#I want to take nice pictures of him for his website photo and for us to remember how much we loved him
foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Today we are devastated. Both my betrothed and I are just having too much of an allergic reaction to Wyvern to keep him. Neither of us have been allergic to dogs before and we thought his kennel miasma was the problem. Even after a bath and hardcore cleaning bouts our throats are both swelling up around him several days later. Even if we get allergy shots it could be months to see relief and we can’t go on like this.
We both just wanted a buddy, and he’s gonna be such a good dog, but he can’t be our dog. My betrothed is gonna call out tomorrow so we have a full day together with him before we have to surrender him on Tuesday. We wanted to look for his new home ourselves but the shelter wanted him back. I know he’ll probably be there like a day before he gets snapped up, he’s so precious.
We had a week with him and there was ups and downs but god we fell in love. We left him with better manners than we found him. He gave me such a gift in recognizing that I can do a lot more than I thought I was capable of. I know he’ll find a good home but god I wish it were ours.
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koisuko · 3 months
Hear me out…
Mk1 boys reacting to reader with an OF? 👀
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Tw: mdni, mentions of lewd stuff, OF and what not, gn reader, OF means Only Fans for those who are confused
Ft: Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Raiden, Kung Lao, Tomas Vrbada, Bi-han, Kuai Liang
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Johnny Cage…
Is joining, 100%. He is an actor after all, and loves to be the star of the show.
He most likely has one of his own. I mean, this man loves the attention of his fans, so why wouldn’t he love the lust of them too.
He’s more than confident in his looks, so he’d love to show them off. Your appearance rivals a god to him, so showing that off to however many subs you have? They all get to watch you look pretty under his naked body, and pay for it.
When you first tell him, he is quick to ask for the link. He’s supporting you, and subscribing quicker than he ever has to anything else. He calls it your “sugar money”. He’s most definitely leaving tip, in more ways than one.
Kenshi Takahashi…
Is a little iffy about it. I mean, he’s a really reserved man, and somewhat traditional, so the idea of showing off your beauty for money is..strange to him.
He will support you, whatever makes you happy. He won’t be there for any of the shoots though. But, maybe he will join in one, if you beg him enough.
It’s not that he is insecure and is worried about others seeing you. It’s more so he is torn between modesty and giving you support for something you enjoy.
When you first tell him, he’s a bit surprised. He isn’t angry, or anything but nonchalant, he just wishes you told him sooner.
Has no clue what that even is. You had to explain it to him, and describe the entire concept of the website. All the while the beet red hue on his cheeks grew brighter.
He, surprisingly, doesn’t mind it. He neither approves, nor disapproves. He just wants you to be happy, no matter the career choice. Secretly though, he prefers if you didn’t, but avoids outright telling you this fact.
When you first tell him, he’s confused. At first, he correlated it to Johnny and his career. Perhaps it was the use of the word “fans” that had him think so. Once you explain it further, he’s a bit flustered at the idea.
Kung Lao…
Is all for it. He’s confident, a little too confident, so any chance to stroke his ego is approved. Showing off his s/o to others who can’t have them, how they pay to see what he can see everyday for free, it gets him excited at just the idea.
Honestly, he’s probably the camera man. He will film or take pictures of the best angles of you, and maybe have a bit of fun while doing so. If you ask him nice enough, he may even join you.
I can see him holding the camera close to your face, recording your fucked out expression and choked whimpers barely escaping your parted lips. He’ll ask, “who do you belong to?” And make you repeat his name over and over.
When you first tell him, he has that stupid smirk on his face. He just imagines you, dressed in sexy lingerie and posing for the camera. Your confidence peaked and skin exposed. He feels the blood rush to his groin at just the thought of your perked nipples peaking from the lacy fabric.
Tomas Vrbada…
Has a similar reaction as Raiden. He’s much more flustered though, a stuttering mess while he asks you more about it. He wants details, mostly for his own pleasure. It sort of gets him excited, call him a voyeur, he likes the idea of others seeing the beauty that he sees in you.
Perhaps he wouldn’t use the word “share”, but he definitely doesn’t mind the pleasures of you being spread to others. If it’s something you enjoy, he’s all for supporting you. He will avoid telling others about it though, and prefers you keep it to yourselves. He won’t join, he takes much more pleasure in watching your photo shoots from the sidelines. He’s most definitely whimpering in the corner, his hand clasped tightly around his tip at the sight of you posed for the camera. Your eyes half lidded while you side eye him and smirk, “like this?” You’d hum.
When you first tell him about it, he’s just like Raiden, confused. Considering his background, something tells me he never really had much exposure to these types of things. So, an explanation is due. You’ll sit him down, explain the whole concept and the payout from the whole thing. He’s sort of dumbfounded, at how people can want to spend money on seeing the naked body of a stranger. Either way, he’s happy for you.
Hates it, absolutely not. He is highly against it, his traditions and tight hold on modesty have you in a choke hold. Matter of fact, he’s demanding you delete the entire app, or delete your account from the sight. You may be disappointed, but the comfort of your partner matters more than your OF.
He’s punishing you, for sure, and there’s no way to escape it. He’s rough and demanding, fucking you for hours on end. “Mine,” he’d growl, the sounds of skin slapping echoing off the walls of his quarters. Lots of spanking and overstimulation. He’d have you a panting mess, on the verge of passing out, tears staining your cheeks. This is what you deserve for disobeying your grandmaster.
When you first tell him, he’s angry. I mean, he tries to understand why you’d choose this career path. Listening to your explanation is short lived, his temper takes a hold and is swift to the point. Let’s just say, you wont be able to walk for a week.
Kuai Liang…
Is much more chill about it than Bi-han. He’s more understanding, and is willing to listen to your reasoning. You two would sit down, you’d explain the concept and he would give you his undivided attention. He’d ask questions here and there, but more so he’d be concerned for your comfort. As long as you are happy, he’s for it.
He wouldn’t join, mostly. The most you’ll get of him in the camera is what’s left of his shaft peaking from the depths of your heat. He’d be the camera man, of course, to control what parts of him show. He’ll film his hands around your chest, your hips, your thighs, or the pillowy flesh of your ass.
When you first tell him, he lifts a brow. Much like his brothers, I don’t think he was exposed to much of this. Beyond the confusion, he’s happy for you, as long as he gets some extra photos for himself.
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ljubitelj-sonca · 21 days
How to find your way around Joblr!
Hello! This is your first time on Joblr and you're wondering how this works? So relatable, been there, this website can be confusing!
But do not fret. We're happy to have you here and want you to have a good time.
So here's a guide on how to exist on Tumblr dot com and how to have a good time being a fan of Joker Out on this website.
Collectively written by the Joblr Discord Server.
Here you'll find:
what you are getting yourself into
a step by step guide on how this website works
spoken and unspoken rules of RPF on tumblr
First of all, what are you getting yourself into?
So many talented artists, writers, editors, gif makers, meme makers, it's actually wild! And they all do this for free!!
Long rant posts with detailed analyses on whatever new photos Damon has taken of the guys
Pics, Gifs, vids and clips of gigs, interviews and their social media, also often throwbacks (with sources/credits if the original posters didn't take them themselves)
So many lovely and unhinged thoughts people leave in the tags when reblogging your posts (more on how that works later) so you see direct reactions to what you've made
A very chill environment with virtually no drama or arguments (and we really mean that <3), the only thing we're feral about are the guys
Cons (or something):
The "what is Kris's hair colour?" discourse pops up every couple months
So many polls (but are we really complaining about that?)
You're intrigued! Nice! How does all this work then?
Step 1 - your blog:
Create your blog and customize it.
Unfortunately Tumblr is dealing with a lot of bots that look exactly like new blogs. So if you keep your profile picture and header as the default one, blogs you follow might think you're a bot and block you. TO PREVENT THAT: change your profile pic and header to something you like and maybe add something in your description, even if it's just "Hi, I'm just here to lurk, do not perceive me".
That shows other blogs that you're a real person and they'll enjoy having you as a follower.
Step 2 - general tags:
Take a look at some tags you enjoy.
Tumblr is all about tagging, which is essentially nothing other than a hashtag, but they're only at the very bottom of a post, in a separate little section. (Writing "#joker out" in the middle of your post does absolutely nothing, but if you use the tag "joker out" in the tags section, your post will appear in the "#joker out" tag on tumblr)
For example, we have tags for each of the boys, as well as a general "joker out" of course. But there are also tags for ships (more on ships later!). Find some you're interested in and take a peep inside.
(You can also follow tags to find them easier again later.)
Step 3 - reblogging (and more tags):
See a post you like? Reblog it!
Reblogging is just about the best thing about tumblr, it's truly the easiest and quickest way to connect with other blogs.
A reblog is a little bit like a retweet on Twitter, it is not a repost! You are taking a copy of the post and slapping it onto your blog, kinda like a scrap book. But the fun thing: you can leave your thoughts!
Here's where tags come back into play: they're not only to file your posts and to have them appear in tags, they're the place to leave any little comments you might have.
For example: you see a post with a gif of Kris at a gig, he's wearing an outfit you like and fun sunglasses. So you click on the little reblog button. At the very bottom of the post, you have the gray bubble with the tag "#add tags to help people find your post" (or whatever it corresponds to in your language) (or just "add tags" on mobile). Click it, and write what you think.
#Kris i missed you!! #he looks so good in that jacket #and also thank you to whoever gave him those sunglasses #<3333 #Kris Guštin #joker out
Then when you reblog the post, it will appear on your blog with those tags at the bottom. The tags you leave on a post will only be on your blog. Someone in turn can reblog the post from your blog and leave their own tags.
The original poster (short: op) will see all the tags people leave on their post in their activity and other people can see them when they click on "notes". It's so much fun to click through what people leave in the tags, be it your own post or someone else's.
Of course you don't have to reblog posts, the like button is there too. But reblogs are the only way posts are spread throughout the fandom, as there is no proper algorithm (which we're all very glad about!!!), and they're the way for you to personalise your blog. So reblog liberally! It's how this website thrives!
Step 4 - following blogs:
Follow blogs you enjoy!
In order for posts to appear on your feed (your timeline), you have to follow blogs, that makes sense. So when you find a blog whose posts (or art or writing or whatever they blog about) you like, give them a follow.
Now, on other websites it might be seen as creepy to spamlike someone's account. Here it's like the biggest compliment ever to go through someone's blog and like and reblog a lot of their posts (especially if you leave your thoughts in the tags). It is absolutely flattering!
Step 5 - making posts:
Make posts if you want.
It's totally fine to just exist on this website and to like and reblog stuff, there is absolutely no pressure. But posting is fun!
You made some art? You took a photo or video at a concert? You have a question about something or just a cursed thought? We'd love to see it! Slap it into a post and share it with the Joker Out world.
Add tags about the people involved so others can find it, a little "#my art/video/pic" so we know you made/took it yourself, and even share some behind the scenes thoughts in the tags if you want.
Tags for a drawing can look like this for example:
#this took me so long #but I'm really proud of how it turned out!! #the shading was a struggle but oh welk #*well #tried a new brush #jure maček #my art #joker out
And then others can like and reblog your post with their own thoughts.
Keep in mind: do not (re)post someone else's art/Gifs/writing without their explicit consent! If you do (with their consent), credit them (you can add links to text by highlighting the text and clicking on the little link symbol, then copying the link into the bar. It looks like this.) (Here is a handy guide on how to repost Gifs on Tumblr while giving proper credit at the same time.) Same goes for sharing photos the band, their photographers or their friends have posted on social media: give credit when needed. 
There has been a serious issue with people stealing Gifs off of Tumblr and posting them on Twitter without consent or credit. That is not okay! People spend a lot of time and effort making them, having them get stolen like that is incredibly frustrating!
Step 6 - making friends:
Interact with other people.
Now, we totally get that this is scary. But think about this: everyone else on this website, in this fandom, is just some guy (gender neutral). We're all wimps giggling, kicking our feet at five slovenian men and their music. Honestly, there's nothing scary about us, even if it might feel like it.
But we love making friends! And that doesn't necessarily entail sliding into some DMs to talk to people (but you can do that, most blogs are super okay with that), there are many ways to interact with others on this website.
The tags are one way of course, for your own thoughts or to respond to something OP has mentioned in their post. Making posts and polls and asking people to interact with you is another way, then you can see their thoughts in the tags, how fun is that!
Another way is asks, which is a special bonus feature on Tumblr. When you're on someone's blog, some have a little bubble below their description with "ask me anything" or something along that inside (unless they have turned off the feature). Click that, and you can ask them a question which they can then respond to publicly (or privately) in a post.
People use this feature for writing or art prompts, ask games, birthday wishes, or just to ask random questions or share thoughts. You can even send anonymous asks if you're too shy (some people take advantage of that to send anonymous hate. Do not be one of those people!). But it's always nice to have a face behind the ask.
Keep in mind, not all artists/writers are open for prompts or requests. Some state it somewhere on their blog if they are or aren't, some reblog lists with prompts and explicitly ask for them. If you're unsure, send them an ask or a DM and ask about it.
Then there are also Discord servers of course. There are a couple different ones floating around. If you're interested in the Joblr one for example, feel free to send me a DM! :D
Step 7 - ignoring and blocking:
Saw something you don't like? No stress, just ignore it.
It's as easy as that. The best way to have a good time in fandom, is to focus on what you enjoy. So when someone makes a post you don't like or has a take you disagree with, just scroll past it.
If you feel like the blog and its posts you don't like keep appearing, block them. For real, the block button is your friend. And no one is going to be mad at you, promise.
Arguing on the internet is not fun for anyone involved (you, the person who made the post, everyone who sees your argument), especially when it's about personal opinions (that includes interpretations, ships, even kinks). So it's best to just. not.
There’s also the option to blacklist/filter tags, if you don’t like a specific ship for example, but it’s also really helpful for triggers you’d rather not see! On desktop, you do so by clicking “Settings” and then scrolling down until you see “Content you see”. There under “Filtered Tags” you can add tags you’d rather avoid, and under “Filtered Post Content” you can do the same with, well, post content. On mobile, you go to your blog and click the settings icon, then “Account Settings”, then “Content You See”. There you’ll find “Filtered Tags” and “Filtered Post Content”.
This way, posts that are tagged with the filtered tag or include the filtered word will be blocked with the message “This post contains filtered tags/content”. There’s also a button to view the post anyways, but you do so at your own risk of course! There’s content you’d rather not see behind it!
(Of course, if you see someone being bigoted, being particularly hateful or spreading misinformation, that's a different thing! It's totally fine to defend or correct someone. In most cases, the comment section or even DMs is the best place for that, to keep it about the people involved. Making posts about it, will let it get out of hand and is rarely necessary, unless it's really important.)
Spoken and unspoken rules of RPF (real people fiction) on Tumblr (and by extension: AO3)
(In no particular order)
1. They're real people.
Joker Out's members (and their friends) are real people we know virtually nothing about. We know that we know virtually nothing about them. And we are totally okay with this.
The people we post about, write fics about, draw are fictionalised versions of the real people (maybe with the exception of when we post pics/vids we've taken or share what they've shared on social media). Most of it is made up, because again, we don't know them. And in no way shape or form is anything we write/post/draw speculation about what they might be like in real life. We know this and are okay with this and that's exactly what makes RPF fun.
This way we can just make shit up! Wanna draw them in skirts? Give them random jobs? Trans their genders? Think about different dynamics? All of that is fair game, because it's all made up.
So when we call Kris a princess and Jan a babygirl, we are not reducing them to that or think that they're only like this in real life. In the next sentence, we might call Jan a hunky dude, and both are correct.
Same goes for ships. Ships like Jan x Nace, or Kris x Damon stem from the interactions the real people share with us, but in the end, anything we make of it is entirely made up and doesn't represent the real people at all. Be it an AU or something that could've happened during an event that really happened.
You'll often find disclamers like this (much shorter versions tho) in the beginning notes of fics.
2. Keep fandom in fandom spaces.
Fandom is not a secret, the guys are probably well aware of what's happening on social media in their fandom spaces (though probably no specifics). So far they have not expressed any discomfort with any of it, even encouraged it in some way or another.
If that ever changes, if they ever do say that they are uncomfortable with what is written about them, we will respect that and refrain from doing so. Their comfort comes first.
Still, we don't want them to accidentally stumble across something they haven't been actively searching for, so we keep it on Tumblr and AO3, where it's unlikely they'll just randomly find it.
So please refrain from sharing art/fics on sites like Twitter or Instagram, which we know they frequent, if the artists don't post them there themselves. 
3. Don’t like? Don’t read.
This rule goes for basically everything on the internet and corresponds with Step 7 - Ignoring and blocking, but it’s helpful to repeat it here again.
You might enjoy being in a real people fandom differently than others. Maybe you don’t like reading fics about the people involved, or don’t like some interpretations others have of them. That is totally okay! Everyone enjoys different things.
But if you don’t like something, simply don’t read it - or scroll past it, or block the blog, or filter the tag, you get the gist. Receiving comments like, “this is so weird, why does this exist? Why are people like this?” is incredibly hurtful and will gain the commenter absolutely nothing (apart from others thinking they’re a super shitty person), so don’t leave them. Just go on with your day.
Tldr: Be respectful, be mindful, be creative, be open, and if need be, take a step back. That’s really all it takes.
Alrighty! Now you know a whole lot more about how Tumblr works and how we're existing in the fandom here.
We hope you're staying for longer than just to lurk about what it's like here, and that you're having a good time. We’re looking forward to going feral about Joker Out with you!
If you have any questions, the comment section is a good place to leave them, there others can find them and the answers as well. Or feel free to try out the ask button on my blog <3
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smokingtiger · 1 year
We Need To Talk About Shipping
I just want to put this out there since this website seems to be full of delusional shippers who are pushing fictional narratives or chains of events that literally never happened irl. Now personally, I don't mind casual shipping (big gasp, I know). Like if you think two people are cute together or have great chemistry, that's fine; ppl tend to reflect their own desires onto other people/things, whether they be fictional or real ... create your stories, write your fics, draw some nice pictures ...  the problem lies when you can no longer decipher your own fictional stories of your favorite ship from reality. If you have gotten to the point where you feel the need to argue over what ship is REAL in a space where these types of relationships haven't even been confirmed or acknowledged ... kindly exit the fandom and only come back after taking classes in human decency. If BTS hasn't confirmed a relationship, then we as fans must accept that as our reality. Of course, many of us have our speculations, but we should never overstep and promote those realms of possibility as true. You are allowed to think something might be real, but don't turn that idea of realness into false delusions about fabricated events. If you are in the ask box of a stranger accusing a BTS member of cheating on another BTS member with another BTS member... please take the time to reevaluate your life choices. I've seen jkkrs and tkkrs argue for hours over things that literally never happened. How can you guys accuse BTS members of purposely sabotaging another member in the name of a ship? I saw a jikook post that said JM was purposely trying to tick TH off by being 'intimate' with JK. Are you sure you're talking about Jimin? Like, Park Jimin? Kim Taehyung's best friend? That Jimin? One of the best examples that I can think of (right now) is JK's 25th birthday live when he told Jin that none of the members came to visit him for his birthday except for JM and HS. He confirmed TWICE that TH did not come to see him. Now normal people would look at this and just move on, bc we can understand that the other members probably sent happy birthday texts or even gave him a phone call. Just bc something is not done publicly does not mean it didn't happen. But anyways, tkkrs had the AUDACITY of accusing JK of lying, running with a fictitious lie that he had only said he didn't come to 'protect' TH. So are HS and JM not relevant in this equation at all? Did JK purposely mention JM and HS to put them in danger? You DO NOT get to accuse people that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW of these types of things. Who the hell do you think you are? (also, I'm not targeting tkkrs, I understand that not every single one of you is a bad egg, but this is just the first example I could think of) Y'all need to throw blogs and youtube channels (*cough* taekook-lives *cough*) that have fake stories and leaked photos as evidence away. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, DO NOT SUPPORT SASAENG/STALKER PHOTOS, EVEN IF IT'S OF YOUR SHIP. Some shippers are far too comfortable using photos that were taken of BTS without their consent as ammo. You are gross. BigHit has protections! Half of these delulu shippers can't even interpret Kor words/sentences correctly and spew false garbage that is both utterly offensive toward BTS and the Kor lang. If you can't even take the time to properly consume the nuances of what is being said, what makes you think that you're such a good detective and can sniff out a relationship? Hell, they can't even tell when honorifics are being used or if they're speaking satoori! Is it so hard to consult actual Koreans and Kor speakers to see if what you're consuming is actually correct? The Korean culture and language are not yours to maliciously weaponize when you're trying to prove a 'point'. But like I said, I feel like this community needs a lot of cleaning up. I want you to enjoy your time in the fandom, but don't attack other people on false evidence or speculations. Take care of yourself and others. Don't let your ships make you into a monster.
And as always, LOVE all seven. SUPPORT all seven. Understand that BTS' bond is so pure and lovely and there's nothing that delusional stans and shippers can say/do to ruin that.
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changingplumbob · 11 days
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 7
What to do after brunch?
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For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Caro (Italian) Dear Grazie (Italian) Thank you Piccolo (Italian) Little one Schnucki (German) Sweetie but doesn’t have an exact translation
With brunch winding up Rilian has had enough pretending to eat and leaves his plate on the table.
Calista: What’s wrong caro?
Rilian: I not want pancake
Devin: I thought you liked pancakes
Rilian: *tearfully* Yuck
Alfred: I like?
Rilian: Mama I sad
Devin: Well we can’t have that, come hug it out piccolo
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Rilian: Mama snuggle?
Devin: Just try and stop me
Luna: Thanks for coming everyone, we’ll see you all next Sunday
The guests say goodbye and stream out while Devin hugs Rilian tight. He doesn’t like to be held but it seems that when he’s sad he finds hugs comforting. Devin puts him back down and they both say goodbye to her parents.
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Rilian: Mama?
Devin: Yes caro
Rilian: Can I has snack please
Devin: *sighs* Since you didn’t finish breakfast I’d say you need it. Lu, I’ll do the dishes once he’s sorted
Luna: Thanks, I’ve got to do the vacuuming and Joey’s disappeared
Devin: Probably working on his game. Rilian what snack would you like
Rilian: Crackers please
Devin: *already picturing the sugar rage* Are you sure
Rilian: Yes thanks Mama
Devin: Okay, but you’ll have to run off the energy afterwards
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Devin: *loudly* I think I’ll invite my co-stars over
Luna: *finishes vacuuming* Sounds good! I have some work to do before classes tomorrow, and I haven’t finished the garden yet
Devin: You going to try follow up with the genealogy site
Luna: Best do it while I have time. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on the twins
Rilian: Mama I done! Can I go play please
Devin turns and lets Rilian out. He races outside to where Alfred is already playing.
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Alfred: *grunts* Bounce, bounce, up…
He shoots for the toddler basketball hoop but the ball bounces off the rim, bouncing into his stomach and knocking him over.
Alfred: OWWW
Luna: Alfred? Schnucki? What happened
Alfred: Mummy ball hit me
Luna: Oh dear
Alfred: It put me on grass
Luna: Can you stand up all right?
Alfred: I try mummy, I try
Luna: Slow and steady
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Alfred: I want hoop Mummy
Luna: Well have you tried putting it into the hoop without throwing it
Alfred: I can?
Luna: You’re practicing schnucki, you can play how you want
Alfred: *smiling* Look Mummy I get hoop
Luna: Good job!
Alfred: *giggling* I star like Mama
After a few more throws and placing through the net Alfred toddles over near Rilian and the twins play together while Luna finishes in the garden.
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Meanwhile inside Devin is busy chatting with her co-stars.
Natalia: I was admiring your accolade
Devin: Yeah, it’s nice but my wedding photos are my favourite thing in this hall
Natalia: Oh you are a gem. Let’s go and find the others
In the kitchen Connor and Tadelech have been relaxing but with the arrival of the other women work can begin. They pair up and Devin and Tadelech go over some scenes to practice their accents for tomorrow’s shoot.
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When the crew are prepared Devin sees them off and goes outside to find Luna.
Devin: Did you have time to check the website
Luna: They don’t have Max’s sample yet
Devin: Post can be slow, they’ll get it
Luna: They already have mine and Hugo but no matches, not now and probably not ever
Devin: Lu… people are joining those sites all the time
Luna: I’m glad you can be cheerful schatz but you might have to hold on to the hope for both of us for a while
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Joey feels like he might he coming down with something, or at least a wicked headache. He does his best to ignore it and successfully finishes his first videogame entitled, Memorandum. To reward himself he downs some orange juice and takes a power nap. In the office Luna is writing her latest scholarly paper while the twins play with blocks and Devin gets her jog in.
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Rilian: I make… queer (square)
Alfred: I make queer to!
Luna: Square darlings. Final reference and… done! We should get to the dining room, Mama should be back soon
Indeed Devin arrives home just in time to help move the twins.
Alfred: Mama I make… sca- square
Devin: That’s wonderful
Rilian: I did to!
Devin: You both are learning so much
Rilian: Mummy helped
Alfred: Mummy said square
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When the family get to the kitchen Rilian is hit with a wave of sadness.
Rilian: I not like blocks
Devin: Piccolo we’re not paying with them anymore
Rilian: *sniffles* They make me sad
Luna: Hold on Rilian, do you want to see something…. STRANGE
Luna pulls the silliest face she can and waves her hands about madly causing Rilian to burst into laughter.
Devin: Watch out, Mummy is possessed
Alfred: *laughs* You funny Mummy
Rilian: Again! Again!
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Luna: Food first
Alfred: Sandwich!
The family are eating away when Joey wakes up and drags himself to the kitchen. Not feeling like a proper meal he grabs a leftover bagel and sits down.
Joey: I need to sleep for like a week but it’s out!
Rilian: What out?
Joey: My video game
Devin: Congratulations! Oh you have to tell ma and pa, they’ll be over the moon
Joey: I’m pretty happy about it to
Rilian: Mama I not happy, food ick *pulls face*
Devin: *sighs* Well grazie for finishing even though you didn’t like it
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Devin scoops Rilian up and cuddles him close while Luna takes Alfred to bed. Despite Rilian’s protests Devin carries him to the nursery to.
Luna: The land was dangerous
Rilian: *sadly* Mummy read without me?
Alfred: No Ri, Mummy read old bit
Luna: We’re rereading so you don’t miss anything. Once you’re in bed we’ll read some new story
Rilian happily changes into his night clothes and clambers into bed while Luna and Devin take turns reading pages until the boys fall asleep. When they are snoring soundly Devin tucks them both in and Luna kisses them goodnight.
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Collars Dot Com Ch1: Fuck You, Drunk Brian
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In my defense: I was drunk.
It was Friday night, and I'd just turned in a big project and was celebrating by drinking alone, which I told myself was comfortable but felt pathetic.
I'd been half-watching something on HBO-- something with tits-- and scrolling through Instagram, and come across yet another one of Steve's daily Insta stories full of nothing but Bitte posing in different outfits, ass-up, pouting, hands bound behind his back in complex and intricate knots.
And I thought: don't I deserve nice things? I definitely deserve nice things.
Most of what I knew about Pets I'd learned from internet pop-ups and rumors I'd heard as a teenager that'd fueled my under-the-blanket jerk sessions for a long time.They were expensive. You fucked them (and bought them little outfits and made them pose for Instagram photos). What more was there to know?
I could have just swiped through Steve's Insta story and saved a couple of pics for use during me-time, like I usually did. I could have looked at the 'Pets' category on Pornhub. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I deserve nice things.
Instagram's algorithm had helpfully provided a banner ad for Collars.com, which I vaguely knew as one of the biggest online sellers of Pets, or at least the one with the biggest advertising budget. I'd expected to be immediately confronted by someone's asshole, but clicking on the link brought me to a very businesslike website, pretty much like any other sales portal I'd ever ordered socks off of, though in this case all of the product thumbnails were photos of attractive young men. I clicked one at random.
His name was Poppy, and his photo showed him crouched on a studio floor, looking up at the camera with a heavy-lidded, mischievous expression. Olive-toned, brown-eyed, an absolute fuckton of thick black hair. The site listed him as ‘live-trained.’ Video thumbnails beneath his profile picture were labeled 'throat demo,' 'fours demo,' 'back demo,' and 'stim demo.'
The fact that I didn't know what the fuck any of that meant did not deter me, because it was 11:58 pm, I'd had most of a bottle of tequila, and I deserved nice things, dammit. So it might take a minute to find something I liked, I didn't care. I pulled down a menu at the top of the page and clicked 'browse by category.'
Live-trained. Toy-trained. Zero-touch. Raw. I was pretty sure I knew what 'raw' meant, though not why 'zero-touch' and 'raw' weren't the same thing. I didn't want that anyway. I chose 'toy-trained' and was brought to another page of thumbnails.
A boy looked out at me, tousled blond curls and long lashes, honey-colored eyes and freckles on his cheeks and shoulders. His photo had him with his back to the camera, looking over his shoulder like the girl in the Vermeer painting. His expression was the same as the painting, too: wide-eyed, inquisitive.
But his mouth... It was the mouth that I liked.
I clicked 'purchase' and didn't let myself look at the price. I clicked 'yes' on a number of different things that popped up without bothering to read them, hurrying to get to the final page, which said 'confirm payment.'
I fucking deserve nice things.
Dear Brian,
This message is to confirm your purchase on Collars.com of the following items:
Spoiled Kitten Accessory Package (pink) Spoiled Kitten Toy Bundle (pink) Spoiled Kitten Play Basket Luxury Pet Lover Package, Rose Gold Edition Pet Adoption Starter Pack Pet Adoption Pro Kit 5-Year Pet Protection Program Empire-Class Escort and Shipping (Rush Overnight) New Pet Purchase (Toy-Trained, Premium Quality Young Adult Male)
Thanks for your purchase!
-- Collars.com Staff
Please see our website for information on our no-touch return policy.
What did I do?
What did I do?
God fucking dammit Drunk Brian you horny asshole I can't believe you bought a fucking Pet off the internet you live in a one-room apartment you're not a porn addict or a fucking Instagram influencer what are you even going to fucking do with it--
I rolled out of bed, put my bare feet on the floor, then groaned as the headache hit. I needed coffee, or water, or carbs or something, but the kitchen was a hundred thousand miles away and I didn't think I had the strength to crawl there.
I staggered to the bathroom instead, flipped on the lights, yelled, flipped them off, and turned on the faucet to slurp water from it. I groped a hand across the counter, trying to figure out which random shape was Tylenol. I heard the maraca sound of a pill bottle as it tipped over, grabbed it, and spent so long struggling with the child-proof cap that I was nearly sobbing by the time I got it open. I poured five tablets into my hand, threw them into my mouth, sucked them down with more water from the sink.
I hate you Drunk Brian I hate you why do you keep doing this
I made it to the kitchen, shielding my eyes from the nuclear flash of the living room window with one hand. I was going to have to make coffee by feel. As I loaded a pod into the one-cup maker I realized I was still holding the bottle of pills and squinted down at it to discover I had just taken five ibuprofen on an empty stomach.
I needed to eat something before-- don't think about it, don't think about it, turn on the coffee maker and there's probably something in the fridge you can reheat I hate you Drunk Brian I fucking hate you.
I was pouring milk into my coffee mug, hunched over and mumbling like a troll, when my phone lit up at the other end of the counter. I didn't really want to look at it, for fear of finding out that I had also texted three of my exes and brought an elephant, but I reached for it anyway.
Hi, Brian!
Your order has been shipped and will arrive between 4pm and 6pm today. Please be sure to have someone present to provide a signature.
-- Collars.com.
I looked at the clock on my microwave. It was 2pm. ko-fi - donate - AO3
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elsanna-shenanigans · 5 months
December 2023/January 2024 Contest Submission #3: NightLink
Words: ca. 2,900 Setting: modern AU Lemon: lime CW: none
Elsa’s delicate fingernails danced without pressing down along her backlit Macbook keyboard—tikitikitik—one of countless nervous habits she channeled through her restless hands on a daily, weekly, lifetime basis. She sat hunched over her kitchen counter in the dark, blinking into the cool glow of the laptop screen like a neurotic mushroom.
“You need to let loose,”Kristoff had said to her two weeks ago, during a lull while they polished up pint glasses behind the bar. “Spice up your life a little.”
“I don’t take romantic advice from guys who quote Spice Girls,” Elsa retorted.
“Yeah, well, you could use it. I see you vibrating with pent-up frustration whenever a female with a pulse comes up to order a drink. So, what’s the issue?”
What could she say? It’s not like she could tell him why no one was good enough, why no one could even come close to—god, it was shameful just thinking about it. So she just whapped his arm with a dish towel and said, “I’m not trying your stupid hookup site.”
But she was lonely. And yes, vibrating with pent-up frustration.
She tried the stupid hookup site.
Now, weeks later, she sat at her laptop and questioned the life choices that had brought her to this corner of the internet on her night off. NIGHTLINK proclaimed the banner in lurid scarlet script. Below that, in joyless contrast, was the Terms and Conditions page. Elsa had set that part of the website as her bookmark because the homepage’s bouncing, jiggling DickTok ads and lecherous mosaic of g-string thirst traps scared her.
But what scared her even more: a tiny red inbox notification blinking in the lower corner of the screen. The little speech bubble icon had been pinging patiently at her for the last ten minutes while she stared, stewed, screwed up the courage to open the new message.
What if it was from her?
“They’re just internet randoms,” Elsa chastised herself, rubbing her elbow. “Who the hell cares? Just read it.”
So she sucked in a deep breath and opened her messages.
[NEW] Subject: u want sum?
She let out a sigh. False alarm.
Her eyes drifted to the message thread second from the top:
[1:18 P.M.] Subject: still awake?
Elsa’s nails skittered across the keys in another fitful burst of phantom typing: tikitikitik. No new messages from the one person whose notifications made her heart skip a beat. It had taken her entire lunch break to craft and commit to a reply, so why crickets ten whole hours later?
Whatever. Just internet randoms. She opened the new message at the top of her inbox.
The sender, EforEveryone, hadn’t even bothered typing a body to the message. All he’d sent was a photo attachment; a tiny thumbnail beneath the subject linepreviewed the nice surprise he had sent over for her viewing pleasure.
Elsa grimaced. Why did so many of them turn the camera flash on for dick pics? Did they want their junk to look like a naked mole rat?
As for the rest of him: EforEveryone’s profile picture showed a shirtless, sunburned bro flipping the bird at—Elsa surmised—all the haters. She could just imagine his sleazy voice:
u want sum?
“No thank you,” Elsa grunted, then hit BLOCK. She’d set her preferences to women only, but like clockwork, a steady influx of thirsty internet dudes came sniffing around with zero sense of boundaries. Actually… zero sense. Full stop.
Navigating back to her inbox, she skimmed over more than a dozen subject lines proposing threesomes and/or drooling over the girl-girl preference listed on her profile.
Nearly all of them, except…
[1:18 P.M.] Subject: still awake?
Elsa clicked on the second message in her inbox. She couldn’t help it.
Her fingernails tapped a frenetic rhythm on the granite countertop while she gazed at the profile picture that appeared on her screen. ginger4u13 lay on her back, molten red hair fanned out on a pillow, while a lacy maroon bra pushed up generous cleavage. The picture cropped just below a tantalizing slice of the girl’s taut white stomach. A flaming heart emoji pasted on the picture obscured her face.
God, this girl was so… she was just so…
Elsa hated to admit that she might have a type.
And it wasn’t just the picture that excited Elsa. Just rereading that morning’s messages with ginger4u13 made Elsa’s cheeks burn.
i want to say something really forward, but i’m worried i’ll scare you off
it’s about your picture
Try me.
Elsa’s reply had read like a deadpan delivery, but her heart had been pounding in her throat when the girl diverted from light flirting into this territory. Elsa’s own picture—a vacation snapshot from her January solo trip to Iceland’s Blue Lagoon hot springs—showed her half-submerged in a sweeping expanse of milky blue water, tendrils of steam rising up around her, with snow-capped black cliffs jutting out in the breathtaking backdrop. She’d censored her face with a black rectangle, of course, but the string bikini left little to the imagination. She marveled at her own daring in uploading the picture—at asking a Korean tourist to snap the full-body photograph in the first place—but it was a big hit with the horny straight guys and unicorn hunters flooding her inbox. As for the women…
looking at you in the hot springs, i can’t help thinking
that blush on your chest is so sexy
my mind goes to one of my favorite things about being with a woman
hmmm, i should stop
You can go on.
I’m curious.
i love the way a woman’s body flushes with color when you heat her up with your hands
so when i see you like that in your picture, i just think…
sorry, was that too much?
It’s not.
I like it.
Your words are triggering my imagination.
That was an understatement. Elsa had spent the entire morning pacing her apartment like a tiger in a cage. Elsa had never thought to appreciate this physical detail, but now that it was in her head, it was so incredibly suggestive. She imagined ginger4u13’s photo come to life, flushing pink just above her breasts the way the girl had described. She also imagined the girl’s chest heaving off-rhythm with quickening breaths, sweat gleaming at the hollow of her throat, a bloom of color heating up behind scattered freckles.
Elsa couldn’t know that ginger4u13 had freckles behind the emoji that obscured her face. Why would she imagine that? Her thoughts were wandering to such dangerous places.
“I’m going to hell,” Elsa rasped, mouth dry. She hopped off the stool and padded to the fridge for a bottle of water. Standing in the stark light pouring out from inside the fridge, she started in on what had become—in the last three days she’d been chatting with ginger4u13—her constant spiral of self-reassurance. Surely she wasn’t a complete degenerate for gravitating towards a girl who so, so closely resembled her literal sister?
Florence Pugh married a dude who’s nearly identical to her dad, Elsa thought as she sipped, and she keeps scoring roles in blockbusters, so it’s not some unforgivable offense that will get a girl canceled. This is just a subconscious affinity our monkey brains make when we select our partners.
She carried the water back to her laptop and hopped back up on the stool. On the tail end of that afternoon’s exchange, she had composed a proposition that took all of her courage to type. Only to be ghosted. Elsa groaned and dropped her head into her hands.
This is what I get for following Kristoff’s advice. I’m so bad at this, it’s pathetic.
To torture herself, Elsa scrolled down to reread her rejected proposition. Then her cheeks tingled as the blood drained from her face.
She’d typed the message, but hadn’t hit send. The sentence waited in the limbo of the chat composition bar:
Do you want to trade more pictures?
Elsa stifled a strangled cry of dismay in her fist. ginger4u13 must think she’s the ghost. Before she could second-guess herself, Elsa hit send on the message draft.
Do you want to trade more pictures?
Elsa chugged down the rest of her water. When she looked back to the screen, she spotted a green dot indicating ginger4u13 had logged online. Barely thirty seconds had elapsed. Then, a typing bubble appeared.
i want to see more of you
do you want more of me?
Elsa chewed her lip. Once again, her mind wandered.
More than you know.
give me 5 minutes :)
i want to snap something🌶️just for you
Elsa sat frozen on the stool for a minute. She hadn’t thought this far ahead. She didn’t think she would get this far, especially not with an internet random who was so absolutely gorgeous and easy to talk to.
something 🌶️ just for you
That very minute, ginger4u13 was taking a photo exclusively for Elsa. Not a selection pulled from the selfie bank—a real-time glimpse. The thought electrified Elsa with excitement. She closed her laptop, hopped off the stool, and weaved her way through the dark kitchen into her bedroom. When she switched on the lamp next to the bed, she took a minute to appreciate how well her floor-to-ceiling mirror would suit full-body thirst traps.
She’d never used it for that purpose before.
But for this girl, who was so… who was just so…
Elsa pulled down her sweats and stripped off her T-shirt.
Five minutes later, she sat in her lingerie on the edge of the bed and swiped through her camera roll. The photos were… fine. Elsa had no idea how to pose herself seductively, and had settled for toying with her bra strap. At the very least, she could work a nervous tic into a suggestive pose, sliding the strap partway down her shoulder. She selected the photo where the light and shadow play best captured the subtle parentheses of her obliques—a feature she actually liked about herself. After hastily scribbling over her face in the photo markup editor, Elsa lay back on the bed and opened the NightLink app on her phone.
Nothing from ginger4u13 yet. It had been seven minutes; had she changed her mind? But Elsa had already committed to the photo shoot. She uploaded the thirst trap… and hit send. Then, after a minute, she figured the picture looked weird without any accompanying text, so she typed out:
Just for you.
A typing bubble appeared. Then disappeared. Then appeared again, and once more disappeared. Elsa’s heart rate spiked—insecurity, suspense, and arousal clashed within her. A moment later:
you are so fucking
The wet emoji—Elsa blinked. What was the girl implying? That she was… that Elsa had made her…?
you’ve got me sweating now
Elsa cleared her throat. Right. She began typing an automatic “Thank you,” then thought better of it. Too sterile.
Like I said, just for you.
If I’m being honest… talking to you has already had me sweating.
Elsa hesitated. Then:
Your words, your picture
I think you might be just my type.
i’d love to be your type
Before Elsa could reply, a photo attachment filled her phone screen.
All the blood rushed to one pulsing point below her stomach.
ginger4u13 lay on her back, this time pulling the camera back far enough to show more of her body. She stretched out in dark lingerie, spine arched just so, showing off the smooth expanse of her bare stomach, her thighs tightly squeezed together. One hand squeezed her left breast, the thumb sliding her bra a few inches aside to reveal a taut, pink nipple. The photo cut off just above her lips—a tantalizing hint at an identity just out of reach.
Elsa drank in the photo for a full minute, skin tingling all over.
Just for you.
She fumbled and backspaced through typos. Then:
Is it wrong that I want to touch you?
i’d want it
The typing bubble appeared, then disappeared. Thirty seconds later, another photo dropped in. Embers erupted low in Elsa’s stomach. ginger4u13 lay in the same pose, only this time, her left hand had snaked all the way down past the waistband of her underwear and disappeared inside. The thumb hovered over the patch of skin between her navel and her waistband. Elsa imagined the tiny hairs there, imagined grazing them with her lips. She was throbbing, now.
right here
Elsa typed and scrapped one reply after another:
What would you do if
I would
I wish I could
You’re making me so
you’re making me nervous with all the typing
I’m trying to find the words for what
Sorry, accidentally hit send.
For what you’re doing to me.
try harder
It was also hard for Elsa to type with just one thumb. Her left hand kept drifting, as if with a mind of its own, to roam across her fevered skin, trailing along her bra cups, lightly scratching her inner thighs—
Kristoff was right. She did need to let loose some of her pent-up frustration, even if on some twisted level, she knew she was engaging in a fucked-up fantasy that played into her “subconscious affinity.”
if you can’t find the words, you can show me instead
yes, i’m greedy
after that fucking picture you sent, how could i not be?
Elsa stared into the whirring blades of the ceiling fan overhead, trying to think of a reasonable argument to slow down, too hazy in the heady mist of arousal to form anything more coherent than More, now, go, go, more.
ginger4u13 hadn’t asked for a video, but whenever Elsa managed to break her chains of insecurity, she was surprisingly prone to escalating one-upmanship. While she waited for the ten-second video to upload, she grabbed her discarded bra from the duvet and tossed it in the direction of her laundry pile chair. She obsessively scanned ginger4u13’s previous messages, breath coming in hot jets from her nostrils, while she waited for a reply.
i’d want it
yes, i’m greedy
oh my fucking god
jesus christ
you have no idea how this makes me so… 💦
who are you?
Elsa froze. Frown lines appeared between her brows as she tried to wrap her head around the question.
easy on the typing bubbles, it’s a joke ;)
i’m just saying, though
if you turn me on so badly over the phone, of course i’m dying to find out what you’d feel like in person
your body, your hands…unless you just want to text…
Elsa hesitated. Her rational thoughts said, Don’t be an impulsive idiot. Her thrumming body said, Don’t fucking stop now. After a minute, she bit her lip and typed a reply:
I wouldn’t rule it out.
i’m glad
you know, i’m forming this fantasy about you
about your body, and the way you’re touching yourself
should i stop?
Tell me.
it’s hard to type though
my hand is occupied ;)
can i tell you over the phone?
Elsa sucked in a deep breath, anticipation racing like wildfire along every inch of skin that she’d exposed for her video.
here’s my number
call me
Elsa closed out of the NightLink app and readjusted herself, crooking her legs wider and easing herself fully flat on her back as she began tapping ginger4u13’s number into the keypad.
555 013—
What appeared on the screen gripped Elsa’s chest with an icy fist.
Contact: Anna 🍫 (555) 013-1127
Elsa scrambled to punch backspace. She tried typing ginger4u13’s number again. The same contact suggestion appeared. She opened Anna’s contact card and compared it with the number ginger4u13 had sent. Identical.
A full ten minutes of immobilized panic followed. With her head swimming in a thick gauze of dread, Elsa didn’t hear the ping of “ginger4u13”’s incoming messages. She saw them pop up on her lock screen, though.
where did you go?
Elsa imagined Anna lying on her bed across town, frowning into her phone—her phone with the spidery cracks from dropping it two stories off a hotel balcony on their sisters’ trip to Oslo last summer.
Emphasis on sisters’ trip. Jesus fucking Christ. Elsa had taken her top off for her own baby sister, sent her a video of full-on—of literally touching her own—
A sudden thought lunged, unbidden, to the forefront of Elsa’s sickened internal spiral:
What was her fantasy about me?
Elsa wanted to die. She’d gotten aroused—so painfully aroused—from looking at her own sister.
Another warped thought shot like a lance past all the others:
That wasn’t the first time, though, was it?
Elsa snatched up her phone, opened her thread with “ginger4u13,” and jabbed BLOCK.
That was enough spice for twenty lifetimes. Fucking Kristoff. Fucking Spice Girls.
A drop from a two-story balcony wasn’t sounding so bad right now.
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coralinehecc · 2 years
Corals Monthly Update #1
Well due to Tumblrs lack of a word limit, this idea has been on my mind ever since I started using this website properly. Basically, I wanna do these somewhat frequently and basically talk about what I got up to over the past month and possibly spill into the last month if need be. Starting from today imma try do these every day on the 20th or 21st because why not! So lets start off with this month, November! This month started off pretty nicely, as I had Halloween break spill over into November because mid term exams were early this year apparently. I however had plans! Instead of sitting around myself, Sully, had arranged to meet up with Wolf and spend a few days at his house in the back ass of nowhere. Despite Wolfs internet being almost as bad as his siblings tempers, it was super fun! He has a lot of stray cats that come around and hang about the farm which they look after and they’re so adorable!! My favourite was Oreo since she was so goofy >:] 
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(Wolf also had 2 dogs, one tiny one and a MASSIVE fluffy guy who was super excited to see us! Sometimes a bit too excited lmao) However, because of that I actually didn’t get much pictures while I was up there because cats distract me. Poor Sully was slightly allergic to cats sadly and was taking no chances so we couldn’t let them in for long and if we did it had to be far away from him. Cats aside, we also visited a small town near where Wolf lives and it was like an expanded version of where I grew up. Even had a huge ass forest which made me super jealous cuz I would’ve KILLED to grow up with smth like that!! We met up with Wolfs super chill friend Pierce (hope i spelt that right) and had a good time walking around and seeing what this little place had to offer. I also tried something called Vodka black which is like mostly blackcurrant mi waddi mixed with vodka and I loved it lol. Eventually we went back to Wolfs house and relaxed for the rest of the evening. OH ALSO! While at his house, Wolf let me borrow his 3DS so I could finally play Tomodatchi Life again, though I quickly reset the island as it had so many islanders that were either out of date, unfunny memes or people I REALLLY do not like anymore. So I started a new island! Here’s mostly everyone on it as of right now! >:]
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(Wolf, Sully and Saul Goodman are also here but I didn’t snap any photos lol) I hope to get a New 3DS soon because my first one died and the 2DS Sully let me have has a broken cart reader :[ Anyhow! On the last day we went into a bigger town that was an hour drive away. There was also a CeX there which had fucking SA2 stocked and nearly made me jump with the shock lmfao. I of course instantly bought that but also picked up Splatoon 2 since I wanted to give it a try (and i still need to play it oops.) There was also a discount store we passed that Wolf commented on, apparently saying it was shit. However after going inside it literally had everything I needed for a Red Guy cosplay I want to work on at some point! After our quick and simple trip around the town, we piled back into the car and were driven back to Dublin to catch the train home. Despite us only being there for a few days it was great fun! I always have a blast meeting up with Wolf and this time was no exception :D Other than that extravaganza, I haven’t actually been up to much IRL stuff. School is just school so nothing ever interesting happens, and I don’t do much at home either. Only thing I can say is that Carey in the House: Take 2 is almost done! I wanna say it’s currently 60 or maybe 75% done? I’ve been trying to push out the last chunk of animation but due to winter making silly caveman brain think it hibernation time, my productivity has slammed through the floor. My plan is to get it out before Christmas however! This is so I can spend all my time on hanging out with family and friends, since both Vi and Softy are coming over for New Years!! My current weakness though is backgrounds, rendering the base in blender saves a LOT of work but I’ll need to look into shaders to speed things like colour and line art up because it takes FOREVER. Here’s a comparison between backgrounds for example! Left is base render, right is the finished piece done in Clip Studio.
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(the bottom one is a better example as it has a lot more smaller details)  If need be I’ll probably ask a few friends to help out with smaller things but until then I’m (mostly) working solo. So WISH ME LUCK!! EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET!! I ALSO DYED MY HAIR PURPLE!! However before that I had to bleach it and due to missing a certain product that was vital and SOLD SEPERATELY I had to go into school on Monday looking like I just stole all 7 chaos emeralds. 
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Thankfully I got it all sorted and now I look AWESOME!! (sorry for bad camera quality! New phone has a shit camera)
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For now however, that’s basically all I got up to this month. There’s probably something I forgot or didn’t mention because it was short (like twf reddit stuff) but that’s basically everything for the most part! I’m going to be doing a trivia stream with Waltenews on the 26th tho so I’ll talk about it more next time! Go check it out at “twitch.tv/Waltenews” or I will find you!! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope to do more of these :D
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sistersatan · 1 year
Strange Day, 01/27/2023
I woke up around 8AM. I ate macaroni and 🧀 cheese for breakfast. Then I was watching this 📺YouTube video titled “[Introducing AI Photo Editing: ChatGPT but for Images! Free & Open Source!]” By MattVidPro AI.
AI Image Manipulation
I went to the AI [website] his video was about. I uploaded a picture of my cat, Flower.🐈‍⬛
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On this AI website, you upload a photo that you want the AI to change and modify. You can scroll down to read the instructions on how you can use the parameters to manipulate the AI process. Then you input some instructions.
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After uploading the photo of my cat, I decided that I wanted to turn my cat into a Pokémon because why not!? I put in the instruction, “turn my cat into a Pokemon” with the default parameter adjustments. The photo of my Pokécat above was the final result.
I had trouble after that tinkering around with this AI. It was not easy. I would have otherwise made more variations.
AI Image Generation
After that I remembered that I was a part of the ⛵️ MidJourney Discord. When I got in the right channel I told it to imagine a 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 “Gay Lovers Tarot Card”. The AI gives you four samples in which you pick the best of the four to upscale.
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This is the output or result from the prompt I put in. I am pretty happy with the way it looks. [MidJourney] is pretty useful for image generation when you are able to creatively prompt a nice image.
Later on I logged into VRChat🖥️. I was hanging around these people who I don’t know very well. They had some sort of weird argument where they were 🤬 threatening law suits. I know that it was all for some 🤪 silly show they were putting on, otherwise, why would they do this strange and uncomfortable 🥴 encounter in front of everyone.
I was 😒 slightly amused for a little minute. I sat there eating my proverbial popcorn 🍿 soaking in the chaos 💥 of this train-wreck of a situation. It was ugly. I saw a 👻 scary movie ghost avatar and I plopped on his lap. I tried to antagonize the situation with scary movie ghost man.
I didn’t know this 😱 scary movie ghost man, but I really liked the vibes I was feeling from his avatar. It went well with the atmosphere. He started talking and his voice sounded really whispery and scratchy. He told me he had strep throat. 🤧
I ended up getting bored with the whole situation and I accepted an invite to another world to another friend of mine. We hung for a short minute and caught up on stuffs. Then this scary movie guy followed me. He started talking about weird shit and I was like OMG OMG OMG. 😨
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I dipped out to a furry chill zone hoping this guy wouldn’t follow me. 🙄 He did. He sat there, kind of quiet while I getting reacquainted with an old furry 🐺 friend. Then he started breathing heavily 😮‍💨 and creepily again.
I couldn’t take it anymore‼️ I don’t know why I gave this dude 🧟‍♂️ my discord. I just originally liked his serial killer vibe, but then he got weird and started talking about this woe is me bs. I had to dip out of VRChat all together. Now I am kind of 🤔 confused on what I should do. Should I block this guy or try to get to know him better⁇
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kitslong · 2 years
Classic solitaire engagement rings
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Starting with any of the above styles, you can start working with a designer to select your center stone, decide upon a band width, choose your profile shape, pick the setting style, and finally, decide upon metal type. Shown above are some basic styles for a solitaire, although the possibilities are endless. A round cut for the ultimate in tradition, followed closely by a princess cut, will both make a statement of the classic.ĭesign Your Own Solitaire Engagement Ring The second aspect the eye will take in is the shape of the stone. So the sparkle of a white diamond or the amazing saturation of a fine gemstone will be the main star. The first thing that the beholder will see is the color. Whether it's a sapphire, ruby, emerald, or other gemstone, or a diamond, white or fancy color, the stone is sure to take center stage. This type of design is perfect for showcasing an amazing stone, as the gemstone itself is what the eye is drawn to. Within this simple framework, however, there are endless options. One center focal point, the stone, and a narrower band. Couldn’t be happier with the outcome.A solitaire engagement ring is a traditional ring design that is simply comprised of three elements: A single diamond or gemstone, a shank (the band of metal that goes around the finger), and a setting (the metal that holds the center stone). Would highly recommend that anyone looking for a ring and wishing to also make a positive impact on the world to not hesitate and make your choice with Do Amore. Looking forward to being able to show my partner the ring as I know that she’ll absolutely love it. I had nothing to worry about, not only did the ring arrive safe and sound, I was blown away my how gorgeous the ring was, way beyond my expectations as beautiful as the photos are online, the ring looks even better in real life. We live in Australia so was slightly worried that there may be issues in getting the ring over here. It was very important to my partner that we go with Do Amore due to both the ethical materials used and most importantly the positive impact that the purchase would have in the form of a clean water well for a community. Krish and Allison were super helpful throughout the whole process and answered every question I had. Visit us in-store for our widest selection and personal service. I ordered the Asha in Platinum with a 1.9 carat Forever One Moissanite and was also able to custom order the ring with a 6-prong head, as well as an engraved message inside the band. Shop for Classic Solitaire Engagement Rings. I love my ring and I love that it’s from a company that is ethical and gives back to communities in need. I’m so glad he chose the basket option! Overall, whether you get this ring or another ring from Do Amore, I’m sure you’ll receive quality service and a quality ring. They also asked if he wanted a basket setting versus the standard prong setting because it would suit a larger stone nicely, and make the ring all one metal color. He confirmed it wasn’t a mistake and he intended to purchase the 9mm ring. After placing his order, Krish and Allison reached out to him to confirm my ring size and that he was going for a “large look” and sent over some pictures of how a 9mm ring would look on a hand. He ended up picking a 14k rose gold Asha ring with a 9mm cushion moissanite. Everyone was extremely knowledgable and honest about their opinions. During the process, I chatted with a couple of representatives from Do Amore and so did my fiance. Honestly, I didn’t care what I got, just that the ring was rose gold, didn’t have any diamonds, and that it was from Do Amore. He loves a classic solitaire ring, with just four prongs. Once I found Do Amore, I sent him the website and asked him to let me know the style he preferred. My fiance and I talked about what engagement ring I wanted.
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octo-cutie · 3 years
The Haikyuu Boys If They Watched Us In An Anime
Genre: Angst Characters: Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Suna, Sugawara, Iwaizumi, and Sakusa
Notes: This is supposed to be over the top and dramatic. I wrote this for my #breadsties: @itsmiyamore @mybloodydownfall @itsmiyamore @violentcloudchaser and all my others
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Oikawa: When Oikawa has a bad day he wants nothing more than to turn on some ASMR of your voice as he listens to you tell him that you love him and how proud you are of him. He has a saved YouTube playlist of all of his favorite ASMR’s and when he’s upset he covers himself in a weighted blanket and the volume turned all the way up while you cradle him vicariously through this random VA on YouTube. But he yearns for the day that he can hold you in his arms under his weighted blanket and run his fingers through your hair whispering the sweet nothings written in his heart only for you. Why couldn’t you be with him at night?
Kuroo: Kuroo has an object that you use in the anime and he has incorporated it into his daily life. If you wear scrunchies in your hair he has one on his wrist that he changes every day. If you wear friendship bracelets, he learns how to make them and he has your name and his woven together. Everyone thinks that he’s such a doting boyfriend and he has such a kind heart for his baby girl. But he’s committed to YOU only. As long as he has something of yours with him he is completely at ease. He never has to wonder where you are and he will treasure these items forever. Why can’t you be wearing his gifts to you?
Bokuto: If you have a sports jersey or a specific piece of clothing you wear all the time, he puts it on a pillow as a pillow case and he snuggles up against it when he sleeps in order to ward of nightmares about you disappearing from his life or telling him that you don’t love him. When he wakes up from these he finds your jacket on the pillow and snuggles into it with a few tears begging you not to leave him. He wants to hold your hand and thread his fingers through your hair as he protects you from all the things keeping the both of you apart. Why can’t you cuddle him back and soothe him from his nightmares?
Akaashi: Akaashi does what he knows best and that’s writing. He will write everything he sees when he sees you and he has a huge following on multiple fanfiction websites but he could care less. These fanfictions of you and him are supposed to convey everything that he feels and how you reciprocate these feelings. You are his muse, his goddess, his everything and no combination of words or characters will ever describe the feelings he truly has for you. Why can’t you come into his office and take a break with him?
Suna: Suna has hundreds of photos of you in his camera roll and none of the artists behind your fanart capture your ethereal being. He craves your silly poses, he wants to hold your sexy body, he wants to smother you and all of your imperfections and remind you of how beautiful you were. He’s commissioned fanart of you and him to frame in a picture frame on his bedside table that he kisses oh so gently every night. He has a polaroid photo in the back of his phone case and it’s how he knows you’re supporting him at his games. Why couldn’t you just be in the stands cheering him on?
Sugawara: Suga enjoys listening to music and when he met you in your anime he spent hours and hours of his summer creating three separate playlists for you and him. The first one was about meeting you, the second one was for when he felt down about something and how you would comfort him, and the third one was for when you would meet in his dreams and enjoy the picnics and days that he created for you whenever you traveled into his arms through his dreams. Why couldn’t you sit and watch the sunset with him while the music played? 
Iwaizumi: Iwaizumi believes that one day he needs to settle down with a nice girl and give her the world. But the only girl who deserves the world in his mind is you because of all the comfort you’ve given him over the years. He has to repay you somehow and his best idea was creating a mood board on Pinterest that goes from your first meeting (at a cute cafe) to when he proposes, to the first house that he bought for you etc...  Why couldn’t you accept his proposal and let him give you the family that he so desperately wanted to give you?
Sakusa: Sakusa has attended etiquette classes since he was about 4 years old and he knows how to ballroom dance like no tomorrow. He still attends these classes and while he may be the most handsome man in the class, but none of his dance partners will ever come close to your beauty. In his mind all he pictures at dance practice is you and him dancing the night away as Cinderella and Prince Charming, or Beauty and the Beast. Either way he wishes that he was stealing you away to a white rose covered castle balcony as the music plays below and he holds you close instead of this giggly partner he had before him. Why couldn’t you be his real princess? 
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A little gift for my #breadsties. i love you all so much and we can all cry over this together 
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part seventeen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol +sex
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist
The flight from Naples to Tokyo took fourteen hours, not including the two and a half hour layover in Istanbul, meaning you had sixteen and a half hours to sit in awkward tension-filled silence next to Sam. The tension was one-sided, of course, but it was still agonizing to endure.
You had been able to push your anxiety aside during your last day in Italy because it had been so busy. There had been a power outage in the middle of the night, causing everyone to oversleep and miss the ferry for one of your tours that morning. It had been a scramble to get back on schedule and do as much as possible with the time you had left. The boys had been hungover and their parents were tired of wrangling them. You had dozens of photos on your camera roll of Sam and Harry bickering when they were supposed to be posing for a nice picture, and even more of Tom flicking them off. 
But now you were stuck alone with your thoughts, unable to use distraction as a means to escape. You tried reading your book, but found yourself unable to concentrate on the words on the page. After staring at the same paragraph for over fifteen minutes Sam noticed and asked if you were okay and you finally decided to call it quits. 
You almost wished the Hollands hadn’t scheduled in a day and a half to adjust to the time zone change. You’d rather exhaust yourself with the nonstop tourist bullshit than have to cope with the reality that you had gotten off to thoughts about your best friend’s brother. Not to mention living with the secret that the same best friend’s brother had kissed you not long before that. 
If Sam noticed anything was off, he didn’t mention it. He probably chalked it up to lack of sleep, or perhaps was too tired himself to care. 
“Which one of us do you think will be randomly selected in customs today?” Harry asked, stretching his arms above his head. 
You were standing in the aisle waiting to deplane, placing bets on who’d get searched by border agents this time. Somehow each time you traveled to a new place one of you was always chosen to get pat down or have your carry-on searched. Tom had yet to be the lucky winner, and you suspected it had something to do with his celebrity status. 
“Y/n,” Tom answered easily. “She has the U.S. passport.”
You rolled your eyes. “Like England has a squeaky clean record with Japan.”
“At least we didn’t-”
“Bro, you can’t say the b word on a plane,” Harry interrupted.
“Even when the plane’s on the ground?”
Sam shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Whatever,” Tom continued. “It’s definitely going to be y/n.”
“Would you mind stepping out of line, ma’am?” 
You sighed, not even bothering to look back at the boys. You already knew they were grinning like idiots and you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. The agent ushered you to the side behind a glass partition, but not before you heard another agent repeat the same question to one of the Hollands. You smiled to yourself, happy not to be the only one singled out.
Behind the privacy screen another agent greeted you and asked you to take your sweatshirt off, explaining that it was too baggy and needed to be checked. You saw other people in baggy clothes who weren’t getting pulled out of line, but assumed they didn’t have the red flag of “U.S. Citizen” printed on their identification that would be cause for any additional suspicion. You complied with the agent’s request and pulled your sweatshirt off for them to further inspect.
You were glad you’d worn a sports bra underneath your sweatshirt because you usually didn’t wear anything underneath them. As soon as your head was out of the pullover you immediately met by Tom’s polite smile. 
He averted his eyes as soon as he saw you, pausing his conversation with the official to mumble a quiet ‘sorry’ to you as he was shown to the spot next to yours. 
You zoned out as they spoke, only aware of him again when he started unbuckling his belt. You caught his eye this time. 
“Forgot to take it off,” he explained.
“Sweatshirt’s too loose.”
You both faced forward as the customs officials proceeded through the motions. You were stuck standing there half-naked with your arms wrapped around your chest self-consciously while an agent pat Tom’s legs down. 
“Dad said we can meet them at baggage claim,” Tom said after a few moments of silence between the two of you. “They went on without us.”
“Okay,” you squeaked back in response. 
You knew it wouldn’t take long, but it still made you nervous to be alone with Tom. Sam was like a safety blanket, or a buffer between you and him and without him you were afraid it would be painfully awkward. 
The woman handed you your sweatshirt back and you had to wait for Tom outside of the screening area. He joined you a minute or so later.
“They find any dirt on you?” you asked from where you were leaning against the wall across from the exit. 
“Nope, you?”
“Yeah, actually I’m in custody right now. Can’t believe you missed the handcuffs.”
“Man, what’d they get you for?” 
“Identity theft,” you sighed. 
“Damn, that’s a bummer,” Tom replied, false sympathy rolling off his words. 
He cocked his head in the direction the rest of his family had went, indicating that you should get going, and held out a hand to pull you upright. You took it hesitantly and let him help you. 
“I was actually hoping you could bail me out?” you went on, continuing with the bit. 
Tom made a sound through his teeth and grimaced. “I’m kinda broke right now.”
“Aren’t you an actor?”
“Sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you’re definitely the guy!”
“You’re thinking of Tom Hiddleston,” he insisted.
“Remember that IOU you gave me? I’m cashing it in now.”
“That’s not how it works!” 
You laughed. “No, but if I ever actually get arrested I’m using my IOU to get you to bail me out of jail.”
“I don’t think that a kiss and getting bailed out of prison are comparable, but I didn’t put any conditions on that postcard, did I?”
“Nope!” You smiled happily.
“Well that’s on me, so...”
You took the shuttle together to the other side of the airport where the rest of the Hollands were waiting and finally found them with all of your luggage at the furthest carousel from the entrance. 
“It’s about time!” Harry yelled over the crowd as soon as he saw you. 
Sam grinned when he saw you and you couldn’t help but grin back. He wrapped an arm around you instinctively and you relaxed into his shoulder, relieved to be with him again. It hadn’t dawned on you until that moment just how attached you were, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it because the other Hollands were all looking at you expectantly.
“Did everything go okay?” Nikki asked. 
Tom nodded. “They made y/n strip, but it was uneventful otherwise.”
You pursed your lips, cheeks burning. “It was just my sweatshirt!” you hissed to Sam. 
“Yeah, but you never wear anything under your sweatshirts!” Sam hissed back.
“I had a bra on this time.”
“Oh, so it was just another night at the bar for you?” You wrestled yourself out of Sam’s grasp at that and glared. “Am I wrong?”
Sam’s dad cut in before you could respond. He had a habit of calling “family meetings” in the middle of public spaces to finalize plans and get everybody on the same page, which was always an experience. 
“Alright, gather up, gang!” he said, beckoning you all closer. “So we’ll be staying at... this hotel,” he explained and turned his phone around to show you the name of it. “And the thing is, we have two rooms to share between the six of us. One for your mother and I, and another for you four.”
“What?” Sam asked. “You’re going to make us stay with them?”
“I thought we were getting three rooms like every other time,” Tom chimed in.
“We were meant to, but I made a mistake when booking it,” Dom clarified.
“The entire website was in Japanese, Sam. I don’t know Japanese!”
“Dad, Google has a translate webpage option!” Harry groaned.
“Well no one told me that while I was booking this entire trip by myself!”
You traded a look with Tom, who looked just as panicked as you felt. But it would only be for a week. You would find a way to manage. You didn’t really have any other option.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun,” Sam tried, forcing a smile.
“That’s the spirit!” Dom cheered. “We’ll make it work.”
sorry she’s short this week :( but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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atlafan · 4 years
And They Were Roommates - One Shot
a/n: I’ve had this idea for a long time, and I’m glad it’s finally come together. I love friends to lovers fics, they make my stomach twist in the best possible way, so I hope you all enjoy these two! Feedback and reblogs are always helpful. (not proofread)
Warnings: two idiots refusing to just get together until they do, SMUT, mentions of Only Fans (which I truthfully know nothing about, but I wanted to make things saucy)
Words: 11.3K
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“We just need to be quiet in case my roommate’s home.” You say to your date, Jeremy, as you key into your flat. He nods with a grin as you enter.
“Hey, lovie, how was the-“ Harry smirks when he sees you come in with your date. “I see it went well, never mind.”
You roll your eyes at him. He was sitting on the couch in some sweat pants, and that was it, watching some romantic comedy.
“Harry, this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is my roommate Harry.”
“I’m her best friend too, but I can see she clearly hasn’t brought me up all night. M’a little offended, pet.”
“Okay, well, I’ll try to be more courteous.” You shake your head at him, and tug Jeremy along to your bedroom. “Sorry about him. He usually goes out on Friday nights, but lately he’s been staying in more.”
“You…you live with that guy?”
“Sure.” You shrug and then wrap your arms around his neck. “We’ve been friends for years, and we’re in the same grad program, so it just made sense to split a flat.”
“Listen…uh, I was excited that you invited me up, but I can’t fuck you with that guy sitting out there.”
“What?” You frown and step back. “Why not?”
“Because I’ll just think you’re thinking of him the whole time. He’s…like…perfect! I can’t compete with that.”
“Jeremy, you’re being silly, just clear your head, we can-“
“Sorry, Y/N.”
Jeremy opens your door and leaves you standing in your room. You were in shock. Jeremy walks quickly back out into the main area, and sees Harry still sitting and watching his movie.
“Oi, that was quick, mate. Hope you left my girl satisfied.” Harry grins at a disgruntled Jeremy, and he leaves.
“You know it’s comments like that…” You sniffle as you stand there in your pretty dress and heels. “That make guys just up and leave.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He took one look at you sitting there like that and ran off!”
“So, I can’t even sit in the comfort of my own living room without some douche feeling emasculated? Are you sure you want someone like that fucking you, Y/N?”
“I just wanted to hook up! Christ, now I have to go take care of it myself.” You groan.
“Well, when you’re done, come join me. We can watch My Best Friend’s Wedding.” He leans forward and smiles. “You look really nice tonight, I’m sorry he was an idiot.”
“Thanks.” You wipe your finger under your nose. “Would you make some popcorn or something?”
“On it.”
Alright, some explanation is probably needed here. See, you and Harry met your sophomore year of uni, no, not drunk at some party, in class, actually. You both were education majors, so you ended up having a lot of classes together once you really dove into your major courses. You got paired up on a project together, and there was no separation between the two of you after that.
Normally, Harry wouldn’t have been the type of guy you’d be friends with. To be honest, he dressed like a douchebag when you first met him. You wondered why he’d want to be a teacher. He had floppy curls, wore a snapback with every outfit, and you didn’t think he owned a pair of jeans that didn’t have any rips in them. Although, you did enjoy his Chelsea boots, his sweaters, and his nail polish and rings.
You were innocent, and sort of preppy while he was loud mouthed and scruffy. Your friend groups never merged, but your best friend knew about your friendship with Harry. She’d constantly poke fun and say you had a crush on him. You didn’t. Harry was hot as fuck, anyone with eyes could see that, but you weren’t into him in that way. That was one of the reasons he liked hanging out with you so much. Most girls that tried to be his friend were just trying to fuck, and that could be fun, but sometimes he genuinely wanted to meet up for coffee and have a conversation without it leading to screwing on an extra-long twin bed.
Harry’s friends knew you well. As the years went on, you’d often be the one he’d bring back to his place drunk. You started off by sleeping on the floor, and then one night you realized you both adults and could sleep in the same bed. His friends would give him an equally tough time about you. Sometimes you’d come over and wait in his room for him while he was out with another girl. To some that may have been weird, but nothing was better than drunk platonic cuddles.
There was one night, your senior year, you had woken up with him spooning you. In all the nights spent together, you two never fell asleep or woke up like that. You didn’t shift when you felt his morning wood poking you. His arm was draped loosely over you. You almost wanted to see if he’d make a move, so you pretended to stay asleep a little longer. His hand had slid to your hip and squeezed it, but that was the extent of the interaction. He rolled onto his back, and you did the same. You looked up at him and started giggling.
“It’s not funny.” He groaned, putting his forearm over his eyes.
“Didn’t know I did it for you, Har.” You poked the dimple forming on his face as he smiled.
“Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart, happens to every guy in the morning.” He peered down at you and you rolled your eyes.
You had never spoken about it afterwards. You didn’t want to embarrass him. When you both talked about grad school, and got into the same university, he asked you to be his flat-mate.
“You don’t wanna live with Niall and Louis anymore?”
“They’re getting real jobs, they won’t wanna listen to me complain about school. I’ve found a great two bedroom place. I think it could be fun for us. Dontcha wanna live with me, baby?” He pouted at you and you nudged his shoulder and laughed.
“Christ, I hate it when you start getting all beggy. Alright, we can live together.”
He took you in his arms and hugged you. You were both extremely excited. Sometimes it seemed like you and Harry knew everything about each other, but that was not the case. After you moved in and got settled, it was time you revealed something to him. You called him into your bedroom to talk.
“Is everything okay? You’re not having doubts, are you?”
“No! Not at all, I’m glad we’re doing this. I feel safe with you here, and I’m glad we still have classes together. I…I just need to tell you something. Um, I don’t know what you do to...like, when you’re alone, I don’t know what you use, but I know things can pop up geographically, so I just wanted to warn you.” You bit your bottom lip, and turned your laptop around to show him your Only Fans page. His eyes widened, and then he shook his head.
“This is a joke, right? You made a fake website.”
“It’s not fake…” You muttered. “I don’t do lives, I don’t get naked, and I don’t show my face.”
“Then what do you do?”
“I was a dance minor, as you may recall.” He nodded yes at you. “So I make little strip tease videos and blur my face. Sometimes I take lingerie photos too. It’s a wonder what people will pay for.”
“How’d you get into this?” There was no judgement in his voice, he was genuinely curious.
“It started as a joke between Jenna and I, but then we started making money, and it’s enough that I can pay all my bills and live comfortably. I’ve already paid off one of my student loans thanks to this. I don’t even know if you use Only Fans, but I knew you’d probably recognize me or something if you stumbled across it so…I just wanted to warn you.”
“You know…the coffee shop I work at is hiring if you don’t feel like doing this kind of stuff.” He smirked.
“I actually don’t mind it. I essentially work for myself.”
“So you don’t sit in front of your camera and get yourself off with little bunny ears on?”
“No.” You laughed. “Just videos of me dancing in some intricate lighting, and saucy photos.”
“Can I see?”
“Not one of the videos, show me some pictures.”
“Come on. I’ve seen you dressed to the nines before, but I’m having trouble believing you would take any provocative photos.”
“Fine.” You clicked through the various photos, and find a mostly decent one. “Here, you can look at this one.”
His eyes widen again as he scans it over. You could only see your face from the lips down. You had a lollypop pressed to them, and some of the juice from it was dripping down your chin. You were laying on your bed in a pink lace bodysuit, and if he squinted he could probably see your nipples, but he chose against it. Your legs were up against the headboard, crossed at the ankle.
“Well?” You asked.
“It’s, uh, it’s very tasteful.” He cleared his throat. “Thanks for telling me…I…I  mean I definitely look at porn sometimes, so…uh…definitely wouldn’t have wanted to accidentally wanked it to you.”
“I doubt you would have even stayed on my page for long. You probably like to watch the really freaky shit.” You grinned and closed your laptop.
“I don’t know, there’s something sort of sexy about someone looking so innocent.”
“And that’s exactly what my viewers seem to say in the comments.”
Harry never brought up your page after that. You didn’t make him promise not to go searching for it, you just figured he wouldn’t. With all that aside, your living situation was working out perfectly. Sometimes Harry would bring home the day old muffins or bagels from the coffee shop, and you both had all the free coffee you could drink.
When you first moved in he was like his old self. He went out on dates almost every weekend. Normally he wouldn’t bring someone back, but once in a while he would. You never minded, you’d bring people back too, but you started to notice a pattern. Most guys either would have a tough time fucking you if he was home, or would end up leaving the way Jeremy did. You weren’t sure why they felt so threatened by Harry.
You supposed Jeremy could have been taken aback by seeing Harry shirtless. He was muscular, but not quite skinny. Buff in a way. He could hurt someone if he really wanted to. Once you’ve changed into some comfy pj’s, you plop down on the couch with Harry, and dive into the bowl of popcorn he made so you could watch your movie.
“So, I take it you’re not gonna take care of things yourself?”
“I’m too annoyed now.” You sigh. “It’s fine. I’ll try my luck with some random when we go out tomorrow night.”
“Good idea.” He throws his arm around you, and you both settle as the opening credits start.
Harry had to be up early for his shift at the coffee shop. After getting some schoolwork done, you took the opportunity to get some other work done. You had to be dressed for the club tonight anyways, so you got dolled up, and took some new photos for your page. You always got comments about your lips, so you’d use blow-pops to kiss against, or to rub against. You got some really great shots in, and got dressed in your regular clothes before Harry got home.
“Got your evening makeup on already? It’ll be hours before we leave, love.” He says as he runs a hand through his hair.
“You’re not the only one that worked today.” You wink at him and he rolls his eyes.
“You know, if I didn’t have all my tattoos I could be doing the same thing you’re doing.”
“Plenty of people with tattoos have pages.”
“The last thing I need is to start working at some school, and have a parent recognize me for the wrong reasons.”
“True.” You nod and go into the fridge. “I’m gonna make some stirfry, are you hungry?”
“I could eat.” He shrugs. “I’m gonna go shower.”
You didn’t necessarily mind that you’re dating life was a little tricky. You had all the domesticity you could need with Harry, however, you were certainly hoping to meet someone tonight at the club. You just wanted to have a meaningless hookup.
After dinner, and having a couple of drinks at home, you and Harry meet up with Niall and Louis at the club. Louis and Harry were laughing over something, so you decide to pay Niall a little attention. You always thought he was cute and funny. He was always nice to you too, as was Louis.
“How are things with your classes?” He asks. “Sort of wish I was doing the grad school thing.”
“Oh, but your job is so cool! Data analysis is riveting.” You giggle against the rim of your drink and he shakes his head. “Classes are good. I’m more so just excited to start teaching, but I have a while for that yet. Practicum last year was such a tease.”
“I bet you’d be a fun teacher, you’d certainly have no problem keeping my attention.” He slings one of his arms around the back of the booth you were sitting in and he inches closer. You smile at him and take a sip of your drink.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” You put your hand on his shoulder and twirl the material of his shirt around your finger.
“Your voice for one thing. It’s smooth, soothing. Your smile is sweet, so that helps too.”
You blush a little from his compliments, and finish your drink.
“Need another, babe?” Harry asks, breaking you and Niall from your little chat.
“I can get it.” Niall says. “Vodka tonic?”
“Please.” You smile and watch him go up to the bar. Louis and Harry look at you. “What?”
“Are you trying to fuck Niall?” Louis asks.
“Of course she’s no-“ Harry says, but he’s cut off by you.
“So what if I am?” She scoffs. “It’s safer than trying to get some guy I don’t know, right?”
“If that’s the case, why not just fuck Harry?” Louis smirks.
Harry death glares Louis as your face scrunches.
“It’s a little cliché, isn’t it?” You say. “Fucking your roommate and best friend? I’ll pass. That’s a load of drama we don’t need.”
“So, what you’re saying is, if Harry wasn’t your roommate or your best friend, you’d fuck him?”
“Hmm…” You tap your chin playfully and look Harry up and down. Before you can answer, Niall returns with your drink, and another round for the guys. “Thank you.” You say to him, and he sits down closely next to you.
“You wouldn’t wanna dance, would you?” Niall asks you.
“I’d love to!”
You both get up and make your way over to the dancefloor. Harry sulks while he plays with the straw in his drink.
“What are you all mopey for, huh?” Louis asks him.
“I don’t really like the idea of them hooking up. Could change the dynamic of things for all of us.”
“Instead of worrying about that, why don’t we try to go meet some ladies of our own, hm?” Louis smiles at Harry, and Harry nods in agreement.
You were having a lot of fun dancing with Niall, and his laugh was infectious tonight. You told him you needed to use the ladies room, and when you came back he was acting like a completely different person.
“Did I do something wrong?” You ask him over the blaring music.
“No! I just…” He looks over at Harry and Louis and then back to you. “We really shouldn’t be messing around like this.”
“We were just dancing.”
“But it was going to lead to something more, no?”
“Did you want it to?”
“Well, yeah, but you’re my friend, and…I wouldn’t want to make anything weird between us.”
“So…you don’t wanna go into the single stall bathroom and have me suck you off?” You bat your lashes at him and his eyes widen.
“Shit.” He says under his breath. “Are you serious?”
He wraps his hand around your wrist, and leads you through the crowd of people. You both go into the bathroom without a single thought and lock the door. You could hear the music faintly as you looked at each other.
“You seemed pretty sure of things before.” You say to him.
“I…I wigged out for a second. I really want this.”
You smile and step forward, pressing your lips to his. His hands go to your hips, and he squeezes you. He tasted like the tequila he had been drinking, and you smile against him. You kiss across his jaw, and to his neck while your hands work to undo his belt.
“You’re okay with this?” You ask him.
“Yeah, go for it. Would it be easier if I sat up on the counter?”
“No, I don’t mind getting on my knees, thanks.” You smirk at him and sink down, tugging his pants and boxers down just enough for his hard dick to spring out. You look up at him, impressed.
“Don’t look so surprised.”
“Sorry.” You chuckle. “Good for you, though, honestly.”
You kiss his tip and he jerks slightly towards you. You wrap your lips around him, and suck on him. His hands move your hair back, and you close your eyes as you work him over. You pump what you can’t fit, or what you don’t feel like fitting, and you hear him panting. This is all you wanted, you just wanted to make someone feel good.
“Y/N, I’m gonna come.” He warns you, and you give his thigh a squeeze to let him know it’s okay.
He comes into your mouth, and you swallow it to not make a mess. He helps you stand up, and then you help him zip his pants. After rinsing your mouth out he grabs you and kisses you. Your eyes flutter closed as he sucks on your bottom lip.
“Would you finger me?” You ask him just above a whisper against your lips.
“I’ll do anything you want.”
Louis was off making out with some girl while Harry was at the bar, brooding. You and Niall come back from the bathroom with flushed cheeks. Harry looks at you, and then looks at Niall. Niall just rubs the back of his neck and looks away.
“Y/N, are you ready to go home?” Harry asks her.
“Um…I was hoping to have another drink, but if you wanna leave we can.”
“I’d like to, yeah.”
You both say goodnight to Niall, and head out. He doesn’t say anything to in the back of the cab, and he’s quiet as you both go inside your flat. He fills two glasses of water and hands one to you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“Why’d you have to fuck my friend? Of all the guys in there, it had to be Niall?”
“I’m going to bed, I’m not having this conversation with you.” You start to walk away from him.
“So if I took Rachel into the bathroom at club and fucked her, you’d be fine with it?”
“Rachel’s a lesbian, so that’s a moot point.”
“You know what I’m trying to say.”
“I wouldn’t care, Harry. Also, you make it seem like Niall isn’t my friend, when he is. And not that it’s any of your business, but we didn’t do more than diddle each other. I sucked him off, and then I let him finger me, that was it.”
“You know, if you just needed to get off, I’m sure your own hand would have sufficed.” He huffs.
“Sometimes you just wanna feel someone else’s hand.” You say quietly.
“So Niall’s a good enough friend to diddle you, but I’m not? I’m extremely offended.”
“Harry…I don’t have to see Niall every day. It would get weird between us, and you know it.”
“I’m just saying, if you needed some help-“
“Don’t finish that sentence. You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Go put yourself to bed, I’m gonna go wash up.”
“I’m assuming no cuddles tonight then?”
“You’ve assumed correctly, goodnight.”
Harry emerges from his room around ten the next morning, thankful he had the day off from work. You were sitting on the couch in the living room, coffee cup in hand while reading one of your textbooks. He sees you’ve made coffee, and he pours himself a cup.
“Morning.” He yawns as he sits next to you.
“Morning.” You say without looking at him.
“Are you mad at me for some reason? Usually you come to my room after we’ve been out like that, and you didn’t…”
“Harry, do you seriously not remember what happened last night?” He shakes his head no at you. “It just wasn’t a good night for drunk cuddles, okay? Can we leave it at that?”
“Alright.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee. “Do you feel like going to the campus library with me in a bit? I’ve got a paper to work on, and a change of scenery would do be some good.”
“Sure! I have some mock lesson plans I need to work on so that sounds good.”
He watches you get up and go into your room so you can get ready. He sighs to himself, feeling bad for lying to you. He takes his phone out to text Niall.
Harry: I’m sorry about last night…I know I can’t control what you do and who you do it with, and clearly what I said to you didn’t matter anyways
Niall: I was going to listen…but she really wanted it, mate, I’m sorry. It wasn’t anything serious, just two friends helping each other out, alright?
Harry: alright
Niall: are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?
Harry: I just don’t think it’s smart for our little circle to comingle like that, that’s all
Niall: whatever you say
“Harry, go get dressed, the sooner we go, the sooner we can come back and watch a movie.”
“Right.” He says with a smile and gets up.
Harry fucked up one night. He didn’t feel like trolling on Tinder for a lay, so he found himself on Only Fans. There were a couple of pages he was subscribed to, but they just weren’t doing it for him tonight. He wanted something a little different, so, against his better judgement…he went to your page. Sometimes he’d check it out just to make sure no one was leaving you any sick comments, he never really went there to ogle you. But because you didn’t use your face, he could use his imagination a little bit. He puts his headphones in, and clicks on one of your free videos.
He smiles when he hears one of your favorite songs playing in the background. You were a skilled video editor, hoping to teach that media arts. The video fades in, and there you are, completely clothed. You start dancing, it wasn’t over sexy, but you had a way about taking your clothes off. You were doing a chair dance, one of your specialties. The video ends with you just about to take your shirt off, and then it fades out with a smirk on your lips.
“Oh, she’s good.” He says to himself.
Leaving people wanting more was certainly key on this site. He sighs, and clicks through a couple of the other free things you had on your page, and then eventually he pays to subscribe. You’d never know it was him, it’s not like he used his real name. He was more curious than anything to see what else you could have on there. He clicks through some of your photos. His jaw drops when he sees you licking a lollypop.
There’s a knock on his door, and he nearly throws his laptop across the room. He exits out of his all his tabs and closes his laptop.
“Come in!”
“Hey.” You say, leaning against the door frame.
“What’s up?” He was sweating. Had you seen that you had a new subscriber? Had you somehow figured out it was him?
“I have cramps, can I come lay with you?”
“Oh.” He sighs with relief. “Sure.” He makes some room for you on his bed, and climb on, laying on your stomach.
“What were you up to?”
“Looking for some porn to watch, to be honest with you.” He chuckles as he rubs at your lower back.
“Oh, Christ.” You laugh and nudge his leg. “You didn’t need to let me in.”
“It’s alright, you’re more interesting anyways. How was your day? Feel like I barely saw you?”
“It was good. I had a lot of work to get done so I was at the library, and then I met up with Rach for dinner.”
“How’s she?”
“Good. She’s finally starting to make some friends at work.” You sit up and move to sit on your bum. “I have a cheeky idea. Let’s find a really bad porn to watch.”
“Yeah! We could find a cheesy one from the seventies or something, stuff our faces with ice cream and have a good laugh.”
“I’ll go get the ice cream, you find one to watch.” He slides his laptop over to you, and gets up.
You knew his password, so you enter it in. You open up his browser, and go on incognito mode. He comes back shortly with a gallon of ice cream and two spoons.
“Okay, I think I’ve found one. Major bush on this woman, and the guy.”
“Incredible.” He laughs and hands you a spoon. “Let’s see how they did it back then. Who knows, I may learn something new.”
“God, porn back then was only made for men.” You scoff, and take a bite of the ice cream. “I mean, these women just lay there and take it! What’s the fun in that?”
“I know, I like it when the girl’s a little more involved instead of just starfishing.”
“I’m all for a guy being on top, but you really shouldn’t just lay there. There’s still plenty a girl can do. Although, I have to say, when I’m not super into it, I just lay there until the guy comes.”
“Why not just speak up and tell him to do something else?”
“At that point there’s no coming back. Besides, you know how fragile the male ego is.” You smirk at him.
“True…although, I think it’s really hot when a girl is vocal in the bedroom. If she’s telling me how she likes it then I know she knows her body, and that image alone is so satisfying.” He takes a slow bite of the ice cream to watch your face.
“It doesn’t get frustrating?”
“Not for me.” He shrugs. “I mean, I’m usually able to figure it out without much help, but I always make sure to ask if it feels good.”
“What a gentleman.” You poke his cheek and he swats it away. “I like it when a guy is vocal too, like, isn’t afraid to moan, that kind of stuff.”
“I never understood why guys are so afraid to moan. If it feels good, let it out.”
You both completely forgot you had an old porn on in the background until you heard an extremely fake moan rip through the speaker. You both laugh hysterically.
“This must’ve been before boobs jobs got popular, those are as natural as they get.” Harry laughs.
“Jesus, I know, look at those things bounce!” You laugh, and then look down at yourself, frowning.
“Well….I have, like, bowling ball tits, like when you go candle pin bowling, is it attractive to watch big, heavy boobs like that?” You point to the screen. “And mine are kinda saggy, and-“
“Please, stop talking about yourself like that. Don’t you have, like, thousands of subscribers on your Only Fans? People clearly like the way you look.”
“They’ve never seen me naked.”
“Still.” He looks down at your covered chest. You were wearing a sweatshirt. “You…not to sound creepy, but you’ve got a great set on you. I’ve always thought so.”
“Yeah, I just never said anything because I didn’t want you knowing I was checking you out.” He smirks and throw one of his pillows at him. “It’s hard not to with some of the shirts or dresses you wear to the clubs sometimes. You really know how to make yourself look sexy.”
“Oh, and I’m not sexy right now?” You chuckle.
“No, you are, it’s just a different kind of sexy. Like, you more cute than anything else, but still totally fuckable.”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes and take another bite of ice cream. “Mm, we picked a really good flavor this week.”
“I know, way better than last week.”
“I’ve been having fun trying new flavors with you. Gives me something fun to look forward to. Is this twenty-two? Getting excited over ice cream flavors?”
“Pretty soon we’ll be excited over buying a new vacuum, or a dishrack.”
“Oh, I love a good dishrack.”
Harry bursts out laughing, and so do you. You ended up falling asleep with him in his bed, your head cradled to his chest. Harry was always the perfect cure to cramps.
“Oh…hello.” A girl says to you some random Wednesday morning. You were stood in your kitchen making some toast before class.
“Um, hi?”
“Oh, god, he has a girlfriend doesn’t he.” She whines.
“No! I’m Harry’s roommate. Did you spend the night, would you like some coffee?”
“Got scared for a second there. No, I’m all set thank you. Um, have a good one!” She says and leaves the flat.
“Is…is she gone?” Harry whispers from around the corner and you chuckle.
“Yes, Harry.”
“Thank god.” He sighs.
“Since when do you bring someone home with you on a Tuesday night?”
“I was working late at the coffee shop, and she was there doing homework, and one thing lead to another.” He pours himself a cup of coffee.
“And it was no good?”
“Terrible, I didn’t even ask for her number.”
“What made it so terrible?”
“She just…she wasn’t…doing it for me, I don’t know. There was no connection, Y/N.” He sighs.
“Maybe it’s time you start actually dating and work your way up to fucking someone.”
“That would involve me having to get to know someone, and I can’t stand people.” He pouts.
“Good thing you’re going to be a fucking teacher then.” You laugh. “Hurry up and get ready, or we’ll be late for class.”
Harry gets ready, and you both walk to campus for your K-12 instructors class. You were thankful to have class with Harry, you weren’t sure what you’d do without him. Just having someone to make eye contact with when someone said something stupid, or if the professor did something cringey.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Hey, Daniel.” You smile up at him. “What’s up?”
“Well, I…I was wondering if you had plans this weekend? On Saturday?”
You look at Harry and he shakes his head no.
“Not that I can think of, no.”
“Great, uh, would you like to go to the movies? We could grab dinner as well.”
“I…I’d like that a lot, um, here.” You take your phone out to hand it to him. He puts his number and texts himself.
“Cool, I’ll text you later.” He moves to go sit down a few rows behind you. You look at Harry with a grin on your face.
“See, dating, it’s sorta fun.” You say to him.
“Wining and dining someone sure is a lot of effort. Don’t think I quite have it in me, but you have yourself a good time, pet.”
You have a wonderful time with Daniel on Saturday night. He took you to Panera, and then to see a comedy. He let you pick the movie, and you were delighted. You shared a lot of laughs, and made out with him in his car before he took you home.
“I ha d a lot of fun.” You tell him.
“Me too.” He says. “Maybe we could do this again sometime?”
“I’d like that.” You smile and get out of his car. When you get up to your flat, you can’t wait to dish with Harry about how your night went.
“Hola chica.” He says to you from the kitchen.
“Late night tacvos, my favorite. Save me any?”
“Course, grab what you like. How was your date?”
“Really good. Daniel’s super sweet.”
“Not sweet enough to bring home?”
“I’m taking my own advice and giving dating a try. He asked me if I wanted to go out again sometime and I said yes. We did kiss for a bit, it was nice.” You shove a taco into your mouth. “Mm, you make the best tacos, Har.”
“Don’t I know it? So…so you kissed, but nothing else?” He mutters as he finishes his food.
“Did you want to?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug.
“Then you shouldn’t go out with him again.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If you didn’t wanna rip his clothes off, it’s probably not gonna last.”
“Lust doesn’t make a relationship.”
“No, but it should be passionate. Even if you’re respectful and wait, you should still wanna fuck the person.”
“Sometimes you have to work up to feeling that way.”
“Nah, when you know, you know.” He winks at you and goes over to the couch. “I was about to watch-“
“Oh my god!” You screech.
“Did you not check the mail earlier?! Kevin and Ashley are getting married! This is their save the date. Holy fucking shit.”
“Makes sense, they’ve been together forever.”
“Well, we have to go, Harry.”
“Okay.” He hears you suck your teeth. “What?”
“No plus ones…”
“So? We’d just go together anyways. We can save money on a hotel room too.”
“That’s true. I just…wow, I couldn’t imagine getting married right now.”
“Like I said, when you know, you know.” He plops down onto the couch and turns the TV on. You sit down next to him. You look at him for a moment, and then turn your attention to the TV. Nothing else really needed to be said.
You hated it when Harry was right. Daniel was nice, but there was no spark. You went on four dates with him, and you didn’t want to fuck him.
“Hey, I was looking on the hotel website for the wedding, the room with the king sized bed is actually cheaper than the one with the two queens. That work for you?” He asks you as he comes into your room holding his laptop.
“Yeah, that’s fine. Just tell me how much I need to Venmo you.”
“Will do, it’s not terribly expensive. I’ll only need a hundred bucks from you.”
“Perfect.” You take your phone and send him the money. “Thanks for booking it.”
“No problemo.” He comes in and sits on your bed. “What are you up to, babydoll?”
“Just putting some mock lesson plans together.” You sigh. “Could definitely use a break, though.” He lays down on your bed and pats the spot next to him. You roll your eyes at him, and he pouts. “Ugh, fine.” You get onto your bed with him. “Happy now?”
“Well, you get to lay your head on my chest all the time. I’d like to do the same. Or…okay, there’s this trend on Tik Tok…could I lay down between your legs?”
“Um…like…with your head in my crotch?” You laugh. “I can put a pillow there and you can lay down if you like.”
“Okay.” You grab a pillow for him, and he gets on his back, resting his head, and looking up at you. You run your fingers through his curls and his eyes flutter closed. “I love it when you play with my hair.” He sighs.
“I knew you were coming in here with a motive. Booking the hotel room to get something out of it, huh?”
“Your nails just feel so good, and you know it.”
“Well, you better return the favor. I like getting my hair played with too.”
“I’ll touch you wherever you want me to, alright?” He yawns. “Just don’t stop for a bit.”
You brush off his crude comment, and does as he says. You liked playing with Harry’s hair, so it wasn’t a burden, and you liked when you two would just get cozy together like this. There weren’t many people you felt this comfortable with.
“Y/N, we need to get going down to the ceremony.” Harry calls from the bedroom of the hotel.
“Well, I wouldn’t be running behind if someone hadn’t taken twice as long as they said they would in the bathroom!”
“Can’t rush perfection, darling.” He smirks to himself.
“Mhm, so what does that make me?” You ask as you walk out of the bathroom. His mouth nearly falls open.
You had gotten your hair into a loose, low bun, with plenty of hair in the front to frame your face. You had a strapless purple dress on with black tights and black heels.
“Um…stunning, you look stunning.”
“Thanks.” You smile and grab your clutch. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” You wink at him and head out.
You both were blubbering messes during the ceremony. Rachel made sure to make fun you both for it. Once the cocktail hour hit, you were good to go. You found your table and sat down. You talked with some other friends and explained how grad school was going. You make it through the speeches and dinner, and then it’s time to dance.
Being at something like this reminded you of being at an old uni party, only more upscale. Ashley and Kevin’s families were around, so the music wasn’t exactly what you’d normally get down to, but there was an open bar that you were able to take advantage of. Partying with Harry was one of your favorite things. He always used to bring you to the best ones. A slow song starts to play, and you giggle as he bows and extends his hand to you.
“You’re an idiot.” You say as you take his hand and he pulls you close to him.
“Ah, but you’re still choosing to dance with me, babe.”
“Only cause I’m too lazy to find someone else.”
“Ha! That’ll be us someday reading vows at our won wedding. I was too lazy to find someone else, so I settled for my best friend.” He smirks at you and swat his shoulder.
“Would you be quiet? Enough of the people here think something’s going on between us as it is.”
“True.” He looks around at a few people’s wandering eyes. “Should we give them a bit of a show?” He slides his hands further down your back, getting dangerously close to your bum.
“Harry!” You squeal and giggle. “Stop it.” You grab his hands put them to their previous spot. “Just dance with me, would you?”
He chuckles and sways around with you. You both got pretty plastered. You couldn’t stop giggling with him all the way up to your room. You sigh once you get your heels off.
“Okay, I’m using the bathroom first.” You say to him.
“Fine.” He sighs and starts unbuttoning his dress shirt.
You head into the bathroom, and use the toilet. You get your tights all the way off and groan when you can’t reach the zipper on the back of your dress.
“Ugh, Harry!” You call for him. “I need your help!”
“Yeah?” He says, stepping into the bathroom in only his boxers. Nothing you hadn’t seen before.
“My zipper.”
“Oh.” He places a hand on your shoulder, and the other grips the zipper, slowly dragging it down. You clutch the front of it. “You’re not…uh…no bra?”
“No, there’s one built into the dress.” You turn around to face him. “I just need to grab my pj’s and then I’ll need a couple minutes to take my hair out.” You brush by him to go into your suitcase. He takes the opportunity to use the toilet and brush his teeth.
“Need help with anything else?” He asks as you step back into the bathroom.
“Nope, think I can handle the rest, thanks.” You giggle. “Wouldn’t mind some head scratches once I get into bed though.”
Harry gets into bed and waits for you. You come out with your hair a mess, your makeup smeared from rinsing it, and he furrows his brows at you.
“That’s my shirt.” He says as you knee onto the bed.
“Mhm, well, that’s what happens when you ask me to do your laundry for you. I steal your shirts as compensation.”
“Fair enough I suppose. Come here.”
You smile and lay on his chest so he can run his fingers through your hair. You moan softly from it as you relax into him.
“Feels so nice.” You mumble into his chest.
“I can tell.” One of his hands moves to rub your back. He mimics your moaning and you punch him in the arm. “Oi! I won’t love on you if you do that.”
“M’not asking you to love on me, I just wanted me head scratched. Be grateful you get to hear me make those noises, not everyone does.”
“Bet you’d make thousands if you posted something like that on your Only Fans.” He mutters and you move to look at him. “What?”
“Do you…ever look at my page?”
“Sometimes I check your comments to see if anyone’s being rude.”
“Oh…” You swallow. “I make enough doing what I’m doing. I…I’d be too shy to do the really explicate stuff. I also just feel, like, I don’t want just anyone to see me naked, you know? That’s why I don’t go live, everyone would just ask me to take my clothes off.”
“I get that. Wanna keep it private for someone special.”
“Exactly. I mean, I’ve talked about this with you before, but there are plenty of people that are into what I post.”
“You certainly leave them wanting more.”
“I’ve checked out some of the free videos you’ve posted, yeah.” He admits shamelessly. “You’re a very good dancer.” He smiles at you.
“I’m going to sleep.” You yawn and turn over. “Goodnight.” You look over your shoulder at him. “If you behave you can spoon me if you want.”
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Slide my prick between your ass cheeks? Grow up.” He says as he wraps his arm around you. You can’t help but laugh. “However, if I get hard while I’m sleeping you can’t get mad.”
“Suppose it’s not my fault I have such a fat, juicy ass, hm?”
“Go to sleep.” He laughs, and presses his chest to your back.
“Mm, you’re so cozy, Harry.”
“I know I am. Go to sleep, lovie.” He coos, and rubs at your side.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” He sighs and nestles into the back of your head.
“So…you let him spoon you all night, and nothing happened?” Rachel whispers to you at breakfast the next morning.
“Happens more often than not, it’s not a big deal.”
“You two are so fucking weird! I’ve literally never met two people who were close that do what you do. Why not just make the jump? Neither one of you can manage to make another relationship work.”
“I don’t know…I…I just don’t see him like that, and I know Harry. If he really liked me like that he’d go for it.”
“Maybe he’s just scared to fuck it up with you.”
“Exactly, so, let’s just not fuck it up and try anything.”
“What are you two hens clucking about, hm?” Harry says as he sits down, putting a cinnamon roll in front of you. “Had you favorite.”
“I’m trying to watch the carbs…” You mutter.
“Please.” He scoffs. “Would you just eat the fucking pastry? It’s good for you.”
“How is that thing good for me?” You laugh.
“It makes you happy when you eat it. You always hum and smile when you eat a cinnamon roll.”
“How sweet of you to notice.” Rachel remarks. “You’re practically her boyfriend.”
“Rachel.” You seethe, and take a bite of the pastry. You hum softly. “Why do these bloody things taste so good, huh?”
Harry chuckles and rubs the back of your neck briefly as he eats his own breakfast. He and Rachel share a glance, but that’s the extent of that interaction.
“Hey, Harry?” You tap on the outside of his door frame.
“Yeah, babe?” He says, taking his headphones out. It was a Friday evening and you both were doing homework. His eyes widen when he looks at you. “Your face is all flushed, are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, I just…could you come look at something for me?”
“Sure.” He follows you to your room and sits with you on your bed.
“Um...could I…could I show you some new photos I took yesterday? I just finished editing them…and I’m feeling a little self-conscious.”
“Aw, why? You’re so beautiful.” He keeps your cheek and rubs his thumb along your cheekbone. “Course I’ll look ‘em over for you.”
“Thanks.” You swallow and put your laptop on his lap. “So…like usual, they’re not overly explicit, but I feel like my boobs look weird. I should have gotten something with more support.” You blush and point to the photo.
“They’re perfect, you look perfect, Y/N.” You suck your teeth at him. “You do! What else do you want me to say?”
“Okay, what about this one?”
“This one?”
“But what about this one?”
“Perfect, they’re all perfect. I don’t know why you don’t think so.” He frowns and sets your laptop down on your desk. He turns to look at you. “What’s really going on?”
“It’s just…I have all these people leaving comments saying they wish they could know me, date, fuck me…and…like I don’t know any of them! All they know about me is that I can dance, and I look cute sucking on a lollypop. I…if I wasn’t making the money I that I am I’d stop doing it because I just want someone real to say all of those things to me, you know?”
“Y/N…” Harry sighs. “I know you, I wanna date you, and I certainly want to fuck you.”
“I know, it’s so cliché it’s disgusting, isn’t it?” He smirks. “But it’s how I feel. I’m sick of tip toeing around it.”
“How long have you felt this way?”
“Can’t really pinpoint it, I don’t think it’s been long, but it doesn’t feel new either.”
Your eyes well up with tears, and he puts his hand back on your cheek. You lean into it. You felt deeply confused.
“I just never thought we’d…like…I just didn’t think you were into my like that.”
“Well, I am, so…what do you think? We already get along great. We like spending time together. I truthfully can’t stand other people. I think you’re the only person’s day I actually like hearing about. Have you really never thought about it?”
“I don’t know! You never made a move when we were in undergrad, with all those nights we slept next to each other, you never did anything…”
“Yeah, because you were asleep, Y/N.” He deadpans. “What did you want me to do? Feel you up while you were unconscious? Or better yet, make a move while we were both intoxicated?”
“No, of course not.” You shake your head. “I…I don’t know what I wanted. I just felt lucky that I had such a good friend.”
“Yeah, me too.” He sighs. “Look, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, this doesn’t need to be weird. Just know if you wanted to give it a try, I’d be down.”
“You’re genuinely attracted to me, like, physically?”
“Yes.” He chuckles. “And I like what you got going on up here too.” He taps your forehead with his index finger. “But you knew that already. What about me, are you physically attracted to me?”
“Well…yeah, you know you’re hot.”
“I didn’t ask you what I know.” He smirks.
“Okay, yeah, I’ve always thought you were handsome, but you used to really be a douchebag, it turned me off. Made it easier to just be your friend.” You smirk at him and he rolls his eyes.
“M’not like that anymore.” He inches closer to you. You could feel his minty breath fanning over you.
“I know.” You say just above a whisper. The mood had changed immensely. The dim lighting in your room was creating an atmosphere you had never really felt with him before.
“So…I guess the only thing left to figure out is if there’s any real heat between us.” You nod at him as his hand goes back to cradle your cheek once more. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
You move towards each other slowly, your lips gracefully pressing against each other’s. You felt scared as your eyes pinched closed. It was scary to kiss your best friend, and what was scarier was that fact that it felt so natural and seamless. He pulls away, just to see if you’ll chase him, and you do, kissing him again. You do the same to him, and he comes chasing after your soft lips.
“Harry.” You whisper as you press your forehead to his.
“Yeah?” He whispers back.
“I…I wanna have sex with you.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
He cups both of your cheeks and pulls your lips back to his. His tongue peeks out to swipe along your bottom lip. He runs his lips back and forth over yours, and you open up for him. Your tongues meet, and you lick against each other, eliciting a moan from the both of you. You tug at the hem of his shirt, and he lets you lift it off. Your run your hands up and down his stomach as you continue to explore each other’s mouths, lips getting puffy and swollen. He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth while he unzips the sweatshirt you’re wearing. He pushes it off your shoulders, and you shimmy it the rest of the way off. He’s met with your bare breasts, and he licks his lips as he looks at them.
Harry pulls you closer to him, and his lips press against your neck. You cling to his biceps as he works his mouth down your chest. He looks up at you as he sucks on one of your nipples, rolling it between your teeth. You can’t help your head from falling back. He slides down to the floor as he continues to kiss on you. Your mouth falls open as he nips and sucks on your stomach, and his fingers hook into your leggings. He looks up at you and you nod. He tugs your leggings and underwear down your legs and gets them all the way off.
“Y/N, you’re sure?”
“Yes, I want you to, please.”
You open your legs for him, and he just about loses it from your confidence. He leans forward and kisses each of your hips. You think he’s about to go for your center, but he sucks on your inner thigh. You flinch from the sensitivity, but it feels good. You make sure to sit up on your elbows so you can watch him. He looks up at you and licks a flat stripe between your folds. He sucks on each of your lips before spreading you apart with his thumbs to focus on your clit. He sucks on it at first, harshly, and you gasp. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick back and forth against it. He runs his hands along your thighs to keep you open for him. You were clenching around nothing. His tongue was warm and wet, and everything you needed.
Your body starts to feel warm all over, you can feel your orgasm start to bubble up from within your lower belly. You let yourself fall back against the bed as you start to pant. Your voice cracks as louder moans begin to rip through your throat. He was sucking and slurping on your cunt, noises you had never heard before while someone was going down on you. And to really push you over the edge, he was moaning into you. Not little whimpers or grunts, genuine moans that were vibrating into you.
“Oh my god!” You cry out. A few tears roll down your cheeks as he continues to lap around you, helping you come down.
He kisses back up your body until he’s hovering over you. He smears his lips over yours, and you grunt, pulling him closer to you. It was the filthiest kiss of your life, completely tasting yourself on him, but you didn’t care. He just made you feel better than anyone ever did. You push him so he’ll on his back, and this time you’re the one to sink onto the floor. You get his jeans and boxers down his legs. Your eyes bug out when you see his large prick slap back against his stomach.
“Christ, Harry.”
“As if you didn’t already know.” He smirks.
“I mean, I had an idea.”
You spit into your hand and wrap it around his length. He grits his teeth as you start to slowly pump him up and down. You run his tip along your lips, and his mouth falls open. Your tongue presses over his slit and you wrap your lips around him. You suckle his tip, eliciting a moan from him. You hollow your cheeks and sink almost all the way down on him. You just wanted to feel him down your throat. You breathe your nose and just hold him there.
“Y/N.” He stutters.
You slowly pull off of him, a string of spit keeping you connected. You suck in a breath before sinking back down on him, not quite as much as you took before, and you bob up and down his length. You cup his balls and massage them as you make a mess of his prick. There was spit, drool, and precome dripping down your chin. Harry was a panting mess on the bed. His hands were gripping at the sheets, and the sight of him doing that causes you to moan. To see his veins popping out the way they were was enough to make you come again.
“Y/N, fuck, I’m gonna come.”
You moan around him as his come spurts into your mouth. You swallow it all and suck him dry. He pulls you up to him, dumbfounded that you just did what you did.
“I thought you wanted me to fuck you.” He breathes.
“I do, I’ve heard you have pretty good stamina.” You peck his lips. “I’m sure you’ll get hard again soon.”
He groans and shifts his thighs between your legs, making you gasp. He grips your hips and starts moving you back and forth along his tiger tattoo. Your nails dig into his chest as you work to grind against him.
“H-Harry.” You mewl.
“Yeah, ride my fucking leg, baby, show me how you do it.”
“I want you so bad, I wanna fuck you so bad, Y/N.”
“Oh, oh!” You come undone on his thigh. You lean down and press your lips to his, licking into his mouth. Before you know it he’s moving you up his body, turning you around, and licking back into your cunt. “Shit!”
He’s relentless with you, fucking you with his tongue, telling you to bounce up and down on him, and you listen. He sucks on your clit again, and you fall forward, head resting on his thigh. You watch as his cock bloats back up. You’d never know someone to enjoy doing this so much. You kiss on his thigh because you just needed to do something with your mouth. He makes you come again, and he lifts you off of his face.
“Think you can keep going?” He smirks as your head falls back against your pillows.
He grabs your legs and pushes them back so your knees press against the bed. He lifts your bum enough to rest on his thighs, and he dips his tongue back into your cunt. This was some serious teasing. You watch as his tongue goes in and out of you, deeper each time. He reaches forward with one of his hands to rub your clit. It was throbbing for him.
“Harry, please.”
“What, no good?”
“No, it’s amazing, but…I really wanna feel your dick now, please, I know you’re hard again.”
“You just taste so good.” He brings his mouth down to your cunt and sucks on it.
“This won’t be the only time I’ll let your head between my legs, I promise.” You let your legs drop back to lay normally. He sits back as you look at each other. “When was the last time you were tested? I…I’m clean, and if you are too, I’d prefer not to use a condom if you feel comfortable with that.”
“STD test came back negative a month ago when I went in for a checkup. You’re on the pill?”
He leans down to kiss you, and then he pulls back to paint his cock with your wetness that was uncontrollably leaking out of you for him. He presses his tip against your clit, and slides it down your slit. He pushes inside you slowly. He fills you to the hilt, and waits. For a moment he just wants to enjoy how tight and snug you are around him. You push your hips up and start rocking against him.
“Jesus, Y/N, you’re so fucking perfect.”
“Because I’m moving myself on you?” You giggle.
“I just think it’s cute that you’re so goddamn impatient.”
“Would you just shut up and show what you can do with this thing? Or am I gonna have to do all of this myself?”
He accepts the challenge, pulling his hips back, and snapping them forward. You reach behind yourself to press against the headboard so your head doesn’t smack against it. He drives it into you fast and deep. He pushes you to the brink of coming, but he pulls all the way out of you. Before you can complain he flips you over, and grabs your hips. He pulls you back to him and slips back inside. You moan out from the new angle, and the sound of his skin slapping against yours makes your eyes roll back. He gives your bum a light smack and you grunt.
“You can do that a little harder, a little.” You didn’t want him to fully spank you, you weren’t into that sort of thing, but you didn’t mind feeling it a little more. He delivers a harsher smack and you groan again.
“You have the best ass I’ve ever seen.” He smacks you again and you grip onto the pillows. He grips the back of your neck to get a steadier pace going, and he uses his other hand to rub your clit.
“Fuck, Harry. You’re so attentive.” You manage to say. You felt like you could barely breathe.
“I’m gonna ruin you for any other guy.”
“Don’t want any other guy.” You admit. “I don’t want anyone else to fuck me.”
“Christ.” He moans.
His fingers move faster on your clit, and his tip pounds against your g-spot, and you’re coming. You’re coming hard around him. He pulls out and sits up against the headboard. You look up at him, completely frazzled.
“I want you ride me.”
“Okay.” You breathe. You shuffle around and swing your leg over him. You line him up with yourself and sink down on him.
He fondles your breasts as you move up and down on him. He kisses on your chest as you get a rhythm going. He leans back just to watch your tits bounce up and down. He looks up at you and grips you by the back of your neck to pull your mouth down to his. You breathe each other in and out as you moan and gasp. He takes control by gripping your hips, and you cling to him to let him just do what he wanted with you. You tighten around him and his head falls back for a moment.
“Where can I come?” He asks.
“Where do you want to come?”
“Inside you.”
“You’re okay with that?”
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” He grunts.
You cry out as he does when he comes. You don’t think you had ever felt so full in your life. He kisses you as you both catch your breaths. You tug at his hair, and grind against him. You were close to coming again. He takes the hint and snakes his hand between you both and rubs your clit. Your orgasm rips through you, and you moan into his neck.
“I’m so fucking sweaty.” You whisper.
“Do you wanna take a shower?”
“Yeah.” You look up at him. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Do I still have legs? Because I can’t feel them.”
He puffs out some air as he laughs, smoothing some hair away from your face.
“Yes, you still have legs, Y/N. Should I carry you to the bathroom?”
“Please, I really need to pee.”
He kisses your forehead and slowly lifts you off of him. You clench so nothing falls out. You didn’t want to make a bigger mess of your bed.
“We can sleep in my room and wash your sheets tomorrow, don’t worry about that.” He says as he carries you bridal style to the bathroom.
He sets you down on the toilet and steps out to give you some privacy. Once he hears the water for the shower start he comes back in. He splays a hand on your back and gives you a gentle rub before you both step in. You felt overwhelmed. You just had the best sex of your life with your very best friend. As he reaches for his body wash you swat his hand. He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Would you…would you just hold me?” Your bottom lip quivers, and he pulls you into his chest.
You nestle into him, and just stand under the warm water with him. He cradles your head and lets you cry into him. He starts to cry too, although he’s not really sure why.
“I don’t want anything to get fucked up between us, Harry.” You look up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. “I love you so much, and I don’t want something bad to happen that’ll make us hate each other.”
“M’not gonna let that happen.” He wipes your tears away, and then wipes away his own. “We’re gonna do this right. We’ll go out on dates, and we’ll see where it goes, and I hope it goes well because I love you too, and I value so many of the things we have with each other.”
You each take turns scrubbing each other down, getting clean. It’s soothing, and calming. You both relax, and get wrapped up into some towels. You run the blow dryer through your hair quickly just so it’s not sopping wet. He gives you one of his bed shirts to wear, and you crawl into bed with him. Being immersed in his scent was exactly what you needed. You rest your head on his chest, and he throws his arm around you.
“When was the last time you actually dated someone?” You ask softly.
“Um…think I was sixteen to be honest with you.”
“Ah, so a while.” You chuckle.
“You literally know my entire sexual history, and I know yours, let’s not pretend we’re both experts with all this.”
“So…we’ll just make this up as we go? I mean, I like that we sleep together sometimes, but I wanna keep my room, I don’t wanna move into the same room.”
“Christ, slow down, we just got together and you’re already talking about moving into the same bedroom?” You swat at his chest and he laughs, kissing the top of your head. “In all seriousness, I feel the same way, I think we should still have our separate spaces. You get pissed off with me easily.”
“Maybe you should try not to piss me off then.”
“Well, now that I know you enjoy a good tonguing, I’m not really worried about it. God, we can make up from a fight with sex instead of watching Dirty Dancing, it’s gonna be incredible.”
“Can…can we not do both?” You look up at him. “I love singing Hungry Eyes with you.”
“Yeah, both is good.”
“And I wanna make sure we clarify what are dates, and what’s just hanging out. I want dates to feel…special, I don’t know.”
“Can do. I think study dates at the library are gonna be my favorite.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I can rile you up. I’ll sit across from you to play footsie, and then I’ll run my foot up your leg. I’ll make eyes at you. You’ll end up blowing me in the bathroom, it’ll be great.”
“Mm, yes, well, what if my leg’s the one doing the rubbing? I could probably make you come in your pants from my foot on your crotch alone.”
“Okay, no study dates. You know what I would really like, though?”
“Sometimes…sometimes I really miss you when I work double shifts at work, and then I feel bad because you’re here all by yourself…so maybe you could come to the coffee shop more? Hang out, do homework, I’ll give you free food.”
“Sounds like a sweet deal to me.” You bite your bottom lip. “You’re not gonna ask me to give up my Only Fans are you?”
“What? No, why would you even think that?”
“I don’t know…you’re the jealous type, Harry.”
“True…but if that’s what you wanna do for work, I don’t have a problem with it. Can I tell you a dirty secret?”
“I’m subscribed to your page.”
“You are?!”
“Yeah…I’ve never wanked to your stuff because I feel like that would be creepy, but I do keep up with what you post.”
“I’m not gonna do it forever, once I get a real job I won’t need it…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, babe. Even if you were doing the really filthy stuff, I wouldn’t care. That’s your business.”
“God, if I wasn’t so tired I’d hop on your dick again.”
He chuckles at that and gives your shoulder a squeeze.
“Any other questions?”
“I don’t think so. Although, I’m not looking forward to telling Rachel. The it’s about time or I told you so is not gonna be fun.”
“Same with Niall and Louis. We just gotta rip the band aid.”
You hum your response and get a little cozier by putting one of your legs over his. It was easy enough to fall asleep. You talked, so you weren’t worried about your friendship ending. If anything, it was all going to get better. Being able to kiss and touch on top of how you were with each other already was just the cherry on top. It didn’t happen over drinks, it didn’t happen in a club, and it didn’t happen by mistake. This was on purpose. He was the person you were supposed to be with, and he felt the same way.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Tangible Phantom
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: non-con, invisible smexy time, stalking, breeding, mild gore
AO3 Link
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The internet was a magnificent invention of humankind. It made everything easier. At the same time, it was accessible to almost anyone and it brought people together.
There were so many things one could find by typing some letters on a browser and with a click of a mouse.
Whether it be cute animal videos you could share with your friends, porn to watch late at night as your fingers slid inside your panties beneath the sheets, or disturbing images of people who had or were taking their last breath. You could find it all on the internet.
Morbid curiosity led you to the furthest parts of the internet like on strange websites where you could find pictures of deformed bodies.
There wasn’t any explanation on why they had been deformed like that but their death cause was all the same, heart failure.
Although you weren’t anything more than a normal citizen, you felt like what you were doing was wrong. Looking at those images and scrolling down to see more of the distorted faces of what used to be people who had a family, a life, and goals that you would never know about should have been enough to make you click away. Yet, you always found yourself logging into your laptop every night to check if there were more.
It wasn’t illegal nor it was hurting anyone. It was just… unethical. Somewhat felt like you were feeling guilty of what happened even though you had nothing to do with any of these people.
Nevertheless, it made you wonder if you would feel the same way if those people were someone you knew. Or if it were you.
As if that would ever happen.
It was a late night when you were walking the same route to your place with your mind clouded by what to eat once you got home. The streets were rather silent at this time of the night, no cars passed or a single soul was outside, so the only noise was your footsteps that echoed in the empty street.
Although you were only about a full two minutes away from arriving at your place, you suddenly stopped in shock when you saw a dark figure sitting in the dark under the bridge you had to walk through.
Alone at night, standing stiffly in the dark, looking desperately down at your phone screen and then to the man, you considered turning back and walking to the nearest bus station. You could stay at your friend’s place again rather than take your chance to walk past someone who looked like a predator waiting for its prey.
You considered calling one of your friends and being on the phone with them until you arrived home. Decidedly, you called your friend’s phone but they didn’t answer. If it was them calling you, you would answer right away, they knew how you didn’t call anyone without a reason.
While the phone was ringing again, you kept muttering under your breath about how much you were going to yell at them once they answered you but they never picked up.
Your other friend wasn’t in town and you could never call your friend to ask if her brother could escort you to your place again, you only made everyone question your sanity when you asked for favors like that.
You made everyone around you uncomfortable, they think you were out of your mind. Why were you so scared of walking past a possibly homeless man?
This was why most of your friends hated you, this was why they didn’t answer your calls anymore.
Huffing in annoyance and disappointment, you put your phone against your ear to pretend to be on the phone with your father as you started walking again.
The man noticed you, you saw his head moving when the sound of your footsteps alarmed him of your presence, all of his attention was on you now.
You tried ignoring the instincts that told you to turn back and run away.
It was probably just a homeless man.
There was no way that he would try to do anything to you.
You were just overreacting like you always did.
You refused to acknowledge the man’s existence as you increased your speed to pass him as soon as possible and go on with your night like you weren’t already having a panic attack.
The man was doing nothing but watching you intently, he hadn’t moved.
Yeah, you were just overreacting before.
“Yes, I’ll be home soon, dad! I’m walking!” you started basically yelling, hoping that your acting was believable.
Maybe not.
The man got up, blocking your path.
Startled, your hand gripped tighter on your purse and you started yelling to your phone. “Dad! Can you come outside the building and wait for me?! I’m right around the corner once I pass the bridge!”
You were scared to look at the man. As if you didn’t notice him getting up, you ignored his presence and tried to walk around him but he stepped to the side to block your way again.
This time, your lips started trembling in fear, you actually were believing you were talking to your father. “Dad, I’m scared, please come get me!”
“I can see that you’re not on the phone,” a husky voice said. “Your phone screen is lit up.”
You shrieked upon him talking to you. When his hand reached for your face, you jerked away and took a couple of steps back.
“Don’t touch me!” you screamed, your eyes finally meeting his eyes that were sparkling with vicious intent. “I’ll call the police!”
Ignoring your threat, he took a step closer towards you which only made you panic more.
You looked for an exit. To your right was a concrete wall and to your left was the large sewer gate. Running past the man was impossible.
“Stay away from me!” You turned on your heels to make a bolt towards the sewers but the man was faster than you. He grabbed you by your hair and pulled your back flush against his chest.
You started to scream as you struggled in the man’s hold. It was barely midnight, someone would hear your screams for help.
Normally an attacker would chicken out if their victim was struggling and screaming this much but your attacker seemed to not have a care in the world if he would get caught or not.
As he started dragging you towards the sewer gate, you shook your body violently, kicking helplessly in the air and yelling on top of your lungs.
He started shushing you and clapped a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet while proceeded to drag you further inside the sewers.
This was the end, wasn’t it?
On a regular night, Mahito usually read his book to the sounds of the rats or the water splashing sounds in the sewers. The steady and faint noises were enough to lull him to sleep but tonight his peace was disturbed.
A woman was screaming for her life. Something he heard more often than regular since it was usually him who was the cause of their screams. This woman’s screams were echoing in the sewers, being muffled by something as a man’s voice kept shushing.
Out of curiosity, he put his book down and walked to the source of the loud noises.
It took him barely a minute to find you and your attacker. The man had you under him, his chest pressing on your back as he was hastily pulling his pants down.
“Oh, how amusing,” Mahito chuckled, getting closer to watch your face stained with tears.
He crouched right next to your face, humming cutely. “You’re quite adorable,” he said, his hand reached to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Really my type.”
Your sudden yell made Mahito pull his hand back. Whew, you had startled him.
“Nobody will hear you,” the man assured with a breathy laugh, his hand rubbing guiding his cock between your thighs.
Mahito pouted his lips and tilted his head to the side. “It’s no fun when I’m left out, you know.”
The man was busy pulling your panties to the side.
“Please, please, please don’t!”
“Don’t ignore me,” Mahito furrowed his brows and tapped on the man’s shoulder.
You were still struggling under the man’s weight when he suddenly stopped moving. With a burst of an adrenaline rush, you pushed yourself up from the concrete and threw your attacker tumbling back.
Almost immediately you got up on your feet and swung your purse at the man, hitting him in the face with your eyes closed shut in fear.
The impact made a splash sound as if you had hit something soggy. What? Your eyes hesitantly opened and it took you a long moment to register what you were seeing.
“Wow.” Mahito stood beside you with a smile on his face. “He looks nice like that, don’t you think?”
You dropped your purse.
Your mouth opened to scream but what were you going to gain from it? You closed it back again.
It looked unreal, nothing like the photos you had seen online. You wanted to look away but you couldn’t.
“Heeeeyyyy~” Mahito stood in front of you, waving a hand to your face. “I don’t even get thanks?”
The man’s disfigured body and face were covered in blood. The sight was enough to cause trauma and make any normal person collapse on their knees, heaving. His body was twisted to the point you couldn’t tell if he was a human or not.
What you were seeing wasn’t human.
You couldn’t tell if it was a human.
Your brain disconnected it from your mind that he was a real, living, and breathing person only a couple of seconds ago.
The fact that you couldn’t even process what you were seeing right in front of you made you burst into a peal of hysterical laughter.
Mahito took a step back. “Ah, you’re one of those who goes insane…” He shrugged, watching you lose your sanity was fun too. His eyes landed on the panties which were halfway down on your thighs that you hadn’t even bothered to pull up and then his stare landed on your unevenly hoisted skirt. A grin spread on his face.
Your laughter died down quickly and sobbing replaced it. You couldn’t stop your tears. Your vision was getting blurry from your tears and you tried to revive your brain to think of what to do next.
Could you just leave this man here?
Even though he attacked you with full intention to rape you, it… it was wrong to leave him like this.
He was dead. Disfigured. Not human.
There was nothing you could do. Whatever caused this man to turn into this inhuman thing could have happened to you.
You felt a shiver run down your spine and up your shoulders. As if the cool evening breeze had hands, the chilly air caressed your skin.
A quiet sob left your lips and you lifted your hand to wipe your tears but stopped when something firm pressed on your back.
“You’re definitely my type,” Mahito snickered, pulling his hand back.
With a shriek you jumped forward, whipping your head around to look behind you. There was nothing.
You had to be going insane.
You put a hand against your forehead and looked around the sewers. The most logical thing to do was to leave. This rapist deserved to rot here, you didn’t care. You wouldn’t care. You knew you couldn’t care less.
“Heeey~~ I’m Mahito, your savior.” He poked your nose and you itched where he had touched you. “You should thank me for saving youuuu!”
Once you got home to your bed, you would browse on the websites to stare at disfigured humans like him. This was nothing. You had seen worse on the internet. You didn’t care.
Mahito crouched down to open your purse. He looked around your stuff and tried to find something that had your name on it but it was futile.
You weren’t going to wake up tomorrow and think about its face.
“Hey, what’s your name?” he asked.
No, you weren’t going to remember about this thing the day after tomorrow.
“Hellloooo~~ What’s your name?”
Definitely, you weren’t going to think about this thing whenever you closed your eyes.
“What’s your name?” Mahito put his hand on your shoulder. You reacted to his touch and flinched but didn’t answer him. “Ugh! This is the third time I’m asking, sweetheart.”
You were being paranoid, that was for sure.
It felt like ghostly hands were touching you.
“Let’s see how far we can go before you see me.” Mahito grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed you down.
Fear came rushing back and you started screaming. Something you couldn’t see had tackled you on the cold concrete. This wasn’t a figment of your imagination, this was real.
“You know, a friend of mine said that humans can see curses when they’re in a life or death situation.” His large hands massaged your shoulders as he spoke. “I wanna see if we can have fun together even when you can’t see me.”
Your breathing became uneven and you started struggling against the unknown force holding you down.
Mahito moved his hands to your shoulder blades and slid them lower until he grabbed you by your hips. You gasped when he pressed himself against you. “Oh, so you can feel this .” He slowly grinded against you.
Your hands balled up to fists and you pressed your forehead against the cold concrete. There was something on top of you, something firm and thick was pressing on you. You were rocking back and forth with a very familiar feeling of a cock on your ass.
Mahito’s grinding became harder to get a reaction out of you. He pushed his growing clothed erection against your ass to explicitly stimulate the movement of fucking you.
You bit your lips to hold back a moan. You hadn’t gone insane yet, there was something humping you. There was a small moment where you tried to move and crawl away from this entity but your body became frozen when you felt your skirt was getting hiked up.
“You’re so cute~” He pulled his own pants down. “Very pretty.”
The weight on top of you disappeared, taking the opportunity you tried crawling away but your body got flipped around.
Now, you were facing the ceiling of the sewers with nobody in sight yet there were hands fondling your tits.
“Stop,” you whimpered. “Please.”
Mahito smirked, getting his face awfully close to yours. He let his tongue loll out from his mouth and licked your lips.
You let out a startled scream, you tried kicking your invisible attacker but it was useless to even try. You couldn’t fight something you couldn’t see.
“Mm, you taste so sweet,” he whispered. His lips pressed against yours experimentally and bit your bottom lip. You reacted by turning your face to the side.
Having had pulled his pants down before, Mahito grabbed his fully erect cock. He stroked it from the base to the pink tip glistening with precum as he relished on your view.
“I really wanna know the name of  my cute new doll.” He used a free hand to spread your legs, although you tried fighting back, he quickly outpowered you. He pouted when you didn’t say anything regarding what he had said.
“Please,” you whispered, starting to pray for whoever was listening. Your hand went between your legs to cover yourself but it stopped midway when you felt something firm press and move against your clit. An involuntary moan left your lips.
Mahito chuckled at your reaction and tapped his cock on your clit before dragging the tip between your folds to cover it with your juices. “You’re wet only because of me, right?” he asked, smirking.
Your lips parted as he lined himself up on your entrance. He waited until your tense body relaxed and shoved his cock inside you in one go once he caught you off guard.
You let out another moan but it got muffled by Mahito’s lips. While you were tensing and yelping because of the girth of his cock stretching you out, he was snaking his tongue inside your mouth with dark amusement.
Whether it be because of fear or pleasure, your gummy walls were clenching around his cock. It was more than enough to let Mahito know that he could move now.
Pulling his hips back and face back, he slammed into you abruptly to force a moan out of you. However, you didn’t make a sound. He looked down at you to notice how you were pressing your lips together, refusing to make it fun.
He sighed but didn’t let it ruin the mood. Instead, he frantically started fucking you. His hips surged forward with frenzy, he was whispering praises but you heard none of them.
Your pussy was being forcefully stretched by something thick and firm, you didn’t know exactly what it was but you also knew. You just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
It moved in and out of your pussy, stroking only the right spots and massaging your gummy walls enticingly. Your juices were gushing out of your hole that was being fucked, making disgustingly wet sounds.
One of your hands went to your pussy, unable to fight back the entity, you tried blocking it with your hand from ravishing you.
A sharp thrust of his hips was all it took to make you squirm and fall back on the concrete.
Mahito put a hand on your clit and started rubbing tight circles on your nub as he continued his animalistic pace to hammer into your pussy.
Arching your back, you moaned. Your pussy was spasming around his cock, begging for more.
“At least your body is honest.” Mahito watched you convulse in pleasure with a chuckle. He pushed your legs up to your chest and began pounding deeper in your pussy.
Your eyes rolled up, hands trying to grab onto something to steady yourself but there was nothing on the concrete. This was it, you were close.
“Do you think a cursed spirit and a human can make a baby?” His pace slackened, your clenching walls had caught him by surprise. He chuckled before languidly answering his own question. “Let’s try and see, yeah? Whaddaya say, sweetie?”
You quivered when his cock kissed your cervix. Your mouth gaped open in a silent moan as your orgasm shook you to your core.
“Haha, you look so needy and dumb!” Mahito’s cock twitched inside you, he groaned loudly. He tried holding himself back and stealing a couple more thrusts into your pussy before the fun ended but his thrusts had started becoming shaky. His hips lurched forward one last time, pushing as far as he could to spill his seed deep inside your womb and filled your pussy until it overflowed.
Mahito pulled back and held your hips up to hold his seed inside you without letting another drop go to waste. This was going to be one of his experiments, he decided with a sickening smile on his face.
You were far too exhausted to feel anything other than the warmth that filled your tummy.
The rest… was a blur.
Although what happened that night was supposed to be traumatic, nowadays; you found yourself feeling a lot safer walking home at night. Whenever someone followed you or someone with malicious intent tried getting near you, there was a guardian angel that stopped them with a small price of you letting it indulge in your slick heat.
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redsunsetxiii · 2 years
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**Please do not repost without credit** [TRANS] 2022.04.28 SONE NOTE LIVE vol 37 with Yoona
Staff: You took family photos with Rae-O this time! You usually share pictures of Rae-O on Instagram and the like, but please share your reasons and what inspired you to take family photos here.
Yoona: If I had the time to take family pictures, then I wanted to make sure that I had photos with Rae-O to keep. 
Staff: How was Rae-O [during the shoot]? How many points would you give him for his effort?
Yoona: I’ve taken him to shooting locations many times, but he was the best today out of all other days. I feel like Rae-O was at least 80% of what he was at home! He is hard to capture on camera…in the end the real Rae-O has more points (laughs).
Staff: Which scene did you think had the best photos and which scene was the most fun? Please share your reasons why as well.
Yoona: Rae-O stuck with me and was very excited, so I think he had fun in the photoshoot. He was in good spirits so I feel like he did well no matter what the scene was.
Staff: Rae-O performed tricks and guessed where his treats were, but how do you usually play with Rae-O at home?
Yoona: He’s very cute and I like to hold him a lot, but sometimes when he wants to play with a toy he’d bring it to me and I will play fetch with him.
Staff: What kind of presence is Rae-O to you?
Yoona: He is the first dog I’ve owned. So he’s family.
Staff: Taeyeon brought Zero to Los Angeles before, but if you were to travel with Rae-O, what country would you go to? What would you like to do together?
Yoona: Anywhere would be nice. I’d like to go to various country landmarks and make memories. 
Staff: This will be released in April. Please share your recent activities. 
Yoona: There’s only a little left of filming left for the drama, “Big Mouth”, and filming for the movie I’ll be in will start soon.
Staff: The movie you star in, “Miracle: Letters to the President” will premier [in Japan] on April 29th. Was there anything you kept in mind or were careful of when preparing for the character this time?
Yoona: It was the first time I acted with a dialect and it wasn’t one that I’ve heard often, so I put effort into learning it. I also tried to better convey the lovely charm of Ra-hee, who I played.
Staff: Were there any memorable episodes while filming the movie?
Yoona: There’s a scene where the main character, Joon-kyeong, is fooling around while drawing at the river, and the weather was warm and nice so at the scene I splashed him with water and laughed a lot!
Staff: It’s SNSD’s 15th anniversary and what kind of year would you like to have? 
Yoona: In order for this year to be like the wonderful title of “15th anniversary”, I hope to be able to spend it with all the fans who support and wait for us, make the year convey SNSD’s coolness, and have it remain as a memory.
Translation by RedSunsetXIII source: SONE JAPAN website **Please do not repost without credit**
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
I've had an idea in my head for quite a while! What about Cater using you all he can for his birthday? You can't deny him either! You don't want to make the birthday boy sad, do you? He'd film everything as well! Threatening to upload it to Magicam if you don't do as he says.
- 🍑
Let’s start off with some spicy blackmail for our birthday boi~ (ง ื▿ ื)ว
“Oh~ That’s good pose, (Y/N)-chan! Look a little more to the right, here!”
Holding his phone in a horizontal manner, Cater tilted his upper body to get that perfect angle he wanted. You awkwardly shifted from your position, waiting for him to get a shot as you looked away in embarrassment. “Ah! Come on, don’t look away all shy like that~! It’s cute though, but it doesn’t feel right~” You flinched as you quickly went back to glance at the lens of his phone, your face blooming redder by the second.
“T-Take the shot already…” You barely mumbled out with your voice coming out a lot weaker than you would’ve wanted. You knew he was utilizing his time here, trying to savor the moment, but resulting in you becoming more and more humiliated by the second…I mean, how could you not? When this birthday boy just ordered you to go down on your knees right between his legs, and basically gave you the permission to jerk him off. It’s his own perverted way of a gift, yet you could only puff your cheeks at it.
Cater gave nothing but a chuckle. “Now, now…It takes time to get that perfection, Cupcake~” He taunted, his eyes sparkling at the sight of you through his phone screen. His responses seemed distracted, you figured it must be because he’s so lost on his own world right now. Well, of course he’s applying this much focus on you right now; The way you nervously hold his cock in your hands and letting it poke against your warm cheeks, it’s simply enticing. No matter which place he holds the camera at, each angle is just unbearably adorable that it’s just impossible to take one shot. “Hey, why don’t you stick out your tongue for me, Darling?”
You let out a slight whine, keeping your mouth shut into a straight line as a form of rejection, stubborn as you can be. Still, it wasn’t enough for Cater to rethink his choice, having your tongue out just above his cock would definitely increase your cuteness level! “Hm~? Is that a no?” He hummed in a mocking manner; it made your stomach churn in response. The feeling of regret bubbles in. “That’s too bad…I guess we can still go with a livestream then! What do you say? Let’s livestream this event on Magicam!”
You gulped. “I just can’t decide on a good shot, you see! Maybe if I let everyone see your current state, they’ll be able to help me? Cay-kun is quite popular, you see~!” He said with a cheerful smile, but his eyes look down on you with dark intentions, making you feel as if there’s a loaded gun right at the back of your skull. His fingers began to fiddle with his phone screen, filling you with dread especially when you can’t see which buttons he was pressing. What if he was already livestreaming all this time and you just haven’t realized…!? “Let’s title this with…”The Prefect of Night Raven College’s Adorable Birthday Gift to Cay-kun”! Then-“
With a huffing whimper and frustrated tears building up on the side of your eyes, you opened your quavering mouth and stuck out your tongue like he asked. Cater stopped with a victorious smirk on his face before laughing, you felt his cock twitched in your hand. “Aw, you poor thing~! Getting all flustered like that…” He said, reaching out to your face to wipe away those tiny tears, before studying your facial features. “Hm…So cute…”
He slipped his thumb on the side of your mouth, widening the gap before a truly smug smile followed right after. You widened your eyes with a squeak as he moved his cock right at the entrance “…Now, I want you to take this all in your mouth. All of it.” He smiled sweetly with a small giggle.
There’s nothing that you could really do here, your words are useless against him when he literally has the power to ruin you with a click of a button. Covering it up as a birthday gift didn’t really mean anything at all, he could’ve done this at a normal day and he’d still have that power. After much mental deliberation with yourself, you eventually moved to lean in closer and do as he say, opening your mouth wider to accommodate his girth. “Mm…That’s a good girl…” He said in a gentle whisper, moving his hand to pat your head as a form of motivation. His breath seems shaky, now that he’s feeling all sensitive with how warm you feel on the inside. “…You can move now.”
And so, you did, not having any other choice in the matter. Your actions were a bit clumsy, but you provided a warm and comforting feeling every time you bobbed your head to swallow him whole. The way your tongue would slide up and down his shaft, your saliva sticking to his skin like a protective layer. Cater couldn’t help but be amused as he noticed that you were actually learning fast, curiously exploring your options to deliver pleasure without even noticing it yourself. Cater was glad that he decided to secretly record this whole event, not to livestream or to post anywhere, but for himself to daydream again and again in the near future.
He let out a slight breathy chuckle and kept the fact for himself, however he would be lying if he said that he expected you to adapt this quickly. Honestly, your hands would automatically pump his dick slightly while you nibble and suck on his head, your hot breathing lingering against him was enough to stimulate him faster than he would’ve liked. Before Cater knew it, he just found himself to be the one moaning out loud as you fastened your pace. He mentally cursed as he just overestimated his endurance and his hand, which was sitting on top of your head, was beginning to add pressure to have you engulf him deeper and longer. “Nngh…(Y/N)-chan…You’re really good at this, huh…” He giggled, like an intoxicated individual, a drool slipped out on the side of his mouth in process. “More…Cay-kun wants more, (Y/N)-chan…!”
You heard him and to your surprise, your body was more than willing to grant his request as you felt a surge of motivation flowing in you and you began to suck him faster. Throwing his head back, Cater was unable to hold himself back anymore and with a euphoric smile, he gripped your head and pulled you out. His thick, white semen came bursting out of his slit like that of a firework and landing everywhere, mainly on you. You closed your eyes, feeling some liquid all over your face and mouth, eventually dripping down your cheeks like slime. “A-Ah…” You moaned slightly, slowly opening your eyes only to shut them off immediately as bright white flash suddenly slipped into your vision. Clearing your mind soon took the realization in you that after so long, Cater finally took that one perfect photo he wanted, and you weren’t even ready! You wondered how it look but seeing how your senior stares at his phone with that lovesick look on his face made you rethink otherwise.
Maybe that picture should really just be for his eyes.
“Aah~! This is perfect! It’s a completely stolen shot and you still look so cute!” He admired the photo, exhaustion doesn’t seem to have any effect on him even after his initial release, but trails of sweat drops down from his forehead. “Plus, my cum makes you look like you’re covered in whip cream instead! I guess pulling out was really the correct choice, good job me~!”
Squealing like a little girl, Cater finally took noticed of your pouting self and merely smiled brightly at you. “And good job to you too, (Y/N)-chan! You’re such a Sweetheart!” He said as leaned forward and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. “You really made Cay-kun’s birthday so much fun! Thank you~!”
You averted your eyes to the side and gave him a twitching smile. “Uuh…Y-Yeah, whatever you say…” You said, paling at the thought that you actually wouldn’t have agreed to this if he hadn’t blackmailed you in the first place. The senior seemed to be too distracted with his own enthusiasm to notice your salty attitude, but you had an underlying that he does notice, he just doesn’t want to acknowledge it. You ended up sighing in depravity in the end whilst hugging him back, you quietly click your tongue as a plan to have your revenge later…When you’re sure that those pictures won’t accidentally fall to some shady website that is.
Cater melts a little long in your touch before forcing himself to pull away and flashed you a wide smile. “Well then, I’m expecting our date in that one super photogenic café this Saturday, yeah~?” He said as you looked back to him, blinking. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I don’t take my girlfriend out somewhere nice?”
Then it hits you like a truck. “Wait…G-Girlfriend…!? Boyfriend!?”
With your panicking self, Cater tilted his head to the side, feigning innocence. “Hm~? That’s right. I mean, it’s just common sense for us to be in a proper relationship after doing that, you know?” He said with a shy blush, but still gave an evil smile in the end, making you gulp down a very bad feeling. Especially as proceeded he pulled out his phone with the recent picture of you covered in his seed, making you squeak in fear. “After all, you wouldn’t want this coming out so soon, right?”
“So, you better bet that we’re going to be stepping up a higher level than this, Sweetheart~!”
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