#I wanna make the OP one my wallpaper-
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starshotspiderz · 2 months ago
Dating David Mason would include:
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● Cuddles every time he gets home, on the couch, on the bed, one time you guys cuddled on the freaking floor. .
● Knowing everything about each other. Even the specific stuff. (Like how he only wants two onions minimum in his burger. .)
● Woods absolutely loving you. He doesn't normally like anyone, and David knows that. He was really nervous when he took you to the vault to meet him. All it took was for you to recognise him on his framed pictures. He was happy he was still recognisable.
"I told you I still looked good, Dave!" He would tease David.
● Arguments. Sometimes heated, sometimes not. But never to a point where David hurts you. If he ever hurt you, he can have that pistol kiss his forehead.
However, he always apologises when he's in the wrong. If you're in the wrong, you apologise to him with a few hugs and kisses while he's busy working on his laptop. He does the same, sometimes with a gift or two. .
● Dates in an old diner. That includes sharing a milkshake, him feeding you some of his food, and you doing it back. Just cheesy romantic stuff.
● You are both obsessed with cats. . The problem is that he doesn't know how to handle cats. He can handle dogs since he's used to all the military dogs around. But he still loves cats a lot. He may not know how to quite treat them properly like you do, but cats always seem to go to him first. He would just laugh and pet their fuzzy heads as you snapped a few photos of him.
(Also set one of them as your wallpaper. .)
● If you're tired, he does everything that should be done. He makes dinner, cleans, and then lays down with you.
● He's a huge fan of WWE. He watches all of the matches. Every Friday night, you two are snuggled up watching smackdown. You're only half paying attention to the match, while his eyes are wide open. If his favourite wrestler wins, he screams in excitement and accidently woke you up.
"So sorry, baby. . I got too excited, Roman Reigns won!"
● If you guys aren't married yet, he always looks away when you change. Or he just walks out. When he walks back in and sees your outfit, oh, he'll be complementing you till Christmas.
"Damn, you look so pretty in that! Are you sure you wanna wear that to a picnic, love?? What if it gets all muddy?? Who am I kiddin', you'll look good even with mud. You're freakin' angelic!"
● If he gets a nightmare, he sits up and lets out a gasp. It wakes you up and he tries to pester you to sleep again. But you won't leave him like that. .
Sometimes, he sobs quietly. Completely loose in your arms or sat on the counter, his hand on his forehead. While a glass of half-drank water sits beside him. His nightmares revolve around his father's death, and images of his body flash his mind. Or Woods' broken, bleeding kneecaps.
You comfort him with your humming, your embraces, and your gentle kisses. He falls asleep after a little bit.
● He gets really embarrassed when Woods shows his old drawings and pictures to you. His nose and cheeks get all red, and he's just standing there, pouting like a little kid while you chuckle at what little Dave had imagined when he was younger.
"Uncle Woods, that shit is old. . She doesn't need to see that."
He's just gonna try and sneak around to take the pile of childish drawings away, but no matter how old Woods is, he's always gonna catch him.
"Hey! Don't ya touch that! What else am I gonna look at before I go ta' sleep!? Hah. . ! I need a damn smoke. . Nurse Batshit! Where's my smokes!?"
That's it for now 😭 I love Black Ops so much, I'll probably make more of these before I can get to Modern Warfare. The OG series specifically. When I'm done with those, I'll look towards the MODERN modern warfare. . Hope you liked David, I love him sm 💗
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zhanyes · 4 years ago
Tianshan dating headcannons because i also love these two dumbasses too
Also dedicated to @el-mundo-real who requested tianshan headcannons 🖤
. . .
- Literally no one knows whether they’re dating or not. Not even themselves because they don’t talk about it
- Jian yi thinks they’re dating already and Zhengxi says they’re still getting there (somehow they’re both right) and they make a bet
- He tian likes staying over at Mo’s and he’s gotten pretty close to mama Mo
- Mama Mo teaches him how to knit !! He tried to knit a scarf for Mo but it came out a little messy and tangled. Mo still wears it anyway saying it’s a waste of yarn if not used (He’s actually really touched)
- He eats dinner there about 5 times a week and sleeps over thrice a week. He’s a permanent fixture in the house now, he has his own plate and mug, utensils, toothbrush, a spare key, and more than half of his closet migrated to Mo’s closet
- Sometimes Mo “accidentally” wears He tian’s sweaters and He tian dies a little bit every time
- Sometimes He tian deliberately wears Mo’s clothes and it’s always tighter and a bit shorter on his body so when he moves his arms the shirt rides up. Mo guanshan shouts at him to change and to stop contaminating his clothes but his ears are red anyway
- They bicker A LOT. Over the smallest things because He tian loves riling him up and Mo gets riled up too easily
He tian, for the 7th time in 5 minutes: “What does this thing do?”
- There are times when homicide is the best option
Mo Guanshan: “I acknowledge that I can be mean sometimes-”
He tian, in the bathtub: “Sometimes?”
Mo Guanshan: “Shut the fuck up. So I brought you a bath bomb as a peace offering.”
He tian: “That’s a fucking toaster.”
Mo guanshan: “Exactly. A bath bomb.”
- Contrary to what his actions say, Mo guanshan is actually relieved that He tian spends most of his time in their apartment. He tian never told him but he can see how lonely the other teenager is
- Mo guanshan tries to teach He tian chores because He tian knows nothing about cleaning or doing everyday things
Mo guanshan: “How the fuck do you not know how to wash dishes where the hell do you eat?!”
He tian, drinking milk straight out the carton: “Obviously on plates, Momo. I just throw them away after.”
Mo guanshan, sputtering: “WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW OUT PLATES?!”
- The first and only recipe that He tian managed to cook successfully is instant noodles with boiled egg that’s not quite cooked enough. Sometimes he brings Mo noodles as breakfast in bed and he looks so proud of it Mo has a hard time saying that the noodles are overcooked and that noodles aren’t exactly breakfast food (he eats it anyway)
- Mo sometimes, only sometimes, brings He tian grocery shopping because he needs to learn how to buy food for himself. Somehow He tian always ends up in the miscellaneous section where he has a pack of ballpens he’ll never use, 2 journals he’ll also never use, a couple of scented candles, various dog clothes and leashes for the dog he doesn’t have, a couple’s mug, and a vase in his cart
- He tian stopped trying to barge into Mo guanshan’s bed and sleeps on the futon on the floor beside it. It’s not the most comfortable and he had a hard time sleeping on it at first but he likes being in Mo’s company even while sleeping
- Sometimes Mo would move in his sleep and leave his arm dangling on the side of the bed, He tian grabs it of course and Mo wakes up to sweaty palms. He still leaves it for a few moments before harshly slapping away He tian’s hand
- Mo’s hands aren’t smooth at all because of working all the time and practicing the guitar but He tian loves them all the same. He likes to feel the contrast in textures with his slightly smoother hands
- He tian has a thousand pictures of Mo guanshan sleeping in various angles and poses. He has his favorites framed and keeps it on his bedside table in his apartment so when he’s sleeping there he still feels like they’re sleeping together
- Mo guanshan has a few of He tian sleeping but he swears up and down that he'll never do anything as disgusting as that. He makes one of them his wallpaper.
- Sometimes when they don’t feel like sleeping yet they stay up talking and arguing about random things
Mo guanshan: “Why would aliens be in space? The ocean is definitely the way to go.”
He tian: “But why would they be in the ocean? They’ll drown.”
Mo guanshan: “They’re aliens maybe they have gills or some shit.”
He tian: “I’m telling you they’re not in the ocean, Mo.”
Mo guanshan: “And I’m telling you you’re wrong, bastard.”
- On rare days they would stay up talking about their pasts and about life in general, with the lights closed and the only source of light is the moonlights from the window
- One of these nights, Mo told He tian about what happened to his dad and their restaurant, why they’re in so much debt over it and He tian holds Mo’s hand tightly throughout
- He knew better than to say that he could pay for that debt so Mo doesn’t need to worry anymore (He still says it anyway and Mo blew a fuse) but he swore to help Mo through other means
- The next day he orders a whole carton of mangoes, apples and peaches in his apartment and learns how to peel properly through youtube and Zhengxi
- He goes to Mo’s part time job in the grocery and helps him peel fruits, Mo guanshan doesn’t mention anything when he notices the bandaids on the other’s hands but he does cook him beef stew for dinner
- As expected He tian’s presence brings more customers and the manager asks if he wants to work there permanently but he said he’s only working for Mo so the manager can give Mo a raise instead
- Once, Mo got sick so he missed his part time job for the day (He was supposed to give away flyers on the streets) and got extra pissy because He tian didn’t visit him and wouldn’t answer his phone 
- Apparently He tian took over his job for the day and he only finds out when he goes to the manager and the manager asks when his ‘boyfriend’ can come back to work again because the customers love him
- He tian almost never talks about himself but once he talked about the puppy who disappeared after he saves it and then found out that it’s still alive after all these years
- Mo keeps quiet about it the whole time he was talking and the next few days he takes time to knit a small dog plushie and leaves it on He tian’s futon
- He tian didn’t cry, he didn’t (he did), but he hugged Mo and whispered a sincere thank you. For once, Mo lets it happen
- Mo quickly regrets his decision when He tian names the plushie “Chicken sandwich”
- He tian brings Mo in a lot of not-dates (according to Mo) like arcades, ocean parks, festivals, and fairs because he didn’t get to go as a kid and he wants to experience it for the first time with Mo
- They get crazy competitive in every game. Every. Single. One. If it’s a co-op shooting game they would compete on who kills the most enemies, if it’s a harmless crane game it becomes a competition of who can get the most plushies
- They both each have a photobooth strip. Mo keeps his as a bookmarker in a journal, and He tian has his in the back of his phone.
- They go on a double not-date with Jian yi and Zhengxi and it ends up in almost getting chased by a police car at 2 am in pokemon onesies and holding a bag of chips 
- Sometimes Mo would visit his dad in prison and just rant to him about He tian
Mo guanshan: “The nerve of that guy to do something like that in front of a teacher urgh.”
Papa Mo: “Your boyfriend sounds like a fun guy, son. I want to meet him soon.”
Mo guanshan: “BO-BOYFRIEND?!”
Papa Mo: “Yes???”
Mo guanshan: “No??? That bastard isn’t my boyfriend??”
Papa Mo: “Are you sure about that?”
Mo guanshan: “...Yes?”
- Enter gay panique because he doesn’t actually know whether He tian is his boyfriend or not
- They don’t call each other boyfriends and they never talked about it so no??? But they’re also not just friends so maybe??? Do they go on dates?? Can grocery trips be considered dates??
- He rings up Jian yi and the blonde just laughed for 5 minutes straight without stopping and he wonders how he’s still breathing
Mo Guanshan, after hearing Jian yi laughing for 5 minutes: “Are you fucking done?”
Jian yi, trying to catch his breath: “Man this is some top-tier entertainment.”
Mo guanshan: “WELL?!”
Jian yi: “Look bro literally no one knows whether you’re dating, fucking, planning each other’s murder OR planning a murder together.”
Mo guanshan: “What if it’s all of the above?”
Jian yi: “Then congratulations…? Please don’t murder me?”
Mo guanshan: “Urgh you’re fucking useless I should have called Zhengxi.”
Jian yi: “Wait don’t, I don’t wanna lose the bet. How about this, there’s a festival upcoming for couples and families, if He tian asks you then you’re probably, maybe, dating?”
Mo guanshan: “That’s stupid. AND WHAT BET?!”
Jian yi: “Ah woops gotta water my dog.”
- Mo tells himself that it’s stupid and there’s no way he’s falling for that...but he feels disappointed anyway when He tian doesn’t ask him the following days
- He tian asks on the last day before the festival, but he asks mama Mo first and Mo guanshan second cuz he wants to celebrate with both of them. He confessed that he’s never actually went to a festival with a family before so he was trying to build up courage to ask
- Mo guanshan is an absolute goner after that
- On the day of the festival, they find Zhanyi there on a date but decide to leave them alone. While they were leaving Jian yi kept throwing Mo guanshan so much winks that Zhengxi thought he got something in his eye
- The festival was fun but Mo couldn’t take his eyes off how happy and content He tian looks
- Queue cliche fireworks scene but it’s He tian being amazed by the fireworks and Mo looking mesmerized at him thinking, “Ah, I want him to look at me like that.”
- The next day, he drags He tian to visit his dad in jail
Papa mo: “Oh this is a surprise, you’ve never brought someone before?”
He tian, trying to introduce himself: “Hello, sir. I’m He tian, Mo guanshan’s fri-”
Mo guanshan, cuts him off: “Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend, dad.”
He tian:
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magicalrobodokiofficial · 2 years ago
Not just a fan, a Fanatic!
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thanks to @weaponsdrawn for motivating me to complete this cool drawing!
Basically my self insert, an intern at the company who just joined, really wants to be part of the Robodoki team. Eventually she realizes she isn't the main character and self loathes that she isn’t fit to be chosen as a magical girl. Diana and Glitch promise her that she can become one if they get the Robodoki team to their base.
Her power is throwing ace playing cards at people, mainly to steal their powers, but also as combat shirukens and shields. The powers she can steal range from general dark magic, like what Redacted has, to Robodoki abilities and even skills that other people have (such as Helen's ability to think of evacutation plans).
The power copy isn’t perfect, especially with the inevitable nerfing of some op powers. Also, the more powers she takes, the weaker each individual power becomes.
Eventually, my self insert snaps outta it by being told she’s the magical girl bad guy and she’s hurting her idols, like it or not.
Miraging Mini-Fic Under the Cut!
Abby couldn't help but shed a few tears as worries began to cloud her mind. Her sandwhich was left uneaten, her chips untouched, and her feelings were undoubtably conflicted, to say the least.
She had rushed in to try to calm down some dumb Cookie mirage, and Aian- er- Robodoki told her to butt out of it. To not risk her life to become a magical girl like a lot of interns apparently did, because all the slots were taken. And while she did understand why she said that, deep down, that didn't mean it shouldn't have caused SOME feelings of inadequecy, right?
"...She might as well had told me to stay in my place." She sighed as she glanced at her wallpaper, which sure enough had all 5 Robodoki members alongside her, posing for a picture. "And I'd admit...I was stupid for doing that. But...I dunno...isn't that what MADE them a magical girl in the first place? Rushing into danger and attempting to help? Can't I just..."
Her voice trailed off. A black card was inexplicably wedged in her sandwhich. Even more inexpeciably, she picked it up, and a vision of her being a bonafide ace-slash-magician themed magical girl played on its animated surface.
She lit up. Glitch took notice.
Ah, I see you wanna be a magical girl! Very fucking cool goal, if I do say so myself, even if all the magical girls were already chosen before you arrived. His bratty teenage voice echoed through Abby's head. Good thing we have a way to fix that! Make you the strongest magical girl of them all!
Yeah!!!! A mature sounding voice, Mirai, piped in with more excitement than she usually had. She was trying to sell Abby by riling her up. Letting her excitement overcome her logic. You look like the kind of girl who loves Kirby, right? So we gave the ability to steal powers using Ace cards, which you can ALSO use for combat in any way your imagination desires! And of course, we've developed a maho shoujo outfit that'll trump even Doki's frills! AND all we ask in return is to knock the Robodoki gang out of the picture and into our base! She laughed.
"...Really? This isn't me being punk'd?"
Yep, we're willing to do ALL THAT in order to help a fellow dreamer out. That's what we do in MiraiCo.
Hell yeah! So whatdaya say?
Abby lit up in excitement. "If you're waiting me to say I'm fucking sold, well, I'M FUCKING SOLD! THIS IS GONNA BE FUCKING AW-"
Her words were interrupted by being engulfed in a static-covered beam of magic. The beam then proceeded to encase her in a shattered glass crystal cluster, with the inside filling with the same static she was hit with. Said smoke encased Abby's silhouette as the background turned to vantablack.
Now channel your hatred! One arm broke out of the crystals.
Become what you're destined! The other arm broke free.
Fanatic... The crystal fully and dramatically shattered, revealing her new form.
...Our selfish MEGAmirage!!!
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annalycheee · 5 years ago
episode 186
John’s backstory is over, and today’s episode was really, uh, fluffy.
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- You’re in a library my guy, shhh. Blyke needs to catch up on sleep, he does look kinda awful. 
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- Remi has restored my faith in humanity. To be honest, that kinda sounds like the clubs we have in school already, like those judgment, bully, and stress - free clubs where everyone just uses their phones or plays cards.
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- Not much to say except Remi’s face is just 💗
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- Let’s take a moment to appreciate Isen’s bizarre facial expressions. He’s really good at hiding too. I almost completely missed him.
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- Don’t listen to them, you’re doing great sweetie. To be fair, Isen has a good reason to hide, because his death probably follows within the coming days.
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- You’ll be missed my dude. Take cover, John is coming. I feel so bad for Isen, he’s so afraid of John, he can’t even write articles without freaking out.
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- You guys better take him seriously, that’s his last will and testament right there. BURN HIS LAPTOP WHEN HE PERISHES.
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- I’d put all my trust in Blyke, he literally went super saiyan like 8 episodes ago. Then again, John could probably copy his super saiyan move so, uhm, at least you tried Blyke.
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- Isen doing it for the greater good. We’ll miss you buddy ✊😔.
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- Yes, Wellston does need a Safe House. That name literally sums up everything that Wellston should have. The fact that kids are running around TERRIFIED for their life (like my baby Isen) should send a message to the school that something is very wrong. It shouldn’t just be up to the students to fix it, though I’m very happy with how the Royals handled the situation.
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- He still has his apple. That’s all I have to say.
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- My mans gonna die. I can’t wait to see this club happen. And imagine if they invite Evie, and she talks with Remi again, that’d be so cute and wholesome!
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- Remi, I love you but that’s a really stupid move you’re making right there. Please get down and find a ladder instead of risking your life, I’m crying in fear over here.
- Those decorations are cute, and now I want a safe house too. If Remi and Blyke were running it then hell yeah, sign me up.
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- I feel like Rei had the best mindset when it came to the hierarchy, the problem was that no one else did, which was why his plan never worked. I really miss Rei, he would have been a great character in the series and it’s such a shame he died to EMBER.
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- shsdfsgdfs oh my god it’s baby Arlo. Uru-chan this is a blessing, how can I ever repay you? 
- Reilo needs to be canon, I swear. Just look at the two! That’s so cute, and Rei’s smile while Arlo’s busy being all mad, it makes me wanna cry again.
- I think Arlo wanted to reduce the violence in the school but he had doubts about Rei’s way of doing it because of what he saw during Rei’s term. In the end, he still defends Rei’s actions, like when Cecile insulted him, so Arlo is still a good guy.
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- The fact that these two have stuck with her through everything really says something about their bond. Even now the three of them are working together to fix Wellston, even though the situation is so stressful.
- I hope they all have a great time during the club because these three really need a break after all the hard work they put in.
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- Wowie wow, what a beautiful panel. I might set this as my wallpaper.
- Look at all those students who are ready to help. The three of them are doing such a good job at getting the rest of the students to do something about Joker. With this OP squad they can take on anything.
- Look at Holden’s face, lmao.
- I love that Seraphina is still included, because Remi still looks up to her, and so do many of the low-tiers like Evie and Roland.
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- John, go to hell. I don’t need you ruing this perfectly happy moment for Remi.
- He literally insulted her dead brother. I don’t care if he didn’t know he was dead, you don’t just go around saying that, especially if you don’t know the person. You think if he knew who Rei was and what he died for, would he have said that?
- Probably, John’s too far gone.
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- My girl, I told you that was a bad idea. I bet Blyke’s gonna save her though and I’ll go nuts over it.
- The desks are falling too, that’s a dangerous situation :/
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- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
- No, my future boyfriend caught me.
- This scene is just beautiful. I’m crying. Blyke being a fairy tale prince is practically canon. I mean just look at that save. He’s a knight in shining armor, who drinks respect women juice for breakfast.
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- The way he’s holding her. Blyke is 10/10 husbando material.
- He’s definitely gotten stronger, that energy blast was frickin awesome. Somehow, Remi wasn’t hurt from it though, so maybe he has some fine control over it?
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- Look at how he’s STILL holding her. That’s so freaking adorable.
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- Blyke’s a bad liar. I can totally see that being true. That energy pulse was sick though.
- What if he tells Remi what he’s been doing? Would she be upset, because he told her to take a break from being a superhero, but he went off on his own to level up anyway?
- Would she be happy that he’s trying to get stronger?
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- I still think Remi is a little stronger. Keep in mind she’s probably been training too. Blyke could be a high tier now.
- I have a feeling his ability expands from just energy beams. Or that his passive is using energy to heal, like how the bruise got a lot better in the morning after his first rendezvous. 
- Maybe he can beat Cecile now? Would they have the same passive?
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- Zeke you dumb, *sshole.
- You have gotten beaten so many times yet you still wanna go out and piss someone off? smh.
- Now I actually WANT John to beat the daylights outta him. It would serve him right. Seriously Zeke, I feel bad for you. Just go, down a bottle of tylenol or something. Take a road trip to the Sahara Desert. Make a tinder account. Bothering John should not be one of your priorities.
Blemi and Reilo are both practically canon
Zeke’s stupidity knows no bounds
Remi and Blyke’s new club might really help the school’s environment
Isen is brave man, who will forever be remembered in our hearts
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mustangshelby04 · 5 years ago
Pairings: Chris Evans / Charlotte Mackenzie (O/C)
Summary: Saying no leads Charlotte to a friendship she has never imagined.
A/N: I’m trying to force myself to write. Maybe this will light a fire under my ass.... Or my muse’s. She’s a bit flakey.
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Chapter 1
Charlie stood in line with her boyfriend Sam as they waited for their photo-op with Chris Evans.  They were second to last in line for the last day of the Comic Con they were at.  From the excited giggles of the people in front of them, Chris was posing and having some fun.  
Sam was clearly excited.  He was Marvel obsessed and had spent more money than any sane person should to get photo-ops with every Marvel cast member.  Charlie was just along for the ride.  It had been a point of contention with Sam that she refused to dress up with him this weekend.  She wasn’t a big movie or TV lover outside of old school Disney stuff and she didn’t get into all the hype of celebrity gossip.  She was a book lover and you could usually find her curled up with a book in some corner. 
She looked over at Sam, dressed as the Winter Solider and bouncing on the balls of his feet.  They had been dating a little over six months and this was the first time she had joined him at one of these things.  She wasn’t a fan of crowds and it had been absolute hell for her.  The whole weekend she had been regretting saying yes.  
“Ok, you guys are next.” The attendant said, leading them into the makeshift photo studio.  She was grinning from ear to ear like a creepy Cheshire cat.
Sam rushed in first and started gushing at Chris about how excited he was and how much he loved him as Captain America.  Charlie patiently waited for him to finish and then shook Chris’ hand when he extended it to her. “It’s nice to meet you.” She said politely.
“I really like your shirt.” Chris said.
She looked down at her blue Little Mermaid T-shirt she was wearing with skinny jeans and black Converse sneakers. “Thanks.  It’s one of my favorites.”
“Mine too!”
“So, what are we doing today?” The photographer asked.
“How about this?” Sam asked.  Charlie and Chris both turned to look and Sam was down on one knee with a ring held up at Charlie.
“What the actual fuck?” Charlie gasped.
“Charlotte Grace Mackenzie, will you please marry me?”
“Are you crazy?  No!”
“Get up!”
“I love you.”
“Oh my god!” Charlie turned and stormed out of the photobooth, leaving Chris and Sam to stare after her.
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Charlie sat in the hallway of her hotel next to the door of her hotel room a little while later staring straight ahead at the horrible wallpaper in front of her.  She couldn’t believe what had just happened.  Sam had rushed after her and the two of them had fought about what he had done.  He had then left her standing there.  When she had finally calmed down, she had gone after him only to find that he had actually taken the car and left her there.
Luckily, they were only three miles from their hotel and she had no problem walking that.  She had busted out her cell phone and turned on her GPS to make her way back.  When she had gotten there, Sam had left her a note on the door.  She looked at the note again, completely flabbergasted that he was such an asshole.
Find your own way home.
They had travelled from Omaha, Nebraska to Chicago, Illinois for this Comic Con in his car.  She was desperately trying to hold herself together and not panic, but she could feel it working hard to burst down her carefully placed walls.  It was why she had curled up in a tight little ball on the floor and hadn’t gone down to see if she could get a key made for her so she could get into the room.  If she spoke to anyone, she was sure she would start bawling her eyes out.
“Is everything ok?” A voice said to her left.  She looked up to see Chris Evans standing there and he clearly recognized her. “Oh!  Hey!”
“Fuck me.” Charlie sighed as the tears started to leak out.  This was so not what she needed.  She had completely forgotten that Sam had chosen this hotel because it was where some of the celebrities were supposedly staying.  Fuck him for being correct.
Chris shifted his weight and glanced around. “Are you ok?”
“Are you lost?”
“Can I offer you any help?”
Charlie closed her eyes tightly. “How about a rewind on the last couple of hours of my life?”
Chris chuckled. “Sorry.  That’s a little out of my wheelhouse.”
“Mine too.”
“Seriously, are you ok?”
“Not in the slightest.” Chris sat down next to her on the floor. “He fucking left me here.  I have absolutely no way of getting home now.” Charlie wiped angrily at her wet cheeks.
“Where’s home?” “Omaha, Nebraska.”
“Shit, that’s a bit of a hike.”
“Little bit.” Charlie shoved her messy, curly, dark copper hair back from her face as the dam cracked further. “Fuck!  What the fuck am I going to do now?  I can’t even get into the hotel room because that asshat had the key!”
“Come on.” Chris stood back up and held his hand out to her.
“You can use my room to breakdown in and then we can call down to the front desk about that key.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t, but I am.  Come on.” Chris reached down again and grabbed her hand this time.  She allowed him to lift her to her feet and then lead her down the hallway.  He opened the door to his suite and Charlie promptly started sobbing.
“I’m sorry.” She wiped at her tears aggressively again with shaking hands as Chris ushered her to the couch and sat down. “This is so embarrassing.”
“Please don’t be embarrassed.  Your boyfriend should be the embarrassed one.”
“Ex-boyfriend!” She dropped her face in her hands and shook her head. “I’m not even sure what it is I’m crying about.  That fuckwad sure doesn’t deserve my tears.” Chris walked over to the minibar and grabbed two beers.  He popped the tops on them and offered her one. “Thank you.”
“Gotta say, I’ve seen a few proposals at those things, but never a reaction like that.”
Charlie looked over and Chris was grinning hopefully at her.  It actually made her laugh. “What is my life right now?”
“What do you mean?”
“My entire quiet little world has been on the precipice of exploding, I just got abandoned in an unfamiliar city by the guy I was seeing, and I’m sitting here being comforted by a celebrity who doesn’t even know my name.”
“Right now, I’m not a celebrity.  Right now, I’m a good Samaritan who stumbled across a person in need.  It would make my mom proud.  Well, except that I haven’t properly introduced myself.” Charlie snorted as he held his hand out to her. “I’m Chris.”
“And you are….” He wiggled his hand at her and she relented, shaking it.
“Charlotte.  Everyone calls me Charlie, though.”
“Pretty.  So, Charlie, your life is about to explode?  How so?”
“You’re really asking?  Like, you really wanna know?”
“I really wanna know.”
She started picking at the label on her beer bottle. “I’m leaving everything I’ve ever known behind and moving to the East Coast in a month.  I think that’s why Sam pulled that shit today.  He doesn’t want me to leave.”
“Where are you moving to?”
“Yeah.  I accepted a job at Little Brown up there.”
“What’s that?”
“A publishing company.  It’s been my dream to become a book editor and I’ve been working towards that goal for the last four years.  I finally found a company that’s willing to give me a shot at it, but it’s in Boston.”
“That’s pretty awesome.”
“I didn’t even want to come to this thing with him, but I figured I would give him one last good weekend before I broke up with him.”
“You weren’t even going to attempt a long-distance thing?”
“When do those ever work out?”
“I don’t know.  I’m a hopeless romantic, though.”
“I’m not.” Charlie set her beer down. “I need to get into my room.  See if he left my things or destroyed them.  Knowing my luck, he’s set everything on fire.”
“I don’t think he did that.  The fire alarms haven’t gone off.”
“Good point.” She pointed at the phone on the desk. “May I?”
“Of course.”
Charlie walked over and picked up the phone, dialing the front desk. “Hi, my name is Charlotte Mackenzie.  I got locked out and I need a key to get in.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t see you registered in our system.”
“No.  My boyfriend…. Ex-boyfriend made the reservation.  It’s under his name.  Sam Cooke.  Room 828.”
“Mr. Cooke checked out.”
“Mr. Cooke checked out a little while ago.”
“But my things are in that room.”
“I’m so sorry about that.  Mr. Cooke didn’t mention that there was anything left in the room.  We can send a maintenance man up to let you in to get your things.”
“I kind of need a place to stay tonight.”
“We’re completely booked up, but you’re more than welcome to rent that room for yourself.”
“Ok.  Yeah.  I can do that, I guess.  How much is it?”
“For tonight, the room would be $238 plus tax.”
Charlie choked on air and started hacking.  Chris came over and patted her on the back, taking the phone from her. “Hi, this is Eric Prince in suite…. Yeah.  Look, can you just put that room on my bill?  I’m certain.  I would appreciate that.  Thank you.” He hung up and offered Charlie a bottle of water.
Once her breathing was back to normal, she shot a confused look at Chris. “Eric Prince?”
He shrugged sheepishly. “Prince Eric…. From The Little Mermaid.”
“Oh.” Charlie blinked for a minute. “Did you just pay for my hotel room?”
“I did, yeah.  Was that not ok?”
“I mean…. It’s your money, you can do whatever with it, but you don’t even know me.”
“I’m not someone who can just sit here and listen to someone in distress.  If I can help, I’m going to help.” There was a knock on the door and Chris went over to answer it.  Charlie stayed seated on the couch, sipping at her water.  When he came back, he presented her with a key card. “Your room key.”
“Oh.  Thank you.” Charlie took it. “I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“It’s no problem.  Let me know if you need any more help or someone to hang out with.”
Charlie laughed. “Yeah, like Mr. Big-Shot Needs-A-Fake-Moniker has no one better to hang out with.”
He frowned slightly. “Actually, I don’t have anyone to hang out with.  I ditched my team for a quiet night in.  Being around all those people all day long…. I need a recharge.”
She nodded. “I understand that.  I’m more of an introvert with some extroverted tendencies.  When I’ve reached my limit on people, I just need to stay in and hide.  Especially if there’s a crowd.”
“Same.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “Would you like to hang out with me, Charlie?  We can recharge our batteries, maybe order a pizza, rent a movie….”
“If you’re sure, then ok.  I just want to run and make sure he didn’t destroy my stuff.”
“That makes sense.” Chris followed her down the hallway to her room.  When she opened the door, she let out an angry groan while he let out a shocked whistle.  Her suitcase had been hurled across the room and it’s contents were scattered everywhere.  In the bathroom, he had squirted out all of her toothpaste, broken her toothbrush in half, destroyed most of her makeup, ripped the rows of bristles out of her hairbrush, and dumped her expensive curly hair products down the drain.
“No, no, no, no!” Charlie ran over to the suitcase and lifted it up.  Her laptop made sounds like little metal pieces were moving around inside. “Fuck!”
“Shit!  He actually broke your laptop?”
“What the hell is wrong with that guy?” Charlie started crying again as she held her broken laptop.
“A broken heart is one thing, but this….”
“He can’t have a broken heart.  We weren’t together that long!”
“Wait, how long were you two together?”
“Six months.  Today was the first time he even said he loved me.”
“Had you said it to him?”
“No!” She looked over at him. “What are you doing?” Chris had started to move around the room and picking her clothes up off the floor.
“Helping.” He started to fold the shirt in his hands.
“You really don’t need to do that.”
“I know I don’t.  You really don’t need to be so difficult.”
She sighed. “I’m sorry.  This is just a really fucked up situation and I’m not even sure which emotion it is I’m feeling.  And I really don’t mean to take it out on you.  Thank you for helping me.  It’s very kind of you.”
“You’re welcome.”
They worked together to collect her belongings and pile them on the bed.  Once they finished, the two of them tackled the bathroom.  Chris took pictures of everything and sent them to his assistant with instructions to purchase them and bring them to his room.  Charlie stopped when she got to a beautifully ornate compact mirror.  It was antique silver with filigree designs carved into it and little jewels set to resemble a starry night sky.  A few of the jewels were missing and the glass inside had been broken.  She clutched the compact and started to sob.
“Hey….” Chris gently pulled her into a hug.
“This was my mom’s.  My dad gave it to her as a wedding present when they got married.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“They died when I was eleven.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I can’t believe he broke this.  He knew it was one of the few things of hers I have left.”
After Charlie had cried herself out, Chris helped her finish cleaning the bathroom and they went back to his room.  She curled up on the couch and he sat down on the opposite end.  They were quiet for a long moment before he finally broke the silence. “I don’t normally do this.”
“Invite strange women to hang out with me.”
“I never said you did.”
“I know, but…. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to get in your pants or anything.”
“Why what?”
“Why don’t you want me to think that?”
“I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me.”
“What do you think my impression of you is?”
“I’m not sure.  You’re not like most women I’ve met.”
“How so?” “Well for starters, you ask a lot of questions.” Charlie chuckled. “You’re also like this open book that I can’t read.”
“That’s the most interesting thing anyone has ever said about me.  What does that mean?”
“I…. Ok, so you drop these seemingly big clues about your life.  You were incredibly vulnerable when you told me that your parents died and you’ve cried in front of me while I get the feeling that you don’t do that in front of people very often if you can help it, but none of those clues lead me any closer to being able to figure you out.”
“Do you want to figure me out?”
“I kind of do.” “Why?”
Chris smirked. “I like to read.”
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Charlie and Chris sat on the couch with a half-empty pizza box between them.  A pay-per-view movie was playing on the TV, but they weren’t paying attention to it.  The two of them had been talking for hours.  He found it a welcome relief that she didn’t care about him being a celebrity and that she didn’t know anything about him.  It felt great to actually get to know someone.
“I’m really impressed.” Chris said as he looked at the pictures on her phone. “You made out like a bandit on this.”
“I just hope there aren’t any crazy issues I’ll have to fix.” Charlie was showing him the house she had bought sight-unseen at an auction.  It was a two story Colonial house in Concord.
“You realize we’re practically neighbors?”
“Are we?”
“Yeah.  I just bought a house about two miles away from here.”
“That’s weird.”
“Are you sure you’re not stalking me?”
She laughed. “Trust me, I don’t give two shits about your celebrity status.  Unless you wrote a book.  Then watch out.”
Chris handed her back her phone. “The commute to Boston might be crazy.”
Charlie shrugged. “I don’t mind.  There’s a train station and all the research I’ve done says it’s about an hour commute.”
“It is.  You’re going to love Concord.”
“Where did you say you grew up again?” “Sudbury.”
“So, Mac, what made you want to uproot your life like this?”
Charlie laughed at the nickname he’d chosen.  She usually hated it when people tried to call her that, but for some reason Chris made it sound endearing. “You really want to open that can of worms?”
“I really do.”
“Ok.” She took a deep breath. “So, you know mom and dad died in a car accident when I was eleven.  What you don’t know is that my twin sister was in the car with them.”
“Oh shit!”
“Yeah.  I went from having a full family to being alone.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“My aunt took me in and raised me.  Aunt Millie…. She was living with her second husband in Omaha when she got the call that her brother and sister-in-law had died.  She flew out to Maine and stayed with me.  My parents had just written their wills and hadn’t gotten a chance to tell her that they’d named her guardian of their kids.” “I bet that was a big shock.”
“For everyone.  My mom’s parents thought that they should get custody of me, but aunt Millie wanted to honor my parents’ wishes.  She ended up fighting them in court and the judge ruled in her favor.  When the school year ended, we moved to her house in Omaha.  About a year later, she found out her husband was cheating on her and plotting to take my inheritance.”
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah.  It was a pretty significant amount.  My mom’s family was pretty well off.  She had a trust fund which became mine when she died and my parents had really good life insurance.  My grandparents added the money to that trust fund that they intended to put into mine and Max’s trust funds…. Max was my twin.  Her name was Maxine.”
“I couldn’t even imagine losing all of that.”
“How many siblings do you have?”
“Three.  One older sister, Carly; my younger brother, Scott; and my youngest sister, Shanna.”
“That’s a lot of siblings.”
“Yeah.” Chris took a sip of his beer. “So, back to you.  I didn’t need to pay for your room, did I?” Chris smirked at her to let her know he was joking.
“You really didn’t.  I just…. I don’t really like to touch that money.  After what happened with aunt Millie’s second husband and then her third and fourth husbands…. I figured money ruined people’s lives.”
“What happened with her husbands?”
“They basically used her to try to get to that money.  After what happened with her second husband, my grandparents made it very hard for her to touch my inheritance.  I didn’t even have access to it until I graduated college.  By then, I had learned the value of a dollar by watching aunt Millie work her ass off to keep me clothed, fed, a roof over my head, and in good schools.  I had part time jobs throughout high school and college to help her.  I used scholarships and grants and a couple of student loans to pay for my college education.  I’ve only used that money for three things.”
“What were they?”
“To take aunt Millie to Europe before she died and to pay for that house in Boston.”
“Your aunt is dead?”
“She died about two years ago.  Pancreatic cancer.  That’s the third thing I used that money on.  I paid for all of her medical bills.”
“I’m so sorry, Mac.  That’s a lot to go through in only thirty-three years of life.”
Charlie shrugged. “It is, but what can I do about it?”
“When was the last time you’ve been to the East Coast?”
“I visited my grandma in Maine last year when she died.”
“Did you have a good relationship with your grandparents?”
“It was ok.  They loved me in their own way.  Mom was an only child and I was their only grandkid.  They sent me money for my birthday and Christmas.  I got Easter baskets from them, too, and I would go out for a week in the summer when I was younger because the court’s said I had to.  Those weeks…. Makes me glad that I ended up with aunt Millie.  My grandparents weren’t home very much.  I hung out with their butler in the summers.  When I turned 18, I stopped going.  I let aunt Millie have the birthday and Christmas money after that.”
“Wow.  You should write a book.”
“Because your life has been…. Eventful and I would even call it inspiring.”
“Maybe one day I will.  For now, I prefer to give other people chances to get their voices heard.”
“Is that what appeals to you about being a book editor?”
“Yes.  I’ve read some amazing books in my life and I used to wonder what it would be like to be the editor that gets the copy across their desk.  To be the first person to read it outside of the author and their family and know that what I have is going to make a lot of other people happy.  Not to mention the author.  Plus, I’ve been known to be a stickler for grammar, so why not put that skill to use.”
Chris chuckled. “You haven’t corrected my grammar once.”
“You’re pretty eloquent, Evans, but I’ve been silently correcting you.”
That made him tip his head back and laugh loudly, his right hand slapping against his chest.  It sucked Charlie in and they both laughed freely.  After a few minutes, they finally calmed down and wiped their eyes. “I’m really glad I asked you to hang out with me, Mac.”
“I’m glad I said yes despite the shit circumstances.  I really wanted to stay in by myself and hide from the world.”
“Why did you say yes, then?”
“You said the right thing.”
He grinned. “Good.  I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
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Please let me know if you want to be tagged in this story. The more people that want to read it, the better. I want my muse to feel the pressure!
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disaster-by-chance · 5 years ago
Okay, okay, I think I'm finally going to address Clover's death.
I know a lot of people had mixed feelings towards Clover and that a lot of people had upset feelings about his death, but I just wanna put my own opinions on it out here for all y'all.
Clover Thoughts:
At first, I wasn't too sure what to think about Clover. I wanted to like him and his team, I really did. I always get excited when cool new characters are introduced and these guys were no exception. However, since I didn't know them well and they all seemed really cocky, I couldn't help but think that they were going to be traitors or something. I bought into the Clover is a traitor theories, despite me being really interested in his character.
For me,, when someone like Clover comes along, big, confident, strong, I immediately latch onto them. There's just something so intriguing about those kinds of people that just draws me in. So I couldn't resist him. But I also didn't trust him.
Time went on and slowly I began to trust him. He really hadn't shown any warning signs or hinted at betrayal, so I started to step away from the traitor theories. I did have a nightmare in where Clover did turn and it destroyed some of the trust I had built up,, but we don't talk about that.
Okay, I liked Clover. I genuinely did. I know some fans didn't care too much for him or they just didn't like him at all, but I did. I thought he was an interesting character and I was excited to see how he and Qrow's relationship (not necessarily romantically) would play out. I just wanted luck puns
I think part of me liking Clover is just that he was nice to Qrow. He was different in his actions to him and that kinda helped Qrow with his journey to recovery. If it wasn't obvious, Qrow is my favorite character from RWBY. I'm just naturally drawn to characters who have problems and then just suddenly turn into dad figures.
So since he was nice to Qrow, I liked him. And that's just me, that's how I am. If someone's nice to me,, I just fall for them instantly. You have my never ending loyalty. Clover had my loyalty.
Soon Clover played a bigger part in how I lived life. I started to want to be more like him, more positive, more uplifting, and all that crap. I spent a week giving my siblings compliments and it freaked them out. Clover's character made me want to be better. Hell, we don't know how much Clover knew about Qrow before James paired them up. He was just nice for the sake of being nice. What was he going to get out of it? He just saw that Qrow needed a friend, Qrow needed to get better, and so he helped. And gods,, that really did motivate me.
His clover became a helpful symbol for me. I made a little paper cut out to put in my phone case for some good luck. Then I made a wallpaper of the pin for my digital watch face as a reminder to be better. And last Saturday I made a keychain to have with me at all times. A reminder to be better about things. More positive.
I guess you could say he was something of a role model to me? And I know that's ridiculous after what he did and seeing as he wasn't here for long,, but damn...I really did like him.
I don't know. I just really liked him and wish I knew more about his past and semblance. I wish his story could've been explored more and stuff but...Things didn't quite work out that way.
The Fight:
I was,, disappointed to say the least. And at this point, I don't even know why I expect anything from any creator.
Look, I'm in the Marvel and Star Wars fandoms so I've had my fair (haha) share of bad characterization, bad arcs, and bad writing. But I thought RWBY was different and better than that.
I spent most of the scenes when they were fighting in anger. Tyrian was their target. He was more of a priority. They should've acted like civilized huntsman. But no.
And I get it, Clover had to do his job. They were all under stress and the atmosphere was really tense, I understand. But really?
I'm glad Qrow attempted to talk things out, but then, y'know...That didn't work out well in the end.
After the plane crash, I was devastated. I hated seeing the two fight against each other after seeing them work so well together in capturing Tyrian, and it just sucked.
I kept telling them to just talk it out, and in between the fighting they kinda did, but it just hurt. The hurt in Qrow's voice? Ugh. So good.
The teamup?? I get it. Qrow doesn't want to fight both of them, but why not turn into a bird and fly away? Or would that not work? I don't know..Anything else would've been nice.
Still hated these fight scenes. Even if the choreography was really good.
His Death Thoughts:
If you didn't buy into the traitor theory, then you had the death theory. That either him or someone from the Ace Ops was going to kick the bucket. And if you were like me, you believed both were possible.
When I was unsure about Clover, I also bought into the death theories. I didn't really want him to die, but I knew that it could happen, but I thought it would be later on. Other times I found it very possible that both would happen. And they fucking did.
At this point, I had totally forgotten about the death theories. I loved Clover too much to believe in that kind of shit. So when it happened, it hit me like a bus.
I was in utter shock and I don't think I started crying till later. After the video ended,, I just slammed my laptop shut and sobbed for a good ten minutes.
It was probably the most brutal thing I'd ever seen and just,, it hurt so much. Emotionally and physically. It just sucked..
I was upset because I knew he wasn't coming back from this. It was a huge wound. I was upset because I loved Clover. Stop killing my favorites. I was upset because it could've been avoided. And I was upset because what was the point other than for Qrangst?
I'm going to be honest, the scene did make me a little sick. And for the rest of the day I just had a terrible feeling in my stomach and that night I had a nightmare because of all the stress and pain I was feeling over the death.
So, yeah. It really did affect me and I hated the whole thing a lot. Not from a shipping point of view or anything, but because I liked Clover and because I want just a little more Qrangst, not a lot.
Throughout the week though, my brain has tried to both hurt and try to comfort me over my loss. Constantly the scene of him being stabbed replays in my mind and then everything goes greyscale before a kazoo verison of "Piano Man" starts to play. It's ridiculous and I hate my brain for thinking about it.
But the death did make me feel a lot of things. None that which were positive emotions.
Fan Response:
Okay, I love being in a fandom. I do. But with every fandom comes toxicity and RWBY is no exception. We probably have some of the worst cases of toxic fans, right next to Star Wars and Marvel.
I acknowledge that it feels like queerbaiting and BYGs,, but I just,, I don't know.
I think death threats are terrible. There's no reason for this. It's a fucking ship. Representation is great, I know. I'm a biracial bisexual, I live for representation. Nothing was explicitly said (i.e Clover flat out saying that he was gay or bi or pan,, ect)
Were they flirting? Maybe. Did things happen off screen that we didn't get to see? Likely. Yeah, they had their gay moments but Clover's trying to get Qrow to loosen up. He wants him to crack jokes with him and stuff. Y'all gotta be friends first before any sort of romantic relationships blossom.
Yes, shame on CRWBY for hyping Fairgame up and then literally killing it, but the need for death threats?? Quitting the show?? Ridiculous! They're real life humans who enjoy working on this show! Leave them be!
Look, every fandom has a moment in where their fans are left disappointed. They can't please everyone but they try their best and I think CRWBY is one example.
I'm a multishipper. I don't care who ends up with who, so long as they're happy. And so since one guy is dead and the other is probably broken by it,, you can say I'm upset too.
Am I sending death threats? No. Do I feel for Fairgame shippers. Yes. Will I quit watching the show? Of course fucking not. Am I hoping Clover comes back? 🤡 It's not that complicated.
So yeah. Those are my thoughts on the major controversies that came out of the last episode. Let me know what y'all thought.
And please. Be respectful.
It's what Monty would want.
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venus-says · 5 years ago
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 77-79
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This show is really magical sometimes.
Prichan is here!  I had no intention of taking so long to get back to this series, but life is life and yall already know the drill. I don't have a lot to say on this intro so I'll just get right away with the good stuff. 
First is Episode 77, Daia's debut! Now, I don't really have anything to say about the episode itself, things didn't really get that interesting until a few minutes before Daia's live. I know they were trying to build up hype for the performance, but all it did was let me bored, I'd rather if we had seen more of Nijinosaki since this was such an important moment for her.
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The highlight of the episode was, of course, Daia's live. Like I've mentioned before, I don't like that who got on stage was Daia and not Nijinosaki, but seeing that in the coord change scene Daia referred to her jewel as "Rainbow Jewel of Brilliance (Kagayaki no Rainbow Jewel)" when we know from the toys that the actual name of the jewel is "Rainbow Jewel of Friendship (Yuujou no Rainbow Jewel)" it gives me hope that Nijinosaki is going to perform as herself in some point, which to me it seems like is the ideal thing to do since Friend Password sounds better fitting for Nijinosaki than fro Daia.
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In the first time I actually saw the performance I was very angry because I thought nothing there matched, but after seeing it again a couple of times I came to appreciate the mix of the more pop-ish, candy aesthetic with a song that has such a classic vibe to it and now I love it, but I still think that it doesn't fit with Daia's character and I really, REALLY hope that they'll stop being cowards and put Nijinosaki on that stage and make a very beautiful performance for her.
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Before I move on to the next two episodes I wanna talk briefly about the new OP and ED. These are the most gorgeous OP/ED sequences prichan had! Diamond Smile is still my favorite OP in regards to the song, but the beautiful graphics more than compensate for this song that isn't bad, but it doesn't come closer in my favorite's list. The ending though? IT'S PERFECT. The drawings are magnificent, the 90's mahou shoujo anime theme song we get from the music is just stellar and I couldn't be happier about it! If I have something to complain about the ED is that: 1, it's gonna take quite a while for us to see the ending sequence without credits; and 2, it doesn't have a full shot with all the girls together so I can't make a nice wallpaper out of it. XD
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The OP showed some "spoilers" that let me kinda sad, but seeing that they're missing some more updated portions I do believe the OP will change with time and some of my concerns will be washed away, my main concern is that apparently only Kiratts are getting new unit coords (that are amazing), while Ring Marry will stick with their horrendous bunny coords, and Meltic will have to be happy by just getting recolors of Sara's vampire PR, hopefully they'll get new stuff but for now I'm scared.
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Getting back to the episodes themselves, episodes 78 and 79 forms one of the most useless mini-arcs I've ever seen. Like, I don't see a reason why it happens and why it happened in that way. I get that Anju has this thing of getting in disguise and no one recognizing her despite being very easy to see through her "illusions", but don't drop this out of nowhere like that. Phoenix Mask doesn't work because it came so out of the red that it feels completely disconnected from the rest of the show and it wasn't funny for me to watch.
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Like, if you wanna come up with a cup to bring Anju back you could've done that without the whole phoenix thing, this is so IN YOUR FACE that the symbolism they were trying to make with Anju being back in action like a phoenix doesn't even work, at least not me. It's not to say that Fortune Karat didn't look absolutely amazing with the red coord, and the illumination changes, and that new yattemita, because that was great, but I think it would've been even better if they didn't have the whole phoenix attire going on. I'm also kinda iffy with the fact that Anju didn't get a new song, but I wanna hope that they're saving that up for a bigger moment later on the season.
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One last thing I want to comment is that for some reason putting Naru together with Ring Marry to participate in this cup is a foreshadow to Naru debuting later on like Aira, and that's something I really want to see because I love prichan Naru. Also, they’ve shown Nijinosaki making a cat coord on her design palette and I’m all here for Ring Marry’s next unit coord being about cats! XD
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And that's it for now. The next episode will be a masquerade ball and I'm kinda curious to see what they gonna do with that. In any case, thank you so much, and I'll see yall again a next time.
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ff7central · 7 years ago
Creator Spotlight: Waifujuju
Mod Miri here, with the first in our series of Creator Spotlights. This time the random number generator has summoned for us artist @waifujuju. I’ve gotten a few commissions from Juju, and have been following her for a while. (I even have some of her motivational art on my cubicle wall at work.)
Want to be on a future spotlight? Sign up on the FF7Central directory to get in on the list: https://goo.gl/forms/u0h5rJXmgv40zX9m2
Miri: Which of your works is the most memorable to you? I don’t necessarily mean favourite or best work, it could be the work that taught you the most making it or that holds a special reason in its creation.
Juju: Probably my comic of Cloud put to the lyrics of Halsey's "Control." It took a super long time throughout a period of struggling but it turned out really well despite everything! It's an idea I've had for a long while and it was great to finally put it into action. Plus, it was fantastic practice for composition and panelling! ( http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/149415194224/cloud-weekday-4-lyrics-control-by-halsey )
Miri: Comments on the reblog, or in the tags. Do you have a preference?
Juju: I love the comments I get either way, but the ones in tags tend to be more fun since people seem to like to scream in the tags! My favorite tags are ones where people who reblog my art just type in all caps or say something like "good job op."
Miri: Who is your favourite character from the FFVII setting? What do you love about them?
Juju: Cloud Strife for sure! I could write an essay on all the ways I love his character and all the intricacies of his character but I'll just leave it with I love his personality and character growth! He's a really outstanding protagonist who inspires a lot of strength and endurance.
Miri: Favourite media to work in?
Juju: I mostly work with traditional and digital art! Digital is a lot of fun to experiment with lighting and colors, though I've lately been trying out watercolor pencils!
Miri: Inquiring minds have asked if you have any tips for dealing with art block/slump.
Juju: When I hit an art block I mostly just try to draw through it, as asinine as that sounds. I take requests from friends and followers to see if I can pave my way through the slump and still try to make something that might not make me happy, but may make the receiver happy. Otherwise, I let myself doodle. It's very freeing and refreshing to just draw whatever and see where it goes, without worrying about if it's good or bad!
Miri: Is there a character/idea you haven’t gotten to yet that you really want to do?
Juju: I have tons of AUs that I really wanna draw out eventually! Mostly comics about Zack and Cloud on the run or another song-based comic! Otherwise, I want to try to draw the Turks or Avalanche as a big group family more! (Miri: yessss, more Turks!)
Miri: Any remake thoughts or hopes you’d like to talk about?
Juju: I'm extremely excited for the remake! I know there's a lot of uncertainties regarding the quality and how much it will stick to the original plot, but I'm super excited for new fans to come in with all their new ideas and experiences! I'm also hoping that the remake will carry some of the original game's cooky charms along for the ride!
Miri: Throw a headcannon at us that you’d like to see more of.
Juju: I personally think Yuffie and Cloud would get along fantastically after the events of the game. I would love to think they play pranks on Vincent or Cid together and go on materia expeditions!
Miri: Favourite party idea when playing FFVII? They don’t have to actually work, so much as you like the idea of them together as a fighting party.
Juju: My usual team is Cloud, Yuffie, and Vincent! I really enjoy their dynamic, especially when Vincent gets snarky. Plus, their skillsets really balance each other out! Otherwise, I really dig Cloud, Red XIII, and Barrett!
Miri: Do you have a favourite/easiest character to draw? Or a character you tend to draw when you need some comforting/relaxing art time?
Juju: Cloud is very obviously my favorite and I draw him all the time! Although, it definitely took me time to learn how to draw his hair. Cloud's a very good subject for both fluff and vent art! If he's not my favorite, than I probably enjoy drawing Aeris and Yuffie the most! They're both very expressive and fun to draw in sillier poses!
Miri: Are you open for commissions right now? Drop your link.
Juju: I am! My prices and regulations are right here: waifujuju.tumblr.com/tagged/daily-reblog
Miri: Anything you’d like to say to the community?
Juju: Thank you so much for being such a fantastic and welcoming community! I started my daily art blog around 3 years ago so that I can get involved with the community and provide some of my silly art and it's been such an enjoyable time! I've met some absolutely amazing people within this fandom and here's hoping to meeting even more when the remake comes out!
Miri: Here’s a few pieces I picked out (with some help from friends) to share with everyone
Sefikura Week (mini comic): http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/170139131820/sefikura-week-day-1-showing-up-unexpectedly
Cloud and Reno: http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/162534369760/my-part-of-an-art-trade-for-kayoli
Post AC Puppet Cloud (mini comic): http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/157924191625/ok-so-i-saw-your-sefikura-with-cloud-getting
Cloud and Jenova (fic art): http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/155347625170/the-failures-have-arrived-a-lil-something-for
Cloud and Jenova (phone wallpaper): http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/120313055050/phoneipod-background-for-ravenclawkohai-hope
Cloud and Vincent Immortal AU: http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/170928796070/immortal-cloud-and-puppet-cloud-have-taken-over-my
Motivational Seph: http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/161110269275/hey-juju-can-you-maybe-draw-a-small-motivational
Cloud “Copycat” Animation: http://waifujuju.tumblr.com/post/171708583560/i-cant-remember-who-i-am-everythings-a-blur
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kirachama · 7 years ago
decoded (707 x reader, part III)
rating: 13+ (hacker au, later chapters will have spoilers for 707 route and secret ends)
notes: look guys it didn’t take me nine months this time! i actually wanted to have this chapter done about a week ago, but i’ve been feeling a little under the weather as of lately... thanks goes to my beloved kamu for beta-thing this. the chapter is a tad shorter than chapters one and two but please enjoy! 
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 |
You heave a relieved sigh when the familiar sight of your laptop wallpaper meets your eyes. It’s been a few days since you had gotten that virus from trying to hack 707. Since your laptop was essentially useless, you had to make do with the computers in the campus lab until you were able to get home and rescue your precious laptop. It’d been a literal hell. Those ancient artifacts couldn’t hold a candle to your baby.
Lovingly, you stroke your laptop’s screen, “It’s so good to have you back....”
The first thing you do is check the Hackers Chasing Hackers chat server. Even though you had access from your phone, you hadn’t really checked it since your laptop went down. There hasn’t been much activity since then either. It seems a good deal of the other hackers are still struggling to rid themselves of the virus that 707 gave them. You probably would have been one of them if you hadn’t been hellbent on getting your laptop back. Those school computers… Just thinking about them again sends a shiver down your spine. Damn that 707!  if it weren’t for him and his stupid virus you would have been spared from such… such torture. If you could, you’d hack him yourself just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
You stop for a moment. If you could hack him yourself…
Slowly, you glance at your two computers, playing with the idea of hacking 707. Theoretically speaking, you do have the basic skill set needed to exact your revenge. The only thing stopping you is… You shake your head to rid yourself of the thought. You? Hack 707? By yourself? Are you crazy? There is no way… no way at all. If Hackers Chasing Hackers can’t do it as a group, then what in the world makes you think that you can do it on your own?
It’s a worthwhile goal, but one you’re not sure you can actually accomplish in the near future. 707 just seems like he’s on a whole different level. You let out a sigh before slapping your cheeks. It’s not good to let yourself get discouraged.
“I will become as good as him,” you mutter to yourself. “I will… I will…!”
You give yourself a couple more encouraging cheek slaps before returning to your computer. While you were preoccupied, you’d received a message from Minji.
meenmeen: hey me: yo meenmeen: ur comp’s fixed now??? me: yeah. meenmeen: woahhh. I’m still working at it. me: do you want help? meenmeen: nah, it’s good practice 4 me. meenmeen: i think i almost got it anyway.
Minji has a good point. Despite the frustration you’d gotten from 707’s virus, it was still a good way to hone your skills. You couldn’t really describe the intense feeling of relief and accomplishment you’d gotten from finally ridding yourself of it, and you didn’t want to take that away from Minji. The messenger dings again and you look back to the screen.
meenmeen: bet u had fun tho. meenmeen: i know how much u love 707’s stuff.
You feel yourself flush red. Admittedly, she is right, though you wouldn’t exactly call what you had ‘fun.’ You’ve only had a few chances to hack 707’s systems, but each time you’re in awe of how intricately built they are. There’s no doubt in your mind that he must slave over his work, spending hours upon hours perfecting each system. You can’t help but appreciate how much effort he must put in, and maybe that’s why you like hacking him.
me: u don’t? meenmeen: hell no. it’s so complicated meenmeen: that guy is a total sadist. me: but that’s the fun of it. meenmeen: ur crazy. the perfect maso for 707.
Sputtering, you stare at Minji’s words on the screen.
me: WHAT?! meenmeen: bet that’s why u cracked it so fast. me: no it’s cuz my school’s computers suck meenmeen: o okay if u say so.
There’s no doubt in your mind that Minji’s teasing you. For a while, she’s been convinced that you have a little crush on 707. It might be true, but you can’t really say when you’ve never met the guy. What you do  know for sure is that you admire his skills and you mildly enjoy trying to hack his systems, despite any frustration they might cause.. Maybe she is right about the masochist thing.
meenmeen: so once i’m done wanna go again? me: … me: are you crazy? why??? meenmeen: oh come on, i know u want to.
You’re not going to tell her that the thought had crossed your mind. She would definitely lord that over you.
me: it’s not gonna work. meenmeen: but u’ll have fun~ me: i’d rather not go through a week of hell again. meenmeen: no guarantee he’ll give us a virus. me: ugh….
She has a point. There were some instances when Hackers Chasing Hackers would attempt to hack 707, but they’d just get forced out. You figured during those times 707 was just too preoccupied to retaliate.
meenmeen: come on… plz???? meenmeen: i’ll buy u a pizza. me: ...ugh, fine. me: but if i get a virus again ur coming here to get rid of it. and you gotta let me use one of your spare laptops for school. meenmeen: o7
You groan as you lean back in your chair. Ideally, Minji would take another week or two to rid herself of 707’s virus, but if she thinks she’s almost done… It’ll take her at least a few more hours and at most a day. You swivel in the chair back and forth wondering what to do while you wait. Since your laptop had been out, you couldn’t play any of your computer games, so you’d actually been a good student and finished all your readings and homework.
“Guess I’ll play some LOLOL… It has been a while…” you mumble to yourself as you open the program on your laptop. As soon as you log on, you get a message from Yoosung inviting to you to play a few co-op matches with him. It’s a good way to pass the time while you wait on Minji, so you agree. Every match you guys play is won with relative ease. Even though you don’t play that often, you’re a pretty decent player, but Yoosung is in a completely different league and he’s just the second best player on the server. It makes you wonder how good the top person is. When you have a free second in between matches you, look to see the name of the number one player on the server and find it’s someone called Awesome Hacker. Automatically, you think of 707, but there’s no way, right?
Midway through a match, you get a message from Minji. That’s probably her telling you that she’s done. You glance at the clock. It took her about two hours. Wait. Have you really been playing LOLOL that long? You take a quick second to tell Yoosung that this is your last match. If you wait for the match to be over, you might not get a chance to tell him before he throws you in queue for another match. Once you guys win, you tell him that you’ve got stuff to do and that you might be back on later. Naturally, his response is that he’ll probably be on. You exit out of the game and respond to Minji’s message, telling her that you guys should talk over voice chat.
A moment later, you get a pop up alerting you that she’s calling. You click the option for sound only and the window pops up, showing Minji practically shoving her face up in the camera.
“Oh, boo, no camera?” she pouts.
You didn’t really think there was a need to turn the camera since you’re just going to be discussing stuff. Minji continues to whine for a good minute before you reluctantly turn on the webcam. “Happy now?”
She beams at you. “You betcha! Now spill the beans. I know that you’ve probably got some idea in that little head of yours on how to hack into 707’s system.”
“Ideas, maybe, I can’t guarantee that they’ll work.”
“They’re probably better than Code GAGA’s plans,” Minji spins in her chair. “Now spill.”
You lean back, crossing your arms as you think. All of your hacking attempts so far have been the large scale operations that you’ve done as a member of Hackers Chasing Hackers. If it’s just you and Minji then there’s no way you could possibly use the same approach, unless you recruited more people. Of course, the only hackers you really know are other Hackers Chasing Hackers members, and recruiting them would probably result in some problems. You don’t think Code GAGA would take very well to you organizing something like that since he’s the group’s leader. “We’d… have to be sneaky. Chip at the framework bit by bit to lay in the groundwork to over take his system.”
Minji thinks about your suggestion for a minute before nodding her head in agreement. “That sounds like a good plan… how long do you think it would take?”
“With just the two of us?” You pause for a moment to calculate. “Uh… if everything went flawlessly, at least a couple weeks?”
“A few weeks!?”
“Yup, and that’s assuming the system is as big as I think it is.”
“And if it’s bigger?”
“Uh… maybe a few months.”
Minji lets out an exaggerated groan and flops over on her desk. Clearly, when she was asking for your ideas, she had been expecting something different.
“I never said my ideas were quick…” you explain. “But with the two of us, that would be the most efficient way. We don’t have the skill or the manpower to even an attempt a head-on assault.”
“I knooooow.”
“Should we just give up then?”
The young woman shoots up and smushes her face against the camera, “Hell no! I’m gonna make that 707 pay! Don’t you want ‘em to suffer for making you use those sorry excuses for computers?”
“Well, yeah, but...”
Minji slams her fist on her desk, causing the entire screen to shake. She glares at you through the camera, clearly displeased with your lack of enthusiasm. “Come on! This is 707 we’re talking about! And I know you wanna get as good as that freak with his convoluted codes, so come on, let’s do this! You know you’re not gonna get any better just sitting there. If anyone can do it, it’s you!”
Once Minji’s done with her little tirade, she lets out a huff. You can only stare at your screen in awe. It feels awfully strange for her to give you this kind of pep talk. When you first met, Minji told you that her becoming a hacker was just a byproduct of her computer skills. She’d only really joined Hackers Chasing Hackers because the prospect of being a ‘hacker’ seemed like fun to her. “Minji… do you maybe… really want to hack 707… You said you want revenge for the virus, but is it maybe… more than just that?”
Minji’s face turns red and she looks away from the screen. “I mean… who doesn’t…? Isn’t 707 the ultimate challenge?”
“I guess so…” you agree slowly with a smug grin.
A moment passes before she hesitantly turns to look back at you. “...argh, fine, okay! I really want to hack 707 but I can’t do it alone! Please help me!”
You grin, “...Fine. Let’s do this. But don’t forget, you owe me a pizza.”
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