#I think the girls would actually really like their fanon versions
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maladaptivedaydr3amer · 4 months ago
I think all the canon marauders & co would for real hate their fanon selfs.
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grimst4rs · 2 years ago
marauders era unpopular opinions, once more
i really don’t like fanon regulus. i don’t like him being helpless and kind and a sirius variant. he’s morally grey, leaning towards morally dark, he’s selfish, he agreed to his parents’ and voldemort’s ideologies, having joined the death eaters most likely by his own will (unlike draco malfoy). but obviously, everyone is allowed to characterise characters the very way they want to
and while we’re on it, i don’t like evan and barty either, for the same reason. maybe i would, if they were realistically characterised (i LOVE reading morally grey or morally dark(er) characters), and once again, i believe that just because one likes a character, that doesn’t always mean that the character is a good person
and continuing on the same topic, the sunshine james potter, although being a topic that i like and delved deeper into myself, is nice, but i would also love to see more of arrogant, spoiled james potter, too
not liking severus snape and peter pettigrew but liking evan, barty and regulus is kind of hypocritical
i don’t like jegulus
i also don’t like the casanova, bad boy characterisation of remus, and the helpless, needy characterisation of sirius either. to me, they’re out of character, overly done and absolutely not enjoyable
and because i earlier mentioned severus snape, i think he’s an interesting character, actually. that doesn’t make him a good person (once again, i believe him to be morally grey, too) and i can’t call myself a lover of his, however i find his story and character very interesting and compelling
i don’t like a lot of the wolfstar dynamics in current fandom
“we need more content about the girls!” literally do it yourself. please. whenever i write content about the men, i get a wave of new followers, and whenever i post about the non-men, suddenly i have tebs of people unfollowing me. oh, and my posts about the men have twice or thrice the notes of the other ones
sirius > regulus
and speaking of which, sirius is such an interesting character, and he was reduced by many people to nothing, or whatever is relevant to the plot
james would pick sirius over regulus any time, with literally no hesitation
i don’t care about popular fics (read or don’t read, i generally don’t read popular fics to be honest), however i do care about the way creators, especially writers, are treated in this fandom. i made a few posts about this topic, feel free to ask me to link them to you, but the way some people feel entitled to fic and fandom content is horrible
“x is the female version of— !” please stop. i’m going to stop you right here.
stop tagging jegulus and wolfstar and other mlm ships with wlw and nmlnm tags, for god’s sake. you’re just clogging the tag, and if i came looking for a certain ship, that’s what i’m going to expect to find. besides, why would you tag jegulus with, say, pandalily, when jegulus is by far more popular?
jegulus < jily
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galaxymagitech · 28 days ago
cassandra cain for the character ask game? :0
For this ask game!
@birdiedoesdc asked for Cass too!
My first impression: Autism allegory. Also way too OP, she’d fix everyone’s problems.
My impression now: Wow, if the Batfamily ever acts like a cohesive nuclear family unit, that girl will develop Eldest Daughter Syndrome before you can even blink. Also, she is epic and human and I can empathize with her even though she’s not actually an autism allegory. Although I have to write her out sometimes because she would solve my fanfic’s central problem, I have to do that for everyone sometimes. And overall, Cass causes just as many interpersonal problems as she fixes.
Favorite thing about that character: She’s great at reading people and yet not too good at emotions. I think it emphasizes the plexiglass barrier between her and the world—she can see, but never quite touch.
Least favorite thing: Her brain was “fixed” by a telepath so she could understand language. And I get it, I do. Scientifically, Cass’s language deprivation was probably too severe for her to naturally learn spoken language in her late teens. Without some sort of magical intervention, she wouldn’t learn to speak, and that would make it difficult to narrate from her POV. But it still feels icky.
Favorite line/scene: Her stating she’s loyal to the Bat symbol, rather than Bruce. I think it emphasizes the clarity of her moral compass.
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Favorite interaction that character has with another: Same as above.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Dick Grayson. I think their views on love and empathy are very interesting to compare and contrast, and their fanon versions could bond over eldest daughter syndrome. Plus I think they both have a history of challenging and fighting Bruce that’s really interesting. And finally, they both have the expectation on their shoulders to be a better version of Batman—kinder, stronger, brighter. Perfect.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Ava Orlova from Forever Red, which is an obscure Black Widow YA novel. Their personalities are nothing alike, but they have the backstory and vibes. El from Stranger Things for a character people are more likely to know.
A headcanon about that character: She has a very distinct but unplaceable accent when she speaks due to her lack of practice coordinating her mouth. Mostly because I have a slight mystery accent, and I think Cass should have one too.
A song that reminds of that character: People Watching by Conan Grey
An unpopular opinion about that character: Cass should be a Gordon, not a Wayne. Yes, she is a Bat, through and through. But I think civilian-wise, she should be attached to Barbara, not Bruce.
Favorite picture:
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catastrophichues · 1 year ago
smth that like. i end up thinking abt a lot is the way vil is a character whose in-game experiences are really mirrored by a big chunk of the way fandom treats him.
vils beauty is smth that he’s been villainized for his entire life. he’s too beautiful, too gorgeous, and in the minds of many, that automatically equates to things like “mean/evil/cruel.” as if his beauty = villain
and that perception is one he struggles with. no one lets him play the role of hero bc a lot of the time, a hero is someone the audience roots for and relates to. but no one can “relate” to vil bc his beauty others him. neige has a beauty that is innocent but also attainable. that’s what makes him the perfect hero. for some reason, it’s almost unfathomable to most that someone beautiful who also cares about being beautiful could be smth other than a “mean girl” or a villain.
and the thing is, vil does care abt beauty! and that’s okay! valuing beauty is not inherently evil, and the way fanon (and when I say fanon, i obviously don’t mean everyone, there’s also a lot of ppl who see vil and actually understand the complexities of his character) twists that to “forcing his standard upon others” is honestly wrong. vil holds himself to such a high standard, but the “standard” he’s holding others too is being the best versions of themselves they could be.
his correcting epel on language usage is literally not smth sinister or classist. the EN translation didnt get the translation accurate. correcting epel was literally abt being aware that not many would be able to understand epel if he continued to speak in that dialect, and in other cases, seen as rude. he was preparing epel for future opportunities and circumstances. epels grandma literally switches her way of speaking when meeting the boys at Harveston, so it’s not smth that’s got zero precedent.
and in cases where vil is believed to be envious of others beauty it’s like—who doesn’t feel jealous at times? he mentions being a little jealous that silver does nothing with his hair and yet it’s so fine. that’s understandable! vil is someone who puts work in his beauty. he doesn’t just coast on what’s already there he exercises. he cut out mayo even tho he loved it bc he ended up breaking out. he holds himself to strict food regimens. he makes beauty products. so like-this envy? it’s healthy, he expresses it, and then he gifts silver self-made hair and skin products. bc his envy doesn’t manifest as wanting others to be less than him. it manifests as appreciation and wanting to see improvement. bc!! he’s a good person!!
ive seen fics and content where it’s like “he values beauty/his figure over the lives of others.” my dudes. this man literally sacrificed his youth and beauty to save idia/close the underworld. “Oh but he regretted it! and he got it back!” yeah he cried his heart out who WOULDN’T! and as for getting it back—learning a lesson or making sacrifices shouldn’t always hinge on like whether or not the character makes these sacrifices continues to suffer or whatever. like redemption (even tho he rlly doesn’t need to be redeemed) doesn’t only become valid if someone suffers or if suffering is constant.
vil gets relegated to roles like “the bitchy ex” or the “mean girl” or someone who is constantly cruel and vain and a bully when that’s literally the antithesis of what vil is.
so for that, i really really appreciate the content creators who write fic or make art where vil as a character is more than the villain he tries so hard not to be.
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aingeal98 · 8 months ago
Hi, so I was reading some of your Stephanie Brown meta & kudos, serious props yours is excellent. I also noticed you seem to be among those who picked up on the worrying undercurrent of Stephanie's relationships with older men. So double kudos for that.
Especially as its one of those things that tends to get glossed over in fandom & I am unsure at times if some writers even grasped what they were doing. Though that may say more about how girls tend to be treated/viewed as adults rather than children, teenagers or victims, save when its convenient to judge them as such.
Sorry not sure where I am going with this, but I think your stance it from that "Five ships that won't happen" section of the Steph ask as well thought out and covered a lot, so third kudos just for tackling that heavy topic so deftly and efficiently.
Ah thank you! Stephanie's relationship with men is so fascinating to me because she's been hurt so many times and the dissonance between her canon and fanon versions are pretty grim yet interesting. Like in early canon she was the Faith to Ariana's Buffy, the Veronica to the Bettys that were Tim's other love interests at the time. And various writers had various ideas about why she was the way she was, a common theme being that she had difficult relationships with the men in her life and had been hurt in the past. Be it a villain, a friend of her fathers, Cluemaster himself, or a shitty clearly too old guy named Dean. I don't think it was meant to be a pattern, more likely just individual ideas about trauma Steph suffered in her past that ended up turning into a consistent trait.
So you've got an abusive father, at least two cases of SA that I can remember (her babysitter and Black Mask), a pregnancy with clear subtext that the father was older than her, and the general way Batman treats her.
Not to mention she was a minor when all this happened. Like Steph has so many issues that she deserves the chance to unpack but instead they've just kind of... softened her down. Like her Batgirl run was the first chance she'd gotten to be the actual hero instead of The Girl in a story written by sexists, and she deserved every second of that. There had been too much injustice done to her character and her Batgirl run did a good job at setting the baseline for giving her a decent narrative. But afterwards, the New 52 could have delved more into her psyche instead of leaning into her waffles and sparkles fanon characterization. But because the New 52 is the worst, it didn't. And now here we are.
It's one of the reasons I'd really love to write a story about Steph realising she's bisexual, because I think in some ways her view of men are due to feeling trapped by heterosexuality and the patriarchal society. It's hard to explain fully without going into a whole other meta but the way she reacts to Tim showing her bare minimum decency is heartbreaking. Like yes men are awful and have been awful to her but she still likes them, she's going to settle down and marry one eventually right? She just has to find the right one, and Tim didn't treat her like complete garbage so he might be it for her!
And then for her to realise that no, she doesn't. She can marry a man if she wants to but if she wants romance there's also women... I really think bi Steph could be so much more than a simple "Oh hey I like girls now cool lol." Like it would shake a significant amount of the misogyny she's internalised and directed towards herself, it could alter the view she's taken of the world, and it would allow her to see her past trauma through a different lens, maybe with less subconscious self hatred.
Sorry this turned into a giant ramble haha, but thank you for the ask!
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furiousflamingfeline · 3 months ago
What are your good and bad thoughts about the Reds 👀
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Good question, I’m sure from recent posts on Reddit and other social media it might look like I hate the Reds. I don’t. 😇
I’ve been in this fandom for all 26 years and Blossom is my favorite character of all time, so I’m pretty much open to shipping her with almost anyone as long as it’s thoughtfully written and keeps her pretty much in character.
My small child started watching PPG last year which got me back into the fandom after being away for a while. Since then I’ve read pretty much all the Reds that’s worth reading on FF.net and AO3. Some great stuff out there, of course. But after a year of consuming Reds I decided I was tired of the pairing so I wanted to try writing Blossom with almost anyone else.
I mostly don’t like the fanon exclusive version of Brick when his entire character completely changes with no explanation, pretty much only just to make him a palatable love interest for Blossom. Hint: if the character has to change drastically to make Blossom like them, maybe it wasn’t meant to be lol. I particularly hate the dark triad mysterious badass trope that the fandom likes to give him. I just don’t buy it. I feel strongly that (IF the boys got friendly with the girls as they aged) Brick would just be slightly nerdy and a bit of a dweeb. Best comment I got on my story recently says he would grow up to be a dramatic theater kid and I can’t unsee it now. (A good example I can think of right now is “On Top,” on FF.net where Brick is just a giant goofball and Blossom’s exasperation actually makes their chemistry really adorable).
If a good Reds story comes across my dash I will definitely still read it, and I’ll never turn down a spicy Reds scene. But as far as actual realistic compatibility with Blossom? Not a fan.
This is the girl who envisioned a perfect society where the world is run by women. Brick in the canon, of course, is famously a misogynist bully. Making him mature as he ages is fine, but it’s just hard for me to buy that both characters would make a beeline in the complete opposite direction, not without some serious setup by the author.
So, that’s why I’m writing Harry Pitt/Blossom right now. I got sick of the fact that there were almost no alternatives for Blossom and I figured if I couldn’t find it, I’d write it myself.
My other OTPs are Blossom/Princess, Blossom/Butch and Blossom/Robin. (A multi-chapter Blossom/Princess story is already written and coming soon, but I gotta finish the art for it and proofread more before I post lol.)
My headcanon for Blossom is bisexual and for Brick is gay. One fic I read once that was super cute was Blossom doing Brick’s makeup for the first time after he begrudgingly asks for help. That, to me, is a peak Reds interaction. Brick dealing with his true self and internalized homophobia and Blossom being pure Everything Nice for him. Thats’s just *chef’s kiss*
Anyway this comment was way longer than intended lol. I just love Blossom and Brick separately and I wish they worked better together in my headcanons but I like them better as bi/gay rivals or besties rather than romantically.
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shoutosbaeby · 5 months ago
Some Katsuki Bakugo headcanons since I made a Shoto version.
I don’t particularly simp for him but I think his character is funny and imo both Shoto and Katsuki are more interesting than Deku. BUTTTT I also think Deku is more likable than Katsuki.
Anyway I haven’t psychoanalyzed Katsuki like I did for Shoto but I tried to do something for the Katsuki girlies 😭😭 hope u like em :D
✵- No one can convince me that this man doesn’t play animal crossing, stardew valley, pocket love and I JUST KNOW he plays Dress to impress and throws fits whenever he doesn’t win.
✵- I don’t really ship any of the fanon ships in MHA. (I like the canon ships Izuocha, Kamijirou, Momwase, Ojikure and so on) but I will forever believe that Katsuki and Eijiro are in love 😭😭 like there’s no woman who Katsuki was interested in. The only person in the show who had a chance was Eijiro.
✵- Katsuki watches gossip girl religiously. His favorite character is Blair Waldorf.
✵- He hates reading but loved Shoujo manga and anime. Prove me wrong. (It’s literally canon)
✵- His favorite Sanrio character is Kuromi.
✵- He smells like Caramel and uses strawberry shampoo for sure.
✵- Is a surprisingly terrible artist. He’s good at playing the drums, cooking and all but SUCKS at art and singing. He’ll never admit it though. (But draws a pretty solid stick figure)
✵- Is actually a very caring person. He gets embarrassed when people talk about it but whenever a friend is sad he would probably cook their favorite food for them and give it to them with an angry face. “Just take this you idiot!” Or something like that and shove a plate into their hands.
✵- He’s either Asexual or Gay.
✵- His secret playlist consists of Ayesha Erotica, Carly Rae Jepson, Katy Perry, Britney Spears and NewJeans. He would NEVER tell anyone that. His music taste consists of the girly pop genre and loud rock music. (He also likes to sleep with LoFi on)
✵- Terrified of breaking rules. Acts like he doesn’t care but has never broken a rule in his life. (Unlike *cough* Shoto *cough* Todoroki.) He’s very behaved other than the anger issues 😭😭
That’s just a few of the fun ones I have about him :))
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mytragedyperson · 1 year ago
OK, wait, but i feel like, all the third years have a favourite. Obviously they love hinata but i actaully think he draws with Kageyama in terms of being Suga's favourite. Suga helps them both from day one and he's so instrumental to Kageyama's character. I hate when people have Suga show obvious favouritism to Hinata because it's simply not the case. also i'm not really gonna talk much about Hinata because I think he's been spoken about enough so he's there and he's loved but he won't really be discussed here unless I'm talking about fanon. but, anyway, a big part of Suga's character is that he is the senpai they need but more than that he's the type of senpai Kageyama has always wanted, someone who'll actually teach him and help him and support him but also isn't afraid to compete with him. Suga is so important to both Hinata and Kageyama and to remove that is a diservice to all three characters. also, if you care, remind me to talk about Suga sometime because i love canon Suga so much and some versions of fanon Suga are simply not my favourite. it won't be a hate post, just some silly headcanons and random thoughts i have about Suga.
anyway let's move on to Asahi. Now we all know Asahi's ultimate favourite is Nishinoya. but he's not a first year. i feel like i've mentioned in previous posts Asahi being friends with Yamaguchi, Yachi and Kageyama but that was headcanons. However, i do think out of all the first years, canon Asahi's favourite first year would actually be Yamaguchi or Yachi. I feel like they'd just treat each other softly and they'd be kind of the calm they need when things get a bit too chaotic, you know. Like Tsukishima will be antagonising Kageyama and Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka will be off being the chaos gremlins they are, the other second years will be stood to the side doing their own thing, maybe ennoshita attempts to restore order with tanaka and nishinoya. and then you just have Yamaguchi, Yachi and Asahi sat to the side. Ooh, they could play with each other's heair and talk about art and just be at peace so yeah.
on a similar note, Yamaguchi and Yachi are also Daichi's favourite because they gave him the least amount of headaches. i was gonna say originally Daichi didn't really have a favourite and i do think he wouldn't show favouritism, but these two first years are the only ones from the first year that rarely if ever stress him out so they're his favourite.
Now Kiyoko's favourite is Yachi, because it just is. She's so happy to have another girl around and she protects Yachi well. but i think her second favourite is actually Tsukishima. He's mostly respectful, he doesn't fanboy over her because of her looks and he doesn't make a massive deal out of things.
so yeah these are my opinions on who each Karasuno third years' favourites are, based purely on my thoughts and what i remember from watching it as well as headcanons.
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biipbop · 10 months ago
I feel like my Jun hc doesn't align with fanon Jun.
Like I compare him a lot to Ruan Nanzhu from KoD but I really do see them being the same kind of brat. The kind to act cute and docile while snickering in the background. And to a degree if you see him snickering it means he probably likes you to some degree to see the real version of him.
I like the idea of Jun being cute towards Tatsuya and getting him to flirt in front of other people. Tatsuya would be shy about it at first but want to indulge his boyfriend. Jun would want him to do it both because he's possessive ("uwu isn't my boyfriend sooooo handsome? Well keep looking cause he loves me and only me") and because he wants to tease his boyfriend. Tatsuya would soon come to realize this and of course would just lay it on thicker and try to get his boyfriend to blush.
He and Lisa would be best friends in the long run but have the most toxic mean girl start before realizing they're so much more powerful together. They're both outsiders so they get the need to be a certain level of mean especially towards people who act on bad faith. But they wont realize that until they're adults. Until then they're friends but they do try to outshine each other and fight over a boy. When lisa eventually gets over Tatsuya she'll try and flirt with other boys. Jun would have 0 interest in them but would 100% flirt with them just to one up Lisa. It would be a problem between him and Tatsuya. It would be their first real fight as a couple. And a good growing moment for Jun.
When they're adults and more well adapted Jun and Lisa will be able to sit down and have a difficult conversation where they'll be able to forgive each other for their actions when they were younger. It'll be the start of their best friend era. They're the kind of best friends who will call each other everyday just to see how their day went. Lisa would be the one to teach him to express himself through fashion. He would have a secret interest in visual kei thanks to eikichi. Lisa would be the one that teaches him that clothes have no gender (in the future when eikichi Tatsuya and Jun start performing Jun would be iconic for his outfits)
Eikichi is protective of Jun and Jun takes full advantage of that. "My big brother can kick your ass" leads to Eikichi getting his ass kicked more often than he wants to admit before he starts working out. His first and only attack is lifting Jun over his shoulder before hauling ass out of the scene. Jun is all devil horns when it comes to Eikichi. All his fights would never be against bigger guys. He would instead target girls (mostly Lisa) knowing eikichi would not fight back.
Eikichi is also unfortunate in that he never really understands that his bros are dating. Not in the sense that he doesn't know Tatsuya and Jun are dating but in the sense that he doesn't realize they're on a date and he just wedged himself between. It becomes a problem early on that the two can't get alone time between Lisa trying to sabotage their dates and eikichi just being there. Jun, in hopes of making eikichi understand, would start some excessive pda. Eikichi still would not understand. He at most would turn his back to them before continuing the conversation. Eventually this is just normal to them. On tour during their broke era the 3 would share a room. There would be at least 3 incidents where tatsuya and Jun would have sex in the room with eikichi in the room before they all realize maybe they need to set boundaries. They never actually set boundaries.
Also, miyabi is very aware of all this. The need to set a boundary is brought up by her. ("I don't think either of you would be comfortable with Eikichi and I sleeping together while you're trying to sleep" 3 confused faces would stare back at her "but Id be sleeping?") When in highschool Jun would plan double dates only for Eikichi to show up alone. Jun would later learn that if he wanted Miyabi to show up he would have to plan the double date through Miyabi. It isn't anything intentionally malicious. Eikichi just thinks they're having boys dates forgetting that the other 2 boys are boyfriends.
With Maya Jun is pure sugar. He goes full baby boy energy. Maya knows the horns are there and can see it when adding another person to their interactions (especially Tatsuya. As cute as he acts with Tatsuya he can't help but tease him and Maya can see it clearly). He can never be a little mean to Maya so Maya teases him knowing he'll never do anything back.
This is all super rambly but I have no other idea how to express how I see him besides trying to get across that while he's a pretty boy he'd also be a stinky boy. The kind who wears all black and steals his friends clothes. He knows how pretty he is and the older he gets the more he uses it to his advantage to start drama and walk away. He would be the type who would see someone checking him out and if they have a partner would come up to flirt and then walk away from a disaster. The type who gets himself into trouble and then laugh as they away with the person who came to save him.
The type who would be a nightmare teenager that smokes and drinks and goes out late at night. Not sneak out because he lacks the adult supervision but would for sure be out late at night. Probably sneak into Tatsuya's room if Tatsuya can't sneak out, or go to music venues with eikichi if they can.
And as corny as it is I love the idea of them becoming more tamed with becoming a parent (bc y'all know I love that flower child au). Tamed not in the sense where they suddenly become perfect parents but in the sense that they would work hard to hide the fact that they smoke. Going to extreme measures to make sure Akira never catches them smoking. Eventually Tatsuya would quit and Jun would follow just because he wants to be a supportive husband. Jun would regret all his social media posts and fame when Akira gets older. Everyone jokes how Jun is being punished for his own antics when Akira takes after him personality wise (dramatic and bratty).
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andorerso · 3 months ago
You already know I’m gonna request the loml Jyn Erso. But to spice it up let’s also do Edward Elric from full metal alchemist (I think you’ve seen that??)
for Jyn:
how I feel about this character: baby girl who deserves better from the SW fandom!!
all the people I ship romantically with this character: again, I can only list Cassian. listen they're soulmates, there's nobody else!! they belong together <3 although I like Maia as her ex and first love, but I don't ship it exactly
my non-romantic OTP for this character: literally anybody from the Rogue One crew. Bodhi is my favorite in fanon, just because I like the kind of friendship I think they would have had but didn't get the chance to, but in canon, I think I have to go with Kay again. I love their antagonism turned begrudging affection. also Saw!
my unpopular opinion about this character: listen let me preface by saying I love undercover at a ball in a fancy dress fics, I have read it and written it and would do again, but do I think it's a little OOC for Jyn? kinda. I just can't see her being all charming and demure and flirting with marks. she's not seductive, she's not flirty. as soon as an Imp puts his hands on her, she's punching him. she would do it if Cassian needed her, but this undercover as an elite thing isn't really one of her skillsets imo
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: for the most part I'm honestly satisfied with her character arc. other than the obvious "I wish she lived" but even then, I do think the ending was perfect. I guess I wish there was more time with her as with the rest of Rogue One. I wish some of her scenes weren't deleted. give us an animated version of Rogue One that fills in the missing moments!!
and yes, I have seen it! although it's been years so apologies, my thoughts aren't gonna be too extensive 😭 but for Edward:
how I feel about this character: he was funny, and I genuinely enjoyed him as a protagonist, but I will admit I haven't really thought about him beyond finishing the show
all the people I ship romantically with this character: I thought he and Winry were cute, but in a casual way, like I wasn't too invested
my non-romantic OTP for this character: I mean it's gotta be Al! as I mentioned, I love a sibling dynamic 💜 shoutout to Roy though
my unpopular opinion about this character: I know nothing about the fandom so I actually don't know what's popular and not 😭
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: yeahhhh I don't have anything for this either
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chrkrose · 11 months ago
Hello. I've seen you answer an ask about Lyanna Stark. It's rare to see people point faults in her. Usually, they say Rhaegar is to blame, and Lyanna's age dismiss her actions. Even those who say she was rickless still go back to say anyone who points out her mistakes is misogynistic. What do you think of this say? Should we really not talk about it? Is Elia having negative feelings toward her that taboo and un-adult like? I have mixed feelings. I read many posts that defend her and that as long as you are young/child, you don't get blamed, but the thing is, I feel that it's not the actual reason. I feel that they just want to reject her mistakes and use the age and gender as an excuse to make the opposite person feel like an asshole for pointing out that a young girl carries some responsibility. And in a scenario where she and Rhaegar lived, I feel she would still be with him, and that just feels selfish and inconsiderate toward Elia. Is it really that bad to dislike a young person? Was all she did because of naivety? Because to me, she wasn't naive in that aspect (love doesn't change a man's nature). What do you think of her? I really don't understand how she is liked that much as nothing but victim. Sometimes, it feels forced other times self insert or uncare. I feel it's all to the hype George gives her from being remembered to having a rare flower as her motif to being jon's mother and Arya's aunt and being Rhaegar's love. Or am I being too emotional about what I see as justice? I wish to hear your thoughts.
I do think that Rhaegar bears more responsibility than Lyanna, both because of his age and because the exact circumstances around how she left with him remain unclear. But honestly, I feel far more sympathy for Elia in this entire ordeal. She was a woman of color who suffered greatly because of this situation, and a far more interesting character if you ask me. That matters to me more than what people assume about Lyanna's motivations, especially the idealized "fanon" version.
If Lyanna went willingly, her youth can explain and justify some of her decisions, but I find it unfair to excuse all her choices as a result of her age because fans certainly don't extend the same generous view to Jon (14 years old), Daenerys (13 years old), Sansa (11 years old), Robb (16 years old), Myrcella (10 years old), Arya (11 years old), etc, all of whom struggle with difficult decisions around the same age or even younger. I think it’s disingenuous to absolve her of the weight of what happened when these characters and many more aren't afforded the same grace.
Lyanna fans and Lyanna/Rhaegar shippers face a dilemma. Either she went and stayed willingly even after knowing about what was happening – making her a hypocrite for running off with a married man after her whole discourse about Robert and a pretty selfish horrible person given the brutal murder of her brother and father, never mind the civil war that followed it – OR they must accept Rhaegar held her captive once her initial feelings changed after knowing about her brother and father/ Rhaegar lied to her and never told her the truth about what happened because he knew she would leave his ass. That destroys their idealized image of a loving prince, and destroys the perfect impossible predestined love story they made up about these two. They can't have it both ways, but they sure try.
But this is all beating around the bush. Let's be real here about why Lyanna (and Rhaegar/Lyanna as a couple) have a somewhat significant fandom for the amount of development they have in the actual text. The reasons are: 1) she's white, and 2) she's a blank slate for self-projection. Far more interesting characters and couples (cough Nettles and Daemon cough) exist with similar levels of textual development and don't get nearly the same attention. That speaks volumes. Lyanna and Rhaegar are a blank slate where they can paint whatever they want, as long as they can ignore the more uncomfortable parts and the ramifications of their story.
This bleeds into how Elia is treated by much of the fandom. It boils down to racism. Were the racial dynamics reversed, the fandom response to these women would be fundamentally VERY different. Just look at how Nettles/Daemon are treated compared to Rhaenyra for further proof. What's the difference there in the dynamic? A married prince meets a girl and falls in love with her, abandoning his wife and children for her. You don't see fandom contorting themselves into saying that Rhaenyra deserved it, that she had it coming, rejoicing in her death, gloating about how she went down. And Rhaenyra was actually a terrible person. Elia was nothing but a good woman, who was married off to a prince and paid a brutal price for his lack of care and abandonment, suffering until the end of her life and dying in one of the most horrible ways I've read about in this series. And yet she's demonized. Again. Racism.
The truth is, her fandom project their own desires onto Lyanna. They love the "not like other girls tm" idea of her, they love the pick me girl energy of her story, and she fits the bill for their self-inserts. The misogyny runs deep even among those who considers themselves her fans or shippers of the couple, and they don't even realize it.
My dislike of her is a lot influenced by her fanon version, because the truth is that there isn't enough material for me to actually care about canon Lyanna outside of the tragedy that was her life. Canon wise she might be interesting and maybe a character I would enjoy, but the truth is that there isn't enough there. And if I have to care about characters who have that little textual development, I find other characters such as Elia, Ashara Dayne, Nettles, etc, much more interesting, engaging and worth of my time
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in-cis-and-het-collector · 1 month ago
the version of in cis and het you used to write that odile friendquest (i suppose the 'in defiance and normativity' alt so to speak?) is like actually really interesting? like obviously the setting is overall still worse off, any character's queerness is hidden beneath the perceived NEED to remain closeted (in whatever form that takes) rather than simply being an accepted part of the culture (yes canon mira is kind of in the same boat especially since vaugarde seems to still have that amatonormativity even if it's framed as capital C Change, but i guess the idan setting would just expand that to everyone)
something about 'cis'abeau overcompensating and falling into toxic masculinity to try and justify his identity as a man, maybe even (because i think insertdisc5 answered at one point, even tho vaugarde doesn't use labels plus fanon interpretation can differ, isa may be closer to pan than not) transing his gender to justify his crush on someone feminine when he was younger all internalised-homophobia like "women don't love women, so i must be a man" to internalised-transphobia when he gets crushes on masculine looking folk going "if i like men it must mean i'm pretending to be one" and thus a torment nexus or whatever-
Being so real, I have no clue what in defiance and normativity is.
Yeah, the idea that they managed to remain queer, it just got buried underneath wishcraft-enforced garbage is a fun idea.
Overcompensated toxic Cisabeau is a neat read! I hadn't even considered that he might've transitioned in the icah universe because he liked a girl, that would be some serious Isa angst. My interpretation of why they would be eggs instead of actually cishet is that the wishcraft couldn't change the "core" of people, like it couldn't really make Siffrin an unrepentant asshole so it instead made a societal pressure that twists and contorts the mask and all that, as an example, and that the reason Isa would remain Changed is because that's a key part of what Isa considers his core, and the only thing that the wish can do is work around that.
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badgalsasuke · 2 months ago
inosaku works better as a fanon concept cause their canon characters are too male centred. however their early friendship and rivalry in genin era is unfortunately still the most developed written dynamic of female x female relationship in the manga. as a lesbian i'm personally intrigued by tsunade x shizune tho... it's all pure fanon and i blame the popularity of age gap with a questionable power dynamic trope among lesbian romances lol. its my guilty pleasure.
Hi anon!
yeah, InoSaku is a fanon concept/headcanon because both of those girls are straight but also Sakura doesn't really like Ino.
Now, hear me out, I don't have an issue with people shipping two characters because they think they're hot or because they would look cute together and damned be the canon text, it's shipping so it's harmless. My issue is when those shippers start acting like there's an actual foundation for their ship, in the case of InoSaku shippers whenever they claim that it's like SNS but girls' version and they make those collages with the most surface level "parallels" and that Kishimoto did them wrong by not making those two girls a thing. Also when they start arguing that Sakura is a lesbian dealing with comphet and it's just like, none of that it's supported by the manga, you just made that up, convinced yourself it was real and now you're mad that the author didn't read your mind and made your fanfictions real.
It's mostly a ship made up by SNS shippers that pity Sakura and don't want to see her alone so they make her a lesbian and also Sakura stans that see how Sakura is mistreated so they turn her into a lesbian to decenter men from her life and draw her away from the violence she's subjected to by Sasuke, but they also don't really care about Ino and refuse to see Sakura for who she truly is.
I've also thought about Tsunade and Shizune! One time I was thinking about Kishimoto's writing of gay subtext and wondered if there was a wlw ship that he could have dedicated some of his time on and my mind went straight to Tsunade and Shizune, it's obviously not developed because I have the feeling that Kishimoto only cares about ships that involve men but they would still look cute together and honestly idgaf about age gaps, they're both adult grown women.
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cosmiischillin · 10 months ago
Twilight Town: The Bad Luck Banshee
The bad luck magnet herself is Misery, no really, it’s her name. She’s probably the most popular character in the show aside from Ruby (and probably Frank and Len). She definetly represented the goth girl of the show rather than Ruby who was different between the show and her original character.
Misery was drawn a lot before I got to working more of Twilight Town. Hell, she had a portrait and profile done before everyone else. So I am excited to talk about her and my plans for her in the AU (and the sound of me laughing getting cut off)
The Fairy Woman
In my long long looooooooooooong research of monsters, Banshees might have been my favorite. Banshees are said to be “fairy women” in Irish and are female spirits whose screams were meant to signal that death was close. It’s never confirmed in the show but the fanon pretty much consider Misery to be a banshee (same goes for the rest of her family). I decided to add those original folklore elements to her in Twilight Town like her pale eyes that looks like they’re staring off to the distance or someone’s soul. I definitely want to go into more of her abilities or even other powers such as her ability to sense misfortune before it happens and even her insane pain resistance.
As for her family, I might expand on it more as her family being female folklore figures would be a lot of fun to look at. Looking back on it now, I’m really disappointed that most of misery’s family members are reused models of her or of other ancestors (And I don’t like thinking about Mildew’s portrayal as an extremely racist mashup of East Asian culture) As a kid I used to fixate on Yo Kai (Kuchisake Onna, Futakuchi Onna, and Yuki Onna being my favorites), La Llorna, Bloody Mary, Sirens, and Baba Yaga (I guess I was super into monster stuff even before Ruby Gloom). Though I want to do my proper research before I portray folklore figures from cultures I’m not apart of.
To be honest, I never figured out why I made Misery Black Irish. Maybe it’s because when I first drew her, I gave her black features unintentionally so I kept that in. Or that in the show there were pretty much no BIPOC characters (and the shows portrayal of Romani and Chinese was…bad). When I posted her new look, people actually liked this version of her so yeah, I kept it!
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As for shipping her with Iris. I wanted to do something besides shipping them with the twins (I was guilty of this as a kid). I found their dynamic cute and it was something different. Misery’s bad luck would have made it impossible to be with people but when there’s Iris, who wouldn’t even give a thought before putting themselves in danger, it’s sorta sweet.
I imagine Misery to be the one who warns the group before something that can end in disaster even if it ends up being a small inconvenience. I was heavily inspired by trad goth for her hence why her clothes are a bit more modern than her dress as a kid.
Origin and Background
Misery is a magic monster under the umbrella term Faerie, a type of monster most humans treat like cute mischief makers, except for a certain type of Fae, a Banshee. Misery’s whole family are shrouded in bad luck, being known as harbingers of disasters. Although in the past banshees could be seen as warnings or giving their grief to families in need, time passed to where banshees were feared and rumored to kill with their screams. They couldn’t hide away due to the forces of bad luck they bring.
Misery moved to Twilight Town when she was 8 as her family got ran out of another place by an angry mob. Misery soon moved to Ruby’s mansion when her family decided to move again and allowed her to choose if she wanted to leave or not. Despite her bad luck being, well, that, Ruby seemed to not mind. Almost like her cheerfulness and optimism made the bad luck seem almost sufferable.
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Look at how silly she is.
Next Up: The Frankenstein Twins
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princeblue · 2 months ago
Hi there! I love all your Sanemi and Genya fics on a03, one of my favourite authors on the site 💞 I wanted to ask, with your writing process on Sanemi, do you tend to take creative liberties on how you think he would act canonically, or base it on your own version of Sanemi?
Hello there! Firstly I want to thank you so much! It’s always an honor hearing that💚 I’m hoping that January will be my comeback era as December got really busy for me and I hit a bit of a burnout, but I’ve still got ideas brewing in the ole’ noggin that I want to write. :3
Secondly, I think it’s both, but I lean towards canonical liberties.
Because to me, Sanemi isn’t a hard character to read, it does take a while for him to explain his motives and feelings, but even then, nothing is very complicated.
Sanemi sees Shinobu and Kanae and thinks “I would never allow Genya to do this” so he doesn’t.
Masachika talks/teases Sanemi about girls and fun activities and Sanemi thinks “I don’t need happiness for myself, only for Genya” and abides by that self-set rule with small certain pleasures like ohagi or beetles. Nothing that would ever get in the way of his demon slaying to keep Genya safe.
Which is where I fail to see the funny in fanon-Sanemi when he’s so different from his canonical counterpart that he would actually hate fanon-Sanemi but, that’s a ramble for another day.
But yeah absolutely I won’t say I don’t have my own version of Sanemi, I don’t think the yandere au’s I love so much and die on the hill on are widely accepted/theorized on, but even then, I play yandere!Sanemi off his own canon actions and/or thought processes.
All in all, Sanemi is just an extremely easy character to write for me, just from my own perspective of him, I know everything he’d do, everything he’d say, it all just falls perfectly into line with whatever project I am working on, it’s why I tend to always write from his PoV even if I don’t plan to, I just always find my way back to him hehe.
This ask was a lot of fun, thank you anon!
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lunar-years · 1 year ago
i hope this isn't too weird to join the discussion as a random follower but i've been very stuck on the trend you mentioned where prior to s3, fics often had jamie join established roykeeley after a lot of pining and self-recrimination. and i thought hmm i haven't really seen much of that for keeley joining established royjamie post s3, even though it would make a lot more sense given where they all are at the end of s3!
(cont.) i would love to read (or write) a fic about royjamie being on (but on the downlow due to their careers and the homophobia in football) and somehow keeley finds out about them so she has to keep things secret but is also like, oh god, this is it, this was the missing ingredient and i've MISSED MY CHANCE and angsting about whether she made the right decision in the end. it'd all come good in the end but let keeley feel insecure in fic! she's too self-assured in fanon imo.
YES!! You know funnily enough, despite this scenario being like, THE way I most think the ot3 actually gets together after the finale, I haven't written it and it's not in any of my current wips, either, lol. My friends with benefits fic is sort of going to include a similar dynamic (at least in terms of Keeley being like, fuck I've missed my chance and now they're going to get together without me and its my own fault yada yada). Except it's a slightly different flavor of it because they're fwb and Keeley is still participating as often as she pleases and neither roy nor jamie have yet realized how the dynamic has shifted from fwb into something else/more between them. so it's really just Keeley panicking on her own that they're going to realize at any second how they feel about one another and ditch her altogether.
but anyway, YES i want to read your exact version, and YEAH Keeley definitely is too self-assured in fanon, especially for a character who was basically continually in a self crisis spiral for 75% of season 3, lol.
If I had to pick a single headcanoned way I think they get together after canon events, I think Roy & Jamie apologize to Keeley and she kindly tells them she isn't currently in the place for a relationship with either of them, but she cares about both of them deeply and wants them to all be friends (with an implied 'my thoughts on being together romantically might very well change in the future, I'm just not ready for that now.') Which honestly is the right call for her personal growth and self care, because I think Keeley deserves & needs a hot single girl self-love era.
Only, Keeley hasn't actually realized how close royjamie have gotten as she's been having her various s3 crises, and even though she obviously knows they're not obligated to wait around for her to make a decision, I think there's probably a part of her (that she refuses to acknowledge of course) that is like, 'well they've both simped over me this long, of course that door is always going to be open. I can just return to that decision when I'm ready.'
...Color-her-surprised when Jamie and Roy do not just wait around, they get together. And as they all three continue to hang out as friends, she catches on to the relationship and at first it's like okay this is hot, all good fun. But then she realizes just how close they are, and has a full blown crisis because holy shit this is serious, and how did that happen right when she wasn't looking? They're in love, and she's missed out because she was too busy tasking time for herself, and that just isn't fair, is it, she's the one who helped make both of them better!! SHE put in the work and now they're getting the payoff??
Cue angst and irrational thinking patterns and Keeley loneliness that of course ends with a frank conversation and a threesome that turns into canon throuple. amen.
ironically the fic I've read closest to this concept was written prior to s3, Robocop by wildwren. it was part of a roykeeley breakup series, but basically there's lingering sexual tension between all three of them, then Keeley decides she's ready to sleep with Jamie, only to go over to his and find him and Roy already fucking in the car 🫢 and then she thinks she's missed her chance etc. The series wasn't finished (if there was going to be more to it, idk) but the whole thing was BRILLIANT and like. spot on to the dynamics set up in s3, because wildwren is a wizard.
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