#I was also planning on colouring it but again: I got lazy
such-a-daydreamer · 17 hours
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 7 🪽
- I have said Leo are selfish but I have to mention how awfully selfish is 1st house sun or Aries rising are.
- Cancer sun with Taurus Venus is something I don’t see often but they are beautiful and caring individuals that give the best presents ever. (Ex: Ariana grande)
I have also noticed that cancer with earth placements tend to like softer aesthetics and colours. Like white and pastels ✨
- cancer with Leo Venus/mars makes someone really need for word affirmations. " you are amazing" "you are so talented".
- between the fire signs Leo and Aries would come from each others throats. Sagittarius is planning a trip or joining in new cult.
- Aquarius moon might have issue with bossy mothers.
- Pisces mothers either will be amazing and sooo caring or they will be emotionally needy and put pressure on their kids.
- mutable signs or air dominant people have learning difficulties (my dad and mom are Gemini and both have dyslexia. I got it as well💅🏻 ofc it’s genetics but It’s not coincidence I’m Pisces and I’m air dominant)
- Leo placements watch theirs own stories or whatever they upload like they are in love with themselves. Their own stalkers 💀
- north node in Gemini will always be students in life…(yayyyyyyy that’s what we want)
- Aquarius with Leo placements….nooooooooo just nooooo. God complex is real and it is Aquarius with Leo placements and vice versa. Cool people but u always right no matter what because you are better that anyone else 🙂
- if your lover has Venus or mars in the 8th house be prepared to have a good spicy time. The difference is that Venus is so passionate naturally and loves spicy time. However on mars to have a good bed time u kinda have to be a little bit toxic and turn them on. Make them jealous is an easy solution. Usually 8th house attracts a lot of toxicity or "passionate" energy.
- 2nd house Venus…OHHHH sooo sexyyyyyyyy. Candles,dinners and flowers. If you see a man having Venus on that house. KEEP HIMMMM
- Pisces suns just don’t get along with other Pisces sun. PERIOD
- Pisces sun with Aries mercury are baddies now Aries sun with Pisces mercury is a softie.
- water placements seem to love winter more than anything.
- if u have fire placements u would had gone or u are still are in ur ginger/red hair era.
- to all my Capricorn stelliums…are okay my loves? Maybe relax a bit. You are doing amazing 🥰
- to all my beautiful Chiron in cancer pliz go and heal in ur own space and the ways u only know. Maybe spend time with ur family and friends.
- Mc in Taurus means u will succeed no matter what in any field ur in. Maybe a little lazy but u need money and stability so when u feel u don’t have it u will work. Probably in business field or singing. People with placements have beautiful voices naturally as well
- Leo, libra, Virgo and Taurus are the type of people who will use ur own personal style as an insult and it’s sooo funny but I can’t go that far because I’m broke.
Thats all 🪽
This was so short lol but I need to remember you again that personal observations aren’t facts and because you can’t relate that doesn’t mean I ain’t accurate or u aren’t. Everyone has different experiences and life. So yeah astrology isn’t a fact at all. Anyway stay healthy and hydrated girly pops 💅🏻
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quintinh43 · 6 months
BFF's 4 Life
Set in the world of Loving You Is As Easy as ABC 123
Here are my head cannons, on before Quinn and the reader became a couple.
You and Quinn lived together for eight months before he finally found a place for himself. In that time the two of you grew very close.
Quinn was very sad to leave and debated just staying with you, but in the end he decided to go through with the move because his new place was closer to Rogers arena.
He did try to convince you to move in with him, but you didn't because your apartment was closer to the university and work.
Quinn would come into the coffee shop that you worked at every time you were working. And every time, without fail, you would present him with some obscene concoction of sugar and caffine that no one had ever heard of.
"I swear to god, i'm gonna get diabetes because of you." Yet without fail he would drink every last drop.
During covid, you started going on morning runs because otherwise, you would've gone crazy. Especially having all of your uni classes online.
Quinn started joining you after a while because he was also going crazy, and the runs really really helped, especially because he got to do them with you.
You were also the one who taught Quinn how to cook during this time. And you were genuinely infuriated when he became a better cook than you. "I'll never forgive you" you grumble, while Quinn cackles as he pulls burnt aspargus out of the oven. "Student becomes the master" he shrugs, and you throw a handful of asparagus at him.
When Quinn got covid, you showed up at his apartment covered head to toe, complete with gloves, a mask, and eyewear, holding a container of chicken noodle soup.
Quinn laughed, immediately took a photo and then proceeded to launch into a coughing fit so bad he turned the colour of a tomato.
At which point you took a photo of him. The two of you keep the photos as blackmail, and if either of you were to ever use them, all hell would break loose.
You own so so so much canuck gear, it's unhinged (courtesy of Quinn of course.) You joked about starting to sell some stuff on eBay, and Quinn looked so genuinely distraught that you never made that joke again.
When you officially started teaching, all the canuck gear came in handy. Especially when you were being lazy and didn't have time to pick an outfit.
At first everyone thought you were just a Canuck super-fan, until one day Quinn had to drop you off at work because your car was in the shop.
Then of course everyone though the two of you were dating. Which got really annoying.
The first time you officially brought Quinn to class was because he had a full day off and didn't know what to do with himself. He begged you to take the day off to spend it with him, but "Some of us have real jobs Quinn."
"Hey! My job is real"
"Well, unfortunately for you I can't just not show up. You had to have given me at least a two day notice so I could've found a substitute."
"Y/nnnnn," he whined, flopping off your bed dramatically while you finished getting dressed. "What am I supposed to do all day?"
" If you're really so concerned about being bored to death, get dressed and come help me be a glorified babysitter for the day" you snorted
Quinn's head snapped up excitedly "wait seriously?"
You were joking, but it happened anyway.
The kids were so well-behaved that you debated bringing Quinn to work with you every day.
Whenever you were on a break, Quinn pestered you to be hanging out with him the whole time. Which usually ended up with recipe expiramenting, Quinn helping you mark papers and lesson plan, or Quinn dragging you along to practice/games/events etc.
One time, he even pestered you to come on a week long roadie with him during winter break. To which you declined - because that was definitely stepping over a 'best friend' relationship line, and you were under the firm impression that Quinn would never love you the way you loved him.
The guys always teased him mercilessly about being in love with you.
"For fucks sake, Huggy. Are you blind? Do you see the way she looks at you?"
After Quinn became captain, whenever his teammates threatened to tell you that he was in love with you he threatened to make them do bag skates for an entire practice.
They shut up really quick after that.
The team loves you, and they always say that whenever they have kids they are sending them to the school you teach at.
Whenever Quinn watched you interact with Kids he gets a little starry eyed and drooly.
Quinn is a very common topic of conversation in your classroom. You often use him as your muse whenever you're doing projects.
He loves it, and he keeps every single piece you've done on him. From art projects, to Health projects.
You even managed to use him in a math project once. (You used little cutouts of his head as addition blocks, he laughed so hard he was crying.)
If Quinn has a game on a week day, you try to wear some form of his merchandise, and he always asks for a fit picture.
Quinn never ever ever let you pay for anything. "You don't even make 1/10th of my salary"
"Way to make a girl feel good about her job,"
"Wait, I didn't mean it like that im sor- no wait. I'm not insulting your job, I'm insulting the people that pay you. You are literally raising our future generations, and the government pays you like trash. If anything, our salaries should be reversed. I basically work in the entertainment industry."
"Ok, well I can still afford to pay for my own shit" you grumble.
Quinn rolls his eyes. "Don't be so stubborn. Put your plastic bank card away. it's insulting in my presence"
"Sorry we don't all have metal fucking credit cards that make noise when we drop them" you spit back.
It continues to be a fight every. single. time.
Whenever you do somehow manage to pay, Quinn is fuming and throughly debates not talking to you for a week.
He never lasts more than a couple hours.
Whenever Quinn left for the summer, you got really lonely. Especially because as a teacher, you had the whole summer off.
He always invited you to come to Michigan with him, but there was always a nagging in your head about "crossing the best friend line"
One summer, you decided to teach summer school for high-schoolers to keep yourself busy. And it was fucking hell. Hormonal sweaty teenagers trying to learn a subject in three weeks rather than four months was so so bad.
Quinn gladly listened to you complain every day, "shoulda come to michigan with me." He would shrug
"Mom and dad have been asking about you," he would throw in quietly.
Which leads us into your relationship with Quinn's family.
Over the six years that the two of you have been friends you've met his parents and both his brothers.
Luke was fourteen, and Jack was sixteen when you met them for the first time.
They both fell IN LOVE with you.
They would call you to ask for homework help, often saying something like, "You're a teacher, what do i do?"
"I'm not a teacher yet, guys. I still have to finish my degree, you know." You would laugh awkwardly and help them anyways.
You blamed both Jack and Luke for the dreadful summer you taught high-schoolers. Simply because you had enjoyed teaching Jack and Luke so much, you thought it would be the same.
They had much the same response as their shithead older brother "you should've come to michigan"
As they grew and saw how you and Quinn looked at each other, they would tease him mercilessly as good brothers do.
"Dude, if you don't confess, I'll marry her." sixteen year old Luke would smirk
That had Quinn seething, and it was quite funny. "You fucking imbecile."
"Mom! Quinn called me a bad word!"
Jack was often cackling in the background or telling Quinn to stop being the world's biggest dumbass.
The day you saw Luke in person and he had grown taller than you, you collapsed dramatically into his arms and pinched his cheeks aggressively. Crying about your favourite little kiddo being all grown up.
Ever the awkward teenager Luke just blushed and grumbled about not being a baby.
Whenever Jack and Luke visit Vancouver, they always ask to visit your classroom.
The first time all three NHL superstar hughes brothers were in your classroom it was fucking chaos throughout the entire school. You got yelled at by the principal, and they had to leave while the cops chased away reporters.
The four of you will never forget the dressing down you got in the principals office that day. It felt like you were a group of playground bullies getting scolded for pushing kids off the slide.
"This is getting brought up at ALL of our weddings." Jack grins as the boys hug you goodbye and head over to Quinn's place.
"Yeah, all three weddings," Luke says with a mischievous grin.
Both you and Quinn blush and choose to ignore Luke's statement.
Until he's winking at you over dramatically and making duck lips at you. The Quinn is dragging him towards the car by his ear and promising to pick you up when school is out.
The way luke can swing between awkward twenty-year old and Youngest child menace is so funny to you.
Now onto Ellen and Jim
They also absolutely love you.
They have loved you since you were freshly nineteen and offering up your apartment for Quinn, when all you knew about him was that he was an anxious teenager.
Jim gives the best advice. He's especially knowledgeable when it comes to kids, "its not very different than dealing with grown men who strap blades to their feet and call it a job." He says teasingly, while all his kids protest.
Ellen is the sweetest angel of a human you have ever met. She takes no nonsense from her kids, and always makes sure Quinn is good to you.
She has a knowing twinkle in her eye when she sees you and Quinn together and it makes your chest ache a little.
Her hugs are always long, and her words sweet, and she always reminds you that you have a family with the Hughes no matter what.
Hey guys! Guess who's back and better than ever 😎 we're getting a fic between tomorrow and Saturday, so stay tuned. Anyways, I hope yall like this! If there's anything from here you'd like to see turned into a blurb/fic let me know! I've been super inspired for this universe as of late. Also I am going through the requests in my inbox. So if you requested something it's hopefully coming soon! I've been super busy with school, but it's calming down for a couple weeks and then finals will be in full swing! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this! As always comment comment comment! And I hope you guys are doing amazing.
Love Soph 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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itsnotmourn · 7 months
CONCEPTS AND RAMBLINGS | "animal" cult pmv extras
thank you everyone for liking my pmv (and on yt and twitter) !! i got more attention than i thought it would and that means the world to me! <33
here’s some of my concept art + rambles for it!
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the first thing i made up, the character designs!
i didn’t think to refine them because they were good enough to use LMAO... so i scribbled colours down, threw a filter and called it a night
i wanted a sharp change from the verses and chorus (since the song goes from calm to... louder) so i made it greyscale (with a red filter) that changed to brighter colours!
also changed the text font/colour for ignacio hmm. the font was hard to read, in my opinion.
ignacio's design
ignacio loses his bandage colours because that was too many colours for my liking… i completely forgot his hair highlights tho
ah and he doesn’t get a mouth until the fire scene too…
it was only meant to be done for a few frames but i thought it be cooler if it was consistent.
the missing mouth represents his repressed feelings/silence, or something like that.
skidad's design
i got a few questions on whether skidad was a goat. despite looks, skidad’s design is actually based on the herbiadean/jacob sheep! four horns!
i have drawn skidad as a jacob sheep before as well!
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look at them ominous friends.
the resemblance to goats is something i considered as well (links with cult/sacrifice) so i think of it as a fun bonus
i gave him wolf teeth because the whole “wolf in sheep’s clothing” but also because i like it when prey animals are given predator features
i left the body as "human" because i only wanted the face to be censored… i considered clawed/darkened hands too but nah
skidad was originally going to be lined like ignacio, but i liked the lineless look for him so voila! makes it feel like he’s “not bound by anything”... actually, this is the same reasoning for the match to be “out” of the border, even though it’s ignacio’s hand
i rarely storyboard (most are locked in my mind) but i figured it'd be fun to try!
halfway, i got bored of drawing digitally so i moved onto my notebook. i think it was a good decision; since i drew with my ink pen, it forced me to move on with my mistakes instead of clicking "clear canvas" lol
i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted after weeks of listening to the song over and over again. the only thing that really changed was the mirror, which was replaced with a shadowy ignacio
the coloured thumbnails i actually did first, just to figure out out what i’m doing for the chorus part… limited palette my beloved
i didn't know where to put the text so i was scribbling everywhere lol
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ratio changes
in the chorus, the ratio of ignacio and skidad’s frames changes! it’s more obvious if i combined them together, like this
less for ignacio, more for skidad
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did you notice that the fire in this shot look like the cult ?!!! why did i do that, you ask? well:
the fire is the same “red”as the robe
too lazy to draw fire without abusing motion blur
mmm symbolism idk. it's somewhere there
it wasn’t in my plans but i’m happy i made the choice in the last minute. this was the last thing i needed to finish before syncing it up with the music
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also this… i just wanted to point it out… make sure everyone knows... did you notice this? did you? did you did you? well now you do!!!
that's it !!! that's your trip into my mind!! okay byeeeee !!
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
I loved the wholesome ask!! fluffy/wholesome boys :') Ahh please I need more fluff, specifically Jean if you have any 🥹
hello!! thank you for the wholesome ask 🥰 i love the fluffy requests just as much as the smutty ones.
sorry for the delay! also i decided to do a couple of boys because i was just filled w ideas for this one 😭
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╰┈➤ fluffy headcanons - aot.
ft. armin, eren, jean. cw. gender neutral reader
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⋙ armin arlert.
he loves playing board games with you!! specifically cooperative strategy games like gloomhaven, pandemic, or dead of winter. he loves looking at the board with you and trying to figure out the best course of action, but even if you lose he still has fun just spending time with you (and i feel like after the game you guys would talk about things you could do better for next time 🥺)
going to the library is like a monthly ritual for the two of you. on Sunday, the two of you go together and then wander off, collecting 1 book for yourself, 1 book for the other person, and 1 book to read together -- almost like a mini book club between the two of you
armin is a little introverted, so he likes to spend evenings and weekends curled up on the couch with you watching a show together or just reading next to one another. he's a lil annoying tho when you watch tv because he likes to constantly pause the show so he can tell you his theories or try to guess what happens next 💀
loves going for walks with you!! especially on a lazy weekend morning or after dinner when the sun is starting to set. he'll hold all your stuff (keys, phone, wallet, w/e) in the pockets of his cargo shorts 💀 and then hold your hand as the two of you walk throughout the neighbourhood, just talking about nothing and everything
⋙ eren jaeger.
eren will always force you to come with him when he's running errands 😭 even if it's a one-person job, he claims that he needs you with him for moral support. so the two of you will get in his car (and maybe he'll stop off at your fav coffee shop to get you a treat for the journey) and take you with him to the grocery store, or the hardware store, or wherever tf he wants to go
loves impromptu dates. if the two of you drive past the aquarium and you see that it's got a new special exhibit, he's immediately pulling over so the two of you can go check it out -- even if he doesn't care or if it's something he's not usually interested in, he can tell from the little lilt in your voice when you get excited about something, so he'll stop everything just for you 🥺
angry gamer guy for sure 💀 i can just see him yelling into the mic at jean about dying too much when they're playing some shooter game or something. but in between games (if you're not hanging out in the room with him) he'll call you to come over so he can get a good luck kiss from you before the next match (cue jean gagging in discord)
when the two of you are cuddling, he loves to just lie on top of you and squish you with his full weight. he calls himself "eren blanket" and just goes limp on top of you. he thinks it's so funny when you giggle and try to push him off and he doesn't let up unless you're really struggling to breath
⋙ jean kirstein.
loves planning date nights for the two of you 🥺 always a fancy dinner or a play or something in the city. he just loves seeing you get all dressed up for him and wearing matching colours with you and trying fancy wines with the love of his life
snores 💀 like, loudly -- obnoxiously, even. like you have a hard time falling asleep sometimes because he's rattling the whole damn house. but you discovered a trick! if you kiss him softly when he's snoring, he'll smile a little in his sleep and stop snoring!! he'll start up again later, but you usually have enough time to fall asleep before he does
wakes up suuuuuuper early every day -- even on weekends. he'll putter around the house, tidy up from the night before, maybe even go for a run if it's a nice day. but he always crawls back into bed with you a few minutes before your alarm goes off so the two of you can cuddle for a bit before starting your day
he gets you to tie his tie for him every single time 🥺 even though he knows how to do it himself, he just gets so happy watching you do it for him and when you tighten it up around his collar and check in like, "is that good?" he'll just smile and give you a little kiss in thanks
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Hi! Firstly, my eng is still a size of a dino from that one google offline game, pls bear w me!
Can you do headcanons of Leona x fem!reader about the reader participating on random event (you choose) at NRC that she performs a cover dance? I'm not entirely a Kpop fan but one underrated girl group called Secret Number caught my attention so much (also you should check them out!). Can you pls make her covers one of their songs called "Doomchita"? I'M OBSESSED.
Also you can choose whether she had her own group of friends to join or just alone- then again this is boys school, is that even possible? lol sorry.
Thank you for your time! Sorry I accidentally make this too long.😭👍🏻
This was a tricky request since I don't really listen to k-pop,but I tried , alright?
Genre: Fluff, imagine
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It was interesting to say, how most boys from NRC were excited for the performance that was about to take place tonight.
It's been planned for quite a while.
From what he heard,a few groups of girls will perform here,maybe if Leona would have paid more attention he would've known more,but he just didn't bother.
Ruggie was the one who told the older lion about the event,who knows ,maybe he'd be interested.
After all not every day does the night raven college allow girls to join them,even for a night.
This is mostly why Leona chose to come to this Event. And for the food ,of course.
The lights go off,and the song begins,the loud music echoing in the dark,huge room.
From the dark lighting,6 girls emerge. Each dressed with an eye taking outfit. The spot light focusing on them as the dance begins.
Leona chuckled quietly when he glanced around the room at the other students.
Most of them had their jaws hanging,it's amusing to see how thirsty those teenage students can be.
His yellowish brown eyes dart back at the stage,not particularly liking the loud music,but enjoying the view of the group of dancers.
One of them, a h/c was the lead singer.
Leona decided he particularly liked this girl. His eyes followed her every move as she danced in sink with friends.
Leona,seated in the front row watched as the lights changed colours once the beat fell.
He must admit,the strident colored lights fell on your face so perfectly, almost as perfect as your dance moves.
The song ends, the group of girls now taking a final position to fit the coregraphy.
That was something, oh and , Ruggie watched as Leona stared at a particular girl, the hyena himself was interested in what his dorm leader was about to do.
Once your performance was over another group took place on the stage,but you didn't bother to stick around.
Leona noticed, and decided to join you outside,it wouldn't be a bad idea to strike a conversation with you.
You yawned, stretching your arms out. This has been quite the show,and you want to go back to bed now.
"Someone's tired." A new voice disrupts the comfortable silence.
You laugh quietly, "It's been a pretty long day," you smile ,looking at the boy who appeared almost out of thin air, "So yeah,I'm quite tired." Saying that ,you resist another yawn.
Of course Leona sees that. He chuckles, shaking his head amused.
"So why'd you come here?" The two of you start quietly walking,not even realizing yet.
"I mean,I like what I'm doing. Me and my friends dream of becoming something,it may sound silly to be honest." You leave out another sighed laugh, rubbing the back of your neck.
"I can see it happening,you didn't do too bad out there." He winks, showing his canines while smiling.
You must admit, this stranger, that's most likely a student here is pretty handsome.
You smile at his words. This boy has his way with words,you'll give him that.
"Thanks,oh ,by the way." Leona's eyes dart back at you, "What's your name?I'm sorry I didn't ask earlier I just got really caught up in the conversation and I'm just sleepy and all."
He smiles , finding you amusing.
The charming stranger gently rises your hand, bringing it to his lips.
His bright lazy eyes stare in yours,
"Leona Kinghscholar." His lips make contact with your hand, bringing warmth and color to your cheeks.
"And you might be?" Leona smiles,letting go of your hand to your disappointment.
"Oh,how rude of me, I'm (Name)." you smile hoping the warmth in your cheeks would fade.
The two of you walk to a bench,not even realizing it until you're in front of it.
Leona sits down, running a hand through his dark brown hair, how's his hair so healthy??
He watches as you sit down, giving enough personal space to both of you.
"So,you study here?" The lion's eyes close, starting to feel tired himself.
"Yep, have been for a while." He shrugs,more curious to know about you.
"What bout you?" One of his eyes lazily opens,resting on your face. He's curious off what you think.
"I study at Witches college for girls,it's not too far from here." You smile,so you study to be a witch hm? A witch pop star,how interesting.
"Is that so? How's it there?" The conversation goes on like this, Leona learning net things about you.
He likes your company,unlike the usual people he surrounds himself with ,you're peaceful to be around.
Leona also shares a few things about himself, you now know he's older than you. From what he told you ,the boy was held back a year or so.
It was nice talking to him, fortunately he doesn't hit on you or watch you like those boys did when they gawked at your performance.
You could get used to this.
I tried,ok?I tried 😔
I also made this an imagine to fit better with the plot,hope you don't mind.
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✧⁠*⁠。a game afternoon with Ateez
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Ateez x Reader
Warnings: None
You were bored. Very bored. You were sitting in your room, staring at the wall. 'Uhg what should I dooooo' you thought. Then you heard someone shouting something, you didn't understand a whole sentence properly but you heard the word 'fun' and went to the door. "How did I get here? Ahh nevermind" You said and went to the living room where the other eight boys were. Well, you stopped at the door, staring at the things in front of you.
"Woow..." was the only word that left your mouth.The room was full. And not that there were many people, only the eight Ateez members, there were so many activitys. (Sorry I described it but the text got deleted and I'm lazy🫠) And in the middle of all these things there were eight boys with a proud look on their faces. "Y/nahhh look what we didddd" San said. "You did awesome job! Bit why'd you do this?" you asked curiously. "We were bored" Jongho said and smirked.
"Woow... Well, same" you replied and smiled at the boys. "Great!" Yeosang was happy. "Then let's play a gameeuuuu" he said. "What game Sangie?" the captain asked. "Let's play UNO for the start." the pretty boy said. (I'm sorry, they're all prettier than Heaven 🥹🥺) Everybody agreed. You sat between Yeosang and San and you all enjoyed the time together. After like 10 minutes you placed down a +4 card. "YAHHHHH i was going to win!' San gave you an angry but playful glare.
He layed down his one card on the table and reached his arms for you. He wrapped one arm around your upper body, pinning your arms on it and started to poke all over your midsection with his free hand. "AAAAAAHHHahahaha Saniehehhehe nahaahhahaah" you squirmed and tried to escape the cute devil while the other members just laughed at you or blushed. "I'll just make you regret it" San pouted. Then he dig his fingers in your hips and you squirmed and squealed more. "AAAAHAHAHHA noohohoho moohohohore I'm sahhahhaharyyyy pleasehehe" you begged BUT he didn't mind. Just until Wooyoung attacked San himself and squeezed his side to get him let you go. San squealed and fell over in Wooyoungs lap, a giggly mess. *😭*
Wooyoung laughed and slapped his arm, then he pushed San into a sitting position where said boy took his card and then four new cards too. "Green" you said as Wooyoung asked what colour you wish. You put you feet in Yeosangs lap and continued the game. Like other 10 minutes later you had another +4 card. But you wanted to win and it was you second last card. So you put it down, now Yeosang had to take four new cards.
"YAAAAAHHHHH" he also yelled. But his plans were much more evil. He locked your feet with one leg but you didn't mind it. You continued to play when Yeosang suddenly placed a single finger in your sole. You tried to pull your feet back but he locked them. You now tried to comunicate with him but he didn't even look at you. His finger traced a line up and down your sensitive sole and you curled your toes. Then he lighly scribbled on your feet and you were giggling and giggling. And he didn't stop for the rest of the game, only to take a card, and then continued.
And you were a giggly mess the whole game long. And the rest of the game was like 20 minutes bcz you were so many people. (fuck what did I write I'm so flustered rn🫠) At the end of the game Yeosang won. And as he finally, FINALLY stopped, you layed down exhausted. You tried to catch your breath again. But San had enough energy to be pouty that he didn't win and went over to Yeosang to punish him.
Said Guy was standing randomly in the room and San back hugged him. Then he took light kisses on his neck and Yeosang leaned forwards to escape Sans lips. But San also clawed over Yeosangs tummy now and Yeosang laughed as soon as he started. He barely managed to stand, only bcz San was still holding him. He laughed and laughed and only stopped after like 5 minutes of San punishing him. San opened his arms and Yeosang fell on the floor, still giggling.
San smirked and went to Wooyoung while you went to Yeosang to help him stand up. He took your hand and stood up. "Guysss let's play Nintendo nowww" Mingi said. "Yeahhhh" you shouted and Everybody agreed.
You decided to play mario card and choose the Teams. It was You, Wooyoung, San, Yunho and Seonghwa VS. Jongho, Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong. Your team chose Wooyoung and Yunho to play vs. Jongho and Hongjoong.
The game was pretty well for your team, Wooyoung and Yunho won. For the second round there were San and Seonghwa vs. Yeosang and Mingi. San and Yeosang won, Mingi and Seonghwa lost.
So it was 3:3. The last round would decide the final winner, so it was you vs. Yeosang.
You tried your best and you were better than Yeosang but suddenly you felt two sneaky hands poking your sides from behind and you lost your focus. You squirmed and tried to focus again but those hands were so ticklish you couldn't stand it.
Only a few meters before the finish line, you were like 10 meters before Yeosang, Someone scribbled your sides up and down under your hoodie and you couldn't stand the ticklish Sensation. You fell back to protect yourself, exploding in giggles. Your avatar immediately stopped and Yeosang took his chance and won. "Nohohohoho stahahahahap he woohohohon" you begged to the unknown ler. He stopped and Jongho pulled you in his lap, rubbing the ghost tickles away.
You playfully poke him in the tummy. "That wasn't neccecary!" You pouted. "It. Was. You. Were. About. To. Win." He smirked and with every word he gave you a poke where ever he could reach. "Yahhhaha" you giggled and stood up to escape the evil maknae.
"Not my fault that Yeosang is that bad at gaming" you smiled innocently. "YAHH" The introverted singer jumped up and ran to chase you. "Ahhhhh" you shrieked and ran through the room to escape the green haired boy.
But - surprise - he was way faster than you and chased you after only like two minutes of you two running through the whole appartment. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and lifted you up as if you were a feather. Then he carried you - you were very squirmy - back to the living room and shook you to the left and right. You giggled nonstop and tried to apologize but he had so much fun, he was just as giggly as you.
"Ahahahah Yeosaaaaaang staaahahahp I'm sahaharyyyyyyyhyhhy" "Nahahha you're NOT!" he said and held you - not shaking anymore - and bite you into the neck. "Aaahahhaahah" you flinched bcz it was surprising ticklish. "What was that~ " he teased. "Are you maybe..." he did it again. "Nohoho Yeosangggg staahahhap I'm really sohohohryyyyy" you begged but he found it funny to nuzzle and bite in your neck before letting you go.
"Ahhhh" you groaned, rubbing your neck. "Okay, now that Sangie is done, what do u want to play next?" Wooyoung asked everyone. "Let's play Twisterrrrr" San said.
"YEEEEHAAAW" Seonghwa shouted. Everyone gave him a very suspicious look ... Expect ... Hongjoong who was giggling his heart out about this DAMN cute reaction. You all fell in his laughter and soon you all had laughed your ass off.
Only Seonghwa pouted a bit. "It wasn't that funny :( " he said. "Ihihihit was" Hongjoong said and lightly poke him into the side to cheer him up. A smile formed on his Hyung's face and the big group moved to the Twister game.
"Okay Teams deciding!" Seonghwa ordered. You decided to go with You, Jongho, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Hongjoong vs. Mingi, Yeosang, Yunho and San.
The Twister game was extra big since it was designed for 8 people. The first round was You, Seonghwa and Jongho vs. Yunho, Mingi and Yeosang. You all stood around the game plate, getting ready for the first round. Hongjoong turned the wheel for you.
"Y/n left foot Yeosang" You went to the matching side and took your left foot on Yeosangs paper-face.
"Yahh...~" Yeosangie whined.
-15 minutes later-
Struggle. You were struggling to keep your body stretched, not falling down. There only were Yunho, Jongho and you left. Jongho had an easy position, he was just like sitting bcz his feet and hands were on four points next to each other (two in one row, two in the next row) but you and Yunho were struggling bcz you were like standing into each other.
One of your hands was between Yunho's, his leg was next to your head, and your head was under his chest. But your back was exposed, directly peeking out under Yunho's.
San was walking around the tree of you, Hongjoong was still turning the wheel. "Y/n right hand Seonghwa" he said. You searched for a Seonghwa and found one directly under your chest. You lifted your hand and put it on the Seonghwa face under you.
But then you felt a pole in your side and struggled to keep still. But you even managed to keep silent! (Cheers) But you flinched. You looked back and saw San smirking down at you.
'Oh no' you thought but he was yet not doing anything. Yunho now had to move an arm directly next to yours, under your torso.
But THEN San started to claw over your ribs and sides, up and down, over your tummy and hips too. You really tried. (Y'all did you watch the tword moment where Woo tworded Yeosang in the twister game to make him loose? Imagine it like this)
But you failed. "Ahahhaah nhooohohho stoohohohop it's enough pleahahahse" but he showed no mercy AND you were easier to cheat on than Jongho. He was good in revenge. Way too good.
Well, the sunshine reached his goal and you fell down. But what he didn't expect was that you fell on Yunhos arm and took him accidently down with you. So you both fell down, holding each other.
"Noooooo" Mingi, Yeosang and San shouted, while Hongjoong, Jongho, Seonghwa and Wooyoung cheered and partied. "Yassssss well done Y/n!!!" Woo said and took your hand to help you stand up.
As you were on your feet again, you took Yunho's hand to help him. The second round was Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Jongho vs. Mingi, Yeosang and San.
It went good, Yeosang's team won bcz this time Yunho tworded Wooyoung to make him struggle. And it worked ~
At this time it was 8pm. "Y'all should we order some food?" you asked. "Yeah sure! What about Pizza?" Jongho asked. "I lOvE pIzZa!" You shouted and the others too.
Honjoong ordered nine pizzas for you and they said it will be delievered in 30 minutes. The boys looked at each other and went into Seonghwa and Hongjoong's room to talk about something.
"Hey what are you doing now?" you asked curiously. "No- Nothing Sweetheart" Mingi answered and you pouted as they all went in and left you out. You went to the sofa and turned on the TV as you were bored now, and pouty.
You changed the programm to a K-Drama you were currently watching. This calmed you down a bit.
After exactly 30 minutes the door bell rang. You did not react, you were too focused on the drama. You heard Woosan going down to get the pizzas and Seonghwa and Hongjoong came to the sofa, placing themselves on each side of you, Seonghwa on your right, Hongjoong on your left.
"Hey, what are you watching?" the tiny leader asked. "Nothing" you simply responded. You pouted again. "Are you seriously mad at us for leaving you out?" Hwa asked. "Yes" You said.
"Ohhh c'mon we're sorryyyyy" he said, lightly shaking your shoulder. "Nooo" you said.
"Yessss" Hongjoong said and started to squeeze your knee. "Yahaahha noohoo stoohoohooop" you tried not to laugh but you failed (a bit ...?) Seonghwa smirked, checking Hongjoongs plan.
He dug his fingers - out of all sudden - into your hips, making you squirm like a madman. "NAAAAAAHAHA STAAHAHAHAP" you screamed as your worst spot was attacked. "I'M SOOHOHOHORY I ACCEEHEHPT YOUR APOOLGIE AHAAHAHAHA" you screamed and they switched to only light twording, Seonghwa scribbling and clawing over your right ribs, sides and tummy and his bandmate scribbling, spidering and clawing over your left midsection.
They nearly destroyed you with those soft twords and you really enjoyed these. You were so soft for those big babies. "Ahaahhahahaha" you giggled and grabbed a pillow to burry your face in.
They only heard your muffled laugher but they found it adorable.
They tworded you for minutes, until Yeosang came to rescue you. He sat behind his elder Hyung and tworded Hwa back, so he fell behind, being a giggly mess and you were able to escape and tword Hongjoong back.
At least a bit until he ran away and hid under the table. You squeezed his side softly but he jumped back and ran away. Yeosang had stopped to tword his Hyung and said Singer jerked away from him, wiping his tears away. Your heart melted. (fck how can humans be that cute 😭 i always thought babies are cute but i say aww mich more often watching ateez/ kpop in general as watching children🥲😭😭)
But Seonghwa ran after Hongjoong and took him away from the table. He carried his tiny leader in his strong arms and was biting softly into his tummy, what made Joong giggle so much. (why can I imagine this so well😭)
"PIZZA IS HEREEEEEE" Wooyoung and San shouted and everyone went to the table. Woosan put the nine pizzas on it and sat down, just like Yeosang, Yunho, Jongo, Mingi, Hongjoong.
Seonghwa and you looked at each other and rolled your eyes. Then you went in the kitchen and carried pizza cutter, coke bottles and sprite to the table, as well as tissues. After you ate, it was 9:38 pm and you were tired and exhausted by the twording and the games.
So you all together decided to watch a movie together and then go to bed. You didn't matter about what movie you're gonna watch, but Hongjoong was passionate about the last Avengers part so you turned on this one. You all made yourself comfy on the couch and gave everyone crisps and gummies.
You leaned against Mingi, who wrapped an arm around your shoulders and held you. Then he softly moved his fingers up and down your shoulder, but it was so sleepy and comfy and SOFT that it still tickled, but it was bareable and you liked it. And it made you so sleepy...
- Next morning -
It was so comfy. Where ever you were. No, seriously, you didn't know. But you felt something warm on your side. You opened one eye and realized that you were in Mingi's room, cuddling with Mingi himself.
He was still sleeping, but he has wrapped one leg around your's, one arm under your head and the other was laying on your waist. You smiled and hugged him back and closed your eyes again.
Your head was replaying the last evening and you realized that it has been one of the best days of your life. You smiled more and fell back asleep again.
Later you woke up by a weird feeling on your skin. Someone was clawing over your tummy. Your head checked it and you softly exploded in giggles and tried to make those hands go away. You finally opened your eyes and saw Yunho sitting next to you, smiling softly down at you.
Mingi was still hugging you ,but he was awake now, smiling brightly in awe as he found you so cute. "Awwww~ Good morning sweetheartie" he said and Yunho stopped.
"C'mon, breakfast! It's 1pm btw" he laughed and told you two to hurry up. Mingi and you laughed together and went to the others to have your breakfast.
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A/n: Okay That's it... I really hope you like it 💕 I was a bit flustered writing it bcz i still feel insecure about it but thank you for reading it 🫶🏻Love uuu~ Baiiii 💛💚💙💜🖤
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
giving disney princesses godly parents 'cause i'm bored
RAPUNZEL: I feel like Apollo is probably the most obvious option. She has a talent for singing and is incredibly creative: she sews her own outfits, makes candles and paints every blank space on her walls with colourful depictions of the things she sees and dreams of. Not even mentioning the healing powers. With the ungodly amount of time she had trapped in that tower, I'm gonna guess (using all the scenes of her completing her MANY hobbies) that she has a lot of knowledge of the most random shit. Also, the whole single drop of sunlight thing. I suppose you could also argue Asclepius as her parent, since she did manage to bring Eugene back to life but I'm gonna stick with Apollo.
MERIDA: So, not a godly parent but I'm counting it.. She'd be a Hunter of Artemis. The events of the entire movie are ripples caused by the rock that is Merida's refusal to get married (she's so aromantic, I love her). She'd much preferred to spend her time out in nature, shooting her arrows and doing everything that isn't expected of her as a princess. Again, I think it's pretty easy to place her.
MULAN: Okay, so my first thought was Ares. She's courageous and a brilliant fighter; an inexperienced woman surrounded by assumably-more-experienced men, yet she manages to be better than basically all of them. She's a victor of war. Maybe Mars, since I believe he's basically the more controlled and less brutal version of Ares? (atleast in HOO, anyway). You could also say Athena, she's strategic and seems to easily come up with strong plans mid action (the disguise herself as a man, the avalanche, the men disguise themself as women, the fan, the diy zipline. There's probably more that I've forgot). Maybe there's other obvious options but I'm lazy and sticking with my first thoughts but I'd be happy to hear other ideas.
MOANA: So, Poseidon was the first thought, for obvious reasons. She's got the whole connection with water and a longing to sail the seas that's linked towards her heritage, culture and it's history. Maybe, she's like Frank, a descendant of Poseidon with a family that's always seemed to be connected to the sea god (minus the shapeshifting powers, obviously). You could also link her to Palaemon, who I don't know much about so feel free to correct me, the protector of sailors (I believe he is a sea deity, or atleast thats what I read??). Choosing a greek deity for Moana is low-key hard cause she already has dieties (is that a word??) within her story so I'm gonna leave it at that because why not.
AURORA: So, most people's minds probably jumped to Hypnos immediately 'cause she's.. well.. sleeping beauty. Or maybe even Aphrodite 'cause, again, sleeping beauty. I can't argue against that because those are very valid ideas, though I'm more for daughter of Aphrodite than Hypnos because the whole sleep thing wasn't something she willingly wanted and was actually just tricked into doing. My mind kind of went to Pan- if thats possible- because I distinctly remember a scene with her in the woods, connecting with woodland creatures/wild (I don't know anything about this movie, help).
SNOW WHITE: Okay so I'm gonna say Aphrodite and leave it at that because I remember NOTHING about this movie other than her step-mother or someone wanted her dead for the absolutely treacherous act of being prettier.
ANNA, my beloved: Definitely not the most obvious option, but I want to go with Aphrodite again. She has an obsession with romance, she's desperate to be loved and feel love. She wants the butterflies, the pounding heart, the hand holding and the warm expanding feeling in her chest when she sees her lover. She literally tries to marry a man she just met. I also love this idea because it goes against almost every stereotype of a child of Aphrodite; she's a fighter, fierce and easily capable of defending herself; she isn't weak or helpless. She's one of the few princesses who gets the man whilst still being presented as a total badass. Furthermore, she loves so strongly in non-romantic ways too. She constantly stands at that door, trying to reconnect with a sister who suddenly refuses to talk to her. She SACRIFICES herself for that same sister.
ELSA: Boreas, he's the god of winter and ice. She has ice powers. I can't be bothered trying to think of a less obvious option but feel free to tell me about one that comes to your mind.
ARIEL: Triton. It's literally canon.
BELLE: Minerva is probably a very obvious option, if she can have kids the same way Athena did (can't remember). Belle values books and knowledge, the wisdom that comes with reading. She feels like the type of girl who would love to go to school and Minerva is supposedly the goddess of that. I'd like to be a bit less obvious and probably a lot more wrong (oh well) so I'm gonna also say one of the Muses is a possible option. Wikipedia tells me they were considered goddesses of literature, science and the arts. If I had to pick one I'd pick Erato probably, the muse of love poetry since, if my memory serves me correctly, Belle was reading a romance??
CINDERELLA: Maybe the child of Hestia? That is, if Hestia decided one day to throw away her oath of virginity or found a way to have kids without that. I'm not sure entirely why, it's just a vibe. Maybe favoured by Hera, since a marriage literally saved her from a life of abuse? I don't remember much of this movie, whoops.
I have absolutely no idea for anyone else and I give up so take what you have been given! Thanks to anyone who actually stuck with me and read through all this.
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nanomooselet · 5 months
Final Phase: Lost Girls
So what makes me so certain of this madness?
I had my doubts. But…
Rosa is confirmed to have had a husband, since that was how she would have wound up with a son and a second child on the way, but he is neither named nor seen. He's simply not relevant to the proceedings. Rosa says she threw him out for being lazy and that's the last time he so much as gets mentioned. She does, however, have a close relationship with the other women of the town, also mothers to children whose fathers don't seem to be present. They trust and support each other.
That doesn't necessarily imply romantic relationships, of course; it's all up to interpretation. But...
Luida makes the decision to let Vash see to the Plant aboard Ship 3 because her trust in Rem is enough for her to overrule Brad's objections. She also shows the geodome and explains her plan to Meryl, not Roberto; he's just sorta trailing after Meryl (and then Luida gets to dunk on him by pointing out he can't smoke in the geodome).
Again, hardly definitive. But...
Rem, in past versions, mentions a lover who greatly inspired her, whose death in an accident (and the depression she suffered in her grief, which she doesn't mention to Vash as she explains) led her dream of the blank ticket to the future.
Alex. A unisex name. If I recall Alex's gender is never specified in the manga.
Once more, not conclusive. But...
Tesla's memorial. A white lily.
I'll admit that I believed Vash's draining powers were coloured violet. Red is for humans, blue is for the Plants. Logically Vash, unifier of the two species, would combine them.
Shoulda known better. Nice dichotomy, idiot. Now what lies outside of it?
I've come to think Vash's powers don't have a colour at all when they're used; they're clear like water, frothing and bubbling, cleansing, visible only in the changes in the world around him. Or possibly black. It's a little hard to say. Either way, the purple glow isn't Vash.
It's the Independent whose opinion we never got to know, the girl who didn't get to grow up. She's a ghost, a bodiless spirit. She can't do much to affect the physical world, but she definitely has a favourite brother, and she'll help him out in what ways she can when circumstances align.
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I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
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viro-lil-goat · 1 year
Parents au again shoutout to this post
Basically this au (or an addition to any other au ) Jekylls parents play a role in the story.
Margaret and Ernest
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^ My most recent art of Jekylls mom Margaret, she plays a bigger role in the story. (And btw this art is scanned thought an app bc lighting wasnt great.)
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^ My first art of them both(was trying to figure out their designs) Margarets red dress ended up being her newer clothing and orange one is her in the past.
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^My full body refs of them a bit later. I hid Ernests eyes because i couldn't decide which eye colour to give him, green, so that he kinda looks like hyde, or brown. Ended up choosing brown but that may change in the future.
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^Mix with encanto i watched at the time (not the biggest fan of this drawing their head sizes are weird)
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^ Andd art with her missing her past and regreting her actions (mm trauma ☺️)
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^ In those 3 drawings you can see i wanted to give her a lot of old spots before the initial desing (first picture) but ended up making less of them.
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^ plus height chart (sorry for bad quality im to lazy to redo the photo)
So uhh yeah thats a lot, now to context:
[she/her] [60 y.o] [a doctor]
Hers and Ernests marriage was against their will so they have only platonic attraction
She inherited a hospital as a bisness. She is both a boss but also sometimes performs surgeries.
her shortened story [tw mention of death, abuse and depression]:
she was born in arranged marriage family.
her mothers murder was planned and made by her father (who is a leader of a mafia) because family would mess with his (secret) bisness. He sent a infected by him with rabies werewolf
but Margaret survived so he decided to leave her alive, but he used her only for his needs and was abusive and manipulative
She also had later o an arranged marriage with a man (Ernest) she knew from childhoid, but they only ever had platonic feelings for each other
Because of her father threatening her with leaving her with nothing to inherit from her family in his will, which would literally leave her on the streets, if she wouldn't have a child with her husband. At age 25 she had Jekyll.
Margaret grew with prejudice towards magical creatures and mad scientists (because of her mothers murder and the society's influence).
So when she found out her husband helps magical creatures and scientists (hid them from police in a little house in the woods) she on emotions went to the police.
Ernest was imprisoned. Where he died
so it become just her and her son now
for her son it was a hard hit, he loved his father very much
So resentment stayed with him
And Margaret also wasn't able to forgive herself ever since
She also was hyper-protective to her son and often manipulated him out of what she thought will be best for him
So one day they had a big fight because her son, Henry, wanted to create a place where the "mad" scientist who are in bad situation can have a chance to improve and not fear police anymore. She have done an ultimatum, that if he does that, he could never come back. (Or alternatively, when he changes his mind)
So he left, she was now alone, but instead of trying to fix what she had done, her pride didnt let her. Each passing year she convinced herself he will come back. For about 10 years.
she regretted her choices, her actions was haunting her which dived her into depression
But after a hard path, she will come to terms with herself.
That will happen after she will come to society to support it financially. And reunites with her son after them making peace with each other. Which dosent mean forgiveness from Jekylls side.
Alsoo there may be a sub plot about her and Frankenstein becoming "roomates".
Well, he was a very positive and caring person. Despite that not that mature or responsible, Margaret was the responsible one. And face of the family.
While he was a househusband, and spent time with Jekyll. Thay got in trouble because Ernest didnt really twice while even little Jekyll sometimes was like "welp thats not a very good idea".
Also considering Ernest maybe inspiring Jekyll to be an alchemist. But himself he most likely had completely other interest. But still supported his son, unlike Margaret.
Mad scientists and creatures he cared for was caught with him, but they managed to escape.
His parents were mostly ignorant of his existence, exept for when that would make them a profit (like with the arranged marriage) . So he promised himself he would always care for Jekyll (🥲)
As to him and Margaret, they were pals, he always was with her when she finally was finally opening up to him. But hid his own feelings under a happy mask.
Was the same age as Margaret. Died when he was 36 (went to jail when he was 35) no one really knows what happened.
(i actually most of the time before were considering him to be alive and Margaret lying that he died, but i changed that for storys sake, i didnt felt like he had much of a purpose in the current status when jekyll is 35. BUT THAT MAY ALSO CHANGE IN THE FUTURE)
So in where hes alive version
I remember vividly daydreaming about jekyll/hyde being exited to see his/their dad after so many years, cleaning society etc while lodgers are confused. Him coming and jekyll being very exited and emotional but not knowing how to tell lodgers. Later on Margaret will come as she recieved an invitation by jekyll, which was actually written by Ernest to reunite their family. (Kinda sugar sweet compared to ver. where he died)
So uhh yeah this au was one of the most thinked about by me. Now not that much but its not forgotten ‼️
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
i love the cross stitch! could you expand on it and the colors and everything?
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So each row is a race, and it shows the grid position from P1 (left) to P20 (right). The bottom, incomplete, row (Spa) shows Max in P1 and I'm just finishing up Checo in P2. Shout out to Kevin for doing that nice little symmetrical arrow in yellow at the right of the grid for the previous few races, v aesthetically pleasing if meaningless, points-wise. Sorry, Kevin.
Before I started I was just going to try and pick an appropriate colour that matched each driver, but it turns out... I'm bad at that and also it was no fun, so what I ended up with was a mixture of a few colours that made me think of a driver (Max had orange, George has a blue that I think was on his helmet, Fernando had a really dark green for reasons I felt were obvious at the time but have subsequently slipped away) and then a pile of random colours for everyone else. These were my almost final choices:
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Zero shade at all to my friend who looked at these and went "that is the wrong colour for Carlos and the wrong colour for Pierre" so I swapped them out, when I probably should have kept them distinct. Unfortunately I didn't actually think to mix alllll of them up and see how they looked next to each other, and as you can probably see from the actual cross stitch (if you stare long enough at it like I do) then I've got three very similar pinks (Pierre's new colour, Esteban, and Alex) and two dark wine reds (Zhou and Carlos's new colour) so you can't track them very easily in anything other than good light.
So: next year, I'll get 20 distinct colours that mix up well and then assign them out, rather than trying to think of a driver and a colour that goes with them (I wish I had this skill, but I... do not).
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There was also the question of what to do to indicate the cancelled race, and I think I went for too dark a colour. If one's cancelled next year I'd want the row to be there but almost visually invisible, so I'd go for a shade nearer the background colour, I think. As you can see from this older picture, I'd tried marking out the DNFs/DNSs with a little x but I hated how it looked so I took them out again. I've got an idea for how to mark these without annoying myself by stitching onto the squares, but I'll try that when I've run out of races to stitch.
I'm also planning on doing little flags for each row to indicate which country they're racing in (will have to design these if I can't find someone else who's done it already on the internet), and then a key with each team and the driver colour. I might also try and log fastest lap and MAYBE sprint results, but I'm short of fabric space so we'll see.
For team colours (these aren't stitched yet, but they will be), I went with Sky's team colours, and these were a lot easier because someone on Reddit did a list of RGB colour codes for the Sky colour choices, and then I just converted them into the nearest thread colours, and decided which of the closest approximations I liked best. Here's the shortlist before I picked my favourite for each team.
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So, there you have it! I was v lazy when it came to thread picking because I've got... a lot of thread (five or six thread boxes full) so didn't want to buy anything new and I also just wanted to get started sewing and colour assignment was stressing me out (lol) but it has been nice to do something that is actually very easy to cross stitch one I'd sorted out the colours.
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kaiwewi · 2 years
First Impressions
Part one of a prequel miniseries to [Favours Among Frenemies] (Snippet #2). Belongs to a larger series featuring the same Hero and Villain characters: [Masterlist: Fame and Flourish]
Synopsis: the city has a new superhero. Villain is intrigued and plans to take a closer look, much to their best friend's dismay.
For the fifth time, Villain rewatched the video of the city’s new superhero.
The figure on the screen casually handed over two wannabe villains to a young police officer and nodded at the camera in passing, a polite smile curving their lips. They made fighting look effortless, like exchanging blows with two enemies simultaneously could dishevel neither their hair nor their clean-cut black-and-white costume.
The new hero was so damn cool. Strong too. Really fucking strong. 
“This Hero person,” they said and shook their head. “They’re so different from Vigilante.”
Friend laughed. “Yeah, no shit. I think the word you’re looking for is heroic.”
Exactly! With this one, there’d be no lazy, opportunistic approach to combatting villainy. No shady little side hustles. No deals.
“I know.” Groaning, they rubbed both hands down their face. This was going to give them a horrible headache.
“What?” Friend scoffed. “Would you rather have another Vigilante?”
Urgh, no. Well… maybe?
Vigilante sucked. There was no denying that. But Vigilante was also so conveniently corrupt. They didn’t even possess the decency to make a secret of the fact they’d gladly turn two blind eyes if offered a satisfactory incentive. And if one could tolerate the additional terms of the deals, it came down to a simple transaction: plaster on your sweetest smile, hand over some pocket change, avoid a trip to the local authorities… then suffer through whatever custom-tailored humiliation power-fantasy mind-game bullshit Vigilante had in store for you.
Whether that creepy penchant for demeaning others was a kink or merely Vigilante being an arsehole, the subsequent bargains sure as hell were mutually beneficial arrangements too.
In the end, one would come out of an agreement with Vigilante relatively unscathed; merely clutching an emptied purse and nursing a bruised ego. The worst of it was the embarrassment of having added another picture to Vigilante’s beloved ‘photo album of shame’.
“For the record,” they said and paused the video on a close-up of the hero’s face. Unfortunately, making out the hero’s eye colour was impossible in so grainy a picture. “I’d still rather be as far away from Vigilante as possible. But they are the safer option here.”
So far, the city’s Supers had been operating with mutual connivance. The occasional thwarted scheme was a minor nuisance factor in a villain’s life, but that hardly mattered when even a total defeat seldom led to an arrest. Yes, Vigilante was unpleasant to do business with, but ultimately quite harmless – reliable even. And their conveniently poor morals and the vast collection of compromising material from all major villains in the region had thus far discouraged the villains from attempting to take them down.
Now, the arrival of the new superhero was bound to ruin this well-established system.
They sighed. “Hero is just so… so black-and-white, so good-and-evil, so moral-high-ground. Do you know what I mean? – They don’t seem the type who’d accept bribes from their villains or extort personal favours. They’re the real deal: an actual hero.”
So admirable, so genuinely inspiring. No wonder the civilians loved their new hero. No wonder the villains despised them.
“Villain.” Friend stopped them from hitting the replay button again and gently closed the lid of the laptop. She crossed her arms. “You look like you’re about to do something rash. Please tell me I’m wrong.”
“It’s not rash. I’ve got a plan.” Well, half a plan…
If bribes weren’t going to work, they had to figure out other ways to secure the hero’s cooperation. Invulnerable or not, the hero had to have some weakness, something to take advantage of.
“I’m going to take a closer look,” they said, as nonchalant as they could manage, and reached for their most recent sketch of the hero’s face. Something about the shape of the eyes and the mask surrounding them wasn’t quite right yet, or maybe it was the bridge of the nose that was too narrow or not high enough…
“Are you sure this is the smart move?” Friend asked.
She was shuffling through the sheets of paper scattered on the table between them – the few currently available newspaper clippings featuring the city’s new protector; a bunch of printouts of screenshots Villain had taken while watching and rewatching all the videos they’d found of the new superhero; and a handful of drawings, none of which had thus far succeeded in capturing the hero’s radiance.
They tsked. “I just can’t seem to get the face right…”
“Villain, I’m being serious here.” Friend bundled together the loose paper, flipped the entire stack over, and brought it down on top of the sketch. “Do you honestly think it’s a good idea to actively seek out a superhero and draw attention to yourself when they aren’t even after you specifically, yet? What if they arrest you? What if you get hurt?”
Of course it wasn’t a good idea...
“I’m taking a calculated risk.” They got to their feet, snatched their favourite vintage coat from where they’d draped it over the backrest of their couch and went to the soil-filled flower tub in the corner. They scooped up a few handfuls of soil and stuffed those into the coat’s bigger pockets. “I’m only going to introduce myself, strike up a conversation, and be all charming and friendly.”
Friend scowled, but went to the cabinet of her own accord and fetched all the bottles with tissue samples and cell culture solutions that they might need in case things did go sideways. “Don’t get too close. They’ve got super-strength or something. You can’t beat them in a fair fight, if they attack you—”
“If they attack, I run. There will be no fighting, so there’s no need to worry.”
“No need to worry!?” She slammed one of the bigger bottles down on the table. “Well, let me remind you of this life-sized, superhero-shaped, crime-fighting need-to-worry that you’re entirely too smitten with to see reason.”
“I’m not smitten. This is a recon mission. I need information.”
“Uh-huh. You mean you want to go check out Hero’s face.”
She wasn’t wrong exactly. Seeing the hero’s face up close might help in figuring out their civilian identity, which could then be used as leverage. That the hero’s facial structure also happened to appeal to them aesthetically wasn’t the point here.
“My interest in their face is strictly professional.”
Friend sneered. Passive-aggressively humming some catchy tune, she started to refill the seed containers. With a practised eye and the air of a professional henchman, she sorted all the bottles, boxes, and utensils into their proper pockets. She’d helped them prepare so many times she barely had to glimpse at the labels anymore.
They couldn’t help the fond smile that sprang to their lips. “Thank you for helping me out. You’re the best.”
“I know.” She sucked in a deep breath, then sighed. “I need you to promise me that, if they do attack you and running isn’t possible, you’ll fight with all you’ve got. You do have options.” She made a gesture encompassing the entirety of Villain’s equipment. “We didn’t prepare all of this stuff for nothing. If you need it, use it. Don’t hesitate. And don’t play fair.”
They locked eyes. Hers burnt, fuelled by an endearing mix of scorn and concern. This might just be the most worried she’d been for them in years.
“If necessary,” they said, “I’m prepared to do anything short of killing.”
“Good.” She folded the vintage coat and put it into Villain’s ‘work’ backpack, followed by their belt, their mask, and their gloves.
Their costume was too flashy to leave the house in – the neighbours might recognise them, and Kate from next door wouldn’t be able to keep a secret if her life depended on it – so they’d have to change later when they were out of the suburbs. For now, a simple black jacket would do. As for shoes…
They frowned down at the shoe rack, at their beloved pair of dark red boots. Gorgeous, vibrant and velvet, and most importantly: an absolutely perfect accessory to the rest of their outfit. Strutting up the street in those shoes would grant them the confidence of the devil.
They’d make one hell of a first impression.
On the other hand, wearing heels wasn’t practical when confronted with the very real possibility of walking right into a fight. Therefore, they should probably go with the flat black boots this time. It would be the reasonable choice. Better for running too. But…
They shrugged and grabbed the heeled boots.
Friend snorted and rolled her eyes. “Honestly, you’re beyond hope.” Somewhat reluctantly, she handed them the backpack. “I swear, if you get yourself killed, I’m so going to desecrate your grave.”
Chuckling, they wrapped their arms around her. She returned the hug.
“It’s going to be okay,” they promised. “I’ll see you later.”
Then they set out to find the hero.
[Part 2]
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chess-draws · 1 year
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this ended up not going to plan at all and is, once again, more party related than clown related but... yeah. the concept for this piece is "the nuclear apocalypse may suck, but at least your friends happened to raid a party store recently when scavenging for supplies"... yep. anyways.
and no i have no clue what that silly string is doing, but its for composition so its okay <3
also note how i only coloured in the actual party supplies... def not because i wasnt lazy.
and fun fact! the one wearing the wig was originally meant to be wearing a beekeeper outfit, because in my og concept, it was just a buncha clownified people wearing diff types of masks. there was gonna be the gas mask, beekeeper mask and a regular face mask... but then i got lazy
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fainthedcherry · 1 year
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TIIIIME for another new post!! YAY!!! This is a new character of mine, Noodlebeard The Dreaded! I got into Deep Rock Galactic, due to a person IRL, who was obsessed with the game, just like I became so!
This is a coloured in doodle (don't rlly wanna call it shaded, as it was a lazy 2 hr job unlike my actual shading taking me days), it shall be a commission example for this year's revamp of the sheet I'm working on, between some other projects! I've gotten a new paint-skin in the game, so Noodlebeard's gear is purple now but..I STILL am also attached to his Santa-look. 🤣 But yeah, I might follow up my DRG posts with another commission example, but that one's ACTUALLY shaded in like 4 hrs instead LOL, WE GETTING FASTER BOIS.
I was surprised, at the super warm welcome in the official game's server, as the player who got me into the game, was super competitive, toxic, and didn't let me have fun. (We made up lately but agreed to not play the game together anymore as our play styles are vastly different)
The game has so much charm, man. I got it at a discount and thanks to my friend Hart, for commissioning me to get it (ALSO post inbound, that one's also from like..June/July of this year), but this game should've deserved my full money ngl. I plan to buy all the cosmetic DLCs, once I'm financially stable in a good bit. The devs deserve my money. For creating this amazing comfort-game of mine, and the positive and supporting community it created.
The moment I posted my sketch of him in the server, by request of the strangers I was playing with (the drawing was also my Discord pfp at the time btw), I got HELLA recognition some damn how. The thing is- I'm used to my art getting overlapped and drowned. Every time I was in a discord server with an art section, I was usually ignored and basically spat at, if not for one person who'd usually actually pay attention to me and my art, and made my whole day with being so kind to do so. ANYWAY. TANGENTS. GOD. So I've drawn my dwarf (version with my beloved little femboy dwarf peaking out on the right) and added, that I was working on renewing commissions, and- I had an AVALANCHE of interest. Which was WHACK?? Because like I said- I wasn't used to recognition. I'd usually be ignored in communities. So this was really surprising. I cannot thank the community enough, for making June/July a month, where I actually was a happy person for a bit. Like genuinely happy, out of the depression-hole I was dealing with at the time happy, happy I was alive happy. That indescribable happy.
I can't WAIT to draw his family, his teammates and develop the lore in my own universe, to connect to the lore of the game!! He might just be my favourite fandom character now, beside Pierrce,, (might post about Monster High too, don't you worry, the few people who actually wanna see my art LOL)
SO YEAH. HAVE A GOOD EVENING TO THOSE IN MY TIMEZONE AND ENJOY ARTE. I scheduled another post for tomorrow, so you're getting the luxury of 2 posts in a week! Or was it 3? BUT ANYWAY YOU'RE GETTING MY ART!!! I'm starting to get comfy on Tumblr so,, I can't wait to share my art in time in the future, instead of holding off for months due to my mental health! <3, Promise I'll also post eventually on InkBlot again, as mentioned, having several social medias is really hard for someone like me!!
Btw get ready to see him more often, as I loved drawing him LMFAO.
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Hi, if you still do them, I'd like to have a Supernatural Match Up. I'm a 20 year old bisexual female. I dyed my hair black and got a wolf cut which I absolutely adore. I have a black nostril ring and I'm thinking about getting a helix. I also have a tattoo and I plan on getting more. For me it's like art. I dress in dark colours and in an goth/alternative/ dark academia style. My body type, well I'm medium sized, I have hip dips, thicker thighs, little bit of belly fat and stretch marks. I'm trying to like my body and I getting better at it but I still have issues sometimes. I have 3 best friends who I trust with my live and I don't like having too many people around me, only on certain occasions. When I'm around strangers I'm usually calm, but also anxious sometimes. But I'm also capable of standing up against people or telling them what I think (usually it's against homophobes or idiots who think it's ok to harass women) When I'm around my friends, I know I can be how I want. We usually laugh or make random (also sometimes sexual) jokes or just dance around. I love playing horror games and I adore horror movies. My music taste varies, I like almost everything. I own two cats but I also want a dog sometime in the future. I can enjoy parties if the right music plays but don't rely on me to drive home because I'm totally drinking not too much but I don't want to drive home after even one glass. Next, I had a shitty past, I was SA'd by a guy when I was just 10. We lived with him for 6 years. So I have a problem with building trust. I either don't trust someone at all or I build it too quickly and get hurt in the process which already happened a few times. Now moving on from that: I'm interested in the Supernatural. If I had the physical strength I'd be a hunter but I don't have it because I'm kinda too lazy to work out a lot. I'll stick to research. That's about it. Looking forward to your match up :)
Hi there! I finally got to your request, sorry for the long wait!
I ship you with Crowley!
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I think the vibe between you two would be totally awesome!
While the others may be put off by your jokes or do not understand them (Castiel), Crowley would laugh and gladly join in. I mean, he made a deal to get more dick length, do I even have to say more?
To be honest, it will take a long time and much flirting between the two of you until one of you had finally enough.
Crowley would worship your body and personality, trying to give you everything you need to statisfy your needs and wishes.
Even though you do not have a a lot of strenght, he will teach you some basic things just so he can know that you can survive until he is there.
And believe me, he will not hesitate to brutally murder anyone who dares to lay a hand on you.
Oh and if someone flirts with you? Yeah, you will never see that person again...
(He loves tracing your tattoos 🤭)
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Hi! I'm out of the loop but are you also part of the team in "deluge sermon of the dead"? If not, then I'm 99.9% sure that someone is using your CGs of Castoria and Castor in it without permission
No worries! I'm pretty much out of the loop with everything myself xD I'm gonna be super duper lazy here since my arm is still broken, so apologies for that, but basically, I've had a couple of emails in the past asking the same question, so rather than type out something similar, I might as well just be lazy and copy/paste what I said before in an email reply to someone x3 And it's really nice of you to take the time to get in touch to let me know, btw! I appreciate it :3 The short(ish) answer is, I'm not part of the team who worked on that project, nor do I know any of the people involved in it, but it's okay because they haven't done anything wrong, we just both happen to be using the same sprite asset packs from an artist who sells assets. The main difference is that they're using them as they come, and I edited them in GIMP to avoid using the default versions. I'll put the longer version below :3 Thanks again and I hope April is going amazingly for you! (copy/paste begins here)
In this instance, it's all good. Basically, I can't draw to save my life, so any art that's in my games is either stuff that I've purchased in sprite and background asset packs (and then edited myself), or collaborations with awesome artists. 
All the sprites in Darling Duality are from a Japanese artist who sells their work in asset packs. But the trouble with asset packs is that if other people use the same sprites, then you'll have what looks like the same character in different games >.< That's one of the reasons why I always take the time to recolour my sprites in GIMP :3
So that blonde version of the sprite I used for Castor/ia that's on that page is basically the default way that the sprite comes when you buy the pack (and the outfits they've used are from a bonus wardrobe pack that I also own and plan to use in the future!) Even some of the other sprites in their screenshots are ones I own too from a different asset pack by the same artist. 
Most people seem to use them as they come. So even if I can't draw, I can at least make my versions of the sprites look more unique by recolouring them ^-^ It took a while with Castor/ia, but I feel like it's worth it. If you ever see the exact version I've used anywhere else, then it probably means it's stolen from my games because I spent ages making that particular mix of colours for the hair and clothes. It would be quite suspicious if someone managed to copy the exact colours I've used. 
I also own pretty much all of the background art assets they've used in their game too, haha. Background art assets are almost all by the same few artists, so a lot of indie games end up having the same backgrounds, especially from the Japanese artist known as Minikle. 
I've learned a lot about image editing over the years, so recolouring is quite fun + I can make my own UI assets nowadays too, but I still can't draw very well T_T haha. I always prefer to collaborate with artists when I can, like I did with my most recent release (Bitter/Sweet Blythe) where I got to work with my artist friend Lazy Polar Bear again :3 Cos it's always more fun to team up with people than working alone + it's always nice to have sprites that are 100% original. 
Anyways, thanks so much for reaching out :3 I hope you're having a great 2023 so far! (copy/paste ends here)
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