#I tried to do gyaru fashion but it is so hard
cookie-with-icing · 4 months
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Aiura Mikoto from Saiki K!
I spent like an hour trying to upload this to Cara but I guess it’s like overwhelmed from the amount of people joining cause it would not work 😭 plus the cropping is weird on there
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sabrina-kpop · 2 months
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, can I request a the poly hashira x fem gyaru reader who gets made fun of by the other demon slayers? (Angst but a very fluffy ending) :3
ׅ𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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my very first request yay!! and it's of my life style!? Double yay!! In this oneshot I made the reader off of my sub style which is manba!! And sorry if this is bad which it probably is.. AND YOU ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MUICHIRO YOU ARE SEEN AS A MOTHER FIGURE
WARNINGS: swearing (Sanemi ofc) slut shaming (I'm based this on my experience with being gyaru) bullying ect.
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Being a gal while also being a demon hunter has is pros and cons, pros being hanging out with Tengen and Mitsuri for new clothes and cons being your makeup sweating off and hair getting messed up while on a mission.
Today is a day where the hashira (specifically Tengen) invited you and the rest to a summer festival, of course you where excited you haven't gone to a festival since you were a little girl.
You have finished doing your hair and makeup looking beautifully crazy along with your outfit, you hear a knock on your door and before you could answer Shinobu walked in "Ara ara, well aren't you looking beautiful my butterfly" she said complimenting you, you utter out a small thanks,still not being used to compliments.
you walked out with Shinobu and met up with the rest, Gyomei and Giyuu grabbed your hands and the rest began to go to the city.
What you didn't know is that Rengoku, Shinobu and Giyuu brought some of their tsugoku's and slayers with them and they don't really get along with you. They saw you as a weirdo because of your fashion sense and looks although you try your best to ignore them sometimes it can hit you a little hard......
"What is she wearing" strike one.
Ouch that hurt. You are so confident for your rebel style and yet now you're feeling like it's getting pulled away you try to ignore it but it remains in the back of your mind.
"Y/n...are you feeling okay..?" Said Muichiro you reassure him that your fine and continued your way to the city with the rest.
It was evening and you have a ride to the city it was crowded and it was bright seeing people talk, dance, laugh and show of their Japanese pride.
"Ah! It's so crowded! " Mitsuri said in a high pitched voice. Obanai suggested that you all go to a restaurant to rest and eat but you said that you wanted to see the jewelry booths and clothing booths set up outside.
Giyuu sent two of his kakushi just in case something happened.
You immediately wandered off into one of the booths that were selling jewelry. You mean started buying a bunch of them some for partners and some for you.
"Jesus Christ doesn't she have enough... She going to die from blood stopping with all those tight bands around her wrist... "
Strike two.
You really put some back listening to what they said it hurt you like if someone stabbed you in the heart you tried to ignore them again but how could you all they do is talk about you and your features you feel like nothing you feel like a clown.
"I'm back!" You said with a bag in your hands "I bought all of you some new cute clothes!" You said happily as you hand them their gifts. They happily thanked you and began to order food.
The food was delicious. The meat had a juicy flavor and the rice was perfect.
"Fuck, I'm full" utter out Sanemi
"Really? I could go for more!" Said Mitsuri. Both Obanai and Sanemi look at her in a "what the fuck?" face as Shinobu and you giggled from the side.
You got up to go to the restroom but you ain't mean it shivered due to your clothes being slightly revealing. Although you knew that this will be the consequences from deciding that your outfit looked better without a jacket and quickly shrugged it of as "beauty is pain"
As you went to the restroom and finished doing your business, you were washing your hands so you heard this.
" you can clearly tell that she's cold she was shivering so hard that when she gets for being a slut with those revealing clothes. "
Strike three, your out.
You immediately began to tear up why were they saying these things to you what did you ever do to them this has been going on for years now and it hasn't stopped. why couldn't they just accept you for who you are? Why couldn't the see that you were happy being yourself? Why couldn't they see that you are human too?
Suddenly you heard a knock on the restroom door.
"Y/n you've been their for a while are you okay?.." It was Giyuu.
"Y-yeah I'm okay..." You said trying to cover up the sound of your crying.
"Are you sure..? It's sounds like you aren't.."
You went quite and started sobbing as Giyuu opened the door and went in while the rest followed..
Mitsuri went up to you and tried to calm you down the best she can, keyword "tried"...
"Y/n just tell us what happened..!" Said Mitsuri panicking not really knowing what to do..
"Am I w-wierd?" You utter out as the rest looked at you with worry
"The fuck is that supposed to mean" said Sanemi.
"I-it's just that people when they see me the way I am they think of me as some kind of slut.."
Who the hell told you that I swear I'm going to beat them into next wee-" Sanemi said as Shinobu cut him off.
" Oh my little butterfly....you're nothing like that you're not even close you're beautiful and you're special.
Shinobu said.
" yeah you have the courage to be flamboyant while the others are just idiot with no sense of style "
Said Uzui.
"Y/n your beauty is like a flame bright and beautiful! "
Said Rengoku
"You're so beautiful doing your nails everyday is so much fun especially trying out new patterns!"
Said Mitsuri.
" Seriously tell me who made you think like that, I will show them no mercy.. "
Said Sanemi.
"You remind me of that one flowers...what was it called...? Hibiscus..? "
Said Muichiro.
"You remind me of water.... Useful and when at sea.... Sparkling.."
Said Giyuu.
"Your personality is bright and energetic...I will always pray for it to stay that way.. "
Said Gyomei.
But your personality is also soft and kind... It's one if the reasons why Kaburamaru loves you so much...
Said Obanai.
You can't believe them each and every one of their words fix your heart piece by piece you made them all get into one group hug even if Sanemi and Giyuu can't stand them..
"Wait! Hurry the fireworks are about to start" squealed Mitsuri dragging you and the rest outside. You guys found the perfect spot to watch the fireworks. as you all sat down you couldn't help but think of grateful you are to have such partner's "Thank you.. " you said as they look at you and smiled. You rest you head on giyuu's shoulder while you all watched the fireworks...
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Am I the asshole for ignoring my friend's hobby?
So context. My (20 NB) best friend I'll call him Moth, (cis male 20) is my BEST friend. I platonically love him so so so much. We've been friends since high school when he was a freshman and I was a sophomore (he's actually older than me he was 15 and I was 14 when we met)
Well over time our interests changed. We're still good friends and we indulge in both our hobbies together (such as we both love board games, I play games with him, he listens to my Language ramblings). Its not like we don't have any shared interests and we do play games and everything together.
But Moth's main hobby is table top games. He has wanted to do an in person table top campaign for years. And as one of his only IRL friends I am the one he goes first to talk about this plan.
I have indulged this hobby (or addiction according to a mutual friend) since it started. I have tried getting into table top games, I really have. We made a Harry Potter campaign about an alternate universe were Harry is replaced by a Gyaru (a japanese fashion/attitude subculture I am a fan of) did an hour of it and I stopped caring, He's shown me a sailor moon table top, he tries REALLY REALLY hard to get me into it.
But Moth specifically wants to be the one to play. He has been DMing a campaign for 4-5 years now. He wants to play irl, which means I have to be the one to DM. I don't even want to play to begin with let alone DM
and I tried to get into TTRPGS! I just can't like role playing. But I suck at confrontation. I feel bad if I just said "I can't get into this please stop asking me". He's an IRL friend and also one of my only friends. I love hearing about his campaigns! But I don't want to be a part of them.
So lately whenever he starts talking about TTRPGS and asking me to join I say half answers like "well I don't know..." and "I'm just not feeling it". Mostly I'm just dodging and changing the subject. I feel like a bad friend because this is his MAIN hobby. And I do like TTRPGs as an observer, not as a player. But its the only thing he talks about and I just can't get into it.
Am I the asshole for dodging my friend whenever he brings up table top role playing games?
What are these acronyms?
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girlymatsu · 1 year
Q, R, T, and Y for erina! 💌
Q. Do they have a signature look or fashion?
Yes!! I mean I put my own spin on it but she’s a gyaru into agejo fashion!!
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R. How tall are they?
Hehe erina is like 154 cm so Like 5’-5’1 ^_^
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T. What are their favourite foods?
Erina looves greasy street foods like fried chicken, fried potato cheese, deep fried dumplings… she loves going to night markets and eats so much and gets so much acne from oil oops
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Y. What physical object do they value most?
Erina has a hard time keeping track of stuff but it might be a scrapbook full of junk she’s glued in that she tries to make aesthetically pleasing but it’s really messy with a bunch of junk
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eggtartz · 2 years
Just wondering if you could do a shinichiro dating a gyaru reader?, I don’t mind if it’s one shot or head-canons^^
a/n : thankyou for the request anon and enjoy 🫶🏻
"gyaru" refers to a Japanese fashion and social sub-culture of girls who follow a certain style of clothes, hair, makeup, and activities. They're kind of the valley-girls of Japan, some would say. Within the gyaru culture, there are countless sub-categories
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- honestly he doesn't care much about it, he loves you either way
- he loves how you are comfortable in your own clothing, your own style, your own makeup. he adores seeing you happy
- he accompanies you to buy makeup and clothing and he carries all of your shopping bags of course 🤭
- the part he admires most is probably when you're doing your makeup because you look WAY different and he's like "how did you- what- what the heck???"
- he watches you intently doing makeup and he gets blown away everytime
- one more favorite part of his?
- when he gets kisses and has lipstick stain after you do your makeup. yeah he says the brighter the lipstick the better so he buys a lot of red lipsticks
- he can't help much when you're styling because he doesn't want to ruin them 🥺 but he does pick clothes for you though and gets so happy when you wore them
- once burned his hand while trying to curl your hair with the hair curler so now, he only watches you 😔 poor bb is traumatized
- he does follow you to cons because he wants to be with you and you're happy with his presence
- he once dragged you home after drinking way too much and tried so hard to take off your makeup 😭 pls he's suffered so much that day because he doesn't know how to take them off (you showed him the existence of micellar water in your shelf so now he knows what's it for at least)
- pictures. spam him PICTURES. SPAM THOSE PICTURES. he loves staring at them
- loves trying on your wigs 😭😭 you probably have tons of pictures of him trying them on 😭😭
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pompadorbz · 2 years
Back on my Mondo girlisms because she's so funny. ummm I was just thinking about the progression of her becoming more outwardly feminine because it's one of those things where it's hard to imagine how it would even happen in the FIRST place. I think Mondo has the slow realization that the reason why constantly trying to become more and more masculine didn't boost her confidence wasn't because she wasn't being masculine enough, but rather, it was the opposite. Instead this WHOLE TIME she'd just been making increasingly aggressive attempts to throw herself into the dysphoria contraption without even knowing it. I personally like the idea that every time Mondo shrugs off anything even REMOTELY feminine it's just her last ditch attempt to distance herself from the things she's just naturally drawn to. Mainly because she just gets so??? Defensive??? Why do you get so defensive about these things babygirl. Anyways. I think she knows there's about a 75% chance that she'll have her classmates' support but erm! One small problem! She's the leader of the largest gang in the country!! So while she absolutely has the ability to kick people out, the fear is still there, along with the whole facade that she'd already been keeping up for the past who-knows-how-long. I don't think she hates her gender momence or even has much of a crisis about BEING that, like honestly I think she'd be more relieved?? Like she just found the source for about a third of her issues in life and can now take steps to not feeling like shit all the time! The REAL crisis comes at the fear of how people are gonna react, especially since she's carrying such a heavy (not to mention incredibly DANGEROUS) leadership position. Luckily I think this is right around the time where she'd be thinking about handing over the position to Takemichi, so I think she ends up making the decision to start out much slower and be only lightly experimental with her appearance until the torch is nearly/completely passed over so that things don't become daunting. A lot of the heavier experimentation is done in her room at first, but it gets to the point by the time she's graduated that she's adopted a sorta light gyaru appearance (she did not get her pointers from Junko, god no. It's like 80% Sayaka and 20% Miu). AFTER she graduates I think she has a spur of the moment thought that's like. If she spent her whole life trying to be as masculine as possible and feeling MISERABLE, then what if she swung the pendulum all the way to the opposite end and tried to be as feminine as possible? It's probably 3am when she thinks this and it passes her mind for a little while but I think it sneaks back in eventually. I think she coordinates one outfit. just one. She then looks in the mirror and oops!!! Trajectory of life has now been forever altered!! I think this is the moment where she gets freed from the i hate pink arc. She still goes into it pretty slowly but I think she's hit with the realization that there is SO MUCH pent up energy regarding this specific facet of her life. She needs to have a year or two where she gets absolutely bonkers with exploration before she even THINKS about mellowing out. Also like. Her sudden alternative fashion explosion occurs like. RIGHT in line with her becoming a carpenter, and getting good with woodworking, and I think that she's already good with embroidery and probably sewing as well, and since she's literally in the culture revolving around heavily modified and customized bikes she likely has a bit of an eye for design. Guys. Do you see the potential here. Do you understand me. This specific version of Mondo needs to become. A weird artist. SHE HAS TO. ITS DESTINY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!! THIS BEAST NEEDS TO WALK OUT OF THE WORST PERIOD OF HER LIFE FEELING ALIVE AND BIZARRE!!!
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funky-sea-cryptid · 10 months
Ooo for the ask game; 1, 6, 14, and 18 for Finral for the character ask game please Tam 🥰?
HII LYRA!! yes i can absolutely do best girl finral :3 did you know i have him leveled up to 37 in the mobile game? his and vanessa's joint attack is super banging!!!
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
i love finral because like. i don't think i've ever seen a character who was so inherently kind and nonviolent. like yes, he's a bit of a coward, but when he gets out there, he tries so hard but he cannot learn an attack spell, because he is KIND. he is kind to everyone, even people who don't deserve it (HI LANGRIS). he's supportive of other people, and sweet, and genuinely i looked at him and went "oh my god, he's so. kind. to everyone. i love him."
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
i have a lot of trouble standing up for myself, and finral does too. it's a huge problem for me, because i have the spine of a chocolate eclair lol. i tend to let a lot of people walk over me, but im trying to be better about standing up for myself!!!!
also, he is transgender and autistic and a lesbian and i am transgender and autistic and a lesbian!
this OBVIOUSLY means we are the same person /j
14) Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character!
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my darling wife says this sort of fashion is morigyaru (cottagecore gyaru) lolita. i just think finral likes skirts like his outfit in canon is very shaped in a way.
18) How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
oh i LOVE his relationship with vanessa (obviously, im THE lesbian finessa bitch) i think they're super cute as support team, gossipy besties, alcohol aunties, and they just are sooo funny.
but i also just love finral with every one of the black bulls it's obvious he loves them as people :3
(i think the anime gave me like a heart attack by having vanessa there when langris holepunched finral and her yelling "run away!" like STOPPPPPP NOOOOO MY HEART PLEASE NO NO!!!!!!!!! SHE WENT TO THE INFIRMARY WITH HIM AND WAS YELLING AT HIM TO LIVE. LIKE. THE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE I HAD)
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bunbunpawz · 2 years
I hate it when people shame others for not being 100% accurate to their fashion. So many circumstances come into play, there is never a need to be rude when people are trying so hard. Long ago, before jirai kei, I tried to put my feelings in other fashion, I tried Lolita, Gyaru, soft girl, 90′s trend when it was a thing etc. I found myself drawn more towards the aesthetic of Japanese clothes, I wouldn’t mind wearing not Jfashion but at least in my country and my circumstances there weren’t many girlier, softer cuts for clothes. So naturally I became more interested in the Japanese clothing. Lolita was one example, in Japan, Lolita fashion is a lot more broad and forgiving. Fashion in general in Japan if forgiving. But when I tried it back in my own country, there were so many rules to follow! And I do undestand that without some guidelines, any A line dress could become “lolita”, which can beome so vague that it no longer looks accurate to the look. However with so many rules, I found myself more stressing out than relaxing in garments I enjoy wearing. Even something as small as saying “lolita” instead of “lolita fashion” could be ridiculed. Even when the intend is very clear to what I mean.  I was drawn to the country lolita the most, because I wanted to feel a sense of simplisity and freedom, and in general I have a more softer persoanlity. Kinda Ironic I chose to wear Jirai Kei over Ryousangata isn’t it? In anyway, I had about the same feelings people developed years later towards Cottage Core. By the time that became a trend I already quit.  Gosh, I remember how every detail mattered, down to socks and if your shoes have open or closed toes, even when the Japanese lolita fashion accepted either! It was so stressfull. With Gyaru, I never actually got to go outside dressed in gyaru. I went to a meet up once but I kinda messed up and thought it was themed like the meet up before that. Because of that I felt kinda shamed and missplaced. So gave up here too.  I tried some classic Jfashion too, the Harajuku very known ones like Dekora and Mori-kei. Later I just wanted to find easier to find clothes that were simple and comfortable to wear while also easy to find. BUT AGAIN! my country didn’t come through for me. Something as simple as a plain white T-shirt was such a mess to find. Wide Jeans what were those? It would be years before they returned back to fashion. WIth such circumastances its no wonder I had to go through loops and hoops to find anything close to what I was looking for. On top of that I couldn’t order online and could only rely on what I could purchase at a store and with minimal income. Luckily for me we had Jfashion stores, very expensive ones, but every now and  then a gold item would pop up. Something cheap and good looking.  Thats why even though SheIn is awful for the enviorment, it can be so helpful too. Its a double edge sword really. People that cant get the correct sillouete or order from japan, or even just afford the style, can get cheap, stolen designs from shein that cost a fraction, but are also made cheaply in comparison. But sometimes that is all you can do. I dont support theft of course not, but popular desings that are stolen within the community itself, I cant help but feel like maybe its alright? For example, the Jirai Kei bear pattern clothes are so popular, many different brands made similar designs and copied off of each other. Shein also made a similar design, which can be called out for being awful, or can be called out for being inclusive to people that cant afford the bigger brands or order from Japan. And what about Plus size? Most Japanese brands are onesize, to a 3 size methood, which depends on your country could be summed up to, XS, S and M. And what nobody ever talks about is that Japanese women are short! so clothes made in Japan for Japanese women, tend to be short. If you’re a western person like me, even if you’re not that tall, you might not be able to wear the clothes without exposing your belly or not having it sit prooperly on your arms. With such inclusivity I really do enjoy the freedom of using Shein for Jfashion. I haven’t actually ordered much from Shein, because I still cant splurge but from what I did see and try, it can be a hit or miss and with Jfashion it seems to be more of a hit.
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i0-0na · 3 months
Entry 5: Harajuku and Shibuya 109
Date: 01.04.2024
It’s been a few days of me living here now and I am literally itching to do something!!
I actually tried to make a list of places I really wanted to go to in Japan. I didn’t really write much since I was so busy but, there were two places at the top of my bucket list, Harajuku and Shibuya 109!!!
Back home I take part in this Japanese subculture called Gyaru. It’s all about looking fierce and feeling free! Whilst doing make up in a very specific way (the image below is of me before I left England, so you can kind of see a common style done, specifically a manba style. However this isn't the only style you can do, gyaru is a very diverse fashion/makeup subculture! Basically you can do different executions but you should follow a similar technique/core principals). So where else is a better place to do gal then in Shibuya!! Where it originated!!! I was really shy on my way there though, it felt like everyone was watching me I felt so nervous…
Loads of people talk about Japan and its xenophobia issue and I guess I was kinda worried…
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FUTURE IONA: It’s okay, I think it’s a lot of people blowing it a bit too out of proportion, it’s not that bad, or better yet as bad as the internet makes it out to be.
I got to Shibuya 109, which is a big/tall shopping mall and is really famous, it’s always in anime/movies which are set in Shibuya. However I’ll put this point in here many people have been discussing the death of Harajuku fashion, there has been a big decrease ever since the mid-2010s in J-fashion participation in subcultures. Still in 2021 there has been a recent rise especially in the west of participation. So, though lots of people say J-fashion in Shibuya/Harajuku is ‘dying’, simply I think it’s more of it adapting especially because of the internet, you may not see everyone outside in their outfits, but it doesn’t mean that the art and community has ceased existing unno.
Shibuya 109 was filled with a lot of Jirai-Kei fashion, which is cute but not exactly my overall style I gravitate to, but I do find a lot of the accessories and shoes I saw absolutely adorable!
I then made my way to Takeshita Street and omg. My housemate said that it was going to be busy, but I did not expect it to be that busy!! Takeshita Street/Harajuku is a lot like Camden/Camden market, so imagine Camden on a superrr busy day. Yup, are you imagining it? Then exactly you get what I mean!
I was so hot, and sweaty, and tired, I could only venture halfway down the street. One store happened to grab my attention, with its mannequins adorned with punk attire and an entranceway which seemed to lead under street level, it piqued my curiosity. It was a cool punk/visual kei store!! They had pictures, polaroids, cut outs from the floor to the ceiling. I recognised a lot of the bands (visual kei bands). There seemed to be only one woman manging the small store and when she was done, she came up to me. I chuckled in awe and asked “バクチク は どこ ですか?” She proceeded to point out roughly 6 different photos in front of me, I would say hidden in plain sight but honestly this collage was so vast it would’ve been still so hard to find them lol. In these photos she was posed with the band in some of them. She tells me that she is a fashion designer and specifically designs clothes for v-kei bands like Buck-tick (my favourite band teehee ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)). Then it clicked in my head. I recognised her from this one documentary I watched years ago on YouTube, when I was just learning about J-fashion! She’s the same woman who was interviewed in that interview!! I was again in another state of awe. I was in the midst of one of the coolest beings in all of Harajuku!!!!!
I felt so happy, and in another sense, because she worked with Buck Tick it was basically like indirectly directly meeting them kinda! We talked a bit more; we spoke about how the lead singer died about a year ago and how sad that was. She offered for me to try on some clothes which were the kind of style Buck Tick goes for, but honestly, I would’ve loved to try the clothes on another day. I was just so exhausted and had kinda used up my budget for the day 0-0
I told her I’d come back another day, which I very much intend on doing!
For now I shall head home and rest ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Little fun fact: here are the names of some famous subcultures in Harajuku = decora, Jirai-kei, tenshi kaiwai, mori-kei, lolita fashion, visual kei, yume kawaii, yami kawaii and guro kawaii just to name a few.
Song Playing: Gag on it – Kim Petras
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Games in 2023: Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless
(I know it’s 2024 the game came out late 2023 so even if I didn’t get it until now it didn’t feel right saying it was “in 2024” okay)
I’ve been a longtime (if somewhat casual) fan of the Disgaea series.  It has that one-two punch of lighthearted tone and surprisingly serious plot developments that I tend to enjoy, and relishes in being perhaps the best example of over-the-top cartoon violence ever seen.  These games are absolutely STUFFED with things to do, but enticing as that is, it can also be a double-edged sword when trying to actually dig into them.  I’ve played at least a little of everything but Disgaea D2, yet 7 marks only the third time I’ve beaten the main story of a Disgaea game—and the first one I beat (2) took several attempts over a few years.  So this won’t be entirely comprehensive; nevertheless, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself thus far, and 35 hours seems like a good enough chunk that I’m qualified to recommend it to people.
First, a spoiler-free tl;dr: Disgaea 7 has all the whacky humor and engrossing gameplay the series is known for, with many mechanics being streamlined to make it one of the most accessible entries for players both new and returning.  The plot draws on familiar themes and takes some really interesting turns, helped by a very solid main cast, and as it neared its resolution I just couldn’t put the game down.  Definitely give the free demo a try if you’re at all curious!  That was all it took to hook me!
From what I’ve heard, Disgaea 6 wasn’t especially well-received.  I’ve only tried the demo, but it’s true that something about it just didn’t hit.  Nippon Ichi apparently took a lot of feedback on 6 into account when making Disgaea 7, and while I don’t have the experience to properly compare the two, playing the demo for 7 made me immediately want to get my hands on the full game, so that’s a stark difference.  The setting we’re exploring this time is Hinomoto, a cluster of closely connected Netherworlds based on feudal Japan; while the demons here were once known for their unusually undemonic code of honor, bushido, the realm has since fallen on hard times and has become just as rowdy as most other Netherworlds we’ve seen.  This is all the result of Hinomoto’s long-standing isolationist policy being forcibly ended by our villain, Demmodore Opener…just like how Japan’s isolationist policy was ended in real life!  Well, with the caveat that Opener has conquered Hinomoto and taken direct control over it.  It’s a funny way to draw as deeply from the inspiration as possible.  Under Opener’s rule, Hinomoto has declined in both honor and prosperity, but none dare stand up to him: he killed the Netherworld’s greatest warrior, the legendary Mugai, after all.  Things certainly look bleak for the demons living here.
Into this stumbles Pirilika, a ray of sunshine cat-gyaru demon who owns her own fashion brand and is a self-proclaimed “Hinomoto Otaku”, having fallen in love with the Netherworld from all the stories she’s heard about the age of bushido.  In other words, she’s a literal weeaboo rolling up to feudal Japan.  Only in Disgaea, man.  She soon crosses paths with Fuji, a dragon demon ronin who has an allergy to empathy that makes him cough up blood any time somebody’s nice to him; a situation presents itself where Fuji agrees to be Pirilika’s bodyguard for an enormous fee (he’s in deep debt), but Pirilika’s Prinny secretary rigs the contract so that he’ll only get his money after Pirilika has accomplished her goals in Hinomoto.  Determined to get paid, Fuji declares he’ll “do his worst”, and grumpily follows Pirilika on her adventures.  Oh, and they become wanted criminals for getting into an altercation with shogunate forces.  Hilarity ensues!
The demo lets you play through the first two chapters of the story, both of which end with a tutorial for a new mechanic.  At the end of chapter one, Pirilika offers Fuji a sword as a sort of down payment, and upon taking it he realizes that it’s actually one of the legendary Infernal Treasures said to be the greatest weapons in all of Hinomoto.  He’s curious as to why she has it, but he’s perfectly willing to put it to use, thus unlocking Hell Mode.  If you’ve played Disgaea 5, this is somewhat similar to Revenge Mode: a character builds up their gauge to achieve a power boost for 3 turns, though quite a few changes have been made.  First of all, since Hell Mode is tied to the Infernal Treasures, only a select few characters have access to it, and not all of them have their Treasure (or their Hell Mode) in all chapters.  Secondly, each character has their own conditions for charging their gauge: deal damage, take damage, do team attacks, and more.  Thirdly, Hell Mode is activated manually, not automatically.  Fourthly, the effects of each Hell Mode are also unique rather than a uniform buff.  Fuji’s attacks become able to ignore a portion of the enemy’s defense stat; another character gets to act twice per turn; another gets an insanely long attack range; etc.  And finally, as a sort of replacement for Overloads, Hell Mode also enables a very powerful skill that costs 0 SP, but does end Hell Mode early if you use it.  I think I’d need to go back and play more of 5 to really see if I like this or Revenge Mode better, but Hell Mode is plenty fun in and of itself; I definitely appreciate that activation has been made manual as it lets you be more strategic about when to use the power-up.
The end of the second chapter introduces…Jumbification.  I still hate the name.  Anyway, there’s a shared RAGE meter that charges when your units take and deal damage, and when it’s full you can have one of your units become a giant outside the bounds of the map.  As someone who never liked Dynamax, hearing about this made me hesitate checking the game out, but I wound up using it quite a bit.  Each unique character and each character class have their own passive ability that goes into effect once they Jumbify (it’s called a “Jumbility”…); these affect both allies and enemies equally, which means you need to think about which side will benefit more from this effect.  You must pick one of the four sides of the map for your giant unit to appear, and if enemies make it to that edge of the map, they can attack and potentially kill the unit.  The giant only has two options: either a normal attack, which has them hit a 5x5 area anywhere on the map; or, if an enemy unit Jumbifies, they can use a “Gigasaster Attack” to attack them instead.  After 3 turns, the unit shrinks back down and reappears on the map, but there’s nothing stopping them from Jumbifying again if you build up enough RAGE.  Somehow, I ended up really liking this mechanic!  It being available to every unit makes the exclusivity of Hell Mode a non-issue, every unit having their own passive effect on the map adds an interesting extra dimension to using it, and Jumbifying heals a character to full, which can save you in some tight spots.  Enemies Jumbifying is usually manageable, though they remain that way indefinitely which can feel unfair at times.  The boss of the Jumbifying tutorial can be a little tough, and when I was fighting the final story boss, I whittled their HP down significantly only to see them then Jumbify the next turn to heal completely.  That kinda sucked.  But I won so it really just made for an even more tense battle I guess.
Another small mechanic introduced past where the demo ends is Netherworld Sightseeing: after clearing a chapter, you can press a button in the stage select to go to one of its maps and walk around the same as if it was a second hub world.  There are treasure chests scattered about, miscellaneous characters you can chat with, a few generic class units you can actually fight one-on-one to recruit (and unlock a bonus color for that class), and some even have specialized shops you can browse.  It’s a simple little addition, but it’s got it’s own charm, I appreciate its inclusion.  There are also two special features you can access through sightseeing: Demon Shogi and the Netherworld Martial Arts Tournament.  Demon Shogi gives you a stage with preset units set to auto-battle and asks you to tweak their AI to clear the stage as quickly as possible; I haven’t messed around much with this, but I suppose it puts an interesting spin on the core mechanics.  The tournament is, well…a tournament.  You select a tier and then have to fight through three maps to win, with each tier being farther and farther up the level curve.  It can be a fun distraction, a way to spice up grinding; it seems like some fights have gimmicks, but I haven’t really seen many, just attempted a higher tier and was immediately faced with pre-Jumbified level 300 enemies.  Yikes.
Most of the returning mechanics you’d expect are also here.  They did keep the Juice Bar from Disgaea 6, which stores EXP, Mana, and stat points you can then freely distribute to your units; this can be a really great way to buff units at risk of falling behind, or to make your strongest characters even stronger right away.  I don’t recall how the Hospital was handled in 6, but new to me at least is that instead of giving milestone rewards, healing now earns you points you can spend on a gacha to randomly get rare items, money, points for the Juice Bar, even Innocents.  There were also changes made to the Item World, letting you do things like farm Innocents and reincarnate items, but probably the biggest change is in the size of Item World dungeons.  Previously, Common items had 30 floors, Rare had 60, and Legendary had 100; now, Common has 10 floors, Rare has 20, and Legendary has 30.  While it is sad to see it reduced so much, this does make leveling your items far more approachable and feasible, and is probably the right call considering how many floors you’ll still need to go through to deck out all your key characters in high-level equipment.  Also worth noting that the RAGE and Hell Mode meters both carry over between Item World floors, and I like how that opens the option to save your charge until you see what the next floor has to offer.  Very useful when you know you’re nearing a boss floor.
Regardless of where you’re battling, I like the selection of classes you can battle with.  Most humanoid classes have both a male and female variant, and both they and the monster classes draw from all over the series history.  I still want Wood Golem back, but I am LOVING the Pincer Shell and its gentlemanly disposition.  Also I can still make my recurring Lady Samurai unit, that’s a tradition that’s very important to me.  The story characters are nothing to scoff at either, of course: Fuji is your sword-wielding protag with big stats and a fire skill; Pirilika learns healing spells and buffs and is decent with a bow; you get a mage type, a thief type, a monster unit, and another strong melee fighter as you go through the game, providing good coverage whatever your playstyle entails.  Their Hell Modes are all suitably unique, though Pirilika doesn’t get hers until the very last chapter…but seeing as it revives all dead units, that makes sense from a balance perspective.  Why don’t I go into more detail on those other characters to transition into talking about the story?
Someone I ended up liking more than I was expecting is Ceefore, a girl who shows up in the story as early as the demo but can’t be recruited until after where it ends.  She’s a phantom thief who snorts gunpowder and gets off on causing explosions.  Only in Disgaea, man.  Where Pirilika is a Hinomoto Otaku, Ceefore is a Weapon Otaku, and has a particular fascination with the Infernal Treasures.  We soon learn that this is in part because she has amnesia, and coming into contact with Infernal Treasures helps her regain her memories.  She’s a very fun character, both in story and gameplay—when killing an enemy she has a chance to automatically steal their equipment, which I greatly enjoy as someone who’s never felt like bothering with stealing before!  Not to mention her Hell Mode skill attacks a straight line with infinite range.  That’s pretty cool.  When she does recover her memories it’s made clear she always loved weapons, and it’s for that reason she was sent to investigate the Infernal Treasures on behalf of Celestia.  Yep, she’s actually an angel!  While she can be very kind, overall she fits in more with demons than other angels, and it’s always nice to see Disgaea crushing their own in-universe stereotypes like this.  That’s once again a larger theme in the plot, so Ceefore’s contribution to it really goes a long way.
There’s also Higan Zesshousai, Fuji’s old master.  She’s a six-foot tall (plus horns) super-busty demon lady recognized as the strongest warrior in all of Hinomoto; her hobbies include fighting, eating sweets, and shoving her spear up people’s butts.  Eat your heart out, Tumblr.  She’s a mostly static character, which I mean as a positive, and I really enjoy the dynamic she and Fuji have.  They’ll yell and complain and crack jokes, sure, but it’s always apparent that Fuji is grateful to Higan and respects her, and that Higan cares about Fuji’s well-being and is always ready to support him.  And it never got weird!  It was just a very genuine representation of a student-teacher relationship!  Love that!  She also has this insanely cool scene later on where she uses her spear’s time-manipulating powers to turn a villain’s regeneration against them, she’s almost certainly the most badass character in the game.
As for Yeyasu…I both do and don’t like him?  Like, I think he’s pretty well-written and has some great moments, his selfish idiocy being revealed to be a form of denial was an interesting direction to take, but at the same time…I’m still really annoyed and put-off by his behavior most of the time.  He has a solid foundation beneath a veil of crap, and that’s exactly the point of his character development so it’s hard to outright hate him.  Last of the main bunch is Suisen, a robot boy who’s actually a living Infernal Treasure.  After losing a game with the party, they just kinda abduct him, and he just kinda goes along with it to honor the terms of the game.  Funny as hell, definitely, but also sort of a weird way to transplant a new main character into the fold?  He does want to learn to look past the numbers and believe in friendship and determination, which is serviceable, and he’s at the heart of a pretty big reveal about mid-way through the story.  Turns out, Infernal Treasures contain heaps of souls, and the dominant soul inside Suisen is the soul of Yeyasu’s little brother who was taken by Demmodore Opener as a hostage a long time ago.  Messed up!  But aside from leading to more interaction between Yeyasu and Suisen, not a whole lot really comes of this, and it can feel like Suisen is underreacting to this terrible knowledge.  I dunno, your mileage may vary; I like Suisen well enough, but I do wonder if he could have been more compelling.
The story these characters tell is engaging and well-paced…though I’m not sure how best to summarize it quickly without it looking messy.  A lot of things happen.  I’ll give it a shot, though!  The game is divided into three acts, the first of which is largely an episodic string of antics that serve to assemble the party and get a few Infernal Treasures in their hands—good, light-hearted fun.  Act 2 is when things start to get intense, following one continuous thread where the party, after dealing with some distraction tactics, learn about the Treasures being forged from massive numbers of souls and see an opportunity to take the fight directly to Opener.  This is where we start to really delve into backstories and see some character development, a good place for it now that we’ve had time to get to know and care about this group.  A boss fight with Opener then paves the way for Act 3, which reveals there’s way more going on than we initially realized, and we have a much bigger problem to solve.  Plot twists, but if you ask me they’re handled pretty well.  Here comes the tricky part of the summary…
Demmodore Opener is Pirilika’s father, with her mother being the evil scientist who revealed the truth about Infernal Treasures to them.  Turns out the REAL reason Pirilika came here was because, when her parents came to visit Hinomoto, she suddenly lost contact with them, and they’re both now acting very unlike themselves.  Also, that legendary hero Mugai who died fighting Opener?  He’s Fuji’s father, he created the Infernal Treasures, and he’s not dead, he was actually possessing Opener this whole time.  This was all part of his master plan to get Hinomoto to abandon the honor of bushido, to embrace violence and selfishness and become more…well, demonic.  That’s how he thinks the Netherworld should be, and he’s going to force that view on others by holding a televised execution of Opener so that he can cast a curse on all of Hinomoto in one fell swoop.  That curse?  Empathy Killer.  If the afflicted feels any positive emotion, the curse causes them extreme pain, and could even kill them…usually it makes them cough up blood.  Yep, while Laharl’s aversion to good feelings was just a joke, Fuji’s “allergy” is actually a potentially fatal curse.  I like how they’ve iterated upon the idea!  I don’t recall anything specific pointing towards the connection between Pirilika and Opener, though once her mother appears, it’s obvious they have a strong resemblance and she specifically mentions fighting her child, so that’s in the back of your mind all through Act 2.  We’re told of Fuji’s relation to Mugai relatively early on, and he’s quick to scoff every time someone talks about how great Mugai was, so we know something’s off about the guy well before he makes his grand return.  With many of our questions answered, now we’re off to stop Mugai…well, after a few grueling rounds with him.
With Opener’s boss fight, I dunno if I just placed my units in exactly the right spots or what, but after dealing with his lackies my army launched a united attack on him and killed him before he even took a single action.  I found this funny.  The NEXT fight, though, is your first battle with Mugai, your 10 units against just him, and this fight was HARD.  His skills deal double damage, he can’t be attacked from range, he has a chance to turn around when attacked from the back or side, and he immediately activates his Hell Mode (which is permanent for enemies), the effect of which prevents any unit he attacks from acting at all during their next turn.  I, uh, had to stop and grind a little for this one.  There’s still one or two more fights with him after that, but his Evilities are changed to be much more manageable, even with lackies.  My take is that it was just approaching the point of being too much, enough fights in a row to feel long and drawn out but not entirely tedious, which helps create the sense of this being a hopeless battle due to Mugai’s ability to regenerate from fatal damage.  He’s a neat villain, though I can’t quite decide if the gold teeth facemask is cool or awkward-looking…
Now there is another major character who I haven’t really had a good opportunity to bring up thus far.  All throughout the game, a little girl named Ao will occasionally pop up out of nowhere and cause mass destruction, and she claims to be Fuji’s daughter.  Fuji is vague about the details up until Act 3: since Fuji is Mugai’s son, he knows how to make Infernal Treasures, and following an incident where Mugai slaughtered the students he was training with, he thought combining their souls into an Infernal Treasure would be better than just letting them die.  Ao is the result—a living Infernal Treasure.  At first, all Fuji cared about was getting back at Mugai, and he spent a lot of time doing nothing but train Ao for that purpose.  However, he eventually realized he was being a shitty dad just like Mugai, so he stopped, told Ao she didn’t have to fight and should go do whatever she wants, and left her.  Problem being.  What Ao wants is to be with Fuji.  But through a combination of shame, trying to forget the past, and the Empathy Killer curse, Fuji has continued to push her away without any real explanation why.  Tragic!  I did feel Ao’s random appearances through Acts 1 and 2 felt a bit out of nowhere, but she greatly elevates the story of Act 3, where Fuji decides he’s going to fix things with Ao even if it kills him.  And it nearly does!  Ao’s body has become unstable and is on the verge of breaking down, so Fuji uses his knowledge of restoring Infernal Treasures (previously displayed in Act 2 to heal Suisen) to put her back in good health.  Ao tries to stop him because she doesn’t want his curse to kill him, but he carries out his fatherly responsibilities, saying it’s “proof that [he] loves [her] to death.”  I uh.  That, um, might be the most a Disgaea game has ever emotionally fucked me up.  Good shit.  The narration even tells you that this is the end of the story to twist the knife!  But Pirilika bursts onscreen and refuses to let things end this way, finally getting an Infernal Treasure (a bow that Ao had been holding onto) and using its healing power to save Fuji’s life.  The party brings Ao with them, though she’s still weak so she doesn’t actually become playable until the post-game; nevertheless, they follow Mugai into a hidden realm known as the Infernal Sanctuary, ready to decide it all with one final battle.
Mugai, who has now powered up to “Super-Deity Mugai” (it just makes me think of Super Kami Guru), is quite the obstacle to overcome.  Like I mentioned earlier, he can Jumbify to restore his health and make the fight a smidge more complicated, but while this was certainly a close call I still have to say his first battle was the toughest one.  Before dying, Mugai tells us his motivation more completely than he did earlier: after his first fight with Opener, the Demmodore spared his life and said they should become friends (he’s just as big a weeaboo as Pirilika), which made Mugai feel utterly humiliated.  It was then he discovered the Infernal Sanctuary, which is actually Hell.  Like, I know the Netherworlds are supposed to be a myriad of hells, but this is HELL Hell, a fiery vortex filled with the anguished souls of demons who can’t let go of the life they’ve left behind and are trapped here for eternity.  Mugai took this as a sign that empathy, compassion, emotion as a whole, was a weakness with no purpose other than to damn those who feel it, and that it was his responsibility to rid demonkind of it to ensure no more souls became bound to the Sanctuary.  That’s a solid motive if you ask me.  You’re given the context necessary to follow his train of thought, but aren’t asked to sympathize with or forgive him, and he’s decisively proven wrong.  The party talks about how Pirilika’s empathy and positivity has impacted all of them, and how they’re stronger because of their bonds with one another; the souls in the Infernal Sanctuary resonate with the souls in the Infernal Treasures, and with their power, Fuji is able to cut open the dimension and let the souls escape, accomplishing Mugai’s goal using exactly what he sought to throw aside.  It’s a good ending, IMO.
I really appreciated how the theme of generational change came out in the game.  The end of Japan’s isolationist policy was itself a changing of generations, making it a very fitting inspiration for the setting.  Mugai’s plot to force his own rigid views on the younger generation is…distressingly familiar…I’m not saying he’s a boomer, but, y’know.  Fuji himself realized he was in danger of repeating his father’s mistake, and redeems himself by making the conscious decision to break the cycle of generational trauma.  Even Fuji and Pirilika’s friendship is a more positive counterpart to the antagonistic relationship between their fathers Mugai and Opener.  There’s a plot thread about Yeyasu being compared to his father, Gachiyasu, even if it is more of a background thing.  A certain character is scarred by memories of their past life; another late-game enemy is a prototype Infernal Treasure motivated by loyalty to his creator and his jealousy of Ao; hell, you could even view expanding reincarnation to apply to items now as another manifestation of generational change.  It’s all so cohesive!  And it’s something that can resonate with many, many players for one reason or another.  The Disgaea series itself is also experimenting with some radical change, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s part of why the developers went with this theme: Disgaea is entering a new generation, and though it may have gotten off on the wrong foot with 6, Nippon Ichi is committed to listening to fans, improving the series, and steering towards a better future.  I for one look forward to seeing what the madlads cook up next.  …Dood.
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nian-7 · 2 years
could i ask for imai lisa sfw alphabet? tysm have a good day/night!
yes! enjoy, anon
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Lisa Imai x gender neutral!reader sfw alphabet fluff
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Lisa is pretty affectionate. She loves to hold your hand and kiss you! Cuddling is always a must with her as well because she likes being warm and with you!
Lisa loves your voice. It's honestly her favorite thing to listen to. Doesn't matter if you sing or if you don't talk much, she loves it so much and could listen to you talk forever.
She is actually pretty good at comforting you. She always finds the words to make you feel better and will offer you some of her homemade sweets.
Lisa loves to bake and cook so it's no surprise that she can easily make almost any meal you want. Cleaning also comes pretty easily to her since she doesn't find it too hard and sometimes pretty fun.
She tries her best to keep your relationship as equal as possible. Neither of you are more dominant in it than the other and you both like it that way.
She's always the first to apologize after a fight. Although it is rare when you both argue, she almost always apologizes to you first even if its not her fault.
She can be a little overly excited but when it comes down to it, she's quite gentle with you. Always makes sure you're okay and that anything you both are doing is okay.
She loves hugs. Lisa can't go a day without one. It's so comforting and full of love when she hugs you and overall she's a great hugger.
Her first impression of you was based on your style. She thought it was interesting and had wanted to see if you were also into Gyaru fashion.
Lisa isn't the jealous type. She can get a bit sad if you're not with her but thats just because she misses you. She knows you have friends so she doesn't get jealous all that much.
She loves giving and receiving kisses. Nose, cheek, forehead, etc. Anywhere is fine with her. They're always so full of happiness and love towards you as well.
Little things
Lisa always paints your nails (regardless of gender). She likes to make them colorful and sometimes you both forget about the date you planned because you're painting each others nails.
In the morning, you'll always get a cute text from her with a cute emoji at the end of it. It's just a cute way she's always greeted you and it's just a habit now.
She normally doesn't call you a nickname but sometimes she'll make one up for you on the spot and call you it for a little while.
She's pretty open with you and doesn't hide much. She'll always come to you with her problems when she can because she trusts you.
She is pretty patient but sometimes can be a little impatient. If you forget to text her back or call her back, she'd get a little worried and impatient and text you to make sure you didn't forget
Lisa loves to paint her nails but always gets sad when they chip while she plays bass. She always asks you to paint them (even if it's badly done) because she likes spending time with you!
She tries to be as romantic as she can. She'll get you flowers or homemade chocolates on Valentines Day. Cookies are also a frequent gift from her. All the flavors you can think of.
She's not protective with you. At least not noticeably. She gets a little protective if someones making you uncomfortable or any situation where she feels that you need her support.
She always tries to her best of her abilities. You both take turns planning dates or when you both hang out. She also always gets you gifts on any special day.
Lisa has a habit of being a little over cautious with you. She always checks to make sure everything is okay and she thinks that you're annoyed by it sometimes.
Lisa is pretty concerned about her looks. She's always staying with the latest fashion trends and trying new styles.
She does feel a lot better when she's with you, it makes her feel more confident and better about herself when you're around.
She could never have a partner who doesn't take her interests into account. She loves fashion but if her partner doesn't put in the effort to talk about it with her, she wouldn't feel good about it.
Lisa is a light sleeper. She loves to cuddle and sometimes it's the only way she can fall into a deep sleep because she knows you're right there with her.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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oishirecipe · 3 years
Hai mikhael what is FASHION that u like ? Both what u wear and what you just like to see on other people
Oooo this is kinda hard I like basically everything . This is so long and incoherent I'm sorry but here you go
On myself /what I wear is hard because I don't dress special , at all . In fact my outfits are extremely boring I have neither the money or confidence to wear what I want . Though I've always had an interest in more old school and mild cute gyaru , namely amekaji , himegyaru , kogal (who doesn't like kogal honestly , so cute and simple and iconic) . Things like this , this , this , and this are like , my forever ideal .
I do enjoy wearing more masculine styles too , I've always taken stuff from Tyler , The Creator , Cherry Bomb and OF era merch , anything he wore during 2017-2019 I was into . Also anything the Beastie Boys have ever worn I've probably tried to poorly emulate . Also very into what A$AP Rocky (another) and 2017/cash Carti had going on . Mild lolita of all kinds is always good in my book . I love anything and everything cute . Everything I have saved in here is like ideal for how'd I like to dress plus the rappers I've mentioned . I'm also kinda a sneakerhead LOL . Jordan 1 Banned are forever what I want ....
For what I like drawing and on other people , it's basically everything I've mentioned but like , x10 . In general I don't think I'm well fitted for extra things and anything that stands out , so I guess I just live vicariously through people lmfao . Darkwear can really look good on some people , same with lolita , if I saw someone pretty in any dress on the metamorphose website , I'd go insane . I also love what Carti's been wearing as of late , if I'm more interested in personally wearing what he had going on Cash Carti time .
I also LOVE idol/more on stage-y outfits . I love how big all of BabymetaI's outfits always have been , I absolutely fucking LOVED these outfits at Tokyo Dome 2010 , some of my absolute favorites . The LED Spring of Life outfits are also forever my favorites Perfume has ever had . Also whatever Toshiko has going on , it's perfect and cute . It's why I seem to dislike most kpop outfits as of late , I don't like how much they just feel like flat out fashion than on-stage/performance outfits .
Nothing inherently wrong with it , I just prefer it when performers perform in outfits that feel that they're well , meant to be performed in . I also love the suits Tyler wore in IGOR , he made the suit + sunglasses + blond bowlcut wig thing look so , SO good I could never do that .
Conclusion . Everything I have in here/ here /here on myself and Literally Everything Else Ever on other people .
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zoe-oneesama · 5 years
Serving up some LOOKS! I love Mylene's Ivan sweatshirt! Would you be willing to talk about what sort of style elements you use for each character? (If you already have and I haven't found it, please ignore the question, that's on me)
I mostly did this for Mendeleiev’s class back when Punch was starting Leave for Mendeleiev, and I did a small run down for how the Main 5 fashion will change in Scarlet Lady, but not Bustier’s class sooooo:
Marinette -[I’m copy/pasting from an earlier ask]- When she likes a color, she sticks with it. She has a versatile wardrobe, but pink must always be present. She has the hardest to nail style because she experiments all the time, but no matter what she doesn’t feel comfortable unless she has an outer layer. Summer, Winter, Shorts, Pants, she needs to the comfort of a jacket - for Tikki to hide in when her purse isn’t appropriate.
Adrien -[Also C/P]- Basic B*tch. He thinks he’s fancier than he is. Oh sure, his clothes are well tailored to him and fit well, but they’re basic as hell. Gabriel isn’t as “innovative” as he thinks he is. Most of his clothes have the Gabriel logo and he sticks to the brand…because Adrien has no fashion sense whatsoever. Oh, he knows in theory what works and can put an outfit together, but he doesn’t want to. If it were up to him, he’d wear tshirts with physics puns and cat themed jackets. But alas, when one is an icon…
Alya -[C/P]- Mom Vibes. Fashion is not her priority. She knows enough to do good for her figure, but otherwise can’t really be bothered. Flannels and jeans in varying heights and a snappy tshirt are all she needs. But she is drawn to things that remind her at least of superheroes or superpowers. Her ridiculous high tops with the spiky tongue? She thinks it makes her look fast. She’s also the one who’s going to embarrass Marinette by wearing trendy but “garbage” fashion: fanny packs, Jellies, ugs with sweatpants. Dammit Alya, you’re a beautiful human being, do you mind NOT dressing like a hobo on vacation?! (Secretly her favorite outfits are from Martinique, but she saves them for special occasions).
Nino -[C/P]- Precious trash goblin. Wash your shirts and the neckline won’t be so worn out! He likes graphic tees with his favorite bands and DJs logos on them (he’s partial to ones without the name of the band or DJ so he can find other fans) and prefers things to be loose. He’s also drawn to colors and he’s super chill when his “garbage” girlfriend rolls up to a date looking like she’s going to an amusement part with her four kids, because it means she can’t dump on him for not looking “put together” (she would never!). He’ll try to dress up every now and then for a fancier date or when Adrien manages to snag him a spot at an event with him, but it’s pretty clear he’s uncomfortable without his hat and headphones. He has a few Moroccan outfits that he brings out in the Summer.
Chloe - Expensive Fashion Forward Chic. She made a staple out of shaming anyone else who dared to wear her favorite color yellow over the years. She was extremely smug about being the first in her grade to experiment with makeup that she never bothered to get good at it. Her clothes are expensive with just a smidge of impractical - only someone with cash to burn would constantly wear white pants! She’s also the kind of person to put off dressing for the cold as long as she can- if she puts on all these jackets and layers, how will these peasants see my brand name clothes underneath?! A lot of her fashion decisions are based on long forgotten advice from her mother - gold over silver jewelry, always have something on your head, brand or nothing. She’ll only abandon a well worn trend if her mother directly contradicts it.
Sabrina - Nerdy, geeky, almost like she’s wearing a uniform. She’s preparing to be Chloe’s assistant best friend for life so she has to look the part. She’s long abandoned any hope of shining next to Chloe, so being flashy and showy is out of the question. Luckily, Chloe isn’t drawn to patterns, so that’s a field of fashion that Sabrina can claim for her own. Doesn’t matter where it is, something she’s wearing needs to have a pattern. Leggings are her favorite accessory and she’s taken to collecting Chat Noir merch (though it’s less out of admiration for the hero himself and more for her “role” with Chloe. It reminds her of the rare times when Chloe acts like they’re friends.)
Mylene - Bohemian, and a touch artsy. Peace is important to her and her vibe reflects that. She’s not super up for showing a lot of skin, but neither are a lot of girls in her class. She leans towards a muted color palette so that her hair doesn’t clash, though she usually tries to match one piece of clothing to some color in her hair. Her accessories are a bit childish and kitchy, like her monster head bead, and she has a huge collection of hair accessories, like bandannas and headbands. She has a lot of different passions with various levels of seriousness, so she’ll come to Marinette for advice on how to use her wardrobe to fit the level of professionalism she wants.
Alix - Sporty but on the lazier side. Fashion is such an anti priority. She’s the one Marinette will go to for her more out there ideas because she has no recoil to pants made of buckles or shapeless over shirts, but that’s as far as it goes. Her clothes are made to be weather resistant and easy to slip on (and so that her dad won’t be pissed if she wipes out and rips something). If it were up to her, she’d just shop out of thrift stores and pick out all the color blocked 80s windbreakers, but when your whole squad is held together by a fashion designer, you can only get away with so much. Her nicest clothes are made by Marinette for her professional races and competitions and her favorites have nods to Egypt mythology and history.
Ivan - Punk but like…beginners guide to punk. Let’s be honest, when you’re built like a brick house, shopping is hard - or at least not that much fun. Ditto when you’re a dude that just…doesn’t particularly care. Ivan has a bunch of cargo pants because they fit, they’re grungy, and they’re practical. SO MANY POCKETS!!! Beyond that, like Nino, he prefers to wear band shirts of his favorite groups. His hiking boots are the nicest things he owns and he has a few bracelets that he only brings out when he’s “dressing up”. The most colorful thing he owns is a hoodie/pants set from the Cartoon Monster Show that Mylene’s hair bead is modeled after.
Kim - Sporty and Serious. Sweatpants and running shoes. That’s the make of his wardrobe. After all, you need to be able to challenge anyone to a race at ANY TIME!! Dressing up for him means putting on a pair of jeans, and he’s pretty much always under dressed but also completely oblivious to the fact. Red is his favorite color and he’s partial to that one brand of sports wear that’s on his hoodie-shirt and sweatband. If something is waterproof (and therefore, sweatproof) he’ll give it a try AS LONG AS IT’S REEEEED!!!
Max - Geek Fashion. Max dresses like he’s already 65 years old, and with his best friend being Kim? He might be. He has invested in some good walking shoes because when your bestie is running off at any and every moment, you gotta do SOMETHING to keep up. His pants are higher up than most guys and his shirts are always tucked in. He prefers sweaters over sweatshirts and cardigans to jackets. We are comfortable in this house, not trendy!
Juleka - Electro Goth. Black is the main attraction, but she likes that punch of something neon - purple, green, even blue (Rose can tell she’s feeling romantic when she puts on some pink). She’s tall and likes clothes that accentuate that and she’s a fan of the details - shoulder cuts, lace inserts, epaulets. And despite covering half her face, she’s really into makeup (and she’s way better than Chloe). Does she have colored contacts? She’ll never tell.
Rose - Decora Kei is probably the best shortcut to describing her look, followed by Kawaii Fashion. Doesn’t matter if she burns to look at, she IS the embodiment of soft and cute! Obviously pink is her favorite color, bu she also likes pairing it with some other bright colors. Rainbows. Are. EVERYTHING. And she’s a sucker for bunnies and strawberries and angel wings ^^! How else is she supposed to have an amazing day if she’s not decked out in sunshine?!
Nathaniel - Basic but like Colorful Basic. He definitely hopped the skinny jeans phase and will continue to do so until he finally grows a bit. He holds onto clothes pretty long because there’s only so many times you can buy new shirts after getting paint and charcoal on them before you just stop caring. He aims for durability instead of fashionable, but also collects clothes with the logo from the show he likes. (And no one knows about his secret Ladybug merch collection that he only wears around his house).
Lila - Gyaru was the search term I used. She’s one of the few with a not super saturated color palette, sticking to dark neutrals. She’s drawn to patterns, like polka dots and zebra prints, and tries to balance it with neutral colors. Plus anything that makes her seem “exotic” and foreign and more interesting, she’ll wear (as long as it’s stylish enough for her.) She cleverly toes the line between fashionable and trashy, showing just enough skin or using a just flashy enough pattern. Every piece she wears she’s crafted a whole story around how she got it, like her bracelets being a gift from street kids in Belize or her earrings being a prize she won when impressing an East Asian Prince. 
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moonlitazure · 6 years
Welp, since I just love calling out bullshit when I see it...
I’m too lazy to go through an organized, itemized list of why your call out is bullshit, @assassincraft , so I’ll just point out any flaws, fallacies, or inaccuracies as we go through. Frankly, you don’t seem worth the time to put a full on anti-callout over, but I’ll make an exception here. Just for you, friendo.
We’ll start out with Bun’s section.
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So, I’m not posting the screen caps over. Simply because they’re a fucking mess. Half of your screenshots repeat 80% of the same messages over and over, and there is legitimately something like five or more like that in a row. 
The important thing to take out of this section is that there’s two problems with your start here.
First off, this call out isn’t about Natsuki, it’s about Junko. If you plan to call someone out over receipts, at least explain what your receipts are for properly.
Second off... The FC someone uses is nobody’s fucking business but their own in the first place. This whole thing is like getting pissed off that I use Lillie from Pokemon, who is white with blonde hair and green eyes, as the FC for Sayuri Nakamura, who while her mother was blonde and father has green eyes is still technically Japanese. 
Sayuri would look literally near identical to Lillie based on how I picture her, hence I use Lillie. If you dislike my, or anyone’s, choice in FC simply don’t follow them.
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.... Kay, so, I already can’t take this call out seriously, because clearly you and your friend are fucking idiots who can’t even use Google. 
Gyaru is not fucking blackface. Gyaru refers to a culture/style of fashion conscious girls in Japan, which has several sub styles. You might be thinking of the sub style of GANGURO, but even then the traits of ganguro style are heavy tans and blonde hair. Junko is canonically a gyaru, simple as that. If someone headcanons Junko as having been involved in ganguro at some point, a style that has NOTHING to do with black face, that’s their business.
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You have many valid points in this, and I will give you some credit for it. However, you have one major issue in your entire argument that makes the whole thing flawed.
Race =/= Ethnicity
Korean and Japanese are not races, they are ethnic backgrounds. You can hold prejudice against one group, but that does not automatically make it racism. You can’t even make the argument that it’s racist because it’s ‘claiming them interchangeable’ because Bun, in your own screenshots, outright says that she is fully aware they’re of a different ethnic background, and that her rational for using the face claim is solely because her appearance fits Junko better. 
She is not claiming the FC is Japanese, nor saying the FC is playing Junko. It’s a fucking icon of a person who looks like Junko. There’s a world of difference between that and a movie/play/show completely miscasting a POC. To claim any correlation is asinine. 
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Hello, Slippery Slope fallacy, fancy seeing you here. Okay, so I’m going to be frankly blunt here. Your entire argument in the second part there is harmful at best, and stupid at worst.
First off, not everyone holds the same values you do. Just because you find something racist doesn’t mean every POC out there will. You are not the only POC out there. Just like I am not the only trans person out there. You do not, and CANNOT, speak for every POC just like I can’t speak for every trans person out there. 
Trying to pull that card does not make your argument stronger, it makes your argument weaker. It makes you look arrogant, and it’s this kind of bullshit that makes it so I can’t be taken seriously when I try to talk about a trans issue. Because people like you pull blanket statement cards like this, give off the impression that you speak for your whole community, and subsequently invalidate any attempts for your community can argue for itself by making people think ALL of the community is like you.
I’ll get back to this point in a moment, actually.
On to Pom’s section.
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Okay before I continue I’d just like to say it again; learn not to repeat shit in your screen caps. It makes this whole call out a fucking bastard to read, and makes it hard to take you seriously.
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Except??? Pom wasn’t even siding with Bun??? Nor did she attempt to rationalize the choice at all???
Just because someone doesn’t blindly side with you doesn’t mean they side with someone else. In fact, they specifically said they didn’t WANT to take sides. YOU were the one who tried to force a friend to take sides between two friends. I don’t even know Pom and I can tell  you that she’s not the bad person here. You’re just a shitty friend, and Pom is lucky she doesn’t have to deal with you anymore.
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Hello again, Slippery Slope! I said I’d come back to that prior point, and this is the perfect place to do that.
“Because you take no sides on racism, you’re enabling a racist.”
You know, you keep throwing out that word, but I don’t think you actually know what racism means. 
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Now see, I’d like to assume you know what antagonism means, so we won’t bring that into our little lesson here. But despite the actions Bun took already failing to meet the key criteria of racism (based on a belief that one’s own race is superior), let’s look at the definition of the other two words, shall we?
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See, things like discrimination... those have to have ill intent behind the actions to even exist. What Bun did was not an act of discrimination.There was no intolerance, no bigotry, no favoritism in her actions.
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Oh, look... a word that doesn’t apply to actions, inherently. However, for the sake of your argument, let’s just say it does apply to actions. Calling Bun’s action prejudice requires it not be based on reason... Except, she gives much reason through all your examples.
So, let’s take your prior statement, and rewrite it to what you REALLY meant.
“Because you don’t blindly agree with my side, you are a bad person.”
Now see, had you said that, maybe I’d have an iota of respect for you since you were at least being honest. But no, instead, you hid behind racism as a shield to try to look morally superior. To cause drama and try to ruin the reputation of someone whom you disagree with.
Fuck’s sake, I fucking hate vague posting, and even I think Pom had every right to vague about your ass here.
Know what? I’m done. There’s a third person involved, but you couldn’t even be assed to put in the effort to call them out properly, so why should I waste my own time any further. It’s the perfect parallel, really. You were too lazy to do any research into anything you were talking about, you were too lazy to actually write a call out one of the people you claim to be calling out, so now I’m feeling too lazy to continue to bother with this.
TL;DR: Learn to do actual research and put some proper thought into a call out, and stop trying to virtue signal by hiding behind a buzzword like racism, when in actuality you just disagree with someone’s thoughts or actions. All you’re doing is making yourself look dumb, and trivializing the concept of racism, making people take it less seriously.
Fucking Leafy’s response to iDubbz was more well thought out than your call out. Peace.
Enjoy Arbys.
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