#I was gonna leave it with a white background and just base colors but idk it looked weird to me so I did a whole ass rendered illustration
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twicetheheartx2 · 7 months ago
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Wenclair based on this one twitter meme
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quietgamelover · 1 month ago
Alright lets rate some SPD megazords B)
My fiance and I watched this season together (his first time, my second time) so it's still pretty fresh in my head for the most part.
First up,
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Delta Squad 8/10
I admit that this one is not my favorite (I tend to prefer the more square/angular designs) but I will admit that from a design standpoint it is an overall good design. All the zords include the flashing lights, the white color base, the rounded cockpits. The stripes of color on each zord also makes it so you can still distinguish which zord is which but it doesn't make them feel separate from the megazord as a whole. Also the silhouette is very much giving an old cop with the round bowl hats which I think is fun since the season is all about the future.
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Delta Command 8/10
This guy fucks, the fact that they made a megazord thats like twice the size of a normal megazord is pretty rad ngl. I like that this one has the huge reflector/flood lights that carry through the design along with the flashing lights. It feels like if all the lights were on you would definitely think police raid which I think is a cool touch. This also might not be the case but it does kinda feel like they put different splotches of color on the zord to make it feel like it WAS constructed with 5 zords which I think is kinda neat considering the solo transformation zords typically have a pretty uniform color scheme.
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Omegamax 3/10
I'm gonna be so real with yall this one feels pretty messy imo. I get that it's a bike cop, that does read with the helmet. The chest? He looks like he got impaled by a car tire... The shoulders being silver means they kinda fade into the background since they're on the outer edge of the megazord. Also ik you can't see em in this pic but the legs are SO square compared to the rest of the design, this whole upper torso has the corners shaved off of nearly everything. I also think this is a good example of the color palette getting too busy, theres gold, silver, red, blue, white, black, like it's too much happening. If you asked which color ranger piloted this white would probably be like my 3rd or 4th guess.
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Deltamax 4/10
I feel like I'm kinda dunking on the omega ranger (I swear I'm not trying to) and tbf this zord does fix a lot of the silhouette issues I had with the Omegamax. The design feels more cohesive overall, the helmet works with the rest of the body and you can very clearly see the white ranger inclusion on this zord. I think the problem I'm having is this feels more like what the Omegamax could've looked like because I'm not seeing a lot of the delta squad megazord in here. Like yes I see the red rangers car and the various colors but like, yellow and pink are just...parked? On the shoulders? ok? Also blue and green are kinda hard to spot with all the colors going on in the design. Idk, I feel like they could've workshopped it some more
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S.W.A.T. 3/10
It's strange. I don't dislike it, I'm just disappointed I think. Out of all of them this one definitely feels the furthest from police, which I get incorporating the space theme makes that kinda hard since we don't have space cops. Everything is just like so square though, and not in the good way. The shoulders/wings feel so flimsy and honestly I was looking through pictures and could not tell if they were in fact shoulders or wings which isn't great in terms of readability of the design. (ik they're shoulders now) I think its the way the red and blue zords overlap which kinda makes them feel like they're just floating next to each other rather than connected. I'm also not a fan of the pinstripe on the legs, it kinda draws my eye in a bit too much to that area and takes away from the actual zords.
Overall, SPD does have some good designs but some of em definitely leave something to be desired. Aside from SWAT I do think that they all fit the theme quite well I just think that "Cops" is a bit of a strange theme to translate to a megazord design.
But again these are just my opinions, I'm just picky I guess xD
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beltransadie · 2 years ago
A Chat Under the Haitang Tree
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Happy New Year! I've been practicing on my samsung tab for the whole past week and I wanted to show the culmination of what I've made with this new years art. This is based off of chapter 58 from 2HA where ranwan spent the entire night chatting under the haitang tree for the new years. I'm still not as good on this tab compared to how I am with the Huion, but I think this is pretty satisfactory. The approach is more painterlike in comparison. I do not have the patience for lineart (I've tried) on this, so it's mostly draw loose then clear it up.
The Journey to This Illustration
What else have I done while practicing? Honestly, most of them are ranwan art. Animatic making had made me proficient in drawing Chu Wanning and Mo Ran gahahaha and they're both fun to draw anyway.
At first, I wasn't used to drawing on a samsung tablet, so most of what I've done are doodles. I also spent majority of my time traveling (like since I got home which was an 8 hour bus ride, I had to go travel again for Christmas and back again, and then the day after I had to accompany my mom for another outing).
Day 1 (12/22)
Here, I slept for 4 or so hours, and find myself having to leave at 5AM. I managed to catch a bus ride home (where, unfortunately, one of my friends weren't able to ride because they waited at the wrong stop), and overall the ride was pretty chill. I spent most of my time chatting with my cousin, sleeping, and drawing. Here's some of what I did during the time. Most of it are Chu Wanning because I feel really comfortable drawing him.
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Day 2 (12/23)
I didn't have any place I have to travel to yet, so I went out of the house to draw at a cafe. I still didn't feel comfortable coloring so there's none yet >_<
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Day 3 (12/24)
Most of Day 3 was spent outside too coz I had to travel again to visit my grandparents. It was also when I started Yuwu (it has been chill so far, and I'm leisurely enjoying it). I didn't draw anything on the tablet.
Day 4 (12/25)
Back to the drawing grind here. I figured it was about time I try out coloring and I did two! While I had to commute again early morning, the whole of my afternoon was spent chilling at home. The notable stuff I did on the tab is this cute animation of Wanning finding a tiny Mo Ran in his gift, and two colored pieces.
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The one on the top right I think was a failed attempt. The colors didn't turn out as well as I wanted, and concluded that it was probably because of the background (which was pure white). I changed it to gray and colored like I usually did, and I think it turned out really well.
Day 5 (12/26)
I had to go out and travel again. Most of the stuff I did during this day were doodles.
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Day 6, 7, and 8 (12/27-29)
Gonna compile coz I think most of what I did were at cafes and it all blurs together.
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Here's where I actually start getting into coloring. The first thing I colored was the bottom left one. I really like how curly the lineart of Mo Ran's hair is, and the individual groups of hair on Wanning's ponytail flow together. Next is the middle left one, which was just me thinking about how ranwan had 8+ years together idk lol. I drew Mo Ran as a midget there, I didn't know he was actually almost the same height as Wanning by book 1 (179 vs 181) so that was uhh lol.
The sketches for the top left and the right image I did the same day, but the coloring for the right image I did last. Top left uses some rejected designs I had back when I was reading 2HA. I thought it'd be a fun creative exercise if I derive myself of official character designs, and create designs based on how I imagined them while reading the book. (That's something worth making a post about.) Specifically, the designs are post-story. That was also when I started rendering a bit.
It was at the right sketch when I thought I could try a rendering a bit more. Like clean up the lines a bit. Still the same process.
(This wasn't done on the Samsung tablet, but here's the height comparison). Mengmeng and 1.0 are a bit out of proportion i know lol.
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Day 9 and 10
All of it leads up to the new years drawing at the top. It was tricky trying to render the two characters, because I had to tilt my pen a certain way so the lines made won't be too broad. I spent day 9 doing the sketch and the rough color, spending time on the background too and Day 10 on rendering the characters and polishing the background.
The app I use (Infinite painter) has a built-in playback function which is pretty neat because I always forget to record my drawing process. I ended up changing the background a couple times because I misread the actual scene lol. But yeah here's the process.
Overall, drawing on this tablet is more painterly compared to how I color on PC gahaha. So many brushes to choose from, and almost no keyboard input >_< it's a bit tedious coz I like having my brushes binded on keyboard, and here I have to move my hand around on screen and sometimes I end up pressing the shortcut for the undo button. But yeah, I think I can make more colored art outside now. Learning to get used on this is fun.
Happy new year, guys!!
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years ago
“Dance For Me.”
A/N: Here’s your pole-dancing AU you bunch of thirsty… people on discord. Idk, I’m bad at… trashtalk if it’s not for self-defense. I also don’t cuss unless it’s in fics. Because I’m technically not cussing, the characters are *wink wink*.
Batting second after Lary! Khazumi~ Coming in! Unless someone already finished before I did and I didn’t notice, haha.
I’m not one to write NSFW. At least not for public… consumption. Borderline, yes. But like… I suck at NSFW, not gonna lie. I’ll try my very best?
I'm also sorry that I can't write pole dancing very well. Hope you can... picture out what's going on. haha.
Weirdest thing I searched for confirmation while writing this was ‘during intercourse are your pupils constricted or dilated’ Because my mind is so lost rn hahha.
My timeline here is before Christmas. I’m sorry. I need it.
Basically, I'm sorry for this trashy fic.
~Shintori Khazumi 
This… is not quite what Diana expected when she left Akko this morning for work at the estate.
The past few months, Akko had been busy with teaching her classes at Luna Nova, on top of performing her scheduled weekend shows in town that the woman just wouldn’t give up the chance to do. Always for the smiles, always for the people’s happiness.
And Diana loves her for that, she really does. Dear Beatrix, she loves her wife- of three years now- to death.
But while she had been excitedly looking forward to the holidays, winter rolling around, expecting that she’d finally have her wife-mind you- all to herself, said wife had other plans, it seems.
Akko had agreed to be booked almost daily this season, and despite being home in Diana’s arms each night, she had absolutely zero energy to do anything but snuggle up to the former heiress and fall asleep in the blink of an eye.
Diana had pouted for days on end, telling Akko to give her one day, to spend just one day with her.
Akko, despite all her regrets of leaving her wife like this, couldn’t just cancel. But she had promised to dedicate the two days before the twenty-fifth, right up ‘til the end of vacation to her lovely spouse.
And Diana has to reluctantly agree. She knows in her heart that this is Akko’s passion, it’s what makes her the amazing woman known for her beautiful believing heart.
Diana just needs patience. So much patience.
But then, on the day of Christmas Eve, she gets a call from the manor. It’s related to the estate. About a sudden accident with one of her people. She couldn’t not go. At least she’d try to finish up early so she could offer her remaining time to-
Akko’s phone rings.
It’s a special request. A little girl’s birthday. And she just had to see the amazing Kagari (-Cavendish) Atsuko perform her special magic. Now this wouldn’t have been that much of a problem had the party been in the morning or early afternoon, however it appeared as though it would take place around five pm. Diana knows it will run overtime. It always does. Everyone loves to bask in the presence and utter warmth of ‘Atsuko’ after all.
So, Begrudgingly, they both prepare for their respective agendas, Diana feeling absolutely depressed over the fact that she would be coming home for Christmas eve to an empty house, cold halls, devoid of the calming scent and lovely voice of her wife singing her favorite Shiny Chariot showtune from the kitchen as she cooked all of Diana’s favorites.
Akko notices. She always does.
She walks up to the sulking blonde, cupping her face in her hands, chuckling at those pouty lips, those teary eyes. “I’m really sorry, my Diana.” She whispers. “Really, I am.”
Diana sighs in defeat, pulling her wife into one last bearhug before work.
“Can I at least have my own Magical Atsuko show?” She uncharacteristically turns her puppy eyes to her wife, only ever showing Akko this spoiled child within.
“I’ll only give you the very best.”
“With a little song?”
“Whatever you’d like
“Mm…” Diana nodded, looking down at her feet before raising her head, one last question on her mind. “Dance for me?”
“Sure, sweetheart.” Akko laughed, nuzzling her nose on Diana’s. “But for now,” She pinches the taller witch’s nose playfully before planting a kiss. “This is for the kids.”
This is DEFINITELY NOT “for the kids”. For any kids. For anyone for that matter. Diana would never show this to anyone. Over her dead. Lifeless. Fucking. Body.
Nonononono. Diana shakes her head a thousand times internally.
Just no.
Diana gasps as she drops her suitcase on the floor, the contents spilling out at the impact. She had not expected this of all things. She imagined coming home to an empty house, no Akko, and miserable reheated food.
She hadn’t expected unlocking her door to the smells of a rotisserie chicken, some wine, and Akko’s homely scent.
She wasn’t expecting the low thrum of music in the background. She didn’t think that her wife would stand in front of her, in her usual show outfit- no. Wait. This isn’t her show outfit.
Like hell she’d wear that to a children’s party!!
No, this. THIS… This is a knock-off Shiny Chariot costume that is far too skimpy to be sold to the young and pure fans of Chariot. This is one of those costumes you’d see them sell adults for dumb pranks on Halloween, or see it at those kinds of shops.
How did Akko even get that?
The internet is truly fearsome. Shameless. So Shameless.
And so is Diana as she gawks at her pretty wife, donning a very short white skirt, a top that very much exposes her midriff- technically, only holding together those perky mounds-, a cape that is probably the only thing covering her wife that can be counted as decent, thigh-high- gosh- those thigh-high boots, hair free of that small side pony-tail; and that signature white witch hat tops off the ensemble.
“Welcome home~” Akko greets with her usual cheer, expression innocent and beaming, before it shifts a sultry color, tone dropping into a hushed invitation. “Diana.”
Said woman is quiet, she struggles to form a response.
‘Let’s try saying your wife’s name now, Diana Cavendish.’
“A-A-A-A… aaahhhh…”
Oh, Great Beatrix, give me strength.
A lot of it. A trolley’s worth, if you must.
…-and stamina. Please. Strength and stamina to endure.
And Clearly Diana isn’t wishing to hold her ground against temptation.
She might just have a long night ahead.
“Y-yes! I’m l-listening. Very clearly… most…. Definitely…” She says whilst staring at the gracious amounts of cleavage-
“Of course you are, babe.” Akko chuckles in that sickeningly sweet tone, taking a step forward as Diana takes one back. “Where are you going?” She takes another, as does Diana in the opposite direction, her back meeting the hard wood of their front door.
“N-nowhere, I’m… I’m Home.” Diana feels her hands become clammy, shaking, as she wonders where to put them.
“Heh~… I thought you were running away or something.” Akko smiles kindly, actions not as kind. She traps Diana with her body, arms on either side of her head. “And I wouldn’t like that. Would you?” Her eyes flutter innocently, lashes long, eyes wide.
There was clearly only one correct answer.
“Good.” Akko laughs like gentle chimes, pleasant to the ear.
Diana smiles, feeling a little more relaxed.
-Before one hand comes off the wall and now climbs up her torso, Akko’s index and middle fingers walking up to Diana’s tie before her hand takes it, pulling it out of the vest.
“I always liked it when you wore ties.” She murmured, eyes blank and scrutinizing the tie. Before Diana could respond, Akko was already resting her head on Diana’s chest, hand absent-mindedly twirling the thin red tie. “I also like that you wear my colors on you.” Akko raised her head, pulling on Diana’s tie so that their faces came so incredibly close to one another, lips a hair’s breadth apart. “Tells people that you're mine.”
That effectively steals the air out of Diana’s lungs as Akko steps back, still holding fast to the tie, pulling Diana along, as if on a leash. Her Japanese wife leads her to the living room and sits her down on their amazingly comfortable couch.
But not even that could ease Diana’s tense nerves.
“Hi, Diana.” Akko greets back, leaning over her wife, a finger gliding from the base of Diana’s throat to her jaw, tipping it up to guide blue eyes up to meet the most intoxicating wine. “What was your last little request for me this morning, again?”
“I- I… uh… um…”
“Yes?” The brunette lowers her body onto Diana’s head tucked between the poor heiress’ shoulder and neck, peppering kisses along her jaw. “Please remember, darling. I really want to do it for you, you know?” She chuckles, biting on a certain spot near Diana’s throat making her yelp, then licking the area to ease the pain. “I prepared really well for it. I tried so hard for you.”
Definitely not the only thing that was hard, Diana thinks.
An uncontrolled whine tears its way out of the blonde’s mouth, mind desperately trying to remember what the hell she last asked.
Then it clicks.
“Dance for me…?”
Akko seems elated with her answer, nuzzling her neck once before pulling away, Diana missing her warmth… or heat. Or both.
“With pleasure.”
Diana is sure there will be a lot of pleasure involved.
With a flick of her wand (where had Akko hidden that?), a pole rises from the floor in the open space of the room. Akko stalks hypnotizingly towards it, grasping the hard metal with one hand before smoothly pulling herself into her first twirl.
‘Oh Great Nine. This is one of those dances, isn’t it?’
Diana swallows so painfully, finding her throat constricted, the opposite to her dilating pupils as she watches her wife with the focus of a predator waiting on its prey.
Off goes the cape, and Diana only now realizes just how little of her wife’s ass is actually covered by that skirt.
She loves Akko’s ass- She loves Akko. Period.
-along with her thighs and bottom.
She admires her better half’s toned body, muscles flexing and simply wonderful as Akko spins herself around the pole gracefully, hanging onto it with only one hand. The elegance of the movements allows Diana to forget her barely restrained arousal, leaving her in awe for a few moments.
Then a toned leg wraps itself around the pole, Akko rolling her body up against it, turning her gaze to Diana, eyes half-lidded and so sinful. All that talk about grace- screw it, right now.
Another twirl, and another, and another.
Akko climbs her way up the pole so sensually, Diana wishes she were the one being climbed like that. Then Akko stops near the top, almost as though she was frozen. Diana waits with bated breath, before Akko’s hands suddenly release the pole, falling backwards; and Diana panics, thinking something happened and her wife was about to hit the ground hard- but only the hat does so. Akko’s body hangs smoothly in the air, legs squeezing tight, flexing those amazing thighs.
Oh, to be between them instead.
The spinning restarts. Repeats over and over, legs stretching out, then pulling in. At times, an arm would reach out, almost as if it were inviting the audience in, to come closer; to come touch this performer. Then Akko lowers herself to the ground, movements sophisticated, nimble, body poised, and oh so sensual. It’s an interpretative dance, and there must be story behind it.
Diana just doesn’t have enough brain power to process it.
She gasps as her wife stands up; the skirt is forgone, leaving Akko in racy black panties that matches her top that might as well not exist. And again, she’s on that pole, embracing it, caressing it with one hand, down to her body, allowing her palm to slide down her chest to a taut stomach, abs glistening in sweat, before reaching down her legs, and between her thighs, then out, back to latching onto the pole.
The loss of garment shouldn’t distract her. She’s sure this action was to give her wife better grip on the pole. Definitely the reason. Yes. Not because this was… was a… that.
Of course.
Breaking the unspoken rule of silence, a voice suddenly begs for her attention.
Diana throws her head back for a second, needing to relieve her burdened senses at the sight that had just greeted her mere moments ago.
Akko had basically rubbed herself against the pole, her most intimate place surely touching it as she slid up then down, dropping into an air-split, barely hovering over the ground, still twirling, yet painfully slow this time, basically presenting herself to the very red mess breathing heavily on the couch.
Diana’s not sure she can stay seated anymore. She’s been holding back. She’s certain she can’t keep holding back.
“But why are you holding back?”
The question throws her for a loop, eyes so wide, as she stares at Akko’s tantalizing figure, draped over her pole, breathing as difficultly as Diana is.
She releases her show equipment, leaving the pole to disappear as she strides forward provocatively, halting in front of Diana, placing her hands down on the blonde’s open lap, freeing them from their squeezed-together position just moments ago. They massage at Diana’s thighs, and the heiress moans, unsuppressed.
Her dancer takes a seat on her lap, hands busying themselves with loosening Diana’s tie a bit more, removing it from her before Akko slings it around her own neck.
“You are so mean, Diana… even after I called for you so many times…” Akko whispers against her lips, eyes fiery and slightly angered. Diana’s hands are guided to rest on Akko’s hips as she grinds against her wife needily. “Utterly horrible.”
It should be the winter season as it was Christmas. Diana knows that the outside world was harshly cold and chilly, but that temperature did not seem to apply to her. Most definitely not within Diana, and most definitely not between her leee-heeeeg- ‘damn you, Akko’.
“Why would you not come for me?”
‘Which ‘come’ might we be discussing here’, Diana wonders.
“I… I didn’t know… my apologies.” Diana stutters out, distracted by the hand touching the inside of her thigh.
“Even when I made it so obvious?” Akko pouts, biting Diana’s shoulder angrily as her hands make quick work of the taller witch’s buttoned shirt. Those same hands splay against her collarbone and shoulders, caressing and teasing, moving to the back of her head to massage her scalp. The Head of Cavendish gets pulled into a long kiss, her significant other’s tongue pleading entrance as it licks along Diana’s full lips, thighs squeezing Diana’s legs.
Diana permits, giving the appendage access to explore her mouth completely, sometimes brushing against her gums, and gliding along her teeth, entangling with her own tongue. Akko pulls away with a rough nip on Diana’s lower lip.
The latter’s hand is held captive, guided somewhere along her lover’s body.
The heiress fails at hindering any sounds from escaping her as she feels hot liquid drip onto her fingers, before pooling into her open palm. So that’s where Akko had brought it.
Her eyes are bewitching. Fitting of her occupation. They hold Diana’s gaze a prisoner, not against her will. They compel her to do something. Akko rubs against her once more, and Diana whimpers aloud.
Arms tighten their loop against Diana’s neck. Akko’s voice still sounds calm and controlled, but her actions tell Diana that she is anything but. She’s basically riding her at this point.
“Y-yesh?!” Hooded, dark, tempting. Akko’s eyes were all those things. And maybe Diana’s were too.
“Yes…?” Diana feels a switch flip as her finger slips into that wet, heated space and makes Akko cry a lovely tone. She goes deaf to the world, all her focus on the woman shivering delightfully in her arms.
  “Dance with me.”
A/N: So… sequel?
~Shintori Khazumi
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faeriewild · 5 years ago
I love my Watcher from Pillars of Eternity, so I’m gonna go on about her for a bit. 
Name: Fenwë Cervenen (pronounced Fen-Way  ~ Ser-v’Hen-n’EHn)
Race: Pale Elf (Glamfellen)
Class: PoE1: Ranger - PoE2: Ghost Heart Ranger/Fury Druid - all ice/storm/spirit based attacks (I only play things by aesthetic) - her stag also dies at the beginning of PoE2 :( :(
Background: Hunter
Home: The White that Wends - a barren winter wasteland
Age: 43 in PoE1 - 48 PoE2
Romance: Aloth Corfiser
Dispositions: PoE1: Stoic, Rational, Benevolent, Honest - PoE2: Diplomatic, Benevolent, Honest, Clever
Closest companions: Sagani, Tekēhu, Maia and Edér (they grow distant in PoE2 though) 
Dislikes: Gluttony, Cruelty, Piety and purposeful ignorance - The Gods in general. 
Appearance: She looks like a walking marble statue, she has no coloring and looks unnerving. Even her eyes are a muted grey. Many Dyrwoodians thought she was a risen dead and was referenced as “the corpse” before her reputation grew. Her time in warmer climate gives her a more lively looking pallor of some very light blushes of pink, or other shades of grey when exerting herself or when embarrassed. 
Grew up in The White that Wends with a close highly religious sect of Glamfellen. She was raised to respect and fear the god Rymrgand and assist in the heralding of Rymrgand’s word. 
Fenwë was raised communally, and has pitiful knowledge of her parentage.  What little she does know is through trinkets and worn scrolls The heraldry, though minimal, shows a connection to deer/antlers - at some point the animals were used as a symbol for her house. 
A druidic elder who was the closest thing to a father figure, told her that he lineage was an old and noble one, but it is no consequence anymore, as she was raised by the community and now must serve and provide for them. She believes her parents died but has no great grief over it - as she is not the only Glamfellen child to be raised this way. 
Out of necessity for survival, Fenwë learned to hunt, becoming a skilled and hardened hunter - as she had to in order to survive the bitter cold of her homeland. On an expedition with a few other hunters they felled some deer.  Fenwë found a fawn half frozen in the snow. Feeling a kinship with the lost fawn and ignoring the harsh jeers of her companions to leave or kill the creature, she took the fawn and hid it and raised it. The fawn grew into a stag named Cerven. The creature was the only thing that came to resemble family. (she’s basically Kristoff from Frozen y’all) 
As Fenwë grew she came to resent the elders, who hoarded knowledge and who demanded her to risk her and her companions life to put a bounty of food on their own tables - while she was given scraps and often left starving when times were more difficult. 
In rebellion, she would sneak into druidic lessons, trying her best to commit the shared knowledge to memory. She was forbidden of this knowledge - as it went against her assigned role, but she was drawn to the cold nature magic the Glamfellen druids used.
Harder still, as she was no elder she was never taught to read. A fact that became a source of bitterness for her. Smuggling some scrolls from druidic elders - she began the arduous task of teaching herself. By herself, she could not get far though, only able to read simple sentences. And if she read aloud she would mispronounce words quite a lot. She was caught on more than one occasion, often punished with lashings.
The hoarding of knowledge was a catalyst for her to distance herself from her people, even more so, a budding resentment towards Rymrgand grew. Her people were living to die, cutting themselves off from progress or a better life.
After years of frustration a passing group of adventurers came across her on a hunt. Fenwë, though lacking in social graces, managed to convince them to allow her to be their guide through the cold landscape. Gathering her belongings (and some stolen druidic texts), she left with them and eventually heard of a settlement opportunity in the Dyrwood.. 
Relationship with Aloth: (time to get sappy)
After rescuing and traveling with Aloth, Fenwë would watch him leaf through book after book with pure envy. When caught staring Aloth would often mistake her looks as interest or even judgement. Often times Aloth would turn the tomes for her to look at, which would only result in a burning shame for her as she would only reply with “interesting” before changing the subject.
This continued for weeks, with Fenwë eagerly asking questions of him - thirsty for any source of knowledge and turning over any notes or books they found to her companions to read.
After coming to trust Aloth enough, she approached him while they were staying at an inn, and took the opportunity for privacy to show him the druidic texts she stole. This led to a conversation about her ability to read, in which she asked him to help her. 
To her relief, Aloth did not judge her and they began the ritual of reading every time they camped or stayed at an inn/tavern. To save her pride while in the company of others, they would sit side by side and Fenwë would quietly ask for help from Aloth when needed, or he would correct her in a way that would not draw attention. 
From this, a deeper friendship grew between them, and more personal histories where shared. Fenwë, having never known this kind of affection for another - was stoic and tight lipped about it. Though Sagani and a few others, quickly noticed Fenwë’s fond looks towards the skittish elf.
They shared small moments of sharing knowledge, and magic and stories. They were always guarded until the events of Aloth’s story in PoE1 play out. With secrets revealed their relationship truly bloomed, and they often lagged behind the party so they were given time to talk. It was clear The Watcher had a favorite.
Fenwë fell in love with him, and despite the encouragement from Sagani, Kana (the two who noticed - or at least the two who said anything) and some randy suggestions from Hiravias, nothing progressed between the two despite some meaningful touches or confessions of care. 
As Aloth left to dismantle the leaden key, Fenwë set about the task of being the Lady of Caed Nua. Her feelings for him quieted but never left. There were brief affairs for her over the five years - though guarded and generally only physical. With little word from Aloth, Fenwë was determined to let her feelings fade in truth, even though that proved impossible. 
The events of PoE2 play out as they do in game, and I’m still playing through it so idk all of it yet. Suffice to say seeing Aloth again completely devastates any idea Fenwë had that she was over him.  Fenwë is more knowledgeable in PoE2, having continued her education since Aloth left and more sure of herself, but still has the biggest soft spot for Aloth. There’s jealousy when Tekēhu flirts with Fenwë, as they also share druid spells and knowledge.  There are lots of looks and angst and it’s pretty good and I love them. And thank god they just gave up and smooched. 
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kagomechronicles · 5 years ago
Are you taking scenarios? If so, I'd like a Levi/Kagome scenario where Levi is forced to come to terms with how much he cares for her. But with a TWIST! Could you also make it somewhat tragic and grim (without either of them dying)? Idk if this makes sense, but think of a super twisted situation to place them in. And make it clear that Levi has fallen in love with her. Thank you ~ I love your writing!
Oh my… Oh oh my… This is something…. I’ll do my best!For some background, Kagome will be a member of Levi’s Squad, and this takes place before Annie is discovered to be the Female Titan. (This could be a weird spin off of my fic Where I Belong) 
Also, I didn’t edit this at all. (WARNING: THIS MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME)
“Oi! Where the hell is she?” Levi’s dark and threatening voice startled the two lower-ranked scouts that guarded the dungeon area.
“C-Captain!” They both turned to salute him, trembling and nervous as he closed the distance, “I- uh… We’re under strict orders not to divulge any information to anyone, including you.”
Levi leaned in close, eyes narrowing in on both soldiers, “Is that so? Well, it’s quite unfortunate for you that I don’t seem to give a damn about your orders. Tell me where she is or I will kick the answers out of both of you. Your pick.”
Both of them visibly gulped before pointing down the hall. “Last cell on the right.” One piped up after a few seconds.
The captain sped in that direction, though not before turning back and telling those poor men to get the fuck out of here, to which they immediately obliged. He was annoyed. No, he was absolutely furious about what he had heard. He had seen that everyone was going insane trying to figure out the identity of the Female Titan and possible allies, like some sort of sick obsession that clouded their minds, but he never expected that this would happen. His burning rage was practically boiling his blood and he was sure his skin would be hot to the touch right about now. 
Though, nothing would have prepared him for what he’d see when he walked into that cell.
Kagome Higurashi stood there, shoulders hunched over like she was about to fall, but her wrists were chained above her head to keep her up. There was a blindfold that covered her eyes as if to keep her even further in the dark about her own detainment, like the shadowy darkness in the cell wasn’t enough. 
But more than that, as he looked down at her clothes, a typical white button up and tan pants, he noticed that they were all torn and stained with a brown-crimson, which he could only assume was dried up blood. Her dried up blood. Levi swallowed harshly at that realization. And, with further examination, he realized that the same colors seemed to be painted on bits of her skin as well, especially on her limp hands.
“Please…” Her voice squeaked out like it was taking all of her energy, “No more. I swear, I don’t know anything…”
He walked closer to her. When her mouth was closed, she looked like she was practically dead. He would have assumed that if he hadn’t detected the faintest rise and fall of her chest.
“I can’t take it anymore.” She whispered again. 
And neither could he. He couldn’t stand that, right now, she thought he was going to hurt her. Of course, she couldn’t see who he was, but hearing her beg him like that still made him feel like a monster. And he was no stranger to human torture. He had numbed himself to it because it was a necessity in some cases. But when the pleads came from her dried and tired lips, his stomach dropped and he felt absolutely sick. 
With one quick movement, he ripped her blindfold off of her and watched as she blinked her eyes in astonishment, her vision adjusting as she looked around the cell before landing her gaze on him.
“L-Levi…” It was mumbled at first as though she was asking herself if he was even real right now. And then, her eyes widened and she gasped, “Levi! You have to listen to me. I don’t know anything.”
“I know you don’t, Kagome.” He huffed, slowly raising his hand and gently wiping away some of the dirt and grime on her cheek with his thumb.
“You do? You believe me?” Her brows were turned upward as she seemed to have to catch her breath after each sentence. Exhausted. That was the only way he could think to describe it.
“Tch. I’m not an idiot, Kagome. If you were a damn enemy, I would have figured that out a long time ago.” He asserted, and the woman let out a breath of relief.
“…They don’t believe me, though. Hange, Moblit, Miche, even Erwin. They keep saying that I’m working with the Female Titan.” Kagome eyes glazed over as her body trembled, “And I can’t do it anymore. I can’t take another one of their interrogations, Levi. It’s too much.”
“What did they do?” He asked, trying to keep his patience despite his own growing desperation to know. Not that anyone would be able to tell as his demeanor remained stoic.
“Hit me. Whipped me. Broke all of my fingers. All while screaming for information that I don’t have.” She hissed out, “Next, they will rip out my fingernails. I can’t go through with that…” She took inhaled shakily, “…If you can’t save me, could you kill me?”
His breath hitched in his throat at that request. And he continued to stare with his unreadable, yet focused expression before forcing out a quiet ‘yes’.
But he didn’t want to let it get that far. He had lost almost every member of his squad so far besides her and Eren. And that made her the second-in-command because of her skills and kill count. He didn’t want to lose that asset. With the Scout Regiment’s high death rate, they couldn’t afford to lose such a promising soldier. 
Or at least, that was his rationale. He tried to reason with himself that he was only getting so damn worked up about her pain because he knew she was innocent, on top of being absolutely valuable. That had to be the explanation. And yet, he couldn’t stop staring into her, meeting her gaze, swallowing her whole and wondering if this was going to be the last time. Wondering if anyone would ever have eyes like hers or if she was some once in a lifetime sort of experience. 
“Oi, Levi! Back away from her!” Another voice echoed into the cell, and Levi quickly turned to see Hange and Miche standing in the doorway, “She is a suspect. We have to interrogate her as such without letting any emotion get in the way.” Miche was confident with that assertion, and Hange seemed to stand by it.
“Is that why you didn’t tell me that you arrested her? You were just gonna interrogate a member of my squad, then act like you hadn’t seen her all damn day? Tch. Pathetic. Of course I’d find out.” He stood up, grateful that he had been wearing his ODM gear. “I’m not going anywhere without her. It’s not her fault you’re all too obsessed with the Female Titan to use your shitty brains. She’s obviously not involved in this.”
“We have reason to believe she is.” Hange countered.
“Yeah, I heard about that little tip you jackasses got. What? Some anonymous note connecting Kagome’s vague past to some psychotic Titan shifter?” The captain began gripping the handles of his blades tightly, both still in their metal sheathes. “That’s what you’re torturing her based on? There’s been no real evidence against her, fucking shitheads. And I’m not letting you touch her, again.”
The room was tense, thick air almost unbreathable. No one seemed to be backing down, and the dark-haired man began to wonder if he really was going to have to kill Kagome here and now.
“Levi, we can’t let her go until we’re completely certain that she’s innocent.” Hange maintained, though the fact that she was currently dressed in a white apron with latex gloves. It was clear the plan wasn’t just to hold her in this cell.
“Then, I’ll watch over her until then. I could handle it better than you, shitty four-eyes. And way better than that fucking tree next to you.” The captain growled. He had the advantage right now, being the only one with ODM gear. Still, was he prepared to turn on his comrades and possibly the entire Scout Regiment?
He turned briefly at the sound of shackles rustling together and saw Kagome once more. And even though she was weak and scared for now, he could still see that spark inside of her. Rambunctious. Wild. And yet, so loyal and compassionate. And he knew he would be prepared to turn on anyone who dared to vilify that. She encompassed everything the world should be. And he’d be damned if he didn’t protect that.
“We can handle her, and we can do it without letting our personal feelings get in the way.” Miche barked back, “You need to leave.”
That was it. Levi pulled out one of his blades, turned, and broke the chains that held the woman in one swing. Immediately, her knees gave out and she stumbled forward before a strong arm caught her and pulled her in close. Soon, Levi had wrapped around her waist and held her to his chest, taking the majority of her weight. With his free hand, he pointed the blade at the elites blocking the exit.
“Get out of my way. I’m going to handle this.” He asserted, “Why don’t you try actually solving this shitty case instead of wasting time torturing our own people.”
Looking down, the captain noticed how she leaned into him, palms pressed against his chest as if she wanted to grip the fabric of his shirt, but couldn’t with her broken fingers. Her eyes were closed now, absolutely terrified of what the outcome may be from all of this. After all she had gone through in the Scouts, watching friends die and battling Titans, she had never once seemed to be so hopeless. He had found it annoying, initially, how optimistic and playful she managed to remain despite being a part of the most horrifying branch of the military. And he remembered wondering what it would take for her to lose all of that. Though, this situation hadn’t once entered his mind before now.
“Can you walk with me, Kagome?” He whispered to her. 
Her eyes snapped open and, with her lips sucked in between her teeth, she nodded.
“Let’s go, then.” He led her out of the cell, keeping his blade pointed at Hange and Miche. And, for good measure, shut the cell door and locked it. He knew they had the keys, but it would take them a few to unlock it. And that was all he needed to bring the woman beside him to safety.
Up and out towards the barracks they went, but it was towards his room, not hers, that he led her. He’d give Erwin an earful, or perhaps more than that sometime later on. For now, though, he would have her stay with him where he could make sure no one else got their grubby hands on her. She was too weak to fight back with all of these injuries.
“You can rest in my bed.” The captain asserted as he opened his room door. It wasn’t as if he ever slept in it anyways. 
“Thank you for believing in me.” She murmured as he helped lie her down, analyzing his features to see if he was even slightly disgusted with her grimy exterior dirtying his clean sheets. He didn’t though. He just remained blank in his expression, with just a small tinge of compassion in his silvery gaze.
He wouldn’t accept that gratitude, though, as if he was doing something worthwhile by not torturing her. He knew it in his bones that she was innocent; it was something he could feel, something he could see in her. He would trust her with his own life. And that care she had for the world deserved to be acknowledged. Because it was so goddamn precious.
She was precious. 
Gods, he wasn’t sure when he started seeing her like that. Perhaps it was sometime during one of her witty attempts at making him laugh, or maybe it was when he saw her risk her life for even the most unknown soldiers, having a strength that was only matched by a few. Maybe it was when he saw the way she looked right at him, seeing not that unsociable, crude, disciplinarian. Instead, she saw a man. And made no assumptions, but rather let him decide who the rest of him was. 
“Fuck…” He growled to himself, too quiet for her to hear. Tch. To think I’d end up here with her. Annoying little brat.
Of course, even in his mind, he couldn’t conjure up any venom to speak on her name with. There was nothing but his instincts to watch over her until she was strong enough to protect herself, again. Which she would be, he had no doubt. And he respected that about her.
So, he watched as her eyes shut, body relaxing into his bed. Beautiful. Strong. And fucking precious.
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drawing-and-darkness · 7 years ago
NIGHT FURY DISCLOSURE { HTTYD 3 movie poster reveal }
Alright, ya’ll I’ve seen some dumb ass discourse over a kids movie, and the fact that the female Night Fury is white and covered in glitter n shit, so I am gonna give ya’ll my personal thoughts. 
So, a lot of people are comparing our cloud goddess to REAL LIFE animals, reptiles, and birds. While that is cool and all, Dragons are mythical, ad completely made up in the HTTYD Universe. In my opinion, Dragons fall more in their own category, so imma, leave out all the bird and reptile bs. 
First, we know that Toothless has been the only Night Fury to be FULLY DOCUMENTED, the book of dragons had like legit two whole lines in the whole fucking thing about them
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Now, we can take from Toothless, that Night Fury’s have evolved into the perfect night hunters, large eyes, black scales, small enough and light enough to fly almost silently through the pitch black sky, etc. Now this is from years of developing those perfect traits allowing him to survive, we also know that from the second movie, when Hiccup caught toothless they were the same age, 15 years old, now that is pretty young for a dragon we can assume based to how Toothless acted, and how in a situation where he was trapped and could not fly, didn’t really have a flying fuck what to do. Yet, we know he is equipped enough to be on his own, this could mean three things:
Either Toothless was old enough to go out hunting by himself or was considered old enough to provide for himself. Two, he hatched by himself, essentially having to teach himself, being the normal way for an NF to grow up. Or three, he was separated from his flock.   
Now, you are probably like, “But OP, what does this have to do with the female NF being white and glittery?” 
Let me tell you, I had to give some evolutionary reasoning, and some background before throwing this at ya’ll. So, from the first movie, we know that Toothless served the Big Momma - hive queen dragon, but I call her big momma - and was essentially a ‘worker bee’ in a hive. From this, I have TWO major points in my reasoning on why DreamWorks decided to have a white female NF. My first point in being that, let us say - hypothetically because we really don’t know -  that NF’s lived in larger groups. That it was the male's job to hunt and protect the other members, we can see from the picture that 
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The female in comparison to Toothless ( IGNORE THAT SHES WHITE N GLITTERY FOR A QUICK SECOND ), is smaller, has smaller talons, only two sets of ears, a shorter snout, and a less armored scaled body, as well as a lack of spines on the crest of her head (I assume all the way down but idk for sure ). This could be the result that again, males where more equipped to protect and hunt for the others and females. 
“BUT OP THAT'S PUTTING LABELS ON WHAT JOBS MALES AND FEMALES SHOULD HAVE AND ITS 2018 WT FFFF!!!!!!!” Now don’t get me wrong, I know a lot of reptiles and animals do not work that way and it’s kinda slapping genders on things, but DREAMWORKS IS A CORPORATION, they have to appeal to kids and parents allowing their kids to go to these movies, so they kinda don’t have that much wiggle room but THEY ARE TRYING okay? The world ain’t gonna change overnight no matter how much we want it too. Cause if I could see a more scientifically correct movie, with a big female dragon then 10/10 I would, but that may not be how NF dynamics work, we really don’t know at the moment. ANYWAY back on track. Now, taking in the physical attributes of the Cloud Goddess, who knows, maybe she has some really powerful fire, even MORE, powerful then toothless, or maybe she has larger wings, and better seeing capabilities then males. The matter of the fact is we just don’t know, and shouldn't really assume yet? HTTYD so far really hasn’t let - ME IN MY OPINION AND THE FEW I HAVE SPOKEN WITH - us down, so hey maybe they got something up their sleeve? Or. I could be completely wrong and shes just a regular old female girly character thrown in to hopefully spice up the plot. We also have to understand that this movie was directed at a younger audience, so as much as we crave that scientific real-world correctness, and non-gender roled stuff, sometimes really young kids can’t understand or wrap their developing minds around it. Some can, some can’t and that okay :)
NOW my second reason. making this post about as big as Big Momma, this is going to be a look at the scale coloring, so all ya’ll wondering my reason as to why the Cloud Goddess is white, feast yo fucking eyes. So back to the fact that Toothless is really the only NF around. Where did they all go??? Are they still alive??? ETC. I believe that the NF used to attack villages when threatened or even out looking for food, now this being said, the NF is so equipped and have intelligence, I’m pretty damn sure they really have no other species that could threaten them as a whole, unless they went and pissed off a Death Scream, or a significantly larger breed of dragon. Until of course, the Vikings started fighting back, or Draco, or maybe some other dragon hunter started going after them in particular. Thus causing the NF’s to retreat and find new territory to hide away and protect their dwindling numbers. THIS IS WHERE THE BACKGROUND OF THE POSTER FOR THE THIRD MOVIE COMES IN. Take a look at the background, it is an enormous dark cave, with glittery gems and crystals everywhere. Now the point here to take in mind, is the pigmentation of the female Nf’s scales, and the cave she - and the possible others - live in. 
Now we know that ing pigmentation of fur, skin, and scales, is all based mildly on how much sunlight the animal is receiving. Along with required warmth and Vitamin D in order to survive. For Toothless, we see that he is active during the day, hunting day and night, thus he needs that black hide not only for camouflage, but to keep off as much sunlight as he can. This is to help prevent overheating and prevent the body from sunburns and over absorbing Vitamin D. Now back to the NF’s moving territory, the movie is called the Hidden World for a reason, that being that the NF’s went into deep hiding, my theory is the large cave filled with gems. Still keeping the trend that males hunt and protect, the female would most likely undergo another change of appearance in order to adapt to their new environment. That MOST LIKELY being that they are living in the cave, and rarely go out to hunt and have other contacts with dragons. Meaning the NF’s would suffer and IMMENSE dip in how much sunlight their body is seeing. This could mean that during the time in hiding, the NF’s scale color changed from black and darker colors to white and lighter colors. this is because we know that white pigment allows for more sunlight to be absorbed into the body, allowing it to survive off fewer hours in daylight, while still the amount of vitamin D and heat absorption.
In Big Momma’s case, or The Red Death,
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We see that she has very dull pale colored scales, meaning that this Queen clearly doesn't get much sunlight, you even see this is the Screaming and Whispering deaths cases, they are cave dwelling dragons and looking at them we can see
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They really aren't that brightly colored, I mean yes the Screaming Death was technically and Albino bigger badder version, but I never saw it confirmed as an albino dragon, so if anyone has that yeet that link on over bb. But The Whispering is still a pretty good example of a dragon that had adapted, cause why would it need to be super brightly colored if it was blind and lived underground? Because it still needs that sunlight, and those good old sunny D rays to keep them healthy. JUST LIKE THE NF’s ADAPTING TO LIVING MAINLY IN A CAVE. 
Anyway, that concludes my theory as to why they made the female NF white. Who knows I could be 100000000% wrong and it is just a gendering thing, but we will see once we find out. 
Hope you guys enjoyed my theory, and if ya wanna talk more about it yeet me a DM or even comment :)
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ciantheirish-blog · 7 years ago
          hey there ya’ll. i’m vex. i’m not gonna tell you much about myself because i hate talking about myself, but here’s my intro for cian. i also play jamie! so hit me up for plots on either while i finish both intros. either way either i’ll get to you or you can come to me. anyway here’s a bit about cian under the cut. he’s based on an old oc of mine from another zombie rp. sorry this is kinda lengthy. 
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Full Name: cian tadhg mac craith (i swear i don’t hate ya’ll but irish names) his name is pronounced Key-an Ti-gue MacGarth  Nickname(s): none Age: 25 Date of Birth: 26 dec Zodiac Sign: capricorn Place of Birth: this gets a little complicated because he was technically born in bosten, but was adopted by a couple in iowa. so technically boston, but also really waterloo, iowa.  Ethnicity: white Nationality: irish/american Gender: cismale Sexual Orientation: homosexual Romantic Orientation: homoromantic  Religion: none / he’s not agnostic, but he doesn’t think about religion  Occupation: scavenger Language(s) Spoken: english Accent: irish
Face Claim: tyler young Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Height: 1.83 m /6′  Weight: 210 lbs  Build: lean Tattoos: none Piercings: none Distinguishing Characteristics: nothing
Label: idk Positive Traits: focused, resourceful, accepting Negative Traits: rude, unfriendly, sarcastic Goals/Desires: survive Fears: death Hobbies: archery  Quirks: being reckless  Likes: archery, being alone Dislikes: people, everything 
Father: tadhg mac craith  Mother: caoimhe mac craith  Adopted Father: liam gallagher  Adopted Father: samuel gallagher  Sibling(s): padraig mac craith Pet(s): none Financial Status: poor??? i guess this is the same for everyone??? 
Myers-Briggs: LOGICIAN (INTP-T) Enneagram: Type Six -The Loyal Skeptic Temperament: melancholic Hogwarts House: he likes to think he’d be a slytherin, but lol he’s a hufflepuff
okay so a little more about his background. ( tw: car crash, violence [like unnecessary violence.], self hatred ) 
- cian was born to two irish immigrants. he and h is little brother padraig were born three years apart in boston, but shortly after padraig was born, they were killed in a terrible car crash. cian and his brother were put into the system, but didn’t stay there long because they were adopted by another couple. 
- living with the gallaghers was different, but nice. they had a nice little farm in iowa and also happened to be irish as well, so told the boys all the irish traditions. when the outbreak happened, they boarded up the house, and tried to keep safe, but it wasn’t long before they had to leave. 
- at one point when he was ten years old, cian’s parents went off to get more supplies and never came back. so he was left to take care of his brother with like no idea how??? so he joined a group because it was the only thing he could think to do and they just took the few supplies he and padraig had and left. from that point on, he barely trusted anyone else. 
- when he and his brother were making a supply run, cian made a dire mistake that got his brother killed. torn up from the death of all his whole family, cian kind of went on a rampage. he almost just let himself be killed, but then decided that he was going to survive, even if it meant killing every human and every zombie out there. he was going to survive. but because he was a kid, it was really difficult for him to do things on his own. 
- at this point, cian was only thirteen and while he knew he was innocent looking, there were some people that weren’t going to buy that. he spent the next five years of his life using his innocent looks to steal things from people and run off. and he headed towards the coast with the intention of finding a boat and living on that. which is when he found sedona. and at first it seemed like heaven. 
- especially when he met the love of his life. he and this boy (who’s a wc, so he doesn’t have a name yet) got along well and eventually started dating. both of them joined camp chryse because they wanted a more stable life than of a rogue. and things were going well for just the two of them for a while. but then after seven years of dating, cian’s boyfriend broke up with him after seeing him violently murder someone that was attempting to rob him. he went off on the deep end and left the camp. 
- for almost all of first year after the breakup, he was a loner, before he realized that used to being around people. unable to go back to camp chryse without feeling like a failure, he joined the newly formed camp avalon. but just because he’s there doesn’t mean that he’s happy about it. he does everything in his power not to talk to people and to be a loner. 
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blackthornass · 8 years ago
Do you have any art tips?
Uhhhhhh Funk im not The Greatest Artist ™ but I’ll try to bestow some Wisdom on you. Keep in mind Art is Subjective and I’m no expert and all that so take everything with a grain of salt but that being said I’ll try to give u Tips and Tricks
-listen so if you have a boring class at school just draw in it. School is great because you have 1. Access to paper at all times 2. Incredibly boring lectures. If you have a study hall that’s the Drawing JACKPOT. Basically what I’m saying is practice all the time when you have energy but like that’s such boring art advice. It’s important but “practice! uwu” is like what people with Natural Art Talent say when they didn’t have to figure everything out from the ground up so it’s kind of aggravating
-There’s gonna be people better than you. Chances are you have a friend who’s better than you because this is Tumblr we all draw. Try Not To Compare Yourself ™ which idk how to do but it’s bad don’t do it
-unless you find a terrible person with worse art than you in which case FUCK DUDE COMPARE YOURSELF TO THEM! THEYRE HORRIBLE AND THEY CANT DRAW FOR SHIT LOOK WHOS LAUGHING NOW!
-“work until your idols become your rivals” is absolute bullshit because your idols are working at it at the same time you are. You fool. You imbecile. I feel like this works better for writing when your idols can become irrelevant or straight up die between you being an aspiring author 8 year old and a tired 30 year old who just wrote The Great American Novel ™ or just kind of. Leave the fandom if you’re writing fanfic. Anyway
-ok that’s all the preachy shit, time for Real Art Advice ™. Keep in mind I do digital cartoony shit with Strong Lineart and cel shading for the most part and I pretty much only draw people so my knowledge is limited to that. if you wanna be a professional artist maybe do other things and Expand your Abilities ™
-Ok first off if you’re using Gimp or Photoshop please love yourself and download Firealpaca or illegally torrent Paint Tool Sai or something. I swear by Firealpaca it cured my depression but like. Photoshop is Trash for drawing. Get Firealpaca it has Line Correction ™
-Keep Line Correction ™ at like. A 5 when you’re sketching and at a 19 (the maximum) when you’re lining, coloring, shading, highlighting, doing literally anything that isn’t sketching
-Sketching digitally can be hard if you’re used to sketching on paper and I find it easier to do a sketch on paper, take a picture of it on my phone or scan it, and line/color it digitally. You do you and figure out what works best
-speaking of which I refused to use sketchbooks until I was Worthy ™ of not drawing on notebook paper and uhhhhhh that’s dumb just get a sketchbook they cost a little more than a notebook at Target it’s not super expensive. Although if you’re not financially in the position to buy a sketchbook anyway, just hoard notebooks from school that you didn’t use much. Bam, that’s your new sketchbook
-the Head Circle Cross Thing and the Spheres For Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Thing are good and important and will save you
-hands are hard so use references but bullshit your way through it. eventually they’ll look good (I haven’t gotten there yet)
-HAVE FUN WITH NOSES OH MY GOD. Noses are super fun and cool because there’s, like, infinite variety with them, they can be as long or short, thin or thick, rounded or pointy as you want, you can make them be, like, triangles or circles or more squareish or diamond-shaped, the base of the nose can be about as high or as low on the face as you want, you can make the nostrils prominent or not really there at all, they can add another Layer to a character’s design, oh my goodness noses are so fun. They’re like, severely underrated and oh my god I could gush about how fucking fun noses are
-same with facial expressions. Where you put the pupils and how big they are, how much of the eye is covered by eyelids, the way the eyebrows are, the mouth, tons of other shit. There’s loads of variety and so much you can do and honestly having fun with the facial expression is The Best Part. There’s tons of Face Art Chart Memes floating around, you know the ones, save it to your phone/computer and practice those on your own time it’s fun
-if you don’t know how to do something, avoiding it won’t help you. Just kind of draw around with it in your sketchbook or in a “I’m not posting this” file until you feel confident enough to do it in your Real Projects ™.
-Ok for lining did you know..… it isn’t illegal to erase parts of the lineart to clean it up.… just be careful and draw it back in to the best of your abilities if you erase too far and use a smaller eraser brush/lining brush for this… I know it’s tedious nobody likes lining it’s okay you can do this put on some good music
-use mcfucking references
-eyedrop character’s official colors but adjust said colors based on the color of your background to make them look less funky is my general rule for clothing, I usually pick the hair/skin by myself or from something I’ve already drawn though
-for flats, make sure your lineart is all closed off and there aren’t any “holes” cuz that’ll mess up your coloring
-so how I do flats is I use the magic wand tool to select whatever I want to color, expand selection 3 pixels (in firealpaca you can set it to do this automatically), pick the color I need, turn up the brush to as big as possible, and color it in. It saves the time you’d spend with cleaning up where the color gets outside the lines
-you can do the flats on one layer, but I personally like to do every Object on a different layer so when I do shading, I know what goes on top of what
-if a color is darker than the lineart it looks ugly so pick your line color with caution (or just use black! Unlike shading black lineart tends to go with pretty much everything)
-SHADE YOUR GODDAMN ART. Like, what makes people go “wow holy shit that’s good!” is the shading + highlights, don’t be lazy ya fuck.
-I’d take a break before shading to Refresh Your Eyes ™ but also I constantly forget this is a good idea
-don’t shade with black oh my god. Unless you’re doing Strong Punchy Dramatic Stuff or monochrome black and white stuff, don’t shade with black, and if you’re doing that it’ll probably be drawn into the lineart. Don’t shade with black please we can tell you’re doing it and it looks bad
-highlighting with white isn’t too bad though, especially with the eyes, but it might look too strong in some places
-As a general rule, shading is darker and more saturated, highlighting is lighter and less saturated. Whether it gets warmer or cooler depends a lot on what color or thing you’re shading or what you want the feel of the picture to be and I’m not 100% sure how to do it myself so uh. Trust your gut and change the color if it looks wrong I guess.
-where exactly the shadows or highlights fall depends on lots of things, just kind of. Look at how things work irl maybe? This is the kind of thing that you just have to practice, and it’ll look like shit until suddenly it doesn’t sorry I’m not sure what to say
-One Medium Sized White Dot on a layer above the lineart where the pupil borders the Iris (or the whites of the eyes if you’re like me and you make the pupil and Iris one thing) works for a glint in the eye that makes a person look less dead and more cute. How big you’re gonna make it depends on how adorable you want the person to be
-SMOOTH BORDERS FOR THE SHADING ARE REALLY IMPORTANT IF YOURE DOING CEL SHADING which is why firealpaca is my best friend thanks line smoothing. If you’re doing like. Soft shading or painterly shit or other kinds of shading it’s less Super Important but like. Still be sort of neat. Unless being really messy and sketchy is what you’re going for but even then you still need to be sort of careful
-for simple backgrounds, it’s like. Easy to make it interesting. Add polka dots to the background or a big old square or a gradient or a cloud filter or something the possibilities are endless. Another option is to straight up make it transparent and write a secret message in white on the side. But uhh never do a blank white background at the very least fill it with a solid color
-ok style is kind of hard because I never had to struggle to find my style? I just “drew in my handwriting” so to speak and then if along the way I realized something looked shitty I just changed how I drew it slightly? I guess a thing you could do if you’re in tune enough is look at the styles of things you do like and things you don’t and figure out why you do and don’t like it. “I like how *2010s cartoon* does Eyes!” great take that general concept. “I hate how this shitty yaoi has enormous hands!” great then don’t do that. It’s all Personal Preference my dude style is Your Own Thing
-notes aren’t everything but fuck do they feel nice. Self reblogs are fine but don’t overdo it, I’d say reblog it Twice to account for time zones and tag it as self reblog so as to not be a dick
This got long whoops. That’s all I can think of but I hope this helps it’s All I Know
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captainswanouat · 8 years ago
Color Palette Meme coloring tutorial
So I’ve been asked how I make my color palette gif sets and wanted to throw together a super quick little tutorial on how I do it! 
(side note: after I put this together I saw that @loveforcaptainswan also put together a color palette meme coloring tutorial, so I wanna link to that as well because she’s fab at doing these, and that way people can see two different ways of going about making them!!)
For this tutorial, I’m going to be going from this
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To this
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Wanna start off by giving advice on what sorts of scenes to pick. Because not all of them will work for this necessarily. It’s usually easier if there’s not a lot of movement from the characters; that way it’s easier to color the background. I also like using scenes where the background is already a color that stands out quite a bit; especially blue’s and greens. Yellow, most of the time, works too. And it’s also better if it’s a wider shot, rather than a tight shot on someone’s face! That way you have something to color :) 
So I always start off with putting my normal PSD onto the gif and use that as a base. I’ll use this scene, from a gif set I’ll be posting soon, as an example.
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(note: yes, these are just screencaps not the actual gifs lol)
So the first thing I do is make a blank layer, and fill it with the color I plan on making the gif. For this one I’ll be using the color #ebb3fe, which is a light purple. On the color layer, I then set the layer to “darken”. The end result will look like so:
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So after that I turn off the color layer and make it go back to what it looked like once I started. This is where I start playing around with specific colors! To do this, I use the hue/saturation adjustment layer.
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So for this, I do a separate layer for each color I change around. For this gif, I’d start with green because it’s the most prominent color in the background. So I’d make a hue/saturation adjustment layer, pick green from the drop down menu, and then fiddle with the sliders for the HUE choice; not saturation.
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As you can see from the above photo, I slid it over to the right to make the green the color I want. For this step it’s really up to the gif maker; I just slide the slider around until I’m happy with what I’ve gotten. And once I’m happy with the green, then I’d make a new adjustment layer and do it for the yellows, and then would repeat it if I need to do it for the cyans, blues, reds, magentas, etc. It all depends on the gif you’re using, the color you’re trying to make. And sometimes, I have to do a certain color twice! 
Another tip; some colors don’t change to another color very easily. In fact for this gif, what I first did was make the green a blue like so:
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And then from there, I made the changes for cyans and blues to make the gif purple, like so:
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And for this gif; when you change the yellows in the background to blue, Emma’s hair is gonna change to blue too. Which is no bueno. So, simply, just erase the layer that changes color from Emma’s hair. The layer mask would look like so: 
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(Make sure you have the white rectangle part selected, like it is above, or else the layer won’t erase!)
So once I’ve gotten the purple I want, it’s really going in and making little tweeks to get it right. And do that, I use selective colors!
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For this gif, I’d be changing the magenta colors as I’m working towards purple, but for other gifs I’d tweek the yellows or the greens or cyans (you get me). This is what mine looked like once I tweeked it around.
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This part is really to the eye of the gif maker though, so it’s more for everyone to just mess around with until they get the look their going for. This, is mine:
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Now the next step is something I personally do; idk if this is a normal step but it’s what I’ve always done so I’m gonna keep doing it. And it has to do with the color fill layer I made at the beginning of this that I set to darken, and then turned off. This is where it actually comes in to play! So at this point, once I’ve gotten the background colored to where I want it to be, I turn the color fill layer back on. Should look like so:
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This fills in the white, and fills it in with the EXACT color I’m looking for which I really like with the effect darken does. Helps me get the color to looking the way it needs to! 
After this, I go to the color fill layer and erase around the faces/their bodies and in the end it looks like so:
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(obviously when the gif is moving, sometimes I gotta be a little creative with the erasing; sometimes I’ll leave part of their bodies colored by this layer but I set the opacity to like 30% when I’m coloring around their bodies so it’s not as prominent)
So that’s how I make all my color palette gifs! Every gif is different, and some are easier to make than others, but this is the gist of what I do. I really hope that this helps!!! :)
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purple-possibilities · 8 years ago
11 More Questions
First mate @letliv3 tagged me back, so here I am again with TMI. This got really long, so buckle up lovelies!
1. What is your favorite movie soundtrack and why?
I have two movie soundtracks on my phone. One is the soundtrack for Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp—is that how you spell his name? Idc) which I love because the lyrics are clever and I have been a member of many choirs in my life and we’ve sang this musical. The other is for Sucker Punch, the movie with the girl in a school girl outfit and a katana, because there are awesome covers of amazing songs, and they’re so relaxing omg. But other than those, I don’t really pay attention to movie soundtracks. But wait, hang on! When Batman Forever (I think? One of the Batmans from the 90s) came out, my brother, who was is obsessed with Batman bought it, and we used to listen to it all the time. So for nostalgia sake, that one. Kiss From a Rose is like, the greatest song (we never really listened past that track lol!)
2. What is your favorite smell and why?
I like French Lavender because it just smells nice, but the best smell is a mixture of freshly cut wood and sawdust, metal and tools, the dark green Polo cologne, fresh, crisp spring air and a hint of cigarette smoke. That’s how my dad used to smell when I was a child. He doesn’t smell like that anymore. A few years ago, when I was walking under a construction site, I got a whiff of it. From what seemed like a dream I was slammed with childhood emotions, memories of love and safety, bike riding on Saturday afternoons that ended with cherry-flavoured popsicles, laying in a pile, squished on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by pillows on top of my dad, while my mom joked about us being as lazy as the lions we were watching on the Discovery Channel. It was a piece of nostalgia wafting over on the breeze. If I could bottle it, I would in a heartbeat.
3. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ONLY one? Forever? Ugh I would totally hate that food after a week. So let’s go with something healthy and maybe with a variety of ingredients so I could pick some out if I got bored. But my fav food is hot and sour soup, which doesn’t have much variety. I think actually I’d pick steak. Because you could marinate it differently, but even if you were limited to salt and pepper, you can still make it taste different enough. And different cuts taste different so I’m gonna cheat that way. I will greatly miss that soup though.
4. What teacher has most influenced you in your life?
Good or bad or memorable?
Good: my grade 7 science teacher subtly told me off for being a judgemental 12/13 year old and I still feel the shame of that sharp glance and flat retort. I’ve been much kinder since then.
Bad: my grade 11 art teacher made me feel worthless because the art I produced didn’t fit his idea of how he thought I should be interpreting his ridiculous prompts. I had to do a mixed media piece which explained “The Economic Crisis in China.” And my interpretation wasn’t “art,” but the person who got to chose their topic, chose “Global Warming,” and painted a tiny polar bear in the centre of a canvas with a white background got an A+. I’m not bitter at all, what are you talking about? I hated that he wouldn’t talk about it with me. He expected me to know what he wanted and to just do it, and that’s such a horrible thing for any teacher. In my whole life I have never disliked a teacher. I even like the teachers that everyone else calls hardasses. He and I just didn’t get along.
Memorable: My grade 11 English teacher gets an honourable mention because he was a babe and damn if I didn’t have the hugest crush on him. We used to get into conversations about the origins of words and the history of language and if that isn’t what makes the ideal man then idk what is. Talk nerdy to me 😘
5. Who was your idol as a child? Why did you admire this person?
Samus Aran, from the Metroid video game series. That was my favourite video game, my dad’s fav game, my bro, my male cousins, my uncles…everyone in the family loves that series. It was about a bounty hunter in a set of impressive, head-to-toe armour, who was just the biggest badass; a human trained by an extinct alien species to use their advanced technology and weapons. And the major “reveal” of the game? Samus is a woman. There were no female characters that were playable back then, or that weren’t just princesses that needed saving. There was no game more fun to play, that was as unanimously loved (in my small world) than Super Metroid. And I wanted to be her. We had the same colour hair (they’re changed her design now which upsets the little girl in me) and I wanted to be a badass bounty hunter that defeated space aliens and had the last being of an alien species—that was typically a deadly menace—imprint on me and think I was it’s mother. Little girls have strange dreams ok, and honestly I don’t think that dream will ever leave me. I want to cosplay as her one day, I just have to get the confidence to do so.
6. What kind of coloring books go you like? The simple and succinct ones or the intricate and detailed ones?
Eh, well I’m an artist so I much prefer to draw. But both have their ups and downs. The intricate ones can be very relaxing, as you can easily colour in pleasing patterns. But the simple ones give you more space to “freestyle” so to speak. But I love co-op colouring with children. When my cousins were super young I used to draw them pictures to colour in, and their mom has kept them all.
7. What are your go-to pair of shoes?
Slip on flats, when the weather permits it. I can take them on and off without any fuss, no ties or buckles. I have a pair now from sketchers which are plain black…something. They’re accidentally (yes, accidentally is the right word) construction shoes. They can withstand over 30k volts of electricity or something, idfk I don’t understand safety shoes. All I know is that I’m not getting electrocuted any time soon. Try me, lightening. I dare you! ⚡️⛈🌩
8. What would you name your Direwolf if you had one?
I want to say “Lucky” only because those guys don’t have much, but if we’re not being superstitious, then probably “Paul.” Because of a Family Guy joke.
9. If you could change one event in the past, what would it be? (It doesn’t have to involve you in any way.)
I…I’m really sorry, but I can’t answer this with complete honesty. My first and second responses are too personal. But my third? Hmm, if I’m being selfish, I’d close my eyes (so vague mwahaha). If not…there’s too many to chose. So many tragedies the world has faced, I can’t choose one that weighs heavier than any other, or would make the biggest impact. Because you also have to consider that some good came out of those tragedies. And if you stopped one event, then whatever tensions were being built up would just break at another time. Maybe I’d stop a natural disaster from occurring, save a bunch of lives. I’d actually love it if the Library of Alexandria still existed, or the Colossus of Rhodes wasn’t destroyed by an earthquake, or that giant statue of Athena that used to be in the Parthenon wasn’t torn down…I have a soft spot for pieces of history that were destroyed.
10. What is your favorite memory you have with your group of friends?
Not my current group, or a group really. But my fav memory with a friend is with my first roommate in university. We bought a pumpkin to carve for Halloween that turned into a ridiculous photo shoot featuring pumpkin entrails, pizza, and the stars of CSI New York on our shitty tv.
11. If you could become part of your favorite series/ movie etc. would you?
Well, first I have to pick a favourite, which is just impossible. But for the sake of the question, since I’m very involved with the Naruto fandom atm, I suppose I’ll just use that in place of “favourite.” On the one hand, it seems like a drag. Any war-torn place seems horrible in comparison to this world. But then again, magical powers are pretty sick. Would I be born into the world, or transported there? Would I have powers, or be just normal me? Would I have “foresight” based on my knowledge of the series, or be a “tabula rasa?” So many things to consider! When in the series would I be injected? Post the Fourth War, sign me up as I am now, and even as a civvy; so long as there’s some Rokudaime in my life I’ll be fine 😜. Before that? Ehhh…it depends. I’d probably miss everyone in my life over here, and with no guarantee that I’d make new bonds in the new world…ok so I’d def want my friends and family there (well, some of them lol). So maybe, depending on the situation when I got there. Which is pretty much a non-answer. Sorry!
I’m not making more questions or tagging anyone since I’ve done it once already. If you want to answer the questions I laid out in the last one, or answer these questions, just tag me! I’d love to read people’s responses. It’s all so fascinating!
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