#I think their bond is so special that you can’t put a label to it btw
wheelercurse · 2 years
sasus*kus have the worst takes ever.
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fandomsoda · 9 months
I have just learned that someone very important in the Xvials community has been forced to stop posting about the ship due to the harassment they are receiving.
Needless to say, I am absolutely livid about this, not only for losing someone important in a small community of mine, but absolutely disgusted that people would harass someone over a ship that DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT.
Harassment is already wrong obviously I shouldn’t have to say that, but it’s ten times worse when the reason behind it isn’t even fucking valid. Even if it were, harassment doesn’t work and only causes people to either double down or become emotionally unstable and puts them in danger. Harassment is never the answer in these times.
So here’s everyone’s (un)friendly reminder that Xvials is not problematic, Xvials is not pro/ship, a lot of people just have very weird views of how the multiverse works and haven’t refreshed themselves on X-Tale in a while and let their hatred of XGaster get out of hand. It’s totally fine not to like it, but don’t lie about it.
I’m gonna quickfire debunk the primary claims I’ve been seeing surrounding Xvials, btw for those out of the know, Xvials is XGaster x Ink, sometimes romantic but usually queerplatonic or some other abstract case. Let’s get started-
argument #1: “Ink’s adoptive dads are Gasters, so him being with a Gaster is pseudo-incest!”
Alright this alone to me is just ridiculous because like, actually think about that for a second, this is implying that every single Gaster in the whole multiverse is somehow related to Ink and that he can’t have unique relationships with them and I hope that everyone can recognize that the concept alone is absurd.
argument #2: “It’s abusive! They’re just using each other! XGaster actually hates Ink!”
Did we watch the same show? Because I don’t think we did, since in X-Tale their bond is repeatedly displayed and in Underverse it’s reinforced, with tons of extra things Jakei has posted emphasizing their bond. May I remind everyone of “come back”, this teaser Jakei showed depicting XGaster being actively afraid of losing Ink? Keep in mind how Ink is shown in a bright, important light here? He’s clearly afraid of losing him, they’re genuine friends, it’s not just for his own motives, and XGaster never treats Ink poorly, other than leaving him in the dark about things that I doubt he’s intentionally hiding from him, simply not thinking Ink would need/want to know. Like I said: totally fine if it’s not your thing or you don’t like it, but don’t fucking lie.
argument #3: “They’re both aroace!”
True, however that makes it even more likely for them to have a unique bond and understanding of each other than with others, definitely not romantic but as I said before, Xvials isn’t primarily romantic and all romantic depictions are fully recognized as fanon, if they appear at all. Also when I talk about them having a special and unique bond, that’s addressed in a canon comic, remember this from back in June? A lot of the time, the two being aroace is actually a very important component of Xvials portrayals. Especially in my case, since the way I think of them is very much hazy and queerplatonic, like all my ships with Ink.
argument #4 (this is going to sound satirical but I’m not even kidding, I saw someone say this): “It’s pseudo-pedophilic because Ink is very short and acts younger while XGaster is tall and acts mature!”
I… am at a loss for words. Take a look at that, think about what you just said, and go touch grass. Obviously, Ink and XGaster are both full grown adults with somewhat ethereal ages, no one here is a child, and labeling Ink as child-like comes off as very ableist for a number of reasons. Ink can definitely be childish, any character can, but that doesn’t make them “child coded”.
ok, that was a lot, but I just needed to get that off my chest, I… yeah. I think y’all get it. Good day.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
N.Y. Beat! Hit & Run 1986 Third Wave Ska / 2 Tone
Alright, well, in order to properly contextualize this album, I need to do a very quick and dirty rundown of the history of ska as a whole, so here goes:
Ska originated in Jamaica in the 60s as a precursor to reggae. It's defined by the skank—the repetitive single note or chord that hits on every other beat that creates the music's unique rhythm. A great original ska band to check out is The Skatalites.
Starting in the late 70s, ska underwent a very popular second wave in the UK known as 2 tone, which adopted its name from a record label that ended up popularizing four very important bands to the movement: The Selecter, The Specials, Bad Manners, and Madness. It was a working class scene that promoted racial unity and its songs were typically more uptempo and sharper-edged.
Then, in the late 80s, the term ‘third wave ska’ was coined in the US to describe a new crop of bands, like No Doubt and Sublime, who were pairing the music with contemporary punk rock.
But between that second UK wave and the application of the third wave label, there were also a bunch of US bands in the 80s who drew deep influence from the 2 tone acts overseas. And that's largely what this compilation is concerned with; specifically, a ska scene from mid-80s New York. Retroactively, I think these bands are usually classified as third wave since they're not from the UK 2 tone scene, but the bulk of them played a 2 tone-type sound.
And you can't talk about a budding 80s New York ska scene without mentioning The Toasters. Out of all the bands on this record, they seem to be the ones who had the most complete sound. They kick off the album with a sweet and mostly instrumental foray into spy music motifs, even reproducing the James Bond theme towards the end, and then later on, they deliver "Shocker!," which, along with a typical ska setup, comes with a keyboard using a recorder preset, hand drums, and female backing vocals. It's swell!
Another thing that's cool about this record is that a few of the songs depart from the 2 tone sound and go off in their own directions, blending ska with punk, which showed a sign of things to come, or playing new wavey synths along with ska. I'm not in love with how any of these particular experiments sound themselves, but they’re still intriguing to hear.
Also, there's a couple tracks towards the end, "Brighter Days" by The Boilers, which contrasts a very deep and active bass with both a softly ringing guitar and another guitar that maintains the skank, and "Free South Africa" by Too True—the only song the band appears to have ever put out—that goes on an extended and slow reggae-groove detour as it sings about the evils of South African apartheid. Both are pretty cool, musically, but be forewarned, both of these bands' white lead vocalists sing in a very cringeworthy, hasn't-aged-well-at-all pseudo-Jamaican patois 😬.
A neat little document of mid-80s New York ska that's caught between the UK's 2 tone second wave and the US' third wave. Pretty cool stuff 😎.
The Toasters - "Matt Davis" The Toasters - "Shocker!" The Boilers - "Brighter Days" Too True - "Free South Africa"
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felynewytch-moved · 2 years
Re: Familiars
I try to not let it bother me when people wrongly call their pets or even other people’s pets, their familiar. But it does!
I think part of the reason it bothers me so much, is because I’ve seen countless times, the consequences of doing so. No one seems to do an ounce of research before endangering their supposedly beloved pet(s).
I understand that people have this need for them or their pets to be “special”. But I’m not sure if putting your pet (or someone else’s) in harms way is exactly the best way of having a special and unique bond. You can have a magical pet who you share a very strong bond with WITHOUT throwing them into harms way.
Familiars aren’t just “a witch’s pet”. They’re spirits that have either been specifically summoned or happen to appear when needed. Emphasis on spirits! There are a lot of things that a familiar is suppose to do, kind of by default. SOME of those things include things like accompanying the witch through the astral when astral traveling (and other hedge crossing related activities), venturing off and gathering information for the witch (whether this be in our realm or others), and the biggest one here folks: a familiar will die in order to protect the witch, be it from a powerful curse or something else.
I just think it’s wrong to force your pet or someone else’s pet into that kind of role. I know a lot of people agree with me on that. I just wish witches would do some research before ignorantly throwing a living animal into such a dangerous role like familiar, especially since they can’t and aren’t even agreeing to be in such a role. They can’t even begin to comprehend that.
TL;DR: most of the time wrongly labeling things as magical in some way is harmless. Familiars is an exception. It’s dangerous and wrong to call and force a living animal “familiar” because that word has meaning, a purpose. It puts the tasks of a familiar on that animal whether you mean for it to or not, and that can and does lead to dead or missing pets. If you want you and your pets bond to be special, it can be! You don’t have to put them in danger by calling them a familiar! Your pet or someone else’s pet really can’t even agree to be in such a role, they can’t even begin to comprehend it let alone agree to it.
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musette22 · 3 years
Unpopular opinion time: I keep trying and trying to read Stucky soulmate fics, because objectively I know the trope should be perfect for these two characters who are pretty much the embodiment of it, and I know soulmate fics are very popular. But despite having read dozens of fics and some with thousands of kudos, I haven't found more than one or two that I actually felt were satisfying. Of course, I may have just read the wrong ones, and I know there are still a lot of them out there that I haven’t tried, but I always feel like there's something… lacking, that I usually find in other kinds of Stucky fics?
By the way, I don’t tend to share a lot of my unpopular opinions on here (even though I have many) because I don't want to make others feel like I think there's something wrong with something they like. So if you’re a big fan of the soulmate trope in Stucky fic, please don’t read this post, because I know it can suck when someone talks about why they don’t like something you enjoy! This post isn’t meant to start discourse, just more of a way for me to order my thoughts, because I’ve been mulling this over in my mind for like a week now and I’m still trying to pinpoint why I think the trope just isn’t for me.
I’ll put the rest of this under the cut ‘cause it’s kinda long and rambly
I think my biggest issue is that in most soulmate AUs, everyone has a soulmate, or at least most people do. It’s a more or less ordinary thing, and for me that just makes that bond and connection between Steve and Bucky less extraordinary. A big part of the attraction of Stucky for me is the fact that their love and bond transcends what most other people experience in their lives. It’s special, unique. And in most soulmate fics, the soulmate bond – despite its depth and intensity and significance – is a common occurrence. 
But even in fics where not everyone has a soulmate, and it only happens to the lucky few, I guess I just don’t really see the added value of the soulmate ‘label’?
I know soulmateism is this grand romantic ideal, and in some ways it is, of course. But I can't help but feel like it's somehow less romantic than the 'I choose you' or ‘I love you despite the odds’ kinds of love, which I think are the two most common ‘types’ of love in Stucky fics. I'm finding it really hard to put my finger on why exactly I feel that way, and I think the closest I can get to an answer is that the soulmate thing feels almost clinical to me sometimes, despite the epic, cosmic predestination and strong pull between souls that is usually described.
I know that technically, all love could be described as a biological instinct or chemical process, but with the soulmate trope that clinical aspect of it feels amped up, somehow. Something that bothers me is the idea that these people don't have much, if any (depending on the fic) say in the matter. When Steve and Bucky are described as soulmates, especially in fics where everyone has one, it means that there are circumstances beyond their control that make them perfect for each other, that have decided that they will love each other. And sure, in a lot of fics they also get to know each other and there’s some mention of how they would’ve also fallen in love if they hadn’t been soulmates, but in those cases I just can’t help but think: then why did they need to be ‘soulmates’?
Isn’t it much more special and romantic when it’s just two strangers getting to know each other and falling in love and choosing each other as the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with (as in most AUs)? Or when it’s childhood friends who know each other through and through and who love each other because of the person they are, and despite the odds often being stacked against them (as in most canon(-adjacent) fics)?
Of course there's always an element of destiny and fate with Steve and Bucky, and don’t get me wrong: I adore that. That’s my jam. In canon, these two share share a connection beyond anything other people experience in their lives, something that’s more powerful than mind control, more persistent than ‘death’, more enduring than an average human lifespan. And the whole point of AUs, in a way, is proving over and over - and this is actually is what the concept of soulmates means to me personally, I think - that these two are meant to be together in any universe, no matter the circumstances.
And I guess that’s exactly it. Steve and Bucky’s love isn’t merely a product of circumstance, it’s stronger than circumstance. For me, the love and bond between Steve and Bucky is something more complex and profound than the two of them merely being a predestined match, like some sort of cosmic tinder. Designating them as soulmates almost sort of cheapens what they have, in my view. I don’t know if that makes any sense, it probably doesn’t, but this is the closest I can get to explaining why most soulmate fics leave me feeling a little unsatisfied 😅
If anyone has any other thoughts or view on this they’d like to share, please feel free, but again: it’s not meant to start discourse and I’m not saying my opinion is true and anyone else’s is wrong. I know a lot of it is subjective and just a matter of personal preference so it’s totally fine if you feel differently ❤️
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aprils2ndhandshop · 3 years
can i request the 2003 raph, don and mikey with a sweet, anti-social, shy girl? thank you cowabunga!!!
Raphael, Donatello & Michelangelo w/ a shy, anti-social girl ‘03
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Sorry King Leo and all my Leo stans!
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Summary; how each of these turtles would treat a shy s/o, their plan to approach a shy girl and how their relationship would function in relations to how shy she is. 
Notes from me; hey everyone! I’m sorry for the slow posting, I’m super busy at the moment so it’s hard to work on this blog. I will try to post again soon! Enjoy dudes!
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Raph would, in many ways, come to appreciate your humble nature.
In the beginning, his intense observation of your shy demeanour revolved around his curiosity. He became determined to better understand you like you were a mystery he needed to unravel. 
His initial curiosity quickly became romantic the closer he got to you, the more he came to realize how thoughtful the person behind the quietness was. 
Raph being a guy that struggles with emotional intelligence admires your ability to observe and understand the moods and vibes in the room. 
Your ability to read people is something his brothers also admire in you, especially at the thought of how beneficial it would be for their hot-head brother to be able to experience first hand.
"Raph and y/n?"
"Never thought Raphie boy would be into such a sweet, shy girl!"
"Guess love really is unpredictable."
Although Raph enjoys a loud and rowdy time on a special occasion, he much more enjoys the peaceful moments with you. His hostility is something that would solely exist in his training if it wasn't for his insecurity and anxiety; by nature, he is calm and values quiet time.
Everything surrounding Raph has been chaotic since his childhood; he and his brothers clearly don’t lead normal lives - to have something so sweet and soothing is a luxury he can't lose. 
Eventually, the thought of you becomes enough to bring him back down to his sanity, enough to help him sleep through the night and avoid unnecessary anger.
Due to your quietness, Raph becomes much more attentive; he is always sure to address you if something feels unusual.
“Hey baby, you seem off. There something you wanna tell with me?”
"No Raph, I'm okay."
Knowing very well you aren't being honest with him, he scoops you up in his arms and places you into his lap to talk.
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Donatello would initially be intimidated by you. Despite being labelled the smart brother, he fumbles a bit with you, struggling to wrap his mind around something so beautiful being so shy and anti-social. 
Being inexperienced with humans, he naturally subscribed to the belief that beauty equates to confidence. This belief drove him to believe that it wasn't shyness keeping you from talking to him - you were simply too good for him.
Of all people, Donnie knew better than to judge somebody by their appearance, yet with you, that proved to be more difficult.
But don't worry he comes around.
"Y/n, I had no idea that was you would be into such..."
"Dorky stuff? You can say it, Don, it's not a bad word."
You bond over common interests, nerdy interests he never imagined you would have, quickly after his fears of a pretty girl disliking him would fade.
Once Donnie can pass his insecurity barrier,  your shyness evolves from intimidating to charming!
He finds our adorable shyness so charming that he develops an inability to ever say no to you - a deadly one.
"Don? Can I eat some of these cookies? You don't think Raph would mind, right?"
Oh no, those are Raph's cookies... He'll kill me.
"Of course you can, beautiful."
Raph was not happy...
Donatello would encourage you to branch out. Although a selfish part of him would love to suck up all of your free time, it's not the life he wants you to live. You're such a sweet girl and he knows you could make friends easily.
When you become buddies with his elder brother, Leonardo, he is over the moon - especially after hearing you open up with Leo and seek advice from him.
"She's good for you, Don. I really like her."
 Initially, Donatello was scared that your shyness would keep you hidden from his family so witnessing you gain their love is super significant for him.
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Mikey is drawn to you right away, finding your shyness to be endearing and absolutely adorable. From the moment he met you, he wanted nothing more than protect something so sweet from all the bitterness of the world.
He essentially views you as some modern-day princess or earth-dwelling angel.
Although he has a thing for shy girls, he's never really put thought into it and has no idea how to approach you. Being the loud goofball he is, he worries that you'll stray away from him or be discouraged by his bold personality.
He tones himself down just for you.
"Hey, y/n/n!"
"You're Michelangelo, right?"
"Yeah! You can call me Mikey though if you want!"
In the beginning, he is determined to be as mellow and soft around you as possible - he does not want to mess up his chance with you!
This change in Mikey shocks his family. Master Splinter specifically, is touched by his son's compassion, yet he refuses to let it go on for too long. He takes the time to explain how important it is for Mikey to be himself with you, especially considering how much he seems to like you.
"Why would you do that, Mikey? You being goofy would never change how I look at you."
"I just wanted to be sure you'd like me."
"I really like you."
Looking back on how your relationship started now, both you and Mikey get a good laugh from it.
Although your shyness isn't as prominent when you're alone with Mikey, he still appreciates the little hints of your nervousness that pop up from time to time: occasional studders, emotional fluster when he flirts, hiding your face from him.
"You're so cute, angel cakes!"
He fanboys over your cuteness from time to time.
Michelangelo may be a chaotic goofball but his attentiveness towards you was never faked - he wants nothing more than to keep you safe and happy.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Your Ass Is Out of This World (Kelley x Reader)
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Request: alex or kelley or sonnett x reader where they've been dating for a few years R is an astronaut for NASA and she gets to go to space
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause without her, none of this would have happened. 
Kelley wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up standing next to a dive bar sipping a lukewarm beer on a Friday night. In her defense, Ali and Ashlyn had convinced her it would be fun and had promised to pay for the Uber rides both ways. It had been fun for a while, dancing with them to some old 70s songs on the light-up dance floor, but half an hour ago they had disappeared off into a hallway somewhere, and she had no intention of third-wheeling (she knew she should have convinced Alex to join them). But she also wasn’t going to leave without them, because she wasn’t convinced either of them were sober enough to take any kind of transportation safely (someone needed to be there to make sure they didn’t puke in someone’s car).
So here she was, standing by the bar waiting for her friends’ sexcapades to be over, nursing her drink. The clink of a glass settling in front of her caught her attention. She blinked at the bartender. “I didn’t order another one,” 
The man’s lips ticked up and he shrugged. “Lady on the end paid for it. Said you looked sad,” 
Kelley looked up, following the man’s eyes towards a woman standing a few seats down the bar from her. She was also standing alone but was dressed as though for a different event altogether. Kelley had embraced the 70s theme of the bar slightly, wearing a jumpsuit and a scarf around her head, but this woman had just thrown a white NASA shirt--like the one Kelley got for her little cousin at Target-- over a pair of black jeans. As she bobbed her head to the music she met Kelley’s eyes and smiled. 
Kelley took that as her invitation to approach. Kelley’s eyes traced her form, lingering on the white material. She didn’t know those came in adult sizes...
“You must be a star, I can't stop orbiting around you” Kelley smiled charmingly as she approached you, setting her beer on the bar beside you and settling in the seat to the left of yours. 
“I do believe I was the one to buy you the drink…” you said, your lips twitching as you tried to keep a serious expression. “Shouldn’t I be the one throwing pickup lines here?”
“You bought me the drink, so I get to be the one to woo you. I’m Kelley, are you from Mars? 'cuz I wanna explore you with curiosity.” Kelley said, wiggling her eyebrows at you, enjoying the light blush coloring your cheeks. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, “that was terrible. I mean really good but absolutely awful.”
“At least I got you to smile, but you still haven’t told me your name.” Kelley laughed, taking a sip of her beer. She was prepared to lay on the horrible pick up lines for your entertainment. 
“I’m Y/n,” you said, putting down your drink and holding out your hand, “pleasure.”
“They call me the milky way...Pleasure You Can't Measure,” Kelley smiled, shaking your hand as you laughed and pulling you a little closer “Why look at the moon, if I can’t touch it? Why look at your lips, if I can't kiss them,” she said, winking so you knew she was completely joking. 
“How do you know so many of these?” You said, shaking your head in awe. “ All I know off the top of my head is ‘do you work for NASA? Because you’re out of this world!’”
“Ah, a magician never reveals her secrets,” Kelley whispered conspiratoryly, bringing her hand up to cover her lips. “but my team and I have definitely had flirt offs for bonding nights,” 
“Your team?” 
“Yeah, I play soccer for the US and Washington,” She shrugged as if it wasn’t a huge accomplishment. 
Your eyes widened and you nearly spat out your drink. “Didn’t they, like, just win a World Cup?” 
“Yeah, No biggie,” Kelley said, side-eyeing you as she took another sip. 
“No biggie?  I’m surprised you don’t have a swarm of paparazzi shadowing you, that’s incredible! Weren’t the USWNT like the most successful US team in soccer?’
“Hm, there’s not enough drama for them, but we don’t mind. How about you? What do you do beautiful?” Kelley hummed. 
“Oh. I work for NASA,” you said, gesturing at the shirt. “I can’t wait to bring some of those lines back to work.”
“So do they at least give you a good choice of flavors? So you don’t get bored and stuff?” Emily asked from across the table, licking her dripping I cream cone. 
When your girlfriend decided to introduce you to the team after their match against Colombia, you were quite surprised she had chosen an ice cream shop as a venue. But with how food motivated the youngins seemed, you realized how appropriate it was. 
“I mean,” you said, your spoon suspended in the air as you blinked at Emily, “ice cream isn’t the only thing we will eat. I’m going to be on the station for like 8 months. Ice cream is not a balanced diet.”
“But it’s the only one they sell in the stores. You don’t have to lie cause the veggie lovers are here,” The defender said, leaning across the table, as though it would prevent the rest of the table from hearing her. 
“Babe, you literally love most veggies too,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, using her thumb to wipe a spot of chocolate ice cream from Emily’s nose. 
“Actually, I heard they’re a pretty good selection of dehydrated fruits and veggies and MRE’s and Tortillas and stuff. Plus I get to take a few things from home…” You mumbled, leaning back. 
She couldn’t be serious right? There was no way she thought you were supposed to sustain yourself on horrible freeze-dried dairy products for that long. Not to mention, freeze-dried ‘astronaut’ products for the most part weren’t actually possible to bring to space, with how crumbly they are. You were more likely to eat actual ice cream on the space station (less chance for an errant crumb being inhaled or destroying an important piece of equipment) than that gift shop garbage. 
“Oh yeah, MRE sounds way more likely than just eating the stuff they literally label as being for astronauts…” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “What does that even stand for? ‘Must reject Emily?”
You opened your mouth to answer, eyebrows furrowed, only for Kelley to nudge you softly. 
“It’s not worth the fight babe, trust me. Not the brightest lighthouse if you know what I mean,” Your girlfriend made a swirling motion with her finger next to her temple. 
You leaned in closer so your lips were nearly touching her ear. “She’s not serious right?” 
“I never joke about ice cream,” Emily answered seriously. 
You blinked at her, looking to your girlfriend who just shrugged and raised her eyebrows. 
“I’m, I’m not sure if they have a flavor rotation system for ice cream flavors. We haven’t been… briefed on that yet,” you nodded seriously. 
“Can you hear me?” Kelley said, tapping her fingers impatiently as your face appeared in the video call. 
“He- -utiful,” You smiled through the glitchy computer screen. Your waving was broken up like a bad claymation. You leaned in to make out the fuzzy figures standing behind your girlfriend, assuming she was at camp or something. 
Normal long distance sucked, but literally being off-planet really made things difficult. It wasn’t like Kelley could just text you when she missed you, or randomly call you when she missed you at 3 am. Sure, she could email and you made a tremendous effort to schedule calls once a month, but it was still incredibly difficult (and slightly weird that a NASA tech dude had to monitor each call to make sure the connection stayed up). And sometimes even the best video-calling technology had issues. Like today (when a giant satellite or piece of space trash would block the signal). 
“Are you hav- -un at -amp?” You asked, grabbing your floating water pouch pushing out a sip sized water drop. 
“Yeah, it’s great,” Kelley said, watching you munch on your water. When you first got on the station you sent her pictures of artwork you made out of different drops of colored water- specifically making a giant water ‘soccer ball’ for her. Then you tried to boop it around and ended up losing control, amusing all your crewmates who watched you trying not to run into too many walls. “We’re looking forward to playing against Brazil on Friday, should be brutal.” 
“We’re set to be ov- Florida on -day, so I’ll try and tune into the ga-. Catch a nice - view,” You nodded, wiggling your eyebrows (which looked more like you having a seizure due to how badly you were pixelated). 
While Kelley wasn’t entirely sure what you were saying, she went ahead and nodded. “Let me know what you think!”
“Wh- color -it are you w-ing? Y- look -uper s-xy in the -ue,” you said, floating up in a ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ pose. 
“You’re favorite one,” Kelley said, winking at you. 
“-es!!” You cheered “-ake p-ture -or -“ the screen flickered dangerously for a second. Before a wobbly picture returned. 
“Babe you’re breaking up, I can’t tell what you’re saying. Y/n. Are you there? UGh. I love you! We’ll talk soon.”
“-ove y- -oo” 
Kelley blew a slow kiss to her camera before she heard a deep voice saying “Sorry ma’am. The connection was lost. Y’all still have five minutes on your scheduled call- Want me to try calling again? See if the signal improves?”
“Yeah,” Kelley shifted, rubbing the bridge of her nose as typing sounds echoed through the speaker. How she was going to make it through four more months of this she had no idea. 
“What if like the ship was attacked by aliens or something,” Sonnett whispered from her left, staring at the blank screen with real trepidation. 
“Not possible ma’am,” she heard him laugh. “But I doubt I would have the right level of security clearance to know.”
Kelley grabbed a pen and marked a day off the calendar hanging on her wall. So much for ‘phone call with Y/n.’ She sighed. Just a few months to go. 
Gravity fucking sucked. It was disorienting and heavy and made you sick to your stomach. Space station alums always talked about re-entry and how bad that was, but you thought sitting in a NASA hospital bed while your equilibrium readjusted was way worse than your fireball craft plummeting into the ocean. 
“This fucking sucks,” You groaned, again throwing your hand over to pull out the IV. You hated how hard it was to move (and how you actually had to hold up a cup of water to get a drink but that was beside the point). 
“Whoa babe, I know you’re a little out of it right now, but that has to stay in. Just try and relax for a little while,” Kelley said, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of your knuckles. 
You frowned at her through heavy-lidded eyes. “Don’t wanna be here. Wanna be home with you.” 
“I know, but you gotta stay here until the re-entry symptoms have worn off a little more,” She said again. She knew that you weren’t going to be 100% when you stepped out of the spacecraft, but she hadn’t expected you to be so out of it. You were sick to your stomach and entirely unable to walk without assistance. 
The doctors assured her that you would be fine (residual effects from not being in gravity for so long and the impact of the landing or whatever), but it was still difficult to watch. It didn’t help that you were a horrendous patient. 
“Just watch the game. The US is even in Blue,” Kelley tried to coax. Even she was beginning to grow restless. But you couldn’t leave until you could keep down solid foods. 
“I don’t want to watch. You’re not in it,” You said, grabbing the remote from her and turning the television off. Then you tried to set the remote in the air, but instead of hovering like it should have done, it dropped to the ground. 
“Alright, commander Y/l/n. It’s dinner time,” one of the NASA hospital nurses said, bringing in a tray for you. Kelley thanked them as they left since you were too dazed to think of it.  
“God this food sucks, I hate jello ” you grumbled, lifting the spoon in front of your face (fully expecting it to float so you could take your bite) and dropping it as you want to open the pudding packet instead. “I just want a big juicy cheeseburger. With bacon and onions and-“ You trailed off, your mouth watering at the thought. You hadn’t had proper food in 8 months, and it had been your major cravings food. 
“A side of diabetes” she scoffed, picking up the discarded remote and spoon, “And are you going to keep dropping things everywhere?” She asked, carefully filling a spoon with chocolate pudding and guiding it to your mouth. 
“Fuck Newton. Things are supposed to float,” 
You loved the soft skin behind Kelley’s ear. It was so smooth, and it always smelt like a mix of her perfume, shampoo, and something inherently Kelley. It was a bonus that your exploration of the area always sent a shiver down her spine. You ran your nose along the skin there, nibbling on her ear before moving down her neck. Leaving little kisses along your path. Kelley sighed, sleepily scratching your scalp and tilting her head to the side to encourage you to continue. 
“You,” Kelley said. “ I like you.”
“Hm, I’m glad. It would be kinda scary if you were doing this with someone you didn’t like,” you mumbled against her skin, unwilling to part with it for even a moment. Kelley giggled at the tickling sensation. How you still had so much energy after you had thoroughly worn her out getting… reacquainted she would never know.
 “But what do you like most. Tell me, babe,” You said, moving your lips a little lower, towards where her shoulder and neck met. 
“I love… your ass. It’s out of this world.” She said sleepily, reaching around to grab her favorite asset of yours. 
“Well, it has been,” You laughed, pulling away reluctantly so you could look her in the eyes. 
“Shut up you goof,” She rolled her eyes, grabbing a pillow and whacking you lightly. You fell over dramatically, pulling her so she was on top of you. 
“Hm, I’m your goof,” 
“Yeah. You are. And babe?” She smiled down at you, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. 
“Hmm?” You hummed against her lips. She leaned back to look you in the eyes, one forearm across your chest and her other hand beside your head supporting her. 
“No more space travel for a while?” 
 “Pinky promise,” You said, wiggling your hand so your littlest finger connected with hers. 
“Good. I can’t believe I was dating someone from TEXAS for a while.” Kelley pretended to shudder. “Jus think, one of your coworkers might have been a Houston dash supporter!”
404 notes · View notes
nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hiiii, please response me😭
Honestly I wonder why Jk jealous of taemin when taemin & jimin having friendship?? I mean I can clearly see jk's jealousy. Please answer..... Borahae 💜
Ehhhhhh??????? JK is jealous of Taemin????
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That's both an understatement and the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! Lol
Don't be shy, he wants to kill him. Say it! Lmho
Why is JK jealous of Taemin? Sounds like an existential question and I don't want to get into all of that mess.
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I just slicked my edges down. Can't have these angry mobs peeling it off by force 🤧
But I get it. I used to find JK and Taemin's dynamic intriguing too but frankly, I'm over it. Lol.
I don't think it's as deep as the fandom make it seem. Especially not in 2021.
Word on the streets was Taemin had a thing for JM? and JK wasn't too happy about that- not sure about that but I can't fault him if ever he did. It's Jimin. Who doesn't want him.
But I think it's more delicate than that.
Besides, Jealousy shouldn't be our only go to label to explain every Jungkook emotion out there where JM is concerned.
Personally, I've sought to revolutionize the term Jeonlous and Jimlous in the way that we as a fandom perceive and think on it as a complex human emotion, one that centers mostly on boundaries rather than frivolous feelings of possessiveness or envy.
So to me, if JK really is 'jealous' in regards to Taemin then I'd assume it's because Taemin breached his personal boundaries where JM is concerned. It's as simple as that.
Which I believe was the case.
I try not to speculate on dynamics other than BTS's as it goes against my better conscience- Yes I have one. Shut up and read. Lol.
I tortured myself to death, figuratively speaking of course, the last time I tried commenting on a dynamic outside of BTS- JK and Mijoo's situation.
I don't think it's ethical...
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When it comes to JK and Taemin's dynamic, one thing you should understand is they aren't friends. Not that we know of.
Jimin and Taemin are friends in the same interest group, the Padding Squad. JK isn't a member of that interest group- perhaps because he doesn't share their interests.
Jhope passed on becoming a member of the Padding Squad because his hobbies and interests didn't align with that of the members- Sungwoon. He introduced Sungwoon to Suga instead who then introduced him to JM.
One thing that Jhope said about Sungwoon was that he enjoyed outing which was a lifestyle incompatible with his own.
Now since Sungwoon said he clicked with JM right away, I'd assume its because JM enjoyed going out and stuff like that- among other things.
Jk in those days wasn't known as the outing kind and preferred staying indoors to going out. I think this is one of the contrasts between JK and Jimin's personalities.
So if JM has a bunch of friends who enjoy going out as much, then I don't see how JK would fit into that circle.
Taemin and JK move in totally different circles. They don't have much in common beyond the fact they are both close to Jimin. In my opinion. I could be wrong.
Jimin have said he doesn't like to share his friends but of course we've seen him, Sungwoon and JK hang out a few times. Those three have a friendship going on unlike in TaeminMinKook's case.
It's speculated, Jimin introduced JK to Sungwoon but this was during one of Sungwoon's time off and the three got to hang together which I think is great.
Not sure if, JM has had similar opportunity to introduce Taemin and JK. That would depend on their schedules and what they do during their free time.
Introductions are necessary in friendship culture and we cannot undervalue JM's role in facilitating camaradship between those two.
If they are 'not friends' ask JM why. Smirk.
Their 'differences' and why their 'not friends' to me has more to do with their unique individualities and interests but also their age difference and culture?
Jealousy sounds plausible but you have to consider the fact age is a huge thing in the South Korean culture.
Taemin is much older than JK and ordinarily we cannot reasonably expect for them to be as close much less be friends to begin with- per the dictates of their culture.
As much as we love to rave on about the hyung/dongsaeng dynamics in their culture, from the little I know of their culture, older people and younger people aren't expected to mingle so easily or act so casually.
Besides, hyung/dongsaengs aren't considered friendmates in their culture.
A high level of respect and reverence is required within such a dynamic and boundaries are expected to be upheld at all times too so I guess we can chalk it up to that too I think.
The only way a younger person can be considered friends with or close with or even treat an older person as 'a friend' is if the older one allows for that level of familiarity between them.
Without that kind of permission, their relationship is viewed as strictly an older hyung to younger dongsaeng relationship and formality must be respected by both sides.
I think we've talked about this? This is what JK was going on about in his conversation with Tae in Soop. Tae was giving JK permission to treat him as 'friends' within the group but JK insisted on the formality and boundaries expected between them as hyung as and dongsaeng.
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If JK believes he needs to uphold boundaries with people older than him and not get too close to them, what makes you think he would consider older people besides his bandmates 'friends' or treat them casually like one?
The thing about JK, he is a bit cliquey... in my opinion that is. I'm gonna get in trouble, am I not? Chilee.
I often talk about JK and exclusivity or his tendencies for exclusive behaviors....
Once my sister told me, when she first enrolled to uni, how everyone she'd met would ask of her age first before they even asked which country she was from and some of the girls on her floor wouldn't talk to her because they considered her older than them and as such kept their distance or something like that- out of respect for and she had to give those that fuxked with her permission to address her a casual way- personally, I thought they were just being ageists and racists as fuck but then a year into her stay she said she sort of got the hang of it. That it was a cultural thing- Stockholms is real people. Lmho.
Bitxh wouldn't know a friend from a foe. Can't relate. Foe till proven friends!
Gotta smart yourself out here- Hold on...
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Is this why I don't have no friends???!!!!!
Chilee. This is not good.
She explained, most of the people she later became friends with seemed to prefer making friends with foreigners because they felt the age barrier thingy didn't apply there and they had the freedom to express themselves freely with them regardless of their age.
People that are considered 'friends' in their culture are usually people around the same age while a hyung/dongsaeng friendship dynamic often invite brows and gazes- if you know what I mean. A hyung who allows a dongsaeng to be friends with them gives that dongsaeng status at best, at worst is opening the younger one to cultural criticism especially in how the older one is addressed.
So when Namjoon refers to Jimin as a friend it hits hard and reflects how deep and special their bond is as compared to say Vmin or NamHope who are close in age. Same age friendships would have to be qualified to denote how special their bond is. So for Vmin you'd see them going out of their way to talk about that they are soulmates, besties etc.
When JM talks about that all of his friends are hyungs, it a form of social proof. One cannot be friends with hyungs just like that. Jimin is cool and has social status.
If Jimin ever refers to JK as a friend he would be admitting he allows for a certain level of familiarity between them that is out of the ordinary just as his dynamic with Taemin and RM is.
I say all this so you can deep it when an older says to a young one, he is my friend.
RM says JM is his friend.
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Mess with Minimoni, I'll stab you.
Taemin says JM is his closest 'friend' in the padding squad- or maybe I misunderstood what he meant but he keeps talking about Jimin and how close they are and how special their relationship is in the media and what not...
Deep it and deep it for JK too. Lmho.
He's lucky he is alive!
In my opinion, JK doesn't do too well around people who pull ranks over him. He tends to have his guard up around them and he tries to maintain formality with them.
It all depends on how comfortable JK is around certain group of friends Jimin has. Just as, it's not all friends of JK JM vibes with. Smirk.
Ok listen, I tried this sane shipper thingy yall recommended, it's not working for me-
If Taemin is not fucking with JK, JK is not gonna be fucking with him. So simple. I tried beating around the bush but chilee JK is not the problem Taemin is. There I said it.
In my opinion of course.
Whatever thing they had going on seemed personal and it could be as a result of anything.
It could be JK doesn't agree with his choices, lifestyle or influence on JM. It could also be Taemin does not approve of JK for JM. It could be he said something JK took offense at. Literally anything.
Whereas JK have reacted strongly to him in the past, I don't think I've seen Taemin have a similar strong reaction to JK. I could be wrong.
To me, he's always laughed those moments off as if JK were overreacting to something trivial- which, it's Jk, I won't put it past him but I find that behavior annoying and condescending as fuck coming from Taemin. No disrespect to Taemin.
For whatever reason, JM has always put his friendships on a pedestal talking about that his relationships is gold to him and what not and he prides himself in the fact he goes out of his way to nurture his relationships.... cool.
Love it for him.
But JK on the other hand has been striving to put up boundaries for JM in regards to the people he surrounds himself with and I don't think Taemin is an exception or was an exception.
JK has a lot of boundaries, I keep saying and they may not be the kind of boundaries you expect to see from him but he has them regardless.
He prefers for instance not to be so casual with people older than him for obvious reasons as he keeps saying, I'd assume it's a value he's tried to pass on to JM several times over the years- what is JM's view on that? Clearly JM has his own values.
JK has said he doesn't have friends and when he started making friends they were all within the same age group- the 97 liners.
JM on the other hand says all his friends are hyungs and he has one same age friend- V. Sidenote: Can't he just make Idol friends within the same age group besides V?
What goes on?!
Do y'all see the conflict of values there?
It's not always about Jealousy if you ask me.
Their values on certain things don't align.
I'm sorry. Lmho.
I mean I have said this several times now!
It's taken JK a hot minute to come to terms with, accept and get used to certain things especially in his relationship and personal life and it shows in the way he talked about 'dressing up' more often in his recent VLive, and how he seems to be acknowledging that he is a celebrity with power and status and he has to be conscious of that going forward.
Contrast that with a two years ago when he didn't even care about how he dressed to the airport and Jm said he had to use tactics to get him to get rid of his old bag or even care about how he dressed.
Significant improvement.
Jimin, as we've said claims he's come to the realization friends ain't shit- the emphasis is mine. Lol.
So I guess my answer to your question is, I don't think JK is jealous necessarily when it comes to Taemin. He reacts to him the same way he reacts to Namjoon or whosoever breaches his boundaries in regards to JM.
And that to me translates as, Taemin doesn't respect JK's boundaries for whatever reason. It could be because like I said, he doesn't think JK has a place in JM's space as his boyfriend, could be because he treats JK as JM's dongsaeng and not his equal partner.
It could be JK doesn't approve of Taemin's friendship with Jimin because he expects Jm to have boundaries especially with certain people around him- I mean I wonder how many of their friends know they are a thing. Can't be all of them💀
That too can create issues with the way they handle their boundaries with either of Jikook.
Or it can be because he is jealous too. We can't know for sure.
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Ask: Reply - 2021.03.30
Yet another batch of interesting questions from you all. I really appriciate how much you seem to value my thoughts and opinions, so thank you for interacting and investing your time into my blog, it means a lot. I got to hear from some of you that you felt my last post was very warm and even comforting, and honestly those are such sweet compliments. Thank you so much! <3
And before we start, just to let you know, I will answer asks about Let’s BTS on KBS in a different post. Because I got a lot of them, and I haven’t seen the show in it’s full yet. But... VMIN~~!!! 💜
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You can check the topics below to see if anything interests you (no one is going to force you to read all of it unless you want to). There will be some possibly controversial topics and opinions in this post. Also, remember that I while I do put effort into answering asks, they generally will be less detailed and nuanced than a full post. Most of the time it’s a stream of thoughts with some added references if needed. Thank you all for being nice and understanding, it means a lot.
Ask 1 - Did you catch some change in Jimin over time? Ask 2 - Vmin’s relationship becoming more instense Ask 3 - Ji/kook and their Tokyo trip Ask 4 - Idols dating members of the same group Ask 5 & 6 -  Replies to earlier ask about not enjoying a pair because of shipping Ask 7 - Tae wanting to have children and him being together with someone of the same sex Ask 8 -  Going down the rabbit hole, micromoments and shipping vs believing Ask 9 - Vmin cuddling and grabbing ass Ask 10 - Vmin vs Ji/kook being less/more vocal and how did I survive being a Vmin shipper for so long? Ask 11 - Choosing what asks to answer (and a bunch of nice things) Ask 12 - This ask just makes me happy
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Ask 1 - Did you catch some change in Jimin over time?
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Hi and thank you, that’s very sweet of you. :3 As for being a Vminie it’s ok if you don’t want to proclaim yourself as one, it’s totally fine just being curious and coming to me with questions anyways. But even so, if you do feel like a Vminie (and even if you don’t) welcome and I hope you’ll feel comfortable in the Vmin community.
A lot of people who get into RP shipping or maybe even believing, are like you not always into shipping before falling for a BTS ship. I think it can often lead to a lot of confusion actually. Being drawn into a shipping community that is kind of unsure of if it’s even shipping or beyond shipping a lot of the time is also sometimes hard to navigate. I think BTS being BTS and the incredible bonds they share makes it very inviting and leads to a lot of non-shippers getting curious. Maybe even more so if BTS is your first Idol group. (Correct me if I’m wrong, because I am myself not one of these people so I am just guessing.) I find people’s reasons for shipping and being attracted to different ships very interesting, but honesly all BTS ships are some of the most wholesome ones I’ve seen. The love these 7 boys have for each other is truly remarkable.
I’ve seen a change in both Jimin and Tae as individuals and of course in their relationship and dynamic as well. Growing up will do that of course, and they have been through a lot, alone and together. We know like Tae said that Jimin used to be very different, and that around Danger he started to feel more comfortable being himself. Jimin too has said he used to be “weird” and that he has started to relax more with time. I think Jimin has gradually become more and more comfortable in his own skin and with how to be as a member of BTS. I think this change is of course something gradual but that sometimes situations can make them “grow faster” due to being reflective or being exposed to a new problem, for example not being able to perform now due to Corona or how the Love yourself message really resonated and made the members think about their own lives as well. What I see is Jimin trying less to be cool and being softer and getting more relaxed in general, so it’s not surprising this reflects in his relationships with other members as well.
As for how Vmin changed I think most of us saw a shift around 2016, and we know they changed a lot when the dumpling incident happened. I think they got softer and most of all I think they realized the importance of communicating. How they need to talk and be open with each other and that they put in effort to make their relationship improve. They have both talked about this, and I think it’s something that lead to a big change in how they behave with each other. I feel we have seen them becoming more attentive, understanding and patient with each other because they put in the effort to have a better relationship.
As for Jimin being cutely shy I definitely think we saw that a lot during 2016-2018 but that we still see it from time to time. I still personally suspect it has more to do with normalizing behavior for the camera than Jimin being more comfortable and relaxed doing those things with Tae in general. I also think we see times when Jimin definitely seem to get shy or in some sense bothered with Taehyung’s actions towards him (I wrote this before Let’s BTS but that’s yet another example of Tae being forward and it making Jimin a bit nervous.). So again, while I do see this change in Jimin seemingly being more relaxed now, I think when it comes to Vmin think it depends more on situation and is something that they have slowly changed over time. I’ve talked about this in my post  Vmin – Pushing the boundaries and also about the camera possibly being a factor in  Vmin - Push and Pull. 
I think we have gotten Vmin moments of all kinds over the years, and that’s why the shift with many things seems to be gradual and also not 100% consistant. But it also makes sense for any relationship to stabalize when they’ve been friends for so long and finally grown into adults. They’ve both become more comfortable with themselves and together. (Though there are still some very odd behaviors remaining if you ask me). So yeah, I’ve seen Jimin change and I am happy he seems more comfortable now. Vmin has changed too, and though they still have their stiff and odd moments and might even be careful about how they come across they definitely show a lot of things now that they didn’t before. And on that note let’s get to the next ask...
Ask 2 - Vmin’s relationship becoming more instense
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Yeah, I kind of agree. They just seem to do more and more of a lot of very intimate looking things. And often it seems they increase these behaviors over time as they get more comfortable doing them, like hand holding for example. Again, I’ve spoken about this many times before as in my posts mentioned in the above ask. For me I kind of think Tae has always been very intense, but he’s just expanded and become more diverse in how he expresses it, if that makes sense? For example the songs, or them deciding to call each other soulmates (though Tae tried and was denied before the 2017 post-it) or simply pointing out Jimin as special are things that has happened several times but become more obvious and sometimes even blunt. They definitely seem a lot more intimate in general as well. I would say that kind of goes for most of the group though, as I am sure knowing each other for so long and slowly changing as individuals will affect their group dynamics as well. They all seem a bit more touchy and comfortable with affection now (I mean just compare Namjoon initiating touch early years to now.). Vmin has definitely increased a lot of their very affectionate and even romantic looking moments, even though I do think they had early examples as well. Mostly I feel they got softer, more attentive and understanding towards each other and has increased some particular behaviors that might seem almost couple like (though not always exclusively with only´each other).
As for people thinking Vmin hate each other... I just don’t understand how you could come to this conclusion about any of the boys. Fine if you think they aren’t as close as they want to come across, but hating and even just disliking someone for so long and hiding it isn’t an easy task. In particular these antis also seem to forget that Tae is very honest and straight forward. He’s called out bs from fans and his company many times... And yet he would happily play along with pretending to love the members and even going out of his way to show it in ridiculously sweet ways? Also why even like someone or a group that can lie to this extent? Then you wouldn’t really know them or what to trust at all, so why just pick the moments you think are genuine to stick to?
This idea that Vmin would hate each other is just weird to me... I mean it does show Vmin has a contradicting behavior and weird enough moments for antis to pick up on. Though I do think antis would twist any moments regardless if Vmin seemed totally fine or not. For me it’s clear you can’t fake feelings and statements and reactions so consistantly, and with a lot of small almost private or not very obvious moments, for so long. Honestly the only way Vmin is played up is if the feelings are there but they run with it a bit more... But even that doesn’t make sense because things like not talking about 4 o’clock until now or them themselves choosing the label soulmates and Jimin even being shy about it or even denying the Christmas song happened. These things come from Tae himself, in defiance almost, and thus I think it would be weird to have them play up some things but downplay others. Especially from a person like Tae who seems to want to be as honest as possible and sometimes even blurt out things he maybe shouldn’t.
Anyways, I don’t think we need to linger on this topic much more, because honestly no matter what Vmin’s relationship is it should be clear they mean a lot to each other and their feelings of love for each other are genuine and impossible to fake.
Ask 3 - Ji/kook and their Tokyo trip
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First of all I am sorry you got insulted over just being curious and asking questions. Having an open dialogue and not shutting out arguments, questions or ideas never does any good (as long as it’s not done in a toxic/hateful way). I don’t particularly like speaking of other ships myself, but getting agressive or dissmissive is not the way to go.
First I would say I don’t think the trip has to have anything to do with Vmin’s bond... Not everything is going to have to be explained away as some grand scheme. Ji/kook going on a trip or Jimin going on a trip with other friends (like when he went to Paris/Hawaii/Russia) is nothing weird and shouldn’t be seen as weird just because Ji/kook are also in the same group and obviously close enough to enjoy each other’s company. (You might think Vmin in comparison not going on a trip is weird, but that’s a different discussion.) just going somewhere together does not make a ship more real and not going does also not have to mean anything.
BTW this is Vmin just a couple of weeks after Ji/kook got back from their trip, so I think it’s safe to say Tae had no problem with it. We really need to remember that likely no matter what ship would be real (if any of course) the memebrs are ok with it.
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Actually just watch the whole segment if you haven’t because it’s one of the MUST SEE moments from BTS.
If you are sensitive or can’t read about other ships without getting triggered I suggest skipping to the next ask as I will now talk some about ji/kook. But I also want to remind you all that the most likely scenario is still no ship at all being real, and we should all be careful with trusting in narratives too much in general.
I don’t want to go into too much detail, because it’s not the focus of my blog. But the short story is that Ji/kook went to Tokyo together privately. They went there during a break in late october 2017 and were spotted by fans and then JK also released a travel vlog of the whole thing. The main narrative is that this was during a time Ji/kook was being normalized and working towards a glass closet with the help of Big Hit and that the GCF video was romantic. Because of the song and because of the artist being LGBT+ it was a message from JK about him and Jimin. There was also pictures of them shopping jewelry and there was a theory going around they bought matching rings and that the whole trip was a way to celebrate their relationship and again possibly also start working towards some kind of coming out. The trip is seen as an important turning point in most Ji/kook narratives and honestly until now I do think this is one of their most legit “moments” that isn’t just based on speculation.
(Also it was said that Jimin wanted to go with Tae as well, but it really doesn’t change anything even if it was about this particular trip or just in general. Ji/kook going alone is still nothing weird on it’s own.)
I would suggest taking anything from any shipper with a grain of salt though. I mean saying Ji/kook got engaged while in Tokyo and even talked about it/hinted at it/are open with their relationship to begin with would basically mean Ji/kook being together is a known fact by many at Big Hit. If that’s the case they don’t seem very careful or bothered at all by the possibility of their relationship ruining their own and the group’s career. Personally I see this as kind of unlikely myself, as I would think any LGBT+ idol would at least be a bit careful or discreet, and maybe even more so when fans are as invasive and investigative as some can be. 
We also need to remember that while shipping communities are huge, the non-shipper fans, other shippers and even homophobic fans will always be a very large group as well. They will likely always outnumber “supporters” of a particular ship. No matter what ship we talk about, coming out would be difficult and lead to a massive loss in fans (and money). Not to mention the psychological effects it could have on the ones involved. I don’t see how the members or Big Hit would be careless with it if that was the case. 
I won’t say ji/kook being together is impossible, because as I always say we don’t know enough about them or how a relationship would look like or be handled. I just personally don’t think many theories or narratives from ji/kookers makes sense, and them getting engaged and being open about it is one of these things. (This is also why I don’t think the members joking about a real ship looking like a couple seems like a likely idea.)
Taehyung and Jimin used to share hotel rooms all the time, and we know members showered together or that Tae posted a photo of Jimin in the bath. Having many moments like this I think it would take a lot to make one ship in particular stand out. Once again, even for Vmin the stuff that actually makes me question them are usually not the intimate things they do or the individual moments we get to see, but instead the context and possibly weird behaviors they have showed over time (and the songs). 
I know more about Vmin, and I find them more questionable, but like I have said I still do understand why people ship other ships. I even find some theories very interesting, like even for ships like Tae x Hobi, there are stuff to find that make you wonder. But that’s the thing, all shippers can do this. So once again I urge you to remain sceptical but open, and let people ship what they want while we focus on enjoying Vmin.
I hope I answered your questions, and that the conversations about this topic remain civil. I am sorry for bringing up another ship, I just felt talking about this to this anon was the nice thing to do.
Ask 4 - Idols dating members of the same group
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Hi and thanks for your ask. For me this isn’t really some big revelation, though I haven’t seen her original statement and as you say maybe it was just misunderstood. But still, I am pretty sure there are LGBT+ idols that date, and that it’s very possible there are inter group relationships of different kinds. I mean we legit have an example of a group (K-Population) that disbanded because one member cheated on another member he was in a relationship with with a third male idol. So we don’t know how common it would be, but it’s definitely not impossible.
However we can conclude from statistics alone that many idols will be LGBT+, and that all of them would be living in celibate is just not realistic. Being LGBT+ in any country is a risk, but of course in a country like South Korea that risk is a lot higher. There are still people who are openly LGBT+ in Korea, and even a few examples (though very rare) in the entertainment industry. But we have to remember queer people and queer relationships have always excisted under very difficult conditions. But they decided to be together despite the risks. Not saying we can compare, but just that we need to realize that something being difficult or even forbidden doesn’t mean it can’t happen anyway.
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So, we can guess some idols, despite the risk, would still choose to be together/sleep around etc. We also know any relationship is a risk for an idol, or that they do stuff that are illegal etc. as well, so again, risk doesn’t have to equal something can’t happen anyway.
If anything what I find interesting here is that people do seem to know about some idols being LGBT+ or in relationships but it still remains mostly hidden. Unless she is talking about only people very close to her or her own group. Again, I think idols would be careful with any relationship, but obviously people in the industry know to be discreet about it to some level. But yeah, I think looking at any entertainment industry and being a fan of idol culture for a long time this feels very natural and something I would guess happens at least from time to time. I’ve seen other interviews with ex trainees etc. as well and it does seem a lot of rumors float around, but that often managers/staff find out stuff even before other members of the same group does. However, I do think we also have to remember BTS aren’t going to be exactly like all other groups, and likely has a lot of other aspects we need to take into consideration when speculating. Thanks again for the ask and info. :)
Ask 5 and 6 - Replies to earlier ask about not enjoying a pair because of shipping
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Hi and thank you both for sharing. These are two replies to “ Ask 5 - Not enjoying a bond because of it’s shippers” from the post Ask: Reply - 2021.03.25. 
Firts thanks for liking my posts, and indeed we should remember that romantic love is not automatically superior. Vmin just being Vmin is enough no matter their relationship status. We know their bond is special to them, and any partner of theirs would know it too and have to be fine with it.
I get feeling like “I don’t want those toxic people to be right” though... It happens to me too and it especially annoys me because even if any of the big ships are real that doesn’t mean all of their toxic theories and narratives are. But it feels like them being right about a ship being real would include the stuff they got wrong as well. So yeah, it’s not always easy to sepparate the two sides of shippers being toxic and having toxic narratives from the possibility of their ship being real. When it affects the way you personally enjoy a dynamic it has gone quite far though, and hopefully you might in time be able to sepparate the ship from the shipping narratives.
I know there are many people who feel this way and who also feel very bad about feeling this way. Sadly I really think this is just very common psychology that might be difficult to avoid once you get emotionally invested. Feeling bad I think is a very good sign actually, because you are aware you shouldn’t look down on or get annoyed with other members because of shipping. At least you aknowlegde and admit to it, which means you can try to work against it. Avoiding toxic places and people is a good start. I hope you can get to enjoy all of BTS’s bonds and work towards not having to feel bad. I know it’s not easy, but again, you should give credit to yourself for at least being aware and trying.
Again, I think getting involved with ships, or even just being a fan of real people, can come with a lot of difficulties when we start to build our own view of them. Getting that view shattered will never be pleasant, and even the idea of something can threaten our image and thus make us feel bad or even defensive. I really don’t know any great way to get around this but to simply try to be aware and get yourself used to the thought that your image might not completely overlap with reality. This goes for thinking something about individual people and their relationships to each other. We should always be prepared to be wrong. Not that we should say “anything is possible” or that everything is equally likely, because honestly saying things like BTS all hate each other etc. is so unlikely it’s basically impossible. (At least to me.) But again, we need to remind ourselves we are only people watching from afar. We do know BTS to some extent, but only what they choose to show us, it’s not a mutual relationship even though it might feel very intimate. 
I think the biggest problem is when our own views become more worth to us than what we actually get to see or hear from the boys directly. When fans think we know better or get invasive and toxic in how we express our views. We also really need to remember to sepparate anything that comes from the fandom from what comes from BTS themselves. No matter if it’s toxic people or toxic narratives we have to try and not let it influence our views of BTS themselves. Again the only advice I can really give is to try and actively remember the difference and to stay away and not engage with anything that might affect you in a harmful way. I know it’s difficult and I am sorry I can’t be of any more help. But yes, you who feel like this aren’t alone, and it’s not easy but at least you are trying and most importantly don’t want to feel this way.
As for the second part of the second ask about wanting JK to be with someone who priorotize him I just want to point out that if another ship than Vmin is real I am sure they do love each other and appriciate each other. We don’t get to see everything, so for all we know they might say even “worse” things, just not publically. This is after all also part of our image based on what we see, which doesn’t have to translate into their real lives. I know it might feel big or weird with Vmin calling each other soulmates while another ship has to hide, but at the end of the day that’s also how WE feel about it, and not neccessarily how they would feel about it. If any ship is real I am sure they are fine with all the things all members do to each other at this point or they simply wouldn’t do them, at least most of the time. Once again it’s important to trust their judgement over our own views on what would be good or bad etc.
Thank you again for sharing your stories, I think not feeling alone and trying to understand these problems is a good step towards working to overcome it. <3
Ask 7 - Tae wanting to have children and him being together with someone of the same sex
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Hi and first of all don’t worry about me getting angry. I rarely get angry for people asking questions, but rather how and maybe why they ask them. I don’t see why wondering about Tae being so vocal about wanting children is bad, but I do think we have to remember that wanting children doesn’t equal they will never choose to be with someone of the same sex. Jimin too has said “Is this how I will feel when I become a father” and has said he wants children. Tae being louder about it doesn’t make him less likely to be queer and it doesn’t mean he can’t still want it but choose to be with a man anyway, despite the struggles. I get your point though and it’s good to keep in mind and not gloss over. It would be something that might make a gay relationship with Tae less likely, but it also mostly depends on things we have no clue about.
We also have to remember no matter what it’s likely not something they would want now and there is still time for the world to change. Tae could be optimistic that things will change eventually, who knows. Of course it’s also possible for him to change his opinion. Personally I used to think I would get married and have children but now think that’s not for me. I do believe he does want children, don’t get me wrong, he seems to love children a lot and has even said he want a lot of children. But I just want to leave it open for him to change or to choose other things above having a family. We don’t know how important having children would be for him if put in the situation of having to choose.
I do think we shouldn’t dimiss Tae wanting children completely in the “is he with a man in a serious relationship” question but that jumping to “well then he clearly is going to get married to a woman” is something very different. He could be saying it because he sees himself marrying a woman in the future, it’s definitely very possible that he doesn’t think about it further than that. Or he could be kind of like “I want children, we will figure out the rest when we get there.”
In the end I don’t think Tae being loud about wanting family has to mean much in any direction as it depends on a lot of other things. Like what did he think when he said it, does he think the same now, would he choose to be with the person he loves over having a family, is he hopeful he will be able to have a family with another man no matter the current circumstances etc? We don’t know what Tae thinks, except that he does seem to want family. Which again, Jimin seems to want too, so then it should be brought up for him as well (even if Tae has said it more often.)
This is of course just what if’s to begin with, and wanting family and not being leagally allowed to is of course a big thing. We just can’t know how Tae personally would think about it or express it even if he was LGBT+ and in a relationship with another man. He could choose to in the end marry a woman even if he is LGBT+ as well of course. But again it’s one of those things that is too personal and where individual choice/view matters too much for me to really know if it would reflect in Taehyung’s way to express it or not.
Sorry for the kind of non answer... I just don’t think we have enough to go on and that assuming what Tae would say or nor say or what he would choose in the end is too difficult to say.
Ask 8 - Going down the rabbit hole, micromoments and shipping vs believing
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Hi and thank you for your praise and shared moments. You requested to be on anon so I’ll just remove your name. :) I think it’s really important to realize the differences in our own views and behaviors, and I am glad you liked my post  Shipping vs Believing because I really think it’s one of the most important posts I have written on this blog.
I’ll start a bit harsh by saying this; that moments on their own no matter how suggestive or weird doesn’t really mean much to me. Micro or big doesn’t matter much either, they might still mean nothing more than Vmin being platonic but having an odd moment. For me the behaviors and changes over time, the things that seem to become patterns and that doesn’t seem to fully make sense from an outsider perspective are the things that really make me wonder. But even then most things are simply interpretation and speculation and thus I end up somewhere with “this could mean something or it could mean nothing” for basically all moments. I won’t dismiss small moments just because they are small because if there is something they too are part of the whole, but I won’t hyper analyze big moments because if it’s nothing there it’s just me adding intention in my interpretation. It’s the full picture that I try to consider. 
Truly questionable indivudual moments are rare, and again, on their own wouldn’t even be that questionable if not for the fact that some of them have happened more than once or twice. Basically Tae writing one song based on a very important moment between him and Jimin wouldn’t be too weird. But if he is consistantly writing to or about Jimin specifically there could be more to it. It’s still just a could, but it’s the way I view things as more or less interesting in a full perspective.
As for the Run 53 moment I personally didn’t see anything in that moment of Vmin sharing and eating that Gimbap as something suggestive (I assume that’s the part you meant based on the time stamp). I think Jimin getting a bit annoyed and him wanting to draw on Tae is more interesting in comparison. Or how JK seemed to think Jimin just wanted to write his name on Tae’s body and Jimin said he “couldn’t do it” on his own shirt.
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For the instagram post, thank you for the collection of cursed Vmin moments. :) I do enjoy these moments and gush about them and speculate about them of course, but again... None of these videos on their own would really make me wonder about Vmin. I’ve seen far worse in many other real people ships (Taemin and Kai or just all of Shinee is a good example), not to mention most of them are on stage and could at least be dismissed as partly fanservice (again fanservice doesn’t mean fake). 
No, for me moments on their own are not what makes me wonder about Vmin. The songs, the change over time, the possibility of them being careful with stuff (vlives or Jimin getting nervous) etc. is much more questionable to me. If we add moments on top, the moments could mean something... But they really don’t have to. Other shippers have their own moments that they think put their ship above any others, so it really is too subjective most of the time for me to truly think much of a particular moment. Even if Vmin would be real I don’t think a lot of moments has to mean anything special. The patterns though... Or when I have theories and I can keep adding to them... That’s when small moments and big moments become something possibly “more” to me. 
Sorry if I am shooting down your moments, I still enjoy them of course, even though I don’t think they are suggestive or special on their own. But really, thank you for sharing your thoughts and these nice moments. <3
Ask 9 - Vmin cuddling and grabbing ass
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Haha, it’s funny because when I got the first ask I wondered if maybe you saw MY POST, and turns out you did. :P No need to be sorry, I can still talk a little bit about it since that was part of your ask. And there are a lot of Vmin blogs and content so mixing it up is totally understandable, especially since it was just a moment and not a discussion post.
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Personally I think we have seen many moments like this from Vmin and other members, and the only thing I feel might be something is how Jimin squeezes and then seem to change to slapping which I suppose looks less intimate. (The squeeze is not in the gif, sorry.)
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Again, coming from the ask above this is a typical example of a moment that could be something or nothing no matter if Vmin is real or not. I do agree it looks very intimate and I do love that Vmin have an obsession with each other’s asses, but if it’s platonic or not is really just up for interpretation. Also while I do think they usually are aware of them being filmed I do think behaviors can slip through and they forget in the moment.  Or they just don’t care at times? It wouldn’t surprise me if these slip ups are more likely to happen in each other’s company or in places they feel less guarded, for example at home. But even if it’s a reaction like “oh wait I shouldn’t do this on camera” it still doesn’t have to mean more than that they don’t want to show it camera. I’ve said it before but even being careful or doing things like hiding in rooms or even being jealous or writing songs has to automatically be romantic/sexual. Vmin act in ways that are questionable, but them being queerplatonic and just careful is very much a possibility as well.
Ask 10 - Vmin vs Ji/kook being less/more vocal and how did I survive being a Vmin shipper for so long?
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Haha, you make being a Vminie sound difficult when truly it’s the easiest thing in the world. I know I am repeating myself but just because we got a lot of moments from other ships it doesn’t mean we didn’t get anything from Vmin. I also personally think that Jimin in typical Jimin fashion started to cling more to JK after he went through a rough time in 2018, just like Jimin got glued to Tae in Malta when he was sad and needed comfort. Jimin is just a good human like that. That being said, ships always go up and down in amount of moments and at this point I don’t think about it too much.
I really think Vmin sharing a lot more now has a lot to do with slow change over time, and simply feeling comfortable being more open. It’s of course possible they did spend less time in those years and thus had less to say... But considering some of the odd behaviors and the fact that Tae in particular didn’t shut up about Jimin at all, I think a lot of it comes down to fan perception. More people are noticing and hyping Vmin moments now as well. I also personally try to avoid the “what happened” speculations in regards to ships in particular when we don’t know if the change we see has to be about a ship or even if that change is actually real or just us projecting. Vmin saying they got closer is one thing, but when I speak about how Vmin seemed to get more careful that really is just my interpretation and guess.
I also don’t really know how much we can compare “do it a lot more now vs before” with Ji/kook because they still do those things... There are other factors that can play a part in why it’s brought up or not brought up more or less that doesn’t have to be related to being open vs careful. I mean, we got the Run episode of Ji/kook leaving together just recently, and Jimin mentioning several times about being with JK for the Billboard nr 1 news. At the same time we got a lot of Vmin and even Tae’s “I told him to come sleep next to me”... So really I don’t think the two things happening more or less can be easily compared or that we can add any intentions behind it.
Moments are up and down a lot over time... For all ships. And I see people start to worry “did something happen” even for ships like Ji/kook. Being a fan for long really does add perspective. I think for me coming into it being aware of idol culture and as a seasoned shipper it was also easier to just appriciate moments as they came and hoping for more without adding too much “doom think” into it. 
I don’t get worried about Vmin because I know even if we have a period of less moments we will get more soon again. Just look at now recently with there being little moments here and there, and people being sad and waiting for crumbs, followed by this week with so many great Vmin moments!
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Shipping Vmin is easy when I focus on what we have and what we get instead of what we don’t get or what other ships get. Having perspective over time and patience and faith in their bond also helps. :) Vmin are easy to love after all. <3
Ask 11 - Choosing what asks to answer (and a bunch of nice things)
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Oh my, I mean thank you. :3 But also sorry? Because I feel this ask collection had a lot of topics straying away from just “lovely things about Vmin”. I even kind of compared other ships a lot, so I hope you understand I will bring up some controversial topics and have opinions that people won’t agree with from time to time. It’s not my focus or course and I will avoid things I do think are too toxic, but I also feel like sometimes the difficult topics needs to be adressed. Like a lot of the asks today for example. 
I think I will make a post about ask etiquette, but generally I’ll try to answer your asks if I can. As long as it’s not something I don’t want to talk about or if it’s straight up toxic.
Still, your thoughts about me and my blog made me very happy. Thank you for liking my writing style too, because I tend to be all over the place and repeat myself a lot, not to mention actual mistakes and being generally sloppy. ^^’’’  So thank you! I just hope you are ok with asks like today too, but otherwise at least I am trying to add topics so you can avoid it if it seems like something you don’t want to read about. <3
Ask 12 - This ask just makes me happy
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I mean what else can I say but thank you? And how your words makes me really happy and all warm on the inside. I try hard to not get swayed too hard in any direction, but not going to lie, that is very hard sometimes. Both in good and bad directions. As you say, at the end of the day we should all try to remember the difference between theory and confirmed things, even if something sounds very plausible or makes sense. And being an ARMY for a longer time (though not at all since the beginning) does give perspective. But it doesn’t really make my opinions superior or Vmin as a ship superior for that matter. All it really says is that Vmin are worth loving and that there is a lot to say and gush about them from every single year. Thank you again for your kind words. 
And that was it for this time... There was a lot of complicated asks today, and some topics might not be what you wish to read about, but I hope you all enjoyed and found this post interesting regerdless. Sorry for the lack of depth to some of my replies, but I felt I included most of what I wanted to say to some very difficult questions that would probably require a lot more time and detail to truly answer well.
I have plenty of asks left, not the least about Let’s BTS. But like I mentioned I need to save them for later as I haven’t watched the full thing yet and I want as much context as possible. But there is one thing I do know, and that is that 95z is love! 
Thank you all for reading, and sorry for the heavy topics and fuzzy replies. Feel free to discuss, but please remain civil. <3 
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gatorprompts · 4 years
nsfw  references  present .   please  amend  pronouns  as  required !
“ you  weren’t  at  the  party  last  night .  where  were  you ? ” “ well ,  it’s  totally  on  the  dl .   i  mean ,  not  fit  to  print .   i’m  dating  ( insert  name  here ) . ” “ it’s  not  even  my  date  and  he  still  gets  me  out  of  my  skirt ! ” “ there’s  only  one  guy  out  there  for  me ,   but  you  are  not  him . ” “ so  i’m  not  just  some  ‘83  bordeaux  you  want  to  uncork  and  pork ? ” “ maybe  i  came  on  too  strong ,   but ...  i  don’t  know  who  else  to  be . ” “ i  just  have  to  put  my  whole  heart  into  things . ” “ i  can’t  believe  i  ate  meat  for  him .   i  mean ,   it  was  fish ,  but  i  don’t  eat  anything  with  a  face . ” “ i  was  so  depressed ,   i  couldn’t  even  joy  the  break-up  sex . ” “ you’re  perfect . ” “ i  don’t  think  she’s  your  type . ” “ alright ,  well  maybe  you’re  not  her  type . ” “ ( insert  name  here )  and  i  belong  together . ” “ well ,  before  i  say  yes ,  how  exactly  did  he  get  burned ? ” “ he  will  say  that  it  was  my  fault ,   but  i  clearly  said :  ‘ dear  god ,  man ,   you’re  on  fire .   run  for  your  life .’ ” “ where  is  everyone ? ” “ you  came  early  to  detention ? ” “ well ,  i’d  hate  to  miss  a  minute  of  being ...  detained . ” “ i  feel  bad  for   you . ” “ he  said  you  were  jealous  because  we  share  something  special .   something  we  didn’t  have  to  label . ” “ it’s  our  unspoken  bond  and  i  love  how  secure  you  are . ” “ it  hurts  to  hear  you  question  it . ” “ you’re  the  only  girl  for  me . ” “ you  guys  hooked  up ? ” “ so  now  what ,   you’re  better  than  me ? ”  “ have  you  got something  to  say ? ” “ don’t  show  any  interest .  don’t  even  look  at  him  too  much . ” “  i  wish  it  could  just  be  simple . ” “ he’s  probably  just  in  town  for  a  layover  and  is  looking  for  someone  to  lay over . ” “ remember  to  lock  the  door  when  you  sneak  out . ” “ you  mean  he  was  able  to  be  intimate  without  being ...  intimate ? ”
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sniigura-archive · 4 years
why can't you see me (4)
chapter one
I deleted chapter 4&5 because I thought they were trash 😔
it all started with vocaloid covers. yes, you're also cringing right now. you were how old? 12? 13? it doesn't really matter, to make it short: a few years ago you posted a shitty cover, of an edgy song.
you went viral. thousands of likes and comments were made on your YouTube video, which was recorded with your laptop microphone.
not going to lie, you were shocked. holy fuck? people liked you? your content? that's new.
well, not really. your best friend at the time told you to upload it. he supported you! how nice of him.
one cover caused 2 to be made, then 3, then 4 and after 10 covers you posted your first original song. you didn't actually think that your fans would support it, but they did.
that all happend in the span of a year, or two.
you weren't so sure, you lost your feeling for time a while ago.
after that original song record labels wanted you (you were easy to take advantage of after all). problem was, or still is, you're a minor.
you can't sign anything, you don't have an accutal agent, or manager, you don't have shit. to be honest, you also aren't sure how you're doing it. well, it's easier now because of streaming platforms and your best friend likes to play manager.
it's less stressful at least, you publish whatever you want, when you want it. nobody controls your social media account.
you accutally make money, a lot of it. but to keep yourself humble you donate a huge part, and put the other one in a savings account.
you're so smart! so mature! an old soul! not like the others! a delight to have in class!
you're absolutely burned out.
companies constantly messaging you for you to promote this! newest product! so good! the best thing on the market! when it's trash, a way to get money.
but everything is like that, isn't it? you're also selling trash. making trash music and poetry. wow, you're so special. an artist! royalty, you drew all the album covers yourself? no wonder they look like that.
your age is a mystery, so is your face and real name. people were able to figure out your height by a simple picture of you besides a dresser.
they know you live in japan, you were forced to publish that as you got nearly cancelled for wearing a kimono. life is great!
constant comments and messages of "you changed" were flooding you. of course you changed? bro? you were only 13?
it's called character development.
your fame is basically a secret, besides your best friend and school nobody knows.
you didn't bother telling your father because he didn't want to listen, pretty sad. you tried, you really did but he was busy, as always.
now it's too awkward to tell him.
"hey, papa, by the way im like a prodigy in the music business and i have more instagram followers then you."
yeah, as if (even tho you have to check if you accutally finally got more followers then him).
the older you get, the more followers you get, the less you post.
you're arrogant, they scream.
you're so so tired. constant spotlight. constant critism and people who think you're god. it's so much.
sometimes you're thinking about deleting it all, but you like the attention.
but if you see one more newspaper saying you died or that you're accutally a villain, on god you're going to go crazy.
"Top 10 face claims for faceless celebrities!"
murder on your mind.
toshinori is embarrassed. as he's sitting with his co workers, he feels just straight up bad that he accutally has to think hard about his kid hobby.
"well.. they like cats? and.. ah! they play the guitar."
"acoustic or electric?"
"...there is more then one guitar type?"
his three coworker sighed. well, earserhead would, if he wasn't asleep.
midnight looked at the clock and quickly stood up, "well, i have to go! the kids don't teach themselves."
the two others also quickly realised the time, toshinori stood up, while present mic woke earserhead up.
god, he has to think of a bonding activity. concerts? no, it wouldn't work out for different reasons.
what did you talk about last time he saw you?
when was the last time he saw you?
shacking his head, he quickly remembered an email from your school.
your school was hosting an internship! that's the solution! you work here for a few weeks, he works here! perfect! what could go wrong?
"why not?"
"because i said no?" with that you turned back to your computer.
"well, i think it would be a great learning experience!"
"and i think it would be very useless for me. i'm not interested in hero's. besides that, i already got a place at a company which I'm accutally interested in." you don't.
"it's not about hero's, it's about teaching."
"I hate children."
"you are also a child?"
"yes, and have you ever seen me get along with somebody my age?"
silence. he feels defeated. maybe he needs to put his foot down?
"you're going to work at UA during your internship, this is finally." thinking about it, he wasn't even sure if UA does internships.
"no, nice try though! appricate the effort. now get out, it's not halloween yet so i don't need any skeletons in my room."
toshinori has to take a deep breath to remind himself that you're just a kid. he can fight you physically once you're 18.
using your full name to get your attention, he used his last card, "please do the internship with me. see it as an bonding experience."
"..okay whatever, but if it sucks i can get another cat."
toshinori felt like a winner, but he needs to ask nezu first. the internship is still a few months away, who knows what will happen during these months.
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locktobre · 3 years
bcbd thoughts
right away I see that this is only an hour long, so... it’s not a movie, then. it’s a one hour special, again. I feel like I’m already gonna miss the extra 20 minutes just like dolphin magic but we’ll see I guess. maybe it’ll be a mercy that it’s shorter.
the opening credits/dream sequence was nice. the animation on the city is decent, and the monochrome thing was kind of cool.
her being on stage reminded me a little of Eden, and then immediately I missed Eden so much. they would never let a version of Babs be a bitch now and that’s such a shame.
so now we’re joking about George tracking Barbie’s cell phone? bc that’s fine and not at all an invasion of privacy or anything. also, you can check flight statuses on the internet so that’s really not necessary. also, why the fuck didn’t Barbie call them once she got off the plane? or at least text? I always text or call my mom when I land, and frankly I’m not even as close to my mom as Barbie claims to be to her parents. and I did that when I was 17 traveling alone, too, so it’s not just something I do as an adult. it’s part of the responsibility of traveling to let ppl know that you got somewhere safe so they don’t worry about you. what the fuck Babs.
was that honking supposed to be like censoring the cabbie swearing bc I would love that. let the cabbie say fuck.
I still maintain that this “summer program” thing is bullshit and Babs should have been going off to college. I know they won’t let her grow up but it makes more sense than this does. also, you’re telling me there’s no summer programs for acting/whatever in LA? seriously? she HAD to go across the country for this? and her parents let her? they don’t even trust her! they said that 2 seconds ago! or is tracking her cell phone the reason she’s allowed to travel across the country (to Willows and Florida and Hawaii) by herself in the first place? I hate this I hate it so much already
The Handler Arts Academy... oh I’m feeling emotions
“luck’s got nothing to do with it. you worked your tail off for this” SHOW ME FOR WHEN, PLEASE. this could have been an actual arc of the show, a goal Barbie was working towards that could thread thru multiple episodes... but no. this came out of nowhere. I’m STILL saying that Amelia bought Barbie’s place here bc FUCK YOU SHOW
“I hope I’m good enough” you’re a mediocre rich white woman, you can do literally anything you want.
why is her guitar shoved in a cardboard box and not, idk, in a guitar case? that’s stupid. also, that’s an open cardboard box, so how did that travel on the plane? a closed cardboard box, fine. should be a suitcase, but fine. but this just makes no sense and I am not going to let it slide bc I hate this continuity and everything about it.
however, I will give Brooklyn a pass for the open cardboard box bc she literally lives in NYC and didn’t have to take a fucking plane to get here. she can carry it like that if she wants.
“as long as you don’t break [my leg], we’re good” I’ve already seen Brooklyn in a cast, so... does Malibu literally break her leg later on? even on accident... jesus christ.
is this Russian(?) custodian lady gonna be the antagonist/villain? bc I’m already not vibing with that. not at fucking all.
how the FUCK could they show up a day early? why would they not show up on the day they’re supposed to? that doesn’t make any sense! and if they’re NOT supposed to be there yet, then there would be no staff there to watch them, so they should have to come back tomorrow! they shouldn’t be allowed to be by themselves in a school like this! I’m assuming this is to facilitate a day of bonding without stupid things like classes in the way, but they could have written an orientation day or something in that would have made more sense, and as I said, I am not inclined to give them a pass on anything these days. fuck you all.
so, room assignments are alphabetical... I guess that kind of explains them being in the same room, altho it does feel coincidental that they wouldn’t be, like, in neighboring rooms. also they didn’t animate little signs on the other doors, even with nonsense text if they didn’t want to put other names up, so their door really sticks out for no reason. also, shouldn’t it say “Barbie Roberts & Barbie Roberts” or some other way of having both names on the door? also, if the school knows they have the same name, couldn’t they put middle initials or something? we know Malibu is Barbie M. Roberts, and I will generously assume that Brooklyn’s middle name is something else, so that would have been fine. this really feels like the administrators don’t give a fuck, and in a supposedly prestigious school, I don’t buy that.
so, Brooklyn has been training every summer in different programs, very intensely, to get in here... and Malibu trained on the internet. what have I been saying about Malibu’s white mediocrity? hmm?
even after that (lackluster) montage, it feels way too soon for “Before Us.” I don’t believe they’re best friends who warrant a song about their friendship. I don’t believe that at all.
I like the bald fashionista being on the billboard, that’s a nice touch.
Malibu bringing up her vlog like that gives me hives. she has already stated multiple times that she does that to help ppl, not for clout, and yet. here she is. being a fake ass bitch once again.
Brooklyn and Emmie’s story is already way more interesting than this and I’m pissed that’s just backstory.
LOVE that green-haired dude. idk where you’re going with that drum but godspeed my dude.
I’m assuming that’s Emmie incognito in the back, but... what’s she doing here if she’s already famous? pulling an Erika Juno?
Dean Morrison seems cool
(is it too early to ship Brooklyn x Emmie?)
if pets are allowed in this school, I’m SHOCKED Malibu didn’t bring Taffy. truly fucking shocked.
Rafa reminds me so much of Jacques Rousseau
“the only labels we believe in are designer” so Rafa’s gay, right? Barbie’s first gay character? I can only assume
the ballet thing still doesn’t make sense to me, if their goal is to be on Broadway. ballet is an entire art and discipline in itself.
fencing makes more sense, bc stage fighting is a thing.
‘work it’ is even funnier than I imagined. Malibu you’re such a fuck up. and I can’t even cut you some slack bc earlier you said your training was “internet.” you didn’t work for this and you don’t belong here. die.
if this was PCS, Malibu would have been kicked out already. YOU WERE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING FOR MONTHS.
so, the ‘work it’ montage clearly showed the passage of time, it’s been at least a week, and... Malibu hasn’t talked to Ken at all during that time? this is the first time she’s telling him about Brooklyn?
ok, confirmed to be a week. and she hasn’t talked to Ken. of course. they are so close of course she hasn’t talked to him in a week, especially when she’s been struggling so much and would need to vent to a friend about it. of course.
so, Emmie is pulling an Erika Juno. at least she’s in disguise.
jesus christ, they’re really having Emmie be exploited by her own father??? JESUS.
ok Brooklyn x Emmie is sailing.
Brooklyn’s mom is an airline pilot, that sounds cool.
so the dresses are powered by the magic of friendship? cool. that’s stupid.
of COURSE Emmie’s dad is the board member. jesus christ I hate this dude.
okay, so she DIDN’T break her leg, it’s only a sprain. thank god. poor green-haired drum dude.
saying “epic fail” in 2021 unironically is not cool, mattel. unless I’m even more out of touch with the youth than I thought, but I’m pretty sure about that.
wait, so Brooklyn was dancing... and now she’s on crutches again? what is this montage? they fucked up here.
of all things to kick Malibu out for, they’re saying she pushed Brooklyn? why not all the fuck ups in her first week?
also, Rafa was taping that class so how do they not bring that up immediately? that’s the whole reason they were dancing over there in the first place! (so he might not have caught anything, but still, I have to assume that’s going to fix this bc that’s what these movies do.)
I really like Malibu’s leather jacket look, but she does look a little bit old I think. Brooklyn’s leggings look is nice, too.
okay, so Brooklyn suddenly believes the unnamed witness over the girl she sang ‘before us’ with? okay. I told you this friendship was a crock of shit. they don’t trust each other at all! Brooklyn should have been angry when she first fell, and it builds to thinking that she was sabotaged, but she brushed it off... and now she’s pissed. that makes no sense.
this friendship breakup song also means nothing to me bc their friendship fell apart for such a stupid reason. fate didn’t tear you apart, you tore yourselves apart by not trusting each other. stupid little children.
if Brooklyn’s ankle isn’t completely healed aka still painful, she should not be dancing on it, she could injure herself more or at least prolong the healing process.
ok, so NOW, after Malibu has already been expelled and sent back home, they remembered the video. these kids are so fucking stupid. and of COURSE the unnamed witness is Mr Miller! Emmie, you ALREADY KNOW that your dad is shady as shit and wants you to get the Spotlight Solo! HOW DID YOU NOT PUT THIS TOGETHER IN 5 SECONDS? I DID
so, Mr Miller thought Malibu was Emmie’s biggest competition for the solo? Malibu, the spectacular fuck up? not Brooklyn? or any of the background extras? I refuse to fucking believe that. I REFUSE.
how did George and Margaret just let Malibu get expelled without flying out there to fight the charge? seriously?
how is is Brooklyn singing ‘before us’ in-universe such that Malibu recognizes it? you’re breaking the conventions of musicals! I don’t get this!
I like Brooklyn’s mom being a pilot less after it’s been used to facilitate this bullshit part of the plot.
again, just “Barbie Roberts” makes no sense. where’s a middle initial to differentiate them! SOMETHING! I know they’re doing the finale together, but still, it’s STUPID.
shipping Rafa x green-haired drummer dude bc I can
where’s the Emmie doll for this movie?????? I’m so disappointed. also the other outfits, the leather jacket and leggings ones, I swear those weren’t dolls either. what the fuck
I see more fashionistas on billboards at the end! I really like that
so the custodian wasn’t a villain... then why that introduction for her? that went nowhere
is “Big City Big Dreams” supposed to be Emmie’s song? that Malibu lips-synced to on her vlog (apparently)? I can’t tell by the voice and they don’t list the voices for the songs in the credits
overall, once again it largely made no sense. idk if it would have benefitted from 20 extra minutes of screentime bc nothing really happened.
also, what the fuck happened to Mr Miller? he just keeps on exploiting his daughter? and for that matter, what happened to Emmie’s mom? bc she lived with her, and then all of the sudden her dad was in her life again and exploiting her, so... what did mom die? did he kill her? what am I supposed to think? and Emmie’s STILL stuck in that situation? girl. what the fuck
also of course they were too cowardly to confirm anything about Rafa. of course.
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I'm too inactive in the nexo knights Fandom. But don't have the willpower to draw anything so I'll just start posting Jestro headcannons!
Starting off strong with angst and trauma 😀
-Jestro has faced malnourishment for how hard it was to find quality food when he was out on the streets
-You cannot look at him and say this boy doesn't have an inch of magic in him. I feel like he's got so much untapped potential, but his magic has a destructive nature, that's why he can't simply do spells that require much control. Summoning monsters without any practice or possession? Yeah he's great at it. Mayhaps necromancy is the answer to him, who knows.
- speaking of necromancy, with what story I have for him, he's always seen people that aren't even there. To others, whenever Jestro addresses emotionless people staring at him from a distance, they think he's just got a wild imagination. The aura of those people that only he can see however is in no way welcoming so he never dared to approach them. He learned to ignore it when he grew, but lol turns out he just sees spirits that still haven't moved on
-the most luscious hair. He's got absolutely beautiful locks. If he took care of them that is. I imagine his hair being black, lightly curly and long, but the knots.... Better to just cut them out than try to brush them at this point. He never put much care into it-
-Rumors have it, he's just a hyena in a trench coat since his laugh is both human and oddly not enough human at times. Mmm freaky laughs
-Another personal hc, yes...he i s that pale though I enjoy the body paint idea too. I have decided that because I gave his father (some tired necromancer) terribly pale skin. And that's just one of the traits that don't make him fully human
-Lance once tried to help him have a little makeover and spent half an hour trying to wipe Jestro's face before Jestro caught on and had to inform him that his pale skin wasn't face paint
-lack of absolutely anything a growing child should have also added to the pale skin thing.
-the older he grows, the more prominent his odd features became (longer ears, palers skin, sharper eyes, lightly more animalistic teeth)
-speaking of which, Monstrox' possession also left some permanent features for him (mostly scars like ones from lightning, eyes that seem to have a certain glow in the dark, some marks that can remind birth marks)
-absolute sweet tooth, Axl had to put him on a healthier diet and thanks to his good cooking, Jestro actually eats whatever Axl makes him
-whenever someone he's with is feeling down. Jestro makes them hot chocolate and sits with them, letting them vent out since he phases out half way through so they don't have to worry about Jestro accidentally spilling something or thinking about them differently. He does at times take mental notes of specific things
-He much more blabbers about others via writing than speaking
-Jestro and Aaron were known as the prank mazterz though Jestro was the one to get in trouble more than Aaron. Luckily Aaron would never leave them hanging. They're also the short duo, but Jestro ever so slightly outgrew Aaron
-Jestro and Clay have a special book in Merlok's library which is labeled as "Jestro's and Clay's heroic adventures" where they as kids would write out the adventures they had together and also stick some type of memento to the pages, if they're too thick for the page, they have an empty box like section to the book to add them.
-it's full of drawings and doodles
-after the first attack in the library, Clay took the book under his care in fear of losing it
-speaking of Clay. After season 2, he would get very anxious if Jestro went off without anyone knowing, but it passed. After season 4, whenever he or people he knows don't know Jestro's whereabouts or he doesn't come back for a bit, he gets bad anxiety, but doesn't usually go off to look for him in fear of invading too much personal space. He does message Jestro pretty often though to see how they're doing and offers them rides
-Jestro and Clay have a shared happy space which is a flower hill
-Jestro is worryingly good at puppy dog eyes and changing other people's decisions when he wants to. Usually uses it against Clay since it's the easiest with them. Though not to worry, he does it for good things, like convincing Clay to take a day off. The other knights sometimes ask Jestro to do it so they could relax a bit too
-He and Lance occasionally have make over nights, usually when the two have a hard time resting or just have had a bad day. It's relaxing.
-Macy is the closest thing to a sister he has since he's been around her often as a royal Jester
-Jestro has got some bad insomnia and sometimes nightmares so the knights catch him at 5 am drinking black coffee with a sickening amount of sugar since that's the only way he can handle it.
-Since Clay has a hard time sleeping too, the two spend a lot of time together at nights. Usually just Jestro keeping Clay company while they do some chores or train
-Even if it seems like Jestro has a bond with every knight, things were often times very tense between him and them. They're close, but still weary
-speaking of relationships being rocky, the most noticeable change of relationship was between Jestro and Clay after season 4. These two barely spoke or could hold conversations. Their friendship had grown apart and the guilt Jestro felt for turning Clay into a stone monster was painfully strong. Same goes with Clay and when he genuinely tried to k*ll Jestro that one time in season 4.
-Jestro's memory of the things that happened during his second possession is quite poor since he was struck in the head a few times and that majorly affected things. It's also one of the reasons he was a bit weary of the knights since he couldn't remember which one was almost responsible for his end, just knew it was one of them.
-He occasionally twitches from the electrical charge his body still partially posseses. Not a lot though since he got rid of most of the charge when he tried to escape the kingdom once
If you want more, I definitely have plenty Jestro hcs so be sure to comment that!!!
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adrienneleclerc · 3 years
Sirius Black Must Die: Chapter Two
Sirius Black X Ravenclaw Fem Reader
Disclaimer: Since it’s an AU in the present day without Voldemort, the muggle-borns and half-bloods can use present day technology. I like to think the pure bloods have their version of muggle technology, wiz-tech if you will
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Before heading to detention, Alessia talked to Sirius in the Gryffindor common room, Ximena talked to Sirius in the Great Hall, and Catalina talked to Sirius in their transfiguration class. Sirius said the same thing to the three of them.
“You know, I don’t know why girls say stuff like that. I mean, I think they’re just jealous of what we have. Because we share something special. Something we don’t have to label. You know it’s an unspoken bond and I love how secure you are.” Sirius said to them and they end up making out.
The three girls went to McGonagall’s office to receive their punishment and they saw that YN was already there.
“Because you four fought each other during Defense Against the Darks Arts, the four of you will have to polish the silver in the trophy room without magic. 5 points removed from each of your houses, now get to work.” McGonagall said. The four girls made their way to the trophy room and Alessia spoke up.
“So I talked to Sirius, it was sweet. He said he felt bad for you and that you were jealous because we share something special. Something that we didn’t have to label because...” Alessia was interrupted.
“Because it’s our unspoken bond and I just love how secure you are?” Catalina filled in the blank. YN was just watching this whole thing unravel
“And it hurts me to hear you question it? Because you’re the..” Ximena started
“Only girl for me?!?” The three girls completed in anger.
“I can’t believe that total arse said the same thing to all of us.” Catalina said as she stopped on the middle of the corridor.
“Figures. First he makes up with us, then he shags us..” Alessia started but was interrupted by Ximena.
“Wait, The two of you shagged?” Ximena asked curiously.
“Sirius and I share something special.” Alessia said as she begins to walk down the corridor and they finally make it to the trophy room. YN was the only one that started polishing the silver because apparently the girls haven’t finished her Sirius Discussion.
“Like what? Like how you both have been in your pants?” Ximena accused. YN winced, Ximena seemed so sweet, never saw this side of her.
“No, of course not. We both like quidditch, have similar music taste, and have excellent stamina.” Alessia said, YN gagged as she was polishing.
“Gryffin-whore” Catalina said in between coughs.
“Oh right, like you haven’t been slithering in his bed like the snake you are?” Alessia replied. “Besides, I don’t know about you two, but Sirius and I belong together. We’re co-captains of the quidditch team, we’re both Gryffindors, and we’re both incredibly hot.”
“Oh, like he’d take either of you two seriously” Ximena said, tired of Alessia and Catalina fighting.
“Don’t lump me with her!” Catalina said pointing at Alessia.
“So what, now you think you’re better than me?” Alessia questioned angrily and offended.
“Just shut up.” YN said quietly but it seems like they heard her.
“Excuse me?” Ximena questioned offended.
“What?” Catalina and Alessia questioned annoyed.
“Sorry, forget I said anything.” YN said and went back to polishing.
“If you have something to say, say it, we won’t get mad. At least I won’t, don’t know about the other two.” Ximena said sweetly and gave YN a shy smile. YN smiled back.
“I’ll say what’s on my mind when the three of you start helping me, we will get this done a lot quicker.” YN said and the three girls started polishing the silver after they picked up the rags that was left for them. “Okay so about this Sirius Black guy. Did he call you guys “love”, “darling”, or “sweetheart” when you went on your so-called dates? Yeah, he doesn’t do it out of affection, it’s so he doesn’t mix up your names. He’s all about an unspoken bond or something special but never about a real relationship? Like he never asked you guys to be his official girlfriend. This whole arrangement was your idea so you feel guilty he cheated. Tell me if I’m warm.” YN said.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were the fourth girl Sirius was hooking up with.” Alessia commented, laughing a little as she was polishing.
“Um no, but I knew a guy like him back home.” YN said.
“You’re right, he’s always making me feel guilty.” Ximena said as she turned to YN.
“It seems to me that if a guy treats you like that..” YN started but was interrupted by Alessia.
“That you’d break up with him, blah blah blah blah.” Alessia said as she put down the final piece of silver.
“Sirius would have another girlfriend in a second.” Catalina said,
“I didn’t say I’d break up with him, I would get even.” YN said,
“Who are you?” Alessia asked,
“She’s YN, she’s in our DADA class, a ravenclaw, and a year below us.” Ximena explained to Catalina and Alessia. “I’m a Hufflepuff, I know everyone.”
“I’m glad to see that we’re in first name basis.” YN commented.
“I mean if we’re gonna take Sirius down, we kinda have to be.” Alessia said and that’s when YN had a small stroke.
“I’m sorry what?” YN asked confused.
“Your plan to get even with Sirius? Like if we want this to hit hard, we need to start planning ASAP.” Catalina said.
“Ooh yes, we can meet in the kitchens, just tickle the pear in the portrait and it will open. This way we can plan this in secret and have snacks.” Ximena suggested. “Do we go after detention or wait a little while so no one gets suspicious?”
“Maybe wait a little while. And if all else fails, you can come to the Ravenclaw common room, just Google the riddle on your phone if you guys get stuck.” YN said. A few minutes later, they were finished polishing the silver and YN went to the Ravenclaw common room after answering the riddle correctly. She saw Charlie studying.
“Hey, Squirt, how was detention?” Charlie asked.
“I guess it was fine. Still hate the fact that I got detention for ‘vulgar language’ like what the fuck.” YN said and Charlie laughed.
“Can believe that. You swear like a sailor.” Charlie said.
“Yeah whatever, I’ll be in my room listening to music if you need me, dear Charlie.” YN said as she went to her dorm room and put on her headphones to listen to music until she dozed off.
When she woke up from her nap, she saw Alessia, Catalina, and Ximena by her bed.
“For fucks sake, what are you guys doing in my room?” YN asked.
“Your friend Charlie let us in. He’s really cute, sadly he’s younger than me.” Alessia said.
“He was held back, you can go for it. You’re here for the plan?” YN asked as she sat up on her bed.
“Yes actually. How do we go about killing Sirius Black?” Catalina asked.
“I mean there’s always the killing curse...” YN muttered.
“Not literally, my dear Ravenclaw, I meant like killing his reputation and everything he stands for, you know? Like he’s the face of the Marauders, he’s basically worshipped by every guy at Hogwarts minus the Slytherins obviously. And literally every girl drools for him.” Catalina said as she started to fidget with a stuffed bear on top of your trunk.
“I guess that depends. I mean what made you attracted to Sirius?” YN said.
“Well because of quidditch, his body is toned. His long fluffy hair that frames his face perfectly, his perfectly plump lips that are so soft against yours, how he knows how to kiss every spot just right..” Alessia said as she started to close her eyes, imagining everything,
“Hey, Gryffin-whore, please pay attention.” Catalina said and Alessia looked at her with squinting eyes “Sorry, Alessia, stop day dreaming about fucking Sirius.”
“I guess it’s just everything. Like he’s cocky but not so cocky that he’s unbearable. He has this sort of arrogance and confidence to him. Like he knows he’s hot and he owns that shit when he’s walking down the corridor. He’s incredibly charming, knows the right things to say, and like Alessia said, he knows how to kiss.” Ximena said, the two girls agreed. YN was writing all of this down on her laptop that her father gave her.
“What are you doing?” Alessia asked,
“Documenting our plan to destroy Sirius, we can’t just wing it, it has to be well thought out.” YN said. “Know, how do we destroy a man like Sirius Black?”
“I mean, he’s literally ALWAYS with someone, you know? Like he always has a girl with him or around him or literally all over him.” Ximena said.
“Yeah, I know, I saw him and Cat making out at the Three Broomsticks.” YN commented. “Wait, Can I call you Cat?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. And I can’t believe you saw that. Wait, that’s how you found out!” Catalina exclaimed.
“Yeah actually, I should have said something earlier.” YN said.
“Nah, we probably wouldn’t have believed you anyway.” Cat shrugged it off.
“I got it? To destroy Sirius Black we have to make him undatable! But it can’t be superficial, it has to be like his manliness, his ego, we need to destroy his confidence so that way he thinks twice about cheating.” Ximena said.
“Ooh, I like it, Hufflepuff. Didn’t know you had a dark side, Sunshine.” Alessia commented making Ximena smile shyly, she’s adorable. “But how do we do that?”
“We could always brew a Bulgeye potion to make his eyes swell.” Catalina said.
“But that’s a superficial thing.” Ximena said.
“Not if it happens when he’s on a date. I can slip the potion into his drink and when he’s on a date, his eyes bug out like crazy.” Cat said,
“Ooh that’s good, I like your thinking, but how about we go a little stronger, maybe a fungiface potion, make his face break out in fungi.” YN suggested.
“Evil, I like it, how long does it take to make?” Alessia asked.
“I’m not sure, probably 5 days.” YN said.
“Great, we can start tomorrow, I can ask professor Slughorn if he can let us use the potions lab for some extra practice, he will just eat that up.” Cat said.
“That’s good, that’s good. Give me your numbers so we can have a group chat.” YN suggested.
“Perfect, that way we can talk and no one will be suspicious about the four of us hanging out and being friends all of a sudden.” Ximena said. The girls exchanged their phone numbers and it was all good.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how come none of you noticed or why did you guys stay with him if he made you feel guilty?” YN asked.
“The three of us never got along. I think it was because of the train ride going to Hogwarts first year.” Alessia said.
“I remember that we were talking about which house we wanted to get into and we started bad mouthing each other’s houses. I guess we just never got over that, until now I mean.” Cat said.
“Well I’m glad you’re over it, and now go to your dorm before my roommates come in.” YN said, they all said goodbye and left, that was when Amara came in the room.
“What are you doing with them? They literally couldn’t stand each other yesterday.” Amara said.
“It’s nothing, Amara, we were just hanging out. You know, being in detention together actually helps you make friends.” YN said.
“Are you referencing The Breakfast Club, Lemonade Mouth, School Gyrls, or that one scene in the Power Rangers movie?” Amara asked.
“Breakfast Club, but I’m glad you understand Muggle pop culture.” YN said.
“Yeah okay, I hope you know what you’re doing, YN. Wouldn’t want to you to forget who your real friends are.” Amara said,
“I could never, you’re like my big sister. You up to watch a movie?” YN asked,
“Sure, I pick the movie though” Amara said as she sat next to YN to pick a movie from her laptop. YN was thinking about what Amara said and the plan for Sirius Black. What they were doing wasn’t bad, it was more like prancing him. He pranks the younger students all the time. It was perfectly harmless.
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Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊
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lord-of-no-energy · 3 years
How They Cheer Themselves Up When They Feel Unmotivated [Avillon NPCs]
I hope you discover new methods here that help you when you feel down ^^
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He starts by identifying the source of the problem. Rouin has trouble identifying his emotions, so he takes some time to self-reflect
Sometimes, there’s no source and he’s just having a down day
Rouin has a lot of work, so he can’t really take a break. This isn’t because Lord doesn’t allow him, it’s because Rouin himself doesn’t want to leave his work in the hands of others
What he does ask for is extensions for deadlines, and for someone to be assigned to assist him in work
Once he gets more time, he makes schedules and checklists to utilize it the most. Rouin has an unhealthy schedule, so he puts in time for workouts and sleep.
Organizing his day before it starts is really satisfying for him and already motivates him
He isn’t as fit as the knights; he’s actually really underweight. Working out when underweight is unhealthy, so he eats more than he normally does.
He eats a lot of sweets because sugar contains more energy. Don’t get me wrong, he eats a balance of foods, but when it’s a down day, doughnuts and candy really help.
Working out is his favourite way to relieve stress. He hates sweating, but once he’s done, he’s refreshed and ready to get back to work
His emotional health is like a reflection of his physical health.
He knows that confiding in others is the best way to deal with down days, but he likes putting up a strong, reliable front, even when he’s alone.
But having someone special like Lord who casually motivates him with “Take care of yourself”s and “Do your best”s helps him more than he admits.
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Cannae’s mood can be seen by how many times she fails when upgrading equipment
She might be playful and purposely fail sometimes for gold, but when it isn’t on purpose, she starts beating herself up for not being good enough
I think that she gets self-conscious really easily, which affects her work, which causes her to beat herself up more, and it’s a full cycle
Her mood affects everyone who is a mile radius from her. Anyone can tell that she feels down, but when she’s confronted about it, she denies it.
She’ll never admit that she feels down so Lord will have to take initiative.
It has to be Lord, Rouin, or Lyn. If it’s someone else, Cannae will become really difficult to handle.
Lord has to give her easier equipment to upgrade and shower her with approval for her to feel a little better
Sometimes, Cannae needs to vent and scream to feel a bit better.
That little bit is what opens her eyes to why she feels down. It’s not because she isn’t good enough, it’s because she needs to self-improve
Setting goals for her improvement is what helps her the most
Of course, she doesn’t like the setting goal process and needs Lord to help
But when she achieves those goals, she feels like she can do anything in the world
Whenever Cannae falls, she might lay low for a moment, but then she jumps up higher than before
The most important thing is having someone who is willing to spend time on helping her feel better. Without them, she would never be able to get back up again.
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Aries and Rouin are the most similar characters in the entire game
They want to look strong to themselves and others and repress their emotions, if they’re able to identify them at all. 
I don’t think that Aries even likes being happy. I don’t mean that in an edgy way or anything. 
You know how happiness makes your heart go faster and your body feel warm and full? Aries finds the feeling icky and disgusting. 
He also hates it because it clouds his mind and that makes him feel vulnerable.
But he definitely doesn’t like being unmotivated, it drives him crazy.
He’s a loner so once he is able to figure out that he isn’t feeling good, he’ll figure out a fix
He doesn’t like someone finding out that he’s feeling down, because he labels negative emotions as vulnerability
What he needs the most is someone to treat him like normal, not go out of their way to make him feel better. If he needs alone time, he’ll request it himself. 
He might even get a bit talkative with someone he’s relaxed around. It serves as great distraction and helps him take the first step to getting back on his feet. I’m looking at you, Lord.
Then he goes out of the way to make others happier. He does it subtly so no one can trace the acts of kindness back to him. Seeing others happy because of him is like medicine to his mental health.
If you find out that he’s discreetly helped you, don’t thank him or tell others. Don’t feel like you owe him or treat him with extra kindness. Just don’t acknowledge it at all. Please. He wants to be sure that he’s helping out of kindness, not for others’ approval.
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For Aurea, unmotivation isn’t not feeling like doing anything. Unmotivation for Aurea is not getting new ideas for designs.
That drives her nuts. Designing clothes and making others feel good in what they wear makes her happy, so it’s like her brain is hindering her from happiness.
When this happens, Aurea has to force herself to face the fact that she won’t get new ideas by continuously trying and failing.
Instead, she gets out old clothes she’s made and washes them by hand. She doesn’t like doing chores either, but seeing her old works up close reminds her of the time she was making them.
It also shows her how much she has improved from before. 
Normally, doing this ignites a spark in her brain and she’s back at work as if nothing happened.
But if it doesn’t, she looks at other designers’ works for inspiration. 
Her mind normally wanders off thinking of what the designer was inspired by when designing, and that normally points her to the right direction.
Aurea normally looks at works from designers who are better than her.
Sometimes, she invites designers she looks up to for tea and talks with them about whatever. It’s barely sometimes that they touch on the topic of designing clothes.
She’s open with her emotions, so she’s okay with asking them what they do when they feel unmotivated.
It never intimidates her, it’s more of a bonus dose of motivation. It sets new standards for her which she knows that she can reach.
Plus, those designers also started somewhere. If they got where they are now, then so can she. 
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I think it’s pretty much canon that Lord prefers to shoulder stress than share it
They don’t want others to suffer because of the mistakes they made, so they prefer to remain silent and sort out the problem themselves
Even if it isn’t their fault, I think they’d still keep their emotions to themselves so others don’t have to carry the burden with them
Lord just wants everyone to be happy ok
But that vulnerability is exactly what connects the knights in the first place
It reminds them that Lord is just another human being. The only thing that makes them different is their determination to create a fair and happy world.
Not only that, it strengthens their bond with their fellow knights. They swore to protect Lord, and making sure that Lord is happy is just one of their duties. Whenever Lord seems down, the knights are active in communicating with each other to sort out a solution.
For Lord, the advice serves to show them how their knights view them. The advice a person gives is a reflection of their mindset.
Not only that, it also serves as a reflection of Lord. The advice a person gives differs depending on who they are giving it to.
This motivates them to go ask. Not straighforwardly; they ask questions in roundabout ways to get that advice
Like “What do you do when you’re having a bad day?” or “If I’m at a fork in the road, what advice would you give me?”
Yeah they’re terrible at hiding their emotions
It’s the advice they receive that really helps them get back up
All in all, Lord relies on the people around them if they aren’t at the best point in their life. It normally has more than one positive result.
This was just a recollection of extreme story lol
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It isn’t wrong to feel depressed and unmotivated. Emotions are okay. What matters is how you deal with them. 
Tysm for reading! Take care of yourself.
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cmtuckerly · 4 years
25 Things I learned by 25
1. A dream isn’t the same as a passion. Publishing a book is a dream, but writing is a passion. You can’t take away passion. 
2. Don’t expect to become an adult during undergrad. You’ll definitely grow, but you’re still figuring things out. You’ll make mistakes. Undergrad is when you can still have fun, do whatever you want, and not be answerable to anyone (rejoice in not yet having a supervisor or boss to report to). You can take whatever electives you want. You can choose to study for that midterm for as much or as little you want. It’s one of your last times to be chaotic (whatever chaotic means to you) before going into the workforce or starting grad school, where you have responsibilities have and to answer to a supervisor. 
3. You don’t need to impress anyone with your life, especially not your friends or relatives. It’s your life and you’re the one who’s going to have to deal with the choices your make, not them. Their judgements and approval aren’t going to be what sustains you. It only matters whether you’re happy with what you do. 
4. Age differences matter less when you get older. When you were 18, it felt weird being in the same class as a 19 year old. But when you’re 25, you’ll be working on projects with people who are 22, 33, and 50, and everyone’s opinion has comparable weight. You gain a lot of wisdom and maturity when you work with people outside of your age cohort. Also, stop putting so much stock into your 20s. After having a year taken away from my 20s due to the plague, I’m trying to tell myself that being young is more of a state of mind than an age range. Likewise, I find the label “old soul” pretentious as heck. 
5. Living harmoniously with your housemates means that you should communicate clearly what your expectations are for the bathroom and kitchen. Tell your housemates to clean their own hair from the drain after they shower instead of letting everyone’s hair clog it up after a month. Tell your housemates to clean their food from the kitchen drain after they do their own dishes. 
6. No matter who shames you, don’t feel bad about staying up til 4am and waking up at 2pm. In a way, sometimes it’s a privilege to have a school/work life that allows you to have a dysfunctional sleep schedule. Embrace it while you can.  
7. Don’t feel regret for the mistakes you made or the things you didn’t do. You only wish you made a different decision now because you have hindsight. At the time you made that decision, you didn’t know any better and thought that was the best choice. Those series of decisions and mistakes you made helped form the person you are and the wisdom you have now. So why regret that things that helped make you you?
8. It’s okay to lie to your family and friends in order to make it easier to get some space to breathe. You don’t owe anyone your time or explanations. 
9. ”Your vibe attracts your tribe”. Something I heard from a youtuber. There will always be at least one person out there who likes what you do, no matter how niche it is. You’ll always find an audience for your voice. Keep doing you.
10, Some deadlines are flexible and some rules are bendable. Don’t always do things by the book. Things will work out. They’ll be fine. Rejection also doesn’t mean you’re not good enough or not capable. Rejections means you weren’t given that opportunity, but it doesn’t mean you are incapable to learning that knowledge. It’s also why going to college and having a post-secondary education isn’t necessary for success. Likewise, don’t take failure so seriously. Learn from it, yes, but it’s not going to matter in the grand scheme of things years from now. 
11. Don’t mistake being nice for flirting. You’ll make yourself too vulnerable that way. 
12. Invest mental energy into something meaningful. Staring at someone’s instagram profile or a celebrity’s photos on google images isn’t going to change anything. Similarly, that trip to Paris you took, the fairy lights in your room, or the hipster cafe you spend your time in doesn’t make you more artsy or cultured. The great plague of 2020 taught me to re-evaluate and redefine what’s left of my personality when I’m stuck at home for a year. 
13. My favourite form of therapy: wandering solo. Whether it be walking through a city, a summer music festival, hiking through a forest, driving, or going to a museum or art gallery on my own. There’s a lot of freedom when you’re alone and anonymous.  
14. Go eat alone in that restaurant (when safe and appropriate). No one is noticing. And if they do, take pride in the fact that you’re more open-minded and confident than they are. 
15. No one remembers the mistake or embarrassing thing you did in your meeting or presentation. People have better things to remember and think about in their lives. 
16.  Fate is just meaning that we choose to give to certain coincidences. It’s not real. 
17. Meet-cutes don’t end in happily ever after like they do in the movies. But they do make for interesting stories.
18. Don’t expect to meet the love of your life at a cafe, bookstore, social dance night, or whatever special event. People are mostly there to work, find a book, practice their dance skills, and socialize with their friends. They’re not paying much attention to people around them. 
19. Maturity is being able to have a celebrity crush and knowing that it’ll never work out in real life and being okay with that. It’s all about learning how to have a healthy balance of emotional attachment and emotional distance. 
20. I think one martini gets me just as tipsy as 3 glasses of wine. I need to do more tests to find out though. 
21. A good conversationalist and someone who has the same interests as you doesn’t mean they’ll be a good partner. There are lots of people who fit that criteria. That’s why we have friends. 
22. Fake it ‘til you make it. Feeling unconfident? Pretend that you are! Shy? Pretend to be the charismatic person you always wanted to be. No one will be the wiser. All the world’s a stage. Everyone’s trying to act out the best versions of themselves. As a shy introvert, I’m always worried about stuttering and betraying to others that I’m not as knowledgeable or confident than I actually I am. But I find that it somewhat helps to think less about what people think of me and to think more about the effect that I want to have on others. By projecting outwards, I become a little less self-conscious and ruminate inwards less. 
23. Spending a lot of time with someone doesn’t mean you’ll be friends with them. After pulling all-nighters for group projects and seeing my group members more than my own friends and family for 4 months at a time and then never speaking to the group again despite how much we’ve bonded during the group project, I finally understand why actors don’t always become close friends with their co-stars. 
24. Read. Learn how to tell stories, whether visually, orally, or textually. You’ll learn how to think more clearly. Unplugging from your phone and computer for 2-3 hours to do this really helps. 
25. Be creative, curious, open, and spontaneous. Make the most of a disappointing situation. Be positive. Everything is an opportunity, from being stuck in traffic to being stuck in a grocery line. Everything can lead to a story that can be told later. Drive aimlessly for an hour every weekend and notice how the landscape changes and how neighbourhoods shift. Be open to taking up new hobbies. Be open to reconnecting with an old friend over coffee, even if the homebody inside you wants to cancel everything. 
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