#I was a very cringe teen. I did get into all three because I was on tumblr and liked doctor who
You don’t understand, when I was at my worst with my depression, and every time I looked up at the night sky and grew scared of how small we are, how alone we might be, how short our time is, how I couldn’t comprehend infinity, how everything will end eventually, how everything I see way out there is long gone, I would panic. I would break down. The stars themselves scared me. But one day doctor who was put on Netflix and a comment on a deviant post reminded me of a deal I made with another user. If I watch doctor who they’ll watch the time travel show I thought was cool. I watched it on a whim, I’m not sure I’d even encountered it much on tumblr yet. But it made me feel less small. I began to actually look at the night sky without abject terror. I thought about how if you looked at it more like, idk, a learning adventure? When you heard new things about it, it wasn’t as scary. Something that could inspire writers to create such adventures and have normal people characters tag along… I got less scared. When everything started being galaxy print I thought it was pretty and not horrifying. It’s long been a trendy pattern of the last decade or so, perhaps a bit less, but I still see cool looking art inspired by images from space telescopes that were made to have different colors for invisible wavelengths so that humans could see… idk. It makes me happy. It’s like I’m less scared, and now I don’t even feel like I need there to be life on other planets for me to stop feeling alone, because there is so much life on this one! Even if I was the only human on earth, I still wouldn’t be alone just from being on this life filled planet. And I’m not the only human.
That’s not an experience I’ve had from many stories, it was one of those things that you encounter at just the right time for your view of the world to be changed for the better. Something that lodges itself inside of you and makes you better than you were before. I’ll always remember it fondly because of that. I know there is a lot I never watched and maybe one day I’ll catch up, but the fact is that what I DID see was enough to change me as a person. To make my existential dread just a little bit less all encompassing and inspire more curiosity in me.
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jadey! For a request I always thought it would be a cute idea for Steve and r finding a wild animal in the wilderness or something in the zombie au! Like when Steve found a deer at the college’s gate! Idk, hope this inspires you!! 🥰
thank you for your request my love! steve zombie!au ♡ fem!reader, 1.2k
Your breath turns to fog before it's fully left your mouth. Steve turns to make sure you're okay over an icy slip of asphalt, your hands tightly bound for safety's sake, and not because you've spent the last few weeks kissing and not talking about it afterwards. 
"It's not far," he says. He knows you know that, but this is his way of reassuring you without breaking the tough guy act, or something. 
You're desperate for him to hold your hand, not only for the admission of affection it is (and that you so sorely crave), but your hands are ice without his to trap the heat. It's been cold lately, evidence of a crushing winter quickly coming and unavoidable. You've yet to see snow, but rain falls cold and the low temperatures paint the roads and overgrown lawns in frost. Steve has led you down miles of residential, a town not unlike your hometown passing you by one slippery step at a time. 
Hand in hand, it doesn't break your heart as much as it could. 
"I really want popcorn," you say. 
"Yeah? Were you a buttery kinda girl, or sweet? Salted?" 
"You sound like there's a right and wrong answer. What did you like?" 
Steve hoists the heavy rifle he's carrying over one shoulder higher, the tip of it aligned against the back of his head. He doesn't know how to use it; he likely won't need to. The threat of it has been enough to scare off three different poachers in the last two weeks alone. Every time you manage to successfully defend yourselves, Steve relaxes an inch. 
"I liked all three, but I liked sweet best," he says. Your footsteps crunch as you pop a curb and follow along a row of overgrown hedges heavy with bird berries. "You didn't answer. You always avoid answering when I ask you stuff like that." 
You tell him exactly how you like your popcorn to appease him. He smiles in victory, but something stays lingering in the back of your head. 
"I don't avoid answering." 
"Yesterday I asked if you wanted the old spice stick or the teen spirit and you shrugged." 
"I thought you were trying to tell me I smelled like sweat." 
"No, just… you said teen spirit smells like the candy you used to get from Haven, and I didn't want to remind you about it being gone." 
"Everything reminds me." You're living in the end times. No use pretending things are normal, but you'll indulge him if that's what he wants. "Ask me something and I'll tell you a straight answer." 
Steve hums. His cheeks are pink in the cold, the very tip of his nose tinted blue. "Do I only get one answer?" 
"You can have two at a price." 
You flirt on impulse, cringe away from yourself upon realisation. Why would you say that? you ask yourself worriedly, train of thought suddenly quashed when Steve pulls your hand toward his hip. He slides his ratty sneaker between yours, lips set. 
"What, there's a price?" he asks quietly. "How long has that been in place? I would've tried paying it before." 
You push his chest without any real intent. "Don't, Steve." 
"Don't what?" 
"I was just kidding, you don't have to…"
"I know you were kidding, but I want to." Steve smiles at you with teeth. "Brushed extra this morning. Bet I still taste of Arctic Fresh."
You tip your head back, but you get nervous the moment before he leans in. Steve closes his eyes while yours stay open, leaning in slowly. His hand presses flat to your coat. 
Steve kisses like a sweetheart, all gentle and careful, lips lightly chapped where they press against the seam of yours. Rougher as your lips part, like even the hint of you inspires desperation. A kiss from Steve can make your whole week, and that's a testament to how surprised you have to be to pull away before you actually get one. 
"Steve–" You cut yourself short, looking over his shoulder in shock. 
He whips to the side. You grab his hand, as if to say, Hey, it's okay. You're not in any danger, just… 
"We must be close to the zoo," he says. 
There, in the middle of the street stands an animal you've never seen before. It has a deep brown body with short, striped legs. It's about the size of a show pony, you'd guess, though it doesn't look as volatile. For a moment you think it might be a zebra.
"It's an okapi." 
You wrap your arm around his, eyes on the animal as it gathers a cud of stringy grass. "What's an okapi?" you ask. 
"I don't know how to explain it, they…" He fades off as the okapi trots further inward. "We saw them at Garfield Park before it closed when I was a kid. They're not giraffes, but they kinda look like them, huh?" 
You and Steve have come across a number of animals. Rabid dogs starving for food, cats that were surprisingly friendly. Rabbits, squirrels, fish to catch for smokey dinners when you're hungry like you are today. But never anything you'd see at the Fort Wayne zoo. 
"What do you think it looks like?" Steve whispers. 
"It has a giraffe's head and a zebra body. Or a bison." 
"And you gave me that one for free." 
You laugh and the okapi spooks, turning its head to your huddle. Steve stands in front of you protectively. The okapi only watches you watching her with small black eyes. 
"What do we do?" you ask. "I don't want to scare her away." 
"She's a wild animal. She's not going to stay if we move, and we can't stay here and freeze." Steve squeezes your hand, his voice nearly inaudible. "Sorry. Maybe we can go around her, honey." 
You blink. Honey. That's me. He's calling me honey. 
The okapi head shoots up as a rustling crack sounds from a hundred feet behind you, sprinting away. One second she's nosing at grass cracked asphalt, the next she's out of view. 
You stand shell-shocked together staring at the space where she'd been. 
Steve thumbs the strap of the rifle. "It's weird," he says quietly. "We've been eating scraps and I didn't even think about trying to shoot her."
"Oh." You look at his face, the soft hollows of his eyes and his strong nose. "I didn't think about it either." 
"Stupid of me," he murmurs. 
You kiss the corner of his mouth. "I don't think it's stupid, Steve. Something else." 
He turns his lips to yours and steals a proper one. There isn't much Arctic Fresh left behind, but it's a really nice kiss regardless. Warming, velvety soft.
He pulls his lips from yours to rest his nose against your cheek. "Do I still get to ask a question?" he asks. 
You'd tell him whatever it is he wanted to know. You're just so excited that he wants to know it in the first place. 
"Ask me anything," you say. 
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
this is why we can’t have nice things - (r.c)
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summary: You have no intentions of telling Rafe that he got you pregnant, but someone else tells him for you.
This can be read as a stand-alone but it's technically a part three to getaway car and big reputation
pairing: rafe x reader
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: mean!kook!reader, bullying i guess?, highschool!au, swearing, teen pregnancy (STAY SAFE Y'ALL), fighting, implied sexual content (but definitely nothing explicit)
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You shuffle quickly down the empty hallway, clutching your bag to your chest out of anxiety. This isn't a feeling you're overly familiar with. You look back over your shoulder and you quickly make your way towards Bella's classroom, remembering she has math this period. It's just after lunch, and you couldn't make it in the morning, you just weren't feeling very well. Something felt off. That's when it hit you.
You knock on the open door frame, scanning the room for your best friend when your eyes land on Rafe. Fuck, you forgot he was in this class. He gives you a smug smile and a wink, making you cringe inwardly at the situation as the teacher acknowledges you. "Miss Y/L/N. Something I can do for you?"
"Sorry to interrupt, I need to borrow Bella." You say, glancing over at her. She can sense that something is off, and she's already grabbing her stuff and standing up.
"Woah, did I say you could go?" He says to her and she freezes.
"It's really important." You cut in before Bella has to. "It's, uh, girl stuff. I just need to grab something from her locker." You lie, avoiding eye contact in attempt to feign embarrassment.
The teacher sighs, nodding at Bella who resumes packing up her stuff. "Don't be long." He says, and you avoid Rafe's eyes on you as Bella makes her way up to the door, quickly following you away.
"What's wrong?" Bella whispers as you quickly walk down the hallway, heading towards the girls locker rooms. No one uses those during class time, so you like to have meetings there when you have something urgent to discuss. Something like this.
"Shh, wait." You whisper back, walking down the stairs into a smaller section of hallway and into the locker room, closing the door and locking it behind you.
"Please, Y/N/N. You're scaring me a little." Bella asks again and you throw your bag down.
"I'm pregnant." You say, locking eyes with her as her jaw drops.
"Wait, I- you're sure? Because we've both had scares before-" Bella tries to rationalize it and you shake your head, reaching into your bag and pulling out the ziplock with the three positive tests you took this morning, practically shoving it into her hands. You can't even look.
"Shit..." Bella mumbles, looking all of them over carefully. "..Rafe?"
You swallow thickly and nod, chewing on your nails. "Yeah, yeah it has to be." You confirm, continuously nodding to yourself.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
"No! No- definitely not." You are quick to shoot that down. "I mean, do I have to?"
"I don't think so." Bella agrees, putting the small plastic bag down on the bench next to her. "Not unless you plan to keep it."
"Oh, god no!" You scoff, pacing back and forth now.
"I didn't think so, no..." Bella nods a little, thinking it over herself. "This weekend we'll get you to a clinic. Is that soon enough? When did you sleep with him last? We just need to do a bit of math."
"Like, a month ago? We only like, actually did it once. After that party. So... yeah, three and a half weeks, ish." You tell her.
"Okay, that's plenty of time. You're fine. I'll take you to the mainland this weekend, it'll be like a little girlies trip! We'll go to that cute coffee place, maybe Target, make an adventure out of it, yeah?" Bella suggests, smiling as she tries to make you feel better.
"Yeah! Yeah. We'll do that. I'll sleep at yours?" You say, smiling at her knowingly.
"And I'll sleep at yours." She nods, reaching out and you do your handshake, one you made up a few years ago.
You pull her into a hug, and she rubs your back gently. "You'll be okay. I won't tell a soul." She assures you, knowing you well enough to see how scary this is for you even if you have a solid plan on how to handle it.
"Thanks, Bells." You sigh, pulling away and quickly fixing your hair in the mirror, grabbing your backpack and following her out.
"We'll get coffee after school, right?" You say, dropping Bella at her math class.
"Yeah! Can't wait." She smiles. "Should we invite Rafe?" She whispers, nudging you gently.
"No thanks." You giggle, waving as she walks into the room. This time you're definitely avoiding looking at Rafe, especially now that someone else knows. You can feel his eyes on you as you stand briefly in the doorway, giving Bella a quick wave and nodding a thank you to their math teacher before walking away. You know Bella will be able to play it cool, even around Rafe. She'll take all your secrets to the grave.
You straighten your uniform as you walk and quickly make your way to your class, anxiously waiting on the weekend to come.
The next morning, everything seems to be going well. You slept well knowing you and Bella had a plan, and honestly you did look forward to the weekend and getting to have a "girlies weekend", as Bella put it.
You get to school just on time, rolling up your skirt and fumbling to pull up your socks as you approach the doors with your bag over your shoulder and a coffee in your free hand.
"Hey! Hey, hey, Y/N! Wait!" You hear someone calling out to you, looking around and cursing internally when you realize it's Rafe, running towards you across the parking lot.
"Hey, Rafe." You call back, giving him a quick wave and trying to continue on your way.
"Hey, uh, can we talk, real quick?" He asks as he makes it up next to you, gently grabbing your arm to stop you.
"Uh, yeah, course..." You agree, eyeing him suspiciously. There's no way he knows, right?
Rafe nods a little, looking around before pulling you away from the door and just behind the building. "I, uh- shit. Uhm... So..." He stammers and you roll your eyes.
"Well, this has been riveting. Always a pleasure, Rafe Cameron!" You grin, turning on your heel to walk away. You don't need to be late to class again.
"You're pregnant?" He gets out just as you get to the corner of the building, and it came out weaker, more concerned than he intended to sound. He had this plan to try and be cool about it, not take it that serious, but he honestly was a little hurt that you didn't reach out to him. You freeze, sighing and groaning as you turn back to face him.
"Maybe." You answer, avoiding eye contact with him. "Well, yeah. Uh, I am." You mumble, realizing you at least owe him honesty.
"Right..." Rafe nods, tilting his head at you. "And you think it's mine?"
"Oh, god-" You laugh, shaking your head and making a disgusted face.  "Don't say it like that, it's not- it's not like, alive. But do I think you're responsible? Yeah. Definitely."
"Are you sure?" Rafe asks, raising an eyebrow at you and you gasp dramatically, covering your mouth with one hand.
"Wow, Rafe, are you 'slut-shaming' me?" You ask, hardly able to stifle a laugh.
"I don't know what a pretty girl like you gets up to in her free time! I was just wondering!" Rafe says with a smirk, raising his hands defensively. You're honestly glad you can playfully bicker through this rather than it being any kind of serious.
"Well, thank you for thinking I'm pretty, but unfortunately you are the only boy I've slept with in the last three months so yeah, I'm pretty sure." You reply, taking a sip of your coffee. "How did you find out? I had no intention of telling you."
"Ouch." Rafe chuckles, clutching a hand over his heart. "Well, I'm glad you're sure because at three am I got a ransom demand for your right to privacy about it and I paid someone a grand to not tell anyone."
Your jaw drops at this, and you almost drop your coffee. "I'm sorry- what?"
"Listen if it was you, you can just ask me for money if you need it I'm more than happy to help-"
"Of course it wasn't me! God, no, I'd never-" You quickly defend, absolutely in shock at the situation. "I'd never do that to you. I'll pay you back, it was never meant to be your problem, like I said I wasn't even going to tell you-"
"Hey, no, it's okay. It's okay." Rafe assures you, stepping closer now and resting a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down. "I'm not mad. I don't give a fuck about the money, I want to help." He insists, nodding at you slowly.
"Sorry, sorry this is embarrassing.." You laugh slightly as you realize you're starting to hyperventilate. You were cool about this whole situation up until now, but suddenly you're overwhelmingly terrified, especially since someone knows. "My parents can’t find out- they'll kill me, they'll kill you! God, I just-"
"No, you're fine. We'll figure this out." Rafe says, gently rubbing your shoulder and taking your coffee from you before gently placing it on the ground.  You just nod a little bit, closing your eyes and desperately trying to regulate your breathing. "We just.. we need to figure out who it was, yeah?"
You nod frantically, taking slow breaths and trying not to panic. "Did you tell anyone?" He asks.
"Only Bella," You say, nodding a little bit. "And Bella didn't tell anyone, obviously."
"Obviously.” He agrees. “So, how could someone else find out?"
Then it dawns on you as your stomach drops. "Oh, shit... The tests- we left them in the locker room yesterday." You say, shaking your head and laughing a little at your own stupidity.
"Yeah, yeah they sent me a picture of them. But they could be anyone's, come on, in this school that means nothing." Rafe chuckles, trying to cheer you up. "They must have heard you."
He's right, someone must have been in there. They should have cleared the room before she spoke, but you were panicking, at the time it didn't even cross your mind to check all the shower stalls that sat vacant at the back of the room, rarely ever used. "Yeah.. they must have. I've got an idea, though."
By third period, it's time to put your plan into action. Rafe agreed to meet you outside the girls locker room exactly thirty-five minutes into class, both of you coming up with a good excuse to leave.
You walk up to where Rafe is leaning against the wall next to the door in the secluded hallway, gesturing for him to follow you as you open the door, letting him in and quickly locking it behind you.
"Woah, I've never been in here before." Rafe chuckles, looking around.
"We're not here for fun." You say back quickly, starting to shuffle through the bags of all the same girls who would have been in gym yesterday, looking for the tests. Rafe just stands there staring at you. "Are you gonna help? There's like forty bags and we only have a few minutes."
"Oh, right-" He nods, looking around before deciding to start on the opposite side of the room. "I don't feel right going through girls bags." He laughs a little, already onto the second one.
"It's fine, we're only looking for one thing." You reply, tossing another bag to the side. No luck so far. About ten minutes and thirty bags later, you're starting to stress that you won't find it, that they weren't dumb enough to bring them back to school, when Rafe laughs.
"Hey! Here!" He says, and just as you turn his tossing the ziplock bag at you and you fumble to catch it.
"Which bag was it?" You ask, rushing over as he hands it to you and you start to basically tear it apart to find some kind of identification for who owns it. You find a wallet and smile, quickly opening it and checking the ID.
"Ally." You scoff, dropping her bag on the ground.
"What a cunt." Rafe mutters, kicking it to the side. You quickly shove the tests into your bag at your side and take a few bills out of her wallet, handing half to Rafe and pocketing the rest before zipping it shut and throwing it on top of her bag.
"We're stealing now?" He smirks, putting the money in his wallet anyways.
"What? No, that's your money. She's just paying you back, like, partially." You shrug, smiling back up at him. "And for me it's damages."
"Right, fair enough." He chuckles, looking down at his watch. "We've got twenty minutes left before class ends, want to..?"
"No! I'm not fucking you in the girl's locker room." You shove him back playfully. "Also that was a one-time thing."
"Whatever you say, Y/N/N." Rafe chuckles. "Just thought I'd offer."
"You lost that privilege when you got me pregnant." You giggle, crossing your arms as you stare at him.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" He defends. "Won't happen again. I swear."
“Yeah, it won’t.” You roll your eyes and head for the door, stopping abruptly as Rafe reaches in front of you and grabs the handle first. You turn your head to look up at him and you don't get the chance to before his lips are pressed against yours, his free hand landing on your hip and holding you against the cold, blue-painted metal of the door.
Despite your protests earlier, you don't hesitate to kiss him back. You're quick to bring your hands up to his cheeks, pulling him closer for a moment before moving your head back and gently pushing him away. "One-time thing, huh?" He chuckles and you nod, biting your lip. 
"Yep, not happening again." You confirm, turning and unlocking the door before pushing it open and walking off down the hall.
"Wait, what are we gonna do about Ally?" He says as you walk away and you turn, pacing backward to look at him when you respond.
"I've got it from here. Thanks, Cameron."
When Rafe walks out of the building later that afternoon, he stares in confusion at the small crowd that's formed just on the other side of the fence marking the edge of school property. "Rafe! Rafe, help!" He hears Bella before he sees her, pushing her way through the crowd and frantically waving for him to come over.
He picks up his pace as he jogs over, dropping his bag and pushing his way through again after her. He's met with you straddling Ally's back as she screams and cries, you holding her face down into the dirt by her hair. "Say you're sorry! Say it!" You scream in her ear, absolutely irate at this point as everyone watches in horror. Rafe is quick on his feet to wrap his arms around you and lift you off of her, grabbing your hand and tearing her hair out of your grasp. He’s holding you back as you continue to yell over her sobs, and you struggle to get back to her shaking body on the ground.
"Hey, hey! She's had enough, Y/N/N." Rafe chuckles, holding tightly to your waist. 
You push your hair out of your face, both of you watching as some of Ally's minions are quick to try and help her up. Her nose is bloody, makeup and uniform absolutely ruined. You smile as you look at her state. "Not gonna tell anyone now, right?" You ask her bitterly, Rafe finally letting you go.
"God, you are crazy! You'll be hearing from my lawyer, you psycho!" She cries out, wiping her face.
You lunge at her again and she's lucky that Rafe noticed this the second before you moved, grabbing you again and pulling you into his chest. "Hey, woah, don't bother." He says to you.
"Yeah, muzzle your fucking dog." Ally mutters, brushing off her clothes. 
"Says you, you actually look like one so watch your mouth.” He scoffs at her, spitting at her feet. “Extortion is a crime too, by the way." He adds cooly, raising an eyebrow. "So I think we can keep legal out of this, don't you?"
Ally huffs and quickly walks away, pushing her way past everyone gathered there to grab her bag which you had thrown into the street during the confrontation. Bella quickly runs up to you, grabbing your face to look you over the second Rafe lets you go. "Are you okay? God- that was scary!" She exclaims, satisfied though that you only have minor scratches and bruises.
"I'm fine." You smile at her, shaking your head a little. "Sorry, I just kind of blacked out for a minute." You joke, gently hugging her.
"Yeah, it was hot." Rafe adds, arms crossed as he stands behind you. You roll your eyes at him, hiding your blush in Bella's shirt.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy@madelynie, @mutual-mendes, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @urfaveluvr, @chenslucy, @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea
fill out my form here if you want to be added!
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eveistdiepommes · 2 months
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Tino’s shaky legs brought him to the tiny room attached to the bedroom. He wobbled there with all his might, finding this to be his only chance as the other four had left to do god knows what. The pale man had seen them briefly, the one with longer hair had used them to cut whatever they had wrapped around his hands. He memorized where they had been put, and sure enough, on the edge of the sink, lay a pair of rickety scissors. Carefully, with gauze-riddled fingers, the blond grabbed them, yanking them to his chest.
Large, buggy eyes stared at them cautiously. Tino’s mind worked alarmingly fast. His intelligence knew no bounds, as he and the others would learn soon enough. And now, he was going to do something very human. He would test a hypothesis.
Delicate, Tino took hold of the long blond hair that got in the way of his sight. And mimicking the movements of the longer haired man in that quartet, he closed the scissors’ blades around his golden locks, effectively cutting the bunch he grabbed with a slow sniiiip. Tino pulled the hair away and watched it fall out of his hands. His eyes widened as a frenzied smile grew on his face. Freedom! Freedom at last! But just as he went to cut more, one of those men had burst into the room.
“Tino!? Tino, are you—!?” Emil stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Tino holding scissors and a long strip of his hair curled up on the floor. The teen’s eyes widened and he anxiously went to take the scissors from the merman. “What the hell are you doing!?” The pale man flinched and stumbled backwards as the scissors were pulled from his hands. Emil cringed at this, not so much at Tino nearly falling, but the look of fear that the golden-headed man gave him. He knew he could be explosive, but he never had anyone look at him with so much… panic. Why did they ever think putting him in charge of looking over an otherworldly being was a good idea? Lukas was much better suited for this job, and Emil was sure the merman would’ve been delighted to be kept company by Berwald. Hell, even Matthias would’ve been more entertaining! But no. They left Emil to watch over him while they ran out to get groceries. He had only left to get Tino a glass of water. And in that short time, he had done something extremely dangerous (for him.)
“What are you doing?” Emil forced his usually sharp tone to be gentle. Tino’s eyes shifted and he sunk into himself, as if trying to make himself smaller or camouflage himself against the shower curtain. The teen chewed his lip. “I’m not… angry. I was just… worried.” He wondered if it was any use explaining to a being who didn’t understand him. Or at least, he was 75 percent sure he couldn’t understand. Tino reached up and played with the part of his bangs he cut, seeming briefly delighted before he touched the rest of his hair and bunched it in his fists. He growled lowly as he feigned tearing it off. Emil watched in both shock and concern. So he knew what he was doing. He was cutting his hair on purpose. “Your hair… you don’t like it? You want it gone?” Emil tried. Tino looked at him suddenly inquisitively.
With great care, Emil raised the scissors and pointed to them. Then he pointed to Tino’s hair. He thanked whatever heavens were smiling upon him as it seemed Tino understood and nodded his head ‘yes’ eagerly. Tino picked up on things quickly, this was good to know.
“You want me to cut it? It’s dangerous for you to do because these are sharp. That’s why I… sounded so… looked so…” Even to a mythical creature, Emil found it hard to talk about what he was feeling. But even though Tino had no clue, this was more open than Emil would be with anyone else besides the other three. Something about the pale man, while increasing the teen’s worries, also made him feel reliable. He was the youngest of the group, only 18, so maybe that’s why no one ever leaned on him for support. Or maybe it was because he pushed others’ emotions away in a cowardly attempt to protect himself. But with this creature, this man who was still learning what it was to be human, and had a long way to go at that, he felt like someone was counting on him. Looking to him for the next move. Like he was finally a dependable brother.
“Come here.” Emil jerked his head to signal Tino to follow him back into the bedroom. The golden blond trotted behind the slightly taller boy awkwardly, still needing to get used to his legs. The snowy-headed teen told Tino to wait a moment, left to grab a stool, and came back as quickly as he could manage to prevent Tino from getting any other clever ideas. “Sit.” He spoke, while guiding the merman so he would take a seat. “Okay… How, um… How short…?” The teen’s voice wavered a bit as he touched the silky golden hair and tried to get a gauge on what style the merman would like. Surprisingly, Tino took Emil’s clammy fingers and positioned them high on his head, around cheek length. Did Tino understand his question? He’d think about that later. Testing the waters, the teen snipped a tiny bit off at the cheek and watched as Tino’s expression brightened immensely. “That’s awfully short.” Emil snorted out in amusement, catching himself off guard.
The Icelandic boy gingerly continued cutting, snipping and changing his stance to make sure things were at least semi even. He didn’t think Tino would care too much about it being a professional job though. Golden locks danced onto the floor, fluttering as each cut released more and more of Tino’s shackles. And eventually the last chunk was cut. Immediately after Emil brought the scissors away, Tino’s bandaged hands shot up to touch the back of his neck. He ran his fingers through his short hair now, feeling a sense of being weightless wash over him. It was gone. All gone. Never again would he have to be linked to that world. Never again would he have to think about what had happened. Freedom at last!
Emil looked down at Tino, craning his neck a bit to look at his expression. And his stomach flipped when he saw that Tino’s smooth cheeks were kissed with tears.
“Hey! Hey, what’s wrong?” Emil questioned worriedly, walking to stand in front of Tino. He went to crouch down a bit with his brows furrowed, but he didn’t make it far before the merman had flung himself forward and wrapped his arms around the teen in an appreciative hug. Emil froze up upon impact, never good with physical affection. But, as he processed his surroundings, the warmth Tino’s hug was providing, he found himself caving… just a little.
The golden haired man reached up and felt Emil’s hair, and then parted and felt his own. Emil couldn’t help but smile smally.
“Yeah. You have short hair now. Just like me.” He stated bluntly, only with a hint of warmth as to keep his cool guy persona. Tino was elated.
He’d be human. Just like Emil.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
❝𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮-𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢❞ Chapter 08
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Satoru-Sensei | ←Previous chapter • Next Chapter →
Summary: Gojo is old and lonely? That's what Kugisaki thought. But that was the day they found out that Gojo Satoru actually had a girlfriend.
A/n: I just saw in my notebook how many drafts I have completed and I realized that I need to share more often... I also loved writing this because I got into Kugisaki's personality so much lol. I'm always an attention-seeking author... What do you think about this story so far?
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"Itadori-senpai, please help." the blue eyed teen whispered into his phone.
He stood in front of the slightly open door to their classroom to see his sensei sitting in his chair with his feet on the desk, smiling as he did something on his phone.. His fingers move on the bottom of the screen, clearly showing that he is typing something on the keyboard.
He waited a moment and then chuckled and started writing again.
He was texting someone. That was for sure.
But it's the first time they see their sensei smiling like that. He's never smiled so much into the phone! At least not in front of them!
"Nantō-kun? What happened?!" His Senpai asked quickly.
"Sensei is texting someone and still smiling! More and more!" He said with a more scared and squealing voice.
"What?! Is this really happening?! What a smile that is?!"
"This is not the smile with which he smiles at us!"
"Huh?!" he groaned. Suddenly the younger boy heard a quieter voice. “Kugisaki, Gojo-sensei is..."
Soft voices could be heard in the room they were in. The teenager waited for his senpai's response.
This is the first time he's seen something like this.
Is it possible that their sensei had a girlfriend?!
"He's acting like he's texting a woman!" Itadori said to the girl.
"Eh? I haven't heard of him having a girlfriend in three years! We have to check that! Where is he?!" He heard her voice closer to his senpai's phone. "Are you talking to Nantō? Nantō! Where are you?! Where is he?!"
"In class... I'm next to him and he's still smiling like that!" He said and hid so that his Sensei wouldn't hear or see him.
Can he really hide from him??
Yes. Because right now he wasn't paying attention to anything else but the phone. Because he was getting messages from you.
A moment later, the two older students ran there and knelt in the corridor, looking at their Sensei's cat-like and goofy smile.
"Oh shit! This smile is really different from the smile he always has! Judging by the smile and the slight color of his cheeks, as well as the speed of his texting, he is texting with a woman!" Kugisaki said, very analyzing his expression.
It seemed as if all his thoughts were humming.
"We have to help him!" she said, turning to the two boys next to her.
"Kugisaki-senpai... How can we help him?" Nantō asked.
"He is almost 30 years old! And he doesn't have a woman! If not now he will be alone forever! We have to help him so he doesn't drive that poor girl away with his weird talk!"
"What should we do? Or maybe Sensei doesn't text with a woman? Maybe he already has a girlfriend?" Itadori said.
"I've never seen this man with a woman! He doesn't have a wedding ring, which means he's not married! For a moment I was disgusted with him because he probably chose women with his appearance! But now I know there's something wrong if he's behaving like this! This is typical behavior of a man who texts with the woman he loves!"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Pfff! Years of practice and studying the behavior of lovers! Every woman deserves a guy who has a face like this when he texts her! Even though when I think it's my former teacher it makes me cringe! I'll help this poor guy not destroy his possible love of his life! Sensei!"
She stood up and quickly entered the room, automatically drawing his attention.
"Oh, Nobara. Do you need anything?" He asked and placed the phone on the desk and gave her a small smile.
"Don't write strange jokes to women! And also don't act like a complete macho! You must remember that you cannot lie at all costs! Don't show that stupid side you have right away!"
"What are you talking about?" he asked with a questioning look on his face.
"About the woman you're texting! You finally have a chance to not be old and lonely, so don't ruin it!"
"I'm sorry about her, Sensei! She takes the possibility that you might be texting some woman too seriously!" Itadori said.
"We don't want to interfere in your private matters." Nantō added nervously.
"Ah, do you mean that I'm texting someone?" he asked, pointing to the phone and sitting up straight, taking his feet off the desk.
"It's a woman, right?!" The girl asked.
Her pride will suffer if it turns out that he has not written with a woman. Did her intuition fail?
"Yeah." he said, but before he could continue, she started talking.
"If you don't want to be old and lonely, listen to my advice and she will be yours! With the way you act sometimes, you might just embarrass her! Listen to me and everything will end well! Even a wedding! I know how to give relationship advice!
"So far, she hasn't managed to find a boyfriend and because of her, neither me nor Fushiguro has one." The pink-haired man whispered to the brunette next to him.
"Eeeh? Really? I wanted to ask her for advice, but I think I'll give it up..." he muttered in response.
She heard it.
"You idiots won't have a girlfriend any sooner than I have a boyfriend! There's no way I'd let you do that!" She screamed at them. "But Gojo-san is different! Can't you see this lonely, rejected heart? If I don't help him, he will be lonely for the rest of his life!
"You know... That wasn't nice..." Gojo said, his mouth hanging open in embarrassment.
"So tell me the details! I'll help you! Just trust me!" she said with a big smile and pointed at her with her thumb. "I will do everything to get you married this year!
"Actually, Nobara... She's already my girlfriend." he said calmly and stood up, walking around the desk and leaning against the furniture.
He moved his phone closer, looking at your next message. He left the device and crossed his arms over his chest, watching the girl's facial expressions.
Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.
"Huuuuh??!!!!! Since when does Sensei have a girlfriend?!" She screamed.
"For two years!" he laughed and waved one hand.
"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh???!!!!!!!" she screamed loudly, causing the boys behind her to cover their ears.
"Why are you screaming so much?!"
Everyone turned to look at Fushiguro who entered with Nantō's brother.
"He has a girlfriend!" She pointed to the white-haired man and they both stood on the other side of the room.
They started talking. And at that time, Hokusei saw their teacher's phone turn on and vibrate, signaling the arrival of a message.
He turned his head to look at the screen and smiled slightly.
And then he saw his student looking intently at his phone. It was as if he wanted to see who he was texting.
His hand turned off the phone and, looking at him under the blindfold, he hid the phone behind his body, shielding the messages from the teenager's watchful gaze.
To avoid recognition, his face was turned the other way. But his eyes watched carefully as Hokusei's red eyes looked at his hand moving the phone.
So that he doesn't notice anything.
Their sensei is hiding something, isn't he?
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Taglist: @mc-reborn ; @yihona-san06 ; @yerinsshi ; @erisfayred ; @tohsri
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monpalace · 1 year
Okok, so my brain is not working with writing rn BUT i will finish that “reader and time pinning” thing that i was doing I PROMISE
BUT for now imma just share some thoughts of Time because he is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I NEED TO RANT ABOUT HIM
Ive said before (on my blog) that Time uses really old and kinda cringey petnames because 1, he genuinely loves them and 2, because he LOVES making the boys squirm in second hand embarrassment. SO, have a few more of those nicknames :D -> snookums, sugarplum, baby cakes, muffin, foxy, and toots
Young time (like teenage/young adult) was an absolute bastard BUT when he falls in love with someone, he is an absolute sweet heart! Think the ‘i hate everyone but you’ trope :3
Young! Time did not know romance AT ALL! That boy was raised by a tree and a bunch if spirit kids, he has know idea what a ‘date’ is. This leads to him just acting the same around his crush but being a little nicer to them
Is then very confused as to why they dont know that he likes them. “It was so obvious? I gave you a piece of my apple pie! I was so clear with my signs 🙄🙄”
He THEN reads all the romance novels he can get his hands on (legally and illegally) just so he can impress them! Completely misunderstood everything and now he just has to straight up tell them, cause how their hair is on fire…somehow
(Modern) Time is totally the type of guy that ‘doesn’t like drama shows’ but if his lover was watching one, he’d stand behind the couch and watch. But when his lover offers to move so he can sit hes like ‘no, im not even watching it. I was just bored’ and the proceeds to watch the next 3 episodes while standing.
(Modern) Time has a leather jacket that he LOVES!! Like he will cut someone for that thing, do not fuck with it. No one is aloud to wear it expect him….And his crush/lover but SHUSH!
Time enjoys polishing his armour/sword while you read a book out aloud. You both find it rather relaxing. Until something dramatic/a polt twists happens, all if the sudden the armour/sword is dropped to the side as Time is BAFFLED by this. “They killed Aaron?! Wh-what? Why!? He was the best choice for Max!” (Hes so invested, his duties are now discarded until you two finish this chapter)
I wanna do more but this is kinda chunky :3
I love dis man so much 🫶🫶
THE WAY I PHYSICALLY AND VERBALLY CRINGED AT FOXY??? bro's the type to say "hey foxy mama" when you walk into a room unironically, he literally has no shame whatsoever whenever someone points out how dated that sounds to
time would fit the secret admirer trope so well though? but he wouldn't even be secret about it?? the lon lon sisters def gave him the advice to "just be himself" and that gave him the idea to take stuff from his woodland-spirit background
"link, why is my house filled with flowers from floor to ceiling."
"that's not a declaration of adoration here? huh."
AND HIM TAKING THE ROMANCE BOOKS? personally, i feel like he's the type to sneak into the library when (supposedly) nobodies looking and just taking whatever he can carry before sneaking back out-- but in actuality it's just that nobody cares
someone asked zelda if he was allowed to take the books because they've been coming back in a damaged state (it's not bad, but while he's workshopping how he's gonna bring words to reality, he messes up a little) and she just says its fine so long as he isn't committing crimes with them (which he has done. several times. no one knows)
ofc there are questions as to WHY he's taking the romance books specifically, but the guards and librarians just chalk it up to him entering his weird boy phase ™️ and not because he has an interest in somebody because him?? having a love interest before half the other people in the castle??? Nah.
you catch modern! time watching a (raunchy) reality show once (like love island, or jersey shore-- maybe even teen mom) and he swears up, down, to the golden three, and to the sand goddess that he just kept it on for noise and that he's paying all his attention to his work even though you caught him ON VIDEO having the most expressive reactions to certain moments
BUT THE LEATHER JACKET ONE?? someone walks up to you while you're wearing it (your relationship with time isn't common knowledge yet) and they make a joke about him burying them alive if they mess it up-- no less just because you're wearing it.
time pops up out of literal thin air making excuses that you were cold (you were not), he was hot and didn't feel like carrying it (his goosebumps say otherwise), he thought there was a tear and he wanted to try and fix it (.. yeah, okay.), he only gave it to you because you said it would go with your outfit (that is not the only reason he'd give it to you), and everything else just to try to hide the fact that he's soft
(also, bonus points if you made it??? now not even the goddesses could touch it. he's about three seconds away from giving into the inner ferality of his childhood self and biting someone if they even look at it)
but tell me why i just imagine time getting ready to like, get in a fight or something, you read something so earth-shatteringly shocking in the book, and he's immediately like "the battle can wait. [opponent] was gonna lose anyways. we have to figure out what the devil is about to happen"
i'm literally scooping ur brain from ur skull, putting it on a table, and i'm gonna examine it for the rest of ur ideas mwah
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otomegamesandme · 29 days
Em's Personal Favorite Shoujo and Josei manga!
Since one (1) person mentioned they would like a recommendation list of shoujo and josei mangas, I decided to throw one together of my personal favorites! Some of these are well known, some aren't. I also kept it short, so it's more a sample of my tastes. Future lists will probably revolve around themes/genres, but for now here's this!
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My Lovesick Life as a 90s Otaku
Demo: Josei
Genre: Romance, Slice-of-Life, Historical
This is a short four volume series about a middle aged mother who reflects back on her teen years and being a big otaku in the 90s. I honestly loved this? There were so many cameos of classic series, and I enjoyed the characters and themes in this a lot. It did make me cringe, just because it reminded me how me and my friends used to be as teens in all the good and bad ways. That relatability is also the reason I was a big fan. It does wrap up pretty quickly at the end, but for a short series, it's one of the josei series I've read that left an impression on me!
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Magic Knight Rayearth
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Fantasy, Isekai
It feels like a crime to not mention Clamp when talking about any of my favorite manga (Tsubasa Chronicles is my favorite Shonen and Chobits is my favorite Seinen, so they're really just winning). Choosing between this and RG Veda was difficult, but this is such a classic. I loved the characters, the world, and how the story reveals itself to be a gut punch at the end. If you still haven't read it, here's yet another rec post telling you to check it out.
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Children of the Whales
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Science Fantasy, Tragedy
This follows a group of people on a floating island, the Mud Whale, which is trapped in a sea of sand. One day, when they send people out to search one of the sunken islands in the sand for resources, they find another human, and through meeting her, learn the truth about their home.
The story telling in this is gorgeous. The mangaka said she was inspired by a lost journal she found, and you really get that feeling while reading it. This is also a series to read if you just feel like being Really Sad. It's one of my all time favorite series, but I did have to read it with breaks between volumes (for reference, I normally binge like five volumes a day when I'm really into a series). There's a rich world and history in this, and each detail feels so carefully considered and thought out. This is one of the series I wished more people talked about.
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Demo: Josei
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Tragedy
A group of orphan girls are raised to be living weapons by consuming poison. They're then sent out to enemy countries to seduce and kill the men in charge, as their bodies are all poisonous.
This doesn't have any official English translations and I came across it randomly one day and just fell in love. It's an older series, and there's plenty of triggering content here (violence and SA being major). But I loved this world and characters so much? My summary does not do it justice, but the dynamics with the main character and the three princes in the country she's infiltrating is so interesting. It also reads very much like a dark fairy tale, especially with how it's structured and the way it goes through each scene and chapter. I know this is likely too old and unknown to ever get picked up officially, but maybe if I get more people to read it, we can all bother seven seas via their licensing survey or something-
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A Condition Called Love
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Romance, Slice-of-Life
I don't think this needs a summary since it's a recent popular one lol, but I love messy characters who face consequences for their messy actions and are forced to grow as people!! I love when bad habits in a relationship get challenged, and it doesn't automatically lead to breaking up but trying to fix things. Hotaru and Hananoi just have my favorite relationship in any modern shoujo series I've read, and while the series isn't over yet, I can imagine them remaining a favorite for a long time.
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Demo: Josei
Genre: Sports, Slice-of-Life (and romance in the background)
If you know about Chihayafuru, it's that everyone who talks about it is Not Normal about it lol I have never encountered a series with such a large cast where each one is given such weight and brevity as this series. I know it's about such a niche Japanese sport, but listen, the growth and story arch of these three main characters, and how they're affected by the people they meet and how they affect others and grow is just...so good. You want God Tier character work, this is the series you read.
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Prince Freya
Demo: Shoujo
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure (and romance if you squint)
I love brutal shoujo. The first chapter of this was not what I was expecting, and it's probably because I went in blind. Anyway, this follows the story of Freya who lives in a kingdom trying not to get conquered by an Empire taking over the continent. The only person keeping the kingdom standing was the Prince, who was poisoned and killed. Since Freya looks almost exactly like him, she's forced to pretend to be the Prince of this country in hopes the kingdom won't fall to the empire.
Freya's character growth in this is a lot of fun to witness play out. I also really have been enjoying seeing the way the world keeps expanding and growing with each volume. I will say, the first few volumes have pacing issues, but by volume 3/4 it was all smooth sailing. I also really enjoy how unflinching it can be, and it doesn't shy away from death or violence when needed, but it also doesn't overdue it either. It's just a solid shoujo fantasy series, and the only bad part about it is waiting for the next volume to drop (Viz it's been 6 months, please-).
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dearweirdme · 2 months
I have a weird theory. So it's no surprise that in their early years, bts were kinda "rude" to each other. In a sense that they'll joke negatively without knowing that it could hurt the other's feeling. Or even cringing when one would initiate skinship or anything similar and they were kind of practicing the no-homo agenda.
And we also know that they grew out of it. They practice self love as well as loving the people around. Resulting to them loving each other the most. They rely on each other and of course we don't see 90% of what is happening behind closed doors but it's clear that they talk things out. Hence the reason why they lasted so much as a group. That's how I see it.
Now my theory is that aside from taekook relationship, we've got jimin as the second most closest to Jungkook. And we see them being each other pillar, supporting each other and being affectionate but in a brotherly way. Is it because in the past we could clearly see jungkook (maybe unaware) being kind of mean to jimin? Like pushing him or not caring too much. He is certainly not the only one who was like that at their debut.
All of this to say that while practicing to love each other, they undoubtedly worked on members who weren't the fairest with each other and this is how as time passed jikook became one of the closest?
Hi anon!
I think many forget that Jk, Tae, and Jm were still soooo young when they met. Especcially Jk.. I mean, he was away from his family from his early teens.. he was put amongst this group of Hyungs, who were also all still very young. They were all going through various degrees of moving into adulthood while also being placed in an extreme situation of becoming idols.
Jk was a teenager.. and for all his shyness, and introvercy, and humbleness, and empathy.. he was also just a brat at times. Which isn't something weird or unexpected at all at that age. Imagine any 16, 17, 18 yr old you know.. and I'm sure anyone of us can imagine that Jk reacting to someone a bit older to him with a certain fierceness is pretty normal.
So some of my random thoughts in regards to your ask... and excuse me when I go a bit ranty here.
I think BTS are all skinshippy in some ways. Yoongi and Namjoon the least, Jin also has boundaries.. Hobi, Tae, Jk and Jm all definitely enjoy it (though I think Hobi also has some natural limits here). Skinship between men and boys is something normal in SK. It's not something they would have had to get used to, it's more that they had to discover what each other's preferences were when it comes to being physically close.
I don't think Jk ever felt negatively towrds Jm. Their friendship had to grow ofcourse, just like their friendships with all members had to grow, but the I don't think they had to work towards loving each other by intentional conversations. I think it was just naturally, by going through things together, by experiencing life, by enjoying the same things. Jk doesn't like being babied much in general (though sure he has his baby moments), but I think he did find it hard that Jm layed out the Hyung card at times. From how I see it, out of the three Maknaes, Jm is the one who feels/felt most strongly about being respectfull of age. I feel he is the true Hyung out of Vminkook when they are together. Always the most 'sane' reasonable one, trying to get them them in order. Tae and Jk actually are the 'two always getting scolded together'. So from how I interpret Jk and Jm, is that Jk just at times 'overstepped' in how he was supposed to be respectfull towards his hyungs (which is what the rainy days fight was basically about). And I think he was just annoyed at being put in a certain position. Very teenage like, very understandable. From Jm's side, he is Jk's Hyung. He saw a cute little brother, whom he wanted to help and be close with.. but who he also felt was out of line at times. To me it actually makes so much sense how Tae and Jm were the ones fighting the most. Being same age, they could do that without overstepping much. Both Tae and Jm have no problem standing for what they feel is right.
I don't feel Jm and Jk particulairly had to work on becoming close. I think they were always on the path to closeness.
And yes, they have all gone through working out how to deal with each other. I think at this point all members are at a place in which they feel more like equals.. they just know and understand each other so much, that they don't have to question each other's intentions and actions.. because they know that the mutual respect is there.. even if one of them says something that could potentially be considered rude.
This feels like it's all over the place. I have soo many thoughts... and the adhd is high today.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok says that Vulcan children are very well behaved and have a lot of emotional control by the time they’re ~elementary school aged which makes sense but also makes me want to see what a Vulcan toddler or kindergartener acts like since they can’t be reasoned with as well (can’t really meditate) + are babies and also brimming with near irrepressible violence/emotions.
Vulcan toddler is just quietly accompanying their parent along on an errand. They stop and point to a toy of some sort and ask politely if they can have it. Their parent explains that they have enough toys at home. The toddler immediately throws the tantrum of the century. Just turns into an absolute wild animal in their rage. Other Vulcans are just like “aaa I remember when my children were that age” but any aliens around are like “oh my god is that thing OK??” I imagine even older Vulcan children would have issues with emotional control given that they’re also children! Though they’d of course know they needed to control themselves and behave...sometimes you just slip up. Vulcan children are playing together harmoniously. Then one breaks the established rules of the game. “I made contact with your arm. You are now the chaser.” “You did not make contact with my arm. I dodged your attempt.” “You dodged unsuccessfully. I made contact with your arm.” “I did not.” “You are cheating.” “I believe you are the one cheating.” And an adult has to rush over as one pounces on the other and they both begin screaming and clawing at each other’s eyes. The rest of the children are watching with interest or perhaps grabbing implements to assist their friend.  Little lapses in emotional control would probably be common until they reached like....highschool age. I can imagine an eleven year old Vulcan hearing they can’t sleepover a friend’s home and immediately shattering a vase before apologizing and cleaning it up.  It also seems like bullying would be very prevalent on Vulcan. Spock is canonically bullied frequently and it seems natural that Violent, Extreme Emotions in teenagers would lead to that kind of behavior which isn’t outwardly unacceptable (like crying, laughing, etc) but still satisfies an illogical desire towards cruelty and establishing dominance.  Vulcans schools probably have so many ‘Bullying Is Illogical’ seminars that do nothing and everyone makes fun of behind their teacher’s backs. Two Vulcan teenagers bullying each other, trying to see who has the more emotional reaction. If you cry or get mad you lose. Only babies cry and get mad...seems pretty illogical(cringe).  Vulcans seem to be very focused on respectability so I’m sure that as bloodthirsty teens there would be a lot of accusations and rules...if you hang out with X then Z,H and Y won’t talk to you. If you apologize too soon then they might accuse you of behaving too emotionally and gossip about you...if you don’t apologize at all they might accuse you of behaving too emotionally and gossip about you. It’s very stressful. Tuvok also said when he was a teenager in that one flashback that he was ready to fight over the girl he had a crush on (saying he’d “issue a challenge” or something) so I’m implementing that into my personal understanding of Vulcans...like adults do NOT want these kids to fight but amongst other teens they’re like:  “Seynar is my boyfriend.” “I disagree. He sat next to me during meditation three times this week.” “Only because I was absent.” “Then he is fickle and will be mine soon enough.” And then they challenge one another to a secret duel after school. Dueling to the death is very cool and grownup v_v (teens rarely die from such duels though bc either the other teen stops or someone told an adult). It makes sense to me that teenagers with violent urges would fight one another in a way that they consider acceptably adult. (mimicking the marriage ritual thing or even pon farr...romantic and cool.) Imagine being a teen Vulcan and your crush starts hinting that they have another person who might be interested in them....hmmm.....and you know you’re gonna have to duel for them or lose em. Such is life. Vulcan teens seem like they’d either date a lot (emotional whims) very non seriously (because they’re all betrothed) or date not at all because they’re gonna get married to their betrothed anyway. Loving someone other than your fated match is probably a pretty big trope in Vulcan romance stories...or maybe the opposite? Like someone bad tries to steal your heart but you remain resolute and return to your fated match as is logical. Anyway all this to say that I think Vulcan children and emotional control is something that’s fun to think about. Especially regarding how Vulcan children would act around adults vs other children. Vulcan child to adult: I will do my best to get along with my sibling. (2 seconds later once mother has left)  Vulcan child: You may play with the red toy. If you play with the blue toy I will harm you. Bodily. Meanwhile their older sibling is rolling their eyes like ugh....threatening violence is for babies....now to prepare for my logical and very adult duel for the love of my life whom I have known for three months. v_v
#vulcans#my writing#this is just stream of consciousness thoughts though#I just think Vulcan children should behave differently than adults...brains not done cooking yet and mastery of emotions is not complete#vulcan children being almost entirely self interested until a certain age#at which point they become very outward-facing...trying to please others around them and be liked/respected by their peers..trying to fit in#and then as adults they're able to strike a balance between knowing oneself and being respected by others#Vulcan teen frantically trying to decide if it's more logical to obey their parents wishes that they not go out to a party#or to go to the party which T'Yana said EVERYONE was going to be at....#since T'Pol says that Vulcans were (pre-reform) in factions I think that'd carry into their modern emotions...#is it more logical to be loyal to the familial 'faction' or the friendship one?#Meanwhile their baby sibling is screaming and banging their fists against the door because they WANNA! COME! IN! LET ! THEM! IN! (No.)#eeeeveryone thinks babysitting a Vulcan child will be SO easy until they threaten to rend your flesh from bone then set the house ablaze#because you wouldn't let them stay up five more minutes#star trek#I think Vulcans should be a little fucked up and wild but want that to NEVER EVER get out#I hope this makes sense v_v#how vulcan children act around peers vs adults vs alien adults etc should be different#hehe I also think as small children they'd just call anything they personally don't wanna do 'illogical' and their parents have to sigh and#teach them how to separate 'what is logical' from 'what I want to do'
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littlerosetrove · 5 months
My initial Spoiler Thoughts (as I was watching) for 7x7
Jennifer is so good at crying, she always makes me misty eyed.
The scene with Marisol was so cringe. We know but my gosh Edy is such a bad actress.
Eddie and Marisol agreed to starting over, right? Okay, so why is Chris with them? How is including him taking things slow? Well… we know Eddie uses Chris as a buffer for things, including relationships and his own feelings. Marisol even said something about Eddie and Chris not going anywhere? Sure, but you sure as hell are at some point, and I genuinely don’t get why Marisol is still here. She was used as a catalyst for Eddie’s Catholic guilt, which was not the focus on this episode. Marisol has served her purpose, so again, why is she still here?
The focus of this episode is the fact that Eddie is spiraling and now pursuing a woman that looks like his dead wife. Marisol doesn’t fit into this at all beyond making Eddie a cheater. I would be fine with the soap opera as hell doppelgänger stuff, but cheating? No.
Mara has a brother? My gosh, more trauma for this girl. =/
Oh. I like Amir. And I saw spoilers, so I know he’s connected to Bobby’s past. Oh this is gonna get complicated and who knows what else, I can tell.
Eddie lying to Shannon’s doppelgänger, Kim, that he’s a single father and has a son. Genuinely, what the fuck Eddie. And there’s also the connection of the candle smelling like a beach? Yeah, we know. Eddie is still chasing Shannon’s ghost to the extent of doing. This.
This episode has a theme of stalkers, obviously. Catherine and her daughter being abducted by Kyle. Eddie in his own way was stalking Kim. I don’t know if I’d call Hen and Karen seeking out the parents of Mara’s brother stalking, but Karen did use the word.
Chimney asking Maddie about her past. Oh I loved that scene because have they ever really talked about Maddie’s time with Doug? Or when she was kidnapped? Chimney, so supportive, always. The man that you are!
Wow, even when having an awkward dinner with his girlfriend, Eddie is thinking about a memory (or a skewed one) of Shannon where they’re having sex and then talking about bringing her back into Chris’s life.
If we have to have Devin, Shannon’s actress back, at least she’s actually a decent actress. I’ll take the win where I’ll get them.
Buck full on tackling the shitbag like some linebacker was great.
Poor Maddie having to relive trauma, but I did like how 1) in its own way helped Maddie with her own trauma, which Chimney so lovingly asked her to share with him, and 2) I liked the inclusion of Maddie in the case with Athena. How it was all connected, I liked that. Things like this, the show is at its best when the characters get to interact and work together in a meaningful way.
Hen and Karen getting to be star parents in this episode was such a highlight. Ha, and Karen said something about how they “switch” sometimes? Yeah there’s more than one meaning to that.
Chris may be a young teen, but he still wants to hang out with and spend time with his Buck. I love that so much. And hmmm Buck was trying a new lasagne recipe? There’s something there, but I can’t put my finger on it just yet. Cause remember Buck taking three times to perfect a lasagne recipe from Bobby that he cooked for Eddie and Chris in I think 6x1? Yeah.
Buck knows Eddie’s “good cologne” scent. Yeah sure this is totally normal best friend behavior and knowledge to have. Okay!
Eddie outright lied to Buck about going on a date with Marisol. EDIT: Lied to Buck and also used him in the lie. I think that won't sit well with Buck, even if he has um experience in cheating on a girlfriend.
This mess that Eddie has created is going to blow up in his face, and sooner than he probably anticipates (though I doubt he’s thinking of any consequences right now). He’s creating a mess for himself, for Chris, Buck, and more. This is going to affect more than just him.
Ohhhh shit you could see it in Amir’s subtle acting that he very much has some Feelings about seeing Bobby. Note that all Amir got to see was a, seemingly, unburdened Bobby Nash, still being a firefighter and holding a baby. Like. I think Amir is assuming right now that all is well for and with Bobby, when WE know that to this day Bobby struggles with his survivors guilt, the guilt of the people killed, guilt of whether he deserves a second chance, all of that. And another layer to this? Bobby still feels guilt for those that were killed, but he’s never really… talked about the people who lost the people in the fire. And now he’s going to be confronted with someone that survived and is still dealing with someone’s death. Ohhhh man this story is already juicy.
How darn sweet was it that Maddie and Chimney have a little routine/method of helping Jee-Yun sleep better? What a precious detail.
Right now I’d say I liked everything in this episode except for Eddie’s cheating storyline. I have a TON more to say about that, but I’m going to make that a separate post. Thus I’ll save my venting for that post. Even so, if you’re enjoying the cheating storyline - and it’s truly okay if you are because this is fiction - please do not come to me to chat or debate about this. Do not comment about why you think it’s good or anything, please. Talk to someone who does agree with you because that’s not me.
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shittyelfwriter · 10 months
ALRIGHTY here we are at weeks three and four for the santa clauses series! I did not rewatch a second time because genuinely, these melted my brain. anyway, lets get into it below the cut!
So apparently according to the tsc tag, episode 3 that I missed last week is a sort of filler episode? OH BROTHER REALLY
Normally I would not complain bc I miss old format, 20-23 episode series but because I know this Isn't That? DREAD. how are you going to plot well and good in 7-8eps if some are filler? that is just SO condensed, my guy
Counterpoint to people who were sad about it but: I thought the teen romance was annoying and I'm GLAD they ended it even JUST for a bit (it will come back to haunt again, trust. It’s a disney series ffs.) Whoever is writing this needs to ask a teen about how they talk nowadays. This is not it.
I also think we're driving the whole "Buddy is terrible at everything" punchline WAY past its breaking point. Which I would argue was last season entirely, but. At the very latest, last episode with how heavy on cringe it was. Yes, EVEN for kids/teens.
Again, they are not antagonizing Magnus Antas enough for me to hate him. waaaaay too funny to be a villain. I can't take him seriously and DON'T want to
The way that Noel keeps sideyeing the Betty cutout as if to say "do you see this shit?" during his brunch with the Clauses SENT me tbh. That's bernelle coded and I love it
I do not know why Disney gets OFF on the Clauses being absolutely inept parents but I wish they would stop
LOVING the exterior shots of the workshop and Elfsburg. As someone who has POURED over all available screenshots from the movies of those I am LIVING for new angles (even though I do NOT think bernelle would live that close to the Workshop, but it doesn't seem like Betty and Noel can POOF like Bman and Elle can (and do))
I don't know why there are TWO instances of a "misspoken turn of phrase" in this episode but neither were funny and TWO OF THEM was REALLY bad
Crossing guard callback? For what? (okay, shrug I GUESS dot meme)
Why does this specific franchise always have to make EB SO WEIRD. WHY. Nothing about this is funny it's just off-putting. Just like the previous EB flirting with Carol's MARRIED MOM in tsc3
This Carol and La Befana scene was actually very good. LOVE it when they actually just let the characters be HONEST with each other. Women supporting women core. Even if Carol's reason for being mad at her was really shallow and obviously stems form Carol's lack of identity as Mrs. Claus because they just cannot wrap that plot point from last season up.
THE LETTERS DEPARTMENT. It looks dope but HATE the explanation for it. Half assed as hell. WARNING! Rant incoming: like from what I know a LOT of postal services have little lore stories about how they get the letters to Santa. WHY COULDNT WE JUST SAY THERE ARE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA AND OTHER ADULT PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL? Why is this series so obsessed with making everything only powered by magic and never by others (yes, humans) who want to keep the spirit alive as well? It feels like magic is being used as an "explain it all away" crutch narratively. Even in season 1, the "solution" to mass consumerism wasn't for people to be kind to each other and do little things to keep the magical parts of Christmas alive, it was to show the world that magic was real. Season 2 so far, the answer to everything is also just magic. I'm hoping that maybe the B plot with Kris will touch on this. Because as it stands right now, it feels like the writers are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Commercial Christmas is bad, but Kris is a loser for having a Santa theme park. Like?? Homogenization of Christmas is the Big Bad at large, but also up at the Pole they are trying to find ways to do the same thing to be "current". CHRISTMAS IS MULTIFACTED. It is both secular and religious! That is OKAY, I don't even think "woke" people are arguing about that. Sheesh.
Can't believe I'm micro rambling IN my ramble post. New achievement unlocked omg
The way Magnus Antas picks up on modern slang so quickly practically puts Scott to shame. Good for him
AGAIN, the misturn of phrase jokes. DEAD. Not funny. STOP
If they are going to make Sandra so op that she can just Wanda Maximoff chaos magic "I just say something when I'm mad and it happens, anything I want with no negative impact on me" I will not find that swag. That is in fact Mary Sue territory, lads
Sandra's little outburst @ La Befana was giving magical nepo baby for a moment there. Oof. "Too bad I'm just naturally more skilled than you even though I'm new and you've been a witch forever" girl SHUT. UP. You are like a little baby. Also that is so mad disrespectful like no WONDER La Befana is wanting you to slow tf down. You fly off the handle WAY to easily and we ALL know you lose control when you do! Okay loose cannon! Werk!
Riley. Girl. "we never see each other" you were just up at the Pole?? Like. OFTEN?? This is so stupid of a breakup but they are teenagers so go off kids, be dysfunctional or what have you. Rah rah, as Jack would say
Episode four now, lord help us. God has cursed me for my (loving this one Christmas movie series) hubris and my work (watching it's hellish series spin off) is never finished
"Reversing a transformation is never a guarantee" what is this La Befana? the Sims? Sounds like transformation ray odds. Magic is not THAT unpredictable, even by in-universe logic
ARE YOU SO FUCKING FR RN. SO BERNARD IS MARRIED TO A SENIOR CITIZEN AND CURTIS. FUCKIN VAPORIZED?? FROM STRESS? WHAT'S NEXT? Lemme guess, Judy joined the circus. Quintin is a crypto investor or works for Tesla. WHAT ARE WE D O I N G
Not Scott moving the scissors like he's afraid Buddy will shank him or others?? SIR
So they just con him? As though that's a long term solutio-- OH MY GOD NOT SCOTT USING SANDMAN'S SAND ON SANDMAN HIMSELF?? that's ILLEGALE?? According to tsc3 lore: "We legendaries can't use magic on each other?" I am so bewildered by the level of retcon occurring before my very eyes at BREAKNECK speed
Sandra doesn't need magic she needs THERAPY for her ANGER ISSUES bruh. Damn. She doesn't need a rage room (in someone's house too I might add? okayyyy) she needs to learn to process like a normal human being wtf
Scott being able to look like his normal self whenever he wants and they just didn't tell him? For like. 25 years? Like its clear that by the series standards, the elves think he's a total moron. But it pendulums hard and fast between "haha funny joke" and "damn they really think he ain't shit, huh"
Edie being a fashion diva is such a serve she's grown on me this season ngl
"I had to teach him how to do all the Legendaries jobs" Scott I know you're waffling, absolutely FUMBLING but what the FUCKKKKK is that excuse??? What's Cal going to do? Be EVERY Legendary? TERRIBLE AWFUL HATE IT UNINSPIRED. Not to mention, SOME OF THE OTHER LEGENDARIES MIGHT NOT TAKE THAT NEWS WELL. Some might even feel THREATENED
"The man I die for in my sleep every night" UM? Noel? You okay there bud? Holy heck
Do you guys think according to this new lore Edie made Jack's suit? because me thinks PERHAPS
Magnus Antas is kind of popping off, damn. Like I think if the gnomes hadn’t given him MAJOR delusions of grandeur and an ego trip, he could have stayed totally a vibe. But stop giving the Santas snow powers and reconning Jack holy SHIT dude. First Scott now him? HATE IT
The way they made Scott and Cal look when "invisible" is Not a Good Look heck. Its like a bad picsart filter
These Scott visions. I get why, its through the Santa magic, right? But dang its corny
So Scott knows Magnus Antas is back now. Okay. They got away from him. Lost visual on Olga, have a bad feeling she somehow sneaked into the sleigh. Weird cliffhanger but EVERY episode has been like that so far
Final thoughts: I feel like they're definitely trying to make this season take itself less seriously, but I feel like the trade off is that the writers are taking too many liberties for diversions from source material and are therefore, losing the plot entirely and retconning movie lore at will and convenience. Tl;dr, it's messy. Concepts are fun until things just become so irreverent they fall apart or lean into entirely unfunny territory. Which is just a hallmark of T*m All*n brand humor, tee em, but you know.
It feels like this series is doing everything and nothing. It wants woke points, but immediately doubles back and makes fun of those same things. It wants us to feel empathy for these characters, and immediately makes them insufferable. I am so confused as to what the takeaway is supposed to be. It all feels so poorly executed--the series retcons itself constantly, not to mention the movies. I want it to be fun, and to take it at surface value, but if you know literally anything about the movies, that becomes a challenge to do. I'm just so confused dude.
I will be shocked if this gets a third season. Truly.
Also, I miss Betty too, Noel. Wish this whole season was about HER shenanigans, instead.
So. See you all next week then?
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Ok no fuck it I present to you
My rant about Avatar 2
I watched it last night with my parents (very late i know but this is my blog so LMAO)
First of all, James Cameron hated on Marvel movies and yes, he made some good fucking movies and yes, Marvel has mid movies and makes more and more bad decisions, his films aren't some goddsend top tier cinema and Avatar 2 shows it.
Let's start with the good: The movie is pretty. The shots underwater are beautiful and I believe that seeing it in a cinema must have been great. But that's also all I can say about it.
It's too fucking long. TOO FUCKING LONG.
Nearly every plot point is started with the fact the kids didn't listen to Jake. Okay, I get it, teens and kids suck and don't listen to their parents, womp womp what's new, but if this is the driving force in your movie plot more than once or twice? Jesus even my mom who doesn't give a damn about movies called this shit out.
The dialogues are just weird. When Jake and Neytiri deep moments were ok, but jesus fuck sometimes I just cringed.
Did I already mention it's too long? It's stuck in a cycle. Lo'ak does something, the other siblings get involved, Jake is mad and then again and again.
Humans are back on pandora AGAIN and in the end THEY'RE STILL THERE. Literally the big plot didn't move at all?
Spider is fucking annoying but I could move past that BUT his only purpose in the movie is to humanize Quaritch. Okay, I could live with that, if the movie showed Quaritch living in the nature, Spider teaching him shit and him having some internal struggle MAY I SAY a redemption. No. Instead Jake just kills him and that's okay- OH NO SURPRISE HE IS ALIVE. WHY IS HE ALIVE YOU ASK? SO HE COULD BE THE VILIAN IN THE THIRD FUCKING MOVIE. BECAUSE WE WILL MOST PROBABLY HAVE THE SAME BAD GUY FOR THREE FUCKING MOVIES STRAIGHT. LET THE MF DIE. Spider liking him also makes no sense in my opinion but that's just me.
Also Kiri's story is confusing. Ok she cares about Spider and she is connected with eywa. That's all cool and shit but we had so many scenes how important it is and yes she saved Neytiri and Tuk in the end but WHY WAS IT SET UP SO HEAVILY? We could have half of all that and it would be the same. Am I the only one who thought when one of the other researches told Jake that it is epilepsy it would play a role? Like it was a big moment of him telling Jake "You can't let her do that anymore." So you would think that would create tension between Jake believing his/human medicine and Kiri/Neytiri leaning towards their traditional medicine. THAT WOULD ACTUALLY PROBABLY BE INTERESTING IMO? But no instead Kiri has a manic pixie dream girl vibe mixed with a teenage girl that all she does is be mad an annoyed.
I think that's all for now. Will I hate watch Avatar 3 when it comes out? Maybe. Probably.
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cuephrase · 6 months
Thank you so much for the comic recs!! I'm just getting started on my Batfam reading journey so this is super helpful, and I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on your current reads once you're further along. On a related (but opposite) note, anything you'd say to steer well clear of, like run for the hills, hazard sign attached, avoid if at all possible? (for example, I know All-Star Batman & Robin is something I shouldn't read outside of morbid fascination)
yeah ofc! getting into comics, in my experience, was super fun and sort of overwhelming because there's so much content lol, so i hope you're enjoying it and i'm happy to help however i can :)
OMG all-star batman and robin, i still need to read that to satisfy my own curiosity, but perfect example.
so okay, i have three runs + one arcs, but i'm going to preface this by saying, read whatever you want. all three runs and one arc, i read going into it knowing they were absolute messes, but i wanted to experience it for myself. i would say to not read these first, if possible, if you choose to read them because they're just not great intros to the characters and they're not great stories, imo. lose-lose
Red Hood and the Outlaws 2011 (New 52). if you like kory and/or roy, this will be torture. if you don't know who they are, please god do not meet this iteration of them first. but if you're interested in jason, maybe you want to read it because he's there! i get that. but. there's very little, if anything, in rhato 2011 that you'll learn about jason that isn't reiterated in rhato 2016/doesn't get flat out retconned in rebirth. for example, in rhato 2011, his origin story is him stealing from leslie's clinic. that wasn't his preboot origin, and his origin gets retconned back to his preboot origin of stealing the tires off the batmobile. most of rhato 2011 just had me like ???? so bad. just so bad.
Teen Titans 2011 (New 52). full transparency- i did not even finish this run. at some point, i will probably drag myself back to it and force myself through it, but oh god. no one felt like themself. everything was wrong. i like tim's n52 red robin costume, and that's about it. i'm also not sure how much if any of this run is currently relevant in canon so like, even less reason to put yourself through it.
Tim Drake: Robin 2022. i have nothing nice to say. wait. no i do. it got some really cool variant covers. i don't want to bash the art, because i have enjoyed this artist's style in other comics, so i'm just going to be diplomatic and say it was a horrible match/fit. . as far as the writing...no, just no. this is one of 2 pieces of fitzmartin's writing that i've read and so i don't want to speak too harshly, but i really didn't like it. this whole run makes me so sad ngl. dc canonized tim's bisexuality and then supported it with this? bro. c'mon. there's already so many homophobic comic readers, they didn't need to give them "it's bad writing" ammo. genuinely would love to know the though process behind the production of this comic
the infamous Ric Grayson era, Nightwing 2016 #50-74. i just read this. i've legit been putting it off since august. it is so mind-numbingly boring for 85% of the run, first off. this is literally how most of the issues go: "i was shot in the head. i don't remember anything after the night my parents died. they told me i used to a hero. nightwing. i don't remember that. or them. they act like they love me, but it feels fake. i don't want to remember them. i'm happier this way." and then he starts running around, superheroing with a slash of black greasepaint across his face because that is just a+ identity protection and regular clothes because superhero costumes totally only serve visual purposes. and it does all get resolved in the STUPIDEST WAY, but not before the joker takes control of him and has him referring to/responding to “dickie-boy”- reading this i was either bored out of my mind or dying from the cringe. all that’s relevant is a) he lost his memories, b) he gets them back, and c) he had a girlfriend, bea. i knew all of this before i subjected myself to this run. but now i can say i’ve read every nightwing run woooooo. my LCS (local comic store) guy has been trying to get me to read it as a “rite of passage” and he was so entertained when i came in and was like “i read ric” 😐🧍suffice it to say, i do not envy the nightwing fans who had to go through that in real time. i love travis moore’s art but it was not enough to save this arc
as for my thoughts on my current readings, i post those under the tag #cue first read reactions! they’re usually not all that in-depth tbh, just me freaking out haha. if you’re comfortable, my dms are open!
tysm for your ask + i hope you have as much fun reading batfam comics as i do!!
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writer-loogi2 · 2 years
♡︎𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌 𝙷𝙲𝚜 ( 𝚙𝚝. 4 )♡︎
A/N: Hey- so uhh, remember when I said I probably wasn't going to write more Mic HCs? Well I was wrong, apparently I did more- somehow I thought of more and just wrote them!
So yeah- enjoy?
♡︎𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: Read part one [ here! ] Read part two [ here! ] Read part three [ here! ]
♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝: Random Present Mic headcanons ( part four!! )
♡︎𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!! None, just random stuff I thought of-
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( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
• He most likely had that one phase in his teen years where he thought that dubstep was like the coolest thing ever- ( he still thinks it's good music to this day, but kinda cringes at the thought of having that phase,, )
• I assume that Mic must be right handed, but I like to think that he isn't, maybe he's actually ambidextrous!
• He's an absolute sucker for New York style cheesecake, or any dessert that is strawberry or lemon flavored.
• Has a weird habit of cracking his knuckles at random times. Like it could be really quiet or something and you suddenly hear a loud 'crack!' in the background.
• Enjoys late night rides on his car ( or his motorcycle ). Especially those moments where the sun is setting and you're driving near a beach and it looks really pretty? Yeah, those are his fave. He also thinks driving through the city at night is neat too!
• Often wears a lot of gold or silver jewelry when he goes out in normal clothes. ( And by normal I mean not his hero outfit- for all I know his clothes aren't normal, they're just funky lmao,, )
• Okay so I know that canonically Mic is afraid of bugs, but like, I can imagine that he's able to tolerate certain bugs, like butterflies for instance. He still thinks bugs are creepy and gross but he isn't too bothered by butterflies.
• Random but, I dunno why but I can totally imagine Mic owning two houses. ( Which is funny because I've seen people say that Mic isn't rich but like, this man has 3 FUCKING JOBS, plus he's technically FAMOUS in a way, and yet people still have the nerve to say he has no cash?? Have you seen his wallet??? That shit stacked! ). Anyway, I feel like one of his houses is for him to relax and/or take a vacation ( y'know like an Airbnb or whatever ), and the other one is where he actually lives and stuff.
• Oh, he's definitely the type to take cold showers. ( I mean, it kinda makes sense since his hero outfit is mostly leather, so I do believe he often gets all hot and sweaty under it. So that's why he takes a cold shower, because it's very refreshing for him! )
• Here's a funny one, Mic treats his crappy blue race car like a person. As in like, if his car gets a scratch or a dent he goes ape shit sjsjjs- He also hates when people eat in his car, so just don't bother asking if you can eat there-,, ( I mean, I don't know how much his car costs, but I assume it's pretty expensive. But technically speaking all cars are expensive lmao so it's no surprise- )
• I dunno know why, but I just can't see Mic as a coffee person. Like sure, I do believe he drinks coffee occasionally but I don't think he actually drinks it because he likes it, but more because he needs it to stay awake ( maybe for his radio show ). I think he prefers to drink tea instead of coffee.
• ^He definitely drinks lemon tea or green tea.
• I'm sure you probably expected this headcanon, but yeah uhh Mic knows sign language! He knows both American and Japanese sigh language,,
• Has probably thought of changing his hair color maybe once or twice but he has never done it because people have told him his hair looks nice the way it is. So he sticks with using colored hairspray!
• ( Kinda throwing this out here, but there's this guy on insta that I've seen that makes videos where he kinda records something and then he randomly starts beatboxing, and it always makes me laugh- ) Anyway, do you guys think Mic starts randomly beatboxing out of pure boredom? 'Cause I sure believe that's something he would do-
• And for my final HC, Mic absolutely hates rainy days ( at least if he gets caught in the rain- ), mostly because he doesn't like getting his hero outfit and his hair wet. He also doesn't like rainstorms either, not because he's afraid of thunder or anything but he thinks the sound of thunder is annoying.
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A/N: Phew! I'm finished. Anyway I did get kinda lazy with the last few HCs ( it's almost like I'm repeating what I did with the last HC post- ) but I did try my best to write more content. Remember I'm doing this for you 🫵🏼
As for me not being as active? Well I'm really dealing with a lot of college stuff so I haven't had to time to write much. I'm so sorry :(
But I promise I'll do as much as I can! I won't let you down!
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jaywalkers · 11 months
twenty questions for fic authors
i was tagged by @decaflondonfog! thank you, i loved reading all of your thoughts on your own writing so i'm vv excited to do this.
How many works do you have on AO3? 21 revealed, and then my super secret fic for the @aftgthenandnow fest (which people should totally go and check out if they haven't already)
What's your total AO3 word count? 443,022 words, which is horrifying and likely to hit 500,000 by the end of this year. lord have mercy
What fandoms do you write for? i'm currently very happy in my tfc shaped hole and have been for the last while but i do have some wips floating around for the likes of teen wolf (long live cringe) and mdzs still!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? these bad boys! total pick'n'mix of fandoms here a made thing [10k, sangcheng, T] sunset, like survival [86k, kandreil, E] postcard mouth [7k, matchablossom, G] the post-impact stage [3k, andreil, G] work song, crawl home [3k, sangcheng, G]
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? in all honesty once i've written a fic it's out there in the world and i am absent from anything going forward of it. i dearly, dearly appreciate everyone who puts time into commenting because it truly is the thing i stick around fandom for, but i don't have the time or energy a lot of the time to reply effectively and to not just keep repeating thank you's!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? considering it uses the 'Bad Ending' tag, it'll have to be a room full of knives! it is canon-compliant though, so is the angst really my fault?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i feel like most of my fics have a somewhat happy ending, if not just a simple open-ended one, but i might say sunbreak for this because the ending of it is very joyful and there isn't much else left to say to hide the happiness.
Do you get hate on any fics? not really! i did get the worlds most insane comment on NOSTOS a couple years ago that was kind of horrible to read but it was anger at a character and not my fic lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i'd never written it until this year because it was on my writing goals list for the year! i can't really say what kind because i've only written a couple of scenes so i'm not sure where they sit in the grand scheme of things but i have written some!
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written? not really! i am a big AU fan — the kandreil teen wolf au i wrote this year with the beloved and highly esteemed @dayurno is probably the craziest, but i have a kandrew 'gideon the ninth' au planned too! if we're talking actual crossovers, there was a hilarious in-joke au partially written in a group chat a couple of years ago that was a WOH and MDZS law firm au. xue yang owned jby's soul. wei wuxian had bitcoin. i have a customised t-shirt for it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? yup! and it's the reason i put writing away for about four years when i was in high school because i was so demotivated to share my stuff.
Have you ever had a fic translated? i think there's two or three of my fics that i've given permission for russian translations! i don't think they've been finished though so it would be cool if that ever ends up happening!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? as stated earlier, i spent eight months in an echo-chamber with @dayurno in which we went into a mutual fugue state and came out with wet-eyed banshee kevin and his high school boyfriends. maybe one day we'll get to the twinyards sequel of it i do also have to shoutout @picturedframes who was half of the mastermind behind sunset, like survival, and has contributed an insane amount to other works like diachronic and all that looking down.
What's your all time favourite ship? don't ask me this,,,, it chops and changes from year to year! i think in favour of being nice to myself i'm going to just say percabeth — they're the OGs from day one and they still hold up in my heart
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? either my 'the old guard' wenzhou au, or the other installments of the nostos 'verse! i loved them dearly at the time and i do think they would be well worth writing still, but my interests have moved on fandom-wise slightly! maybe one day i'll revist them, but not any time soon i don't think.
What are your writing strengths? ohh. digging my teeth into a character, i think. i use fic as a way to kind of just write thesis' and loveletters and stories all at the same time, and i think i'm good at holding up a character and writing out what makes them tick! and maybe a weird one but fleshing out the wider world? i'm very proud of like, my background characters. describing people who take coffee orders and who are studying in the library too and who are one-line classmates.
What are your writing weaknesses? this time last year i would have said dialouge but i think i've gotten better at it this year! probably being too verbose. i think i have a tendency to get carried away with thoughts and descriptions and i think sometimes that means they lose their potency when i really need them! it's a goal for next year i think; learning how to pare back my writing and make it more effective.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? ahhhhhh aha ha ha aha . you're talking to the bitch who's current fic is all about kevin relearning gaeilge/irish so you bet there's a lot of dialogue in other languages in it! also diachronic and sunset, like survival both have a substantial amount of other languages: diachronic uses french, gaeilge, and japanese, while sls throws german into the mix!
First fandom you wrote for? the bible just kidding lmao though i did write stories when i was in catholic school with biblical characters. i think it was fairy tail!
Favourite fic you've written? noooooo don't make me answer this one. there's many different questions inside of that one question (what one i'm most proud of, what one i feel the most for, what one i had the most fun with), and i don't think there's one that works for them all. i think i'll say diachronic, maybe, for now. my first forway into the head of my beloved kevin day and certainly not the last.
i don't know who has/hasn't been tagged in this so it's an open invite, but i am going to tag @dayurno @sunriseinorbit @moondal514 @kamyska
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red-dye40 · 1 year
it’s my fic’s birthday n i just want to take a mome to reflect on this past year of writing my cringe jthm fic because no joke it has been one of the most therapeutic and rewarding things ive ever done for myself so im gonna spill my guts under the cut here in case ur into that sorta thing
no joke i started writing ancillary auxiliary (obvs under a different much dumber name) when i was THIRTEEN. i was perpetually very very scared of and confused by my psychosis—i saw and heard things constantly that no one else did, and no one could explain that to me, which was obviously very isolating and frustrating. jthm made me feel rly normal (like not alone??) and this fic was a way for me to explore and dissect all these things i was processing and experiencing and repressing. i abandoned it like right away because i was a young teen with undiagnosed adhd but im sure it’s still kickin around on deviantart somewhere.
i have struggled w a lot through my years—addiction n subsequent withdrawal, hallucinating nonstop, uhhhh Being Trans In Society, willingly choosing to be an actor bc i am literally insane—and i felt like my brain was only getting sicker, because i never prioritized my health! none of it! but especially not my mental health!
in the isolation of quarantine a couple years ago i had like sooooooo many psychotic episodes, and eventually i admitted myself to a psych ward bc i was so scared and i just wanted to get better finally!
and i did get better! eventually!
it took a lot of hard work, and i was in outpatient for what felt like forever, and i was going to therapy twice a week and trying a bunch of meds and also just experimenting w hormones bc why not. i stopped making art (which truly truly was sometimes the only thing in my life that brought me joy) because the shit i was making was so scary, i just didn’t want to subject myself to that.
eventually i got myself a really amazing job, literally a dream job of mine, and things fell into place, and my job was my whole personality for a while. idk when it happened but sometime last summer i suddenly felt myself really wanting to read jthm again ?? i guess as i was reflecting on all my trauma, and how i used to cope w it as a kid?? but i reread director’s cut and it truly felt like someone unclogged a drain in my head and all this new inspiration and like LOVE for my past self and xir interests just rushed in and it was so exciting!!!!
and i remembered this fic i had started so long ago, and how proud i was of the concept, and i started writing it in my notes app and it got bigger and bigger and i found a little corner on instagram of ppl who liked it (thank u to those of u who are still here rn!!!!! if ur reading this ilysm) and now it’s this! and i love it!
it might just be super self indulgent at the end of the day idk but! i love everything that has come from this fic (and Other Fics i have written 👁️) and i am so grateful to all of u who have read ancaux and enjoyed it and reblogged and left comments like :) thank u so much
there are three (maybe four?) chapters left i literally didn’t anticipate this to go on for so long and i have no idea when it will end but im excited :) and i hope you’ll stick around :) the ending is rly good i think
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