#I was thinking of using the Heroes version of the image but eventually went with this one
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pseudepigraphia · 7 months
A Love Letter to Herobrine
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So, fun fact: that screenshot that I'm using as the thumbnail is not the origin of Herobrine as a piece of Minecraft mythology. This image was first posted on 4chan around August 31st, 2010, and the character had been floating around the Minecraft forum for a while before that.
The earliest description of a character resembling Herobrine was posted around July on a general creepypasta thread. The Minecraft wiki calls this story "White Eyes." It was posted by a user named Flaky and you can read it here. The post doesn't feature the iconic Herobrine design, but it's the origin of a lot of the beats that keep coming up in Minecraft horror stories.
To summarize real quick: a Minecraft Alpha player is so creeped out by the weird noises and phenomena in a cave under their base that they seal it up and move elsewhere. Eventually they discover a dungeon with a single broken music disc inside, which causes the cave noises to return louder than before. To play the disc, they need resources from their old storage room built directly above the cursed cave. When they return to their base, the player has an encounter with a pair of glowing white eyes. Eventually they go creepypasta-insane from listening to the music disc and (I think) die.
The contents of this post are not as important as the fact that the author provides us with a screenshot of the cave, which should be right next to the famous Herobrine image in the history books.
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(If you're not seeing it, check the bottom left.)
The next Herobrine sighting is the famous one. It's pretty much a compilation of all the ideas about the character that were floating around the Minecraft forum at the time. The main thing it introduces to the canon is the idea that the "Herobrine" account was owned by the deceased brother of famous Minecraft dev Hatsune Miku. The obvious implication is that Herobrine is his ghost. It also gives us the classic "fog hill" image, of course.
The third "canon" sighting was concocted by an early Minecraft streamer named Copeland. This is the highest effort of the three and probably the first Herobrine Sighting Video ever recorded. The first thing Copeland did was edit Herobrine into a few wide screenshots of his base to create hype for the stream. This resulted in the third member of the triumvirate of famous Herobrine screenshots, and honestly maybe the creepiest.
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In order to get Herobrine on video, Copeland changed the texture of a painting. He went live shortly after, playing like normal for a while before “encountering Herobrine” in a dimly-lit room, screaming, running out of the room, and turning the game off. He continued to stream for a bit after that before declaring he would delete the world.
Why is Minecraft scary?
It's important to keep in mind that Minecraft at this point had exactly one full-time developer and no marketing department. The only reason a given thing was added to this version of Minecraft was that the developer thought it sounded interesting. This had two major effects on the state of the game that enhanced its creepypasta factor substantially.
One: the game is very bare-bones. Minecraft Alpha's infinite replayability comes from its core concept rather than a depth of additional features. Even some basic quality-of life fixes like the ability to stack most food items are absent from this version of the game. This resulted in the features that were present being scrutinously analyzed and theorized about by hundreds of people at a time on the forums, because once you had diamond armor and a big house there wasn't much else to do except dig into mechanics.
Two: many of those mechanics and features that did exist in Alpha were bizarre, and several of them seem like the developer was going out of their way to create a creepy atmosphere. Let's take a look at the mechanics I'm talking about and examine how each of them contributed to the Herobrine mythology.
Fog and light
One thing the White Eyes story and the famous Herobrine post have in common is a focus on low view distance. The second post even specifically mentions that they were playing with their render distance set very low since their computer didn’t have the specs to run anything higher, which most people in the 2010 indie gaming community could probably relate to.
This is relevant because Minecraft cuts off your view distance really sharply. If your render distance is set close to you, everything beyond the cutoff disappears into a thick bank of fog. This is probably best illustrated by looking at the same hill from the famous screenshot with a higher render distance.
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In the Herobrine screenshot, this entire back half of the hill is completely cut off. Literally anything could be inside the fog and it would be totally invisible until you got within a few dozen blocks.
On top of that, this hard cutoff of visibility happens the same way with darkness. Walking just a few blocks into a cave leaves you completely unable to see anything until you place a torch. And, of course, if that torch were to be somehow removed, you would be instantly plunged into pitch blackness. Just look at the White Eyes screenshot up above.
The simplistic lighting engine of Minecraft Alpha is obviously not intended to make the game scarier. That said, as someone who’s become totally accustomed to modern Minecraft’s smooth lighting mechanics, it’s really remarkable how much more eerie the game is when you’re consistently forced to walk into total darkness and thick fog to get anything done. Without smooth lighting, when night starts to fall it looks like an enormous shadow passing over the whole world.
If you've heard of the classic Internet creepypasta Ted the Caver, there's a bit where Ted is stuck inside a similarly cursed cave with no light. Earlier in the story, the writer points out that darkness in caves is different from darkness above ground - there is straight-up no light to see with. Your eyes never adjust. Something could be literally inches from from his face and he would never see it. These older versions of Minecraft feel like that.
(If you want to experience the horrors yourself in the modern day, turn smooth lighting off, brightness down to Moody, and crank your render distance down. I seriously recommend it.)
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Dungeons are the only place in this version of Minecraft where you can find naturally generated cobblestone. The normal way to get cobblestone is to mine stone and place it back down, and it was the go-to strong building block for quite a while. This gives dungeons the distinct feeling of having been built by someone.
But this is contrasted with the monster spawner, which is one of the most alien blocks in the game. It’s not obtainable in survival mode in any way, it’s destroyed if you try to pick it up, and the floating image of a monster inside the cage is still probably the least blocky thing in the game.
Dungeons are also extremely rare for some reason. You could easily spend weeks in the same survival world and never find one, especially if you didn't enjoy caving for the sake of it once you had all the diamonds you needed.
All this is to say that if you were a Minecraft player in 2010 who’d never encountered one, someone on the forum describing finding a dungeon would sound exactly like the intro to any other creepypasta you'd read recently, right up until it happened to you. It's hard to convince your subconscious that an eerie forum story is completely fictional when things like dungeons are real.
Music discs
Okay, I've been writing about the eerie side of Minecraft for like a thousand words, and I somehow haven't brought this up yet. We need to talk about Discs 11 and 13.
The vast majority of music discs in Minecraft are electronic music tracks composed by German musician C418. They’re basically lo-fi beats to relax / play Minecraft to. There are two considerable exceptions to this genre. Let’s talk about 11 first.
The first thing you’ll notice about it is that the colored portion is black and the outside of the disc is cracked and broken, which is one of the most creepypasta things to ever be in a real game. And then, when you pop it into the jukebox and turn it on, instead of lo-fi electronic beats, you get this.
The track opens with heavy breathing and footsteps on stone, as the recorder of the disc runs through what is pretty clearly a cave. They sound terrified of something, but after a few seconds they stop and catch their breath. Soon, though, there’s a sound like faraway music and the recorder breaks into a run, faster this time, terrified again. The speed of the footsteps increases until the sound changes from stone to dirt, a sign that they’re almost at the surface, until there’s something that sounds like a growl and the sound abruptly cuts off. The last few seconds of the recording are static.
This is probably the most overtly horror-themed Minecraft ever gets, and this disc features heavily in a lot of Minecraft creepypasta. It makes sense. In the middle of an album of chill, electronic music, there’s one disc that’s a found footage horror short film, complete with the person holding the recorder meeting with some fate at the end. Imagine you’re going through your friend’s old VHS collection and there’s a copy of The Poughkeepsie Tapes in the middle of it with no explanation.
Also, this is the only time there’s any real physical evidence of another person existing in this world. Villages weren’t added until the release of Beta months later, and even then, this doesn’t sound like a villager. It sounds like us.
Disc 13 is less infamous by comparison, but it’s still jarring compared to the rest of the soundtrack. 13 consists mostly of slow, reverberating ringing sounds, and at this point I’m going to bring in the last weird Minecraft feature, because they sound like cave noises.
Cave noises are maybe even more infamous among the community than disc 11 as “the thing that makes Minecraft scary.” The most common of these noises are either relatively realistic, like wind or something, or eerie but obviously musical, like part of the soundtrack. Every so often, though, you’ll get one that sounds like footsteps, or the sound of a minecart traveling down a distant track. There’s obviously nothing actually there, but it’s another piece of evidence that even if you’re the only person in this world, there are things here that you didn’t make. This is not helped by the fact that the criteria for a cave noise occurring include darkness.
Conclusion 1
If you take all of these things together - the fog, the darkness, the weird signs that you’re not necessarily alone in this world - it’s easy to see where the sheer amount of creepypasta about this game comes from. It would not be unbelievable in 2010 that something like Herobrine could actually be in the game, and even if you were an adult and didn’t buy that he literally existed, Minecraft Alpha is still a nearly perfect game for scaring the shit out of yourself after just having read a bunch of horror stories.
(I know this because I scared the shit out of myself several times while revisiting Minecraft Alpha for this essay.)
Why Herobrine?
Surprise! There's more.
So we know where the Herobrine story comes from: a bunch of people playing an old, weird sandbox game that - intentionally or by accident - also functions surprisingly well as a survival horror game, and scaring themselves because it’s fun.
Now I want to talk about why the Herobrine story specifically resonated so hard with people that it still exists while hundreds of others have been basically forgotten. Keep in mind, the White Eyes story originated on a thread for a completely different creepypasta that no one has ever heard of. So what’s special about Herobrine?
To start with, we need to take a look at the specifics of Herobrine that set it apart from other creepypasta characters. The Minecraft wiki has a definition of “canonical” Herobrine that includes the first forum posts and images, like the famous 4chan post, as well as the Copeland streams. These are, quote, “fundamental to the creation and popularization of the character.” So let’s look at the commonalities between them.
Herobrine apologism
The most interesting thing these stories have in common, especially compared to more modern Herobrine, is a complete lack of aggression from Herobrine in game. The narrator of White Eyes does go crazy and maybe die, but that happens due to influence from Disc 11. The actual entity with the white eyes only appears once, and it never personally acts on the player.
In the original 4chan post, Herobrine is explicitly stated to run away and disappear if the player tries to approach and get a clearer look at him. The Copeland saga begins with Herobrine watching him in the corner of a screenshot, and even during the close encounter Herobrine doesn’t chase him out of the house or even follow him. He just stands there.
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Just looking at the original Herobrine canon, there’s almost no reason to even conclude he’s malevolent at all.
So if Herobrine isn’t out to get you in the original canon, what does he do? Aside from watching you from the edge of your vision, there are a few consistent things to watch out for in the oldest videos. The most famous Herobrine signs are pyramids made of sand, trees with the leaves removed, and tunnels to nowhere, almost always lit with redstone torches.
The thing that strikes me about these signs is that they’re almost player-like, except with no internal logic to them. Building structures, cutting down trees, and digging tunnels are core to the gameplay loop of Minecraft, except in the Herobrine versions there’s no productivity. The pyramids are uninhabitable and the tunnels are never deep enough to find ore. It’s like what someone would do if they knew what you were supposed to do in Minecraft, but couldn’t understand why.
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By far the most common explanation for the origin of Herobrine is that he’s a ghost. The most famous herobrine story says that he’s the dead brother of Hatsune Miku, and that part of the mythos is considered basically canon now. Even if you don’t like that element (can you tell I don’t?), a lot of posts from this time period describe him as the ghost of a miner. This is probably because the game literally has inexplicable mining sounds programmed into its caves. Either way, it’s hard to avoid the idea that Herobrine used to be a normal guy. Someone who lived in this empty world before you did.
There’s a Youtube playlist that I come back to a lot. It’s called “The Oldest Herobrine Sightings Ever (In Order!)” Most of the videos are either clearly faked, made by a 9-year-old, or clearly faked by a 9-year-old, but they still have a vibe to them that totally captivated me when I was younger and half buying into it.
They still give me a similar feeling years later, which is obviously partially due to nostalgia, but I don’t think the feeling is actually the exact same. It’s not quite nostalgia, and it’s not the the fear-slash-fascination I felt in 2012, glued to these videos while ready to run out of the room at any time in case something too scary happened. It’s closer to a good kind of melancholy.
And if you go back to The Oldest Herobrine Sightings Ever with the idea of feeling some empathy for him, it makes them hit a lot harder than if you just assume he's a murder ghost who’s coming to get you. I know I’m pretty far into Death of the Author territory at this point; I’m projecting an amount of emotional complexity onto fake cryptid sightings made by internet babies that almost definitely wasn’t there to begin with, but that doesn’t make this reading of the story any less impactful to me.
In order to make this point of view more believable, I’ve cherrypicked a video from the playlist for us to look at. The video is, naturally, called “REAL HEROBRINE SIGHTING 100% PROOF” by CreeperAssassin87. It's only five minutes long and I recommend watching it so you can determine for yourself if I'm making shit up.
In the video, CreeperAssassin heads out of their (pretty impressive) base only to find themselves face-to-face with the man himself. What happens next is probably the best example of my point in the whole playlist, but if you watch the other videos closely you can notice this pattern.
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CreeperAssassin says very confidently that Herobrine started “chasing” them, but look at what he’s actually doing. He’s not running at the player or even really looking at the screen, and he’s not armed with anything more dangerous than a pickaxe. Remember, at this point in history, Herobrine wasn’t believed to have any magic powers to attack you with either. There’s nothing actually threatening going on here.
After that jumpscare, CreeperAssassin naturally spends the rest of the video running away and hiding, with Herobrine following close behind. My favorite part comes after the player has sealed themselves inside the wall of the castle. Herobrine breaks in, and once he has CreeperAssassin completely cornered...
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...he doesn’t do anything. He just stands there and stares. The narration claims to have “luckly escaped” [sic], but I genuinely find it hard to see any malice in his behavior here.
One of the last appearances of Herobrine in the video is him watching CreeperAssassin through the window of their base after they block off the door. At this point, the video has firmly established that he's able to break blocks, and CreeperAssassin is completely cornered again. If he wanted to harm the player, he could do it easily. But once he's shut out, he just resigns himself to it.
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Again, this video is probably the strongest example, but this observation holds pretty well for the vast majority of Herobrine sightings from this time period. If you shift your perspective a little bit, his behavior is not far off from what a normal person might do if they encountered another player for the first time.
Oh, hello. Who are you? It's nice to finally meet someone else. I thought I was alone out here.
Of course, nearly everyone he meets runs away and shuts him out. Eventually most of them either abandon their haunted worlds or delete them entirely.
Conclusion 2
For a lot of people on the Minecraft forums in 2010, Herobrine may have been an introduction to stories like this. I obviously doubt that a tragedy about a ghost doomed to wander alone forever was what any of the people involved here intended to make. That said, those emotions are still present, and strongly enough that they inspired me to write this entire thing.
I believe this contrast between the fear created by reading a scary story about an eerie game and the inherent sadness of the Herobrine figure is what made this story stand the test of time. Compare Herobrine with his more one-dimensionally hostile imitators, and then compare him with other creepypasta hall-of-famers like Ben Drowned. All the greatest urban legends make you feel something more complex than "afraid."
One last thing that I thought made a really good anecdote to conclude this vibes-based essay.
One of the most successful post-canon additions to the Herobrine lore is the idea of a Herobrine spawner, a structure you can build that will let him in to your world. The materials needed to do this are pretty consistent between stories, involving a base made of gold, redstone torches, sometimes some mossy cobblestone, and a netherrack pillar on top. Lighting the netherrack on fire is what activates the structure.
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(There are some pretty obvious parallels here with real-life rituals meant to summon ghosts or spirits, especially the lighting of a fire.)
The origin of this structure, as far as I can tell, dates back to one of the first ever mods meant to add Herobrine to the game, a server plugin released in 2010. This plugin not only introduced the spawner, but Herobrine’s behavior in it is really interesting. He’s much more docile in this plugin than in the substantially more famous Herobrine Mod released the following year, where he directly attacks the player and summons zombies and whatnot.
The keystone here is the name of the plugin, the file you have to download to let him into your world. It��s not called “Him,” or “WakeUp,” or “WhiteEyes.”
It’s called “iLoveYou.”
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queenofsliferred · 4 months
*crashes through the ceiling* Hello, hello ~💜
So, not an ask game question, I'm just curious af. Would you mind telling me more about Sora Kurohoshi? And Rin Amamiya? And Dolores "Lolita"? And Jeff the Pom?
Also, how do Kitana Garrison and Nerissa look like? (description, picrew, whatever you prefer!)
sora was originally made for a death note RP forum that i made with my friends. she was really egotistical and was the catalyst for one of the "big events" of the thing. she at first killed a bully of hers then went on to kill her family to get more attention from kira. she threatened to kill her cousin who was testifying against her and smuggle in a weapon to her court case then she would somehow steal it and then cause an even bigger scene that kira just couldn't ignore. she really wanted to die by kira but light winds up having her kill herself by using the death note (like writing in the fact that she commits suicide, not like giving her the note and then lol.)
i used this anime girl as a face claim. you just dont see anime girl pics like this anymore :')
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Rin Amamiya is basically a female version of Joker Persona 5. i got super attached to her as i fleshed her out and wrote more about her. i rp as her a lot on a ERP site and have done crossover stuff which led to her MHA AU counterpart.
MHA!Rin is a petty criminal. she isn't super serious about actually committing crimes and is lowkey kind of a coward despite the showiness of her heists and costumes (which is a revealing leotard). like the traditional phantom thief, she sends a letter announcing that she is going to steal X thing and that the police better catch her and stop her. i personally think that she does all this for attention because she's so unassuming and considered really plain outside of the Joker persona.
she has beef with Neito because she couldn't use the name Phantom Thief due to him. the two butt heads a lot because he always wound up having to chase her and stuff when he was on his internship.
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(art by nemirutami)
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Dolores (though she wants you to call her Lolita-chan! its totally more cute that way!) is a trainer born in Paldea but had to move to Galar for most of her life. she has a huge fangirl crush on Raihan (and Bede when he becomes a gym leader) due to his amazing charisma and impeccable social media prescence. he inspires her to try to become a champion and idol as well. she has a HUGE fascination with sinnohian and hoennian culture, finding them really cute and aesthetically pleasing plus the animation that comes from there is really cool.
she has a tendency to get new crushes ALL THE TIME even if she's in a relationship atm. her girlfriend goes to another school (naranja while she is an uva student). you don't know her. (the girlfriend is real and is named maria, she belongs to my partner). her biggest crush is probably professor jacq, her biology teacher, but she doesn't pursue it.
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jeff the pom isn't the most fleshed out tbh. he be my dog, jeff who is a pommeranian, but as a sonic character. i imagine him being a 'speed' type character in a sonic heroes setting. he's a doofus who wears his heart on his sleeve and sleeps all the time.
i dont have a ref image for him yet sadly gshfhgsdfh
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when i originally made kitana, i used this anime girl as a face claim.
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i eventually drew her in 2014 and lol its kinda rough to look at.
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nerissa looks like this!
on the left is her current design and the right is her old design.
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thanks for the questions!
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localdadu · 11 months
What would you think if Chloe and Audrey heard rumours about the way they were going to be portrayed in Astruc’s new movie, so they went back to Paris in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the movie from being completed? Then an evilized villain (maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe (in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to New York, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state (heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall many of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. The class thinks “Zoe's” change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since “Zoe” is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie, but they gradually convince “Zoe” to let them help her relearn how to be “herself” again.
Zoe is not able to gain access to Chloe's memories while in Chloe's body, because unlike Chloe, Zoe knows she's in the wrong body. In New York, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris, but when she gets there, “Zoe” thinks she’s there to try to hurt Marinette. Eventually, after listening to “Chloe”, Marinette starts to suspect that “Chloe” might be telling the truth, so she decides that she must test “Chloe” and “Zoe”. She fakes being in danger to see how they react. “Zoe” reacts slightly faster than “Chloe”, so Marinette comes to the conclusion that “Chloe” is lying and that “Chloe” has an evil and manipulative plan. Marinette thinks that “Chloe” must have picked up a few tricks from Lila, because she thinks no version of Chloe could possibly react faster than Zoe when it comes to protecting her. So Audrey takes “Zoe” back to New York again to “correct” her after “Zoe” fails to convince anyone of the truth.
10 years later, “Zoe” gets seriously injured after fighting a villain when Ladybug isn’t around, which causes “Zoe” to not have long to live. Then Ladybug accidentally stumbles upon the truth about “Zoe” while trying to help “Zoe” using magical powers. Ladybug decides that the moral thing to do is to switch Chloe and Zoe back to their original bodies. Once Zoe gets her body back, she blames Chloe for her impending death and for leaving her with 10 years of loneliness, while Chloe got off scot-free. When Lila gets defeated, Zoe steals the Butterfly Miraculous to get her hands on Ladybug and Catnoir’s miraculouses, hoping to “make things right”. Zoe gets defeated by the heroes (including Chloe, who has gotten her memories back) and Ladybug manages to cure Zoe’s injuries.
Tbh I was confused for a sec here but with the alternate universe thing we just got with the new special, it would be prettay cool. For Chloe, those rumors about the movie would be sort of a wake up call, for Audrey it would be purely about saving her image. For Zoe to become an antagonist and for Chloe to become a hero would be such a cool concept and there would be a lot to explore!
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domidextrus · 2 years
If I can share my own two cents: Knowing that Dream's internet persona is basically your prototypical gamer who isn't normally concerned about maintaining a clean-ish public image does put a lot of his more egregious tweets into perspective. It doesn't necessarily exonerate him from the damage, but it does explain why he reacts the way he does towards slights against his capabilities. It also explains why his apologies are so often interpreted as damage control towards his own audience.
Dream is a hardcore competitive gamer, and he's gonna continue having his "gamer moments", but the way social media operates in regards to how you present yourself online (especially if you have a huge following) requires you to self-moderate quite a bit. As much as most of us like to think that we've gotten over the need for (or to be someone's) idols or heroes, there is still a pervasive atmosphere of needing to present the best version of yourself as much as possible.
There was a time when I called myself maybe not a Markiplite or whatever but definitely a loud and proud Markiplier fan. I started out maybe a slight bit stan-y in 2013 but it eventually evolved to "I will commit to this fandom and be an arbiter of common sense and good behavior within it so it won't fall to the same trappings as other fandoms". The reason I'm not so active anymore on the social media side of it is because it turns out that being such an arbiter within a fandom of over 30 million subscribers at this point ends up incredibly exhausting. Back then, when that number was in the much lower millions, the fandom was, while not a spitting image, still kind of similar to Dream's in terms of how Mark viewed his relationship with it: Highly appreciative of the fans and disowning the bad apples as actually just being haters in disguise. From 2015 to 2017, he went through a bit of a transitional phase where he finally began to take a more hardheaded stance against the kind of fans who were crossing a line. This process prevented his own "Dream Cycle" from taking root as he was relieved of the pressure to make serious public statements towards his own fans, because the distinction between a fan and a hater is irrelevant; you still have to take responsibility for your own actions and words.
Of course, Markiplier is not a hardcore gamer in the least. He's a little closer to the casual side of the scale on that front, so being socially rational comes easier to him. Still, Dream could learn a lot from his generation of gaming YouTubers when it comes to dealing with such a large and chaotic fanbase.
TRO is entirely right in his assessment: If he wants to break the cycle, Dream could do better by trying to keep most of his provocative Twitter takes to himself and stop looking at his fandom as a big intimidating entity that has to be fed and coddled. Still, if the fans want to be taken more seriously by people outside the fanbase, they have to learn to simply block and flag/report the worst offenders within the fanbase the moment they step out of line, instead of reacting to them or going on public rants, which only serve to amplify the bad impressions they're creating around the fanbase.
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mytvjunk · 3 years
Some random notes on Young Royals
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Young Royals was an unexpected delight. Based on the trailer, I thought it was going to be another version of the show Elite, but instead it gave us a beautiful & complex love story between the main characters Simon and Wilhelm. Their relationship was well developed, the slow burn build up was so perfectly done and the actors have amazing on screen chemistry, which helped enhance the story telling experience. You find yourself immediately rooting for the ships success....they were so kind, soft and affectionate towards each other that you can't help but be emotionally invested in their relationship, every step of the way. I hope Young Royals gets picked up for a second season cuz we need to see what transpires of their relationship...especially now that it's in a bit of a limbo situation, due to the Monarchys interference. I'm happy that at least an "I love you" was said before parting ways; and tbh I'm fine with Simon not saying it back to Wilhelm because 1: we all know that he does in fact love him & two: it would give Wilhelm false hope, so I'm glad Simon stayed reserved & stood his ground. I hope the writers don't try to mess up this couples narrative too much in the upcoming season because it would be a total shame to mishandle and destroy all of the magic they developed on season one ❤ But lets be honest, we all know that they'll most likely introduce a new conflict. I can totally see them going the route of giving Wille a girlfriend & him trying to really live up to his new title and then with some time, eventually going back into the arms of Simon. But our boy Wille has a lot to work through
- Felice had a great arc to her story. It felt like she was initially painted out to be your typical vapid mean girl, but with time you got to see many layers of her & you get to understand why she is the way she appears to be to the world versus who she really is. I was a bit weary when she started to develop a more intimate relationship with Sara, especially after how poorly she treated her during the 1st few episodes..TBH I thought she was going to backstab Sara at some point, but it turned out that she genuinely liked Sara; so much so that she gave her clothing, accessories & makeup. She invited her to sleep overs and to be a part of her world. She withdrew herself from the Swedish Lucia and passed the crown to Sara (even though that was more of an FU to her mom, but still!) Felice also went out of her way to figure out who leaked the sex tape in hopes that it would help keep Sara at the school....so the connection there was alot stronger than I thought it was. And I believe that's in part due to Sara dropping the bombshell during the parents dinner party that she was the one who actually rode Felices horse. I think that started to help free Felice from this grip of having to withstand an image of perfection to her parents (especially her mom) and her peers. I think this was the push she's been looking for all of her life and Sara helped her get there. And even though Felice didn't necessarily vocalize her gratitude, her actions paid it forward. In a lot of ways Felice ended up being the unsung hero of this story and I look forward to seeing what else she brings next season.
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- Sara also had a pretty impressive arc to her story. She practically went from social pariah to seamlessly climbing up the social latter and becoming one of the popular kids. When she was crowned the Lucia, all I kept thinking to myself in that moment was "looks like we've got a new Supreme" haha. However this new lifestyle did bring a change in her behavior, especially in relation to her home dynamic. You saw her become more judgmental towards her family and her current living conditions in which she felt superior to...and it was ever so present than during their dinner times. She started to transform & carry herself as if she was Felice...from wearing her dresses, to the hair pins to ultimately seducing August; she was a new person. The biggest power shift we saw in her was when she realized that August was the one who recorded and leaked the sex tape. Instead of reporting it to the school, the authorities, her family or Wilhelm, she went straight to August & threatened to tell on him unless he used his influence to get her a dorm room in the upcoming school semester. So she sold her brother in order to get a residency spot at the school....cold blooded move! But now that August is aware that Wilhelm knows it was him who leaked the video, will August stay true to his word and actually get Sara a residency? Especially since at this point August might be under the impression that Sara snitched on him, so it kinda seems pointless now. And even if that's not the case, I don't think August still has much pull left at the school as he initially did...so I don't know if this will work out for her at the end. Either way, I did not see Sara metamorphosing into a bit of a villain but it sure was entertaining watching it play out! At her core, I still believe that she is a sweetheart, but she is letting too many outside influences change the way she is. And I hope these power trips are short lived and she gets back to living like her true self.
- August was an absolute pain to watch. He is an entitled, insufferable, garbage of a person. He should've been expelled from the school and charges should've been pressed on his ass for leaking that sex tape. Unfortunately his privilege let's him get away with anything. The entire time he let his hurt ego & jealousy for Wilhelm cloud his every move. It was one of those "If I can't have it, then no one else can" situations, so he went out of his way to hurt Wilhelms reign. However he's an absolute idiot if he really thought that the monarchy was not going to spin and deny the story on the sex tape. Also how dumb was he for using the school computer to download the video from his phone? As if that wasn't easily going to be traced back to him. Maybe had he focused his energy on bettering his own problems than perhaps he wouldn't be so far deep in crap like he's gotten himself unnecessarily in to. And it wasn't like he was in bad standings with the monarchy, he was a trusted party and now he's lost it all. I hope karma gets his ass good!
- Overall, I really loved this series. I honestly went into it with low expectations, but this show had so much depth and you can tell that this love story was handled with so much care, on all sides of the production. I hope Netflix picks it up for a second season and we get more than 6 episodes 🙏🏾
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shining-magically · 4 years
so I’ve wondered this since the trailer came out years and years ago and Chloe defended the movie - was the red shoes teaser written by the same team that made the movie? were they forced to market it like that, was that based on an earlier draft, etc?? not sure if you know but you seem like the leading expert!
Sorry, this is gonna be an absolute novel because you know I’m an animation fan and the history and production of Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is SO interesting and insane. Like, Tangled levels of insane. Thanks for calling me an expert, no one else was gonna do it so I just kind of took up the helm lol.
Here’s the low-down... The timeline of the movie’s production is an absolute mess and kind of an extremely wild ride. It was in production for ten years, went through a lot of different crew members, and went through at least two other major versions of the story before landing on the final version.
Since there’s not a ton of info on the movie’s production, a lot of this is pieced together from different interviews and context clues, and also a lot of what I’ve read and what I am quoting has been translated from Korean, sometimes pretty roughly. But yeah.
Here’s the story of why the Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs teasers and poster were so, so bad and fatshame-y and the actual movie was so, so good and body-positive. (With pictures and production artwork!)
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(This is a beast of a post so I’m putting it under a cut.)
All right, so. After its conception originally as a short story by the South Korean studio Locus Creative in 2009-2010-ish, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs was being worked on and was set to come out in Summer 2017, as evidenced by this poster at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, featuring a different logo and very different character designs for most of the dwarfs.
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In early-mid 2016, the first teaser (in which we see Snow White undress and then two dwarfs recoil in horror at her fatness when she takes her magic shoes off) was released, after the film had kind of been slowly chugging along for 6 or so years. (I am having such trouble pinpointing when the second teaser was released (in which one of the dwarfs basically attacks Snow while she is sleeping to steal her shoes), but I believe it was around the same time.) The teasers didn’t get that much traction because this was a small film from a small indie studio in South Korea.
None of the final actors had been cast yet. At this point in the production, the story was different, one of the many versions that the movie went through. As in the final movie, the dwarfs were actually cursed knights/princes and Snow White switched back and forth between two body types due to her magic shoes, but in this version, the dwarfs needed to steal the shoes from her in order to break their curse (rather than needing “a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world” like in the final movie).
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The weird thing is, I believe they had JUST changed the movie’s story when the teaser came out. I’m almost positive it was released more as a proof of concept than as an actual trailer for the movie. They had just recently combined two separate characters (seen above), a typical pretty, skinny princess character (Snow White) and a cute chubby girl character (’Bonnie’), into one single character that switches back and forth between the two appearances when she wears the magic shoes (also they had just dropped literally half of the movie taking place in the real world, with a magic mirror portal, it was a whole thing). 
They didn’t have the details of this aspect of the new story hammered out yet, and the first pass at presenting Snow’s magically changing body type, was, yeah, not good and super offensive. This was a really inexperienced indie studio making their first film on a low budget, so even the animation and voice acting wasn’t great. I think they just wanted to get SOMETHING out there because it had been 6 years and they wanted to have something to show for it.
But here’s the thing. Despite how the teasers make it seem, this was always supposed to be a movie about body positivity, letting go of appearance-based prejudices, and loving yourself and others for who you are and for who they are, which we see in the final film.
I like to think of our film as a kindhearted one. Our intentions are nice.
- Director Sung-ho Hong
It’s important to keep in mind that this movie was made in South Korea by a 99% Korean crew, and, as I understand it anyway, in Korean culture, ‘fatshaming’ is not really a thing that is seen as overtly offensive. Also, children’s media there seems to have more adult things in it than in the US, which probably accounts for the more risque parts of the teasers. That said, I really believe that at this point in the timeline, the movie was on-track to be bad (or at least not very good) when it was released, and it would have ended up bad IF a few key players hadn’t signed on (which I’ll get to in a moment).
Interestingly, the movie’s producer, Sujin Hwang, said in a 2017 interview:
“[Both teasers] were solely produced to induce curiosity. They’re completely irrelevant to the actual story.”
- Producer Sujin Hwang
I think what she was trying to convey was that neither one is a scene in the actual movie, because while the teasers didn’t reflect the revamped story as it existed in summer 2017 (the time of the interview), they DID reflect the earlier version of the story where the dwarfs wanted her shoes, which is what the story was at the time they were made.
Now that we’re in post-teaser 2016, HERE’S where things start to turn around. After the teasers were released, my guy Disney veteran and native Korean Jin Kim joined the project. He and Red Shoes director Sung-ho Hong had been buddies for about eight years and Sung-ho had been trying to get Jin to come to Seoul and work with him at Locus for a long time, and he finally succeeded.
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Jin and his twenty years of Disney experience as an animator and senior designer on films like Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and Moana, had a HUGE HUGE HUGE influence on the movie. He redesigned almost all the characters, oversaw all the visual development from the moment he signed on, and heavily (HEAVILY) supervised the animation, literally going frame-by-frame through preliminary animations and drawing over them, teaching the inexperienced animators at Locus everything he knew. (Literally almost everyone except him either only had TV experience or had no professional experience because they just gotten out of school.)
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From an outsider’s perspective, it really seems as though Jin joining the project (and his gargantuan effort) made the quality SKYROCKET. Not just in character design and animation, but also in things like effects animation, story, etc. After he joined, Locus really started pushing HARD to make a good, high-quality movie, and his influence and experience from being a prominent figure at Disney was absolutely key. The studio also began to really study Disney films and other well-made animated films from other studios to really try and pinpoint what the DNA of a good animated movie really is.
I don’t have any solid evidence, but I’m pretty sure that Tony Bancroft (an animator and the co-director of Mulan) then joined the project because he’s good friends with Jin Kim. He is only credited as the voice director (the movie was recorded in English and the characters were animated to the English dialogue), but I am SURE that he probably also had a pretty big influence on the movie, because like... How could he not? I really really think there was more to his role than his title would have you believe, even though there’s almost no info out there about it.
So now the movie goes through a gigantic metamorphosis. Character designs, visual development, and animation quality are all rapidly improving, the story is tightening, and the themes of the movie (which, again, were always the same and intended to be positive) are being presented in a more sincere way. The movie is becoming the sweet, self-love-encouraging and body-positive movie that was eventually released.
I’m putting a gif from the credits of the final movie here. As we move into 2017, when the giant eruption of backlash occurred, please keep in mind that the story was finalized at this point and that THIS was the movie people were so mad about:
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Chloe Grace Moretz accepted the role of Snow White immediately after she read the script and she recorded her lines (I think) in early-ish 2017. Her co-star Sam Claflin also immediately accepted the role of the romantic interest, Merlin, after reading the script and recorded his lines in (I believe) July 2017.
In the summer of 2017, the story and script were more or less the same as in the final movie. Promotional images from that time show that most of dwarfs had been completely redesigned by this point and didn’t have their teaser designs anymore.
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They also released a few screenshots that look exactly like the final film. The movie was advertised as coming out in ‘2018′ at this point. Here’s a promo image from 2017 that is MUCH more tactfully worded than the infamous Cannes poster:
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So now we’re in summer 2017. The Cannes Film Festival. The movie’s script and story have been basically nailed down, animation is underway, and the Korean film company Finecut is beginning to market and sell the movie to worldwide audiences. They are planning on showing some footage to potential buyers at the festival, and they make a poster to advertise the film there.
Unfortunately, it’s THIS POSTER:
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Now here’s where there are some unknowns. By this point, the movie is basically in its final form, which is an adorable, body-positive story about loving people for who they are, loving yourself for who YOU are, and that provides commentary on society’s standards of beauty and how they affect how people are treated/viewed. So why this poster??? All I can really tell is that someone (I think Finecut) really, REALLY messed up and either horribly mistranslated the tagline, or didn’t do enough research to know that this kind of thing is REALLY NOT OKAY in western culture.
The above picture is shared and the internet backlash begins, fueled by tweets from prominent body-positivity activists like Tess Holliday. Even Chloe Grace Moretz speaks out against it, because she of all people KNOWS that that’s not what the movie is about. The internet then finds the old teasers from before the movie was revamped and it makes things worse. Producer Sujin Hwang profusely apologizes and says that that is NOT the message of the movie. Locus pulls the advertising campaign, and takes down the two old teasers.
“Our film, a family comedy, carries a message designed to challenge social prejudices related to standards of physical beauty in society by emphasizing the importance of inner beauty.”
- Producer Sujin Hwang
Voice director Tony Bancroft also tried to explain the situation:
“The truth is the film has a body-positive message as its core theme–it’s the opposite of what reports are saying. The problem is one poorly translated movie poster that has been taken dramatically out of context.” 
- Voice Director Tony Bancroft
And then... There was nothing for a while. The movie didn’t come out in 2018 and was delayed. From what I can tell, I DON’T believe this delay was related to the Cannes backlash. I think it was mostly due to Locus’s limited budget and resources, because as we know, animation is difficult, time-consuming, expensive, and easy to do badly but hard to do well. Also, probably with Jin Kim and Tony Bancroft’s influence, they REALLY wanted to make sure to do a good job with the animation because they now had a great story and they really wanted the movie to be a quality, worldwide hit that would kind of put South Korean feature animation on the map. Just take a look at how nice the final animation was:
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The movie was released in South Korea on July 25th, 2019. Unfortunately, the damage was done in the English-speaking markets and it was not released to an English-speaking audience until June 22, 2020, when it was released digitally in the UK. At the time of this post, there is no set US release date, but the distribution rights were recently bought by Lionsgate and the MPAA gave the film an official PG rating.
So who’s to blame? There’s no good answer. You could blame Locus for making those old teasers. You could blame Finecut for the competely tonedeaf Cannes poster. You could even blame cancel culture for raging against the movie based on one poster and two old teaser trailers without researching what the movie was actually about.
All I know is, it’s a damn shame.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
One thing I don't get about the whole batgirl movie fiasco is that the comics are still there? You can even read them online for free? Batgirl doesn't need Hollywood to show she's famous, she's needs fans who like her as a character not as a brand.
I went ADHD again, super short answer at the bottom, ADHD response begins below
It's a way to pick up some new fans for one, a lot of people that don't engage with the characters in the comic books and such.
You can really tell when you go and see how Batman is played in some of the movies, one of the better lines I've seen about him is 'if you can't picture this version of batman comforting a small child, then the writers didn't write Batman they wrote, I can't remember,
hang on I need a moment to look
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Don't know why I always say hang on, not like you're gonna see it till I publish it anyhow.
Only saw the one with Afleck as Batman, was Justice League he was good there I think, Christian Bale kinda failed this particular Batman test imho, but people liked it and it let different writers try and take him in a different direction.
Really liked Michael Keaton.
Back around to the subject at hand, the movies and cartoons, tv shows, all that good stuff that happens outside of the comic book crowd it diversifies the fandom.
People that don't have the time or money to start in on the comics can sit and watch a 2 hour movie or a TV show every Tuesday evening staring a hero from their childhood that they don't have any other reasonable way of interacting with anymore.
It's also a great way for them to introduce their kids to the world they love without a whole lot of pressure or need for backstory.
The Toby and Andrew Spiderman incarnations gave you enough to be going on with, the MCU one came in and assumed we already knew about the bite and uncle Ben so they skipped that bit and gave us hot aunt May in exchange.
I think a lot of people are bummed about this particular Batgirl getting pulled because of the actress's ethnicity which is something they'd like to see happen.
It will eventually, hopefully in a way that doesn't reek of tokenism.
Fuck man into the Spiderverse was genius, I don't know enough about the different universes in the comic world so it may have been something going round for a long time.
Remember Stan Lee commenting about the costume don't recall if it was on purpose at first or not, but it was noticed that anyone could be a spider person they're fully covered so who would know.
And now I'm having mental images of some kind of time warp sending a black Spiderman back to 1920's NYC, but they're still your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, so the racists don't know they're cheering for and toasting a black man.
and I'm gonna stop because I just realized adhd brain took over again and I need to get a better handle on that at some point.
TL:DR; it's a bummer for people that were looking forward to this incarnation for one reason or another, and because movies are a great way to introduce new fans to the fandom.
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trashdorito · 3 years
Alrighty. I've gone through the comic and just found some things I'd like to share.
Regarding the Dink Is actually Wild theory, I've taken some images throughout the comic about some things.
First, I noticed that Wild is wearing his cloak. I don't think he would think to put on his cloak. He usually only wears it when he doesn't expect any danger.
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These were all the instances in the story Wild wore his cloak (one cloak pic per update). The majority of the time he only wears it when traveling or when things are calm. There's an exception, but that's when a surprise attack came, so he wasn't ready for it.
Next part, Wild has had his bow out nearly the entire comic, unless he's wearing his cloak.
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This is the first time he's used his bow, and this was way early in the story. It's only unless he believes there to be no reason for a fight does he put it away and equip his cloak (which is actually similar to how I like playing botw).
So overall, Wild likes his cloak when there's no fight planned, because it's probably hard to fight with it and to reach for his weapons.
Now for the update
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He's wearing his cloak with his hood up. He doesn't usually wear it up. And the fact that he's even wearing it in the first place is strange. Though it's a possibility Wild's cloak is a comfort item for him, it's clear that he doesn't want to be comforted here. He wants to see twilight. He's angry. He's also put his bow away, which again is strange. The Chain are no strangers to allowing their weapons to be seen, and he knows that there's more monsters out. But why would he put then away? He doesn't seem to like having his weapons equipped with his cloak, so if he just wants a comfort item, then it makes sense. And if this were Dink, he can very easily pull out a weapon like he did against Twilight. But then there's the issue of the slate.
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Also another thing we saw a while ago
Where is it? Jojo is not the type of person to just forget the freaking Shiekah Slate. Especially when it's always been there. So where is it??
Edit: whoops the slate is still there. I thought that was his pack, but no, distance away means simple slate. Here's an earlier pic that shows this. So he does still have the slate. Oops
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Wild didn't walk to the village. It's towards the sun, and he walked away from it. And I know time has passed, but none of the others have come back yet. So where did he go??
There is also a very likely chance that this is Wild grieving. I haven't said anything about his behavior, because I don't think his behavior is ooc. When Twilight got hurt, Wild was absolutely furious and beat Dink into the ground. He's gotten in a fight with Wind about the kings of Hyrule. Wild does get angry, especially when those he cares about are hurt. He doesn't want to lose Twilight. He's protected him ever since he woke up with no memories, no idea what's going on, and the weight of hyrule on his shoulders. Twilight had also protected Wild whenever he gets a memory, as he does in the comic. Twilight is someone who is very very important to Wild, and the thought of losing the first ever friend in his intact memory is crushing him. Wild has lost so many people, more than any other hero. He's lost the Champions, his family (he has a sister he almost remembered!), his old knight friends, and literally all of those he knew in his Hyrule. If they aren't dead, they either treat him like the old Link that he isn't anymore, or they're old, and they treat him as a tool to save Hyrule. Hell,, even Zelda is different. The Zelda he remembers resented him and eventually loved him, while the Link she remembers was silent with a soft spoken side. And the guilt he probably feels for keeping her waiting 100 years, for failing her the first time. I don't know how he can even deal with being near her.
But Twilight is the one who was there with him. Whether it's the version right now that went with him, or it's a version of Twilight that's died and guided him like the Hero's Shade. But either way, the two are still very close in the comic. There's no way Wild would be fine with his close friend dying.
Wild has every right to be angry. He wants to see his dying friend, though he doesn't want to accept that. However, there's just a few concerning details that aren't all lining up. And all of Four is suspicious of something. Whether it's that they know Twilight won't be able to handle an angry, grieving Wild, or something else is wrong. And Vio definitely thinks somethings up.
Either way Wild is going to get his ass kicked. Also if this really is just Wild, I need to see a shot of Blue dragging Wild by his ankle somewhere while the others follow.
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bluebeetle · 3 years
Issued covered: Batman #357-359, Detective Comics #524-526, Young Justice #44
Doing this in multiple reblogs because of images. 
I have been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of Jason’s time as Robin for my own amusement for awhile now, and part of my plan was to read a bunch of his comics and compile a bunch of interesting things mentioned in them, especially from his time as Robin--because I take some things way too seriously. Plus, I have toyed with the idea of reading every coming Jason appears in before…I may try, but may skim ones where he’s a bit player lol. 
So, here is a little liveblog/review thing I did of the first arc Jason ever appeared in back in 1983.  I hope to do more in the future, roughly in chronological order, and hopefully not all as long as this. Mind you these are Jason centric, so plot points not relating to him may be glossed over.
Starting us off is Batman vol 1 #357--the very first appearance of Jason Todd! …sort of.
For those unaware, let’s go into some backstory--not Jason’s backstory, no, but the backstory of how he was created.
In the early 80s, Dick Grayson--the first Robin--started appearing in the New Teen Titans as the team leader. This meant that because of how the comics were written back then, the writers for Detective Comics and Batman--the books Dick had previously been a protagonist in during the 60s and 70s--weren’t able to use him very often, leaving Batman as the sole main character.
This was a new problem. Writing in the 70s and 80s differed from writing in the 60s, where plot and continuity didn’t matter, but as time went on, characters tended to stick to only a few books at a time. Plus, by this point, Dick had been aging, being around 18 now, but the Batman writers (or editorial, I can’t remember which) supposedly wanted to de-age Robin back into a younger child, like he had been for decades, until the more mature (compared to before, anyways) writings of the Bronze and Copper age in the 70s and 80s rolled around.
That left the writers wanting to give Bruce a younger, pluckier sidekick, one iconic like Robin (so Batgirl, being around Dick’s age, didn’t count) for Bruce to bounce off of--and so there was a compromise: the Batman writers would get a younger Robin, and the Titans writers would get college age Dick Grayson! So Dick hung up the old pixie boots, became Nightwing--a reference to an old Superman story where the name is used for a legendary hero of Krypton--and a new character was created to take up the mantle of Robin. 
Enter: Jason Todd. He’s like Dick, but younger! In fact, it seems Jason as a separate character from Dick was mostly an afterthought; while Dick got to develop in the Titans run, Jason was there to be the Robin for Batman first and foremost; so his design, backstory, and personality were all formed heavily around that.
Which is not to say he’s bad, per say, but Jason was infamous for being disliked by older fans (younger fans, however, generally seemed to like him based on the letters I’ve read). But this has more to do with the writing he got later, especially from Starlin, who hated the concept of Robin--and in fact part of fan dislike can be attested to just a general disinterest in sidekicks by the 80s; This can best be seen in the New Teen Titans cast, where some of the character’s have no close relationship with a pre-existing hero, and the ones who do eventually take on new names (Troia, Nightwing, etc) to further separate them from their mentors as they grow and become adults on their own. 
As a result, much of the dislike for Jason at the time came from a dislike of Robin as a concept, not him as a character, especially as Batman comics would continue to become darker, grittier, and more ‘grounded’ as the decade wore on, culminating in The Killing Joke, A Death In the Family, and The Dark Knight Returns.
 I’ve heard a lot of back and forth on if the early Jason was hated or well liked, and vice versa; I think it’s best to say all versions of him were divisive for various reasons--mostly stemming from him just being Robin, as many people didn’t like that he was ‘usurping’ Dick along with the above. Despite his role as a soundboard for Batman to bounce off of, something that's been integral to the Batman comics since 1940--less than a year after the character was created--and such a fact is why Tim Drake was introduced no long after Jason’s death. Batman, as a character, often works best if there is someone else like Robin for him to contrast off of. That is not to say all stories need a Robin or similar character, merely that in the long run, it’s good to have a Robin around for when you need them.
That is, of course, not to say every adult hated Robin; Jason was still pretty well liked by readers--when we get to it I’ll even share some of the letters in the issues I own that criticize Starlin’s obvious dislike of Jason--and the vote to kill him off was actually pretty close.
But that is a story for another Jason Todd; for now, let’s focus on Pre-Crisis Jason.
For those not in the know, ‘Pre-Crisis’ refers to versions of any DC character prior to the 1986 story, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Originally, DC’s comics existed in a multiverse, where not every book was in the same universe but others were. For example, a story about Barry Allen’s Flash meeting Jay Garrick’s Flash--the first Golden Age Flash--involves Barry traveling to another universe using his powers. Similarly, the Superboy in various Superboy and Legion of Superhero stories lives in a world distinct from that of the Superman from Action Comics. 
 Instead, the plan hatched by Teen Titans writer Marv Wolfman was to combine all these universes into a single one. A shared continuity and universe for all the characters they own--not just a select few--was a pretty novel idea at the time. 
This event also gave the writers a chance to hit a soft reset--changing characters backstories, tweaking events as they see fit, and bringing in newly acquired characters from Charleston and Fawcett comics. DC had bought them out, getting the likes of Blue Beetle, the Question, Captain Marvel, and Captain Atom. It gave the writers an opportunity to start fresh without willing away everything; many Krypton related characters were killed off to better establish Superman as the last of his kind (most famously Supergirl’s death) or killing off Barry Allen to allow his sidekick to become the Flash in his stead, as well as writing off Superboy’s adventures forever, so that Superman only became a hero in adulthood. 
One of the characters changed drastically as a result of that was Jason Todd, who was stripped of many of his similarities to Dick backstory wise, once he reappeared in the Batman comics after the event.
However, this hasn’t stopped people from pulling from or enjoying bits from this early version of the character; he was around for around the same time as the post-crisis Jason was before his death, after all.
 Most famously was Batman and Robin writer Grant Morrison referencing Jason’s original red hair colour and him dying it black. Though they instead changed it to Bruce forcing Jason to dye his hair, instead of a choice Jason made on his own. 
This is a change I don’t care for, but I have always been amused by the idea of Jason lying about this to his siblings after dying his hair because of a breakdown; Bruce was believed to be dead at the time, after all. Going farther, I have also been very amused by the idea of pre-crisis Jason’s backstory as being how Damian imaged Jason’s time as Robin--complete with the dyed hair lie, with Jay’s backstory being like Dick’s because Damian only knew that one, and a cool femme fatal mom (Nocturna), because Damian cannot imagine a childhood without one.
Back to the point at hand: Issue 357, the first appearance of Jason Todd.
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Despite this having our new Robin, he is absent from the cover, instead showing Bruce deciding to become a hentai model.
Get used to this. 
Jason not being there, I mean--not the tentacles.
Plot starts off with Bruce digging around trying to stop drug trades and deal with mobsters; nothing groundbreaking. 
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Interestingly, Gordon is 60 in this continuity; matches with his design and the fact that Barbara was supposed to be closer to Bruce’s age than Dick’s originally, but definitely a fact that was changed in most other versions of the character.
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And this brings us to Dick visiting Haley’s Sloan’s circus; Cleveland Brand is notable as he is the brother of the hero Deadman, Boston Brand, if I remember correctly. Anyone familiar with Jason nowadays may be confused as to how a circus factors into Jason’s backstory--well, see, as alluded to, Jason used to be Dick Grayson 2.0.
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Like, down to the letter. If you told me the early script was half copy pasted from a comic about Dick’s backstory, I’d believe you.
I never got why, however, they decided to do what they did with Jason. A similar personality and design, I get, of course; but why the same backstory? Why the red hair dyed black? Why is Croc their killer (as we’ll get to) when Tony Zucco was just a mob guy, other than the shift in Batman’s villains being mobsters to monsters from the 40s to 80s? It just seems like such an odd choice, to me. 
At least they learned their lesson by the time Tim Drake was created. Could you imagine if he also had circus parents with a high flying act, who also came to Gotham (a historically terrible place to bring a circus; seriously, that place is cursed) only to have their lives tragically ended by Condiment Man because Jack Drake said his mustard was too spicy? Tim would probably be blond, too, so that Bruce can have a whole array of small acrobatic children whose hair he dyes with blue panther manic panic every week. Chills. 
Back to our plot:
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That’s the trauma, Dick. Go to therapy. Also loving Jason’s stupid little bowlcut.
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Are lame mobsters actually an alien species of pineapple heads? Discuss.
Also yes, he does talk like that the entire time.
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Didn’t get the memo that having a gimmick is the new way of doing things in Gotham, huh fellas? Anyways, Bruce hatches a plan to trick the Squid, who wants revenge on both Batman and a mobster named Falco due to previous events, at the trial for Falco. 
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I love Pre-Starlin run Bruce. He’s such a delight.
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Early 80s Batman is a comedy. Anyways, Bruce gets captured and thrown in the tank like in the cover, yipee! 
Anyways, that little cameo is about all we get of Jason in this issue! Onto the next--358! Oh wait, this is comics--we’re actually going to Detective Comics #524! ...In a reblog at some point because I have to re-add all these images painstakingly slowly and I gotta head home soon
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shyrose57 · 3 years
AU(s) where all the mod videos Tommy does, along with some other videos, are all alternate universes, and their residents end up in the SMP. Chaos ensues. 
Voice Mod AU:
Universe where nobody talks aloud. They telepathically communicate, and the closer you are, the clearer and louder you are, unless you have the control the lower your mental voice.
Post-apocalyptic world(because Tommy said welcome to the new world at the start, and I too that and ran with it). They’re the new versions of humans, created after life returned on the planett, and the telepathy is a survival method, because outward noise draws predators, inner noise does not. 
This also means they possibly have some other features similar to that. Like maybe Quackity’s duck wings being from some newly evolved duck species in the new world, Wilbur being a bit abnormally tall, or similar. I’m not sure. 
Oh hey, no, Wilbur can be like a tree hybrid or something, cause Treebur. 
Basically, evolution and telepathy.
Wilbur has a horse named Bert, he is speedy, and spends just as much time dragging his owner out of trouble than he does riding him into it.
The gang is basically just traveling the lands, exploring what’s about.
There are fish-horses, ender-horses, spider-horses, silverfish ponies, and horses that are somewhat like a breed between llamas and sheep in the world.
There are a lot of new horse breeds.
The Quackity of this universe wears clothes a lot like Manhunt Dream’s, hoodie-wise, but it’s all bright blue, and his mask has the :] face on it.
Size Mod AU:
Universe where people can shift and change sizes, though only to certain ones.
For example, Wilbur’s stuck small. He can shift to the size of a small dog, height wise, or that of a flower, but he can’t get big. Quackity can go smaller than Wilbur, or literally bigger than the Enderdragon. Both Tommy can be normal sized, or big, and Phil’s can be about the size of a tree, or become the size of a small mountain. 
They all live in a nice house in the plains and spend their time terrorizing the locals.
Wilbur has a little house within the house, and he uses his size to cause havoc more often than not. Quackity is equally guilty of this.
Sometimes when the kids are being particularly bad, Phil puts the smaller ones in a compost bin and holds Tommy off the ground until he starts behaving. 
Quackity’s a follower of the Blood God. Not to Techno’s length, but he goes and kills rabbits for him, and dedicates the chaos his giant form causes to the guy. In return, the four always have a flourishing harvest, and Quackity’s absolutely mean in battle. 
Wilbur sleeps in one of Tommy’s old shoes that he stole and made into a bed.
Honestly, Wilbur’s kind of like the house mouse. He steals stuff and vibes in his little home in the walls. The cats that occasionally slip in try to eat him a lot too.
Wilbur and Quackity are bird hybrids, Tommy’s a zombie hybrid(cause he’s fighting a zombie and saying ‘I burn’ at that little bit), and Phil’s an iron golem hybrid.
Quackity and WIlbur have little bird-houses set up around the area for them to dart into and hide if anything comes after them.
They all met when tiny Q and Wilbur tried to rob Tommy and Phil. They succeeded with Tommy, but Phil was less than impressed at the attempt. Somehow it resulted in them all sharing a house.
Dragon Mod AU:
Universe set in more medieval-themed world. Phil, Quackity, and Tommy are dragon hunters. Wilbur’s a mischievous dragon sorcerer who enjoys shapeshifting into a dragon to mess with people. The hunters were originally sent after him, but spent more time frantically running for their lives while he laughed at them.
Wilbur’s actually good friends with the actual Enderdragon, who he calls Keithette. It was with her blessing that he decided to pick on the hunters.
He just spends all of his time messing with them. That’s all he does. He messes with them. It’s originally more malicious, which means they had a ridiculous amount of deaths, but they eventually all grew fond of each other, so now it’s more playful. 
He helps them find treasure and scares off rivals. 
Tommy’s a trained medic. 
Quackity and Wilbur are...something? It’s a Skephalo situation. They could just be very affectionate friends, or they could be dating, or they could be messing with everyone. Nobody knows, and everytime they think they’ve figured it out, the two seem to magically know and do something to throw them off.
They’ve confused many, many people with their antics. 
(They’re probably messing with people though, because they definitely know what they’re doing)
When the actual Enderdragon and her egg mysteriously went missing, Wilbur rounded up his friends and asked for their help in finding her-so now the group is on a quest to find her and return her to the End.
Natural Disaster Mod AU:
Universe where world ending natural disasters just keep happening. It killed off a lot of people, but honestly, at this point, it’s been going on for years, and those that remain are pretty used to it.
Tubbo and Wilbur are followers of the Mule God, and were brought together by him. Jack and Tommy are two good friends who came together to survive. And Phil’s a top-tier survivalist who keeps an eye on the four, mostly because he’d feel bad if they died too often while they live in the area.
Though they’re all three different groups, they stick together and help each other out.
Tommy and Tubbo were childhood friends before the disasters separated them. A young Jack found Tommy and took him in, and Tubbo was saved and blessed by the Mule God. They’re still friends, but have somewhat grown apart with their differing lifestyles. 
Tommy’s a penguin hybrid. 
Tubbo and Wilbur have been known to try and scam people passing by, and they have tried this with everyone in the area too-the difference is the ones who stick around know better than to buy it. 
Whenever Tommy wants to hang out, he declares he’s rescuing Tubbo, and steals him from whatever he’s doing. Wilbur has long since accepted that occasionally Tubbo is going to be stolen, and doesn’t even blink anymore. 
Tommy wears green, and Tubbo wears red. 
Storm riding is a favored sport of Tubbo’s, where you grab a hang glider and get swept up into the storm. Jack hates it, but often gets dragged along anyway. 
Morph Mod AU:
Universe where shapeshifters are more common, and Tommy, Charlie, Phil, Schlatt, and Wilbur are all a clan of them. 
They co-exist with humans, and actually protect the local villages they live close too. 
They also spend a lot of time messing with people outside said villages, but that’s unimportant. 
Charlie and Wilbur prefer to be aquatic creatures. while Phil transforms into whatever works better for the environment he’s in. Schlatt just does whatever, and Tommy usually sticks to human form, only shifting when he’s bored or he needs too. 
Wilbur tried to transform into a horse once, while in fish form. He’s not sure what exactly happened, but long story short, he’s the reason for the myth of the hippocampus.
They have a house in the village, one out, and then general little areas meant for them in animal form. 
Because shapeshifters are strongly group-oriented, they prefer to shift in pairs or groups. Charlie and Wilbur typically pair up, as do Schlatt and Tommy. Philza doesn’t really have that instinct as strongly, so he just stays close to them instead. 
Laser Eye Mod AU:
Universe set in a futuristic setting, where, due to an ancient void deity becoming malicious, Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are selected to become plasma wielding cyber warriors(futuristic magical girls, basically) to fight back against such threats.
These four’s cybernetics were embued with magic to produce specific plasma that would be effective against threats.
Phil wields divine plasma, and it’s fired out from his cybernetic wings, which were implanted as a military experiment. He can even detach a feather to act as a plasma covered sword.
Tommy wields phoenix plasma, and it’s fired out of his cybernetic eyes, which were transplanted into him when he was in an accident young, rendering him blind. They allow him to see by scanning out the outlines of objects and areas, and feeding the image into his brain.
Wilbur wields soulfire plasma, which is fired from his prosthetic legs, which have a kind of mermaid-motif, with fins and all, and make him a fast swimmer.
And Charlie wields greekfire plasma, fired from his cybernetic arm-it can also fire slime-like globs that rapidly grow and incase the area they’re attached too. 
Wilbur was actually the first selected for the program, but he went missing shortly after, stolen and controlled by the void deity, who turned him into quite the obstacle for the others.
They eventually rescued him from it’s control, and after he recovered, he joined the fight. 
Endermen and endermen hybrids are common minions of the void deity-it seems to have End-based origins, being able to control them.
Lava Ravine Mod AU:
Universe where Phil, Charlie, Wilbur, and Tommy are all strangers, who get a mysterious invite to an unknown world. It seems like a lovely vacation at first, strangers aside, but things turn deadly when a seemingly normal ravine in the ground begins to grow, the lava inside it begins to rise, and our heroes find themselves unable to leave the world.
They soon realized they may have been selected for their ability to survive, but to do that, they’re going to have to all work together.
Tommyinnit originates from the world of RLcraft, Phil grew up in Hardcore Mode, Charlie is a fallen god from a world of chaos, and Wilbur has lived through a world like this before.
They build a giant glass and stone dome, and live within there, using their various skills to survive. 
Wilbur pretty much knows how this world works to a T, and is able to predict when the lava will raise and how quickly. He knows how to survive and work around the heat.
Tommy and Phil have a variety of skills from their lives before, not limited to first aid and cooking.
And Charlie’s got a bit of godly power he can put to good use here, as well as many out-of-the-box ideas for what to do.
Charlie brought a card-game from his old world, and teaches Wilbur how to play. It becomes a favorite past time of theirs. 
Jump Mod AU:
Universe where enhanced individuals have recently begun to exist. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity are some of many who choose to use their new abilities for their own gain, becoming thieves. They were taken under the wing of master thief Philza, who was in the game long before he gained his new powers.
Or, well, they were thieves. A job gone wrong resulted in them being caught by authorities, and forced into a deal. Once thieves for their own gain, now they’re agents for the government, stealing back what was stolen from their country. 
All of them are generally more physically enhanced, with agility, endurance, and all that jazz. But they also have other abilities. 
Tommy’s faster than anyone. Wilbur can refract light, essentially becoming invisible. Phil can communicate with birds. And Quackity can change the density of anything he touches, himself excluded. 
Philza was actually caught because he stayed behind for his new partners. He had realized someone was looking into them, and didn’t want the younger ones going into that alone. 
Universe where everyone is a mob hybrid, and they live divided in tribes. Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are a tribe/keg of creeper hybrids, who protect their territory, and cause havoc for any trespassers who happens upon them.
No one dares settle there, because these four are just as likely to swear a village’s protection as they are to laugh as they set it ablaze. It’s purely up to how they feel at the moment, finicky keg that they are. 
However, there is a reason some do venture here. 
Every tribe/(name for grouping of specific mob) guards a certain treasure. For the creeper boys, it’s an orchard of apple trees that grow, not only red apples, but gold ones too-and rarely, a god apple.
If you do happen to stumble upon their territory unintentionally, your best bet is to appeal to Wilbur, as he does have a soft spot for people-of course, you’ll need to make sure none of the others think you’re taking advantage of that soft spot, lest they slowly and painfully kill you for even considering it.
Creepers are very friendly to them, and see them as one of their own. Other mobs, not so much.
The orchard is surrounded by a dense forest, that’s abruptly lets up to a clearing that rings around it. This is where the keg lives, in high tree houses all connected to one another.
Their forest is their pride and joy, and it’s filled with many exotic trees and plants from around the world. Bringing them an addition for it is a sure way to assure your survival, and even gain an alliance, if it’s a really good addition.
Likewise, messing it up even slightly will immediately get you murdered.
Black Hole Mod AU:
Universe where the sun exploded and became a black hole that’s slowly consuming the world. Though many perished, some survived, with the advanced technology in the future.
Wilbur, Charlie, Phil, and Tommy are some of those survivors. 
Charlie is a scientist, studying the black hole to see if there’s anyway to perhaps stop it, or survive within it once it consumes them.
Phil’s a former mercenary who came to the lab with Tommy, after finding the young student stumbling about the remains of a city.
Wilbur’s the former on-board scientist from the crew that first encountered the black hole. He was originally presumed dead, but suddenly reappeared one day, and was found nearby by Phil, who dragged him to the lab. He’s...different. He’s seen things.
Charlie and Wilbur graduated from the same university, and were actually working in the same lab before Wilbur joined his crew in space for an up-close study.
Philza has a bad habit of adopting any creature he finds, and it’s become something of a joke by the four. He adopted Tommy, he’s adopted Wilbur and Charlie, and he has quite a few birds and other creatures that followed him back.
Body Shuffle Mod AU:
Universe where glitches a common sight, and humanity has evolved alongside them.
The world basically...well, I wouldn’t say revolves around? But glitches are a large part of life at this point, and players have specifically evolved to be able to work with them.
A common glitch includes the Body Glitch, where random body parts will seemingly vanish off a person without causing them harm or effecting them.
Tommy and Charlie are Takers, people who have a special, glitch-specific gene that allows them to take a glitch effecting a being or item, and pull that effect from said being/item, and upon themselves.
They’re equally loved and hated, considering the rarity of the gene, and what uses it could be employed for.
The two have a business that they use this ability to take and relocate glitches for various purposes.
Philza and Wilbur are the two’s bodyguards turned friends, who protect them from less savory people, and suss out the ones with bad intentions.
Gas Mod AU:
Universe set in a modern fantasy world where a mysterious gas suddenly overtook the planet. Many died. A few survived-but for some of them, that was the crueler fate, as the mysterious gas began to make them monsterous creatures that sought flesh and blood.
Tommy, Charlie, Phil and Wilbur are the scattered survivors in a city overtaken by the gas, banding together to fight back the monsters born from the green fog, and stay alive. 
Wilbur was formerly a cartographer on a ship. He’s also half siren, and his most priceless possession is a diamond dagger given to him by his former captain.
Charlie is a doctor, as well as a wizard. His magic pet is a slime-like dragon. Yeah, he’s not sure where the little guy came from either.
Phil got a whole cocktail of heritage, but most are sky-related, so he’s got a strong grasp on air magic, which he uses to create safe bubbles for the gang to breathe freely.
And Tommy’s a low tier human-turned demon after death- an imp, basically. He causes havoc.
They all have to wear gas mask, which are heavily enchanted to keep the gas from affecting them.
The group basically just has a weirdly domestic life in the abandoned city, after they cleared out an abandoned apartment building to chill in.
Surgery Mod:
Universe where the gang are the experiments of a mad scientist having escaped.
Tommy is a poison-based experiment, Wilbur is a Nether-based one, Philza is an End-based experiment, and Charlie is an Over-world based one.
They were all grouped together in a cell because the older three are part of the Dimension Project, and Tommy accidentally imprinted on Wilbur when he was created, meaning he would have died if he was separated from him.
The four eventually decide that they hate this life, and stage a break out with the rest of the guys experiments. 
Once they escaped, they decided to travel the world as a family, exploring everything they’d never had the chance to see, and finding where they belonged in this place.
Lava Floor Mod AU:
Universe where all the oceans in the world have been replaced by lava. For Ninja, Tommy, Wilbur, and George, their get-along vacation goes south when they’re stranded alone on a chain of distant islands, far from any sign of civilization. 
If they ever hope to survive, they’ll have to put their issues to the side and work together to get to the one place unaffected-the Nether.
Tommy ‘Smokes’ Notfound, and Wilbur ‘Soot’ Fortnite are the two children of the struggling couple George ‘Specs’ Notfound and Ninja ‘Bow’ Fortnite, who haven’t seen each other in years, despite still being married.
The two, knowing how close their kids were, agree to meet up so the two can hang out, which is why they ended up on this vacation on the first place. 
Wilbur and Smokes would really appreciate if their parents could get along too-it’d make vacation a lot nicer without all the tension. And yes, they could worry about all the oceans turning to lava, but they won’t. Instead, they’re going to be gremlins who try to get their parents to make up, whether that means divorce, or becoming a happy couple again.
Rising Void Mod AU:
Universe where the planets are being eaten by the void. Tommy, Philza, and Quackity are all aliens who managed to escape the demise of their home planets, and crashed landed on Earth, with the intention of warning them of what was coming.
Unfortunately, the only guy around for miles is Ranboo, a conspiracy theorist who prefers his isolated mountain cabin to the city...and also is in complete denial about the existence of aliens, even if they’re standing right in front of him. 
Quackity is from a planet where ores and gems have a large part of fashion culture.
Tommy’s planet was the first to fall. However, Quackity was the one who was closest to be touching, and it leaves side effects-like him occasionally hearing it’s eldritch whispering calling for him to surrender himself to it and stop fighting-
But, y’know. It’s fine. It’s all good.
(Although he does happen to be the most aware of their inevitable fate, and uses humor to cope with the knowledge that no matter how hard they try, he and these people he’s grown to care for are going to die, and there’s absolutely no way to stop that)
Sky Grid Mod AU
Universe where Ranboo is a young, lonely god born to a grid-formed world. Though he has made many interesting creations, he decides he wants someone like him. Who can listen, and answer, and love, and hate.
And the universe loves him, so it answers.
It finds two souls who’ve died too young, and puts them into his hands to mold as he wishes. One, he creates in colors of green, like grass, and emeralds, and poison alike. The other, he creates in colors of red, like lava and poppies, and warm beds.
Their names are Tubbo and Tommy, and they’re different than what he thought they’d be. They cannot be controlled or remade, but they can bleed, and they can laugh, and most importantly, they can make choices.
And they choose to love him, taking him in their embrace as a friend, treating him kindly, and as one of their own, regardless of his power or abilities. 
The three make a home in the gridded world, finding themselves and never fearing the fall, because the world loves both it’s godling, and the people made within it.
Terraforming The Moon AU:
Universe where the remains of humanity have fled to the moon upon the destruction of earth. They unintentionally awake age-old space deities, who, luckily for them, feel like lending a hand-mostly. 
Wilbur is the only actual deity of the moon, but the rest of the SBI spend more time there than they don’t, because humans are interesting.
Tommy’s the youngest god, a deity of the stars within their young galaxy-it’s a position that was passed onto him by the former star deity, Clara.
Technoblade is the deity of both Mars and Venus. He’s actually been to Earth a few times before it’s destruction, and finds their cultures fascinating-particularly the Greek and Romans.
Philza is the god of the End. The oldest, he’s not just a deity, he’s a primordial of the end of all things. Truthfully, it was the very end of Earth that awoke him from his slumber, and it’s former inhabitants interesting lives that keep him awake.
They all pick a human to favor, and help out. Changes on the day.
Honestly, they aren’t necessarily malicious? They don’t really consider the fact that humans don’t have the same limitations and powers as them, so occasionally they fuck something up that somebody worked hard on, and don’t understand why they don’t just fix it already, not realizing that the humans actually have to take awhile to do that.
One Hundred Player Laboratory AU:
Universe set in modern time. 
Wilbur and Technoblade are two university students trying to do a study for their finals-unfortunately, the rats they were supposed to use are both oddly sentient, and incredibly chaotic.
Techno and Wilbur are doing a study of behavior, and other scientific things. To do this, Techno has built a large, complex maze/building thing.
And Wilbur purchased a bunch of rats-except, he probably should have been a bit more careful who he bought from, becomes these rats definitely understand human speech, are all not normally colored, and desire to be as annoying and detrimental to their grades as possible.
To put it lightly, it’s not going well.
George’s If You Laugh You Lose Rematch AU:
Universe set in a chaotic, light-hearted world.
Sapnap, Karl, George, and Dream are some of the world’s residents.
Karl and Dream are chaotic shapeshifters who enjoy messing with George.
Sapnap’s a mischievous nether spirit who likes to team up and help them do it.
Karl can shift into objects, and Dream can turn into animals. 
The whole world is comedic, and all it’s residents have a permanent case of the giggles-to the point of making a game of how long one can hold off laughing.
Sapnap usually takes the form of an enderman or enderman hybrid 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who: Perfect 10? How Fandom Forgets the Dark Side of David Tennant’s Doctor
As recently as September 2020 David Tennant topped a Radio Times poll of favourite Doctors. He beat Tom Baker in a 2006 Doctor Who Magazine poll, and was voted the best TV character of the 21st Century by the readers of Digital Spy. He was the Doctor during one of Doctor Who‘s critical and commercial peaks, bringing in consistently high ratings and a Christmas day audience of 13.31 million for ‘Voyage of the Damned’, and 12.27 million for his final episode, ‘The End of Time – Part Two’. He is the only other Doctor who challenges Tom Baker in terms of associated iconography, even being part of the Christmas idents on BBC One as his final episodes were broadcast. Put simply, the Tenth Doctor is ‘My Doctor’ for a huge swathe of people and David Tennant in a brown coat will be the image they think of when Doctor Who is mentioned.
In articles to accompany these fan polls, Tennant’s Doctor is described as ‘amiable’ in contrast to his predecessor Christopher Eccleston’s dark take on the character. Ten is ‘down-to-earth’, ‘romantic’, ‘sweeter’, ‘more light-hearted’ and the Doctor you’d most want to invite you on board the TARDIS. That’s interesting in some respects, because the Tenth Doctor is very much a Jekyll and Hyde character. He’s handsome, he’s charismatic, and travelling with him can be addictively fun, but he is also casually cruel, harshly dismissive, and lacking in self-awareness. His ego wants feeding, and once fed, can have destructive results.
That tension in the character isn’t due to bad writing or acting. Quite the contrary. Most Doctors have an element of unpleasantness to their behaviour. Ever since the First Doctor kidnapped Ian and Barbara, the character has been moving away from the entitled snob we met him as, but can never escape it completely.
Six and Twelve were both written to be especially abrasive, then soften as time went on (with Colin Baker having to do this through Big Finish audio plays rather than on telly). A significant difference between Twelve and Ten, though, is that Twelve questions himself more. Ten, to the very end, seems to believe his own hype.
The Tenth Doctor’s duality is apparent from his first full appearance in 2005’s ‘The Christmas Invasion’. Having quoted The Lion King and fearlessly ambled through the Sycorax ship in a dressing gown, he seems the picture of bonhomie, that lighter and amiable character shining through. Then he kills their leader. True, it was in self-defence, but it was lethal force that may not have been necessary. Then he immediately topples the British Prime Minister for a not dissimilar act of aggression. Immediately we see the Tenth Doctor’s potential for violence and moral grey areas. He’s still the same man who considered braining someone with a rock in ‘An Unearthly Child’. 
Teamed with Rose Tyler, a companion of similar status to Tennant’s Doctor, they blazed their way through time and space with a level of confidence that bordered on entitlement, and a love that manifested itself negatively on the people surrounding them. The most obvious example in Series 2 is ‘Tooth and Claw’, where Russell T. Davies has them react to horror and carnage in the manner of excited tourists who’ve just seen a celebrity. This aloof detachment results in Queen Victoria establishing the Torchwood institute that will eventually split them apart. We see their blinkers on again in ‘Rise of the Cybermen’, when they take Mickey for granted. Rose and the Doctor skip along the dividing line between romance and hubris.
Then, in a Christmassy romp where the Doctor is grieving the loss of Rose, he commits genocide and Donna Noble sucker punches him with ‘I think you need somebody to stop you’. Well-meaning as this statement is, the Doctor treats it as a reason to reduce his next companion to a function rather than a person. Martha Jones is there to stop the Doctor, as far as he’s concerned. She’s a rebound companion. Martha is in love with him, and though he respects her, she’s also something of a prop.
This is the series in which the Doctor becomes human in order to escape the Family of Blood (adapted from a book in which he becomes human in order to understand his companion’s grief, not realising anyone is after him), and is culpable for all the death that follows in his wake. Martha puts up with a position as a servant and with regular racist abuse on her travels with this man, before finally realising at the end of the series that she needs to get out of the relationship. For a rebound companion, Martha withstands a hell of a lot, mostly caused by the Doctor’s failings. 
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Series 4 develops the Doctor further, putting the Tenth’s Doctor’s flaws in the foreground more clearly. Donna is now travelling with him, and simply calls him out on his behaviour more than Rose or Martha did. Nonetheless the Doctor ploughs on, and in ‘Midnight’ we see him reduced to desperate and ugly pleas about how clever he is when he’s put in a situation he can’t talk himself out of.
Rose has also become more Doctor-like while trapped in another reality, and brutally tells Donna that she’s going to have to die in order to return to the original timeline (just as the Doctor tells Donna she’s going to have to lose her memories of travelling with him in order to live her previous life, even as she clearly asks him not to – and how long did the Doctor know he would have to do this for? It’s not like he’s surprised when Donna starts glitching). Tied into this is the Doctor’s belief in his own legend. In ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’ he holds a gun to Cobb’s head, then withdraws it and asks that they start a society based on the morals of his actions. You know, like a well-adjusted person does.
What’s interesting here is that despite presenting himself as ‘a man who never would’, the Doctor is a man who absolutely would. We’ve seen him do it. Even the Tenth Doctor, so keen to live up to the absolute moral ideals he espouses, killed the Sycorax leader and the Krillitanes, drove the Cybermen to die of despair, brought the Family of Blood to a quiet village and then disposed of them personally. But Tennant doesn’t play this as a useful lie, he plays it as something the Doctor absolutely believes in that moment, that he is a man who would not kill even as his daughter lies dead. It’s why his picking up a gun in ‘The End of Time’ has such impact. And it makes some sense that the Tenth Doctor would reject violence following a predecessor who regenerated after refusing to commit another double-genocide.
In the series finale ‘Journey’s End‘, Davros accuses the Doctor of turning his friends into weapons. This is because the Doctor’s friends have used weapons against the Daleks who – and I can’t stress this enough – are about to kill everyone in the entire universe. Fighting back against them seems pretty rational. Also – and again I can’t stress this enough – the Daleks are bad. Like, really bad. You won’t believe just how mindbogglingly bad they are. The Doctor has tried to destroy them several times by this point. Here, there isn’t the complication of double-genocide, and instead the very real threat of absolutely everyone in the universe dying. This accusation, that the Doctor turns people into weapons, should absolutely not land.
And yet, with the Tenth Doctor, it does. This is a huge distinction between him and the First Doctor, who had to persuade pacifists to fight for him in ‘The Daleks’.
In ‘The Sontaran Strategem’ Martha compares the Doctor to fire. It’s so blunt it almost seems not worth saying, but it’s the perfect analogy (especially for a show where fire is a huge part of the very first story). Yes, fire shines in dark places, yes it can be a beacon, but despite it being very much fire’s entire deal, people can forget that it burns. And fire has that mythical connection of being stolen from the gods and brought to humanity. The Time Lord Victorious concept fits the Tenth Doctor so well. Of all the Doctors, he’s the most ready to believe in himself as a semi-mythic figure.
Even when regenerating there’s a balance between hero and legend: the Tenth Doctor does ultimately save Wilfred Mott, but only after pointing out passionately how big a sacrifice he’s making. And then he goes to get his reward by meeting all his friends, only to glare at them from a distance. His last words are ‘I don’t want to go’, which works well as clearly being a poignant moment for the actor as well, but in the context of Doctor Who as a whole it renders Ten anomalous: no one else went this unwillingly. And yet, in interviews Russell T. Davies said it was important to end the story with ‘the Doctor as people have loved him: funny, the bright spark, the hero, the enthusiast’.
It’s fascinating then, that this is the Doctor who has been taken to heart by so many viewers because there’s such an extreme contrast between his good-natured front, his stated beliefs, and his actions. He clearly loves Rose and Donna, but leaves them with a compromised version of happiness. They go on extraordinary journeys only to end up somewhere that leaves them less than who they want to be, with Russell T. Davies being more brutally honest than Steven Moffat, who nearly always goes the romance route. Davies once said to Mark Lawson that he liked writing happy endings ‘because in the real world they don’t exist’, but his endings tend towards the bittersweet: Mickey and Martha end up together but this feels like they’re leftovers from the Doctor and Rose’s relationship. The Tenth Doctor doesn’t, as Nine does, go with a smile, but holding back tears.
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It’s a testament to how well written the Tenth Doctor is that the character has this light and shade, and with David Tennant’s immense likeability he can appeal to a wider audience as a result. It’s not surprise he wins all these polls, but I can’t help but feel that if the Doctor arrived and invited me on board the TARDIS, I’d want it to be anyone but Ten.
The post Doctor Who: Perfect 10? How Fandom Forgets the Dark Side of David Tennant’s Doctor appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3iaqbDk
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Hey, how you doing? Since you are a viewer of The Boys can I ask you a series related question? Please don't read ahead if you haven't watched episode 7 because it might contain a little wittle spoiler 😅
So The Legend told Hughie in the last episode that Soldier Boy being WW2 hero is always a publicised myth which they created for his image. He didn't take any significant active part in the war, went two weeks later in Normandy for a Photo Op etc... But we have seen in a season 2 conversation between Stan Edger and Homelander where Stan tells Homie Fredrick Vought- the founder of the company was in Germen camp, changed side in 44 and his practical test subjects like Soldier Boy killed a lot of Nazis and helped a lot in the war, which is why he was pardoned by the president. That got me thinking... Vought of that time was not like today's big superhero company, Fredrick Vought needed to prove his element by showing how great weapon his Supes could be. That means Soldier Boy must had to give some performance other that bad acting, right? I had thought he was really a soldier who fought in the war, but was corrupted all along and with time became nothing insufferable. His activities are not like a PR element or a performative actor, rather looks like a toxic veteran. But the reveal of The legend confused me. Was Soldier Boy only used to as an icon by American Govt too without using him in the real field? What is your take on it?
Also in my opinion season 3 is doing great with everything and have a gripping storyline which is the strongest of all seasons, but I expected to see a little bit more insight about American war History and the story of Vought's foundation via Soldier Boy.
I'm good, thank you. I hope you are having a wonderful summer! This new season of The Boys has been very exciting! Thank you for pointing all of that out because I was wondering about the same thing. The answer I've been able to come up with is that the writers wrote Soldier Boy by mixing a couple of characters from the comic. In the comics, Soldier Boy Mk. 2 is a different superhero than the original one who fought in the war but everyone believes him to be the original. The original Soldier Boy causes some pretty serious mayhem and is eventually terminated to then be replaced by Soldier Boy Mk. 2, his much cowardly version. So clearly the writers created a plot hole without even realizing and later wrote Soldier Boy incorporating Soldier Boy Mk. 2's impostor persona. I am glad to learn I wasn't the only who noticed the discrepancies. I too am still confused by the way but hopefully the finale will clear some thing up though I doubt it given the rushed way some plot lines have been handled this season.
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snakeassassins · 4 years
Rabbit Dad Theory: A Weapon to Surpass Dad for One
okay so. I know that the theory about local big bad of the series being the protagonist’s father , but I’m pretty sure the real reason that midoriya’s dad hasn’t shown up in the plot is because he’s a rabbit
no really
[ WARNING: LONG post under the cut ]
Part 1: Rabbit Motifs
To get this party started properly, let’s begin with a bunch of the rabbit symbolism regarding Midoriya himself.
The most notable of which being that his hero costume is literally him dressing up as a rabbit
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His freckles are even stylized to look like little rabbit whiskers. fuckin naruto kinnie
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It bleeds into his fighting style too
Two big innovations he has that aren’t based on previous users of one for all
are hopping from place to place
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and his big, rabbit-like kicks.
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(which would also go a ways to explain why the plot thought Midoriya having legs was a big deal)
A lot of this goes into his characterization as well. The most notable bit being how much the first chapter of bnha parallels the story of the moon rabbit.
(Sometimes referred to as the jade rabbit which. Green)
Anyway, the story goes that a rabbit, along with a bunch of other animals (it varies depending on region) decided to gather food for the full moon as an offering, believing that the best one will bring a reward from the gods.
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All of the animals bring plentiful amounts of food, sans the rabbit, who brings only grass.
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Eventually, a starving old man comes along.
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The other animals have food to give him, but refuse to do so to meet their own ends.
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The rabbit, sympathizing with the old man,throws itself into a fire he was kindling so that he can be fed.
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The old man, touched by the rabbit’s actions, reveals himself to be a god and saves it.
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In honor of the rabbits deeds, the god imprints his image on the moon, bestowing special gifts to him.
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Along with this there are a number of other mild rabbity traits tho.
Such as his skittishness.
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Not to mention his general resourcefulness.
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The show regularly conflates Midoriya being himself with him looking and acting more and more like a rabbit. This isn’t too hard to understand from a Doylist perspective; Horikoshi blatantly just likes bunnies. (I mean just look at Miruko)
What’s interesting here is that we’ve never been given an in-universe explanation for why midoriya himself identifies this way. In a series that is otherwise really invested in dissecting the ideal versions of themselves that characters want to live up to, the show doesn’t provide any justification for a character motif Midoriya has that is almost as present as all might himself.
Judging from the title of this post, you can probably guess what my reasoning for this choice is.
**Part 2: Hisashi’s Quirk **
“But snake,” you may be asking yourself, “We already know what Hisashi Midoriya’s quirk is. He breathes fire.”
This is true. he probably does. Consider what we know in-universe, though.
Characters with heteromorphic quirks don’t have their physical attributes listed as a part of their quirks if they have a secondary characteristic.
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Tokoyami is the most obvious example. He’s a bird person, but his quirk is dark shadow. The fact that he’s a bird man goes unmentioned because as far as anyone is concerned, the shadow monster is his power.
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Characters like Spinner have their animal attributes listed as quirks, but that’s only because he can’t do anything a gecko wouldn’t. If he didn’t make his lizard powers his quirk he’d have nothing to put.
If Midoriya’s dad happened to be, say, a rabbit that could breathe fire, the fire quirk would be listed while the rabbit bit went unstated. In fact, in a roundabout way, the fire quirk makes rabbit dad even more plausible.
You see, most of the animal character designs in bnha are actually recycled from an old series horikoshi did called oumagadoki zoo. Mind you this isn’t a knock at horikoshi or anything. A lot of mangaka do this sort of thing. I’m mostly bringing it up because one of the main characters is a rabbit called Shiina
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and one of the early gags in the series is him smoking a carrot like a cigar.
This would be very easy to translate to my hero academia’s setting if said character happened to breathe fire.
I should also say for those keeping score at home that I don’t necessarily think Hizashi is a Shiina expy specifically (tbh I kinda imagine him being more like a fluffy spike spiegel). At most I think it’s probably just some design motifs and some VERY loose plot points.
There is also the somewhat mild rebuttal of Midoriya never attempting to do anything rabbit-like while trying to see if he had a quirk, but I think that’s self explanatory. If Izuku was a rabbit he’d notice right away, so of course he didn’t bother checking.
**Part 3: Why He’s Absent **
Of course, another big question that might be on your mind is why he’s not present if that’s the simple truth of his identity. Why have him fail to show himself for what has now been 300 chapters?
I can think of two simple reasons:
1) It’s really funny
Just fuckin. The Mystique of it all. You can’t tell fans a character is going to show up eventually and fail to have them appear without piquing someone’s interest. It’s bound to make fans speculate, especially with the canon dabi twist hanging in the air. Years to imagine what his presence might entail if it was something big enough to be worth planning ahead for.
And then. Boom. Bunny.
Fucking. Hysterical.
2) The themes. Oh god the themes
You might have noticed by now but Horikoshi has a tendency of making like. The Shounen Jump equivalent to that rpg character you make as a joke that then has like. an undeniably tragic life when you’re actually forced to tackle with the implications of your own character building.
I would not be surprised if the Midoriyas ended up falling into that category.
So let’s get into that.
One of the big things that my hero academia attempts to tackle is the concept of normalcy.
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Mostly how it’s kinda bullshit and, in many cases, outright harmful.
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What makes this bit interesting within the context of Midoriya family is Izuku’s sort of. Artificial Plainness.
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He is a character deliberately designed to look as normal as possible. The key word there is look. Basically anyone who’s been following the series long enough to be reading this post knows that the kid often struggles to keep his head down
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which also makes it interesting that the only two scenes where Midoriya wears his rabbit cowl are scenes where he is actively questioning the status quo.
Methinks there is some symbolism here.
Which I guess brings us back to square one.
At the end of the day, the concept of Midoriya’s dad being a rabbit is funny because it’s so unexpected. Without him around, the Midoriyas look like a normal family.
But that’s also the kicker.
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Without him around, the Midoriyas look like a normal family.
A lot of people are quick to call Izuku’s dad an absentee father, but technically speaking, we don’t quite know that yet. We’ve only been in a position where we don’t see him as the audience.
And, well, when your kid is being bullied for something as banal as being quirkless, you might not want to give society more ammunition to use against him.
It wouldn’t strike me as strange if he just avoided being seen in public with his son to keep him safe in his own way.
They say that the nail that sticks out gets hammered down the most. Under those circumstances, it’s not too hard to understand why the loosest nail might just feel safer wriggling out of the wood altogether.
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Dead Man’s Deal
Pairing: Ehh I mean, Alfonse x reader, Lif x reader but. well you’ll see.
Description: There wasn’t enough time. There was nothing you could do to stop Hel’s onslaught. Hel, Lif, Thrasir-- all of them were far too powerful. Everyone you loved, everyone you cared for. Heroes, allies, friends... all gone. Yet you remain. For what?
Rating: sfw
Tags: Mention of death (a lot, this is Hel), major character death, mentions of blood
Word Count: 1385
Notes: So I was trying to open a different Lif wip because like I always have one of these fuckers floating around (can’t help myself, I guess?) and I saw this and I was like, what the hell is that? So I opened it and read it and I was like fuck did I never post this? So I checked, and looks like I didn’t lmao. So if I remember correctly I wrote this... probably around this time last year? And had the intentions to make it multichaptered but like... ehh, idk about that now. Still, it is a finished piece, so I fixed it up and figured I would share it with everyone!
You wanted to say he was merciless yet here you were, life spared. You daresay in even perfect health but the sights before you beg to differ, tearing at your sanity. Perhaps even, there was kindness left in him, letting you mourn before he did… whatever it was he planned. Why was it that only you were left alive? Currently, if there was anything to think about, you wouldn’t be able to do so anyways; your mind in too much chaos to do much else but cry.
“Alfonse...” You whispered his name oh so carefully, the word hardly able to pass your lips as they curled back in utter despair. Still, despite the tears falling down your face, and the sobs threatening to rack your body, the words were soft. So soft, in fact, Alfonse could barely hear them. But when it came to his dear Summoner, his ears were always open.
“Don’t… cry...” Somehow, he raised a bloodied hand to cup your cheek, thumb moving to wipe away tears in a fruitless endeavor. “I promise, I’ll always be with you _____...” His words were whispers as well but not on purpose. Even now his breathing was shallow. You both knew the inevitable was going to happen. You went on pretending it wouldn’t.
“I’m so sorry...” You choked out the words. “I should have been there to help you, to stop him, do anything…!” Your words grew more loud and desperate until at the end you were crying into his chest, uncaring about the blood on him. “Alfonse, what will I do without you all? I’m alone in this world now…” Even as he lay dying in your arms, words hesitated on your lips.
“You’re never alone if you have Breidablik….” The weapon you had carelessly cast aside was now put into your shaking hand, and your fingers curled around its patterns. “We may be gone… but this isn’t over.” You were crying harder now. How could you do this now? How would you do this without him?
“I love you...” Your words tumbled out of your mouth, sad, desperate, pleading, as if the phrase could somehow save Alfonse.
“I love you too.” Somehow, Alfonse manged to smile, hiding any pain he was feeling in his low voice. “But I need you…. To be strong, okay…?” He looked up at you for the last time he ever would, trying to cast that image to memory. Even covered in his blood, and your face tear stained, you mustered a smile for him. He was glad for it. As he closed his eyes for the last time, he felt your lips gingerly touch his. He was thankful for the comfort you brought him as he passed-- only regretting he couldn’t do more for you as well.
You didn’t know for how you long remained there, crying on to the corpse of the man you loved. Was it mere seconds, minutes? Did you remain here for hours, cursing Hel for what she brought upon Askr and crying tears that could not bring back the lives of the dead? You knew not. Eventually, your tears dried not because you had no more to cry but because you lacked the energy to do so. Blankly now, you looked to Alfonse-- only still warm because you refused to let him go. You dare not even think to look of the corpses of your allies all around you.
In the encroaching silence threatening to take over now, you heard foot steps; they weren’t bothering to try and hide themselves, you noted, but whoever was coming this way was naturally light on their feet.
“Have you finally come to kill me too?” Your words were weak, barely above a murmur. You didn’t bother to look up from Alfonse, hand even coming up to brush some strands of hair away from his eyes.
“No… not you. Not ever.” Lif watched you cling to the corpse of another Alfonse so gingerly; his heart ached, longing for a touch he had long been denied. “You, my own Summoner… You’re different. Hel can’t bring you back.” Lif moved and slowly, you raised your head, looking up at him with hooded eyes to see his still very much dead hand offered before you. He dare offer you his hand, when it was he who brought this ruin upon everyone you love?
“You think I would ever go with you? After all you’ve done?” You could tell your words stung him, as surprising as it was to admit but the evidence was clear in his eyes.
“Hel wants you dead. Currently, you’re the only one alive who can kill her.” Lif didn’t mince his words, hand still waiting in the air between you. “As far as she’s concerned you are dead.” Eyes narrowing a bit, he continued. “You’ll only be safe with me _____.” He said your name as if he had so many times before. He likely had, knowing how you and Alfonse felt for one another… Lif likely felt the same for his Summoner, perhaps had been the one to die once and be held much like this… It wasn’t enough to gain your sympathy though.
You wanted to spit the words you were thinking at him, but you hesitated. Looking up at him, you knew he was right; by yourself, you didn’t stand a chance against Hel. But you doubted you could count Lif among your allies… “Why… should I trust you? After all this?” You swore you saw that wicked mask he wore turn a crooked smile.
“You don’t really have another choice.” His hand remained in the air between you, unwavering. “It’s either you come with me, willing or not, or you stay here, left at Hel’s mercy… And I know neither of us want that.” You didn’t want to leave Alfonse. It felt wrong to stand and leave with the man who took his last breath… but what choice did you have?
Your eyes left Lif, and returned to Alfonse, hoping that the would snap open and you would see his blue gaze you missed so much. “I… can’t leave him like this.” Your voice was soft, your hand cupping his cooling cheek. You didn’t know what else to do, what else to say, helplessly looking to a man who could no longer give you an answer. Lif couldn’t tell you how strange it felt, to be jealous of a lifeless corpse. To be so jealous of a version on himself that lost…
“You must.” If Lif we’re being honest, he would have liked a proper burial, for everyone here… Alfonse included. But Hel wouldn’t have that. Soon enough they would all be part of her army. Lif had little time to get you out of here and to safety. Voice softer now, he spoke again “_____ I know just as well how hard it is to move on when you’ve lost everyone you love and I know even better how vile it feels to side with the person with brought that defeat. But you are left with no other choice.” He moved his hand a little closer to you now, urging you silently to take it.
You didn’t speak but you gaze did turn to him; to his face, as impasse as always, to his outstretched hand, unwavering as he waited for you to take it with your own. “What do you know of my loss? These people were all I had-- all I’ve ever known in this world. You? You had your chance to get them back, and you won. What do I have to cling to, then?” Lif was left with no answer and surprise yet as you got up slowly, sure to rest Alfonse carefully on the ground, and slapped his hand away. “I’ll tell you what-- I’ll have my own revenge.” Your eyes were burning now, an anger Lif was sure he had never seen in you before. “So take me away if you desire, Lif; know that I have my own agenda, though.” Lif nodded, barely acknowledging you but surprised to see you so firey already. Wordlessly, he began to walk away. You followed with little hesitation.
Even if it was for all the wrong reasons, Lif was happy to finally have you at his side again.
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 10: The Wheels On The Bus Goes Skrt Skrt Skrt
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It didn't take me long to pack. I didn't have anything at all, which left me only an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush to stuff in a backpack Grover had found for me and Percy. Both having nothing to carry we decided to share a bag. The camp store loaned us one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. These coins were as big as Girl Scout cookies and had images of various Greek gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. The ancient mortal drachmas had been silver, Chiron told us, but Olympians never used less than pure gold. Chiron said the coins might come in handy for non-mortal transactions—whatever that meant. He gave Annabeth, Percy and I each a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies, if we were seriously hurt. It was god food, Chiron reminded us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it was lethal to mortals. Too much of it would make a half-blood very, very feverish. An overdose would burn us up, literally. Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she told us had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve. I was sure the knife would get us busted the first time we went through a metal detector. Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as human. He wore a green rasta-style cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened and you could just see the tips of his horns. His bright orange backpack was full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket was a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knew two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto no. 12 and Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday," both of which sounded pretty bad on reed pipes. We waved good-bye to the other campees, took one last look at the strawberry fields, the ocean, and the Big House, then hiked up Half-Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him stood a surfer looking dude. According to Grover, the guy was the camp's head of security. He supposedly had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Today, though, he was wearing a chauffeur's uniform, so I could only see extra peepers on his hands, face and neck. "This is Argus," Chiron told us. "He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." I heard footsteps behind us. Luke came running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes. "Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you." Annabeth blushed, the way she always did when Luke was around. I looked at him with a frown. "Don't look at me like that. I had to find out from the others you're going on a quest." he glared. "So much for the option you won't die at." "I would've told you if you were at the cabin when I got back. Now what's with the shoes?" "Just wanted to say good luck," Luke told Percy. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these." He handed him the sneakers, which looked pretty normal. They even smelled kind of normal. Luke said, "Maia!" White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels, startling me so much, Percy dropped them. The shoes flapped around on the ground until the wings folded up and disappeared. "Awesome!" Grover said. Luke smiled. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days...." His expression turned sad. I didn't know what to say. It was cool enough that Luke had come to say good-bye. But here he was giving Percy a magic gift.... It made me a bit jealous. "Hey, man," Percy said. "Thanks." "Listen, Percy..." Luke looked uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?" They shook hands. Luke patted Grover's head between his horns, then gave a good-bye hug to Annabeth, who looked like she might pass out. The three went to Chiron about stuffs while Luke and I had a staring contest. "So Percy got a present and I only get an I don't know... a hug? Here I thought I was your favorite." "What made you think you are?" He laughed and ruffled my hair. "And no you don't get a hug." "Suddenly I'm not coming back." He smiled and from his back he pulled out a sheathed knife. "I meant to say you won't get only a hug. I noticed you're not a fan of swords. So, I made this my self. I am no Hephaestus child but hey..." He handed me the knife. The sheath was plain colored with a metal chap and locket, it had chains attached to the locket where I could probably put it on something to make sure I bring it with me. Pulling the knife out of the sheath, its knife was around 15 inches. On the blade, Ancient Greek was engraved on it. I think it's my name and the other side is his. "What is this?" I grinned. "I don't know. I ran out of good ideas! I swear I looked up some of Plato and Socrates for that." "And you settled for that?" I laughed. "I am going to take that back now." "Hey, that doesn't mean I don't like it. Thanks." "It's celestial bronze... Half of it at least." "Half?" "I'm sure Chiron won't appreciate it. It will harm both us and humans." "So... It'll hurt both side?" "Yup. And I'm not sure but according to a Hephaestus kid but it's supposed to glow when its near something." "Its not glowing now." "We never said no backsies. I'd like it back now." "I'll take good care of..." I stopped to think of a name and almost immediately remembered a perfect one, "Sting." "I would ask but I already know." Luke shook his head. "Be careful with Sting. It---" "He. Sting is a he, thank you very much." "HE, is lethal. He it can kill us, others close to our kind and normal humans." "Oops I accidentally stabbed myself." With a worried look he pulled me in a hug, "And whatever happens. Put your safety above all. No need to be the hero. If you die in this quest I will get the lord of the dead revive you or kill me." "Ew how sentimental." "Be careful... okay? All of you. Promise me that." "Fine, I promise. On the knife, I'll come back not dead, with everyone." After Luke was gone, I placed the knife on my waist. I went back to Percy. "Okay, that's extremely cool," I heard him say. "What's cool?" I grinned standing behind Percy overlooking his shoulder. "My new pen." He showed me his pen and uncapped it only to show a sword. "I can't loose it no matter what! Its called Riptide." "But what if a mortal sees you pulling out a sword?" Chiron smiled. "Mist is a powerful thing, Y/N." "Mist?" "I just keep hearing that over and over can someone finally explain?" "Yes. Read The Iliad. It's full of references to the stuff. Whenever divine or monstrous elements mix with the mortal world, they generate Mist, which obscures the vision of humans. You will see things just as they are, being a half-blood, but humans will interpret things quite differently. Remarkable, really, the lengths to which humans will go to fit things into their version of reality." Percy put Riptide back in his pocket. For the first time, the quest felt real. We was actually leaving Half-Blood Hill. We was heading west with no adult supervision, no backup plan, not even a cell phone. (Chiron said cell phones were traceable by monsters; if we used one, it would be worse than sending up a flare.) I had no weapon stronger than a knife to fight off monsters and reach the Land of the Dead. "Chiron..." I said. "When you say the gods are immortal... I mean, there was a time before them, right?" "Four ages before them, actually. The Time of the Titans was the Fourth Age, sometimes called the Golden Age, which is definitely a misnomer. This, the time of Western civilization and the rule of Zeus, is the Fifth Age." "So what was it like... before the gods?" Chiron pursed his lips. "Even I am not old enough to remember that, child, but I know it was a time of darkness and savagery for mortals. Kronos, the lord of the Titans, called his reign the Golden Age because men lived innocent and free of all knowledge. But that was mere propaganda. The Titan king cared nothing for your kind except as appetizers or a source of cheap entertainment. It was only in the early reign of Lord Zeus, when Prometheus the good Titan brought fire to mankind, that your species began to progress, and even then Prometheus was branded a radical thinker. Zeus punished him severely, as you may recall. Of course, eventually the gods warmed to humans, and Western civilization was born." "But the gods can't die now, right? I mean, as long as Western civilization is alive, they're alive. So... even if I failed, nothing could happen so bad it would mess up everything, right?" Chiron gave us a melancholy smile. "No one knows how long the Age of the West will last, Percy. The gods are immortal, yes. But then, so were the Titans. They still exist, locked away in their various prisons, forced to endure endless pain and punishment, reduced in power, but still very much alive. May the Fates forbid that the gods should ever suffer such a doom, or that we should ever return to the darkness and chaos of the past. All we can do, child, is follow our destiny." "Our destiny... assuming we know what that is." "Relax," Chiron told me. "Keep a clear head. And remember, you may be about to prevent the biggest war in human history." "Relax," Percy said. "I'm very relaxed." When we got to the bottom of the hill, I looked back. Under the pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus, Chiron was now standing in full horse-man form, holding his bow high in salute. Just your typical summer-camp send-off by your typical centaur. I took Percy's hand and we gave each other a reassuring nod. I wish us luck. Talking whilst at camp drained me. I apologize if I won't be much help. You have stamina? So you aren't a bigshot all powerful god? Without you and I as one. I am nothing. I have given you my everything.
Argus drove us out of the countryside and into western Long Island. It felt weird to be on a highway again, Annabeth and Percy was sitting next to me as if we were normal carpoolers. After two weeks at Half-Blood Hill, the real world seemed like a fantasy. I found myself staring at every McDonald's, every kid in the back of his parents' car, every billboard and shopping mall. "So far so good," Percy said. "Ten miles and not a single monster." She gave him an irritated look. "It's bad luck to talk that way, seaweed brain." "Remind me again—why do you hate me so much?" "I don't hate you." "Could've fooled me." She folded her cap of invisibility. "Look... we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals." "Why?" She sighed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her." "They must really like olives." I interjected. "Not you too! You know what? Forget it." "Now, if she'd invented pizza—that I could understand." "I said, forget it!" In the front seat, Argus smiled. He didn't say anything, but one blue eye on the back of his neck winked at me. Traffic slowed us down in Queens. By the time we got into Manhattan it was sunset and starting to rain. Argus dropped us at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, Percy and I didn't let go. Taped to a mailbox was a soggy flyer with Percy's picture on it: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? He ripped it down before Annabeth and Grover could notice. "They could've at least gotten a better picture." I smirked which caused him to roll his eyes. Argus unloaded our bags, made sure we got our bus tickets, then drove away, the eye on the back of his hand opening to watch us as he pulled out of the parking lot. Grover shouldered his backpack. He gazed down the street in the direction Percy was looking. "You want to know why she married him, Percy?" I stared at Percy then at Grover. "Were you reading my mind or something?" "Just your emotions." He shrugged. "Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?" Percy nodded. I missed my parents of course, but I had Luke and Grover to talk to which made me less lonely. Percy became an outcast when we got to camp and had no one to talk to. I squeezed his hand and gave him a smile. "Your mom married Gabe for you," Grover told him. "You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura.... Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a week." "Thanks," Percy said. "Where's the nearest shower?" "You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better." I knew what Percy was thinking. He was thinking of the fact we'll get his mom and my parents. How we'll save them all. We got restless waiting for the bus and decided to play some Hacky Sack with one of Grover's apples. Annabeth was unbelievable. She could bounce the apple off her knee, her elbow, her shoulder, whatever. I wasn't too bad myself. The game ended when I tossed the apple toward Grover and it got too close to his mouth. In one mega goat bite, our Hacky Sack disappeared—core, stem, and all. Grover blushed. He tried to apologize, but we were too busy cracking up. Percy pulled me to a corner, after excusing ourselves for a bathroom break. "You finally going to tell me about this quest?" "The truth is," He started. "I don't care about retrieving Zeus's lightning bolt, or saving the world, or even helping my father out of trouble." I gave him a look that reassured him to continue. "The more I thought about it, I resented my father for never visiting me, never helping my mom, never even sending a lousy child-support check. He'd only claimed me because he needed a job done. All I cared about was you and my mom. The underworld god had taken her unfairly, and he is going to give her back." "Percy, we don't even know what's going on. Yeah, he might have her. But what is there's another reason? We don't exactly know anything. I don't even think my parents are with him." "Well, no matter where they are. We will get them back. The least I could do is get them back." He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't "You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend," "What?" I froze. "Percy... I would never---" "You will fail to save what matters most in the end." "What are you talking about?" The rain kept coming down. "The rest of the prophecy. Y/N, I don't want you to betray me. Please... don't." I could hear his voice breaking. "Of course I won't. We'll get this quest done. We won't loose anyone and we'll get our parents. Don't worry." I hugged him. "I will stay with you. I won't leave and I won't betray you." "Hey Bonnie and Clyde, we need to go." Finally the bus came. As we stood in line to board, Grover started looking around, sniffing the air. "What is it?" I asked. "I don't know," he said tensely. "Maybe it's nothing." But I could tell it wasn't nothing. I took Percy's hand and started looking over my shoulder, too. I was relieved when we finally got on board and found seats together in the back of the bus. We stowed our backpacks. Annabeth kept slapping her Yankees cap nervously against her thigh. As the last passengers got on, I immediately clamped my hand onto Percy's knee. "Percy." It was Mrs. Dodds. Older, more withered, but definitely the same evil face. I scrunched down in my seat. Behind her came two more old ladies: one in a green hat, one in a purple hat. Otherwise they looked exactly like Mrs. Dodds—same gnarled hands, paisley handbags, wrinkled velvet dresses. Triplet demon grandmothers. And I was now sure, Mrs. Rudolph was one of them. They sat in the front row, right behind the driver. The two on the aisle crossed their legs over the walkway, making an X. It was casual enough, but it sent a clear message: nobody leaves. The bus pulled out of the station, and we headed through the slick streets of Manhattan. "She didn't stay dead long," Percy said, "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime." "I said if you're lucky," Annabeth said. "You're obviously not." "All three of them," Grover whimpered. "Di immortales!" "Who knows maybe they just want to play?" I said nervously. Annabeth gave me a look of irritation, "Not now," she said, obviously thinking hard. "The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows." "They don't open," Grover moaned. "A back exit?" she suggested. There wasn't one. Even if there had been, it wouldn't have helped. By that time, we were on Ninth Avenue, heading for the Lincoln Tunnel. "Maybe a nice chat would help?" "They won't attack us with witnesses around," Percy said. "Will they?" "Mortals don't have good eyes," Annabeth reminded him. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist." "They'll see three old ladies killing us, won't they?" She thought about it. "Hard to say. But we can't count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof... ?" We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus went dark except for the running lights down the aisle. It was eerily quiet without the sound of the rain. Mrs. Dodds got up. In a flat voice, as if she'd rehearsed it, she announced to the whole bus: "I need to use the rest-room." "So do I," said the second sister. "So do I," said the third sister. They all started coming down the aisle. "I've got it," Annabeth said. "Percy, take my hat." "What?" "You're the one they want. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away." "But you guys—" "There's an outside chance they might not notice us," Annabeth said. "You're a son of one of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering." "I can't just leave Y-- you guys!" "Don't worry about us," I assured him. "Go!" His hands were trembling. But I took the Yankees cap and put it on. And he simply vanished. Mrs. Dodds stopped, sniffing, and looked straight at a spot. My heart was pounding. Apparently she didn't see anything. She and her sisters kept going. "Maybe if they approach us, I could try talking? I really was Mrs. Rudolph's favorite..." I stammered. "Yeah stage is yours." Annabeth answered. The old ladies were not old ladies anymore. Their faces were still the same—I guess those couldn't get any uglier— but their bodies had shriveled into leathery brown hag bodies with bat's wings and hands and feet like gargoyle claws. Their handbags had turned into fiery whips. The Furies surrounded us, lashing their whips, hissing: "Where is it? Where?" The other people on the bus were screaming, cowering in their seats. They saw something, all right. "He's not here!" Annabeth yelled. "He's gone!" The Furies raised their whips. "Don't!" I stepped in front of them shaking. "H-Hi Mrs. Rudolph. W-What could you need?" Annabeth drew her bronze knife. Grover grabbed a tin can from his snack bag and prepared to throw it. To our surprise the bus jerked to the right. Everybody howled as we were thrown to the right, and I heard what I hoped was the sound of three Furies smashing against the windows. "Hey!" the driver yelled. "Hey—whoa!" The bus slammed against the side of the tunnel, grinding metal, throwing sparks a mile behind us. We careened out of the Lincoln Tunnel and back into the rainstorm, people and monsters tossed around the bus, cars plowed aside like bowling pins. Somehow the driver found an exit. We shot off the highway, through half a dozen traffic lights, and ended up barreling down one of those New Jersey rural roads where you can't believe there's so much nothing right across the river from New York. There were woods to our left, the Hudson River to our right, and the driver seemed to be veering toward the river. The bus wailed, spun a full circle on the wet asphalt, and crashed into the trees. The emergency lights came on. The door flew open. The bus driver was the first one out, the passengers yelling as they stampeded after him. The Furies regained their balance. They lashed their whips at Annabeth while she waved her knife and yelled in Ancient Greek, telling them to back off. Grover threw tin cans. It was as if I didn't exist which was kinda offensive. "Hey! I'm also here!" I yelled pulling out my now glowing knife and helped Grover. "Hey!" A voice from the door way echoed. "Percy you idiot! Run!" I yelled. The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at him. Mrs. Dodds stalked up the aisle. Every time she flicked her whip, red flames danced along the barbed leather. Her two ugly sisters hopped on top of the seats on either side of her and crawled toward him like huge nasty lizards. I don't know how but I managed to parkour my way to avoid them and get to Percy in no trouble. I raised my knife and stood in between of them. "Perseus Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said, in an accent that was definitely from somewhere farther south than Georgia. "You have offended the gods. You shall die. I suggest you step away from him Y/N L/N." "I liked you better as a math teacher," he told her. She growled. Annabeth and Grover moved up behind the Furies cautiously, looking for an opening. Percy took the ballpoint pen out of his pocket and uncapped it. Riptide elongated into a shimmering double-edged sword. The Furies hesitated. Mrs. Dodds had felt Riptide's blade before. She obviously didn't like seeing it again. "Submit now," she hissed. "And you will not suffer eternal torment." "Nice try," I told her. "Percy, look out!" Annabeth cried. Mrs. Dodds lashed her whip around my sword hand while the Furies on the either side lunged at him. I managed to keep one of them and parried with her using my knife., which turned out to be Mrs. Rudolph. "I hate to admit it but you were my favorite teacher. Why go mean now?!" I struck with the hilt of my knife against her, sending her toppling backward into a seat. I turned to see Percy had sliced the Fury on his right. As soon as the blade connected with her neck, she screamed and exploded into dust. Annabeth got Mrs. Dodds in a wrestler's hold and yanked her backward while Grover ripped the whip out of her hands. "Ow!" he yelled. "Ow! Hot! Hot!" Mrs. Rudolph came at me again, talons ready, but I dove in and got in range to swing Sting at her and she broke open like a piñata. Mrs. Dodds was trying to get Annabeth off her back. She kicked, clawed, hissed and bit, but Annabeth held on while Grover got Mrs. Dodds's legs tied up in her own whip. Finally they both shoved her backward into the aisle. Mrs. Dodds tried to get up, but she didn't have room to flap her bat wings, so she kept falling down. "Zeus will destroy you!" she promised. "Hades will have your soul!" "Braccas meas vescimini!" Percy yelled. I wasn't sure where the Latin came from. I think it meant "Eat my pants!" Thunder shook the bus. The hair rose on the back of my neck. "Get out!" Annabeth yelled at us. "Now!" I didn't need any encouragement. Taking Percy's hand, we rushed outside and found the other passengers wandering around in a daze, arguing with the driver, or running around in circles yelling, "We're going to die!" A Hawaiian-shirted tourist with a camera snapped my photograph before I could recap my sword. "Our bags!" Grover realized. "We left our—" BOOOOOM! The windows of the bus exploded as the passengers ran for cover. Lightning shredded a huge crater in the roof, but an angry wail from inside told me Mrs. Dodds was not yet dead. "Run!" Annabeth said. "She's calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!" We plunged into the woods as the rain poured down, the bus in flames behind us, and nothing but darkness ahead.
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UwU Haha this is what the knife looks like since I'm not sure if I describe it that well... Omg I just realized my brother changed the chapter title lmao -kookie-doughs
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Just imagine it has your name on the blade.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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