#I was searching for it in haste D:
fareehaandspaniards · 7 months
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:/ :/ :/ The fact that the way to Upper Cathedral is decorated with the statues of Eldrich creatures that are holding HARPOONS (you know like, weapons specifically designed to hunt marine creatures) :/ Laurence you ASS :/
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That was the first thing I thought of xd
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rendy-a · 5 months
Could I request a self aware twst au with like the first years :D?
I want to thank all the people who interacted with that post earlier today. It gave me enough motivation to go out and finish this piece.
While trying to think up concepts for this work, it occured to me that all the first years (except Ortho) were in sports clubs. That means there is one event perfect for you to bond with your first year friends.
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Ace kicks a pile of canvas laying in a heap at his feet, “This is ridiculous!  What if something happens while we’re gone!”  His mouth twists into an unpleasant grimace.  He looks to his basketball club members for backup, but no one will meet his eye.  So, he turns to where he knows he’ll find support.  “Oi, Sebek!”  The green haired fae is distractedly pounding away at a tent stake nearby but it is easy to see from his expression that his heart isn’t in it.  “What happens if someone tries to kidnap the Player when we aren’t there to protect them?  You know how famous they are!”  Sebek stops hammering and slowly looks up, tears forming in his eyes. 
“SILVER! SILVER!” he shouts to his clubmate, “What if I’m not there to protect the Player!  Forget this event, we must return to the school with ALL HASTE!”  He looks to his fellows for support but again, none of the senior students stop what they are doing.  Ace, however, is fast to abandon his own camping site and join Sebek.  “Right, right?” he eagerly urges Sebek on, “What does this even matter if our Player isn’t here to see it?” 
“Stop it,” the sturdy voice of Jack growls, “It doesn’t pay to get worked up over it.  This is in the story, so we have to do it.  That’s just how it is.”  Sebek stares at the wolf beastman silently, tears falling from his eyes.  “Maybe we can tell them about it later!” Deuce tries to cheer his fellow freshman up, “I’m sure they’d like to hear about it.  They always listened to my card stories before…well before it happened.  I think they’d like to hear about this too!”  At that Sebek seemed mightily cheered and returned to setting up his tent with gusto, muttering about what he’d tell the Player about later.  Ace scoffs, sensing his defeat and returns bitterly to his own site. 
Epel wanders over and observes Ace silently.  “You finished?” Ace asks in surprise.  “Yeah, Leona is a great leader and took charge of getting us set up right away!” Epel informs him, “I had time to put up my tent and help Ruggie set up one for Leona too!”  Then he looks down and kicks Ace’s sad abandoned tent as well, “I just wish the Player was here to see it.  I bet they’d have been really impressed with how fast I finished.”  Ace frowns and complains, “But they aren’t here.  They are back at school with the Arts Clubs.”  This causes Epel to scowl deeply, “Dagnabit!  I didn’t need a reminder of that!  I can just picture those frou-frou artsy types trying to suck up to the Player.  Trying to get them to talk different, eat different, just…” He doesn’t finish the thought but the way he grinds his teeth shows how he feels about the idea.
The sound of pounding tent stakes and shifting canvas is diminished when the booming voice of Coach Vargas booms out, “Listen up, young campers!  Now, I know you don’t need any additional motivation to showcase your strength and fortitude here after I’ve done an AMAZING job setting up this EXCITING AND ENTERTAINING EVENT!”  Here he pauses and casts a quick look over his shoulder before straightening up again.  “But if you do!”  Then he smiles a beaming smile and sets his hands on his hips.  That’s when you pop out from behind him, “Hey guys!  Guess who’s here to do their memory keeper duties!” 
Ace jumps over his canvas pile in a rush to get to your side and stumbles over it.  “Woah, calm down,” you admonish him cheerily, “I’ll be here all weekend.”  Epel asks in an innocent sounding voice, “You will?  You really will?”  You pat the two boys on the shoulder and search out your other first year friends in the crowd.  Sebek is sobbing quietly in front of his tent and Deuce is waving excitedly from the distant track club area.  Jack gives you a small nod before turning back to his area as though he is unaffected by your appearance, but the cloud of dust kicked up by his wagging tail says otherwise. 
You turn toward Vargas and look expectantly.  He looks blankly back at you until you awkwardly say, “Go on.”  He looks at you a moment before clearing his throat, “Ah yes, yes.  Harumph!  Anyway, tents are up!  Get over here and listen up for your next task!”  Then he looks at you as though seeking your approval to hand out the task.  You shrug and then nod as though to say, ‘Sure, go for it.’  Vargas gives you a toothy smile and then proceeds to hand out a familiar sounding explanation about the tasks to be assigned to the clubs.  You wave lightly before heading back to the cabin to get your own things sorted out.  The eagerness of the students fades as fast as your departure.
“So…,” Deuce begins carefully, “We are going to try now?  Right?”  He looks at Ace for confirmation.  Jack snorts behind him, “I was always going to try.”  Then he makes a fist and puts on an eager smile, “I’m going to knock this challenge out so fast that the Player can’t help but notice me!”  Deuce turns away from Ace to join Jack instead.  The two Track Club members fire each other up over their plans to dominate the camp tasks and stand out to the Player.  Deuce quickly becomes so distracted by this that he forgets Ace entirely.  This is just the chance Ace has been waiting for to quietly slip away.
“So, Prefect,” Ace begins as he appears at your side.  You yelp and drop your backpack, catching it before it hits the ground and damages your precious ghost camera.  “Ace!” you shout, “What are you doing here?  This isn’t in the event!”  He looks at you quietly and you quickly backtrack, “I…I mean, shouldn’t you be with the Basketball Club doing…something?”  Ace smiles, happy to have avoided an awkward situation.  “Nah, I’m not going to mess around in the woods.  It’s a team effort, so as long as those other guys do the grunt work, I’ll be fine.”  You roll your eyes at his attitude.  “Plus, why would I want to be anywhere but with my best buddy, eh Prefect?” 
You consider this carefully before slyly narrowing your eyes and gesturing to your unbuilt tent.  “Sure, thing, Pal.  Why don’t you hang out and help me build my tent.”  Ace grimaces, not wanting to do the work but mostly afraid you’ll pick up on his lack of tent-building expertise.  The odd standoff is concluded when you hear Coach Vargus bellow, “Nonsense!  That won’t do for either of you!  I can hardly deprive the Prefect of the chance to enjoy this stimulating muscle-building activity and as for you Ace, well, you are just slacking off.”  Ace starts to stammer as you just stand there cringing.  Coach Vargus calmly approaches Ace and lifts him up by his collar.  It reminds you of how you lift a misbehaving Grim by the scruff of his neck.  You wave awkwardly at the departing Ace as he looks imploringly at you from the Coach’s grasp.  ‘Oh well, you reap what you sow,’ you think.
A tiring amount of time later, you brush your hands off on your thighs and declare, “There, done!”  Then you slowly head over to grab your pack holding the Ghost Camera, among other supplies.  The sun is barely at its peak, but you are already sweating with exertion from putting up the tent.  You wonder how your more athletic friends among the first-year students are handling it.  You know they are more used to the effort, but you hope they are taking necessary precautions.  Perhaps you’d just remind them and see if they need to borrow some sunscreen.
You know realize that sunscreen was the least of your safety concerns.  You watch in disbelief as Sebek continues to scale a sheer cliff in search of a lantern blossom flower.  The reaction of the nearby students was mixed.  Silver seemed remarkably unconcerned as he spoke to Riddle nearby.  Meanwhile, you and several NPC characters were more nervous.  “He is going to fall, isn’t he?” you ask the nearby Scarabia A.  He looks at you for a long moment and then shrugs his shoulders.  You are not reassured at all. 
You turn instead to Ignihyde C and gesture, “This game doesn’t have a mature rating, so he can’t die.  Right? Right?”  The surprised student looks at you with his mouth falling open before he stammers, “R.right.”  Then he looks up at the precarious position of the green haired fae and mumbles, “But maybe you should cheer him on anyway.”  You look more intently at the NPC and demand, “Do you think that would help?”  He answers you in a fluster, “W..well, if my oshi…I mean friend…if my friend cheered me on, I think it would really help me do my best!” 
Right.  That is just the sort of thing friends do.  “HEY SEBEK!” you shout.  The fae somehow hears you shout and looks arrogantly over his shoulder at the spectators but when his eye catches your form, he shakes, and you fear he will tumble from the cliff.  “HOLD ON SEBEK, YOU CAN DO IT!  I BELIEVE IN YOU!”  From even the great distance between you, the image of determination that crosses his expression can be seen.  He sets off with a renewed vigor, making daring transitions and finding ways to make speedy progress.  With several movements that make you gasp and hold your breath; he reaches the lantern blossom and plucks it from the ground. 
Much faster than the ascent, Sebek’s return to the ground was accomplished quite shortly.  He was still a considerable distance up when he leaps from the cliff edge to race to your side and show off his prize.  He eagerly holds out the glowing lantern blossom for you to view.  “Its so pretty,” you comment politely, “I wish I had one.”  He gasps and grabs hold of your hand, forcing the poor battered flower into it.  “THEN YOU MUST HAVE THIS ONE!”  You give him a shocked look, “No really, that is unnecessary.  I’ll get one some other day.”  He smiles at you smugly, “No need Prefect.  Any time you need a lantern blossom, I will fetch one for you.”  You guiltily hold out the flower to one student after another, but no member of the Horseback Riding Club will take it from you.  “Prefect,” Riddle finally says in a commanding voice, “Its rude to return a gift.  We are more than capable of retrieving another lantern blossom.”  Sebek and Silver nod in agreement, backing up the Dorm Leader.  You think it’s time to go before you cause this club any more trouble.  You make your excuses and dash off to the lake.
As you part a pair of branches and emerge from the forest at the lake’s edge, you catch sight of some members of the Spelldrive Club nearby.  Ruggie seems to be fishing up a storm while your first-year friend Epel watches from nearby with his own pole.  “See,” Ruggie tells his underclassman, “That’s how its done.  Now in return for that free lesson, how about you show me what you learned by catching enough fish for the rest of the club! Shishishi!”  You roll your eyes at the obvious attempt to foist the work off onto Epel but are surprised with your friend shouts “YES SIR!” with enthusiasm.  You catch Ruggie’s eye and give him a quiet tsk tsk which only earns you a mischievous wink before the hyena beastman set’s off toward camp.
You slowly saunter over to Epel, who is fully engaged in his fishing.  “So, got a plan?” you asked over his shoulder.  “Eh!?” he gasps and drops his pole, “Player!  I..I mean Prefect!  It’s you! Ya’ had me surprised outta my skin there!”  You give him an apologetic smile.  Epel stoops down to retrieve his pole and shyly replies, “My plan is just to catch the fish.  I’m not going to give up until I’ve caught at least a dozen!”  Then he holds up his arm and bends it at the elbow, giving you a little flex to show off his determination.  You hold in a laugh, “Well, if you are that fired up, why stop at only one dozen?” 
Epel’s eyes go wide for a moment and then he gets a maniacal grin.  “Yeah! You’re right!  I’m going to catch you at least two dozen fish!  Or maybe three or four!”  You know Epel is not the type to break his word, so you quickly interrupt to calm down his ambitions, “One dozen is enough!  I was just joking.”  You wave your hands toward the ground as though to say, let’s lower our expectations.  Epel frowns and mutters under his breath, “That isn’t going to impress anyone.” Then he looks at you determined, “Just wait and see!  I’ll catch plenty of fish so don’t go eat’n with any other club!  When tha fish are in tha bag, I’ll make ya Gram’s special fish stew!” 
As Epel gets to work, casting his line and reeling in the lure, you sit beside him on a rock.  When the time seems right, you snap a picture of him eagerly lifting a small fish from the lake on his line.  “There you go!  One down!” you say as you transfer the ghost camera to your elbow and give him a small clap of encouragement.  He preens a short second before frowning down at the small fish.  “Tha’ next ‘un will be twice as big!” he shouts in determination before casting his line again. 
True to his prediction, soon Epel gets a tremendous tug on his pole.  You both shout and leap to your feet at the strength of the fish that appears to be on the line.  “WOAH!” Epel shouts.  You lean over the edge of the lake, trying to see the monster fish Epel has snagged.  Epel too seems interested in his opponent and plans one foot firmly while leaning forward to stare intently where his line entered the lake.  With a sudden flash, a scaled hand emerges from the lake to grab the tip of Epel’s rod and tugs Epel, pole and all, into the lake.  You quickly slide back as far more of Floyd emerges from the lake.  He gives you a toothy smile before his trademark laugh emerges and he returns to the lake.  Epel does not immediately surface, and you are concerned for a moment before you spot him further down the shore.  Though he has concealed himself behind a log, you can tell his ears are flushed with embarrassment.  You kindly decide to give him his space.
Halfway to camp, your stomach begins to growl.  You thought sadly about Gran’s special fish stew, now beyond your reach.  You hoped that you’d manage to sweet talk some fish off someone.  They were your friends, so someone is bound to share, right? 
The size of Deuce’s eyes when you asked him sweetly if he’d share his food with you rivaled that of the empty plate you held out to him.  “Please?” you finish your plea for lunch.  Deuce flushes and quickly removes his pack from his shoulder, pulling out a fairly large fish.  “No problem, Prefect, I’ve got enough for two here!”  You make a little gesture to celebrate your victory and compliment him, “Yeah!  Great job catching such a big fish.  It looks so huge, I bet its even enough for three people!”  Immediately Deuce denies this, “NO!  NO, IT’S NOT!”  When you pull back in surprise, Deuce continues in a softer voice, “I…I mean this one is just perfect for two.  It…its just meant for us.  To share.  Together.” 
You hold up your hands and agree, “Sure, sure.  Just you and me.  I get you.”  Deuce seems so very pleased by your response that you decide to just let his strange response slide.  Plus, you need him to cook that fish.  “So…what are you making?  You know, just for us to share?” you ask as you saddle up to his side?  Deuce looks back and forth between you and the fish, “I sure know how to cook this.  Yup, I really do.”  Your mouth falls into a little O and then you glare at him suspiciously, “Deuce, do you know how to cook fish?”  He doesn’t meet your eye but assures you that Trey taught him some recipes.  You still have your suspicious but figure if it was a Trey recipe, it would be alright.
“So, what do we do?” you ask Deuce.  He looks at you with a dreamy expression, “We?  You’re going to cook with me?”  You shrug your shoulders, “I mean yeah, that’s how Trey’s recipes are, right?”  Then you lean in close and whisper, “Like…Like in the game when we made that chestnut tart together.  Right?”  Deuce quickly agrees, “Right!  Together!  You and me!  Just…you and me… Ahem!”  He finishes with a cough and then, to your relief, sends you to the forest to collect some herbs. 
You had a handful of samples and a general area to search for more.  Apparently, Jack had scented some out while setting up camp and taken cuttings so his clubmates could retrieve more later.  You smiled at the foresight of the first-year student.  You weren’t sure exactly what Deuce needed, so you gathered a few handfuls of each type.  You walk back to the camp and set your bounty on the table next to the fish Deuce has prepared.  It looks like he’s used the time you were away to fillet the fish and make a simple dough.  Seeing the dough gives you confidence that this really is a Trey recipe. 
“So, what now?” you ask him.  “Chop up the herbs and mix them into a paste with water,” Deuce directs.  “Sure,” you say while gesturing to the pile, “but which ones?”  Deuce pauses and looks at the large pile of greens you have sitting there.  “Oh…um…All of them!”  Now your doubts are back.  “Are you sure about that?” you ask him carefully.  “Yeah!” Deuce replies confidently, “Just like Trey says, the more the merrier!”  You carefully take two sprigs of herbs and chop them up and then, while Deuce is preoccupied with the dough, give them a taste.  Honestly, the combination of the two isn’t bad.  ‘Well,’ you think, ‘what to I know about cooking in a magical world anyway?’  So, you chop the entire pile of greens and mix it all into a thick paste.  Deuce combines your herb paste with the fish and puts it into a small pie shell he has formed with the dough.  Then, you pack the ‘pie’ into the hot rocks of the fire to roast. 
While the pie bakes, you sit side by side on a log and chat about normal things.  Or maybe it was more like you chatted and Deuce listened.  You didn’t mind, he was good company even if he seemed preoccupied.  You were telling him about Grim’s latest antics when you felt something on your hand.  You give a small yelp and tug your hand into your lap.  “Ah!” you examine your hand as you brush it off, “Was that a bug?”  Deuce, who you suddenly realize had gotten far closer to you than you’d noticed, nervously remarked, “Oh yeah, that…was probably it.  Ha ha.”  Finally, you ask, “Are you cold?  I bet we could find you a seat closer to the fire if you are.  You can be as cozy as our pie.”  Deuce seems embarrassed for a moment before suddenly becoming alarmed, “THE PIE!”  He jumps up and fishes the pie from the fire. 
He brings it to you nervously, “I think it is fine…”  The pie has a small amount of char around the edge that was directly in the fire.  If it hadn’t been made by your good friend, you’d probably have refused it but, since it was made by Deuce, you don’t have the heart to refuse.  “Oh yeah, looks fine.  I guess…lets try it?” you say trying to convince both yourself and Deuce of the pie’s editability.  Deuce lets out a happy sigh and breaks the pie in half, handing you the slice with fewer burnt edges.  He makes no move to eat the pie himself but seems to hold his breath, waiting for you to try it.  “Well, here it goes?” you say in a worried tone.  You take a bite; it’s terrible.  You force your mouth into a wide smile, “mmm…” you mutter for him in pity.  You decide to use the same method for the pie as you used the last time you were forced to eat Lilia’s cooking.  You cram the pie down in three huge bites, trying to finish it off while tasting it as little as possible. 
For a moment, Deuce seems greatly pleased with the gusto in which you eat before the look of alarm sets on his face and he tilts his head to the side.  Or maybe he is tilting his whole body?  Oh, no.  It’s you that is falling.  Then the blackness takes you as Deuce’s frightened shouts fade out, “HELP, I think…I’ve poisoned…the player…”
You wake up groggy.  If that was all, you’d have considered yourself lucky, but it also appears you’ve been tied to a tree.  You are confused for a moment until you recall the storyline of the Camp Vargus event.  Right, Coach is probably out tormenting students right now while anyone captured is tied up.  Great, just great.  You look up when you hear a long howl echoing through the forest.  ‘Is that Jack?’ you think to yourself.  If Jack is already in his wolf form, then this camp is nearly over.  You sigh and lean back into the tree, waiting for someone to come along and release you.
It isn’t longer than an hour before a very tired but eager Jack arrives to untie you.  “Guess you are the hero of the day, huh?” you jibe at him.  He flushes as he rubs the back of his head, “Oh, you heard about that.”  He tries to pretend indifference but moments later he is asking for more details, “So what did you hear?”  Well, this is a challenge to answer since you hadn’t actually heard anything about it.  You just remembered it from when it was a game plot.  “Well…didn’t Floyd change into his mer form?  That was probably cool to see.” 
A look of incredulousness passes over his face, “Yeah well, other guys probably looked cool too.”  You nod knowingly, “Yeah, I heard you got to Sebek use his training to lure the monster into the bog.  Who knew there would be a chance for him to show off his skills out here.”  Jack huffs, “Yeah but he wasn’t the only one using his skills out there.”  Now you smile, feeling a bit mischievous yourself, “Oh, for sure.  I mean what would we have done without our MVP from Savanahclaw.”  Jack lets out a relieved sigh and smiles.  “Yes, Ruggie sure did pull though.  I don’t normally approve of his sneaky habits, but you have to admit he really came through today.” 
Jack’s eyes widen and he stands there in a silent shock.  “Well, let’s get going.  Are you hungry?  I could sure go for something right about now.”  Then you dust off your knees and start heading toward camp.  After a moment, you decide you’ve tortured him enough and pause, waiving your hand to signal him to join you.  When he reaches your side, you give his uniform sleeve a tug.  He bends down and you use this opportunity to give him a pat on the head and then rub his soft ears.  “You did good, Jack,” you praise him softly.  Then you thread your arm through his own and tug him along to camp.  “Now, let’s go get some grub.  Just don’t take anything Deuce gives you, ok?”  Jack smiles and follows you along, tail wagging all the way.
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missredherring · 9 months
An Act Of Kindness
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Eddie (BTVS) x Fat!F!Vampire!Reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 3k
Summary: "More," he begs, his tongue eager and searching out every drop. "Please."
Contents: fatphobia. descriptions of throwing up. horny thots. mouth-to-mouth blood transfer kiss. Max being a dick. Sweet baby angel vampire Eddie.
A/N: I really had a fun time playing with the idea of Max being Eddie's selfish douchebag maker. I'm also trying to write a more explicitly fat reader, and a confident one at that.
Thank you to @reaperofmen for beta reading.
Tagging those who expressed an interest: @prolix-yuy @oonajaeadira
Part Two
The man is a little too intoxicated for your tastes, but you've put off feeding for too long this time. He followed you out here without complaint, just strolling after you with a sleazy grin on his face. It takes effort to keep up the coy act; the arrogance and stupidity of men hasn't changed in centuries. 
He only chuckles when you nudge him to the wall and reach to pull the shirt collar away from his neck. His sweaty hands are on your wide hips, pulling you closer and squeezing too hard. 
You almost don't hear it with how focused you are on his pulse, with how the hunger has hollowed you out so the rattling bass of the club music thumps inside your chest in place of a beating heart. The smell however, couldn't be missed: rejected blood on damp pavement. The hot and cool scent sours in your nose and makes you turn away in an attempt to clear it. 
"Don't get nervous on me now, baby. C'mon, you should be thankful I'm paying attention to a girl like you. Not everyone likes 'em big," your prey says and you give serious thought to opening his neck and draining him like the pig he is.
A hint of a command in your voice shuts him up and pins him in place. He's humming to himself, stargazing in the back alley of a club like an idiot while you walk around the nearby dumpsters to find the source of the smell.
It would be bad manners to poach in another's territory. Vampires have a habit of becoming especially violent when feedings go wrong, and by the smell of it, this one had. The days of killing first and asking questions never are sadly long gone. The consequences of a bad temper are swift and deadly when everyone has a camera in their pocket. The newer generation of vampires think your kind are invincible, but they just haven't shed the bravado of youth enough to appreciate just how well thinking before acting can serve them. The last thing you need tonight is to spend precious hours cleaning up after someone else's mistake that could've been prevented with a little caution.
You see a tattered book sticking out of a back pocket first. The pages gleam like a beacon in the dim light. The figure is hunched over, clutching at their middle with one hand and the wall with the other for support. One more spasm of their stomach expels a bit of tar-like blood and there's nothing left to come back up. 
At their feet are the mangled remains of a human; flesh torn in haste and wasted blood already turning dark and dry. It reeks of alcohol.
As they stumble back their heel catches on the corpse and you end your observation to act, putting a hand out to stop their fall backwards onto the dirty pavement.
They whirl around to reveal a face as pale as the pages of their book. Dark eyes stare back at you in fear from under floppy brown hair that's fallen over his forehead. It's a fledgling vampire, as you suspected, his face still transformed from his high emotions. 
"I d-didn't- it's not what--" he tries to say but his stomach gurgles and he has to lurch away again; the heaving of his muscles is undeniable. 
Your lips curl up as fresh bile scents the air, but you reach out to pat his back a little until he calms and finally stops. 
"Thank you." He says, turning back to you. He wipes at his face, leaving streaks of blood on his sleeves and cheeks. Tears wet his lashes as his face slowly smooths back into its human death mask. It's easy to see he's beautiful even in this terrible lighting. A sharp bone structure balanced with round eyes and plump lips. He's sorely out of place in the clubbing scene, dressed as he is in simple clothes, sneakers, and a jacket that hangs on his frame. He's a fallen angel let loose on the devil's playground. 
With all of his sudden movements the book has fallen from his pocket. You pick it up, reading the title with an amused twist of your lips. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. You hold it out to him with a smile wide enough to show your own fangs.
"Where is your maker, darling? Surely they didn't leave you on your own?" You ask.
He flusters so prettily, and you imagine how red his cheeks would've turned when the blood ran fresh in his veins. Some of the tension drops from his broad frame and he carefully takes the book from you with a nod of thanks.
"I'm Eddie," Eddie motions towards the club's backdoor with the book. "Max- my maker- he's still in there. He told me to watch him 'do his thing,' but it's been hours so I came out here to read. A-and then this guy came out and wouldn't leave me alone. I was so hungry-"
He glances down at the corpse and swallows thickly, his shoulders rounding as he hunches in on himself. 
You tsk and turn Eddie away from the mess. He goes willingly, twisting the book in his hands before stuffing it into his jacket pocket.
"A club full of unleashed humanity is no place for a fledgling. Come, you may share my meal. It should be enough to hold you until you can find more suitable food."
Your prey is still looking up, his throat on full display, when you lead Eddie to him. 
You motion to Eddie your permission for him to feed, but he doesn't move.
"He said it's supposed to get easier," he says almost to himself, his gaze glued to the hypnotizing beat of the man's pulse. "But I didn't mean to kill him. I don't know if I can control myself right now."
It's sweet, that thread of earnestness in his voice. You smile at him and take up your previous position, finally biting into your prey's neck. The blood is hot as you suck it into your mouth. It's so very tempting to swallow and gulp, to latch on and drain every drop until the heartbeat slows just enough to keep him alive. But Eddie is shifting behind you, and it's a reminder of his plight, his nervousness and attentiveness at your back. His breathing picks up when you break the seal of your lips, even though he doesn't need to inhale anymore.
The man slumps back into the wall as you leave him and approach Eddie. 
Eddie's eyes are wide, the pupils expanding in reaction to his want. He flinches just a little when you press both of your palms on his shoulders, using a bit of force in your muscles and only a twinkle of amusement in your eyes to put him on his knees. Then you cup his handsome face and kiss him.
He's hesitant and unsure when you press your lips to his and slip your blood-coated tongue into his mouth. A rush of liquid follows gravity's lead, and he grabs you then. His arms surge up under your own, careful not to disturb your hold on him as he fights to get as good a hold on you as he can. Large hands catch on fabric, and he grips the rolls of cool skin on your back.
He holds you to him with the desperate strength of the newly turned. You chuckle into his mouth. His hands may sink into your soft flesh, but it'll take much more than this to break you. 
After the initial rush he sips and sips at your mouth. He sucks blood and saliva from your tongue and whines in the back of his throat when it's gone.
"More," he begs, his tongue eager and searching out every drop. "Please."
He growls when you take a step back, his grip shifting to your clothes, and it's a testament to your seamstress' skills that they don't tear. Although, you're starting to think you wouldn't mind this young vampire rending your clothes from your body. 
You swipe at a smear of blood at the corner of his lip, and your thumb is in his mouth a second later, his dark eyes never leaving your face. 
"Do you feel more under control now?" You ask, and the question brings him back to himself.
"Y-yes. Thank you." He says, and his attention goes back to the night's meal. Another glance at you and Eddie is on the man, his fangs sinking into flesh in the same spot that yours had. 
Eddie's moan is a sinful call and there's an answering throb in your fangs and your core. 
At a more leisurely pace you come up behind the men, taking in Eddie's feeding technique. It's sloppy and non-existent. His hunger is only just tempered by the fear of his new existence. 
"Listen closely to his heartbeat. Can you catch its rhythm? Pull on a beat, and then wait. Move the blood in your mouth; taste it, savor it, and be thankful for its nourishment," you instruct him in a soft tone. Food aggression can get nasty with fledglings before they're taught better table manners. 
Eddie's head tilts towards you, and he blinks a few times, his gulping stuttering to a stop as he absorbs your words. It takes a moment, only one heartbeat, and then two, but he finds the rhythm and begins to dine instead of gorging himself. 
"Well done, darling, that's it," you say, and the way he preens under such little praise makes you want to shower him in it. 
Feeding, fucking, and fighting are core tenets of a vampire's life, and you feel them keenly right now. It would be easy to find another meal and then test Eddie's skills in other areas. You run a hand over his head and note how he doesn't growl or snap or perceive your presence as a threat to his meal.
Your hunger is changing, the allure of food fading as you feel the slight movement of his head as he readjusts his angle at the man's neck. If you took his chin in your hand and directed his mouth to your cunt, would he continue feasting? Eddie gulps, forcing his Adam's apple to bob in his throat, and you clench your thighs together to tease yourself.
"Killing isn't necessary when feeding. It's downright rude when you have consenting partners and is frowned upon in most circles these days. Follow the rhythm until it falters and becomes too irregular. That's enough to satisfy you and leave them alive."
The man's heart has only just begun to misfire from the lack of blood when Eddie jerks away, landing on his backside and breathing hard. Again he wipes at his face with his sleeve, but this time the expression on his face is triumphant. 
He looks at you with a grin stretching his ruddy cheeks, and you want nothing more than to kiss him again. To sink down on him and feel the fresh blood rushing through his body. It would be so tempting to drink from him in return, to mark his pretty skin with your teeth. Has he had a vampire lover before? Does he know the pleasure of another's bite? Would he let you be the one to show him?
You rest a hand on the alley wall, and your nails gouge through the cinder block like a cat's claws caught in lace. You allow yourself to indulge in the lusty thoughts before taking control of your urges. 
"Are you alright?" He asks.
"Just hungry." You say, your tongue catching on an extended canine. 
"Oh. Oh, no," he frets. "You said you'd share him and I drank it all. I'm so sorry, I can go find someone-" Eddie gets to his feet and is turning away from you, but you take his hand and keep him in place.
"You're a fledgling, darling, and need it more than I do right now. Don't worry, hunger is an old friend." 
You're about to tug him close and offer to spend the rest of the night with him when an unctuous voice calls out from behind you.
"I was wondering where you'd gotten off to. A back alley blowjob, huh? You didn't even have to leave the club for one of those."
Any distracting desire is sufficiently snuffed when you recognize the voice, and you curse your foolishness for it.
Of course Eddie's maker, Eddie's Max, is Max Phillips. A graduate of the feeding ground disguised as a college. It chewed up a selfish boy and spit out a selfish vampire. He cares for nothing but his own gain, and frankly you're surprised that a boy as seemingly sincere as Eddie got tangled up with him. But if they're together, maybe Eddie isn't as innocent as he seems. Max does like to pull the wool over his victim's eyes. 
Eddie quickly steps in front of you. "Max, I-"
"I don't care, kid. You're not dead so that's good enough for me," Max says, not taking his eyes off of you. Up and down, they roam over your thick thighs, wide hips, and ample curves. His perusal makes you realize that Eddie's gaze had never strayed far from your face. 
"Well, if it isn't Bella Lugosi, herself," he says, smirking at his own joke. 
"Bella?" Eddie echoes, looking at you with curiosity. 
"I have been called beautiful in many languages over the centuries by lovers and admirers alike. I do like bella; it suits me well, don't you think?" Ignoring Max in favor of teasing Eddie, you enjoy the way his eyes track the movement of your hand across your belly, his eyes keen on your fingers as they press into the giving flesh of your hip. "Max thinks he's being clever." 
"I was clever enough not to be fat when I was turned. A gym membership won't do shit for you now, sweetheart," Max shoots back, and your lip curls in disgust. It's so disappointing that he is quite handsome. While his looks are striking and sharp, the image is ruined when he opens his mouth and starts spewing shit.
"What small insults from a small mind," you say. "Eddie is your fledgling, then?"
"Sure is. Aren't you, champ? You didn't smell my scent on him?" Max saunters to Eddie's side now, his polished shoes clicking on the pavement. He slings an arm around Eddie and shakes him a little. They're a mismatched pair in every aspect. Max's tailored suit with its coordinated pocket square and cufflinks a stark contrast to Eddie's simple attire. Had Max even bothered to procure more clothes for him, providing for his fledgling, as a maker should? Or did he leave Eddie to his own devices? A miserable look passes over Eddie's face before he tries to cover it up, and you think you know the answer. 
"I thought that was the dumpsters," you say and wrinkle your nose at the strong cologne Max insists on wearing even with his heightened senses. There's a hint of a smirk on Eddie's lips before they twist back into a semblance of a straight line. 
Max opens his mouth to say something, but a scream coming from inside the club stops him. Another one follows, and the pounding music is abruptly stopped. You could feel the vibration of many feet moving on the ground like a disturbed ant hill. 
"Leaving another spoiled hunting ground in your wake I see, Max." You scold him, but he just shrugs. Has he no shame for his actions?
"Just a few girls who wanted a good time," he says and jerks Eddie a step away. "That's our cue to leave, kid. Say goodbye to the big bad vampire lady."
Eddie's eyes fly to you, and you're surprised at how strong the bloom of disappointment is in your chest. He wriggles out of Max's grasp and swallows at the scowl his maker throws him, but his steps are sure as walks back to you.
"Thank you for your help tonight." Eddie says, taking your cold hand and squeezing it. He brushes a kiss on the round apple of your cheek, and his lips are warm and chapped from his recent feeding.
The tang of Max's scent is on him, yes, but now that both men are present you can identify the scents that are unique to Eddie. You inhale and memorize the hint of vanilla, citrus, and cedar. 
"You're welcome. It was a pleasure meeting you, Eddie." 
He smiles, revealing a deep dimple in his cheek. "The pleasure is all mine, bella. I hope I'll see you again."
You untuck a slim card case from your cleavage and take out a calling card. The way Eddie's eyes track your movements, lingering on your chest, makes you stand a little taller and lean a little closer to him when you hold it out to him. 
He takes it, examining the cream cardstock and tracing a finger over the iridescent ink. Your name and a street address in the city are the only things printed on it. 
"If you need help in the future, you may call on me." You tell him and he nods dutifully.
"Oh. My. God. You're gonna make me hurl, and the alcohol hasn't even kicked in yet. Let's go, Edward." Max says, and the command snaps Eddie to attention, forcing him to turn away from you and follow Max out of the alley.
Police sirens are getting louder, and the streetlight is soon overshadowed by flashing red and blue lights. 
You don't spare a glance at the man passed out against the wall or the corpse a little further down as you leave. They can be lumped together with Max's mess, and he can have the blame for them as well. 
Tonight didn't go as planned at all, but you know that teasing your appetites only deepens them, and when you finally sate them it will taste that much more delicious.
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sanjisprincesswifey · 2 years
i wish i had a boyfriend like you
summary: confessing your feelings to kid & ace. requested by @portgaes !!
♡: eustass kid & portgas d ace x gender neutral reader (separately). 1,100+ words. cw: alcohol! sfw content.
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“i wish i had a boyfriend like you, kid,” you hiccup, grabbing onto his bicep for a split second before lazily swaying back and forth in your dazed, drunken state.
your cheeks are stained with a red blush as you chug down another sip of the sake in your glass, completely unaware of the effect your words had on your captain. despite the amount of alcohol he had consumed in the past thirty minutes, he felt sobered up when you had finished your sentence.
kid glances around, to see if anyone else had caught wind of what you said. but no, just him. everyone was engulfed in their own conversations to even pay attention, which confused him even more.
he stares at you with a bewildered look, disbelieving that someone like you said that about someone like him. what baffled him, even more, is why he felt the way he did when you said that.
the thought never crossed his mind before. kid believed those thoughts to be childish and not for someone of his brutish nature. so why did it make him happy? and why did he want to be your boyfriend?
“i think i’m going to get some air,” you say, dismissing yourself for the door.
kid follows behind you, the others noticing his mannerisms seeming desperate and out of character for him. the doors swing open, and he searches the area for you, finding you sitting on a bench that overlooks the ocean. he hesitates for a second, unsure if he should go up to you. what would he even say?
before he can find an answer, his legs carry him to the bench, and he plops down right next to you.
you greet him, your words continuing to slur together, before turning your attention back to the ocean. you hum softly and kid can’t help but peek not-so-subtle glances at you every so often.
“why’d you follow me out here?” you ask without even turning your head to look at him.
his head shoots straight forward as if he was a child who got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. “i—uh, needed some air too,” he lies through his teeth, hoping you’d believe him.
luckily for him, you nod your head, satisfied with that answer.
a silence that you don’t mind looms over the both of you, but it’s killing kid. he has so many questions, none of which the silence could answer.
he awkwardly coughs to regain your attention, but before he could form a coherent sentence, he can’t stop the onslaught of interrogation that busts through his lips. “did you really mean what you said in there?” he questions, pretending that the answer wasn’t as important to him.
“hmm?” you hum, too drunk to even remember what you had said.
a nervous sweat that kid doesn’t enjoy beads down his forehead, making him furrow his brows. if there’s one thing kid hated was being confused, and boy did you confuse him.
“inside the bar! you—you said that—”
“you’re really cute when you’re mad,” you chuckle underneath your breath, laying your head down on his bicep.
kid doesn’t know what to do. he’s afraid if he moves it’ll disturb you and you look too pretty to be disturbed right now. he can feel the intensity of his heartbeat and he wonders if you can hear it too. part of him wants you to, it would be an easier confession that way.
you snuggle further into him, settling into his chest rather than his arm. gently he places his arm around you, not knowing where to place his hand. but thanks to you, who guides his hand to hold your waist, his painted fingers gripping with feverish haste to hold your skin.
a soft smile crosses his lips as he wonders if one day he would be able to tell you that he wishes he could be your boyfriend too.
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you steal another glance from ace as he sits diagonally from you, quickly diverting your gaze away and back down to your untouched food. that was the third time during this meal that had happened, leaving you both with a red-hot blush to stain your cheeks.
“y/n, my dear, you haven’t touched your food. is everything okay?” sanji asks, noticing that your appetite had changed. you hate the attention that he drew to you, ace’s sultry gaze falling onto you too.
“yes, everything is fine,” you assure, opting to say as little as possible knowing it would save you the embarrassment.
“are you sure? you’re really, really red y/n! look at their face, it’s getting redder!” luffy laughs, amazed at how deeply your face could tint.
knowing you’d rather be six feet underground right about now instead of here at this table, you excuse yourself and head outside. you lean against the railing of the merry, taking in the view of alabasta kingdom. your cheeks might as well have been steaming with how hot your face was burning. you should always leave it to luffy to embarrass you to the highest capacity.
“sorry about that, leave it to my bungling kid brother to pick on his own crewmate,” ace comments, coming up right next to you. you want to roll your eyes at the fact that he was the one who came to check on you like fate was playing a cruel joke on you.
you offer a small wave in acceptance of his apology, “don’t worry about it. i’m pretty much used to it by now.”
he chuckles, his voice deep and hoarse which sends shivers down your spine. “knowing luffy, i bet you are. but still—” ace scoots closer to you, tilting his head to look down at you. “—he shouldn’t pick on someone as pretty as you,” he smirks.
you struggle to keep eye contact once again, playing with your fingers as you glance between him and the ocean. the yearning you felt for him continues to bubble to the surface, you could identify these feelings the moment you all met him, but the longer he stayed, the harder it became to resist them.
“i wish i had a boyfriend like you,” you mumble, your hand immediately slapping over your mouth. you curse yourself underneath your breath for allowing the intrusive thoughts to win, searching for the best angle to throw yourself off of the merry.
he chuckles, throwing a strong arm around you pulling you closer to him. you stumble into his bare chest, his scent invading your senses as you stare up at him in shock.
“is that so?” he challenges, his pointer finger hooking underneath your chin so you can’t look away. you can only nod, his pool of golden-brown eyes hypnotizing you. “well, when are you free for our first date?”
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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emmie-tt · 1 year
Can i request a ronal x ex-soldier!human!reader? So They met when Ronal(she and tonowari are just friends). That time there was a fight between the sky people and her people. Mc decided to change and betrayed her kind but got hurt in process yada yada then they meet. They hate each other at first since y’know ronal hates sky people but slowly fall in love :D
Betrayal makes the heart grow fonder
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Ronal x ex-soilder!human!reader
Description: After making the quick decision to turn on your own kind you wind up injured only to be saved and helped by someone you least expected
WARNINGS: minor injury, cussing, violence
L/N = last name
italics = navi language
As I watch my boss target yet another Tulkun my stomach sinks. The feeling of immense dread and guilt has been eating at me for the past few weeks
I make my way back to the small closet I call a room on the ship and start packing my bags, the decision to get as far away from this bullshit as I can is truly the best option.
The plan to stop at a village called Awa'atlu is the next thing on the to-do list and I made the haste decision to get off and stay on the island to get away from these people.
As the ship comes to a stop I hear a loud horn sound and I slowly and quietly make my way to the exit with my bags. As I grab my mask and place it on my face two soldiers make there way towards me.
As I make eye contact with one the taller man speaks "wear are you going? your off today L/N"
Panic slowly takes over as I have a small stare down with the two men and before long the shorter of the duo also speaks up "and with your bag? you planning on leaving or something?"
I slowly shake my head and gently sit my bag down "just thought I might go see if they need help."
Before I let them say anything else I open the door and sprint out leaving my bag behind.
Me and my partner make eye contact with each other before looking back at the spot Y/N once stood "what the fuck..."
I slowly walk over to the bag she was holding and open it, anger slowly rises in me as I realize what was going on "She's betraying us..."
My partner looks at me with wide eyes "Then lets take care of her before she can"
As I run through the small forest that lines the island I hear footsteps behind me, as I turn around I see the two soldiers running my way. I break into a full on run
"you cant run forever Y/N!"
"just come back so we don't have to hurt you!"
I huff and attempt to run faster, making sure to keep my guard up because of the battle going on.
I hear a gunshot then fall over when I feel a sharp pain in my side. When I look up the two soldiers are standing over me, one holding a gun and the other smirking. "we told you to come back...this is what happens when you forget what you are"
Coughs wrack through my body as I hold pressure on the wound. "i d-didn't forget i'm j-just not he-heartless"
The short soldier chuckles while still staring down at me "we aren't heartless darling, were doing whats right"
I shake my head and mumble some incoherent swear words as my vision starts blurring, right before I pass out I hear two thuds and feel something pick me up
As I make my way through the woods in search of any injured I see a small human run past being what looks to be chased by two other humans, I listen for a moment before following after them quietly.
I watch as the point some sort of object at the small human and then a loud noise goes off and the small human falls over and starts bleeding.
I grip my spear tighter and listen as they taunt her, my ears perk up when the realization that she turned on the to help us sets in. I quickly run over and smack both of them over the head with my spear before stabbing them.
After making sure they weren't alive I gently pick the small girl up and make my way back to the main part of the island
As my eyes slowly flutter open I feel some rather large hands doing something to my body. When my vision clears panic spikes again and I go to sit up and leave but the woman pushes me back down saying something
"lay down, don't move demon"
I stay still not knowing what shes saying, I know a little Navi but not a lot. As I look down I see her cleaning up the wound and stitching it up
"does it hurt?" she looks up at me
I stare at her confused for a moment before saying "i don't speak fluent Navi..."
She huffs in obvious frustration "of course not.." she looks at me "does it hurt?"
My eyebrows raise at her choppy English but I shake my head no so she gets back to working on my side roughly.
During my stay on this beautiful island I've been helping rebuild the damaged homes that the humans caused. I've met the olo'ekytan who has graciously allowed me to stay.
Ronal- Tsahik has been very protective and caring towards me while also being hostile and rough. Speaking of, as I sit on the beach right now she makes her way over to me with a straight face
She takes a seat next to me and stares out at the ocean before I look over at her and ask "how has your day been?"
She looks over at me and stares confused causing me to chuckle softly "I asked how you day has been"
She nods and hums quietly "it has been good, yours?"
I smile at her chopped English and nod "good.."
She stares at me for awhile before looking away
I look at her and use the Navi i've been learning "i've decided to leave soon.."
Her head snaps over to me almost angrily "why? where will you go?"
I shrug "I don't know, somewhere with the Omatikaya probably. They accept humans I think"
She growls lowly causing me to stare at her confused "we accept you- you can't leave its dangerous and I won't allow it"
She speaks fast causing me to not translate it "wha- I don't understand"
I watch as she stands up angrily before grabbing my arm causing a small yelp to leave my mouth. Ronal tugs me to her mauri and shoves me in causing me to tumble over due to our size difference. "you will not be going."
My confusion only grows "why? you dont want me hear, its obvious!"
Her hard gaze lands on me "Lies! I want you here- I have been courting yo- trying to court you at least."
I stare at her shocked "you've been courting me? why haven't you said anything?"
"because- I dont know because I haven't!"
I watch amused at her frustration as she paces back and forth "Ronal, I would love for you to court me"
She looks over at me "y-you would?"
I smile nodding "absolutely, now calm down please your stressing me out with all your pacing"
She huffs and walks over and picks me up holding me close to her causing me to squeal in surprise, she sits down holding me on her lap "you are staying."
I nod laughing "i'm not going anywhere.."
OH MY GOSHHHH I'm so sorry that it took so long to write this, life has been so hectic lately. Hope you like it!!
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Shot: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Colm is his own warning, Reader is shot, injury, blood, soft Colm, non established relationship, pining Summary: Colm’s boys return from a job, one of them has been shot.
The sight of his boys coming back from a job always brings a bit of a grin to Colm’s face. It means money, drinks, and an increase in reputation. So when he approaches the boys hitching their horses he has a smirk on his face. Then he sees one of them is injured. Not someone insignificant like Billy or Seamus, it’s you. Seamus is pulling you down from his horse carefully, Billy rushing to take your other arm as they carry you towards the medic’s station. Colm can see the blood seeping through your shirt, staining that shade of green he loves so much.
He follows the boys, grabbing Billy by the shirt once you’re laid down for the medic to look at. “What happened?”
Billy looks up at his boss with an experienced terror. Colm spoke very softly, very calmly. He is not the type to yell unless it’s for show. If Colm O’Driscoll is angry, he whispers. Billy tries to recall what happened during the job but it was all so fast. You were on your horse one second, shooting the law, and the next you were on the ground and Seamus was yelling something.
“I, uh-”
Colm’s fist twists into Billy’s shirt, yanking him closer. “That boy dies, you die.”
Billy swallows his nerves and nods quickly. “Yes, boss.”
When Colm releases him, Billy scrambles over to help the medic. Seamus is already crushing some plants to help because he is very well aware of the stakes even without being warned. He has seen the way Colm looks at you, the way his gaze no longer lingers on your arms, your chest, occasionally a bulge in tight pants, but on your face. He knows what even Colm doesn’t fully recognise yet, so he works with haste.
The medic has Billy hold you down while he digs a bullet from your gut. Colm watches intently from the doorway, having to remind himself to blink on occasion. Seamus brings rags to stop the bleeding when the medic drops the bullet and goes to get tonics. You’re barely awake, only able to hear the occasional generic reassurance from Billy as he nervously glances between you and Colm. Seamus makes room for the medic to clean you up and bandage you. Your blood covers his hands, his shirt, the floor as far as he can see, but the medic says you’ll be fine.
Colm steps inside as Seamus runs off to wash the blood from him. Billy stays, soaking up what’s fallen on the floor. The medic sets the tonics in order by your head and with a look from Colm, he pulls Billy with him as he leaves. Colm stands over you. Your shirt has been removed and a few weeks ago that would bring thoughts to Colm’s mind, he might have taken advantage of you. Now, his eyes search your face for pain and he finds himself wincing when you do. So he can’t help but to sit by your bedside.
When you wake there’s not much other than pain. Pain and a warm feeling in your hand. You look down and find a hand gripping yours, so you follow the arm up only to be met with your boss. Colm is asleep, his other hand propping his head up, but his grip is strong and you could never pull your hand away even if you wanted to. Your wound isn’t on your mind anymore, despite the pain. It’s not shocking that you were shot and it hurts, it’s shocking that Colm O’Driscoll fell asleep holding your hand. You lightly squeeze, testing to see if it’s real, and when Colm stirs you know it is.
He blinks his eyes open slowly, meeting your gaze before looking down to your wound. “Ya ain’t leavin’ camp fer a month.”
There’s that soft voice, usually terrifying but somehow comforting when he speaks now. His thumb runs across your knuckles and you can feel your heart skip. Gentleness from Colm is something you’ve never seen. You didn’t know he was capable of it.
“Boss?” You ask, a crack in your voice from the dryness you only now notice.
Colm is silent as he hands you the first tonic in the medic’s line up. He knows it’s a painkiller, he’s taken plenty when he’s been shot. You’ve spent your whole career as an O’Driscoll not questioning orders from Colm, you know better than to refuse anything from him. And even now, with him all tender, you take the bottle without hesitation and drink its contents. He takes the bottle when you’re done, his finger brushing yours and making you feel that skip again.
He brings your hand up and presses a kiss to your knuckles, sighing. “Ya ain’t tellin’ a soul ‘bout all this.”
You have to take a second to process and find your voice again. “Yes, boss.”
“Colm.” He corrects. “Ya call me Colm when we’re alone, darlin’.”
“Colm.” You try and it feels strange.
Of course you’ve used his name. You’ve sat around the fire with the boys, telling stories and jokes about the boss when he wasn’t around. You’ve complained about him endlessly, the way any other member of the gang has. But here it’s different. Here it’s not just about the name, there’s something special attached to using it while he’s actually able to hear it.
He hums. “That’s it, sugar.”
You squeeze his hand and he smiles, releasing you and standing. He leans over you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. For a moment, he lingers and you can relish the moment. Then he stands upright and smooths out his vest.
“Not a word, boy.” He warns and you can hear that usual venom again, like turning a lantern back on.
“Not a word.” You repeat.
Colm can’t help the sentimentality of lightly dragging his fingers down your leg as he walks away. He orders the medic to check on you, Seamus to keep an eye on you. For the rest of the day he just tries to forget that you’re hurt and act like himself. He hates that he’s turning into some lovesick dog. He’s never fallen before and he doesn’t know what to do.
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kookie-doughs · 9 months
Again And Again
Portgas D Ace X Reader
-Amatsuki Y/N decided to stay in the future without her sister upon meeting a friend’s son.
Chapter 8: Remember
As the ship arrives at Marineford, you find yourself amidst the chaos of the aftermath of the attack between Whitebeard and Aokiji that resulted in the frozen tsunami wave trapping the warship.
As the ship comes to a halt atop the frozen tsunami by Aokiji's attack, you quickly assess the situation. Knowing that time is of the essence, you decide to get off the ship to examine any potential means of escape. The battlefield is filled with chaos, and the urgency of the situation is palpable. Jinbe and Crocodile looks around as well.
As you step onto the frozen wave, you search for any way to navigate through the perilous terrain. The icy surface makes it challenging to move, but you remain focused on finding a path forward.
In the midst of the chaos, the Den Den Mushi within the warship you rode with suddenly starts to ring, catching attention everyone's attention.
"Calling all ships and troops. Our target is sit TOTTZ. Change formation and initiate Operation three. Make haste with preparation. Once preparation are complete, we'll push the schedule forward and execute Ace! Over."
As you hear the chilling message from the Den Den Mushi, a sense of dread washes over you. The urgency of the situation hits you like a tidal wave, and you feel lost, as if the whole world has crumbled around you. Shock sets in as you process the gravity of what's about to happen – Ace's life is in immediate danger, and you need to act fast.
"Y/N, come on we need to hurry." Jinbe urges, but the shock keeps you rooted to the spot for a moment.
Luffy's determined voice breaks through the haze, pulling you back to the present. "We won't let them kill Ace!" he declares, his eyes burning with resolve.
His words snap you out of your stupor, and a fierce determination wells up inside you. Time is of the essence, and you can't afford to hesitate.
"Come on, you can do this," you tell yourself, shaking off the shock and rallying your strength.
"We'll rescue Ace, no matter what it takes!" you say to your group, the fierce resolve in your eyes.
They each began to figure out a way to get to the battlefield. Listing off possible ways.
"We don't have time for that." You say solemnly. You look down onto the on going chaos at the bottom. "Hey you guys."
They turn to you as you called for their attention. You pull your sword from the sheath.
"Hold on." You warn as you cut the ice that held the ship down. With a swift and decisive strike, the ship breaks free from the frozen tsunami.
As the ship begins to plummet down, panic ensues among everyone on board. The sudden drop catches everyone off guard, and shouts of alarm fill the air. The chaotic scene perilous situation you all find yourselves in, caught the attention of everyone on the battlefield.
"We're all going to die!!!" Cry Buggy.
"Oh wait! I'm made of rubber! I'll be fine!" Luffy says.
Your eyes quickly scan the battlefield, searching for important figures. Taking note of where each and everyone was. Your heart pounds in your chest as you desperately look for Marco. The urgency of the situation propels you into action, and you raise your voice to call out for his attention, even as you continue to descend from the sky.
"Marco!" you yell, your voice carrying over the tumultuous noise of the battlefield.
Your eyes lock onto his figure amidst the field, and you wave your hand frantically, trying to catch his attention. Time seems to slow down as you freefall towards the ground, but you can't afford to waste a moment.
Marco's head turns in the direction of your voice, and his gaze finds you. Recognition flashes in his eyes, and he quickly assesses the situation.
"Y/N!" he calls back, his voice projecting with clarity. "I see you!"
Relief washes over you as you realize that he heard you. Your trust in Marco. You know that you can count on him.
As Marco quickly processes the urgency behind your call, he wastes no time. Activating the power of his fruit, Marco's body ignites with brilliant blue flames, and his large wings unfurl. With a powerful flap, he takes to the air, soaring towards your falling position.
The sight of Marco flying towards you, took a turn in favor of the Whitebeard pirates.
"Y/N'S HERE!!!!" Was the cheer that erupted from your crew.
With a gentle yet precise maneuver, Marco aligns himself beneath you, catching you. As your feet make contact with his broad back, you hold on tightly, feeling the warmth of his flames enveloping you in a protective embrace.
"SAVE US TOO!!!" Cry Buggy's crew.
"Are you alright?" Marco asks, concern evident in his eyes as he glances back at you while maintaining his steady flight.
You nod, grateful for his swift response and assistance. "Thank you, Marco. C'mon get down fast I need to make a landing spot for them."
You land safely on the ground amidst the chaos of the battlefield. Thinking quickly, you draw your sword and swing it with precision, creating a large cleared area for your allies to safely land. The ice beneath you splits apart, forming a landing zone that was water.
"Jinbe! Take care of the others!!"
The impact is jarring as they plunge into the sea, and for a moment you notice that some of them are struggling in the water due to their Devil Fruit abilities. Just as concern starts to rise, Jinbe, comes to the rescue.
With Jinbe's help, everyone makes it safely to the nearby shore. As you all regroup and catch your breath, the ongoing battle remains a fierce backdrop to your mission to save Ace.
You glance towards the direction of the platform where Ace is being held, the center of the conflict, looking helplessly at your group. His expression is a mix of surprise and despair, seeing you and your group. Your heart clenches at the sight, and you're filled with a renewed determination to reach him.
"ACE!!!" Luffy yells from beside you.
"I FINALLY FOUND YOU!!!!" you exclaimed, your voice breaking carrying so many emotions.
Ace looks between you and Luffy, the turmoil in his heart evident. He knows that you both care deeply for him, but he also knows the dangers that lie ahead. The gravity of the situation and the sacrifices made on his behalf are not lost on him.
"Y/N!! LUFFY!!!!!"
As the crowd assess the battle and your group. Your eyes lock with Ace.
"We've come to save you!" Luffy says, laced with determination.
"Is this the brother Ace is always talking about?" Marco asks from beside you.
You smile, "Yeah."
"Fire Fist Ace... Is now free!!!!" Was what the battlefield had echoed.
The reunion between Luffy and Ace is a moment of triumph in the midst of the chaos at Marineford.
As the battle rages on at Marineford, Luffy and Ace fight with all their might, pushing through the chaos and the powerful enemies in their way. Together, they forge a path to safety, determined to escape the clutches of the Marines and make it out of the war alive.
As the chaos and battles continued to rage around you at Marineford, you found yourself standing still, unable to move or react. The sight of Ace, running to you, was overwhelming. The gravity of the moment and the realization that you had finally gotten to him left you in a state of shock.
But now, in the present, everything had changed. Ace had been through so much, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions—relief at finding him, guilt for not being there sooner, and sorrow for all the pain he had endured.
"Ace..." you finally managed to whisper, your voice filled with a mix of emotions.
You swiftly took down enemies on your way, running to Ace. The memories of your shared past, and the deep bond you once had flooded your mind. It was as if time had rewound, and you were transported back to those cherished moments.
You succeeded. You saved him.
As you finally closed the distance between you and Ace, the overwhelming emotions that had been building inside you burst forth uncontrollably. Without a second thought, you leaped into his arms, holding onto him tightly, and tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Ace... I finally got to you," you sobbed, your voice choked with relief and pent-up emotions.
Ace wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close in a comforting embrace. He could feel your heartache and the weight of everything you had been through to find him. In that moment, words were unnecessary; the bond between you said it all.
"Ace... I... I thought I was going to lose you," you managed to say between sobs, your voice choked with emotion.
Ace wipes away your tear. "I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere," he reassured you softly.
The chaos of the battlefield seemed to fade away as you clung to Ace, seeking solace in his presence. He was holding you, you were holding him. History did not repeat. Being reunited with him filled you with a sense of hope and warmth that you hadn't felt in a long time.
But even amidst the comfort of the reunion, the reality of the situation remained. The war at Marineford was far from over, and the dangers were still very real. With a deep breath, you slowly pulled away from Ace, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"We need to get out of here," you said, your voice determined. "We'll find a way to keep you safe, Ace, I promise."
Ace nodded, a fierce determination in his eyes. "We'll get through this together, just like old times."
"Clear the way so they can get away!!!" Haruta orders.
With Ace by your side once again, a newfound strength surged through your veins. The power of your emotions, the sheer determination to protect him ignited a blaze within you. As you ran through the chaos of Marineford, your swipes and attacks became more potent and precise, clearing a path ahead for you and your companions.
With every strike of your sword, the enemies were thrown back, and obstacles were effortlessly overcome. The fear and panic that had gripped your heart earlier were now replaced by a sense of fierce resolve. You knew that as long as you had Ace by your side, you could face anything that came your way. The enemies that dared to stand in your path quickly learned the folly of challenging you.
As the battle of Marineford reached its climax, the mighty Whitebeard, with wounds from countless enemies, stood tall and resolute.
"Enough!" Whitebeard's booming voice echoes through the battlefield. "There is no need for us to keep fighting here!"
"Old man...?" Your speed reduces as you try to look at what he was up to.
"Listen carefully, Whitebeard Pirates. I'm going to give you all my final order as your captain!"
Hearing this, you stop on your tracks.
"H-Hey what the hell do you fucking mean?" Your voice trembled.
"Pops!" Ace calls beside you.
"It is time for us to part ways! Everyone, survive at any cost and return to the New World safely!"
"What the hell are you saying?! Edward!!" You call out. You prepared yourself about to jump to him only for Marco to stop you.
"Y/N!" He bites his lip down.
"Marco what are you doing?!"
Edward smirks, "I am a relic of a bygone era! There is no ship that can carry me into the new age! Escape from here, everyone!"
Edward's words hit you like a tidal wave, and your heart aches at the realization of his intentions. His smirk, although filled with determination, also carries a sense of resignation. You knew that he had fought tirelessly for his beliefs, but the world around him had changed, and he believed there was no place for him in the new age.
As he release a devastating quake, you feel a pang of helplessness. Anger surges through you, intertwined with a deep sense of sorrow. Seeing him facing his own destiny and making sacrifices for the crew reminds you of Roger.
It's as if he's come to terms with his fate, just as Roger had done all those years ago. And it angers you because you don't want to experience that same sense of loss and helplessness again. While you understand his reasons and the weight of his sacrifice, you can't bring yourself to follow his orders blindly. You can't simply abandon him to his fate, knowing the inevitable outcome that awaits him.
Instead, you make a difficult decision. Ignoring Marco, you rush towards him, determined to stay by his side until the very end. The chaos of the battlefield surrounds you, but your focus is solely on reaching Whitebeard.
"Y/N!!!" Ace calls for you.
But you press on, driven by an unyielding sense of loyalty and respect for the man who once carried you on his ship.
"Ace, I'll follow you behind! Go ahead!" you yell, hoping your voice reaches him amidst the turmoil.
He glances back at you, uncertainty in his eyes, but he nods in understanding. He knows you well enough to trust that you'll keep your promise. He glances back at you, uncertainty in his eyes, but he nods in understanding. He knows you well enough to trust that you'll keep your promise.
Whitebeard's anger at your defiance is evident in his stern gaze and furrowed brow. He had given you a clear order to escape and leave him behind, but you chose to stay by his side, putting yourself in danger. As your captain, he feels responsible for your well-being, and your actions have undoubtedly angered him.
"I told you to go!" he booms, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and concern. "Why won't you listen to me?"
You meet his gaze with determination, trying to convey your own reasons for staying. "I am not going to lose anyone today, Edward," you reply firmly. "Especially not my captain."
For a moment, his anger seems to waver, replaced by a hint of sadness. He remembers your reason of fighting. As the chaos of battle surrounds you, he looks at you with a mix of pride and regret.
"You're a stubborn one," he grumbles, his anger softening slightly. Looking behind him seeing Ace run, "Do you think he was happy with me as his father...?"
You follow his eyes, "Of course he was."
Whitebeard sighs heavily, a hint of frustration lingers. "Get ready, don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you. If things get too dangerous, you better get out of there."
Amidst the chaos and destruction of your own battle, you catch glimpses of Ace and the others, running. You feel a surge of calmness knowing that they are closer to safety.
But whilst you were distracted Akainu slips past you and Whitebeard, you immediately sense the danger he poses to Ace. Despite being busy keeping the other marines and admirals at bay, you can't let him reach them.
Akainu's tactics are cunning; instead of attacking directly, he tries to rile Ace up by insulting both you and Whitebeard. His words are meant to provoke a reaction, to distract Ace and make him lose focus in the midst of the battle.
"Ace, don't let him get to you!" you hear Marco call out.
A sudden explosion echoed behind you, snapping your attention to its source. As you turned, your heart sank at the sight that greeted you – Ace was lying on the ground. With Akainu towering over him.
"ACE?!!" You call out. You see him struggle to get on his knees.
In a desperate attempt to protect his brother, Luffy tried to move forward but collapsed to his knees, drained of all his energy. Akainu, seeing an opportunity, set his sights on Luffy, ready to strike. But before he could deliver the fatal blow, Ace acted swiftly, using his own body as a shield to block the attack. The impact of Akainu's attack sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and Ace's sacrifice left everyone stunned and horrified. The air was thick with tension as the gravity of the situation sank in, and you could only watch in heart-wrenching silence as the events unfolded before you. The world around you seemed to stand still as you froze in shock and disbelief.
As you stared at Ace, your heart felt heavy, and a chilling silence enveloped your surroundings. The chaotic battle around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving you in a state of numbness. The world seemed to move in slow motion, and all you could hear was the faint thumping of your own heart, as if it were the only sound in existence.
As the reality of the situation sank in, tears welled up in your eyes, and a deep ache settled in your chest.
As you watched Ace fall to his knees and rest on Luffy, barely clinging to life, a surge of desperation coursed through you. The world seemed to blur as you ran towards them, your legs moving as if driven by an unseen force. Each step felt heavy, as if you were carrying the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. Your heart pounded in your chest, the sound echoing in your ears, drowning out the chaos around you. Time seemed to slow down, every second feeling like an eternity. The distance between you and Ace felt like an insurmountable chasm, and you pushed yourself harder, willing yourself to reach him faster.
As you finally reached Ace's side, you fell to your knees, your hands trembling as you tried to steady yourself. Looking at Ace you felt a sense of helplessness wash over you. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you wanted to do to save him, but it was as if your words were lost in the sea of emotions crashing within you.
"H-Hey, are you all right? Hey..." You hear Luffy call. "Ace, you need to get treated right away!"
"I'm sorry..." Ace whispers.
"Stay with us, Ace," you pleaded, your voice cracking with emotion. "Please, don't leave me."
"You've both... done so much to save me... But I won't make it out of here... I'm sorry."
"Don't say that..." You begged. You crawl behind Luffy to get a view of his face.
"Don't be ridiculous! Please! Somebody treat him!! Please help Ace!! Please!!"
As one of the doctors in the Whitebeard pirates run to your aid. He takes a step back upon seeing his wounds.
"H-Hey Hublot, w-why aren't you doing anything?? I-Is this something y-you can't help with?? M-Marco, call for Marco!"
"Y/N, stop. It's no use. I won't last long... I can tell, my life is ending..."
"Ace... what are you saying?" Luffy's voice cracked. "Are you going to die...? Y-You promised me... that you'd never die... no matter what, Ace!"
"I would've given up a long time ago... if it weren't for Sabo and a high-maintenance brother like you." He paused. "If you ever see Dadan again... can you give her my regards?"
"Ace stop it... Don't say that you're gonna die. Please." You sobbed. You held his cheek.
"You know... there' is something's two thing... that makes me want to stay..."
"Then stay... C'mon... Ace..." Your lips tremble.
"Y/N, I'm sorry... can you please... complete one of them for me?"
"Complete it yourself!" Luffy begs.
"In my life... I have only one regret." As Ace looked at you, the light in his eyes slowly fading. "I wish I've loved you sooner. I wish... I wish I could stay longer to show you... how much I love you."
As a slowly and heavily leaned into your hand that stayed on your cheek. "I've realized that what I really wanted... wasn't fame. Did I deserve to be born? I wanted to know the answer to that question. I'm not able to shout loudly enough for everyone to hear me anymore... could you tell them... the words I'm about to say... I've always been such a hopeless person... Thank you... for loving me."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you whispered, "Ace... I love you, so much."
His lips curved into a gentle smile, and as the light in his eyes faded completely, his final expression remained one of peace and contentment.
As Ace's lifeless body collapsed into Luffy's arms, you both stared in disbelief, desperately calling for him to wake up. But the reality of his passing started to sink in, and a gut-wrenching sob escaped from Luffy's lips, echoing across the battlefield.
Tears streamed down your face.
The chaos of the war seemed to fade away, leaving only a profound sense of loss and grief. Luffy's cries echoed in your ears, and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as you both mourned. As Luffy's devastation and exhaustion set on him, he passes out.
You stare aimlessly at the brothers that was around you. Your mind was blank as you slowly get up.
Everyone that fought for Ace were grieving. Marco himself was grieving, but seeing you. He knew something was wrong.
"Y/N!" He calls you out, but all fell to deaf ears.
As the grief inside you turned into anger, a seething rage began to consume your being. The weight of loss was replaced by a burning desire for vengeance. The bloodlust within you surged, and the sight of the battlefield before you only fueled your fury.
The faces of those responsible flashed before your eyes, and your grip on your weapon tightened. The anger that overwhelmed you was primal, raw, and all-consuming.
In that moment, you felt an overwhelming urge to make them pay, to make them suffer for what they had done. The enemy became faceless, nameless, mere symbols of the injustice that had taken Ace away from you.
Fueled by a mix of grief and determination, you launch a powerful attack. Each strike carries the weight of your emotions, channeling your anger into every blow. Exuding haki that the entire battlefield could feel.
Your enemies are taken aback by the intensity of your assault, and some even falter in the face of your unyielding resolve. The bloodlust within you fuels your strength, but you also find yourself drawing upon the memories of the moments you shared with Ace, his laughter, his smiles, and the bond you had lost.
"AKAINU!!!" Your gut wrenching scream heard by everyone. Everyone moved away form your path to him.
"Y/N!" Edward calls for you.
With a primal scream, you unleashed a devastating attack on Akainu, pouring all your grief and rage into the strike. The clash between your power and his was intense, sending shockwaves through the air and cracking the ground beneath your feet. Akainu tried to counter, but your determination was unyielding, and he struggled to keep up with your relentless assault.
In your blinded fury, you swung your sword with reckless abandon, not caring about the injuries you sustained or the pain you felt from his attacks. All that mattered was bringing down the man who had taken Ace away from you. The loss of your love had left you numb, and you no longer feared the consequences of your actions.
As your sword cut through Akainu's defenses, blood oozed from his wounds, but he refused to back down. The battle was fierce and brutal, with both of you refusing to give an inch. The air was thick with tension and the smell of blood, and the battlefield around you seemed to fade away as you became locked in a deadly dance with your enemy.
Despite the pain and exhaustion, you pressed on. Every strike was infused with the weight of your grief, and each blow carried the force of your determination to avenge him. The emotions that had overwhelmed you were now channeled into your attacks, making you a force to be reckoned with.
"Y/N stop!!" The area you stood quake as you see Edward use his fruit. Your loss of footing caused you to the ground.
The stop of your fury of attacks brought your bloodlust to a halt, the overwhelming emotions you had been suppressing burst forth. You released a gut-wrenching sob, the pain and grief of losing Ace finally breaking through the wall you had built around your heart.
In that moment, Edward embraced you, holding you close as you cried. He could feel the weight of your sorrow and understood the depth of your pain. As your captain and someone who had lost so much in his life, he knew what it meant to suffer such a devastating loss.
"You don't have to bear this burden alone," Edward said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "Y/N calm down."
His words offered some comfort, but the ache in your heart was still raw and agonizing. The memories of Ace flooded your mind, the laughter, the adventures, and the love you had shared together. The realization that he was truly gone was like a stab in the heart, leaving an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill.
As you clung to Edward, he let you cry, understanding that sometimes the only way to heal was to let the pain flow freely. He knew that there were no words that could erase your grief, but he hoped that his presence and the support of everyone could offer some solace.
With tears still staining your cheeks, you pulled away from Edward's embrace, your gaze fixated on Akainu with a newfound determination. The pain of losing Ace had fueled your anger, but now it fueled your resolve to make things right. In that moment, you knew what you had to do.
"I won't let this happen again," you declared.
Edward understanding what you had meant, concern etched on his face as he reached out to grab your arm gently. "Y/N there-"
Your lifeless eyes met his. And at that moment Edward knew he couldn't change your mind. He releases his hold.
And that marked your first try.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime @cinnamonrollscafe @sol-d15
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whyhellosims · 8 months
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Me: I don't make a sims story out of every household I play!
Also Me:
She watched him kneeling next to the garden bed, admiring the way his fingers delved and dug in the dirt, sensitive to the plant roots. He had that soft expression on his face she’d come to appreciate—sorrow diluted by present pleasure, a haunting melancholy she’d always been drawn to.
Why was it so difficult to know someone else? Why did it seem like no matter how many questions she asked, she never got past the front gate of his core? How many times had his diffident smile deflected her inquiries, distracting her from her purpose?
“I can go,” she offered, wondering now, as she had so many other times, if she was intruding.
He looked over at her, a gentle turn that lifted his eyes, unintentionally coy, and put the long column of his graceful throat on display.
“I enjoy your company,” he said, and perhaps something in the troubled nature of her expression gave him pause. He sat back on his heels, concern stealing the subtle sorrow from his face. “Fallon?”
She wasn’t sure what possessed her—she leaned forward on one braced hand and kissed him, his beard prickling against her skin. His mouth was warm and soft, his teeth firm behind his lips, his tongue wet and silky when it met hers.
She found herself cupping his jaw, abandoning her position to push against him, a climbing vine he never expected in the serene order of his garden. In the distance the waves crashed against the pier and the seagulls screamed, the only ones who might spy them there fumbling in the shade of a towering tree.
“Bjorn,” she breathed, a prayer, a magic incantation to draw him out, to draw him to her. She clung to him, pulling him with her down into the grass, hands snagging and tugging at his clothes. “Bjorn, Bjorn...”
The hungry pull of his kisses surprised her, as did the way his dirt-streaked fingers trembled with haste, pushing her skirt up, tracing the length of her thigh to her hip in search of her underwear and finding nothing more than skin.
The waistband of his pants gave easily to her insistence, his stomach a firm, domed slab tightening against the brush of her knuckles. Her knees rucked his shirt up, toes pushing down his pants and boxers as he slid against her, coiling into a knot in the soft grass, dappled sunlight dazzling her eyes.
He reared over her, into her, a slow and steady slide of swollen flesh, hot and deliciously large, pushing deeper and deeper until she bowed her back, feet braced, and arched up to meet him.
“Bjorn.” She twined her arms around him, moving in time with his thrusts, his breath coming in soft, shocked gasps against her ear. His heart pounded against hers, an excited staccato gaining speed. She tightened around him, the angle and size of his body pushing her rapidly towards bliss. “Bjorn, Bjorn...”
She turned her head, delighted by the urgency of his kiss, the hungry way he devoured her mouth as they moved so desperately together. It built quickly, so suddenly that she moaned his name loud, fingers clenching in the firm muscle of his flexing back, tightening up around him as the pleasure peaked.
The low, rumbling sound it pulled from him paid homage to his namesake, a chest-deep purr of satisfaction as he strained against her, short and sharp thrusts that slowed as sensation ebbed.
It left them both breathing hard, coated in a fine sheen of sweat, the wind teasing their skin with prickles.
“Bjorn,” she murmured, cradling him with her whole body as he slumped over her, replete and, perhaps, content. She smoothed his hair, finger combing the fine blond strands away from his damp forehead, his warm face nestled in the bend of her neck. He kissed her there and she smiled, relishing the way he stayed with her, in her, connected in the only way she could entice him.
Eventually, unhappy reality intruded. He pushed up on his elbow, looking down at her with vast affection. His touch was tender when he stroked her face, stroked her hair, traced her throat down to her chest, around the curve of her breast to her waist.
She braced her foot, knee sliding up, and smiled to feel him twitch inside her.
“Will you stay for dinner?” he asked.
Fallon nodded. “I can help you cook, if you like.”
His soft smile was like food for her starving soul.
“Of course,” he said, and kissed her again before reluctantly sitting up and sliding out of her.
There was a decadent satisfaction in the aftermath, in the bits of grass in her hair, in the streaks of dirt from his fingers on her skin, in the slippery, wet slide of his come threatening to escape down her thighs. He gave her a pair of his wife’s underwear, assuring her they’d never been worn, and offered to let her shower, but Fallon declined. She wore the underwear, and part of her hoped she’d get pregnant from their tryst. She made dinner with him and his daughters and son, present in their family but not part of it. Clara’s space was large, unfilled, a silent, uncaring specter in the lives of her loved ones. Fallon felt the space she’d left behind, like a room shut up tight and locked against intrusion, unused and undisturbed and left to grow stale in its owner’s absence. She hoped he’d take her to bed there, to clear the cobwebs of Clara from one spot in this mausoleum, but he didn’t. He quietly cleared the dishes while his children did homework, played, chatted, his gaze faraway again.
His eldest, a bright girl, beautiful and hard as a diamond, picked a strand of grass from Fallon’s hair and told her, “I wouldn’t make plans.”
“I’m not,” Fallon told her. “I just want him to be happy.”
“I’m not sure he has that capacity.”
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freckle-face-ace · 2 months
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Portgas D Ace X CisFem Reader
You pulled into the short paved driveway leading up to a small red brick home. Grace appeared wrapped in a robe on the front porch to greet you.
"Sorry for troubling you in the middle of the night." She rubbed her hands together to warm them.
Was it the middle of the night? You hadn't checked in your haste.
"Its fine." You tried to calm yourself stepping up to meet her.
She guided you into the cozy home where Thatch emerged from the hallway a deep worried frown etched into his handsome face.
"He seems to have calmed down a bit, but he's asking for you." He murmured sounding a bit dejected.
You sighed and nodded with the confirmation that he was alright.
"This way." Grace instructed taking you to the spare bedroom and lightly knocked on the door, "Ace, F/N is here."
"Come in." His voice was barely a whisper.
You turned the knob, foreign feelings bubbling through your chest. Normally you avoided human contact if at all possible, but something drew you to Ace. You felt like you needed to protect him.
Slipping over the threshold you stepped out of your boots and shrugged out of your hoodie quietly making your way to the bed to peel the blankets back.
The raven flinched still a bit shaky from his episode. His garnet orbs glossed over as he searched your face before letting out a short sigh of relief. You crawled into the small bed shifting to pull him into your chest. Once his left ear was pressed firmly above your right breast your entire body relaxed. You released a breath not realizing just how tense you'd been.
Ace broke the silence while your fingers made their way into his messy waves.
"For what?" You whispered nonchalantly.
"I thought I'd be fine." He murmured a little disappointed in himself.
"And you are." You breathed, "Don't worry about it."
Both of you just huddled together soothing each other's anxieties. Suddenly a chuckle rumbled through Ace's chest.
"What's funny?" You questioned still twisting his hair around your index finger.
"You missed me." He muttered.
"Says who?" You shifted beneath him causing him to rise above you.
"You didn't bother to change your clothes." He pointed at the shirt you'd warn out to eat and you did in fact, still have your jeans on.
"I could have just changed before I left." You lifted a brow.
"But you didn't." He poked your nose before cuddling back into your side, "I bet you didn't even eat."
Your breath caught in your throat picturing the to-go box in the fridge. You'd have to get rid of it before he saw it.
"You don't know what you're talking about." You huffed letting your hands get back to work twisting his hair.
He paused for a beat searching for words, "Why do you think this is so comfortable?"
"I hadn't thought to question it." You shrugged.
It was an honest enough response. You always did what you wanted; even as a child it was difficult to have you complete a task you had no interest in. Most people, especially teachers found you to be finicky and stubborn. However, the things you were interested in got your full undivided attention. Any task you had true passion for reaped the greatest results. And you usually threw yourself in head first without a second thought. This situation wasn't any different.
"I just... never needed this kind of comfort to sleep before." He said in a hushed tone.
"Me either." You replied softly.
"You never slept before." He chuckled.
"Shut up." You smirked.
This wasn't the first time you'd heard him laugh. He usually did while wrestling with Kuma in the living room. This time is just sounded different, musical somehow? It pulled a rare smile across your lips.
Thatch crossed his arms turning to Grace as they listened to your banter from the hallway.
"Why do you look so concerned?" She caressed the scar on his temple.
"He hasn't even been here a week and he's so attached to her he has panic attacks?"
"That may not be the trigger." She slowly tugged him away from the door, "He left your world in a very traumatic way and she found him the moment he crossed over. He probably just subconsciously associates her presence as something comforting."
"It just seemed a little intense." He pouted running a hand through his now messy brunette locks.
"Such a sweet big brother he has." Grace cooed.
Thatch offered a lopsided smile. He didn't think he'd get a chance to play that role again.
"It is too soon for him to be so attached though..." He commented following Grace into their room.
"Hypocrite." She pressed her lips to his and removed her robe.
You woke up freezing curled up into yourself on the edge of the mattress. Stretching you rolled over to face Ace who was comfortably burritoed into the comforter you had been sharing. He snored loudly, mouth gaping open, drool pooling on the top sheet beneath him. Letting another shiver rack down your spine you jammed your freezing hands into the blanket groping at his shirtless back.
"Wah!" He gasped swatting at you, "What the hell F/N?"
"Shut up." You whispered followed by laughter, "It's still early. You'll wake everyone up."
"You'll wake everyone up. What's your problem?" His brows knit and fell as he watched you laugh and tug the blankets away from him.
"You don't know how to share." You feigned a pout.
"I am a pirate." He smirked, "I don't have to share."
"I'm sure that's a lie." Your chuckles died down as you snuggled into the warm covers.
He watched your expression change.
"So, do you want to stay here?" You cursed yourself inwardly for coming off so bluntly.
His still sleepy eyes widened a fraction. Were you planning on dumping him here? After he just got used to your house and very clearly couldn't sleep through the night alone.
How were you going to cope if he wanted to stay with Thatch and Grace? When did you need his presence so bad?
"Maybe..." He started.
A knot formed in your throat. Why did you even ask?
"Just for the day though. I'm coming home with you." His gaze shifted to the wall behind you, "If I'm still welcome."
"Of course. Idiot." 
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barkers-art · 8 months
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I thought it would be fun to design some Paradox Pokemon based off the weird futuristic animals from the old docufiction miniseries The Future Is Wild. For those who don't know, TFIW is basically a speculative biology fanfiction that predicts what Earth's animals and ecosystems would look like millions of years from now. It's kinda silly, but I always thought that the animals in that series had some cool designs, so I thought it would be fun to make some futuristic Pokemon based off of them. :D (I might make some more after this, but I'm not sure yet.)
More info is below the cut.
Tundra Hunter (based off of the Snowstalker)
Type: Ice/Dark
Ability: Snow Cloak/Slush Rush (Hidden Ability)
Dex Entry 1: A descendant of Zangoose, this Pokemon has adapted to hunting in winter ice and snow in the far future. It is the apex predator of its natural environment.
Dex Entry 2: This descendant of Zangoose hunts in arctic tundra in the far future. Its thick, white coat provides it with camouflage in blizzards and winter storms.
Tundra Furball (based off of the Shagrat)
Type: Ice/Normal
Ability: Oblivious/Fur Coat/Thick Fat (Hidden Ability)
Dex Entry 1: A descendant of Pawmot, this Pokemon travels across futuristic tundra in search of grasses and cold-adapted shrubs to graze on. Its natural predator is the Tundra Hunter.
Dex Entry 2: This descendant of Pawmot has adapted to living in cold tundra in the far future. These Pokemon are very social and live in herds consisting of twelve or more individuals.
Running Razor (based off of the Carakiller)
Type: Fighting
Ability: Keen Eye/Run Away/Speed Boost (Hidden Ability)
Dex Entry 1: A descendant of Braviary, this Pokemon has given up flying to become a highly efficient grasslands predator. Its crest of feathers are used for communicating with others while hunting.
Dex Entry 2: This descendant of Braviary has given up flying to adapt to a grasslands lifestyle, its wings developing into clawed forelimbs. It is one of the top predators of its natural environment.
Blubber Wing (based off of the Gannetwhale)
Type: Water/Ice
Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body (Hidden Ability)
Dex Entry 1: A descendant of Cramorant, this flightless bird Pokemon has adapted to a semiaquatic lifestyle and spends most of its time hunting for food in the sea. They live in tightly-knit family groups and are very protective of their young and their eggs.
Dex Entry 2: This descendant of Cramorant hast given up flying to adapt to a semiaquatic lifestyle in the far future. They are ungainly and clumsy on land, but swift predators in the water.
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krazycat6167 · 11 months
So @cokowiii made a rise tmnt au called Spirits Reborn and I fell in love with it. Others had been making some really cool art of their ocs/sona in the world and I got thinking. It’s been in my head for some days and slowly evolved into a small Donnie-centric snippet that I will be putting under the cut (along with art of the sona remade for the au). Enjoy :D
Alright, Donnie’s lost. He’ll admit it. Nothing about this part of the forest is at all familiar. He is positive that he’s never seen that tree before. It’d be hard to forget, the trunk is short and thick with many knobs while the roots look like a tangled mess before they sink into the ground. (Actually, now that Donnie’s really looking at it, he’s not sure about the tree’s species. He had thought it was a type of oak, but now he’s not so sure. Could it be that he has discovered a new tree? Oh, he needs to document all of its characteristics so he can compare them against the trees in his encyclopedia! Oh, it would be so cool if- no wait, task at hand.) 
He’s lost. It’s fine though. The others knew he went to the forest today. Once they notice that he hasn’t returned yet, they’ll know where to search for him. 
He just had to wait in the meantime. 
…And maybe document this tree while he was at it. 
However, even his extensive data collection can only take so much time. Eventually he finds himself sitting on some of the tree's roots and staring at the dirt between his feet. 
It’s evening now. The sun will set and it will be night and he will still be lost. Logically he knows his absence would be only worrying enough for a search by the morning at the earliest. So until then, he’s on his own. In the spirit filled forest. All night. 
He wasn’t panicking. He wasn’t scared. No, no! He was-!
“Would you like some help?”
Donnie let out a (very manly thank you very much) shriek as he scrambles a few steps away from the sudden voice, turns to face it, trips over his own feet in his haste and lands on his butt. 
There, standing amongst the roots, was a spirit (or yokai? Donnie wasn’t too sure where the line was with that) he hadn’t seen before. Their head was made of blue fire with a pair of solid white eyes that stared down at him. They wore a poncho that went past their knees. It had a gradient that went from magenta to orange to a pale yellow on the bottom. They held a wooden staff, topped with a crook, that had an old, kinda mossy lantern attached to the end. The fire inside burned blue as well. In the air around them burned two more blue flames the same size as the one in the lantern. 
“Sorry.” Their eyes scrunch up in apparent apology. “I thought you heard me walk up.” 
Donnie stares dumbly at the spirit (he was going to go with spirit for now) as his heart beats like a marching band percussionist showing off. He placed a hand over his chest and took a deep breath. “I didn’t.” He said in reply to the spirit. “And what did you mean by help?”
“You’re lost.” They walked out from the tree's roots. “I help those who are lost. I can lead you to what you want or what you need.”
The ‘or’ in that statement caught Donnie’s attention. “Wouldn’t those two be the same thing in this situation? I want to get out of this forest and back home. I need to get home or I will die.”
The fire spirit shakes their head. “No, what is wanted and what is needed are not the same. Often, what is needed is more uncomfortable but helps with what is wanted in the long run.”
“Explain that to me.” Oh, that came out more demanding than he had intended. 
The spirit didn’t look offended, thankfully. “Think of it like you’re staying up later than usual to work on a project. You want to work on it because you need the thing. However, you need to sleep. You don’t want to sleep because you’re in the groove of things and stopping in the middle of a groove is hard and annoying. It helps in the long run though, since getting sleep rests your body and mind, resulting in a product that may have taken longer, but is now of higher quality. It just depends on what you feel you need to prioritize at the moment; quality or speed.”
Donnie taps a finger to his chin. “I think I get it? I know what I want, I want to get back, however, what is this thing that I supposedly need?”
The spirit shrugs, “I’m not sure, I just know the paths to take you there.”
“Hm, frustrating. Can you point out the direction my want is in.”
The spirit lifts the hands not holding their staff and points to Donnie’s left, and slightly behind. 
So that’s the way out, but Donnie is curious now. “Okay, okay, and where is my “need”?”
They point to the right, deeper into the forest and away from home. 
Donnie’s tempted. 
Logically, Donnie knows he can’t. He has too many projects, responsibilities, and people relying on him and his work. He can’t drop it all now. He’s busy.
He hesitates. He’s madly curious. His want is to go home, and his “need” leads away from it, but according to the spirit’s analogy, whatever the “need” is, it’s supposed to better the quality of the want. What could possibly be deep in the forest that can increase the quality of home? A deep, yearning part of him wants to find out. To follow the spirit deeper into the foliage to find this thing that’s apparently missing from his home. He knows that if he wasn’t so important to multiple projects, even just one or two projects less, he would give into his curiosity and (surprisingly deep) yearning. 
“As tempted as I am, I need- I have to go back.” 
The spirit nods. “Come along then.” They start walking in the direction of the want they had pointed out earlier. The floating fires seem to playfully dance around each other as they follow. 
Donnie jogs to catch up. The spirit shifts in their path slightly so they are walking side by side. 
After walking for a few minutes in silence, Donnie’s curiosity rises again. “May I ask you a few questions?”
“Certainly, go on ahead.”
“How is it that you know where to lead people but not what you’re leading them to?”
“Simple. I am the spirit of journeys, pathways, the lost. I am the guiding light. I wander the spaces in between the beginning and the destination. I travel the roads and footpaths. I come to those who call or to those who need the help.”
So he was right in his spirit assumption (and now has a few things to look up. Has this spirit guide been told of before? Did they appear in any local folklore or stories?). 
“What’s with the..” Donnie’s gestures to the two flames, one chasing the other as they quickly wind through the air in front of them. “…Fire. Things.”
The spirit laughs. “They’re sprites. They’ve decided I was cool and have tied themselves to me.” She gestures to the two sprites. “They’re called Sparks, Ember,” they then gesture to the fire in the lamp, “and Blaze.”
Donnie stares. “Why is this one contained?”
The spirit chuckles. “They like to feel important. They take turns. Sparks is next. Sometimes I do have to use it for time out, but it rarely comes to that.”
Another stretch of silence. Donnie watches Sparks and Ember as he turns over the information he’s gotten so far. 
“Has there been anyone who’s want and need where one and the same?”
The spirit hums. “There’s been a lot where they were at the same place, but only only a handful have had it be the same. It’s quite rare.”
Donnie guesses that, at most, there have been five such individuals, seeing as that was how many fingers the spirit had per hand. 
“When you said you were the spirit of the lost, do you just mean physically lost or does that count in the metaphorical sense as well?”
“Sometimes? Why sometimes?”
“It’s hard for someone to be truly so lost metaphorically that I’m needed to help guide them. They usually have some sort of direction or someone in their life who wants to help. Besides, some people who are lost in that way won’t accept any help. Ultimately it’s a choice on their part whether or not they want to be led.”
“So I could leave right now and you wouldn’t stop me?”
“I would warn you of the dangers, point you where you wish to go, but no, I wouldn’t stop you. I can’t help those who don’t wish to be helped.”
The sun has set by now. Their path being illuminated by the light of the spirit and the sprites. Donnie notes that the trees around them have been getting thinner, so definitely getting closer to the forest’s edge. 
Donnie tries not to look too deeply into the foliage. The deep darkness of the space outside the spirit’s light doing nothing to help his classic overthinking tendencies. Anything could be just out of sight. 
Donnie needs a distraction. He clears his throat. “So, uh, would the lost include, like, lost souls? The dead who can’t move on and all that jazz.”
The spirit's eyes crinkle in amusement. “No, I am no reaper. I do not guide the dead.”
“Coooool, cool, cool. So there’s no chance that I’m actually dead and this is a journey towards accepting that and moving on.”
“You are very much alive.”
“Alright, um, if someone had chosen their want or their need and changed their mind, would you guide them to their new choice?”
“Yes. Are you doubting your choice?”
“Oh no!” Donnie is quick to reassure. “No no no noooo no. Not doubting at all, nope. There’s definitely not an inexplicable yearning in my chest to turn around and go deeper into the forest. None at all! Just- was just curious is all.”
The spirit hums in acknowledgment. 
Donnie looks to the side and taps his pointer fingers together. He’s fine, he’s goooood, he’s great even. Definitely told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 
…sheesh, how deep into the forest did he wander?
The spirit breaks the silence. “What's your name?”
Ah, they hadn’t done introductions. “I have many names. Othelo Von Ryan, Donatello, Don, Donnie, The Smartest Man Alive, just to list a few.” Donnie says. “And what of yourself?”
“I have been called many things. Wisp, Guide, Wanderer, The Pathwalker, Omen. Call me whatever you like.”
“Were you a good omen or a bad omen?”
“Depends on the people.”
“Right.” Donnie looks ahead. Sparks and Ember chase each other along the ground now instead of in the air. Good news for the forest, nothing is burned in their wake. 
“…Michibiku Hikari.” Donnie says. 
“Hm?” The spirit looks at him. 
He coughs into a fist. “The, uh, name to call you. Michibiku Hikari. It means guiding light. Maybe just Hikari for a nickname.”
The spirit seems to brighten. “Thank you for the name, Donatello. I will treasure it.”
The complete and utter sincerity of the gratitude made Donnie’s face feel hot and his chest near to bursting. He always felt like this when someone truly appreciated his gifts and said so to his face. It’s been a while since he’s felt this though. The high of being honestly appreciated, and just for a name that was a bit on the nose! 
They come to a stop at the tree line. Up ahead a clearing filled with the tents of the temporary base as he and his associates conduct initial surveys of the land. 
“We have arrived where you wanted to go.”
“Amazing.” Donnie whispers. He speaks up and bows to the spirit, “Thank you, Michibiku Hikari, for guiding me home.”
Hikari bows back, “It was my pleasure, Donatello. If you ever want to find what you need, simply call for me. I cannot promise an immediate response, but I will come.”
Thanks given and formalities done, Donnie straightens out, gives one last single nod, and walks to camp. The last Hikari he hears is her softly telling Blaze that it was now Sparks’ turn inside the lantern. 
The night is cold outside of Hikari’s light. Donnie folds his arms tight and speed walks to camp. He looks back once he’s at the edge of the group of tents, but no blue light comes from the forest. 
In his tent, to one side, is a small project he’d been working on. He can feel his hands itching to work on it. 
He goes to bed. In the morning, he pulls out his plant encyclopedia to uncover the species of tree he had found. 
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soya-ix · 7 months
Love Letter
Written for Day 1 of @hisakikiweek 2023
I wasn't made for love
And you weren't made for sideshows
I don't get the jokes
For you it's how the day goes
I made up my mind. I'd be on my own
I thought I'd always known
I was taught to fight
And be the bravest soldier
Trained to be the light
For what lies on my shoulders
I don't need a man. I'll do it alone
I thought I'd always known
But I was your secret mission
Kept failing but you never gave in
You fought and prayed for a different ending
It did the trick. Now we write new pages
I don't show off scars
But you know when to cure me
When they speak of us
They'll say that it's a mystery
I'm perfectly fine. I know you'll be home
Guess I didn't really know
That you had a bad addiction
Ran in your veins and you couldn't quit it
You paced in haste in search of an exit
Then stayed by my side and we'd last like a legend
Love was an obligation
Best served with reputation
You knelt before me
I checked your eyes
Fixation was all inside
In the death of a faux romance
I saw true love come to life
'Cause I was your secret mission
Lingered in dreams, kept you up and haunted
You tossed and turned til daylight came in
Out of the woods, in the clear you found something
'Cause you had a bad addiction
Conquered your heart, then left you out there fading
A kiss on the lips and you broke the curses
Cutting through fate, in love we are falling
(Some more reading for those who're interested in why I wrote this👇🏻)
A few months ago our mod of the event @sabishi-tomo told me there may be one-sentence prompts for the creators in this year's HisaKiki week. And very randomly someday, I thought of this question for myself: if I were to describe HisaKiki in one sentence, what would it be? It was a fun challenge but also extremely hard. I couldn't think of something proper just by myself. So I borrowed a line from Taylor (of course) and rewrote it. Then I thought it looked like the end of a bridge. So I wrote a bridge. Then I thought if I have a bridge why not finish the whole thing? I've always wanted to write something about HisaKiki. So I tried harder and finished the whole thing.
I wanted to find words to describe their relationship, and their story on the whole. The first question I thought I should answer was "what's unique about HisaKiki?". And one thing that came to me, which later became the opening line, is that Kiki doesn't seem like she's made for love. She's born and raised to be a leader. And inherently she is one. Growing up, she's always trying to be stronger, more independent and reliable — to her that's what it means to be a qualified leader. For that reason, and perhaps for genetic reasons as well, she seems cool and aloof most of the time — not a typical lover. Meanwhile, "love" is one of her main obligations — she must marry, for political purposes. So she's not "made for love", but she is obliged to "love". And it's fascinating that she's actually falling in love with the one she chooses to be "in love" with. Mostly based on that, I wrote these (supposed) lyrics.
At first it wasn't meant for any prompt we have this year, but halfway through the writing process I noticed it could be seen as a love letter from Kiki's perspective, so here I am sharing it for Day 1 :D
There are lots of concepts, references, descriptions etc. that I borrowed from Taylor, so for the Swifties it would probably be extra fun to read. Haha ;)
Hope you liked it!💖
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vivamusmoriendumsys · 25 days
What It Means To Be A Man
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Chihiro Fujisaki x Mondo Owada
Warnings: frottage, dubcon, flashing.
Authors Note: snarls... no song link this time!
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Chihiro felt a anxiety prickling up his spine as he extended a petite hand forward to knock on the door before him. It was after bed time but Fujisaki just found he was unable to sleep comfortably. Even the endless strings of code he made up within his mind weren't enough to lull him to sleep.
As he knocked on the door a low grumble was heard on the other side. "I'm fuckin' comin'." Mondo growled out, clearly upset he had been disturbed this late. He swung the door open with a scowl crossed his features. Violet eyes searching the hallway before landing directly on the femboy before him.
"Oh. Chihiro." He mumbled out as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "What'd'ya need?" Mondo asked plainly as he stifled a large yawn. Chihiro stumbled over his words as he stared at the biker gang leader before him. In his haste to answer the door, Mondo had neglected to put on anything aside from what he had worn to bed.
Chihiro was face-to-face with Owada's large chest bare. Fujisakis light brown eyes glanced down and he let out a little yelp at the sight of Mondo's rich purple boxers. "Eh? Never seen a half-naked man before?" Mondo questioned with the tilt of his head.
The short programmer stuttered over his words as he brought a hand up to cover his eyes from the brazen display. "I-I was just...I had to tell you something." Fujisaki muttered out in a soft tone while still averting his gaze.
Mondo furrowed his brow hearing this. "Come in." Mondo ordered with a grunt as he walked back into his room and sat down carelessly on his bed. "What's so important it couldn't wait till mornin'?"
Fujisaki fiddled with the hem of his skirts shyly as he observed Mondo's room. Doing everything in his power to look anyway but at Owada. "C'mon spit it out! I ain't got all fuckin' night." Mondo almost shouted.
"I-I...I want to...I'm tired of pretending." Chihiro said finally after stammering for what felt like hours. "I'm tired of being someone that I'm...That I'm not." He murmured out softly. At these words Mondo tilted his head to the side and let out an oblivious 'huh?'.
Oh god he's staring at me...I shouldn't have done this... Chihiro thought anxiously to himself as he shifted from foot to foot. "You sayin' you're a queer or something?" Fujisaki gawped loudly hearing the term Mondo used.
"N-No! I-I mean yes... But that's not what this is about!" Fujisaki defended himself in a poor manner making the situation even more awkward. "I haven't been entirely honest." Chihiro began again as he took a step towards Owada.
"I'm not a girl..." He murmured out softly as he gripped the edge of his skirt tight enough to turn his knuckles a pasty white. Mondo sat there for a minute confused as he scrutinized every detail of the 'girl' before him.
"Ha ha, okay who put ya up to this? Was it Hiro? Fuckin' bastard thinkin' everythin's a joke." Mondo said with a good natured laugh as he stood up and offered a rough pat to Chihiros back. "C'mon dude, don't get yourself wrapped up in his bullshit."
"No! I-It wasn't anyones idea but my own to come here!" Fujisaki pleaded suddenly as he turned to face Owada. "D-Do I need to show you..?" The shy male questioned as a large blush overtook his features.
Mondo took a step back surprised by the statement. "Show me...what?" Hearing his confusion Chihiro shakily began to lift the hem of his pleated brown skirt. As it lifted higher and higher Mondo's eyes continued to widen but his gaze remained transfixed.
His cock stirred a bit within the confines of his boxers but he cleared his throat and remained focus. As Chihiro's skirt was lifted high enough to see the cotton white panties he wore Mondo let out a soft 'oh'. His violet gaze staying transfixed on Chihiro's crotch. He wasn't large by any means, a cute cock for a cute boy. Mondo had to imagine he was circumcised based on the apperance of the pale pink tip that peeked over the edge of his panties.
"S-See what I was t-trying to say..?" Chihiro questioned as he kept his skirt lifted for a few more seconds before beginning to place it back down. Mondo moved quicker than the small programmer could ever hope to as he grabbed both of Fujisaki's wrists in one of his large calloused hands.
Chihiro let out a squeak as he let go of his skirt in surprise causing it to fall back into place messily. "So you're tellin' me, the cute timid doe is actually just a tiny buck?" Mondo questioned with a bright smile. Fujisaki nodded slowly as tears began to brim his eyeline from the anxiety prickling up within.
"Why'd you tell me of all people?" Mondo questioned as he closed the distance between the two of them. Chihiro glanced away and Mondo let out a low 'tsk' at this and brought his spare hand to grip his chin roughly and force him to maintain eye contact. "Tell me or you won't get jackshit from me."
Hearing this Fujisaki internally panicked. How on Earth would he regain his masculinity without the help of the most masculine person in the entire damned school? Chihiro nibbled his lower lip for a second before spewing out in a single breath: "I want to regain my masculinity!"
Mondo nodded as he took in Chihiro's words. "I can help with that." Mondo stated as he released the programmer from his tight grasp. Chihiro softly rubbed at his wrists and chin as he awaited for Owada's next words.
The biker said nothing as he walked to sit on the bed. "You wanna learn what it takes to be a man? Gotta start thinkin with that cute cock of yours, ain't no use usin' those brains." Mondo said plainly. Chihiro tilted her head to side in confusion. "Sit on my lap, I'll show ya."
Chihiro gulped a bit yet obliged nevertheless. This would be the only opportunity he'd get to be better; be stronger. He awkwardly placed himself upon Mondo's lap, hovering a bit before the biker forced his hips to meet flush with his own. A soft gasp left Chihiro's throat feeling their clothed cocks touching. "W-What are we doing?"
"Do you touch yourself?" Mondo questioned as he began to draw random shapes on Chihiro's waist. Fujisaki stuttered out something along the lines of it not being appropiate conversation topic. "Oh come on, you're the one that flashed me your dick. Now answer the question or get out."
"I-I haven't in a-a long time..." Chihiro muttered out in a hushed tone. Owada smirked at this and ceased drawing shapes to grab a hold of the smaller males hips firmly.
Mondo begin to roll Chihiro's hips against his own. The small male let out a gasp of hesitant pleasure as he looked away shyly. "Ah ah ah," Mondo tutted as if scolding a dog. "Eyes on me." When Chihiro's soft brown eyes glanced back up he was met with the lust deep lavender gaze of a predator.
"Feel that?" Mondo questioned as he grinded his own hips against Chihiro's. "Being a man means embracing every part of yourself. I'm guessin' ya haven't touched yourself in so long cuz you're scared. Scared of being a man." The taller male stated as he continued to grind against Chihiro, effectively using him like a doll to be used for pleasure.
"I'll teach you that bein' a man is fuckin' awesome. First step for that is givin' ya a mind-blowin' orgasm from the most masculine man you'll ever fuckin' meet. I'll teach you how to take charge, make you stronger." Mondo groaned out through gritted teeth.
Chihiro nodded dumbly as he felt his cock throbbing within his panties. Beads of precum leaked out and darkened the cotton fabric much to Mondo's amusement. "I'm not hearin' much thanks from your end." He stated with a low growl as he ceased his movements.
Fujisaki let out a pitiful whine as his cock throbbed from the lack of friction. "Thank me." Mondo commanded. It was a simple order really, but in Chihiro's anxiety-riddled mind it was easier said than done. The words jumbled within his throat before he mumbled out the words Mondo was looking for.
"Atta boy." He complimented as he continued his ministrations at a slightly faster pace. "If you wanna cum then you'll do exactly as I say. Understand?" Mondo asked with narrowed eyes. Chihiro shivered yet nodded eagerly. If this is what regaining his masculine side had to offer he would gladly do whatever Mondo asked of him.
"Repeat after me," Mondo stated as the frotting against each other became more passionate. "I'm a man!" He said it louded than he truthfully needed to but it got his point across. Chihiro felt his eyes flutter closed as the pleasure began build up to more than he thought he could handle.
"Say it or you don't get to cum." Mondo threatened lowly. This snapped Fujisaki to attention as he parted his lips for a split second before they were enraptured by Mondo's own. He chuckled into the kiss for a brief moment before nipping Chihiro's bottom lip and pushing his tongue into Fujisaki's mouth. Chihiro moaned around the kiss and awkwardly attempted to sync his movements up with Mondo's own.
After the a bit Mondo pulled back with an exaggerated grin. "Sorry, just couldn't help myself. Now say it."
"I-I'm a - Mondo!" Chihiro moaned out loudly, not worrying about the noise due the noise-cancellation Monokuma had set in place. Perfect for murders and perfect for giving cute boys their first orgasm in years.
"Try again."
Mondo demanded Chihiro to do better; and he supposed it all part of the training. Men needed to be confident in their masculinity but first and foremost confident with themselves. With the way Chihiro was stumbling over words it was clear it would take a few more good sessions before they reached that point.
"I'm a m-man!" Chihiro squeaked out feeling the pleasure begin to crescendo to a point he couldn't handle anymore. His hips began to squirm and wriggle in Mondo's harsh grasp, causing the friction to increase even more.
Mondo bit his lip eagerly watching Chihiro get lost in the pleasure. "Cum for me, Chihiro. Take your first step to manhood!" Mondo grunted out into Chihiro's ear. He let out a squeal of pleasure feeling his cock throb heavily before spurting ropes of pearly white cum into his panties.
Chihiro ceased his wriggling and let out deep heavy pants. He wrapped his arms around Mondo's neck and cuddled him, desperate for affirmations and physical touch. "Good boy, come back to my room again tomorrow night and we'll continue with our training."
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
word search game ✨
thanks for the tag @queerofthedagger <3 <3
my words are: hello, warm(th), laugh, hand, night, light
hello (somehow, in the "Hello, Hob" fandom i don't have a single "hello" in any of my WIPS lmao)
warm(th) surprisingly, also no warmth mentioned anywhere
laugh — from a 90s/early 00s grunge!hob fic in which modern hob still has nipple piercings and dream notices and is Very Much About It so he makes a dream about it, natch
They end up with Hob pressed to the wall of his building—Dream insistent in his arms, sucking kisses down Hob’s neck—Hob laughing and breathless and a little giddy, because hadn’t he fantasized about this too?
hand — from a little ficlet i never really finished, in which hob meets the moon! based on something @softest-punk wrote a while back
“My lady Selene,” Hob says. It ought to feel archaic, but time blurs more easily here, and he finds that the sweeping bow he offers her—one he has not given in several waking centuries—feels instead instinctual, and practiced; right somehow, befitting her quiet stateliness. “It is an honor to meet you.” Dream’s mouth curves up at the corners, the way it does when Hob has inadvertently succeeded at winning over one or another otherworldly emissary. Evidently, he has chosen the proper thing to do when one meets the moon, to bow and to kiss her lovely ethereal hand.
night — from... some sort of AU? i can't actually remember where i was going with this one because this is all i have of it. i think maybe it was supposed to be dreamling courtier-with-benefits!hob with D/s? no idea?
When the royal guards come to his chamber door in the middle of the night, Hob should by rights, he thinks, feel only fear. He tells himself that the frisson of something else is merely misplaced unease. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks the guards. "You are summoned," they say, "to an audience with the king." Hob raises his eyebrows. "At this hour?" Matthew is normally an alright fellow—for a guard. He has been known to sneak Hob flagons of wine from the royal cellars, and he'd even put in a good word for Hob, back when... well, Hob doesn't like to think on it. But tonight Matthew is grim and quiet. "Make haste," he says. Then, as if relenting, he adds, "Be careful. The king is in a foul mood."
light — from the hand-kissing/fealty fic which is in forever-WIP mode, i'm sorry mona, i am the worst D:
He's still holding the ruby ring. Hob looks at it for a moment, admiring how the stone gleams and pulls the flickering light from the braziers into itself so that it almost glows from inside; how the milgrain and the curls and angles of the engraving stand out in sharp relief. It will look nice on him, Hob thinks. He crosses the room, one footfall at a time, until he reaches the bottom of a great winding staircase. It rises and rises, spiraling up and up. Hob can't make out what lies waiting for him at the top of it, so thick are the shadows and the fog—and yet he can—a feat of dream physics, or of Dream's intent, that Hob can crane his neck to find him even from where he stands, so far below, and Dream can look down upon Hob from whatever distance he wishes.
randomly tagging @pellaaearien @dsudis @tj-dragonblade @arialerendeair @dancinbutterfly and uh whoever else wants to do this (and also no obligation to do this at all <3)
your words (randomly off the top of my head) are: breath, rest, head, once, far, only (bonus word: hello - because now i wanna see if other people use it, lol)
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divinctions · 6 months
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Is that Aaron Taylor Johnson ? oh, no, that's Charlie Hastings ! A thirty-four year old English Professor at Universidad de Bellas Artes de Valparaíso & a tour guide at La Sebastina who uses he/him pronouns. They currently live in Casablanca, and the character they identify with most is Troy Bolton from High School Musical. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
your local white man with a pen here to write you a sonnet / more below .
━━━━━━━━━ B A S I C S :
full name: charles edmund hastings III
nickname(s): charlie, eddie ( by his nanny )
age: thirty-one .
ethnicity: british / american ( dual citizenship ) .
gender: cis man .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heteroromantic / heterosexual .
occupation: former socialite / heir to his father’s hotel chain .  current english professor/tour guide
language(s) spoken: english , mandarin , spanish  .
career claim: select poems by timothy donnelly ,  and noah eli gordon
━━━━━━━━━ P E R S O N A  L I T Y  :
charlie thinks he’s so profound so he walks with this air of condescension just everywhere . extremely blunt and open with his disinterest in the world of the ~ elite ~. yes, he’s aware that he does in fact come from said elite, but he likes to think he’s distant from it now. uses his poetry to deconstruct and critique it. however, he’s still a hypocrite because there’s luxuries and finer things he can’t live without no matter how much he demonizes the place he came from for the exact same thing. very judgemental and pretentious, no one is shocked. he’s a reader and a poet therefore he’s just more introspective than you, he loves to say it (even if its not true). he is incredibly creative though, has a way with words and the type to describe even the smallest of things as something beautiful. he’s very fascinated with humanity and all its produced and the way its evolved. even with all the bad he does think the world is beautiful and that passion bleeds through everything his work. he is talented but he does know it which makes him insufferable. he’s always searching to feel some grand emotion even if it’s momentary to fuel his inspiration because he’s so enamored with how certain actions stir emotions which basically means he’s a little shit and a whore. moves from “relationship” to situation ship to casual fling with no regard because it’s fun, it’s content, it’s teaching him a lot and he loves learning. so much so that while he’s insufferably pretentious, if there’s something he doesn’t have knowledge on he will happily shut his mouth and listen so that he can learn. quick witted, charming, and he likes to think he’s funny though the jury is still out on that. insanely british.
━━━━━━━━━ B A C K G R O U N D : ( tw: depression mention )
from a young age charlie understood that the only thing their parents cared about was having a son. his father was obsessed with someone to continue the legacy his father set it place for him, and his father before that, and so on and so forth. coming from old money came with expectations, and they wanted charlie to fulfill every last one of them. 
he grew up in cambridge and was put into private tutoring at the age of three and private schools by the time he was seven. he got the best tutors, access to any opportunity that looked good on a resume, and was pushed to be the best in every aspect. his parents never talked to him about his interests, or how his day went, their focus was solely his academic standing to ensure he was on the right track to take over the family hotel chain and expand it when he was older. his parents never felt like parents because of this, and more like his keepers.
their genuine disinterest paired with the fact that his father was expanding their hotel franchise in new york, meant that charlie was left alone in london with his nanny. a woman he had come to respect and admire as his mother. she would tell him incredible stories from the top of her head about different countries, times, and even worlds. as he sank into a depression, it was her tales and books gifted to him that pulled him back to the surface. she tried to teach charlie to be appreciative of everything around him and find the beauty in life because he only has this one, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was missing out on everything despite having the money to do whatever he wanted. there were just some adventures, like holidays with a big family or bringing home a lover for the first time or discovering a small quaint place while out with your mother, that he never got to experience because there wasn’t a price tag on them. so he wrote about them instead. or at the lack of them. the emotions that came from that place, he jotted them down and he felt better for it. it taught him a lot about himself and when he brought that interest to his parents, those feelings, they didn’t like it.
his parents didn’t appreciate the creative spark his nanny unintentionally placed within him, and once charlie was 16 they fired her and banned her from their home and any hastings properties. he was devastated and harbored a lot of resentment for his parents because of it and turned to his writings to deal with the feelings they didn’t have any interest in acknowledging. even if they disapproved, it wasn’t like they were around to see it. he excelled in his writing classes, english was his favorite subject and it got him a lot of accolades and opportunities that he always had the excuse of it making him look dignified and well taught whenever his parents tried to stop him from going to a creative writing award ceremony or taking a writing fellowship with a local poet his final year.
after he graduated he moved to new york to attend columbia and begin working with his father. no matter how hard he tried to stand up for himself and speak on his desire to take a few years off to travel and write, his father would only threaten to cut him off and the conversations usually ceased after that. charlie was an artist at heart, and he knew he was talented, but there was something about the doubt of his parents that made him think he couldn’t make it. so he retreated, keeping his work private as he played up the socialite/heir to an industry role his father wanted for him. but he never stopped writing and longing to travel. he never thought he’d be brave enough to sever ties with his parents, until there was a girl. a magnificent girl who believed in him more than his parents ever would, more than he ever would. 
the relationship was meant to be fun, another one of his emotional experiments but he’d gotten too close. he shared too much; shared his poetry with her. and the places of pain that it came from. even now he’s not sure if it was love or if he was just using her to feel better about where he was, but somewhere along the line he started to feel guilty about it. scared, almost. he started picking fights for no reason, pushing her way but she saw right through him. she tried to fight for them but charlie was ready to hang in the towel. he didn’t believe he could make it, didn’t believe he could leave his family and that the two of them could leave together and live a happy life together. he ended things, but even with it ended as if to prove her point she sent a collection of charlies poems out to multiple publishing houses to which most were jumping at the opportunity to publish.
charlie looked for her but never found her. He’d never know if it was true love or if he was just another idiot looking to a girl to fix his problems, but he did know he was grateful to her. because of her he did leave his family and move to the one place his biggest inspiration (pablo neruda)  always returned to; valparaíso. he got a job at one of his museums and started working at the university while he worked on more poetry, and he thinks happiness looks rather good on him.
━━━━━━━━━ H E A D C A N O N S :
he has a very large poetry collection, a lot of special and first editions that he cares about more than his own life. literally got a two bedroom apartment just so that he could convert one of the rooms into a very expensive library,
restless. absolutely restless. he’s living in the city he only read about though pablo’s eyes and always dreamed of visiting but now he’s living here and he’s so restless. always up and about exploring everything there is to see, trying any and everything put in front of him and having the time of his life.
he adores crosswords and riddles and can always be found with a puzzle book either in his bag or in his hand opened to a crossword or riddle he’s working out.
recently got a dog he named clara, a very big fan of clara. he’s slowly becoming one of those parents who will buy them matching sweaters.
a tea person (again, stereotypically british) yes he puts milk in his tea or creamer and he cant start his morning without it. hates coffee though and energy drinks. it has to be tea or nothing for him.
if there’s a poetry reading you’ll definitely find him there it doesn’t matter how underground, small, or large he’s definitely found his way there.
faculty facilitator of the poetry club on campus, and hosts writing workshops for both the club and just opened to the general public.
recently got into photography and shares his progress on the only instagram he has: @hastyphoto
━━━━━━━━━  W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S:
The mysterious girlie who is responsible for his entire career basically FIUGJDOSSHODJFD Shout out to you bestie. I imagine this relationship was a whirlwind type beat, again charlie was just fucking around in the beginning, they were probably polar opposites but he wanted to learn what emotions could come from two people whow ere so different romantically interacting, and he got his answer! I personally think it was an instance of charlie manic pixie dreamgirling this icon (very sorry), but he’s grown i swear !! there could also be elements of it that were real he just didnt have the emotional capacity to tell the difference bc he was very much one of those men who get vulnerable with a girl one time and was like omg is this love? No fool its just emotional intimacy RELAX ANYWAY We got plot this more!!!
past/current situationships or as he calls them “emotional experiments” he really is just… feining for content UBHIJKOFDSUHIJDSOKFA HE THINKS ROMANTIC EMOTIONS AND THE THINGS PEOPLE DO OR DONT DO FOR THEM IS INTERESTING. He always wants to try something different just to see how it feels so he goes for every girly out there he does not discriminate. He doesn’t think he’s ever been truly in love and maybe deep down he’s secretly searching for it all the time who knows not me. 
Would love someone whose partner he slept with/had a thing with. Aka charlie was the other man and knowingly so. He was okay with it. Infidelity is still content, and he’ll ramble on about matters of the heart and how no one can control it and how they shouldn’t be so upset. He’s funny idk.
Fellow bookworms/annoying people he loves talking to about poetry and life or whatever, just getting introspective ig
students/teaching assistants/etc.
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polarisdelphi · 1 year
Personal Rammstein Song Tuning List
This is a little list I put together of some (not all) Rammstein songs and their tunings - I want to learn to play them on the guitar, but having to search for the tunings all the time is bothersome to say the least.
oh the wonderful world of playing piano, you don't have to retune it to the song
I'm saving it for reference for myself and maybe someone who's going through the same struggle will also find it useful.
If you see a tuning that might be wrong, feel free to correct me. I suck at music theory and I can't use it logically for the life of me I play everything by heart and feeling :')
Standard Tuning
Du Hast
Links 2 3 4
Mein Herz Brennt
Roter Sand
Drop D
Ich Will
Du Riechst So Gut
Ich Tu Dir Weh
Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
Drop C
Zick Zack
Mein Teil
Mann Gegen Mann
Reise Reise
Keine Lust
Dalai Lama
Drop B
Dicke Titten
If you're not sure about a song, I'd say try Drop D or Drop C tuning, because that's what they seem to use the most. Standard tuning isn't so usual, but there's a few.
And then, you have Drop B, and I gotta say I was "wtf Dicke Titten" because it was the first and only like that until I got to Angst. But yeah, those two are special :)
Guitar Tuner
I use the Fender Online Guitar Tuner, in case you're looking for an accurate tuner that you don't have to turn your mic on. You just listen to the notes on the website and tune your guitar, simple as that \o/
You can find it here on this link.
Missing songs I intend to play on the piano and/or this list is supposed to be my "songs I want to play on the guitar for now" list; I'm also leaving this little note to myself or I'll eventually just go "why didn't I put this awesome song here, I'll have to search for it now". Also, it's late and I'm tired :)
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