#I was SO pleasantly surprised when I saw this
lovebug-apple · 1 day
Yandere!Neglectful Batfam x Batmom!Reader PART 3
With the Batfamily
Everyone had gathered in the Bat cave, surrounding Tim as he looked over the divorce papers. He was struggling. Tim didn’t believe this was real. In fact he thought Y/n was full of shit, and just pulled this little stunt for attention, but he just wanted to be sure. Because if she left the media would get suspicious, and she would disrupt the natural order of the family. 
He didn’t believe it was real…….but it was very very convincing. Almost as if it was real. But it couldn’t be real…right?
Bruce was angry, and worried. He was so enraged that his wife would ever do this to his children-to him. Putting all this unnecessary stress on them, just because she wanted attention. And he didn’t even know how long she’d been gone…..come to think about it, he didn’t know the last time he even spoke to her. That’s what he needed to do!
How could he be so stupid? He just needed to call her phone, and that would be that. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he scrolled through looking for her contact, only to see the last time it was dialed was 3 years ago. That was a little after Jason came back. How has it been that long? Brushing this aside, he called her, expecting it to be answered immediately, but was surprised when the caller ID said disconnected. This was getting worrisome. The others looked toward him with furrowed eyebrows. When had she disconnected her phone? And what was her new number? Why hadn’t she told him?
As he mulled over these questions, an unknown number called him. Thinking it was his wife, he answered it right away, with his hopes of finding out what was going on skyrocketing. What he didn’t expect was to hear a deep, familiar chuckle. The Joker. It was at this moment that Bruce’s world came crashing down.
With Y/n and the Joker
Y/n woke up with a grunt, the cold steel room being an anchor, bringing her back to reality. She didn't know where she was, and she hoped and prayed that what she did remember was a very unsettling nightmare. She knew, however, that this was false hope as she looked around the room, and saw the Joker leaning against the wall, his goons straying not too far from him. 
“I didn’t think it’d take ya that long to wake up. Although I should expect the Bat never trained ya, huh?” he chuckled darkly, his wide grin sending shivers down y/n’s spine. She knew she was in danger, but she couldn’t help herself from trying to save her case. 
“He won’t come!” she blurted out in desperation. He perked up at that. Seeing that she piqued his interest, she continued. “He doesn’t care about me. He hates me even, they all did, that’s why I was in Jump City……” she hesitated before continuing, “I needed to get away, and I doubt they even knew I was gone. Even if you do tell him you have me, he probably won’t come.”
The Joker was pleasantly surprised. He had already told Bruce, and he seemed to care about Y/n more than anything. He reacted even worse than he did with Jason. So either she was lying, which he doubted she was based on the look in her eyes, or, Bruce realized his mistakes, and was going to stop at nothing to correct it. 
The Joker knew Bruce, better than the back of his hand even, and how Bruce reacted under stressful situations. This however was not just a stressful situation, this was the “love of his life”, and this worried him. Batman had never sounded so angry. While he was lost in thought, Y/n spoke again, voice filled with sadness.
“You already told him, didn’t you?” all she felt was sorrow. She had been kidnapped, and even then, that wasn’t enough to garner attention from her family. She had already lost her parents not too long after she married Bruce, and now she was sure she had no one. “He’s not coming. You might as well just kill me, and get it over with…..” Tears leaked down her face as her voice trailed off.
“I don’t think I will. He seemed to care a lot when I told him I had ya. He was angry.” His smile had widened a significant amount, thinking of all the possibilities to beat Batman. This was going to be fun.
Hope you all enjoy! 😁 😁
@redkarmakai @moonieper @thatpersonnamedrook @madine11-blog @bat1212 @feral-childs-word @resident-cryptid @ch1cky-093 @sweetconnoiseurgardener @sillysealsies @dhanyasri @bloodyboi
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rosyhoneydew · 2 days
Against his better judgment, Tommy had actually been excited for the visit.
It had been over a year since he last saw Ron, longer since he'd seen his nieces and sister-in-law. They got along fine and all, they just got older and busier and life gets in the way, doesn't it? So when his big brother floated the idea of a stopover in LA on his way back from a business trip overseas, Tommy had looked forward to it.
Two full days to take him around, show him his city, let him see a little bit of what his life looked like these days. He'd definitely gotten overeager. He'd packed their weekend with stops in Hollywood, a proper tour of the city from the bird, and a few drinks with their friends, and Evan, of course. It'd been a while since anybody came to visit, in his defense.
They're at one of Evan's favorite breakfast spots when he starts to pick up on it.
Ron knows he's gay, Tommy had come out to his whole family a few years back, not really expecting much. A cursory this is who I am, take it or leave it was all that really needed to be said. He had been pleasantly surprised when his brother didn't so much as bat an eye. Sure, they didn't talk about it, but they never really talked about anything in his family. Par for the course on that one.
So it twisted in his gut when he noticed.
Tommy and I actually thought about taking a trip to Yosemite this fall. Maybe make a vacation out of our anniversary, Evan said. Ron had just grunted.
You should see Evan's place, Tommy had rolled his eyes, not without affection, I swear I should just move in there. Ron had cleared his throat and asked 'where the hell a guy could take a leak in this place.'
It's not a big deal, but Tommy feels his face growing hot. He feels stupid. Evan rests a hand on his back while Ron's away, but Tommy can't tamp down the impulse to shake him off when his brother makes his way back to the table.
The ride home is quiet, each of them unsure of what to say. Tommy invites Ron inside for a last coffee before his flight, but he declines. Gotta see what that LA traffic is about, don't I? Tommy nods, claps a hand on his brother's shoulder. See ya later, man. Ron's mouth tightens into something like a smile, nods once at Evan, and drives off.
He's quiet when they enter the kitchen, hands resting on the cool countertop. He feels Evan come up behind him, rest his forehead on Tommy's shoulder, wrap his arms tight around Tommy's chest.
I'm sorry.
Tommy sighs and fits his hand over Evan's. He lets himself wallow, just for a little while in his partner's arms. He's not okay today, but tomorrow he'll wake up in those same arms, he'll tell his friends at work about the docuseries Evan's been loving lately, he'll spend guy's night at Eddie's with his partner like they do every other week now. And he'll be okay.
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honestlynervousnut · 13 hours
✍️ tattoo for salbucktommy please :D
• Ficlet Friday Saturday•
Buck was lying in bed taking a nap. After days of intensive work under Gerrard's command, he was exhausted and taking the nap of his life, or at least he was until he felt something small and pointed being slowly dragged over his left shoulder.
As he slowly woke up he began to hear whispers, it was Sal and Tommy.
''Seriously?'' Asked Sal ''Out of all the stuff you could be doing you're doing that?''
''Shut the fuck up Salvatore and don't distract me'' Whispered Tommy back ''You can do whatever you want with him when it's your turn.''
''Yeah....sure...'' Said Sal with sarcasm.
''What the-?'' When he fully woke up he saw Tommy with what it looked like a pen and Sal holding his arm on place, once everything set in he jumped like a gazelle making both Sal and Tommy fall on the bed.
''What are you doing?!'' He asked acusatory.
''N-nothiiiing....'' Said Sal and Tommy at unison with the most nervous smile they ever made.
''Wha...?'' Buck tried to see what he had on the shoulder but he couldn't see it clearly so he got up and went to the bathroom to look at himself on the mirror.
''Ev-Evan Evan Evan nonononono!'' Tommy called him as he got up from the bed ''Evan no I-Im not- its not finished!'' He chuckled and both him and Sal followed Buck to the bathroom.
Buck walked into the bathroom thinking those two little shits had drawn a dick or something rude on him, but he was But he was pleasantly surprised when he saw a rather detailed flower on his left shoulder.
As he looked at the drawing, Sal and Tommy emerged from behind him like ''🥺'' and Buck looked at them.
''Wh....whyy?'' He asked slightly sleepy and confused
''We were bored....'' Said Tommy with a hint of smile on his face.
''And your arm looked rather empty'' Said Sal holding back a chuckle and playing with the pen on his hands.
''Do you like it?'' Asked Tommy with puppy eyes.
''God how I love this two'' That's all Buck could think. He looked at the reflection of the tattoo and then at Tommy.
''I-I-I....its...its not bad'' Muttered Buck as he got out of the bathroom trying to hide his pink-ish cheeks.
|Two days later|
Sal and Tommy were on the couch watching TV when Buck walked in and stood in front of them.
''Hi honey!'' Greeted Tommy with a smile ''Hey Beautiful'' Greeted Sal with a smile as well.
''Hey guys'' Said Buck ''Is everything okay?'' Asked Tommy
''Yeah....yeah um....I have a surprise...'' He said smiling. Sal turned off the TV and both man looked at him with interest.
Buck took off his jacket showing them a tattoo version of the flower that Tommy drew.
Both men looked at him in awe.
''Oh hell yeah!'' Said Sal surprised. ''No way!'' Said Tommy with a big smile.
Buck just laughed. ''Y' like it? I thought that you guys were right, my arm did look empty...''
''Oh absolutly'' Nodded Sal ''It looks way better now...'' Tommy said.
Buck smiled and got closer to the couch, then he grabbed both Sal's and Tommy's chin and looked at them with fondness.
''Y'know, maybe I should let both of you draw more of my tattoes''
Sal and Tommy looked at each other and then smirk.
''Can we?'' Tommy asked with a small smile ''Yeah good question, can we?'' Sal asked with a big grin.
Buck chuckled.
''Of course....but no dicks Sal...''
Tommy chuckled as Sal rolled his eyes.
''Fair enough....'' Sal smiled.
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tokutaiseichan · 3 months
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jawz · 1 day
can't stop thinking about shannon hanchett's death. i feel sick. i don't even know if something like justice exists for what was done to her.
#like if they call you crazy they will just put you wherever. they will neglect you or torture you or kill you. they dont fucking care.#nobody does#temporarily losing my legal autonomy as an adult via being in the psych ward is one of the scariest things ive ever experienced#and i didnt go thru a fraction of what shannon hanchett went thru. i mean the difference of psych ward and jail too#i was in 4 times inpatient and 1 outpatient as a teenager and it sucked sure. but it was like a playground compared to the adult ward.#but after my overdose age 20 one of the cops got in the ambulance with the EMTs as i was losing consciousness#and the cop rode with us literally pounding on my chest to try and keep me awake and like asking 'who is the president' etc. but#he was hitting me with his knuckles. my breastbone fucking bruised black and blue. it took weeks to fade away#(mastectomy is relevant here bc i have less tissue in my chest than most ppl do. the bones feel closer to the surface)#so yeah that hurt like a mf but i didnt feel it fully in the moment cause i lost consciousness during the 7-10 min ride to the ER.#and then after being in the ER on an IV for ? hours and being moved to the psych ward... they just fucking left me for 2-3 days. i dont eve#KNOW because i dont REMEMBER because i was fucking zonked from all the pills i overdosed on. i had no sense of time at all.#and it turns out one of my best friends was showing up every day & begging/demanding the nurses to put me on an iv bc i was dehydrated#since i was out of it obv not able to eat or drink. and they wouldnt. and she was begging them to check on me or attend to me because they#simply left me in my room for days. no clue if a doctor saw me after i left the ER. my blood pressure was literally 60/30 though.#which was extremely painful thats all i remember of those days. it still hurt so fuckin much the day i finally got up and was semi consciou#like my muscles were being squeezed yet exploding. walking was so difficult. it was some of the worst pain of my entire life#besides some sense memories of incredible pain and discomfort it's like blank from when i passed out in the ambulance until that 3rd day#my friend told me later she didnt even know if i was in a coma or something. they wouldnt tell anyone anything#so then i saw the psych team and i remember seeing the room as if thru a 10 meter tunnel. and the doctor started telling me#how lucid and aware i was. repeatedly. he was like. pleasantly surprised. meanwhile i actually felt like my entire body was about to ruptur#and i KNEW that doctor was implying 'you're so aware and insightful - unlike all those Real schizo freaks here!!!!'#ha ha doc! i'm crazy enough that i could easily tell passive lies & come across as fairly well adjusted (when i wasnt activly spiraling.) s#fucking despised him for that. well i would fight & die for the people who were there w/ me. but i would NEVER fucking save a psychiatrist.#police/psych industry overlap is hell for me to hear about. it makes me so fucking angry i want to scream and just rip all my hair out#the helplessness drives me fucking insane i will never ever trust authority because i know they dont care if i die.#i was the fucking. hysterical womanman with a death wish. of course they didnt fucking care if i died.#i was not fucking tortured like she was tho. what i experienced just pales in comparison to this news story. im not trying to#make it about me it just brings everything back. it reminds me how fucking lucky i am. HOW FUCKING LUCKY I AM TO BE ALIVE AND HAVE AUTONOMY#we're all fucking BLESSED to not be institutionalized rn
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 10 months
almost just a month until study abroad augghhh ouhhh im so nervous
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dutybcrne · 9 days
You've heard of the hc I brought up of Khaenri'ahn eyes glowing in the dark. Alternatively get ready for:
Khaenri'ahns eyes glowing by they are happy/excited
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
why are you here
im not keeping you here. block button is right there. blacklist works beautifully on this site
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A 3-ish year difference-
“Let’s go on a date babe. It’ll just be me, you, the eldritch horror eyeballs that float around me as a constant reminder that I’m no longer quite human… oh and of course the apocalypse.”
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courtesanofdeath · 1 year
you guys are not gonna believe who i saw today
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poebrey · 10 months
glad I saw tweets about monarch because I would not have guessed I would find it interesting based off the father son duo taking up half the promo posters. also would’ve been tempted to quit after the end of the first episode had the vibes in the replies not given me the impression the show was good on rep. now I have to find time to watch the rest of the legendary monsterverse films since I’ve only seen (most) of one
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44hive · 2 years
woke up to my entire tl cooking the grizzlies. merry christmas to me <3
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alackofghosts · 1 year
oh when i was drawing that last thing one of the audiobooks i listened to turned out - by complete coincidence - to have a thing about the protag being kinda horny for a ghost and i was so lost in the wol/ardbert sauce it was a genuine surprise that the ghost turned out to be evil
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planet4546b · 2 years
starting to think some of you guys have been straight up lying about certain destiny characters 🤔
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pinkprimrose05 · 2 years
So, you guys ever heard of those bootleg YGO Decks, with the fake cards and all?
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Yeah, well apparently a bookstore near my place sells them now. Fun stuff. Perhaps I should take a pic or two of the cards themselves; some of them are actually hilarious.
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i Know that the haunting of bly manor is becoming one of my special interests but im not letting myself consume any content for it yet because I don’t want to spoil myself like I did with stranger things and good omens
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