#I used to be much more loosey goosey about my phone
highlynerdy · 3 months
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I've been a screen protector convert ever since I dropped my phone on concrete while traveling a few years ago. The glass protector shattered while my actual screen was completely fine. Fully on board. The last set I ordered had these camera protectors too. And holy shit, do you see that?? The latest fall would have likely demolished one of my camera lenses. Instead, I just have to replace the tiny protector. 🫣🥲🙏🙏🙏 All this to say, blessings for the little things that protect the device that holds all my friends inside lol
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after-witch · 3 months
Dr Gavin!!!!!! I went to the dentist today and somewhere deep in the recess my mind Dr Gavin snuck out.
Got any tidbits on him? I feel like the fic was a long time ago!
Oh, ahhh thank you for asking about a (vague) OC of mine, I don't mind sharing some tidbits!
Here's a few:
(note: references to noncon, drugging, abuse of power)
He's very much a no-nonsense dentist, and this applies to any reader he becomes obsessed with
He finds that his attitude can help guide you in the... right direction, both in terms of your dental hygiene and putting you underneath his metaphorical thumb
He prefers to worm his way into your life bit by bit--offering to check up on you with a phone call ("I only give this out to patients that I feel need the extra help," he'll say, giving you the number on a professional looking business card--it doesn't look shady, that way) which slowly extends to him asking about your personal life in other ways
Eventually he's not just checking on your dental hygiene but everything else; are you getting enough sleep? Eating right? Hanging out with the right people?
He'll isolate you as much as possible, including having you come in after hours so he doesn't have to worry about anyone else hearing what he says or does at his appointments
He can and will use laughing gas or other tools available at the dentist to make you calmer and more loosey goosey
It makes it easier for him to be more intimate with you, during appointments--not that he'd be so untoward as to have sex with you in the office, no no, but who's to say his gloved hands won't find their way under your clothing... his lips won't find their way to your own, after he's wiped away a bit of drool and blood?
He prefers not to kidnap but if he has to, he will--this is a last resort if you do something silly like want to leave his dental practice or accuse of him anything untoward
He has easy access to a few different things that can make you pliant enough to guide into his car or knock you out entirely
He hates the idea of you fighting him, but he also gets massively turned on at the idea of being the one to brush your teeth and floss them once he's brought you home, should you prove unwilling to behave
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frostbeees · 7 months
🥳🥳🥳🥳 for surviving meetings and I wish you'd write a fic where alpha!Cam fucks omega!Jamie through his heat 🥺🥺🥺
oooh so we’re gonna go loosey goosey with these bc my brain has been taken over by writing coverage letters this week but
i think the stress of the trade and moving across the country with no warning combined with crashing on cam’s couch triggers jamie’s heat
it doesn’t even set it right away but after a couple nights of being cocooned in cam’s scent it hits like a freight train
jamie misses his first road trip with the team bc of it and he’s fucking miserable until one night he lets himself into cam’s room. the lingering scent in cam’s bed is like nothing else he’s ever smelled before. saltwater taffy and amber wrap around him as he burrows deeper into the sheets
he gets himself off once and his own vanilla spice scent mixes with cam’s and suddenly he has to send a message off, just a shot of his head pillowed against cam’s headboard
his phone rings within seconds of sending the message and cam’s soft voice and cool demeanor is a little deeper than normal, a little more on the edge of something (what, though, jamie’s not sure)
cam talks jamie through getting himself off. clear instructions on how to position his legs and use his fingers. tells jamie about all the ways he’d make him feel good if he was there and not in whatever canadian city the team is in
jamie’s heat has pretty much ended by the time the team gets home but that doesn’t stop him from staying in cam’s bed (naked) and waiting for him to get back. cam jumps him as soon as he’s through the door and they’re both thankful for a couple days off before the next game
i wish you would write a fic where…
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avonsdrabbles · 4 months
I know you're a teacher, idk if you ever went to school yourself or if you were homeschooled but if you did go to school, have there been any major differences between when you were in 6th grade vs now as a teacher? I'm leaving this vague on purpose but I guess I mean stuff like, how technology is handled, if curriculums have changed a lot, if there's new knowledge/training on how to manage the kids, etc.
So… this is a bit tough but I’ll try my best!
Under the cut since this is likely going to get long.
So, first off, it’s best to say that I have dissociative identity disorder. Some folks following me know that, some don’t, hurrah. Because of this, I really struggle to remember my childhood, 6th grade included (which, yes, I did go to public school). Here’s what I can recall though, in response to your questions:
It’s a lot different.
For one thing, I am now approaching things from the perspective of an adult. The curriculum I had as a kid, the rules I had to follow, the everything — all of it was from teachers who were underpaid and dealing with a LOT of bullshit. We didn’t make their jobs any easier. In retrospect, a lot feels different now being able to look at it as a teacher.
Tech was handled very differently. Now, the expectation is that students have tech on them at all times, as opposed to someone having a phone being a big deal. Typically, it was handheld games being confiscated; hardly anyone had a phone until around 7th or 8th grade. This was back in the days when having a phone… at all! Was considered cool. There’s also the fact that tech was actually taken straight out of the hands of kids! We can’t do that anymore. If a student is on their phone, we have to request they give it to us — we’re not actually allowed to take it ourselves. There’s also rules upon rules upon rules on how kids have to get their phones back, as opposed to the loosey goosey rules there were back in the day.
Curriculum is where my brain is more shot. I really don’t remember a lot of what I learned in 6th grade. I do know we did just about every assignment on paper, though. Probably the BIGGEST change (and this isn’t universal but more and more schools are doing this now) is the grade minimum cap. We aren’t allowed to give kids zeros anymore!! We have a minimum of 50%. This way, kids are able to come back from a missing assignment - which allows us to give less work and focus on the actual. Yknow. Learning. It’s one of my favorite parts of modern teaching.
There is a LOT of new learning on how to handle kids — to the point that older teachers constantly bitch and moan about it. The 50% cap pissed so many people off lol. But there’s also so much social-emotional learning and growth mindset and all sorts of other things we learn about, as teachers, to help us teach kids. It’s constant! We learn more and more each day.
That isn’t to say everything is better now. Just different. For instance, I know I had a typing class as a kid, and that’s just… not a thing anymore. There’s this assumption that tech is so prevalent that kids just know how to type, but god it’s bad. I actually challenge my kids to beat my typing speed each year to try to encourage them to learn.
I hope that answers your question! I’m sick rn and I’m barely aware lol.
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inkofamethyst · 8 months
February 12, 2024
God those cookies I made last week were so good.
My ipad is starting to show signs of planned obsolescence, I think. Kinda sucky considering I'm also already saving for a new laptop (I could be quicker about it if I wasn't so aggressive about finishing up my emergency fund and saving for my down payment*) and I would consider my iPad use relatively gentle. I'll see if I can stretch its use out for another year and a half minimum, I think. It's still got plenty of space to work with and is adept with the majority of tasks I use it for. A new machine could be another 1k,,,,,, oof. The earlier I start saving the lower that monthly "payment" though. There are certain things I use my tablet for that neither a laptop nor a phone are optimized to do, and I see myself potentially using those functions even after I'm done with classes.. but I'll give it more thought.
Might plan a little reading group with the discord crew since so many of us (5/7 so far!!) are interested in reading The Road, the book on which The Last of Us is based (my photo-friend suggested it to me and my dancer-friend during a chat we had, and I saw puzzle- and dnd- had previously marked it as something they were interested in (these are the kinds of things I'd miss without goodreads T.T (I'm gonna swap to (or, at least, add) Storygraph still, I promise))).
*I told my sister I am currently interested in potentially moving back to my home state after grad school to live near my family, and she, being the zillow fiend she is, took me on a tour of the current housing market in the city I'm interested in with the parameters I'd like and lowkey??? it's actually not as expensive as I thought it'd be. Granted, these feelings could drift as climate change alters the landscape (or if I really really like it here), but based on my down payment savings goal, the existence of first-time homebuyer assistance programs, what I'm currently making (and the expected raise at the conclusion of this program), and the assistance my elders have cryptically alluded to, it does not seem as far out of reach as I once thought (though my vision was skewed by the fact that a 1b/1b condo around my uni could cost something like a million bucks lol).
You know I think I'm not succumbing to lifestyle creep but like,,, I literally bought $118 pants (with coupons and discounts but still, I was looking). I.. don't think I've ever considered spending that much on a single item of clothing, ever. Even most of my formal dresses are secondhand. On the other hand, relative frugality when it comes to food and being stringent with savings gives me a bit more leeway when it comes to other things. All this said, I'm not sure whether having a loosey-goosey budget will work out long-term. Will reassess in May.
One thing about "her" is that the color scheme is relatively dark, and I'm not just talkin skin here. There's nothing inherently wrong with that; dark colors are a great base for things, but I do think I'd like to venture into adding a bit more color and experimenting with combinations. Very unlike me, I know.
Today I'm thankful that my skin was givingggg. I bought three shades of Colourpop's Lite Stix last month and wore the first two (molten hot (too yellow), glazey (too bright)) for a couple weeks each to give them a true run, but neither were perfect shades, but Sunlight is a softer, rosier gold that works so well as a subtle, beautiful inner-corner highlight. And after doing my Kiehl's mask over the weekend which is literally clearing my skin (plus 25/8 blush and rocky road lip gloss/crucifix liner),,,, it was a very pretty day for me despite the fact that I was fully exhausted the whole time. Anyway I'm going to have to find some other use for the other two (I tried molten hot once as an eyeliner and that was fun) so they don't go to waste.
Washed my hair yesterday, now experiencing the slog of nightly braiding with multiple major homework assignments on the horizon :)))))))
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myonechicagoworld · 3 years
Commander (Sgt. Halstead): How long was she in your apartment?
Kelly Severide: Half hour. Hour tops.
Commander (Sgt. Halstead): And how many beers did you have?
Kelly Severide: Two.
Commander (Sgt. Halstead): In 30 minutes?
Kelly Severide: First time in history anyone ever drank two beers in
                          half an hour?
Commander( Sgt. Halstead): Ms. Little stated that it was hard to
                                                 keep up with you. She felt buzzed.
Kelly Severide: That’s what happens when you drink beer. She’d
                           know since she brought the six pack over.
Commander (Sgt. Halstead): She said you tried to kiss her, but
                                                  she was uncomfortable and tried to
                                                  leave. You backed her against the
                                                  wall, leaned into her body and put
                                                  your hand on her buttock.
Kelly Severide: Unreal.
Commander (Sgt. Halstead): Care to respond?
Mouch: Lieutenant Severide is not obligated to respond to any of
              these questions, Commander. He came in good faith to
              hear the charges against him.
Kelly Severide: Actually, I faked a yawn and said I was tired and she
                          should probably get going. Because I started
                          thinking she was a little… desperate.
                                       [door buzzing]
                                        [door opens]
Police Officer (Officer Blair): You’re up, Voight.
                                   [handcuffs clicking]
Hallie Thomas: How’s Dawson?
Matt Casey: Good. Great.
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Hallie Thomas: Don’t even pretend.
Matt Casey: Um, she’s dating young Peter Mills.
Hallie Thomas: That sneaky little bastard. Good for him.
Matt Casey: How about yourself? Seeing anybody?
Hallie Thomas: Nah, no one serious.
Matt Casey: You heard about Curtis, right?
Hallie Thomas: Yeah. Um, is Voight behind it?
Matt Casey: I have no idea. I mean, the kid was in a gang, but
Hallie Thomas: That doesn’t make any difference in terms of
                           Voight’s case, right?
Matt Casey: Apparently there’s a dismissal hearing today, and his
                      union is pushing hard for entrapment. All I know is I
                      can’t get sucked into it again.
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Hank Voight: [sighs]
                       I’m hungry. Let’s go.
                                [coffee machine steaming]
Christopher Herrmann: Drink coupons?
Otis Zvonecek: It’s called a loss leader, okay? It gets people in the
                          door. Once they’re inside, they keep spending.
Christopher Herrmann: I’m already confused, all right? It’s a bar,
                                         not the New York stock exchange.
Matt Casey: It’s actually not that complicated, Herrmann.
Christopher Herrmann: Well, we have a soft opening in a week,
                                          andwe don’t even have our decorations
                                          up yet.
Otis Zvonecek: Call it a drink special. I don’t care.
                                           [kissing sound]
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Leslie Shay: Oh, marry him.
Chief Boden: Okay, everybody listen up. In light of recent events…
                       recent allegations, rather… personnel division has
                       flagged this house for sexual harassment sensitivity
Matt Casey: [silently groans]
Joe Cruz: Uh, Chief? I think actually it’s sexual harassment and
                  sensitivity training. ‘Cause the way that you just said it, it
                  makes it sound like we have to be, uh, sensitive toward
                  sexual har…
Christopher Herrmann: All right, what the hell? This house needs it.
                                        All right, listen up everybody. CFD special,
                                        okay? Happy hour prices all night long
                                        when Molly’s opens.
                                   [murmuring and applause]
Otis Zvonecek: [groans]
Peter Mills: Lieutenant. What you’re going through ain’t right. So if
                    there’s anything I can do to help, name it. I mean if you
                    just want to grab a beer or put on some gloves…
Kelly Severide: Appreciate it.
                                       [locker door shuts]
Kevin Hadley: Hey Mills.
                                      [locker door closes]
Kevin Hadley: His shoes need shining.
                               [alarm buzzing and blaring]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61. Car
                  accident, 3464 Morgan Street.
Chief Boden: Casey, I just heard from the state’s attorney. Voight’s
Matt Casey: All right.
Chief Boden: Yeah.
                                          [sirens blaring]
Chief Boden: What’s the story here?
Police Officer (Officer Sobek): We got two people stuck.
Chief Boden: What happened?
Police Officer (Officer Sobek): Driver got shot and lost control.
                                                    Word is this is the guy that shot
                                                    Curtis. Retaliation hit.
                                      [engine humming]
Kelly Severide: Looks unstable. Be careful.
Matt Casey: He’s pinned in. Foot’s stuck on the gas.
Victim 1: [screams] Oh God! Oh God! Help me, please!
                                         - title screen -
                                      [indistinct chatter]
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Kelly Severide: Hey, stand clear of the car! Second victim’s
                          Hang on, ma’am. We’re gonna get you out, okay?
Victim 1: Hurry, please.
Matt Casey: Driver’s got a head wound. We’ve got to get him out of
Kelly Severide: Hey, we budge this car, it’s gonna take off.
Chief Boden: We lift the car. Kelly, you get the woman. We stabilise
                       this on the truck and get the driver at the same time.
Kelly Severide: Capp, Hadley, air bags and halligans!
Matt Casey: Cruz and Mills, we need bottle Jacks and cribbing as
                      much as we have. Mouch, take the center punch.
                      Herrmann, sawzall. Let’s move.
Christopher Herrmann: Got it.
Gabby Dawson: What do we got?
Matt Casey: Looks like a perforating head injury. The driver’s still
                     alive. You’re gonna have to move fast.
Gabby Dawson: We’re on it.
Victim 1: [whimpers]
Kelly Severide: Okay, help me out with this. We gotta lift it.
                          Don’t worry, ma’am. We’re right here with you.
Chief Boden: Don’t let it touch that wheel!
Victim 1: [whimpers]
Kelly Severide: Hang in there. Hang in there.
                          Watch your back.
                          All right, let’s get that board in!
Victim 1: [cries out]
Kelly Severide: Easy, easy.
                           Watch it.
Victim 1: [whimpers]
Kelly Severide: You got it?
Chief Boden: Keep her away from that wheel.
Victim 1: [whimpers]
Chief Boden: Good job, guys. Good job.
                                    [glass shattering]
Matt Casey: [grunts]
                              [engine stops humming]
Chief Boden: Pop those hinges.
Firefighter: I got it.
Chief Boden: There you go! Get the board in now.
Leslie Shay: He’s got a pulse. Barely.
Kelly Severide: Watch his head.
                           Watch it.
                           You got it?
Leslie Shay: Got it, yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Did I hear right? Voight’s out?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Let’s go.
                                           [siren blaring]
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Mouch: You’re not doing what I think you’re doing, are you?
Kelly Severide: [sighs] What if I just meet her face-to-face and…
Mouch: Do not contact this woman, you hear me? We have a
              follow-up interview tomorrow, and we have the upper hand
              right now. Okay?
Gabby Dawson: Single gunshot to the head through and through.
                            Entrance is at the cheek.
ER Doctor: Pressure?
Gabby Dawson: 50 over 30.
ER Doctor: Get him into six.
Leslie Shay: I told you that Tara chick was bad news. Now look.
Gabby Dawson: So there’s no way that Severide could have gotten
                            a little too frisky with her?
Leslie Shay: Against her will? No way.
Gabby Dawson: Well, what’s Severide saying?
Leslie Shay: Not much. Whenever he gets this look on his face, I
                     just steer clear and let him figure it out. ‘Cause me
                     trying to fix it never does any good. She’s not gonna
                     get away with this, is she?
Gabby Dawson: Well, that’s what they said about Voight.
Leslie Shay: Ugh, crazy town. I mean, how does that guy walk?
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know. It reminds me of this joke my dad
                            once told me. Why is Chicago style pizza so
Leslie Shay: Why?
Gabby Dawson: Don’t worry about it.
Leslie Shay: She’s not here.
Gabby Dawson: Who?
Leslie Shay: Hallie.
Gabby Dawson: I’m not looking for Hallie.
                                      [cell phone vibrating]
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Leslie Shay: Who is it?
Gabby Dawson: Blocked. Who blocks their phones anymore other
                            than drug dealers.
                                   [tapping on whiteboard]
Man 1 (Trainer): Nice slacks! Acceptable compliment? Yes, no or
Christopher Herrmann: I don’t think people call them slacks
Man 1 (Trainer): Oh come on, come on. No, you know what I mean.
Man 1 (Trainer): Pants, dungarees, whatever.
Joe Cruz: Depends.
Man 1 (Trainer): On?
Joe Cruz: What part of the pants?
Man 1 (Trainer): Exactly. A female co-worker is standing in front of
                           you... ”Nice pants,” is acceptable. Walking away
                           from you, noway, Jose. And why not?
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Christopher Herrmann: Isn’t it kind of obvious?
Man 1 (Trainer): Look, I know all this new political correctness-type
                           deal is a head spinner, ‘cause it was a little more
                           loosey-goosey back in the day. I mean, hell, when I
                           first started working for the city you’d-you’d walk
                           into some locker rooms, they’d have Hustler
                           centrefolds taped up. You do that nowadays, ninjas
                           drop from the ceiling and will airlift your ass right
                           out of there.
Christopher Herrmann: Tell me about it. When-when I started there
                                         was this guy, Eric Weinburger…[chuckles]
                                         and if it was somebody’s birthday, he
                                         would walk around with his testicles
                                         hanging out of his fly…
Man 1 (Trainer): Okay. Okay! Look, tap the brakes, pal. That’s what
                            I’m talking about.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey.
Antonio Dawson: Voight’s got a condo in Myrtle Beach. And there’s
                              a good shot he threatens to sue the department
                              for wrongful prosecution, settles for a chunk of
                              change and then goes to play golf year round.
                              That’s according to my buddy who used to work
                              for Voight.
                              He’s dirty, but he ain’t stupid. He knows he
                               dodged a bullet on this one. And with his son
                               already doing a year, there’s no way he’s gonna
                               come after you again.
Matt Casey: That’s what they told me right before he tried to have
                      my skull cracked open.
Chief Boden: You’ll keep us apprised, won’t you, Antonio?
Antonio Dawson: Of course.
Chief Boden: Casey. Do not get drawn back into this.
Man 2 (Paramedic): Leslie Shay!
Leslie Shay: Hey, Derek.
                     What’s wrong?
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Gabby Dawson: That was Voight.
Leslie Shay: What’d he say?
Gabby Dawson: He’s calling in that favour I owe him.
Matt Casey: You’re gonna call Voight back?
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] I mean I guess I have to.
Matt Casey: Want me to?
Gabby Dawson: No. No, no, no. But… that’s really nice of you to
Matt Casey: You let me know. And we’re cool. No matter what you
                      do. I don’t want us going down the same road we did
                      last time and not talking to each other for a month.
                      You’re too important to me for that.
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Gabby Dawson: Thanks. I feel the same way. Which is why I wanted
                            to bring you in the loop. So that you didn’t think I
                            was scheming with Voight or anything behind your
Matt Casey: Dawson, I’m serious though. You-you try to deal with
                      Voight on your own, you’ll end up in quicksand.
Gabby Dawson: Okay.
Man 1 (Trainer): Can I borrow you two for a second?
Matt Casey: [clears throat] “You look very nice today.”
Gabby Dawson: “Thank you.”
Matt Casey: “A bunch of us are gonna get some beers after work.
                      Care to join?”
Gabby Dawson: Sure, yeah. That sounds fun.”
Matt Casey: Keep going, or…
Man 1 (Trainer): Please.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Leslie Shay: Oh look, he just groped her. Did everybody see that?
Chief Boden: Shay.
Leslie Shay: I’m just saying. That’s all it takes, right?
Matt Casey: “Have you been going to the gym?”
Gabby Dawson: “Um, yeah, you know, here and there. Not as much
                             as I’d like.”
Matt Casey: “Because your physique looks really good.”
Gabby Dawson: “Well, thank you. That’s really nice of you.”
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Man 1 (Trainer): Now freeze it. Freeze it. What did we talk about
                            behavioural modifiers?
Matt Casey: I think he means stop the role-play
Gabby Dawson: Oh.
Man 1 (Trainer): Matt should not be making comments about
                            Gabby’s body. We know that.
                                     [cell phone vibrating]
Man 1 (Trainer): But Gabby should not be accepting compliments
                            about her body from Matt.
Chief Boden: Keep your radio on.
Man 1 (Trainer): Uh why don’t we break for lunch?
All: Yes.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Harold Capp: Hey, candidate?
Peter Mills: Yeah?
Harold Capp: You park across the street?
Peter Mills: Yeah, why?
                    Oh! Son of a bitch!
Kevin Hadley: Oh, man.
Peter Mills: Man, right in front of the house! God!
Harold Capp: Whoa, wait a second. Wait a second. Isn’t this an
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Harold Capp: I think this is the model they built with the spare
Kevin Hadley: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Harold Capp: Hang on a second. Hold on, let me show you.
                                     [engine starting]
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Peter Mills: [sighs] Ooh… [chuckles]
                    Yeah funny. Give me my keys.
                                [Capp & Hadley chuckles]
Peter Mills: That was a good one.
Kelly Severide: [exhales] I just wanted to talk, you know. Human
                          being to human being.
Tara Little: I-I-I don’t want to talk about the other night. It’s still so
Kelly Severide: Tara, come on. We were both there. And if I said
                          something that offended you…
Tara Little: Look, IAD is pushing me to file a police report. And
                   despite what happened, I’m not interested in making
                   this a criminal case.
Kelly Severide: For what?
                          Look me in the eye. Tell me what I did.
Tara Little: But there is another option. If you apologise on record,
                   it’s called an Alford plea. You won’t be admitting guilt,
                   but we could both…avoid the embarrassment of
                   reliving this in public.
Kelly Severide: You’re crazy.
Tara Little: I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to meet you.
Antonio Dawson: I’ll take care of it.
Gabby Dawson: Look, I don’t have a problem calling him to see
                            what he wants.
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Antonio Dawson: No.
Gabby Dawson: Hey. Don’t do anything crazy.
                                [alarm buzzing and blaring]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.
                  Overturned tanker, Eleanor and Fuller.
                                        [sirens wailing]
Kelly Severide: Squad’s set to pull the driver out. We just need
                           engine to get some water on this fire so we
                           have some clearance.
Chief Boden: This first tank is leaking sodium hydroxide. We have
                        an active chemical spill. That is a negative on the
                        water. That’s going to spread the spill out even
                        further. We need to get foam on this fire… and
                        masks on!
Victim 2 (Truck Driver): Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, get me out of here!
                                       Get me out!
Chief Boden: (into radio) Squad three, suit up for rescue. Call in
                        Hang on in there! We’re gonna come and get you!
                        (into radio) Battalion 25 to dispatch, we need the
                        closest available foam engine to Bridgeport right
                        now. We are on Eleanor and Fuller.
Dispatch: (over radio) Copy that, 25.
Chief Boden: Let’s dyke off this area right now. If it gets into the
                        river, it’ll spread into Chicago.
Matt Casey: Got it. Shovels and pick axes!
                      Right here. Start digging
Matt Casey: (over radio) Chief, where’s our foam?
Chief Boden: (into radio) We’re working on it, Casey.
Kelly Severide: Chief, if you need us to pull him out now, we’re
Chief Boden: (into radio)That diesel fire’s impinging on that tanker.
                       It’s getting ready to blow! You can’t go in yet.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Driver’s gonna get burned inside and out if
                     he stays in there much longer.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Where the hell is that engine?
                                       [foam spraying]
Chief Boden: Severide.
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Chief Boden: That foam will cover up the vapors. You ready?
Kelly Severide: Yeah, let’s do it!
Kevin Hadley: Yeah!
Kelly Severide: Have the descender ready to send up the aerial.
Kevin Hadley: Uh, it-it’s new. I don’t know the set-up yet. I’ll just,
                         uh, I’ll rig up a rope and pulley.
Kelly Severide: Nah, that’s not enough. We’re gonna need the
                          descender. Ask Mills to do it.
Peter Mills: On it.
                     Let’s go.
                     Hadley, stand by.
                     Here. Take that, run it up
Chief Boden: (into radio) Mouch.
                                          [motor humming]
Chief Boden: Capp, make sure you stay tight to Severide.
Victim 2 (Truck driver): [breathing heavily]
Kelly Severide: Chemicals flooding the cab. Driver’s losing
Victim 2 (Truck driver): [groans]
Kelly Severide: Hey buddy, hang in there. We’re gonna get you out!
                          Watch your eyes!
Victim 2 (Truck driver): Okay.
                                         [glass shattering]
Peter Mills: Okay, throw me the rope bag.
Harold Capp: It’s coming down.
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Got the harness attached.
Victim 2 (Truck driver): [groans]
Kelly Severide: (over radio) Okay, pull him up!
Peter Mills: Haul!
Victim 2 (Truck driver): [groans]
Kelly Severide: Keep it going!
                          Okay, Mills, the driver’s clear.
Peter Mills: We’re good!
Kelly Severide: Let’s go, let’s go!
Chief Boden: All right. Bring him over, Mouch.
Joe Cruz: This way!
Peter Mills: Keep it going! Keep it going!
Firefighter: Keep coming!
Victim 2 (Truck driver): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: Let’s go!
Chief Boden: Good job.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
Joe Cruz: Hope we weren’t too much of a pain in the ass.
Man 1 (Trainer): Not at all. Fully aware that you work 24 hour shifts
                           together and you see the things that you see. And
                           there should be consideration for that. You just
                           have to be careful, or you can find yourself in a
                           real predicament.
Chief Boden: Did everybody hear that?
All: We got it.
Man 1 (Trainer): Still using the Elkhart brass nozzles, I see. Is that a
Joe Cruz: Yeah, how you know about nozzles?
Man 1 (Trainer): Ah I took the CFD exam. Back when dinosaurs
                           roamed the earth. Made it all the way through,
                           then got dinged on the last day.
Chief Boden: What happened?
Man 1 (Trainer): Colourblind.
                            What are you gonna do? It all worked out.
Christopher Herrmann: Eh, you know what’s gonna work out on
                                         my end? Molly’s bar. This thing takes off
                                         we’re gonna brand it, franchise it. We’re
                                         gonna have Molly’s Kansas City, Molly’s
                                         Des Moines…
Gabby Dawson: Easy, tiger. Let’s get this one off the ground first.
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Peter Mills: Ugh…
                    Who put dog food in here?
Kevin Hadley: [chuckles]
Peter Mills: That’s funny to you?
Kevin Hadley: Relax, mutt.
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Peter Mills: What did you say to me?
All: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Peter Mills: What did you say?
Chief Boden: Hey! Hey!
Kelly Severide: Take it easy!
                           Mutt? You out of your mind?
Kevin Hadley: When I was a candidate over at 38, they put menthol
                         in my underwear. What is the…
Chief Boden: No, no, no, no, what you did was so far beyond that,
                       that if you can’t tell the difference, you are dumber
                       than you look.
Kevin Hadley: [chuckles] What…
Chief Boden: I mean this house was already under a microscope.
                       You really couldn’t put that together? You are so lucky
                       Mills is not filing an incident report. Not to mention
                       knocking your teeth out.
Kevin Hadley: Did I not apologise?
Peter Mills: You don’t talk to me. I’m serious.
Matt Casey: Everybody shut up. He’s coming in.
Man 1 (Trainer): I told my boss that the course work was complete
                           here but that a follow-up might not hurt. I did not
                           mention the infraction, because it would turn into a
                           major, major deal. I’ve seen folks lose their jobs
                           over less. And in my sense, this was an isolated
                           incident involving otherwise good people.
Chief Boden: First of all, let me say thank you. And second of all, I
                       can assure you that I will deal with all of this in-house.
Man 1 (Trainer): How exactly?
Kevin Hadley: [scoffs]
Chief Boden: Look, anybody asks, I’ll tell them you wanted a
                       change of scenery. A lot of guys like to float from
                       house to house as it is.
Kevin Hadley: You know if I had known that kissing ass was the
                         way to move up in this house, I would have brought
                         some lip balm.
Chief Boden: Good luck, Hadley.
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Kevin Hadley: [scoffs]
Chief Boden: Yeah, good luck.
                                 [train in the background]
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Antonio Dawson: Come on.
                                       [car door shuts]
Antonio Dawson: Why are you calling my sister?
Hank Voight: I got an ethics panel over at the IG’s here in a little bit.
                       I was looking for some character references.
Antonio Dawson: Not her. You helped me out of a jam, I don’t
                              dispute that. But if you got a favour you need
                              done, you come to me man-to-man and leave
                              her out of it.
Hank Voight: I hear you left Vice.
Antonio Dawson: What about it?
Hank Voight: Working in that Intelligence unit here in the district?
                       You got backbone, Antonio. You’ve always been an
                       aggressive cop. I respect that.
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Kelly Severide: And?
Mouch: You may be asked to go back in, so… sit tight.
              I told you not to contact her.
Kelly Severide: Fine. I screwed up.
Mouch: Big time. Now they’re looking into your history.
Kelly Severide: Of?
Mouch: Other women you’ve... banged on the job.
Kelly Severide: What?
Mouch: Remember Nicki Rutkowski?
Kelly Severide: What about her?
Mouch: Her name came up. Did it end bad?
Kelly Severide: No!
                          We slept together a couple times, and she went on
                          her merry way. Ask her.
Mouch: Oh they’re going to.
Kelly Severide: Unreal.
Matt Casey: The new place is very, uh… zen.
Hallie Thomas: I’m hardly here.
                                      [liquid pouring]
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Hallie Thomas: Mm-hmm.
                          To new beginnings, I guess. Right?
Matt Casey: I like it.
                                       [glass clinking]
Matt Casey: Well, uh, this is all your stuff. Just some pictures and
Hallie Thomas: And here’s yours. Pictures and Blackhawk
Matt Casey: I was wondering where all that went.
                                        [kissing sound]
Hallie Thomas: [chuckles] You know, I found this contract that we
                           both signed after we had that argument about
                           where to spend Christmas. Do you remember it?
Matt Casey: I do. Yeah.
Hallie Thomas: [giggles]
Matt Casey: Let’s always keep the fighting clean and the sex dirty.
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                                         [kissing sounds]
                                          [coins clinking]
Hank Voight: IG office on a Tuesday afternoon, that can’t be good.
                       Just remember, squeakiest wheel always wins around
Kelly Severide: Looks like it.
Hank Voight: You’re Benny Severide’s kid, huh?
Kelly Severide: That’s right.
Hank Voight: Ol’ Benny…
                       [chuckles] I’ll be seeing you around.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, I don’t plan on making it out to Myrtle Beach
                           anytime soon.
Hank Voight: Well, neither do I. I just got reinstated.
                                        [door closes]
Matt Casey: Where on the job?
Kelly Severide: No, he didn’t say.
Peter Mills: God, has the world gone crazy? What the heck is going
Kelly Severide: I know. Tell me about it.
Gabby Dawson: Well, they’ll just park him somewhere behind a
                             desk, right? Let him collect a paycheck for
                             nothing. I mean if I’m CPD, that’s what I would
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Matt Casey: That’s got nothing to do with it. It’s what Voight wants.
Gabby Dawson: [whispers] Damn it. Maybe I should have just
                            played ball with him.
Peter Mills: No, absolutely not.
Gabby Dawson: But now I’m on his enemy list?
                                       [door opens]
Peter Mills: Who’s that?
Kelly Severide: Nicki’s dad.
                                    [knocks on door]
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Chief Boden: Hey! Big Al!
Al Rutkowski: Hey, Wallace.
Chief Boden: [chuckles] What brings you out?
Al Rutkowski: I guess that Severide character’s got himself in a bit
                         of a pickle, huh?
Chief Boden: How’d that get on your radar?
Al Rutkowski: Well, the girl he attacked, her lawyer contacted me.
Chief Boden: Attacked? Since when do you believe everything the
                       lawyers tell you?
Al Rutkowski: [scoffs] Yeah, well, regardless, I guess they want my
                         account of events. They’re looking to establish a
                         pattern of behaviour. And I wanted you to hear it
                         from me first out of respect for our friendship.
Chief Boden: Hear what?
                                          [door closes]
Al Rutkowski: How I came here to pick Nicki up, and I saw him
                         guiding her out of that change out room after doing
                         God knows what. How she came home in tears 
                         after being over at his apartment. How she broke
                         off her engagement with a guy I happened to like.
                         And how Nicki came in and quit her job and ran off
                         to Europe and she hasn’t been able to get her life
                         back on track since.
Chief Boden: Al, I spoke to him. Nothing happened.
Al Rutkowski: No, he was screwing around with a subordinate on
                         the job. My daughter. And shame on me for not
                         having made a bigger stink of it back then,
                         because now it looks like a girl got hurt.
Chief Boden: Al, I know you’re pissed at him, but if you, as a Chief
                       in the department, if you go forward with your beef,
                       you will sink him.
Al Rutkowski: Do you really believe that he didn’t push that girl up
                        against the wall because she didn’t want to be
                        another notch on his belt?
Chief Boden: We go way back. I’m going to vouch for Kelly
Al Rutkowski: Yeah, well, like I said, I want you to hear it from me.
Chief Boden: Please don’t do this.
Al Rutkowski: I already did. They have my statement.
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Chief Boden: Yeah. Nice knowing you, Al.
                                [alarm buzzing and blaring]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, fallen person. 1610 Kedzie Street.
                                         [siren blaring]
Child 1: Hurry, I think my dad’s sick.
Gabby Dawson: What’s your dad’s name?
Child 1: Terrence. I’m Patrick.
              And that’s Buddy.
Leslie Shay: Oh.
Gabby Dawson: Okay.
                                         [snake hissing]
Victim 3 (Terrence): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: Okay, see ya.
Leslie Shay: Okay, here we go.
Gabby Dawson: What was that, a pet?
Child 1 (Patrick): What about my dad? Something’s wrong with
Gabby Dawson: [groans] I don’t believe this!
                            Patrick, how long since that snake bit your dad?
Child 1 (Patrick): My dad says not to tell anyone about Buddy.
                             We’re not supposed to have him.
Gabby Dawson: How long, sweetie?
Child 1 (Patrick): Ten minutes?
Gabby Dawson: Okay, I’m gonna call animal control.
Leslie Shay: What kind of snake is it?
Child 1 (Patrick): Rhino Viper. He got out of his cage.
Leslie Shay: We gotta go back in there.
Gabby Dawson: Bitch, are you out of your f… Dear valued
                            colleague, I strongly disagree with your
                            suggested course…
Leslie Shay: Okay, God only knows what Rhino Viper venom does
                      to a person, okay? We can’t wait on animal control.
                      He might not even have 30 minutes.
Gabby Dawson: [groans]
Leslie Shay: Patrick, hi, um, what does your dad use to handle
Child 1 (Patrick): The hook.
Leslie Shay: The hook. Come on.
Victim 3 (Terrence): [groans]
Child 1 (Patrick): Here it is.
                                             [snake hissing]
Leslie Shay: That is a longass snake.
                      [heavy breathing]
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Gabby Dawson: Whoa! What?
Leslie Shay: You do it. I can’t. I can’t.
Gabby Dawson: [exhales] Okay, Patrick. What do I do?
Child 1 (Patrick): Dad puts the hook under him and grabs his tail.
Gabby Dawson: Mm-hmm. Grabs his tail. Right, of course
                            Hey, Buddy.
                            [snake hisses]
Gabby Dawson: Oh God! Okay.
                                           [metal rod clanging]
Gabby Dawson: [heavy breathing]
Leslie Shay: We’ve got to try again.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Victim 3 (Terrence): [groans & whimpers]
Leslie Shay: Just… try again.
Gabby Dawson: [frustrated groan]
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                                             [snake hissing]
Gabby Dawson: [whimpering]
                            Come on. Come on.
Leslie Shay: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Gabby Dawson: [panting] Nightmares. I will have nightmares.
Victim 3 (Terrence): [gasping]
Gabby Dawson: Okay, let’s put him in the chair and get him out of
Victim 3 (Terrence): [struggling to breathe]
Leslie Shay: Watch the cabinet.
Gabby Dawson: Let’s go.
Child 1 (Patrick): Is he gonna be okay?
Gabby Dawson: He’ll be okay. Hop in.
                                         [ambo door shuts]
                                              [door closes]
Kelly Severide: What’s up?
Mouch: Uh, a couple things. Internally, Tara’s not gonna be acting
              on the charges.
Kelly Severide: What do you mean internally? Are the charges
                           dropped or not?
Mouch: Well, there’s where it gets complicated.
Chief Boden: She’s been reinstated as commander of operations at
                       field division headquarters.
Kelly Severide: Promoted?
Chief Boden: IAD felt an administrative post might be a better fit for
Kelly Severide: For a liar?
Mouch: IAD lacked the sufficient amount of confidence needed to
              disprove her claim, so they wanted to move quickly to have
              this go away.
Kelly Severide: Great! Y-You know what? Make her the… Queen of
                          England, I don’t care.
                          Are-are we done?
Mouch: No. Because of Chief Rutkowski’s rather incendiary
              statement, the IG has sustained Tara’s allegations. They’re
              kicking the case up to the State Attorney’s office.
Kelly Severide: Meaning what?
Mouch: Meaning they will review it. And if they feel there’s a case,
              they’ll file charges. Criminal charges.
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
Chief Boden: You need to get an attorney, Kelly. You need to be
Mouch: Listen… this is not coming from me. But it was put out
              there that if you did apologise for what she’s claiming, it
              might go a long way towards…
                                          [water running]
Kelly Severide: I walked her to the door.
Leslie Shay: We’re gonna fight this. We’re gonna be all right.
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Kelly Severide: I don’t trust anyone in this world other than you.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey buddy. We heard. No one can believe
                                         it. Look, we’re doing our soft opening
                                         tonight. Maybe you want to come down,
                                         tie one on, be around your friends.
Kelly Severide: I’m not up for it.
Christopher Herrmann: No. Of course. All right.
Joe Cruz: Hang in there, man.
Gabby Dawson: This is it, you guys.
Otis Zvonecek: Ready or not.
Christopher Herrmann: I got jitters, I ain’t gonna lie.
Gabby Dawson: This is probably like, the craziest, riskiest, insanest
                            thing any of us has ever done.
Otis Zvonecek: And for Herrmann, that’s saying something.
Christopher Herrmann: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: But if nothing else, I have had so much fun
                            spending all those days off and all the wee hours
                            building Molly’s with you guys. And I know that
                            you guys have heart because I saw it when you
                            put it in the business, and I just want you to
                            know that I consider you guys family. You’re my
Christopher Herrmann: Wow. You’re beautiful. I know it’s been a
                                         tough couple of shifts for everybody. But
                                         that is why this place is gonna rock
                                         tonight. Because we’re gonna put aside
                                         our worries, and we’re just gonna have a
                                         good time.
Otis Zvonecek: Amen.
Gabby Dawson: Amen.
Christopher Herrmann: Amen.
Gabby Dawson: To Molly’s.
Christopher Herrmann: To Molly’s.
Otis Zvonecek: Does it sound like we’re saying “tamales”?
Christopher Herrmann: What? Who cares? This place is gonna
Otis Zvonecek: I hope so, ‘cause I’m a little concerned about the
                           number of hits we’re getting on Facebook.
Gabby Dawson: Oh my gosh.
Otis Zvonecek: Not as much traffic as I want. Not to mention…
Christopher Herrmann: Will you please celebrate the moment, for
                                        God’s sake.
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Otis Zvonecek: To Molly’s.
                                              [glass clinking]
Peter Mills: [grunts]
                     Come on, another one.
                     All right, another one.
Kelly Severide: [grunts]
Peter Mills: Throw it out!
Kelly Severide: Unh! Unh!
Peter Mills: Come on! Come on. Come on man.
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Kelly Severide: [grunts]
                          [laboured breathing]
Christopher Herrmann: Are you guys good?
Crowd/Customers: We’re great!
                                  All right.
                                       [chatter & laughter]
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Christopher Herrmann: Who is this guy?
Joe Cruz: That’s my Uncle Zoozie!
Leslie Shay: Hey, so I cannot stop thinking about Tara being
Gabby Dawson: Oh, she is a bureau bitch now. We’re never gonna
                             see her.
Leslie Shay: Oh, if I do, I’m gonna drop her. Not joking.
Joe Cruz: Good to see ya.
Hallie Thomas: Thanks.
Matt Casey: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat]
Leslie Shay: When did that happen?
Gabby Dawson: Good for them.
Leslie Shay: [sighs] Oh, yeah…
                                             [door closes]
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Christopher Herrmann: [laughs]
                                         Cop walks into a bar…
                                              [chatter dies]
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Hank Voight: Wow. It’s a nice place. Congratulations.
                       [chuckles] Chief.
                       [exhales] Listen, there’s…there’s been a lot of bad
                       blood between cops and firemen in this district.
                       Since we’re all gonna be working together, I want
                       to be the first to put it all behind us.
                       This round’s on me.
Gabby Dawson: So what was that about?
Antonio Dawson: You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Gabby Dawson: What?
Antonio Dawson: He was promoted to Sergeant, and he’s running
                              the Intelligence Unit.
Gabby Dawson: You’re in the Intelligence Unit.
Antonio Dawson: Don’t I know it.
Hank Voight: I want to apologise. To you both. It got way out of
                       hand. You know, as it turns out my son needed to
                       hit rock bottom. Prison has certainly provided that.
                       I just want to say I’m sorry. And I am looking forward
                       to working with you, Lieutenant.
                                                       - end -
Bottle Jacks – Have a capacity of up to 50 tons and may be used to lift a variety of objects
Hustler – Prostitute
IAD – Internal Affairs department
Alford plea – Guilty plea in criminal court, whereby a defendant in a criminal case does not admit to the criminal act and asserts innocence. Defendants usually enter an Alford guilty plea if they want to avoid a possible worse sentence were they to lose the case against them at trial. It affords defendants the ability to accept a plea bargain while maintaining innocence
Dyke – a ditch
Descender – The descender or “descent control device” is another important element of a bailout kit selection. They are used as friction brakes when descending a rope in a rescue situation
IG’s – Office of Inspector General (I believe)
Rhino Viper – Small doses of the snake’s primarily hemotoxic venom can be deadly. This venom attacks the circulatory system of the snake’s victim, destroying tissue and blood vessels. Internal bleeding also occurs. In only a few detailed reports of human envenomation, massive swelling, which may lead to necrosis, had been described.
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 12, 2021: Mrs. Doubtfire (1992) (Recap)
Hey, Robin Williams. Been a while.
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I’m sorry that I haven’t watched your movies for a while, and that I always skip your comedy stand-up when my phone’s on shuffle. I just...let me explain. Since I was a kid, you were one of my favorite entertainers. That might as well have started the day I was born, because...well, we share a birthday, fun fact. But it definitely continued with the first movie I ever saw in theatres.
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While I don’t quite remember the first time I saw it, Aladdin was one of my favorite childhood movies, and I knew that you were the voice of the Genie from an early age. You might have actually been the first actor I ever knew by name. Which makes sense, because your stardom during the ‘90s was nearly unparalleled.
The next film I remember seeing (and hearing) you in was Ferngully: The Last Rainforest. That also starred Tim Curry, who would also be a major figure of my childhood. It also wasn’t the best movie, in hindsight, but it is the only time I’ve heard you rap since.
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But eventually, I watched your forays into live-action, too. Jumanji, Hook, even the objectively bad Flubber, are all movies that I vividly remember watching during childhood. I was really excited for Flubber, even, and I LOVED Jumanji growing up. I liked Hook, too, but I appreciated that more as I got older.
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Of course, during this time period, you also made less family-friendly films. The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam, and What Dreams May Come were all very successful, and cemented your reputation as an actor. I also haven’t seen any of them. In fact...I don’t think I’ve seen any of your dramatic roles, and that’s something that I’ll fix this year. Hell, in a few days, I’ll watch The Birdcage, another of your big hits of the ‘90s.
But why haven’t I seen them up to now? Well...I was going to watch these films, about seven years ago. But...I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. Because it hurts. A lot.
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I know that this is a downer, but my relationship with Robin Williams today is tainted by his tragic death. I was fucking BROKEN when his death was announced, and I really haven’t been able to watch him since. I’ve seen Aladdin recently, but that’s about all I could stand to watch. I mean, the guy shares a birthday with me! I’ve always loved his comedy stylings, and his improvisational skills are something I’ve internalized to a certain degree.
So, yeah. This one’s tough. But, it’s about time I moved on, and celebrated the man’s career for what it was: stellar. And that also brings up an important question, that some of you have probably asked by now:
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Look, I’m not entirely sure how I haven’t seen this movie, because I’m MORE than aware of it! I remember it airing during the ‘90s, my Dad AND girlfriend love this movie, and I know FOR A FACT that my family owned both the DVD AND THE VHS of this movie! So, how? HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN IT BY NOW?
I honestly have no idea, but let’s fix it now, huh? Yet one more man-dresses-as-woman movie this month! And no, I am not watching White Chicks...because I’ve already seen White Chicks. Also, it’s...problematic.
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Daniel Hillard (Robin Williams) is a voice-actor, and a good one. Which, given that it’s Robin Williams, isn’t entirely inaccurate. He’s also a voice actor with a spine, as he morally objects to a scene in the cartoon that he’s performing for, in which the main character smokes. By the way, I’m 99% sure that this cartoon is animated by Chuck Jones, and it looks well-made.
Anyway, this leads to him quitting the cartoon altogether, and allows him to pick up his kids early from school. These kids are Lydia (Lisa Hykub), Chris (Matthew Lawrence), and Natalie (Mara Wilson), and it’s Chris’ 12th birthday. Daniel arranges a...surprisingly large party, given that it’s completely impromptu, and it comes with a petting zoo and complete trappings. However, it’s not a party of which his wife will approve.
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This wife is Miranda (Sally Field), a successful architect and the breadwinner of the family. After getting a call from the neighbor about the party, she comes home and busts the outrageous party. And for the record, I’m entirely on Miranda’s side here. This party is INSANE, and very irresponsible, given the fact that Daniel currently has no job. And yeah, he’s a very loving father, and a good person, but...it’s too much.
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Miranda feels the same, and after 14 years of frustration, she realizes that she no longer loves Daniel. In a genuinely sad scene, she tells him that she wants a divorce. And she goes through with it MUCH to Daniel’s detriment. He has no home, as he’s staying with his brother, Frank (Harvey Fierstein) and his partner Jack (Scott Capurro). He also still has no job, meaning that he has no way to provide for his children. This means that he has no ability to provide, and the judge awards Miranda full custody. Oof.
However, this is a conditional arrangement, as another hearing for joint custody will be held in 3 months, and if Daniel can get a home and job in that time, he has a chance. He performs a litany of voices and impressions with his court liason, Mrs. Sellner (Anne Haney), which amuses me, but not her, and he gets a job in order to be with his kids for more than one day a week.
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Meanwhile, Miranda IMMEDIATELY starts dating fellow designer and old flame Stuart Dunmeyer (Pierce Brosnan), like, almost before Daniel leaves the house. He bids a heartfelt goodbye to his kids, with the promise that he’ll see them on Saturdays. And now begins the absolute hatred and petty bitchiness of Daniel and Miranda! Seriously, it’s...it’s fucking terrible, and it takes away from my sympathy from either side. I get that divorce is rough and ugly, but GODDAMN, neither of them perform the act with any form of tact or grace.
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This is put on display during the kids’ visitation to Daniel’s semi-crappy new apartment, which doesn’t even seem that bad, to be honest. Miranda dropped them off late and picked them up early, as if to slowly starve Daniel of time with his kids, which is extraordinarily shitty of her, fuck me. Daniel’s not taking it well, understandably, but then does something...really dumb, when you think about it.
See, Miranda’s looking for a nanny, to help watch the kids and clean the house during the week. Daniel volunteers his services, which is actually a good idea, but Miranda says she’ll think about it, which we ALL know means no. I DO NOT like Miranda, even if I understand the initial reasons for the divorce. She’s being especially spiteful, and it’s not a good look.
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Daniel’s stupid idea, though, is to change the phone number on the ad for the nanny, which Miranda shows him before she takes the kids. Instead, he calls her number, and pretends to be various terrible applicants, until finally supplying his own applicant: the completely fictional Euphegenia Doubtfire (Daniel Hillard).
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Daniel plays Mrs. Doubtfire as an elderly British woman, and a seasoned nanny in her day. Which is why it’s weird to me that, when he does to Frank and Jack to help him make an elaborate disguise as Mrs. Doubtfire, that they go through various other impressions and get-ups. Which, yes, is goddamn hilarious, but also makes NO SENSE, given that they’ve already established her character to Miranda. Funny, but nonsensical.
But, regardless, Euphegenis Doubtfire comes into being, and introduces herself to Miranda and the kids. Mrs. Doubtfire is exactly what Miranda’s looking for, although the kids aren’t exactly overjoyed, ESPECIALLY the oldest, Lydia. Also, during this first meeting, Miranda openly bad-mouths Daniel in front of the kids, in just the WORST fuckin’ way. I genuinely dislike Miranda A LOT. Again, the divorce was certainly justified, but I REALLY don’t like her. Daniel loves his kids, and they’re HIS kids, TOO. Stop using them as weapons against him, OOOOOOOOOOOH I DON’T LIKE MIRANDA
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Anyway, that evening, after she’s officially been hired by Miranda, Mrs. Doubtfire heads home, only to find court liason Mrs. Sellner waiting to speak with Daniel. After a litany of puns, and a humorous changing scene, Daniel accidentally throws the Mrs. Doubtfire mask out of the window, and is forced to improvise through equally humorous circumstances. Hence, the above meringue mask scene. Has anybody tried that, by the way? Could that work as a groundbreaking beauty technique? Or would the sugar just feed the skin bacteria and give you acne? Genuinely curious.
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Now going between his job as Daniel and the nanny job as Doubtfire, Daniel’s not doing too badly for himself. The nanny job begins, and Mrs. Doubtfire IMMEDIATELY contrasts with Daniel, creating a disciplinarian atmosphere in place of Daniel’s formerly loosey-goosey attitude. Which is interesting, and it works! I mean, it’s not how I would parent, but it does work. Doubtfire makes the kids to their homework, rather than watch TV, and then attempts to make dinner. Instead, though, the dinner’s ruined, and Daniel orders takeout and makes it LOOK like homemade food. And it looks good, too! Daniel’s full of hidden talents.
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After dinner, as Mrs. Doubtfire’s leaving, Lydia apologizes for backtalking her earlier, and thanks her for making her mom happy with everything she did that evening. he also says that she’s still a bit messed up about her dad being gone. And yeah, it’s sweet-but-sad. 
Going forward (and in a montage set to Aerosmith’s Dude Looks Like a Lady), Mrs. Doubtfire takes care of the family, and Daniel even betters himself to become a better Mrs. Doubtfire. Which...to be honest, Daniel REALLY should’ve done this before. I get that he needed the pressure of losing the kids to do this, but...look, Daniel really wasn’t that responsible of a parent, and the fact that THIS is how he learns to be so is...not great. Like, here’s an example, OK: take Donald Trump.
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Yeah, I know, what’s this politics doing in my peanut butter? And WOW, that reference is older than me, but anyway. Let’s say that, in two years, a new politician comes on the scene, and her name is Karyn Walldottir. She has somewhat centrist views, and behaves in a way that’s inclusive to the majority, and backs up her claims and promises with evidence (at least true enough for us to suspend our disbelief). This is, of course, Donald Trump disguised as a woman in order to gain custody of the United States of America again. Naturally.
Karyn Walldottir gets elected in 2024, and all of her policies are markedly different from Trump’s and Biden’s, but leaning closer to Biden in progressive standpoints (assuming that that worked for him come 2024). While Trump is doing this specifically to be president again, he ends up revising his personal policies, and being a better person and president for the country. A literal impossibility, I know. But suspend your disbelief to ask this question:
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OK, now that that dumbass (and mildly horrifying) thought process is concluded, let’s get back to Mrs. Doubtfire. In the process of Mrs. Doubtfire’s ingratiation with the family, Miranda’s been dating Stu, whom Mrs. Doubtfire subtly insults when they meet. And yeah, Daniel’s being a little petty here, but it makes a bit of sense at least.
That night, after an accidental intrusion by Chris when Mrs. Doubtfire is going to the bathroom, Daniel’s basically forced to tell Chris and Lydia his little secret, which Lydia’s happy about, but Chris is understandably weirded out about. But, they agree to keep the secret from their mom and younger sister.
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At his OTHER job, delivering film reels from a TV station, he witnesses the filming of an extremely boring kids educational TV show, and comments as such to another man watching. As he quickly learns, this is the owner of the station, Jonathan Lundy (Robert Prosky), on whom Daniel makes a good impression.
In the meantime, Mrs. Doubtfire has a talk with Miranda about their love lives, real and fictional. Daniel realizes how badly Miranda had been suffering in their marriage, which she never told him because...well, he never seemed to take anything seriously. Which is entirely fair...but this is why Miranda’s a tricky-ass character. She’s got two sides: there’s the justified caring mother and strong woman, and there’s the PETTY ASSHOLE who genuinely doesn’t care about Daniel or his feelings AT ALL. Jesus.
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And Stu...look, Stu is LITERALLY a Gary Stu, who’s mostly perfect. Sure, he’s not always been that way, but he definitely is now! He’s responsible, wealthy, in love with Miranda AND her kids. And yeah, at a country club that he’s a member of (OF COURSE he is), he privately badmouth Daniel in front of Mrs. Doubtfire, calling him a loser, and...yeah, he’s not really unjustified in that statement. Fact of the matter is, Stu is barely even a plot device.
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Meanwhile, in Daniel’s day job, he finds himself alone in the studio, where the toy dinosaurs from the TV show are still sitting on the table. He plays with them, gives them voices, sings some songs, and impresses Mr. Lundy, who’s there in the shadows after all that. He’s impressed, and invites Daniel to dinner to talk about a potential future show at the network.
But then, it’s also Miranda’s birthday coming up, and Stu’s holding a dinner for her, to which Mrs. Doubtfire is invited. Trouble is, it’s at the OH FUCK IT. YOU know what this is. It’s at the same time and place as the Mr. Lund meeting yaddayaddayadda LOOK. We ALL know how this is going to end. It’s the GODDAMN LIAR REVEALED TROPE AGAIN. And here’s the thing:
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You know, that thing in movies (especially family movies of the ‘90s) where somebody starts off a situation with a lie, they get deeper and deeper into that lie, grow close to people under false pretenses, and then OH NO! THE LIAR IS REVEALED! And everybody’s angry and/or sad, the liar slumps off, defeated and broken, but then realizes the error of his ways, while everybody else realizes the same thing, and he comes back to vindicate himself, and is welcomed back with open arms. And it introduces unneeded tension AND I HAVE ALWAYS FUCKING HATED IT.
Let’s list the examples, shall we? A Bug’s Life, Aladdin, Mulan, The Road to El Dorado, Chicken Run, How to Train Your Dragon, Klaus, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, Megamind (SUBVERSIVE MY ASS), Over the Hedge, Rango, Toy Story, Steven Universe (the whole Pearl/Sardonyx arc, which went on for WAY too long), the list goes on and fucking on. And I GODDAMN HATE IT. Not to say it can’t be done well. Disney actually usually does a pretty good job with it, and Dreamworks uses it A LOT, but almost always pretty well. But sometimes...GOD. Either way, it’s still used FAR too fucking much. And look. Here’s another one. Joy.
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Look, at this point...I will freely admit that I'm biased against this trope, but it’s also obvious where this is headed. Basically, Daniel switches back and forth between the dinner with the family, and the dinner with Mr. Lundy. With Mr. Lundy, he gets absolutely SMASHED. Great. Great decision, Daniel.
So, yeah, Mrs. Doubtfire’s also smashed, which is pretty goddamn apparent to them all. At this point, I’m wondering why Daniel, as Mrs. Doubtfire, didn’t just say she was sick as hell, and had to go home. Or, considering the fact that Daniel proposes her as a show idea regardless, the switch wasn’t even necessary! And that means that none of what’s about to happen, happens. Or, here’s a crazy thought, maybe Daniel shouldn’t have POISONED STU’S FOOD WITH CAYENNE PEPPER THAT HE’S ALLERGIC TO! 
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YEAH! Because that causes Stu to go into anaphylactic shock for a hot sec, causing him to choke. Mrs. Doubtfire does the right thing and gives him the Heimlich maneuver, and in the process, SURPRISE! IT’S BEEN DANIEL ALL ALONG! BUH BUH BUHHHHH DA DA DA DAAAAA DA
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Yeah, so Miranda is understandably ENRAGED by this revelation, and it’s all over. Daniel represents himself in court at the custody hearing, but the judge deems his “lifestyle” dangerous for children. Which...yikes, Judge, that statement didn’t age well AT FUCKING ALL. But, given Daniel’s admitted stupidity with this whole idea, he’s not wrong about the dangerous part. But, I have to say, Daniel’s speech in his own defense is nice...although he also says he’s addicted to his children, so let’s throw a second yikes on there for good measure.
The speech moves Miranda...but not enough to prevent Daniel has his custody stripped away from him! GOD THEY BOTH SUUUUUUUUCK. Daniel’s a broken man, and Miranda and the kids are similarly broken without him and Mrs. Doubtfire. However...Daniel’s career isn’t broken AT ALL, as Mrs. Doubtfire is now a kid’s show host! Yeah! And she’s a hit! And again, it brings me to wonder why Daniel DIDN’T APPLY HIS OBVIOUS TALENTS LIKE THIS IN THE FIRST GODDAMN PLACE
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Realizing that she made a mistake, she goes to the set during the filming of a show. She congratulates him on the show, and he replies by stating how broken he is now! Thanks, Miranda! Well, after an argument, and after Miranda sees how badly she’s messed up someone she used to care for, they come to an agreement: joint custody. FINALLY GODDAMN IT
And good, because I don’t want them back together. I have to give this film props for that: they acknowledge that these two are NOT good for each other, and they deliver a message in the end: families are families, no matter how they’re shaped. One mom, one dad, uncle or aunt, grandparents, adoption, two separated or divorced parents...oh, also, two dads or two moms. Yeah, that isn’t said in Mrs. Doubtfire’s final monologue, which is odd considering Daniel’s brother and his life partner...but it’s also kid’s TV in the ‘90s, so I guess that sadly makes sense. And with that, and their new family arrangement, Daniel takes his kids on an afternoon out, as himself.
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...Look. That’s Mrs. Doubtfire, yaddayaddayadda LOOK. I don’t dislike this movie. In fact, here: have this mini-Review:
Cast and Acting - 9/10: Good, although Brosnan was a little stiff.
Plot and Writing - 5/10: It’s an idiot plot, what can I say? It’s actually based off of a book, which was a surprise to me, but it was adapted by Randi Mayem Singer and Leslie Dixon, and...eh. Still an idiot plot.
Directing and Cinematography - 8/10: It’s Chris Columbus, you get what you get. Definitely has that Home Alone flair to it.
Production and Art Design - 8/10: I mean, yeah, the Doubtfire disguise was good most of the time, but...I dunno, I could still tell it was Robin. But, still, it was good. Took 4 hours of makeup, fun fact.
Music and Editing - 8/10: Music by Howard Shore (ooh, Howard Shore!) was pretty nice, especially the ending theme. Editing by Raja Gosnell was...RAJA GOSNELL???
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OH GOD. Yeah, OK, I see what happened here. Also, I didn’t know he was an editor! I just know him as the director of the Scooby-Doo films, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, The Smurfs films, Big Momma’s...
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...OK, no, I am not doing Big Momma’s House OR the Madea movies. THE TROPE-BUCK STOPS HERE! I am moving on to something else! But, of course, I have to sum this up in a Review. See you there!
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cynicaldesire · 3 years
Since I’m having trouble writing, I’ll just make an update post. Maybe that’ll help me feel better, get some things off my chest.
Not much to get off my chest tho. My husband had a like 2week break and we sat around mostly playing Monster Hunter Rise for the duration.
Shortly before his break, though, I was having chest pain and a toothache. My teeth have looked pretty gnarly and my gums have been receding for a while but language barrier so we’ve been too scared to go to a dentist. But we have to now because I started have Chest Pain.
My husband’s father died from heart failure. So I kept expecting my chest pain to go away so I wouldn’t have to scare him with it. But after like day 4, when the pain hadn’t gone away, I finally broke down and told him about it. He had like 3 days of work, so we agreed that I would be super careful and we lost a lot of sleep, but I checked my heart rate using my phone and tried to take it easy until my husband’s break started. We headed to the big hospital like a block away from the clinic we usually go to just in case my chest pain was serious. We struggle our way through language barriers and I explain my symptoms to the doctor. It was mostly some burning pain at the time. Doctor has me get an ECG and some bloodwork. He tells me the ECG is normal so my actual heart muscle is fine, but the bloodwork says my liver is inflamed in response to something, but it’s not an infection, so he’s gonna prescribe me some NSAIDs and tells me to come back in a week. My husband says that I also have been having some tooth pain. The doctor freezes with a thinky face and says to get my teeth checked and to come back in a week. We ask if he has any suggestions on dentists. He says NOPE! and leaves. We head to checkout and while waiting for them to process my stuff, the doctor stops by checkout also and I’m like Hey. He nods and heads out. We spent a total of like... 4 hours there. Total. For the ECG, the bloodwork, etc.
Go home, take the meds, try to take care of my teeth, get Listerine. Sit around and try to take it easy for a week. We go back, the burning is gone and my teeth have overcome their problem. Doc asks if I’m okay now, I say yeah, seem to be, but now I have random pinchy pains. He says I should come back in a month. Husband and I can’t so the doctor is like Okay well, you’re fine, but if it gets bad again... Come back.
Due to my being broke, uninsured, and having a chronic illness, I do a lot of armchair doctoring on myself. There’s a limit to it, of course, but I try to research my own health issues or treatments after visiting a doctor. I found so much more information on PCOS on sites like fucking Reddit than by going to a doctor for years. So after the doctor told me I was okay, I looked up why I might have chest pain if it wasn’t related to a heart attack or something. And one of the options was a pulled muscle.
I thought back to the week before the chest pain started. Other than the toothache and swollen gums, I had been doing a bunch of exercise. I did a bunch of Ringfit and hip lifts and situps and stuff. And I was like Hm. Did I injure my chest muscle overdoing the Ringfit?
I, of course, informed the parents of all of this. My husband’s mother was informed and I was worried she would be deeply upset because she lost her husband to heart problems. But then both parents were like “You went to the doctor? You have medications? Well you seem to have it under control, so let’s bitch about my problems.” Meanwhile, I’m over here having trouble sleeping because I’m worried I won’t wake up. But okay. When my husband went back to work, I Skype’d with my mother and she seemed more irritated that I had interrupted her evening than happy to talk to me or worried about my Chest Pain. Also my dad has to get up at like 3am, so when I called her, she was worried her getting loud and animated as we do was going to wake him up.
(husband’s mental health doctor struggles and a story about library card nonsense under the cut)
Husband has also been seeking professional help because he believes he has ADHD. He’s been having a lot of problems, mostly mentally and emotionally, and he traced all the issues he’s having to ADHD. So he went to an English-speaking psychiatrist for medication. The shrink said he wanted to treat the anxiety before the ADHD in case anxiety is the only issue. My husband, due to his job, is very good at asking questions, so he asked the doctor how many people he prescribes this medication to. And he said 100% of his patients. Well, the medication didn’t seem to help, so on the followup appointment, the doctor said Oh, you’re just taking too much. My husband was like It’s supposed to reduce my anxiety, but instead it’s making my anxiety worse, it’s giving me mood swings, and generally making me very angry. And also sex is more difficult. Doc said I’m gonna reduce the dosage because I can’t treat your ADHD without getting rid of the anxiety. Husband came out of the appointment angry and defeated. But now he’s taking less (and it might be helping?)
Soooo yeah. I try to brush my teeth at least once a day (up from the like once every 20 years I did it before) and I use the No alcohol Listerine in place of brushing sometimes because you can. I skimmed an article about how to take good care of your teeth and it said to not actually rinse when you brush and mouthwash in place of brushing sometimes. I drink almost exclusively soda so I try not to drink any for at least 30minutes after brushing or mouthwash.
We hung out with the friends a couple weeks ago and they said we should start up a new DnD campaign because one of our friends has a roommate in his small apartment and can’t rejoin the old one. The roommate is a friend displaced by a breakup, but he seems to have a new apartment and the moveout date keeps moving. Our DM is getting tired of it and one of our other friends wants in because he’s lonely and DnD is great, so he said we should start up a new campaign so he can join. So we’re setting up for that, just in case.
In order to work on my writing, I’ve skimmed a lot of tips articles after watching a bunch of YouTube lectures and videos. I kinda hate reading and I feel like a huge fraud because if I want to write, I should like to read. But I don’t want to risk buying books I don’t like and having piles of books on my Kindle that just rot. And also, you know, I’m broke. Why spend money on something I won’t get any enjoyment out of? Just a waste at that point. Coulda bought some McDonald’s with that money. Or something. So I thought about the library. I don’t have an active library card, but I knew my Dad had one, so I asked to use his to check out ebooks. He obliged and I started getting books that everybody recommends, like The Name of the Wind and Tales of Earthsea and all this other stuff. I also got Mistborn: The Final Empire and some other Sanderson books, and the Witcher series. But not every book was available at my library. I found an app that let me look at other libraries’ catalogs and I found the missing books at the library where my husband’s family and friends are. I asked our friends if they had a card among them, and the one guy that works at the library has one but his card is always maxed out for checkouts. As an employee, he can check out like  a max of 99 things. And it’s always maxed out. He offered me something I wasn’t comfortable with, so I declined. So I asked my husband to make a card. He declined. So I asked him to ask his mom to make one. She said she doesn’t live in the city, so she can’t. She sent us an email with my husband’s sister’s name for a library that I didn’t ask for and didn’t have the books I was looking for available. Because it uses a different service than the one I was looking at apparently so I could use that one but they didn’t send actual login information.
My husband, because of the way he communicates with his family, asked his mother for help with this library endeavor very cavalierly. He was just loosey-goosey with it. Something about it rubbed me the wrong way, but I figured they would handle it. His family intimidates me, has rarely made me feel welcome, and so I usually leave myself out of conversations with them. But after they just stopped worrying about the library thing, because I felt like I was right and all they had to do was make an effort, I took it upon myself to email his mom directly. Due to childhood trauma or other paranoia, I’m always worried about being misconstrued or misunderstood, so I end up being very verbose. See above. So I made a long email explaining why I wanted the library card, why I was asking for their help specifically, and included links to the places I saw you could make a library card and how they didn’t have to leave the house to verify it because of COVID. Then, to make sure it wasn’t demanding, that it was friendly, I added some stuff at the bottom about how I wished them well and I was proud of my sister-in-laws’s weight loss journey and how my chest was doing and blah blah. I sent this email right before bed. I assumed that his family would work together to figure it out and if they didn’t wanna deal with it, they would say they weren’t interested. The worst they can do is say no and I’ll have lost nothing except time.
Woke up to an email from his mother saying, in that malicious compliance/corporate politeness way, that she couldn’t make a library card because she didn’t live in the city and she’d be happy to make one for one of the cities that did work. Also, she hoped I was feeling better.
I had had a bad day prior. The day before, waking up had been near impossible, my husband ordered McDonald’s delivery for breakfast and I wasn’t hungry so we sat and watched an anime I didn’t want to watch while food sat getting cold in front of me. I ended up not being hungry for 8hrs. We were talking to the group about DnD, but also needed to shower, so while my husband got in the shower, I said some things to the group and then hopped in the shower. Upon telling my husband what I said, he had this look on his face like he was planning how to damage control what I had said, despite not even knowing what it was. My exhaustion had left me vulnerable, so I couldn’t deal with it and cried. He apologized and we talked about it. Bolstered by this conversation, I went on to boldly converse with other people, which is what allowed me to send that email to his mother in the first place. So upon her declaration that she couldn’t help me, I decided to help myself.
So I went through the process of making an account using my husband’s name for the library I wanted and it worked, I think. It’s not verified or maybe it’s not in the city, so I couldn’t check out an ebook. So I was back to square one. Not only back to square one, now I was doubly wrong. I had pursued this process in righteous indignation, after having directly contacted his mother, and been proven wrong. So now, not only was I dumb and wrong, I had put myself out there. I was wrong on stage.
My husband, wanting to help, went and acquired the one book I was using as my litmus for me. There are probably others I could look up, but at least I have that one and it’s sequel.
But yeah, that’s what’s going on with me.
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shireness-says · 6 years
If I Could See Your Face Once More (2/6)
Summary: This time, there’s no celebration at Granny’s when the latest crisis has been resolved. Instead, they’re left to deal with the body of Killian Jones. A 5B canon divergence where Killian dies in Camelot, never becoming a Dark One. Rated T for language. Also on AO3. ~3.9K. Chapter 1
A/N: And here’s my second @csmarchmadness contribution! Thanks again to @xemmaloveskillianx for organizing the event, as well as @snidgetsafan for her excellent beta services (and generally being an awesome person). 
On top of that, an extra thanks to all of you who read the first part! The fantastic response to this absolutely warms my heart. The next chapter of this will be posted on the 24th, and then after that we’ll get a bit more loosey-goosey. I’m almost done writing this thing, guys - just need to get through half of two chapters!
Tagging: @thejollyroger-writer, @profdanglaisstuff, @captainsjedi, @ultraluckycatnd, @superchocovian, @snowbellewells, @killianjones4ever82, @wellhellotragic. Shoot me a message if you want to be added to the list!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
“I’m about sixteen weeks along,” she tells him, sitting next to him on the master bed, staring at the comforter. He had barely allowed her to clean off the rest of the blood and wrestle him into clean clothes before dragging her down next to him. Bandages and stitches and ice packs can wait. “Second trimester, though barely, but chance of miscarriage goes down substantially so we don’t have to worry about that.”
She’s making it all sound so clinical, like she’s trying not to force him to form emotions about the situation. But… bloody hell, Emma’s expecting. A child. His child. He knows she’s used to people not sticking around, but it’s impossible for him not to fall in love with the little one, now that he knows they exist. It’s hard to put that into words though, so he just slips his arm around her waist and pull her closer into him. “How long have you known?” he asks quietly.
“About two months.” She pauses. “Regina and I found a spell that we thought would send the Camelot folks back – didn’t work, by the way, they’re still hanging around and causing trouble – and I know I wasn’t getting nearly enough sleep but I guess I must not have eaten that day either because I passed out. I can’t really use my magic right now, it turns out, at least not in large doses, or it’ll completely exhaust me; my magic is all tied up with the baby right now, or… something. I don’t fully understand it. Anyway, Regina brought me back around, but insisted I go get checked out at the hospital. They ran some tests, and that’s how I found out about the bean.”
He grins, even if it aggravates his black eye. “The bean?”
She blushes. “Uh… yeah. Well, I felt kinda bad thinking about the kiddo as an it, and ‘little bean’ kinda stuck.”
“Well I think it’s very cute.” Suddenly, the other part of that story sinks in. “So Regina knows?”
Emma nods.
“Who else?”
“Just Regina. I needed a bit of time to come around to the idea, but by the time I was ready to start telling people, Henry was deep into his research and determined to get you back, and I just thought… if I was going to start telling people, if at all possible, I wanted the next person to be you. Thankfully, Henry had found a way down here by the time I started showing, so it’s just been a lot of oversized sweaters for the last two weeks. At least it’s January in Maine, so it doesn’t really look unusual.”
“Are you doing ok? Feeling alright?”
“Yeah, the morning sickness has mostly gone away, though it wasn’t as bad as with Henry. Cravings are starting to kick in. Emotions are all over the place, which has been… fun.”
He smirks into her hair as he presses a kiss to the side of her head. “Thought I saw you tearing up back there, in the cavern.”
“Shut up,” she mumbles back.
“And the little one – the bean’s alright?”
She smiles back at him and pulls his hand over to her stomach and its barely-there bump. “Yeah. The bean’s great. Good strong heartbeat. Can’t feel movement yet, but I should be able to in another few weeks. I’ve got the sonogram picture in my phone, I’ll show it to you later if I find where I set it down.”
After the day he’s had (hell, the weeks and months he’s had), the life-changing information he’s been given, it’s his turn to tear up as he pulls Emma down with him to lay across the bed. “Thank you”, he barely manages to whisper – whether for saving him, for coming for him in the first place, or for this miraculous and unexpected gift, he can’t honestly say, but Emma seems to understand anyways. She nods into his shoulder and snuggles in as close as she can manage with his injuries as they both doze off.
And Killian Jones finds the best sleep he’s ever had in the Victorian house that has never quite been a home until this night.
They attempt to tell Emma’s – their family the next morning, but as it turns out, no one is really surprised. Snow had apparently put the pieces together several weeks ago, and true to form, couldn’t resist telling apparently everyone who would listen. Frankly, Killian is shocked that Emma hadn’t realized everyone knew sooner – the town of Storybrooke isn’t known for its subtlety.
(She does grumble out an “I guess that’s why Granny’s been trying to force vegetables down my throat”, much to his amusement.)
Snow is thrilled, Henry excited, and Dave seemingly stuck at something resembling the denial stage of grief (“Oh, he’ll come around,” Snow tries to reassure Killian. “He just doesn’t want to accept that you and Emma… you know.”). In the end, it seems like Liam is the only one caught off guard.
And boy, is he ever off guard.
Killian couldn’t help but notice a weird tension between Emma and his brother when they initially retrieved him, but he originally wrote it off as Liam feeling uncomfortable with finding his place in the strange new family his little brother had collected. That doesn’t seem to be the case though; he damn near sweeps Belle and the lady Snow off their feet with elaborate bows and kisses over their hands, is getting along with Dave just as well as Killian always feared (no, that funny feeling is not jealousy, thank you very much), and seems tickled pink that Henry calls him “Uncle Liam”.
But Emma…
Well, it becomes painfully, capital letter obvious that Liam Jones, beloved brother and friend to all, Does Not Like Emma Swan.
After several uncomfortable days of Emma trying to avoid Liam at all costs, Liam ignoring Swan whenever possible, and Regina developing a habit of viciously glaring at the elder Jones whenever he tries to act friendly towards the former Evil Queen, it all comes to a head when Killian enters the office of his house where both Emma and his brother have found themselves holed up just to find Emma leaving, nearly in tears.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he stops her. “What’s the matter?”
She tries to smile, even if she looks like she might fall apart at any moment. “Nothing to worry about. Just… upset that we haven’t found a way out of here yet.”
Now, Killian may not have his Swan’s lie detector, but she’s enough of an open book that he can see she’s not telling him everything. “Are you sure?”
She nods. “Yep. Perfectly fine. I’ll be upstairs.” And if her brisk tone wasn’t already enough of a red flag, she practically flees the room like some kind of hellhound is chasing her.
He immediately turns back to Liam, who’s been watching the entire exchange with a look Killian doesn’t want to place. “What have you done?”
Liam sputters and tries to deflect. “Excuse me? Why would you assume I had anything to do with that little display?”
“Well, when the mother of my child comes out of this room after having spent time with you, about to cry, I tend to put two and two together. So what happened?”
“Sure it isn’t just hormones? Pregnant women cry a lot, as I understand.” “Not this one, not where others can see. I’m only going to ask one more time – what the hell did you do?”
Liam sighs, and Killian already knows he isn’t going to like whatever his brother has to say. “Well, Miss Swan asked why I didn’t like her. I simply answered her question.”
“Stop beating around the bush, Liam, what did you tell her to leave her so upset?”
Liam at least has the decency to act hesitant to respond. “I simply told her it wasn’t a personal dislike, she just wasn’t nearly good enough for you. And I struggled to see how she had tricked not only yourself, but your friends into thinking so.”
Killian loves his brother, but were it anyone else saying those vile words, he’d sock them in the face. “Why the hell would you say that?” he shoots back, starting to raise his voice.
“Oh, please, Killy, I’ve been watching the Captain’s log - not to mention, you told me the story yourself. She’s left you for dead to be eaten by a giant, imprisoned you enough times I lost count, seems to have been incredibly cold to you even after you started courting her. Must I justify this?”
“Must I remind you where I was before her? I was living for some twisted idea of vengeance! I was ready to die for that! And she saved me!”
“I have trouble believing you were that bad in the first place, but even if you were, she’s not the saint you seem to think she is. Or have you forgotten she’s a thief?”
“Was a thief. And what of all the things we had to do to survive, Liam, the snatches of food we’d swipe to not starve to death? She’s been abandoned, Liam, never had anyone, had to bite and scratch her way through life and do whatever she had to in order to survive.”
“But some of that was by choice, wasn’t it? How do you even know she won’t give up this child too? Henry filled me in about how she let him go, some nonsense about ‘best chances’. How can you be with a woman who abandoned her son, after what Father did to us?”
That’s the final straw, really. Killian knows his voice is raised far higher that it should be, but he can’t bring himself to care. “Oh, so you heard that whole story then? About how she was in jail because the man she loved set her up for his crime – oh, and that’s not just me saying that, the bastard admitted to it - told me himself. Now, Emma likes to tell people she was eighteen when she had the lad, but I can tell you, when we celebrated her 31st birthday a few months ago, Henry had already been 13 for several weeks. So she was only 17 bloody years old, in jail, chained to a hospital bed in case she tried to stage some wild escape in the middle of labor, I suppose. Hadn’t finished her education, so no chance of securing employment upon her release. No family to take the babe. Never had anyone to selflessly love her, let alone any parents, so didn’t even know where to start with being a mother. But yes, I can see where you might think it was a crock of shit that she gave him up for adoption so he might have his best chance, or at least a damn better chance than she got.”
That outburst, at least, seems to shut Liam up for the moment.
“Now, I’ve got an amazing woman with spectacular trust and abandonment and self-worth issues, who you just told wasn’t possibly good enough for me, waiting upstairs. I trust you can see yourself out.”
He can’t even find it within himself to wait and see if his brother leaves.
He finds Emma upstairs in the nursery, appropriately enough, with tears running down her face, and he knows immediately that she’s heard every word.
“I’m sorry I made you fight with your brother,” she whispers.
He shakes his head. “He’s being an arse. I should be the one apologizing to you, for not noticing earlier how he was treating you. And that you had to hear what was just said.”
She pauses, apparently fighting back tears. “I… I know I probably don’t deserve you and how much you love me, and if you decide you’d rather move on with Liam I’ll have to be okay with that, but… I spent three months without you, Killian. And I was miserable. I’d deal if I had to, but I don’t ever want to go through that again.”
Killian pulls her to him with those words, closer than he ever thought possible, to try and make his words have the greatest impact. “Oh love, I’ll never leave you again if I can possibly help it.”
(He only hopes that’s a promise he can finally keep.)
Regina decides the next day that he’s healed enough to attempt to split Emma’s heart. It warrants a lot of protesting on his part, worries not only about Emma’s safety but the bean’s too, but Emma’s sheer confidence that this will work finally wins him over. After all, when that means she believes them to be true love, who is he to argue?
So he lets Regina reach into Emma’s chest, all for him, only for her to be blasted back.
It’s not going to work.
Of course, it’s not simply a matter of them not being True Love – the verdict is still out on that – it’s something far worse. It’s, instead, a matter of Hades carving Emma’s and Regina’s and Snow’s names onto headstones, trapping them in the Underworld and getting his revenge for their steady work of sending souls to a better place (because of course this group of heroes has been up to their old redemptive tricks, even down here).
However, the Charmings have never been accused of being quitters, and a new plan is concocted quickly. Henry already has the pen in his possession, thanks to the machinations of the house; there’s no reason there shouldn’t be a storybook down here too, and if they can find it, perhaps Henry can use his author powers to write them a way out of the Underworld. Even Liam admits that the plan has merit, citing rumors circulating of a book with the power to defeat Hades, once and for all.
Killian can’t help but feel guilty about the whole thing. After all, none of them would be here, now cursed to remain so, if they hadn’t come to rescue him - hell, if he hadn’t gotten in the way of Arthur’s sword in the first place.
“This is all my fault,” he laments to Emma. “You should never have come after me. You shouldn’t be here.”
“Hey, none of that,” Emma tries to soothe. “You’re not the one responsible for our names. Hades did that. And we all came of our own choice, even Henry. Especially Henry. You know that. He threatened to find his own way here if we didn’t take him with us.”
“That doesn’t erase the fact that you’re here - that you, and Henry, and the baby, and all the rest of our family are in danger, all because you’re trying to save me. That doesn’t keep it from lying heavy on my conscience.”
“Would you do the same thing for us?”
Killian stares at her like she’s grown a second head. What kind of absurd question is that? “Would I — of course I would, Emma. In a heartbeat.”
“Okay, well, that’s exactly what we’re doing here.” Emma softens suddenly, reaching up to smooth a gentle hand along his cheek. “I know you think you’re the most expendable, Killian, but not to us. We’re here because we don’t want to experience life without you any longer, and at a certain point you’re going to have to loosen your grip on the wheel and accept it, Captain. None of this is your fault.”
The doubt and guilt still niggle at the back of Killian’s mind, but it’s so much more pleasant to embrace Emma’s words instead, so he gives into the temptation and drops a gentle kiss of silent thanks on her lips.
Apart from all that, Liam has been acting distant all day, and on a certain level, Killian understands. He and Liam were never the type of brothers to fight much, circumstances bringing them much closer than most. He’s uncomfortable too, through the sharp anger he still feels, and doesn’t relish being around Liam right now either. But when he joins the rest of the group at the sorcerer’s mansion after checking on the bar, Liam is acting even stranger. Killian can’t help but wonder what’s happened, or if his brother is just feeling guilty about the things he said about Emma, but there’s no time to address the issue right now. The mansion is positively filled with books, and each one must be checked to make sure it’s not what they’re looking for.
He gets truly suspicious when Liam, of all people, finds the book, only for Henry to discover that it’s missing crucial pages. As Liam excuses himself, supposedly to continue the search, Killian follows him, only to discover Liam tossing something that looks suspiciously like paper into a well.
Before Killian can even muster up an accusation, Liam turns around with an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Killian, but I promise this is necessary.”
And then everything goes black.
He comes to, propped against the stone wall of a cave, with Liam watching over him. Killian forces himself back to his feet as soon as he’s fully awake, determined to find a way out.
“What the hell Liam? What did you do with the pages, and what the hell are we doing here?”
“I had to, Killian!” Liam protests. “It was the only way.”
“The only way for what?”
The look on Liam’s face now is undeniably panic, as he starts pacing back and forth.
“I made a deal with Hades.”
“You did what?”
“It was the only way, Killian! He’s locking things down here, not letting anyone move on. If I got rid of the pages, he’d let us move on, no opposition.”
If Killian was angry before, he’s furious now. “I don’t want to go, Liam! I thought I made that clear, did it not sink into that thick skull?”
“Killian, please, this is for the best. I’m just looking out for you.”
He loves Liam, but it’s like centuries of frustration boil over in a moment. “You’re always telling me what’s best for me, Liam, don’t I get a say in my own life? I managed nearly three hundred years without you, and you still don’t trust me to make my own decisions. You’ve never really trusted me though, have you? I’m sure I gave you reasons not to over the years, with the drinking and the gambling and generally being the younger brother, but Gods, Liam, it still hurts that you trusted your bloody monarch over your own brother, and died because of it. I am begging you – believe me, just this once, when I say that I know what is best for me. Even if their wild plans don’t succeed, I will do anything to spend longer with Emma and Henry and my child. And that’s what’s best for me right now.”
It hurts, walking away from his brother in a rage for the second time in as many days. Killian only hopes Liam doesn’t choose this moment to cross over, leaving him in anger and without any resolution. But on this matter, Killian has to draw a line in the sand. It’s time he stops viewing Liam as a god-like figure who can do no wrong, stop letting Liam control his life and his shadow guilt Killian even from beyond the grave.
He’s got a family to get back to.
When he finds Emma again, back at their house, she’s in a full-scale panic that Hades had imprisoned him again, or worse, that he had left for the Great Beyond without saying goodbye. Killian can feel her physically relax as he gathers her in his arms, planting a kiss on her forehead and murmuring “I’m not going anywhere, love.”
Liam slinks back some hours later, apologies on his lips, as if that will make it all better. Unfortunately for him, Killian’s not yet ready to talk, to forgive. That will come later; he still loves his brother unconditionally, but it’s stopped being a blind love, one in which he refuses to see any flaws, and has turned into something more painful, if ultimately more healthy: seeing his brother as a human being that makes mistakes, rather than some god on a pedestal.
Liam is less understanding about the matter, resulting in something of a spat between the two brothers, the elder Jones seemingly not understanding that this issue isn’t something to be glossed over and easily resolved.
“I already apologized, Killian,” he snaps. “What more do you want from me?”
“I don’t know,” Killian replies quietly, calmly, coldly. “But right now, I just want you to leave.”
It’s easily the harshest fight they’ve ever had, and Liam leaves without another word, stalking to the front door and all but slamming it. Killian isn’t comfortable with the way they’re leaving things, per se, but he’s not ready to just let bygones be bygones either, so this is perhaps the best he can hope for.
Killian may have displayed his anger earlier, but it’s later that night, in bed with Emma, that he finally lets the sorrow and disappointment reign.
“I don’t understand,” he laments, head resting just below her breasts. “How could he do that? How could he even think it?
“I don’t know, babe,” Emma soothes as best she can. Her hand slips through his hair, scratching along his scalp and calming Killian more than her words do.
“He was always my hero, you know?” He says. “Liam always knew best, was always so sure of himself, always in charge, and I accepted that. He’s my brother. But gods, it’s been almost three hundred years. I’ve learned what’s best for me, how to make my own decisions. I’ve been grateful to have this extra time with him, but… Gods above, how could he think that abandoning any hope of resurrection, abandoning you and Henry and the babe, could be what was best for me? What happened to him?”
“He’s been down here a really long time. Who knows what that can do to a person. But maybe,” she suggests gently, “maybe you’ve just grown up. So to speak. I know Liam is your hero, but he’s also just a man. Which usually means he’s not as perfect as you remember. Maybe… maybe after everything you’ve been through since you last saw him , you’ve both changed. Now it’s easier to see him without the haze. Rose colored glasses? Is that the term?”
Killian manages a watery chuckle against her stomach before stretching up to drop a kiss on the underside of Emma’s jaw. “Aye, that’s the term. You’re probably right,” he admits as he curls back around her side, stretching his arm across her abdomen where their little one grows.
“I’m sorry you had to take them off,” Emma whispers into the darkness.
Killian swallows heavily, forcing the fresh emotion back down. “So am I.”
He’s still here, Killian reminds himself as he holds Emma closer within his arms. Despite it all, he’s still here, and he has no intention of letting go.
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xaphrin · 6 years
Get to Know the Writer
So, @bluboothalassophile and @elliniest tagged me in the Get to Know the Writer. I mean, so... here? Here is some random nonsense about my poor writing habits.
1. Pen or Pencil?
I have a very specific multicolored ink pen from Lisa Frank that had kittens and ice cream cones on it. And that is what I prefer to use when I have to write on paper or in a notebook.
2. Have you ever drawn your OCs?
Once. A long time ago in a far-off time known as high school, when I thought I was hot shit. I have since learned I am not hot, nor shit. 
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
In frustration. 
4. If your muse was a person, what would they look like?
Tumblr media
5.Which of your pieces would you chose to be remembered for?
None of them. 
But I suppose if I had to be remembered for something, I would like it if people had more interest in “Hellfire Club” or “Thorns” or “Dangerous”. Or literally anything other than what I get the most reviews on. 
6. How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
About 10 words on my phone while I was editing something I poked at last night
7. Have you ever based a piece or a portion of a piece on a dream?
Maybe? I don’t know. I’ve logged about 1.7 - 2 million words. I’m sure at some point in my life, I tried to base something off a dream. I wouldn’t put it past past-xaph
8. Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noises, fan, etc.) or a lot of noise when you are writing? 
Mostly no noise, or nature sounds (like babbling brooks and thunderstorms) if I’m really trying to focus and write in a time crunch. If I’m a little loosey-goosey, then I prefer modern-folk and alternative music. And if I’m buzzed, it’s classic rock.  
9. Do you have any routines before you sit down to write? 
Pick up the mess that is my office and take at least four minutes to annoy my cat and make sure she’s comfortably situated in her bed in my office. Also try to calm myself down after I’ve spent the obligatory 15 minutes yelling at my computer after it desperately tried to spring to life.
10. Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo or a Camp?
I did a lot of camps when I was younger and still in school. No NaNos though, I just cannot commandeer the time right before the holidays. A lot of what I work on is now mostly done through trial and error. 
I think a lot of my writer friends have already done this, but if anyone feels so inclined, have at it. 
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thelyonshow · 4 years
True Wealth
Hello, and welcome to the lion show. I am so freakin happy that you're here. I am currently traveling in Boulder, Colorado, so not really traveling anymore, but I came from Payson, Arizona to Boulder, Colorado, I'm doing some work up here is that time of year, I guess. But the most important thing is check it out, this is going to be really helpful for anybody that wants to, you know, take it to that next level with their money. And this is almost, this is just next level shit. And I really like it. It's only for people that really want to get serious about their money. Okay. I call it the ultimate buy off system. Okay, so, in the last couple of episodes, we've been explaining that wealth is created through, you know, software, leverage, basically, for systems. And leverage is where you have leverage is where you have other things making money for you. So like, let's say you create a software and create the software, you now have an army of little robots, all programmed to do things, and all you have to do is sell the software. So you have this already built system that makes money that does something for a customer that a customer will pay for. And then you can run ads, or do social media, I mean, the main leverages that I see technologically wise, obviously software. Okay, the next ones, though, are going to be algorithms, you know, hacking algorithm, SEO, you know, I'm with my podcasts on iTunes, I'm doing really awesome, because the algorithm is by Apple, and it's a lot easier than it is Google. Pinterest is another incredible algorithm that you can just take huge advantage of YouTube is what I'm doing all the time making tons of money, and I'm going to teach you guys how to do that too. And these systems, right, there's wealth that we're creating is what we all should be striving for. Okay, we're not trying to get rich for status. We're just trying to create wealth. And it's different, because wealth is always making you money, always working for you. Investing. This is another key wealth metric, where you put money into the stock market, the business that you're invested in the stocks that go up in price, you make money without doing any of the work, that's wealth, you get a piece of real estate, and you rent it out for more than the mortgage costs. And then you make money every month, as well. So we want to create this beautiful wealth. But what I have figured out, in all my research is a cool formula, right? It's a good idea to think about and have this as a goal for yourself in your life, and it can make your life so much easier. And it all starts will number one is what I recommend everybody recommends is to get out of debt. So pay off all your debt. I know it's terrible. If you're buried in debt, you're like, Oh, well, thank you for your fucking help. Well, just start making a plan to get out of debt. And then as I show you these other ways to make money, implement them, make some extra money, make more money. And, you know, take your life to that next level. Get out of debt, though, right? So the wealth, the beginning, we've already told you, I've already talked about you know, that's what wealth is, but there's really two main things that your wealth can come from to feed the system. Number one is things that make money on autopilot. Okay, that was the thing we just talked about. Number two, is businesses that you truly love. Okay. And the reason that this is so important is because working on it can be effortless for you. Right, that's the same as well, if you have a thriving business that you really love, that can be just as good as an automated business because it's all about just enjoying your life and you're gonna be working on something no matter what so build businesses that you truly love, or build streams of income on autopilot and that's what's gonna feed this wealth system. Right so you have those two streams of money or multiple streams but those two ideas are what the streams are made of. Those are where the money is coming from. Get out of debt first. The next step though this is really cool. What you do if you want to max your credit out build your credit, right? is you get credit cards that have low interest, has rewards. And it does something good for you that you you like the card right? And then what you do is every month on autopilot, you have your bills, your your standard bills like your rent, car payments, phone bills. Things that are never going to change, right? You pay these off with credit cards. And then you have it set up though that automatically before your payment is due, the money comes out of your checking account, or whatever your bank account. What this does is it builds your credit, every single month, so that you can truly become wealthy and you can make more money. So you have your credit cards all set up. So you're gonna have to open up all the windows and get it all set up. This is not for people that are loosey goosey that are just going to have credit cards and then max them out and then get into a bunch of shit this is for if you really want to take your finances to that next level. So you get the credit card, like let's just go with car payments, your car payment is 400 bucks, right 300 bucks, it comes out every month on the seventh. So you're gonna pay that automatically, with your credit card on the seventh, and then your credit card, final balance will come out of your checking account in the cash before, let's say the 21st is when your credit card is due every month. So on the 20th, it's automatically taken out of your checking account so that in the money is in there. But this way you're paying all your predictable bills off before the credit card is due. Every time you do this with a credit card, it gets you one point of credit. So let's say you have five credit cards that are doing this, you don't need a whole bunch of credit cards, that's five bonus points on your credit every month that you could be making with bills that you're already paying, right you have to pay your rent, you have to pay your car bill your phone bill, and you just have it set up for direct deposit from your your wealth, you know from the business you love or from the autopilot or your employee, whatever, employer and it pays it off automatically though, this will build your credit so that you can have more money and you can start reaching those new levels with your credit to get more loans and just build up your future and live that good life. So I think that's super powerful, have all your standard bills, not like not ones that you can't predict, but the predictable ones that you're going to pay anyways. And that you know the money is going to be in your account, you pay it first with a credit card, and then you automatically have it paid before the billing cycle is over for that credit card. Doing that means that you borrow money from the credit, the credit card company, but then you paid it back all the way before they charged you interest or charge or anything like that. And this makes it look like you use the credit card, and you did a good job paying the back right away. And that's what creditors want to see. So you can really build your credit with this awesome system. But the whole key thing is to do it automatically. So you don't have to think about it anymore. The next thing that you really need to do is have 10% of your money or more automatically put into the stock market. Now, in the stock market, the best investment, so the best on the black is index funds, okay. But before that is if you have an employer who will match your 401k. That's an awesome, awesome way to get tax free money. And that's how we're talking about right now. So 10%, though of your money that you already have coming in, after you have your bills automatically paid off, should automatically be invested into the stock market or invested into something that you know will grow over time. For me, it's the stock market in advertising. So every extra 10% that I have I invest in advertising in the stock market. So I put 20%, basically. But I think that's just so powerful. And I want to tell you guys, again, listening to this at your own warning, but what I'm doing right now in the stock market is I obviously want to get heavily invested into these index funds, because they're going to gradually grow over time, they're a safe investment, because they are a diversified portfolio. And the best way to make money in the stock market is to have lots of different stocks all over the place that that way, if one sector goes down, but another section stays the same, then you will lose all your money. Whereas if you're just buying like individual stocks, you're just gonna end up losing your shirt at some point, you know, unless you're really good and you really are paying attention but if you want to just make money in the stock market, it's very, very likely that index funds are going to beat the market year after Here you can set this up on autopilot, right that's the smart way to go about it. Here's my full disclosure of what I'm doing in the stock market right now is I'm so I have this theory that Pigs get slaughtered. Okay. And in the stock market right now, we're I don't want to say we're in a bubble. But there's a very large likelihood that we have a correction coming. And it could be the big recession that everybody's talking about. And my money, I'm putting my money that it is going to drop, the stock market's going to crash, at least at some point, because you know, Coronavirus, it's an election year, they're the the federal government and everybody is, is pumping the stock market up, because President Trump wants to look good, they can't have the stock market crash on his year. So they're just flooding the markets. I'm not against it, or for it, it's just kind of what I see is happening. And I just feel like whether whichever president wins the nomination, either the federal government in January and Trump wins is going to kind of stop pumping useless money into the market, and it's going to have a massive correction, you know, or anything could happen, right. And if Biden becomes president, the markets gonna freak out. If he if either one because he becomes president, there's always a possibility that, you know, Europe's gonna tank or Japan's gonna tank but I feel like there's a massive correction, at least in the next year. So I'm putting all my money short, the market, basically, and I'm doing this through ETFs. Again, don't listen to anything I'm doing. But I just figured this is what I'm doing. if the market goes down, I'm heavily invested in making a lot of money when that happens. And I'm doing this through ETFs. So I really like s qq q, s, Tao SP x s. And then I'm also betting that u v x, y, which is basically the short term futures of the VIX, which is the volatility index, are going to happen. So I'm heavily invested in that. And my plan is to keep investing. And if the market never tanks, and everybody can laugh, I mean, we can watch this together. And if the market does tank, I'm going to make a fuckload of money. And then I'm going to take the money out, at some point, what you do is when if the market goes my way, right? So I'm heavily invested, that it's going to be a bear market, or there's gonna be a correction. So what I do is, as soon as I see that happening, I take out the money, the profits that I have, and how much I spent on the stocks, I take that out of the market. And then I'm going to let the last rest ride until I feel like that's the top of the market or the bottom of the market, whatever way you're looking at it. And then I'm going to take that money out again, what's it feel like that's happening? Or not either probably put it into cryptocurrency, or I'm going to put it all into index funds. Now, I know it's complicated, it's kind of a gamble, but I just wanted to talk about anyways, cuz it's fucking cool idea. And like I said, I think I think pigs get slaughtered. And I think the market is getting real greedy right now. And just the the human nature of everything that's going on is it's just such a fake, a fake front, you know, like, there's just, there's just no backing, some legs gonna give somewhere and something weirds gonna happen. And then, after the correction happens, though, I do see the market rallying and fucking shooting to the moon. But I also see everyday goods going up in price as well, I feel like there's gonna be a lot of inflation. Either president wins, there's gonna be a ton of inflation, which means for like me new normal people, foods gonna get more expensive gas is going to get more expensive things, restaurants are going to become more expensive, because there's going to be more money in circulation with all this bullshit, Coronavirus. And everything else has been happening to us on our poor the lives and the great 2020. Anyway, that was my rant on what I'm doing, and what I'm doing with the 10% that I've been investing in the stock market for a very long time now. And then the other 10% that you should save is just to save for life events, you should just save 10% of your money. So invest 10% save for your wedding, for accidents for the future, you know, for your future home that you want to buy and just save that. You can do that in cash or something that you feel comfortable with. But just save it. And then what happens is when this happens where you have all your bills paid first, you know by credit card and then out of your checking account, you just have all your bills paid regardless. And you're automatically investing some Android automatically saving your money. What you wind up left with is guilt free money that you can spend and you can live your life. You know, you don't, you can't budget everything, even if you wanted to. It's kind of a miserable way to think about money. It's just budgeting. You know, I can't tell you how to budget your money. You are smart individual. And you can do it yourself if you want to save more money. But if you do this on autopilot, you automatically have 10% just stuffed into a savings account 10% invested in the stock market. And like what I do is I also have 10% invested into an ads, credit card and ads web bank account, so I can do advertising because that's what I'm comfortable with. And then you have all your bills paid off, and it's all automatic, then you have it left in your bank account is guilt free money, you know that that good, sweet cash, that you can just spend on whatever you want. So you can live a good life. This isn't about to get rich. Again, we're not doing this for status we're doing we're trying to build wealth, so that we can just have our bills paid and live a good life. It's not not about Scrooge McDuck, bathing in fucking gold coins and chip, this is about just having money so that our family if they need it, if there's a thing so that we can just spend the money that we want on things that are important to us. And that's what guilt free money is. So firstly, pay off all your bills automatically with your credit card so that you're building your credit, you automatically are investing 10% of your money, or even just $1 a day into the stock market. And then you're also saving 10% automatically for your wedding for your car for your life. And then you are just left in your bank account what you can spend, you don't if you say if you spend less than you'll have more next one, then that'll be more guilt free money that you can either invest in the stock market, but getting to that point where you have that guilt free money in your account. It's a good feeling. That's a fun, fun the life and you don't have to worry about money. Um, I think that's the end of my spiel, I am currently getting a job as a media buyer for ad league. Well, I have one more interview, and they approached me though, and I've never had that happen before. I don't need a job. But I really love running ads, again, going against what I've been spitting to you guys about all the you're never going to get rich, if you lease out your time. But if I can master ads, that's a beautiful form of wealth for me, because I'm able to create courses and software, which are the things that I've been really, really interested in as well as you know, buy land and then market it and things like that. So ads, I feel like are the true secret sauce to a lot of wealth. Because if you have traffic for your offer, and it converts and you're making a profit, anything you make that you can do this with, you're going to be rich, you can scale to millions of dollars a year on one campaign. And the more that I'm learning the crazier that is. Um, so needless to say my YouTube course by it, it's $1 right now, but man, I'm making these videos because I'm just mastering YouTube ads. And I'm adding that to my YouTube course. And I'm also adding some super secret SEO stuff that I just recently figured out because YouTube is all about watch time engagement, and click through rate and things like that. And I've just figured out how to really kind of hack the system, and it's gonna make quite a few people some money on the sweet tube. So buy my course now or just a buck. Because as soon as I start running ads, you know, I gotta make some money on the ads. And I'm literally trying to master YouTube ads. So that is the reasoning behind the price increase as well as the quality is, is getting awesome. That's what I've been spending a lot of time is filming a new course and I'm in the process of editing. So in the below by that, thank you for listening to the lion show. If you liked any of the ideas in this, and you're watching it on YouTube, please leave a comment I would really appreciate to note or hit me up on Twitter at the lion show or follow me on Instagram, I think it's lion show official. And let's connect. Let's get rich. I'm going to teach you guys some cool shit some affiliate marketing stuff next so that you can actually make more money. And I love you. Again, I'm just trying to help people make some money. And I really love this idea of automating all your bills with credit cards and paying it off at your your, your checking account, because imagine build your credit. And you just have to open up the two windows and have it all synced up and it's gonna play around with it a little bit, but then all your bills are paid. And you got to make the money but everything will be building for you. This is a wealth machine. And it can just keep going and you're automatically investing in the stock market. Boom, you're growing money that way you're building wealth and maybe you're learning coding or building a course or you're writing a book or making music or you're gonna something like that. Those are all wealth producing products that you can use is to make money for the long run, and lots of cool shit going on. Love you guys. No mistake, peace
from The Lyon Show https://thelyonshow.com/true-wealth/
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morganbelarus · 6 years
5 Things You Should Never Put In A Professional Email Betches
Writing emails at work is probably one of those things you do every day without even thinking about it. Yet, if you’ve ever had a coworker say something embarrassing on an accidental “reply all”, you can quickly be reminded that the everyday act of emailing can quickly end your career.
Professional emails can be serious business. As much as you might want to fill your email with gifs, memes, and anything that reminds your office that yes, you are a millennial, having a job also means to need to show some sort of resemblance of professionalism. (If only your coworkers saw what you are planning on wearing to Coachella.)
Now, all office cultures are certainly different. I still believe that as a whole, if us boss betches want to be taken seriously (which we do, and we should be), we NEED to stay professional at work. I’m not saying don’t get a little loosey-goosey at your company’s holiday party. Go to town. Do some karaoke with your CEO at a happy hour. I support you.
But all in all, we should follow some basic rules to work emails. Here are five things you should never put in a professional email.
1. Abbrevs
I have a problem where I abbreviate literally everything in my life. Just ask my boyfriend. He can hardly understand what I’m saying.
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tag ur bff
A post shared by Bustle (@bustle) on Apr 11, 2017 at 3:56pm PDT
At work, limit those amazing abbreviations that keep your hands from getting carpal tunnel to a minimum. Your boss probably isn’t writing you notes that say, “SOS, TBH I need HH”, so you shouldn’t either. Write for the job you want, not the job you have, amiright!?
2. Sh*t Tons of Exclamation Points
I’ll be totally honest, my text messages to my friends look like I am yelling at all times. I use more exclamation points and emojis than I can count. What can I say, I am an excitable person.
But at work, keep your exclamations to a minimum. It comes off junior and unprofessional. It may seem totally foreign to literally put a period at the end of a sentence (because if we texted, “Okay.” everyone would think we were pissed), but it’s the reality. If you do want to put an exclamation point in an email, because it’s something REALLY exciting, put one. Just one.
3. Long-Winded Explanations
I heard the best piece of advice: pretend every email you write is being read on a phone. So fit your content into what someone could read in the screen of their phone.
If you have a lot to say, try holding a meeting. I know the idea of face-to-face communication is probably a horrifying suggestion at this point in our tech-savvy world, but do it. It’ll make a huge difference. You’ll lose any opportunity for miscommunication and probably get more done.
4. Gossip
Look, I love a little office gossip as much as the next person, but if you are going to talk sh*t at work…KEEP IT OUT OF WRITING. Even a ping.
I’m going to tell you a little secret. Most companies (not all, but a lot) will track your keystrokes. If you are using a work computer, they probably know all of the crap you are saying. So if you are complaining, writing an email (even to a friend) with something you wouldn’t want your boss to read—don’t do it. Go get a drink and tell your friends all your juicy news then.
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Tag ya mans lol
A post shared by HoodClips (@hoodclips) on Jan 25, 2019 at 5:37pm PST
There’s also the reply-all issue. Have you ever gotten an email about you, to you? I have. It f*cking sucks. But it’s also unprofessional AF. Make your life easier and keep the gossip out of anything that can be read later on. You’ll thank me later.
5. Negativity
Similar to gossip, your work email is not the place to complain to your boss, bitch about your job to your friend, or talk about how overworked you are. Remember that whole reply-all thing? Or the little keystroke monitoring? If you are in a company email, the company PROBABLY has access to your email. Don’t put yourself at risk just because you are dying to complain.
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(via twitter/molly7anne)
A post shared by ecards (@sarcasm_only) on Jan 20, 2019 at 3:26pm PST
Although emails are something we are probably doing day in and day out, take these tips into consideration next time you are emailing at work. And if you don’t believe me, just look at how your boss emails. Or your CEO. I want you all to be in their position one day, so stay profesh in emails, K?!
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
5 Things You Should Never Put In A Professional Email Betches was originally posted by MetNews
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hopingforbabyblog · 4 years
Last week I got a little lazy with tracking my calories and keeping up the exercising, and it showed on the scale. But for this new week, and new month, I am looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. I want to try to keep the momentum going of changing my lifestyle to become healthier. I am brainstorming some ideas to try breaking my current plateau. 
  Disclaimer: All content and media on the Hoping For Baby website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health advice.
  Catch-up on Previous Weight Loss Series Posts
Weight Loss Series Week 1: Fertility Clinic Closed, Focusing on Health
Weight Loss Series Week 2: 100 Miles in April Challenge & Online Infertility Group
Weight Loss Series Week 3: The Difference & BFFs with My Treadmill
Weight Loss Series Week 4: Variety is the Spice of Life & Virtual DIY Walk of Hope
Weight Loss Series Week 5: Tough Week, NIAW, & Mini-Goal Met
Countdown Until Target Weight Date: 4 months & 25 days (as of 5-6-2020)
    100-Mile Goal Met
I am happy to announce that I did it! I was able to complete the 100 Miles in April Challenge that my work participated in. I was kind of lazy in my last week compared to the other weeks, but I completed the challenge just in time! I’m looking forward to doing this 100 mile challenge again for the month of May. I think if I were to change my approach for this next month, I would try to be more consistent throughout the month instead of taking several days off from exercising and trying to make up for the lost time in long workout sessions. Other than that, I really enjoyed the challenge. It definitely got my butt off the couch more.
    I already started my mileage for this month, Kurtis and I went for a drive out to Portage and walked the Blue Ice trail which was really nice. Near the beginning of that trail were these surreal looking trees that had moss clinging to the branches. I told him they looked like Dr. Suess trees as we stared up at them. He said it reminded him of the trees he saw in Oregon, very green like that. 
  Our recent walk on the Blue Ice trail in Portage, Alaska. It was cool to see the moss growing up the branches. See more photos of our hikes on Instagram @hopingforbabyblog
  Further down the trail it opened up into a beautiful, scenic river. It was a wide river but was also very calm, with the sun shimmering off the water. I loved how the mountains were in the background with snow still covering the tops. This hike made for some great pictures. My goal for this summer is to get out more and discover new trails. We’ve driven past this trail before but this was the first time we actually walked it. 
    The Dreaded Plateau
So this previous week I was starting to slip back into some of my old habits, and the scale was proof of this. Dang it! I wouldn’t say I was fully indulging like I used to, but I was getting a little too loosey goosey with how I was doing things. I stopped tracking my calories and I was working out less. The scale has held steady and I didn’t lose any weight recently.
  I’ve told myself I’ve got to get back into the swing of things because I still have work to do on getting healthy. I started brainstorming some ideas on how to challenge myself in different ways so I don’t revert back to my old ways. Sunday I decided to do mini-fast to help me get back on track. 
  Another idea I have is to challenge myself to improve my running speed. I want to improve my time for completing a 5K (or 3.1 miles). I haven’t focused on my time much before, but in general when I do alternating jogging and walking I average about 1 hour to complete 3 miles. So if I can shave that time down that would be great. My goal is to see some weekly progress with this time. Although the pandemic has shut down organized walks and running events, I’d still like to focus on this for myself. 
  Egg Retrieval Before Frozen Embryo Transfer?
One of the big questions I’ve been thinking about lately is whether I should do an egg retrieval before my FET. Why would I do this? Well, my fertility clinic in Seattle is still closed and it’s not possible to transfer my embryo now. I found the clinic called CNY, based in New York, has been doing fertility treatments and is not shut down. I was already planning on going with CNY in a year or two (depending on if I get pregnant with my embryo from Seattle), so I am debating whether to go ahead and do the egg retrieval in New York. 
  I have low ovarian reserve and a low AMH level, so time is of the essence for me. The longer I wait to do fertility treatments the less chance of having a healthy baby. I’ve heard that is precisely the reason for many clinics choosing to stay open, because they have some patients with certain diagnoses that if they do not have a baby now, they may never get that chance. If anything, I want to at least freeze my eggs. But ideally I’d like to freeze some embryos in New York, prior to transferring my Seattle embryo.
  Earlier this year, I called up my Seattle clinic and asked them about the process of transferring my husband’s frozen sperm sample to CNY. They told me that I would need to become an established patient first at CNY before they could start that process. There is a fee to ship the specimen because it requires special handling in the cryopreserved container. I can’t remember the amount they quoted me to ship it but I think they said several hundred dollars, compared to all the other fertility treatments that is just a drop in the bucket.  
  The idea of wasting an egg each month with my menstrual cycle does not sit well with me. Natural conception during this waiting time is not an option for me, because the likelyhood of another miscarriage and risk of health issues for me would be high. I’ve had three different doctors advise me against trying on my own again. So yeah, natural conception is out the window. But maybe if I am able to “bank” some new embryos during this pandemic, I won’t feel like I’m wasting time just sitting here waiting for my Seattle clinic to open. I have a phone consultation with CNY on May 15th so maybe they will be able to schedule me for an egg retrieval before the Seattle clinic opens.  
  A Turn of Events
I wrote everything you just read the other day, in preperation t post it on Tuesday. But there has been a recent turn of events as far as my fertility plans. I was lying in bed this morning with these thoughts weighing on me:
“How am I going to afford to go to New York right now to do an egg retrieval while my Seattle clinic is closed?” 
“Will I have to take out a personal loan to afford another cycle?”
“Will I hear back from anyone today about a second job?”
“What if the pandemic sees a second wave of cases and I need to cancel my egg retrieval in New York?”
“When will I be able to do my FET my one embryo?”
  So most of those questions I didn’t have an answer for. But I thought I could at least tackle one question right away. Before I even got out of bed, I decided to call my Seattle clinic and ask them if they had any idea when they would reopen. The guy who answered said he was just with the answering service because they were all in a meeting, and that he had no idea when they would reopen. Dang, still no answer.
  Today marked one month since the last time I received any update from my clinic. I decided to send out an email asking my medical team if they knew when they might reopen. I quickly got a response back form my nurse who let me know that they decided to reopen for women over 25 and for those with an AMH level below 1.0. I’m both of those! We sent a couple messages back and forth and I am all set up with starting my FET process again. 
  I am over the moon excited to be starting up again. I told myself that if my Seattle clinic was not open by the time I had my phone consult with CNY, then I was going to proceed with my egg retrieval in New York. My one and only little embryo is finally going to be transferred. My nurse is creating my calendar of medications today. I already have all of my meds from before when I was originally scheduled to do my transfer on April 24th. I used none of my meds, and none of them have expired, and for those reasons I am grateful for not having lost any money on meds like other women have experienced.
  My hopes are way up right now and I’m hoping that nothing will interfere with this process again. The only thing I can think of getting in the way is that my flight might be cancelled or delayed. The reason I think this is because I’ve had family and friends who’ve tried to come back home from out of state and their flights got delayed several times, and this was multiple people I’ve talked to. I think my best bet is to arrive in Seattle several days prior to my FET, just in case my flight gets cancelled or delayed. 
  Since we all know fertility meds tend to bloat us because we retain a crazy amount of water, I’ve decided to pause my Weight Loss Series for now. I’m still going to be focused on getting as healthy as I can before my FET. I’ll be starting back up with my FET posts here shortly, so keep an eye out for new posts about my FET. Those posts will be a continuation of where I left off prior to the COVID clinic shut downs. In other words, I’ll be starting back up with FET Week 13.
  Most recent weight loss from last week, went from 188.8 to 187.2. 1.6 lbs lost from previous week.
    Mini Victories for the Week
Keeping up with my goal of trying to walk some new trails.
Made a plan for getting back on track with weight loss. 
Kept myself accountable by writing about weight loss plateau here. 
  Work in Progress
Try to break out of the mid-180s weight range. I tend to get stuck around this weight. 
Start tracking calories again and stick to 1200 per day.
Track my initial time for my first timed 5K.
Weight Loss Series Week 6: 100-Mile Goal Met, The Dreaded Plateau, Egg Retrieval Before Frozen Embryo Transfer?, & A Turn of Events Last week I got a little lazy with tracking my calories and keeping up the exercising, and it showed on the scale.
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shavazy340-blog · 7 years
Following availability on iOS and the PlayStation four game console, Sony on Thursday expanded its PlayStation Vue cable cutting support to the Apple Television. Removing the headphone jack aided with the water resistance. Some firms use superhydrophobic nanoscopic coating to repel water, and cut power to protect against shorts, so they can preserve the headphone jack and nevertheless provide water resistance. Not all of them are environmentally friendly, however, and they can wear off more than time. That's why not having the jack tends to make it a lot easier than getting it. Take into consideration Apple's option for its corporate symbol? The company's brand is an apple that has had a bite taken out of it. To many occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden fruit (symbolically, the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a fantastic matter. Occultists and New Agers educate that taking a bite out of the apple gave the very first two humans information, or gnosis, placing them on the path to self-divinity and godhood. The emblem represents evil and disrespect for god. I have not been also impacted by the lack of jack. Getting bought into the comfort of wireless headphones a number of years ago, I now favour them over my superior-sounding wired pairs. It's a transition I anticipate a lot of of us will make more than the coming years. A 6502 assembler was soon made available on disk, and later on the UCSD compiler and working process for the Pascal language have been made obtainable. The Pascal procedure required a 16k RAM card to be set up in the language card position (expansion slot ) in addition to the total 48k of motherboard memory. The hottest rumors claims that new iPhone will come in 5 distinctive colors, rose gold, gold, silver, dark black and piano Black. Though piano black will be stored for greater storage tiers, rest of the colors will be readily available for all the versions. In December of 2015, Apple registered 3 car-relevant best-degree domain names, such as , , and Although the 3 domains could potentially be connected to CarPlay, it really is also attainable Apple has saved the domains to be used in the future with an electric vehicle or an autonomous auto program. The strong-state trackpad on the MacBook and 2016 MacBook Professional , as lots of readers will know, is an astonishing feat of deception: many consumers would be ready to swear that the trackpad is clicking downwards, so clever is the haptic impact. It isn't going to come to feel like one thing clever is occurring - it just feels like you are clicking it, when you are not. The hospital keep was not as restful as I would have liked. But the day I went dwelling from the hospital was wonderful warm sunny day. As I walked out of the hospital with my new infant I laughed out loud at going property with my new infant. I was no longer pregnant. I was so so satisfied to be going house. Sleeping in my bed the initial night was heavenly. My hospital bed was so unpleasant. It doesn't dress in out or go all loosey-goosey the way a bodily switch can, which implies everyone working with AssistiveTouch out of concern of dwelling button failure can loosen up about it now. Apple's new processor is known as the A10 Fusion, and is the very first quad-core processor to be located in an iPhone so far. The M10 Fusion is coupled with 2GB of RAM, which remains unchanged from the iPhone 6s but ought to enable for more processing electrical power, resulting in a responsive, speedy smartphone. Apple claims that this mixture can make the iPhone 7 the fastest smartphone in the world, and although it performed far far better thank the iPhone 6s in our benchmark exams, it (rather remarkably) did not steal the best spot - but we'll come to that under. We've examined the iPhone 7 camera in a quantity of problems like minimal-light, and we had been really shocked by the images provided by the smartphone. Of program, no mobile phone camera will ever match the high quality of minimal-light pictures taken by a DSLR, but the iPhone 7 does very effectively. Take a search at this photograph taken on the streets of London at night (click to enlarge) - the total photograph seems fantastic with no blatant noise or softness, and with reasonably even exposure and excellent detail. No. You do not have to buy a new iPhone or iPad to participate in this on-line plan, however you will be compensated for the trade in value by way of an Apple Shop Present Card, which will be sent to you electronically. Buyer use of the Apple Renew Service is limited to person customer submission of two (2) Products inside of any twelve (12) month period. No, you ought to take out your SIM card, as these are non-returnable. If a SIM card is even now in your mobile gadget, it will be destroyed immediately upon receipt to shield any personal data. Firstly, we do know that the iPhone seven will value £599 to obtain outright in the United kingdom That comes in precisely as we predicted final week - somewhat much more high priced than final year possibly due to a slightly weaker pound (thanks Brexit!). Worthier of critique is the screen resolution. For the third yr in a row, Apple has also retained the 1334 x 750 show for iPhone seven and 1920 x 1080 for iPhone 7 Plus, while other vendors have pushed to 1440 x 2560. Apple's option saves on battery daily life — fewer pixels signifies much less to power. That's particularly genuine offered iPhone nonetheless uses LCD panels and not extra energy productive OLED.
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