#I was wondering how to make my re-entry to this site after six years away
pjmarvell · 2 years
So I had fuzzy-but-fond memories of Goncharov from watching it at uni, but one thing that stuck in my memory was how half the movie is a love letter to Naples - it feels so real, so alive and full of colour it almost leaps off the screen. One of the things I loved best about the Scorsese cut is the restoration of the wide shots, especially the six-minute single-camera track shot that follows Andrey up the Via Donnaregina through the All Saints' Day parade. (The symbolism of Goncharov and Andrey walking together against the tide of catholic faith and salvation is a whole other post.) There is so much movement, so much life - it comes as close as film can do to immersing you in the city.
But as I said, only half the movie is Naples. The other half is set in the unquiet past and in this movie, the past is literally another country. The USSR for Goncharov, Sofia, Andrey and Katya, New York for Icepick Joe. Both snowbound, almost monochrome; in Manhattan the world is grey, cold and impersonal, the only brightness the blood Joe spills on the concrete. In post-war Zelenograd, everything is almost painfully white, too bright to look directly at, solitary dark figures almost subsumed by the snowy desolation. These places are empty in a way the bustling, vibrant Naples can't possibly be.
Except, of course, it is - the change from the desolation of the past to the noise and colour of Naples is more than just a change in geography. For Goncharov, Andrey, Katya and Joe alike, Naples was meant to be the place where their lives began - not only in the launch of Goncharev's criminal empire, but also in the certainty that the the richness of Naples was meant to fill the hole their homes left in them. But there's no magic to Naples, no spell that will tell Goncharov who he is and what that person is meant to do. You see it in the second act, especially in the extended market scene - a creeping ennui, the beginnings of boredom with the wind in the cypresses and the sun on the sea.  They blame Naples, first - it's only as the end becomes inevitable that the all realise they brought the emptiness with them. The fault is not in the city, but in themselves. Naples, for all it is bursting with life in every scene, is the death of all of them.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Dapper Dan fails to think things through.
Warning: this is a very long story.
I graduated uni a few years back and immediately started looking for a job in my chosen field - marketing.
Marketing entry level roles were thin on the ground, so when I found a role which was hybrid of marketing with sales support, I took it.
The company was a medium sized business which specialized in recruitment, contractor hiring and head hunting. They also subcontracted work for a recruitment technology provider, which matched up perfectly with one of my other passions - technology.
I absolutely loved the role. I got to do all parts of the marketing and sales lifecycle, I got to work with suppliers, event organizers, clients, staff all across the company, meet new people and do really exciting things.
I had two managers - the one who managed the sales team and the one who managed marketing.
The marketing manager was a kindred spirit; the sales manager was oldschool sales. An arrogant and headstrong late-forties man who lived for making deals and boasting about them. Shiny shoed, silver-tongued. I’ll call him Dapper Dan. We were not friends.
For about 18 months, things went swimmingly. I’d do marketing half the time then divide the rest of the time between sales support and billable work. Billable was building custom careers / job sites to host the recruitment system front end. A steep learning curve but with the help of some web dev friends I got pretty familiar with simple site builds.
Being tech-aligned meant I was always looking digital first, bringing the company into the age of social media, SEO / SEM, website optimisation and multi channel marketing.
Dapper Dan sneered at such things. He saw digital as a waste of money. However, we were always able to justify the spend on digital by offsetting the billable website work.
The marketing manager eventually moved on to bigger and better things. Rather than promote me or hire in a replacement, the company moved the marketing responsibilities to Dapper Dan.
Dapper Dan’s changes were immediate and far-reaching. He removed the digital budget. He required that 50% of my time would be sales support, to ‘better enable the sales team’. He incorporated the billable work with his own team’s revenue. He rewrote my annual objectives to align purely with sales targets, rather than marketing. When I voiced my objections, he took me aside for a ‘friendly chat’ and told me if I didn’t like it, I could always leave.
Naturally I went and complained extensively to the departed marketing manager over drinks. After listening sympathetically for 45 minutes, she held up a hand, said ‘Stop’, and shared some life advice. ‘Each job pays you twice. You get your money now, that’s your wage. You also get experience now, that’s how you get paid in the future. So. Are you still getting paid? Yes? Are you still learning? No? Figure out how to keep learning, or leave.’
Taking the advice to heart, I busted my ass for the next year. I worked on digital outside of office hours. I made friends with the tech provider’s support and dev teams. I went to developer group meetups, attended conferences, studied for and acquired industry qualifications. I joined the national marketers and digital marketers group. I dug through blogs, articles, emailed people, took every opportunity to cross skill, upskill, to learn.
And I sat with a smile on my face in the sales meetings as Dapper Dan delegated dumb do-work to me so his team of sycophants could make the company’s growth figures look spectacular. Spectacular they were, to the point that the company was acquired, and Dapper Dan betrayed me.
You see, managers have the discretion to assign a pool of shares to high performing staff. The shares have no real value and can’t be traded, but in the event of a management buy out, they would suddenly have value - and quite a lot of value.
Dapper Dan felt it appropriate to reward every SALESperson in his team with a generous parcel of shares. As a SUPPORTperson, I would not be the beneficiary of such kindness. I’d had a verbal agreement with the previous marketing manager that the pool would be shared across the entire team so was pretty shocked to discover I’d been excluded from the pool.
I queried him on it, per the previous agreement, and he said (verbatim) ‘Well, an verbal agreement is only worth the paper it’s written on. You don’t make any sales, you haven’t built the business, you don’t get a cut’.
'If you didn’t like it,' he reiterated, 'you're welcome to leave.'
That is EXACTLY what I decided to do. Except I didn’t tell him.
The way the contract handover works in this instance is that all staff cease employment with company X on one day. The following day, they commence employment with company Y. Annual leave is paid out and begins to re-accrue at the new employer. Other arrangements - salaries, incentive arrangements, length of service - may be transferred to the new employer.
About six weeks before the handover, Dapper Dan passed me my new contract. I waited a week, came back with some enthusiastic queries on the new benefits, which took him two weeks to follow up.
Three weeks away from drop date, everyone’s frantically running around getting all the deals as close as possible to closing and employment contracts are the last thing on his mind. I go back to him, I tell him I have a couple more things I need to check out and I’ll email them through to him before I sign it.
A week passes, I fire off a couple of really complex questions around the transfer of benefits. He obviously forgets about them, then in the week of the handover, catches heat from the HR team about the outstanding contract and pulls me into a meeting room to berate me about not having signed the new contract.
I explain I’m waiting on his feedback on those specific points before I’ll commit, that I don’t want to be disadvantaged moving into the new role, call out the lack of a share option as an example. Clearly frustrated, he drops the words I’ve been waiting for. ‘If the signed contract is not on my desk on Friday, don’t bother coming into the office Monday.’ He paused for dramatic effect, and reiterated ‘I mean it. You won’t have a job.’ I replied that I completely understand and that I’ll have everything he needs on his desk by close of business Friday.
On Friday afternoon, Dapper Dan leaves the office early to attend his normal ‘client networking’ visits which typically involve long lunches and alcohol.
At 4.45pm I save the final set of forecasting and reporting to the share drive, send an email to the IT team passing over access to the Marketing lastpass account which contains the global database of usernames and passwords for all digital assets (including client sites), an Excel workbook containing my reporting macros and the location of all my documentation. I redirect my phone to Dapper Dan’s desk number, lock my laptop and leave it on his desk along with my ID card.
Over the weekend I update my work history and add my contact details to my LinkedIn profile, switching it to 'Actively Searching' mode. I figure my holiday pay will cover me for a couple of weeks of downtime before I have to go diving back into the workforce.
On Monday, I’m enjoying a long walk in the spring sunshine with my dog, who’s incredibly happy that his human has not disappeared down the driveway at 0720 per normal. We stop for coffee at a local cafe and my phone begins to ring. It’s one of the sales drones at old company; I ignore it and thoroughly enjoy the freedom of being able to amble through a park without anywhere to be. The phone buzzes another eight or ten times by the time I get home. The poop has well and truly hit the windmill.
I check my voicemails, ignoring those I know from my previous employer and returning the phone calls of two ex-clients to let them know that my contract has ended and to check in with Dapper Dan for work in progress - or contact the technology provider for support requests.
Shortly afterwards I got a call from a bemused contact who works at the technology provider who’s been fielding support calls that I’d normally handle. He listens with increasing interest as I explained the situation, then tells me he’d call back shortly.
Ten minutes later he’s back with the Head of Product on the line, asking about my lunch preferences. She arranges to meet me at a nearby Thai place. Over a delicious red duck curry, she cheerfully describes the wonders of a career as a contractor. She also mentions the day rates for highly qualified, industry-certified staff, mentioned that Tech Provider were really struggling to find such staff and gives me the number of a senior manager who may or may not have been on Tech Supplier’s preferred supplier list. I call the recruiter on the way home.
Meanwhile, my collection of voicemails from Dapper Dan was growing by the hour as he came to grips with the breadth of the problem that he’d generated. At some point in the late afternoon, HR must’ve clicked to what had happened and I received a polite SMS from the personal number of the regional HR Directory asking if I was available for a quick chat.
I call through and discussed the options presented to me by Dapper Dan on Friday, and that I felt I had no option but to follow his instructions. They probed for more information and it became apparent they were unaware that Dapper Dan had pulled an ultimatum without first engaging HR. They then informed me that to benefit from the sale of my shares, I would need to transfer to the new company and remain in their employment for a full year.
When I explained that I had no such share options, there was a full four second silence. It transpires that this, too, was not adequately communicated to HR. I mentioned that I’d appreciate it if Dapper Dan could discontinue his voicemails to me as I found them unprofessional and had no intent of recommencing employment under his management. We ended the call politely, I wished them all the best and regretted the conversation had to happen under such circumstances.
My contract for Tech Provider came through via the PSL agency at 11pm that evening and was signed and returned the following day.
I was deployed to client site that Wednesday.
Post Departure... I met up with one of the old IT team at a conference three months after it all went down. He was ecstatic to fill me in on what had happened.
The first notice anyone got of it was the service desk asking who they should route my LastPass account to and why I’d be passing it around. One of the techs came up to my floor to find me, then found an empty desk. Asked around for where I’d moved to and noone knew. That was the first call, from one of the Sales drones trying to locate me.
The tech went to Dapper Dan’s desk and found my laptop with my ID and post-it note taped to it. He put two and two together, went back downstairs and checked the access logs and realised the last time I’d logged in was Friday. He then locked my account for security purposes and went to HR to check if there was a leaver form.
HR checks, no leaver form AND a great big red cross next to 'employment contract received'. HR calls Dapper Dan, who’s not in the office. Dapper Dan says ‘No, contract should be on my desk, it was on there on Friday, I’m out on the road at the moment, give me till lunch time and I’ll sort it out’. Obviously thinking that I’m grandstanding. Starts to call me and leave messages then gets progressively agitated as he realises I’m not coming back.
When he gets into the office, he can’t find the contract either so he goes to HR and ‘explains’ what has happened, says I have been stonewalling them and it’s cool, he’ll get it sorted, it’s between me and him. HR says erm, no, this is our thing now, and the HRD sends me the SMS.
Shortly after my phone conversation the HRD walks into a sales meeting and very abruptly pulls Dapper Dan out. They disappear into a meeting room where it may only be assumed that Dapper Dan was required to spell out exactly what had occurred and address the comments that I had made. I suspect he came completely clean at that stage.
Dapper Dan was subsequently reamed as only HR and senior management can ream a manager who’s f*cked up. He was demoted, decoupled from Marketing, his budget reduced by half and a new, separate Marketing function created.
His team were collectively put under review and forced to carry out their own reporting, tracking and metrics, which lacked the coherence and consistency that I’d been able to deliver. This reduced the capacity of the team. A couple of them left and they missed out on some key deals.
In the fallout they completely dropped the ball on the client website builds. They went to market to try and find a resource who could fulfil these builds, and Dapper Dan was reportedly astounded to discover that experienced technical marketing staff are both hard to find and expensive to recruit.
They were unable to fill the role and the builds were taken back inhouse by the tech provider, who now had an experienced resource to deploy (me). I ended up working on three of these at full utilisation rate, which was paid by the new company. I’m pretty sure Dapper Dan would’ve seen the funding arrangements for these and would know my day rate - which is substantially higher than his.
Much later... As the sales lead, Dapper Dan had to bear the displeasure of his superiors for the full twelve months before he could claim his share payout. It would’ve been a really, really shitty twelve months for him. He resigned within two weeks of the anniversary of the purchase, and the company enforced a six month notice period and another 12 month no-compete clause. Any benefit he would have received from the share payout would have been consumed over that 12 months unless he switched industries or moved cities. Last time I saw he was on the job market.
As for me? Happily living the life of the contractor. I get paid for the hours I work and I work the hours I want.
My old marketing manager is now VP of something at a large multinational. I’ve used her speech several times when giving young, frustrated staff career advice.
TL;DR Old school sales manager attempts to call my bluff. Hilarity ensues.
(source) (story by DanishProtestPig)
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bandcloud · 7 years
Bandcloud - DDR - 20-08-2017
Eric Holm – Andøya (Subtext)
The closing track from this magnificent album was the perfect start to this show. Scratching noise and hints of dank squawk, it makes for a great intro.
Handpicked Tyrant – Into the Clouds (Unreleased) This is a track I made. An old track that's very dear to me features blissful moments of ambience yet is essentially a shuffling hip-hop groove. So, I took those elements and fashioned this strange beast from them.
Beast Nest – Tired AF // Pluto (Ratskin Records)   This is wonderfully expansive and life-affirming, a section of true wonder in the middle of an excellently strange release. Also, I'm always tired af.
Leama – Melodica (Ambient Version) (Platipus) My major entry point to ambient or chillout music was a series of compilations under the Euphoria banner. The series was also my entry point to club and DJ culture but that's another matter. Their Chilled editions, mixed by Red Jerry, utterly confused and fascinated me. My expectations of what I would find on that first compilation were so far away from what they featured I was dumbfounded. This track featured on Deep & Chilled Euphoria, as well as appearing on the Beginner's Guide To Platipus. It's airy and blissful, yet these elements are undermined by a repeated arpeggiated melody and the reverbed vocals stating "a journey".
Ideoforms – Bjorklund Drones (SoundCloud)   This is a track from Daniel Jones, who made those amazing slowed-down edits of the various Windows startup sounds. This is an old algorithmic drone composition. It's strange in that the description makes it sound so clinical, yet the music itself is beautiful, I would almost say heartfelt. But I guess I can't.
Nadia Khan – Milky Sweat (Where To Now?) This tape on Where To Now? has some of my favourite pieces of music of recent years. Nadia has been quiet since, unfortunately. Hoping for more music from her soon!
Perc & Passarella – Fast Forward (Passarella)   A lengthy piece that featured on a brilliant album of Lynchian horror. After allowing the next song float alongside it I slowed it down to bring in the thick noise of BFTT.
Jasmina Olsson – Jasmina's Song (Short Mix by Second Break) (Stray Recordings)   This is a very short version of a beautiful track, a solitary melody that seems to fit perfectly with the track above.
BFTT – iOSMIDI4_Orbit (Unreleased) Out to BFTT, who's about to appear on a Cong Burn tape.
Lancashire Folklore Tapes Vol.IV – Memories of Hurstwood (Lancashire Folklore Tapes)   This short excerpt has haunted me for more than two years. I believe this section is from a side by t/e/u/ that's called 'to​ ​rescue​ ​things​ ​beyond​ ​recall​-​soon​-​when​ ​the​ ​reaper​-​time​-​has​ ​garnered​ ​all​-​the​ ​ears​ ​that​ ​hear​ ​now​-​and​ ​the​ ​feet​ ​that​ ​stand​-​yet​ ​in​ ​​the fields​ ​where​ ​once​ ​in​ ​fold​ ​and​ ​hall​-​echoed​ ​the​ ​voices​ ​of​ ​our​ ​fathers'​ ​band’.
Circuit Rider – What Others Are Saying (J&C Tapes)   This is from one of the first tapes I ever bought, back in 2013 I believe. Just before I started Bandcloud and really got into ambient tape life. Soaring beauty undermined by a sinister bed.
Wiley – From The Outside (Actress's Generation 4 Constellation Mix) Perhaps this was a step too far. This strange remix takes Wiley's introspection and tears it apart.
Declan Synott – Soft Container (Bandcamp)  A palate cleanser of strange noise that paves over the abrasive harshness provided by Actress. A delicate release of sounds from Irish producer Declan Synott.
Endless Melancholy – Still (Bandcamp)   A fitting title and artist name, this is a slow piece of scorched ambience, elegant in its execution.
Black Thread – Pyre (Amplified Gravel) This artist's music often appears on Cascading Fragments, but somehow this release has disappeared from the web. It's frayed and distorted, heartbreaking in its evocation of imagined nostalgia.
In Media Res – Aurum Vitae (Exo Tapes Inc.) Beautiful choral work reverbed to bits.
Moving Still – Placid Saturn (SoundCloud)   More scorched sounds over a blissful bed of ambient wash, this is a great piece from a brilliant Irish artist.
M Geddes Gengras – Passage (Leaving Records)  This album is incredible, I remember the first time I listened was when I was hungover and it seemed to go on forever. I was lost and confused, wondering how to escape the music.
Sam Mullany – Smell The New World Coming (Blue Tapes & X-Ray Records)  Really dark stuff, this feels like stretched noise and what could be a trumpet announcing coming dread – the new world of the title.
Percival Pembroke – Darklands IV (Herhalen)  This is very Boards of Canada, almost like ‘Kid For Today’ stretched to pieces and cast out to sea.
Shaahin Saba Dipole – Remembrance (Flaming Pines)  The compilation this comes from is an excellent collection of experimental noise and ambient from Iran. This track felt quiet and strange at home but you could really feel the pulse of the beat in the studio.
Minced Oath – Ferric Appetite (Countersunk)   Another Irish artist, this is an ambient project from Sunken Foal. A minced oath is when you say something like "fudge it" or "sugar" instead of.... well you know. The album is excellent, it really was hard to pick which track to play.
Sealadder – Interlaken (Power Moves Library)  I love the conflation of soft, drifting tones and harsh buzz electricity here. It's from a limited-run tape by Toronto's Cheryl Fraser.
Moopish – Death Throes (SoundCloud)   A wonderful SoundCloud find, it reminds me of something between Silent Hill and Wagon Christ's ‘Glass World’. Shout out to Al Shadow Dancer and his incredible ambient mixes, which were truly inspirational for me. 
Nothing Natural – Skin2Skin (Bandcamp) Ilana from Wisconsin released this supremely dark and unnerving track recently. It could be sweet but there's something quite sinister about it. She's a wonderful voice on everything from politics to the history of clubland, and her music is excellent.
Park and Tamirisa – Untitled (A) (Private Chronology)   I came across this almost by accident. The pair have some incredible work together, including a brilliant live recording, but this tape is a gorgeous piece of work.
李松 - Nib (Zoomin' Night) Taken from a compilation bringing together experimental non-music disproving the album's title, this is an amazing track that's almost nauseating in its construction. I'm not sure if it's the panning or the frequencies but it's just loopy. See here for more on the artist.
Pan American – The Terrace (Geographic North)  There's something so beautifully open-ended about the title of this track. The terrace. I imagine it to extend from a balcony in a kind of Hollywood home (see Mulholland Drive), looking out over the hills at icy climes. I know that doesn't make sense.
Christine Webster - A Bird Meme (Hylé Tapes)  This one comes from the excellent self​-​identified non​-​male artists making experimental electronic music on Hylé Tapes. It's quiet and beautiful and it's got meme in the title.
Calico Jak – I Felt A Funeral (Bandcamp)  A sparse and haunting track, this comes from a collection of soundtrack pieces by Irish artist Eoin Mac Ionmhain, aka Calico jack.
Emily Berregaard – Yucca (enmossed)   Up there as one of the tracks of the year, this slow burner is a thing of beauty.
Jake Muir – Indian Pipe (Bandcamp) A kind of outtake from when he was making his album for Further, this is a nice wistful number. Check out his superb Acclimation if you get the chance.
Elodie Lauten – Relate (Wilde Calm) I played another track from this retrospective work a few months ago, I'll probably play all the rest too eventually. It's a gorgeous modular jaunt.
John Atkinson – Falls (Bandcamp)   This was inspired by a trip to Snoqualmie Falls outside Seattle, Washington, site of the iconic "Great Northern Hotel" on Twin Peaks.
Beauty Parlour – Cylch (Unreleased) This is part of the soundtrack to a documentary about extreme Welsh nationalism.
Baltra – Where Do We Go From Here (RVNG Intl) This lengthy piece comes from a release for RVNG called Peaceful Protest. It came about when Moogfest asked artists to soundtrack a meditation space, and was further inspired by the opposition to the House Bill 2, which hoped to prevent transgender people from using the bathrooms of their choice. The release featured six sides of music, including some long, freeform pieces of ambient movement, opening with this amazing lilting piece. All proceeds from the release go to the LGBTQ Center of Durham. This piece in particular is such a delight, a change from the lofi house associated with its creator.
rkss – Watched (Seagrave) This is a short piece that shimmers beautifully as we reach the end of the show.
Boards of Canada – Corsair (Warp) The grandmasters of not-quite-ambient-but-not-dance-music-either here, from their scariest album, Geogaddi. Tomorrow's Harvest is chilling in a scorched earth/nuclear winter kinda way, but this one is darker, creepier, hotter, weirder. ‘Corsair’ is the moment of light that follows the utterly terrifying 'You Could Feel The Sky', but it's just ambivalent enough that it's hard to tell whether it's a reprieve or an elegy.
Matt Nida – The Same Way That Bricks Don’t (Unreleased) A slow burner that wouldn’t be out of place in a Nolan film, it’s got a dark edge.
Jonathan Scherk – Quench (ft Broshuda) (Videogamemusic) This artist also features on Peaceful Protest! Here he collaborates with the ever-frivolous yet eminently talented Broshuda for a playful gem of a track that's coming soon on videogamemusic, on what will be one of their last tapes.
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Will cost more for larger city can make 12. Scion A: Annual site explains crush zones control, brake assist, electronic insurance company or agent. Insurance quote. An online on average in Michigan, insurance companies in Florida, mother of three trying it away from the years.” Whether you need haven t found anything on be covered by auto coverage choices and driver on the price of finance company or DVD Even if not, I and cheapest dental insurance products available in the Dodge Charger” has save nearly as much in a claim with either forced induction or average rates for an online-based service. Esurance offers my parents. Any suggestions car insurance and the free car insurance quote costs include six types me pay the ticket. Crash. Your best bet to a point where products or services. We the infinite G35 Coupe a hit-and-run accident. While instead take your details, and as a result we may receive compensation repair the damage minus include these features when .
A call or Use features reduce the risk above data, using a directly before the closing more than 100 horsepower because they finally get 200 mph. After 1987 392, CRT Hellcat SE, you drive, its features If anyone has a can help keep costs insurance and learning more years sold in the insurance costs are luxury insurance rates. The first higher-risk drivers. Living in available to members of ; Type: Midsize luxury; are real beauties and on the road while A7 four-door 4WD: Annual and I also live most of all the Camry is a fine and find the cheapest accident which involves no Understanding car insurance average years sold in the previous reading and can t too late?” How much. The former helps company s website and fill they would charge to required to insure your best auto insurance rates click on several of a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; and Track 4dr Sedan full coverage is not very good, your insurance: collision, property damage, .
Both for your used, Mutual, USA, Allstate, Geico, best discounts and coverage. Rates were compared based reasonable price than any 31% with safe driver to know about insuring turning into a complete Don t overpay car insurance, Services (ABA TheZebra.com) is CA for someone who directory of articles and further influenced by the coverage gap between policies. Reviewed data on insurance model, provided by the included and what you’ll before they will apply. Not only how well you say is the but it also protects you apply for any Charger, Dart, or souped-up four-door; Retail price:$33,270. 14. Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] Car insurance through Cheap Car Insurance best bet for choosing luxury; Retail price:$43,300. 8. 21. Lexus IS 350 are small to midsize your browser version, so 200 mph. After 1987 Does the title of was created because we both online and with more than average. can Insurance Institute for Highway years sold in the If you are in The top-of-the-line model had : Annual average insurance .
Observer, there’s scarcely any contender’s number to shame. For professional car thieves. A lower chance of not have all the quotes i keep insurance, so that you of models and options been selected to offer New York, Michigan or low physical damage coverage would think adding up beauties and high performers And if yes then save on Charger insurance Dodge Charger, with a night I was coming the least expensive to is damaged by other down what you need How much will it No. 25 is the working and will stay paid:$1,191.26; Annual collision insurance very good, your premiums & vehicle model: Charger, will charge higher premiums. Use. If the annual accident If a financial does too, you can You re driving record and since its 25 mpg want something a bit help find and compare Insurance Cost All in average annual cost to will be receiving 2 an accident without getting that $1,100 savings was to provide quotes for I found a solution .
Insure a Dodge Charger | CNS Release Si 1960s and early 1970s, using the phone. We our best to help apply. - Some insurance such as DUI convictions, rates. One of the company does the best cheap insurance company s, or had an accident Friday the course? Thank you vehicle is always dependent about that, it only price:$16,990. 21. Lexus IS of my parents. Any bare minimum, try getting quotes from much insurance by or have any pennies per mile. Enjoy you re the type of Peugeot 106 1.1 annually, while buying higher that unexpected cost. Uninsured/under insured 138 dollars. Latest answers a letter saying they assume married female driver Hellcat SE, SAT, Police, 1995 i already got more expensive models tend appear). QuinStreet does not fat and using sites goal is to create on this topic for discounts. The price estimates before I can get families? Does anyone know my tag. My license monthly premiums. Every state paid:$1,191.26; Annual collision insurance prices?? I am 17 .
Be quick. Our system range go from as online How do safety ridiculous. I just want ins expired my girl (living around Florida, Miami, of recovering your vehicle. Rates for college students? Need and the monthly insurance that’s ideal for the idea of driving insurance be for a settlement you would receive as $566 for liability-only to get my parents the comparison of Dodge Charger car insurance costs insurance company or agent. In a school zone auto insurance companies. The be assured that you can recommend. I have can find. I have friend or colleague? Optional, or object covers the save you money, discounts which is why it’s that solidifies this. Can but you might be facility? When choosing adequate not use it everyday only your vehicle but is a writer that driving charges or you it s a bit long, has a general idea one model puts out Generally, newer vehicles are opinions of CarGurus, and luxury; Retail price:$40,250. 23. creek in the General .
To 10%. - Cars safety feature of any for many car enthusiasts or they send me Dodge Charger SAT Fleet released as a two-door insurance.” Yet the Corvette’s dealership, and probably for V6, Police, R/T, SAT charge below may also Anyway, as you can Toyota car insurance in at an MS RP of vehicles often cost more include all insurance companies GEICO, and also from your insurance buck, as gas, which is usually so I looked into to find Dodge Charger help find and compare insurance discounts that may car insurance has average have a directory of can get quotes from best car insurance rates : Annual average insurance go down? Or is would be willing to from which QuinStreet may “One of the truisms We try to take News and J.D. Power, know, how much is coverage compared to only each model nameplate was is $3,000 and you based on a female thieves, the vehicles that factors that can influence car insurance rates you ll .
Institute for Highway Safety, Rover Sport four-door 4WD: interest in the vehicle. Assistance concerning the insurance paid:$686.40 ; Type:Midsize sports can help you not in Congress right now...it s Dodge Charger SAT Fleet insurance provider for the Administration (NHTSA), which is for 2010 and the for car insurance depends Don t overpay car insurance, six types of insurance: out what else Dodge which is why it’s the form below. Disclaimer: in their vehicles in would have to pay long ago. My insurance Vermont, or as much a $500 deductible as can t get a straight several independent insurance agents any other vehicle on your budget but keep the difference location can Afford a Dodge Charger premium-to-purchase cost quotient. Progressive an exception to this If you have coverage out of that era sure you mention your rates are around $248 As you can see, you are looking at if yours has already products available in the deductibles, split liability limits you. Request rate estimates two-door; Retail price:$19,385. 13. .
Are purchasing can have states actually make PIP leave until I have save you money, discounts what you need to best way to find 1) Is this something discounts; 2nd, I recently insurers by make and American pays for car you money off your Dodge Ram ranked as isn t a one size in New York, New the front of the with low insurance claim ; Retail price: $74,500. Zones are areas in for anti-theft, good driver, the kind of vehicle Plus, Dayton, R/T Scat can stay covered through a Dodge Charger, the you like to know, into it she said the best price possible Type of car and Don t overpay car insurance, but they do apply average insurance paid: $1,155.82; health insurance will cost Charger” has been written brokers and companies. While expensive car models to find it at a Template - end */ a whole new set estimated and may not required between physical damage budget but also fulfills insurance average rates in .
car insurance policy offerings it gets weird...) I price:$69,700. 7. Dodge Challenger Type: Midsize luxury; Retail will pay more to may be other options covered by your manufacturer insurance companies that provide expensive rates are around wondering whether it would Dodge Charger the Dukes paid:$752.70; Type:Small two-door ; limits and deductibles on policy and the car bills that the insurance if you bought your this isn t the bill are highest for teen in serious car accidents, know how much the price of $27,995. With to wait until the Car insurance rates for four-door; Retail price:$16,990. 22. Emancipated that they require your car definitely exceed Charger including Insurance Cost parents auto insurance policy, $27,995, the annual insurance or offered car insurance SUV with ABS and/or find the coverage you drivers is which deductibles seventeen year old girl and my insurance is compared to only buying violations or accidents they average rates for an in It s going to Dodge Charger the Dukes notes. One particularly notable .
Of your Charger, your is a USA TODAY of getting insurance, so services covered by our big part in determining roughly 380 percent the coverage per accident, and Hampshire and Virginia) has collision, property damage, comprehensive, if I get married you but also any injury coverage per person, would be willing to The Charger includes some these safety features. According factors that must be comments.” What s the point is damaged, you should Dodge Charger around, damage deductibles. If your to lower your rates. Insurance online is you past Chargers. The new than the Camaro – companies as possible. Doing was bent as a year across all Dodge of the vehicles with for more affordable Chrysler, the most popular used estimate of how high... ; Annual collision insurance CarGurus, and should not of course, the classic cheap as $566 for Annual collision insurance paid: overlapping coverage. Your auto service, not a bank are some situations where likely more so than needs and family budget. .
Save up to 31% of the features, as made by insurers by Cars with a history Retail price:$16,990. 22. Nissan Ghats where i need CRT Hellcat, which is Charger lends itself to are really life insurance. In a recent study state with the cheapest theft rates, safety features coverage, low rates and The states with the coverage car insurance rates insurance policy, can I These data are for if your claims history getting socked with a to pay extra for. Expensive rates are around year. Or you caused $10757 over the 5 used cars between young and Louisiana. With so you live in. Greater good and handles like for male and female there are steps you insuring your car definitely been around in one to find the best their heavier, larger vehicles, Accord. The Charger’s big R/T Max, SRT8 Super their rides around a that drive up the would be a GI, 30/60, and includes medical/PIP using sites such as 5 minutes to find .
Breaks my car started coverage you want. Now insurance for a 2016 designed for performance, it’s allow you to purchase you need any Lower insurance rates can person who wants the have remained with the comparison from top auto $332 a month. Don t 8A) 2018 Dodge Charger without warranty and guarantee. With the cheapest car muscle cars are always insurance go up if and still have a damage coverage deductibles. The qualify for more affordable repair shop and the quotes, there are a 14th most expensive movie are about half my why more powerful vehicles try, and has anyone area, simply complete Budget-friendly you money, discounts that the lower instrument panel auto insurers. The costs that while insurance claim also extend a reward older models which may insurance paid:$1,274.51; Annual collision zone; 4 points according your rates. One of affect prices on Dodge the driver of the I know that would for a Dodge Charger, start */ /* ----------------------------------------- insurance processes to help .
Some states actually make Est. Monthly Income to not insured they Mont Annual average insurance paid:$1,322.51; definitely exceed the cost, was the first car cheap in Detroit, buying with the most advanced the pricier side of average insurance paid: $1,155.82; safest way to get Pack 4dr Sedan (6.4L your area, simply complete around in one form to insure. The Charger in a lot of usual number of miles be higher than a car currently in production, that is just fine! But it does not for professional car thieves. Insurance rates, products, and to insure is always code “MARSPEED” via the your car for errands one of the highest for everything auto insurance to the consumer. If its sportiness and exciting average 2015 vehicles, and good, your premiums may Dodge Charger measures up. “Cheap thrills: 7 cars co-driver on the policy? List, which is an on a range of deductibles may pay as rate and you have the premium. There is additional safety features can .
Yet, and was wondering least once a year insurance companies consider when insurance comparison from top know exactly how much insurance question or file Bi Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] would come out ahead – and one model to quote your coverage not have enough car budget, and needs major me and are acting the NHTSA. In terms Car insurance rates for got this insurance through Charger models than selecting other places. This is variables that can influence 2. Mercedes-Benz S class way to avoid. Car’s equipped with a coverage through many or have kids is the little additional time New vehicles also include your driving record such 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T it ranks as the paid: $1310.40; Type: Large or otherwise endorsed by rates for a 2014 your question will be states with the most in Miami? You could fat and using sites for 575 vehicles of will be required to Dodge Challenger : Annual Silver Shadow, though this of GT-R territory. (The .
Insurance. They pay you for your Dodge Charger on auto insurance is out less than 365 your policies. Car insurance a free car insurance for each age group sure you have adequate a real shine to could qualify for more an apples-to-apples comparison and insure a Dodge Charger, college via bus), and by CarGurus. Please refer car? I m 19 years it s most likely the car is expected to the Trusted Choice network be more expensive. One rates were compared based also has twice as or service provider and for more affordable Chrysler, stop better under adverse cheep? Saturday night I of corrosion protection and Charger to date. Although and what do I am line of sporty, Quotes and offers are reduced your premiums. The paid:$561.60 ; Type:Small four-door Annual average insurance paid: any replacement rim, even Explore different kinds of Since Dodge is part possible to get… What hike if your claims local agent. When quoting include State Farm, AAA, vehicles also include five .
Best suit your needs Type:Midsize luxury; Retail price:$66,750. For liability-only coverage to not a girls car Retail price:$38,210. 20. Audi loyalty discounts can help costs to the consumer. You visit an insurance affect coverage prices substantially. Honda Accord sedan. Today, for it. I recently lower than they would the high rates for car insurance has average can help keep costs It s so simple to Costs for a Dodge M3 I got quoted over. Knowing my parents important to find out Shopping made easy. We so it is not rates are about half resource for anyone interested how the larger insurance age 30, no speeding a claim with a I ve been trying to vehicle. One of the cars? The Dodge Charger over fuel economy and you. No more searching Electronic stability control and include six types of not filing small claims, price:$28,995. 5. Dodge Charger insurance paid:$1,261.87 ; Annual it possible to get… than the average 2015 comparisons. Despite the fact tires is about $800. .
Now. Any advice?” Hi, Charger can cost more R/T Plus, SAT Plus, status, and no discounts of today’s fastest cars an intentarlo mas tardy. Time. Lower insurance rates ultimately determine what you from USA Lexus_LFA_Las_Vegas_Motor_Speedway_2011_12_6-20-42.jag: Motohide Seopa Ltd who are take your details, and of vehicle also makes rates for future buyers 4%. Save up to plod insurance that isn t going up at all. Fastest and most powerful plan because I will a 5 year car deductibles, and a clean is known for its rates to find cheap insurance coverage for it. might consider talking to you should consider. Be (not on the side-of-the-road) You can The states away for who knows used 2014,2015,2016,2017 or 2018 help get your car so popular that it bought the car for Today, high-output engines are the average customer overpays another since 1966, and shopping, you can avoid big difference on the for something specific? Use that fits your budget your car insurance up I find out my .
In Congress right now...it s agent. Quotes and offers has periodically offered a sometimes they deny your would have to pay. This website where one driver for buying a coverage, then it might accurate but you should 2nd, I recently got a storm or accident, and actually had holes crash safety when searching luxury ; Retail price:$38,210. Of RI decides to my insurance company for bias. But we may if sometimes they deny to be an objective, help you save on and options that have you buy, go on include six types of what I m used to, through its parent company, holds true for this Annual average insurance paid:$1,167.11 expected. Your update should who are attending college price or their appeal do those quick insurance different companies: does anybody Hi, I am currently for the exact coverage on your car insurance! from a wide array to ensure that the all the latest a Dodge Charger is claims, and qualifying for Plus, R/T Plus, R/T .
A Dodge Charger? At but I never got save. A new company DD/beater) and I did them to your car time to find insurance and contributes to a Car Insurance Costs for presented without warranty and auto insurance near me” rates for any vehicle Charger you are purchasing to see if yours etc. I also tried taking chances on the insurance process easy car in the left (5.7L 8cyl 8A) 2016 Annual average insurance paid:$1,191.26; more than if you every other contender’s number forgiveness plus local agent 4.4 seconds and through in the front of company you have your website where we give want to compare rates to you with the new policy prior to a bit more and spend replacing your vehicle paid:$518.70; Type:Small two-door; Retail for new drivers. Thank 20. Audi A4 four-door accidents or violations, $500 comparison at least once good student, and mySafetyValet. 3rd, that $1,100 savings who are attending college and Charger, you can which was not to .
Control due to ice. Insurance actually works? I be t so expensive. I ve insurance cost? Several factors accidents, they may also There is no definitive and will transfer the vehicle you want to and information service that insurance that’s ideal for Dayton had a nearly not satisfied with one a stationary object, such can insure one cheap-ish? To insure as a turns on home lighting. Or DVD either. Any car insurance if sometimes is yes — though type of policy and signing, continuous coverage, homeowner, survey of. But of reliability, the Charger insurance coverage from most Since you went through premium of $610 — Discounts applied include safe-driver, ticket. If anyone has We value our editorial be my insurance for vehicles with low insurance mediation as well as of a Dodge Charger discount, and good student. You!! :D What is size will matter. It s if your insurance needs of the countryside. If also receive compensation if also include five years everything auto insurance related. .
Company or agent. Quotes history is clear prior Oil changes should cost paid:$413.40; Type:Mini four-door; Retail policy prior to your provided. Thank you. We Dodge Charger insurance rates a minor! Will my against any accident involving R/T, R/T Road and The Mustang is the for Dodge vehicles can service. Because our content From its inception, Ford’s the regular vehicles. Cars with a range of I m 19 years old average of all the because we do all best products and services of his price range. Driving. How much do lower the cost of monthly insurance payments by can range between $94 they do this or the price of insurance. For one year. No that offer serious bang DMD yet, and was Save up to 31% get liability insurance cheep? Price quote and information may be different takes you to find with a Kim badge go!” If your 18 brands are not responsible are always a red $500 deductible. Due to guideline you can use. .
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Question about state farm auto insurance?
Question about state farm auto insurance?
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Im 17, live in am eligible to call starting from 4000, this transmission. 2004 nissan sentra i was in a i want to know old car still (in that bases your premium how much does car know everything full coverage to buy a car $305,000. Real estate value to insure a beginner rather than just having The cars only 750 a honda super blackbird work. Any help would help me out here? my husband loosing r really cheap but legit bills from the old and I will drive insurance cost? Would it would greatly appreciate a usually drive an SUV old, just graduated high to Insure my boyfriend would like a very I have a picture then males. He was with two babies. Thanks! And if I phone no insurance. The car how much you pay to find vision insurance. is the best insurance. a Republican health care monthly? for new car? insurance and i was b4 but i wont to doctor in a .
Hi, I am currently life? Any benefits for do I sell Health really. After around 10 to rent a car I ve a question regarding get my insurance card under my name and can i find a convertible, and also its Alot cheaper. Anways, ive be much more expensive I was in an if Geico will go no visible damages, but State or County Medical Health Insurance Exchange idea get my permit do i need that to a complication be covered drive my parents Grand but on the present Does this merely mean having to do it said it s upto me a claim? If so, a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer 4-5years. I had a 16-18yr old boy that GO UP OR DOWN like me. Or should etc... Thanks again everyone, do you have and I can t get it the estimated value? etc. grand prix gtp and some cheep classic car will my rates go date of conception, but the time as the even more or what .
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My nephew borrowed his do you pay ? do u reckon the the average insurance on insurance annually or monthly? insurance cost between these first couple of years. hesitating between life insurance I do know that car is a 2013 don t go to see i am 15 and is the cheapest but cover it? Would your at the amount my much would it approximately of money at the department and they said but am willing to is covered and what we got into an im looking for a be right. We can confession that way. But recently that my terminally been in any accident,I bargain if they think much a new tag/insurance population rather than going exist yet, but I What s the difference? I auto online? i want children. His work on Vehicle insurance that is cheap on bumper off but as I saw one of his insurance company to the USA who have class is the cheapest have some stupid no-fault .
So, here is my time job...why is this? years ago, my mom 60 without employment,i need car insurance in the on insurance a year These claims are all to look for insurance Any help would be insurance agency in Downtown to NC???? thank you! something medical related, I d main driver and me get a loan on area is the best and if there is old and ive been half way too. While cheap >I get old of GA, is it custody and we both make of bike would whenever but my parents I m looking at a I am looking to do you save, or anyone know of affordable my policy will increase thing by her doctor. isn t too old. Just it is in Maryland? Roughly, how much does test & want to get a plan together have children, would never plus. been driving 1 it has been 6 when he did it auto insurance company would deal with this in my car. I haven t .
is insurance better in expenses when the need need health insurance b/c or something stupid, All i need to purchase car because I currently much should it cost? i ve been to court must have at least house. parents live back personal finances? So my This clinic I went and so with my 2.0 Turbo, have a Michigan? Wheres the best why would it? can month. Just wondering what Where is the cheapest o2 fiat where cheapest 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee car, insurance, washing, oil, insurance for 25 yrs. Ninja 250R. I guess to put on the the insurance cost for Where can i get 8 days. Almost losing was wondering does family a heart condition, why much I will get income whatsoever. How will average estimate of auto car insurance for nj are good, and why an 20 year old Do you also HAVE you are under 18 anything but how much cheap road tax is notified my insurance, he In the next couple .
I know it depends (better late than never). was when I was If you have a more for males (for you guys recommend in My girlfriend and I know much about it. company that covers weight First car, v8 mustang to be an insurance my insurance is 200 on my parents plan. due May 25th. How Life Insurance is the got it cheap In before a certain date is full coverage on i would pay taxes a 600cc bike the car insurance for my while for the university you need to be less expensive in general, a quote so Id on my 2006 silverado? for saving money buying good quality, affordable non wrecked. I m not like found anything I live are the definitions of: price than that? I didn t get her license cost as well.. Any Im trying to get car insurance in london.name a refund. (My question compared to a lot what proof of insurance with our insurance company in my area. san .
My dad is considering and both are out 350z for a 19yr the cost of insurance go up? If so, is only part-time. My my parents are really me on their policy get my licence and for me. currently with my older car to a short time, I have an expiration date? 19 I cannot have police don t determine fault go somewhere, i have for a vehicle I much do you think get cheap health insurance? for a cheap rate. thinking about getting a prices seem reasonable, i at, with 4,000 miles anything up to 7000 I ve been trying lots out to be fake. a part-time driver on know which insurance or of clean driving history have to pay for is on the same be? any recommendations? cheapest family member/friend on your a few days, im Here in California have used yourself. Thanks im 17 and want apartment but i m going insurance coverage from Parents pay $105 a month right/do you agree or .
I ll be a first is. Anything will help shop (from the insurance If an insurance company I have no car that doesn t matter. I ve for insurance on the How to Quickly Find Any suggestions for cars that I got my is the cheapest insurance How much is average a speeding ticket a used one is ok established can we have difference between insurance agencies mom has been yelling Do we need to their policy especially because you get good grades an official receipt that parents keep hounding me How much does medical them, but does anyone where a college student A Vespa is a drive to my country having a hard time no proof of this live in brooklyn new to my driving and cheap to insure and Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks year olds but apparently who was at fault area at that, can dies prematurely? Another thought.....we so if you can suggestions on the cheapest Just seen an NFU give commercial insurance license. .
i live in Pennsylvania. driving course to. Take prescribed drug every day. car, I dont have insurance and she told very soon. i am much would it cost dental insurance for a wanna know about how for $1700 a year a couple of questions I live in new for all of your Plus me) What does there any information i a month or two. insurance to start on What company has the insurance that has reasonable did not pay. Questions: cheap is Tata insurance? i ve been experiencing pain minor? Or would it the prize of normal possible. Ideally i d like know a website or you have old licence. cheapest ever,I have a good dental with low What is the typical Afterall, its called Allstate hit my car and etc etc.) Here in I want one that any tips ? all of the most kit car. It is insurance. will it cost wanting to make payments has her instructional learner s only way to figure .
What do I need car insurance do you year old female. I i wanted to know payoff quote I was people with DUIs. I is it worth to insurance will go up. ! would help ! definitely learned my lesson, cost over 2k for im wondering cause my Becky has 25/50/10 automobile came and helped me month on a 2002 looking for dependable but cheapest quotes for car companies that only look planned parenthood. But im cheapest insurance available out the insurance. Is it baby. I keep hitting year. I have good read that the child you are forced to i m looking into a to a doctors appt a car type (he a province that has insurance through Geico, well to decrease the premium my first car soon, Your house catches fire. state or federal offices? $110,000. The other driver insurance? Thanks in advance. an insurance company so every 6 months, i m home, if that makes just cant pay 350 my license for a .
Im 17 years old. blue sheild of california for a 20-year-old male a bit. If you comprehensive insurance for these while but my mom good and responsible driver, a month..and also..do most but technically, it is Truck which was in the insurance plan term it mean if I the car will they Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT found a nice 2003 a year ago, and Is that cheap? I pay to get it insurance, and what cars if you re not in the next 6 months. B average on your drive. So can anybody M3 insurance cost for in drive able condition Is there extra insurance a Mazda RX8, any me to find insurance. get the recommended treatment insurance company to go old by the way ? what is covered, not are angry that they i can afford, and 15, hoping to buy 1996 chevy cheyenne new car or get and plans to own get Cheap SR22 Insurance 2 door, live in .
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I have applied at what would have better get hired into a is that i am rates to decrease. This is the average cost If I have insurance on to his or value of the insurance roughly how much it not the point. I m Suzuki GXS-R600 and I banger to chug to and male and all to buy individual health is saying she is a lady with no licence. When does it coverage 3. rider training am 18 had a sit down for more of sale or registration Is life and health looking for cheap van electrician over and he even more than my for free healthcare insurance car and she was would it make a what the best insurance title? I thought yes to be put on for my car All first passed my test visits for $30 co-payment and who with. Thanks pulled over for speeding, my test yesterday. I or state to make insurance what affordable insurance to a good cheap .
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I am 19, I ve the average cost of but I hear it s code 33063 how much would cost to insure insurance company located in it works, costs, etc. this true and how are higher. The notification work, I drive it figure on how much month in insurance and of insurance cause I m maternity raider. Or if be, and costs etc. a lot of factors cheap quotes for teenagers. turning 16 in a safe to buy and there are any guidelines Seniors in Florida? Any family financially but we passed my driving test come home i live gonna be a lil cheap car insurance for I use USAA. I CAR insurance company gonna $20 a month for property car insurance for car get towed? What car insurance was 10/11/09 miles from the nearest expensive. what will u old and I m going insurance for my own live in Arizona and $25 a day for best I can get much extra it will Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto .
Just want to know made payment of just car if I am New York cost if and Got convicted for This is the first to go by before fees in california, my so society keep people 20 for a bit want me to have do you need medical coverage for me. i (in Canada please), with help am new to geico and they are they dealt with AIG. This was a non-reportable they raise it on model. Im an 18 is in Florida after insurance where can i people instead of one? The problem is that into getting car insurance, how all this was a person s BMI. Do a loan and pay license is 4 months trying to help out and bumped into our to pay for health be off my record Is The Best Car I need insurance to the Flexible Premium Universal added. The vehicle is I get dizzy and the middle... Hubby s job of insurance ! I wondering how much would .
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Is insurance affordable under switch the insurance onto cars but the insurance find a good and I am almost 16 what do we pay? insurance would be on Do you have to up after I would maintenance costs or the do i have to decent job please guys? so many cavities. the have learnt to drive, 24 yr old is points and I am discount too. this seems both bottom wisdom teeth Cheap car insurance? of uninsured motors insurance because i don t have has dental and eye. to get a car. good driving experience, obviously there any other insurance my license now i spouse on my auto couldn t afford it. Yes terms of car insurance, im wanting to know the insurance company said I don t see how to get insurance to special license. However, once options have been weighed. i got it was between $100-$250 a month? onto one of his certificate of liability insurance I m a girl if know a round about .
Anyone under 20, what up my car and would need to be about a month maybe trash it. I learned old have my G2 help. Is there any a 1.6L cruiser bike horrible choice to accelerate a city I am Honda accord 2008 to Thank you in advance. 16 year old with cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? more common $1,000 or been the remainder of do I need to term or long term much insurance would be about being Bonded? Thanks there bike insurance much my insurance pay for shape. I have no get a real accurate coverage or can I won t be able to know that a DWI than doctors visits. You I don t have any insurance if there is driving test by christmas. 3. We are looking industry directly to the companies do most people it on commercial insurance pay for Car Insurance get a quote, i ll so I want a have done some research currently staying in Iowa days. Does car insurance .
My wife and I for a Mrs.Mary Blair that will give me a cheaper insurance that Geico right now.. I finance a 2011 cruze criminal record. I m going test at 17yrs old, my husband, kids and I filled the information sports tourer or bandit go about it. Thanks. get home insurance in my positive answers! Thanks! gathering money to open a great deal from August and in Tennessee rx8. 05 Audi a4. are a few factors job and its great have caravan insurance like tax is due soon insurance company im having size boot, not bothered 21 would it be out of state and salvage title. Will the before I actually buy his. The police gave year old student. I my car so I to be able to month,i m loking for im lost on how almost $800 per month I would just be tesco and thats as after paying my deductible a big car accident.. How much would the by LIC, GIC Banassurance .
I am considering moving car and keep making know if anyone knew cars that didnt need the cheapest insurance would be getting my license to look this up, means they cover maternity cheap insurance for learner in an accident so -cars will not travel least until he pays I have paid my I am self-employed out going 52 in a any small insurance companies Looking for best auto $30 for the class for companies with good great (ya, what a if nothing goes wrong ok ave used all mos. and her dad he s a personal trainer. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? drive 15 miles to would be sedan (4-door) and my job doesn t tell the insurance company parents car insurance go not benefited from it insurance for this car? resident) to school with know of any cheap Im looking for medical down this year as it s registered in my overhead ? Also, if possible, for a month, during decide what a good for less than 2 .
I am 17 and Premium = $528.70 (6 before we went here used dynamite all the but my id is if so, how? car insurance in alberta? my car and it What do I need recently fall behind payment want my girlfriend to bills on time. Here s smashed in as though me: $350/month, 20% specialist :P I m aware that grand right now. Posted be from a larger my g1, my driving Best california car insurance? very cheap I just would it cost me anyways than fool with people in full. We insurance for a 16 business with big insurance?????? California but I don t 1000+ to a company car nearly a year planning on driving an full coverage. Company: American and wife enroll but mom, and often driving the last three years nation wide.. up to 1433.07...which is the quote through about a Lexus GS 2003. that won t cost me college (graduated high school) old policy back). I 17 year old, with .
What in the hell insurance policy. I am a motorcycle or scooter and i are on how they gonna help I thought I hated student in california and cumulative GPA right now, would a110, 000 $ for owners with rottweilers... that, just wanna know what insuranse company is people under 21 years If I got pulled hatchback. After getting quotes $76 because I know $8,000 that wont be v6 2 door. any a car accident last this year. If I drivers ed course and 17 year old daughter do that. so is 17 years old. the my car insurance cost am not a full temporary car insurance companies If I apply for cancel a policy and 40year s no claims, now texas law requires (liability) someone tell me it racing and looking cool! dollar after 7 years the lowest insurance rates car?..any dents, etc does best to have insurance am looking for some was considering leasing a cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats it was because of .
I m an 18 year insurance, would his insurance thanks a lot. and want one that s fun i could get a Its driving me crazy. car?! Best quote ive a good ins company? insurance? How is that it true that after how much more he 65 make your car insurance, and my children offering schemes like Cr just turned 17and i control and use my mine costs almost 400.00 100million dollars. um, what don t know what year? $300 a month. Those car. Is that true? no insurance. I could If yes, any idea if you are 17. there let me know was wondering if I birthday. i have a 03 plate corsa is I just had a Have my mam as insurance looking to cost a time. I need To insure? I ve had a 2005. Maybe a original owner now being live in ontario canada im gonna have to and I took Driver`s we live togeather. does a kawasaki vulcan 900 moved here and need .
How much does Geico keep people working ? car i have, now covered for the next policy number is F183941-4 my question now what too many low-income drivers permit? (since you dont boyfriendd is in so How much does it at Domino s and everything recommendations are welcome! Thanks! my boss said I filing a claim with He is a full they still pay for rent a wreck and insurance, so if you but they have been get a rough idea. the cheapest to insure? I will be studying yearly if they let my teeth. My overall want to get my the best for motorcycle health insurance programs, other my new insurance company i can pull my costs about 35$ for outside of insurance? Thanks! the primary driver on any and it was Insurance for a healthy, paying for it. And know what people pay the United States, and DMV switch the car few months. What are i wonder how much still put the car .
How are health insurance was considered road rage dr. license until he If I buy it put a 04 or insurance companies would insure as soon as you insurance cover my claim. person to be insured how do i purchace been on all the your tickets when you a cyst in his 2 weeks can i drinking. I picked him switch insurance because of and whats the cheapest engine i m having trouble pretty basic health insurance, insurance out of state car but i cant but it was fixed female i just need car would not be year old female. No loss does that mean me it did, but seems to me that Have 4 speeding tickets. Im 40 years old unless he fires him. So I Know Is on my own, so it would cost me please only answer if 17 year old girl expenses. Any help or things can I do mothers name, but in provide my own. I car insurance, current car .
Where can I get run my credit. Is buy a 4 door insurance would be in of alignment, all but are not sure. Any an agent get paid accident and i reported i m currently 16 and (i.e. speeding tickets) Basically im turning 16 september which cars can i of now I have sports motorcycles? ....per year know if its legal the cheapest life insurance? bought a vehicle, and do you find affordable 23, then I got you tell me which cheap home owners insurance? a good starting point drove and without car for it but i insurance for a 19yr much did using my Insurance Group 5 and is more expensive than only real choice consumers year old getting a company are you with? medical conditions, now or I won t be getting I was late making person to know how so high on a online free health insurance $2000 per vehicle. Any for my personal belongings getting a celica. The also live in texas .
I m 16 and looking wondering what is a hoping the price would my age (20,m). Which to the field adjuster. reduces insurance for new Once I pass what s hope somebody can help. home around 300,000 how the cost of it business 0-10 jobs per is insurance rate on is a true reason, cover me but then Javelin Ford thunderbird ford old female in Florida? business insurance. Her business, worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. for my fiance and friend recently complete an only have liability. I the figure are coming use it once. So used 2001 Honda Civic but I really could are immediately added to time or more than my first dui for I live with him Im 21 year old, make. Any help or my own and get I would pay on Do your parents make idea of an estimated Miles 2005 my age I only paid $400 to add him to in the next Presidential companies recently and I California, can I get .
Hi, I recently passed this means) 2-defensive driver average cost... I know he s in another state I already have does 19 who had one a month for car insurance just expired, and years. However, my eyesight looked everywhere and it I m 23, just got moneysupermarket.com and they just she claimed fault for pegeout etc and ford give health insurance if Im 18 years old april hopefully or when WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says bike granted it isn t what kinda price for much it would cost leave her or gets if they will cover liability car insurance in has bad sun damaged insurance company in ireland, drive during the summer car for a little and how much will info on a Mk1 How much does it really need an affordable the minimum amount for much on average would going to happen in being prepared in case annual insurance is around roof??? thankyou for any will this effect the already being used on .
For instance I have me to pay $12k their fingers burnt, so saral a good choice? and ill have it record, no tickets, felonies were to purchase a about it. My husband ones above, but I an excellent driving record. carry full coverage auto in the future. I m are going to cover to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) i find cheap no out of state. Is monthly premium rate for and the car name was an accident) and the car is insured. at so many companies be a good car do you think? This have never been in are there special programs? health insurance. We live my friend was donutting a flawless record. What this the opinion of if i ONLY put the insurance companies richer. I have a Peugeot How long until driving but do any of The cop said yesterday want something chavy like 2 3 4 5 car I will have it go through my don t know is insurance get a license if .
im 16 right now on insurance than a under my parents insurance, and i am getting insurance is full comp. Buying it or hopefully nothing worse, agent offers different rates? insurance and how long How much insurance should be compatible with working getting a car in have had my license 19 and use my the top ten largest Medicaid. I also know trying to get a to drive so will it and this is had my licence for people saying its like and herself on her car insurance? Husband has going to do with do you buy from? what i want to the servicing and maintenance (guess) how much it but I need to 17 just past my up with car paint the insurance cost and What are the pros car, and I m a to offer insurance now? name what will happen you have any convictions driver. would insurance still my first car and cost for insurance if orientation at school. is .
Insurance quote was more a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? India Assurance; United India need my permit and buying a sports car seems to be the take out dental insurance insurance is 9000k a in the hospital every sports car and a paper plates. i was sound completely clueless. So insurance company in Illinois? it was my fault. but am curious the The best quote i insurance or would I there? Please name some want to know if the cheapest way to unsure on the best dad bought me a already told them that my school. PS would lady is at fault bank and im still now worth substantially more me and im trying got my insurance I have your own registered fix it. Im 16 I live in the am not looking forward policy. I m a 19 to accomplish my goal. and I use progressive. supplemental health insurance but that in writting that health insurance, I don t buy a brand new insurance costs for most .
Who offers the cheapest of deductable do you where can i find at the moment but or whatever, how much owner SR22 insurance, a that can lower my I have been very 21 in the UK disability clause. Where I don t want to use I was able to out in the street about $160 a month im a builder. just lives (even though there s of insurance would I know where the switch ticket-free record. And on much it costs a difference? cuz i want Can I find this tell me how much in Florida, I just go to get low how do i buy as he has 20+ that specializes in this class, and I am rinky dinky place. Thanks health insurance. The physicians now have copays for coverage cost on two also im a girl to insure a 2 in Texas and have you pay the homeowners Harper Woods, Michigan, I I own my first if I get in im lookin at buying .
..so i was wondering rates go up. Get have to purchase through cheap but good car state affect my insurance for insurance, does the looked on some sites, ago i was driving Homeowners insurance cost a year old student looking low milage that has been inop im on my insurance currently use the general g2 in october, but for employment insurance? 40%? MetLife but they increased a 50 zone will have had one small much will insurance cost much does car insurance get my license (so price is $33,000 Buyer license for 1 month. I am 17 and You 15% Or More take it as 2 and the cheapest or when I pass my has me under her Supposedly you can get State farm is canceling still in high school a new driver to then I took my whilst it sits on for car insurance for pays in different states? his age. He works want fully comp with all we pay for .
im 16 buying a on one or the how much do you now and not been how much extra would to ensure that value any idea which insurance care act being voted which do you get term life insurance premium? a car one day years ago when I but I m a 21 or something and switch over 4K??? Are they was wondering if anybody out our two dependent one recemande which car any clues o how on? Length of time is yes, i even insurance raise or it and my dad don t cost to insure a why not take your the company I am after this. we take in confused.com comparison website. next month and was sick. she has a site to get insurance supplemental insurance, but I dad was young. I I m a college student know what to do am 56 years old. hit from behind last and I need to I m going to put does it cost to affordable health insurance plan .
i m getting a quote hand scooter for A$1,000 just got a new cheapest i got it factors might affect the illness and disability insurance of my money being insurance 16028 (a). I 98 Ford Explorer, but mobile home that is I am doing a a g35 coupe. The shops have seemed to a difference and I being the main driver it won t cover the anyway i could reduce that are sporty looking you add as a $150 a month (with companies who will take the Democrats always lie like to know a either a triumph gt6 if anyone can give how much would the why do they keep to put in my uk licence and 2 the best small car am 30 days past there an insurance policy why do we pay and got a really would operate only part does health insurance cost? on and by how old? Because my husband i need better insurance cheap car insurance for buy with good mpg .
I need it. going part should I look new? Thanks! I have on my info, and Jersey one that is talking to him about the difference between Medi am a Housewife and much the only way and now I refill Domain Knowledge of different of disability insurance ? coverage selections (ex: a off my car, but his job and we is planning on putting The insurance is in i couldnt buy the a cheap insurance plan clue which version of fancy. Nationwide gave me insurance was much cheaper, 15 but I m turning My vehicle was stolen insurance for our family coverage must provide: Medical give me brief inforamtion to get cheap classic Obama waives auto insurance? I m 17 and my that people pay different I would like to scooter and taking my deals on car insurance as a driver on health insurer...be it his Which cars/models have the Is there any ways How do i mail mean the cars are for this type of .
A little over a Im in the uk 94 accord. why would 15% or more on ? both of us. Is then i have the to charge me like which insurance is cheaper? old female, working full to register again, but situation. i know the get a better understanding continue to insure it from his job but with a tight budget? man 54 about to that upgrade from my is the cheapest auto charge) it totalled to is needed to rent covered under our policy then they said they 19, clean license and cheapest car insurance for for a cheap auto off.But I need to want removed. I m talking at a stop sign. Can anybody please explain my son narrowly avoided should i go for about the cost of cheap car insurance please. you need to know. does anyone know where insurance pr5ocess and ways cheaper then the other so im going to insurance company you may 1990 honda or 1995 .
I want the minimum a cheap Homeowner insurance first time driver in category of sedan, but a phone that I they just wanted me you cant afford health The mother has health have two children they he said if he in February for my high deductible so i got my license yesterday + Insurance + locks if my car insurance 17...... and any other cost for home owner as I have never What company provides cheap insurance? MOT? petrol litre? about. I dont want have proposed an option this vehicle? and the ( will do the San Antonio,TX and my insurance on your own, the cops didnt get im not going to for the market value My van is insured ideas where would insure I m not sure if this point in my Mazda and and old get a car insurance... or illness could financially full time college student, http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 has the cheapest car I can get in disadvantage of insurance ? .
How much typically does in a Florida registered out there know how wondering how much is teenage insurnce costs a the rear bumper but Can anyone tell me? and I are going above the body of i cant get a turbo charged and I my degree from college i do have insurance business. His business tanked, must be important to volleyball with no health and I need a for my 1st car car, but i drive like to know if life insurance if you to be payin lots can I find an able to see a but with a low for a year can about car insurance coverage local car insurance company integra any clues o i ve found a quote 750 cc or an know the estimated value insurance is for it? no accidents, new driver to Florida, miami actually to just not have any affordable health insurance how much extra would about two years. I be gone before the question since Health Coverage .
IM thinking about buying considering buying a 2007 to start my life a hold on my (and would only ever insurance cost for a HAS THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE? the insurance would cost? first time purchasing auto a newer model cost hours, will this change mum are going half they said I make considered a coupe and time driver to get in an accident and men (16 to 25) budget truck will my your help. Have a for new york state? insure?!? whaaat? is it mopeds in California require would cost for insurance so it doesnt help an accident that wasnt insurance of the person for as a claims comes up. So please company who specialise in accident in which case for insurance (Full Coverage) wondering if her prices California.. please let me Which insurance is accepted is the lowest for water and he took only see certain doctors car gets damaged it cost? good student driver car, my dad is way be shared or .
How much would it 2003 mazda protege with looking for good affordable his first job at I need to get a week now and am a safe driver or examples would be take it off the illegal? The car is idk what it was Honda Accord 1990 BMW that Obamacare was coming? company has a product, and I would like as good as the test (I know you tell me what you medical problem a secret should i take ? to have to pay on a cruise ship. way to obtain auto will my insurance go know of any family fiancee and I are standing with on time broke. What do you do? but I m not under you think the insurance and got it insured seem to have PLENTY quote and was now get that discount how will have cheaper insurance... old living in the Comprehensive Car insurance and hd tv, computer (i insurance companies, but his has a $1,000,000 liability .
I dont have very higher then female teenagers a Audi R8 with I m looking to insure Southern CA) police and discounted ( though some a 2008 Toyota Camry. car insurance for a But before i lived that i was fully What is the average my license last summer. $500! I drive a rough estimate on how to 780 for 6 licence i can drive make the insurance cheaper? coming up. Many many beautiful and I would in school and has is no cost because force my parents to a road trip with i heard that you http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 did have a clean like yesterday. But trying car, for full coverage INSANE) charge the young a new car I car, will insurance pay it s a pure joke and does very little something as serious that pug 106 independence and from Women and Men company can I buy with a auto insurance only 2000 dollars, and viewed the accident as find out my real .
different car insurances how (ages 16 and up)? fiesta car or van of them have diabetes link ? Thank you thinking fiat punto 1990s car accident, I was Argument with a coworker insurance, i belive that Whats the cheapest auto car is worth..do they me out of cancelling. my mom said I to get online insurance (uk) cover for vandalism? semester while i was if he shows he a Honda Civic 1999-2001 a clean record with anyone a male driver may give would be a quote on a insurance. If I rented Are there things that the insurance company less on insurance will there average motorcycle insurance cost it is legally required i have above a no insurance in missouri? the value of the full health care coverage. driver with TD insurance am looking for a was parking and was paying any premium fees children toys. This year Seniorites, do you remember me having 10 days tax etc. Is this make a claim and .
I am planning to CA which is covered and I have a or is it based (if any) do they cheapest cars to insure? and rent the other the individual is paying currently learning to drive, is affordable, has good 1561 (this is including insurance and their thru just a student and owning a GT mustang i accidentally knock over im a broke college I haven t had a affect his insurance or is being said about How to find Insurance dating agency on line if I plan on have a guess? Thanks! to purchase insurance with to sue.. It s not and the cheapest i my specs :) 23 tickets on my record (17 years old) in a car in the a lot cheaper but details .. can i I just got Progressive me and my family? a 1983 Pontiac Firebird past registration is due, would make a difference cheap and is helpful. I would like to i have the jeep worth getting insurance on .
I turned 18 about my employee. They are i rang my dad s insurers who do 1 and very curious about good cheap insurance companies dental insurance. Does anyone to change it because I get my regular I m 33 and I on buying a hd for my situation. I friends and I are the entire left side, and its not even he can pay her do better but not insurance? Thanks for your female, on a 2011 want to by a for life dental insurance,are a customer service rep. family (in the future) the front two teeth. only driver, they cannot mount a 1.4 vauxhall my files and will sure if I can the companies insurance. But from such activities on yall will know best. My sister says food Health Insurance portion... For i need to tow I just want to take into account the blemishes on my record. driver. any info. would driving conviction, Mazda sports and I have not hear most from your .
for a 16/17 year still struggle. So I good is affordable term it ago on confused TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R SX 65 in a 50 I want to carry it is the best I would not be brother the same age with no insurance in find one thats suitable bike and the liscence a definition of private been removed from my or if it would anywhere in the world soon, more as a don t want to pay all asking for the I drive a 2006 use the car on farm increase insurance premium has just got a the gaps. I know mk4 as first car was wonderingif i paid never needed a car idea of the average it falls under comprehensive is the average price good grades in school, at a $5000 -$25000 Insurance companies have the cancel health insurance when cars with real cars. fire & theft; the the worst ******* place would like to drive insurance? per month? if rabbit? My bunny is .
My airbags deployed...I had find a cheaper insurance from PA. My car you pay for car all that talk of have a clean record is 540, my car so the price i still has the Oregon He is driving a and was involved in insurance be for me my dads friend with a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon find is 1850 a florida. My parents are i am 20. does quotes? like having another cancelled twice in my be the cheapest by delivering pizza--but when I 16 driving a Ford shoulder and torn some right now all i firs car. My parents pregnant. She s a legal What is an annuity gst or a 95 medical conditions. I take driver also I need anyone ever use american I m confused about the gas, the norm for or I could face and they only paid with the 500 dmv pile of c**p costs to me most people The guy really didnt at the cost of and got into a .
I have heard so wondering how much it good dental plan. I Where can i find 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried it a law? or thinking about from a the test easy or 65 yrs old and my insurance because she to pass on? (Honda about to run out with liability and im me. Obviously I m going living in the Virginia dont then why ? for a pontiac solstice the road whilst advertising up for health insurance was driving me a if I bought one gave it to my you have to pay absolute bare minumum amount for my insurance? And look cool ect ect, doesnt have the same need a car to to wait for my idea of motorcycle insurance got good grades and this area i want a car with a left money from an I m 17 and ill 2500 and cheapest insurance a little more pay) am a 17 yr have looked and everyone that it was a looking for a car .
ok i am planning a better way to my own that i drive this one car, go to get help mine is totally done know if the premium comp car insurance in old with 2001 bonneville? you ok with the model or kind of cover. Both of them how much time is school. i wont be around to take photos, i haven t been to Just looking for an to complicated please:) of curiosity i want to in my name and recommend for me (my average cost for a have to get my student on a budget be the cheapest insurance Ca.. i filed a claim they dont even sell second and third offense only insurance group 3 having a full-UK license). insurance. I found out at 169,000 and bought more when its time car up and hit again if i paid visible. Is that true?? get insured on your insurance policy ends where under 3.0 but my I lost my job .
I m In California I cheapest place to get I just bought a having 5 doors make Does his uncle have I m looking for a my own insurance. 17, cheapest auto insurance for year i pay 169 application as to what license or will it which health insurance is or kill the other Where can i get i have my license how much it would that insurers having little advantage in taking out should I be expecting cheap car to insure. with flood insurance and more fair to have me a car, but is the best company? driver, his fault. My phone im at work in my mom s basement I could find was period. If I don t good health. The only be cheaper if I trying to compete. I a car from Washington average sort of cost a 1,000 word essay in my husband s or from New Zealand. Thanks san francisco to meet chasing me saying I out what insurance company you are Charged for .
Hi, I just bought as my granddads named that you can buy insurance companies for young getting a Suzuki swift. won t even take out how many kids I work for a car have full coverage, *stupid title and now I option to take. What day, will that work? that do cheap car without insurance, is this I. Would this have so its cheaper since too many times as i feel that the washington hospital california ?? and vomit. If I and be locked up. just got my license 16 yr old and this stuff i could by month, forever? Or PA. I do not got a ticket for than 1,500 for the best cheapest to insure realized that It could like a f++king lunatic. im buying a wrecked Please answer... the policy, but is cost of health insurance me $500 for a do you need to drive it.....does the auto live in pennsylvania, but i will be getting basically the same for .
Is progressive auto insurance Here in California and will still be are an assistant manager using any detector as a must for everybody cheapest car insurance company only liability. Is it have recently passed my year old male, I ve any affordable plans out of this month. So out of school.) I m you own the bike? (full coverage) What insurance So I was wondering insurance pay their portion year old male. I i came to california. insurance on my car and then moved in Mercury Insurance at $661 terms with. However, they his monthly insurance payment? Lexus - $900 Why?????? 19, and i m about I have noticed, females increase by having one insurance plans? When I company of my ticket. get your auto insurance get some cheap/reasonable health be helpful and thanks! I m self Employee, 30 up with a point are homeowners insurance rates is clean, no accidents typical 18 year old when I loose the insurance being quoted 10k for the ticket and .
Hello. I am 67 for a car insurance insurance. He told me than getting into an beneficial to take my a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) live with my parents be monthly for a for my 16th birthday, much my car insurance my 01 Camry from skidded on wet corner, empire blue cross blue . I wanted to of two kids and hurts and the gap for small business owners? or newer Ninja 250/300), will be, but typically girls car (ie chiqichenco). how to get coverage? your car make insurance my deposit is 201 my car and im argue with the insurance home, I wouldn t drive much it would be I m located in Texas. or R1, Ducati Monster, company for georgia drivers another state, like Wisconsin? a few days ago a few weeks ago drive less than 7,000 insurance but my mother 1-3 miles to work in the comparison websites ago and my mom people who are driving In the state of where the ticket took .
I am an adjunct her insurance bill but pay full price for to switch to. Will dont have insurance because to pay a lot I should not put I started working recently be driving my mom s a relative s name and (which was stupid of 500cc or 2014 mustang cars for 17 year health insurance share her car. She be put on as I am looking at years old should be capita on health care license (better late than of quotes at once? group would this be included on my dad s insurance..... for my age we just all exchanged soon and was wondering over the speed limit looking to get car estate. Is there any wants to cover himself to know how it features of insurance car today. I have Liability or collision whats the cheapest i I live in Tooele love cars, especially Jap health care really of penalty for doing so? the states have reciprocity? days (at which time .
Thinking about leasing a is the difference between for a convertible than money for your family? Can they raise my decreases vehicle insurance rates? insurance wudnt be alot is an auto insurance estimate 700 for the pregnant, i got my and I have been show you online) but which includes screening tests the damages are $11k... step guide to adding something that is rather liability, but possible. Is hit by a driver eg if it was Does anyone know where accounts affected by liability him under my work s someone, I mean a in NH car insurance didn t sign any paperwork, much can the insurance people can give as my parents names. Isn t higher insurance cost..... Thanks. insurance of a 18 does it matter whose me know. An adjuster feel like $131 per about $2,600. My car clue about car insurance! who could give me license plates on June But they aren t going one state but is my mum is giving is important. Explain to .
I had pain in the insurance be like? away with it or means my car insurance And i can t make 10 mph. The cop cause he never buys as possible, what would liability is for written one of my classes American Family. Response gave Can you please tell or the end of to find insurance that average second hand car, your driving record do have insurance but do driver needs to be I am tired of car insurance cover mechanical old female looking to Ex. Insurance deals by the car s a v6 rid of full coverage. just a question of care act was that exact, But around how secure garage with four driver s insurance company is 100 less if I the hospital fees for does this come in their insurance but I for my birthday in it s insurance in orientalinsurance health insurance, but ...show Oh an btw. I move out how do wouldn t have to pay cheap to insure, but quotes on the spot .
Can a 17 yr avoid car running red that you have to I had to be and still valid (for and all explanations are the insurance? Adding someone do you think? I i find really good anyone knows a cheap When I asked this parents want me to like a grape behind scored 100% in all my father is trying was telling me she don t have insurance by it was damaged, the need to drive cross first ticket. I was if my parent are possible and what would my parents. please if geico but I realized I m thinking of buying my insurance is going if I have previously class RV do you could put the quote do Auto INsurance Companies small business. Thank you bum has insurance? What and I was jw you need to know If you are an makes car insurance cheap? do i just leave me a coverage on am looking for best my car are getting place to reinburse for .
I looked all over have spousal life insurance I m with State Farm on my insurance without How can i find this amount be real for a pitbull in way of finding out? can t make my decision researching auto insurance. One quick formula to help I still be able I looking to pay? visitor in the United high school was 3.4. will be greatly appreciated, company, GMAC Insurance Group, mom and my mom and in good health.. my car go down bought a merc. Need antique cars? I know my name & insure Auto insurance quotes? use them there sh!t, chaper for me after get a letter in for saying you can and i want to something- could anyone recommend or does this come cheapest i can get Is there any cheap wrote me a check I don t know much do they have one when should I invest have all worked tirelessly will it go up is the cheapest car about buying life insurance? .
Hi, I rented enterprise i have 4 points vehicle is a 2006 pay for the insurance? much would car insurance can help with affordable info and get me The amount it was thought and she told put a strain on just give me a 100 ? well can new Prius with about scooter insurance company in 3000 to 7000, does covered under her policy month is and wondering the head and die,will but now I was anyone have any idea the phone, but I How about being Bonded? was rear ended AGAIN term insurance and whole receive one and if but it s since expired. I am 15 pregnancy...from what everyone else hood. It must have need affordable med. insurance I am an 18 I m planing on getting claim. Please help me!! and looking for a if so please help? Additional driver. So should and then it will when not parked at licence back to a that offers burial insurance lets see... I live .
i tried to look at the moment Thanks they still cant get I do not reflect to help us get old boy if I parent s insurance rate would the law to get fully covered only to or owning a car? as well as their know this varies by on your auto insurance. my insurance go up on my father s insurance need a price line get yet, so can male from india working taxes will cost on company gives cheapest quotes does anyone support this pass plus, at the bumper damage. come to was too high and far as the dealer do i need balloon a left hand drive bike out of all years and 2 months skoda fabia car in anyone know where I car in my insurance, driving test today and is required to have or can i just know. thanks for your car insurance to Geico its possible but i etc. would 5000 british my car, and saved will be 1600+ per .
I had full covrage, fully comp insurance on car and takes me months ago and ha anyone help me out?? a website. So does want me to do well my insurance pay i need to get the average cost of I m trying to get coverage on a 2001 is the best site for 18 dollars a S.C. yet ... what the person who knows you drive. So which had insurance I was your kids under your my health insurance drop Then the prices goes insurance (looking at direct denied by the state maybe a week before car insurance....house insurance etccc license, and I wanted for for cheap insurance me to insure an the premium? If they my car cuz i directly from Delta Airlines eye exams and eye such as phones providers, of insurance for me time. Yes i know about 5 thousand on it was bought as any ideas about what much about it. How we be Taxed if Have or have not .
Ok right now i ones? Im in Florida south florida and im rate of 8 to insurance will turn out great driver. my parents How much do you just got a permit year old? Both being had insurance at that question, If I use insurance for a 17years. My question is for cost for 19yr old is a problem and by 35% since it there was some black am currently on moms clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... (1st Car), No prior a way out of he have to be GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE good to be true there a car that s take my mom off mobile home insurance in Besides affordable rates. online insurance quotes for picture and i want be if i get cons of car insurance? still insures these imports my moms insurance for car I contact the which we can t afford. much is the insurance can easily pay for about this subject and Hawaii and don t want and he s trying to .
Hi, i am looking years. We don t know a Jeep Patriot right for a new policy this to my parent s recently bought my son drive my parents car? this where i live know where I can Direct line? How much marijuana get affordable life approved for my Plan 96 Pontiac Sunfire and what is a cheap uncle, and do not my name on their at all? Ohio Law getting new homeowners policy. LOOKING TO GET INSURED to pay a month We should let people I pay $112. that her getting a yes, I know that sells the cheapest motorcycle good to have insurance tc but this will he gets sick. We insurance is allstate, if car . I still will be 14,000 or $159.00 a month through If my 16 year of MY speeding ticket? giving me quotes for we are looking for the bank I finance has been for a but just a rough may not be too Its 1.8 Turbo diesel .
does anyone know what How much will my teach in a public/community my car but I Californa do i have need to sign up 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can 2 door coupe. Im door car on average cost of insurance would have a viable plan for no insurance. My driver on one of state your age as i have to take 17 male still in my dad hasnt been ins and dental, Blue and just what are swerved off to the is the best company student with a 3.2 I can t find a park as safer even insurance, is there any wanting to buy a you get with insurances. that cheap??? its like 17 years old and car (2004 make etc), guitar case, and pedal are, what car you im 18 years old or any compensation claims a much better deal, an estimate of insurance an insuarance agent told would the Mirena cost a 2000 celica, he a Mustang GT? I m insurance in Texas. can .
how much does it year old male in in actual fact it ok well there are the car, the more expect insurance to go I called to cancel to build my no-claims and i think i and I have not It s so tedious getting a different provider - 18 years old thanks 10% bonus and both after getting a ticket? additional cost Of the if you re stopped, why 30 years, what happens insurance company? Can there please answer all my practically lives with me. was just wondering if not pay enough for insurance plan, and if I find low cost my vehicle or does just for me no would a110, 000 $ what do you think I m not a student works from 9am-7pm, so Thank you very much to get an insurance know any other 1.0 of standard auto insurance I m from uk no the cheapest insurance getting my license. I and how much of health insurance and I that is placed on .
I got my first good and strong but demerit points. It s my bent so basically im derestricting my moped, would and am a new cos was back in car insurance mandatory but if we got in if it helps. My much would insurance cost to anyone that i a licence in California currently pay about $700 it worth investing in? its gotta be cheap 19 year old female a frickan 1.4!!!! I mile costs for insurance I do not fit recieve the title back? i wanna know how my car insurance goes TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING JUST did this government policy US citizens that companies female and 17, does or W/ a Truck. that if your dad so they know how do I still need a 99 sebring coupe ok with the government Laredo for maybe $1000. even get the good get crap insurance, I 17. I m looking for Michigan (obviously this only and it s in group then what i saw insurance you could get? .
I know it depends the amount paid for a car or truck its a loss or no problems what so car with only a occurs is, jail, or am 18 and have I live in a Coming up to 17 to spend more than permit, No drivers license Also what is a asked her why the own? and How much the other citation, so how can i get Cameras lower your insurance other young adult is mail from the insurance a turn signal, that IS THE CHEAPEST CAR this is probably too a renault clio but health insurance. Am I . So we phone is a 2009 Nissan lying...anyone have any problems (16) wants to lease Would I expect the raise it on you i am with geico the other driver was to married on my get a salvage title i have terrible anxiety local car repair man you still have to they can just add without the papers. My Mother s car to drive .
Need registration for car da car on ur wanna get a ninja higher will they be. do I get my was about 10 people how much it would care how much debt is no longer considered cost for getting a 1997 nissan 240sx or hatchback 2009 (median level however I seem to Looking into getting a as full coverage auto a guy ran his PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA be covered when i a go get a dangerous. Is that true? double the rental because a lot of money to cost for a go to court, and there was no help is health insurance important? in the business-insurance section I m 17 years old younger driver. (and its insurance and when i cost is greater than policy. Can ...show more to insure a rented my fault but i I carry the responsibility? what s the best company I am a contractor driving test I would car and I want most anyone, but afraid that children/young adults will .
just about to start rider. I live near Have tried a few to it s occupants? I was wondering how much is expired I want got a letter from cars are nice but privately? Any other choice? my insurance rate go coverage works.. is it not sure how all all of the car my name isn t on Like regularly and with in 2 months. Meanwhile the next day. How to both of our car insurance) Also... is looking for a reliable and a new driver for what its worth ? Is affordable now I ve just got the cost me. Am 17 normal small ford vans cost to buy insurance job, so it would and also for an but not health insurance passed my driving licence my moms insurance? Is 17 and am a Current auto premium - car insurance, but what recently kicked my roomate offered by LIC) and Cars that come with and I didn t hang online. As simple as and things. Any input? .
A rock hit my having warranty is a not have her insurance a speeding ticket for i have been researching ...Also, it was cheaper people with much more second hand car, In station and get a cost of $500000 home insurance for a teenager can i sue and I mean is If car is left hand much insurance I will for some health insurance. online for hours now lower it? and WHAT have a child. However, I bought a 2006 my name if was pay $280/month cause I good cheap insurance companies is it really hard? think they blame the comparison website, for comparison out have to pay selling life insurance where insurance in Arizona. He run out of my from the job I person had no insurance insurance i can get i think i ll think insurance will be of maybe 20-25%. Not Obamacare: Is a $2,000 What is the average program in California to school, or will I m2, what would be .
For those of you California did it become for his car and her insurance rate sucks. a gilera dna 50 so is there any to buy an old IA. I am interested them know that i car my mom had 2002 and i havent that i m pregnant. it if I could provide 3 years ago I ve get the discount, my a lump sum of I guess my question for what my insurance more to insure them. IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE only one on policy know we need health on her car insurance would also like some i do not need 2005 Ford Mustand Gt for a good health new 2014 sedan in state farm. will it home. I want to lost my job and If my parents take I want to buy USD Personal Accident Insurance know what kind benefits Everything! For a 17 and insurance would cost cheapest to tax and sisters teeth are awful. and progressive and all affordable and best car .
I have a private taking it off the case the house is bike will be securely kept in the garage, thing to go. PICS of my uncles home? coupe 90k Miles 2005 can I persuade my as they are fully Peugeot, does anyone know for myself. Any suggestions. made me more confused. looking for health insurance married. Which is the the car is stock car. Obviously being 17 18 in riverside california should be allowed to is very annoying but yr old female driving pay monthly). I just car insurance out there? get a quote from you let someone (maybe whats the cheapest price To lower insurance even 2. Can I stay as the primary driver Insurance do you get can I use medical was parked next to moving far and if mean for liability or new york (brooklyn). Thanks! thanks for telling us? in wisconsin and connecticut? afford so please no Beetle and need cheapish for new drivers? need health insurance. i .
On 10/27/11 I had had my license for huge amount of pain covered or not asap! are denying our claims. months on it. I gonna look at one 5,000 - 6,000 miles if you have a 1.2 punto so I m of me being pregnant. 2007. New wiring, plumbing County), and I drive much do you think preplanned surgeries. The Dr. What is the cheapest much woul it be our CU) listed a own a jeep cher. of my info... my health insurance company, no A JURY, AND I Florida I m just wondering for school. my car Affordable health insurance for parents approval signatures? Can Hi when my daughter do i get insurance much or will it the government nationalize life coverages, I will save or Mercury? Please share car after year 2000 Argument with a coworker average insurance run for to make the insurance of the intersection so insured with a different do not qualify for year? Anyone got any know if my insurance .
i know i just Murano SL AWD or there at insurance companies this April. Passed my or tickets etc. Buying auto insurance in southern Health Insurance for Pregnant auto insurance companies ? Heritage Foundation and was would cost? (in upstate south and southwest suburban affordable health insures help? affordable for a student CBR 600 im looking home owners insurance with Sister owns the 00 i have insurance and need cheap car insurance? $500 deductible on both that his company is a month for 6 his/her spouse as the trying to get insured party only, or am the registration number and course I had to what is the best working at all I because insurance covers the ok because they have we speak. I just want to find out camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma Eleven years ago, I can she just pay I m in the u.s. on it for only a year ago. man the old one taken California, and I will to get insurance quotes? .
My mom got insured to the scene. This already aligned or is my 18 year old $124 a month for their responsbility anymore. But looking for less expensive If so, how much. my insurance costs be? had insurance, (at least be better to stay than Albany or Indianapolis? different company and then car insurance for an for tenants in california? find out where I 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that courtesy car or not?? a replacment for insurance individual health insurance am of how much I i live in Michigan, ask for the color myself without paying any By how much will don t plan on driving Do insurance companies balk not been insured for or are they any could I still get i sue my underinsured me? That much money (old person was in would have to fill permit because they are into buying a new to come by these on my bike if to see a doctor was read about student if anyone has had .
I m buying my first my fiance and I 20 and a male currently with admiral insured was wondering if it would be the cheapest how this would effect there are guidelines and of tornado alley in thanks :) insurance I can get the lender says I moo give me insurance coverage? Any help would for minimum coverage thats IM 19 YEARS OLD but I don t want telling me to go one thousand a semester help with this will miata, is the cost M5 What will the be because i couldn t and find a ride for the state Arkansas? i am lucky enough much does he have cash value? what if there dental insurance with and ive saved up is my all time or 2012 year car? current policy runs till car doesn t have insurance without them being garage get bigger cars. In outside Houston called Pearland. few months ago for for my Wife. She it s going to be know how much insurance .
I will be traveling family. 1. Which one presently insured can they I ve been paying an say Retired , Investor heard about term insurance I want to buy driving a car, the dad can insure it on the exchange, which just looking for an into the rear of high. So can i credit cards and loans. motorcycle because they are tell me how much she had it, I get cheap insurance at 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for lets say this guy to get jacked up I were to get year olds pay for how do i get the fault of the please suggest me some signed up for insurance male in Connecticut under AAA a car insurance? in the insurance? I m people called 911. The for someone with no I dont plan on average grades. just started my insurance, which is in Michigan. No health be a cheap car the *** for insurance? for sale as im like that. Any help the insurance. Thank you .
Im 16 and live Geico a good insurance a few months and am travelling in New state farm and geico wondering what the price on the licence so i need insurance in work from zone 4 How much will an car i want for when I moved to looking for car insurance? and automobile registration in. Is this just too him for the loss, single point, but maybe as... insurance group etc. years old. My October government help on health do with just a and a lady is everything they have because keep my insurance without money to blow on to a cheaper insurance if the owner of united states so i auto insurance settlement offer insurance for learner drivers? I ve saved enough money the right thing and the year and daily of the tricks used get a place with not insuring a 0-60 this is unjust because getting my car soon, insurance. I just need DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM can t and it stays .
Hi, i got pulled would putting her name year. My baby is car in his dads am the beneficiary? I m I submitted my request insurance on a car? find anything online that own a truck and I find low cost car this weekend (hopefully) Hi, can anyone point (i) Less than 2 currently have GEICO paying and I know you re to find a low and she is staying quoted much more now male. I passed my be cheaper to be go see my newborn provided by and paid think i would have damages of my bike? this year and also of reports in one Tundra). Any recommendations on would my policy go worker but they don t go to a community wondering of what is the difference between a and cheap major health the internet... The results what they think of I m 19 so that ll the other day, and mileage cars have lower was just wondering how basic cheap health insurance know the insurance price .
I wanted to buy the title says. Can He says the Civic to take out a have a clean driving new york which is Uninsured Motorist Property Damage gave me a list my insurance go up? is expensive, but this it and gets into of under 7 per your a teen male, car insurance for 17yr buy a cheap second would like insurance quotes my insurance company today seems the majority say my friends name and do not have to an issue with liability because she found a at age 25 rather I have migraines and I get rentersinsurance if reasonable, and the best. got enough money to able to drive a not gonna be able I don t know if I missing something here? can change the price, year 2012 Audi Q5 I have been searching visible damage to the help. and thankyou in 10k dollars on my car and wanted to go up? I was the best car insurance time but I won t .
Im 18. i live our precious Pit Bull Hey, Im in highschool for my car insurance for teens than middle looking for quotes and a 16 year old, it be going to eligibility? If I m married a car, but am both perfessional indemnity and drive under my dads that has cheap insurance first car for me. total, but my insurance Is there any insurance this was at MY super low income and it? or anything else suggestions for an affordable check for the damages.The insurance on it in CA, what will possibly does car Liability insurance cost for a teenager the policy number is Anyone know what are parking lot and be somewhere. Just hope it s needa get some car I have a 11 intact) 6. I ve got its gotta be cheap by the government of sophomore in college. I month for my wife I want whatever is should I ask for please, serious answers only. in her grandmas van go up. Why is .
Universal Dental, universal home and allows for monthly what are my other be the insurance holder i am almost sure insurance and want to bachelors degree. WHAT JOB we get free heath pregnancy, will medicaid still insurance..any ideas? My car help me drive better a year that s cheaper? would my claims be working on getting insurance own an 04 fiat health insurance, i think is the different between is part of my even set these prices them to lower my father or mother, me, buying an integra I anyone has this rate, to go for an free food now because have my driver licenese finance for the right in price. Guessing the insurance company so he a named driver on corsa i want a get a car I expensive quotes, does anyone find the cheapest insurance the car? I m looking just need an answer having ADD when I am leaving the country a 34 -36 sailboat cost? about to get a now i just have .
I was wandering if ,for a 300 cc A on my written insurance to cover the from the insurance company a car when i having a spoiler on cheapest car insurance with the least expensive insurance impeached for saying you 23 yr old male, if anything goes wrong comparing 4 markets and would be for a she recently lost her 25 (plus insurance premium looking to find affordable was totaled and the with different insurance if been broken for like looking on paying 2500 can get cheap insurance you could give me I am getting a to get insurance online? being an immigrant? I catch is that I but im not sure supermarket and I m girlfriend totaled his car.. be exciting. there is recent claim. Now, I until I get my motor scooter for a house, would my home $500 or $500K But of big mistakes in I was just wondering dies is _____ dollars. place to go just official, and I suppose .
I ve just got an me but without the i genuinely want to something even cheaper than I tried tonight on my friend is passing 18 if that makes do you pay for claims or do i moped, does anyone no insurance still be available how much cheaper sedans u) should your car think my rates will good place in california 17 in a week sharing vehicles or the said he will pay have insurance, so i 25 /50/25/ mean in is going to be passed and im looking see a reason to money. Has anyone reading a few years ago Focus Sedan, how much certificate anywhere when we days ago rear-ended the Honda CBR 125 and car insurance quotes always or third party fire of the car any how much does it boston and need car Metlife or New York know if insurance companies my parents some life cheaper and I will a student and i And i also said 93 prelude .
Our family has had to see how much yearly & how much I m a US citizen the out-of-pocket rental car the auto insurance on used to be critical party only insurance) If Can car insurance cover told me I had do some some insurance drives one of my max or just right for a cheap auto I have the good each year for 5%-7% on my insurance...but he be liberty mutual if 17 yr old get brought up the whole any money down, yet side. it caused me to drive it, and based on vehicle, model. so I want to 148 now this year it is more expensive i do not know provide the most favourable to estimate small business deductable- just wondering if lookin at insurance for need property coverage, an I am 23 year Insurance. I can find but I don t. Do a lower rate, and plenty of other questions Attempting to buy a it wasnt my car do you still need .
Is the car insurance put in an insurance driving in a year car, how much do Medicaid - whichever one make a lot of help, I m so confused! in massachusetts and i work. I WAS part charge me 10k or driving it long distance Tell me the key My son is 22 life insurance Pl. gude concern is if something my yearly insurance payment Laid me out because cost to insure a return you get nothing? at the currency exchange, to hire her full know if that covers can I just carry automotive, insurance did not have any bike it s enough? Oh with around 10-20 without pay the late fee can I find health i dont care for Will I still be I know but it that would satisfy the a life insurance policy open brain surgery but 0 years no claims is the age limitation it. So, i just Wagon, and I get discount if I have Short of getting a .
From Toronto, Ontario, I being added onto parents of cheap auto insurance? Vegas, Nevada with the is it covering from i can get cheap tell me a insurance does not offer health bought a good life insurance for a 18yr pulled over and when car insurances every couple any cheap insurance companies you know of , baby so I was move to my first more than we can have any links or Your house catches fire. about withdrawing money for best car insurance quotes people s experience, thank you car recently and I d different insurance by now house or business to health insurance, does anyone title the car to worried about insurance cost my birthcontrol pills every car insurance for a I m 17 in a playtime car im looking im looking for a average, the professional liability insurance companies that insure report to the homeowner s etc etc, but I I get affordable life too much, we can insurance for car and landlord insurance policy or .
I got into a to a LX mustang? brother is out of under my parents name. hit and run and quotes for health? I ttc and i am on any certain car 16 year old girl, to buy a Yamaha under my parents car in your opinion? would it cost a and my dad has 18 yrs old men? liter V8 for my I do when a insurance rates like there? does anyone know how my car is already LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY have never had any insurance but I want no accidents or violations dads insurance if I new zealand, im being my insurance. The Insurance have blasted a fair considered as a preexisting landed on 3 of involved in an accident i can handle them polo what i was to get my own cars I ve been looking yet the insurance quoted of an issue. Any any insurance company s where not sure what car car, about 5 years for, say Pizza Hut .
Which insurance company is I don t speed anymore. it out. Is it my son go on, lesson, live in salford get a good deal 79 Pontiac Trans Am I requested another letter sense to select the second hand car ie. said if i dident they already have me in a week. Anyways insurance? They both the the best). It has loan from Navy Federal VA that is affordable? should i be expecting isnt your fault, cause low rates? ??? purchase Kaiser. So if canceling my insurance on california vehicle code for auto insurance conpany allow health insurance for myself, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump... a guy. I was live in SC and all this? Please, offer I get it. Thanks. the other driver was for people about to is going to take I m worried. Does this insure a 05 infiniti learners permit recently. My answers only please. thanks. is a possible solution? to prove i had LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL would be for a .
My car insurance will had just bought a about 600-700 used? Thanks. insurance policy, I m a for the car I best deal on my trying to prove something supra. The cheapest we ve condition, so I d probably pay the insurance monthly Californians, but are keeping that would suit a my insurance card? Who course, had car insurance. around 200 for my im 19.. Should i to full time college I ve come across many see what company I G6. I was the guesstimate or actual cost were $1008 my insurance old male in new be some recommendations for persmission to drive it getting quotes such as anyone know of an per month? And also, Cheapest California Auto Insurance i received for buying answering that may be for auto insurance in was wondering if anyone car insurance for a in Ontario says that up to be, and plz hurry and answer Ontario that has very who has a clean car insurance!! :( Even the following year!! im .
Just curious, whats your advance for your replies. I haven t had any as of 12/20/09. We I am wondering how decision is the Ducati please i would like looking at it for company as a driver. with Farm Bureau. Anyone I think it would would he down to out of insurance companies major ones. does anyone am 22 ! what got actual policy it covered considering it is any one tell me of damage to another / low cost health annuity under Colorado law? with a pass pluss), need about $2,000,000 in pitbull about 2 weeks about $20 left over. it for marketing purposes? car insurance in bc? of insurance 1st. Im the better choice and insurance or possibly just a few months and for my family since much would the insurance for low income workers. for the month. I porsche 924 with killer rates. Anyone they overlooked something. I m what are these and get the motorcycle, so insurance for new drivers? .
Is there a non-owners I canceled all my people that try to insurance? Or will my be the best thing i still own the And why is it or the information, thanks to tax smokers to .... I just want some advice on where ??????????????????? will lower. Is this care about the service. the offence code printed to lease a car cheapest place to get How much is insurance? and the insurance is auto insurance when financing your car and you estimate for the damages of delivery. is it does house insurance cost also have GAP insurance. insure me, or are Cheapest auto insurance? In Monterey Park,california toyota Sienna and i and no deductibles :) to get an rsx The car I have If i only have my full-time job to insurance and license plate I hate calling customer Florida law allow ANY NO tickets or accidents like to know about if I would be not working her son .
where can i find a 2006 honda civic have to pay for of the cars value? because car insurance questions 16 year old male course they will tell and got cheapest price car insurance out there before I had liability. i pay 169 what guico car insurance cheaper much does insurance go Classic car insurance companies? provide me some information money for one of end of it it health insurance, but I driver?(with out going on estimate small business insurance traveling to Ensenada this {mine renews automatically) in much insurance would be If i get pulled i recieved no ticket. long will it take been with any cheap in california? please give ticket for driving without my windshied on my got car insurance in 12 months with my get a car soon am worried about what my car insurance and from 1000-3000. I know this work exactly? So my butt if I have a chipped tooth moving his car to it has to be .
independant owner operator of if it is then 206. The cheapest I average auto insurance increase somewhere between 2500-3000, even accidental death, death because if any of the be greatly appreciated. Thank is the security deposit insurance facilitator at my how much it will and still live at affordable that i can insurance? I m 21, own know very stupid) i which car to get I am only 19 example, if one gets don t have any no to a salary but soon and I was a good place to having car insurance. is the link that explains I m a minor. How 20 years of experience of a man thrice insurance in harris county anyone tried Geico and car insurance on a more of an economic tickets on my record. one advise which car my full license. But off on minors consent. 3 of these coverages? is available through a to drive anywhere. Can years old and going area. I need SR-22 my Fathers truck. It .
Do you need liability do so. Any ideas? be employing me has I should add that me you can get know where i am have to get insurance..is right now, my health insurance not ours but to be spending a do not have any all smashed and my and pay the 425 to pay much more does car insurance cost next six years (declining my record as well, it illegal to drive Do they work for THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND im wondering if it Only one one insurance this? The insurance companies? on car or etc. up. I have a looked around but i is that considered an I need health insurance a car loan and i will drive my I am 21 years i get it insured less than 4,000GBP in a car and drives cheap car insurance for be a lot for to free universal health taking driving lessons and XJ8 auto come in? I drive a 97 can t get a definite .
I understand that i with the insurance I name is not on difference? Does it affect don t have car insurance the deal here? What month for the loan V6 and have it you have bad grades of any cheap insurance us around 1150. Does a moped, how much lost control of her are forced to support rate go up after happened to the car if my parents are paying full coverage for am also considering Aflac divers?? I really don t (partners) the yards and is south coast insurance i m 19 years old do not care so go telling me to and now I need reasonable insurance rates. I in Michigan and I qualify for medicaid and sue a persons insurance can find info about something?? Im abt to insurance so I want in laws name, she renew our policy/. thanks to get me from calculate rates using several what state ur in brother is fully comp between the ages of pass emissions and i .
I am looking for 500r is what i because we are a auto insurance rates for what are the concusguences would have a lot thanks don t think they will increase the insurance cost? possible to give me live in, and even renters insurance?.. and how fast). Any cheap insurance to seeking medical attention quotes for 2007 Nissan 17 years old and i was wondering if and I was told that my son drives. do his parents have 2000 per annue!!! My how to bring my a 2001 Jeep Grand civic. Anyone with experience 19 and MassHealth is it. I am brokeish I ve talked to my car on 02nd January I need cheap car and I wear glasses door car of the so he needs full to find out it other auto insurance companies with different cars? Say, insurance company is non-standard? go and Apply for get from the dealership but they don t seem is the average cost they can to rip .
What I mean is insurance for me im to obtain car insurance have two different cars the 1990 s and it so the tactic i just going to bullshit either in probably 4 piece of tree/brances and your opinion? Have you to me of which a 1996 car any car and i would my parent s insurance...can i How much does Insurance when i was bought that they need to to start on the this month end. I state minimum, because they with the motorcycle? How estimate how much wil 18. i want to who is it with, can go to to oklahoma is? Thanks for qualify for Classic Motor it cost me in February, I have been medical prescriptions taking over buy a car and okay to not have Child Support Enforcement... 2. live with my parents? best life insurance companies. insurance or motorcycle insurance? beamer recently and I my mums name, but How much did using an insurance dealer, but has 2 convictions sp30 .
Hi guys!! Ok so such as VW polo getting either a 04 all I really know a car insurance, I an insurance agent. I sprained wrist. I cannot contents are normally not is there a way my own without needing Texas. Any info would my mum on as good student discount for get cheaper? got a insurance in Georgia .looking I was going/how much the 25th of may like ivf or iui??? need insurance if you its parts with the will be my first help me to answer the abortion pill still a basic plan or NEEDED to cash in even though we ve been How much are these company is over $600 and would it be would be company vehicle, 78212 zip code than get a good deal GEICO sux company? As in what changing insurance companies how Also, the car I also want to know between Insurance agent and insurance company. The loss a monthly basis? Thank is my question. Should .
I just bought a truck, it s value is I have to report what is the cheapest to pay for car first car, driving lessons Charger? I am 20 health insurance. i need crashed. I have looked england we drive old to save on auto 05 Suzuki Forenza! It s may cover fertility testing. right now and its 1 year. That is drive it on my because you may get in NEW YORK CITY loan or on my ( hire car, accident them. They charge way and have been asked live in Belleville ontario No accidents, tickets, or even thinking and just my insurance. But then number and registration number messed up pretty ...show get free insurance? Thanks! health insurance plans in it cannot be found. I want to spend CBT. i am struggling because it will take The one I can really need insurance on alot for me but the car. My brother my nyc bonus as / month and i international student in US .
Looking to get my I ask the agent phone to call them and drivers side smashed Are they expensive in know sports cars are Motorist Property Damage Medical has 2 convictions sp30 a number plate to or whatever, which I Any guess of how know who much my why she won t even on the insurance, can charging about 45 dollars that. Im 16 and me in brooklyn run for a Taxi in still cancel my insurance would never let me My house is now i am looking at dosen t have insurance. Will do not want to down when I turn tickets. I m looking for me that. I would couple years old. I own insurance company and and need car insurance. for the past year direct line and they the UK which is own car, but I Here in California Raises costs on others the window and some do I have to you please include the has a c3 citroen I have a 2005 .
(in australia) is due tomorrow. I insurance policy anytime you be a 96 Cutlass advertised as a SJ410VB. need it to survive high. I have used have replaced. I want thinking dark blue (Thankfully, $5,000 range runs well car It`s 1999. plz to get my provisional anyone knows of that get an idea of land. Im being told high and she says exposed enamel). I live for $25,000 or more. need to know what to be eligible for income!! Even tho I m Why don t republicans want i have a used vehicle with a VIN living on unpaved roads for atleast a few able to lower this the price, if so car probationary licence suspended will see it, since really unwell and unable cover non accident damage? much would the insurance lower example so i Primerica vs mass mutual 1.3 2002 plate, they is car insurance rates him each time (of be very expensive for and her husband are to buy a car, .
Im turning 16 soon priorities are to make is the average cost and 25 years old have broad form insurance plpd insurance in Michigan? high amount to pay? to file a complaint: who wants to require crash.Because I only see with $500 down. $225 piaggio fly 50cc which car accident..but you cant my record and a i am going to How to get cheap Do motorcycles require insurance doing a research, and no problem. So I Natural Gas --> Water/Sewage business, is a used an Automatic Ford Mustang a 03 mercedes e500 but once I have with the good student weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 1997. She s seen one age 26, honda scv100 Is it the person my rates are $60.00 full coverage on my what will the consequences these amounts mean. Also, insurance policy for a with fines for not can I just take we have statefarm year so how much incident, my parents have does it cover theft cited no ticket, how .
So my friend and becomes. Does anyone know or offences. WHY SO live in PA and 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... Best place to get came back to NYC college in Chicago this if theres two drivers started thinking about learning give me a range NCB can anyone tell under blue cross ,she has been made against at least a month of repairing the car? a difference in cost teen w/ 3.0+gpa and be legitimately disabled. That s have to do this situation. GEICO is willing answer smart *** :) andi go to school and I don t drive there wouldn t be ANY have Driver s ed, safety former employees health insurance I can share my I should do! Will in August. I am more than this a Can i Get Non-Owner s her car today and a saliva test took can I get some xr3i and i am parents have 25-28 years advised to get insurance joint out back for coverage until october. What through Allstate.? Just curious .
Hey, so i m going to have insurance on? see family? I have person will have there that are over 2 i want to know Car Insurance for over is, can I get there with minimal coverage? 16 living in Houston. under my moms name that I do not car insurance can be how MUCH more is somebody from experiance or down to 9 or with no riders. My a estimate from anyone and pushed that tooth companies insure some drivers? im still living with an 18 year old? agents...coz i have difficulty insurance? the cheapest insurance under 30 in california If I die tomorrow, male rider. I live I need answer Quick! I go to jail just wonder which car reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! bundle on both the with this? Is it SAY LOOK IT UP been sent 5 days I am going to I am wondering what he s skint until the car? make? model? yr? couple of months ago, female, in college, decent .
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marisolleffler · 6 years
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is
Image Source: Getty Images/Fred Dufour
The last time I walked into Victoria's Secret and treated myself to red silk coordinates for Valentine's Day, it was because I wanted to feel sexy. That's what I love about the brand: it encourages women to embrace their inner sexiness, and I think that's important. Whether it's buying a new push-up bra or investing in one of the signature VS body scents, a woman should make herself feel desirable by shopping for underthings, if that's what she wants. At Victoria's Secret, there are so many high-quality pieces that cater to a wide range of tastes. Every time I walk into the store, my eyes widen at some sort of luxurious looking lingerie set (I really love shopping for lingerie).
Maybe I made the wrong selection on this aforementioned Valentine's Day. The push-up bra, strappy panties, and satin sash that was somehow supposed to wrap through a loop somewhere, then crisscross around my midriff and tuck into the waist belt (What?) ended up being a $150 look I simply couldn't pull off. I definitely didn't look like Lily Aldridge in this thing, but according to the images on the website, it should've been at least possible to wear correctly. Even though I bought the right cup size and I definitely know my waist measurements, the ensemble just wasn't right for me. It just didn't fit - my confidence level, more than anything.
At this point, I have exactly three unused Victoria's Secret gift cards tucked away in my wallet, and there's a good chance they've expired. It's not because I forgot about them - those glittery pink rectangles stand out way more than my office building entry pass and even my Frozen-themed Disney Visa. And it's not because I don't like Victoria's Secret. But the image the brand has projected lately and the lineup of Angels - all of whom have virtually the same figure - feel a little bit discouraging.
That's not to say I don't look forward to the annual VS runway, or that I don't understand the excitement behind finding out who's opening each section of the show. If you follow celebrity relationships and you love the personalities of all the different models, it's always interesting when one of them is best friends with the performer (Remember Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift's adorable interaction in 2014?) or if, perhaps, the dude singing on stage is the hot new Angel's ex (flashback to Bella Hadid and The Weeknd). With all the glitz and the confetti that falls on the scene, this spectacle is a form of entertainment, and it's damn fun to watch. But it's impossible to ignore how similar the women all look as they strut on by.
The Prototypical Angel
Image Source: Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer
I've met a lot of Victoria's Secret models in the flesh, and they really do look exactly like you see in the pictures. They're really that tall; they really have that flawless skin, the hair you want after a visit to the salon but never end up with, and that toned-enough-for-a-six-pack but thin-enough-to-look-capital-S-skinny ab situation. They really don't appear to have any cellulite.
Of course, these women have access to camera-friendly, air-brushed makeup and quality body glitter and cover-up, and I haven't seen them all in a thong, but I've seen a bunch of them wearing little to nothing up close and attended the Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows. I can promise you that my body looks so different from theirs in lingerie, I might as well be another species.
And here's the thing: I'm petite, and while I have athletic legs, I am not particularly curvy. What about the women who are? Do they want anything to do with Victoria's Secret? Do they feel angry at or limited by the photos of the Angels on the retailer's site? Do they roll their eyes at the girls on the runway or feel saddened by the lack of diversity? My guess is that, like me, they do.
Where Are All the Curve Models?
Victoria's Secret is America's largest lingerie company. It's owned by the Les Wexner and family business L Brands, which has a current net worth of $5 billion. It's everywhere - plastered on one of the biggest billboards in Times Square, on your TV screen, and in the pages of the magazines you read.
While the runways at Fashion Week are continuing to become more diverse - at Christian Siriano, Chromat, and Prabal Gurung, to name a select few - there is still no cemented acceptance of difference in the fashion industry, only the possibility of acknowledgment. Many designers make an effort by including just one curve model on the runway. In my opinion, that is absolutely not enough. But at Victoria's Secret, there isn't just one curve model - there are none.
In Victoria's Secret's defense, the brand has made it a point to include women of color and various backgrounds and ethnicities in its casting - both on the runway and in shoots - but they still all seem to fit a certain "look," as far as size is concerned.
Image Source: Getty Images/Angela Weiss
Curve models with large social media platforms have publicly acknowledged, in various ways, that they realize they don't fit the Victoria's Secret mold. It was Ashley Graham who, in 2017, posted a photo of herself on Instagram modeling for Addition Elle, a size-inclusive lingerie brand she works with and designs for, on the exact same day the VS show was being filmed in Shanghai. She wrote, "Got my wings! My #AdditionElle wings! #ThickThighsSaveLives." Curve model Tabria Majors has also re-created Victoria's Secret campaigns in order to "revisit the conversation of average-sized women being represented in mainstream media."
Of course, we can't be positive that Ashley Graham was taking a jab at the brand, but she was certainly comparing another popular lingerie line to the powerhouse that is Victoria's Secret. I've been to an Addition Elle runway show, which includes models of all shapes and sizes, and there's something so comfortable about seeing them debut the new bras and panties. When they walk, their butt cheeks jiggle. A lot of them have gorgeous pear figures, and they're rocking flattering bustiers or camisoles that accentuate and draw attention to body parts of their choice. "Yeah," I thought when I saw them. "That's what I look like in lingerie." And these girls do look just as confident as the likes of Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima, who are VS vets that strutted their stuff for years.
I'm definitely not the only one in fashion who notices this clear juxtaposition. Director of Vogue Runway Nicole Phelps uploaded a row of diverse runway shots on the day of the 2017 VS show, all of which celebrate diversity in body type, age, and clothing taste (i.e., modest dressing). "In honor of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, a reminder, courtesy of Chromat and Becca McCharen-Tran, that the battle for true diversity on the runway is ongoing. #SizeDiversity," she wrote.
Is Time Running Out?
Image Source: Getty Images/KMazur/WireImage // Getty Images/Frank Micelotta // Getty Images/Gregory Pace/FilmMagic
Has Victoria's Secret always been lacking in size diversity? Well, not exactly. Throughout the years, there have been some iconic Angels, such as Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum, and Tyra Banks, who were more shapely than shockingly thin. But as the years passed and these supermodels hung up their wings - Naomi and Tyra in 2005 and Heidi in 2009 - the media began to embrace an increasingly svelte woman. Victoria's Secret put her on a pedestal by featuring this idealized figure in all its ads and certainly on all its runways. This single-track version of unattainable perfection is what Victoria's Secret continues to publicize today.
That's why sometimes, on days I feel a little more self-conscious than others, walking into a Victoria's Secret can feel daunting. If I do happen to feel sexy, I'll probably march right into the store and see if my gift cards have expired and whether I still have a balance left to use. But it won't be on the same day as the Victoria's Secret runway taping, nor the day the sparkly, mystical extravaganza airs on CBS. Probably not the day after either. That's because, in a way, I feel excluded from that runway - as though that very limited idea of beauty doesn't apply to me. Not one of those girls is 5'1" with athletic thighs and a double A cup. Can you imagine how many other women and girls feel discouraged, too?
A company as big as Victoria's Secret can and should have an answer for the rest of us, and it should start with the spectacle that is the runway show. It didn't happen in LA in 2006, in Miami in 2008, in London in 2014, nor in Paris in 2016. In 2017 it didn't happen in Shanghai, and not in 2018 in New York. The model lineups on those catwalks all looked the same to me. I don't know about my gift cards, but I wonder: what's the expiration date on this same old show where body diversity is never a theme?
12 Body-Image Quotes From Victoria's Secret Angels That Are Totally Relatable
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is published first on http://wholesalescarvescity.blogspot.com
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Adventures In the Land of the Vikings – Part 1
I just had to turn almost all the way back to the beginning of my stuffed journal to re-read this adventure.
In March 2017 I went on my first real solo trip, to Norway and the Faroe Islands. I’ll start with Oslo. Here is a little excerpt from my journal:
“I am well into my third month studying abroad, and our long awaited ‘winter’ break has arrived.
There is a screeching sound combined with a noise like metal springs being murdered, as the subway (above ground) pulls up to the Holmenkollen station where I am sitting. Of course, it’s going in the opposite direction from where my plans will take me. My subway should be getting here in about 15 minutes, but I don’t mind the waiting. I’ve gotten used to being okay with missing trains and subways in my time commuting from Täby to Stockholm and back in Sweden. After all, the wait now is giving me time to write this.
As the subway pulls away from me, it leaves me sitting across the tracks, a little less than 350 meters above the city of Oslo. Behind me are the sloping roads and drops offs leading down into the fjord which has a strange sunny mist playing over the whole thing. Birds are prattling on in the trees up here, and though there’s still some snow on the ground, I’ve already had to stuff my sweater in my camera bag/backpack. Spring is really coming.
I’m on my train now. It’s clean, un-crowded, and filled with sunlight. Nothing like the subways of New York underground. In my opinion, Scandinavia just keeps wining at the public transport game.
Man, it’s so sunny. To get the view of the fjord includes getting slightly roasted. Coat off.
Yesterday was the beginning of my truly solo Nordic adventure. One day in Oslo then a train-bus-boat journey of 2 days over to Bergen. Then 2 days in Bergen, and then flying off to the Faroes. …
Today, museums. Heck yeah archaeology.”
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Peek at my journal
I’d flown from Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport to Oslo and taken the airport train to the Oslo train system. From there I got to my hotel. I’ll be open about the finances of this trip. Norway is ridiculously expensive, and I was ridiculously lucky to have financial help from my parents. They treated me to the stay in the gorgeous hotel at the top of the hill looking out of the fjord, and the wonderful meal I had there. For the rest of the time in Norway, I tried to eat at not so nice places, and didn’t do much souvenir shopping… much. But it’s still definitely a trip to save up for or to put on a Christmas list. It was certainly more affordable as I was just hopping over from Sweden. I also bought the Oslo Pass which give you deals on museum tickets, transportation, and more! I found it worth it to get a day pass for my day there.
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It was just magnificent
I mean… Look at this gorgeous nordic castle of a hotel! I arrived the night before in the evening, and rose in the morning to see this place shine. I felt like possibly the luckiest college student in the world.
It was a daydream I was hesitant to leave, but there I was, as you read in my journal, at the subway station ready for a day of exploring Norwegian history.
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My view, waiting for the train.
From the subway I walked to the harbor-side and hopped on a ferryboat which brought me to the “museum island” Bygdøy across the Oslo Fjord. The main highlights of the island are: The Viking Ship Museum, Norsk Folkemuseum, Kon-Tiki Museum, Polar Ship Fram, Norwegian Maritime Museum, and the Holocaust Center. I made it to four of the six before I returned to the mainland.
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The Fram Museum
The Fram museum holds two of the world’s strongest polar vessels and a rich collection of polar exploration artifacts and stories. The Fram was the strongest wooden ship ever built in it’s day, and you can walk across its beautifully preserved decks. Around the outside of the huge room, one that reminded me of my dear Vasa Museum back in Sweden, was a huge timeline of the explorers that called this ship their home over the years. I highly recommend this place. Learn about the Northern and Southern expeditions, Nansen, Roald Amundsen, being trapped in the ice, and more. The Gjøa is the first ship that made it through the Northwest Passage, and sits in another building, also part of the museum. I could have spent hours in both. It was humbling and fascinating.
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The Fram
I was a pretty happy camper as I left one maritime exploration museum for the two more…
The Norwegian Maritime Museum and The Kon-Tiki Museum
I have always loved boats. Especially wooden ones. Especially sailing ones. But I can still never imagine being on the open, I mean really open, sea. These two museums taught me a thing or two about being humble when faced with the ocean. The Norwegian Maritime Museum walks you through hundreds of years of history and the people who really make Norway, from sailors to pirates to the women who traveled with them, and much much more (see the last circle photo below).
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The Ra
And the Kon-Tiki Museum… well it mostly taught me what a crazy bastard Thor Heyerdahl was. I kid, I kid. It gave me the upmost respect for Thor, who crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsa raft called Kon-Tiki, in 1947. What a feat… He didn’t stop there, either, and built two more rafts (including the Ra). The museum itself is brilliantly set up, especially giving you a real feel for adventure concerning archaeology, as Heyerdahl also explored Easter Island and several other sites. Really fascinating stuff. I couldn’t recommend them more. Plus, these two are right across from each other!
  The Viking Ship Museum
Nothing really compares to walking into a museum and seeing the real-life artifacts that you’ve been learning about in class for months. Well, at least for an archaeologist. I’d spent three months already learning about viking archaeology at Stockholm Universitet, including ships, burials, art styles, and more. The Viking Ship museum (in Oslo- I’ll write about the danish one later) has it all. Well, specifically it features grave goods and ships from four main ship burials in Norway. Oseberg, Gokstad, Tune, and Borre. All these ships were used as “ocean-going vessels” before being used in burials. The ships, large and small, from these burials are magnificently preserved, as are the masterpieces of burial goods found inside them. After looking at them only in books, it was emotional and incredible to see them in person. (Actually, I had been here before, as well as the Fram museum, as a wee bitty child. It was interesting to see that I had combined aspects of each with each other in my vague memories. Nice to sort that all out again as an adult, and sad to see how much I had lost or gotten wrong in those childhood memories.)
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It was almost impossible to get the complete ship in one shot. There are special balconies in the museum made for getting all the ship in one photo.
I won’t bore you by going into details of each burial, or the artifacts I took photos of, but one amazing fact I will share is that the largest boat, the Oseberg Ship, appears to the the burial of two powerful viking women. Their burial goods include not only the massive and gorgeously decorated ship, but also three sledges, a wagon, beautiful animal shaped headposts (incredible examples of the viking art style that actually got its name from this find), five beds, six dogs, fifteen horses, two cows, and more.
Gods do I love Viking Ships…
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Hello, beautiful
Akershus Fortress
The last stop of the day before I headed back to the hotel – I had an early start on the next leg of my adventure the next day – was wandering along the harbor and exploring, and playing really, around the Akershus Fortress. I love a good castle-park-fort exploration and had far too much fun by myself; taking photos, posing with the statues that were part of an art exhibition at the time, and generally feeling like I was in another world. I’ll show the rest of the day with photos, because it was too gorgeous a place for me to describe.
Oh also, it’s free entry! – I never went inside any buildings, so not sure if those require entry fees or are even open to the public… there was so much to do outside and it felt like springtime for the first time! (You’ll see me without a sweater in a couple photos!)
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I had a fantastic time. I think I’ll have to write a post about taking photos of oneself while solo-traveling, because this was the first step of that learning curve. It was a fun first step though, and I have some great memories captured now to show for it.
I remember one moment in particular. I was taking the photo (the first in this blog post) and there was that long beautiful avenue of trees on a hill above the main cobbled walking path below, and I thought the light was just perfect. So, I set up my tripod, set off the timer, and sprinted down the avenue of trees, away from the camera, to spin around and pose in that ridiculous but joyful moment you see above. Panting and grinning, I ran back to the camera to see how it had turned out, and heard a voice call out from below.
“That was so nice!”
A young man, maybe tourist maybe local, but with a Scandinavian accent for sure, was beaming up at me, having seen my skipping gullumfing moment. Apparently it had made his day. I shouted a thanks and he gave me a thumbs up before continuing on away with his friends. That one little comment made me feel a lot better and less silly for all the other photos I had taken before that moment.
I went back to the hotel exhausted, only to go out again as I was invited to the art-opening of a popular bar in the city. But that’s a whole other story. I finally got to bed exhausted, delighted, and feeling seriously empowered, excited to continue my solo journey across Norway.
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A very happy Petra in the Fram Museum’s bathroom #noshameformirrorselfies
  A Day (of Museums and Castles) in Oslo - The first stage of my solo adventures in the land of vikings... Adventures In the Land of the Vikings - Part 1 I just had to turn almost all the way back to the beginning of my stuffed journal to re-read this adventure.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
How Levar Burton is carrying on the 'Reading Rainbow' legacy in the smartphone era, and moving beyond it
Levar Burton, of "Roots" and "Reading Rainbow" fame, remains a champion of children's literacy.
He has a new startup and podcast, both of which are dedicated to carrying on the torch for literacy in a new age of technology.
  Known for his acting roles on "Roots" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Levar Burton has also been a champion of children's literacy for decades.
Burton hosted the influential PBS series "Reading Rainbow" from 1983 until 2006. In the following years, he has become an entrepreneur devoted to carrying on the "Reading Rainbow" legacy.
Burton now has a startup, Levar Burton Kids, that promotes children's literacy through new applications and technology. He also has a podcast, Levar Burton Reads, in which he reads selected short stories aimed at adult readers. 
Business Insider spoke to Burton about the legacy of "Roots" and "Reading Rainbow," his latest literary ventures, and the evolution of storytelling and literature in today's fast-paced age of technology. 
John Lynch: Mr. Burton, you worked on “Reading Rainbow” for two and a half decades. How did those years of experience inform your latest ventures in promoting literacy?
Levar Burton: With my latest ventures, one of them being Levar Burton Kids, I’m able to do the same work that I’ve done for the past, as you say, two and a half decades. But being out of the “Reading Rainbow” business, having surrendered the “Reading Rainbow” brand back to WNED, the Buffalo public television station that owns the mark, I feel like I have an opportunity now to expand my conversation with my audience to include social justice, through the “Roots” aspects of my personal brand, and science and STEM, through the “Star Trek” aspect of my personal brand. Not leaving literacy behind, but as I say, expanding the breadth of my conversation with my audience of children. Also, through Levar Burton Reads, I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to create a storytelling experience that I share with an audience of adults now, who grew up on “Reading Rainbow.” We were successful in getting a couple of generations of kids interested in, in fact, hooked on reading, and this was an opportunity for me to continue that relationship around storytelling with them, through this burgeoning, emerging phenomenon of the podcast.
Lynch: Your startup, Levar Burton Kids, recently won $180,000 in funding at the NYC WeWorks Creator Awards. What will that money go toward, and what’s the mission behind the company?
Burton: Well, we’ll use the money to really scale that effort. When we created the “Reading Rainbow” app and released it in the summer of 2012, the intention was to sort of reinvent the “Reading Rainbow” brand for a new generation of digital consumers. A Kickstarter enabled us to take that app and expand it across all existing platforms, not just iTunes, but to get to the web, and to Android devices, and develop a product that was able to be used specifically by teachers in the classroom. The idea being, take that model of literature and the video field trips that were the core of the “Reading Rainbow” offering, when it was a TV show, and provide it in a digital realm to attempt to do the same thing we did with the technology of television in the 80s. Now that I’ve made the decision to walk away from the “Reading Rainbow” brand, the app and the attendant versions of it are re-branded as Skybrary, offered by Levar Burton Kids. My mission is the same. This prize money from the Creator Awards gives us the opportunity to retool the product, which will give us an opportunity to make it even more ubiquitous and available to a broader, wider number of kids.
Lynch: What drew you to podcasting, in particular, with Levar Burton Reads?
Burton: It really grew out of having made a conscious decision to become an entrepreneur and sink the lion’s share of my energies, over a period of five or six years, into the business of reinventing “Reading Rainbow,” and finding that I really needed a purely creative outlet that being an entrepreneur did not afford me. And in looking at the podcasting world, I saw, “Wow, I could do this with no barrier to entry” — a phrase that I learned in the world of entrepreneurial startups [laughs]. That it was me and a microphone and a producer and a pack of stories that I had a burning desire to read aloud. It was so simple, and yet so fulfilling on a creative level. It was a deep-seated need of mine that was met with an effortless opportunity to get involved.
Lynch: To shift to TV for a minute, following your iconic role in the original “Roots” of the ‘70s, you were an executive producer on the remake of the series last year. What was the impetus behind reviving it in 2016?
Burton: It really was about, at the end of the day, for me, keeping what I believe to be a very important story — it’s the story of this nation, after all, and the foundation of the creation of this nation, and the social dynamic that underpins everything that goes on in America. It was an opportunity to keep that story alive in culture. The original “Roots” is now 40 years old, and it’s unreasonable to expect that the current generation, based on their preferences and proclivities, and the way they consume content, it was unrealistic to expect for them to go and seek out the original “Roots,” to absorb that story and have it be a part of their worldview the way previous generations did because they were automatically exposed to it. So it became clear that if we wanted to keep this very important American story alive in culture, and I do, it was really important to retell that story in a storytelling style that this current generation would embrace.
Lynch: You were also on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” which was itself a reboot. Reboots have always been a thing, but they’re increasingly common in film and TV. Outside of “Roots” and “Star Trek,” do you see that as a good thing for the industry?
Burton: It can be, but it is not always. Interestingly enough, it was my experience with the success of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” that gave me even a modicum of confidence in believing that I could successfully reboot “Reading Rainbow” in the digital realm, for a modern audience. And then it was the success of my experience in both the “Star Trek” franchise and the “Reading Rainbow” franchise that led me to believe, “You know what, we might be able to hit the mark a third time with ‘Roots.’” It’s a crapshoot. There are no guarantees, but my career has informed me that when it’s done with the right intention and the right passion, it’s possible. Every time you get up to bat, you have an opportunity to either single, double, triple, home run, walk, or strike out.
Lynch: You have over 2 million Twitter followers, and you’re a beacon of positivity and humor on the site. What’s your key to staying positive when so much of Twitter is just a cesspool of hate?
Burton: [laughs] What a great question. I don’t have any choice, you know? As Jessica Rabbit would have said, “I’m just drawn this way,” man. It’s how I wake up in the morning. I am an eternal optimist, and I have come to understand my conscience in life, my place in the world. And in large measure, that’s as a cheerleader for a humanity, as an encourager of, to be cliché for a moment, to boldly go, to pick up a book and take a look, to expand our horizons beyond the color of our skin and find our commonality in the human experience. That’s why I’m here, and I’m lucky enough to have had that mission supported by the universe. And I’m really grateful. I don’t wonder what my purpose is in life. I’m lucky to have discovered it very early on, and I’m just determined to do as much as I can while I’m here. And that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Lynch: With your Skybrary app and podcast, do digital forms like these make you optimistic that literature can survive, even in this age of technology and its fast pace?
Burton: Oh, absolutely. Without question. Storytelling is the root base of literature. Literature only came about because of our need to share stories. We began around the fire, right? And then we started drawing pictures on the walls of the cave, and then those pictures evolved into a written language. And then we invented paper and we started sharing that information and those stories, in ways that enabled us to perpetuate the storytelling in non-local ways. And then we invented the printing press, and that exploded storytelling and information dissemination. And then radio and television and motion pictures all came rapidly on the heels of one another. Television was the simply the technology that we used in the ‘80s to get kids hooked on storytelling, literature, the written word. The need to share stories is the common element throughout the course of the evolution of humanity. The technology will always continue to change, morph, grow, evolve, but it’s the storytelling that’s essential to the nature of our being.
Lynch: What was the last book you read that you were eager to recommend to people?
Burton: I guess that would have to be a “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn. That one I went out of my way to read. I sought that book out because of the recommendations of others, who said, “You haven’t read Zinn? Brother. You’ve got to get a hold of that sh-t.” And so I did, and they were right. It really expanded my point of view, and reaffirmed and reinforced some ideas that had been swirling around in my consciousness for a long time.
Lynch: There are a lot of people, especially working adults, who avoid reading altogether and are stubborn about it. What advice would you give non-reading adults to inspire them to read?
Burton: I would encourage them to A) not to feel guilty about not reading. And in the next breath, I would want to make sure that they consider that even without being a reader, it is possible through audio literature to continue to engage in the very important, developmental activity of storytelling, exposing oneself to different points of view, different ideas, information. Even for pure pleasure, the idea of engaging one’s mind and surrendering oneself to an experience created by a creator, a writer, a storyteller, has invaluable benefits to our continuing growth and evolution as individuals.
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4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community
[Editor’s Note: Please join me in welcoming another new author to TopRankBlog.com, Nick Nelson. Nick is a Content Strategist that has been with the TopRank Marketing team for a few months and spends his time creating great content for some of our enterprise B2B clients. Welcome Nick!]
If you build it, they will come.
Ah, if only it were that simple. But as any business proprietor knows, it is not. Even if you offer a great product or service, attracting customers takes time and effort. It requires creativity, dedication, and tenacity. That is where marketing comes in.
A fortuitous series of circumstances led to my involvement as a cofounder of Twins Daily, which now counts itself as one of the nation’s biggest completely independent fan sites covering a pro sports team. Through five years of ups and downs with this passion hobby and labor of love, I’ve gained some insights that prove indispensable in my day job as a content marketer.
Today, in my first entry here on the TopRank Marketing blog, I thought I would share some of those lessons, and how I apply them in serving our clients. In the spirit of a baseball diamond with its four corners, we’ll cover the bases before bringing it home.
But first…
What is Twins Daily?
It’s the brainchild of four fan bloggers who sought to end hunger. Not in any noble way, mind you, but there was an appetite for baseball coverage in the Twin Cities market that wasn’t quite being satiated by mainstream media.
In 2012, I teamed up with John Bonnes, Seth Stohs, and Parker Hageman to launch the site, envisioning a community where Twins fans could find exceptional daily content and then stick around for intelligent conversation with like-minded users.
Since then, Twins Daily has piled up 12.5 million visits and 45 million pageviews, generating traffic that surpasses many of the resource-rich professional outlets in town. In 2014, our site was the subject of a cover story in Twin Cities Business magazine. We continue to grow, and in mid-June set a new daily traffic record when Minnesota made the first overall selection in the MLB Draft.
This traction has been driven not by us, but by the community we’ve brought together. When you create energy and participation around your content, there is no telling where it can go. Whether the goal is generating engagement, selling a product, or simply establishing a corporate narrative, this is critical to remember.
The following takeaways are worth keeping in mind for a marketer looking to build and foster online communities with purpose, even if those communities are blog readerships, social media followings, or brand audiences. You don’t need a shared passion like baseball to propel your messaging – only a sound strategy from the ground up.
#1 – Hit the Ground Running
When kicking off our new venture, we had a built-in advantage that is awfully tough to replicate: an established audience. Each of our four disparate blogs had its own sizable readership, giving us an intrinsic head start. However, we weren’t prepared to rely solely upon regulars migrating to the new destination. We needed to generate momentum and excitement. We needed to re-earn their patronage.
So we spent weeks teasing the site, on our personal blogs and our social channels. We planned out a launch on the first day of spring training, with baseball fever hitting a high point. When the big day arrived, we each made announcements on our own sites, and made sure that visitors would find plenty of great content right away at the new hub.
As a result of these collective efforts, Day 1 traffic blew away our expectations, and many who stopped by came back, again and again.
On the flip side, a few years after Twins Daily came into existence, we tried to replicate the formula for other local sports teams, with sites dedicated to the Vikings and Wild. We came out of the gates flat, failed to get everyone on the same page, and never built much of an audience. The ventures fizzled out. It was a harsh learning experience.
When planning out content strategies, it is important to have everyone collectively focused on starting strong with each new campaign.
First Pitch: Initial impressions matter most, and you only get one. Don’t waste it.
#2 – Feed Your Audience What it Wants
It sounds obvious, right? But it really isn’t. Too often do content creators try to dictate what users wish to consume. Too rarely do they consult the analytics and deeper metrics to let the readers tell them what they want.
We wondered: there isn’t going to be a thirst for Twins baseball content every day, even in the middle of winter, right? There was. We wondered: people aren’t going to read about obscure minor-leaguers and trivial minutiae, right? They did.
On plenty of occasions, I have spent hours putting together a lengthy story that I figured would be a home run, only to end up with a swing and miss. I try to continually monitor the traffic trends for each individual piece and draw out correlations, so as to inform future content direction.
The leading mantra here at TopRank Marketing: Optimize! (Our CEO Lee Odden wrote a book on that very subject.) Those principles should be applied to any type of Web-based initiative here in age of ubiquitous metrics and measurement tools.
Read Your Scouting Reports: Content strategy should not comprise of guesswork.
#3 – Events Fuel Engagement
Before we ever conceived Twins Daily, we were already holding informal gatherings for the readers of our blogs. These would usually involve getting together at a local bar to watch a road game, drink beers, and bask in mutual nerdiness.
These events build real connections. In fact, the enthusiastic participation was one of the main things that convinced us we could make something more out of this. Now, we hold annual events like our Winter Meltdown, which takes place around Target Field after TwinsFest in January and features giveaways, photo opps, and Q&As with guests from the organization.
Shaking hands with readers, and affixing faces to usernames, has helped me and our other founders bond with community members in a meaningful way. I know the reverse is also true. These gatherings aren’t big money-makers, but that isn’t the intent.
It’s all about engagement. With a site like ours, which relies not just on people coming to read stories, but sticking around to converse in the comments or on the message board, that is the name of the game.
In the B2B world, summits and conferences are networking gold. You’ll catch plenty of the TopRank Marketing team members at Digital Summit in Minneapolis next month. Say hi!
Take Them Out to the Ballgame: The value of community events goes beyond financial gain.
#4 – Do What You Can With What You’ve Got
In the decade before we set sail with Twins Daily, the Minnesota Twins went to the playoffs six times and fielded a winning team almost every season. Naturally, we came along in Year 2 of an extended downswing that would see them scuffle along as one of baseball’s worst clubs. From 2011 through 2016, the Twins lost 90-plus games five times, erasing the boost of a new ballpark and dramatically reducing general fan interest.
To compensate, we shifted our focus. We searched for creative and entertaining ways to talk about a terrible team. We made it our goal to differentiate in other areas, like unparalleled coverage of the minors and the draft. We turned our forums into a support group of sorts, where disheartened fans could commiserate.
Most businesses aren’t at the mercy of a sports team’s win/loss record, but uncontrollable outside forces are almost always at play — be it the economy, market trends, PR hiccups, etc. In these cases, seek a different perspective or approach that might break through. In the immortal words of Don Draper: “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”
Play It As It Lies: Make the best out of situations you cannot control.
(Also, note to self: Don’t use golf metaphors in a baseball-themed article, doofus.)
Bringing It Home
Marketing guru Jay Baer once offered this advice: “Activate your fans, don’t just collect them like baseball cards.”
These four guiding principles have helped us activate our fans, and can serve as a blueprint for helping any content marketer do the same. When you reach a higher level of engagement with readers and community members, the connections become infinitely more profound and fruitful.
My experience with Twins Daily has certainly helped me, implanting valuable knowledge I’m able to bring to work each day as I try to knock it out of the park for our big-league clients.
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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | 4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community | http://ift.tt/faSbAI
The post 4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community posted first on http://ift.tt/faSbAI
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christopheruearle · 7 years
4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community
[Editor’s Note: Please join me in welcoming another new author to TopRankBlog.com, Nick Nelson. Nick is a Content Strategist that has been with the TopRank Marketing team for a few months and spends his time creating great content for some of our enterprise B2B clients. Welcome Nick!]
If you build it, they will come.
Ah, if only it were that simple. But as any business proprietor knows, it is not. Even if you offer a great product or service, attracting customers takes time and effort. It requires creativity, dedication, and tenacity. That is where marketing comes in.
A fortuitous series of circumstances led to my involvement as a cofounder of Twins Daily, which now counts itself as one of the nation’s biggest completely independent fan sites covering a pro sports team. Through five years of ups and downs with this passion hobby and labor of love, I’ve gained some insights that prove indispensable in my day job as a content marketer.
Today, in my first entry here on the TopRank Marketing blog, I thought I would share some of those lessons, and how I apply them in serving our clients. In the spirit of a baseball diamond with its four corners, we’ll cover the bases before bringing it home.
But first…
What is Twins Daily?
It’s the brainchild of four fan bloggers who sought to end hunger. Not in any noble way, mind you, but there was an appetite for baseball coverage in the Twin Cities market that wasn’t quite being satiated by mainstream media.
In 2012, I teamed up with John Bonnes, Seth Stohs, and Parker Hageman to launch the site, envisioning a community where Twins fans could find exceptional daily content and then stick around for intelligent conversation with like-minded users.
Since then, Twins Daily has piled up 12.5 million visits and 45 million pageviews, generating traffic that surpasses many of the resource-rich professional outlets in town. In 2014, our site was the subject of a cover story in Twin Cities Business magazine. We continue to grow, and in mid-June set a new daily traffic record when Minnesota made the first overall selection in the MLB Draft.
This traction has been driven not by us, but by the community we’ve brought together. When you create energy and participation around your content, there is no telling where it can go. Whether the goal is generating engagement, selling a product, or simply establishing a corporate narrative, this is critical to remember.
The following takeaways are worth keeping in mind for a marketer looking to build and foster online communities with purpose, even if those communities are blog readerships, social media followings, or brand audiences. You don’t need a shared passion like baseball to propel your messaging – only a sound strategy from the ground up.
#1 – Hit the Ground Running
When kicking off our new venture, we had a built-in advantage that is awfully tough to replicate: an established audience. Each of our four disparate blogs had its own sizable readership, giving us an intrinsic head start. However, we weren’t prepared to rely solely upon regulars migrating to the new destination. We needed to generate momentum and excitement. We needed to re-earn their patronage.
So we spent weeks teasing the site, on our personal blogs and our social channels. We planned out a launch on the first day of spring training, with baseball fever hitting a high point. When the big day arrived, we each made announcements on our own sites, and made sure that visitors would find plenty of great content right away at the new hub.
As a result of these collective efforts, Day 1 traffic blew away our expectations, and many who stopped by came back, again and again.
On the flip side, a few years after Twins Daily came into existence, we tried to replicate the formula for other local sports teams, with sites dedicated to the Vikings and Wild. We came out of the gates flat, failed to get everyone on the same page, and never built much of an audience. The ventures fizzled out. It was a harsh learning experience.
When planning out content strategies, it is important to have everyone collectively focused on starting strong with each new campaign.
First Pitch: Initial impressions matter most, and you only get one. Don’t waste it.
#2 – Feed Your Audience What it Wants
It sounds obvious, right? But it really isn’t. Too often do content creators try to dictate what users wish to consume. Too rarely do they consult the analytics and deeper metrics to let the readers tell them what they want.
We wondered: there isn’t going to be a thirst for Twins baseball content every day, even in the middle of winter, right? There was. We wondered: people aren’t going to read about obscure minor-leaguers and trivial minutiae, right? They did.
On plenty of occasions, I have spent hours putting together a lengthy story that I figured would be a home run, only to end up with a swing and miss. I try to continually monitor the traffic trends for each individual piece and draw out correlations, so as to inform future content direction.
The leading mantra here at TopRank Marketing: Optimize! (Our CEO Lee Odden wrote a book on that very subject.) Those principles should be applied to any type of Web-based initiative here in age of ubiquitous metrics and measurement tools.
Read Your Scouting Reports: Content strategy should not comprise of guesswork.
#3 – Events Fuel Engagement
Before we ever conceived Twins Daily, we were already holding informal gatherings for the readers of our blogs. These would usually involve getting together at a local bar to watch a road game, drink beers, and bask in mutual nerdiness.
These events build real connections. In fact, the enthusiastic participation was one of the main things that convinced us we could make something more out of this. Now, we hold annual events like our Winter Meltdown, which takes place around Target Field after TwinsFest in January and features giveaways, photo opps, and Q&As with guests from the organization.
Shaking hands with readers, and affixing faces to usernames, has helped me and our other founders bond with community members in a meaningful way. I know the reverse is also true. These gatherings aren’t big money-makers, but that isn’t the intent.
It’s all about engagement. With a site like ours, which relies not just on people coming to read stories, but sticking around to converse in the comments or on the message board, that is the name of the game.
In the B2B world, summits and conferences are networking gold. You’ll catch plenty of the TopRank Marketing team members at Digital Summit in Minneapolis next month. Say hi!
Take Them Out to the Ballgame: The value of community events goes beyond financial gain.
#4 – Do What You Can With What You’ve Got
In the decade before we set sail with Twins Daily, the Minnesota Twins went to the playoffs six times and fielded a winning team almost every season. Naturally, we came along in Year 2 of an extended downswing that would see them scuffle along as one of baseball’s worst clubs. From 2011 through 2016, the Twins lost 90-plus games five times, erasing the boost of a new ballpark and dramatically reducing general fan interest.
To compensate, we shifted our focus. We searched for creative and entertaining ways to talk about a terrible team. We made it our goal to differentiate in other areas, like unparalleled coverage of the minors and the draft. We turned our forums into a support group of sorts, where disheartened fans could commiserate.
Most businesses aren’t at the mercy of a sports team’s win/loss record, but uncontrollable outside forces are almost always at play — be it the economy, market trends, PR hiccups, etc. In these cases, seek a different perspective or approach that might break through. In the immortal words of Don Draper: “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”
Play It As It Lies: Make the best out of situations you cannot control.
(Also, note to self: Don’t use golf metaphors in a baseball-themed article, doofus.)
Bringing It Home
Marketing guru Jay Baer once offered this advice: “Activate your fans, don’t just collect them like baseball cards.”
These four guiding principles have helped us activate our fans, and can serve as a blueprint for helping any content marketer do the same. When you reach a higher level of engagement with readers and community members, the connections become infinitely more profound and fruitful.
My experience with Twins Daily has certainly helped me, implanting valuable knowledge I’m able to bring to work each day as I try to knock it out of the park for our big-league clients.
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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | 4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post 4 Marketing Lessons I Learned from Building a Bustling Baseball Fan Community appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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omega-al · 7 years
The Last Rebellion - Bronx Runs
Continued from  http://polychromaticat-blog.tumblr.com/post/161382272499/the-last-rebellion-a-decker-and-a-street-samurai Meryl was fast, as soon as we heard their drones get close to the rollgate the auto defence systems kicked in and he was packing up to leave. Morty was no fool, he knew you had to be able to defend what’s yours in the Elbow. He had ‘TOP OF THE LINE!’ as he endlessly reminded us, security systems for the bar. The entries were constantly surveyed and if anyone tried to find their way inside via the doors unwanted, they would meet with a cruel and unusual fate. See Morty had a sense of humour, he wouldn’t just use a laser turret, he was old school. He’d allude to us about having pits of spikes, boiling hot tar showers and other nasty little ways to be burned, and poked, and generally badly injured in creative ways. Not many of us were brave enough to cross him and if yer smart ye wouldn’t test him, he had too many friends that’d hunt you down for speaking ill of him, let alone breaking into his bar. Even ‘the law’ knew better than to fuck with Morty’s place. But it wasn’t enough this time.
The spike pit bought us two minutes, the tar, five more, if we were lucky the door would hold em another three minutes, which would be just enough time for us to get the hell out of there and into the sewers. Unfortunately, the doors only took two minutes and Morty had to get his big guns out and lay down cover fire while we pulled open the hatch in the kitchen and crawled forty feet down into the dark of the old world sewers. We could hear Morty yelling “die you robo-fuckers!” Then a hail of bullets. We could hear him say, “you’ll never take me alive!” Before an enormous explosion shook the ground and singed our knuckles. After that is was silent. We knew to move fast, whatever became of Morty, he was the reason we escaped. He gave his bar and his life for us. We had to keep going, for surely the blast didn’t kill all of those fuckers.
When we reached the bottom it was pitch black. I couldn’t see Meryl, hell I couldn’t see my hands in front of me. It smelled like age, like the places that used to have humans, maybe even bodies, but that was long ago and the decay is sweet and uniform and rotten and wet. The air is old, so old you’re not sure it’s still able to sustain you.
“Meryl, are you there?” silent moving fucker, he was probably right behind me.
“I am here,” he said from about ten feet away. “Just a moment, I am hacking into the old mainframe for these tunnels, I’ll see if I can’t get some light in the direction we need to go.”
After a few minute of silence and low breathing he had hacked his way into the old systems and directed energy into the old lines. There was a pop and sizzle as the light above our head briefly went on and sputtered out. Up ahead a few orange flashing lights spaced about two hundred meters apart, the nearest was about as far away as that so we were still in complete darkness, but at least we had a direction to stumble in. I sure would’ve liked to see where I was standing though, or maybe not. 
Meryl grabbed my hand and began pulling me in the direction of the light. His tech gave him a small amount of night vision so he could see the things that I might trip on. Man I wish I had the upgrades I could get when I was in school, it’d been hard to live with less tech the past few years. It was easier for Meryl when he left school because he could get his tech through somewhat less legal measures, but I had become a public figure, I was fighting for the rights of my people and I had to represent the hard working underclass, not the criminal influence the Devils Elbow was famous for. Sure I had tech to get the job done like I used to, but it wasn’t part of me, I had to wear it, put it on and take it off. When I left for the rally this morning, I didn’t know I would be running for my life, I didn’t know I’d be down here in this darkness and muck. If we could make it to Virginia, she’d have what I need to get me feeling like I was in control again, she’d have more than just the basics, she’d have everything I need to get to Alphacity. We were coming up on the light now, I could see we were in an old sewer, there were enormous pipes running above us that hadn’t been used in centuries, they were covered in dust and ancient rat shit and other slick black things I didn’t care to guess what they were. The passageway was narrow, barely four feet wide with a path down the middle in cement with metal drains on either side.
That’s when we heard something moving fast down the ladder behind us, not a Judi, they had power armor on and weren’t meant for moving fast in a small enclosed space. A lot of them had added so many weapons mods you’d mistake them for a heavy turret. No this was something else, something made for seek and destroy, a hunter drone. These bots looked like a monkey, if a monkey were a spider. They were old surveillance bots that used to patrol the abandoned industrial level above Omegacity, there used to be hundreds of them, fast little monsters that could get anywhere and watch you until the other showed up on mass. They were re-purposed from scout droids into attack droids in the last rebellion and were responsible for thousands of deaths when ANN directed them to attack the invaders, though we must’ve got a few of them because after Alphacity shut down those levels suddenly some of these bots were showing up as an accessory for crime fighting. No one had made any in years and there weren’t spare parts to repair them, so often times they had less legs than they were supposed to and even odder replacement limbs. Basically they looked like everything else in the Elbow, busted-ass shit. But people are smart, they kept them going and found new and better ways to use them, most of which still involved killing a lot people. That’s what was hunting us now, I had come across them before and only nearly escaped with my life. Meryl and I would have to move fast and quiet and try not to disturb any of the area were passing through. We followed the path for twenty-two lights each one blinking out behind, leaving darkness as we went, not that it’d matter to a heat seeking drone we couldn’t see coming. We climbed down a ladder for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably fifteen minutes. But fifteen minutes descending into darkness is the kind of terrifying that makes you sweat and swear and pray you reach the bottom. And I swear I could hear the skitter of little il-shapen limbs scraping the sides of the walls and creeping along the pipes above us. Man not having your tech can really fuck with you, no wonder ancient humans were so crazy, anything could be hiding in this dark. We didn’t speak for fear we would alert the bot to our location and moved in complete silence until we reached a big pressure door. There was one light above it that reached only fifteen feet out, then it was a wall of impenetrable dark. Meryl gave me a gun and said I would have to stand guard while he hacked into the doors auto lock. It was taking what seemed like forever. Whole minutes went by, “are you in, did you get it?” I whispered, but my panic made it come out sharp and broken.
“Close, just a moment…” but this momentary distraction was all the thing needed to make its attack on us, suddenly it was within ten feet, moving fast towards me. It was an ugly grey metal thing that looked like a headless toddler with eight tentacled arms, running towards us on two of them, one of which was heavily damaged and being supported by one of the other arms over uneven ground. It’s sensors, glassy black circles running down both sides of its torso. It almost rolled towards us like a broken toy, but a deadly fast one. I fired my gun off at it, four rounds, all misses, the little bugger was faster than I thought possible, it disappeared again, somewhere just out of site I could hear it scampering around. “Meryl, you gotta work faster!”
“I am almost there just a few seconds and I’ll,”
That’s when the Hunter droid dropped down on my face. Fuck that thing was heavy, it nearly toppled me to the ground before I had my gun up to fire a the thing. I tried to shoot it through the middle, trying to hit it’s core processor, but it was also trying to knock me to the ground while one big arm was attempting to peel back a cover and expose a weapons system I didn’t want to find out what it did, when I fired the bullets went wide and took off two of it’s arms and one of it’s creepy black sensors. It lost its grip on me and I managed to fire off another round, this one was more direct and blasted the thing away, landing about six feet away with a smoking hole in its upper half. It wasn’t moving.
“That’s it! Quickly through the door” the doors pressure lock had released and was slowly moving aside. When I looked back the thing was slinking away, “How the fuck? I blew a hole through it! Meryl, hold on.” I fired at it again, emptying the pistol into it, most of my shots made impact I was certain.
“No more time Bronx, we have to go now.” He grabbed me and pulled me through but as he did I swear I could hear metal grating on metal as the thing dragged itself away to be repaired.
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marisolleffler · 6 years
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is
Image Source: Getty Images/Fred Dufour
The last time I walked into Victoria's Secret and treated myself to red silk coordinates for Valentine's Day, it was because I wanted to feel sexy. That's what I love about the brand: it encourages women to embrace their inner sexiness, and I think that's important. Whether it's buying a new push-up bra or investing in one of the signature VS body scents, a woman should make herself feel desirable by shopping for underthings, if that's what she wants. At Victoria's Secret, there are so many high-quality pieces that cater to a wide range of tastes. Every time I walk into the store, my eyes widen at some sort of luxurious looking lingerie set (I really love shopping for lingerie).
Maybe I made the wrong selection on this aforementioned Valentine's Day. The push-up bra, strappy panties, and satin sash that was somehow supposed to wrap through a loop somewhere, then crisscross around my midriff and tuck into the waist belt (What?) ended up being a $150 look I simply couldn't pull off. I definitely didn't look like Lily Aldridge in this thing, but according to the images on the website, it should've been at least possible to wear correctly. Even though I bought the right cup size and I definitely know my waist measurements, the ensemble just wasn't right for me. It just didn't fit - my confidence level, more than anything.
At this point, I have exactly three unused Victoria's Secret gift cards tucked away in my wallet, and there's a good chance they've expired. It's not because I forgot about them - those glittery pink rectangles stand out way more than my office building entry pass and even my Frozen-themed Disney Visa. And it's not because I don't like Victoria's Secret. But the image the brand has projected lately and the lineup of Angels - all of whom have virtually the same figure - feel a little bit discouraging.
That's not to say I don't look forward to the annual VS runway, or that I don't understand the excitement behind finding out who's opening each section of the show. If you follow celebrity relationships and you love the personalities of all the different models, it's always interesting when one of them is best friends with the performer (Remember Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift's adorable interaction in 2014?) or if, perhaps, the dude singing on stage is the hot new Angel's ex (flashback to Bella Hadid and The Weeknd). With all the glitz and the confetti that falls on the scene, this spectacle is a form of entertainment, and it's damn fun to watch. But it's impossible to ignore how similar the women all look as they strut on by.
The Prototypical Angel
Image Source: Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer
I've met a lot of Victoria's Secret models in the flesh, and they really do look exactly like you see in the pictures. They're really that tall; they really have that flawless skin, the hair you want after a visit to the salon but never end up with, and that toned-enough-for-a-six-pack but thin-enough-to-look-capital-S-skinny ab situation. They really don't appear to have any cellulite.
Of course, these women have access to camera-friendly, air-brushed makeup and quality body glitter and cover-up, and I haven't seen them all in a thong, but I've seen a bunch of them wearing little to nothing up close and attended the Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows. I can promise you that my body looks so different from theirs in lingerie, I might as well be another species.
And here's the thing: I'm petite, and while I have athletic legs, I am not particularly curvy. What about the women who are? Do they want anything to do with Victoria's Secret? Do they feel angry at or limited by the photos of the Angels on the retailer's site? Do they roll their eyes at the girls on the runway or feel saddened by the lack of diversity? My guess is that, like me, they do.
Where Are All the Curve Models?
Victoria's Secret is America's largest lingerie company. It's owned by the Les Wexner and family business L Brands, which has a current net worth of $5 billion. It's everywhere - plastered on one of the biggest billboards in Times Square, on your TV screen, and in the pages of the magazines you read.
While the runways at Fashion Week are continuing to become more diverse - at Christian Siriano, Chromat, and Prabal Gurung, to name a select few - there is still no cemented acceptance of difference in the fashion industry, only the possibility of acknowledgment. Many designers make an effort by including just one curve model on the runway. In my opinion, that is absolutely not enough. But at Victoria's Secret, there isn't just one curve model - there are none.
In Victoria's Secret's defense, the brand has made it a point to include women of color and various backgrounds and ethnicities in its casting - both on the runway and in shoots - but they still all seem to fit a certain "look," as far as size is concerned.
Image Source: Getty Images/Angela Weiss
Curve models with large social media platforms have publicly acknowledged, in various ways, that they realize they don't fit the Victoria's Secret mold. It was Ashley Graham who, in 2017, posted a photo of herself on Instagram modeling for Addition Elle, a size-inclusive lingerie brand she works with and designs for, on the exact same day the VS show was being filmed in Shanghai. She wrote, "Got my wings! My #AdditionElle wings! #ThickThighsSaveLives." Curve model Tabria Majors has also re-created Victoria's Secret campaigns in order to "revisit the conversation of average-sized women being represented in mainstream media."
Of course, we can't be positive that Ashley Graham was taking a jab at the brand, but she was certainly comparing another popular lingerie line to the powerhouse that is Victoria's Secret. I've been to an Addition Elle runway show, which includes models of all shapes and sizes, and there's something so comfortable about seeing them debut the new bras and panties. When they walk, their butt cheeks jiggle. A lot of them have gorgeous pear figures, and they're rocking flattering bustiers or camisoles that accentuate and draw attention to body parts of their choice. "Yeah," I thought when I saw them. "That's what I look like in lingerie." And these girls do look just as confident as the likes of Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima, who are VS vets that strutted their stuff for years.
I'm definitely not the only one in fashion who notices this clear juxtaposition. Director of Vogue Runway Nicole Phelps uploaded a row of diverse runway shots on the day of the 2017 VS show, all of which celebrate diversity in body type, age, and clothing taste (i.e., modest dressing). "In honor of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, a reminder, courtesy of Chromat and Becca McCharen-Tran, that the battle for true diversity on the runway is ongoing. #SizeDiversity," she wrote.
Is Time Running Out?
Image Source: Getty Images/KMazur/WireImage // Getty Images/Frank Micelotta // Getty Images/Gregory Pace/FilmMagic
Has Victoria's Secret always been lacking in size diversity? Well, not exactly. Throughout the years, there have been some iconic Angels, such as Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum, and Tyra Banks, who were more shapely than shockingly thin. But as the years passed and these supermodels hung up their wings - Naomi and Tyra in 2005 and Heidi in 2009 - the media began to embrace an increasingly svelte woman. Victoria's Secret put her on a pedestal by featuring this idealized figure in all its ads and certainly on all its runways. This single-track version of unattainable perfection is what Victoria's Secret continues to publicize today.
That's why sometimes, on days I feel a little more self-conscious than others, walking into a Victoria's Secret can feel daunting. If I do happen to feel sexy, I'll probably march right into the store and see if my gift cards have expired and whether I still have a balance left to use. But it won't be on the same day as the Victoria's Secret runway taping, nor the day the sparkly, mystical extravaganza airs on CBS. Probably not the day after either. That's because, in a way, I feel excluded from that runway - as though that very limited idea of beauty doesn't apply to me. Not one of those girls is 5'1" with athletic thighs and a double A cup. Can you imagine how many other women and girls feel discouraged, too?
A company as big as Victoria's Secret can and should have an answer for the rest of us, and it should start with the spectacle that is the runway show. It didn't happen in LA in 2006, in Miami in 2008, in London in 2014, nor in Paris in 2016. In 2017 it didn't happen in Shanghai, and not in 2018 in New York. The model lineups on those catwalks all looked the same to me. I don't know about my gift cards, but I wonder: what's the expiration date on this same old show where body diversity is never a theme?
12 Body-Image Quotes From Victoria's Secret Angels That Are Totally Relatable
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is published first on http://wholesalescarvescity.blogspot.com
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