#I want it to be good
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see-arcane · 5 months ago
Well. I just read the Robert Eggers Nosferatu (2024) script in its nascent 2016 form. Quick and haunted thanks to @nosferattusx2 for making me aware of its existence. It’s here on the Internet Archive if you want to give it a look yourselves.
I don’t know if it’s legit, but it seems precariously close to the trailers. Even if it is the real thing, it’s also an eight-year-old rendition of the script, so there’s no guarantee of it being an exact mirror of what will hit theaters. That being said?
It’s. A lot.
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I won’t regurgitate the whole thing here, just the main bits that stood out to me for better or worse:
For a guy who says he's very against the sexy romantic vampire trope, Eggers makes sure to have everyone getting scared and horny over Orlok at every opportunity. I will give him grudging kudos for not confining this strictly to Ellen or otherwise Just the Ladies~. The thing opens on Knock stroking himself to the concept of the guy and Thomas gets his own erotic/assault-flavored attack from Orlok at the castle with future allusions framing it in a distinctly sexual framework. Ellen is set up as the ~darkly tempted Eve to Orlok’s Adam~ but it’s not aggressively mega-hetero about it. Progress?
Thomas arrives in Orlok territory and immediately gets swarmed and pickpocketed by smelly-masculine Romani people (referred to strictly by the g word through the script) bar the one pretty young teenage girl one who we later get to see riding naked on a horse because only naked virgin girls can lead the group to hidden vampires for their destruction. Yeah.
Bobby Egg, I can get behind the VVitch using seductive evil weirdness and I see why mermaids would swim around topless, but. What the fuck? And also follow-up what the fuckery to the whole portrayal of these guys, period? On that note.
Here we see the first example of Thomas being Assigned Twink at Comparison to All the Other Men. Eggers frames him as insecure beside the masculine Romani and has a future character refer to him as a ‘dandy’ (despite that being a term reserved for men who were well-off, not just effeminate/less than manfully manful). To Bobby Egg’s slight credit, Thomas is not portrayed negatively or milksop-shaped because of this; it’s just. Kind of there. All the time.
Count Orlok’s description isn’t bad. Very ominous, very classic gothic-supernatural. I do appreciate that he’s explicitly given more corpse-like attributes, making him seem like a mobile cadaver more than anything else. And Eggers does keep him creepy—no stealthy Count Fuckula spit-shining on him.
Shovel scene sort of happens as an original Dracula nod, but with no payoff. An attempt was made and thrown away.
Ellen. Oh, Ellen. Such a double-edged piece of work here. On the one hand, this version of the script implies that she isn’t doing the classic bastardized Mina thing of deciding her lame lameo human husband isn’t good enough for her and she needs herself a REAL MAN. There’s a lot of the original Thomas and Ellen’s genuine love and regard shown in the couple…
…up to a point. Eggers writes them a very very ugly and basically wholly OOC argument to do with Thomas claiming he wed her out of pity and saying she ought to have been sent to a madhouse when she was young, which itself was a follow-up to Ellen yelling that Orlok’s work is all his fault in a weirdly victim-blamey way and a scene that felt less like a badly done seduction and more like she was trying to actually assault him. They seemingly both reconcile after this, but like…what the entire hell?
Okay, to get this out of the way—I think Eggers is trying to lean hard into the ‘well in the actual time and place of the story things would be so grimdark and depressing, so it has to be nasty even between the loving main couple, and it adds to the horror-misery of it all, and it makes Ellen’s dark temptation~ more reasonable!’ thing. We can see a lot of that in how he sets Ellen up to have a history of dark thoughts, a lot of stigma surrounding her sanity/insanity, and there’s some very cruel medical ‘treatment’ she gets subjected to during her fits while waiting for Thomas and/or Orlok to arrive. Naturally those fits are all sexual/orgasmically twitchy because of course. Eggers is very much trying to set Ellen up as sympathetic in her situation and as a kind of next evolution to the Francisified Mina character who wants to fuck Dracula/Orlok/Death so so bad~
And then we get to the Van Helsing stand-in, Von Franz, and he is…oh man. 90% of his bits are fun. Interesting. The last 10% would make Abraham van Helsing in every iteration punch through the fourth wall and beat him to death with their library books. Surprise, Von Franz and Ellen both secretly colluded to set up the sunrise trap that will inevitably kill Ellen via Orlok feeding on her into the dawn. Von Franz purposefully leads the vampire hunter crew astray, including Thomas. When Thomas discovers this—from Knock who he mistakenly staked in Orlok’s place due to a mix-up with the coffin—Von Franz laughs as Thomas and Dr. Sievers the pseudo-Jack Seward make a run back to the house to try and save her.
The climax comes with Ellen and Orlok playing out the original Nosferatu ending. She dies happily cradling Orlok’s carcass. Thomas reaches her bedside and collapses in despair. The script closes on Von Franz showing up with a lilac bouquet and putting his hand on Thomas’ shoulder as he grieves, still unmoved from the bedside. Close on Ellen’s dead face ‘at peace.’
Somehow the scene doesn’t end with Thomas wringing Von Franz’ neck.   
There’s a lot more to read in there, obviously, but those were just all the big lumps sticking out of it to me.
I will grudgingly say it is not the absolute worst-case scenario I was afraid of. It’s not what I was hoping for—but that is keeping in line with Dracula and Nosferatu-adjacent media, per tradition. I do still want to see the film, I do want to like the finished product, even with the worrisome second trailer and sundry interviews throwing up red flags. Like The Last Voyage of the Demeter, it is at least an earnest attempt at taking this vein of classic gothic vampire horror seriously as a horror story.
But also.
I would really like directors to stop turning the Mina-Ellen figure into the vampire-pining gothic blowup doll for the latest ‘Bold and Subversive’ take #1654237 of GIRL AND THE DRACULA DO KISSY SEXY ROMANCE TIMES. An impossible dream, I guess.   
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everytimewetouch-dot-mp3 · 3 months ago
me: okay i’m gonna sit down to work on my omegaverse fic bc i can’t stop thinking about it
me: buys a book about writing fiction
(a few days later)
me: okay i’m gonna sit down to work on my omegaverse fic bc i can’t stop thinking about it
me: buys a book about writing fiction
…i have like 5 new books about writing fiction and no progress made on my fic. pls. it’s just fanfiction it’s okay if it’s bad
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lokimobius · 4 months ago
WIP Wedneday
Tagged by @elodiah <3
Working on my first ever 5+1 fic!!! Set post s2 finale.
"5 times Mobius writes Loki postcards, and the 1 time that Loki reads them."
For a while, he sat and people-watched, spooning the whipped cream off the top of his hot chocolate into his mouth. He imagined Loki by his side, sitting close and yapping away about something or other that had annoyed him that day. What he would give for that to be true. The sweet taste soon became bitter on his tongue as he watched a couple walk past, laughing loudly and bumping shoulders. The taller of the two reached out for his partner's hand, which they took without looking, lacing their fingers together tightly. He watched them walk away and sighed to himself. Loneliness wasn’t something that Mobius had ever experienced before. Or so he thought. He didn’t realise how much he had been yearning for close companionship until he no longer had it. Not until he met Loki and lost him.
no pressure tags: @in-my-loki-feels  @thosegayoldmen  @loki-is-my-kink-awakening  @devilbearingtrouble 
@kcscribbler @boredintjqueen  @silentxsymphony  @impulsemuppet  @ilaytrapsfortroubadours
@distracteddream @andthekitchensinkao3
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naffeclipse · 2 years ago
I’m just hoping that the dlc isn’t dev crunched like the main game, The amount of times I’ve been softlocked by Sun by random objects is both frustratingly, but also adorable and funny since joining the dca fandom. How else is he supposed to keep me from the light switch if not by phasing us halfway through the floor by children’s chair?
I hope so, too. I'm excited for Ruin but I'm also bracing for a wacky thrown together thing that could have been great but wasn't. I want a good fnaf game that's whole and complete with the lore to match and Ruin just might be it!
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pbpsbff · 11 months ago
guys i have the next r&r part ready but it's pissing me off because i feel like they're a little out of character. how much r u willing to look past
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nvrth1nk · 4 months ago
I didn't posted before, but a few days ago my mom was trying to cheer me up, i know she is really trying but doesn't work and it just makes me feel bad. More bad.
She was talking about the battery of the car (that she's gonna buy today) and that I can call a mechanic to fix it at home, and she started to talk about the gifts of Christmas. She wants my dad to give me a laptop or smth to see if i can work with it, and I kinda liked the idea but i don't really care that much. And she said that in december they will fix the radio and put a speaker in the car so I can listen my CDs everywhere but i didn't get really hyped. I know it's a good thing, they're really trying to make things works but i am just tired. I don't give a fuck to this car, the radio, the speaker, the CDs.
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sketch-twentytwo · 5 months ago
I am not above going back to delete, edit, and reupload chapters of fics. If I feel a chapter I've uploaded is flawed, it's days are numbered.
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arsenicflame · 6 months ago
i think. fuck. im gonna try and make the ed/izzy getting back together au actual fic. who the fuck am i
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closet-of-bones · 1 year ago
holy shit gay generations the game??! with trauma and all? I'm going feral I need it I need it I need it please
please I beg you 🙏
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homemadebabka · 2 years ago
we will get one piece live action trailer today i believe it and i am. so scared.
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skoulsons · 2 years ago
I don’t have writers block, I have totk is overtaking my life and I’m losing sleep over it and yet I literally think about every single one of my wips at all times but cannot write for the life of me bc totk exists even though my fingers crave writing and my chest craves the way it feels when I write Joel and Ellie and my throat craves the constricting breathing and sobs that overcome me when I get too caught up in writing and think about them too hard.
but my fingers also crave my joy cons and the way they still try and wind bomb around the map.
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zelzahdarkcloak · 2 years ago
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some-awtter · 1 year ago
stop, why am I being called out so much todayyy
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just-french-me-up · 1 month ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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boltlightning · 26 days ago
not watching severance and succession means i log on the day after an episode and everyone is like SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP THEYRE SO INSANE FOR THIS and the image cited is a man in a suit standing still in an otherwise blank, fluorescently-lit hallway. i'm happy for you guys or sorry that happened
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