#I was supposed to finish my hero academia and now I’m hooked on this one GOD
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secretaryofnagricu1ture · 2 years ago
I decided to start watching One Piece and I’m really sitting here crying over Chouchou the dog having his treasure/life purpose destroyed, and Luffy fighting a giant lion to get just a small bit of it back. Four episodes in and I’m already hooked and over emotional how am I supposed to get through 1000 more 😭
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navek15 · 4 months ago
Okay, slight update to this because now DanDaDan has entered the picture….because people are now using the romance of Okarun and Momo to shit all over My Hero Academia.
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Because THAT’S what I want to see! People using one series I love to shit all over ANOTHER series that I love!
And it’s being done by people who usually think any kind of heterosexual romance is ‘bland’ and ‘boring.’
I guess all it takes is a hetero romance to resemble your bullshit failgirl/malewife/whatever nonsensical bullshit TikTok/Tumblr word salad nonsense for it to suddenly be ‘interesting.’
I’m sure the creator of DanDaDan would be SO HAPPY to see people using his story to tear apart his contemporaries, some of whom are his actual friends!
I’m sure Horikoshi really appreciates people taking the story he selflessly spent creating for almost every week over the course of ten years just to be called a hack for the sole reason of not hooking up Ochako with A FUCKING SERIAL KILLER!!! Or for not having Izuku and Katsuki aggressively make out with each other.
Look, I’m an ally all the way. Gay rights and Trans Rights are human rights and all of that. But y’all really need to chill the fuck out over something that’s supposed be fun like shipping!
Because that’s where all of this anger and snotty behavior is coming from. Immature shitheads mad that their preferred romance between certain fictional characters isn’t canon. As if you need canonical material to have fun.
So let me finish off what is truly (and hopefully) going to be the last time I will ever talk about fandom dumbassery.
If you can’t ship BakuDeku, OchaToga or BakuChako without shitting all over IzuOcha, go fuck yourself.
If you can’t praise DanDaDan without tearing apart other shonen series, go fuck youself.
If you call any hetero pairing boring just because it doesn’t fit your hyper specific tumblr-flavored tastes, go fuck yourself.
I’m tired. Night, y’all.
So some early reactions to new BNHA volume leaks (that I will not spoil because I’m not that kind of dick) has reminded me that shipping discourse has always been and will always be colossally stupid and a waste of time.
Seriously, I don’t get why some people get so riled up on the relationship status of two fictional characters. Maybe it’s because I’ve always been kind of a free shipper (if that’s even a word.)
Case in point, two Fairy Tail ships I personally enjoy are Natsu X Juvia and Lucy X Freed. Is there any basis for those ships in the canon text? Not really. Does that prevent me from enjoying them? Absolutely not.
And you want to know what I don’t do?
I DON’T harass people who ship Natsu & Lucy or Gray & Juvia or Freed & Mirajane or Freed & Laxus.
I Don’t insult them and think the worst of them because they don’t ship the same things I do.
I Don’t cry about canon material that goes against my ship. Mostly because it ain’t a big deal.
I don’t write college length essays about how canon ships are ‘boring’ because they don’t fit my personal tastes.
I don’t delude myself looking for every single ‘clue’ that leads to my ships becoming ‘canon.’
Seriously, shipping is supposed to be fun, but some of you treat like a fucking death game or just get really insufferable. I get some people get into a ship to help them through tough times. But there comes a point where you need to step back and gauge whether not or not your dedication to a ship is making you an ass to other people.
But I suppose like with a lot of the dumb shit in fandom spaces, my frustration comes from being a functioning adult who engages in things for fun and enrichment, and not someone with the mindset of an overly dramatic teenager (or who just IS an overdramatic teenager.)
So in summary, ship what you want to ship, regardless of it being canon or not canon. And don’t be a dick to other people shipping stuff you don’t ship.
I’m done complaining about fandom nonsense for awhile. Time to actually talk positive like I promised a few months ago.
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1987vampire · 4 years ago
Madly. Deeply. Unconditionally. | Tomura Shigaraki
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: none! all fluff. Lotta kissing. lotta romance. Request: None! A/N: This wasn't supposed to be as lovey dovey as it ended up being, but here we are. Shigaraki deserves some love and so do you. Extra:
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In complete honesty, Shigaraki’s hygiene was horrible. It was something you had known going into the relationship, but not truly the extent of it. Getting him to brush his teeth was a terror by itself, but showering was absolute hell. He would grumble to himself about how it would only be a waste of his time, time he could be spending planning, gaming, literally anything else.
Why would did it matter if he smelled absolutely horrible? You had never cared before. And why did it matter if his hair was greasy and matted in places? If you could still grip it, gently run your fingers through it, it didn’t bother him.
However, there was one sure-fire way to get him to clean himself.
Your footsteps were quiet against the cracked hardwood flooring as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder. He was hunched over at his desk, scratching furiously at his neck as he read a newspaper, a piece of paper to the side with barely legible words scribbled on. He was working on his newest attack, trying to figure out how to improve his nomus, improve his attack. He may throw a fit after losing a battle – and come home to fuck you senseless if he could help it – but he put in the time and work to fix the issues every single time, never taking a break.
Shigaraki grunted at the feeling of your arms around him, looking away for just long enough to press a kiss to your forearm before turning back. “What do you need, doll,” he questioned, his voice scratchy from not talking.
You leaned over a bit more, placing your hand over the one he was writing with. “Come on, Shiggy. Come take a bath.”
He made a noise of complaint, and you could already hear the excuses begin to climb from his lips when you cut him off.
“I mean, I could just be all alone in there, have to wash my body all by myself. It wouldn’t be an issue for me, of course. I mean, I’m already naked for you, but that’s okay.” Shigaraki’s head snapped over at the last statement as you pulled away from his grasp, already beginning to walk away. You heard him clamber to his feet, throwing a few things in the process, and the frantic thump of his sneakers as he ran to catch up with you entering the bathroom.
You giggled lightly as he threw his arms around your waist, holding your back to his chest for a second as he caught his breath. “Now, hold on here, I think we have a misunderstanding.”
“Oh,” You teased, turning so you could see him, your nose skimming along his jaw as you did so, “so you do want to join me, then?”
Shigaraki’s face flushed, you could feel it crawling to his chest, heating the area against your skin. “Well, since you so clearly needed me to.” He blew out a long breath before pulling away. “I mean, I could definitely go back, but-“
You laughed loudly and shook your head, pulling him by his shirt towards you. “No, no, come here, loverboy.”
Shigaraki huffed out a laugh in response and followed you as you pulled him along through the small bathroom towards the tub. When he had first moved into this room in the base, the bathroom was a wreck, the tub barely big enough for Shigaraki to sit in, but when you had started dating, he had made Kurogiri help him figure out how to replace it with a big one, one big enough for both of you to lay in it comfortably.
Shigaraki’s hands trailed over your bare ass as you bent over to start filling the tub, not in a sexual way, just pressing against the skin he could reach, though he did love the way your ass felt in his hand, the curves that moved towards something prettier. You raised yourself after finding the perfect temperature and turned to face him, smiling as his hand never left you, instead crawling up and around so it was pressed against the side of your stomach, his pointer finger gently raised as to not hurt you.
“You’re beautiful,” Shigaraki mumbled as he looked down at you. You furrowed your eyebrows and met his gaze. “Heavenly.”
You pushed his chest gently and rolled your eyes. “Yeah, right. Come on, get undressed.”
Shigaraki’s hand flew to his chest jokingly, and he shook his head. “Oh, okay, I see. You only want me for my body?”
You fell into fits of giggles as you batted at him playfully. You both died down a bit as you pulled his shirt up and over his head, his face trying to hide the insecurity he felt. No matter how many times you had seen him naked, it was still like the first time to him. He even tried to wear his shirt during sex when he could. ‘Too skinny,’ he had said. ‘My arms are too long, my bones poke out, and there’s no softness to my chest. I’m not pretty to look at. Not like you.’
Your hands trailed over his chest and down his sides, pressing a soft kiss to his neck as you did so. “Pretty baby,” you whispered into the skin, smiling as he flushed again. “My pretty baby.”
Shigaraki let a soft whine fall from his throat at the words and huffed.
“Come on, let’s get you in here,” you said, hooking your thumbs into the waistband of his pants. Shigaraki pressed a few kisses to your forehead before helping you pull his pants off, kicking them to the side and steadying himself on you so he could crawl into the tub, settling into the water with a low groan. He fumbled with the faucet, turning it off before he reached a hand out to you.
You stepped into the water and settled in between his legs, your back to his front. His hands pressed right below your chest and he sighed. You turned slightly, grinning at the sight of his head tilted back in bliss. For as hard as it was to get him into a bathtub, he sure enjoyed being inside them.
You settled against him for a moment, reveling in the warmth of him and the water, before you turned yourself around, climbing to your knees so you could face him. Shigaraki made a move of displeasure at your movement. “Come on, let me wash you, baby,” you whispered, reaching around him to grab a bottle of body wash.
Shigaraki grumbled again but made no move to stop you, even leaning forward a bit into your touch as you ran the soap over him, trying to rub the grime off of him as nicely as I could. “Thank you,” he spoke, his eyes opening just barely.
“Anything for you, darling.”
You were both quiet for a while, only the sound of you washing and rinsing his body filling the room, the sloshing of the water an oddly calming sound. You leaned out for a moment, grabbing an empty cup you had brought and instructed Shiggy to turn around and instead sit in your lap so you could wash his hair. His lanky body moved around quickly, excited to feel your hands running through the hair, detangling, rubbing lovingly. Your touch was like a drug to him at this point.
Detangling his hair was a tough project, not wanting to tug too harshly on him and accidentally hurt him. He didn’t mind a bit of rough treatment though, content to lean against you and soak in the attention. “Can you talk to me,” Shigaraki spoke, leaning into you as you carded conditioner through his locs.
“About what,” you hummed in response.
“Anything. I just want to hear your voice.”
You laughed quietly to yourself and nodded, beginning to describe everything you had done for the day – the food you had eaten, the conversations you had had with others, the dreams you had the night before. Shigaraki would hum an acknowledgment every now and then, reminding you that he was listening, but he didn’t try to interject. He was content to just listening.
Once you had finally finished washing the last bits of soap out of his hair, he laid against your shoulder, turning his face towards yours, nose pressing against your cheek followed by his lips. A soft kiss followed by another and another against your face.
You returned the favor, pressing a few right above his eyebrow before finally meeting him at his lips.
“I’m in love with you,” Shigaraki whispered.
“I’m in love with you, too. Madly. Deeply. Unconditionally.”
He nosed against your jaw before finally lifting himself from the tub, groaning lowly to himself as he did, his bones aching from not moving. “Come on, doll, let’s go to bed, yeah?” He stepped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and gingerly drying himself off before wrapping it around his waist and helping you out. He took to drying you off, thoroughly compared to how he had dried himself, taking time to make sure that no part of you was still wet.
“I’m surprised,” you mused, as he helped you wrap the towel around yourself.
You pressed a hand to his cheek and pulled him down for another kiss. “You didn’t even try to wash me.”
He laughed. “You took a shower this morning. You onlytake showers in the morning. You just wanted me to get in. Now come on, let’s brush our teeth and go to sleep. Okay?”
You giggled as he led you to the sink. “Wow, a two in one day? I’m impressed.”
“Only for you. Always for you.”
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katsuukiwii · 4 years ago
Proud-Levi X Reader Chapter Two
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Chapter Two- “Normal Days...For Now, At Least.”
Chapter Warnings: Language, Implied Masturbation, Gay Relationships, Tattoos, Implied Gay Sex.
Contains: Fluff
Levi holds Liam’s hand as they walk through aisles filled with costumes. The smaller boy’s icy blue eyes twinkle as he stares at all of them. He then spots a costume out of the corner of his eye and runs up to it, dragging Levi over with him. Liam points out a ‘My Hero Academia’ costume, “Ooh! Look, Papa! I can be Bakugo!” Levi smirks at the boys enthusiasm, pulling the neatly packed costume set off the wall. “C’mere. I need to check if this is your size,” he stares intently at the costume measurements, then to Liam, then back to the measurements. “It should fit you. Do you wanna be Ba...Baku…” Liam smiles, “It’s Bakugo! And yes!!” Levi chuckles, “Alright, here you go,” he hands the bag to him, “If you find a costume you like more tell me.” They continue to walk around the costumes. 
Levi grumbles, he hates costume shopping, if it's for him at least. But, like he told Jean, he was desperate. “Hey Liam, what should I be for Halloween?” Instead of Liam's voice, he hears someone else’s, “You should go in drag.” Levi turns around, seeing one of his closest friends, “Very funny, Mike.” Liam listens to the two men talking confused on almost EVERYTHING they were talking about. But, nonetheless, he answers, “You should go as something creepy! But not too creepy, ‘cuz I won’t like it..” All three of them looked around as Levi and Mike talked. 
Suddenly, Levi sees something that catches his eye. A wall filled with simple things you could pair with any normal clothes. Yeah, he’s kinda boring. Mike speaks up, “God, you’re no fun dude.” Levi sends him a glare, grabbing a pair of mid-length black horns and large black wings. “Yeah, I know. But every other costume is either a fucking joke, extra, or sexual.” Mike rolls his eyes, “Fine. Y’know, the ladies might like you more if you have an out-there costume!” Mike argues. Levi smirks, shaking his head in disbelief. He speaks quietly, but loud enough so that at least Mike can hear, “I can’t believe I’m doing this just to get pussy.” Mike laughs, patting Levi’s back, “It’s okay dude. You’ll get some eventually.”
Levi bought the costumes, and now he was laying on the couch watching Liam color. Suddenly the boy turns around and looks at him, “Papa?” Levi raised a thin brow, “What is it?” Liam stands up, grabbing some markers, “Can I color in your drawings?” He lays there, confused until he realizes what he meant. “Oh! My tattoos?” Liam nods his head gleefully and Levi sits up, taking off his shirt and lifting his right pant leg up to his knee, revealing two hidden tattoos. 
One started on his left upper arm, covering part of his chest, it contained daffodils and two cobras. Kuchel loved daffodils, and Levi helped her get over her fear of snakes by getting one, named Sir Racha (pronounced like sriracha). He obviously didn’t have a cobra, but he was fascinated by them. The second one started the side of his right calf, reaching down to his ankle. That one was a small portrait of Liam, with a border of things he loved. Everytime Liam started to like something new, Levi got it added. Technically, it was more than two tattoos, but it still counts as two to him. On there, he had Mr. Krabs (his favorite character in Spongebob), the ‘My Hero Academia’ logo, Tigger from Winnie The Pooh (since he’s so energetic), and a cat drawing Liam made when he was 3 (his favorite animal). Yes, it looked very childish, and often became a conversation topic, but people loved the story behind it. 
Liam moved to sit next to Levi, and started coloring the one of his chest. While he waited, Levi would start his homework, “Papa, what color is a cobra?” Levi looks at him and ruffles his hair, “Whatever color you want them to be.”
Levi was dropping his boy off at his elementary school, “Bye, Papa!”
“Cya buddy. I’ll pick you up today, alright?” He watches in the mirror as Liam jumps happily in his seat, “Yes! I don’t have to take the bus today! Woo hoo!!!” Levi smirks, “Nope, not today. Have a good day, I’ll see you later kid.” With that, Liam gets out of the car, waving goodbye before walking into the school. 
Levi loved him, he really did. But as soon as he drove away he took out one of his Mr. Bungle CD’s (!dont use headphones when listening!)and turned up the volume. He listened to somewhat... strange music. He had no idea what the hell he was supposed to call it other than that. But hey, he liked it nonetheless! He makes a left turn, pulling into the school’s parking lot, choosing one of the spots closest to the exit. He steps out of his car seeing a familiar blonde figure outside, staying away from the crowd of kids waiting for the doors to open.
“Yo, Erwin. What’s up?” The large man turns to look at him, nearly looking straight down, “Hey. We’re you listening to the with Liam in the car?” Of course Erwin had to mention his choice of music. “No! And who’s his father? Me. Not you.” The taller man shrugs, and Levi speaks up again, “I heard about Petra’s party. Are you going?” Erwin shrugs, “No, I’m not all for parties and-” Levi smirks, interrupting him, “But maybe you can hook up with someone. I know you’re still a virgin!” The blonde glares at him, “Levi, no offense, but you’ve had sex with more women than you can count. I, however, don’t want to waste it on women I don’t know.” Levi rolls his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I hate when you’re right.” 
Just then, someone comes to unlock the doors, and everybody walks in. He taps Erwin’s shoulder, “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna cover my tattoo.” Erwin nods, and Levi walks into the locker room (it was closer than the bathroom). Just as he does that, he notices four feet instead of two in a stall, two of those feet quickly moving up to hide themselves. Levi shakes his head laughing, “It’s just me.” He starts to wrap some cloth around his tattoo, rolling his eyes as he hears two shy “hey”s and the stall opens. Levi turns, seeing Marco and Jean, “Have a good time?”
Marco blushes, “We were just having a little makeout…” Jean nods, “Yeah, people are too gossipy around here. We’re smarter than you.” He finishes wrapping the cloth around his arm, pulling the t-shirt sleeve back over and grabbing his backpack, “Yeah. Well, at least you know not to be like me.” 
The bell rings, and he’s finally done with school! He gets into his car and gets a call. He puts it on speaker and starts driving, “Hello.” Suddenly, Hanji’s voice comes from the other end, “Hiya, Levi,” he hears muffled voices, until he hears Liam’s, “Hey, Papa!” He smiles to himself, “Hey bud. How was school? Did Aunt Hanji teach you guys anything?” 
“Uh-huh! We’re learning all about the moon! We have one, but Jupiter has 79!” Levi makes a sound of acknowledgement, “That’s cool buddy. Do you know why Hanji called me?” He hears Hanji and Liam giggle, and Hanji speaks yet again, “Can I hang out with Liam today? I know you have work, and I don’t have much to do!
He shrugs, “Sure, just make sure he doesn’t eat too much sugar. I’ll take him home around 6? That gives him three hours with you.”
They both squeal, “Thank you Papa!” He laughs, “No problem. I love you, be safe.”
“Yes sir! Hehe” And they finally hang up, Levi turning back to drive home.
Levi groans out of boredom getting up to look for something to eat, legs shaking and arm hurting from a...busy afternoon. He passes the counter spotting something orange and white in the corner of his eye, he stops, taking a couple steps backwards to see what it was. A bag of Goldfish crackers, hell yeah. He grabs the bag and walks back to his room, flopping on the bed and curling up in warm blankets. Shit, maybe letting Hanji babysit wasn’t the worst.
Boom! Chapter two! Kinda boring, but it will start to get good around chapter four! Let me know what you thought! Upload schedule for each chapter is here 
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fizzypunks · 5 years ago
its a date but its not a date
fandom: My Hero Academia/ Boku No Hero Academia word count: 3.8k/oneshot rating: t summary: hizashi takes shouta to a little festival and insists its not a date... just pure fluff bc <3
ship: Aizawa Shouta/ Hizashi Yamada | Erasermic
note: this reads better in AO3 because it keeps formatting for italics, which tumblr does not!
Yamada Hizashi wasn’t a timid person – it wasn’t even a quirk thing, it was just his nature, and it was something he was proud of. Sure, he’d been called loud and obnoxious, and some have been less than kind about his quirk when it’s gotten out of control. His quirk control wasn’t great for a very long time, but none of what he’d been called or heard had really changed the way he carries himself, and that  includes  his extroverted nature.
 He was, however, a panicked person, when it came to matters of  interest .
  Whatever .
 And, because love was the one thing that made him think twice about what he says, what he does or doesn’t do, that has landed him in the exact predicament that he’s facing right now.
 Hizashi tapped his pen against his essay, the half filled pages of his stationary blurring together into a mass of lines and half-assed penmanship. He’d been staring at it for the past five minutes, when he’d given up on trying to ignore his annoying problem.
  Shouta .
 It’s been getting harder to ignore the stupid pull of something he’s recently identified as  yearning  that comes every time he thinks of his best friend. Stronger than any hurricane gale, it pulls in every thought he has until there are no more to be had. Just Shouta, and his messy hair, and the eyes he thinks are pretty despite always being so blood-shot.
 Hizashi groans, faintly feeling heat spill across his cheeks. “God, why must I be so fucked?”
It’s not like he’s even asking him out on a  date  – no, he’s not bold enough to do that in their last year  and semester of school– there’s no need for distractions like that right now, whatever outcome may or may not come from it…. no, he’s just asking to take Shouta to the Autumn festival at the park, because Shouta should do something fun and get out of his room and not explode from stress.
 The poor guy has been spending all his time studying and stressing and sleeping even  less , so of course Hizashi would want to help his friend out and get him to relax.
 Yeah, that’s what it was – one friend asking another friend out because stress is bad.
 That doesn’t change the nervous skip in his heart right now, as he sits at his desk and thinks about…
 Hizashi groans again, tipping back in his chair and hooking his foot against the back of his desk so that he’s less likely to tumble. Theoretically, at least.
 Why does it feel so  significant  right now? He’d asked Shouta to do countless things with him! He’d gotten him to agree to go to the movies a bunch of times, and to a party or two, and, most recently, he’d even been able to rope him into going to a karaoke club! He didn’t sing, they left earlier than he’d planned, but Shouta had fun!
 Hizashi narrowed his eyes at the white ceiling and the ceiling fan that whirled past his vision, playing with the very edge of the wooden panel that kept him from tumbling onto his carpet.
 This wasn’t supposed to mean anything, but somehow it did.
 It felt like a declaration, no matter how he phrased it in his head, and he doesn’t understand the logic behind it.
  Fine. Whatever! I’ll just ask, and be blunt, and do it right before I leave so there’s no room for thinking, and it’ll be okay! 
 Something like,  “Hey, Shouta, let’s go to this festival! It’ll be so much fun! PLUS, I think you’ll look cute sharing cocoa with me!”
 Hizashi’s eyes widened, his foot slipped in that one moment of lost focus, and he fell –
 “ Fuck!”
 It was a little too loud, bordering on quirk use, but he had other problems to think about beside  that .
 He rubbed the back of his head.
 If he can’t even imagine it the right way… how was he supposed to  actually  ask? It would be pretty stupid to try when he knew he could act a little too carelessly and, potentially, damage the good friendship they had going on.It was probably better left un-asked.
 Unsaid, un-asked, and out of mind.
 It was most certainly not out of mind, that is clear.
 Shouta is sitting across from him, half-mast eyes scanning the copy of his English text book in a way that looked a lot more performative than informative. Their booth was tucked more toward the back of the cafe, and it would normally be a bit more secluded and quiet, but midterms brought students from the woodwork and into any coffee-scented establishment, which their happened to be.
  What great luck.
 All around them was the sound of machines grinding coffee, books being shifted around, and light conversation in between bouts of half-silences – and a heavy vale of constant movement that proved to be less than ideal for studying, despite all the students trying to do  just that .
 It was to be expected this time of year, but it was still enough to bother Shouta. He concentrated better with silence, and he happened to be struggling a lot more on English than he does on his other subjects.
 Hizashi, thankfully, understood the material enough for the both of them and then some, and already finished his homework – the papers in front of him were notes, ready to be explained the moment Shouta needed it, with hand-writing that was still pretty bad but…
 For Shouta, he’d made an effort. The result was somewhat-legible scribbles lining the papers, and when he referenced it, Shouta didn’t have to ask too many questions about,  “what is this right here?”
 “I’m not going to pass.”
 Hizashi turned his eyes to Shouta, like he hadn’t been trying to find a reason to look at him longer. He was wearing a big, thick red scarf, which his hair was somewhat tucked into. He didn’t look up, he just kept his eyes on his text book. His irises weren’t moving on the page.
 “Oh man, don’t say that! How’d you think you’re gonna pass if you don’t believe in yourself?”
 “It’s because I don’t believe in myself.”
 Hizashi grabbed his warm cocoa and took a sip, if only to busy his hands with  something . “Shouta! I don’t like this type of negativity!”
 “Well, you’ve chosen the wrong friendship then.”
 “Or, maybe, the  right one!”
 Shouta looked up, and Hizashi held his gaze. His eyes had been given a break over the past few days of written work, so the redness that often lined them was almost completely gone.
 His skin looked soft too…
 His hair, it was fluffy and cute, also..
 He’d been staring and not talking and he leaned back into his seat like a magnet to metal. He started laughing, holding his drink up to his face. “Well, maybe I can cheer you up! What are friends for, right? And maybe it will turn that attitude around, ya think?”
 “You’re not making any sense?”
 Hizashi hated that it was true but there’s no going back now – his mouth was ten steps ahead of him anyway, and not even  he  could stop it.
 He smiled widely at Shouta. “I mean, maybe I’m here to make sure you don’t stress yourself out so much! You always do so much but never  check  yourself, and I’m here to fix that!”
 Shouta huffed, head bobbing just a bit. Then he smirked and Hizashi had to concentrate on his breathing. “And how do you propose you’d do that?”
 Oh, it was so easy – this was the opportunity the  gods  gave him after seeing him fall on his ass just a few days before.
 Hizashi leaned forward, and set his elbows down on his notes, a hot cocoa between them. “One word.  Festival .”
 Shouta’s eyebrows quirked down just a bit, and he tilted his head to the side, his hair tilting with him. “Festival?”
 “What do ya say? The park next to my neighborhood has one this weekend, and it’s free, and there’s food, and I really wanna go!”
 Hizashi grew pink at the admission, fought against the urge to cover his mouth, but Shouta didn’t comment. 
 Then, a little surprisingly, instead of arguing or finding reasons why it wasn’t logical to take time away from studies so close to exams, he gave him a smile.
 A small, intentional,  Shouta  smile. “Sure.”
 Hizashi tried to not sound over-enthused – just nodded his head and almost squeezed his cup too hard. “Yes! I finally got you to agree to do something!”
 “You always get me to do things.”
 “Yes, and I did it again!”
 Shouta rolled his eyes, and turned his attention back down to the English he’d never really understand.
 Hizashi was certain he looked fine. He wasn’t sure if it was  great  , but it was probably fine, and  whatever.
 Beside, had many other things to worry about, that were a lot more important than whether or not his shirt matched his shoes. Like, for one, how he still couldn’t quite shake the feeling of  significance .
 It was back, that nagging intrusion into his thoughts that insisted that something was supposed to be different this time. As he looked over his outfit in his body mirror, pulling over his heavy, long jacket, he had to remind himself that there was nothing different about today. Even if he really, in his heart,  wanted  there to be something different. 
 So maybe the difference was the  amount of yearning – Hizashi sighed, thinking about his feelings last year and comparing them to now. 
 He huffed, a huge sigh finally making itself known.
 Yeah, the feelings he had now were bigger and grander than they’d been last year and they threatened to take over his life if he let them…
 Hizashi sighed, rubbed his hands over his face, and pushed his hair back only to reveal his pink, flustered expression to its fullest.
 “Sweet lord, have mercy on me! I am an idiot with a crush!”
 He collapsed onto his bed and waited out the last of the thirty minutes before Shouta was going to arrive at his door.
 Shouta knocked, and Hizashi was already ready – his heart doing flips like he’d never experienced, but oddly enough, it didn’t feel bad. It felt exciting, and loving, and when he opened the door to the crisp autumn air, it felt like  home .
  Stop that!
 Shouta, for all his questionable outfits, looked  nice . And he always looked nice, but now he was wearing black boots, and brown khakis that somehow sort of matched Hizashi’s own, and a black tee underneath a black jacket.
 He never went anywhere in the cold without a scarf, either, and today was no exception. A red variety  was ceremoniously draped around his neck, loose enough to not be covering his face.
 Hizashi tried not to beam, but felt the shape his eyes took at the other and knew it wasn’t working. “Ready?!” He asked, a little too loud.
 “Yes… you said it was close, right? At the park?”
 Hizashi nodded, stepping out and slipping his hand into a pocket to make sure he had his keys and wallet. Confirming quickly, he shut the door behind him, again, with a little too much enthusiasm.
 He was  buzzing . Some type of energy that he normally had built up in him, that he normally kept pretty good reins on, was taking over –
 He was so excited, but, even more – he was just  happy .
 He looked to Shouta, and smiled, and then led the way down his steps and onto the quiet street. The sky was clear, save for some cloud further down on the horizon. The trees were starting to make themselves barren, and the smell of wood burning fires started to break out as soon as the sun hit its peak.
 The neighborhood, secluded and at peace, was quiet, and Shouta walked beside him in comfort.
 Hizashi never struggled to say anything, and now is no different – except it is, when he thinks he’ll say something dumb like  “hey i like you so much, you make my world right, also I love you. ”
 He can’t say that. 
 But he really,  really wants to.
 He’s wanted to for years, and he’s almost said it more than once, and now he’s let the silence build around them…
 Shouta often takes mercy on him, and so he did it again this time. Their pace was slow and there was a little bit of space between them, and he sighs. “This is really nice.”
 Hizashi smiles, keeps his eyes on the road as it winds forward. “I’m glad you think so! We’ve stressed so much, it’s a good weekend getaway, don’t you think?”
 Shouta laughs – it’s more of a chuckle, but it’s a laugh where Shouta is concerned. “Yeah, you’re right. I needed this, a lot, I think…”
 They reach the corner, looking for cars that weren’t coming. The crest of trees a few blocks ahead could be seen above rooftops, and that’s where Hizashi fixes his gaze. “Me too,” he says softly, and leaves it at that because he’s always on the verge of  too  many words.
 “You seem really… energized.”
 Hizashi fumbles with his hands, pretending to warm them up and not like he’s nervous. “When am I not!”
 Shouta hums, and it’s so deep and close that it makes Hizashi wish he could just…
 But then Shouta reaches out, and grabs at the hands Hizashi is cradling in front of him, blunt and to the point. He takes Hizashi’s left hand and slots their fingers together in his right, and Hizashi knows he can feel the clamminess…
 He looks back, sputtering, his heart erratic, “Shou – wha– I’m –”
  Does he know this is messing with me?
 And Shouta, in that calm, stupid way he always carries himself, smiles. “Maybe that’s what I’m here for.”
 He squeezes their hands, and Hizashi must look confused because Shouta laughs.
 “You always try to bring me up, so I think I can help bring you calm… You seem nervous, so,” he looked at their hands, swung them just a bit for emphasis. “Calm.”
 Hizashi feels every bit of himself crumble, falls away like a cliff against a storm, and smiles because it’s all he can do. He blushes and he can feel how it spreads, and he doesn’t say anything because every sentence ends in  I love you .
 The festival was a pleasant and home-y affair, and after they’d gotten there, they’d learned that it was quite bigger than either of them anticipated. Though it was still a neighborhood one, hosted by the local families and park itself, it was still filled to every corner.
 They’d gotten there during the peak of the sun, but it quickly descended as they wove in and out of the scattered foot traffic. The air was crisper where the lake sat in the center of the park, and the trees casted half shadows around the food and merchant vendors.
 They were walking around for less than an hour before the lanterns and torches were starting to light around them.
 Shouta still held Hizashi’s hand, and once he’d accepted the lovely fact, he’d loosened up enough to feel like his mouth wasn’t going to get him into trouble.
 “Wow! Shou! Look!” He pointed out, across the deep blue lake, to the hovering lights that surrounded it. 
 Shouta hummed warmly. “It looks very nice.”
 Hizashi was still smiling, still enamored by the lights as they floated out across his vision – the way the cool air from the dipping sun brushed against his skin and somehow made all the warmth in him  that  much warmer.
 He quickly cast his eyes down to Shouta, and found him looking at him.
 Hizashi’s ears burned and he looked away really fast, heart thumping deep in the cage of his chest.
  Oh don’t you dare say it. Don’t you DARE.
 “Um…” He said softly, intentionally because otherwise his quirk might get the best of him – he didn’t know if he was embarrassed by his enthusiasm, or by the way Shouta was watching him, but it all went away when Shouta tugged them along the side of the lake.
 It’s a few more moments before Hizashi gathers up the right words to say – the ones that aren’t gushy and filled with emotions he’s certain Shouta wouldn’t reflect. 
 “So!” He starts, looking around now that they were near the cluster of food stands. The air was filled with burning wood, meat, sauce, alive with the sound of simmering and laughter. “Want food? My treat! We can’t walk away without trying everything at  least once!”
 “I didn’t know you were rich enough to do that.”
 Hizashi chuckled. “I’m serious, though. Whatever you want!”
 Hizashi ignored the eyes tilted his way, right before leading off to Hizashi’s right. Hizashi turns around enough to look at the little stand and it’s cloth menu.
 It was a takoyaki shop, with different bao, and there was no line. 
 Hizashi smiled, and it was his turn to tug Shouta forward. He couldn’t really  look  at him, not just yet any way, but he could hear the light lilt in his voice when he ordered from the kind eyed older man at the register. Hizashi made his order quickly, and paid, and they walked away with various stacks of food.
 It wasn’t even a question where they’d go, and they found a spot under a tree to sit with their food. 
 The grass was cut, and the little hill they sat on overlooked a great deal of the sprawling festival that surrounded them. Up here, the voices that surrounded them, the chatter, the laughter that Hizashi was not interested in, was duller – muted, and when Shouta hummed in hungry appreciation at his bao, it made his heart ache all the more.
 He snuck a look to his right, graced by the mercy of Shouta closing his eyes. He’d just taken a bite, had unravelled most of his scarf to do so, and was now enjoying it for all it’s worth.
 Hizashi’s eyes softened at the sight.
 And Shouta opened his eyes, in his direction like he just knew.
 Hizashi looked down and took his bao. “This looks good! I should eat like this more.”
 “You should take me to more festivals, too.”
 Hizashi choked a bit – he recovered fast, and cast a glance toward Shouta. “Sure thing!”
  This feeling... 
 Maybe this is what he had been feeling – the lead up to whatever moment this was. The way Shouta really took the time to look at him, not through him. Like he was paying attention.
 Hizashi held his oversized bao in both hands and looked forward. It suddenly didn’t feel like such a bad idea to speak. To say whatever it was that he was going to say, because for Shouta, it would always be okay…
 Didn’t make him feel any more at ease, not with the stupid thought in his head that maybe he was misreading whatever today was. Who knows, maybe Shouta always paid attention to him like this? And sure, the hands thing… that was new, but maybe Shouta just really likes holding hands but he needs to be comfortable with the person, and now after three years he’s  finally comfortable with Hizashi?
  If you’re gonna say something…
 “Hey,” he started. 
  Say it now.
 “I’m having a really good time.”
 He doesn’t take his wide, blown-out eyes from the festival. It was dark enough that every lantern stood out like little stars, and the breeze was so nice…
 “If you want… we can, um, do this again. I’ll find another festival, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be free this time, but I’ll try! And I’ll see if I can sneak in some home made food too so we can spend more money on like, cute stuff from the merchants. I saw this plush down there, actually, and it was a  cat , so maybe –”
 No, Hizashi wasn’t a timid person – but,  still , it was probably for the best that Shouta was the first one to move. He grabbed Hizashi’s hand, urging it away from the bao so that he could hold it again. 
 He’d pulled his attention to the forefront, and his eyes to finally meet his, and he realized that Shouta had moved so much closer…
 The dark of his eyes was so close, and he was  smiling …
 “You talk a lot when you’re nervous.”
 There wasn’t a way to hide the flush, so Hizashi looked down, feeling too open. “I’m sorry…”
 He couldn’t see his eyes, but he could see his smile. “I like it, though.”
 “What about if I say I like you...  Will you still like it?”
 Shouta didn’t leave him any time to doubt.
 “It makes it a lot easier… for me to say I like you, too… yeah, I’d like it…”
 Hizashi’s entire body was fireworks – explosions and exclamations and that same buzzing energy that gripped him every time he thought of Shouta. He grinned, and looked up to see Shouta was just as embarrassed and flustered as he was.
 He’d normally have to look away, but he assumed he had permission now, and…
  God you’re so pretty…
 His eyes, his eyelashes, the way his eyes bend against his smile and how he’d never seen him smile like this before… 
 Hizashi abandoned the bao in his lap and pushed away the hair that framed his face, slowly, not sure if it was too much to hold his face – 
 “I’m – I’m sorry, can I?”
 Shouta nodded. “And you can kiss me too, in case you weren’t sure…”
 That was all the reason he needed.
 He’d had so many reasons, so many countless reasons he  loved him...
 He cupped his jaw, still acutely aware of the way Shouta was still holding on to his hand in the grass – 
 It was cold, that was true, but right now he was warm with nerves and excitement and  love , and he leaned in –
 His breath, so warm –
 His lips, so soft –
 And neither of them were particularly experienced or daring, so after a few seconds when he finally parted their lips just a bit, they pulled away, just enough to speak.
 “Mmm, you taste like bao,” he said, and then wished someone was there in his brain to stop whatever dumb shit was trying to get out.
 Shouta just laughed. “So do you.”
 The rest of their night was spent on that hill, kissing and talking and, eventually, finishing their food. When they finally left, Hizashi found that plush cat at the vendor near the entrance of the park and gave it to Shouta. Shouta blushed, and Hizashi glowed with comfortable warmth, glad that he can now get cute things for his boyfriend.
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theteenygemthief · 4 years ago
The Things That Weigh On You: Chapter 3
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Rating: Explicit   |   Word Count: 4077  |  My Hero Academia | HawksxOCxDabi
Warning: The Things That Weigh On You features Sexual Themes, Violence, Drug abuse and touches on topics of personal trauma, mental illness and assault. Reader discretion is advised.
Credits: The image of Hawks is a screenclip from the anime. 
It’s just as easy to justify being a hero when everyone excuses your actions with the amount of glamour and power that comes with it. The media covers all of your triumphs and failures. You get endorsements. It’s almost second to being an A-List celebrity. But what happens when hero’s fall and suddenly, the justification leaves? What happens when ones own inflated ego gets the better of them and how do they bounce back from the rubble?
The rise and fall...
      He had been watching from a distance in interest as their fingers interlaced with one and other. A curious yet dissatisfied glint shimmered in his eye as he leaned against a telephone pole with feigned relaxation. The bullet train that had arrived earlier had long since sped away and the announcer had been making her afternoon calls. His lips pulled into a thin line and he could feel himself bristling as his brows pinched together. His downy mess of sleeked back blond hair moved with the breeze as crimson feathers were near difficult to keep in one place. When he went to his old prison, he had crept in through the window, seeing that she had still kept his room clean, still setting his favorite books out to read as if he were going to be studying for some big exam. He saw how she tried to keep things the way she thought he liked them. She did the same things for her little sister, despite her leaving some time ago. As if it would be enough to bring both of them back.
    Edith, had always referred to him as though he were a little brother.
For a while, he ran with it to make her happy. He didn't mind. Hell, he even thought it would be a great idea for him to stop in after four years to show how big of a name he had made for himself. Make his supposed adopted older sister proud of him by saying “Hey look, I'm a big deal now!”, and what a better way to do that than showing up as a surprise guest at a gala? If only he'd known the extent of his emotions when he saw her standing at the balcony with a glass of champagne in hand. Her Crimson eyes staring over the veranda in deep thought as the light from the inside reflected off of the rhinestones of her midnight colored mermaid gown. Her lips had been painted red for the occasion and her arms had been covered in lace opera gloves. Open caplet sleeves and a bare neck and single ponytail adorned with pearls and crystals gave a regal air about her. Almost like the stories about the queens or goddesses they would read together when they were young.
    If he could laugh at himself.
The man he had seen her with had been far beneath her league with his leopard print suit and tacky alligator shoes. Yet her calm and calculated demeanor with him at least meant that she tolerated the bastard. He wasn't hardly a notable hero to say the least. Just some schmuck with an extension quirk and nothing more. Someone who was prone to get handsy if one wasn't too careful, and yet he felt that she had completely and totally forgotten about him. So he decided it would be best to dip out without a hello, stop in and say hi to little sister Daphne and be on his merry way.
As it turned out, the man had been a renowned serial killer and it had put Edith in a kill or be killed situation, where she had to resort to defensive execution. The police wouldn't have gotten there on time to find her alive. Pictures from that same night spread all over the news over the span of three days. “Susanoo Kills” or “The Fall of Fukuoka's Battle Queen”. The paparazzi went into a complete and utter frenzy attempting to obtain details of the incident and why a pro hero resorted to murder rather than call the police. She was a small town hero who lived under his old handlers big name. And after it all died down, he found himself watching as her little sister left. Leaving her to come back hours later to find a note that was left on the dining room table. And he would watch as she left the note, pour herself a drink, come back to it and read it again, leave it on the table, repeat. Until finally, watching her had become too painful.
   She fell as he rose.
   And he wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel dirty or proud.
His thoughts were pulled back to the present as he watched Dabi pull Edith close and he straightened. He could feel his irises shrink to thin rings as he beheld the sight of the taller of the two claiming her lips and watching her melt into them. He could feel his breath catch and his heart race as he proceeded to stand and watch intently at the two. His distance wouldn't blow his cover to say the least but the ache that he felt, the sting was beyond what he had been used to.
   “Ed...” He whimpered. “Ed, what are you doing?”
The winged hero Hawks could feel his face twist into a tight grimace as his teeth clenched. Every fiber of his being told him to look away, yet he still stared at the two in the distance. Watching. Waiting for something to happen. He knew Edith was a person of her own convictions. He was fully aware of her need for independence. And if this situation was forced, she would make a move. She would punch him. Stab him. Do something. Anything.
And as he watched as another bullet train pulled in, he could see the intimacy in both of their eyes. The intimacy that he so desperately desired. He continued to watch as Edith turned, only to be pulled into what seemed to be another earth shattering kiss. He felt himself grow week as her knees buckled and Dabi entered the train with her, there was need in her eyes as she looked at him and Hawks continued to feel an ever growing twinge of jealousy. Wishing that he was the one who could do that.
   But he digressed.
He wouldn't get into something like that for a while. Instead, he would bide his time and see where the path ahead would lead him.
      She was pushed into the bathroom stall as greedy fingers trailed beneath the hem of her shorts. Hungry kisses consumed her throat and collar bone as a familiar click could be heard from behind her companion. His eyes were ablaze with a bestial need that longed to be quelled from their earlier encounter in the shower and the low rumble in his chest only signified the urgency of his desire. She parted her lips to say something, yet all words were chased away when his lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. Soon, Edith's jacket would be stripped away. Her black turtleneck crop top would be nudged over her breasts with the black lace bralette she wore beneath, and she would be fighting everything in her power not to make a sound as Dabi slowly sunk between her thighs. Her back arched as his tongue slowly dragged along her inner folds, teasing her entrance for just a brief moment as he balanced her quaking body on his shoulders. His voice emitted vibrations against her clit  as he growled, encircling his tongue around the nerve.
   “Look at you,” He teased. “You are trying so hard not to come undone. You have fallen so far and yet you still worry so much about your image, little girl.”
Edith's eyes flared with mild irritation as her fingers dug into her companions scalp. She knew he was making attempts to get to her. See what made her angry. She knew the psychological evaluations that he had performed on her during their conversations were far from judgmental, but they had still been irritating. He wanted her as more than just a casual fuck buddy and she wouldn't deny that the feeling was mutual. Their relationship had been developing for a while, and he had challenged her. She still feared the day he would decide it wasn't worth coming back. Decided that she wasn't good enough or that she wasn't worth his salt.
Her thighs tightened around his head as she hummed lowly, pressing her hips tighter against his maw and seething as he accepted her.
   “Not all of us are born without expectations, Cinders.” She mocked, bucking her hips harder and throwing her head back as his teeth grazed the nerve again.
He wasn't going to correct Edith on the expectations bit. There was no point. He wasn't going to tell her about his childhood or his father. He had made a point of reinventing himself to set himself apart from it all. So instead, he rolled with her punches in this instant. Grinning to himself about how adorable he felt her momentary ignorance was. She would eventually learn about his past, yet that would come about at a later time. Depending on whether or not the situation required it. Dabi pulled away as he felt her quake against him, knowing full well how close she was and set her back on the floor, steadying her against him as he knelt down to pull her panties and shorts back up. He with held a teasing laugh as she whined at him to continue and looked up at her with a raised brow. Did she really think she was going to be let off the hook for her assumptions that easily? He slowly rose and towered over her, sealing his lips against hers for a brief moment so that she may taste herself.
   “I don't plan on finishing until we get back to your place, fangs.” He crooned. “Consider it punishment for mouthing off to me.”
    The house had nearly been encased in a shroud of darkness as Dabi and Edith crept in through the back. Doing their best to avoid attention from prying eyes. During their trek, it had been obvious that someone had been following them. The occasional flurry of fabric or movement in the corner of their eye had set them on edge, and the fire starter of the two knew that he couldn't return home for the evening. Edith did not mind at all.
   “Relax.” She reassured.
   “I can't.” he argued.
He stared out her bedroom window as she lit candles in the background. He'd been watching her from the reflection of the glass and doing his best to keep it a secret. Her bedroom had been minimalist to say the least. She kept a coffee table in the middle of the space to entertain guests or close herself off from the world. He wondered how often she closed herself off. How many bad days or weeks she'd had when he wasn't around? He couldn't focus on what they had been doing earlier knowing that she had let her fall get the better of her. Sometimes, he wondered if she felt any conviction to being a villain. Vigilante had been a strong maybe for her. She didn't have it in her to blatantly kill anyone based on their conversations. She was still too much of a goodie good. As much as it annoyed him, it was sweet that she tried. His eyes wandered down to the garden, watching as a couple took the back road home in deep conversation. Had he been able to live a normal life, that might have been him and the woman behind him. The idea of the two walking home arm in arm, deep in conversation on the way home from the grocery store, possibly expecting a child on the way as they hypothesized the quirks they would have was a fantasy that could only afford to be lived in a dream.
   Villains didn't get that reality.
The sound in and of itself was enough to start a small fire in the bedroom as he jumped and spun on his heal. His hands cast aflame while his cool blue irises glowed with white hot embers. He had been ready to kill in that moment, only to find Edith's hand curled into a fist around a rolled up KEIRA magazine. Her fists had paled along with the rest of her body as if she had seen a ghost.
   “What happened?”
   “I had to kill a roach.”
Suddenly, all of the tension he had been holding on to had disappeared as he saw his former fuck buddy, now lover, standing like an actual god of war over the corpse of a roach.And the sound that escaped from him had been far from human.
       He spun around in circles as he moved to and fro in his swivel chair. His agency had been calling him several times to receive updates regarding his entry into the League of Villains and it was safe to report that no one had suspected him of anything. At least, so long as he was able to maintain that lie. One person in particular had recognized him and she had been standing behind one of their lieutenants in the shower as her eyes met his. He recalled how the curve of her hips had barely stuck out from behind Dabi as he tucked her protectively in the corner. Something told him that if the Fallen Hero Susanoo had been co-mingling with the league, he would have orders to kill her. He knew just how fast his quirk worked compared to hers, and just how intimately it would effect her if she dared to turn it on him. Then he would have no choice.
His fingers rapped on the edge of the computer desk as he tried to make sense of everything. Tried to figure out how to remove her from the equation in a way where she wouldn't get hurt. Otherwise, he would have to make a decision as to whether or not it was worth being a superhero himself.
   “You seem rather transfixed on the files in front of you, boy.”
There it was. The voice he had been dreading all night. He turned to face a man who had been an idol to him since he was small and smiled gleefully, acting as though he had been greeting an old friend as he slowly stood. In comparison the man stood at about six foot four and the fire that he donned on his suit could easily be used as a torch in a dark cave. Perhaps an ignition for a gas pocket if he trekked deep enough. But in that moment, his cold blue eyes were trained on reading him. Looking for a hole that he might have failed to cover up as he looked around the room. His spiked red hair added a menacing touch to his demeanor as he towered over him with folded arms.
    “I'm just planning my movements four steps ahead, Endeavor.” He replied, coolly. “With this type of organization you can never be too careful. The information they have is valuable and could potentially cost thousands of people their lives.”
Personally he wished he could turn his back on those people. He didn't understand what the point was in protecting a public who treated you like a damn movie star when you did absolutely nothing for them in their daily lives. Matter of fact, his public face was nothing more than a farce to keep up appearances for the top ten. It may as well have been a pissing match to see who was better at being a self righteous asshole.
   “I noticed that you've been to Fukuoka, recently.”
   “I have.”
There was a long pause that had run his blood cold. He knew what the other pro hero was about to ask as he did his best to keep his mask on.
   “Did you pay her a visit?”
Hawks could feel his stomach turn and twist as the trick question fell upon him. He had to think of an answer as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion, or some sort of confused reaction. He didn't want to bring up what he saw by the train station earlier in the day, nor did he want to confide in a man who could incinerate him right then and there.
   “Who?” He asked, keeping a stupid smile on his face.
If playing the fool could fan the flames of rage on a man who only very recently took the top of the hero's roster any more than it did in that instant, he would make it a personal hobby of his. Endeavor was so easy to manipulate in to a state of frustration, and like a jenga tower, his composure was so easy to set off balance. Unfortunately, the smaller of the two men facing eachother was not so easily swayed. He could keep a clueless smile on his face while knowing exactly what he was doing in the midst of danger, all the while his opponent would reveal their hand in thinking he wouldn't use it to his advantage.
So as the flame hero threatened to torch the entire room to ashes, the avian took note of the fire extinguisher in reach.
   “Takeda Nonoka's grand daughter, you stupid little...” Endeavor trailed off in a flurry of growls and curses at the smaller man.
   “Don't remember her.” Hawks said blankly.
   “Fallen hero, Susanoo.”
He really didn't know why they continued referring to her as Fallen Hero. She had stated in several interviews that she had killed in self defense. He watched as reporters hounded scoop after scoop on the matter, given that the serial killer she had executed was also a superhero.
   “Bah!” The older man finally grunted, leaving without another word.
Hawks listened carefully as his stomps disappeared down the hall and waited at least an hour before leaving.
He needed a reprieve.
     Edith slowly wandered up and down the aisle, collecting ingredients for a stew she had learned how to make when she was young. It was simple, nothing too big and was easy to send Dabi home with while leaving enough for leftovers. Hopefully no one would try and take his food. She remembered sending him home with lamb curry one evening and received a message more than two hours later regarding him having to make it again himself. And when she hadn't responded he had called her ten minutes later to apologize for not eating the food she'd sent him home with. And now, he was waiting for her to get back home with the ingredients and asking if she wanted him to prep anything, or clean any important dishes. It was a temporary paradise that she could live with.
Temporary being till the moment he went back on his words.
   “Don't forget the eggplant.” came a voice.
   “Oh believe me.” She said without thinking. “Grams would kill me if I forgot the eggplant.”
   “And the potatoes?”
   “Already at home.”
She turned to the person speaking to her with a smile, only for it to fade into the abyss. A woman just a few inches taller stood beside her as long wavy black hair fell over her shoulders. Her white trench coat hung down to the middle of her calves as black heeled boots lifted her heel just an inch off the ground. Brown eyes studied her intently as she peered past black spectacles at the older of the two. Her calm demeanor ensuring that no one would pay attention unless the younger of the two made a scene. The basket in Edith's arm nearly fell and as she moved to catch it, she looked up again and the woman was gone. Every muscle in her body had tensed. She wasn't sure how to react and her mind had filled with questions. Questions that would follow her until she sat down for dinner.
She knew Dabi had been watching her. Picking her apart like some science experiment in a psyche ward that continued to make the same mistakes over and over. Perhaps the issue was her. Maybe she was the reason why so many people went away. And if that was the case, how could she change it? How could she turn herself around and make herself more likable? Were there likable villains? No, if there were, they would be endorsed by big corporations and given assignments like heroes were. Her fingers clutched at the table cloth as her mind pondered why a woman she hadn't seen in years had suddenly been showing up after so long. Why would she appear at a grocery store of all places and how did she possibly know that Edith was there? These sorts of things raised questions as to what she needed all of her life. Or if being a villain was a birthright of hers.
   “Fuck.” She cursed.
     Her hands covered her face as she tried to hold back all the emotions that had been hitting her in that instant. Another hand had gently landed on her arm and though she didn't dare herself to look up, at least some semblance of relief washed over a part of her.
   Screams had echoed throughout the building as bodies littered the ruins of her hometown. Bomb sirens sounded off, she had been hiding beneath what remained of a fallen building and her heart had been racing. Crashing and explosions could be heard in the distance as she was currently one of the standing few. A ringing noise in her ear caught her attention as laughter mixed in with the sounds of someone screaming. Fire and ash entered her view and her heart began to race. She couldn't use her quirk. She had no weapons or anything to defend herself against her unknown adversary. And she grit her teeth as she felt helpless with the whole situation.
“Look out!” Cried a voice.
Edith barely had time to think as a force sped into her side, lifting her out of harms way and stealing her breath altogether. Shock had begun to overtake her. She was only a small time superhero who had little experience with life or death situations. She knew the reality of it all, she understood, but she had never had to deal with a situation so intense.
“I'm here.” The same voice reassured. “Just hold on to me, okay?”
Her breath began to settle as she nodded and looked up, the sun flashing in her eyes.
     She was whimpering in her sleep again. It was times like these where he felt helpless and incapable of doing anything. When she had returned, something had very obviously shaken her and he knew it. You can't shake quarts without chipping at its roots. And his lips drew into a thin line as to what exactly her roots were. He knew that her mother was a supervillain who expressly showed little interest in her development, though nothing that her grandmother couldn't make up for. However, unlike him, her trauma came at a later date. A later time and even though she had decided to become a hero as a child, the psychological damage she had gone through was pretty apparent. As for the physical...well, based on her scars, he could see that she had barely been through the ringer. Yet there were still those who could sweet talk their way out of a situation or be a complete and total wise ass where it was inappropriate.
He guessed she did quite a deal of sweet talking.
His icy blue eyes landed on a discoloration on the back of her shoulder and his mind slowly tried to make sense of it. As he ran his thumb over the mark, he had found that the skin in the area had smoothed over and thickened just slightly over time. Not like a flesh wound, but like a burn scar. Dabi's eyes narrowed into slits.
   “Was this the intent to punish or the means to kill?” he mused.
Sure, he'd seen the mark many times before. No one would even notice it just by a passing glance, and he had been certain that she'd forgotten all about it. He knew full well that he couldn't stop her from whatever decisions lay ahead. She would drink his blood and kick his ass with his own fire if he tried. But in the very least, he could dress the wounds and even stay beside her as she healed. That would at least be enough, wouldn't it?
P-1, CH2, CH3
7 notes · View notes
the-mic-drop · 5 years ago
Shonen Jump Rap Cypher by Rustage
Lyrics below the cut
If anyone wants to break down some lines that you think not everyone will get, please feel free!
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Monkey D. Luffy- One Piece (Performed by Rustage)
Starting with the number one, hey
How’d a pirate get this long, hey
‘Cause I eat the gum-gum, see them run run
when I hit that gun, hey
Sailin’ I’m taking no breaks when my crew’s on the move as we pillage the grand line
Looting the treasure we can find
I’m blowing up like a landmine
Going gear second, I reckon that I’m a weapon
I’m wrecking up those who threaten in messing with my own brethren
Stay reppin’ look where I’m headin’
No question the Yonkos sweatin’
I’m bettin’ in words I’m yellin’
I’m the king and there’s no forgettin’, UH
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Gon Freecss- Hunter x Hunter (Performed by Fabvl)
I’ll jump the competition, really there’s no contest
Channeled future Nen and most of y’all ain’t even bomb yet
It’s nonsense
Pro exams completed as a child
Hisoka, I think these clowns are living in denial
So don’t make me power up, I’ll call the thunder at my right hand
If you want the strongest Shonen, then you called the right man
They might stan
Treat you all like Pitou, it won’t take long
Name is Gon and this time, I’mma make sure that you stay gone
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Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto (Performed by None Like Joshua)
Oh, better believe it’s Naruto
Who’s the best hero? All of you know
My legacy is happening, I got a type of running named after me
while you’re slow
Can’t keep up with my chakra flow
Except Hinata, I’m her Ho
All I did was call her and I told her to come over ‘cause my parents are not home
Out of these ninjas, you can watch my dub
Even all my filler is so far above
When it comes to Boruto, why y’all givin’ up
like I did with simpin’ on Sakura?
Killer B’s rapping, but I get the encore
With the power that I bring, I don’t really want yours
‘Cause I came from the swing, everybody shunned more
Now you’re looking at the king of this Jump Force
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Yami Yugi- Yu-Gi-Oh! (Performed by Connor Quest!)
I’mma master, you be
practice newbies
That’s a doozy
for Yami Yugi
Puzzle did something like a hadron tunnel
‘cause now I got Atem through me
Champ of the match see fans fawn, no matter what hand’s drawn
I’m kicking up dust, metal tanks in land form
When we d-d-d-d-duel there’s sandstorms
Cards are flippin’ I need an answer quick
and I might find my Dark Magician
If I wish, and believe hard enough in the heart that’s in ‘em
(Heart of the cards)
I see Seto’s fear
Pull the fifth part of Exodia
Guess it’s all came to a head, so clear
that your deck’s gonna get X’d, oh dear!
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Asta- Black Clover (Performed by Eddie Rath)
Welcome to the magic
It’s a tale that’s tragic
Filled with a pain that’s harder than plastic
especially when you discover you don’t have it
When I started I was less than amazing
But now that I’ve been chosen by the Grimoir, I’m rising to the occasion in a blazing flame of
Ain’t no Hocus Pocus and Abracadabra
Not a wizard you joke with
This is not Gandalf the Grey, but you shall not pass hopeless
Better be ferocious
Was the poorest orphan living in darkness
but now that I’m focused, I be thanking all my hardships
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Ichigo Kurosaki- Bleach (Performed by IBDL)
Uh, hittin’ back with that Bankai
Got that power like I came out of the Dangai
Pops passed the torch; now I’m the fam’s Don guy
Think you Aizen, but you lookin’ like that Don guy
Y’all like Soifon, your raps barely sting
My bars are Getsuga Tensho, got that masterful swing
They say, it ain’t over til the fat lady sings
But you’ll know it’s really over when that black lady sings
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Koro-sensei- Assassination Classrom (Performed by CDawgVA)
Mach speed
Blow up the moon and now I’m making these children write essays
Comin with tentacles teach you a lesson in why you don’t mess with the sensei
I amaze
Used to be the Reaper, now I run this class
I can turn a loser to assassin, do it real fast
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Light Yagami- Death Note (Performed by Zach Boucher)
I think I’ve been out of my head
Gift was given, made some poor decisions, that I wish I didn’t, but I’d do it again
Feeling different, I was on a mission to achieve my vision with a page and a pen
Sit and listen to the words I’ve written
I ain’t even finished ‘til I see that they’re dead
Don’t even try to pretend
There’s no malicious intent
Stay in my thoughts, stick to the morals I’ve got,
and kill everyone who is not
Just never get caught, ‘til every criminal rots
They’ll consider me as a god
At whatever cost, that’s how I excel
Cannot be stopped, even if I fell
I’m taking them off if you couldn’t tell
I gave up a lot to give you this L
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Shoyo Hinata- Haikyuu!! (Performed by Shwabadi)
Yah, here comes Hinata
When I’m on the court the enemy has got their guard up
Never gonna fall off, bet I’m gonna pop off
Way short, but I’m packing punches like a sawnoff
Hot like a sauna, this ball of fire don’t know nada
but I’m gonna chase desire to go farther
every jump will take me higher
They put walls up, so I had to learn to fly
Putting up points, spiking it, or clearing the way
Best decoy, got a little something to say
to anyone that doubts that I’m here to stay
Only got one goal, that’s to play the game
Underestimated, I’m the ace, you just wait
when I spike it past the net, you might take it to the face
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Izuku “Deku” Midoriya- My Hero Academia (Performed by Divide Music)
Coming in with 100% of me
I got you all trembling
Oh just with a flick of a finger
put you back where you’re supposed to be
I’m not, holding back
I got you so calculated. I’m
one step ahead, One for All gon’ be demonstrated
Get it? Got it? Good.
Nothing better and you should know
Started at the bottom
but I made it to the top so
Step aside, I’m climbing to great heights
with All-Might by my side
Reppin’ U.A. with pride, oh
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Yusuke Urameshi- Yu Yu Hakusho (Performed by GameBoyJones)
Giving you the finger, Spirit Gun
Send you off with Botan, then you done
Hit you with the stick, and I didn’t need a grip when I’m pulling from the hip, then click!
Because I’m, locked loaded, the clip is ready to go
Got a, shotgun in my hand that’s ‘bout to blow
Cause I’m hittin’ you quick fast
givin’ you whiplash
wearing these Spirit Cuffs
You could be human or demon, cause honestly, I just don’t give a fuck
If you’re looking for the best, just know there’s no other
‘cause I’m flexing out here like I’m the youngest Toguro brother
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Gintoki Sakata- Gintama (Perfomed by Shao Dao)
They call me, Gintoki, slim not stocky
Lemme Shonen Jump on your leg and your body
Odd Job Gin, don’t mess with my possee
If you touch my hair, then you will be sorry
Ne, boge (Hey, bloke)
Nanikore, uruseena (what is this? Not good.)
Cause you’re way too sloppy
Got a silver soul, Shiroyasha
Swing my sword and Amanto scatter
Gintama, not Kintama
Tell Shinpachi we need money
If Kagura or Katsura bring more trouble, we keep running
Pay rent? That’s a waste of time
That weather girl, I will make her mine
You can beat me up and that’s fair and fine
But if you hurt my friends, then prepare to die
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Tanjiro Kamado- Demon Slayer (Performed by DizzyEight)
Look, slayin’ demons that’s what we do
If you filled with evil, then my blade is highly lethal
If you comin’ at my people, pray to god I never meet you
Ever mess with Nez, you KO’d when I see you
I’ve grown stronger from that fateful day they found me
I trained hard to hone the skill, the progression so astounding
My style like breathing water, that mean you can never drown me
Whirlpool, that mean I’m slicin’ everything around me
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Emma- The Promised Neverland (Performed by FrivolousShara)
E-M-M-A 63194
Listen to what I’ve gotta say
The others walked, seems now we’ve gotta run away
Don’t you talk, adults are the enemy
You can break every bone in my body, I won’t falter
and if the plan fails, the idea simply alters
Ah, these demons scheming, but they ain’t the only monsters
Our combined IQ breaks the safe, strength in numbers
Now we’ve woken from the slumber
Never ending perfect Summers
Across the farm, you can’t help but wonder
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Soma Yukihira- Food Wars! (Performed by DiggzDaProphecy)
See I’m the anime Raekwon
The chef baby, stay calm
You can’t stand the heat
Stay out the kitchen, get a day job
Word, and the finale’s superb
I take a sec, put on my band, an’ I’ll be happy to serve, uh
So ma, tell me what you like and I can hook it up
Ya boy’s got them recipes the best couldn’t cook it up
And she gon’ bust from the taste of my meat
Chef, boy are these boys always cookin’ up heat
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Jotaro Kujo- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Performed by Dreaded Yasuke)
It’s my go, they call me Jotaro
Don’t get me mad, I’mma go fat only with jabs you go through silos
Got that drip from Cairo, girls will simp my silhouette
I know think it’s a typo fighting with a platinum psycho
None of y’all is a threat
What you gotta say in your breath
Better speak with a bigger chest
Now you lyin’ down with my pet,
while Iggy piss on your neck
All types of disrespect, what you expect?
Go against a vet, better get your techs
wanna get swept through the complex,
now who is next?
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Bobobo- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Performed by BassedOlaf w/ ThighHighSenpai)
Bobobo making the foes stare
Call me the master of nose hair
Look at the hair on the heads of these anime characters,
brother, it’s no fair
But I’m better than these guys, don’t you understand?
I came second place at screaming face-to-face with desk fans
Afro is full of surprises, look at my power’s immense
Leaving beauty screaming-
(Bobobo, that makes no sense!)
Hunting hair hunters, Saitama, I’m coming for you
Don Patch a better Super Saiyan God than Goku
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Son Goku- Dragon Ball (Performed by DaddyPhatSnaps)
Oh they went and called Kakarot
had to be danger
Leave em flat-footed like they in the gravity chamber
I’m just looking for a challenge, can you battle me stranger?
Shonen legend in the saddle and the power is major
Level up on the track, flow Ultra Instinct
Bye bye bye fusion dance is always in sync
And they wonder why I’m last on the song
‘Cause when all of y’all were talking
I just formed a Spirit Bomb
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thathopelessromantic · 5 years ago
As Long as You’ll Have Me
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Rating: Teen Pairing: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Toshinori Yagi | All Might (EraserMight) Note: Originally my piece for the Erasermight zine that was cancelled, now gets to be my piece for Erasermight Day 2020! Warning for mentions of blood
Shouta kicks at him.“I can’t believe you made me get in the shower at three in the morning."
One hand cradling Shouta’s chin, Toshinori spreads antibiotic ointment over the cut and places a bandage over it. “You could have saved us both the trouble if you had at least tried to clean up first. Or slept on the couch.”
AO3: (X)
It takes Toshinori ages to fall asleep on his own. Falling asleep has always been difficult for the retired hero. He’s full of a restless, endless kind of energy he could never quite completely sate even after a long day of hero work, and the older he got, the more complications he had with his health and his running thoughts. Shouta made things easier, somehow. Reassuring and soothing in his own astute, stubborn, pragmatic kind of way.
So, on nights when Shouta works, falling asleep takes ages. And it is both unsurprising, and incredibly frustrating when Toshinori startles awake, after what feels like only a few minutes of sleep. He lies still for a moment, cataloguing the differences in the room and what could have woken him, realizing belatedly it is probably thanks to the wet, heavy form suddenly pressing against his back.
The form groans an affirmative.
He chuckles, relieved by the easy answer to his concern, and glances over his shoulder. In the dark he can’t make out any more than the general lump that is Shouta, hanging half off the bed next to him. His capture weapon lies almost entirely unwound in a pile next to him.
“Why are you all wet? I didn’t think it was supposed to rain tonight.”
“Didn’t rain,” Shouta grunts.
“What? Then why are you all wet?”
Shouta doesn’t answer and Toshinori sits up, ignoring the whined protest as Shouta slumps further onto the bed. Leaning over, he turns on a bedside lamp. The light is dim, but it still stings his eyes as it comes on; even Shouta flinches at the change–despite being face-down in the mattress.
At first there’s nothing startling about the image of the dark-haired hero lying sprawled in such a way, or rather there’s nothing unfamiliar about it, but then he sees the color pooling under him.
Toshinori reaches for him. “Is that blood?”
“Not mine.” Shouta grunts again, words muffled by the blankets.
Toshinori tosses the blankets off himself, all but leaping from the bed.
Shouta says something else, but Toshinori can hardly make out the sound, let alone piece together the words between his exhausted slurring and the buffer of fabric under him.
Grabbing him under the arms, Toshinori hauls him off the bed.
That wakes him, and Shouta squirms in his hold. “What are you doing?”
“You’re getting in the shower, right now.”
Shouta sags against him, not making any move to get away, but certainly not making the trek to the bathroom any easier. “I just want to sleep.”
Toshinori ignores his whining, kicking open the bathroom door and pushing on the light switch with his elbow. Shouta flinches again at the harsher light, but still doesn’t fight Toshinori’s hold, letting him manhandle him into the walk-in shower. Toshinori hits the lever to turn the water on. Shouta sways unsteadily under the spray, but he doesn’t immediately fall over, so Toshinori considers it a win.
“Take off your jumpsuit,” He orders. “Just leave it in the shower for now. I’ll be back in a moment.”
He strips the soiled sheets off the bed, tossing them into the corner to be dealt with later. In the morning he’ll regret it, but for now he has more pressing concerns. What’s one more blood stain anyways?
He hangs Shouta’s capture weapon as best he can on its hook on the wall – made for easy, emergency access – but it needs to be washed before he can let the filthy thing anywhere near Shouta’s face again. He pulls a clean fitted sheet onto the mattress and grabs a few spare blankets from the closet before he returns to the bathroom. Shouta’s only managed to get his jumpsuit half-off, but at least he tried, which is more than Toshinori can get from him some nights.
The water falling off him runs red and brown.
Stripping off his own light-weight sleep clothes, Toshinori joins him in the shower. Carefully, he helps peel the jumpsuit the rest of the way off, kicking it to the corner of the shower. Shouta sags against him as he reaches for shampoo, but Toshinori can already feel him becoming more alert under the spray.
“How does this even happen?” He asks, though not expecting much of an answer as he pours a generous amount of soap onto Shouta’s head.
“Explosion and regeneration quirk duo.”
He grimaces, working the soap into Shouta’s hair. The lather turns a dark, rusty color under his hands. “That sounds… well, dreadful, honestly.”
Shouta snorts against his shoulder. “No kidding.”
Toshinori pushes him further under the spray, tilting his head to catch the most of it, and waits until the water finally runs clear before he pulls Shouta back and pours more shampoo into his hands. He washes his hair once more, just to be safe.
Toshnori lathers up a washcloth with body wash and nudges it into Shouta’s hand. “Wash yourself off.”
Shouta only grunts in reply, but he takes the washcloth.
Toshinori grabs conditioner, pouring a generous amount onto the ends of Shouta’s thick hair.
He lets silence settle over them as he combs his fingers through Shouta’s hair, wincing in sympathy as he hits a particularly nasty snag. Shouta, however, seems unbothered. The quiet breaks only once for Shouta to ask for more body wash.
He can tell Shouta’s more awake by the time Toshinori finally deems him clean enough by the way dark eyes follow him around the bathroom as he slings a towel around his own waist before dropping one over Shouta’s head and wrapping a second one around him, but Shouta still lets Toshinori fuss over him, and guide him to sit on the edge of the bathtub.
“Stay there, I'm getting the first aid kit.”
“I'm fine.”
“Shut up.”
Shouta huffs a quiet laugh, somewhere between fond and exasperated, and shuts up.
First aid kit in tow, Toshinori crouches before Shouta, looking him over for the most pressing injuries, and ignoring the pointed look he gets for the way his knees pop as they bend. There's a scrape on Shouta’s cheek, and similar, small cuts scattered over his arms. The worst of it seems to be the already-darkening purple bruise curling around his ribs and over his shoulder, and a jagged cut on his leg.
Toshinori starts with his leg, settling onto the floor with a damp cloth to clean the wound, Shouta’s foot propped in his lap.
“This should really have stitches,” he mutters, even as he grabs a handful of butterfly closures from the kit.
“It’s fine.”
Toshinori rolls his eyes rather than arguing. He finishes wrapping Shouta’s calf in gauze, and looks up with an overly sweet smile. Shouta kicks at him with his uninjured leg.
“I can’t believe you made me get in the shower at three in the morning,” he mutters, as Toshinori moves from his leg to his cheek.
One hand cradling Shouta’s chin, he spreads antibiotic ointment over the cut and places a bandage over it. “You could have saved us both the trouble if you had at least tried to clean up first. Or slept on the couch.”
“You would have wondered where I was,” Shouta sighs, and it sounds like a complaint, even as he nudges Toshinori’s leg, so he knows it’s not. “And the last thing Eri needs to wake up to is me covered in guts on the couch.”
Toshinori makes a face. “Oh, only I get that privilege?”
“You can handle it, better than a six-year-old, anyways.”
Toshinori huffs but doesn’t protest. Getting to his feet, he settles between Shouta’s legs to towel off his hair. Shouta reaches out to grab his hip. It’s not a particularly strong touch, but it’s grounding, cementing the two of them in this moment together. The silence is warm and comfortable; and Toshinori can't help but think, even as his eyes sting from being woken suddenly from an already short sleep, and his pulse is only just now back to normal from his initial shock and horror of seeing Shouta return home exhausted and bloodied, that this is what happiness-at least his happiness-feels like; being able to savor this simple moment in time with someone he loves.
“Let’s get married.”
Toshinori chokes on a cough, biting his tongue in the process. He stumbles back, hiding his face in the crook of his arm, just to be safe. The last thing they need is for Shouta to be covered in yet another person’s blood for the night.
Shouta, meanwhile, hasn’t moved at all, his arm still out-stretched, as if Toshinori hadn’t stepped away, though the towel has fallen from his head. He matches Toshinori’s wide-eyed look with one of his own, as if he is just as surprised by the words that have come from his mouth.
“What?” Toshinori asks when he’s sure it’s safe for him to speak, hesitantly lowering his arm.
Shouta’s shoulders hunch and he ducks his head, but there’s no scarf to hide in like there is when he’s dressed. Toshinori can see the ends of his hair start to lift as he glances around the bathroom, as if looking for an answer, or somewhere to hide, a familiar compliment to the faint flush to his cheeks.  “I mean… do you want to get married?...Eventually?”
“To you?”
Shouta arches a brow, his surprised expression transforming into something a little more familiar as his hair settles back around his shoulders. “I’m sorry, did you have someone else in mind?”
Toshinori sputters, finally crossing the distance between them once again. “Of course not! I just… didn’t,” his hand goes to cradle Shouta’s jaw again, and Shouta’s hand settles back on his hip but his grip is tighter now, as if he truly had anything to worry about with Toshinori’s slip or him slipping away. “Did you mean it?”
“I did,” Shouta admits. “I didn’t think it would come out today, or like that. But I’ve thought about it before.”
Toshinori feels like his world is spinning. “Really?”
“I love you, Toshinori. And maybe neither of us planned this, but we've made a life together. We’re raising a child together,” he shakes his head. “Hell, we’re raising multiple children. Why shouldn't we?”
Toshinori doesn't have the words, doesn't know if he'll ever have the words to properly express his awe, how he never expected to have even a fraction of this life they’ve made together, let alone get married, or have a family, but he surges forward, holding Shouta's face between his hands to kiss him senseless. They teeter precariously on the edge of the tub, but Shouta reacts just in time to save them from a painful tumble into the porcelain, throwing his arms around Toshinori's shoulders and pushing his weight against him. Toshinori takes it in stride, stepping back to accommodate and pulling Shouta off the tub. They stumble for a few feet before they bump and settle against the sink. It’s as good a place as any to catch their breath.
Shouta pushes Toshinori’s bangs behind his ears. “So, I’m assuming I can take that as a yes?”
Toshinori can’t help himself as he laughs, pressing another quick kiss to Shouta’s lips, and then the tip of his nose and the top of his head, for good measure. “Of course, my love,” he whispers into still-damp hair, savoring the scent of their shared shampoo, of the feeling of Shouta in his arms and his strong hands against his back.
They stumble back to bed, hands straying against naked bodies, but exhaustion hovers over them, lulling their sudden excitement to something soft and gentle. They both drift off to sleep within minutes of climbing into bed. They’ve both been falling asleep easier and sleeping better since getting together, not just Toshinori, and only in this moment does that suddenly seem like a bad thing.
In the morning, when sunlight pools in through the window, the curtains left open from Shouta’s late night entrance, Toshinori is the first to wake. The warm rays brush against his face in a gentle caress. Shouta lies beside him, bathed in the light but seemingly unaware of its warm touch or the way he glows under it.
He doesn’t look particularly comfortable, on his back with one arm shoved under the pillow and another stretched out between them, but comfort has never seemed to be Shouta’s biggest concern. Toshinori follows the sunbeams dancing across his lover (his fiancé now?) – trailing over a relaxed, calloused palm and up the pale expanse of his arm. He presses a soft kiss to the crook of his elbow, fingers brushing gently over the edges of the scar left by Shigaraki.
When he looks up, Shouta is watching him through hooded eyes.
“What are you doing?”
Toshinori continues on, pressing a kiss to his bicep, and another to his shoulder before he noses against his chin. “Good morning, love.”
“You have morning breath,” Shouta complains, nose wrinkling in displeasure.
Toshinori snorts, ignoring the complaint as he leans over for a kiss. “Yours is worse. At least I brushed my teeth last night.”
“Then you definitely shouldn’t be kissing me,” Shouta replies, even as he tilts his chin up to meet Toshinori.
Toshinori gives him nothing more than a quick peck before he starts to pull away. Shouta’s hand comes out from under his pillow before he can get much distance, pulling him back down for a proper kiss. Toshinori’s smug smile interrupts things a few times, but Shouta learned ages ago how to fix or work around such a problem.
Eventually, they break apart so Toshinori can catch his breath. Shoving his pillows against the headboard, he shifts to lean against it. Shouta stays prone besides him, reaching out to trace random patterns against his arm.
Shouta clears his throat suddenly, breaking the silence, and pulling his hand back. “Did I have a strangely vivid dream, or did I actually ask you to marry me when I came back last night?”
Toshinori nearly flinches at the question. He looks away, hopefully fast enough for Shouta not to see the flash of hurt in his eyes. He coughs, once, clearing his throat. “Not in so many words, but yes, that happened. If you didn’t mean…” Toshinori struggles to find the words he wants, without showcasing rather clearly the sinking feeling in his chest. “Rather, I understand if… Shouta?” Toshinori trails off as Shouta wordlessly slips out of bed and pads across the room to their shared dresser, crouching to access the bottom drawer– the one Toshinori never bothers with.
After rummaging around for a few moments, he pulls something out and returns to the bed, slipping back under the sheets. He cradles a small, black box between his hands.
“I kept thinking,” Shouta sighs, looking moments away from rubbing at his temples like he does when he has a particularly difficult student or a frustrating fight. “I thought, eventually, I would figure out something profound to say, or a special way to ask, because you deserve at least that much, Toshinori. Even just once. I certainly didn’t think I would just blurt it out, in the middle of the night, after you had just spent the last thirty minutes washing someone else’s blood out of my hair.”
“Shouta…” Toshinori reaches for him, but Shouta holds up a hand, requesting patience, a moment to collect his thoughts, and Toshinori’s hand drops back between them.
Eventually, Shouta reaches over and grabs his hand. “I love you, Toshinori. This is it for me. For as long as you’ll have me, and all my bad habits, late nights and shitty moods, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Letting go of him once more, Shouta opens the box in his hands, turning it to face Toshinori.
A thin gold band sits nestled in a bed of velvet.  The surface is a plain, bright gold, but when Toshinori looks closer, he sees a pattern etched into the inside of the ring.
“Is that a-”
When Toshinori looks up again, Shouta is watching him with a familiar, awkward look, which he thinks is supposed to be a smile but looks more like a grimace, that he wore the first time he asked Toshinori out for drinks with the clarification that it was actually a date this time, and again when he suggested they move in together, because Toshinori’s apartment was bigger and Eri needed her own room, and they spent all their time together anyways. It’s one of Toshinori’s favorite expressions.
“The simple band felt like too…little for you,” Shouta mutters when Toshinori still doesn’t say anything else. “But I wasn’t sure what…nothing else seemed-”
“It’s perfect.”
“Shouta,” Toshinori leans over, cupping Shouta’s face. The ring box falls out of his hands between them as Toshinori pulls him into a kiss that has Shouta grasping desperately at his shoulders, blunt nails digging sharp and familiar into his skin. He tries to pour everything can’t say now into the kiss, but they’ll have the rest of their lives together for him to show and tell and prove to Shouta everything he can’t in this moment. “Let’s get married.”
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Boku no Hero Academia - i think i might’ve finally figured out what these powers are for
This was my last patreon drabble of 2019, but it was probably my favorite! This was for a request from one of my Patrons that asked for a Present Mic story where he was descended from Danny Phantom and, well, I had some fun with it I suppose. Enjoy and remember to check out my Patreon for more great work like this! 
Summary:  Shouta has seen a lot in his time as a pro hero, but he could honestly say that he had never seen his best friend phase through falling rocks as if he could become intangible. One thing is for sure, however, and that’s the fact that Yamada Hizashi has some explaining to do.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, minor Danny Phantom
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Rating: Teen Audiences
Word Count: 2,235
              Check out my writing commission information here!        Pledge to my Patreon to get exclusive content like this drabble!
Aizawa Shouta had seen many strange things within his life. As a licensed pro hero who had been working in the field for a decade, and one who had been teaching for a number of years, it was impossible not to see some strange sights, but the act he had just witnessed was not one that he could even begin to process, let alone believe. No matter how many times he blinked, though, his closest friend stood in front of him with the same guilty expression and nervous smile. 
“You know, Shou-chan-” Shou-chan. Childhood nickname. Hizashi was terrified of his wrath. Good. “-I think this is the longest I’ve ever seen you speechless. I mean, quiet, sure, but speechless is way different! Don’t- Don’t you think?” Hizashi’s nervous smile was soon accompanied by a shuffling of his feet, his entire body twitching from nerves from atop the pile of rubble that he should have been buried under if his body hadn’t simply phased through it. “It’s really not that-” 
“Hizashi.” Shouta’s voice hadn’t felt that loud, but Hizashi’s mouth snapped shut as if he had just been screamed at. Shouta had a feeling it had to do with the fact that he almost never called Hizashi by his first name when they were in the middle of hero work and still in the field, which they had been before half a building had collapsed on Hizashi and he hadn’t even been bruised. “What the fuck-”
“It’s not what you think I promise!” Hizashi’s movements were spastic and wide, the man waving his hands about as if trying to wave off Shouta’s overwhelming confusion. “It’s a quirk thing- Okay, maybe not so much a quirk thing as a family thing, but I promise it’s not like I kept it from you on purpose, I mean, I only really discovered about this when I went to visit America not long after we graduated, remember? When I went to go visit family and was gone for about a year? I brought you back all that candy- Well, candy and that t-shirt. Hey, did you ever-”
Shouta sighed as Hizashi lost himself to his anxious ramblings, no doubt convinced that if he stopped talking Shouta would already be yelling at him. He wasn’t completely wrong, but Shouta wasn’t sure if he had the strength to yell when he was still recovering from the fact his friend had almost died under a collapsing building and instead was… fine. 
Shaking off some of the dust and debris that covered his suit and waiting for it to settle before slipping his goggles off, Shouta tapped the earpiece still hooked around his ear, “Eraserhead and Present Mic checking in. No major injuries to report and all villains in this area confirmed already captured or neutralized. We’re leaving.” 
“Whoa, whoa, hang on, were you even cleared by a medic? Where are you guys you disappeared as soon as the building came down- Hey! You can’t leave until we talk to the police-!”
“I’ll take care of it later,” Shouta muttered, slipping the earpiece out and tossing it towards one of the piles of rubble before stumbling his way over another and sliding into Hizashi’s space, slapping a hand over his mouth and cutting him off mid-ramble. The man had to have ramped himself up into a decent attack if he hadn’t even noticed that Shouta had reported in for them. 
Waiting until the muffled words stopped, Shouta gave a single nod and removed his hand, waiting for a moment longer to make sure the silence kept. “Okay.” Okay. Hizashi was alive. That… that was honestly the only important part. Everything else could wait. “Okay. Your apartment is closer. We’re going to clean up, get something to eat, and then you can explain calmly and logically.” Pausing for a moment, Shouta tilted his head as he lightly tapped Hizashi’s chest with the back of his hand. “And I’m not angry. Confused and annoyed you’ve never told me you could do that, but not angry.” 
Just as Shouta had hoped all of the tension seemed to drain out of Hizashi’s shoulders, his anxieties and fears no longer hidden as he gave a small smile with a nod to match, voice quiet and calm when he spoke again, “Want me to order our usual?” 
“You’re paying,” Shouta grinned, brushing past Hizashi and taking a moment to place their location before heading towards where the front door should be if it were still standing. Hizashi’s steps easily echoed his own and Shouta let himself release some of his own worries. Hizashi was alive and that was all that mattered. 
That didn’t mean that Shouta wasn’t ready for an interrogation a few hours later.
The two of them were drowning in old, oversized pajamas after each had taken over the shower for just under an hour a piece, half a dozen takeout containers had been spread out around them, and a show that Hizashi typically liked played in the background on a soft volume. It was the perfect place for an interrogation and Shouta didn’t hold back as he said a short, simple, “Explain.”
Hizashi didn’t rush to explain or ramble, instead chewing on a crab rangoon thoughtfully before swallowing and lowering his chopsticks. “Well… I suppose I should start by explaining my quirk.” 
“I already know your quirk,” Shouta frowned, not liking the smile Hizashi gave him. It was as amused as it was apologetic. “It’s not Voice?” 
“It… is in a way,” Hizashi settled on, scarfing down another two bites of food quickly. The normalcy of it, Hizashi eating as if it was his last meal and making pained little noises because he didn’t know how to wait until his food was cooled off, was enough to drain away the last of Shouta’s fear at almost losing one of his closest and longest friends. “My quirk is registered as Voice because that’s what we thought it was. I mean, you know the story. Born with my quirk, blew out my parents’ hearing, yada yada yada, right?” 
Shouta nodded, eyes flicking by habit up to Hizashi’s hearing aids. The fact he still had them on even when he was home showed he really was serious about explaining what had happened to Shouta. 
“Right! So, we just assumed it was a voice quirk, registered it like that, and then carried on. I didn’t know that Voice wasn’t my actual quirk until I was in America and discovered the other half of my family - and my family history. Didn’t you ever wonder about the fact that neither of my parents have voice quirks?” 
“I guess I just assumed your quirk was one of the few that mutated into what it is now,” Shouta said, chewing thoughtfully for a moment. “If it’s not Voice then what is your quirk?” 
“No idea,” Hizashi laughed, loud and bright and just a touch unsettled. “Best as we can all figure it’s a mutation quirk with multiple facets. I mean… you’re not an idiot. Your quirk blocks the quirk factor, right? And every time you’ve used your quirk on me…” 
“You can’t speak,” Shouta finished easily before freezing, the realization fully hitting him. “You can’t speak. If it were just a voice-enhancement quirk-”
“Then I would just speak at a normal volume,” Hizashi finished, grinning again. “My family, the family line I come from in America, is sort of… well, weird. I mean weird in a way that quirks emerged in their family back in 2004-”
“What?” Shouta wasn’t one to shout or raise his voice often, but that was- That was impossible information. Oh, yes, there were always stories and myths and legends and even movies and comics, but quirks as the world knew them hadn’t existed until over half a century into the 21st century. 
Hizashi seemed to find his shock funny, laughing before he managed to get control of himself with a half-hearted apology. “Sorry, sorry, but that was my exact reaction when I found out myself. The one who had a quirk first wasn’t born with it, though. His parents were scientists and they were experimenting with radiation and nasty stuff like that. There was a lab accident and that’s how he got his quirk, but it changed his genetics, so when he had kids…”
“It passed down like quirks are now.” Shouta sat back for a moment, leaning against the arm of the couch they were both twisted and crammed on to be able to face each other. “And I imagine they only became stronger as other quirks were introduced to your family?” 
“Seems to be the popular theory,” Hizashi nodded, pausing for a moment. “Oh, yeah, I say theory and stuff because we don’t know, but my family over there are still scientists. My cousin, Daniel, he studies quirks. His work is actually crazy renowned over there, I think.” 
Giving Hizashi a few minutes to focus on his food, Shouta chewed through a few bites of his own as he thought over what Hizashi had told him. It made sense, he supposed, but it still didn’t explain how he had gone intangible. “But the building today…” 
“Oh- Right! So, okay, the kid had a lab accident and everything his genetics went crazy and gave him his quirk. Well, his original quirk was crazy powerful even by today’s standards, and I guess it was somewhere between a mutation and a transformation quirk? He had an ability like what Voice can do, but he could also become invisible, intangible, had cryokinesis, and had the ability to access another form where all of his abilities were amplified. Oh, he could fly, too.” 
“Oh, is that all?” Shouta muttered, hiding his smile at Hizashi’s loud laugh behind a quick bite of food, frowning when he noticed his container was empty. Hizashi was reaching him another one before Shouta could ask even as he continued his explanation.
“Yeah, so, I mean, he was like crazy powerful. He kind of became his town hero keeping everyone safe, but the town and everyone kept it all pretty hushed up since this was way before the quirk evolution.” 
“Great. Being an overpowered hero runs in your genes,” Shouta commented, relaxing at the sound of Hizashi’s bright, happy laughter. “So, what you did today… that was intangibility. Have you always been able to do that?” 
Hizashi was shaking his head at once, which Shouta was relieved by. “No way! Do you think I wouldn’t do that all the time just to find the remote if I could!” Well… that part sounded true enough, Shouta supposed. “No, no, my quirk mostly revolves around Voice, which was the kid’s most powerful attack, I guess, but the intangibility thing is something I can only do when I’m basically in a life and death situation. We think it might be something to do with adrenaline?” 
It made sense. Hizashi had been about to be buried and the only thing that had saved him was that ability. If things were even slightly different… 
Shouta was knocked out of his thoughts before they could begin, Hizashi kicking him lightly with a frown and a quiet, “Stop that. I’m okay.” 
“Right.” Hizashi was okay. That was a thought he could focus on. “And you didn’t find this out until you were in America?” 
“Yup! They had their fun putting me through a bunch of tests, too,” Hizashi muttered, tone turning bitter towards the end. It was dramatic enough to have Shouta’s mood lightening back up. “But so far we figure I have Voice, I can do the intangibility thing when I’m in some serious danger, and we think I might be able to do the invisibility thing, but I’ve never noticed if I ever did manage that. Oh! There’s also my eyes.” 
“Your eyes? That’s a part of your quirk, too?” Shouta supposed he couldn’t be too surprised. He didn’t know many, even with specific quirks, that had eyes as bright as Hizashi’s. The green was vibrant enough that a lot of times they almost seemed to, well, glow. 
“Kind of. It’s more like a recessive trait, I think,” Hizashi waved off, as if all this information wasn’t changing Shouta’s entire world view. “But, yeah. I didn’t really know all of this until I was nineteen, and by the time I came back we were both super getting focused on our hero careers, and, like… I’ve never really focused on how my quirk is different, I guess. I’ve only been able to do that trick twice before today and the last time I did it was, jeez… six or seven years ago?” 
Ah, well, Shouta supposed he would have been much the same in Hizashi’s situation. Why bother telling him so much information when, ultimately, it didn’t change anything between them. 
“Huh. Guess that makes sense,” Shouta settled on, shifting on the couch to lean up against Hizashi’s side, looking at the television and relaxing at the familiar smells and sounds of Hizashi’s apartment. “You’re paying for takeout next time, too.”
“Aw, what! No fair! I paid this time!” The dramatic whining and laughing had everything slotting back into place as naturally as ever, Shouta tucking away everything that he had learned with a small smile. 
Maybe next time Hizashi took a vacation to America he would tag along. The Fenton family sounded interesting. 
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tawneybel · 5 years ago
Earlier this week I was supposed to have a horror movie marathon with a friend and tonight I was supposed to go out. And, also thanks to the coronavirus, I’m not sure if I’m going into work for the next week or so. My hands are getting dry from all the washing. Also, I may have to break Lent now, ugh. 
Good things:
Even though one of my friends is home from college because her school closed, we’ll probably get to hang out soon. 
Lady Gaga released Stupid Love. Sometimes all a music video needs is a bunch of people in rad outfits dancing. I want her pink spiky belt. Chromatica comes out next month. 
The Birthday Massacre’s Diamonds comes out this month. Two new albums from my favorite musical artists, yesh. Sadly they’ve had to postpone their American tour, though. 
Yesterday I was down to clown and watched Joker and the first half of It: Chapter Two. The first one was fantastic and tied everything so neatly into Batman. Good job, DC. I already have Birds of Prey on hold at the library. Need more clown fuel. Tonight I’m going to finish It and read The World of It.
After reading the first three volumes of My Hero Academia, I have a crush on the handy guy in need of moisturizer. 
Oracea seems to be working. I’m on my period but I haven’t really broken out. 
Okay, movies I want to talk about!
I watch way too many horror movies to get easily scared by most of them. But Orphan was actually terrifying. Esther is a grade-A abuser, which made her a great villain. She did have a good point about euthanizing the bird, though. Her glow-in-the-dark paintings were cool, too. Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book is a great horror trope. 
Kate actually had a good way of telling Max about the stillbirth. One thing I didn’t like was how nobody thought to use a breathalyzer. 
The Blob 1988
The theater scene seemed like it should have had a seizure warning. 
I was surprised that I preferred the 1958 original. (Still a better movie than Ghostbusters II, though.) But the remake is scarier ‘cause the Blob doesn’t just absorb. It visibly digests. I watched this while it was raining. I assumed it wouldn’t like being rained on, but the Blob can swim. 
The characters could have made jewelry from the frozen Blob pieces and given it to people they don’t like. 
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
I’d been wanting to see this for a while. I already know a little about the production history, so I felt bad when Sally was screaming at the dinner table. Leatherface appears thirty-five minutes in. The grandfather was the creepiest character. I like how Bubba looked after him and pat him gently. And tried to help him brain Sally. 
Hm, not really sure what to say about this movie. I’m not the only one who seemed to think this seemed anti-meat industry. XD
Velvet Buzzsaw 
Modern art galleries… so much pretentiousness… Better art online. 
Since Spider-Man: Homecoming I’ve been into Jake Gyllenhaal. I wish Mr. Gyllenhaal would lounge around nud3 in my living room. :( That scene where he goes to see Josephina and learns she hooked up with Damrish was amazing. 
I didn’t recognize Natalia Dyer with glasses.
So much for top Naz/i assasin, eh Karl? He would have been so cool if he wasn’t a Naz/i. Disfigurements, mask, armor… DARN IT. 
Uh… I didn’t really write a lot of notes for this. I like how jealous Hellboy was of John. Some good one liners, like the protagonist’s “prudishness.”
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark 2010
This movie reminded me that I prefer smooth peanut butter. Crunchy makes me feel like I’m eating baby teeth. 
In that atmosphere, if a voice told me to reach down, I simply would not do it. Even if it sounded like it belonged to a really sexy man. Uh… I’m just going to make a bulleted list. 
Teddy bear was nice. 
Sally’s mom taught her to hate gluten, but not stranger danger?
Malevolent fairies! :D 
When I first saw the trailer I was afraid of the dude under the covers. Now that I’m a grown woman, I would give him a disciplinary hug. 
I want that mural. 
Kim gets corrupted off-screen, for anyone who’s into that. 
They made a book. And I also want to watch the original movie. 
Suspiria was great and I really liked this a lot, too. Sometimes the plot doesn’t have to be the point of a movie. The lighting! More movies should strive to be this atmospheric. Needs me some more giallo. I’m just going to do another bulleted list. 
I like how Rose doesn’t bother taking her clothes off before submerging herself.
It’s nice to know beauty queens aren’t entirely unblemished.
Poor Carlo. He just kept a scared lady company without flirting.
Them still cat eyes.
Elise is a coward but at least she admits it. 
I wish I had a clowder of attack kittens.
My least favorite character ended up being Kazanian. Too bad the cats couldn’t be saved but at least rats can feast on his corpse.
*queue operatic rock when Mark follows the kitty*
Well, I was expecting Varelli to be the waterlogged corpse at the beginning.
I would probably try to suckle and spit out injected poison too, Mark.
Song of the Day: “Brave New Love” by Alien, from The Blob soundtrack.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years ago
Tales of Their Hero Academia: Wake Up, Shitty Hair
In the background of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia, I’ve made mention of a battle with an upstart League of Villains and Kirishima suffering terrible injuries.  The story of the affect this had on his husband, Bakugo, is not an easy one...
Day Two
Katsuki’s world is broken.   He’s sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair, hasn’t moved for hours, though he wouldn’t have been able to tell you how long he’s been there.  He knows, logically, that he must have gotten up at some point to answer nature’s call. And he’s vaguely aware that people have offered him food, though he wouldn’t be able to tell you whether or not he’s eaten it.  Even the faint beeping of various machines has become part of the background, where once he found them harsh, sharp and distracting.
Katsumi is…  She’s with Deku and Round Face.  That’s right.  He made the mistake of bringing her here when they got the call.  She shouldn’t have…  she shouldn’t have seen what she saw, she shouldn’t have had to see him like that… seen either of them like that…  She’d clutched onto him so tightly and he’d fought so hard to stay strong in front of her…
Eijiro lays in the hospital bed before him, hooked to more machines and wires than he can count. He’s wrapped in enough bandages to look like a mummy.  And he is broken.  So very broken.  If he’d had any other Quirk, he would have already been dead.  They’d had to use special medical tools to stabilize him, locked in his Hardened state.  
Eijiro and several other Heroes had gone up against a group of upstarts calling themselves the League of Villains. And a Villain called Strongarm had beaten him worse than anyone ever had before.
He hadn’t been there. He’d been on the other side of the country, working on a different case.  He wasn’t there when the love of his life needed him.  Maybe if he’d been there he could have done something… could have fragged that sucker before he could hurt Eijiro.  Could have prevented all of… this.
He knows he should count himself lucky that Eijiro survived.  Not all the Heroes who had gone out had come back.  Sato’s wife, Chizu, was one of the ones who hadn’t made it. He couldn’t imagine what his former classmate was going through, couldn’t imagine what their young son was going through.  How would he go on if… How would he explain it to Katsumi if…
He refused to think of that. Eijiro was the strongest person he knew. Stronger than him, that was for sure. Challenges like a relationship, marriage, fatherhood, things that scared the hell out of him, Eijiro had charged into headlong, with a sharp-toothed smile on his face.
They’d gotten Aizawa in from U.A. to erase his Quirk, letting Eijiro revert back to soft flesh. Then, they said, treatment could begin in earnest.  But they still didn’t fully know the extent of the damage.  Didn’t know… if he’d ever wake.
Katsuki gives his hand a squeeze.  The doctors had said he might still be able to feel something.  
“C’mon, Shitty Hair,” he says, his voice hoarse from disuse.  “Wake up.”
Day Five
“You!” Katsuki strikes out, pinning Eijiro’s visitor to the wall.  “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face here!”
Tetsutetsu doesn’t fight back, doesn’t unleash his Quirk.  His grip on Katsuki’s hand is just enough to keep him from crushing his windpipe.  Katsuki vaguely remembers that he’d been hurt too, his arm broken so badly they’d had to get someone with a heat Quirk to soften his metal form so that they could set it.  That arm is still in a cast.  
“Bakugo…” Tetsutetsu grunts… “Can’t… breathe…”
“Why shouldn’t I?” Katsuki growls.  Sparks and miniature explosions dance over his other hand, which he dangles dangerously close to Tetsutetsu’s face.  “It’s your fault!”
Tetsutetsu’s eyes go wide. “What…?” he gasps.
“You’re his partner! You’re supposed to have his back! You’re supposed to watch out for him!” He’s getting louder with each statement, his anger building and bubbling up inside him.  For a moment, he’s the Bakugo of his U.A. days, a barely repressed cauldron of rage simmering over and splashing over everything.
“But you couldn’t do it! You let him fight that monster alone! If he dies… it’s your fault!”
Tetsutetsu shifts to metal now, strong enough to shove Katsuki back, even with one hand.  “What the hell is wrong with you?!  I came to check on my best bro!  He’s almost all I’ve thought about!”
“Both of you, stop it!” A sharp blow cracks against the back Katsuki’s neck, knocking him to his knees.  He’s up in an instant, facing Tetsutetsu’s wife, Itsuka.  
“You looking for a fight?” Katsuki growls.  “I could use the release!”
There’s security at the door, but she waves them off.  He nods, holding up his hands.  He’s not going to fight… not here.
“Bakugo…” Tetsutetsu says, softly.  He turns back to flesh, looking down at his busted arm.  “Strongarm broke my arm.  He was going to finish me.  Eijiro shoved me out of the way, took the hit… and kept taking them…  Gave everybody time to get out of there…   He’s a Hero, man.  Through and through.”
That’s what everyone was saying.  That Eijiro had stood like an unbreakable wall to give the others time.  Time to fight, time to escape, time to get the wounded to safety.  
Damn, Shitty Hair. Always thinking of someone else. Never putting himself first. Never thinking about the risks when he threw himself into danger.  Just like he’d done for him a thousand times over during the time they’d known each other. A better and more faithful friend and partner than he deserved.
“He’s strong,” Tetsutetsu said.  “He’ll wake up.  I know it.”
Day Seven
He leaves when visiting hours are over, picks up Katsumi from whichever of his friends is taking care of her that day, goes home, puts her to bed, and sleeps fitfully.  And the next day, he gets up, gets Katsumi ready for school, drops her off, arranges pick up, and goes to the hospital and waits.   It’s the same, day in and day out. His agency calls, but he sends them to voicemail or shoots off a rare text to tell someone else to take care of it.
His world is here.  He has to be here, every moment he can. Because Eijiro is going to wake up. And he wants to be the first thing he sees.
“Hey,” a voice says at the door.  It’s Pikachu. He looks better than he has.  He was hurt in the battle too, but not as badly as Eijiro.  No, he’s being discharged today.  He gets to go home to his wife and kids, a daughter Katsumi’s age and a three year old son.
Pikachu looks over Eijiro and his eyes go dark.  He lets out a puff of breath.  “Man… that could’ve been me.”  Katsuki notices his breathing is still heavy, his movements cautiously like he’s trying to avoid popping stitches.  He’s been injured himself often enough to know the signs.
“Yeah,” Katsuki growls, “well, it wasn’t.”
Pikachu puts a hand on his shoulder.  “Look, I’m getting out of here today.  I’m supposed to be taking it easy, but if there’s anything you need or Katsumi needs…”
He knocks Pikachu’s hand off his shoulder and Pikachu lets it drop limply to his side.  “What we need is a husband and a father who’s not in a fucking coma!”
“Hey!” Pikachu snaps, backing up and holding his hands up.  “I’m on your side here, man!  I was there when he went down!  I was there when Chizu…  and I just… I just lay there… bleeding out, brains too fried to even know how hurt I was…”
He sank into a chair, head down.   “I couldn’t save him, man.  One of my best friends and I just lay there jibbering while he got the shit beat out him.” He looked up, his eyes wet with tears. “I’m sorry… I’m just… so… sorry…”
Dammit, he’s barely good with his emotions on a good day.  Eijiro and Katsumi are good at bringing the best out of him for that. With Eijiro hurt and her away, he’s falling back on old habits, old anger, old walls.  He’s had a lot of a therapy since U.A, tried to put himself in a better place, a better mindset.   Right now, without his touchstones, it’s hard.  He should say something reassuring here, tell Pikachu… something, anything.
“Pika… Kaminari,” he says, finally.  “It wasn’t your fault.”
Stupid, stupid Pikachu. Always with that dumb smile.  It didn’t look right, seeing him sob like some kind of baby.  At least he was stopping now.
“You’ve got a wife and kids to go home to,” Katsuki said.  “What you can do for me is go home to them.  Maybe by the time you get back, Shitty Hair will wake up.”
Day Ten
There hasn’t been any improvement.  Things haven’t gotten any worse, but Eijiro still hasn’t shown any signs of waking up. And Katsuki’s been spending as much time as he can at the hospital still.  He’s barely even seen their daughter.  He’s eating poorly, not sleeping the hours he’s used to, not sleeping the schedule he’s used to.  All that discipline, all that treating his body like a temple, out the window.
“Always said you were gonna make me soft,” he says to Eijiro.  “But I’d be a couch potato in a heartbeat if I had you taking care of me again. But you gotta wake up for that.”
“Dammit, Katsuki,” a voice from the doorway says.  “You look like shit.”
There were only a handful of people who talked to him like that.  One of them was his mother.  And he’d have fought back with equal venom if it had been her.  But it wasn’t.  Instead, it was Shizuka Yamamoto, a small, but formidable and foul-mouthed dark haired woman.  She was the Office Manager for Eijiro and Tetsutetsu’s Agency.  She’d also been their surrogate.  They owed her a great deal.
“Yeah, well,” he growls, “you should see the other guy.”  She’s not wrong though.  He looks like shit.  He feels like shit.  Mentally and physically, he’s just about out of everything he has to give.
Shizuka takes a seat on the other side of the bed, giving Eijiro a long look over.  “How’s Katsumi?” she asks.  Despite having declared herself multiple times as “totally unfit for motherhood,” she still cared deeply for the girl she’d carried and given birth to.  She and Katsumi had a good relationship.
“She asked me today if we were going to have to have a funeral for her Papa like they did for Kenta’s mom.”  
“Oh.  Oh…  Well… fuck.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Or thought.  Trying not to swear around her.  She soaks it all up like a sponge.”
“What’d you say?”
“Told her I didn’t… told her I didn’t know.  That I hoped we wouldn’t.  That the doctors were doing everything they could for him.” And then she’d started crying and he’d just done his best to hold her as long and as tight as he could.  She’d never seemed so small and so vulnerable as she had in that moment.
“What do I do if he doesn’t wake up?” he asks, finally.
“You hurt, you heal, you move on,” Shizuka says.  “Same as everybody else.  I give you shit, Katsuki, but you’re strong.  Whether you believe it or not.”
“I’m not,” he says. “I act tough… and I am tough.  But I’m not like Eijiro.  If it was me in this bed instead of him…”
“He’d be a sobbing mess,” Shizuka replies.
“Yeah, but he’d be a functional sobbing mess.  He’d know what to say.  He’s good with all that emotion stuff.  I’m not good at anything I can’t punch my way out of.  All I can do is throw a damn pity party and shuffle around like a zombie.”
He doesn’t see the slap coming.  Shizuka’s Quirk lets her move with incredible speed for three second bursts.  Not enough to have made her a Hero, but useful. And apparently useful for slapping him.   “What the hell, Shizuka?!”
“I get that you’re hurting, Katsuki,” she growls.  “But you’re falling apart here.  Literally and figuratively.”  She jabs him in the chest with a finger.  “You’ve got a daughter to take care of.  You’ve got people who depend on you, count on you.  You’ve got friends, sidekicks, employees, family.  And right now, you’re killing yourself out of some kind of misdirected guilt.”
“You don’t know shit,” he snaps back, rising out of his chair.
“I know plenty,” she says. “I’ve lost people too, remember?  Akina ring any bells?”
“Aw… dammit,” Katsuki growls.  Shizuka’s girlfriend, who’d gotten killed in a villain attack a couple of years before she’d agreed to be their surrogate.  It had been quick, not long and lingering like this…  “I shouldn’t have…”
“That’s right,” she says. “You shouldn’t have.  But you did.  But I forgive you.  But you’ve got to take better care of yourself.  When he wakes up, he’s not going to be able to take care of you and get better.”
That almost gets him to smile.  “Touché.”
“And that goes for you too, Eijiro,” she tells his prone form.  “I didn’t spend nine months pregnant to give you a daughter just for you to sleep time with her away.  You damn well better wake up.”
Day Fourteen
Two weeks.  It’s been two damn weeks and there’s been no change in Eijiro.  But he’s taken some of what Shizuka said to heart.  It cuts him like a knife to be away from Eijiro when he thinks he might wake up at any moment, but she was right, he was destroying himself, he was stoking Katsumi’s fears without even meaning to.  So he’s spent less time here the last three days, spending time with their daughter, losing himself in a workout.
He feels a little less like shit.  Katsumi’s sleeping a little more soundly and so is he.  He even stopped by his Agency this morning to issue a few directions, put his head sidekick in charge until he returns.
He’s going to drop in the rankings for this.  He knows that.  It’s still his dream to be Number One… and that’ll still be his dream when he gets back to it.  He’d retire today if it meant Eijiro woke up.
Pretty much all their friends had been by at some point.  Soy Sauce Face and Raccoon Eyes, Glasses and Crazy Chick, Deku and Round Face, Icy Hot and Ponytail, and more. “Their friends.”  He wonders if that’s really the right word for it.  He’d call most of them Eijiro’s friends and say he just puts up with them.  Maybe he’s wrong about that.  Maybe not. They’ve stepped up for him in all kinds of ways since Eijiro got hurt.  He doesn’t know for sure if he’d do the same for them and it bothers him.
Eijiro’s moms checked in with him frequently.  They’d flown in on the third day and stayed a couple more.  He’d been lucky they hadn’t been there to see him scuffling with Tetsutetsu.  But he’d told them he’d let them know if there were any changes.  Their lives couldn’t be put on hold as easily as his.
He wishes he had something better to tell them.
He’s brought Katsumi with him today.  Even with no sign of waking up, Eijiro looks a little less like a mummy as some of his worse injuries have started to heal.  She’s sitting in a chair near the head of the bed, reading to him from her favorite storybook.  He’s told her that her Papa can hear her, even if he can’t show it, and she’s determined to try and make him happy.  His stomach growls and he realizes it’s nearly noon.  
“You look like you could use something other than hospital food,” a voice says.  He looks up and it’s Sato, holding a couple of Bento boxes. “Izuku said you’d be here.  I, ah, brought you some lunch.”
Katsuki is surprised, both by the visit and the gesture.  He and Sato aren’t friends.  They’re barely acquaintances if he’s honest.  But Sato and Eijiro are.  And he supposes that means something.  Either way… it’s appreciated.
Sato looks like five miles of bad road, bags under his eyes and a pain in those eyes that Katsuki sees every time he looks in the mirror lately.  But he looks… functional.  In a way Katsuki knows he isn’t right now.  They’re both the walking wounded but Sato isn’t caught between life and death the way he is.  That door’s closed.  Closed painfully, perhaps, but it gives him direction Katsuki just doesn’t have right now.
“Hi Mister Sato,” Katsumi says, looking up from her book.  “I’m sorry about Mrs. Sato.”
A painful smile crosses Sato’s face.  “Thank you,” he says, softly.  
Katsuki gets up, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, before taking the boxes.  “I’m sorry too,” he says.  “I…   Eijiro had nothing but good things to say about Chizu.  She seemed like a good woman.”
Why isn’t he better with words?  Why does he care so much about that now?  He never did before.  Marriage… parenthood… loss…  It’s like he’s been seeing things through new eyes of late.   What had Pikachu said, all those years ago?  That he had the personality of a steaming turd?  All that and everyone still stepped up for him and his family.
“Thank you,” Sato says again.  “I was sorry to hear about Eijiro.  Sorry I haven’t visited before now, but…”
“I get it,” Katsuki replies. “I do.”
He looks over at his daughter.  “Katsumi, can you keep an eye on Papa for me for a minute?  I need to talk to Mister Sato out in the hall.”
She looks up from her book. She looks so much like him (and the Hag, if he’s forced to admit it) it’s almost painful.  They flipped a coin on whose sperm they’d used.  Right now, if the worst should happen, he’s wishing he’d lost that toss.  “Sure thing, Daddy!”
Out in the hall, Sato regards him curiously.  “What’s up, Bakugo?”
He shuts the door to the room most of the way.  Just enough of a crack left that he can see or hear Katsumi if he needs to.  “How?” he asks.
“How… what?”
“Do I have to spell it out to you?” he growls.  “How are you still functional?  We might lose Eijiro and I’m barely holding it together. It took Shizuka slapping some sense into me to even get to this.  And you’re… here.  Looking out for somebody else.  Somebody who, frankly, didn’t even know your name until halfway through third year.”
Sato leans against the wall, letting out a breath through his thick lips.  He runs a hand through his hair.  “I look that together?” he asks.   “Because I sure as hell don’t feel it.  Guess I’m getting good at faking it.”
“Faking it?”
“I don’t have a choice, Bakugo,” Sato says.  “I’ve got Kenta.  He needs a functional parent.  He already lost his mom…  he doesn’t need to lose me too.  Even if… everywhere ad everything reminds me of Chizu.  Reminds me that she’s not there anymore.  
“I go to bed alone.  I keep waking up, expecting to find her next to me.  I still make too much food.  I was buying groceries yesterday and I nearly picked up those pickles she liked so much that me and Kenta can’t stand.  I spend most of my time wanting to cry.  But I can’t. I can’t fall apart like that.  I can’t do that to our son.”
“Sounds like what everyone else is telling me,” Katsuki admits.
“It’s good advice,” Sato says.  “But you’ve got friends, Bakugo.  We’re all here for you, whatever you need.  We went through hell for each other back in school, and we’ll still do it now.”
He looks Katsuki in the eyes.  “Whatever happens… whatever you need, you don’t have to go through this alone.  I’m here.  We can go through this together.”
“Sato…” he tries, failing to find his voice for a moment.  “Sato… thanks.”
Opening up to someone he barely knew?  He was getting soft.  Shitty Hair really needed to wake up.
Day Thirty
“Mister Bakugo?” the doctor asks.
“Kirishima-Bakugo,” he corrects, automatically.  Way back when the two of them had been married, he’d been insistent on that. Eijiro was one of the most important parts of his life.  And he wanted to make sure everyone knew it.  He wasn’t good with words, but he could show it.
“Mister Kirishima-Bakugo,” the doctor amends.  “Can we speak frankly?”
He looks over at Katsumi, reading to Eijiro again.  She’s not paying them any attention.
“It’s been nearly a month since your husband was injured,” the doctor says.  “He’s still reliant on the machines to breathe for him.  There’s been no sign of higher brain activity since. The odds of him recovering are extremely slim.  At this point, you should really consider…”
He’s screaming, screaming so loud and hard that his throat is raw.  His hands are on the doctor’s throat, watching his eyes bulge.  He wants to kill him, to watch the light fade from his eyes…
It’s not until he hears his daughter scream that he realizes what he’s doing.
He lets go and the man slumps to the floor, sucking in breaths in ragged gasps.
“We’re not pulling the plug,” he growls.  “How dare you say that?  How dare you say that in front of our daughter?!”
“You’re… you’re as crazy as they say!”
He doesn’t hear anything else the man says.  Instead, he’s focused on his daughter, who’s crying, looking at him with terrified, wide eyes.
He bends down next to her and he reached out, but she shrinks away and that hurts more than anything, more than any injury any villain has every inflicted upon him.
“Katsumi…” he says, softly. “I’m sorry…  I’m so sorry.  Daddy just got so mad and so scared for a moment, he didn’t know what he was doing, what he was thinking…”
His eyes are stinging and wet and he realizes he’s crying, crying like he hadn’t cried since he was a child.  
“It’s okay, Daddy… I just got scared too…”
And he’s holding her close and tight and he might not ever let go.
Especially if Eijiro never wakes up.
Day Thirty-Seven
“I need you, Shitty Hair,” Katsuki says to the prone form of his husband, holding his hand in his. “I’m not strong enough to do this without you.”
He gives Eijiro’s hand a squeeze.  “You are, without a doubt, the best thing to ever happen to me.  You make me a better person.  I’m not…  I’m not complete without you.”
He’s seen what his world looks like without Eijiro in it and he doesn’t like it, doesn’t like it at all.
He gives Eijiro’s hand another squeeze.  “I mean it, Eijiro.  You know my secret?  Every time I’m gonna do some damn fool thing, every time I’m gonna say something nasty or do something pretty fucking violent, I think about what you’d say. And yeah, most of the time, I win that argument and do whatever the hell I want.  But sometimes “you” do too.  And those’re the times when I’m a better person.”
Something splatters against his legs and he realizes he’s crying.  The last time he’d cried was when Katsumi was born.  If anyone had seen him now…
“I’ve asked a lot of you since we’ve known each other.  But I’m gonna ask you for one more thing: don’t leave me.  Just… don’t leave me.  Please. Wake up, Shitty Hair.”
Katsuki is the big, bad Hero, Ground Zero.  He doesn’t get scared.  He doesn’t plead.  And he definitely doesn’t cry.  He doesn’t back down from anything, he doesn’t worry about anything.  His biggest concern is supposed to be his next fight.
But he’s a father. And a husband.  And it’s looking more and more like he’s going to be a widower. And that terrifies him more than anything in the world.  Well, almost anything.  If he has to tell Katsumi that her Papa isn’t coming home, he will break.  He will break into a million pieces and never be able to be put back together again.
This isn’t something he can blow up, it isn’t something he can punch, it isn’t something he can fight. There is absolutely nothing he can do. For the first time in years, he is utterly, and completely helpless.
He squeezes Eijiro’s hand again.  “Wake up, Shitty Hair.  Please.”
And then there’s… No. Was it…   Eijiro’s hand was moving, fingertips slowly twitching, giving his hand a weak squeeze in return.
Eijiro’s eyes opened.
Day Thirty-Eight
Eijiro’s awake.   Weak, but awake.  He’s sitting up, free of the breathing tube, but still plugged into a whole bunch of wires that are keeping track of his vital signs. But those vitals are growing steadier by the day.
Katsumi is sitting on his lap, telling Eijiro about everything she’s done in the last month, happily going down various tangents until her original point is lost.  She talks about Toshi Midoriya and Izumi Todoroki and all her friends, about how much she missed him, about how hard she wished for him to come back.   Eijiro takes it all in with a weak smile, doing his best to pay attention and stay awake. It’s only when Katsumi quiets for a moment that he speaks up.
“You know… Bakubabe,” he says, his voice weak and raspy from disuse, “when I was… waking up…  pretty sure…  I heard you… saying some… stuff.”
“You didn’t here sh… nothing,” Katsuki says, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  He’d spoken them to Eijiro, but he’d never meant for him to actually hear them…!
“It was…  pretty manly… admitting all… that,” Eijiro says.  “Manliest… thing… I ever… heard.”
The road to recovery for Eijiro is going to be a long one.  He was in a coma for over a month.  They don’t know yet if he’ll ever be able to go back to being a Hero again.  They’re not sure about anything he’ll be able to do again.
But that’s a worry for another day.   Because Eijiro’s got him watching his back, got their daughter there with him.  They all get all the tomorrows they want.
Because Shitty Hair woke up.
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megwritesfanfiction · 7 years ago
KWP - Kings and Queens (BNHA, Kacchako)
Disclaimer: I do not own Boku No Hero Academia. I am not making a profit off of this.
A/N: So... My idea for this prompt was a stretch. Big stretch, but *shrug* I tried!
This prompt continues: First Days Fragile Roses Rematch Supernova
Uraraka hadn’t wanted to come back.
She wasn’t ready for a new school year. Even though she had everything packed for the dorms, fresh school supplies, a few new pieces of clothing, and was well rested, she wasn’t prepared.
Her break was amazing. Almost too good for her to let go, but...
The time she’d spent with Bakugo had left her brain in a fog. He’d traveled several times during their break to spend time with her, and when they weren’t together they traded text messages throughout the day.
Their return to U.A. left a few simple questions burning in her head.
First of all, what were they?
She couldn’t say she considered him to be a friend.
Especially after their first kiss in the park.
Prior to Valentine’s Day, it would have been a reach to call Bakugo a friend. But the moment Bakugo stepped in front of her with that white bouquet and nervous scowl, that word didn’t feel like it was enough. The thought of him being just a friend made her chest clench and her stomach turn in painful knots.
Uraraka had friends who were boys. Midoriya was probably her best friend at U.A., and Iida was basically a brother to her. She felt like she got along wonderfully with all of the boys in her homeroom, but she had trouble pinning a label to Bakugo.
Bakugo was different. He’d become more than the confident hot head with an explosion quirk and fascinating eyes.
Over break, he’d brought her dinner and hooked his arm around her to bring her to his side. He helped her find constellations and enjoyed mochi with her in parks. Bakugo pressed impossibly gentle kisses to her forehead and teased her when she burned her mouth trying his food. They explored bookstores and shrines together until their feet ached and skipped stones across ponds.
She didn’t expect things to stay the same once they went back to school. Uraraka knew they wouldn’t have time for picnics and stargazing everyday, but how was she supposed to act around him?
Would Bakugo let her hold his hand like she’d done on their walks through the parks?
How were they supposed to act around their classmates?
Did he want to be more than friends?
The many unknowns had made her nervous.
They returned to the dorms the Saturday before classes started. Bakugo sent his usual “good morning cupcake” that morning, and they’d briefly talked about what time they’d each be arriving back. The hectic schedule and the constant hovering of her parents hadn’t given her a chance to see him. Though they’d texted good night, and Uraraka figured she could talk to him about it tomorrow.
Sunday had been just as busy as move in day, and by the end of classes on Monday Uraraka had been so tired she didn’t have the energy to overanalyze his usual good morning text message.
The impending doom from her Battle Tactics and Analysis seminar had left her head too full to worry about the little “x” he typed after his usual salutation.
For all she knew, it was a mistake or her eyes were tired she was seeing things.
Uraraka already had a stack of homework due tomorrow, and she needed to try to log some training time before the beginning of the year physical assessment.
Uraraka frowned, head turning sharply to see red eyes staring at the chessboard in front of her.
“In four moves,” Bakugo nodded, hands shuffling in his pockets. “No.” He leaned down taking a closer look at the board. “Checkmate in three.”
With a loud sigh, she tossed the the stack of papers in her lap to the ground as she ran a tired hand over her face and through her hair. “No way!” She’d settled on one of the couches in the common area to keep herself from crying from the stress of the assignment. “How?!”
The moment she’d seen Principal Nezu walk through the door, she realized this wasn’t going to be an easy seminar. Uraraka hadn’t anticipated the extra mini class wouldn’t be so intense, but she’d been quickly proven wrong.
“I’ve been staring at this board for over an hour!” Nezu had assigned them chess boards to solve for homework. They were to solve how each side could win with the current position of pieces and describe how the opponent could block the strategy they created.
She wasn’t sure if she should kiss him or throw the chess board at him.
“You just walk up here with a solution?”
He picked up one of the pawns, “One.” Then he moved the rook. “Two.” He moved the bishop last. “Three,” he finished with a nod. “Checkmate.”
She looked at him mouth open in horror. “I didn’t even see that.”
“I know,” Bakugo smirked, taking a seat next to her. “You were so worried about protecting your queen, that you didn’t realize she can handle herself.”
“WHAT?! I thought the object was not to let the queen be captured.”
“The game is about capturing the king,” he explained. “Though the queen is the most powerful piece of the board. You don’t want to make a stupid mistake with her, but you don’t need to shove her behind a wall…”
“Fine, but what if I had done this?” She picked up one of her notes. After carefully resetting the board to Nezu’s original challenge. “So you did this.” She moved the black rook again.
He nodded.
“So, how about this?” She moved a white knight at her side.
Bakugo looked at the board. “Then I would do this.” He moved a black pawn.
“Okay.” She moved her king.
“Ha,” he moved his knight. “Checkmate.”
Uraraka’s hands pressed against her face as she let out a strangled growled, “I’m so mad at you right now.”
“You’re not.”
Tension melted from her body as she felt his hand go to her shoulder and give it a squeeze. Her hands dragged down her face as she pressed a curled fist underneath her chin. “I am.” Uraraka couldn’t decide if her face was flushed from how close he was sitting or from the frustration over her assignment and the last few days. “I’m not talking to you.”
He laughed. “What’s this thing for?” He questioned, tipping his head to the board.
“Battle Tactics and Analysis,” Uraraka huffed, closing her eyes with a loud sigh. After days of trying to figure out where they stood, she guessed he wasn’t someone who would be big on public displays. “With Nezu.” At the moment, she didn’t care about the tough guy persona. Uraraka leaned against his shoulder closing her eyes.
“Damn,” Bakugo whistled loudly as he allowed her to rest against him.
“I have Aizawa.”
She chuckled bitterly, “Yep. I don’t like you right now.” She wondered if it was possible they could trade classes. He would probably enjoy this assignment or burn it.
Whatever worked.
She wasn’t opposed to be burning the board at this point.
“Then get off my shoulder.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her tighter against him.
His bluff was called before he could finish his statement. She couldn’t help smiling. “Too tired,” Uraraka whined, moving closer against him.
“Take a nap then.” Bakugo had learned she loved little cat naps in the afternoon. On one of their picnics, she stretched out on the picnic blanket. Using his thigh as a pillow as she napped in the afternoon sun, his fingers curled in her hair as he watched the scenery.
“Yeah. I’ll wake you up in twenty minutes.”
Brown eyes looked up at him, a little cringe stretched across her face. “Out here?” The lounge was empty, but she knew it was only a matter of time before one of their classmates walked in to see them.
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah cause you always let your friends sleep on your shoulder.”
“I don’t.” Bakugo felt his jaw tighten as he heard a few whispers behind him. “And,” he paused. He hadn’t planned on talking about whatever was going on between them in the lounge, but her words presented an opportunity. “We’re not friends.” He wasn’t sure how this whole thing was supposed to work, but-
“What?” A sad frown hung on her face as her eyes went wide. Her heart felt heavy at his admission.
Bakugo looked down at her. Guilt flooded his chest seeing the flash of hurt in her eyes. “I figured we were more,” he whispered.
“Yeah?” She questioned. The corners of her eyes crinkling with joy as she felt lighter for the first time in days.
“I gave you flowers!” He shook his head as he teasingly plucked the little patch of skin between her eyes. “And took you on a date!” Several dates. “What the hell did you think?”
“You said you wanted to hangout, and you were giving me flowers because it was White Day,” Uraraka shrugged, burying her face against his shoulder.
Okay, he’d never directly asked her out on a date. “I kissed you.” Several times.
“I kissed you first.”
Bakugo grunted, feeling frustrated at that fact, “That isn’t the point.”
“Oh?” She cackled, looking up at him with a mischievous little grin. “Enlighten me,” she leaned up rubbing her rose against his. “Katsuki.”
His jaw clenched fighting the smile growing on his face. “Yeah, well I kissed you back!” Whatever.
“You did,” Uraraka gave a little nod. “So…”
His eyebrows raised.
“What does this mean?” She questioned slowly.
“Seriously, cupcake?!”
Uraraka cupped his face between her palms. “Seriously,” she told him with a little smile. She knew, but there was a part of her that wanted to hear the words. “What does this mean?”
“This means,” he sighed, pretending to be annoyed with her. “I’m your boyfriend.”
She pressed their foreheads together.
“If you want me that is.”
For a second, she didn’t recognize the softness in voice and the unsure look in his eyes.
“Of course I want you to be my boyfriend, silly,” she leaned back, tapping him sweetly on the nose. “How could you not know?”
Bakugo snorted, pressing a kiss to her lips. “How the hell could you not know?”
“Welp-“ That was fair. “I also didn’t know the point of chess was to capture the king, so you should have known better.” She sighed, resting her head against his shoulder once more.
Bakugo snorted, “Take a nap. We’ll work on your chess strategy later, cupcake.”
“Would make more sense if they went after the queen,” she mumbled, closing her eyes. “She’s more powerful.”
He couldn’t argue with that. “But she can handle herself. The king knows that.”
He did.
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franeridart · 8 years ago
I'm so glad Kirishima is getting so much spotlight, he really deserves it!!!! And it looks like hes gonna get more, since hes in the main group along with Deku, Uraraka and Tsuyu. I;m so hyped!!!
Honestly!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one interesting group tbh, Kirishima and Tsuyu’s interactions are always incredibly adorable to watch and seeing Kirishima interact for so long with pure and good people is gonna be hard on my heart (I mean, you know I’m 100% a bakusquad fan but they’re all at least in part assholes and Kiri fits with them just right, he can be just like Sero and Kaminari and I love it, but then his interactions with Amajiki have been so pure can you imagine an arc filled with that I’m already crying)
I just hope my other faves won’t completely disappear through this arc haha sigh
Anon said: So which Kacchan quote do you like best "Die your bacteria fucks, dieee!" or "BRING YOUR DAMN TRASH TO ME"?
Tumblr media
Anon said:there's a terushima week. thought i might tell you bc i miss you drawing him ;3; might wanna join? :3
Anon said:Terushima week is this next week! (@terushimaweek) Might we maaaybe see some cute lil bokuroterus sometime soon? ;)
As I’ve already said, sadly I’ve found out about this too late to be part of it - I’m not completely ruling out the possibility of doodling something one of the days, but I didn’t have the time to plan anything and I’m still in the middle of working things through with the bakushima week and bakugou’s birthday so I don’t know - they 19th is Teru’s birthday so maybe I’ll draw something for it, but it’s also a super busy day for me so it really depends on how soon I’ll be able to finish everything else I’m working on orz I’m sorry guys I seriously had no clue about this till, like, five days ago o
Anon said: What are your thoughts on KiriDeku b/c I'm not even that into it but as soon as I saw art I was like "OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING SO PURE CHOULD EVER EXIST!!!" My following thought was that'd you may have something interesting to say (as you always do, I luv it), so here I am 😁 Also, I love the blog, your amazing art, and you!! I truly appreciate all you do ❤️❤️
Awwww thank you!!! And I dunno, as things are now my opinion on a possible ship might change soon enough because it looks like their interactions amount is about to skyrocket, so anything I say right now is just a temporary answer? But generally I find their friendship incredibly adorable, though as of now I don’t think I can see anything romantic between the two... mostly because even though I’ve seen them being friendly and supportive of each other I don’t think I’ve ever seen them actually connect over anything that wasn’t Bakugou?? Being friendly and supportive is just how they both are with everyone, before I can say I ship them I’m gonna need something more singular to their relationship
I might be totally biased here considering where my main shipping lies, though haha
Anon said:HOSHIHINA!!!! YESSSSS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I think this is like.... my new OTP or well... a new OTP that I will gratefully put on the shelf next to all my other children in love!! oh yeah and THANK YOU for introducing me to both BNHA and d grey man! I'M IN LOVE!!! oH and YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! KEEP IT UP!! I WILL GRATEFULLY SWALLOW UP ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU POST IT'S AMAZING!!! YOUR OC'S TOO!!! Have a nice day!!
So much!!! HYPE in this ask!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING anon I hope you’ll have the best day!!!!!! *O* And I’m SUPER GLAD you gave dgm and bnha a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Aww the kiss. I know you posted it the other day, but it wouldn't load on my tablet. They're so cute, those two. 💜✌
*lays down forever* they are aren’t they those pure idiots !!!!
Anon said:I'm laughing so hard. Literally everyone that read the new chapter was like expectation vs reality. I love my idiots. Also yas to HoshiHina
HoshiHina is an A+ ship with A+ potential and I think I’m being slowly but surely swallowed by it - then again, what Hinata ship don’t I ship even ??? the mysteries
Anon said:To answer you question on what cheese sticks are, they're this disgusting processed cheese stick, also known as string cheese, and it's p much what it is, cheese in the form of a small stick that you can pull apart into strings and eat like that! (as you may have noticed, I'm not a fan hah) ((I don't know if you know the artist mookie, but she made a comic about bokuto eating a cheesestick whole before)
Anon said: cheese sticks = string cheese? D: they are delicious i promise
I’m seeing conflicting reports here (lol) but yes this might be a problem for me only because as I said I’m Italian but what I’m failing to see here is what kind of cheese are these things supposed to be ???
Anon said:Are you into Kuroken?
Only as very good friends, I don’t ship it romantically at all
Anon said:I love your bakushimas, SO SO SO MUCH. God, and with the latest chapter, I just can't wait for more interactions with them. God, seeing as I think Kirishima was filmed by the people that were there, I want to see Bakugou's reaction to his new move.
This took me long enough to answer that we now know Baku’s reaction was total and utter envy at how popular Kiri is LMAO - but yeah I still think Baku already knew about Kiri’s new move! After all he most probably came up with it as they trained for the license exam and I can’t believe he wouldn’t test it against Bakugou to make sure he actually turns unbreakable? Also proud-of-himself Kiri yelling at the squad to check out his new move is too much of a good image I can’t let that one go hahaha
Anon said:I started following you for Haikyuu but started boku no hero academia in order to understand what your other drawings were so I thank you (and blame you) for getting me hooked on another anime and manga :)
I’m!!!!!! HAPPY you ended up liking it???!!!! *O*
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that you're my most fave artist here in tumblr istg i go to your page everyday just to go back at the fanart you drew if you didn't have any new, but when u have, my heart just swells and i fuss over it. God bless you because you opened my eyes for bakushimanari when i was just kiribaku back then.. God i love denki sfm right now bc of you, im sad bkk week is over though ahh and laven. Jfc i love your laven pls draw them more if u can 😘 i hope you'll have a great day!!
Don’t!!!! worry anon Laven has been my #1 otp since I was sixteen at this point it’s just not gonna leave me ever, I’ll definitely draw more of it in the future! And thank you??? so much?????? Oh man!!!!!
Anon said:Everyone in class 1-A: *trains as if they're gonna be in a battle royal and need to (literally) slaughter the competition* Competition: OBSTACLE RACE YAY
Well, the anime did change the training scenes a lot lol but LMAO anon they’re highschoolers what were you expecting hahahahaha it’s already savage enough as it is, I assure you lol
Anon said:Hi hello yes are you up for some angsty stuff because my brain turns even the sweetest moment to that, like what if kaminari saw bakushima's first kiss and he becomes so sad b/c he crushes on them both but he pretends not to and starts teasing 'em like a true bro while hiding his feelings and idk it's only if you want but yeah, how's your day been?
..........I would lie if I said I didn’t think about this while drawing that kiss R I P my multishipper heart is gonna kill me BUT IT’S OKAY I’m not one for unhappy endings so consider this - Denki sees them kiss, since he’s best bro and both Kirishima and Bakugou tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves he already knew this was gonna happen so he’s like, sad but resigned it hurts and he wishes he didn’t have to see it but he loves them both so much that he can’t help but being happy for how happy they are at the same time too (sure, being part of that happiness would be a dream coming true, but he’s used to never coming first he can deal with this hahahahaha r i p)
Meanwhile a bit after the kiss once Kiri is a hundred per cent sure Bakugou isn’t going to explode his head off if he mentions his very huge crush on Kaminari he does and Bakugou’s like, shit, it’s not like he’d mind it because Kaminari is, well, he’s Kaminari and Bakugou isn’t sure why but he’s comfortable to be around and easy to talk to and he’s stupidly pretty and like, yeah, okay, he might be into him too, maybe, he isn’t admitting anything here (not like he needs to, as stated already he’s pretty easy to read), but Kaminari’s also the no homo type of het so it’s not like they can do much about this threeway crush or whatever, and Kirishima’s like sure, I know, I just wanted to be open about this to avoid trouble, which is very sensible and will cut us on a lot of miscommunication angst this is getting out of hand let’s skip ahead I always forget how much fun I have writing this kind of bullshit
For however much Kaminari swore he could deal with it and how much he’s actually managing to deal with it he’s also the same brand of open book Baku and Kiri are and while it was easy to act like friends with no romantic feelings when everyone was doing the same, trying to hide from Bakugou and Kirishima while they’re openly in a relationship turns out to be more or less impossible, mostly because he can’t seem to avoid the longing stares and sad smiles and the I have to go I just remembered I have a thing to do bye’s when it becomes too much, and Kirishima might not be the brightest but he’s perfectly in tune with everyone’s feelings and Bakugou might stomp on people’s feelings more often than not but he is the brightest which means they notice and they’re like god fucking damn it - Bakugou in nature isn’t one to talk about problems until they burst out in fits of anger, but thank god he’s got Kirishima right there and they might not be 100% sure they got the reason for Kaminari’s weirdness right but they’re exasperated and they at least want their friend to stop being weird and avoiding them, they miss him (and Kaminari seriously misses them too he feels so stupid for how big of a deal he’s turning this into) SO they corner him and talk it out cause I’m a slut for open and honest communication and Kaminari straight out starts crying from happiness and relief before they’re even done talking and Kirishima starts crying right after him because sympathetic crier supreme and Bakugou’s like you know what I changed my mind fuck both of you emotional disasters I’m out
(spoiler he isn’t really)
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xaotsuki-blog · 8 years ago
Mob Psycho 100 Review
Mob Psycho 100, aired from July 11th to September 27th 2017 is a supernatural comedy anime with a few hints of slice of life, done by studio BONES, which is also known for anime such as; Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater, Noragami, Ouran Koukou Host Club, Boku No Hero Academia, Kekkai Sesen, Bungou Stray Dogs, Space Dandy and heaps of other memorable series. It was originally a webcomic by the popular artist "ONE", who was also responsible for the massive 2015 hit, One Punch Man. But I would in no way reccommend going into the series thinking it will be the same hit One Punch Man was. While it does have a similar feel, the plot and pacing is completely different. I'll add more on to that topic later on in the review though. Before I start, let me tell you that as of now I am completely obsessed with Mob Psycho 100, it's probably my favourite anime of the season (although I haven't caught up with them all yet) and I think it's a brilliant series, so keep that in mind with any critisims I make. This ended up being really long, so if you want a basic summary, skip to the conclusion.
Let's start at the beginning; The Opening. It's brilliant. Not unlike the entire anime itself, the opening is an odd and unique burst of vivid colours and interesting animation. Not unlike the style of Satoshi Kon, the opening is a trippy, dream-like sequence with amazing transitions. In any given frame of the opening, you can somehow relate it back to some aspect of the anime in a really creative way- it gives the audience a clear idea straight up of what the feel of the entire anime is like, which is what you want in an opening, in a way it's how the anime expresses itself. It's a trippy, creative piece with vivid colours that doesn't take itself so seriously. The end is so epic too, you gotta love an opening that makes you feel things. It was definetly my favourite OP of the 2016 season, and I wouldn't put it past being high up on my list of all time favourite openings.
The first half of the anime was... Boring. The first 6 episodes had virtually no connection, it just felt like a different story each episode, of Mob's little slice of life adventures. This kind of thing is dangerous in a 12 episode anime where you don't have a lot of time to squeeze in a plot that doesn't feel rushed. However, during the final 6 episodes, almost everything Mob had encountered during the first half was linked together which was super cool to see, the random things mob did in the first half ended up being worth it, the only thing I'd be worried about is that people may drop the anime after a few episodes because it doesn't actually appear to be going anywhere. Don't make that mistake. I felt as though it was kind of missing that important link. Most media should have a link within the first minute or so, and a larger one within the first episode, this didn't really seem to have that here, which upsets me because as soon as you make it through the first half ITS SO FREAKING GOOD. imo. sdffNot to say the first half was bad, there just wasn't a big enough hook.
Which brings me to a similar theme of the ending, I'll try not to spoil it too much. The ending was criticised by a lot of people saying it wasn't a big enough climax. While I can see where those people are coming from I have to dissagree. Maybe because my favourite character throughout the entire thing was Reigen, and the ending really took his character to the best it could possibly be for me, I found it really enjoyable, but I also think that the arguement that it was anti-climatic kind of contradicts itself. While OPM and Mob Psycho are very different in some ways, you can tell that they've got a similar style of anti-climatic comedy, so in my opinion the ending totally served it's purpose, remembering that the show is supposed to be part comedy along side it's supernatural and action themes. The only real complaint I had about the ending was the few scenes AFTER the final battle, I found that kind of boring, but it did give me hope for a season two like... cmon you can't end like that.
I was pretty close to dropping this anime by the 4th or 5th episode, just because I'm terrible at watching anime in general, I drop so many shows it's ridiculous (rip Free! Eternal Summer, I'll finish you some day). But there was one thing really keeping me engaged; the characters. Every character was so well thought out, they all had different personalities and motives that were very clearly kept in mind when creating this. The type of characters that you really wanted to succeed, and even some of the bad guys were charming, or the people you wouldn't usually be fond of; (ie. Reigen and Dimple). Yeah, I don't have much more to say about this, just that the characters were awesome and the character development was amazing despite the short amount of time they had to do it.
One thing this show does really well is themes and expectations. This thing is long enough already so I'll keep this paragraph short, but the themes in Mob Psycho are presented in a really strong way that makes it really enjoyable. Normality of society, human values and heirachy amoung others, were extremely compelling to follow while watching this series. Secondly, expectations; everyone goes into an anime with expectations- either to do with the image they put out, the genres, or in this case, the fact that it's the same creator as OPM. It's part of human nature to have a first impression of something, and it's certainly very interesting to see those impressions completely shattered, which is what this anime does. I've seen it compared to anime like Madoka Magica, putting itself out as a cute magical girls anime before turning dark.
Well, In conclusion, Mob Psycho 100 is definitley worth watching. Despite the first 6 episodes being a bit disconnected, the entire show is compelling and extremely enjoyable to watch, thanks to the solid themes and the complex, lovable characters. The Opening is brilliant and the ending is a great representation of the show itself. I'd give it a solid 8.5/10. But this is a discussion! If you don't agree with me or you'd like to add anything(or correct me on something if im stupid) don't be afraid to send me a message! Thanks for reading ;D
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calucadu · 5 years ago
Ice and a tie
This is the piece I made for the @kaminaridzine, a NSFW Kaminari Denki Zine!
The zine is amazing! Everyone worked super hard to make wonderful pieces 💛💛💛 The mods were great and it was an incredible experience! I’m extremely grateful to have been given the chance to participate in this lovely project!
I loved working on my piece! I hope you enjoy it too! 💛
Ice and a tie, a Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia One Shot.
Summary: The sound of his seemingly nonchalant whistling as it approaches me makes the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. My eyebrows twitch under the blindfold he put on me when he claimed I’d been a bad boy and deserved to wear one, and since I’d already been rewarded with a gag – which he’d shoved into my mouth to stop me from being a petulant brat – it’s not like I could protest in any way.
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Neito Monoma
Rating: Explicit
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Or read below the cut
A small whimper escapes my mouth when I hear the door open and close and then his footsteps approaching. My heart beats fast inside my chest as I flimsily try to fight my restraints, finding it pointless since that just makes my body gently rock back and forth in the swing.
The sound of his seemingly nonchalant whistling as it approaches me makes the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. My eyebrows twitch under the blindfold he put on me when he claimed I’d been a bad boy and deserved to wear one, and since I’d already been rewarded with a gag – which he’d shoved into my mouth to stop me from being a petulant brat – it’s not like I could protest in any way. Any sounds I’d made had made him think I was granting him permission, and, with a wicked smile, that’s the last I saw of him.
I try outstretching my fingers, but it’s useless; my wrists are bound together with the red tie I gave him for his birthday that he still hasn’t used – outside of the bedroom. That bastard. It’s the last time I’m going to bother getting him anything. 
It’s not like I’m uncomfortable the way I am. He strapped my legs to the swing, nicely securing my thighs with the black ropes, spreading me open and giving himself ample view of my exposed arse and leaking dick.
He then touched the tip of it, making it bounce, and it dribbled a little bit of precum. He rubbed it with his fingers, and ignited the spark of arousal in me, only to tell me that he had to go out for a while.
I can sense that he’s looming over me now. I’m actually kind of glad he’s back – and not just because we’re probably going to have sex – but because I was getting chilly, despite the fact that I know that he’s considerate enough to have turned the heating up to ensure I wouldn’t get cold.
“Missed me?” Even while blindfolded I can still picture his characteristic smug smirk. There’s just this tone in his voice that makes me know he’s pulling it right now.  
Of course, I can’t reply, nor is Neito awaiting an answer, but goosebumps rise all over my skin as he lets out a small, dry laugh.
The first time we had sex was sort of an accident. Whenever I bring it up he always brushes it off, telling me that he was sad about something and that that was why he sunk so low as to take me to his bed, but I know there’d been curiosity in his eyes from way before we made our ‘mistake’.
That’s really how it started: I was around at the right moment in the right place, and he indulged me. 
One time turned into two, then three… and we eventually ended up together, a twisted turn in fate that we hadn’t predicted. 
That’s why I’m here now.
His cold laugh makes my thighs tremble, and with that, the swing sways slightly.
“Did you not hear me? I asked you a question.” Neito whispers, his voice sounding awfully close to me. Immediately after, his warm breath ghosts against my cheek. “Did you enjoy my absence?”
The last sentence is emphasized by a playful nibble to my ear, which causes me to unintentionally struggle against my restraints. This makes the swing move, but his hand quickly clasps the strap to my left, swerving my body in that direction instead.
“I’ve got something for you.” His voice sounds smugger than normal, and it sends shivers up and down my spine. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he got me this time. He always brings exciting quirks for us to play with, and it’s never failed to be a lot of fun. He congratulated me on our first ‘fuckiversary’ – that’s what I called it the first few months we started seeing each other, when we hadn’t yet decided what to call what we were – by using my own quirk against me: electrifying the two finger’s he’d rammed up my arse and making me squeal out in pleasure until I came all over my stomach.
There was also that time we had sex while in the cinema: he stole Sero’s quirk and we sneaked into a different session where he used it to tape my mouth shut so no one could hear me moan. We left immediately after I’d covered the back of the seat in front of me in cum – which was a shame because apparently he really wanted to watch that film.
He got his revenge by shoving me into the bathroom and onto my knees, where he forced me to finish the job I’d barely started inside the cinema, that time with no quirks involved.
I’m not all that good at quirk play. Sometimes I use mine, but my partners have never had the same level of tolerance to it as me, so it usually doesn’t end well. Honestly, I’m just glad Neito seems to like it and can withstand a little bit of pain – if he’s in the mood, of course; there’s always that. 
I think he likes spoiling me – maybe it’s to make up for the way he treats me inside and out of bed. Even though I don’t dislike the way he is. His disdain just does something to me. It just works. His scornful looks or remarks always seem to get me fired up.
Maybe he’s got me conditioned to like it, like a dog who does tricks for food, but even if that’s what it is, I enjoy it.
My thoughts are interrupted when warm and slightly calloused fingertips trace over my hairless chest, making me quiver in anticipation and apprehension. The sinfully good way he has of playing with my nipples forces a small moan out of me. The sound is muted slightly by the gag in my mouth, but I roll my hips with it, making sure he understands my feelings.
Nails drag against my sensitive skin and all I want to do is scream and beg for more. I know how much he likes it when I plead, and I’m more than willing to put on a show. But is it really a show when I’m actually enjoying myself?
I don’t have the time nor the brain capacity to ponder that question for long since the hand on my chest quickly turns ice-cold.
I want to yelp and hiss, but I can’t, not with the gag still in the way. So I just struggle pathetically against my restraints, hoping he’ll stop trailing his icy fingers over my warm flesh.
An amused snicker leaves Neito’s lips and suddenly the sensation is gone. I relax, letting out a relieved breath.
He quickly resumes his caresses, but this time it’s different. The way he trails his hands – now warm again – makes me shiver. I can almost taste his desire just by the way he drags his fingertips over my skin, the pressure so passionate I want to melt in his touch.
He cups my face sweetly – too lovingly for how he normally does it – but he ends the gesture by roughly hooking a finger into my mouth, using it to pull the gag out. I feel relieved once more; I can finally breathe properly again.
He snickers, running his thumb over my cheek almost gently, finally stopping when it reaches my lower lip. He presses against it, softly pulling it downwards, exposing my teeth.
“Open your mouth.” He instructs, his voice low.
I oblige willingly and patiently wait for further instructions.
“Stick your tongue out.” He whispers, his thumb releasing my lip, making it bounce back to its normal position.
When I do as he asked, he tentatively touches my tongue with his finger, prodding it carefully with his nail. It doesn’t hurt, but I’m not sure if he’s trying to tell me something; does he want me to lick it or something?
Before I can ask, the finger turns into ice and I screech, trying to pull away. He’s quick to notice and he grasps my neck, holding me in place as he sneers at me, although it sounds a lot like a laugh.
“Huh, you can’t take a little ice.” His scornful tone of voice makes me shiver uncontrollably.
“I can take it!” I gasp, to which he replies with a rough and short snort-like laugh.
“I highly doubt it.” He whispers, shoving two ice-cold fingers into my mouth and wiggling them about. He grasps my jaw tightly, pressing the digits against my warm tongue.
I shiver, letting out a small moan and tilting my head back. He snickers at my reaction, removing the fingers and replacing them with a very cold object. 
“Good boy.” Neito purrs, closing my mouth for me. The chunk of ice clinks against my teeth as I try to move it, my body quivering with how cold the sensation is. 
It takes me a few seconds to come to my senses, but when I do, I nod, waiting for his next orders eagerly. He grasps my chin almost violently, and he proceeds to turn my head from side to side.
“You finished with the ice yet?” Neito asks, his tone low. “Because I want you to suck my dick.”
My eyes grow wide behind the blindfold and my stomach lurches, excited. I shake my head and open my mouth so he can see for himself that it still hasn’t fully melted yet.
“Hmmm?” Neito hums, pulling my head towards where I suppose his crotch is. I soon bump into his clothed erection, and I inhale, sharply. My heart starts pounding with excitement as I roll my tongue over the ice, trying to get it to melt faster. “It’ll have to do then. It might be fun, who knows.”
One of his hands presses my mouth open while the other unclothes his dick, and I soon find his dick being thrust against my lips. I take as much of his length into my mouth as I can, enjoying the way he tastes.
A shrill shriek leaves Neito as his cock comes into contact with the ice, but he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he tugs at my locks, forcing my tongue to work his dick faster, covering it in saliva. I sometimes press the ice cube against his cock, making him shiver and try to squirm away from me. Whenever that happens, he thrusts his hips, probably trying to show me that he won’t back down.
He doesn’t cum, though. When he’s just about to, he yanks my head away, his chest breathing irregularly.
“Not yet.” He whispers, leaning down until our lips collide and he kisses my cold mouth. It’s so warm and nice that it makes me moan. He pulls back, and when he speaks again, his voice is raspy. “I want to cum in you.”
He suddenly traces the ice-like fingers over the head of my cock, forcing shivers and gasps out of me. At first, I try to suppress the thrusts of my hips upwards at the feeling, but I know he’s not going to stop so finally let myself melt into it. He is quite obviously enjoying my struggle – I can tell when I hear his short snickers. The way he sounds just makes me even more excited.
He ghosts his still cold fingers over my buttocks, giving each a sharp slap before reaching my arsehole. He quickly pulls at and takes out the anal plug he’d stuffed into me right after spreading me open hours ago, before we’d even gone to dinner. I flinch when his digits trace my rim, my body tensing unconsciously. 
Snickering, he inserts a finger up to the first knuckle and I almost cry at the sensation.
“I can’t believe how much more sensitive you are here.” He remarks, adding another digit and making them go in deeper. My breath hitches in my throat as he presses against that spot that makes me see stars and suddenly, I feel myself cumming all over my stomach.
I whine – in pleasure and a mixture of pain and disappointment.
“That was fast.” He whispers, his tone sounding bored at first, and then smug. “No wonder. I’m the only one that can make you feel this good.”
He doesn’t stop to gloat, instead, he rams his dick into my hole without so much as a warning. His breath gets caught in his throat and he moans as he rolls his hips, enjoying himself. With the help of the swing, he hits that perfect place inside of me at just the right force. It’s a little bit uncomfortable at first because I just came, but his ferocious pace ends up making me want him to thrust into me harder.
“Denki, say my name!” He nearly shouts, lacking his characteristic confidence as he shows me his true self, the one that only I get to see.
“Neito!” I scream, seeing stars in my black vision as he rams into me with his final thrusts. I notice he spills into me with an uneven groan and I let my own orgasm finally take me over the edge once more.
He breathes out as he slides out of me, and he doesn’t say his usual remarks as he unties me and takes my gag off.
“You okay?” He asks when he helps me to my feet, and I nod in response.
“Hmm.” He snorts when he notices I can understand him. “It’s not fun if you don’t short-circuit yourself.”
0 notes
recentanimenews · 7 years ago
I Asked a Med Student What He Thought About Cells at Work!
Cells at Work! has become one of the biggest hits of the season, entertaining and educating fans about the fundamentals of our own biology. Social media has been watching the series closely for hidden lessons taking place in the background. But with every story arc of the series, important new questions arise. How accurate are the events in Cells at Work!? Can I watch this instead of going to Biology class? I went to great lengths in search for answers, asking my friend, former housemate, and current med student Jean to fact check the series. I got a whole lot more than I bargained for, as he believes an education in biology can help forecast the trajectory of the entire series!
Let’s start with a bit of self introduction. Can you share some of your credentials?
Jean: Sure! My name is Jean and I'm currently a 3rd year allopathic medical student in the US. Prior to medical school I obtained my degree in molecular biology and worked as a research coordinator in the field of cancer clinical trials.
  And you’re pretty familiar with anime, right?
Jean: I started watching anime in my early teens with Dragon Ball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho on Cartoon network and once I realized there was a whole world of other genres and series, I was pretty much hooked. I generally will read the manga accompanied with any series I watch since I think there's some visual storytelling lost in the transition from paper to animation. I'd say I'm somewhere closer to a casual anime fan and tend to watch more shonen series' than anything else. Recent stuff I have been into have been My Hero Academia, Boruto, and Overlord.
When I came to you with this, Cells at Work! was already on your radar. Where did you first learn about it?
Jean: Yeah, it was intriguing! I saw a clip of it on Youtube and within a few seconds realized what the premise was. I just recently finished taking part 1 of my medical licensing boards so certain things really jumped out at me.
  Now we just passed episode 3 and you’re caught up?
It's pretty amazing. I realized that, when studying for biology/physiology/immunology, you create these quasi narratives in your head about how some things work. Great example, neutrophils are generally your first line of defense to any sort of inflammatory insult. I like to think of them of single-minded little soldiers roaming and ready to respond to anything when need be. ‘Lo and behold, the anime pretty much conveys this exactly.
There are some other things that I didn't expect as well; platelets have easily become one of my favorite things. [Laughs] Biologically, I think they're kind of boring, but the anime attaches this really funny and endearing image of these little kids just trying to do their best and it’s super important!
Not only that, I've been really struck by how accurate certain things are there’s a scene that jumps out at me which is of the platelet kids laying down a massive fibrin clot. Ask any medical student about the coagulation cascade. It’s probably one of the more annoying things to memorize leading up to boards, but the basic idea along with some key initiator molecules were all there in the scene!
GP1B binding to Von Willebrand Factor, the addition of the coagulation factors to lay down the fibrin clot and the grand follow up of secondary hemostasis of everyone being brought together to keep the clot stable, it was pretty brilliant! Obviously, some details were missing (there are 13 coagulation factors) but the idea was conveyed very clearly and way closer to reality than I would've predicted out of an anime.
  I did wonder about that. Both Red and White got caught in the clot but they make it back into circulation. I sort of doubted that would be the case?
I think that’s a bit of the anime offering a happier and less complicated picture of the reality. Some of those cells might make it back to circulation, but more than likely would be cleared from the bloodstream via the spleen shortly after. Basically what you're seeing is a scab by that point, and what do we do with scabs? [Laughs]
I was worried they might end up seeing the outside world...
Also, the 3rd episode’s depiction of T-cell activation is another really really tough concept in medical education that was tackled pretty well. I'm actually really looking forward to keeping up with the series because I'm really curious about how they will start portraying pathology associated autoimmune disorders and cancer. For an anime this adds a fun a plot twist since some of the characters may not always be heroes!
  So that's where you hope the series will go next?
I'm about 90% sure it will. The progression of the episodes is actually very reminiscent of how you teach biology/physiology/immunology:
1. Establish and define the roles of the various players in the system2. Establish where they are and how they interact3. Start introducing pathology that alters these roles and interactions in ways that cause disease.
Funnily enough, that's kind of how anime plots work too, so I guess I would be surprised if they didn’t go that direction!
  Wow, so the narrative has sort of been structured like a biology course?
Yup! Our hero is our friendly blood cell. Her pathway, job, and friends on her way are important to understanding the narrative as well as how we understand what blood is supposed to do biologically  World building in anime is important and actually the body offers a convenient blueprint for doing this in that our little blood cell has to get to certain places all the time! They've already set up some foreshadowing that we'll learn a bit about the spleen, lymph nodes, etc. The metanarrative is very much is lending itself to a systems based model on teaching biology/physiology/immunology from the starting point and perspective of a red blood cell which, to a bio nerd like me, is pretty damn cool.
Social media has taken to the series showing off examples of biological features that have been introduced but not necessarily explained as sort of submarine lessons, like the idea of platelet satellitism being represented by the platelet riding on White’s shoulders. Did you pick up anything like that?
I think what is 'submarined' are actually some really cool basic things and not as esoteric as platelet satellitism. Streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus are a really good example. One of the big differences between Staph and Strep is that Staph forms clusters and Strep forms chains. The Strep villain has a long tail made up of little balls, like a chain, and our Staph villains dress is essentially the classic morphology of staph aureus. Both are gram positive cocci, meaning they show up purple/blue on a gram stain, and what are cocci? Cells that look like balls! There’s so much just right there in just the design. Additionally, Staph classically causes yellowish golden exudates, so it makes sense that she’s yellow in the anime.
  Also, Strep hiding in the box! Strep can actually use something called antigenic mimicry to avoid detection by the immune system, specifically the neutrophil receptors. Oh, and those boxes the platelets needed help opening! If you noticed, they read Ca2. That’s calcium! All our cells have intracellular stores of calcium and those little platelets need that calcium to do their job properly. It’s super underemphasized, but I thought was a cool detail.
Earlier on it sounded like you had some predictions for where the series would go?
I am really really looking forward to how they flesh out more of the Lymphocytes. The relationship between Neutrophils, Killer T cells, Helper T cells, Macrophages, Dendritic cells, and Activated T cells + B cells is super complicated. Lymphocytes have a bad rap for leaving a lot of collateral damage (that's one of the mechanisms of autoimmune disease) so spoiler alert! Our heroes may find themselves at odds with each other soon enough.
     Are any of your fellow students aware of the show?
I'm not sure! I know a few are anime fans like me so I'll probably bring it up soon and see. I think a few might wish the show came out earlier when we were studying for boards! [Laughs]
New curriculum?
Honestly, I was impressed with how they portrayed T cell activation. That visual has essentially replaced my internal paradigm on how I remember it now. It has been a really fun and fairly accurate picture of the big concepts at play, but I should be clear that cells at work in no way replaces a medical education.
    Alright, final question. How do you think you’d enjoy the series if you weren’t in medicine?
It’s hard to detach from that as a med student. The best I can describe is similar to what I loved about The Magic School Bus as a kid but, in a lot of ways, it’s a lot better. There's a continuous narrative here and I'm really invested on what our clueless young red blood cell gets herself into next. I absolutely think anyone who has any vague interest in biology/science would enjoy it. By no means do I think having any sort of official education on anything is required and if anything its just a cool homage to how amazing our bodies and how hard their working for us!
Also, random thought. It’s funny because our brainless Red Blood Cell hero kind of has an excuse for always getting lost: RBC's don't have nuclei! They don't come with instructions like many of the other characters, they kind of just carry what’s around and move on.
From an anime perspective I think its fun, it’s engaging, and for whatever reason I'm invested in the characters and I want to see where the RBC gets lost next; I want to know how she meets back up with our heroic WBC and gosh damn it, it's cute seeing those platelets just trying to do their best!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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