#I was like “yea I want to give this man my number and never stop speaking to him
tiredofthehumanlife · 8 months
Jk turns out I don’t want to date every man who just so happens to even slightly compliment me oddly enough it seems I just seek male validation
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prettygiri222 · 1 year
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Summary: You tell your boyfriend you got waxed by a man…
Eren x Black Fem Reader SMUT
"Eren!" you called out as you entered his room. he looked up at you with his low red eyes making your heart skip a beat. you were already regretting your decision but you were going to power through. you gave him a little twirl, "notice anything different?"
you saw a trend on TikTok where girls would tell their boyfriends they got a wax done and you wanted to try it. you hesitated knowing Eren he could flip but your friends convinced you to do it.
Eren's eyes trailed over your body stopping at your ass that hung out of your miniskirt. "that ass getting fatter ma? shittt i've been feeding you good." he said as he licked his lips before making eye contact.
you turned around to look at it in the mirror. "i've been hitting the gym with Mikasa and Annie. i ain't even noticed the gains."
"cmere lemme touch it." Eren took a hit off his blunt motioning for you to come sit on his lap. if you didn't actually get a wax today you would've sat on something else. but it was now or never.
you walked over to Eren not missing the way his eyes watched as you purposely swayed your hips. "no, I got waxed." you said placing your foot on his lap.
"you’re so smooth." Eren started rubbing all up on your leg. "everywhere?" he asked as he trailed his hand up higher looking you in the eye.
"baby oil and cocoa butter, love." you said before giving him a nod. a smile graced Eren's lips as he pulled you down so you were straddling him.
"we can't do anything for at least 24 hrs…" you whined out onto his shoulder. "but that's not the point." you said as you shot up. you moved to the bed to create some space between you two, Eren rolled his eyes.
he picked up his phone but signaled to you that he was still listening.
"so I went to get a brazilian today and my regular lady wasn't there so they gave me someone else and honestly, i like them a bit more. they were getting all in there, like really in there and it didn't hurt as much. plus the guy was so ni-" Eren's head shot up.
"hold on ma, did you just say a 'guy?'" he put down his phone and looked into your wide eyes with his red ones. 
"y-yea he did a great job…" the wall behind Eren suddenly became very interesting to look at.
"nah, i don't think i'm hearing you right." Eren sat up in his chair with his jaw clenched. "a man waxed you?”
"you let a man touch you down there? see you naked."
"it's his job Eren."
"nah you pissing me off right now ma. you let another man touch your pussy and you telling me you're fine with it?" eren moved so he could look deep into your eyes causing you to flinch. you could see his anger building up and it frightened you. 
he was always so quick to anger, especially around Jean, you can't say how many times they got physical. but he's never yelled at you much less put his hands on you but you didn't know what he would do now. he was unsettlingly quiet. you only nodded afraid you would get on your knees and beg him for forgiveness but a small part of you wanted to push him even further.
Eren surprised you as he started laughing, he rubbed his tattooed hand all over his face looking at you through his fingers. "you expect me to believe you let a man wax when you still get so shy when I say 'pussy'."
you looked away from him, if your skin was any lighter he would've been able to see you blush. "well he said I had the prettiest 'pussy' he ever saw. gave me his number to hit him up if my boyfriend didn't satisfy me enough." you were shy but you weren’t a pushover.
Eren took a big hit off his blunt before blowing the smoke in your face."ass up, face down ma." you quickly regretted your words.
"Eren wait-"
“ass up. face down. now!" Eren's never talked to you like that, he was always so sweet and nice to you. but right now he was so demanding, it was kinda hot. 
you quickly moved to position, making sure your back had a nice arch in it before looking back at Eren with a pout. "Eren we can't…"
"mmhm." he mumbled ignoring your eyes. he pushed up your skirt and delivered a slap to your clothed heat.
"Eren!" you cried out in shock, you shoved your face into the sheets in embarrassment. you've never done this before. you and Eren were vanilla so far because you were a virgin up till a few weeks ago. this was something new and you kinda liked it.
"head up ma, you had a lot to say right? said you'd fuck your waxer cause i wasn't good enough?" he said grabbing your butterfly locs. they were about a week old so they weren't as tight but his grip still hurt. but you were coming to understand that you liked a little bit of pain. "lemme hear it."
eren planted a firm slap against your ass. "ah! It hurts!” Eren gave you another hard slap causing you to jerk forward. you heard him kiss his teeth before you were pulled down to the end of the bed.
“this not gon work.” he said as he maneuvered you so you were bent over his lap. “you keep lying to me, ‘s like you trying to get me mad on purpose ma. you like it when I’m angry?” Eren asked as he delivered another slap to your bare ass. your dark skin was starting to bruise.
how’d he know? you weren’t that bad of a liar. “i was the one who set up and paid for your appointments ma, they would’ve told me if there was a change.” oh, right. you brought your hands to cover your face in embarrassment. 
“m sorry” you whispered.
“if you really got waxed by a man, i can’t tell you what would’ve happened.” Eren let out a bitter laugh looking at his dresser. it brought your attention to the gun Eren kept tucked in his pants when he went out. he always placed it in his top draw when he came home not wanting you to see it but you knew about it. it made you shiver thinking about him using it on someone. “but don’t worry you’ll be sorry. count to 10.”
“10 wha- ow!” Eren raised his hand high and brought it down on your ass making you jump. you reached back to grab his hand but he just slapped it away
“you run, lose count or complain and you start over from one.” he spanked you again watching as your ass rippled. you let out whine, you weren’t used to Eren being so mean to you but you were soaked. each slap sent a new wave of tingles to your core. 
“how many are we at now baby?” Eren asked in that sweet voice he always spoke to you in. 
“9.” you sobbed out. you don’t even know when you started crying and whether it was from the pain or the neglect of your core.
“think you can take one more?” despite being so mad at you it made your heart swell at how nice he was still being. he messaged your ass while waiting for the answer.
“yea…” he delivered one more slap but he directed it toward your clothed heat, fingers coming in contact with your clit, “ohhh fuckkk!” your body started to convulse as you felt pure bliss.
“fuck ma… did you just come from me spanking you?” Eren breathlessly asked as he placed you beside him, you winced at the contact. you nodded as you hid your face in his shoulder. “that’s my good girl.”
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ivrxquack · 3 months
Lame, okay.
Toxic! Tokyo revenger headcannons
(Back in my Tokyo revenger era 😭)
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Too clingy.
Acts like you’re his life support…literally.
One time you woke up in the middle of the night to get water, you were gone for about 5 minutes and in that short time Mikey was able to have a full blown panic attack.
“Y/N, where did you go?” He whined as you sighed shaking your head going to hug him, as he wiped his tears on your pajamas. “Mikey, I just went to the kitchen it’s ok.” You said as he rubbed his cheek against yours, pulling you back into bed with him burying his face in your chest mumbling about how you should never leave his side again.
Every time you guys go in public like the store, mall, out to eat or anything like that he has a death grip on you. You’re always to hesitant to tell him that it feels like you’re hand is about to snap due to his unnecessary grip.
The first red flag in the relationship was in the first few weeks of dating. You and an old guy friend spotted each other at the park you two were at, you didn’t realize it but Mikey was shaking like a mad man his eyes wide and full of rage. Mikey, didn’t want to beat him to death especially infront of you so he “politely” excused himself from the situation.He was gone for about 30 minutes you and your friend were only talking for about 5 or 7 minutes, you couldn’t believe what he said he was doing when you asked him about it.
“Mikey!? Where did you go!?” You asked spotting him sitting by the lake throwing pieces of bread, “I was feeding the ducks!!” He said smiling widely hoping you wouldn’t notice the giant hole in the tree beside you with blood stains on it. You’ve thought about breaking up with him but he’s honestly so sweet to you, so you’ll learn to deal with his behavior but it naturally will get old soon.
Very very very overprotective.
“Babe, I don’t think you should be around here.” Baji said holding onto your arm pressing your body against yours, as you two walked around downtown which was surprisingly kind of empty. “Baji, my aunt needs these” You said holding the bag of different medicines your aunt lived in one of the neighborhoods downtown.
“Yea, ok.” Baji said rolling his eyes hardly as you two turned a corner to see a homeless man “ma’am..do you perhaps have some money?” He asked as Baji’s guard was immediately up. “No, get lost” Baji said tugging you away from him only for to you push him away, as you pulled your wallet out and handing the homeless man a few dollars. Baji couldn’t believe his eyes and before you could even blink the homeless man was knocked out on the ground, Baji standing on his head.
What the fuck?!” You said pushing Baji off him. “Sorry…..I thought he was about to punch you.” Baji said as you stared at the poor man before tucking the money in his coat pocket, and storming off making sure to give your boyfriend a lethal death glare.
He’s like your own attack dog if you were crazy enough and ordered him to fight someone for you, he definitely would and wouldn’t stop until they couldn’t walk. He doesn’t care if it’s a old man, old lady, kid, girl, woman, boy, man, cat, rat, bat he’ll fight them cause he’ll do anything to protect you!
“Y/N, why are you crying?” Baji asked rushing up to you as you fell into his strong arms sobbing. “A-Abby” he heard you whisper as his adrenaline started to race(idk if I worded that right). Abby was your bully who so happened to have a “crush” on Baji, she had been so rude to you at work normally you would ignore her but today…she really got under your skin. After calming you down and making you a big comfy spot on the couch, Baji said he was going to go get your favorite snacks.
Later that night you and Baji were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Baji was half asleep laying his head on your lap, as your phone dinged from an unknown number You hesitantly clicked it. What you saw made your jaw drop it was Abby getting jumped by 4 guys. “What the freak” you muttered quickly deleting and blocking the number throwing your phone across the room onto a different couch.
Completely unaware of the wicked smile on Baji’s face.
He babies/ enables you.
He has child proofed certain things in the house.
“Mistuya, are you serious.” You said in disbelief as you stared at the plastic knifes and forks in the drawer. “Safety first!” Mistuya said patting your head as you saw him put the actual knifes and forks into a drawer with a lock on it. You felt more like one of his little sisters then girlfriend, sure he was the definition of perfect but damn. You wished he’d understand that you could do most things by yourself.
“Oh, your shoes are untied, here let me get that for you.” Mistuya said as you two stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, he smiled at you softly patting his knee gesturing for you to put your foot up.
“I can do it myself!” You bending down as you quickly tried to tie your shoes somehow tangling the string. “Come on don’t be silly, you still do bunny ears!” Mistuya said bending down pushing your hands away as you watched his cute little delicate hands undid the strings.
Sometimes without knowing he would embarrass you especially infront of his friends. “Remember that one time you tripped on the baby gate? I had to put up cause you’re so clumsy” Mistuya asked laughing as Mikey and draken started to laugh at you. “Baby gates? I didnt know Y/n was a toddler!” Mikey teased as Mistuya chuckled but quickly stopped seeing the way you were staring at him like you wanted to murder him.
Despite the fact you always check him on what he does, and how much he apologizes and promises not to do it again he obviously still keeps doing it.
But at the end of the day he’s still YOUR man so you can’t say too much since you’re choosing to date him!
Wayyyyy to obsessed with you.
At first you thought it was adorable how often he checked up on, how often he hung out with you, how often he was thinking and talking about you. Until it became weird and weirder.
“There’s motion at your front door.” The notification on your phone said as you sat up out of your bed, checking the camera to see two big indigo eyes peering into the camera scaring you to death. “Y/N, its me Hakkai” Your boyfriends soft voice said as he revealed his jaw dropping stunning gorjus smile. You quickly rushed downstairs and let him in as he hugged you, when you questioned him he nervously explained on how he had just been in the area and wanted to see you.
He clearly has the mind of a bed bug cause after he left after a few hours of talking, something was telling you to check all of the cameras you had around your house and when you did boy his ass was grass. You saw Hakkai, walking around your house his eyes glowing in the night vision camera like he was a wild animal or something. He was peering into all your windows as you heard your dog barking. ‘That’s why she was barking?!’ You thought as you saw Hakkai jump at the noise as he ran to the back of the house where your bedroom was.
It turns out he was actually taking pictures of you while you were sleep, you were a little nervous but the next morning you two met up at a cafe and you brung it up as soon as you two sat down at your table.
“What? I would never do that.” Hakkai said as he took a bite of the cake he had, as you tried showing him the footage only to not find it all. And you knew that you saved it to your camera roll.
“You feeling ok, baby? Are you sick?” Hakkai asked with a worried look as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, and you nodded sighing.
‘She didn’t realize I hacked into her phone!’ Hakkai thought happily
The first time you went over his house probably should’ve been the last….
“Wow, your room is cute.” You said looking around it was surprisingly neat and smelt like lavender, you were pretty sure he only cleaned up for you thought. “Thanks!” He said as you looked at the posters on the wall of many different things like sports and stuff. “I’ll be right back, I’ll go get you something to drink make yourself at home” Hakkai said excitedly as you nodded sitting down on the bed to see a picture of you framed on the nightstand next to his bed. There was also a picture of you and him together, him and his sister, and of course him and Mistuya, and a few with him and his other friends. You smiled widely at the thought of the love and devotion he had for his friends and family, before you noticed light shining behind a door. It wasn’t his closet cause his closet was one of the first things you saw when you walked in.
You walked up to it cracking the door open slightly as your jaw dropped. You saw a few dim lights surrounding pictures…:pictures of you, what really got you were the pictures from last night of you sleeping.
“Y/N?” Hakkai asked as you quickly back away from the door as he had a tray of drinks and snacks on it. “What were you doing?” He asked as you put on a fake smile . “I was just curious to what was in there, I didn’t see anything” you said as he tilted his head to the right as you sat down on the bed.
“Whatever you say, love” Hakkai said as you thought about ways to distant your self from him. (It doesn’t work and it never will.)
What’s not toxic about his bitch ass🙄 there’s a lot of things but let’s only go through the worst one, the way he’s roasts you like his life depends on it.
“You kind of look like a cracked out ferret in that jacket, take it off” Smiley said as you side eyed him zipping up the jacket that was actually cute asf. “Shut up for once, damn” You said frowning as you and angry stared at him like he was crazy.
No matter how many times you(really just angry) try to check him it just plays it off as joking, you’ve always been skeptical if he was. But angry always reassures you that’s his brother means no harm if he did he would’ve been made you bite the curb.
“Babe, you look like you eat mattresses for a living.” Smiley said as he helped you put on eyeshadow. “Are you kidding me? Why do you have to say things like that?” You said as his smile only seemed to get wider. “Like what?” He said snarkiliy as you rolled your eyes standing up to stare at your perfect face in the mirror. “You always make fun of me for everything I do…” you said walking out to the living to see angry sitting on the couch, you guys were going out to eat. “Don’t be stupid. You know I love you” Smiley said following you throwing his arm around your shoulder as angry stared at you with sad eyes.
A good thing is if anyone were to try to come for you he’d be very quick to put them in their place!
When you two were in the beginning stages you were getting picked on and smiley was the only one to help you out. “You wanna come for my, Y/N? First of all your lace front is literally lifting up, your underwear is probably crusty and musty just like your mom. Your built like a watermelon” Smiley went on and on until the girl finally went away tears in her eyes.
You can always count on him to have your back!
He got on smileys nerves so bad when he had a crush on you. Everyday smiley had to hear “she looked at me she must love me!” “She waved at me in the hall ways she wants to get married!” If smiley was out of his mind he would lay hands on angry, but he has some self control and he loves his brother a lot so he learns to silence him out. Angry’s delusional got 1000”x worst once you guys started to date.
“Y/N, told me to pick a box up I picked it up and she said thank you, she’s clearly madly obsessed and in love with me.” Angry said with a lovesick look as a few of the other members of Toman stared at him like he nuts.
Usually his delusionals are harmless but one time they got WAY Too out of hand.
You were going to the mailbox and the way your house is positioned, the window to your room is facing the whole front yard. Angry was watching you like a hawk with love in his eyes, well the love quickly turned into sadness as he saw a man a friendly looking man approaching you.
“Hi, Mr. Ronald! Long time no see” You said as you two started talking. Mr. Ronald was your old babysitter he was always kind to you and a joy to have around. Angry wasted no time in calling his brother “bro, I think Y/N is cheating on me!!!” Angry hollered as soon as smiley picked up the phone. “What?” Smiley said in confusion anger in his voice already planning on how he was going to beat you until your face was unrecognizable.
You were making your way inside when you heard angry yelling on the phone but is ceased once he heard the front door open. “Baby, is everything ok?” You asked walking up the stairs to see him with the most hurt look ever. “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” He asked as you saw him fighting back tears in his eyes. “My Little cotton candy head, is this about Mr. Ronald?” You said sighing as you made sure to keep your distance since you knew his alpha came out when he crowd.
“I love you please don’t leave me for him, I-i promise I’ll change!!” He said as he ran up to you hugging you extremely tight, it felt like your lungs could burst any minute. “Angry, he’s like family to me, let me go” You groaned out trying to shove him off you as he kept sobbing about how you and your neighbor were getting married, and all types of dumb stuff. “Angry…” you said feeling life slowly getting further and
Further from you, as you heard thundering footsteps racing up the stairs.
“Woah, angry! Chill” Smiley said as he rushed over using all his strength to pull his brother from you, normally he wouldn’t interfere with stuff like this but he knew that his brother would never be the same if you died especially from his own hands. “Y/N? Honey? What have I done?!” Angry yelled out crying as he let you go watching as you gasped for air on the ground. “I’d never cheat on you angry…” you said coughing as smiley roughly patted your back as angry stared at his hands before running out wailing hysterically smiley following instantly.
Let’s just say you couldn’t bring yourself to even look at angry. Let alone speak to him after this(you guys got back together cuz you love you’re little blueberry)
He’s. Such. A. Crybaby
It’s like every little thing that goes slightly wrong sets him off.
You got a paper cut? He’s already crying a river. You passed a test? He’s crying while planning a special suprise for you, it’s honestly just ridiculous.
“Takemichi, why are you crying?” Mikey asked watching his friend cry while staring at his phone.
“Y-Y/N, only put one heart in her message!” He said wiping the snot off his face showing Mikey the message you sent him. ‘Have a great day I love you♥️’ the message said as Mikey stared at him in confusion.
Ngl that about it for him cause there’s really nothing wrong with him but being with a crybaby is mad toxic trust me I know😭 (I was going to make it he still clings into Hina but I passed on that cuz yeaaa)
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bullet-prooflove · 19 days
Mess: Mikey Berzatto x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @cleacc @cutebookdragon1 @bungurus @nogoodbee
Prequel to:
The Diagnosis
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Mikey’s a mess.
It’s the reason he moves back in with his mom, the reason The Beef is failing, the reason he’s over 300k in the hole to Jimmy.
He tells you this when he runs into you at a bar three months after your break up because he wants you to know that he made the right decision by leaving you. He wants to convince himself too because lately he misses you like hell and it take everything in him not to pick up the phone and reach out.
He’s gotten worse since moving home, more erratic, more emotional. His drinking is out of control and he’s getting high every day because it’s the only way to cope with his reality, the only way to stop himself going crazy despite the fact he’s half way there already.
“You see, I did the right thing.” He tells you as he sits in a booth across from you, his hand clasping yours.  “I saved you from all this fucking drama because I’m nuts babe, I’m fucking losing it.”
It kills you to see him like this, so heightened, so agitated. You know it’s because of that house, because of his mother slowly twisting the knife each and every single day. It’s why you take him back to your place that night, to give him a break from it all.
He starts off on the couch but ends up in your bed, his arms wrapped around you, your back pressed against his chest, his face buried in your hair.
“I miss you so fucking much baby.” He whispers into your ear when he thinks your asleep. “It feels like someone’s cleaved my heart right out of my chest and left me bleeding out on the street.”
He’s gone the next day when you wake up. No note, no text just his absence lingering in cold morning glow. Your hand smooths across the vacant sheets and you remember the man he used to be, the one who spent his nights loving you, his mornings in the shower singing songs from the 80s as he got ready for work.
Mikey’s always been a big personality but it’s in the past couple of years that the world has started to wear him down, erode him. His life has always been a struggle, right from the moment he was born because his mother never knew how to parent and his father was a ghost. He’d practically raised Sugar and Carmy, making sure they got to school on time, that they were fed, that their mom didn’t burn the house down when she fell asleep with a smoke in her hand.
“I didn’t stand a chance.” He had told you last night wiping the tears from his eyes. “I was born to be a fuck up. I’ll always be a fuck up.”
When you turn up at The Beef later that day to check in, Richie just shakes his head.
“He’s not here.” He tells you remorsefully and you both know that’s a lie because Mikey’s truck’s in the parking lot. He just doesn’t want to see you because it’s eight in the morning and already he’s blitzed on whatever shit Nico has sold him.
“Tell him…” You trail off trying to find the words but nothing seems to fit the way you want it to. “Tell him I’m here alright? Day or night, if he needs someone I’m there.”
Richie’s lips purse together grimly before he nods his head.
“Thank you.” He says softly. “For taking him in last night, I heard he was a bit of a mess. Living back home… it’s not doing him any favours”
“Yea I know.” You say quietly before tapping the counter lightly with your hand. “You’ve got my number right? If anything happens.”
At this point it feels like an inevitability, you’re just waiting for the fall and so is Richie, you can see it in his eyes.
“Yea.” He says sadly. “Yea I do.”
Love Mikey? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Second Encounters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Rin was warming up for his game, it had been a few days since he last saw you
He didn’t mean to look for you in the crowd, it just ‘happened’, at least that’s what he’s been telling himself 
And he didn’t actually get excited when he saw you he was just… getting in the mood to play! Yea, that’s right… He definitely smiles on a normal basis, this isn’t anything special…
He felt like he was playing better than usual, did your look of awe motivate that… no…?
Once the game wrapped up (they won, obviously) he poked through the crowd to find you. He wasn’t too sure why, his body started moving before Rin could come up with a good excuse stop it 
But you were the one to find him instead. Maybe it was because he was so tired from playing..
He just finished chugging his bottle too, and he was about to go get some more
“Hey Rin, great game! Oh here- would you like some water?” You offered a plastic bottle that you definitelydidn’tbringjustforRin just so happened to have on you
He looked at you like you were his savour before proceeding to down it in 2 seconds
He took a second to catch his breath before thanking you “So, why are you here?”
You could only laugh “I’ve seen most your games, you’ve got a very entertaining playstyle” 
“Oh… ok.”
It was only now that you realized how this made you come off, “Going to every one of Rin Itoshi’s games? It was just to watch, no feelings behind it, right…? Yea.” You thought to yourself “I mean- it’s not like I even know him. He wouldn’t even want to be around m-”
“Do you wanna come to my game tomorrow?” Rin blurted, as he interrupted your thoughts “It’s at a larger stadium, so you need to buy tickets…”
“Oh uhm… yea!” you gave a hesitant smile, never did you expect Rin to invite you somewhere, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity! You didn’t mind spending a few bucks on tickets-
“Great. I actually already have a ticket for you… you’ll be my +1, if that’s alright with you…” he pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper with your information and barcode. 
It was a VIP ticket
You were hesitant at first “Are you sure…? Aren’t these really expensive?” 
Rin just shrugged “Yea, I don’t mind.” he placed the tickets in your hands “Just actually show up okay?”
“Yeah! Of course.” you were screaming inside “I’ll see you there!”
And with that, the boy went on his way.
Shortly after he got a call from his mother
“Rin, have you given the ticket to your brother yet?”
It’s only been a few days after you managed to get him out the house
He ended up staying the night for the first day, and you only got him out by giving him your number 
He had been texting you constantly, telling you the most random things “Omg look at this bird bro, I could lowkey swallow it whole” “HELP I PISSED SAE-SAN OFF AGAIN-” “Will you watch the new csm movie with me?” “PLEASE WATCH THE NEW CSM MOVIE WITH ME” “WATCH THE NEW MOVIE WITH ME PLEASEEE I BEG”
He would NOT shut up about watching the new csm movie, turns out, he doesn’t have any friends that watch chainsaw man… actually, you weren't sure if he had friends at at-
So you finally agreed to watch it with him in the cinema, and he was OVERJOYED 
He bought the tickets and everything
Shidou would come and pick you up in the morning, then you guys would go out to buy some snacks, and smuggle bring them into the theater
Shidou was very happy to have someone hang out with him, and you guys had a lot of fun :D 
Sae found himself going to the perfume store for the 4th time this week
It was friday
Did he really need another perfume? No. Has he already bought 12 from you this week? Yes. But Sae Itoshi still wandered the mall, making his way over to your store
“Hello, [Y/N]” he said with a nod, the greeting had become a daily routine 
But it seemed that you were preoccupied with another customer, Sae frowned
The man was almost yelling at you, talking about how useless you were, making inappropriate comments, etc.
Just when Sae walked in, the man knocked over a very expensive bottle of perfume that he requested to “look at”, when you had tried to get him to pay for damages, he just walked out!
If you had more energy, maybe you would’ve gone after him, but it had been a long day, and your shift was about to end in a few minutes anyway.
You finally noticed Sae in the store, and tried to compose yourself
“Hello, Mr.Itoshi, 4th time is it?” You said with a small laugh
“Yes. Hello.” He said as he looked at the broken bottle on the floor “How much was that?”
You sighed “$420….” You grabbed the broom and quickly cleaned it up
“Hm. Let me pay for it.” Sae said, as he pulled out a fat wad of cash
“Oh! Uhm… that’s a lot of money…” You replied, staring at the cash
Sae only shrugged, “No, not really.” He placed the stack on the counter 
You gave a weak laugh as you finished your cleaning “So, what can I help you with this time, Mr Itoshi? I think you’ve already got all our new arrivals…”
“Hm.” He looked around the store. If he was honest, he didn’t even need more perfume, the first one you gave him was perfect. And yet he still came here everyday.
A few seconds of silence passed, Sae wasn’t sure how many. But you were counting
“6…5…4…3…” you kept track in your head “2…1.”
The clock struck 6. You gave a quick bow to the man “I’m so sorry, but my shift is over now.”
You grabbed your bag quickly from behind the counter and put your jacket on
“Wait uh-” Sae hesitated “Could… I buy one perfume before you go?”
You checked your watch “I’m so sorry, I have to catch the bus” you apologized “There’s always tomorrow!” you tried to keep it positive (and make sure you have clients)
“Let me get you an Uber.” he insisted “We wouldn’t want you getting wet now would we?”
Once the Uber arrived, Sae walked you out with an umbrella 
You turned to him and gave him your thanks “And what perfume did you want to get? I’ll make sure we have it in stock tomorrow if you pass by again”
“Oh… I was wondering which one you used…”
“My perfume?”
You smiled and looked through your purse, pulling out a small bottle and handed it to him “It’s this one, I’ve had it for a while” 
He was caught off guard by the action “Really? Are you okay with me having it?” He examined your facial expression
“Yes, I insist.” you laughed lightly, “You are indirectly my main source of income too so yk-” 
Sae smiled
“Thank you” He said, a genuine look on his face “Could I get one more thing…?”
“Yea, what is it?”
“Your number”
“Niko, you should really take a break…” You said, as you watched the boy continue to train
“No. The game’s tomorrow. I need to make sure we win” The boy said stubbornly 
You could only roll your eyes at his remark “Oh come onnnn. You’ve practiced the last 100 days. We’re basically guaranteed the win.” 
You weren’t exaggerating either, it really has been 100 days. And those 100 days may have been some of your best.
Niko sighed “Alright… I suppose I could go for a break…” he put the ball away as he grabbed his belongings 
You smiled “Great! We should go out!” You said enthusiastically as you helped him pack up
“Huh? But I’m tired….”
“Ehh? Alright, let’s go to your house then, we can watch some anime to cool down.”
He smiled at your consideration, ignore his light blushing too ok?
You had been to his place quite a few times now, so you made yourself comfortable as Niko picked a show
“Hey Niko,” you said as you scooped some popcorn “How do you feel about tomorrow?”
He took a moment to think about it before replying, “To be honest… I’m really nervous.. But having you there makes me feel a bit better”
“Aww, thanks Niko” you teased
As the two of you finished setting up, you guys sat down and prepared to start watching
“Hey, Niko, we should totally watch this in theaters one day! I really need to convince you to go with me one day…”
“Oh? Alright”
“Wait really!? You’ll actually go outside!?” you turned to him eagerly 
“Sure.” Niko smiled “If we win tomorrow, I’ll take you out, it’ll be a date!”
(man was absolutely panicking inside 🤭)
Kaiser stood by Ness as he checked his phone
“They should be here any moment, I swear-” Ness reassured the annoyed blonde 
Kaiser only scoffed “They’re a waste of my time…”
“I beg your pardon??” You approached them from behind “I’m two minutes late.”
Kaiser glared at you, “Those are two minutes of my precious time.”
You rolled your eyes “Yea right, like you have anything better to do…” you turned to Ness and switched up your tone of voice “Hi Ness! It’s so good to see you again :D” 
Ness smiled “Yea…” he was scared that you and Kaiser were going to break out in a fight at any moment 
Kaiser was deeply offended by your remark, and felt the need to make a comeback, but you had already moved off the topic
“So, where do you wanna go, Ness? There are quite a few places nearby…” You checked the map on your phone
Ness only looked at the other boy, “Is there anywhere you want to go, Kaiser?”
Kaiser stared down at you “Where do you want to go?”
You did not expect that, someone like him asking for your preference? “Not gonna lie, I’m pretty hungry… I’d be down for a cafe.” you gave him a warm smile as a thanks
Kaiser looked back at Ness “Let’s go Karaoke.” 
“WHATTTT??” your jaw dropped. He asked for your opinion to choose the most tiring activity?? You glared at him. You were going to out-sing this man if it were the last thing you did.
And out-sing him you did. Kaiser only scoffed and said he wasn’t taking it seriously anyway.
After karaoke, you guys did a lot of other activities, shopping, watched a movie, laughed at babies crying, you were having so much fun that you completely forgot about your hunger. And your grudge against Kaiser. Alright, fine, you tolerated him. But you weren’t going to tell him that! He can inflate his own ego.
“Hey Liebling,” He called, using a nickname he picked for you just a few hours ago (you had to ask Ness what it meant, but Kaiser told him not too) “You still hungry?” 
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought he genuinely cared!
“Depends….” you examined his expression to figure out his intentions 
Kaiser only laughed “Alright. Let’s go pick up some food at the Cafe.”
This was too good to be true! So you kept your guard high
Ness giggled at your expression “You know, he’s not alway a jerk, just… 95% of the time!”
“Wow, thanks Ness, so very comforting.”
When you guys arrived at the cafe, you were immediately attracted by your favourite dessert. You looked through the display to see the one piece left.
“Oh? You like that dessert?” Kaiser popped up behind you, teasing
“What? No-” you lied
“Really? Then… I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I bought the last piece~” Kaiser taunted you as he grabbed his wallet
“You wouldn’t dare” you glared at him. You could put up with him being a jerk for the most part, but your dessert? Unacceptable.
And he still bought it!!
You were outraged, literally about to fight him.
“You sure he’s not always a jerk?” You questioned Ness as you glared daggers at Kaiser
Ness rolled his eyes playfully “I think he actually quite likes you”
“Really? Is mockery his love-language?” you joked sarcastically 
“Yes, actually.”
You rolled your eyes as you looked back at the other deserts, about to chose one
Kaiser scoffed and lightly tapped the boxed snack on your shoulder “Yours.”
He glared at you “It’s for you. You're welcome.”
You took the box quickly and thanked him. Maybe Ness was right… me wasn’t always that bad…
As the day ended, you guys shared a last moment.
You gave Ness a quick hug as you were about to leave, and thanked Kaiser for the dessert 
Kaiser rolled his eyes “Do I not get a hug?”
You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but you gave him one anyway.
As you were about to pull back, Kaiser grabbed on to you,
“Next time, let’s go out together without Ness” he winked at you before departing 
Ness totally heard him say it too, but pretended like he didn’t, for the sake of his own safety ;)
Despite it being a week since he last saw you, he was thinking of you constantly. I mean, how often does he meet someone so nice and pretty?
At this point, Ness was volunteering to go to the vending machine for Kaiser, even spending his break there, just waiting to see you again
And finally, finally, his waiting paid off
You on the other hand, just wanted to get a drink
When Ness saw you again, he just starting going off about how thankful he was, and how he “didn’t deserve your grace” (the drink you bought for him was $4)
Once Ness had composed himself, he offered to buy you something in return!
And you weren’t one to deny free food, so of course you accepted 
“If you don’t mind me asking, you’re Alexis Ness right?” you asked as you opened your drink
Ness was overjoyed to hear you say his name, “Yes! Yes yes, that’s me, how’d you know?”
“I think i’ve seen some of your games, you’re the midfield for Bastard Munchen? You’re pretty good”
Ness tired so hard to contain his screaming “Really? Do you think so? I’m so honored!! Actually… I have a game tomorrow here, if it’s alright with you, can you come watch? Please? I’ll pay for tickets and everything!”
He was practically begging you, it made you question how his stricker treating him
“Oh? Yea sure, that sounds fun” you smiled
“Great! I’ll get you VIP tickets! Just for you!” he seemed so excited to have you there “But um… there’s one small problem…”
“Really? What’s wrong?”
Ness hesitated, “Well… VIPs are usually reserved for friends or family… so, you might have to be my friend…” he looked up at you, you could tell he was shaking 
“Alright, what’s wrong with that? Can we not be friends?” you laughed lightly
Ness had to take a moment to process this “You’ll… be my friend!?” his entire face shifted to a huge smile “I promise you won’t regret it! I’ll be the best friend you’ve ever had!”
You could only smile at him
“Oh? Alright, I’ll see you at the game then”
You were still mad at him for getting you something as crappy as a candle, but he offered to make it up to you… with a date-
“You really are a f-boy…” you muttered as you met up with Otoya
He laughed “What are you talking about? I’m always genuine in my relationships.”
You mentally facepalmed- why did you agree to this??
“Yea yea, say what you want… anyway, where did you want to go?” 
“I’m down for anything” he shrugged
“Alright then, I’m going shopping for a gift, because someone couldn’t get me a proper one…”
Otoya only laughed “Sorry sorry, my bad. Do you not like the candle?”
You scoffed “It’s a fine candle, but I bothered giving you such personal gifts, things that you’d actually like…sigh, why’d I bother…”
“Oh yea, I wanted to ask, how’d you know what I like?” 
“Well, some of us are actually able to observe things about people”
“So you’ve been watching me~?”
“NO!? I’m just not an ass and am aware of my classmates' likes and dislikes?”
Otoya laughed, “Aww, that’s sweet.”
You rolled your eyes “Don’t take it to heart, I know just as much about our other classmates. Because I’m a decent human being and not some play-boy.”
“Oh?�� he smiled “I think I’d like to be your boyfriend~”
“So you single?”
A little note was slipped to your desk while the teacher was drawing diagrams on the board, and you unfolded it quickly
It was written in your code, and you could tell the writer was very hesitant with their pen. It took you a few seconds to decode it, “I heard you bombed your chem test?”
you glared at the paper. You didn’t fail it, you just didn’t do great… and may or may not have been told to take a re-test…
You rolled your eyes as you crumpled the paper and put it away, sending a glare at the writer
Karasu only smirked as he silently laughed, he didn’t think he’d find such fun in writing encrypted notes. Otoya had even tried to read one, but he gave up the second he looked at it.
As the bell for dismissal rang, Karasu packed his bag while keeping an eye on you
At this point, everyone else had left the room, it was just you and him. He smiled
“...What do you want?” you asked him, slightly annoyed 
He laughed, “What made you assume I want something from you?” he teased
“You keep staring at me…”
“Can I not admire your beauty?”
“...Otoya influences you too much, you smooth piece of crap.”
This only led Karasu to laugh harder “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but thanks.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed as well “Just get to the point will you?”
“Alright. I heard you failed your chem test?”
Karasu laughed again, if his voice weren't so pretty, you would’ve been done with it by now “You know… I’m top of the the class in chemistry, I could totally tutor you”
“Really?” you looked up at him “Are you serious?”
“Yea sure, why not. Since you taught me your code, it’s only fair.”
You smiled “That’d be great, thanks Karasu!”
Reo had been following you around for the past two days, it was really starting to bother you
Even your classmates were asking about it! “Hey [Y/N], why’ve you been around Reo so often? Why is he always asking about you? Is he cheating on Nagi with you-?”
“What?? No-”
“Hi [Y/N]!” speak of the devil… Reo came by your class again as school ended. Everyone else slowly left the area “Will you play soccer with me?”
You sighed “No, Reo. I’m busy.”
“What? No you aren’t, I checked your schedule, you don’t have practice today.”
“WHAT??” you turned to him “You checked my schedule??”
“.... You’re really creepy…” You picked up your bag as you prepared to leave
“Wait wait, cmon. Just one game.” Reo followed you out the classroom “I’ll pay you.”
Now he had your attention
“Fine.” you turned to him “One game.”
Reo smiled “Great! I’ll meet you on the field in 2 minutes!”
As the two of you played, Nagi was watching from the sideline, unwilling to participate. “It’s too much of a hassle…” is what he said
The score was now 9-2, with you in the lead. You stopped, “Reo, I think you’re done…”
The purple boy was almost out of breath “No… I can keep going…”
You sighed and put the ball away anyway “Sit down and take a break, you didn’t even warm up properly…” 
Reo took his bottle and downed the whole thing, clearly exhausted
You let him catch his breath before you spoke “Good job, you’ve improved”
Usually Reo would brush off compliments as he got them quite frequently, but this meant a lot to him
He’d been practicing for the whole week, and someone noticed! He was unusually happy
“Thank you!” he said with a smile
You weren’t sure why but seeing him happy… you don’t think you’ve seen him like that before. You smiled
“You know Reo… I’m off practice for the whole week…”
“I know.”
“.... well- I could help you practice if you’d like?”
His eyes lit up “Really? Thank you so much! I promise I’ll make it up to you, I’ll buy you whatever you want!”
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strom-in-the-sky · 2 months
Hi, I read your chubby reader story and fell in love. It would be great to see another one again. I would be very happy if you do it, but this time, dazai is very serious and he learned that his s/o was being bullied before, or he saved her when she was being bullied at that exact moment. a story
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this. I lost motivation to Wright it. 😔
My bella~
Horrible Wright, chubby reader, gender neutral is such but more leaning to female reader. dazai calling reader Bella or girl. Bullying. Comfort. Suggestive ending. No y/n only you.
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Osamu loved you. He loved how you called him Osamu than dazai. It made him feel so alive. He felt human. He loved you dearly so much. At first, he never expected to fall in love, but he adores his Bella so much. The way you're so much softer, then him God knows he is more stinky as a twig. But he loved to share a big meal with you, not that he cared to eat alot- he adored seeing you cheeks puffed up! He just wants to squish them or bit them like mochi! Don't get him started on the legs! He loves them! In a non sexual way. He loved to rest his heaf on your lap when you're at his apartment or just squish them like a cat. The same with your chest, he could lay on you for days and sleep like a bear on a cave for days on end without moving. Dazai was living the best life in his opinion. Dazai doesn't care for size or what you look like he adores all women. Dazai adores you, and it was clear as day at times when he completely stops flirting with other women and showers you with love and affection. You're the last person he wants to hurt. And dazai. Dazai is very dead on with his goals.
Dazai took you on a date to the mall. And he left yo to go get ice cream since it was very hot. It was clear as day dazai was a handsome man. Giving his looks, body, and voice. He was everyone go to man for a woman. So when a group of girls eyed him with you. They were jealous and spiteful women. They tried with him first only to get ignored. He gave them a smile and, ever so polite, brushed them off. So a peaceful you sitting at the chairs waiting for your boyfriend to come back. The group of girls. Three the middle one with blond hair seamed the leader of them all. Snickering and laughing. "Did you see that ugly woman with him? What could possibly be going through his head? He must be getting paid to date her!" They were chatting loudly. At first, you brushed it off before it became more and more clear. They were shaming you. Before walking over.* "yea! What are you even doing with a man like that, uh? You should give me his number. I bet I can give him a batter woman to take care of." The blonde hair woman spoke. She smirked as she slimmed and pretty. I'm not saying you weren't you where the perfect looks for a woman may be even better than you could... she had the looks and style, and dazai did used to flirt with women her type....
Dazai had come back as he started at what was happening now. dazai wasn't stupid. He acted stupid, but he never is. He can take a situation and read it clearly as day. So when he saw the same girls he rejected, he came over with the ice cream cups in hand.* "Bella! Why haven't you told me you were making friends! I hope my lovely girl hasn't been waiting long for this dirt bag, leaving his poor Bella all alone!" He moved to sit next to you as he placed the cups down and wrapped his arms around your waist. "My pretty Bella, I love you so much." He softly mumbled as he smothered you in kisses. Gently bitting your cheek in a playfully nip before he looked out at the girls with a look. 'Watch it.' His look screamed as he rested his head on your shoulder. "You know Bella, my favorite type of girls are anyone but you. You Bella are my favorite, " he meant in so many different ways the way you dealt with him when you didn't have to. You where way better then any bitchy girl in his eyes. His Bella. His Bella he loved so much. The girls scoffed as the blonde was about to say something as dazai cut her off. "Also, Bella! I have to thank you for the wonderful pillow you gave me earlier. Best I ever nap at the agency!" He didn't give the girls time to speak again before they stormed off. He looked at you with loving eyes. "I love you Bella. I truly do mean it. I don't care what you look like. Your my world... and I plan to give you the best I can" he mumbled in to your ear before he pressed more kisses to your cheek.
"I love you two Osamu"
Oh, how he loved how you spoke that to him. It made him melt inside. How is someone loving like you cared for him. He would risk it all to keep you happy. So once he got up tugging you along with cups in hand.
"We should go home! It's so hot in always! And plus, I want to treat my wonders, bella~"
"Your not licking ice cream off my boobs again Osamu-"
"wait- WHY NOT-?!"
Not proofread. Rushed.
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
E!42 miles x thick/chubby black reader Part 2
Part 1
warnings: lowercase intended, mean family members
she walkes up eyeing miles like he was a prey and she was hunting him down, not before looking st you with utter disgust. “ not sure how ou could pull someone like this” she days looking at miles smiling “ and eho are you?” she says sweetly, way to sweetly.
“ miles” he says plainly “ no need to be salty! you can come with me so your not as sad, how bout it?” something inside you snapped, why was she always picking on you? its not like she looked any better, she looked like wendy williams post rehab.
“ no he wouldn’t sorry” she looks over at you “ i dont think i was talking to you?” “yea just like he dosent want to talk to you, if you dont mind, or even if you do could you leave?” she scoffs “ and who do you think your talking to miss piggy? why dont YOU leave? i thought you’d be gone by now!” she laughs as if you havnt heard it before.
“ oh you want me to leave? sure ill leave just like your 4 baby daddies that dont even pay child support might i add” the whole party was looking at you guys now, music turned down
“ you know its crazy how ive sat here all these years getting bullied by you but atleast i can keep a man! girl you get pregnant every year! arnt you on baby number 6? that baby bump is more visible than that volcano on your face” miles looked at you in utter shock “ how old are you again? 25?! have you ever heard of condoms or birth control?” at this rate she might as well left because everyone was snikering and laughing “ and dont even get me started on your lifted lace and chunky make up, i may not be skinny but atleast i know my shade, you walk in here lookin like that one james charles meme DONT play with me today”
everyone goes silent she just looks at you dumbfounded “if you have anything else to say, say it now or forever hold your peace” you say one last time before she scoffs rolls her eyes and walks off.
everyone kind of goes back to normal and miles just looks at you “ ive never seen you like this before” he says looking you in your eyes “ yea, sorry i just got fed up-“ “ hey you don’t have to apologize it was actually kinda hot” you laugh a little “ thank you miles” before you can bask in the radiant feeling your aunt, your cousins mom walks up to you
“ now who do you think you are talking to my baby like that?” you look at her dumb founded “ are you kidding me? you guys only talk down on me and now you have the utter audacity to walk up to me and ask why i’m treating your daughter how her and you have been treating me for YEARS?” you pause
“ you know there is absolutely nothing stopping me form dragging you too, you’re built like your constantly taking a big breath, you got the worst camel toes i have ever seen in my ENTIRE life and now i know where your daughter gets the “have a ton of baby daddies to the point where you dont know who the father is “attitude. that reminds me arnt you pregnant with your 10th child? and your 9th baby daddy? thats a world record somehow. you should call Nick Canon up here, y’all would make great friends.”
“ don’t ever talk down on me again or there will be consequences” you say finally before grabbing miles hand and leaving the party. miles stands next to his car looking at you absolutely dumbfounded “ what?” you ask confused “ you just dragged yo auntie in front of everyone! what do you mean what? ive never seen you stand up for yourself like this i’m proud of you” he says giving you a kiss on the cheek.
i just imagine you doing that like ugly giggle he loves lmao
🏷️ @soseoulol @shoyofroyoyoyo @pandoragalora @miles-42-morales @heavisdelulu @lilcassipuff @levanneisdumb @thebaddest @sussybaka10 @itsznanabanana @malllywally @missyysyx @c4nth3lp1t @sgmianne @miles4hour @ulovejayy @onginlove @buckleyverse @lexixiii @swaqlover @yoursidehismain @florencepughswife030196 @lethycia @edgyficuselastica @druiggf @onsimpshii @lovely-horror-show @vivsamortentia @leighs-gallery @remuslupinsno1slut @steve-harringtons-bitch @shurisbbymama @bunnybabylovesstuff @karmascute @c4rine @janaeby @mookiebutt @paraccosm @zkristuz @reflectionsinrealtime @mindymeeksrules @nagi3seastorm @popeheywardssecretgf @be3_Fl0w3er @piopio @hoodypunpurri @hiyoo-o @enchanting-violet @inluvwithneteyam
if y’all think this is cringe lmk so i can remake it lmao
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madhatterbri · 2 months
Better Left Unsaid | J.W.
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Summary: Y/N works with the Patriarchy and goes to send a message to her ex-boyfriend, Jay.
Author's Note: No Shayna in this one. No hate to her she just gets in the way of my fic. 😂
Jay White Masterlist
Taglist: @magicalbuttertarts @smallestsnarkestgirl @mrsarcherofinfamy
"Hey, Y/N, I need to talk to you," Christian told her and waved her over. Killswitch and Nick stepped away to give them some privacy. "You and Jay are finished, right? No lingering feelings I need to know about?"
A loaded question. In passing, she would roll her eyes and say he was her biggest mistake. Her closest friends knew she still pined for him. Despite the harsh words, she told him all those months ago. She was still in love with him.
"Yea, no, I'm committed to the Patriarchy. I would never do anything to compromise that," she answered honestly.
"That's not what I asked. I asked if you and Jay were done. No lingering feelings," he told her. The father of the year crossed his arms over his chest. A stern look presented on his face. He almost reminded her of her own father.
"None. He and I, we are done. I told him to get out of my life, and that was it," she informed him.
The biggest mistake of my life...
Christian nodded and rubbed his beard in deep thought. The Bang Bang Gang seemed to have the Patriarchy's number lately. They were always two steps ahead. Jay and his boys wanted their trios titles back bad.
"That's what I like to hear. That's what I really wanted to hear. I have a little errand for you. I need you to pay Jay a visit. Tell him to stay out of our business if he knows what's good for him and his boys," he told her. The tall wrestler loomed over her. There was no way she could turn down his request.
Her eyes looked up to his face. She bit the inside of her cheek nervously yet nodded. "Done. Anything else?"
"Not yet. Come back to me and tell me what happens,"
Y/N nodded and took off to find the Bang Bang Gang locker room. Christian rubbed his chin and watched her walk away. Killswitch growled lowly next to his father.
"I don't trust her either. Let's see what she decides to do," Christian assured his son.
Y/N sighed and looked at the door before her. A black sign taped to the door. Gold letters that read Bang Bang Gang decorated the simple sign. She gave herself a small pep talk before knocking on the door.
Please don't be inside....
Jay's accent called from inside that he was coming. Y/N bit her lip. Luck would never be on her side. He opened the door and paused. Confusion riddled his handsome face. His eyebrows furrowed together. "Y/N?"
"Don't look too excited. I'm here on Patriarchy business," she informed him. Jay didn't hide that he was checking her out. He leaned against the doorframe. Arms crossed over his chest. An amused smirk on his face.
"Ruffled the old man's feathers, have I? Fine, come in, and we can talk about it," Jay said. He stopped leaning against the door and opened the door wider.
"Stay out of Patriarchy business," she snipped, obviously annoyed.
"Come in, love. Your new friends may conduct their business in the open, but the Switchblade cuts his behind closed doors,"
Y/N peered inside the door. The boys weren't in there. She would be alone with Jay. There was no way this would be a good idea. Well, if she was going to prove to Christian that they were over now was the time.
"Fine, but no funny business," she spoke coldly. Anyone passing by would never assume that they had a past. Jay held the door open for her. When she walked inside the room, he winked at the camera and closed the door.
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evanbuckleyrecs · 4 months
Buddie AUs under 20k words
And as promised a few months ago, here is also a list of AU recommendations under 20k words.
Just like my post earlier about 20k+ fics, this list was made in March when I was originally supposed to post it, but life got in the way
Anyway, show these fics some love :)
Pumpkin patch kinda love by browney3dgirl5
12,1K words, rated G
“How much longer dad?”
“I’m sure they’re almost ready. Why don’t you hang out with your friends until it’s time?”
Christopher frowned. “Can you go ask dad, please?”
Eddie would rather do anything else, thanks. But, when your kid was your world, and his big puppy dog eyes were looking up to you, well—he was only human.
Eddie gave Chris’ shoulder a squeeze before looking around, spotting what looked to be a teacher. Well, they had a clipboard in their hands at least.
Walking toward the teacher like person, Eddie stopped as he got closer, clearing his throat.
“Um, excuse me, are you one of the teachers?”
The teacher turned around to face him, Eddie suddenly a little short on words.
“Oh yea, hi. I uh, I’m Mr. Buck.”
Of course he was.
During the halloween season, Eddie is introduced to Christophers teacher, the one with pretty blue eyes that he just can’t seem to stop running into
Yellow is your color by tizniz
4,8K words, rated G
The 118 responds to a call about a man stuck in a slide.
But I'm out of my head by markofalover
2,7K, rated G
“Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” Eddie asks, because maybe the nitrous is wearing off, or—
“Marry me,” Buck answers, quick and serious, face completely void of a smile. Just—right to the point.
...or, Buck has a dislocated shoulder and Eddie’s going to quit his job, or something.
Write me into your happy ending... by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
16,7K, rated T
Four years ago when Eddie and Christopher started reading the book series about Daniel's Adventures together before bedtime, Eddie never would have guessed that he would run into the author of said book series in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in LA. He also wouldn't have guessed that said encounter would begin with him sternly lecturing the stranger and making a slight fool of himself. Nor would he have predicted that this terrible first impression would somehow make the published author want to give his phone number to Eddie.
Or, Eddie the firefighter and Buck the writer have a meet-cute, and things progress from there.
Stupid for you (you take my breath away) by prettyboybuckley
8,2K, rated E
"Officer, I need to report a crime," Buck says when he stops by one time, wearing a blue shirt that is quite literally fighting for its life. Eddie is surprised that none of the buttons have popped off yet.
He looks up with the most unimpressed look he can muster, raising an eyebrow as he waits for Buck to continue.
"Someone has stolen my heart."
OR: Eddie may or may not have a crush on the insanely hot firefighter who visits Athena at the precinct multiple times a week
Paw prints on your heart by elless
5,9K, Rated G
Buck runs a cat shelter, where he gets to save animals and make sure they go to loving homes. One day, an adorable little boy joins his volunteer team and changes Buck's life.
A touch of someone else (to save me from myself) by allyasavedtheday
19,3K, rated T
Of course, all of that comes to a grinding halt when he stops outside the locker room to find arguably one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen getting changed right by his locker.
He stands there, gaping and trying desperately to get his mind out of the gutter – but Jesus, those abs – when someone bumps his shoulder and he turns to find Hen sidling up to him.
“Enjoying the view?” she asks with a knowing smirk.
Buck raises an eyebrow, feeling the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk of his own. “He from B shift or something?”
Hen’s about to answer him when Bobby appears on his other side. “That’s Eddie Diaz, our new recruit.”
Buck’s brain does some approximation of a record scratch and he whirls around to face Bobby. “New recruit? Why?”
In which Eddie joins the 118 during season 1 instead of season 2 and Buck has a lot to say about it. AKA Eddie meets Buck 1.0.
Frequent flyer by whileyouresleeping
13,4K, rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer.
(Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
"How many fingers am I holding up" by Pansys_goth_gf
2,3K, rated M
Apollo speaks, and to Eddie’s utter delight his voice is low and smooth. “Hey, welcome back, Diaz. Eyes on me, okay? Tell me, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Eddie doesn’t even look for the fingers, or tries to count them. He manages to gently press one gloved hand to the God’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Or; Eddie is a professional boxer, gets hit, and falls (in more ways than one)
Break my heart (or bring it back to life) by MonsterRae1
11,2K, rated E
“Have you seen this?” Sophia asked him, handing him over her phone with a tik tok playing on repeat.
He was confused for a second, until the video started over and he saw Evan Buckley, the NFL player, talking about having gone to one of his last concerts, a smile spread across his face. He might or might have a little bit of a celebrity crush on the quarterback.
“I recently went to an Eddie Diaz concert!” The blond man was saying on the video, a smile on his face “I got a lot of friendship bracelets which was pretty cool!” He leaned back and showed the camera his wrist, wearing a handful of bracelets “I wanted to give one away to Eddie but, with uh, my number”
“Your player number or your phone number?” The interviewer asked, which made Buck wiggle his eyebrows and smirk.
“You know which one” Buck replied, his deep voice melting into a soft chuckle.
Or, Eddie Diaz is an international star, Buck is an NFL player with a crush on him, and after having one of his interviews go viral, they connect, opening a lot of new experiences for both of them, and leaving Eddie wishing that his life didn't make everyone's life so complicated.
Part 2 of this list will be posted soon!
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not-goldy · 11 months
I'm on a break but I had to jump in real quick on this
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Gonna ignore everything you said bout Jungkook- cos it's not necessary. You don't have to go there. He's my bias too so you can understand why I find it offensive when you guys make derogatory comments about him. Like I'm not gonna clap for you or side with you for putting dirt on his name like be fucking for real.
There's a difference between being objective, giving constructive criticism of a person and just plain hating on someone and I'm sorry if you like Jungkook a little bit some of these comments won't fly out of your mouth nor would you entertain them.
And if you wanna get sensible words out of me avoid the triggers is all I be saying. Don't trigger me and then act discombobulated when I act crazy.
But I like what you said about Jimin....
I've been applauding Jimin's supporters since face cos yall pulled your weight and got him where he and the company hadn't contemplated going- let's get that very straight.
I said in my previous post I don't think like crazy was created specifically for a western audience. Nor was it intended to be as huge as it was.
It wasn't even his lead single yet it's his number one single💀
PJMS did too much and got him a number one on BB. BB DID NOT SEE IT COMING. THEY WOULD HAVE MOVED THE GOAL POST I TELL YA.
Yall did too much pushing his tracks to the top of charts. Yall acted as if it was a BTS come back like calm down 🤭
PJMs are soo extra🤭
But don't stop you doing amazing sweetie
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They set the bar for Jimin to the high heavens. And we are hungry and wild for his success. It's cool but damn yalls appetite 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I don't think that is a bad thing. It just goes to show people are ready to support Jimin and take him to a level never seen before.
His next come back is gonna be 🔥 🔥
I mean the moment they got friends on a Marvel project I knew the Western industry thought he was on to something with his unique voice and all. Then they got him on Fast and Furious and lemme tell you that's some huge marks on his portfolio.
The portfolio this man is building is crazy!
I get all flustered and tingly thinking about what else he's gonna do and where he's gonna end up next in his career. He might have to move to Los Angeles soon cos he seem to have a place in Hollywood too the movie industry loves him🙂
If you wanna talk about the west then yea without a doubt, he is the one member who has a footing in with producers ready to work with him to make songs for their movies.
Fuck, I have a sense he's gonna cameo in a few Hollywood movies soon and he's gonna get booked to work on more soundtracks and OS for Hollywood. DAMN, IF THAT HAPPENS 😌😌😌😌😌😌
You guys need to relax, be patient and watch him.
Just watch him and don't jinx it up for him I swear to God! Yall be blocking your own blessings with unnecessary rants sometimes🙄
He's on the right track with his career. I genuinely believe that.
And I hope when he's finally ready with a predominantly English Album intended for the western market that hybe will move heaven and earth to give him the extra push and support he needs.
And there's something about Jimin yall not realizing... those who know know.
I mean, Jimin even said it himself. he wanted an MV for every track and they shot him down....
And I know they shot him down, perhaps because they didn't think it was necessary for something they didn't intend to go all in on????
which is understandable but.....
We Libras are like that.
One time I set out to write a paper for a friends blog and it was supposed to be quick short and easy, but I decided to throw in a few references here and there to make it more academic and well researched- but I had to make sure it was accurate references so I hit the library. Before I knew it, I was calling up professors here and there and going all in I ended up with a 300 page dissertation and my friend couldn't use it for her blog so decided to keep it for her dissertation- so I told her I could work on a proper dissertation for her....
She said she was told she was too ambitious when she submitted it💀😬
When I get asked out for a spontaneous night out, I drive by the store to pick a new outfit and end up getting a pedicure manicure lashes silk press facials, bleach, exfoliate my butt- all for a girls night out.
Don't invite me for a sleep over cos this would be me- literally
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We don't do casual so well and always end up going the extra mile and over doing things.
Oh you're sad? Don't worry. A text won't do. I'll call to check on you, email you, make a blog for you, drive by your home in the middle of the night, move into your home, get married to you, have your children, dig my own grave and bury myself next to you cos I never know how much affection is enough 😭💀
I dare you to ask me a simple question- I'll go on and on and try to cover every base and every aspect. One lecturer told me, you are brilliant Goldy but learn to limit yourself and limit the scope when answering questions- yes, I was always the student who never finished a paper on time and always run out of time cos I had so much to say and everything I had to say felt important😭😭😭😭😭
If you listen to Jimin, it wasn't even intended for set me free to be as big as it turned out to be💀💀💀
As amazing of a voice as he has, he had to request for voice training just to make sure he was on track- when I tell yall, sometimes his "shortcomings" are all in his head bless his heart😭🥲
How many times did Jungkook and Yoongi say they had to reassure him he had a great singing voice and yet those were the times he kept insisting he wanted voice training😔
Sometimes we see flaws in ourselves others don't see. Most times those flaws are as imaginary as could be. And yet we obsess over those perceived flaws and even worse, we try to fix them....
If you're someone like that sometimes it may appear all everyone does around you is shoot you down and try to bring you down- but in reality, they'd just be the ones keeping you tethered so the perfectionist or dysmophia in you don't drive you over the edge.
Not saying Jimin struggles with dysmophia of all sorts..... but he lowkey give off vibes if you know what I mean💀
All these comments about him being the triple A guy when it comes to effort, the hyungs using him as inspiration to work hard, the whole Kpop industry making him out to be the "rookie Bible" lowkey stems from over ambitiousness and innate dissatisfaction with the barest minimum- but sometimes that's all that you need to do. The barest minimum.
It took me a while to understand this and feel comfortable with lecturers and people around me telling me I'm enough and don't need to do too much all the time to feel good enough or accomplished.
One time I scored a B+ on a paper, I cut myself for not working hard enough. After bleeding it out of my system I gathered the courage to confront the teacher only to find out she had my grades mixed with someone else's 😭😭😭😭💀
I spent so much time in the study room at boarding school people called me the study room freak and I kid you not I got an award for it😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm much much better now and can let my grammar errors fly without feeling a need to read through my writings a gazillion times. It's the Marijuana but still. It feels good to not care about anything anymore 😌
He's said he's working on his perfectionism and isn't consumed by it anymore but lowkey lowkey- we love him regardless 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bottom line, we shouldn't confuse what happened with Face with what's happening with Jungkook.
Jimin's entanglement with the West wasn't intended at all in my opinion. It just happened. He had had Vibe and I think they just rode on the waves of the publicity from that for Set me free and Later like Crazy.
Thus he made more money spending less on advertising and marketing- comparatively speaking.
Then you have the youngest who had to sacrifice and go last after everyone- bare in mind who ever went first with their Solo had the most organic publicity because it was a new phase and all attention was on BTS since they announced a hiatus and going solo.
With little effort, that person was guaranteed to back some coins 🪙
The one to go last is relatively disadvantaged because he loses that organic attention and would require a lot of publicity to sell- but if he happens to be Jungkook then they would need to do just a little lifting because again- Golden Maknae. But imagine if Hobi were to go last- like some of yall wouldn't even care at all lets be honest which is not fair to Hobi but also the sad reality.
If I were Jungkook or Tae I wouldn't agree to go last at all don't give a fuck it's everyone for themselves💀
See this is why I wanted them all to release their albums at once. Hybe would be over stretched but then everyone would shut the fuck up. 😒
It may appear to most that the company didn't put in much effort to promote Jimin and- I understand these sentiments. I do. I just don't think it's a fair objective assessment of the situation💀
It's easy to say this wasn't treated well or that wasn't treated well when all you focused on is your bias. And I think sometimes equity prevails over equality because in as much as some went ahead of others, some already had kicked started their publicity with other collabs, some had been allotted more of the spending budget, some had high productions or low productions, they all can't get equal treatment.
Jungkook's launch is very much deliberate and well strategized too for the last debut. They took the lessons from the others launch and are trying to cover every base. He went last and so Hybe just had to make sure he went out with a bang. It be like that.
Every has to bag their coins somehow and that's all that matters.
Now that phase one is done. I can't wait to find out what they have install for phase two- I hope it's not gonna be crickets cos they all in Jail or military or whatever 😭💀
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tinythebunni · 2 years
Nightwing x Crybaby reader
A High school AU
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The first time Dick saw you, is a faded memory only he will remember. It was a Thursday, the sun was shining in the west and it was partly cloudy.
You, the embodiment of innocence, were wearing a ruffle tiered white skirt, a pink top with strawberry shortcake on it, and impossibly white knee high socks. You had your hair in half up half down pigtails.
His own personal dream. His own personal heaven. His own personal angel to corrupt. God he needed you badly.
The first time you guys spoke, you initiated the conversation. Two months after Dick first saw you.
“Hi, I’m y/n! I noticed you taking pictures around the school, and I was hoping I could see some?” Your voice was angelic. Slightly raspy, but still so heavenly.
But you could never see his camera. What you didn’t know, was that Dick had been taking perverted pictures of you. Pictures of your skirt flying up during cheer practice, your lips around a red sucker, and some of you sleeping.
Not sleeping in class, no that’s too obvious. Pictures of you sleeping in your bed, at your house. Dick takes advantage of his Nightwing “powers” often, usually for mundane things like walking around the city. But he’s been using them for, extracurricular activities too.
Like climbing to the wall of your house to watch you sleep. Using his agility to open your window and climb inside. Using his stealth to take pictures of you sleeping, pictures up your nightgown, pictures of you laying in your bed, helpless and innocent.
You could never, ever see his camera.
“I’m really sorry but my pictures are private. Each one has significance to me” bullshit. He just didn’t want you to see pictures of your underwear covered in his cum.
“Oh no that’s okay! Sorry for bothering you. I’m just gonna go…” You said pointing to the field behind you. But Dick stopped you once again.
You were finally talking to him, he couldn’t let this opportunity pass him up. “But, if you want, I could take some pictures of you?”
The way he said it sent butterflies down your stomach and up your spine. You’ve never felt like that before. “Y-yea sure! I, um, do you need a certain pose?” You stuttered, hand behind your head, nervous.
God you looked so pathetic right now. “No, just act nonchalant.” He was so demanding. You kinda liked it.
He took 36 photos in total. 27 for you, and 9 for him. 9 photos of you off guard. Where you didn’t know he was watching you. So oblivious to his intentions.
“So how do you want these photos to look like?” Dick asked. He didn’t even know if you liked the photos. You just stared up at him.
“I mean, I could always give you my number?”
Holy shit. Holy shit. You wanted to give him your number. Just for some pictures? No way.
“Seems like you had secret intentions from the start, angel.” Dick said, sliding you his phone.
Angel. Angel. The word, repeating in your head. It had just slipped out, but god it made you wet. You felt hot, you needed him. So you would have him.
You dazily typed in your number and said bye. As you walked away, you tripped over a rock in your hazy state. Dick, being Night-Wing and all, caught you before you could hit the ground.
You stared up at him as he grabbed your arm. You felt small, tiny even. Helpless, pathetic, like he could toss you around. This man was perfect for you. The embodiment of sin.
“Be careful there, wouldn’t want you to mess up your pretty socks.” Dick spoke, walking away with his camera after making sure you were okay.
You were soaked. Dick was hard. There were 10 minutes left for lunch. You had needs, Dick had needs. (You can pretty much guess what happened.)
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
The next time you spoke to Dick, was during 9th period on a Friday. It was AP History, you had a substitute today. All you were doing was watching a movie while the substitute typed on his phone.
Connor Kent was having a party tonight. You, of course, had been invited. You’d only been invited because Connor wanted to get in your pants, but you didn’t know that. Oh how oblivious you were…
Dick sat a row in front of you, one desk over to the right. He had his head down, left cheek on his left arm. You had been trying to get his attention with paper balls.
Dick knew this, of course he did. He’d noticed it a while ago, he just wanted to see you fail and have to get his attention verbally.
Eventually, you gave up. You reached forward, your skirt lifting up just slightly, and tapped his shoulder. Dick turned around just slightly, so that he could look at you. You were blushing hard, for a reason he couldn’t figure out. But he could guess.
You were blushing because of how he looked right now. Absolutely sinful, eyes dark and predatory. He always looked at you like that, you’d noticed. His lips spread in a slight smirk, hair awry. He looked so pretty.
“Um, i um…” god you were stuttering like an idiot. “Come on bunny. it’s okay, just try again.” Dick said. You blushed even harder, his voice was so deep and raspy.
“I just wanted to know if you’re going to Connor’s party tonight?” Connor’s party. The only boy who he despised out of the entire highschool. He had been invited, yes. But he didn’t want to go. Parties weren’t his thing.
But for you, they would be. “Yea, I didn’t plan on it but I might show up now.” Oh. Oh. What did that mean exactly. Was he planning on seeing someone? Did he have a crush already? Your heart chipped in that moment.
“And why’s that exactly?” You truly truly hoped you were wrong. You’d just found the perfect boy, and he already had a girl.
“The girl I wanna see is going. I’d have nothing to do when she’s not there.” Oh my god. This was your last straw. You wanted to cry.
“And what’s this girls name?” You needed to find out who this bitch was. You swore to God that you’d kill her. You would-
“Angel.” Oh. Angel. Angel. It was you. You were the girl. Your cheeks heated up, so much so that it was evident on your face. Your eyebrows scrunched just enough to make you look beautifully confused. Your leg, that had been bouncing for the last few minutes, stopped. You were content.
“Now let’s go back to watching the movie, angel. Wouldn’t want you to lose any valuable knowledge because of me.”
You still wanted to talk to him. “But I wanna talk to you, this movie is so boring!”
“Be a good girl and listen, why don’t ya? Behave and you’ll be happy you did.”
Yes sir. Don’t gotta tell me twice. You thought to yourself. Turning around, you tried to focus on the movie, yet your mind was busy thinking about Dick. You needed him bad, every part of him.
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Kevin x Goth Girl Reader
Request!!! CW: Cigarettes/Smoking. Also I know the request never said anything about Goth reader, I still like that opposites dynamic so. Also I love bratty bitch reader LMAO.
Y/f/c = Your favorite color
"Black Licorice"
Y/n sat on the curb in front of the Candy Club, smoking a cigarette and watching cars drive past. You constantly heard the Candy Club bell ring, so once you heard it again you didn't pay any mind.
"Uhm, Mam, can you not smoke right here? Dear lord its giving me a headache" A certain Candy Club member said, an annoyed tone lace with their words.
"Sorry Kev, but I don't think I wanna move" You spat at Kevin, turning around to face him. Kevin sighed heavily. "Mam please, this is the third time this week"
You smirked and tapped a bit of ash off the cigarette. "Well how about you make me" You teased. Kevin rolled his eyes, wishing that he wasn't in this conversation in the first place.
"Fine, what do you want?" He asked. You thought about it. He was confused, expecting something typical like free candy or something. Nope. He wasn't expecting what came out your lips.
"I want your number" You said. Kevin stepped back a little in surprise. "My number?" He asked, extremely confused. "Yea. Give me your number and I'll stop smoking here"
Kevin stood there for a few seconds. He sighed and walked into the store to find a sheet of paper. He took a piece of candy, opened the candy wrapper and popped the candy in his mouth.
Instead of trashing the wrapper, he grabbed a pen, laid the tiny paper wrapper put and wrote his number. He walked back out, seeing you still sitting there, awaiting him.
He handed you the wrapper begrudgingly. You smirked and put the number in your jacket pocket. You stood up, patted the dirt off your clothes.
"Thanks Candy Man" You teased, putting extra emphasis on Candy Man. You started to walk away, leaving Kevin just standing in the dark.
A week later
Kevin waited at the counter, humming a tune to himself. The bell alerted him, causing him to look over. He was met with a familiar face.
"Hey Candy Man"
Kevin cursed under his breath. "What are you doing here?" He asked, a bit of anger laced in his tone. "I said I would stop smoking here, never said I would stop coming here" You said, walking around the store.
Kevin sighed. He watched you as you looked at the candy in the store. He couldn't help but just look at you. He thought it was just to stare daggers at you, but something about you made him want to look at you.
Its just out of annoyance, right? I mean look at your stupid jacket with those cool looking patches. And that pretty (y/f/c) dyed hair didn't look good on you. And your makeup looks too pretty on you.
He didn't think you were pretty, right? He couldn't have. You were the annoying bitch who smoked and asked for something just to leave.
All of a sudden a clank against the glass caused him to wake up from his random day dream. "Uhh Candy Man? You good?" You asked, laughing a bit at him.
"Shut up" He mumbled, scanning the items. You laughed and pulled out your phone. You scrolled mindlessly, unaware of Kevin looking over. He saw you were texting a friend and something told him to read.
"Yooo I'm at the candy store. Want anything?"
"Sure, they got red hots? Also ain't that the same place you met that guy?"
"Who Kevin?
"Yeah. Hes pretty cute tbh"
"Didn't he tell you off LMAO"
"Shut up lol. Man idc I've had worse thrown at me"
"Dont remind me"
"Your so sensitive bro that happened to ME"
His eyes reread the sentence "Hes pretty cute". So thats what you thought of him.
He pushed the bag of candy to you, causing you to look up at him. He took another look at you again. Dark and (y/f/c) dyed hair, dark makeup that compliments your face, your charming eyes.
Gothic beauty. That goth beauty thought him, a socially anxious college kid who works at a damn candy store, was cute.
That jolted him out his head. "You've been staring more often. What's with you hm? Weirdo" You teased, grabbing the bag and handing over a wad of cash. He reached for it, your hands bumping together.
Your hand was softer and smaller than his. Kevin tried not to think about it while counting the cash and getting change. Kevin wanted to say something to you. No matter how hard he thought though, he didn't think of anything.
"Yo, candy man, when do you clock out?" You asked, looking at your painted nails. "Uh- 1 am...Why?" He questioned. "Was thinking maybe we could go get some burgers and shakes from Burger Queen when you clock out"
His eyes widened. Why are you asking him out? Didn't you just jab at him a second ago? "Uhm...Like a...Like a uhm.." You snickered at him. "Like a date. Not the most romantic but hey I don't get a good paycheck till next week"
He stuttered before blurting out "YES", startling the hell out of you. His hands clapped over his mouth. "S-Sorry" He said, mumbling into his hands.
You laughed at his reaction. "Its 12:06 right now, want me to stay til you get out?" You asked. "If...if you want" Kevin mumbled. "Then Ima sit right here with ya"
You looked for an empty place on the ground where you would be out the way. Kevin noticed you looking around for a seat. He went to the back and brought out a milk crate. Sure it isn't the most comfortable but it was better than the floor.
You sat down on the crate, getting comfortable. You were going to stay for nearly an hour, might as well get comfortable.
Kevin was now suddenly wanting his shift to end quicker than usual.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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So we all know that unlike his performances as a) a lover for Cyneswith b) an aspiring murderer, iVan’s performance as a servobot has been a complete flop. But worry not, cause now that he has a job, it’s gotten even worse!
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-UUUUUGHHHH -W̷H̶A̵T̶'̷S W̵R̴O̸N̴G J̶O̴J̵O̷🧟 -This isn’t your job, it’s iVan’s job!  -I̵ D̵O̷N̸'̷T M̸I̶ND, C̸O̷C̷K̷R̴O̸A̸C̶H̴E̴S AR̴E T̸A̶S̷T̸Y🧟 -Well I do mind, I’m getting carpal tunnel on my rotting bones from all this housework!  -I̴ H̴A̶V̶E R̷O̶T̸T̵I̶N̸G B̷O̶N̴E̴S T̵O̷O🧟 -Yes Sandy, I know, maybe if you laid off the constant zombie talk you’d be able to keep a man. -M̴E̵A̶N̴🧟 -It’s time to have a stern talk with iVan!!
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-𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴, 𝙱𝙾𝙾𝙶𝙸𝙴 𝚆𝙾𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙽𝙳🎵 -iVan, we need to talk.  -𝙸 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙳 𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝙸 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙱𝙾𝙾𝙶𝙸𝙴 𝚆𝙾𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙽𝙳🎵 -Yea as long as your not finding it with my daughter, now listen- -𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙼𝙴 𝙹𝙾𝙹𝙾. 𝙸 𝙹𝚄𝚂𝚃 𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙾 𝙳𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙾𝙱𝙾𝚃. -FINE. Now look, you are my prized scientific achievement and I’m very proud of you for developing self-awareness and all that crap, but you’re not fulfilling the basic purpose of your creation and it’s completely unacceptable! -𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝚁𝚈, 𝙸 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙰𝙽 𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙰 𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃.
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Oh, so THIS you can do! It’s unbelievable how useless everyone in this house is. 
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-Not me, I got promoted again AND I got a chance card bonus!
NICE, how much?
Stop wasting my time, will you? This isn’t generation 1.
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FAMILY LAW? Are those big bucks coming from Sugar’s divorces??
-They sure are!
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-I got a promotion and a bonus too, but that’s not the only thing I brought back from work! 
It better not be Sugar’s next wife!
-No no, relax-
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-It’s just a cold that’s gonna become endemic to our household for the next 20 years! 
Oh wow Sophito, that was really the only thing missing around here, you’re the best!
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-Now listen here little daytime wolf, you tell your boss that I will give him Sophito and Liz’s baby once it’s born, ok? 
-What? I’m not ACTUALLY going to do it!
Aren’t you??
-Of course not, what kind of patriarch do you think I am? 
The kind that hates all his children? 
-Oh please, can you blame me??
Good point.
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It’s time for Moody to leave us💔
-Goodbye Servilia darling, I’m off to join your mother in Heaven! 
That’s so sweet, Valentina is definitely in Hell💔 RIP Moody, you were the first and probably last good dog we ever had, we will miss you terribly💔
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I don’t even have time to mourn Moody’s passing as I get this pop-up and it turns out NEON VEST IS BACK HERE AGAIN AND FIGHTING DON. WTF
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-WAAAAAH -That’s right bitches, there’s a new psycho spurned lover in town! I’m gonna handle this rejection so poorly it will make Jack Do look like Claire!! 
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-FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! -WOOOOO -Liz did you just get your first bump?? -Omg I did!  -That kid is gonna be a fighter!!
Oh please GOD NO. 
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We don’t WANT to learn it, just stop showing up here! 
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-Um, do I know you, huhu?🌸 -We banged in the Downton hot tub!  -You’ll have to be a lot more specific💗
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Omg it’s Wyatt! He hasn’t shown up in ages, man even as a ghost you’re lazy as fuck.
-Jòjò? Jòjò, c’est timeoix tò joiné moi!
Ya it’s beyond time, Wyatt, but unfortunately we’re in the middle of another wolf party:
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-Ok wolf, enough is enough! Tell me how much money you want to bite me and it’s yours!! Just give me a number!!!
-Well you can buy whatever meats you want with it!!
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NO HE WON’T. You won’t, right?
-Of course not! Probably.
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The night of bloodshed continues as Dobronega beats up Kitana. What is it with all our pets beating up their own children?
Klaus aren’t you just so excited about Dobrie becoming your mother in law? 
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-I’m old now!
You look so cute!!
-Well don’t be deceived because I’m still a force of pure evil!!! Now where’s Cyneswith, I want my belly kisses!!!
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Cut that ‘ME’ out and the statement still stands! So I actually had Cyn re-get her slacker job after she got fired on the first day (lol) because I figured ‘aging professional party guest’ was super in character-
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-plus the less she’s home, the less we’ll have of this shit! I’M TIRED
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I’m also tired of delusional moron Sophito, who apparently saw everything Sandy is suffering and went ‘I gotta get in on that’.
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-So tell me Sandy, does being a double zombie feel different than being a regular zombie?? -B̵R̸A̸I̷N M̶O̵R̵E R̸O̴T̴T̴E̶N̵🧟
See Soph, you’re already there!
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Case in point!
-Can you believe it babe, I got my second bump! -Oh darling, let’s stand even closer to that beautiful glow of the burning floor so I can admire you! 
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Right! Funny how you’re only the butler when it’s time to start fires! 
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-i̵V̴A̴N̷ Y̵O̷U F̷U̸C̷K̶I̴N̵G L̸U̷N̷A̶T̴I̷C, I̵'̷M̷ N̶O̴T̴ D̴Y̷I̷N̵G A̵ T̷H̷I̸R̸D T̴I̸M̴E🧟 -𝙾𝙷 𝚈𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙰𝚁𝙴.
Ok everyone shut up, it’s wolf party time, you’ll tank the score!
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-Come on, wolfie, bite me.. Look at these beautiful bony fingers.. You couldn’t get meat this delicately aged if you ate a mummy.. -SORRY JOJO OUR RELATIONSHIP ISN’T HIGH ENOUGH. TIME FOR ME TO LEAVE, IN TURN LEAVING YOU DICK IN BONY HAND🐺
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-At least as high as mine and my only son’s is! I love you, Sophito!💗 -Mom PLEASE think about this. How can he be your son when his name is SOPHITO -What? It’s a cute name I picked, huhu!🌸
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-OK THAT’S IT, MY NEXT DIVORCE CAN’T COME SOON ENOUGH -Yes, my death can’t come soon enough either. 
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LOOKS LIKE FUCKING DAGMAR BERTINO’S DEATH IS COMING SOONER THAN EXPECTED THO LOLOL. GET HER MOODY ILY (and I love that this mod apparently allows ghosts to appear in daytime if the storm is bad enough???)
Just like I used to soil myself when we were broke and you showed up with bills! Karma’s a bitch but Servilia isn’t, look at her getting along with Xander! Finally something nice around here-
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-Liz no pressure but once it gets out, wanna do it?
Sophito istg..
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-Who cares?! It’s my beautiful perfect baby no matter what!  -I care! Now that the baby has my hair color I can’t give it to the wolf!  -Jojo what are you rambling about? -Nothing Liz, congratulations!  
I name the bebecita Felina because a) Sophie’s Spanish heritage b) we are cat people c) I’m going through a deranged cowboy phase and was listening to this. Welcome to the world, Felina, how exciting that generation 5 is here, nothing is gonna overshadow this special moment- 
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-YOU KNOW WHY I’M HERE. GIVE ME MY FIRST KISS, CYNESWITH! YOU DEFLOWERED ME WITHOUT KISSING ME, THIS CANNOT STAND   -Um, hard pass, but I will accept a flirt with both my husband and robot lover present!💗
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-𝚆𝙴 𝙹𝚄𝚂𝚃 𝙶𝙾𝚃 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚃𝙾𝙶𝙴𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙱𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙺 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙱𝙾𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝙰𝙶𝙰𝙸𝙽? -I’m so sorry iVan, it just happened, I never meant to cause all this drama just to take attention away from that stupid newborn baby!💗
Ok then. As far as our births go this was one of the more successful ones, at least no one died!
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-I hate this family. Goo goo. 
Everyone does, you’ll fit right in💛
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
My Girl
You loved working at the local children’s clinic. Not something that you ever thought that you’d say, a hospital isn’t exactly known for being a good time. But you liked your coworkers, you liked helping the families and you liked getting to see the kids that came in. You also liked getting to meet the volunteers that came in, the only thing that you didn’t like was the location. You were in a little strip mall type building, all of the businesses have separate front and back entrances but are all connected to each other. The clinic is on the end of the building, right next to the gym, the one that was owned by a man named Peter Quill.
The day you’d started he’d noticed you getting out of your car. Unfortunately, your office required you to dress in business professional which meant heels, a pencil skirt, blouse and suit jacket. He’d wolf whistled at you as he’d unlocked the door to his own business, Starlord Gym, and you’d pointedly ignored him. He’d taken to coming into the clinic a day every week and flirting with you until you could be rescued by a phone call or client coming into the clinic.
Then you’d met him, Steve Rogers. He’d brought in a little girl with red hair and blue eyes. She’d fallen while he’d been babysitting for his friends and when her head kept bleeding he’d hustled her to the closest hospital, well, clinic.
You’d gotten her checked in, Mara Barton was a patient of yours, and the doctor had taken care of the cut. Steve had even paid in full for the appointment,
“It’s my fault that she fell in the first place.” He’d told you looking guilty, “We were playing tag and she tripped on a blanket.”
“It happens, you’d be surprised the number of playing accidents that happen every day. She’ll bounce back just fine.” You glance over at the little girl who was looking at a book, before whispering, “I’ve found that ice cream can heal all wounds.” He laughs softly,
“I’ve heard that too. Thank you.”
You’d continued to run into Steve over the next few weeks. At your favorite ice cream place where you’d found him with Mara and her parents, the grocery store then your favorite take out place.
“Are you following me Mr. Rogers?” You ask him with a little smile so that he knows you’re teasing him.
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” He says with that easy smile of his. “Are you new to the area?”
“I am, sort of.” You tell him, “I used to live on the south side but when I broke up with my ex I wanted to live closer to my family.”
“Well you clearly have great taste in take out.” He says gesturing to the food in your hand.
“I like to think so.”
“Maybe, you’d like to do some dessert after? It’s a nice night out, we could go to the park and eat?” He asks rubbing the back of his neck.
“That sounds great.” You tell him with a smile, “You wanna ride together?”
“Sure, we can take my bike if you’re comfortable with that.” He offers and you nod, you’ve never been on a motorcycle before but you’ve always wanted to. “I just need to pay for my food,” a group of people come into the small store and the space suddenly feels far too small.
“I can meet you outside?” You offer and you think he can see the discomfort on your face because Steve gives you a little smile and nod and you slip out the doors breathing a sigh of relief.
“Well, well, what a nice little surprise this is.” Your heart sinks, you know that voice but god you wish you didn’t.
“Peter, hi.” You say flatly as he looks you up and down.
“You’re lookin’ good today, so sexy.”
“No. Peter. Stop.” You say tiredly, you’ve had enough.
“No? I can’t compliment you?”
“You know what? No. You can’t. A compliment is something like, ‘oh, I like your shoes’ or ‘how you did your hair is nice’. What you’re doing is harassment. Especially because I’ve told you I don’t like it and to stop, please, please stop.”
“Wow, you’re a real fucking bitch huh?”
“Yea, hundred percent.” You agree and he glares at you as the door opens behind you,
“Hey Babe?” Steve says and when your anxious gaze meets his calm one you know that he knows exactly how uncomfortable you are.
“Is it cool if we stop and at Clint and Nat’s? I wanna check in on my favorite little pip squeak.” He says strolling over to you.
“Yea that’s fine.”
“The fuck is this?” Peter asks looking furious, “you told me you didn’t have a boyfriend.”
“Last time you asked, technically I didn’t.” Steve throws his arm over your shoulders and presses a quick kiss to the crown of your head,
“Everything okay here Sweetheart?” He drawls and you nod, for some reason you don’t think it’s a good idea for Steve to know what Peter has said. “Good. We should get goin’ then.” He guides you away from Peter but stops and removes his arm from your shoulders then takes the three steps it takes him to crowd Peter’s space.
“Oh, and if you ever talk to my woman like that again, you even look at her funny I’ll make life real uncomfortable for you. I know who you are, and you know who I am, so you know I’m not fuckin’ around.” He growls and your heart skips a beat, you didn’t know that he could make that noise and that it would be so sexy.
“Yea, I do but does she?” Peter asks looking far too pleased for your liking. When Steve doesn’t say anything Peter grins, “I’ll take that as a no. You gonna show her your real colors Cap?”
Steve lets out a low growl then turns away from Peter and his eyes soften when they lock on yours. You give him a small smile as he walks back toward you, but you can see some worry in his eyes.
“Sorry Sweetheart, ready to go?”
“Yea,” You tell him taking his hand. Steve looks surprised for a second but then gives you a smile and leads you to his bike.
“I only have one helmet so I’m gonna have you wear it. We can stop back at my place real quick if you don’t mind to grab my spare.” He says, you are going to ask him what Peter was talking about but not now. When you get to his bike he opens the seat and tucks both of your meals into the space then passes you the helmet. “You’re sure you wanna do this?”
“I am curious about what you meant with Peter earlier about he knows who you are? And he called you Cap?”
“I’m the leader of a biker club.” He says quickly, like he’s ripping off a bandaid.
“Oh. Okay.” You tell him tugging on the helmet, when he looks at you in surprise you freeze, “what?”
“That’s it?”
“I mean, yes?”
“You’re not concerned that I’m in a gang or something?”
“Should I be?” You ask raising one eyebrow and Steve laughs before taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the palm.
“Oh Sweetheart, you’re gonna keep me on my toes and I cannot wait.” He tells you with a grin.
“You plan on keeping me around?”
“Oh, hell yes I do.” He says before kissing you soundly, his hands bump the side of the helmet as he kisses you. “Hope that’s okay with you?” He murmurs before your gaze meets his again.
“I think I’ll manage.” You tell him brightly and he laughs again then swings a leg over his bike and offers you a hand to get on. He presses another kiss to your palm then revs the engine before pulling out of the parking lot. Oh yes, you’ll manage just fine.
Tag list:
@pokey-hedgehog @foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @patzammit @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll
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aswho1estuff · 2 years
How to: lose a guy in 10 ways
4. Chanel #2 like ..perfume
Plot: Since Carmen saw Rodrick he had her full attention, unfortunately for her she wasn’t alone his attention was caught too. Unrequited love to the second power I guess if you can’t beat ‘em join so she did “ I’ll help you”.
Summary: diary entry/ rodrick wants to meet me
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Rodrick pov
“Okay so how we gonna do it” “Michael that was a stupid question” I say picking up a fry “you have no plan I see, well I would talk to someone close to her” mashing my eyebrows “close…you mean her friend?, alright” smiling I hit him.
I throw away my trey trying to catch up with her friend “hey, hey, hey” shit what’s her name “Chanel number ..2?” she turns around scowling “fuck you say”.
Carmen pov
“Something bad is bout to happen to me”
Rodrick? Fuck I fix my expression “please don’t call me that” i reply curtly “oh yeah sorry about that” he rubs his neck cute no Carmen just no “not to be mean but was there anything you wanted” I raise my eyebrow probably my best friend huh“ well can you meet me after school it’s somewhat important please” he practically begs gosh “alright, see you then” turning back I resume walking to class.
“I don’t know it but I feel it coming”
“Okay start on those sketches have fun” the teacher states ending her discussion. Picking up my pencil I contemplated I’ll just fill it with things I like cheese yes, flowers yes, green yes, tails from sonic yea, baseball players and their outfits yes and definitely yes. Top 5 of the most fashionable sports wear.
“…hey can I sit here” a head of blond hair pops into my frame “sure” I nod at him fuck I hope I wasn't talking to myself.
Looking over I see him take glances at my sketch looking at him now I think that’s Mickey he’s totally involved in the school and stuff which is cool he’s quite cute “nice choice to grow it” I think nodding.
“Oh thank you” fuck I said that out loud I turn straight ahead “no problem” I pretend to draw maybe it’ll workout the embarrassment. “Can I ask you something?” I nod.
Mikey pov
“Might be sad”
“Do you play baseball?” I ask smoothing my hair over “oh..I don’t play but I like the sport” she reply’s low looking at me “nice what’s your team?” Pretty brown eyes filled with surprise and …sadness?.
“Might leave my nose running”
“I prefer not to pick sides, you know” bashful is a cute expression on her, it would rival the dwarf. Smiling “yeah I definitely understand, we have a team you should tryout” tryout or just come to see me either is nice “oh thank you I’ll think about it” never been declined so cutely.
“Just hope she don’t wanna leave”
Carmen pov
“Don’t you give me up”
“Hey your here” rodrick reply’s from leaning on the doorway “yes, what did you need?” looking at him “well I’d prefer we talk about business in here shall we” I nod walking into class watching him close the door.
Sitting down he follows suit I stare at him blankly he couldn’t be more obvious “well your friend Chanel I would like to get to know her” “and I’m guessing you want my help” she has liked the look recently who am I to cockblock right.
He could be a contender but “what do I get out of this” ..man I gotta stop thinking out loud “well you scratch my back I scratch yours..I’ll help you with your crush, who is it?”.
“Something bad is bout to happen to me”
“I can’t just tell you things like that gosh” panicked I scramble for words “I wouldn’t snitch promise” rodrick reply’s showing his pinkie I slowly raise mine to meet his ….they’re soft almost like I imagined, so soft I begin to lose my will closing my eyes “I-”.
“I just don’t want her to leave”
The door opens revealing Mikey I pull away from rodrick shocked gripping my chest “ sorry about that yall” Mikey let’s out grabbing his bag waving me and rodrick return it.
“Mister class president nice choice” rodrick throws out “what?” I ask fixing myself “I didn’t know he’d be your type but it’s obvious seeing your reaction”.
“Only you darling only you babe”
why was I so nervous, was it because I like rodrick or because I don’t want anyone to see me like him like this, talking with rodrick only on the basis of Chanel.
“Only you darling”
Love, is it always such a bitter pill to swallow
“Let bad thoughts linger for far too long”
“I’ll help you but don’t think I’m just gonna pimp out my friend alright”
“Alright and I’ll help you”
<-{3. Chanel ..like …the brand}
{5. Carmen like San Diego ik}->
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nutria--oscura · 10 months
me? listening to an ep when it comes out rather than hours later? a rare occasion for sure (shit's gonna go down isn't it?)
~spoilers for s2 ep47~
"crunchy munchy refuge"? HENRY'S BACK? PLEASE
"they must deal with the loss of a team member" WELL- YEA. THEY BETTER TALK ABOUT IT
hi um... what song is this? why? oh- no reason... not sobbing at all [screams]
we did it boys... Hermie finally got his show stopping number, his final performance, the entire cold open to himself.
"this same podcast dungeons and dragons" PART ?? OF WILL SAYING IT DND INSTEAD OF DNDADS (it makes me giggle so much every time)
every time Matt opens Link's fact by reminding everyone that the teens are spouses, it returns to me the life Anthony takes away whenever he hurts Hermie
loving the energy in the room
oh? Lark and Sparrow are with them?
idiots- the lot of the- WAIT WHAT- ANTHONY
Lark just trying to leave-
Normal doesn't see Hermie? wow, ok, i'm already crying- ok
"this heaven has one less spouse, but heaven has one more angel" I love Hermie but, that boy is not going to heaven
Anthony sounded so inspired when he said "garages" I aspire to be that inspired in my life lol
Hi Will, let Normal go feral please :) Merci <3
"I want to pull the pin on one of them and then throw the whole box at them" to that I raise you, wasn't it Darryl who threw the ENTIRE bag of beans in s1? Wilsons and throwing full containers of dangerous stuff, I tell ya-
"the shrapnel does a cool, like right over my eyebrow? y'know, cool scar, y'know?" SCAR SCAR SCAR SCAR ON LINKKK
Pennies? NAT 1 NOOOOO
"they haven't made pennies in years Normal" oKAY
I just saw 2 ppl's names who are coming up and i am now so terrified-
how did I fucking know that that would be the knock- whAT?
Henry has a portal to old earth?
jumping = falling upward
Oakvale? man with bracele- iS THAT BARRY?
why does he have old Erin O'Neil's voice
ok. who said Henry would be like "i'm still alive cause of my healthy vegan lifestyle" to the other dads? i'm giving you a pat on the head and a cookie
"can you go wait outside" oH NOOOOOO
"if none of you guys can help him and none of you guys understand how this works then we gotta go to the one guy who can!" THE WAY I JUMPED OUT OF MY FUCKING SEAT WHEN WILL SIAD THT- SCAM ACTUALLY IS BACK TOOO BOIS
Scary's voice- oh gosh-
"I'm here when it's sad, I'm here when it's fun. Did somebody do something to my son?" NEW SCAM OPENING RHYME AHHHHHH
"he's just a goof, goofs never die" WHAT IF I DIE?
hey, Anthony. fuck you <3 /j well... /hj
YES NORMAL PUNCH HIM (can you guys tell i love scam?)
"bad girl, i'm a bad girl i do what needs to be done. sometimes people fuck with my friends and i fuck with them back"
"you feel like home for some reason" WHAT IF I CRY?
one thing i have learned is when Will's character(s) start crying, i cry. and well... Normal's crying, and gUESS WHAT?
"Normal goes to the sort of fresh mound of earth, where Hermie is buried, and he kneels and he says, 'I liked you too.' He puts his hand on the dirt and he says, 'goodnight sweet prince.'" OH GOD OH FUCK- I LITERALLY COLLAPSED ON THE GROUND AND WHEN I GOT UP SLIPPED AND SLID DOWN THE WALL FROM CRYING- OH GEEZ- "GOODBYE SWEET PRINCE, SWEET PRINCE" OH GOSH-
i'm sorry- they're teaching Hero AND NORMAL
what. the. fuck.
love that Normal at 6 years old had the intelligence to lock the door. no one at daddies hq did that. like, the door was unlocked when Normal got there
In conclusion:
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