wandering in wonder
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ciantheirish-blog · 7 years ago
just the sound of his voice was enough to send delaney in a sour mood. their previous encounters had be nothing short of miserable. absolutely fuckin’ miserable. “whatever,” she muttered. “go sit.” delaney didn’t bother looking him the eye. she grabbed the supplies needed and sat them down on the table beside her. maybe an extra bit of peroxide wouldn’t hurt. or maybe it would. she dampened the tiny bit of cloth, but this time didn’t squeeze the excess back into the bottle. delaney used the cloth to clean up the blood and shortly after, pressed the peroxide soaked bit into the wound a bit harder than usual. “so, how did you make such a dumb ass move – cutting yourself like this? looks pretty deep,“ she said, while a cocky smile appeared on her lips. 
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          so maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to come to the medical room. cian wondered if half the staff just wanted to see him dead. which is why he spent more time patching himself up than he did around the medical people. cian was just running out of supplies. “alright,” he raised his eyebrows, looking at delaney with a half innocent look. anyone that knew cian knew he was anything but innocent, but sometimes he was able to fool people despite what they knew of him. he let her lean the wound and didn’t even flinch even with the sting of peroxide. even if it hurt, he wasn’t going to let it show. that was weakness. “would you believe that i got stabbed in the hand by the last guy i had sex with?” he leaned back slightly, smirking. it wasn’t true, but the real story was embarrassing. “apparently when it comes to the apocalypse, people still expect you to call them.” 
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ciantheirish-blog · 7 years ago
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looking down at the knife she was holding in her hand as she slowly whittled a small piece of wood, elena heard the other approaching not even bothering to rise her gaze to them. she was fully intent on taking advantage of her down time especially since it seemed the commanders decided they needed to be sent out constantly to gather supplies. it was the curse of the place only being set up a few months and they still didn’t have any fucking walls. an amused tone to her voice, “if you going to try and ask for me to get you something specific out there besides the normal stuff we need, just going to let you know that i don’t do it for free.” elena let out a small chuckle, “though i’m not opposed to bribery.”
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             it was one of those days where cian just felt like not being around people. which was his normal mood, but today it was worse than other days. but living in a world like theirs, it was difficult to be truly alone unless you had a death wish or were capable of being on your own. he’d already done that long enough and got used to people. what he wanted was to put a couple arrows through the head of a zombie. he just didn’t have a death wish. sighing, he decided to find another scavenger and head out to look for supplies because that was as close to being alone as he was going to get. “i’m not going to ask for anything i can get myself,” he replied, “and i sure as hell don’t want to bribe you.” cian looked at elena and raised his eyebrow. “want to go kill things? i have a craving to bash someone’s skull in and a zombie is better than a living human.” 
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ciantheirish-blog · 7 years ago
“jesus christ,” delaney yelped. “i was going to beat the shit out of you. i mean, i know there’s a zombie apocalypse, but manners still exist. knock next time.”  she lowered the book in her hands, firmly putting it back on the desk. her eyes darted back up to the person standing before her. “well, what do you want?”
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          cian was like a cat sometimes. he’d learned how to be silent a long time ago. and he liked to think that he was quick on his feet. it’s how he survived this whole time. but sometimes it was a bad idea to be silent. especially when he was sneaking up on someone. but cian didn’t care because he was hoping to swipe some supplies from the medics without them knowing. he didn’t know there was someone there. and he sure as hell wouldn’t have tried it if he knew that delaney was there. “what the fuck is a book gonna do?” he asked, leaning against the door frame. “you gonna educate a zombie to death? i guess you’ll let me know if it works if you end up dead.” it was a slightly rude, but he didn’t care. “i cut my hand on a rusty nail,” he said, holding out his palm, which was indeed bleeding.
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ciantheirish-blog · 7 years ago
          hey there ya’ll. i’m vex. i’m not gonna tell you much about myself because i hate talking about myself, but here’s my intro for cian. i also play jamie! so hit me up for plots on either while i finish both intros. either way either i’ll get to you or you can come to me. anyway here’s a bit about cian under the cut. he’s based on an old oc of mine from another zombie rp. sorry this is kinda lengthy. 
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Full Name: cian tadhg mac craith (i swear i don’t hate ya’ll but irish names) his name is pronounced Key-an Ti-gue MacGarth  Nickname(s): none Age: 25 Date of Birth: 26 dec Zodiac Sign: capricorn Place of Birth: this gets a little complicated because he was technically born in bosten, but was adopted by a couple in iowa. so technically boston, but also really waterloo, iowa.  Ethnicity: white Nationality: irish/american Gender: cismale Sexual Orientation: homosexual Romantic Orientation: homoromantic  Religion: none / he’s not agnostic, but he doesn’t think about religion  Occupation: scavenger Language(s) Spoken: english Accent: irish
Face Claim: tyler young Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Height: 1.83 m /6′  Weight: 210 lbs  Build: lean Tattoos: none Piercings: none Distinguishing Characteristics: nothing
Label: idk Positive Traits: focused, resourceful, accepting Negative Traits: rude, unfriendly, sarcastic Goals/Desires: survive Fears: death Hobbies: archery  Quirks: being reckless  Likes: archery, being alone Dislikes: people, everything 
Father: tadhg mac craith  Mother: caoimhe mac craith  Adopted Father: liam gallagher  Adopted Father: samuel gallagher  Sibling(s): padraig mac craith Pet(s): none Financial Status: poor??? i guess this is the same for everyone??? 
Myers-Briggs: LOGICIAN (INTP-T) Enneagram: Type Six -The Loyal Skeptic Temperament: melancholic Hogwarts House: he likes to think he’d be a slytherin, but lol he’s a hufflepuff
okay so a little more about his background. ( tw: car crash, violence [like unnecessary violence.], self hatred ) 
- cian was born to two irish immigrants. he and h is little brother padraig were born three years apart in boston, but shortly after padraig was born, they were killed in a terrible car crash. cian and his brother were put into the system, but didn’t stay there long because they were adopted by another couple. 
- living with the gallaghers was different, but nice. they had a nice little farm in iowa and also happened to be irish as well, so told the boys all the irish traditions. when the outbreak happened, they boarded up the house, and tried to keep safe, but it wasn’t long before they had to leave. 
- at one point when he was ten years old, cian’s parents went off to get more supplies and never came back. so he was left to take care of his brother with like no idea how??? so he joined a group because it was the only thing he could think to do and they just took the few supplies he and padraig had and left. from that point on, he barely trusted anyone else. 
- when he and his brother were making a supply run, cian made a dire mistake that got his brother killed. torn up from the death of all his whole family, cian kind of went on a rampage. he almost just let himself be killed, but then decided that he was going to survive, even if it meant killing every human and every zombie out there. he was going to survive. but because he was a kid, it was really difficult for him to do things on his own. 
- at this point, cian was only thirteen and while he knew he was innocent looking, there were some people that weren’t going to buy that. he spent the next five years of his life using his innocent looks to steal things from people and run off. and he headed towards the coast with the intention of finding a boat and living on that. which is when he found sedona. and at first it seemed like heaven. 
- especially when he met the love of his life. he and this boy (who’s a wc, so he doesn’t have a name yet) got along well and eventually started dating. both of them joined camp chryse because they wanted a more stable life than of a rogue. and things were going well for just the two of them for a while. but then after seven years of dating, cian’s boyfriend broke up with him after seeing him violently murder someone that was attempting to rob him. he went off on the deep end and left the camp. 
- for almost all of first year after the breakup, he was a loner, before he realized that used to being around people. unable to go back to camp chryse without feeling like a failure, he joined the newly formed camp avalon. but just because he’s there doesn’t mean that he’s happy about it. he does everything in his power not to talk to people and to be a loner. 
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