#I wanna draw it
teddy-bear-d · 1 year
Can I just say that Martyn accidentally freezing himself when he got excited about seeing the snowy peaks has got so many head canons rotating in my head…
I’m just imagining any form of frazzlement causing him to instantly become an ice cube. Like unexpected Scott joke flirting throwing him off and instead of being able to hide it he just freezes, literally.
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yeenybeanies · 11 months
Hallo, I have a question for your naga au. Naga!Soap and Human!Ghost to be specific.
I was scrolling through your posts and saw the one about how long naga tongues are. I have this feeling that Soap, being the asshole he is, would randomly stick his whole tongue down Ghosts throat.
Now that I'm typing this, it sounds so weird.
he tried this one (1) time & made ghost gag so bad that he almost threw up, & he ended up biting soap's tongue pretty hard.
soap has not tried it again.
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oyeixcher · 7 days
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waterwindow · 4 months
Grrhrge rocket jumpingng
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wooly-nooly · 2 months
What if for one of the togt missing limbs-
IV plays guitar still even though vessel totally could and they just stand super close on stage while i y plays and vess sings and theyre just like sort of cuddling or leaning on eachother or just something super cute and heartfelt
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ghoulaxyart · 3 months
Hear me out Persona 3 fandom. Ryoji in the Nyx outfit, but in a Met Gala way
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angelpuns · 6 months
Variation of what 🌸 anon said earlier, imagine one of the worm boys going “Would you still love me if I was a turtle? JDHEBRJDYDEBJDICGDJEBD
PFFFF OMGOMG yes yes I love it. Perhaps I will tuck the worm boys in my pocket for future au shenanigans >:) definitely not just so they can say that line eheheheh
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luflory · 2 years
Arthur: you dyed your hair?
Merlin: and you died two thousand years ago
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roachemoji · 3 months
my brother took one of the sickest pictures of the eclipse???
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patbwaifs · 1 year
my name is OMGKawaiiConnor, i'm the needy twitch streamer sent by ParaSocialLife
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saytrrose · 3 months
Me struggling to not rant about this giant mafia au @a-fucking-nerd and I made of myself and my moots and we gave everyone jobs and everyone has flower code names *explodes*
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ashes-in-a-jar · 5 months
The Sheridan Tapes episode 14
Anna and Sam finally pulling out the big guns:
Anna Sheridan with ISPHA equipment
And Sam Bailey with a red string board
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anyways guess who had ✨another✨ whump dream
(it was me btw)
Pretty vague but a kingdom was overthrown by a more corrupt faction, leading to five or so years of misery
During the initial power struggle, the OG rulers sent a champion to fight one of the leaders of the faction, but the champion was never heard from again and assumed dead
Fast forward, a rebel group sent someone to infiltrate the new court, but when they got there, they saw the champion was still alive, and basically being kept like a trophy by the new ruler (and barely recognizable in the state he was in)
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crizztelcb · 9 months
In that new universe luka has super puffy eyelashes and he is in a super duper cute puffy clothing and being mean
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bananbug · 6 months
do u have a sona 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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pocketrabi · 11 months
Crowley finding a lonely little kitty and he takes them home. "You alone too?"
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