imaginesfubu · 11 months
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imaginesfubu · 1 year
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I've seen this background before-
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imaginesfubu · 1 year
Devs, you know you wanna give your feathery boi his own card. Don't make me bEG. Give him card, let him cook 😤
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Karasu has the Wrath attribute—
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
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Spongebob Seven Deadly Sins Theory, Have ya’ll heard of that? I’ve always thought of it as a joke theory cuz you can kinda force the sins to fit into anything anyway…
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
Acknowledge Me
Asmodeus vs. Mammon
Author's Note: Ever since my mom recovered her old Prince Crystal Ball 🔮 album, several songs have been stuck in my head. This one included, where the name of this promt is the name of the song that inspired... whatever this is.😅 This needed to come out my head before I forgot a cool prompt, so proof-reading is scarce. I hope you enjoy!
Take a listen to "Acknowledge Me" by Prince here. The song is a bit sexual (It's Prince, when was he not sexual tbh), so please listen at your own discretion. I don't own the song, all rights to this song goes to Prince and his Paisley Park Estate. All rights reserved.
Asmo and Mammom invited you to go club hopping with them this evening, which wasn't out of the ordinary for them to do; you love parties and their company! However, something had felt...off between the Avatars of Lust and Greed. What you didn't know, however, was that the two brothers had a rather heated argument about you twenty minutes before the three of you left the last club in search for another. It was only after you excused yourself from the bar to the bathroom to freshen up for the next club destination did the two erupt, ensuring you were out of sight and out of earshot.
"I'm gonna confess to MC tonight!" Mammon proclaimed after taking the rest of his Demonus to the head.
Asmo, rather bored of Mammon's previous failed attempts at a solid confession simply rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Mammon, you can only confess to MC so many times," Asmo stated rather plainly, "what makes you think MC's going to take you seriously?"
Mammon paused. He honestly had no idea. Mammon started to speak again, but Asmo cut him off.
"Let me guess: you have no idea how to do that, huh?"
"It shouldn't matter how I do it so long as MC understands how I feel about them! No bullshittin' from me this time."
"Okay Mammon, as much as I absolutely looooooooveeeee you as a big brother," Asmo started sarcastically but his tone dropped to something Mammon has never heard from his little brother before, "that's not going to happen because I'm going to be the one to finally tell MC how I feel. I suggest you back off."
Mammon raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the Avatar of Lust's resolve, then shot Asmo a glare.
"Wanna bet?" Mammon glowered.
Asmo's silence begged for the second born to elaborate. He knows his scummy older brother doesn't hold wagers with his brothers unless it was something serious. Or maybe desperation. Usually it's desperation, but what Mammon said immediately after snapped Asmo out of his thoughts.
"Since it's so rare for my horny demon of a lil brother to actually feel anything more than just the need to get off, I'll humor ya," Mammon smirks deviously.
"We'll both confess to the MC. We'll only have tonight. Nothing's off the table- dirty dancing, makeout sessions, you name it, Asmo. If one of us can show MC the best night out in comparison to the other, the bet will be over and whoever MC acknowledges is the winner of our brotherly wager."
"Interestiiinnngg~," Asmo coos, as he shifts in his seat, leaning closer to his brother.
"To think you'd be willing to bet something so grand so foolishly. Of course MC's gonna acknowledge me! We'd look amazing together. After all, I know their tastes in fashion and I can give them a good time both in the club and in bed. That last part being something only you could ever hope to be!" Asmodeus declares with a biting smile and mischievous wink to further emphasize the innuendo and implications.
"I'm their first and you betta not forget it you cocky motherfu-"
"Ooohh, is my big brother finally realizing he's too little down there to really show them a good time?"
Just before Mammon could get up from his seat at the bar to suckerpunch his brother, you call out to them, completely oblivious to the situation as you walk towards the two.
"Hey guys, sorry about the long wait. There was a line to the bathroom, can you bel..ieve..." You trailed off as you notice both Mammon and Asmodeus attempted to give you charming smiles, desperately trying to hide the remnants of a disagreement that happened seconds ago.
"What's up with the weird vibe, y'all?" You asked as you looked between Mammon and Asmo with folded arms. "'S up?"
Almost as if on cue, Mammon and Asmo sent glares at each other and shouted.
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
Y'all've heard of Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, now get ready for Obey Me!:
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
The One Piece vibes are strong with this event!
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MC: I'm gonna be King/Queen/Ruler of the Pirates!!!
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
Recently I've been having trouble opening the Obey Me! app to play. I can't get passed the opening screen without the game freezing and shutting itself down. Gotta love Androids
Somehow though, ya girl got to play a little bit of the Three-Legged-Crow event and I saw this precious cinnamon birb-
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And then I got to this bit right here:
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This low-key kind of confirms my theory that I made here about Karasu being beloved by the inhabitants of the Devildom.
Resident Best Birb Boi ™️ Karasu is so popular and loved, that this birb became an entire tycoon and is living the high life.
Nobody opposed the idea of a crow being a whole ass tycoon, much less a successful one at that and I love to see Karasu be acknowledged a little more by the Obey Me! team.
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imaginesfubu · 2 years
I don't think I can explain myself on this one part 2
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Lucifer's ideal vacation:
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Edit: hey, uh...I write too, in case you're interested in that
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Happy [late] Valentine's Day everyone! I got inspiration for this post from my own relationship with my boyfriend. We don't have real "pet names," but we do call each other headass/faceass so... ????? I guess this might still count as one? Hope you enjoy!
Obey Me! Boys React to MC Affectionately Calling Them Headass/Faceass
"Hey, don't worry about it. I just came to check in on you, you overworked headass."
What did you just call him?
Last time he checked, calling someone a headass was an insult
This man is so confused, he put his pen down
"...Come again, MC?"
"Huh? I just came in to check on you. But since you're busy and I can tell you're about to give me the whole "'MC I'm fine'" spiel, I'll see myself out. Love you, and get some sleep this time!"
He was so confused he just watched you leave with a smile on your face as if what you said was normal
What did he do wrong? Had he done something that bothered you without him realizing it? Did he say something to you that hurt you? If so, when did these events take place
Only when he finally breaks free from his overthinking, he texts Mammon to get his advise
Lucifer never thought he'd see another day when he would ask Mammon for advise
Once Mammon responded to his text that the term is meant to be an insult, however in some cases it can be used in a teasing manner.
He guessed the MC was "usin' it to be funny or teasin' ya"
Though, not a lot of people use it to be romantic
So, does that mean I'm off the hook and can have Goldie back?
Read, 2:28 a.m.
Oh, you're in for it now, MC
You two were hanging out in his room, planning a pyramid scheme
Karasu, Mammon's pet crow, was also there to put his own two cents in
"Instead of paying taxes like good eggs, give your tax money to me," Karasu states
"Excuse you, bird-brain?! What makes you think you'll get even a cent? A Grimm, even?!"
Cue a literal squabble amongst birb bois
You can't help but laugh and say:
"Mammon, you headass! I love you though."
Mammon needs a system reboot
Congrats, Karasu thought his demon master was dead
Mammon just looks at you and blushes redder than Lucifer's eyes, but then quickly retorts:
"Oh yeah? Well you're a faceass, MC! Butistillloveyatoo"
You both just laugh and blush together, Karasu and the pyramid scheme both forgotten
Somehow, someway, you convinced Levi to take you to Scotland after he told you the truth behind the human myth of the Loch Ness Monster
Levi didn't want to go back, he was so embarrassed he was spotted, and even more so when he had to retreat
How can he EVER go back to Scotland after suffering so much humiliation and shame?!
But, Levi loves you enough to travel with you to help him come to terms with his past
"Levi, you mauled people back in the what, 7th Century? 6th, 8th?"
"B-b-but they were taunting me! They actually recognized me as a demon! I couldn't let anyone who saw me live..."
"Jeez, Levi, it's the 21st Century. All three Realms are changing and evolving! You have to let go and let Go- I mean Diavolo. Let go and let Diavolo."
"I'd rather watch Koko's Strage Journey with you and cuddle, but fine."
"We can do that later, headass. Your mental and emotional health is what matters to me most."
He wanted to retort, but he knew you were right.
He doesn't mind the name
Just know that he'll tell you how you reminded him of one of his favorite characters who acts all cool and a bit mean on the outside but actually is really caring on the way back to the Devildom
Reacts like an old man just like Lucifer
Were you joking with him?
Were you flirting and wanted him to react as such?
What in the 9th Circle of Devildom did you just call him?
Satan's too old to try to keep up with modern day human slang...he feels himself losing brain cells
He's come to the conclusion to study up even more on recent psychology and sociology textbooks from the human realm
He needed to confide in his partner- in-crime, Satan's own Watson to complete his Holmes: Belphie
"Hey Belphie, MC just called me a "headass."
Belphie laughed so hard he went to sleep faster than an old Microsoft Windows XP desktop shutting down
[Insert shut down sound here]
It wasn't until you called him a faceass later that day with a playful smile and a laugh threatening to come out, does he realize what's going on
Satan's gonna get you back 😉
MC's feisty and playful!
You have no idea what you do to this demon
Then again, yes you do... kinda
Asmo doesn't care what you call him, so long as he knows he's loved, appreciated, and respected by you and there's no malice behind the teasing
The more you call him a headass or a faceass with your sweet laugh and the sparkle in your eyes, the more he just wants to push you up against the wall and-
You, Beel, and Belphie were hanging out in the attic
Beel was pretty tired of watching old Devildom comedy sitcoms, and he wanted to know of any "old but gold" human realm comedy sitcoms
You told Beel (and belphie, after waking him up to hang out with the two of you) about Roseanne, and that your favorite character was Roseanne's daughter, Darlene
Beel loves Dan, and Belphie can't help but like Darlene as well
Before the three of you know it, you take the remote and start up the second episode of season two
You and Beel are sure Belphie's dead asleep
Beel is kind of grateful that his little brother is asleep because he gets to spend more time with you
"Hey MC?"
"What if you and I wind up like Roseanne's family?"
"What about it? I'd love to have a family with you, Beel, and live long enough to see you turn into a headass like Dan."
Beel almost stopped mid-chew of an entire bag of jellybeans
All he did was look at you and smile, mouth full of jellybeans
"I wouldn't have it any other way, faceass."
Belphie invited you out stargazing
After a while of talking and joking around, it slipped out your mouth
You meant it in a joking way, but you weren't sure if you took it too far as he wasn't laughing with you anymore
"Oh no, I'm so sorry Belphie! I didn't want to call you something cliché like "babe, hun, bae, love... But i-i-if you don't want me to call you that it's totally fine!"
Belphie just stares at you as you stutter out an apology
Poor cow boy doesn't know what's going on because he actually fell asleep and didn't want to tell the truth to you
He did hear himself being called a faceass
"Hey, MC no it's fine. You don't need to apologize. I'm with you on that cliché bit. Besides, do you know how many people we can confuse and watch them drift into madness?"
You're so happy you just hug him
"You fell asleep on me"
"MC, n-"
"You're such a faceass, but I love you."
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Happy New Year + Long Update!
Happy New Year everyone! I can't apologize enough for being M.I.A. for more than six months. Like everyone else in the world 2021 wasn't nice to anyone. 2021 decided to claim four close family members and my paternal grandmother during the first week of the new year.
Trying to help my maternal grandmother battle depression and anxiety caused by nearly back-to-back deaths in the family has been understandably taking a major emotional and mental toll on myself and my immediate family, especially on my grandmother. Trying to battle my grandmother's depression, anxiety, and her stress levels along with my own has been emotionally and mentally taxing to say the least.
I've been spending more time with my family in the country (where Internetdoesn't exist) doing my best to be "okay" for them and myself. I've accepted all the deaths in my family, but please understand healing takes time and I needed that time away in order to heal.
Enough with my depressing news, time to hear some-
Good News + Small Victories
I graduated college in August
Met my long-lost older sister, her mom, and my niece for the first time
My cat Charlie is still a headass but in good health
The humor, love, and strength in my house is back to normal
Finally got my hands on the Switch OLED
Got a new professional part-time job
That's dope, but what does this mean for content?
Good question- not sure yet. Seeing as how I hadn't opened Obey Me! since God knows how long until this past weekend, I've gotta brush up on the main story and somehow get past Lesson 33-11 to catch up with the story. This may take a while as my broke 5-months-fresh-out-of-college ass with looming student debt ready to 360 no scope me any moment now is not paying real money in-game to level up my cards.
However! I will try my very best to learn more about these new characters coming out(!), while also expanding my knowledge and lore of the story and the original main cast. Until I catch up, I guess I'll try keeping up with Karasu because OMG BIRB BOI GOT LOVE WHILE I WAS GONE THANKS-!
Maybe add some of his interactions with Cerberus and Lotan and the rest of the brothers? Maybe?? Or use some of my real-life experiences as prompts for the Obey Me! cast??? Maybe???? How many more times am I gonna ask maybe????? I don't know, but please feel free to suggest what you think I should try! Or if you need someone to talk to about anything, feel free to swing by sometime. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I possibly can!
As always, thank you for your support and patience! Life is hard for everyone right now, and I hope to make someone out here smile, laugh, or just get away from it all for just a moment. To give you your moment of crack zen is why I'm here. Thanks for reading to the end of this vent + planning session and stay safe everyone!
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Demon Brothers meets their Voice Actors
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Keep reading
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Obey Me! New Datables as Black Twitter Memes I Found on Google:
Part 2 of Obey Me as Black Twitter Memes HERE cuz Tumblr's 10 images limit is dumb
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(Y'all can't tell me Luke WOULDN'T be accidentally savage to people, sorry not changing my mind.)
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Also Solomon:
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Bonus MC:
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Obey Me Brothers as Black Twitter Memes I Found on Google
Best shit posts always come when you can't sleep at 3-4 a.m. Thems the brakes, folks.
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I'll post the New Datables in another post, since Tumblr told me I couldn't fit all the memes.
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
It's been a hot minute since I've played Obey Me! because of school and preparing to graduate from college, so I needed to go through some lessons to remind me of what's going on. When I got to THIS moment-
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I had forgotten how Lucifer literally implied "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out," like a Black mom and I was just over here like:
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Didn't know I was witnessing a crime scene and a funeral at the same time for a SECOND time, gotdamn
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
Levi broke me, I wasn't ready 😭😭
I want MC with a black ribbon but there probably won't be one if they release them 😭
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