#I was thinking about like. the why and how of pretty much the entire gallery
rolanslide · 5 months
I hate to be all like "The Child was actually the evil mastermind the whole time!!" but I have a theory that Mary lured Ib and Garry into the fabricated gallery to kill them.
She looks into the real gallery and sees a young girl, about her age, dressed similarly to her. She writes messages for her, "come to a world without any grownups", "Come Ib", "I have a secret spot to show you" and asks her to step into the fabricated world. She also sees a young man, who keeps to himself and went to the gallery unaccompanied, and whose name is 2 letters away from being the same as hers. She asks him to step in as well. If her siblings don't kill either of them, she can always do it herself. It's not that hard when the thing tethering them to life is a delicate flower.
She meets them, befriends them, and eventually ends up alone with Ib. Mary has some questions. "Is Garry your dad?", she wants to know how close Ib and Garry are; and conversely, how upset Ib would be if Garry died or vice versa. "Is your mom nice?" Mary wants to know about her potential future parents. It would suck if the family she inherited treated her poorly. "Would you leave with me or Garry?" she needs to parse if Ib is worth befriending, and once again how attached she is to Garry.
Garry finds out. And suddenly everything is in jeopardy. She can't catch them by surprise anymore, and even if she plays nice they'll never trust her again. She tries to kill Ib, but Garry is just in time to protect her and flee. The cats out of the bag, but it's not over for her yet. Because they still have to pass through her sketchbook.
Depending on the ending, she either succeeds in becoming real, or dies trying.
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ginnsbaker · 11 months
In Silent Screams (2/3)
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Several weeks into her affair with Vision, the voice inside Wanda's head urging her to end things diminishes to faint murmurs, eventually fading away entirely.
Chapter word count: 8k+ Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Vision Warnings: Smut (F/M), Cheating, Angst, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Dubious Consent, Toxic Relationships
Notes: M rating this time. It gets spicier because what's between them is just pure lust. There will be a full smut scene that is a bit triggering given the context of how it happens, why it happens. I will mark it in red so you can skip it. Again, you will probably hate Wanda here more than the previous part, be warned.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part II
Comfort starts to creep in, wrapping around Wanda like a cozy blanket.
Several weeks into her affair with Vision, the voice inside Wanda's head urging her to end things diminishes to faint murmurs, eventually fading away entirely. And as she allows herself to indulge in the newness of his body and all the ways he is different and not what she’s used to, it becomes even more pleasurable (and addicting) for her when they come together. 
Wanda starts to think that maybe being with Vision like this doesn't take away from the love she has for you. It's almost as if she's compartmentalized herself—her relationship with you remains sacred, undisturbed by the dalliances that occupy her days. Vision has become a separate chapter, a deviation from the norm, but he's not taking the place of what she's built with you over time. Every night, regardless of how late it gets or how entangled she becomes in her meetings with Vision, she finds herself retracing her steps back to you. Her days begin with your face, and they end with your arms around her. There's a routine in that, a certainty she clings to.
Being with Vision helps her forget she's even in Westview. She's less haunted by the child she couldn't have with you, by the job she left behind for your sake. She dwells less on missing you, on feeling like she's become a secondary character in your life as you work tirelessly to provide for her. And isn't that what marriage truly is? More than the vows and the rings, it's about choosing the same person every day. It's about finding ways not to hold grudges, to keep the bond strong, to maintain a balance, right?
Her friendship with Vision, devoid of the usual societal filters, feels pure. They share, they debate, they laugh. But as the sun sets, Wanda always knows where she belongs. 
To you. 
“You’re kidding.”
Vision glances back at her over his shoulder, flashing a playful grin. They're in a park just outside of town, a result of those spontaneous drives they occasionally take. They've found a quiet corner, a place where they can be with each other, away from the rules of their complicated lives. Him being her student makes everything that much more delicate.
“Why would I joke about something like that?” he says, looking pleased with himself.
Wanda puts down the essay she’s reviewing and leans back on the picnic blanket, shielding her eyes from the sun. “You seriously want to buy art from the gallery?”
He shrugs, “I like what they showcase. Plus, I thought... well, it might be a good opportunity for you to earn a commission.”
It’s a weak argument and they both know it. She smirks, “Trying to impress someone?”
Vision pauses, taking a deep breath, serious as he says, “Maybe.”
Wanda sighs, feeling a knot tighten in her stomach. “Vision, we need to be careful.”
“Careful? Wanda, we're miles away from Westview. I'd say we're being pretty meticulous about this.” He smirks, pointing to the tall trees that shield them from any possible onlookers. “With all these trees and not a bird in sight, we could even fuck right here in the open if we wanted to.”
Wanda fixes him with a sharp gaze, one that immediately conveys her disapproval. Immediately, the smirk fades from his lips, replaced by  a realization that he might have gone too far with his teasing. He reads the message in her eyes loud and clear. Not only is his suggestion off the table, but he also senses that he may have jeopardized his luck in the coming days.
“I… I’m sorry,” he murmurs, going back to his sketchpad. They don’t speak to each other for a while. Wanda is deeply engrossed in the essays she has to review, already behind the deadline she set for herself, while Vision gives her space to cool down from his mistake. Their arguments are always brief but intense, and lately, they haven't been leading to sex as often as Vision would prefer.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Vision starts, “How is it, being with Y/N? Being married, I mean.”
Wanda stiffens at the mention of your name. She's never discussed you with Vision, and a surge of panic begins to rise within her. She hides her reaction by neatly rearranging the papers alphabetically in front of her. 
“I told you she’s off limits,” she answers a moment later.
Vision feigns surprise, tilting his head slightly. “Ah, my apologies. I meant no disrespect,” he says, his voice carefully neutral.
Wanda purses her lips, her posture tensing further. “Just... let's not go there.”
Vision nods, though he can't help but steal a quick glance at the wedding ring on her finger. It taunts him everytime he sees it, reminding him of the life she shares with someone else—a life he often finds himself yearning to be a part of. He's been daydreaming about a different reality, where Wanda is by his side not on borrowed time, where he is the one she turns to at the end of a long day.
He's persuaded her to share her thoughts with him, to spread her legs for him; how much more challenging could it be to win her heart next? He'll take it one day at a time if he has to. Patience is something he doesn't mind exercising.
Cleverly masking his intentions behind a facade of casual curiosity, Vision continues, “Hypothetically speaking, if you were to give insights on marriage, just in general...What are your thoughts?” He leans back, making the conversation seem casual, though every word is carefully calculated.
She glances at him, slightly suspicious but not fully alarmed. “Why the sudden interest?”
“Oh, you know," Vision waves his hand dismissively. “It's just something that's been on my mind lately. As a concept, I mean.”
Wanda narrows her eyes slightly, studying him. She knows Vision well enough to understand that behind his seemingly innocent inquiries, there's often an ulterior motive. But she also knows that he's persistent, and sometimes, the best way to deal with him is to play along, to a point.
“It’s…” Wanda finds herself grappling for an answer. She hadn’t expected that the answer would be much more complex now given recent events. She used to look at it in an idealized way, where marriage is what happens at the end of an epic love story, the banner over the path that the two main characters continue their journey on; the natural conclusion when people say 'happily ever after'.
Perhaps she's been wrong to view it that way all along. Perhaps marriage is just a tool to peel back the facade meticulously crafted during dating, for nothing remains hidden in marriage. To enforce a commitment that's always existed. To harness the rights it bestows between two individuals. To—
Wanda can list countless facets of marriage, and yet it wouldn’t change the way she feels about you, with or without it. She can change—she has, and marriage can vanish from the world, her love for you would persist unscathed. While every fiber of her being might be judged for her actions, she believes her love can’t be tainted. She’s sure of it. And so, essentially, marriage is—
“...it’s an indemnity.”
It’s not at all what he assumed she’d say. “An indemnity? That's an... interesting choice of word.”
Wanda nods, pushing a stray hair behind her ear with a thoughtful look. “Right. It's like our safety net, not just from what's out there but from our own doubts too. It's us saying to ourselves—and to anyone watching—that no matter how tough things get, we're in it together.  It's a promise that even in the darkest times, we'll stand by each other.”
Vision absorbs her words, trying to see the cracks, the spaces where he could insert doubt or lay the groundwork for his plans. “But don’t you think,” he ventures cautiously, “that sometimes, that very protection, that indemnity, becomes the chain that binds? Don’t you ever feel... trapped?”
Wanda takes a deep breath, sensing the subtext of his question. He has a knack for drawing out the very things she's trying so hard to keep from him. In the end, she still ends up talking about you. If he's truly eager to hear what she has to say about you, then Wanda doesn’t care if he won’t like what he hears.
“I know what you’re trying to do here,” Wanda says with a wry smile. “To assume she's the one trapping me would be a gross misunderstanding.”
He laughs for a long moment. It's loud and over the top, and somewhere in the midst of it, it begins to feel like an insult. Wanda lifts her chin, unfazed by his antics.
After a few moments, Vision's laughter subsides, replaced by a somber look. “I apologize,” he says, even as Wanda goes back to her readings. “I didn’t mean to make light of your feelings. It's just... sometimes I feel like you're still lying to yourself, Wanda.”
Wanda's eyes narrow, her stance firm, but she doesn't rise to the bait immediately.  “How am I lying?”
There it is—his opening.
“Yes. Sometimes, I wonder if you're using these philosophical explanations as a way to protect yourself from confronting something deeper. Something you might not want to face,” he says.
She chuckles, but it's devoid of any real amusement. “And what might that be?”
“That maybe,” Vision says, crawling closer to her until they're just a breath away. “Maybe being with her isn't everything you once believed it to be.”
A retort forms on Wanda's lips, ready to be unleashed. But as she looks into Vision's eyes, she notices something genuine and disarming in them. 
“All I’m saying is that you don’t need to defend yourself around me,” he murmurs, his voice gentle, fingers lightly grazing her cheek. “You don't need to explain yourself. Not about this, not about anything.”
His lips find the curve of her neck, placing a chaste kiss there, sending a shiver down her spine, making her sigh softly. 
“You can enjoy that,” he whispers against her skin, voice husky. His lips move upward, caressing her cheek before they meet hers. His hand slides to her waist, pulling her closer, until she’s on his lap, straddling him. Her skirt rides up her thighs, allowing him easy access to her dampening underwear.
Wanda shifts nervously. “Vision, we're in public,” she whispers sharply, but doesn’t make any move to get away from him.
His lips twitch into a confident smirk. “I know.” His fingers daringly slide beneath the hem of her skirt, edging towards her panties. “Don't worry,” he assures her, “I just wanted to see if your body tells the truth, even if your words might not.”
Her breath catches as his fingers find the growing wetness there. “See?” he murmurs, his mouth twisting into a boyish grin. “Your body doesn't lie.”
She enjoys it. To be brutally honest, without the haunting thought of your reaction if you were to find out, she concedes she savors their meetings. She’s attracted to him and it’s consuming her every thought. 
Wanda blushes furiously, coupled with the fear of being discovered like this, she’s surrendered to this wicked game. He doesn’t worship her like you do. He doesn’t try to make her feel like nothing is her fault the way you do. Why weren’t you disappointed that she couldn’t get pregnant? Couldn’t contribute to your household like equals? Why didn’t you agonize over the financial repercussions of her relentless quest to start a family with you?
Why won’t you ever, ever hate her?
It's twisted that she even thinks of you as she tilts her hips upwards, urging Vision to touch her just right.
Without warning, Vision plunges his long middle finger inside her, causing Wanda to gasp and grip onto him. The intimate intrusion is brief, and she barely has time to process the sensation when he withdraws, pushing her off his lap and onto the soft grass beside him. He holds his glistening finger up to the light, then brings it to his lips, never breaking eye contact with her. She watches, entranced, as he deliberately savors her taste.
Wanda’s chest rises and falls rapidly, every nerve in her body alive and buzzing. She feels exposed, laid bare both by his actions and by the force of her own arousal. There's a delicious humiliation in it, a thrill of being seen and wanted so openly.
But before she can get a chance to speak, Vision reaches into his pocket, producing an envelope thick with cash and hands it to her. She doesn't need to count it to know it's a significant amount.
“What the fuck is this?” Wanda asks, looking down at the cash in her hands.
He laughs again. He enjoys riling her up. Makes this all the more charged and exciting.
“It's for the painting from your old gallery,” Vision explains calmly. “Going back to that, yes, I want to purchase it. And that’s just 50% of my intended offer.”
Wanda reflects on all the support you've offered her, the financial aid you generously extended without ever demanding explanations. A portion of the money in the envelope—her future commission— could be a start, a way to repay some of the debts she owes you, even if it doesn't cover everything.
Not that you’ve ever asked her to pay you back. You’ve never once hinted at any imbalance in financial obligations in your relationship.
“I shouldn't take this,” she mumbles, yet her fingers clutch the envelope a little tighter.
“I want to,” he insists. “Although, I want a special request.”
Wanda's eyebrow arches in skepticism. “Which is?”
“A handwritten dedication from you, when the painting is delivered,” he replies.
She averts her gaze. “I’ll think about it.”
Vision nods. “Keep the money while you do.”
Wanda starts leaving the house early too, going to her lover’s apartment before they go to the university together.
Vision sits comfortably on the plush couch, engrossed in his video game, his fingers swiftly moving over the controller. Wanda enters, shrugging off her light jacket, her simple, functional underwear visible from the thin material of her dress.
“You know, Wanda,” he begins casually, “Have you ever considered just... being in your natural state here?”
“What do you mean?” Wanda asks, helping herself to some tea.
“Your body is a work of art,” he replies, pausing the game now and turning to face her fully. “And as someone who appreciates art...” His gaze travels to her current choice of undergarments and back up to her eyes, leaving his sentence hanging.
“Are you suggesting I walk around here naked?”
He grins cheekily. “The thought did cross my mind.”
Wanda's cheeks flush. “That’s not happening.”
“Alright, maybe not that,” he relents with a mock sigh. “But perhaps wear something more... refined? Exquisite?” His emphasis on 'exquisite' draws a clear line between what she currently wears and what he's suggesting. 
She's always prided herself on being confident, knowing her worth. But Vision’s playful, yet sharp suggestion chips away at her armor just a bit. For a split second, she wonders if this is how he truly sees her. If her choice of underwear, something so personal and intimate, is a reflection of her self-worth in his eyes. It's crazy to let his comment get to her; she's aware of that. But she can't help but think of you, of the intimate times you both share, the mornings she finds herself waking up beside you, and the nights you take off her clothes.
Do you notice? She wonders. Do you think the same?
It's all these tiny moments, insignificant on their own, but together they build a narrative in her mind. A story where maybe you don't desire her as you once did. That thought affects her more than Vision's words. The insecurity, an old nemesis she thought she had left far behind, resurfaces.
Wanda forces a nonchalant smile. “Why don't you mind your own business, and focus on your own wardrobe choices?” she retorts, but there's a lack of her usual sharpness in her tone.
He snickers, going back to his game. She hopes you don't see her the way he does. 
She buys a new set of lingerie—for you.
Wanda decides she’ll do it by the end of the week. Determined to finalize the sale, she picks up the phone while dinner simmers on the stove. With you still out, Sparky remains her only companion, and a pang of guilt strikes her for having neglected him lately.
She dials the gallery. After a few rings, the familiar voice perkily answers. “Hello?”
“Agatha, it's Wanda,” she says. “About the painting I texted you earlier. My buyer is all in.”
“There's already a bid on it,” Agatha interrupts, “with a deposit ready to go. But if you can secure the painting by tomorrow at the latest, it’s yours to sell.”
“Thanks. I'll make it happen.”
Only after hanging up does she understand that she'll need your help to ensure everything goes smoothly. The next morning, she broaches the subject, and, thankfully, doesn’t have to jump through many hoops to convince you. She loathes bending the truth about the gallery's closing hours, but she's pressed to secure the painting promptly.
Of course, you're there for her again. You even go as far as to offer her lunch, but she has to decline; she genuinely has an appointment with the dean. She reluctantly agrees to dinner, already having said yes to Vision to visit the Museum of Modern Art, where he's also set to give her the remaining 50% for the painting.
“We can have dinner,” Wanda proposes tentatively. “Maybe drive to the city for some steaks and a dive bar after?” It’s tiring to drive back and forth like Manhattan isn’t at least one and a half hours away without traffic, but she wants to spend time with you, and thank you for your effort.
“I'll pick you up at seven,” you say. “It's a date.”
She's excited, but deep down she's aware of the tight schedule. It would be nothing short of a miracle if Vision gets her back to Westview on time.
Wanda cancels dinner at the last minute. She's relieved that you're amenable and just texts to ask her what time she’ll be home.
When she gets her hands on the painting, it takes her a long time to think of a dedication message. Truthfully, writing heartfelt letters has never been her strong suit; she struggles to articulate her feelings. But as she contemplates her feelings for Vision, she draws a blank.  She considers simply thanking him for engaging her in conversations she hasn't had with anyone in so long, conveniently omitting their other indulgences. At the same time, she doesn’t want to leave a piece of herself behind, not even something as trivial as a personal dedication.
So she settles on a quote:
‘To Vision, the only secret people keep is immortality.’  - W
On a particular plane, it speaks to her. It's a phrase that mirrors the fundamental human longing for significance and a sense of purpose—something she has unknowingly let slip along the way.
Surprisingly, Vision appears content with the note. Wanda doesn't bother to inquire about his thoughts on it. He doesn't make a spectacle of his appreciation for the painting either, and it becomes apparent that he's indulging in a fantasy from some porno, where an older woman brings him something before he takes her to bed.
The sex is always intoxicating in its own messy way, now that she’s ready to admit she’s not after perfection whenever she comes to him. She doesn’t go to him because there’s something wrong with you. It might be because something is wrong with her, but there isn’t really any room to psychoanalyze her own mental state when she’s being taken from behind, facing a full length mirror. As pleasure builds, her eyes roll back, she briefly toys with the idea that she might be harboring deeper feelings for him. 
Then, out of the blue, a red flash catches her eye, but with two quick blinks, it vanishes.
“What’s that?” Wanda whispers, momentarily distracted before a moan escapes her lips.
“What?” he mutters distractedly, pulling her hair, when her head starts to droop. 
But before Wanda can form a coherent thought, he adjusts, lifting one of her legs and shifting his angle. With a few deliberate thrusts, she's spiraling into an overwhelming climax. And as pleasure washes over her, any lingering thoughts of deeper feelings for him evaporates along with the haze of lust.
Later, she would brush aside the memory of that brief red flash as she stealthily slipped into your shared home, careful not to disturb Sparky, who slept soundly. With a day off scheduled for tomorrow, she had completely lost track of time, fooling around a couple more times with a college kid.
“D-Did I hurt you?”
Right this second, Wanda feels like she'd welcome the ground opening up to take her or a random bullet finding its mark in her heart. Anything, if it would end her anguish. 
She watches your face crumple with guilt and hurt, and she can't believe she's caused you to feel this way when you’re just aching for her. 
Without missing a beat, Wanda draws you into an embrace, feeling your heart race against her chest. “No, you didn’t. I shouldn’t have made you feel that way,” she whispers. The mere thought of you second-guessing your intentions with her shatters her heart.
You lean into her completely, feeling like a child in her arms. “I’ve been missing you so much lately, and I thought... I thought we were on the same page.”
Wanda insists it's not your fault. None of this is your fault. She desires closeness with you, but she hadn't expected it to make her feel so uneasy beneath her skin, especially considering she had been touched by another less than 24 hours ago. She has to remind herself that you aren't aware. But she knows, and it plagues her mind, why you’d want to touch her.
Your reply, soaked in typical selflessness, is, “I know. I’m sorry.” 
Your apology, the earnestness in your tone is starting to make her feel dizzy. The fact that you feel this way, that she has led you to question your privilege—something she has always granted you—to touch her, is agonizing.
“Stop saying you're sorry,” Wanda snaps, her words sharper than she intends, fervently hoping that you understand her outburst isn't aimed at you. “You do everything right. It's me. I've missed you too, more than you can possibly imagine.”
When you softly say, “I love you,” it's filled with so much emotion that it brings tears to Wanda's eyes. It takes her too long to respond with an “I love you, too,” because there’s many more she wants to say. And she can’t say it without revealing the one thing that she fears will drive you away. 
She can only hope that you believe her because she means it more than anything.
Wanda can't pinpoint exactly when she developed the habit of locking the bathroom door. It likely started around the time Vision would text her, innocently asking about her lectures. Then, one day, she received a short video clip of him pleasuring himself and moaning her name. She promptly deleted the clip, but from that point on, she learned to check her messages at home only when she was about to step into the shower.
Natasha visits and something inside Wanda unfurls itself. She becomes hyper-aware of her activities with Vision, how she conducts them and where. Before relocating to New Jersey, you mentioned that Natasha had taken an open-ended break from her job, suggesting she might be ready to leave her old life behind. Still, she’s uneasy when she learns about it too late, and Natasha’s already outside, waiting to be let into the house.
You're still in your office attire, donning a pristine suit that would have captured her attention for the entire evening, if not for the fact that she's on the verge of breaking down at the mere thought of you discovering her affair with Vision.
“Why didn't you tell me she was coming?” she snaps, gesturing at the dinner table set for two and the disorderly state of their living room. Her eyes dart to a stack of her students' reaction papers lying exposed on the coffee table, and the unkempt pillows. To you, it might seem trivial, but to Wanda, every small detail could give away something she'd rather keep private.
“You could've at least warned me,” she continues, her tone reflecting more than just her concerns about dinner and the state of the living room, but you fail to catch it. You try to help, reaching out to straighten the living room, but she's too frazzled. Seeing the frustrated look on your face, she can't help but feel cornered. She hastily scatters the pillows about, her movement nothing short of hysterical. 
Sensing that things might take a worse turn than they should, you make the decision to be the one to step back.
“If it's too much trouble for you, we can just grab dinner elsewhere,” you suggest, struggling not to lose your own patience. 
She can't help but throw you a sharp look, feeling as though your words only made things worse. The mere idea of you and Natasha, alone, maybe sharing stories or opinions about her, feels threatening. But there’s nothing she can do but hope you will veer away from talking about her, that you won’t confide in Natasha how you haven’t had sex in months.
“Fine,” she snaps and quickly retreats up the stairs. “Send my regards to Natasha,” she throws over her shoulder, the guest bedroom door shutting loudly behind her.
She sighs heavily, pressing her back to the door, heart racing. From the window, she sees you walk back to the car, your frustration evident in every step. Natasha looks at you with that questioning glance Wanda knows all too well. She watches as you speak before handing Natasha the car keys.
She gazes up at the ceiling, determined to hold back the tears that are on the verge of spilling. She doesn't want to push you away, but her fear of Natasha, and what might be revealed, leaves her feeling trapped.
Out of frustration, she calls Vision, and they meet in his car, about two blocks from their house.
In the cramped confines of the backseat, Vision is quick to slide into her, the condom barely in place before he's thrusting with a fervor.
She peaks once, but not from him being inside her. She's too tense, too tightly wound for that. So Vision, realizing this, drops to his knees to truly bring her over the edge.
Later, Wanda lies on her side, every muscle tense, acutely aware of the presence beside her, all the while pretending to be deep in sleep.
“She used to crash at our place almost every week,” you murmur into the stillness.
A hint of irritation passes through Wanda, though she can't really tell why. “What?” she asks, her voice low and weary.
“Natasha,” you specify. “I didn't think to mention it because it was just our norm. She'd drop by unannounced all the time.”
You want to have a conversation about it, to work through this issue. She knows how you’ve been trying to give her space, thinking she hasn’t adjusted yet to life in Westview. You’re always thinking about her. Always putting her needs first above yours.
And Wanda can see how it’s worn you down, how you're starting to doubt your own logical reasoning, and how you're piecing together facts to present your case, hoping for her to be more receptive and listen. She despises the fact that she's putting you through all of this, merely because she's determined to prevent her different worlds from colliding.
She can sense you searching her face, looking for answers, trying to understand the wall she’s erected between you too. It’s so tall now, casting a shadow over both of you. 
“Baby?” you try again. It seems like it's all you ever do these days. “Please?” 
Wanda resists the urge to turn toward you and pull you into her arms. She knows that if she does, the tears will flow uncontrollably, and she understands that you won't let her keep her troubles to herself. She composes herself, letting out a shuddering sigh.
“We're fine, Y/N. Let's just go to sleep.”
You give into her wishes, because you will always give her what she wants.  She extends her hand, delicately interlocking your fingers with hers. It's the smallest gesture she can manage. She pretends not to hear you, feel you shake, as you cry on your own.
She'd planned to watch the movie alone, in the middle of the day. So, when Vision discreetly takes the seat next to her, Wanda stiffens. A few others are scattered in the front rows of the dark theater, chatting softly as they munch on popcorn.
Without turning to face him, she whispers accusingly, “Are you stalking me?”
“I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd catch a movie. Pure coincidence.”
“You hate cinemas,” she counters.
He chuckles softly. “Maybe I'm learning to appreciate them.”
​​She’s about to retort when she feels a gentle touch on her hip. Wanda's muscles tense under his soft fingers as they start tracing the curve of her waist, moving slowly downwards, caressing her thigh. Her breath hitches, and she turns sharply to face him.
“What are you doing?”
Vision just smirks, leaning back in his seat. “Thought you might want to spice up the afternoon.”
Wanda rolls her eyes. “I'm not in the mood, Vision. Hands off.”
His laugh is a bit too loud, drawing “shhhs” and glares from the front row. Seeing him unmoved by the stares, Wanda huffs and stands up, making it clear she's moving seats. As she shimmies past him, Vision's hand snakes out, gripping her wrist. “Stay,” he murmurs, eyes serious. “I promise to behave.”
She hesitates, looking at him skeptically. Finally, with a sigh, she slides back into her seat. For the most part, Vision keeps his promise. They sit in silence, engrossed in the movie, but Wanda can't help but notice Vision's restlessness. Twice, he excuses himself, claiming he needs the restroom. She can't help but wonder what he's really up to, but she refrains from asking. Whatever it is, she's not sure she wants to know.
Later, when they step out of the theater, they're greeted by the aftermath of a rainstorm. Puddles dot the pavement, making it tricky for Wanda in her heels. Vision holds out his hand, and she takes it, especially when she almost trips trying to leap over a particularly large puddle. 
For some reason, she suddenly feels like she's being watched. From the corner of her eye, she spots the black SUV, parked in the same spot as when she arrived at the cinema. But before she can give it more thought, Vision pulls her towards a bookstore, quickly diverting her attention. She brushes off the odd sensation, attributing it to anxiety since the theater she picked is quite far from town.
Wanda stares, open mouthed and shocked, as Vision shows her his final project for her course.
It's a charcoal drawing on canvas featuring a nude woman, with only her mouth visible, reclining on a bench. Wanda doesn't need a second glance to realize that the woman in the painting is her. From the curve of her jaw to the birthmark on her left hip and down to the fold of her knees, the resemblance is remarkable. 
There's no way she can allow him to submit this.
His audacity to draw her in such an intimate manner without her consent leaves her momentarily speechless. She briefly wonders what other liberties he’s taken without her permission.
“What the hell is this?” Wanda questions in barely contained rage.
Vision smirks, arrogance dripping from every word. “It's you, obviously. Pretty accurate, don't you think?”
She clenches her fists, anger rising. “You had absolutely no right. This is beyond inappropriate. What were you thinking?”
Leaning against the table, he shrugs nonchalantly. “I was thinking about how hot you were and I wanted to immortalize it.”
She frowns, crossing her arms defensively. “This was private, between us. How could you think it's okay to make it public?”
“I thought you liked when I took control,” he says, stepping closer, his voice dripping with insinuation.
Wanda feels like throwing up. “This isn't a game,” she snaps. “You can't just use our personal moments as fodder for your projects!”
“You never seemed to mind before.”
Wanda replies sharply, “There's a difference between us being together in private and you broadcasting it to the world.”
He squares his shoulders, firming up his stance. “Maybe I wanted them to see.”
“To see what exactly?” Wanda yells, but the fear in her voice is unmistakable. 
“How good we are together,” he says. “Maybe I’m tired of hiding, Wanda. Ever thought of that?”
Wanda's mind races, a thousand thoughts crashing into one another. She's always been able to control the narrative, always had the situation in her grip. But now, Vision's defiance, his blatant challenge, terrifies her. The realization that Vision could, and possibly would, spill their secret terrifies her more than she thought possible. For the first time, she's faced with the real possibility of losing everything she holds dear. Of losing you.
“So, what's it going to be, Professor?” Vision challenges, towering over her in a display of intimidation. “Should I submit this, or maybe...” his voice drops to a whisper, “show it to your wife?”
She grits her teeth, trying to gain some semblance of control. “Destroy it. Now.”
Vision grins, leaning in closer until their faces are inches apart. “Make me.”
Vision's lips crush down on hers in a fierce, demanding kiss. His hand clamps around the back of her neck, holding her in place as he ravishes her mouth. It’s fervent, consuming, and fueled by a hunger she hasn't felt from him before. Her brain screams at her to resist, to push him away, to regain control of this spiraling situation. She shoves at his chest, her nails digging in, but he doesn't budge. Instead, he deepens the kiss, his tongue demanding entry, which she denies him.
In her mounting frustration, she raises her hand and slaps him hard across the face. Vision barely flinches, his gaze never leaving hers. His determination only fans the flames of her anger further, but beneath it all simmers an irrefutable want. Without a word, Vision's hands descend to her waist, deftly unbuttoning and pushing down her pants and off her legs. She makes quick work of his belt, discarding them recklessly to the side.
As he inches closer, his breath hot on her ear, Vision murmurs, “Say it, Wanda… say 'I want you to fuck me’.”
She can feel the solid length of him pressing against her, and despite her anger, the way he slowly gyrates his hips makes her weak. She draws a shaky breath, the words stuck in her throat. It’s wrong, and he shouldn’t have this much power on her. 
He moves in, his lips trailing down her neck, as his hands find their way around her waist, pulling her in even closer. “Say it,” he murmurs again.
“I want you to... fuck me,” she finally breathes out, her voice breaking into a whiny plea that she would never have believed she could utter, especially under these circumstances. 
His response is immediate. Before she can fully register what's happening, he has her lifted, her back pressed against the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist. With a sharp thrust, he's inside her, filling her completely. While Vision usually found his release before she did, this time was different. She notices he's holding back, which confuses her. Why would he? Especially now. Wanda, lost in the sensation of him inside her, is curious but also a little apprehensive. 
She soon realizes why. His fingers find her clit, rubbing it in a rough, almost painful manner that sends shockwaves of pleasure through her. “Come on,” he urges, almost impatiently, his voice strained.
She feels herself spiraling, the coil inside her tightening. His cock angles and adjusts, targeting her sweet spot, making her clench around him. The slickness between them grows, and his fingers work in tandem with his thrusts, pressing, rubbing, coaxing her closer and closer.
“I'm gonna... I'm coming,” she warns, feeling the walls of her pussy fluttering.
And then she feels it—the unmistakable warmth, the pulsing. Her eyes widen in realization as Vision buries himself deeper, releasing inside her. 
“No!” Wanda screams silently, the sounds failing to escape her throat as the knowledge that he's come unprotected pushes her further into her own climax. Her instinct is to flee, to pull away from him, but Vision's grip is ironclad. He feels her panic and responds with more pressure on her clit, manipulating the nub with determined fingers. Each stroke sends her further into ecstasy, locking her in place as his other arm wraps around her waist, preventing any escape.
“Stay,” he murmurs into her ear, his voice filled with a possessiveness that she's never heard before. As he continues to spurt inside her, their hips still weakly grinding against one another, the reality of the situation dawns on her. He didn't use protection. He could—he could get her—
Terror claws at Wanda's insides. Was this all premeditated? Had he planned to trap her like this? She struggles to pull away, but Vision holds her even tighter, keeping her pressed against him as the last of his release fills her. He languidly rests his forehead against Wanda's shoulder, taking a moment to revel in the afterglow. When he finally dares to look at her, he expects to see anger or fury or maybe even forgiveness. Instead, he's met with wide, bloodshot eyes swimming with tears that violently spill over, tracing the contours of her cheeks.
His smugness dissipates and his brow furrows in confusion. “Wanda?”
She chokes on her tears, desperately trying to speak. “Did you—did you do this on purpose?” Using every ounce of strength she can summon, she pushes him away, stumbling slightly as her legs threaten to give out. Hastily, she starts grabbing her clothes.
Vision, looking lost for once, reaches out, but she recoils away from his touch.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Wanda, please. Let's talk about this.”
As Wanda attempts to regain her balance, she can feel the telltale wetness slide down her inner thighs. The physical evidence of their tryst, the proof of Vision's seed making its way out of her, sends a sharp pang of revulsion through her. Her hand moves instinctively, trying to wipe away the residue, a feeble attempt to erase the aftermath—or perhaps the entirety of their history. Her vision blurs as tears continue to stream down her face, her breathing jagged. Vision, looking both remorseful and lost, reaches out in an attempt to console her, but she flinches at the barest contact of his fingertips.
“Please, at least let me drive you to—”
“To where?” she spits out, her voice mocking. “Home? To my...? I can't—not now.”
Vision's eyes widen, and suddenly he looks much younger.
“Wanda,” he starts, voice shaky and eyes beginning to tear up, “I'm so sorry. I didn't mean... I didn't think… I-It’ll never happen again.”
But the pitiable sight of him, looking scared and unsure, only adds fuel to the fire. “You think a simple 'sorry' is enough?”
The door is her escape, and she's quick to reach it. As she’s about to leave, he whimpers, almost begging, “Please don't go. I... I'm sorry.”
But she's done. With one final, withering glance, she exits, leaving the door to swing shut behind her. 
While Wanda waits for her period to come, she can't focus on anything else. She feels disoriented during the day, and it keeps her awake at night. 
In her world, everything's spiraling into a fragmented mess, like a vintage vinyl record that's been smashed to bits. 
She tosses out reading assignments like candy at a twisted parade, tells the kids to scribble down essays. For them, it's almost like a holiday. For Wanda, it's a desperate lifeline. By the window, she stands. Watching. Waiting. But not really seeing anything. Vision's eyes, burning into her, but she never meets his gaze. She hasn't been responding to his texts or calls, discarding them immediately without even opening them. The classroom exit strategy is always the same: blend in with the herd, avoid the predator. She doesn't give him even the slightest opportunity to get her alone.
Home should be her fortress. Instead, it's like quicksand. Sparky, always eager for her attention, brings toys to her feet, his tail wagging in hopeful anticipation. But her patience is thin, and she finds herself shooing him outside, much to the dog's confusion. She's been bringing home takeout repeatedly, and the repetition isn't lost on you. While you never openly complain, she notices when you start to take the reins, cooking dinner, a quiet acknowledgment of her current state.
She waits and waits—a ghost haunting a lover, a home, a school, a town, waiting for salvation.
She’s more than a week late for her period when she (terrifyingly) decides to buy a pregnancy test kit. Wanda clutches her coat tighter around herself, hesitating for a moment before pushing the door open. Inside, she avoids making eye contact, moving purposefully towards the aisle she's dreading. As her fingers wrap around a pregnancy test kit, her heart hammers in her chest. With the box safely tucked inside her bag, she hurries back home, sneaking glances over her shoulder, feeling as though the world knows her secret.
When she arrives home, she pretends as if she had simply stopped by the grocery store. She musters a smile as she begins to prepare dinner, maintaining a light and cheerful conversation with you. You savor her food as if it were your last meal, showering her with compliments like a discerning food critic, which brings a slight chuckle from Wanda. You peck her lips when you’re finished, thanking her for it. For a while, it seems like everything is back to normal, and that nothing will shatter the illusion that she’s still living her happily-ever-after with you.
She waits, counting the minutes, ensuring you're deep in sleep before she tiptoes into the bathroom. She reads the instructions multiple times, her eyes scanning over each word as if hoping they'd change. It's as though she hasn’t been through this ritual numerous times before, back when her deepest desire was to bear your child. The irony isn't lost on her: in just a few months, she's transitioned from yearning for a baby to fervently hoping she isn't pregnant.
Finally gathering enough courage, she rips the packaging. Just get it over with, Wanda muses. The minutes that follow feel like hours. The silence is suffocating, the potential consequences bearing down on her. She jumps at the slightest noise, every creak of the floorboards or rustle of sheets convincing her that you've woken up.
The alarm on her phone finally goes off, signaling that it's time. With bated breath, she looks down at the test, her world teetering on the brink of change.
She’s hidden the pregnancy test deep in the trash bin, concealed under tissues and other refuse. It’s the middle of the night, and she ensured it is further out of sight by taking the trash outside.
As the initial relief floods through her, it is swiftly replaced by a profound sense of shame. She sits curled up on the couch, hugging her knees, desperately wishing to escape from herself and her crimes. She realizes, with a piercing clarity, that she can't compartmentalize or keep secrets when it comes to you, because you're not just a part of her life—you are her life. The mere thought of you finding out fills her with a terror so profound, she's left gasping for breath. She'd rather face any consequence, even death, than watch the love fade from your eyes, replaced by hurt, anger, and betrayal.
She loves you, but Wanda doesn’t—she doesn’t know what to do, how to move forward. 
But in the midst of her life falling apart, an unexpected sentiment finds its way to the forefront: hope. 
A fragile, quivering kind of hope. Wanda's lips twitch, trembling as they pull into a weak smile. Maybe the universe is giving her a second chance. Maybe her not being pregnant is a sign, a way out. It's as if fate is holding out a lifeline, imploring her to take it and mend the fractures in her life. With renewed determination, she silently promises herself that she'll devote every bit of her being to you. She knows she can't change the past, but she believes, fervently, in the possibility of a future where she remains true, where she will never stray again.
Still, the weight of her deeds anchors her to the couch, each sob a violent reminder that she's the villain in her own story. And that’s how you find her, in the dark living room, crying and blaming a nonexistent movie for being in such a mess.
She looks up and every cell in her body threatens to crumble. “Hey, baby,” she murmurs, her fingers brushing away the tears.
“Have you been crying?”
“Just a movie,” she lies still, “You know how emotional they make me.”
You smile, your eyes full of that nurturing love. “My big crybaby.” Wanda can't believe a pregnancy scare was what it took to finally wake her up.
Looking into your eyes, a surge of need overtakes her. She longs to claim you, to solidify her stake, and leave no doubt in your mind about where her heart truly lies. She wants to show you just how much she loves you, to make up for all the times she has strayed. 
She doesn't hesitate. Before she fully processes her actions, she's on top of you, her weight pinning you down, her eyes blazing with an intensity that threatens to consume. “Take off your shorts,” her voice trembles. Your obedient response sends a thrill through her, but she's barely registered the progress you've made before she's swiping a teasing finger, tasting the essence that's uniquely yours. She watches, entranced, as a shiver runs through you, your voice shaky with desire. 
“Patience, baby.” 
She barely shakes her head, lips parted. “Don't have any.”
And then she's tasting you, each slow, deliberate stroke of her tongue designed to drive both of you mad. Your body responds fervently, and she can sense your need building, mirroring her own desperate longing. “Please, Wanda, more…” Your whisper is a plea she can't resist. Her lips part to take in more of you, savoring the intoxicating flavor that she had missed so much. 
“I've missed you so much, Y/N,” she says, deliriously lost in your pleasure. “I've missed making you feel good. Missed feeling this way with you…” She doesn't quite realize the hints she's dropping, but she doesn't care. This moment is real, and she wants it to be as honest as it can be.
Lifting your legs, Wanda applies gentle pressure, pushing them back until they're almost touching the couch cushions on either side of your head. The sight of you, so openly displayed for Wanda, sends a rush of heat and desire through her core. She can feel the power she has, not just from the position but from the trust placed in her to have you in such a vulnerable state. It feels so good, being this close to you. How could she have ever desired anything else when she had this all along?
Wanda pauses for a moment, mouth watering, her eyes hungrily tracing the sight before her. She senses a slight shift, seeing your eyes flit away, perhaps overwhelmed. But Wanda can't allow that retreat. Gently cradling your face, she guides those eyes she loves back, sealing their return home to her with a tender, grounding kiss.
“I love you,” she breathes against your lips.
You smile up at her. “I love you. More than you could ever know.”
Wanda shuts her eyes, letting your reassurance wash over her. Nothing lasts forever, but perhaps this could be an exception.
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goldfades · 5 months
Paige 100% sends those pictures of two inanimate object and goes “us if we were___”
Like two soap bottles touching tips “us if we were soap”
Paige def just scrolls through your phone gallery, looking at your pictures. Staring fondly and going “my wife’s so pretty.” and “Why didn’t you send me this????” (I just thought of a whole fic on this idea oml i’m getting Hot)
Anytime you send a photo to Paige honestly, she’s going off on Imessage just hyping you up.
OMG THEY HAVE A SHARED PHOTO ALBUM. BUT BUT BUT it’s not just photos of themselves, it’s also like “I saw this and was thought of you.” Photos like OSXBUDHANA
Loves listening to you talk so she brings up things she knows you love talking about.
Also that motherfucker definitely makes the manager mad on purpose cuz she thinks it’s cute when the managers angry. (The manager being furious is a whole different situation.) And it doesn’t help that Paige is taller.
Manager will just be ranting at paige whilst paige is just smiling the whole time.
The manager notices and goes “and you’re just smiling like shits funny, ain’t nothin funny-“ “you’re just so cute princess”
that shut her up real quick
“Paige’s get the fuck outta my office.” but like she’s all flustered and Paige can tell
I think you touched on this, but when they get together and yk, have to keep it on the low for a multitude of reasons.
One one hand it sucks cuz yk, Paige can’t brag like she wants to yet. But on the other hand Paige is a cocky little shit and will take the opportunity to be handsy and flirty (to a certain degree) knowing that the girls aren’t gonna think too much of it cuz paige has always been like that, But Paige and the manager both know there’s more reason to it now.
BUT NEVER FRETE our manager can play the same game Paige, don’t start stuff you can’t finish. Then it lowkey become just a personal game for them of who could fluster the other more without the team getting suspicious.
Contrary to popular belief I think the Manager and Paige made a bet on how long with would take the team to figure out they were together. So they didn’t tell them outright, but just went along letting them figure it out themselves.
I also feel like people started noticing the dynamic change. Like don’t get me wrong the managers job comes first so Paige isn’t getting any extreme special treatment, but the girls and fans start noticing the managers tone switch when she’s talking to Paige.
Her tone just gets a bit softer and more gentle.
Like there’s this clip of manager talking to Caroline normally, then Paige calls her and manager turns and goes “yes baby?” so softly AND LIKE the “baby” isn’t what gets people cuz again, manager calls everyone by pet names. It’s HOW quickly her tone changes as soon as she started talking to Paige.
And we already know Paige’s eye contact game goes crazy and she has a STARRING PROBLEM, if I had a nickel for how many times Paige was caught staring at the manager I would be buying everyone on this blog canes oml.
Manager doesn’t really strike me as a person who shies away from eye contact most of the time, which is evident cuz there’s clips of them just starting at each other and you can FEEL THE TENSION.
But when manager does shy away from it, Paige either grabs her chin and turns her face back to her, or if she can’t Paige moves her head to try and stay in the managers eye sight.
Or let’s say Paige is talking and manager gets distracted by something. Paige is grabbing her cheeks gently with both hands, saying “Hey, I’m right here pretty girl.” while gently rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs, then drops her hands from her face and just goes back to talking.
(girl request that fic idea i wanna hear it now) THIS ENTIRE ASK IS GOLD I AM PUTTING IT IN THE MASTERLIST ASAPPPPP!!!!!
the shared photo album is soooo real!!!!! and paige is the one who puts the most pictures cus baby girl is a sentimental person she wants to take pics of EVERYTHING!
i feel like paige wants to think she's the winner every time yall play that "who can make the other flustered without the team noticing" game but honestly, why is the manager lowkey a rizzler????? likeeeeeee paige would pretend not to blush but its super obvious
AND THE TONE CHANGE IS SOOOO SO REAL, ur so right!!!!!! and its kinda obvious but the girls don't wanna say anything yet but they'll def tease them.
the whole eye contact thing made me melttttt goodnight!!!!
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gojos-thot-patrol · 11 months
HI AIDEN I had a lot of fun with the entire story involving The Sims and it raised some questions for me. imagine our dear sukuna, nanami, gojo and geto playing the sims Do you think Sukuna would wreak havoc and kill everyone in the game? Would gojo let someone in his family die because of being negligent or maybe flirting with all the sims in the game? Would Nanami build a house from scratch? and would geto have a big family?
thinking a lot about the scenes
You want me to combine my hyperfixations on main? Moon, I could kiss you!
Starting with
Satoru Gojo
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🎮Okay so I really feel like Gojo is in love with the mundane, mostly because his own life is so far removed from it. So, Gojo actually plays a pretty calm game.
🎮Or, he tries to at least.
🎮He has a thousand founders for generation challenges he will never complete, a million builds that he made the shell of and never went back too, and his world is riddled with homeless sims he made for rags to riches stories.
🎮Really, he always goes back to his favorite sim- is super sim that me made on accident. A random sim that he got so attached to he turned aging off so they wouldn't die, and that he tends to and frets over like a favored pet.
🎮He definitely has all the DLC and is a little bit ashamed of it. He even has DLC that he's never touched- like horse ranch. Why does he have horse ranch? He hates horses (Because how DARE An animal of that size be that skiddish and breakable) so why does he own HORSE RANCH?!
🎮So that he still owns all the DLC, that's why. It as just a much a mark or pride as it is shame for him.
🎮He probably has a few script mods here and there, like the cuddling mod or the real estate mod, but for the most part his modding starts and ends with CC. He LOVES CC, mostly cause the Sims team (in his humble opinion) makes shit clothes. All maxis match.
🎮He gets on telling himself he's only going to play for an hour tops at 6 pm and OOPS the sun is up. He swears maxis puts speed in this game.
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Suguru Geto
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🎮the opposite of Gojo- this man is a menace.
🎮Suguru's got a lot of built up rage he's repressing, and 100% takes it out on his digital dolls. If you're a sim and you displease him- straight to the fenced in pool.
🎮He has the extreme violence and life tragedies mods installed. You know why.
🎮Had his sim marry into the goth family just to murder them and take everything they had. You know- what Don Lothario failed to do.
🎮Oh, that's another thing: He has beef with these pixels.
🎮Like, yes- he knows it's unreasonable and a little childish...But if he ever ever catches Nancy Landgrab on the streets it is ON. SIGHT.
🎮He will just let his sims wreak whatever havoc they see fit. like "Oh, you want to cheat on your husband with the pizza delivery guy when your husband is literally standing right there? Who am I to stand in the way of feminism."
🎮He will also forget sims. Like, he'll set a sim up to do something, go play with a different sim in the house, and it will be like a real word fifteen minuets (keep in mind, a in game day is only 24 minuets) before he realizes the mom has been missing because she's been practicing violin with no end in sight and is about to piss herself. oops.
🎮He has a few of the DLC that interest him, like city living and snowy escape. He has all the occult packs but his favorite is Realm of Magic....duh. He only plays sorcerers and always goes down the chaos magic tree. You know why.
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Nanami Kento
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🎮Nanami is here to build.
🎮Nanami gets on the sims to build he dream homes and experiment with different layouts and such that he might like. And he's actually gotten really good at it.
🎮Like some of his builds are in the maxis showcase and he's quite popular on the gallery
🎮What determines if he buys any sort of DLC is if he likes the build buy items or not. and as such, most of his mods are also for build buy
🎮He does play a little bit of the actual game too though, but he tends to get board of it pretty quick. He's tried to make evil sims of dubious moral character and he just can not.
🎮Like, when Suguru tells him about his game play he just looks on in horror. What do you mean your sims has five secret families and an artist slave, do you not feel horrible? Have you no shame?
🎮I think Island Living is his favorite pack because he likes Sulani so much. He thinks it's a pretty place for a home. And mermaids are neat- he guesses.
🎮He also likes Werewolves cause Celene is his favorite townie. He started his first ever generation challenge with her and she's had a special place in his heart cause of it
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Ryomen Sukuna
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🎮A little too happy with the extreme violence mod
🎮Sukuna is here to fuck shit up- you can not tell me other wise.
🎮His sim has an artist sim painting locked in the basement that sells painting for the main sim to get money. His sim has romanced and ruined half the town and physically fought the rest.
🎮He genuinely plays to see how much chaos he can cause, and has mods to help him do it. extreme violence, life tragedy, fuck it- wicked whims he wants to see the world burn.
🎮He has all the DLC but that's because he pirated it- which is very cool and sexy of him.
🎮Have you ever seen a kid play with their barbies? The ones that are maybe a lil traumatized and have their dolls going through some of the most insane shit? Kidnapping, drug abuse, domestic violence, murder!
🎮Thats how Sukuna plays sims. You walk in and the house he's playin in is on fire and he's just contently watching as he sips his tea
🎮He doesn't play very often, but when he does he binges it. He gets on for hours at a time, then he doesn't touch it for months
🎮I will say, he does have a special place in his heart for Gregg. A monster that the town fears and hates who attacks on sight? That guy gets it.
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🎮He is what Gojo wishes he was.
🎮Choso has so many successful generations challenges under his belt it's not even funny. He's never played a rags to riches game he didn't knock out of the park.
🎮The only challenge he won't do it the hundred baby challenge. Too personal.
🎮He honestly gets pretty attached to his sims, which is natural all things considered, and is genuinely a little bummed when they die. Oh well, onto the next.
🎮He's pretty bad at naming his sims, so he just lets random take the wheel. Or he lets one of his brothers name them. That's how he got his favorite sim: Giznap Lee Macintosh Bartholomew the Third.
🎮He also has all of the DLC but that's because, like Sukuna, he pirated it. Which is very cool and sexy of him.
🎮As far as mods go- he's never really felt the need to get any of them other than CC. Basemental Drugs maybe- but for the most part he's not super into script mods.
🎮His favorite townie is Bella Goth, but that's because he's been playing this game since Sims 2 and has been following her lore. Oh, you didn't know the sims had lore? It does and it's fucking insane. Bella goth caused Sims 4 to break off into an alternate timeline from the main games- no I'm not kidding
🎮He plays the game mostly in the background while he does other things- like reading or drawing. He is a brave man
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dokidokitsuna · 16 days
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O.R.C.A.’s Directory
(Finally coming back to this concept after several months ^^;)
O.R.C.A. in #re_rise doesn’t just run Alterna in the background and give you orders– it’s a system you interact with regularly as the player; a database that facilitates your adventure and keeps track of your accomplishments. It is accessed through terminals placed at key spots on each site, which you have to find, activate, and physically walk to if you want to use them.
Most of the contents of the Menu (except the Sunken Scrolls) are now consolidated into O.R.C.A., along with a few bonus features~
Alterna Archive: Basically the Alterna Logs– all the information about Alterna’s history, from creation to collapse (referencing my rewritten version of this backstory, of course). As you clear lab spaces with different weapons, earn Golden Eggs, activate terminals, collect Nostalgic Devices, etc., the files will be decrypted line by line. Basically, anything that contributes to your percent completion of the game will count towards this…so just enjoy Alterna the way you like, and you’ll eventually reveal the entire archive without too much extra effort. ^^ This story is O.R.C.A.’s gift to you; your reward for reawakening its home.
Lab Notebook: Notes written by the ‘mysterious researcher’ currently working in Alterna, earned in order from newest to oldest, so we can gradually learn what the Fuzzy Ooze is and why he made it, as well as his origin story and true identity (in his own words~). These replace ‘Log.exe’ from the actual game. Lab notes are found by reaching computers hidden within the lab spaces, kinda like the Power Egg packs. They are purposely placed in the more challenging spaces, and you must clear the space in order to take the note with you– if you wanna learn the main antagonist’s secrets, you gotta put in the work. ^^
Wellness File: Records of Neo Agent 3’s responses to the environment, once you obtain the biometric monitor in Cryogenic Hopetown (more on that later). This is essentially an account of how the player character is feeling at each point in the story– a new entry will be created after each encounter with a major character (Deep Cut, the King Salmonids, the Squid Sisters, etc.) or a particularly interesting Alterna landmark. ;)
Nostalgia Index: List of all the Nostalgic Devices you’ve collected, which Alterna citizens they belonged to, and what they used them for. The citizens’ names are redacted, but you do get to learn a bit about the different kinds of people who lived in Alterna, and connect with them through the items they left behind.
Skill Tree: Basically the same as the in-game version, minus the Hero Shot buffs– in #re_rise you don’t get the Hero Shot until you gain the Hero Gear in the last stretch of the game. Instead you borrow from weapons’ lockers placed around Alterna…meaning you can carry the weapon of your choice as you explore each site, offering you a wider variety of strategies to use on those balloon challenges, for instance. ^^ But I digress…
Camera Roll: One of the Nostalgic Devices you can find is a digital camera, and once you’ve obtained it, you can take pictures with it and upload them to the terminal (as well as your regular photo gallery, when you’re back on the surface). The Alterna Camera comes with its own special filters, and characters you aim it at will pose for you. ^^ This feature is basically just for funzies, but if you can snap a picture of that large figure lurking in the shadows, you’ll earn a special clothing item.
Messages: Occasionally you will receive mysterious messages, warning you with increasing severity to stay out of their laboratory (and bring back their golden eggs…sure sounds familiar). Are these warnings for their sake or for yours…?
Map: Even the site maps are only accessible through the terminals, they’re not available whenever. Maybe that would be a controversial choice…but I think it’d be okay in this instance, since (a) the Alterna islands are pretty small, and (b) I’ve invented a fun system that might help– the Sticker Beakons! ^^
Around Alterna, you can find Sticker Sheets with 3 Sticker Beakons each, to place and replace wherever you want on any island. They shine like actual beacons so you can use them to navigate while you wander around on foot, and once you reach a terminal you can jump to them like normal Squid Beakons. They come in different shapes and designs like the stickers from Hotlantis, and double as actual stickers you can place on your locker, once you’ve found them in Alterna. ^^
I feel like forcing the player to walk around is more forgivable when you give them something cute and customizable like this to play with. :D If you want to use all 18 Sticker Beakons on one island at a time because you’re super directionally-challenged, you can. If you want to use them to simply mark your favorite Alterna landmarks so you can jump to them easily, you can do that too. 
Maybe as a compromise, I might add a ‘Return to Nearest Terminal’ option in the Menu…but I think encouraging the player to get out there and actively explore can’t hurt. Part of my philosophy with this re-concept is to make Alterna an interesting place that the player would WANT to explore, and all these added collectibles are part of that.
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So I saw these gifs from Dolce, and it made me realize that Hannibal was still wearing his wedding ring from his "marriage" with Bedelia while he's killing Will and I had a flurry of thoughts about the implications of their rings in season 3.
Hannibal could've taken it off right after he and Bedelia said their goodbyes, but that would've ruined the façade when he went out. And he didn't really have a way of knowing Will was going to meet him in the art gallery. He could've assumed that after his altercation with Jack, Will would not be far behind, but he didn't know when specifically it would be, so the idea of him taking it off before Will gets to the art gallery isn't really plausible.
But he had that heartfelt (in their own way) conversation with Will in the gallery, picked him up out of the street after he was shot, tended to his wounds, drugged him, probably bathed him or at the very least redressed him, made him soup, and fed him with the intention of it being Will's last meal, where Hannibal would finally express the true extent of his love for him by killing and cannibalizing him, and he wore his wedding ring that ties him to Bedelia through all of it.
How fucked up is that, that even in that moment where (once more through violence) Hannibal is finally allowing Will (as drugged as he is) to see all of his cards, he still can't be bothered to entirely remove his person suit even when they're the only two people in the room?
Do you think that's part of why Will is so bitchy to Bedelia? Because he's not completely unaware while Hannibal is doing all of this to him, and with that shred of awareness, maybe he remembered that detail just like he remembered things after his encephalitis was treated. And he's jealous. He's angry, at himself for ruining what could've been if he hadn't lied all those years ago, and at Bedelia, for stealing the position next to Hannibal, the love and time and companionship she got to share with Hannibal that should've belonged to Will. He's angry that even in that moment where he was barely lucid, it was his, it was theirs, and other people (Bedelia, Jack, Mason, Alana) still couldn't keep their mark off that moment.
Do you think that's part of why Will is wearing his wedding ring at the cliffside? Will's intentions are all jumbled at this point. With him telling Bedelia he doesn't intend for Hannibal to be caught a second time, and him telling Jack that Dr. Lecter is just bait for the Dragon, and when Hannibal asks Will if he intends to watch the Dragon kill him, Will's response is "I intend to watch him change you" it seems pretty clear that Will intends for Francis and Hannibal to murder each other and for him to walk away and go back to his (boring, fake, necessary) picket-fence life with his wife and child and all their dogs. But then you throw in the wrench of "Is Hannibal in love with me?" and "I'd pack my bags if I were you, Bedelia. Meat's back on the menu" and "Name the bait on your hook after someone you cherished" versus "Hannibal would be the best bait."
I don't think Will truly made his decision about what he wanted to happen, or what he thought should happen, until he was standing on the bluff that afternoon before the fight with Francis. I think he wore the ring up until that point because he was unsure if he'd be going back to Molly or not, but also, much like Hannibal in the art gallery, marital status at that point was irrelevant; it was about the façade. And I think Will kept it on that day, and into the evening and during the fight with the Dragon because he was still hurt and jealous and angry and vindictive, and he wanted Hannibal to be unsure.
He remembered that moment, that near death of his at Hannibal's hands, that couldn't be wholly, intimately theirs because of that band of metal on Hannibal's finger, and now he finds himself on another precipice of life and death, except it's Hannibal's mortality at risk, with Will sending him to a sacrificial altar, and Will wants him to worry, that Will is going to deny them both their greatest fantasies, death at each other's own hands, not by proxy or fate or accident, because maybe, just maybe, he's going to go back to Molly.
I think in both cases, the rings signify power over the other, but also the endless pursuit of the one they love while being terrified to reach out and thusly resigning themselves to a safety net, a loving wife, a façade.
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deusvervewrites · 2 months
Because I know you want to. Please describe the Phantom Thieves Genre and how the P5 Phantom Thieves aren't.
Okay... they're not not phantom thieves, but a lot of the things they do with the genre are... more like nods to the larger genre at best. Obviously a genre is not a checklist of tropes but a conversation with previous works, but the general format of a phantom thief work involves:
The Phantom Thief: Obviously. The main character. A guile hero who uses their wits to perform impossible heists and plays with the antagonists trying to stop them, from the police to individual targets of their crimes, to...
The Inspector Rival: The sympathetic detective antagonist trying to catch the phantom thief in the act and bring them to justice for all that overdramatic criminal activity what they've done.
Phantom Thief stories are generally battles of wit between these two forces, clashing in a final gambit during each heist. The Calling Card is a genre staple for a reason: it shows how confident the PT is and gives the IR a chance to know about the crime in advance so they can arrive to interfere.
PTs also generally overlap with the Gentleman Thief archetype, which was largely defined (alongside many other related tropes) by Maurice Leblanc's character Aresene Lupin. These names should be extremely familiar to any P5 players.
The problem is that Persona 5 is a dungeon crawling JRPG. The dramatic heists take place entirely in a cognitive world against Shin Megami Tensei's rogues gallery. There's no dramatic escape from police pursuit or outmaneuvering of an equally brilliant detective.
Speaking of the detective, why exactly do you think Akechi is there? He's meant to be the Inspector Rival, but, uh. Hm. He doesn't really do much rivaling until very late in the game, because again, cognitive world.
As a result of the cognitive world dungeons, the Calling Cards, the heist planning, the trickery and clever planning... it all comes across like the theme park ride of a phantom thief story. It's almost surface level. There are interesting thoughts about the phantom thief genre-- like taking the commonly-applied supernatural elements and making that the focus of their thefts like D.N. Angel on steroids, and Akechi's narrative role--but overall, they're performing showmanship for an audience of no one and without much in the way of human opposition until like halfway through the game
It's pretty notable that Persona 5 Tactica basically changed nothing about how the Phantom Thieves operate despite the fact that they aren't stealing anything
Recommended reading: D.N. Angel, Magic Kaito/Kaitou Kid's Cameo Appearances in Case Closed, Aresene Lupin, Leverage, Sly Cooper.
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thatsrightice · 2 months
Hiiiiiiii <3
Could you possibly please reply with a few of your favourite photos that you've found on the 100th's website? Thank you so muchhh :)
Okokokokok I’m so excited to share these because a lot of them are so good.
I love these three so much because they feel like they were taken by professional photographers. Like these are computer wallpapers someone made or images you’d see in a calendar. Literally stunning.
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This picture feels staged. I’ll say it a lot with these pictures, but the composition is so good it’s insane. It’s giving Top Gun with the sunglasses (which is maybe why I like it?) but I just think this belongs in a gallery or something.
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This feels like a renaissance painting. Like actually. The painting in the background definitely helps, but it’s giving Knights of the Round Table vibes, you know? I love this picture so so so much.
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It’s how the man on the left has his arm draped around his shoulder, resting on the middle man’s chest. With how the middle man is holding the newspaper while leaning back into the embrace, we can tell that this is just so natural for them. It looks like they’ve been sitting like this for hours and could be sitting like that for hours more. And the middle man is poking the man on the right, who is also leaning back against the man in the middle, maybe to show him something he saw in the newspaper? It’s just so intimate, and I’m soooo happy for them even if it is entirely platonic.
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A very candid shot. Makes me feel like we were robbed of a volleyball montage a la Top Gun. I feel like Buck and Bucky would be a killer in duos or maybe a trio with Biddick as their setter? Anyway, I just enjoy pictures of the boys living their lives and enjoying themselves, because who knows how many of them made it home.
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It’s silly and goofy and fun. It may just be the fact that I tend to sit everywhere but in an actual chair, but I think that looks like a very comfy spot to sit. I’m not sure why I like it so much, I just do :)
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The composition of this picture is pure gold. I’m specifically referring to the way the empty chair in the middle is slightly askew and paired with how candid it feels, it’s amazing. Photographers could spend ages trying to stage photos that look like this and still not get it right. It may seem boring but pictures like this are my favorite.
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Of course I need to include one of my boy, Croz. He’s not in a lot of pictures in the later years of the war which makes this one pretty special in my opinion. You can tell that he’s such a central figure in navigation without knowing who he is, like you just know that he’s the guy™️. I love this picture so much, it’s my go-to when I talk about the impact he made on the 100th BG.
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Zuko & Azula: Eyes
I was checking out the Avatar arts in my gallery, and then I found the old collages that I made:
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Zuko indeed looks a ton like Ozai here. And I made this collage to point out how similar they are in appearance.
However, then I realized how their eyes are completely different.
Yeah, Zuko has light golden eyes like Ozai. Yet his eye shape is very different from his father's.
As you can see better in this one:
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Again, they're looking pretty similar (No sh*t Sherlock, almost like they're related!)
Yet, their eyes are very different.
Zuko's eyes are larger, rounder, and much softer compared to Ozai's.
And it isn't only his eyes, his eyebrows are different as well. Zuko's eyebrows are comparatively softer and s shaped whereas Ozai's are longer and hard angled.
And apart from that, Zuko's hairline also comes softer on his forehead. Ozai has a very visible widow's peak.
But, do you know who has sharp eyes, hard-angeled eyebrows and a visible widow's peak like Ozai?
Duh! Here's your answer:
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(They look nearly identical here tho. Eh, genetics)
-"V" shaped hairline? Checked✅
-Long, hard-angeled eyebrows? Checked✅
-Sharp eyes that could puncture a hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship and leave thousands to drown at sea? Also checked✅
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Despite looking pretty similar to Ursa, Azula inherited Ozai's sharper features.
And speaking of Ursa, let's compare her eyes to her children's too!
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As you can see, Ursa has a darker shade of gold in her eyes, which she and Azula have in common.
But despite sharing the same dark golden/amber eye color, Ursa and Azula's eye shapes are completely different.
Ursa's eyes are larger, rounder and softer, just like Zuko's. And her eyebrows are s shaped too, also like Zuko's except she thins it.
So, what's the point of this entire eye comparing?
I do believe there's symbolism involved, that is why.
->Sharp eyes are often associated with serious, intimidating personalities. Which suits Ozai and Azula's characters very well.
->And as a contrast, soft eyes are often associated with kindness and innocence. Which also suits Ursa and Zuko's characters.
->So Azula's sharper features symbolizes how she inherited her father's personality. And it makes it clear he was the parent that she was closer to.
->It's the same case for Zuko. He inherited his mother's personality. And it clears the fact that he always felt closer to his mother.
But... What about eye colors?
I'm not sure if there was a symbolism going on with the fair gold or brownish gold eyes since Fire Nation people seem to have both.
Sozin, Ozai and Zuko have light ones. Iroh, Ursa and Azula have dark ones. Zhao is somewhat in the middle, not too light nor dark.
However, I do think there's a symbolism with the shades based on the parent-child relationships:
-> Zuko has Ozai's eye color. So whenever he looked in a mirror, he saw his father's disapproval.
-> Azula has Ursa's eye color. So whenever she looked in a mirror, she was her mother's judgement.
At the end, their eyes were a constant reminder to the Fire kids that they were disappointments to their parents.
But their parents' disappointment is not something they could fix. Because Ursa and Ozai were polar opposites as parents.
-> Ursa valued kindness and compassion.
-> Ozai considered kindness and compassion as weaknesses.
-> Ozai appreciated ruthlessness and cruelty.
-> Ursa disliked ruthlessness and cruelty.
-> Ozai praised brutality and despised mercy.
-> Ursa despised brutality and praised mercy.
-> Ursa seemed to favor Zuko, because he had a gentle heart.
-> Ozai hated Zuko because he had a gentle heart.
-> Ozai favored Azula because she was a firebending prodigy.
-> Ursa neglected Azula because she already had her father's approval.
The list goes on but I think I made my point.
Doesn't matter what Zuko and Azula would do, they were doomed to be accepted by one parent and disapproved by the other.
Basically, darned if they do and darned if they don't.
So at the end, Azula and Zuko didn't have much choice other than choosing a certain side.
Zuko chose love and kindness, like his mother. Which is symbolically portrayed with his softer features.
Azula chose fear and violence, like her father. Which is symbolically portrayed with her sharper features.
Yet, whatever they do, they're destined to live with the eyes of their parents who didn't accept them. They will see their parents' judgement 'till the end of their days...
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Hello. I hope I am not being tactless, but I'd like to point out something about your article about the treatment of Chloe. To me it is pretty obvious from the author's words that he did answer your question. "Why did he bother with a false redemption arc? " To show she HAD a chance but refused it. That is what makes a bad person - they had a good opportunity to be otherwise. You make it look like he said people don't change, but he didn't, he said to change you need to want it and work on it.
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(The post this anon is referring to)
Don't worry, I'm not upset at all. You were nothing but cordial in expressing your opinion, and even though I personally don't agree with your take, I still appreciate your composure.
I don't think the idea with Chloe deconstructing the whole redemption stuff isn't a bad idea. The problem was that for the most part, it seemed like because so much time was being invested in it, it seemed like it was going somewhere, only to just go back on it for the sake of a cheap plot twist. You could have easily told this story by having Chloe be punished for what she did in "Queen Wasp", teaching kids that powers don't make the hero.
Even putting my feelings about the character aside, Chloe is basically irrelevant as a villain, and adds nothing to the show's rogues' gallery. Lila has already been established as a greater threat to both Marinette and Ladybug, and Felix has a deeper connection to Adrien than Chloe. It just makes you wonder why they even made her a villain if she's not even going to be an important one in the grand scheme of things. She's not even the fun kind of villain, as the writers focus so much on having her rant about how she's the worst person in existence, she doesn't have any charm compared to other villains like Hexadecimal or Harley Quinn.
As for the abuse thing, I was mainly referring to how Astruc compared Chloe's fans to people who try to justify abuse. He seriously compared fans thinking a fictional character who could have had better writing is the same as trying to excuse an abusive partner.
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Again, the lesson they're trying to teach with Chloe isn't a bad one, but it's the execution, coupled with Astruc constantly mocking people online for daring to get invested in one of the few character arcs in the entire show, that really gets to me. They set up an interesting character arc, went back on it just for a plot twist, and as far as I can tell, didn't really have a plan for Chloe as a character other than "comic relief who nobody likes".
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rustyregion · 9 months
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Hey, do you guys remember that one time Miraculous did something decent?
Look, I don’t want to be mean but ffs, the Shattered Dreams AU is abhorrently bitter when it comes to how it treats its characters that I’ve just decided to do a bunch of mental gymnastics and completely modify how the personalities work in the multiverse’s own rules because I want to look at this AU with anything other than confusion. Also, before anything, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone else can’t, this is my opinion
I’m extremely pissed at Nightmare’s portrayal here, because it not only makes him incredibly inconsistent, but it also makes passive Nightmare seem like more of an ass than the original corrupted fucking Nightmare. All this just because you need him to change teams. Making Passive and Corrupted the same being while simultaneously keeping the relationship with Dream pretty much the same (ergo, being the best brothers ever and later being mortal enemies on only one end) is ridiculously damaging to how Nightmare is as a whole because my guy cannot learn a lesson until his brother essentially kills his sanity for him. Also if you gave that much of a shit about Dream from day 1 then why the hell were you trying to kill him until the second apple incident?
So,, since we’re taking extremely dark tropes here I decided that I want Shattered to act childish and make him believe that damaging everything he has been protecting until now is the only way for Nightmare to like him. The whole inconsistency with the apples I would fix by doing the exact same as the original, but Dream eats a golden apple instead. We literally have no information (specially back then) about what the inverse apple incident would look like,, so just say the golden apples had the same goddamn effect but with positivity and make Shattered a personality that’s not your average emo classmate from middle school. To fix Nightmare you have to rewrite the entire timeline, so just leave him like that but make him a redemption arc or just let everyone know the hypocritical cunt he is idk. Anything but make him revert back to square 1 with no consequences please
I’m done talking about this multiverse and I really don’t want anyone to hate on the creator of it, because this was obviously not made with malicious intentions. That being said, it also doesn’t make it immune to criticism. Nothing is,not even me, but criticism isn’t equal to hatedumping and honestly, if you have any arguments in favor of this multiverse PLEASE let me know because I really want to like it. (Plus most of the problems I have with it comes from the fanon Nightmare not the AU itself but whatever)
Dreamtale belongs to JokuBlog
Shattered Dreams MV belongs to Galacii-Gallery (I think?)
The original scene is from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and ChatNoir (Shadybug Special)
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antisocialmastermind · 2 months
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Chapter 3
Day 3: IORHNRE= hornier, hire
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 (on Ao3)
Kurt wakes up hornier than usual. Apparently his ego has not seen fit to share last night’s humiliating memo with his dick. Or maybe he went to sleep with Elliott too much on his mind. Either way, he’s hungover, regretful, mortified, and apparently really needs to get laid. By someone other than Elliott. 
Who, annoyingly, seems completely unaffected by the whole awkward incident. 
Kurt stumbles into the kitchen to find his roommate singing into a spatula, shaking his ass, and plating his patented pancake breakfast sandwiches. 
“Oh my god, I think I love you,” Kurt mumbles, looking for the syrup, and Elliott looks up with a grin.
“But only platonically, right?”
Hungover Kurt is always a little vulnerable – the surface of his skin an exuberance of tesselating cracks that weaken his wit and self-confidence. He blinks and snaps, “Over it.” 
Elliott considers him for the briefest of seconds before he tosses a hash brown patty onto each plate and slides one plate across the counter. “Good,” he says. “Me, too. Eat some grease.” 
And that’s it.
They eat side-by-side at the counter as they usually do. Kurt does the dishes and makes a shopping list. Elliott’s near the window working charcoal into a canvas. He’s not satisfied with the play of light over Kurt’s cheekbones. He’s working from a photo, so Kurt’s presence isn't required.
Kurt takes advantage of Elliott’s deep concentration to look at him for too long, then slips into his room and closes the door. Lying on his bed, he thinks about last night, about the last eight months. He loves Elliott. He really does. But does he love him that way? Maybe he’s just missing a relationship in his life. It’s been a while, after all. 
He doesn’t cry. It hurts, but he doesn’t cry. That, more than anything, tells him he’ll get through this. 
They go to look at the gallery space in the afternoon. Elliott’s pace gets bouncier and quicker as they get closer, and even Kurt’s grinning like a loon by the time they step through the glass door into the cool, dim interior.
Elliott walks Kurt through the space, explaining how he’s hired someone to remove appliances and make the kitchen smaller. They’ll keep the refrigerator, one counter, and the industrial sink and dishwasher since they’ll be handy for artists’ receptions. That half of the kitchen will become the in-house studio. 
“The rest of the kitchen’s gonna be gutted and walled off,” Elliot explains. “Gives us more gallery space. And there are bathrooms of course, and an office already…” 
The office is little more than a closet with a desk and chair, but that’s all they’ll really need. The floor is a gorgeous tobacco wood, highly varnished, and the walls, Elliot says, will be white. 
“You need modular display panels,” Kurt declares as he turns a circle in the center of the large space. “Easier than repairing the walls every time the show changes, and it’ll give you much more surface area.”
“See?” Elliott grins, “This is why I need you. So much more than a pretty face.”
Kurt feels heat creep up his neck and over his face and turns to the window.
“Good natural light,” he continues, and mentally congratulates himself for not missing a beat. Elliott just says these things. He’s always been flirty, but he knows now and it’s just awkward for Kurt to ignore the elephant between them. But he does his best. “You’ll still need good fixtures. Cool light with the amount of contemporary work you’ll be showing. Rail lighting, maybe. In stainless steel, not black.”
Elliott grins again, but he doesn’t say anything, and Kurt breathes a tiny sigh of relief. He can do this.
He can’t do this.
How is he supposed to get some clarity and get over this when Elliott’s always just there? 
Kurt switches his night shift for a day shift on Thursdays, when Elliott DJs at The Duplex. He loses tips but gains an entire day where he doesn't see Elliott at all. He accepts Justin and Michael’s dinner invitation even though Elliott can’t make it. Sometimes he goes out with Chandler for drinks or to catch a movie – but he has to be careful there because he thinks maybe Chandler has a crush on him. And that’s not happening. 
He watches Elliott with their friends. He’s maybe extra flirty with Sebastian, but he’s most calm and down to earth with Kurt. He’s happy and flirty and genuine and wacky with everyone. That’s just who he is, and Kurt wouldn’t change him if he could. 
As weeks pass and the gallery opening gets closer, Kurt feels better. He’s still a little hung up, but he’s got some perspective now, and he’s about ready to move on. He’s also busy. So that helps.
He’s getting pieces ready to hang for the opening and he’s helping Elliott choose light fixtures and wine glasses and restroom decor. He’s at the restaurant six out of seven days. He’s doing this. He’s doing it.
It’s a Tuesday evening a few weeks out when Elliott pokes his head around Kurt’s bedroom door and says “Hey. Can I talk to you?”
Elliott sits Kurt down on the sofa looking serious and thoughtful. Kurt’s heart is jumping like a rabbit in his chest. 
“How involved do you want to be, Kurt?” Elliott asks softly.
Oh my god, this is it. He’s changed his mind. Kurt’s eyes flood instantly and his pulse, impossibly, quickens. He might vibrate off the couch and onto the floor.
“Um. What?” Kurt mumbles. 
“Well, I mean, do you just want to show your work? Do you want an attendant position? I can’t pay much just yet – it’ll mostly be me working there – but you’re hired if you want to be.” He smiles at Kurt. “Do you want to maybe think about buying in? Being my partner? What do you see yourself doing?”
Kurt almost laughs at the irony in Elliott’s words. He pretty much wants the fucking sofa to swallow him whole. It doesn’t. He smiles, a little shakily, and sighs. 
“For now,” he says, “I want to show. In the future, I’ll probably want more, but right now, I’m just. Not ready.”
“Okay,” Elliot replies. “Let me know when you are.”
“I definitely will,” Kurt says, clasping Elliott’s shoulder. 
He goes to bed. 
Chapter 4
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
(01) Levi Fontana - First Trial (DRDT-Milgram AU)
Hey there! We’re officially starting the First trial, and it’s Levi’s turn! With his Voice Drama: Minimalism, and his Music Video (concept): Torn Stitches! As well as the voting at the end (I'm using Tumblr one week polls to not overcomplicate things). I’ve decided (for now at least) not to do post-MV interrogation questions because… I don’t know what to do with them? They would just be a bunch of headcanons for the most part, so I don’t think they would be too important. I might make them later, but not now. 
Anyways. Below is a vague, not entirely serious attempt at a thumbnail for this "video" (ID in alt text). The sprite is from the official gallery of course. 
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CW murder and blood (description of a fight). Not afiliated with either DRDT or Milgram.
One clarification I should have probably made in Undercover: all of these prisoner’s backstories are set in the US, because that’s where the DRDT characters are from (minus possibly Teruko). This isn’t really important for Levi, but it may come up later so.
Also another thing I forgot! The idea for this AU came from this post by sunlit-haru! Thanks for the brainrot buddy!
Voice Drama - Minimalism
(Keep in mind this Es’ personality isn’t the same as canon, but rather it’s loosely based on a certain DRDT character)
Es: [Upbeat voice] Hello, Prisoner Number 01! It’s nice to meet you. 
Levi: Hm… Interesting. The uniform is designed to impose a sense of authority, that much is clear from the cape and the hat. The dark clothing enhances the effect, with the gloves-
E: Uh… what?
L: Oh! Apologies. Your outfit is quite intriguing, and… well, observing that kind of thing is a bit of a nervous habit of mine. 
E: Uh… huh. Well, that’s… nice! *Shuffling* Do you like it? It’s a bit more dramatic than what I’d usually wear, but I guess it’s fitting.
L: Oh? What is it you usually wear?
E: …
L: Warden?
E: Oh! Just call me Es! What’s your name, anyways? It would be kinda awkward to just keep calling you Zero One or something. 
L: … Oh. Right, where are my manners? Levi Fontana, a pleasure.
E: Nice to meet you Levi! Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? 
L: Well… I’m XX* years old. I work as a personal stylist in a pretty large company. Uh, I’ve lived alone for a while now, and, uh...
*(Note: DRDT characters are all of an unspecified, adult college age. Understand Levi is saying a number here, I’m just not committing to a specific age)
E: …
L: …
E: …And?
L: Well, not much else. I’m not a very interesting person, I apologize.
E: No, no! That’s all very interesting! But, well, there’s… how do I put this. There’s something in particular I was hoping you'd bring up? Something I feel we… kinda have to talk about?
L: Is that so?
E: Well… this is an interrogation, you know? And here in Milgram, there is a particular aspect of your life that we’re sorta more interested in, you see.
L: Oh, the murder?
E: … Yes, the murder. 
L: I imagined. You have mentioned everyone in this prison is a killer, yes? That TV-cat thing has repeated the same a few times.
E: [Oddly serious] It’s a dog, actually. 
L: … Really?
E: *Clears throat* Like you said, all of you have taken lives. Interrogating these situations is the fundamental purpose of Milgram. 
L: I see. And you know we are murderers without a shadow of a doubt? I would find that quite impressive.
E: Milgram has deigned you murderers, and I have full faith it is right in its assessment. 
L: Very well. In that case, yes, I am a murderer. 
E: … Just like that?
L: Well, yes. I killed someone. That makes a murderer, does it not? 
E: Uh, yeah, but… you seem oddly calm about this.
L: Am I? I suppose this is not quite how most people would confess to murder. But if I’m frank, I cannot bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did. 
E: Oh! That’s… huh.
L: …
E: I mean, why? Why do you not regret it? Surely killing someone is something no one would ever want to do, right?
L: Perhaps that’s how you view it, but… well. The person I killed had to die. It’s as simple as that. 
E: … Well, that’s a- That’s a pretty simplistic view, which is fine, I suppose. Isn’t that a bit cold-hearted, though?
L: I have been told that, yes. Hm... I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves.
E: Huh? I don’t think… Wait, why is that your first instinct?
L: Oh? Well… I have never been very good with my emotions. It’s usually better if I simply act the way normal people act. 
E: That doesn’t sound healthy.
L: Perhaps. It… hasn’t always worked out very well. I thought if I acted more like my family… ah, I probably shouldn’t talk about that kind of thing.
E: Hm?
L: Yeah, ignore that. 
E: Uh, if you say so... But that’s still quite a bit to unpack there. 
L: Is it? 
E: *sigh* Alright, listen. I have a lot to say about… that, but we have only a limited amount of time, and I still don’t know anything about your murder. 
L: Hm.
E: Look, Levi. I am not here to merely condemn you for what you’ve done. I am here to decide if you are Forgiven or Unforgiven. But as of now, I have little to make that judgement. If you just explain what happened, I'm sure you'll be able to convince me to Forgive- augh!
*Chair being pushed, something falls*
L: Es? 
E: Ugh- *Shuffling noises* Stand down. I am fine. 
L: Are… you certain?
E: [Noticeably more serious] As I was saying. To make a proper judgement, I must be deeply aware of the intricacies of your crime. Explain yourself. 
L: Wait. Why did you just-?
E: Irrelevant. Zero One, explain yourself.
L: … Alright, I suppose? But unfortunately, it is probably for the best if I refrain from speaking of my crime. 
E: What- What do you mean, Levi?
L: I am… not good with words, either. I fear by attempting to explain myself, I will only make things worse. From what I understand, you will be able to see directly into my mind? I believe that would be the best way for you to truly understand what I’ve done.
E: Really? You know you won’t have control of what’s shown, right? For all you know, it could show things as worse than they actually are! Don’t you want to clarify things now that you can?
L: You speak as if I have full control of my words. Frankly, I fear that my temper might flare up if… if I think about that piece of shit for too long. 
E: !
L: Oh, apologies! I did not mean to... *sigh* See what I mean?
E: Oh! No, you just… startled me is all. Why don’t you tell me more about this, uh, piece of… the person you’re talking about?
L: …
E: …Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me?
L: Ah. Apologies. That anger was not directed at you. As I said, it is difficult for me to talk about… about him without growing angry. And that’s- that’s something I have been trying to work on.
E: I… see. That’s a shame. 
L: It is not important. I have always been of the opinion that actions define people better than words ever could, especially when it comes to me. That video will probably show you the circumstances of my crime much better than I ever could.
E: Hm… I understand! But, without knowing what it’s going to show, aren’t you worried I might not Forgive you for it?
L: Hm… If I am frank, I do not yet know how to feel about this… Forgiveness you speak of.
E: Oh?
L: Well, I believe I did the right thing. I am not sure your words would change my mind. So, I am not worried about what you think of me. 
E: Uh… do you even know what happens if you’re not Forgiven?
L: I do not. Can I ask what the consequences are?
E: …
L: … Do you… not know either?
E: I mean, it could be pretty bad, you know? 
L: That’s not very convincing-
*Machinery whirs*
L: Hm?
E: Oh. Looks like we ran out of time. The extraction machine is starting. 
L: I see. 
E: *sigh* Very well! I’ll keep your words in mind! Let’s see what your actions say about what kind of person you are.
L: I suppose that would be fair. 
E: In that case. 
Prisoner 01, Levi Fontana: sing your sins!
(Oh wow I actually wrote a full VD. I mean, I think it's shorter than normal VDs, but I ain’t writing all that. Hope that was good enough)
Trial 1 Cover: Panda Hero by HACHI
(Because I am unburdened by the laws of the land (copyright), I can give these people any song to cover I want! Hehe. I’ll keep it Vocaloid only, you know, for fun. Probably imagine the covers in English, since the songs in the MVs are written to work in English)
Music Video - Torn Stitches
(So obviously I’m not going to actually make a song, I am not a musician to any extent, but I will make lyrics. Text between brackets is explaining what’s going on musically. Text in parenthesis are author’s note. Text in italics and citation thingy are lyrics. The rest is a description of the video)
(Also because no one has to animate this I get to go a little wild hehe)
The video opens on a shot of Levi with a black background, wearing a plain white shirt, leggings and shoes, standing with a hand on his chin and his eyes closed. He’s surrounded by clothes racks full of similar white shirts. The shot widens through a doorway, showing the room Levi is standing in is lit up by bright blue lights, and its floor is made up of white tiles (like the thumbnail room). A small sign is visible over the doorway. It reads “For self-expression.”
[Drumsticks are hit against each other as an opener. The classic “1, 2, 3, 4”]
Levi opens his eyes. On beat with the drumsticks, the lighting in the room changes around him, along with the sign on the door.
Orange lighting fills the room as the sign reads “Streetwear.” There are several shirts and pants spread across the ground.
Then it’s red lighting alongside “For the family.” Mannequins (like the ones you'd find at clothes stores) without clothes surround Levi.
Purple lighting, “Work clothes.” Desks replace the mannequins. 
Finally, it switches back to blue with the “For self-expression” sign. 
[The music kicks in fully. Imagine… Oh it is hard to describe music when you know nothing about it huh? Just- vaguely punk rock, somewhat fast paced. Metaphorically, it sounds like someone’s anger boiling just under their skin. Think of the beginning of Kotoko’s cover of Anti-Beat extended across most of the song. Does that even fit the genre I said? I have no idea]
Still with blue light, there’s a shot of his back as he quickly puts on the light blue polo shirt he wears in canon. A pop-up appears, pointing at it with text reading:
Blue Polo Shirt
Casual, simple, pragmatic. The color could speak of a calm and reliable person, but it may come off as too cold by itself.
Next, a shot of his hand as he puts on a black fingerless glove.
Black Gloves
Stylish accessory which signifies a person of action. Black is easy to combine with other colors for good aesthetics. 
We see the top half of Levi’s body as he walks forward, a title card appearing to fill up time. The camera focuses on his feet, wearing black boots, as he steps though the door. It lingers for another pop-up to appear.
Black Boots
Stylish. Useful for people who walk a hard path.
[The music slows down to let the lyrics take center stage. Again, I’m sorta using Anti-Beat as a basis]
The sun rises in the East, But I can feel none of its warmth.
We’re still in the same room as before, except the lighting has changed to orange. Levi looks at several blank mannequins wearing different clothes and facing different ways. The shot focuses on three of them, and pop-ups appear for their clothes.
Light Green Dress
A welcoming color that may be worn by a friendly, calm person.
Yellow Shirt
A warm and happy color. The user might be going through a joyous moment of their life.
Blue Denim Shorts
Simple, safe choice, for someone who may pay attention to their appearance, but doesn’t think about it too much.
Black Tank Top
Sporty, good for athletic people. Safe choice, but may sometimes represent someone’s despair.
White Shorts
Perfect for going on a run in the warmer parts of the year.
It switches to another two.
Pink Dress
Simple and upbeat. Good for more cutesy aesthetics.
Orange Shirt
Warm, inviting, happy. Incidentally, it’s a complementary color to blue.
It’s hard for a heart to beat, (I) When it is frozen as a rock (II)
(I) The lighting changes to purple as we get a front-facing shot of Levi walking past a desk. A mannequin sits on the other side, and a pop-up appears on its clothes.
Suit and Tie
Professional, but uncomfortable. This particular user really needs the work, but they do not like it.
(II) Then, we see him next to another mannequin. Levi is staring at this one, which is facing a clothes rack. A pop-up appears on its clothes, but also on a green hoodie in the clothes rack.
Neon Yellow Hoodie
Apologies, this one is too hideous to analyze.
Light Green Hoodie
They’re going to pick this one. It’s better for their aesthetic.
We get a close-up of Levi sighing.
[The music begins building up, with fast drum beats in between lyrics. The lyrics themselves are quick and abrupt]
I have to make it work
Now with red lighting, Levi is sitting at a table, eating spaghetti. He’s no longer wearing gloves.
Next to him sit two teenage boys (not mannequins) with short hair of the same color as Levi’s, though their eyes aren’t drawn. Plates of spaghetti are also in front of them. The one on Levi’s right (our left) is wearing the following shirt, with another pop-up.
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Heartbreaker Shirt
His favorite. 
Meanwhile, on Levi’s left, the other boy’s shirt looks like this, with the pop-up:
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Party Shirt
His favorite. 
For the ones that even I can love
The scene switches to the head of the table. On it sits an older man with glasses and a grey shirt with black stains. 
He’s smart.
Grey Shirt.
His favorite.
The boy with the Party Shirt is still somewhat visible to the man’s right. To his left, another teenage boy, this one with hair covering his eyes and hunched over in his chair, who has this shirt:
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Theater Shirt
His favorite.
A middle aged woman sits to that boy’s left, across from where Levi would be. She has long brown hair, and like the other two, her eyes aren’t drawn. She’s wearing bronze, reddish earrings shaped like camellias, and a black dress.
Bronze Earrings
A gift from my father. She likes them.
Black Dress 
Her favorite. 
The things they feel and I do not
The camera focuses on one last person, but only their smiling mouth and shirt are visible.
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Skull Shirt
His favorite. 
I’ll take them all and with them sow…
Back to Levi, the table disappears, but he’s still sitting. The lighting has changed to blue, and now he’s only wearing the blue polo shirt (and grey pants). The two boys which had been next to him have changed into clothes hangers holding their shirts. Levi looks around confused, before his gaze lingers on making eye contact with the center of the screen. 
[Chorus! The instrumental kicks it up a notch. The lyrics are very growly, leaning on Levi’s deep voice to give them some power (what am I saying again?)]
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (III)
(I) The camera flips, and this is shown:
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The heart pumps with the beat of the song. 
(II) Back to Levi, who quickly turns to the shirts on the clothes hanger. His expression still looks a bit aghast.
(III) The camera focuses on the Skull Shirt on a hanger, zooming in. It turns back to Levi, who becomes more serious. He nods. 
A patchwork heart beating along!  Can’t collapse, now keep it warm!  Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! 
As the chorus repeats, Levi grabs the shirt he was looking at. Then, we get a few frames of him sowing things just off screen. Shots of needles, thread, that kinda stuff. 
[There’s a small instrumental part to keep the energy from the chorus for a bit longer] 
We get a full shot of the heart, which now looks like this:
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Then, we see Levi smiling looking at it. However, he then frowns. 
A patchwork heart beating along!
The camera focuses on one of the black sections of the heart, the one which before just had fire. Now, the full symbol the Skull Shirt had is seen; skull and fire. 
[More instrumental for a moment]
Levi looks on perturbed. Suddenly, he startles and turns around. 
[Back to verse music]
All lives yearn for a yarn to spin, (I) Yet I fear I’m losing the thread. (II)
(I) Purple lighting. The same mannequin as before, wearing the same neon yellow hoodie, is holding out the green hoodie from before for Levi to see. 
(II) We zoom in on Levi’s face, as he turns to the side, and frowns a bit.
The mirror used to build up what’s “me”, I see it now, it starts to break.
Without overhead lighting, we see a full body mirror showing a completely different scene, which becomes clearer as we zoom in further. On our left, we see a mannequin wearing a grey hoodie, an orange spotlight shining on it. On our right, the boy with the Skull Shirt looks animated, his mouth open as if talking to the mannequin. His hair is the same color as the others’, except for red highlights (think the blond part of Mikoto’s hair). There is a red spotlight on him. A pop-up appears pointing at the mannequin’s hoodie.
Grey Hoodie
Commonly used by villains.
We further zoom in on the mannequin’s right hand, which is stained by a splatter of black liquid.
[Chorus build-up again]
If I could get it right
The purple lighting returns as Levi looks back at the mannequin with the yellow hoodie. He nods, and we get a close up of him snapping his fingers. 
But there’s little that I can do fine
The mannequin now has blush on, wearing the green hoodie with a yellow shirt underneath. It’s also wearing a deep purple skirt. A pop-up.
Proposed Outfit
At least I’m not bad at this. 
Even smaller things feel like they’re too much
Red lighting, on a shot of Levi’s back. He turns around, but we can’t see his face. The shot switches to show the back of the “skull shirt” boy, again lit up by a red spotlight. We also see as the back of the grey hoodie mannequin from before, hand still stained and still lit up by an orange spotlight. The boy is talking to the mannequin again, gesturing towards it, but now he’s wearing a grey hoodie which is hanging off one of his shoulders. His hand is stained by a splatter of black liquid. 
It just feels like there’s no helping my…
The shot zooms in on the stained hand. 
We get a close up of Levi’s mouth, red lighting still noticeable. He snarls.
[Chorus again]
Patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) come on fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We see the heart beating to the beat again, once more with blue lighting, and now it looks like this:
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(II) We switch to Levi sitting, looking slightly up as if staring at the heart, expression serious. 
(III) We get a different shot of Levi, now hunched over while sitting on a chair. His expression is still serious. Something out of focus is covering the foreground, and Levi turns to look at it. 
(IV) The camera flips to the thing he was staring at. It’s the purple sleeveless jacket he wears in canon, as well as his canon set of purple gloves and his pink tie. Pop-ups!
Purple Jacket
My favorite. Reminds me of work.
Pink Tie
Stylish yet professional. Reminds me of work.
Magenta Gloves
Comfortable. Cover a lot. Remind me of work. 
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We switch to the purple boots he wears in canon. Levi’s out of focus in the background.
Purple Boots
Comfortable. Remind me of work. 
(II) We get another shot of Levi looking at the clothes, with a contemplative expression. The heart can be seen beating in the background. 
(III) Close-up of Levi sighing.
(IV) Another shot of the jacket and gloves, except now Levi grabs them. 
[Unlike last time, the music doesn’t linger, but rather switches to a bridge. The music is still pretty energetic, but less powerful than in the chorus]
Perhaps it would be better… (I) To give up and let it be, (II) Worse to burn rather than freeze (III)
(I) Levi contemplates the clothes he grabbed. 
(II) We cut to him putting an arm through the purple jacket. 
(III) The jacket is now hanging off one of his shoulders, as he’s putting the other hand through the hole where the sleeve would be. Before he fully puts it on, he looks to the side. 
But still, I would regret it… (I) Abandoning them all, (II) Let the core of my soul rot (III)
(I) We see the grey hoodie mannequin again. Still lit up by the orange spotlight, still with black liquid on its hands. Skull Shirt boy is also there, again lit up red, again talking, again with a grey hoodie hanging off his shoulder, again with stains on his hands.
This time, though, the other three boys from the table scene are also there. They’re all lit up by red spotlights, and they all also have grey hoodies hanging off one shoulder. Heartbreaker Shirt and Party Shirt have similar talkative expressions, while Theater Shirt is hunched over with a placid smile on his face.
(II) The screen splits in three zoomed in shots of the new boys’ hands. They’re all stained with black liquid. 
(III) Back to a shot of Levi’s face with blue lighting, he seems to be staring at the other boys with a concerned expression. In the background, a clothes hanger with a grey hoodie comes into focus. 
So, instead… 
We get a close-up of Levi’s chest, and we see his mouth as he sighs. The jacket falls off his shoulder. 
[Pre-chorus music again]
I have to make things right
Close-up of the clothes hanger with the grey hoodie, and Levi grabs it roughly. As the music-only part plays, we get a shot of his back at an angle as he looks at the hoodie, his jacket fully off.
Protect them all, just one last time
We see Levi putting on the hoodie. First one arm, then the other. He puts on brass knuckles. Pop-ups:
Grey Hoodie
Brass Knuckles
We focus on his head as he throws the hoodie over it. The lighting fades into orange. 
Doesn’t matter there’s no going back
The shot focuses back on the mannequin with the hoodie, orange spotlight still there. The camera is shaking. The shot goes back to Levi, who is walking at first, but then starts running. 
After all, there is no saving my…
There’s quick flashing between Levi running with orange lighting and the grey hoodie, with a background that slowly turns white; then the thumbnail image; back to the grey hoodie; then a shot of Levi’s back as he stares at the heart with blue lighting. The Levi that stares at the heart is wearing his canon outfit (purple jacket - gloves - boots).
[The music goes silent, a preparation for a beat drop]
The video slows down as we focus on the grey hoodie mannequin. The camera “blinks” and the mannequin turns into a human; a scraggly man with an uneven beard and short black hair, wearing the same grey hoodie. He's facing away, but turns around as the camera closes in. The environment changes; the colored lighting disappears, and we are now in an alleyway. 
A shot of Levi from the man’s back, as Levi braces for a right hook.
Patchwork heart (I) beating along! (II) Just once more, weather the storm! (III) Even if it’s freezing, I can’t fix it, it will never thaw! (IV)
(I) A close-up of the man’s stomach, as Levi’s punch connects with his gut. 
(II) Right as the punch connects, the scene switches to one of the heart’s stitches, between the Party Shirt and the Theater Shirt. Levi’s hand is now grabbing those stitches, and he pulls on them. The camera follows his hand as he rips them from the heart, blue blood splattering all over.
(III) Back to the alleyway, the man shoves Levi away. He throws a left hook at Levi’s face, but Levi ducks to his left and throws his own left hook at the man’s stomach. 
(IV) The scene again switches to the heart, with Levi grabbing the stitches between the Skull Shirt section and the Heartbreaker section with his left hand. The shot quickly switches to Levi’s face, which is splattered with blue blood. He frowns. Back to the heart, and Levi’s fist clenches.
Ripping, bleeding out a song! (I) Break it now, (II) then have it sown! (III) Patchwork heart beating alone! (IV) I will keep on living, (V) even living with my stitches torn! (VI) 
(I) Again, Levi rips out the stitches, causing blue blood to splatter.
(II) Back to the alley, we get a close-up of the man falling to one knee from pain. Levi raises his right fist…
(III) Back to the blue lighting, black background and heart. Levi’s holding up loose threads with blue blood on his raised right hand.
(IV) Back to the alleyway, we get a shot from the man’s back as Levi punches him in the head with his brass knuckles, recreating his Undercover killshot. The man spits out (red) blood. 
(V) A shot of Levi from behind his ankles, the man’s body lying still in the background, blood under him.
(VI) The shot pans up quickly, switching back to the heart scene as “stitches torn” is sung. We get one good look at the heart, which is now fully blue, but filled with gashes where the stitches used to be. 
[The music begins winding down for the ending]
The shot pans backwards to let us see Levi’s back, the heart beating more slowly and not with the beat anymore. He’s wearing his full canon outfit. There’s a glitch effect as the heart disappears, and the lighting changes to orange, but Levi’s outfit doesn’t change. The room is completely empty, but there’s (red) blood splatters on the floor.
My stitches torn!
The lighting changes to red, and while Levi’s clothes don’t change, the room is now completely barren. A few moments after, the lighting changes to purple, the same desks from the beginning surrounding Levi who, you guessed, hasn’t changed clothes.
The shot zooms in on Levi’s back, as he sighs.
[The music fades out, save for one last lyric]
Patchwork heart beating along!
He turns around, the screen glitches again as he does. The lighting is now white, and the background has changed to the wall with the height marks of one of the Undercover cells. Levi’s clothes change to the Milgram uniform, and he holds up his Undercover prisoner card. A final pop-up appears on the uniform.
Strange Clothes
The outfit of a murderer
MonoTV: I see you’ve made it to the end of the post!
Es: Huh?
M: Now, it’s time to hand out the verdict! Make sure to think carefully, you only have one vote, and one week to decide how you’re gonna vote!
E: Wait, who are you talking to?
M: Will you make the right choice? Or the wrong one? 
E: Uh…
M: Trick question! There is no right choice! It’s just a choice!
E: Hello? Is there anyone there? 
M: With that, it’s…
30 notes · View notes
Arc 5, Reflections
Gonna keep doing these, at least.
So. Arc 5 - honestly, I hate to say it Amy, but I like this one more than 3.
I have, and will no doubt continue to, given Wildbow a lot of shit for a lot of things.
But I have to admire his skill with economized worldbuilding. He is able to do an impressive amount of worldbuilding in a minimal amount of space, relative to a lot of other writers. Arc 5 introduces us an entire rogue's gallery of wild and crazy and dangerous villains, but more than that, it exposes us to an entire culture of villainy.
It introduces 'Monster Capes' - Case 53s, and thus, in Interlude 5, finally introduces Cauldron, even if we don't know it by name. And it all fits together, and will continue to, or largely so, one assumes.
Like, I doubt Wildbow had it so thoroughly planned out ahead of time that he never once deviated from some preexisting plan as he wrote Worm, but he is able to introduce all these plot elements well in advance of when most writers would, I think, because he's got it all well planned out, he's got the way the worldbuilding unfolds pretty well mapped.
Beyond the Case 53s, we also see the indications of how powers can change people's minds as well as their bodies (and then, of course, when this idea could do the most interesting stuff, he refuses to fire the Chekov gun, but nobody can bat 1000, and Wildbow sure as shit can't).
Beyond that, Arc 5 gives us some other really cool shit - we get to see just how bad people are at working together despite a common threat, but also, how they can work together - and we see that Taylor, in particular, probably because she's so new and not as cynical and of course because she's still a would-be hero pretending she's masquerading as a villain, she ends up being the one who is most invested in keeping everyone working together, in common cause, the truce, etc.
Obviously something that will end up mattering quite a bit at the end, thematically, and no doubt continue to get developed, that lack of team work.
We also get our first real look at Taylor as a command and control thanks to the battlefield overwatch her bugs give her, which I suspect is something we'll continue to get more of, based on all I've seen and heard, and she isn't perfect with it, or perfect at using it to direct things yet, but you can see where this could be going for her.
One thing I've heard people say, possibly heard people say Wildbow said, is something to the effect of - Taylor isn't actually right, all the time. That indeed, Taylor is often making things worse, or something. I.e. that we're not supposed to see Taylor's way as the best option, that the ending we'll get isn't the 'golden ending' or whatever.
And that may be true, but so far, Wildbow's not doing a great job of showing Taylor's approaches to be all that wrong at solving the immediate problem in front of them. Or maybe we're not supposed to think that yet or... I don't know. Trying to figure out authorial intent is impossible without WoG, and WoG is it's own mess I like to stay away from as much as possible.
I don't even care much about authorial intent, in theory, though it can be interesting to try and see how successful the author was at said intent - but just knowing the intent can then color the reading.
Taylor cutting out Lung's eyes was not something I expected - girl jumped off the slippery slope way faster than I expected with that sort of mutilation, and yet... given the circumstances, given that he regenerates, that he's unconscious (so it's not torture, per se) and given the need to keep him under control, I'm not sure she really did make a wrong choice?
Maybe not the best choice, hard to say, but not a bad choice. Not really? But equally, even when choices like that are necessary, they change you. Make it easier to make that choice again, or make even harder choices. And Taylor wonders why it was so easy for her.
Well, she's a victim lashing out, she's still holding desperately onto her moral center and trying to tell herself she's one of the good guys, and she, by all accounts, largely doesn't lose that moral center down the line.
Like, she kills Tagg and Alexandria and probably makes all sorts of moral compromises, and I know lots of people get tired of the trope of the character who makes all these gray 'hard' decisions, etc, but I do love it. And Taylor is making them. And she keeps making them. And she's going to keep rationalizing each one, and hoo boy, is that gonna be fun to watch happen.
10 notes · View notes
kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here and here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @somethingclevermahogony here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and @elsie-writes here.
Ahh these built up again!!
I did another one here where I answer for Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey.
I'll do the same and answer one OC for each set.
#1- Carmen
Theoretically, since she'd never answer these willingly
What's your favorite legend and why?
“I suppose the one about the cloud riders from Atsila's culture. Maybe because of her, maybe because I like the idea of uncontrollable things being controlled.”
How do you celebrate your birthday?
“I don't. Bad memories. But Jedi makes sure to do something kind for me.”
What's something you'd regret if you died without doing?
“Not finishing what Atsila started. And also organizing the entire base. And the online data collection. And the lab. The alphabet. The local library --”
#2- George
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
“Oh my powers DEFINITELY the mini cake thing from Ceteri. Cupcake? Yeah that. It was chocolate I think. Don't know about the frosting. I ate way too many last time Noelle brought them. She's warming up to me.”
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
“Physical or emotional? Haha sorry - I have injured myself quite a bit while running at top speeds. We speedsters have faster... Everything *wink* - but I mean I can heal faster which is very helpful. But even with a faster runtime, I make the same mistakes as everyone if I'm distracted. I've hit things, and at top speeds *cringe* yeah it's not fun. Ran into a concrete wall once. Concussion and a few broken bones. More than a few. Eh, I walked it off.”
Do you wish you looked different?
“Nah. Pretty happy with how I look! I guess I wouldn't mind Carla's eye color. That is not fair - neither of our parents even have amber eyes. What recessive gene did she pull out?”
#3- Akash
What is your favourite weather?
“When it's sunny, but not hot. Nice breeze. Not too cold or harsh. Just...total peace. Robbie likes it a little cloudy. I dunno, maybe that's cozy for him. But I happen to like the outside.”
Where would you want to take someone to hang out or on a date?
“For me, I wouldn't mind the classic dates. Movies, dinner. But Gwen... I'd do something special. A cultural gallery or a bookstore. Maybe a play. A Superman-esque flight around the city perhaps.”
What’s your least favourite food?
“Oh my gosh man - I hate asparagus. So many people like it, but I'm sorry. Can't stand the stuff.”
#4- Sam
What is the strangest thing you've ever stolen?
“In fourth grade, this girl Emma brought a laser pointer to school. Well, it was a pen with a built-in laser pointer. I thought it was cool. So I had to stay after school for the music play I was in, and as I was walking from the bathroom, I saw the pen on the floor. I picked it up. Emma was a little rude, so I kept it. She never asked around for it, so I felt okay after that! Plus, I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a pen laser pointer!”
What is your least favorite food?
“Mustard. Can't stand it. Wait, does that count as a food? Okay, nevermind. Uh.... Tomatoes. It's a texture thing.”
Who is the strongest person you know?
“Akash for sure. He's been through a lot of crappy things, and people treated him meanly for stupid reasons. But he's still so positive and helps a lot of people! Plus he's probably the funniest person I know besides my brother. But Akash is just as much a brother to me as Robbie.”
I don't think I've posted much about Sam - other than her excerpts. That was fun!
#5- Lexi
What's your worst fear?
“Oh. Okay. Wow. Um, well, there's my actual phobia of physical contact, haphephobia. Not sure if that counts or not. I guess other than that, it's losing all my friends. Most of my elementary school friends went to different middle schools, so I haven't seen them in person for a while. I don't want to lose anyone else. Ever. I'm not sure what I'd do.”
What's your love language?
“Well, it's not physical touch! *Laughs* I guess quality time. Actively doing things with someone else. That's the best I could ask for.”
When are you the happiest?
“When I'm with my friends! Just whenever we're doing whatever! As long as they're happy, and we're happy together.”
#6- Ash
Would you ever get high and if so, what is your drug of choice?
“First of all, I'm thirteen. Second of all, yeah probably - it'd be a fun risk to take. Not sure what drugs I'd take though. *Pauses* Hm. There are these devices I found that stimulate my telepathy. I wonder if those are anything like drugs. If they are, then whatever those are most similar to.”
Three things you would buy at the store to freak the cashier and the person behind you out
“Walmart has these cheeseburger onion rings I noticed last time I was with Mary. I may buy that just to make the cashier think I have terrible taste. In actuality, I'm just curious. Maybe an urn or something dark. Ooh. A pregnancy test. That would freak a lot of people out. *Pause* Was that too dark?”
What stupid opinion are you willing to die for?
“That American cheese tastes good. Liam told me it tasted like plastic. I'll admit, I need to try more cheeses. He was right about that. But plastic? Come on. He's just mad that Muenster isn't a Canadian invention.”
Why is writing Ash so HARD
Tagging @jezifster @sleepyowlwrites @dyrewrites @willtheweaver @theeccentricraven @writeouswriter @tabswrites + ANYONE
Your questions are:
How good are you with people?
How would you function in a group project?
What's your most valuable possession?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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kittygamer2888 · 8 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @chopp-6467, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Evil Sonic AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your phenomenal story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask:
Is there anything that could convince Sonic that what he is doing is wrong or change his worldview?
Is there anyone on Sonic’s side after Tails leaves him?
Does Sonic ever manage to lure anyone else over to his side like Shadow?
What does Sonic intend to do to change the world? Assert a Totalitarianistic government? Kill anyone they deem as rotten? Something else entirely?
How did the Master Emerald go missing? Are the Chaos Emeralds also missing?
Why did Sonic’s “friends” betray him? Was it for him now being blue? For his Superspeed? For something else completely?
Do Sonic and Tails’ robots look like Badniks or like something else?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is phenomenal :)
Holy crap, I am SO sorry for the late answer, i had school n' other stuff, fu--
Anyways, yea, for the questions- I don't think Sonic will be changing his view on the world any time soon, but if there was anyone to try and attempt to convince him once more, it would either be Amy or Robotnik, but other than that, he just doesn't want to listen to anyone since he's too far gone at that point when Tails isn't there anymore.
-question 2: Yea, no, there's no one there for him when Tails leaves, but he eventually makes a Metal Tails, maybe even make some Metal versions of the rest if he ever felt like it.
-question 3: When he means by taking over the world and 'changing it into a better place' that is straight up Eggman behavior, lmfao. If anything, he mostly wants **revenge (sorry) against the world and make it his own so that there would be no one there to stop him if that time was ever to come, and because of his bias towards the world, he wouldn't hesitate to attack innocents by then.
-question 4: The Master Emerald didn't exactly go missing, more like.. it's there, it's just that Sonic will do anything to get it, and once he gets the power from the Master Emerald, he wouldn't hesitate to take it out of Angel Island with the power of his machines if he succeeded. But, as for the Chaos Emeralds, they are in this universe, they're just currently scattered, but Sonic could care less about the Chaos Emeralds since he only wants the Master Emerald, It contains the ultimate power, so of course he would go for the big and shiny and more powerful Emerald. This right here, will eventually become a huge problem for Sonic later on! :P
-question 5: Sonic's friends were fake friends from the start, so eventually, they were going to leave him behind at some point when he was still a normal hedgehog with super speed, because they saw him as a really annoying and hyperactive hedgehog to them. But once he broke the sound barrier, you could say that they were secretly jealous in a way and picked on him, and soon, left him behind. Sorry if i wasn't too specific with this part ^^'
-question 6: As for the badniks, it's pretty much just your regular badniks like the ones you see in the og Sonic games (For example: Buzzbombers, Motobugs, crabmeats, etc), but I have been thinking about maybe making some custom ones just for this AU, so far I can only come up with 1 which I forgot the name of, but i think i have it saved somewhere in my gallery, idk though.
Aaand, ye, that's all.
Again, i am so sorry to answer this late, I'm currently in school answering this ;-;" but thank you so much qwq♡
I'm glad you and some others like the story so far, it's currently a work in progress, but I've tried to come up with some stuff here and there during these questions, so.. yea👍
Tbh, i thought the story i did for this AU would be silly, i didn't think people would actually like it, so weh.. thanks for that, too 🥲❤���
Also also, I've seen how this can somewhat count as propaganda, so.. hope you don't mind if i tag the @au-sonic-smackdown account
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