#I tried in my last gundam ask
mikuyuuss · 1 year
What were your thoughts on Kira and Flay's sex scene?
Uuuhhhh Idk if I'm the right person to ask. I'm not really a huge fan of Gundam Seed to begin with. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I only made one post gushing about Lacus's character design, but that's about it. (I didn't mention about how I couldn't care less for her character)
So yeah, I didn't pay enough attention or bothered to look harder into it, so my memories of this show are really muddy. I've never been a fan of Flay to begin with (I'm not saying I didn't find her sympathetic, I just don't like her) I just remember feeling REALLY uncomfortable and icky during that scene, and I think I decided I didn't like her after that. That's about it, sorry if I couldn't give a more interesting answer.
0 notes
mintwithchoco · 1 year
[CYMX-461] "My Roommates And I Were Playing Monopoly And Suddenly, One Of Them Lets Me Fuck Her Ass To Pay The Rent! Will My Other Roommate Be Okay With Us Fucking Right In Front Of Her?"
Word Count: 5424 words
Categories: smut, anal, masturbation, oral, more anal, threesome, squirting (?), just pure anal, commission
Commission Details: a big-sized of mint choco ice cream (2k-4k words)
Trigger Warning: mentions of alcohol
aff link
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"Come ooooon, oppa! It'll be quick, I promise!" Yerim said while dragging you to the photo booth.
"With this much stuff?" you said while holding up three plastic bags containing food and drinks for dinner tonight. 
"Don't worry about it! Just a few pictures and then we'll be on our way home alright? Please, oppa? Pretty pleeeeease?" Yerim insisted, showing her puppy eyes while holding onto your right arm. 
Goodness, she's so cute!
You sighed. "Last stop, then we're heading home." 
Yerim squealed with delight. You both then entered the photo booth, her hands dragging you along by your arm. Yerim's impatience caught up with you before you could even put the plastic bags down. She quickly inserted some coins into the machine and pressed the shutter button.
"Get ready to take your photo!"
"Woah hold on—" 
"Say cheese!"
Yerim's heartful laughter resonated across the quiet street. It's been about ten minutes and still, she couldn't stop busting a gut over your face in the pictures you both took earlier at the photo booth.
"Are you done Yerim?" you asked, blatantly annoyed by her playfulness.
The dark brown-haired girl who was holding her belly began to calm down, before bursting out in another series of giggles once again.
"Sorry, sorry, I just can't get over how funny you looked in these photos oppa!" Yerim reminded you of the photos you both took just a little while ago. 
They turned out great in her eyes, but not in yours. Yerim had different expressions and poses, while you looked silly in a few photos due to the sudden rush. One picture that cracks Yerim up was where you were just a blurry thing behind her.
"Well, if someone cared to wait for a little bit, then the pictures would turn out good!" you exclaimed.
"Hehehe, sorry oppa! I just wanted to make it quick. Besides, Jinsol unnie's probably waiting for us at home."
You looked at your wristwatch. "Oof, yeah, it's already ten. Let's hurry then, we don't want the tiger to show its fangs again!" 
Yerim giggled. "That was unnie's fault! She didn't tell me about waking her up for class yesterday! You see, I-"
As Yerim continued defending herself about what happened the morning before, you both eventually arrived at your shared apartment after a few turns. Inside the apartment, Yerim then cheekily hopped on each staircase, leading up to the third floor. You tried catching up to her, but you're not taking the risk of potentially dropping the dinner for tonight — it was all on you as well.
The doorbell rang a couple of times, startling Jinsol who was watching a variety show on the TV. After clumsily falling off the couch because of the shock, Jinsol rushed towards the door to open it.
"Unnie!" Yerim shrieked out like she hadn't seen Jinsol for days.
“Jeez, you're so loud! You were only out for two hours!” 
“And that’s enough for me to miss you!" Yerim instantly hugged Jinsol who had a mix of concerned and disgusted looks on her face.
"Bro, that's cringe," Jinsol answered, but quickly returned the hug.
You went inside the apartment quietly, unnoticed by the two lovebirds. You gave a low sigh after seeing the mess in the living room caused by the woman who was still stuck in Yerim's embrace. Jinsol loves building and playing around with Gundam figurines, but you're not a big fan of how many of the small parts are scattered around the house after she's done with them. Even after you have countlessly stepped onto them and screamed out in pain, you never really complained about it to Jinsol since you knew that she wouldn't listen.
That is the truth of living in this apartment with these two — Choi Yerim and Jung Jinsol. One is an enthusiastic and extremely extroverted girl with no shame, and another one is a quiet, dorky, and yet chaotic girl who was possibly a man in her past life. At the very least, your apartment doesn't feel too quiet with these two hanging around.
After cleaning a bit of Jinsol's work on the table, you put down the plastic bags and got out the four boxes of food, three canned beer, and a box of two strawberry cake slices. 
"Stop getting onto my back, you're heavy!" Jinsol exclaimed. 
Yerim whined, "Ah, you're so mean unnie!" 
Both of them made their way to the living room with Yerim clinging onto Jinsol like glue, hugging her by the waist. Once you opened a box with tteokbokki inside, the smell disseminated into the air, making everyone in the living room drool. Jinsol didn’t waste anymore time as she jumped over the couch and sat down on the floor. Yerim joined in soon after, sitting beside Jinsol and grabbed a drink.
“Sheeeesh, this is a lot!” Jinsol exclaimed. “Can we even finish this? And cakes? Seriously?” 
“What’s wrong with them, unnie?” Yerim asked. “I’ve been craving a cake for days! They’re also perfect for desserts!” 
“Well, you better finish it! The fridge is already full from your yogurts and jellies. Can’t even store that beef tripe that I got from my mom yesterday.” Jinsol complained.
“You could just have a few to make more space, I don't mind! I can buy more!” 
“I could, if the yogurts weren’t coconut flavor-” 
You stopped the argument by letting Jinsol smell the box that you held in front of her face, the smell that she knew all too well — chicken feet. “Will this shut you up?” 
Jinsol gasped and grabbed the box off of your hand. “For me?! You actually got it?!” 
“As a thank you for helping me with my thesis the other day.” 
"Bro, I said it was nothing, really. Thanks anyways!"
As everybody has their own set of meals, the three of you — mainly Yerim and Jinsol, enjoy the late dinner. It doesn't hurt to treat them once in a while, so you feel just as happy as they are. Not to mention, it's been a while too since all of you spent some time together in the house. Balancing work and study is already hard enough, and as cold as you were, you definitely don't want to add social life to the list. 
"Oh yeah, can I borrow your notes from account class oppa? I forgot to jot down a few things." Yerim said in a muffled voice — her mouth was filled with food inside.
"Later, I haven't finished filtering it." 
Jinsol looked confused. "The fuck? You filter your notes?" she asked, emphasizing the word 'filter' with her fingers.
"It means making the notes more readable for me."
"Mhm, that's why I like borrowing his notes! It's soooo much easier to read than Professor Haseul's slides!" Yerim butted in the conversation, her mouth still full with food.
"Wow, dude. I really gotta learn some stuff from you. Can I have a bit of yours?" Jinsol points to your food with her chopsticks.
"Help yourself, noona. I already ate a bit before this." Jinsol already took half of your kimbap before you even finished talking.
"With a certain… professor perhaps?" Yerim teased you and took a sip of her drink, grinning from ear to ear.
"Hey, I thought we were done with that!" you groaned.
"Doesn't help when you're the only male student that has ever been asked out by the hot and gorgeous Ms. Saerom herself!" 
Jinsol was baffled once again with Yerim's statement, clearly showing her boomer attitude. She then asked,  "How come that I don't know about this?"
"What the— you didn't know unnie?! It was hot shit in our class! It's like this…" Yerim then continued to ramble all about the embarrassing incident you had with the aforementioned professor with Jinsol who was weirdly interested. 
Please, just end me now. 
An hour has passed. Your ears were traumatized with Yerim's story and Jinsol laughter. What an eventful dinner, you thought to yourself. The three of you were finishing up on your dinner, mainly Yerim having to finish her cakes. 
"Ooh ooh, do you both have anything to do after this?" Yerim excitedly asked.
You and Jinsol looked at each other before answering, "No, not really. Jinx!"
Yerim's eyes brightened up. "How about we do something together tonight? It's been a while you know!"
"What do you have in mind?" you asked.
Yerim thought to herself for a while, before her ears perked. She then quickly ran to her room. 
"I still can't believe you rejected Ms. Saerom." Jinsol said, giggling quietly right after. You just shook your head in response.
Not long after, Yerim jumped out of her room and hopped towards the living room with a box in hand. "How about a game… of Monopoly?!"
You and Jinsol stared blankly at the box that Yerim held up in the air. 
"I've got notes to filter." you said, and at the same time, Jinsol answered, "I gotta clean the toilet."
"Hey! You guys are no fun!" Yerim pouted, making both of you laugh out loud. "Come on now, both of you! Do you guys wanna play or not?"
You patted on the floor, signaling Yerim to sit down. "Alright alright, let's play. Sorry about that." 
Yerim smiled and sat down beside you. You cleaned up the table, threw away all the food packages and cans while Yerim and Jinsol prepared the board game. Once you got back to the living room, Yerim and Jinsol were already counting the game's money.
"Oppa, which one do you want?" Yerim asked you to choose between the five tokens. With no thought in mind, you just picked one that resembles a hat. Jinsol then gave you the money for the game.
"Let's do rock paper scissors to decide our turn!" Yerim suggested.
"No no no, let's go by age." Jinsol declined Yerim's suggestion, in which she replied back with a head shake.
"Not fair, because you get to go first!" 
"It doesn't change how the game plays!"
"The first player usually has a higher advantage to win!"
"And the first few Monopoly players went by age to play!" 
"So then what? I'm not falling for your tricks again, unnie!" Before Yerim could press Jinsol further, your expression caught her eyes. The "I'm so done" expression on your face said it all — it's the girl's battleground and you have no right to speak. She immediately ended the argument as she doesn't want you to feel left out. "Y-You know what, oppa, you go first."
"Eh? So suddenly?" Yerim nods her head.
"Well, if you say so. I'm still gonna win though!" Jinsol surrendered as well. A bit odd this time since it usually ended up with either one of them winning, but you couldn't care any less. You started off the game as Yerim gave you the two dices, and it marked the starting point to an endless night.
Yerim was sweating. Not because it was hot, and not because of the beer she drank. It's because of her current situation. Two hours have passed, and her roommate has been on the road to taking the win for the game. Almost all the entire property on the board was owned by him, and it is clearly shown by how much money he has on hand. 
"It's your turn noona." he said after buying a hotel on one of his properties. 
"Man, this sucks." Jinsol whined and rolled the dice. Both of the dice showed a three — she landed on her own property! A silent "Yes!" was heard from her lips before she made her move on the board.
"That won't last for long." he teased Jinsol who just gave a sigh out of relief.
"You mean my luck? The one that won't last that long is your money! Your turn Yerim!" Jinsol fought back and took a sip of her can of beer, her words are as striking as an anime protagonist.
Throughout all of this, Yerim was lost in thought. Two things were running around her mind — her game and her crush. On the board, she was at the worst place, where any move she made was guaranteed to land on his property. Unless she rolls an exact number of 11 on the dice, she would have to pull a Chance Card. Her money was also running out, so if she got unlucky, the only option for her was to declare bankruptcy and lose, or plan B. 
"Yah, what's taking you so long?" Jinsol snapped Yerim out of her trance. She was shaking up the dice inside her hands for almost a minute.
"Oh, sorry! H-Here goes nothing!" Yerim released the dice and it rolled to a number of five— 
Come on, come on, come onnnn! 
—and a four, totalling up for a nine. 
Yerim was stunned. Amidst the laughter from Jinsol, she needed to think and act quickly. Is she about to lose to this board game that gives her no benefit, or take a chance that she'll probably regret in a long time if it goes wrong? 
Fuck it, it's plan B!
"Come on Yerimie, make your move~" you teased Yerim. Finally, this game is gonna end soon. I really need to sleep.
You noticed that Yerim's eyes were calm and her lips had a bittersweet smile — an expression that you knew very well. You and Jinsol call it the "I accept my fate" look and because of its rarity, you were a bit weirded out by her behavior. Especially that she had a bit of alcohol too. Typically at this point, she would whine about going to lose.
Yerim moved her token while counting down, "One, two, three, four,-" she stopped for a while, and continued, "-five, six, seven, eight, and nine." 
"Well, well, well, looks like it's gonna be between the two of us now, noon—"
"Hold on!" Yerim cuts you off, the loudness of it shocked Jinsol.
"Ow, my goddamn ear— you've lost Yerim! What else can you do?" Jinsol groaned.
"There's… something that I can do." 
"Like what, taking a loan—" Jinsol's eyes widened at the scene unfolding in front of her.
Without any hesitation, Yerim placed a hand on your shoulder, got closer to your face and connected both of your lips together. Jinsol's "Ehh?!'' was useless to Yerim's ear as she deepened the kiss. Meanwhile, you just eased into the kiss, instead of freaking out. Possibly because the beer has seeped into your brain, immobilizing you from denying her sudden action.
"Fuck my ass."
The simple kiss then elevated to a make out, with Yerim acting as the guide to both of your tongues, twirling against one another. Your consciousness returns after a few seconds, realizing the state that you were in. As Yerim was pulling you in by the waist, sliding her hands under your shirt and feeling your body with her fingers, you begin to resist the fall into temptation— she's your roommate for heaven's sake!
Curse you, alcohol!
Yerim noticed how you were flinching around, obviously denying her actions. Putting a halt to the slightly forced make out, she smirked and whispered softly into your ear, "Don't worry oppa, I'm not drunk. I just wanna pay my rent."
"B-But Yerim, don't you think we should uhh…" Look beside you, and Jinsol was still there, with an annoyi— Wait, she's smiling?
"Don't mind me, just go on ahead." Jinsol said while getting up. "Don't go too rough on my Yerim, you hear me?" You nod slightly in response.
Jinsol then quickly made her way to the toilet, leaving both you and Yerim alone in the living room with your mouths open. 
Jinsol closed the toilet door behind her and leaned against it. She bit her lips desperately — it has been a while since she'd seen a view so hot, especially when it's her two hot roommates. 
Jinsol once mentioned that she doesn't like both of her roommates in a romantic manner. In fact, she has taken an interest in someone else and made a lot of progress with them. However, when it comes to her sexual desires, no one truly knows how much Jinsol craves to get a good fucking, and she's not really picky about the details.
Fuck, how she just pulled him into it is so hot! Where did Yerim learn how to do that?
Jinsol lets her intrusive thoughts win as her hands slipped under her shorts and underwear, reaching towards her already warm pussy. A gulp down her throat, and she was half naked in an instant. 
This is so wrong. What if they found out that I'm touching myself to them fucking?
Her denial was thrown out of the window as Jinsol's ear caught Yerim's low moans, letting her imagination run wild. It can't be helped that she has seen both her roommates in only their underwear once, so she only has to fill in the missing details. Hesitation was evident in her eyes but as Yerim’s moans become more vocal, it breaks her out of the shell of anxiety.
A quick one wouldn't hurt.
"I'm paying with my ass, oppa. Fuck my ass until you're satisfied."
Once the toilet door was heard closing, you both wasted no time making out once again. Being the fuel of this fire, Yerim tugged onto your shirt and moved herself to sit on your lap. You didn't back down however, as lust has taken over you, by grabbing her plump ass. The shorts that she's wearing were tantalizing at best. Her milky thighs were wrapped around your waist, evidently driving you nuts with a tent already forming in your pants.
"I've been waiting for this moment, oppa. You don't know how many times I've touched myself to you." Yerim words sent shivers down your spine, and more of it came right after as she pressed her lower body onto yours, letting you feel the warmth of her core. It seemed that Yerim did her research properly beforehand as she got out a small bottle of lube from the pocket of her shorts and placed it aside.
"Holy fuck, Yerim." Your head fell onto Yerim's right shoulder, enjoying the constant dopamine. You guide her hips by her ass, creating delicious frictions on each other's crotch. Whimpers and moans filled the room quickly, body temperatures were rising rapidly, and your undergarments were getting wet.
Yerim bit her lips, and with it came her anticipation. “Mmm, I knew that you were big after all oppa.” 
Your hands did a quick work of taking away Yerim's shorts. Her moans grew louder as you were now free to fondle her bare ass. Your fingers slipped under her thin panties and were met with heat and slick, which further enthralled Yerim. The tip of your middle finger trailed down in between her ass and grazed over her pussy.
"Mmfh, that's it oppa! Touch me more!" 
While Yerim undid your pants and underwear, you rubbed her vagina in circles, making sure she stayed wet and warm. Your cock plopped out, and throbbed with each sway of Yerim's hips. She then squeezed some lube on her hands and spread it all along your length to prepare you. Yerim begged and whimpered for you to put it in her ass as soon as you guided the tip of your cock so she could feel you fully.
“Please oppa, put that big fucking cock inside me! Please please please please ple— Ngh!" Yerim yelped as you smacked her butt hard.
"Shut up."
You rubbed your cock on her dripping pussy for a while, making sure that it was fully lubed up before penetrating the tight hole. Only the tip was inside her, but it gave such an intense reaction that both of your bodies jerked. Your hips lifted itself upwards slowly, and with it came a loud groan and your shaft getting deeper into Yerim.
When you successfully conquered her asshole’s resistance, Yerim wailed, immediately pulling you in for a hug with her face buried into the crook of your neck. Worriness seeped in as you felt a sudden wetness on your neck and Yerim breathing in and out profusely.
"You okay?" 
“Sorry… this is… my first time.” Yerim said in between breaths.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Uhh, okay, I’ll pull out—”
Yerim suddenly sank her hips deeper into you, making you both moan and jerk once again. “Oppa, please… I’m okay. I like it.” She bit her lips again, her body reacting to each throb of you inside her, before reassuring you, “I’m yours for the— mmh! For the night. Treat me however you— fuuuuck~! Treat me however you want, please!” 
Though you were hesitant, your body said the exact opposite as your hips began thrusting upwards. Both of your hands were on Yerim's sinful waist to guide the rhythm of your thrusts. There's too much for you to focus on — Yerim's lustful sounds, the tightness of her asshole, the delicious jiggles of her thighs, the alluring scent of her soothing fragrance, the way her frame perfectly fits with yours — it was all too perfect.
"Oh, fuck, Yerim-ah, Yerim-ah!" 
"Ahhh, oppa! You like my ass oppa? You like fucking this tight little hole?" 
Never have you nodded so quickly to a statement so true. The pressure that has been boiling up inside you was too much for you to handle already. But it looks like your playmate is already close to her peak, given by the mix of extreme pleasure that you're giving her.
Her body began trembling violently, followed by some incoherent curse words from her mouth and the spreading wetness on both of your crotches. Not caring how she is still induced in her orgasm, you pulled Yerim closer to your embrace as you chased your own as well. Enhanced by the feeling of her ample breasts covered by only her shirt on your chest, it was easier said than done.
"Fuck! Fuck! Yerim-ah! Yerim-ah!"
Yerim gained a sense of herself and screamed,"Yes! Yes! Cum inside me! Drain your balls inside this fucking ass oppa!"
The thrusting stopped after a while. One last scream of Yerim's name triggers the first burst of semen inside her. The second one fired deep inside her and it went along with her own orgasm once again. When the third and final shot was done, your cum seeped out of the tight hole, showing you how much you have filled your renter. 
As your cock softened and freed itself, both of your bodies fell to the ground, drained by how intense you were. Together panting heavily and catching your breath, you both giggled after finally waking up to the euphoric high. 
"Sooo, did I pay my rent oppa?" Yerim asked with an endearing smile.
You chuckled, swooning on the inside because of how cute she is, even in a messy state. "Yes, yes you did." 
"Hehe, great! Oh yeah, Jinsol unnie is still in the toil— " Yerim was then interrupted by a loud scream coming from the bathroom. 
You both got up quickly and looked at each other, confused by the sudden noise. Upon closer inspection with your ears, the scream turned itself into a desperate moan.
A devious smirk was painted on Yerim's face. "Oppa, you're thinking what I'm thinking?"
You nodded. Yerim stood up and handed out her hand to help you get up on your foot. Now in front of the door to the toilet, Yerim slowly opened it a little until a view was clear to her eyes.
"Ahh, fuck! Oh my god! I'm 'bout to cum! Ahh!" 
Sitting inside the spacious bathtub was none other than Jinsol — bottomless, moaning away without a care to the world and furiously fingering herself to climax. Her eyes were closed as well, so it gave you and Yerim the advantage to sneak inside without her noticing. The mischievous girl then carefully stepped inside the bathtub and sat on the other end. Simultaneously, you were getting hard again by the sight of Jinsol masturbating and Yerim taking off her clothes.
Yerim began drawing near towards the opposite end, fully naked and ready to surprise her horny unnie. She bit her lips and grabbed onto Jinsol’s hand, “Aww, poor Jinsol unnie, touching herself alone in the washroom.”
Jinsol’s eyes were wide open in an instant. Her face flushed with embarrassment, froze upon seeing Yerim in front of her and you who was casually stroking your cock. “Y-Yerim?! It’s not what it looks lik—”
Yerim shuts Jinsol up with a forceful deep kiss. The forced one was resisting at first, but eventually fell into this trap of temptation laid down by Yerim. As they got up on their knees, Yerim removed Jinsol’s top, revealing her slim yet toned figure. Your excess cum from earlier begins collecting itself on your tip as you witness the two girls desperately touching each other while locking their lips together.
A gulp down your throat and soon enough, you took off your own shirt and left it on the tile floor. Yerim noticed how entranced you were and suddenly thought of an idea to spark things up. “Don’t just stand there, oppa. Join us."
It needed only two steps for you to be right in front of your two roommates, your cock flaunting itself hard and proud, close to Jinsol’s face. After exchanging a few more kisses, Yerim switched her focus towards you by stroking you gently, making Jinsol watch in awe as you throbbed under her touch. She then brought the tip close to Jinsol’s lips, letting your cum stain them. 
“Go on, noona. Seems like he’s begging for you to suck it.” Yerim took the words right out of your mouth. 
Before you know it, Jinsol’s tongue swirled around your shaft, gathering the sweet nectar flowing out of your slit. You threw your head back as she then engulfed your cockhead, sucking on it to taste more. At the same time, Yerim continued her gentle handjob and started to fondle your balls as well, stimulating it once again close to orgasm.
“Deeper, unnie. Yes, that’s it.” Yerim praised and patted Jinsol on the head.
You can feel Jinsol getting further down as her tongue slides against the underside of your cock, until the tip of it reaches your balls. Both of you moan audibly with both desires finally being fulfilled. You summarized that Jinsol definitely had some experience, judging by how steady and rhythmic her blowjob is. Her cheeks then hollowed, giving your cock a powerful vacuum suck.
After a few more bobs, Jinsol took her time to breathe and jerked you off. Yerim also gave some support to Jinsol’s handiwork by spitting some saliva onto your shaft, letting it spread all over. She gave quick licks on your slit and beamed over the taste of you. Meanwhile, on your side, your eyes were just glued to the two working for your pleasure. To this day, you never even foresaw this sight to ever happen in real life. 
Jinsol then spoke out of the blue. “Get inside. I.. I need you.”
So fucking needy.
At last, the bathtub was filled as you positioned yourself behind Jinsol, making sure your shaft was almost in between her thighs. Jinsol moaned into Yerim’s mouth as you fondled her cute tits and tweaked her erect nipples. 
“You’re so cute, noona. Whimper for us more.” you whispered into her ear and planted a few kisses on her shoulders.
Jinsol was pinned by the two of you playing around with her body, diffusing pheromones all over. Her hips squirmed as Yerim picked up where she left off earlier, teasing her wet pussy and you rubbing your tip on her asshole. 
"Put it inside, oppa. Unnie must be dying to feel you." 
With Yerim's guidance, you break Jinsol even more, entering her back door. Thankfully, the lube on your cock hasn't dried up too much, so it wasn't really painful, given by how tight Jinsol was. She was on par with Yerim in terms of tightness, but hers felt more warmer. 
"Ahh! Yerim, he's so big!" Jinsol exclaimed, holding onto Yerim in desperation. She basically melted in Yerim's arms when you began thrusting from tip to hilt, which made Yerim smile. She loved seeing her unnie in full ecstasy as it turned her on a lot. 
"Take it all in unnie. Don't resist." Yerim whispered into Jinsol's ear. She then grabbed the back of Jinsol's head and slowly guided it down her crotch while she laid down on the bathtub. Jinsol knew immediately what to do after seeing Yerim's glistening pussy. 
A few licks in, and Yerim began squirming already. Her sensitivity heightened by the clear sight in front of her — her two older roommates having sex. Jinsol moved on to finger Yerim after having a taste of her core to release her expression being fucked.
"Fuck fuck fuck, harder!" 
You obliged, increasing the pace of your thrusts into Jinsol. Her body wobbles deliciously when your crotch hits hers, signifying how hard you're messing her up. It gets even more intense when you're witnessing the two pretty girls making out and pleasuring one another right in front of you.
The three of you were full of sweat, exhaustion finally seeped into your bodies. A game night that turned into a wild sex night surely wasn't in your agenda, but you were glad now that it was. 
"Ahh, ahh, ahh, fuuuuuck!!!!" 
Jinsol let out a loud scream, her back arched and her legs trembled violently. The oldest one in the room orgasms before the two of you could even reach your own, given by how she's receiving double the pleasure. Her slick leaked out of her empty pussy, staining your crotch and Yerim's midriff. 
Not long after, the knot inside your stomach grew tighter, your balls pressuring itself to release the tension. You then release yourself from Jinsol's confines and stroke yourself into your climax. A loud groan left your mouth, and alongside it came spurts after spurts of your semen. Two shots landed onto Jinsol's ass, while the last three covered Yerim's vagina.
Yerim was the only one who had yet to reach her own peak. As the first person who noticed it, you grab onto Yerim's waist and plunge yourself deep into her slit while your cock is still hard. Under Jinsol's body who was calming down after her high, Yerim replied to your action with a deafening scream and continued to do so as you thrust deep into her womb. 
"Fuuuuuuuck oppa! I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming!"
The first thrust. Yerim's body shook violently. The second thrust. Her legs gave out. The final thrust. Yerim's eyes rolled back. The plugged hole was leaking out with Yerim's juices and eventually, squirting so hard that it pushed your cock out by itself. A series of pleasure cries left Yerim's lips, not caring how she's deafening Jinsol who was still on top of her. 
You laid your back on the other side of the bathtub, gasping for air due to the lack of breath. Tonight's events were exhausting to the body, yet pleasuring at the same time. You then got out of the bathtub slowly and sat on the tile floor, close to the two girls who were basically cuddling each other, not caring how sweaty they were.
"You both okay?" you asked. Jinsol then gets off of Yerim and rests her arms by the edge of the bathtub, facing towards you. Putting her hand on your shoulder, she replied with a thumbs up. 
"I'm fucking drained bro. Thanks for that." Jinsol said, and both of you giggled.
"T-Thanks oppa. It was amazing." Yerim said weakly. 
"Can you get up?" you asked Yerim. Meanwhile, Jinsol was already out of the bathtub and finding her pile of clothes. 
"No. I just wanna.. lay down here… just for a while…"
"Alright. I'll be here until you're okay."
"Okay, thanks oppa…" Yerim then drifts off to sleep almost instantly.
Both you and Jinsol smiled, looking at how cute Yerim was sleeping in the bathtub. Jinsol then left the toilet to sleep in her own room after wearing her clothes and wishing you a good night. You can't stand looking at poor Yerim sleeping uncomfortably inside the cold bathtub, so you carried her all the way to her own room and let her rest on her bed. After covering her with a blanket, you left the room silently.
"Nighty night, Yerim."
note; thank you so much for the commission fellow anon! i spent waaaaay too long on this (seriously, it took almost a whole goddamn year 💀💀) so again, i would like to apologize for that. and because of that, i decided to make the fic a little longer than what they have requested as a lil bonus for the wait. oh, i also hopped onto the jav title trend with this but honestly, i think i failed LMAO
it was a rough process due to my hectic schedule, but i'm glad that i made it through. after all, this is my first commission so i'm still learning as i go through. i just really hope that you're satisfied with the end product as i have poured a lot of time and effort into writing this to make it worth your money. :)
talking about commissions, i will be opening them again soon once i'm ready so be sure to be on the lookout! as always, big thanks to my bros Byakko and @sinswithpleasure for the beta read help!
thank you for reading and have a good nu- i mean day! ♥
you're still here?
alright, come here, i'll fill you in on a lil secret.
ep 7 is petplay :)
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Hi hello! I’m not the person who originally submitted the ask for the Genshin/Honkai girls with a G Gundam-style chuuni S/O, but I’ll be fully honest that one hit my brainrot something good and fierce. So what about Xinyan, Dehya, Navia, Himeko, March 7th, and Stelle with the G Gundam Chuuni S/O?
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(Genshin Impact/Honkai: Star Rail)
Xinyan, Dehya, Navia, Himeko, March 7th, Stelle, and Natasha with a very dramatic S/O
Part 1 here!
@jjovin3221, here is your part two, courtesy of others!
Also, March 7th's part has my absolute favorite image I've ever made for this blog.
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Xinyan absolutely loves S/O's over the top attitude!
Not to mention they had some killer pyrotechnics! Both their visions may be Pyro, but her lover's put any flame to shame.
The explosion they'd create alongside the absolute raw energy they exuded from their shouts was enough to motivate her and her fans.
Plus they had an amazing stage name already: The King/Queen of Hearts!
But that being said, she finds them a little too intense at times. All they cared about was fighting, but she did appreciate they made time for her concerts despite that fact.
...Wait, their whole warrior schtick isn't just a stage Persona, was it?
Xinyan watched as S/O effortlessly blew through a horde of bandits with blinding kicks and punches.
She could only watch in silent awe while they rapidly leapt from one enemy to another, everyone powerless to stop their rampage.
With one final kick, S/O sent the last bandit tumbling down a hill, while they crossed their arms dramatically, headband blowing in the wind.
One of the ones knocked to the floor by their punch tried to crawl away, catching S/O's and Xinyan's attention.
(Bandit) "W-What are you?!"
(S/O) "You look upon a student of the Undefeated of the East!"
Grabbing their collar, they looked them in the eyes as they reached for something in their pocket.
(Xinyan) "...Uh, is that a picture?-"
(S/O) "Have you seen this man?"
(S/O) "Answer me!"
S/O tossed the bandit behind him like they were made of paper, walking back to Xinyan.
(Xinyan) "...S/O, did you actually want to ask 'em a darn question this entire time?!"
(S/O) "I did. Does that bother you?"
Xinyan was stunned, blinking twice to make sure she was processing S/O's actions correctly.
(Xinyan) "...A-A little, yeah! Why the heck did we beat the tar outta 'em just for a single thing?!"
(S/O) "Hm. They started it. Let's get back to Liyue, your concert will start soon."
(Xinyan) "R-Right..." Man, they sure do got a screw loose...
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Dehya had met many mercenaries that had something wrong with them throughout her career.
But her S/O took the crown for the biggest psycho she's ever met.
When she first met them, she knew they had a dangerous air about them.
What she didn't expect is for them to be able to blow every single thing they came across into smithereens with just their bare hands.
Sure, a Vision allows you to pull some crazy stunts, but how does it ignite your entire fist into a golden flaming sun, which allows you to blow up things as if they were pyro slimes?!
She fell for them because of the kindness they could display, and how reliable they were, but that was when they weren't going off the deep end.
And these days, that was getting increasingly rarer.
Dehya marched into the ruins with S/O, both of them approaching a group of eremites who were holding a girl hostage.
(Dehya) "There's a lot of them in there. What's our plan?"
(S/O) "Flank around the sides. I'll go in the front and save the girl."
Before she could formulate another plan, S/O walked ahead of her.
(Dehya) "Be careful..."
She then watched as the Eremites immediately shot at S/O with arrows from their flanks.
S/O suddenly crouched down with arrows inside of them, which made Dehya's heart stop.
The Eremite's laughter quickly halted when S/O stood back up, arrows somehow caught between every single one of their fingers, completely unscathed.
(Dehya) "...What?"
S/O suddenly threw every single arrow back at them, each of them seemingly lethal as they instantly dropped dead, despite the fact they went through non-fatal areas of their bodies.
(Dehya) sigh "I'm not even going to ask..."
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Navia thought S/O was part of a theatre group from Inazuma, given how over the top they were.
She was horribly wrong, and she didn't know if that was a good thing.
But it certainly made life much more interesting!...In a fiery explosion and screaming kind of way.
But Navia didn't really think S/O any less for it. She loved every bit of them!
...Even the more psychotic bits that would make everyone flee in terror.
Navia's bodyguards watched nervously as Navia loaded her umbrella gun.
(Bodyguard) "U-Uh, I know S/O's reflexes are good but-"
(Bodyguard 2) "Even with non-lethal ammunition, this is REALLY dangerous!"
S/O scoffed as their arms were crossed.
(S/O) "Do you really think bullets can even touch me?"
(Navia) "They're right darling, this is a spreadshot weapon at point blank-"
(S/O) "Then the King of Hearts will show you all! HIT ME, NAVIA!"
(Navia) "A-Alright...Three, two, one!-"
In what seemed like an instant, S/O's hand began glowing a bright golden light as it extended out, melting all the bullets she shot upon contact, not even a single one getting through.
Navia and her bodyguards were beside themselves, unsure of what they witnessed even happened.
(Navia) "HUH?! B-BUT-"
(S/O) "Hmph! If you think what I can do is impressive, then you should see my Master."
(Navia) "S/O, PLEASE let me meet him! I want to ask him how he can just defy the laws of physics!-"
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Himeko at first was convinced S/O was just some kind of actor hired to be a live-action representation of Welt's creations.
But no, they were just inside a Mecha-like suit they had created, and could do martial arts perfectly.
...A little too perfect, actually.
Himeko wants to research how the suit works, but she's pretty sure S/O would drive their fist into her stomach and make her explode if she attempted.
Just like every enemy they've come across.
But other than that? She's not exactly too bothered by their insane behavior.
In her travels, she's honestly seen worse. At least S/O uses their power for good, and heck, they even liked her coffee!
That was good enough for her!
Himeko and S/O were strolling through the streets before they were approached by a hooded man, pulling out a knife.
She was mildly concerned by the thug, mostly for them more than anything. After all, S/O was outside their suit.
If they called it down, there would be hell to pay.
(Thug) "Your lady looks rich, hand over all the credits you got, or I'll gut you both."
(Himeko) "Is that right? Well, if I were you, I'd put the knife away."
(Thug) "Wha-Are you stupid?! HAND IT TO ME!"
(Himeko) "Oh, we'll give you a hand, alright. S/O?"
S/O raised their fist into the air.
S/O snapped, and the ground behind them suddenly blew open, shooting debris into the air.
S/O's clothes suddenly changed into a black skin-tight suit of spandex, landing and robotic parts suddenly materializing around them.
The thug was completely shocked by what he was witnessing, while Himeko watched with mild amusement.
S/O was now encased inside their mech, quickly throwing punches and kicks as their machine stabilized and checked if their movements synced up.
Himeko had a blank expression, silently thinking to herself:
(Himeko) S/O has done that every single time they've transformed, and no ones' actually bothered to stop them...
(S/O) "HERE I GO!"
With their warm-up out the way, S/O's machine crossed their arms as it stared directly at the thug, eyes flashing green.
(S/O) "This hand of mine glows with AN AWESOME POWER!"
Himeko tried to contain her giggle with one hand covering her mouth as the thug began blubbering in absolute fear as S/O's hand lit up the entire alley.
(Himeko) "That's so cheesy-"
They immediately grabbed the thug's head as they squirmed, trying their best to make them let go.
(Himeko) "Okay dear, you don't actually need to blow him up. I think he gets it."
The head slowly turned to Himeko before a sigh came through the machine, anticlimactically dropping the thug onto the ground.
(S/O) "You heard the lady. Get out of here before she hands you back to me."
They sprinted away, almost tripping themselves several times in the process.
(Himeko) "...You have got to tell me how that suit of your works someday. Where does it even come from?-"
(S/O) "It comes when I need it."
(Himeko) "...That didn't answer-"
(S/O) "And I'm not going to."
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March loved the walking mechanical natural disaster that was S/O.
Did they even make remotely any kind of sense?
Aeons no, but what in this universe really made sense when you think about it?
March takes pictures of S/O all the time inside their suit, pulling off awesome attacks and hanging it on her wall. It made for some really cool wallpaper!
She also likes to steal their headband whenever they were outside their mech, as rare as it was.
March wears their headband and starts mimicking their voice, dramatically shouting in a low voice. It doesn't take her long to break character and begin laughing.
But nothing could top the moment their Master visited the Astral Express.
Upon meeting their disciple once again, the two immediately broke into a strange dance. One that March had to try. If she couldn't make something explode with her hands, then it was onto the next best thing!
Dan Heng, March, and S/O watched as S/O's master departed on a mechanical horse, standing perfectly upright on it, while inside their own mech suit.
(Dan Heng) "...That would certainly explain why S/O is the way they are."
(S/O) "Amazing, isn't he?"
(March 7th) "...Hey, S/O? Remember that thing you did with your Master? Do you think we can try it too?"
S/O's machine tilted its head as they responded to March.
(S/O) "Huh? Oh, the dance?...Sure, why not!"
(Dan Heng) "Uh, I think I'd rather pass-"
(S/O) "Don't be such a spoilsport! Come on: Undefeated, School of the east!"
S/O raised their fist to the middle, with March 7th quickly chiming in and doing the same.
(March 7th) "Winds of the King!"
Dan Heng simply sighed, knowing March or S/O wouldn't take no for an answer.
Finally relenting, he raised his own fist.
(Dan Heng) "Zenshin!-"
S/O retracted their fist and struck a pose, as if they were ready to begin fighting.
March leaped into the air and landed dramatically, pointing upwards into the air.
(March 7th) "TEMPA KYORAN!"
Dan Heng grabbed S/O's metallic fist as they traded places, extending their arms and connecting their fists.
(Dan Heng) "Look!-"
(S/O) "THE EAST!-"
March went to the middle, the three of them shouting in unison:
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Stelle kept a straight face through all of S/O's shenanigans.
Watching them pose dramatically, witnessing their machine erupt from the ground before S/O magical girl transformed into it, dodging the explosions their fists created, all of it.
Stelle was more confused than anything.
Rules were made to be broken, but the rules of how gravity, physics, and heat worked too?
That was taking it a little too far.
She wants to know how they do it, but some questions were probably left unanswered.
S/O's mech crossed its arms, dramatically posing as it turned to Stelle.
A small army of malfunctioning robots approached them, threatening to attack the camp they were defending.
(S/O) "Hmph, there's too many to take them on individually."
She turned to him, eyes finally widening in surprise.
(Stelle) "Wait, you don't mean?-"
(S/O) "We have no choice! Launch me, just like how I taught you!"
(Stelle) "You can't just defy the laws of physics whenever you want-"
(S/O) "We have no time to argue, JUST DO IT!"
Stelle had performed some crazy plans in her time aboard the Astral Express, but-
Stelle took a deep breath and mimicked the crane stance, her baseball bat still in hand.
(Stelle) "CHOKYO!"
S/O went down on one knee, extending their fists.
(S/O) "HAOH!"
The two struck a dramatic pose in unison, exactly as how S/O's master had taught them.
(Both) "DEN'EIDAN!"
Stelle took a deep breath before swinging with all her might, with S/O suddenly leaping into the air, using her bat as a jumping point.
S/O roared out in fury, their mech spinning rapidly and turning into a tornado of red, blue, and yellow, blitzing a line through the robots, creating a single line of destruction.
Finally, S/O's mech flew up into the air, struck another pose with their feet and fists extended to one direction as if they were doing a flying kick.
(S/O) "ERUPT!"
On command, the entire army detonated at once, creating a beautiful ball of destruction as the dust cloud soared into the air, S/O slowly floating down next to Stelle.
Stelle looked blankly at S/O, then back to the army they had destroyed together.
(Stelle) "...It's probably best I stop asking questions, isn't it?"
(S/O) "Yes!"
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Oh Aeons above, S/O was a horrible influence on the kids.
Natasha does not have the mental capacity to deal with their insanity they brought with their mech onto the planet.
Hook and the others thought that S/O and their mech was the coolest thing they had ever seen.
The flashy red, blue, yellow, and white of their suit looked like an action figure.
And their warrior attitude definitely did not help things.
S/O had already made themselves notorious in the fighting club too, adding even more fuel to the fire.
She has to constantly tell the kids to not mimic her S/O.
Natasha loved them, but sometimes she wanted to slam her head against their mech in frustration.
They were great with kids, but seem to grasp no concept on impressionable children actually were.
Natasha treated the last of the patient's wounds, waving goodbye to them as they left.
She leaned back into her chair, taking a deep breath and finally relaxing.
Natasha opened one eye and saw that S/O's mech was standing completely still, clearly unmanned.
(Natasha) "...Strange, where is-"
She heard the kids all grunting in unison outside the window.
(Natasha) "...Oh no."
She leapt off her chair at a speed that startled some of the people inside.
Opening the door, she found Seele already approaching the clinic.
(Seele) "Nat, the kids!-"
(Natasha) "I know!"
She rushed past Seele, who quickly joined her as they rushed towards an open part of the courtyard.
S/O was standing in front of a large group of children, all mimicking their actions.
(S/O) "Put your heart into every swing! Your fists are the only way to convey how you feel!"
(Hook) "Yes, teacher!"
(Child) "S/O, do you think your Master could teach us too?!"
(S/O) "Hah! My Master would appreciate your enthusiasm, but-"
(Natasha) "S/O!"
S/O froze in fear, as did the rest of the children as every single one of them rushed to hide behind S/O.
Natasha sighed, looking at the kids, then back to her lover.
(Natasha) "What in the world are you doing?"
(S/O) "...Exercising-"
(Seele) "Really? Is that what you call it?"
(Hook) "S-S/O said they would show us the Erupting Burning-"
(Natasha) "Absolutely not! S/O, the clinic, NOW."
Seele took the kids behind her as Natasha dragged S/O out of sight.
(Child) "...Will they be alright?"
(Seele) "I don't think they will be, no."
(S/O) "Nat-"
(Natasha) "Do not Nat me! What are you thinking, teaching the kids such a violent move!?"
(S/O) "W-Well, I can't exactly say no to them-"
(Natasha) "Do I know it, S/O, but I don't need parents telling me their kids were trying to blow up something with their bare hands!"
(S/O) "...But I do it with the-"
(Natasha) "Don't you dare finish that sentence! If I find you trying to teach the kids your crazy moves again, I will make you explode next."
The Mech's head moved and stared at Natasha.
Both the mech and S/O stepped back in fear.
Honestly, S/O couldn't decide whether their master or Natasha was scarier.
...Probably Natasha.
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theotherwesley · 4 months
Flight 👀
WIP from a multi-chapter Gundam Wing fic that I will be carrying on my back forever like Atlas... :'D (Rating: general, CW: none)
The little car was given a rigorous inspection, the remainder of its contents confiscated, and soon they were escorted down streets lined with barricades and soldiers, past rows of tanks, and beneath the long shadow of a mechanical giant that stood with its back to the sun. 
Then they were on an overpass, leaving the capital city of Havreneuf, of what was now the former Sanc Kingdom. 
The city looked the same as it always had, except unexpected parts of it were missing, as if a child had reached down with a clumsy fist and torn out sections of a model, knocking things flat that were in its way, and muddying the sunset with dirty fingers. 
The skyline was different now– there had been a palace up on that hill, backed by white cliffs. It had watched over the ships coming in from the western sea to port, and the squares of red-roofed houses, and the church steeples. Its garden had been full of tulips.
Milliardo watched it scroll past in the distance, smoke darkening the sky long after it left the frame of his window. Before Sanc disappeared from view completely, he saw it: hazy as a faraway windmill on a still day, passing so much slower than the nearby buildings, one of the bipedal metal dreadnaughts stood, bathed in the last long arms of daylight. It was motionless, its single eye reflecting brilliant, liquid gold, and nothing troubled it.
“Mobile suits here too, huh,” the man said warily, “no surprise, I guess. Must’ve learned how good they are at scaring people back in the Colonies.”
“Hey,” the woman turned in her seat and gave him a reassuring nod, one arm behind the driver’s headrest. “We did it. Everything’s going to be okay.”  
The man looked over his shoulder with his broad, American smile. “You did great, kid. You did everything right. We’re going to get you somewhere safe now, you’ve got some good people looking out for you.”
“--ill I s-- hhy s-hhist-r?” he tried to ask. He was handed a bottle of water. 
“Oh, sweetheart. No. I’m sorry,” the woman’s face creased, “not for a while. But she’s safe. She’s safe. We got word from Marena and Pagan. They made it out. We won’t be able to contact them again for a while, but she’s going to be alright, and so are you.”  
The sun disappeared over the horizon. Headlights switched on. 
“You can take the hair off now, if you want. It’s going to be a long drive– try to get some sleep.”
He slid the wig and hat off his head. How was he meant to sleep? He was a piano wire ready to snap. But he did anyway. He must have, because he did not remember anything else of that journey, only his arrival at their destination, several countries and a lifetime away.
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demilypyro · 1 year
I don't remember seeing this as an ask, but what tools for gunpla do you recommend and use? The last time I tried to get into gunpla, my tools were cheap because I didn't know which ones to get, and my gundams ended up looking like shit.
I just went to a local hobby store and got a nipper, some files, a tweezer and a box cutter.
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e1dritchqueer · 1 year
Callisto and Io infodump
Okay okay okay okay, I feel like I need to talk about Io and Callisto from last Beam Saber session or else I'm gonna fucking combust jesus fucking christ AAA
Callisto: My player character. She's an Ascencian pilot who has trapped under the facade of a dead and legendary pilot. The previous pilot, Argyre died and Callisto, a city rat and a conscript, someone who, according to Ascencian fascist rhetoric, should by no means be able to pilot a mech somehow inexplicably bonded with it. She's been forced to become the pilot known as Wraith (Argyre's callsign) and to pilot its fearsome mech, The Wraith of Deimos (We'll refer to it as Deimos). Only recently has Callisto escaped the hold of the Ascencians and now, with Deimos, find herself as a part of a roving mercenary band. Now, while she was imprisoned under the Ascencians, she was forced to play the role of Argyre, under Ascencian rhetoric, Argyre was not dead. And internally, Callisto was only a placeholder till they could find a "proper" Pilot to officially assume the role of the Wraith. No one knew about Callisto, Argyre's death, or the fact Callisto was the Wraith now. And those that did got killed (Illia's old crew). Even free from the Ascencians, Callisto tries to keep a low profile, not knowing how to tell everyone that she didn't somehow steal Deimos, she was (and is) its pilot.
Callisto's wants in this game were simple. Callisto more than anything wants to run. She wants to escape the war and leave, an impossible goal that she has reached for her entire life.
Callisto and Deimos' relationship has been an interesting one. They do not know why they are bonded only that they are. They are the two-become-one known as Wraith. Each is afraid of the other but that fear has transformed into a fearful intimacy. Callisto saw the Deimos as just another part of The Wraith's constricting identity but has since realized that Deimos is just as restrained as her.
Their bond, like all bonds with what's known as "Awakened Frames" (Culturally called Leviathans where Callisto comes from) (awakened frames are essentially like the Gundam/EVAs of this setting. They are terrifying.) allows them to do something impossible. In their case, it is capable of opening a "door" into a mysterious pocket dimension known as The Red. It is something old, something Callisto both sees danger and safety in, something she is trying to understand. (also this is why red is like... a massive motif for callisto). Argyre was also capable of the very same power. While Callisto uses The Red to run, Argyre used The Red as a weapon.
Cool now you're caught up to speed on my beloved wet dog of a girl and her it/its trans girl of a mech.
Now, last session, which you can get a vibe of from my liveblog of it, the party went to a ball for the "season 1 finale" of the Beam Saber campaign. Callisto was asked to dance by a girl named Io (JOVIAN MOON MOTIF). It was lovely. They both got to dance unrestrained from the expectations and roles of war forced upon them, simply enjoying each other as each other and getting to cherish that. Stepping out of the ballroom and onto a balcony, they get closer, physically and emotionally. talking bit about their life. They both feel like dogs in an unending war, tired of losing people in the war, and wanting to escape it all. They feel a tenderness and closeness with each other. It's lovely. They're glad, that even in the midst of this terrible war, they have met each other, and through that feel a bit of solace. It feels like Io is going to move in to kiss Callisto, but before that, Io gives her an offer. "Come escape with me Callisto. We can leave the ring. Leave the war. We can be at peace.
I just need to finish this one job.
I just need to kill the Wraith
I checked the frame registry. It's here. I don't know where the pilot, is, I haven't seen him, but if I can just destroy that terrible machine I'll be at peace. We can escape together.
Callisto is in shock, she's stumbling over words, a jumble of "W-what do you mean?"s and "H-huh?"s.
"I can't be at peace while the Wraith is still living... It killed my mentor. Took one of the few people I cared about. I just need to destroy it... Then... Then I can escape with you... We could leave this war for good"
Callisto wants to take that offer. She so desperately wants to leave this war. Abandon it all and everyone. But she can't. Not at that cost. A younger Callisto would have taken that chance in a heartbeat, a Callisto utterly terrified of Deimos. But Callisto, though still terrified of her Leviathan, is too connected to Deimos for her to abandon it anymore. She didn't realize this till this moment, but she cares too much about Deimos to allow it to be harmed.
She steps back as Io tries to lean in closer. "I-im sorry I-i think I really have to go..."
Callisto beings to stumble her way from the balcony, reaching her hand out to the ballroom door "I'm sorry... I-Im just not the girl you're looking for". The doorway opens. But it's not the ballroom door that opens.
The last thing Callisto sees is Io's dawning face of horror as she watches Callisto fall into The Red.
The Wraith's red.
The thing is, Callisto was wrong, she was the right girl... Just for all the wrong reasons....
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anotherwvba · 11 months
By Blood or By Choice pt. 1
The gym was buzzing with excitement as Mika, Niki, and Cutie hustled around, making final preparations for the anime party that was set to start in a couple of hours. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the scent of snacks, the sound of anime theme songs playing softly in the background, and the sight of colorful costumes.
Cutie, dressed as Kamen Rider Kivaala, was meticulously arranging the seating area. Her helmet sat proudly on one of the ring aprons, almost as if it were watching her work fluffing pillows and arranging bean bags
"Ah, this is going to be so cozy!" Cutie exclaimed, fluffing up the last cushion.
"It sure looks it, Cutie! You've got the feng shui down," Mika called out, admiring Cutie's handiwork.
"Arigato, Mika-chan! I want everyone to feel relaxed while we geek out," Cutie smiled. “This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to the anime lineup we've chosen."
Niki was knee-deep in cables and remotes, setting up the audio and video equipment, "Right? I've been looking forward to this all week. And these speakers are going to make everything sound epic!"
"How's the tech coming along?" Mika asked as she continued with her work..
"Almost there, just a few more tweaks. This setup is gonna be awesome," Niki assured, her eyes not leaving the screen she was calibrating. "Okay, HDMI goes here, and the sound system... there!"
Mika, decked out in her Sailor Moon cosplay, was unpacking an assortment of refreshments. She had a mix of typical snack foods like chips and pretzels, but also included some traditional Filipino snacks she had prepared herself. A variety of sodas and juices were neatly lined up on a table.
A whiff of a sweet treat caught Niki’s attention. “Mika— please, please tell me you made turons.”
"Oh yeah, girl! These snacks are going to be a hit, I can feel it!" Mika said as the delicious smells filled the gym.
Niki looked up from her tangle of wires. "Hey, speaking of hits, any news on Skye? That knockout from Reina last night was brutal."
Mika sighed, "Yeah, it was tough to watch. But Doc Wakada checked her out. No concussion, thank God, and he managed to set her broken nose. He says she’ll be clear to leave the infirmary by early afternoon and she said she'll be joining us later."
Cutie clenched her fists. "That Reina. She’s nothing but a cheat and a show-off. I can't wait to get my gloves on her."
Mika nodded, "Get in line, Cutie. I want a piece of her too, especially after those elbows and that headbutt. But let's focus on having fun today."
"You're right," Niki chimed in, "There’s no way we let her heinous highness ruin the mood today. Skye came out alright, proved she belongs here, and now she’s officially on the WVBA roster. If we weren’t already having a party, I’d say we should throw one!"
Just then, the gym doors creaked open, and Bald Bull's head popped in. "Is okay to come in?" he asked in his broken English.
Cutie smiled, "Yo, Bull-san! Come on in!"
Bald Bull stepped inside, revealing his cosplay outfit. He was dressed as Bright Noah from Mobile Suit Gundam. Both Mika and Niki's eyes widened in surprise. "Everyone, this is Bald Bull," Cutie introduced. "Bull, this is Star Mika and Niki Binary,” Cutie said before cutting her eyes back to her friends, “And I told you he loves Gundam!"
Mika's eyes sparkled as she gushed. "Oh my gosh, your cosplay is amazing, Bull! You’ve nailed Bright Noah!"
Niki, still a bit intimidated, shuffled her feet. "Uh, hi...nice to meet you."
Sensing her discomfort, Bull smiled and tried to reassure her. "Is okay, no need to be scared. I not bite."
"Thanks, Bull. It's just, you're a legend, and it's a bit overwhelming," Niki admitted.
The big Turkish boxer rested a hand on Niki’s shoulder, “Not legend. Just boxer, like you.”
Niki looked away, humbled that Bald Bull would say they were alike. 
"So, Bull, excited for the party?" Mika asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.
"Very much. Love anime," Bull replied. "Can I help?"
"Actually, yes. I could use some help setting up the tables for the refreshments," Mika grinned, grateful for the extra pair of hands.
As Bull and Mika moved to set up the tables, Niki finally untangled the last wire and plugged it in. "Alright, I'm ready to test the audio and video. Fingers crossed, everyone!"
Just as she said that, the gym doors swung open again. This time, two people walked in, uninvited guests, a young brown-haired man dressed as Link and a young blonde woman as Princess Zelda.
"Hey, is this where the party's at?"
Mika's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in sheer delight and surprise.
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How Gundam: The Witch from Mercury 1x10 sets up the conflicts for Act 3 of Season 1
Spoilers for Gundam: The Witch from Mercury episode 10 ahead
If we were to split this first season into three acts then:
Act 1 (EP.1-6) would be Suletta adjusting to school life while becoming Miorine's groom and inadvertently weakening Jeturk Heavy Machinery and Peil Technologies by defeating the company heirs in school duels
Act 2 (EP.7-9) would be Miorine saving Aerial by forming GUND-ARM Inc. and later having Shaddiq server as the first major obstacle of the start-up company
So, now we are at the tenth episode which serves in my mind as the first episode of Act 3 of Season 1 and oh boy have they set up a lot of moving parts just in this one episode.
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Sarius Zenelli meets with Cathedra to press charges over use of the GUND Format by use of Aerial during what I want to say was the team duel last episode. However, the Cathedra council pretty much tell Sarius to take a hike and reject the charges. (Now I think that Dellings priorities have shifted from destroying everything regarding Gundams to controlling Gundams via Miorine's company)
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On the transport back from the Cathedra hearing, Vim Jeturk tells Sarius Zenelli that since Cathedra won't get involved the best course of action is to conspire to kill Delling themselves (Now Vim tried to assassinate Delling back in Act 1 only to back down at the last second)
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After having a business meeting with her father, Miorine runs into the "smugglers" who offered to take her to Earth. After talking about how convenient that they cross paths again after Miorine has just started her company, she deduces that woman is affiliated with The Space Assembly League and has an interest in Gundams. (I want to say this is a new faction but I may be wrong)
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Sarius informs his son that Vim and Jeturk plan to assassinate Dellings but that in his opinion the company could never pull off something so bold. Shaddiq asks his father why not get on board with this plan to which Sarius tell him that it would not be worth the risk. (We also get confirmation that Shaddiq hasn't quite given up on having a rematch with Suletta for the title of Holder)
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We also see what Guel has been up to since being expelled by his father and forced to work for the company. He is going under the alias of "Bob" which I can help but find might be a case of insult to injury on Vim's part (Also pretty sure this freighter is part of Vim's assassination plans)
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Back on Earth, we are introduced to two new characters: Sophie and Norea who both see the GUND-ARM INC. commercial.
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A another new character introduced this episode is Naji who is associated with Sophie and Norea. Naji gets a call from Shaddiq who hires him to assassinate Delling. Naji takes the job on the condition that Shaddiq prepare something for him first.
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After the call, Shaddiq meets Nika in the hallway thanking her for setting up the call and says her father figure says hello (I'm getting a better picture of where Nika's arc may be headed and sufficed to say I'm a bit worried that Nika may end up fitting the role of tragic love interest 😨)
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This episode also sets up a major relationship hurdle for Suletta and Miorine in the form of seed of doubt planted in Suletta's head first by the Earth House students (Primarily by Ojelo negativity) and later by Elan-05 culminating in Suletta feeling Miorine will no longer need her. (I feel the relationship angst will hit with full force next episode)
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The last major plot point of the episode is Delling meeting with Prospera (Now before this episode I was somewhat doubtful that Delling could die before the end of season 2 now not so much)
Welp folks buckle up for the Delling Assassination arc because I feel it is going to get crazy.
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blxckdragonfly · 1 year
The Glory and The Scum (Darkness Finds You Universe #6)
(Song: "The Glory and The Scum" by Delain.
Pairing: Chris Motionless & Lycia Winters "Pronunciation-- Lai-shuh" (played by Ana De Armas), featuring Lyra Crowe Büdgen (Lilith Czar-- played by Mothica) and Malakai Black.
Warning: Drama, Mild Fight Scene, Hurt/Comfort.
Synopsis: When Motionless In White are headlining Aftershock and are playing alongside with Falling In Reverse, all hell breaks loose when Ronnie Radke tries to apologize to Lycia for his tweets about her.
Word Count: 4,131
A/N: and we're back, and once again: Fuck Ronnie Radke. Enough said. Enjoy. x Tiger. Co-written with @blackrose-92!
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Aftershock Festival– October 7th, 2022: Sacramento, California. 
(Lycia’s POV) 
I wake up to very loud noises from inside the bus and I groan as I stirred and I woke up– seeing that I’m alone inside of mine and Chris’s bunk. I sigh as I hear what sounds like Call of Duty. I roll my eyes and I change out of my black tee and black satin pajama shorts, and into a strapless black lace corset bodysuit from Boohoo, a dark gray skirt from Disturbia and my “Assimilator” boots from Killstar. I put in a pair of gold hoop earrings to match my wolf necklace and coffin ring, and put on a light amount of makeup. 
“Lyra!” I hear both Chris and Malakai yell for Lyra, who’s also on the bus this morning. I sigh as I walk out to the front of the bus, where I see Lyra sitting near the driver’s seat in her black mesh bodysuit with a black tank top underneath, a pair of gray skinny jeans from Nasty Gal and her own Killstar boots, while Chris, Malakai, Justin and Ricky are all playing Call of Duty. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 
“All right, children,” Lyra mutters. I give her a confused look, raising my eyebrows. 
“Does this happen a lot?” I ask and Lyra begrudgingly shakes her head at me, making me chuckle. 
Lyra and I both hear Malakai curse in Dutch after both he and Chris are shot and killed in the game. Chris glances over at Lyra with a confused look. 
“You don’t wanna know what he just said, alright?” Lyra says as Malakai laughs as Chris sees me and offers me his hand after pausing the game. I smile as I take it and intertwine our fingers together, he pulls me into his lap– making me giggle. 
“Good morning, baby,” Chris murmurs as he gives me a small kiss. 
“Good morning, my love.” I say as I kiss him on the cheek, making Justin and Ricky gag. I flip them off as Malakai chuckles. I pecked his lips as I got off his lap and got my laptop and camera to start editing the photos from the last Trinity of Terror tour show, the photos I took of not just Chris and Motionless but of Lyra, Black Veil Brides and Ice Nine Kills. 
“Your girl edits photos? That seems kind of nerdy, don’t you think?” Malakai replies as Chris glares at him and I grin at my boyfriend defending me. 
“Says the one who has Transformers and Gundams in our house,” Lyra mumbles. I hear Chris start snickering. 
“Thank you, wife.” Malakai grumbles and a Dutch curse leaves his breath. “For bringing that up.” 
“Love you too, husband,” I hear Lyra say in an innocent tone– making me, Chris, Justin and Ricky laugh as I close down my laptop after sending some of my photos to Jeremy. I grab my camera and pull Chris away from the screen, giving him a kiss. 
“I’m going to go take photos of Spiritbox,” I say as I slip my photography pass around my neck. Chris nods and gives me another kiss. 
“You’ll be back for our set, right?” He asks and I nod, kissing him again before taking off. I step out of the bus when I slip on a pair of Chris’s sunglasses and head out to the Jack Daniel’s stage, where Spiritbox would be playing. I headed into the pit as the show was about to begin. 
As I got my camera ready to shoot, I noticed a figure in all black approaching me. He wasn’t just all in black, he was covered completely in black ink. There was something about him that put me on edge. I didn’t know who he was, but he looked very similar to the drug dealer who used me for heroin. I couldn’t hear him fully as the band was playing but I could see that he was mouthing “I’m sorry” to me. 
We all live in unforgiving precarious ways
If it bleeds it leads
Is all we seem to hear today
Thorns remain while flowers fade
I had to get out of there. Now. I take a few more photos and slip out amongst the crowd, back into the VIP area and backstage, I look over my shoulder to see him following me. I started to run, trying to find Motionless’s bus. 
“Lycia, wait! I wanted to apologize to you for what I said on Twitter.” And then it hit me. It’s Ronnie, the same person who tried to ruin my career with his tweets. 
“Stay away from me,” I say as my breath heightens as panic runs through my body. “I don’t want to hear your bullshit apology after you nearly ruined my career. Please leave me alone.” 
The minute I see Malakai, Lyra and my boyfriend, I scream at the top of my lungs for Chris. He hears my scream, causing him to panic too as he quickly runs over to my side, he wraps his arm around me firmly and glares at Ronnie. 
Such a noble novelty
Such a proper prodigy
It is all enrolled in you and me
“You better give me a good explanation of why I shouldn't go get House of Black right now and let them tear you apart," Chris threatens. 
“Oh, look who it is,” Ronnie says. “I was trying to apologize to your girlfriend for what I said on Twitter about her, in exchange for the apology you owe Escape The Fate.” 
I hear a sinister laugh from Chris as he moves in front of me, preventing Ronnie from getting any closer to me. “You’re really expecting an apology from me? After your actions in trying to sabotage my girlfriend’s career? Not a chance, asshole.” 
(Lyra’s POV) 
Malakai, Brody, Buddy and I were heading back to Motionless In White’s bus after seeing the end of Spiritbox’s set– when we noticed a small crowd forming near the bus. I raise a brow and I see that it’s Chris, who’s arguing with Ronnie Radke. I let out a deep breath. 
“Motherfucker,” I mutter, getting Malakai’s attention. He walks up to me and takes my hand for a second, looking at me with concern as I point in the direction of Chris and Ronnie– who are now getting into each other’s faces as I look over to see Lycia in tears. I walk over to her direction, quietly ushering her away from the scene until Chris can calm her down. 
I hear Buddy and Brody curse and Malakai does too in Dutch. They race over to Chris as he’s about to raise his fist and punch Ronnie’s lights out, Malakai and Buddy grabbing him and pulling him back. Brody being bigger so he’s able to physically lift Chris off the ground. 
“Don’t think for a second that you’ll get away unscathed, Radke,” Malakai says through his teeth. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re dating Saraya or not. If you approach Lycia, Chris or Lyra again, Brody, Buddy and I will tear you to pieces and leave your remains for Chris to do whatever he wants with. That’s no idle threat: It’s a guarantee. Come for them again and The House will make you pay for it.” 
Buddy nods in agreement as Ronnie takes a few steps back, before trying to punch him. Malakai does a knee strike at him, not to hurt him but to scare him, his eyes widening in fear as he flinches. A malicious smile crossed Malakai’s face. “Go on then, Ronnie. I dare you.” 
We start walking away to Motionless’s bus as the crowd settles and moves on, Malakai turns around with Brody, Buddy, myself and Chris following. I see Lycia crying uncontrollably. 
“Brody, let Chris go. They need to be together,” I hear a warmth in Malakai’s voice as Brody nods, releasing Chris from his grasp, who had been panting with anger toward Ronnie but it subsides after he sees Lycia. 
Either wasteland or wonderland
Look at what we've done
Take a step back
Shake your head at what we have become
We're the glory and the scum
(Lycia’s POV) 
Tears fell down my face as I buried my face into my hands, my heart racing with anxiousness. I hear someone take a step toward me, I feel what I thought were hands on me and I flinch in fear. 
“Get away from me, Ronnie!” I say and I feel the same touch but it’s gentle, it’s on both of my shoulders and it’s tracing my skin until I hear a familiar but soothing voice. “Lycia. Lycia, it’s me. You’re safe now.”
I opened my eyes and I saw the warm and comforting brown eyes of my boyfriend. Chris. I moved close to him and I clutched him close to me tightly. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on top of my head as we embraced each other. “Shh. What happened?” 
“R-Ronnie resembles the drug dealer that used me,” My voice is small as I feel Chris getting tense as he holds me. “Please make him leave. I’m scared that he might hurt me.” 
I feel him run a finger along my face with tenderness, wiping away my tears. “Honey. Lyra and House of Black are here for you. They won’t let anyone near you, not even him. Nor will I. That’s my promise to you.” 
I look up to meet his gaze as he leans in; our foreheads touch and I feel the warmth of his hands on my lower back. “I’m supposed to be the one to take care of you. But I’m still scared of Ronnie.” I sniff. 
“Sh. I understand, baby. Those memories must have come back now. But don’t worry when I’m around, whether it’s Ronnie or the dealer himself, they’ll never hurt you again.” He tucks a fallen strand of my caramel brown hair behind my ear. 
I nod and I press my lips to his in a gentle kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, intertwining my fingers in his black hair as we kiss. When we part, he pulls me closer into an embrace. He gazes into my eyes. 
“No one will take you away from me,” He whispers, reassuringly. “I will always take care of you. Always.” 
Sewer of uncertainty
Creator of entropy
It is all enrolled in you and me
(Lyra’s POV)
I’m still fuming with anger because of seeing Ronnie. Malakai, Brody and Buddy are standing outside of Motionless’s bus, we’re keeping an eye on Chris– who has Lycia in his arms and is holding her while also keeping an extra eye out in case Ronnie comes back for us again. Malakai glances over at the both of them because I know how much he cares, so I know that he’s hating what happened with Lycia. I hated the fact that this motherfucker had to show his ugly head around my friends again. 
I feel Malakai take my hand and pull me into a hug, I wrap my arms around him as he pressed his lips to my crimson hair. 
“How did this happen, Lyra?” Malakai’s voice is gentle as he looks at me, green eyes shining. I sigh and nestle closer to him. 
“Well, everything began when Ronnie took to the internet.” I explained. “Criticizing Chris and his band Motionless In White, he believed that Chris should apologize to him for something he had every right to do. Soon after you told me that his relationship with Lycia had been leaked, news spread about her struggle with heroin. Ronnie made her a target because of it. Chris informed me that she was nearly killed from a drug overdose of heroin.” 
I see tears filling up my husband’s eyes. It had been such a long time since he had been around something like heroin but I know he had his past experiences with it. He looks over at Chris, who’s placing a soft kiss on Lycia’s temple as he’s comforting her. I hear him take a deep breath. 
“She’s had it rough, hasn’t she?” His voice is soft and kind as I nod. “It breaks my heart.” I see him pause for a moment. “Chris keeps her close to him because she needs him; not just anyone can do what he does for her and take care of her like he can.” 
I was shocked as I pulled back and looked up at the man I called my husband. Of course he would pick up on their relationship, he was so observant. 
“That hadn’t occurred to me before,” I say. I lean over and place a soft kiss on Malakai’s cheek. “You’re so observant, even though it scares the hell out of me sometimes.” 
I hear him laugh softly. “I apologize for scaring you, love. But you should be aware of this by now.” I nod and snuggle into his shoulder. 
Suddenly we hear a commotion and not only do my head and Malakai’s snap up, but Chris and Lycia do as well. I see security guards kicking out Ronnie and Falling In Reverse. I breathed a sigh of relief. Oh, thank God. I thought. 
“Chris Motionless started this! Not me!” I hear Ronnie yelling at the security guards as he’s being escorted to the gate. 
“Shut up, Ronnie. You started it,” Malakai scoffs. “Get the fuck out of here.” We all burst into laughter as the gates closed behind Ronnie and his bandmates. I feel my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my gray skinny jeans and I pull it out to see that Saraya texted me. 
Raya: Hey Lyra! I’m letting you know that Ronnie’s coming by Motionless’s bus at Aftershock to apologize to Chris’s girl, Lycia. 
Well, fuck. I facepalm and I run my fingers through my crimson hair, Malakai looking at me with concern in his eyes. 
“My timing sucks.” I say. 
“Babe?” Malakai asks and I sigh as I look at him and Chris. 
“Saraya sent Ronnie to come over here to apologize to Lycia for what he said. She just texted me.” 
Chris scowls at me, eyes narrowing at me as he takes a deep breath and caresses Lycia’s arms with his fingers, as she’s leaning against him– trying to stay calm. “I don’t give a single fuck if Saraya sent him or not. Look at what happened. Lycia didn’t know who he was and it frightened her so much she almost had a fucking panic attack.” 
“Whether he came by to apologize or not,” Lycia says as she’s playing with Chris’s fingers. “I don't ever want to see him. He reminds me of someone I’d rather not think about.” 
I get another text message from Saraya and I unlock my phone to respond, telling her that it ended badly, she asked what happened and I told him that Brody had to lift Chris up so he wouldn’t punch Ronnie’s lights out. He got himself and Falling In Reverse kicked off the festival. She responds with a facepalm emoji. I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. 
I then see Chris talking to his tour manager while staying with Lycia and keeping her company. I see a huge smile on his face as his tour manager walks off. 
“Well, looks like we’re taking Falling In Reverse’s spot and playing a bit later than we thought.” Chris says. I’m overjoyed as is Lycia, who kisses him softly. They start talking about adding a couple songs to their set list for later on tonight. 
When Motionless played later tonight, they played Slaughterhouse with Brody making a guest appearance for the song. Chris and the band played Burned at Both Ends II as well and when he’s singing the song, I feel Malakai tap me on the shoulder and we both look over at Lycia, who’s standing side stage with us, Brody and Buddy and she’s crying. I try to go and check on her but Malakai stops me. 
“She’s alright, Lyra,” Malakai says as he puts his arm around my waist. “She just found out that Chris wrote that song about her.” 
My eyes widened. “He wrote Burned at Both Ends II for her?” I asked as Malakai nodded. “Aw, that’s so sweet of him.”
(Lycia’s POV) 
After Motionless leaves the stage, I see my man walk off too, so I jump into his arms, which catches him off guard. A chuckle accompanies his struggle to regain his balance. I have evident tears in my eyes, which are streaming down my cheeks as he pulls back.
“Whoa, babe. What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“You wrote that song for me,” I sniffled as I looked into his warm and loving brown eyes. “You wrote Burned at Both Ends II for me.” 
“How’d you know?” He stroked my caramel brown hair with his fingers. 
“With a bit of help,” I say as I turn my head toward Malakai and Lyra, who give him a friendly wave. He sighs and shakes his head playfully. He looked at me and he lifted my chin with the palm of his hand. 
“I wrote the original Burned at Both Ends about myself ten years ago,” Chris murmurs. “But when I began working on the sequel to it, I realized that it wasn’t about me. It’s about us now. Even though I know you haven’t fully been through the same struggles as I did, your story still matters as much. You are an incredible inspiration, Lycia and I love you.” 
I can sense Lyra and Malakai’s eyes on the both of us and they had huge grins on both of their faces, Chris could feel it like a burning on the back of his neck. “Alright, you two. You can go now.” 
I realize that he’s talking to both Malakai and Lyra as I look behind him, laughing. 
“Say no more. We’re going,” Lyra takes Malakai’s hand and drags him off with Brody and Buddy following behind her. When they’ve gone, I lean in and embrace Chris around the neck. Not caring in the world if he’s sweaty and has gotten off stage. 
“I love you too,” I whisper. “I’m so grateful that you wrote a song about me.” 
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on my forehead, lips lingering for a moment. “The honor is always mine, honey. You motivate me every day, from when we wake up together to when we go to bed entwined. You're my world, sweetheart. You always will be.” 
My heart melts at his sweet statement. I put my hand against his face, tracing his already smeared and sweat soaked makeup before meeting his lips in a tender kiss. As I rest my hands on his chest, my fingers play with the dog tags around his neck as his lips lock with mine. We broke our kiss and the second dog tag caught my eye. I caught it in my fingers. 
Winters, Lycia Rose. August 5th, 1988. Soulmate. 
“Did you put my name on your dog tag?” I say as my eyes widen in surprise. 
“I was hoping you would spot it,” He teases with a playful grin and I raise an eyebrow. “It’s my reminder of you whenever we’re apart, helps me think of you. Always.” 
My heart melts and I kiss him passionately before pulling away and taking his hand. “You’re the sweetest. Come on, baby. Let’s just relax together for the rest of the night.”
He nods and we walk back to the bus, when we step inside– Justin, Ricky, Vinny and Ryan have already settled down for the night. In my outfit that I wore to Aftershock today, I changed into one of Chris’s soft black tees, my black satin sleep shorts and removed my makeup last. I head out to our bunk, where Chris is waiting for me– shirtless and wearing his black pajamas. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” I heard him as he embraced me in his arms and brought me into the bunk with him. I give a gentle laugh, clutching onto him and he kisses my forehead. 
“Hi,” I kiss him on the cheek before I trail off, quietly playing with the rings on his fingers– mainly his coffin ring. I feel the cool metal of the ring against my skin. “I think I’m going to have another nightmare tonight.” 
His face lights up with concern as he shifts his hands from mine and cups my cheeks, imploring me to look into his eyes. “What makes you think that?” His voice is gentle, almost a whisper.
"Ronnie approaching me today reminded me of the drug dealer who used me for heroin... I'm scared I won't be able to sleep tonight because his face will haunt my dreams.” My fingers lightly drift over his tattoos as I talk. 
Chris pulls me close and wraps his arms around me, offering comfort. “Oh, my love,” He whispers into my hair. “I’ll be here with you all night long to keep your bad dreams at bay. You have nothing to worry about. I won’t leave you.” 
As sweet as that statement is, I’m also mad at myself for letting this person get into my head since I’m dealing with the PTSD of losing Marcus in such a tragic way. 
“This is just another thing that pushes me towards the edge,” I buried my face into his chest as he gazed fondly down at me. 
“Honey, you are not crazy. You aren't.” I released a heavy breath as I moved my face up to look at him. 
“I didn't say I was, love. It's just how I feel.” Fresh tears appear in my eyes and he covers my hands with his own, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles. 
“You know, Lyra had the same situation.” I look at him, intrigue on my face. “Most nights she'd lay awake in fear because of her ex, Devon. It wasn't until Malakai stepped into her life that she was free from his control. What do you think drew Malakai and Lyra together? He's the only one who managed to keep her here with us.” 
“Wait– So Malakai…?” 
He nods. “Like you, Lyra was familiar with addiction, but from a different source. That's why she wrote VICES and SPIRAL. She was on the brink of suicide until Malakai stepped in. He reminded her that there are still things worth living for; music, wrestling, friends... For you, I want to be that person. The reason why you should keep going is because of me, as your reminder.” 
I realize now that I had a lot more in common with Lyra and Malakai than I thought, which is why I understood how close Malakai was to her. 
“I never knew that about her. She must be loved so much by Malakai…” He leans in and gives me a tender kiss. 
“I want to love you as much as Malakai loves Lyra, if not more. Do you understand why you mean so much to me? Just like Malakai with Lyra, I want to be someone that you can rely on.” He whispers into my lips. “After you told me that I was the reason why you decided to get sober, when things seemed so dark, that's when I realized what I wanted out of our relationship. Not just the person who helped you through it all, but someone who's there for you whenever you need it, loving you unconditionally. All of it….” 
I interrupt him with another tender kiss, our lips meeting in an affectionate manner. I finally pulled away, my forehead lightly touching his. “You are already everything I need and more. Each morning when I wake up, and you're still asleep next to me, it reminds me of how fortunate I am. You love me, support me, and urge me to keep pursuing my dreams every day…” 
I continue to kiss him, our lips connecting in the most wonderful way. “Christopher Cerulli, you are the backbone that holds me upright. You are the reason why I keep pushing forward.” 
“You are as well, Lycia. I can't even tell you how much I love you..." His warm chocolate eyes brimmed with tears as he embraced me. 
I glided my fingers along his tattooed jawline and neck with the softest touch. “I love you too. Show me how much instead.” 
He smiles and leans in to give me a loving kiss as we sink into each other and we hold on to each other before falling asleep. 
Polluter of dignity
Glory and the scum are we
Oh the best and worst is all in me…
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psyga315 · 2 years
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I posted 349 times in 2022
That's 172 more posts than 2021!
165 posts created (47%)
184 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 256 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#rwde - 228 posts
#rwby - 56 posts
#ice queendom - 6 posts
#anti-anti-rwde - 4 posts
#fandom logic - 3 posts
#ice queendom spoilers - 3 posts
#hypocrisy in the fandom - 3 posts
#rewrite - 2 posts
#archive of our own - 2 posts
#sexy times with wangxian - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#don't get me started on the problems with overwatch 2 and diablo immortals themselves
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How Anime Make Their Final Seasons/Movies
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Akame ga Kill: But I don’t wanna wait! I want the ending nooooow!
Dragon Ball Kai: Alright, fine. I guess we can do the Buu saga. But we’re not gonna be happy about it.
Yu-Gi-Oh!: For the last fucking time, his name is not Yami! You know what!? Here’s his backstory told via Dungeons and Dragons!
Sailor Moon: Kill every last one of them!
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Uuuuuhhhh... Stone Ocean isn’t the final season tho.
∀ Gundam: Every single Gundam show returns to me. Don’t ask me how that works.
Fullmetal Alchemist (2003): You like Isekai?
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kuruyuji · 4 years
Am I allowed to request the same innocent!reader but with TeruTeru, Gundam, Kaito, and/or Kazuichi? (Sorry If this sucks. ;w;)
of course ! i liked the last request i dont mind doing it again 
sorry for my request taking so long, i’m a bit overwhelmed right now with my life at the moment
- Gundham, Kaito, Kazuichi, and Teruteru with an innocent s/o
gender neutral reader
warnings: slight nsfw (mentions of sex)
read part one here with makoto, nagito, and miu !
slight nsfw below the cut
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Gundham Tanaka
- Gundham isn’t a dirty person. But your innocence does leave him very flustered
- also pretty bad at handling these type of situations since he’s socially awkward. he honesty just stands there like this: 🧍‍♂️ while you also stand their clueless
- like are you trying to kill the boy by trying to asking him completely dirty questions with complete innocents?
- but just because he’s awkward, doesn’t mean he won’t stick up for you. he knows you can take care of yourself
- for example if Teruteru made a lewd comment, he would speak up for you.
- “ Teruteru you foolish human, you’re childish remarks are making s/o uncomfortable. If you continue this antics I will unleash my full potential upon you for the sake of my significant other!”
- if you thought he was awkward when you asked him harmless questions, wait till you ask him for the sex talk
- he freezes, and even refuses. but when you asked again he gave in, even though he was also completely clueless
- after some research, he’s tries his best to explain. cue almost an hour of a very embarrassed Gundham poorly explaining what sex it. and with the way he talks did not make it any easier
- when you asked him to demonstrate he refuses again, using his excuse that mortals can’t touch him. Gundham already has trouble with people touching him. but then he looks back at you and how can he say no to you?
- he’s stiff, you’re stiff. everyone is stiff ! but no worries, the two of you made the best of it
- he may be super awkward around you, and can’t express how much you mean to him with words, but he’s always ready to protect you from lewd comments
- also the devas constantly tease Gundham on his poor sex knowledge
Kaito Momota 
 - don’t worry, Maki is always watching him making sure he doesn’t say anything stupid
- he thinks it’s pretty cute, and would lightly take advantage at it
- he makes dirty jokes with the other guys and forgets that you’re very innocent. he feels bad about it sometimes but is thankful that you don’t get any of the jokes. because Miu and Kokichis foul mouths can be a handful
- speaking of Kokichi, Kaito is protecting you from him, always keeping an eye out for him
- he hates it when Kokichis close to you. not in an obsessive way, he just can’t stand Kokichis annoying ass
- “hey Kokichi, can’t you tell that you’re bothering s/o? cut it out!”
- when asking for the sex talk, he’s a bit cocky and is ready to give you a visual presentation. he makes a lot of dumb and lewd jokes that go over your head but you somehow understood the basics. he also asks for Shuichis and Makis help. Shuichi did the best he could despite the super red face and the occasional stuttering due to embarrassment. Maki whacked Kaito in the head every time he said something dumb
- when being asked to demonstrate, Shuichi and Maki immediately leave refusing to see and hear more. meanwhile Kaito is frozen in place due from shock. He agrees, but he’s a bit scared. only because he doesn’t want to mess things up
- of course he controls himself (somewhat), but he can’t take off that stupid smirk on his face. he’s cocky, but respectful towards you
- Kaito loves spending time with you. your innocence has been interesting from the start, how can he not spend time with you ?
Kazuichi Soda
- you definitely caught him by surprised
- and you definitely made him flustered countless of times 
- but he can’t deny that the whole innocent thing is a bit of a turn on. also can’t help but feel power when he’s with you, like it’s his job to protect you. 
- sometimes he overdoes it with the jokes and sometimes he can take advantage of the situation 
- “oh? what did you say s/o? you mind saying that again? wait let me grab a video camera first!” he teases, a glint of mischief in his eyes
- Hajime has to knock some sense into him from time to time because Kazuichi can’t always control himself
- he thought Sonia's princess image was intriguing, but your innocence was way more interesting weirdo
- then you asked him to explain sex, his face then matched his hair as a response
- he asks Fuyuhiko and Hajime for help. Fuyuhiko explains as best as he can (flustered and pissed off as hell) and Hajime was only able to give him moral support. 
- when you asked Kazuichi to show you, all that remaining confidence (which he didn’t have a lot of in the first place) just leaves his body. he will admit that he’s a bit scared, scared that he’ll screw everything up. but when you offer him a warm kind smile of trust, he gives in. 
- Kazuichi was a HUGE mess. he tried to play it off but the shaky hands and the awkward tone was too obvious for anyone. luckily for him you didn’t seem to notice
- all in all Kazuichi loved your innocence, it hypes him up and gets him excited, a little too excited. but you don’t seem to mind it because you’re completely clueless
Teruteru Hanamura
- oh, he’s going to have fun with this, a little too much fun
- he takes advantage of your innocence's whenever you can. even when the dirty joke is absolutely terrible 
- it doesn’t matter who Teruteru is talking to, he’ll always say something lewd to them
- your innocence surprises everyone, because Teruteru doesn’t hold back with his comments. how’ll he’ll casually talk about your body, or how he wants to do dirty things with you in the bedroom. everything just completely goes over your head
- “ohoho? an innocent one? that's quite sexy~”
- one time Mahiru stepped in for you. “s/o, don’t you feel uncomfortable with Teruteru’s comments?” you shoke your head, “No why would I? What's so bad about it?”
- this lead to your classmates protecting you more, but you told everyone that you can take care of yourself and you don’t really mind.
- every lewd comment just lead you towards confusion and awkwardly smiling. although you were pretty interested with everything he said, and you just wanted to know more about Teruteru
- Teruteru also takes the time to get to know you better and discards all the sexual comments. he genuinely wants to get to know your character better
- and then, you asked Teruteru for the sex talk
- please, RUN
- he says every dirty joke he knows at the top of his head. his uses his hands and random kitchen objects for visual demonstration. you had to ask him why he was putting a banana inside a hole of a donut
- when you asked to demonstrate sex to him, he drops the banana and donut from shock. Teruteru then smiles and then takes your hand and leads him to his room
- but just because he’s a huge perv, doesn’t mean he can’t be respectable. he handles you with care. 
- yes dating Teruteru with an innocent mind can be a handful, and a lot of people you down at you in pity, but you love spending time with your partner, and he agrees as well
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thatboxylady · 2 years
what if you dropped thrust and jetstorm into neotopia. or granox and slyger. or asked shute to try and convince megatron not to be the way he is
aiuyvsdguhosaiF STOP
Jetstorm gets overstimulated instantly and tries to destroy some shit. Unfortunately for him, Captain Gundam shows up and body slams him into the pavement like a bug. Using a spark like a battery is a powerful thing, but next to the Soul Drive? That's like comparing an akaline battery to an entire nuclear power station that literally produces The Power Of Friendship as a useful waste product.
Thrust would try to diffuse the situation once he realizes that a) Jetstorm is a moron, b) Captain Gundam is acting responsively and not an actual threat, and c) he is not in the mood to get his face smashed in.
Slyger and Granox would behave themselves, I think. They'd go to a cat cafe and Granox would finally have the time to find out what cheese is. They steer clear of Shute and all his friends because the last time they dealt with plucky kids like him, it didn't end so well. Toxsa, Gurren, Chooki, and Ceylan are thankfully very far away and they don't want to tempt the universe like that.
Shute would get about ten words into a big moving speech about Megatron having no friends, and honestly? Megatron would explode. No one like Shute can exist in the BM universe without radiating Friendship is My Super Power energy and not vaporizing the dragon's innards on the spot. Zeong couldn't endure kid's influence and he ate entire universes. What's this guy with delusions of grandeur going to do? Sazabi tried that already and he also exploded.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! team christmas parties
a/n: this is a suuuuper late christmas-themed post because it was kinda crazy here but i hope you guys enjoy these headcanons of how christmas parties are like with the teams
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a very chaotic yet very festive christmas party
nishinoya and hinata especially are very excited for it you could tell by the way they hum christmas songs in the locker room
naturally sugawara suggests holding a christmas party in his house but the only one he sends invitations to is tsukishima because he's the likeliest one to back out
in fact, sugawara probably sends an invitation to tsukishima's house every single day and at this point both akiteru and his mom are anticipating 'kei's first christmas party with friends'
hinata was too excited that he was there at sugawara's house two hours early but they spent a lot of time decorating the entire place
yamaguchi was there just as early because he thought it would be polite and he even brought a box of chocolates for sugawara's family
all of them also decided to do a secret santa gift exchange to make things fun and so they wouldn't have to give everyone gifts
the only ones who gave everyone gifts though were asahi (HE MADE UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS FOR EVERYONE) and yachi who gave everyone some cookies that she baked
everyone mentally thanked kiyoko for getting yachi as assistant manager
ennoshita's secret santa was tanaka and because he knew that ennoshita has been wanting a starbuck's planner, he enlisted noya's help in getting one
did this mean they both chugged 12 starbucks drinks all by themselves in one day? yeah pretty much
when ennoshita got his gift everyone understood why tanaka and noya were extra hyper that day
kageyama also got tsukishima as his secret santa
tsukki actually tried to exchange with yamaguchi but daichi caught him and said that there were no exchanges
he was also planning to get kageyama a plastic tiara as a gift but daichi also caught him (is2g he's everywhere)
eventually tsukishima settled on giving kageyama a volleyball cause he couldn't go wrong with that
kageyama was actually really happy with the gift but kinda pissed that it came from tsukishima of all people so he was just kinda squinting at tsukishima wondering what to say
anyway they didn't fight that's a christmas miracle
yamaguchi got daichi's name for the secret santa and gifted him a coupon for a free spa visit
daichi has a new favorite child
jk yamaguchi has always been his favorite child
hinata actually got KIYOKO to give a gift too and he was anxious for an entire week worrying about what to give her
he ended up asking natsu for advice and then gifting kiyoko a cute little phone charm
she thought it was sweet and still keeps it to this day
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oikawa already had a group chat for a christmas party when december started hanamaki and matsukawa spammed it with memes and santa emojis for the first two weeks
finally when they got around to planning, iwaizumi offered to hold the party at his house 
surprisingly, the earliest one there was kyoutani because ofc he's helping his senpai set up
imagine the both of them trimming the christmas tree i'm jlgkjalg 
kyoutani even brought his own christmas decorations (they're little dogs with santa hats on them) 
kindaichi and kunimi were next to come in and they brought a little gingerbread house that they made themselves
y'all oikawa came in last because of 'traffic' but iwaizumi's like 'bullshit, you live next door'
he was late because he was watching the doctor who christmas special 
matsukawa and hanamaki are of course in charge of all the party games that last throughout the night
they have a newspaper dance game and they intentionally paired up oikawa and kyoutani 
they were the first ones to lose the game because kyoutani wouldn't come a foot near oikawa and that's about how wide their newspaper was
iwaizumi and kindaichi easily won but kindaichi was flustered that iwaizumi carried him bridal-style
you can bet they also brought karaoke and yahaba surprised everyone with his rendition of 'all i want for christmas is you'
also matsukawa and hanamaki did a really good duet of 'baby it's cold outside'
oikawa wanted to make a speech about his friends being his family and them being his best christmas gift ever but hanamaki stopped him
oikawa ended up giving one anyway when the party ended up going on until much later and everyone cried
everyone except kyoutani who was wondering why everyone was crying until he realized that iwaizumi was going abroad for uni
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these guys are so close that they just had to have a christmas party together 
goshiki ofc volunteered his own house and was deadset on making it the best christmas ever for his senpais
except tendou may have told him that ushijima's favorite decorations were mistletoe so ofc goshiki hung mistletoe ever
the funny thing is ushijima DOES like mistletoe. he thinks its classy and simple but he doesn't know about the kissing thing
meanwhile shirabu and tendou are on the side wondering if they should tell either of them
semi lost some kind of bet (probs with shirabu and kawanishi) and now he has to dress up as santa claus for some reason
lmao angry santa semi i love it already
tendou made some handmade chocolate truffles and half of them are delicious but the other half have a piece of onion in the middle
but the delicious ones are like REALLY delicious so everyone plays this sort of russian roulette game with tendou's chocolate truffles
semi kept on getting the onion truffles until reon felt bad for him and gave him his chocolate truffle
it ended up becoming a christmas tradition
ushijima actually gave everyone a gift and it's matching knee pads
shirabu actually loves them except he doesn't want to wear them out so he never wears them
also he gets cold really easily so even though the christmas party is indoors, he's wearing a sweater and a coat and a quilt on top of that
he honestly looks so cozy that by the end of the night everyone is cuddled up next to shirabu
ushijima: he's our coach and therefore a part of our team so of course i invited him
no one can argue with him there
coach washijo was surprisingly a nice guest but everyone was extra courteous around him
semi served him some hot tea and shirabu even gave his quilt
goshiki was hiding in his bathroom because he might get lectured on his serves
they didn't know what activities to do with coach washijo around so tendou suggested watching their volleyball games (yes, goshiki has them all on tape) and coach washijo was all like 'i watch you play all the time why would i want to do that now?'
eventually they settled on watching Polar Express and it was nice
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their christmas party is also a costume party because kuroo said so all of them came in christmas-themed costumes
the third years roped in shibayama and they all dressed up as the characters from 'A Christmas Carol'
shibayama was christmas past, kai was christmas present, kuroo was christmas future, and yaku was scrooge
kuroo: it's perfect because you're short and mean
it's funny because they all end up capitalists
okay but tbh the second years plus lev also went all out for their costumes because they come in as HOME ALONE
i'm clearly biased when it comes to my favorite christmas movies
fukunaga and taketora are the two robbers, kenma's kevin, and lev comes in as the house
it's basically a cardboard cut-out of a house that he and alisa made
the first twenty minutes of their christmas party is basically just them arguing about which group had the better costume
eventually they decide to actually enjoy the party
they end up playing a lot of parlor games and even though kenma hates how loud everyone is, he's still determined to win all of them
i swear, he ended up pushing lev out of the way during musical chairs, also grabbing the chair before sitting on it
but then after that kenma decides to play games for the rest of the night except kuroo confiscated his game console (again)
you can bet yaku and fukunaga cooked the christmas dinner for everyone
kai takes a million pictures for the memories but he's really a perfectionist about it and go crazy whenever lev moves two millimeteres too far to the left
when the pictures are developed kuroo has them developed on matching t-shirts and forces everyone to wear them during practice matches
tsukishima: nice shirt
kuroo: why THANK you
kenma: thanks, i fucking hate it
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ngl they're not SUPER into christmas but they're just mildly curious about the celebration
it's mostly the miya twins who initiate it as a way for all of them to have a get-together during the winter break
kita thinks it's a good idea and invites them all to his house
he's actually quite curious about christmas as a religious celebration so he reads up on it a lot and even starts to up his own nativity scene as decoration
he ends up asking his teammates if they want to bring anything to add to the nativity scene
suna brings his gundam figurines and atsumu has an acrylic standee of momo from twice
and now those are joseph and mary
aran and kita take one look at the nativity scene and go 'this doesn't look right' but atsumu looks so happy to have momo there that they just leave it be
osamu is in charge of food ofc but he can't make up his mind on what to cook so he ends up cooking a little bit of everything
ofc atsumu has to be the one to help him but he ends up tasting and eating a good portion while osamu's cooking
*insert fighting in the kitchen*
suna's just walking around taking pictures of everything and uploading them to his snapchat (which has a lot of followers)
"our chaotic team christmas party part 1 of ???"
aran and kita just want some chill time and drink hot chocolate while watching christmas specials
kita also hung up stockings for everyone and suna was expecting it to have candy but its full of fruit and healthy snacks
they still taste good though
suna’s also the first one to fall asleep right smack on kita’s couch 
atsumu’s just about to draw on his face with permanent marker but kita has a disappointed look so he stops instantly
in fact, ALL of them end up falling asleep in the middle of kita’s living room 
they look so cute aran is in the middle with each of the miya twins on his side. suna is sprawled all over the couch with his face buried in the cushions. kita is sleeping right next to the coffee table with his arms crossed over his chest
kita’s grandmother walks in on them in the living room and knows FOR SURE that she doesn’t have four grandchildren but she’s making them breakfast anyway 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu
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mikkeneko · 3 years
Got tagged by @veliseraptor for a writing meme!
How many works do you have on AO3? What’s your total AO3 word count?
193 works over 10 fandoms;  2,591,823 words.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I would count 10 real ones. Dragon Age; Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle; Critical Role; Marvel Cinematic Universe; The Untamed; The Witcher; Cardcaptor Sakura; Fullmetal Alchemist; Gundam Wing; Weiss Kreuz. Some of these pre-date the existence of AO3, and some of them are better off that way.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Villain State of Mind; Cover Up the Sun; Laughing As I Pray; I do solemnly swear; The Morning After.  All Loki fandom fics. Not too surprising as that was the most mainstream fandom I wrote for, and they’ve been around for a while now, lots of time to accumulate stats.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I have a somewhat complex set of criteria for when I respond and how. 
I will respond to all  comments left on works in my current/active fandom except  for: comments consisting entirely of emojis (mainly because I have no idea what to say to that) comments consisting of single words (same) or comments that seem to be about something other than my fic entirely or focus entirely on negativity (i.e., the commentor is using this box as a space to rant about how much they hate a character, the show, or another author/trope.)
I will usually but not always respond to comments on my next-to-last fandom. On older fandoms I will respond only  to especially long or thoughtful comments, or ones that specifically ask a question that I can answer.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That would have to be Rise From Ash,  the Loki timeloop fic I wrote in MCU. Since it was intended to lead into Avengers, it naturally had a downer ending since we know how Avengers went for Loki; but the story also ended with him having a major mental health break and resolving to kill himself in order to end the timeloop, so, uh, that was pretty unhappy.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I think that the Never Gonna Tell A Lie series has to qualify for this one by default; two fics of the “characters from wildly different series meet in a bar” format, spanning seven different franchises.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Occasionally. I can’t answer in a lot of detail because I make a conscious policy of thinking about these comments as little as possible, so I tend to forget the details. Off the top of my head I know I received a few comments on my MCU fics of people complaining that the fic was nothing more than a Thor-bashing exercise (it wasn’t intended as such, but you can’t control how the audience will receive, I guess.) And then there was the whole infamous “ableist torture porn of a mentally ill man” episode.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I can recall. It may have happened that I just don’t know about.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A fair amount! Sometimes people will leave a comment asking permission to translate. I have always granted it. Sometimes they go through with the translation and sometimes not.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle I co-wrote a couple fics with @faux-fires which were a lot of fun. (Which... doesn’t seem to be on AO3, huh. But Not Quite Paradise  is still on ff.net.)  And more recently @cerusee and I have been trading scenes back and forth for each other’s stories.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know if I have just one. Maybe Kurogane/Fai. They really manage to straddle all my favorite ship dynamics.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Both of my WIPs in Critical Role fandom, Molly’s Moving Castle and Fjord Mustang’s YEEHAW! Fun and Pony Ranch,  are at this point probably never going to be finished. Partly because of Characterization Marches On; the characters that I thought they were when I started writing were not the characters they ended up being in canon. But mostly just because I’m no longer really in the fandom. 
Wonder if it’s worth closing out the WIPs on AO3 with final chapters describing how the fic would have ended?
What are your writing strengths?
I can do humor, I can do horror, I can do heartbreak. I can write a complex outline and stick to it, I have a fair amount of discipline and perseverance. People occasionally compliment my character voice, so I’d say that’s decent. I can spin up a plot for just about any situation. I love  adapting canon to AU. My dialogue is pretty punchy and my action sequences are adequate.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m really bad at writing OCs, as I admit to every darn time this comes up. I’ve also recently realized that I have a strong tendency to avoid writing about characters I don’t like, on several fronts.
The first way that manifests is that if there’s a main/good guy character who the fandom likes and I dislike, I will avoid writing about them whenever possible. I don’t do character bashing. (Which means that if I am  writing about a protagonist character, even if they’re being a jerk and the narrative is whacking them for it, that doesn’t mean I hate the character. It just means that the story requires that they get a good whacking, Thor.)
But the second way this manifests is that I will often just... avoid writing about the bad guys, if they’re unpleasant and I dislike them. Which in shorter things is fine! We’re here to read about the characters we like.  But in longer or more plotful things, that means that all of the villain’s bad things happen off screen  if they happen at all, so the audience doesn’t get a chance to really build up anger against them, so their eventual downfall is less satisfying.
I’m also weaker at writing romance than I would like, I’d say. If it’s a story that has a plot, the romance will frequently get shoved in around the corners or at the last minute. If it’s a story that’s supposed to be about romance, the characters will usually sidetrack into having philosophical discussions about moral relativity when they’re supposed to be flirting.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m not sure I understand the question. I don’t think this has ever come up in my fic. I do not speak any other languages fluently enough to have ever tried to write any part of my fics, dialogue or otherwise, in a language other than english. Is this asking my thoughts on other  people doing that? Sure, why not?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That would have been Gundam Wing! Gosh, it’s been so long that I barely remember what  that first fic was. But the biggest thing I wrote for that fandom was a ghost story on a space station, which was not very good, objectively, but I look back on it and think it had some seeds of a pretty cool horror/psychological drama going there. 
Was Duo Maxwell really  haunting the space station? Or was Heero Yuy just going mad with grief? Who can say.
Tagging! Well, Lise tagged me, so she’s out. How about... @hollyand-writes (if you have the time to spare,) @curiosity-killed, @thethirdamell, @plotdesigner, and @cerusee ?
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Scene Analysis - Heero’s Farewell
AKA The Helmet Scene
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This is one of the most famous scenes in the entire series. And it’s certainly one of the most interesting as well, thanks to a number of factors. We have a mood change, we have Heero finally fulfilling his promise to Relena to bid her farewell, we have a clear picture of how their relationship has evolved throughout the series, we have a retcon of the previous episode to make this scene work and a million other things, frankly. So, let’s get to dissecting it.
First, the setup. The previous two episodes, episode 46 and 47, present us with a Heero who, in my opinion, acts a lot like during the beginning of the series. It may just be me, but he comes off as rather brusque. Sure, he and Relena may be throwing compliments at each other, but there is a curtness to his tone and the ordering around (”You’ll stay here with me”) that annoy me personally. When Relena initially asks him if he came for her he even deflects, claiming that Noin and the others are worried about her. Sure.
Again, I don’t like it.
If I had to guess, I’d say Ikeda’s intention of not making their relationship romantic but keeping it symbolic paired with being unable to write normal teenager relationships is at play here. I’m putting the blame on him since he is the director, but I may be wrong, so sorry if I am. In any case, the farewell between Heero and Relena is just a loaded glance. They don’t speak, there is a huge distance between them, they just look at each other meaningfully and then Heero gets ready to fight. It’s pretty much Earth and Space, ever at a distance, yet bound by ...uh, something.
Come episode 48, the other writers apparently bound and gagged Ikeda, locked him up in a closet and gave us take 2 of the farewell, which the fandom knows as the helmet scene. And it really shows that someone else was in charge during the last two episodes because we suddenly have the most gentle, most tender sounding Heero in the entire series, complete with sparkly eyes and teddy bears.
And this, I like because the point of Heero’s character arc is regaining his humanity. So having him act like in the beginning kinda ruins that. So thank you, person, who made these decisions.
To clarify, episode 47 has Relena in a dark hangar with her helmet in her hands looking up at Heero who is about to board Wing Zero. He then enters the cockpit and closes it. That’s apparently the end of their interaction. Come episode 48 though, the hangar is lit, the helmets are on and the cockpit is wide open for Relena to jump up and talk to Heero one last time.
And here we see the aforementioned mood change. Gone is Heero’s brusque tone and his weird reluctance to admit any kind of fondness or affection. Instead, he freaking pulls her in during the conversation, because an inch from your face is the ideal distance when speaking to a person apparently. And not just that; he is softly smiling at her the whole time and instead of making it an order, he gently asks her to let him go.
I trust everyone can see how glaringly different this is from their interaction in the previous two episodes.
And there is so much more still. In their conversation Heero reveals his newly made promise to protect Relena (and the Earth Sphere). This goes aaaall the way back to Cinq, where he initially told Quatre he didn’t see much sense in fighting for Relena or her country. Through the various events, he did end up protecting her though, then he was forced to attempt to assassinate her again as Chief Representative of Romefeller and now we are at the point where the peace Relena promises, or at least wants to fight for, is something that Heero believes in.
This is so important for his character because he was the guy who would spout stuff like peace only being the result of war and not believing in it. This is also the lesson he later tries to make Wufei see in their fight in Endless Waltz. Heero is not a soldier anymore at that point; he has become a normal kid who belongs to and wishes for a peaceful world. So yeah, very important moment here.
It really makes me wonder why anyone thought the loaded stare of ep. 47 was enough.
Even more so because here Heero finally fulfills the promise he made Relena back in Cinq: he bids her farewell before leaving. Back in Cinq, and frankly, in all their previous interactions, Heero would just up and leave without a word. It started in episode 6, it happened in 10 and again in Cinq when he went on the suicide mission to Luxembourg. And Relena didn’t even ask anything special of him. She just wanted him to let her know when he’d leave. She didn’t demand a reason, she didn’t want to give him permission, it was just a simple goodbye she wanted.
Yet, Heero does all of the above when they talk. He tells her why he leaves to fight, he asks her to let him go and when she refuses, thinking he is intending to kill himself again for the billionth time, Heero shines even more light on his character development by telling her to believe in him. He isn’t trying to die on the battlefield.
Heero pushes Relena out of the cockpit at this point and gives her a look that honestly creeps me out a little even to this day, as the cockpit closes and he maneuvers Wing Zero into position to take off. Relena, placated by his plea and stare, says the she does believe in him.
And then, because he may not plan to die but is prepared to do so nonetheless if it can bring peace, he actually holds up his end of the promise and tells her that which she previously wished to hear. And it’s wonderful, because he really shouldn’t have.
See, at this point Relena has witnessed and heard of seven attempts and brushes with death of Heero’s. On the beach, at the harbor, falling down the side of the hospital, blowing himself up with his Gundam, asking the Noventas to kill him, nearly getting slaughtered by Zechs and then later by the mobile dolls in Luxembourg, this girl has seen a lot with him. So it’s a very reasonable assumption of hers to think he would do the same thing again here and throw his life away. Which is why Heero has to assure her that’s not his intention.
But because he knows the risks, he knows this might be the last time they talk, so he kinda chickens out a bit there after that bold “believe in me” and bids her farewell nonetheless, just to be on the safe side, I assume. Because he later also tells her not to worry over him since his life isn’t worth much anyway.
And while getting her wish of hearing a goodbye should normally make her happy, Relena freaks here. Here he is, a friend she has known for a long time and who means a lot to her, as he was what gave her the strength to carry on after her father died, sounding like he isn’t going to return. And Relena is heartbroken because Heero is important to her. The parallels to her father show us how much Heero’s death would affect her.
Her crying out Heero’s name in that agonized manner isn’t meant to be taken romantically. This is a girl fearing her friend will die.
I really love this entire scene because it not only gives us heaps of character development and normal human interaction, which those two sorely lack, it also brings a bunch of stuff full circle, illustrates their personalities well and makes for another interesting break from traditions.
What I mean with the last point is that normally (or at least in the 90s), the guy is all business when he has to go out and fight, being all stoically manly about it, while the woman will be emotional and initiate one final time of intimacy, and the guy may respond before going off to battle. I have this overblown image of Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, Clint Eastwood type of flicks in my head. You know, the manly stuff.
And here we have Gundam Wing, where Relena doesn’t even care about herself or her feelings for him, but instead is only concerned about Heero’s well-being. Which is why I would have totally bought Relena’s feelings for Heero being purely platonic had Endless Waltz with that super tender caress not happened.
Which also portrays her natural selflessness, in contrast to Heero’s credo of living life acting on your emotions. And boy does he act. He is very much cranking up the romance here with how close he pulls her to him and how very tenderly he speaks to her. Ship it or not, it’s obvious here he likes her. Which in turn tints all their previous interactions.
Ikeda might have wanted a purely symbolic relationship between them, but the geniuses behind this episode ruined that. They gave us Heero displaying his feelings for her, which in turn made all that came before a massive slow burn of sorts.
This is something I find highly amusing personally. If you removed the helmet scene and that caress from Endless Waltz, I wouldn’t see it. But those two scenes are enough to make me believe there are feelings there and it’s amazing to see how little it takes to make me change my mind. Then again, Gundam Wing is big on subtlety so this is practically on par with screaming it from the rooftops.
But still, thank you. Thank you writers for inserting this scene and generally giving us two amazing final episodes. You hit all the right marks in my book.
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rawsanma · 3 years
In Memoriam of "Shin Evangelion: Curse"
*The following article contains a full spoiler for "Evangelion 3.0+1.0".*
I sat together with a person who was not in birth when EOE was released, and after watching the film we talked a bit and thought about the people who passed away without ever seeing this. I understand that fans from the old series and those who came from the new series may have very different perceptions of Shin-Eva. So I'd like to first correct a few things I said in my first impressions.
It may be somewhere between an honorable movie and a mediocre movie in general, but as Evangelion, it's garbage.
After about halfway through the two hours and thirty-five minutes, I started to look at my watch again and again. The double ending, which is both a personal novel and a product, was a fleeting fantasy, and the two songs "One Last Kiss" and "beautiful world (da capo ver.)" were not used effectively in relation to the story, only being played in the staff roll.
When I saw the first 10 minutes of the movie that was released last year, I thought that perhaps Paris was chosen as the setting for the story of "humanity fighting together in the face of destruction" or "the expansion of the Eva world (not G Gundam, but G Eva!)", but that was not the case at all. He just wanted to depict the battle using the Eiffel Tower as a FATALITY, I realized that he hadn't made a single millimeter of progress since when he asked Hayao Miyazaki if I could film only this action scene of Her Highness Kushana in the re-animation of Nausicaa, he was scolded, "That's why you're no good!"
At the beginning of the film, they try to carefully describe the things behind the scenes that were not told in Eva Q.  The third Ayanami like the TV version is the main character, and they go on and on about living in the countryside, copying "My Neighbor Totoro". The large family of our parent's home that we go back to during the summer vacation is presented as an image of happiness in life and a decent human being. It is also connected to Gendou's narrative during the Human Instrumentality Project but isn't it too Showa-era and too simple a solution? I am interested in how the young fans who are children of nuclear families who left their large families in the countryside and moved to the city saw the too sudden depiction of "life in the countryside". It was almost a gag to see Ayanami walking around in a plug suit which is a sexual orientation that has manifested itself after Space Battleship Yamato, in the images of pre and post-war farming villages depicted by recent NHK morning dramas. The director, influenced by his wife, must have been immersed in the LOHAS and vegan lifestyle as a fashion statement, which is only possible because he is an urbanite with too much stuff and too much money. As for this theme, it has already been presented in the watermelon field scene in the second film, and it is merely a re-presentation of the same theme in a diluted form.
I've pointed out before that Eva Q is "a crack in reality because of the loss of reality to rely on. "It's rude not to eat what you're served!", Shinji was scolded by Touji's father, who looked like a subversion of Hayao Miyazaki's work (Gedo Senki!). I have a simple question, how can the interior of a house become so old and wretched after only 14 years? How can a community of people of all ages be formed in just 14 years? There was a line that implied that Touji had killed someone for the village, and it is possible that the director had extremely beautified the "Showa era" as a sanctuary where people who are hurt and regret their committing murder during the war as a soldier live nearby, and when he opened the last drawer after using up all the materials, he found the image of the original landscape of his childhood.
Misato and Kaji's child, which is only described for a few minutes, is also abrupt, and I don't feel that it is more than a plot device for the purpose of staging the reconciliation with Shinji later on. Some people seem to be moved by the fact that "behind Misato's cold attitude towards Shinji in Q, there was such a conflict in her mind," but it's the opposite. All the answers are just excuses after wasting nine years of work. Even if the wounds healed and treated with a gentle "I'm sorry," after being beaten severely by a raging DV husband, the fact of the beating would not disappear, and the wife would feel nothing but fear at the sudden change in her husband. To a situation that he had set to minus 100, he spent 2 hours and 35 minutes gradually pouring water drawn from other places and past works to bring it back to zero...I've never seen such a horrible match pump. Well, now that I'm writing this, I'm thinking that I've seen this before.
The relationship between Eva Q and Shin Eva is very similar to the relationship between "The Last Jedi" and "The rise of Skywalker" in Star Wars. In a self-absorbed rampage of conjecture that did not listen to the opinions of others, the historical stage of the series that had been built up was turned into a mess, and then the destroyed story was carefully built up again from the ground using unnecessary length, and only the shape of the story was created to end it without being disgraceful, and every scene that tries to make things more exciting is a copy of past work. As for Star Wars, since 8 and 9 were directed by different directors, I was able to settle my feelings of resentment towards Ryan and gratitude towards Abrams, respectively, but as for Evangelion, the director looks like a child who has been proud to clean up his own mess and have his female cronies praise and pat him on the head. Moreover, what kind of sympathy do you expect when you are told to "I'll make amends" for the mere act of wiping your ass after defecating, in a cool, Showa-era chivalrous tone?
In this film, as a recovery from Q and a summary of new Eva, there are elements throughout the story that critics can easily relate to the old Eva. “Oh, I can talk about this in connection with that!” This is what gives them a good impression and it has nothing to do with how the old fans perceive it. The director seems to have a dedicated person in charge of communicating and negotiating with the outside, but now he wants the critics to communicate with the fans about Shin-Eva. As long as he doesn't speak for himself, he can correct their interpretations later based on the "misunderstandings" of the people in between himself and his fans. This is a very Japanese-style system of surmising feelings, a system of authority that is formed when only a limited number of cronies are informed of the true intentions of the president. If I talk about it in too much detail, right-winged Yakuza will show up very soon, so to make it short, it is an indigenous control structure unique to Japan that originated from the "Mikado behind the bamboo blind". This time the director was very conscious of that, and I was able to see that Eva, who was a challenger, has become an authority that does not tolerate any criticism.
And what fan from the past could enjoy watching the endless battle scenes after Shinji returns to Wunder in the middle of the film? One after another, the sister ships of Wunder appear--there's almost no difference in appearance, but Ritsuko is able to guess their names the moment they appear. Right after the line "I'm pretty sure there's a fourth ship," the fourth ship comes crashing upon them from underneath, with no intention other than to make us laugh, right? As well as the repeated tenseless bombardment fight with no description of damage no matter how many artillery shells are hit, and it's quite painful being poured Asuka and Mari's Me-Strong Battles which are already enough by the time of Q, continuously down my throat like a goose with a funnel in its mouth. There's no way to synchronize my feelings with the screen, and it just creates an atmosphere as if the story is going on with the unattractive super-robot action that I pointed out in Q. It's no use pointing out, but the repair and supply problems of Wille side in a world where the industry has been destroyed were shown in the farming village part, though it was inadequate. But those of NERV side, an organization of only a man and an old man, was completely thrown away.
The last part of the story about the Human Instrumentality Project is like a fanzine where Gendou, Asuka, Kaworu, and Rei are lined up in a row and complemented in turn and then dismissed, whereas EOE was a total complement through Shinji. The director has tried to upgrade his framework by borrowing them from EOE and has failed miserably. Someone who has created works by putting his emotion and flair into a copy has dabbled in copying his own work. As a result, he had to confront his own sensibilities from when he was young and had to compare the old and the new by his old audience. Frankly speaking, only the techniques have been traced, the sound and the screen have become gorgeous, but the emotion and the sense have deteriorated. The face of the giant Ayanami that was replaced with a live-action one -- probably based on the face acting of Shinji's voice actor, and the "untested ordeal" of her tweet means this -- appears in the background like a gold folding screen in the high sand at a Japanese wedding reception. You're getting tired of all this, and you're not making it seriously, are you? The battle between Eva Unit01 and Eva Unit13 in Tokyo-III, which I expressed my anxiety about before the film's release, is a scene where the company's CG team can't produce what the director expects and he is so frustrated that he has the same mindset as in the final two episodes of the TV version, "I'd rather get a minus than a red", and after that, it became like a gag scene, including Eva fights in Misato's apartment and Shinji's school classroom, as if he was staged them in desperation. The side-shooting screenshot of the little Wunder charging at the head of the giant Ayanami is a picture of ”Cho Aniki (Japanese STG)” itself, and it's also meant to be funny, right? It's a series of loose, sloppy, and tenseless scenes that can't be compared to EOE.
What the hell have the CG team been doing for the past nine years, getting paid with no progress and making Eva look like an outdated piece of crap? Didn't anyone have the chivalrous spirit of the Showa era like "Don't embarrass our boss!"? Don't be so relieved when you get the green light! The director has just given up on you! There were a few scenes where the person at the top of the editing and collage, who has been making the coolest pictures, was not given as much good material as he used to be and seemed to make desperate staging in a way that he would never have given the green light in the past. It's been more than 10 years since Xapa was established, but I guess they don't have enough talent to meet the director's vision. Perhaps because of this, the conclusion of the film is exactly the same as the old one, that the director has no choice but to use his personal feelings to finish Eva, but the film ends up being a self-imitation of "Sincerely Yours". It is sad to see a person who "surpasses the original by putting his heart and soul into the copy" start to copy his own past works on the big screen of the theater, because he has become a big name in the animation world after reaching the age of 60, and there are no others left to be copied. However, right after "Komm, süsser Tod" started playing in the old movie, the scene where the titles of each episode and the reverse side of Cels were played in succession was projected on the wall of the studio using a projector -- the title of the new movie was added.  It made me mad and thought, "Don't touch my EOE with the dirty hands of the merchant.  I'll kill you."
The last things that the man who "transfers his own life onto films" presented in his costly self-published private novel were a naked confession of his own mental history up to the point where he met his wife, which he temporarily entrusted to Gendou, and the words "I think I loved you" and "I loved you" exchanged between himself and the former lover who could not be together and themselves who had separate spouses, just a reckoning of the muddled love affair that existed behind the scenes of EOE. I half-jokingly said that the distance between the director and Asuka's voice actor was important for the end of Eva, but it turned out to be true in a different way. During the recording session, Asuka's voice actor was told by the director, "I'm glad Miyamura is Asuka," which sent chills down my spine as it conveyed the horror of a creator who doesn't hide everything about his life and relationships and uses them to create his works.
In the scene where Shinji says "I liked you too" to the adult Asuka, who is wearing a tight latex suit and drawn in a more realistic character design (making us aware of the cosplay by Asuka's voice actor), while she is lying on the EOE beach, I thought "You guys should do this in a coffee shop or something between recording sessions! Don't make us watch middle-aged man and woman having unpleasant conversations on the big screen of the theater!", I almost screamed out. I think that's the scary part, the director's one-sided love for Asuka's voice actor is falsified by having the character say that she liked him, as if it was a mutual love. The director's statement at the beginning of the pamphlet says that he started working on the sequel right after Evangelion 2.0 without hesitation, using the worldview of "Q". I'm not trying to quote the line "You can change the reality you don't like by getting on Eva.", but it's not as if he's trying to cover up the fact, but he really believes that using his strong imagery, and it made me feel a bit chilly that there was no one around to correct his misconceptions.
At the end of Human Instrumentality Project, I wondered if the fact that a senior member of the movie industry had praised the shooting of EOE by flipping Cels over as a "tremendous deconstruction" was still fresh in his mind. This time, too, it was postponed after postponement, and even though the makings have been done in time, he showed the other side of the production with line drawings and roughs. The reason it was so innovative was that it was the first time anyone had tried it then, and now, 25 years later, it's just a rut. It's disgusting that everyone is praising the master's strange drawing habit and saying, "Oh yeah, that's it, that's it." As I've said before, it's like "defecating in a sixty-nine," which was successful because the first partner happened to be a scatologist. The expression of EOE was sharp and ”Rock’n’‐roll”, but Shin-Eva's "fun of anime images" has gone into the realm of traditional art, like slow "Gagaku".
The director hadn't decided who Mari Makinami was for a long time -- he was so indifferent to her that he threw the actor's acting plan to a sub-director -- but with Shin-Eva, he's changed her into an equal to Moyoco Anno, his wife. In other words, the flashy battle in the middle of the film, which is unimportant to many viewers, is revealed to have been a very pleasant pretend play for the director, in which he has his former love and his current wife fight on his favorite robots. Once again, we are shown the director's so-what-attitude, which has not progressed even a millimeter since "I'm an asshole," and which he can complete his work only by masturbation. So it's no wonder that they couldn't depict the extremely simple catharsis of Shinji's great success with Eva Unit01, which is what most of the old fans want. Because a robot with a pathetic old man on board can't get an erection due to impotence, let alone masturbation! Oops, excuse me, sir.
And as I said before, it's time to realize that the English language has become so popular in Japan that it's become lame. You use Infinity, Another, Additional, Advanced, Commodity, and Imaginary, just because it sounds cool to you, right? Everyone criticized the naming "Final Impact", but I never thought I'd see the time when I'd faint from the lack of taste and coolness in Evangelion, such as Another Impact, Additional Impact.
And the ending, with the wedding report in a live-action aerial shot of the director's hometown, newbie fans are screaming that it is like, "They're doing a very positive version of the old "Return to Reality!". But I felt it was too empty and cynical because it was intended to be read that way by the director. It depicts only the elation of marriage, and the pain of getting along with a partner and his or her family with different values is cut off (well, maybe Q was expressing the hardship of married life......). But isn't the emotional weight of a marriage report much higher when you meet your partner's parents? The fact that he ended the movie by showing his own hometown instead of his wife's hometown leaves me with the impression that he's definitively an egotistical geek through and through. "You may have graduated from a good university and are making good money in the city, but if you're not married and don't have children, aren't you somehow humanly flawed?" After 25 years, Evangelion, which was such a forward-thinking Sci-Fi, is now completely in sync with the earthly ethics of Showa-era's farmers and farm horses. "I got married and it saved my life. I don't know about you, but why don't you try?" You can think what you want, but if you want to convey it as a message of salvation, you have to express it in the content of your work, not in your own talk.
I've been married for 20 years, I have two children, both of whom are about to reach the age of adulthood, I've paid off the mortgage on my home, and I'm finally at the end of raising my children, but all of that is just an outer shell of a social skin that has nothing to do with my true nature or where my soul is! There's no connection between what kind of life an individual lives in the real world and the Sci-Fi sense of wonder, in fact, there shouldn't be any connection! If you're a science fiction fan, take a page from the great Arthur C. Clarke! I was a nerd with a negative value of 100, but when I got married, I gradually poured the "common-sense values" of the Showa era into myself, and now I'm a true man with no negative value? Don't write such pathetic fiction proudly! Listen, what you presented to the audience at the end was the same thing that someone would say to you, "You seedless stallion!" It's the same kind of unethical and vulgar message that you shouldn't be giving! The old Eva became a classic of Japanimation, and no one was able to properly scold you, or you keep away those who tried, and the result of this is directly reflected in the ending of Shin Eva! You've reached your 60th birthday and you only have such poor social common sense, damn it!
I'm sorry, I was so excited that I lost my control a little bit, just a little bit. I think the director is relying a little too much on his wife, who is ultimately a stranger on, to be his laison d'etre (lol). If they were to break up in the future, it would certainly be the soil for the next Eva, the content and development of which is completely predictable, but that is no longer my concern. I wonder if his wife doesn't like the fact that he's mentally dependent on her like this, and that it's being shown on screens all over the country. If it were me, I'd be furious, but since she's a creator, I guess she understands how he feels. Ignoring the other person's feelings and continuing to force what he believes to be love on her, thinking that it will make her happy, seems to me that there has been no progress at all since the way he treated his girlfriend 25 years ago. The person I want to hear from the most right now is not the self-proclaimed Eva fans who are looking at each other from the side and giving positive feedback in celebration of the final episode, but his wife. If the director had a child, he would not have been able to distinguish between his own ego and that of the child, and would have doted on his child, making a documentary film about his or her growth, but would most likely have turned into a controlling and poisonous parent in his or her adolescence. And he animated his feelings for his child who was rebelling against him, without the child's permission, considering it as a one-sided redemption for the child, and the child who was exposed to the whole country about their home life would have distanced from his father more and more.
In the end, Evangelion did not become a product like Gundam, but rather a robot animation that was the director's weird personal novel. The repeated use of the word "job" in the film has stuck in my mind, but in order for the studio to survive, it had to make Evangelion a product in this new series, and I'm sure that was the initial motivation behind the production of these new films. Your real "job" was to make Evangelion the same as Gundam, to protect the people who came to you because they loved Evangelion. Years from now, I can see a future where Xapa will be like Ghibli, behead the staff and continue as a copyright management company. The director, who didn't want to be embarrassed as a creator by a new challenge adopted the safe way -- I can't believe that I have to use the word "safe" for Evangelion -- to end the new series that relied on EOE only for himself, not for the future of the people who came to admire him. That's what Shin Evangelion is all about.
The good part? The fact that he didn't bring Shin Ultraman trailer at the end of the film makes me think he has grown up a bit. If you're declaring "Farewell, All Evangelions" with the intention of hurting, disappointing, and disinterested old fans like me, then your malice is unfathomable, and that's quite a feat. Brilliantly, your intentions have permanently killed a part of me that used to be an Eva fan.
As horrifying as it is to imagine, it must have crossed the director's mind to reschedule the film and set a new release date for March 11. The only reason he didn't do so is not that he has grown up to be a sensible adult, but rather because the idea of linking Evangelion 3.0 with the Great East Japan Earthquake was a fact that is too painful for him to make it public.
Ten years ago today, many lives were lost and Evangelion was destroyed.
This fact will never disappear, no matter how much the director denies and covers up with the "true" history. If there is any mission left for me as a fan, it is to continue to pass on this fact to future generations as a storyteller. It is a huge loss for Japanese fiction that the end of the great Evangelion has become a self-recovery work of the great failure of the reboot affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and that the potential of the great Evangelion has been consumed by the self-defense of someone who cannot admit his own mistakes, and I sincerely regret it. Shin Evangelion will be forever cursed by the dead, who yearn to see the sequel of Evangelion 2.0, and the living, who yearn to see the sequel of Evangelion 2.0.
This curse will be completed when it spreads, arrives, and is burned by the powers that be as a false history. I pray that my thoughts will reach him!
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