The Last Prime
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optimusprimeg1 · 2 months ago
DBD thought on a cool (imo) concept/wishlist
I don’t care if I am hated on for this or anything, but I would be interested in seeing a TF x DBD be a thing, TFOne maybe. Sentinel as killer? Hell yeah! D-16, Orion Pax, B-127 and Elita-1 as survivors? Hell yeah! Maybe add Airachnid as a legendary skin for Sentinel?
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Sentinel Prime
- The false Prime, he has been forced to arrive at the fog realm as he had been searching for the cogless bots on the surface. Or he has unknowingly made a deal with the Quintessions and he was sent there? Or something else. Either way he is sent there!
- He actively is on the hunt for survivors because he is either forced to kill or willingly.
<- Perks ->
Deception ~ He fooled you, he fooled everyone. You have to seek the truth…but you find that he is a false idol.
You are granted Bloodlust for 20 seconds.
“Sentinel…is NO Prime.”
Active Pursuit ~ You are not letting anyone find out about your business. You are willing to pursue and engage your enemies no matter the cost! You can see survivor’s auras within a 15 meter range for 6 seconds at a time.
“There were others in the cave with you, who are they?”
No Mercy ~ Your ego lead you to believe you are superior. No one should stand in your way!
You are granted Haste effect after being stunned for 5 seconds.
“Feeling confident, are we?”
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<- Survivors ->
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Orion Pax ~ You waste no time in helping others escape. You are a leader and have a great responsibility.
Skins -> Cogged, Optimus Prime
D-16 ~ You want to do things your own way, are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Or are you willing to leave others behind for your own benefit?
Skins -> Cogged, Megatron
B-127 ~ You are the uplifting one in the group. You do not have a filter on when to stop talking about your favorite subject!
Skins -> Cogged, Battle Mode
Elita-1 ~ You do not let others push you around, but you are a team motivator!
Skins -> Cogged
<~~~ — ~~~>
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Put your pitchforks down, it is only a dream concept! Though take this with no thought, the perks and such were just a quick thought so i can get this out there.
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optimusprimeg1 · 2 months ago
Random Titan AU thought…
SG version of my Titan AU Prime is just a kaiju. Or rather behaves somewhat similar. Brutal, devastating, powerful…intimidating.
Seeing Godzilla 2014 back then gave that mysterious and powerful feeling of titans, I feel in this case in the au it would be amazing for Shattered Glass version of the au. I am a big kaiju fan, I may be biased…
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optimusprimeg1 · 3 months ago
After TF Prime Optimus becoming a Titan, I raise to you : TFOne Optimus becoming a Titan !
As Orion Pax, he was used to being short, being cogless and all. He's seen holos and read (stolen) datapads on the Primes in the Archives. He always wondered why Sentinel was not as big as the dead Primes but reasoned Sentinel must just be a more recent one, his transformation and growth has just not progressed far yet...
When they get to the caves and see the gargantuan corpses of the primes, the group is breath taken. The miners barely reaching to their knee joints !!
It's a sport and they have to clamber up on rocks and each other to give energon cubes to the towering Alpha Trion. And even then, they barely have enough for him to correctly come back from his long stasis.
Then the reveal comes. And we know Sentinel has not grown because he isn't a real Prime.
And when Orion is given the Matrix and becomes Optimus Prime, he feels ridiculous and ridiculously tall. Twice his original size and he is now aware his growth has just begun. That and the fact that his very new ground alt-mode will probably completely change at some point in the future...
And from Megatron's perspective, his best friend has always been a bit shorter than him. Then Primus gives him a primordial relic that makes him just a smidge taller than Megatron. And in their next altercation, Optimus is a bit taller. And the next time, he has again grown !
I have actually thought about TFOne for this au but not much at all. More of a “what if…”
For this one, I was thinking the whole growth is only to the Matrix bearers since it is an artifact of Primus. I think it would be a neat idea, though it is just a thought.
It would be funny to see that Sentinel is just a shortie and the rest just tower over his aft. It would most definitely raise questions on his true identity, making the all curious Orion go and discover “the truth”.
Gosh, this au for TFO is just a cool thing to think about because of opportunities. Optimus fighting Megatron for the safety of Iacon and later banished… The next meeting will be a surprise to the both of them. A transformation that both rivals never expected, one’s best friend turned into a tyrant, the other turned into the very thing D-16 hated; a Prime. Just a fight alone against a giant Prime seems really cool.
Part of me wants to write a fic about it however I SUCK at writing. Maybe someday?
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
Hey ! Little question regarding the Titan Op AU : in the lore, only certain Transformers have the birth gift or education to be able to speak with a titan. How would that happen in this context ? Would one of the Prime crew discover an innate gift or would one of them go through the training in preparation for the time Optimus Prime is unable to speak to the whole group ?
And how would OP feel about not being able to directly reach out to the others ? Or even knowing it could happen at some unknown point ?
Thanks for the question! I think I’m gonna be mean and have the said speaker train through it all. It would be more interesting since there would likely be a whole process in doing so!
Optimus would try and help of course, the best candidate (in my opinion) is Ratchet since he is very intelligent. There can be others who might be a better candidate, however…I am open to suggestions.
Part of me wants Prime to speak like how Metroplex did in the Fall Of Cybertron game, or Trypicon did too. It would most be interesting, imagine the scenarios that could happen.
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
Whoah, whoah! Wait a minute! Corrupted?! What do you mean by corrupted?! Is something going to happen?!
Also, yeah, I can imagine what seeing such a bit truck would make some people do a double take, depending on the location. I live near the border and there's a TON of huge trucks passing by, so I don't pay them too much attention but I can imagine a person saying 'Wait a minute' if something so large is seen driving on the highway.
I can sort of imagine Optimus sitting outside, on the base's roof, yet still towering over the bots and saying 'I kind of miss being able to fit into spaces. Meanwhile he has to crouch to pass through doors. Or just how you said, he is almost stuck in a mine due to a sudden growth spurt.
I imagine that at some point he'd be so big he won't fit in the med bay, so Ratchet just rolls the equipment out and Optimus is just laying on the floor. Just think about it, when he eventually reaches the stage where he's too big for conventional treatment, like the other bots... they'd have to start treating him like a titan with all its intricacies. My, I can just see it, the first time Optimus had to open up so Ratchet could treat him and by that I literally mean he opens his plating and Ratchet has to get inside to treat him! I would think it would feel pretty weird to have someone crawling through your insides.
Well, that is if Miko hadn't gotten inside first! Just imagine it- Optimus is still not used to the internal changes of his body and is in the mid-stage where he's not quite titan but still pretty big! He can't control the new internal structures too well, so he can't do anything himself. Miko, in her curiosity and 'frick it we ballin' attitude just crawls in through a vent or something along OP's body while everyone is distracted, then at some point his internal sensors pick up something living is moving inside him and he's startled by the new data and feeling. 'Where's Miko?!' - someone shouts and they realize where she was. They call her to come out of OP but the little goblin pops her head out of a window, says 'Nyeh! >: 3' and just... goes back inside. Imagine that and they can't get her out nor is OP confident enough to remove her himself without risk of injury. So, the other two also go in and try to get Miko out, cartoon chase music and all while OP just feels WEIRD! Maybe his coding is tickling or something. The inner vents and tunnels are actually quite long when OP is in that stage and some things are changing, but eventually they get her out and since then OP is always wary around her, so she doesn't get in his vents and get stuck.
Then, Miko shares about all the cool stuff she saw inside, not knowing it is kind of mortifying for a bot to have someone talk about their inner parts. It will be like saying "Oh, yeah, you know, that dude's pancreas had a really weir shape last time I crawled through him!" like, WTF. Then she might drop a bombshell like "Did you know he has a microwave inside? We should totally also get a microwave for the base or have OP heat up some food for us!"
OR! Something has happened recently and Bee, the super awesome scout, is a bit injured. Nothing serious, according to Ratchet's professional opinion but those titan coding protocols are just acting up and OP just... ends up holding Bee. Like you would carry a cat everywhere with you or a baby and he just doesn't want to let go! Even if Bee is getting exasperated by being in what's essentially air jail and what everyone is telling OP, he just doesn't want to let go. What if he gets hurt again?! Alas, he can't carry him all the time and he isn't big enough for the bots to live in, yet.
Maybe there could even be an epic battle with the Nemesis in space or even add a combiner team and have them fight it out? I am not too sure but I think Breakdown was part of the Constructicons?
I say corrupted because Megatron ends up becoming that way, if he became a Prime before Orion, Megatron would still become power hungry. Sorry for the confusion!
I like these! Poor Optimus has to deal with it but at the same time, he became a symbol…and hope. Optimus opening panels, yeah, definitely would have to be done to get things examined. But hey, isn’t that what surgeons do? Open you up and examine? I bet it’s a bit cool, Ratchet gets to actually SEE things. I can see OP using a compartment to store his allies in them in case of injury in a battle!
Miko would definitely be sneaking around! That’s so her! Okay so, Miko is awake while every bot is in recharge (the children had stayed over for the weekend), she saw Prime getting ready to recharge. Upon coming over as quietly as possible, trying to be more so because Optimus has very, very sensitive senses…such as hearing. Miko managed to avoid alerting the mini titan, climbed onto his leg last second before i was raised, and got in. I imagine it would feel like having some kind of parasite having someone walking inside you, oh Optimus…that’s just Miko! Not a scraplet!
Lovely idea, he is definitely protective. He sees an Autobot get shot, even if they’re fine, he gets pissed and goes full on Godzilla mode. Speaking of which, I was thinking he gets new abilities, like a laser beam so he is like menacing to the cons. If you’ve watched Godzilla 2014, you will kinda know what I mean. Optimus would only come to play in the battles only if he is needed, and he will know!!!
A fight between the Nemesis? Well, that’s if the cons manage to transform the ship. If my memory serves me right, it couldn’t transform (anymore?) Maybe due to energon being so scarce. How Optimus does it? He goes and finds it himself, to the Pit if the Autobots go. That is too dangerous! As for the combiners, that’s if Optimus is their size by the time he fights one, he will end up very large…
Anyway, thanks for the ask ^^ I appreciate you being curious! I’m still working on the au, however, these help a lot on ideas!
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
I am so curious about the Titan Optimus au! So many questions!
Like how long did he take until he started noticing he was actually becoming a titan, since you mentioned stages?
When exactly is the whole transition from just a really big truck to something where a mech could reside/comfortably live in?
If everyone knows what happens to primes eventually, and Megatron wanted to be a prime, was he like willing to be a titan and have bots live inside or was he only in for the power?
What would the kids do when they witness Optimus growing for the first time or when they notice his size has increased while they were gone? Would Miko want to crawl through Optimus' vents when he gets big enough?
Will OP form a bond with one of the bots, turning them into a cityspeaker during the series?
What would a titan OP turn into? Will he be some sort of mobile fortress or a spaceship? I like spaceships.
Would OP ever get... stuck in a place he used to be able to go into and groan in a bit of annoyance because the damn expansions were making moving through their base difficult?
What about Smokescreen? When he arrives and sees OP all mid-titanization, will he just stare with tears streaming down in awe or will he have a whole fangirl episode?
Hiii~! So glad you asked ^^ these are what I had in mind, let me know if you have suggestions!
Stages take a while, sometimes they just come out of nowhere (like in the small fic). Prime knew it was bound to happen given the Matrix has the knowledge of the Primes. It is just that he doesn’t know WHEN it can happen!
Transition from a big rig to something else happens around stage 3. That’s when he is too big to be considered a truck at around 70 feet tall (imagine seeing a truck taking over 2 lanes <_<)
In TFP, Megatronus wanted to become a Prime so yes, he would definitely want all the power he can get. It would’ve corrupted his processors however regardless. Orion Pax knew better than to give into it entirely, and wield that power for the greater good.
I love this question because humans as a whole are curious creatures. Miko would DEFINITELY be going in places she shouldn’t be just like how she always ended up getting around into Bulkhead a few times! The children would be in shock (who wouldn’t be?), they would be curious about it! Raf being the cute little nerd he is would be interested how it works. Miko? She is going to ask a ton of questions…
Cityspeakers, I can definitely see that happening. I haven’t fully decided who should be bonded with him yet, having Ratchet was a default for me given how close they are. What would be interesting would be Jack (idea wise), however, I think it is better off for a bot.
A spacecraft would be interesting because they can use him like the Ark! Originally, I thought a bigass rig would’ve been a cool idea but perhaps on Cybertron? Get tons of loads delivered across cities.
Gosh YES! He would get stuck sometimes especially during a growth stage! You know how he was in S3 with his new body? He had to transform to get into the cave! Optimus walks in a energon mine and he just suddenly shoots up a few feet in such a narrow space. Infuriating! Even in base the halls end up being so cramped, they would have to remodel to damn place to accommodate him.
Ah Smokescreen…he would try not to be a fanmech. He keeps a straight face but deep down in his spark he is SCREAMING. “Gosh I knew you were big but scrap!”
Imagine how he has to get used to holding bots (or even humans) in his grip. Poor Optimus would underestimate his strength sometimes… you can be gentle but even gentle can do damage!
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
Going to dump my titan!Optimus au stuff here a bit. Here are some headcanons and bit of lore for anyone who wants to learn more!
Optimus tends to get protective the farther into his stages he goes into. “Oh bumblebee, you’re certainly NOT going to that drive in theater alone.” Because of this, sometimes it can be overwhelming. “Optimus! I don’t need to be carried!”
Because of his progressing increase of size, Optimus needs to adjust to his newfound size. Let’s say he recently had a growth spurt, he ends up hitting his helm on top of doorframes, beams, catwalks, etc. Poor Optimus. He can be clumsy too, underestimating his size like how a large dog thinks they can be on your lap.
Ratchet tends to find stuff damaged. Oh boy… He sees his tools damaged? “Optimus! I NEEDED that!” It’s not his fault, Ratchet!
Bulkhead likes to spar with Prime in the hangars. It is all fun and games till Bulkhead wants a challenge. He is a wrecker after all.
Lore time? When Primus transformed into Cybertron, he birthed the first transformers: The Primes. These Primes were guardians, protectors of their new world. Ancient beings that partially made it to being mini titans in the war. Unicron was fended off, but there is the whole Quintesson War thing now.
Their remains can be discovered but finding them is the challenge. They did eventually get discovered, history was written in the archives for cybertronians to learn of their history.
Optimus ends up being the largest by the end of TFP, the rebirth into his 2.0 form gave him a height boost for sure. Or if you’re going off other continuities, there are different reasons. However, this one is currently for TFP. I do like the idea of him NOT DYING (for once) and watch how large he ends up becoming by the end of the war in other continuities…
I haven’t really fleshed the au out fully but here is what I had thought about. It ain’t perfect.
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
Drabble for my titan!Optimus au. Felt like writing something yk? Just wanted to post it here so I can get that done. Sorry for any errors!!! But here goes <=
Titanic Problems
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Setting: Transformers Prime, Autobot base
Warnings: comfort, Titan AU, 16+(???)
It is a warm morning in the deserts of Jasper, Nevada. The Autobot base was going by their morning routines. Ratchet had appointed Optimus for a diagnostic as he had already for the others. However, Optimus always insisted he was functioning just fine…despite Optimus literally growing throughout this war.
Optimus wasn’t too far into the stages he is undergoing, he only is around 48 feet tall. Ratchet still insisted in taking care of him no matter the cost.
“Optimus, you need a diagnostic check. I am serious,” Ratchet told him with a serious tone.
“Alright Ratchet, I will. Only to get this over with…I rather not have the Decepticons have any sort of surprise attacks while we-“
“Nonsense, Prime. The others will watch,” Ratchet crossed his arms, holding a datapad in one servo.
The growing Prime nodded and followed the medic into the medbay. Optimus stood by the medic as Ratchet was preparing close by in the room…that’s when both heard a faint creak. Ratchet looked up from his datapad to meet the Prime’s faceplate.
Optimus let out a low groan from his vocalizer, it was of discomfort of the sudden change of his frame. His frame had started expanding… Ratchet had forgotten about this for a moment, Primes do end up being titans as long as they live long enough. Optimus was certainly becoming one. His growth halted shortly, grown about a few feet.
“Optimus…again?” Ratchet looked up at the growing Prime, he never felt so…in awe yet in concern. “You’re about 52 feet tall and you’re certainly won’t stop anytime soon. Are you alright?”
Optimus sits down so he was more in level with the 20 foot tall medic. “I feel…fine. Though I am uncertain of the future this can take on me.”
Ratchet went up to him, feeling a bit better now that Optimus was sitting instead of looming. “You’ve come so far…I heard about how Primes are supposed to become titans to be Cybertron’s guardians…but to see it unfold in my own optics. I am in awe.”
Optimus felt a better knowing that Ratchet still sees him as…Optimus, but the future terrified him. All that he knows is that he must focus on the present and protect Earth…no matter the cost or his size. The two mechs smile at each other, showing that no matter what happens, they’re there for each other.
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
Something i decided to make because of the lyrics…yes, I posted it on my tiktok account. Just leaving it here in case anyone wants to see it here too -\(‘v’)/-
I hope tumblr doesn’t change the quality
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optimusprimeg1 · 4 months ago
So what if Megatronus and Solus Prime are reincarnated into D-16 and Orion Pax?
I know that sounds crazy, but my megop brain needs this so fucking bad.
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optimusprimeg1 · 5 months ago
Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning/Eternal Night TF Mod V1 Release for PCSX2
I am gonna release my project here. It is not fully finished, however, I think some would want it... Screenshots have already been posted on my page!
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optimusprimeg1 · 5 months ago
Updated textures for Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon Mod!
My Transformers retexture mod for the game has had more stuff added, decided to share. Here is some new shots for you showcasing some.
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I would like to add that I imported the mod tool into the file so there wouldn't be so much clutter in the post. Credits to the mod tool author!
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optimusprimeg1 · 5 months ago
Upcoming mod for Spyro: A new Beginning, Eternal Night
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Same as my other one. Here are the role replacements…
D-16 -> Cynder
Orion -> Spyro
Alpha Trion -> Ignitus
Megatronus Prime -> Terrador
Vector Prime -> Volteer
Sentinel Prime -> Cyril
I wanted to have Sentinel in this mod so I added him
It’d be great if i can figure out how to upscale textures…
EDIT: This is a part II to my DOTD version of the mod
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optimusprimeg1 · 6 months ago
Transformers Legend of Spyro DOTD Retexture Mod
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Orion Pax/Optimus Prime - Spyro D-16 - Cynder
Note: I added more skins to other NPCs: Ignitus and Malefor as of now. However I won't showcase that as I haven't progressed far enough in the game...
SPOILER: Unicron - Malefor, Alpha Trion - Ignitus
Additional Elita-One skin for Cynder, not the best but eh
Might remake her sometime! This mod works for RPCS3, I don't know about Dolphin or any other emulator. Feel free to try that out.
As for the mod, follow this video:
Then download this mod tool:
As you follow steps above, here is my retexture mod!
Have fun!
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optimusprimeg1 · 6 months ago
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Don’t know if i should finish this…
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optimusprimeg1 · 1 year ago
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I saw people liked my Resident Evil Godzilla au for these guys. Here is a poster cuz i felt like it. Not the best at posing however xP
vvv V2 with glow spines vvv
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Leon: No thanks, Bro!
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optimusprimeg1 · 1 year ago
Okay…I have a strange idea about this au. Hear me out…
Well Kaiju Hybrids..? Meh. Result of a mixture of chemical spills? Who knows. Love it or hate it, not my problem. i present…Resident Evil Kaiju hybrids!
Might post in DA.
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Chris “Kong” Redfield…probably coming soon if possible…
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