#I was busy then my tablet broke then i was busy again
sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Black and Blues (Pt. 2)
Part One:
The elevator ride feels suffocating in its silence. Izuku stares ahead, his normally bright demeanor dulled by the weight of everything happening. It’s just like high school all over again—losing him the first time nearly broke me. How am I supposed to survive this again?
The chime of the elevator interrupts our last moments of quiet, and the doors slide open, unleashing the chaos of DynaCorp. Assistants scramble like ants, buzzing around us with frantic energy.
“Can someone please find Mrs. Bakugo an appropriate outfit?” One assistant barks orders while others scatter. My fingers fidget with the hem of my shorts as camera crews set up equipment, flashes already going off in every direction.
“Mrs. Dynamite, you need to issue Plan C42. Sign here.” A clipboard and pen are thrust into my hands without warning.
Izuku snatches it out of my grip before I can even register what’s happening, tossing it aside. “She’s not signing that. He’s been gone less than 48 hours. Kacchan’s taken spontaneous trips to Spain that have lasted longer than this.”
“What’s C42?” I ask, tugging on his jacket to refocus him. Izuku’s gaze softens momentarily as he gently takes my wrist, pulling me away from the swarm of demands closing in on us.
Before Izuku can answer, an assistant with a phone rushes over. “Mrs. Bakugo, the shareholders’ meeting is about to start. They need you on the call now.”
“Wait, I—”
“Mrs. Bakugo, the PR team needs a statement about Mr. Bakugo’s absence,” another voice cuts in.
“One thing at a time!” I snap, feeling my head start to spin.
Izuku squeezes my hand reassuringly, leaning in so his green eyes are level with mine. “C42 hands over control to the board of directors,” he explains, voice low and steady, trying to anchor me. “Katsuki’s smart. He knows what he’s doing—he’s a shark when it comes to business.”
“Then why are they all acting like he’s already dead?” I mutter, my voice cracking under the pressure.
“Katsuki owns 65% of DynaCorp,” Izuku explains, keeping his focus on me. “As the majority shareholder, he can’t be outvoted. They can’t act without your approval.”
“Mrs. Bakugo, please, the meeting,” the assistant with the phone urges again, sounding panicked.
“I’ll be right there,” I say, still looking at Izuku. “What do I do?”
Izuku steps closer, his large hand resting on my bicep.
“Do you know why Katsuki’s the boss?” he asks me quietly. “It’s because he’s a bully. He doesn’t take orders from anyone. His employees don't tell him what to do—they wait for him to make the call. And today, you’re in charge. You decide when things happen. Everyone waits on you.”
I swallow hard but nod, feeling a small spark of confidence stir inside me.
Just then, another assistant rushes up with a tablet in hand. “Mrs. Bakugo, the legal team needs your approval on these documents.”
Before I can even react, Izuku grabs the tablet out of the assistant’s hands, shooting them a sharp glare. “We’ll review everything later,” he snaps. “You've done things way scarier than this. Bakugo is going to love hearing about this.”
The rest of the day is a whirlwind. Meeting after meeting, phone call after phone call, every second brings new demands, new emergencies. My head is pounding, a constant hum of tension swirling behind my eyes. By the time we finally leave the office, the city has long since gone dark, and exhaustion weighs heavily on my shoulders.
I never realized how much Katsuki dealt with on a daily basis. The pressure, the decisions, the chaos—it’s no wonder he always seemed stressed. I should buy more plants.
Izuku and I sit in my apartment, surrounded by takeout containers from our favorite restaurant. The scent of fresh rice and fried chicken bites fills the room as we go over stacks of documents spread across the coffee table.
Izuku picks up a dumpling with his chopsticks, his eyes soft with concern as he glances my way. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I let out a heavy sigh, leaning back against the couch, my head tilted toward the ceiling. "I don’t know… I’m not even hungry." My gaze drifts over to the counter, where my cold pancakes still sit, syrup congealed and untouched.
Izuku lowers his chopsticks, setting them aside. “What would Katsuki say?”
A bitter smile tugs at my lips. “That I’m going to get a headache if I don’t eat some protein.” I mumble, rolling my eyes even as I take a small bite from my plate, forcing the food down despite the knot in my stomach.
“Thank you, Izuku,” I say quietly, the weight of the day pulling down on my shoulders. “You didn’t have to stay.”
He gives me a soft smile, his voice equally gentle. “We stick together. Your husband has every pro hero in Japan looking for him. He’d want me here with you.”
I nod, comforted by his presence as we work in silence. The world outside feels distant, almost surreal, until our phones begin to buzz, lighting up with a flurry of notifications. Message after message floods in, urging us to turn on the TV.
Izuku grabs the remote with a frown, switching to the local news channel.
And then everything stops.
“Oh my god.” The words fall from my mouth, barely audible. My hands fly up to cover my face as I stare at the screen, frozen in horror. My legs feel weak, but before I can collapse, Izuku is up, his arms pulling me into a tight cocoon, shielding me from the unbearable images flashing on the screen.
“Recently released footage shows ProHero Dynamite hours after he was reported as MIA. The following footage contains graphic images that may not be suitable for viewers.”
My body thrashes against Izuku's hold as I desperately try to turn around and see the screen. But he holds me firm, locking me in place.
"Katsuki!" I scream, heart racing in my chest. But then I hear his voice, faint but unmistakable through the television speakers.
“Bluejays are born to fly. Are they not?”
I stomp on Izuku’s foot, using his moment of surprise to break free from his grip. I whip around, my eyes locking onto the screen just in time to see the horrifying scene. An assailant with an electricity quirk sends a painful jolt into Katsuki’s body, his face twisted in agony. His lips part again.
My heart shatters at the sight of him—broken, battered... confused. I move toward the TV without thinking, my trembling hand reaching for him.
“Stop! Please!” I cry, my fingers grazing the glass, feeling the cold surface that separates us. Izuku yanks me away, wrapping his arms around me and rushing us toward the door.
“What are you doing?!” I shout in confusion, my voice choked with emotion as our apartment door slams behind us.
“We have to go—now,” Izuku mutters under his breath, his usual calm composure unraveling as he pulls me down the hallway. This isn’t like him. We usually take the elevator, but this time, he pushes open the stairwell door, his eyes scanning for danger.
"Stay low, come on," he orders, and we descend the stairs, our hurried footsteps echoing in the narrow space. The sense of urgency fuels my panic, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.
When we reach the parking garage, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward a car, practically shoving me inside. He slides into the driver’s seat, his movements fast and calculated, the car roaring to life as he locks the doors and tears out of the garage.
“What the hell is going on?” I demand, my voice rising with fear and confusion.
Izuku’s knuckles tighten on the wheel, his jaw set. “You’re in danger. We need to move you somewhere safe.”
“What? Izuku, what are you talking about?” I ask.
He spares me a glance. “I don’t know everything yet. But I’m not going to let anything happen to you. We’re going to figure this out—and we’re going to get Kacchan back. I promise.”
The city blurs past us, the streets illuminated by the dim glow of streetlights as we speed into the night, leaving everything familiar behind. All I can think about is Katsuki’s broken face on that screen, and the overwhelming fear that we might not make it in time.
Part Three:
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thatfanficstuff · 5 months
Breakeven - Jonas Taylor (The Meg)
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Pairing: Jonas Taylor x Reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: Inspired by the song Breakeven by The Script. I was having trouble finding a Jonas Taylor fic that fit what I was looking for so I wrote one. The story of my life. Enjoy.
Jonas Taylor’s gaze swept around the flurry of activity surrounding him. He’d just left the infirmary after making certain his sister would recover from the injury she’d received when her sub had been attacked. He needed a shower and a change of clothes but he was too busy searching the halls of Mana One for your familiar silhouette. He hadn’t seen you since the two of you divorced and now that he was so close to you, he felt the need to find you. To assure himself that you were still whole and alive.
Finally, he caught a glimpse of you as you conferred with Suyin, both your heads bent over a tablet as she showed you something. He sucked in a breath as his chest tightened, an odd mix of longing and bitterness churning inside him. He shoved down the rush of emotions threatening to surface, schooling his features into his normal flat expression. He had to appear unaffected. He couldn’t let you know how affected he was by your presence, how the pain clawed at his insides.
“I thought you were going to clean up,” Mac’s voice interrupted. His friend followed his line of sight to see you. “Oh.” He dropped a hand on Jonas’ shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.
Jonas shrugged him off and gave him a tight smile. “Got sidetracked is all.”
“I see that,” Mac agreed as he put his hands in his pockets and followed Jonas as he walked away from you. They walked in silence for a bit, steps echoing in the quiet hall.
Jonas licked his lips. “Seems like she’s doing okay after everything.” Bitterness colored his words though he’d tried to hide it. He hated that he was torn in pieces, aimless without you and you didn’t seem bothered in the least. It was bullshit.
Mac studied him for a moment. “She’s keeping her head up.” He grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him into a room. “Let’s have a drink. You look like you could use one.”
Jonas nodded and took a seat in what was clearly Mac’s private room. He sipped at his drink as he watched Mac contemplate something. Jonas knew the look well and waited for his friend to come to a decision.
“You’ve got it all wrong you know,” Mac finally said with a furrowed brow.
“What have I got wrong?”
“It killed her to file those papers.”
Jonas snorted. “I find that unlikely. No, she thought I was crazy just like everyone else and left rather than stand by me like she should have.”
Mac shook his head. “I promised her I wouldn’t say anything, but I’m tired of holding her while she cries over you. I love her like a sister, but she needs you.”
“Then why the hell did she leave?” Jonas tried and failed to mask the desperation in his words.
“Because,” Mac hesitated, swirling his drink as if searching for courage in its depths. “Because the old bastard gave her an ultimatum.” Jonas knew instantly he must be talking about your father. None of you liked him but he was too wealthy and powerful to just write off. Mac sighed, regret contorting his features. “He threatened dire consequences, Jonas. Said you’d suffer if she didn’t cut ties.”
A heavy weight settled in his stomach. If your father wasn’t already dead, he’d kill him for threatening you. For making you too scared to come to him. “Threatened? What did he do, Mac?” His grip tightened on his glass, knuckles whitening.
“He didn’t want your presence staining his good name as he put it. Said he’d use all of his resources to make sure you were broke and homeless with no where to turn. He told her there wasn’t a corner of the Earth where you would be safe from him. Then he told her if she tried to run with you, he’d make certain she’d never see you alive again.” Mac’s voice was little more than a whisper by the end, heavy with the burden of the knowledge he’d been carrying.
A cold shock washed over Jonas, followed by a surge of anger that left him breathless. Your father hadn’t threatened you. He’d threatened Jonas. You’d shattered your entire world to protect him. His breath came heavy and he placed his glass on the table in front of him, afraid he’d drop it otherwise. He ran a hand over his head. “Damn it.” How hadn’t he seen this? Why hadn’t he demanded more answers from you? Why had he just assumed you were abandoning him like everyone else? “I can’t believe she never—”
“Hey,” Mac interrupted gently, placing a hand on Jonas’s back. “You didn’t know because she didn’t want you to. She walked away to keep you safe.”
“Safe,” Jonas echoed, the word bitter on his tongue. The truth of your motivations stripped him of his resentment, leaving a raw, gaping wound in its wake.
“Jonas,” Mac’s voice softened, “she loved you enough to let you go but she was far from okay with it. It tore her up. Still does.”
He clenched his jaw as he processed everything he’d just been told. If you loved him that much, maybe there was still hope for the two of you.
You’d taken to hiding in your room since Jonas arrived, leaving only when you were made to. You hadn’t even been to see Lori in the infirmary afraid you’d run into him there. Mac had been trying to get you to tell Jonas the truth since your father died, but you just couldn’t. He’d hate you for breaking his heart, regardless of the circumstances. It was better to just let him move on without you. For him to find his happiness even if you never did.
A knock at your door reverberated through the room. You opened it without checking who was on the other side. An action you regrated instantly when you found yourself face to face with the love of your life. “Jonas,” you whispered, your voice breaking on the word.
He greeted you in return before pushing gently past you and stepping into the room. You shut the door behind him, your hand trembling against the cold steel. “I didn’t expect—”
“Neither did I,” he said cutting you off. “Why did you do it? Why did you leave me?”
The words hung between you as your eyes searched his, wondering why he suddenly wanted to have this conversation when he’d never asked at the time. “Jonas, I…” you trailed off not certain what you could say to get him to possibly forgive you.
“Please,” he pleaded as his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. “I heard things about your father, about threats. I need to hear it from you. The truth.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. Your gaze faltered, drifting away before finding its way back to him. “I…you don’t understand.”
“Then help me understand,” he said, stepping closer.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as your heart raced, pounding against your ribs. “My father threatened everything. I never wanted to leave you but if I stayed, if I fought for you…He might have been bluffing, but I couldn’t risk it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion. “Why didn’t you ask for my help?”
A laugh escaped you then, a cold, bitter sound of disbelief. “How could I, Jonas? Threats from my father aside, you’d been pushing me away since the day everything went to shit. I tried to help you, tried to back you and you didn’t want it. When my father gave me the ultimatum, I figured it wouldn’t matter much to you anyway. It didn’t matter if I was broken, as long as you were okay.”
You couldn’t bear to look at him as hot tears trailed down your cheeks. Strong hands gripped yours and you sucked in a breath in surprise. “Listen to me,” Jonas ordered. “I always knew you deserved better than me and I didn’t want to drag you down with me, but nothing, absolutely nothing would ever make me quit loving you.”
When you said nothing he squeezed your hands. “Say you believe me,” he whispered. “Believe that in a million moments, in a million lifetimes, I would always choose you.”
Your eyes found his, wanting to believe his words. Gods you wanted to. And as he gazed at you full of hope and love and desperation, you found that you did. Could the two of you really have another chance? With your father and his threats gone from your lives, what was stopping you?
Jonas leaned forward suddenly and you barely had time to catch your breath before his lips met yours in a kiss that was both an apology and a plea. His hands moved to cup your face tenderly as if you could vanish in an instant.
Pulling back just enough to meet your stunned gaze, Jonas ran his eyes over your face as if memorizing your features. Whatever he found must have made him happy as a wide grin curled his lips. “Marry me,” he breathed. “Be mine again. Forever this time.”
The sincerity in his eyes was undeniable. Fresh tears trailed the paths of the previous ones but this time they were happy, full of love and hope. You brushed your lips against his as you whispered his name.
He kissed you again, needy and wanting, before resting his forehead against yours. “Is that a yes?”
You chuckled. “Yeah, baby, that’s a yes.”
His hands trembled slightly as he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He buried his face into the curve of your neck and inhaled your still familiar scent. For the first time since you walked out the door all those years ago, he felt whole.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered against his skin.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. As long as you never leave my side again everything will be fine.” As he pressed a kiss to your temple, there was a knock on your door.
“Go away,” he called, making you laugh.
There was a stretch of silence before you heard Mac say your name in question which only made you laugh harder. You pulled away to answer your door, Jonas moving with you. Mac looked between the two of you, before grinning like an idiot. “I’m sorry to interrupt this, like you have no idea how sorry, but we’ve got a meeting to talk about the meg.”
You nodded and moved to follow him before Jonas grabbed your arm and pulled you back. “We’ll be there in a minute,” his rough voice said as he shut the door in Mac’s face.
When he turned you and pressed you against the door as he kissed you deeply, all your protests disappeared. This is where you belonged. Right here with your husband as if the last five years had never happened. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back and wondered if they really needed you to tell them to kill the giant shark before it ate everyone. Surely they could figure that out on their own.
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Idk if this is considered a request BUT GIRL WOULD YOU WRITE A HATE-FUCKING IMAGINE WITH PRAGER? my fav recom barely gets attention 😔🤞 also you write so well keep up the amazing work
nah cuz that's an amazing fuckin idea, HELL YEAH
Hate-Fucking with Prager
Recom Prager x Recom f. Y/N
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(This is a bit shorter than usual and also not as rough as the others ones because Prager is too babygirl for mean hate sex. Turns into sweet fluff in the end)
Summary: Prager and Y/N have a silent rivalry and always annoy each other. Things take a turn when they are paired together during a mission and secrets are unvealed...
WARNINGS: SMUT, fighting, arguing, swearing, mentions of firearms, penetration, praise-kink, fluff
Word Count: 4749
It was never meant to get out of control. But I guess destiny wanted us to hate each other...
Things started during a harmless mission with the recom squad out in the forest. Quaritch had us search the area for clues of our past selves or of Sully’s presence. We were never alone when outside so he had us in groups of three. I was with Brown and Lopez. 
We had returned from about an hour's search and gathered back at the aircraft.
“How much ground did you cover?” Quaritch had asked us. The other groups answered with low numbers because everyone either reached a dead end or got stuck in one area. 
Prager’s group which consisted of him, Walker, and Ja had a higher number.
“Almost a quarter.” he said, speaking for his group. Quaritch had nodded, seeming pleased that they moved on faster than the others. Then he turned to us and I spoke up. 
“We actually managed that one quarter.” I replied, my voice feigning innocence. 
Quaritch seemed even more impressed and nodded as he wrote it down on the tablet. 
I looked over to the other team and locked eyes with Prager who was already looking at me. My sentence replayed in my head and I quickly regretted my choice of words. They demeaned his answer even though I said them without any attitude. I should have just said ‘one quarter’. 
I watched him process my words while I did the same but for some odd reason, neither of us broke the eye contact. 
“Ha, eat shit.” Lopez joked with an evil cackle, looking at Ja who rolled his eyes. They just made it seem competitive. 
Prager and I were still looking at each other and Lopez’s sentence created the idea of a competition. One that I seemingly beat Prager in. 
It was just natural from that point on to try and win against the other person. And just like that, a silent rivalry was birthed. 
From then on, everything we did we tried to do it better than the other. We rarely spoke. Prager and I always got along well but never to the point where we would have a friendly and joking conversation. We also never had a reason to dislike each other but all that changed now. 
During training, our small competition would be the most visible. 
‘Oh, Prager did 50 push-ups? I’ll do more.’ 
At the time I wasn’t even sure he knew about it. I thought that this clash was one-sided from me because it was never talked about or properly acknowledged by us. 
…It definitely wasn’t. 
Today, we were back in the forest again. We had searched the entire mission area from last time so today’s environment was new. But the mission objective stayed the same: search the area for clues or old equipment. 
Quaritch didn’t care about mixing up groups like schoolteachers would. He always paired two people when they stood together. 
We were leaving the helicopter and walking deeper into the woods before we would stop and split up. 
My mind was focusing on completely the wrong things. Prager was right behind me and we were going uphill so I was silently listening to see how heavy he was breathing, just to make sure I wasn’t worse off than him. The rivalry was still on. He was distracted too. 
That’s why when we came to a stop, it didn’t even cross my mind that Quaritch would pair us up. I was too busy forcing my breath to sound normal and not heavy. 
Then the inevitable happened and Quaritch started counting through, eventually pointing the two of us together. 
I stood there in shock for a full minute, just processing the consequences of my stupid behaviour. Prager didn’t move either but we refused to look at each other. Eventually, I walked away first and he had to follow me, so we left just like the others did. 
It’s quiet now. The forest is loud but the sound of machines and talking is gone. 
I’m walking forwards with a tracker and compass in my hands, trying to find the marked area we are supposed to cover. I can hear Prager’s heavy footsteps behind me and I definitely feel his eyes burning into the back of my head and body. However, I refuse to turn around. Because that would mean I’m reacting to him. And reactions cause more reactions which then lead to a social exchange of words. A conversation I don’t want to have. Mainly because I don’t know what I would say or how I would explain my behaviour. Perhaps he is completely oblivious to the challenge in my mind but I highly doubt it. The atmosphere that moves with us as we go is too thick for that. Something about it is making me nervous. 
“Do you know where we’re going?” I hear Prager call from somewhere behind me. My ears instantly perk up and my heartbeat speed up. 
“Yeah.” I reply, slightly turning my head over my shoulder to make it obvious I’m giving him an answer in case he can’t hear but still not an interaction enough to encourage further conversation. 
“We’ve walked past this tree already.” He said and almost immediately, his deep voice irritated me. 
Oh no he did not. 
“No, we haven’t.” I reply, speaking the words slowly and giving them some attitude. 
“Yeah, we have.” 
I roll my eyes. ‘He’s acting like a fucking child.’ I think. 
“Are you doubting my tracking skills?” I say, turning around to him and walking a few steps backwards while awaiting his reply.  My eyebrow is raised as I rest my unimpressed gaze on him.
“No, I’m just saying. We’re going the wrong way.” he answers, meeting my challenging eyes. 
“All the trees look the fucking same. I know where I’m going.” I answer, motioning to the hundreds of trees surrounding us before turning back to the front. 
“Give me the tools. I can get us there.” he says, lightly jogging up next to me. I turn away from him, holding the equipment tightly against my body and stopping in my tracks.
“No.” I reply while his hands try to grab the stuff away from me. I face away from him to protect the tools and his hands find my shoulder and waist to try and turn me around. 
“Really?” he asks, questioning my behaviour and I glare up at him. I knew if I’d give it to him he would never give it back. 
“Cut it out, I know what I’m doing.” I say, really feeling pissed off now. His hands remain on me for whatever reason and I shrug them off, flinching away from his touch. 
“If you get us lost you better tell the Colonel it’s your fault.” he says, moving his hands away and crossing them over his chest. 
I frown, not bothering to react to that. We have a mission to do and I take these things seriously, so I walk past him and push him out of my way by nudging my hand against his chest. 
Prager takes a step back and lets you lead the way again. A smile appears on his face out of amusement at your attitude, but you don’t see it. He was trying to piss you off because he liked seeing you riled up and angry. Maybe it was the height difference you too had. He was calmer and you were this little devil he had to put up with. Seeing you mad was cute to him because he just towered over you and was unaffected by whatever you wanted to do. 
I stomp away, repeating his words in a mocking whisper to myself. Those comments were completely unnecessary. If anyone will mess up this mission it will be him. Never me. 
He’s silently following me again, needing to walk a little faster because my anger is making me walk speedier. 
After about 15 minutes, I notice one of the devices showing a new light. It meant we were close. I continued following the marked area on the GPS and within minutes we were there. 
I stop, staring down at the device. Prager comes to a halt next to me. 
I chuckle. “Suck it, look who got us here on time.”
He’s scanning over the device and realises I did successfully find the area. Prager just huffed out a breath before glancing at me and then looking away. I roll my eyes again. It’s not like he’s going to congratulate me. 
We both look around and in the next second, I hear a whinny followed by grunts. Our heads shoot to where the noises came from and we quietly sneak closer. As we emerge from the trees we spot a herd of Direhorses resting and grazing on a tiny field of grass and flowers. There was a fallen over tree behind us which went almost up to our waist and I crouched down behind it while watching the animals. They were two foals in the herd. 
Prager joined me on the ground while both of us watched the Direhorses. 
“Apologise for doubting me.” I tell him. 
“I wasn’t doubting you.” he replied and I straighten my posture while I act out fake surprise. 
“Oh, you weren’t? What was all that shit about then before?” I say sarcastically. He was obviously lying. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said, not looking at me. 
“Stop being such an ass. If anything, you’re the reason it took us longer to get here.” 
He lightly chuckled. Your attitude did amuse him. “I’d say I’m the reason we made it here because I got you out of your daydreaming.”
“What daydreaming?” I snap back at him, shouting my words in a whisper. 
“You were distracted. If I wouldn’t have said anything we wouldn’t be here right now.” 
“Pfft, yeah right.” I scoff.
“I saw you tripping on those roots. You lost balance even when the path was clear.”
“I didn’t trip on shit.” I say, facing him while I snarl my words at his unbothered figure. 
He doesn’t reply and when you look away, he grins to himself in a small victory of getting you even more mad.
“Log it into the tablet.” he said, his voice a lot quieter now. I turn to look at him again.
“Why? They’re harmless. We don’t need to warn the others.” 
“Just do it.” Prager sighed, sounding like he was losing his patience. 
“Fine.” I say, letting out an annoyed sigh as I start clicking away on the half-transparent screen. 
For a few seconds, there is just silence. But suddenly, before I can even comprehend what is happening, a loud creak erupts from above us, followed by a crash and in the next second two shots are fired. 
Before I can even look up to see what is happening, Prager reacts and in an instant, he pushes me down. The air is knocked from my lungs as I lay on the ground, wide-eyed. Prager is above me, using his arms to lock me in place. He tucks his head in and swiftly moves up so that my head is protected. 
The loud noises come to an end and a piece of metal falls from the tree above and lands on Prager, making him flinch but he doesn’t move away. 
It was small so he wasn’t hurt.  
My hands are over my chest and I’m holding onto my queue for comfort. 
I open my wincing eyes and we hear animals again. I see monkey-like creatures scatter from the tree with the old and abandoned equipment and realise that they are Prolemuris’s. They are non-aggressive, but they must have grown curious and messed around with the old parts of what once used to be a helicopter. 
A gun lands on the ground right next to us and the thud makes me flinch. Prager’s head shoots towards it and we see that it’s open and old. It must be an assault rifle from the first battle and it only had two bullets left. Now it was empty. 
Prager sighs in relief and I let my head drop down onto the ground while I clutch my face. The herd of horses would have definitely fled after that amount of noise. 
I laugh. Mainly because it helped me deal with crisis situations. Prager looks down at me, the two strands of his bandana hanging over his shoulder. 
“You’re kidding, right? It’s just the Promlemuris.” I snort, nudging his firm shoulder.
“Yeah, well I didn’t know that.” he answers, seeming a little embarrassed about his actions. 
“You should have seen your face.” I laugh, giggling beneath him while he watches me turn and roll. 
“Shut up, I saved you.” he replied and I am quiet for a second while I look for the small piece of material that fell from the tree. 
“Yeah, from this big and deadly bad boy.” I wheeze, pointing to the metal scrap. 
“How about a thank you?” he asks, clearly not amused by my mockery. 
“For being a living shield to the amazing Y/N?” I reply, looking into his eyes and biting my lip to suppress further laughter.
Prager just frowns with a light scoff and looks away.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I start to talk again. My hand grabs onto his shoulder as I start to try and move away from beneath him. 
Prager glances back at me, just quietly listening and watching me insult and provoke him.
“You’re too fond of yourself, just because you’re bigger and stronger than me doesn’t mean I need you up my ass all day.”
He raises an eyebrow at my words. Bigger and Stronger? That makes a smirk form on his lips.
I stop struggling beneath him and scan over his expression.
He’s just staring at me. In a way, he’s never looked at me before. It seemed different. 
I could tell he was annoyed by me to a certain extent, but even overlooking his cheeky smirk and irritated self, his eyes seemed soft. 
He wasn’t glaring you down, he was admiring you. 
“Stop smiling like an idiot.” I say, growing nervous from the eye contact so I quickly look away, hoping he won’t notice how my cheeks begin to flush. 
Oh, but Prager notices. 
“We weren’t in danger anyway.” I start rambling again, moving my arm to pull me away from beneath him. 
“You need to-” I say, struggling to move away. I manage to inch a little upwards but then Prager just moves up with me and remains hovering above me. 
“What the fuck?” I ask but he doesn’t answer. His silence is making me feel uneasy. His eyes are just fixated on mine. 
“Prager this is so stupid. Stop acting like a fucking moron and-” 
I’m cut off again but this time by something unexpected. 
Prager wanted to shut you up, so he did.
He leaned down and closer to me and before I could protest or object, he captured my lips in a kiss. It was exactly between soft and rough. 
He tried to not escalate it but it was difficult with the way you writhed under him. It was impossible to gently find your lips.
My eyes stay open in shock for a second until I surrender to the inexplicably warming feeling and kiss him back. Neither of us wanted to pull away but we did, not sure where things would go from here. 
We stared into each other's eyes and for a few seconds, the familiar silence returned. My heavy breathing caught his attention. He seemed unsure whether to continue because he didn’t want to overstep anything. 
I was so pissed at him the whole day it frustrated me and having him so close now made my stomach twist in excitement. His body was effortlessly lifted above mine and his biceps strained as he held himself up. 
“Don’t stop now you idiot.” I breathlessly say, landing my hand on the back of his head and pulling him back down to me. 
His heart flutters at the words and he would grin if he weren’t kissing you. Prager secretly loved getting you angry and he loved how bratty and mean you could be. 
The kiss is more heated this time. He gently tugs at my bottom lip with his teeth, making sure not to nip me with his fangs. I open my mouth and he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips. 
I pull him closer to me and Prager lowers his body down a little further, making it brush up against mine so that our chests were pressed together. 
I wrap my arms around his neck before they grow curious about his body and I let one roam his broad shoulders. It moves down to his chest and Prager hums appreciatively into the make-out.
I want to feel closer to him so both my hands go to his chest and I push him up, breaking the kiss.
For a few seconds, Prager seems stunned and wonders whether he did something wrong. He sees you start to hastily take off your vest and he smiles. Another secret he kept from you was that he liked the way you treated him. He knew you didn’t mean it in a bad way. But the way you would harshly push him around and tell him off whenever you felt like it was such a turn-on for him. He was obviously bigger and could easily overpower you but he adored the way you would ignore all that and boss him around. 
“Quit staring and take your stuff off.” I breathe out and Prager chuckles before listening to you. He moves off of you and on his knees above your own, undoing his vest while I discard mine close to the log. 
My hands move to my belt once my tank top and equipment is gone. Prager peeled his tight shirt off and watched me undo my belt.
“You want me?” he asked, looking at my face now. He seemed unsure of himself. I stop my movements and my eyes meet his.
“Yeah.” I simply reply as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be doing this.” 
My hands manage to unfasten the leather belt and my words are all the confirmation he needs. 
“I still hate you though.” I say while pulling my cammies down my legs. Prager helps me tug them off and a grin paints his face. 
God, he loves your attitude.
“Yeah, yeah.” he mumbles, moving down to me again and pressing our lips together. He holds himself up with one hand while the free one roams over my bare skin. I was laying down in only my brown military sports bra and underwear as I felt his large rough hand rub up and down my leg. 
Both our hands feel all over the other’s body because there is no time to sit back and stare. I hook my leg around his waist and pull it down flush against me. 
His abdomen is pressed up against mine with his cold belt buckle making my skin erupt in goosebumps as it digs into the flesh of my stomach. I move my other leg to the side and open them for him so that he can rest his hips in between. 
He groans into the kiss when I shift against him and I can feel his growing erection form in his pants. 
I don’t have the patience to wait anymore. He’s stripped me of all my patience during this mission while irritating me.
I pull away breathlessly. “Take them off.” 
His own stomach tightens with excitement at my words but he doesn’t hesitate to listen to me. His one hand easily opens his belt and I use my legs to push them down his waist to his mid-thigh. 
His boxer shorts went down with the cammies.
The next time he looked at me, his eyes were so lust-filled I knew we both needed this. His lips were parted as he stared at me. 
I adjust my position on the ground to keep myself comfortable and open my legs further. He rests his head on my shoulder while looking between us to see what I’m doing. Prager’s chest is heaving with excitement as he watches me push my panties to the side and let my legs fall open. 
I rest a leg on his waist again and gently encourage him to move closer. 
Prager listens and lowers his hips down until we’re once again pressed against each other. I let out a sigh and grasp his strong shoulders for support while he lets out an uneven breath. 
To boost his confidence and help this situation evolve, I lift my hips up and grind against him. His throbbing dick is resting right between my folds he grunts in response before getting the message and taking over.
He slowly grinds down into me, covering his length in my slick while he curls his hips to create small thrust-like motions. 
“Fuck-” I whisper, letting my eyes flutter closed. Prager needs reactions like those to feel better about what he’s doing. 
His dick was sliding between my lips and gently pressing against my clit. It made me needier for him. But that’s what I needed because I could feel how big he was. 
“Prager…” I whisper, cupping his cheek with my hand. His furrowed eyebrows in pleasure relaxed as he opened his eyes and looked at me. 
“Please- fuck me already.”
The words made him feel like he was floating in the clouds. He couldn’t believe he could get to have you now. For Prager, even during your little contest, he thought you were out of his league. The fact that you said ‘please’ made him smile to himself. 
He nodded, moving back a little and reaching down in between us. His hand lined himself up with my entrance and he felt how coated he was from you. It made him shiver in anticipation of what you would feel like around him. 
Prager gently applied pressure with the tip of his dick against your entrance and then steadied himself above you. He wanted to be close to you so he pressed his cheek against yours so that you could hear and feel each other's breath. 
Slowly, he pushed his hips forward and he felt himself start to sink into you. He took his time, relishing in the feeling of how tightly you were squeezing him. His hips really needed to thrust forward a little every few seconds to keep him in. 
I tightened my grip on his shoulder and inhaled sharply. Luckily Prager stopped moving once most of him was inside and he felt how tense I was, so he stayed still. My walls adjusted to his size and now engulfed him. 
I knew it would feel better in a few seconds for me so I nodded, tapping his shoulder and he understood. Steadily, he withdrew his hips and pulled out until only his tip was still inside me. This time, he thrust forward with slightly more power. 
My eyes were closed while I focused on the being completely filled to the brim by him but they shot open when Prager whimpered. 
I smiled, holding his head in a comforting manner while he continued his gentle penetrating strokes. 
“You’re doing so good.” I coo into his ear. Prager shivers, his ears perk and his tail swishes in excitement. He needs his praise, alright. 
“Keep going.” I whisper and he nods. 
Prager does as I say while I let my arms embrace him. I kiss his cheek while he pants against my neck. 
He’s brushing against every place I need him to inside me and my back starts to arch off the ground as pleasure soars through me. His thrusts are mixed with grinds and his abdomen presses against my clit every time he bottoms out. 
“Faster.” I breathlessly whisper. My legs tense around his waist as Prager speeds his thrusts up and I start to pull him in more every time. 
“You feel so good.” he whines and I smile, pressing myself closer to him. 
“You too, don’t stop.” I end my words with a whimper when his hips unexpectedly snap forward and slap against my skin. 
Prager takes one of my hands and intertwines our fingers before pressing it down on the ground next to my head. His loosely hung open mouth finds the bare skin of my neck and he begins to kiss and suck on the skin, making me throw my head back. 
“Fuck, Prager.” I moan and he starts losing himself in the feeling of us. He’s occasionally biting down on my skin, making sure to leave a mark while my nails leave crescent-shaped marks on the skin of his shoulders. 
“Y/N, I’m gonna-” he starts to whisper, knowing he can’t last much longer. 
“Please. Don’t stop.” I whine, holding him tighter. 
His face is now buried in the crook of my neck and his thrusts get sloppy as his high approaches. Prager’s arms tremble and his entire body tenses in preparation for his orgasm. 
I’m so close I’ll be gone in a few thrusts. My pussy clenches around him as I force my legs open even more. 
Prager moans my name into my ear and his hips stutter and start to rut into me without rhythm. 
I gasp in pleasure and the next time he bottoms out and his skin hits my clit, I throw my head back and feel my orgasm wash over me.
Your pussy clenches around Prager to the point where the suction feels like it doesn’t want to let him out. His eyes clench closed and he tightens his fingers around your connected hands as his hips mindlessly buck forward. 
“F-fuckkk-” he groans, clenching his teeth together.
In seconds, he’s cumming inside you and spilling his entire load deep into your pussy. It feels like you’re milking him for his cum and he’s more than fucking happy to give it to you. 
He rides out your orgasms, stuffing his cum further into you if even possible. 
My legs go limp after being tensed for so long and they fall from his sides. His thrusts slow down until he stills inside me and we take a few minutes to regain our breaths. 
“Holy shit.” he breathes out. I lightly chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down. He carefully lowers himself onto me and just lays on top of me while we kill time. 
“You did so well.” I praise him, running a hand through his hair. He smiled against my skin. I knew this big boy needed to be comforted and babied. 
We were comfortably laying in silence, enjoying each other’s presence until the intercom attached to our vests which worked just as well as the one on our throats went off. 
“Prager? Y/N? Do you copy?” the voice buzzed and it was Lyle. I let out an annoyed huff. 
“Prager, Y/N, do you read? All recoms return.” 
Prager raises his head and we look at each other, not wanting to go. 
“Come on, we have to.” I say and he nods before gently getting off me. He pulls out and admires how some of his cum dribbles out of me. 
I get up and we get dressed. We needed to quickly head back and report to the Colonel. My mind was focused on the mission while Prager couldn’t stop thinking about other things.
For example how your panties would be stained with his cum now and how you would have to keep it in you for the rest of the day while you’re out here. 
The best-case scenario for him would be if one of the others would smell him on you. He knew Ja and Brown would tease him for things like not being good at talking to women. This would blow their minds. 
He also just wanted them to know that he was the only guy that had a chance with you here. 
We gathered our things and returned back. This time with much less bickering and arguing. For the first time, Prager and I were having a genuine conversation as we walked. It was nice. Who knows where this will lead us…
Tag List: @numarusworld @jatwow @number1gal @ikranwings @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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redheadspark · 6 months
Hi :)
May I please have Din Djarin with #18?
Thank you 🧡
A/N - MY FIRST MANDORLIAN REQUEST! I hope it's good, thanks for requesting anon!
Summary - He wasn't a man of words, but that never stopped you
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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You heard a knock on the archway, and you grumbled a bit.
“I’m closed today.  Come back tomorrow at dawn,”
“I’m not here to buy.”
You knew that voice, sitting up from your workstation and turning in your stool to see a silhouette in the middle of the archway. The shape of the helmet and the cape flowing behind him, the satchel on his hip, and the small shine of his armor from the sun, you felt your pulse quicken slightly and your heart jumbled a bit while you placed your tools on the workstation surface.  
Din Djarin.  But others knew him as a Mandalorian. 
He gestured to the room, his glover finger tracing an invisible line in the room as he spoke through his helmet, “May I come in,”
“Of course,” You replied, seeing him duck slightly to come into the room.  He moved swiftly, without a hint of noise as you reached over to your tablet and touched a few buttons.  The door closed and locked behind him, finally giving the pair of you some privacy away from the outside world and the busy marketplace outside your shop.  Din then grabbed at the chin of his helmet, taking it off and showing his face.  Instantly, you saw the bags under his eyes and the scruff that was coming in along his cheeks and chin.  But his eyes, though dark in color, were warm as they always were.  Along with the light brown hair on his head that showed evidence of age with salt and pepper color.  
This was not a normal thing, for either you or Din.  Din was never meant to show his face, it was part of his life as a Mandalorian.  You just happened to see his face in a unique and dangerous circumstance.  Technically, you were the only one who could help him in the sticky situation when he was close to death.  It was really an accident, and once you saw his face, you thought he would rebuke you for it.  Hardly anyone saw his face, and for you to be one of the fair few seemed both sacred and dangerous. 
But he was not angry about it, in fact, he was kind.  You would think that he would run off and never be seen again, but in fact, he was grateful with you helping him and bringing him aid.  After he was brought back to health, and you fixed his helmet to the point of him being able to wear it, he gave you thanks and was on his way.  You were moved by how kind he was, not cold or cross like others like him were.  You were told of them being an elite group that was secretive and stern, not him.
Din defied that.  And when he was in the area, he would come and visit.  
He first came to both buy and trade for him, mostly for his ship or for his weaponry.  He preferred to have someone he would trust to help him with his ship or weapons, and you were surprised to be part of that small circle in his life.  Since you yourself didn’t have a huge circle of friends, it wasn’t too hard to keep it a secret.  Only with the local spies and some of the troublemakers, but they would scurry away at the sight of a Mandalorian coming through the market.  
“What brings you here?” You asked, seeing Din give you a stiff smile as he gestured to his satchel that was along his shoulder and his hip.
“I have some things I wish to trade in, maybe they’re of good use to you and your shop,” he explained, walking over with his helmet under his arm and standing by your table.  You pointed to his satchel with a raised brow.
“Where’s your little friend?” You asked him in curiosity, seeing a soft smile on his lips.
“Gorgu is sleeping on the ship.  I know better than to wake him during one of his naps,” He explained, you chuckled as he broke out into a bigger grin.  He then reached into the satchel and took out some of the parts, “I think you might need these in your shop,”
“Let me see then,” You hummed, watching as he placed each part down on the table.  Once the last part was evident in front of you, you got to work and started fiddling with what he gave you.  Some of the pieces were simple, others were complex and seemed new.  You had to give him a questioning look.
“Where did you get these?” He asked, seeing him hum to himself for a moment as you sighed, “You can’t tell me, can you?”
“I'd rather not,” He replied, seeing you crack a grin as he sat next to you at an open stool, “But I know they could be used for good,”
“You always think that way,” You countered, “I think you’ve grown soft since we met some time ago,”
“I don’t think of that as a bad thing,” He agreed, you then were laughing as you took out a few smaller pieces from a massive part.  You placed the smaller pieces to the side and then tinkered a bit more, your eyes going over every piece as Din was watching with some patience and intrigue.  He’s been this way since you two became acquaintances some time ago, then allies.  He was reluctant to let you in at first, almost stiff in his speech and his answers to your questions.  Sometimes you wondered if he was going to return when he walked out the door, thinking you said the wrong thing or made the wrong gesture. 
But he would always come back, and an unlikely friendship was made.
There was even one exchange between the pair of you when you accidentally vented to him about the recent robbery at your shop. You didn’t mean, but you were frustrated in how most of your expensive parts were robbed and and your front door was thrashed to the point of not being able to stay shut.  Of course, as soon as you were done talking, you felt terrible unleashing that all on him since he was merely a person, a Mandalorian mostly, and he didn’t need to hear it.
But he surprised you by fixing the front door, staying the night in the shop to make sure that no other thefts were had.
“How has the shop been for you?” Din asked you while you examined the parts that were laid out in front of you, “No other thefts I hope,”
“Not with the improvements you’ve done on the door, it’s downright near impossible to crack a dent now,” You commented while you grabbed the pieces you needed and placed them on one side of the table before working on another part, “In fact, I think words have gone through the market about the low thefts.  I’ve barely seen any robberies in the past month or so,”
“Hopefully that doesn’t raise any alarms,” Din replied tentatively, you shaking your head.
“Not at all.  In fact, it’s been quiet and calm now.  The other shops are hunkering down more too and improving their doors and security protocols.  Families are roaming the streets again, Din.  All thanks to you,”
Din said nothing, but you it was deeply affecting him in what you said.  Perhaps he was not used to receiving kind words or compliments for his tasks or duties, it might have been a normal thing in the Mandalorian way of life.  But you wanted to tell him since it was the truth.  It was a ripple effect of sorts, one small act of kindness makes waves in a small village, and you saw the change amongst your neighbors and fellow traders.  
“Thank you,” He said to you, sounding sincere in it as you looked over at him and simply smiled back in return. 
“You’re welcome, and thank you for always listening to me.  It means a lot,” You admitted to him.  It might have seemed strange that you were thinking of him for simply listening to your rants and thoughts, he never needed to in the first place since you two were merely friends.  Not even friends, since he probably saw you as someone to simply do business with.  But with you, you admired him.  Admired his kind heart, the small hint of shyness and being reserved from others, and the overall awareness of others and what they needed from him.  
All he could do was smile and give a shy nod.  You went back to work along the parts, not realizing that you made his heart warm with your words. 
The End
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April Prompt Session
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kookieminsuga · 9 months
The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 4
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Part 4! Things are starting to look up!
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: potential triggers, signs of trauma, Jungkook is SMITTEN, mentions of past, motorcycle ride, voice raising, arguing.
Amalias pov:
The roaring sound of engines cut through my thoughts, effectively snapping me out of my hyper fixated state. I look out the window to my right and notice 6 guys on motorcycles pull up. As they take off their helmets one by one, I notice it’s the guys from yesterday. Jungkooks gang. I guess this is the end of my peaceful day. 
Well, it had been very peaceful apart from the moment he decided to come talk to me. I still don’t know what he wants with me. I wish he would just stay away. At least he’s not too pushy. Like him.
I shake my head, not letting those thoughts creep up on me. You’re safe Amalia. It’s all in the past now.
The doors to the diner fly open as one by one those guys start piling in. Starting with one handsome man, black, long hair, cat like eyes, resting bitch face. He looks around the restaurant for his “owner” I assume. His eyes land on me as I look at him and he snickers before walking towards the other side of the restaurant as he spots Jungkook. 
What was that? Anyways, it’s time for me to go. I start packing my tablet and research materials back into my bag. I finish my cup of tea that Min had brought me earlier and get up to let him know I’m leaving. 
The restaurant is pretty busy for dinner time so I just manage a wave as I step out and head towards my bus stop. The bus arrives not too long after that and I start my commute home. 
The route is pretty long. I start with one bus, then a train and another bus. It’s better than sitting at home by myself all day tho, so it’s worth it. I read a book with my headphones on as per usual. About 20 minutes later, I arrive at the train station. As I wait for my train, I hear an announcement being made so I move my headphones to the side to listen.
“Train towards blue lines are all cancelled for the day due to technical issues, sorry for the inconvenience.”
Oh, well hell. I start to think of other ways to get home. A taxi would cost way too much from here for my broke butt. It’s too far to walk as well. I wonder if there’s other buses that lead close enough. 
I start to walk towards the street, where all the buses are and scan the signs to see where they went. Ah, there is a bus that leads close to the other bus I have to take, however it only comes every hour. I look at the time and, of course, the last one left 6 minutes ago. I guess I’ll be waiting here for a while. 
I sit at the stop by the street and take my book out again, getting ready for this long hour. 
Jungkooks pov:
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave at my group before heading off on my bike. 
The breeze hits my body as I zigzag through the streets of Seoul. As I drive, there only one thing going through my mind. “She hates your type”. My type. What is my type? According to Minhyuk I have become self absorbed. It shows that he doesn’t know me like he used to. Although the boy he knew is now dead and gone, I still don’t really know the man I have become. All I know is the hatred I feel towards him.
I shake my head, attempting to shake off these negative thoughts and feelings, heading towards my usual patrol. 
As I pass by the train station, I notice something that makes me instantly turn my bike around. Is that..?
I make my way back to the bus stop where a girl is resting her head on the side of the bus stop, sat on the bench with a book in her lap. As I approach her, I notice that it is indeed her. The girl from the diner. Minhyuks friend.
I park my bike in front of the stop, there being barely any cars that pass at this time, and walk up to her sleeping form. I look at her for a minute and she doesn’t even flinch. I kneel down in front of her and look over her features. Long lashes, small but plump lips and a beauty mark right below her left eye. 
She really is nothing special.
Then, her eyes suddenly shoot open, dropping the book in her hand and letting out a scream. 
“Hey hey, it’s just me.” I say, still on one knee before her. 
I take my helmet off so she can see me more clearly.
She looks down at me and then at her surroundings as if analyzing the situation. 
“Wha- what time is it? Why is it dark? Why are you here?” She says as she pulls out her phone and checks the time.
“Oh no! I missed the last bus!” She gets up frantically looking around.
I take my time standing and take a guess as to what had happened.
“Well considering you left the diner quite a while ago, I’m guessing you fell asleep here waiting for your bus until now, did you not? As for why I’m here, I was just driving by when I noticed you and just had to come say hello.” I say with a smile.
“Way to state the obvious.” She says as she rolls her eyes and sits back down.
She appears to be thinking, and as she said she missed her last bus, I guess she doesn’t have a way home.
I roll my eyes right back at her before heading to my bike. I feel her eyes on the back of my head. I lift the seat, pull out my spare helmet and turn back to give it to her.
“Here, I’ll take you home.” I say.
“Why would I trust a stranger with my address?” She says crossing her arms and legs and looking down.
“Oh so you don’t trust me with your address but you trust everyone else enough to fall asleep at a public bus stop?” I say, raising my voice.
I could see her visibly flinch as I did. 
“Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? You don’t even know me!” She says, visibly upset.
I sigh and take a deep breath. Arguing with her will get us nowhere.
“Look, I’m sorry I raised my voice. I know you’re new to town, but this area is very unsafe. Especially for woman. So when I saw you sleeping here without a care in the world for your safety I..” I cut myself off.
“You what?” She asks, turning to look at me in the eyes for the first time. 
“I know you probably won’t believe me considering what Minhyuk has probably said about me, but I’m not a bad guy. I care about him a lot and you’re his friend. So no harm will come to you around me, ok?” I say truthfully, avoiding what I was going to say before.
She continues to sit there and stares at me. I see the gears shifting behind her scared eyes that she tried to pass off as anger.
“Fine then, you can stay here.” I say as I turn to place the helmet back in my bike. 
Then I feel a tug at my back. It takes me a moment, but I turn to see her looking at the floor with her hand grasping the hem of my leather jacket.
“I’m sorry. I just.. I..” She stuttered. I could tell she was trying to say something very difficult for her.
“Its ok, you don’t have to tell me.” I said gently.
She nods and I turn to hand her the helmet. She takes it and puts it on like she already knows how.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” I ask.
“I have. I can drive one too.” She says matter of factly.
My eyes grow wide as I stare at her in shock.
“What? Is it that shocking? Is it because I’m a woman?” She says crossing her arms and staring me down.
“No, I just… I didn’t expect it.” I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I quickly put on my helmet. Why does my face feel warm?
I get on my bike and look towards her. She still seems unsure, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
“Common, I don’t bite.” I say, reaching my hand out towards her.
She looks at my hand for a few seconds before reaching out and taking it in hers. 
My heart skips when our skin touches. What was that? Get a hold of yourself Jungkook.
She then comes closer and throws her leg over, taking a seat behind me. I feel her trying to push back and turn my head to see her grab a hold of the bars on the back.
I sigh in frustration.
“Just hold onto me please? It’s much safer that way.” I say revving my engine.
“Are you sure?” She says shyly.
This girl goes from shy to attitude to shy in an instant huh?
I smile, “Yes I’m sure.” I reach back and wrap her hands around my waist.
With her front pressed against my back, I head off in the direction of her home.
As we drive through the streets, I feel her looking around as if my hometown is all new to her. I hear her little gasps as we come into view of beautiful sceneries. I could feel her loosen and tighten her grip on me as we turn and speed up and slow down. It’s funny, I usually don’t like people riding behind me but I don’t mind it with her. She’s not purposely trying to grab a feel as she holds onto me, like the other girls I’ve taken for rides passing it off as just holding on for safety, no she’s different. She keeps her hands tied together across my stomach and doesn’t move them an inch. 
We approach her street and I come to a full stop. Strangely, I feel slightly upset at having arrived already. She gets off first and then I do the same, kicking the stand up to park. I turn to see she has already taken off her helmet and has the widest smile on her face.
Woah. What a beautiful smile.. 
What was I just thinking? Snap out of it! Luckily, my helmet was still on.
Her hair blows in the breeze as she looks at me.
“Thank you for the ride home. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a motorcycle, I forgot how great it feels. Oh and I’m sorry I was so rude.” She says while fiddling with her fingers.
I take my helmet off and give her a smile. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you don’t easily trust people. That intuition will keep you safe around these parts.” I say genuinely.
All of a sudden her eyebrows furrow as if she just thought of something.
“Wait.. I never gave you my address. How did you know where I live?” She says while taking a step back.
Oh right. She still doesn’t know I was there that night.
“Yeah about that, I mean, I didn’t want to just say I know where you live. Probably would have sounded creepy at the time.” 
“Well it’s sure creepy now, so can you answer my question?” She says with her hands on her hips. 
I guess the attitude is back.
I laugh at her ever changing personality, which for some reason, I find adorable.
“The truth is, these are the streets I usually patrol at this time a night. I don’t know what Minhyuk has told you, but my gang is not like the usual gang. We like to watch over our city and keep the innocents safe.” She just stands there looking at me as if urging me to continue. So I do.
“One night, I was patrolling as I usually do, when I crossed by this alley and saw a man following a girl. I was about to step in when suddenly, this girl turned and smacked the guy in the balls with her bag.” I laugh at that last part, still finding it funny.
I see her eyes light up in recognition. 
“Oh! You were there that night? I did find it odd that he didn’t try to follow me.” She pondered with her hand on her chin.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he won’t be following you again.” I smirk.
She stares me down. 
“What?” I ask.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” She says.
I look at her, my eyes then turning serious.
“I don’t kill people. Not unless I have to. It’s not my place to take lives.” I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. 
Although the question stings, I do understand why she would ask. I am the head of a gang after all. It’s true that I don’t like to kill people, but it would be a lie to say I never have. 
“Ok well, thanks again for the ride.’ She pauses,’ and for protecting me that night I guess.” She says, looking up at me.
She hands over the helmet.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at her smiling softly. 
“Have a good night.” She simply says as she starts walking down the alley towards her home.
“Hey!” I say before she reaches her door.
She turns and looks at me with a questioning raised eyebrow.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She looks at me for a moment before answering.
“It’s Amalia, but you can call me Lia. Consider that an honour.” With that, she turns and heads inside.
I can't help but laugh at her last comment.
Amalia.. that’s a different name. I like the sound of it.
I start walking down the street, beginning my patrol. Unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.
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themsource · 9 months
Circus BSP AU
Soooo...had an idea that's been on my mind a while. Decided to share it because I know I haven't updated anything in a bit and I've been so busy with Secret Santas x_x
Anyways it's a long ramble from my ideas folder, not a real written piece, but I'm placing it below a cut ^^ This idea came to me while listening to Panic! At The Disco's cover of The Greatest Show a while back. I don't know if this has been done before but meh, just wanted to post my take on a circus au with the baddies
Rating: M
TWs: Mentions of torture, Kidnapping, Enslavement, Near Drowning
Nightmare and Dream own their own opposing circus rings. Dream recruits willing participants and their shows are always about love and positivity with graceful displays of athletics like ribbon dancing and aerial silk suspension, baton twirling and contortion, even godly fast speed painting with neon glowing soul magic to show an individual's ultimate dream even if they don’t know it themselves and store it in a personalized orb to take home as a memento for personalized viewing whenever you please. 
Nothing risky or seemingly life threatening/daredevil stunted. 
No, that’s Nightmare’s theme. 
In contrast he doesn’t recruit, he steals and binds individuals into contracts that can only be broken at his word or their untimely death should it occur. His ring has all the horrifying and thrilling shows that leave the audience anxious and on their toes, like sword swallowing/knife throwing/nail walking/fire breathing (Killer), Lions and Tigers - many dangerous animal performances (Horror), highwire/cannonball (Dust), and Motorcycle acts like the Wall of death and globe of terror (Cross). 
Nets and other safety precautions are ignored, this is the highlight and draw of Nightmare’s circus alongside the ability for one of your “nightmares” to be engraved on a stone tablet using soul magic so you never have to experience them again once the show is over.
Whereas Dream gives away positivity to spread through the worlds, Nightmare collects negativity in a personal vault for his own sustenance (the stone tablets) while still supplementing what he takes with the experiences his circus gives. 
This is the point of contention with the brothers. Dream doesn’t like how Nightmare still puts out negativity while also taking it away - it’s a selfish redundancy in his mind and perceived as unbalance, and Nightmare feels the same about how Dream puts out positivity with his circus but doesn’t take any away not only making his job more difficult to keep the flows even but causing him more suffering with how positive a world will be once Dream holds a performance.
The brother’s once owned a circus together but it broke apart with Nightmare’s downfall. 
Everyone was eager to see Dream perform but didn’t care for Nightmare’s escape acts and often boo’d and shamed him leaving the worlds they tried to equally balance always too filled with positivity. One day Nightmare almost died attempting to perform a dangerous escape stunt that he’d concocted to try and gain the audience’s approval, and just when it seemed to be working he ran out of magic (having not slept or ate well as he should’ve the night before when he’d been practicing) and nearly drowned. 
Dream was able to pull him free and save him but it took the last of their dead mother’s apples which proved too powerful and shattered Nightmare who was left horrified at what he’d become - a true reflection of ‘a demon’ as people called him, and led to him abandoning Dream to go his own way as the too much positivity started causing him pain and to go into frenzied breakdowns that he’d frequently black out through.
Since then Nightmare has not performed an escape act again and now solely plays ringleader. His innate trauma when it comes to performing is what led to him deciding to bring others into his fold to accomplish his goals, though he doesn’t let anyone know that. 
He contracted Killer, Dust, Horror, and then Cross in that order. Stealing them away from their own personal hells he found them in when noticing how fearless they were in the face of horrors far worse than what he had devised, and how equally terrifying their own appearances and auras were and would contribute to the overall effect he was going for. To get them to sign, he tortured them in never ending loops of nightmares, uncaring for how it affected them until they agreed. 
Killer was forced to experience going numb and filling with emotion on and off again repeatedly, the pain of switching so rapidly sending him into a spiral until he begged to be freed. 
Horror was forced to watch his fellow monsters dust and suffer the insanity inducing hunger wracking his frame as if fresh over and over as his brother kept mutating before his eyes. 
Dust had to watch his brother dust before his eyes repeatedly at his own hand no matter how much he fought against it, the pain of which was always too much each reset he experienced in his own world but in the nightmare without the time to breathe between each death and no goal of stopping the human in mind Dust cracked. 
Cross was sent into isolation, only it was so much worse as he didn’t have the ability to communicate with himself (even trying to think to himself and hold an imaginary conversation didn’t work) and could only experience the slow crawling of time as a sharp cutting sensation across his bones.
At first the gang all understandably despise Nightmare and what he forces them to do but he’s uncaring of it. However slowly the boys begin to find actual enjoyment in their work and bonding together as they come up with new routine ideas which they loathsomely try to share with Nightmare. 
Nightmare begins to feel impressed, even enthused though he doesn’t show it at their forwardness and makes recommendations for how to better execute their ideas while approving them. This causes the boys to begin feeling a sense of freedom and control they haven’t felt in years even before being stolen away but they still don’t soften to Nightmare even as Nightmare begins to soften just a bit to them at their willingness.
It isn’t until Nightmare and his trope encounter Dream and his that the boys end up feeling anything at all other than hate to the dark lord. 
They witness the exchange between Dream and Nightmare, the hostility Nightmare has when he and Dream argue over who has the right to be in this world first as Dream speaks in passive aggressive words about Nightmare’s awful decision making and unbalanced influence which Nightmare scoffs at before turning the argument petty as he remarks over Dream’s soft and impassioned performances. 
The second Dream comments about how his trope is a work of art while Nightmare’s is nothing more than ‘a glorified torture show’ the boy’s hackles raise - offended, not liking how Dream assumes they hate what they do (not anymore at least) which makes his trope’s performances more genuine and better since they’re willing. 
The boys witness the face Dream makes of regret at Nightmare’s bitter parting (dream’s words having surprisingly irked him) but don’t say a word. Instead they sneak in that night to watch Dream’s so called ‘better performances’ and are left feeling bored, and commenting on how it’s too bright, too sparkly and how they can do so much better. 
‘at least with us the crowd are actually on their feet.’ Killer huffs. ‘yeah, screaming too.’ Horror drawls. ‘I like the ribbons, not gonna lie.’ as Cross tosses back a handful of popcorn and earns amused scoffs from the others. Dust gives a rare smirk. ‘i have an idea.’ 
Nightmare is in his room, staring down at an old faded paper article that looks as if it might crumble into ash at the faintest breeze while he tries to ignore the pain in his chest from the positivity flooding the air. It’s a headline advertising his old act, the one that led to his transformation, when Killer walks in. Killer notices the article before Nightmare manages to fold it up and slip it into a breast pocket. It twinges something in him as he asks about it and Nightmare feeling a rare moment of openness blandly tells him of what happened. 
Killer is surprised and sudden understanding clicks but Nightmare dismisses it with ‘nothing more than childish hopes and pointless memories, what is it you want killer?’ 
Killer smiles.
It’s the first time Nightmare has seen that expression on Killer’s face and his socket widens. He feels something precariously close to a thrill race his spine as Killer hums, ‘me and the guys were talking…”
Dream and his friends are beginning to perform the big finale when suddenly the lights go off and Killer comes on over the intercom, ‘well as much as i love that hello kitty and fluffy rainbow shit like the next guy, how about we get a real party started?’ and the lights strobe back on in a kaleidoscope of flashing colors as Nightmare’s gang appear round the top of the stage. 
Killer flipping a jewel encrusted knife, Dust spinning an iron balancing rod as if it were a small plastic baton, Horror posed tall and looming with his one ear’d white lion and black tiger, and Cross on his sterling silver colored motorcycle revving the engine.
‘UH, DREAM? WHAT IS–” Before Blue can finish the boys are descending and taking the stage. Horror crowds them off with his animals as Cross races around the arena pulling shocked awes from the crowd and Killer blows fire setting the hanging ribbons up into a blaze of glory, Dust using his balancing rod to propel himself into the air and land on the lighting supports much to many surprised shouts of awe and worry. 
Dream can’t help but stare silently along with Blue and Ink as the show is stolen from them and negativity begins to seep in from the shocked and concerned onlookers who can’t bring themselves to look away, even clapping as Horror narrowly dodges being attacked by his own lion to allow the beast to burst through one of Ink’s paintings.
Nightmare watches in stunned surprise, amusement, and dare he even think it…
When all is said and done the crowd goes home excited and raving about the unexpected twist and Dream is left fuming as he goes off about how childish and inappropriate that was. Nightmare shrugs him off as he glances over his shoulder at his smug trope and comments about how it was no decision of his own making. Sure he knew, but he didn’t tell Killer no, but Dream doesn’t need to know that. 
When they go home Killer and the boys all gain a new bit of respect for their ring leader, and even a bit of fondness at how he let them do as they pleased. It’s a slow crawl from there. Each of them taking the time to get to know Nightmare a little better after also being told by Killer about his past, even asking him to join them for dinner one day where Nightmare finds enjoyment watching and listening to them go back and forth like a bunch of rowdy roommates. 
Horror introduces him to the animals, and manages to calm the tiger enough to let Nightmare pet it. ‘her name’s mira.’
‘...You named her?’ 
‘yep, her and bosco.’ 
‘Is Bosco the lion?’ 
Horror looks oddly fond. ‘heh, no, he’s the gator. the lion is kimba, killer named him.’  
Dust invites him to help him as he works on repairing and calibrating his canon, handing him tools and reciting blueprints. ‘need better bolts, these are starting to strip.’ 
‘I never knew you were so…hands on, Dust.’ 
‘cross’ fault. i saw him babying that bike of his and got tired of having nothing to do.’ 
‘I see.’ 
There’s silence, an uncertainty. ‘...i want to repaint it. i don’t like the colors.’ 
Nightmare considers. ‘...Alright, what colors would you like?’ 
Dust’s smile reminds him of Killer’s. ‘heh.’
Cross takes him for a ride and shows him just how fast his bike can go. ‘SLOW DOWN YOU HEATHEN! THIS IS NOT A SHOW!’ 
‘c’mon nightmare! live a little!’ 
Nightmare shivers at feeling Cross’s hand guide his to his waist, his voice reminiscent of a whisper into his acoustics. ‘i won’t let you fall.’ 
Nightmare averts his gaze. ‘Falling is not the point!’ 
Killer…killer brings him outside and sets him on a blanket beneath the only tree for miles as he sharpens his blades, handing nightmare one after the other and telling him what kind they are like a teenager. ‘and this is a messer! it’s german for knife but looks more like a dagger.’ 
‘Interesting. You’ve taken care of these well.’ 
Killer smirks. ‘i take care of the things i care about.’ 
Nightmare raises a brow as he echos. ‘Care about.’ 
‘i don’t have to feel it to know that i care about it.’ The shrug he gives is indifferent, but the look is another matter entirely, one that brings a foreign heat to Nightmare’s cheeks. It feels like a flirtation, but it can’t be, he knows where he stands with him - with all of them. 
‘An even more interesting notion.’ he whispers.
It isn’t until he stumbles upon Horror pining Dust to a wall in a small forgotten hallway with Dust’s legs around Horror’s hips as they kiss that Nightmare realizes there’s a deeper bond between the members of his trope that he never noticed. One that they’re starting to willingly let him see as he spots Cross and Killer not long after training together with Cross pinned to the knife board as Killer sensually traces patterns across his bones with the tip of a finely oiled blade. It’s shocking how they managed to get away with this, hiding the fluctuations in their emotions from his notice.
The understanding spurs something in him that’s…genuine. 
On equal footing.
Killer notices his staring and holds eye contact just out of Cross’ line of sight as he kisses the other skeleton. The emotions are there now, raw and unfiltered. Desire, want…teasing. 
It’s an invitation.
Nightmare turns away and hides in his room thinking. He doesn’t know what he feels, not yet. But he does find himself wanting to, maybe, get a little closer to them. To know them, just as they’re obviously trying to do with him. 
He likes watching Horror train his pets, he enjoys seeing Cross flip over ramps and twirl his bike beneath him mid-leap, he finds amusement in Killer trying to paint the sky with words made of fire, and he can’t resist staring as Dust pretends multiple times as if he’s going to fall only to stand back upright confidently and with poise. He can’t help wondering if this is what friendship is, companionship. He thought he’d known that once with his brother but he’d been wrong. The feelings are too different.
So he…takes the risk. 
The dinners continue, the quality time, with him contributing by inviting them to let him read aloud of his books and going out to explore the worlds now before performing, but it all starts to weigh heavy on him and this manifests in him one day suggesting as Killer and Dust put forth a duet idea to suggest they use netting…in case of an accident.
The boys go silent, staring at him. 
Nightmare feels judged, and it’s made clear that he is when Killer says rather carelessly, ‘since when do you care about our safety?’ It’s then made clear to Nightmare that no matter how hard he tries, and no matter what they open up to him and he them, that he can’t be more or get closer. 
They will always see him as nothing more than their owner, their master. 
‘Forget I said anything.’
Nightmare is left torn, does he put everything on the line by offering to release their contracts in the hopes that they’ll stay when it’s far more likely they’ll run if given the chance? Or does he hold on, and get left standing alone to watch as an outsider on the bond between them just as he’s always been to the universe at large.
He tried to run before he could walk. This is the obstacle between them and the first step that he knows has to be taken, the rest of the moments they share are empty so long as the contracts exist. And not only that but the leagues he’ll have to go to make up for what he put them through when he first found them, if they dare to even give him the chance.
There’s a bitter, terrifying, decision to reach. 
Nightmare is in unfamiliar waters as he feels the sting of indecisiveness that he hasn’t felt since he was a child.
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ouroboros-hideout · 6 months
Got tagged by @aggravateddurian for this.
Thank you a lot! It´s been a while (I think. What year is it?)
Currently on hold. I am moving in a week and my PS is already packed up in a box. But besides that I am way more hooked at things outside of the game so I will get back to that later. Still manifesting the idea to buy a PC later this year.
My tablet and I aren´t friends atm so nothing much here aswell. Have two small things cooking, but it´s all concepting atm.
Another thing is a logo design I am doing for Aon and her bunch of Nomads. Really broke my stupid head about a name for the mine she built her business in and ended up with: Lynx´s den. Why I will explain when I can actually show the thing. Her gang will call themselves „Lynxed“ or „The Lynxed“. It´s a made up word from the term Jinxed + Lynx. Since they are a group of sad little bastards it fits quite well, even if it has a rather negative conotation.
Besides that I had a huge What-if brainrot for my writing and have some alternative apperances in head for blorbo girl. And for my main hc too ofc. Still traumatized by the Kurt art I did lmao, but need to draw the mfer again aswell. Will see when the inspiration/motivation hits.
I am currently 100% in wirting and brainrot mode. But will get back into other things hopefully soon aswell. But I want to use the time where I am able to juggle some letters into smth usefull.
Like Napalm is still going. Last thing where those 3 „In between things“ and I am close (I am going to jinx it) to finish the next longer chapter. Fingers crossed the writing flow will last till I managed to upload it.
Another thing is Aon´s diary I mentioned (a long?) time ago. I really want to create something visual for it too. Baddieghest circus director @blackrevell enabled me into the idea to go for a Red Dead Redemption – like style with some sketches for every entry.
So far I have one entry about the moment right after Aon had to flee from her home and hide with her former boyfriend in Moscow - but no sketch yet.
The last thing would be the already mentioned huge What-if moment I had some days ago, where I stripped Aon of her Nomad background and turned her full Corpo (I think that just happends in this fandom at some point, does it?). In this AU she will be a high ranking officer at SovOil´s Security Forces. Through some circumstances she will turn sides to Militech and will end up in Kurt´s unit, serving with him, going to war with him and building Dogtown from the ground up with him. It´s quite interessting and insanely helpfull to explore a blorbo in a different way. Really clears the mind.
I wrote two little txt about it already but actually have no idea where this will lead. So far I had „fun“ with exploring the dynamics of Kurt and Rosie within this AU since it will play a big part in the beginning. Didn´t upload it yet on AO3 but probably will at a point (when I don´t get triggerd by the UI/UX of this page).
That´s it so far. Will tag some of you folks. But no pressure, just show smth if you like!
@cybervesna @blackrevell @olath124 @cyberholic77 @wanderingaldecaldo @dustymagpie @fonfan121 @universalwriter1994 @kdval @chevvy-yates @therealnightcity @theviridianbunny @breezypunk @cybersteal @streetkid-named-desire
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holografrick · 2 years
Hi yes if you're not busy literally anything with Mischa and ocean (they have such a sibling dynamic to me omg)
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sibling dynamic = arguments over the stupidest things
also my tablet broke again so i am stuck doing traditional art again sorry :((
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nicistrying · 6 months
Mon 15th April
Busy weekend! Out with a friend on Saturday, visiting family all Sunday. Lovely walk with Mags Sunday morning, saw a beautiful little family of ducks out for their morning stroll 🥹
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Visited Nanna Mary and took her out for coffee, then visited my mams, went home and walked Maggie again. Reeally wanted to curl up in my pjs after but the weather was too good, so I took a tablet for my cramps went out for a run. Wasn't hoping for much but I managed much more than expected! Cramps didn't start until about 7K by which time I was almost home. Broke in my new trainers and it was like running on clouds 😍
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Picked Matt up from work, had dinner and went to bed. Took more drugs bc I was in so much pain. Definitely took more than I should have but it knocked me out so at least I got to sleep 😂
Good stretch this morning, in the office today and tomorrow, need to go grocery shopping on my way home tonight so just aiming for some yoga when I get back. Trying to get into some sort of workout routine now I have 3 days at home. Currently on my lunch break regretting not bringing my hot water bottle with me like Matt told me to 🤦🏼‍♀️
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 7 months
The Real Winter Soldier.
Bucky's reputation proceeds as he heads out one night to relieve some stress - but perhaps people know him less than they think when he decides to eliminate an enduring problem, with climactic results. Prompts fulfilled: ‘Boys With Pretty Eyes’ – Bug’s First Bingo (@unfortunate-beetle-and-friends); ‘Bad Reputation’ – Build-a-Bucky Bingo (@buckybarnesevents); ‘Bi-Wildered’ and ‘Stalker with a Crush’ – @multifandom-flash (Double) - Blackout! Find the Masterlist here!; ‘Anonymous Sex’ (Alternate) – The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, and Deep (@darcylewisbingohq); ‘Do it Again’ and ‘Submissive Lover’ – @fandom-free-bingo (Frosty Edition). CW: Smut.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here. Boards at the bottom. This awesome divider is by @atlasscrumpit!
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I’d heard of the place a few times over the years. It always sparked the same idea, but I’d pushed it away time and again, hoping that the situation would eventually rectify itself.
But it didn’t, and now I was here – standing outside a nondescript building, identifiable only by a small plaque by the black door, shining gold letting declaring ‘innominate’.
My hands shook as I stepped inside, clad in unremarkable, anonymous black, my hood up, the lower portion of my face obscured by a dark face mask, printed with the lower half of an ominous skull.
Anonymous I may be, but I still had a reputation to uphold.
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The inside was surprisingly light and airy, and the blonde girl behind the pale wooden counter beamed broadly as I entered.
“Hi! Welcome to innominate. Is this your first visit with us?”
Her jovial, upbeat tone eased my nerves somewhat, and I nodded silently, nervous about how identifiable my voice may be. She clapped her hands excitedly, leaning forward in her seat. “Amazing! Would you like to hear about anonymity policies, or just dive right in?”
“I-” I broke off quickly, clearing my throat and dropping my voice another octave before continuing, “I have identifying… Marks. How certain are you that the… Individual won’t tell anyone I was here, if they recognize me?”
Her smile softened sympathetically, and she shook her head. “All of our staff sign intensive NDAs. We have been in business for eight years, and have never had a single breach in confidentiality, despite catering to some of the city’s most elite.”
I nodded slowly, distinctly impressed by their success rate, feeling somewhat reassured. “I’m pleased to hear that. So… How does this- How do I…?”
She grinned once more, sliding a tablet over the counter. “This shows who’s currently available, and will let you know a little about them. Take all the time you need; just let me know who you decide on, and I’ll show you through when you’re ready.”
Another nod, and I took a seat, pulling my hood a little further over my head as someone else entered.
“Oh! Welcome back, miss. The usual?” the receptionist chirruped, and the patron chuckled.
“Yes, please, Evangeline. I’m rather fond of Roxy.”
One of the images on my screen – a heavily pierced and tattooed individual, sporting black lipstick and sharp eyeliner – vanished immediately. The client turned and caught my eye as I glanced up curiously, the crinkle in her forehead giving away the smile beneath her blue face mask. “Ah… New meat?” I hesitated before nodding, and she winked broadly. “Don’t worry. It’s not as scary as you think. You’ll be fine.”
I grinned behind my own mask, inclining my head gratefully and earning a happy wave in response before she trotted off, her enthusiasm evident.
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I was halfway through the catalogue, having come across several possibilities, but there was nothing – nobody – yet who particularly spoke to me, until a pair of gorgeous mahogany eyes bore into mine.
My finger tapped the image automatically, opening the file to a flurry of pictures, my breath catching in my throat.
The man was stretched out in a variety of poses and degrees of dress, brandishing a selection of whips and canes, handcuffs and ropes, his biceps tensed and the muscles of his back flexed beneath an expertly rendered tattoo of a ship.
The Lieutenant Age: 28 Height: 6’0” Body Type: Muscular Kinks: Shibari, marking, squirting, sub/dom dynamics, sadomasochism, anal. Preferred gender: Any and all! Specialises in: BDSM, inexperience.
The Lieutenant was previously a Navy man, so he knows his way around ropes and has endless patience. His confidence in his own skill is so high, he offers a money-back guarantee if climax is not achieved within sixty minutes*.
*Denial practices and similar render this guarantee null and void.
Oh. Well. He seems… Nice?
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I reapproached the desk shyly, the tablet clenched between my fingers. The receptionist – Evangeline, apparently – looked up as I stood before her, fixing me with another encouraging smile. “You’ve made your decision?” With a small, sheepish nod, I offered the device back to her, the man’s face staring up between us incriminatingly. She grinned a little wider, her gaze finding mine knowingly. “A good choice. He’s highly rated. Did you bring any special instructions?”
“Special instructions?” I repeated uncertainly, my palms sweating.
She quickly shook her head, hands raised to soothe my nerves. “Some patrons like to provide specific instructions for their meeting. You could prepare some now, if you’d like?” I hesitated briefly before shaking my head, and she nodded once, making a note. “Well, if you visit us again, it may be worth bearing in mind – certain outfits, scenarios, equipment…” I swallowed anxiously, and she beamed. “No requirement, of course; it’s just something to consider. So – are you ready to go through?”
With an uncertain nod, I fell into place behind her as she lead the way down a hall behind the desk, my heart racing. She paused beside a blank door, a plaque similar to the one on the outside of the building secured to the wall, ‘The Lieutenant’ shimmering at me in that same ethereal gold. With a gentle knock, she opened the door slightly, ushering me forward with a thumbs up and a mouthed ‘have fun!’.
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Most of the room appeared as if a standard bedroom – a four-poster bed with red silk sheets, a floor length mirror, a couple of wardrobes… And a number of unidentifiable, intimidating contraptions to one side, half-obscured by a hanging sheet.
But the focus of the space was undoubtedly the man lounging on the bed, one hand behind his head, dark eyes shifting to mine as I leant against the door.
“There’s a form for you to fill out on the desk… Bring it to me when you’re done, and we’ll make a start. It’s nothing serious,” he added with a grown when I hesitated, a hint of an accent sending a shiver down my spine. “Just preferences, hard limits, interests… Things like that.”
I knotted my fingers in front of myself nervously pulling at the tips of the glove on my left hand uncertainly. “I, uh…” I trailed off, and he chuckled.
“You won’t surprise me. I’ve seen it all.” I winced as he spoke, looking away, and he hesitated. “You’ve never… Explored?”
“I’ve never been with a man,” I replied shortly, my cheeks colouring, and heard him rise from the bed, crossing over to stand before me. The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt exposed strong forearms, and I swallowed dryly as I shifted my gaze to his.
“You’ve never been with anyone.”
“I’ve been with people!” I retorted hotly, face flaming, falling silent when he raised an eyebrow pointedly. “I… I’ve done… Some things. Giving things. With som- with one person. …Once.”
“My, my… The great Bucky Barnes is a virgin, hm?”
My head snapped up in surprise, feeling myself pale. “How- Why would you think that I’m-”
“I’d recognise those eyes anywhere.”
With a dry swallow, I tugged down my mask, smirking with far more bravado than I felt. “What are you – some kind of stalker with a crush, or something?”
“Just a fan of attractive men with a bad reputation,” he quipped back, moving a little closer. “I’ve warmed myself on many a cold night thinking about those baby blues staring up at me while you’re on your knees – or down at me while I’m on mine.”
I gulped audibly as he rested a hand against the door beside my head, the warmth of his breath ghosting over my skin as he smiled. “You must have come here today with some idea of what you wanted, Winter Soldier. Why don’t you tell me the things that have you squirming and stroking that cock, and I’ll see what I can do to make them come true?”
A shy shrug, and my eyes flicked to his once more, tongue darting out to wet my dry lips nervously. “I… Y-You can do anything you like to me, Lieutenant. I just kind of want to get it over with.”
He sighed with a grin, thumb trailing gently over my jaw. “No, no, boy. I’m going to take my sweet time with you. You’ve given me a very high honour, and I intend to make the very most of it.” I blushed, and he smirked, grasping my chin between his fingers. “But… If you’d like to give me free range, I’ll make sure and certain to make your world implode.” I nodded quickly as he leant closer, my breath hitching in my chest as his mouth paused a half-inch from mine. “Say ‘yes, Sir.”
“Y-Yes, Sir…” I stammered at a whisper, and no sooner had the words left my lips than they were pressed firmly to his, my back meeting the wood hard as I whimpered quietly. His fingers knotted in my hair, free hand sliding up the edge of my shirt to grasp my hip as he pressed himself to me. The feeling of his cock digging into my abdomen made me tremble nervously, and he pulled back far enough to shoot me a grin.
“So you’ve never touched another man, hm?” he purred, mouth trailing over my throat as I gasped and shook my head. His hand found mine, guiding my fingers to the straining in his slacks and inhaling sharply at my tentative touch. I let my body react instinctively, free hand seeking his belt, eager to have his skin against my own, and he snorted. “So enthusiastic, huh? You go right ahead, snowflake. Put those hands to good use… And then we’ll see what that mouth can do.”
The sound that emanated from my chest was embarrassingly needy, earning a chuckle from the man pressing me to the door, my hand reaching into his underwear. He groaned roughly against my neck, hips twitching into my palm as I caressed him clumsily, before snorting softly. “Just relax, Snowflake. You’re overthinking it... Just do what you’d do to yourself.”
My hand stuttered on his length, and I bit my lip nervously as his lips skirted my collarbone, fingers slowly pressing higher up my stomach, trailing lightly over my ribs. “I-I, uh...”
His other hand worked to cup the front of my jeans, and he froze, leaning back with his eyebrows raised. “... Did I... Are you not... Enjoying yourself?”
My face heated, and I shook my head quickly. “No- I mean, I am, I- This is good, I just- I’m really enjoying myself, it’s just that-”
“Hey.” I met his eyes, and he smiled softly. “It’s okay. Take your time; I just want you to have a good experience, yeah?” I nodded slowly, shyly, and he cupped the back of my neck to pull me with him, kissing me deeply whilst moving toward the bed.
I let out a soft gasp as my back hit the sheets, his body half atop mine, squeezing his length gently and earning a quiet whine for my effort. His fingers slipped into my waistband, lips at my throat, and my eyes fixed on the canopy overhead as his hand shifted lower.
“... Oh. Oh. I see...”
I winced, muscles tensing as he froze, tears pricking my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I breathed, voice cracking, and his head shot up quickly.
“You- What? Why?” His hand was still in my pants as I shrugged, and he kissed me softly. “You have nothing to apologise for. This doesn’t change a damn thing. I just didn’t- I had no idea that you... I shouldn’t have assumed, though.”
With a weak chuckle, I shrugged again, hyperaware of his fingers resting gently on my freshly shaved crotch. “Nobody knows. Except... Well, you, now.”
“Do you want me to carry on?” he breathed, smiling when I nodded, his lips brushing mine once more. “Anything I shouldn’t... Say? Touch?” I shook my head, trembling lightly, and he purred, nuzzling into my jaw. “Relax, boy... I’m going to show you the stars.”
My muscles unclenched, and I nodded, eyes closing as his fingers crept lower.
Oh. Oh. Oh, wow...
My back arched as his fingertips brushed against my tender clit, a humiliating groan bursting from my lips, making him chuckle against me. “That’s it – god, so needy... Look how eager you are for me, snowflake...” His thumb skirted light circles over my clit as his fingers slid lower, trailing along my wetness, grunting with pleasure as my legs inched apart automatically. “Tell me to stop at any time,” he whispered. No sooner had I nodded than one fingertip pressed inside me gently, making my body clench automatically against the intrusion. His hand paused, lips caressing my throat to relax me, murmuring soft encouragement into my skin until he could continue.
“Oh...” I breathed as my body began to react to his gentle touches, any thoughts of pleasing him briefly pushed from my mind as I fisted the sheets in my ecstasy. “Oh... Oh, God...”
He chuckles quietly, shifting to kneel beside me, freeing his hand to jerk my jeans down with a grin. “My fantasy requires very little reworking...” His eyes found mine, earth and ocean locked together, and he smiled a little more softly. “I’m still going to want those eyes on me when I taste you.”
I gulped and nodded, propping myself up on my elbows to watch him as he slid my boxers down my legs, a low shiver working through my body anxiously. Rough palms on my thighs sent sparks of pleasure along my nerves, and a gasp was torn from my lips as he tugged my legs apart, exposing my wetness to him shamelessly. His gaze sparkled as he took me in, chewing on his lip eagerly for a moment before he dropped to his chest, burying his face against me with a groan.
I yelped in pleasure, back arching when his tongue trailed the length of me, one hand on each of my thighs pressing them further to offer myself to him without hesitation. He drew back just long enough to grin up at me, winking as he licked his lips. “Mmm... Every bit as delicious as I imagined.” My head fell back as he returned his tongue to my slit, finger working its way back inside me. My eyelids fluttered in pleasure, a soft whine sneaking between my teeth as he licked and sucked at me, but I couldn’t help stiffening when a second digit brushed my entrance. “Easy, sweet boy... Relax...” he murmured, peppering soft kisses over my clit until my body uncurled, permitting a second fingertip to slide inside me. I groaned at the pleasurable stretch, toes curling, one hand finding his hair to pin him closer. He let out a sound of surprised delight as he worked me ever more eagerly, digits striking an unfathomable spot inside me that make my breath stutter and electricity jolt through my veins.
“O-Oh- oh, fuck... God, that- that’s- God, don’t stop, please-” I stammered uselessly, rutting against his face desperately, body trembling. He guided me on for a moment more, sending me barrelling ever closer to my quickly-approaching climax – and leaving me shaking and whimpering when he drew back quickly. “Wh- No, please, please don’t- I need you to-”
He shifted up my body to kiss me deeply, the taste of me on his tongue making me blink in surprise.
Well... That’s... Unexpectedly hot...
“Breathe, boy... I only get one opportunity to give you your first orgasm at the hand of another. And I’ll be damned if I’m not having you screaming on my cock.”
I gulped and nodded, my hands moving to push his shirt from his shoulders, pulling eagerly at the buttons. “Yes. Yes, Sir. Please.” With a soft groan, he pushed down his slacks, kicking himself free from his layers until he lay naked over me.
“Shirt off. I want every damn inch of you.”
With a frantic nod, I dragged the material over my head, wincing minutely at the ragged scar at my shoulder where flesh melted into metal, and the parallel lines across my chest. At this, he paused for a moment, taking the time to trail soft kisses from one side of my chest to the other, and then along the rough skin at the amputation site. “Winter Soldier... You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, moving to kiss me gently as I blushed. His chest met mine, one hand tangling in my hair, his cock pressing against my thigh lightly while I shivered nervously. Reaching out, he snagged a condom off the bedside table, but I shook my head, catching his wrist gently.
“Do you have to?” I murmured, swallowing. “I-I... I don’t mind if you do. But I’d like to know what it- the most... Real experience.”
He frowned minutely, dropping the foil and meeting my eyes seriously. “I’m clean. I always use a rubber at work. But what about-”
“Not a risk,” I interrupted quickly, shaking my head. “None of it... Works.”
With a gulp, he nodded, and I quivered as he maneuvered himself until his tip brushed against me lightly. His mouth find mine to swallow my gentle whimper as he pressed forward – but he drew back quickly to let out a low groan, forehead meeting mine. “F-Fuck, Snowflake – the tightest fucking pussy I’ve ever had...” My nails dug into his back with mild discomfort and intense delight, his words notably and unexpectedly arousing, legs lifting to wrap tightly around his waist.
“All for you, Lieutenant,” I gasped, burying my face in his throat. “Y-you’re the first person ever... The only one- Fuck, so big...”
With a quiet growl, he bottomed out inside me, pausing to pant against my hair, resting for just a moment. “Are y- fuck, that’s so good, so wet, so tight, clenched around me like a goddamn vice... A-are you okay?” I nodded quickly against him, feeling unusually but deliciously complete, his free hand finding my waist to ground himself before he drew back slowly.
“I’m good, I’m good, I’m- Holy shit, that’s- I can’t- You-” My useless whimpering dissolved into whines and mewls as he shifted, working every inch of his thick cock inside me, stretching me out with admirable patience.
“That’s it, soldier. You’re doing so well – look at that wet pussy taking me so prettily... You feel so good, sweet boy...” His fingers shook minutely as he caressed my jaw, kissing me deeply as his thrusts slowly increased in speed, leaving me gasping for breath as my body began to jerk under his strength.
“I- L-Lieutenant, I- I can’t- I’m-”
He growled as his hips met mine harder, the grip on my waist releasing to free his fingers to tease my clit encouragingly. “That’s it, boy. Give it to me. Squeeze that perfect cunt around my cock and come for me like the eager little slut for me.” His thrusts became more erratic as I worked myself against him frantically, whimpering when he began to slam into me with a renewed passion. “Scream for me, soldier. Show me how much you love it.”
My nails clawed desperately at his back as the room filled with the lewd sounds of skin meeting skin, sharp gasps of pleasure and my quickly increasing moans until my back arched, body unravelling under his rough thrusts and gentle touch. “F- I’m- I- Lieutenant, yes, just like that, just there, I-!”
He buried himself inside me as my entire body jerked and spasmed, muscles clenching around him as I cried out. His lips by my ear parted in a deafening groan, and I whimpered at the feeling of his hot seed spilling inside me, his firm thrusts slowing gradually as he pressed a soft, trembling kiss to my sweat-damp hair.
I lay in his bare arms, still panting lightly, his fingers caressing the metal of my arm tenderly as we came down together.
“So? Good enough for your first time?” he asked softly, and I laughed, head meeting his chest.
“I can’t imagine it gets much better,” I breathed, shivering happily. “That was... Earth-shattering.”
With a quiet snort, he squeezed me gently, stretching himself out beneath me. “Well... You’ve still got a couple of hours left yet. Anything particular you’d like to do with your time?”
His gaze met mine, and I smirked, tensing gently around his length still resting inside me, making his pupils flare with lust. “Do it again.”
Eyebrow arching, he waited for me to nod affirmatively before pinning me down, a low growl rumbling in his chest.
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akiiireix · 8 months
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Killed for Sport (Tsukishima Assassin AU)
"Should I ask you why you have a knife strapped to your leg?"
"It's a dagger actually. And no, you shouldn't." The blonde female glared at the blond male while answering. "And don't act so surprised Kei, you have a gun on yourself ." She continued.
Smirking, the boy reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun. "Well, would you look at that? Are you by any chance psychic Tsukishima?"
No sooner did he say those words than he felt the tip of the dagger against his neck. "Call me that again and I will not hesitate to slit your neck. It's (Y/N)." she snarled. "Just because your father decided to fuck around with my mom doesn't mean we're related."
Her actions didn't make him flinch — not one bit.
Pushing her hand away he dusted his suit and walked past her like it was nothing, "Oh darling sister, that fucking around is the reason you were born in the first place."
He wasn't wrong, clearly he knew it and she knew it too which is what ticked her off. Gripping the dagger in anger, she slowly put it back on her leg and walked behind him.
"Just don't interfere with my work or you might accidentally get hurt, big brother." She ended with a tight-lipped smile and narrow eyes, leaving before he could even respond.
Of course none of that had an effect on him either. He simply chuckled in amusement. "I don't need to do much to get on her nerves."
Kei. Kei Tsukishima was one of the top assassins in Tokyo. After all, he did come from the Tsukishima family and they were all raised to be trained assassins. It was more like a family business for them. Naturally, his half sister (Y/N) Tsukishima was also trained and made to do jobs. She was a year younger than him but stood at 5'9 which really ticked him off sometimes, seeing as how she might reach him soon enough.
At the age of 18, he had already made his way to the top, being the best at what he does. The only other person who came close to him in getting the job done was (Y/N) and so he made it his life's mission to be the perfect thorn in her side.
Isn't that what older brothers are supposed to do?
"Tsukki, that wasn't playing nice." A voice called out from behind him. Not turning to look at the person, he simply replies emotionless.
"I never agreed to play nice Yamaguchi."
"Nevermind her, what's our job this time?" He asks the boy swiftly.
Tadashi Yamaguchi wasn't an assassin like his best friend, rather he worked on the sidelines as his assistant — his eyes and ears on all jobs.
He shook his head in disappointment at the change in subject "Our target this time is Mahiru Kurota" he turns the tablet in Tsukishima's direction and shows him the picture of the guy before continuing. "And he's been accused of doping athletes in exchange for money—"
"Doping is common and normal. Why exactly am I being sent to kill this guy?" He broke in, interrupting Yamaguchi. "Tsukki if you let me finish you'd know." He answered in annoyance.
Rolling his eyes, Tsukishima motions him to continue what he was saying earlier. "Soon after their payments, these same athletes are found dead. They're made to look like accidents but....."
"But that might not be the case." Tsukishima ends after listening to him. Yamaguchi nods in affirmation. "So this guy is taking the money and then killing them off. Ahh what a pain, I couldn't care less about those athletes you know. But a job is a job and since I'm being paid—
"500,000 Yen" Yamaguchi inputs.
"Right, so let's get the job done." He went quiet for a second before he continued. "Is there anything else I should know or do?" He asks.
Yamaguchi goes through his the job details before he lifts up his head and answers. "You've been asked to use you status as Volleyball Player in Karasuno to get close to him."
"Fine." He answers simply.
"That about sums it up. He's hosting a party right now, here's your invitation." He hands him an envelope. "And I'll be monitoring you but they're having a body check at the entrance so we cannot put any electronics on you for communication."
Nodding in response Tsukishima makes his way over to the entrance. "Oh and about (Y/N)—" he tries to call out.
"I don't want to listen to anything about her right now. I'm on a job." and with that he starts walking. Stopping short, he takes out the gun he had had in his coat and throws it towards Yamaguchi.
"Don't think I'll be allowed in with that." He said and walks out of view
"Don't tell me later that I didn't try to warn you." Yamaguchi mumbled as he walked back to the parked van he came in.
At the door, a guard asked for his invitation. "You're Kei Tsukishima?" He asks in suspicion. "Isn't that what's written on the invitation?" Tsukishima lowers his eyes at the guard. "Do the work you're assigned to before I have a chat with your boss about these issues."
Taken aback, the guard apologized profusely as he let Tsukishima enter the party. "The boss is in the back room." He added, hoping that this information would let his past mistake slide.
Clicking his tongue, Tsukishima enters, passing all the drunk and euphoric teens before going through the mentioned door.
"— and the girls team might not be as good as the boys team but this year we're sure to win. After all I am trained by the best middle blocker in the school."
A familiar voice was heard talking as soon as he entered. To his horror he saw (Y/N) sitting across Mahiru and having a chat with him. So this was what Yamaguchi had probably been trying to tell me.
When the two of them noticed him standing at he door, Mahiru got up from his seat, "Kei Tsukishima, I presume. So nice to finally meet you in person." He offers his hand for a handshake.
Tsukishima instead ignores him and nods. "Ahem... So right take a seat please and we can work on the contract." He sits beside (Y/N) who's grinning at him evily.
She had probably figured out the fact that he hadn't known she would be here too. "Hello brother, we were just talking about you." she added slyly.
Returning her smile he retorted sweetly, "Yeah, I heard the part where you called me the best middle blocker." Watching the grin wipe off her face gave him satisfaction like no other.
If Mahiru sensed any tension in the conversation between the two of them, he didn't say anything, probably dismissing it as normal sibling banter. "Here's the contract."
He presents two of the same set of papers, passing one over to them and keeping the other one. His hand hovers over the papers he passed to them, "I hope it's alright that the contract for both of you is made together since you're siblings."
"Actually n—" Tsukishima starts to say but she pinched his side which shuts him up but also earns her a glare. "Oh don't worry it's alright." She add sweetly.
The three of them talk about the details— mostly (Y/N), while Tsukishima takes note of their surroundings and commits them to memory. "—and that is all. Please give your signatures if you agree to these terms."
Oh finally we're done with this facade. When (Y/N) kicked him, he focuses back to them and signs the papers. "If that is all then I'll be taking your leave." Tsukishima replied and walked out.
After he left the room was silent for a while before Mahiru turned to her, "Is he always like that?"
"Yeah, perks of being famous and all." She replies waving him off. "Would you like to join me for drinks (Y/N)?" He asks after a pause.
Keeping the disgust off her face, she turns back and smile at him. "Maybe another time, after all I have practice early tomorrow. Can't win without practice now can I?" she chuckles.
"That's why you came to me didn't you?" He asks curiously.
"Well yes, but I still need to put in my effort. Now then, I shall take your leave too."
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The next afternoon (Y/N) was working on the laptop when there came a knock on the door. Without warning, Tsukishima entered, followed by Yamaguchi who was telling him that he should've waited for permission before entering.
"Oh look Yamaguchi, I think she's angry." He said dryly.
"I wonder what gave it away?"
"Well you see you can know her mood by her hands. Like right now, she's holding a gun. I don't think that means she's happy to see us." He stated matter of factly.
She obviously couldn't shoot him. "Not us. You." She added as she put the gun down. "So speak. Why exactly are you interrupting my precious time?"
"Don't talk as if you were doing anything important." He rolled his eyes, "we need to work on this together— I'm not happy either, but we do so just do what I say and we'll get this over with."
She looked at him in disbelief. "Keep your male dominance to yourself. We're doing it my way."
Obviously they would get nowhere with this fight so he decided to humour her for the time being. "How exactly did you enter with that knife?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Dagger." She corrected, "and Yachi took it from me when she gave me the invitation and news that I had to work with an imbecile like you."
"Ahhh—" Yamaguchi interrupted their arguments.
"Mahiru got back with the day you have to pay and collect the drugs. It's a month from now, right before prefectuals actually. So figure out a plan peacefully before then or the two of you will be in big trouble."
Work peacefully with her?
Work peacefully with him?
Having no other choice she decides on her plan of action. Tsukishima takes out some licorice candy and chews on it while she works.
"Put that away will you it's annoying." She muttered angrily. "Would your highness like it if I threw it in the trash?" Surprised at how easily he listened to her, she nods.
The moment she looks back at her laptop she felt the candy hit her face, "oops guess the trash didn't want it." He smirked.
At this point she was practically seething. Of course he wouldn't be so nice as to actually comply with her requests.
"If you do that again I will throw you out that fucking window you— what are you doing?" She asks as she noticed him get off the chair and look out the window.
"Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it." He answered cheekily. She was officially enraged. Sitting back down she decided to ignore him until it was needed.
"Poison" she suddenly spoke after hours of silence.
"Car malfunction." Came his swift reply.
After arguing for a few more hours and getting consultations from both Yachi and Yamaguchi they settled on car malfunction much to (Y/N)'s disappointment.
Tsukishima smirked at her victoriously, glad that his idea made more sense for this job.
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A month later.
"Don't mess up the plan you trainwreck or we're screwed." He whispers. "Oh shut it you overgrown baby. The only one capable of messing up is YOU." She retorts.
They work in silence, placing the job above their petty fights. After they finish making the changes to Mahiru's car the two of them slip out and go to the destination where they're supposed to meet him.
It wasn't long before they saw his car roll up. "Let's get down to business shall we?" (Y/N) asked in all seriousness when Mahiru entered the room.
"Right." Mahiru pulls out his briefcase and opens it, turning it in their direction. "I assume this is enough?"
Obviously, Tsukishima had to sell his act since he knew he had not been enthusiastic during their last conversation. He looks through the contents in the bag before nodding.
"I'm glad that Karasuno's shield is doing business with me. This will take us places." Mahiru then turned to (Y/N), "and Karasuno's Angel."
Who calls her that?
Who calls me that?
"Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you. Honestly didn't think you'd pull through with this deal but I'm glad you did." She replied putting on a charming smile.
"I'm hurt that you would think that sweetheart." Before she had a chance to reply he continued, "and about the payment?"
"Right. Here you go. That's everything we agreed on." Tsukishima says while handing him a briefcase.
"That concludes our deal then. I hope we can work together again." Mahiru smiles at them and then turns to leave.
Mahiru surprisingly had come alone, seeming to trust them. Dismissing the whirring sound that came from his car when he entered, he proceeded to start the ignition when.....
..... His car blew up. Tsukishima and (Y/N) walked up to car after the blast to see him lying on the floor covered in glass. Somehow still alive, but not for long.
"Please— save me! I'll do—do anything— for you." He cried in pain while holding his hand out to the two of you.
"Then Perish." Tsukishima told him and turned away. (Y/N) offered him a little flying kiss and a goodbye and followed behind Tsukishima, leaving before the bystanders and cops arrive.
Sending their condolences, they walked away, triumphant smiles at a job well done. After a week, when nothing suspicious was recovered from his accident, they were assured that their assassination would never come to light.
It was and always would be considered a tragic accident.
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ejzah · 1 year
The Agent and the Fireman, Part 5
Kensi said a quick goodbye to Deeks, allowing herself a moment of regret as he disappeared inside his car, then got busy putting in an all-call to the team. Most of them beat her there, so she walked into a full bullpen, her entrance announces by the sharp clack of her heels on the ground.
“Ooh, Agent Blye, looking nice,” Sam greeted her with a look of approval.
“I appreciate you trying to liven things up, but you really didn’t dress up for us,” Callen added.
“Hilarious. I was on a date.” Kensi walked to her desk as spoke, retrieving her go bag.
Callen and Sam made twin sounds of surprise. “Ooh, do tell. He must be something special if you broke out the high heels.”
“Either way, I’m certainly not telling you guys about it. Because every time I do go on a date, you act like complete children,” Kensi responded.
“Hey, I am completely supportive.” Sam jerked his thumb in Callen’s direction. “My partner’s the only juvenile one.”
“Clearly. Just give me a minute to change and I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, how did you find out about the fire in the first place? Nell said you had a tip,” Callen interrupted Kensi before she could make a clean getaway. She sighed, setting her bag back down.
“Lieutenant Deeks, from the LAFD told me,” she said casually. Like it was the most common thing in the world.
“You’ve kept up contact with him?” Sam asked with mild confusion.
“Some.” Kensi shifted from her right to her left foot, instantly cursing herself for the sign of discomfort.
“Wait, he was your date, wasn’t he?” Callen’s eyes widened in delight. He nudged Sam. “See, I told you she gave him her number.”
Sam rolled his eyes in disgust and shoved his hand into his pocket, slapping something into Callen’s palm. “Don’t gloat.”
“You guys bet on me? How would you even know about us?” Kensi demanded, caught between outrage and disbelief.
“Eh, we saw you flirting with him.”
“And you like blondes,” Sam added.
“The rest was a lucky guess,” Callen finished. “Which you just confirmed.
“Ok, yes, we went on a date. Now can we move on?” Kensi begged.
“Hey, I just got the preliminary report on the fire,” Nell said, appearing with her tablet in hand. “Wow, Kensi you look amazing!” Completely derailed from her original purpose, Nell stopped to give Kensi the once over. “Are those Jimmy Choos?”
“She was on a date,” Callen filled in. “With the hot fireman.”
“You thought he was hot?” Sam asked.
“I have eyes.”
“You mean the one with curly blonde hair and the muscles and the shockingly blue eyes?” Nell put her hand to her chest as if she might swoon and made a dreamy expression.
“That’s the one,” Sam confirmed.
“I give up,” Kensi sighed, flopping down in her chair and propping her now aching feet on the desk. The gossip about her dating life continued for another minute until she cleared her throat loudly.
“Hey, can we please get back to the case? We have to figure out who started this fire.”
“Right.” Nell scurried to the center of the room, but paused to whisper in Kensi’s direction, “We’ll talk about this more later.”
“Well, since we arrested our guy, either we’ve got a copycat, or we didn’t actually get the real arsonist,” Callen said.
“Which means we might be starting from scratch.” Sam rubbed his chin, and sighed, “We’ll have to interview Parkins again.”
“All right. Nell, you see what you can find on security cams, if anything survived,” Callen decided. “Sam and I will go visit Parkins. I assume you’ll want to handle the scene of the fire, Kensi.” He added the last part with a sly grin.
“I do have an ongoing relationship with the LAFD now,” Kensi said evenly. “Besides, Dee—Lieutenant Deeks is on the scene too, so I’ll be able to—”
“Finish your date?” Nell guessed.
“No. I was going to say that Deeks knows our arsonist’s M.O. He’ll be able tell if this fire was set by the same person.” Kensi paused a beat. “And, we’re definitely making this date up.”
“Hold on a second, you’re planning on a second date with this guy?” Callen held up his hand with an urgency that suggested Kensi had just said something shocking. “You must really like him. One Date Blye has broken her bad streak.”
“Are you done?” Kensi asked.
“Oh, not even close.”
“Fine. I’m going to go put on shoes that won’t bruise my feet, and when I come back, I expect this topic to be finished.” Kensi looked around at them all, then satisfied, limped off towards the women’s locker room.
“Yup, she’s totally smitten,” Nell said once she was safely out of earshot.
A/N: Once again, glad you’re all enjoying this. It’s been so much fun!
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latenightagain · 2 years
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the days are stretching awful long and it's time once again for the qdex advent calendar! i have some info and updates for you all, but first there's something important to say: on the 28th, my tablet broke. i had been working on this all month, and had to announce with a heavy heart i would not be doing a calendar this year, and that game progress was on hold for the foreseeable future. some incredible members of my community, who have elected to remain anonymous, immediately stepped in and organised a replacement. i am utterly overwhelmed and humbled by their generosity. i would not be posting this drawing if not for them, and i am so grateful to them, and to all of the members of my community. thank you all for being a part of this! with that said, on to business! first a little recap, given the current migration of new members. WHAT IS THIS? i am making a romhack called quarantine crystal! it started as just a little personal art project over quarantine, but quickly snowballed. the last update, released a year ago, has johto entirely complete, with tonnes of new content, original music, and things to discover. over the past few years i have ended up with a little tradition of doing an advent calendar, last years can be seen here. A WHOLE YEAR SINCE THE LAST UPDATE, IS IT DEAD? a question we have seen a lot recently! i am pleased to say that we are very much alive, we've all been working very hard for the last year and can't wait for you all to see what we've been up to! you are welcome to come join our active and growing discord community to get immediate news when the next patch drops, i hope to see you there! https://discord.gg/DvarskRchk (note: tumblr made me shrink this image a lot, the stupidly high res version can also be found on our discord if you want a closer look) see you all daily until christmas to open the calendar doors!
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finnofamerica · 1 year
The Week Of - Bucky Barnes X Reader || Part 4 || Angst
Summary: As a bridesmaid in your best friend’s wedding, you are invited to stay with her during the week of the wedding as everything gets prepared for the big day. Things don’t quite go as planned when you discover that you will be bunking with one of the groomsmen.
Word Count: 1,150
Date Posted: 06.13.23
TW: strong language, AFAB language used, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, Hangover, non-verbal,
Note: I know it took a while. The Big Sad has been kicking my ass, but I finally managed to finish it after working on it bit by bit the last two weeks.
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You woke up in the king-sized bed, the blanket tucked tightly around you. Your head pounded as you remembered the events from last night. It didn’t take long for you to realize that you were alone in the room. There was no shower running and music playing like you had woken up to yesterday morning. Aside from his luggage, the only sign of Bucky’s presence was the glass of water and two alka seltzer tablets set on the bedside table.  Then it hit you.  How did you end up in bed? Bucky must’ve carried you to bed after you passed out. Because you definitely fell asleep on the floor in the bathroom. You popped the tablets in the water and watched it fizz as you mentally prepared yourself for the day. You were not excited to see Bucky. You weren’t excited when Ava inevitably noticed that you were acting ‘weird’ around Bucky.  Tonight was the rehearsal dinner, which meant another busy day for the hungover crew. Well, you were hung over. 
“Come get some breakfast, sister,” Greyson greeted you when you dragged your pajama-clad self to the kitchen, “I got bagels. Your favorite, right?”  You nodded, cringing at the volume of his voice. “Hung over?” He chuckled, “You got the water, and Alka Seltzer Buck brought you?” You nodded again.  “Nonverbal?”  You nodded.  “You gonna use some words sometime today, maybe?” He asked sweetly.  You shrugged. It was a possibility; you just weren’t able to right now. After last night, you didn’t have the energy to make words. You grabbed a few bagels, toasted and loaded them with schmear.  You sat at the kitchen table, nibbling on your breakfast, when Bucky walked through the front door with coffee. You furrowed your brows, and your face flushed when Bucky handed you a drink. Your favorite drink.  “I told him what to get you,” Greyson picked up on your confusion, answering the unasked question. You took a long sip, savoring the sweet brew. It was like heaven in a cup, and even though you knew it didn’t work that way, you swore you could feel your headache easing already.   “How are you not hungover?” Ava groaned as she dragged herself into the room, Greyson handing over a plate of her preprepared breakfast.  “You’re a saint,” She tiptoed to land a kiss on his cheek and took one of the coffees from Bucky.  “I don’t get hung over,” Bucky shrugged, “Never have.”  “Are you immortal or something?”  “Not as far as I’m aware, no.”  Ava gave a short hum of approval before turning to you.  “Are you ready for today?” She asked.  You shook your head.  “Oh, it’s one of those mornings.”  You nodded.  “Alright. That’s understandable. You’ll be okay today?”  You nodded again. 
Ava started laying out the plan for the day. They would go to the ceremony rehearsal, then a quick lunch break, then more ceremony rehearsal, and finally, the rehearsal dinner.  Of course, you were paired with Bucky through the whole thing. Having to link arms with him as you practiced walking down the aisle made your skin crawl. Two hours in, you couldn’t stand it anymore and broke away in the middle of rehearsal to run to the bathroom.  You sat on the bathroom stall floor, head between your knees as you self-soothed. Taking long slow breaths to stop the aching in your chest.  “Y/n, you in here, sweetie?” Ava asked, knocking on the main bathroom door, peaking her curly head of hair through the door.  “Yeah,” You replied meekly, muffled slightly by your legs. You heard her footsteps approach you, and she slid underneath the stall door, joining you on the floor.  “What’d wrong, Hunny?”  “Bucky rejected me,” Your voice cracked, hearing the words out loud for the first time, “We made out last night, and I thought we were going to have sex, and he rejected me.”  “Oh babe, can I hug you?”  You nodded, and Ava pulled you into a hug without hesitation. You held on tightly like you were clinging to a lifeline, a buoy barely keeping you above the rising tide.  “If he can’t see how wonderful you are, then he doesn’t deserve you, sweet girl.” Ava cooed, rocking you gently in her arms. “You deserve to have someone who appreciates the way your brain functions.”  After a long while, you calmed, rejoining the party with Ava at your side.  “Let’s take a break for lunch,” Ava suggested, dismissing the group of people, before pulling her fiance aside, surely to explain your encounter with Bucky from the night before.  You followed the rest of the bridesmaids out to where your catered lunch was waiting, idly chatting with them. 
“What the hell did you do?” Greyson pulled Bucky aside, away from where the bridal party was currently eating.  “What?” Bucky’s brows furrowed.  “What happened with Y/n last night?”  “We made out, we almost had sex, but I didn’t want my first time with her to be while we were both drunk. Call me old fashioned, but I was taught to respect women.” He defended himself under Greyson’s accusing glare. “I like her enough, I wanna get to know her better before we - y’know?”  “She doesn’t understand that, Bucky. She thinks you don’t like her. If you like her, you need to tell her that. That’s why she’s been upset all day. Rejections hurt worse for her. She has big feelings.”   Bucky’s heart sank in his chest. He didn’t realize how much that seemingly insignificant rejection would hurt you because, to him, he wasn’t really rejecting you, just taking a raincheck on your little attempted affair.  “I’ll talk to her,” He sighed, “There are lots of things about her I don’t know, huh?”  “Yeah, and it is not my business to tell.”  Bucky slunk back into the building with Greyson. 
When you finally arrived back at “home,” you were beyond exhausted. You could feel every bit of the amount that you had walked in heels that day. Your calves were aching. You rushed upstairs, collected your pajamas, and headed to the restroom to change. Bucky must’ve not been in much of a hurry to go to bed because you were tucked away and mostly asleep when the door softly opened and shut, announcing Bucky’s presence. You could hear him shuffle around the room before entering the bathroom to change.  The bed gently shifted when he sat on the side.  “I know you’re probably sleeping,” he whispered into the silence of the room, “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I didn’t mean to make you feel rejected. I just didn’t want the first time we had sex to be some drunken fling. I want to get to know you, Y/n. I’ll sleep on the couch downstairs again tonight. We’ll talk in the morning.”  The door creaked shut, and your soft snores filled the silence.
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Tags: @1deadpool26@fortisfilia@vicmc624 @heilith
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seahdalune · 9 months
Seana's 2023 art highlights
(surprisingly, not a reupload this time!)
January: i drew nothing! we're off to a great start.
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February: i drew something! i love Champ even if i haven't drawn anything tf2 related since April. i think it was this piece where i decided to give Champ RED coloring. [link]
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also, this is the month i made my second Moldy plush.... i wasn't very happy with this one, though. [link]
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March: uhhhh. more of my tf2 ocs but i think those aren't that interesting. just go to my tf2 oc blog @brokenbrainstormbulb if you wanna see them honestly, i have an image limit to keep ffs. that said, this was around the time i got into TC2, so i drew a lot of that kind of stuff... i'm never drawing stuff for it ever again, sorry. [link]
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April: look at the cool thing i drew for a fellow tf2 robot fan! now, this is the point in time where i start drawing more because of a certain interest, so look forward to all the art that'll come up here.....
May: wow, this really was my first public piece of Papa Louie art, huh. i was so proud of it when i showed it off on tumblr the first time... i don't like it as much anymore. for one, the office wall color is wrong.... i still can't believe Papa Louie was what got me out of art block, but god, i'm glad it did. i don't think i've drawn this much before, and even though the community's tiny, i'm glad to give back as much as i can. anyways, i said something like "it's so funny that people think they're either super married or divorced as hell" on the same post. i still think that, and it's defos funny as hell, but i've grown a kind of appreciation towards the ship as well. like yeah, you go girls, we love that extra slow burn with so many road bumps on the way! [link]
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June: how the hell did i pump this out. this was also like a few days before i had to leave for the airport too... i don't know myself sometimes. i swear i still love Boigashipping! i just... i'm just busy with other ships okkkk [link]
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July: i didn't draw anything...? i was in Bali. and i was busy selling adopt designs to draw anything substantial, oopsie! actually, i DID draw the first part of WDB... it's uh, still the only part. i'm sorry!!!! i'm sorry!!!! i swear i have the whole thing outlined!!! can you just give me anons about the story instead so you won't have to wonder what comes next!! [link]
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August: TOSI fixation. it had not gone past it's conceptual stage, i must note. i do wish i would do something about it though. [link]
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September: the art trade i did with my friend! actually, i was a few weeks late with my part, so it was supposed to be finished by August. oops. i like the textures tbh. my Chuseok drawings.... i need to draw more characters in hanbok, hee hee. [link]
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October: (breaths in) ...this is the month i finally gave into the JoGotcha wantings. LOOK. ever since someone put the idea into my brain i couldn't get enough of it, and like,, nobody draws the ship anymore so i had to take matters into my own hands. this is the first ship i'm this obsessed with. i usually leave ship stuff to other people but this time that wasn't enough and i... i had to do SOMETHING, y'know? [link]
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Cringetober? who's that? haha;; i stopped feeling like doing the whole list after less than a week. impressive.
November: oh look, Plushy Power League. Quinn didn't win, but i do like the thing i drew as propaganda, so whateves. the first Papa Louie character i ever drew (minus Chuck and Taylor)... did i change how i draw her? uhh. maybe? i'm not too sure. [link]
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also look! the keychain drawing... i need to talk about my Gods and Monsters au again at some point. actually, since i last uploaded the image of my keychain, i revised it tons... it's kinda different now, and i defos think it looks better. this is actually the time i finally fixed the stupid display setting thing that was really messing up my coloring! [link 1] [link 2]
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December: ...oops! tablet broke. and i got my 3ds back so i just didn't draw that much even after exams were over. didn't stop me from drawing though, and in fact i think i made something pretty neat with my christmas art.... even if it did come one day late. [link]
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wow. that's a whole year of stuff... and that's defos a lot! i think i'm really happy with what i drew this year.... i don't know what was in my water the last few years but my art highlights felt really.... miserable? for some reason. i mean, yeah, i didn't do a lot of what i had planned (GOE ANIMATIC IM SORRY) but i can see that i've done just as much with my hands anyways, so like, who cares? plus, i always have next year... that's coming in 3 hours, oh god- so, maybe i won't be too hard on myself for not fulfilling my goals... like, i kinda glossed over it, but i did sell my designs for money, and that's like, really impressive! so many people around me buy and sell their art stuff already, so i guess i didn't really register it as something to be proud of... but doing that shit (making, and marketing) is hard!! so like, it's a wow moment for me!
anyways, i'm tired, i only came back home a few hours ago, and i need to get up again for church in a few hours.... mrphgdjd. lets stop being sentimental, and i'll see you people next year. that's a long way off! hope you don't miss me.
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imagionationstation · 2 years
Tiny Dee Skit: Part 2
2012 Cast: Donnie
2018 Cast: Don, Michael
Don: Why did no one tell me making creating secret tunnels to hide the gear I don't want my brothers' touching was a bad idea?
Uh, here, tiny me. Here, Donnie. Here children version who has a strange knack for blowing up everything he touches-
Michael: pops up What are you doing?
Don: AH- DEFINITELY NOT FINDING THE CHILD LOST IN MY ARRAY OF DANGEROUS TECH- wait, why are you in here? How are you in here?
Michael: Oh, everyone knows about your secret tunnels
Don: Since when!?
Michael: Always?
We don't like to talk about it though. It's a secret. 
Don: That's not- ugh. Why are you here?
Michael: Donnie broke my tablet. I was looking for you
Don: No trouble, Leo said. I’m never trusting another word that comes out of his mouth…
Michael: So… Can you fix it?
Don: I'm busy trying to relocate tiny me-
Don: Yes, and if I don't find him before his brother's return, I will perish
Wait, why do you care? Didn’t he destroy your tablet?
Michael: He's a kid! It was obviously an accident
I'll help you find him
Don: If you insist
Here boy. Here, Donatello. Come here.
Michael: He's not a dog
Don: Don't infant brains hold the same capacity of understanding as those of animals?
Michael: Yes? No? Probably? 
Don: Fine. If animal summoning will not work...
Something explodes in distance and Don dashes over, locating a sobbing Donnie next to a small metallic fire
Don: Oh please, in the name of all things science don't be injured- uses the metal hands to lift him up and examines him
Donnie: still shaking and sobbing
Michael: DONNIE!
Grabs him and gently holds him in his arms Aw, hey, it's okay, little Donnie. It's okay, little guy. We're not going to hurt you.
Don: examining the wreckage I might. That was my latest prototype.
Michael: glares
Don: Um. I mean. No, of course we will not let anything happen to you, small me. Pat pat? pats his head awkwardly
Donnie: confused sniffling
Michael: It's your fault it blew up anyway. You must have scared him, poor little guy.
Donnie: whimpers
Michael: I think you should hug him and say sorry
Don: I'm not apologizing to a child
Nor am I touching him
Michael: Toddlers have feelings too
Don: And I should care because...?
Michael: I'll tell his brothers what happened
Don: What is with people and threatening me today?
Michael: Don
Don: I will hold him, but it is not a hug. It is a blackmail gesture of goodwill
Michael: hands him over
Donnie: whimpers
Don: awkwardly adjusts him in one arm; uses the other to pat his head again There there. I should not have yelled. That was irresponsible of me. Just stop crying so your threatening and terrifyingly protective siblings don't murder me
Donnie: sniffles and leans his head against his plastron
Michael: Forgiveness achieved!
Don: At least he isn't crying
Michael: I think he likes you!
Don: That makes no sense. He cannot understand apologies. I did that for your sake. Children respond to tones of voice and mine is as bland as you can get
Michael: Maybe he likes bland
Don: That makes little logical sense as well
Michael: Maybe babies don't follow logic 
Donnie: whine
Don: Nope- pats plastron with free hand Be silent. We will not have any more screaming fits. 
Donnie: begins quietly sucking on fingers
Don: ....He is a strange toddler
Michael: Mutant turtle toddler
Also, he's a Donnie right? ✨Baby genius✨
Don: Ah, yes. I suppose that was not factored in- what is he doing?
Donnie: curls up a bit and closes his eyes
Michael: Sleeping
Don: What? Why? And why on me!?
Michael: Maybe your soft shell is soft
Don: I don't like this- take him back! roughly shoves Donnie back into Michael’s arms, only for Donnie to whine and begin loudly crying again
Michael: No, no, no, shhhh, it's okay, it's okay! tries bouncing, only to grow panicked when nothing changes DONNIE- he won't stop- he won't stop- how do I-!?
Don: turning down the volume on his goggle’s filters OKAY FINE uses his mechanical arms to take him back and carefully lays him in both arms There. I have you. You are sleepy again, go to sleep. Your wailing is hurting my ears and that's saying something considering turtles do not actually have them. 
Donnie: sobs quiet as he relaxes
Don: Oh, thank the Great Pizza in the Sky. turns his volume back up What now?
Michael: Get him out of the room with easily explodable devices before he decides to run rampant again?
Don: Yes. Let’s. First Skit: Here
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