, June - Nov. 2018, April 2019, Oct. 2019
13 Reasons Why - April 2017
911 (Fox) - Dec. 2018, Nov. 2019 - Dec. 2019, March - Aug. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, March - June 2022
911 Lone Star - Jan. - Aug. 2020, Dec. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
A Discovery Of Witches - January 2022
After Life (Netflix) - August 2020, February 2022
Agents Of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016, March - May 2018, May - August 2019, May 2020 - August 2020
Almost Human – January 2016, Feb. 2018
Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Dec. 2018, May 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020
Awake (2012) - Oct. 2018
Baby Daddy - October 2017
Beauty And The Beast (CW), BATB - April 2018
Being Human (US) - November 2016
Believe - August 2016
Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016
Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016
Burn Notice - Sept. 2016, March 2020
Camp Cretaceous - October 2020, April 2021, Sept. 2021
Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, March 2022
Charmed (CW) - July 2019, Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Chasing Life - March 2018
Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017, Oct. 2017, March 2018, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. - May 2019, Sept. - Nov. 2019, Jan. - April 2020, Nov. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - May 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - May 2022
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - June 2019, Sept. 2020
Cobra Kai - December 2021
Constantine – Dec. 2015, Feb. 2016
CSI/CSI Vegas - October - Dec. 2021, July 2022
Daredevil (Netflix) - January 2018
Dark Angel - March 2017, Sept. 2018
Dark Matter - January 2018
DC Crossovers (CW Crossover) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019, Jan. 2020
Dominion – August 2015, November 2015
Elementary - January 2018
Forever - July 2016
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - August 2018
Frequency - Oct. 2016, Oct. 2017
Fringe - June 2016
Full House - August 2018
Galavant - September 2018
Game Of Thrones - Feb. 2018 (Some gifs in months before)
Ghost Whisperer - October 2018, November 2018
Gilligans Island - August 2018
Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Grimm (early seasons) - March 2018  
Happy Days - August 2018
Hawaii Five 0 - Oct. 2017
Hawkeye (2021) - July 2022
Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Dec. 2017, Jan. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Hudson And Rex - June 2022
Humans - August 2017
Impractical Jokers - April 2019, Feb. 2020
Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017, March - May 2018, April - May 2019
iZombie - Feb. 2018
Jane The Virgin - January 2018
Jericho - December 2018, August 2020
Killjoys - November 2018
Kyle XY - June 2016
Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018 - June 2018, Sept. 2018, Nov. - Dec. 2018, April - May 2019, Jan. 2020, March 2020, May 2020
Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018 - May 2018
Limitless - January 2018
Loki (Disney+) - March 2022
Lost In Space - June 2018
Lucifer (Fox), Lucifer (Netflix) - December 2017, April - June 2018, April - May 2019, Sept. 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020, April - May 2020, July - Dec. 2020, Jan. 2021, May - Oct. 2021
Melissa & Joey - October 2017
Moonlight - November 2016, October 2018
Nashville - March - April 2017, September 2018
NCIS - September 2020
Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017
Once Upon A Time – January 2016
One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017
Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017
Prison Break - Oct. 2017
Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Resurrection - Oct. 2018
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Saved By The Bell - August 2018
Saving Hope - November 2018
Shadowhunters - Feb. 2018
Sherlock BBC - Feb. 2018
Shooter - August 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen & Ichabod) - August 2016, August 2020
Smallville - Feb. 2018
Stranger Things - July 2022
Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017, April 2018
Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, April - June 2018, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019
Superman & Lois - Feb. - March 2021, May 2021 - Aug. 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017,  Oct. - Dec. 2017, January - Dec. 2018, Jan. - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020
Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - June 2019, November 2019
Terra Nova - Oct. 2018
The Dead Zone - August 2020
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - September 2021, July 2022
The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - March - May 2019, Nov. - Dec. 2019, Feb. 2020
The Following - July 2017
The Good Doctor - September 2021
The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, June 2018
The Mandalorian/The Book Of Boba Fett - July 2022
The Mentalist - Nov. 2017  
The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, April - Sept. 2018
The Passage - Jan. 2019 - March 2019
The Saddle Club - Oct. 2017
The Vampire Diaries - Jan. - March 2017, Sept. 2017, April 2018
The Walking Dead – March 2016
The Witcher - January 2020, December 2021
This Is Us - January 2018
Transformers Prime - May 2017
Walker - Dec. 2020, Jan. - March 2021, May - Aug. 2021, Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Warehouse 13 - May 2018
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017
Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016
Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017
Young & Hungry - October 2017, September 2018
You Vs. Wild - May 2019
X-Files - January 2018 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - October 2020
A Cinderella Story - February 2018
After (2019) - October 2020
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Aladdin (2019) - February 2020
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017
Alpha Movie - December 2018
American Assassin - December 2017
An Extremely Goofy Movie - September 2020
A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016
Aquaman (2018) - Feb. 2019
A Star Is Born - September 2019
August Rush - November 2017
Avatar - February 2017
A Walk To Remember – May 2016
A Wrinkle In Time - June 2018
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017
Bambi - June 2016
Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016
Beastly - May 2018
Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beethoven - October 2020
Before I Fall - October 2020
Bicentennial Man - October 2020
Black Beauty - September 2016
Blade - October 2020
Blade Runner 2049 - February 2018
Blood And Chocolate - September 2017
Bring It On - July 2018, October 2020
Brother Bear – May 2016
Can You Keep A Secret - December 2020
Casper - November 2019
Charlie St. Cloud - November 2017
City Of Angels - October 2020
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017
Click - August 2021
Constantine Movie - November 2020
Coyote Ugly - October 2020
Creed Movies - April 2016, Oct. 2018, May 2019
Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - September 2017
Daredevil (2003) - January 2018
Dawn Patrol - March 2018
Deadpool - September 2016
Descendants Series - Oct. 2017, Sept. 2019
Dirty Dancing - July 2017
Disturbia - October 2020
Doctor Dolittle (1998) - October 2020
Eight Below - September 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017, Jan. 2019
Enemy Mine - January 2017
Eragon - September 2017
Everything Everything - August 2018
Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017
Fantastic Four (2005) - October 2020
Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017, Feb. 2018, August 2019
Fighting With My Family - October 2020
Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - September 2016
Flipper - October 2020
Footloose (1984) - July 2017
Footloose (2011) - Oct. 2017
Forever My Girl - March 2019
Free Willy - October 2020
Frozen - June 2016
Galaxy Quest - December 2017
Gemini Man - October 2020
George Of The Jungle - January 2017
Ghost (1990) - October 2020
Ghost Rider Movies - October 2020
Good Will Hunting - April 2022
Godzilla Vs. Kong - March 2022
Grease/Grease Movies - June 2017, October 2020
Gifted - Feb. 2018, June 2018
Hachi - September 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017, April 2019
Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016
Hidalgo - September 2016
Homeward Bound - September 2016
Horse Sense - October 2017
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017
I Am Legend - October 2020
I Am Number Four - May 2018
Ice Age Movies – May 2016
If I Stay – May 2016
If Only - January 2017, October 2020
I Frankenstein - April 2018
Indiana Jones - August 2021
Instant Family - October 2020
Interstellar - September 2019
Iron Will - September 2016
Jack Frost (1998) - January 2017
John Wick Movies - July 2019
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle - July 2018
Jumper - October 2020
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Movies – May 2016, Dec. 2017, Oct. 2018, April 2020, July 2022
Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. - Feb. 2018
Just Like Heaven - January 2017
Karate Kid - December 2021
Keith (2008) - October 2020
Kong Skull Island - December 2017
Lady And The Tramp - June 2016
Lassie (1994) - September 2016
Last Christmas - November 2019
Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017
Letters To Juliet - August 2018
Lone Survivor - December 2020
Love And Monsters - December 2020
Man Of Steel - April 2016, August 2017
Man On Fire - October 2020
Men In Black Movies - October 2020
Marley And Me - September 2016
Marry Me - April 2022
Marvel Universe Movies (Avengers, Spiderman, etc.) - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. 2018, March - April 2018, Sept. 2018, April 2019, Sept. 2019, July 2022
Max (Dog Movie) - September 2016
Midnight Sun (2018) - October 2020
Moana - July 2017
Motocrossed - November 2017
Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Mulan 2020 - December 2019
My Fake Fiance - October 2017
Narnia Series - September 2017
National Treasure (2004) - October 2020
Need For Speed - October 2020
Netflix Movies - May 2019
Night At The Museum (NATM Series) - March 2018
Oliver And Company - June 2016
Percy Jackson - October 2020
Planet Of The Apes Movies - October 2020
Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017, October 2020
P.S. I Love You - October 2020
Raise Your Voice - January 2016
Real Steel - October 2020
Red Dog - September 2016
Remember Sunday – May 2016
Riddick Movies - October 2020
RoboCop/Robocop 2014 - February 2018
Rocky (1-6) - April 2016, May 2019
Safe Haven - October 2020
Save The Last Dance - October 2020
Seabiscuit - September 2016
Secretariat - September 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017, October 2020
She’s The Man – May 2016
Shrek - June 2016, October 2020
Snow Dogs - September 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - September 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017, October 2020
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016
Spy Kids - April 2019
Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016
Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017
Step Up Movies - October 2020
Suicide Squad - September 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017
Taken Movies - October 2020
Tangled - June 2016, May 2017
Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017
Terminator Movies – May 2016
The Addams Family - February 2018, November 2019
The Art Of Racing In The Rain - October 2020
The Batman (2022) - June 2022
The Blue Lagoon (1980) - October 2020
The Covenant - February 2022
The Crow (Original) – May 2016, October 2018
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Duff - February 2018
The Expendables Movies - October 2020
The Flintstones - October 2020
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017
The Game Plan - May 2018
The Greatest Showman - January 2018, May 2018
The Hitman’s Bodyguard - February 2020
The Horse Whisperer - September 2016
The Host - November 2017
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Indian In The Cupboard - March 2018
The Jungle Book - August 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Last Witch Hunter - October 2020
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017
The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017
The Little Mermaid - June 2016
The Longest Ride - March 2018
The Lucky One - November 2017
The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Mandalorian - Feb. 2020
The Matrix Movies - March 2022
The Maze Runner - May 2017, January 2018, May 2018
The Mummy (1999) - January 2017
The Mummy Returns - January 2017
The Notebook - July 2021
The Pacifier - May 2018
The Parent Trap - October 2020
The Patriot - October 2020
The Pirates Of The Caribbean (TPOTC Movies) - January 2020
The Prince & Me - October 2020
The Princess Bride - October 2020
The Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries 2 - February 2018
The Proposal – May 2016
The Santa Clause/The Santa Clause Movies - January 2020
The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016
The Sound Of Music - October 2020
The Suicide Squad (2021) - September 2021
The Ultimate Gift - December 2016
Titanic - October 2020
Togo - March 2020
Tomorrowland - October 2020
Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies/Bumblebee 2018 - May 2017, April 2019
Tremors - July 2017
Tuck Everlasting - October 2020
Twilight Movies - May 2017
Twitches - July 2021
Unconditional - December 2016
Underworld Movies - October 2018
Walking Tall - January 2017
Walk The Line - October 2020
War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
Warm Bodies - November 2017
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017
What Happens In Vegas - March 2022
While You Were Sleeping - October 2020
Winter’s Tale - October 2020
Wonder Woman (2017)/Wonder Woman 1984 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, Dec. 2019
X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Nov. 2019 xxx
Detriot Become Human (PC/PS4 Game) - August 2021
Jurassic World Evolution (XBox/PC Game) - Dec. 2018
The Isle (PC Game) - July 2020
The Last Of Us (Game)/II/PlayStation - June 2022
The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016, June 2022
The Hillywood Show/Hillywood - Nov. 2017, Aug. 2018
Buzzfeed Unsolved - April 2019
Markiplier - April 2022
The Try Guys - April 2019
Other Actors - Under “Actors” Tag
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Michael B. Jordan - Dec. 2018
The tags for many actors are “Actors” or rarely, “Actor” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority)
Jurassic World 3
News Of The World (Tom Hanks)
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Good Doctor (ABC)
0 notes
bluestar22x · 2 years
Master Post
Lost looking for something on this blog? This post is for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they can be found and usually were reblogged a lot.
I don’t always regularly reblog all the shows I watch. I usually do “catch-up” reblogs for many of my shows, so expect occasional mass reblogs (especially at the beginning of a new month).
This post is here to give you an idea of where to search for gifs and photos, etc. of a particular subject on my blog. I’m usually pretty good with tagging everything, but in some cases it may be easier to go through the posts by month instead of by the tags.
It’s also my personal guide to what to reblog in the future, so this post will be updated or reposted whenever I’ve had a lot of activity or it’s a new month.
Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017, June - Nov. 2018, April 2019, Oct. 2019
13 Reasons Why - April 2017
911 (Fox) - Dec. 2018, Nov. 2019 - Dec. 2019, March - Aug. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, March - June 2022
911 Lone Star - Jan. - Aug. 2020, Dec. 2020, Jan. - June 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
A Discovery Of Witches - January 2022
After Life (Netflix) - August 2020, February 2022
Agents Of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016, March - May 2018, May - August 2019, May 2020 - August 2020
Almost Human – January 2016, Feb. 2018
Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Dec. 2018, May 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020
Awake (2012) - Oct. 2018
Baby Daddy - October 2017
Beauty And The Beast (CW), BATB - April 2018
Being Human (US) - November 2016
Believe - August 2016
Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016
Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016
Burn Notice - Sept. 2016, March 2020
Camp Cretaceous - October 2020, April 2021, Sept. 2021
Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, March 2022
Charmed (CW) - July 2019, Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Chasing Life - March 2018
Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017, Oct. 2017, March 2018, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. - May 2019, Sept. - Nov. 2019, Jan. - April 2020, Nov. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - May 2021, Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - May 2022
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - June 2019, Sept. 2020
Cobra Kai - December 2021
Constantine – Dec. 2015, Feb. 2016
CSI/CSI Vegas - October - Dec. 2021
Daredevil (Netflix) - January 2018
Dark Angel - March 2017, Sept. 2018
Dark Matter - January 2018
DC Crossovers (CW Crossover) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019, Jan. 2020
Dominion – August 2015, November 2015
Elementary - January 2018
Forever - July 2016
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - August 2018
Frequency - Oct. 2016, Oct. 2017
Fringe - June 2016
Full House - August 2018
Galavant - September 2018
Game Of Thrones - Feb. 2018 (Some gifs in months before)
Ghost Whisperer - October 2018, November 2018
Gilligans Island - August 2018
Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Grimm (early seasons) - March 2018  
Happy Days - August 2018
Hawaii Five 0 - Oct. 2017
Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Dec. 2017, Jan. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020, Jan. - Sept. - Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Hudson And Rex - June 2022
Humans - August 2017
Impractical Jokers - April 2019, Feb. 2020
Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017, March - May 2018, April - May 2019
iZombie - Feb. 2018
Jane The Virgin - January 2018
Jericho - December 2018, August 2020
Killjoys - November 2018
Kyle XY - June 2016
Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018 - June 2018, Sept. 2018, Nov. - Dec. 2018, April - May 2019, Jan. 2020, March 2020, May 2020
Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018 - May 2018
Limitless - January 2018
Loki (Disney+) - March 2022
Lost In Space - June 2018
Lucifer (Fox), Lucifer (Netflix) - December 2017, April - June 2018, April - May 2019, Sept. 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020, April - May 2020, July - Dec. 2020, Jan. 2021, May - Oct. 2021
Melissa & Joey - October 2017
Moonlight - November 2016, October 2018
Nashville - March - April 2017, September 2018
NCIS - September 2020
Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017
Once Upon A Time – January 2016
One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017
Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017
Prison Break - Oct. 2017
Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Resurrection - Oct. 2018
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Saved By The Bell - August 2018
Saving Hope - November 2018
Shadowhunters - Feb. 2018
Sherlock BBC - Feb. 2018
Shooter - August 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen & Ichabod) - August 2016, August 2020
Smallville - Feb. 2018
Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017, April 2018
Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, April - June 2018, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019
Superman & Lois - Feb. - March 2021, May 2021 - Aug. 2021, Jan. 2022 - June 2022
Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017,  Oct. - Dec. 2017, January - Dec. 2018, Jan. - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Dec. 2020
Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - June 2019, November 2019
Terra Nova - Oct. 2018
The Dead Zone - August 2020
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - September 2021
The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - March - May 2019, Nov. - Dec. 2019, Feb. 2020
The Following - July 2017
The Good Doctor - September 2021
The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, June 2018
The Mentalist - Nov. 2017  
The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, April - Sept. 2018
The Passage - Jan. 2019 - March 2019
The Saddle Club - Oct. 2017
The Vampire Diaries - Jan. - March 2017, Sept. 2017, April 2018
The Walking Dead – March 2016
The Witcher - January 2020, December 2021
This Is Us - January 2018
Transformers Prime - May 2017
Walker - Dec. 2020, Jan. - March 2021, May - Aug. 2021, Dec. 2021, Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022
Warehouse 13 - May 2018
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017
Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016
Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017
Young & Hungry - October 2017, September 2018
You Vs. Wild - May 2019
X-Files - January 2018 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - October 2020
A Cinderella Story - February 2018
After (2019) - October 2020
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Aladdin (2019) - February 2020
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017
Alpha Movie - December 2018
American Assassin - December 2017
An Extremely Goofy Movie - September 2020
A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016
Aquaman (2018) - Feb. 2019
A Star Is Born - September 2019
August Rush - November 2017
Avatar - February 2017
A Walk To Remember – May 2016
A Wrinkle In Time - June 2018
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017
Bambi - June 2016
Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016
Beastly - May 2018
Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beethoven - October 2020
Before I Fall - October 2020
Bicentennial Man - October 2020
Black Beauty - September 2016
Blade - October 2020
Blade Runner 2049 - February 2018
Blood And Chocolate - September 2017
Bring It On - July 2018, October 2020
Brother Bear – May 2016
Can You Keep A Secret - December 2020
Casper - November 2019
Charlie St. Cloud - November 2017
City Of Angels - October 2020
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017
Click - August 2021
Constantine Movie - November 2020
Coyote Ugly - October 2020
Creed Movies - April 2016, Oct. 2018, May 2019
Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - September 2017
Daredevil (2003) - January 2018
Dawn Patrol - March 2018
Deadpool - September 2016
Descendants Series - Oct. 2017, Sept. 2019
Dirty Dancing - July 2017
Disturbia - October 2020
Doctor Dolittle (1998) - October 2020
Eight Below - September 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017, Jan. 2019
Enemy Mine - January 2017
Eragon - September 2017
Everything Everything - August 2018
Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017
Fantastic Four (2005) - October 2020
Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017, Feb. 2018, August 2019
Fighting With My Family - October 2020
Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - September 2016
Flipper - October 2020
Footloose (1984) - July 2017
Footloose (2011) - Oct. 2017
Forever My Girl - March 2019
Free Willy - October 2020
Frozen - June 2016
Galaxy Quest - December 2017
Gemini Man - October 2020
George Of The Jungle - January 2017
Ghost (1990) - October 2020
Ghost Rider Movies - October 2020
Good Will Hunting - April 2022
Godzilla Vs. Kong - March 2022
Grease/Grease Movies - June 2017, October 2020
Gifted - Feb. 2018, June 2018
Hachi - September 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017, April 2019
Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016
Hidalgo - September 2016
Homeward Bound - September 2016
Horse Sense - October 2017
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017
I Am Legend - October 2020
I Am Number Four - May 2018
Ice Age Movies – May 2016
If I Stay – May 2016
If Only - January 2017, October 2020
I Frankenstein - April 2018
Indiana Jones - August 2021
Instant Family - October 2020
Interstellar - September 2019
Iron Will - September 2016
Jack Frost (1998) - January 2017
John Wick Movies - July 2019
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle - July 2018
Jumper - October 2020
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Movies – May 2016, Dec. 2017, Oct. 2018, April 2020
Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. - Feb. 2018
Just Like Heaven - January 2017
Karate Kid - December 2021
Keith (2008) - October 2020
Kong Skull Island - December 2017
Lady And The Tramp - June 2016
Lassie (1994) - September 2016
Last Christmas - November 2019
Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017
Letters To Juliet - August 2018
Lone Survivor - December 2020
Love And Monsters - December 2020
Man Of Steel - April 2016, August 2017
Man On Fire - October 2020
Men In Black Movies - October 2020
Marley And Me - September 2016
Marry Me - April 2022
Marvel Universe (Avengers, Spiderman, etc.) - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. 2018, March - April 2018, Sept. 2018, April 2019, Sept. 2019
Max (Dog Movie) - September 2016
Midnight Sun (2018) - October 2020
Moana - July 2017
Motocrossed - November 2017
Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Mulan 2020 - December 2019
My Fake Fiance - October 2017
Narnia Series - September 2017
National Treasure (2004) - October 2020
Need For Speed - October 2020
Netflix Movies - May 2019
Night At The Museum (NATM Series) - March 2018
Oliver And Company - June 2016
Percy Jackson - October 2020
Planet Of The Apes Movies - October 2020
Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017, October 2020
P.S. I Love You - October 2020
Raise Your Voice - January 2016
Real Steel - October 2020
Red Dog - September 2016
Remember Sunday – May 2016
Riddick Movies - October 2020
RoboCop/Robocop 2014 - February 2018
Rocky (1-6) - April 2016, May 2019
Safe Haven - October 2020
Save The Last Dance - October 2020
Seabiscuit - September 2016
Secretariat - September 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017, October 2020
She’s The Man – May 2016
Shrek - June 2016, October 2020
Snow Dogs - September 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - September 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017, October 2020
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016
Spy Kids - April 2019
Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016
Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017
Step Up Movies - October 2020
Suicide Squad - September 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017
Taken Movies - October 2020
Tangled - June 2016, May 2017
Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017
Terminator Movies – May 2016
The Addams Family - February 2018, November 2019
The Art Of Racing In The Rain - October 2020
The Batman (2022) - June 2022
The Blue Lagoon (1980) - October 2020
The Covenant - February 2022
The Crow (Original) – May 2016, October 2018
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Duff - February 2018
The Expendables Movies - October 2020
The Flintstones - October 2020
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017
The Game Plan - May 2018
The Greatest Showman - January 2018, May 2018
The Hitman’s Bodyguard - February 2020
The Horse Whisperer - September 2016
The Host - November 2017
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Indian In The Cupboard - March 2018
The Jungle Book - August 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Last Witch Hunter - October 2020
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017
The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017
The Little Mermaid - June 2016
The Longest Ride - March 2018
The Lucky One - November 2017
The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Mandalorian - Feb. 2020
The Matrix Movies - March 2022
The Maze Runner - May 2017, January 2018, May 2018
The Mummy (1999) - January 2017
The Mummy Returns - January 2017
The Notebook - July 2021
The Pacifier - May 2018
The Parent Trap - October 2020
The Patriot - October 2020
The Pirates Of The Caribbean (TPOTC Movies) - January 2020
The Prince & Me - October 2020
The Princess Bride - October 2020
The Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries 2 - February 2018
The Proposal – May 2016
The Santa Clause/The Santa Clause Movies - January 2020
The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016
The Sound Of Music - October 2020
The Suicide Squad (2021) - September 2021
The Ultimate Gift - December 2016
Titanic - October 2020
Togo - March 2020
Tomorrowland - October 2020
Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies/Bumblebee 2018 - May 2017, April 2019
Tremors - July 2017
Tuck Everlasting - October 2020
Twilight Movies - May 2017
Twitches - July 2021
Unconditional - December 2016
Underworld Movies - October 2018
Walking Tall - January 2017
Walk The Line - October 2020
War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
Warm Bodies - November 2017
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017
What Happens In Vegas - March 2022
While You Were Sleeping - October 2020
Winter’s Tale - October 2020
Wonder Woman (2017)/Wonder Woman 1984 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, Dec. 2019
X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Nov. 2019 xxx
Detriot Become Human (PC/PS4 Game) - August 2021
Jurassic World Evolution (XBox/PC Game) - Dec. 2018
The Isle (PC Game) - July 2020
The Last Of Us (Game)/II/PlayStation - June 2022
The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016, June 2022
The Hillywood Show/Hillywood - Nov. 2017, Aug. 2018
Buzzfeed Unsolved - April 2019
Markiplier - April 2022
The Try Guys - April 2019
Other Actors - Under “Actors” Tag
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Michael B. Jordan - Dec. 2018
The tags for many actors are “Actors” or rarely, “Actor” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority)
Jurassic World 3
News Of The World (Tom Hanks)
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Good Doctor (ABC)
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