#I want to have all of my cakes and eat them too but THEY ARE DIFFERENT CAKES and I CAN ONLY HAVE ONE AAAAUGH
~ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒔 ~
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(Past) Rhysand x OC, (Eventual) Azriel x OC Part 2 of Betrayal
Summary: He was out of his mind with grief. Azriel had been through his fair share of trauma. He had seen and done horrific things, but that was always with Adelaide by his side. Now, he didn't know what to do, and he was losing it. Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and ideology, Death of a loved one, grief, Hurt/No Comfort
His limbs ached as he stood up from his chair. He had been sitting there so long that walking felt much harder than it usually did.
He rubbed the haze from his eyes while walking to the door, the incessant knocking making his headache worse.
"Fuck, Az. You look- how do you- do you want me to..." Cassian stood in front of his brother, a man he'd known for 500 years, and didn't recognize the person he saw.
It had been the first time in almost 2 months that Cassian's knocks were answered. He had come to her room, everyday, multiple times a day, to plead with his brother to talk to him, to eat something, to just let Cassian look at him so he could see he was alive.
Azriel said nothing as he turned around and went back to the chair he had been occupying. Cassian closed the door behind him as he took in the room.
It was the same as it had been the day she left. Even though this had been the place Azriel spent most of his days, the Shadowsinger had kept it all the same, only touching her bed that he would sleep in the nights he could stomach it, or the chair he was currently in now.
A mess of papers on the desk brought tears to Cassian's eyes. Adelaide, sweet and caring Adelaide, had been making a list of Solstice gifts for her family when she was called to join some of the Inner Circle on a meeting all those months ago. A meeting that had been a trap for them. A meeting that ended up taking her life.
Azriel cleared his throat when Cassian went to pick up a piece of paper. He had tried to hard to keep her room clean while also not disturbing things from the spot she had put them in.
"Nesta told me that her and Elaine have been leaving you food but it remains untouched."
"Is there a question, brother?" Azriel asked. His voice had always been rough, and he had always been more on the quiet side, but Cassian could tell that because of lack of use, it hurt him to speak.
"Why aren't you eating? How can we get you to? I would do anything, Az." he pleaded.
The spymaster didn't answer.
"Whats the end goal? Believe me, if you want 1,000 years to mourn her, I will be with you every step of the way. I've tried to give you space, but you are killing yourself! You sit in here all day, only coming out when everyone is asleep or gone. What do you need to care about your life again?"
He was met with a distracted look from Azriel.
His brother was never distracted. He was never careless. He hadn't missed a day of training for no reason in hundreds of years. Cassian knew he still trained every once in a while, but Azriel always found times to do it when no one else was around.
Azriel didn't have an answer for Cassian, at least not one he would like.
How could I care for my life when her's is over? he thought. By the desperate look on Cassian's face, he could tell his brother knew the answer.
"I lost her too. I know it was different with the two of you, you were each others'... person, but she was as much my sister as you are my brother. I didn't... I didn't even get to say goodbye." Cassian finally broke at the confession. He hadn't let himself think about it, he had to keep himself together for Azriel. "The last time I talked to her, we where fighting over food. She stole the slice of cake I had saved for myself, I called her an inconvenience and a burden, she called me a spoiled bat who needs to learn to share." He let out a bittersweet laugh at the memory. They were usually at each others' throats, and when they weren't, they were teamed up to annoy someone else in their family. But they loved each other, always were there for one another, except in the end, when it mattered most.
"24 hours later, I was picking out the sarcophagus my sister was going to be laid in. I would have let her have all of my leftovers, all of my desert, if it meant I just got one last conversation with her." Choking up, Cassian sank to the floor, a wave of familiar grief washing over him.
Azriel joined him, crying as he hugged his brother.
The two illyrians, sat like that for a while. Long after their tears had dried, long after the sun had gone down, Cassian finally spoke up.
"Why don't you go see her? Visiting helps me, talking to her even though I know she can't hear is something I do often."
In truth, Azriel hadn't gone to his best friend's mausoleum since the funeral. He couldn't see her like that, couldn't come to terms with it.
These past 6 months had been dark. Everyone was mourning her, many of the people of Velaris included, but none more than Azriel. Part of him had died, laid in the cold marble box that held her body. For the first few months, he had completely disconnected from reality. He went on with his daily routine, he trained, ate, went on missions, did paperwork, slept. But it was as it he was on autopilot, as if the real Azriel had been asleep that whole time.
Two months ago, he woke up. It was sudden, he had gone to his room for the first time in a while to grab some books that had been long overdo at the library, and the priestesses had kindly told him if they didn't get them back he would be banned for life.
Thats when he saw the blanket on the chair by his desk. She had given it to him over a century ago. It was a birthday present, a wool blanket that was enchanted to smell like her always. She had played it off as a self centered gift, so he doesn't forget about his favorite person while away on missions, in front of their friends, but Azriel knew it wasn't that. Adelaide had always been a master gift giver, and she also knew Azriel had trouble sleeping most nights, but he never had any problems falling asleep on the couch next to her after a long night of conversations, wrapped comfortably in her own wool blanket.
He hadn't slept without it till the night she died.
Then, he picked it up, trying to see if the enchantment still worked. And that was all it took for him to wake up. It was awful, every bad feeling he had been too far disassociated to feel hit him at once. He curled up on the floor with the blanket wrapped around his hands and stayed there for days, silent tears never ceasing to fall.
After getting yelled at by Madja, who Nesta had called to knock some sense into him, he got up and went to her room, where he remained most of his days.
He sat in the chair in the corner of the room, only eating to quiet his stomach, and tried as hard as he could to detach himself from the never ending agony that was his life now.
He told Cas he would see her, the general's face lighting up at the news.
He felt guilty, making Cassian so happy for something he knew would later destroy him.
Hours after Cassian had left the room, as the sun came up, Azriel went to his room to grab the blanket he hadn't touched in 2 months. Then he grabbed Truth Teller, wrote his final request, and went to see Adelaide.
The building was large, and beautifully constructed. He would have been happy that she had a resting place deserving of her, but he knew Rhysand only spent that much money and made it this beautiful to try and lighten the guilt he felt.
The Shadowsinger stopped by the entrance, the sarcophagus without a lid placed up on the platform.
Before the funeral, Helion had come to place a enchantment on her body that would keep it preserved.
It had been a show of good will, Adelaide had been head of the Night Court's scholarly texts, education, and research. The two had met to have academic conversations at least once every few months for decades.
But as Azriel looked down at her, it felt like a cruel punishment from Helion.
6 months later, she was still as beautiful as she was the last time he saw her, and she was still just as dead.
This was where he would remain, his final request was to be laid to rest in the same building. He would be adding unnecessary pain onto his loved ones who had suffered so much already, but for the first time in his life, Azriel had decided to put himself in front of his family.
Looking her over one last time, he realized he was now completely numb.
Azriel held the gifted blanket and went to take off the one she currently had. Based off the fact it seemed to have been picked out with meticulous care to match Adelaide's coloring, and her outfit, there was no doubt it had been placed their by Mor.
On her lap, previously being covered by the blanket, laid a large and very old book.
Had one of the scholars she worked with placed it? One of the educators?
Strange marks littered the cover, but no title. Not till he opened the first page did he see what it was.
The Walking Dead
A cruel pick. Who would ever leave such a book with a corpse?
The second page was blank, so was the third, so was the fourth. Thumbing through the book, Azriel just about gave up looking at the blank pages when he finally found one with writing.
It seemed to be a poem, but it was formatted too strangely.
The title at the top read Eternally Intertwined.
A spell.
He almost dropped the book at the realization.
No one had left this book, it had been fate that had given it to him, kept it here waiting for him to stumble upon it.
He knew what he needed to do.
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buckgasms · 12 hours
Hi, I have been absolutely loving your blog, mostly the Daddy!Bucky & Princess stories (but let’s be honest who doesn’t love Bucky 🥰😂!) and I was wondering about something..
I had my birthday recently and was wondering how the 2 of them would celebrate? U can make it as fluffy or smutty as u would like, and it’s okay if it takes a while for u to write, I have one every year so it will be close enough to each of them 😉
Keep up the good work and I cant wait to see more of your stories and imagination come to life 🥰
First of all @nicoline1998enilocin I am so sorry! This request is so old it's probably almost your birthday again 🫣 but I kept it in my inbox because I really love it and I wanted to do it justice, which hopefully is done for you today.
And also, happy birthday 🎂🎈 thank you for preempting my uselessness and for sending in a lovely ask!
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So let's start with Bucky's birthday:
- You try your absolute best to wake up first so you can give him birthday head but I feel like he would also be happy at waking you up too.
- Either way it's an X-rated morning lol.
- You managed to sneak out of his arms long enough to rush out to the kitchen and grab the pretty cakes you made the day before.
- He appears in the living room to find you sitting amongst his presents, a little cupcake and a candle lighting up your pretty face.
- Kneeling down he looks at you for a moment before blowing out his candle. He cups your cheek in a warm hand and pulls you in for a kiss.
- I'm not sure what you'd get for a criminal CEO who has everything but you manage to get him some lovely gifts.
- Stationery is always good, and some books. Maybe a nice watch? Shirts? Sunglasses?
- Plus you have a few little bags filled with pretty lingerie and toys that you figured he would enjoy.
- The present unwrapping ends with him cuddling you and kissing you all over, snuggling up as he thanks you for all the wonderful gifts.
- But you are the best gift he's ever had.
- I feel like there would also be an unspoken agreement that any time the birthday boy wants to have his princess, he gets her.
- Doesn't matter where you are, or what's happening. He just grabs you, pins you down or presses you up against a wall and takes what's his.
- Without knowing when it's happening you spend the day in a state of giddy excitement and desire.
- Daddy is the kinda guy who does big parties, but actually hates them when they are happening.
- He spends a bit of time chatting to his friends, opening some gifts and eating delicious canapes, but his mind is preoccupied.
- Because of you.
- You have dressed up in a little pink dress that looks exactly like a ribbon on top of a present. And he wanted to unwrap you right then and there.
- And perhaps in fact you told him that he could? As a special birthday treat?
- He'd managed to resist so far, but now he just wants his pretty present.
- He sidles up behind you and wraps his arms around you, pressing kisses to your shoulder and neck. You giggle as he tugs gently at the end of the bow.
- Much to both of your surprises it falls off quite quickly and drops to the floor. Some of the guests notice and clap, as you giggle twirling around and pressing yourself into Bucky's chest.
- "Much better I must say" he mutters into your ear and brushes his nose along yours before stealing a kiss from you. He deepens it as your arms wrap around him, holding you close.
- People actually sigh and swoon.
- Maybe you dance a little or maybe he just waves his guests goodbye as you walk with him up the stairs to the bedroom.
Now let's talk about Princess' birthday:
- He wakes you up with kisses and surrounds you with presents on the bed.
- I also think he would get you a tiara because you are a Princess.
- All the presents are so perfect, he gets you all those little things that you have mentioned over the past few months.
- Maybe some nice jewellery, books, dresses, colouring books, a new phone? New supplies for arts and crafts? Teddy bears?
- Also he's taking you to Italy...
- He spends the day pampering you, pleasuring you and treating you like the princess that you are.
- I think he would take you out for lunch, but he'd make sure the whole restaurant was booked so you weren't disturbed.
- He's gonna fuck you right there as well because you look so beautiful and happy and he can't resist you.
- I think you have permission to come anytime you want on your birthday. All you have to do is say, "Daddddy" and bat your pretty eyelashes and he'll be there to make you feel all better.
- A similar party ensues, although probably a smaller crowd because you prefer it that way.
- You take your time opening presents, giving big hugs to all of the gifters and showing Daddy what you got.
- Despite a whole day of sex on tap, you still feel a hit desire for him. He just looks so divine and delicious.
- And he knows you are dying for him so he asks Natasha to give you your present as he drags you into his lap, pretty skirt of your dress covering your lap.
- You squeak as his hand slides up your thigh and into your underwear, rubbing and sliding into your soaked heat.
- "Just can't get enough can ya? I can feel how swollen and used this pretty cunt is Princess, and still you want more hmm? Such a good girl. God I'm so lucky..."
- His whispering all this filth in your ear as you unwrap your present. You do your absolute best to thank Natasha and focus on what she's brought you, but his fingers are curling and pressing into that magical spot inside that sends your brain into a fog.
- You basically stay like that until the party ends. Everyone gives you a birthday kiss before they leave and you smile and wave as they go.
- Leaning back on Bucky's chest you let out a little whine, as he continues to make a mess of you.
- "Ready for your last present?"
- Much like his birthday the evening will end with something very special.
- I think he'd purchase something really kinky for his birthday, and something even kinkier for yours 😂
- I also like the idea of it all being a bit silly. Like you have to sing happy birthday to him as he spanks you, and if you get distracted he starts again.
- Ooh what about those candles you can use in the bedroom?? He'd turn you into his little birthday cake, eating you out but you have to stay still otherwise you get wax on you?
- Or instead of a gag he puts a cupcake in your mouth and you have to hold it tight without eating it.
- Frosting.
- I feel like these would work for both your birthdays because let's face it, being Daddy's plaything is as much a treat for you as it is for him 💞
- But always ending in cuddles, a nice bath and a reminder of how much he loves his Princess, how his life is better with you, how lucky he is and how he wants every birthday, every day spent with you 💞
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Sugar kisses
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People's memories can be linked to places, smells or textures, today you attempt to awaken Jiro's memories with sweets!
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Wc: 1,1k
Note: wrote this kind of quickly to see if he would come home after getting a fic like Leo
Update: he didn't.
When you found out Jiro was able to eat normal food when you fed him, Nicolás would have guessed that he would show some sliver of emotion and be interested in tasting different things without his body rejecting it but it seems like you found it more fun than him.
“So you are saying the inspector asked you to bring more candy? Why is it weird? Halloween is approaching”
Bentai downed his whiskey before swiping the glass towards Rui and looking at him “but you had to see how funny they looked dragging one of your ghouls around ugh… the tall one with scars? What was his name…” his words slurring together after his third drink.
“Jiro? Mhh… they must want to make him try new flavors”
“How cute! Another couple on campus that will buy things for valentine's and white day! Let's cheer for that, Rui two on the rocks in my tab” and the blond just smiles and serves the drinks.
.✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦. .✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦.
“You seem to be really interested in this” Jiro says absentmindedly before chewing on the candy corn you were pushing against his lips, his tongue is soon drowned in sickly strong sugar caramel-like taste he quickly swallows.
“You just told me you never ate sweets, I-”
“I said I don't remember eating them since I woke up, it's likely I have eaten when I was younger but can't remember”
“Then maybe you could remember something if we try enough” he nods at your logic, there could be a probability he remembers something before his comma, even if it's unlikely. Twisting around to grab your notebook your eyes watch expectantly “so? Anything?” it's endearing how you got a whole new notebook just to record his reaction to the various sweets, writing earnestly his opinion even if it wasn't more than a word.
“It's too sweet for me” is all he says before returning to the microscope, examining tissue from an anomaly. It isn't until you whine in disappointment that he looks to the side and sees you pout “it's originated from America, I doubt I would have tasted it before. Maybe a more traditional sweet would be more likely” even if he had a pessimistic forecast for this, Yuri already attempted to at the time with no results, seeing your determined smile made a nice feeling of lightness settle between his ribs.
If candy corn was too sweet and he disliked how fudge stuck to his teeth, something about cavities and it being annoying to clean, then what could he like… After some thinking, Zenji’s voice booms in your head ‘and when Jiro was a baby his cheeks were as pink and full as strawberry dango!’ He even took his time following after you when you were buying candy, telling you all kinds of stories he remembers about Jiro that could be useful (even if he didn't remember him having a favorite food). Haku even seemed sad when you returned him his ghost.
“Let's try dango” luckily a Hotarubi student agreed to make you a batch of hanami dango even if he thought it was weird as it wasn't anywhere near Sakura watching season “open wide~”
And Jiro, ever so agreeable, turns around from his almost finished investigation and does as asked biting into the soft rice cake while gently holding your wrist between his thumb, pointer and middle finger. At first it was weird how he never had his full hand around you or refused to play wrestle ‘I don't want to hurt you accidentally’ he would say and you would smile, he couldn't possibly be strong to hurt you just having his hand around you, or so you though before seeing him snap an IV drip in half because he held it too tightly.
“Do you like it?” The question slips a few seconds after he starts chewing hoping he would have an opinion other than ‘too sweet’ or ‘fine’ but his expression -or lack of- tells you that he doesn't love it or even feel strongly about it, just like all the other candies you bought for the mini picnic date.
Still, hope is the last thing that gets lost, so you get him to try the other flavors he might possibly like more. Second flavor, no reaction “well, even if we don't find one you like I can see your cute face! Your cheeks are as round as mochi~!”
At the comment he stops chewing. Everyone would have guessed he caught his partner's compliment, but of course Jiro didn't and thought they wanted to eat “If you are hungry you can eat it, I don't mind”
“Eh? If you don't like it just tell me, I also got other types and-”
“My stomach won't really agree with it”
“Is it rejecting food again?? I will call Yuri”
“No… I'm just not used to eating so much yet” ah, it makes sense, he hasn't really eaten anything solid for a year without puking it out.
Defeated, you sit on the table beside Jiro, feet kicking the air while you pour the sweet soy sauce over the mitarashi dango. Having failed at both targets, making him remember Zenji and finding a food he likes, ruined your mood for the day
Without much hunger but not wishing to waste food you start eating until a deep voice breaks the silence.
“Why are you so insistent on this?”
“What do you mean?”
“insistent on getting my memories back”
“I just think it's sad” teeth dig into the rice cake drenched in syrup and tear it into small pieces that are easier to eat without much care for the string of liquid sliding down the corner of your mouth “If I were to forget my family and friends and all my experiences… It would be depressing”
Jiro mumbles something that is quite hard to make into a sentence because of the volume and how close the words are together “did you say something?”
getting your face closer to his in an attempt to understand his scarred hand grabs your chin and plants a kiss just where the candy was.
His eyes light up with impish joy and a boyish laugh escapes from his lips just like when he scares you or Yuri “you are really jumpy, how cute” his tongue collects the remnant sauce from his lips to the inside of his mouth.
Without a care about your warm cheeks he gets up from the chair and walks off to the door to deliver the paper but teases with a light smile “I don't truly mind not remembering anything before waking up, but if you care so much we can make new memories together”
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The Sea Hare: Birthday Special!
A Freminet x Gn! Reader
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It’s September 24th, Freminet’s 18th birthday! Let’s show the little guy some appreciation.
“Freminet’s avoiding us until the party tonight. He says today is always too overwhelming.” Lynette announced as you finished helping her tie her ponytail.
“There’s a party tonight that I didn’t know about?” you cocked your head.
“It’s his birthday. Father is coming to visit tonight to celebrate with us.”
You froze.
“His birthday? Today? I-”
“Did you forget, Y/N?”
What? Forget? Hah, never!
You reassured yourself as you scrambled around the shopping district.
It’s just that September is a busy month! Yeah, and I hadn’t been watching my time. 
You stopped in multiple stores, collecting items here and there that you knew he’d like. You emerged with all sorts of things ranging from high class mechanic tools to a palm-sized paperweight featuring a little penguin on an iceberg.
Oh Archons, I don’t even know what kind of cake he likes!
You sat down and took a breath.
It’s fine. Just think. He doesn’t like foods that are too sweet, and he doesn’t like chocolate so…
You scanned the window of the nearest bakery. 
You noted the carrot cake, vanilla and toffee cake, and the blackberry purée filled cake as possible options before settling on the blackberry. Blackberry always added a wonderful tartness to counter the sugar of the frosting.
“Can I purchase two slices of the blackberry cake?”
You rushed back home, placing the gifts hastily in some tissue paper and a little bag. You then made your way to the Hotel Bouffes d'ete, knocking rapidly on the door.
An older child answered.
“Hello, is Freminet around?” you asked them nicely.
They squinted at you.
“What’s your name? I’ll go get him.”
“Y/N, and tell him to come down and meet me.”
You stood waiting for a few minutes before Freminet opened the door. It was obvious he had been either napping or curled in bed all day. He hadn’t bothered to brush his hair and his comportment was relaxed. He smiled with amusement at you, seeing how frazzled you seemed.
“Were you running laps around the fountain near Vasari Passage?” he crossed his arms.
“…Something like that.” you grabbed his arm and gave it a tug. “I hope you’re hungry! We’re going back to my place. I wanted to celebrate your birthday with you, but… I know how the Knave is about friends.”
Freminet followed you without a question.
“I was hoping you’d figure something out. You always do.” he said with a hint of admiration. You noticed, pride welling up in your chest.
“You know me. I get everything done at the last minute, but I always get it done.”
You led him back to the boarding house, setting up in the little breakfast parlor. You plopped him down in a chair and scurried over to the kitchen where the cake slices had been chilling. You stuck in a candle, lit it, and cautiously set before him the small plate and fork.
“Happy birthday!” you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned down. “Make a wish.”
He shut his eyes and hummed for a minute before blowing the candle out. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hugged him.
“Yay! Was it a big wish or a little one?” you asked.
“It… depends. But to me, it’s a big wish.” he said quietly.
You gave his shoulders a clap and then flitted over to your own cake and sat.
“Well, birthday wishes always come true so if you’re going to make a big wish now’s the chance. Of course, you get another one later tonight. Lucky~”
He took the candle out and sat it on the side of the plate.
“Still, you didn’t have to buy cake for me, Y/N. I’ll be eating so much cake these next few days…” he trailed off with dread.
“What, you’ll never eat cake again or something?”
“I might turn into cake, is what I mean.” he took a bite of it nonetheless.
You both took a moment to savor it.
“So… you’re old now.”
He paused, looking up at you with confusion and mild concern.
“You’re 18 now, Mimi. That’s old.”
He blushed heavily at the use of “Mimi”. 
“If I’m ‘old’, then you aren’t doing much better. And what the heck kind of name is ‘Mimi.’”
“Your new nickname, as of today!” you raised a hand to your mouth as you laughed.
He decided not to protest, taking another bite to silence himself. You poked the dense cake with your fork.
“It’s a little dry, I’m going to pour some milk. Do you want some?” you stood again.
“That’d be great, if you will.” He nodded.
You returned shortly, carrying two glasses to the table.
“If you turned into cake, I think you’d become a blueberry muffin with those little sugar crystals on top.” you stated.
“W-What makes you say that?” he asked with a soft laugh.
“Well… blueberry muffins are small like your voice, sturdy like your strength, and sweet like your heart! Also, your eyes kind of look like blueberries anyway.”
Are you saying I’m a sweetheart? he pondered, blushing a little.
“I bought you some presents too.”
“You did? Thank you.”
“Psh, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t buy birthday presents for my favorite guy?”
Poor thing, now he’s even more red in the face.
“You spoil me sometimes.”
You chuckled and shook your head, finishing off the frosting on your fork.
“And I will continue to do so!”
He groaned as you went off to fetch the gifts. However, he would not be grumbling when he removed the tissue paper and revealed the high class mechanic tools.
“Y/N! These are crazy expensive!” he exclaimed, taking the screwdriver set out, his eyes sparkling as he inspected them. 
“Well, I heard you say you would love to have them. I wanted to buy you something you’d actually use.” you leaned against the table, watching him enthusiastically dig through the tissue paper, uncovering other items. There was a blubber-beast chain for his diving gear, a box of four raspberry tarts, and a pocket-sized sketchbook.
He took the little paperweight out and giggled at the penguin.
“Ok, this is pretty cute.” he set it on the table. “I can use it to keep my instruction manuals open!”
“That’s what I was thinking! It’s like it had your name on it.”
He looked up at you with a wide smile. 
“Thanks for this.” he said sincerely. “I know you’re busy with schoolwork and your work for the theater. I’m happy to celebrate with you.”
You crossed your arms with a modest expression.
“I can always find time for my close friends and such. You only have one birthday a year, after all, I have to be there.”
He put the gifts back in the bag and set it on the other side of the empty cake plate. 
“Hey, would you wanna go for a walk in the Dryas Woods with me?” he fiddled with some torn tissue paper. “I want to go somewhere peaceful before the excitement of the party.” 
You hummed in approval, taking the empty plates to the sink.
“I can’t deny you today of all days. We can go when you’re ready.” 
It was a cooler day, still a little damp from the hours of steady rain they received the day before. The leaves above created a pattern on the path below.
“This way, I want to show you something!” he beckoned you with his hand and veered off the path.
The breeze was more earthen here, further away from the sea. Sparrows flew away from the trees as they passed underneath them, chirping lightly. They came out into a small meadow between two pine hills.
Honeybees zipped through the wildflowers: sunflowers, cranesbills, and bushes of white peonies. 
You ran your hands over the knee-high blooms, careful not to disturb working bees.
Freminet sat down on a rock in the middle of the field, observing the closest flowers around him.
You sat down below him on the slight hill, the little meadow immediately giving you peace of mind.
“I come here a lot when I’m alone.” he explained. “The flowers growing tall, the wildlife that comes when you sit still long enough. I have a lot of places like this, but none just as perfect as this one. Even Pers likes it.” 
A little gust of wind blew by, some petals loosing into the air. His hair, damaged by an excess of saltwater, wisped around his face. He closed his eyes for a moment and then gave you a small smile.
“I wanted to share it with you. What do you think?”
“I love it here.” you replied, flopping back and laying in the flowers. “But I’m supposed to be the one giving you things today.”
He rolled his eyes.
“This is a gift for me- getting to be in my favorite spot with someone I trust.”
You closed your eyes.
“It is one of the best feelings to welcome someone into a space that is your own. I wish life could be more like this, slow and fragrant and thoughtful.”
He nodded and plucked a cranesbill bloom, twirling it in his hands. A handful of butterflies meandered about the colorful field.
You stayed until Freminet’s party neared, watching birds and sharing tales. You walked with him back to the boarding school to retrieve his birthday gifts and then escorted him to the Hotel Bouffes d'ete. 
“Have fun tonight!” you exclaimed, waving at him as you backed away.
He waved back.
“See you later!”
You turned and began to go home, the night growing chilly. The light from the Hotel was inviting, shining on the stone street as if to display its pride for the inhabitants. 
Freminet’s home, a place you could never know. 
A place where tonight, his found family would adore him and celebrate his life thus far. 
A place where he usually returned after a day of violence and isolation.
You had your opinions, but what mattered tonight was that Freminet was loved. 
And he would always be very much loved, even if the Hotel were to disappear.
*neuvillette sniffles in the background (he had a rough day yesterday)*
ITS INTERNATIONAL POOKIE WOOKIE DAY GUYS! Scene 3 will be out soon, I just had to detour and give you guys something for today.
the birthday art is PRECIOUS
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vigilskeep · 1 year
have a slightly stressful thing to do today so i am going to be exclusively thinking about whatever gender fhawke has going on to distract myself and oh boy is it working
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k8felge · 5 months
nothing hurts more than seeing ur fave character depicted in an official au story or elseworld where details ab them r different but it explores the character in a new way -- its good in a vacuum, but u know it isn't the Definitive Version of that character. Just a new exploration (cool!). but because the adaptation brought in so many new fans and/or was a huge success it ends up being treated like its the Definitive Version and all discussions of prev versions are overshadowed bc of it... even worse when studios / execs see the success and try to pivot to this New Version only and never try to explore new routes for the character ever again (can you tell this is about comics yet)
#like its not as bad as it was but when the batman (2022) came out...#like this is not hating on ppl who are fans of these depictions at all. if u like the riddler in the batman (2022) ur fine#i like the riddler but eh i dont think that version should be the new riddler. my two cents#but dc isnt marvel so i wasnt worried ab them changing the comics riddler to him moving forward#now MARVEL on the other hand...#i dont rly go there tho so take everything with a huge huge huge pile of salt. but sigh#anyways. this post is NOT about shaming ppl who are fans of these new versions#you can be a fan of any of these new versions. idc.#this post is about STUDIOS and EXECS changing the character completely to capitalize on the new versions success#this is just mostly ab mcu i guess i dont know#i want more explorations of characters gimme moreeee there shouldnt be one defined version#i guess my talking points r confusing. i hope this is coherent and comes across well#ALSO SOME RETCONS / NEW VERSIONS R GOOD SOMETIMES!!! it just depends i guess :p#i hope this post didnt come off as malicious to fans of these versions.#HOWEVER. new fans u gotta try to read some of the other stuff too! maybe u will find another version u like TOO!#u can have two cakes... and eat them... lets hold hands and appreciate diff versions of our faves 2gether#a good example of a retcon being good is arcane i guess... not comics but just the designs r so much better#but i wouldnt say everything ab arcane SHOULD be the new runeterra canon...#it works bc its only focused on zaun and piltover characters. to fit it in with everything else is... hard#BUT THATS OK 👍
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cowboy-robooty · 7 months
me when i read the gay porn genre comics and get mad theres gay porn
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mint-ty · 24 days
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta 🤬
#my state is complaining about not having enough customers for psilocybin treatments#well as someone that heavily advocated for it to be legalized because of research and science lemme tell you why:#you gatekept your whole client base via outpricing them because you don't want to serve people with medium to low incomes#you only want rich people as your clients when the majority of people who could legitimately benefit from this treatment#are one paycheck away from homelessness or have to choose between an 800-1200 dose or buying groceries for the next month for their families#now look I get it you gotta get your cake and eat it too#but that's no excuse for isolating a large client base just because you're offended that poor people with mental health issues exist#if you want to keep this shit rolling and not have the state overturn anything#make it more accessible to people that truly need it and I'm telling you word of mouth travels fast#you'll get more clients more advocacy and more investment into research#by giving people an opportunity#and making them feel included in the process#thats what yall did when you started the petitions to get lawmakers to take the benefits seriously#so what changed?#what turned you into greedy cunts?#oh yeah money and again you're offended poor people exist#y'all know too folks will just go to a dealer they know and get it for cheaper right?#i mean whats the point in paying 3 to 5k for a special “retreat” where you pay an additional 1k to 2k for 3 doses#when johnny boy down the street can hook you up with 10 doses for 100 bucks and a bag of chips?#and btw guys wtf happened to all that money that was supposed to go to creating state of the art mental health clinics and facilities#when measure 110 got passed that decriminalized drugs?#no one has an answer???#hmmm#it's no wonder we are near dead last in mental health in this country#its like i said in the meeting: you guys love to profit off the suffering of others#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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emometalhead · 4 months
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 6 months
the eternal question: is scheduling w friends as an adult That Hard or am I just bad at it
#4 different people have left me on read today; 1 cancelled our plans 4 hours before we were due to meet#I've been sitting home alone for 2 days going insane. looking forward to One (1) coffee date & that fell through#idk why I'm taking it so hard this time I'm usually fine!! but I find myself wishing I didn't have the day off I wish I did have work :(#like it's tiring yeah but it beats sitting here not knowing what to do w myself#& I'm working all weekend & only leaving the house to see the doctor. oh joy#I've been productive ironing writing fixing the car. that's not the problem#I had 4 social plans this month. that's it#that's like seeing each friend once a month!! I can't keep this up!!#is this the norm for adulthood? :(#& on one level I don't want to bother people or be clingy#but on another level I'm baffled that they don't get lonely too#the news has not shut up abt the Loneliness Epidemic since 2021#but if it's true why do so many people take so long to reply when I reach out? if they reply at all#I'm not going anywhere w this. idk#just one of those days#everything so fuck everybody suck :(#boomers got it right w the whole showing up unannounced at people's houses for a social call with a pound cake#now I have to go through 5 layers of bureaucratic bullshit to see a friend#assuming they don't cancel the day of ofc (((((:#I just wanna be like hello knock knock I am here. tell me abt yr life today & listen to mine & eat this cake#& the worst is when people are like 'I'm cancelling bc I'm tired xx'#OK A) u knew we had these plans for two weeks#but B) I'm tired too! I still love u ur still my friend! let us be tired together!#'I won't be social today I'm tired' my love we could watch movies in silence we could knit we could ball yr socks. idc#'I have to do the big shop today sorry' so do I!!! let us do the groceries together!!!#every time I've pushed someone to come out when they felt depressed or to let me accompany them when they were doing chores#they were like u know what I'm so glad u did this. thank u. this is way better than how I had planned this night to go#& I'm like any time!! I love u!!#& then it just happens all over again next time oh sorry I'm cancelling I'm busy I'm tired#like did u forget what a nice time we had last time? what changed? :(
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rosykims · 2 years
i cannot believe im saying this but ive been thinking about my cousland and sten all morning and theyre making me insane
#oc: elspeth#tay plays dao#ive been debating whether or not elspeth recruits him for WEEKS now#but contextually her being a cousland AND an archetypal 'hero' chara doesnt rly slide w the whole killing children thing lol#but ive finally settled on her recruiting him regardless and it makes sense in my head both in yhe moment AND narratively which is 🤪#her whole arc is sort of abt her internal struggle irt being a warden (altruistic/heroic) which shes always wanted to be until she was one#vs being a noble (powerful/respected) which she never appreciated until she lost it#and feeling like both of them conflict with the other and thus feeling like shes not living up to either#she chooses to 'conscript' sten under the pretense of the warden redemption but a lot of it is her selfish noble streak#wanting to punish him for rendon howe's sins .....#idk if this makes sense to anybody but me but obvs it also opens up more moral dilemmas#like..... she gives sten mercy and she WANTS to give loghain mercy and resents alistair for denying her the option#but she would never allow the same mercy to be extended to howe. with good reason obviously but yeah ultimately shes a noble and#quite unknowingly selfish underneath all the posturing and righteousness. she gets over it especially a bit after reaffirming her loyalty#to the wardens..... but yeah. her idea of heroes comes from very sanitized bard songs and chantry tales#she def realizes she cant have her cake and eat it too and i think sten surprisingly is the best character i have to explore that with????#WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT ? NOT ME ❤#anyways if u read all this ur a legend and u may be entitled to financial compensation
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thistlekiss · 8 months
Me: starting to make lunch in the kitchen
Mother: comes in after me and makes it VERY clear that *i* am in the way
Also mother: gets pissed off when i say i'll make my food later
#I WAS THERE FIRST#cCLEARLY GATHERING INGREDIENTS#but no IM the one getting in HER way#for fucks sake its my birthday tomorrow she abandoned me during an asthma attack i had to get her to call me a fucking ambulance for#and today shes fucking aggro bc i was IN *HER* WAY????#and after i fixed her fucking tv EVEN AFTER SHE WOKE ME UP o fixed her fucking app she was having issues with she RUINED the chicken stock#i was trying to fucking make last week AND SHE INVADED THE FUCKING KITCHEN WHILE I WAS TRYING TO MAKE FOOD#but no obviously im the fucking problem#also bought her a fucking mini waggle maker bc she cant eat the big ones i found 4 more kdramas for her to watch AND shes put zero effort il#into my birthday#like i spend the entire year picking presents for her and my dad and my sister and ALL THREE OF THEM COME TO ME FOR THEIR PRESENTS TO EACH#OTHER and she fucking refuses to put any effort into gifts for me#just hands me cash#“its too hard i dont know what you like” even when i fucking made a list of gift cards she could get AT THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE#and we always fucking eat where anybody fucking else in the family wants to eat#nevermind its supposed to be my fucking birthday#anyway turns out im still bitter and angry that my birthday has never been about me#time for my annual Birthday Self Pity to start#at least i organised my own birthday cake this year#so im actually getting what i want#since last year the dessert she made i cant fucking eat#bc im fucking allergic to eggs#and the year before that she wasnt speaking to me so i bought my own present#jokes on her that was my best birthday in decades#bc i actually got to do what i wanted which was fucking nothing#she didnt force us to go out for lunch AND THOUGHT SHE WAS PUNISHING ME#and the year before that i put my fucking foot down and said i wanted fish and chips at home#but she had to choose the fucking fish and chip place and she chose the fucking chinese restaurant so it was shit#i have forced myself to stop caring about my birthday bc it's just retraumatising myself every time i care
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
I'm trying a new med for gastroparesis (despite still not being diagnosed with gastroparesis lmao) and??? I think it worked????? I was able to drink a little coffee a while ago, and usually by now I'd be like 'ouch yikes I feel terrible', but I'm. fine. I feel like I didn't even drink anything
I hope it does work and I'll be able to eat things again... It's gonna be really hard to not go wild and eat myself sick, bc I miss food tastes So Fucking Bad dude. I missed out on my mother's biscuits and gravy! Like do u know how hard that is!!!! She makes the BEST biscuits and gravy EVER
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see-arcane · 2 years
something tells me you have two immediate wants: write gothic romance, write a proper subversion of the reincarnation plot device. decide what you want first. if it's the romance pour it out on barking harker even if you're on completely different plothreads right now, but draft it. go ham. make jane austen blush make st.t gibson wish she were you. if it's the reincarnation aspect you desire most then work of the new project first.
The trouble is that so many of my Dracula-based ideas have very similar ingredients, but depending on the recipe (plot/emphasis), I get such extremely different results. But I still need those ingredients to make those stories work and trying to juggle them all risks me pulling a Stephen King and having too many lookalike tropes happening. Barking Harker has the benefit of being a story that's completely out of left field compared to any spinoff I've seen, with very few repeatable tropes in play for other stories I have in mind. It's safe! No copycat risk! (And, spoilers, while romance is 100% the impetus for Jonathan and Mina's predicaments, it's not the sole spotlight. It's very much Horror drama > Loving drama there.)
But for the gothic romance with Vampiric Jonathan and Reincarnated Mina, the prospect of the whole cast getting reincarnated out of guilt, and the meta commentary Dracula VS Dracula battle in modern day all require 'Jonathan Harker being the New Dracula' as their main foundation. Without that premise, no version of the story can happen.
No Mina 2.0 finding herself trapped and discovering impossible truths about her smitten host.
No reborn heroes wondering at why they all seem so familiar to each other, and why they're so uneasy about the white-haired stranger lurking in the shadows and paying them far too much attention. A stranger who is not a stranger, but a mastermind who has bided his time for a century to bring them back, to give them new lives in apology, to collect Mina for himself for eternity. And if they get in his way? Well. What's another hundred years if he's forced to make another red mess?
No epic ultimate confrontation between Classic Dracula, the Pop Cultural Protagonist Role Usurper, versus Jonathan the Dracula, proving he is the better character as a hero, as a lover, and as a monster, finally kicking the Count down a peg and permanently into Hell. All this, plus the added pleasure of justice for Lucy, Renfield, and Quincey and the rest of the cast, with Jonathan refusing to let Dracula sink his teeth into their lives again--resulting in his own comprehension and disgust with himself, alongside his redemption.
They all need Jonathan the Dracula, but they all need a slightly (if vitally!) different iteration of him. Which means I can't play all of them out. Not without repeating myself, but an inch to the left. And I will not Stephen King myself. Which brings me back to the three-way tie issue. 🙃
I think the safest bet is to start with the compact Jonathan and Mina in the Castle premise. It's shorter in theory, taking less time and energy to burn on it if it doesn't come out right. But B and C will still be gnawing at me all the while. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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